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Ap Biology Enzyme Essay Rubric
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Ap Biology Enzyme Essay Rubric Ap Biology Enzyme Essay Rubric
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Search Engine...
Many webmasters believe that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the only way to receive more
traffic and do business online. There has been so much buzz around the term SEO, it is hard to
believe that there is any other, perhaps faster, route to online success. While SEO deals with an
important aspect i.e. improving the customer experience with relevant high quality content, clean
layout, and intuitive navigation, there are other things such as Search Engine Marketing (SEM),
Pay per click (PPC) marketing, Cost per thousand (CPM) etc. that webmasters can consider to
attract more visitors to their websites.
These marketing strategies can maximise the impact they receive out of the SEO efforts, since they
will be able to retain the customer ... Show more content on ...
They can also step in to guide the advertiser to select the right keywords and perfect the landing
pages for their PPC campaigns.
Cost Per Mille (CPM)
Cost per mille (CPM) impression is a way of measuring the amount of money that an advertising
company has to pay to a publisher per thousand views of their ads. The M in CPM denotes 1,000
in Roman numeral terms since mille stands for one thousand in Italian, French, and latin. It is one
of the most common methods of pricing ads on the internet. CPM is calculated by dividing the cost
of an ad placement by the number of expressions (in thousands) it generates.
Click through Rate (CTR) plays an important role in CPM campaigns since it denotes the number
of visitors that clicked on the advertisement and visited the advertiser s landing page out of the
thousand that viewed the advertisement.
The importance of creating great advertisements to grab the attention of customers cannot be
denied for the success of a CPM campaigns. If only a few visitors actually click on the
advertisement, the advertiser may not be able to justify the expenses incurred for CPM advertising.
Another important thing is to have the right landing page design to make sure that the visitor does
not leave the website without doing what the advertiser wants him do i.e. make a purchase, sign up
to a newsletter,
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The Importance Of Imagination
Patricia A. McKillip is quoted as saying, Imagination is the golden eyed monster that never sleeps.
It must be fed; it cannot be ignored. And, as children people believed in monsters that lurked in the
dim shadows of our bedrooms or hid beneath their bed; monsters that only existed in our
imaginations. As adults, the monsters no longer lurk, ready to pounce from darkness, but are their
imaginations running rampant. When faced with danger, the mindspirals down two different paths
prompted by fear. There is the path of reason. It is an analytical process taking into account of all
the known knowledge and present situation in a logical view. And then, there is imagination,
fantasies crafted by the mind. Imagination is prone to being unrealistic but is strongly influenced
by our emotions. Once the golden eyed imagination monster emerges from fear, it cannot be
ignored as stated in the quote. Imagination becomes vivid in its scenarios, producing the worst of
images, and the mind can do nothing but listen to the monster because it fears the worst over
what is realistic. Imagination overcomes reason when the mind fears its own fantasies to an
extent of overlooking reason. Imagination s strength in fear can be seen in the life and death
situation of the Sailors of Essex in Karen Thompson Walker s TedTalk, Roderick s debilitating fear
of the future in Edgar Allen Poe s Fallen House of Usher, and real life situations where the mind
believes in the unlikely death scenarios
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Cognitive Development According to Piaget Essay
Cognitive Development According to Piaget
Works Cited Missing
Cognitive development is defined as gradual orderly changes by which mental processes become
more complex and sophisticated, or the scientific study of how human beings develop in certain
orderly stages as they get older. The actual study of cognition refers to the process of knowing; it
is the study of all mental activities related to acquiring, storing, and using knowledge (Microsoft,
2001, p.3). How we as humans develop cognitively has been thoroughly observed and researched
by Jean Piaget. He was a cognitivist: he believed that our environment stimulates us to learn on our
own (make our own intelligence).
Piaget was a Swiss psychologist who had a major impact ... Show more content on
Within the Sensory Stage, there are six sub stages. The first sub stage is from birth to one month,
known as the reflex stage. When something enters their hand or touches their feet, they attempt to
grasp it. Also, when something is placed on their lips, they try to suck on the object thinking it is
food. Next is from one to four months, primary circular reaction. Now children begin to follow
objects with their eyes, they have some coordinated movements (everything they hold, they put in
their mouth), and they start repeated motions (kicking). Next is from four to six months, secondary
circular reaction. This is when children start to coordinate their eyes with their hands, they now
have foresight, and they start to act for results (behavior = attention). They start to experiment; they
connect events in the places they occur ( bath in the bathtub, changing on the changing table). Also
in this stage they develop object permanence. The fourth sub stage is from six to twelve months,
known as the coordination of secondary schema. They now have deliberate plans of exploration
(know where they want to go and what they want to do when they get there). They can also play
simple games, like taking objects out of a box and putting them back in. The next sub stage is from
twelve to eighteen months and is called the tertiary circular reaction stage. Children LOVE
experimentation in this stage. They begin to walk and get into everything. Also in this stage
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Lance Armstrong Essay
Whoosh! was the sound of the wind blowing into his face as he raced through the mountain s
monstrous decent. As he raced through the Pyrenees, he thought about everything that had
occurred in the past couple of years of his life. He felt his heart pounding as he pedaled through
the dirt and rocks. Cycling is a tough sport that only certain athletes can endure. The long and
painful climbs up a 2,000 foot hill are not the easiest things to do, but certain athletes have done
well enough to call themselves champions of the sport. Lance Armstrong has succeeded so many
times in this strenuous sport, that he has earned his title as the greatest cyclist. Lance was born on
September 18, 1971 in a tiny suburb of Dallas, Texas called Oak Cliff.... Show more content on ...
In 1990, he was invited to train with the junior U.S National team in Colorado Springs and then to
travel to Moscow for his first big international race. When Lance turned seventeen, he received a
call from the manager of the U.S National Cycling Team, Chris Charmichael, who invited Lance
to go to Europe; it was then that his career as a professional cyclist began. By 1996, Lance became
the world s top ranked cyclist winning ten titles in every race from San SebastiГЎn to the Tour Du
Pont. At his best, Lance was on his way towards success in the Tour de France, when he received
some distressing news; he had cancer. I thought I knew what fear was, until I heard the words You
have cancer. (73). On October 2, 1996, Lance Armstrong received terrible news which stated that he
had right testicular cancer or cancer in his right testicle. After being told about his cancer, Lance
was immediately on the phone, phoning those whom cared for and loved him. He started first
with his mother, then his teammate Kevin all the way to his attorney Bill Stapleton. In the first
24 hours since he was diagnosed, Lance did everything he could to obtain knowledge on the
disease that he possessed. His tests had shown that he had stage three, testicular cancer and his
chances of survival were very slim. Even though his chances were slim, Lance never gave up
hope. With the support of his mother, Lance was sure that he would be fine. He even told himself I
had to keep movingВ… (87),
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The Early Modern Era Between The 1500s And The 1800s
The timespan between the 1500s and the 1800s is commonly regarded as the Early Modern Era
of European history. This period directly follows the Middle Ages and ends around the time of the
French Revolution, which thereafter the modern period seemingly begins. This specific era
consists of profound and significant developments in Europe s economic history and here we can
see the beginnings of capitalism. This early modern periodexperienced important technological
advances, the Protestant Reformationand the decline of the Church, the formation of banking
systems and savings, nation state building, mercantilism and the beginnings of industrialization.
