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Adolf Hitler Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of Adolf Hitler can be an intricate and challenging task due to the
sensitive nature of the subject. Addressing the life and actions of a historical figure responsible
for atrocities during World War II demands a delicate balance between presenting factual
information and maintaining a respectful tone. The complexities arise from the need to navigate
through the disturbing events of the Holocaust and the impact Hitler had on global history.
Researching and compiling accurate information about Hitler's rise to power, ideology, and the
atrocities committed under his regime is a demanding process. One must delve into a myriad of
sources, ranging from historical records to scholarly analyses, to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the context and motivations behind Hitler's actions.
Moreover, crafting an objective and well-rounded essay requires the writer to avoid falling into
the trap of either demonizing or glorifying Hitler. Striking a balance between historical analysis
and ethical considerations is essential to ensure the essay contributes to a nuanced understanding
of the subject rather than perpetuating misconceptions.
Addressing the psychological aspects of Hitler's personality and the socio-political climate of the
time adds another layer of complexity. The writer must navigate the fine line between exploring
the factors that contributed to Hitler's rise and ensuring the narrative doesn't inadvertently excuse
or justify his actions.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of Adolf Hitler demands a careful and thoughtful
approach. It requires thorough research, critical analysis, and a commitment to presenting the
historical facts in a responsible and respectful manner.
If you find yourself needing assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing
challenges, various resources are available, such, where you can explore
professional writing services to support your academic endeavors.
Adolf Hitler Essay Adolf Hitler Essay
Free Trade Blocs, A Major Step Towards Economic
Free Trade Blocs Free trade blocs are intergovernmental agreements that limit
regional barriers to trade by integrating different economies. The four types of trade
blocs are Preferential Trade Area, Free Trade Area, Customs Union, and Common
Market. The specific trade blocs included in this analysis are Mercosur, North
American Free Trade Agreement, European Union. Preferential Trade Area (PTA) is
when countries in the same geographical region agree to eliminate or reduce tariff
barriers on certain goods. Similar to PTA, the Free Trade area is when two or more
countries agree to eliminate or reduce barriers to trade and freely import and export
goods between each other. Members of a trade blocwho remove trade barriers
internally, while imposing a uniform tariff on non member countries is an example
of a Customs Union. Members of a Customs Union will come together and negotiate
tariff regulations with countries outside their bloc. One of the most comprehensive
trade blocs is the Common Market. A Common Market is a major step towards
economic integration. In a Common Market, bloc member countries are able to
trade all economic resources without restraint. While other types of trade blocs
primarily free up the trading of goods and services, the Common Market frees the
flow of capital and labor between member nations. Also in the Common Market bloc
tariffs and non tariff barriers are removed, increasing free trade activity. Nations that
belong to a Common Market must have
Symbolism In The Conqueror Worm
The Conqueror Worm by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem embedded with deep
symbolism. Death is a common thing among Edgar Allen Poe s poems and the
conqueror worm is definitely not an exception. The very theme in the story is that
we are like puppets in the play of life, putting on a show for a higher deity. Edgar
Allan Poedid a good job weaving the theme in with tons of symbolism, however the
idea that death conquers all is easily found if you look close enough. First indication
of the theme is in line 12 where it clearly states that Mere Puppets they who come
and go at the bidding of vast formless things. that portion from the first stanza shows
the Poe viewed people as puppets, and that humanity or the puppets come and go at
the will of something
Critical Analysis Of Metropolis
Metropolis, the 1927 sci fi film by Fritz Lang, tackles themes of class,
industrialization, technological advancement and biblical prophecy; all while
demonstrating its cutting edge prowess in production design and cinematography.
Metropolis was created at a time in German film history when the German
Expressionismartistic movement was in full swing (Enticknap p.423). The vivid
yet papery cityscapes are the film s most overt representations of the German
expressionist movement, foregoing realism in order to enable the film to achieve a
level of imagination that would have otherwise been unobtainable. Bustling with
life, lights and automation, the futuristic world of the upper city is a marvel to
behold. In contrast, the depth of the city, inhabited by the workers, feature jagged
and distorted buildings that loom over the broken people of the lower class as they
disband from their days of backbreaking and menial labor. The workplace of the
lower class being an industrial mess of cogs, lights, clocks, valves and pipes.
Metropolisfollows Freder (Gustav Fröhlich), a young upper class bachelor who is
the son of the most powerful man in the city, Joh Fredersen. Freder is characterized
by two defining motivations. The first is the simplistic and arguably hackneyed
motivation of the pursuit of love. When Freder encounters the lower class teacher
Maria in the gardens he becomes enamored and goes in search for her in the machine
rooms. Once in the industrial hell of the workers
X-Men Apocalypse Essay
I have seen the ending of the world! There was only death... Jean Grey describes
her nightmare to Professor Xavier. This opens the trailer of the latest instalment of
the X Men franchise. X Men: Apocalypse, which is directed by Bryan Singer with
cast James McAvoy (Charles), Rose Byrne (Moira MacTaggert), Nicholas Hoult
(Hank McCoy / Beast), Oscar Isaac (En Sabah Nur / Apocalypse), Michael
Fassbender (Erik Lensherr / Magneto), Kodi Smit McPhee (Kurt Wagner
/ Nightcrawler), Jennifer Lawrence(Raven / Mystique) , Olivia Munn (Betsy
Braddock / Psylocke), Tye Sheridan (Scott Summers / Cyclops), Sophie
Turner(Jean Grey), Alexandra Shipp (Ororo Munroe / Storm), Ben Hardy (Warren
Worthington III / Angel), and Lana Condor (Jubilation Lee / Jubilee) is set for a
May 27, 2016 debut. it takes the story up 10 years after X Men: Days of Future
Past where Charles and Raven gather a force of good mutants to repel the
Apocalypse. In turn Apocalypse, who will find mutants as outcasts in the world after
his sleep of many centuries, will form his own army. This will bring in Magneto,
Storm, Angel and Psylocke.... Show more content on ...
Alberta Film Ratings recently stamped a PG stamp on said trailer. Leak of the trailer
had been making the rounds since summer s Comic Con. Writer and producer Simon
Kinberg promises that the trailer is certainly longer than a minute and it has a ton of
cool stuff in
Difference Between Technical And Technical Writing
Writing is a medium of communication that is used to deliver the message to the
readers. Writing can be of different style. It can be in the form of technical or literary
writing. Technical writers are different from literary writers in terms of the use of
language, structure, purpose, format, subject matter and their intended audience.
Technical writing is a type of writing used by authors to convey technical information
about a certain subject. The audience of technical writing should have enough
knowledge or understanding of the topic, usually experts and professionals, because
this type of writing uses jargons or technical terminologies. Instruction manuals, user
manuals and reports of analysis are some of the examples that fall under ... Show
more content on ...
In order to do so, it must convey a single meaning to the audience. Also, technical
writing must be precise and accurate. Information presented under technical writing
has to be factual. Technical writing must also include correctness. It means that it
must be free from any grammatical errors and it must follow the set standards. On the
other hand, literary writing is distinguishable from other types of writing because of
its creative intent. This style of writing has the capacity to engage the readers in their
world of creative imagination. Literary writing appeals to emotions of the audience as
writers aim to capture and captivate the readers emotions through their literary
Regents Exam in U.S. History and Government
The University of the State of New York
Thursday, January 24, 2013 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only
Student Name
______________________________________________________________ School
Name _______________________________________________________________
The possession or use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when
taking this examination. If you have or use any communications device, no matter
how briefly, your examination will be invalidated and no score will be calculated
for you. Print your name and the name of your school on the lines above. A separate
answer sheet for Part I has been provided to you. ... Show more content on ...
(1) National tax revenues decreased. (2) High tariffs increased foreign trade. (3)
Treasury policies contributed to widespread inflation. (4) The newly created Bank of
the United States helped stabilize the economy. 11 One result of the purchase of the
Louisiana Territory (1803) was that the United States (1) acquired California from
Spain (2) gained control of the port of New Orleans (3) ended border conflicts with
British Canada (4) annexed Florida 12 The decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803)
was significant because it established that the Supreme Court (1) had limited powers
over state courts (2) had the power to choose its own members (3) could declare a
federal law unconstitutional (4) could impeach the president and other government
officials 13 The constitutional controversy that led directly to the start of the Civil
War concerned the right of states to (1) control tariff rates (2) sign treaties with
foreign nations (3) redraw congressional districts (4) secede from the Union
U.S. Hist. Gov t. Jan. 13
14 Which group benefited most directly from the Supreme Court decision in
Real Estate In Long Island
Real Estate in Long Island
Having a real estate is everyone s dream, especially if it is on Long Island. You can
choose one of these countries as the parts of Long Islands. They are Hampton,
Nassau, Suffolk, Fire Island, and North Fork. All of them are fabulous and will not
let you regret anything. However, to find the best real estate, you need to find the best
real estate marketing companies. You can start to browse it from your search engine.
What would you like to do with the real estate? Do you want to buy it or do you
want to rent it?
Find What You Are Looking For
To stay in a place, you have to find the reason to stay there.
1.You can try to look around the real estate and find what you need is there. In Long
Island, you will find
Use Of Hydrogen Fuel Cells Is Better Than The Use Of...
A lot of people in our society have been questioning whether the use of hydrogen
fuel cells is better than the use of fossil fuels. Each of the two differs from the other
massively. They are made in different ways, have different outcomes, advantages and
disadvantages, so in order to consider which of the two should be promoted all of the
things mentioned should be first analysed.
Fossil fuels are defined as hydrocarbons primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, which
is formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. When these fuels are burnt,
the energy released can be harnessed to produce electricity. Fossil fuels are the most
popular form of energy as they have very low ignition temperature. All fossil fuels
undergo through the process of combustion. Combustion necessarily requires oxygen.
All the reactions are exothermic in nature which therefore means they give out heat
and sometimes light. The constituent hydrogen and oxygen react with each other
chemically and produce high amount of heat and energy. Different fossil fuels burn
at different rates because the structures of the hydrocarbons are different in each of
these compounds. However, one common by product of each of these fossil fuel is
carbon dioxide.
The combustion of fossil fuels can be shown by an example of a simple combustion
reaction for methane. The combustion of methane means that it is possible to burn it.
Chemically, this combustion process consists of a reaction between methane and
oxygen in
Bone Of Fire Book Report
When I started reading the Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan I knew from the start
that it would be a great adventure book. This book truly was a big page turner, and
a nail biter too. Every spare second I had I read this book. The Throne of Fire is
about a brother and a sister embarking on a journey around the globe to awaken the
sun god, Ra. Meanwhile the House of Life is trying to hunt them down. This could
prove fatal at the end of their journey for Carter and Sadie. Carter and Sadie also
must travel the River of Night to find and awaken Ra so they can defeat Apophis,
the god of Chaos. Also add onto that Sadie must survive an encounter with two gods,
Nekhbet the vulture goddess and Babi the baboon god. If Carter and Sadie fail
Apophis will
Esther s Representation Of Women In Ancient Persian
The journey from a peasant girl to the great queen of Persia; the treacherous paths of
life she had to endure to save her people from death and banishment, summarizes the
brave accounts of Queen Esther.The novel Esther written by Rebecca Kanner
portrays many distinctive features of the ancient Persian society, including the social,
economic and political system, which limited the power of the commoners in
Persia.Most importantly, the implications of being a woman in Persia becomes
clearly reflected through the main character of the novel, queen Esther. Esther, as a
normal girl was merely any significance to the society nor the opposite gender. In
Persia, where men secured ... Show more content on ...
The life in the harem raids Esther of her innocence, and transforms her personality
from helpless to brave and courageous. She overcomes hardships caused by the
king s favorite concubine Halannah, and achieves king s favor with the assistance
of several other characters such as Hegai, Ruti, Mordecai and Erez.Eventually,
Esther captures the love of King Xerxes and becomes the queen that replaces
Vashti, the exiled queen of Persia. The royal wedding marks the beginning of
Esther s conquest to save Jews. She realized that being a normal woman in Persia
would not cohere with her motives, therefore had to attain a position that align with
the king.Towards the end of the novel, Esther s heroism was reflected through her
actions when she encountered the most feared dilemma that transitioned to the
climax of the novel.With Haman influencing king Xerxes, Esther alone risked her
life by proclaiming herself as a Jew in front of the king. Unlike other woman of
such high status, she was fearless and selfless to become responsible for the
existence of her people.She ensured that the king was aware of the mass destruction
of Jews, which included herself his dear queen.She presented a very emotional and
yet persuasive plea to sway the king from allowing such mass extermination of jews.
She acted intelligently during her days as a queen
Chemical Treatment Of The Concentration Of
1.4 Methodology
1.4.1 Process definition Advance Oxidation Process is a set of chemical treatment
where the organic waste and some inorganic waste are removed from industrial
wastewater, pharmaceutical wastewater by oxidation through reactions with hydroxyl
radicals (В·OH). In real world it is applicable for the removal or treatment of
wastewater. This reactive spices are strongest oxidants which can be used to virtually
oxidize any compound which is present in the water matrix and also can be applied
for water.
At diffusion controlled reaction speed, when (В·OH) is form it reacts unselectively
and the contaminants which are present in water will quickly and efficiently
fragmented and converted into small inorganic molecules. (В·OH) is formed with
the help of one or more primary oxidants i.e (Ozone, Hydrogen peroxide and
oxygen) or by other sources like Ultraviolet light and Catalyst Precise, pre
programmed dosages, sequences and combinations of these reagents are applied in
order to obtain a maximum OH yield. AOPs can reduce the concentration of
contaminants from several hundred ppm to less than 5 ppb and therefore
significantly bring COD and TOC down, which earned it the credit of water treatment
processes of the 21st century.
The Advance oxidation process is essentially and particularly used to treat and to
reduce biologically toxic or non degradable materials such as aromatics, pesticides,
petroleum constituents and volatile organic compounds which are
Kate Chopin Research Paper
Kate Chopin s was very different than the rest of the of her pears; Kate was born
February 8, 1850, once she reached age five she attended an academy until 1864 to
get her away from the grieve of losing her father at the age of five. Kate kept a
commonplace book in 1867 till 1870 which she recorded diary entries and copied
passages of essays, poems, and other writings not long after the death of her father
and great grandmother had died. Kate has written a little sketch, Emancipation: A
Life Fable in 1869, soon after Emancipation, she married in 1870 then gave birth to
six healthy children between 1871 1879 Kate and her husband had relocated, and in
the years in 1882, he died of malaria and Kate became a widow at the age of thirty
Ducati Group s Strategic Plan
Before to Ducati s acquisition by Texas Pacific Group, a deep financial crisis affected
Ducati, undermining its production and consequently negatively affecting its market
results. Production was less than production capacity and therefore it was clear that a
relaunch of the company was necessary. The strategic plan carried out by Ducati
Group, with the help of newly appointed Minoli, focused on the idea of increasing the
company s value through a growth in turnover volume and protection of product
profit margins. One of the most interesting aspects of the changes embraced by the
Ducati, is the restructuring of the production system which began in the mid 1990s in
order to maintain the product margin and increase the level of sales and turnover.
