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10 Page Essay Topics
Writing a 10-page essay can be a daunting task that requires careful planning, extensive research,
and effective time management. The difficulty lies not only in the length of the essay but also in
the need to maintain coherence, clarity, and a strong argument throughout the entire piece. Here
are some challenges that one might encounter when tasked with such an assignment:
1. Thorough Research: To fill 10 pages with meaningful content, you need to conduct
thorough research to gather enough information and evidence to support your argument.
This requires access to credible sources, and the ability to sift through a large volume of
2. Structural Organization:Maintaining a logical flow and coherent structure is crucial for
a lengthy essay. Dividing the content into introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
while ensuring smooth transitions between ideas is challenging.
3. Time Management:Writing a 10-page essay requires effective time management.
Procrastination can be a significant hurdle, and breaking down the task into manageable
chunks is essential to meet the deadline without compromising the quality of the content.
4. Argument Development: Developing a compelling and nuanced argument throughout
the essay is challenging. Each point should be supported by evidence and analysis,
contributing to an overall persuasive narrative.
5. Avoiding Repetition:It's crucial to avoid redundancy and repetition, which can be
tempting when trying to meet the page requirement. Each paragraph should add value
and bring something new to the discussion.
6. Editing and Proofreading: With a lengthy piece, the likelihood of overlooking errors
increases. Editing and proofreading become even more crucial to ensure the essay is free
from grammatical mistakes, typos, and other issues that could detract from its quality.
7. Meeting Requirements:Staying within the specified word count while effectively
addressing the essay prompt can be challenging. Striking the right balance between depth
and conciseness is a constant consideration.
Despite these challenges, completing a 10-page essay is certainly possible with careful planning
and dedication. Seeking guidance from professors, utilizing writing resources, and maintaining a
disciplined approach to the task can significantly enhance the writing process.
If you find yourself struggling or short on time, there are resources available to assist. Services
like offer support for various academic writing needs, including essays of
different lengths and topics. Professional assistance can provide valuable insights and help
ensure the delivery of a well-crafted essay.
10 Page Essay Topics10 Page Essay Topics
Hunger In California Literature Review
Source 3
The overall problem is Hunger in California. From October 12 to November 20,
California Muscle Cars of Sacramento helped fight against hunger by hosting more
than a month long food drive. 169 pounds of food were collected and we still have
more time to see what else we can collect.
Problem Statement: The problem is hunger for children in california and in
sacramento. Through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs,
schools provide students of all ages with the nutritious meals they need in order to
Hypothesis: I think this is happening because when the parents go hungry the kids do
but the parents try to give them an education and they feed them first.
Literature Review:
Since 2011, the No Kid Hungry network has helped bring more than 34 million
additional meals to kids who need them and created ways to replicate that success
throughout the country. The No Kid Hungry campaign is focused on expanding
access to school breakfast and meals in daycare settings. The campaign has also
empowered more than 5,600 California families with the skills, knowledge and
confidence to prepare healthy, affordable meals through Cooking Matters. One in five
children struggles with hunger in sacramento, california. No Kid Hungry campaign is
ending childhood hunger in California and all across America by ensuring all
children get the healthy food they need, every day. The No Kid Hungry campaign
connects kids in need to effective nutrition programs like school breakfast and
summer meals and teaches lowincome families to cook healthy, affordable meals
through its Cooking Matters program. This work is accomplished through the No
Kid Hungry network, made up of private citizens, public officials, nonprofits, business
leaders and others providing innovative hunger solutions in their communities., 1 in 6
children may not know where they will get their next meal.
Literature Review Continuation: For the nearly 13 million kids in the U.S. facing
hunger, getting the energy they need to learn and grow can be a dayin, dayout
challenge.Kids who don t get enough to eat especially during their first three years
begin life at a serious disadvantage. When they re hungry, children are more
Organizational Commitment
Organizational Commitment and Communication Paper Week 3
Introduction A look at an organization s communication and leadership styles can
say a lot about the organization as a whole. Google has a relaxed atmosphere, where
management allows workers to create their own schedules; and fosters creativity by
allowing and encouraging their workers to explore side projects (Google Culture,
2011). What would happen if the leadership style were to change? This is one of the
elements this paper will explore. A look will also be taken at: sources of power
within the organization, the employee s commitment to Google, how communication
within Google relates to the worker, other motivational theories which would work at
Google ... Show more content on ...
Google has on site gymnasiums, chefs, laundry service, and shuttles (Google
culture, 2011). By providing for employees, Google works towards establishing an
emotional attachment. Open communication is encouraged and ideas are rewarded
showing employees they have value in the eyes of Google. This communication is
necessary to create a sense of freedom at work and allow for an open exchange of
Different Motivational Theories Google could benefit from the use of self
determination theory as they look to empower their employees. This theory suggests
workers want to feel they have free will in choosing their work activities and take
joy in what they do without feeling it has become an obligation (Robbins, 2011).
Communication plays an integral part in the application of this theory. Workers
need to know they have choices within the work they do and that managers are
available for discussion of changing roles or work activities. Google is a corporation
that wants it employees to interact at all levels and across teams. This environment
may be excellent for reinforcement theory, as this theory looks to reward positive
actions immediately to ensure they are repeated and also to punish negative actions
to ensure they are not repeated (Robbins, 2011). If open communication is encouraged
The Malawi Health System
There are a number of challenges exerting increasing pressure on Malawi s ability to
fully adopt HSS approach. These include: Demographic trends, While the population
has grown from10.6 million in 1990, to approximately 17 million the Malawi health
system has struggled to maintain and provide adequate health care to the people
Malawi s population is growing. Increasing fertility rates has led to a significant
increase in the population projection, which has grown from XXXX million people
in 2051 (2004 estimates) to 34.2 million people (2006 estimates). This, together with
demographic trends, suggests that while there will be a growing need for health
services targeted at children, teenagers and young families, the predominant
influence will remain xxxxxx, which will cause most change in the use of
resources. burden of disease The prevalence and burden of chronic disease is
significant and will place increasing pressure on health expenditure. Chronic
diseases, including xxxxxxx, are estimated to be responsible for more than 80% of
the burden of disease.12 The WHO warns that the global burden of chronic disease
is increasing rapidly and predicts by the year 2020 that chronic disease will account
for almost three quarters of all deaths.13 uneven access to health. The WHO has
identified the inverse care law as one of the common shortcomings of health care
delivery. Inverse care suggests that people with the most means whose needs for
health care are often less consume
E. Colia Case Study
One of the most major and deadly outbreaks of E.coli in the world happened in the
small rural town of Walkerton, Ontario, Canada in 2000. The cause of the illness
was from the town s local water supply. Even though tap water contains chlorine
and undergoes many treatments, out breaks can still occur. This horrendous
waterborne illness caused seven deaths and more than 2300 illnesses over six
months. On the 13 of May, 2000 many citizens of Walkerton began to show
symptoms of bloody diarrhoea, fever and abdominal pain. Shortly after this the
region s Medical Officer of Health, Murray McQuigge urged people to not use tap
water and to boil any water they wish to drink. After many months scientists revealed
that the cause of the illness was the
Essay On Search For Justice In Frankenstein
In the novel by William Styron, a father tells his son that life is a search for justice
(Styron). In the gothic novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley the Creature is on a
constant search for justice. The Creature is shown to be inherently good, but due to
the corruption in society and traumatic experiences by those the Creature sought
acceptance from he slowly loses his moral compass. Shelley, in the novel
Frankensteindemonstrates the search for justice through many social situations and
characters. Shelley connects the Creature s search for justice to the hardships he
faces throughout his life. Victor s entire life is a search for perfection; much like all
the perfect objects that were gifted to him as a child. Victor s inability... Show more
content on ...
He believed that his Creature murdered his brother and framed Justine, the
Frankenstein s maid, in order to achieve vengeance for Victor abandoning him, but
according to Levine, Victor is the cause for this evil, ...evil is a consequence of
maltreatment or injustice, (Levine 31). Victor s internal flaws and shortcomings
prevent him from revealing the truth about his Creation and therefore he is unable to
disclose details of Williams death to save Justine. Victor cowers and stands by as the
town unjustly convicts and executes Justine, (Shelley 117). The cowardly act
committed by Victor shows that he does not possess a strong enough moral compass
to do the justified act.
When Victor has the opportunity to become an important figure in the Creature s
life he fled; leaving his Creation alone, abandoned, and uniformed in a world
where society scrutinizes every detail. The Creature was only a child when Victor
abandoned him and left him to navigate a world that would not accept his physical
flaws or lack of external perfection. To try and understand the world the Creature is
obsessed with watching and observing the DeLacey family to acquire some basic
social skills. According to Anne Mellor, the Creature also learned the nature of
heroism and public virtue and civic justice, from observing the DeLacey family
(Mellor 48). The Creature initially believes that the DeLacey family was a family of
power and
Different Kinds Of Polymers And Polymers
A polymer is a large molecule that is made from many small repeating chemicals
called monomers. In the Greek language, polymer literally means many parts.
Polymers are being used more and more in medical devices, such as drug delivery,
screws, plates, fixation pins, suture anchors and many other applications. Some of
the most useful polymers for medical uses are poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and
poly(glycolic acid) (PGA). They are useful in medicine because of the fact that they
can degrade within the body to lesser components that will cause very minimal
negative effects. Scientists have found many different ways to control the
degradation of these two polymers. Combining two or more different kinds of
monomers during polymerformation is called copolymerization. Changing the
amount of different kinds of monomers during copolymerization of either poly(lactic
co glycolic) (PLGA) or PLA can change degradation characteristics. [2] For example,
combining lactic acid and glycolic acid to make PLGA will degrade quicker. There
are also stereo copolymers, such as L lactic acid, and D lactic acid which are the
same chemical, but are mirror images of each other (figure 1). These can be
combined to also lower the degradation times of PLA or PGLA. Figure 1. Difference
between L and D lactic acids (Gupta et al, 2007)
Synthesis of PLA and PLGA Synthesis of PLA is started through the fermentation
of bacteria. There are several types of bacteria that produce L , D lactic acid or a
Analysis Of The Book Lorraine
Once there was two worlds that intersected with one onother.One world was called
Lorraine were humans without power lived under the king s rule. The other world
was called Reich dole , where creatures possessed dark power, and with no king to
rule them they lived happily to their desire. In between the world of the dark
creatures there lived vampires, but after years of their appearance only a few
humans knew about their existence. Among them she too, knew about their
existence. She lived in a small village as a witch away from her parents. She was
from a special bloodline, which included inheriting the power to see the future.
Several scenes just pop out that showed her a scene that would occur sometime in the
future. So, it... Show more content on ...
Without realizing she ended up at the end of the forest, facing the unexpected. As
soon as she reached the end and trying to regain her breath she looked up to find
herself face to face to something she already had seen. The castle, which had pop
several times on her visions. A creepy, old looking castle that appearance made it
even worse than the forest. Suddenly, a loud noise came from her back .Knowing
that it could be the strange figure she needed to hide, but where, so gathering
courage she reached to the castle, opened the gates to the inside door and walk in.
The inside was dark with only three candles glowing. She called out, hoping
someone could hear her, but unexpectedly someone grab her from the back and
covered her mouth making it impossible for her to breath. She soon lost
consciousness. She later woke up not knowing what had just happened, and found
herself tied up in thorns that were cutting her body. Inch by inch blood cover her
from the wounds she was getting. She panic and started to kicked and move her
body around to try to free herself, but the more she moved the more pain it cause
her. Suddenly loud steps were reaching her, she closed her eyes daring not to see.
Her whole body was trembling and her heart racing. The sound stop and saw two
tall and beautiful men starring at her, but their red crimson eyes and fangs froze her
completely. She also had seen this two men on her visions. The ones she used to
Grapes Of Wrath By John Ford
Acceptance Humans always want to find a place where they can be assimilated.
Humans want to live in a community that they can assimilate into comfortably and
can feel safe in easily. Grapes of Wrath, directed by John Ford, which portrays the
story of capitalist and environmental forces pushing a poor family off their land and
their migration to California. The family tries to look for a place where they can
secure jobs and food to support themselves daily. Similarly, the El Norte, directed
by Gregory Nava, is about a brother and a sister who have to escape from their
government in their village to the USA. Both Grapes of Wrath and El Norte argue
that humans are not accepted unless they are welcomed, able to survive, and
allowed to stay there. In Grapes of Wrath, Joad s family is not welcomed in the
environment or the company. When Tom Joad is on the way home, the destructed
family s house scene illustrates that the environment does not welcome them to live
there. In the image, some dead trees have dried out on the sandy ground. Darkness
covers the whole view of this scene with the sound of the wind howling. The wind
carries a lot of sand, showing that this place is solitary, and that nature has moved on
from the land. They cannot plant or harvest fruit from the trees or crops on their
land. In addition, as if being on useless land was not bad enough, the Shawnee Land
and Cattle Company who owned the lands forced them off. The scene with many
caterpillar tractors with engines
La Bamba By Gary Soto Analysis
La Bamba Have you ever wanted something so badly? Well in the story, La Bamba
by Gary Soto, a boy named Manuel who is an attention seeking boy, and he learns
that attention can be in many forms. Manuel is an attention seeker. He wants to
impress his friends at the talent show. Manuel wants his friends to say, Man that
was bad! He wants to pursue his goal at impressing his family. After when he saw
all of the practice performances for the talent show Manuel thought it would be a
great talent show. His mom and dad would be proud, and his brother and sister
would be jealous. It would be a night to remember. Manuel wants to redeem himself.
He doesn t want to mess up like he did when he was in first
Cultural, Political, And Cultural Differences And...
America is a country that allows people freedom and equality. In the Declaration of
Independence, it states that all men are created equal and most people agreed with
that. However, there were a few people who thought that slaves were not part of
the equality factor. Those people, who were mostly slave owners, saw the African
Americans as property and did not see them as equals. Since there was such a big
difference in views, it created many tensions between the people. Some people
wanted to get rid of slaveryand give them freedom and equality, some wanted to get
rid of slavery but not make slaves equal to other people, and others wanted to keep
slavery as it is. Mostly, there was a disagreement between the South and the North
and since there is a difference in other factors such as political and economic, these
things began to create tensions and drive them farther apart. During 1783 1859, there
were numerous cultural, political, and religious tensions and differences between the
United StatesNorth and South which led to the unforgettable American Civil War. For
this essay, I will be using six sources to support my thesis.
One of the tensions and differences between the North and South was the cultural
tension. The cultural difference between the North and the South was very large.
George Washington say in his farewell address, The North, in an unrestrained
intercourse with the South...finds in the productions of the latter great additional
resources of maritime and
Love Is A Battlefield By Dominic Tierney
Love is a Battlefield The article written in by Dominic Tierney, an associate
professor of political science at Swarthmore, wrote an article based on the tactics of
love and war. His general idea focused on how relationships are wars of love, which
either lead to unity or distractions. Tierney s analytical approach to the relationship
both within warand loveare seen as investments of trust, which take a long time to
build and an instant to destroy. The focus of my concern is when the article speaks of
these relationships becoming states of danger for militant and partners. Either
communities no longer feel safe, which results in rationalization or withdrawal from
the battles of war and love. Through the ending of a toxic situation,
The Toyota Motor Works ( Bmw )
I.Company Overview
Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) The Company I selected for my Final project is the
German Automobile and Motorcycle Manufacturer Bayerische Motoren Werke AG
better known in America as Bavarian Motor Works or BMW. This company was
founded in 1917, and today is one of the ten largest car manufacturers in the world.
Headquartered in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, the BMW Group includes the brands
BMW, MINI and Rolls Royce. BMW Group is the only Automotive company that
focuses only on Premium Luxury vehicles in its product offering.
The BMW group also has a strong market position in the motorcycle sector and
operates a successful financial services business. I selected this company because of
its reputation in the ... Show more content on ...
Methodology Assures the quality of the vehicle build of Pre Series cars, and drives
the problem solving process up to the Start of Production. Methodologists are
considered to be product experts on new vehicle content.
Through this project, we will analyze this company s business system, operations
management process and its Quality Assurance methods that makes this company
one of the best in the world.
This is what Harald KrГјger, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG,
has stated about this company and its direction in the future;
Throughout its 100 year history, the BMW Group has always reinvented itself. As a
pioneer of new technologies, the company has shaped change, within both the
industry and the world of mobility. We are setting the standard with our Strategy
NUMBER ONE NEXT, both now and in the future. We will lead the BMW Group
into a new era, one in which we will transform and shape both individual mobility
and the entire sector in a permanent way.
III.BMW Production System BMW produces at least 80 percent of its vehicles to
specific customer requirements. Unique combinations of exterior and interior colors,
engines, options, and upgrades are available to the customers. The BMW Production
process manages all the information and logistics and coordinates the sequencing of
parts and precise engineering and yet flexible enough
Sentencing And Punishment Of The Legal Law
Members of the legal profession are claiming that changes to the availability of
legal aid brought about by the introduction of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and
Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 could cause harm to the rule of law. The Act it
is claimed creates an environment in which those who, without the financial
resources to access justice will be denied access to justice. In principle the rule of
law is intended to ensure that the law is just, accessible to all and that it is
enforceable. That is to say, everyone should be able to enforce their legal rights,
have access to legal advice and have access to some form of adjudication if they
have a legal claim. The high cost of obtaining legal advise and bringing claims to
the courts is an obstacle to the vast majority and therefore, the vast majority of the
population require financial assistance in order to obtain effective access to
justice. The Legal Advise Act 1949 made provisions for means tested funding by
the state for the payment of legal fees. These fees covered the cost of legal advise,
the drafting of legal documents and of legal representation. Thus, access to justice
became widely available to those who satisfied the means and or merits test. The
Legal Aid Scheme was demand led and over time the cost to the state escalated
considerably. Concerns over this led to a series of reforms which tightened up the
means and merits criteria and put in to place a fixed annul budget for the funding of
legal aid
Corporate Social Responsibility Of Mcdonald s Corporation
McDonald s Corporation is the world s leading fast food service retailer with over
36,000 restaurants serving approximately 69 million customers in over 100
countries every day. McDonald s Corporation view themselves primarily as a
franchisor that believes that franchising is important in delivering great customer
experiences and driving profitability. As of 2014, more than 80% of McDonald s
restaurants were franchised to independent local franchisees around the world.
( 2015) In the 1970 s Milton Friedman argued that the only
social responsibility of a business is to increase profit and any activity that detracted
from this responsibility for profit maximisation was considered to be inefficient.
