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Radar Based Rainfall Estimation
  for River Catchment Modeling

                                       Prof. P. Willems

                                          T. Goormans

                 Master dissertation in partial fulfilment
                  of the requirements for the Degree of
    Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering
                        by: Shrestha Narayan Kumar

                                     September 2009

                   Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my promoter Prof. dr. ir.
Patrick Willems for valuable suggestions and guidance right from the beginning. His constant
encouragement has been the key for successful completion of this thesis.

I would also like to thank my advisor ir. Toon Goormans; with whom I had so many
interesting discussions and made me comfortable during field visits too. He read this thesis
from beginning to end and offered many valuable comments.

From a practical standpoint, the thesis would not have been possible without the collaboration
of the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) of Belgium who provided the radar data of the
Wideumont station and the raingauge data as well. I would also like to express gratitude to
the resource people from the RMI for their technical support and guidance, in particular Dr.
ir. Laurent Delobbe and ir. Edouard Goudenhoofdt. Also, I would like to thank the Flemish
water company Aquafin and the Flemish Environment Society for providing the raingauge

Special thanks go to VLIR-UOS for providing the scholarship for this Inter-University
Program in Water Resource Engineering (IUPWARE) 2007-2009 session and Katholieke
Universiteit, Leuven and Vrije Universiteit Brussel for providing the platform.

On a more personal note, I would like to thank my wife Sabi Shrestha for her constant
support and her love as well as my family for their support for me from day one.

Finally, the author would like to thank all those in IUPWARE 2007-2009 for being like a
family, contribute to the success of the thesis to great extent.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

Table of Contents
 Acknowledgement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i

 Table of Contents --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii

 List of Figures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vi

 List of Tables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------viii

 List of Acronyms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix

 Abstract -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------- 1
 1.1     Problem definition ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

 1.2     Motivation of the study ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2

 1.3     Thesis aims and objectives-------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

 1.4     Thesis outline ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ---------------------------------------- 4
 2.1     Rainfall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4

 2.2     Rainfall measurement-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

   2.2.1      Rain gauges -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

   2.2.2      Weather radars ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5      The RMI weather radar at Wideumont------------------------------------------- 6      Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) of Leuven -------------------------------- 8      Uncertainty associated with radar estimates -----------------------------------10      Radar-gauge merging techniques ------------------------------------------------12

 2.3     Hydrological modelling ----------------------------------------------------------------------13

   2.3.1      The VHM Model ------------------------------------------------------------------------14      Model structure ---------------------------------------------------------------------15      Model parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------16      Model calibration ------------------------------------------------------------------17

   2.3.2      The NAM model -------------------------------------------------------------------------17

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling     Model structure ---------------------------------------------------------------------17     Model parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------18     Model calibration ------------------------------------------------------------------19

 2.4     Significance of spatial variability of rainfall and basin response ----------------------20

 2.5     Similar past studies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------21

   2.5.1      Radar-gauge comparison and merging -----------------------------------------------21

   2.5.2      Stream flow simulation using radar data ---------------------------------------------22

CHAPTER 3: APPLICATION -------------------------------------------------- 23
 3.1     Methodology -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------23

 3.2     Study area --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23

 3.3     Radar-gauge comparison and merging -----------------------------------------------------25

   3.3.1      The raingauge network------------------------------------------------------------------25

   3.3.2      Correcting raingauge measurements --------------------------------------------------25

   3.3.3      Conversion of radar records to rainfall rates -----------------------------------------26

   3.3.4      Data periods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------27

   3.3.5      LAWR - gauge comparison and merging --------------------------------------------28

   3.3.6      RMI Wideumont estimates and gauge comparison and merging -----------------32

 3.4     Hydrological modelling ----------------------------------------------------------------------32

   3.4.1      The catchment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------32     Choice of catchment ---------------------------------------------------------------32     Catchment geomorphology -------------------------------------------------------33     Input meteorological series -------------------------------------------------------34

   3.4.2      Catchment modelling with VHM------------------------------------------------------35

   3.4.3      Catchment modelling with NAM------------------------------------------------------36

   3.4.4      Performance evaluation of the model results ----------------------------------------36

   3.4.5      The significance of spatial data --------------------------------------------------------38     Quantifying rainfall variability ---------------------------------------------------38

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling     Basin response ----------------------------------------------------------------------39

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ------------------------------- 41
 4.1     LAWR estimates − gauge comparison and merging -------------------------------------41

   4.1.1      Using an average value of CF----------------------------------------------------------41

   4.1.2      Range dependent adjustment on CF --------------------------------------------------42

   4.1.3      Statistical analysis on range dependent adjustment ---------------------------------43

   4.1.4      Mean field bias adjustment -------------------------------------------------------------46     Brandes spatial adjustment -------------------------------------------------------48     Statistical analysis on the MFB and BRA adjustment ------------------------48

 4.2     RMI Wideumont estimates − gauge comparison and merging -------------------------50

   4.2.1      MFB adjustment -------------------------------------------------------------------------50

   4.2.2      Brandes spatial adjustment -------------------------------------------------------------51

   4.2.3      Statistical analysis on the MFB and BRA adjustment ------------------------------51

 4.3     Comparison of LAWR-Leuven and RMI-Wideumont estimates ----------------------52

 4.4     Catchment modelling -------------------------------------------------------------------------53

   4.4.1      Catchment modelling with VHM------------------------------------------------------53

   4.4.2      Catchment modelling with NAM------------------------------------------------------54

   4.4.3      Model performance evaluation --------------------------------------------------------55

 4.5     The significance of spatial data -------------------------------------------------------------60

   4.5.1      Rainfall spatial variability --------------------------------------------------------------60

   4.5.2      Basin response ---------------------------------------------------------------------------60

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS ------------------------------------------------- 69
 5.1     Comparing and merging of radar − gauge estimates -------------------------------------69

 5.2     Hydrological modelling ----------------------------------------------------------------------70

 5.3     Limitation and future perspectives----------------------------------------------------------71

CHAPTER 6: REFERENCES --------------------------------------------------- 72
CHAPTER 7: ANNEXES--------------------------------------------------------- 78

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

A-1: Prior time series processing results -----------------------------------------------------------78

A-2: Model results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------79

A-3: Rainfall series (in terms of Pref) for selected storm events --------------------------------82

A-4: Accumulated rainfall over radar pixels for selected storm events -----------------------84

A-5: LAWR-Leuven simulated results -------------------------------------------------------------86

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Different types of weather radars and their aspects (Einfalt et al., 2004) --------------------- 6
Figure 2-2: Simplified sketch of beam cut-off ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Figure 2-3: Influence of choice of Z-R relationship on rainfall rates (Einfalt et al., 2004) -------------- 11
Figure 2-4: Errors related to height of the measurement (Delobbe, 2007) --------------------------------- 11
Figure 2-5: Some typical vertical profile of reflectivity (Delobbe, 2007) ---------------------------------- 12
Figure 2-6: General lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff model structure (Willems, 2000)--------------- 14
Figure 2-7: Steps in the VHM structure identification and calibration procedure ------------------------ 15
Figure 2-8: The NAM structure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
Figure 3-1: Belgium (light green), the RMI-Wideumont radar (black star), the LAWR-Leuven (red
      star) and the catchment (dark green). Black arcs indicate the distance to the RMI-Wideumont,
      with an increment of 60 km. The red circle shows 15 distance to the LAWR-Leuven ------------ 24
Figure 3-2: The study area with the location of 12 gauges (red dots: Aquafin &VMM; black triangles:
      RMI), the LAWR (yellow star), catchment (dark green polygon) and part of the Walloon region
      (light green polygon). Circles indicate the distance to the LAWR, with increment of 5 km ----- 24
Figure 3-3: Catchment under consideration with position of LAWR (star), radar beam blockage sector
      (blue shade), rain gauges (dots-the VMM and Aquafin TBRs; triangles-the RMI non-recording
      gauges), water courses (blue lines) and circles - distances of 5, 10 and 15 km from the LAWR 33
Figure 3-4: The DEM map of catchment with stream network ---------------------------------------------- 34
Figure 4-1: Evolution of RFB with range (using constant CF on the LAWR estimates) ---------------- 41
Figure 4-2: Plot of CF as a function of distance to the LAWR, each point representing a TBR
      (Aquafin &VMM) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
Figure 4-3: Evolution of RFB with range (using range dependent CF on the LAWR-Leuven estimates)
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
Figure 4-4: Scatter plot of daily accumulated radar-gauge valid pairs for summer storm using constant
      value of CF and CF after range dependent adjustment on the LAWR-Leuven estimates --------- 45
Figure 4-5: Cumulative rainfall plot of radar and gauge records for the winter and summer periods of
      the LAWR estimates after range dependent correction on CF----------------------------------------- 46
Figure 4-6: Frequency distribution of field bias of valid gauge-radar (LAWR) pairs -------------------- 47
Figure 4-7: Probability distribution of field bias of valid gauge-radar (LAWR) pairs ------------------- 47
Figure 4-8: Evolution of different statistical values with different adjustments on the LAWR-Leuven
      estimates; [a]-summer period and [b]-winter period ---------------------------------------------------- 49
Figure 4-9: Scatter plot of radar-gauge daily accumulated estimates for week 1 & 2 before [a] and
      after [b] MFB correction on the RMI-Wideumont estimates ------------------------------------------ 50
Figure 4-10: Scatter plot of radar-gauge daily accumulated estimates for week 3 & 4 before [a] and
      after [b] MFB correction on the RMI Wideumont estimates ------------------------------------------ 51

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

Figure 4-11: LAWR-Leuven and RMI-Wideumont daily accumulated estimates comparison plot for
      summer weeks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
Figure 4-12: LAWR-Leuven and RMI-Wideumont daily accumulated estimates comparison plot for
      winter weeks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
Figure 4-13: Graphical comparison of nearly independent peak flow maxima ---------------------------- 57
Figure 4-14: Graphical comparison of nearly independent slow flow minima ---------------------------- 58
Figure 4-15: Graphical comparison of peak flow empirical extreme value distributions ---------------- 58
Figure 4-16: Graphical comparison of low flow empirical extreme value distributions ----------------- 59
Figure 4-17: Graphical comparison of cumulative flow volumes ------------------------------------------- 59
Figure 4-18: NSEobs for different rainfall descriptors and for different storm events ------------------- 61
Figure 4-19: Observed and simulated flows derived from different rainfall descriptors ----------------- 65
Figure 4-20: Observed and simulated flows derived from different rainfall descriptors ----------------- 66
Figure 4-21: Plot of SDIR and NSEref for both the VHM and NAM -------------------------------------- 67
Figure A-1: Baseflow filter results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78
Figure A-2: Interflow filter results-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78
Figure A-3: Observed and NAM simulated hydrograph for the calibration period (3/1/2006-
      2/28/2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79
Figure A-4: Cumulative observed and NAM simulated discharge for calibration period (3/1/2006-
      2/28/2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79
Figure A-5: Observed and NAM simulated hydrograph for the validation period (1/1/2004-
      12/31/2005) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80
Figure A-6: Observed and VHM simulated hydrograph for the calibration period (3/1/2006-
      2/28/2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80
Figure A-7: Cumulative observed and VHM simulated discharge for the calibration period (3/1/2006-
      2/28/2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81
Figure A-8: Reference rainfall evolution for storm event-1 -------------------------------------------------- 82
Figure A-9: Reference rainfall evolution for storm event-2 -------------------------------------------------- 82
Figure A-10: Reference rainfall evolution for storm event-3 ------------------------------------------------- 83
Figure A-11: Reference rainfall evolution for storm event-4 ------------------------------------------------- 83
Figure A-12: Accumulated rainfall for storm event -1 (RMI pixels), north is upward ------------------- 84
Figure A-13 : Accumulated rainfall storm event-1 (LAWR pixels), north is upward -------------------- 84
Figure A-14: Accumulated rainfall for storm event -3 (RMI pixels), north is upward ------------------- 85
Figure A-15: Accumulated rainfall storm event-3 (LAWR pixels), north is upward --------------------- 85
Figure A-16: LAWR-Leuven VHM simulated river discharge for the period of 7/2/2008 to 9/30/2008
      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86
Figure A-17: LAWR-Leuven NAM simulated river discharge for the period of 12/1/2008 to
      2/28/2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 86

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

List of Tables
Table 2-1: Some characteristics of the Wideumont radar ------------------------------------------------------ 7
Table 2-2: Some characteristics of the LAWR-Leuven ------------------------------------------------------- 10
Table 3-1: Correction Factors [k] for the Aquafin and VMM raingauges ---------------------------------- 25
Table 3-2: Calibration Factor [CF] for Aquafin and VMM raingauges------------------------------------- 26
Table 3-3: Data periods of the RMI radar of Wideumont ----------------------------------------------------- 27
Table 3-4: Data periods of the LAWR of Leuven -------------------------------------------------------------- 27
Table 3-5: Selected storm events; LT means Local Time ---------------------------------------------------- 38
Table 4-1: Some statistical parameter values before and after range dependent adjustment on the
      LAWR estimates. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
Table 4-2: Some statistical parameter values before and after MFB and BRA adjustment on the
      LAWR estimates for both summer and winter periods; RAW stands for the LAWR estimates
      using constant CF values, RDA(LAWR estimates after range dependency adjustment on CF) - 48
Table 4-3: Some statistical parameter values before and after MFB adjustment on the RMI
      Wideumont radar estimates, RAW stands for original RMI-Wideumont estimates --------------- 52
Table 4-4: The calibrated VHM parameters with their short description ----------------------------------- 54
Table 4-5: The calibrated NAM parameters with their short description ----------------------------------- 55
Table 4-6: Some goodness-of-fit-statistics ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
Table 4-7: Rainfall spatial variability measured in terms of SDIR for the different rainfall descriptors
      and for selected events --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
Table 4-8: Results in terms of NSEobs for the different rainfall descriptors and for different storm
      events ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
Table 4-9: Results in terms of NSEref for the different rainfall descriptors------------------------------- 63

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

List of Acronyms
AD              Average Difference
BC              Box-Cox Transformation
BRA             Brandes spatial adjustment
CF              Calibration Factor
DEM             Digital Elevation Model
DHI             Danish Hydrological Institute
DMI             Danish Meteorological Institute
IUPWARE         Inter-University Program in Water Resource Engineering
KMI             Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut
LAWR            Local Area Weather Radar
MAE             Mean Absolute Error
MFB             Mean Field Bias
NAM             Nedbør-Afstrømnings-Model (Rainfall-Runoff Model)
NSE             Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency
POT             Peak Over Threshold
RFB             Relative Field Bias
RMI             Royal Meteorological Institute
RMSE            Root Mean Square Error
SDIR            Reference Spatial Deviation Index
SWAT            Soil & Water Assessment Tool
VHM             Veralgemeend conceptueel Hydrologisch Model (Generalized lumped
                conceptual and parsimonious model structure-identification and
VLIR            Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad
VMM             Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (Flemish Environment Agency)
VPR             Vertical profile of reflectivity
WETSPRO         Water Engineering Time Series PROcessing tool

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

This paper discusses the first hydro-meteorological potential of the X-band Local Area Weather Radar
(LAWR), installed in the densely populated city centre of Leuven (Belgium). Adjustments are applied
to raw radar data using gauge readings from a raingauge network of 12 raingauges. The significance
of spatial rainfall information on hydrological responses is investigated in the 48.17 km2 Molenbeek-
Parkbeek catchment, south of Leuven. For this, two lumped conceptual models, the VHM and the
NAM, are calibrated with reference rainfall (Pref) − a rainfall representation defined by raingauges
which are inside the catchment. Three alternative rainfall descriptors are derived, namely the RG1
(single raingauge for the whole catchment taking a gauge which is approximately at the centroid of
the catchment), the LAWR estimates and the estimates from a C-band weather radar installed by the
Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) at Wideumont (Belgium). An index, reference spatial deviation
index (SDIR) is defined based on the difference between Pref and the alternative rainfall descriptors. A
modified Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency (NSEref) is used to evaluate the performance of simulated runoff
with respect to reference simulated runoff – runoff derived by reference rainfall.

Range dependent adjustment is applied on the LAWR data combining a power and second degree
polynomial function. C-band RMI estimates tend to overestimate summer storms and strongly
underestimate winter storms. The mean field bias correction followed by Brandes spatial adjustment
improved the radar estimates to a great extent. After adjustments, the mean absolute error is found to
decrease by 47% and the mean absolute error by 45% compared to the original radar estimates. Still,
the gauge-radar residuals even after adjustments are found to be not negligible. No large differences
in streamflow simulation capability of the two types of models can be distinguished. Runoff
simulations based on the RG1 rainfall descriptor are almost as accurate as those based on Pref. Using
radar estimated rainfall for runoff simulations showed lower performance compared to both Pref as
well as RG1 indicating that the catchment is less sensitive to spatial rainfall variability and/or the
accuracy of radar based rainfall estimates is low. Runoff peaks for summer and extreme events are
underestimated due to high damping and filtering effects of the catchment or more obviously, due to
the localized summer rainfall events. More uniform storms are simulated with more or less the same
accuracy for all rainfall descriptors. An inverse correlation between SDIR and NSEref is observed. An
SDIR of more than 10% affected the hydrograph reproduction indicating that the catchment requires
more robust areal rainfall estimation.

