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Anorexia Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of anorexia is not just about putting words on paper; it's about
delicately navigating through a complex web of emotions, statistics, and personal experiences.
Addressing such a sensitive and multifaceted issue requires a deep understanding of the
psychological, societal, and medical aspects surrounding it.
Firstly, researching the topic demands sifting through a plethora of scientific studies, medical
journals, and expert opinions to grasp the intricacies of anorexia nervosa – its causes,
symptoms, and treatment options. Then comes the challenge of incorporating this knowledge
into a coherent narrative that educates and raises awareness without sensationalizing or
trivializing the disorder.
Furthermore, writing about anorexia necessitates empathy and sensitivity towards those who
suffer from it. It's essential to approach the subject with compassion while avoiding
stigmatization or oversimplification. Balancing facts with empathy is a tightrope walk, requiring
careful language choices and thoughtful analysis.
Additionally, crafting an essay on anorexia involves confronting uncomfortable truths about
societal beauty standards, media influence, and the pressures individuals face to conform to
unrealistic ideals. It requires challenging preconceived notions and offering nuanced perspectives
that encourage critical thinking and empathy.
Moreover, addressing such a complex topic may trigger emotional responses in both the writer
and the reader. Handling these emotions while maintaining objectivity and clarity is another
layer of difficulty in writing about anorexia.
In conclusion, writing an essay on this topic demands more than just academic prowess; it
requires empathy, sensitivity, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. It's a challenging
endeavor that demands careful research, thoughtful reflection, and a commitment to fostering
understanding and empathy.
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Anorexia Essay Anorexia Essay
Enso Cycle
It is important to understand the various cycles our atmosphere goes through due
to how they affect our daily lives. The ENSO Cycle has a large impact globally and
locally in California as we have seen with the long term drought Southern
California is currently in. The ENSO cycle can be defined by sea surface
temperature (SST) anomaly in the Pacific Equatorial Area known as Nino 3.4
region (5oN 5oS, 120o 170oW). Unusually cooler waters ( .5 degrees centigrade)
occurring for three consecutive months outlines a La NiГ±a. La NiГ±a s bring
wetter weather to Australia and Indonesia but often leaves the Eastern Pacific dry.
Unlike La NiГ±a s, unusually warm water (+.5 degrees centigrade above average)
occurring for 3 consecutive month s outlines an
Incredible Grace By Amazing Grace
In today s society, one takes their childhood journey towards where they stand today.
Amazing Grace demonstrates this to examine a child s perspective living in the
neighborhoods of New York City that exist around them. Although, these families try
to support their children, some families are in distress, since they have a low income
status. However, they still can attain the important life skills, which will enhance and
benefit them as they later develop. As a result, these apparent life skills may lead
them in the right direction, despite how these difficult circumstances that truly affect
them. Thus Kozol creates the overall image of children as innocent. Amazing Grace
explores the innocence of children who are born in a society of... Show more content
on ...
On the other hand, in Amazing Grace, obtaining real jobs was not common. A
personal experience is related from the story:
A person who works in a real job at a place like Chemical Bank, she tells me, is a rare
exception in the neighborhood. Almost no one here has jobs like that. Some are too
sick. They live on SSI. (Kozol 14)
Social Security is another form of income that a family can receive. Families use
this as a solution in order to keep on living. The pursuit to land a quality job is not
seen as an advanced option, considering the chances of getting such a job is highly
unlikely. Instead, families must take one day at a time.
Drugs also play a large factor. Children are always put at risk in the neighborhoods of
New York City. Not to mention, drugs are heavily used: Crack cocaine addiction
and the intravenous use of heroin, which children I have met here call the needle
drug, are woven into the texture of existence in Mott Haven. Nearly 4,000 heroin
injectors, many of whom are HIV infected, live here (Kozol 4). Drugs are a part of
their culture and they cannot do anything about that. They will be surrounded by it,
but do not understand why it is there. Drugs are dangerous and should not be seen
by the eyes of children. Also, all children in this neighborhood an aware of people
having AIDS, since many heroin users are HIV infected. HIV infection leading to
AIDS has been a major cause of death and illness amongst children, teens,
The Europeans Interpretation Of Civilization
The arrival of Europeans in the New World introduced a way of life that was
unfamiliar to the Native peoples. The Europeans interpretation of civilization was
the opposite of the Indians. Europeans regarded themselves as the superior beings.
In a document, a Micmac composed a scathing response to French criticism of Indian
civilization. The Micmac testified, Though sayest of us also that we are the most
miserable and most unhappy of all men, living without religion, without manners,
without honour, without social order, and, in a word, without any rules [...] We
consider ourselves nevertheless much happier than thou in this, that we are very
content with the little we have, and believe also once for all, I pray, that though
Armes 3 deceivest thyself greatly if though thinkst to persuade us that thy country is
better than ours (Calloway 50 51). This was the general consensus of Europeans at
that time, who believed that happiness was defined by power and materialistic
goods. The Micmac speaker affirms that although they are void of luxuries, they
rebuffed the notion that they were inferior. A Mowhawk named Joseph Brant
scrutinized and rejected the colonists ways of living. In his reply, he quips, But for
what are many of your prisoners confined? For debt! Astonishing! And will you ever
call the Indian nations cruel? [...] Cease then, while these practices continue among
you, to call yourself Christians, let you publish to the world your hypocrisy
(Calloway 180).
Harley Davidson History
The first Harley Davidson bike rolled on to the scene as a race bike. William
Harley completed his blueprint for the bike and explained that he wanted to design
an engine to fit on a bike (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015). Its
competition at the time was the Hendee s manufacturing company s 1.75 horsepower,
single cylinder motorcycle. The first race was a test run, but the Harley Davidson
officially entered into the racing scene in 1914, where the bike and the rider won
every race. The nick name for the bike was given because of the victory lap the
rider would take after every win (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015).
After being dubbed the fastest and most winning bike in the country, the thrill
seekers and men with a rough attitude started to take notice of the brand. The
military even started to contract with the motorcycle company. The police force
looked into the motorcycles for high speed chases, whereas the biker gangs would
use them to get away from the law (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015).
Harley Davidsoncontrolled over 60% of the market and was the only company
producing motorcycles at the time in the United Stated. But they got too
comfortable and were unwilling to make a change. Then Honda came to the scene
to make a splash. Honda Motor Company started in 1955 after World War II during a
time where Japan was rebuilding their economy (Gardinar, 2015). They were able to
disguise themselves from the other
The Shroud Of Turin Analysis
The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth bearing the image of a man who
appears to have suffered from physical harm in a fashion resembling Roman
crucifixion. This image, in accordance with the belief of millions, is the imprint of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth. However, there is much indecision over its authenticity.
Science has not yet come to a conclusion on the legitimacy of the Shroud. This paper
will present the evidence for both the Shroud of Turins authenticity (that it was the
burial cloth of Jesus), and the reasons for the belief for its possible forgery.
The Shroud of Turin is currently preserved in an underground vault in the Cathedral
of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, within a climate controlled casket. The
material measures 4.4meters by 1.9meters. Down the center of the ... Show more
content on ...
Frederick Zugibe examined the Shroud and how accurately the injuries matched the
process of crucifixion. He looked at how the nails were driven through the hands and
feet. The shroud shows a pool of blood near the one visible wrist and the feet looked
punctured as if by one nail. Also, as the romans strike the nail into each hand, the
nerve damage causes the thumb to twist inward and under the palms. A thorough
examination of the shroud revealed exactly this. The thumbs were hidden underneath
the palms, just as one would expect. The facial imprint wasn t symmetrical and
showed signs of a beating.
Blood flowing from small cuts that seeped into the material made by the crown of
thorns accurately matched the trail the liquid would follow when the forehead
muscles contract in pain. Lacerations covered the back and a pool of blood was
identified in the upper side of the torso, with blood flowing down from that place. All
these injuries were consistent with Jesus described execution. Zugibe stated that from
the Forensic Pathology point of view, it is totally consistent with a crucified
individual. I have no doubts at
Personal Statement In Mechanical Engineering
If you do not believe you can do it then you have no chance at all , as quoted by
Arsene Wenger, one of the best sporting minds in the world. The above mentioned
statement served as a fuel for me in my academic career so far. My academic
career had many twists and turns, sometimes obstructing my way, but it actually
blessed me in disguise that latter I self realized that one should be content with his
/her performance, and accepted the blockades in a very challenging aspect and
succeeded them by doing fairly well than what I presumed before. It will always
serve as an inspiration for me and will lead as sole base to carry the expectations of
mine and family.
It is quite true that with proper nurturing of this curiosity one can transform a
fascination into an excellent mechanical faculty, Mechanical Engineering is an
intuitive science. The intuition ... Show more content on ...
I am the leader in my class. I am an active member of organizing committee in
College Events and Symposiums. The college and the department of Mechanical
Engineering entrusted me with the job of handling the departmental student
association and my creativity impressed one and all in the department. My technical
contributions apart from the job of anchoring have received worthy commendations
as well.
I feel that getting educated in a country other than one s own is an education in itself.
Living in such an environment with people having similar goals and aspirations is an
enthralling experience in one s academic life and is of considerable importance in one
s professional career. The erudite faculty that the institution boasts of and the much
sought after infrastructure along with the academic ambience have allured me to
pursue higher education in CANADA.
My undergraduate experiences have fostered my dedication to research, and provided
the necessary tools to pursue my goals. I would be related to have the opportunity to
study in
Human Spinal Deformities Using 3d Reconstruction
Literature Survey on Human Spinal Deformities using 3D Reconstruction Techniques
Spine and its deformities: Scoliosis is a complex three dimensional (3 D)
deformation of the trunk that requires orthopedic treatment in 5 out of 1000 persons
[1]. It is described as a lateral deviation of the spine (Fig. 1), combined with
asymmetric deformation and axial rotation of the vertebrae, deformation of the rib
cage and possibly of the pelvis.
The human spine is divided into cervical (7 vertebrae C1 C7), thoracic (12
vertebrae Tl T12), and lumbar (5 vertebrae L1 L5) sections above a fused sacrum
(Fig. 2). While the spine normally has no lateral curvature, there are normal side view
curves including lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and cervical lordosis. Scoliotic
curves are considered thoracic when the apex lies between T2 and T11,
thoracolumbar at T12 L1, and lumbar from L2 L5. Each vertebra consists of an
anterior weight bearing vertebral body and posterior elements that protect the spinal
cord and enable muscular and ligamentous attachments (Fig. 3). Particularly in
severe scoliotic curves, asymmetric loads on the vertebrae encourage asymmetric
growth of the vertebral elements, with one result being that despite a substantial
underlying spinal curve the spinous processes may deform to produce a relatively
straight line on the back surface. The spine, composed of vertebrae connected by
fluid filled intervertebral discs, is a loose and
Thesis Effects Of Compression And Violence In Ice Hockey
I.Problem statement
II.Scope of study
III.Thesis statement
Background of study
I.Historical background
II.Rules governing physical contact
Effect of costumes and the sport setting on the aggressive behavior
I.False security from the costumes
II.The sport setting encourages violence
Consequences of the aggression and violence
I.physical consequences
II.emotional and social consequences
Effects of fans on the aggression in the sport
Sport is an integral part of the American society and culture. It is as important as
other social institutions like family, religion and education. It is impossible to ignore
sport as it extends into a multitude of social arenas, including the arts, mass media, the
... Show more content on ...
The most common causes of the injuries are blows from the hockey sticks and
collisions with other players. Head and facial injuries include concussions,
contusions and lacerations to the face, eye and dental damage. Concussions result
from being hit so hard that the player losses consciousness. Players experiencing
symptoms of a concussion should not be allowed to play but be taken to a medical
examiner. The other injury that players suffer is shoulder injuries. The shoulder in
most cases separates from the joint or the collarbone breaks. These result from
collision with other players or the ice. Elbow injuries also arise in Ice hockey due to
constant contact resulting in a thick and scarred bursal tissue. Wrist injuries are
another category of injuries suffered by hockey players as a result of playing with
outstretched arms. Hockey players also suffer from back injuries because of the
posture they adopt when skating. The risk associated with the above injuries varies
based on the player s participation in the game, the equipment the player uses as well
as the level of violence involved in the game. Players with pre existing injuries also
tend to suffer more injuries with each game (Stuart,
Hindenburg Disaster Changed The World Of Air Travel In
The Hindenburg disaster of 1937 changed the world of air travel in the 30 s. From
a world with airships commonly and widely used to them almost non existent.
Airship travel was a fast and luxurious way to travel in the 30 s. Thousands of
successful trips were made on airships without injury on a weekly basis.
Commercial zeppelins had been around for about 30 years before this event. Back
in the day the Hindenburg was the fasted way to travel across the Atlantic ocean. The
Hindenburg consisted of a dining room, lounge, comfortable cabins, and a smoking
room. 7 million cubic feet of nitrogen gas held the Hindenburg up but ironically and
unfortunately it would also bring the large zeppelin down in a fireball mess. The
reason the airship
Shelby GT350 Advertisement Analysis
We all drive; some of us tend to stand out more. Pure exhilaration, the Shelby
GT350 is engineered for adrenaline pumping performance. Its 5.2L V8 with flat
plane crank kicks out 526 hp and 429 lb. ft. of torque and is one of four Mustang
engine choices all designed to overwhelm the senses with pulse raising torque and
a legendary roar. So buckle in and put your hands on the wheel of a Mustang and
you will feel one thing above everything else: pure exhilaration, it is ok to stare. We
warn you. It is going to be a tough choice. Ford s took the time to design and
produce effective visual aids. Ford used audio, video, and used photos. I think Ford
did a great job on the advertisement for the Shelby GT350. The advertisement for
shaving, the Schick
Power Tends To Corrupt And Absolute Power Corrupts...
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely
Lord Acton
Episode 1
Fuck this Gregor, you know that s not me said Atlas pushing away the tablet, face
with rage, indignation and sadness.
Sorry Atlas, but you were fired Gregor looked tired, seeing his friend going through
this has hard this came from above he had done everything he could.
You know that it was Stuart Little shit fucked up, but the uncle is the manager of the
building though filled with bitterness That little fucktard cursed under the breath.
I know is not you, but there is nothing more that I can do his shoulders locked and
with a frown in the face You are getting the full severance package, that means no
debt and something to keep you going said picking the tablet Everyone knows it s
not you , passing the tablet to Atlas It was quite hard to get this deal for you so take
it hinting at the tablet with his eyes and a sorry smile.
