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1000+ Images About Narrative Writing On Pinter 1000+ Images About Narrative Writing On Pinter
Military Cyber Systems Can Be Attacked From External And...
Because we are in many ways at the beginning stages of technology advancement and many of the
modern day systems used by the military are relatively new it is difficult to predict the likelihood that
a specific system will be vulnerable to attacks and exploitation. Therefore, it is necessary to always be
prepared for it. As Bill Blunden, an author who investigates and writes on the topic of cyberwar stated,
the absence of historical data makes it nearly impossible to analytically calculate the probability of a
genuine cyber Armageddon (2014).
Past exploitations of military cyber systems and their consequences
History shows that military cyber systems can be attacked from external and internal threats. In 2008 a
flash drive infected with malicious code spread throughout the system once an internal user connected
it to a military laptop, allowing the attacker unhindered access to information on both unclassified and
classified networks. It is suspected to have been planted by a foreign intelligence agency and moved
the Department of Defense to implement a new cybersecurity strategy (Mills, 2008). In March of 2015
ISIS gained control of at least 100 military personnel PII and made threats, asking American
supporters to commit Jihadist attacks against these personnel. In July of 2010 Chelsea Manning, an
Army Soldier, leaked almost 750,000 classified and unclassified documents on Wikileaks, including
Afghan War documents and Iraq War documents; sentenced to 35 years in
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Pros And Cons Of US Trade With China
Although the United States trade with China seems beneficial, trade with China, a country which does
not care for even its own people, might be a bad decision. The country of China has much lower
standards for human rights, meaning that they also have little regard for the wellbeing of people from
other countries. Furthermore, China does not permit freedom of speech for its citizens, who have little
way of pronouncing their dissatisfaction over political or other matters. Finally, to a certain point, the
Chinese people are restricted of their religious rights. Although the U.S. believes that trade with China
is beneficial for both parties, commerce with China, whose government has low standards for human
rights, particularly those ... Show more content on ...
Their system of filtering and censorship is acknowledged as the most advanced and effective in the
world. The Chinese internet system includes about thirty thousand censors, as well as having web
browsers, such as Google and Yahoo, censor their results.10 For an average citizen to publish their
opinions without either an elite free speech patron or a willing government publishing house, the
safest method is to publicize their thoughts through an internet bulletin board system run by the
Chinese government.11 However, these electronic bulletin boards are required by the law to be
licensed, the posts monitored constantly, and any posts which are found to be inappropriate are
removed. Any forums that are free from government censorship are forbidden, since the Chinese
authorities refuse to recognize the rights of the citizens to publish their uncensored opinions.
Furthermore, if debates over political or other issues begin to take a life of their own, they are
commonly silenced by Chinese authorities.12 The Chinese authorities only permit these monitored
bulletin boards both for their own benefit and because they recognize that there must be outlets for the
average person to express their dissatisfaction with the government.13 Allowing the citizens to speak
their mind functions to lessen the political tension, by acting as a release for their discontentment.
These boards also serve as an excuse to deflect criticism by other countries, who complain that people
in China do not enjoy freedom of expression. Additionally, they allow government authorities to
monitor the mood of their people and to find weaknesses, both in the government and in their support.
Finally, the bulletin boards allow government authorities to track those who express discontent,
keeping their expressions visible, so the authorities can trace these
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Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
Introduction Cerebral vascular accident (CVA) better known as stroke is medical emergency
responsible for an enormous numbers of death in the united states. Stroke it is listed as the number
four leading cause of death in the United States. There are three different types of stroke ischemic
stroke, hemorrhagic stroke and transient ischemic attack. Compare to any other disease cerebral
vascular accident or stroke is one of the main reason for disability among adults in the united states.
History It all began when the father of medicine Hippocrates first discover stroke many centuries ago.
Back then stroke was known as apoplexy a Greek term meaning Struck Down by Violent because at
the time they did not have an explanation for it. ... Show more content on ...
Ischemic Stroke tends to occur when the artery responsible to supply oxygen rich blood to the brain
becomes clotted or blocked. Another type of stroke is Hemorrhagic Stroke it occurs when an artery in
the brain is rupture causing it to leak. The leaks puts too much pressure on the brains cells ,which
damages them. Hemorrhagic stroke is also divided into two categories : Intracerebral hemorrhage,
which is the most common type of hemorrhagic stroke , it occur when an artery in the brain bursts ,
flooding the surrounding tissue with blood. And subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is a lest common
type of hemorrhagic stroke, it occurs when there is bleeding in the area between brain and thin tissues
that covers it. Last but not least is the Transient Ischemic Attack also known as TIA or sometimes call
mini stroke . This specific stroke is different from others major types of stroke because it occurs when
the blood flow is blocked for only a short period of time (no more than five minutes). Statistics Each
year according to National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke more than 700,000
Americans suffer a stroke and about 160,000 die from stroke related causes. In early 2011 at the
American Stroke Association it was reported that the incidence of stroke has rose 51% among men
and 17% among women aged fifteen though thirty four years between 1994 1995 and 2006 2007. Risk
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The Test That Will Be Uses
Selection of test
The test that will be uses is a one way ANOVA test. A one way ANOVA test involved the analysis of
the difference between means of three or more groups and the variance within the groups (Salkind,
2013). The research scenario is looking at the difference between three groups which are individuals
who cannot to identify hypertension lifestyle factors, can identify some hypertension lifestyle factors
and can identify all hypertension lifestyle factors and their willingness to engage in self care in
addition to the variance within the groups. In addition, in a one way ANOVA there is one factor or
independent variable and within the research scenario there is one factor which is identifying
hypertension lifestyle factors (Salkind, 2013).
Step 2: Level of significance
The research scenario does not pose a high risk to the participants involved, therefore the level of
significance will bet set to 0.05. A level of significance at 0.05 means that the researcher has accepted
5 cases out of 100 for committing a type I error of rejecting the null when it is true and accepting the
research hypothesis (Salkind, 2013). The remaining 95 cases out of 100 a true null hypothesis is
accepted (Salkind, 2013).
Step 3: Selection of one tailed or two tailed test
An ANOVA test strictly looks at the overall difference between the means of groups and the variance
within groups, ANOVA test does not tell you where the difference lies, therefore there is no direction
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United States Of The Gulf Cooperation Council ( Gcc )
Qatar and other states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) repeatedly face international critique
regarding their treatment of migrant workers in construction and household services. Non
governmental organizations (NGOs) and international organizations (IOs) are reporting abusive and
unsafe working and living conditions while simultaneously trying to influence and mediate between
Gulf Council Cooperation (GCC) governments, migrant workers, and civil society. GCC governments
are attempting to implement labor policies to promote the hiring of local workers; this would reduce
the supply of foreign labor, and possibly ensure adequate treatment of local workers.
This reformation is dependent on the role of international government and non governmental agencies,
and the possibility for these agencies to change local policies. This is taken in the context of growing
global and local awareness about migrant workers and fundamental human rights abuses, including
the human trafficking and forced labor currently occurring within Qatar s migrant worker population.
International migration today is closely associated with state sovereignty. States would engage in
international cooperation through a wide range of transnational issues, but when it comes to
immigrants and refugees, nation states claim that the sovereign right to control one s own boarders to
be the primary responsibility (Sasson 1996). Even if cooperation were recognized as useful or
necessary, in properly managing
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1 Kings Research Paper
1 Kings
1 Kings is a narrative and chronological history of Israel. Its author is unknown, although it is
commonly believed to be either the Prophet Jeremiah, or another prophet working at the same time as
Jeremiah. The book was written between 971 BC 848 BC. 1 Kings can be divided into two sections; A
united kingdom, 1 Kings 1:1 11:43, a divided kingdom (1 Kings 12:1 22:53). 1 Kings appears as a
continuation of the books of Samuel until the narrative takes a unique turn at the death of Solomon
and a major event occurs. The once united kingdom divides into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and
the Southern Kingdom of Judah. At this point, the narrative becomes a parallel accounting of
monarchs from both kingdoms. The author selects ... Show more content on ...
His place of birth and tribal affiliation is unknown. His father was Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi. He
was the general in an army at Ramoth Gilead. When Elisha s assistant arrived and anointed Jehu king
of Israel while he was still under the command of King Joram, son of King Ahab. Under Jehu s hand
and direction, King Joram, who was King of Northern Israel and King Ahaziah, who was ruler of the
Kingdom of Judah and were both killed. Jezebel, the rest of the house of Ahab, and King Ahaziah s 42
brothers were also wiped out by order of Jehu. Under Jehu s rule, the Kingdom of Israel was so
thoroughly purged and destroyed that it s temple site remains a refuse dump to this day (2 Kings
10:27). King Jehu established and maintained the longest dynasty the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
Although God promised Jehu that because you have done well in doing what is right...your sons shall
sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation (2 Kings 10:30). Jehu did not follow God with all of
his heart, and did not fully purge the kingdom of idols, as a result, the next four generations of kings
under the line of Jehu did evil in the sight of the Lord (2 Kings 13:2, 11; 14:24;
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Supreme Court Precedents
Throughout the history of the United States, the Supreme Court has decided the interpretation of the
Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land. They have settled many cases and set many precedents
that have changed life in America since its inception. It was the Supreme Court who protected the
freedom of speech when a man tried to burn the flag. It was the Supreme Court who decided that a
person could not be forced to recite the pledge of allegiance if it went against their religion. And it was
the Supreme Court who decided that a free citizen of the United States couldn t be kept from a public
school because of his or her race. The Supreme Courts decision in the landmark case Brown vs Board
of Education of Topeka Kansas didn t begin the ... Show more content on ...
Thirteen years later, in 1896, a new case appeared that would set a precedent for racial discrimination
for years to come, and ultimately, drive a nigh irremovable wedge between the blacks and the whites
in the south. The case in question arose when a seven eigths caucasian man, Homer Adolph Plessy,
broke a Lousiana law barring black people from sitting in certain train cars. Upon refusing to move,
Plessy was arrested and brought to court where the case made its way up through district and appellate
courts and all the way to the Supreme Court. The question, posed by this case was: is the Louisiana
law mandating racial segregation on trains unconstitutional under the fourteenth amendment? The
court decided, in a seven to one decision written by Justice Brown, that the different train cars for
blacks and whites weren t a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. In his conclusion, Justice Brown
wrote that the Fourteenth Amendment was intended to provide complete equality for all races before
the law. However, he said, it is not intended to eradicate racial distinctions, and enforce social equality,
nor is it an attempt to force a collusion of races. This conclusion gave rise to the infamous Separate
but Equal Doctrine, a precedent that is a direct cause of Brown vs Board of Education. Though it was
not stated in Brown s conclusion, this doctrine insinuated that so
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From Spaniard And Indian Summary
By the late eighteenth century, the New World, which was still remote, had formed its own
complicated individual and national identities. Moreover, the disparate communities within Latin
America had established a unique culture characterized by its hybridity. A close reading of Ignacio de
Castro s From Spaniard and Indian, a Mestizo is born and Agostino Brunias s Planter and His Wife
with a Servant reveals the racial hierarchy that formed amid Latin America s hybridity. Additionally,
both objects specifically express Latin American hybridity for a white, European class, likely as a
means to demystify and boost the standing of the New World. Deceivingly similar in terms of style
and subject, as both contain three figures of varying cultural ... Show more content on
Not only is the brought the furthest into the foreground, but her body lines up with the left vertical
third of the image, placing her in a visually important location. Moreover, she has an elaborate white
head wrapping which topped with a sunhat, combine to make her the tallest appearing figure in the
image, transforming her into a commanding presence. Unlike the indigenous woman in the casta
painting, the planter s wife dons a dress which seems almost entirely European in style: it has a white
corset and overlay with lace sleeves, with a light blue skirt peeking out from beneath the dress. Still,
hybridity is evident because of her head wrapping. Interestingly, though she and her husband are pale,
neither as as pale as the Spaniard in the casta painting. This, paired with her head wrapping and both
of their curly brown hair, may denote they are of at least partially mixed
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Report for the Court About a Case Essay
Report for the Court About a Case You have been asked to write a report for the court about a case, the
details of which are given below. You have been specifically asked to comment on the credibility of a
particular witness testimony. This witness is the key prosecution witness but the court wants an
independent expert to give their opinion about the strengths and weaknesses of this testimony. Using
your psychological knowledge you should comment on what factors might have impaired ... Show
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T. is being prosecuted for GBH.
The witness
Mrs P. is the main prosecution witness. She is a 40 year old, white married woman who lives on the
same estate as the defendant.
The witness evidence
Mrs P. claims that she was walking down the High Street in her town on her way to play bingo. She
could hear shouts coming from down one of the side streets and she decided to investigate. On going
down the badly lit side street she came across a gang of three males who were fighting with a fourth.
She saw the fourth male being knocked to the ground and one of the gang started kicking him and
hitting him hard with a piece of wood. The man on the ground was obviously in a lot of pain. The
male who was attacking the man on the ground looked up and she says that she recognised him as
being T. Mrs P. claims that T. is a well known trouble maker on the estate where she lives and she has
often seen him around. Mrs P. ran back to the High Street called the police and an ambulance on her
mobile phone but did not give her name or details because she says she was scared about reprisals.
Mrs P. only contacted the police four weeks later when she found out that the victim was still in
hospital in a coma.
The police initially showed her a series of photographs of possible suspects and she picked out T. with
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Colonization And Colonization Of Indonesia
In Junior high, the history teacher taught us that my native country, Indonesia was colonized by the
Dutch for 350 years. The Netherlands is one of the European countries that established its country
over Indonesia to take benefits of our rich land such as spices. I was aware our land is very source full
of spices, rice, sugar, coffee. The Dutch colonized us with the focus of monopoly through trading.
Because of the most important source of the spices of this rich land of Indonesia, the Netherlands
profits from our land with tremendous wealth.
In colonialism era, the United State of America and the Great Britain maintain a good report to respect
their laws. Both countries are willing to allow their colonies to become independent. On the other
hands, European country such as the Netherlands, Spain, and France are very restricted to their
colonies, for examples, they limited education to certain social groups. Also, Southeast Asia is not
encouraged to engage in economic activities. This causes many corruptions that huge problems in
these European countries. This colonial authority did not support the rule of law to its own country, it
is only to Asian, which is Indonesian. They only control on our people but not their people. Moreover,
they control our politic, economic, and cultural.
This colonial authority, the Dutch did not provide civil liberties to our Indonesian. There is no fair
trial; freedom of assembly; free speech; free press when they colonized us. Only to
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Sue Monk Kidd s The Secret Life Of Bees
Sue Monk Kidd portrays the time and place in the Secret Life of Bees by displaying Rosaleen working
in the peach farms, then taken in to work in the house, giving the task of a housekeeper and Lily s
nanny. Around ten years after, Lily turning 14, Rosaleen learns how to read and write her own name in
order to turn in her ballot voting for J.F. Kennedy. Attempting to vote, Rosaleen and Lily were
ambushed by a trio of white racists men, resulting in physical abuse of Rosaleen.When the police
arrived, the white civilians claimed assault against Rosaleen, who is taken into jail charged with
assault, theft(of a church fan ), and abuse. Lily, caught up in between, also ended up in jail, to be later
bailed out by her furious father. Determined, Lily breaks Rosaleen out of jail after finding out just how
much Frank [he assaulted Rosaleen in jail so crudely that she had to go to the hospital] despised
African Americans and fled to Tiburon, searching for clues about her mother Debera Owens. While
finding shelter in a home with August, sister of May and June, May passes away. When the police
questioned Lily s decision of staying with colored people, he claimed that she didn t have ... Show
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This law was executed to achieve isolation of African Americans, giving more power and wealth to
the majority[Whites]. Priests were teaching the whites that they [the whites] were chosen to be
superior, while African Americans were cursed and that God believed in racial segregation. Theology
was used to repress a change in racial segregation, and violence was promoted to keep African
Americans at the bottom of the racial hierarchy. Routines of African Americans were supposed to be
distinct from white routines. Simple thing such as greetings or conversations were not be to directed
immorally towards the
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The Americans With Disabilities Rights Movement
One of the most common questions we are asked as children is, What do you want to be when you
grow up? For the average child, their answer can be anything. The sky is the limit! For those with
disabilities, their answer could be the same but, realistically, their career choices are limited.
Organizations and programs such as Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
(DARS) and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) offer ways to maximize
their abilities and improve their quality of life. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a
person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits
one or more major life activity. This includes people who ... Show more content on ...
