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#Digitalist #SAP
99 Facts on
The Future of Business
in the Digital Economy
Run Simple
By 2020 there will be 200 billion connected devices on the
Internet of Things.
Digital Economy
Read more: The Internet of Things can revolutionize your business more than you think
Source: Intel, A Guide to the Internet of Things Infographic
Internet of Things
“Enterprise software used to be about making existing work more
efficient. Now, the opportunity for software is to transform the
work itself.” Source: Aaron Levie, @levie
Digital Economy
Read more: Keys to enabling the digital transformation
Customer Experience
Resource Optimization
74% of companies believe business complexity hurts their
ability to meet goals, but only 17% believe current
simplification efforts are very effective.
Source: Knowledge@Wharton, Business Simplification 2015: The Unmet Strategic Imperative
Read more: Leading organizations out of the complexity wilderness
Future of Work
Master Complexity
Organizations driven by purpose and values outperformed
the market 15-to-1.
Source: BizShifts-Trends, Power of Purpose-Driven…Business, Leadership, Management:
Focus on– Reason to Exist, Vision, Mission– It Really Matters
Video: Having a higher purpose to improve people’s lives
Improving People’s Lives
80% of premature heart disease, stroke and diabetes can be
Source: World Health Organization
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: Smart technologies and data to support aging populations
70% of all cancer deaths occur in low- and middle-income
Source: World Health Organization
Read more: Revolutionizing genome analysis and personalized cancer care
Improving People’s Lives
The sharing economy is about owning the customer-supply
interface. Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no
vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner,
creates no content. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation
provider, owns no real estate.
Source: TechCrunch, The Battle Is For The Customer Interface
Read more: Taking advantage of the Sharing Economy
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Resource Optimization
Uber and AirBnB are just the start. The sharing economy
will grow 3,000% from 2015 to 2030.
Source: SAP Center for Business Insight 2015 calculation based on
PwC, The sharing economy – sizing the revenue opportunity
Read more: Making customer service work for the sharing economy business model
Digital Economy
Resource Optimization
Crowd funding will grow 200,000% from 2015 to 2030.
Source: SAP Center for Business Insight 2015 calculation based on
Crowd Valley, Crowdfunding Market: the Investors’ Double Role
Read more: Finding alternative funding for small businesses
Digital Economy
Resource Optimization
By 2025 the total worth of the Internet of Things (IoT)
technology could be $6.2 trillion — most of that value is in
healthcare ($2.5 trillion) and manufacturing ($2.3 trillion).
Source: Intel, A Guide to the Internet of Things
Video: Tripling operations without adding infrastructure
Digital Economy
Internet of Things
Emerging market consumers are nearly twice as likely to
trust storing data in the cloud is secure, as consumers in
developed markets.
Source: Euromonitor International, Consumer Attitudes Towards Storing Data in the Cloud
Digital Economy
Read more: Mitigating data privacy and security risks in the cloud
Only 42% of companies say they know how to extract
meaningful insights from the data available to them.
Source: Oxford Economics, Workforce 2020
Digital Economy
Resource Optimization
Read more: The top Big Data challenges
Private and commercial robot usage will grow 2,000% from
2015 to 2030, and could be a $190 billion market.
Source: SAP Center for Business Insight 2015 calculation based on
The Boston Consulting Group, The Rise of Robotics
Resource Optimization
Read more: Can robots save lives in the construction industry
87% of finance executives believe they need to analyze
financial and performance data much more quickly.
Source: CFO Research, The Next Stage in Creating the Value-Added Finance Function
Resource Optimization
Video: Enabling in-depth business analysis on-demand, rather than waiting hours, days or weeks
73% of CEOs believe the lack of employees with key
technical skills is a threat to their company's growth.
Source: PwC, 18th Annual Global CEO Survey
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Read more: President Obama announces a new program to help expand STEM employment
62% of Millennials want their career to have a positive impact
on the world, and 53% would work harder if their organization
was making a difference to others.
Source: Global Tolerance, The Values Revolution
Yet 75% believe businesses are focused on their own
agendas, rather than helping to improve society.
Source: Deloitte, The Deloitte Millennial Survey 2015
Future of Work
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: Hiring people who want to change the world
“Ten years from now, when we look back at how this era of big
data evolved… we will be stunned at how uninformed we
used to be when we made decisions.” — Billy Bosworth,
DataStax CEO
Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015 - Code Conference
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Big Data
Read more: Four V’s of Big Data: volume, velocity and variety used to achieve value
50% of the U.S. jobs lost in the 2008 recession were middle-
skilled jobs, but only 2% of the jobs gained since the
recession have been middle-skilled.
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, The Cratering of the Middle Class
Future of Work
Resource Optimization
Read more: How Millennials are reshaping the workforce
74% of US and European retail, healthcare and manufacturing
companies have already developed smart products.
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, Developing Smart Products
Digital Economy
Resource Optimization
Read more: What is the future of self-driving cars?
Customer Experience
By 2018, the data created by the Internet of Things devices
will reach 403 trillion gigabytes a year.
Source: Cisco, Global Cloud Index
Digital Economy
Internet of Things
Big Data
Read more: Capabilities needed to take advantage of the Internet of Things
78% of global CEO’s think cyber security is strategically
important for their business. Source: PwC, 18th Annual Global CEO Survey
Digital Economy
Read more: Cyber security drivers - information overload
Goods-producing jobs have been declining for decades and
now represent only 14% of all U.S. jobs.
Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015
Future of Work
Read more: The growing jobs gap
By 2019, approximately one quarter of the entire U.S.
workforce will be independent workers (self-employed,
independent contractor, freelancer, temp contractor, etc.).
Source: MBO Partners, Independent Workers and the On-Demand Economy, & U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Future of Work
Read more: Free agent workers are becoming an integral part of the talent supply chain
People are increasingly creating supplemental incomes
through online platforms and marketplaces like Airbnb,
Etsy, Thumbtack, Uber and Upwork .
Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015
Future of Work
Resource Optimization
Read more: How Uber and other on-demand workers are transforming our perceptions of work
“Generation Z is mobile first and mobile only, and they are
nothing like Millennials”
Source: Brian Solis, 25 Disruptive Technology Trends 2015 - 2016
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Customer Experience
Read more: Planning ahead for Generation Z
Generation Z wants to be engaged by real people, especially in
advertising where they are nearly twice as likely to want to see
"real people" than celebrities. Because of this desire, they are more
likely to visit YouTube than any other social site (85%).
Source: Deep Focus, Cassandra Report: Gen Z Uncovers Massive Attitude Shifts
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: Why your teenager will leave you jobless
65% of emerging market Millennials aspire to become the
leader or most senior executive within their organization,
compared to only 38% in developed markets.
