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14 Best Images Of Science Scientific Method Workshe 14 Best Images Of Science Scientific Method Workshe
Raise The Driving Age To 18
Driving mishaps can happen to anyone, but they happen all too frequently to teenage drivers because
of their lacking significant experience behind the recent years, safety experts, elected
officials, and public policy experts have focused on strengthening such state laws with the goal of
making the roads safer for teens. (Andrews, 2) New laws should be made to keep teens and the road a
safer place. The driving age should be raised to 18 to reduce many dangers.
The first reason is so we can lower teen deaths. Just a few years ago 2,270 teens died from car
accidents, and 221,313 were sent into the emergency room. Not only that but teens were accounted for
11% of the total cost for car accident injuries. This information supports the text because it shows how
motor vehicles deadly impact teen lives and how we should raise the age limit to keep themselves and
other ... Show more content on ...
This will help make teens less distracted on the road. Phones and technology is a big distraction and
danger, once they are 18 drivers will be more responsible to stop. The human brain is fully matured at
20 years old, so starting to drive at 18 years old, they will be more mature and responsible which
makes them safer. Also, studies have shown that it is impossible to truly multitask . This is important
because that means teens are taking most of their attention of the road and putting their attention on
the electronics. This is significant because now that teens have switched their attention to other
distraction, this dangers other drivers around them. Stopping the unhealthy multitasking can make the
road a more trustworthy place.
To conclude, raising the driving age will reduce many dangers in teen s life. This will lower teen
deaths, decrease obesity, and end certain road distractions. We need to let our legislators know that
you support the driving age being raised to 18. This law can safe generations to
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The Pros And Cons Of Progressive Tax
The reason why progressive taxation is considered fairer and why flat taxation policy is avoided is
because the people with lower income have lower ability to pay and the major part of their income is
spent on necessities, a flat taxation policy would burden them more. Both the taxation policy have
their pros and cons. A progressive tax shifts the burden on the people with higher income, it reduces
the amount that the people with lower income pay. Because it reduces the burden of tax it results in
reduction for the need of subsidies. Meanwhile a flat taxation system reduces the tax burden on people
with high income and gives them an opportunity to further increase their investment. Several reasons
can be given to justify progressive taxation policy over flat taxation policy. One reason is that those
who earn more can afford to pay more, without having to curtail their standard of living or in any way
reducing their chances of prospering Also another important justification is that the small businesses
find it difficult and struggle more compared to the big ones and hence burdening them with large
amount of tax will ... Show more content on ...
For example, economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez wrote that decreased progressiveness in
US tax policy in the post World War II era has increased income inequality by enabling the wealthy
greater access to capital.[14] Conversely, a report published by the OECD in 2008 presented empirical
research showing a negative relationship between the progressivity of taxes and economic growth.[15]
Describing the research, William McBride, a staff writer with the Tax Foundation, stated that
progressivity can undermine investment, risk taking, entrepreneurship, and productivity because high
income earners tend to do much of the saving, investing, risk taking, and high productivity
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The God Day And Night
According to Scripture, we see a vast gathering around the throne of God serving the Lord day and
night (Revelation 7). We also have an enemy that appears before the throne of God day and night. The
Bible says in Revelation 12:10 in the King James Version that Satan accuses us day and night, for the
accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night looking for
some fault with which to charge us as guilty. Where the angels and the host of heaven come to serve
the Lord day and night, Satan comes to accuse us day and night. The Greek definition of the word
accuser is a verb (an action word) which means;
1. to accuse a. before a judge: to make an accusation b. of an extra judicial accusation This ... Show
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to arouse, cause to rise a. to arouse from sleep, to awake b. to arouse from the sleep of death, to recall
the dead to life c. to cause to rise from a seat or bed etc. d. to raise up, produce, cause to appear 1. to
cause to appear, bring before the public 2. to raise up, stir up, against one 3. to raise up i.e. cause to be
born 4. of buildings, to raise up, construct, erect
There are some interesting things I see here is this prim root definition of accuser which is the Greek
word Egeiro. This is a verb where you can see much action taking place. I will take you behind the
scenes into the unseen realm and explain what God has revealed to me that this is.
Here you have Satan who is aroused from sleep. Something caused him to arise. He was lying down at
our feet because of the blood of Jesus in which we have forgiveness of sin, subdued and rendered
powerless. For example, when we gave our hearts to the Lord, we confessed our sins and asked God s
forgiveness and we were cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. If this is true, how can Satan be aroused
again to rise against us? It is simple. When we initially got saved, our sins were cleansed, and we
entered the Kingdom of Heaven. Does that mean we will never sin again? No. It means we don t have
to be a slave to sin. When we do sin, before or after salvation, the accusations still come. When we
pray and confess our sins and
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Theranos And Discolmes And The Entrepreneurial Types Of...
The entrepreneurial types that best describes Elisabeth Holmes is an innovator and social entrepreneur.
She doesn t fall under a single entrepreneur type as I believe she s the following types: The Innovator
type, because she s happiest in her lab coat doing what she enjoys in the laboratory and is content to
spend her days begin inventive and developing her organisation. For the first 11 years of building
Theranos she was a very private person, and has only put herself forward as the face of Theranos so
her company can get recognition and grow to a world leader. She not driven by money as she s stated
she doesn t even own a television and her days spent between 18 hours of work and the rest asleep, so
she measures her success on the success ... Show more content on ...
Holmes will only say and this is more than she has ever said before that her company uses the same
fundamental chemical methods as existing labs do. Its advances relate to optimizing the chemistry and
leveraging software to permit those conventional methods to work with tiny sample volumes. lab on a
chip technology, which allows multiple measurements to be taken from tiny amounts of liquid on a
single microchip (Loria, 2015). Since the development of this technology in 2003 by Elisabeth
Holmes, the organisation has gone on to conduct over 3.5 million tests in Walgreens and the Cleveland
Clinics throughout America. They have worked with over 9,000 doctors and over 150 of the tests cost
less than $10. They have voluntarily submitting tests to the FDA, even though they didn t need to and
opened up to regulators like no lab before. They received their first FDA clearance this summer
(Theranos, 2015). Theranos has contributed to both the economy and to society at large by providing
employment to hundreds of people, by giving convenient and affordable access to blood analysis and
paving the way for how medical diagnostics will be more attainable the
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The Death Of Socrates Resides
The Death of Socrates resides in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is by Jacques Louis David, a
French painter from the eighteenth century. This particular piece was done in 1787 about an event that
occurred 399 BC. Socrates was faced with a legal decision to renounce his teachings or drink a cup of
hemlock, killing himself. Socrates s teachings were hugely influential in Greece at that time and it
sparked recognizable change in Athens particularly. Athenian authority saw his revolutionary thought
as a threat and because of his teaching he refused to renounce his teaching. Even without this knowing
the dramatic story of the great thinker and his demise, David s piece is profoundly striking. The
movement and placement of each character as well as the balance of shape and color provide a certain
attraction to this piece. Additionally, it provides a great example of the intriguing cross between art
and The Academy. David intelligently pays tribute to the height and power of ancient philosophy as
well as modern art and this marriage makes for a greatly impactful piece of art. At first impression, the
movement and layout are the most arresting part of this piece. Socrates, propped up on his deathbed,
appears strong and stoic but at the same time somber and delicate. The anatomic accuracy of Socrates
as well as the other characters provides a geometric structure. Whereas the light suspension of the
different fabrics in the painting provide a soft fluidity and these two
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Leadership Reflection For Senior Leadership
According to the Introduction to Strategic Studies Course Directive, This year presents an opportunity
to walk in the shoes of senior leaders making difficult and complex decisions before you begin
wearing them upon graduation. From the above sentence I can conclude that, this paper could be the
beginning of my journey to wear the higher level leaders shoes. As I am now starting preparation for a
future senior leadership assignment, I have to equip myself with the required knowledge and skills in
order to act as senior military leader.
Therefore, Thomas Galvin outlines four mission specific roles and senior military leaders should also
take lessons from history, like from The Gulf War, 1990 1991, .
The four roles are, a strategic advisor and communicator, a strategic planner, a strategic theorist, and
senior leader at the strategic level. So that this paper will focus mainly on my reflection towards to the
first two mission specific roles.
Therefore, my choice from the roles are the strategic advisor and communicator, and the strategic
planner because working to exercise these roles would have more benefit to jump for the rest two
roles. From the case study, I have selected General Collin Powel and General H. Norman
Schwarzkopf roles from the case study. In order to link and reflect my future area that should be
strengthen. Their roles and experiences are good examples that are helpful as I prepare myself and
work enthusiastically in order to strengthen my senior
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A Thematic Analysis Of Jonah And The Big Fish
Oluchi Amadi
English Bible as Literature
Prof. Sonntag
11 03 2015.
Jonah and the Big Fish Analysis Notably known as the universality of God s love, the book of Jonah is
one of the most captivating short stories and books in the bible. Unlike other historical books that are
well known for their collections of oracles, visions and sermons, The book of Jonah mainly focuses on
narrative; much like the stories of Samuel and Elijah, it establishes Jonah s relationship with God and
God s character and nature. Compared to the other prophets, Jonah is disobedient. After God instructs
Jonah to go to Nineveh and tell the people there to resort from their bad ways, Jonah refuses to adhere
to God s command. Rather than listening to God, Jonah ... Show more content on ...
In numerous points in the story, God refuses to abandon his people, which speaks of his compassion
and sympathy. Such example can be seen when Jonah is swallowed by a fish and stays in its belly for
three days and three nights. Although he disobeys God, after praying and realizing his mistake, God
rescues him from his miseries. He now realizes that God loves everyone, irrespective of their
obedience or disobedience. As an article puts it, He is the God who delivers and forgives those who
repent, but requires obedience from His
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Questions On Human Genome Project
Layan Kojan
BIOL 1010
Assignment #3 Option 2 The Human Genome Project
Tuesday November 17, 2015
What makes one person differ from the other? Is it physical appearance, personality or mentality?
These three factors separate each individual from one another and it is what makes them different.
Physical appearance, personality and mentality are made up from the same building blocks which are
known as DNA sequences. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), is a self replicating material that is found
throughout every living organism. It s a large macromolecule that transforms characteristics into life.
DNA is made up two strands that run in opposite directions therefore they are known to be
antiparallel. The lagging strand runs in the 5 3 direction while the leading strand run s in the 3 5
direction (International Baccalaureate Organization, 2009). There s a phosphate group attached by a
covalent bond to the carbon atom which is covalently attached to a nucleotide base. The two DNA
strands are attached to each other by hydrogen bonds. There are two hydrogen bonds found between
Thymine and Cytosine and three hydrogen bonds found between Guanine and cytosine (International
Baccalaureate Organization, 2009). Many studies have been done in order to gather information about
the human DNA. The sequence of base paring in DNA was determined by The Human Genome
project (International Baccalaureate Organization, 2009).
The whole idea of the
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The Theme Of Romanticism In The Awakening By Kate Chopin
Some of the motives of the book the awakening were music, children, and houses. Music gives us a
sense of Edna ideological alignment in relations with the others characters. Edna first learns about the
emotive powers of music from Mademoiselle Reisz, whereas Adele Ratignole piano playing is
sentimental for Edna. When Adele is playing the piano it stirs new feelings and emotions in her. The
children relate to Edna because she sees a form of rebirth as she discovers the world from a child
perspective, the side of her childishness is admirable, she becomes self absorbed and she never thinks
realistically about the future or the consequences of her actions. Edna and Robert used to have a
romantic encounter in that place, it connects with Edna because ... Show more content on ...
Audiences accustomed to the pieties of late Victorian romantic fiction were taken aback by Chopin s
daring portrayal of a woman trapped in a stifling marriage, who seeks and finds passionate physical
love outside the straitened confines of her domestic situation . Kate Chopin. Aside from it, it is
unusually frank treatment of a then controversial subject, the novel is widely admired today for its
literary qualities. Edmund Wilson characterized it as a work quite uninhibited and beautifully written,
which anticipates D. H. Lawrence in its treatment of infidelity. Source Although the theme of marital
infidelity no longer shocks, few novels have plumbed the psychology of a woman involved in an illicit
relationship with the perception, artistry, and honesty that Kate Chopin used in this book. Edna
attempts to find self definition by creating a lifestyle and start to act more like a man. She sees men
are allowed to live lives of plenty sexual fulfillment, while not being care for their children s. All this
start when Leonce goes to New York and Raoul and Etienne go Iberville to stay with their
grandmother. A radiant peace settled upon her when she at last found herself alone. Even when the
children went (Chopin 80).Edna feels like she s in peace when she is by herself, alone in the
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The First Generation Of Impalas Rolled Off Showroom Floors 13697107 full floor pan lh.html The fourth generation of Impalas rolled off
showroom floors from 1965 until 1970, and during those years, the redesigned Impala set a sales
record of more than one million cars sold in the United States. You can go to any car show anywhere
and find a representative of this generation of Impalas as car collectors still like to show them. When
you restore your Impala, you may need to replace worn or rusted body parts like the floor pan. H H
Classic has restoration parts for your Impala. The floor pan is an integral part of the body of the
Impala. It adds strength to the body, and it protects the interior from outside elements. It is made to
help dampen sound, as well. Since it is a ... Show more content on ...
This is a full floor length pan for the right hand side of the 1965 through 1970 Impala, Caprice, Bel
Air or Biscayne. It has been manufactured by Dynacorn who have been manufacturing replacement
sheet metal for classic cars since the 1980s. They also manufacture bright trim and moldings. A new
floor pan goes a long way to making your Impala showroom ready. At H H Classic, you will find a
large selection and low prices on restoration parts and accessories for your classic Chevy. We also
offer fast shipping and easy returns. 13713855 hood hinge lh.html The Tri Five
Chevy and GMC trucks were some of the hottest sellers, thanks in part to their car like ride and their
big, wide windshield that added a lot of visibility. These trucks are sought after by car enthusiasts
today because they make a great addition to car shows and parades. If you are restoring or hotrodding
one of these trucks, then you may want to replace old hardware pieces like hood hinges. H H Classic
has restoration products for your classic Chevy truck. The hood hinges allow you to open and close
the hood on the truck. These are large, heavy hoods, so they need strong hinges. Time can wear these
out and elements can ruin them, so if you are looking for a showroom appearance, then replace the old
hinges with these new ones. They are a great reproduction steel hood hinge that fits the left side of the
1955 through 1957
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Nihilism and Existentialism in Cormac McCarthy s The Crossing
Nihilism and Existentialism in Cormac McCarthy s The Crossing
Cormac McCarthy s second book in The Border Trilogy offers an impressive array of worldviews all
competing together in the larger narrative framework of the novel. These are not only expressed
through the life of the protagonist Billy Parham and his brother Boyd, but also in the narratives of the
many people they encounter on their horseback journeys through the hot desert sands of Mexico.
Critic Robert L. Jarrett, associate professor of English at the University of Houston Downtown,
suggests the same in Cormac McCarthy, noting that Despite the claims of the ex priest [in The
Crossing] that all men s tales are one, such visions or tales are individual, highly ... Show more
content on ...
In his encyclopedic entry Nihilism, Dr. Alan Pratt, professor of Humanities at Embry Riddle
University, points to the passage in Shakespeare s Macbeth when she goes into her soliloquy about the
futility of life to demonstrate the stance of the existential nihilist in classic literature:
Out, out, brief candle!
Life s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. (Qtd. in Pratt, para. 12.)
