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하스켈 프로그래밍
입문 3
하스켈 학교 2016년 5월 28일
Identity, State, Writer
data Term = Con Int | Div Term Term
변종0: Basic Evaluator
eval :: Term -> Int
eval (Con a) = a
eval (Div t u) = eval t `div` eval u
변종1: 예외 처리
data M a = Raise Exception | Return a
type Exception = String
변종1: 예외 처리
eval :: Term -> M Int
eval (Con a) = Return a
eval (Div t u) = case eval t of
Raise e -> Raise e
Return a ->
case eval u of
Raise e -> Raise e
Return b ->
if b == 0
then Raise “divide by zero”
else Return (a `div` b)
변종2: division 카운터
type M a = State -> (a, State)
type State = Int
변종2: division 카운터
eval :: Term -> M Int
eval (Con a) x = (a, x)
eval (Div t u) x = let (a, y) = eval t x in
let (b, z) = eval u y in
(a `div` b, z + 1)
변종3: 실행 과정 출력
type M a = (Output, a)
type Output = String
변종3: 실행 과정 출력
eval :: Term -> M Int
eval @term(Con a) = (line term a, a)
eval @term(Div t u) = let (x, a) = eval t in
let (y, b) = eval u in
(x ++ y ++ line term (a `div` b), a `div` b)
line :: Term -> Int -> Output
line t a = “eval (“ ++ show t ++ “) <-” ++ show a ++ “n”
Monadic Evaluator
eval :: (Moand m) => Term -> m Int
eval (Con a) = return a
eval (Div t u) = do a <- eval t
b <- eval u
return (a `div` b)
Monadic Evaluator
eval :: (Moand m) => Term -> m Int
eval (Con a) = return a
eval (Div t u) = do a <- eval t
b <- eval u
return (a `div` b)
변종0: Basic Evaluator
newtype M a = I a
instance Monad M where
return a = I a
(I a) >>= k = k a
변종1: 예외 처리
data M a = Raise Exception | Return a
type Exception = String
instance Monad M where
return a = Return a
m >>= k = case m of
Raise e -> Raise e
Return a -> k a
raise :: Exception -> M a
raise e = Raise e
변종1: 예외 처리
eval :: Term -> M Int
eval (Con a) = return a
eval (Div t u) = do a <- eval t
b <- eval u
if b == 0
then raise “divide by zero”
else return (a `div` b)
변종2: division 카운터
type M a = State -> (a, State)
type State = Int
instance Monad M where
return a = x -> (a, x)
m >>= k = x -> let (a, y) = m x in
let (b, z) = k a y in
(b, z)
tick :: M ()
tick = x -> ((), x + 1)
변종2: division 카운터
eval :: Term -> M Int
eval (Con a) = return a
eval (Div t u) = do a <- eval t
b <- eval u
return (a `div` b)
변종3: 실행 과정 출력
type M a = (Output, a)
type Output = String
instance Monad m where
return a = (“”, a)
m >>= k = let (x, a) = m in
let (y, b) = k a in
(x ++ y, b)
out :: Output -> M ()
out x = (x, ())
변종3: 실행 과정 출력
eval :: Term -> M Int
eval term@(Con a) = do out (line term a)
return a
eval term@(Div t u) = do a <- eval t
b <- eval u
out (line term (a `div` b))
return (a `div` b)
• mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
• forM :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b]
• sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
Note: [t] generalizes to Traversable t
Functional Parser
newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> [a, String])
• empty 리스트는 실패, 아니면 성공
• (a, s)에서 a는 파싱한 결과 s는 파싱하고 남은 문자
• 리스트를 리턴하여 ambiguous grammar 처리
• 문자열이 empty가 아니면 첫 번째 문자를 리턴
• empty이면 에러
item :: Parser Char
item = Parser (cs -> case cs of
"" -> []
(c:cs) -> [(c, cs)])
모나드 정의
class Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
instance Monad Parser where
return a = (Parser (cs -> [(a, cs)])
p >>= f = (Parser (cs -> concat [parse (f a) cs’ |
(a, cs’) <- parse p cs])
parse (Parser p) = p
모나드 법칙
1. return a >> f = f a
2. p >>= return = p
3. p >>= (a -> (f a) >>= g)) = (p >>= (a -> f a)) >>= g
Do 표기법
p1 >>= a1 ->
p2 >>= a2 ->
pn >>= an ->
f a1 a2 … an
do a1 <- p1
a2 <- p2
an <- pn
f a1 a2 … an
Do 표기법 사용 예제
p :: Parser (Char, Char)
p = do c <- item
d <- item
return (c, d)
MonadZero, MonadPlus
class Monad m => MonadZero m where
zero :: m a
class MonadZero m => MonadPlus m where
