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Handle real world data
with confidence.
Fredric Berling
• Reading & saving simple data
When we live in a perfect world. Domain model is perfect. We decide everything.
• Real world data and demands
Still simple data but add real world scenarios and demands. Learn how to configure to cope with it.
• Associations
How to handle associate data.
• Multi model scenarios
Learn about to track changes in multiple models and associations.
• Errors
Reading simple data
Model View ViewModel ViewController
Sencha MVVM recap
Model View ViewModel ViewController
Sencha MVVM recap Ext.Component
Model View ViewModel ViewController
Sencha MVVM recap Ext.Component
View Package
CRM.view.Viewport CRM.view.ViewportModel CRM.view.ViewportController
Our sample application
View Package
• Id field is lowercase
• Date is formatted in a understandable
id : 100,
companyName : 'Ikea',
address : 'Storgatan 1',
city : 'Stockholm',
country : 'Sweden',
updatedDate : '1973-11-17 05:30'
The data model
• Fields config are not really needed for
simple data types.
.. except date
• Simple proxy config
Ext.define('CRM.model.CompanyProfile', {
extend: '',
name : 'updatedDate',
type : 'date’
proxy: {
url : 'resources/getCompanyById.json'
Data loading
• linkTo function
Creates a link to a record by loading data
from configured proxy and setting it on the
view model with a simple name.
"companyProfile" will be our reference in
all bindings referring to company data
Ext.define('CRM.view.ViewportController', {
extend : '',
alias : 'controller.viewportcontroller',
init: function() {
type : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile',
id : 100
Ext.define('CRM.view.Viewport', {
extend : 'Ext.Container',
viewModel : 'viewportmodel',
controller : 'viewportcontroller',
padding : 20,
items: [
xtype : 'textfield',
fieldLabel : 'Company name',
bind : '{companyProfile.companyName}'
xtype : 'textfield',
fieldLabel : 'Address',
bind : '{companyProfile.address}'
Bind fields to view
Ext.define('CRM.view.Viewport', {
extend : 'Ext.Container',
viewModel : 'viewportmodel',
controller : 'viewportcontroller',
padding : 20,
items: [
• viewModel
- connects this view to the viewmodel with
alias "viewportmodel"
• controller
- connects this view to the viewController
with alias "viewportcontroller"
View configs
Live demo
Simple read
Saving simple data
Save button
Ext.define('CRM.view.ViewportController', {
extend : '',
alias : 'controller.viewportcontroller',
Ext.define('CRM.view.Viewport', {
extend : 'Ext.Panel',
viewModel : 'viewportmodel',
controller : 'viewportcontroller',
padding : 20,
items: [
xtype : 'textfield',
fieldLabel : 'Company name',
bind : '{companyProfile.companyName}'
Save function
Live demo
"id": 100,
"companyName": "Ikea AB",
"address": "Storgatan 1",
"city": "Malmö",
"country": "Sweden",
"updatedDate": "2016-08-23 19:47"
companyName:"Ikea AB"
Required response
• Only dirty field data was sent.
• Id was always sent
• Same URL as read
• Response data was automatically realized in view
Real world data and demands
Real world data from Customer
• Observations
- id field is not "id"
_id : "57bb5d639baeb676ced2b0de",
companyName : 'Ikea',
address : {
street : 'Storgatan 1',
city : 'Stockholm',
country : 'Sweden'
updatedDate : '2016-08-23T21:26:08.358Z'
Real world data from Customer
• Observations
- id field is not "id"
- Some data resides is in objects
_id : "57bb5d639baeb676ced2b0de",
companyName : 'Ikea',
address : {
street : 'Storgatan 1',
city : 'Stockholm',
country : 'Sweden'
updatedDate : '2016-08-23T21:26:08.358Z'
Real world data from Customer
• Observations
- id field is not "id"
- Some data resides is in objects
- Date format
_id : "57bb5d639baeb676ced2b0de",
companyName : 'Ikea',
address : {
street : 'Storgatan 1',
city : 'Stockholm',
country : 'Sweden'
updatedDate : '2016-08-23T21:26:08.358Z'
Scenarios/Customer demands
• Id must be "_id". We are using Mongo DB.
• Updated date should ignore timezones
• The exact same JSON structure must be sent on save.
• Always send all data on save.
• Save must be on separate url.