Other well known motifs that express the existential nihilist s perspective of life include the Greek tale
of Sisyphus, first noted by novelist Albert Camus in his 1942 book The Myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus
was a cruel king in Corinth who was condemned to spend eternity rolling a huge boulder up a
mountain, knowing full well that once he reached the top it would again only come rumbling back
down, yet he shouldered his burden again and again, faithfully trudging back up the mountainside in
compliance with his fate. For the existential nihilist, the
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Est1 Task 1
I am tasked is to evaluate Company Q s current attitude toward social responsibility and recommend
three actions that Company Q could take to improve their attitude toward social responsibility. In
evaluating Company Q s attitude towards social responsibility there are a couple of examples that
displays the company s lack of social responsibility awareness. Company Q closed a couple of stores
in higher crime rate areas with a claim that the stores are consistently losing money. The issue here is
that closing these stores can create the perception that Company Q does not care about customers in
these areas. In addition, after years of their customers requesting they start offering health conscience
and organic products, the company went ... Show more content on ...
This manager will work with each grocery store within the chain and develop and implement donation
processes that will include an audit process. Each store s manager will be responsible for the
distribution of the donation process and the manager responsible for social responsibility initiatives
will consistently audit this process. I will add that Company Q can also implement an employee
volunteer program where staff can support the food bank or soup kitchens.
The recommendations above will support Company Q in moving away from being a social
responsible inept grocery chain with one that is admired and respected in the community and is an
example of corporate citizenship. As a result, Company Q stakeholders that include the owners,
managers, employees, customers, farmers and distributors will benefit from being a part of a strong
and economically viable grocery
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How Does Keller Demonstrate The Value Of Education
Keller was one not only to teach music, but he taught valuable life lessons to Paul. Paul s teacher is
eager to educate him so he can learn from his experiences and be able to succeed in life and his future
ahead. Keller offers Paul a new method of playing piano. His philosophy is that you must be cruel to
be kind . In this case, Paul must learn to listen well before he begins to play. Keller also becomes a
father figure or mentor to the young Paul. Another lesson taught from his teacher Keller, is arrogance
and humanity. In this regard, Keller wants Paul to have the benefit of his own life experience. Keller
insists that Paul goes back to basics. He has to forget everything he has been taught and learn with
such simple fundamental pieces
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Effects Of A Positive Student-Teacher Relationship
Effects of a Positive Student Teacher Relationship
How does having a positive relationship with a teacher affect the student? Students who portray
positive attitudes and earn more trust from their teachers as a result would pose this question. When I
did my Community Service Learning (CSL) placement at my Elementary/Junior High school for a
past education course, one thing I gained out of this experience was establishing relationships with not
only teachers (ie. visiting former teachers after school and observing clubs I once attended), but also
the students I tutored (namely groups of students from Grades 2 and 9 as well as a second grade class).
Putting this topic in mind, I decided to discuss the research behind the benefit as I reflect through my
experiences with the rapport I built through the perspective of these students (and assuming I took the
role of a teacher). Research shows that this often leads to higher academic achievement and
motivation as well as improved emotional and behavioural strengths and difficulties. (Raufelder,
Scerber, Wood, 2016; Sointu, Savolainen, Lappalainen, Lambert, 2017; Poulou, 2015) Though I find
these effects are true, the research is not entirely representative of my experiences as the experiments
were done in different countries.
Whether the teacher student relationship is positive or negative, this correlate to how this can impact a
student in the long run. According to Raufelder et al. (2016), students who like a
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My Writing Skills Has Effectively Improved
I remember when I first came to the Wilkes University, one of my edifier (?) (Friend, teacher, mother)
told me Don t judge your class in the beginning, judge your class at the end of course . In the
beginning of my classes I was very nervous about how to write an essay. However, I believe my
writing skills has effectively improved. To be honest, English 101 wasn t an easy class for me in the
beginning. College writing is entirely different from high school writing. I always have trouble with
grammar when I write English essays, and it s harder for me to learn and improve my skills in a short
amount of time.
I m a young woman who transferred from China to America and I m not that familiar with how to
utilize English compared to a young woman who s who is from the United States of America. That has
never stopped me from trying and I will never give up. I like challenges and difficult tasks, it tests my
will and helps to achieve the goal I have set for myself. During this sixteenth week, my writing skill
improved dramatically compared to the beginning of the semester. That may not be noticeable to
others, but to me the improvement in my writing skill is very evident.
This course has helped me to understand the difference between college and high school writing.
When I was a high school student, I was very confident about my writing skills. However, since I ve
been attending Wilkes University, things have changed dramatically. The number of skills I need to
understand in
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Heroes Are Not Born Heroes
Hero. According to Webster s New World Dictionary, a hero is defined as any person, male or female,
admired for courage, nobility, etc (Webster s New World Dictionary, hero 1 ). Webster s Pocket
Dictionary, comparably, defines a hero as a person of great courage, spirit, etc., especially one who has
undergone great danger or difficulty (Webster s Pocket Dictionary, hero 3 ). Heroes are not born
heroes. Yes, everyone is born with the ability to become a hero, but in time, they may or may not
become one. In our society, heroes are greatly acclaimed in the media. Whenever some person takes a
bullet for a loved one or save a child from a burning building, there is a huge deal made about it, and
they become known as heroes. But a person does not have to physically save someone s life to be a
hero. A hero can also be someone who simply stands up for what he or she believes. Much like Atticus
Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird, a hero can be someone who knows what is right and does the right
thing, even if he is ridiculed for doing so. Also, whether or not a person is a hero depends on the
perspective of the person. For instance, a little girl may think her father is the greatest man alive, but
her first grade classmate does not think so instead, she thinks her father is a hero. The daughters of the
man who is known for deterring United Airlines Flight 93 on September 11, 2001 definitely think him
a hero, as does his wife and the public ( Wives of Passengers on Flight 93 ).
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Who Is James Harris Irresponsible
James Harris is an irresponsible character because he doesn t do any of his school responsibilities as in
learning and turning in his work, he s also failing all his classes, and above all, because he rather go
home and hang with his older brothers and his brothers friends instead of doing his work.The first
reason why he is an irresponsible character because he doesn t do any of his work. For example he
says, I don t listen to nothing in collins math class. This shows how irresponsible he is for not listening
to the teacher. My example fits in this because how he doesn t listen to the teacher so he fails his class.
James is very irresponsible for all they stuff he has done. Another reason why he is irresponsible is
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Childhood And Sexual Identity Under Slavery Essay
Childhood and Sexual Identity under Slavery With so much going on back in 1850 s, especially the
biggest issue was slavery. We tend to only think that adults were only slaves but forgot that children
who were African American were also slaves too that were being put to work just like their parents.
Anthony S. Parent, Jr. and Susan Brown Wallace both teamed up to collaborate studying the issue of
children and slavery which is the untold story of the children during the times on slavery and their
knowledge of sex. After reading the studies of their work, it was very shocking and surprising that
little attention was brought up among the children during the slavery time. It was devastating to hear
such treatment happening to poor innocent ... Show more content on ...
Having various former slaves narrating their lives and what they went through as kids showed that the
research of this article had real factual evidence to prove the how bad it was for children. With real
former slaves telling the story it clearly showed that there was more to slavery than was taught to us in
the classroom. I personally like the article and that it showed me another point of slavery that made it
wrong. Children who were being used as house pets or as house props were just wrong so they only
grew up knowing how to be basically an obedient dog. Despite the fact that they were usually being
taken cared of inside and fed, they were still being treated no better than a dog in today s times. The
recommended audience for this all ages. The reason being is that everyone should know how harsh
times were like for slaves and how we as a whole nation should never go back to doing these things to
mistreat any human being like that. This comes to show us that how we as humans treated each other
were no better than farmers treating animals. Never should this ever happen again not just to African
Americans but to anyone including children and adults, every human should be free and have the
freedom to have their own mind and be in charge of
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Why Some Smokers Should Consider Switching To E-Cigs
Why Smokers should consider switching to E Cigs
Persuasive Presentation II Planning Report
Nathanial K. Welch
April 4, 2017
Terissa Elwood, SPCH 2713
Monroe s Motivated Sequence Organization Pattern: Template
Nathanial Welch
Presentation Title: Why E Cigs?
Topic: Why smokers should consider switching to E Cigs
Purpose: To persuade the general public to promote and inform smokers of the safer alternative;
electronic cigarettes.
Thesis statement: Trying to stop smoking can be the hardest thing a person can do. Couple that with
the fact that there are 101 ways to stop smoking, those that are not 100% dedicated to quitting can find
this a very daunting task. However, there is one way that can make the path to quitting clearer and
easier. Attention/Introduction
A. ... Show more content on ...
Background: We have all heard it 1,000 times. Smoking is bad for your health. It is one of the worst
things you can voluntarily do to your body. You re probably sitting there thinking to yourself... Great!
I get to listen to another lecture about how bad smoking is. And if you are like me, you have gotten
tired of hearing about it and watching commercials about it. It seems like it never goes away! But...
What are you doing about it?
D. Establish Credibility: I don t smoke. But, I have been around smokers about since I born. A lot of
my immediate family were smokers; my grandparents, and aunts and uncles, many of my friends; and
throughout my life I have constantly been exposed to it. I know from experience the implications that
it not only has on your health, but, also of the health of those around you.
E. Preview statement: Today I m not only going to be outlining a little bit about the age old topic of
smoking, but also a solution to help combat the health concerns with smoking, as well as furthering
the push to abolish smoking altogether.
Transition into Body of Presentation: We all know the facts. We know it causes problems. Then why is
this still an issue?
I. Body
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The Effects Of Digital Distractions On The College Classroom
Digital distractions are affecting the college classroom in many ways. First, let us establish what a
digital distraction is. By definition to be distracted is having one s thoughts or attention drawn away:
unable to concentrate or give attention to something (Distracted). To be digitally distracted is to just
add technology to that. Digital distractions range from texting and driving to checking one s phone
when socializing with other people. These two examples are very noticeable in today s society. People
are being injured and are dying at an alarming rate from compulsively using their smartphones while
driving (Greenfield). People are also losing the social skill required to communicate face to face (The
Negative Impacts of Social Media on Face to Face Interactions). Digital distractions occur continually
in the college setting and affect students in and outside of the classroom. A common, if not the most
common, means of digital distraction is a smartphone. They allow access to the internet and social
media, such as Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. With access to these, students can easily
be distracted from their work in class. When a student is texting, it not only disrupts their learning
experience, but it disrupts others as well. Allowing a student to bring a personal computer into class is
another problem. The student could be working on their class work and taking notes, or they are just
browsing the internet, playing games, checking social media,
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Emile Research Paper
Emile s moral education grounded in nature leads to the cultivation of imagination, which in turn leads
to the transformation of his amour propre. With amour propre one begins to compare themselves to
others and then the desire for attachment is born to provide for the sexual desires. Emile s imagination
allows him to learn from events he sees, which in turn allows him to see himself in the position of
others. By seeing himself as others, Emilie realizes that everyone suffers, not just him, but he also
realizes that he is superior and can help those suffering more than him. Emile s desire for attachment
leads him to Sophie, who allows Emile to transform from what Rousseau refers to as a good man into
a moral man. The goal of Emile s education was to make him fit for society, but not corrupted by
society. Because Emile has been made fit for ... Show more content on ...
Only when Sophie and Emile are together, can either of them be truly moral. By delaying the spark of
imagination, Emile is able to develop his amour propre and fall in love with the idea of his beloved.
The cultivation of Emile s imagination leads to the development of his amour propre, which then leads
to the ability to feel pity, and pity, once generalized to mankind, leads to virtue. The transformation of
Emile into a moral man begins before the marriage of Sophie and Emile, while Emile is away from
Sophie, but the process is completed when Emile follows through on his promise to love Sophie.
The cultivation of Emile s imagination is essential for the development of his amour propre. Rousseau
believes that Emilie should learn from events rather than books. One learns much more from the
conversation with authors than in their books . . . It is the spirit of societies which develops a
thoughtful mind and extends our vision as far as it can go. (Bloom tr., 342). Rousseau believes that
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Van Jones The Economic Injustice Of Plastic Summary
I recently viewed a video on The economic injustice of plastic by Van Jones. The film started off by
talking about the fact that the petrochemical corporations use oil and concentrate it into plastic; which
in turn kills individuals. Van Jones discusses the demise of people who are underprivileged because
they can only manage to pay for the products that are hazardous to them. Additionally, poverty
stricken people also assume the burden to dispose of plastic bottles and containers. Subsequently,
Jones lectures about how when people recycle plastic bottles they wind up on boats that travel to
developing countries; however, most often, China; and in closing stages, the plastic is burned;
releasing poisonous chemicals which are exceedingly
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Introduction to Tourism and Travel
By definition Travel is an activity taken by individual(s) which involves the movement of people from
one point to another for the purpose of personal work, business, and enjoyment.
Tourism can be defined as the set of activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside
their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year and whose main purpose of travel is
other than the exercise of an activity renumerated from within the place visited.
While on the surface travel and tourism mean approximately the same things, they
Represent two completely different ways of approaching a journey. Here are the differences between
travel and tourism, broken down by issues every person must consider when going to a new place.
Travel ... Show more content on ...
Thousands of Brahmins and the common folk thronged Sarnath and Sravasti to be greeted by the
inscrutable smile of the Enlightened One the Buddha
. The invention of money by the Sumerians (Babylonians) and the development of trade beginning
about 4000BC marked the beginnings of the modern era of travel. Not only were the Sumerians the
first to grasp the idea of money and use it in business transactions, but they were also the first to
invent cunning form writing and the wheel, also they should be credited as the founders of the travel
business Five thousand years ago, cruises were organized and conducted from Egypt. Probably the
first journey ever made for purposes of peace and tourism, was made by Queen Hatshepsut to the
lands of Punt in 1480BC. Beginning in 2700BC the pharaohs began to take advantage of the
abundance of good building stone in the Nile valley to build their elaborate burial tombs. The earliest
forms of leisure tourism can be traced as far back as the Babylonian and Egyptian empires. A museum
of historic antiquities was open to the public in the sixth century BC in Babylon, while the Egyptians
held many religious festivals attracting not only the devout, but many who came to see the famous
buildings and works of art in the cities. The local towns accommodated tourists by providing services
such as: vendors of
Food and drink, guides, hawkers of souvenirs, touts and Prostitutes. With such a large number of
tourists some damage did occur, such as
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Backbone Of The Armed Forces
NCO/PO: Who they are, what they do
In chapter one of [NCOs and POs]: Backbone of the Armed Forces : [NCOs/POs]: Who they are and
what they do, the passage illustrates the significances of a Noncommissioned Officer/Petty officers, by
highlighting the key points of their duty and how it affects the Armed Forces from the lower ranks to
higher organizations. The chapter summarizes their entity as influential personnel who are devoted to
their job to ensure that their ranks are trained and proficient. NCOs/POs are those who hold
credibility, loyalty, and expertise; they are the ones who exercise those characteristics to the field and
demonstrate effective leadership to accomplish their mission and nurture their soldiers. To be more
specific, NCOs/POs, are the core essence of the military force (pg. 8). What makes them the core, or
as the book title puts it, the Backbone of the Armed Forces, is the responsibility they hold, which is to
train the enlisted force by developing, preparing, [and] sustaining mission essential tasks. In order to
accomplish this, what all NCOs/POs have in common is their selfless dedication, and uncompromising
integrity (pg. 8). They are the leaders and mentors to their subordinates. In the event that their soldiers
and their families are struggling with any personal or ... Show more content on ...