Minoli found three things at Ducati when he arrived:
good products: unique and beautiful bikes, although regarded as less efficient and
reliable in comparison to Japanese models
top notch engineers: both in R D and for the racing division
a brand with a strong potential: in most European markets, Ducati s brand recognition
and loyalty was the highest in the motorcycle industry.
First, the aspiring team started off the transformation of Ducati s strategic plan by
creating what was called the World of Ducati , to support and develop the brand.
This started with the decision to build a museum, in order to show that Ducati was
more than a motorcycle company; Ducati was a dream and a passion. Through this
Ducati was able to
Telemachus Mature In The Odyssey
In The Odyssey, Homer shows the transition of Telemachus from a childish and a
passive young man to a man worthy of being Odysseus son. Through the help of
Athena, he learns different character traits and qualities such as bravery and cunning
that helps him to mature into a man worth the title of a prince of Ithaca. Telemachus
learns how to be authoritative, mature, display pious and exhibit humility. He is also
influenced by the return of his father. Telemachus transition from a young man to a
man worthy enough to be Odysseuss son is shown as he acquires these traits.
Throughout The Odyssey, Telemachus proves himself worthy to be Odysseus son.
Through the help of Athena, Telemachus slowly matures and becomes assertive and
authoritative. ... Show more content on ...
This is of importance as it is the first gathering since Odysseus departure from Troy.
Telemachus publicly accuses the suitors of injustice which is something he had
never done before. This shows that he is slowly gaining confidence which is
important to have as the prince of Ithaca. This is also developing maturity as he is
beginning to fulfill the role of his father, which is to be a leader and take charge
when there is conflict. He had been idle for a while, however, after being inspired
by Athena, disguised as Mentor, with courage, he could not remain restrained and
observe as the suitors disrespect his mother and his household in the absence of his
father. The suitors show him no respects as he is till a child and does not have the
intimidating presence like his father. Feeling dejected, Telemachus leaves and prays
to the gods for guidance. Athena the goddess appears. She encourages and advises
by telling him that since he is his father s son, he should have courage like him. He
should also have faith that the suitors will soon get what they deserve. Courage is an
important quality when comparing him to his father Odysseus. Odysseus showed
courage and bravery by outsmarting the cyclops, so Telemachus must learn to be
brave to face the suitors and other problems that might arise in the
Stephen King, Christine
Stephen King is perhaps the most widely known American writer of his generation,
yet his distinctions include publishing as two authors at once: Beginning in 1966,
he wrote novels that were published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. When
twelve, he began submitting stories for sale. At first ignored and then scorned by
mainstream critics, by the late 1980 s his novels were reviewed regularly in The
New York Times Book Review, with increasing favor. Beginning in 1987, most of his
novels were main selections of the Book of the Month Club, which in 1989 created
the Stephen KingLibrary, committed to keeping King s novels in print in hardcover.
King published more than one hundred short stories (including the collections Night
Shift,... Show more content on ...
Christine is another fractured Cinderella story, Carrie for boys. Arnie Cunningham, a
nearsighted, acne scarred loser, falls in love with a car, a passionate (red and white)
Plymouth Fury, one of the long ones with the big fins, that he names Christine. An
automotive godmother, she brings Arnie, in fairy tale succession, freedom,
success, power, and love: a home away from overprotective parents, a cure for
acne, hit andrun revenge on bullies, and a beautiful girl, Leigh Cabot. Soon,
however, the familiar triangle emerges, of boy, girl, and car, and Christine is
revealed as a femme fatale driven by the spirit of her former owner, a malcontent
named Roland LeBay. Christine is the medium for his death wish on the world, for
his all devouring, everlasting Fury. LeBay s aggression possesses Arnie, who
reverts into an older, tougher self, then into the mythic teenaged hood that King
has called the prototype of 1950 s werewolf films, and finally into some ancient
carrion eater, or primal self. As automotive monster, Christine comes from a variety
of sources, including the folk tradition of the death car and a venerable techno
horror premise, as seen in King s Trucks and Maximum Overdrive. King s main
focus, however, is the mobile youth culture that has come down from the 1950 s by
way of advertising, popular songs, film, and national pastimes. Christine is the car as
a projection of
Confirmation Research Paper
There are many things to consider when preparing for Confirmation. Getting
confirmed is not an easy thing to do, and it should definitely not be something that
you do without equipping yourself beforehand. When you are a child, your parents
make the decision of entering you into the church. They also may have forced you to
go to mass every Sunday to receive the gift of the Eucharist. After you have been
Confirmed, it is no longer up to your parents to make those decisions for you. It is
also, vital for you to surround yourself with good role models that want the best for
you. You must have someone, other than your parents, to rely on when times get
tough. You should also have a good patron saint to model your life after.
Additionally, you should be reading scripture, to remind yourself of the word of
God. These may seem like small things to think about before you get Confirmed.
However, these actions play a crucial role in keeping your relationship with God
healthy. Baptismis the first sacrament that you receive. It washes away the original
sin or any personal sin (if you were... Show more content on ...
Everytime we take Eucharist we witness transubstantiation, or the bread turning into
body and the wine turning into the blood of Christ. This is important to me because,
everytime I take the body and blood, I am reminded of the sacrifices Jesus made for
us. I also am reunited with God and Jesus. Equally as important as receiving the
Eucharist is going to Mass every Sunday. Attending Church is not only one of the
ten Commandments, but it is a sacred time of the week. It is time that you should
thank God for all that he has given you, and reflect on parts of your week that you
could have improved on. I take Church very seriously because I understand God
dedicates 24 hours a week to me, so the least I can do is thank him for his
Pros And Cons Of In Vitro Fertilisation ( IVF )
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined
with sperm outside the body, in vitro( in glass ). The process involves monitoring
and stimulating a woman s ovulatory process, removing and ovum or ova (egg or
eggs) from the woman s ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a liquid in a
laboratory. The fertilised egg (zygote) undergoes embryo culture for 2 6 days, and is
the transferred to the same or another woman s uterus, with the intention of
establishing a successful pregnancy.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) refers to the genetic profiling of embryos
prior to implantation, and sometimes even of oocytes prior to fertilization.
PGD is considered in a similar fashion to prenatal diagnosis. When used to screen
for a specific genetic disease, it s main advantage is that it avoids selective
pregnancy termination as the method makes it highly likely that the baby will be free
of the disease under consideration. PGD thus aids assisted reproductive technology,
and requires in vitro fertilization (IVF) to obtain embryos or oocytes for evaluation.
While PGD has many benefits, especially for potential parents who may be at risk of
passing on genetic defects, opposition to the use if this technology has come in many
Opposition ranges from the view which believes an embryo has full moral status
from the moment of conception to the other end of the scale where people believe
that the use of this technology will lead
Southern Appalachian Culture
When one thinks of the Appalachians, one generally thinks of the mountains of the
southeastern region of the United States. However the Mountain range itself actually
begins in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, extending from
there for almost 2,000 miles (3,200 km) to central Alabama in the United States. Thus
the region also forms the eastern counterpart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
Southern Appalachia alone includes three hundred counties covering most of West
Virginia and the Southern Highlands or Upland South. The mountains form a natural
barrier between the eastern Coastal Plain and the vast Interior Lowlands of North
America. As a result, they have played a vital role in the settlement and development
of the entire continent.
Despite the vast geographical distance, the peoples of the Appalachians (state side)
maintain a unified identity through shared cultural identities; dialect, building
practices, folk music and dance, crafts, superstitions and religion, and moonshine
unite all 1500 miles of these mountains. The inhabitants of this region largely
descended from English and Scottish Irish folk traditions, brought to the region by
colonial immigrants. There were also smaller influences from other ... Show more
content on ...
Music producers where surprised to find that this Appalachian music, they termed
Old Time Music had become economically viable. Musicians from the Appalachian
region were now able to quit their day jobs and earn a living from touring and
shows. However, the songs they played tended to be covers of popular songs in the
style of Old Time as opposed to the traditional Appalachian tunes. The Great
Depression of the 1930s put an end to the commercial viability of old time music, it
would be out of the Old Time tradition that modern commercial country western
music would
Analysis Of Everett Zhang s Impotence Epidemic
Impotence and Seafaring
Understanding global economic forces in the production of a perceived masculinity
crisis sheds important light on the ways in which contemporary Chinese men seeking
treatment for impotence and Filipino seafarers construct themselves as modern
masculine subjects. As their respective economies become more globalized, the
modern perception of masculinity changes for both the Chinese men and Filipino
seafarers. Through his book Impotence Epidemic, Everett Zhang shows how global
economic factors change men s perception on being modern. First, this is shown
through Chinese men seeking a cure for impotence through the drug Viagra, which
has been pushed out via the global market. Viagra also creates a sense of modern
masculinities for men who take Viagra and traditional remedies. Secondly, Zhang
shows that with a more global economic market in China, as well as the newly
renovated capitalistic system, perceptions of impotence are evolving. Capitalism has
changed men s views on impotence, but has increased impotence rates as well. Next,
in Filipino Crosscurrents, Kale Fajardo shows how Filipino seafarers working in the
context of a globalized economy have shaped their views on masculinity and
modernity. First, time space compression in contemporary society has shaped how
men perceive themselves as modern. Second, the way men have to suppress their
masculinity while working on international ships despite being considered masculine
and heroic back home,
Yang Liwei Research Paper
When you hear the name of Yang Liwei, do you know anything about him? If not,
then maybe you do not know much about Chinese news. Yang Liwei helped China do
what two other countries before it could do, launch humans into space. The two
countries that beat China were Russia and the United States. Sure, other Chinese
nationals were able to go to space, but Yang Liweiwas the first Chinese citizen to go
into space. This major accomplishment for China was done on October 15, 2003.
This date marked that launch of the Shenzhou 5spacecraft launch, which Yang Liwei
was aboard. In China, the astronauts are called Taikonauts. Yang Liwei was born on
June 21, 1965. He was born in Suizhong, Liaoning, China. Yang Liwei had two
parents. His mother was... Show more content on ...
10,000 yuan is equal to about 1,204 US dollars. This is actually lower than other
pilots. His wife, Zhang Yumei was also in the Chinese space program. Yang Liwei
is 168 cm tall and is 65 kilograms. Yang also has an eight year old boy with his wife.
Currently, Yang Liwei is fifty years old. When he went to space on the Shenzhou
5, he was only 38 years old. Yang Liwei got back to Earth on October 16, 2003. He
was parachuted from the Shenzhou and landed in Mongolia. When the Shenzhou 5
landed, it was only about 4.8 kilometers off target. When Yang Liwei got to space,
he opened up the Chinese flag and the United States Flag. Yang Liwei also had a
United Nations flag with him, but he decided not to open it up when he reached
space. When he Yang Liwei was in space, he flew for a total of six hundred thousand
miles which was about fourteen Earth orbits. It took about 90 minutes for the
Shenzhou 5 to orbit the Earth
Literature In Lord Of The Flies And To Kill A Mockingbird
Over the summer I was opened up to a new and adventurous side of literature.
From a plane crash and savagery, to racial issues, to child suffrage it really
widened my view on life s hardships. Reading Ellen Foster, Lord of the Flies, and
To Kill a Mockingbird really stretched my imagination. Each book had there own
twists and turns, but I believe they all linked in amazing ways. One way all three
novels connected in my opinion, would be how tenacious kids are when they have to
overcome adversity.
In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, there is a plane crash which abandones a
large amount of little boys with no adults on an island stranded with no food, water,
or shelter easily accessible. The boys struggle to survive through the whole book and
end up turning on each other because of a disagreement of what is more important, a
signal fire or hunting. A quote from this book reads, Killthe pig! Cut his throat! Kill
the pig! Bash him in! (Golding page. 104). This quote displays what Jack believes
is the right path of the boys surviving on the island, hunting. Ralph on the other
hand, had a different approach of obtaining order. This quote explains just that, We
ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we re not savages. We re English, and
the English are best at everything. (Golding page. 40). All being under sixteen of age
they shouldn t have to deal with this kind of situation. They are obviously not
responsible enough to survive on their own being that
The East India Company
The East India Company was a British joint stock company establish on the 31st of
December, 1600 under the original name The Company of Merchants of London
trading into the East Indies. Over the next hundreds of years the Company set a sail
attempting to find riches in trade on their journeys to these new lands. They found
value in crops such as indigo, salt, cotton, silk, opium and other cash crops that the
barren land of Europe lacked. This would be the company that would set sail to the
land of Indiaand dominate its soil from the middle of 1700 s to the middle of the
1800 s. In a little over fifty years the East India Companywas transformed from a
body of traders controlling a scattered group of commercial settlements round the
coasts of India into the rulers of provinces with a population popularly supposed in
Britain to contain fifty or sixty million inhabitants. The Company was able to find its
growth and power from wealthy merchants and aristocrats that would invest their
money into the Company after seeing how successful they were becoming. A
healthy amount of these wealthy investors were part of the British Parliament. This
intertwined government views and beliefs with the business side of views and
beliefs. With more and more backing though, the Company slowly grew a ship or
two every now and then until they were a full fleet of trade ships moving massive
amounts of crops. Colonies were eventually set up and the land was taken for the new
Englishmen, who
Lost Lady Essay
The diction and detail used by Willa Cather in the book A Lost Lady, paints a picture
in the readers mind by her prose selection of diction and arrangements of graphic
detail, which conveys a feeling of passion, sadness, tense anger and unending
happiness through Neil Herbert. Throughout the book, Cather describes Neil Herbert
ВЎВЇs life from his childhood, to his teenage years, and then to his adulthood with
surpassing diction and supporting detail.
As the story begins, Cather describes Neil Herbert as, ВЎВ°a handsome boy of
twelve whom she liked.ВЎВ± This description gives us a mental picture of this boy
with a smile on his face and always being courteous. In his younger years, the reader
can assume that Herbert ... Show more content on ...
Forrester becomes immensely greater. Mrs. Forrester was the only woman he knew
who wore earrings of which, ВЎВ°they hung naturally against her thin, triangular
cheeks.ВЎВ± Cather describes the immense admiration from Neil towards Mrs.
Forrester through compliments that he is making. Neil would say, ВЎВ°he had never
found one so attractive and distinguished as Mrs. Forrester,ВЎВ± and that,
ВЎВ°other women were heavy and dull.ВЎВ± As Cather describes NeilВЎВЇs love
and compassion for Mrs. Forrester, we feel a sense of sympathy and compassion for
Neil because the reader knows that Neil cannot marry her due to her being too aged
and that she is already married. We feel the sense of sympathy through NeilВЎВЇs
over complementing remarks.
Neil Herbert then becomes a grown man, still admiring his child hood love, Mrs.