The economic ideas that emerged during this period are markedly different and some times at odds
with those that prevailed just right before during the Middle Ages. The early 1500 s began with a
burst of economic activity, which is largely credited to the important technological advances that
occurred in Europe during this time, which then led to relatively rapid economic, social and
political changes throughout Europe.
The period preceding the Early Modern Era, the Middle Ages, reflects a society that is much
different to the world we see today. The Middle Ages can be characterized as a decentralized
society where the Church held great influence in both politics, economics and the society as a
whole. The economy placed much greater emphasis on agriculture, with Feudalism as the prevailing
system of society. What came with
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The History of Restaurants
THE RESTAURANT It was not until the 19th century that the term Restaurant was derived. Prior to
this time, these establishment was referred to as a number of different terms such as, eating house ,
restorator , just to name a few. restaurants
america These establishments were defined as being a place where one can order a meal in
exchange for money. As the world began to grow in population, the amount of restaurants began to
grow as well in different areas of the country.
Think back to how the guest restaurant experience was from beginning to end 15 years ago. The
backbone of the business was based on handwritten books from the reservation book to the
accounting books of the business. Upon entering the restaurant, a waiter would check the
handwritten reservation book, that had the party name, party number, and a contact number, and
also the table layout to decide which table is available. After which, the guests are seated and
presented with a paper menu which list the food items available at that particular establishment.
Majority of the time, the menu was displayed in a list form without any pictures, only a
description of the item. When guests were ready to order, typically, the waiter will pull out a
notepad and pen to scribe each guest s order and specifications. While the party waits for their food,
guests are required to entertain themselves. At some restaurants, children are given crayons and an
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Social Movement And The Industrial Revolution
There have been several social movements in history that have impacted the world. Groups of
people have come together and tried their hardest to make a difference in unresolved problems
and issues. It is hard to make a difference as an individual trying to change something big, it
becomes easier when you find people who have the same beliefs as you and will fight for it
along your side. This is social change, and normally comes about through collective behavior and
social movements. Social change is a significant change in behaviors and cultural values and
norms. For example significant changes that have occurred in the past are the abolition of slavery,
the changes put into action after 9/11, the feminist movement, and the industrial revolution. As I
mentioned early social change occurs through both collective behavior and social movements.
Collective behavior is a voluntary activity that many people take part in to change norms and
values of the people around them. Collective behavior can be seen in many different ways. For
example, there can be crowds, masses, panics, mobs, riots, fads, public opinion and fashion. An
example of this would be when Cooper Tire in Findlay Ohio went on strike in order to get a new
contract with better medical benefits. The workers walked off one morning and stood outside of the
factory. Social Movementis an organized group that works together to promote or resist change
through action. There are many different types of social
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The Effect of Stress on Health
The Effect of Stress on Health
Stress is a common phenomenon that affects people in some way (Barringer Orbuch, 2013).
However, the level of stress varies from mild to acute stress. Research has shown concrete evidence
on the impact of stress on physical and emotional health of humans. This works explore the
contribution of stress on health status.
Related Research
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this study is to highlight the depth to which stress affects physical and emotional
health of an individual.
Specific Research Methods
Although there are numerous research methods, this research focuses on qualitative research
approach. This research is limited to research work done within the last seven years. All documents
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Excessive release of this chemical leads to sleeplessness that affects normal human cycle. This
contributes immensely to regular and sustained burnouts due to sleep deprivation (Seib, Whiteside,
Humphrey, Lee, Thomas, Chopin, ... Anderson, 2014). Additionally, catecholamines affect the
frontal region of the brain, which is instrumental in short term and long term memories (King,
Lloyd Holewa, 2008). This leads to poor memory and retention capacity. Acute stress tends to have a
long term mental health impact that affects multiple regions.
The second response mechanism towards stress is by the heart, circulatory system and the lungs
(Seib et al., 2014; Wells, 2013). Uncontrolled release of metabolic signals leads to poor digestion
and absorption of bear. As the concentration of bear increases, the heart beat increases to try and
distribute the concentration of bear to other parts of the body, which leads to an increase in blood
pressure (Seib et al., 2014; Wells, 2013). To country oxygen demand, the breathing system
suddenly increases as the lungs take in as much oxygen as they possibly can to satisfy its shortage
in the blood stream (Wells, 2013). On the other hand, the spleen increases discharge of white and
red blood cells to ensure that more blood cells are available to transport excess oxygen throughout
the circulatory system. Research has
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Aseptic Technique And Culturing Bacteria
Aseptic Technique and Culturing Microbes(1) experiment was followed as stated in the lab manual
from Clinical Microbiology Class C 453. Aseptic technique was initiated at the beginning of each
experiment. Starting by cleansing the work surface with disinfected wipes to prevent cross
contamination each time. Utilizing the gloves and personal protective equipment assisted in
maintaining a pure culture during the series of experiments. The first step, was to grow the yeast
and bacteria cultures. The materials used for the Aseptic Technique Experiment(1) were: test tube
rack, 5 mL nutrient broth tubes, pipettes, a lit tea light, Fleischmen s rapid yeast pack, E. Coli
tablet and the S. epidermidis tablet. Started by activating the yeast, by placing the content of
Fleischmen s yeast bag in a disposable cup. Then added approximately 60 mL of warm tap water
into the disposable cup. To assist in mixing the two items, I carefully swirled the cup. Once the
mixture was combined, it then was left alone for around 10 minutes or until it was frothy. Each
nutrient broth tube was labeled with the correct name of the microorganism that was cultured in
that tube and dated. The S. epidermidis was selected first, to be cultured. Taking one of the 5mL
nutrient broth tube in one hand, the pipette in other hand. The cap was removed with the same
hand that had the pipette. Utilizing a lit tea light, like a bunsen burner, I flamed the mouth of the
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Miguel Hidalgo And Allende
By 1811, Miguel Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende were left with no moves against the Spanish army.