Source: Deloitte, The Deloitte Millennial Survey 2015
Future of Work
Read more: The leadership aspiration gap
87% of organizations cite culture and engagement as their
top challenges, but less than half believe they have good
programs in place to engage and retain employees.
Source: Deloitte, Global Human Capital Trends 2015
Future of Work
Read more: Unexpected costs of poor employee engagement
Companies with high employee engagement and enablement
can have net profit margins 4 times greater than companies
with low engagement and enablement.
Source: Towers Watson, The Power of Three: Taking Engagement to New Heights
Future of Work
Read more: Employee engagement and company culture sets your brand as an employer
85% of CEOs whose organizations have a diversity and
inclusiveness strategy say it's enhanced performance.
Source: PwC, 18th Annual Global CEO Survey
Future of Work
Read more: Increasing organizational creativity through diversity
86% of companies cite leadership as one of their most
important challenges, but only 10% believe they have an
excellent succession plan.
Source: Deloitte, Global Human Capital Trends 2015
Future of Work
Read more: Developing leaders and a leadership culture
78% of CEOs are concerned about over-regulation.
Source: PwC, 18th Annual Global CEO Survey
Future of Work
Read more: Outsourcing in highly regulated environments
78% of employees say it is very important to work for a
digitally enabled company or a digital leader.
Source: MIT Sloan Management Review, Is Your Business Ready for a Digital Future?
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Read more: Factors affecting the future of work infographic
But only 39% of companies leverage social media data to
improve recruiting, engagement, and employer brand.
Source: Deloitte, Global Human Capital Trends 2015
The average internet user spends 1.72 hours on social
networks per day. Source: GlobalWebIndex, GWI Social Report 2015
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Read more: Is social media taking over your employees workday?
Over two thirds of people think that businesses need to
deliver more social and environmental change. Nearly
three quarters want to see more transparency, and 81% more
accountability. Source: Global Tolerance, The Values Revolution
Future of Work
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: Ideas for creating a culture of transparency
Airlines are pushing biofuels because they have no choice.
The number of airline passengers is projected to more than
double to 7.3 billion a year over the next two decades (up
from 3.3 billion in 2014).
Source: CBS News, Why airlines keep pushing biofuels &
International Air Transportation Association, New IATA Passenger Forecast
Resource Optimization
Read more: Eco-driving tips to reduce fleet fuel costs and emissions
There will be more words written on Twitter in the next two years
than contained in all books ever printed.
Source: The Huffington Post, Is Twitter Bad For Language? Statistical Analysis Says No
(New Book from Christian Rudder, Dataclysm: Who We Are)
Digital Economy
Read more: Leveraging social data for social business
Mobile communication service WeChat is helping the Chinese
Government offer services to 549 million users.
Source: Mary Meeker – KPCB, Internet Trends 2015
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Resource Optimization
Read more: Expanding government data sharing to gain citizens trust
“Businesses are no longer the sole creator of a brand; it is co-
created by consumers through shared experiences and defined by
the results of online searches and conversations.”
Source: Brian Solis, 10 Brian Solis Quotes by Prezly
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: Redefining and personalizing the shopping experience with innovative mobile apps
70% of consumers are more likely to recommend a brand because
it provides a simpler experience, and 38% are willing to pay more
for simpler experiences.
Source: Siegel+Gale, Simplicity Index
Customer Experience
Run Simple
Read more: How you can deliver a coordinated and consistent customer experience
Brands that are loved by consumers, experience brand value
appreciation 10 times more than brands that are less loved.
Source: Millward Brown & WPP, The BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands
Customer Experience
Read more: “Wow” your customers before your competitors do
83% of North American consumers are more likely to continue doing
business with a company because of its loyalty program, and
70% will modify when and where they make purchases to maximize
program benefits. Source: Bond Brand Loyalty, The 2015 Loyalty Report
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Resource Optimization
Read more: Loyalty programs to retain hard-won customers who help evangelize products
A majority of U.S. consumers are multichannel shopping, with
69% Webrooming (browse products online and buy in-store), and
49% Showrooming (browse products in-store and buy online).
Source: Harris Interactive, Showrooming and Webrooming in the 2014 Holiday Shopping Season
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Resource Optimization
Read more: Providing personalized, relevant customer experiences across all channels
70% of online consumers consider ads that track phone location
without permission an invasion of privacy, but almost 45% are
willing to their share phone location in exchange for discounts.
Source: Euromonitor International, Connecting with Hyperconnected Consumers
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: Personalized location-based mobile marketing
Chinese and Indian consumers are more than twice as likely to
make purchases with their mobile phones, as consumers in the
U.S., U.K., Japan, Germany and France.
Source: Euromonitor International, Hyperconnectivity survey
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: Innovation adopters and what differentiates them
In the U.S., in-store payments with mobile wallet apps will reach
$808 billion by 2019, more than 21 times the $37 billion expected
for 2015. Source: Business Insider, The Mobile Payments Report
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: What makes a leader in mobile payment adoption?
57% of a B2B purchasing decision is made before buyers talk to a
sales rep.
Source: CEB, The End of Solution Sales
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: Creating and sharing content for each stage of the buyer’s journey
97% of B2B buyers trust content more if it includes peer reviews
and user-generated content. The top 3 content formats for B2B
purchasing research are 78% whitepapers, 73% case studies, and
67% webinars.
Source: SocialTimes, Marketing Trends Road Map for 2015
Customer Experience
Read more: Are you focusing on the buyers journey or selling?
At the current turnover rate, 75% of the companies in the S&P 500
in 2027, will be new (companies not currently in index today).
Source: Seeking Alpha, Increasing Churn Rate In The S&P 500
Digital Economy
Run Simple
Read more: Preparing your organization to survive in 2025
Asian companies using video in their content marketing mix had on
average a 66% higher website conversion rate: 4.8% vs. 2.9% if
video was not used.
Source: Aberdeen Group, The State of Video Content Marketing in APAC
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: Tips on incorporating video into your marketing strategy
92% of B2B buyers ranked “Ease of use" as the #1 factor that
influences their opinions of solution providers.
Source: Demand Gen Report, 2015 B2B Buyer’s Survey Report
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Run Simple
Read more: Embedding simplicity behaviors into your company
Latin American internet users are online approximately 3 times as
long as Asian internet users.
Source: comScore, The State of Social Media in Brazil
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: Latin American technology adoption is outpacing the global average
73% of the global population has a mobile phone, but only 39% of
the global population is connected to the internet.
Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Resource Optimization
Read more: Why internet connectivity matters to everyone
By 2025, there will be 10 global virtual currencies that will be
considered mainstream. Their combined market value will exceed
$5 trillion, and Bitcoin will still be the largest.