Atlas started reading the documents, the terms were bad but could been MUCH I
need to be calm or won t be able to do anything When do I need to move out? asked
Atlas resignedly unclenching his fist and shoulders.
Tonight, the management don t want to spread this, that s why you are getting a deal
worry and wonder appeared in his eyes thank god he is taking this with calm.
No way, you know that the there is no outbound transport said shocked, dread started
to fill
Motivation Essay
Describe, compare and contrast one process and one content theory of motivation.
Evaluate how appropriate they are for organisations today. Motivation is the desire
or willingness of someone to do something. Craig C. Pinder (1998) defined work
motivation as a set of internal and external forces that initiate work related behaviour
and determine its form, direction, intensity and duration. Motivation plays an
important role in a business environment, as employee motivation is believed to
improved work performance. Discussed in this essay are two types of motivation
theories; Content theory which tries to identify specific needs that motivate people
and Process theories which is based on developing models relating needs, motives and
... Show more content on ...
Similarly, evidence from research highlight that there are negative ways in which
workers can redress inequality; As seen in Organizational behaviour and Work,
Wilson, Fiona M, (2010), it highlights the ways in which individuals act negatively
towards inequity underpayment leads to lowered job performance (Prichard et al.,
1972; Lord and Hohenfeld, 1979). Another form of reaction to underpayment is
disruptive, deviant behaviour, such as vandalism and theft (Hollinger and Clark,
1983). Theft might be seen as a means to replenish feelings of underpayment inequity.
The Hawthrone Studies conducted by Elton Mayo between 1924 and 1932, showed
that employees are not just motivated by the money, outcomes, but their attitudes,
needs as well. Initiating the human relations approach to management and the needs
and motivation of employees was the primary concentre of managers. In short, both
Maslow and Adams theories can be considered Equity theories of motivation. In
some way, Equity Theory may seem more relatable to organisations today globally,
as equity is part of the human rights laws, as compared to Maslow s theory. Maslow
s theory is unmasked as ethnocentric by Geert Hofstede (1984), he stated, there are
cultural limitations in the
The Success Of Chung Ju-Yung s Story
Chung Ju Yung was born on November 25, 1915, in North Korea. Chung Ju Yung
is a guy who throughout his life he has tried to keep his mind focused on his career
and he never gives up. Chung Ju Yung is an inspirer and loves to share his
thoughts. No matter how hard life got to him he knew he never had to give up.
Chung Ju Yung in his story has shown lessons to all the people in the world. Chung
Ju Yung made progress in his company even as Japan took all necessary supplies.
Chung Ju Yung showed me that no matter how much you fail you must keep
getting up. Chung Ju Yung says If you try until the end with all your effort, a
miracle would happen. This quote to me means that by trying my best will receive
an award for my effort. The way Chung Ju Yung got a company by his own boss
was impressive. Chung Ju Yung was such a hard worker and did his best on his
daily basis. Chung Ju Yung s boss knew he was the right person because of his hard
work. Chung Ju Yung was successful in his career and made progress with his
company.... Show more content on ...
Chung Ju Yung inspired me in my life because as he tells his story I can tell he
never gave up. Chung Ju Yung was going to fail twice. One was because Japan
took all metal materials which made his company hard to work on. Without his
materials, their would be fewer cars to make. Even with this small problem, it
changed everything but he decided to take a bigger step and try his best to keep
producing. Chung Ju Yung decided to be president but couldn t do both presidential
and take control of his company. Chung Ju Yung left the presidential and went back
to his company and with that, he made two new cars. One a success and the other
one wasn t but it was fine as long as he
The Free Application For Federal Student Aid
Introduction During week two, we were tasked to conduct a financial analysis of the
Johnson family and assess their ability to independently fund the college educations
of their three children. That analysis determined the two hundred dollars currently
contributed monthly to each child s college fund since each child was born will not
fully fund their educations, given their ages, current balances in each college fund
and the annual inflation of college costs. Assuming their available cash flow will
only support the current monthly college fund contributions, alternative methods and
financial tools must be explored to mitigate the shortfall. The purpose of this paper
will be to research other college funding alternatives which may... Show more content
on ...
However, it is equally important for other potential forms of financial aid as many
states and colleges use your FAFSA data to determine your eligibility for state and
school aid, and some private financial aid providers may use your FAFSA
information to determine whether you qualify for their aid (Federal Student Aid,
2017, p.1). Federal Student Aid is a very large program providing more than $150
billion in federal grants, loans, and work study funds each year to more than 13
million students paying for college or career school (Federal Student Aid, 2017,
p.1). Therefore, the student who is seeking financial aid to cover a portion of
college costs needs to first and foremost complete a FAFSA application as it is the
basis for Federal Student Aid but is also the data source for other forms of student
financial aid. FAFSA applications consider the assets of the parents and the student in
determining the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and will normally expect a
higher percentage of contribution from student assets vice a lower percentage from
the parents (Mannaioni Greer 2016). For determining family or student assets to be
assessed against potential financial aid, FAFSA places emphasis on family or student
adjusted gross income as other assets such as retirement accounts, cash value life
insurance, home equity and small business assets are excluded when calculating the
EFC. Institutional Methodology, on the other
Reflection On Dance
I am very glad that I was able to take dance composition this quarter. From the first
few classes, I knew that this class would be what I looked forward to most.
Reflecting back, there were so many times when I would run up to my friends at
home after class and tell them about the mind blowing things that happened in
composition that day. What ensued during class time was always a fun and exciting
dinner conversation topic. The first assignment of free writing then crossing
everything out was a refreshing start to the quarter. The act of trashing what I just put
effort into was a feeling I do not think I have experienced before that moment. It made
me reflect about attachment, even to things that were very insignificant, considering
what I free wrote about was very unimportant. Detaching myself from my
choreographyis one of the big ideas that I am taking away from this class. What
makes what I created so important? Making movement looking forward, I will
always think back to this and will try my best to be open to discarding things more
easily. One of my favorite classes was the slow motion walk day. I did not know
what to expect at all. I thoughtI would be bored and not have a good time at all. The
opposite happened, even before the whole protester debacle, it was so entertaining
to experience everyday life at that pace. I hope that I will have the time over break
to do this activity again. I want everyone I know to experience the feeling of slow
motion, so
Vacation Bible School
I grew up in the St. Louis suburb of Eureka, where I still live today. If you ever
look at me and wonder where that scar on my forehead came from, well it
happened when I was roughly 12 months old when I fell out of a moving car. My
parents raised me as a Methodist at the Eureka United Methodist Church. During my
years attending Geggie Elementary School, every Sunday my parents would force
me to get out of bed and go to Church with them. During church, all the children
would go to Sunday school while the parents were listening to the sermon. In Sunday
school, we had a teacher, sometimes my mom, who would give out fun church
related activities. However, I did not enjoy doing that mostly because it involved
getting out of bed early and since I did not like the subject matter either, but at that
age, children do not fully grasp the importance of attending church and... Show more
content on ...
Here I interacted with similarly aged Christians and did learning activities together
with instructors. As I got older, when I attended LaSalle Springs Middle School, I
began to participate in Vacation Bible School as a teacher and would give out
activities for the younger children to do. Shortly after, I went through conformation
to officially become a member of the Church. During this time, I was also baptized
because I wasn t at birth. After middle school, I attended Eureka High School. In
my early high school years my family, including myself, became disconnected from
the church because we got busier with academics and sports, which left less time for
Church. However, I did go on mission trips with the church, one to Virginia Beach in
Virginia and the other to Joplin in Missouri. In Virginia Beach, we helped fix up a
nursing home and interacted with less fortunate children. In Joplin, we helped to
rebuild homes due to the devastating
Dukkha In Buddhist Philosophy
Dukkha in Buddhist Philosophy
Buddhism the founder is the Buddha, when he was the prince saw 4 dukkhas are an
old man, patient, dead person and monk make he thought that everyone s life was in
the same condition, nobody can avoid it.
Meaning of suffering is the thing make you becoming stressful and conflict to
happiness or clinging to the element that building up to be your body, clinging to
what your mind build up, and clinging to your own mind itself, and eventually your
mind misunderstand what it s clinging to is your own mind or belong to your own
Kinds of suffering can divide into 2 types, first is physical suffering, it means
suffering can be seen on your body such as pain, hungry, sickness, old age, dead and
other is mental suffering, it means suffering in your mood or emotion that you ...
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But in the way of Buddhism is not considered. Nothing is us and nothing is ours, and
the last is impermanence (anicca) means everything in the world can changes all the
time, such as from child to adult, from complete to incomplete.
Causes of suffering is from insatiable and attachment to things, can divide 3 type
first is Kama tanha, it means the desire to acquire, to catch or touch what they love
to see the body, hear the smell, second is Bhava tanha, it means craving I want to be
something that is not happening to them, such as wanting to be a rich man and the
last is Vibhava tanha, craving for non existence such as do not want to meet bully.
The path leading to the extinction of suffering is the way to do, this is to be free
from suffering by living in a canon(Sila) to bring meditation(Samadhi) and
Ideas In Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Language is fundamental when it comes to building relationships and putting ideas
into action. Buffy the Vampire Slayer features several themes that are difficult to
notice immediately because of how well integrated they are into the plot of the show.
In one specific episode called Hush , the people in the fictional town of Sunnydale
have their voices taken away by demons who are called the Gentlemen. The main
characters are then forced to find new ways to communicate with each other to defeat
the demons and get their voices back. The episode exemplifies the notion that
pressure allows people to think critically and take initiative on their ideas. When they
failed to communicate, they moved even further away from their main goal. A
common theme in the episode Hush is the way in which communicationbetween pairs
of characters is... Show more content on ...
In the episode, Tara and Willow are positioned to form a strong bond through their
mutual interest in magic. When they attended the Wicca group meeting, they
realized that the girls were not interested in real magic. Once Tara attempted to
express how she felt, she was automatically intimidated by the others and decided to
stay silent. Willow, however, does get to bring up real magic, but she is quickly
ignored once they determine that her idea was particularly crazy. After these
instances, the Wicca group went right back to conversing about the bake sale they
were planning to have; just another meaningless fundraiser completely unrelated to
magic. Later on in the story when Tara and Willow get the chance to express their
ideas ironically when they lose their voices they are able to move a refrigerator with
the powers that they have developed. The girls were then able to save themselves
from the Gentlemen due to their ability to genuinely communicate with each
Murasaki s Treatment Of Women In The Tale Of Genji
The Heian period lasted from 794, when the capital of Japan was moved from Nara to
Heian kyЕЌ, to 1185, when Minamoto Yoritomo took power. This time is known for
the culture of the aristocracy, which placed a great deal of importance on aesthetic
refinement. The importance of Chinese during this time should also be noted.
Chinese was the language of government, philosophy, and educated men. It was
considered improper for women to learn and use. In addition, while a man was
expected to study poetry in Chinese and compose it in Chinese and Japanese, fiction
was considered beneath them. Because of this, early prose fiction in Japanese was a
matter mainly for women.
The Tale of Genji is the world s oldest novel. It was written in Japan during the early
11th century, the peak of the Heian Period, by a woman known as Murasaki Shikibu. I
say known as because her real name is unknown. Murasaki comes from the heroine
of The Tale of Genji and Shikibu from her father s position, Shikibu meaning
Bureau of Ceremonial. Her father was Fujiwara no Tametoko, at one time governor
of Harima, Echizen, and Echigo. When exactly The Tale of Genji was written is not
known. The novel was at least partly written by 1007 or 1008 ... Show more content
on ...
First, the poetry. Second, how the style of the story reminded me of a fairytale. Both
of these makes sense in the context of the time in which it was written.
Nearly 800 poems appear in The Tale of Genji. The style used is known as uta,
tanka, or waka. These poems have 5 sections with syllable counts of 5 7 5 7 7 and
are not supposed to rhyme. In the Heian period poetry was an essential part of court
life, both for communication and status. Poetry was viewed as one of the greatest
arts. Poetry also allowed one to communicate without some of the restrictions of the
hierarchy. A well formed poem was worthy of respect even from one considered
inferior. Poems were also exchanged during
Essay on Shakespeare s The Merchant of Venice
The Rivals Love triangles are complicated and messy scenarios that are caused by
the indecision of the person in the middle or the inability of the others to move on.
The same is seen in The Merchant of Venice, in which Antonio and Portia fight for
Bassanio. Throughout the play we see many bonds or connections between both
Antonio and Bassanio as well as Portiaand Bassanio. To many, the main plot may
seem to be the conflict between Antonio and Shylock, when in reality it s the love
that Antonio and Portia have for Bassanio that leads to everything. The main plot is
moved forward by the bonds the two have with Bassanio and the rivalry they have
with each other. Nearly everything that happens in the play has to do with their fight
for... Show more content on ...
Antonio s first quote in the play brings attention to his sadness: In sooth I know
not why I am so sad. It wearies me, you say it wearies you; But how I caught it,
found it, or came by it, What stuff tis made of, whereof it is born, I am to learn and
such a want wit sadness makes of me That I have much ado to know myself (1.1.1
7). Portia mentions her fatigue of everything around her, at which point Bassanio
is not around her: By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great
world (1.2.1 2). This shows that Bassanio means just as much to both, they are both
sad because of Bassanio. Antonio is sad that he will lose Bassanio, while Portia is
sad that she may not even get him if another man chooses the right casket before
him. As Hyman says in The Rival Lovers in the Merchant of Venice, it may not
necessarily be homoerotic love that is driving Antonio to fight for Bassanio, it may
just be that he feels rejected by his friend who he did so much for. Antonio may be
speaking the truth that he does not know why he is sad. Although he knows that he
should be happy that his friend is getting a wife, he is not ready for someone else to
take his place as the most important person in Bassanio s life (Hyman 3). The two try
to one best one another in their attempt to get Bassanio. Antonio tries to win Bassanio
first by offering him his money and then by bonding
Taste Of One Book
The first books now called scrolls were created as chronicles to document events
which occurred in history. As time passed by the ideology of books has changed
from chronicles to stories or significal events that occurred in history this has then
altered until the books had a literary purpose of provoking reader s emotions. Taste
of one is the crucial factor of creating a certain perception of the book, but this is
often biased because a taste isn t allowed to be created. The discussion of a book
depends on various factors such as the author of the book, the sequel of the book or
a literary critics review of the book. Book discussion plays a major role in creating a
general consensus throughout an audience, however concepts vary because each...
Show more content on ...
But, taste is misleading because it is affected by a large amounts of factors with the
two crucial being the author of the book and also the review written a literary critic.