The Mexican army had won victories at Guanajuato and Monte de las Cruces but were still being
chased around Mexico by the royalist army. Occupying the city of Guadalajara, Hidalgo and
Allende would hold their ground at the Calderon Bridge. Hidalgos army had grown to some
80,000 thanks to the Grito de Dolores. Even though some of the better trained and armed soldiers
had defected, most fighters were poor peasants and Indians armed with machetes, axes, knives and
clubs. Most couldn t even communicate with one another because they spoke different languages,
yet they still defeated the better trained royalist army. Hidalgo and Allende made a good team...
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By 1813, the Spanish had organized a response to the Mexican army. A general by the name of
Felix Calleja, who defeated Hidalgo at the Battle of Calderon Bridge planned an aggressive
strategy to defeating the rebellion. Calleja conquered the north before turning to Morelos and the
south and in December 1813, the insurgents lost a battle at Valladolid and were forced to put on
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The National Building Museum ( NBM )
The National Building Museum (NBM) was founded in 1980 without a collection. The museum
currently has about 250,000 objects, primarily photographs and architectural drawings all housed in
7,000 square feet of on site storage. The NBM s primary collecting focus is everything related to
buildings, but the structures themselves. They document the process of building with their
collection of architectural plans, photographs, architectural models, and tools. The NBM do not
actively collect artifacts, but are frequently offered objects through private donations. Even with
their impressive collection almost everything currently on view is on loan. There are differences
between what is considered textbook best practices and the work that... Show more content on ...
Currently, the NBM is in the process of creating a collecting plan to strengthen their collections as
well as turn away items not fitting within the scope of the plan. Many museums in the past
collected without regard to the future which creates havoc on contemporary museum
administrators, so the implementation of a collecting plan is considered best practice. Moreover,
when the NBM is offered items there is a quarterly collections committee who deliberate on the
decision. The committee includes curators, registrars, directors, and preparators. Once the objects
are approved the registrar initiate the accession process. Furthermore, all of these procedures are
outlined in their collections management policy and are updated regularly as is considered
standard. In keeping with best practices at the NBM, the staff facilitates discussions and
conversations with other departments in order to solve any issues that arise. Typically, more
established museums have stories of found in collection and gift restricted objects. However, the
NBM showcases how it can happen to any age institution. For example, a box was found in the
collections and while the objects were accessioned and in the database, the location of the boxes
were unknown until that time. Although it was not technically a found in collection object as the
museum did have a deed of gift, it was a similar instance that registrars do not want happening
regularly. Although this case is usual, according to best
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Archetypes In Chronicles Of Narnia
In the fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia written by C.S. Lewis, a critically acclaimed
author and beloved by fans, there are many common archetypes. An archetype is a role played
by a character in movies, plays, books, etcetera like heroes and villains. The Magician s Nephew
takes place in the summer of 1900 London. It all starts when Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer
meet. Together they have to deal with a selfish, greedy Uncle, a witch that tried to kill Digory s
aunt, and much more. Along the way they meet a lion who created a universe by his sing, this
happened thanks to a magic ring. One of the most important characterQueen Jadis plays the part of
the evil villain, while Digory defeats her by being an utmost hero. Every story needs
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Ludwig Wittgenstein s Word Games
It is a common tendency for philosophers to invent their own vernacular, usually giving new
connotations and definitions to terms we find ordinary. An instance of this is Heidegger s Dasein .
He takes two very common German words: Da , meaning there and sein , meaning to be , but
Dasein has the heavy connotation of not only physically existing there, but being present in a
multitude of ways (Heidegger, 1927). Another example is from Foucault expanding the word
government not simply in the common notion of managing a country, but further to the ability to
govern one s self or one s family through discipline or common ground (Foucault, 1979)
Denoting particular connotations onto existing words enables philosophers to give voice to
meanings that would be trying or even impossible to say, but the redefining of words can also bring
confusion to the reader. As Lois Shawver points out in his article Postmodernizing the Unconscious,
if one, as the reader, gives into the assumption that the language is used in the usual way, then the
philosopher s words will appear to be outlandish and enigmatic (Shawver, 1998).
This begs the question: how does the reader then know if the writer is using an ordinary term or
their newly defined meaning of that same term? In order to make this distinction and to understand
of the redefined and coined terms, one must read with an intentional awareness of the terms.
Wittgenstein understands this difficulty and aids his readers
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Example Of Leading By Example
Lead by Example: Fact or Fiction My family is really important to me. This is because they are
always helping me with my life. They help me decide what to do. The main person that leads me
by example is my sister Sara. She is always helping me up and down. Although, we fight, we
make up. Two other people that lead me by example are my mom and dad. They always tell me
that you have to do whatever you put your mind to. Leading by example is a big priority in my
life because what you do can affect other people in many different ways. But everyone is a leader
if they try their best. People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. Lewis
Cass. Any body can lead by example, it is simple if you try your best. Leaders are right in front
of you. Parents, and teachers. They try and lead you onto the right path. When you grow up with
your parents and teachers leading you to the right path. That will guide you to help other people
on the right path. An article by Brent Gleeson said that there are seven ways to lead by example,
but I am only going to name two of the seven. The first one is to get your hands dirty. By doing
this you can learn to build... Show more content on ...
What is the example we want to be setting? They say that if you can t answer that question then
you can t lead by example because you don t know what that example is supposed to be. I
personally think that it has happened to me before. I don t know what example to set so
therefore I can t lead by example. But put this to mind, you have to try your best if you want to
lead or become a leader. If you want empowerment, think of this, you have to make decisions
based on the highest good. You have to be proactive by asking what you can do the help or
improve in a situation. If you want something you have to shoot for it. Everybody has dreams.