Specify your own id field
Consider doing this in abstract base
class or even override
Ext.define('CRM.model.CompanyProfile', {
extend: '',
name: 'updatedDate',
type : 'date’
proxy: {
url : 'resources/getCompanyById.json'
Read data from nested objects
Specify a dot notated path in the fields
array of data model.
name : 'street',
mapping : 'address.street',
type : 'string'
name : 'city',
mapping : '',
type : 'string'
name : 'country',
mapping : '',
type : 'string'
Send all fields on save
Proxy writer configs to ensure all fields
will be sent.
proxy: {
type : 'ajax',
url : '/companies',
type : 'json',
writeAllFields : true
Keep object nesting on save
_id : "57bb5d639baeb676ced2b0de",
companyName : 'Ikea',
address : {
street : 'Storgatan 1',
city : 'Stockholm',
country: 'Sweden'
updatedDate : '2016-08-23T21:26:08.358Z'
Keep object nesting on save
Makes sure the mapped field data sent
back is in a nested format.
Property used to read the key for each
value that will be sent to the server.
proxy: {
type : 'ajax',
url : '/companies',
type : 'json',
writeAllFields : true,
nameProperty : 'mapping',
expandData : true
Live demo
Real world data
Date should not add timezone
By default you will get a localized date
in the current browsers timezone
_id : "57bb5d639baeb676ced2b0de",
companyName : 'Ikea',
address : {
street : 'Storgatan 1',
city : 'Stockholm',
country: 'Sweden'
updatedDate : '2016-08-23T21:26:08.358Z'
Adding the exact date format will make
sure date is not altered.
Read/Update on separate Url´s
Instead of using the proxy standard url
config, we change to the more versatile
api config
proxy: {
type : 'ajax',
url : '/companies'
type : 'json',
nameProperty : 'mapping',
writeAllFields : true,
expandData : true
Read/Update on separate Url´s
Instead of using the proxy standard url
config, we change to the more versatile
api config
proxy: {
type : 'ajax',
api : {
read: '/companies',
update: '/updateCompanies'
type : 'json',
nameProperty : 'mapping',
writeAllFields : true,
expandData : true
Associated licenses
"_id": "57bf32fe9baeb676ced2b0e1",
"companyName": "Ikea",
"address": {
"street": "Storgatan 3",
"city": "Malmö",
"country": "Sweden"
"updatedDate": "2016-08-25T18:51:39.671Z",
"licenses": [
"id": 1,
"product": "ExtJS 2.1",
"amount": 5
"id": 2,
"product": "ExtJS 4.1",
"amount": 5
License references Company
Ext.define('CRM.model.License', {
extend: '',
{name:'product', type:'string'},
{name:'amount', type:'float'},
name: 'companyId',
reference: {
parent : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile',
inverse : {
role : 'licenses'
License references Company
Ext.define('CRM.model.License', {
extend: '',
{name:'product', type:'string'},
{name:'amount', type:'float'},
name: 'companyId',
reference: {
parent : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile',
inverse : {
role : 'licenses'
License references Company
Ext.define('CRM.model.License', {
extend: '',
{name:'product', type:'string'},
{name:'amount', type:'float'},
name: 'companyId',
reference: {
parent : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile',
inverse : {
role : 'licenses'
• Automatically created stores.
Company model function licenses() will return
accociated licenses.
var viewModel = this.getViewModel(),
companyProfile = viewModel.get('companyProfile'),
store = companyProfile.licenses();
• Automatically created stores.
Company model function licenses() will return
accociated licenses.
• License function getCompany() will
return Company model.
varviewModel = this.getViewModel(),
companyProfile = viewModel.get('licenses'),
store = companyProfile.licenses(),
firstLicense = store.first(),
// Returns companyProfile
• Automatically created stores.
Company model function licenses() will return
accociated licenses.
• License function getCompany() will
return Company model.
• Nice bindings.
companyProfile.licenses references
the store
xtype : 'grid',
plugins : 'cellediting',
bind : {
{text: 'Licence', dataIndex:'product'},
{text: 'Amount', dataIndex:'amount'}
• Inline associations
Licence data is array in company JSON and should be saved in same call as company profile.
• Proxy/Remote associations
Licence data is fetched from its own web service and CRUD operations are handled here
Possible business scenarios
Inline associations
"_id": "57bf32fe9baeb676ced2b0e1",
"companyName": "Ikea",
"address": {
"street": "Storgatan 3",
"city": "Malmö",
"country": "Sweden"
"updatedDate": "2016-08-25T18:51:39.671Z",
"licenses": [
"id": 1,
"product": "ExtJS 2.1",
"amount": 5
"id": 2,
"product": "ExtJS 4.1",
"amount": 5
Inline associations
"_id": "57bf32fe9baeb676ced2b0e1",
"companyName": "Ikea",
"address": {
"street": "Storgatan 3",
"city": "Malmö",
"country": "Sweden"
"updatedDate": "2016-08-25T18:51:39.671Z",
"licenses": [
"id": 1,
"product": "ExtJS 2.1",
"amount": 5
"id": 2,
"product": "ExtJS 4.1",
"amount": 5
Proxy writer needs to be told to save
associated data.
proxy: {
type : 'ajax',
api : {
read: '/companies',
update: '/updateCompanies'
type : 'json',
nameProperty : 'mapping',
writeAllFields : true,
expandData : true,
allDataOptions :{
Company model
Associated store data is not realized on save.
