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Sanjana Parisaboina
Division: “D”
PRN Number:20010324112
Salman Rushdie, a prominent Indian writer through his magnum opus
Midnight's Children, recounts the modern colonial history that culminates at the
protagonist Saleem's birth, when India has gained independence from its British
masters. Midnight's Children is a perfect example of a postcolonial novel that
integrates magical realism elements into it to dig out the truth that has been
swept under the carpet due to selfish motives. The paper attempts to examine
the deployment of the book's postcolonial aspects as one cannot help but notice
the dominant theme of intermingling of the public and personal histories
between India and the three generations of Saleem Sinai's family. This paper
attempts to analyse the characteristics of a postcolonial novel and also find out
why the authors of the postcolonial era deployed such metanarratives.
KEYWORDS: Postcolonialism, Symbolism, History, Magic Realism,
Salman Rushdie is an Indian born British novelist, who uses supernatural
characters, brooding farce, and an articulate and melodramatic prose style in his
symbolic novels, to examine historical and philosophical issues. The handling
of delicate spiritual and political matters by Rushdie made him a provocative
figure. His first book Grimus was published in 1975. Rushdie's second novel,
Midnight's Children, a parable about modern India that was published in 1981,
was an unprecedented critical and cultural success that helped him worldwide
recognition. In 1981, Rushdie accepted the Booker Prize for Midnight's
Children. Subsequently, in 1993, the novel also acquired the Booker of Booker
award and the best of the Booker (2008). Rushdie, in 2007 was consequently
Postcolonialism refers to the time or events in history that represent the outcome
of colonialism in the West. The word can also be used to describe the
collaborative effort to enhance and reconsider the past of people subordinated
and various types of colonialism. However, it is also crucial to recognise that 'at
one stage, there is no common institution called 'postcolonial theory':
Postcolonialism, as a concept, defines activities and ideas as diverse as those
inside Feminism or Socialism. It consists, instead, of a related collection of
viewpoints, often conflicting, placed with each other. Postcolonialism, above
all, attempts to interfere, to push its alternate knowledge into the power systems
of both the West and the East. (Young, Postcolonialism: A Very Short
Introduction, 2003) Postcolonialism is not an advocacy of the modern world
system, Robert Young claims, but instead comprises a vital response to its
circumstances. "Postcolonialism does not celebrate colonialism, but rather
triumphs over it. The 'Post' marks many impressive accomplishments that
should not be permitted to disappear into the amnesia of history. In its name, the
postcolonial period pays tribute to the exceptional historical successes of
resistance against colonial rule. At the same time, paradoxically, it also explains
the conditions of life that have followed, under which many fundamental power
structures have yet to shift in any significant way. (Young, Postcolonialism: A
Historical Introduction, 2016) Apart from Salman Rushdie, many other authors
like Amitav Gosh, Arundhati Roy, Hanif Kureishi et al. have written
postcolonial works and reveal areas of colonial oppression that were not
highlighted earlier. Now the question arises as to why authors deploy
postcolonial narratives. Through recognising colonial sympathies in the corpus,
writers pursue postcolonial literary criticism as it impairs the universalist
statements of literature. Then, by manipulating history and claiming cultural
identities by techniques such as mimicry, hybridity and nativism, it replaces
colonial narratives with counter-narratives of resistance. It criticises cultural
bureaucracies and the euro-centrism of modernity, backed by an anti-essentialist
notion of identity and community. Postcolonial historical composition has
created [the] two studies of colonialism and imperialism by dismantling
colonialist conversations, and recreating the vast size of misfortune experienced
by colonised and indigenous people groups. That is, Postcolonialism deals with
colonialist histories to fix the flaws and to create anecdotes more based on
human importance.
The research methodology adopted here is secondary source of research as the
current topic demands an analysis of various reference materials from the
internet and books, newspaper journals, articles etc. Qualitative method of
research is used in the preparation of the research paper as this method deals
with “how” and “why” aspect of the topic and provides further comprehension
of the topic at hand.