Both of these can be rid of, but unfortunately both of these factors alter the readers
view of the book even before he begins to read the book he is being forced the idea
of what he can expect from the book, but this is not good because the taste sensor of
the reader is redirected into and indecisive and emotionless direction because he may
view the correct theory behind the story, however his brain does not comply with the
reasoning and perceptions of
Why Is Louis Xiv Important In The 1600s
From 1500 1700, there were multiple European monarchs that were beneficial to their
country, but there were also many other monarchs that were detrimental to their
country. During this time period, certain European countries also had their own
governmental issues, whereas other countries were thriving. Throughout the 1600 s,
numerous European leaders were fighting internal and external wars, having social
and economic problems, and losing faith in their people. On the other hand, some
leaders were also providing support for their people and creating a strong
government. There are several European monarchs who were beneficial and
detrimental, but five key people control the discussion. King James I of England,
Peter I of Russia, Louis XIV of France, Pierre Patel, and Queen Elizabeth I of
England are all royals who had a substantial influence over their countries.
In the early 1600 s, King James I was the monarch of England. He was a member of
the Stuart dynasty, and the ... Show more content on ...
During the 1690 s, France was experiencing social and economic problems, and
Louis XIV was the cause of them. In 1694, an anonymous source reported that Louis
XIV had consumed half the wealth and vitality of France on costly wars, and now
France was a vast hospital, desolate and without provisions (Document H). From the
author s perspective as a French citizen, the conditions in France were deplorable and
most of it was Louis XIV s fault. The author s background as an anonymous citizen
allowed them to tell the honest truth because they wanted to inform their monarch of
the conditions in their country. In 1694, an anonymous source informed Louis XIV
that the cultivation of the earth in France is almost abandoned, the towns and the
countryside are depopulated; all the industry languishes and no longer supports the
workers. (Document H). Overall, the author was trying to explain the situation of
France to Louis XIV from a citizens
Why Money Can t Buy Happiness And Hustvedt s My
Happiness False Promises The articles for the week, Shermer s Why Money Can t
Buy Happiness and Hustvedt s My Mother, offer perspectives on happiness
informed by theories of evolutionary psychology. Shermer and Hustvedt examine
what it means to be happy and how our brains can fool us into believing we enjoy
something when we actually don t. These readings come at a crucial pinnacle in
the semester for me when introspection is often ignored. While other classes seem
to be on the downward slope to finals, I feel I haven t quite summited this writing
course. There is obviously a purpose to the flood of open ended reflections and fast
paced deadlines between articles. If the goal has to been to break a writer down,
then it has undoubtedly been achieved. Instead of the demands of the class
sharpening my pen and fine tuning my words, I m starting to see my words as a
jumbled mess of incoherent thoughts. My papers have become an alphabet soup I
try to arrange to convey my thoughts and link the themes I see. But the more I
write, the less letters there are to choose from. I ve desperately wanted to learn
how to improve my writing, but the more I learn the more I realize the affliction I
have with the process entirely. The two chapters this week have revealed less about
the process of good writing for me, but more on my own affliction with writing and
its affects on my aspirational career as a social scientist. Shermer s Why Money Can
t Buy Happiness shows that emotions are
An Controversial Control Methods For Malaria
Many animals kill countless numbers of humans every second, minutes, and hours.
The mosquito is among those predators, and it causes the most morbidity and
mortality among humans compared to any other animal or insect. Mosquitoes are
notoriously known for causing malaria worldwide. Malaria is a disabling illness
which can result in mobility and mortality. People infected with the disease become
weak over a period of time. This reduces their productivity level; thus it makes simple
activities of daily living difficulty to accomplish. Some of the common symptoms of
malariaresemble those of the flu. Malaria is an extreme health burden in low and
middle income countries especially African countries. Moreover, the disease is
mostly prevalent in sub Saharan African countries, among pregnant women and
children age 5 and younger. Over the years, scientists have discovered and
developed several methods to control the spread of malaria. One of the most
controversial control methods for malaria is DDT. DDT is short for
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; this method come in the form of a pesticide or
insecticide. It is used to kill pest and insects specifically mosquitoes. DDT is used in
indoor spraying for control of vectors of malaria and visceral leishmaniasis (Van den
Berg, 2009). Scientists have realized that the pesticide could be effective at
preventive malaria by reducing the amount of mosquitoes in the environment. Despite
this, concerns about the effectiveness and safety of
Animal Testing Informative Speech Outline
A.Did you know that many of the medicine, products or makeup that we use in our
everyday life all have one similarity?
B.Most of the products that we use are initially tested on other living beings to see if
they are safe before they are humans are allowed to use them. This is commonly
known as animal testing/experimentation.
C.This issue is something we should all know about. We are in some way connected
to this issue. After researching about this topic and how the animals are treated, I
think that experimentation on animals is something should not be allowed to happen
as it is cruel and causes pain and suffering in living creatures
D.To be well qualified to talk about this topic, I have done some research on the topic
... Show more content on ...
But also, since the beginning of animal experimentations about a century ago, there
have been a large number of medical advancements. According to Simon Festing, the
animal research has helped us understand the biology of both humans and animals
and also lead us to the discovery of cures and treatments of diseases. (570)
Some examples of treatments are anesthesia, blood transfusions, penicillin, medicine
for asthma, hypertension, and leukemia, vaccines against polio, measles and
We now know more about animal testing...
C.Finally, let us move on to the ways this issue can be solved, as in the alternatives
and what we can do to put an end to it.
1.There are many alternatives to animal testing, these methods are not only cheaper
and faster but also effective in predicting human health. In some cases, animal tests
are not even effective, since their biology is completely different from ours, so it
doesn t make sense to keep using them. But replacing animal experiments for these
methods may take a long time to happen.
2.According to Bernard N. (1):
a.Choosing previously tested ingredients to create new products, does not require the
need for testing on
Summary Of The Documentary The Silk Road-The Glories
The documentary The Silk Road The Glories of Ancient Chang an demonstrates the
enormous wealth of China during the Tang dynasty and how the Silk Road
connected many parts of the world. The Silk Road began in the capital city of Chang
an, present day Xi an, which was the center of exchange between the East and the
West. The Silk Road initially began with the emperor, Qin Shihuangdi, who started to
build on the idea to build The Great Wall, which would protect Chinafrom nomadic
warriors from the North, and demonstrate the power of his reign. The Chinese
desire for Western horses was the basis for the beginning of the Silk Road, because
their Chinese horses were slower. Inside city walls were markets in Tang dynasty
China. The Western market... Show more content on ...
Nothing influenced China as much as another religion along the Silk Road as much
as Buddhism, which is still practiced there today. The Silk Road extended through
many lands and sea routes giving many places goods such as silk, spices, teas, and
porcelain from China, ivory, textiles, stones, and pepper from India, and gold,
glassware, carpets, and jewels from the Roman Empire. This documentary ties into
the textbook, Ways of the World, since in the textbook, it explains the reign of Qin
Shihuangdi and his accomplishments as a powerful ruler because of his contribution
to the building of The Great Wall, and the discovery of his Terracotta soldiers.
Another example is when the documentary mentions the motive for the beginning of
the Silk Road, and in the textbook, it explains that the Silk Road began with the
Chinese desire for better horses. Lastly, this documentary ties into the textbook
because it said that many religions were brought along the Silk Road, and in the
textbook, it explains that Buddhism was the most influential religion, and that other
religions were created with blended aspects of Confucianism and
China s Lost Girls Analysis
As a result of China s cultural preference for boys and its one child policy, girls are
abandoned and even killed, which has led to a gender imbalance. China s Lost Girls
is a documentary about the international adoption of abandoned Chinese girls to
American families. Approximately 40,000 Ethiopian women annually have an
obstetric fistula. A Walk to Beautiful is a documentary about the impact of obstetric
fistula on four Ethiopian women. The social problems in both films are cultural and
specifically affect women. However, their solutions are different. The social
problems in China s Lost Girls and A Walk To Beautiful are acknowledged however,
China s gender imbalance and obstetric fistula are the results of different cultural
The Importance Of Relational Meetings
A relational meeting is arguably one of the most important parts of a social change
organization. Unlike casual conversations, a relational meeting allows the organizer
to connect with others on a personal level in order to objectively assess the
organization and see how it can better serve others. In addition, relational meetings
help the organizer understand negative feelings in the community and come up with
ways to combat them. A day is not complete without a relational meetingat Homeboy
Industries. Father Greg meets one on one with youth involved with his organization
to discuss various, personal topics.
In order to keep working towards change, Father Greg must stay updated on problems
and feelings in the community. Meeting with the youth
Cause, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Mood Disorders Essay
FRP 1 Running Head: Activity 36 Psy 7700 Psychopharmacology Activity 36:
Final Research Paper David L. Alexander California Southern University College
of Behavioral Sciences FRP 2 I decided to choose mood disorders as their appears
to be a genetic pre disposition in my family history to it. There have also been
members of my wife s family who have exhibited mood disorders. I therefore chose
this class to attempt a comprehensive review of the use and impact of
psychopharmacological agents as part of the treatment regimen for their symptoms.
Causes of Mood Disorders According to (NIMH) the National Institute of Mental
Health (2009), the causes of mood disorders at this time are not completely
understood.... Show more content on ...
The Surgeon General (3009) report also gives cause for concern in that it states
that as many as 5 to 15 percent of all treated cases of mood disorders may be due to
unknown physiological or medical causes, and often go unrecognized until after
standard therapies have failed. Diagnosing Mood Disorders The diagnostic criteria
established in the (DSM IV TR) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision: DSM IV TR, (2000), or the International
Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision
(2007), represents the bench mark by which mental health care professionals in the
United States diagnose mood disorders. The evaluation of an individual with a
suspected mood disorder should ideally begin with a comprehensive examination by a
physician. As medical conditions and side effects of medications must be ruled out as
potential causes of symptoms. The medical examination should then be followed by
an evaluation with a mental health professional. The evaluation by the mental health
professional should include a complete history of symptoms, including when they
started, how long they have lasted and how severe they are. It should also note
whether the individual has experienced these symptoms before and, if so, whether
and how they were treated. The
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Commercial Bank Loans
The second source of short term financing is commercial bank loan which is one of
the primary sources of short term financing, especially for small businesses
(Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo Jarrad Harford, 2015). Commercial bank loans
always being used by most firms as it is the simplest and most common source of
short term finance. Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo Jarrad Harford (2015) added in
their book Fundamentals of Corporate Finance that bank loans are typically initiated
with a promissory note which is a written statement that indicates the amount of the
loan, the payment is due and the interest rate. This note have a similarity as trade
credit which has the payment s due but, commercial bank loans does not have a
discount. Hence, commercial... Show more content on ...
Commercial paper is sure quick rather than bank loan which is slow in processing
the additional funds that a firm s need and cost effective way of raising working
capital. Furthermore, they are cheaper than a bank loan while it is unsecured and
thus does not creates any liens on assets of the company. Plus, the liquidity is high
enough for a big company issuing commercial paper to fill in gaps in their cash
flow and it provides the exit option to the investors to quit the investment as it is
for a short term financing. Thus, a short term financing likely to have high risk
and have high in return. Meanwhile, the advantages are it reduce credit limits with
banks and reduce reliability due to its strict oversight. Next, it is only available
only to a few selected blue chip and profitable companies. Blue chip company can
be described as a company that has a price of more than RM 1.00 per unit which is
higher than penny chip company who has a price lower than RM 1.00 per unit.
Lastly, there is a possibility that the company will stop rolling over the commercial
paper program and new debt instruments might not be available in the
Research Proposal On Hydroelectric Generator
Science Fair Proposal
Edward Montanez
Everman Joe C.Bean High School
A hydroelectric generator is a machine that uses mechanical energy to generate
electricity, the hydroelectricity comes from a large volumes of falling water to
create the mechanical energy. I will be constructing my own hydroelectric generator
in order to show it is possible to create electricity using large volumes of water,
enough power to light a light bulb.
Making Electricity and Hydroelectric Generators
Electricity is the flow of electrons through a metal wire, or through a conductor.
Electrons are tiny particles found in atoms, and is also one of the building blocks of
all matter. Electrons carry tiny negative charges, when they move through a
conductor they produce a little invisible magnetic force. The strength depends on how
in motion the electrons are. Pushing the electrons a little closer and tighter can cause
a stronger field. When electrons produce a magnet force, you can use a magnet to
make the electrons mover which is how an hydroelectric generator works.
A hydroelectric generator is a machine that uses mechanical energy to generate
electricity, the hydroelectricity comes from a large volumes of falling water to create
the mechanical energy. For more than 100 years the simplest way to produce the
volumes of falling water needed to make electricity was to use dams to create
electricity. But sometimes dams
List of the Top Foodcart Franchising Business in the...
List of the Top Foodcart Franchising Businesses in the Philippines 1. 3 in 1 Snack
Store Franchise 2. 3M Pizza Pie Franchise 3. Adobo Rice Atbp. Foodcart Franchise
4. Advice for New Owners of Food Cart Business 5. Aldrino s Bibingka Espesyal
Franchise 6. All U Need Food Station 7. Amazing Cones Pizza in a Cone Franchise
8. Anak ng Siopao Franchise 9. Apordabols Pusit Atbp Franchise 10. Arabian Nights
Shawarma Franchise 11. Aseas House of Burger Franchise 12. Authentic Japanese
Corn Franchise 13. Ayskrim Haus Franchise 14. Babba Habba Shawarma Franchise
15. Bake amp; Churn Cart Franchise 16. Baliwag Lechon Manok Franchise 17. Balls
ng Bayan Foodcart Franchise 18. Balot Foodcart... Show more content on ...
Happy Waffle Foodcart Franchise 110. Happy Haus Donuts Franchise 111. Hecky s
Lechon Foodcart Franchise 112. Hero Sausages Franchise 113. HK Noodle Store
Franchise 114. HK Noodles 115. Holy Kettle Corn Franchise 116. Hong Kong Style
Noodles amp; Dimsum Franchise 117. Hong Kong Style Noodles Foodcart Franchise
118. Hongkong Fried Noodles Franchise 119. Hongkong Noodle Factory Franchise
120. Hotcake Foodcart Franchise 121. House of Dimsum Franchise 122. House of
Panini Franchise 123. House of Siomai Express Franchise 124. I Love Sysig
Foodcart Franchise 125. Ice Scramble 126. Ice Scramble Fooodcart Concept 127. Ice
Scramble Icy Pink Foodcart Franchise 128. Iking s Specialties Franchise 129.