Because of said characteristics previously mentioned, they are able to keep the coalition of the chain
of command and organization functional and efficiently structured to execute and accomplish the
mission. NCOs/POs tasks are essential to the force due to the many responsibilities they acquire, such
as developing, sustaining, and preparing their superiors and subordinates. The NCOs/POs will take
any actions necessary to ensure and promote a healthy lifestyle, unity, and camaraderie to their
subordinates and seniors; which is key to a successful
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Hunger Short Story
Throughout the novella Hunger by Lan Samantha Chang the reader is provided with different stories
of Chinese immigrant parents and their children and how it is that they all struggle to communicate
due to the different languages that are spoken by each member of the family, whether it be music or an
actual language. Although the hardship to communicate between parent and child is an important
problem to discuss there is a voice that is often left out, the voice of the internal and external struggle
that immigrant parents face. An immigrant parent will be faced with more difficulty to assimilate to
their new environment or in the case of Min they will reject the ideas of assimilation, they create their
own world in which their culture and self s remains intact. This leads me to wonder why else someone
would not wish to assimilate and what obstacles come with rejecting their new environment.
Although it is not explicitly stated throughout the novella Min is reluctant to learn English due to the
fear of losing her culture and herself in the processes. Min s fear of losing herself further emphasizes
the internal struggles that immigrant parents face. Struggles that go unnoticed due to the focus usually
being the offspring and the struggles that they face as a product of immigrant parents. Focusing more
on why an immigrant parent would chose to not learn a language to protect their identity and their
culture, I have asked my parents about their own experiences and feelings
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Piece Of Equipment Essay
I have been asked to design and build a piece of equipment using the available apparatus that follows
the diagram below.
The design we came up with is in the picture below and the reason I came up with this simple design
is because it seemed the easiest in order to do the simple job.
The components we used were
240v main supply
This was simply a lead that came from the house mains and plugged into an adapter that brought the
amps down to 3amp as the circuit wasn t going to need a lot of current to work and then plugged into
the transformer.
I then used a transformer to change the voltage from 240v ac down to 15v ac. The way the transformer
works is that there is current passed through ... Show more content on ...
2 of these pins were used for the coil labelled a1 a2 and the other 6 pins were used for normally open
and normally closed contacts.
Limit Switch
We used 2 limit switches that also stopped the circuit if the yaw point went too far they would push
the limit switch and stop the relays that powered the motor.
The motor we used was a 12v dc motor. This motor moved both clockwise and anticlockwise when
polarity was changed through the way the relays are wired.
When we wired up this circuit and done a few tests on it we found that because it was a dc circuit it
had some voltage drop. We done a calculation to figure out what would be the best size of capacitor
we could put into the circuit in order to smooth it out.
This is the calculation we done.
Capisator size = C=IxT/V
I = Current
T= Time 50hz per second
V= change in voltage
C= 0.5A x 0.02/15
= 667uF
We then placed 1x 470uF and 2x 100uF capacitor in parallel and tested the wave form again and it
showed a more clear and steady wave than before. We then knew we had this problem sorted.
When it came to wiring the circuit, I realised that all we need was 12v to power the relay and motor
but the motor was going far too fast so what I done was put a voltage regulator that changed the
voltage from 15v dc to 5v dc which I then used to power the motor. However, I still used the 12v dc to
power the coil on the relay as if I didn t do this the coil on
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Damages For Lost Profits May Not Be Based On...
Damages for Lost Profits May Not Be Based On Extraterritorial Services Performed by an Infringer s
Customers Under § 271(f).
WesternGeco L.L.C. v. ION Geophysical Corp., No. 2013 1527,2014 1121, 1526, 1528, 2015 U.S.
App. LEXIS 11411 (Fed. Cir. Jul. 2, 2015) (Dyk, J.) (Wallach, J., dissenting). Click Here for a copy of
the opinion.
WesternGeco LLC sued ION Geophysical for infringement of several U.S. patents covering an oil
deposit surveying device. A jury found infringement and no invalidity on all asserted claims and
awarded $93.4 million in lost profits and $12.5 million in reasonable royalties. The lost profits were,
in part, based on the loss of surveying contracts outside of the US. WesternGeco manufactures the
patented device, but does not sell it. Instead, WesternGeco uses it to perform surveys for oil and gas
companies. ION Geophysical, in contrast, sold the patented device to competitors of WesternGeco.
WesternGeco successfully argued that its damages included $90 million of lost profits it would have
earned if it had won surveying contracts that were ultimately awarded to ION s customers for
surveying in international waters.
ION appealed the jury verdict, arguing that WesternGeco was not the owner of the asserted patents,
that the trial court made several errors related to its grant of summary judgment of infringement of one
patent claim, and that lost profits were incorrectly awarded for activities outside the U.S. WesternGeco
appealed the
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The Importance of Two-Parent Rearing
At this point, we all realize that parental figures are fundamental in the sound advancement of kids. As
a parent, my obligation is to verify that my child grows up protected and solid, and to equip him to be
a resource for himself as well as to his group nature s turf. Again and again we fantasize on the
thought of how kids are gathered to be raised straying far from the things that we despised about our
guardians while gaining a few things that we got a handle on worked best. I have this discussion with
my mother constantly what is the right approach to parent? Regardless of what number of network
shows there are or what number of individuals expound on what they accept are their victories as
folks, the reality of the situation is that there is no right or wrong way. You try your hardest with the
expectation that you ve made his or her youth and juvenile encounters ones that help him turn into a
great individual as a mature person. There are numerous concerns you have as a guardian. The one
thing that stresses me most is am I completing a great employment as a single parent?
Having both folks in the house is getting less and less basic as the years pass by. I generally think
about whether this has all the more a negative or positive effect on youngsters inwardly, physically
and cognitively.
Economic challenges
For a mixed bag of reasons recorded somewhere else in this volume, most youngsters living with
single folks are financially burdened. It is troublesome for
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Character Analysis Of The Sniper By Liam OFaherty
The characteristics of the characters in a story is something that makes them who they are and what
you start to learn about them. In The Sniper by Liam O Flaherty, the protagonist shoots and kills the
antagonist. The two characters in the story where, the protagonist which was the narrator (main sniper)
and the antagonist (enemy sniper). The protagonist saves the lives of other because of his his
intelligence, his determination, and his risk taking.
The narrator s intelligence is one of his most important and most noticeable traits.Intelligence is
something that happens in almost every scene in the story. The imagination in your mind will let you
see how it goes out and turns into better. The narrator chose to smoke a cigarette and he lit a flame and
got shot. Draping flat onto the roof he crawled back to the parapet with his left hand he felt insured.
He drew his knife to fix the wound. (213). Here, the narrator, after getting shot, crawls back acting
like there is no pain at all leans up against the parapet (wall on a roof) and gets his knife and cuts his
sleeve off to see the wound and get the bullet out. After he got the bullet out and rapped his cut sleeve
around his arm to slow down the bleeding.The narrator, after getting shot, he came up with a very
good idea. Taking off his cap, he placed it over the muzzle of his rifle. Then pushed his rifle slowly
over the parapet until the cap was visible. (214). Here, the narrator got shot and he wanted to see if the
enemy was
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Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Analysis
Through my observations of the Narcotics Anonymous meeting I believe that my analysis could be
beneficial to the realm of medicine. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014) released a
study that displayed, health care providers wrote 259 million prescriptions for painkillers in 2012,
enough for every American adult to have a bottle of pills. Considering the mass amount of
prescriptions being written nationwide, it is not surprising that one of the members in the NA meeting
I attended was able to easily obtain painkillers from her doctor. The specific interaction I encountered
during the Narcotics Anonymous meeting where the woman described that her addiction was being
supported by the constant prescriptions written by her doctor ... Show more content on ...
The word epidemic itself spreads fear throughout society, however fluctuations in drug use are
considered epidemics, which may not instill fear into the general public. Due to the fact that the CDC
considers opioid overdose as a national epidemic, it may be confused to what this epidemic entails.
This is not saying that the misuse and rising overdoses due to opioid painkillers is not a serious
problem, it just may render the severity of the problem. In addition, because the CDC does consider
the rise of overdoses due to painkillers an epidemic, the access to treatment needs to be more widely
available. Through one of the interactions I had during my time at the NA meeting, I was able to
understand that many people feel as though they do not or did not have access to help. Dan Mangan
(2016), writes, [a] survey released Tuesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation also found that a large
majority of Americans believe that lack of access to care for people suffering from substance abuse is
a problem in the United States. In this, those who work in medicine should take from my supporting
observations and numerous studies that access to recovery programs need to become more widely
available. If the United States is going to consider the use of opioid painkillers as an epidemic, action
needs to be taken to assist addicts and educate the nation on the effects of these
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China River Valley
Agricultural societies dominated China by 5000 BCE everywhere east of the Wei River Valley all the
way to the North China Plain. Millet was grown away from the forrest in areas with enough water and
people domesticated dogs, pigs, and chickens. They still, however, relied on hunting for game and
gathering plants for food. The people lived in groups of one room houses made of earth with clay or
thatch roofs. They knitted fibers with the help of spinning wheels and decorated pottery with art. Since
the Yellow River flooded worse than the Yangze River, farming was much easier in the south. It was
much harder for farmers on the Yellow River because they had to put more time and energy into flood
control and irrigation compared to farmers on the ... Show more content on ...
The people in the area surrounding the Shang civilization were seen as barbaric savages. Because of
this, the emperor, Zhouxin, was waging a war against the tribal people living south east to his empire.
The people he had conquered who lived in the Wei River Valley, called the Zhou, took advantage of
this and started rebellions and overthrew him at the battle of Mu ye in 1045 BCE. The Zhou were
pastoral people who gained alliences with the other tribes who the Shang thought of as barbarians.
When the Zhou came to power, they claimed to be the sons of gods and therefore ruled all the land
and its people. They claimed to have taken the Shang rulers out of heaven by the command of the
supreme god called The Lord on High The Zhou claimed to be representing what the god had planned
for the land they ruled and any opposition to their rule was blasphemous and against god. Since the
land was so vast, Zhou divided his land into regions and gave each allied tribal chief a region to rule.
The region leaders, called lords, had full control over the region and each one had their own army to
use. The title of lord was hereditary and was passed down through generations. This caused a
hierarchy in families to develop with older sons being ranked higher than younger ones. The Lords
also had priest roles and had the power to preform sacrifices to local gods and dictate
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Personal Narrative-When Calls The Heart
This season on When Calls the Heart has been a fantastic time of growth in the community, and many
of the featured new faces have been the children of Hope Valley. Yet again, Hearties were introduced
to a character named Robert who didn t get along with Cody in the beginning, but Miss Thatcher
never gave up on him. With his signature curly hair and spot on facial expressions, we have not been
able to overlook this character nor the boy who has infused him with life, Jaiven Natt. Recently, I had
the opportunity to chat with this 11 year old who has become a delightful part of this weekly Hallmark
What inspired you to become an actor at your age?
I always thought actors had such fun on TV, and it was something I really wanted to do. We happened
to hear about an acting camp, and my mom asked if I wanted to go. Of course I did, and we had to go
to LA for the camp. My mom had a GPS to get us there, but we got lost. We stopped off at a store, and
my mom wasn t sure we should keep going. I said I really wanted to go, and I begged her to keep
going. And then we found the camp, and I had such a great time. My coach at the camp was a real
$$#Break#$$ But after talking with this young man (who honestly has a delectable sense of humor
and is quite grounded, thanks to his tremendous parents), there is no doubt in my mind that he is on
the right course, and he is just the sort of person who will resonate with fans now and in the years to
come. I would say to watch out for this young man as he is on a path that will ultimately bring him
(and us) great joy and fulfillment. Be sure to follow him every step of this magnificent journey as you
watch him on When Calls the Heart every Sunday on the Hallmark channel, and follow him on twitter
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Application Of New Learnings
Phase 3: Application of New Learnings. In Six Ways to Build Trust in Negotiations, Molhotra
preaches the significance of one s reputation. When I had first negotiated with Sam during the Toronto
Condo Activity , my friend Arfeen had told him about how I m a nice person to negotiate with. I did
not think much of that comment then, but when I found out that I would be negotiating with Sam for
the second time during the Summer Interns Activity , I knew that I could use my reputation, and thus,
personal credibility to benefit. In The Necessary Art of Persuasion, Conger claims that one should
always frame their position to find common ground. Providing evidence in the form of data and past
experiences, even the use of personal credibility can be highly beneficial when it comes to persuading
the other party. Having done my readings before the class, I was fortunate enough to be prepared in
advance of my negotiation with Sam. As we had already developed a casual friendship, and I found it
very easy to talk to him. It is important to note that he was unaware of the turning point ; all he knew
was that I was an easy person to negotiate with. My credibility came from our previous interaction
where I acknowledged his interests and was willing to cooperate. Before the negotiation even started,
we both agreed to do the negotiation activity quickly. This helped me articulate my points of interests
in an articulate and concise manner. I told him that I did not want to incur the late
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The Great Gatsby Narrator Analysis
A narrator is a character who recounts the events of a novel. These characters narrate the novel in their
point of view and how they perceive the events that occur. Their narration may be unreliable due to
bias and dishonesty. F. Scott Fitzgerald s, The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, a first person narrator,
tells the story through his point of view and interprets the events and characters in the novel. Nick is
an unreliable narrator because he is biased on his interpretations of the characters and the events that
occur, like Gatsby s death. For example, he speaks negatively of Tom throughout the novel, and
speaks highly of Gatsby due to their relationship. Nick s interpretation of Gatsby s death is seen as
unreliable because Nick s morals change, and he focuses the event on himself.
Nick s interpretations of the characters in the novel are biased due to the relationships he has with
them. Nick describes himself as one of the few honest people that [he has] ever known (Fitzgerald 59).
Nick desperately tries to prove that he is reliable and trustworthy, showing that he is insecure. Early in
the book, Nick shares the piece of advice that his father gave to him when he was younger. He says,
Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone . . . just remember that all the people in this world haven t
had the advantages that you ve had . . . I m inclined to reserve all judgments (1). Nick s desire to be an
authentic narrator, compels people to trust him and his side of the story.
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Neutral Tones Thomas Hardy Analysis
In the poem, Neutral Tones ,by Thomas Hardy, the readers will inquire information from the author
through use of imagery. In the first three stanzas Hardy reminisces about a memory he has with a past
loved one. During the last stanza, Hardy reflects how the relationship shaped him. The speaker is
aggravated mentally by the disappointment of love, believing that things were once beautiful. He is
devastated and frustrated when love perishes and feels deceived by the sweet promises love had to
In the first stanza, Hardy compares his dying relationship to his surroundings. He sets the tone during
this stanza as melancholy and gloomy. The water in the pond represents Hardy s relationship and how
it is not progressing in line 1, We stood by a pond that winter day .... A pond is a small body of water
that rarely has movement just like Hardy s relationship. The sun is described as white in line 2 and is
seemingly deprived from the power to warm and nurture. This intensifies the tone of sadness and
hopelessness. During the third line of the first stanza the leaves that lay on the ... Show more content
on ...
The first line of the third stanza describing her smile contains a disheartening meaning. Usually, a
facial gesture would be associated with happiness and joy; whereas in Neutral Tones the smile is
described as the deadest thing . The cold causality of the gesture serves as reminder to the bitterness of
the poem. This metaphor continues, with the phrase: alive enough to have the strength to die (l.10).
This phrase further enhances the emotional uproar experienced by Hardy, presenting a horrifying
image of something that just has enough energy to die. Based from this line, the speaker had already
known that his lover would deceive him in love; just as her smile that defeats the purpose of joy and
happiness. Hardy gives his readers a sense that he knew the relationship was going to be deceased or
was in the process of
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Us Vs Wong Kim Ark Case Study
Case: United States v. Wong Kim Ark, March 28, 1898
Facts: A man was denied reentry into the United States from China considering the fact that he was
born in the United States. The case involving United States v Wong Kim Ark involved the party, Wong
Kim Ark, Thomas Riordan the lawyer of the Chinese Consulate, and the United States District
Attorney. The dispute of the case was argued that anyone born in United States soil is considered a
United States Citizen despite the nationality of the parents. If born in the United States you are a
citizen. This case entered the Supreme court due to Wong Kim Ark was denied reentry into the United
states after his second visit from China, despite the fact that Wong Kim Ark was born in the United
States ... Show more content on ...