(Hanks 2015) Despite the limitations of compliance costs and stakeholder conflicts,
many large corporations today have integrated corporate social responsibility and
sustainability into their business practices to assist in the development of overall
profit maximization. In this critical essay, it will examine and critique two aspects of
McDonald s performance areas with regards to fulfilling society s expectations on
how the corporation should operate its business. It will focus on the positive and
negative aspects of food nutritionhealth and employment in McDonald s. Last but
not least, by exploring these performance areas, the impact and implications of
McDonald s actions on society and stakeholders will also discussed.
Food nutrition has become
Globalization and American Workforce in the Twentieth
15 October 2011 Globalization and American Workforce in the Twentieth Century
Globalization is nothing new, since ancient times; people have been selling and
buying their goods to each other. America was found by Europeans, when they
were looking for new routes to expand their commerce and trade. In the last decade
thanks to advances in communication and technology the commerce around the
world has increased to a level never seen before. This globalization however has
brought some changes and challenges to the American workforce: jobs have been
lost or outsourced, People are not sure what kind of skills will be necessary to have
a successful career and what kind of jobs that will have great demand in the coming...
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Four, the labor market will continue with the ethnic diversification, where the
percentage of the Americans and African American workers will remain constant
and Asian and Hispanics will continue growing. They concluded that people will
better prepare to adapt to the demands of the new millennium, and possibly they
will be positioned better in the labor market, and people with little education or
technological expertise will experience a decline in wages or unemployment. In
the next few years the competition between countries, companies and individuals
will be fierce, but people with knowledge and skills will be safe. Globalization has
brought many changes in the economy and many jobs are lost, people are not sure
which way to go when choosing a career. People with qualifications in math,
science, English and trades, will be able to succeed and also they will enjoy
incomes that their parents never imagined. There are some jobs in the service area
that we can call safe, people who work in close contact with the persons fell
Emancipation Of Women In Othello Essay
Othello, one of William Shakespeare s classics, is an intricate play written on the
life of a soldier in the sixteenth century, set in the backdrop of a war between
Venice and Turkey. This century, referred to as Renaissance (the era of re birth),
marks the emancipation of women. Plays in the Renaissance featured women who
would break the rules and stand up for themselves, their honor. This was the era
where plays portrayed women trying to come to power, overthrowing the concept of
power being only with stereotypical men. All the plays of Shakespeare during this
period featured a tragic heroine; trying to bring justices to themselves may it be
Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or King Lear. The female characters in Othello are
portrayed... Show more content on ...
When Othello explains what he had just done, Emilia understood the devios plan her
husband, Iago had played. Being emancipated, she could not keep quiet after what
had just happened. She could not just stand there when Othello had foolishly
murdered his wife because he was ashamed of what his wife had done. She had to
speak against her husband, something which was not common those days. She tells
Othello that That handkerchief thou speak st of I found by fortune and did give my
husband; For often, with a solemn earnestness, More than indeed belonged to such a
trifle, He begged of me to steal
The Music Of Music
Music collections is one of the most important stage in multimedia content and the
collections are very huge. A single iPod can hold as many as 10,000 songs, such
collections are searched by title, composer and performer, which allows for basic
storage retrieval of music.
This system contains many features which include
1) Harmony
2) Rhythm
3) Instrumentation
Access to this features supports in turn benefits individuals:
1. Tell me the song that goes. (query by example)
2. Could you increase the volume of the solo recording. (source separation)
3. Skipping to the next desired verse. (musical structure identification)
4. Find me a recording which can make me dance slow. (genre identification)
To expand the scope of routs, DSP scientists... Show more content on
For this situation, the assignment is unique. Instance of a more broad issue, whereby
may be picked up by applying musical requirements. For instance, the assignment of
isolating an individual voice from an execution of baroque music can be re arranged
utilizing learning of musical voice driving standards, as this empowers expectation of
lightly pitchers for every voice. Cases of the secondary territory incorporate meter
identification and genre identification. (*)
For this situation, the principle assignment is in a general sense musical in nature.
These tasks are greatly aided by advances in the more general problems areas of
source separation and source identification.
While there are number of fascinating problems in music information retrievals, this
article will focus on few system designed to attack two problems in particular:
Query by example and source separation.
The first part describes challenges in musical query by example and describes the
systems that take various approaches to the problem.
The last part explores approaches to source separation in musical context, again
focusing on systems that take distinct approaches to the problem.
Most right now sent music web search tools, for example, and
neighborhood libraries, make utilization of metadata about the melody title and
entertainer name in their indexing instrument. Normally, a man wishing to discover a
recording can sing a bit of the piece yet
Example Of Narrative Essay Scary Story
On a cold fall evening in the town of Dankfurt, Alaska with a small population of
73. There was a boy named Derek. Derek was just an ordinary boy who attended
the school of Winterfield which was 10 miles away. He did this because his town
had no school along with two other friends. Every morning he and his friends would
wake up at five thirty to walk to school. Because of the Alaskan time zonesit was dark
during the day and light at night. On their walk they would pass one house and one
house only which was in the heart of the woods. It was a dark brown house with
white curtains. The house was very old and looked to be falling apart. They assumed
it was abandoned and thought nothing of it. But every time Derek walked passed he
would get a minor headache not even recognizing... Show more content on ...
Many of the football players would hit or choke them for it. The boys could do
nothing they were scrawny and weak except for Joe he was fat. Joe stood up to the
biggest kid this time saying Buzz of man. They replied with In your dreams twinkie.
Joe attacked him with well that is why the football team sucks! screw you man said
the bully and walked away. After their hellish days at school the boys would head to
the drama club. This is where they all fit in and thoroughly enjoyed attending the
meetings. They were at these meetings until six thirty or sunrise in Alaska at the time.
The boys would stroll home and get back at about ten o clock. They would do the
same thing every day.
Early one morning Derek s power went out and his alarm clock did not go off. The
other boys waited for him but he did not show up so they assumed he was sick and
left without him. A few hours later he woke up and realized he was late. He threw
on his clothes and bolted out the door. Because of Alaska s time zoneit was pitch dark
when he started his journey. But he carried on his journey just like any
Movie And Film Version Of To Kill A Mockingbird
The film version of To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), which stars Gregory Peck as
Atticus and Mary Badham as Scout, is as much a classic as the novel itself. (The film
received eight Academy Awards nominations and netted awards for Best Actor, Best
Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium, and Best Art Direction Set
Decoration, Black and White.)
Ideally, a novel and its film version complement each other, which, on many levels,
is the case with To Kill a Mockingbird. However, film can accomplish things that
novels can t, and vice versa. Likewise, film has limitations that a novel doesn t. This
essay explores some of the differences between To Kill a Mockingbird, the film and
the novel.
By its nature, film is a visual medium, which makes a first person story difficult to
tell. To have Scout narrating throughout the film as she does in the book would
prove distracting, so Scout as narrator is only presented to set the mood of a scene
in the film. As a result, viewers don t get a strong sense of Scout s first person
narration as they do in the book; instead, they simply notice the childlike perspective
portrayed in the story. (The film uses music to help reinforce the child s point of
view. The music is very elementary, and much of the score is composed of single
notes without chords or embellishments.)
Because the narration is not as straightforward in the film, the film seems to shift
more to Jem s experiences. For example, Jem finds all the articles in
Role Of Julius Caesar In The Gaul
Julius Caesar s role in the Gaul had a large impact in many aspects of his career
such as the military, wealth and influence on Rome and political power. Julius
Caesar was a Roman politician who turned the Roman republic into the powerful
Roman Empire. Caesar overthrew the Roman republic and founded the rule of the
emperors. In this period Caesar used the problems to his advantage and created his
own supreme political and military power, gaining the trust of Rome and building
his army. Caesar is well known throughout the whole world as one of the most
powerful and successful leaders that has ever lived. In his young years, his father
had a major impact on him, as he had political success, and the family has a history
in politics, which had helped Caesar in starting out in politics. Julius Caesars first
important political success had occurred in 63b.c.e when Caesar was appointed
the role of Chief Religious office in Rome; this had set him up for future political
roles. Caesar was very strategically and had many tactics to how he would rule; he
always wanted more glory and political and military opportunities and would
overcome all challenges he faced. In 59B.C.E Caesar won an election to become
consul, the senate then assigned him to lands that gave Caesar no opportunities for
military exaltation, as he did not want Caesar to succeed. Caesar realised he would
need more allies to overcome his opponents in the senate. He then formed the alliance
that was known as the First Triumviratewith the Roman General Pompeywho brought
wealth and military success. During Caesar s rule he gained a lot of military success
due to how he led his army
Military during Caesar s rule was a high contribution of his success. Military
success was important to Julius Caesar as it gave him wealth to succeed in Roman
politics. It was important was important for Caesar because it gives him enormous
power in the military; this means his army would be big and strong and would be
able to protect Caesar. Success in a war gave Caesar more glory and brought more
wealth to him, and made Caesar rise more to fame. In Rome political success brought
opportunities for military command, as Julius Caesar already had much political
power, his
The Pledge Of Professionalism
The White Coat Ceremony organized by IMU School of Pharmacy marked the
beginning of my journey into a professional healthcare community as a pharmacy
student. During this event, I received a white coat and took the Pledge of
Professionalism. I realize that putting on the white coat had affirmed my status as a
pharmacystudent in IMU. The white coat is a powerful symbol of health
profession, impressing upon me the importance of the immense responsibility and
a great sense of pride that pharmacists have as health care providers. Besides, I feel
duty bound especially as I recited the Pledge of Professionalism. People will rely
on me as a pharmacist in future. I can improve the health of others through
pharmaceutical cures. The ceremony had also highlighted my purpose of entering
the pharmacy school and I am motivated to become a successful student
pharmacist. Moreover, I have a feeling of achievement in the sense that hard work
pays off and I am getting much closer to fulfilling my dream even though the
ceremony was only a sign of the beginning of the programme. With strong
determination and perseverance, I am sure that I will be able to uphold to what I
have pledged. The Pledge of Professionalism serves as a guideline for me to... Show
more content on ...
Pharmacists are consistently ranked as some of the most highly trusted professionals
because of the important care and health related services they provide. Furthermore,
a professional pharmacist plays a crucial role in providing quality health care.
Pharmacists have extensive clinical knowledge and expertise in the use of
medications. Rational and proper use of prescription medications helps to improve
health outcomes and quality of life. The pharmacists also exist to protect the safety of
patients by preventing the medication errors in all pharmacy
Dirt Bike Essay
Livingstone 1
How to Drive a Dirt Bike
Have you ever wondered how people on dirtbikes keep their balance while going at
such fast speeds and riding in mud and dirt? Have you ever wondered if you would
be able to ride a dirt bike? You can learn how to dirt bike by used these four steps
kickstarting, clutch and shifting, riding, and braking. These four steps should help
you learn how to ride a dirt bike.
To start a dirt bike up you will need to know how to use the kickstarter and when to
use the choke. A choke is used to limit the amount of air that goes into the
carburetors while it is cold out. You are probably used to a car where you just need a
key to turn it on, while on a dirtbike you need to kickstart it for it to run. To kick start
you need to be in neutral and have the clutch in. To insure that you don t hurt yourself
have your ... Show more content on ...
Balancing on a dirt bike is a lot like riding a bicycle but is is bigger and weighs more.
A dirtbike can weigh between 150 pounds and 250 plus pounds so you will want to
learn how to control the bike so you don t get hurt. You may need to move your
body around to find your perfect balancing point for different kinds of riding. For
example some times you might need to stand up, sit down or lean side to side. If you
are stuck in mud you might need to shift your weight around to get out. With turning
there are two different ways to turn. The two ways are counter turning and using the
handlebars to turn. While going fast you should probably counter steer by leaning to
turn the bike because if you turned the handlebars to much you would probably have
a higher chance at crashing. While going slow you can use the handlebars to get
around tight and small
Outline Of A Marketing Plan
BSBMKG609A Develop a Marketing Plan Assessment 1 ORGANIZATION
OVERVIEW Canterbury renovation is a chain of homeward store in city that
specializes in bathroom fittings, bedroom fittings, mirrors and decorative items. The
organization is considered to be the provider of efficient and cleanly designed
products that have had a large impact on the way homemakers shop, and received
such recognition that the store was made into a chain in order to fulfill the needs of a
larger consumer market. Canterbury renovation offers bathroom fittings, mirrors,
bedroom fitting and decorative items to its customers. The analysis of each of the
aspect of the company overview is provided under the following heads. Mission
statement A celebration of the home, brand Houzit is a store for the quality and style
conscious consumer. Providing unique, eclectic and affordable home accents and
gifts, we intend to generate a fair return to finance continued growth and expanded
community involvement. Our current products Product attributes Being a retail
brand Houzit caters to home makers through providing them what they need, in a
variety that is exclusive to the brand itself. The number of satisfied customers Houzit
has managed to garner increases every day and it is testament to the fact that with its
exceptional design and swift accessibility, the organization s strategic direction has
slowly helped pave the road for its success. Pricing, distribution, Promotion, and
service offered Its
How Did The French And Indian War Salutary Neglect
Great Britain at this time had many issues with funding themselves after exhausting
resources and political power, after the French and Indian War. Britain was slowly
losing power trying to keep the inhabitants of the American colonies at the bay.
With a victory in the hand of Britain and one of the bloodiest wars staining the
hearts of the people of America in the other, Britain had to keep itself strong, so the
idea of taking their colonies quickly came to mind and keeping foreign colonies in
check was their first priority. There were many issues going on in the British colonies.
One of many issues that happened is salutary neglect, which led to the colonies to be
mad with the British Government. Salutary neglect was the British victory with...
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They say power to tax is a necessary part of every supreme legislative authority and
that if they have not that power over America they have none and the America is at
once a kingdom of itself [Raising Money and Rising Anger. 22]. later many started
complaining that the king had no right to tax them this much. Other than the
Americans don t like their duty of being taxed the British were also being taxed as
well. Colonist got used to their taxation within their own government. They tax them
because since they thought the colonies were well off that they could tax them
Parliament is equally known to the neighbor who elects and to him who does not
the friendships the influences are spread through the whole [Raising Money and
Rising Anger 23]. This meaning even if you are virtually represented because of
close living you can see those that were unfair because Americans are already being
taxed and people who already living in
How Did Alexander Graham Bell Influence The Discovery
Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray s inventions of the telephone
Communication was vital on getting a message across. Alexander Graham Bell and
Elisha Gray were two inventors who helped spread the idea that the human voice
could be transferred from one place to another. Because of their help, we are so
advanced in today s society. This was one step of bringing this country together as a
whole. Communication was vital to get an important message fast and efficiently
without waiting weeks.
Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray were two inventors from the 19th century
who helped spread the knowledge that electricity could be transmitted from one place
to another. Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh
Scottland. ... Show more content on ...
This was a distance of 5 miles. The other people at the end heard faint noises, but
could not hear what Bell was saying. In the next test, Bell shortened the distance to
4 miles. The people concluded that they could hear a distinct and audible voice.
This event proved that Bell s telephone would work for any distance. Bell s
colleagues offered to sell the patent for $100,000. The Western Union said it was
nothing more than a toy and they would not pay that much. Later, his partners said
to Bell that he could sell his patent for about $25 million. Bell thought it was too
late and decided not to sell it and to keep his company. Bell began to show the
world his revolutionary design. One of the more famous demonstrations was from
New York to Chicago in 1892. Queen Victoria showed excitement and said, Most
extraordinary! The positive advice Bell had received made him proud of his
prototype design. Elisha Gray had similar prototypes with his liquid transmitter idea.
In another prototype, Bell looked at Thomas Edison s past patents. He found one
called the Carbon Microphone. This telephone worked better in long range and you
didn t have to shout at the receiving end. This improved Bell s
Hampton Roads Interest in Breweris and Craft Beer Essay
The Hampton Roads region is no exception to the recent nationwide interest in local
breweries and craft beers. Although certain state regulations initially prevented craft
breweries from existing to their full capacity in this area, some breweries still
began to achieve success. O Connor Brewing Company made interest in these beers
possible in this area because of its immediate success after a long trail of failed
brewingcompanies ( O Connor Brewing Company NP). Due to former regulations,
most brewing companies closed within months of starting up their businesses.
Previously, Virginia law prevented breweries from selling alcohol at its respective
establishments, a key part of upkeep for any local brewery (Riggan NP). Although the
... Show more content on ...
As is common with most localized craft beer companies, the reach of O Connor s
market spreads in multiple areas across the country. People from all parts of the
nation buy from the company, therefore leading to more tourist interest in the
Hampton Roads region. Anyone who drinks O Connor beer learns a little bit about
the Hampton Roads area due to the small descriptions put on the bottles.
Developing interest in the area itself adds to the tourist interest received from
people who simply travel with the goal of visiting many local craft beer breweries.
The tourism achieved from the presence of many local breweries is phenomenal
(Miller NP). The company s attempt to appeal towards women is another key part to
stretching towards different beer drinking demographics. The bottles themselves
emphasize their interest in multiple audiences. Unlike many plainer looking beer
bottles, O Connor s beer has more elegant and colorful designs. The company
intends for the product to be extremely eye catching. This goes hand in hand with
the designs put on the bottles to connect to local culture. Similarly to how the
interest over the past several years [in] American craft beer has grown exponentially,
(Canova 5) female interest in the beer market has also steadily increased. O Connor s
is just one of many breweries attempting to break the gender roles associated with
drinking beer through its packaging and marketing. Creating a product
The Glory Field By Walter Dean Myers
The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers best conveys the character traits of courage,
ambitiousness, and supporting family even when times appear to be distressful.
This book takes you through African American history with the excitement and
thrill of fiction. It allows you to witness the glory of African American evolution,
from a period of slavery to modern day. The reader witnesses courage as African
Americans try and fight for freedom and equality in an unforgiving society. African
Americans try and defy the society s perspective of them in an attempt to reach an
optimal level of success. They work to divert from their typical expectations, and
strive for success even when the possibilities are minimal. They strive to build a
better living besides being maids and factory workers, and they attempt to remove
every obstacle in their way of success. They desire to go above what is expected of
them, so they can achieve at a prodigious level in a segregated society. Even as
technology advances, the reader witnesses the character s sense of community. They
always believe that family is crucial to success even in times of distress. If they
abandon their community, then they abandon the only people that support them. In
this time period, their community was composed of the only people that cared about
them. The African Americansociety emulates these traits throughout this book, as the
author inserts you into their fight for equity and freedom. The Glory Field takes
India s Indian Caste System
India has pioneered many different civilizations and empires each presenting new
social, religious, and cultural dynamics. Through the development of India in the past
100+ years, they were colonized by Great Britain and societies began to form caste
systems. However, different hierarchal statuses were instituted long before the
establishment of castesystems officially. Sociologists agree that the British didn t
create the caste system, however the British used their dominance to further endorse a
stricter system that could easily define and categorize the people of India. The
Portuguese used the term caste system first to, denote the social classification of
India, as they thought the system was meant to be o preserve the purity of... Show
more content on ...