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act was passed in 1975. This law guaranteed equal
public and mainstream education to children with disabilities. In 1990, the law was renamed to the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. In addition to guaranteeing disabled children public
education, this law allowed parents of those children to be involved in educational decisions that
affected their children.
Without the overwhelming support of the lawmakers and the families of those that are disabled, who
knows where society would stand when it comes to the livelihoods of persons with disabilities. As
stated earlier, more businesses should be educated when hiring or working with the disabled. For over
forty years, DARS has done just that. They assist to employ approximately 11,000 disabled people a
year. Following are some of the highlights that DARS assists companies with to help with their hiring
Qualified applicants: DARS can provide businesses with qualified applicants if given requirements
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Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders
Diagnostic Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Children
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopment disorder that affects people as young as infancy that
can become more evident throughout their childhood. The word Spectrum refers to a wide range of
disorders that are closely related through similar symptoms, as it will be explained later in this paper.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders also known as the DSM 5 diagnostic
manual, updated the types of disorders listed as: Autistic Disorder, Rett s Disorder, Asperger s
Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder also known as
PDD NOS. These types of Autistic disorders have affected over 3 million individuals in the U.S and ...
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While infants are still discovering most of their sensors, touch is important because higher levels of
touch between parent and infant (e.g., skin to skin contact, affectionate touch, tactile game play) have
been linked to secure attachment relationships, more positive social responses in infants, and positive,
reciprocal parent infant interactions.. (577). Interactions between parent and infants through touch are
important to visualize whether the infant is responding to reflexes, or involuntary movements. For
example, when a child is touched on the cheek, most likely the baby will respond by turning their
heads toward the direction of the hand. Abnormal touch and unresponsive reflexes can link to autism
symptoms in children such as unresponsive to sensory stimuli. Tactile games such as holding a toy
above them can monitor whether the baby is responding back or distracted and is unable to focus.
Autism Speaks, describes research done on their article, Eye Contact Declines Early in Babies Who
Later Develop Autism by explaining that babies are placed in front of a monitor that shows their
mother speaking to them and showing their fingers and other movements to get the babies full
attention. On the other side researchers are visualizing and monitoring the baby s eyes and direction.
Researchers state that, Such an early decline in eye
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Statistics Is The Most Popular Score Essay
Statistics is not only part of a required to create on coursework in schools. Everywhere person looks,
statistics is around. Too many people think statistics is difficult though, but it is all around them in real
life. Three main descriptive statistics which make data easier to interpret, measure central tendency.
They are the mean, measured, and median. Each of these are averages, which everyone is exposed to
in everyday life (Stapel, n.d.). All three have specific uses in real life.
The Mode
The first measure, the mode, is the most popular score. To find the mode, one tallies the frequency of
each number or value. The mode becomes the group that occurs the most frequently (Averages, n.d.).
A set of numbers may have more than one mode when an equal number of occurrences takes place at
more than one value. Of course, a mode may not occur in a set of numbers if the numbers appear with
equal frequency (Henry, 2011). Next, a few examples of the mode are explained.
First, California Homeschool Network s election occurs annually. An election is a great example
explaining the method. The election consists of trustees that members vote for. When the election
closes, the results displaying the trustee who receives the most votes is the winner. This winner
received the largest number of tallies during the election count.
Another example of the mode is finding the average number of students in various programs at
National University determining which are the most
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The And Liability Under The Fraud Act 2006
3. Dastardly and Liability under the Fraud Act 2006 The ex employee of a company, Dastardly s email
to the Managing Director, which contained a phishing link pretending as the company s Finance
Manager related to the piece of software, intended to capture the relevant information about the
detailed wages account. The activities what Dastardly did would potentially lead to breaking the
regulation under the protection of the Fraud Act 2006 (FA 2006). Section 2(1) in FA 2006 states that a
person could be in breach of fraud if he gains something for himself or imposes a loss on someone
else intentionally by making false representations. On the basis of Dastardly s work status as an ex
employee, it might be no possibility for him to be guilty of those status crimes such as fraud by failing
to disclose information or fraud by abuse of position. After the exclusion of other options, Dastardly is
more likely to be prosecuted for the fraud by false representation. The FA 2006 has expressly set out
several substantive elements that need to be satisfied when the offence liability is to be established.
When talking about gain and loss through the dishonest representation, gain includes a gain by
keeping what one has, as well as a gain by getting what one does not have, while loss includes a loss
by not getting what one might get, as well as a loss by parting with what one has. Due to the
consideration of these definitions, it is not difficult to recognize the facts relating to
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Allusion In Dustland Fairytale
The writer of Dustland Fairytale , Brandon Flowers, best employs allusion as well as diction to prove
the theme not everything in life goes perfectly. Throughout the song, Flowers changes the music to
represent different events a couple may face, while using diction, specific word choice at certain
points, to metaphorically represent the situations the couple, which turned out to be Flowers parents,
may be in. The song starts off softly, using word choice like some kind of slick chrome American
prince (Flowers 7) to paint a picture of the perfect fairytale like couple. The story then takes a darker
turn using words such as Out here the good girls die (Flowers 32) to represent his mother getting a
brain tumor, and how it would affect the ... Show more content on ...
When he writes Saw Cinderella in a party dress and I threw my money and I ran away (Flowers 20
22), the listener is able to see how some people would give up if they had to struggle with a family
member, especially a significant other, or a mother, having a brain tumor. Since the lyrics are dark at
this point, the listener is able to understand that the reason he threw his money away is because, the
ending of the fairytale wasn t perfect. In most fairy tales, there is a point where all hope seems lost,
like when Cinderella lost her shoe and the prince couldn t find her. Then, it all comes together to
resolve and make the perfect ending like when the prince and Cinderella found each other and fell in
love. In this fairytale, however, Flowers indicated that it seemed that this story wouldn t have a perfect
ending after all. Flowers also uses Cinderella to relate her story to the couple s time urgency;
Cinderella only had a certain amount of time left in her dress, just like how the mother only has a
certain amount of time left before she passes. Throughout the story, the listener is able to fully
understand how important it is to be ready for difficulties, especially ones that are unexpected and
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Kalamkari Essay
Kalamkari the ancient Indian art of painting
Kalamkari refers to a method of painting natural dyes onto cotton or silk fabric with a bamboo pen or
kalam. The name kalamkari translates as pen (kalam) work (kari) in Hindi/Urdu, and was most likely
derived from trade relationships between Persian and Indian merchants as early as the 10th century
CE. European merchants also had names for this type of fabric decoration: the Portugese called it
pintado, the Dutch used the name sitz, and the British preferred chintz. The name kalamkari is used
prominently today, and is synonymous with both painted and hand blockprinted textiles that
incorporate natural vegetable/organically derived dye stuffs. While there are many forms of kalamkari
throughout ... Show more content on ...
The reservoir of the kalam is never allowed to dry. It is washed and dried thoroughly before storage.
Most artists will sketch a charcoal outline on the prepared cloth before application of black dye
(kasimi). Some artists use charred tamarind twigs to draw, while others use commercially
manufactured charcoal or lead pencils.
The following steps are taken to prepare tamarind twigs (chinta boggo) for sketching: * Dried twigs
that have fallen around the tree are gathered and broken to a length of 3 7 inches. * To char the twigs,
a shallow circular pit is scooped out in dry soil and a heap of sand is kept besides the pit. * The dry
twigs are piled up to a height of 2 3 inches above the ground level. Some newspaper is also placed
among the twigs to facilitate burning. The twigs and paper is set on fire. * When the flame dies down,
sand is thrown over the twigs, and they are set to cool in the pit for 3 4 hours. * This slow cooling
makes the pencils tough. The ash coloured twigs are then unearthed, rolled between one?s fingers to
remove greyish bark until black color is revealed. * The pencils so prepared can be stored until further
use (do not remove bark before charring; else the twigs will turn to ash).
KASIMI (Black) Black ink/dye or kasimi is at the basis of all traditional kalamkari paintings; it is
used to outline all figures,
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Reasons For Improving The Level Of Commitment And Employee...
Q6. Decisions that need to be made. Right now Currently, there is the need to help improve the level
of commitment and employee motivation among the staff at the radio station. Long term In the long
run, there will be the need to alter the organizational structure to set up clear and efficient lines of
command, developing a clear mission and vision that would guide the activities of the firm and
enhancing the working conditions at the radio station by improving the nature of their working
relationship by offering long term contracts. Q7. What I would do if I were Fiske First, I would
immediately engage in efforts to win the support of the Michigan State University administration. To
achieve this, there are two options that may be pursued. First demonstrate enhanced management at
the radio station and thus portray WEAA as a going concern. This would involve adoption of stricter
internal control policies in terms of employee conduct and improving the firm s financial performance
by engaging in more fundraising activities that would inject more capital and thus, improve WEAA
bottom s line. The other option would be to opt for a more strategic partnership with the University by
highlighting the benefits that would accrue to the institution from the radio station. For example,
Michigan State University would benefit from increased publicity as thus attract a higher student
population. This would translate to more revenue in terms of tuition fees. The criteria to be used in
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The Reign Of Queen Elizabeth I And The Elizabethan Era
The Elizabethan Era also known as the golden age in English history is associated with the reign of
Queen Elizabeth I and the Elizabethan Theater. Although life was not easy during the Elizabethan era
it was one of the most progressive times in history and marked the beginning of the Elizabethan
theatre which still to this day influences theatre and the way theatre is presented .
The Elizabethan Era began in 1588 and ended in 1603 during Queen Elizabeth I reign England s
capital and largest city, London grew to about two hundred thousand people. London s population was
divided into three main sections a small but powerful population of wealthy nobles, a prospering
middle class, and a large and impoverished lower class living in ... Show more content on ...
Only about one fifth of the population could sign their own names at the beginning of the era but by
Elizabeth s death about one third of the population was literate.
Majority of the Elizabethan population were very poor roughly 3 percent of the population consisted
of wealthy nobles. Nobles were the elite men and women of society much like the upper class in today
s society. Elizabethan Women were obedient to men and dependent on their male relatives to support
them and since there were no school for women they were tutored at home and weren t allowed to
enter university. Women also couldn t be heirs to their fathers titles, vote , join the military ,or become
doctors and lawyers .Along with all this woman had to preserve there virginity until marriage or they
would be looked down upon or belittled however if they were raped they were punished instead of the
rapist because during this time men could do whatever they desired to do in life.
The Elizabethan Era is known for the intricate outfits that men and women wore to court and elite
social functions. The wealthy wore furs and jewels, and the cloth of their garments featured
extravagant embroidery. The poor and even the middle classes dressed less extravagant and instead
more simply. Elizabethan theatres such as the globe theatre were popular amongst the rich and the
poor the poor were called groundlings or penny knaves and would pay a penny to stand in front of
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Statement Of Philosophy. Record Your Statements Of Philosophy
Statement of Philosophy Record your statements of philosophy of Nursing and of personal
philosophy. Explain how these are reflected the values, vision, and personal interests that you recorded
in your My Vision and Interests tool. My personal philosophy of nursing is to assist all my patients
and their families during this crisis of illness and improve to their outcomes, using only the best
nursing practices. Although their hospital stay may be unpreventable I can better facilitate their
journey to a better state of health. My personal philosophy also includes pursuing my education to
improve my nursing practice. Learning from my patients, families and my peers on this journey will
allow opportunity for growth and knowledge. The ... Show more content on ...
Goals must be stated in measurable terms, i.e., how can you tell you have accomplished that goal?
Identify dates for accomplishing each goal. Setting goals is what drives people to growth and change
within themselves. If one fails to dream and sets goals, it is unlikely the will grow or change (Scott,
2014). Allowing myself to set goals is a personal commitment and a drive to make change. Growing,
educating and knowledge with time allows one to feel safe to dream and thrive to make better and
larger goals. My first goal after obtaining my BSN in April 2017 is to work on myself and my family.
In my career, my goal will be to work on my clinical ladder and seek ways to improve myself and my
facility. There are many committees I would like to join and be a part of at work. I know I will have
reached my goal when I have moved up several levels on the clinical ladder. My plans for professional
development in the next three to 10 15 years will still be working at the bedside spreading my
knowledge to others who are willing to learn. If financially I am able I would like to pursue my MSN.
Being a leader is something that inspires me and I wish to be knowledgeable enough to help and teach
others later in life. The final goal would be to not retire, but to cut down to part time and remain at the
bedside. I would love to travel and volunteer my time to others in need of healthcare outside of the
US. I will know I have reached this goal when I am at peace
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Analysis Of Remember The Titans
Spots is one of the most well known activities of all time. Sports provide entertainment for fans and
help keep a healthy life and they are not just healthy but they impact our lives in ways that help us in
the near future such as cooperation, dedication and leadership in which we need in life to succeed.
Many more traits and lifelong lessons can come with being a part of a team. The movie Remember the
titans is a good example of a team which you can learn a lot from and will not learn anywhere else.
Remember the titans is set in the 70s where race segregated this city of Alexandria Virginia and one
White only school just closed down due to lack of students so the school decided to merge into one
public school nearby. The White students were ... Show more content on ...
Once again, this team didn t have any super stars but it did have potential and athletes that played with
their heart and soul not with their body. This team was extremely doubtful, no one would think that the
titans would be state champions and national champions all in one year. Going undefeated was
Rememberable . Later on these players continued their careers and became hall of famers. This movie
was inspirational in countless ways, it is a superb movie for inspiring others by achieving goals in a
group is not hard when you have determination, courage, a clear goal in mind as group and
communication. Then you could achieve anything as a
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The Causes Of The Spanish War
. In 1937, following his visit to the Spanish Civil War, W. H Auden wrote a poem entitled Spain 1937
which sought to address both the causes and the history of the Spanish war as well as what might
become of its future. The poem was widely celebrated and prompted a response from George Orwell
in the essay Inside the Whale. Orwell had also served in Spain and detailed his experiences in the
book Homage to Catalonia in which he described the ill ordered state of things in the war. While
Orwell considered Auden s work one of the few decent things to be written about the war, he
nevertheless objected strongly to Auden s use of the phrase necessary murder in the lines: To the
deliberate increase in the chances of death The conscious acceptance of guilt in the necessary murder
Both Auden and Orwell understood the term murder differently and interpreted the phrase as such.
Orwell considered the term murder as far too lightly used by Auden. In Inside the Whale Orwell
considers Auden s use of the term necessary murder as used by someone for whom murder ... Show
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In war, the matter of such deliberate actions is no longer with the soldier but only those who command
him. Death in a war is not only about killing an enemy but also about surviving oneself. The term
murder therefore is a word misrepresentative of the situation in a war. Possibly because of his scruples
regarding the understanding of the term necessary murder , Auden later changed the phrase from
necessary murder to the more neutral phrase the fact of murder and then later disowned the poem all
together. This may not have been Orwell s intention seeing as he had otherwise thought well of the
poem. Nevertheless, Auden was clearly uncomfortable with the impersonal nature of the poem, as well
as espousing political views he had had come to
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Qualitative Research Through Case Studies By Max Travers
The work Qualitative Research through Case Studies by Max Travers is a good example on different
methods for qualitative researchers and enlightens about their issues (Travers 2004: 2). He brings the
case study of visiting a law court. Amongst others, he writes about observation . He claims that this
method takes in a big amount of time. But I find that slightly paradoxal and I guess it depends of the
context and of how fast the researcher works. First I thought about doing observation but after all, I
dropped that idea because I doubted that it will be feasible. Moreover, interviews are described as a
very good way to find out more, when researching about a topic with a divergence in opinions. . I can
imagine that I will be confronted with varying perspectives in my study. ... Show more content on ...
His paper also shows some purposes of doing qualitative research. I will do research, since I would
really like to look deeper into how people think of English as the lingua franca. It is a topic that really
interests me and I will also learn a lot while researching. As a method, I will use interviews in order to
obtain my
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Power Of Romanticism In Sailing To Byzantium By W. B. Yeats
Yeats poetry is driven by a tension between the real world in which he lives and an ideal world world
that he imagines. Respond to the studied poetry in light of this statement.
W.B Yeats is a poet famous for his romantic, and often ironic, portrayals of the world and us, its
inhabitants. His struggle to reconcile the reality of human life with the model world he writes of, and
so desperately yearns for, resonates through his poetry and lends a profound depth to his work.