Live example
Saving associated data in a big JSON is generally a bad idea
The associated data is probably saved in a table in a database
Empty arrays will have to force delete
3 Possible solutions
• Re-load all data after successful
- extra call
- safe
type : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile',
id : '57bf32fe9baeb676ced2b0e1'
3 Possible solutions
• Re-load all data after successful
- extra call
- safe
• Forced commitChanges()
- no extra call
- response data is ignored.
var store = this.getViewModel().get('companyProfile.licenses')
store.commitChanges(); },
3 Possible solutions
• Re-load all data after successful
- extra call
- safe
• Forced commitChanges()
- no extra call
- response data is ignored.
• Code around it
- complex
What happens if license array is missing?
Associated stores will default to a ajax
Avoid remote reads by changing this to
a memory proxy.
Ext.define('CRM.model.License', {
extend: '',
{name:'product', type:'string'},
{name:'amount', type:'float'},
name: 'companyId',
reference: {
parent : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile',
inverse : {
. . .
Store config
Proxy/Remote associations
Ext.define('CRM.view.ViewportController', {
extend : '',
alias : 'controller.viewportcontroller',
var vm = this.getViewModel();
• Call save() on model.
• Call sync() on stores.
Proxy/Remote associations
Ext.define('CRM.model.License', {
extend: '',
proxy: {
type : 'ajax',
api : {
read : '/licenses',
create : '/addLicenses',
update : '/updateLicenses',
destroy : '/deleteLicenses'
type : 'json',
writeAllFields : true
• Specify all api´s on associated data
Proxy/Remote associations
xtype: 'grid',
plugins: 'cellediting',
columnLines: true,
tbar: [{text: 'Add', handler: 'addLicense'}],
bind: {
store: '{companyProfile.licenses}'
• Associated data will only load if store
is used in a binding
Proxy/Remote associations
• On read, a filter will be posted.
- property is the reference name,
- value is the reference Id
Backend must honor this filter and return
the correct subset.
• Live Example
HTTP GET /licenses
Multi models scenarios
The primary job of a Session is to manage a collection of records of many different
types and their associations. This often starts by loading records when requested
and culminates when it is time to save to the
View with multiple models
Pool cars
View with multiple models
Pool cars
Data model + association
View with multiple models
Pool cars
Data model + association
View with multiple models
Pool cars
Data model + association
Data model
• getChanges()
- Returns an object describing all of the modified fields, created or dropped records
maintained by this session.
- Used to track if ANY data is dirty
• getSaveBatch()
- Returns an containing the instances that
are needed to save all of the changes in this session
Session features
One point save onSave:function(){
Enable session Ext.define('CRM.view.Viewport', {
extend : 'Ext.Panel',
viewModel : 'viewportmodel',
controller : 'viewportcontroller',
bodyPadding : 20,
. . . .
• Enable session in view
Enable session var store = this.getViewModel().getStore('cars');
• Enable session in view
• Add stores to session
Enable session CRM.model.Feedback.load('57d072659baeb676ced2b0e5',{
this.getViewModel().set('feedback', record);
}, this.getSession());
• Enable session in view
• Add stores to session
• Provide session in model load
Enable session this.getViewModel().linkTo('companyProfile',{
type : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile',
id : '57bcbaa29baeb676ced2b0e0'
});• Enable session in view
• Add stores to session
• Provide session in model load
• Use LinkTo
- uses session from viewModel
Live demo
Multi Model
Sending extra parameters
Extra proxy parameters proxy: {
type : 'ajax',
api : {
read: '/companies',
update: '/updateCompanies'
type : 'json',
• Set in proxy using extraParams
Extra proxy parameters var proxy = Ext.ClassManager.get(<class>).getProxy();
proxy.setExtraParam('appName', 'CRM');
• Set in proxy using extraParams
• Set from controller using the
setExtraParam function
Operation parameters vm.get('companyProfile').save({
• Send params config into operational
Live demo
Extra Parameters
Errors with messages
Handle error response {
"IsSuccess": false,
"ErrorMessage": "Missing company"
}Error returned from the server in a json
response when logic fails or data is
Configure the proxy reader proxy: {
type : 'ajax',
api : {
read: '/companies',
update: '/updateCompanies'
. . .