Achieve your dreams by completing them your
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Death Penalty In Texas
The death penalty is the punishment of execution. The death penalty was authorized by 32 states,
the Federal Government, and the U.S. Military. Throughout the years, the method of the death
penalty has changed. Not only has the way it is performed been altered, but also the way our
presidential candidates view the death penalty. For example, when George Bush was governor of
Texas in the 1990s, he approved executions. He sent some to death who might have been
innocent. Death sentences in Texas have dropped nearly 80% since 1999. In 1977, Oklahoma
became the first state to adopt lethal injection as a form of execution. Lethal injection is the
primary method used. On December 2, 1982, Charles Brooks became the first person executed
by lethal injection in Texas. Besides the deadly injection, the electric chair nicknamed Old
Sparky, was also an execution method. Texas, along with Louisiana, Ohio, and Illinois used the
electric chair. The electric chair was in use from 1924 until 1964. Old Sparky was said to have
taken 361 prisoners life s (TexasTribune).... Show more content on ...
history. During his administration he has executed 279 people (TCADP). Donald Trump is not
only a conservative, but big supporter of the death penalty. After two police officers were shot and
killed, Donald Trump said, The death penalty. It should be brought back and it should be brought
back strong. Now these two people are just gunned down by these two thugs, and I will say thugs,
and they should get the death penalty absolutely. Donald has also said, 100% of the people
executed will never commit another crime. Observing these two quotes, Donald Trump s view on
the death penalty can be seen as very strong (Donald
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The Impact Of Agricultural Innovation On Farm...
Technology has helped farming for the positive by: increasing yield productivity, using GPS
tracking to decrease human error, and using drones to create maps. Now how is technology able
to do all these things you may ask, it s simple. According to the website Pressroom , A new report
by the International Food Policy Research Institute measures the impacts of agricultural
innovation on farm productivity, prices, hunger, and trade flows as we approach 2050 and
identifies practices which could significantly benefit developing nations ( Agricultural
Technologies Could Increase Global Crop Yields as Much as 67 Percent and Cut Food Prices
Nearly in Half by 2050 , 2014, p. 1). Another website states the following on drones by ... Show
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Now what happens if you can t buy the best available seed treatments in technology? No problem.
According to the website Beale (2015) it states, If farmers can be helped to obtain simple
technologies, income can rise, and they can accumulate bank balances and collateral (p. 1). As
shown, you don t need all the high expensive technology to make a profit, all you need is
something simple in technology to change your yield productivity for the better. For many years
farmers have dealt with problems during plantations season whether it be droughts, insects, or other
issues, but what if technology could help you with that? GM traits, such as insect and herbicide
tolerance, help to increase yields by protecting the yield that would otherwise be lost due to insects
or weeds (Do GM crops increase Yield?, 2012, p.1). Thanks to recent help by technology, farmers
have been able to reduce this problem by using genetically modifying crops, allowing them to
increase their yields dramatically for the better. If it wasn t for all these extraordinary
technological help that there is today in the world of farming, it wouldn t be as easy or efficient
for farmers, thus not allowing farming to be where it is today.
GPS Decreasing Human Error Thanks to technology in farming, GPS helps the productivity of a
farm, helps stop human errors, and helps fields. The technology in GPS can help a lot in farming,
according to Virginia Tech University farming expert, Tim Mize, who states, With
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The Prestige Analysis
The Prestige Analysis
The Prestige is a film adaptation of the Christopher Priest novel bearing the same name. The story
is set in the turn of the century London about two stage magicians, their rivalry, and their obsession
to be the best with the artistry and secrecy of illusion. The analysis of The Prestige will examine
several aspects of the film including plot, character development, use of sound, use of photography,
set design, lighting, and role of the collaborators. Each of these areas is important to create the
emotion, suspense, and energy for a successful and entertaining film.
The Plot
The filmmakers introduce a man who designs the equipment to pull off the illusions. The magic of
a successful illusion consists of three ... Show more content on ...
Other key characters include Mr. Cutter, Sarah Borden, and Olivia Wenscombe. Mr. Cutter, the
engineer that designs the mechanical devices used for the illusions, tells the story leading up to
the death of Mr. Angier and Mr. Borden. Sarah Borden, Alfred Borden s wife, displays confusion
over the on again, off again love received by Mr. Borden. Throughout the film, she expresses this
confusion by telling Alfred, Today, it s true, or Today, you don t mean it (Nolan, Ryder, and
Thomas). She believes on some days, his love of magic is greater than his love for her. Olivia
Wenscombe, Mr. Angier s assistant and later Mr. Borden s mistress, represented a woman who
loved the attention of the stage. Her outgoing personality embodied through her clothing and her
The Use of Sound
Even though the film is essentially a visual experience, the use of sound has become extremely
important in modern film. The modern viewer hears a complicated soundtrack that is as
meaningful as the image on the screen. Three elements comprise the film s soundtrack: the
dialogue, the sound effects, and the musical score. The proper balance and mix of these elements
produced the essential emphasis required, which created the desired effects. As explained by
Joseph Boggs and Dennis Petrie,
Because we are more consciously aware of what we see than what we hear, we generally accept the
soundtrack without much thought, responding intuitively to the
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Why Is John Brown Unjustified
John Brown s actions were modern day terrorist acts with the Pottawatomie Creek Massacre and
raid on Harpers Ferry being unjustified, concluding that John Brown is a terrorist and not a freedom
May 24th and 25th John Brown and others murdered five pro slavery settlers. 1859 John Brown
lead a slave revolt into a United States military arsenal at Harpers Ferry. These actions are attacking
innocent people.
His purposes to the attacks were unjustified, just unreasonable, ridiculous. It was no doubt for a
good reason but his thinking and purposes were ridiculous. The Pottawatomie Creek Massacre
was all because he was mad about the Sacking of Lawrence. The reason he attacked Harpers Ferry
is because he wanted control of the United
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B-Complex Vitamin Group Lab Report
The B complex vitamin group is made up of a family of eight vitamins: thiamine (vitamin B1),
riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pyroxidine
(vitamin B6), folate (folic acid, vitamin B9), cobalamin
(vitamin B12), biotin and pantothenic acid (vitamin
B5). Although each of these has its own independent function, they work in synergy in many
different ways in the body, acting as co enzymes to help the body obtain energy from food, for
example, or supporting red blood cell formation.
This vital group of nutrients are water soluble, meaning that they dissolve in water. This results in
poor storage in the body and therefore a need to obtain a regular supply from our diet or
supplement. The water soluble status of B vitamins also means that they are easily destroyed or
washed out during food storage or preparation. Proper storage and preparation of food can minimise
vitamin loss so you should always refrigerate fresh produce, keep milk and grains away from strong
light, and use cooking water from vegetables to prepare soups.
Here is a closer look at each one....
THIAMIN (vitamin B1)
WHAT DOES IT DO? This useful vitamin helps to release energy from food, promotes muscle
function (especially in the heart), red blood cell and amino acid production, looks after the
maintenance of the nervous system and supports digestion.