Forrester. When Neil finds out that Mrs. Forrester is secretly writing to a man
named Frank Ellinger, he becomes extremely saddened because he knows its wrong
of her due to already being married. Despite knowing this Neil still expresses his love
for her and he would even, ВЎВ°make a bouquet for a lovely lady; a bouquet
gathered off the cheeks of morning. The author in a way tells the reader that Neil
still has that unending desire of love for Mrs. Forrester. For instance, one time as
Neil went to Mrs. ForresterВЎВЇs room to surprise her with a bouquet of flowers, he
heard her laugh and ВЎВ°then another laugh, very different, a
The Public Stories Impact On Sexuality
II. Analysis of The Interviews
i. The Public Stories Impact on Sexuality
While scholars have emphasised the importance of public stories on love
relationships, the stories (both public and private) actually impact on intimate
relationships and individuals experience of sexual behaviour. Terry said the reason
for his gradually growing usage of the findom was an online video of female
ejaculation that made him want to see if his girlfriend could ejaculate. He also
searched for knowledge of cunnilingus online. Hana, as well, surfed the Internet
discussion forum for first sexual experiences then gave her own opinion on what to
do during her first time having conventional sex with her boyfriend. She also learned
sexual skills from ... Show more content on ...
The participants described their behaviour under the influence of the discursive
experiences. Thus, the boundary between public and private stories is vague and
difficult to discern in many ways.
ii. The Heterosexual Scripts of Sexual Behaviours in Relationships
The heterosexual scripts not only influence females but also males with the image of
a thoughtful man using the findom to their partners. Based on the interviewees
response, the males who used findoms were indeed considered thoughtful and
considerate by females.
When he first showed me this (the findom), I was a bit surprised. I thought, oh, he
had prepared such thing! And... I think... He did his homework (laugh). It is
thoughtful. Yeah...(laugh). At least he wasn t only thinking about his own pleasure.
He had considered my feeling. It s a good of him. (Emma)
It should be an equal status. I think I want to have sex and you think whether it s
okay. I can choose; you can choose too. It s not that boys says so! (emphasize) Girls
should have their own opinion. For example, girls should guide boys, lead boys...
what position she wants, in which ways... I think, a girl should point out her own
requirements. (Terry)
The story of men showing care through the findom was embodied in Emma s feeling
and Terry s point of view. As Wight (1993) said, while the traditional image of
masculinity centralises on sexuality without emotions, some young men in fact
King Louis Xvi Research Paper
King Louis XVI has just opened the Estates General! The Estates General for all
those who do not know is a medieval council made up of representatives of ALL
French social classes. This is the first meeting since 1614! As most of you are
probably wondering, why did the estates general split up in the first place? Well, the
answer to that is they failed to meet the needs of the people and they failed to make
progress on what the country wanted to achieve. Therefore, the three groups fought
over many things. This meeting is a huge opportunity for the poorest people of the
Third estate to finally be recognized by the King. During the first meeting the King
and his delegates announced the purpose of the meeting and the Third Estate realized
that... Show more content on ...
Because they believed that there job of taking care of land contributed to society
so much they should not have to pay the taxes. Obviously, the Nobility easily
rejected the Kings decision. Louis XVI faced a lot of criticism during his rule,
especially from the Nobility. They believed that he was a Stupid and nerdy man that
the way he governed the country was full of nonsense. This meeting is to take place
in the hall at Versailles. During the meeting the third estate dressed in all black, the
nobility dressed in their finery, and finally the clergy dressed in their full Regalia.
The first item on the agenda at the assembly is the way that they should vote: whether
they should vote by estate, which would give the first two estates an advantage,
which the King wants because he is part of the second estate. Or shall they vote all
together which would give the third estate an advantage. During the assembly the
Third Estate started to feel that they were not getting the same amount of attention as
the other estates so they started to break off and start to meet by themselves. Soon
after the Third Estate broke from the Estates General they started to refer as
themselves as the National Assembly. Not surprisingly, a few liberal nobles and
clergy decided to join
Positive And Non Critical Light
positive and non critical light as one of our strongest allies in the Middle East. The
media also looked into the countries that surrounded Iran and saw them as potential
bullies towards Iran and, in turn, the United States and its assets. At this point, the
Shah was the primary figurehead and there was little to no attention given to those
that opposed him and his regime within his own country. Reporters focused more on
how the Shah was positively affected his people (e.g. improved standard of living,
increased wages, westernization, infrastructure development, etc.) This gave a very
positive light to Iran, even though the Shah was still running an authoritarian police
Although, for the most part, western media depicted the Shah ... Show more content
on ...
In most cases, the United States just turned a blind eye and gave the Shah the
weapons that he needed to stay in power, since he was U.S. backed. The SAVAK, the
Shah s secret police, was exposed by The Washington Post was a major concern for
many Americans and the continued arms sales to Iran. During this time, another
Iranian topic that frequented the news was the decline of the economy and the impact
that it had on oil, especially the oil that was exported to the United States. The Shah
began to realize that the stories on Iran were becoming increasingly more negative
throughout the 1970s prior to the revolution and the crisis. Because of this, he made
all western journalist submit their ideas, topics, agendas, itineraries, etc. to the Iran
government before they were approved to enter the country. If the reporters wanted to
talk about something that was a little too confrontational and provocative, they would
not be granted entry.
Throughout the revolution that began in 1978, most western countries, especially
America did not fully understand the magnitude of the movement and how it would
affect the outcome of the country. American media could not understand why the
revolution had occurred and why the Shah had been deposed, even though they were
reporting on the reasons, the police state, SAVAK, and the failing economy, just prior
to the
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Steam Carpets
The Upsides of Steam Cleaning Your Carpet
Steam cleaning has been accessible for quite a long time and makes a stunning
showing with regards to of profound cleaning your carpet. In the event that done
right, steam cleaning can expel most profound situated earth, dust vermin, surface
oils and different allergens from your carpet and abandon it looking incredible. There
can be some perplexity about the steam cleaning process and a few makers have
added to the disarray as of late by discharging vacuums with steam cleaning like
elements that are not really steam cleaners. A genuine steam cleaner is characterized
as a unit that warms water to a high temperature making a steam vapor, applies this
water vapor to your carpet and after that promptly separates both the arrangement and
the earth in a gathering tank. Now and again there may likewise be a cleanser
blended with the water to help with stains or especially grimy carpets.
The key contrast between these business steam cleaners and numerous models sold
to purchasers is the temperature of the water utilized. The entire premise of steam
cleaning your carpets is that the water is warmed to a high temperature. At times this
water is near 200 degrees and is ... Show more content on ...
The suggestion is to have your carpets steam cleaned about once per year for
ordinary use. On the off chance that you have pets and children, you may need to
do it all the more regularly, particularly in high activity zones. Likewise, steam
cleaning will help you keep your carpet fit as a fiddle between cleanings also. By
evacuating the where it counts soil with steam cleaning, you are likewise taking out a
considerable measure of the oily buildup that pulls in new earth that is difficult to get
with your typical vacuuming. Once a carpet has been steam cleaned, it is simpler to
vacuum out the regular soil that ordinarily amasses on your
A Woman Of The House
A woman of the house takes care of all the big and small duties within the
household. They were seen as the weaker gender because they were not as wise as
men were and they were not as strong as men were; many times seen as incapable
of taking care of themselves and their children. Women were good at what they did
within the household and it was believed that they were born to be in that domain.
Women were kept in the private spheres, which lacks societal life but that sphere is
where they have their authority. Some may say the authority is equal to that of a
man but these two authorities were different because women were not capable of
taking care of themselves outside of the private sphere. The public sphere belonged to
men because they... Show more content on ...
They learned individual responsibilities and were teachers to their children in the
home because men were incapable of doing so; men were not naturally moral or
nurturing. They were able to advance with the skills they already had and were able
to learn more to better improve those skills.
Women were not able to complain about their stress or struggles because they are
the glue that held the family together in order for their husbands to be able to
venture off into the cities and search for earnings in order to support his family. In
some ways she was the mother and the father since the father was not always in the
household. She was held responsible for the outcome of the children s lives as adults
and what they become in the future.
The ideologies of women in the south were mainly to be a submissive woman by the
side of their man and family members. Women of the nineteenth century accepted
this type of treatment because they believed it was a their faith and a plan of God.
Men viewed woman as godly beings. The female Gods always performed moral
excellence and formed a happy home to those they loved. Their sex roles were
distinct in life because that was the norm and they were limited to any advancement
in the public world. Later, they were able to advance in life by building a strong
connection between one another and set examples for the future generation. This
explains the female sex dividing the differences of domestic ideology and
Analysis Of Milan Kundera s Unbearable Lightness Of
In Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera uses the contrasting ideas of
lightness and weight to signify ones existence. Kundera disagrees with Frederich
Nietzsche s concept of Eternal Return, and believes that instead of one s existence
being a recurring event with little to no change in detail our lives only happen once,
meaning every action or decision in a life has a very brief existence.
The novel introduces us with Tomas, who is an extremely light character, with few
emotional ties to people, with a enormous need for many lovers. For him, love and
sex are separate entities. He loves Tereza, a single woman, but will sleep with a
large amount of other women throughout his life. The arrival of Tereza then
directly signifies a new addition of weight into Tomas life. She is described as The
two of them got into his car, which was parked in front of the house, and drove to
the station. There he claimed the suitcase (it was large and enormously heavy) and
took it and her home. (Kundera, Milan, and Michael Heim Henry. The Unbearable
Lightness of Being. page 9 10) Tereza has packed up what we consider is a large
amount of her belongings, moving her life into Tomas , in a large and enormous and
heavy suitcase. This suitcase contains her life, and the act of Tomas taking it home
shows the entrance of Tereza s heaviness into his life. Tereza and Tomas share a...
Show more content on ...
Their relationship does not consist of love; an emotion instead shared within other
heavier relationships, and instead could be considered as being one categorized as
an affair . This relationship between two light characters seems to run into little
conflict, as Tomas and Sabina share the same ideas about life. Despite what seems
like an easy balance, they both move on to pursue heavier
The Founder Of Adobe Systems Faced By Noam Wasserman
Imagine Steve Jobs, arguably one of the most influential people in the history of
technology offering to buy your startup company even before you ve made a name
for yourself. And then imagine rejecting that offer. This is an example of the many
dilemmas that Charles Geschke, co founder of Adobe Systems faced. Founders are
almost always facing many dilemmas with their startup company, whether they re
straight from the get go or further down the line after the company have already
established a name for themselves. In his book, The Founder s Dilemmas, Noam
Wasserman has analysed nearly 10,000 founders in the technology and life sciences
industries, and has analysed any difficulties they may have had, or any forks in the
road they may have... Show more content on ...
Reading How venture capitalists evaluate potential venture opportunities , an investor
said they usually invest in a person knows their sector very well. You could easily
hire another person who is good at marketing, and offers help with that. After all, if an
idea is so good but the only thing holding the investment opportunity back, then it
could be worth it. That s exactly what happened in this case, when Hambrecht offered
to get a consultant who would deal with the management of the business. The
consultant also helped the co founders build a business plan.
On reflection we know that as a company, Adobe Systemshas been very successful
as they are still thriving now, almost twenty five years later. However, as with all
startups, founders cannot accurately predict how successful they will be. Problems
of different severity may arise, which could completely derail the startup company.
So it is not uncommon for founders to feel scared or unsure about quitting their
current job to start a company which may or may not work. This is another
dilemma which Geschke had. He was in a stable job at a company called Xerox,
who is also in the technology industry. In his words, he had this great job at Xerox,
a nice big office overlooking the whole Bay Area . His parents also questioned his
decision. This is one of the many risks founders have to assess before launching their
startups. The risk dilemma also
Managing Change
Principles of Management
2003/ 2004
ВЎВ§The key theme of this module is change. What did Charles Handy mean when
he commented that change could not be managed? If he was right what can a
manager do in the face of change? Explain the responsibilities of a manager to their
organisation and its employees during periods of change.ВЎВЁ
Word Count: 1940
Pages: 10
Contents Page
Front page1
Contents page2
2.1.Turbulent time3
2.2.Definition: change management4
2.3.Sources of change4
2.4.Change theory43.Managing change5
3.2.Is change ... Show more content on ...
Subsequently, the second meaning of managing change is the response to changes
over which the organization exercises only little or no control (e.g., legislation, the
actions of competitors, shifting economic tides and currents, and so on).
2.3.Sources of Change
Organisational change can be set off deliberately by managers, it can develop
slowly within a department, it can be enforced by specific changes in policy or
procedures, or it can come up as a result of external pressures. In order to promote
and to adapt to change, it is therefore essential to define the origin of the need to
change, as well as the nature of any proposed change.
Change may originate from outside or inside the organisation. External forces for
change include market forces (e.g. financial pressures and competition), legislation
(in particular environmental and employee legislation), tax structures, new
technologies (e.g. new computer technology, process equipment,.. ) and last but not
least political forces( world, national and organizational politics). Change also
originates within the organization itself. Internal sources for change include the need
for profitability (which is indeed a major thrust for change), conflicts between
organizational components (e.g. departments and people) and changes in the culture
of an organization.
However most of the organizational change is triggered by external forces, which are
Nashville Tennessee Essay
Nashville Tennessee is often known as the Country Capital of the World. Not only
is it the birthplace of country music but it also is home to some of the most famous
artist from the last century. Some of the artist include Elvis Presley, Dolly Parton,
Reba Mcentire, and Miley Cyrus. In 2010 a flood left the town of Nashville
devastated. From there many Businesses, malls, and historic landmarks found
themselves struggling to rebuild from the water damage. Nashville is also home to
the first recording studio Elvis Presley used and recorded at frequently throughout his
career. You can still tour this small recording studio known as Studio B, and hear the
amazing stories and here about the other legends that used it. The flooding did not...
Show more content on ...
Not only do you get a refreshing blast of the past and rich history but most of these
places have done fairy well with staying modern and up to date. The Grand Ole Opry
is constantly inviting new artist to join their cast or family. Some of the newest
inductees of this decade include; Rascal Flatts, Little Big Town, Darius Rucker,
and many others ( History of the Opry 1). Because of the flooding in 2010, The
Grand Ole Opry went through some of the serious damage. According to History
of the Opry It took the Grand Ole Opry a little over seven month to be completely
redone on the inside and restored. Unfortunately, they couldn t save a lot of the
interior of the Opry. If you go the the Opry today, you might see in the center of the
stage is a circle that s a different color of wood compared to the rest of the stage.