Key words: Weather radar; Runoff; Lumped conceptual model; Spatial rainfall variability.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

1.1 Problem definition

Rainfall is the driving force for the hydrologic cycle, a physical phenomenon which controls
the terrestrial water supplies. Its nature and characteristics are important to conceptualize and
predict its effect on runoff, infiltration, evapotranspiration and water yield. For most of the
simulation models, it is primary input, often considered spatially uniform over the catchment
which is actually not usually the case. Rather, it is highly variable in both space and time.
During a storm, rainfall may vary by tens of millimetres per hour from minute to minute and
over distances of only a few tens of metres (Austin et al., 2002). Hence the assumption of
uniform rainfall leads to a major uncertainty in simulated events (Willems, 2001). Also, it can
be observed that hydrologists have traditionally paid much more attention to the development
of more sophisticated rainfall-runoff models or the local models to suit the local conditions
than to the development of improved techniques for the measurement and prediction of the
space-time variability of rainfall. This is to be deplored, since rainfall is the driving source of
water behind most of the inland hydrological processes (Berne et al., 2005). So, better
understanding on the rainfall input to the hydrological modelling is required to acquire more
robust and accurate hydrological simulation. Hence, it demands a dense rain gauge
observation network to cover this spatial variability, which is difficult to install and maintain,
making it an undesirable solution (Wilson and Brandes, 1979).

Weather radars, which are capable of providing continuous spatial measurements which are
immediately available, are increasingly being used as an alternative. For the showery rain at
least, the advantage of using radar derived rainfall to raingauge is expected to be obvious.
One particular storm which caused severe flooding at some location might not have passed
over the raingauges and can not be reflected in basin response through a hydrological model.
The weather radar can detect rainfall events to over one hundred kilometres from the radar

Also, it is an inherent property of radar measurements that the uncertainty on measurements
increases as the rainfall intensity increases (Einfalt et al., 2004). These uncertainties should
be minimized before using them as input to simulation models by using adjustment
techniques (Wilson and Brandes, 1979). Hence, merging of both forms of rainfall estimates is
advised. There have been a range of methods to merge the radar and raingauge data for better

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

estimates of rain gauges; from simple merging methods to sophisticated spatial methods.
Many researchers have carried out rigorous study on the evaluation of these merging methods
(e.g. Delobbe et al. (2008); Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009)) and found that raw radar data
can be greatly enhanced. However, radar-gauge residuals, even after adjustment are not
always negligible (Borga, 2002). So, both measurement devices are complementary;
concurrent use of both can provide better estimates of rainfall (Einfalt et al., 2004).

The importance of considering the spatial distribution of rainfall for process-oriented
hydrological modelling is well-known. However, the application of rainfall radar data to
provide such detailed spatial resolution is still under debate (Tetzlaff and Uhlenbrook, 2005)
and is the subject of ongoing research. A network of rain gauges can provide more accurate
point-wise measurements but the spatial representation is limited (Goudenhoofdt and
Delobbe, 2009) but should be supported by quite a dense raingauge network.

In this study, emphasis is made to use the relatively new Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR)
of Leuven, Belgium for its first stream flow modelling. The raingauge network will serve as
ground truth data and hence serves as validation source as well as basis for correction on the
radar estimates. Data from the radar of the Royal Metrological Institute (RMI) − in Dutch:
Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut (KMI) − located at Wideumont is also used to check the
importance of the spatial variability of rainfall information on the catchment under
consideration. Two lumped conceptual runoff models, the VHM (Veralgemeend conceptueel
Hydrologisch Model) and the NAM (Nedbør-Afstrømnings-Model), are used for this

1.2 Motivation of the study

The hydro-meteorological potential of the weather radars has already been explored by many
researchers and interest in this subject is growing because of their capability of spatial
coverage to finer resolutions which are impossible to obtain with a raingauge network. The
C-band weather radar installed by the RMI at Wideumont has already been used for
hydrological modelling. But the LAWR-Leuven, installed by the Flemish water company
Aquafin, has rarely been used for such propose. Hence, a research has to be performed to
evaluate the performance of the LAWR- Leuven for catchment modelling. In this study, a
catchment named Molenbeek/Parkbeek, south of the Leuven is chosen for this propose. Using

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

both the RMI-Wideumont and the LAWR-Leuven for stream flow simulation would lead to
assess the significance of spatial resolution of the two different weather radars.

1.3 Thesis aims and objectives
For this thesis, data are available from a raingauge network and two different types of radars,
all providing rainfall information for the Molenbeek/Parkbeek catchment, south of Leuven,
Belgium, and this leads to the following objectives:
       To compare rainfall information from three sets of data; the raingauges, the C- and X-
       band weather radars and hence quantifying the accuracy of radar estimates.
       To test procedures for merging the radar-gauge estimates for better rainfall estimation.
       To investigate the significance of spatial rainfall information by using the above
       stated rainfall information on hydrological modelling.
       To provide recommendations on spatial resolution requirements of rainfall
       information for the particular catchment.

1.4 Thesis outline

Chapter 1 gives the general problem definition, motivation for the study, the aims and
objectives of the thesis.

Chapter 2 gives the relevant literature review including the different rainfall descriptors, the
models used for simulating the basin response and similar previous studies.

Chapter 3 describes the methodology of the thesis in general and gives a description of the
study area, the rain gauge network and the radars that are used and the data periods. Also,
different comparison as well as adjustment methodologies, modelling methodologies and
different statistical tools used for the study are explained.

Chapter 4 discusses the results.

Chapter 5 covers the conclusions and recommendations for further researchers and the
limitation of different approaches used in the study as well.

Apart from this the thesis also contains an appendix and list of references used.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

2.1 Rainfall

Rainfall is one of the many forms of precipitation and a major component of the hydrological
cycle. It is the driving force of water for most of the terrestrial hydrological process (Berne et
al., 2005). The rainfall must satisfy the intermediate demand of evapotranspiration,
infiltration and surface storage before it results in runoff. In hydrological modelling, it is the
primary input (Segond et al., 2007; Velasco-Forero et. al., 2008).

Rainfall can be mainly divided into stratiform and convective rainfall. Stratiform rainfall
essentially results from stratiform clouds, has small drops and uniform spatial and temporal
gradients. Convective storms on other hand are generally more intense and consist of larger
drops. They are characterised by large temporal and spatial gradients.

2.2 Rainfall measurement
Rain gauges and weather radars are the two sensors that are most widely used in rainfall
measurement (Velasco-Forero et. al., 2008).

2.2.1 Rain gauges
The most common device that is being used for rainfall measurement is a rain gauge. Because
of its simple working principle, the tipping bucket rain gauges (TBRs) are widely used in
recent time though there are modern techniques coming up as well. The total amount of
rainfall over a given period is expressed as the depth of water which would cover a horizontal
area if there is no runoff, infiltration or evaporation. This depth is generally expressed in
millimetres and is the rainfall depth (FAO irrigation and Drainage Paper 27, 1998).

Rain gauge measurements, although representing only point rainfall, are very often
considered the “true” rainfall although there are some errors still associated with it. During
tipping motion of the bucket, water continues to flow through the funnel which is not taken
into consideration, resulting in an underestimation of the rainfall rate (Goormans and
Willems, 2008). Thus a dynamic calibration procedure should be applied. This procedure is
well defined by Luyckx and Berlamont (2001). Vasvari (2007) applied the same procedure on
several rain gauges in the city of Graz, Austria and found that not all of them are
underestimating. Several rain gauges had a positive relative deviation; some up to 22%, in the

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

low intensity range up to 0.5 mm/min. He ascribed this phenomenon by the retention of water
in the buckets between tips. But for higher intensities, the study showed a clear
underestimation. Another error associated with rain gauge measurement is due to wind
effects. FAO irrigation and Drainage Paper 27, Annex 2 (1998) states that wind errors are a
major error which can be very large, even more than 50%. Hence, local wind shelter
influences should also be considered.       Goormans and Willems (2008) studied several
raingauges around the city of Leuven, Belgium and found that the wind effects
underestimated the long term rainfall accumulation depth by a factor as high as 1.32. These
two forms of errors that are always associated with rain gauges should be considered because
rain gauge based estimates of rainfall are generally used for validation of radar-based rainfall
quantities and will affect final radar performance.

2.2.2 Weather radars
Rain gauges are reliable instruments for which hydrologists can rely on at least for point
measurement (Moreau et al., 2009) but rainfall can vary both in space and time which is not
really captured by the rain gauges. Thus, there have been considerable interests in utilizing
the weather radar, since it provides spatially and temporally continuous measurements that
are immediately available at the radar site (Wilson and Brandes, 1979, Einfalt et al., 2004).
But the inherent feature of weather radars are that they did not measure rainfall directly but
rather the back scattered energy from precipitation particles from elevated volumes and an
algorithm should be developed and calibrated against the raingauge network.

Wilson and Brandes (1979) and Einfalt et al. (2004) describe the methodology of using
weather radars in quantitative precipitation estimates and the potential error sources. The first
study also focuses on the methodologies on radar-gauge comparisons and adjustments. The
second one gives a clear outline of requirements for weather radars, examples of good and
bad practices more in terms of online and offline applications of weather radar.

Mostly three types of weather radars are used in hydrometeorology - the S-band, the C-band
and the X-band radars. Their relative advantages and disadvantages are given in Figure 2-1.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

        Figure 2-1: Different types of weather radars and their aspects (Einfalt et al., 2004)

The difference is in the wavelength of the emitted electromagnetic waves. The S-band radars
have the longest wavelength while the X-band radars have the shortest. Using a larger
wavelength for radar measurement would certainly enhance the usable range but problems
arise from radar beam interaction with ground. The shorter wave length radars, although
having fine spatial resolution, suffer from attenuation significantly (Einfalt et al. 2004). The RMI weather radar at Wideumont
The RMI of Belgium operates C-band radar located in Wideumont, in the south of Belgium.
The radar performs a volume scan every 5 minutes with reflectivity measurements up to 240
km. A Doppler scan with radial velocity measurements up to 240 km is performed every 15
minutes (RMI, 2009). The 5 minute radar data are summed up to produce 1h and 24h
precipitation accumulation products. The radar is equipped with a linear receiver and the
reflectivity factors are converted to precipitation rates using the Marshall-Palmer (1948)
relation with ‘a’ and ‘b’ values being 200 and 1.6 respectively.

A time domain Doppler filtering is applied which removes the ground clutter. An additional
treatment is applied to the volume reflectivity file to eliminate residual permanent ground
clutter caused by surrounding hills. Reflectivity data contaminated by permanent ground
clutter are replaced by data collected at higher elevation. A Pseudo-Cappi image at 1500 m is
calculated from the volume data. An advection procedure has also been applied to correct the
effect of time sampling interval on accumulation maps (Delobbe et al. 2006).

Characteristics: Some relevant characteristics of the C-Band Doppler radar located at
Wideumont are presented in Table 2-1 (Berne et al. 2005).

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

Table 2-1: Some characteristics of the Wideumont radar
 Property                                              Value
 Location                                              Wideumont , Belgium
 Operational since                                     October 2001
 Type of radar                                         Gematronik pulse Doppler
 Frequency/wavelength                                  C-band (5.64GHz/5.32 cm)
 Mean transmit power                                   250 W
 Height of tower base                                  535 m (above mean sea level)
 Height of tower                                       50 m
 Height of antenna                                     585 m (above mean sea level)
 Antenna diameter                                      4.2 m
 Radome diameter                                       6.7 m
 Elevations                                            0.5°, 1.2°, 1.9°, 2.6°, 3.3°, 4.0°, 4.9°, 6.5°, 9.4°, 17.5°
 Maximum range reflectivity processing                 240 km
 Time interval precipitation products                  5 min.

Working principle: Radars do not measure rainfall directly but rather the back scattered
energy from precipitation particles from elevated volumes. The received energy from the
precipitation particles is given by:
       C K2 Z
Pr =                                                                                                      (1)
C = radar constant
K = imaginary dielectric constant
r = range of the target
Z = radar reflectivity
The radar reflectivity, Z (mm6/m3), is proportional to the summation of the sixth power of
particle diameters (Di6) in a unit volume illuminated by the radar beam; and is defined as:

Z = ∑ N i Di = ∫ N ( D) D 6 dD

Ni= number of drops per unit volume with diameter Di
N(D) = number of drops with diameters between D and D+dD in a unit volume.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

The rainfall rate (R) can be related to N(D) by the following equation if no vertical air motion
is assumed.
  R=        N ( D ) D 3 Vt ( D ) dD                                                          (3)

Vt(D)= drop terminal velocity of a drop diameter D which is also a function of D.
But the problem is that both Z and R are functions of the drop size distribution which is
unknown and hence using an empirical Z-R relationship is imminent which is usually in the
exponential form such as:
Z = a Rb                                                                                     (4)
with a and b being constants.

It is worth noting that the Equation (4) itself can be regarded as semi-empirical as it has been
derived assuming empirical relationships for Vt(D) and N(D).

Some currently used Z-R relationships as depicted in Einfalt et al. (2004) are as follows;
         Z = 200 R1.6 , suitable for stratiform events also known as the Marshall and Palmer
         (1948) relationship.
         Z = 250 R1.2 , suitable for tropical climates.

         Z = 300 R1.4 , suitable for convective events.

Limitation of the above stated relationships should be clear due to the fact that there can not
be null vertical air motion such as the case of a thunderstorm. Also, the drop size distribution
is rarely known and it varies in space and time (Wilson and Brandes, 1979). Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) of Leuven
Outcome of a project ‘development of a system for short-time prediction of rainfall’, the
Danish Hydrological Institute (DHI) together with the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)
developed a cost effective X-band radar called LAWR (DHI Website, 2009). It is based on
X-band marine radar technology and emits only a tenth (25 kW) of the power emitted from
conventional weather radars (250 kW) and is capable to penetrate high intensity rainfall.
From this, DHI also developed a smaller version of the LAWR, the so-called City LAWR.
Important feature of the City LAWR is that it has a compact antenna (diameter of 65 cm) and

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

total weight of only 8 kg, which makes it fairly easy to install. It has a horizontal opening
angle of 3.9° making quantitative precipitation estimation possible up to a distance of 15 km
from the radar site (Goormans et al., 2008). But, the large vertical opening angle of 20° makes
it susceptible to direct ground reflection.

In an ongoing research project of the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven for the Flemish water company Aquafin, a City LAWR is installed in the densely
populated city centre of Leuven. Based on quite rigorous clutter tests, the city LAWR is
installed on the roof of the Provinciehuis building – the main office of the province of
Flemish Brabant. This location produced acceptable amounts of clutter, mainly due to a pit
wall which cuts off the lower part of the beam (Goormans et al., 2008). The simplified sketch
of this beam cut-off is shown in Figure 2-2. From here on, the City LAWR will be referred to
as the LAWR.

                           Figure 2-2: Simplified sketch of beam cut-off

Characteristics: Some relevant characteristics of X-Band LAWR located at Leuven are
presented in Table 2-2.

Working Principle: Contrary to conventional weather radars like C-band weather radars,
which are equipped with a linear receiver, the LAWR has a logarithmic receiver. This
suggests that the conventional transformation from reflectivity to rainfall rate should be
linear. A relationship between the ‘count’ (representation of back scattered energy) and the
rainfall rate recorded at ground level has to be established. According to the manufacturer
and as confirmed by some studies, (e.g. Rollenbeck and Bendix, 2006), a linear relationship

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

between ‘counts’ recorded and ground rainfall rate exists. The conversion factor which
converts radar records to rainfall rate can be termed as Calibration Factor (CF).

Table 2-2: Some characteristics of the LAWR-Leuven
          Property                                      Value
          Location                                      Leuven, Belgium
          Operational since                             July 2008
          Frequency                                     X-band (9410±30GHz)
          Peak output power                             4 kW
          Height of tower (Building)                    48 m
          Antenna type                                  Hybrid array
          Antenna diameter                              55cm
          Horizontal beam opening                       3.9°
          Vertical beam opening                         20°
          Rotation speed                                24 rpm
          Time interval precipitation products          1 min Uncertainty associated with radar estimates
As the weather radar does not measure rainfall rates directly, it is prone to errors from
different sources. Wilson and Brandes (1979) stated three major sources of errors associated
with radar estimates. These are:
       Variations in the relationship between the backscattered energy and rainfall rates.
       Changes in precipitation forms before reaching the ground.
       Anomalous propagation of beams.

Some other researchers describe similar error sources. Delobbe (2007) mentioned mainly
three sources of errors:
       Erroneous Z-R relationship: It is the basic error source that can greatly affects the
       final radar estimates. The plot of reflectivity (Z, in dbZ) and rainfall rate (mm/hr) can
       be seen in Figure 2-3. It can be seen that the most important differences exist for
       higher rainfall intensities and the higher intensities are of importance while dealing
       with flood warnings and urban hydrology applications.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

Figure 2-3: Influence of choice of Z-R relationship on rainfall rates (Einfalt et al., 2004)

  Errors related to the height of the measurements: The errors related to the height of
  the measurement might be significant while dealing with areas located at larger
  ranges. The height of the radar beam increases with the range increases leading to
  following erroneous phenomena:
          (1) Evaporation
          (2) Growth
          (3) Partial beam filling
          (4) Overshooting
  These four phenomena can be seen schematically in the Figure 2-4 and it is obvious
  they can greatly affect the final radar performance.