Yeats enchantment at the beauty of earth, the marvels of nature and life, the power of art and that of
academics, lies in striking contrast with the bitter despondency he feels at aspects of the reality he
finds himself in. His longing for longevity and fear of death, ... Show more content on
And that if it were not, its experiences would be less powerful and somehow far less important, that
life itself must be based on our mortality. While I can never know if W.B Yeats felt fulfilled in his
quest for truth, I can be sure that in writing of the ideal, one experiences the ideal and after studying
his poetry I feel sure that the tension that drove so much of Yeats work was definitively grounded in a
profound understanding of the nature of the world around him and, more importantly, us, its
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How Adobe Reader Xi Essay
How to Get Adobe Reader XI
Anyone would like to get the best out of something invested. Depending on the quality of the
investment, the output will be quantized. Those who invest on a good thing are normally the ones who
carry the day. Well, if you are a software user then you probably understand the need of having a good
software to manage your needs on respective devices. Adobe Reader XI is an amazing tool you can
ever choose as your reader. You need to acquire , install it and sincerely will be of great benefit to you.
In this article, you shall be guided on how to get Adobe Reader XI installed in your device.
System requirements of adobe reader xi
For Windows
This reader requires a 1.3GHz or more processor speed, a 512MB memory space of RAM although
1GB is highly recommended; a hard disk with 1.85 worth of available space, a screen resolution of not
less than 1024x768 and a DVD ROM drive. It is compatible with different version of windows namely
Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 8 (32
bit and 64 bit); Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit), Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 3 for 32 bit
or Service Pack 2 for 64 bit; or Windows Server 2003 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit. On the internet explorer,
this reader works with Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, or 10; Firefox Extended Support Release; or even
Chrome. The video hardware acceleration is an option.
Mac OS
This reader requires an Intel processor and a RAM of 1GB. The hard disk
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Istj Personality Analysis
Succeeding in academics can be affected greatly by your personality. Being an ISTJ and having
sensing and judging as my two main personality traits certainly has both its up and downs. Ever since
I was a child, I have always been responsible, orderly, and statistical, and as time passed, these traits
become a natural habit. I see this as a strength since it had helped me significantly in my studies, but
some of these traits also restrict my creativity and often makes it difficult for me to look outside the
box. Sensors are great problem solvers, so when I am faced with a problem, I attempt to use the
information I have available to come up with the best solutions. Emotions rarely ever influence my
conclusions and perceptions, and I place a great deal of trust in my judgement, which is based mostly
off of logic and reasoning. I do not make assumptions, and instead, I prefer to observe my
surroundings and take a practical, well planned course of action. This causes me to have little
tolerance and patience for indecisiveness and intuitive judgments; I prefer to analyze the information
available and make a decision quickly. On the other hand, because this trait is so idealistic ... Show
more content on ...
The amount of effort that I put in my work makes me slightly sensitive to criticism, leading to an
irritating level of inflexibility. Putting my stubbornness aside, I am possibly one of the most
productive members in a group; I respect those in authority, and if needed, I can personally take
charge in a group. Punctuality will also never be a problem, either in terms of showing up to a meeting
or class on time, or in terms of finishing work for certain deadlines. While I may need clearly set steps
and well defined responsibilities, I am particularly devoted, dedicated, precise, and patient in
completing my
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Should Video Games Be Considered Art Summary
Should Video Games Be Considered Art? Roger Ebert strongly expresses his opinion toward the tense
debate on weather video games should be considered art. He expresses his belief by demonstrating in
his article how video games could never compare to the amazing writers and the incredible
filmmakers (Ebert). Ebert envisions art being created by one person rather than a team of people
having skilled enough abilities to produce the same masterpiece. He does not see a similarity in
objectives between video games and an art piece. Ebert explains that in games there are, Rules, points,
objectives, and an outcome (Ebert). As for art, that is something he believes one can t win.
Considering one who believes video games can not be a form of art may
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Gold Standard Essay
The gold standard refers to a monetary system in which the fixed amount of gold is used to define the
value of country s currency and the country s currency is freely interchangeable to gold. To guarantee
convertibility, the supply of money issued by the central back was entirely restricted by the quantity of
gold reserves in the nation. International payments are compensated in term of gold. Under the gold
standard system, the value of a fixed quantity of gold reflects the value of the country s currency, thus
leading to a fixed exchange rate, which is determined by the gold weights. For instance, if the gold
price in the United State is $400 per an ounce, the dollar s value will be 1/400 for an ounce of gold. As
a result, the government needs ... Show more content on ...
First of all, the great advantage of the gold standard is that it portrayed long term price stability. It was
used as the buffer against risk for both monetary policy and inflation expectation as it restrict the
government s power to inflate prices by printing excessive money. Under the gold standard, further
money printed must correspond to amount of gold available in the economy. Thus, it was nearly
impossible for the countries to experience hyperinflation. Another worthy benefit of the gold standard
is that it sets up a fixed exchanged rage among participating counties as well as abolishes exchange
rate volatility. Thus, the system provides a favorable economy in promoting international trade and
investment. Historically, if the price levels in the participating countries were not balanced, it would
be offset by the price specie flow mechanism. which is the automatic balance of payment adjustment
mechanism. For imports country, the use of gold to pay for the goods will suddenly decrease its
money supply and therefor lead to deflation, making to country more competitive. In contrast, the gold
receiving in exchange for goods for the exporters country will increase money supply and lead to
inflation, making the country less
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The Middle Ages And The Fall Of Rome
The Middle Ages began with the fall of Rome and lasted till 1450 C.E. This era started as a very
difficult and dangerous time for most people who struggled to barely survive. They faced difficulties
such as hunger and attacks from vicious barbarians. One system that helped too face these problems
was Feudalism, the economic and political system that was developed and used in Medieval Europe.
This system worked with a hierarchy; Monarchs were at the top and going down nobles, knights, and
peasants. Everyone in this system protected each other. Knights were expected to protect the kingdom.
Nobles and monarchs were required to provide protection for each other. Another part of Europe that
helped people to face life difficulties was the Roman Catholic Church. The church helped make big
developments during the middle ages specifically in education. Monks would immerse their lives in
learning about the world and the universe. These were the only people in Western Europe developing
their knowledge of their world during the middle ages, which was a big improvement from there being
no learning. Feudalism and the Roman Catholic Church did provide more stability and security for the
people of Western Europe during the Middle Ages. The Feudal System provided more stability in
everyday life compared to the time during barbarian attacks, feudalism also provided security through
the hierarchy, and the Roman Catholic Church created stability and security through education.
As previously
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Summary Of The Short Story Michael Vey The Final Spark
Thematic Essay Richard Paul Evans fantasy short story, Michael Vey The Final Spark, takes place in
the current world where an expirement gone wrong created 17 electric children. These children have
powers ranging from taking down planes to going excessivly hot. This children were created by a
machine that blew called the MEI. The main character, Micheal, sacrificed himself to save his friends,
the Electroclan, from Hatch, an evil buisnessmen that is trying to take over the world with his evil
Glows (Electric Children). The theme is that you never actually lose someone because of they always
are alive in hearts, minds, and spirit. The theme in Michael Vey The Final Spark is hard to find. One
the other hand there is many clues towards it. One of these hints is in a scene with Ostin and Jack.
These characters are very different. This is because Ostin is a genuis and he knows almost everything
and Jack is a used to be bully, yet both had very good friendships with Micheal. While sleeping on a
resistance s boat, they both had the same dream, Micheal their supposedly dead friend coming to them
in a dream. He tells them that they need to switch coures because the rest of the rebellion is on a
different island. This proves that even though Micheal was gone they will never lose him. Another
example of theme is in the end of the book. This is when Micheal came back to save all of his friends.
Hatch is about to hurt our friends, and I need to stop him
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Hoby Seminar
The Hugh O Brian Youth leadership seminar is a unique program that enables potential leaders to
identify their commanding qualities and use them to benefit their community. By attending the HOBY
seminar, I will broaden my intuition to solve issues and overcome barriers. I will learn to accept
responsibility to drive my community and myself forward. Not only will this program aid me to thrive
in my current activities, it will also enhance my ability to inspire others to be leaders and take action
in their lives as well.
I believe that I should be chosen to represent Cranbrook in the seminar not because I possess a set of
strong qualities, but because of my enthusiasm for developing and utilizing these leadership skills. To
me, being a true leader is to take all my skills and return them to my community in an even better way.
I m dedicated to helping those less fortunate than me and service is my biggest ... Show more content
on ...
I ve been to 4 international schools and met people from all across the globe. In the HOBY seminar, I
ll be able to meet other leaders from multiple backgrounds to discover different leadership skills. I ll
use my newfound skills in Business Club to make my goal as a future business leader possible. I m
intrigued to develop my communication skills and learn how to build better relationships in order to
strengthen the outcome of cooperation. Although I m new to Cranbrook this year, I m determined to
contribute to the Cranbrook community likewise. Furthermore, I m a risk taker; I usually don t
participate in events like HOBY, but this time, I challenged myself to seize an opportunity where I m
given the potential to improve as a leader. Cranbrook is full of excellent students, thus my role as a
leader would be to guide them to use their talent in a positive and beneficial way. The seminar will
instruct me on how to be a leader of action, not position. I am confident that the HOBY seminar will
be extremely awarding to both my community and
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Theu.s. Mariano Azuela s The Underdogs ( Los De Abajo )
Mexicans opened the twentieth century with the most drastic action that citizens can take against their
government: revolution. The open rebellion against the military dictator Porfirio Díaz began in 1910
and led to ten years of violent and destructive warfare within Mexico. When the fighting finally ended,
many Mexicans were disillusioned about the revolution as the small political and economic changes
that were finally implemented was not worth the senseless violence that wracked Mexico. Mariano
Azuela, in his novel The Underdogs (Los de abajo), examines this notable problem of the Mexican
Revolution through the narrative of a band of rebel soldiers. Their leader is a poor, illiterate, Indian
Demetrio Marcías, with his trusted aide the educated, city boy, journalist Luis Cervantes. As displayed
in The Underdogs, the disillusionment with the revolution resulted from the lack of a clear purpose for
the fighting, a charismatic and powerful leader that could unify the rebels, and the lack of major
societal change resulting from it. The Mexican Revolution, unlike the French or American Revolution,
created disillusionment because there was never a common motive for the various rebel factions to
unify under and for average Mexicans to understand why a revolution was necessary. This absence is a
notable issue in Azuela s The Underdogs, where the lack of purpose is evident in Marcías band of
rebels. After Luis Cervantes is captured by Marcías men, he introduces himself as a
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The Harms of Underage Alcohol Consumption Essay examples
The Harms of Underage Alcohol Consumption Alcohol use is extremely prevalent in our society.
Young people grow up seeing their parents and other adults make toast of wine and champagne at
special occasions, as well as casually enjoying a few beers at a picnic. Today alcoholic beverages are
frequently as common at business lunches as they are at college frat parties. Underage drinking is a
huge problem which everyone must face. Under age drinking not only has devastating effects on those
who drink but also on our society. ?Young people illegally consume almost 3.6 billion drinks annually
which is 10 million drinks each day.? ( Underage
drinking has serious social, health and economic ... Show more content on ...
This quick escape can be found in the shape of a bottle. In the eyes of an underage drinker, alcohol is
the cure to all problems, a way to forget all of stress and pressures that are facing them. They feel that
it will numb their pain and continuing to use alcohol will result in maybe another problem, substance
abuse. The effects of underage drinking on society are practically immeasurable. Alcohol use can
effect a teenager?s health, put strains on relationships between family and friends, and can also place
other members of society in danger. Alcohol is involved in nearly one half of all murders, accidental
deaths, suicides, crimes, and fatal automobile accidents.( Alcohol
causes problems in both one?s school and work career. It has a tendency to lower productivity and the
quality of work being done. Economic costs are also an issue when it comes to underage drinking.
Approximately 13 billion dollars each year is spent for the treatment and recovery of alcoholics.
( This puts an enormous strain on our economy. It seems unfair that taxpayers
should have to pay out of their own pockets for the problem that teenagers cause. These problems
could be prevented if only teenagers would be more responsible and think about what they are actually
doing, not only to themselves but also to our society. Most teenagers don?t realize that underage
drinking is a crime. It is a first degree
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Friday Day Research Paper
It is seven o clock on a Friday morning, Loraine wakes up to the smell of pancakes in the kitchen, the
usual. She starts to get ready for school. She puts her long skirt and blouse on, brushes her hair, then
teeth, grabs her bag, and trots down the stairs to the kitchen. She kisses her mother and father on the
cheek and sits down to her plate of three pancakes, two slices of toast, and a glass of orange juice. As
soon as she finishes she double, then triple, checks her book bag to make sure she has all that she
needs for her day. She walks outside and gets on the bus with her older brother, a senior this year, soon
they are on the way to other five kids homes to pick them up too. When they arrive at the front doors
the kids pile off and go separate ways towards different classes for the day as the bell rings. The ...
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The ones who want hot lunch wait in line to get the meal of the day, friday is sandwich day; each day
has a certain category and is made by hand fresh that day. Today there are BLT sandwiches, and on the
side are the choices of Cheetos or Lays. After most of the kids are done eating the bell rings making
them rush to put the trays in a neat stack and get to class. In the last ten minutes of the school day, kids
sit in the classroom, slowly losing attention to what they are doing, imagining what they are doing
with friends in the coming morning. Finally, the last bell of the day rings, letting them know they are
free for the weekend. This was the life of Lorraine Kinsey, a beloved family friend, who very
appreciatively came to school on grandparents day. Lorraine spoke of what school was like and
hearing her stories shows how much school has changed over only a few decades. School was a less
government controlled, yet extremely similar experience for Lorraine Kinsey in 1957 at Ottumwa
High School, compared to the experience of a average student at Sherrard High
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Types Of Psychological Ideas Into A Design
My major is Human Factors which is the incorporation of psychological ideas into a design. In order
to design systems that are functional for all different types of people, one must first understand the
basics of psychological disorders. I have decided to look deeper in psychopathy. Psychopathy testing
has accepted the use of a moral questionnaire, but for a group of people known for being deceiving,
that may not be efficient. The goal of this research is to develop an activity that identifies psychopaths
based on the upper cognitive abilities.
Levenson s Self Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP)
The LSRP is the scale most often used to identify Psychopathy on a large scale. The questionnaire
consists of 26 behavior based question. Ten of the questions look at psychopathic behavior, while the
other 16 look at the internal psychopathic feelings of the individual. Answer choices were on a 1
(strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) scale.
Antisocial Behavior Inventory
The Antisocial Behavior Inventory is a self reported measure that measure delinquency based on 11
specific acts. The survey asks participants if they ever committed the act, when they first committed
the act, and how many time the committed the act in the last 12 months. Seven questions ask about
relatively serious delinquent acts (like taking a car), while 4 questions ask about alcohol and drug use
(like cocaine).
Business Principles
Taken based on the proposal in an article on Psychopathic
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What Is The Theme Of Anger
Anger is an emotional state to express feelings such as indignation that may range in intensity from
mild irritation to intense fury and rage, according to Charles Spielberger, a psychologist who
specializes in the study of anger. Anger can destroy man s life and make him live in misery forever, so
anger has been fed by feelings of disappointment, hurt, rejection, and embarrassment. Anger may
consider useful for psychopaths in order to express their inside feelings. The expression of anger can
be through active or passive behaviors. In the case of active emotion, the angry person lashes out
verbally or physically at a target. When anger is a passive emotion it is characterized by silent sulking,
passive aggressive behavior, hostility and tension (Clausen 7). Anger can also be caused as irritation
escalates during exposure to an annoyance.
Moreover, Anger has three components, physical reactions, behavior, and mismanaged anger. Anger is
a physiological and ... Show more content on ...
Anger exists generally in literature before this movement started and still uses until now in many
novels. What is here attempted is an overall consideration of some of the principle movements as they
are reflected in the writers of the time. For instances in the Modernism Age there are novels such as
Beloved by Toni Morrison, The Help by Kathryn Stockett, Uncle Tom s cabin by Harriet Beecher, and
Animal Farm by George Orwell. There are novels in Victorian Age such as Tale of two cities by
Charles Dickens, and Wuthering Heights by Emile Bronte, while in Romanticism there is novel such
as Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Anger also exists in drama, Age of Shakespeare such
as Macbeth and
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Oskar Schindler Essay
The Holocaust was a dark time in world history. Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and more were killed
and cremated by the hands of the Nazis. There were a few, however, that fought the views of Adolf
Hitler and attempted to save some of the victims of his cruelty. One of the greatest of these is Oskar
Schindler. Oskar Schindler has been described as a crook, an alcoholic, and an insatiable womanizer.