(++) :: m a -> m a -> m a
Choice Operator
instance MonadZero Parser where
zero = Parser (cs -> [])
instance MonadPlus Parser where
p ++ q = (Parser (cs ->
parse p cs ++ parse q cs))
• zero ++ p = p
• p ++ zero = p
• p ++ (q ++ r) = (p ++ q) ++ r
• zero >>= f = zero
• p >>= const zero = zero
• (p ++ q) >>= f = (p >>= f) ++ (q >>= f)
• p >>= (a -> f a ++ g a) = (p >>= f) ++ (q >>= g)
Deterministic Choice
(+++) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
p +++ q = Parser (cs -> case parse (p ++ q) of
[] -> []
(x:xs) -> [x])
Conditional Parsing
sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
sat p = do c <- item
if p c then return c
else zero
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = sat (c ==)
재귀 Combinator
string :: String -> Parser String
string "" = return ""
string (c:cs) = do char c
string cs
return (c:cs)
재귀 Combinator
many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many p = many1 p +++ return []
many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many1 p = do a <- p
as <- many p
return (a:as)
재귀 Combinator
sepby :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
p `sepby` q = (p `sepby1` q) +++ return []
sepby1 :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
p `sepby1` q = do a <- p
as <- many (do {sep; p})
return (a:as)
재귀 Combinator
chainl :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Parser a
chainl p op a = (p `chainl1` op) +++ return a
chainl1 :: Parser a -> (Parser a -> a -> a) -> Parser a
p `chainl1` op = do { a <- p; rest a }
where rest a = (do f <- op
b <- p
return f a b)
+++ return a
Lexical Combinators
space :: Parser String
space = many (sat isSpace)
token :: Parser a -> Parser a
token p = do a <- p
return a
Lexical Combinators
symb :: String -> Parser String
symb cs = token (string cs)
apply :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)]
apply p = parse (do {space; p})
Expression Grammar
• expr ::= expr addop term | term
• term ::= term mulop factor | factor
• factor ::= digit | (expr)
• digit ::= 0 | 1 | … | 9
• addop ::= + | -
• mulop ::= * | /
Expression Parser
expr :: Parser Int
addop :: Parser (Int -> Int -> Int)
mulop :: Parser (Int -> Int -> Int)
expr = term `chainl1` addop
term = factor `chainl1` mulop
factor = digit +++ do { symb "("; n <- expr; symb ")"; return n }
digit = do { x <- token (sat isDigit); return (ord x - ord ‘0’)}
addop = do { symb "+"; return (+)} +++ do {symb "-"; return (-)}
mulop = do { symb "*"; return (*)} +++ do {symb "/"; return (div)}
Expression Parser
> apply expr " 1 - 2 * 3 + 4 "
[(-1, "")]
1. parsec
2. megaparsec
3. attoparsec
data Tree a = Empty
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Show)
Tree 업데이트
changeToP :: Tree Char -> Tree Char
changeToP (Node x l (Node y (Node _ m n) r)) =
Node x l (Node y (Node 'P' m n) r)
Tree 업데이트
data Direction = L | R deriving (Show)
type Directions = [Direction]
changeToP :: Directions -> Tree Char -> Tree Char
changeToP (L:ds) (Node x l r) = Node x (changeToP ds l) r
changeToP (R:ds) (Node x l r) = Node x l (changeToP ds r)
changeToP [] (Node _ l r) = Node 'P' l r
elemAt :: Directions -> Tree a -> a
elemAt (L:ds) (Node _ l _) = elemAt ds l
elemAt (R:ds) (Node _ _ r) = elemAt ds r
elemAt [] (Node x _ _) = x
> let newTree = changeToP [R,L] freeTree
> elemAt [R,L] newTree
type Breadcrumbs = [Direction]
goLeft :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs)
goLeft (Node _ l _, bs) = (l, L:bs)
goRight :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs)
goRight (Node _ _ r, bs) = (r, R:bs)
> goLeft (goRight (freeTree, []))
(Node 'W' (Node 'C' Empty Empty) (Node 'R' Empty Empty),[L,R])
Zipper 정의
data Crumb a =
LeftCrumb a (Tree a)
| RightCrumb a (Tree a)