• successProperty
The property indicating that the operation
was successful or not.
• messageProperty
The property where the error message is
Listen for proxy exception Ext.mixin.Observable.observe(;'exception',
function(proxy, resp, operation){
Ext.Msg.alert('Error', operation.getError());
• exception
- fires when "success" is false
- fires on HTTP exceptions
• operation.getError()
- returns messageProperty content
Live demo
Error handling
Please Take the Survey in the Mobile App
• Navigate to this session in the mobile app
• Click on “Evaluate Session”
• Respondents will be entered into a drawing to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards
Handle real world data with confidence

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SenchaCon 2016: Using Ext JS 6 for Cross-Platform Development on Mobile - And...Sencha
SenchaCon 2016: Building a Faceted Catalog of Video Game Assets Using Ext JS ...
SenchaCon 2016: Building a Faceted Catalog of Video Game Assets Using Ext JS ...SenchaCon 2016: Building a Faceted Catalog of Video Game Assets Using Ext JS ...
SenchaCon 2016: Building a Faceted Catalog of Video Game Assets Using Ext JS ...Sencha

En vedette (20)

SenchaCon 2016: How to Give your Sencha App Real-time Web Performance - James...
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SenchaCon 2016: How to Give your Sencha App Real-time Web Performance - James...
SenchaCon 2016: LinkRest - Modern RESTful API Framework for Ext JS Apps - Rou...
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SenchaCon 2016: LinkRest - Modern RESTful API Framework for Ext JS Apps - Rou...
SenchaCon 2016: Creating a Flexible and Usable Industry Specific Solution - D...
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SenchaCon 2016: Creating a Flexible and Usable Industry Specific Solution - D...
SenchaCon 2016: Refine Enterprise Applications by Focusing on U0ser Experienc...
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SenchaCon 2016: Refine Enterprise Applications by Focusing on U0ser Experienc...
SenchaCon 2016: Turbocharge your Ext JS App - Per Minborg, Anselm McClain, Jo...
SenchaCon 2016: Turbocharge your Ext JS App - Per Minborg, Anselm McClain, Jo...SenchaCon 2016: Turbocharge your Ext JS App - Per Minborg, Anselm McClain, Jo...
SenchaCon 2016: Turbocharge your Ext JS App - Per Minborg, Anselm McClain, Jo...
SenchaCon 2016: Developing and Delivering Quality Code, Frequently - Neil Manvar
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SenchaCon 2016: JavaScript is Great but Stop Writing It - Rory Hardy
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SenchaCon 2016: JavaScript is Great but Stop Writing It - Rory Hardy
SenchaCon 2016: Mobile First? Desktop First? Or Should you Think Universal Ap...
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SenchaCon 2016: Mobile First? Desktop First? Or Should you Think Universal Ap...
SenchaCon 2016: Integrating Geospatial Maps & Big Data Using CartoDB via Ext ...
SenchaCon 2016: Integrating Geospatial Maps & Big Data Using CartoDB via Ext ...SenchaCon 2016: Integrating Geospatial Maps & Big Data Using CartoDB via Ext ...
SenchaCon 2016: Integrating Geospatial Maps & Big Data Using CartoDB via Ext ...
SenchaCon 2016: Expect the Unexpected - Dealing with Errors in Web Apps
SenchaCon 2016: Expect the Unexpected - Dealing with Errors in Web AppsSenchaCon 2016: Expect the Unexpected - Dealing with Errors in Web Apps
SenchaCon 2016: Expect the Unexpected - Dealing with Errors in Web Apps
SenchaCon 2016: How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes - Per Minborg, Emi...
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SenchaCon 2016: How to Auto Generate a Back-end in Minutes - Per Minborg, Emi...
SenchaCon 2016: Handling Undo-Redo in Sencha Applications - Nickolay Platonov
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SenchaCon 2016: Handling Undo-Redo in Sencha Applications - Nickolay Platonov
Ext JS Architecture Best Practices - Mitchell Simeons
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Ext JS Architecture Best Practices - Mitchell Simeons
Building Ext JS Using HATEOAS - Jeff Stano
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Building Ext JS Using HATEOAS - Jeff Stano
SenchaCon 2016: Upgrading an Ext JS 4.x Application to Ext JS 6.x - Mark Linc...
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SenchaCon 2016: Accessibility, Teamwork & Ext JS: A Customer Success Story - ...