WHERE IS IT FOUND? In whole grains, oats, red meat, seafood, nuts, pulses and yeast.
WHAT IF WE DON T GET ENOUGH? A deficiency in beneficial bacteria can reduce the body s
own production of B vitamins, while medication and alcohol consumption can both increase the
demand and excretion of thiamin. Thiamin is easily lost through food processing.
In the second part of a new series looking at key vitamins and minerals, nutritional therapist
Henrietta Norton explores the importance of the B vitamin group
RIBOFLAVIN (vitamin B2)
WHAT DOES IT DO? Like thiamin, this helps to release energy from food, but it also supports
mucus membranes (including those in the eye), assists in neurological health, promotes skin and
hair strength (as it acts as an antioxidant) and supports the immune system and the production of
WHERE IS IT FOUND? In wholegrains, eggs, dairy
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Dupont Model Analysis
DuPont Model Analysis: Assignment 1
DuPont Model Analysis: Assignment 1
University of Maryland University College
September 23, 2009
The DuPont Method is a financial method that was first introduced by the DuPont Company in the
1970 s (Brooks, Callahan Stetz, 2007). It is used to highlight how a company s finances affect its
return on investment. This assignment uses the DuPont Method to analyze the finances of Dick s
Sporting Goods Company. In addition, the results of the analysis are compared to imaginary
industry standards. Based on the comparison, recommendations will be provided to ensure that
Dick s Sporting ... Show more content on ...
Operating Expense Ratio the company is not maintaining a high percentage of profit after it pays
fixed asset type expenses 5. Net profit, plant equipment ratio the company is not effectively utilizing
their depreciating fixed assets. The chart below outlines, in accordance to the DuPont Method, the
problem areas and their connectivity to the other areas in the financial model.
Chart 1: DuPont Model of Dick s Sporting Goods Please note that the areas in red are the problem
areas. The arrows show how each area impacts other areas.
The table below lists the ratios of Dick s Sporting Goods and their standing compared to industry
Table 1: Comparison chart
It is recommended that Dick s Sporting Goods execute one critical problem resolution process to
regain their competitive edge in the industry. Working from the bottom up, the company should
replace the failing fixed assets. New or well maintained fixed assets would increase productivity
and result in reduced downtime and costly repairs. In addition, the net profit, plant equipment ratio,
gross profit margin and operating expense ratio would all increase to at or above industry
standards. The direct result of their effort would be seen in the increase net profit margin. Funding
for the hardware replacement refresh should be provided
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Alternative Fuels Essay
UPS s alternative fuels fleet is in response to growing trends in government and environmental
policies along with scientific discoveries in clean energy. The government launched a National
Clean Fleets Partnership aimed at helping businesses incorporate vehicles that run on alternate
fuels. The public private partnership began a collaboration between the U.S. Department of
Energy and businesses such as UPS s. Over the years UPS s has tried different options to achieve
cost savings by using fuel efficient alternative vehicles dating back to the 1930 s. The first
alternative vehicle they started using was electric cars to deliver packages in New York City. These
electric cars could only reach 20 mph which was ideal in New York City,
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With the 2004 discovery of a massive shale gas fields in the Marcellus Shale region of the United
States this has caused the price of liquefied natural gas to drop in price making it a competitive
choice to diesel. This information is giving UPS more options to alternative fuels at a price that the
company can afford and still make a profit. UPS continues to test and gather information on
alternative fuels that would be best for their business and the environment. It is important for
businesses such as UPS to stay on top of changes in the external environment so they can make the
best decisions for the business. Without the discovery of the shale gas fields UPS would not have
the options that they currently do. The business needs to continue to stay up to date with external
environment information to know which alternative fuel technologies will become central over
time. UPS will continue testing new technologies in order to determine which energy source will
have the greatest benefit to the business. Sustainability is economic development that generates
wealth and meets the needs of the current population while preserving society and the environment
for the needs of future generations. UPS purchased 48 liquified natural gas engine tractor trailers in
2011, by the
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Second Great Awakening Capitalism Analysis
As seen throughout the semester, the debates surrounding capitalism and its role in society are
extensive and transcends generations. By virtue of the nature of debates, two broad positions on
capitalism evolved in North American Protestantism one position defends capitalism while the
other protests capitalism. The defense of capitalism developed in the 19th century. Being one of the
many authors to do so, Charles Sellers attributes the development of capitalism to the Market and
Industrial Revolution (Sellers, 21). Consequently, the Second Great Awakening increased religious
awareness and significance in the daily lives of Americans (Sellers, 202). Sellers argues it was only
through religion that Americans could cope with the stresses of... Show more content on ...
28). He describes wealth as a ...blessing to mankind, (Gladden, 8). Gladden s perspective of
causality dissents from Weber and Sellers; he believes that, effect invariably produced by
Christianity upon an uncivilized people receiving it is to multiply the wealth of that people,
(Gladden, 5). He argues, Protestantism, and ultimately Christianity, cause people to desire material
goods (Class notes, Feb. 28). Thus, Christianity cannot be against capitalism without contradicting
itself (Gladden, 8). Gladden s evidence for his argument stems from the Bible. Gladden contends
that there are statements in the Old Testament in which ...the possession and the increase of wealth
are adduced as proofs of the favor of God, (Gladded, 6). Wherefore, the New Testament
supplements this argument by clarifying that is expected for men to accumulate wealth and
possessions, but also God admonishes people valuing material goods over spiritual good, but not
material wealth itself (Gladden,6). That is, people are meant to value spiritual well being over
material goods, but also remember they are commanded to be fruitful on earth and thus produce and
amass wealth (Gladden, 7). Finally, Gladden realizes capitalism is not the problem; the problem is
the unequal distribution of wealth (Class Notes, Feb. 28). He says, No possible system will remove
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Sensors And Instrumentation
An Introduction to Sensors and Instrumentation
Chapter 1 Introduction to Sensors and Transducers
Instrumentation is defined as the art and science of measurement and control which is considered
as working with instruments used to measure, record, and control process variables (for examples,
fluid level and flow, temperature, and pressure). Control and measurement systems are very widely
used in the petroleum product (oil and gas) industries, chemical and fertilizer industry, the pulp and
paper industry, power generation, food processing and several other complex process. Control
systems have attained significant applications in automotive industrial processes for the improved
productivity, conserved entry, and reduced pollution. Instrumentation and control systems continue
to be an extremely important field of technology with the rapid growth of industrial sector.