deriving (Show)
type Breadcrumbs a = [Crumb a]
Zipper 함수
goLeft :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
-> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
goLeft (Node x l r, bs) = (l, LeftCrumb x r:bs)
goRight :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
-> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
goRight (Node x l r, bs) = (r, RightCrumb x l:bs)
Zipper 함수
goUp :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
-> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
goUp (t, LeftCrumb x r:bs) =
(Node x t r, bs)
goUp (t, RightCrumb x l:bs) =
(Node x l t, bs)
Zipper 정의
type Zipper a = (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
Zipper 함수
modify :: (a -> a)
-> Zipper a
-> Zipper a
modify f (Node x l r, bs) =
(Node (f x) l r, bs)
modify f (Empty, bs) = (Empty, bs)
Zipper 함수
topMost :: Zipper a -> Zipper a
topMost (t,[]) = (t,[])
topMost z = topMost (goUp z)
Zipper 사용 예
> let newFocus = modify (_ -> 'P') (goRight (goLeft
> let newFocus2 = modify (_ -> 'X') (goUp newFocus)
data List a =
| Cons a (List a)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
리스트 Zipper의 정의
type ListZipper a = ([a],[a])
리스트 Zipper 함수
goForward :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
goForward (x:xs, bs) = (xs, x:bs)
goBack :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
goBack (xs, b:bs) = (b:xs, bs)
리스트 Zipper 사용 예
> let xs = [1,2,3,4]
> goForward (xs,[])
> goForward ([2,3,4],[1])
> goForward ([3,4],[2,1])
> goBack ([4],[3,2,1])
참고 자료
1. Monads for functional programming
2. Monadic Parsing in Haskell
3. Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!

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하스켈 프로그래밍 입문 3

  • 1. 하스켈 프로그래밍 입문 3 하스켈 학교 2016년 5월 28일 서광열
  • 3. Term data Term = Con Int | Div Term Term
  • 4. 변종0: Basic Evaluator eval :: Term -> Int eval (Con a) = a eval (Div t u) = eval t `div` eval u
  • 5. 변종1: 예외 처리 data M a = Raise Exception | Return a type Exception = String
  • 6. 변종1: 예외 처리 eval :: Term -> M Int eval (Con a) = Return a eval (Div t u) = case eval t of Raise e -> Raise e Return a -> case eval u of Raise e -> Raise e Return b -> if b == 0 then Raise “divide by zero” else Return (a `div` b)
  • 7. 변종2: division 카운터 type M a = State -> (a, State) type State = Int
  • 8. 변종2: division 카운터 eval :: Term -> M Int eval (Con a) x = (a, x) eval (Div t u) x = let (a, y) = eval t x in let (b, z) = eval u y in (a `div` b, z + 1)
  • 9. 변종3: 실행 과정 출력 type M a = (Output, a) type Output = String
  • 10. 변종3: 실행 과정 출력 eval :: Term -> M Int eval @term(Con a) = (line term a, a) eval @term(Div t u) = let (x, a) = eval t in let (y, b) = eval u in (x ++ y ++ line term (a `div` b), a `div` b) line :: Term -> Int -> Output line t a = “eval (“ ++ show t ++ “) <-” ++ show a ++ “n”
  • 11. Monadic Evaluator eval :: (Moand m) => Term -> m Int eval (Con a) = return a eval (Div t u) = do a <- eval t b <- eval u return (a `div` b)
  • 12. Monadic Evaluator eval :: (Moand m) => Term -> m Int eval (Con a) = return a eval (Div t u) = do a <- eval t b <- eval u return (a `div` b)
  • 13. 변종0: Basic Evaluator newtype M a = I a instance Monad M where return a = I a (I a) >>= k = k a
  • 14. 변종1: 예외 처리 data M a = Raise Exception | Return a type Exception = String instance Monad M where return a = Return a m >>= k = case m of Raise e -> Raise e Return a -> k a raise :: Exception -> M a raise e = Raise e
  • 15. 변종1: 예외 처리 eval :: Term -> M Int eval (Con a) = return a eval (Div t u) = do a <- eval t b <- eval u if b == 0 then raise “divide by zero” else return (a `div` b)
  • 16. 변종2: division 카운터 type M a = State -> (a, State) type State = Int instance Monad M where return a = x -> (a, x) m >>= k = x -> let (a, y) = m x in let (b, z) = k a y in (b, z) tick :: M () tick = x -> ((), x + 1)