Impressca Salad2Go Franchise 130. Ishie s Shakes amp; Waffle Franchise 131. It s
Tea Time Foodcart Franchise 132. Itlog on Stick Franchise 133. Jack s Eatabols
Foodcart Franchise 134. Japanese Cakes Franchise 135. JC Takoyaki Foodcart
Franchise 136. Jolliant Rice Meals Foodcart Franchise 137. Jones Brothers Pizza
Co. Foodcart Franchise 138. Joshawarma Foodcart Franchise 139. Judea Frozen
Blends Franchise 140. Juicee Fruity Franchise 141. Just Poppin Popcorn Franchise
142. Kasagingan Franchise 143. KeRRimO Food and Drink Franchise 144. Ketchup
amp; Mayo Franchise 145. King Kebab Foodcart Franchise 146. Koo Koo Haus
Franchise 147. Kuya s
How Nordstrom s Company Establish A Competitive
Nordstrom was co founded in 1901 by John W. Nordstrom and his partner Carl
Wallin. At age 16, John W of Sweden left his home and moved to Alaska where he
struck gold. During his time in Alaska, John met Carl Wallin, who owned a shoe
repair shop in downtown Seattle. A partnership was formed between the two and they
opened the shoe store Wallin Nordstrom. The company s philosophy was based on
exceptional customer service, selection, quality and value. This focus helped the
company establish a competitive advantage in the shoe market. The company was
very successful and they opened a second store in 1923. In 1928, John retired and
sold his share of the company to his sons Everett and Elmer. Carl Wallin retired a
year later and sold ... Show more content on ...
The company s profits were growing and there was increases in market share.
Nordstrom marketing plan was effective but there was still room to grow. The
company needed to change its marketing strategy and further its market penetration
to remain successful. Beginning to take action in 1973, the company opened the
first Nordstrom Rack. This store was a clearance store for full line store
merchandise. The higher prices in the regular store targeted the upper segment of
society, while the Rack allowed Nordstrom to orient itself to a completely new
customer base. By 1975, the company had expanded into Alaska then California
markets three years later. The company opened its first store on the East Coast in
1988 in Virginia.
The new millennium offered the company several new partnerships. The company
owned Faconnable, an upscale European apparel collection for men and women
from 2000 to 2007. In 2011, the company acquired Hautelook, which helped the
company enter the online private sale market. Nordstrom was the first major U.S.
retailer to sell the British fashion brands Topshop and Topman, Which they acquired
in 2012. Today, the company operates 304 stores in 38 states, 116 being full line
stores in the United States and two in Canada, 178 Nordstrom Racks, two Jeffrey
boutiques and one clearance store. Customer can reach Nordstrom via online through,, and
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade And Great Awakening
Personal Reflections Journal 2: The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and Great
Awakening Today, many American s are very prideful of being part of a Country
that not only portrays, but also truly offer an abundance of opportunities for
education, careers, housing, for many immigrants jobs, and most importantly
Freedom. Currently the American motto is that there are no impossibilities, work
hard to achieve highest potential and failure is not a negative innuendo, but a mark
of the imprints of success. Nevertheless, as one researches and studies American
history the stroll down memory lane is sad and disappointing. Use The Trans
Atlantic Slave Trade Database website (
/search)1 take a stroll into the past during 1607 1808 the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade
slaves took the place of what we call today America s industry workforce.
Unfortunately, during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade the slaves did not have a
choice, mistreated and stripped of their rights and dignity, dehumanized, and all for
the purpose of commercialism competitiveness and industrial prosperity. As shown on
the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Database, during 1607 1808, the total number of
slaves embarked on voyages to the Mainland North America was 360,999; however,
these slaves experienced the highest form of cruelty and uncaring treatment... Show
more content on ...
The way industrial leaders treated slaves (workers) gives little to admire and if this
were to happen today, would
The Significance Of Being Earnest, By Oscar Wilde
According to Barbara Tuchman, satire is a wrapping of exaggeration around a
core of society. Satire exposes the absurdity embedded in society through
exaggerated extremes of social norms. Satire is the hyperbolic expressions of
absurdity, which provides clarity through sarcasm and offensive exaggerations to
project a society s ethics. In Oscar Wilde s play, The Importance of Being Earnest,
Wilde exposes the absurdity of Victorian aristocratic social propriety. Wilde utilizes
numerous ironic puns and sarcasm in order to satirize Victorian social
responsibilities concerned with marriage, social masking, and education. Wilde s
play explores the notion of social responsibility within aristocratic life via the
character s dialogue on... Show more content on ...
Lady Bracknell s interest in Jack s money and reputation is similar to real
aristocratic interest. Also, marriages in Victorian society are dictated by the
parents choice in spouse. When Gwendolen tells her mother that she is engaged to
Jack, Lady Bracknell is taken aback by the information and sternly states, Pardon
me, you are not engaged to anyone. When you do become engaged to one, I, or
your father, ... will inform you of the fact (Wilde 7). Through Lady Bracknell s
opposition to Gwendolen s engagement, Wilde is able to show the audience how
Victorian elite marriages are arranged so both families are mutually benefitted by
each other s wealth and status. Parents of wealthy families chose their children s
spouse according to the spouses prestige and wealth in order to increment or sustain
their own monetary funds and influence within society. Marriages in Victorian
society are used a majority of the time as business propositions for selfish aristocratic
reasons, not to celebrate two lover s unification. Furthermore, Wilde exposes the
duplicity of Victorian social life through the neologism bunbury and the name Ernest
to attack aristocratic social responsibility and exhibit the importance of titles within
the society. Social masking is used by the wealthy to allow themselves to be
dismissed of social responsibility momentarily. When Jack and Algernon were
engaged in the conversation regarding marriage, Algernon introduces Wilde s
neologism bunbury .
An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Essay
In the short story, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, by the Realist author,
Ambrose Bierce, claimed to prefer the representative rather than the extraordinary a
face of life that is generally untrue. For example, the details throughout the story sight
proved that the author had witnessed the situation and had his story to truthfully tell,
He was a captain. A sentinel at each end of the bridge stood with his rifle in the
position known as support, that is to say, vertical in front of the left shoulder, the
hammer resting on the forearm, thrown straight across the chest a formal and
unnatural position, enforcing an erect carriage of the body (457) He did not express
his opinion on the topic itself, but only explained the situation specifically... Show
more content on ...
From this state, he was awakened ages later it seemed to him by the pain of a
sharp pressure upon his throat [...] (458) In a hypocritical way, Realist authors got
the reader s hopes up by insisting on one circumstance while foreshadowing the
character s death through an unconscious state as if he had already passed. Realism
indicated an acknowledgment of facts instead of assumptions and took advantage
of this time to show accurate descriptions of American history. In The Ledge, by
Lawrence sargent Hall, he claimed that Naturalism was expressed through his use
of detached style of narration, accuracy of detail, and individuals being controlled
by society. If the story were from a personal perspective, situations throughout it
would be perceived in a different and more biased way, Is it time to shoot now?
asked his nephew. Pretty soon, he said. As if he were putting off making good on a
promise. Not yet. His own boy cried softly for a brief moment, like a man, his face
averted in an effort neither to give or show pain. Before school starts, the fisherman
said, wonderfully detached, we ll go to town and I ll buy you boys anything you
want. With great difficulty, in a dull tone as
April 21 Quotes
Aries, March 21 to April 19: Be positive in all situations so that you ll look back
with no regrets. Taurus, April 20 to May 20: When times are rough and people
start to lose faith, what they need is a leader. Someone like you. So put on a
determined face and step out into the world and persist. Let them follow. Gemini,
May 21 to June 20: Make someone s day today. Make them smile or make them
laugh. Cancer, June 21 to July 22: You may be frustrated, but all you need is some
quiet time to clear your head. Then you ll be fine and ready to get back out there.
Leo, July 23 to August 22: You ve been taking the same route for a while. It s time to
shake things up and change your daily routine. Be spontaneous. Virgo, August 23 to
Sept. 22: Your point of view has become clouded and biased. Find someone wise
whom you trust and ask their opinion on the matter at hand.... Show more content on ...
23 to October 22: You ve given so much, it s time to relax and let the others give
back. Just sit back and enjoy the ride for a while. Scorpio, October 23 to Nov. 21:
You may be eager for an upcoming event but remember, with patience, everything
will only turn out better. Sagittarius, Nov. 22 to Dec. 21: If people are having
doubts, loyalty will always show them that you are still dependable. Capricorn,
Dec. 22 to January 19: Teamwork is the answer. Don t be afraid to ask for someone
s help. It could benefit you in the end. Aquarius, January 20 to Feb. 18: You ve had
this fear for some time but it s time to get over it. Turn the page and start a new
chapter in your life. Pisces, Feb. 19 to March 20: It might not seem like the answer at
the time, but honesty always works out for the better in the
Ethics of Nanotechnology Essay
Ethics of Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is actually a fairly new idea. This may not seem like any big deal
in terms of ethics, but just like any type of scientific advancement there are positives
and negatives. Of course the ethical issues don t stem out of just the fact that this is a
new kind of science. It branches off of what will this new scientific technology be
used for? For example, Embryonic Stem Cell research. It s not the research that s
bad it s how they get the cells. There are half a dozen, maybe more, different places to
get the same type of cells without taking the life of that unborn child.
The term, Nanotechnology, was first introduced back in the mid 1970 s by a
Japanese researcher named Norio Taniguchi to ... Show more content on ...
Of the $700 million in funding that the National Nanotechnology Institute (NNI)
received in 2003, less than $500,000 was spent on the study of how
Nanotechnology could affect the environment. But typical to today s culture the
immediate payback doesn t come from risk studies, as it does from how we can
potentially cure diseases. When in the long run a little robot just might be able to
cause a disease. Just as much as the public wants to know the risks the scientists
working on the project have even more to lose from a fear of the unknown (Colvin).
Along with these risks will come an entire set of ethical dilemmas. So how can we
set rules so that free lance researchers or government scientists don t do something
that the whole world might regret? One of the first guidelines which was set by
the Foresight Institute, founded by Drexler, and supported by the non profit
organization Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) is Nanotechnology s
highest and best use should be to create a world of abundance where no one is
lacking for their basic needs. Those needs include adequate food, safe water, a clean
environment, housing, medical care, education, public safety, fair labor, unrestricted
travel, artistic expression and freedom from fear and oppression (Ethics of
Nanotechnology). If we know just a little about the life of Christ he once said that
there would always be problems like this in the world, hunger, poor, oppressed ,
Acme Essay
Recommending a Low Cost Customer Service Employee Daily Assignment
Schedule University of Maryland University College Executive Summary Acme De
Mexico s Manager has requested assistance in developing a minimum cost daily
assignment schedule for the customer service employees in their newly built store.
Specifically, he wants to know the minimum total cost per day, which is the decision
variable. He also wants to know the exact amount of part time and full time
employees which will determine the total cost. The objective function is to minimize
costs. Acme specified a minimum number of employees required for each shift, a
maximum number of employees per shift, specific shifts for full time and part time
workers, and a... Show more content on ...
See cells A5 21 through cells C5 21. Part time employees are paid $500 (Pesos) per
day, and full time employees are paid $1100 per day. Another constraint is the
hours worked by part time employees cannot exceed 50% of the total hours worked
per day (total hours = part time+full time). This is displayed in cell F36. Excel
solver was used to solve the decision variable (E33), which is set as the objective.
Cells D5 though D21 are the number and type of employees per hour, and are
variable. The goal is to determine the minimum total cost per day. This is our
decision variable, and is found in cell E33 of Attachment 1. The constraints
mentioned above are input into solver. The first line shows the total number of
part time employees must be less than or equal to 50% to the total labor hours each
day. The second line ensures that the changing values are integers. We do not want
half an employee to show up for his or her shift. The third line constraint ensures
that the number of employees per shift does not exceed 30. Lastly, the fourth line
constraint took into account the minimum employees per shift as specified by
Acme. Our objective function is to minimize Acme s the total employee cost per
day. The total employee cost per day was calculated by multiplying the number of
fulltime workers per day (E8) by the salary per day (C31). This total is reflected in
cell C33. The same was done for part time workers: (E21)*(D31)=(D33). These two
Falsehood Of Failures Robbins Analysis
The Falsehoods of Failures Youth is both a lie and the embodiment of evil; although
it is only a mere five letters, it violently moves the hearts of humans. For some, it
gives off feelings of nostalgia while for others it draws out dark hatred. Specifically,
those that constantly celebrate their teenage years are lying to themselves and to
those around them. To those same individuals, secrets, lies, sins, and failures are
naught but seeds of spice in their youth. The mid 20th century author Robbins
declares that his youth (past faults and irritations) has helped him to become a
creative thinker in the modern world; however, he and many other s principles are
deceit. Those that praise youth interpret everything in their natural habitat as an
assertion of their beliefs within this youth mold. For instance, Robbins is a victim to
the plague of youth when he states, I ve come to believe that all my past failure and
frustration were actually laying the foundation[...] . In other words, Robbins explains
failure is vital into evolving as an individual; however, he is twisting all rationality
into untieable metal knots in the name of youth. This not only seems very ignorant,
but it also shows that the author can t distinguish a unicorn filled world from reality.
To put it simply, individuals that fit... Show more content on ...
They look back on it as if it were all part of an exquisite memory. To illustrate, when
Robbins asserts, [...] laying the foundation for the understandings that have created
the new level of living I now enjoy , he is looking back on his teen years with
blended emotions filled with nostalgia, prosperity, and accomplishment. To put it
another way, the author believes that his past experiences shaped his contemporary
method of existence in which he gains pleasure from. Despite what he believes is
heavenly ways of thinking, Robbins is misguided by his
Essay about Comparing Billy Budd and Christ
Comparing Billy and Christ in Billy Budd
Herman Melville s Billy Budd provides us with a summation and conclusive
commentary on the ambiguities of moral righteousness and social necessity. The
conflict that arises pitting natural justice in opposition to military justice essentially
deliberates over whether the sacrifice of the individual is required for the continuum
and conservation of social order. The deep allegorical theme of the passion of Christ
that resides in Billy Budd illustrates Melville s adjudication on this issue. The
sacrifice of Billy Budd for the upholding of social order is an illusionary backdrop
to Christ offering up His life for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind. Melville
implements this theological staple ... Show more content on ...