All of this may very well be true, but this factory owner was a hero to many Jewish men, women, and
children. When those Jews were shipped to the concentration camp Plazsow, he would make the
famed Schindler s list. This list was a promise, a promise to those who were on it, that they would not
die at the hands of the Nazis. Since he was known to ... Show more content on ...
On a business trip with his father he visited the farming village of Alt Molstein in the Bohemian
countryside. They stopped at the Pelzl farm where he became infatuated with the farmer s daughter
Emilie. She was beautiful, educated, and was very religious just like his mother, Louisa. With talk of
marriage, neither father was very pleased. However Herr Pelzl, Emilie s father, reluctantly agreed and
promised Oskar a dowry of one hundred thousand Czech crowns and the couple were married in
March. 1928 only six months after they first met. Schindler worked in his family business until he one
day accepted a job as a sales manager in Czechoslovakia. He soon joined the Nazi Party and began
working as a spy for the Germans.In 1939 he was arrested by the Czechs and was condemned to
death. However, his life was saved when the Nazis soon took over Czechoslovakia. Also in 1939, the
Germans invaded Poland and Word War II began. Schindler acquired a bankrupt factory that made
enamel coated pots and pans. He hired Itzhak Stern to be his accountant. Schindler bribed his way into
getting army contracts and his factory soon began supplying the German army. The Jews were soon
forced into the Krakow ghetto, Where living conditions were horrible. Many of the Jews that lived
here worked
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Motif Of Chaos Essay
According to the Webster dictionary , a motif is a dominant idea or literary feature. In the days of
mythological writing, it was not uncommon for many cultures to include similar ideas or morals.
These motifs are three of the main motifs that drew my attention: the motif of chaos, the reason for
more than one god, and why humans were put on earth.
Motif #1: An Explanation for Chaos There are many obvious motifs included in all the myths
discussed. One of the main motifs used in multiple myths was the explanation for chaos. Many
cultures believed that the chaos the gods put upon the people was retaliation of the actions. Another
theory is that the gods caused chaos to show their people that there would not always be all good, and
that good ... Show more content on ...
For one god to have to manage the world and care for its people would be a massive amount of
responsibility. As a result, many cultures had multiple creators. Inclusion to this motif would be that
these cultures thought that having multiple gods or leaders in charge would have a better outcome.
The cultures that believed in having shared responsibility were the Incas, the Mayans, and the
Maoriall. In the Inca creation myth, Pachacamac created his wife to help him rule the world. In the
Mayan creation myth, Tepeu and Gucumatz shared the responsibility of caring for the earth and its
people. In the Maori creation myth, Te Pō came from Te Kore to help care for the earth.
Motif #3: Why humans were put on earth In most creation myths, humans were created to care for
earth. It is my opinion that so many cultures had humans created to care for the earth so that earth
could function. Humans were created to Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. In the
Christian Tradition myth, these are the words of God the creator himself. He created man to care for
the earth that He created. Women were made to be man s partner and man was made to care for the
earth or to be a slave for the
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Comparing Schoolsville, By Billy Collins And Carol Ann Duffy
Poets Billy Collins and Carol Ann Duffy educate the public on the student teacher relationship. In
Billy Collins Schoolsville the poem is written from the point of view of a teacher, whereas Carol Ann
Duffy s teacher is written in a student s point of view. The two poets have completely different ideas
of what the school atmosphere is like. For Bill Collins he believes that the teacher holds the role of a
mayor and the students are citizens who all belong to different social classes. As for Carol Ann Duffy,
she believes that students warship teachers because the teacher is the reason for a student s knowledge.
Although the poets do share different opinions they both use poetic devices to develop their phones.
Therefore the poetic devices used are the only common ground the poets have. In schools Billy
Collins presents the idea that the students are categorized by their grades. For example the a students
hanging out with ... Show more content on ...
Carol Ann Duffy uses it to glorify the life as a teacher whereas Billy Collins uses it to make teaching
sound on intolerable. Duffy says when you teach me your hands bless the air. This makes a teacher
sound very heroic as if she s doing the most. As for Billy Collins he makes teaching seem as if it is a
chore by saying sometimes one will appear in a window paper to watch me lecturing the wall paper.
Great poets often differ in opinions but they both know that using poetic devices can build their poem.
Using both metaphors and personification is what led to the development of both poems. Billy Collins
is metaphor of being the mayor and him. Personified the paper is what led to the detection of him
disliking teaching. The same goes for Carolyn Duffy and her metaphor and use metaphors of
personification in making teacher sound holy. The use of poetic devices often leads to the
development of great poems and that becomes clear when they are the chief elements into totally
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Eusmilia Fastigiata Research Paper
1. a) Plant: Eusmilia Fastigiat Animal: Ursus Americanus luteolus b) Plant:1. Kingdom: Animalia 2.
Phylum: Cnidaria 3. Class: Anthozoa 4. Order: Scleractina 5. Family: Caryophylliidae 6. Genus:
Eusmilia. Animal: 1. Kingdom: Animalia 2. Phylum: Craniata 3. Class: Mammalia 4. Order:
Carnivora 5. Family: Ursidae 6. Genus: Ursus c) Plant: Eusmilia Fastigiata lives in marine habitat near
the shore and with a depth of 1 65m. On patch reefs, fringing reefs, bank reefs it occurs within the
range of 3 30m. Eusmilia Fastigiata has a food habit of a invertivore. Global range of this plant is
found in United States, Florida. Animal: Ursus Americanus Luteolus lives in palustrine habitats like
forest wetland, Riparian and lives in terrestrial habitats like forest conifer, forest hardwood, forest
mixed. Ursus Americanus Luteolus comes from subspecies that have long and narrow skulls. Both the
adult and the immature Ursus Americanus Luteolus have the same food habits such as Carnivore,
Frugivore, Herbivore, Invertivore, Granivore. The historic range of this bear is throughout the
southern Mississippi, eastern Texas and through Louisiana. The bear is in current range of the four
areas of Louisiana. d) ... Show more content on ...
a) Diptera flies are meant to be one of the strongest collection of the Canadian National collection of
insects. There as about 4600 drawers that house this flies and 65% belongs the levels of species or the
group types of species. 85% of the drawers belong to the genus levels. Almost all of the specimens of
the Diptera flies are from the Nearctic region. There is about 2.3 million specimens in about 5600
drawers. A large portion like 85% is curated by the generic level with an even larger portion for the
curated specific level. b) When the website is visited click the search on the top of the page, write in
your insects that was picked from the previous website to the space provided and a list or one source
will come up in regards to the insect that was searched
... Get more on ...
Essay on Walgreen Co. Organization Resources
Running Head: Walgreen Co. Organization Resources
Walgreen Co. Organization Resources
Walgreen Co. Organization Resources
Walgreens Co. is the largest drugstore chain in the United States in terms of sales, receiving most of
its revenue from retail prescriptions. These drugstores sell prescription and non prescription drugs, and
general merchandise. Its general merchandise consists of beauty care, personal care, household items,
candy, photofinishing, greeting cards, seasonal items, convenience food and Walgreens offers an old
fashioned tonic for fiscal fitness. While Walgreen has fewer stores than its closest rival CVS, it is #1
in the nation in sales (Hoover s Inc, 2007). Walgreens operates about 6,000 stores in 49 states ... Show
more content on ...
In 1946 Walgreens bought its first foreign property when it bought out a Mexican retailer. In 1960
Walgreens opened a new store in Puerto Rico. Walgreens has 6,659 locations as of January, 2009 and
it expected to have 7,000 stores by 2010 (Wikipedia, 2009) thus creating more employment
The company owns approximately 12% of the retail stores open since August 31, 1998; prior to this
date Walgreens was leasing their location. They decided to continue leasing the stores that were
acquire prior to August 31, 1998 but decided to buy future stores instead of leasing. This is creating
the need for long term borrowing because Walgreens continue to have planned to create new stores
and remodel the existence stores for better customer commodity. Walgreens also owns 2,800,000
square feet of nine distribution centers which were implemented with modern distribution systems for
order controls and better delivery efficiency to the stores and owns one mail service facility that are
adequate for current needs. There are four principal office facilities containing approximately 500,000
square feet of which 400,000 feet is owned by Walgreens and the rest is lease (Walgreens Co., 1998).
Walgreens has provided efficient and effectiveness technology throughout its stores to provide
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Cat Dog Research Paper
Do today s kids know about Hey Arnold, or about Cat dog, or even Saved By The Bell? These shows
are the foundation of what shows have become today. Maybe these shows aren t so different than
Spongebob or Drake and Josh. What have these shows offered to the fairly new ones? People would
find that there are numerous similarities and acutely few differences. Maybe the old shows that came
out in the 1990 s inspired what today s kids watch today. Hey Arnold and Catdog, and most of the
shows that came out a couple decades ago, are cartoon. Cat Dog is a show about a dog and a cat
connected together at the end. This is the ultimate time to say opposite sides attract. The majority of
today s kids have seen at least an episode of Spongebob. A reason why they might like it so much is
because its not very different than cat dog. Opposites attract right? Well is there a combo than
Spongebob and Patrick? Both of these shows are about two friends who fight, but still are best friends
in the end.Two very different characters put together, maybe in this case literally. Cat Dog is a show
about a dog and a cat, well, connected at the end. Cat shooting for the stars along with fame and
fortune. While Dog is just as happy running around with his equal half. But somehow they find a way
to make it work through their ... Show more content on ...
This show is about a kid named Arnold, and he s what some may call weird. He s going through His
elementary years of school, and he lives with his grandparents in Hillwood. Arnold has a football
shaped head, with blonde spiky hair, and gets bullied by the school bully, Helga, but she ends up
having a crush on him. Drake and Josh has some similarities. Drake and Josh are both going through
their school years, but in high school. Josh would probably be the most relatable to Arnold because
they both get bullied by their crush, they don t have a good time with getting the girl, both are very
smart, and always have a best friend to fall back on when they need
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Implementation Of A Negotiation Is A Communication Method
Negotiation Style A negotiation is a communication method in which several parties talk over
problems and endeavor to solve them via discussion in order to reach a resolution (Lewicki, Barry,
Saunders, 2011). Negotiations occur regularly on micro and macro scales, both in the professional or
personal which could be at the office and or in everyday life. Your approach and style can make the
different between a make or break deal. If attaining an agreement in a negotiation is based on
collaboration and collaboration is based on trust, then to be an effective negotiator you need to spawn
trust between yourself and the other party. Trust comes from being natural and being yourself, not
from trying to be something you re not, a fake. Once you re aware of your negotiation style you know
what can realistically be improved and what can t. The purpose of this paper is to outline my findings
from reflective questionnaires and to compile a plan to improve on my negotiation skills. Summary of
Findings We as individuals are all tested during various circumstances and given lots of occasions to
test the validity of these individual characterizations, and to determine the positive and negative
elements of any style that we identify. Some of the characterizations may come as second nature,
while others may be uncomfortable and less desirable for an individual. With completing the two
questionnaires the Personal Bargaining Inventory and the Communication Competence Scale
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The Ice House In The Alchemist
The Ice House and The Alchemist In the books,The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Who Owns the
Ice House? by Clifton Taulbert and Gary Schoeniger, both books have key connections that readers are
able to use and apply to their own lives. In the book Who Owns the Ice House?, it teaches life lessons
from the eyes of Clifton Taulbert and Uncle Cleve, everything from the choices we make, to having
the persistence to chase that one dream we always have had. In the book The Alchemist, the book
shows the life of a shepherd and how he overcame the obstacles of traveling through Africa and
Egypt, to get back to his hometown Spain . Both books Therefore three key lessons that connect The
Alchemist to Who Owns the Ice House?, are unlikely situations ... Show more content on ...
For instance, in the book The Alchemist, its states on p.g. 58 how Santiago was able to notice how
travelers were so tired from climbing up the hill, that they were so thirsty. That opportunity sparked
something Santiago because it then states on p.g. 60 61 in the book, how the crystal merchant agreed
to selling the tea in the crystal glass, for .... beauty is the great seducer of men. (Coelho 58). It was
then that everything seem to be falling into place for Santiago, and it was because he seen the
opportunity and was able to recognize it, and he made business good for the crystal merchant. This
part of the book teaches readers that when they have or are able to point out an opportunity, then they
themselves can become successful and they might get what they always wanted. As well readers are
able to learn that opportunities, could as simple as serving tea. In connection to Who Owns the Ice
House? because on p.g 62 it says Uncle Cleve was a problem solver. He understood that problems
were opportunities and that if he could identify problems and find solutions for other people, he would
prosper well. (Taulbert and Schoeniger 62). To go in depth, Uncle Cleve was able to recognize
opportunities just like Santiago, the only difference was the opportunities that were able to recognize.
The lesson from both books are
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Timpanogo s Cave Research Paper
Hansen, Middle, and Timpanogos Caves are natural cavities that are engulfed in darkness and large
enough that humans can enter and explore. Martin Hansen discovered the Hansen cave in 1887; the
other two caves were later discovered.
The Entrance Room is the first stop on the tour of these caves. Cave formations , or speleothems, are
from mineral deposits. Located within this spot is Hershey s Kiss , which is formed by dripping water,
called stalagmites. Visitors have to stay on the paved, lighted trail, can t touch anything inside the cave
and are told to avoid low formations; these rules are to protect individuals from any harm and to
preserve the features of the cave.
A man made tunnel connects Hansen and Middle cave that was built between 1937 and 1938. Doors
were built on each entrance to prevent the cave from drying out, because formations need ... Show
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Chimes chamber ceiling are formations of helictites that look like frozen worms. The Sea Urchins are
anthodites, which are only about three inches long and attached to the ceiling of Chimes Chamber.
The Great Heart of Timpanogos is about 5.5 feet in length and 1 cubic yard in volume. The heart
cannot be weighed unless it is detached from its location, but is estimated to weigh over two tons.
Other formations surround the great heart. Tours show a red light shown through the heart; this is not
The Camel Room has many examples of different formations. Columns form when stalactites join
stalagmites. Shields are located on sloping oval plates that are fringed with helictites along a medial
crack. Salt and Pepper are two small stalagmites. People used to be able to touch the salt and pepper
shakers, but have been discolored and polished. People are only allowed to just view salt and pepper
now, so that these formations can be protected from damage and
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Devastating Knee Injury Essay
Devastating Knee Injury
I thought I was invincible. I tried to be the best on the team, I worked hard and everything fell into
place, that is, until my junior year. The basketball season was going well. Christmas break was coming
up and after it, we would start our league games. Our first league game was Paonia, our biggest rivals
yet to step into Delta County. The game started off intense. One minute and 30 seconds into the game,
Paonia fouled, so we lined up for the free throw. I stood there, looking at the clock thinking, I ve got
plenty of time. We made the free throws. Paonia inbound the ball, took it up the court, scored, turned
around and pressed us. I broke out for the ball and caught it, started to turn to ... Show more content
on ...
After tearing up my knee for a second time, I made many trips in and out of doctors offices, finding
out I d torn my ACL and both lateral and medial meniscus cartilage. My mom and I took the doctors
advice and scheduled surgery for February 7, 2002. The weeks before my surgery were miserable.
First I couldn t play ball, but mostly there were so many people telling me their surgery experience
was horrible. Rumors like, the IV hurt and the anesthesiologist is so crazy you ll wonder if he s on the
anesthetic himself. It had worked me up to a panic and the morning I went into the surgical center I
couldn t hold back my nervousness. I had butterflies not only in my stomach but also everywhere in
my body. I couldn t stop shaking, and when I saw medical utensils, my shaking only worsened. The
nurses tried to comfort me, but nothing they did helped. I was a nervous wreck. A really bubbly nurse
who thought she was cute wheeled me down to the operating room. It was just like the movies, the
two white swinging doors, all the TV monitors, wire cables all over the room. The nurse parked me
right in the middle of the room next to all of the equipment. I was lying on my back, shaking, staring
directly above me and suddenly this gray haired Einstein looking man popped right into my vision. I
m sure he said his name, but my mind was somewhere else. He was my anesthesiologist. So
... Get more on ...
Metal Bats In Baseball
The pitchers throws the ball, and the batter hits it. The following seconds are a blur, next thing
everyone knows is that the pitcher is on the ground clutching his head. This terrifying fact actually
was happening in youth, high school, and college baseball. This was the effect of bats under the BESR
certification. This certification allowed the bats to have a trampoline effect which allowed the bat to
bend more and rocket the ball off. Most of the baseball fatalities occur due to pitchers getting hit with
a line drive back at him. However, changes have been made that have made the game safer for
pitchers and made it less of an offensive and made it a defensive game. Metal bats are still a problem,
this will prove the problems and the danger they cause to defensive players, the changes that have
been made and how they affect the game, and why metal bats should just be outlawed all together.