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SenchaCon 2016: Accessibility, Teamwork & Ext JS: A Customer Success Story - ...
SenchaCon 2016: Modernizing the Ext JS Class System - Don Griffin
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SenchaCon 2016: Modernizing the Ext JS Class System - Don Griffin
SenchaCon 2016: The Modern Toolchain - Ross Gerbasi
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SenchaCon 2016: Using Ext JS 6 for Cross-Platform Development on Mobile - And...
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SenchaCon 2016: Building a Faceted Catalog of Video Game Assets Using Ext JS ...
SenchaCon 2016: Building a Faceted Catalog of Video Game Assets Using Ext JS ...SenchaCon 2016: Building a Faceted Catalog of Video Game Assets Using Ext JS ...
SenchaCon 2016: Building a Faceted Catalog of Video Game Assets Using Ext JS ...

Similaire à Handle real world data with confidence

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Similaire à Handle real world data with confidence (20)

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"Subclassing and Composition – A Pythonic Tour of Trade-Offs", Hynek Schlawack

Handle real world data with confidence

  • 1. Handle real world data with confidence. Fredric Berling @FredricBerling
  • 2. • Reading & saving simple data When we live in a perfect world. Domain model is perfect. We decide everything. • Real world data and demands Still simple data but add real world scenarios and demands. Learn how to configure to cope with it. • Associations How to handle associate data. • Multi model scenarios Learn about to track changes in multiple models and associations. • Errors 2 Agenda
  • 4. Model View ViewModel ViewController Sencha MVVM recap
  • 5. Model View ViewModel ViewController Sencha MVVM recap Ext.Component r
  • 6. Model View ViewModel ViewController Sencha MVVM recap Ext.Component r View Package
  • 8.
  • 9. resources/getCompanyById.json • Id field is lowercase • Date is formatted in a understandable format { id : 100, companyName : 'Ikea', address : 'Storgatan 1', city : 'Stockholm', country : 'Sweden', updatedDate : '1973-11-17 05:30' }
  • 10. The data model • Fields config are not really needed for simple data types. .. except date • Simple proxy config Ext.define('CRM.model.CompanyProfile', { extend: '', fields:[ { name : 'updatedDate', type : 'date’ } ], proxy: { url : 'resources/getCompanyById.json' } });
  • 11. Data loading • linkTo function Creates a link to a record by loading data from configured proxy and setting it on the view model with a simple name. "companyProfile" will be our reference in all bindings referring to company data record. Ext.define('CRM.view.ViewportController', { extend : '', alias : 'controller.viewportcontroller', init: function() { this.getViewModel().linkTo('companyProfile',{ type : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile', id : 100 }); } });
  • 12. Ext.define('CRM.view.Viewport', { extend : 'Ext.Container', viewModel : 'viewportmodel', controller : 'viewportcontroller', padding : 20, items: [ { xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'Company name', bind : '{companyProfile.companyName}' }, { xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'Address', bind : '{companyProfile.address}' } ... ] }); Bind fields to view
  • 13. Ext.define('CRM.view.Viewport', { extend : 'Ext.Container', viewModel : 'viewportmodel', controller : 'viewportcontroller', padding : 20, items: [ ''' ] }); • viewModel - connects this view to the viewmodel with alias "viewportmodel" • controller - connects this view to the viewController with alias "viewportcontroller" View configs
  • 16. Save button Ext.define('CRM.view.ViewportController', { extend : '', alias : 'controller.viewportcontroller', onSave:function(){ this.getViewModel().get('companyProfile').save(); } }); Ext.define('CRM.view.Viewport', { extend : 'Ext.Panel', viewModel : 'viewportmodel', controller : 'viewportcontroller', padding : 20, buttons:[ { text:'Save', handler:'onSave' } ], items: [ { xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'Company name', bind : '{companyProfile.companyName}' } ... Save function
  • 18. HTTP Post { "id": 100, "companyName": "Ikea AB", "address": "Storgatan 1", "city": "Malmö", "country": "Sweden", "updatedDate": "2016-08-23 19:47" } { id:100, companyName:"Ikea AB" } Required response
  • 19. Noteworthy • Only dirty field data was sent. • Id was always sent • Same URL as read • Response data was automatically realized in view 19
  • 20. Real world data and demands