Source: Startup Management, The Next 10 Years: 42 Macro Predictions in Cryptography,
Blockchains and Consensus Protocols
Digital Economy
Resource Optimization
Read more: Beyond Bitcoin - How the blockchain could disrupt our financial system
96% of marketers say the ability to make data-informed decisions
is the most important capability to respond to disruptions; but only
13% of Marketers are taking action to address disruptions and
achieving measurable impact.
Source: McKinsey & Company, Marketing disruption: Five blind spots on the road to marketing's
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: For marketers, value from big tech trends is really coming from new data
77% of Generation Z believe they will need to work harder than
past generations to have a satisfying and fulfilling professional life.
Source: OfficeTeam, A Robert Half Company, Generation Z: Five Surprising Insights
And 71% expect to experience significant failure before
achieving success.
Source: Deep Focus, Cassandra Report: Gen Z Uncovers Massive Attitude Shifts
Future of Work
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: Educating Generation Z to lead the workforce of the future
By 2020, 70% of mobile consumers will access their devices
biometrically. Source: World Economic Forum, 5 predictions for technology in 2020
Digital Economy
Read more: Security concerns need to be included in mobile strategies
Consumers in emerging markets are 2.8 times more likely to
purchase wearable technologies than those in developed
markets. Source: Euromonitor International, Connecting with Hyperconnected Consumers
Read more: Wearable products are being designed and developed for just about every market
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
The first decade of this century witnessed a historic reduction in
global poverty and a near doubling of the middle class, but 71%
of the global population still subsists on less than $10 a day, and
1 billion people live on less than $2 a day.
Source: Pew Research Center, A Global Middle Class Is More Promise than Reality
Resource Optimization
Read more: How is the new global middle class affecting your supply chains?
38 million global deaths were due to noncommunicable
diseases. This invisible epidemic hinders the economic
development of many countries.
Source: World Health Organization
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: Stopping diabetes in its tracks with connected care
Each month, over 2 billion people use global messaging
platforms: WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, or LINE.
Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: Insights into global mobile adoption and how to adapt
BRIC countries added 68 million internet users in 2014, 11 million
more users than there are in all of the United Kingdom.
Source: Internet Live Stats, Internet Users by Country
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: Entering emerging markets - 5 ways to balance speed with precision
90% of the world’s population over 6 years old will have a mobile
device by 2020. Source: Ericsson, Ericsson Mobility Report
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: The generation growing up with devices as babysitters
86% of global CEOs are personally championing the use of digital
technologies in their company.
Source: PwC, 18th Annual Global CEO Survey
Digital Economy
Internet of Things
Big Data
Read more: How to plan for the convergence of digital technologies
The Internet of Things will have a potential economic impact of
$4 trillion to $11 trillion a year in 2025.
Source: McKinsey & Company, Unlocking the potential of the Internet of Things
Digital Economy
Internet of Things
Resource Optimization
Read more: The Internet of Things powering safety, security and savings
By 2020, information will be used to reinvent, digitalize or
eliminate 80% of business processes and products from a
decade earlier.
Source: Forbes, Gartner Predicts Three Big Data Trends for Business Intelligence
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Customer Experience
Resource Optimization
Read more: Preemptive digital disruption - the key to relevance in the Digital Economy
The use of sensors will grow 700,000% by 2030, in order to help
solve nearly every human need and want, from smart shoes to
cancer killing chips.
Source: SAP Center for Business Insight 2015 calculation based on SPB Global,
A trillion sensors is the equivalent of 150 sensors per human on earth.
Digital Economy
Internet of Things
Resource Optimization
Read more: Sensor sales are a leading indicator of IoT adoption witin industries
3D printing usage will grow 2,000% from 2015 to 2030.
Source: SAP Center for Business Insight 2015 calculation based on
Forbes, Roundup Of 3D Printing Market Forecasts And Estimates
Resource Optimization
Read more: Perception vs. reality - Busting 3 myths about 3D printing
There is now widespread agreement and emerging evidence, that
access to technology can help improve quality of life and
accelerate development efforts at all levels.
Source: World Economic Forum, The Global Information Technology Report 2015
Digital Economy
Resource Optimization
Read more: Can technology help in the fight against global hunger?
Views of user generated or shared content is continuing to grow.
Most recently, Facebook video views grew to 4 billion per day, a
400% increase from six months prior.
Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Customer Experience
Read more: 5 lessons in multichannel marketing from a global brand leader
Sequencing genomes could cost less than $0.10 as soon as 2020.
Source: Business Insider, Soon It Will Cost Less to Sequence a Genome than to Flush a Toilet
Digital Economy
Big Data
Resource Optimization
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: Digital technology’s exponential growth curve is just about to take off
The 1.2 billion cars on the roads are used just 4% of the time. That
is 8.2 trillion hours of nonuse per year.
Source: The Daily, The Futurist: Uber, take the wheel
Digital Economy
Resource Optimization
Read more: Self-driving cars - The future of the automobile is about to change dramatically
Cargo drones could help Africa, a continent with only 16% of its
roads paved, avoid the need to build out transportation
infrastructure comparable to that of the U.S., China, Europe, India,
Japan and Mexico combined.
Source: J.M. Ledgard, Better Use of the Lower Sky in a Sharing Economy (published on Medium)
Resource Optimization
Read more: Radical changes to come from drones in the not-too-distant future
97% of all consumers search for local businesses online.
Source: SocialTimes, Social Media Business Statistics, Facts, Figures & Trends
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: How can you ensure online customers see your company and products
Within the next five years, more than 90% of all data from the
Internet of Things (IoT) will be hosted in the cloud, reducing the
complexity of supporting IoT "data blending"
Source: IDC, Connecting the IoT: The Road to Success
Digital Economy
Internet of Things
Big Data
Resource Optimization
Read more: Cloud technology can enable organizations to focus on and accelerate innovation
Success in the digital future will depend on your company's ability to
implement digital technologies innovatively, by rethinking
strategy, culture and talent.
Source: MIT Sloan Management Review, Is Your Business Ready for a Digital Future?
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Read more: The 7 principals for your organization to master the Digital Economy
Hyperconnectivity is driving a move towards mass personalization
of products and services.
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, Hyperconnected organisations
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Read more: The Digital Economy is making mass customization more profitable than mass production
Although 90% of companies view advanced and predictive
analytics as important, less than 30% have currently deployed
them, and only 30% have plans to do so.
Source: Sandhill, Dresner Benchmark Study Reveals
Trends in Advanced and Predictive Analytics in BI
Resource Optimization
Video: Providing personalized customer experiences with predictive analytics
Customer Experience
By 2030, 2 billion jobs will disappear, or roughly 50% of all the
jobs on the planet, as a result of technology advances.
Read more: What will we do when robots take our jobs?
Source: Futurist Speaker Thomas Frey, 2 Billion Jobs to Disappear by 2030
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Big Data in healthcare is a big deal. Analyzing streaming patient
data has been found to drive a 20% decrease in patient mortality.