Instruments are devices which are used to measure attributes of physical systems. The variable
measured includes practically any measurable variable (called measurand) related to the physical
sciences. These variables commonly include: Electrical quantities such as voltage, current ,
frequency ,resistance etc Non Electrical quantities like ... Show more content on ...
Basically it is a sensing device by which a physical, mechanical or optical quantity to be measured is
transformed directly into an electrical signal (such as current, voltage and frequency) with a
suitable mechanism,. The production of these signals is based upon electrical effects which may be
resistive, inductive, capacitive etc. in nature. The input versus output energy relationship takes a
definite reproducible function. The output to input and the output to time behavior are predictable
to a known degree of accuracy, sensitivity and response, within the specified environmental
conditions. Modern digital computers have made use of electrical transducers absolutely
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Coca Cola Company Essay
Project report
A study to understand market acceptability of Pepsi Atom
In partial fulfilment of the requirements of
Master of Management Studies
Conducted by
University of Mumbai
A study to understand market acceptability of Pepsi Atom
under the guidance of Prof. Rajesh Vyas in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Masters of
Management Studies by University of Mumbai for the academic year 2012 2014.
Prof. Rajesh Vyas
Project Guide
Prof. Umar FarooqDr. Kalim Khan
Academic CoordinatorDirector
The project gives an overview of the Indian soft drink market various players, new entrants etc. The
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Coca Cola was the 1st international soft drinks brand to enter India in early 1970 s. Indian market
was dominated by domestic brands, with Limca being the largest selling brand. Cola was the
largest selling flavor with market share of 40%, Lemon drinks 31% and orange drinks only 19%.
Up till 1977, Coca cola was the leading soft drink brand in India. But due to norms set by the
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), Coca Cola left India and did not return till 1993
after a 16 year absence from the Indian beverage market. FERA needed Coca Cola to reveal its
secret concentrate formula as well as reduce its equity stake which was not acceptable. Pure
drinks, Delhi launched Campa Cola, to take advantage of Coke s exit and by the end of 70 s,
were the only Cola drink in the Indian market. In 1980, Parle, another major Indian player
launched Thums Up, the drink which till date is most popular soft drink in India. Pure Drinks
strongly objected to Thums Up being called a soft drink as it felt its taste is too strong. For over a
decade, Parle led the Indian soft drinks market, with its market share reaching a peak of 70%
Attempt 1: In May 1985, PepsiCo joined hands with the RPG group to form Agro Product Export
Limited. It planned to import Cola concentrate and sell soft drinks under the Pepsi label and in
return offered to export Juice Concentrate from Punjab. The government rejected the proposal due
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Dualism and Artificial Intelligence
Mind body dualism is usually seen as the central issue in philosophy of the mind. The problem
with mind body dualism is that it is unknown whether the mind really is a separate entity from the
human body as Descartes states in his argument, or whether the mind is the brain itself. Descartes
believed that in a person existed two major components, the physical body and the nonphysical
body which was called the mind or soul. As a scientist, Descartes believed in mechanical theories
of matter, however, he was also very religious and did not believe people could merely be
mechanical creatures that ran like clockwork. And so, it was Descartes who argued that the mind
directed thoughts. To account for this, he split the world into two parts,... Show more content on ...
Turing, a physicalist, believed that artificial intelligence could be achieved in the future. Turing
argued that the mind was merely due to the physical aspects of the brain and so a machine could
one day be created that has a mind of its own, i.e. artificial intelligence. He created a test called the
Turing Test to determine whether a machine has artificial intelligence. In the Turing Test, an
interrogator asks two subjects a series of questions. One of the subjects is a person, the other is the
computer. The goal is for the person to imitate a computer and the computer to imitate the person. If
the interrogator is fooled into thinking that the computer is the human then the computer, according
to Turing, is concluded to have the ability to think and thus, have a mind. Turing argued that
machines passing the Turing Test were sufficient for ascribing thought. There were those who did
not agree with Turing s belief that computers would one day pass the Turing Test or that artificial
intelligence could be created. A philosopher by the name of Lady Lovlace challenged Turing s
theory. She argued that machines could never learn and adapt and so nothing creative could ever
come from a machine. She claimed that machines
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Mexican Immigration Essay
Mexican immigration in the early 1900 s was a huge issue that impacted the United
States in areas such as urban population, employment and many other ways. The mass number of
Mexican immigrant s that migrated to the United States from Mexico was at nearly half million
in between the years of 1920 and 1929. Mexicans left their native land and moved to the United
States not only to achieve financial prosperity, but to get out of the chaotic environment that
Mexico was in at the time due to the Mexican revolution which began in 1910. Many Mexicans
that were seeking work found jobs in farming, mining, and railroad construction work this help
them in their pursuit of financial prosperity. But did Mexican immigration affect... Show more
content on ...
For the most
part this was the objective goal of the Protestant denominations, the Catholic Church and the
corporate world which wanted Americanized workers.
The year 1910 marked the start of the Mexican Revolution which pushed many Mexican
citizens north of the border into the United States. Not only were they pushed to America by the
Mexican Revolution but they were also lured here by the numerous employment opportunities
such as farming, railroad work, and mining that s could be found in Midwest states
such as Chicago, Colorado and Iowa. In a report that Reverend Robert N. Mclean did on Colorado
Mexicans in 1924, he stated evidence that showed at the time 35 percent of the
population in Las Animas County, Colorado was Mexican which amounts to 17,000 or 18,000
people. The majority of these Mexicans worked in the mining camps.