        Figure 2-4: Errors related to height of the measurement (Delobbe, 2007)

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

       Non-uniform vertical profile of reflectivity (VPR): Even at the lowest scan angle, the
       radar beam is well above the surface at longer ranges and it has been found that the
       reflectivity from all the elevations is non-uniform. It depends on the type of
       precipitation as can be seen in Figure 2-5. Presence of a bright band, which leads the
       maximum reflectivity, poses another problem. The bright band is a layer of enhanced
       radar reflectivity resulting from the difference in the dielectric factor of ice and water
       and the aggregation of ice particles as they descend and melt. Gray and Larsen (2004)
       observed the need to correct the VPR effect to enhance final radar estimates.

                 Figure 2-5: Some typical vertical profile of reflectivity (Delobbe, 2007)

Also, radar estimates are based upon a number of working hypotheses and these hypotheses
have to be at least approximately fulfilled to have some reliable estimates on the rainfall rates
(Einfalt et al., 2004). And, because of the inherent hypotheses in radar data measurements,
there is always uncertainty in the final estimates. As far as possible, these uncertainties need
to be quantified. Continued research and use of new technologies might help to reduce these
uncertainties. Radar-gauge merging techniques
It is evident that the strength of radar estimates, to capture spatial information, is the
weakness of gauge records and that the strength of gauge estimates, the ability to capture
rainfall amount at single location, is the radar’s weakness. Hence, merging of both forms of
rainfall information is necessary to obtain better rainfall information. Merging techniques
combine the individual strengths of the two measurement systems. Merging radar and gauge
observations has been a burning topic of research since weather radar is being used in the
early seventies. Different methods have been proposed by different researchers and

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

evaluation of these merging methods has been carried out by different researchers, for
example, Brandes (1975), Wilson and Brandes (1979), Michelson and Koistinen (2000),
Borga (2000), Delobbe et al. (2008) and Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009). Results are more
or less similar. Significant improvements have been observed compared to original radar
estimates. Wilson and Brandes (1979) adjusted radar estimates calculating storm to storm
bias (R/G) and applied it uniformly through out the radar ranges and managed to reduce the
errors up to 30%. They also applied the spatial adjustment (details on Wilson and Brandes,
1979) after utilizing uniform mean field bias correction. Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009)
evaluated a range of merging methods on the data from RMI C-band radar of Wideumont,
Belgium from a simple merging method like mean field bias (MFB) to geospatial merging
methods like kriging, kriging with external drift etc. They concluded that geospatial methods
are better, reducing the mean absolute errors by 40% compared to original radar estimates,
although simple method like MFB reduced the error by 25%. Spatial methods such as
Brandes Spatial Adjustment also performed well reducing the errors as close to the geospatial
methods, which are less tedious and time consuming compared to geospatial methods.

2.3 Hydrological modelling

Hydrological models are simplified, conceptual representations of (a part of) the hydrologic
cycle. They are primarily used for hydrological predictions and for understanding hydrologic
processes. The development and application of hydrological models have evolved greatly
through time. Once the rational method to determine the runoff discharge given rainfall depth
as input is introduced, several concepts to predict and understand the hydrological cycles
have been developed since the 1850’s (Maidment, 1993). The development of the de Saint-
Venant equations for unsteady open channel flow was a boon compounded by the concept of
unit hydrograph to calculate the volume of surface runoff produced by rainfall event. These
inventions led the scope of hydrological modelling to a new height.

Several hydrological models can be found in current time hydrology field as hydrologists try
to develop their new models that suit the local conditions (Berne et al., 2005), which may
operate over different spatial scales and time steps and are developed for various applications.
In literature, the hydrological models are classified in numerous types. It is worth noting that
the classifications based on spatial description (lumped and distributed) and the descriptions
of the physical process (conceptual/empirical and physical) are the most commonly used

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

ones. Spatially distributed models have the potential to represent the effect of spatially
variable inputs while lumped models treat the input in an averaged manner (Arnaud et al.,
2002). The compensation is ease of calibration with expense of detailed information because
calibrating a distributed model is not a straightforward task due to the large number of
parameters involved.

Conceptual models have been widely developed and applied for hydrological modelling because
of the ease on calibrating them. They lump, in a broad sense, the highly complex soil processes
and properties in few macro-scale processes and parameters (Willems, 2000). Most of the
conceptual models have similar structure. The rainfall input (xt) is separated into different
fractions that contribute to the different subflows namely the quick flow (xQF), the slow flow (xSF)
and flow contributing for soil storage (xu). The quick flow can be further separated in the rainfall
portions to overland flow and to interflow. The soil storage plays a role determining the actual
evapotranspiration. After certain routing mechanisms, the total runoff y(t) is sum of the three
runoff components: yOF, yIF and ySF (Willems, 2000). A typical structure of a conceptual model is
shown in Figure 2-6. This is general representation of the processes involved in a typical
conceptual model though the detailed process may vary from one model to another.

     Figure 2-6: General lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff model structure (Willems, 2000)

2.3.1 The VHM Model
The VHM (Veralgemeend conceptueel Hydrologisch Model) is a Dutch abbreviation for
generalized lumped conceptual and parsimonious model structure-identification and

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

calibration. It is an approach with which a lumped conceptual rainfall runoff model can be
calibrated in a step wise way. It is developed by Prof. Patrick Willems, Hydraulics
Laboratory, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. The approach aims to derive
parameter values which are as much as possible unique, physical realistic and accurate. It is
data mining based and aims to derive a parsimonious model structure (Willems, 2000). Model structure
The model structure identification and calibration is carried on four distinct ways as can be
seen in Figure 2-7.

                  Prior time series processing

                          Step 1a: Reverse river routing
                          observed river flow series → rainfall-runoff

                          Step 1b: Subflow separation
                          →recession constants
                          →series of overland flow, interflow and slowflow

                          Step 1c: Split in quick and slow flow events
                          →event based runoff volumes

              Step-wise model-structure identification and calibration

               Step 2: Identification and calibration of routing models
               → event-based rainfall fractions to subflows

               Step 3: Identification and calibration of soil moisture storage model
               → closing water balance

               Step 4: Identification and calibration rainfall fraction to quick and
               slow flow events

          Figure 2-7: Steps in the VHM structure identification and calibration procedure

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

The step 1 is prior time series processing where a number of prior time series processing
tasks have to be carried out:
        Transformation of the river flow series in a series of lumped rainfall-runoff discharges
        (step 1a, Figure 2-7).
        Separation of the rainfall-runoff series in subflow series using a numerical digital
        filter. The riverflow series can be either separated into quick flow and the slow flow
        (baseflow) or the overland flow, the interflow and the baseflow (step 1b, Figure 2-7).
        Split of the rainfall-runoff series in individual nearly independent peak over threshold
        (POT) values. The POTs can be extracted to that of quick flow events and slow flow
        events (step 1c, Figure 2-7).

After the prior time series processing, the next step is step-wise model-structure identification and
calibration where lumped representations of different specific rainfall-runoff process equations
are identified and calibrated to related subsets of model parameters. This includes the following
        Identification and calibration of the routing submodels (step 2, Figure 2-7).
        Identification and calibration of the soil moisture storage submodel where the rain
        water fraction fu, the parameter umax (maximum soil moisture content) and uevap (the
        threshold moisture content for evapotranspiration is identified (step 3, Figure 2-7).
        Identification and calibration of the submodels describing the rainfall fractions of
        quick; fQF (overland and interflow; fOF and fIF) and slow flows; fSF (step 4, Figure 2-
        7). Model parameters
The VHM model structure identification and calibration approach deals with the following
parameters related to steps 2 to 4 of the Figure 2-7.
        Recession constant of surface runoff (overland flow): kOF
        Recession constant of interflow: kIF
        Recession constant of baseflow: kBF
        Maximum soil moisture content: umax
        Soil water content at maximum evapotranspiration: uevap
        Surface runoff separation process parameters: aOF,1
        Surface runoff separation process parameters: aOF,2
        Surface runoff separation process parameters: aOF,3

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

       Interflow separation process parameters: aIF,1
       Interflow separation process parameters: aIF,2
       Interflow separation process parameters: aIF,3 Model calibration
The model parameters are tuned manually as per the information obtained in prior time series
processing. The recession constants of subflows can be adopted as per the values obtained in
step 1b. Optimizing soil storage sub-model parameters can be done by different graphical
plots, for example the plot of fu versus u/umax. The surface and interflow runoff separation
process parameters can be tuned till a good match is observed which can visually be checked
in plots of subflows filter results (overland and interflow) versus model results. This VHM
procedure has clear advantages above an automatic or manual calibration technique, which
most often is based on overall goodness-of-fit statistics optimization. In this approach, when
doing the optimization based on the statistical properties of the model residuals errors for the
different submodels or flow components considered, statistically unbiased sub-model
structures and parameters are derived (Willems, 2000).

2.3.2 The NAM model
NAM is the abbreviation of the Danish "Nedbør-Afstrømnings-Model", meaning
precipitation-runoff-model. This model was originally developed by the Department of
Hydrodynamics and Water Resources at the Technical University of Denmark. The NAM is a
deterministic, lumped and conceptual rainfall-runoff model which simulates the rainfall-
runoff processes occurring at the catchment scale. The NAM is part of the rainfall-runoff
(RR) module of the MIKE 11 River modelling system (DHI, 2004). Model structure
The model structure is shown in Figure 2-8 as adopted from NAM reference manual (DHI,
2004) developed by Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI). It is an imitation of the land phase of
the hydrological cycle. NAM simulates the rainfall-runoff process by continuously
accounting for the water content in four different and mutually interrelated storages that
represent different physical elements of the catchment. These storages are:
       Snow storage
       Surface storage
       Lower or root zone storage
       Groundwater storage

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

                                Figure 2-8: The NAM structure

In addition NAM allows treatment of man-made interventions in the hydrological cycle such
as irrigation and groundwater pumping. Based on the meteorological input data NAM
produces catchment runoff as well as information about other elements of the land phase of
the hydrological cycle, such as the temporal variation of the evapotranspiration, soil moisture
content, groundwater recharge, and groundwater levels. The resulting catchment runoff is
split conceptually into overland flow, interflow and baseflow components (DHI, 2004). Model parameters
There are quite a number of model parameters according to the different storage elements
listed below. Detailed information on the parameters can be found in the NAM reference
manual (DHI, 2004). The list of the parameters can be divided in following five subgroups:

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

a. Surface and root zone parameters
       Maximum water content in surface storage [mm]: Umax
       Maximum water content in root zone storage [mm]: Lmax
       Overland flow runoff coefficient [-]: CQOF
       Time constant for interflow [hr]: CKIF
       Time constant for routing interflow and overland flow [hr]: CK12
       Root zone threshold value for overland flow [-]: TOF
       Root zone threshold value for interflow [-]: TIF
b. Ground water parameters
       Baseflow time constant [hr]: CKBF
       Root zone threshold value for groundwater recharge [-]: TG
c. Extended ground water parameters
       Recharge to lower groundwater storage [-]: CQLOW
       Time constant for routing lower baseflow [hr]: CKlow
       Ratio of groundwater catchment to topographical catchment area [-]: Carea
       Maximum groundwater depth causing baseflow [m]: GWLBF0
       Specific yield [-]: SY
       Groundwater depth for unit capillary flux [m]: GWLFL1
d. Snow module parameters
       Degree-day coefficient [mm/ oC /day]: Csnow
       Base temperature (snow/rain) [oC]: To
       Radiation coefficient [m2/W/mm/day]: Crad
       Rainfall degree-day coefficient [mm/mm/°C/day]: Crain
e. Irrigation module parameters
       Infiltration factor [mm/day]: K0,inf
       Crop coefficients and irrigation losses Model calibration
The process of model calibration is normally done either manually or by using computer-
based automatic procedures including 9 default parameters enlisted above under the
headings; surface, root zone parameters and ground water parameters (DHI, 2004). While
applying the routine for auto-calibration, the following objectives are usually considered:
       A good agreement between the average simulated and observed catchment runoff (i.e.
       a good water balance).

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

       A good overall agreement of the shape of the hydrograph.
       A good agreement of the peak flows with respect to timing, rate and volume.
       A good agreement for low flows.

Final tuning is always advised to be done manually which relies on the experience and
knowledge of the modeller, as auto-calibration routines are based on optimizing some
objective function and they are likely to end up in local optimum case rather than global

2.4 Significance of spatial variability of rainfall and basin response
The literature on the significance of spatial rainfall for runoff estimation is complex and
sometimes contradictory. Effects can be expected to vary depending on the nature of the
rainfall, the nature of the catchment, the spatial scale of the catchment and the rainfall runoff
model used.

Basin response will obviously vary as rainfall patterns vary. Stratiform and convective
patterns have distinct characteristics on their spatial variability and drop size. In Belgium, the
summer rainfalls are more of convective nature and the winter storms are of stratiform nature.
Many researchers have studied the rainfall-runoff prediction capability of different models
with respect to the type of rainfall. Segond et al. (2007) found a better match between
simulated and observed runoff on winter storm than on summer storms. They concluded that
summer storms have more variability and are less accurate to reproduce flow at the catchment
outlet. Pechlivanidis et al. (2008) reached similar conclusions while testing different rainfall
scenarios on the Upper Lee catchment of UK.

On urbanized catchments, a high proportion of the rainfall becomes effective due to the large
amount of impervious areas. Hence, the effect of spatial rainfall on more urbanised
catchments would obviously be greater. Segond et al. (2007) found that radar estimated
rainfall data are more suitable for stream flow simulation than that from the raingauge
network consisting of one and seven raingauges indicating that the spatial variability of
rainfall is important on urbanised catchments.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

Arnaud et al. (2002) conducted a study on catchments ranging 20 to 1500 km2 and observed
that the relative error in runoff increases with the size of the catchment while Segond et al.
(2007) showed that as the scale increases, the importance of spatial rainfall decreases because
of the fact that there is a transfer from spatial variability of rainfall to catchment response
time distribution as the dominant factor governing runoff generation which can be regarded
as a dampening effect of the spatial variability of rainfall.

The basin response is essentially dependent on the type of rainfall-runoff model used. Fully
distributed physically based models are believed to better represent the basin characteristics
than the lumped one. But it has always to do with the type of rainfall field used. Radar
rainfall fields, capable of generating more spatial variability, are likely to be more suitable for
distributed models. Shah et al. (1996) conducted a study on a relatively small catchment of
10.55 km2 where they compared the results from a physically distributed SHE (Système
Hydrologique Européen) with the results form a linear transfer function model for spatially
distributed rainfall and found a significant error by using the latter model.

2.5 Similar past studies

Numerous similar past studies can be found in literature and the findings are complex and
sometimes contradictory too.

2.5.1 Radar-gauge comparison and merging
It dates back to the 1980’s that there had already been some study on radar-gauge
comparison. Some notable are:
       Wilson and Brandes (1979) performed a rigorous study on radar-gauge comparison in
       an area of over 8000 km2 and found that the R/G ratio varied from 0.41 (radar
       underestimate) to 2.41 (radar overestimate). They applied a correction on these data
       and managed to reduce the average difference (AD) from 63% to 24%.
       Vieux and Vieux (2005) analysed 60 event samples from Cincinnati, USA for the
       purpose of using them in sewer system management and found that for those events,
       the agreement between radar and gauge was expected within ± 8% based on the
       median average difference between gauge and radar. They also applied a Mean Field
       Bias (MFB) correction and found that 60% of the bias factors are expected to fall
       between 0.94 and 1.70, where they assume the bias (G/R) would follow a normal
       distribution which might not always be the case.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

       Delobbe et al. (2008) evaluated several radar-gauge merging techniques in the
       Walloon region of Belgium using the dense rain gauge network maintained by the
       RMI and the RMI-Wideumont radar. The evaluated techniques ranged from simple
       MFB adjustment to sophisticated spatial adjustment. They concluded that even simple
       adjustment procedures like MFB already improved the original radar estimates
       significantly. Results showed that the geo-statistical merging methods sucha as
       merging based on kriging are the most effective ones. Similar findings were observed
       by Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) using the same radar data and catchment.

2.5.2 Stream flow simulation using radar data
Accuracy of radar estimated rainfall data for stream flow simulation has been tested by many
researchers. Some notable ones are:
       Berne et al. (2005) tested the hydrological potential of the RMI-Wideumont radar on
       the 1597 km2 Ourthe catchment of Belgium using the gauge calibrated HBV-model.
       Mean areal average rainfall estimated from the radar was given as input and resulted
       in an underestimation of discharge. They ascribed this underestimation to uncertainty
       in the final radar estimates and lumped nature of the model.
       Borga (2002) used a conceptual rainfall runoff model to a catchment of 135.3 km2, the
       Brue basin in South-West England. He found that model hydrograph predictions
       driven by adjusted radar data had similar efficiency (NSE) than the ones obtained
       from gauged based rainfall. He got NSE of 0.75 from the former case and 0.83 from
       the latter one, meaning a slight underperformance while using the radar estimates.
       Segond et al. (2007) performed an elaborate research on assessing spatial information
       requirements of rainfall on the 1400 km2 Lee catchment, UK and found that the gauge
       calibrated semi-distributed model called ROBB (details in Laurenson and Mein,
       1988) can produce a better match between observed and simulated discharge while
       using radar estimated rainfall and they attributed this improvement to the spatial
       coverage of rainfall information by the radar.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

3.1 Methodology
The methodology mainly consists of two steps. First, the raw radar data of both the LAWR-
Leuven and the RMI-Wideumont are compared with rain gauge data defined by a rain gauge
network of 12 rain gauges as shown in Figure 3-2. Different merging techniques are tested to
increase the accuracy of the final radar estimates. Secondly, the corrected radar data will be
used for modelling of a catchment using two types of lumped conceptual models, namely the
NAM and the VHM. Significance of spatial representation of rainfall is also evaluated
through the basin response.