To have a clear-cut understanding of the topic the researcher referred to multiple
sources of information and these sources have been listed down below.
INTRODUCTION” (Young, 2003) This book investigates the social, political
and cultural impacts of decolonization. Key ideas and issues are examined,
regarding specific social as well as historical instances while also listing various
compelling anecdotes and experiences, making this intriguing subject pertinent
and open to a more extensive crowd.
“EDWARD W SAID, ORIENTALISM” (Said, 1978) is a ground breaking
scrutinize of the West's historical, social, and political impression of the East.
Said also traces the origins of "orientalism" back to when Europe had control of
the Middle and Near East.
INTRODUCTION, 2001) Young through this book inspects the ideas and issues
included in postcolonialism, while also clarifying the significance of key terms, and
deciphers a portion of the significant scholars' work on the same topic to give a perfect
preliminary guide into the topic of postcolonialism.
ABRAHAM PANEVILIL” (Panavelil, 2010) investigates how Rushdie in his
milestone work, by combining fiction, governmental issues, necromancy and
memory, has taken the peruser to a universe of creative mind where reality seems, by
all accounts, to be fiction and the other way around.
Rushdie opposes 'multiculturalism' as yet another method for comprehending
the colonial master's opinion. Rather than 'multiculturalism,' Salman provides
hybridization to commemorate 'hybridity' and take down classism.
MIDNIGHT’S CHILDREN BY MR SINGH” (Singh, 2019) endeavours to
uncover components that helps to dissect cultural problems such as "identity
crisis, existential dilemma, longing for fulfilment, sense of estrangement etc."
This paper deals with two books one being ‘Hayavadana’ and the other
‘Midnight’s Children’. A detailed reading has been done only to the parts
pertaining to the research topic.
(Goodman, 2018) demonstrates how drinking is essential to Rushdie's way of
dealing with 'secular and religious identities' in autonomous India and a method
of ridiculing and subverting the alleged gain that Empire introduced to India and
Indians. Through this paper, the author uses alcoholism to strip away the
magnificence glazed over our colonial past.
RUSHDIE’S MIDNIGHT’S CHILDREN” (Ball, 1988) highlights how
Midnight’s Children has two types of satire: one that is affirming and inclusive
and the other which is negative and exclusive. The paper also talks about
Rushdie’s incongruous behaviour towards post independant India.
Postcolonial composing customarily tends to the issues and results of a country's
decolonisation, especially questioning aspects relating to the political and social
emancipation of once persecuted people, and subjects, for instance, racialism
and colonialism. An extent of creative theory has been produced around the
subject. It watches out for the spreading and examining what postcolonial savant
Edward Said implies to as social imperialism. Postcolonialism has additionally
been a term used to re-evaluate western authoritative writing from different new
and assorted points of view.
"Post-colonial" or "postcolonial"?
The agreement in the field is that "post-colonial" (with a hyphen) means a period
that comes sequentially "after" expansionism. "Postcolonial," then again,
signals the enduring effect of colonization across time spans and topographical
regions. While the hyphen infers that set of experiences which unfurls in
conveniently recognizable stages from pre-to post-provincial, precluding the
hyphen makes a relative system which to comprehends the assortments of
neighbourhood protection from frontier sway. The unhyphenated adaptation is
routinely used to recognize it from the previous emphasis that alluded distinctly
to the particular time span and to demonstrate a propensity toward scholarly
analysis and the investigation of different talks at the crossing point of race, sex
and diaspora, among others (Quayson, 2020). Contentions for the hyphen
propose that the expression "postcolonial" weakens contrasts between
provincial narratives in various pieces of the world and that it homogenizes
pioneer societies. The assemblage of critical writing that takes an interest in
these discussions is called Postcolonial hypothesis.
Allegory has for some time been a noticeable element of scholarly and mythic
composition all through the world. In any case, it turns out to be especially
critical for postcolonial authors to disturb standard history ideas, traditional
authenticity, and majestic portrayal by and large.