There are many arguments that the caste system is fundamentally for religious
reasons, however other historians and sociologists argue that once the Europeans
started colonizing India, the meaning of took a turn. Through biological theories, all
existing things (animated or inanimate) will inherit one of three qualities, sattva,
rajas, and tamas (Daniel). Sattvas qualities include goodness, honesty, wisdom,
intelligence, and many other good natured qualities; rajas qualities are passionate
qualities such as, passion and pride; and tamas qualities are not very positive
qualities, and entail lack of intelligence and creativity, dullness, and other negative
qualities (Daniel). Depending on the qualities that one inherited and gained, would
determine what occupation one would be in, essentially deciding what class they
would be in. Through the social historical theory, we understand that the caste system
began with the Aryans in 1500 B.C. (Swanpil 71). The Aryans were fairer in their
skin, and came from northern Asia and southern Europe. Through Lieberson s and
Noel s Model (1968), both consider the importance of initial group contact however
the Aryans used Lieberson s migrant subordination as well as being ethnocentric to
the indigenous culture by creating a stratification system. When they first entered
India, they met the Dravidians who they contrasted with both in their
Gender Roles In Star Trek Next Generation Essay
In 1966 a series called quot;Star Trek quot; was created. It s creator, Gene
Roddenberry, did not create the show to be a science fiction series. The series was
much deeper than that. It wasn t just about discovering new planets and civilizations.
It was about controversial issues. Even though the series take place in the 23rd and
24th century the issues struck with the times and related current issues. Through each
series, The Original, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager, there has been
progression with the times and the issues. The issues that surround the episodes of
Star Trek include race, religion, sexuality, the depiction of science and genderroles.
The central focus being talked about in... Show more content on ...
There was the captain, Janeway, Kes and Seven of Nine. This series brought
women into leadership roles. The progression of women in Star Trek has been
appropriately timed and has even pushed a little bit past the time. Even though
Uhura basically played the role of a secretary her role still pushed the envelope for
the time because of her race. She was a black actress during or right after the civil
rights movement. She even thought of quitting the role because she felt that she
wasn t used enough for her role in the series. However, after Martin Luther King, Jr.
talked to her and told her how important it would be for her to stay on the show, she
did. Women in Star Trek have progressed from a secretary type, to a doctor and
counselor, to the second in command and eventually the first in command or the
captain. Their progress allows them to be more influential.
Let s talk more specifically about the Next Generation series. The Original series
showed the four starring male roles to provide everything for the crew. This is not
the case in Next Generation. Next Generation is more like a family with a father, a
mother and children. But who were the biggest members of the family? There are
four characters, which give the presence of a family on Next Generation.
First, you have the father. This is actually quite simple. You have Captain Picardwho
plays the father. He is much older than any of the other crew seen
How Should Nunavut Be Banned In Australia
The legal blinkers for Aboriginal Australians in Northern Territory, Alice Springs and
Canada s youngest territory Nunavut has suffered. Since the laws and policy makers
on alcohol problems was implemented by the white government, illustrating that they
didn t know that it caused suffering for Aboriginal and Nunavut people. The
prohibition of alcohol for the people of Nunavut is hurting them because it s banned
in 95% of its area, especially since it s illegal in Pangnirtung. This prohibition is the
National state versus Individual rights, since it is supposed to protect individual
rights, they should have education on the effects of alcohol, so they understand how
to control their urges for alcohol. Alcohol has not been in stores since the 1970s and
the Alcohol Education Committee can set the limit of the size of the alcohol order or
even deny the application. The prohibition led to bootlegging alcohol for Nunavut,
especially Pangnirtung... Show more content on ...
The Act shows little evidence that it is working, for example, PR attempted to
leave the rehabilitation facility and was taken to court. She was the first person to
face charges for escaping under the Act. However, she was released since it was an
error of law . Nova Peris, a senator for Northern Territory stated that the Act is a racist
act since it criminalised Aboriginal Australians with alcohol problems and tries to
rehabilitate them, but it was
Drama and Excitement in the Opening Scene of Romeo
Drama and Excitement in the Opening Scene of Romeo and Juliet by Baz
Lurhmann Romeo and Juliet is directed by Baz Lurhmann and was produced in
1997 .In the opening scene of the film is set in a petrol station . The Montague boys
and the Capulet boys happen to meet each other and a quarrel ensues and this leads
to a big gun battle accompanied by western music that adds humour to the scene. The
techniques the Luhrmann uses are lighting ,camera angles , setting and different
aspects of mis en scene to create drama and excitement for the audience. In the
opening scene of Romeo and Juliet sound is used to create an effect on the audience
. When the film starts images of the city of Verona are... Show more content on ...
On the other hand the Capulet boys have loud roaring coming from their car
luhrman uses this to present the Capulets in a totally different way to the
Montague s the loud roaring noise is used to make the Capulet seem more
menacing than the Montague s and that the Capulet are feared by the Montague s .
As from the moment Tybalt steps out of his car , western style music is played ,
this non diagetic sound is used to prepare the audience for the western style that is
about to occur, this western style music ties in with the diagetic sound of the sign
from the petrol station swinging , this all links in with the western genre which
coincides with the style of fighting between the two families in this particular
scene. When Tybalt steps out if the Capulet car we only see his western style boots
that link in with the western style music and the sign swinging . The sound his
boots make when he steps out on the lit match seem menacing , because we cannot
see his face and he makes a horrible noise with his boots . After the prologue is read
by the newsreader , the camera pans over the city . These erratic camera shots ,
show images of buildings that belong to the two families and religious buildings
such as the statue of Jesus in the centre of the city . These images give a birds eye
view of the city as if we are in a helicopter .Because of the erratic
The Negative Portrayal of Women in Breakfast of
The Negative Portrayal of Women in Breakfast of Champions
Kurt Vonnegut s Breakfast of Champions was written, as he says in the opening
pages, to clear my head of all the junk in there. . . . The things other people have put
into my head, at any rate, do not fit together nicely, are often useless and ugly (5).
Though Vonnegut wrote this book over twenty years after Simone de Beauvoirmade
her assessment of women s place in the world, his searing social critique shows that
the position of women has not changed much, that they are still the Others in relation
to men. A flawed society contributes to the situation, but Vonnegut shows that
misplaced priorities, foolish behavior, and shallow ways of thinking lead to bad ends
for ... Show more content on ...
When she sees Dwayne, she naively thinks that he could do for her what the Fairy
Godmother could do for Cinderella, if he wanted to (137). She realizes that he
holds money and power, and this makes him a magical person in her eyes (137). As
she thinks about how he could help her solve her problems, Patty notices that
Dwayne is acting strangely and seems depressed. This causes her to feel sorry for
him, and turns her thoughts to how she can help Dwayne. Vonnegut writes, Patty
Keene was persuaded that she could make him happy with her young body, with
her bravery and cheerfulness (143). However, Patty s sympathy is clouded with
materialistic thoughts of all of the new and used cars Dwayne owned (143). She is
willing to prostitute herself, since Dwayne could give her a fine house and new
automobiles and nice clothes and a life of leisure, and he could pay all the medical
bills . . . as easily as she had given him his hamburger and his French fries and his
Coke (137).
Francine Pefko, Dwayne Hoover s secretary and mistress, is the best example of a
woman completely submissive to the will of man. She is a very efficient
employee; at work she is described as pure machinery. . . A machine made out of
meat a typing machine, a filing machine (188). On a particularly busy afternoon,
Dwayne asks her to go to a motel with him, and Francine thinks it is her duty to go . . .
The Importance Of Being Tolerant In The Tang Dynasty
The Tang Dynasty was a time period that lasted from 608 up until 907 b.c. The
tang was also a very tolerant era. They were tolerant of many things such as other
religions and other culture beliefs other than only Chinese beliefs, but was being
tolerant a good or bad thing in this time period? An example of tolerance at its
finest in this period is the royal family of Tang, surnamed Li, was of non Han
Chinese origin. One benefit of the Tang being tolerant is a better war defense for
protection from rivals. Another way being tolerant benefits them is by not only
having a good defense but also by having more allies for attacking in war. Lastly,
being tolerant in the Tang dynastywas beneficial to them by providing more
opportunities to learn about other cultures.... Show more content on ...
They would be capable of doing this because they let a lot of people of many
different races and religions into their area. With being tolerant, many people
would be more relenting to go to war on their side. This would also prevent many
people of different cultures to feel hatred against the Tang, which could later
protect them from getting attacked and overthrown. On the other hand, some
rulers still weren t fully reliable to this idea. They still had some segregation for
people that are full blooded chinese. An example of this would be Taizong, his
civilization took a test on how many people were full blooded chinese. When the
results came back, Taizong s name was at number three, so he had them take the test
back and make him look like he was the most full blooded chinese. This proves that
no matter how chinese he was, he still wanted to look like the best, according to John
Social Cognition And Interaction Influence On Society
Social Cognition and Interaction While analyzing the impact of the interaction of
self and the society we see that the self generally influences the society. This is
done by actions of individuals which lead to the creation of groups, networks and
organizations of people. On the other hand society also affects and molds an
individual with its shared values and collective norms which helps in giving an
individual its identity and a role in the society. An example of this type of
interaction would be when a person moves to different locality, that individuals
preference and lifestyle changes as per the norms and practices of the society and
likewise if a certain behavior is followed by that person then people in the society
also get influenced by that behavior. Further concepts of self, awareness and self
schemas could be effectively used for self development. It is said that what we
think of ourselves, is what we make out of ourselves. Hence self schema could lead
to actions resulting in a state which we want ourselves to be. Generally if we
create and idea of self and interact with others in the society, it gives an impression
to the society about the way we think and the way we receive things from the
society. Great leaders have a dream and confidence in them which is reflected in
their actions and the interaction with the society. Hence it is important to be self
aware and understand self very clearly. Further self concept refers to the act of
holding ourselves when we
Engineering Disciples
Engineering Disciplines Oral Presentation Overview: The purpose of this project is to
provide a better understanding of the different engineering disciplines offered at the
University. Students will be divided into teams. Each team will prepare a presentation
on a discipline to be presented to the class. This presentation serves as a means for
students to learn, in depth, about a major outside of their areas of interest. The
assumption is that students haven t had much information presented to them about
these disciplines and opportunities afforded by them. After the presentations, each
student will be armed with sheets of information about different disciplines and will
learn a little something more about each in order to make a... Show more content on ...
Make sure to include as much detail as possible. The most important items to
include are your content areas and the approximate amount of time your group will
spend on each area. General Tips for Using PowerPoint Effectively * At most, put
three bullets per slide for a clean presentation * Minimize the number of words on
text slides * Avoid making graphs too complex * Use a consistent background, font,
and bulleting scheme * Be creative when designing your slides, but avoid being too
creative. The design must not detract from your message Oral Presentation The actual
presentation should last 10 minutes and groups should allow few minutes for
question and answer. Everyone in the group must present some portion of the
material, or points will be taken
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Global Sourcing
Introduction: Global sourcing is the process of sourcing goods from international
markets. It aims at efficiencies of the international markets such as labor cost, cheaper
raw material procurement, tax break, economic factors, changing technology etc.
Advantages of Global Sourcing:
1.Learning how to do business successfully:
By global sourcing helps to acquire
2.Finding and developing alternate supplier:
Disadvantage of global sourcing
1.Hidden cost
2.Learning about different culture
Customer involvement in product customization has become greater trend for that
outsourcing has become core competence within the organization. Today outsourced
product or commodity are considered as developed components.
Unit procurement cost ... Show more content on ...
The emergence of system integrators offering multiple vendor solution is driven by
their business customer s demand for more complex integrated solution. The core
driver of the latest form of the global (ie., both onshore and offshore )outsourcing is
the heightened organizational and technological capacity of firm in decoupling and
coordinating a network of remotely located external suppliers performing an intricate
set of activities ( Levy 2005).
In business to business marketing context the firms providing integrated solutions to
their business customer s by organizing their global internal and external activities
because high demand for complex integrated solution (Davies, Brady and Hobday
2007). After gaining valuable external knowledge a firms need to use it absorptive
capacity in exploiting externally generated knowledge and there by transforming
these knowledge and applying this knowledge to create firms value (Zara and George
2002). The strategic fit perspective asserts that the environment and strategy interact
in a dynamic coalignment process and a match between them would exert a positive
impact on performance (Venkatraman and
The Effect Of Temperature On Bacterial Amylase, Bacillus...
The Effect of Temperature on Bacterial Amylase, Bacillus lichenifomis,
And Fungal Amylase, Aspergillus Oryzae
By: Sebastian Velandia (5443225)
Lab Partners:
Keila Burgos
Maily Hernandez
Michelle Rozo
Lab Section U 46
Abstract: Enzymes take care of catalysis in living organisms. They are used mainly
for commercial uses for example, to produce sugars. Throughout the experiment,
bacterial amylase, Bacillus lichenifomis, and fungal amylase, Aspergillus Oryzae,
were being tested in order to determine the optimal point of the temperature for the
respective amylase. The optimal temperature is the temperature at which the enzyme
works best. In order to determine the break down of starch, the mixing of amylase
with starch would occur. With the help of iodine as an indicator, it could be noted
which temperature was the optimum. The outcome showed that for the bacterial
amylase, hydrolysis worked best at 55 degrees Celsuis. As for the fungal amylase,
hydrolysis worked best at 25 degrees Celsius. As the temperature passed its optimal
point, the enzyme would denature or change shape,3 due to the change in the
environment. This can be seen with the color changes. Where hydrolysis worked
best, it had a bright yellow color as seen in Figure 1. When the enzyme would
denature, the color would change to black as seen in Figure 2. All in all, the
experiment proved to be successful although there may have been possible sources of
Figurative Language In Melba Beals Warriors Don T Cry
Being a teenager, that s tough. But being someone who is expected to single
handedly break racial barriers, thats all around near impossible. In the story,
Warriors Don t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals, she portrays how she had to be a leader
in integration, while being a high schooler at the same time. In her story, she uses
figurative language, such as irony and similes, to enhance some of her most difficult
times. Through her use of figurative language, the reader is opened up to how
Melba uses figurative language throughout her story to emphasise her hardships and
struggles, and how she imagines a hopeful future. For example, she puts her hope, in
some of the metaphors she uses, even if she is unaware of doing so. Melba sneaks
her hope
The Civil War And The End Of Reconstruction
After the Civil War, following the Compromise of 1877 and the end of
Reconstruction, the protection for the rights of African American ended if there
was any. Southern States had moved to impose a system of segregation on nearly
all areas of life. New laws that required segregation that stirred separate but equal
doctrine that disenfranchise African Americans for almost six decades. It is hard
in this days and age to be able to imagine segregation as a law, but the remnants just
change form and name. A petition file on June 7, 1892, in the supreme court
Louisiana by a local shoemaker named Homer Plessy against Honorable judge
John H. Ferguson. His filling set a test case to challenge Separate Car Act that
prompt Plessy v. Ferguson case perhaps one of the most noticeable actions to
nullify separate but equal doctrine. Homer Plessy was arrested and put in jail for
sitting in the white only train car of the East Louisiana Railroad. He was one
eighths black and seven eighths white, but under Louisiana law, he was considered
black due to the hints of black blood, and was therefore required to sit in the colored
train car. Even though the companies of the cars opposed to law due to expenses of
maintenance of separate cars and lose of black customers White dominated state
legislature move to make segregation mandatory and ensured that African American
barred from challenging the separate but equal doctrine. However, the main reason
segregation prevailing in the south is a
The Lady
Boomerang The Essence of Sex Board Members in Board Room Strange smells a
perfume Strange: (Smells Perfume) I hate it Board Member (Lloyd) : But this
fragrance tested very well. Strange : I said I wanted the essence of sex! Jacqueline:
Yes Board Member (Lloyd): Well I think this is it Strange: You would, but let me
show you what I m talking about (Takes of thong) Board Member 2: Unbelievable!
(Holds thong up to board members face) Strange : (Rubs thong in man s face) this
is the essence of sex! Voila!!! (Laughs indistinctively) (Lloyd storms out of the room
angrily) Strange : Please! You make me feel ridiculous (Strange starts speaking
French) Strange : And you, where have you been you?... Show more content on ...
It has too...Wait a minute...Strange your name says all of those things. You re
powerful. You re glamorous. You re sexy. You re intelligent. Stra (Filled with
excitement) ..thats what we should call the perfume (Pause) Strange ...Strange
(All applauds saying Strange ) Strange : Ok Ok Ok... I like it!! (More applause)
(Strange grabs fur coat and exits the board room) Marcus: Strut Girl Strut! Go On,
girl, It s you Girl Scene Strange Jacqueline: Ladies and gentlemen I have a very
exciting announcement to make. Since 1948, the name Lady Eloise has been
synonymous with glamour, grace, sensuality, and stunning natural beauty. In the
next century that tradition continues. Introducing the new face of lady Eloise
cosmetics ...Strange Scene Dinner Scene (Waiter asks Strange is she wants
anything) Strange : No I m on a diet! Marcus: Diet? What are you crazy? You look
great. I can t get you down in the Caribbean! Strange : Im not sure im going
anywhere Jacqueline: Well you ve gotta go. Marcus has planned a wonderful trip.
We re going to have a lot of fun. (Jacqueline gets up wanting to make a phone call)
Marcus: Hey Listen. I know you re a little concerned about the layout was going to be,
Furman V. Georgia Case
The Furman v. Georgia case has set a precedent on how the courts deal with the
disputable issue that is capital punishment because it was the first time the Supreme
Court addressed the problem. Both racism and the morality of the death penalty have
been relatively controversial issues in the United States for several years. The
Furman v. Georgia case conjoined both matters. The case declared that if capital
punishmentwere to be used, it was going to be used for all the right reasons, not due to
any prejudices or discrimination by reason of the Eighth and Fourteenth
Amendments. Additionally, the case placed a moratorium on the death penalty
because it was argued that the application of Furman s sentencing would be an
example of cruel and unusual... Show more content on ...
The courts stated juries were allotted too much power in sentencing, hence prompting
the racial bias that dismounted in not only the Furman v Georgia case, but a
multitudinous amount of cases in the south. In a 5 4 decision, it was concluded that
the implementation of Furman s sentencing was cruel and unusual. Two justices
concluded the death penalty was unconstitutional, while three stated that the method
in which the sentencing was being utilized, made it unconstitutional. Justice Douglas
also observed that not only were death penalties given to the poor, uneducated, and
sick minorities, but that they had been taking place due to miscommunication and
lack of guidance and understanding of the law, which furthermore concluded in the
use of preconceived notions and prejudices that guided the jurors in
Analysis of Wicked, the Life and Times of the Wicked
Wicked, the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the East is a fantasy book by
Gregory Maguire. It follows the life of the Wicked Witch, the character from the
Wizard of Oz, from her birth to her death, or her pseudo death. It also explores the
question the nature of good and evil. The main character is, of course, the Wicked
Witch, Elphaba. She is born green, with really sharp teeth, and afraid of water.