The number one problem with the bats is the trampoline effect this effect occurs when the ball uses the
bat as a trampoline and springs off of it. From the college level on down, the bat has evolved from
wood to a clunky metal tube to a marvel of lightweight hitting power that ... Show more content on ...
The game WAS broken because it was not normal baseball being played. When terrible hitters can hit
.300, guess what, it was broken. When you have to use a ball that was supposed to allow for pitchers
to have some chance against those juiced bats, it means it was broken. Those that can t coach or teach
hitting but can only recruit, well, those programs will struggle going forward. To those that are saying
the game will unfairly swing toward the pitchers and create an unequal playing field ... oh my
goodness... it has been swung toward hitters for over 20 years in college baseball. Just think about
that... for half a second.
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. 1000+ Images About Narrative Writing On Pinter 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 1000+ Images About Narrative Writing On Pinter 1000+ Images About Narrative Writing On Pinter
  • 2. Military Cyber Systems Can Be Attacked From External And... Because we are in many ways at the beginning stages of technology advancement and many of the modern day systems used by the military are relatively new it is difficult to predict the likelihood that a specific system will be vulnerable to attacks and exploitation. Therefore, it is necessary to always be prepared for it. As Bill Blunden, an author who investigates and writes on the topic of cyberwar stated, the absence of historical data makes it nearly impossible to analytically calculate the probability of a genuine cyber Armageddon (2014). Past exploitations of military cyber systems and their consequences History shows that military cyber systems can be attacked from external and internal threats. In 2008 a flash drive infected with malicious code spread throughout the system once an internal user connected it to a military laptop, allowing the attacker unhindered access to information on both unclassified and classified networks. It is suspected to have been planted by a foreign intelligence agency and moved the Department of Defense to implement a new cybersecurity strategy (Mills, 2008). In March of 2015 ISIS gained control of at least 100 military personnel PII and made threats, asking American supporters to commit Jihadist attacks against these personnel. In July of 2010 Chelsea Manning, an Army Soldier, leaked almost 750,000 classified and unclassified documents on Wikileaks, including Afghan War documents and Iraq War documents; sentenced to 35 years in ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Pros And Cons Of US Trade With China Although the United States trade with China seems beneficial, trade with China, a country which does not care for even its own people, might be a bad decision. The country of China has much lower standards for human rights, meaning that they also have little regard for the wellbeing of people from other countries. Furthermore, China does not permit freedom of speech for its citizens, who have little way of pronouncing their dissatisfaction over political or other matters. Finally, to a certain point, the Chinese people are restricted of their religious rights. Although the U.S. believes that trade with China is beneficial for both parties, commerce with China, whose government has low standards for human rights, particularly those ... Show more content on ... Their system of filtering and censorship is acknowledged as the most advanced and effective in the world. The Chinese internet system includes about thirty thousand censors, as well as having web browsers, such as Google and Yahoo, censor their results.10 For an average citizen to publish their opinions without either an elite free speech patron or a willing government publishing house, the safest method is to publicize their thoughts through an internet bulletin board system run by the Chinese government.11 However, these electronic bulletin boards are required by the law to be licensed, the posts monitored constantly, and any posts which are found to be inappropriate are removed. Any forums that are free from government censorship are forbidden, since the Chinese authorities refuse to recognize the rights of the citizens to publish their uncensored opinions. Furthermore, if debates over political or other issues begin to take a life of their own, they are commonly silenced by Chinese authorities.12 The Chinese authorities only permit these monitored bulletin boards both for their own benefit and because they recognize that there must be outlets for the average person to express their dissatisfaction with the government.13 Allowing the citizens to speak their mind functions to lessen the political tension, by acting as a release for their discontentment. These boards also serve as an excuse to deflect criticism by other countries, who complain that people in China do not enjoy freedom of expression. Additionally, they allow government authorities to monitor the mood of their people and to find weaknesses, both in the government and in their support. Finally, the bulletin boards allow government authorities to track those who express discontent, keeping their expressions visible, so the authorities can trace these ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) Introduction Cerebral vascular accident (CVA) better known as stroke is medical emergency responsible for an enormous numbers of death in the united states. Stroke it is listed as the number four leading cause of death in the United States. There are three different types of stroke ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke and transient ischemic attack. Compare to any other disease cerebral vascular accident or stroke is one of the main reason for disability among adults in the united states. History It all began when the father of medicine Hippocrates first discover stroke many centuries ago. Back then stroke was known as apoplexy a Greek term meaning Struck Down by Violent because at the time they did not have an explanation for it. ... Show more content on ... Ischemic Stroke tends to occur when the artery responsible to supply oxygen rich blood to the brain becomes clotted or blocked. Another type of stroke is Hemorrhagic Stroke it occurs when an artery in the brain is rupture causing it to leak. The leaks puts too much pressure on the brains cells ,which damages them. Hemorrhagic stroke is also divided into two categories : Intracerebral hemorrhage, which is the most common type of hemorrhagic stroke , it occur when an artery in the brain bursts , flooding the surrounding tissue with blood. And subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is a lest common type of hemorrhagic stroke, it occurs when there is bleeding in the area between brain and thin tissues that covers it. Last but not least is the Transient Ischemic Attack also known as TIA or sometimes call mini stroke . This specific stroke is different from others major types of stroke because it occurs when the blood flow is blocked for only a short period of time (no more than five minutes). Statistics Each year according to National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke more than 700,000 Americans suffer a stroke and about 160,000 die from stroke related causes. In early 2011 at the American Stroke Association it was reported that the incidence of stroke has rose 51% among men and 17% among women aged fifteen though thirty four years between 1994 1995 and 2006 2007. Risk ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Test That Will Be Uses Selection of test The test that will be uses is a one way ANOVA test. A one way ANOVA test involved the analysis of the difference between means of three or more groups and the variance within the groups (Salkind, 2013). The research scenario is looking at the difference between three groups which are individuals who cannot to identify hypertension lifestyle factors, can identify some hypertension lifestyle factors and can identify all hypertension lifestyle factors and their willingness to engage in self care in addition to the variance within the groups. In addition, in a one way ANOVA there is one factor or independent variable and within the research scenario there is one factor which is identifying hypertension lifestyle factors (Salkind, 2013). Step 2: Level of significance The research scenario does not pose a high risk to the participants involved, therefore the level of significance will bet set to 0.05. A level of significance at 0.05 means that the researcher has accepted 5 cases out of 100 for committing a type I error of rejecting the null when it is true and accepting the research hypothesis (Salkind, 2013). The remaining 95 cases out of 100 a true null hypothesis is accepted (Salkind, 2013). Step 3: Selection of one tailed or two tailed test An ANOVA test strictly looks at the overall difference between the means of groups and the variance within groups, ANOVA test does not tell you where the difference lies, therefore there is no direction (Salkind, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. United States Of The Gulf Cooperation Council ( Gcc ) Qatar and other states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) repeatedly face international critique regarding their treatment of migrant workers in construction and household services. Non governmental organizations (NGOs) and international organizations (IOs) are reporting abusive and unsafe working and living conditions while simultaneously trying to influence and mediate between Gulf Council Cooperation (GCC) governments, migrant workers, and civil society. GCC governments are attempting to implement labor policies to promote the hiring of local workers; this would reduce the supply of foreign labor, and possibly ensure adequate treatment of local workers. This reformation is dependent on the role of international government and non governmental agencies, and the possibility for these agencies to change local policies. This is taken in the context of growing global and local awareness about migrant workers and fundamental human rights abuses, including the human trafficking and forced labor currently occurring within Qatar s migrant worker population. International migration today is closely associated with state sovereignty. States would engage in international cooperation through a wide range of transnational issues, but when it comes to immigrants and refugees, nation states claim that the sovereign right to control one s own boarders to be the primary responsibility (Sasson 1996). Even if cooperation were recognized as useful or necessary, in properly managing ... Get more on ...
  • 7. 1 Kings Research Paper 1 Kings 1 Kings is a narrative and chronological history of Israel. Its author is unknown, although it is commonly believed to be either the Prophet Jeremiah, or another prophet working at the same time as Jeremiah. The book was written between 971 BC 848 BC. 1 Kings can be divided into two sections; A united kingdom, 1 Kings 1:1 11:43, a divided kingdom (1 Kings 12:1 22:53). 1 Kings appears as a continuation of the books of Samuel until the narrative takes a unique turn at the death of Solomon and a major event occurs. The once united kingdom divides into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. At this point, the narrative becomes a parallel accounting of monarchs from both kingdoms. The author selects ... Show more content on ... His place of birth and tribal affiliation is unknown. His father was Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi. He was the general in an army at Ramoth Gilead. When Elisha s assistant arrived and anointed Jehu king of Israel while he was still under the command of King Joram, son of King Ahab. Under Jehu s hand and direction, King Joram, who was King of Northern Israel and King Ahaziah, who was ruler of the Kingdom of Judah and were both killed. Jezebel, the rest of the house of Ahab, and King Ahaziah s 42 brothers were also wiped out by order of Jehu. Under Jehu s rule, the Kingdom of Israel was so thoroughly purged and destroyed that it s temple site remains a refuse dump to this day (2 Kings 10:27). King Jehu established and maintained the longest dynasty the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Although God promised Jehu that because you have done well in doing what is right...your sons shall sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation (2 Kings 10:30). Jehu did not follow God with all of his heart, and did not fully purge the kingdom of idols, as a result, the next four generations of kings under the line of Jehu did evil in the sight of the Lord (2 Kings 13:2, 11; 14:24; ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Supreme Court Precedents Throughout the history of the United States, the Supreme Court has decided the interpretation of the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land. They have settled many cases and set many precedents that have changed life in America since its inception. It was the Supreme Court who protected the freedom of speech when a man tried to burn the flag. It was the Supreme Court who decided that a person could not be forced to recite the pledge of allegiance if it went against their religion. And it was the Supreme Court who decided that a free citizen of the United States couldn t be kept from a public school because of his or her race. The Supreme Courts decision in the landmark case Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka Kansas didn t begin the ... Show more content on ... Thirteen years later, in 1896, a new case appeared that would set a precedent for racial discrimination for years to come, and ultimately, drive a nigh irremovable wedge between the blacks and the whites in the south. The case in question arose when a seven eigths caucasian man, Homer Adolph Plessy, broke a Lousiana law barring black people from sitting in certain train cars. Upon refusing to move, Plessy was arrested and brought to court where the case made its way up through district and appellate courts and all the way to the Supreme Court. The question, posed by this case was: is the Louisiana law mandating racial segregation on trains unconstitutional under the fourteenth amendment? The court decided, in a seven to one decision written by Justice Brown, that the different train cars for blacks and whites weren t a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. In his conclusion, Justice Brown wrote that the Fourteenth Amendment was intended to provide complete equality for all races before the law. However, he said, it is not intended to eradicate racial distinctions, and enforce social equality, nor is it an attempt to force a collusion of races. This conclusion gave rise to the infamous Separate but Equal Doctrine, a precedent that is a direct cause of Brown vs Board of Education. Though it was not stated in Brown s conclusion, this doctrine insinuated that so ... Get more on ...
  • 9. From Spaniard And Indian Summary By the late eighteenth century, the New World, which was still remote, had formed its own complicated individual and national identities. Moreover, the disparate communities within Latin America had established a unique culture characterized by its hybridity. A close reading of Ignacio de Castro s From Spaniard and Indian, a Mestizo is born and Agostino Brunias s Planter and His Wife with a Servant reveals the racial hierarchy that formed amid Latin America s hybridity. Additionally, both objects specifically express Latin American hybridity for a white, European class, likely as a means to demystify and boost the standing of the New World. Deceivingly similar in terms of style and subject, as both contain three figures of varying cultural ... Show more content on ... Not only is the brought the furthest into the foreground, but her body lines up with the left vertical third of the image, placing her in a visually important location. Moreover, she has an elaborate white head wrapping which topped with a sunhat, combine to make her the tallest appearing figure in the image, transforming her into a commanding presence. Unlike the indigenous woman in the casta painting, the planter s wife dons a dress which seems almost entirely European in style: it has a white corset and overlay with lace sleeves, with a light blue skirt peeking out from beneath the dress. Still, hybridity is evident because of her head wrapping. Interestingly, though she and her husband are pale, neither as as pale as the Spaniard in the casta painting. This, paired with her head wrapping and both of their curly brown hair, may denote they are of at least partially mixed ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Report for the Court About a Case Essay Report for the Court About a Case You have been asked to write a report for the court about a case, the details of which are given below. You have been specifically asked to comment on the credibility of a particular witness testimony. This witness is the key prosecution witness but the court wants an independent expert to give their opinion about the strengths and weaknesses of this testimony. Using your psychological knowledge you should comment on what factors might have impaired ... Show more content on ... T. is being prosecuted for GBH. The witness Mrs P. is the main prosecution witness. She is a 40 year old, white married woman who lives on the same estate as the defendant. The witness evidence Mrs P. claims that she was walking down the High Street in her town on her way to play bingo. She could hear shouts coming from down one of the side streets and she decided to investigate. On going down the badly lit side street she came across a gang of three males who were fighting with a fourth. She saw the fourth male being knocked to the ground and one of the gang started kicking him and hitting him hard with a piece of wood. The man on the ground was obviously in a lot of pain. The male who was attacking the man on the ground looked up and she says that she recognised him as being T. Mrs P. claims that T. is a well known trouble maker on the estate where she lives and she has often seen him around. Mrs P. ran back to the High Street called the police and an ambulance on her mobile phone but did not give her name or details because she says she was scared about reprisals. Mrs P. only contacted the police four weeks later when she found out that the victim was still in hospital in a coma. The police initially showed her a series of photographs of possible suspects and she picked out T. with no ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Colonization And Colonization Of Indonesia In Junior high, the history teacher taught us that my native country, Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch for 350 years. The Netherlands is one of the European countries that established its country over Indonesia to take benefits of our rich land such as spices. I was aware our land is very source full of spices, rice, sugar, coffee. The Dutch colonized us with the focus of monopoly through trading. Because of the most important source of the spices of this rich land of Indonesia, the Netherlands profits from our land with tremendous wealth. In colonialism era, the United State of America and the Great Britain maintain a good report to respect their laws. Both countries are willing to allow their colonies to become independent. On the other hands, European country such as the Netherlands, Spain, and France are very restricted to their colonies, for examples, they limited education to certain social groups. Also, Southeast Asia is not encouraged to engage in economic activities. This causes many corruptions that huge problems in these European countries. This colonial authority did not support the rule of law to its own country, it is only to Asian, which is Indonesian. They only control on our people but not their people. Moreover, they control our politic, economic, and cultural. This colonial authority, the Dutch did not provide civil liberties to our Indonesian. There is no fair trial; freedom of assembly; free speech; free press when they colonized us. Only to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Sue Monk Kidd s The Secret Life Of Bees Sue Monk Kidd portrays the time and place in the Secret Life of Bees by displaying Rosaleen working in the peach farms, then taken in to work in the house, giving the task of a housekeeper and Lily s nanny. Around ten years after, Lily turning 14, Rosaleen learns how to read and write her own name in order to turn in her ballot voting for J.F. Kennedy. Attempting to vote, Rosaleen and Lily were ambushed by a trio of white racists men, resulting in physical abuse of Rosaleen.When the police arrived, the white civilians claimed assault against Rosaleen, who is taken into jail charged with assault, theft(of a church fan ), and abuse. Lily, caught up in between, also ended up in jail, to be later bailed out by her furious father. Determined, Lily breaks Rosaleen out of jail after finding out just how much Frank [he assaulted Rosaleen in jail so crudely that she had to go to the hospital] despised African Americans and fled to Tiburon, searching for clues about her mother Debera Owens. While finding shelter in a home with August, sister of May and June, May passes away. When the police questioned Lily s decision of staying with colored people, he claimed that she didn t have ... Show more content on ... This law was executed to achieve isolation of African Americans, giving more power and wealth to the majority[Whites]. Priests were teaching the whites that they [the whites] were chosen to be superior, while African Americans were cursed and that God believed in racial segregation. Theology was used to repress a change in racial segregation, and violence was promoted to keep African Americans at the bottom of the racial hierarchy. Routines of African Americans were supposed to be distinct from white routines. Simple thing such as greetings or conversations were not be to directed immorally towards the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Americans With Disabilities Rights Movement One of the most common questions we are asked as children is, What do you want to be when you grow up? For the average child, their answer can be anything. The sky is the limit! For those with disabilities, their answer could be the same but, realistically, their career choices are limited. Organizations and programs such as Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) offer ways to maximize their abilities and improve their quality of life. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a person with a disability as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. This includes people who ... Show more content on ... The Education for All Handicapped Children Act was passed in 1975. This law guaranteed equal public and mainstream education to children with disabilities. In 1990, the law was renamed to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. In addition to guaranteeing disabled children public education, this law allowed parents of those children to be involved in educational decisions that affected their children. Without the overwhelming support of the lawmakers and the families of those that are disabled, who knows where society would stand when it comes to the livelihoods of persons with disabilities. As stated earlier, more businesses should be educated when hiring or working with the disabled. For over forty years, DARS has done just that. They assist to employ approximately 11,000 disabled people a year. Following are some of the highlights that DARS assists companies with to help with their hiring needs: Qualified applicants: DARS can provide businesses with qualified applicants if given requirements ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders Diagnostic Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Children Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopment disorder that affects people as young as infancy that can become more evident throughout their childhood. The word Spectrum refers to a wide range of disorders that are closely related through similar symptoms, as it will be explained later in this paper. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders also known as the DSM 5 diagnostic manual, updated the types of disorders listed as: Autistic Disorder, Rett s Disorder, Asperger s Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder also known as PDD NOS. These types of Autistic disorders have affected over 3 million individuals in the U.S and ... Show more content on ... While infants are still discovering most of their sensors, touch is important because higher levels of touch between parent and infant (e.g., skin to skin contact, affectionate touch, tactile game play) have been linked to secure attachment relationships, more positive social responses in infants, and positive, reciprocal parent infant interactions.. (577). Interactions between parent and infants through touch are important to visualize whether the infant is responding to reflexes, or involuntary movements. For example, when a child is touched on the cheek, most likely the baby will respond by turning their heads toward the direction of the hand. Abnormal touch and unresponsive reflexes can link to autism symptoms in children such as unresponsive to sensory stimuli. Tactile games such as holding a toy above them can monitor whether the baby is responding back or distracted and is unable to focus. Autism Speaks, describes research done on their article, Eye Contact Declines Early in Babies Who Later Develop Autism by explaining that babies are placed in front of a monitor that shows their mother speaking to them and showing their fingers and other movements to get the babies full attention. On the other side researchers are visualizing and monitoring the baby s eyes and direction. Researchers state that, Such an early decline in eye ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Statistics Is The Most Popular Score Essay Introduction Statistics is not only part of a required to create on coursework in schools. Everywhere person looks, statistics is around. Too many people think statistics is difficult though, but it is all around them in real life. Three main descriptive statistics which make data easier to interpret, measure central tendency. They are the mean, measured, and median. Each of these are averages, which everyone is exposed to in everyday life (Stapel, n.d.). All three have specific uses in real life. The Mode The first measure, the mode, is the most popular score. To find the mode, one tallies the frequency of each number or value. The mode becomes the group that occurs the most frequently (Averages, n.d.). A set of numbers may have more than one mode when an equal number of occurrences takes place at more than one value. Of course, a mode may not occur in a set of numbers if the numbers appear with equal frequency (Henry, 2011). Next, a few examples of the mode are explained. First, California Homeschool Network s election occurs annually. An election is a great example explaining the method. The election consists of trustees that members vote for. When the election closes, the results displaying the trustee who receives the most votes is the winner. This winner received the largest number of tallies during the election count. Another example of the mode is finding the average number of students in various programs at National University determining which are the most ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The And Liability Under The Fraud Act 2006 3. Dastardly and Liability under the Fraud Act 2006 The ex employee of a company, Dastardly s email to the Managing Director, which contained a phishing link pretending as the company s Finance Manager related to the piece of software, intended to capture the relevant information about the detailed wages account. The activities what Dastardly did would potentially lead to breaking the regulation under the protection of the Fraud Act 2006 (FA 2006). Section 2(1) in FA 2006 states that a person could be in breach of fraud if he gains something for himself or imposes a loss on someone else intentionally by making false representations. On the basis of Dastardly s work status as an ex employee, it might be no possibility for him to be guilty of those status crimes such as fraud by failing to disclose information or fraud by abuse of position. After the exclusion of other options, Dastardly is more likely to be prosecuted for the fraud by false representation. The FA 2006 has expressly set out several substantive elements that need to be satisfied when the offence liability is to be established. When talking about gain and loss through the dishonest representation, gain includes a gain by keeping what one has, as well as a gain by getting what one does not have, while loss includes a loss by not getting what one might get, as well as a loss by parting with what one has. Due to the consideration of these definitions, it is not difficult to recognize the facts relating to ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Allusion In Dustland Fairytale The writer of Dustland Fairytale , Brandon Flowers, best employs allusion as well as diction to prove the theme not everything in life goes perfectly. Throughout the song, Flowers changes the music to represent different events a couple may face, while using diction, specific word choice at certain points, to metaphorically represent the situations the couple, which turned out to be Flowers parents, may be in. The song starts off softly, using word choice like some kind of slick chrome American prince (Flowers 7) to paint a picture of the perfect fairytale like couple. The story then takes a darker turn using words such as Out here the good girls die (Flowers 32) to represent his mother getting a brain tumor, and how it would affect the ... Show more content on ... When he writes Saw Cinderella in a party dress and I threw my money and I ran away (Flowers 20 22), the listener is able to see how some people would give up if they had to struggle with a family member, especially a significant other, or a mother, having a brain tumor. Since the lyrics are dark at this point, the listener is able to understand that the reason he threw his money away is because, the ending of the fairytale wasn t perfect. In most fairy tales, there is a point where all hope seems lost, like when Cinderella lost her shoe and the prince couldn t find her. Then, it all comes together to resolve and make the perfect ending like when the prince and Cinderella found each other and fell in love. In this fairytale, however, Flowers indicated that it seemed that this story wouldn t have a perfect ending after all. Flowers also uses Cinderella to relate her story to the couple s time urgency; Cinderella only had a certain amount of time left in her dress, just like how the mother only has a certain amount of time left before she passes. Throughout the story, the listener is able to fully understand how important it is to be ready for difficulties, especially ones that are unexpected and effect ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Kalamkari Essay Kalamkari the ancient Indian art of painting Kalamkari refers to a method of painting natural dyes onto cotton or silk fabric with a bamboo pen or kalam. The name kalamkari translates as pen (kalam) work (kari) in Hindi/Urdu, and was most likely derived from trade relationships between Persian and Indian merchants as early as the 10th century CE. European merchants also had names for this type of fabric decoration: the Portugese called it pintado, the Dutch used the name sitz, and the British preferred chintz. The name kalamkari is used prominently today, and is synonymous with both painted and hand blockprinted textiles that incorporate natural vegetable/organically derived dye stuffs. While there are many forms of kalamkari throughout ... Show more content on ... The reservoir of the kalam is never allowed to dry. It is washed and dried thoroughly before storage. CHARCOAL SKETCH Most artists will sketch a charcoal outline on the prepared cloth before application of black dye (kasimi). Some artists use charred tamarind twigs to draw, while others use commercially manufactured charcoal or lead pencils. The following steps are taken to prepare tamarind twigs (chinta boggo) for sketching: * Dried twigs that have fallen around the tree are gathered and broken to a length of 3 7 inches. * To char the twigs, a shallow circular pit is scooped out in dry soil and a heap of sand is kept besides the pit. * The dry twigs are piled up to a height of 2 3 inches above the ground level. Some newspaper is also placed among the twigs to facilitate burning. The twigs and paper is set on fire. * When the flame dies down, sand is thrown over the twigs, and they are set to cool in the pit for 3 4 hours. * This slow cooling makes the pencils tough. The ash coloured twigs are then unearthed, rolled between one?s fingers to remove greyish bark until black color is revealed. * The pencils so prepared can be stored until further use (do not remove bark before charring; else the twigs will turn to ash). KASIMI (Black) Black ink/dye or kasimi is at the basis of all traditional kalamkari paintings; it is used to outline all figures, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Reasons For Improving The Level Of Commitment And Employee... Q6. Decisions that need to be made. Right now Currently, there is the need to help improve the level of commitment and employee motivation among the staff at the radio station. Long term In the long run, there will be the need to alter the organizational structure to set up clear and efficient lines of command, developing a clear mission and vision that would guide the activities of the firm and enhancing the working conditions at the radio station by improving the nature of their working relationship by offering long term contracts. Q7. What I would do if I were Fiske First, I would immediately engage in efforts to win the support of the Michigan State University administration. To achieve this, there are two options that may be pursued. First demonstrate enhanced management at the radio station and thus portray WEAA as a going concern. This would involve adoption of stricter internal control policies in terms of employee conduct and improving the firm s financial performance by engaging in more fundraising activities that would inject more capital and thus, improve WEAA bottom s line. The other option would be to opt for a more strategic partnership with the University by highlighting the benefits that would accrue to the institution from the radio station. For example, Michigan State University would benefit from increased publicity as thus attract a higher student population. This would translate to more revenue in terms of tuition fees. The criteria to be used in ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Reign Of Queen Elizabeth I And The Elizabethan Era The Elizabethan Era also known as the golden age in English history is associated with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and the Elizabethan Theater. Although life was not easy during the Elizabethan era it was one of the most progressive times in history and marked the beginning of the Elizabethan theatre which still to this day influences theatre and the way theatre is presented . The Elizabethan Era began in 1588 and ended in 1603 during Queen Elizabeth I reign England s capital and largest city, London grew to about two hundred thousand people. London s population was divided into three main sections a small but powerful population of wealthy nobles, a prospering middle class, and a large and impoverished lower class living in ... Show more content on ... Only about one fifth of the population could sign their own names at the beginning of the era but by Elizabeth s death about one third of the population was literate. Majority of the Elizabethan population were very poor roughly 3 percent of the population consisted of wealthy nobles. Nobles were the elite men and women of society much like the upper class in today s society. Elizabethan Women were obedient to men and dependent on their male relatives to support them and since there were no school for women they were tutored at home and weren t allowed to enter university. Women also couldn t be heirs to their fathers titles, vote , join the military ,or become doctors and lawyers .Along with all this woman had to preserve there virginity until marriage or they would be looked down upon or belittled however if they were raped they were punished instead of the rapist because during this time men could do whatever they desired to do in life. The Elizabethan Era is known for the intricate outfits that men and women wore to court and elite social functions. The wealthy wore furs and jewels, and the cloth of their garments featured extravagant embroidery. The poor and even the middle classes dressed less extravagant and instead more simply. Elizabethan theatres such as the globe theatre were popular amongst the rich and the poor the poor were called groundlings or penny knaves and would pay a penny to stand in front of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Statement Of Philosophy. Record Your Statements Of Philosophy Statement of Philosophy Record your statements of philosophy of Nursing and of personal philosophy. Explain how these are reflected the values, vision, and personal interests that you recorded in your My Vision and Interests tool. My personal philosophy of nursing is to assist all my patients and their families during this crisis of illness and improve to their outcomes, using only the best nursing practices. Although their hospital stay may be unpreventable I can better facilitate their journey to a better state of health. My personal philosophy also includes pursuing my education to improve my nursing practice. Learning from my patients, families and my peers on this journey will allow opportunity for growth and knowledge. The ... Show more content on ... Goals must be stated in measurable terms, i.e., how can you tell you have accomplished that goal? Identify dates for accomplishing each goal. Setting goals is what drives people to growth and change within themselves. If one fails to dream and sets goals, it is unlikely the will grow or change (Scott, 2014). Allowing myself to set goals is a personal commitment and a drive to make change. Growing, educating and knowledge with time allows one to feel safe to dream and thrive to make better and larger goals. My first goal after obtaining my BSN in April 2017 is to work on myself and my family. In my career, my goal will be to work on my clinical ladder and seek ways to improve myself and my facility. There are many committees I would like to join and be a part of at work. I know I will have reached my goal when I have moved up several levels on the clinical ladder. My plans for professional development in the next three to 10 15 years will still be working at the bedside spreading my knowledge to others who are willing to learn. If financially I am able I would like to pursue my MSN. Being a leader is something that inspires me and I wish to be knowledgeable enough to help and teach others later in life. The final goal would be to not retire, but to cut down to part time and remain at the bedside. I would love to travel and volunteer my time to others in need of healthcare outside of the US. I will know I have reached this goal when I am at peace ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Analysis Of Remember The Titans Spots is one of the most well known activities of all time. Sports provide entertainment for fans and help keep a healthy life and they are not just healthy but they impact our lives in ways that help us in the near future such as cooperation, dedication and leadership in which we need in life to succeed. Many more traits and lifelong lessons can come with being a part of a team. The movie Remember the titans is a good example of a team which you can learn a lot from and will not learn anywhere else. Remember the titans is set in the 70s where race segregated this city of Alexandria Virginia and one White only school just closed down due to lack of students so the school decided to merge into one public school nearby. The White students were ... Show more content on ... Once again, this team didn t have any super stars but it did have potential and athletes that played with their heart and soul not with their body. This team was extremely doubtful, no one would think that the titans would be state champions and national champions all in one year. Going undefeated was Rememberable . Later on these players continued their careers and became hall of famers. This movie was inspirational in countless ways, it is a superb movie for inspiring others by achieving goals in a group is not hard when you have determination, courage, a clear goal in mind as group and communication. Then you could achieve anything as a ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Causes Of The Spanish War . In 1937, following his visit to the Spanish Civil War, W. H Auden wrote a poem entitled Spain 1937 which sought to address both the causes and the history of the Spanish war as well as what might become of its future. The poem was widely celebrated and prompted a response from George Orwell in the essay Inside the Whale. Orwell had also served in Spain and detailed his experiences in the book Homage to Catalonia in which he described the ill ordered state of things in the war. While Orwell considered Auden s work one of the few decent things to be written about the war, he nevertheless objected strongly to Auden s use of the phrase necessary murder in the lines: To the deliberate increase in the chances of death The conscious acceptance of guilt in the necessary murder Both Auden and Orwell understood the term murder differently and interpreted the phrase as such. Orwell considered the term murder as far too lightly used by Auden. In Inside the Whale Orwell considers Auden s use of the term necessary murder as used by someone for whom murder ... Show more content on ... In war, the matter of such deliberate actions is no longer with the soldier but only those who command him. Death in a war is not only about killing an enemy but also about surviving oneself. The term murder therefore is a word misrepresentative of the situation in a war. Possibly because of his scruples regarding the understanding of the term necessary murder , Auden later changed the phrase from necessary murder to the more neutral phrase the fact of murder and then later disowned the poem all together. This may not have been Orwell s intention seeing as he had otherwise thought well of the poem. Nevertheless, Auden was clearly uncomfortable with the impersonal nature of the poem, as well as espousing political views he had had come to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Qualitative Research Through Case Studies By Max Travers The work Qualitative Research through Case Studies by Max Travers is a good example on different methods for qualitative researchers and enlightens about their issues (Travers 2004: 2). He brings the case study of visiting a law court. Amongst others, he writes about observation . He claims that this method takes in a big amount of time. But I find that slightly paradoxal and I guess it depends of the context and of how fast the researcher works. First I thought about doing observation but after all, I dropped that idea because I doubted that it will be feasible. Moreover, interviews are described as a very good way to find out more, when researching about a topic with a divergence in opinions. . I can imagine that I will be confronted with varying perspectives in my study. ... Show more content on ... His paper also shows some purposes of doing qualitative research. I will do research, since I would really like to look deeper into how people think of English as the lingua franca. It is a topic that really interests me and I will also learn a lot while researching. As a method, I will use interviews in order to obtain my ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Power Of Romanticism In Sailing To Byzantium By W. B. Yeats Yeats poetry is driven by a tension between the real world in which he lives and an ideal world world that he imagines. Respond to the studied poetry in light of this statement. W.B Yeats is a poet famous for his romantic, and often ironic, portrayals of the world and us, its inhabitants. His struggle to reconcile the reality of human life with the model world he writes of, and so desperately yearns for, resonates through his poetry and lends a profound depth to his work. Yeats enchantment at the beauty of earth, the marvels of nature and life, the power of art and that of academics, lies in striking contrast with the bitter despondency he feels at aspects of the reality he finds himself in. His longing for longevity and fear of death, ... Show more content on ... And that if it were not, its experiences would be less powerful and somehow far less important, that life itself must be based on our mortality. While I can never know if W.B Yeats felt fulfilled in his quest for truth, I can be sure that in writing of the ideal, one experiences the ideal and after studying his poetry I feel sure that the tension that drove so much of Yeats work was definitively grounded in a profound understanding of the nature of the world around him and, more importantly, us, its ... Get more on ...