The reading of Midnight's Children as a national allegory develops the
conviction of Fredrick James – on that "All Third World writings are
essentially… symbolic and in a certain way they are to be read as … national
allegories."15 (Dwivedi, 2009)
Saleem gets related with two of the midnight's children specifically, Shiva and
Parvati, while Parvati in the end turns into Saleem's significant other, Shiva is
hostile towards Saleem. Parvati and Shiva are Hindus while Saleem is not and
their connections exhibit the blending of religious and social folklores that exist
in India. Along these lines, the narrator’s position in the becomes a purposeful
allegory for India, through Saleem's making of his personality and life account,
his endeavours to clarify his story, his capacity to speak with other Indian
postcolonial residents, and his relationship with other religious legends and
traditions (Bounse, 2009).
The novel's cultural and social hybridization, delineated through the large
number of various characters, additionally permits historical hybridization to
happen, along which the characters might clarify more exact forms of their own
colonial and postcolonial history, instead of the inflexible uneven form history
from their British colonialists. The story's production of modern as well as
apparently more precise forms of Indian provincial and postcolonial history
originates from the content's unequivocal testimonials to such occasions. Such
verifiable portrayals rely on the social and social hybridity of the novel's
character variety. "Entstellung," a term coined by Homi Bhabha is a "cycle of
dislodging, twisting, disengagement, [and] redundancy," happens now from the
Indian characters who endeavour to uproot and contort Britain’s colonial forms
of history, and at last permits the postcolonial resident to compose their own set
of experiences, as the novel expressly does (Bounse, 2009).
Metanarrative is a term created by Jean-François Lyotard to mean a hypothesis
that attempts to give an aggregating, complete record to different historical
occasions, encounters, and social, cultural marvels dependent on the appeal to
generally accepted fact or widespread qualities.
One colossal issue of postcoloniality is the potential of making while also
uncovering individual or native history. Be that as it may, this arrangement of
encounters remains consistently stained with the postcolonial occupant's
exercises or nation's previous colonizers. To tackle postcoloniality issues, the
troubles of making and deciding one's history, personality, and one’s
origination, the story utilizes magical realism as a strategy.
Albeit a metanarrative is utilized as a euphemism by a postcolonial concern it
isn't because of its acknowledgement or faith in the metanarrative. Such a
methodology is accompanied by the postcolonial subject's evaluation of its
validity and global uphold.
Midnight's Children shows how postcolonial residents may make their own
historical story by destabilizing historical accounts through a more noteworthy
focal point on personal chronicles and light-hearted retellings of these
The actualities of collective history if not personal encounters are never
discernible to the surrounding structures that the autocratic craftsman might
need to force upon them. One of the dominant theme of Midnight’s Children is
the picture of the of the narrator who is not only the victim but also the mast of
the so called ‘public and private history’.
The narrator here, turns into a sufferer here rather than a victim when he
endeavours an autonomous proficiency over his material. The inescapable
defeat in an attempt to endeavour and accomplish flawlessness is encapsulated
in several characters who become a symbol for Saleem in the moulding of his
private and public life.
Drawing on the enhancements of magic realism, postcolonial essayists in
English can communicate their perspective on a world fissured, twisted, and
made inconceivable by social uprooting… [T]hey join the supernatural with
local legend and symbolism taken from colonialist societies to speak to social
orders which have been over and again disrupted by the attack, occupation, and
political defilement. Magic effects, consequently, are utilized to prosecute the
imprudences of both realm and its fallout (Boehmer, 2005)
Midnight's Children's strategy of magic realism, at that point, turns out to be not
just a simple conventional advancement, rather, an articulation of the historical
backdrop of Indian colonialism as well as the contemporary prominence of
Indian postcoloniality. The story links historical occasions, allegorical
narratives, and anecdotal accounts and joins them to shape a genuine image of
Indian postcoloniality.
The proper method of enchanted authenticity turns into the structure of the story,
through which the characters become ready to impart the personal points of view
and, give precise forms of history. However, ‘magic realism’ isn't just an
expressive decision made by Rushdie, yet all things considered, it remains a
fundamental formal development expected to communicate India's new
postcoloniality in an eloquent manner.