Source: HealthcareIT Connect, When it comes to Healthcare, Big Data is a Big Deal
Digital Economy
Big Data
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: 4 ways Big Data can transform healthcare
By 2022, the population of India will surpass that of China, and
both countries will have over 1.4 billion people.
Source: United Nations, World Population Prospects
Resource Optimization
Read more: Is global consumption of natural resources outpacing what is sustainable?
Trust is imperative in the Sharing Economy. 85% of Americans
are more likely to use a Sharing Economy service if the people
involved went through a background check.
Source: First Advantage, Start your story with trust - Being secure in the Sharing Economy
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Resource Optimization
Read more: Building trust and other key requirements for the Sharing Economy
Forrester Research predicts that by 2020, B2B e-commerce sales
will top $1 trillion.
Source: ZDNet, B2B ecommerce sales to top $1 Trillion by 2020: Forrester
Digital Economy
Resource Optimization
Read more: The B2B network with over 1.7 million companies and $1.9 billion daily transactions
“Complexity is one of the biggest challenges facing modern
business. It is slowing companies down, costing them on average
10% of their profits and harming employee morale.”
Source: Simon Collinson and Melvin Jay, From Complexity to Simplicity: Unleash Your
Organisation's Potential (book introduction on
Future of Work
Master Complexity
Read more: How to lead your organization out of the complexity wilderness
84% of global consumers actively seek out socially and
environmentally responsible brands, and 90% are willing to switch
purchases to brands associated with a good cause.
Source: Cone Communications/Ebiquity, 2015 Global CSR Study
Customer Experience
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: 11 simple actions to make your company more socially responsible
By 2020, half of Africa will be under 25 years old, and 18 million
new jobs will need to be created per year to employ this labor force.
Source: The World Bank, The African Competitiveness Report 2015
Future of Work
Resource Optimization
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: Africa Code Week - Providing workshops to 20,000 kids across 17 African countries
Sport has a unique power to attract, mobilize and inspire, and
has been increasingly recognized and used as a low-cost, high-
impact tool for humanitarian, development and peace-building efforts.
Source: United Nations, Sport for Development and Peace
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: How an innovative soccer ball can change the world
By 2030, 10% of the largest companies in the U.S. will be virtual
corporations (less than 10% of their workers will be in an office at
any point in time). Source:, 20 Dramatic Predictions for 2030
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Read more: The impact of working virtually on productivity
There are currently 700 million people in the world with no access
to safe drinking water. Source: Worldometers,Water
And water demand will increase 55% by 2050.
Source: OECD, Principles on Water Governance
Resource Optimization
Read more: It’s time to rethink how we manage our finite water supply
Analytics usage in sports is expected to grow to $4.7 billion by
2021, up from $125 million in 2014.
Source: SportTechie, Why the Use of Analytics in Sports Continues to Spread
Digital Economy
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: How football teams are realizing the value of technology
80% of people buy from companies they trust, and 68% will
actively recommend trusted companies.
Source: Edelman, 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Video: How do people develop trust online – a round table discussion
72% of people trust information from friends and family, while
only 46% of people trust company CEOs, 40% elected officials,
and 34% celebrities. Source: Edelman, 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer
Digital Economy
Customer Experience
Video: What attributes to do leaders need in today’s world to be trusted
By 2050, rising sea levels could cost cities from Hong Kong to
Dhaka to New York trillions annually.
Source: The Guardian, Scientists predict huge sea level rise even if we limit climate change
Resource Optimization
Read more: How the Internet of Things can help combat global warming
It is projected that $1.77 trillion in counterfeit and pirated goods
will be sold globally in 2015.
Source: International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition, Counterfeiting adds up
Digital Economy
Resource Optimization
Read more: Do patents still protect against IP piracy, or even promote innovation?
By 2025, half of world's companies with revenues exceeding
$1 billion will be headquartered in emerging markets, and China
will have more of these companies than either the U.S. or Europe.
Source: McKinsey & Company, The Four Global Forces Breaking all the Trends
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Read more: Over 90% of high performing Chinese companies have this in common
At the end of 2014, the top 0.7% of the global population owned
44% of total global wealth, while the bottom 70% owned just 3%.
Source: Credit Suisse, Global Wealth Report (published by, Global Inequality)
Future of Work
Resource Optimization
Read more: How low wages are hurting the bigger economic picture
By 2060, the European Union population will have only 2 working-
age persons for every 1 person over 65 years old, compared to
the current 4-to-1 ratio.
Source: European Commission, The 2015 Ageing Report
Future of Work
Resource Optimization
Improving People’s Lives
Read more: The implications of an aging workforce force and how organizations can plan for it
To meet global electricity demand in 2040, 7,200 GW of new
generating capacity needs to be built.
Source: International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook Executive Summary
Today, there is only 5,800 GW of global generation capacity
across all energy sources (coal, oil, hydro, nuclear, wind, etc.)
Source: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, World Fact Book, Electricity - Installed Generating
Resource Optimization
Digital Economy
Read more: How will we power our ever increasing energy needs?
“Within 15 years technology will exist that will allow human brains
to be connected directly to the internet."
Source: International Business Times, Ray Kurzweil: Human Brains Could be Connected to the
Cloud by 2030
Digital Economy
Future of Work
Read more: Scientists successfully send brain-to-brain message over the internet
Run Simple
At SAP, we did not invent the digital economy, but
we unquestionably understand where it’s going... It
is time to simplify, time to innovate and time to
leverage digital connectivity.
Bill McDermott, SAP CEO
Run Simple
#Digitalist #SAP
visit from SAP
To learn more about Business in the Digital Economy
Note: slides 2 and 3 are repeated after this slide, to allow viewers to share them and link to the sources
By 2020 there will be 200 billion connected devices on the
Internet of Things.