  • 21. Real world data from Customer • Observations - id field is not "id" { _id : "57bb5d639baeb676ced2b0de", companyName : 'Ikea', address : { street : 'Storgatan 1', city : 'Stockholm', country : 'Sweden' }, updatedDate : '2016-08-23T21:26:08.358Z' }
  • 22. Real world data from Customer • Observations - id field is not "id" - Some data resides is in objects { _id : "57bb5d639baeb676ced2b0de", companyName : 'Ikea', address : { street : 'Storgatan 1', city : 'Stockholm', country : 'Sweden' }, updatedDate : '2016-08-23T21:26:08.358Z' }
  • 23. Real world data from Customer • Observations - id field is not "id" - Some data resides is in objects - Date format { _id : "57bb5d639baeb676ced2b0de", companyName : 'Ikea', address : { street : 'Storgatan 1', city : 'Stockholm', country : 'Sweden' }, updatedDate : '2016-08-23T21:26:08.358Z' }
  • 24. Scenarios/Customer demands • Id must be "_id". We are using Mongo DB. • Updated date should ignore timezones • The exact same JSON structure must be sent on save. • Always send all data on save. • Save must be on separate url. 24
  • 25. Specify your own id field idProperty Consider doing this in abstract base class or even override Ext.define('CRM.model.CompanyProfile', { extend: '', idProperty:'_id', fields:[ { name: 'updatedDate', type : 'date’ } ], proxy: { url : 'resources/getCompanyById.json' } });
  • 26. Read data from nested objects mapping Specify a dot notated path in the fields array of data model. fields:[ { name : 'street', mapping : 'address.street', type : 'string' }, { name : 'city', mapping : '', type : 'string' }, { name : 'country', mapping : '', type : 'string' }, ... ],
  • 27. Send all fields on save writeAllFields Proxy writer configs to ensure all fields will be sent. proxy: { type : 'ajax', url : '/companies', reader:{ type:'json' }, writer:{ type : 'json', writeAllFields : true } }
  • 28. Keep object nesting on save { _id : "57bb5d639baeb676ced2b0de", companyName : 'Ikea', address : { street : 'Storgatan 1', city : 'Stockholm', country: 'Sweden' }, updatedDate : '2016-08-23T21:26:08.358Z' }
  • 29. Keep object nesting on save expandData Makes sure the mapped field data sent back is in a nested format. nameProperty Property used to read the key for each value that will be sent to the server. proxy: { type : 'ajax', url : '/companies', reader:{ type:'json' }, writer:{ type : 'json', writeAllFields : true, nameProperty : 'mapping', expandData : true } }
  • 31. Date should not add timezone By default you will get a localized date in the current browsers timezone { _id : "57bb5d639baeb676ced2b0de", companyName : 'Ikea', address : { street : 'Storgatan 1', city : 'Stockholm', country: 'Sweden' }, updatedDate : '2016-08-23T21:26:08.358Z' }
  • 32. dateFormat Adding the exact date format will make sure date is not altered. fields:[ ''' { name:'updatedDate', type:'date', dateFormat:'Y-m-dTH:i:s.uZ' } ],
  • 33. Read/Update on separate Url´s Instead of using the proxy standard url config, we change to the more versatile api config proxy: { type : 'ajax', url : '/companies' reader:{ type:'json' }, writer:{ type : 'json', nameProperty : 'mapping', writeAllFields : true, expandData : true } }
  • 34. Read/Update on separate Url´s Instead of using the proxy standard url config, we change to the more versatile api config proxy: { type : 'ajax', api : { read: '/companies', update: '/updateCompanies' }, reader:{ type:'json' }, writer:{ type : 'json', nameProperty : 'mapping', writeAllFields : true, expandData : true } }
  • 36. Associated licenses { "_id": "57bf32fe9baeb676ced2b0e1", "companyName": "Ikea", "address": { "street": "Storgatan 3", "city": "Malmö", "country": "Sweden" }, "updatedDate": "2016-08-25T18:51:39.671Z", "licenses": [ { "id": 1, "product": "ExtJS 2.1", "amount": 5 }, { "id": 2, "product": "ExtJS 4.1", "amount": 5 }, ....... ]
  • 37. License references Company Ext.define('CRM.model.License', { extend: '', idgen:'uuid', idProperty:'_id', fields:[ {name:'product', type:'string'}, {name:'amount', type:'float'}, { name: 'companyId', reference: { parent : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile', inverse : { role : 'licenses' } } } Company License License License
  • 38. License references Company Ext.define('CRM.model.License', { extend: '', idgen:'uuid', idProperty:'_id', fields:[ {name:'product', type:'string'}, {name:'amount', type:'float'}, { name: 'companyId', reference: { parent : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile', inverse : { role : 'licenses' } } } Company License License License