  • 17. 변종2: division 카운터 eval :: Term -> M Int eval (Con a) = return a eval (Div t u) = do a <- eval t b <- eval u tick return (a `div` b)
  • 18. 변종3: 실행 과정 출력 type M a = (Output, a) type Output = String instance Monad m where return a = (“”, a) m >>= k = let (x, a) = m in let (y, b) = k a in (x ++ y, b) out :: Output -> M () out x = (x, ())
  • 19. 변종3: 실행 과정 출력 eval :: Term -> M Int eval term@(Con a) = do out (line term a) return a eval term@(Div t u) = do a <- eval t b <- eval u out (line term (a `div` b)) return (a `div` b)
  • 20. Control.Monad • mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b] • forM :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b] • sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] Note: [t] generalizes to Traversable t
  • 23. Parser newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> [a, String]) • empty 리스트는 실패, 아니면 성공 • (a, s)에서 a는 파싱한 결과 s는 파싱하고 남은 문자 열 • 리스트를 리턴하여 ambiguous grammar 처리
  • 24. item • 문자열이 empty가 아니면 첫 번째 문자를 리턴 • empty이면 에러 item :: Parser Char item = Parser (cs -> case cs of "" -> [] (c:cs) -> [(c, cs)])
  • 25. 모나드 정의 class Monad m where return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b instance Monad Parser where return a = (Parser (cs -> [(a, cs)]) p >>= f = (Parser (cs -> concat [parse (f a) cs’ | (a, cs’) <- parse p cs]) parse (Parser p) = p
  • 26. 모나드 법칙 1. return a >> f = f a 2. p >>= return = p 3. p >>= (a -> (f a) >>= g)) = (p >>= (a -> f a)) >>= g
  • 27. Do 표기법 p1 >>= a1 -> p2 >>= a2 -> … pn >>= an -> f a1 a2 … an do a1 <- p1 a2 <- p2 … an <- pn f a1 a2 … an
  • 28. Do 표기법 사용 예제 p :: Parser (Char, Char) p = do c <- item item d <- item return (c, d)
  • 29. MonadZero, MonadPlus class Monad m => MonadZero m where zero :: m a class MonadZero m => MonadPlus m where (++) :: m a -> m a -> m a
  • 30. Choice Operator instance MonadZero Parser where zero = Parser (cs -> []) instance MonadPlus Parser where p ++ q = (Parser (cs -> parse p cs ++ parse q cs))
  • 31. 법칙 • zero ++ p = p • p ++ zero = p • p ++ (q ++ r) = (p ++ q) ++ r • zero >>= f = zero • p >>= const zero = zero • (p ++ q) >>= f = (p >>= f) ++ (q >>= f) • p >>= (a -> f a ++ g a) = (p >>= f) ++ (q >>= g)
  • 32. Deterministic Choice Operator (+++) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a p +++ q = Parser (cs -> case parse (p ++ q) of [] -> [] (x:xs) -> [x])
  • 33. Conditional Parsing sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char sat p = do c <- item if p c then return c else zero char :: Char -> Parser Char char c = sat (c ==)
  • 34. 재귀 Combinator string :: String -> Parser String string "" = return "" string (c:cs) = do char c string cs return (c:cs)
  • 35. 재귀 Combinator many :: Parser a -> Parser [a] many p = many1 p +++ return [] many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a] many1 p = do a <- p as <- many p return (a:as)
  • 36. 재귀 Combinator sepby :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a] p `sepby` q = (p `sepby1` q) +++ return [] sepby1 :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a] p `sepby1` q = do a <- p as <- many (do {sep; p}) return (a:as)
  • 37. 재귀 Combinator chainl :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Parser a chainl p op a = (p `chainl1` op) +++ return a chainl1 :: Parser a -> (Parser a -> a -> a) -> Parser a p `chainl1` op = do { a <- p; rest a } where rest a = (do f <- op b <- p return f a b) +++ return a
  • 38. Lexical Combinators space :: Parser String space = many (sat isSpace) token :: Parser a -> Parser a token p = do a <- p space return a