Hence, magical realism turns out to be a type hybridization, by blending myth
and realism.
Hybridity has often been utilized in postcolonial talk to mean multifaceted
cultural exchange. The possibility of hybridity also underlies different
endeavours to pressure societies' commonality in the colonial and postcolonial
process in articulations of synchronicity, and transculturation. Hybridity turns
out to be the only path the individuals under colonial rule take in order to pick
up force and authority over their colonial rulers. Bhabha clarifies that “hybridity
is a problematic of colonial representation…that reverses the effects of the
colonist disavowal, so that other ‘denied’ knowledges enter upon the dominant
discourse and estrange the basis of its authority.” (Bhabha, 1994)
The narrator's stance in the story turns out to be fundamental to the inquiries of
hybridity. The cultured, communal as well the historical hybridity present inside
Midnight’s Children, allow the content to illustrate the novel's significant
themes and postcoloniality, which are: creation as well as recounting history,
personality, and stories. The epic adequately and clearly portrays the issues of
postcoloniality. Using hybridity, the novel looks to see whether issues might be
addressed, while potentially, it also tries to tackle them.
Though Midnight's Children attempts to break free and take care of
postcoloniality issues, the novel at the same time shows the outrageous trouble
and even inconceivability of totally evading the colonizers' impact upon the
colonized individuals.
The novel precisely portrays the colonial venture's issues through the shifting
character stories and their multitude of connections. Even though the colonial
rulers classified India and Indians as 'undifferentiated place and individuals', the
novel outlines our country’s heterogenity to topple the colonial picture of
Midnight's Children till today stands as a foundation of postcolonial writing.
The story unmistakably outlines the significant postcoloniality thoughts, the
formation as well as portrayal of history, character, and narrating. Albeit the
story talks about those significant yet critical topics, it gets important to examine
the issues related with figuring and making a postcolonial personality and
history. The tale thus represents the issues of postcoloniality, the challenges in
deciding one's own set of experiences, and finding an authentic identity.
Ball,J.C. (1988). Pessoptimism:Satire andthe MenippeanGrotesqueinRushdie’s
Midnight’sChildren. ESC:English Studiesin Canada,20.
Bhabha,H. (1994). The Location of Culture. London:Routledge.
Boehmer,E.(2005). Colonialand PostcolonialLiterature:MigrantMetaphors. Oxford:
Bounse,S.H. (2009). HybridityandPostcoloniality:Formal,Social,andHistorical
InnovationsinSalmanRushdie’sMidnight’s. University of TennesseeHonorsThesis
Dwivedi,O.(2009).Nationand History:A Postcolonial Studyof SalmanRushdie's
MidnightChildren. Journalof AlternativePerspectivesof SocialSciences.
Goodman,S. (2018). “Ain’tIt a RippingNight”:Alcoholismandthe Legaciesof Empire
inSalmanRushdie’sMidnight’sChildren. English Studies, 17.
Kirca,M. (2018). Salman Rushdie's'Union-by-Hybridization'and Multiculturalism.
Panavelil,A.(2010, October). Midnight’sChildren and theWorld of Imagination.
Quayson,A.(2020, August4). Whatis postcolonialliterature? RetrievedJanuary4,
2021, fromThe BritishAcademy:
Said,E. W. (1978). orientalism. Amarcord:Timisoara.
Research Journalof English Languageand Literature,8.