  • 26. How Adobe Reader Xi Essay How to Get Adobe Reader XI Anyone would like to get the best out of something invested. Depending on the quality of the investment, the output will be quantized. Those who invest on a good thing are normally the ones who carry the day. Well, if you are a software user then you probably understand the need of having a good software to manage your needs on respective devices. Adobe Reader XI is an amazing tool you can ever choose as your reader. You need to acquire , install it and sincerely will be of great benefit to you. In this article, you shall be guided on how to get Adobe Reader XI installed in your device. System requirements of adobe reader xi For Windows This reader requires a 1.3GHz or more processor speed, a 512MB memory space of RAM although 1GB is highly recommended; a hard disk with 1.85 worth of available space, a screen resolution of not less than 1024x768 and a DVD ROM drive. It is compatible with different version of windows namely Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 7 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit); Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit), Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 3 for 32 bit or Service Pack 2 for 64 bit; or Windows Server 2003 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit. On the internet explorer, this reader works with Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, or 10; Firefox Extended Support Release; or even Chrome. The video hardware acceleration is an option. Mac OS This reader requires an Intel processor and a RAM of 1GB. The hard disk ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Istj Personality Analysis Succeeding in academics can be affected greatly by your personality. Being an ISTJ and having sensing and judging as my two main personality traits certainly has both its up and downs. Ever since I was a child, I have always been responsible, orderly, and statistical, and as time passed, these traits become a natural habit. I see this as a strength since it had helped me significantly in my studies, but some of these traits also restrict my creativity and often makes it difficult for me to look outside the box. Sensors are great problem solvers, so when I am faced with a problem, I attempt to use the information I have available to come up with the best solutions. Emotions rarely ever influence my conclusions and perceptions, and I place a great deal of trust in my judgement, which is based mostly off of logic and reasoning. I do not make assumptions, and instead, I prefer to observe my surroundings and take a practical, well planned course of action. This causes me to have little tolerance and patience for indecisiveness and intuitive judgments; I prefer to analyze the information available and make a decision quickly. On the other hand, because this trait is so idealistic ... Show more content on ... The amount of effort that I put in my work makes me slightly sensitive to criticism, leading to an irritating level of inflexibility. Putting my stubbornness aside, I am possibly one of the most productive members in a group; I respect those in authority, and if needed, I can personally take charge in a group. Punctuality will also never be a problem, either in terms of showing up to a meeting or class on time, or in terms of finishing work for certain deadlines. While I may need clearly set steps and well defined responsibilities, I am particularly devoted, dedicated, precise, and patient in completing my ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Should Video Games Be Considered Art Summary Should Video Games Be Considered Art? Roger Ebert strongly expresses his opinion toward the tense debate on weather video games should be considered art. He expresses his belief by demonstrating in his article how video games could never compare to the amazing writers and the incredible filmmakers (Ebert). Ebert envisions art being created by one person rather than a team of people having skilled enough abilities to produce the same masterpiece. He does not see a similarity in objectives between video games and an art piece. Ebert explains that in games there are, Rules, points, objectives, and an outcome (Ebert). As for art, that is something he believes one can t win. Considering one who believes video games can not be a form of art may ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Gold Standard Essay The gold standard refers to a monetary system in which the fixed amount of gold is used to define the value of country s currency and the country s currency is freely interchangeable to gold. To guarantee convertibility, the supply of money issued by the central back was entirely restricted by the quantity of gold reserves in the nation. International payments are compensated in term of gold. Under the gold standard system, the value of a fixed quantity of gold reflects the value of the country s currency, thus leading to a fixed exchange rate, which is determined by the gold weights. For instance, if the gold price in the United State is $400 per an ounce, the dollar s value will be 1/400 for an ounce of gold. As a result, the government needs ... Show more content on ... First of all, the great advantage of the gold standard is that it portrayed long term price stability. It was used as the buffer against risk for both monetary policy and inflation expectation as it restrict the government s power to inflate prices by printing excessive money. Under the gold standard, further money printed must correspond to amount of gold available in the economy. Thus, it was nearly impossible for the countries to experience hyperinflation. Another worthy benefit of the gold standard is that it sets up a fixed exchanged rage among participating counties as well as abolishes exchange rate volatility. Thus, the system provides a favorable economy in promoting international trade and investment. Historically, if the price levels in the participating countries were not balanced, it would be offset by the price specie flow mechanism. which is the automatic balance of payment adjustment mechanism. For imports country, the use of gold to pay for the goods will suddenly decrease its money supply and therefor lead to deflation, making to country more competitive. In contrast, the gold receiving in exchange for goods for the exporters country will increase money supply and lead to inflation, making the country less ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Middle Ages And The Fall Of Rome The Middle Ages began with the fall of Rome and lasted till 1450 C.E. This era started as a very difficult and dangerous time for most people who struggled to barely survive. They faced difficulties such as hunger and attacks from vicious barbarians. One system that helped too face these problems was Feudalism, the economic and political system that was developed and used in Medieval Europe. This system worked with a hierarchy; Monarchs were at the top and going down nobles, knights, and peasants. Everyone in this system protected each other. Knights were expected to protect the kingdom. Nobles and monarchs were required to provide protection for each other. Another part of Europe that helped people to face life difficulties was the Roman Catholic Church. The church helped make big developments during the middle ages specifically in education. Monks would immerse their lives in learning about the world and the universe. These were the only people in Western Europe developing their knowledge of their world during the middle ages, which was a big improvement from there being no learning. Feudalism and the Roman Catholic Church did provide more stability and security for the people of Western Europe during the Middle Ages. The Feudal System provided more stability in everyday life compared to the time during barbarian attacks, feudalism also provided security through the hierarchy, and the Roman Catholic Church created stability and security through education. As previously ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Summary Of The Short Story Michael Vey The Final Spark Thematic Essay Richard Paul Evans fantasy short story, Michael Vey The Final Spark, takes place in the current world where an expirement gone wrong created 17 electric children. These children have powers ranging from taking down planes to going excessivly hot. This children were created by a machine that blew called the MEI. The main character, Micheal, sacrificed himself to save his friends, the Electroclan, from Hatch, an evil buisnessmen that is trying to take over the world with his evil Glows (Electric Children). The theme is that you never actually lose someone because of they always are alive in hearts, minds, and spirit. The theme in Michael Vey The Final Spark is hard to find. One the other hand there is many clues towards it. One of these hints is in a scene with Ostin and Jack. These characters are very different. This is because Ostin is a genuis and he knows almost everything and Jack is a used to be bully, yet both had very good friendships with Micheal. While sleeping on a resistance s boat, they both had the same dream, Micheal their supposedly dead friend coming to them in a dream. He tells them that they need to switch coures because the rest of the rebellion is on a different island. This proves that even though Micheal was gone they will never lose him. Another example of theme is in the end of the book. This is when Micheal came back to save all of his friends. Hatch is about to hurt our friends, and I need to stop him ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Hoby Seminar The Hugh O Brian Youth leadership seminar is a unique program that enables potential leaders to identify their commanding qualities and use them to benefit their community. By attending the HOBY seminar, I will broaden my intuition to solve issues and overcome barriers. I will learn to accept responsibility to drive my community and myself forward. Not only will this program aid me to thrive in my current activities, it will also enhance my ability to inspire others to be leaders and take action in their lives as well. I believe that I should be chosen to represent Cranbrook in the seminar not because I possess a set of strong qualities, but because of my enthusiasm for developing and utilizing these leadership skills. To me, being a true leader is to take all my skills and return them to my community in an even better way. I m dedicated to helping those less fortunate than me and service is my biggest ... Show more content on ... I ve been to 4 international schools and met people from all across the globe. In the HOBY seminar, I ll be able to meet other leaders from multiple backgrounds to discover different leadership skills. I ll use my newfound skills in Business Club to make my goal as a future business leader possible. I m intrigued to develop my communication skills and learn how to build better relationships in order to strengthen the outcome of cooperation. Although I m new to Cranbrook this year, I m determined to contribute to the Cranbrook community likewise. Furthermore, I m a risk taker; I usually don t participate in events like HOBY, but this time, I challenged myself to seize an opportunity where I m given the potential to improve as a leader. Cranbrook is full of excellent students, thus my role as a leader would be to guide them to use their talent in a positive and beneficial way. The seminar will instruct me on how to be a leader of action, not position. I am confident that the HOBY seminar will be extremely awarding to both my community and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Theu.s. Mariano Azuela s The Underdogs ( Los De Abajo ) Mexicans opened the twentieth century with the most drastic action that citizens can take against their government: revolution. The open rebellion against the military dictator Porfirio Díaz began in 1910 and led to ten years of violent and destructive warfare within Mexico. When the fighting finally ended, many Mexicans were disillusioned about the revolution as the small political and economic changes that were finally implemented was not worth the senseless violence that wracked Mexico. Mariano Azuela, in his novel The Underdogs (Los de abajo), examines this notable problem of the Mexican Revolution through the narrative of a band of rebel soldiers. Their leader is a poor, illiterate, Indian Demetrio Marcías, with his trusted aide the educated, city boy, journalist Luis Cervantes. As displayed in The Underdogs, the disillusionment with the revolution resulted from the lack of a clear purpose for the fighting, a charismatic and powerful leader that could unify the rebels, and the lack of major societal change resulting from it. The Mexican Revolution, unlike the French or American Revolution, created disillusionment because there was never a common motive for the various rebel factions to unify under and for average Mexicans to understand why a revolution was necessary. This absence is a notable issue in Azuela s The Underdogs, where the lack of purpose is evident in Marcías band of rebels. After Luis Cervantes is captured by Marcías men, he introduces himself as a ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Harms of Underage Alcohol Consumption Essay examples The Harms of Underage Alcohol Consumption Alcohol use is extremely prevalent in our society. Young people grow up seeing their parents and other adults make toast of wine and champagne at special occasions, as well as casually enjoying a few beers at a picnic. Today alcoholic beverages are frequently as common at business lunches as they are at college frat parties. Underage drinking is a huge problem which everyone must face. Under age drinking not only has devastating effects on those who drink but also on our society. ?Young people illegally consume almost 3.6 billion drinks annually which is 10 million drinks each day.? ( Underage drinking has serious social, health and economic ... Show more content on ... This quick escape can be found in the shape of a bottle. In the eyes of an underage drinker, alcohol is the cure to all problems, a way to forget all of stress and pressures that are facing them. They feel that it will numb their pain and continuing to use alcohol will result in maybe another problem, substance abuse. The effects of underage drinking on society are practically immeasurable. Alcohol use can effect a teenager?s health, put strains on relationships between family and friends, and can also place other members of society in danger. Alcohol is involved in nearly one half of all murders, accidental deaths, suicides, crimes, and fatal automobile accidents.( Alcohol causes problems in both one?s school and work career. It has a tendency to lower productivity and the quality of work being done. Economic costs are also an issue when it comes to underage drinking. Approximately 13 billion dollars each year is spent for the treatment and recovery of alcoholics. ( This puts an enormous strain on our economy. It seems unfair that taxpayers should have to pay out of their own pockets for the problem that teenagers cause. These problems could be prevented if only teenagers would be more responsible and think about what they are actually doing, not only to themselves but also to our society. Most teenagers don?t realize that underage drinking is a crime. It is a first degree ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Friday Day Research Paper It is seven o clock on a Friday morning, Loraine wakes up to the smell of pancakes in the kitchen, the usual. She starts to get ready for school. She puts her long skirt and blouse on, brushes her hair, then teeth, grabs her bag, and trots down the stairs to the kitchen. She kisses her mother and father on the cheek and sits down to her plate of three pancakes, two slices of toast, and a glass of orange juice. As soon as she finishes she double, then triple, checks her book bag to make sure she has all that she needs for her day. She walks outside and gets on the bus with her older brother, a senior this year, soon they are on the way to other five kids homes to pick them up too. When they arrive at the front doors the kids pile off and go separate ways towards different classes for the day as the bell rings. The ... Show more content on ... The ones who want hot lunch wait in line to get the meal of the day, friday is sandwich day; each day has a certain category and is made by hand fresh that day. Today there are BLT sandwiches, and on the side are the choices of Cheetos or Lays. After most of the kids are done eating the bell rings making them rush to put the trays in a neat stack and get to class. In the last ten minutes of the school day, kids sit in the classroom, slowly losing attention to what they are doing, imagining what they are doing with friends in the coming morning. Finally, the last bell of the day rings, letting them know they are free for the weekend. This was the life of Lorraine Kinsey, a beloved family friend, who very appreciatively came to school on grandparents day. Lorraine spoke of what school was like and hearing her stories shows how much school has changed over only a few decades. School was a less government controlled, yet extremely similar experience for Lorraine Kinsey in 1957 at Ottumwa High School, compared to the experience of a average student at Sherrard High ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Types Of Psychological Ideas Into A Design My major is Human Factors which is the incorporation of psychological ideas into a design. In order to design systems that are functional for all different types of people, one must first understand the basics of psychological disorders. I have decided to look deeper in psychopathy. Psychopathy testing has accepted the use of a moral questionnaire, but for a group of people known for being deceiving, that may not be efficient. The goal of this research is to develop an activity that identifies psychopaths based on the upper cognitive abilities. ORIGINAL RESEARCH Levenson s Self Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP) The LSRP is the scale most often used to identify Psychopathy on a large scale. The questionnaire consists of 26 behavior based question. Ten of the questions look at psychopathic behavior, while the other 16 look at the internal psychopathic feelings of the individual. Answer choices were on a 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) scale. Antisocial Behavior Inventory The Antisocial Behavior Inventory is a self reported measure that measure delinquency based on 11 specific acts. The survey asks participants if they ever committed the act, when they first committed the act, and how many time the committed the act in the last 12 months. Seven questions ask about relatively serious delinquent acts (like taking a car), while 4 questions ask about alcohol and drug use (like cocaine). Business Principles Taken based on the proposal in an article on Psychopathic ... Get more on ...