Part of Billy s appeal to his shipmates was due to his unparalleled feats of strength
that had become canonized amongst them. Just as Jesus tales of miracle workings
and deeds helped to further His legend, Billy s prodigious exploits and physical
attributes in turn furthered his own: Tales of his prowess were recited. Ashore he
was the champion; afloat the spokesman; on every suitable occasion always
foremost (1486). The recantation of Billy manhandling Red Whiskers, who is
openly hostile towards Billy, and subsequent winning of his allegiance, can be
viewed as an allegorical tale of Jesus winning over the stubborn Simon Peter into
His congregation of Apostles. Billy, like Christ, is a symbol of peace and unites
the other sailors into a familial contingent: But Billy came; and it was like a
Catholic priest striking peace in an Irish shindy. Not that he preached to them or
said or did anything in particular; but a virtue went out of him, sugaring the sour
ones (1488). The familial aspect of the crew is alluded to in the description of Billy
not having any known relatives or family members: for Billy, as will shortly be seen,
his entire family was practically invested in himself (1490). This idea goes along with
Christian theology often invoking the image of the

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Anorexia Essay

  • 1. Anorexia Essay Writing an essay on the topic of anorexia is not just about putting words on paper; it's about delicately navigating through a complex web of emotions, statistics, and personal experiences. Addressing such a sensitive and multifaceted issue requires a deep understanding of the psychological, societal, and medical aspects surrounding it. Firstly, researching the topic demands sifting through a plethora of scientific studies, medical journals, and expert opinions to grasp the intricacies of anorexia nervosa – its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Then comes the challenge of incorporating this knowledge into a coherent narrative that educates and raises awareness without sensationalizing or trivializing the disorder. Furthermore, writing about anorexia necessitates empathy and sensitivity towards those who suffer from it. It's essential to approach the subject with compassion while avoiding stigmatization or oversimplification. Balancing facts with empathy is a tightrope walk, requiring careful language choices and thoughtful analysis. Additionally, crafting an essay on anorexia involves confronting uncomfortable truths about societal beauty standards, media influence, and the pressures individuals face to conform to unrealistic ideals. It requires challenging preconceived notions and offering nuanced perspectives that encourage critical thinking and empathy. Moreover, addressing such a complex topic may trigger emotional responses in both the writer and the reader. Handling these emotions while maintaining objectivity and clarity is another layer of difficulty in writing about anorexia. In conclusion, writing an essay on this topic demands more than just academic prowess; it requires empathy, sensitivity, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. It's a challenging endeavor that demands careful research, thoughtful reflection, and a commitment to fostering understanding and empathy. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Anorexia Essay Anorexia Essay
  • 2. Enso Cycle It is important to understand the various cycles our atmosphere goes through due to how they affect our daily lives. The ENSO Cycle has a large impact globally and locally in California as we have seen with the long term drought Southern California is currently in. The ENSO cycle can be defined by sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly in the Pacific Equatorial Area known as Nino 3.4 region (5oN 5oS, 120o 170oW). Unusually cooler waters ( .5 degrees centigrade) occurring for three consecutive months outlines a La NiГ±a. La NiГ±a s bring wetter weather to Australia and Indonesia but often leaves the Eastern Pacific dry. Unlike La NiГ±a s, unusually warm water (+.5 degrees centigrade above average) occurring for 3 consecutive month s outlines an
  • 3. Incredible Grace By Amazing Grace In today s society, one takes their childhood journey towards where they stand today. Amazing Grace demonstrates this to examine a child s perspective living in the neighborhoods of New York City that exist around them. Although, these families try to support their children, some families are in distress, since they have a low income status. However, they still can attain the important life skills, which will enhance and benefit them as they later develop. As a result, these apparent life skills may lead them in the right direction, despite how these difficult circumstances that truly affect them. Thus Kozol creates the overall image of children as innocent. Amazing Grace explores the innocence of children who are born in a society of... Show more content on ... On the other hand, in Amazing Grace, obtaining real jobs was not common. A personal experience is related from the story: A person who works in a real job at a place like Chemical Bank, she tells me, is a rare exception in the neighborhood. Almost no one here has jobs like that. Some are too sick. They live on SSI. (Kozol 14) Social Security is another form of income that a family can receive. Families use this as a solution in order to keep on living. The pursuit to land a quality job is not seen as an advanced option, considering the chances of getting such a job is highly unlikely. Instead, families must take one day at a time. Drugs also play a large factor. Children are always put at risk in the neighborhoods of New York City. Not to mention, drugs are heavily used: Crack cocaine addiction and the intravenous use of heroin, which children I have met here call the needle drug, are woven into the texture of existence in Mott Haven. Nearly 4,000 heroin injectors, many of whom are HIV infected, live here (Kozol 4). Drugs are a part of their culture and they cannot do anything about that. They will be surrounded by it, but do not understand why it is there. Drugs are dangerous and should not be seen by the eyes of children. Also, all children in this neighborhood an aware of people having AIDS, since many heroin users are HIV infected. HIV infection leading to AIDS has been a major cause of death and illness amongst children, teens,
  • 4. The Europeans Interpretation Of Civilization The arrival of Europeans in the New World introduced a way of life that was unfamiliar to the Native peoples. The Europeans interpretation of civilization was the opposite of the Indians. Europeans regarded themselves as the superior beings. In a document, a Micmac composed a scathing response to French criticism of Indian civilization. The Micmac testified, Though sayest of us also that we are the most miserable and most unhappy of all men, living without religion, without manners, without honour, without social order, and, in a word, without any rules [...] We consider ourselves nevertheless much happier than thou in this, that we are very content with the little we have, and believe also once for all, I pray, that though Armes 3 deceivest thyself greatly if though thinkst to persuade us that thy country is better than ours (Calloway 50 51). This was the general consensus of Europeans at that time, who believed that happiness was defined by power and materialistic goods. The Micmac speaker affirms that although they are void of luxuries, they rebuffed the notion that they were inferior. A Mowhawk named Joseph Brant scrutinized and rejected the colonists ways of living. In his reply, he quips, But for what are many of your prisoners confined? For debt! Astonishing! And will you ever call the Indian nations cruel? [...] Cease then, while these practices continue among you, to call yourself Christians, let you publish to the world your hypocrisy (Calloway 180).
  • 5. Harley Davidson History The first Harley Davidson bike rolled on to the scene as a race bike. William Harley completed his blueprint for the bike and explained that he wanted to design an engine to fit on a bike (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015). Its competition at the time was the Hendee s manufacturing company s 1.75 horsepower, single cylinder motorcycle. The first race was a test run, but the Harley Davidson officially entered into the racing scene in 1914, where the bike and the rider won every race. The nick name for the bike was given because of the victory lap the rider would take after every win (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015). After being dubbed the fastest and most winning bike in the country, the thrill seekers and men with a rough attitude started to take notice of the brand. The military even started to contract with the motorcycle company. The police force looked into the motorcycles for high speed chases, whereas the biker gangs would use them to get away from the law (Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., Bryce, D. 2015). Harley Davidsoncontrolled over 60% of the market and was the only company producing motorcycles at the time in the United Stated. But they got too comfortable and were unwilling to make a change. Then Honda came to the scene to make a splash. Honda Motor Company started in 1955 after World War II during a time where Japan was rebuilding their economy (Gardinar, 2015). They were able to disguise themselves from the other
  • 6. The Shroud Of Turin Analysis The Shroud of Turin is a centuries old linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have suffered from physical harm in a fashion resembling Roman crucifixion. This image, in accordance with the belief of millions, is the imprint of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. However, there is much indecision over its authenticity. Science has not yet come to a conclusion on the legitimacy of the Shroud. This paper will present the evidence for both the Shroud of Turins authenticity (that it was the burial cloth of Jesus), and the reasons for the belief for its possible forgery. The Shroud of Turin is currently preserved in an underground vault in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, within a climate controlled casket. The material measures 4.4meters by 1.9meters. Down the center of the ... Show more content on ... Frederick Zugibe examined the Shroud and how accurately the injuries matched the process of crucifixion. He looked at how the nails were driven through the hands and feet. The shroud shows a pool of blood near the one visible wrist and the feet looked punctured as if by one nail. Also, as the romans strike the nail into each hand, the nerve damage causes the thumb to twist inward and under the palms. A thorough examination of the shroud revealed exactly this. The thumbs were hidden underneath the palms, just as one would expect. The facial imprint wasn t symmetrical and showed signs of a beating. Blood flowing from small cuts that seeped into the material made by the crown of thorns accurately matched the trail the liquid would follow when the forehead muscles contract in pain. Lacerations covered the back and a pool of blood was identified in the upper side of the torso, with blood flowing down from that place. All these injuries were consistent with Jesus described execution. Zugibe stated that from the Forensic Pathology point of view, it is totally consistent with a crucified individual. I have no doubts at
  • 7. Personal Statement In Mechanical Engineering If you do not believe you can do it then you have no chance at all , as quoted by Arsene Wenger, one of the best sporting minds in the world. The above mentioned statement served as a fuel for me in my academic career so far. My academic career had many twists and turns, sometimes obstructing my way, but it actually blessed me in disguise that latter I self realized that one should be content with his /her performance, and accepted the blockades in a very challenging aspect and succeeded them by doing fairly well than what I presumed before. It will always serve as an inspiration for me and will lead as sole base to carry the expectations of mine and family. It is quite true that with proper nurturing of this curiosity one can transform a fascination into an excellent mechanical faculty, Mechanical Engineering is an intuitive science. The intuition ... Show more content on ... I am the leader in my class. I am an active member of organizing committee in College Events and Symposiums. The college and the department of Mechanical Engineering entrusted me with the job of handling the departmental student association and my creativity impressed one and all in the department. My technical contributions apart from the job of anchoring have received worthy commendations as well. I feel that getting educated in a country other than one s own is an education in itself. Living in such an environment with people having similar goals and aspirations is an enthralling experience in one s academic life and is of considerable importance in one s professional career. The erudite faculty that the institution boasts of and the much sought after infrastructure along with the academic ambience have allured me to pursue higher education in CANADA. My undergraduate experiences have fostered my dedication to research, and provided the necessary tools to pursue my goals. I would be related to have the opportunity to study in
  • 8. Human Spinal Deformities Using 3d Reconstruction Techniques Literature Survey on Human Spinal Deformities using 3D Reconstruction Techniques Introduction: Spine and its deformities: Scoliosis is a complex three dimensional (3 D) deformation of the trunk that requires orthopedic treatment in 5 out of 1000 persons [1]. It is described as a lateral deviation of the spine (Fig. 1), combined with asymmetric deformation and axial rotation of the vertebrae, deformation of the rib cage and possibly of the pelvis. The human spine is divided into cervical (7 vertebrae C1 C7), thoracic (12 vertebrae Tl T12), and lumbar (5 vertebrae L1 L5) sections above a fused sacrum (Fig. 2). While the spine normally has no lateral curvature, there are normal side view curves including lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and cervical lordosis. Scoliotic curves are considered thoracic when the apex lies between T2 and T11, thoracolumbar at T12 L1, and lumbar from L2 L5. Each vertebra consists of an anterior weight bearing vertebral body and posterior elements that protect the spinal cord and enable muscular and ligamentous attachments (Fig. 3). Particularly in severe scoliotic curves, asymmetric loads on the vertebrae encourage asymmetric growth of the vertebral elements, with one result being that despite a substantial underlying spinal curve the spinous processes may deform to produce a relatively straight line on the back surface. The spine, composed of vertebrae connected by fluid filled intervertebral discs, is a loose and
  • 9. Thesis Effects Of Compression And Violence In Ice Hockey Introduction I.Problem statement II.Scope of study III.Thesis statement Background of study I.Historical background II.Rules governing physical contact Effect of costumes and the sport setting on the aggressive behavior I.False security from the costumes II.The sport setting encourages violence Consequences of the aggression and violence I.physical consequences II.emotional and social consequences Effects of fans on the aggression in the sport Conclusion Introduction Sport is an integral part of the American society and culture. It is as important as other social institutions like family, religion and education. It is impossible to ignore sport as it extends into a multitude of social arenas, including the arts, mass media, the ... Show more content on ... The most common causes of the injuries are blows from the hockey sticks and collisions with other players. Head and facial injuries include concussions, contusions and lacerations to the face, eye and dental damage. Concussions result from being hit so hard that the player losses consciousness. Players experiencing symptoms of a concussion should not be allowed to play but be taken to a medical examiner. The other injury that players suffer is shoulder injuries. The shoulder in most cases separates from the joint or the collarbone breaks. These result from collision with other players or the ice. Elbow injuries also arise in Ice hockey due to constant contact resulting in a thick and scarred bursal tissue. Wrist injuries are another category of injuries suffered by hockey players as a result of playing with outstretched arms. Hockey players also suffer from back injuries because of the posture they adopt when skating. The risk associated with the above injuries varies based on the player s participation in the game, the equipment the player uses as well as the level of violence involved in the game. Players with pre existing injuries also tend to suffer more injuries with each game (Stuart,
  • 10. Hindenburg Disaster Changed The World Of Air Travel In The... The Hindenburg disaster of 1937 changed the world of air travel in the 30 s. From a world with airships commonly and widely used to them almost non existent. Airship travel was a fast and luxurious way to travel in the 30 s. Thousands of successful trips were made on airships without injury on a weekly basis. Commercial zeppelins had been around for about 30 years before this event. Back in the day the Hindenburg was the fasted way to travel across the Atlantic ocean. The Hindenburg consisted of a dining room, lounge, comfortable cabins, and a smoking room. 7 million cubic feet of nitrogen gas held the Hindenburg up but ironically and unfortunately it would also bring the large zeppelin down in a fireball mess. The reason the airship
  • 11. Shelby GT350 Advertisement Analysis We all drive; some of us tend to stand out more. Pure exhilaration, the Shelby GT350 is engineered for adrenaline pumping performance. Its 5.2L V8 with flat plane crank kicks out 526 hp and 429 lb. ft. of torque and is one of four Mustang engine choices all designed to overwhelm the senses with pulse raising torque and a legendary roar. So buckle in and put your hands on the wheel of a Mustang and you will feel one thing above everything else: pure exhilaration, it is ok to stare. We warn you. It is going to be a tough choice. Ford s took the time to design and produce effective visual aids. Ford used audio, video, and used photos. I think Ford did a great job on the advertisement for the Shelby GT350. The advertisement for shaving, the Schick