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  • 1. ANALYSING THE POST COLONIAL ASPECTS OF MIDNIGHT'S CHILDREN BY SALMAN RUSHDIE Sanjana Parisaboina Division: “D” PRN Number:20010324112 ABSTRACT Salman Rushdie, a prominent Indian writer through his magnum opus Midnight's Children, recounts the modern colonial history that culminates at the protagonist Saleem's birth, when India has gained independence from its British masters. Midnight's Children is a perfect example of a postcolonial novel that integrates magical realism elements into it to dig out the truth that has been swept under the carpet due to selfish motives. The paper attempts to examine the deployment of the book's postcolonial aspects as one cannot help but notice the dominant theme of intermingling of the public and personal histories between India and the three generations of Saleem Sinai's family. This paper attempts to analyse the characteristics of a postcolonial novel and also find out why the authors of the postcolonial era deployed such metanarratives. KEYWORDS: Postcolonialism, Symbolism, History, Magic Realism, Metanarrative. INTRODUCTION
  • 2. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Salman Rushdie is an Indian born British novelist, who uses supernatural characters, brooding farce, and an articulate and melodramatic prose style in his symbolic novels, to examine historical and philosophical issues. The handling of delicate spiritual and political matters by Rushdie made him a provocative figure. His first book Grimus was published in 1975. Rushdie's second novel, Midnight's Children, a parable about modern India that was published in 1981, was an unprecedented critical and cultural success that helped him worldwide recognition. In 1981, Rushdie accepted the Booker Prize for Midnight's Children. Subsequently, in 1993, the novel also acquired the Booker of Booker award and the best of the Booker (2008). Rushdie, in 2007 was consequently knighted. ABOUT POSTCOLONIALISM Postcolonialism refers to the time or events in history that represent the outcome of colonialism in the West. The word can also be used to describe the collaborative effort to enhance and reconsider the past of people subordinated and various types of colonialism. However, it is also crucial to recognise that 'at one stage, there is no common institution called 'postcolonial theory': Postcolonialism, as a concept, defines activities and ideas as diverse as those inside Feminism or Socialism. It consists, instead, of a related collection of viewpoints, often conflicting, placed with each other. Postcolonialism, above all, attempts to interfere, to push its alternate knowledge into the power systems
  • 3. of both the West and the East. (Young, Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction, 2003) Postcolonialism is not an advocacy of the modern world system, Robert Young claims, but instead comprises a vital response to its circumstances. "Postcolonialism does not celebrate colonialism, but rather triumphs over it. The 'Post' marks many impressive accomplishments that should not be permitted to disappear into the amnesia of history. In its name, the postcolonial period pays tribute to the exceptional historical successes of resistance against colonial rule. At the same time, paradoxically, it also explains the conditions of life that have followed, under which many fundamental power structures have yet to shift in any significant way. (Young, Postcolonialism: A Historical Introduction, 2016) Apart from Salman Rushdie, many other authors like Amitav Gosh, Arundhati Roy, Hanif Kureishi et al. have written postcolonial works and reveal areas of colonial oppression that were not highlighted earlier. Now the question arises as to why authors deploy postcolonial narratives. Through recognising colonial sympathies in the corpus, writers pursue postcolonial literary criticism as it impairs the universalist statements of literature. Then, by manipulating history and claiming cultural identities by techniques such as mimicry, hybridity and nativism, it replaces colonial narratives with counter-narratives of resistance. It criticises cultural bureaucracies and the euro-centrism of modernity, backed by an anti-essentialist notion of identity and community. Postcolonial historical composition has created [the] two studies of colonialism and imperialism by dismantling colonialist conversations, and recreating the vast size of misfortune experienced by colonised and indigenous people groups. That is, Postcolonialism deals with
  • 4. colonialist histories to fix the flaws and to create anecdotes more based on human importance. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research methodology adopted here is secondary source of research as the current topic demands an analysis of various reference materials from the internet and books, newspaper journals, articles etc. Qualitative method of research is used in the preparation of the research paper as this method deals with “how” and “why” aspect of the topic and provides further comprehension of the topic at hand. LITERATURE REVIEW To have a clear-cut understanding of the topic the researcher referred to multiple sources of information and these sources have been listed down below. “ROBERT YOUNG, POSTCOLONIALISM; A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION” (Young, 2003) This book investigates the social, political and cultural impacts of decolonization. Key ideas and issues are examined, regarding specific social as well as historical instances while also listing various compelling anecdotes and experiences, making this intriguing subject pertinent and open to a more extensive crowd. “EDWARD W SAID, ORIENTALISM” (Said, 1978) is a ground breaking scrutinize of the West's historical, social, and political impression of the East.