  • 39. License references Company Ext.define('CRM.model.License', { extend: '', idgen:'uuid', idProperty:'_id', fields:[ {name:'product', type:'string'}, {name:'amount', type:'float'}, { name: 'companyId', reference: { parent : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile', inverse : { role : 'licenses' } } } Company License License License
  • 40. Useful? • Automatically created stores. Company model function licenses() will return accociated licenses. var viewModel = this.getViewModel(), companyProfile = viewModel.get('companyProfile'), store = companyProfile.licenses();
  • 41. Useful? • Automatically created stores. Company model function licenses() will return accociated licenses. • License function getCompany() will return Company model. varviewModel = this.getViewModel(), companyProfile = viewModel.get('licenses'), store = companyProfile.licenses(), firstLicense = store.first(), console.log(firstCompany.getCompany()); // Returns companyProfile
  • 42. Useful? • Automatically created stores. Company model function licenses() will return accociated licenses. • License function getCompany() will return Company model. • Nice bindings. companyProfile.licenses references the store { xtype : 'grid', plugins : 'cellediting', columnLines:true, bind : { store:'{companyProfile.licenses}' }, columns:[ {text: 'Licence', dataIndex:'product'}, {text: 'Amount', dataIndex:'amount'} ] }
  • 43. • Inline associations Licence data is array in company JSON and should be saved in same call as company profile. • Proxy/Remote associations Licence data is fetched from its own web service and CRUD operations are handled here 43 Possible business scenarios
  • 44. Inline associations { "_id": "57bf32fe9baeb676ced2b0e1", "companyName": "Ikea", "address": { "street": "Storgatan 3", "city": "Malmö", "country": "Sweden" }, "updatedDate": "2016-08-25T18:51:39.671Z", "licenses": [ { "id": 1, "product": "ExtJS 2.1", "amount": 5 }, { "id": 2, "product": "ExtJS 4.1", "amount": 5 }, ....... ] GET
  • 45. Inline associations { "_id": "57bf32fe9baeb676ced2b0e1", "companyName": "Ikea", "address": { "street": "Storgatan 3", "city": "Malmö", "country": "Sweden" }, "updatedDate": "2016-08-25T18:51:39.671Z", "licenses": [ { "id": 1, "product": "ExtJS 2.1", "amount": 5 }, { "id": 2, "product": "ExtJS 4.1", "amount": 5 }, ....... ] POST
  • 46. allDataOptions Proxy writer needs to be told to save associated data. . proxy: { type : 'ajax', api : { read: '/companies', update: '/updateCompanies' }, writer:{ type : 'json', nameProperty : 'mapping', writeAllFields : true, expandData : true, allDataOptions :{ associated:true } } } Company model
  • 47. Associated store data is not realized on save. Live example 47
  • 48. Saving associated data in a big JSON is generally a bad idea The associated data is probably saved in a table in a database Empty arrays will have to force delete 48
  • 49. 3 Possible solutions • Re-load all data after successful save - extra call - safe onSave:function(){ this.getViewModel().get('companyProfile').save({ callback:function(){ this.getViewModel().linkTo('companyProfile',{ type : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile', id : '57bf32fe9baeb676ced2b0e1' }); }, scope:this }); }
  • 50. 3 Possible solutions • Re-load all data after successful save - extra call - safe • Forced commitChanges() - no extra call - response data is ignored. onSave:function(){ var store = this.getViewModel().get('companyProfile.licenses') this.getViewModel().get('companyProfile').save({ callback:function(){ store.commitChanges(); }, }, scope:this }); }
  • 51. 3 Possible solutions • Re-load all data after successful save - extra call - safe • Forced commitChanges() - no extra call - response data is ignored. • Code around it - complex
  • 52. What happens if license array is missing? Demo! 52
  • 53. Associated stores will default to a ajax proxy. Avoid remote reads by changing this to a memory proxy. Ext.define('CRM.model.License', { extend: '', fields:[ {name:'product', type:'string'}, {name:'amount', type:'float'}, { name: 'companyId', reference: { parent : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile', inverse : { role:'licenses', storeConfig:{ proxy:{ type:'memory' } } } } . . . Store config
  • 54. Proxy/Remote associations Ext.define('CRM.view.ViewportController', { extend : '', alias : 'controller.viewportcontroller', onSave:function(){ var vm = this.getViewModel(); vm.get('companyProfile').save(); vm.get('companyProfile.licenses').sync(); }, ... • Call save() on model. • Call sync() on stores.