Concurrence 2: (Bancroft): a person that is natural born citizen regardless of geographical
circumstances is afforded and eligible for citizenship, while children of United States (citizens) are not
afforded the same opportunity.
Concurrence 3: (Doolittle): Citizenship is narrowed down to American Indians from citizenship and
tax. Proposal was to add phrase citizenship of born persons of the Unite States to Civil Rights Acts for
all people born in the United States and not to tax.
Dissent 1: Fuller (joined by Harlan)
A. Common law rule was very formal, and Wong Kim was not in question to the jurisdiction because
of his parents. United States has broken its traditional law regarding citizenship.
B. If the decision ruled majority opinion and is correct, then the children of citizens of the who were
born since July 8, 1868 in the United States, when the amendment was approved, then, aliens, except
they have, or will be attaining more, become citizens by naturalization in the United States, and no
statutory provision to the contrary is of any force or
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Essay Writing Process Analysis
Using the four steps in essay writing will help you make your essay a better paper to read (Bethel
University, 2014). By having a point, supportive evidence, organized with specific evidence, and write
sentences clear and free of errors.
Summarize the information you learned about The Four Steps in Essay Writing.
What I have learned in essay writing is first you want to ensure you have a point or thesis (Bethel
University, 2014). This is so you can develop a single idea the readers can understand. You want to
write statements and ensure you that the topic is easy to discuss.
The second step I learned is; while writing, my essay needs to be specific with the evidence (Bethel
University, 2014). Using specific details by putting them in
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Robert E Lee Qualities
Robert E. Lee was a very brilliant and strong military leader. He fought in many wars which he
defeated them and he got defeated also. He was smart on how he fought in the wars. He had to earn
his way up from the bottom all the way up to general. He had fought in the Civil War and in the
Mexican War. He wanted to quit so bad but he never gave up and kept on going. Robert E. Lee was
born in Virginia. He was the fifth child of Henry Lee who had served in the Revolutionary War. He
was a very brilliant military strategist. [He] served as general in chief of the Confederate armies
during the Civil War (Johnson 273). He was loved and respected by his armies and succeeding
generations. His personal qualities show how great his speeches and letters were. [He] was a member
of one of Virginia s finest families and he was [also] ... Show more content on ...
When Lee headed North and started invading he had been checked again at Gettysburg. The assault
was called Pickett s Charge that had a wide spread which cost the South badly. The musket was
replaced by the rifle which made attacks much more hopeless. Lee had failed to notice how well the
effect was. Lee fought again to try and regain power back but could not succeed. President Davis
wanted Lee to become general in chief in the confederate armies. By that time had come around the
Confederates had lost the war. Many people had thought that Lee was to bloody minded for wanting to
keep fighting and keep putting his army on the line. Lee did not want to accept that he had lost. People
say what the mind knows the heart might not except. He was not alone when he was fighting, his crew
was fully ready to fight with him until they ended up having to surrender. After the war was all over he
became president of Washington College. He applied to have his application restored but his
application was [lost] (History Lee had died in 1870 of heart disease. His last
words were strike the
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Australia s Film And Television Industry
Australia s film and television industry has experienced drastic changes since the rise of national
cinema. Leading the world film industry, Australia was home to the first film studio and feature film at
the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906) toured
England from 1908 as the longest film ever made, popularising a new genre of bushranger movies and
epitomising the Ned Kelly legend as a significant aspect in Australian cultural identity (Juddery,
2008). The beginning of Australia s film industry built itself on bushranger films, with the focus being
local audiences rather than foreign, as stated by Judder. However, power struggles within the industry
and banning of the bushranger genre saw to the quick demise of the film industry in 1912. Another
aspect contributing to the demise is the emergence of competition with Britain and the US releasing
two feature films each to Australia s eight, later decreasing to three against the US 212 in 1914. Soon
thereafter, the industry was dominated by foreign productions. This is evidenced in the 1994
documentary Celluloid Heroes, which states that during one week in 1959, 1500 fine dramatic actors
appeared on Melbourne television, and only 5 Australians , resulting in the 1960 Postmaster General
Charles Davidson to implement local content requirements, beginning with TV stations required to
broadcast 40 per cent Australian content every 28 days with four hours in peak time, which was
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Weak Levels Of Consistency And Practice
Dheeraj Reddy Damera
Student ID: 700608828
Weak Levels of Consistency in Practice
The article describes about the SQL standard levels. SQL means the Standard Query Language. In
SQL different types of queries are being involved and different types of operations are being
performed under it. SQL often means the collection of the large number of tables. SQL Create
statement is used for creating the tables. Basically create statement is used for performing any type of
operation. After creating the table only we can perform any type of operation like insert, update and
delete. An example for create statement is create table customer( customer_id int, customer_name
varchar(50), customer_city varchar(50), salary int);. Here under the customer table we have created
four columns. Customer_id is declared as integer, customer_name and customer city is declared as
varchar, salary is declared as integer. After creating the customer table we can insert values into the
table. The values are being inserted using the insert into statement. The values are inserted into the
customer table like this. Insert into customer values( 1001 , dheeraj , hyderabad , 10000 ). Here in the
above example we have inserted the four values into it. That is 1001 value is being inserted into the
customer_id, dheeraj value is being inserted into the customer_name, hyderabad value is being
inserted into the customer_city, and 10000 value is being inserted into the salary.
The other way to insert the
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The Assessment Of The Journals For Week 2 3
The assessment of the journals for week 2 3 that I studied had the following strengths and limitations.
The strengths of the experimental designs are: it has randomized controlled and real life studies. Next,
group populations such as women and minorities were used to test their studies. Third, emphasis was
laid on HIV/AIDS, weight loss, or fat intake. Moreover, the strengths outlined with quasi experimental
designs are a part of the pre test and post test in clinics for women and children nutrition. Furthermore,
the population becomes more responsive to fat reduction if someone takes the initiative. According to
Burger (2009), limitations given in the first journal Would people still obey today? said some
participants, more male ... Show more content on ...
The reminder of this film made me realize that this tactic can cause psychological damage and horror
to the persons subjected to such experiments. Second, according to Hoff, Gregorich, Grinstead (2008),
limitations were generalized only to women attending family clinics. Because of use of clinics in the
trial study, an oversample might have occurred with regard to those whose interests were in female
initiated barrier needs. Third, the accuracy of data might have been compromised by reliance on self
reports (pg. 7). This study of limitations showed that women who used or did not use condoms may or
may not have increased safe sex practices with men. Third, experimental design limitation described
by VanWormer, Martinez, Benson, Crain found that generalization of countries may appear to have
differences in sampling approaches. Next, external validity might affect the internal validity of the
conclusion. Afterward, standardized procedures seem to show some difference between countries that
could not control (10). A sampling of surveys found that social economics and psychological factors
were important factors, but bigger contributions such as age, gender, socioeconomic, and education
levels affected the results significantly depending on certain factors. Finally, Vilarruel, Cherry,
Cabriales, Ronis (2008)
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The Labor Of Migrant And Seasonal Farmworkers
Many economically important field crops in the United States depends on the labor of migrant and
seasonal farmworkers. Over the past years the United States has had the largest population of
immigrants. Of course many of these immigrants are from different places in the world; but the largest
population is from Latin America. Over half of the immigrant population is from Latin America and
almost 40% entered the US in the past decade (Pransky, 2002). Recently many of these immigrate live
and work in the metropolitan area. The ages rang from 18 to 64. Considering the number of
immigrants thriving the health status and needs of immigrants is important. This issue of immigrant
farmworker is not being discussed in day to day basis. Many of these immigrants migrate for work but
find themselves living in poverty, language barriers, working conditions, no health insurance and
etc...Agriculture in the United States highly depends on chemicals like pesticide, growth regulator, and
fertilizer. Every year 1 billion chemical is applied. Considering the amount of chemicals applied
migrate are at a high risk of pesticide exposure since chemicals are in water, soil and plants. Pesticide
exposure means getting pesticides in or on the body. This article will discuss four primary immigrates,
reasons immigrate farm workers work mostly on fields, farm owner s benefits, stress, pesticide
explores, heavy machinery and treatments after being hurt. All of these terms will describe how they
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Dora Maar s Bust Of A Woman
Pablo Picasso s muse of almost ten years, Dora Maar, was depicted many times throughout his
paintings and sculptures (Riding). In his 1941 oil on canvas painting, Bust of a Woman (Dora Maar),
Picasso looked to his muse once again for inspiration. Neither one of Picasso s most famous, nor best
paintings, Bust of a Woman still tells a story of the time and place of a tumultuous artist muse
relationship encapsulated by Picasso s surrealist expression in Nazi occupied France during World
War II. On its face, Bust of a Woman appears secular Dora Maar is not obviously representative of any
sort of entity. However, Picasso did place her on a pedestal for a time and I wonder if he intentionally
back lit her, painting the light around her head and hair to depict a light aura or halo effect (Picasso).
In the top left corner of the room, the diagonal lines look like a spotlight in motion, beaming down
upon her while drawing attention to this somewhat negative space (Picasso). Behind Dora Maar, the
three walls and ceiling are reminiscent of Picasso s earlier cubism spacial ... Show more content on ...
Although I love the throw back to his blue period with the beautiful, swirling lines of her bodice and
the checkered skirt, I do not think that this is the best example of surrealism. Honestly, it seemed like
Picasso was rushed towards the end (I am assuming that her left hand on the right side of the painting
was the last thing that he painted, but I could be wrong). The light is different, the lines along the
outside of the hand are not crisp and it even appears as if the paint is running a bit something that such
a deliberate artist would seem to notice (Picasso). The right hand is nice with the pinkish beige upside
down V formation between the blues of the other fingers that depict strength (Picasso). Maybe he was
trying to make her left hand appear as if it was reaching out towards the viewer, but it still looks too
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Teens Tend Model Suicide Behaviors
As youth grow and continue to develop they tend to engage in suicidal behaviors due to modeling,
according to Insel and Gould (2008) teens tend model suicide behaviors due to exposure in the media,
exposure from other suicidal peers and a cluster of suicides in their general area. A comprehensive
image of risk in young people requires also the consideration of the family s psychopathology and
environmental properties. Young children and teenagers also tend to have under developed pre fontal
cortex in which logic and comprehensive thinking is located, by having an under developed pre fontal
cortex young children and teens tend to process their current mental state from the Amygdala, in
which is known to process emotions and reduces the ability to think logically and rationally. In adult
males that have ended their life due to self harm behaviors can be related to having low testosterone
levels when compared to healthy men without mental health problems (Sher, 2013.) In a recent study
conducted by Jonathon et al (2013) they found that adults that had a shorter brain stem and basal
ganglia represents a biomarker of depression and suggesting dysregulation of the brains serotonin
neurotransmitters revealing symptoms of depression and suicidal behaviors. In later states of adult
hood when dementia, Alzheimer s disease, and amnesia related disorders tend to be a factor to force an
individual to end their own life. When a child or an adolescent commits suicide it leaves many
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Existentialism in Franz Kafka s The Metamorphosis and The...
Existentialism in The Metamorphosis and The Hunger Artist
Existentialism is a philosophy dealing with man s aloneness in the universe. Either there is no God or
else God stands apart from man, leaving him free will to make his own choices. From this basic idea
of man being alone in an uncertain and purposeless world, many related ideas have developed. One
great worry of existentialist writers is that life is becoming too complicated and too impersonal.
People become more and more involved with their work, which is taking them away from their
friends, family, and culture. However, these provide the only meaning that life could possibly have.
One author prominently known for his work with existential ideas was Franz ... Show more content on ...
Kafka also uses the existential idea that man s fate is sometimes beyond man s control. In his stories,
chance or destiny rules man s life. Gregor could not control his metamorphosis, just as he cannot
control his new legs which waved helplessly before his eyes (1). The hunger artist s fate is to die of
starvation, since as he says, I have to fast, I can t help it (8). Gregor dies; the artist dies. Their lack of
control over their fates emphasizes man s helplessness and forlornness, to use Sartre s term.
For both Gregor and the hunger artist, work leads from dehumanization to death. Their deaths
illustrate another theme of existentialist writing: that man, though alone, cannot survive by himself.
He needs to interact as a member of society in order to give meaning to his life. Man needs mankind
in order to be alive. Before his metamorphosis, Gregor was very much a loner. He got up at four every
morning to travel all over the region to sell products, and he didn t have the time or the opportunity to
make lasting friendships. Nor did he really try. In his free time, he read or did artwork, neither of
which required anyone else. Nevertheless, Gregor s employers did not understand that he was trying to
do a good job. They thought that he was trying to cheat the company. His company treated him like a
piece of machinery to be replaced at the first sign
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Stare Decisis Case Study
In this case study, I will explore the concept of stare decisis and wherether it is in exorable command.
I will be explaining what the court means when it say that stare decisis is not an inexorable command .
Also what it would mean for the American system of criminal justice, if stare decisis actually was
inexorable command . Stare Decisis is not an Inexorable Command
It s referring to precedents. Precedents are previous decisions of the court that need to be followed by
courts in the same or lower in the hierarchy. The court must give consideration but there is no rule on
how it should apply it to the facts of the case at hand.
Basically, under the doctrine of stare decisis, the decision of a higher court within the same provincial
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Abdominal Pain
Discuss and differentiate between the causes of acute and chronic abdominal pain in a 20 year old
versus a 50 year old male. Provide a rationale for including the appropriate differential diagnoses in
each age group. Abdominal pain is commonly experienced by individuals along the age continuum
and presents with symptoms that may be vague in nature. A thorough assessment of the patient
including, a history of their symptoms and a physical exam are imperative for a timely diagnosis. The
condition may range from acute to chronic depending on the cause. Abdominal pain ranks second to
chest pain as the most common need for presentation to the emergency department in individuals
ranging from ages 15 and older (Purysko et al., 2011). The presentation ... Show more content on ...
The average onset of this disease is 15 30 years old and presents as chronic abdominal pain with acute
exacerbations and is indicated by CT findings identifying wall thickening and mucosal hyper
enhancement of the terminal ileum and cecum indicating inflammation of the bowels (Purysko et al.,
2011). The disease is chronic in nature and has no cure. It requires management with corticosteroids
for acute episodes and immunomodulators for long term management (Scott Osterman, 2013). Other
chronic causes of abdominal pain in a young male may be gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),
inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), and ulcerative colitis (Greenberger, 2016). Chronic abdominal
pain causes in a 50 year old male may include chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis is the result of
inflammatory in the large duct of the pancreas and can be triggered by the use of alcohol, cigarettes,
and genetic factors (Barganza, Lee, McCloy McMahon, 2011). Other chronic abdominal pain may
consist of hepatitis, pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer which is more common in middle to older
age individuals (Greenberger,
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William Pitt s Influence On British Involvement During...
William Pitt was born in the United Kingdom in 1708 to a distinguished and wealthy family. After
returning from school Pitt joined the military, he was stationed in Northampton during a time of peace.
During this time Pitt was frustrated due to the lack of British involvement in the War of the Polish
Succession. He blamed the current prime minister, Robert Walpole, for Britain s lack of involvement
and this is when Pitt was first starting to develop his harsh ideas on the current British government and
its leaders. However, his military career was redirected when in 1735 Pitt entered parliament. He was
a member of a faction of parliament known as the Patriot Whigs, led by Lord Cobham. Pitt quickly
grew close to Cobham and became a ... Show more content on ...