When she gets near water, she just gets really scared, and when she cries or a
couple drops of water get on her it burns her. When she is still young her father, who
is a minister, decides they will move to the Quadling country to try to convert the
people there to the faith of the Unknown God. Elphaba is described many times...
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Madame Morrible tries to get them to work for the Wizard, but she puts a spell on
them so they won t remember. Afterwards, Elphaba goes underground with a revolt
against the Wizard. Fiyero spots her one day, and they start talking. Even though
she tells him to go away for his own safety, he keeps meeting up with her and they
have an affair. Elphaba tries to murder Madame Morrible but fails. Fiyero, who
watched her, goes to her apartment, where members of the Wizard s private army
are waiting. When Elphaba comes back, she finds massive amounts of blood all
around the room, but no body. She goes into shock, and seeks refuge with a
religious order. It is implied she has a son but you never actually know because she
was in a coma for the first year. She stays for seven years in all. Elphaba, with her
son Liir, goes to the Vinkus to beg forgivness from Fiyero s wife, Sarima. Sarima is
dead set against Elphaba telling her anything upsetting, so Elphaba s wish is never
fulfilled. By now, Elphaba has learned a little magic from a book she found in
Sarima s library, but is actually from our, and the Wizard s, world. Nessarose, who
is now the ruler of Munchkinland and a witch, writes, and Elphaba goes to visit.
While she is gone the Wizard s forces storm the castle and carry off Sarima and her
family, leaving only Liir. After seven years of unsuccessful search
Literature Review Of Royal Jelly
REVIEW OF LITERATURE Royal jelly (RJ) is a honeybee product secreted from the
hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of the worker honeybees. It contains a
mixture of very important compounds that give it therapeutic and nutritional
properties. These compounds as protein, glucose, lipid, vitamins, minerals, aspartic
acid, gelatin, sterols, phosphorous compounds, acetylcholine, nucleic acids, and
numerous trace ingredients. The ingredients are in the form of water, crude protein
and monosaccharides. The remainder of the royal jelly is composed of an ether
soluble fraction of fatty acid (Galaly et al., 2014).
Royal jelly is a viscous jelly substance which is partially soluble in water with a
density of 1.1 g/ ml. Its colour is whitish to yellow, the yellow color increases upon
storage. Its odor is pungent, the taste being sour and sweet. Old RJ, which stored
for long time tends to be darker and possess a rancid taste. For optimum quality, RJ
should be stored in frozen state. According to water content, the viscosity of RJ
varies and it slowly becomes more viscous when stored at room temperature or in a
refrigerator at 5ВєC. The viscosity of RJ increases with increment of water insoluble
nitrogenous compounds and a reduction in soluble nitrogen and free amino acids
(Ramadan and Al Ghamdi, 2012).
Royal jelly contains proteins, more than 80% of RJ proteins are soluble proteins
called major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) which are glycoproteins. These proteins
HPV Case Study
HPV and its associated diseases affect men and women of all races and ethnicities.
In the United States, Caucasian females have a lower incidence of cervical cancer
and a higher incidence of vulvar cancer, while vaginal cancers associated with
HPV occur more frequently in black females CITE JEMAL 2013 HPV linked
oropharyngeal cancers are increasing in both sexes across all ethnicities with the
exception of blacks, and hpv associated anal cancers have increased in both males
and females of all races and ethnicities CITE JEMAL 2013 In the state of Florida,
between 1981 and 2009, there was a higher incidence of cervical, vaginal, and penile
cancer in the black population, a higher incidence of anal cancer in the Hispanic
population, and a... Show more content on ...
In their 2015 study Alves Ribeiro et al. found that women who began having sexual
intercourse prior to age of 16 were more than four times as likely to have a HPV
infection (OR 4.41; 95%CI:1.20 19.33), and nearly five times as likely for that
infection to involve serotypes 16 and 18 (OR 4.68; 95% CI: 1.20 21.32). Moreover,
women with a sexual debut prior to age 16 were twice as likely to have a diagnosis of
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)1 or greater (OR 2.2; 95% CI: 0.94 5.08
CITE 2. The same study also demonstrated a statistically significant association
between CIN 1 and HPV infection, especially infection with HPV serotypes 16 and
18 (OR 2.76; 95% CI: 1.05 7.19) and (OR 3.53; 95% CI: 1.17 10.67) respectively
(Alves Riberio et al., 2015). Over 90% of females in the United States are sexually
active by age 24; correspondingly, the prevalence of high risk HPV peaks at over
43% in the 20 24 age group (Vegunta, Kransdorf, Mayer, 2014). By age 30, the
prevalence of high risk HPV decreases to 30.4%, and continues to decrease as age
increases. It is thought that this age related decrease in prevalence can be attributed
to a combination of factors, including, decreased exposure, resistance to reinfections,
and HPV s self limiting nature (Alves Ribeiro et al., 2015; Vegunta et al., 2014).
Cumulatively, the prevention and treatment of HPV and its associated diseases are
responsible for a staggering approximately 8 billion in
Growing Up In Presidential Elections
There is a point when politics begin saturating daily life from the incredible overload
of constant argument and confusion. I personally dream of the day when I can get
through a meal without politics being brought up, when I can go on the internet and
not see headlines about who insulted who.
In a world where there is increasingly significant polar opposite feelings, it is hard to
stay focused on one s own feelings with so many other opinions being constantly
expressed. From confused and frustrated to incredibly confident and angry, it is
impossible not to clash with others. Because of the divide between voters, there is
increased arguments and talk of the election in general.
Although I fully believe that it is important to be an informed ... Show more content
on ...
The basis of a qualified leader and what each candidate has to offer to the country is
lost in constant leaks of emails and videos.
Normally, the political election is regarded as really beginning when the candidates
are nominated, but this is not a normal election. The 2016 election has been looming
over the American population since before even the primary and caucus debates.
Possibly the most publicized presidential race in American history, it is easy to get
wrapped up in the soap opera like daily news headlines.
According to a study led by the GDELT Project, television networks have mentioned
Donald Trump 108,735 times and Clinton 64,345 times in the past 30 days alone.
This statistic does not even include the countless information thrown at the public
through websites, news publications, and social media.
During the election, media has grabbed at any information regarding the candidates
imaginable. The avalanche of media coverage takes away from essential facts that an
informed citizen requires to make a responsible decision when
Speech On The Dustbin Baby
A woman who was dumped in a dustbin after her birth, some 46 years ago, finally
met her mother.
According to a report from Daily Mail, Michelle Rooney was adopted after she was
found in a bin bag outside a block of flats in Walthamstow, east London, on
November 18, 1968. Her biological mother, Angie Smith, then 23 years old, hid her
pregnancy and gave birth to her in a garden shed.
Fast forward, Rooney, now a mother of two, appealed publicly to her long lost parent.
In an emotional appeal, Mirror reported, she said: Mum, if you are reading this,
please get in touch with me. I m not angry with you, I ve never hated or blamed you,
but I d like some Вanswers.
The two finally met. Without hatred towards her biological mother, Rooney talked ...
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Finding her was never about recrimination, Rooney added.
Dustbin Baby
Rooney was found in a bin bag by Fay Bliss, a passer by who heard her cries in the
middle of a cold night.
The discovery sparked a media frenzy with the then unnamed child becoming known
as The Dustbin Baby.
When nobody coming forward to claim her, Rooney was adopted by policeman Les
Fuller and his wife Daphne. The Dustbin Baby grew up at their Surrey home with
their other children, unaware of how the family found her.
On her 21st birthday, Rooney learned how she had come to be adopted, reading
about herself as the Dustin Baby in newspaper cuttings from the day she was found.
Feeling of guilt
Meanwhile, Smith, who already had two sons from her collapsed marriage, had spent
years feeling the guilty of abandoning her only daughter, Mirror reported.
Abandoning Michelle was an act of desperation for which I have felt guilty my
entire life. Not a day has passed when I didn t think about her. I always wanted to
find her, but I didn t know how. Even if I did, I didn t think she d want to know
me... the mother who d dumped her as a newborn baby, she
The Success Of The Buffalo Bills Essay
Everyone has a specific skill set that they are good at. Some people are good with
numbers, others have a gift for writing. The same is true in sports. The Buffalo Bills
are very good at losing and disappointing their fans, while the Patriots are fantastic at
bending the rules and winning Super Bowls. In baseball, each team is built around a
specific group of players in order to create the best possible chance to win the
World Series. Some of the greatest players have created seemingly unbreakable
statistics. Joe DiMaggio had a hit in fifty six consecutive games. Barry Bonds hit
seven hundred and sixty two home runs over his twenty two year career. Statistics
like these only come about once in a generation. Teams are comprised of various
talent. Some are like Miguel Cabrera. Cabrera always has a batting averageover .300
with at least 25 home runs. These types of players are considered great hitters.
Other s, like Stephan Drew, get a hit less than 20% of the time they have an at bat.
Players similar to Drew s skill set have a job because they are very good at defense
and their value on defense out ways their value on offense to their specific team.
Baseball is sport rich with statistics. Almost anything one can come up with, has a
statistic. In the last ten years alone, top executives, such as Billy Bean, have
constructed teams based on advanced statistics and have been fairly successful, like
the 2002 Oakland Athletics. Other teams, like the Houston Astros,
Pro Death Penalty Speech
Good day ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank all of you for coming out today
and hope you are all enjoying the croissants and Starbuck s coffee provided as a
courtesy of your great state. Please allow me to introduce myself before we get
started. My name is Slick Perry and if you didn t already know, I am the state
governor of Texas. You are all aware that we are reviewing our recidivism rate to
various crimes and reviewing our stance regarding the death penaltyas we approach
2009. Everyone here understands that capital punishmentis a very controversial topic
in the United States. In Texas, from December 1982 through August 2008, only 361
criminals of the millions of Texans in our good state were executed for the wickedest
... Show more content on ...
Keep in my mind that in Texas only the most vial and cruel criminals are placed on
death row, and, who are the most deserving. The consequences of the Supreme Court
s 1972 ruling voided 40 death penalty statutes, thereby commuting the sentences of
629 death row inmates around the country, 45 from Texas and suspending the death
penalty because existing statutes were no longer valid. However, this ruling went
against the U.S. public majority where, in fact, over 55% of U.S. citizens were in
favor of the death penalty. Some states rewrote their death penalty laws to address the
unconstitutionality of giving juries complete discretion in sentencing by setting a
mandated capital punishment for those convicted of capital crimes. The Supreme
Court ruled in Woodson v. North Carolina (1976) this was also unconstitutional. A
different approach by some states was to introduce mitigating and aggravating factors
when determining sentencing where, in 1976, the Supreme Court ultimately
approved. The Supreme Court also held that the death penalty itself was once again
constitutional under the Eighth Amendment allowing states a new dawn for a better
society. On January 17, 1977, the suspension of the death penalty officially ended
with the execution of Gary Gilmore in Utah, by firing squad, and that same year the
introduction and use of the new kinder gentler lethal injection was
Analysis Of Bich s The Saigon Market
Although she knows that change is bound to occur in her family, she did not know it
would happen so abruptly. With the influence of Rosa, Bich begins to develop a
feeling that she is part of the US now, she still remains connected to the Vietnamese
culture. The Saigon Market became the epicenter of our lives, splitting our existence
between two cultures, Bich explained (Nguyen 34). After all, despite all of the
changes Rosa has influenced in the Nguyen household, Rosa still encourages Bich
and Anh to keep her Vietnamese roots alive. The fact that Bich fights to keep some
Vietnamese roots alive is exemplified in the fact that she still believes that the
combination of Vietnam s ancient matrilineal roots, Confucianism, and Western
influences... Show more content on ...
They yelled stereotypical Asian phrases such as ching chong (Nguyen 75). In fact
they would even yell words that Bich herself could not understand. Chop suey!
white kids would yell. Hi ya! I was afraid to ask my parents what chop suey was,
Bich describes. They would also call her bitch as opposed to actually saying her
name (Nguyen 75). Bich recalls their phrases, Hey, bitch, can you loan me some
money? (Nguyen 50). She even described how her teacher spoke to another teacher
after Bich had won the spelling bee, Can you believe it? [the teacher] was saying. A
foreigner winning our spelling bee! (Nguyen 82). The hatred towards Asian American
immigrants becomes extremely evident at this
Karl Deutsch s Theory Of The Security Community Theory
I have selected Security Community Theory to write a seminar paper. This seminar
paper presents a conceptualization of NATO by exploring its role as a security
community in European security. In the late 1950s, Karl Deutsch and his colleagues
implicitly challenged the governing approach to security by exploring the concept of
security communities . This was a clear break with traditional approaches to security,
which emphasized the utility of military power and the inevitable nature of military
threats. They gave the idea of such a community where the component states had
come to reject the use or threat of force as a mechanism for resolving disputes.
According to security community theory economic and cultural cooperation ... Show
more content on ...
This contribution was a smoking grenade for traditional interpretations of security. A
security community is a region in which a large scale use of violence such as war has
become very unlikely or even unthinkable. In the late 1950s, Karl Deutsch and his
colleagues challenged the traditional and governing approach to security. They
explored the concept of security communities . Deutsch identified a nascent security
community: such a community where the component states had come to reject the
use or threat of force as a mechanism for resolving disputes among these states, such a
security community which emphasized the utility of military power and the
inevitable nature of military threats. Moreover, Deutsch argued that economic and
cultural cooperation was a far better route toward the formation of such a security
community than was common membership in a traditional military alliance. Deutsch
and his collaborators defined a security community as a group of people believing
that they have come to agreement on at least this one point: that common social
problems must and can be resolved by processes of peaceful change . Peaceful
change was defined as the resolution of social problems, normally by institutionalized
procedures, without resort to large scale physical force . People in a security
community are also bound by the sense of community , the mutual sympathy, trust,
and common
Jewish American Literatue
Jewish American Literature Duty Matters Throughout the course of the semester,
the concept of duty has been a major theme in various novels, such as in Anzia
Yezierska s Bread Givers, Cynthia Ozick s The Shawl, and Saul Bellow s Herzog.
Although Yezierska, Ozick, and Bellow offer different circumstances, they all
suggest a sense of responsibility from parent to child. I will show how the
relationship between Sara and her father in Bread Givers differ from Rosa and the
living incarnation of her daughter in The Shawl and Herzog s fight to gain
custody of his daughter June in Herzog. They are all significant in understanding
the parent child commitment in Jewish American families. According to these
three novels, parents are obligated to their children parents must give emotional
support as well as security to them. According to Norman Soloman s Judaism: A
Very Short Introduction, the idea of duty is an act when one is obligated to carry
out as well as a feeling of responsibility. In Judaism, a man s duties are defined by
God s commandments. One must decree to the Torah, the first five books of the
Bible as a guide to holiness. The complete theological idea of a man s role in life is
comprised within the notion of mitzvah, which means duty . The term ḥovah,
denotating obligation or duty is also used the same as mitzvah. To complete a divine
commandment is to satisfy one s duty. In these three novels, duty is the chief reason
for the actions of these characters.
Pc Industry
From the mid 1970 s the structure of the PC industry had experienced a huge
growth and changed dramatically. In 2001, 40% of the PC shipments were
accounted by the top four PC vendors namely: Dell, Compaq, Hewlett Packard (HP)
and IBM.
Dell, a direct sales pioneer, grew exponentially in the 1990s and emerged as the
worldwide market leader in 2001. During 2001 2002 it was the most profitable
among the market leaders. Compaq came up with a full range of PCs ranging
between $1,000 and $10,000. Whereas, IBM, which at once had a market share of
30%, was at this time going through a dramatic restructuring to stop its market share
and profits from deteriorating further. Whereas, HP maintained a comparatively
smaller share in PC sales. Besides ... Show more content on ...
In 1998, Compaq moved into direct sales , a change from its dependence on a vast
distribution network.
Despite all these changes, Compaq continued to struggle financially, lost its shares to
Dell and offered to sell the firm to HP.
HP, a company which initially specialized in electronic instruments and medical
instruments, added computers and related products to its portfolio. Around 43% of
its sales were majorly generated from imaging and printing, and only 20% sales
was generated from PCs. In the late 1990s, HP began to shift focus from its
proprietary software towards open architecture and Wintel. They also moved into the
highly fragmented IT services business which had a comparatively slower growth
and lower margins. Later on, HP also considered acquiring Compaq in 2002.
With sales of around $86 billion, in 2001 IBM was the world s largest computer
company. Major part of its revenue i.e., about 43% was generated from hardware
sales, 38% from services, 14% from software sales and the rest was caught up by
maintenance, financing etc. IBM s trademark historically has been its horizontal and
vertical integration, making them leaders in mainframe computers. However, IBM
still faced failures in some areas failed to secure the ownership of PC platform,
losing its position of being number one in PC shipments and losing about 1 million in
the PC business. IBM started streamlining its operations by assembling almost 30% of
The Biblical Interpretation Of Exodus And song Of...
After Reformation period, the allegorical biblical interpretation was criticized and
rejected by contemporary biblical interpretation theory, and a lot of Christian
evangelical churches. However, as a long tradition stems from the early church,
allegorical interpretation has never been disappeared; on the contrary, it was one the
most important exegesis tradition in the history of Chinese Protestant Church. Many
fundamentalist theologians and church leaders were influenced by this method, while
Jia Yuming is one of the representative figures. The aim of this paper is to present the
characteristic of Jia Yuming` s allegorical biblical interpretation, and to explore the
contribution of his exegesis in Sino Christian theology. Jia` s allegorical biblical
interpretation was influenced by several theological thoughts. Graduated from
Presbyterian seminary, he accepted reformed theology, and then he was influenced
by pietistic theology and Charismatic movement, turned to allegorical exegesis. In
this paper, I will take Jia` s interpretation of Exodus and Song of Solomon as
examples to analyze its characteristics. The book of Exodus consists of two genres,
narratives and laws, which were interpreted by Jia` s allegorical method. The Song
of Songs is considered to be the most obscure book to interpret in the Bible, and is
often interpreted as an allegory.
1. An allegorical interpretation based on trichotomy of human nature: Spirit, soul,
The trichotomy of human nature
The Effects Of Sleep On The Human Body And Mind
Requires A...