3.2 Study area
The study area is situated in the Flanders region of Belgium, near the densely populated city
of Leuven. The study area is within 15 km radius of the LAWR-Leuven. The rain gauge
network comprises of 12 rain gauges, most of them towards the north-west direction with
respect to the LAWR-Leuven and within 10 km from the LAWR-Leuven. The entire rain
gauge network lies in between 117 and 128 km from the RMI-Wideumont, in north-west
direction. The catchment is situated south/south-east of the LAWR-Leuven and north/north-
west of the RMI radar of Wideumont as can be seen in Figure 3.1. Two of the twelve
raingauges are located in the catchment. More descriptions on the raingauge network can be
found under the section of 3.3.1. For the catchment, the description is presented under the
section 3.4.1. The study area with the radar location, the catchment and the raingauge
network can be seen in Figure 3.2.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

Figure 3-1: Belgium (light green), the RMI-Wideumont radar (black star), the LAWR-Leuven (red
star) and the catchment (dark green). Black arcs indicate the distance to the RMI-Wideumont, with
          an increment of 60 km. The red circle shows 15 distance to the LAWR-Leuven

   Figure 3-2: The study area with the location of 12 gauges (red dots: Aquafin &VMM; black
triangles: RMI), the LAWR (yellow star), catchment (dark green polygon) and part of the Walloon
 region (light green polygon). Circles indicate the distance to the LAWR, with increment of 5 km

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

3.3 Radar-gauge comparison and merging
3.3.1 The raingauge network
Comparing radar estimated rainfall essentially requires ground “truth” data which is assumed
to be correctly represented by the raingauge network. For our purpose, the network of 12
raingauges is used; 4 of them being operated by Aquafin, 5 by the Flemish Environmental
Agency (VMM) and the other 3 by the RMI of Belgium. The Aquafin raingauges are TBRs
having a gauge resolution of 0.2 mm and a time resolution of 2 minutes. The VMM
raingauges are also TBRs having a gauge resolution of 0.2 mm and a time resolution of 10
minutes. The RMI maintains quite a dense network of non-recording raingauges giving daily
precipitation accumulations between 8 AM and 8 AM Local Time (LT). The network with
the position of the LAWR-Leuven as well as the watershed is shown in Figure 3-2.

3.3.2 Correcting raingauge measurements
As already stated, raingauge data will be used as reference and will be considered as ground
truth data. Goormans and Willems (2008) conducted full dynamic calibration on these
Aquafin and VMM raingauges for the purpose of calibrating the LAWR. Local wind shelter
influences on these TBRs were also investigated and it was found that both sets of TBRs
clearly underestimated rainfall compared to the standard non-recording RMI gauge of Herent.
Long term underestimations up to 24% (corresponding to correction factor of 1.321) were
found. To correct this systematic underestimation, the study proposed a correction factor ‘k’
based on the minimization of the sum of squared differences between cumulative daily RMI
and TBR rainfall series, as presented in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Correction Factors [k] for the Aquafin and VMM raingauges
             Operator     RG Location                    Correction Factor, k [-]
                          RWZI Kessel-Lo                          1.321
                          Keulenstraat                            1.121
                          Hoge Beekstraat                         1.157
                          Warotstraat                             1.158
                          Derijcklaan                             1.157
                          Oudstrijderslaan                        1.158
               VMM        Eenmeilaan                              1.143
                          Brouwersstraat                          1.252
                          Weggevoerdenstraat                      1.237

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

3.3.3 Conversion of radar records to rainfall rates
As already depicted, the C-Band radar measures reflectivity (Z) values, as representative for
rain droplets in a certain volume. This Z-value is converted to rainfall rate, R with a Z-R
relationship of the form: Z = aRb. The RMI-Wideumont radar uses values of a and b equal to
200 and 1.6 respectively. The radar is fitted with a linear receiver.

Unlike the C-Band radar, the X-band LAWR-Leuven has a logarithmic receiver and records
the number of counts (a dimensionless measure for the amount of reflected power) as
representative value of rainfall. A relationship between the count and the rainfall rate
recorded at ground level has to be established for conversion. The conversion factor can be
termed as Calibration Factor (CF). As the LAWR is relatively new giving records from July 2
2008 and onwards, and research is ongoing to have optimal CF values, the presented CF
factors in Table 3-2 can be considered as the best estimates currently available. These
calibration factors are the result of a regression analysis, based on the storm average
intensities and measured counts in the corresponding radar pixels of the period 2nd July- 8th
October 2008 (Block-1, Table 3-4), which can be considered as a summer period. The
intensities are from calibrated raingauge data, and also corrected for the systematic bias due
to local wind effects, the ‘k’ factors as presented in Table 3-1.

Table 3-2: Calibration Factor [CF] for Aquafin and VMM raingauges
                                                           Calibration Factor,
         Operator          RG Location
                                                       CF [(mm/hr)/(counts/min)]
                      RWZI Kessel-Lo                                0.0600
         Aquafin      Keulenstraat                                  0.1131
                      Hoge Beekstraat                               0.0934
                      Derijcklaan                                   0.0421
                      Oudstrijderslaan                              0.0615
                      Eenmeilaan                                    0.0531
                      Weggevoerdenstraat                            0.1601
         Average                                                    0.0833

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

3.3.4 Data periods
Owing to the rainfall pattern in Belgium, the comparison study is distinguished into two
periods namely summer storm and winter storm periods. Convective rainfall is encountered
in most of the summer storm cases and stratiform rainfall in both summer and winter periods.

For the data of RMI-Wideumont, a collaboration is reached between the RMI and the
Hydraulics Division of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and data of some interesting storm
periods are made available. These periods are named week 1 to week 4 as presented in Table
3-3, weeks 1 and 2 being that of a summer period and weeks 3 and 4 that of a winter period.
The data is hourly accumulation rainfall (mm), the binary file 600x600 with data coded in
single precision float. Matlab algorithms are developed to read, filter and extract the data.

Table 3-3: Data periods of the RMI radar of Wideumont
                      Week        Data Periods
                        1         July 2, 2008 to July 12, 2008
                        2         August 3, 2008 to August 13, 2008
                        3         January 17, 2009 to January 23, 2009
                        4         February 9, 2009 to February 17, 2009

The data extracted from the LAWR-Leuven are counts with time resolution of one minute in
240x240 grids each measuring 125 m by 125 m. The data can be divided on the three periods
as per the setting of signal processing parameter of the LAWR as presented in Table 3-4. For
block 3, the parameters of signal processing were set to neutral; hence these periods are not
taken into consideration. For the LAWR-gauge comparison, the summer period considered
spans from July 2 2008 to September 30 2008, and the winter period from December 1 2008
to March 31 2009. As the CF values presented on Table 3-2 are the result of analysis made on
block 1 (summer period), the work is sought to see performance of these CFs on block 2
(winter period).

Table 3-4: Data periods of the LAWR of Leuven
       Block         Data Periods
          1          July 2, 2008 to October 8 , 2008
          2          October 9 to October 31, 2008 & December 1, 2008 to till now
          3          November 1, 2008 to November 30, 2008 (parameters are set to neutral)

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

3.3.5 LAWR - gauge comparison and merging
The first attempt is to use a constant CF value for all radar pixels. This procedure does not
account for the range dependency of the CF values. The results will be compared with the
case where range dependent CF-values are applied. The range dependent adjustment on CF
values is essential to some extent because of ever increasing height of measurement, beam
broadening and attenuation effect. Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) accounted for a range
dependency of the RMI-Wideumont using a second order polynomial with R/G expressed in
log scale. The same adjustment procedure will be the first trial with R/G (CF) expressed in
linear scale followed by power function as well.

After applying the range dependent CF values (to obtain rainfall rate values), the Mean Field
Bias (MFB) adjustment is applied. In MFB adjustment, it is assumed that the radar estimates
are affected by a uniform multiplicative factor. The factor is determined by gauge-radar
agreement after integration over a space-time window. Although it is a simple adjustment
technique; it can already enhance the quality of rainfall estimate significantly. Goudenhoofdt
and Delobbe (2009) found that the MFB correction reduced the error by 25% compared to
raw radar data. Similar improvements have been observed by Borga (2002). The MFB is
given by:

        ∑F              1    Gi
MFB =               =                                                                     (5)
            N           N        i


N= Number of valid radar-gauge pairs.

Gi, Ri = gauge and radar daily accumulated values associated with gauge i.

The concept of implementing MFB adjustment on the daily accumulated basis rather than
real-time fashion is to avoid additional uncertainty due to time and space mismatching of the
radar and gauge samples at shorter time intervals.

If both daily raingauge accumulation and radar accumulations are greater than 1 mm then
these were considered as “valid pairs”. This ensures that the same data set is used for
comparison. Different authors have used different threshold values for their study.
Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) used a threshold value of 1 mm; the same threshold value
was taken by Delobbe et al. (2008) on daily time scale basis. A threshold value of 0.5 mm

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

was used by Borga (2002). Germann et al. (2006) used 0.3 mm for the evaluation of radar
precipitation estimates in Swiss mountains. Wilson and Brandes (1979) stated, citing their
previous experiences, that if the gauge rainfall is light (<2 mm), it is best not used in an
adjustment procedure. By this, they advised using a threshold value no less than 2 mm on
daily accumulation. For all purposes, the average counts over 9 radar pixels surrounding the
gauge location is used so as to limit the effect of wind drift which can be very significant
(Lack and Fox, 2007). The number of valid pairs influences the index of statistical
parameters. A low threshold value would result in a significant amplification of some of the
statistical parameters, such as the MFB. For example, for gauge and radar pairs of 2 mm and
0.2 mm respectively, MFB will be 10 and this distorts the mean MFB. Applying a threshold
value will exclude such pairs and will counter the problem to some extent.

Also, arithmetic averaging of individual bias to get the MFB value, as suggested by (5),
requires these individual values to follow a normal distribution which is rather unlikely. After
all, the bias is the ratio of the gauge to radar estimates and can be considered as a product of
two stochastic variables, and this always tends to follow a lognormal distribution. Hence, the
distribution of the bias is checked by fitting theoretical distributions (normal, log-normal,
exponential etc.) over the empirical (observed) distribution. The empirical distribution can be
calculated by using one of the most used formulas, the distribution of Hazen (1930), and is
given by:
                                           ( r − 0.5)
Probability of exceedance =                                                                (6)
                                                                  ( n − r + 0.5)
Cumulative probability = 1 - (Probability of exceedance) =                                 (7)
r = rank number of current value in the data set.
n = total number of values in the data set.
In case the individual bias follows a lognormal distribution, equation (5) can be modified as:
             ∑ log( Fi )          1     G    
                                  ∑ log  i   
                                   N      R    
                 N                       i   
MFB = e                       =e                                                            (8)


N= Number of valid radar-gauge pairs.

Gi, Ri = gauge and radar daily accumulated values associated with gauge i.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

It should be noted that the MFB adjustment is applied uniformly over the entire radar range
using a single factor. The MFB attempts to minimize the bias between the gauge and radar
estimates uniformly. The smoothed radar field is then subjected to an additional adjustment,
the Brandes spatial adjustment, hereafter referred to as BRA. The main idea is to use the
correction factors from rain gauge sites to each radar grid (Brandes, 1975). The rain gauges
which are closer to a grid point take higher weight and those lying further take lower weights.
The weight (wi) applied to each gauge calibrated bias (Gi/Ri) for a particular grid point is
given by:

         d2 
wi = exp −
         k                                                                             (9)
            
d = distance between the gauge and the grid point in km.
k = a factor controlling the degree of smoothening and is generally given as an inverse of
mean gauge density (number of gauges divided by total area), denoted by ‘δ’. This is
calculated using a formula used by Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009), and is given by:
k = (2 δ)-1                                                                               (10)

For a network consisting of ‘N’ raingauges, the Brandes spatial adjustment then can be given

          i =1
                 i   (G i / R i )
C BRA =              N
                 i =1

CBRA = Brandes spatial adjustment factor.

In order to evaluate the improvements achieved by each adjustment procedures, comparison
on some goodness-of-fit statistics is made before and after adjustment. Several of these
parameters are found in literature. However, the Root Mean Square Error, Mean Absolute
Error, Relative Fractional Bias and Nash Criterion are used in this study.

The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is one of the most common parameter for verification
studies and is given by:

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling


                  ∑ (R
                  i =1
                              i   − Gi ) 2
RMSE =                                                                                       (12)
Ri, Gi = radar and gauge valid pair values.
N = number of valid pairs.

The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is another parameter used for goodness of fit statistics and
is given by:

           ∑ (R
           i =1
                         i   − Gi )
MAE =                                                                                        (13)
Ri, Gi = radar and gauge valid pair values.
N = number of valid pairs.

Similarly, the Relative Fractional Bias (RFB) accounts for the bias of radar estimated to
gauge value in a relative manner. It is similar to the term Average Difference (AD) used by
some researchers (e.g. Vieux and Vieux, (2005), Wilson and Brandes (1979) etc.) where they
used absolute values and expressed them in percentage. It is given by:
           Ri − Gi
RFB =                                                                                        (14)
Ri, Gi = radar and gauge valid pair values.

However the RFB is sensitive to small values. For example, if the radar estimate for a gauge
value of 0.5 mm is 1.0 mm, then the RFB will be 100% though the absolute difference on the
pair is only 0.5 mm. Hence, the RFB is calculated with cumulative rainfall volumes.

The Nash Criterion evaluated through the Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency (NSE), is usually used to
assess the predictive power of hydrological models (Nash et al., 1970), but adapted for this
case as;

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling


        ∑ (G
        i =1
               i   − Ri ) 2
E =1−      n          −
        ∑ (G
        i −1
               i   − G)   2

E = Nash Criterion value.
Gi, Ri = instantaneous gauge and radar values.
The rainfall events can be assumed fairly independent to each-other and hence the Nash
Criterion can be used to evaluate how well radar estimates match with gauge values.

3.3.6 RMI Wideumont estimates and gauge comparison and merging
Regarding the data of the RMI-Wideumont, rainfall volumes can be directly extracted. A
threshold value of 1 mm is taken for this case as well. Similar goodness-of-fit statistics
(Equations 12 to 15) are used to evaluate the accuracy of the radar data. The raw radar
estimates are smoothed by firstly applying the MFB and then the BRA adjustment. While
doing so, weeks 1 and 2 have been merged in to one period, as they are both summer periods,
and same for the weeks 3 and 4, both being winter periods.

3.4 Hydrological modelling
3.4.1 The catchment Choice of catchment
Several criteria influence the selection of a suitable watershed for radar hydrology research.
The most obvious requirements are complete areal coverage of the catchment by the radar,
and the availability of stream gauge data. For this case, the choice of the catchment is limited
by the fact that the LAWR of Leuven is capable of giving quantitative estimates up to a
radius of 15 km only. Another fact associated with LAWR is that the Zaventem airport
authorities do not allow transmission in the sector indicated by the light blue sector in Figure
3-3. Due to these constraints the catchment named Molenbeek/Parkbeek, having area of
48.17 km2, has been selected. This choice is also favoured by the absence of heavy clutters as
can be seen from the study of Goormans et al. (2008). The catchment contains two rain
gauges; one is operated by the RMI (Korbeek-Lo) and the other by the VMM (Derijcklaan).
The selected catchment falls within 240 km range of RMI radar of Wideumont. The
catchment, along with raingauges, the LAWR and water courses, is shown in Figure 3-4.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

 Figure 3-3: Catchment under consideration with position of LAWR (star), radar beam blockage
   sector (blue shade), rain gauges (dots-the VMM and Aquafin TBRs; triangles-the RMI non-
 recording gauges), water courses (blue lines) and circles - distances of 5, 10 and 15 km from the
                                              LAWR Catchment geomorphology
The catchment has a temperate climate, is relatively flat, primarily composed of sandy soils
with high hydraulic conductivity, and hence intensively drained. The Digital Elevation Model
(DEM) of the catchment is shown in Figure 3-4. The elevation ranges from 22 m to 117 m
above mean sea level, with a mean elevation of 59.19 m. Almost 90% of the area has an
elevation less than 78 m. The land use of the catchment is dominated by agricultural land.
Around 53% of the area is used for agricultural activities, 33% of the area has a mixed type
of forest, 13% of the area is urbanised and less than 1% consists of water bodies. Primarily,
the soil types of the catchment can be classified into three groups, namely sand, land-dune
and clay. The sandy soil is the dominant one as it covers almost 70% of the area. Around
28% of the area is covered by land-dune and the remaining 2% by clay.

Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling

The catchment experiences around 800 mm of yearly precipitation, which is evenly
distributed throughout the winter and summer months. The average daily temperature ranges
from 4 degrees centigrade in winter to 22 degrees centigrade in summer. These data are based
on the data available on the HydroNet (2009) website (

                  Figure 3-4: The DEM map of catchment with stream network Input meteorological series
Both the VHM and the NAM require rainfall, temperature, potential evapotranspiration and
observed discharge series as input. The rainfall series are obtained through the raingauge
network of the VMM and RMI as one VMM rain gauges. Their weight is calculated using the
Thiessen Polygon method. As the VMM rain gauge’s time resolution is 10 minutes, the data
are aggregated to the hourly aggregation level and corrected with the ‘k’ factor as presented
in Table 3-1. The RMI rain gauge produces only daily rainfall series from 8 AM to 8 AM
local time hence this series is converted to hourly series using its nearest neighbouring station
applying a correction factor for daily accumulated rainfall volume. In doing so, the VMM
rain gauge Derijcklaan is taken as the neighbouring station and its temporal variation is
considered and corrected by a factor. The factor is obtained by dividing the daily
accumulated rainfall volume of the Korbeek-Lo to the Derijcklaan.
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling
Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling

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Radar Rainfall Estimation Boosts River Modelling