  • 55. Proxy/Remote associations Ext.define('CRM.model.License', { extend: '', idProperty:'_id', fields:[..], proxy: { type : 'ajax', api : { read : '/licenses', create : '/addLicenses', update : '/updateLicenses', destroy : '/deleteLicenses' }, writer:{ type : 'json', writeAllFields : true } } }); • Specify all api´s on associated data model
  • 56. Proxy/Remote associations { xtype: 'grid', plugins: 'cellediting', columnLines: true, tbar: [{text: 'Add', handler: 'addLicense'}], bind: { store: '{companyProfile.licenses}' } }, • Associated data will only load if store is used in a binding
  • 57. Proxy/Remote associations filter:[ { "property":"companyId", "value":"57bcbaa29baeb676ced2b0e0", "exactMatch":true } ] • On read, a filter will be posted. - property is the reference name, - value is the reference Id Backend must honor this filter and return the correct subset. • Live Example HTTP GET /licenses
  • 59. 59
  • 60. The primary job of a Session is to manage a collection of records of many different types and their associations. This often starts by loading records when requested and culminates when it is time to save to the 60
  • 61. View with multiple models 61 Company Licenses Pool cars Feedback
  • 62. View with multiple models 62 Company Licenses Pool cars Feedback Data model + association
  • 63. View with multiple models 63 Company Licenses Pool cars Feedback Data model + association Store
  • 64. View with multiple models 64 Company Licenses Pool cars Feedback Data model + association Store Data model
  • 65. • getChanges() - Returns an object describing all of the modified fields, created or dropped records maintained by this session. - Used to track if ANY data is dirty • getSaveBatch() - Returns an containing the instances that are needed to save all of the changes in this session 65 Session features
  • 66. One point save onSave:function(){ if(this.getSession().getChanges()){ this.getSession().getSaveBatch().start(); } },
  • 67. Enable session Ext.define('CRM.view.Viewport', { extend : 'Ext.Panel', viewModel : 'viewportmodel', controller : 'viewportcontroller', bodyPadding : 20, session:true, buttons:[ { text:'Save', handler:'onSave' } ], layout:{ type:'vbox', align:'stretch' }, . . . . • Enable session in view
  • 68. Enable session var store = this.getViewModel().getStore('cars'); store.setSession(this.getSession()); • Enable session in view • Add stores to session
  • 69. Enable session CRM.model.Feedback.load('57d072659baeb676ced2b0e5',{ success:function(record){ this.getViewModel().set('feedback', record); }, scope:this }, this.getSession()); • Enable session in view • Add stores to session • Provide session in model load
  • 70. Enable session this.getViewModel().linkTo('companyProfile',{ type : 'CRM.model.CompanyProfile', id : '57bcbaa29baeb676ced2b0e0' });• Enable session in view • Add stores to session • Provide session in model load • Use LinkTo - uses session from viewModel
  • 73. Extra proxy parameters proxy: { type : 'ajax', extraParams:{ appName:'CRM' }, api : { read: '/companies', update: '/updateCompanies' }, reader:{ type:'json' }, writer:{ type : 'json', } } • Set in proxy using extraParams config
  • 74. Extra proxy parameters var proxy = Ext.ClassManager.get(<class>).getProxy(); proxy.setExtraParam('appName', 'CRM'); • Set in proxy using extraParams config • Set from controller using the setExtraParam function
  • 78. Handle error response { "IsSuccess": false, "ErrorMessage": "Missing company" }Error returned from the server in a json response when logic fails or data is missing.
  • 79. Configure the proxy reader proxy: { type : 'ajax', api : { read: '/companies', update: '/updateCompanies' }, reader:{ type:'json', successProperty:'IsSuccess', messageProperty:'ErrorMessage' } . . . • successProperty The property indicating that the operation was successful or not. • messageProperty The property where the error message is returned.
  • 80. Listen for proxy exception Ext.mixin.Observable.observe(;'exception', function(proxy, resp, operation){ Ext.Msg.alert('Error', operation.getError()); } ); • exception - fires when "success" is false - fires on HTTP exceptions • operation.getError() - returns messageProperty content
  • 82. Please Take the Survey in the Mobile App • Navigate to this session in the mobile app • Click on “Evaluate Session” • Respondents will be entered into a drawing to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Its easy to write applications that are simple. You decide everything
  2. Refesh our memories
  3. The world smallest CRM system
  4. Beutiful application
  5. Binding has given us so mych power
  6. Create the actual view package
  7. Lets add some real world
  8. So common. Object/no sql
  9. Dates are from hell. I hate dates. with all my heart
  10. Most data Associate . Associations enable you to express relationships between different
  11. Our product owner demands a grid with licenses
  12. In most databases you reference using a "foreign key"
  13. Talk about different demands. Proxy is preffered
  14. This is a VERY common demand.
  15. Errors are standardized thrue the backend