  • 5. Said also traces the origins of "orientalism" back to when Europe had control of the Middle and Near East. “ROBERT YOUNG, POSTCOLONIALISM: AN HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION” (Young, POSTCOLONIALISM: AN HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION, 2001) Young through this book inspects the ideas and issues included in postcolonialism, while also clarifying the significance of key terms, and deciphers a portion of the significant scholars' work on the same topic to give a perfect preliminary guide into the topic of postcolonialism. “MIDNIGHT’S CHILDREN AND THE WORLD OF IMAGINATION BY ABRAHAM PANEVILIL” (Panavelil, 2010) investigates how Rushdie in his milestone work, by combining fiction, governmental issues, necromancy and memory, has taken the peruser to a universe of creative mind where reality seems, by all accounts, to be fiction and the other way around. “SALMAN RUSHDIE’S ‘UNION-BY-HYBRIDIZATION’ AND THE ISSUE OF MULTICULTURALITY BY MUSTAFA KIRCA” (Kirca, 2018) states that Rushdie opposes 'multiculturalism' as yet another method for comprehending the colonial master's opinion. Rather than 'multiculturalism,' Salman provides hybridization to commemorate 'hybridity' and take down classism. “AMALGAMATION OF FOLKLORE AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN GIRISH KARNAD’S HAYAVADANA AND SALMAN RUSHDIE’S MIDNIGHT’S CHILDREN BY MR SINGH” (Singh, 2019) endeavours to
  • 6. uncover components that helps to dissect cultural problems such as "identity crisis, existential dilemma, longing for fulfilment, sense of estrangement etc." This paper deals with two books one being ‘Hayavadana’ and the other ‘Midnight’s Children’. A detailed reading has been done only to the parts pertaining to the research topic. “AIN’T IT A RIPPING NIGHT: ALCOHOLISM AND THE LEGACIES OF EMPIRE IN SALMAN RUSHDIE’S MIDNIGHT’S CHILDREN BY SAM GOODMAN” (Goodman, 2018) demonstrates how drinking is essential to Rushdie's way of dealing with 'secular and religious identities' in autonomous India and a method of ridiculing and subverting the alleged gain that Empire introduced to India and Indians. Through this paper, the author uses alcoholism to strip away the magnificence glazed over our colonial past. “PESSOPTIMISM: SATIRE AND THE MENIPPEAN GROTESQUE IN RUSHDIE’S MIDNIGHT’S CHILDREN” (Ball, 1988) highlights how Midnight’s Children has two types of satire: one that is affirming and inclusive and the other which is negative and exclusive. The paper also talks about Rushdie’s incongruous behaviour towards post independant India.
  • 7. POSTCOLONIALISM Postcolonial composing customarily tends to the issues and results of a country's decolonisation, especially questioning aspects relating to the political and social emancipation of once persecuted people, and subjects, for instance, racialism and colonialism. An extent of creative theory has been produced around the subject. It watches out for the spreading and examining what postcolonial savant Edward Said implies to as social imperialism. Postcolonialism has additionally been a term used to re-evaluate western authoritative writing from different new and assorted points of view. "Post-colonial" or "postcolonial"? The agreement in the field is that "post-colonial" (with a hyphen) means a period that comes sequentially "after" expansionism. "Postcolonial," then again, signals the enduring effect of colonization across time spans and topographical regions. While the hyphen infers that set of experiences which unfurls in conveniently recognizable stages from pre-to post-provincial, precluding the hyphen makes a relative system which to comprehends the assortments of neighbourhood protection from frontier sway. The unhyphenated adaptation is routinely used to recognize it from the previous emphasis that alluded distinctly to the particular time span and to demonstrate a propensity toward scholarly analysis and the investigation of different talks at the crossing point of race, sex