The human body and mind require a regulated sleep and wake pattern in order to
naturally restore homeostasis and provide healthier functioning in regards to it s
physical, emotional, cognitive, and somatic response to it s environment. Chronic
disruptions in this sleep pattern have been found to affect 10% to 18% of the general
American population, while it has been found to affect 50% 80% of the American
psychiatric population. The most common mental illnesses that suffer from chronic
sleep/wake disruptions include mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and
bipolar disorder as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), PTSD, and
schizophrenia. Research on the regulation of the sleep/wake cycle has found that
proper regulation promotes healthy physical, emotional, and mental resilience, while
chronic dysregulation promotes negative thinking as well as physical and emotional
vulnerability (Nathan, 2015). Although lack of sleep is often viewed as just a
symptom of mental illness, research in this area suggests that chronic sleep
difficulties may have a larger role in the contribution to the development, progression,
and outcomes of mental illness. Further investigation in this area can allow us to
better understand this role of the sleep/wake cycle and therefore develop more
sophisticated clinical measures, interventions, and prevention strategies. Sleep is best
understood through two main theories, recuperation and circadian rhythms. Both
theories function
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  • 1. 10 Page Essay Topics Writing a 10-page essay can be a daunting task that requires careful planning, extensive research, and effective time management. The difficulty lies not only in the length of the essay but also in the need to maintain coherence, clarity, and a strong argument throughout the entire piece. Here are some challenges that one might encounter when tasked with such an assignment: 1. Thorough Research: To fill 10 pages with meaningful content, you need to conduct thorough research to gather enough information and evidence to support your argument. This requires access to credible sources, and the ability to sift through a large volume of information. 2. Structural Organization:Maintaining a logical flow and coherent structure is crucial for a lengthy essay. Dividing the content into introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion while ensuring smooth transitions between ideas is challenging. 3. Time Management:Writing a 10-page essay requires effective time management. Procrastination can be a significant hurdle, and breaking down the task into manageable chunks is essential to meet the deadline without compromising the quality of the content. 4. Argument Development: Developing a compelling and nuanced argument throughout the essay is challenging. Each point should be supported by evidence and analysis, contributing to an overall persuasive narrative. 5. Avoiding Repetition:It's crucial to avoid redundancy and repetition, which can be tempting when trying to meet the page requirement. Each paragraph should add value and bring something new to the discussion. 6. Editing and Proofreading: With a lengthy piece, the likelihood of overlooking errors increases. Editing and proofreading become even more crucial to ensure the essay is free from grammatical mistakes, typos, and other issues that could detract from its quality. 7. Meeting Requirements:Staying within the specified word count while effectively addressing the essay prompt can be challenging. Striking the right balance between depth and conciseness is a constant consideration. Despite these challenges, completing a 10-page essay is certainly possible with careful planning and dedication. Seeking guidance from professors, utilizing writing resources, and maintaining a disciplined approach to the task can significantly enhance the writing process. If you find yourself struggling or short on time, there are resources available to assist. Services like offer support for various academic writing needs, including essays of different lengths and topics. Professional assistance can provide valuable insights and help ensure the delivery of a well-crafted essay. 10 Page Essay Topics10 Page Essay Topics
  • 2. Hunger In California Literature Review Source 3 Problem: The overall problem is Hunger in California. From October 12 to November 20, California Muscle Cars of Sacramento helped fight against hunger by hosting more than a month long food drive. 169 pounds of food were collected and we still have more time to see what else we can collect. Problem Statement: The problem is hunger for children in california and in sacramento. Through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, schools provide students of all ages with the nutritious meals they need in order to learn. Hypothesis: I think this is happening because when the parents go hungry the kids do but the parents try to give them an education and they feed them first. Literature Review: Since 2011, the No Kid Hungry network has helped bring more than 34 million additional meals to kids who need them and created ways to replicate that success throughout the country. The No Kid Hungry campaign is focused on expanding access to school breakfast and meals in daycare settings. The campaign has also empowered more than 5,600 California families with the skills, knowledge and confidence to prepare healthy, affordable meals through Cooking Matters. One in five children struggles with hunger in sacramento, california. No Kid Hungry campaign is ending childhood hunger in California and all across America by ensuring all children get the healthy food they need, every day. The No Kid Hungry campaign connects kids in need to effective nutrition programs like school breakfast and summer meals and teaches lowincome families to cook healthy, affordable meals through its Cooking Matters program. This work is accomplished through the No Kid Hungry network, made up of private citizens, public officials, nonprofits, business leaders and others providing innovative hunger solutions in their communities., 1 in 6 children may not know where they will get their next meal. Literature Review Continuation: For the nearly 13 million kids in the U.S. facing hunger, getting the energy they need to learn and grow can be a dayin, dayout challenge.Kids who don t get enough to eat especially during their first three years begin life at a serious disadvantage. When they re hungry, children are more
  • 3. Organizational Commitment Organizational Commitment and Communication Paper Week 3 COM/530 10/27/2011 Introduction A look at an organization s communication and leadership styles can say a lot about the organization as a whole. Google has a relaxed atmosphere, where management allows workers to create their own schedules; and fosters creativity by allowing and encouraging their workers to explore side projects (Google Culture, 2011). What would happen if the leadership style were to change? This is one of the elements this paper will explore. A look will also be taken at: sources of power within the organization, the employee s commitment to Google, how communication within Google relates to the worker, other motivational theories which would work at Google ... Show more content on ... Google has on site gymnasiums, chefs, laundry service, and shuttles (Google culture, 2011). By providing for employees, Google works towards establishing an emotional attachment. Open communication is encouraged and ideas are rewarded showing employees they have value in the eyes of Google. This communication is necessary to create a sense of freedom at work and allow for an open exchange of ideas. Different Motivational Theories Google could benefit from the use of self determination theory as they look to empower their employees. This theory suggests workers want to feel they have free will in choosing their work activities and take joy in what they do without feeling it has become an obligation (Robbins, 2011). Communication plays an integral part in the application of this theory. Workers need to know they have choices within the work they do and that managers are available for discussion of changing roles or work activities. Google is a corporation that wants it employees to interact at all levels and across teams. This environment may be excellent for reinforcement theory, as this theory looks to reward positive actions immediately to ensure they are repeated and also to punish negative actions to ensure they are not repeated (Robbins, 2011). If open communication is encouraged
  • 4. The Malawi Health System There are a number of challenges exerting increasing pressure on Malawi s ability to fully adopt HSS approach. These include: Demographic trends, While the population has grown from10.6 million in 1990, to approximately 17 million the Malawi health system has struggled to maintain and provide adequate health care to the people Malawi s population is growing. Increasing fertility rates has led to a signiп¬Ѓcant increase in the population projection, which has grown from XXXX million people in 2051 (2004 estimates) to 34.2 million people (2006 estimates). This, together with demographic trends, suggests that while there will be a growing need for health services targeted at children, teenagers and young families, the predominant influence will remain xxxxxx, which will cause most change in the use of resources. burden of disease The prevalence and burden of chronic disease is signiп¬Ѓcant and will place increasing pressure on health expenditure. Chronic diseases, including xxxxxxx, are estimated to be responsible for more than 80% of the burden of disease.12 The WHO warns that the global burden of chronic disease is increasing rapidly and predicts by the year 2020 that chronic disease will account for almost three quarters of all deaths.13 uneven access to health. The WHO has identiп¬Ѓed the inverse care law as one of the common shortcomings of health care delivery. Inverse care suggests that people with the most means whose needs for health care are often less consume
  • 5. E. Colia Case Study One of the most major and deadly outbreaks of E.coli in the world happened in the small rural town of Walkerton, Ontario, Canada in 2000. The cause of the illness was from the town s local water supply. Even though tap water contains chlorine and undergoes many treatments, out breaks can still occur. This horrendous waterborne illness caused seven deaths and more than 2300 illnesses over six months. On the 13 of May, 2000 many citizens of Walkerton began to show symptoms of bloody diarrhoea, fever and abdominal pain. Shortly after this the region s Medical Officer of Health, Murray McQuigge urged people to not use tap water and to boil any water they wish to drink. After many months scientists revealed that the cause of the illness was the
  • 6. Essay On Search For Justice In Frankenstein In the novel by William Styron, a father tells his son that life is a search for justice (Styron). In the gothic novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley the Creature is on a constant search for justice. The Creature is shown to be inherently good, but due to the corruption in society and traumatic experiences by those the Creature sought acceptance from he slowly loses his moral compass. Shelley, in the novel Frankensteindemonstrates the search for justice through many social situations and characters. Shelley connects the Creature s search for justice to the hardships he faces throughout his life. Victor s entire life is a search for perfection; much like all the perfect objects that were gifted to him as a child. Victor s inability... Show more content on ... He believed that his Creature murdered his brother and framed Justine, the Frankenstein s maid, in order to achieve vengeance for Victor abandoning him, but according to Levine, Victor is the cause for this evil, ...evil is a consequence of maltreatment or injustice, (Levine 31). Victor s internal flaws and shortcomings prevent him from revealing the truth about his Creation and therefore he is unable to disclose details of Williams death to save Justine. Victor cowers and stands by as the town unjustly convicts and executes Justine, (Shelley 117). The cowardly act committed by Victor shows that he does not possess a strong enough moral compass to do the justified act. When Victor has the opportunity to become an important figure in the Creature s life he fled; leaving his Creation alone, abandoned, and uniformed in a world where society scrutinizes every detail. The Creature was only a child when Victor abandoned him and left him to navigate a world that would not accept his physical flaws or lack of external perfection. To try and understand the world the Creature is obsessed with watching and observing the DeLacey family to acquire some basic social skills. According to Anne Mellor, the Creature also learned the nature of heroism and public virtue and civic justice, from observing the DeLacey family (Mellor 48). The Creature initially believes that the DeLacey family was a family of power and
  • 7. Different Kinds Of Polymers And Polymers A polymer is a large molecule that is made from many small repeating chemicals called monomers. In the Greek language, polymer literally means many parts. Polymers are being used more and more in medical devices, such as drug delivery, screws, plates, fixation pins, suture anchors and many other applications. Some of the most useful polymers for medical uses are poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(glycolic acid) (PGA). They are useful in medicine because of the fact that they can degrade within the body to lesser components that will cause very minimal negative effects. Scientists have found many different ways to control the degradation of these two polymers. Combining two or more different kinds of monomers during polymerformation is called copolymerization. Changing the amount of different kinds of monomers during copolymerization of either poly(lactic co glycolic) (PLGA) or PLA can change degradation characteristics. [2] For example, combining lactic acid and glycolic acid to make PLGA will degrade quicker. There are also stereo copolymers, such as L lactic acid, and D lactic acid which are the same chemical, but are mirror images of each other (figure 1). These can be combined to also lower the degradation times of PLA or PGLA. Figure 1. Difference between L and D lactic acids (Gupta et al, 2007) Synthesis of PLA and PLGA Synthesis of PLA is started through the fermentation of bacteria. There are several types of bacteria that produce L , D lactic acid or a
  • 8. Analysis Of The Book Lorraine Once there was two worlds that intersected with one onother.One world was called Lorraine were humans without power lived under the king s rule. The other world was called Reich dole , where creatures possessed dark power, and with no king to rule them they lived happily to their desire. In between the world of the dark creatures there lived vampires, but after years of their appearance only a few humans knew about their existence. Among them she too, knew about their existence. She lived in a small village as a witch away from her parents. She was from a special bloodline, which included inheriting the power to see the future. Several scenes just pop out that showed her a scene that would occur sometime in the future. So, it... Show more content on ... Without realizing she ended up at the end of the forest, facing the unexpected. As soon as she reached the end and trying to regain her breath she looked up to find herself face to face to something she already had seen. The castle, which had pop several times on her visions. A creepy, old looking castle that appearance made it even worse than the forest. Suddenly, a loud noise came from her back .Knowing that it could be the strange figure she needed to hide, but where, so gathering courage she reached to the castle, opened the gates to the inside door and walk in. The inside was dark with only three candles glowing. She called out, hoping someone could hear her, but unexpectedly someone grab her from the back and covered her mouth making it impossible for her to breath. She soon lost consciousness. She later woke up not knowing what had just happened, and found herself tied up in thorns that were cutting her body. Inch by inch blood cover her from the wounds she was getting. She panic and started to kicked and move her body around to try to free herself, but the more she moved the more pain it cause her. Suddenly loud steps were reaching her, she closed her eyes daring not to see. Her whole body was trembling and her heart racing. The sound stop and saw two tall and beautiful men starring at her, but their red crimson eyes and fangs froze her completely. She also had seen this two men on her visions. The ones she used to
  • 9. Grapes Of Wrath By John Ford Acceptance Humans always want to find a place where they can be assimilated. Humans want to live in a community that they can assimilate into comfortably and can feel safe in easily. Grapes of Wrath, directed by John Ford, which portrays the story of capitalist and environmental forces pushing a poor family off their land and their migration to California. The family tries to look for a place where they can secure jobs and food to support themselves daily. Similarly, the El Norte, directed by Gregory Nava, is about a brother and a sister who have to escape from their government in their village to the USA. Both Grapes of Wrath and El Norte argue that humans are not accepted unless they are welcomed, able to survive, and allowed to stay there. In Grapes of Wrath, Joad s family is not welcomed in the environment or the company. When Tom Joad is on the way home, the destructed family s house scene illustrates that the environment does not welcome them to live there. In the image, some dead trees have dried out on the sandy ground. Darkness covers the whole view of this scene with the sound of the wind howling. The wind carries a lot of sand, showing that this place is solitary, and that nature has moved on from the land. They cannot plant or harvest fruit from the trees or crops on their land. In addition, as if being on useless land was not bad enough, the Shawnee Land and Cattle Company who owned the lands forced them off. The scene with many caterpillar tractors with engines
  • 10. La Bamba By Gary Soto Analysis La Bamba Have you ever wanted something so badly? Well in the story, La Bamba by Gary Soto, a boy named Manuel who is an attention seeking boy, and he learns that attention can be in many forms. Manuel is an attention seeker. He wants to impress his friends at the talent show. Manuel wants his friends to say, Man that was bad! He wants to pursue his goal at impressing his family. After when he saw all of the practice performances for the talent show Manuel thought it would be a great talent show. His mom and dad would be proud, and his brother and sister would be jealous. It would be a night to remember. Manuel wants to redeem himself. He doesn t want to mess up like he did when he was in first
  • 11. Cultural, Political, And Cultural Differences And... America is a country that allows people freedom and equality. In the Declaration of Independence, it states that all men are created equal and most people agreed with that. However, there were a few people who thought that slaves were not part of the equality factor. Those people, who were mostly slave owners, saw the African Americans as property and did not see them as equals. Since there was such a big difference in views, it created many tensions between the people. Some people wanted to get rid of slaveryand give them freedom and equality, some wanted to get rid of slavery but not make slaves equal to other people, and others wanted to keep slavery as it is. Mostly, there was a disagreement between the South and the North and since there is a difference in other factors such as political and economic, these things began to create tensions and drive them farther apart. During 1783 1859, there were numerous cultural, political, and religious tensions and differences between the United StatesNorth and South which led to the unforgettable American Civil War. For this essay, I will be using six sources to support my thesis. One of the tensions and differences between the North and South was the cultural tension. The cultural difference between the North and the South was very large. George Washington say in his farewell address, The North, in an unrestrained intercourse with the South...finds in the productions of the latter great additional resources of maritime and
  • 12. Love Is A Battlefield By Dominic Tierney Love is a Battlefield The article written in by Dominic Tierney, an associate professor of political science at Swarthmore, wrote an article based on the tactics of love and war. His general idea focused on how relationships are wars of love, which either lead to unity or distractions. Tierney s analytical approach to the relationship both within warand loveare seen as investments of trust, which take a long time to build and an instant to destroy. The focus of my concern is when the article speaks of these relationships becoming states of danger for militant and partners. Either communities no longer feel safe, which results in rationalization or withdrawal from the battles of war and love. Through the ending of a toxic situation,
  • 13. The Toyota Motor Works ( Bmw ) I.Company Overview Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) The Company I selected for my Final project is the German Automobile and Motorcycle Manufacturer Bayerische Motoren Werke AG better known in America as Bavarian Motor Works or BMW. This company was founded in 1917, and today is one of the ten largest car manufacturers in the world. Headquartered in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, the BMW Group includes the brands BMW, MINI and Rolls Royce. BMW Group is the only Automotive company that focuses only on Premium Luxury vehicles in its product offering. The BMW group also has a strong market position in the motorcycle sector and operates a successful financial services business. I selected this company because of its reputation in the ... Show more content on ... Methodology Assures the quality of the vehicle build of Pre Series cars, and drives the problem solving process up to the Start of Production. Methodologists are considered to be product experts on new vehicle content. Through this project, we will analyze this company s business system, operations management process and its Quality Assurance methods that makes this company one of the best in the world. This is what Harald KrГјger, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, has stated about this company and its direction in the future; Throughout its 100 year history, the BMW Group has always reinvented itself. As a pioneer of new technologies, the company has shaped change, within both the industry and the world of mobility. We are setting the standard with our Strategy NUMBER ONE NEXT, both now and in the future. We will lead the BMW Group into a new era, one in which we will transform and shape both individual mobility and the entire sector in a permanent way. III.BMW Production System BMW produces at least 80 percent of its vehicles to specific customer requirements. Unique combinations of exterior and interior colors, engines, options, and upgrades are available to the customers. The BMW Production process manages all the information and logistics and coordinates the sequencing of parts and precise engineering and yet flexible enough
  • 14. Sentencing And Punishment Of The Legal Law Members of the legal profession are claiming that changes to the availability of legal aid brought about by the introduction of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 could cause harm to the rule of law. The Act it is claimed creates an environment in which those who, without the financial resources to access justice will be denied access to justice. In principle the rule of law is intended to ensure that the law is just, accessible to all and that it is enforceable. That is to say, everyone should be able to enforce their legal rights, have access to legal advice and have access to some form of adjudication if they have a legal claim. The high cost of obtaining legal advise and bringing claims to the courts is an obstacle to the vast majority and therefore, the vast majority of the population require financial assistance in order to obtain effective access to justice. The Legal Advise Act 1949 made provisions for means tested funding by the state for the payment of legal fees. These fees covered the cost of legal advise, the drafting of legal documents and of legal representation. Thus, access to justice became widely available to those who satisfied the means and or merits test. The Legal Aid Scheme was demand led and over time the cost to the state escalated considerably. Concerns over this led to a series of reforms which tightened up the means and merits criteria and put in to place a fixed annul budget for the funding of legal aid