  • 37. What Is The Theme Of Anger Anger is an emotional state to express feelings such as indignation that may range in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage, according to Charles Spielberger, a psychologist who specializes in the study of anger. Anger can destroy man s life and make him live in misery forever, so anger has been fed by feelings of disappointment, hurt, rejection, and embarrassment. Anger may consider useful for psychopaths in order to express their inside feelings. The expression of anger can be through active or passive behaviors. In the case of active emotion, the angry person lashes out verbally or physically at a target. When anger is a passive emotion it is characterized by silent sulking, passive aggressive behavior, hostility and tension (Clausen 7). Anger can also be caused as irritation escalates during exposure to an annoyance. Moreover, Anger has three components, physical reactions, behavior, and mismanaged anger. Anger is a physiological and ... Show more content on ... Anger exists generally in literature before this movement started and still uses until now in many novels. What is here attempted is an overall consideration of some of the principle movements as they are reflected in the writers of the time. For instances in the Modernism Age there are novels such as Beloved by Toni Morrison, The Help by Kathryn Stockett, Uncle Tom s cabin by Harriet Beecher, and Animal Farm by George Orwell. There are novels in Victorian Age such as Tale of two cities by Charles Dickens, and Wuthering Heights by Emile Bronte, while in Romanticism there is novel such as Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Anger also exists in drama, Age of Shakespeare such as Macbeth and ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Oskar Schindler Essay The Holocaust was a dark time in world history. Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and more were killed and cremated by the hands of the Nazis. There were a few, however, that fought the views of Adolf Hitler and attempted to save some of the victims of his cruelty. One of the greatest of these is Oskar Schindler. Oskar Schindler has been described as a crook, an alcoholic, and an insatiable womanizer. All of this may very well be true, but this factory owner was a hero to many Jewish men, women, and children. When those Jews were shipped to the concentration camp Plazsow, he would make the famed Schindler s list. This list was a promise, a promise to those who were on it, that they would not die at the hands of the Nazis. Since he was known to ... Show more content on ... On a business trip with his father he visited the farming village of Alt Molstein in the Bohemian countryside. They stopped at the Pelzl farm where he became infatuated with the farmer s daughter Emilie. She was beautiful, educated, and was very religious just like his mother, Louisa. With talk of marriage, neither father was very pleased. However Herr Pelzl, Emilie s father, reluctantly agreed and promised Oskar a dowry of one hundred thousand Czech crowns and the couple were married in March. 1928 only six months after they first met. Schindler worked in his family business until he one day accepted a job as a sales manager in Czechoslovakia. He soon joined the Nazi Party and began working as a spy for the Germans.In 1939 he was arrested by the Czechs and was condemned to death. However, his life was saved when the Nazis soon took over Czechoslovakia. Also in 1939, the Germans invaded Poland and Word War II began. Schindler acquired a bankrupt factory that made enamel coated pots and pans. He hired Itzhak Stern to be his accountant. Schindler bribed his way into getting army contracts and his factory soon began supplying the German army. The Jews were soon forced into the Krakow ghetto, Where living conditions were horrible. Many of the Jews that lived here worked ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Motif Of Chaos Essay According to the Webster dictionary , a motif is a dominant idea or literary feature. In the days of mythological writing, it was not uncommon for many cultures to include similar ideas or morals. These motifs are three of the main motifs that drew my attention: the motif of chaos, the reason for more than one god, and why humans were put on earth. Motif #1: An Explanation for Chaos There are many obvious motifs included in all the myths discussed. One of the main motifs used in multiple myths was the explanation for chaos. Many cultures believed that the chaos the gods put upon the people was retaliation of the actions. Another theory is that the gods caused chaos to show their people that there would not always be all good, and that good ... Show more content on ... For one god to have to manage the world and care for its people would be a massive amount of responsibility. As a result, many cultures had multiple creators. Inclusion to this motif would be that these cultures thought that having multiple gods or leaders in charge would have a better outcome. The cultures that believed in having shared responsibility were the Incas, the Mayans, and the Maoriall. In the Inca creation myth, Pachacamac created his wife to help him rule the world. In the Mayan creation myth, Tepeu and Gucumatz shared the responsibility of caring for the earth and its people. In the Maori creation myth, Te Pō came from Te Kore to help care for the earth. Motif #3: Why humans were put on earth In most creation myths, humans were created to care for earth. It is my opinion that so many cultures had humans created to care for the earth so that earth could function. Humans were created to Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. In the Christian Tradition myth, these are the words of God the creator himself. He created man to care for the earth that He created. Women were made to be man s partner and man was made to care for the earth or to be a slave for the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Comparing Schoolsville, By Billy Collins And Carol Ann Duffy Poets Billy Collins and Carol Ann Duffy educate the public on the student teacher relationship. In Billy Collins Schoolsville the poem is written from the point of view of a teacher, whereas Carol Ann Duffy s teacher is written in a student s point of view. The two poets have completely different ideas of what the school atmosphere is like. For Bill Collins he believes that the teacher holds the role of a mayor and the students are citizens who all belong to different social classes. As for Carol Ann Duffy, she believes that students warship teachers because the teacher is the reason for a student s knowledge. Although the poets do share different opinions they both use poetic devices to develop their phones. Therefore the poetic devices used are the only common ground the poets have. In schools Billy Collins presents the idea that the students are categorized by their grades. For example the a students hanging out with ... Show more content on ... Carol Ann Duffy uses it to glorify the life as a teacher whereas Billy Collins uses it to make teaching sound on intolerable. Duffy says when you teach me your hands bless the air. This makes a teacher sound very heroic as if she s doing the most. As for Billy Collins he makes teaching seem as if it is a chore by saying sometimes one will appear in a window paper to watch me lecturing the wall paper. Great poets often differ in opinions but they both know that using poetic devices can build their poem. Using both metaphors and personification is what led to the development of both poems. Billy Collins is metaphor of being the mayor and him. Personified the paper is what led to the detection of him disliking teaching. The same goes for Carolyn Duffy and her metaphor and use metaphors of personification in making teacher sound holy. The use of poetic devices often leads to the development of great poems and that becomes clear when they are the chief elements into totally different ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Eusmilia Fastigiata Research Paper 1. a) Plant: Eusmilia Fastigiat Animal: Ursus Americanus luteolus b) Plant:1. Kingdom: Animalia 2. Phylum: Cnidaria 3. Class: Anthozoa 4. Order: Scleractina 5. Family: Caryophylliidae 6. Genus: Eusmilia. Animal: 1. Kingdom: Animalia 2. Phylum: Craniata 3. Class: Mammalia 4. Order: Carnivora 5. Family: Ursidae 6. Genus: Ursus c) Plant: Eusmilia Fastigiata lives in marine habitat near the shore and with a depth of 1 65m. On patch reefs, fringing reefs, bank reefs it occurs within the range of 3 30m. Eusmilia Fastigiata has a food habit of a invertivore. Global range of this plant is found in United States, Florida. Animal: Ursus Americanus Luteolus lives in palustrine habitats like forest wetland, Riparian and lives in terrestrial habitats like forest conifer, forest hardwood, forest mixed. Ursus Americanus Luteolus comes from subspecies that have long and narrow skulls. Both the adult and the immature Ursus Americanus Luteolus have the same food habits such as Carnivore, Frugivore, Herbivore, Invertivore, Granivore. The historic range of this bear is throughout the southern Mississippi, eastern Texas and through Louisiana. The bear is in current range of the four areas of Louisiana. d) ... Show more content on ... a) Diptera flies are meant to be one of the strongest collection of the Canadian National collection of insects. There as about 4600 drawers that house this flies and 65% belongs the levels of species or the group types of species. 85% of the drawers belong to the genus levels. Almost all of the specimens of the Diptera flies are from the Nearctic region. There is about 2.3 million specimens in about 5600 drawers. A large portion like 85% is curated by the generic level with an even larger portion for the curated specific level. b) When the website is visited click the search on the top of the page, write in your insects that was picked from the previous website to the space provided and a list or one source will come up in regards to the insect that was searched ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay on Walgreen Co. Organization Resources Running Head: Walgreen Co. Organization Resources Walgreen Co. Organization Resources Walgreen Co. Organization Resources Walgreens Co. is the largest drugstore chain in the United States in terms of sales, receiving most of its revenue from retail prescriptions. These drugstores sell prescription and non prescription drugs, and general merchandise. Its general merchandise consists of beauty care, personal care, household items, candy, photofinishing, greeting cards, seasonal items, convenience food and Walgreens offers an old fashioned tonic for fiscal fitness. While Walgreen has fewer stores than its closest rival CVS, it is #1 in the nation in sales (Hoover s Inc, 2007). Walgreens operates about 6,000 stores in 49 states ... Show more content on ... In 1946 Walgreens bought its first foreign property when it bought out a Mexican retailer. In 1960 Walgreens opened a new store in Puerto Rico. Walgreens has 6,659 locations as of January, 2009 and it expected to have 7,000 stores by 2010 (Wikipedia, 2009) thus creating more employment opportunities. The company owns approximately 12% of the retail stores open since August 31, 1998; prior to this date Walgreens was leasing their location. They decided to continue leasing the stores that were acquire prior to August 31, 1998 but decided to buy future stores instead of leasing. This is creating the need for long term borrowing because Walgreens continue to have planned to create new stores and remodel the existence stores for better customer commodity. Walgreens also owns 2,800,000 square feet of nine distribution centers which were implemented with modern distribution systems for order controls and better delivery efficiency to the stores and owns one mail service facility that are adequate for current needs. There are four principal office facilities containing approximately 500,000 square feet of which 400,000 feet is owned by Walgreens and the rest is lease (Walgreens Co., 1998). Walgreens has provided efficient and effectiveness technology throughout its stores to provide ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Cat Dog Research Paper Do today s kids know about Hey Arnold, or about Cat dog, or even Saved By The Bell? These shows are the foundation of what shows have become today. Maybe these shows aren t so different than Spongebob or Drake and Josh. What have these shows offered to the fairly new ones? People would find that there are numerous similarities and acutely few differences. Maybe the old shows that came out in the 1990 s inspired what today s kids watch today. Hey Arnold and Catdog, and most of the shows that came out a couple decades ago, are cartoon. Cat Dog is a show about a dog and a cat connected together at the end. This is the ultimate time to say opposite sides attract. The majority of today s kids have seen at least an episode of Spongebob. A reason why they might like it so much is because its not very different than cat dog. Opposites attract right? Well is there a combo than Spongebob and Patrick? Both of these shows are about two friends who fight, but still are best friends in the end.Two very different characters put together, maybe in this case literally. Cat Dog is a show about a dog and a cat, well, connected at the end. Cat shooting for the stars along with fame and fortune. While Dog is just as happy running around with his equal half. But somehow they find a way to make it work through their ... Show more content on ... This show is about a kid named Arnold, and he s what some may call weird. He s going through His elementary years of school, and he lives with his grandparents in Hillwood. Arnold has a football shaped head, with blonde spiky hair, and gets bullied by the school bully, Helga, but she ends up having a crush on him. Drake and Josh has some similarities. Drake and Josh are both going through their school years, but in high school. Josh would probably be the most relatable to Arnold because they both get bullied by their crush, they don t have a good time with getting the girl, both are very smart, and always have a best friend to fall back on when they need ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Implementation Of A Negotiation Is A Communication Method Negotiation Style A negotiation is a communication method in which several parties talk over problems and endeavor to solve them via discussion in order to reach a resolution (Lewicki, Barry, Saunders, 2011). Negotiations occur regularly on micro and macro scales, both in the professional or personal which could be at the office and or in everyday life. Your approach and style can make the different between a make or break deal. If attaining an agreement in a negotiation is based on collaboration and collaboration is based on trust, then to be an effective negotiator you need to spawn trust between yourself and the other party. Trust comes from being natural and being yourself, not from trying to be something you re not, a fake. Once you re aware of your negotiation style you know what can realistically be improved and what can t. The purpose of this paper is to outline my findings from reflective questionnaires and to compile a plan to improve on my negotiation skills. Summary of Findings We as individuals are all tested during various circumstances and given lots of occasions to test the validity of these individual characterizations, and to determine the positive and negative elements of any style that we identify. Some of the characterizations may come as second nature, while others may be uncomfortable and less desirable for an individual. With completing the two questionnaires the Personal Bargaining Inventory and the Communication Competence Scale questionnaires ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Ice House In The Alchemist The Ice House and The Alchemist In the books,The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Who Owns the Ice House? by Clifton Taulbert and Gary Schoeniger, both books have key connections that readers are able to use and apply to their own lives. In the book Who Owns the Ice House?, it teaches life lessons from the eyes of Clifton Taulbert and Uncle Cleve, everything from the choices we make, to having the persistence to chase that one dream we always have had. In the book The Alchemist, the book shows the life of a shepherd and how he overcame the obstacles of traveling through Africa and Egypt, to get back to his hometown Spain . Both books Therefore three key lessons that connect The Alchemist to Who Owns the Ice House?, are unlikely situations ... Show more content on ... For instance, in the book The Alchemist, its states on p.g. 58 how Santiago was able to notice how travelers were so tired from climbing up the hill, that they were so thirsty. That opportunity sparked something Santiago because it then states on p.g. 60 61 in the book, how the crystal merchant agreed to selling the tea in the crystal glass, for .... beauty is the great seducer of men. (Coelho 58). It was then that everything seem to be falling into place for Santiago, and it was because he seen the opportunity and was able to recognize it, and he made business good for the crystal merchant. This part of the book teaches readers that when they have or are able to point out an opportunity, then they themselves can become successful and they might get what they always wanted. As well readers are able to learn that opportunities, could as simple as serving tea. In connection to Who Owns the Ice House? because on p.g 62 it says Uncle Cleve was a problem solver. He understood that problems were opportunities and that if he could identify problems and find solutions for other people, he would prosper well. (Taulbert and Schoeniger 62). To go in depth, Uncle Cleve was able to recognize opportunities just like Santiago, the only difference was the opportunities that were able to recognize. The lesson from both books are ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Timpanogo s Cave Research Paper Hansen, Middle, and Timpanogos Caves are natural cavities that are engulfed in darkness and large enough that humans can enter and explore. Martin Hansen discovered the Hansen cave in 1887; the other two caves were later discovered. The Entrance Room is the first stop on the tour of these caves. Cave formations , or speleothems, are from mineral deposits. Located within this spot is Hershey s Kiss , which is formed by dripping water, called stalagmites. Visitors have to stay on the paved, lighted trail, can t touch anything inside the cave and are told to avoid low formations; these rules are to protect individuals from any harm and to preserve the features of the cave. A man made tunnel connects Hansen and Middle cave that was built between 1937 and 1938. Doors were built on each entrance to prevent the cave from drying out, because formations need ... Show more content on ... Chimes chamber ceiling are formations of helictites that look like frozen worms. The Sea Urchins are anthodites, which are only about three inches long and attached to the ceiling of Chimes Chamber. The Great Heart of Timpanogos is about 5.5 feet in length and 1 cubic yard in volume. The heart cannot be weighed unless it is detached from its location, but is estimated to weigh over two tons. Other formations surround the great heart. Tours show a red light shown through the heart; this is not natural. The Camel Room has many examples of different formations. Columns form when stalactites join stalagmites. Shields are located on sloping oval plates that are fringed with helictites along a medial crack. Salt and Pepper are two small stalagmites. People used to be able to touch the salt and pepper shakers, but have been discolored and polished. People are only allowed to just view salt and pepper now, so that these formations can be protected from damage and ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Devastating Knee Injury Essay Devastating Knee Injury I thought I was invincible. I tried to be the best on the team, I worked hard and everything fell into place, that is, until my junior year. The basketball season was going well. Christmas break was coming up and after it, we would start our league games. Our first league game was Paonia, our biggest rivals yet to step into Delta County. The game started off intense. One minute and 30 seconds into the game, Paonia fouled, so we lined up for the free throw. I stood there, looking at the clock thinking, I ve got plenty of time. We made the free throws. Paonia inbound the ball, took it up the court, scored, turned around and pressed us. I broke out for the ball and caught it, started to turn to ... Show more content on ... After tearing up my knee for a second time, I made many trips in and out of doctors offices, finding out I d torn my ACL and both lateral and medial meniscus cartilage. My mom and I took the doctors advice and scheduled surgery for February 7, 2002. The weeks before my surgery were miserable. First I couldn t play ball, but mostly there were so many people telling me their surgery experience was horrible. Rumors like, the IV hurt and the anesthesiologist is so crazy you ll wonder if he s on the anesthetic himself. It had worked me up to a panic and the morning I went into the surgical center I couldn t hold back my nervousness. I had butterflies not only in my stomach but also everywhere in my body. I couldn t stop shaking, and when I saw medical utensils, my shaking only worsened. The nurses tried to comfort me, but nothing they did helped. I was a nervous wreck. A really bubbly nurse who thought she was cute wheeled me down to the operating room. It was just like the movies, the two white swinging doors, all the TV monitors, wire cables all over the room. The nurse parked me right in the middle of the room next to all of the equipment. I was lying on my back, shaking, staring directly above me and suddenly this gray haired Einstein looking man popped right into my vision. I m sure he said his name, but my mind was somewhere else. He was my anesthesiologist. So ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Metal Bats In Baseball The pitchers throws the ball, and the batter hits it. The following seconds are a blur, next thing everyone knows is that the pitcher is on the ground clutching his head. This terrifying fact actually was happening in youth, high school, and college baseball. This was the effect of bats under the BESR certification. This certification allowed the bats to have a trampoline effect which allowed the bat to bend more and rocket the ball off. Most of the baseball fatalities occur due to pitchers getting hit with a line drive back at him. However, changes have been made that have made the game safer for pitchers and made it less of an offensive and made it a defensive game. Metal bats are still a problem, this will prove the problems and the danger they cause to defensive players, the changes that have been made and how they affect the game, and why metal bats should just be outlawed all together. The number one problem with the bats is the trampoline effect this effect occurs when the ball uses the bat as a trampoline and springs off of it. From the college level on down, the bat has evolved from wood to a clunky metal tube to a marvel of lightweight hitting power that ... Show more content on ... The game WAS broken because it was not normal baseball being played. When terrible hitters can hit .300, guess what, it was broken. When you have to use a ball that was supposed to allow for pitchers to have some chance against those juiced bats, it means it was broken. Those that can t coach or teach hitting but can only recruit, well, those programs will struggle going forward. To those that are saying the game will unfairly swing toward the pitchers and create an unequal playing field ... oh my goodness... it has been swung toward hitters for over 20 years in college baseball. Just think about that... for half a second. ... Get more on ...