This is a small section left from the old stage that they took and restored from the
flood water. (1) Of course, the Grand Ole Opry wasn t always know as The grand
Ole Opry, it was originally known as the WSM Barn Dance. (CCIN Inc. 1) As you
can tell, The Grand Ole Opry has gone through many changes throughout the years
and has transformed into a great stage we all know and
Infective Endocarditis Case Study
Lorma Colleges
City of San Fernando 2500 La Union
College of Nursing
NCM 103 First Semester School Year 2013 2014
Case Study: Management of Patients With Dysrhythmias and Conduction Problems
Abby, is 21 years of age and is a female patient who received a permanent atrial
ventricular pacemaker for the diagnosis of sick sinus rhythm, a disorder that leads
to periods of tachycardia and periods of extreme bradycardia or sinus arrest. The
nurse received the end of shift report and arrives at Ms. Abby s s room where she
assesses the patient s incision dressing on the upper left chest and it is dry. The
patient s left arm is edematous and ecchymotic and twice the size of the other ... Show
more content on ...
Jeffa Hextee Jeco had her tongue and nose pierced 6 weeks ago. The drug screen is
negative. She presents with tricuspid insufficiency murmur grade II, and a
temperature of 104В°F. The patient complains of extreme fatigue, and anorexia. The
echocardiogram reveals vegetations on the tricuspid valve.
1. What risk factors predisposed Ms. Waters to develop infective endocarditis? 2.
Explain the pathophysiology of infective endocarditis as it relates to this case. 3.
What additional clinical manifestations should the nurse include in the assessment of
the patient? 4. What medical management should the nurse anticipate for the patient?
5. What nursing management should be provided for the patient and family?
Case Study: Management of Patients With Complications From Heart Disease
James Hitler is 72 years of age and is a male patient who is admitted with the
diagnosis of acute pulmonary edema secondary to acute left ventricular heart
failure. The patient has a history of coronary artery disease that has been treated
medically. The patient is anxious, pale, cold, clammy, and dyspneic. The vital signs
are: BP 88/50, P 110, R 32, and T 97В°F. There are bubbling crackles and wheezing
throughout the lung fields and the patient is raising frothy
The Revolutions Of The Celestial Orbs By Nicolaus...
The texts The Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs by Nicolaus Copernicus and Two
New Sciences by Galileo demonstrates a powerful illustration of heliocentric
hypothesis. In each book, astronomer Nicolas Copernicus and Scientist Galileo
Galilei describes their theory and assumption about the motion and shapes of the
planets and objects based on their understandings and advocating earlier scientist s
thoughts. Nicolas Copernicus describes Sun as the center of the universe, which is
spherical in shape and other planets(wanderers), which are also spherical revolve
around the sun in a Uniform, Eternal, and Circular motion. Likewise, Galileo defines
the motion of massive bodies (planets) are steady and uniform, and distance traveled
by these bodies are equivalent at equal intervals of time. However, in Idols of the
Mind, Francis Bacon demonstrated that there were flaws in the assumptions made by
the scientists because they conducted the practical experiments and theories based on
their own understanding. According to his scientific investigations, past scientific
thinkers used tests and experiments based on their thoughts, which he thinks corrupts
the nature of things as they try to compound their nature with it. Copernicus and
Galileo commit errors by demonstrating theories and performing experiments based
on the human understandings of themselves and other scientists, like Aristotle.
However, because this leads to the corruption of a more natural way of thinking,
Business Practices Of The West Houston Medical Center...
Business practices, in addition to guidelines on the matter of probable controversial
impediments are a component of organizational ethics. This type of ethics is
frequently motivated by the law; a copious amount of organizations practice ethics in
order to be accepted by the community, not to mention in order to ensure a successful
business. Ethical values can have a focal point on organizational concerns which
assist the company in adhere to respectable practices within their establishment or
corporation. I am part of the West Houston Medical Center organization, and the
hospital s mission statement states: We are a family of dedicated Healthcare
professionals committed to providing exceptional healthcare and service by
exceeding the expectations of every patient, every day (West Houston Medical
Center, 2016). For that reason, it remains essential for all team members that we are
responsible for ethical patient treatment centered together with patient valued care
when it comes to providing caring for our patients. The care which patients receive
along with the hospital s business operation plays a substantial part in which way the
members of the surrounding neighborhoods view the organization. The principal goal
of the hospital is To be one of the best hospitals in the country based on quality and
satisfaction indicators (West Houston Medical Center, 2016). We hold values such as
Put patients first and foremost , Treat each other with respect and dignity combined
Create Structures And Styles And Use Them Essay
Create structures and styles and use them to produce websites
1.1Please see initial design folder
1.2The main law I was concerned with while creating the site was the copyright,
Designs and Patents Act. To ensure the site was in line with this act with regards to
images I created the Background of the logo myself using GIMP2 I then converted
the background of a Lion rampant to Alpha so I could place this image on top of
the background image. I am also covered by the creative commons to take and
change an image found on the web. Since there was work completed on the image
the final logo can be claimed as my own intellectual property.
1.1Planning involved consideration of navigation method, colour scheme, logo
design, favicon design, font choice and site name. Once these had been decided
upon I started to gather resources for the project. The first thing that was obtained
was the site font, this was found by going to google fonts and searching for stencil.
A stencil font was chosen as the website is for booking and finding out about
airsoft (a sport like paintball but using plastic pellets instead of paintballs) and
therefore this font gave the site a military esque feel relating back to the military
theme. The next consideration to deal with was colour scheme originally a black
and brick red colour scheme was chosen but later seeing the site using this scheme it
was deemed too dark, I, therefore, opted for an off white and red colour scheme as
this lifted the page
How Does Unification Of Language Cause Conflict
Another way in which language can prevent or resolve a conflict is by its role in
nationalism that implies a process of unification. Unification can either be the cause
of a conflict because your local identity is attacked or be the cause of a resolution
because, inherently, people are setting apart their differences and coming together
into a nation. In the process of building a unified nation, a unified language must
appear as well. Smith (1998), argues that the unification of language, for example, is
a political act as well as a waract as long as it oppresses local identities and this may
be a cause of conflict. The process of unification can be a war act as Smith states
because you are being conquered. Your language and identity are being stripped off
you and that can cause confrontation. However, the same unification process has a
self implication of bringing together places that were once separated for different
reasons which constitutes a conflict resolution method. People are putting aside their
differences in order to have a nation. The differences donВґt disappear but a new
rhetoric about... Show more content on ...
When we think of a conflict there must be at least two opposing sides. Nationalism is
a way of making this problem between two parties one that involves two complete
countries. The individual differences disappear and the problem is now a binary one
with extreme opposing sides, each being the whole people of each country as they are
united under nationalism. Language in nationalism also lets us trace the border
between two communities, language marks out a community because it is the
primary means of communication (Smith, 1998, 28). International conflicts can arise
because of this impossibility to communicate effectively and the division this creates.
So, language in nationalism contributes to conflicts because it creates the difference
between the opposing sides and makes the conflict one that involves all the
Fiber Optic Communication Systems And Introduction
Fiber Optic Communication Systems and Introduction to SONET/SDH (December
2014) Pravalika Nagulapally, (012600326)
Abstract This paper explains about the Evolution of fiber optic networks in
Communications. It describes in detail about the Optics communication model and
also detailed MATLAB work on calculating the parameters that are required to setup
a optical link. It also emphasizes on different bands employed in Communication
systems. The section three of the paper describes briefly regarding Synchronous
Optical Networking (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). The
SONET networks topology and their hierarchy is also described in this paper. The
data rates of Sonet/Sdh and the optical market highlights are described at ... Show
more content on ...
Fiber optic communications systems are light wave systems that employ optical
fibers for information transmission.
Fig. BL vs Year
A commonly used figure of merit for communication systems is the bit rate distance
product. (BL), where B is the bit rate and L is the repeater spacing. Figure shows that
the BL product has increased with technical advances.
II.OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Modern fiber optic communication
systems generally include an optical transmitter to convert an electrical signal into an
optical signal to send into the optical fiber, a cable containing bundles of multiple
optical fibers that is routed through underground conduits and buildings, multiple
kinds of amplifiers, and an optical receiver to recover the signal as an electrical
signal. The information transmitted is typically digital information generated by
computers, telephone systems, and cable television companies.
Figure shows a generic block diagram of an optical communication system. It consists
of a transmitter, a communication channel and a receiver. Optical communication
systems can be classified into two broad categories.
Fig:Optical Communication System
Guided: Guided lightwave systems: The optical emitted by the light source remains
Unguided: The optical beam emitted spreads out in space.
The most commonly used optical transmitters are semiconductor devices such as light
emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes. The difference
Is Cybercrime A Type Of Crime That Is Committed Over
The uses of Internet and computers have made life much easier; technology in
general has improved the economy, medical research, and healthcare. Internet and
computers have become a huge part of many people s lives in this era; it allows
individuals to stay in touch, find information, and even make a living through
online businesses. When there are positive points, there are bound to be some
negative ones, and that is Cybercrime . Cybercrime is a type of crime that is
committed over the Internet using computers and networks; also known as Hacking
. Cybercrimes are a major issue individual face in today s society; this is because the
number of people using the Internet has grown rapidly over the last decade.
Technology is available to... Show more content on ...
One might think that cybercrime is just hacking a computer, but there are many sides
that this paper will examine.
Review of Literature
Cyber criminals across the world have found multiple ways to use technology for
fraud, identity theft, and unauthorized computer access (Wiener Bronner, 2014).
Some of the most common types of cybercrimes include fraud, spamming, hardware
hijacking, cyberterrorism, cyberstalking, and cyberwarfare ( The Most Common
Forms of Cybercrime. n.d.). Cyber fraud is one very typical crime that takes place
over the Internet; many people have been victims of cyber fraud or more commonly
called identity theft. Cybercriminals hack computers and gain access to personal
financial information like credit cards, bank passwords, and access to bank
accounts. Many hackers collect customer s information by hacking consumer
databases, from various social media or online shopping sites (Amazon, e bay, and
Facebook) ( The Most Common Forms of Cybercrime. n.d.). Once they gain access to
personal information they can easily use to for his/her benefit.
Spamming is a very devious method for hackers to gather personal information;
spam messages are carriers of computer viruses also known as worms. Most widely
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Charles Darwin s The Origin Of Species
In The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, with an introduction by Sir Julian
Huxley, outlines his theory of natural selection. Darwin quotes preservation of
favorable variations and the rejection of injurious variations, I call natural selection.
(Darwin 98) Darwin s theory of evolution states how variations cause the origin of
species. he also explains this theory by stating I can see no good reason to doubt that
female birds, by selecting, during thousands of generations, the most melodious or
beautiful males, according to their standard of beauty, might produce a marked effect.
(Darwin 103) His theory of natural selection debates that adaptations and traits that
make a distinction between species from one another also demonstrates how species
have evolved over time. Variations in species are clear in both domesticated and wild
... Show more content on ...
Darwin quotes in chapter one, variation in domestication that most skilful breeder,
Sir John Sebright, used to say, with respect to pigeons, that he would produce any
given feather in three years, but it would take him six years to obtain head and
beak. (Darwin 74) He argues that as traits are passed down from parents to
offspring that this is heredity. Heredity is a system that perpetuates variations. The
critical aspect about these variations to Darwin, is that they help a species to adapt
and continue to survive. Darwin uses birds as his main examples. He uses birds to
demonstrate the adaptations that give species an advantage to survive in their
environments. Examples like the beak of a woodpecker that allows the bird to
gather insects, the wings that allows it to fly, and the fins that allow a fish to swim.
Darwin predicted that the minor mutations or variations that we see in a species,
such as color and size, describe the variations seen in different species
Homosexual Soldiers Essay
When I think of the military I think about the camaraderie between soldiers, the
bonds that tie them closer than brothers, and the willingness of one to die for
another. I think about the long hours at work, the cramped living quarters and
shared showers. I think about long deployments on ships where three hundred and
fifty Sailors and Marines live in a single room. My husband had the privilege of
serving in the United States Marine Corps for eight years, six of which we were
married. I have witnessed the military men and women serve our country to the best
of their ability, enduring endless hardships. I have also heard some service members
voice concerns over the idea of openly gay men and women serving in the ranks. The
... Show more content on ...
When President Clinton was in office he relaxed the rules that prohibited women
from serving near combat zones. While this gave women a chance to prove
themselves in dangerous situations, it also put the military at risk. During a
mission in Bosnia almost five percent of female service members became pregnant
and had to be returned to their home base, leaving the military in the position of
scrambling to find replacements (Belz). According to statistics released by the
Navy at least sixteen percent of women sailors have become pregnant, leading
many to term Navy ships as love boats (Belz). If the military is unable to control
sexual relations between segregated men and women how are they supposed to
control sexual relations between service members of the same gender? Men and
women are segregated in an attempt to prevent the possibility of sexual relations
and sexual harassement. It would seem to reason that homosexual men would also
not be allowed to room with other men and that the same would apply for
homosexual women. The miltary would need to find a way to separate homosexual
service members in order to ensure that sexual relations were not occuring while on
deployment. Separate accomodations based on sexual preference, however, would be
openly discriminatory. These actions would prove to be a logistical and legal
nightmare for the military, but would also
Argumentative Essay On Crushed Egg Shells
Crushed egg shells are now on my anti aging list of things to do. If you are in the
habit of throwing away your shells, now you can use them for all sorts of great
The best reason of all, the shells of an egg are a great source of minerals and some
amino acids.
There is not a lot of studies on egg shells. However, I don t need studies to know if
something is working for me or not. I am one of those people who will try anything
and everything if I think it is good for me.
A study by the Dutch on post menopausal women found an improvement in bone
density in the hip area. After supplementing with egg shell powder for 1 year. This is
good news if you suffer from hip problems.
Another study on the shells of Turtles suffering from soft shell syndrome found
supplementing with egg shells hardened the Turtles outer shell.
Eating crushed egg shells gives the body a natural source of calcium. And is the
perfect replacement for calcium supplements, in fact, the shells are 95% calcium
If you are perimenopause or menopausal you will definitely benefit from the calcium
of egg shells.
Ok, for those of you, like me, who just want to get down to the good stuff, and
couldn t care less about research, graphs, and illustrations. Let s get started.
crushed egg shells
Crushed Egg Shells
How I began my journey into crushed egg shells. I was searching the Internet for a
way to remineralise and regenerate my teeth as I had chipped a tooth. I came across
the shells of
Nanotech 1AC Essay
1AC Version 1.0
Observation 1: SQ
Observation One: The Status Quo
First, Nano Development in Mexico is on the rise it s unregulated and risks spinning
out of control
Inter Press Service 2k12
(TierramГ©rica, MEXICO: Scientists Call For Regulation of Nanotechnology, 03/12
/2012, idnews=3920 olt=568, AC)
MEXICO CITY, Mar 12 (TierramГ©rica). Nanotechnology, which is currently
unregulated in Mexico, could pose serious threats to human health and the
environment, cautions a new study. Far from a policy of precaution vis Г vis these
new technologies, products are entering the market without regulation to guarantee
their safety or labels to inform of their use, researcher Guillermo ... Show more
content on ...