  • 15. Corporate Social Responsibility Of Mcdonald s Corporation McDonald s Corporation is the world s leading fast food service retailer with over 36,000 restaurants serving approximately 69 million customers in over 100 countries every day. McDonald s Corporation view themselves primarily as a franchisor that believes that franchising is important in delivering great customer experiences and driving profitability. As of 2014, more than 80% of McDonald s restaurants were franchised to independent local franchisees around the world. ( 2015) In the 1970 s Milton Friedman argued that the only social responsibility of a business is to increase profit and any activity that detracted from this responsibility for profit maximisation was considered to be inefficient. (Hanks 2015) Despite the limitations of compliance costs and stakeholder conflicts, many large corporations today have integrated corporate social responsibility and sustainability into their business practices to assist in the development of overall profit maximization. In this critical essay, it will examine and critique two aspects of McDonald s performance areas with regards to fulfilling society s expectations on how the corporation should operate its business. It will focus on the positive and negative aspects of food nutritionhealth and employment in McDonald s. Last but not least, by exploring these performance areas, the impact and implications of McDonald s actions on society and stakeholders will also discussed. Food nutrition has become
  • 16. Globalization and American Workforce in the Twentieth Century 15 October 2011 Globalization and American Workforce in the Twentieth Century Globalization is nothing new, since ancient times; people have been selling and buying their goods to each other. America was found by Europeans, when they were looking for new routes to expand their commerce and trade. In the last decade thanks to advances in communication and technology the commerce around the world has increased to a level never seen before. This globalization however has brought some changes and challenges to the American workforce: jobs have been lost or outsourced, People are not sure what kind of skills will be necessary to have a successful career and what kind of jobs that will have great demand in the coming... Show more content on ... Four, the labor market will continue with the ethnic diversification, where the percentage of the Americans and African American workers will remain constant and Asian and Hispanics will continue growing. They concluded that people will better prepare to adapt to the demands of the new millennium, and possibly they will be positioned better in the labor market, and people with little education or technological expertise will experience a decline in wages or unemployment. In the next few years the competition between countries, companies and individuals will be fierce, but people with knowledge and skills will be safe. Globalization has brought many changes in the economy and many jobs are lost, people are not sure which way to go when choosing a career. People with qualifications in math, science, English and trades, will be able to succeed and also they will enjoy incomes that their parents never imagined. There are some jobs in the service area that we can call safe, people who work in close contact with the persons fell
  • 17. Emancipation Of Women In Othello Essay Othello, one of William Shakespeare s classics, is an intricate play written on the life of a soldier in the sixteenth century, set in the backdrop of a war between Venice and Turkey. This century, referred to as Renaissance (the era of re birth), marks the emancipation of women. Plays in the Renaissance featured women who would break the rules and stand up for themselves, their honor. This was the era where plays portrayed women trying to come to power, overthrowing the concept of power being only with stereotypical men. All the plays of Shakespeare during this period featured a tragic heroine; trying to bring justices to themselves may it be Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or King Lear. The female characters in Othello are portrayed... Show more content on ... When Othello explains what he had just done, Emilia understood the devios plan her husband, Iago had played. Being emancipated, she could not keep quiet after what had just happened. She could not just stand there when Othello had foolishly murdered his wife because he was ashamed of what his wife had done. She had to speak against her husband, something which was not common those days. She tells Othello that That handkerchief thou speak st of I found by fortune and did give my husband; For often, with a solemn earnestness, More than indeed belonged to such a trifle, He begged of me to steal
  • 18. The Music Of Music Music collections is one of the most important stage in multimedia content and the collections are very huge. A single iPod can hold as many as 10,000 songs, such collections are searched by title, composer and performer, which allows for basic storage retrieval of music. This system contains many features which include 1) Harmony 2) Rhythm 3) Instrumentation Access to this features supports in turn benefits individuals: 1. Tell me the song that goes. (query by example) 2. Could you increase the volume of the solo recording. (source separation) 3. Skipping to the next desired verse. (musical structure identification) 4. Find me a recording which can make me dance slow. (genre identification) To expand the scope of routs, DSP scientists... Show more content on ... For this situation, the assignment is unique. Instance of a more broad issue, whereby may be picked up by applying musical requirements. For instance, the assignment of isolating an individual voice from an execution of baroque music can be re arranged utilizing learning of musical voice driving standards, as this empowers expectation of lightly pitchers for every voice. Cases of the secondary territory incorporate meter identification and genre identification. (*) For this situation, the principle assignment is in a general sense musical in nature. These tasks are greatly aided by advances in the more general problems areas of source separation and source identification. While there are number of fascinating problems in music information retrievals, this article will focus on few system designed to attack two problems in particular: Query by example and source separation. The first part describes challenges in musical query by example and describes the systems that take various approaches to the problem. The last part explores approaches to source separation in musical context, again focusing on systems that take distinct approaches to the problem. QUERY BY EXAMPLE: Most right now sent music web search tools, for example, and neighborhood libraries, make utilization of metadata about the melody title and entertainer name in their indexing instrument. Normally, a man wishing to discover a recording can sing a bit of the piece yet
  • 19. Example Of Narrative Essay Scary Story On a cold fall evening in the town of Dankfurt, Alaska with a small population of 73. There was a boy named Derek. Derek was just an ordinary boy who attended the school of Winterfield which was 10 miles away. He did this because his town had no school along with two other friends. Every morning he and his friends would wake up at five thirty to walk to school. Because of the Alaskan time zonesit was dark during the day and light at night. On their walk they would pass one house and one house only which was in the heart of the woods. It was a dark brown house with white curtains. The house was very old and looked to be falling apart. They assumed it was abandoned and thought nothing of it. But every time Derek walked passed he would get a minor headache not even recognizing... Show more content on ... Many of the football players would hit or choke them for it. The boys could do nothing they were scrawny and weak except for Joe he was fat. Joe stood up to the biggest kid this time saying Buzz of man. They replied with In your dreams twinkie. Joe attacked him with well that is why the football team sucks! screw you man said the bully and walked away. After their hellish days at school the boys would head to the drama club. This is where they all fit in and thoroughly enjoyed attending the meetings. They were at these meetings until six thirty or sunrise in Alaska at the time. The boys would stroll home and get back at about ten o clock. They would do the same thing every day. Early one morning Derek s power went out and his alarm clock did not go off. The other boys waited for him but he did not show up so they assumed he was sick and left without him. A few hours later he woke up and realized he was late. He threw on his clothes and bolted out the door. Because of Alaska s time zoneit was pitch dark when he started his journey. But he carried on his journey just like any
  • 20. Movie And Film Version Of To Kill A Mockingbird The film version of To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), which stars Gregory Peck as Atticus and Mary Badham as Scout, is as much a classic as the novel itself. (The film received eight Academy Awards nominations and netted awards for Best Actor, Best Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium, and Best Art Direction Set Decoration, Black and White.) Ideally, a novel and its film version complement each other, which, on many levels, is the case with To Kill a Mockingbird. However, film can accomplish things that novels can t, and vice versa. Likewise, film has limitations that a novel doesn t. This essay explores some of the differences between To Kill a Mockingbird, the film and the novel. Narration By its nature, film is a visual medium, which makes a first person story difficult to tell. To have Scout narrating throughout the film as she does in the book would prove distracting, so Scout as narrator is only presented to set the mood of a scene in the film. As a result, viewers don t get a strong sense of Scout s first person narration as they do in the book; instead, they simply notice the childlike perspective portrayed in the story. (The film uses music to help reinforce the child s point of view. The music is very elementary, and much of the score is composed of single notes without chords or embellishments.) Because the narration is not as straightforward in the film, the film seems to shift more to Jem s experiences. For example, Jem finds all the articles in
  • 21. Role Of Julius Caesar In The Gaul Julius Caesar s role in the Gaul had a large impact in many aspects of his career such as the military, wealth and influence on Rome and political power. Julius Caesar was a Roman politician who turned the Roman republic into the powerful Roman Empire. Caesar overthrew the Roman republic and founded the rule of the emperors. In this period Caesar used the problems to his advantage and created his own supreme political and military power, gaining the trust of Rome and building his army. Caesar is well known throughout the whole world as one of the most powerful and successful leaders that has ever lived. In his young years, his father had a major impact on him, as he had political success, and the family has a history in politics, which had helped Caesar in starting out in politics. Julius Caesars first important political success had occurred in 63b.c.e when Caesar was appointed the role of Chief Religious office in Rome; this had set him up for future political roles. Caesar was very strategically and had many tactics to how he would rule; he always wanted more glory and political and military opportunities and would overcome all challenges he faced. In 59B.C.E Caesar won an election to become consul, the senate then assigned him to lands that gave Caesar no opportunities for military exaltation, as he did not want Caesar to succeed. Caesar realised he would need more allies to overcome his opponents in the senate. He then formed the alliance that was known as the First Triumviratewith the Roman General Pompeywho brought wealth and military success. During Caesar s rule he gained a lot of military success due to how he led his army Military during Caesar s rule was a high contribution of his success. Military success was important to Julius Caesar as it gave him wealth to succeed in Roman politics. It was important was important for Caesar because it gives him enormous power in the military; this means his army would be big and strong and would be able to protect Caesar. Success in a war gave Caesar more glory and brought more wealth to him, and made Caesar rise more to fame. In Rome political success brought opportunities for military command, as Julius Caesar already had much political power, his
  • 22. The Pledge Of Professionalism The White Coat Ceremony organized by IMU School of Pharmacy marked the beginning of my journey into a professional healthcare community as a pharmacy student. During this event, I received a white coat and took the Pledge of Professionalism. I realize that putting on the white coat had affirmed my status as a pharmacystudent in IMU. The white coat is a powerful symbol of health profession, impressing upon me the importance of the immense responsibility and a great sense of pride that pharmacists have as health care providers. Besides, I feel duty bound especially as I recited the Pledge of Professionalism. People will rely on me as a pharmacist in future. I can improve the health of others through pharmaceutical cures. The ceremony had also highlighted my purpose of entering the pharmacy school and I am motivated to become a successful student pharmacist. Moreover, I have a feeling of achievement in the sense that hard work pays off and I am getting much closer to fulfilling my dream even though the ceremony was only a sign of the beginning of the programme. With strong determination and perseverance, I am sure that I will be able to uphold to what I have pledged. The Pledge of Professionalism serves as a guideline for me to... Show more content on ... Pharmacists are consistently ranked as some of the most highly trusted professionals because of the important care and health related services they provide. Furthermore, a professional pharmacist plays a crucial role in providing quality health care. Pharmacists have extensive clinical knowledge and expertise in the use of medications. Rational and proper use of prescription medications helps to improve health outcomes and quality of life. The pharmacists also exist to protect the safety of patients by preventing the medication errors in all pharmacy
  • 23. Dirt Bike Essay Livingstone 1 How to Drive a Dirt Bike Have you ever wondered how people on dirtbikes keep their balance while going at such fast speeds and riding in mud and dirt? Have you ever wondered if you would be able to ride a dirt bike? You can learn how to dirt bike by used these four steps kickstarting, clutch and shifting, riding, and braking. These four steps should help you learn how to ride a dirt bike. To start a dirt bike up you will need to know how to use the kickstarter and when to use the choke. A choke is used to limit the amount of air that goes into the carburetors while it is cold out. You are probably used to a car where you just need a key to turn it on, while on a dirtbike you need to kickstart it for it to run. To kick start you need to be in neutral and have the clutch in. To insure that you don t hurt yourself have your ... Show more content on ... Balancing on a dirt bike is a lot like riding a bicycle but is is bigger and weighs more. A dirtbike can weigh between 150 pounds and 250 plus pounds so you will want to learn how to control the bike so you don t get hurt. You may need to move your body around to find your perfect balancing point for different kinds of riding. For example some times you might need to stand up, sit down or lean side to side. If you are stuck in mud you might need to shift your weight around to get out. With turning there are two different ways to turn. The two ways are counter turning and using the handlebars to turn. While going fast you should probably counter steer by leaning to turn the bike because if you turned the handlebars to much you would probably have a higher chance at crashing. While going slow you can use the handlebars to get around tight and small
  • 24. Outline Of A Marketing Plan BSBMKG609A Develop a Marketing Plan Assessment 1 ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW Canterbury renovation is a chain of homeward store in city that specializes in bathroom fittings, bedroom fittings, mirrors and decorative items. The organization is considered to be the provider of efficient and cleanly designed products that have had a large impact on the way homemakers shop, and received such recognition that the store was made into a chain in order to fulfill the needs of a larger consumer market. Canterbury renovation offers bathroom fittings, mirrors, bedroom fitting and decorative items to its customers. The analysis of each of the aspect of the company overview is provided under the following heads. Mission statement A celebration of the home, brand Houzit is a store for the quality and style conscious consumer. Providing unique, eclectic and affordable home accents and gifts, we intend to generate a fair return to finance continued growth and expanded community involvement. Our current products Product attributes Being a retail brand Houzit caters to home makers through providing them what they need, in a variety that is exclusive to the brand itself. The number of satisfied customers Houzit has managed to garner increases every day and it is testament to the fact that with its exceptional design and swift accessibility, the organization s strategic direction has slowly helped pave the road for its success. Pricing, distribution, Promotion, and service offered Its
  • 25. How Did The French And Indian War Salutary Neglect Great Britain at this time had many issues with funding themselves after exhausting resources and political power, after the French and Indian War. Britain was slowly losing power trying to keep the inhabitants of the American colonies at the bay. With a victory in the hand of Britain and one of the bloodiest wars staining the hearts of the people of America in the other, Britain had to keep itself strong, so the idea of taking their colonies quickly came to mind and keeping foreign colonies in check was their first priority. There were many issues going on in the British colonies. One of many issues that happened is salutary neglect, which led to the colonies to be mad with the British Government. Salutary neglect was the British victory with... Show more content on ... They say power to tax is a necessary part of every supreme legislative authority and that if they have not that power over America they have none and the America is at once a kingdom of itself [Raising Money and Rising Anger. 22]. later many started complaining that the king had no right to tax them this much. Other than the Americans don t like their duty of being taxed the British were also being taxed as well. Colonist got used to their taxation within their own government. They tax them because since they thought the colonies were well off that they could tax them Parliament is equally known to the neighbor who elects and to him who does not the friendships the influences are spread through the whole [Raising Money and Rising Anger 23]. This meaning even if you are virtually represented because of close living you can see those that were unfair because Americans are already being taxed and people who already living in
  • 26. How Did Alexander Graham Bell Influence The Discovery Of... Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray s inventions of the telephone Communication was vital on getting a message across. Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray were two inventors who helped spread the idea that the human voice could be transferred from one place to another. Because of their help, we are so advanced in today s society. This was one step of bringing this country together as a whole. Communication was vital to get an important message fast and efficiently without waiting weeks. Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray were two inventors from the 19th century who helped spread the knowledge that electricity could be transmitted from one place to another. Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh Scottland. ... Show more content on ... This was a distance of 5 miles. The other people at the end heard faint noises, but could not hear what Bell was saying. In the next test, Bell shortened the distance to 4 miles. The people concluded that they could hear a distinct and audible voice. This event proved that Bell s telephone would work for any distance. Bell s colleagues offered to sell the patent for $100,000. The Western Union said it was nothing more than a toy and they would not pay that much. Later, his partners said to Bell that he could sell his patent for about $25 million. Bell thought it was too late and decided not to sell it and to keep his company. Bell began to show the world his revolutionary design. One of the more famous demonstrations was from New York to Chicago in 1892. Queen Victoria showed excitement and said, Most extraordinary! The positive advice Bell had received made him proud of his prototype design. Elisha Gray had similar prototypes with his liquid transmitter idea. In another prototype, Bell looked at Thomas Edison s past patents. He found one called the Carbon Microphone. This telephone worked better in long range and you didn t have to shout at the receiving end. This improved Bell s
  • 27. Hampton Roads Interest in Breweris and Craft Beer Essay The Hampton Roads region is no exception to the recent nationwide interest in local breweries and craft beers. Although certain state regulations initially prevented craft breweries from existing to their full capacity in this area, some breweries still began to achieve success. O Connor Brewing Company made interest in these beers possible in this area because of its immediate success after a long trail of failed brewingcompanies ( O Connor Brewing Company NP). Due to former regulations, most brewing companies closed within months of starting up their businesses. Previously, Virginia law prevented breweries from selling alcohol at its respective establishments, a key part of upkeep for any local brewery (Riggan NP). Although the ... Show more content on ... As is common with most localized craft beer companies, the reach of O Connor s market spreads in multiple areas across the country. People from all parts of the nation buy from the company, therefore leading to more tourist interest in the Hampton Roads region. Anyone who drinks O Connor beer learns a little bit about the Hampton Roads area due to the small descriptions put on the bottles. Developing interest in the area itself adds to the tourist interest received from people who simply travel with the goal of visiting many local craft beer breweries. The tourism achieved from the presence of many local breweries is phenomenal (Miller NP). The company s attempt to appeal towards women is another key part to stretching towards different beer drinking demographics. The bottles themselves emphasize their interest in multiple audiences. Unlike many plainer looking beer bottles, O Connor s beer has more elegant and colorful designs. The company intends for the product to be extremely eye catching. This goes hand in hand with the designs put on the bottles to connect to local culture. Similarly to how the interest over the past several years [in] American craft beer has grown exponentially, (Canova 5) female interest in the beer market has also steadily increased. O Connor s is just one of many breweries attempting to break the gender roles associated with drinking beer through its packaging and marketing. Creating a product