Digital Economy
Read more: The Internet of Things can revolutionize your business more than you think
Source: Intel, A Guide to the Internet of Things Infographic
Internet of Things
“Enterprise software used to be about making existing work more
efficient. Now, the opportunity for software is to transform the
work itself.” Source: Aaron Levie, @levie
Digital Economy
Read more: Keys to enabling the digital transformation
Customer Experience
Resource Optimization

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99 Facts on the Future of Business in the Digital Economy

  • 1. #Digitalist #SAP 99 Facts on The Future of Business in the Digital Economy Run Simple
  • 2. By 2020 there will be 200 billion connected devices on the Internet of Things. Digital Economy Read more: The Internet of Things can revolutionize your business more than you think Source: Intel, A Guide to the Internet of Things Infographic Internet of Things
  • 3. “Enterprise software used to be about making existing work more efficient. Now, the opportunity for software is to transform the work itself.” Source: Aaron Levie, @levie Digital Economy Read more: Keys to enabling the digital transformation Customer Experience Resource Optimization
  • 4. 74% of companies believe business complexity hurts their ability to meet goals, but only 17% believe current simplification efforts are very effective. Source: Knowledge@Wharton, Business Simplification 2015: The Unmet Strategic Imperative Read more: Leading organizations out of the complexity wilderness Future of Work Master Complexity
  • 5. Organizations driven by purpose and values outperformed the market 15-to-1. Source: BizShifts-Trends, Power of Purpose-Driven…Business, Leadership, Management: Focus on– Reason to Exist, Vision, Mission– It Really Matters Video: Having a higher purpose to improve people’s lives Improving People’s Lives Finance
  • 6. 80% of premature heart disease, stroke and diabetes can be prevented. Source: World Health Organization Improving People’s Lives Read more: Smart technologies and data to support aging populations
  • 7. 70% of all cancer deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Source: World Health Organization Read more: Revolutionizing genome analysis and personalized cancer care Improving People’s Lives
  • 8. The sharing economy is about owning the customer-supply interface. Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. Source: TechCrunch, The Battle Is For The Customer Interface Read more: Taking advantage of the Sharing Economy Digital Economy Customer Experience Resource Optimization
  • 9. Uber and AirBnB are just the start. The sharing economy will grow 3,000% from 2015 to 2030. Source: SAP Center for Business Insight 2015 calculation based on PwC, The sharing economy – sizing the revenue opportunity Read more: Making customer service work for the sharing economy business model Digital Economy Resource Optimization
  • 10. Crowd funding will grow 200,000% from 2015 to 2030. Source: SAP Center for Business Insight 2015 calculation based on Crowd Valley, Crowdfunding Market: the Investors’ Double Role Read more: Finding alternative funding for small businesses Digital Economy Resource Optimization Finance
  • 11. By 2025 the total worth of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology could be $6.2 trillion — most of that value is in healthcare ($2.5 trillion) and manufacturing ($2.3 trillion). Source: Intel, A Guide to the Internet of Things Video: Tripling operations without adding infrastructure Digital Economy Internet of Things
  • 12. Emerging market consumers are nearly twice as likely to trust storing data in the cloud is secure, as consumers in developed markets. Source: Euromonitor International, Consumer Attitudes Towards Storing Data in the Cloud Digital Economy Read more: Mitigating data privacy and security risks in the cloud Cloud
  • 13. Only 42% of companies say they know how to extract meaningful insights from the data available to them. Source: Oxford Economics, Workforce 2020 Digital Economy Resource Optimization Analytics Read more: The top Big Data challenges
  • 14. Private and commercial robot usage will grow 2,000% from 2015 to 2030, and could be a $190 billion market. Source: SAP Center for Business Insight 2015 calculation based on The Boston Consulting Group, The Rise of Robotics Resource Optimization Read more: Can robots save lives in the construction industry
  • 15. 87% of finance executives believe they need to analyze financial and performance data much more quickly. Source: CFO Research, The Next Stage in Creating the Value-Added Finance Function Resource Optimization Analytics Finance Video: Enabling in-depth business analysis on-demand, rather than waiting hours, days or weeks
  • 16. 73% of CEOs believe the lack of employees with key technical skills is a threat to their company's growth. Source: PwC, 18th Annual Global CEO Survey Digital Economy Future of Work Read more: President Obama announces a new program to help expand STEM employment
  • 17. 62% of Millennials want their career to have a positive impact on the world, and 53% would work harder if their organization was making a difference to others. Source: Global Tolerance, The Values Revolution Yet 75% believe businesses are focused on their own agendas, rather than helping to improve society. Source: Deloitte, The Deloitte Millennial Survey 2015 Future of Work Improving People’s Lives Read more: Hiring people who want to change the world
  • 18. “Ten years from now, when we look back at how this era of big data evolved… we will be stunned at how uninformed we used to be when we made decisions.” — Billy Bosworth, DataStax CEO Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015 - Code Conference Digital Economy Future of Work Big Data Read more: Four V’s of Big Data: volume, velocity and variety used to achieve value
  • 19. 50% of the U.S. jobs lost in the 2008 recession were middle- skilled jobs, but only 2% of the jobs gained since the recession have been middle-skilled. Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, The Cratering of the Middle Class Future of Work Resource Optimization Read more: How Millennials are reshaping the workforce
  • 20. 74% of US and European retail, healthcare and manufacturing companies have already developed smart products. Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, Developing Smart Products Digital Economy Resource Optimization Read more: What is the future of self-driving cars? Customer Experience
  • 21. By 2018, the data created by the Internet of Things devices will reach 403 trillion gigabytes a year. Source: Cisco, Global Cloud Index Digital Economy Internet of Things Big Data Read more: Capabilities needed to take advantage of the Internet of Things
  • 22. 78% of global CEO’s think cyber security is strategically important for their business. Source: PwC, 18th Annual Global CEO Survey Digital Economy Read more: Cyber security drivers - information overload
  • 23. Goods-producing jobs have been declining for decades and now represent only 14% of all U.S. jobs. Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015 Future of Work Read more: The growing jobs gap
  • 24. By 2019, approximately one quarter of the entire U.S. workforce will be independent workers (self-employed, independent contractor, freelancer, temp contractor, etc.). Source: MBO Partners, Independent Workers and the On-Demand Economy, & U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Future of Work Read more: Free agent workers are becoming an integral part of the talent supply chain
  • 25. People are increasingly creating supplemental incomes through online platforms and marketplaces like Airbnb, Etsy, Thumbtack, Uber and Upwork . Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015 Future of Work Resource Optimization Read more: How Uber and other on-demand workers are transforming our perceptions of work
  • 26. “Generation Z is mobile first and mobile only, and they are nothing like Millennials” Source: Brian Solis, 25 Disruptive Technology Trends 2015 - 2016 Digital Economy Future of Work Customer Experience Read more: Planning ahead for Generation Z
  • 27. Generation Z wants to be engaged by real people, especially in advertising where they are nearly twice as likely to want to see "real people" than celebrities. Because of this desire, they are more likely to visit YouTube than any other social site (85%). Source: Deep Focus, Cassandra Report: Gen Z Uncovers Massive Attitude Shifts Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: Why your teenager will leave you jobless
  • 28. 65% of emerging market Millennials aspire to become the leader or most senior executive within their organization, compared to only 38% in developed markets. Source: Deloitte, The Deloitte Millennial Survey 2015 Future of Work Read more: The leadership aspiration gap
  • 29. 87% of organizations cite culture and engagement as their top challenges, but less than half believe they have good programs in place to engage and retain employees. Source: Deloitte, Global Human Capital Trends 2015 Future of Work Read more: Unexpected costs of poor employee engagement
  • 30. Companies with high employee engagement and enablement can have net profit margins 4 times greater than companies with low engagement and enablement. Source: Towers Watson, The Power of Three: Taking Engagement to New Heights Future of Work Read more: Employee engagement and company culture sets your brand as an employer
  • 31. 85% of CEOs whose organizations have a diversity and inclusiveness strategy say it's enhanced performance. Source: PwC, 18th Annual Global CEO Survey Future of Work Read more: Increasing organizational creativity through diversity
  • 32. 86% of companies cite leadership as one of their most important challenges, but only 10% believe they have an excellent succession plan. Source: Deloitte, Global Human Capital Trends 2015 Future of Work Read more: Developing leaders and a leadership culture
  • 33. 78% of CEOs are concerned about over-regulation. Source: PwC, 18th Annual Global CEO Survey Future of Work Read more: Outsourcing in highly regulated environments
  • 34. 78% of employees say it is very important to work for a digitally enabled company or a digital leader. Source: MIT Sloan Management Review, Is Your Business Ready for a Digital Future? Digital Economy Future of Work Read more: Factors affecting the future of work infographic
  • 35. But only 39% of companies leverage social media data to improve recruiting, engagement, and employer brand. Source: Deloitte, Global Human Capital Trends 2015 The average internet user spends 1.72 hours on social networks per day. Source: GlobalWebIndex, GWI Social Report 2015 Digital Economy Future of Work Read more: Is social media taking over your employees workday?
  • 36. Over two thirds of people think that businesses need to deliver more social and environmental change. Nearly three quarters want to see more transparency, and 81% more accountability. Source: Global Tolerance, The Values Revolution Future of Work Improving People’s Lives Read more: Ideas for creating a culture of transparency
  • 37. Airlines are pushing biofuels because they have no choice. The number of airline passengers is projected to more than double to 7.3 billion a year over the next two decades (up from 3.3 billion in 2014). Source: CBS News, Why airlines keep pushing biofuels & International Air Transportation Association, New IATA Passenger Forecast Resource Optimization Read more: Eco-driving tips to reduce fleet fuel costs and emissions
  • 38. There will be more words written on Twitter in the next two years than contained in all books ever printed. Source: The Huffington Post, Is Twitter Bad For Language? Statistical Analysis Says No (New Book from Christian Rudder, Dataclysm: Who We Are) Digital Economy Read more: Leveraging social data for social business
  • 39. Mobile communication service WeChat is helping the Chinese Government offer services to 549 million users. Source: Mary Meeker – KPCB, Internet Trends 2015 Digital Economy Customer Experience Resource Optimization Read more: Expanding government data sharing to gain citizens trust
  • 40. “Businesses are no longer the sole creator of a brand; it is co- created by consumers through shared experiences and defined by the results of online searches and conversations.” Source: Brian Solis, 10 Brian Solis Quotes by Prezly Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: Redefining and personalizing the shopping experience with innovative mobile apps
  • 41. 70% of consumers are more likely to recommend a brand because it provides a simpler experience, and 38% are willing to pay more for simpler experiences. Source: Siegel+Gale, Simplicity Index Customer Experience Run Simple Read more: How you can deliver a coordinated and consistent customer experience
  • 42. Brands that are loved by consumers, experience brand value appreciation 10 times more than brands that are less loved. Source: Millward Brown & WPP, The BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands Customer Experience Read more: “Wow” your customers before your competitors do
  • 43. 83% of North American consumers are more likely to continue doing business with a company because of its loyalty program, and 70% will modify when and where they make purchases to maximize program benefits. Source: Bond Brand Loyalty, The 2015 Loyalty Report Digital Economy Customer Experience Resource Optimization Read more: Loyalty programs to retain hard-won customers who help evangelize products
  • 44. A majority of U.S. consumers are multichannel shopping, with 69% Webrooming (browse products online and buy in-store), and 49% Showrooming (browse products in-store and buy online). Source: Harris Interactive, Showrooming and Webrooming in the 2014 Holiday Shopping Season Digital Economy Customer Experience Resource Optimization Read more: Providing personalized, relevant customer experiences across all channels
  • 45. 70% of online consumers consider ads that track phone location without permission an invasion of privacy, but almost 45% are willing to their share phone location in exchange for discounts. Source: Euromonitor International, Connecting with Hyperconnected Consumers Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: Personalized location-based mobile marketing
  • 46. Chinese and Indian consumers are more than twice as likely to make purchases with their mobile phones, as consumers in the U.S., U.K., Japan, Germany and France. Source: Euromonitor International, Hyperconnectivity survey Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: Innovation adopters and what differentiates them
  • 47. In the U.S., in-store payments with mobile wallet apps will reach $808 billion by 2019, more than 21 times the $37 billion expected for 2015. Source: Business Insider, The Mobile Payments Report Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: What makes a leader in mobile payment adoption?
  • 48. 57% of a B2B purchasing decision is made before buyers talk to a sales rep. Source: CEB, The End of Solution Sales Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: Creating and sharing content for each stage of the buyer’s journey
  • 49. 97% of B2B buyers trust content more if it includes peer reviews and user-generated content. The top 3 content formats for B2B purchasing research are 78% whitepapers, 73% case studies, and 67% webinars. Source: SocialTimes, Marketing Trends Road Map for 2015 Customer Experience Read more: Are you focusing on the buyers journey or selling?
  • 50. At the current turnover rate, 75% of the companies in the S&P 500 in 2027, will be new (companies not currently in index today). Source: Seeking Alpha, Increasing Churn Rate In The S&P 500 Digital Economy Run Simple Finance Read more: Preparing your organization to survive in 2025
  • 51. Asian companies using video in their content marketing mix had on average a 66% higher website conversion rate: 4.8% vs. 2.9% if video was not used. Source: Aberdeen Group, The State of Video Content Marketing in APAC Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: Tips on incorporating video into your marketing strategy
  • 52. 92% of B2B buyers ranked “Ease of use" as the #1 factor that influences their opinions of solution providers. Source: Demand Gen Report, 2015 B2B Buyer’s Survey Report Digital Economy Customer Experience Run Simple Read more: Embedding simplicity behaviors into your company
  • 53. Latin American internet users are online approximately 3 times as long as Asian internet users. Source: comScore, The State of Social Media in Brazil Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: Latin American technology adoption is outpacing the global average
  • 54. 73% of the global population has a mobile phone, but only 39% of the global population is connected to the internet. Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015 Digital Economy Customer Experience Resource Optimization Read more: Why internet connectivity matters to everyone
  • 55. By 2025, there will be 10 global virtual currencies that will be considered mainstream. Their combined market value will exceed $5 trillion, and Bitcoin will still be the largest. Source: Startup Management, The Next 10 Years: 42 Macro Predictions in Cryptography, Blockchains and Consensus Protocols Digital Economy Resource Optimization Finance Read more: Beyond Bitcoin - How the blockchain could disrupt our financial system
  • 56. 96% of marketers say the ability to make data-informed decisions is the most important capability to respond to disruptions; but only 13% of Marketers are taking action to address disruptions and achieving measurable impact. Source: McKinsey & Company, Marketing disruption: Five blind spots on the road to marketing's potential Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: For marketers, value from big tech trends is really coming from new data Analytics
  • 57. 77% of Generation Z believe they will need to work harder than past generations to have a satisfying and fulfilling professional life. Source: OfficeTeam, A Robert Half Company, Generation Z: Five Surprising Insights And 71% expect to experience significant failure before achieving success. Source: Deep Focus, Cassandra Report: Gen Z Uncovers Massive Attitude Shifts Future of Work Improving People’s Lives Read more: Educating Generation Z to lead the workforce of the future
  • 58. By 2020, 70% of mobile consumers will access their devices biometrically. Source: World Economic Forum, 5 predictions for technology in 2020 Digital Economy Mobile Read more: Security concerns need to be included in mobile strategies
  • 59. Consumers in emerging markets are 2.8 times more likely to purchase wearable technologies than those in developed markets. Source: Euromonitor International, Connecting with Hyperconnected Consumers Read more: Wearable products are being designed and developed for just about every market Digital Economy Customer Experience
  • 60. The first decade of this century witnessed a historic reduction in global poverty and a near doubling of the middle class, but 71% of the global population still subsists on less than $10 a day, and 1 billion people live on less than $2 a day. Source: Pew Research Center, A Global Middle Class Is More Promise than Reality Resource Optimization Read more: How is the new global middle class affecting your supply chains?
  • 61. 38 million global deaths were due to noncommunicable diseases. This invisible epidemic hinders the economic development of many countries. Source: World Health Organization Improving People’s Lives Read more: Stopping diabetes in its tracks with connected care
  • 62. Each month, over 2 billion people use global messaging platforms: WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, or LINE. Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015 Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: Insights into global mobile adoption and how to adapt
  • 63. BRIC countries added 68 million internet users in 2014, 11 million more users than there are in all of the United Kingdom. Source: Internet Live Stats, Internet Users by Country Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: Entering emerging markets - 5 ways to balance speed with precision
  • 64. 90% of the world’s population over 6 years old will have a mobile device by 2020. Source: Ericsson, Ericsson Mobility Report Digital Economy Mobile Customer Experience Read more: The generation growing up with devices as babysitters
  • 65. 86% of global CEOs are personally championing the use of digital technologies in their company. Source: PwC, 18th Annual Global CEO Survey Digital Economy Internet of Things Big Data Cloud Mobile Read more: How to plan for the convergence of digital technologies
  • 66. The Internet of Things will have a potential economic impact of $4 trillion to $11 trillion a year in 2025. Source: McKinsey & Company, Unlocking the potential of the Internet of Things Digital Economy Internet of Things Resource Optimization Read more: The Internet of Things powering safety, security and savings
  • 67. By 2020, information will be used to reinvent, digitalize or eliminate 80% of business processes and products from a decade earlier. Source: Forbes, Gartner Predicts Three Big Data Trends for Business Intelligence Digital Economy Future of Work Customer Experience Resource Optimization Read more: Preemptive digital disruption - the key to relevance in the Digital Economy
  • 68. The use of sensors will grow 700,000% by 2030, in order to help solve nearly every human need and want, from smart shoes to cancer killing chips. Source: SAP Center for Business Insight 2015 calculation based on SPB Global, A trillion sensors is the equivalent of 150 sensors per human on earth. Digital Economy Internet of Things Resource Optimization Read more: Sensor sales are a leading indicator of IoT adoption witin industries
  • 69. 3D printing usage will grow 2,000% from 2015 to 2030. Source: SAP Center for Business Insight 2015 calculation based on Forbes, Roundup Of 3D Printing Market Forecasts And Estimates Resource Optimization Read more: Perception vs. reality - Busting 3 myths about 3D printing
  • 70. There is now widespread agreement and emerging evidence, that access to technology can help improve quality of life and accelerate development efforts at all levels. Source: World Economic Forum, The Global Information Technology Report 2015 Digital Economy Resource Optimization Read more: Can technology help in the fight against global hunger?
  • 71. Views of user generated or shared content is continuing to grow. Most recently, Facebook video views grew to 4 billion per day, a 400% increase from six months prior. Source: Mary Meeker - KPCB, Internet Trends 2015 Digital Economy Future of Work Customer Experience Read more: 5 lessons in multichannel marketing from a global brand leader
  • 72. Sequencing genomes could cost less than $0.10 as soon as 2020. Source: Business Insider, Soon It Will Cost Less to Sequence a Genome than to Flush a Toilet Digital Economy Big Data Resource Optimization Improving People’s Lives Read more: Digital technology’s exponential growth curve is just about to take off
  • 73. The 1.2 billion cars on the roads are used just 4% of the time. That is 8.2 trillion hours of nonuse per year. Source: The Daily, The Futurist: Uber, take the wheel Digital Economy Resource Optimization Read more: Self-driving cars - The future of the automobile is about to change dramatically
  • 74. Cargo drones could help Africa, a continent with only 16% of its roads paved, avoid the need to build out transportation infrastructure comparable to that of the U.S., China, Europe, India, Japan and Mexico combined. Source: J.M. Ledgard, Better Use of the Lower Sky in a Sharing Economy (published on Medium) Resource Optimization Read more: Radical changes to come from drones in the not-too-distant future
  • 75. 97% of all consumers search for local businesses online. Source: SocialTimes, Social Media Business Statistics, Facts, Figures & Trends Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: How can you ensure online customers see your company and products
  • 76. Within the next five years, more than 90% of all data from the Internet of Things (IoT) will be hosted in the cloud, reducing the complexity of supporting IoT "data blending" Source: IDC, Connecting the IoT: The Road to Success Digital Economy Internet of Things Big Data Cloud Resource Optimization Read more: Cloud technology can enable organizations to focus on and accelerate innovation
  • 77. Success in the digital future will depend on your company's ability to implement digital technologies innovatively, by rethinking strategy, culture and talent. Source: MIT Sloan Management Review, Is Your Business Ready for a Digital Future? Digital Economy Future of Work Read more: The 7 principals for your organization to master the Digital Economy
  • 78. Hyperconnectivity is driving a move towards mass personalization of products and services. Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, Hyperconnected organisations Digital Economy Customer Experience Read more: The Digital Economy is making mass customization more profitable than mass production
  • 79. Although 90% of companies view advanced and predictive analytics as important, less than 30% have currently deployed them, and only 30% have plans to do so. Source: Sandhill, Dresner Benchmark Study Reveals Trends in Advanced and Predictive Analytics in BI Resource Optimization Analytics Video: Providing personalized customer experiences with predictive analytics Customer Experience
  • 80. By 2030, 2 billion jobs will disappear, or roughly 50% of all the jobs on the planet, as a result of technology advances. Read more: What will we do when robots take our jobs? Source: Futurist Speaker Thomas Frey, 2 Billion Jobs to Disappear by 2030 Digital Economy Future of Work
  • 81. Big Data in healthcare is a big deal. Analyzing streaming patient data has been found to drive a 20% decrease in patient mortality. Source: HealthcareIT Connect, When it comes to Healthcare, Big Data is a Big Deal Digital Economy Big Data Improving People’s Lives Read more: 4 ways Big Data can transform healthcare
  • 82. By 2022, the population of India will surpass that of China, and both countries will have over 1.4 billion people. Source: United Nations, World Population Prospects Resource Optimization Read more: Is global consumption of natural resources outpacing what is sustainable?
  • 83. Trust is imperative in the Sharing Economy. 85% of Americans are more likely to use a Sharing Economy service if the people involved went through a background check. Source: First Advantage, Start your story with trust - Being secure in the Sharing Economy Digital Economy Customer Experience Resource Optimization Read more: Building trust and other key requirements for the Sharing Economy
  • 84. Forrester Research predicts that by 2020, B2B e-commerce sales will top $1 trillion. Source: ZDNet, B2B ecommerce sales to top $1 Trillion by 2020: Forrester Digital Economy Finance Resource Optimization Read more: The B2B network with over 1.7 million companies and $1.9 billion daily transactions
  • 85. “Complexity is one of the biggest challenges facing modern business. It is slowing companies down, costing them on average 10% of their profits and harming employee morale.” Source: Simon Collinson and Melvin Jay, From Complexity to Simplicity: Unleash Your Organisation's Potential (book introduction on Finance Future of Work Master Complexity Read more: How to lead your organization out of the complexity wilderness
  • 86. 84% of global consumers actively seek out socially and environmentally responsible brands, and 90% are willing to switch purchases to brands associated with a good cause. Source: Cone Communications/Ebiquity, 2015 Global CSR Study Customer Experience Improving People’s Lives Read more: 11 simple actions to make your company more socially responsible
  • 87. By 2020, half of Africa will be under 25 years old, and 18 million new jobs will need to be created per year to employ this labor force. Source: The World Bank, The African Competitiveness Report 2015 Future of Work Resource Optimization Improving People’s Lives Read more: Africa Code Week - Providing workshops to 20,000 kids across 17 African countries
  • 88. Sport has a unique power to attract, mobilize and inspire, and has been increasingly recognized and used as a low-cost, high- impact tool for humanitarian, development and peace-building efforts. Source: United Nations, Sport for Development and Peace Improving People’s Lives Read more: How an innovative soccer ball can change the world
  • 89. By 2030, 10% of the largest companies in the U.S. will be virtual corporations (less than 10% of their workers will be in an office at any point in time). Source:, 20 Dramatic Predictions for 2030 Digital Economy Future of Work Read more: The impact of working virtually on productivity
  • 90. There are currently 700 million people in the world with no access to safe drinking water. Source: Worldometers,Water And water demand will increase 55% by 2050. Source: OECD, Principles on Water Governance Resource Optimization Read more: It’s time to rethink how we manage our finite water supply
  • 91. Analytics usage in sports is expected to grow to $4.7 billion by 2021, up from $125 million in 2014. Source: SportTechie, Why the Use of Analytics in Sports Continues to Spread Digital Economy Improving People’s Lives Analytics Read more: How football teams are realizing the value of technology
  • 92. 80% of people buy from companies they trust, and 68% will actively recommend trusted companies. Source: Edelman, 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer Digital Economy Customer Experience Video: How do people develop trust online – a round table discussion
  • 93. 72% of people trust information from friends and family, while only 46% of people trust company CEOs, 40% elected officials, and 34% celebrities. Source: Edelman, 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer Digital Economy Customer Experience Video: What attributes to do leaders need in today’s world to be trusted
  • 94. By 2050, rising sea levels could cost cities from Hong Kong to Dhaka to New York trillions annually. Source: The Guardian, Scientists predict huge sea level rise even if we limit climate change Resource Optimization Read more: How the Internet of Things can help combat global warming
  • 95. It is projected that $1.77 trillion in counterfeit and pirated goods will be sold globally in 2015. Source: International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition, Counterfeiting adds up Digital Economy Resource Optimization Read more: Do patents still protect against IP piracy, or even promote innovation?
  • 96. By 2025, half of world's companies with revenues exceeding $1 billion will be headquartered in emerging markets, and China will have more of these companies than either the U.S. or Europe. Source: McKinsey & Company, The Four Global Forces Breaking all the Trends Digital Economy Future of Work Read more: Over 90% of high performing Chinese companies have this in common
  • 97. At the end of 2014, the top 0.7% of the global population owned 44% of total global wealth, while the bottom 70% owned just 3%. Source: Credit Suisse, Global Wealth Report (published by, Global Inequality) Future of Work Resource Optimization Read more: How low wages are hurting the bigger economic picture
  • 98. By 2060, the European Union population will have only 2 working- age persons for every 1 person over 65 years old, compared to the current 4-to-1 ratio. Source: European Commission, The 2015 Ageing Report Future of Work Resource Optimization Improving People’s Lives Read more: The implications of an aging workforce force and how organizations can plan for it
  • 99. To meet global electricity demand in 2040, 7,200 GW of new generating capacity needs to be built. Source: International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook Executive Summary Today, there is only 5,800 GW of global generation capacity across all energy sources (coal, oil, hydro, nuclear, wind, etc.) Source: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, World Fact Book, Electricity - Installed Generating Capacity Resource Optimization Digital Economy Read more: How will we power our ever increasing energy needs?
  • 100. “Within 15 years technology will exist that will allow human brains to be connected directly to the internet." Source: International Business Times, Ray Kurzweil: Human Brains Could be Connected to the Cloud by 2030 Digital Economy Future of Work Read more: Scientists successfully send brain-to-brain message over the internet
  • 101. Run Simple At SAP, we did not invent the digital economy, but we unquestionably understand where it’s going... It is time to simplify, time to innovate and time to leverage digital connectivity. Bill McDermott, SAP CEO
  • 102. Run Simple #Digitalist #SAP visit from SAP To learn more about Business in the Digital Economy Note: slides 2 and 3 are repeated after this slide, to allow viewers to share them and link to the sources
  • 103. By 2020 there will be 200 billion connected devices on the Internet of Things. Digital Economy Read more: The Internet of Things can revolutionize your business more than you think Source: Intel, A Guide to the Internet of Things Infographic Internet of Things
  • 104. “Enterprise software used to be about making existing work more efficient. Now, the opportunity for software is to transform the work itself.” Source: Aaron Levie, @levie Digital Economy Read more: Keys to enabling the digital transformation Customer Experience Resource Optimization