After a review of nanotechnology initiatives, it is surprising that the Programa
Especial does not make any reference to the possible risks to health and the
environment related to the use of nanotechnology neither its ethical and legal
implications, nor the public participation in what many scientists see as the most
important technological revolution of the 21st century. The absence of concern
associated with the use of nanotechnology in MГ©xico becomes worrying because of
the increasing number of laboratories in the area. Furthermore, many of them are
already using clean rooms and very sophisticated equipment with the main objective
of encouraging the production of nanocomponents for the industrial sector. In the
same vein, Argentina and Brazil do not have a program to discuss the implications
and risks of nanotechnology, or a plan to supervise the activities related to
nanotechnology research and development. In this regard, it is clear that the distance
between Latin America and its European and North American counterparts is
expanding. Due to the absence of a National Nanotechnology Initiative, MГ©xico has
turned its attention to different research centers in search for

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Adolf Hitler Essay. Book review of The Death of Democracy: Hitlers Rise to Power and the ...

  • 1. Adolf Hitler Essay Writing an essay on the topic of Adolf Hitler can be an intricate and challenging task due to the sensitive nature of the subject. Addressing the life and actions of a historical figure responsible for atrocities during World War II demands a delicate balance between presenting factual information and maintaining a respectful tone. The complexities arise from the need to navigate through the disturbing events of the Holocaust and the impact Hitler had on global history. Researching and compiling accurate information about Hitler's rise to power, ideology, and the atrocities committed under his regime is a demanding process. One must delve into a myriad of sources, ranging from historical records to scholarly analyses, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the context and motivations behind Hitler's actions. Moreover, crafting an objective and well-rounded essay requires the writer to avoid falling into the trap of either demonizing or glorifying Hitler. Striking a balance between historical analysis and ethical considerations is essential to ensure the essay contributes to a nuanced understanding of the subject rather than perpetuating misconceptions. Addressing the psychological aspects of Hitler's personality and the socio-political climate of the time adds another layer of complexity. The writer must navigate the fine line between exploring the factors that contributed to Hitler's rise and ensuring the narrative doesn't inadvertently excuse or justify his actions. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of Adolf Hitler demands a careful and thoughtful approach. It requires thorough research, critical analysis, and a commitment to presenting the historical facts in a responsible and respectful manner. If you find yourself needing assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges, various resources are available, such, where you can explore professional writing services to support your academic endeavors. Adolf Hitler Essay Adolf Hitler Essay
  • 2. Free Trade Blocs, A Major Step Towards Economic Integration Free Trade Blocs Free trade blocs are intergovernmental agreements that limit regional barriers to trade by integrating different economies. The four types of trade blocs are Preferential Trade Area, Free Trade Area, Customs Union, and Common Market. The specific trade blocs included in this analysis are Mercosur, North American Free Trade Agreement, European Union. Preferential Trade Area (PTA) is when countries in the same geographical region agree to eliminate or reduce tariff barriers on certain goods. Similar to PTA, the Free Trade area is when two or more countries agree to eliminate or reduce barriers to trade and freely import and export goods between each other. Members of a trade blocwho remove trade barriers internally, while imposing a uniform tariff on non member countries is an example of a Customs Union. Members of a Customs Union will come together and negotiate tariff regulations with countries outside their bloc. One of the most comprehensive trade blocs is the Common Market. A Common Market is a major step towards economic integration. In a Common Market, bloc member countries are able to trade all economic resources without restraint. While other types of trade blocs primarily free up the trading of goods and services, the Common Market frees the flow of capital and labor between member nations. Also in the Common Market bloc tariffs and non tariff barriers are removed, increasing free trade activity. Nations that belong to a Common Market must have
  • 3. Symbolism In The Conqueror Worm The Conqueror Worm by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem embedded with deep symbolism. Death is a common thing among Edgar Allen Poe s poems and the conqueror worm is definitely not an exception. The very theme in the story is that we are like puppets in the play of life, putting on a show for a higher deity. Edgar Allan Poedid a good job weaving the theme in with tons of symbolism, however the idea that death conquers all is easily found if you look close enough. First indication of the theme is in line 12 where it clearly states that Mere Puppets they who come and go at the bidding of vast formless things. that portion from the first stanza shows the Poe viewed people as puppets, and that humanity or the puppets come and go at the will of something
  • 4. Critical Analysis Of Metropolis Metropolis, the 1927 sci fi film by Fritz Lang, tackles themes of class, industrialization, technological advancement and biblical prophecy; all while demonstrating its cutting edge prowess in production design and cinematography. Metropolis was created at a time in German film history when the German Expressionismartistic movement was in full swing (Enticknap p.423). The vivid yet papery cityscapes are the film s most overt representations of the German expressionist movement, foregoing realism in order to enable the film to achieve a level of imagination that would have otherwise been unobtainable. Bustling with life, lights and automation, the futuristic world of the upper city is a marvel to behold. In contrast, the depth of the city, inhabited by the workers, feature jagged and distorted buildings that loom over the broken people of the lower class as they disband from their days of backbreaking and menial labor. The workplace of the lower class being an industrial mess of cogs, lights, clocks, valves and pipes. Metropolisfollows Freder (Gustav FrГ¶hlich), a young upper class bachelor who is the son of the most powerful man in the city, Joh Fredersen. Freder is characterized by two defining motivations. The first is the simplistic and arguably hackneyed motivation of the pursuit of love. When Freder encounters the lower class teacher Maria in the gardens he becomes enamored and goes in search for her in the machine rooms. Once in the industrial hell of the workers
  • 5. X-Men Apocalypse Essay I have seen the ending of the world! There was only death... Jean Grey describes her nightmare to Professor Xavier. This opens the trailer of the latest instalment of the X Men franchise. X Men: Apocalypse, which is directed by Bryan Singer with cast James McAvoy (Charles), Rose Byrne (Moira MacTaggert), Nicholas Hoult (Hank McCoy / Beast), Oscar Isaac (En Sabah Nur / Apocalypse), Michael Fassbender (Erik Lensherr / Magneto), Kodi Smit McPhee (Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler), Jennifer Lawrence(Raven / Mystique) , Olivia Munn (Betsy Braddock / Psylocke), Tye Sheridan (Scott Summers / Cyclops), Sophie Turner(Jean Grey), Alexandra Shipp (Ororo Munroe / Storm), Ben Hardy (Warren Worthington III / Angel), and Lana Condor (Jubilation Lee / Jubilee) is set for a May 27, 2016 debut. it takes the story up 10 years after X Men: Days of Future Past where Charles and Raven gather a force of good mutants to repel the Apocalypse. In turn Apocalypse, who will find mutants as outcasts in the world after his sleep of many centuries, will form his own army. This will bring in Magneto, Storm, Angel and Psylocke.... Show more content on ... Alberta Film Ratings recently stamped a PG stamp on said trailer. Leak of the trailer had been making the rounds since summer s Comic Con. Writer and producer Simon Kinberg promises that the trailer is certainly longer than a minute and it has a ton of cool stuff in
  • 6. Difference Between Technical And Technical Writing Writing is a medium of communication that is used to deliver the message to the readers. Writing can be of different style. It can be in the form of technical or literary writing. Technical writers are different from literary writers in terms of the use of language, structure, purpose, format, subject matter and their intended audience. Technical writing is a type of writing used by authors to convey technical information about a certain subject. The audience of technical writing should have enough knowledge or understanding of the topic, usually experts and professionals, because this type of writing uses jargons or technical terminologies. Instruction manuals, user manuals and reports of analysis are some of the examples that fall under ... Show more content on ... In order to do so, it must convey a single meaning to the audience. Also, technical writing must be precise and accurate. Information presented under technical writing has to be factual. Technical writing must also include correctness. It means that it must be free from any grammatical errors and it must follow the set standards. On the other hand, literary writing is distinguishable from other types of writing because of its creative intent. This style of writing has the capacity to engage the readers in their world of creative imagination. Literary writing appeals to emotions of the audience as writers aim to capture and captivate the readers emotions through their literary
  • 7. Regents Exam in U.S. History and Government REGENTS EXAM IN U.S. HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION UNITED STATES HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT Thursday, January 24, 2013 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only Student Name ______________________________________________________________ School Name _______________________________________________________________ The possession or use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when taking this examination. If you have or use any communications device, no matter how briefly, your examination will be invalidated and no score will be calculated for you. Print your name and the name of your school on the lines above. A separate answer sheet for Part I has been provided to you. ... Show more content on ... (1) National tax revenues decreased. (2) High tariffs increased foreign trade. (3) Treasury policies contributed to widespread inflation. (4) The newly created Bank of the United States helped stabilize the economy. 11 One result of the purchase of the Louisiana Territory (1803) was that the United States (1) acquired California from Spain (2) gained control of the port of New Orleans (3) ended border conflicts with British Canada (4) annexed Florida 12 The decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803) was significant because it established that the Supreme Court (1) had limited powers over state courts (2) had the power to choose its own members (3) could declare a federal law unconstitutional (4) could impeach the president and other government officials 13 The constitutional controversy that led directly to the start of the Civil War concerned the right of states to (1) control tariff rates (2) sign treaties with foreign nations (3) redraw congressional districts (4) secede from the Union U.S. Hist. Gov t. Jan. 13 14 Which group benefited most directly from the Supreme Court decision in
  • 8. Real Estate In Long Island Real Estate in Long Island Having a real estate is everyone s dream, especially if it is on Long Island. You can choose one of these countries as the parts of Long Islands. They are Hampton, Nassau, Suffolk, Fire Island, and North Fork. All of them are fabulous and will not let you regret anything. However, to find the best real estate, you need to find the best real estate marketing companies. You can start to browse it from your search engine. What would you like to do with the real estate? Do you want to buy it or do you want to rent it? Find What You Are Looking For To stay in a place, you have to find the reason to stay there. 1.You can try to look around the real estate and find what you need is there. In Long Island, you will find
  • 9. Use Of Hydrogen Fuel Cells Is Better Than The Use Of... A lot of people in our society have been questioning whether the use of hydrogen fuel cells is better than the use of fossil fuels. Each of the two differs from the other massively. They are made in different ways, have different outcomes, advantages and disadvantages, so in order to consider which of the two should be promoted all of the things mentioned should be first analysed. Fossil fuels are defined as hydrocarbons primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, which is formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. When these fuels are burnt, the energy released can be harnessed to produce electricity. Fossil fuels are the most popular form of energy as they have very low ignition temperature. All fossil fuels undergo through the process of combustion. Combustion necessarily requires oxygen. All the reactions are exothermic in nature which therefore means they give out heat and sometimes light. The constituent hydrogen and oxygen react with each other chemically and produce high amount of heat and energy. Different fossil fuels burn at different rates because the structures of the hydrocarbons are different in each of these compounds. However, one common by product of each of these fossil fuel is carbon dioxide. The combustion of fossil fuels can be shown by an example of a simple combustion reaction for methane. The combustion of methane means that it is possible to burn it. Chemically, this combustion process consists of a reaction between methane and oxygen in
  • 10. Bone Of Fire Book Report When I started reading the Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan I knew from the start that it would be a great adventure book. This book truly was a big page turner, and a nail biter too. Every spare second I had I read this book. The Throne of Fire is about a brother and a sister embarking on a journey around the globe to awaken the sun god, Ra. Meanwhile the House of Life is trying to hunt them down. This could prove fatal at the end of their journey for Carter and Sadie. Carter and Sadie also must travel the River of Night to find and awaken Ra so they can defeat Apophis, the god of Chaos. Also add onto that Sadie must survive an encounter with two gods, Nekhbet the vulture goddess and Babi the baboon god. If Carter and Sadie fail Apophis will
  • 11. Esther s Representation Of Women In Ancient Persian Society Esther The journey from a peasant girl to the great queen of Persia; the treacherous paths of life she had to endure to save her people from death and banishment, summarizes the brave accounts of Queen Esther.The novel Esther written by Rebecca Kanner portrays many distinctive features of the ancient Persian society, including the social, economic and political system, which limited the power of the commoners in Persia.Most importantly, the implications of being a woman in Persia becomes clearly reflected through the main character of the novel, queen Esther. Esther, as a normal girl was merely any significance to the society nor the opposite gender. In Persia, where men secured ... Show more content on ... The life in the harem raids Esther of her innocence, and transforms her personality from helpless to brave and courageous. She overcomes hardships caused by the king s favorite concubine Halannah, and achieves king s favor with the assistance of several other characters such as Hegai, Ruti, Mordecai and Erez.Eventually, Esther captures the love of King Xerxes and becomes the queen that replaces Vashti, the exiled queen of Persia. The royal wedding marks the beginning of Esther s conquest to save Jews. She realized that being a normal woman in Persia would not cohere with her motives, therefore had to attain a position that align with the king.Towards the end of the novel, Esther s heroism was reflected through her actions when she encountered the most feared dilemma that transitioned to the climax of the novel.With Haman influencing king Xerxes, Esther alone risked her life by proclaiming herself as a Jew in front of the king. Unlike other woman of such high status, she was fearless and selfless to become responsible for the existence of her people.She ensured that the king was aware of the mass destruction of Jews, which included herself his dear queen.She presented a very emotional and yet persuasive plea to sway the king from allowing such mass extermination of jews. She acted intelligently during her days as a queen
  • 12. Chemical Treatment Of The Concentration Of Contaminants... 1.4 Methodology 1.4.1 Process definition Advance Oxidation Process is a set of chemical treatment where the organic waste and some inorganic waste are removed from industrial wastewater, pharmaceutical wastewater by oxidation through reactions with hydroxyl radicals (В·OH). In real world it is applicable for the removal or treatment of wastewater. This reactive spices are strongest oxidants which can be used to virtually oxidize any compound which is present in the water matrix and also can be applied for water. At diffusion controlled reaction speed, when (В·OH) is form it reacts unselectively and the contaminants which are present in water will quickly and efficiently fragmented and converted into small inorganic molecules. (В·OH) is formed with the help of one or more primary oxidants i.e (Ozone, Hydrogen peroxide and oxygen) or by other sources like Ultraviolet light and Catalyst Precise, pre programmed dosages, sequences and combinations of these reagents are applied in order to obtain a maximum OH yield. AOPs can reduce the concentration of contaminants from several hundred ppm to less than 5 ppb and therefore significantly bring COD and TOC down, which earned it the credit of water treatment processes of the 21st century. The Advance oxidation process is essentially and particularly used to treat and to reduce biologically toxic or non degradable materials such as aromatics, pesticides, petroleum constituents and volatile organic compounds which are
  • 13. Kate Chopin Research Paper Kate Chopin s was very different than the rest of the of her pears; Kate was born February 8, 1850, once she reached age five she attended an academy until 1864 to get her away from the grieve of losing her father at the age of five. Kate kept a commonplace book in 1867 till 1870 which she recorded diary entries and copied passages of essays, poems, and other writings not long after the death of her father and great grandmother had died. Kate has written a little sketch, Emancipation: A Life Fable in 1869, soon after Emancipation, she married in 1870 then gave birth to six healthy children between 1871 1879 Kate and her husband had relocated, and in the years in 1882, he died of malaria and Kate became a widow at the age of thirty two,