  • 28. The Glory Field By Walter Dean Myers The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers best conveys the character traits of courage, ambitiousness, and supporting family even when times appear to be distressful. This book takes you through African American history with the excitement and thrill of fiction. It allows you to witness the glory of African American evolution, from a period of slavery to modern day. The reader witnesses courage as African Americans try and fight for freedom and equality in an unforgiving society. African Americans try and defy the society s perspective of them in an attempt to reach an optimal level of success. They work to divert from their typical expectations, and strive for success even when the possibilities are minimal. They strive to build a better living besides being maids and factory workers, and they attempt to remove every obstacle in their way of success. They desire to go above what is expected of them, so they can achieve at a prodigious level in a segregated society. Even as technology advances, the reader witnesses the character s sense of community. They always believe that family is crucial to success even in times of distress. If they abandon their community, then they abandon the only people that support them. In this time period, their community was composed of the only people that cared about them. The African Americansociety emulates these traits throughout this book, as the author inserts you into their fight for equity and freedom. The Glory Field takes
  • 29. India s Indian Caste System India has pioneered many different civilizations and empires each presenting new social, religious, and cultural dynamics. Through the development of India in the past 100+ years, they were colonized by Great Britain and societies began to form caste systems. However, different hierarchal statuses were instituted long before the establishment of castesystems officially. Sociologists agree that the British didn t create the caste system, however the British used their dominance to further endorse a stricter system that could easily define and categorize the people of India. The Portuguese used the term caste system first to, denote the social classification of India, as they thought the system was meant to be o preserve the purity of... Show more content on ... There are many arguments that the caste system is fundamentally for religious reasons, however other historians and sociologists argue that once the Europeans started colonizing India, the meaning of took a turn. Through biological theories, all existing things (animated or inanimate) will inherit one of three qualities, sattva, rajas, and tamas (Daniel). Sattvas qualities include goodness, honesty, wisdom, intelligence, and many other good natured qualities; rajas qualities are passionate qualities such as, passion and pride; and tamas qualities are not very positive qualities, and entail lack of intelligence and creativity, dullness, and other negative qualities (Daniel). Depending on the qualities that one inherited and gained, would determine what occupation one would be in, essentially deciding what class they would be in. Through the social historical theory, we understand that the caste system began with the Aryans in 1500 B.C. (Swanpil 71). The Aryans were fairer in their skin, and came from northern Asia and southern Europe. Through Lieberson s and Noel s Model (1968), both consider the importance of initial group contact however the Aryans used Lieberson s migrant subordination as well as being ethnocentric to the indigenous culture by creating a stratification system. When they first entered India, they met the Dravidians who they contrasted with both in their
  • 30. Gender Roles In Star Trek Next Generation Essay In 1966 a series called quot;Star Trek quot; was created. It s creator, Gene Roddenberry, did not create the show to be a science fiction series. The series was much deeper than that. It wasn t just about discovering new planets and civilizations. It was about controversial issues. Even though the series take place in the 23rd and 24th century the issues struck with the times and related current issues. Through each series, The Original, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager, there has been progression with the times and the issues. The issues that surround the episodes of Star Trek include race, religion, sexuality, the depiction of science and genderroles. The central focus being talked about in... Show more content on ... There was the captain, Janeway, Kes and Seven of Nine. This series brought women into leadership roles. The progression of women in Star Trek has been appropriately timed and has even pushed a little bit past the time. Even though Uhura basically played the role of a secretary her role still pushed the envelope for the time because of her race. She was a black actress during or right after the civil rights movement. She even thought of quitting the role because she felt that she wasn t used enough for her role in the series. However, after Martin Luther King, Jr. talked to her and told her how important it would be for her to stay on the show, she did. Women in Star Trek have progressed from a secretary type, to a doctor and counselor, to the second in command and eventually the first in command or the captain. Their progress allows them to be more influential. Let s talk more specifically about the Next Generation series. The Original series showed the four starring male roles to provide everything for the crew. This is not the case in Next Generation. Next Generation is more like a family with a father, a mother and children. But who were the biggest members of the family? There are four characters, which give the presence of a family on Next Generation. First, you have the father. This is actually quite simple. You have Captain Picardwho plays the father. He is much older than any of the other crew seen
  • 31. How Should Nunavut Be Banned In Australia The legal blinkers for Aboriginal Australians in Northern Territory, Alice Springs and Canada s youngest territory Nunavut has suffered. Since the laws and policy makers on alcohol problems was implemented by the white government, illustrating that they didn t know that it caused suffering for Aboriginal and Nunavut people. The prohibition of alcohol for the people of Nunavut is hurting them because it s banned in 95% of its area, especially since it s illegal in Pangnirtung. This prohibition is the National state versus Individual rights, since it is supposed to protect individual rights, they should have education on the effects of alcohol, so they understand how to control their urges for alcohol. Alcohol has not been in stores since the 1970s and the Alcohol Education Committee can set the limit of the size of the alcohol order or even deny the application. The prohibition led to bootlegging alcohol for Nunavut, especially Pangnirtung... Show more content on ... The Act shows little evidence that it is working, for example, PR attempted to leave the rehabilitation facility and was taken to court. She was the first person to face charges for escaping under the Act. However, she was released since it was an error of law . Nova Peris, a senator for Northern Territory stated that the Act is a racist act since it criminalised Aboriginal Australians with alcohol problems and tries to rehabilitate them, but it was
  • 32. Drama and Excitement in the Opening Scene of Romeo and... Drama and Excitement in the Opening Scene of Romeo and Juliet by Baz Lurhmann Romeo and Juliet is directed by Baz Lurhmann and was produced in 1997 .In the opening scene of the film is set in a petrol station . The Montague boys and the Capulet boys happen to meet each other and a quarrel ensues and this leads to a big gun battle accompanied by western music that adds humour to the scene. The techniques the Luhrmann uses are lighting ,camera angles , setting and different aspects of mis en scene to create drama and excitement for the audience. In the opening scene of Romeo and Juliet sound is used to create an effect on the audience . When the film starts images of the city of Verona are... Show more content on ... On the other hand the Capulet boys have loud roaring coming from their car luhrman uses this to present the Capulets in a totally different way to the Montague s the loud roaring noise is used to make the Capulet seem more menacing than the Montague s and that the Capulet are feared by the Montague s . As from the moment Tybalt steps out of his car , western style music is played , this non diagetic sound is used to prepare the audience for the western style that is about to occur, this western style music ties in with the diagetic sound of the sign from the petrol station swinging , this all links in with the western genre which coincides with the style of fighting between the two families in this particular scene. When Tybalt steps out if the Capulet car we only see his western style boots that link in with the western style music and the sign swinging . The sound his boots make when he steps out on the lit match seem menacing , because we cannot see his face and he makes a horrible noise with his boots . After the prologue is read by the newsreader , the camera pans over the city . These erratic camera shots , show images of buildings that belong to the two families and religious buildings such as the statue of Jesus in the centre of the city . These images give a birds eye view of the city as if we are in a helicopter .Because of the erratic
  • 33. The Negative Portrayal of Women in Breakfast of Champions... The Negative Portrayal of Women in Breakfast of Champions Kurt Vonnegut s Breakfast of Champions was written, as he says in the opening pages, to clear my head of all the junk in there. . . . The things other people have put into my head, at any rate, do not fit together nicely, are often useless and ugly (5). Though Vonnegut wrote this book over twenty years after Simone de Beauvoirmade her assessment of women s place in the world, his searing social critique shows that the position of women has not changed much, that they are still the Others in relation to men. A flawed society contributes to the situation, but Vonnegut shows that misplaced priorities, foolish behavior, and shallow ways of thinking lead to bad ends for ... Show more content on ... When she sees Dwayne, she naively thinks that he could do for her what the Fairy Godmother could do for Cinderella, if he wanted to (137). She realizes that he holds money and power, and this makes him a magical person in her eyes (137). As she thinks about how he could help her solve her problems, Patty notices that Dwayne is acting strangely and seems depressed. This causes her to feel sorry for him, and turns her thoughts to how she can help Dwayne. Vonnegut writes, Patty Keene was persuaded that she could make him happy with her young body, with her bravery and cheerfulness (143). However, Patty s sympathy is clouded with materialistic thoughts of all of the new and used cars Dwayne owned (143). She is willing to prostitute herself, since Dwayne could give her a fine house and new automobiles and nice clothes and a life of leisure, and he could pay all the medical bills . . . as easily as she had given him his hamburger and his French fries and his Coke (137). Francine Pefko, Dwayne Hoover s secretary and mistress, is the best example of a woman completely submissive to the will of man. She is a very efficient employee; at work she is described as pure machinery. . . A machine made out of meat a typing machine, a filing machine (188). On a particularly busy afternoon, Dwayne asks her to go to a motel with him, and Francine thinks it is her duty to go . . .
  • 34. The Importance Of Being Tolerant In The Tang Dynasty The Tang Dynasty was a time period that lasted from 608 up until 907 b.c. The tang was also a very tolerant era. They were tolerant of many things such as other religions and other culture beliefs other than only Chinese beliefs, but was being tolerant a good or bad thing in this time period? An example of tolerance at its finest in this period is the royal family of Tang, surnamed Li, was of non Han Chinese origin. One benefit of the Tang being tolerant is a better war defense for protection from rivals. Another way being tolerant benefits them is by not only having a good defense but also by having more allies for attacking in war. Lastly, being tolerant in the Tang dynastywas beneficial to them by providing more opportunities to learn about other cultures.... Show more content on ... They would be capable of doing this because they let a lot of people of many different races and religions into their area. With being tolerant, many people would be more relenting to go to war on their side. This would also prevent many people of different cultures to feel hatred against the Tang, which could later protect them from getting attacked and overthrown. On the other hand, some rulers still weren t fully reliable to this idea. They still had some segregation for people that are full blooded chinese. An example of this would be Taizong, his civilization took a test on how many people were full blooded chinese. When the results came back, Taizong s name was at number three, so he had them take the test back and make him look like he was the most full blooded chinese. This proves that no matter how chinese he was, he still wanted to look like the best, according to John D.
  • 35. Social Cognition And Interaction Influence On Society Social Cognition and Interaction While analyzing the impact of the interaction of self and the society we see that the self generally influences the society. This is done by actions of individuals which lead to the creation of groups, networks and organizations of people. On the other hand society also affects and molds an individual with its shared values and collective norms which helps in giving an individual its identity and a role in the society. An example of this type of interaction would be when a person moves to different locality, that individuals preference and lifestyle changes as per the norms and practices of the society and likewise if a certain behavior is followed by that person then people in the society also get influenced by that behavior. Further concepts of self, awareness and self schemas could be effectively used for self development. It is said that what we think of ourselves, is what we make out of ourselves. Hence self schema could lead to actions resulting in a state which we want ourselves to be. Generally if we create and idea of self and interact with others in the society, it gives an impression to the society about the way we think and the way we receive things from the society. Great leaders have a dream and confidence in them which is reflected in their actions and the interaction with the society. Hence it is important to be self aware and understand self very clearly. Further self concept refers to the act of holding ourselves when we
  • 36. Engineering Disciples Engineering Disciplines Oral Presentation Overview: The purpose of this project is to provide a better understanding of the different engineering disciplines offered at the University. Students will be divided into teams. Each team will prepare a presentation on a discipline to be presented to the class. This presentation serves as a means for students to learn, in depth, about a major outside of their areas of interest. The assumption is that students haven t had much information presented to them about these disciplines and opportunities afforded by them. After the presentations, each student will be armed with sheets of information about different disciplines and will learn a little something more about each in order to make a... Show more content on ... Make sure to include as much detail as possible. The most important items to include are your content areas and the approximate amount of time your group will spend on each area. General Tips for Using PowerPoint Effectively * At most, put three bullets per slide for a clean presentation * Minimize the number of words on text slides * Avoid making graphs too complex * Use a consistent background, font, and bulleting scheme * Be creative when designing your slides, but avoid being too creative. The design must not detract from your message Oral Presentation The actual presentation should last 10 minutes and groups should allow few minutes for question and answer. Everyone in the group must present some portion of the material, or points will be taken
  • 37. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Global Sourcing Introduction: Global sourcing is the process of sourcing goods from international markets. It aims at efficiencies of the international markets such as labor cost, cheaper raw material procurement, tax break, economic factors, changing technology etc. Advantages of Global Sourcing: 1.Learning how to do business successfully: By global sourcing helps to acquire 2.Finding and developing alternate supplier: Disadvantage of global sourcing 1.Hidden cost 2.Learning about different culture Customer involvement in product customization has become greater trend for that outsourcing has become core competence within the organization. Today outsourced product or commodity are considered as developed components. Unit procurement cost ... Show more content on ... The emergence of system integrators offering multiple vendor solution is driven by their business customer s demand for more complex integrated solution. The core driver of the latest form of the global (ie., both onshore and offshore )outsourcing is the heightened organizational and technological capacity of firm in decoupling and coordinating a network of remotely located external suppliers performing an intricate set of activities ( Levy 2005). In business to business marketing context the firms providing integrated solutions to their business customer s by organizing their global internal and external activities because high demand for complex integrated solution (Davies, Brady and Hobday 2007). After gaining valuable external knowledge a firms need to use it absorptive capacity in exploiting externally generated knowledge and there by transforming these knowledge and applying this knowledge to create firms value (Zara and George 2002). The strategic fit perspective asserts that the environment and strategy interact in a dynamic coalignment process and a match between them would exert a positive impact on performance (Venkatraman and
  • 38. The Effect Of Temperature On Bacterial Amylase, Bacillus... The Effect of Temperature on Bacterial Amylase, Bacillus lichenifomis, And Fungal Amylase, Aspergillus Oryzae By: Sebastian Velandia (5443225) Lab Partners: Keila Burgos Maily Hernandez Michelle Rozo Lab Section U 46 X_________________________________________ Abstract: Enzymes take care of catalysis in living organisms. They are used mainly for commercial uses for example, to produce sugars. Throughout the experiment, bacterial amylase, Bacillus lichenifomis, and fungal amylase, Aspergillus Oryzae, were being tested in order to determine the optimal point of the temperature for the respective amylase. The optimal temperature is the temperature at which the enzyme works best. In order to determine the break down of starch, the mixing of amylase with starch would occur. With the help of iodine as an indicator, it could be noted which temperature was the optimum. The outcome showed that for the bacterial amylase, hydrolysis worked best at 55 degrees Celsuis. As for the fungal amylase, hydrolysis worked best at 25 degrees Celsius. As the temperature passed its optimal point, the enzyme would denature or change shape,3 due to the change in the environment. This can be seen with the color changes. Where hydrolysis worked best, it had a bright yellow color as seen in Figure 1. When the enzyme would denature, the color would change to black as seen in Figure 2. All in all, the experiment proved to be successful although there may have been possible sources of
  • 39. Figurative Language In Melba Beals Warriors Don T Cry Being a teenager, that s tough. But being someone who is expected to single handedly break racial barriers, thats all around near impossible. In the story, Warriors Don t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals, she portrays how she had to be a leader in integration, while being a high schooler at the same time. In her story, she uses figurative language, such as irony and similes, to enhance some of her most difficult times. Through her use of figurative language, the reader is opened up to how Melba uses figurative language throughout her story to emphasise her hardships and struggles, and how she imagines a hopeful future. For example, she puts her hope, in some of the metaphors she uses, even if she is unaware of doing so. Melba sneaks her hope
  • 40. The Civil War And The End Of Reconstruction After the Civil War, following the Compromise of 1877 and the end of Reconstruction, the protection for the rights of African American ended if there was any. Southern States had moved to impose a system of segregation on nearly all areas of life. New laws that required segregation that stirred separate but equal doctrine that disenfranchise African Americans for almost six decades. It is hard in this days and age to be able to imagine segregation as a law, but the remnants just change form and name. A petition file on June 7, 1892, in the supreme court Louisiana by a local shoemaker named Homer Plessy against Honorable judge John H. Ferguson. His filling set a test case to challenge Separate Car Act that prompt Plessy v. Ferguson case perhaps one of the most noticeable actions to nullify separate but equal doctrine. Homer Plessy was arrested and put in jail for sitting in the white only train car of the East Louisiana Railroad. He was one eighths black and seven eighths white, but under Louisiana law, he was considered black due to the hints of black blood, and was therefore required to sit in the colored train car. Even though the companies of the cars opposed to law due to expenses of maintenance of separate cars and lose of black customers White dominated state legislature move to make segregation mandatory and ensured that African American barred from challenging the separate but equal doctrine. However, the main reason segregation prevailing in the south is a
  • 41. The Lady Boomerang The Essence of Sex Board Members in Board Room Strange smells a perfume Strange: (Smells Perfume) I hate it Board Member (Lloyd) : But this fragrance tested very well. Strange : I said I wanted the essence of sex! Jacqueline: Yes Board Member (Lloyd): Well I think this is it Strange: You would, but let me show you what I m talking about (Takes of thong) Board Member 2: Unbelievable! (Holds thong up to board members face) Strange : (Rubs thong in man s face) this is the essence of sex! Voila!!! (Laughs indistinctively) (Lloyd storms out of the room angrily) Strange : Please! You make me feel ridiculous (Strange starts speaking French) Strange : And you, where have you been you?... Show more content on ... It has too...Wait a minute...Strange your name says all of those things. You re powerful. You re glamorous. You re sexy. You re intelligent. Stra (Filled with excitement) ..thats what we should call the perfume (Pause) Strange ...Strange (All applauds saying Strange ) Strange : Ok Ok Ok... I like it!! (More applause) (Strange grabs fur coat and exits the board room) Marcus: Strut Girl Strut! Go On, girl, It s you Girl Scene Strange Jacqueline: Ladies and gentlemen I have a very exciting announcement to make. Since 1948, the name Lady Eloise has been synonymous with glamour, grace, sensuality, and stunning natural beauty. In the next century that tradition continues. Introducing the new face of lady Eloise cosmetics ...Strange Scene Dinner Scene (Waiter asks Strange is she wants anything) Strange : No I m on a diet! Marcus: Diet? What are you crazy? You look great. I can t get you down in the Caribbean! Strange : Im not sure im going anywhere Jacqueline: Well you ve gotta go. Marcus has planned a wonderful trip. We re going to have a lot of fun. (Jacqueline gets up wanting to make a phone call) Marcus: Hey Listen. I know you re a little concerned about the layout was going to be,
  • 42. Furman V. Georgia Case The Furman v. Georgia case has set a precedent on how the courts deal with the disputable issue that is capital punishment because it was the first time the Supreme Court addressed the problem. Both racism and the morality of the death penalty have been relatively controversial issues in the United States for several years. The Furman v. Georgia case conjoined both matters. The case declared that if capital punishmentwere to be used, it was going to be used for all the right reasons, not due to any prejudices or discrimination by reason of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. Additionally, the case placed a moratorium on the death penalty because it was argued that the application of Furman s sentencing would be an example of cruel and unusual... Show more content on ... The courts stated juries were allotted too much power in sentencing, hence prompting the racial bias that dismounted in not only the Furman v Georgia case, but a multitudinous amount of cases in the south. In a 5 4 decision, it was concluded that the implementation of Furman s sentencing was cruel and unusual. Two justices concluded the death penalty was unconstitutional, while three stated that the method in which the sentencing was being utilized, made it unconstitutional. Justice Douglas also observed that not only were death penalties given to the poor, uneducated, and sick minorities, but that they had been taking place due to miscommunication and lack of guidance and understanding of the law, which furthermore concluded in the use of preconceived notions and prejudices that guided the jurors in