This gained Pitt a reputation for putting the country s interests over his own. Around 8 years after Pitt
gained the title of paymaster general, Henry Pelham died, leaving the Duke of Newcastle to take over
as PM. After Newcastle s refusal to elect Pitt as the leader of the house of commons, Pitt began
attacking Newcastle, this went on for almost an entire year before Pitt was dismissed from his position
in November 1755. This did not stop Pitt from leading a charge against Newcastle, and with the public
on Pitt s side, Newcastle was eventually forced to resign in 1756. However, after gaining and losing
his power again in 1576 as Secretary of State, Pitt formed a coalition with Newcastle in order to fill a
position of leadership Britain was currently lacking. During this time in his life Pitt showed how he
can influence the public greatly but is also able to compromise if it led to an end goal that was
favorable for him. (Mclynn Pg95 99, Black Ch4) The Seven Years War gave Pitt his opportunity to put
his military strategies to work. His strategy was based around reviving the militia, making the navy
stronger and creating a coherent war policy. In addition, he helped other countries, such as Prussia,
become stronger. This led to Pitt making his allies stronger and his opponents overwhelmed. Pitt s
strategy was extremely successful and led to numerous victories in both North America and Europe.
Unfortunately for
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14 Best Images Of Science Scientific Method Workshe

  • 1. 14 Best Images Of Science Scientific Method Workshe 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 14 Best Images Of Science Scientific Method Workshe 14 Best Images Of Science Scientific Method Workshe
  • 2. Raise The Driving Age To 18 Driving mishaps can happen to anyone, but they happen all too frequently to teenage drivers because of their lacking significant experience behind the recent years, safety experts, elected officials, and public policy experts have focused on strengthening such state laws with the goal of making the roads safer for teens. (Andrews, 2) New laws should be made to keep teens and the road a safer place. The driving age should be raised to 18 to reduce many dangers. The first reason is so we can lower teen deaths. Just a few years ago 2,270 teens died from car accidents, and 221,313 were sent into the emergency room. Not only that but teens were accounted for 11% of the total cost for car accident injuries. This information supports the text because it shows how motor vehicles deadly impact teen lives and how we should raise the age limit to keep themselves and other ... Show more content on ... This will help make teens less distracted on the road. Phones and technology is a big distraction and danger, once they are 18 drivers will be more responsible to stop. The human brain is fully matured at 20 years old, so starting to drive at 18 years old, they will be more mature and responsible which makes them safer. Also, studies have shown that it is impossible to truly multitask . This is important because that means teens are taking most of their attention of the road and putting their attention on the electronics. This is significant because now that teens have switched their attention to other distraction, this dangers other drivers around them. Stopping the unhealthy multitasking can make the road a more trustworthy place. To conclude, raising the driving age will reduce many dangers in teen s life. This will lower teen deaths, decrease obesity, and end certain road distractions. We need to let our legislators know that you support the driving age being raised to 18. This law can safe generations to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Pros And Cons Of Progressive Tax The reason why progressive taxation is considered fairer and why flat taxation policy is avoided is because the people with lower income have lower ability to pay and the major part of their income is spent on necessities, a flat taxation policy would burden them more. Both the taxation policy have their pros and cons. A progressive tax shifts the burden on the people with higher income, it reduces the amount that the people with lower income pay. Because it reduces the burden of tax it results in reduction for the need of subsidies. Meanwhile a flat taxation system reduces the tax burden on people with high income and gives them an opportunity to further increase their investment. Several reasons can be given to justify progressive taxation policy over flat taxation policy. One reason is that those who earn more can afford to pay more, without having to curtail their standard of living or in any way reducing their chances of prospering Also another important justification is that the small businesses find it difficult and struggle more compared to the big ones and hence burdening them with large amount of tax will ... Show more content on ... For example, economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez wrote that decreased progressiveness in US tax policy in the post World War II era has increased income inequality by enabling the wealthy greater access to capital.[14] Conversely, a report published by the OECD in 2008 presented empirical research showing a negative relationship between the progressivity of taxes and economic growth.[15] Describing the research, William McBride, a staff writer with the Tax Foundation, stated that progressivity can undermine investment, risk taking, entrepreneurship, and productivity because high income earners tend to do much of the saving, investing, risk taking, and high productivity ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The God Day And Night According to Scripture, we see a vast gathering around the throne of God serving the Lord day and night (Revelation 7). We also have an enemy that appears before the throne of God day and night. The Bible says in Revelation 12:10 in the King James Version that Satan accuses us day and night, for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night looking for some fault with which to charge us as guilty. Where the angels and the host of heaven come to serve the Lord day and night, Satan comes to accuse us day and night. The Greek definition of the word accuser is a verb (an action word) which means; 1. to accuse a. before a judge: to make an accusation b. of an extra judicial accusation This ... Show more content on ... to arouse, cause to rise a. to arouse from sleep, to awake b. to arouse from the sleep of death, to recall the dead to life c. to cause to rise from a seat or bed etc. d. to raise up, produce, cause to appear 1. to cause to appear, bring before the public 2. to raise up, stir up, against one 3. to raise up i.e. cause to be born 4. of buildings, to raise up, construct, erect There are some interesting things I see here is this prim root definition of accuser which is the Greek word Egeiro. This is a verb where you can see much action taking place. I will take you behind the scenes into the unseen realm and explain what God has revealed to me that this is. Here you have Satan who is aroused from sleep. Something caused him to arise. He was lying down at our feet because of the blood of Jesus in which we have forgiveness of sin, subdued and rendered powerless. For example, when we gave our hearts to the Lord, we confessed our sins and asked God s forgiveness and we were cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. If this is true, how can Satan be aroused again to rise against us? It is simple. When we initially got saved, our sins were cleansed, and we entered the Kingdom of Heaven. Does that mean we will never sin again? No. It means we don t have to be a slave to sin. When we do sin, before or after salvation, the accusations still come. When we pray and confess our sins and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Theranos And Discolmes And The Entrepreneurial Types Of... The entrepreneurial types that best describes Elisabeth Holmes is an innovator and social entrepreneur. She doesn t fall under a single entrepreneur type as I believe she s the following types: The Innovator type, because she s happiest in her lab coat doing what she enjoys in the laboratory and is content to spend her days begin inventive and developing her organisation. For the first 11 years of building Theranos she was a very private person, and has only put herself forward as the face of Theranos so her company can get recognition and grow to a world leader. She not driven by money as she s stated she doesn t even own a television and her days spent between 18 hours of work and the rest asleep, so she measures her success on the success ... Show more content on ... Holmes will only say and this is more than she has ever said before that her company uses the same fundamental chemical methods as existing labs do. Its advances relate to optimizing the chemistry and leveraging software to permit those conventional methods to work with tiny sample volumes. lab on a chip technology, which allows multiple measurements to be taken from tiny amounts of liquid on a single microchip (Loria, 2015). Since the development of this technology in 2003 by Elisabeth Holmes, the organisation has gone on to conduct over 3.5 million tests in Walgreens and the Cleveland Clinics throughout America. They have worked with over 9,000 doctors and over 150 of the tests cost less than $10. They have voluntarily submitting tests to the FDA, even though they didn t need to and opened up to regulators like no lab before. They received their first FDA clearance this summer (Theranos, 2015). Theranos has contributed to both the economy and to society at large by providing employment to hundreds of people, by giving convenient and affordable access to blood analysis and paving the way for how medical diagnostics will be more attainable the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Death Of Socrates Resides The Death of Socrates resides in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is by Jacques Louis David, a French painter from the eighteenth century. This particular piece was done in 1787 about an event that occurred 399 BC. Socrates was faced with a legal decision to renounce his teachings or drink a cup of hemlock, killing himself. Socrates s teachings were hugely influential in Greece at that time and it sparked recognizable change in Athens particularly. Athenian authority saw his revolutionary thought as a threat and because of his teaching he refused to renounce his teaching. Even without this knowing the dramatic story of the great thinker and his demise, David s piece is profoundly striking. The movement and placement of each character as well as the balance of shape and color provide a certain attraction to this piece. Additionally, it provides a great example of the intriguing cross between art and The Academy. David intelligently pays tribute to the height and power of ancient philosophy as well as modern art and this marriage makes for a greatly impactful piece of art. At first impression, the movement and layout are the most arresting part of this piece. Socrates, propped up on his deathbed, appears strong and stoic but at the same time somber and delicate. The anatomic accuracy of Socrates as well as the other characters provides a geometric structure. Whereas the light suspension of the different fabrics in the painting provide a soft fluidity and these two ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Leadership Reflection For Senior Leadership According to the Introduction to Strategic Studies Course Directive, This year presents an opportunity to walk in the shoes of senior leaders making difficult and complex decisions before you begin wearing them upon graduation. From the above sentence I can conclude that, this paper could be the beginning of my journey to wear the higher level leaders shoes. As I am now starting preparation for a future senior leadership assignment, I have to equip myself with the required knowledge and skills in order to act as senior military leader. Therefore, Thomas Galvin outlines four mission specific roles and senior military leaders should also take lessons from history, like from The Gulf War, 1990 1991, . The four roles are, a strategic advisor and communicator, a strategic planner, a strategic theorist, and senior leader at the strategic level. So that this paper will focus mainly on my reflection towards to the first two mission specific roles. Therefore, my choice from the roles are the strategic advisor and communicator, and the strategic planner because working to exercise these roles would have more benefit to jump for the rest two roles. From the case study, I have selected General Collin Powel and General H. Norman Schwarzkopf roles from the case study. In order to link and reflect my future area that should be strengthen. Their roles and experiences are good examples that are helpful as I prepare myself and work enthusiastically in order to strengthen my senior ... Get more on ...
  • 8. A Thematic Analysis Of Jonah And The Big Fish Oluchi Amadi English Bible as Literature Prof. Sonntag 11 03 2015. Jonah and the Big Fish Analysis Notably known as the universality of God s love, the book of Jonah is one of the most captivating short stories and books in the bible. Unlike other historical books that are well known for their collections of oracles, visions and sermons, The book of Jonah mainly focuses on narrative; much like the stories of Samuel and Elijah, it establishes Jonah s relationship with God and God s character and nature. Compared to the other prophets, Jonah is disobedient. After God instructs Jonah to go to Nineveh and tell the people there to resort from their bad ways, Jonah refuses to adhere to God s command. Rather than listening to God, Jonah ... Show more content on ... In numerous points in the story, God refuses to abandon his people, which speaks of his compassion and sympathy. Such example can be seen when Jonah is swallowed by a fish and stays in its belly for three days and three nights. Although he disobeys God, after praying and realizing his mistake, God rescues him from his miseries. He now realizes that God loves everyone, irrespective of their obedience or disobedience. As an article puts it, He is the God who delivers and forgives those who repent, but requires obedience from His ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Questions On Human Genome Project Layan Kojan BIOL 1010 Assignment #3 Option 2 The Human Genome Project Tuesday November 17, 2015 What makes one person differ from the other? Is it physical appearance, personality or mentality? These three factors separate each individual from one another and it is what makes them different. Physical appearance, personality and mentality are made up from the same building blocks which are known as DNA sequences. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), is a self replicating material that is found throughout every living organism. It s a large macromolecule that transforms characteristics into life. DNA is made up two strands that run in opposite directions therefore they are known to be antiparallel. The lagging strand runs in the 5 3 direction while the leading strand run s in the 3 5 direction (International Baccalaureate Organization, 2009). There s a phosphate group attached by a covalent bond to the carbon atom which is covalently attached to a nucleotide base. The two DNA strands are attached to each other by hydrogen bonds. There are two hydrogen bonds found between Thymine and Cytosine and three hydrogen bonds found between Guanine and cytosine (International Baccalaureate Organization, 2009). Many studies have been done in order to gather information about the human DNA. The sequence of base paring in DNA was determined by The Human Genome project (International Baccalaureate Organization, 2009). The whole idea of the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Theme Of Romanticism In The Awakening By Kate Chopin Some of the motives of the book the awakening were music, children, and houses. Music gives us a sense of Edna ideological alignment in relations with the others characters. Edna first learns about the emotive powers of music from Mademoiselle Reisz, whereas Adele Ratignole piano playing is sentimental for Edna. When Adele is playing the piano it stirs new feelings and emotions in her. The children relate to Edna because she sees a form of rebirth as she discovers the world from a child perspective, the side of her childishness is admirable, she becomes self absorbed and she never thinks realistically about the future or the consequences of her actions. Edna and Robert used to have a romantic encounter in that place, it connects with Edna because ... Show more content on ... Audiences accustomed to the pieties of late Victorian romantic fiction were taken aback by Chopin s daring portrayal of a woman trapped in a stifling marriage, who seeks and finds passionate physical love outside the straitened confines of her domestic situation . Kate Chopin. Aside from it, it is unusually frank treatment of a then controversial subject, the novel is widely admired today for its literary qualities. Edmund Wilson characterized it as a work quite uninhibited and beautifully written, which anticipates D. H. Lawrence in its treatment of infidelity. Source Although the theme of marital infidelity no longer shocks, few novels have plumbed the psychology of a woman involved in an illicit relationship with the perception, artistry, and honesty that Kate Chopin used in this book. Edna attempts to find self definition by creating a lifestyle and start to act more like a man. She sees men are allowed to live lives of plenty sexual fulfillment, while not being care for their children s. All this start when Leonce goes to New York and Raoul and Etienne go Iberville to stay with their grandmother. A radiant peace settled upon her when she at last found herself alone. Even when the children went (Chopin 80).Edna feels like she s in peace when she is by herself, alone in the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The First Generation Of Impalas Rolled Off Showroom Floors 13697107 full floor pan lh.html The fourth generation of Impalas rolled off showroom floors from 1965 until 1970, and during those years, the redesigned Impala set a sales record of more than one million cars sold in the United States. You can go to any car show anywhere and find a representative of this generation of Impalas as car collectors still like to show them. When you restore your Impala, you may need to replace worn or rusted body parts like the floor pan. H H Classic has restoration parts for your Impala. The floor pan is an integral part of the body of the Impala. It adds strength to the body, and it protects the interior from outside elements. It is made to help dampen sound, as well. Since it is a ... Show more content on ... This is a full floor length pan for the right hand side of the 1965 through 1970 Impala, Caprice, Bel Air or Biscayne. It has been manufactured by Dynacorn who have been manufacturing replacement sheet metal for classic cars since the 1980s. They also manufacture bright trim and moldings. A new floor pan goes a long way to making your Impala showroom ready. At H H Classic, you will find a large selection and low prices on restoration parts and accessories for your classic Chevy. We also offer fast shipping and easy returns. 13713855 hood hinge lh.html The Tri Five Chevy and GMC trucks were some of the hottest sellers, thanks in part to their car like ride and their big, wide windshield that added a lot of visibility. These trucks are sought after by car enthusiasts today because they make a great addition to car shows and parades. If you are restoring or hotrodding one of these trucks, then you may want to replace old hardware pieces like hood hinges. H H Classic has restoration products for your classic Chevy truck. The hood hinges allow you to open and close the hood on the truck. These are large, heavy hoods, so they need strong hinges. Time can wear these out and elements can ruin them, so if you are looking for a showroom appearance, then replace the old hinges with these new ones. They are a great reproduction steel hood hinge that fits the left side of the 1955 through 1957 ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Nihilism and Existentialism in Cormac McCarthy s The Crossing Nihilism and Existentialism in Cormac McCarthy s The Crossing Cormac McCarthy s second book in The Border Trilogy offers an impressive array of worldviews all competing together in the larger narrative framework of the novel. These are not only expressed through the life of the protagonist Billy Parham and his brother Boyd, but also in the narratives of the many people they encounter on their horseback journeys through the hot desert sands of Mexico. Critic Robert L. Jarrett, associate professor of English at the University of Houston Downtown, suggests the same in Cormac McCarthy, noting that Despite the claims of the ex priest [in The Crossing] that all men s tales are one, such visions or tales are individual, highly ... Show more content on ... In his encyclopedic entry Nihilism, Dr. Alan Pratt, professor of Humanities at Embry Riddle University, points to the passage in Shakespeare s Macbeth when she goes into her soliloquy about the futility of life to demonstrate the stance of the existential nihilist in classic literature: Out, out, brief candle! Life s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more; it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. (Qtd. in Pratt, para. 12.) Other well known motifs that express the existential nihilist s perspective of life include the Greek tale of Sisyphus, first noted by novelist Albert Camus in his 1942 book The Myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus was a cruel king in Corinth who was condemned to spend eternity rolling a huge boulder up a mountain, knowing full well that once he reached the top it would again only come rumbling back down, yet he shouldered his burden again and again, faithfully trudging back up the mountainside in compliance with his fate. For the existential nihilist, the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Est1 Task 1 I am tasked is to evaluate Company Q s current attitude toward social responsibility and recommend three actions that Company Q could take to improve their attitude toward social responsibility. In evaluating Company Q s attitude towards social responsibility there are a couple of examples that displays the company s lack of social responsibility awareness. Company Q closed a couple of stores in higher crime rate areas with a claim that the stores are consistently losing money. The issue here is that closing these stores can create the perception that Company Q does not care about customers in these areas. In addition, after years of their customers requesting they start offering health conscience and organic products, the company went ... Show more content on ... This manager will work with each grocery store within the chain and develop and implement donation processes that will include an audit process. Each store s manager will be responsible for the distribution of the donation process and the manager responsible for social responsibility initiatives will consistently audit this process. I will add that Company Q can also implement an employee volunteer program where staff can support the food bank or soup kitchens. The recommendations above will support Company Q in moving away from being a social responsible inept grocery chain with one that is admired and respected in the community and is an example of corporate citizenship. As a result, Company Q stakeholders that include the owners, managers, employees, customers, farmers and distributors will benefit from being a part of a strong and economically viable grocery ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How Does Keller Demonstrate The Value Of Education Keller was one not only to teach music, but he taught valuable life lessons to Paul. Paul s teacher is eager to educate him so he can learn from his experiences and be able to succeed in life and his future ahead. Keller offers Paul a new method of playing piano. His philosophy is that you must be cruel to be kind . In this case, Paul must learn to listen well before he begins to play. Keller also becomes a father figure or mentor to the young Paul. Another lesson taught from his teacher Keller, is arrogance and humanity. In this regard, Keller wants Paul to have the benefit of his own life experience. Keller insists that Paul goes back to basics. He has to forget everything he has been taught and learn with such simple fundamental pieces ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Effects Of A Positive Student-Teacher Relationship Effects of a Positive Student Teacher Relationship How does having a positive relationship with a teacher affect the student? Students who portray positive attitudes and earn more trust from their teachers as a result would pose this question. When I did my Community Service Learning (CSL) placement at my Elementary/Junior High school for a past education course, one thing I gained out of this experience was establishing relationships with not only teachers (ie. visiting former teachers after school and observing clubs I once attended), but also the students I tutored (namely groups of students from Grades 2 and 9 as well as a second grade class). Putting this topic in mind, I decided to discuss the research behind the benefit as I reflect through my experiences with the rapport I built through the perspective of these students (and assuming I took the role of a teacher). Research shows that this often leads to higher academic achievement and motivation as well as improved emotional and behavioural strengths and difficulties. (Raufelder, Scerber, Wood, 2016; Sointu, Savolainen, Lappalainen, Lambert, 2017; Poulou, 2015) Though I find these effects are true, the research is not entirely representative of my experiences as the experiments were done in different countries. Motivation Whether the teacher student relationship is positive or negative, this correlate to how this can impact a student in the long run. According to Raufelder et al. (2016), students who like a ... Get more on ...