  • 1. Radar Based Rainfall Estimation for River Catchment Modeling Promotor: Prof. P. Willems Advisor: T. Goormans Master dissertation in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering by: Shrestha Narayan Kumar September 2009 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium
  • 2. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Acknowledgement First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my promoter Prof. dr. ir. Patrick Willems for valuable suggestions and guidance right from the beginning. His constant encouragement has been the key for successful completion of this thesis. I would also like to thank my advisor ir. Toon Goormans; with whom I had so many interesting discussions and made me comfortable during field visits too. He read this thesis from beginning to end and offered many valuable comments. From a practical standpoint, the thesis would not have been possible without the collaboration of the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) of Belgium who provided the radar data of the Wideumont station and the raingauge data as well. I would also like to express gratitude to the resource people from the RMI for their technical support and guidance, in particular Dr. ir. Laurent Delobbe and ir. Edouard Goudenhoofdt. Also, I would like to thank the Flemish water company Aquafin and the Flemish Environment Society for providing the raingauge series. Special thanks go to VLIR-UOS for providing the scholarship for this Inter-University Program in Water Resource Engineering (IUPWARE) 2007-2009 session and Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven and Vrije Universiteit Brussel for providing the platform. On a more personal note, I would like to thank my wife Sabi Shrestha for her constant support and her love as well as my family for their support for me from day one. Finally, the author would like to thank all those in IUPWARE 2007-2009 for being like a family, contribute to the success of the thesis to great extent. i
  • 3. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Table of Contents Acknowledgement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i Table of Contents --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii List of Figures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vi List of Tables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------viii List of Acronyms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix Abstract -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------- 1 1.1 Problem definition ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 Motivation of the study ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 1.3 Thesis aims and objectives-------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1.4 Thesis outline ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ---------------------------------------- 4 2.1 Rainfall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 2.2 Rainfall measurement-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 2.2.1 Rain gauges -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 2.2.2 Weather radars ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 The RMI weather radar at Wideumont------------------------------------------- 6 Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) of Leuven -------------------------------- 8 Uncertainty associated with radar estimates -----------------------------------10 Radar-gauge merging techniques ------------------------------------------------12 2.3 Hydrological modelling ----------------------------------------------------------------------13 2.3.1 The VHM Model ------------------------------------------------------------------------14 Model structure ---------------------------------------------------------------------15 Model parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------16 Model calibration ------------------------------------------------------------------17 2.3.2 The NAM model -------------------------------------------------------------------------17 ii
  • 4. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Model structure ---------------------------------------------------------------------17 Model parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------18 Model calibration ------------------------------------------------------------------19 2.4 Significance of spatial variability of rainfall and basin response ----------------------20 2.5 Similar past studies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------21 2.5.1 Radar-gauge comparison and merging -----------------------------------------------21 2.5.2 Stream flow simulation using radar data ---------------------------------------------22 CHAPTER 3: APPLICATION -------------------------------------------------- 23 3.1 Methodology -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 3.2 Study area --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 3.3 Radar-gauge comparison and merging -----------------------------------------------------25 3.3.1 The raingauge network------------------------------------------------------------------25 3.3.2 Correcting raingauge measurements --------------------------------------------------25 3.3.3 Conversion of radar records to rainfall rates -----------------------------------------26 3.3.4 Data periods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 3.3.5 LAWR - gauge comparison and merging --------------------------------------------28 3.3.6 RMI Wideumont estimates and gauge comparison and merging -----------------32 3.4 Hydrological modelling ----------------------------------------------------------------------32 3.4.1 The catchment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------32 Choice of catchment ---------------------------------------------------------------32 Catchment geomorphology -------------------------------------------------------33 Input meteorological series -------------------------------------------------------34 3.4.2 Catchment modelling with VHM------------------------------------------------------35 3.4.3 Catchment modelling with NAM------------------------------------------------------36 3.4.4 Performance evaluation of the model results ----------------------------------------36 3.4.5 The significance of spatial data --------------------------------------------------------38 Quantifying rainfall variability ---------------------------------------------------38 iii
  • 5. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Basin response ----------------------------------------------------------------------39 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ------------------------------- 41 4.1 LAWR estimates − gauge comparison and merging -------------------------------------41 4.1.1 Using an average value of CF----------------------------------------------------------41 4.1.2 Range dependent adjustment on CF --------------------------------------------------42 4.1.3 Statistical analysis on range dependent adjustment ---------------------------------43 4.1.4 Mean field bias adjustment -------------------------------------------------------------46 Brandes spatial adjustment -------------------------------------------------------48 Statistical analysis on the MFB and BRA adjustment ------------------------48 4.2 RMI Wideumont estimates − gauge comparison and merging -------------------------50 4.2.1 MFB adjustment -------------------------------------------------------------------------50 4.2.2 Brandes spatial adjustment -------------------------------------------------------------51 4.2.3 Statistical analysis on the MFB and BRA adjustment ------------------------------51 4.3 Comparison of LAWR-Leuven and RMI-Wideumont estimates ----------------------52 4.4 Catchment modelling -------------------------------------------------------------------------53 4.4.1 Catchment modelling with VHM------------------------------------------------------53 4.4.2 Catchment modelling with NAM------------------------------------------------------54 4.4.3 Model performance evaluation --------------------------------------------------------55 4.5 The significance of spatial data -------------------------------------------------------------60 4.5.1 Rainfall spatial variability --------------------------------------------------------------60 4.5.2 Basin response ---------------------------------------------------------------------------60 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS ------------------------------------------------- 69 5.1 Comparing and merging of radar − gauge estimates -------------------------------------69 5.2 Hydrological modelling ----------------------------------------------------------------------70 5.3 Limitation and future perspectives----------------------------------------------------------71 CHAPTER 6: REFERENCES --------------------------------------------------- 72 CHAPTER 7: ANNEXES--------------------------------------------------------- 78 iv
  • 6. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling A-1: Prior time series processing results -----------------------------------------------------------78 A-2: Model results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------79 A-3: Rainfall series (in terms of Pref) for selected storm events --------------------------------82 A-4: Accumulated rainfall over radar pixels for selected storm events -----------------------84 A-5: LAWR-Leuven simulated results -------------------------------------------------------------86 v
  • 7. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling List of Figures Figure 2-1: Different types of weather radars and their aspects (Einfalt et al., 2004) --------------------- 6 Figure 2-2: Simplified sketch of beam cut-off ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Figure 2-3: Influence of choice of Z-R relationship on rainfall rates (Einfalt et al., 2004) -------------- 11 Figure 2-4: Errors related to height of the measurement (Delobbe, 2007) --------------------------------- 11 Figure 2-5: Some typical vertical profile of reflectivity (Delobbe, 2007) ---------------------------------- 12 Figure 2-6: General lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff model structure (Willems, 2000)--------------- 14 Figure 2-7: Steps in the VHM structure identification and calibration procedure ------------------------ 15 Figure 2-8: The NAM structure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Figure 3-1: Belgium (light green), the RMI-Wideumont radar (black star), the LAWR-Leuven (red star) and the catchment (dark green). Black arcs indicate the distance to the RMI-Wideumont, with an increment of 60 km. The red circle shows 15 distance to the LAWR-Leuven ------------ 24 Figure 3-2: The study area with the location of 12 gauges (red dots: Aquafin &VMM; black triangles: RMI), the LAWR (yellow star), catchment (dark green polygon) and part of the Walloon region (light green polygon). Circles indicate the distance to the LAWR, with increment of 5 km ----- 24 Figure 3-3: Catchment under consideration with position of LAWR (star), radar beam blockage sector (blue shade), rain gauges (dots-the VMM and Aquafin TBRs; triangles-the RMI non-recording gauges), water courses (blue lines) and circles - distances of 5, 10 and 15 km from the LAWR 33 Figure 3-4: The DEM map of catchment with stream network ---------------------------------------------- 34 Figure 4-1: Evolution of RFB with range (using constant CF on the LAWR estimates) ---------------- 41 Figure 4-2: Plot of CF as a function of distance to the LAWR, each point representing a TBR (Aquafin &VMM) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 Figure 4-3: Evolution of RFB with range (using range dependent CF on the LAWR-Leuven estimates) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 Figure 4-4: Scatter plot of daily accumulated radar-gauge valid pairs for summer storm using constant value of CF and CF after range dependent adjustment on the LAWR-Leuven estimates --------- 45 Figure 4-5: Cumulative rainfall plot of radar and gauge records for the winter and summer periods of the LAWR estimates after range dependent correction on CF----------------------------------------- 46 Figure 4-6: Frequency distribution of field bias of valid gauge-radar (LAWR) pairs -------------------- 47 Figure 4-7: Probability distribution of field bias of valid gauge-radar (LAWR) pairs ------------------- 47 Figure 4-8: Evolution of different statistical values with different adjustments on the LAWR-Leuven estimates; [a]-summer period and [b]-winter period ---------------------------------------------------- 49 Figure 4-9: Scatter plot of radar-gauge daily accumulated estimates for week 1 & 2 before [a] and after [b] MFB correction on the RMI-Wideumont estimates ------------------------------------------ 50 Figure 4-10: Scatter plot of radar-gauge daily accumulated estimates for week 3 & 4 before [a] and after [b] MFB correction on the RMI Wideumont estimates ------------------------------------------ 51 vi
  • 8. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Figure 4-11: LAWR-Leuven and RMI-Wideumont daily accumulated estimates comparison plot for summer weeks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 Figure 4-12: LAWR-Leuven and RMI-Wideumont daily accumulated estimates comparison plot for winter weeks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 Figure 4-13: Graphical comparison of nearly independent peak flow maxima ---------------------------- 57 Figure 4-14: Graphical comparison of nearly independent slow flow minima ---------------------------- 58 Figure 4-15: Graphical comparison of peak flow empirical extreme value distributions ---------------- 58 Figure 4-16: Graphical comparison of low flow empirical extreme value distributions ----------------- 59 Figure 4-17: Graphical comparison of cumulative flow volumes ------------------------------------------- 59 Figure 4-18: NSEobs for different rainfall descriptors and for different storm events ------------------- 61 Figure 4-19: Observed and simulated flows derived from different rainfall descriptors ----------------- 65 Figure 4-20: Observed and simulated flows derived from different rainfall descriptors ----------------- 66 Figure 4-21: Plot of SDIR and NSEref for both the VHM and NAM -------------------------------------- 67 Figure A-1: Baseflow filter results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78 Figure A-2: Interflow filter results-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78 Figure A-3: Observed and NAM simulated hydrograph for the calibration period (3/1/2006- 2/28/2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79 Figure A-4: Cumulative observed and NAM simulated discharge for calibration period (3/1/2006- 2/28/2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79 Figure A-5: Observed and NAM simulated hydrograph for the validation period (1/1/2004- 12/31/2005) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 Figure A-6: Observed and VHM simulated hydrograph for the calibration period (3/1/2006- 2/28/2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 Figure A-7: Cumulative observed and VHM simulated discharge for the calibration period (3/1/2006- 2/28/2009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 Figure A-8: Reference rainfall evolution for storm event-1 -------------------------------------------------- 82 Figure A-9: Reference rainfall evolution for storm event-2 -------------------------------------------------- 82 Figure A-10: Reference rainfall evolution for storm event-3 ------------------------------------------------- 83 Figure A-11: Reference rainfall evolution for storm event-4 ------------------------------------------------- 83 Figure A-12: Accumulated rainfall for storm event -1 (RMI pixels), north is upward ------------------- 84 Figure A-13 : Accumulated rainfall storm event-1 (LAWR pixels), north is upward -------------------- 84 Figure A-14: Accumulated rainfall for storm event -3 (RMI pixels), north is upward ------------------- 85 Figure A-15: Accumulated rainfall storm event-3 (LAWR pixels), north is upward --------------------- 85 Figure A-16: LAWR-Leuven VHM simulated river discharge for the period of 7/2/2008 to 9/30/2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 Figure A-17: LAWR-Leuven NAM simulated river discharge for the period of 12/1/2008 to 2/28/2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 86 vii
  • 9. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling List of Tables Table 2-1: Some characteristics of the Wideumont radar ------------------------------------------------------ 7 Table 2-2: Some characteristics of the LAWR-Leuven ------------------------------------------------------- 10 Table 3-1: Correction Factors [k] for the Aquafin and VMM raingauges ---------------------------------- 25 Table 3-2: Calibration Factor [CF] for Aquafin and VMM raingauges------------------------------------- 26 Table 3-3: Data periods of the RMI radar of Wideumont ----------------------------------------------------- 27 Table 3-4: Data periods of the LAWR of Leuven -------------------------------------------------------------- 27 Table 3-5: Selected storm events; LT means Local Time ---------------------------------------------------- 38 Table 4-1: Some statistical parameter values before and after range dependent adjustment on the LAWR estimates. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 Table 4-2: Some statistical parameter values before and after MFB and BRA adjustment on the LAWR estimates for both summer and winter periods; RAW stands for the LAWR estimates using constant CF values, RDA(LAWR estimates after range dependency adjustment on CF) - 48 Table 4-3: Some statistical parameter values before and after MFB adjustment on the RMI Wideumont radar estimates, RAW stands for original RMI-Wideumont estimates --------------- 52 Table 4-4: The calibrated VHM parameters with their short description ----------------------------------- 54 Table 4-5: The calibrated NAM parameters with their short description ----------------------------------- 55 Table 4-6: Some goodness-of-fit-statistics ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Table 4-7: Rainfall spatial variability measured in terms of SDIR for the different rainfall descriptors and for selected events --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 Table 4-8: Results in terms of NSEobs for the different rainfall descriptors and for different storm events ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 Table 4-9: Results in terms of NSEref for the different rainfall descriptors------------------------------- 63 viii
  • 10. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling List of Acronyms AD Average Difference BC Box-Cox Transformation BRA Brandes spatial adjustment CF Calibration Factor DEM Digital Elevation Model DHI Danish Hydrological Institute DMI Danish Meteorological Institute IUPWARE Inter-University Program in Water Resource Engineering KMI Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut LAWR Local Area Weather Radar MAE Mean Absolute Error MFB Mean Field Bias NAM Nedbør-Afstrømnings-Model (Rainfall-Runoff Model) NSE Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency POT Peak Over Threshold RFB Relative Field Bias RMI Royal Meteorological Institute RMSE Root Mean Square Error SDIR Reference Spatial Deviation Index SWAT Soil & Water Assessment Tool VHM Veralgemeend conceptueel Hydrologisch Model (Generalized lumped conceptual and parsimonious model structure-identification and calibration) VLIR Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad VMM Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (Flemish Environment Agency) VPR Vertical profile of reflectivity WETSPRO Water Engineering Time Series PROcessing tool ix
  • 11. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Abstract This paper discusses the first hydro-meteorological potential of the X-band Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR), installed in the densely populated city centre of Leuven (Belgium). Adjustments are applied to raw radar data using gauge readings from a raingauge network of 12 raingauges. The significance of spatial rainfall information on hydrological responses is investigated in the 48.17 km2 Molenbeek- Parkbeek catchment, south of Leuven. For this, two lumped conceptual models, the VHM and the NAM, are calibrated with reference rainfall (Pref) − a rainfall representation defined by raingauges which are inside the catchment. Three alternative rainfall descriptors are derived, namely the RG1 (single raingauge for the whole catchment taking a gauge which is approximately at the centroid of the catchment), the LAWR estimates and the estimates from a C-band weather radar installed by the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) at Wideumont (Belgium). An index, reference spatial deviation index (SDIR) is defined based on the difference between Pref and the alternative rainfall descriptors. A modified Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency (NSEref) is used to evaluate the performance of simulated runoff with respect to reference simulated runoff – runoff derived by reference rainfall. Range dependent adjustment is applied on the LAWR data combining a power and second degree polynomial function. C-band RMI estimates tend to overestimate summer storms and strongly underestimate winter storms. The mean field bias correction followed by Brandes spatial adjustment improved the radar estimates to a great extent. After adjustments, the mean absolute error is found to decrease by 47% and the mean absolute error by 45% compared to the original radar estimates. Still, the gauge-radar residuals even after adjustments are found to be not negligible. No large differences in streamflow simulation capability of the two types of models can be distinguished. Runoff simulations based on the RG1 rainfall descriptor are almost as accurate as those based on Pref. Using radar estimated rainfall for runoff simulations showed lower performance compared to both Pref as well as RG1 indicating that the catchment is less sensitive to spatial rainfall variability and/or the accuracy of radar based rainfall estimates is low. Runoff peaks for summer and extreme events are underestimated due to high damping and filtering effects of the catchment or more obviously, due to the localized summer rainfall events. More uniform storms are simulated with more or less the same accuracy for all rainfall descriptors. An inverse correlation between SDIR and NSEref is observed. An SDIR of more than 10% affected the hydrograph reproduction indicating that the catchment requires more robust areal rainfall estimation. Key words: Weather radar; Runoff; Lumped conceptual model; Spatial rainfall variability. x
  • 12. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem definition Rainfall is the driving force for the hydrologic cycle, a physical phenomenon which controls the terrestrial water supplies. Its nature and characteristics are important to conceptualize and predict its effect on runoff, infiltration, evapotranspiration and water yield. For most of the simulation models, it is primary input, often considered spatially uniform over the catchment which is actually not usually the case. Rather, it is highly variable in both space and time. During a storm, rainfall may vary by tens of millimetres per hour from minute to minute and over distances of only a few tens of metres (Austin et al., 2002). Hence the assumption of uniform rainfall leads to a major uncertainty in simulated events (Willems, 2001). Also, it can be observed that hydrologists have traditionally paid much more attention to the development of more sophisticated rainfall-runoff models or the local models to suit the local conditions than to the development of improved techniques for the measurement and prediction of the space-time variability of rainfall. This is to be deplored, since rainfall is the driving source of water behind most of the inland hydrological processes (Berne et al., 2005). So, better understanding on the rainfall input to the hydrological modelling is required to acquire more robust and accurate hydrological simulation. Hence, it demands a dense rain gauge observation network to cover this spatial variability, which is difficult to install and maintain, making it an undesirable solution (Wilson and Brandes, 1979). Weather radars, which are capable of providing continuous spatial measurements which are immediately available, are increasingly being used as an alternative. For the showery rain at least, the advantage of using radar derived rainfall to raingauge is expected to be obvious. One particular storm which caused severe flooding at some location might not have passed over the raingauges and can not be reflected in basin response through a hydrological model. The weather radar can detect rainfall events to over one hundred kilometres from the radar site. Also, it is an inherent property of radar measurements that the uncertainty on measurements increases as the rainfall intensity increases (Einfalt et al., 2004). These uncertainties should be minimized before using them as input to simulation models by using adjustment techniques (Wilson and Brandes, 1979). Hence, merging of both forms of rainfall estimates is advised. There have been a range of methods to merge the radar and raingauge data for better 1
  • 13. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling estimates of rain gauges; from simple merging methods to sophisticated spatial methods. Many researchers have carried out rigorous study on the evaluation of these merging methods (e.g. Delobbe et al. (2008); Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009)) and found that raw radar data can be greatly enhanced. However, radar-gauge residuals, even after adjustment are not always negligible (Borga, 2002). So, both measurement devices are complementary; concurrent use of both can provide better estimates of rainfall (Einfalt et al., 2004). The importance of considering the spatial distribution of rainfall for process-oriented hydrological modelling is well-known. However, the application of rainfall radar data to provide such detailed spatial resolution is still under debate (Tetzlaff and Uhlenbrook, 2005) and is the subject of ongoing research. A network of rain gauges can provide more accurate point-wise measurements but the spatial representation is limited (Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe, 2009) but should be supported by quite a dense raingauge network. In this study, emphasis is made to use the relatively new Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) of Leuven, Belgium for its first stream flow modelling. The raingauge network will serve as ground truth data and hence serves as validation source as well as basis for correction on the radar estimates. Data from the radar of the Royal Metrological Institute (RMI) − in Dutch: Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut (KMI) − located at Wideumont is also used to check the importance of the spatial variability of rainfall information on the catchment under consideration. Two lumped conceptual runoff models, the VHM (Veralgemeend conceptueel Hydrologisch Model) and the NAM (Nedbør-Afstrømnings-Model), are used for this propose. 1.2 Motivation of the study The hydro-meteorological potential of the weather radars has already been explored by many researchers and interest in this subject is growing because of their capability of spatial coverage to finer resolutions which are impossible to obtain with a raingauge network. The C-band weather radar installed by the RMI at Wideumont has already been used for hydrological modelling. But the LAWR-Leuven, installed by the Flemish water company Aquafin, has rarely been used for such propose. Hence, a research has to be performed to evaluate the performance of the LAWR- Leuven for catchment modelling. In this study, a catchment named Molenbeek/Parkbeek, south of the Leuven is chosen for this propose. Using 2