  • 43. Analysis of Wicked, the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch... Wicked, the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the East is a fantasy book by Gregory Maguire. It follows the life of the Wicked Witch, the character from the Wizard of Oz, from her birth to her death, or her pseudo death. It also explores the question the nature of good and evil. The main character is, of course, the Wicked Witch, Elphaba. She is born green, with really sharp teeth, and afraid of water. When she gets near water, she just gets really scared, and when she cries or a couple drops of water get on her it burns her. When she is still young her father, who is a minister, decides they will move to the Quadling country to try to convert the people there to the faith of the Unknown God. Elphaba is described many times... Show more content on ... Madame Morrible tries to get them to work for the Wizard, but she puts a spell on them so they won t remember. Afterwards, Elphaba goes underground with a revolt against the Wizard. Fiyero spots her one day, and they start talking. Even though she tells him to go away for his own safety, he keeps meeting up with her and they have an affair. Elphaba tries to murder Madame Morrible but fails. Fiyero, who watched her, goes to her apartment, where members of the Wizard s private army are waiting. When Elphaba comes back, she finds massive amounts of blood all around the room, but no body. She goes into shock, and seeks refuge with a religious order. It is implied she has a son but you never actually know because she was in a coma for the first year. She stays for seven years in all. Elphaba, with her son Liir, goes to the Vinkus to beg forgivness from Fiyero s wife, Sarima. Sarima is dead set against Elphaba telling her anything upsetting, so Elphaba s wish is never fulfilled. By now, Elphaba has learned a little magic from a book she found in Sarima s library, but is actually from our, and the Wizard s, world. Nessarose, who is now the ruler of Munchkinland and a witch, writes, and Elphaba goes to visit. While she is gone the Wizard s forces storm the castle and carry off Sarima and her family, leaving only Liir. After seven years of unsuccessful search
  • 44. Literature Review Of Royal Jelly REVIEW OF LITERATURE Royal jelly (RJ) is a honeybee product secreted from the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of the worker honeybees. It contains a mixture of very important compounds that give it therapeutic and nutritional properties. These compounds as protein, glucose, lipid, vitamins, minerals, aspartic acid, gelatin, sterols, phosphorous compounds, acetylcholine, nucleic acids, and numerous trace ingredients. The ingredients are in the form of water, crude protein and monosaccharides. The remainder of the royal jelly is composed of an ether soluble fraction of fatty acid (Galaly et al., 2014). Royal jelly is a viscous jelly substance which is partially soluble in water with a density of 1.1 g/ ml. Its colour is whitish to yellow, the yellow color increases upon storage. Its odor is pungent, the taste being sour and sweet. Old RJ, which stored for long time tends to be darker and possess a rancid taste. For optimum quality, RJ should be stored in frozen state. According to water content, the viscosity of RJ varies and it slowly becomes more viscous when stored at room temperature or in a refrigerator at 5ВєC. The viscosity of RJ increases with increment of water insoluble nitrogenous compounds and a reduction in soluble nitrogen and free amino acids (Ramadan and Al Ghamdi, 2012). Royal jelly contains proteins, more than 80% of RJ proteins are soluble proteins called major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) which are glycoproteins. These proteins perform
  • 45. HPV Case Study HPV and its associated diseases affect men and women of all races and ethnicities. In the United States, Caucasian females have a lower incidence of cervical cancer and a higher incidence of vulvar cancer, while vaginal cancers associated with HPV occur more frequently in black females CITE JEMAL 2013 HPV linked oropharyngeal cancers are increasing in both sexes across all ethnicities with the exception of blacks, and hpv associated anal cancers have increased in both males and females of all races and ethnicities CITE JEMAL 2013 In the state of Florida, between 1981 and 2009, there was a higher incidence of cervical, vaginal, and penile cancer in the black population, a higher incidence of anal cancer in the Hispanic population, and a... Show more content on ... In their 2015 study Alves Ribeiro et al. found that women who began having sexual intercourse prior to age of 16 were more than four times as likely to have a HPV infection (OR 4.41; 95%CI:1.20 19.33), and nearly five times as likely for that infection to involve serotypes 16 and 18 (OR 4.68; 95% CI: 1.20 21.32). Moreover, women with a sexual debut prior to age 16 were twice as likely to have a diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)1 or greater (OR 2.2; 95% CI: 0.94 5.08 CITE 2. The same study also demonstrated a statistically significant association between CIN 1 and HPV infection, especially infection with HPV serotypes 16 and 18 (OR 2.76; 95% CI: 1.05 7.19) and (OR 3.53; 95% CI: 1.17 10.67) respectively (Alves Riberio et al., 2015). Over 90% of females in the United States are sexually active by age 24; correspondingly, the prevalence of high risk HPV peaks at over 43% in the 20 24 age group (Vegunta, Kransdorf, Mayer, 2014). By age 30, the prevalence of high risk HPV decreases to 30.4%, and continues to decrease as age increases. It is thought that this age related decrease in prevalence can be attributed to a combination of factors, including, decreased exposure, resistance to reinfections, and HPV s self limiting nature (Alves Ribeiro et al., 2015; Vegunta et al., 2014). Cumulatively, the prevention and treatment of HPV and its associated diseases are responsible for a staggering approximately 8 billion in
  • 46. Growing Up In Presidential Elections There is a point when politics begin saturating daily life from the incredible overload of constant argument and confusion. I personally dream of the day when I can get through a meal without politics being brought up, when I can go on the internet and not see headlines about who insulted who. In a world where there is increasingly significant polar opposite feelings, it is hard to stay focused on one s own feelings with so many other opinions being constantly expressed. From confused and frustrated to incredibly confident and angry, it is impossible not to clash with others. Because of the divide between voters, there is increased arguments and talk of the election in general. Although I fully believe that it is important to be an informed ... Show more content on ... The basis of a qualified leader and what each candidate has to offer to the country is lost in constant leaks of emails and videos. Normally, the political election is regarded as really beginning when the candidates are nominated, but this is not a normal election. The 2016 election has been looming over the American population since before even the primary and caucus debates. Possibly the most publicized presidential race in American history, it is easy to get wrapped up in the soap opera like daily news headlines. According to a study led by the GDELT Project, television networks have mentioned Donald Trump 108,735 times and Clinton 64,345 times in the past 30 days alone. This statistic does not even include the countless information thrown at the public through websites, news publications, and social media. During the election, media has grabbed at any information regarding the candidates imaginable. The avalanche of media coverage takes away from essential facts that an informed citizen requires to make a responsible decision when
  • 47. Speech On The Dustbin Baby A woman who was dumped in a dustbin after her birth, some 46 years ago, finally met her mother. According to a report from Daily Mail, Michelle Rooney was adopted after she was found in a bin bag outside a block of flats in Walthamstow, east London, on November 18, 1968. Her biological mother, Angie Smith, then 23 years old, hid her pregnancy and gave birth to her in a garden shed. Fast forward, Rooney, now a mother of two, appealed publicly to her long lost parent. In an emotional appeal, Mirror reported, she said: Mum, if you are reading this, please get in touch with me. I m not angry with you, I ve never hated or blamed you, but I d like some Вanswers. The two finally met. Without hatred towards her biological mother, Rooney talked ... Show more content on ... Finding her was never about recrimination, Rooney added. Dustbin Baby Rooney was found in a bin bag by Fay Bliss, a passer by who heard her cries in the middle of a cold night. The discovery sparked a media frenzy with the then unnamed child becoming known as The Dustbin Baby. When nobody coming forward to claim her, Rooney was adopted by policeman Les Fuller and his wife Daphne. The Dustbin Baby grew up at their Surrey home with their other children, unaware of how the family found her. On her 21st birthday, Rooney learned how she had come to be adopted, reading about herself as the Dustin Baby in newspaper cuttings from the day she was found. Feeling of guilt Meanwhile, Smith, who already had two sons from her collapsed marriage, had spent years feeling the guilty of abandoning her only daughter, Mirror reported. Abandoning Michelle was an act of desperation for which I have felt guilty my entire life. Not a day has passed when I didn t think about her. I always wanted to find her, but I didn t know how. Even if I did, I didn t think she d want to know me... the mother who d dumped her as a newborn baby, she
  • 48. The Success Of The Buffalo Bills Essay Everyone has a specific skill set that they are good at. Some people are good with numbers, others have a gift for writing. The same is true in sports. The Buffalo Bills are very good at losing and disappointing their fans, while the Patriots are fantastic at bending the rules and winning Super Bowls. In baseball, each team is built around a specific group of players in order to create the best possible chance to win the World Series. Some of the greatest players have created seemingly unbreakable statistics. Joe DiMaggio had a hit in fifty six consecutive games. Barry Bonds hit seven hundred and sixty two home runs over his twenty two year career. Statistics like these only come about once in a generation. Teams are comprised of various talent. Some are like Miguel Cabrera. Cabrera always has a batting averageover .300 with at least 25 home runs. These types of players are considered great hitters. Other s, like Stephan Drew, get a hit less than 20% of the time they have an at bat. Players similar to Drew s skill set have a job because they are very good at defense and their value on defense out ways their value on offense to their specific team. Baseball is sport rich with statistics. Almost anything one can come up with, has a statistic. In the last ten years alone, top executives, such as Billy Bean, have constructed teams based on advanced statistics and have been fairly successful, like the 2002 Oakland Athletics. Other teams, like the Houston Astros,
  • 49. Pro Death Penalty Speech Good day ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank all of you for coming out today and hope you are all enjoying the croissants and Starbuck s coffee provided as a courtesy of your great state. Please allow me to introduce myself before we get started. My name is Slick Perry and if you didn t already know, I am the state governor of Texas. You are all aware that we are reviewing our recidivism rate to various crimes and reviewing our stance regarding the death penaltyas we approach 2009. Everyone here understands that capital punishmentis a very controversial topic in the United States. In Texas, from December 1982 through August 2008, only 361 criminals of the millions of Texans in our good state were executed for the wickedest ... Show more content on ... Keep in my mind that in Texas only the most vial and cruel criminals are placed on death row, and, who are the most deserving. The consequences of the Supreme Court s 1972 ruling voided 40 death penalty statutes, thereby commuting the sentences of 629 death row inmates around the country, 45 from Texas and suspending the death penalty because existing statutes were no longer valid. However, this ruling went against the U.S. public majority where, in fact, over 55% of U.S. citizens were in favor of the death penalty. Some states rewrote their death penalty laws to address the unconstitutionality of giving juries complete discretion in sentencing by setting a mandated capital punishment for those convicted of capital crimes. The Supreme Court ruled in Woodson v. North Carolina (1976) this was also unconstitutional. A different approach by some states was to introduce mitigating and aggravating factors when determining sentencing where, in 1976, the Supreme Court ultimately approved. The Supreme Court also held that the death penalty itself was once again constitutional under the Eighth Amendment allowing states a new dawn for a better society. On January 17, 1977, the suspension of the death penalty officially ended with the execution of Gary Gilmore in Utah, by firing squad, and that same year the introduction and use of the new kinder gentler lethal injection was
  • 50. Analysis Of Bich s The Saigon Market Although she knows that change is bound to occur in her family, she did not know it would happen so abruptly. With the influence of Rosa, Bich begins to develop a feeling that she is part of the US now, she still remains connected to the Vietnamese culture. The Saigon Market became the epicenter of our lives, splitting our existence between two cultures, Bich explained (Nguyen 34). After all, despite all of the changes Rosa has influenced in the Nguyen household, Rosa still encourages Bich and Anh to keep her Vietnamese roots alive. The fact that Bich fights to keep some Vietnamese roots alive is exemplified in the fact that she still believes that the combination of Vietnam s ancient matrilineal roots, Confucianism, and Western influences... Show more content on ... They yelled stereotypical Asian phrases such as ching chong (Nguyen 75). In fact they would even yell words that Bich herself could not understand. Chop suey! white kids would yell. Hi ya! I was afraid to ask my parents what chop suey was, Bich describes. They would also call her bitch as opposed to actually saying her name (Nguyen 75). Bich recalls their phrases, Hey, bitch, can you loan me some money? (Nguyen 50). She even described how her teacher spoke to another teacher after Bich had won the spelling bee, Can you believe it? [the teacher] was saying. A foreigner winning our spelling bee! (Nguyen 82). The hatred towards Asian American immigrants becomes extremely evident at this
  • 51. Karl Deutsch s Theory Of The Security Community Theory Introduction: I have selected Security Community Theory to write a seminar paper. This seminar paper presents a conceptualization of NATO by exploring its role as a security community in European security. In the late 1950s, Karl Deutsch and his colleagues implicitly challenged the governing approach to security by exploring the concept of security communities . This was a clear break with traditional approaches to security, which emphasized the utility of military power and the inevitable nature of military threats. They gave the idea of such a community where the component states had come to reject the use or threat of force as a mechanism for resolving disputes. According to security community theory economic and cultural cooperation ... Show more content on ... This contribution was a smoking grenade for traditional interpretations of security. A security community is a region in which a large scale use of violence such as war has become very unlikely or even unthinkable. In the late 1950s, Karl Deutsch and his colleagues challenged the traditional and governing approach to security. They explored the concept of security communities . Deutsch identified a nascent security community: such a community where the component states had come to reject the use or threat of force as a mechanism for resolving disputes among these states, such a security community which emphasized the utility of military power and the inevitable nature of military threats. Moreover, Deutsch argued that economic and cultural cooperation was a far better route toward the formation of such a security community than was common membership in a traditional military alliance. Deutsch and his collaborators defined a security community as a group of people believing that they have come to agreement on at least this one point: that common social problems must and can be resolved by processes of peaceful change . Peaceful change was defined as the resolution of social problems, normally by institutionalized procedures, without resort to large scale physical force . People in a security community are also bound by the sense of community , the mutual sympathy, trust, and common
  • 52. Jewish American Literatue Jewish American Literature Duty Matters Throughout the course of the semester, the concept of duty has been a major theme in various novels, such as in Anzia Yezierska s Bread Givers, Cynthia Ozick s The Shawl, and Saul Bellow s Herzog. Although Yezierska, Ozick, and Bellow offer different circumstances, they all suggest a sense of responsibility from parent to child. I will show how the relationship between Sara and her father in Bread Givers differ from Rosa and the living incarnation of her daughter in The Shawl and Herzog s fight to gain custody of his daughter June in Herzog. They are all significant in understanding the parent child commitment in Jewish American families. According to these three novels, parents are obligated to their children parents must give emotional support as well as security to them. According to Norman Soloman s Judaism: A Very Short Introduction, the idea of duty is an act when one is obligated to carry out as well as a feeling of responsibility. In Judaism, a man s duties are defined by God s commandments. One must decree to the Torah, the first five books of the Bible as a guide to holiness. The complete theological idea of a man s role in life is comprised within the notion of mitzvah, which means duty . The term ḥovah, denotating obligation or duty is also used the same as mitzvah. To complete a divine commandment is to satisfy one s duty. In these three novels, duty is the chief reason for the actions of these characters.
  • 53. Pc Industry From the mid 1970 s the structure of the PC industry had experienced a huge growth and changed dramatically. In 2001, 40% of the PC shipments were accounted by the top four PC vendors namely: Dell, Compaq, Hewlett Packard (HP) and IBM. Dell, a direct sales pioneer, grew exponentially in the 1990s and emerged as the worldwide market leader in 2001. During 2001 2002 it was the most profitable among the market leaders. Compaq came up with a full range of PCs ranging between $1,000 and $10,000. Whereas, IBM, which at once had a market share of 30%, was at this time going through a dramatic restructuring to stop its market share and profits from deteriorating further. Whereas, HP maintained a comparatively smaller share in PC sales. Besides ... Show more content on ... In 1998, Compaq moved into direct sales , a change from its dependence on a vast distribution network. Despite all these changes, Compaq continued to struggle financially, lost its shares to Dell and offered to sell the firm to HP. HEWLETT PACKARD (HP): HP, a company which initially specialized in electronic instruments and medical instruments, added computers and related products to its portfolio. Around 43% of its sales were majorly generated from imaging and printing, and only 20% sales was generated from PCs. In the late 1990s, HP began to shift focus from its proprietary software towards open architecture and Wintel. They also moved into the highly fragmented IT services business which had a comparatively slower growth and lower margins. Later on, HP also considered acquiring Compaq in 2002. IBM: With sales of around $86 billion, in 2001 IBM was the world s largest computer company. Major part of its revenue i.e., about 43% was generated from hardware sales, 38% from services, 14% from software sales and the rest was caught up by maintenance, financing etc. IBM s trademark historically has been its horizontal and vertical integration, making them leaders in mainframe computers. However, IBM still faced failures in some areas failed to secure the ownership of PC platform, losing its position of being number one in PC shipments and losing about 1 million in the PC business. IBM started streamlining its operations by assembling almost 30% of
  • 54. The Biblical Interpretation Of Exodus And song Of... After Reformation period, the allegorical biblical interpretation was criticized and rejected by contemporary biblical interpretation theory, and a lot of Christian evangelical churches. However, as a long tradition stems from the early church, allegorical interpretation has never been disappeared; on the contrary, it was one the most important exegesis tradition in the history of Chinese Protestant Church. Many fundamentalist theologians and church leaders were influenced by this method, while Jia Yuming is one of the representative figures. The aim of this paper is to present the characteristic of Jia Yuming` s allegorical biblical interpretation, and to explore the contribution of his exegesis in Sino Christian theology. Jia` s allegorical biblical interpretation was influenced by several theological thoughts. Graduated from Presbyterian seminary, he accepted reformed theology, and then he was influenced by pietistic theology and Charismatic movement, turned to allegorical exegesis. In this paper, I will take Jia` s interpretation of Exodus and Song of Solomon as examples to analyze its characteristics. The book of Exodus consists of two genres, narratives and laws, which were interpreted by Jia` s allegorical method. The Song of Songs is considered to be the most obscure book to interpret in the Bible, and is often interpreted as an allegory. 1. An allegorical interpretation based on trichotomy of human nature: Spirit, soul, body The trichotomy of human nature
  • 55. The Effects Of Sleep On The Human Body And Mind Requires A... The human body and mind require a regulated sleep and wake pattern in order to naturally restore homeostasis and provide healthier functioning in regards to it s physical, emotional, cognitive, and somatic response to it s environment. Chronic disruptions in this sleep pattern have been found to affect 10% to 18% of the general American population, while it has been found to affect 50% 80% of the American psychiatric population. The most common mental illnesses that suffer from chronic sleep/wake disruptions include mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), PTSD, and schizophrenia. Research on the regulation of the sleep/wake cycle has found that proper regulation promotes healthy physical, emotional, and mental resilience, while chronic dysregulation promotes negative thinking as well as physical and emotional vulnerability (Nathan, 2015). Although lack of sleep is often viewed as just a symptom of mental illness, research in this area suggests that chronic sleep difficulties may have a larger role in the contribution to the development, progression, and outcomes of mental illness. Further investigation in this area can allow us to better understand this role of the sleep/wake cycle and therefore develop more sophisticated clinical measures, interventions, and prevention strategies. Sleep is best understood through two main theories, recuperation and circadian rhythms. Both theories function