Another example of this is found in a report that was done in 1928 by Anita Edgar Jones
in which she surveyed Mexican Life in Chicago. She stated that The Mexicans in Chicago
live for the most part either in railroad camps or in well defined colonies.... The most important
colonies are those which may be described as the Hull House colony, the University of Chicago
Settlement colony, the South Chicago Colony.... ( Anita Edgar Jones
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Analysis Of Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is a poem by Thomas Gray which was first published in
1751. The origins of the poem are unknown, but it was somewhat inspired by Gray s thoughts of
the death of the poet Richard West in 1742. The poem presents the argument that the remembrance
of death can be good and bad. The narrator finds comfort in thinking about the lives once lived by
the people buried in the churchyard. The poem is not just about death, it is about how people are
remembered after they have died. In the first stanza of the poem we see the first metaphor in the
poem. Line one, The curfew tolls the knell of parting day , is a metaphor for death because a
knell is a bell that rings when someone dies. The author could be saying that the day is dying, or
ending, because the curfew is a bell that rings at the end of the day. In line two, the author
replaces the word over with o er in order to make the number of syllables fit the iambic
pentameter. In the second stanza, the author uses alliteration to show how quiet and peaceful the
churchyard is by saying And all the air a solemn stillness holds (line 6). The author also uses
personification to talk about the the bells, by saying they are drowsy (line 8). The use of
personification is continued into the third stanza. The speaker does not say that the owl is hooting,
instead he states
that the owl is moping and complaining (line 10), which is something that a human would do,
and not an owl. In stanza 4, the speaker is looking over the graves and saying that this is where
the ancestors of the town are buried. He describes them as rude , but when this poem was
written, rude didn t mean impolite, it meant someone from the country or someone who was
unsophisticated. The people in the graves were most likely farmers or country men. In stanza 5,
the speaker clearly states that the ancestors that are in the graves are dead and are never going to
wake up. He lists things that would normally wake a person up, such as the smell of the breeze
first thing in the morning, the sound of birds tweeting, and the sound of a roosters cock a doodle
do or the sound of a horn being blown. The next stanza focuses on the pleasures that the dead
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The Resurrection Of Jesus A Historical Event
Just how vital is the resurrection to Christianity Well in a quote taken from Man Alive; by Michal
green he state, Christianity does not hold the resurrection to be one among many tenet of belief.
Without the faith in the resurrection there would be no Christianity at all. The Christian church
would never have begun; the Jews movement would have fizzled out like a damp squib with his
exaction. When Jesusrose from the grave, the impact was felt immediately and has continued to
reverberate throughout the world. This is certainly why many people have attacked the
resurrection and set out to disprove it and as Christians it is our job to defend this important part
of history that determines the future of so many people. So in order to defend the greatest day in
history one has to ask; is the resurrection of Jesus a historical event? Everyone agrees that Jesus
Christ was a moral man who lived on earth. Some state the resurrection of Jesus is a historical
event, while others say the resurrection of Jesus is not a historical event. Jesus death on the cross
is seen as a barbarous event, but to others, Jesus death on the unlocked the crippling chains of
humanity. The resurrection of Jesus is proven to be a historical event for these three reasons; the
vacant tomb, credible witnesses, and impactful culture. The first reason the resurrection of Jesus is
proven to be historical event is the symbol of the empty tomb. A quote by Anthony Flew, a devout
atheist states, The
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The Pros And Cons Of Counterfeit Medications
Counterfeit medications are unsafe and a treat to people around the world. The use of the
medications can cause harm to both the body and society. It is important that the consumers are
educated about counterfeit mediations. Most people who purchase counterfeit medication may not
understand that laws are being broken. Drugs are unlawfully and consciously being made to
resemble the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved drug. Sellers are infringing on the
companies Intellectual Property (IP), as medications are protected in law by copyright, patents, and
trademarks. Copyrights are protecting the pharmaceutical copay ownership of the product, whereas
the counterfeitdrug suppliers are claiming the medication as the original. Fake medications are
being stamped with the same logo Drug patents last 20 years and once the patent expires the owner
has the authority to decide how others can use the product. The counterfeit drug supplies do not
have the right to copy the makeup and design of the legitimate drug. There are many fake drugs
that are slightly identical to the original. Visually the consumer may not be able to tell the
difference, the drugs are the same color, shape, and include the unique logo of the pharmaceutical
company. Due to the misappropriation consumers are lead to believe they are receiving the same
A United Nations report lists phony medicines as the greatest concern when it comes to counterfeit
goods (Counterfeit goods ... Show more content on ...
Most people are not enlightened regarding the difference between the imitation and the generic
form of the medication. Counterfeit drugs are roughly being sold at half the price of the medication
if purchased at retail. In America there are many people without insurance or who cannot afford the
insurance mediation copays. The profits of these drugs have been linked to the funding of criminal
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Establish Human Resource Requirements For A Business...
Outcome 1: Establish human resource requirements for a business operation
(a)Old structure of the college
NZQA enlisted, by contextual investigation, school NZAB acknowledge understudies from diverse
nations to this nation offer some unforeseen outside States to India is just about 70% .In
understudies retreat, there It might be some purpose for this yet clarified underneath
Innovation is extremely best in class, and they need better association structure.
Some individuals like new innovation or some equipped staff search for better training offices.
All representatives and understudies likewise require a superior administration of administration.
Here beneath it in the picture office .If course fluctuate as indicated by the piece of this outline, for
example, school and school is distinctive in diverse divisions, a specialized structure of the
association that pulled in everybody specialized, and that needs to unite with. As indicated by the
chart beneath its specialized structure. It ought to be driven by any board of trustees and that more
work and obviously differ as indicated by determinations set is to make the division. Specialized
structure can help in the accompanying
The structure individuals give clear bearing to how to continue. Bunch, a plainly settled structure to
keep up request and to give an intends to determining contrasts.
The structure, which unites individuals. In this gathering, and the significance and character of the
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The Socio Economic Factors Of Teenage Pregnancy
Teenage pregnancy is normally identified as deprived life choice, for example, tasks of teenage
parenting have long term impact on the mental health of the mother and children (Statistics New
Zealand, 2003). It is important to identify the socio economic factors of teenage pregnancy to lower
the chances of mental health problems in young mothers. In this paper the aim is to analyse the
main socio economic factors of teenage pregnancy and discuss how it affects the mental health of
an adolescent motherin New Zealand. This essay will commence by identifying how a lack of
education is considered as a socio economic factor associated with teenage pregnancy, followed by
the second theme which will consist of economic circumstances such as, parental unemployment
and welfare dependency. Lastly, this essay will discuss how deficiency of support from familyand
friends lead to unstable relationships, which has a huge impact on a teenage mother s mental
health. A lack of education is one of the main socio economic factors which impact the mental
health of an adolescent mother. Studies show a number of negative outcomes that are linked with
dropping out of school at an early age. For example, youth that tend to gain fewer educational
qualifications are more likely to be in unstable relationships resulting in a lack of knowledge
regarding contraceptive use which leaves them to deal with economic circumstances (Breheny
Stephens, 2008; Friesen, Woodward, Fergusson, Horwood,
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Designing A Gantt Chart And Conduct A Feasibility Study Of...