  • 39. Lexical Combinators symb :: String -> Parser String symb cs = token (string cs) apply :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)] apply p = parse (do {space; p})
  • 40. Expression Grammar • expr ::= expr addop term | term • term ::= term mulop factor | factor • factor ::= digit | (expr) • digit ::= 0 | 1 | … | 9 • addop ::= + | - • mulop ::= * | /
  • 41. Expression Parser expr :: Parser Int addop :: Parser (Int -> Int -> Int) mulop :: Parser (Int -> Int -> Int) expr = term `chainl1` addop term = factor `chainl1` mulop factor = digit +++ do { symb "("; n <- expr; symb ")"; return n } digit = do { x <- token (sat isDigit); return (ord x - ord ‘0’)} addop = do { symb "+"; return (+)} +++ do {symb "-"; return (-)} mulop = do { symb "*"; return (*)} +++ do {symb "/"; return (div)}
  • 42. Expression Parser > apply expr " 1 - 2 * 3 + 4 " [(-1, "")]
  • 45. Tree data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show)
  • 47. Tree 업데이트 changeToP :: Tree Char -> Tree Char changeToP (Node x l (Node y (Node _ m n) r)) = Node x l (Node y (Node 'P' m n) r)
  • 48. Tree 업데이트 data Direction = L | R deriving (Show) type Directions = [Direction] changeToP :: Directions -> Tree Char -> Tree Char changeToP (L:ds) (Node x l r) = Node x (changeToP ds l) r changeToP (R:ds) (Node x l r) = Node x l (changeToP ds r) changeToP [] (Node _ l r) = Node 'P' l r
  • 49. element elemAt :: Directions -> Tree a -> a elemAt (L:ds) (Node _ l _) = elemAt ds l elemAt (R:ds) (Node _ _ r) = elemAt ds r elemAt [] (Node x _ _) = x
  • 50. 예제 > let newTree = changeToP [R,L] freeTree > elemAt [R,L] newTree 'P'
  • 51. Breadcrumbs type Breadcrumbs = [Direction] goLeft :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs) goLeft (Node _ l _, bs) = (l, L:bs) goRight :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs) goRight (Node _ _ r, bs) = (r, R:bs)
  • 52. Breadcrumbs > goLeft (goRight (freeTree, [])) (Node 'W' (Node 'C' Empty Empty) (Node 'R' Empty Empty),[L,R])
  • 53. Zipper 정의 data Crumb a = LeftCrumb a (Tree a) | RightCrumb a (Tree a) deriving (Show) type Breadcrumbs a = [Crumb a]
  • 54. Zipper 함수 goLeft :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a) goLeft (Node x l r, bs) = (l, LeftCrumb x r:bs) goRight :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a) goRight (Node x l r, bs) = (r, RightCrumb x l:bs)
  • 55. Zipper 함수 goUp :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a) goUp (t, LeftCrumb x r:bs) = (Node x t r, bs) goUp (t, RightCrumb x l:bs) = (Node x l t, bs)
  • 56. Zipper 정의 type Zipper a = (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
  • 57. Zipper 함수 modify :: (a -> a) -> Zipper a -> Zipper a modify f (Node x l r, bs) = (Node (f x) l r, bs) modify f (Empty, bs) = (Empty, bs)
  • 58. Zipper 함수 topMost :: Zipper a -> Zipper a topMost (t,[]) = (t,[]) topMost z = topMost (goUp z)
  • 59. Zipper 사용 예 > let newFocus = modify (_ -> 'P') (goRight (goLeft (freeTree,[]))) > let newFocus2 = modify (_ -> 'X') (goUp newFocus)
  • 60. 리스트 data List a = Empty | Cons a (List a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
  • 61. 리스트 Zipper의 정의 type ListZipper a = ([a],[a])
  • 62. 리스트 Zipper 함수 goForward :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a goForward (x:xs, bs) = (xs, x:bs) goBack :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a goBack (xs, b:bs) = (b:xs, bs)
  • 63. 리스트 Zipper 사용 예 > let xs = [1,2,3,4] > goForward (xs,[]) ([2,3,4],[1]) > goForward ([2,3,4],[1]) ([3,4],[2,1]) > goForward ([3,4],[2,1]) ([4],[3,2,1]) > goBack ([4],[3,2,1]) ([3,4],[2,1])
  • 64. 참고 자료 1. Monads for functional programming • berdorf/baastad.pdf 2. Monadic Parsing in Haskell • 3. Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! •