  • 12. Power Tends To Corrupt And Absolute Power Corrupts... Prologue Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely Lord Acton Episode 1 Fuck this Gregor, you know that s not me said Atlas pushing away the tablet, face with rage, indignation and sadness. Sorry Atlas, but you were fired Gregor looked tired, seeing his friend going through this has hard this came from above he had done everything he could. You know that it was Stuart Little shit fucked up, but the uncle is the manager of the building though filled with bitterness That little fucktard cursed under the breath. I know is not you, but there is nothing more that I can do his shoulders locked and with a frown in the face You are getting the full severance package, that means no debt and something to keep you going said picking the tablet Everyone knows it s not you , passing the tablet to Atlas It was quite hard to get this deal for you so take it hinting at the tablet with his eyes and a sorry smile. Atlas started reading the documents, the terms were bad but could been MUCH I need to be calm or won t be able to do anything When do I need to move out? asked Atlas resignedly unclenching his fist and shoulders. Tonight, the management don t want to spread this, that s why you are getting a deal worry and wonder appeared in his eyes thank god he is taking this with calm. No way, you know that the there is no outbound transport said shocked, dread started to fill
  • 13. Motivation Essay Describe, compare and contrast one process and one content theory of motivation. Evaluate how appropriate they are for organisations today. Motivation is the desire or willingness of someone to do something. Craig C. Pinder (1998) defined work motivation as a set of internal and external forces that initiate work related behaviour and determine its form, direction, intensity and duration. Motivation plays an important role in a business environment, as employee motivation is believed to improved work performance. Discussed in this essay are two types of motivation theories; Content theory which tries to identify specific needs that motivate people and Process theories which is based on developing models relating needs, motives and ... Show more content on ... Similarly, evidence from research highlight that there are negative ways in which workers can redress inequality; As seen in Organizational behaviour and Work, Wilson, Fiona M, (2010), it highlights the ways in which individuals act negatively towards inequity underpayment leads to lowered job performance (Prichard et al., 1972; Lord and Hohenfeld, 1979). Another form of reaction to underpayment is disruptive, deviant behaviour, such as vandalism and theft (Hollinger and Clark, 1983). Theft might be seen as a means to replenish feelings of underpayment inequity. The Hawthrone Studies conducted by Elton Mayo between 1924 and 1932, showed that employees are not just motivated by the money, outcomes, but their attitudes, needs as well. Initiating the human relations approach to management and the needs and motivation of employees was the primary concentre of managers. In short, both Maslow and Adams theories can be considered Equity theories of motivation. In some way, Equity Theory may seem more relatable to organisations today globally, as equity is part of the human rights laws, as compared to Maslow s theory. Maslow s theory is unmasked as ethnocentric by Geert Hofstede (1984), he stated, there are cultural limitations in the
  • 14. The Success Of Chung Ju-Yung s Story Chung Ju Yung was born on November 25, 1915, in North Korea. Chung Ju Yung is a guy who throughout his life he has tried to keep his mind focused on his career and he never gives up. Chung Ju Yung is an inspirer and loves to share his thoughts. No matter how hard life got to him he knew he never had to give up. Chung Ju Yung in his story has shown lessons to all the people in the world. Chung Ju Yung made progress in his company even as Japan took all necessary supplies. Chung Ju Yung showed me that no matter how much you fail you must keep getting up. Chung Ju Yung says If you try until the end with all your effort, a miracle would happen. This quote to me means that by trying my best will receive an award for my effort. The way Chung Ju Yung got a company by his own boss was impressive. Chung Ju Yung was such a hard worker and did his best on his daily basis. Chung Ju Yung s boss knew he was the right person because of his hard work. Chung Ju Yung was successful in his career and made progress with his company.... Show more content on ... Chung Ju Yung inspired me in my life because as he tells his story I can tell he never gave up. Chung Ju Yung was going to fail twice. One was because Japan took all metal materials which made his company hard to work on. Without his materials, their would be fewer cars to make. Even with this small problem, it changed everything but he decided to take a bigger step and try his best to keep producing. Chung Ju Yung decided to be president but couldn t do both presidential and take control of his company. Chung Ju Yung left the presidential and went back to his company and with that, he made two new cars. One a success and the other one wasn t but it was fine as long as he
  • 15. The Free Application For Federal Student Aid Introduction During week two, we were tasked to conduct a financial analysis of the Johnson family and assess their ability to independently fund the college educations of their three children. That analysis determined the two hundred dollars currently contributed monthly to each child s college fund since each child was born will not fully fund their educations, given their ages, current balances in each college fund and the annual inflation of college costs. Assuming their available cash flow will only support the current monthly college fund contributions, alternative methods and financial tools must be explored to mitigate the shortfall. The purpose of this paper will be to research other college funding alternatives which may... Show more content on ... However, it is equally important for other potential forms of financial aid as many states and colleges use your FAFSA data to determine your eligibility for state and school aid, and some private financial aid providers may use your FAFSA information to determine whether you qualify for their aid (Federal Student Aid, 2017, p.1). Federal Student Aid is a very large program providing more than $150 billion in federal grants, loans, and work study funds each year to more than 13 million students paying for college or career school (Federal Student Aid, 2017, p.1). Therefore, the student who is seeking financial aid to cover a portion of college costs needs to first and foremost complete a FAFSA application as it is the basis for Federal Student Aid but is also the data source for other forms of student financial aid. FAFSA applications consider the assets of the parents and the student in determining the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and will normally expect a higher percentage of contribution from student assets vice a lower percentage from the parents (Mannaioni Greer 2016). For determining family or student assets to be assessed against potential financial aid, FAFSA places emphasis on family or student adjusted gross income as other assets such as retirement accounts, cash value life insurance, home equity and small business assets are excluded when calculating the EFC. Institutional Methodology, on the other
  • 16. Reflection On Dance I am very glad that I was able to take dance composition this quarter. From the first few classes, I knew that this class would be what I looked forward to most. Reflecting back, there were so many times when I would run up to my friends at home after class and tell them about the mind blowing things that happened in composition that day. What ensued during class time was always a fun and exciting dinner conversation topic. The first assignment of free writing then crossing everything out was a refreshing start to the quarter. The act of trashing what I just put effort into was a feeling I do not think I have experienced before that moment. It made me reflect about attachment, even to things that were very insignificant, considering what I free wrote about was very unimportant. Detaching myself from my choreographyis one of the big ideas that I am taking away from this class. What makes what I created so important? Making movement looking forward, I will always think back to this and will try my best to be open to discarding things more easily. One of my favorite classes was the slow motion walk day. I did not know what to expect at all. I thoughtI would be bored and not have a good time at all. The opposite happened, even before the whole protester debacle, it was so entertaining to experience everyday life at that pace. I hope that I will have the time over break to do this activity again. I want everyone I know to experience the feeling of slow motion, so
  • 17. Vacation Bible School I grew up in the St. Louis suburb of Eureka, where I still live today. If you ever look at me and wonder where that scar on my forehead came from, well it happened when I was roughly 12 months old when I fell out of a moving car. My parents raised me as a Methodist at the Eureka United Methodist Church. During my years attending Geggie Elementary School, every Sunday my parents would force me to get out of bed and go to Church with them. During church, all the children would go to Sunday school while the parents were listening to the sermon. In Sunday school, we had a teacher, sometimes my mom, who would give out fun church related activities. However, I did not enjoy doing that mostly because it involved getting out of bed early and since I did not like the subject matter either, but at that age, children do not fully grasp the importance of attending church and... Show more content on ... Here I interacted with similarly aged Christians and did learning activities together with instructors. As I got older, when I attended LaSalle Springs Middle School, I began to participate in Vacation Bible School as a teacher and would give out activities for the younger children to do. Shortly after, I went through conformation to officially become a member of the Church. During this time, I was also baptized because I wasn t at birth. After middle school, I attended Eureka High School. In my early high school years my family, including myself, became disconnected from the church because we got busier with academics and sports, which left less time for Church. However, I did go on mission trips with the church, one to Virginia Beach in Virginia and the other to Joplin in Missouri. In Virginia Beach, we helped fix up a nursing home and interacted with less fortunate children. In Joplin, we helped to rebuild homes due to the devastating
  • 18. Dukkha In Buddhist Philosophy Dukkha in Buddhist Philosophy Buddhism the founder is the Buddha, when he was the prince saw 4 dukkhas are an old man, patient, dead person and monk make he thought that everyone s life was in the same condition, nobody can avoid it. Meaning of suffering is the thing make you becoming stressful and conflict to happiness or clinging to the element that building up to be your body, clinging to what your mind build up, and clinging to your own mind itself, and eventually your mind misunderstand what it s clinging to is your own mind or belong to your own mind Kinds of suffering can divide into 2 types, first is physical suffering, it means suffering can be seen on your body such as pain, hungry, sickness, old age, dead and other is mental suffering, it means suffering in your mood or emotion that you ... Show more content on ... But in the way of Buddhism is not considered. Nothing is us and nothing is ours, and the last is impermanence (anicca) means everything in the world can changes all the time, such as from child to adult, from complete to incomplete. Causes of suffering is from insatiable and attachment to things, can divide 3 type first is Kama tanha, it means the desire to acquire, to catch or touch what they love to see the body, hear the smell, second is Bhava tanha, it means craving I want to be something that is not happening to them, such as wanting to be a rich man and the last is Vibhava tanha, craving for non existence such as do not want to meet bully. The path leading to the extinction of suffering is the way to do, this is to be free from suffering by living in a canon(Sila) to bring meditation(Samadhi) and
  • 19. Ideas In Buffy The Vampire Slayer Language is fundamental when it comes to building relationships and putting ideas into action. Buffy the Vampire Slayer features several themes that are difficult to notice immediately because of how well integrated they are into the plot of the show. In one specific episode called Hush , the people in the fictional town of Sunnydale have their voices taken away by demons who are called the Gentlemen. The main characters are then forced to find new ways to communicate with each other to defeat the demons and get their voices back. The episode exemplifies the notion that pressure allows people to think critically and take initiative on their ideas. When they failed to communicate, they moved even further away from their main goal. A common theme in the episode Hush is the way in which communicationbetween pairs of characters is... Show more content on ... In the episode, Tara and Willow are positioned to form a strong bond through their mutual interest in magic. When they attended the Wicca group meeting, they realized that the girls were not interested in real magic. Once Tara attempted to express how she felt, she was automatically intimidated by the others and decided to stay silent. Willow, however, does get to bring up real magic, but she is quickly ignored once they determine that her idea was particularly crazy. After these instances, the Wicca group went right back to conversing about the bake sale they were planning to have; just another meaningless fundraiser completely unrelated to magic. Later on in the story when Tara and Willow get the chance to express their ideas ironically when they lose their voices they are able to move a refrigerator with the powers that they have developed. The girls were then able to save themselves from the Gentlemen due to their ability to genuinely communicate with each
  • 20. Murasaki s Treatment Of Women In The Tale Of Genji The Heian period lasted from 794, when the capital of Japan was moved from Nara to Heian kyЕЌ, to 1185, when Minamoto Yoritomo took power. This time is known for the culture of the aristocracy, which placed a great deal of importance on aesthetic refinement. The importance of Chinese during this time should also be noted. Chinese was the language of government, philosophy, and educated men. It was considered improper for women to learn and use. In addition, while a man was expected to study poetry in Chinese and compose it in Chinese and Japanese, fiction was considered beneath them. Because of this, early prose fiction in Japanese was a matter mainly for women. The Tale of Genji is the world s oldest novel. It was written in Japan during the early 11th century, the peak of the Heian Period, by a woman known as Murasaki Shikibu. I say known as because her real name is unknown. Murasaki comes from the heroine of The Tale of Genji and Shikibu from her father s position, Shikibu meaning Bureau of Ceremonial. Her father was Fujiwara no Tametoko, at one time governor of Harima, Echizen, and Echigo. When exactly The Tale of Genji was written is not known. The novel was at least partly written by 1007 or 1008 ... Show more content on ... First, the poetry. Second, how the style of the story reminded me of a fairytale. Both of these makes sense in the context of the time in which it was written. Nearly 800 poems appear in The Tale of Genji. The style used is known as uta, tanka, or waka. These poems have 5 sections with syllable counts of 5 7 5 7 7 and are not supposed to rhyme. In the Heian period poetry was an essential part of court life, both for communication and status. Poetry was viewed as one of the greatest arts. Poetry also allowed one to communicate without some of the restrictions of the hierarchy. A well formed poem was worthy of respect even from one considered inferior. Poems were also exchanged during
  • 21. Essay on Shakespeare s The Merchant of Venice The Rivals Love triangles are complicated and messy scenarios that are caused by the indecision of the person in the middle or the inability of the others to move on. The same is seen in The Merchant of Venice, in which Antonio and Portia fight for Bassanio. Throughout the play we see many bonds or connections between both Antonio and Bassanio as well as Portiaand Bassanio. To many, the main plot may seem to be the conflict between Antonio and Shylock, when in reality it s the love that Antonio and Portia have for Bassanio that leads to everything. The main plot is moved forward by the bonds the two have with Bassanio and the rivalry they have with each other. Nearly everything that happens in the play has to do with their fight for... Show more content on ... Antonio s first quote in the play brings attention to his sadness: In sooth I know not why I am so sad. It wearies me, you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, What stuff tis made of, whereof it is born, I am to learn and such a want wit sadness makes of me That I have much ado to know myself (1.1.1 7). Portia mentions her fatigue of everything around her, at which point Bassanio is not around her: By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world (1.2.1 2). This shows that Bassanio means just as much to both, they are both sad because of Bassanio. Antonio is sad that he will lose Bassanio, while Portia is sad that she may not even get him if another man chooses the right casket before him. As Hyman says in The Rival Lovers in the Merchant of Venice, it may not necessarily be homoerotic love that is driving Antonio to fight for Bassanio, it may just be that he feels rejected by his friend who he did so much for. Antonio may be speaking the truth that he does not know why he is sad. Although he knows that he should be happy that his friend is getting a wife, he is not ready for someone else to take his place as the most important person in Bassanio s life (Hyman 3). The two try to one best one another in their attempt to get Bassanio. Antonio tries to win Bassanio first by offering him his money and then by bonding
  • 22. Taste Of One Book The first books now called scrolls were created as chronicles to document events which occurred in history. As time passed by the ideology of books has changed from chronicles to stories or significal events that occurred in history this has then altered until the books had a literary purpose of provoking reader s emotions. Taste of one is the crucial factor of creating a certain perception of the book, but this is often biased because a taste isn t allowed to be created. The discussion of a book depends on various factors such as the author of the book, the sequel of the book or a literary critics review of the book. Book discussion plays a major role in creating a general consensus throughout an audience, however concepts vary because each... Show more content on ... But, taste is misleading because it is affected by a large amounts of factors with the two crucial being the author of the book and also the review written a literary critic. Both of these can be rid of, but unfortunately both of these factors alter the readers view of the book even before he begins to read the book he is being forced the idea of what he can expect from the book, but this is not good because the taste sensor of the reader is redirected into and indecisive and emotionless direction because he may view the correct theory behind the story, however his brain does not comply with the reasoning and perceptions of
  • 23. Why Is Louis Xiv Important In The 1600s From 1500 1700, there were multiple European monarchs that were beneficial to their country, but there were also many other monarchs that were detrimental to their country. During this time period, certain European countries also had their own governmental issues, whereas other countries were thriving. Throughout the 1600 s, numerous European leaders were fighting internal and external wars, having social and economic problems, and losing faith in their people. On the other hand, some leaders were also providing support for their people and creating a strong government. There are several European monarchs who were beneficial and detrimental, but five key people control the discussion. King James I of England, Peter I of Russia, Louis XIV of France, Pierre Patel, and Queen Elizabeth I of England are all royals who had a substantial influence over their countries. In the early 1600 s, King James I was the monarch of England. He was a member of the Stuart dynasty, and the ... Show more content on ... During the 1690 s, France was experiencing social and economic problems, and Louis XIV was the cause of them. In 1694, an anonymous source reported that Louis XIV had consumed half the wealth and vitality of France on costly wars, and now France was a vast hospital, desolate and without provisions (Document H). From the author s perspective as a French citizen, the conditions in France were deplorable and most of it was Louis XIV s fault. The author s background as an anonymous citizen allowed them to tell the honest truth because they wanted to inform their monarch of the conditions in their country. In 1694, an anonymous source informed Louis XIV that the cultivation of the earth in France is almost abandoned, the towns and the countryside are depopulated; all the industry languishes and no longer supports the workers. (Document H). Overall, the author was trying to explain the situation of France to Louis XIV from a citizens
  • 24. Why Money Can t Buy Happiness And Hustvedt s My Mother Happiness False Promises The articles for the week, Shermer s Why Money Can t Buy Happiness and Hustvedt s My Mother, offer perspectives on happiness informed by theories of evolutionary psychology. Shermer and Hustvedt examine what it means to be happy and how our brains can fool us into believing we enjoy something when we actually don t. These readings come at a crucial pinnacle in the semester for me when introspection is often ignored. While other classes seem to be on the downward slope to finals, I feel I haven t quite summited this writing course. There is obviously a purpose to the flood of open ended reflections and fast paced deadlines between articles. If the goal has to been to break a writer down, then it has undoubtedly been achieved. Instead of the demands of the class sharpening my pen and fine tuning my words, I m starting to see my words as a jumbled mess of incoherent thoughts. My papers have become an alphabet soup I try to arrange to convey my thoughts and link the themes I see. But the more I write, the less letters there are to choose from. I ve desperately wanted to learn how to improve my writing, but the more I learn the more I realize the affliction I have with the process entirely. The two chapters this week have revealed less about the process of good writing for me, but more on my own affliction with writing and its affects on my aspirational career as a social scientist. Shermer s Why Money Can t Buy Happiness shows that emotions are
  • 25. An Controversial Control Methods For Malaria Many animals kill countless numbers of humans every second, minutes, and hours. The mosquito is among those predators, and it causes the most morbidity and mortality among humans compared to any other animal or insect. Mosquitoes are notoriously known for causing malaria worldwide. Malaria is a disabling illness which can result in mobility and mortality. People infected with the disease become weak over a period of time. This reduces their productivity level; thus it makes simple activities of daily living difficulty to accomplish. Some of the common symptoms of malariaresemble those of the flu. Malaria is an extreme health burden in low and middle income countries especially African countries. Moreover, the disease is mostly prevalent in sub Saharan African countries, among pregnant women and children age 5 and younger. Over the years, scientists have discovered and developed several methods to control the spread of malaria. One of the most controversial control methods for malaria is DDT. DDT is short for dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; this method come in the form of a pesticide or insecticide. It is used to kill pest and insects specifically mosquitoes. DDT is used in indoor spraying for control of vectors of malaria and visceral leishmaniasis (Van den Berg, 2009). Scientists have realized that the pesticide could be effective at preventive malaria by reducing the amount of mosquitoes in the environment. Despite this, concerns about the effectiveness and safety of
  • 26. Animal Testing Informative Speech Outline Introduction A.Did you know that many of the medicine, products or makeup that we use in our everyday life all have one similarity? B.Most of the products that we use are initially tested on other living beings to see if they are safe before they are humans are allowed to use them. This is commonly known as animal testing/experimentation. C.This issue is something we should all know about. We are in some way connected to this issue. After researching about this topic and how the animals are treated, I think that experimentation on animals is something should not be allowed to happen as it is cruel and causes pain and suffering in living creatures D.To be well qualified to talk about this topic, I have done some research on the topic ... Show more content on ... But also, since the beginning of animal experimentations about a century ago, there have been a large number of medical advancements. According to Simon Festing, the animal research has helped us understand the biology of both humans and animals and also lead us to the discovery of cures and treatments of diseases. (570) Some examples of treatments are anesthesia, blood transfusions, penicillin, medicine for asthma, hypertension, and leukemia, vaccines against polio, measles and meningitis. We now know more about animal testing... C.Finally, let us move on to the ways this issue can be solved, as in the alternatives and what we can do to put an end to it. 1.There are many alternatives to animal testing, these methods are not only cheaper and faster but also effective in predicting human health. In some cases, animal tests are not even effective, since their biology is completely different from ours, so it doesn t make sense to keep using them. But replacing animal experiments for these methods may take a long time to happen. 2.According to Bernard N. (1): a.Choosing previously tested ingredients to create new products, does not require the need for testing on
  • 27. Summary Of The Documentary The Silk Road-The Glories Of... The documentary The Silk Road The Glories of Ancient Chang an demonstrates the enormous wealth of China during the Tang dynasty and how the Silk Road connected many parts of the world. The Silk Road began in the capital city of Chang an, present day Xi an, which was the center of exchange between the East and the West. The Silk Road initially began with the emperor, Qin Shihuangdi, who started to build on the idea to build The Great Wall, which would protect Chinafrom nomadic warriors from the North, and demonstrate the power of his reign. The Chinese desire for Western horses was the basis for the beginning of the Silk Road, because their Chinese horses were slower. Inside city walls were markets in Tang dynasty China. The Western market... Show more content on ... Nothing influenced China as much as another religion along the Silk Road as much as Buddhism, which is still practiced there today. The Silk Road extended through many lands and sea routes giving many places goods such as silk, spices, teas, and porcelain from China, ivory, textiles, stones, and pepper from India, and gold, glassware, carpets, and jewels from the Roman Empire. This documentary ties into the textbook, Ways of the World, since in the textbook, it explains the reign of Qin Shihuangdi and his accomplishments as a powerful ruler because of his contribution to the building of The Great Wall, and the discovery of his Terracotta soldiers. Another example is when the documentary mentions the motive for the beginning of the Silk Road, and in the textbook, it explains that the Silk Road began with the Chinese desire for better horses. Lastly, this documentary ties into the textbook because it said that many religions were brought along the Silk Road, and in the textbook, it explains that Buddhism was the most influential religion, and that other religions were created with blended aspects of Confucianism and
  • 28. China s Lost Girls Analysis As a result of China s cultural preference for boys and its one child policy, girls are abandoned and even killed, which has led to a gender imbalance. China s Lost Girls is a documentary about the international adoption of abandoned Chinese girls to American families. Approximately 40,000 Ethiopian women annually have an obstetric fistula. A Walk to Beautiful is a documentary about the impact of obstetric fistula on four Ethiopian women. The social problems in both films are cultural and specifically affect women. However, their solutions are different. The social problems in China s Lost Girls and A Walk To Beautiful are acknowledged however, China s gender imbalance and obstetric fistula are the results of different cultural views.
  • 29. The Importance Of Relational Meetings A relational meeting is arguably one of the most important parts of a social change organization. Unlike casual conversations, a relational meeting allows the organizer to connect with others on a personal level in order to objectively assess the organization and see how it can better serve others. In addition, relational meetings help the organizer understand negative feelings in the community and come up with ways to combat them. A day is not complete without a relational meetingat Homeboy Industries. Father Greg meets one on one with youth involved with his organization to discuss various, personal topics. In order to keep working towards change, Father Greg must stay updated on problems and feelings in the community. Meeting with the youth
  • 30. Cause, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Mood Disorders Essay FRP 1 Running Head: Activity 36 Psy 7700 Psychopharmacology Activity 36: Final Research Paper David L. Alexander California Southern University College of Behavioral Sciences FRP 2 I decided to choose mood disorders as their appears to be a genetic pre disposition in my family history to it. There have also been members of my wife s family who have exhibited mood disorders. I therefore chose this class to attempt a comprehensive review of the use and impact of psychopharmacological agents as part of the treatment regimen for their symptoms. Causes of Mood Disorders According to (NIMH) the National Institute of Mental Health (2009), the causes of mood disorders at this time are not completely understood.... Show more content on ... The Surgeon General (3009) report also gives cause for concern in that it states that as many as 5 to 15 percent of all treated cases of mood disorders may be due to unknown physiological or medical causes, and often go unrecognized until after standard therapies have failed. Diagnosing Mood Disorders The diagnostic criteria established in the (DSM IV TR) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision: DSM IV TR, (2000), or the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (2007), represents the bench mark by which mental health care professionals in the United States diagnose mood disorders. The evaluation of an individual with a suspected mood disorder should ideally begin with a comprehensive examination by a physician. As medical conditions and side effects of medications must be ruled out as potential causes of symptoms. The medical examination should then be followed by an evaluation with a mental health professional. The evaluation by the mental health professional should include a complete history of symptoms, including when they started, how long they have lasted and how severe they are. It should also note whether the individual has experienced these symptoms before and, if so, whether and how they were treated. The
  • 31. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Commercial Bank Loans The second source of short term financing is commercial bank loan which is one of the primary sources of short term financing, especially for small businesses (Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo Jarrad Harford, 2015). Commercial bank loans always being used by most firms as it is the simplest and most common source of short term finance. Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo Jarrad Harford (2015) added in their book Fundamentals of Corporate Finance that bank loans are typically initiated with a promissory note which is a written statement that indicates the amount of the loan, the payment is due and the interest rate. This note have a similarity as trade credit which has the payment s due but, commercial bank loans does not have a discount. Hence, commercial... Show more content on ... Commercial paper is sure quick rather than bank loan which is slow in processing the additional funds that a firm s need and cost effective way of raising working capital. Furthermore, they are cheaper than a bank loan while it is unsecured and thus does not creates any liens on assets of the company. Plus, the liquidity is high enough for a big company issuing commercial paper to fill in gaps in their cash flow and it provides the exit option to the investors to quit the investment as it is for a short term financing. Thus, a short term financing likely to have high risk and have high in return. Meanwhile, the advantages are it reduce credit limits with banks and reduce reliability due to its strict oversight. Next, it is only available only to a few selected blue chip and profitable companies. Blue chip company can be described as a company that has a price of more than RM 1.00 per unit which is higher than penny chip company who has a price lower than RM 1.00 per unit. Lastly, there is a possibility that the company will stop rolling over the commercial paper program and new debt instruments might not be available in the
  • 32. Research Proposal On Hydroelectric Generator Science Fair Proposal Edward Montanez Everman Joe C.Bean High School Abstract A hydroelectric generator is a machine that uses mechanical energy to generate electricity, the hydroelectricity comes from a large volumes of falling water to create the mechanical energy. I will be constructing my own hydroelectric generator in order to show it is possible to create electricity using large volumes of water, enough power to light a light bulb. Background Making Electricity and Hydroelectric Generators Electricity is the flow of electrons through a metal wire, or through a conductor. Electrons are tiny particles found in atoms, and is also one of the building blocks of all matter. Electrons carry tiny negative charges, when they move through a conductor they produce a little invisible magnetic force. The strength depends on how in motion the electrons are. Pushing the electrons a little closer and tighter can cause a stronger field. When electrons produce a magnet force, you can use a magnet to make the electrons mover which is how an hydroelectric generator works. A hydroelectric generator is a machine that uses mechanical energy to generate electricity, the hydroelectricity comes from a large volumes of falling water to create the mechanical energy. For more than 100 years the simplest way to produce the volumes of falling water needed to make electricity was to use dams to create electricity. But sometimes dams
  • 33. List of the Top Foodcart Franchising Business in the... List of the Top Foodcart Franchising Businesses in the Philippines 1. 3 in 1 Snack Store Franchise 2. 3M Pizza Pie Franchise 3. Adobo Rice Atbp. Foodcart Franchise 4. Advice for New Owners of Food Cart Business 5. Aldrino s Bibingka Espesyal Franchise 6. All U Need Food Station 7. Amazing Cones Pizza in a Cone Franchise 8. Anak ng Siopao Franchise 9. Apordabols Pusit Atbp Franchise 10. Arabian Nights Shawarma Franchise 11. Aseas House of Burger Franchise 12. Authentic Japanese Corn Franchise 13. Ayskrim Haus Franchise 14. Babba Habba Shawarma Franchise 15. Bake amp; Churn Cart Franchise 16. Baliwag Lechon Manok Franchise 17. Balls ng Bayan Foodcart Franchise 18. Balot Foodcart... Show more content on ... Happy Waffle Foodcart Franchise 110. Happy Haus Donuts Franchise 111. Hecky s Lechon Foodcart Franchise 112. Hero Sausages Franchise 113. HK Noodle Store Franchise 114. HK Noodles 115. Holy Kettle Corn Franchise 116. Hong Kong Style Noodles amp; Dimsum Franchise 117. Hong Kong Style Noodles Foodcart Franchise 118. Hongkong Fried Noodles Franchise 119. Hongkong Noodle Factory Franchise 120. Hotcake Foodcart Franchise 121. House of Dimsum Franchise 122. House of Panini Franchise 123. House of Siomai Express Franchise 124. I Love Sysig Foodcart Franchise 125. Ice Scramble 126. Ice Scramble Fooodcart Concept 127. Ice Scramble Icy Pink Foodcart Franchise 128. Iking s Specialties Franchise 129. Impressca Salad2Go Franchise 130. Ishie s Shakes amp; Waffle Franchise 131. It s Tea Time Foodcart Franchise 132. Itlog on Stick Franchise 133. Jack s Eatabols Foodcart Franchise 134. Japanese Cakes Franchise 135. JC Takoyaki Foodcart Franchise 136. Jolliant Rice Meals Foodcart Franchise 137. Jones Brothers Pizza Co. Foodcart Franchise 138. Joshawarma Foodcart Franchise 139. Judea Frozen Blends Franchise 140. Juicee Fruity Franchise 141. Just Poppin Popcorn Franchise 142. Kasagingan Franchise 143. KeRRimO Food and Drink Franchise 144. Ketchup amp; Mayo Franchise 145. King Kebab Foodcart Franchise 146. Koo Koo Haus Franchise 147. Kuya s
  • 34. How Nordstrom s Company Establish A Competitive Advantage... History Nordstrom was co founded in 1901 by John W. Nordstrom and his partner Carl Wallin. At age 16, John W of Sweden left his home and moved to Alaska where he struck gold. During his time in Alaska, John met Carl Wallin, who owned a shoe repair shop in downtown Seattle. A partnership was formed between the two and they opened the shoe store Wallin Nordstrom. The company s philosophy was based on exceptional customer service, selection, quality and value. This focus helped the company establish a competitive advantage in the shoe market. The company was very successful and they opened a second store in 1923. In 1928, John retired and sold his share of the company to his sons Everett and Elmer. Carl Wallin retired a year later and sold ... Show more content on ... The company s profits were growing and there was increases in market share. Nordstrom marketing plan was effective but there was still room to grow. The company needed to change its marketing strategy and further its market penetration to remain successful. Beginning to take action in 1973, the company opened the first Nordstrom Rack. This store was a clearance store for full line store merchandise. The higher prices in the regular store targeted the upper segment of society, while the Rack allowed Nordstrom to orient itself to a completely new customer base. By 1975, the company had expanded into Alaska then California markets three years later. The company opened its first store on the East Coast in 1988 in Virginia. The new millennium offered the company several new partnerships. The company owned Faconnable, an upscale European apparel collection for men and women from 2000 to 2007. In 2011, the company acquired Hautelook, which helped the company enter the online private sale market. Nordstrom was the first major U.S. retailer to sell the British fashion brands Topshop and Topman, Which they acquired in 2012. Today, the company operates 304 stores in 38 states, 116 being full line stores in the United States and two in Canada, 178 Nordstrom Racks, two Jeffrey boutiques and one clearance store. Customer can reach Nordstrom via online through,, and
  • 35. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade And Great Awakening Personal Reflections Journal 2: The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and Great Awakening Today, many American s are very prideful of being part of a Country that not only portrays, but also truly offer an abundance of opportunities for education, careers, housing, for many immigrants jobs, and most importantly Freedom. Currently the American motto is that there are no impossibilities, work hard to achieve highest potential and failure is not a negative innuendo, but a mark of the imprints of success. Nevertheless, as one researches and studies American history the stroll down memory lane is sad and disappointing. Use The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Database website ( /search)1 take a stroll into the past during 1607 1808 the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade slaves took the place of what we call today America s industry workforce. Unfortunately, during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade the slaves did not have a choice, mistreated and stripped of their rights and dignity, dehumanized, and all for the purpose of commercialism competitiveness and industrial prosperity. As shown on the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Database, during 1607 1808, the total number of slaves embarked on voyages to the Mainland North America was 360,999; however, these slaves experienced the highest form of cruelty and uncaring treatment... Show more content on ... The way industrial leaders treated slaves (workers) gives little to admire and if this were to happen today, would
  • 36. The Significance Of Being Earnest, By Oscar Wilde According to Barbara Tuchman, satire is a wrapping of exaggeration around a core of society. Satire exposes the absurdity embedded in society through exaggerated extremes of social norms. Satire is the hyperbolic expressions of absurdity, which provides clarity through sarcasm and offensive exaggerations to project a society s ethics. In Oscar Wilde s play, The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde exposes the absurdity of Victorian aristocratic social propriety. Wilde utilizes numerous ironic puns and sarcasm in order to satirize Victorian social responsibilities concerned with marriage, social masking, and education. Wilde s play explores the notion of social responsibility within aristocratic life via the character s dialogue on... Show more content on ... Lady Bracknell s interest in Jack s money and reputation is similar to real aristocratic interest. Also, marriages in Victorian society are dictated by the parents choice in spouse. When Gwendolen tells her mother that she is engaged to Jack, Lady Bracknell is taken aback by the information and sternly states, Pardon me, you are not engaged to anyone. When you do become engaged to one, I, or your father, ... will inform you of the fact (Wilde 7). Through Lady Bracknell s opposition to Gwendolen s engagement, Wilde is able to show the audience how Victorian elite marriages are arranged so both families are mutually benefitted by each other s wealth and status. Parents of wealthy families chose their children s spouse according to the spouses prestige and wealth in order to increment or sustain their own monetary funds and influence within society. Marriages in Victorian society are used a majority of the time as business propositions for selfish aristocratic reasons, not to celebrate two lover s unification. Furthermore, Wilde exposes the duplicity of Victorian social life through the neologism bunbury and the name Ernest to attack aristocratic social responsibility and exhibit the importance of titles within the society. Social masking is used by the wealthy to allow themselves to be dismissed of social responsibility momentarily. When Jack and Algernon were engaged in the conversation regarding marriage, Algernon introduces Wilde s neologism bunbury .
  • 37. An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge Essay In the short story, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, by the Realist author, Ambrose Bierce, claimed to prefer the representative rather than the extraordinary a face of life that is generally untrue. For example, the details throughout the story sight proved that the author had witnessed the situation and had his story to truthfully tell, He was a captain. A sentinel at each end of the bridge stood with his rifle in the position known as support, that is to say, vertical in front of the left shoulder, the hammer resting on the forearm, thrown straight across the chest a formal and unnatural position, enforcing an erect carriage of the body (457) He did not express his opinion on the topic itself, but only explained the situation specifically... Show more content on ... From this state, he was awakened ages later it seemed to him by the pain of a sharp pressure upon his throat [...] (458) In a hypocritical way, Realist authors got the reader s hopes up by insisting on one circumstance while foreshadowing the character s death through an unconscious state as if he had already passed. Realism indicated an acknowledgment of facts instead of assumptions and took advantage of this time to show accurate descriptions of American history. In The Ledge, by Lawrence sargent Hall, he claimed that Naturalism was expressed through his use of detached style of narration, accuracy of detail, and individuals being controlled by society. If the story were from a personal perspective, situations throughout it would be perceived in a different and more biased way, Is it time to shoot now? asked his nephew. Pretty soon, he said. As if he were putting off making good on a promise. Not yet. His own boy cried softly for a brief moment, like a man, his face averted in an effort neither to give or show pain. Before school starts, the fisherman said, wonderfully detached, we ll go to town and I ll buy you boys anything you want. With great difficulty, in a dull tone as
  • 38. April 21 Quotes Aries, March 21 to April 19: Be positive in all situations so that you ll look back with no regrets. Taurus, April 20 to May 20: When times are rough and people start to lose faith, what they need is a leader. Someone like you. So put on a determined face and step out into the world and persist. Let them follow. Gemini, May 21 to June 20: Make someone s day today. Make them smile or make them laugh. Cancer, June 21 to July 22: You may be frustrated, but all you need is some quiet time to clear your head. Then you ll be fine and ready to get back out there. Leo, July 23 to August 22: You ve been taking the same route for a while. It s time to shake things up and change your daily routine. Be spontaneous. Virgo, August 23 to Sept. 22: Your point of view has become clouded and biased. Find someone wise whom you trust and ask their opinion on the matter at hand.... Show more content on ... 23 to October 22: You ve given so much, it s time to relax and let the others give back. Just sit back and enjoy the ride for a while. Scorpio, October 23 to Nov. 21: You may be eager for an upcoming event but remember, with patience, everything will only turn out better. Sagittarius, Nov. 22 to Dec. 21: If people are having doubts, loyalty will always show them that you are still dependable. Capricorn, Dec. 22 to January 19: Teamwork is the answer. Don t be afraid to ask for someone s help. It could benefit you in the end. Aquarius, January 20 to Feb. 18: You ve had this fear for some time but it s time to get over it. Turn the page and start a new chapter in your life. Pisces, Feb. 19 to March 20: It might not seem like the answer at the time, but honesty always works out for the better in the
  • 39. Ethics of Nanotechnology Essay Ethics of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is actually a fairly new idea. This may not seem like any big deal in terms of ethics, but just like any type of scientific advancement there are positives and negatives. Of course the ethical issues don t stem out of just the fact that this is a new kind of science. It branches off of what will this new scientific technology be used for? For example, Embryonic Stem Cell research. It s not the research that s bad it s how they get the cells. There are half a dozen, maybe more, different places to get the same type of cells without taking the life of that unborn child. The term, Nanotechnology, was first introduced back in the mid 1970 s by a Japanese researcher named Norio Taniguchi to ... Show more content on ... Of the $700 million in funding that the National Nanotechnology Institute (NNI) received in 2003, less than $500,000 was spent on the study of how Nanotechnology could affect the environment. But typical to today s culture the immediate payback doesn t come from risk studies, as it does from how we can potentially cure diseases. When in the long run a little robot just might be able to cause a disease. Just as much as the public wants to know the risks the scientists working on the project have even more to lose from a fear of the unknown (Colvin). Along with these risks will come an entire set of ethical dilemmas. So how can we set rules so that free lance researchers or government scientists don t do something that the whole world might regret? One of the first guidelines which was set by the Foresight Institute, founded by Drexler, and supported by the non profit organization Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) is Nanotechnology s highest and best use should be to create a world of abundance where no one is lacking for their basic needs. Those needs include adequate food, safe water, a clean environment, housing, medical care, education, public safety, fair labor, unrestricted travel, artistic expression and freedom from fear and oppression (Ethics of Nanotechnology). If we know just a little about the life of Christ he once said that there would always be problems like this in the world, hunger, poor, oppressed ,
  • 40. Acme Essay Recommending a Low Cost Customer Service Employee Daily Assignment Schedule University of Maryland University College Executive Summary Acme De Mexico s Manager has requested assistance in developing a minimum cost daily assignment schedule for the customer service employees in their newly built store. Specifically, he wants to know the minimum total cost per day, which is the decision variable. He also wants to know the exact amount of part time and full time employees which will determine the total cost. The objective function is to minimize costs. Acme specified a minimum number of employees required for each shift, a maximum number of employees per shift, specific shifts for full time and part time workers, and a... Show more content on ... See cells A5 21 through cells C5 21. Part time employees are paid $500 (Pesos) per day, and full time employees are paid $1100 per day. Another constraint is the hours worked by part time employees cannot exceed 50% of the total hours worked per day (total hours = part time+full time). This is displayed in cell F36. Excel solver was used to solve the decision variable (E33), which is set as the objective. Cells D5 though D21 are the number and type of employees per hour, and are variable. The goal is to determine the minimum total cost per day. This is our decision variable, and is found in cell E33 of Attachment 1. The constraints mentioned above are input into solver. The first line shows the total number of part time employees must be less than or equal to 50% to the total labor hours each day. The second line ensures that the changing values are integers. We do not want half an employee to show up for his or her shift. The third line constraint ensures that the number of employees per shift does not exceed 30. Lastly, the fourth line constraint took into account the minimum employees per shift as specified by Acme. Our objective function is to minimize Acme s the total employee cost per day. The total employee cost per day was calculated by multiplying the number of fulltime workers per day (E8) by the salary per day (C31). This total is reflected in cell C33. The same was done for part time workers: (E21)*(D31)=(D33). These two
  • 41. Falsehood Of Failures Robbins Analysis The Falsehoods of Failures Youth is both a lie and the embodiment of evil; although it is only a mere five letters, it violently moves the hearts of humans. For some, it gives off feelings of nostalgia while for others it draws out dark hatred. Specifically, those that constantly celebrate their teenage years are lying to themselves and to those around them. To those same individuals, secrets, lies, sins, and failures are naught but seeds of spice in their youth. The mid 20th century author Robbins declares that his youth (past faults and irritations) has helped him to become a creative thinker in the modern world; however, he and many other s principles are deceit. Those that praise youth interpret everything in their natural habitat as an assertion of their beliefs within this youth mold. For instance, Robbins is a victim to the plague of youth when he states, I ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation[...] . In other words, Robbins explains failure is vital into evolving as an individual; however, he is twisting all rationality into untieable metal knots in the name of youth. This not only seems very ignorant, but it also shows that the author can t distinguish a unicorn filled world from reality. To put it simply, individuals that fit... Show more content on ... They look back on it as if it were all part of an exquisite memory. To illustrate, when Robbins asserts, [...] laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy , he is looking back on his teen years with blended emotions filled with nostalgia, prosperity, and accomplishment. To put it another way, the author believes that his past experiences shaped his contemporary method of existence in which he gains pleasure from. Despite what he believes is heavenly ways of thinking, Robbins is misguided by his
  • 42. Essay about Comparing Billy Budd and Christ Comparing Billy and Christ in Billy Budd Herman Melville s Billy Budd provides us with a summation and conclusive commentary on the ambiguities of moral righteousness and social necessity. The conflict that arises pitting natural justice in opposition to military justice essentially deliberates over whether the sacrifice of the individual is required for the continuum and conservation of social order. The deep allegorical theme of the passion of Christ that resides in Billy Budd illustrates Melville s adjudication on this issue. The sacrifice of Billy Budd for the upholding of social order is an illusionary backdrop to Christ offering up His life for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind. Melville implements this theological staple ... Show more content on ... Part of Billy s appeal to his shipmates was due to his unparalleled feats of strength that had become canonized amongst them. Just as Jesus tales of miracle workings and deeds helped to further His legend, Billy s prodigious exploits and physical attributes in turn furthered his own: Tales of his prowess were recited. Ashore he was the champion; afloat the spokesman; on every suitable occasion always foremost (1486). The recantation of Billy manhandling Red Whiskers, who is openly hostile towards Billy, and subsequent winning of his allegiance, can be viewed as an allegorical tale of Jesus winning over the stubborn Simon Peter into His congregation of Apostles. Billy, like Christ, is a symbol of peace and unites the other sailors into a familial contingent: But Billy came; and it was like a Catholic priest striking peace in an Irish shindy. Not that he preached to them or said or did anything in particular; but a virtue went out of him, sugaring the sour ones (1488). The familial aspect of the crew is alluded to in the description of Billy not having any known relatives or family members: for Billy, as will shortly be seen, his entire family was practically invested in himself (1490). This idea goes along with Christian theology often invoking the image of the