The problem which had arose this year, we had to get into groups and decide what project to
undergo for this second year of the degree course. When groups were created we were sharing
ideas of project we would do and if they were possible to make or not. We could not have a small
project because we were in a group of 3 so we had to make sure the project was big enough to do
for group of 3 members. The purpose of the project was to build an electrical and electronic
based project which involved circuitry. To start with, we had to create a gantt chart and conduct
a feasibility study to know if our project would be a success or not, and gantt chart to give a
rough estimation of how long the project would take to build and test. We first started looking
into what sensors we would use and how they would be connected up to give us readings, so we
had researched microcontrollers to use because that is what all sensors would be connected upto.
The most suitable firmware was the arduino in the end. We had researched weather monitoring
systems and had also gone to have a look at a few; we looked at how everything would function
and how the readings were given out. The circuitry carried out was a good experience seeing as we
were electrical and electronic students. The project was much harder than we had anticipated, but
throughout the year we had learnt many new skills and qualities, including how to use a
breadboard and test equipment it was also my first time using an
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The Development Of Dtmf Circuits Essay
In this project, after the design and development parts were completed. The hardware development
consists of the development of DTMF circuits, driver circuit, microcontroller circuit and interfacing
circuits by using EAGLE software. This chapter will discuss the results of the overall system
development and its analysis. The result is discussed into two parts; the hardware development and
accuracy of the system. These results have been analyzed in order to improve the system
performance in future work. Also show the result of the project in the prototype.
4.2Circuit Testing Result and Analysis This part of the analysis has been dedicated to test the circuit
operation. The testing was carried out to measuring the input and output voltage and components
connections were tested using a digital multimeter.
Figure 4.1: Power ON
The circuit is power up by 9V to 12V input and voltage regulator reduces the input voltage to 5V.
LM voltage regulator is operating the microcontroller circuit, LCD display, DTMF circuit and the
L298N motor driver. The green LED indicates that the power supply circuit is functioning and
working perfectly.
Figure 4.2: Forward Movement
Figure 4.2 shows the output for DTMF decoder when key 2 is pressed on the mobile phone the
binary equivalent 0100. The binary number has been input to microcontroller in order to move the
robot forward. The output from microcontroller has been 1010
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Mystery Of The Mary Celeste
Mystery of The Mary Celeste
What Happened to Her Crew The Mystery of the Mary Celeste has been talked about for
centuries. Historical scholars have debated the events that lead to her crews mysterious
disappearance. Many books both non fiction and fiction have been written about her. Did an
explosion caused by her precious cargo cause her crew to abandon ship? Was there a violent sea
quake that made her immobile? Maybe the captain thought her hull was filling with water and
sinking after days of violent weather? Looking at each theory gives clues as to what really
happened to the Mary Celeste. The Mary Celeste began its fateful journey on November 7, 1872,
with her Capt. Benjamin Spooner Briggs, his wife, the couple s 2 year old ... Show more content on ...
The explosion theory; although far fetched, seems to be one very realistic cause of The Celeste s
abandonment. The main purpose of the Celeste s voyage was to deliver 1701 barrels of alcohol to
Genoa, which was used to fortify wine. Lee explains in his article for the ULC News that:
It seemed highly possible that the leaking alcohol caught light, sending Captain Briggs into a
panic and prompting the dreaded cry: Abandon ship! It was a plausible explanation but has
always been discounted because there was no sign of fire, or explosion. A blast of sufficient
magnitude to persuade an experienced captain to take the last resort of abandoning ship would
surely have left at least a few scorch marks on the wooden barrels, or in the hold (1). New
scientific techniques have been used to solve the great mystery. An experiment, conducted by a
scientist at UCL for a Channel 5, shows that an explosion may indeed be the key to the fate of
the brigantine and her crew (1). The experiment was conducted by a chemist from The University
of Los Angeles, California. Dr. Andrea Sella [UCL Chemistry] built a replica of the hold of the
Mary Celeste. Using butane gas, he simulated an explosion that would have been caused by the
leaking alcohol in the hull of the Mary Celeste.
He did not use wood barrels, instead he used cubes of paper. A huge blast was caused after he set
light to the gas; which sent a ball of flame upwards (1).
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Pdca Performance Improvement
There are several variations to the performance improvement process with most following a
version of the PDCA cycle: plan, do, check, act. The plan identifies the nature of the problem,
obtains the resources to resolve it and determins the best way to implement any change required.
The do is the actual changing of an existing process. The check uses key performance indicators to
measure and ensure that the new process is performing as expected. The act brings deviations to the
change to make the underlying process as efficient as possible. There are numerous indicators for
the employee, manager and organisation that can influence performance and potentially cause
slippage. I have included some of those I have encountered over the
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A Management System For The Warehouses And Stores
This project proposes a complete asset management system for the warehouses and stores to
efficiently record, manage and track the products kept in the store. This unified solution can help
the company record appropriate need, security, and statistical data, which can be used to create
more efficient asset management protocols. This system employs multiple technologies: An RFID
reader, RS 232 communication, UART, LCD Interface, a microcontroller, EPROM, and GSM
communication; all of these technologies are described in details. When the RFID tag is in the
range of reader, asset data is read by the RFID reader and transmitted to the microcontroller via RS
232 communication. The microcontroller takes this data and asks to store ... Show more content on ...
I would like to thank my supervisor for this project Dr. Anastasios Chassiakos, who directed me
through this project from the start. My father, Awad AL Neyadi, the head engineering department in
the government of Abu Dhabi, proofread my thesis. Finally, I would like to thank my friends for
their help and support.
3.1Problem Statement
The warehouses and stores with enormous amount of packages and product management has a need
of an autonomous system that tracks and manages the inventory of the asset present in the store
along with providing security of theft and stealing. Imagine someone whose primary job function
is to ensure the products from a store successfully make their ways out to the respective
consumers. Part of this involves keeping accurate records that verify the products when they are
brought to the store or when they are taken out. The difficulty for an individual to follow every
package and record the relevant data. That person cannot possibly track each individual product
manually, as they may not be able to remember and memorize huge amount of assets kept in the
store. It s a tedious job to make inventory on paper for huge amount of assets present in the store
also the probability of error increases a lot. To better illustrate the magnitude of this
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The Advantages Of Teaching Technology And The Benefits Of...
Benefits of Technology Children today are impacted by technology; some people believe that
technology can be beneficial in a child s life and others are strictly against it. Though, everyone is
accustomed to their own beliefs when it comes to raising a child, and how they want their child to
be educated. The main argument is should children or adults be involved with technology, and if so
how much technology should they encounter within the day? There is a wide variety of educational
and non educational resources that technology offers to teachers, parents, and students, in
moderation these resources can be beneficial to people educationally and socially. