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A Level English Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "A Level English" presents a multifaceted challenge that
demands both depth of understanding and precision in expression. This task entails navigating
through the complexities of literary analysis, language mechanics, and critical interpretation.
Firstly, delving into the subject matter requires a comprehensive grasp of literary theories,
historical contexts, and authorial intentions. One must meticulously dissect the text, uncovering
layers of meaning, symbolism, and thematic relevance. This demands extensive research, close
reading, and astute observation to unearth nuances often overlooked by the casual reader.
Moreover, articulating these insights into a coherent and compelling narrative poses its own set
of hurdles. Effective communication necessitates mastery over language mechanics, including
grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. Crafting an engaging introduction, developing a cohesive
argument, and providing insightful analysis demand not only proficiency but also creativity in
Furthermore, constructing a well-structured essay entails more than just assembling paragraphs; it
requires logical organization, smooth transitions, and a clear thesis statement. Each paragraph
must contribute to the overarching argument while maintaining a coherent flow of ideas.
Balancing depth of analysis with conciseness is a delicate art that demands careful planning and
meticulous editing.
Additionally, the subjectivity inherent in literary interpretation adds another layer of complexity.
While evidence-based arguments are essential, interpretations can vary widely based on
individual perspectives, cultural backgrounds, and personal experiences. Thus, navigating the
nuances of literary criticism requires a nuanced understanding of diverse viewpoints and the
ability to critically evaluate and integrate them into one's analysis.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "A Level English" is a formidable task that
demands intellectual rigor, linguistic dexterity, and critical acumen. It requires delving deep into
the text, articulating complex ideas with clarity and precision, and engaging in nuanced literary
analysis. Yet, despite its challenges, the endeavor promises rich rewards in the form of
intellectual growth and a deeper appreciation for the complexities of language and literature.
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A Level English EssayA Level English Essay
How Did Edgar Allan Poe s Impact On American Culture
The Impact of Edgar Allan Poe on American Culture Edgar Allan Poe once said,
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their
reality. Edgar Allan Poe is among many authors as one of the most influential
writers of all time. Edgar Allan Poe had a unique writing style that no one else did.
He impacted many people and still impacts many to this day. He was one to build on
the idea of horror and expand the concept of it. Many of Poe s works are still
available today, and his poems are still some of the most famous around. Not only is
Poe s work some of the best anyone has ever seen, and the message he leaves with
people is new to others. His tragic early life was the main cause of his affection for
horror.... Show more content on ...
In Historical Context: The Tell Tale Heart, it states that Historians note that Poe s
writings emphasising the dark side of humanity, and nature challenged the
optimistic and confident spirit of the American people during the nineteenth
century (2003). The Tell Tale Heart is a very big reason for Poe s success as a
writer. In Historical Context: The Tell Tale Heart, it states while the use of a dark
lantern by the narrator suggests a nineteenth century setting, the story in general
projects a very modern feel (2003). The mood in this story is mostly suspense as it
is about murder. Because these books were so influential, Poe had a major impact on
Becoming A Pediatric Technician
They care for their patient from birth to twenty one years old. To become a
pediatrician, it takes four years of college to attain a bachelor s degree. While in
school, a person has to take the MCAT, The Medical College Admission Test, to be
able to attend medical school. Then after medical school, they will have to complete
three years of general pediatric training in a hospital. At the end of the general
pediatric training, the person will have to take and pass The American Board of
PediatricsCertifying Examination to become board certified to practice medicine.
Also a person has to be trustworthy, since the staff are caring for other children. The
potential staff has to actually like children, the most important aspect of the job. The
Essay On The Louisiana Purchase
On April 30, 1803 France sold 2,144,510 square kilometers of land to the United
States of America known as the Louisiana Purchase. The United States of America
paid 15 million dollars (about 283 million dollars today) in this treaty. The Louisiana
Purchase was one of the most important land trading in history. It provided territory
for westward expansion and extend the land area; however, it was opposed by many
people at that time. In the same time, 15 million dollars total was much more than the
national financial capacity of the time. In any case, the Louisiana Purchasewas so
important to the US because it gave them a better way of trading to foreign countries
and allowed the United Statesto become a much larger territory.
The Louisiana Purchase territory in that time was much bigger than the Louisiana
Territory today. In the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana s territory started from the
Mississippi River to the beginning of the Rocky Mountains. The Louisiana Purchase
territory included Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska, parts
of Minnesota and Louisiana west of Mississippi River, including New Orleans, big
parts of North and northeastern New Mexico, South Dakota, northern Texas, some
parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado as well as portions of Canadian provinces
Alberta and Saskatchewan.
At that time the Mississippi River had become an important transport route for
agricultural products west of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States, while
Main Idea Concept
In chapter one, one main idea concept is firms. Firms can be small or large in scale
and simply attempt to make maximize profits or make as much money as possible.
Firms take inputs and combines them to add value to what they produce. Firms
choose what to produce, how to produce it, where to produce it, the amount of
what they produce, and the price to sell their product. A real world example of a
firm can be as simple as selling cheap umbrellas on a rainy day. Because it is
raining, people are more likely to buy an umbrella, regardless of the quality or
price. One detail about a firms that stood out to me was the sentence about the chef
who spent $30 on groceries and made an $80 meal. Firms want to spend the least
amount of money as possible... Show more content on ...
Productivity is the amount of resources a business uses, such as labor and capital, to
create its end result or purpose of operation. It measures output per unit of input. A
real life example could be, an assembly line. When another person is added to an
assembly line, more outputs are expected. Therefore, the assembly line is more
productive. I think that productivity is crucial to having a successful business. A
business should do whatever they can to maximize productivity because the more
productive the business is, the larger profits will be for the business, which creates a
profitable and very successful business.
Accounting Software Example
Table of Contents
In this assignment I will review the accounting software appropriate to the outlined
hypothetical company. On the one hand, I will consider advantages and
disadvantages of the software which are relevant to the proper management of the
company. On the other hand I will demonstrate the relevant connection of the
accounting software to the financial management of the company.
Emfibia Limited is a medium size manufacturing ... Show more content on ...
Sales management is connected with purchasing management and inventory control
to provide better analysis of the data. The software supports controls of purchasing
materials, orders, goods receipt and payment.
The inventory control in Emfibia Limited is another important area. The company
has to have organised importation by having large numbers of inventory. Therefore,
the company can start losing the capital. This is why they require appropriate
analysis with stock valuation and the movement of the goods. Sage ERP X3 runs on
similar principles to manual ones, but this software is more flexible and it is possible
to receive the information in real time. Inventory Control is closely connected with
the manufacturing management. The software uses Kanban method of Just in Time
production. The information can be grouped by cost centres, price lists. The
important tool is to forecast the future cost. When the company will prepare new
production in six months time, the software can analyze the actual cost of the
When company has 240 employees it needs an efficient HR Management. Emfibia
Limited provides a variety of salaries, contracts and benefits for the employees. Sage
has all the important covered with applications necessary for Personnel Management,
Benefit Management, Payroll Management, Employee Self Service, Health and
Safety, Workforce
Spheres Of Influence Report
Growing up in a not so good neighborhood in California that was not known to be
praise itself or have praise given to it, coming to Oklahoma was a huge change.
Even though I knew the University of Oklahoma was big on school pride and
sports, I was not prepared for the amount of school spirit that comes along when
being a Sooner. Seeing how everyone comes together when the OU Chant is sung and
how proud everyone is when singing the fight song and participating in events is one
thing that has positively stood out to me. One thing I have learned about the university
since being here is that the OklahomaMemorial Union is not equipped to be a safe
zone if there is a tornado. The Spheres of Influence remind me of a more advanced
quest. It
Green Light in The Great Gatsby Essay
The Green Light in The Great Gatsby
The image of the green light in the novel Great Gatsby, by F. Scott
Fitzgerald, is a significant symbol which reflects Gatsby s dream and other
aspects beyond Gatsby s longing. Throughout the novel Fitzgerald uses many
other images or symbols. At first, it may seem very basic, but when the
symbol is closely studied, one may see the deeper meaning found within it.
Fitzgerald uses these symbols to make a point across to the reader. He
then uses this point and converts it into a deeper meaning, into a myth
about America. The green light mentioned in the novel clearly represents
and is a prime example of this.
Before examining the ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, one cannot affiliate Gatsby with Daisy. The
reader does know that Nick admires Gatsby for his dream which is some way
linked with the green light. The color green represents life, hope, and
youth. Gatsby s fantasy will live as long as long as he remains gazing at
the green light.
In chapter four of the novel, Nick finds out from Jordan that
Gatsby bought the house so that Daisy would be just across the bay. Nick
responds to this fact: Then it had not been merely the stars to which he
had aspired on that June night. He came alive to me, delivered suddenly
from the womb of his purposeless splendor.
Until this point, Gatsby was a puzzle. Nick, at this moment,
solves the puzzle: Gatsby s house and extravagant style of living is a
necessity to reaching and fulfilling his dream rather than a flamboyant
exhibit of wealth. The truth that Gatsby is yearning for Daisy is now
apparent. This is being symbolized by the green light at the end of the
Gatsby finally meets Daisy in Chapter five of the novel. The
symbol of the green light becomes very evident. It becomes so distinct
that Gatsby even shows Daisy the green light. He says, If it wasn t for
the mist we could see your home across the bay... You always have a green
light that burns all night at the end of your dock. Daisy is so
Literature Review On The Phonics
Literature Review
The Debate
There are a million adults who cannot read, one in six Londoners is functionally
illiterate and people who cannot read or write are excluded from opportunities and
may eventually become alienated and turn to crime (Johnson 2010, cited by Gross
2010). Gross (2010) expresses her concern and believes it is not where the children
live, it is how they were taught to read and how they were properly motivated to
learn to read. She endorses the synthetic systematic phonics approach as opposed to
that of the whole word approach and believes we must place our focus on reading as it
is indispensable.
Phonics advocates have been arguing that in order for children to learn to read,
they need to have an explicit instruction in the rules of printed text in order to read
properly. The phonics approach has been described as bottom up as it teaches the
children to decode text and then the meaning and understanding will follow while
the whole word approach is described as top down, as the children depend on the
pictures within the book, form hypothesis and make predictions of the words with
the text of the book being read (Wren, 2003).
Gross (2010) state that children should systematically be taught to read through
phonics and not by memorising whole words ; by the late 1970 s teachers were no
longer fond of that approach as it was not working because children were still
struggling to read, it was dull and repetitive and new words were introduced at a
Queens In Beowulf
The fictional Queens in Beowulf are shown as a ideal model for the real
noblewomen and Queens in the early Germanic tribes. The Queens in Beowulf are
proven to be good or have acceptable behavior if they are peace weavers, play the role
as hostess in the mead hall, and give gifts to her warriors. There were also examples
of the Queens acting diplomatically and actively engaging in political affairs. All of
these traits seem to be praiseworthy in the tale of Beowulf, making it likely that these
traits were also praiseworthy for the actual Queens of the early Germanic people.
Beowulf is a poem published by a clergyman in the tenth century while the tale is set
in the sixth century. It is helpful to mention that these people were also not... Show
more content on ...
The tale is very explicit in making an example of Modryth in describing her actions
as no such queenly custom for a woman to practice. The tale describes how she
would order to kill a male if they looked at her. Not only is this rude by modern
standards, but as with the warband mentality, women were kept out of the violence.
If retribution was needed through the weregild or blood fued, women were not
allowed to participate physically in the retribution. For this reason, Modryth s
actions would be seriously frowned upon. As said earlier, clan and kinship were the
only things in place to prevent chaos enacting, and a woman partaking in violence is
overstepping the society s
Home Football Strengths
You are sitting in Tiger Stadium during the biggest game of the year. Tigers are
down by one touchdown in the 4th quarter and they need to score to win the game.
The fans and cheerleaders are cheering their hearts out but it just is not enough. Who
should they turn to? Who can give them the hype they need to push through the last
bit of the game to win? None other than the Scarlet Band from Tiger Land! They are
loud, they are hype, and Tiger football and basketballwould not be the same without
them. The Scarlet Band from Tiger Land currently has over 125 members. They
perform at all of the home football games and the home basketball games. The
mission of the University of West Alabama Band is to provide a positive environment
for students... Show more content on ...
I loved it. It gave me chills to hear them play the fight song. It always made me so
excited for game day, says Hansen. During football season, the band practices
every weeknight that the weather allows them to. They work around other sports
that use the football field for practice, which means that they typically do not start
practice until around 9pm. Just because of the time they start does not effect how
long they practice. Sometimes they do not finish until 11 or 12 at night. They
strive for perfection and it shows on game day. Students involved in the UWA
Band are given the opportunity to participate in both on campus and off campus
activities throughout the year. The UWA Band serves as both a recruiting and
public relations tool to support the University in its mission. Performances include
six UWA home football games, Christmas on the river parade in Demopolis, AL,
Crewe of Columbus parade in Mobile, AL, Crewe of Endymion Mardi Gras Parade in
New Orleans. The basketball pep band performs at all of the home basketball games
and the Spring
Media And Its Effects On The Media Essay
In modern societies, the availability of information is vital to better decision making
by voters, consumers, and investors. Much of that information is provided by the
media, such as newspapers, television, and radio, which collect information and make
it available to the public. As Americans, we trust what reporters write in the
newspaper, and say on television and radio stations. Although we expect them to
report the truth, current media outlets distort thier stories and give certain news
reports disproportionate attention. The most important stories are often never seen on
Television, read in the newspaper, or heard on the radio stations, while minor and
trivial stories get the most news coverage. Hence celebrity engagements, divorce,
entrance in rehabilitation centers and DUI cases are sold to the media and then
regurgitated to us Americans which are left with inconsequential information. The
media actually makes sure to feed us distracting information to keep us from the truth
and avoid social movements that can highly affect the one percent of the USA.
Mainstreammedia has the power to misinform the public therefore becoming in a way
a social movementagainst public spheres and social movements created by the 99%
with the sole purpose of controlling the public power.
Social movements come and go, representing all political beliefs, and aim to achieve
their political objectives by impelling a particular target group s opinion. Some
groups reach out directly to
How Is Glinda A Wicked Witch
The Wicked Witch of the West s hunger for power is another big part of her
character. She spends much of her time in both the film and the book wanting the
ruby slippers, or in the case of the book, the silver shoes, because of the powers they
possess. One might also speculate that an additional reason the Witch was so mad at
Dorothy when her sister was squashed, is because the witch felt threatened by this
newcomer that is apparently powerful enough to kill a witch. If the Witch of the West
did, in fact, feel threatened by Dorothy, it would certainly explain why she felt the
need to continually assert her dominance over Dorothy and threaten her.
Even in her character design, the Wicked Witch of the West denies femininity. As
Rushdie points ... Show more content on ...
She is clearly important and the one in charge of the farm back in Kansas, but even
she depicts at least one of Ellmann s feminine stereotypes. As she has little screen
time, there is not much we know about Aunt Em s character. It is clear, however,
that Aunt Em depicts the stereotype of piety. One of her most iconic lines is for
twenty three years I ve been dying to tell you what I thought of you, and now, well,
being a Christian woman I can t say it, and, as Rushdie points out in his essay Out
of Kansas, this is the only mention of religion in the entire film (Wizard 0:10:07
0:10:13)(Rushdie 6). Additionally, Dorothy tends to think of Aunt Em in a saint
like light, clearly looking up to her and even recalling the time Aunt Em nursed
Dorothy back to health (Wizard 0:14:14 0:14:18). Because we see very little of her,
there is not much more we can say about Aunt Em s character in this light, but it is
notable that such care would be given to ensure that a good female character would
depict at least one of these stereotypes despite her lack of screen
Essay On Sports And Sports
What are the positive effects sports have on children? This question has a wide
variety of answers. Some may say sports can help with intelligence, building
relationships, and activity, while others see sports as overwhelming or dangerous.
Sports can influence a child s well being far greater than most can imagine. From
their mental and physical development, to their bright futures, sports playan important
role in a young boy or girl s lifetime. Specifically, tennis is one of the best sports to
support the development and futures of children. The future of a childis very
important and it is critical that it does not become endangered by negative factors.
From the early years of their life, kids can learn and develop from sports. ... Show
more content on ...
Other sports may provide excellent health benefits, as well as stimulate mental and
emotional growth. But no other sport received such acclaim for its great benefits
physically, mentally and emotionally. (Groppel) Along with the teaching of respect,
sportsmanship, healthy habits, fairness, and the basics, tennis helps kids develop
hand eye coordination, positive characteristics, and acquire tactical thinking.
Tennis is a very mental game. It is optimal that you have control over your
emotions as well as figure out your opponent s mentality. The tactical aspect of the
game keeps your mind occupied while your body gets a good workout the short
term goals of reaching that little yellow ball in time makes it a complex sport full of
small rewards and limitless challenges. (Cramton) Teaching a kid these rather
complex ideas from a young age will not only aid them with their tennis skills but
also their life skills to come in the future.
Tennis has its benefits that jump starts a child s development and knowledge of
life lessons, but it also has its benefits of providing a future for young players who
work hard to be successful. These futures can include athletic scholarships, a
professional career, or possibly a job teaching others tennis. There is also the effect
of a person s happiness in the future. Tennis players scored higher in vigor, optimism
and self esteem while scoring lower in depression, anger, confusion, anxiety and
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
I decided to complete my National History Day project on the conflict and
compromise of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. I learned about the Tuskegee Syphilis
Experiment and started investigating the experiment. This study seemed to be a
perfect fit to the NHD theme this year. Medical history and the civil right
movement have always been very interesting to me, so I enjoyed researching this
topic. I started with a simple internet search to learn about the basic facts of the
experiment and found a few great sources. Then I moved onto databases, such as El
Portal, and found many great primary and secondary sources. In my school library
and our public library, I did not find any books about syphilis or the experiment.
Throughout my research
Interior Design Social And Psychological Theories
Interior Design social and psychological theories were developed to aid the
designers in better understanding people s needs when it comes to a space. Even in
ancient times, requirements had to be met to make living conditions bearable. High
ceilings, clerestory windows that allowed natural sun light in, tripartite floor plan
arrangement and more were some of the norms of design that helped people
psychologically and socially adapt to their current conditions.
How do people feel when they are at a certain setting? What triggers discomfort,
irritation or distress? What causes good mood, appetite or comfort? This is what
Psychological Social theories explore, the space people relationship and the space
mind relationship. Psychological ... Show more content on ...
Bad lighting or no natural lighting, wrong color palette, how crowded the space
may feel, lack of privacy much more, are some things that if not taken into
consideration could make the stay in a space unbearable. The final goal is for the
occupier of the space to feel comfortable and at ease whether in a public or a private
setting. Although there are many settings that must accomplished the explained
above in this chapter, however, we will be focusing on the Psychological and Social
theories in restaurant design for it is one of the most common examples that includes
all the aspects explained in this chapter.
Today, high levels of people populate public settings causing many requirements
and demands to arise. One of them is the need for privacy in the often crowded
public areas. When designing a restaurant layout, it is important to consider how
much privacy will the visitors have. One of the biggest dilemmas in restaurant
design is the need for tables and seating space which maximizes the profit of the
business. However, overcrowding a space with furniture can make the diners feel
enclosed and uncomfortable for no one likes to be too close to a stranger. On the
other hand, just as people don t like very crowded spaces, they don like very big ones
either for they seem cold and impersonal giving them a sense of exclusion. It is
important to find the balance between the both. Privacy is best described as a
process by
Comparison Of Anxiety And Benzodiazepines
When there is a choice to either take a benzodiazepine or a barbiturate for anxiety,
which is the agent of choice? If properly used, both medications can relieve anxiety,
however, both are also very addictive. Tolerance increases with continued, and
repeated usage. (Lin, 2016).
Benzodiazepines are the most widely used medications for anxiety. Their onset is
rapid, within 30 60 minutes. Benzodiazepines slow down the nervous system,
(Benzodiezepines, n.d.), which cause the body to relax, sedate and produce a sense of
euphoria. (Arcas, 2016). The duration of action varies with the different drugs. Some
of the most common benzodiazepines are prescription drugs such as ValiumВ®,
XanaxВ®, HalcionВ®, AtivanВ®, and KlonopinВ®
Barbiturates ... Show more content on ...
They are tranquilizers, but have a higher therapeutic index than Barbiturates. Benzo s
have an effect on the mind, they are habit forming and can alter the thinking process.
Benzodiazepines are associated with amnesia, irritability, and vivid or disturbing
Both Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates are sedatives. They both exert action at the
GABA receptor complex. (Olsen RW, Yang J, King RG, Dilber A, Stauber GB,
Ransom RW, 1986). The sad thing is that they can both be habit forming and very
addicting. They alter the thinking process and decrease the activity of the brain if
used improperly. Both have side effects. Benzodiazepines may cause dizziness,
slurring of speech, confusion, headaches, blurry vision and make it difficult to
concentrate. Barbiturates, however, cause agitation, irritability, aggression, hostility
and impulsiveness.
For most of these drugs, a prescription is necessary, but because of the high addiction
rate, most of these drugs can be obtained illegally on the streets. Benzo s produce a
quicker and stronger effect and therefore be more dangerous. However, in the
medical field, the drug of choice would be a benzodiazepines. Most doctors prefer it
because of the quicker and stronger effect it has on the
Examples Of Struggles In Jane Eyre
Class Struggle: Jane Eyre
The book Jane Eyre is a long chapter book about a ten year old orphan girl named
Jane, whose parents died years after her mother was disinherited from her own
daughter. Jane s parents were too poor to raise their own child, so the mother s
brother decided to take the infant as his own daughter. Everything for Jane was
supposed to change in a good way, but her life only got worse. After Uncle Reed s
death, Aunt Sarah Reed never supported Jane especially when Aunt Reed s three
kids made Jane s life a living nightmare. Georgiana and Eliza never mess with Jane
too much unlike their brother John. John would mess with Jane so much to the point
his mother would send Jane to the nursery, so she would not have to deal with the
Jane and John show. Before Uncle Reed s death, he made his wife promise that she
would ... Show more content on ...
Sadly, Aunt Reed broke the promise by mistreating Jane and never showing true
love to her small niece. Aunt Reed would send Jane to a new home before she
truly shows affection to a kid that is not hers. Mr. Bucklehurst comes for a small
visit and questioned Jane about religion and how it is to live at Gateshead Hall
without the uncle been around anymore. Jane tries to avoid telling the truth, but she
finally told Mr. Bucklehurst the truth. After Bucklehurst s visit, Jane is sent to a
new home in Lowood by herself, and everyone was shockeded that Sarah Reed
would send a ten year old girl alone. A new journey is in store for Miss Jane Eyre.
Jane tried to connect with the people at Lowood, but she started to be frightened
and nervous. Until. Jane met Adele, and they automatic become close. Jane gets a
job in Mr. Rochester s home. Jane must follow commands from Mrs. Fairfax, but
mostly from Rochester. After Jane saves Rochester s life from a fire, Rochester and
Jane develops a strong affection for each other. Through all her heartache, Miss
The Protagonist in Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser
The picture of the protagonist that Theodore Dreiser s novel, Sister Carrie,
portrays is only a half truth. By examining Sister Carrie s character, she is readily
deemed as passive, weak, and full of superficial desires and yet in this profoundly
inert nature lies the seed for the greater expression of an artistic soul. However, this
realization is only drawn out by Ames s archetypically scholarly eyes (the intelligent
but withdrawn engineer); bringing forth the powerful and intimate beauty that Carrie
possesses, which without a photograph, the reader would forever remain blind to.
Nevertheless, as Ames draws out the riches of Carrie s humanity, he delineates yet
another ideal, the ideal of the artist, which lies far away from the comfort... Show
more content on ...
Moreover, this attraction simply overrides Carrie s struggling conscience, which
would appear only when the pleasant side was not too apparent, when Drouet was
not there, leaving her a victim of the city s hypnotic influence (p75, 65).
Furthermore, Carrie s affection for the superior Hurstwood, who with his style and
easy manners, represents yet another higher stratum and thus misleads her emotions
and smoothly sways her unreasoning mind since there was so much enthusiasm
engendered that she was believing herself deeply in love. She sighed as she thought
of her handsome adorer ... they would be happy (p163). This self delusion is fully
exposed when her relationship with Hurstwood is brought into sudden question. She
hangs in quandary, balancing between indecision and helplessness until finally
Hurstwood s passion for her renewing youth and freshness re conquers her (p218).
Ultimately, Carrie s own goals in life remain so vague that she cannot act upon them,
even when the fundamental security and position in her life is brought under threat.
This passivity typifies her even as she is stuck in the gloomy and decaying marriage
with Hurstwood for three years, where being of a passive and receptive nature rather
than an active and aggressive nature, Carrie
Features Of Egyptian Love Songs
1. Introduction
What is love? Pop culture in the 21st century provides for a generalized perception
on the matter of love, one hears love songs and one reads about illustrious love
stories that can even surpass time, but what about the Egyptian s? What did they
perceive love to be? By relying on academic sources, this essay will analyze the
characteristics of Egyptian love songs and what these love songs expressed about the
Egyptian s view point towards love.
2. Characteristics of Egyptian love songs
Sung at banquets and festivals (Creaseman Wilkinson 2017:202), ancient Egyptian
love poems, also referred to as songs, are full of desire, longing, and heartache. The
characters in the love songs were women and men, or boys and girls in love, ... Show
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The speakers narrate their personal experiences of longing and that something
which was once to them a source of pleasure, is now being nullified by sadness,
When I behold sweet cakes, [they seem like] salt , Pomegranate wine, once sweet in
my mouth is now like the gall of birds (Fox 1985:279).
The poems also depict love sickness experienced by the lovers, which causes one to
be irrational, jealous, and results in the inability to complete normal mundane
activities (Fox 1985:279 280). The love songs also describe how the love of one s
lover is the only effective medicine for love sickness and ailments as love brings
well being and vitality, To hear your voice is pomegranate wine to me , She is more
powerful for me than the Compendium (Fox 1985:280).
In the love songs, the lovers also express that their love for one another gives each
other strength, It is her love that makes me strong. She ll cast a water spell for me!
(Fox 1985:32). The aforementioned line is from The Crossing and refers to a boy,
who expresses his love for a girl, her love gives him strength and courage to cross a
river inhabited by a crocodile in order to reach his beloved (Fox
Human Communication And Its Own Purpose
Everyone has been in that situation that requires them to be professional but also
still show their personality. It is not easy trying to balance them either. One could
decide to just be strictly professional or entirely show one s personality. In some
workplaces one need s to show clients they can always be professional. Certain
workplaces have dress codes and policies of what one can or cannot wear. Trying to
figure out can be hard and sometimes impossible. This paper explains the nonverbal
communicationwith the artifacts one wears. Clothing has its own purpose and can
affect one s behavior, social status, and success. Rank and job roles can be shown by
accessories such as jewelry, make up, and smoking. Eye glassesframes and gestures...
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The ten decisions are: economic level, educational level, trustworthiness, social
position, level of sophistication, economic background, social background,
educational background, level of success, and moral character (Hickson, 1989).
Clothing can also communicate behavior, status, and characteristics of people.
Behavior, Status, Characteristics Studies have been done to see how clothing can
affect people s behavior, social status, and characteristics. One test conducted by
Thomas Hoult showed characteristics with a photo lineup of several college aged
men. In the first test, photos were ranked with no indication to clothing. After the
photos were ranked once they were divided in to groups and ranked again this time
with a focus on clothing. Once all ranked the men s heads in the photos were cut out
and the heads that were ranked low were pasted on to the clothing that was ranked
high. Then these photos were ranked like before. The results were the heads that had
low scores and were pasted on to clothes that were ranked high got higher rankings
than from their original clothing (Hickson, 1989).
The Success in Clothing Ever thought clothing could give someone success in a job?
Ever thought how clothing can also give someone the impression one is successful?
Let s take a look at the clothes of a businessman. To show that one has authority,
credibility, and likability one should wear a suit (Hickson, 1989). Dark colors
communicate authority, but avoid black,
Summary Of How The Other Half Lives
November 19, 2016
The book How the Other Half Lives describes a disastrous scene of people who
came here with hardly anything. The Irish, Chinese, and Italians all came here in
search of a start to a new life, but when they came here they barely had any money.
They were forced to work for little pay and had to live in the worst living conditions
ever. The dedication and determination it took for these people to continue living in
this lifestyle and so what was best for them is just nothing but astonishing and this
should be admired by everyone.
The Irish had been around in the United States, longer than most knew, since the early
colonial periods. In the mid 1840s they immigrated here due to the potato famine,
which destroyed the Irish because ... Show more content on ...
The town was closely washed by a patrol of the police. A majority of the women
who lived in Chinatown were not married to any of the men. Then the children,
being so young, were incapable of of making anything for themselves beside what
they made from Mott Street. It is terrible that many of the children were abused,
and the police simply let it happen and did nothing about it to help fix or prevent it
from happening again. One young girl was fired from the store she worked at and
she ended up working in a laundromat in Chinatown. The idea of a young girl
working to just feed herself is unimaginable and would never be thought to happen
in today s time. Another instance was a woman was being beaten to death by her
husband. There was a police officer seeing it all happen and he did nothing to help
or stop it. The police officer s excuse for not doing anything was he did not like the
woman; he just shrugged his shoulders and just went on his day like none of it had
ever even happened. It was very difficult to figure out who had done what during
those times because many many people kept quiet and to themselves. No one ratted
one another out for they feared that something bad would happen to them or their
families (Riis Chapter
Pure And Simple Dolly Parton Analysis
Journalists from across the United States gathered together July 5 via conference
call to interview Dolly Parton about her new album Pure and Simple and her
international tour, also titled Pure and Simple, which will be coming to the
UCCU Center in Orem July 26. Over 30 journalists who work for newspapers,
magazines, and websites such as The New York Times, The Guardian, St. Louis
Post, The Windsor Era, The Daily Herald and the UVU Review, assembled to have
the opportunity to each ask Parton one question of their own choosing. The majority
of questions asked were about her music and her sold out Pure and Simple tour,
which will be coming to over 60 cities in the United States and Canada. In addition to
her recent tour, Parton is releasing her 43rd studio album Pure and Simple which
contains 12 songs that Parton wrote and produced herself. When asked about what
this particular album, Parton explained that the title of the album is the essence of
each song.... Show more content on ...
Her hope for the new album is that people can find a song that they like and
connect with. Along with that, Parton hopes that her tour, Pure and Simple, will be
relatable. A journalist from the St. Louis post asked Parton if she tries to
incorporate new songs, stories or other things into each stop along her tour. Parton
stated that because she has performed countless shows and that this is her first tour
in over 20 years, she does have new things that she wants to introduce into
performances. Parton loves to enjoy each concert and to do this, she tries to add new
moments in every time. Parton laughed as she admitted that she likes to crack jokes
and make the audience laugh to keep them entertained. She also likes to include
stories and gospel
Clowns Myths
Clowns and dolls are always part of a child s childhood. Whether it is a little girlВґs
doll that she always walks around with, or a clown at a birthday party. As people get
older they tend to get more afraid because of fake movies. Dolls are feared for the
same reason but then people come to their senses and realize they arenВґt real.
People also think all clowns are nice, but that is just a myth. There was once a clown
named Bubbles. Bubbles isnВґt normal clown who helps looks scary and is really
nice. Bubbles looks like the nicest clown you could ever meet. Bubbles was once
invited to a birthday party since he loved children very much he was so excited.
When he got there it ended up being for a bunch of snotty teenagers. The teenagers
abused Bubbles and made him look very scary. The special thing about Bubbles is
that he had magical powers that all the little kids loved. After this incident, he
hated little kids and used his powers the wrong way. There was once a doll named
Judy. She was a beautiful doll with long blonde hair and a pretty dress. Judy used to
belong to a little girl named Lucy. Lucy threw Judy out because her brother cut the
doll s face up. Bubbles found Judy 7... Show more content on ...
Not because of the candy or the costumes, but because of the children. Bubbles
would make himself and Judy look very friendly, so the kids arenВґt afraid of them.
Bubbles would show the kids a magic trick by turning Judy into a real girl. The
kids would love it and they would follow Bubbles wherever he would go. Every
time Bubbles would tell them he had lots of candy in his house and he would take
them there and torture them. He would do all the terrible stuff the teenagers did to
him to the children, but he would do it 10 times worse on the little children. Judy
would seven slice up their faces like LucyВґs brother did to
Hospitality Provision
Hospitality provision is one of important services in travel and tourism. The hotel
is a basis for short accommodation needs of travellers. Depending on the content
and using that object classification stay in hotel, tourism, resort, etc. According to
the level of amenities available, they are classified according to the number of
stars from 1 to 5 stars. In recent year, the economics and society are developing.
People are getting busier with their work and their life. They have to do many
things so sometime they need to have a rest time to relax and enjoy their life when
their life are more wealthy and sufficient and travel is one of most ways which they
choose to spend their rest time. In modern life now, travel ... Show more content on ...
Tourism industries cannot succeed without hospitality because tourists need places
to stay in the destinations. In hospitality, people who are served are tourists.
Almost tourist who come from different countries .So they have different gender,
variety hobbies and demands. They maybe also pay a lot of money so they need to
have good services from hospitality and destination where they travel. They also
need to be taken care of. So the hospitality need to make sure that those tourists feel
satisfied with the hospitality s services. One of important things in hospitality is
supply good service about food for every meal of customers to let they have good
feeling about that. In addition, hospitality need to applied transportation for
customers such as bus, monorail or boat to go to different parks easily and
conveniently so travellers will be very comfortable with their journey.
Task 2: Understand the impact of integration within the hospitality industry
2.1 Analyse the implication of integration to the hospitality industry.
What is integration? Integration means combining of same organisation. It s a two
for one deal at many hotels around the country. And it s not about the free night stay.
Major hotel chains to build two hotels on the property, some in the same building, that
target very different customers. The so called dual branded hotel is the newest hotel
development is to save money during the economic fragility. It allows the owner not
Dell Computer Corporation And The Figures From Their...
For the final week s Apply assignment, we are given the scenario of Dell Computer
Corporation and the figures from their 2010 financial statements. In particular, we are
given the information on their investments. We have been assigned the tasks of
determining where the various line items would appear on Dell s financial
statements, finding the value of the first two items on Dell s balance sheet, and finally
exploring impairments and how they differ from unrealized losses on long term
investments. This assignment is intended to determine our grasp of the principles
taught and included in the Financial Accounting course over the last 6 weeks,
including our knowledge of the text.
Where would you find each of the above items in Dell s financial statements?
Short term investments, also called marketable securities, have a maturity of more
than 90 days but are intended to be held only until cash is needed for current
operations (Needles, Powers 2012). This can be a bit confusing because investments
that are less than 90 days are just considered as cash equivalents. Short term
investments can be found on the balance sheet. The accounting balance sheet is one
of the major financial statements used by accountants and business owners [and it] is
also referred to as the statement of financial position ( In
other words, it s a snapshot of the companies finances for a specific period of time.
Long term investments, like short term investments, appear on the
What Was The Causes Of The Anglo-Boer War
The Anglo Boer War remains the most terrible and destructive armed conflict in
the history of South Africa. It shaped the history of South Africa in the 20th
Century and therefore left a legacy marking the end of the long process of British
conquest of South African societies. Conflicting political ideologies of imperialism
and republicanism, including the tension between the political leaders, like the
Boer leader Paul Kruger and the British leader, Cecil Rhodes. These were some of
the causes of the war. The discovery of diamonds in Johannesburg and gold on the
Witwatersrand also pricked the British interest in South Africa, especially after the
Global Financial Panic of 1873. The Anglo Boer War or also known as The First
South African... Show more content on ...
This angered the British and seized their lands. In 1881 the influential Boer leaders
felt that they had had enough of being British Afrikaners concluding that meetings
and protests were useless triggering the First Anglo Boer in 1880 1881. This was a
classic underdog rebellion in which Boer commandos ambushed British forces, and
was conducted across forbidding distances along barely navigable terrain (Nasson,
2006). But this was the advantage of the Boers as they knew the Terrain better that
the British and also knew how to use gun power better because of their many years of
Examples Of Homerun Of A Role Model
A Homerun of a Role Model
Have you ever had someone that you look up to? Well, most people in the world
do have role models. Whether it is a family member, a friend, or just a great person,
role models are phenomenal things for people to have. Role models can help you
strive for greatness, or make you yearn to be an overall better person. One individual
that I look up to is Derek Jeter because he lived a life full of adversity, he attacks
challenges with ferocity, and he performs under intense pressure. Many people
have lived hard lives and gone on to greatness. This is definitely the case with Derek
Jeter. The first reason that Derek Jeter is my role model is because he lived a life full
of adversity. Derek s mother was white, while his ... Show more content on ...
No matter how much pressure you put on him, he will never break down or falter.
The third and final reason why I admire Jeter is he performs well under tremendous
pressure. When D.J. was brought up from the minors, he was chosen to wear
number two. This is very symbolic in the Yankee organization. The Yankees only
gave these low numbers to the players who were supposed to be exceptional. This
meant that Derek was to follow in the footsteps of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe
DiMaggio, and Mickey Mantle. These expectations made him very nervous, but
Jeter still performed extraordinarily. The other reason that D.J. is under tremendous
pressure is because he plays on the most recognized sports franchise in history. No
matter what he does, he s under a ton of scrutiny. A third reason that he s under this
pressure is that not only is Derek a player on the Yankee, but he is actually there team
captain. Being the captain of the New York Yankees is the hardest job available in
sports. You don t have any room for a single mistake. This is the last reason why D.J.
is my role model. Over the course of his prolific MLB career, Derek Jeter has
silenced a lot of critics and made a lot of people realize that you don t have to be
born with talent to make something with your life. I feel honored that I am alive
during the life of this great player. Derek Jeter is my role model because he lived a
life full of adversity, he attacks challenges with ferocity, and
Virtual Child Progress Report Part I
This paper is a progress report of an eight year old girl s developmental milestones
from ages zero months to eight years old. It is an attempt to relate the milestones, and
the impact on the girl s ability to interact with her social environment. It identifies
changes, and struggles the child experienced over the years. It reviews the decisions
the parents made and their impact to her development. It links development theories
to changes and experiences she experienced.
Keywords: child development, developmental milestones, temperament, parenting
style, child development theories, trajectory, social and moral development.
Virtual Child Progress Report Part I Shakira is an eight year old, Asian girl from a
middle class family. She is currently living with her mother and younger sister since
her parents recently separated. In general, her parents get along, and often make
decisions together for the siblings. At home, Shakira is uncooperative, and often in
bad mood (angry or sad). She often forgets homework and chores, or leaves them
unfinished. She overly reacts to stress, and unable to control her emotions. She yells
angrily at family members, and slams the door to her room. Her negative behavior
usually elicits anger from her parents leading to more screaming and chaos. She
constantly cheats when playing games, and lies about trivial things.
She cannot concentrate or pay attention in school. She is not interested in language
arts or
The Era Of The Victorian Era
Right now the world is full of hatred, war, and disrespect, but it has not always been
way. During the reign of Queen Victoria, people learned how to control themselves
and get
along with one another; this is called the Victorian Era. The Victorian Era is known
for being a
time of peace and serenity, but also a time that transformed a culture. Although our
generation has come a long way culturally, we still use some of the same ideas from
Victorian Era.
During this time period especially, people s social status defined who they were and
capabilities. For instance, if you worked a hard labor job you d be considered the
class. The working class was mistreated, had poor working conditions and they were
paid low
wages. On top of all that they were not allowed to participate in any political affairs
and typically
were not the most skilled workers. Therefore, they did not often get promoted to a
higher ranking
job. The most popular of the social classes was the rapidly expanding middle class.
The middle
class workers were the ones that had the opportunity to grow their wealth and status.
It was this
group who established the Trade or Labor Unions. The Trade Union allowed the
middle class to
improve working conditions, health benefits, and pay. These changes allowed the
middle class to
increase their social status and become more easily identified with the upper class.
The minute
group of people that composed the
Potential Energy and Wind Power
Walking outside, wind blows towards your face, can you imagine the wind can
transfer to electricity? Majority people in China have the idea of the coal burning
as a way to produce electricity. However, coal is a limited resource nowadays.
Scientists had found out several alternative ways to produce energy, for example
wind power. Wind power can bring us many benefits because wind is an infinite
resource; wind power is environmentally friendly while wind farmis also a low tax
project. Wind power, a new way to create energy, has become more and more popular.
Scientists, nowadays, are concerned about the limitation of fossil fuels worldwide.
It means some country whose electricity is most produced by fossil fuels may have
the energy crisis in the future. However, other countries, use wind as an energy
resource, not have to worry about the situation because wind power is infinite.
What actually happens is sun s heat causes the air to warm up in patches. In a
result, some patches of air become warm while other patches remain cold. Hot air
gets lighter in weight hence leaves it place and move towards upside, colder air
patches are bit heavier there for their rushes to fill up the space that is left
unoccupied by heated air, and this process generates wind. Because the sun will not
be destroyed in a short time, we will have to wind for such a long time. Thus, wind
power has infinite source supply (Solarpowernotes). The infinity of wind makes wind
power a endless energy
Future The Matrix
Directed by Larry Lana Wachowski and Andy Wachowski
This documentary provides an entertaining and compelling introduction to the new
biology. It shows us what the future of medicine and healthcare will look like.
Abilities that conventional science still treats as anomalies but that frontier scientists
are taking seriously. It provides some of the theories that are reshaping the study of
biology, health, physiology, and medicine. It s an ambitious film that hits the mark in
introducing the general public to difficult subjects (medicine, physics, healing) in an
engaging and easy to understand way.
The film is captivating in its content, presentation and flow, working from personal
stories of healing that defies conventional explanation to mainstream medical and
scientific knowledge to frontier theories and explanations. It leads us on a journey
into the body that many people may find both surprising and changing, taking us
beyond the cells to the bioenergetics and bio informational fields that may actually
regulate the body and its systems at its deepest, most fundamental level. ... Show
more content on ...
Then comes his mentor Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and his crew who is the
matrix Trinity (Carrie Anne Moss) and Cypher (Joe Pantoliano) and Tank (Marcus
Chong) in this crew they try fight off Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) and his crew in
this war.
I thought that the matrix was interesting as you see it in a future prospective and how
things you thought were normal isn t at all what you thought it
Humanity In Atwood s Oryx And Crake
In a world that has a foreseeable future of climate change, genetically modified
humans and animals raise the uncertainty of the future. The unforeseeable future is a
reality in Margaret Atwood s novel Oryx and Crake. This dystopian novel highlights
the concepts that have a possibility of happening in the near future. Main characters
Snowman/Jimmy, Crake and Oryx live through these possibilities, while conquering
the their own difference in viewpoints of humanity. The Protagonist is Snowman
who as a child was named Jimmy and was Crake s friend who is responsible for the
state their world is in. While the definition of humanity can vary from person to
person, I believe that it can be the quality or state of being humane and the quality or
state of being kind to other people or to animals. Humanity Crake s shows humanity
in spite of the of face difficulties because of the complexity of himself especially
through his thoughts of emotions,... Show more content on ...
For instance, when Crake tells Jimmy this about the blysspluss pill he adds what
the pill can also bring. The thing would become a huge money spinner (295).
While this shows one of the additions of making the pill, it does not complete his
that is his only and true motive. Based off Crake accomplishments, it shows that
Crake s motive is to make superior being to improve the situation and improve
society. In addition, based on his characteristics as a Byronic hero, he believes the
ends justifies the means. Crake is a numbers person over word person that never
stops thinking. Crake saved more children from being sold. They would only get
married and more children, who would then have to be sold in their turn (116). At
the end of the day, Crake is deepening his understanding to help overpopulation and
better society. He has the best interest in society through his version of scientifically
Effects Of Nationalism In Japan
OTHER REGION Background: Nationalism in Japan has something different than
other region because of its unique nature due to cultural, traditions and historical
background. Japan as a country has never experienced division socially in terms of
ethnicity, languages, and religions like other nations. As of Boyd C. Shafer:
Nationalism is that sentiment unifying a group of people who have a real or
imagined common historical experience and a common aspiration to live together as
a separate group in the future (Cited in Eckstein 1999: 3). Nationalism was accepted
by the Japanese in to two forms: the statism , which asked the Japanese... Show more
content on ...
In same context, Nationalism in Japan also served as a powerful incentive for
enhancing power to colonize other lands for making stable place in the table of
international relations. Nationalism has various types and measurements in compare
to countries. Therefore, Japan s Nationalism has something that makes it unique and
distinct from other countries. However, there are plenty of researches and data
available in regard to nationalism in Japan, but I feel it will be useful to do research
specifically on the uniqueness and those measurements that have taken while
enhancing nationalism among the people by Japanese. The importances of afore
mentioned questions are to analyze and to give lesson about the characteristics and
types of nationalism which happened to enhance and empower Japan throughout the
history for other post war countries that are failed in achieving that goal. Japan tried
to unite the people by taking some unique measurements and promoting various kinds
of nationalism (e.g. Popular Nationalism, Cultural Nationalism). In order to find the
main reasons and cause of failure efforts on promoting nationalism in Afghanistan, It
needs to find out that uniqueness and used instruments which led Japan to increase
and promote nationalism after World War II. Because Afghanistan with receiving
huge amount of
Ves On A String Virtual Lab Summary
ves on a String Virtual Lab
Google PHET and navigate to the waves in a string simulation. Or type in the
following web site.
/sims.php?sim=Wave_on_a_String Click on Run Now. Adjust the settings on the
simulation for zero damping, high tension, manual operation no end. Wiggle the left
end up and down by moving the mouse vertically one time returning to the rest
1. Describe the wave.
The waves was a pulse, not a periodic wave. The pulse appeared as a hump that
travels along the length of the string and disappeared from the window.
2. How do the individual particles move compared to the motion of the pulse? Watch
a green particle.
The energy of the pulse was propagated along the string and ... Show more content on ...
Reset the wave to oscillate, adjust amplitude to 100, change frequency to 30 and
change dampening to 30. What happens to the wave?
What do you think dampening means in terms of energy?
With the dampening, the amplitude of the wave decreases as the wave propagates
along the x axis, but the wavelength appears to be about the same. The dampening
must be causing a decrease in velocity because energy is mechanical = 1/2mv2 and
velocity = Asin (бЅ t). As energy decreases, so will amplitude. Decrease in energy
can be caused by friction.
The objective of this simulation was to create waves on a string by varying the
amplitude and frequency of the oscillator and to compare the effect of string
tension, dampening, and how the string is held at the end. If the string had no end,
then the wave would propagate down the string toward infinity. If the string was
held with a loose end, the wave would be reflected back at the oscillator or a fixed
end, the wave would be inverted. When a reflected wave would combine with
other waves coming from the opposite direction, the wave amplitudes of the waves
are summed constructively (amplitudes of the waves are summed) or destructively
(amplitudes of the waves cancel out each other). However, in reality the waves are
actually moving pass one other and emerge as their original form. These reflected
waves will continue forever as long as no force lowers their energy. Adding a
damping force decreases the energy of the wave, which caused
Theme Of Responsibility In The House On Mango Street
At first, we examine Responsibility which is shown in both books such as
Bloodline and The House on Mango Street in such a way all the problems revolve
around it, that is to say the sense of responsibility is present in all the situations that
the characters live in and it constitutes one of the most important challenge to
overcome in the life as presented by the Sandra Cisneros and Gaines. Responsibilityis
also addressed as a way of facing the duties or sometime as an inevitable fate which
some characters understand early they cannot do anything but adapt it to overcome
and achieve their obligation. However according to this situation of responsibility it
will be necessary to analyze some aspects about the responsibility attitude as
presented... Show more content on ...
That is to say Esperanza considers her sister as her first responsibility outside
home. A s we can see the author of the book presents Mango Street as a district that
one can compare to a jungle in which the influences are coming from everywhere
that is the raison why Esperanza is obliged to take his sister like her friend just to
look after her.
Sandra Cisneros demonstrates a challenge that is not obviously to overcome for a
young child, in other words one can say that it is remarkable to undertake such
responsibility by awaking the older women about their sufferings for an improvement
and by keeping watch over her sister constitutes the most important task for her and
this act demonstrates she does not neglect her family even she care about her
neighbors welfare but. This double responsibility are important aspects for allowing
to provide relevant evidences that depict the early responsibility throughout the
protagonist Esperanza
Developmental Changes In Autobiographical Memory Essay
Based on existing literature, it is commonly agreed upon that important
developmental changes occurs during early childhood, which lead to improvements
in autobiographical memory (e.g., Piolino et al., 2007). Although it is widely known
that these improvements occur, it remains unclear what developmental changes occur
in the brainthat have an impact on these improvements in memorybehavior. Cortical
regions such as the temporal lobes, parietal cortex, and prefrontal cortex play a role in
memory formation (Gilboa, 2004; and Maguire, 2001). Although this distributed brain
network support memory, the hippocampusis critical for forming memories. The
important role of the hippocampus in memory formation was first observed it the
case of H.M (Scoville and Milner, 1957). He was a 27 year old patient who suffered...
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Hippocampal lesions in nonhuman primates such as rodents and monkeys drastically
impaired their performance on memory tasks (Mahut, Moss, Zola Morgan, 1981;
Zola Morgan Squire, 1986; Zola Morgan, Squire, Amaral, 1989). Studies on the role
of the hippocampus in humans with amnestic disorders revealed that the
hippocampus is particular important for declarative memory, memory associated with
events and facts (e.g., Cohen et al., 1997, Squire and Knowlton, 1995; Squire and
Zola, 1996). Vargha Khadem et al. studied three neurological patients with bilateral
hippocampal pathology that originated in early childhood (1997). These individuals
had difficulty remembering past events and experiences in their life. This finding and
others suggests that although declarative memory encompasses both episodic
memory (past events and experiences) and semantic memory (factual knowledge), the
hippocampus is necessary for episodic memory, but not semantic memory (Hayman et
al., 1993; Tulving Markowitsch, 1998; Vargha Khadem et al.,
Essay on Legalization of Prostitution
Prostitution, considered one of the oldest professions in the world, was legal until
1915 when most states passed laws making it illegal. One of the main reasons for the
prohibition of prostitution was to keep soldiers out of the brothels so they would stay
focused on the war. After WWII, lawmakers left the prohibition laws in place instead
of repealing them. Prostitutionshould be legal, regulated, and taxed. This would
increase the quality of policeprotection, reduce waste in the judicial system, decrease
the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and increase federal tax revenue. By
legalizing and regulating the act of prostitution, the spread of sexually transmitted
diseases (STD s) will decrease. Opponents of legalization... Show more content on ...
The legalization of prostitution will increase tax revenue by collecting taxes from the
legal brothels. The State of Nevada does not collect taxes from the brothels but the
separate counties do. The counties collect licensing fees, property taxes, and liquor
licensing fees. Some counties get as much as 25 percent of their business fees from
brothels. Lyon County, home to the famous Moonlite Bunnyranch, will collect
$316,000 in brothel business fees and $25,000 in permit fees next year (Associated
Press). In all ten counties combined, over twelve million dollars was collected from
legal prostitution for the 2014 fiscal year (Associated Press). The federal
government also collects income tax from the prostitutes and from the brothels.
Estimates show there to be over 500,000 prostitutes working illegally in the United
States. The government could tax those 500,000 men and women if they were
working legally in brothels. The average prostitute working legally in Nevada earns
approximately $160,000 to $180,000 a year. The taxes for that amount of income are
on average $35,000. The federal government could generate an additional $17.5
million a year in just income tax revenue by legalizing prostitution. The U.S.
government is in a financial crisis, the revenue generated by legalizing prostitution
could help alleviate some of that burden. Each state spends over ten million dollars
every year enforcing
Perfection In The Giver
Have you ever tried to achieve perfection? It never works out does it? In the novel
The Giver ,written by Lois Lowry, the main character Jonas realizes that his
community isn t as perfect as it seems. Jonas experiences throughout the novel
develop a theme over the course of the text by teaching the reader that you cannot
achieve perfection. Although some readers may believe that perfection is possible
Jonasexperiences show that striving for perfection can lead to bad consequences.
Throughout the book The Giver Jonas realizes that his community isn t as perfect as
he s always thought that it is once he starts to receive memories from The Giver. One
reason that one cannot achieve perfection is because humans are naturally imperfect.
Stop Language Assignment
Assignment Instructions: Develop a routine to identify and remove stop words
Implement a porter stemmer to stem the tokens processed by your indexer routine.
Remove (do not process) any term that begins with a punctuation character Determine
the term frequency (tft,d) for each unique term in each document in the collection to
be included in the inverted index. Determine the document frequency (dft) which is a
count of the number of documents from within the collection that each unique
inverted index term appears in. Calculate the inverse document frequency using the
following formula: idft = log(N/dft) o The N in this formula refers to the number of
documents that exist in the collection. When using the corpus small document
collection N will be 41 as there are 41 documents in the collection. Calculate the tf idf
weighting using the following formula: tf idftd = tft,d Г— idft The... Show more
content on ...
What I was able to complete begins after line 336, after the imported provided
stemmer code. You will see in the included Python file that I included an array of
stop words which I built based on one of the many suggested lists of stop words you
can find online (List of Stop Words, 2018). I also included an array of punctuation
used to identify any tokens that started with any punctuation. I created two
dictionaries to keep track of the terms and documents with an associated ID. Starting
at line 424, is the code to perform the token stemming, removal of stop words, and
removal of tokens that start with punctuation. As part of this, I tracked the number of
unique terms that were removed by the stop words and also added code to output a
.dat file of the stopped words. I also had this stop and punctuation.dat file include the
tokens that were removed for punctuation. The punctuation tokens were not tracked
as unique stop words that were removed and reported along with the other program
The Tempest the Play by William Shakespeare Essay
The Tempest the Play by William Shakespeare Ruler s in general face many
problems, as is the nature of having power and authority. However rulers like
Prospero face even more difficulties, as Prospero has the ultimate power of magic
and can control and manipulate people and their actions, more so than a natural
ruler. The first difficulty presented is an issue, which is dealt with throughout the
play: the idea of how much or how little to intervene? From the beginning of the
play we are told of how and why Prospero is usurped from his dukedom, I thus
neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated/ To closeness, and the bettering of my mind
/ With that which, but by being so retired, O er prized all popular rate, in my false...
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This idea is further developed in Act 2, scene1 where, as previously mentioned
Sebastian and Antonio attempt to kill Gonzalo in his sleep. Illustrating the
disloyal nature of those individuals close to those in power. This is of course the
main reason why Prospero is on the island because of his trusting and naive nature,
of those around him. This theme is explored in numerous Shakespearian dramas
and is perhaps the worst danger for a monarch in Shakespeare s plays. Good rulers
get deposed and killed when they are too trusting; when they fail to be aware of
usurpers and betrayers. Hamlet s father is shocked that his brother would
unnaturally murder him. Lear believes his inherent kingship will inspire reverence
even when he strips himself of real power. Edgar, who with tragic naivety trusts his
brother Edmund, has to learn to deceive and dissemble before he s qualified to
become king. Duncan can t find the mind s construction in the face , so he s killed
by a traitor with a false face. That s why Malcolm, before he becomes king, has to
demonstrate his ability to lie to Macduff, to test whether he s
Bartleby, the Scrivener Story Analysis
Have you ever seen a person so disconnected from society and from what is
considered to be normal that he or she made you question their sanity? If so, you
could relate with the lawyer in the story Bartleby, the Scrivener. In this story, the
narrator, who is a lawyer, has a simple man named Bartleby respond to a job opening
as a scrivener. Unbeknownst to the lawyer, Bartleby did not act in the manner the
lawyer would have expected. Bartleby is so outside of what is expected that it is
almost as if he had died and no longer had to live up to society s standards. In this
story, Bartleby is portrayed as a lifeless zombieand is alone with nowhere to go, no
one to see, nowhere to be, and no purpose to live for.
The first case on which ... Show more content on ...
To copy someone else s work nonstop all day every day would get really tiring, but
the lawyer says Bartleby gorges himself on copying papers and documents. Usually
when someone gorges him or herself in something, it is something that they like or
enjoy. In Bartleby s case this is what he does, not because he enjoys it but because it s
all he has. This is evident when the lawyer says, He ran a day and night line, copying
by sun light and by candle light. (108) This job is all he had in his life.
Another case in which Bartleby shares similarities to that of a zombie is when he
repeats throughout the story, I prefer not to. No one would ever say these words to
his or her boss. That would be crazy, but Bartleby said these words multiple times to
the lawyer, his boss. This is similar to the characteristics of a zombie, because
zombies do not ever listen to anyone. They do what they want to do and nothing more.
Bartleby took the job as a scrivener to try and find a purpose for his life, but soon
after his boss abandons him, he ends up in jail. At this moment in his life he sees
that he truly has nothing. His quest for purpose as a scrivener has failed. He is at the
end of his life, not because he is old or sick physically, but because he has nothing to
live for. While in jail he refuses to eat and soon he dies. His reason for living died a
long time ago, though. His pursuit to be a scrivener was
Multiculturalism and the Canadian identity Essay
Multiculturalism and the Canadian identity.
What is Canada? What is a Canadian? Canada, to employ Voltaire s analogy, is
nothing but a few acres of snow. . Of course, the philosopher spoke of New France,
when he made that analogy. More recently, a former Prime Minister, Joe Clark, said
that the country was nothing but a community of communities . Both these images
have helped us, in one way or another, try to interpret what could define this
country. On the other hand, a Canadian could be a beer, a hockey playing beaver or
even a canoe floating in a summer day s sunset. A Canadian could also be a
sovereigntyphobe , refusing to see the liquefaction, albeit political, of the second
largest country in the world. ... Show more content on ...
While the rest of Canada employs the concept of multiculturalism, Quebec
emphasizes on another theory: interculturalism, or the notion of support in cross
cultural dialogue and challenging self segregation tendencies within cultures. In the
province, the word multiculturalism announces pejorative meanings. This was due, in
part, to the fact that a federal commission which was charged several years ago with
the task of developing policies for Canada, based on its bicultural and bilingual
character emerged with a recommendation that Canada think of itself as a
multicultural and bilingual country.3 . Francophones, on the other hand, felt that this
concept placed them at the same level as minority ethnic groups, thus erasing their
thoughts of being seen as one of the country s founding nations.
Religious symbolism and governmental position
In 1985, a request, made by Baltej Singh Dhillon, who asked to allow the addition
of a religious symbol to the RCMP s emblematic red uniform, changed the way the
force was perceived, in the country. This gesture begged one question: Would a
religious symbol be accepted, in any given governmental environment, where
religious attire is often seen a source of tension? For many, the RCMP was seen as
the pinnacle of Canadian identity. As a result, many groups felt that a turban would
not have the same level of symbolic sanctity as the Stetson hat, worn by RCMP
officers. The Canadian population also felt that
The Role Of Transportation In The Early 1800s
During the early 1800s, many new and revolutionary ways of transportation and
communication throughout the country surged. In the 1820s, the American System,
or the construction of canals and roads that connected the South, West and
Northeast together, was suggested by Henry Clay. According to the text, Private
companies built many turnpikes, or toll roads (page 389). His is important to
know because these roads made transportation easier along the country. In fact, the
fees that were paid by their travelers were used to pay the construction of these
roads, as well as future ones. The text explicitly states, In 1806 Congress approved
funds for a National Road to the West and five years later agreed on the route ( page
389). To sum up, after

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A Level English Essay. A Level English Language Paper 1 Model Essays amp; Mock Teaching Resources

  • 1. A Level English Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "A Level English" presents a multifaceted challenge that demands both depth of understanding and precision in expression. This task entails navigating through the complexities of literary analysis, language mechanics, and critical interpretation. Firstly, delving into the subject matter requires a comprehensive grasp of literary theories, historical contexts, and authorial intentions. One must meticulously dissect the text, uncovering layers of meaning, symbolism, and thematic relevance. This demands extensive research, close reading, and astute observation to unearth nuances often overlooked by the casual reader. Moreover, articulating these insights into a coherent and compelling narrative poses its own set of hurdles. Effective communication necessitates mastery over language mechanics, including grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. Crafting an engaging introduction, developing a cohesive argument, and providing insightful analysis demand not only proficiency but also creativity in expression. Furthermore, constructing a well-structured essay entails more than just assembling paragraphs; it requires logical organization, smooth transitions, and a clear thesis statement. Each paragraph must contribute to the overarching argument while maintaining a coherent flow of ideas. Balancing depth of analysis with conciseness is a delicate art that demands careful planning and meticulous editing. Additionally, the subjectivity inherent in literary interpretation adds another layer of complexity. While evidence-based arguments are essential, interpretations can vary widely based on individual perspectives, cultural backgrounds, and personal experiences. Thus, navigating the nuances of literary criticism requires a nuanced understanding of diverse viewpoints and the ability to critically evaluate and integrate them into one's analysis. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "A Level English" is a formidable task that demands intellectual rigor, linguistic dexterity, and critical acumen. It requires delving deep into the text, articulating complex ideas with clarity and precision, and engaging in nuanced literary analysis. Yet, despite its challenges, the endeavor promises rich rewards in the form of intellectual growth and a deeper appreciation for the complexities of language and literature. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on A Level English EssayA Level English Essay
  • 2. How Did Edgar Allan Poe s Impact On American Culture The Impact of Edgar Allan Poe on American Culture Edgar Allan Poe once said, Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. Edgar Allan Poe is among many authors as one of the most influential writers of all time. Edgar Allan Poe had a unique writing style that no one else did. He impacted many people and still impacts many to this day. He was one to build on the idea of horror and expand the concept of it. Many of Poe s works are still available today, and his poems are still some of the most famous around. Not only is Poe s work some of the best anyone has ever seen, and the message he leaves with people is new to others. His tragic early life was the main cause of his affection for horror.... Show more content on ... In Historical Context: The Tell Tale Heart, it states that Historians note that Poe s writings emphasising the dark side of humanity, and nature challenged the optimistic and confident spirit of the American people during the nineteenth century (2003). The Tell Tale Heart is a very big reason for Poe s success as a writer. In Historical Context: The Tell Tale Heart, it states while the use of a dark lantern by the narrator suggests a nineteenth century setting, the story in general projects a very modern feel (2003). The mood in this story is mostly suspense as it is about murder. Because these books were so influential, Poe had a major impact on American
  • 3. Becoming A Pediatric Technician They care for their patient from birth to twenty one years old. To become a pediatrician, it takes four years of college to attain a bachelor s degree. While in school, a person has to take the MCAT, The Medical College Admission Test, to be able to attend medical school. Then after medical school, they will have to complete three years of general pediatric training in a hospital. At the end of the general pediatric training, the person will have to take and pass The American Board of PediatricsCertifying Examination to become board certified to practice medicine. Also a person has to be trustworthy, since the staff are caring for other children. The potential staff has to actually like children, the most important aspect of the job. The entry
  • 4. Essay On The Louisiana Purchase On April 30, 1803 France sold 2,144,510 square kilometers of land to the United States of America known as the Louisiana Purchase. The United States of America paid 15 million dollars (about 283 million dollars today) in this treaty. The Louisiana Purchase was one of the most important land trading in history. It provided territory for westward expansion and extend the land area; however, it was opposed by many people at that time. In the same time, 15 million dollars total was much more than the national financial capacity of the time. In any case, the Louisiana Purchasewas so important to the US because it gave them a better way of trading to foreign countries and allowed the United Statesto become a much larger territory. The Louisiana Purchase territory in that time was much bigger than the Louisiana Territory today. In the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana s territory started from the Mississippi River to the beginning of the Rocky Mountains. The Louisiana Purchase territory included Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska, parts of Minnesota and Louisiana west of Mississippi River, including New Orleans, big parts of North and northeastern New Mexico, South Dakota, northern Texas, some parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado as well as portions of Canadian provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan. At that time the Mississippi River had become an important transport route for agricultural products west of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States, while
  • 5. Main Idea Concept In chapter one, one main idea concept is firms. Firms can be small or large in scale and simply attempt to make maximize profits or make as much money as possible. Firms take inputs and combines them to add value to what they produce. Firms choose what to produce, how to produce it, where to produce it, the amount of what they produce, and the price to sell their product. A real world example of a firm can be as simple as selling cheap umbrellas on a rainy day. Because it is raining, people are more likely to buy an umbrella, regardless of the quality or price. One detail about a firms that stood out to me was the sentence about the chef who spent $30 on groceries and made an $80 meal. Firms want to spend the least amount of money as possible... Show more content on ... Productivity is the amount of resources a business uses, such as labor and capital, to create its end result or purpose of operation. It measures output per unit of input. A real life example could be, an assembly line. When another person is added to an assembly line, more outputs are expected. Therefore, the assembly line is more productive. I think that productivity is crucial to having a successful business. A business should do whatever they can to maximize productivity because the more productive the business is, the larger profits will be for the business, which creates a profitable and very successful business.
  • 6. Accounting Software Example Table of Contents OBJECTIVES3 BUSINESS INTRODUCTION3 ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE3 ADVANTAGES4 COMMUNICATION4 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT4 SALES MANAGEMENT5 INVENTORY CONTROL (IC)5 HUMAN RESOURCES (HR)5 DISADVANATGES5 ANALYSIS OF DATA6 SUMMARY6 Bibliography7 OBJECTIVES In this assignment I will review the accounting software appropriate to the outlined hypothetical company. On the one hand, I will consider advantages and disadvantages of the software which are relevant to the proper management of the company. On the other hand I will demonstrate the relevant connection of the accounting software to the financial management of the company. BUSINESS INTRODUCTION Emfibia Limited is a medium size manufacturing ... Show more content on ... Sales management is connected with purchasing management and inventory control to provide better analysis of the data. The software supports controls of purchasing materials, orders, goods receipt and payment. INVENTORY CONTROL (IC) The inventory control in Emfibia Limited is another important area. The company has to have organised importation by having large numbers of inventory. Therefore, the company can start losing the capital. This is why they require appropriate analysis with stock valuation and the movement of the goods. Sage ERP X3 runs on similar principles to manual ones, but this software is more flexible and it is possible to receive the information in real time. Inventory Control is closely connected with the manufacturing management. The software uses Kanban method of Just in Time production. The information can be grouped by cost centres, price lists. The important tool is to forecast the future cost. When the company will prepare new production in six months time, the software can analyze the actual cost of the production.
  • 7. HUMAN RESOURCES (HR) When company has 240 employees it needs an efficient HR Management. Emfibia Limited provides a variety of salaries, contracts and benefits for the employees. Sage has all the important covered with applications necessary for Personnel Management, Benefit Management, Payroll Management, Employee Self Service, Health and Safety, Workforce
  • 8. Spheres Of Influence Report Growing up in a not so good neighborhood in California that was not known to be praise itself or have praise given to it, coming to Oklahoma was a huge change. Even though I knew the University of Oklahoma was big on school pride and sports, I was not prepared for the amount of school spirit that comes along when being a Sooner. Seeing how everyone comes together when the OU Chant is sung and how proud everyone is when singing the fight song and participating in events is one thing that has positively stood out to me. One thing I have learned about the university since being here is that the OklahomaMemorial Union is not equipped to be a safe zone if there is a tornado. The Spheres of Influence remind me of a more advanced quest. It
  • 9. Green Light in The Great Gatsby Essay The Green Light in The Great Gatsby The image of the green light in the novel Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a significant symbol which reflects Gatsby s dream and other aspects beyond Gatsby s longing. Throughout the novel Fitzgerald uses many other images or symbols. At first, it may seem very basic, but when the symbol is closely studied, one may see the deeper meaning found within it. Fitzgerald uses these symbols to make a point across to the reader. He then uses this point and converts it into a deeper meaning, into a myth about America. The green light mentioned in the novel clearly represents and is a prime example of this. Before examining the ... Show more content on ... Therefore, one cannot affiliate Gatsby with Daisy. The reader does know that Nick admires Gatsby for his dream which is some way linked with the green light. The color green represents life, hope, and youth. Gatsby s fantasy will live as long as long as he remains gazing at the green light. In chapter four of the novel, Nick finds out from Jordan that Gatsby bought the house so that Daisy would be just across the bay. Nick responds to this fact: Then it had not been merely the stars to which he had aspired on that June night. He came alive to me, delivered suddenly from the womb of his purposeless splendor. Until this point, Gatsby was a puzzle. Nick, at this moment, solves the puzzle: Gatsby s house and extravagant style of living is a
  • 10. necessity to reaching and fulfilling his dream rather than a flamboyant exhibit of wealth. The truth that Gatsby is yearning for Daisy is now apparent. This is being symbolized by the green light at the end of the dock. Gatsby finally meets Daisy in Chapter five of the novel. The symbol of the green light becomes very evident. It becomes so distinct that Gatsby even shows Daisy the green light. He says, If it wasn t for the mist we could see your home across the bay... You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock. Daisy is so
  • 11. Literature Review On The Phonics Literature Review The Debate There are a million adults who cannot read, one in six Londoners is functionally illiterate and people who cannot read or write are excluded from opportunities and may eventually become alienated and turn to crime (Johnson 2010, cited by Gross 2010). Gross (2010) expresses her concern and believes it is not where the children live, it is how they were taught to read and how they were properly motivated to learn to read. She endorses the synthetic systematic phonics approach as opposed to that of the whole word approach and believes we must place our focus on reading as it is indispensable. Phonics advocates have been arguing that in order for children to learn to read, they need to have an explicit instruction in the rules of printed text in order to read properly. The phonics approach has been described as bottom up as it teaches the children to decode text and then the meaning and understanding will follow while the whole word approach is described as top down, as the children depend on the pictures within the book, form hypothesis and make predictions of the words with the text of the book being read (Wren, 2003). Gross (2010) state that children should systematically be taught to read through phonics and not by memorising whole words ; by the late 1970 s teachers were no longer fond of that approach as it was not working because children were still struggling to read, it was dull and repetitive and new words were introduced at a
  • 12. Queens In Beowulf The fictional Queens in Beowulf are shown as a ideal model for the real noblewomen and Queens in the early Germanic tribes. The Queens in Beowulf are proven to be good or have acceptable behavior if they are peace weavers, play the role as hostess in the mead hall, and give gifts to her warriors. There were also examples of the Queens acting diplomatically and actively engaging in political affairs. All of these traits seem to be praiseworthy in the tale of Beowulf, making it likely that these traits were also praiseworthy for the actual Queens of the early Germanic people. Beowulf is a poem published by a clergyman in the tenth century while the tale is set in the sixth century. It is helpful to mention that these people were also not... Show more content on ... The tale is very explicit in making an example of Modryth in describing her actions as no such queenly custom for a woman to practice. The tale describes how she would order to kill a male if they looked at her. Not only is this rude by modern standards, but as with the warband mentality, women were kept out of the violence. If retribution was needed through the weregild or blood fued, women were not allowed to participate physically in the retribution. For this reason, Modryth s actions would be seriously frowned upon. As said earlier, clan and kinship were the only things in place to prevent chaos enacting, and a woman partaking in violence is overstepping the society s
  • 13. Home Football Strengths You are sitting in Tiger Stadium during the biggest game of the year. Tigers are down by one touchdown in the 4th quarter and they need to score to win the game. The fans and cheerleaders are cheering their hearts out but it just is not enough. Who should they turn to? Who can give them the hype they need to push through the last bit of the game to win? None other than the Scarlet Band from Tiger Land! They are loud, they are hype, and Tiger football and basketballwould not be the same without them. The Scarlet Band from Tiger Land currently has over 125 members. They perform at all of the home football games and the home basketball games. The mission of the University of West Alabama Band is to provide a positive environment for students... Show more content on ... I loved it. It gave me chills to hear them play the fight song. It always made me so excited for game day, says Hansen. During football season, the band practices every weeknight that the weather allows them to. They work around other sports that use the football field for practice, which means that they typically do not start practice until around 9pm. Just because of the time they start does not effect how long they practice. Sometimes they do not finish until 11 or 12 at night. They strive for perfection and it shows on game day. Students involved in the UWA Band are given the opportunity to participate in both on campus and off campus activities throughout the year. The UWA Band serves as both a recruiting and public relations tool to support the University in its mission. Performances include six UWA home football games, Christmas on the river parade in Demopolis, AL, Crewe of Columbus parade in Mobile, AL, Crewe of Endymion Mardi Gras Parade in New Orleans. The basketball pep band performs at all of the home basketball games and the Spring
  • 14. Media And Its Effects On The Media Essay In modern societies, the availability of information is vital to better decision making by voters, consumers, and investors. Much of that information is provided by the media, such as newspapers, television, and radio, which collect information and make it available to the public. As Americans, we trust what reporters write in the newspaper, and say on television and radio stations. Although we expect them to report the truth, current media outlets distort thier stories and give certain news reports disproportionate attention. The most important stories are often never seen on Television, read in the newspaper, or heard on the radio stations, while minor and trivial stories get the most news coverage. Hence celebrity engagements, divorce, entrance in rehabilitation centers and DUI cases are sold to the media and then regurgitated to us Americans which are left with inconsequential information. The media actually makes sure to feed us distracting information to keep us from the truth and avoid social movements that can highly affect the one percent of the USA. Mainstreammedia has the power to misinform the public therefore becoming in a way a social movementagainst public spheres and social movements created by the 99% with the sole purpose of controlling the public power. Social movements come and go, representing all political beliefs, and aim to achieve their political objectives by impelling a particular target group s opinion. Some groups reach out directly to
  • 15. How Is Glinda A Wicked Witch The Wicked Witch of the West s hunger for power is another big part of her character. She spends much of her time in both the film and the book wanting the ruby slippers, or in the case of the book, the silver shoes, because of the powers they possess. One might also speculate that an additional reason the Witch was so mad at Dorothy when her sister was squashed, is because the witch felt threatened by this newcomer that is apparently powerful enough to kill a witch. If the Witch of the West did, in fact, feel threatened by Dorothy, it would certainly explain why she felt the need to continually assert her dominance over Dorothy and threaten her. Even in her character design, the Wicked Witch of the West denies femininity. As Rushdie points ... Show more content on ... She is clearly important and the one in charge of the farm back in Kansas, but even she depicts at least one of Ellmann s feminine stereotypes. As she has little screen time, there is not much we know about Aunt Em s character. It is clear, however, that Aunt Em depicts the stereotype of piety. One of her most iconic lines is for twenty three years I ve been dying to tell you what I thought of you, and now, well, being a Christian woman I can t say it, and, as Rushdie points out in his essay Out of Kansas, this is the only mention of religion in the entire film (Wizard 0:10:07 0:10:13)(Rushdie 6). Additionally, Dorothy tends to think of Aunt Em in a saint like light, clearly looking up to her and even recalling the time Aunt Em nursed Dorothy back to health (Wizard 0:14:14 0:14:18). Because we see very little of her, there is not much more we can say about Aunt Em s character in this light, but it is notable that such care would be given to ensure that a good female character would depict at least one of these stereotypes despite her lack of screen
  • 16. Essay On Sports And Sports What are the positive effects sports have on children? This question has a wide variety of answers. Some may say sports can help with intelligence, building relationships, and activity, while others see sports as overwhelming or dangerous. Sports can influence a child s well being far greater than most can imagine. From their mental and physical development, to their bright futures, sports playan important role in a young boy or girl s lifetime. Specifically, tennis is one of the best sports to support the development and futures of children. The future of a childis very important and it is critical that it does not become endangered by negative factors. From the early years of their life, kids can learn and develop from sports. ... Show more content on ... Other sports may provide excellent health benefits, as well as stimulate mental and emotional growth. But no other sport received such acclaim for its great benefits physically, mentally and emotionally. (Groppel) Along with the teaching of respect, sportsmanship, healthy habits, fairness, and the basics, tennis helps kids develop hand eye coordination, positive characteristics, and acquire tactical thinking. Tennis is a very mental game. It is optimal that you have control over your emotions as well as figure out your opponent s mentality. The tactical aspect of the game keeps your mind occupied while your body gets a good workout the short term goals of reaching that little yellow ball in time makes it a complex sport full of small rewards and limitless challenges. (Cramton) Teaching a kid these rather complex ideas from a young age will not only aid them with their tennis skills but also their life skills to come in the future. Tennis has its benefits that jump starts a child s development and knowledge of life lessons, but it also has its benefits of providing a future for young players who work hard to be successful. These futures can include athletic scholarships, a professional career, or possibly a job teaching others tennis. There is also the effect of a person s happiness in the future. Tennis players scored higher in vigor, optimism and self esteem while scoring lower in depression, anger, confusion, anxiety and
  • 17. The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment I decided to complete my National History Day project on the conflict and compromise of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. I learned about the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and started investigating the experiment. This study seemed to be a perfect fit to the NHD theme this year. Medical history and the civil right movement have always been very interesting to me, so I enjoyed researching this topic. I started with a simple internet search to learn about the basic facts of the experiment and found a few great sources. Then I moved onto databases, such as El Portal, and found many great primary and secondary sources. In my school library and our public library, I did not find any books about syphilis or the experiment. Throughout my research
  • 18. Interior Design Social And Psychological Theories Interior Design social and psychological theories were developed to aid the designers in better understanding people s needs when it comes to a space. Even in ancient times, requirements had to be met to make living conditions bearable. High ceilings, clerestory windows that allowed natural sun light in, tripartite floor plan arrangement and more were some of the norms of design that helped people psychologically and socially adapt to their current conditions. How do people feel when they are at a certain setting? What triggers discomfort, irritation or distress? What causes good mood, appetite or comfort? This is what Psychological Social theories explore, the space people relationship and the space mind relationship. Psychological ... Show more content on ... Bad lighting or no natural lighting, wrong color palette, how crowded the space may feel, lack of privacy much more, are some things that if not taken into consideration could make the stay in a space unbearable. The final goal is for the occupier of the space to feel comfortable and at ease whether in a public or a private setting. Although there are many settings that must accomplished the explained above in this chapter, however, we will be focusing on the Psychological and Social theories in restaurant design for it is one of the most common examples that includes all the aspects explained in this chapter. Today, high levels of people populate public settings causing many requirements and demands to arise. One of them is the need for privacy in the often crowded public areas. When designing a restaurant layout, it is important to consider how much privacy will the visitors have. One of the biggest dilemmas in restaurant design is the need for tables and seating space which maximizes the profit of the business. However, overcrowding a space with furniture can make the diners feel enclosed and uncomfortable for no one likes to be too close to a stranger. On the other hand, just as people don t like very crowded spaces, they don like very big ones either for they seem cold and impersonal giving them a sense of exclusion. It is important to find the balance between the both. Privacy is best described as a process by
  • 19. Comparison Of Anxiety And Benzodiazepines When there is a choice to either take a benzodiazepine or a barbiturate for anxiety, which is the agent of choice? If properly used, both medications can relieve anxiety, however, both are also very addictive. Tolerance increases with continued, and repeated usage. (Lin, 2016). Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines are the most widely used medications for anxiety. Their onset is rapid, within 30 60 minutes. Benzodiazepines slow down the nervous system, (Benzodiezepines, n.d.), which cause the body to relax, sedate and produce a sense of euphoria. (Arcas, 2016). The duration of action varies with the different drugs. Some of the most common benzodiazepines are prescription drugs such as ValiumВ®, XanaxВ®, HalcionВ®, AtivanВ®, and KlonopinВ® Barbiturates ... Show more content on ... They are tranquilizers, but have a higher therapeutic index than Barbiturates. Benzo s have an effect on the mind, they are habit forming and can alter the thinking process. Benzodiazepines are associated with amnesia, irritability, and vivid or disturbing dreams. Contrast Both Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates are sedatives. They both exert action at the GABA receptor complex. (Olsen RW, Yang J, King RG, Dilber A, Stauber GB, Ransom RW, 1986). The sad thing is that they can both be habit forming and very addicting. They alter the thinking process and decrease the activity of the brain if used improperly. Both have side effects. Benzodiazepines may cause dizziness, slurring of speech, confusion, headaches, blurry vision and make it difficult to concentrate. Barbiturates, however, cause agitation, irritability, aggression, hostility and impulsiveness. Conclusion For most of these drugs, a prescription is necessary, but because of the high addiction rate, most of these drugs can be obtained illegally on the streets. Benzo s produce a quicker and stronger effect and therefore be more dangerous. However, in the medical field, the drug of choice would be a benzodiazepines. Most doctors prefer it because of the quicker and stronger effect it has on the
  • 20. Examples Of Struggles In Jane Eyre Class Struggle: Jane Eyre The book Jane Eyre is a long chapter book about a ten year old orphan girl named Jane, whose parents died years after her mother was disinherited from her own daughter. Jane s parents were too poor to raise their own child, so the mother s brother decided to take the infant as his own daughter. Everything for Jane was supposed to change in a good way, but her life only got worse. After Uncle Reed s death, Aunt Sarah Reed never supported Jane especially when Aunt Reed s three kids made Jane s life a living nightmare. Georgiana and Eliza never mess with Jane too much unlike their brother John. John would mess with Jane so much to the point his mother would send Jane to the nursery, so she would not have to deal with the Jane and John show. Before Uncle Reed s death, he made his wife promise that she would ... Show more content on ... Sadly, Aunt Reed broke the promise by mistreating Jane and never showing true love to her small niece. Aunt Reed would send Jane to a new home before she truly shows affection to a kid that is not hers. Mr. Bucklehurst comes for a small visit and questioned Jane about religion and how it is to live at Gateshead Hall without the uncle been around anymore. Jane tries to avoid telling the truth, but she finally told Mr. Bucklehurst the truth. After Bucklehurst s visit, Jane is sent to a new home in Lowood by herself, and everyone was shockeded that Sarah Reed would send a ten year old girl alone. A new journey is in store for Miss Jane Eyre. Jane tried to connect with the people at Lowood, but she started to be frightened and nervous. Until. Jane met Adele, and they automatic become close. Jane gets a job in Mr. Rochester s home. Jane must follow commands from Mrs. Fairfax, but mostly from Rochester. After Jane saves Rochester s life from a fire, Rochester and Jane develops a strong affection for each other. Through all her heartache, Miss
  • 21. The Protagonist in Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser The picture of the protagonist that Theodore Dreiser s novel, Sister Carrie, portrays is only a half truth. By examining Sister Carrie s character, she is readily deemed as passive, weak, and full of superficial desires and yet in this profoundly inert nature lies the seed for the greater expression of an artistic soul. However, this realization is only drawn out by Ames s archetypically scholarly eyes (the intelligent but withdrawn engineer); bringing forth the powerful and intimate beauty that Carrie possesses, which without a photograph, the reader would forever remain blind to. Nevertheless, as Ames draws out the riches of Carrie s humanity, he delineates yet another ideal, the ideal of the artist, which lies far away from the comfort... Show more content on ... Moreover, this attraction simply overrides Carrie s struggling conscience, which would appear only when the pleasant side was not too apparent, when Drouet was not there, leaving her a victim of the city s hypnotic influence (p75, 65). Furthermore, Carrie s affection for the superior Hurstwood, who with his style and easy manners, represents yet another higher stratum and thus misleads her emotions and smoothly sways her unreasoning mind since there was so much enthusiasm engendered that she was believing herself deeply in love. She sighed as she thought of her handsome adorer ... they would be happy (p163). This self delusion is fully exposed when her relationship with Hurstwood is brought into sudden question. She hangs in quandary, balancing between indecision and helplessness until finally Hurstwood s passion for her renewing youth and freshness re conquers her (p218). Ultimately, Carrie s own goals in life remain so vague that she cannot act upon them, even when the fundamental security and position in her life is brought under threat. This passivity typifies her even as she is stuck in the gloomy and decaying marriage with Hurstwood for three years, where being of a passive and receptive nature rather than an active and aggressive nature, Carrie
  • 22. Features Of Egyptian Love Songs 1. Introduction What is love? Pop culture in the 21st century provides for a generalized perception on the matter of love, one hears love songs and one reads about illustrious love stories that can even surpass time, but what about the Egyptian s? What did they perceive love to be? By relying on academic sources, this essay will analyze the characteristics of Egyptian love songs and what these love songs expressed about the Egyptian s view point towards love. 2. Characteristics of Egyptian love songs Sung at banquets and festivals (Creaseman Wilkinson 2017:202), ancient Egyptian love poems, also referred to as songs, are full of desire, longing, and heartache. The characters in the love songs were women and men, or boys and girls in love, ... Show more content on ... The speakers narrate their personal experiences of longing and that something which was once to them a source of pleasure, is now being nullified by sadness, When I behold sweet cakes, [they seem like] salt , Pomegranate wine, once sweet in my mouth is now like the gall of birds (Fox 1985:279). The poems also depict love sickness experienced by the lovers, which causes one to be irrational, jealous, and results in the inability to complete normal mundane activities (Fox 1985:279 280). The love songs also describe how the love of one s lover is the only effective medicine for love sickness and ailments as love brings well being and vitality, To hear your voice is pomegranate wine to me , She is more powerful for me than the Compendium (Fox 1985:280). In the love songs, the lovers also express that their love for one another gives each other strength, It is her love that makes me strong. She ll cast a water spell for me! (Fox 1985:32). The aforementioned line is from The Crossing and refers to a boy, who expresses his love for a girl, her love gives him strength and courage to cross a river inhabited by a crocodile in order to reach his beloved (Fox
  • 23. Human Communication And Its Own Purpose Everyone has been in that situation that requires them to be professional but also still show their personality. It is not easy trying to balance them either. One could decide to just be strictly professional or entirely show one s personality. In some workplaces one need s to show clients they can always be professional. Certain workplaces have dress codes and policies of what one can or cannot wear. Trying to figure out can be hard and sometimes impossible. This paper explains the nonverbal communicationwith the artifacts one wears. Clothing has its own purpose and can affect one s behavior, social status, and success. Rank and job roles can be shown by accessories such as jewelry, make up, and smoking. Eye glassesframes and gestures... Show more content on ... The ten decisions are: economic level, educational level, trustworthiness, social position, level of sophistication, economic background, social background, educational background, level of success, and moral character (Hickson, 1989). Clothing can also communicate behavior, status, and characteristics of people. Behavior, Status, Characteristics Studies have been done to see how clothing can affect people s behavior, social status, and characteristics. One test conducted by Thomas Hoult showed characteristics with a photo lineup of several college aged men. In the first test, photos were ranked with no indication to clothing. After the photos were ranked once they were divided in to groups and ranked again this time with a focus on clothing. Once all ranked the men s heads in the photos were cut out and the heads that were ranked low were pasted on to the clothing that was ranked high. Then these photos were ranked like before. The results were the heads that had low scores and were pasted on to clothes that were ranked high got higher rankings than from their original clothing (Hickson, 1989). The Success in Clothing Ever thought clothing could give someone success in a job? Ever thought how clothing can also give someone the impression one is successful? Let s take a look at the clothes of a businessman. To show that one has authority, credibility, and likability one should wear a suit (Hickson, 1989). Dark colors communicate authority, but avoid black,
  • 24. Summary Of How The Other Half Lives November 19, 2016 The book How the Other Half Lives describes a disastrous scene of people who came here with hardly anything. The Irish, Chinese, and Italians all came here in search of a start to a new life, but when they came here they barely had any money. They were forced to work for little pay and had to live in the worst living conditions ever. The dedication and determination it took for these people to continue living in this lifestyle and so what was best for them is just nothing but astonishing and this should be admired by everyone. The Irish had been around in the United States, longer than most knew, since the early colonial periods. In the mid 1840s they immigrated here due to the potato famine, which destroyed the Irish because ... Show more content on ... The town was closely washed by a patrol of the police. A majority of the women who lived in Chinatown were not married to any of the men. Then the children, being so young, were incapable of of making anything for themselves beside what they made from Mott Street. It is terrible that many of the children were abused, and the police simply let it happen and did nothing about it to help fix or prevent it from happening again. One young girl was fired from the store she worked at and she ended up working in a laundromat in Chinatown. The idea of a young girl working to just feed herself is unimaginable and would never be thought to happen in today s time. Another instance was a woman was being beaten to death by her husband. There was a police officer seeing it all happen and he did nothing to help or stop it. The police officer s excuse for not doing anything was he did not like the woman; he just shrugged his shoulders and just went on his day like none of it had ever even happened. It was very difficult to figure out who had done what during those times because many many people kept quiet and to themselves. No one ratted one another out for they feared that something bad would happen to them or their families (Riis Chapter
  • 25. Pure And Simple Dolly Parton Analysis Journalists from across the United States gathered together July 5 via conference call to interview Dolly Parton about her new album Pure and Simple and her international tour, also titled Pure and Simple, which will be coming to the UCCU Center in Orem July 26. Over 30 journalists who work for newspapers, magazines, and websites such as The New York Times, The Guardian, St. Louis Post, The Windsor Era, The Daily Herald and the UVU Review, assembled to have the opportunity to each ask Parton one question of their own choosing. The majority of questions asked were about her music and her sold out Pure and Simple tour, which will be coming to over 60 cities in the United States and Canada. In addition to her recent tour, Parton is releasing her 43rd studio album Pure and Simple which contains 12 songs that Parton wrote and produced herself. When asked about what this particular album, Parton explained that the title of the album is the essence of each song.... Show more content on ... Her hope for the new album is that people can find a song that they like and connect with. Along with that, Parton hopes that her tour, Pure and Simple, will be relatable. A journalist from the St. Louis post asked Parton if she tries to incorporate new songs, stories or other things into each stop along her tour. Parton stated that because she has performed countless shows and that this is her first tour in over 20 years, she does have new things that she wants to introduce into performances. Parton loves to enjoy each concert and to do this, she tries to add new moments in every time. Parton laughed as she admitted that she likes to crack jokes and make the audience laugh to keep them entertained. She also likes to include stories and gospel
  • 26. Clowns Myths Clowns and dolls are always part of a child s childhood. Whether it is a little girlВґs doll that she always walks around with, or a clown at a birthday party. As people get older they tend to get more afraid because of fake movies. Dolls are feared for the same reason but then people come to their senses and realize they arenВґt real. People also think all clowns are nice, but that is just a myth. There was once a clown named Bubbles. Bubbles isnВґt normal clown who helps looks scary and is really nice. Bubbles looks like the nicest clown you could ever meet. Bubbles was once invited to a birthday party since he loved children very much he was so excited. When he got there it ended up being for a bunch of snotty teenagers. The teenagers abused Bubbles and made him look very scary. The special thing about Bubbles is that he had magical powers that all the little kids loved. After this incident, he hated little kids and used his powers the wrong way. There was once a doll named Judy. She was a beautiful doll with long blonde hair and a pretty dress. Judy used to belong to a little girl named Lucy. Lucy threw Judy out because her brother cut the doll s face up. Bubbles found Judy 7... Show more content on ... Not because of the candy or the costumes, but because of the children. Bubbles would make himself and Judy look very friendly, so the kids arenВґt afraid of them. Bubbles would show the kids a magic trick by turning Judy into a real girl. The kids would love it and they would follow Bubbles wherever he would go. Every time Bubbles would tell them he had lots of candy in his house and he would take them there and torture them. He would do all the terrible stuff the teenagers did to him to the children, but he would do it 10 times worse on the little children. Judy would seven slice up their faces like LucyВґs brother did to
  • 27. Hospitality Provision ASSIGNMENT Introduction Hospitality provision is one of important services in travel and tourism. The hotel is a basis for short accommodation needs of travellers. Depending on the content and using that object classification stay in hotel, tourism, resort, etc. According to the level of amenities available, they are classified according to the number of stars from 1 to 5 stars. In recent year, the economics and society are developing. People are getting busier with their work and their life. They have to do many things so sometime they need to have a rest time to relax and enjoy their life when their life are more wealthy and sufficient and travel is one of most ways which they choose to spend their rest time. In modern life now, travel ... Show more content on ... Tourism industries cannot succeed without hospitality because tourists need places to stay in the destinations. In hospitality, people who are served are tourists. Almost tourist who come from different countries .So they have different gender, variety hobbies and demands. They maybe also pay a lot of money so they need to have good services from hospitality and destination where they travel. They also need to be taken care of. So the hospitality need to make sure that those tourists feel satisfied with the hospitality s services. One of important things in hospitality is supply good service about food for every meal of customers to let they have good feeling about that. In addition, hospitality need to applied transportation for customers such as bus, monorail or boat to go to different parks easily and conveniently so travellers will be very comfortable with their journey. Task 2: Understand the impact of integration within the hospitality industry 2.1 Analyse the implication of integration to the hospitality industry. What is integration? Integration means combining of same organisation. It s a two for one deal at many hotels around the country. And it s not about the free night stay. Major hotel chains to build two hotels on the property, some in the same building, that target very different customers. The so called dual branded hotel is the newest hotel development is to save money during the economic fragility. It allows the owner not only
  • 28. Dell Computer Corporation And The Figures From Their... For the final week s Apply assignment, we are given the scenario of Dell Computer Corporation and the figures from their 2010 financial statements. In particular, we are given the information on their investments. We have been assigned the tasks of determining where the various line items would appear on Dell s financial statements, finding the value of the first two items on Dell s balance sheet, and finally exploring impairments and how they differ from unrealized losses on long term investments. This assignment is intended to determine our grasp of the principles taught and included in the Financial Accounting course over the last 6 weeks, including our knowledge of the text. Where would you find each of the above items in Dell s financial statements? Short term investments, also called marketable securities, have a maturity of more than 90 days but are intended to be held only until cash is needed for current operations (Needles, Powers 2012). This can be a bit confusing because investments that are less than 90 days are just considered as cash equivalents. Short term investments can be found on the balance sheet. The accounting balance sheet is one of the major financial statements used by accountants and business owners [and it] is also referred to as the statement of financial position ( In other words, it s a snapshot of the companies finances for a specific period of time. Long term investments, like short term investments, appear on the
  • 29. What Was The Causes Of The Anglo-Boer War The Anglo Boer War remains the most terrible and destructive armed conflict in the history of South Africa. It shaped the history of South Africa in the 20th Century and therefore left a legacy marking the end of the long process of British conquest of South African societies. Conflicting political ideologies of imperialism and republicanism, including the tension between the political leaders, like the Boer leader Paul Kruger and the British leader, Cecil Rhodes. These were some of the causes of the war. The discovery of diamonds in Johannesburg and gold on the Witwatersrand also pricked the British interest in South Africa, especially after the Global Financial Panic of 1873. The Anglo Boer War or also known as The First South African... Show more content on ... This angered the British and seized their lands. In 1881 the influential Boer leaders felt that they had had enough of being British Afrikaners concluding that meetings and protests were useless triggering the First Anglo Boer in 1880 1881. This was a classic underdog rebellion in which Boer commandos ambushed British forces, and was conducted across forbidding distances along barely navigable terrain (Nasson, 2006). But this was the advantage of the Boers as they knew the Terrain better that the British and also knew how to use gun power better because of their many years of
  • 30. Examples Of Homerun Of A Role Model A Homerun of a Role Model Have you ever had someone that you look up to? Well, most people in the world do have role models. Whether it is a family member, a friend, or just a great person, role models are phenomenal things for people to have. Role models can help you strive for greatness, or make you yearn to be an overall better person. One individual that I look up to is Derek Jeter because he lived a life full of adversity, he attacks challenges with ferocity, and he performs under intense pressure. Many people have lived hard lives and gone on to greatness. This is definitely the case with Derek Jeter. The first reason that Derek Jeter is my role model is because he lived a life full of adversity. Derek s mother was white, while his ... Show more content on ... No matter how much pressure you put on him, he will never break down or falter. The third and final reason why I admire Jeter is he performs well under tremendous pressure. When D.J. was brought up from the minors, he was chosen to wear number two. This is very symbolic in the Yankee organization. The Yankees only gave these low numbers to the players who were supposed to be exceptional. This meant that Derek was to follow in the footsteps of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, and Mickey Mantle. These expectations made him very nervous, but Jeter still performed extraordinarily. The other reason that D.J. is under tremendous pressure is because he plays on the most recognized sports franchise in history. No matter what he does, he s under a ton of scrutiny. A third reason that he s under this pressure is that not only is Derek a player on the Yankee, but he is actually there team captain. Being the captain of the New York Yankees is the hardest job available in sports. You don t have any room for a single mistake. This is the last reason why D.J. is my role model. Over the course of his prolific MLB career, Derek Jeter has silenced a lot of critics and made a lot of people realize that you don t have to be born with talent to make something with your life. I feel honored that I am alive during the life of this great player. Derek Jeter is my role model because he lived a life full of adversity, he attacks challenges with ferocity, and
  • 31. Virtual Child Progress Report Part I Abstract This paper is a progress report of an eight year old girl s developmental milestones from ages zero months to eight years old. It is an attempt to relate the milestones, and the impact on the girl s ability to interact with her social environment. It identifies changes, and struggles the child experienced over the years. It reviews the decisions the parents made and their impact to her development. It links development theories to changes and experiences she experienced. Keywords: child development, developmental milestones, temperament, parenting style, child development theories, trajectory, social and moral development. Virtual Child Progress Report Part I Shakira is an eight year old, Asian girl from a middle class family. She is currently living with her mother and younger sister since her parents recently separated. In general, her parents get along, and often make decisions together for the siblings. At home, Shakira is uncooperative, and often in bad mood (angry or sad). She often forgets homework and chores, or leaves them unfinished. She overly reacts to stress, and unable to control her emotions. She yells angrily at family members, and slams the door to her room. Her negative behavior usually elicits anger from her parents leading to more screaming and chaos. She constantly cheats when playing games, and lies about trivial things. She cannot concentrate or pay attention in school. She is not interested in language arts or
  • 32. The Era Of The Victorian Era Right now the world is full of hatred, war, and disrespect, but it has not always been this way. During the reign of Queen Victoria, people learned how to control themselves and get along with one another; this is called the Victorian Era. The Victorian Era is known for being a time of peace and serenity, but also a time that transformed a culture. Although our own generation has come a long way culturally, we still use some of the same ideas from the Victorian Era. During this time period especially, people s social status defined who they were and their capabilities. For instance, if you worked a hard labor job you d be considered the working class. The working class was mistreated, had poor working conditions and they were paid low wages. On top of all that they were not allowed to participate in any political affairs and typically were not the most skilled workers. Therefore, they did not often get promoted to a higher ranking job. The most popular of the social classes was the rapidly expanding middle class. The middle class workers were the ones that had the opportunity to grow their wealth and status. It was this group who established the Trade or Labor Unions. The Trade Union allowed the middle class to improve working conditions, health benefits, and pay. These changes allowed the middle class to
  • 33. increase their social status and become more easily identified with the upper class. The minute group of people that composed the
  • 34. Potential Energy and Wind Power Walking outside, wind blows towards your face, can you imagine the wind can transfer to electricity? Majority people in China have the idea of the coal burning as a way to produce electricity. However, coal is a limited resource nowadays. Scientists had found out several alternative ways to produce energy, for example wind power. Wind power can bring us many benefits because wind is an infinite resource; wind power is environmentally friendly while wind farmis also a low tax project. Wind power, a new way to create energy, has become more and more popular. Scientists, nowadays, are concerned about the limitation of fossil fuels worldwide. It means some country whose electricity is most produced by fossil fuels may have the energy crisis in the future. However, other countries, use wind as an energy resource, not have to worry about the situation because wind power is infinite. What actually happens is sun s heat causes the air to warm up in patches. In a result, some patches of air become warm while other patches remain cold. Hot air gets lighter in weight hence leaves it place and move towards upside, colder air patches are bit heavier there for their rushes to fill up the space that is left unoccupied by heated air, and this process generates wind. Because the sun will not be destroyed in a short time, we will have to wind for such a long time. Thus, wind power has infinite source supply (Solarpowernotes). The infinity of wind makes wind power a endless energy
  • 35. Future The Matrix THE REIVEW ABOUT THE FUTURE THE MATRIX Directed by Larry Lana Wachowski and Andy Wachowski This documentary provides an entertaining and compelling introduction to the new biology. It shows us what the future of medicine and healthcare will look like. Abilities that conventional science still treats as anomalies but that frontier scientists are taking seriously. It provides some of the theories that are reshaping the study of biology, health, physiology, and medicine. It s an ambitious film that hits the mark in introducing the general public to difficult subjects (medicine, physics, healing) in an engaging and easy to understand way. The film is captivating in its content, presentation and flow, working from personal stories of healing that defies conventional explanation to mainstream medical and scientific knowledge to frontier theories and explanations. It leads us on a journey into the body that many people may find both surprising and changing, taking us beyond the cells to the bioenergetics and bio informational fields that may actually regulate the body and its systems at its deepest, most fundamental level. ... Show more content on ... Then comes his mentor Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and his crew who is the matrix Trinity (Carrie Anne Moss) and Cypher (Joe Pantoliano) and Tank (Marcus Chong) in this crew they try fight off Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) and his crew in this war. I thought that the matrix was interesting as you see it in a future prospective and how things you thought were normal isn t at all what you thought it
  • 36. Humanity In Atwood s Oryx And Crake In a world that has a foreseeable future of climate change, genetically modified humans and animals raise the uncertainty of the future. The unforeseeable future is a reality in Margaret Atwood s novel Oryx and Crake. This dystopian novel highlights the concepts that have a possibility of happening in the near future. Main characters Snowman/Jimmy, Crake and Oryx live through these possibilities, while conquering the their own difference in viewpoints of humanity. The Protagonist is Snowman who as a child was named Jimmy and was Crake s friend who is responsible for the state their world is in. While the definition of humanity can vary from person to person, I believe that it can be the quality or state of being humane and the quality or state of being kind to other people or to animals. Humanity Crake s shows humanity in spite of the of face difficulties because of the complexity of himself especially through his thoughts of emotions,... Show more content on ... For instance, when Crake tells Jimmy this about the blysspluss pill he adds what the pill can also bring. The thing would become a huge money spinner (295). While this shows one of the additions of making the pill, it does not complete his that is his only and true motive. Based off Crake accomplishments, it shows that Crake s motive is to make superior being to improve the situation and improve society. In addition, based on his characteristics as a Byronic hero, he believes the ends justifies the means. Crake is a numbers person over word person that never stops thinking. Crake saved more children from being sold. They would only get married and more children, who would then have to be sold in their turn (116). At the end of the day, Crake is deepening his understanding to help overpopulation and better society. He has the best interest in society through his version of scientifically based
  • 37. Effects Of Nationalism In Japan JAPAN S NATIONALISM AFTER WORLD WAR II: ANALYZE OF THE DISTINGUISH ELEMENTS OF JAPAN S NATIONALISM IN COMPARE TO OTHER REGION Background: Nationalism in Japan has something different than other region because of its unique nature due to cultural, traditions and historical background. Japan as a country has never experienced division socially in terms of ethnicity, languages, and religions like other nations. As of Boyd C. Shafer: Nationalism is that sentiment unifying a group of people who have a real or imagined common historical experience and a common aspiration to live together as a separate group in the future (Cited in Eckstein 1999: 3). Nationalism was accepted by the Japanese in to two forms: the statism , which asked the Japanese... Show more content on ... In same context, Nationalism in Japan also served as a powerful incentive for enhancing power to colonize other lands for making stable place in the table of international relations. Nationalism has various types and measurements in compare to countries. Therefore, Japan s Nationalism has something that makes it unique and distinct from other countries. However, there are plenty of researches and data available in regard to nationalism in Japan, but I feel it will be useful to do research specifically on the uniqueness and those measurements that have taken while enhancing nationalism among the people by Japanese. The importances of afore mentioned questions are to analyze and to give lesson about the characteristics and types of nationalism which happened to enhance and empower Japan throughout the history for other post war countries that are failed in achieving that goal. Japan tried to unite the people by taking some unique measurements and promoting various kinds of nationalism (e.g. Popular Nationalism, Cultural Nationalism). In order to find the main reasons and cause of failure efforts on promoting nationalism in Afghanistan, It needs to find out that uniqueness and used instruments which led Japan to increase and promote nationalism after World War II. Because Afghanistan with receiving huge amount of
  • 38. Ves On A String Virtual Lab Summary ves on a String Virtual Lab Google PHET and navigate to the waves in a string simulation. Or type in the following web site. /sims.php?sim=Wave_on_a_String Click on Run Now. Adjust the settings on the simulation for zero damping, high tension, manual operation no end. Wiggle the left end up and down by moving the mouse vertically one time returning to the rest position. 1. Describe the wave. The waves was a pulse, not a periodic wave. The pulse appeared as a hump that travels along the length of the string and disappeared from the window. 2. How do the individual particles move compared to the motion of the pulse? Watch a green particle. The energy of the pulse was propagated along the string and ... Show more content on ... Reset the wave to oscillate, adjust amplitude to 100, change frequency to 30 and change dampening to 30. What happens to the wave? What do you think dampening means in terms of energy? With the dampening, the amplitude of the wave decreases as the wave propagates along the x axis, but the wavelength appears to be about the same. The dampening must be causing a decrease in velocity because energy is mechanical = 1/2mv2 and velocity = Asin (бЅ t). As energy decreases, so will amplitude. Decrease in energy can be caused by friction. Conclusion: The objective of this simulation was to create waves on a string by varying the amplitude and frequency of the oscillator and to compare the effect of string tension, dampening, and how the string is held at the end. If the string had no end, then the wave would propagate down the string toward infinity. If the string was held with a loose end, the wave would be reflected back at the oscillator or a fixed end, the wave would be inverted. When a reflected wave would combine with other waves coming from the opposite direction, the wave amplitudes of the waves are summed constructively (amplitudes of the waves are summed) or destructively (amplitudes of the waves cancel out each other). However, in reality the waves are actually moving pass one other and emerge as their original form. These reflected waves will continue forever as long as no force lowers their energy. Adding a damping force decreases the energy of the wave, which caused
  • 39. Theme Of Responsibility In The House On Mango Street At first, we examine Responsibility which is shown in both books such as Bloodline and The House on Mango Street in such a way all the problems revolve around it, that is to say the sense of responsibility is present in all the situations that the characters live in and it constitutes one of the most important challenge to overcome in the life as presented by the Sandra Cisneros and Gaines. Responsibilityis also addressed as a way of facing the duties or sometime as an inevitable fate which some characters understand early they cannot do anything but adapt it to overcome and achieve their obligation. However according to this situation of responsibility it will be necessary to analyze some aspects about the responsibility attitude as presented... Show more content on ... That is to say Esperanza considers her sister as her first responsibility outside home. A s we can see the author of the book presents Mango Street as a district that one can compare to a jungle in which the influences are coming from everywhere that is the raison why Esperanza is obliged to take his sister like her friend just to look after her. Sandra Cisneros demonstrates a challenge that is not obviously to overcome for a young child, in other words one can say that it is remarkable to undertake such responsibility by awaking the older women about their sufferings for an improvement and by keeping watch over her sister constitutes the most important task for her and this act demonstrates she does not neglect her family even she care about her neighbors welfare but. This double responsibility are important aspects for allowing to provide relevant evidences that depict the early responsibility throughout the protagonist Esperanza
  • 40. Developmental Changes In Autobiographical Memory Essay Based on existing literature, it is commonly agreed upon that important developmental changes occurs during early childhood, which lead to improvements in autobiographical memory (e.g., Piolino et al., 2007). Although it is widely known that these improvements occur, it remains unclear what developmental changes occur in the brainthat have an impact on these improvements in memorybehavior. Cortical regions such as the temporal lobes, parietal cortex, and prefrontal cortex play a role in memory formation (Gilboa, 2004; and Maguire, 2001). Although this distributed brain network support memory, the hippocampusis critical for forming memories. The important role of the hippocampus in memory formation was first observed it the case of H.M (Scoville and Milner, 1957). He was a 27 year old patient who suffered... Show more content on ... Hippocampal lesions in nonhuman primates such as rodents and monkeys drastically impaired their performance on memory tasks (Mahut, Moss, Zola Morgan, 1981; Zola Morgan Squire, 1986; Zola Morgan, Squire, Amaral, 1989). Studies on the role of the hippocampus in humans with amnestic disorders revealed that the hippocampus is particular important for declarative memory, memory associated with events and facts (e.g., Cohen et al., 1997, Squire and Knowlton, 1995; Squire and Zola, 1996). Vargha Khadem et al. studied three neurological patients with bilateral hippocampal pathology that originated in early childhood (1997). These individuals had difficulty remembering past events and experiences in their life. This finding and others suggests that although declarative memory encompasses both episodic memory (past events and experiences) and semantic memory (factual knowledge), the hippocampus is necessary for episodic memory, but not semantic memory (Hayman et al., 1993; Tulving Markowitsch, 1998; Vargha Khadem et al.,
  • 41. Essay on Legalization of Prostitution Prostitution, considered one of the oldest professions in the world, was legal until 1915 when most states passed laws making it illegal. One of the main reasons for the prohibition of prostitution was to keep soldiers out of the brothels so they would stay focused on the war. After WWII, lawmakers left the prohibition laws in place instead of repealing them. Prostitutionshould be legal, regulated, and taxed. This would increase the quality of policeprotection, reduce waste in the judicial system, decrease the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and increase federal tax revenue. By legalizing and regulating the act of prostitution, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STD s) will decrease. Opponents of legalization... Show more content on ... The legalization of prostitution will increase tax revenue by collecting taxes from the legal brothels. The State of Nevada does not collect taxes from the brothels but the separate counties do. The counties collect licensing fees, property taxes, and liquor licensing fees. Some counties get as much as 25 percent of their business fees from brothels. Lyon County, home to the famous Moonlite Bunnyranch, will collect $316,000 in brothel business fees and $25,000 in permit fees next year (Associated Press). In all ten counties combined, over twelve million dollars was collected from legal prostitution for the 2014 fiscal year (Associated Press). The federal government also collects income tax from the prostitutes and from the brothels. Estimates show there to be over 500,000 prostitutes working illegally in the United States. The government could tax those 500,000 men and women if they were working legally in brothels. The average prostitute working legally in Nevada earns approximately $160,000 to $180,000 a year. The taxes for that amount of income are on average $35,000. The federal government could generate an additional $17.5 million a year in just income tax revenue by legalizing prostitution. The U.S. government is in a financial crisis, the revenue generated by legalizing prostitution could help alleviate some of that burden. Each state spends over ten million dollars every year enforcing
  • 42. Perfection In The Giver Have you ever tried to achieve perfection? It never works out does it? In the novel The Giver ,written by Lois Lowry, the main character Jonas realizes that his community isn t as perfect as it seems. Jonas experiences throughout the novel develop a theme over the course of the text by teaching the reader that you cannot achieve perfection. Although some readers may believe that perfection is possible Jonasexperiences show that striving for perfection can lead to bad consequences. Throughout the book The Giver Jonas realizes that his community isn t as perfect as he s always thought that it is once he starts to receive memories from The Giver. One reason that one cannot achieve perfection is because humans are naturally imperfect. For
  • 43. Stop Language Assignment Assignment Instructions: Develop a routine to identify and remove stop words Implement a porter stemmer to stem the tokens processed by your indexer routine. Remove (do not process) any term that begins with a punctuation character Determine the term frequency (tft,d) for each unique term in each document in the collection to be included in the inverted index. Determine the document frequency (dft) which is a count of the number of documents from within the collection that each unique inverted index term appears in. Calculate the inverse document frequency using the following formula: idft = log(N/dft) o The N in this formula refers to the number of documents that exist in the collection. When using the corpus small document collection N will be 41 as there are 41 documents in the collection. Calculate the tf idf weighting using the following formula: tf idftd = tft,d Г— idft The... Show more content on ... What I was able to complete begins after line 336, after the imported provided stemmer code. You will see in the included Python file that I included an array of stop words which I built based on one of the many suggested lists of stop words you can find online (List of Stop Words, 2018). I also included an array of punctuation used to identify any tokens that started with any punctuation. I created two dictionaries to keep track of the terms and documents with an associated ID. Starting at line 424, is the code to perform the token stemming, removal of stop words, and removal of tokens that start with punctuation. As part of this, I tracked the number of unique terms that were removed by the stop words and also added code to output a .dat file of the stopped words. I also had this stop and punctuation.dat file include the tokens that were removed for punctuation. The punctuation tokens were not tracked as unique stop words that were removed and reported along with the other program
  • 44. The Tempest the Play by William Shakespeare Essay The Tempest the Play by William Shakespeare Ruler s in general face many problems, as is the nature of having power and authority. However rulers like Prospero face even more difficulties, as Prospero has the ultimate power of magic and can control and manipulate people and their actions, more so than a natural ruler. The first difficulty presented is an issue, which is dealt with throughout the play: the idea of how much or how little to intervene? From the beginning of the play we are told of how and why Prospero is usurped from his dukedom, I thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated/ To closeness, and the bettering of my mind / With that which, but by being so retired, O er prized all popular rate, in my false... Show more content on ... This idea is further developed in Act 2, scene1 where, as previously mentioned Sebastian and Antonio attempt to kill Gonzalo in his sleep. Illustrating the disloyal nature of those individuals close to those in power. This is of course the main reason why Prospero is on the island because of his trusting and naive nature, of those around him. This theme is explored in numerous Shakespearian dramas and is perhaps the worst danger for a monarch in Shakespeare s plays. Good rulers get deposed and killed when they are too trusting; when they fail to be aware of usurpers and betrayers. Hamlet s father is shocked that his brother would unnaturally murder him. Lear believes his inherent kingship will inspire reverence even when he strips himself of real power. Edgar, who with tragic naivety trusts his brother Edmund, has to learn to deceive and dissemble before he s qualified to become king. Duncan can t find the mind s construction in the face , so he s killed by a traitor with a false face. That s why Malcolm, before he becomes king, has to demonstrate his ability to lie to Macduff, to test whether he s
  • 45. Bartleby, the Scrivener Story Analysis Have you ever seen a person so disconnected from society and from what is considered to be normal that he or she made you question their sanity? If so, you could relate with the lawyer in the story Bartleby, the Scrivener. In this story, the narrator, who is a lawyer, has a simple man named Bartleby respond to a job opening as a scrivener. Unbeknownst to the lawyer, Bartleby did not act in the manner the lawyer would have expected. Bartleby is so outside of what is expected that it is almost as if he had died and no longer had to live up to society s standards. In this story, Bartleby is portrayed as a lifeless zombieand is alone with nowhere to go, no one to see, nowhere to be, and no purpose to live for. The first case on which ... Show more content on ... To copy someone else s work nonstop all day every day would get really tiring, but the lawyer says Bartleby gorges himself on copying papers and documents. Usually when someone gorges him or herself in something, it is something that they like or enjoy. In Bartleby s case this is what he does, not because he enjoys it but because it s all he has. This is evident when the lawyer says, He ran a day and night line, copying by sun light and by candle light. (108) This job is all he had in his life. Another case in which Bartleby shares similarities to that of a zombie is when he repeats throughout the story, I prefer not to. No one would ever say these words to his or her boss. That would be crazy, but Bartleby said these words multiple times to the lawyer, his boss. This is similar to the characteristics of a zombie, because zombies do not ever listen to anyone. They do what they want to do and nothing more. Bartleby took the job as a scrivener to try and find a purpose for his life, but soon after his boss abandons him, he ends up in jail. At this moment in his life he sees that he truly has nothing. His quest for purpose as a scrivener has failed. He is at the end of his life, not because he is old or sick physically, but because he has nothing to live for. While in jail he refuses to eat and soon he dies. His reason for living died a long time ago, though. His pursuit to be a scrivener was
  • 46. Multiculturalism and the Canadian identity Essay Multiculturalism and the Canadian identity. Introduction What is Canada? What is a Canadian? Canada, to employ Voltaire s analogy, is nothing but a few acres of snow. . Of course, the philosopher spoke of New France, when he made that analogy. More recently, a former Prime Minister, Joe Clark, said that the country was nothing but a community of communities . Both these images have helped us, in one way or another, try to interpret what could define this country. On the other hand, a Canadian could be a beer, a hockey playing beaver or even a canoe floating in a summer day s sunset. A Canadian could also be a sovereigntyphobe , refusing to see the liquefaction, albeit political, of the second largest country in the world. ... Show more content on ... While the rest of Canada employs the concept of multiculturalism, Quebec emphasizes on another theory: interculturalism, or the notion of support in cross cultural dialogue and challenging self segregation tendencies within cultures. In the province, the word multiculturalism announces pejorative meanings. This was due, in part, to the fact that a federal commission which was charged several years ago with the task of developing policies for Canada, based on its bicultural and bilingual character emerged with a recommendation that Canada think of itself as a multicultural and bilingual country.3 . Francophones, on the other hand, felt that this concept placed them at the same level as minority ethnic groups, thus erasing their thoughts of being seen as one of the country s founding nations. Religious symbolism and governmental position In 1985, a request, made by Baltej Singh Dhillon, who asked to allow the addition of a religious symbol to the RCMP s emblematic red uniform, changed the way the force was perceived, in the country. This gesture begged one question: Would a religious symbol be accepted, in any given governmental environment, where religious attire is often seen a source of tension? For many, the RCMP was seen as the pinnacle of Canadian identity. As a result, many groups felt that a turban would not have the same level of symbolic sanctity as the Stetson hat, worn by RCMP officers. The Canadian population also felt that
  • 47. The Role Of Transportation In The Early 1800s During the early 1800s, many new and revolutionary ways of transportation and communication throughout the country surged. In the 1820s, the American System, or the construction of canals and roads that connected the South, West and Northeast together, was suggested by Henry Clay. According to the text, Private companies built many turnpikes, or toll roads (page 389). His is important to know because these roads made transportation easier along the country. In fact, the fees that were paid by their travelers were used to pay the construction of these roads, as well as future ones. The text explicitly states, In 1806 Congress approved funds for a National Road to the West and five years later agreed on the route ( page 389). To sum up, after