  • 14. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling both the RMI-Wideumont and the LAWR-Leuven for stream flow simulation would lead to assess the significance of spatial resolution of the two different weather radars. 1.3 Thesis aims and objectives For this thesis, data are available from a raingauge network and two different types of radars, all providing rainfall information for the Molenbeek/Parkbeek catchment, south of Leuven, Belgium, and this leads to the following objectives: To compare rainfall information from three sets of data; the raingauges, the C- and X- band weather radars and hence quantifying the accuracy of radar estimates. To test procedures for merging the radar-gauge estimates for better rainfall estimation. To investigate the significance of spatial rainfall information by using the above stated rainfall information on hydrological modelling. To provide recommendations on spatial resolution requirements of rainfall information for the particular catchment. 1.4 Thesis outline Chapter 1 gives the general problem definition, motivation for the study, the aims and objectives of the thesis. Chapter 2 gives the relevant literature review including the different rainfall descriptors, the models used for simulating the basin response and similar previous studies. Chapter 3 describes the methodology of the thesis in general and gives a description of the study area, the rain gauge network and the radars that are used and the data periods. Also, different comparison as well as adjustment methodologies, modelling methodologies and different statistical tools used for the study are explained. Chapter 4 discusses the results. Chapter 5 covers the conclusions and recommendations for further researchers and the limitation of different approaches used in the study as well. Apart from this the thesis also contains an appendix and list of references used. 3
  • 15. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Rainfall Rainfall is one of the many forms of precipitation and a major component of the hydrological cycle. It is the driving force of water for most of the terrestrial hydrological process (Berne et al., 2005). The rainfall must satisfy the intermediate demand of evapotranspiration, infiltration and surface storage before it results in runoff. In hydrological modelling, it is the primary input (Segond et al., 2007; Velasco-Forero et. al., 2008). Rainfall can be mainly divided into stratiform and convective rainfall. Stratiform rainfall essentially results from stratiform clouds, has small drops and uniform spatial and temporal gradients. Convective storms on other hand are generally more intense and consist of larger drops. They are characterised by large temporal and spatial gradients. 2.2 Rainfall measurement Rain gauges and weather radars are the two sensors that are most widely used in rainfall measurement (Velasco-Forero et. al., 2008). 2.2.1 Rain gauges The most common device that is being used for rainfall measurement is a rain gauge. Because of its simple working principle, the tipping bucket rain gauges (TBRs) are widely used in recent time though there are modern techniques coming up as well. The total amount of rainfall over a given period is expressed as the depth of water which would cover a horizontal area if there is no runoff, infiltration or evaporation. This depth is generally expressed in millimetres and is the rainfall depth (FAO irrigation and Drainage Paper 27, 1998). Rain gauge measurements, although representing only point rainfall, are very often considered the “true” rainfall although there are some errors still associated with it. During tipping motion of the bucket, water continues to flow through the funnel which is not taken into consideration, resulting in an underestimation of the rainfall rate (Goormans and Willems, 2008). Thus a dynamic calibration procedure should be applied. This procedure is well defined by Luyckx and Berlamont (2001). Vasvari (2007) applied the same procedure on several rain gauges in the city of Graz, Austria and found that not all of them are underestimating. Several rain gauges had a positive relative deviation; some up to 22%, in the 4
  • 16. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling low intensity range up to 0.5 mm/min. He ascribed this phenomenon by the retention of water in the buckets between tips. But for higher intensities, the study showed a clear underestimation. Another error associated with rain gauge measurement is due to wind effects. FAO irrigation and Drainage Paper 27, Annex 2 (1998) states that wind errors are a major error which can be very large, even more than 50%. Hence, local wind shelter influences should also be considered. Goormans and Willems (2008) studied several raingauges around the city of Leuven, Belgium and found that the wind effects underestimated the long term rainfall accumulation depth by a factor as high as 1.32. These two forms of errors that are always associated with rain gauges should be considered because rain gauge based estimates of rainfall are generally used for validation of radar-based rainfall quantities and will affect final radar performance. 2.2.2 Weather radars Rain gauges are reliable instruments for which hydrologists can rely on at least for point measurement (Moreau et al., 2009) but rainfall can vary both in space and time which is not really captured by the rain gauges. Thus, there have been considerable interests in utilizing the weather radar, since it provides spatially and temporally continuous measurements that are immediately available at the radar site (Wilson and Brandes, 1979, Einfalt et al., 2004). But the inherent feature of weather radars are that they did not measure rainfall directly but rather the back scattered energy from precipitation particles from elevated volumes and an algorithm should be developed and calibrated against the raingauge network. Wilson and Brandes (1979) and Einfalt et al. (2004) describe the methodology of using weather radars in quantitative precipitation estimates and the potential error sources. The first study also focuses on the methodologies on radar-gauge comparisons and adjustments. The second one gives a clear outline of requirements for weather radars, examples of good and bad practices more in terms of online and offline applications of weather radar. Mostly three types of weather radars are used in hydrometeorology - the S-band, the C-band and the X-band radars. Their relative advantages and disadvantages are given in Figure 2-1. 5
  • 17. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Figure 2-1: Different types of weather radars and their aspects (Einfalt et al., 2004) The difference is in the wavelength of the emitted electromagnetic waves. The S-band radars have the longest wavelength while the X-band radars have the shortest. Using a larger wavelength for radar measurement would certainly enhance the usable range but problems arise from radar beam interaction with ground. The shorter wave length radars, although having fine spatial resolution, suffer from attenuation significantly (Einfalt et al. 2004). The RMI weather radar at Wideumont The RMI of Belgium operates C-band radar located in Wideumont, in the south of Belgium. The radar performs a volume scan every 5 minutes with reflectivity measurements up to 240 km. A Doppler scan with radial velocity measurements up to 240 km is performed every 15 minutes (RMI, 2009). The 5 minute radar data are summed up to produce 1h and 24h precipitation accumulation products. The radar is equipped with a linear receiver and the reflectivity factors are converted to precipitation rates using the Marshall-Palmer (1948) relation with ‘a’ and ‘b’ values being 200 and 1.6 respectively. A time domain Doppler filtering is applied which removes the ground clutter. An additional treatment is applied to the volume reflectivity file to eliminate residual permanent ground clutter caused by surrounding hills. Reflectivity data contaminated by permanent ground clutter are replaced by data collected at higher elevation. A Pseudo-Cappi image at 1500 m is calculated from the volume data. An advection procedure has also been applied to correct the effect of time sampling interval on accumulation maps (Delobbe et al. 2006). Characteristics: Some relevant characteristics of the C-Band Doppler radar located at Wideumont are presented in Table 2-1 (Berne et al. 2005). 6
  • 18. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Table 2-1: Some characteristics of the Wideumont radar Property Value Location Wideumont , Belgium Operational since October 2001 Type of radar Gematronik pulse Doppler Frequency/wavelength C-band (5.64GHz/5.32 cm) Mean transmit power 250 W Height of tower base 535 m (above mean sea level) Height of tower 50 m Height of antenna 585 m (above mean sea level) Antenna diameter 4.2 m Radome diameter 6.7 m Elevations 0.5°, 1.2°, 1.9°, 2.6°, 3.3°, 4.0°, 4.9°, 6.5°, 9.4°, 17.5° Maximum range reflectivity processing 240 km Time interval precipitation products 5 min. Working principle: Radars do not measure rainfall directly but rather the back scattered energy from precipitation particles from elevated volumes. The received energy from the precipitation particles is given by: C K2 Z Pr = (1) r2 With, C = radar constant K = imaginary dielectric constant r = range of the target Z = radar reflectivity The radar reflectivity, Z (mm6/m3), is proportional to the summation of the sixth power of particle diameters (Di6) in a unit volume illuminated by the radar beam; and is defined as: Z = ∑ N i Di = ∫ N ( D) D 6 dD 6 (2) Where, Ni= number of drops per unit volume with diameter Di N(D) = number of drops with diameters between D and D+dD in a unit volume. 7
  • 19. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling The rainfall rate (R) can be related to N(D) by the following equation if no vertical air motion is assumed. π 6∫ R= N ( D ) D 3 Vt ( D ) dD (3) Where, Vt(D)= drop terminal velocity of a drop diameter D which is also a function of D. But the problem is that both Z and R are functions of the drop size distribution which is unknown and hence using an empirical Z-R relationship is imminent which is usually in the exponential form such as: Z = a Rb (4) with a and b being constants. It is worth noting that the Equation (4) itself can be regarded as semi-empirical as it has been derived assuming empirical relationships for Vt(D) and N(D). Some currently used Z-R relationships as depicted in Einfalt et al. (2004) are as follows; Z = 200 R1.6 , suitable for stratiform events also known as the Marshall and Palmer (1948) relationship. Z = 250 R1.2 , suitable for tropical climates. Z = 300 R1.4 , suitable for convective events. Limitation of the above stated relationships should be clear due to the fact that there can not be null vertical air motion such as the case of a thunderstorm. Also, the drop size distribution is rarely known and it varies in space and time (Wilson and Brandes, 1979). Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) of Leuven Outcome of a project ‘development of a system for short-time prediction of rainfall’, the Danish Hydrological Institute (DHI) together with the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) developed a cost effective X-band radar called LAWR (DHI Website, 2009). It is based on X-band marine radar technology and emits only a tenth (25 kW) of the power emitted from conventional weather radars (250 kW) and is capable to penetrate high intensity rainfall. From this, DHI also developed a smaller version of the LAWR, the so-called City LAWR. Important feature of the City LAWR is that it has a compact antenna (diameter of 65 cm) and 8
  • 20. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling total weight of only 8 kg, which makes it fairly easy to install. It has a horizontal opening angle of 3.9° making quantitative precipitation estimation possible up to a distance of 15 km from the radar site (Goormans et al., 2008). But, the large vertical opening angle of 20° makes it susceptible to direct ground reflection. In an ongoing research project of the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven for the Flemish water company Aquafin, a City LAWR is installed in the densely populated city centre of Leuven. Based on quite rigorous clutter tests, the city LAWR is installed on the roof of the Provinciehuis building – the main office of the province of Flemish Brabant. This location produced acceptable amounts of clutter, mainly due to a pit wall which cuts off the lower part of the beam (Goormans et al., 2008). The simplified sketch of this beam cut-off is shown in Figure 2-2. From here on, the City LAWR will be referred to as the LAWR. Figure 2-2: Simplified sketch of beam cut-off Characteristics: Some relevant characteristics of X-Band LAWR located at Leuven are presented in Table 2-2. Working Principle: Contrary to conventional weather radars like C-band weather radars, which are equipped with a linear receiver, the LAWR has a logarithmic receiver. This suggests that the conventional transformation from reflectivity to rainfall rate should be linear. A relationship between the ‘count’ (representation of back scattered energy) and the rainfall rate recorded at ground level has to be established. According to the manufacturer and as confirmed by some studies, (e.g. Rollenbeck and Bendix, 2006), a linear relationship 9
  • 21. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling between ‘counts’ recorded and ground rainfall rate exists. The conversion factor which converts radar records to rainfall rate can be termed as Calibration Factor (CF). Table 2-2: Some characteristics of the LAWR-Leuven Property Value Location Leuven, Belgium Operational since July 2008 Frequency X-band (9410±30GHz) Peak output power 4 kW Height of tower (Building) 48 m Antenna type Hybrid array Antenna diameter 55cm Horizontal beam opening 3.9° Vertical beam opening 20° Rotation speed 24 rpm Time interval precipitation products 1 min Uncertainty associated with radar estimates As the weather radar does not measure rainfall rates directly, it is prone to errors from different sources. Wilson and Brandes (1979) stated three major sources of errors associated with radar estimates. These are: Variations in the relationship between the backscattered energy and rainfall rates. Changes in precipitation forms before reaching the ground. Anomalous propagation of beams. Some other researchers describe similar error sources. Delobbe (2007) mentioned mainly three sources of errors: Erroneous Z-R relationship: It is the basic error source that can greatly affects the final radar estimates. The plot of reflectivity (Z, in dbZ) and rainfall rate (mm/hr) can be seen in Figure 2-3. It can be seen that the most important differences exist for higher rainfall intensities and the higher intensities are of importance while dealing with flood warnings and urban hydrology applications. 10
  • 22. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Figure 2-3: Influence of choice of Z-R relationship on rainfall rates (Einfalt et al., 2004) Errors related to the height of the measurements: The errors related to the height of the measurement might be significant while dealing with areas located at larger ranges. The height of the radar beam increases with the range increases leading to following erroneous phenomena: (1) Evaporation (2) Growth (3) Partial beam filling (4) Overshooting These four phenomena can be seen schematically in the Figure 2-4 and it is obvious they can greatly affect the final radar performance. Figure 2-4: Errors related to height of the measurement (Delobbe, 2007) 11
  • 23. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Non-uniform vertical profile of reflectivity (VPR): Even at the lowest scan angle, the radar beam is well above the surface at longer ranges and it has been found that the reflectivity from all the elevations is non-uniform. It depends on the type of precipitation as can be seen in Figure 2-5. Presence of a bright band, which leads the maximum reflectivity, poses another problem. The bright band is a layer of enhanced radar reflectivity resulting from the difference in the dielectric factor of ice and water and the aggregation of ice particles as they descend and melt. Gray and Larsen (2004) observed the need to correct the VPR effect to enhance final radar estimates. Figure 2-5: Some typical vertical profile of reflectivity (Delobbe, 2007) Also, radar estimates are based upon a number of working hypotheses and these hypotheses have to be at least approximately fulfilled to have some reliable estimates on the rainfall rates (Einfalt et al., 2004). And, because of the inherent hypotheses in radar data measurements, there is always uncertainty in the final estimates. As far as possible, these uncertainties need to be quantified. Continued research and use of new technologies might help to reduce these uncertainties. Radar-gauge merging techniques It is evident that the strength of radar estimates, to capture spatial information, is the weakness of gauge records and that the strength of gauge estimates, the ability to capture rainfall amount at single location, is the radar’s weakness. Hence, merging of both forms of rainfall information is necessary to obtain better rainfall information. Merging techniques combine the individual strengths of the two measurement systems. Merging radar and gauge observations has been a burning topic of research since weather radar is being used in the early seventies. Different methods have been proposed by different researchers and 12
  • 24. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling evaluation of these merging methods has been carried out by different researchers, for example, Brandes (1975), Wilson and Brandes (1979), Michelson and Koistinen (2000), Borga (2000), Delobbe et al. (2008) and Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009). Results are more or less similar. Significant improvements have been observed compared to original radar estimates. Wilson and Brandes (1979) adjusted radar estimates calculating storm to storm bias (R/G) and applied it uniformly through out the radar ranges and managed to reduce the errors up to 30%. They also applied the spatial adjustment (details on Wilson and Brandes, 1979) after utilizing uniform mean field bias correction. Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) evaluated a range of merging methods on the data from RMI C-band radar of Wideumont, Belgium from a simple merging method like mean field bias (MFB) to geospatial merging methods like kriging, kriging with external drift etc. They concluded that geospatial methods are better, reducing the mean absolute errors by 40% compared to original radar estimates, although simple method like MFB reduced the error by 25%. Spatial methods such as Brandes Spatial Adjustment also performed well reducing the errors as close to the geospatial methods, which are less tedious and time consuming compared to geospatial methods. 2.3 Hydrological modelling Hydrological models are simplified, conceptual representations of (a part of) the hydrologic cycle. They are primarily used for hydrological predictions and for understanding hydrologic processes. The development and application of hydrological models have evolved greatly through time. Once the rational method to determine the runoff discharge given rainfall depth as input is introduced, several concepts to predict and understand the hydrological cycles have been developed since the 1850’s (Maidment, 1993). The development of the de Saint- Venant equations for unsteady open channel flow was a boon compounded by the concept of unit hydrograph to calculate the volume of surface runoff produced by rainfall event. These inventions led the scope of hydrological modelling to a new height. Several hydrological models can be found in current time hydrology field as hydrologists try to develop their new models that suit the local conditions (Berne et al., 2005), which may operate over different spatial scales and time steps and are developed for various applications. In literature, the hydrological models are classified in numerous types. It is worth noting that the classifications based on spatial description (lumped and distributed) and the descriptions of the physical process (conceptual/empirical and physical) are the most commonly used 13
  • 25. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling ones. Spatially distributed models have the potential to represent the effect of spatially variable inputs while lumped models treat the input in an averaged manner (Arnaud et al., 2002). The compensation is ease of calibration with expense of detailed information because calibrating a distributed model is not a straightforward task due to the large number of parameters involved. Conceptual models have been widely developed and applied for hydrological modelling because of the ease on calibrating them. They lump, in a broad sense, the highly complex soil processes and properties in few macro-scale processes and parameters (Willems, 2000). Most of the conceptual models have similar structure. The rainfall input (xt) is separated into different fractions that contribute to the different subflows namely the quick flow (xQF), the slow flow (xSF) and flow contributing for soil storage (xu). The quick flow can be further separated in the rainfall portions to overland flow and to interflow. The soil storage plays a role determining the actual evapotranspiration. After certain routing mechanisms, the total runoff y(t) is sum of the three runoff components: yOF, yIF and ySF (Willems, 2000). A typical structure of a conceptual model is shown in Figure 2-6. This is general representation of the processes involved in a typical conceptual model though the detailed process may vary from one model to another. Figure 2-6: General lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff model structure (Willems, 2000) 2.3.1 The VHM Model The VHM (Veralgemeend conceptueel Hydrologisch Model) is a Dutch abbreviation for generalized lumped conceptual and parsimonious model structure-identification and 14
  • 26. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling calibration. It is an approach with which a lumped conceptual rainfall runoff model can be calibrated in a step wise way. It is developed by Prof. Patrick Willems, Hydraulics Laboratory, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. The approach aims to derive parameter values which are as much as possible unique, physical realistic and accurate. It is data mining based and aims to derive a parsimonious model structure (Willems, 2000). Model structure The model structure identification and calibration is carried on four distinct ways as can be seen in Figure 2-7. Prior time series processing Step 1a: Reverse river routing observed river flow series → rainfall-runoff Step 1b: Subflow separation →recession constants →series of overland flow, interflow and slowflow Step 1c: Split in quick and slow flow events →event based runoff volumes Step-wise model-structure identification and calibration Step 2: Identification and calibration of routing models → event-based rainfall fractions to subflows Step 3: Identification and calibration of soil moisture storage model → closing water balance Step 4: Identification and calibration rainfall fraction to quick and slow flow events Figure 2-7: Steps in the VHM structure identification and calibration procedure 15
  • 27. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling The step 1 is prior time series processing where a number of prior time series processing tasks have to be carried out: Transformation of the river flow series in a series of lumped rainfall-runoff discharges (step 1a, Figure 2-7). Separation of the rainfall-runoff series in subflow series using a numerical digital filter. The riverflow series can be either separated into quick flow and the slow flow (baseflow) or the overland flow, the interflow and the baseflow (step 1b, Figure 2-7). Split of the rainfall-runoff series in individual nearly independent peak over threshold (POT) values. The POTs can be extracted to that of quick flow events and slow flow events (step 1c, Figure 2-7). After the prior time series processing, the next step is step-wise model-structure identification and calibration where lumped representations of different specific rainfall-runoff process equations are identified and calibrated to related subsets of model parameters. This includes the following sub-steps: Identification and calibration of the routing submodels (step 2, Figure 2-7). Identification and calibration of the soil moisture storage submodel where the rain water fraction fu, the parameter umax (maximum soil moisture content) and uevap (the threshold moisture content for evapotranspiration is identified (step 3, Figure 2-7). Identification and calibration of the submodels describing the rainfall fractions of quick; fQF (overland and interflow; fOF and fIF) and slow flows; fSF (step 4, Figure 2- 7). Model parameters The VHM model structure identification and calibration approach deals with the following parameters related to steps 2 to 4 of the Figure 2-7. Recession constant of surface runoff (overland flow): kOF Recession constant of interflow: kIF Recession constant of baseflow: kBF Maximum soil moisture content: umax Soil water content at maximum evapotranspiration: uevap Surface runoff separation process parameters: aOF,1 Surface runoff separation process parameters: aOF,2 Surface runoff separation process parameters: aOF,3 16
  • 28. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Interflow separation process parameters: aIF,1 Interflow separation process parameters: aIF,2 Interflow separation process parameters: aIF,3 Model calibration The model parameters are tuned manually as per the information obtained in prior time series processing. The recession constants of subflows can be adopted as per the values obtained in step 1b. Optimizing soil storage sub-model parameters can be done by different graphical plots, for example the plot of fu versus u/umax. The surface and interflow runoff separation process parameters can be tuned till a good match is observed which can visually be checked in plots of subflows filter results (overland and interflow) versus model results. This VHM procedure has clear advantages above an automatic or manual calibration technique, which most often is based on overall goodness-of-fit statistics optimization. In this approach, when doing the optimization based on the statistical properties of the model residuals errors for the different submodels or flow components considered, statistically unbiased sub-model structures and parameters are derived (Willems, 2000). 2.3.2 The NAM model NAM is the abbreviation of the Danish "Nedbør-Afstrømnings-Model", meaning precipitation-runoff-model. This model was originally developed by the Department of Hydrodynamics and Water Resources at the Technical University of Denmark. The NAM is a deterministic, lumped and conceptual rainfall-runoff model which simulates the rainfall- runoff processes occurring at the catchment scale. The NAM is part of the rainfall-runoff (RR) module of the MIKE 11 River modelling system (DHI, 2004). Model structure The model structure is shown in Figure 2-8 as adopted from NAM reference manual (DHI, 2004) developed by Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI). It is an imitation of the land phase of the hydrological cycle. NAM simulates the rainfall-runoff process by continuously accounting for the water content in four different and mutually interrelated storages that represent different physical elements of the catchment. These storages are: Snow storage Surface storage Lower or root zone storage Groundwater storage 17
  • 29. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Figure 2-8: The NAM structure In addition NAM allows treatment of man-made interventions in the hydrological cycle such as irrigation and groundwater pumping. Based on the meteorological input data NAM produces catchment runoff as well as information about other elements of the land phase of the hydrological cycle, such as the temporal variation of the evapotranspiration, soil moisture content, groundwater recharge, and groundwater levels. The resulting catchment runoff is split conceptually into overland flow, interflow and baseflow components (DHI, 2004). Model parameters There are quite a number of model parameters according to the different storage elements listed below. Detailed information on the parameters can be found in the NAM reference manual (DHI, 2004). The list of the parameters can be divided in following five subgroups: 18