  • 14. Ducati Group s Strategic Plan Before to Ducati s acquisition by Texas Pacific Group, a deep financial crisis affected Ducati, undermining its production and consequently negatively affecting its market results. Production was less than production capacity and therefore it was clear that a relaunch of the company was necessary. The strategic plan carried out by Ducati Group, with the help of newly appointed Minoli, focused on the idea of increasing the company s value through a growth in turnover volume and protection of product profit margins. One of the most interesting aspects of the changes embraced by the Ducati, is the restructuring of the production system which began in the mid 1990s in order to maintain the product margin and increase the level of sales and turnover. Minoli found three things at Ducati when he arrived: good products: unique and beautiful bikes, although regarded as less efficient and reliable in comparison to Japanese models top notch engineers: both in R D and for the racing division a brand with a strong potential: in most European markets, Ducati s brand recognition and loyalty was the highest in the motorcycle industry. First, the aspiring team started off the transformation of Ducati s strategic plan by creating what was called the World of Ducati , to support and develop the brand. This started with the decision to build a museum, in order to show that Ducati was more than a motorcycle company; Ducati was a dream and a passion. Through this Ducati was able to
  • 15. Telemachus Mature In The Odyssey In The Odyssey, Homer shows the transition of Telemachus from a childish and a passive young man to a man worthy of being Odysseus son. Through the help of Athena, he learns different character traits and qualities such as bravery and cunning that helps him to mature into a man worth the title of a prince of Ithaca. Telemachus learns how to be authoritative, mature, display pious and exhibit humility. He is also influenced by the return of his father. Telemachus transition from a young man to a man worthy enough to be Odysseuss son is shown as he acquires these traits. Throughout The Odyssey, Telemachus proves himself worthy to be Odysseus son. Through the help of Athena, Telemachus slowly matures and becomes assertive and authoritative. ... Show more content on ... This is of importance as it is the first gathering since Odysseus departure from Troy. Telemachus publicly accuses the suitors of injustice which is something he had never done before. This shows that he is slowly gaining confidence which is important to have as the prince of Ithaca. This is also developing maturity as he is beginning to fulfill the role of his father, which is to be a leader and take charge when there is conflict. He had been idle for a while, however, after being inspired by Athena, disguised as Mentor, with courage, he could not remain restrained and observe as the suitors disrespect his mother and his household in the absence of his father. The suitors show him no respects as he is till a child and does not have the intimidating presence like his father. Feeling dejected, Telemachus leaves and prays to the gods for guidance. Athena the goddess appears. She encourages and advises by telling him that since he is his father s son, he should have courage like him. He should also have faith that the suitors will soon get what they deserve. Courage is an important quality when comparing him to his father Odysseus. Odysseus showed courage and bravery by outsmarting the cyclops, so Telemachus must learn to be brave to face the suitors and other problems that might arise in the
  • 16. Stephen King, Christine Stephen King is perhaps the most widely known American writer of his generation, yet his distinctions include publishing as two authors at once: Beginning in 1966, he wrote novels that were published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. When twelve, he began submitting stories for sale. At first ignored and then scorned by mainstream critics, by the late 1980 s his novels were reviewed regularly in The New York Times Book Review, with increasing favor. Beginning in 1987, most of his novels were main selections of the Book of the Month Club, which in 1989 created the Stephen KingLibrary, committed to keeping King s novels in print in hardcover. King published more than one hundred short stories (including the collections Night Shift,... Show more content on ... Christine is another fractured Cinderella story, Carrie for boys. Arnie Cunningham, a nearsighted, acne scarred loser, falls in love with a car, a passionate (red and white) Plymouth Fury, one of the long ones with the big fins, that he names Christine. An automotive godmother, she brings Arnie, in fairy tale succession, freedom, success, power, and love: a home away from overprotective parents, a cure for acne, hit andrun revenge on bullies, and a beautiful girl, Leigh Cabot. Soon, however, the familiar triangle emerges, of boy, girl, and car, and Christine is revealed as a femme fatale driven by the spirit of her former owner, a malcontent named Roland LeBay. Christine is the medium for his death wish on the world, for his all devouring, everlasting Fury. LeBay s aggression possesses Arnie, who reverts into an older, tougher self, then into the mythic teenaged hood that King has called the prototype of 1950 s werewolf films, and finally into some ancient carrion eater, or primal self. As automotive monster, Christine comes from a variety of sources, including the folk tradition of the death car and a venerable techno horror premise, as seen in King s Trucks and Maximum Overdrive. King s main focus, however, is the mobile youth culture that has come down from the 1950 s by way of advertising, popular songs, film, and national pastimes. Christine is the car as a projection of
  • 17. Confirmation Research Paper There are many things to consider when preparing for Confirmation. Getting confirmed is not an easy thing to do, and it should definitely not be something that you do without equipping yourself beforehand. When you are a child, your parents make the decision of entering you into the church. They also may have forced you to go to mass every Sunday to receive the gift of the Eucharist. After you have been Confirmed, it is no longer up to your parents to make those decisions for you. It is also, vital for you to surround yourself with good role models that want the best for you. You must have someone, other than your parents, to rely on when times get tough. You should also have a good patron saint to model your life after. Additionally, you should be reading scripture, to remind yourself of the word of God. These may seem like small things to think about before you get Confirmed. However, these actions play a crucial role in keeping your relationship with God healthy. Baptismis the first sacrament that you receive. It washes away the original sin or any personal sin (if you were... Show more content on ... Everytime we take Eucharist we witness transubstantiation, or the bread turning into body and the wine turning into the blood of Christ. This is important to me because, everytime I take the body and blood, I am reminded of the sacrifices Jesus made for us. I also am reunited with God and Jesus. Equally as important as receiving the Eucharist is going to Mass every Sunday. Attending Church is not only one of the ten Commandments, but it is a sacred time of the week. It is time that you should thank God for all that he has given you, and reflect on parts of your week that you could have improved on. I take Church very seriously because I understand God dedicates 24 hours a week to me, so the least I can do is thank him for his
  • 18. Pros And Cons Of In Vitro Fertilisation ( IVF ) In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body, in vitro( in glass ). The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman s ovulatory process, removing and ovum or ova (egg or eggs) from the woman s ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a liquid in a laboratory. The fertilised egg (zygote) undergoes embryo culture for 2 6 days, and is the transferred to the same or another woman s uterus, with the intention of establishing a successful pregnancy. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) refers to the genetic profiling of embryos prior to implantation, and sometimes even of oocytes prior to fertilization. PGD is considered in a similar fashion to prenatal diagnosis. When used to screen for a specific genetic disease, it s main advantage is that it avoids selective pregnancy termination as the method makes it highly likely that the baby will be free of the disease under consideration. PGD thus aids assisted reproductive technology, and requires in vitro fertilization (IVF) to obtain embryos or oocytes for evaluation. While PGD has many benefits, especially for potential parents who may be at risk of passing on genetic defects, opposition to the use if this technology has come in many forms. Opposition ranges from the view which believes an embryo has full moral status from the moment of conception to the other end of the scale where people believe that the use of this technology will lead
  • 19. Southern Appalachian Culture When one thinks of the Appalachians, one generally thinks of the mountains of the southeastern region of the United States. However the Mountain range itself actually begins in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, extending from there for almost 2,000 miles (3,200 km) to central Alabama in the United States. Thus the region also forms the eastern counterpart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Southern Appalachia alone includes three hundred counties covering most of West Virginia and the Southern Highlands or Upland South. The mountains form a natural barrier between the eastern Coastal Plain and the vast Interior Lowlands of North America. As a result, they have played a vital role in the settlement and development of the entire continent. Despite the vast geographical distance, the peoples of the Appalachians (state side) maintain a unified identity through shared cultural identities; dialect, building practices, folk music and dance, crafts, superstitions and religion, and moonshine unite all 1500 miles of these mountains. The inhabitants of this region largely descended from English and Scottish Irish folk traditions, brought to the region by colonial immigrants. There were also smaller influences from other ... Show more content on ... Music producers where surprised to find that this Appalachian music, they termed Old Time Music had become economically viable. Musicians from the Appalachian region were now able to quit their day jobs and earn a living from touring and shows. However, the songs they played tended to be covers of popular songs in the style of Old Time as opposed to the traditional Appalachian tunes. The Great Depression of the 1930s put an end to the commercial viability of old time music, it would be out of the Old Time tradition that modern commercial country western music would
  • 20. Analysis Of Everett Zhang s Impotence Epidemic Impotence and Seafaring Understanding global economic forces in the production of a perceived masculinity crisis sheds important light on the ways in which contemporary Chinese men seeking treatment for impotence and Filipino seafarers construct themselves as modern masculine subjects. As their respective economies become more globalized, the modern perception of masculinity changes for both the Chinese men and Filipino seafarers. Through his book Impotence Epidemic, Everett Zhang shows how global economic factors change men s perception on being modern. First, this is shown through Chinese men seeking a cure for impotence through the drug Viagra, which has been pushed out via the global market. Viagra also creates a sense of modern masculinities for men who take Viagra and traditional remedies. Secondly, Zhang shows that with a more global economic market in China, as well as the newly renovated capitalistic system, perceptions of impotence are evolving. Capitalism has changed men s views on impotence, but has increased impotence rates as well. Next, in Filipino Crosscurrents, Kale Fajardo shows how Filipino seafarers working in the context of a globalized economy have shaped their views on masculinity and modernity. First, time space compression in contemporary society has shaped how men perceive themselves as modern. Second, the way men have to suppress their masculinity while working on international ships despite being considered masculine and heroic back home,
  • 21. Yang Liwei Research Paper When you hear the name of Yang Liwei, do you know anything about him? If not, then maybe you do not know much about Chinese news. Yang Liwei helped China do what two other countries before it could do, launch humans into space. The two countries that beat China were Russia and the United States. Sure, other Chinese nationals were able to go to space, but Yang Liweiwas the first Chinese citizen to go into space. This major accomplishment for China was done on October 15, 2003. This date marked that launch of the Shenzhou 5spacecraft launch, which Yang Liwei was aboard. In China, the astronauts are called Taikonauts. Yang Liwei was born on June 21, 1965. He was born in Suizhong, Liaoning, China. Yang Liwei had two parents. His mother was... Show more content on ... 10,000 yuan is equal to about 1,204 US dollars. This is actually lower than other pilots. His wife, Zhang Yumei was also in the Chinese space program. Yang Liwei is 168 cm tall and is 65 kilograms. Yang also has an eight year old boy with his wife. Currently, Yang Liwei is fifty years old. When he went to space on the Shenzhou 5, he was only 38 years old. Yang Liwei got back to Earth on October 16, 2003. He was parachuted from the Shenzhou and landed in Mongolia. When the Shenzhou 5 landed, it was only about 4.8 kilometers off target. When Yang Liwei got to space, he opened up the Chinese flag and the United States Flag. Yang Liwei also had a United Nations flag with him, but he decided not to open it up when he reached space. When he Yang Liwei was in space, he flew for a total of six hundred thousand miles which was about fourteen Earth orbits. It took about 90 minutes for the Shenzhou 5 to orbit the Earth
  • 22. Literature In Lord Of The Flies And To Kill A Mockingbird Over the summer I was opened up to a new and adventurous side of literature. From a plane crash and savagery, to racial issues, to child suffrage it really widened my view on life s hardships. Reading Ellen Foster, Lord of the Flies, and To Kill a Mockingbird really stretched my imagination. Each book had there own twists and turns, but I believe they all linked in amazing ways. One way all three novels connected in my opinion, would be how tenacious kids are when they have to overcome adversity. In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, there is a plane crash which abandones a large amount of little boys with no adults on an island stranded with no food, water, or shelter easily accessible. The boys struggle to survive through the whole book and end up turning on each other because of a disagreement of what is more important, a signal fire or hunting. A quote from this book reads, Killthe pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in! (Golding page. 104). This quote displays what Jack believes is the right path of the boys surviving on the island, hunting. Ralph on the other hand, had a different approach of obtaining order. This quote explains just that, We ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we re not savages. We re English, and the English are best at everything. (Golding page. 40). All being under sixteen of age they shouldn t have to deal with this kind of situation. They are obviously not responsible enough to survive on their own being that
  • 23. The East India Company The East India Company was a British joint stock company establish on the 31st of December, 1600 under the original name The Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies. Over the next hundreds of years the Company set a sail attempting to find riches in trade on their journeys to these new lands. They found value in crops such as indigo, salt, cotton, silk, opium and other cash crops that the barren land of Europe lacked. This would be the company that would set sail to the land of Indiaand dominate its soil from the middle of 1700 s to the middle of the 1800 s. In a little over fifty years the East India Companywas transformed from a body of traders controlling a scattered group of commercial settlements round the coasts of India into the rulers of provinces with a population popularly supposed in Britain to contain fifty or sixty million inhabitants. The Company was able to find its growth and power from wealthy merchants and aristocrats that would invest their money into the Company after seeing how successful they were becoming. A healthy amount of these wealthy investors were part of the British Parliament. This intertwined government views and beliefs with the business side of views and beliefs. With more and more backing though, the Company slowly grew a ship or two every now and then until they were a full fleet of trade ships moving massive amounts of crops. Colonies were eventually set up and the land was taken for the new Englishmen, who
  • 24. Lost Lady Essay The diction and detail used by Willa Cather in the book A Lost Lady, paints a picture in the readers mind by her prose selection of diction and arrangements of graphic detail, which conveys a feeling of passion, sadness, tense anger and unending happiness through Neil Herbert. Throughout the book, Cather describes Neil Herbert ВЎВЇs life from his childhood, to his teenage years, and then to his adulthood with surpassing diction and supporting detail. As the story begins, Cather describes Neil Herbert as, ВЎВ°a handsome boy of twelve whom she liked.ВЎВ± This description gives us a mental picture of this boy with a smile on his face and always being courteous. In his younger years, the reader can assume that Herbert ... Show more content on ... Forrester becomes immensely greater. Mrs. Forrester was the only woman he knew who wore earrings of which, ВЎВ°they hung naturally against her thin, triangular cheeks.ВЎВ± Cather describes the immense admiration from Neil towards Mrs. Forrester through compliments that he is making. Neil would say, ВЎВ°he had never found one so attractive and distinguished as Mrs. Forrester,ВЎВ± and that, ВЎВ°other women were heavy and dull.ВЎВ± As Cather describes NeilВЎВЇs love and compassion for Mrs. Forrester, we feel a sense of sympathy and compassion for Neil because the reader knows that Neil cannot marry her due to her being too aged and that she is already married. We feel the sense of sympathy through NeilВЎВЇs over complementing remarks. Neil Herbert then becomes a grown man, still admiring his child hood love, Mrs. Forrester. When Neil finds out that Mrs. Forrester is secretly writing to a man named Frank Ellinger, he becomes extremely saddened because he knows its wrong of her due to already being married. Despite knowing this Neil still expresses his love for her and he would even, ВЎВ°make a bouquet for a lovely lady; a bouquet gathered off the cheeks of morning. The author in a way tells the reader that Neil still has that unending desire of love for Mrs. Forrester. For instance, one time as Neil went to Mrs. ForresterВЎВЇs room to surprise her with a bouquet of flowers, he heard her laugh and ВЎВ°then another laugh, very different, a