  • 16. My Writing Skills Has Effectively Improved I remember when I first came to the Wilkes University, one of my edifier (?) (Friend, teacher, mother) told me Don t judge your class in the beginning, judge your class at the end of course . In the beginning of my classes I was very nervous about how to write an essay. However, I believe my writing skills has effectively improved. To be honest, English 101 wasn t an easy class for me in the beginning. College writing is entirely different from high school writing. I always have trouble with grammar when I write English essays, and it s harder for me to learn and improve my skills in a short amount of time. I m a young woman who transferred from China to America and I m not that familiar with how to utilize English compared to a young woman who s who is from the United States of America. That has never stopped me from trying and I will never give up. I like challenges and difficult tasks, it tests my will and helps to achieve the goal I have set for myself. During this sixteenth week, my writing skill improved dramatically compared to the beginning of the semester. That may not be noticeable to others, but to me the improvement in my writing skill is very evident. This course has helped me to understand the difference between college and high school writing. When I was a high school student, I was very confident about my writing skills. However, since I ve been attending Wilkes University, things have changed dramatically. The number of skills I need to understand in ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Heroes Are Not Born Heroes Hero. According to Webster s New World Dictionary, a hero is defined as any person, male or female, admired for courage, nobility, etc (Webster s New World Dictionary, hero 1 ). Webster s Pocket Dictionary, comparably, defines a hero as a person of great courage, spirit, etc., especially one who has undergone great danger or difficulty (Webster s Pocket Dictionary, hero 3 ). Heroes are not born heroes. Yes, everyone is born with the ability to become a hero, but in time, they may or may not become one. In our society, heroes are greatly acclaimed in the media. Whenever some person takes a bullet for a loved one or save a child from a burning building, there is a huge deal made about it, and they become known as heroes. But a person does not have to physically save someone s life to be a hero. A hero can also be someone who simply stands up for what he or she believes. Much like Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird, a hero can be someone who knows what is right and does the right thing, even if he is ridiculed for doing so. Also, whether or not a person is a hero depends on the perspective of the person. For instance, a little girl may think her father is the greatest man alive, but her first grade classmate does not think so instead, she thinks her father is a hero. The daughters of the man who is known for deterring United Airlines Flight 93 on September 11, 2001 definitely think him a hero, as does his wife and the public ( Wives of Passengers on Flight 93 ). ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Who Is James Harris Irresponsible James Harris is an irresponsible character because he doesn t do any of his school responsibilities as in learning and turning in his work, he s also failing all his classes, and above all, because he rather go home and hang with his older brothers and his brothers friends instead of doing his work.The first reason why he is an irresponsible character because he doesn t do any of his work. For example he says, I don t listen to nothing in collins math class. This shows how irresponsible he is for not listening to the teacher. My example fits in this because how he doesn t listen to the teacher so he fails his class. James is very irresponsible for all they stuff he has done. Another reason why he is irresponsible is ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Childhood And Sexual Identity Under Slavery Essay Childhood and Sexual Identity under Slavery With so much going on back in 1850 s, especially the biggest issue was slavery. We tend to only think that adults were only slaves but forgot that children who were African American were also slaves too that were being put to work just like their parents. Anthony S. Parent, Jr. and Susan Brown Wallace both teamed up to collaborate studying the issue of children and slavery which is the untold story of the children during the times on slavery and their knowledge of sex. After reading the studies of their work, it was very shocking and surprising that little attention was brought up among the children during the slavery time. It was devastating to hear such treatment happening to poor innocent ... Show more content on ... Having various former slaves narrating their lives and what they went through as kids showed that the research of this article had real factual evidence to prove the how bad it was for children. With real former slaves telling the story it clearly showed that there was more to slavery than was taught to us in the classroom. I personally like the article and that it showed me another point of slavery that made it wrong. Children who were being used as house pets or as house props were just wrong so they only grew up knowing how to be basically an obedient dog. Despite the fact that they were usually being taken cared of inside and fed, they were still being treated no better than a dog in today s times. The recommended audience for this all ages. The reason being is that everyone should know how harsh times were like for slaves and how we as a whole nation should never go back to doing these things to mistreat any human being like that. This comes to show us that how we as humans treated each other were no better than farmers treating animals. Never should this ever happen again not just to African Americans but to anyone including children and adults, every human should be free and have the freedom to have their own mind and be in charge of ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Why Some Smokers Should Consider Switching To E-Cigs Why Smokers should consider switching to E Cigs Persuasive Presentation II Planning Report Nathanial K. Welch April 4, 2017 Terissa Elwood, SPCH 2713 Monroe s Motivated Sequence Organization Pattern: Template Nathanial Welch Presentation Title: Why E Cigs? Topic: Why smokers should consider switching to E Cigs Purpose: To persuade the general public to promote and inform smokers of the safer alternative; electronic cigarettes. Thesis statement: Trying to stop smoking can be the hardest thing a person can do. Couple that with the fact that there are 101 ways to stop smoking, those that are not 100% dedicated to quitting can find this a very daunting task. However, there is one way that can make the path to quitting clearer and easier. Attention/Introduction A. ... Show more content on ... Background: We have all heard it 1,000 times. Smoking is bad for your health. It is one of the worst things you can voluntarily do to your body. You re probably sitting there thinking to yourself... Great! I get to listen to another lecture about how bad smoking is. And if you are like me, you have gotten tired of hearing about it and watching commercials about it. It seems like it never goes away! But... What are you doing about it? D. Establish Credibility: I don t smoke. But, I have been around smokers about since I born. A lot of my immediate family were smokers; my grandparents, and aunts and uncles, many of my friends; and throughout my life I have constantly been exposed to it. I know from experience the implications that it not only has on your health, but, also of the health of those around you. E. Preview statement: Today I m not only going to be outlining a little bit about the age old topic of smoking, but also a solution to help combat the health concerns with smoking, as well as furthering the push to abolish smoking altogether. Transition into Body of Presentation: We all know the facts. We know it causes problems. Then why is this still an issue? I. Body A. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Effects Of Digital Distractions On The College Classroom Digital distractions are affecting the college classroom in many ways. First, let us establish what a digital distraction is. By definition to be distracted is having one s thoughts or attention drawn away: unable to concentrate or give attention to something (Distracted). To be digitally distracted is to just add technology to that. Digital distractions range from texting and driving to checking one s phone when socializing with other people. These two examples are very noticeable in today s society. People are being injured and are dying at an alarming rate from compulsively using their smartphones while driving (Greenfield). People are also losing the social skill required to communicate face to face (The Negative Impacts of Social Media on Face to Face Interactions). Digital distractions occur continually in the college setting and affect students in and outside of the classroom. A common, if not the most common, means of digital distraction is a smartphone. They allow access to the internet and social media, such as Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. With access to these, students can easily be distracted from their work in class. When a student is texting, it not only disrupts their learning experience, but it disrupts others as well. Allowing a student to bring a personal computer into class is another problem. The student could be working on their class work and taking notes, or they are just browsing the internet, playing games, checking social media, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Emile Research Paper Emile s moral education grounded in nature leads to the cultivation of imagination, which in turn leads to the transformation of his amour propre. With amour propre one begins to compare themselves to others and then the desire for attachment is born to provide for the sexual desires. Emile s imagination allows him to learn from events he sees, which in turn allows him to see himself in the position of others. By seeing himself as others, Emilie realizes that everyone suffers, not just him, but he also realizes that he is superior and can help those suffering more than him. Emile s desire for attachment leads him to Sophie, who allows Emile to transform from what Rousseau refers to as a good man into a moral man. The goal of Emile s education was to make him fit for society, but not corrupted by society. Because Emile has been made fit for ... Show more content on ... Only when Sophie and Emile are together, can either of them be truly moral. By delaying the spark of imagination, Emile is able to develop his amour propre and fall in love with the idea of his beloved. The cultivation of Emile s imagination leads to the development of his amour propre, which then leads to the ability to feel pity, and pity, once generalized to mankind, leads to virtue. The transformation of Emile into a moral man begins before the marriage of Sophie and Emile, while Emile is away from Sophie, but the process is completed when Emile follows through on his promise to love Sophie. The cultivation of Emile s imagination is essential for the development of his amour propre. Rousseau believes that Emilie should learn from events rather than books. One learns much more from the conversation with authors than in their books . . . It is the spirit of societies which develops a thoughtful mind and extends our vision as far as it can go. (Bloom tr., 342). Rousseau believes that ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Van Jones The Economic Injustice Of Plastic Summary I recently viewed a video on The economic injustice of plastic by Van Jones. The film started off by talking about the fact that the petrochemical corporations use oil and concentrate it into plastic; which in turn kills individuals. Van Jones discusses the demise of people who are underprivileged because they can only manage to pay for the products that are hazardous to them. Additionally, poverty stricken people also assume the burden to dispose of plastic bottles and containers. Subsequently, Jones lectures about how when people recycle plastic bottles they wind up on boats that travel to developing countries; however, most often, China; and in closing stages, the plastic is burned; releasing poisonous chemicals which are exceedingly ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Introduction to Tourism and Travel By definition Travel is an activity taken by individual(s) which involves the movement of people from one point to another for the purpose of personal work, business, and enjoyment. Tourism can be defined as the set of activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year and whose main purpose of travel is other than the exercise of an activity renumerated from within the place visited. While on the surface travel and tourism mean approximately the same things, they Represent two completely different ways of approaching a journey. Here are the differences between travel and tourism, broken down by issues every person must consider when going to a new place. Travel ... Show more content on ... Thousands of Brahmins and the common folk thronged Sarnath and Sravasti to be greeted by the inscrutable smile of the Enlightened One the Buddha . The invention of money by the Sumerians (Babylonians) and the development of trade beginning about 4000BC marked the beginnings of the modern era of travel. Not only were the Sumerians the first to grasp the idea of money and use it in business transactions, but they were also the first to invent cunning form writing and the wheel, also they should be credited as the founders of the travel business Five thousand years ago, cruises were organized and conducted from Egypt. Probably the first journey ever made for purposes of peace and tourism, was made by Queen Hatshepsut to the lands of Punt in 1480BC. Beginning in 2700BC the pharaohs began to take advantage of the abundance of good building stone in the Nile valley to build their elaborate burial tombs. The earliest forms of leisure tourism can be traced as far back as the Babylonian and Egyptian empires. A museum of historic antiquities was open to the public in the sixth century BC in Babylon, while the Egyptians held many religious festivals attracting not only the devout, but many who came to see the famous buildings and works of art in the cities. The local towns accommodated tourists by providing services such as: vendors of Food and drink, guides, hawkers of souvenirs, touts and Prostitutes. With such a large number of tourists some damage did occur, such as ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Backbone Of The Armed Forces NCO/PO: Who they are, what they do In chapter one of [NCOs and POs]: Backbone of the Armed Forces : [NCOs/POs]: Who they are and what they do, the passage illustrates the significances of a Noncommissioned Officer/Petty officers, by highlighting the key points of their duty and how it affects the Armed Forces from the lower ranks to higher organizations. The chapter summarizes their entity as influential personnel who are devoted to their job to ensure that their ranks are trained and proficient. NCOs/POs are those who hold credibility, loyalty, and expertise; they are the ones who exercise those characteristics to the field and demonstrate effective leadership to accomplish their mission and nurture their soldiers. To be more specific, NCOs/POs, are the core essence of the military force (pg. 8). What makes them the core, or as the book title puts it, the Backbone of the Armed Forces, is the responsibility they hold, which is to train the enlisted force by developing, preparing, [and] sustaining mission essential tasks. In order to accomplish this, what all NCOs/POs have in common is their selfless dedication, and uncompromising integrity (pg. 8). They are the leaders and mentors to their subordinates. In the event that their soldiers and their families are struggling with any personal or ... Show more content on ... Because of said characteristics previously mentioned, they are able to keep the coalition of the chain of command and organization functional and efficiently structured to execute and accomplish the mission. NCOs/POs tasks are essential to the force due to the many responsibilities they acquire, such as developing, sustaining, and preparing their superiors and subordinates. The NCOs/POs will take any actions necessary to ensure and promote a healthy lifestyle, unity, and camaraderie to their subordinates and seniors; which is key to a successful ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Hunger Short Story Throughout the novella Hunger by Lan Samantha Chang the reader is provided with different stories of Chinese immigrant parents and their children and how it is that they all struggle to communicate due to the different languages that are spoken by each member of the family, whether it be music or an actual language. Although the hardship to communicate between parent and child is an important problem to discuss there is a voice that is often left out, the voice of the internal and external struggle that immigrant parents face. An immigrant parent will be faced with more difficulty to assimilate to their new environment or in the case of Min they will reject the ideas of assimilation, they create their own world in which their culture and self s remains intact. This leads me to wonder why else someone would not wish to assimilate and what obstacles come with rejecting their new environment. Although it is not explicitly stated throughout the novella Min is reluctant to learn English due to the fear of losing her culture and herself in the processes. Min s fear of losing herself further emphasizes the internal struggles that immigrant parents face. Struggles that go unnoticed due to the focus usually being the offspring and the struggles that they face as a product of immigrant parents. Focusing more on why an immigrant parent would chose to not learn a language to protect their identity and their culture, I have asked my parents about their own experiences and feelings ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Piece Of Equipment Essay Introduction I have been asked to design and build a piece of equipment using the available apparatus that follows the diagram below. The design we came up with is in the picture below and the reason I came up with this simple design is because it seemed the easiest in order to do the simple job. The components we used were 240v main supply This was simply a lead that came from the house mains and plugged into an adapter that brought the amps down to 3amp as the circuit wasn t going to need a lot of current to work and then plugged into the transformer. Transformer I then used a transformer to change the voltage from 240v ac down to 15v ac. The way the transformer works is that there is current passed through ... Show more content on ... 2 of these pins were used for the coil labelled a1 a2 and the other 6 pins were used for normally open and normally closed contacts. Limit Switch We used 2 limit switches that also stopped the circuit if the yaw point went too far they would push the limit switch and stop the relays that powered the motor. Motor The motor we used was a 12v dc motor. This motor moved both clockwise and anticlockwise when polarity was changed through the way the relays are wired. When we wired up this circuit and done a few tests on it we found that because it was a dc circuit it had some voltage drop. We done a calculation to figure out what would be the best size of capacitor we could put into the circuit in order to smooth it out. This is the calculation we done. Capisator size = C=IxT/V I = Current T= Time 50hz per second V= change in voltage C= 0.5A x 0.02/15 =0.5x0.001333 =0.0006F