  • 30. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling a. Surface and root zone parameters Maximum water content in surface storage [mm]: Umax Maximum water content in root zone storage [mm]: Lmax Overland flow runoff coefficient [-]: CQOF Time constant for interflow [hr]: CKIF Time constant for routing interflow and overland flow [hr]: CK12 Root zone threshold value for overland flow [-]: TOF Root zone threshold value for interflow [-]: TIF b. Ground water parameters Baseflow time constant [hr]: CKBF Root zone threshold value for groundwater recharge [-]: TG c. Extended ground water parameters Recharge to lower groundwater storage [-]: CQLOW Time constant for routing lower baseflow [hr]: CKlow Ratio of groundwater catchment to topographical catchment area [-]: Carea Maximum groundwater depth causing baseflow [m]: GWLBF0 Specific yield [-]: SY Groundwater depth for unit capillary flux [m]: GWLFL1 d. Snow module parameters Degree-day coefficient [mm/ oC /day]: Csnow Base temperature (snow/rain) [oC]: To Radiation coefficient [m2/W/mm/day]: Crad Rainfall degree-day coefficient [mm/mm/°C/day]: Crain e. Irrigation module parameters Infiltration factor [mm/day]: K0,inf Crop coefficients and irrigation losses Model calibration The process of model calibration is normally done either manually or by using computer- based automatic procedures including 9 default parameters enlisted above under the headings; surface, root zone parameters and ground water parameters (DHI, 2004). While applying the routine for auto-calibration, the following objectives are usually considered: A good agreement between the average simulated and observed catchment runoff (i.e. a good water balance). 19
  • 31. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling A good overall agreement of the shape of the hydrograph. A good agreement of the peak flows with respect to timing, rate and volume. A good agreement for low flows. Final tuning is always advised to be done manually which relies on the experience and knowledge of the modeller, as auto-calibration routines are based on optimizing some objective function and they are likely to end up in local optimum case rather than global optimum. 2.4 Significance of spatial variability of rainfall and basin response The literature on the significance of spatial rainfall for runoff estimation is complex and sometimes contradictory. Effects can be expected to vary depending on the nature of the rainfall, the nature of the catchment, the spatial scale of the catchment and the rainfall runoff model used. Basin response will obviously vary as rainfall patterns vary. Stratiform and convective patterns have distinct characteristics on their spatial variability and drop size. In Belgium, the summer rainfalls are more of convective nature and the winter storms are of stratiform nature. Many researchers have studied the rainfall-runoff prediction capability of different models with respect to the type of rainfall. Segond et al. (2007) found a better match between simulated and observed runoff on winter storm than on summer storms. They concluded that summer storms have more variability and are less accurate to reproduce flow at the catchment outlet. Pechlivanidis et al. (2008) reached similar conclusions while testing different rainfall scenarios on the Upper Lee catchment of UK. On urbanized catchments, a high proportion of the rainfall becomes effective due to the large amount of impervious areas. Hence, the effect of spatial rainfall on more urbanised catchments would obviously be greater. Segond et al. (2007) found that radar estimated rainfall data are more suitable for stream flow simulation than that from the raingauge network consisting of one and seven raingauges indicating that the spatial variability of rainfall is important on urbanised catchments. 20
  • 32. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Arnaud et al. (2002) conducted a study on catchments ranging 20 to 1500 km2 and observed that the relative error in runoff increases with the size of the catchment while Segond et al. (2007) showed that as the scale increases, the importance of spatial rainfall decreases because of the fact that there is a transfer from spatial variability of rainfall to catchment response time distribution as the dominant factor governing runoff generation which can be regarded as a dampening effect of the spatial variability of rainfall. The basin response is essentially dependent on the type of rainfall-runoff model used. Fully distributed physically based models are believed to better represent the basin characteristics than the lumped one. But it has always to do with the type of rainfall field used. Radar rainfall fields, capable of generating more spatial variability, are likely to be more suitable for distributed models. Shah et al. (1996) conducted a study on a relatively small catchment of 10.55 km2 where they compared the results from a physically distributed SHE (Système Hydrologique Européen) with the results form a linear transfer function model for spatially distributed rainfall and found a significant error by using the latter model. 2.5 Similar past studies Numerous similar past studies can be found in literature and the findings are complex and sometimes contradictory too. 2.5.1 Radar-gauge comparison and merging It dates back to the 1980’s that there had already been some study on radar-gauge comparison. Some notable are: Wilson and Brandes (1979) performed a rigorous study on radar-gauge comparison in an area of over 8000 km2 and found that the R/G ratio varied from 0.41 (radar underestimate) to 2.41 (radar overestimate). They applied a correction on these data and managed to reduce the average difference (AD) from 63% to 24%. Vieux and Vieux (2005) analysed 60 event samples from Cincinnati, USA for the purpose of using them in sewer system management and found that for those events, the agreement between radar and gauge was expected within ± 8% based on the median average difference between gauge and radar. They also applied a Mean Field Bias (MFB) correction and found that 60% of the bias factors are expected to fall between 0.94 and 1.70, where they assume the bias (G/R) would follow a normal distribution which might not always be the case. 21
  • 33. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Delobbe et al. (2008) evaluated several radar-gauge merging techniques in the Walloon region of Belgium using the dense rain gauge network maintained by the RMI and the RMI-Wideumont radar. The evaluated techniques ranged from simple MFB adjustment to sophisticated spatial adjustment. They concluded that even simple adjustment procedures like MFB already improved the original radar estimates significantly. Results showed that the geo-statistical merging methods sucha as merging based on kriging are the most effective ones. Similar findings were observed by Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) using the same radar data and catchment. 2.5.2 Stream flow simulation using radar data Accuracy of radar estimated rainfall data for stream flow simulation has been tested by many researchers. Some notable ones are: Berne et al. (2005) tested the hydrological potential of the RMI-Wideumont radar on the 1597 km2 Ourthe catchment of Belgium using the gauge calibrated HBV-model. Mean areal average rainfall estimated from the radar was given as input and resulted in an underestimation of discharge. They ascribed this underestimation to uncertainty in the final radar estimates and lumped nature of the model. Borga (2002) used a conceptual rainfall runoff model to a catchment of 135.3 km2, the Brue basin in South-West England. He found that model hydrograph predictions driven by adjusted radar data had similar efficiency (NSE) than the ones obtained from gauged based rainfall. He got NSE of 0.75 from the former case and 0.83 from the latter one, meaning a slight underperformance while using the radar estimates. Segond et al. (2007) performed an elaborate research on assessing spatial information requirements of rainfall on the 1400 km2 Lee catchment, UK and found that the gauge calibrated semi-distributed model called ROBB (details in Laurenson and Mein, 1988) can produce a better match between observed and simulated discharge while using radar estimated rainfall and they attributed this improvement to the spatial coverage of rainfall information by the radar. 22
  • 34. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling CHAPTER 3: APPLICATION 3.1 Methodology The methodology mainly consists of two steps. First, the raw radar data of both the LAWR- Leuven and the RMI-Wideumont are compared with rain gauge data defined by a rain gauge network of 12 rain gauges as shown in Figure 3-2. Different merging techniques are tested to increase the accuracy of the final radar estimates. Secondly, the corrected radar data will be used for modelling of a catchment using two types of lumped conceptual models, namely the NAM and the VHM. Significance of spatial representation of rainfall is also evaluated through the basin response. 3.2 Study area The study area is situated in the Flanders region of Belgium, near the densely populated city of Leuven. The study area is within 15 km radius of the LAWR-Leuven. The rain gauge network comprises of 12 rain gauges, most of them towards the north-west direction with respect to the LAWR-Leuven and within 10 km from the LAWR-Leuven. The entire rain gauge network lies in between 117 and 128 km from the RMI-Wideumont, in north-west direction. The catchment is situated south/south-east of the LAWR-Leuven and north/north- west of the RMI radar of Wideumont as can be seen in Figure 3.1. Two of the twelve raingauges are located in the catchment. More descriptions on the raingauge network can be found under the section of 3.3.1. For the catchment, the description is presented under the section 3.4.1. The study area with the radar location, the catchment and the raingauge network can be seen in Figure 3.2. 23
  • 35. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Figure 3-1: Belgium (light green), the RMI-Wideumont radar (black star), the LAWR-Leuven (red star) and the catchment (dark green). Black arcs indicate the distance to the RMI-Wideumont, with an increment of 60 km. The red circle shows 15 distance to the LAWR-Leuven Figure 3-2: The study area with the location of 12 gauges (red dots: Aquafin &VMM; black triangles: RMI), the LAWR (yellow star), catchment (dark green polygon) and part of the Walloon region (light green polygon). Circles indicate the distance to the LAWR, with increment of 5 km 24
  • 36. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling 3.3 Radar-gauge comparison and merging 3.3.1 The raingauge network Comparing radar estimated rainfall essentially requires ground “truth” data which is assumed to be correctly represented by the raingauge network. For our purpose, the network of 12 raingauges is used; 4 of them being operated by Aquafin, 5 by the Flemish Environmental Agency (VMM) and the other 3 by the RMI of Belgium. The Aquafin raingauges are TBRs having a gauge resolution of 0.2 mm and a time resolution of 2 minutes. The VMM raingauges are also TBRs having a gauge resolution of 0.2 mm and a time resolution of 10 minutes. The RMI maintains quite a dense network of non-recording raingauges giving daily precipitation accumulations between 8 AM and 8 AM Local Time (LT). The network with the position of the LAWR-Leuven as well as the watershed is shown in Figure 3-2. 3.3.2 Correcting raingauge measurements As already stated, raingauge data will be used as reference and will be considered as ground truth data. Goormans and Willems (2008) conducted full dynamic calibration on these Aquafin and VMM raingauges for the purpose of calibrating the LAWR. Local wind shelter influences on these TBRs were also investigated and it was found that both sets of TBRs clearly underestimated rainfall compared to the standard non-recording RMI gauge of Herent. Long term underestimations up to 24% (corresponding to correction factor of 1.321) were found. To correct this systematic underestimation, the study proposed a correction factor ‘k’ based on the minimization of the sum of squared differences between cumulative daily RMI and TBR rainfall series, as presented in Table 3-1. Table 3-1: Correction Factors [k] for the Aquafin and VMM raingauges Operator RG Location Correction Factor, k [-] RWZI Kessel-Lo 1.321 Keulenstraat 1.121 Aquafin Hoge Beekstraat 1.157 Warotstraat 1.158 Derijcklaan 1.157 Oudstrijderslaan 1.158 VMM Eenmeilaan 1.143 Brouwersstraat 1.252 Weggevoerdenstraat 1.237 25
  • 37. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling 3.3.3 Conversion of radar records to rainfall rates As already depicted, the C-Band radar measures reflectivity (Z) values, as representative for rain droplets in a certain volume. This Z-value is converted to rainfall rate, R with a Z-R relationship of the form: Z = aRb. The RMI-Wideumont radar uses values of a and b equal to 200 and 1.6 respectively. The radar is fitted with a linear receiver. Unlike the C-Band radar, the X-band LAWR-Leuven has a logarithmic receiver and records the number of counts (a dimensionless measure for the amount of reflected power) as representative value of rainfall. A relationship between the count and the rainfall rate recorded at ground level has to be established for conversion. The conversion factor can be termed as Calibration Factor (CF). As the LAWR is relatively new giving records from July 2 2008 and onwards, and research is ongoing to have optimal CF values, the presented CF factors in Table 3-2 can be considered as the best estimates currently available. These calibration factors are the result of a regression analysis, based on the storm average intensities and measured counts in the corresponding radar pixels of the period 2nd July- 8th October 2008 (Block-1, Table 3-4), which can be considered as a summer period. The intensities are from calibrated raingauge data, and also corrected for the systematic bias due to local wind effects, the ‘k’ factors as presented in Table 3-1. Table 3-2: Calibration Factor [CF] for Aquafin and VMM raingauges Calibration Factor, Operator RG Location CF [(mm/hr)/(counts/min)] RWZI Kessel-Lo 0.0600 Aquafin Keulenstraat 0.1131 Hoge Beekstraat 0.0934 Derijcklaan 0.0421 Oudstrijderslaan 0.0615 VMM Eenmeilaan 0.0531 Weggevoerdenstraat 0.1601 Average 0.0833 26
  • 38. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling 3.3.4 Data periods Owing to the rainfall pattern in Belgium, the comparison study is distinguished into two periods namely summer storm and winter storm periods. Convective rainfall is encountered in most of the summer storm cases and stratiform rainfall in both summer and winter periods. For the data of RMI-Wideumont, a collaboration is reached between the RMI and the Hydraulics Division of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and data of some interesting storm periods are made available. These periods are named week 1 to week 4 as presented in Table 3-3, weeks 1 and 2 being that of a summer period and weeks 3 and 4 that of a winter period. The data is hourly accumulation rainfall (mm), the binary file 600x600 with data coded in single precision float. Matlab algorithms are developed to read, filter and extract the data. Table 3-3: Data periods of the RMI radar of Wideumont Week Data Periods 1 July 2, 2008 to July 12, 2008 2 August 3, 2008 to August 13, 2008 3 January 17, 2009 to January 23, 2009 4 February 9, 2009 to February 17, 2009 The data extracted from the LAWR-Leuven are counts with time resolution of one minute in 240x240 grids each measuring 125 m by 125 m. The data can be divided on the three periods as per the setting of signal processing parameter of the LAWR as presented in Table 3-4. For block 3, the parameters of signal processing were set to neutral; hence these periods are not taken into consideration. For the LAWR-gauge comparison, the summer period considered spans from July 2 2008 to September 30 2008, and the winter period from December 1 2008 to March 31 2009. As the CF values presented on Table 3-2 are the result of analysis made on block 1 (summer period), the work is sought to see performance of these CFs on block 2 (winter period). Table 3-4: Data periods of the LAWR of Leuven Block Data Periods 1 July 2, 2008 to October 8 , 2008 2 October 9 to October 31, 2008 & December 1, 2008 to till now 3 November 1, 2008 to November 30, 2008 (parameters are set to neutral) 27
  • 39. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling 3.3.5 LAWR - gauge comparison and merging The first attempt is to use a constant CF value for all radar pixels. This procedure does not account for the range dependency of the CF values. The results will be compared with the case where range dependent CF-values are applied. The range dependent adjustment on CF values is essential to some extent because of ever increasing height of measurement, beam broadening and attenuation effect. Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) accounted for a range dependency of the RMI-Wideumont using a second order polynomial with R/G expressed in log scale. The same adjustment procedure will be the first trial with R/G (CF) expressed in linear scale followed by power function as well. After applying the range dependent CF values (to obtain rainfall rate values), the Mean Field Bias (MFB) adjustment is applied. In MFB adjustment, it is assumed that the radar estimates are affected by a uniform multiplicative factor. The factor is determined by gauge-radar agreement after integration over a space-time window. Although it is a simple adjustment technique; it can already enhance the quality of rainfall estimate significantly. Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) found that the MFB correction reduced the error by 25% compared to raw radar data. Similar improvements have been observed by Borga (2002). The MFB is given by: ∑F 1 Gi ∑R i MFB = = (5) N N i With, N= Number of valid radar-gauge pairs. Gi, Ri = gauge and radar daily accumulated values associated with gauge i. The concept of implementing MFB adjustment on the daily accumulated basis rather than real-time fashion is to avoid additional uncertainty due to time and space mismatching of the radar and gauge samples at shorter time intervals. If both daily raingauge accumulation and radar accumulations are greater than 1 mm then these were considered as “valid pairs”. This ensures that the same data set is used for comparison. Different authors have used different threshold values for their study. Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009) used a threshold value of 1 mm; the same threshold value was taken by Delobbe et al. (2008) on daily time scale basis. A threshold value of 0.5 mm 28
  • 40. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling was used by Borga (2002). Germann et al. (2006) used 0.3 mm for the evaluation of radar precipitation estimates in Swiss mountains. Wilson and Brandes (1979) stated, citing their previous experiences, that if the gauge rainfall is light (<2 mm), it is best not used in an adjustment procedure. By this, they advised using a threshold value no less than 2 mm on daily accumulation. For all purposes, the average counts over 9 radar pixels surrounding the gauge location is used so as to limit the effect of wind drift which can be very significant (Lack and Fox, 2007). The number of valid pairs influences the index of statistical parameters. A low threshold value would result in a significant amplification of some of the statistical parameters, such as the MFB. For example, for gauge and radar pairs of 2 mm and 0.2 mm respectively, MFB will be 10 and this distorts the mean MFB. Applying a threshold value will exclude such pairs and will counter the problem to some extent. Also, arithmetic averaging of individual bias to get the MFB value, as suggested by (5), requires these individual values to follow a normal distribution which is rather unlikely. After all, the bias is the ratio of the gauge to radar estimates and can be considered as a product of two stochastic variables, and this always tends to follow a lognormal distribution. Hence, the distribution of the bias is checked by fitting theoretical distributions (normal, log-normal, exponential etc.) over the empirical (observed) distribution. The empirical distribution can be calculated by using one of the most used formulas, the distribution of Hazen (1930), and is given by: ( r − 0.5) Probability of exceedance = (6) n ( n − r + 0.5) Cumulative probability = 1 - (Probability of exceedance) = (7) n With, r = rank number of current value in the data set. n = total number of values in the data set. In case the individual bias follows a lognormal distribution, equation (5) can be modified as:  ∑ log( Fi )   1 G     ∑ log  i  N R   N    i  MFB = e =e (8) With, N= Number of valid radar-gauge pairs. Gi, Ri = gauge and radar daily accumulated values associated with gauge i. 29
  • 41. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling It should be noted that the MFB adjustment is applied uniformly over the entire radar range using a single factor. The MFB attempts to minimize the bias between the gauge and radar estimates uniformly. The smoothed radar field is then subjected to an additional adjustment, the Brandes spatial adjustment, hereafter referred to as BRA. The main idea is to use the correction factors from rain gauge sites to each radar grid (Brandes, 1975). The rain gauges which are closer to a grid point take higher weight and those lying further take lower weights. The weight (wi) applied to each gauge calibrated bias (Gi/Ri) for a particular grid point is given by:  d2  wi = exp −  k  (9)   With, d = distance between the gauge and the grid point in km. k = a factor controlling the degree of smoothening and is generally given as an inverse of mean gauge density (number of gauges divided by total area), denoted by ‘δ’. This is calculated using a formula used by Goudenhoofdt and Delobbe (2009), and is given by: k = (2 δ)-1 (10) For a network consisting of ‘N’ raingauges, the Brandes spatial adjustment then can be given by: N ∑w i =1 i (G i / R i ) C BRA = N (11) ∑w i =1 i With, CBRA = Brandes spatial adjustment factor. In order to evaluate the improvements achieved by each adjustment procedures, comparison on some goodness-of-fit statistics is made before and after adjustment. Several of these parameters are found in literature. However, the Root Mean Square Error, Mean Absolute Error, Relative Fractional Bias and Nash Criterion are used in this study. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is one of the most common parameter for verification studies and is given by: 30
  • 42. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling N ∑ (R i =1 i − Gi ) 2 RMSE = (12) N With, Ri, Gi = radar and gauge valid pair values. N = number of valid pairs. The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is another parameter used for goodness of fit statistics and is given by: N ∑ (R i =1 i − Gi ) MAE = (13) N With, Ri, Gi = radar and gauge valid pair values. N = number of valid pairs. Similarly, the Relative Fractional Bias (RFB) accounts for the bias of radar estimated to gauge value in a relative manner. It is similar to the term Average Difference (AD) used by some researchers (e.g. Vieux and Vieux, (2005), Wilson and Brandes (1979) etc.) where they used absolute values and expressed them in percentage. It is given by: Ri − Gi RFB = (14) Gi With, Ri, Gi = radar and gauge valid pair values. However the RFB is sensitive to small values. For example, if the radar estimate for a gauge value of 0.5 mm is 1.0 mm, then the RFB will be 100% though the absolute difference on the pair is only 0.5 mm. Hence, the RFB is calculated with cumulative rainfall volumes. The Nash Criterion evaluated through the Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency (NSE), is usually used to assess the predictive power of hydrological models (Nash et al., 1970), but adapted for this case as; 31
  • 43. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling n ∑ (G i =1 i − Ri ) 2 E =1− n − (15) ∑ (G i −1 i − G) 2 With, E = Nash Criterion value. Gi, Ri = instantaneous gauge and radar values. The rainfall events can be assumed fairly independent to each-other and hence the Nash Criterion can be used to evaluate how well radar estimates match with gauge values. 3.3.6 RMI Wideumont estimates and gauge comparison and merging Regarding the data of the RMI-Wideumont, rainfall volumes can be directly extracted. A threshold value of 1 mm is taken for this case as well. Similar goodness-of-fit statistics (Equations 12 to 15) are used to evaluate the accuracy of the radar data. The raw radar estimates are smoothed by firstly applying the MFB and then the BRA adjustment. While doing so, weeks 1 and 2 have been merged in to one period, as they are both summer periods, and same for the weeks 3 and 4, both being winter periods. 3.4 Hydrological modelling 3.4.1 The catchment Choice of catchment Several criteria influence the selection of a suitable watershed for radar hydrology research. The most obvious requirements are complete areal coverage of the catchment by the radar, and the availability of stream gauge data. For this case, the choice of the catchment is limited by the fact that the LAWR of Leuven is capable of giving quantitative estimates up to a radius of 15 km only. Another fact associated with LAWR is that the Zaventem airport authorities do not allow transmission in the sector indicated by the light blue sector in Figure 3-3. Due to these constraints the catchment named Molenbeek/Parkbeek, having area of 48.17 km2, has been selected. This choice is also favoured by the absence of heavy clutters as can be seen from the study of Goormans et al. (2008). The catchment contains two rain gauges; one is operated by the RMI (Korbeek-Lo) and the other by the VMM (Derijcklaan). The selected catchment falls within 240 km range of RMI radar of Wideumont. The catchment, along with raingauges, the LAWR and water courses, is shown in Figure 3-4. 32
  • 44. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling Figure 3-3: Catchment under consideration with position of LAWR (star), radar beam blockage sector (blue shade), rain gauges (dots-the VMM and Aquafin TBRs; triangles-the RMI non- recording gauges), water courses (blue lines) and circles - distances of 5, 10 and 15 km from the LAWR Catchment geomorphology The catchment has a temperate climate, is relatively flat, primarily composed of sandy soils with high hydraulic conductivity, and hence intensively drained. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the catchment is shown in Figure 3-4. The elevation ranges from 22 m to 117 m above mean sea level, with a mean elevation of 59.19 m. Almost 90% of the area has an elevation less than 78 m. The land use of the catchment is dominated by agricultural land. Around 53% of the area is used for agricultural activities, 33% of the area has a mixed type of forest, 13% of the area is urbanised and less than 1% consists of water bodies. Primarily, the soil types of the catchment can be classified into three groups, namely sand, land-dune and clay. The sandy soil is the dominant one as it covers almost 70% of the area. Around 28% of the area is covered by land-dune and the remaining 2% by clay. 33
  • 45. Radar based rainfall estimation for river catchment modelling The catchment experiences around 800 mm of yearly precipitation, which is evenly distributed throughout the winter and summer months. The average daily temperature ranges from 4 degrees centigrade in winter to 22 degrees centigrade in summer. These data are based on the data available on the HydroNet (2009) website ( Figure 3-4: The DEM map of catchment with stream network Input meteorological series Both the VHM and the NAM require rainfall, temperature, potential evapotranspiration and observed discharge series as input. The rainfall series are obtained through the raingauge network of the VMM and RMI as one VMM rain gauges. Their weight is calculated using the Thiessen Polygon method. As the VMM rain gauge’s time resolution is 10 minutes, the data are aggregated to the hourly aggregation level and corrected with the ‘k’ factor as presented in Table 3-1. The RMI rain gauge produces only daily rainfall series from 8 AM to 8 AM local time hence this series is converted to hourly series using its nearest neighbouring station applying a correction factor for daily accumulated rainfall volume. In doing so, the VMM rain gauge Derijcklaan is taken as the neighbouring station and its temporal variation is considered and corrected by a factor. The factor is obtained by dividing the daily accumulated rainfall volume of the Korbeek-Lo to the Derijcklaan. 34