  • 25. The Public Stories Impact On Sexuality II. Analysis of The Interviews i. The Public Stories Impact on Sexuality While scholars have emphasised the importance of public stories on love relationships, the stories (both public and private) actually impact on intimate relationships and individuals experience of sexual behaviour. Terry said the reason for his gradually growing usage of the findom was an online video of female ejaculation that made him want to see if his girlfriend could ejaculate. He also searched for knowledge of cunnilingus online. Hana, as well, surfed the Internet discussion forum for first sexual experiences then gave her own opinion on what to do during her first time having conventional sex with her boyfriend. She also learned sexual skills from ... Show more content on ... The participants described their behaviour under the influence of the discursive experiences. Thus, the boundary between public and private stories is vague and difficult to discern in many ways. ii. The Heterosexual Scripts of Sexual Behaviours in Relationships The heterosexual scripts not only influence females but also males with the image of a thoughtful man using the findom to their partners. Based on the interviewees response, the males who used findoms were indeed considered thoughtful and considerate by females. When he first showed me this (the findom), I was a bit surprised. I thought, oh, he had prepared such thing! And... I think... He did his homework (laugh). It is thoughtful. Yeah...(laugh). At least he wasn t only thinking about his own pleasure. He had considered my feeling. It s a good of him. (Emma) It should be an equal status. I think I want to have sex and you think whether it s okay. I can choose; you can choose too. It s not that boys says so! (emphasize) Girls should have their own opinion. For example, girls should guide boys, lead boys... what position she wants, in which ways... I think, a girl should point out her own requirements. (Terry) The story of men showing care through the findom was embodied in Emma s feeling and Terry s point of view. As Wight (1993) said, while the traditional image of masculinity centralises on sexuality without emotions, some young men in fact
  • 26. King Louis Xvi Research Paper King Louis XVI has just opened the Estates General! The Estates General for all those who do not know is a medieval council made up of representatives of ALL French social classes. This is the first meeting since 1614! As most of you are probably wondering, why did the estates general split up in the first place? Well, the answer to that is they failed to meet the needs of the people and they failed to make progress on what the country wanted to achieve. Therefore, the three groups fought over many things. This meeting is a huge opportunity for the poorest people of the Third estate to finally be recognized by the King. During the first meeting the King and his delegates announced the purpose of the meeting and the Third Estate realized that... Show more content on ... Because they believed that there job of taking care of land contributed to society so much they should not have to pay the taxes. Obviously, the Nobility easily rejected the Kings decision. Louis XVI faced a lot of criticism during his rule, especially from the Nobility. They believed that he was a Stupid and nerdy man that the way he governed the country was full of nonsense. This meeting is to take place in the hall at Versailles. During the meeting the third estate dressed in all black, the nobility dressed in their finery, and finally the clergy dressed in their full Regalia. The first item on the agenda at the assembly is the way that they should vote: whether they should vote by estate, which would give the first two estates an advantage, which the King wants because he is part of the second estate. Or shall they vote all together which would give the third estate an advantage. During the assembly the Third Estate started to feel that they were not getting the same amount of attention as the other estates so they started to break off and start to meet by themselves. Soon after the Third Estate broke from the Estates General they started to refer as themselves as the National Assembly. Not surprisingly, a few liberal nobles and clergy decided to join
  • 27. Positive And Non Critical Light positive and non critical light as one of our strongest allies in the Middle East. The media also looked into the countries that surrounded Iran and saw them as potential bullies towards Iran and, in turn, the United States and its assets. At this point, the Shah was the primary figurehead and there was little to no attention given to those that opposed him and his regime within his own country. Reporters focused more on how the Shah was positively affected his people (e.g. improved standard of living, increased wages, westernization, infrastructure development, etc.) This gave a very positive light to Iran, even though the Shah was still running an authoritarian police state. Although, for the most part, western media depicted the Shah ... Show more content on ... In most cases, the United States just turned a blind eye and gave the Shah the weapons that he needed to stay in power, since he was U.S. backed. The SAVAK, the Shah s secret police, was exposed by The Washington Post was a major concern for many Americans and the continued arms sales to Iran. During this time, another Iranian topic that frequented the news was the decline of the economy and the impact that it had on oil, especially the oil that was exported to the United States. The Shah began to realize that the stories on Iran were becoming increasingly more negative throughout the 1970s prior to the revolution and the crisis. Because of this, he made all western journalist submit their ideas, topics, agendas, itineraries, etc. to the Iran government before they were approved to enter the country. If the reporters wanted to talk about something that was a little too confrontational and provocative, they would not be granted entry. Throughout the revolution that began in 1978, most western countries, especially America did not fully understand the magnitude of the movement and how it would affect the outcome of the country. American media could not understand why the revolution had occurred and why the Shah had been deposed, even though they were reporting on the reasons, the police state, SAVAK, and the failing economy, just prior to the
  • 28. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Steam Carpets The Upsides of Steam Cleaning Your Carpet Steam cleaning has been accessible for quite a long time and makes a stunning showing with regards to of profound cleaning your carpet. In the event that done right, steam cleaning can expel most profound situated earth, dust vermin, surface oils and different allergens from your carpet and abandon it looking incredible. There can be some perplexity about the steam cleaning process and a few makers have added to the disarray as of late by discharging vacuums with steam cleaning like elements that are not really steam cleaners. A genuine steam cleaner is characterized as a unit that warms water to a high temperature making a steam vapor, applies this water vapor to your carpet and after that promptly separates both the arrangement and the earth in a gathering tank. Now and again there may likewise be a cleanser blended with the water to help with stains or especially grimy carpets. The key contrast between these business steam cleaners and numerous models sold to purchasers is the temperature of the water utilized. The entire premise of steam cleaning your carpets is that the water is warmed to a high temperature. At times this water is near 200 degrees and is ... Show more content on ... The suggestion is to have your carpets steam cleaned about once per year for ordinary use. On the off chance that you have pets and children, you may need to do it all the more regularly, particularly in high activity zones. Likewise, steam cleaning will help you keep your carpet fit as a fiddle between cleanings also. By evacuating the where it counts soil with steam cleaning, you are likewise taking out a considerable measure of the oily buildup that pulls in new earth that is difficult to get with your typical vacuuming. Once a carpet has been steam cleaned, it is simpler to vacuum out the regular soil that ordinarily amasses on your
  • 29. A Woman Of The House A woman of the house takes care of all the big and small duties within the household. They were seen as the weaker gender because they were not as wise as men were and they were not as strong as men were; many times seen as incapable of taking care of themselves and their children. Women were good at what they did within the household and it was believed that they were born to be in that domain. Women were kept in the private spheres, which lacks societal life but that sphere is where they have their authority. Some may say the authority is equal to that of a man but these two authorities were different because women were not capable of taking care of themselves outside of the private sphere. The public sphere belonged to men because they... Show more content on ... They learned individual responsibilities and were teachers to their children in the home because men were incapable of doing so; men were not naturally moral or nurturing. They were able to advance with the skills they already had and were able to learn more to better improve those skills. Women were not able to complain about their stress or struggles because they are the glue that held the family together in order for their husbands to be able to venture off into the cities and search for earnings in order to support his family. In some ways she was the mother and the father since the father was not always in the household. She was held responsible for the outcome of the children s lives as adults and what they become in the future. The ideologies of women in the south were mainly to be a submissive woman by the side of their man and family members. Women of the nineteenth century accepted this type of treatment because they believed it was a their faith and a plan of God. Men viewed woman as godly beings. The female Gods always performed moral excellence and formed a happy home to those they loved. Their sex roles were distinct in life because that was the norm and they were limited to any advancement in the public world. Later, they were able to advance in life by building a strong connection between one another and set examples for the future generation. This explains the female sex dividing the differences of domestic ideology and
  • 30. Analysis Of Milan Kundera s Unbearable Lightness Of Being In Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera uses the contrasting ideas of lightness and weight to signify ones existence. Kundera disagrees with Frederich Nietzsche s concept of Eternal Return, and believes that instead of one s existence being a recurring event with little to no change in detail our lives only happen once, meaning every action or decision in a life has a very brief existence. The novel introduces us with Tomas, who is an extremely light character, with few emotional ties to people, with a enormous need for many lovers. For him, love and sex are separate entities. He loves Tereza, a single woman, but will sleep with a large amount of other women throughout his life. The arrival of Tereza then directly signifies a new addition of weight into Tomas life. She is described as The two of them got into his car, which was parked in front of the house, and drove to the station. There he claimed the suitcase (it was large and enormously heavy) and took it and her home. (Kundera, Milan, and Michael Heim Henry. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. page 9 10) Tereza has packed up what we consider is a large amount of her belongings, moving her life into Tomas , in a large and enormous and heavy suitcase. This suitcase contains her life, and the act of Tomas taking it home shows the entrance of Tereza s heaviness into his life. Tereza and Tomas share a... Show more content on ... Their relationship does not consist of love; an emotion instead shared within other heavier relationships, and instead could be considered as being one categorized as an affair . This relationship between two light characters seems to run into little conflict, as Tomas and Sabina share the same ideas about life. Despite what seems like an easy balance, they both move on to pursue heavier
  • 31. The Founder Of Adobe Systems Faced By Noam Wasserman Imagine Steve Jobs, arguably one of the most influential people in the history of technology offering to buy your startup company even before you ve made a name for yourself. And then imagine rejecting that offer. This is an example of the many dilemmas that Charles Geschke, co founder of Adobe Systems faced. Founders are almost always facing many dilemmas with their startup company, whether they re straight from the get go or further down the line after the company have already established a name for themselves. In his book, The Founder s Dilemmas, Noam Wasserman has analysed nearly 10,000 founders in the technology and life sciences industries, and has analysed any difficulties they may have had, or any forks in the road they may have... Show more content on ... Reading How venture capitalists evaluate potential venture opportunities , an investor said they usually invest in a person knows their sector very well. You could easily hire another person who is good at marketing, and offers help with that. After all, if an idea is so good but the only thing holding the investment opportunity back, then it could be worth it. That s exactly what happened in this case, when Hambrecht offered to get a consultant who would deal with the management of the business. The consultant also helped the co founders build a business plan. On reflection we know that as a company, Adobe Systemshas been very successful as they are still thriving now, almost twenty five years later. However, as with all startups, founders cannot accurately predict how successful they will be. Problems of different severity may arise, which could completely derail the startup company. So it is not uncommon for founders to feel scared or unsure about quitting their current job to start a company which may or may not work. This is another dilemma which Geschke had. He was in a stable job at a company called Xerox, who is also in the technology industry. In his words, he had this great job at Xerox, a nice big office overlooking the whole Bay Area . His parents also questioned his decision. This is one of the many risks founders have to assess before launching their startups. The risk dilemma also
  • 32. Managing Change Principles of Management Assignment 2003/ 2004 ВЎВ§The key theme of this module is change. What did Charles Handy mean when he commented that change could not be managed? If he was right what can a manager do in the face of change? Explain the responsibilities of a manager to their organisation and its employees during periods of change.ВЎВЁ Word Count: 1940 Pages: 10 Contents Page Page Front page1 Contents page2 1.Introduction3 2.Change3 2.1.Turbulent time3 2.2.Definition: change management4 2.3.Sources of change4 2.4.Change theory43.Managing change5 3.1.Resistance5 3.2.Is change ... Show more content on ... Subsequently, the second meaning of managing change is the response to changes over which the organization exercises only little or no control (e.g., legislation, the actions of competitors, shifting economic tides and currents, and so on). 2.3.Sources of Change Organisational change can be set off deliberately by managers, it can develop slowly within a department, it can be enforced by specific changes in policy or procedures, or it can come up as a result of external pressures. In order to promote and to adapt to change, it is therefore essential to define the origin of the need to change, as well as the nature of any proposed change. Change may originate from outside or inside the organisation. External forces for change include market forces (e.g. financial pressures and competition), legislation (in particular environmental and employee legislation), tax structures, new technologies (e.g. new computer technology, process equipment,.. ) and last but not least political forces( world, national and organizational politics). Change also originates within the organization itself. Internal sources for change include the need
  • 33. for profitability (which is indeed a major thrust for change), conflicts between organizational components (e.g. departments and people) and changes in the culture of an organization. However most of the organizational change is triggered by external forces, which are not
  • 34. Nashville Tennessee Essay Nashville Tennessee is often known as the Country Capital of the World. Not only is it the birthplace of country music but it also is home to some of the most famous artist from the last century. Some of the artist include Elvis Presley, Dolly Parton, Reba Mcentire, and Miley Cyrus. In 2010 a flood left the town of Nashville devastated. From there many Businesses, malls, and historic landmarks found themselves struggling to rebuild from the water damage. Nashville is also home to the first recording studio Elvis Presley used and recorded at frequently throughout his career. You can still tour this small recording studio known as Studio B, and hear the amazing stories and here about the other legends that used it. The flooding did not... Show more content on ... Not only do you get a refreshing blast of the past and rich history but most of these places have done fairy well with staying modern and up to date. The Grand Ole Opry is constantly inviting new artist to join their cast or family. Some of the newest inductees of this decade include; Rascal Flatts, Little Big Town, Darius Rucker, and many others ( History of the Opry 1). Because of the flooding in 2010, The Grand Ole Opry went through some of the serious damage. According to History of the Opry It took the Grand Ole Opry a little over seven month to be completely redone on the inside and restored. Unfortunately, they couldn t save a lot of the interior of the Opry. If you go the the Opry today, you might see in the center of the stage is a circle that s a different color of wood compared to the rest of the stage. This is a small section left from the old stage that they took and restored from the flood water. (1) Of course, the Grand Ole Opry wasn t always know as The grand Ole Opry, it was originally known as the WSM Barn Dance. (CCIN Inc. 1) As you can tell, The Grand Ole Opry has gone through many changes throughout the years and has transformed into a great stage we all know and