  • 28. = 667uF We then placed 1x 470uF and 2x 100uF capacitor in parallel and tested the wave form again and it showed a more clear and steady wave than before. We then knew we had this problem sorted. When it came to wiring the circuit, I realised that all we need was 12v to power the relay and motor but the motor was going far too fast so what I done was put a voltage regulator that changed the voltage from 15v dc to 5v dc which I then used to power the motor. However, I still used the 12v dc to power the coil on the relay as if I didn t do this the coil on ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Damages For Lost Profits May Not Be Based On... Damages for Lost Profits May Not Be Based On Extraterritorial Services Performed by an Infringer s Customers Under § 271(f). WesternGeco L.L.C. v. ION Geophysical Corp., No. 2013 1527,2014 1121, 1526, 1528, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 11411 (Fed. Cir. Jul. 2, 2015) (Dyk, J.) (Wallach, J., dissenting). Click Here for a copy of the opinion. WesternGeco LLC sued ION Geophysical for infringement of several U.S. patents covering an oil deposit surveying device. A jury found infringement and no invalidity on all asserted claims and awarded $93.4 million in lost profits and $12.5 million in reasonable royalties. The lost profits were, in part, based on the loss of surveying contracts outside of the US. WesternGeco manufactures the patented device, but does not sell it. Instead, WesternGeco uses it to perform surveys for oil and gas companies. ION Geophysical, in contrast, sold the patented device to competitors of WesternGeco. WesternGeco successfully argued that its damages included $90 million of lost profits it would have earned if it had won surveying contracts that were ultimately awarded to ION s customers for surveying in international waters. ION appealed the jury verdict, arguing that WesternGeco was not the owner of the asserted patents, that the trial court made several errors related to its grant of summary judgment of infringement of one patent claim, and that lost profits were incorrectly awarded for activities outside the U.S. WesternGeco appealed the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Importance of Two-Parent Rearing At this point, we all realize that parental figures are fundamental in the sound advancement of kids. As a parent, my obligation is to verify that my child grows up protected and solid, and to equip him to be a resource for himself as well as to his group nature s turf. Again and again we fantasize on the thought of how kids are gathered to be raised straying far from the things that we despised about our guardians while gaining a few things that we got a handle on worked best. I have this discussion with my mother constantly what is the right approach to parent? Regardless of what number of network shows there are or what number of individuals expound on what they accept are their victories as folks, the reality of the situation is that there is no right or wrong way. You try your hardest with the expectation that you ve made his or her youth and juvenile encounters ones that help him turn into a great individual as a mature person. There are numerous concerns you have as a guardian. The one thing that stresses me most is am I completing a great employment as a single parent? Having both folks in the house is getting less and less basic as the years pass by. I generally think about whether this has all the more a negative or positive effect on youngsters inwardly, physically and cognitively. Economic challenges For a mixed bag of reasons recorded somewhere else in this volume, most youngsters living with single folks are financially burdened. It is troublesome for ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Character Analysis Of The Sniper By Liam OFaherty The characteristics of the characters in a story is something that makes them who they are and what you start to learn about them. In The Sniper by Liam O Flaherty, the protagonist shoots and kills the antagonist. The two characters in the story where, the protagonist which was the narrator (main sniper) and the antagonist (enemy sniper). The protagonist saves the lives of other because of his his intelligence, his determination, and his risk taking. The narrator s intelligence is one of his most important and most noticeable traits.Intelligence is something that happens in almost every scene in the story. The imagination in your mind will let you see how it goes out and turns into better. The narrator chose to smoke a cigarette and he lit a flame and got shot. Draping flat onto the roof he crawled back to the parapet with his left hand he felt insured. He drew his knife to fix the wound. (213). Here, the narrator, after getting shot, crawls back acting like there is no pain at all leans up against the parapet (wall on a roof) and gets his knife and cuts his sleeve off to see the wound and get the bullet out. After he got the bullet out and rapped his cut sleeve around his arm to slow down the bleeding.The narrator, after getting shot, he came up with a very good idea. Taking off his cap, he placed it over the muzzle of his rifle. Then pushed his rifle slowly over the parapet until the cap was visible. (214). Here, the narrator got shot and he wanted to see if the enemy was ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Analysis Through my observations of the Narcotics Anonymous meeting I believe that my analysis could be beneficial to the realm of medicine. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014) released a study that displayed, health care providers wrote 259 million prescriptions for painkillers in 2012, enough for every American adult to have a bottle of pills. Considering the mass amount of prescriptions being written nationwide, it is not surprising that one of the members in the NA meeting I attended was able to easily obtain painkillers from her doctor. The specific interaction I encountered during the Narcotics Anonymous meeting where the woman described that her addiction was being supported by the constant prescriptions written by her doctor ... Show more content on ... The word epidemic itself spreads fear throughout society, however fluctuations in drug use are considered epidemics, which may not instill fear into the general public. Due to the fact that the CDC considers opioid overdose as a national epidemic, it may be confused to what this epidemic entails. This is not saying that the misuse and rising overdoses due to opioid painkillers is not a serious problem, it just may render the severity of the problem. In addition, because the CDC does consider the rise of overdoses due to painkillers an epidemic, the access to treatment needs to be more widely available. Through one of the interactions I had during my time at the NA meeting, I was able to understand that many people feel as though they do not or did not have access to help. Dan Mangan (2016), writes, [a] survey released Tuesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation also found that a large majority of Americans believe that lack of access to care for people suffering from substance abuse is a problem in the United States. In this, those who work in medicine should take from my supporting observations and numerous studies that access to recovery programs need to become more widely available. If the United States is going to consider the use of opioid painkillers as an epidemic, action needs to be taken to assist addicts and educate the nation on the effects of these ... Get more on ...
  • 33. China River Valley Agricultural societies dominated China by 5000 BCE everywhere east of the Wei River Valley all the way to the North China Plain. Millet was grown away from the forrest in areas with enough water and people domesticated dogs, pigs, and chickens. They still, however, relied on hunting for game and gathering plants for food. The people lived in groups of one room houses made of earth with clay or thatch roofs. They knitted fibers with the help of spinning wheels and decorated pottery with art. Since the Yellow River flooded worse than the Yangze River, farming was much easier in the south. It was much harder for farmers on the Yellow River because they had to put more time and energy into flood control and irrigation compared to farmers on the ... Show more content on ... The people in the area surrounding the Shang civilization were seen as barbaric savages. Because of this, the emperor, Zhouxin, was waging a war against the tribal people living south east to his empire. The people he had conquered who lived in the Wei River Valley, called the Zhou, took advantage of this and started rebellions and overthrew him at the battle of Mu ye in 1045 BCE. The Zhou were pastoral people who gained alliences with the other tribes who the Shang thought of as barbarians. When the Zhou came to power, they claimed to be the sons of gods and therefore ruled all the land and its people. They claimed to have taken the Shang rulers out of heaven by the command of the supreme god called The Lord on High The Zhou claimed to be representing what the god had planned for the land they ruled and any opposition to their rule was blasphemous and against god. Since the land was so vast, Zhou divided his land into regions and gave each allied tribal chief a region to rule. The region leaders, called lords, had full control over the region and each one had their own army to use. The title of lord was hereditary and was passed down through generations. This caused a hierarchy in families to develop with older sons being ranked higher than younger ones. The Lords also had priest roles and had the power to preform sacrifices to local gods and dictate ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Personal Narrative-When Calls The Heart This season on When Calls the Heart has been a fantastic time of growth in the community, and many of the featured new faces have been the children of Hope Valley. Yet again, Hearties were introduced to a character named Robert who didn t get along with Cody in the beginning, but Miss Thatcher never gave up on him. With his signature curly hair and spot on facial expressions, we have not been able to overlook this character nor the boy who has infused him with life, Jaiven Natt. Recently, I had the opportunity to chat with this 11 year old who has become a delightful part of this weekly Hallmark escape. What inspired you to become an actor at your age? I always thought actors had such fun on TV, and it was something I really wanted to do. We happened to hear about an acting camp, and my mom asked if I wanted to go. Of course I did, and we had to go to LA for the camp. My mom had a GPS to get us there, but we got lost. We stopped off at a store, and my mom wasn t sure we should keep going. I said I really wanted to go, and I begged her to keep going. And then we found the camp, and I had such a great time. My coach at the camp was a real $$#Break#$$ But after talking with this young man (who honestly has a delectable sense of humor and is quite grounded, thanks to his tremendous parents), there is no doubt in my mind that he is on the right course, and he is just the sort of person who will resonate with fans now and in the years to come. I would say to watch out for this young man as he is on a path that will ultimately bring him (and us) great joy and fulfillment. Be sure to follow him every step of this magnificent journey as you watch him on When Calls the Heart every Sunday on the Hallmark channel, and follow him on twitter ( ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Application Of New Learnings Phase 3: Application of New Learnings. In Six Ways to Build Trust in Negotiations, Molhotra preaches the significance of one s reputation. When I had first negotiated with Sam during the Toronto Condo Activity , my friend Arfeen had told him about how I m a nice person to negotiate with. I did not think much of that comment then, but when I found out that I would be negotiating with Sam for the second time during the Summer Interns Activity , I knew that I could use my reputation, and thus, personal credibility to benefit. In The Necessary Art of Persuasion, Conger claims that one should always frame their position to find common ground. Providing evidence in the form of data and past experiences, even the use of personal credibility can be highly beneficial when it comes to persuading the other party. Having done my readings before the class, I was fortunate enough to be prepared in advance of my negotiation with Sam. As we had already developed a casual friendship, and I found it very easy to talk to him. It is important to note that he was unaware of the turning point ; all he knew was that I was an easy person to negotiate with. My credibility came from our previous interaction where I acknowledged his interests and was willing to cooperate. Before the negotiation even started, we both agreed to do the negotiation activity quickly. This helped me articulate my points of interests in an articulate and concise manner. I told him that I did not want to incur the late ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Great Gatsby Narrator Analysis A narrator is a character who recounts the events of a novel. These characters narrate the novel in their point of view and how they perceive the events that occur. Their narration may be unreliable due to bias and dishonesty. F. Scott Fitzgerald s, The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, a first person narrator, tells the story through his point of view and interprets the events and characters in the novel. Nick is an unreliable narrator because he is biased on his interpretations of the characters and the events that occur, like Gatsby s death. For example, he speaks negatively of Tom throughout the novel, and speaks highly of Gatsby due to their relationship. Nick s interpretation of Gatsby s death is seen as unreliable because Nick s morals change, and he focuses the event on himself. Nick s interpretations of the characters in the novel are biased due to the relationships he has with them. Nick describes himself as one of the few honest people that [he has] ever known (Fitzgerald 59). Nick desperately tries to prove that he is reliable and trustworthy, showing that he is insecure. Early in the book, Nick shares the piece of advice that his father gave to him when he was younger. He says, Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone . . . just remember that all the people in this world haven t had the advantages that you ve had . . . I m inclined to reserve all judgments (1). Nick s desire to be an authentic narrator, compels people to trust him and his side of the story. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Neutral Tones Thomas Hardy Analysis In the poem, Neutral Tones ,by Thomas Hardy, the readers will inquire information from the author through use of imagery. In the first three stanzas Hardy reminisces about a memory he has with a past loved one. During the last stanza, Hardy reflects how the relationship shaped him. The speaker is aggravated mentally by the disappointment of love, believing that things were once beautiful. He is devastated and frustrated when love perishes and feels deceived by the sweet promises love had to offer. In the first stanza, Hardy compares his dying relationship to his surroundings. He sets the tone during this stanza as melancholy and gloomy. The water in the pond represents Hardy s relationship and how it is not progressing in line 1, We stood by a pond that winter day .... A pond is a small body of water that rarely has movement just like Hardy s relationship. The sun is described as white in line 2 and is seemingly deprived from the power to warm and nurture. This intensifies the tone of sadness and hopelessness. During the third line of the first stanza the leaves that lay on the ... Show more content on ... The first line of the third stanza describing her smile contains a disheartening meaning. Usually, a facial gesture would be associated with happiness and joy; whereas in Neutral Tones the smile is described as the deadest thing . The cold causality of the gesture serves as reminder to the bitterness of the poem. This metaphor continues, with the phrase: alive enough to have the strength to die (l.10). This phrase further enhances the emotional uproar experienced by Hardy, presenting a horrifying image of something that just has enough energy to die. Based from this line, the speaker had already known that his lover would deceive him in love; just as her smile that defeats the purpose of joy and happiness. Hardy gives his readers a sense that he knew the relationship was going to be deceased or was in the process of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Us Vs Wong Kim Ark Case Study Case: United States v. Wong Kim Ark, March 28, 1898 Facts: A man was denied reentry into the United States from China considering the fact that he was born in the United States. The case involving United States v Wong Kim Ark involved the party, Wong Kim Ark, Thomas Riordan the lawyer of the Chinese Consulate, and the United States District Attorney. The dispute of the case was argued that anyone born in United States soil is considered a United States Citizen despite the nationality of the parents. If born in the United States you are a citizen. This case entered the Supreme court due to Wong Kim Ark was denied reentry into the United states after his second visit from China, despite the fact that Wong Kim Ark was born in the United States ... Show more content on ... Concurrence 2: (Bancroft): a person that is natural born citizen regardless of geographical circumstances is afforded and eligible for citizenship, while children of United States (citizens) are not afforded the same opportunity. Concurrence 3: (Doolittle): Citizenship is narrowed down to American Indians from citizenship and tax. Proposal was to add phrase citizenship of born persons of the Unite States to Civil Rights Acts for all people born in the United States and not to tax. Dissent 1: Fuller (joined by Harlan) A. Common law rule was very formal, and Wong Kim was not in question to the jurisdiction because of his parents. United States has broken its traditional law regarding citizenship. B. If the decision ruled majority opinion and is correct, then the children of citizens of the who were born since July 8, 1868 in the United States, when the amendment was approved, then, aliens, except they have, or will be attaining more, become citizens by naturalization in the United States, and no statutory provision to the contrary is of any force or ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay Writing Process Analysis Using the four steps in essay writing will help you make your essay a better paper to read (Bethel University, 2014). By having a point, supportive evidence, organized with specific evidence, and write sentences clear and free of errors. Summarize the information you learned about The Four Steps in Essay Writing. What I have learned in essay writing is first you want to ensure you have a point or thesis (Bethel University, 2014). This is so you can develop a single idea the readers can understand. You want to write statements and ensure you that the topic is easy to discuss. The second step I learned is; while writing, my essay needs to be specific with the evidence (Bethel University, 2014). Using specific details by putting them in ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Robert E Lee Qualities Robert E. Lee was a very brilliant and strong military leader. He fought in many wars which he defeated them and he got defeated also. He was smart on how he fought in the wars. He had to earn his way up from the bottom all the way up to general. He had fought in the Civil War and in the Mexican War. He wanted to quit so bad but he never gave up and kept on going. Robert E. Lee was born in Virginia. He was the fifth child of Henry Lee who had served in the Revolutionary War. He was a very brilliant military strategist. [He] served as general in chief of the Confederate armies during the Civil War (Johnson 273). He was loved and respected by his armies and succeeding generations. His personal qualities show how great his speeches and letters were. [He] was a member of one of Virginia s finest families and he was [also] ... Show more content on ... When Lee headed North and started invading he had been checked again at Gettysburg. The assault was called Pickett s Charge that had a wide spread which cost the South badly. The musket was replaced by the rifle which made attacks much more hopeless. Lee had failed to notice how well the effect was. Lee fought again to try and regain power back but could not succeed. President Davis wanted Lee to become general in chief in the confederate armies. By that time had come around the Confederates had lost the war. Many people had thought that Lee was to bloody minded for wanting to keep fighting and keep putting his army on the line. Lee did not want to accept that he had lost. People say what the mind knows the heart might not except. He was not alone when he was fighting, his crew was fully ready to fight with him until they ended up having to surrender. After the war was all over he became president of Washington College. He applied to have his application restored but his application was [lost] (History Lee had died in 1870 of heart disease. His last words were strike the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Australia s Film And Television Industry Australia s film and television industry has experienced drastic changes since the rise of national cinema. Leading the world film industry, Australia was home to the first film studio and feature film at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906) toured England from 1908 as the longest film ever made, popularising a new genre of bushranger movies and epitomising the Ned Kelly legend as a significant aspect in Australian cultural identity (Juddery, 2008). The beginning of Australia s film industry built itself on bushranger films, with the focus being local audiences rather than foreign, as stated by Judder. However, power struggles within the industry and banning of the bushranger genre saw to the quick demise of the film industry in 1912. Another aspect contributing to the demise is the emergence of competition with Britain and the US releasing two feature films each to Australia s eight, later decreasing to three against the US 212 in 1914. Soon thereafter, the industry was dominated by foreign productions. This is evidenced in the 1994 documentary Celluloid Heroes, which states that during one week in 1959, 1500 fine dramatic actors appeared on Melbourne television, and only 5 Australians , resulting in the 1960 Postmaster General Charles Davidson to implement local content requirements, beginning with TV stations required to broadcast 40 per cent Australian content every 28 days with four hours in peak time, which was ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Weak Levels Of Consistency And Practice Dheeraj Reddy Damera Student ID: 700608828 Weak Levels of Consistency in Practice The article describes about the SQL standard levels. SQL means the Standard Query Language. In SQL different types of queries are being involved and different types of operations are being performed under it. SQL often means the collection of the large number of tables. SQL Create statement is used for creating the tables. Basically create statement is used for performing any type of operation. After creating the table only we can perform any type of operation like insert, update and delete. An example for create statement is create table customer( customer_id int, customer_name varchar(50), customer_city varchar(50), salary int);. Here under the customer table we have created four columns. Customer_id is declared as integer, customer_name and customer city is declared as varchar, salary is declared as integer. After creating the customer table we can insert values into the table. The values are being inserted using the insert into statement. The values are inserted into the customer table like this. Insert into customer values( 1001 , dheeraj , hyderabad , 10000 ). Here in the above example we have inserted the four values into it. That is 1001 value is being inserted into the customer_id, dheeraj value is being inserted into the customer_name, hyderabad value is being inserted into the customer_city, and 10000 value is being inserted into the salary. The other way to insert the ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Assessment Of The Journals For Week 2 3 The assessment of the journals for week 2 3 that I studied had the following strengths and limitations. The strengths of the experimental designs are: it has randomized controlled and real life studies. Next, group populations such as women and minorities were used to test their studies. Third, emphasis was laid on HIV/AIDS, weight loss, or fat intake. Moreover, the strengths outlined with quasi experimental designs are a part of the pre test and post test in clinics for women and children nutrition. Furthermore, the population becomes more responsive to fat reduction if someone takes the initiative. According to Burger (2009), limitations given in the first journal Would people still obey today? said some participants, more male ... Show more content on ... The reminder of this film made me realize that this tactic can cause psychological damage and horror to the persons subjected to such experiments. Second, according to Hoff, Gregorich, Grinstead (2008), limitations were generalized only to women attending family clinics. Because of use of clinics in the trial study, an oversample might have occurred with regard to those whose interests were in female initiated barrier needs. Third, the accuracy of data might have been compromised by reliance on self reports (pg. 7). This study of limitations showed that women who used or did not use condoms may or may not have increased safe sex practices with men. Third, experimental design limitation described by VanWormer, Martinez, Benson, Crain found that generalization of countries may appear to have differences in sampling approaches. Next, external validity might affect the internal validity of the conclusion. Afterward, standardized procedures seem to show some difference between countries that could not control (10). A sampling of surveys found that social economics and psychological factors were important factors, but bigger contributions such as age, gender, socioeconomic, and education levels affected the results significantly depending on certain factors. Finally, Vilarruel, Cherry, Cabriales, Ronis (2008) ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Labor Of Migrant And Seasonal Farmworkers Many economically important field crops in the United States depends on the labor of migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Over the past years the United States has had the largest population of immigrants. Of course many of these immigrants are from different places in the world; but the largest population is from Latin America. Over half of the immigrant population is from Latin America and almost 40% entered the US in the past decade (Pransky, 2002). Recently many of these immigrate live and work in the metropolitan area. The ages rang from 18 to 64. Considering the number of immigrants thriving the health status and needs of immigrants is important. This issue of immigrant farmworker is not being discussed in day to day basis. Many of these immigrants migrate for work but find themselves living in poverty, language barriers, working conditions, no health insurance and etc...Agriculture in the United States highly depends on chemicals like pesticide, growth regulator, and fertilizer. Every year 1 billion chemical is applied. Considering the amount of chemicals applied migrate are at a high risk of pesticide exposure since chemicals are in water, soil and plants. Pesticide exposure means getting pesticides in or on the body. This article will discuss four primary immigrates, reasons immigrate farm workers work mostly on fields, farm owner s benefits, stress, pesticide explores, heavy machinery and treatments after being hurt. All of these terms will describe how they affects ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Dora Maar s Bust Of A Woman Pablo Picasso s muse of almost ten years, Dora Maar, was depicted many times throughout his paintings and sculptures (Riding). In his 1941 oil on canvas painting, Bust of a Woman (Dora Maar), Picasso looked to his muse once again for inspiration. Neither one of Picasso s most famous, nor best paintings, Bust of a Woman still tells a story of the time and place of a tumultuous artist muse relationship encapsulated by Picasso s surrealist expression in Nazi occupied France during World War II. On its face, Bust of a Woman appears secular Dora Maar is not obviously representative of any sort of entity. However, Picasso did place her on a pedestal for a time and I wonder if he intentionally back lit her, painting the light around her head and hair to depict a light aura or halo effect (Picasso). In the top left corner of the room, the diagonal lines look like a spotlight in motion, beaming down upon her while drawing attention to this somewhat negative space (Picasso). Behind Dora Maar, the three walls and ceiling are reminiscent of Picasso s earlier cubism spacial ... Show more content on ... Although I love the throw back to his blue period with the beautiful, swirling lines of her bodice and the checkered skirt, I do not think that this is the best example of surrealism. Honestly, it seemed like Picasso was rushed towards the end (I am assuming that her left hand on the right side of the painting was the last thing that he painted, but I could be wrong). The light is different, the lines along the outside of the hand are not crisp and it even appears as if the paint is running a bit something that such a deliberate artist would seem to notice (Picasso). The right hand is nice with the pinkish beige upside down V formation between the blues of the other fingers that depict strength (Picasso). Maybe he was trying to make her left hand appear as if it was reaching out towards the viewer, but it still looks too ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Teens Tend Model Suicide Behaviors As youth grow and continue to develop they tend to engage in suicidal behaviors due to modeling, according to Insel and Gould (2008) teens tend model suicide behaviors due to exposure in the media, exposure from other suicidal peers and a cluster of suicides in their general area. A comprehensive image of risk in young people requires also the consideration of the family s psychopathology and environmental properties. Young children and teenagers also tend to have under developed pre fontal cortex in which logic and comprehensive thinking is located, by having an under developed pre fontal cortex young children and teens tend to process their current mental state from the Amygdala, in which is known to process emotions and reduces the ability to think logically and rationally. In adult males that have ended their life due to self harm behaviors can be related to having low testosterone levels when compared to healthy men without mental health problems (Sher, 2013.) In a recent study conducted by Jonathon et al (2013) they found that adults that had a shorter brain stem and basal ganglia represents a biomarker of depression and suggesting dysregulation of the brains serotonin neurotransmitters revealing symptoms of depression and suicidal behaviors. In later states of adult hood when dementia, Alzheimer s disease, and amnesia related disorders tend to be a factor to force an individual to end their own life. When a child or an adolescent commits suicide it leaves many ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Existentialism in Franz Kafka s The Metamorphosis and The... Existentialism in The Metamorphosis and The Hunger Artist Existentialism is a philosophy dealing with man s aloneness in the universe. Either there is no God or else God stands apart from man, leaving him free will to make his own choices. From this basic idea of man being alone in an uncertain and purposeless world, many related ideas have developed. One great worry of existentialist writers is that life is becoming too complicated and too impersonal. People become more and more involved with their work, which is taking them away from their friends, family, and culture. However, these provide the only meaning that life could possibly have. One author prominently known for his work with existential ideas was Franz ... Show more content on ... Kafka also uses the existential idea that man s fate is sometimes beyond man s control. In his stories, chance or destiny rules man s life. Gregor could not control his metamorphosis, just as he cannot control his new legs which waved helplessly before his eyes (1). The hunger artist s fate is to die of starvation, since as he says, I have to fast, I can t help it (8). Gregor dies; the artist dies. Their lack of control over their fates emphasizes man s helplessness and forlornness, to use Sartre s term. For both Gregor and the hunger artist, work leads from dehumanization to death. Their deaths illustrate another theme of existentialist writing: that man, though alone, cannot survive by himself. He needs to interact as a member of society in order to give meaning to his life. Man needs mankind in order to be alive. Before his metamorphosis, Gregor was very much a loner. He got up at four every morning to travel all over the region to sell products, and he didn t have the time or the opportunity to make lasting friendships. Nor did he really try. In his free time, he read or did artwork, neither of which required anyone else. Nevertheless, Gregor s employers did not understand that he was trying to do a good job. They thought that he was trying to cheat the company. His company treated him like a piece of machinery to be replaced at the first sign ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Stare Decisis Case Study In this case study, I will explore the concept of stare decisis and wherether it is in exorable command. I will be explaining what the court means when it say that stare decisis is not an inexorable command . Also what it would mean for the American system of criminal justice, if stare decisis actually was inexorable command . Stare Decisis is not an Inexorable Command It s referring to precedents. Precedents are previous decisions of the court that need to be followed by courts in the same or lower in the hierarchy. The court must give consideration but there is no rule on how it should apply it to the facts of the case at hand. Basically, under the doctrine of stare decisis, the decision of a higher court within the same provincial ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Abdominal Pain Discuss and differentiate between the causes of acute and chronic abdominal pain in a 20 year old versus a 50 year old male. Provide a rationale for including the appropriate differential diagnoses in each age group. Abdominal pain is commonly experienced by individuals along the age continuum and presents with symptoms that may be vague in nature. A thorough assessment of the patient including, a history of their symptoms and a physical exam are imperative for a timely diagnosis. The condition may range from acute to chronic depending on the cause. Abdominal pain ranks second to chest pain as the most common need for presentation to the emergency department in individuals ranging from ages 15 and older (Purysko et al., 2011). The presentation ... Show more content on ... The average onset of this disease is 15 30 years old and presents as chronic abdominal pain with acute exacerbations and is indicated by CT findings identifying wall thickening and mucosal hyper enhancement of the terminal ileum and cecum indicating inflammation of the bowels (Purysko et al., 2011). The disease is chronic in nature and has no cure. It requires management with corticosteroids for acute episodes and immunomodulators for long term management (Scott Osterman, 2013). Other chronic causes of abdominal pain in a young male may be gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), and ulcerative colitis (Greenberger, 2016). Chronic abdominal pain causes in a 50 year old male may include chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis is the result of inflammatory in the large duct of the pancreas and can be triggered by the use of alcohol, cigarettes, and genetic factors (Barganza, Lee, McCloy McMahon, 2011). Other chronic abdominal pain may consist of hepatitis, pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer which is more common in middle to older age individuals (Greenberger, ... Get more on ...
  • 50. William Pitt s Influence On British Involvement During... William Pitt was born in the United Kingdom in 1708 to a distinguished and wealthy family. After returning from school Pitt joined the military, he was stationed in Northampton during a time of peace. During this time Pitt was frustrated due to the lack of British involvement in the War of the Polish Succession. He blamed the current prime minister, Robert Walpole, for Britain s lack of involvement and this is when Pitt was first starting to develop his harsh ideas on the current British government and its leaders. However, his military career was redirected when in 1735 Pitt entered parliament. He was a member of a faction of parliament known as the Patriot Whigs, led by Lord Cobham. Pitt quickly grew close to Cobham and became a ... Show more content on ... This gained Pitt a reputation for putting the country s interests over his own. Around 8 years after Pitt gained the title of paymaster general, Henry Pelham died, leaving the Duke of Newcastle to take over as PM. After Newcastle s refusal to elect Pitt as the leader of the house of commons, Pitt began attacking Newcastle, this went on for almost an entire year before Pitt was dismissed from his position in November 1755. This did not stop Pitt from leading a charge against Newcastle, and with the public on Pitt s side, Newcastle was eventually forced to resign in 1756. However, after gaining and losing his power again in 1576 as Secretary of State, Pitt formed a coalition with Newcastle in order to fill a position of leadership Britain was currently lacking. During this time in his life Pitt showed how he can influence the public greatly but is also able to compromise if it led to an end goal that was favorable for him. (Mclynn Pg95 99, Black Ch4) The Seven Years War gave Pitt his opportunity to put his military strategies to work. His strategy was based around reviving the militia, making the navy stronger and creating a coherent war policy. In addition, he helped other countries, such as Prussia, become stronger. This led to Pitt making his allies stronger and his opponents overwhelmed. Pitt s strategy was extremely successful and led to numerous victories in both North America and Europe. Unfortunately for ... Get more on ...