  • 8. and diaspora, among others (Quayson, 2020). Contentions for the hyphen propose that the expression "postcolonial" weakens contrasts between provincial narratives in various pieces of the world and that it homogenizes pioneer societies. The assemblage of critical writing that takes an interest in these discussions is called Postcolonial hypothesis. FEATURES OF POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE FOUND IN MIDNIGHTS CHILDREN ALLEGORY Allegory has for some time been a noticeable element of scholarly and mythic composition all through the world. In any case, it turns out to be especially critical for postcolonial authors to disturb standard history ideas, traditional authenticity, and majestic portrayal by and large. The reading of Midnight's Children as a national allegory develops the conviction of Fredrick James – on that "All Third World writings are essentially… symbolic and in a certain way they are to be read as … national allegories."15 (Dwivedi, 2009) Saleem gets related with two of the midnight's children specifically, Shiva and Parvati, while Parvati in the end turns into Saleem's significant other, Shiva is hostile towards Saleem. Parvati and Shiva are Hindus while Saleem is not and their connections exhibit the blending of religious and social folklores that exist in India. Along these lines, the narrator’s position in the becomes a purposeful allegory for India, through Saleem's making of his personality and life account, his endeavours to clarify his story, his capacity to speak with other Indian
  • 9. postcolonial residents, and his relationship with other religious legends and traditions (Bounse, 2009). COUNTER COLONIAL DISCOURSE The novel's cultural and social hybridization, delineated through the large number of various characters, additionally permits historical hybridization to happen, along which the characters might clarify more exact forms of their own colonial and postcolonial history, instead of the inflexible uneven form history from their British colonialists. The story's production of modern as well as apparently more precise forms of Indian provincial and postcolonial history originates from the content's unequivocal testimonials to such occasions. Such verifiable portrayals rely on the social and social hybridity of the novel's character variety. "Entstellung," a term coined by Homi Bhabha is a "cycle of dislodging, twisting, disengagement, [and] redundancy," happens now from the Indian characters who endeavour to uproot and contort Britain’s colonial forms of history, and at last permits the postcolonial resident to compose their own set of experiences, as the novel expressly does (Bounse, 2009). METANARRATIVE Metanarrative is a term created by Jean-François Lyotard to mean a hypothesis that attempts to give an aggregating, complete record to different historical occasions, encounters, and social, cultural marvels dependent on the appeal to generally accepted fact or widespread qualities. One colossal issue of postcoloniality is the potential of making while also uncovering individual or native history. Be that as it may, this arrangement of encounters remains consistently stained with the postcolonial occupant's
  • 10. exercises or nation's previous colonizers. To tackle postcoloniality issues, the troubles of making and deciding one's history, personality, and one’s origination, the story utilizes magical realism as a strategy. Albeit a metanarrative is utilized as a euphemism by a postcolonial concern it isn't because of its acknowledgement or faith in the metanarrative. Such a methodology is accompanied by the postcolonial subject's evaluation of its validity and global uphold. Midnight's Children shows how postcolonial residents may make their own historical story by destabilizing historical accounts through a more noteworthy focal point on personal chronicles and light-hearted retellings of these narratives. The actualities of collective history if not personal encounters are never discernible to the surrounding structures that the autocratic craftsman might need to force upon them. One of the dominant theme of Midnight’s Children is the picture of the of the narrator who is not only the victim but also the mast of the so called ‘public and private history’. The narrator here, turns into a sufferer here rather than a victim when he endeavours an autonomous proficiency over his material. The inescapable defeat in an attempt to endeavour and accomplish flawlessness is encapsulated in several characters who become a symbol for Saleem in the moulding of his private and public life.