  • 35. Infective Endocarditis Case Study Lorma Colleges City of San Fernando 2500 La Union College of Nursing NCM 103 First Semester School Year 2013 2014 Case Study: Management of Patients With Dysrhythmias and Conduction Problems Abby, is 21 years of age and is a female patient who received a permanent atrial ventricular pacemaker for the diagnosis of sick sinus rhythm, a disorder that leads to periods of tachycardia and periods of extreme bradycardia or sinus arrest. The nurse received the end of shift report and arrives at Ms. Abby s s room where she assesses the patient s incision dressing on the upper left chest and it is dry. The patient s left arm is edematous and ecchymotic and twice the size of the other ... Show more content on ... Jeffa Hextee Jeco had her tongue and nose pierced 6 weeks ago. The drug screen is negative. She presents with tricuspid insufficiency murmur grade II, and a temperature of 104В°F. The patient complains of extreme fatigue, and anorexia. The echocardiogram reveals vegetations on the tricuspid valve. 1. What risk factors predisposed Ms. Waters to develop infective endocarditis? 2. Explain the pathophysiology of infective endocarditis as it relates to this case. 3. What additional clinical manifestations should the nurse include in the assessment of the patient? 4. What medical management should the nurse anticipate for the patient? 5. What nursing management should be provided for the patient and family? Case Study: Management of Patients With Complications From Heart Disease James Hitler is 72 years of age and is a male patient who is admitted with the diagnosis of acute pulmonary edema secondary to acute left ventricular heart failure. The patient has a history of coronary artery disease that has been treated medically. The patient is anxious, pale, cold, clammy, and dyspneic. The vital signs are: BP 88/50, P 110, R 32, and T 97В°F. There are bubbling crackles and wheezing throughout the lung fields and the patient is raising frothy
  • 36. The Revolutions Of The Celestial Orbs By Nicolaus... The texts The Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs by Nicolaus Copernicus and Two New Sciences by Galileo demonstrates a powerful illustration of heliocentric hypothesis. In each book, astronomer Nicolas Copernicus and Scientist Galileo Galilei describes their theory and assumption about the motion and shapes of the planets and objects based on their understandings and advocating earlier scientist s thoughts. Nicolas Copernicus describes Sun as the center of the universe, which is spherical in shape and other planets(wanderers), which are also spherical revolve around the sun in a Uniform, Eternal, and Circular motion. Likewise, Galileo defines the motion of massive bodies (planets) are steady and uniform, and distance traveled by these bodies are equivalent at equal intervals of time. However, in Idols of the Mind, Francis Bacon demonstrated that there were flaws in the assumptions made by the scientists because they conducted the practical experiments and theories based on their own understanding. According to his scientific investigations, past scientific thinkers used tests and experiments based on their thoughts, which he thinks corrupts the nature of things as they try to compound their nature with it. Copernicus and Galileo commit errors by demonstrating theories and performing experiments based on the human understandings of themselves and other scientists, like Aristotle. However, because this leads to the corruption of a more natural way of thinking, Francis
  • 37. Business Practices Of The West Houston Medical Center... Business practices, in addition to guidelines on the matter of probable controversial impediments are a component of organizational ethics. This type of ethics is frequently motivated by the law; a copious amount of organizations practice ethics in order to be accepted by the community, not to mention in order to ensure a successful business. Ethical values can have a focal point on organizational concerns which assist the company in adhere to respectable practices within their establishment or corporation. I am part of the West Houston Medical Center organization, and the hospital s mission statement states: We are a family of dedicated Healthcare professionals committed to providing exceptional healthcare and service by exceeding the expectations of every patient, every day (West Houston Medical Center, 2016). For that reason, it remains essential for all team members that we are responsible for ethical patient treatment centered together with patient valued care when it comes to providing caring for our patients. The care which patients receive along with the hospital s business operation plays a substantial part in which way the members of the surrounding neighborhoods view the organization. The principal goal of the hospital is To be one of the best hospitals in the country based on quality and satisfaction indicators (West Houston Medical Center, 2016). We hold values such as Put patients first and foremost , Treat each other with respect and dignity combined
  • 38. Create Structures And Styles And Use Them Essay Create structures and styles and use them to produce websites KU 1.1Please see initial design folder 1.2The main law I was concerned with while creating the site was the copyright, Designs and Patents Act. To ensure the site was in line with this act with regards to images I created the Background of the logo myself using GIMP2 I then converted the background of a Lion rampant to Alpha so I could place this image on top of the background image. I am also covered by the creative commons to take and change an image found on the web. Since there was work completed on the image the final logo can be claimed as my own intellectual property. ST 1.1Planning involved consideration of navigation method, colour scheme, logo design, favicon design, font choice and site name. Once these had been decided upon I started to gather resources for the project. The first thing that was obtained was the site font, this was found by going to google fonts and searching for stencil. A stencil font was chosen as the website is for booking and finding out about airsoft (a sport like paintball but using plastic pellets instead of paintballs) and therefore this font gave the site a military esque feel relating back to the military theme. The next consideration to deal with was colour scheme originally a black and brick red colour scheme was chosen but later seeing the site using this scheme it was deemed too dark, I, therefore, opted for an off white and red colour scheme as this lifted the page
  • 39. How Does Unification Of Language Cause Conflict Another way in which language can prevent or resolve a conflict is by its role in nationalism that implies a process of unification. Unification can either be the cause of a conflict because your local identity is attacked or be the cause of a resolution because, inherently, people are setting apart their differences and coming together into a nation. In the process of building a unified nation, a unified language must appear as well. Smith (1998), argues that the unification of language, for example, is a political act as well as a waract as long as it oppresses local identities and this may be a cause of conflict. The process of unification can be a war act as Smith states because you are being conquered. Your language and identity are being stripped off you and that can cause confrontation. However, the same unification process has a self implication of bringing together places that were once separated for different reasons which constitutes a conflict resolution method. People are putting aside their differences in order to have a nation. The differences donВґt disappear but a new rhetoric about... Show more content on ... When we think of a conflict there must be at least two opposing sides. Nationalism is a way of making this problem between two parties one that involves two complete countries. The individual differences disappear and the problem is now a binary one with extreme opposing sides, each being the whole people of each country as they are united under nationalism. Language in nationalism also lets us trace the border between two communities, language marks out a community because it is the primary means of communication (Smith, 1998, 28). International conflicts can arise because of this impossibility to communicate effectively and the division this creates. So, language in nationalism contributes to conflicts because it creates the difference between the opposing sides and makes the conflict one that involves all the
  • 40. Fiber Optic Communication Systems And Introduction пЂ Fiber Optic Communication Systems and Introduction to SONET/SDH (December 2014) Pravalika Nagulapally, (012600326) Abstract This paper explains about the Evolution of fiber optic networks in Communications. It describes in detail about the Optics communication model and also detailed MATLAB work on calculating the parameters that are required to setup a optical link. It also emphasizes on different bands employed in Communication systems. The section three of the paper describes briefly regarding Synchronous Optical Networking (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). The SONET networks topology and their hierarchy is also described in this paper. The data rates of Sonet/Sdh and the optical market highlights are described at ... Show more content on ... Fiber optic communications systems are light wave systems that employ optical fibers for information transmission. Fig. BL vs Year A commonly used figure of merit for communication systems is the bit rate distance product. (BL), where B is the bit rate and L is the repeater spacing. Figure shows that the BL product has increased with technical advances. II.OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Modern fiber optic communication systems generally include an optical transmitter to convert an electrical signal into an optical signal to send into the optical fiber, a cable containing bundles of multiple optical fibers that is routed through underground conduits and buildings, multiple kinds of amplifiers, and an optical receiver to recover the signal as an electrical signal. The information transmitted is typically digital information generated by computers, telephone systems, and cable television companies. Figure shows a generic block diagram of an optical communication system. It consists of a transmitter, a communication channel and a receiver. Optical communication systems can be classified into two broad categories. Fig:Optical Communication System Guided: Guided lightwave systems: The optical emitted by the light source remains confined. Unguided: The optical beam emitted spreads out in space. A.Transmitters: The most commonly used optical transmitters are semiconductor devices such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes. The difference
  • 41. Is Cybercrime A Type Of Crime That Is Committed Over The... The uses of Internet and computers have made life much easier; technology in general has improved the economy, medical research, and healthcare. Internet and computers have become a huge part of many people s lives in this era; it allows individuals to stay in touch, find information, and even make a living through online businesses. When there are positive points, there are bound to be some negative ones, and that is Cybercrime . Cybercrime is a type of crime that is committed over the Internet using computers and networks; also known as Hacking . Cybercrimes are a major issue individual face in today s society; this is because the number of people using the Internet has grown rapidly over the last decade. Technology is available to... Show more content on ... One might think that cybercrime is just hacking a computer, but there are many sides that this paper will examine. Review of Literature Cyber criminals across the world have found multiple ways to use technology for fraud, identity theft, and unauthorized computer access (Wiener Bronner, 2014). Some of the most common types of cybercrimes include fraud, spamming, hardware hijacking, cyberterrorism, cyberstalking, and cyberwarfare ( The Most Common Forms of Cybercrime. n.d.). Cyber fraud is one very typical crime that takes place over the Internet; many people have been victims of cyber fraud or more commonly called identity theft. Cybercriminals hack computers and gain access to personal financial information like credit cards, bank passwords, and access to bank accounts. Many hackers collect customer s information by hacking consumer databases, from various social media or online shopping sites (Amazon, e bay, and Facebook) ( The Most Common Forms of Cybercrime. n.d.). Once they gain access to personal information they can easily use to for his/her benefit. Spamming is a very devious method for hackers to gather personal information; spam messages are carriers of computer viruses also known as worms. Most widely recognized spam is sending users electronic messages. Messages are sent directly to one s mailbox and opening these spam mails leaves computers vulnerable for spammers to
  • 42. Charles Darwin s The Origin Of Species Summary In The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, with an introduction by Sir Julian Huxley, outlines his theory of natural selection. Darwin quotes preservation of favorable variations and the rejection of injurious variations, I call natural selection. (Darwin 98) Darwin s theory of evolution states how variations cause the origin of species. he also explains this theory by stating I can see no good reason to doubt that female birds, by selecting, during thousands of generations, the most melodious or beautiful males, according to their standard of beauty, might produce a marked effect. (Darwin 103) His theory of natural selection debates that adaptations and traits that make a distinction between species from one another also demonstrates how species have evolved over time. Variations in species are clear in both domesticated and wild ... Show more content on ... Darwin quotes in chapter one, variation in domestication that most skilful breeder, Sir John Sebright, used to say, with respect to pigeons, that he would produce any given feather in three years, but it would take him six years to obtain head and beak. (Darwin 74) He argues that as traits are passed down from parents to offspring that this is heredity. Heredity is a system that perpetuates variations. The critical aspect about these variations to Darwin, is that they help a species to adapt and continue to survive. Darwin uses birds as his main examples. He uses birds to demonstrate the adaptations that give species an advantage to survive in their environments. Examples like the beak of a woodpecker that allows the bird to gather insects, the wings that allows it to fly, and the fins that allow a fish to swim. Darwin predicted that the minor mutations or variations that we see in a species, such as color and size, describe the variations seen in different species
  • 43. Homosexual Soldiers Essay When I think of the military I think about the camaraderie between soldiers, the bonds that tie them closer than brothers, and the willingness of one to die for another. I think about the long hours at work, the cramped living quarters and shared showers. I think about long deployments on ships where three hundred and fifty Sailors and Marines live in a single room. My husband had the privilege of serving in the United States Marine Corps for eight years, six of which we were married. I have witnessed the military men and women serve our country to the best of their ability, enduring endless hardships. I have also heard some service members voice concerns over the idea of openly gay men and women serving in the ranks. The ... Show more content on ... When President Clinton was in office he relaxed the rules that prohibited women from serving near combat zones. While this gave women a chance to prove themselves in dangerous situations, it also put the military at risk. During a mission in Bosnia almost five percent of female service members became pregnant and had to be returned to their home base, leaving the military in the position of scrambling to find replacements (Belz). According to statistics released by the Navy at least sixteen percent of women sailors have become pregnant, leading many to term Navy ships as love boats (Belz). If the military is unable to control sexual relations between segregated men and women how are they supposed to control sexual relations between service members of the same gender? Men and women are segregated in an attempt to prevent the possibility of sexual relations and sexual harassement. It would seem to reason that homosexual men would also not be allowed to room with other men and that the same would apply for homosexual women. The miltary would need to find a way to separate homosexual service members in order to ensure that sexual relations were not occuring while on deployment. Separate accomodations based on sexual preference, however, would be openly discriminatory. These actions would prove to be a logistical and legal nightmare for the military, but would also
  • 44. Argumentative Essay On Crushed Egg Shells Crushed egg shells are now on my anti aging list of things to do. If you are in the habit of throwing away your shells, now you can use them for all sorts of great reasons. The best reason of all, the shells of an egg are a great source of minerals and some amino acids. There is not a lot of studies on egg shells. However, I don t need studies to know if something is working for me or not. I am one of those people who will try anything and everything if I think it is good for me. A study by the Dutch on post menopausal women found an improvement in bone density in the hip area. After supplementing with egg shell powder for 1 year. This is good news if you suffer from hip problems. Another study on the shells of Turtles suffering from soft shell syndrome found supplementing with egg shells hardened the Turtles outer shell. Eating crushed egg shells gives the body a natural source of calcium. And is the perfect replacement for calcium supplements, in fact, the shells are 95% calcium carbonate. If you are perimenopause or menopausal you will definitely benefit from the calcium of egg shells. Ok, for those of you, like me, who just want to get down to the good stuff, and couldn t care less about research, graphs, and illustrations. Let s get started. crushed egg shells Crushed Egg Shells How I began my journey into crushed egg shells. I was searching the Internet for a way to remineralise and regenerate my teeth as I had chipped a tooth. I came across the shells of
  • 45. Nanotech 1AC Essay 1AC Version 1.0 Observation 1: SQ Observation One: The Status Quo First, Nano Development in Mexico is on the rise it s unregulated and risks spinning out of control Inter Press Service 2k12 (TierramГ©rica, MEXICO: Scientists Call For Regulation of Nanotechnology, 03/12 /2012, idnews=3920 olt=568, AC) MEXICO CITY, Mar 12 (TierramГ©rica). Nanotechnology, which is currently unregulated in Mexico, could pose serious threats to human health and the environment, cautions a new study. Far from a policy of precaution vis Г vis these new technologies, products are entering the market without regulation to guarantee their safety or labels to inform of their use, researcher Guillermo ... Show more content on ... After a review of nanotechnology initiatives, it is surprising that the Programa Especial does not make any reference to the possible risks to health and the environment related to the use of nanotechnology neither its ethical and legal implications, nor the public participation in what many scientists see as the most important technological revolution of the 21st century. The absence of concern associated with the use of nanotechnology in MГ©xico becomes worrying because of the increasing number of laboratories in the area. Furthermore, many of them are already using clean rooms and very sophisticated equipment with the main objective of encouraging the production of nanocomponents for the industrial sector. In the same vein, Argentina and Brazil do not have a program to discuss the implications and risks of nanotechnology, or a plan to supervise the activities related to nanotechnology research and development. In this regard, it is clear that the distance between Latin America and its European and North American counterparts is expanding. Due to the absence of a National Nanotechnology Initiative, MГ©xico has turned its attention to different research centers in search for