  • 11. MAGIC REALISM Drawing on the enhancements of magic realism, postcolonial essayists in English can communicate their perspective on a world fissured, twisted, and made inconceivable by social uprooting… [T]hey join the supernatural with local legend and symbolism taken from colonialist societies to speak to social orders which have been over and again disrupted by the attack, occupation, and political defilement. Magic effects, consequently, are utilized to prosecute the imprudences of both realm and its fallout (Boehmer, 2005) Midnight's Children's strategy of magic realism, at that point, turns out to be not just a simple conventional advancement, rather, an articulation of the historical backdrop of Indian colonialism as well as the contemporary prominence of Indian postcoloniality. The story links historical occasions, allegorical narratives, and anecdotal accounts and joins them to shape a genuine image of Indian postcoloniality. The proper method of enchanted authenticity turns into the structure of the story, through which the characters become ready to impart the personal points of view and, give precise forms of history. However, ‘magic realism’ isn't just an expressive decision made by Rushdie, yet all things considered, it remains a fundamental formal development expected to communicate India's new postcoloniality in an eloquent manner. Hence, magical realism turns out to be a type hybridization, by blending myth and realism. HYBRIDITY
  • 12. Hybridity has often been utilized in postcolonial talk to mean multifaceted cultural exchange. The possibility of hybridity also underlies different endeavours to pressure societies' commonality in the colonial and postcolonial process in articulations of synchronicity, and transculturation. Hybridity turns out to be the only path the individuals under colonial rule take in order to pick up force and authority over their colonial rulers. Bhabha clarifies that “hybridity is a problematic of colonial representation…that reverses the effects of the colonist disavowal, so that other ‘denied’ knowledges enter upon the dominant discourse and estrange the basis of its authority.” (Bhabha, 1994) The narrator's stance in the story turns out to be fundamental to the inquiries of hybridity. The cultured, communal as well the historical hybridity present inside Midnight’s Children, allow the content to illustrate the novel's significant themes and postcoloniality, which are: creation as well as recounting history, personality, and stories. The epic adequately and clearly portrays the issues of postcoloniality. Using hybridity, the novel looks to see whether issues might be addressed, while potentially, it also tries to tackle them. CONCLUSION Though Midnight's Children attempts to break free and take care of postcoloniality issues, the novel at the same time shows the outrageous trouble and even inconceivability of totally evading the colonizers' impact upon the colonized individuals. The novel precisely portrays the colonial venture's issues through the shifting character stories and their multitude of connections. Even though the colonial rulers classified India and Indians as 'undifferentiated place and individuals', the
  • 13. novel outlines our country’s heterogenity to topple the colonial picture of ‘India’. Midnight's Children till today stands as a foundation of postcolonial writing. The story unmistakably outlines the significant postcoloniality thoughts, the formation as well as portrayal of history, character, and narrating. Albeit the story talks about those significant yet critical topics, it gets important to examine the issues related with figuring and making a postcolonial personality and history. The tale thus represents the issues of postcoloniality, the challenges in deciding one's own set of experiences, and finding an authentic identity. References Ball,J.C. (1988). Pessoptimism:Satire andthe MenippeanGrotesqueinRushdie’s Midnight’sChildren. ESC:English Studiesin Canada,20. Bhabha,H. (1994). The Location of Culture. London:Routledge. Boehmer,E.(2005). Colonialand PostcolonialLiterature:MigrantMetaphors. Oxford: OxfordUniversityPress. Bounse,S.H. (2009). HybridityandPostcoloniality:Formal,Social,andHistorical InnovationsinSalmanRushdie’sMidnight’s. University of TennesseeHonorsThesis Project,52. Dwivedi,O.(2009).Nationand History:A Postcolonial Studyof SalmanRushdie's MidnightChildren. Journalof AlternativePerspectivesof SocialSciences. Goodman,S. (2018). “Ain’tIt a RippingNight”:Alcoholismandthe Legaciesof Empire inSalmanRushdie’sMidnight’sChildren. English Studies, 17. Kirca,M. (2018). Salman Rushdie's'Union-by-Hybridization'and Multiculturalism. RetrievedfromAcademia: nd_the_Issue_of_Multiculturality Panavelil,A.(2010, October). Midnight’sChildren and theWorld of Imagination. RetrievedfromResearchGate:'s_Children_and_the _World_of_Imagination Quayson,A.(2020, August4). Whatis postcolonialliterature? RetrievedJanuary4, 2021, fromThe BritishAcademy: postcolonial-literature/
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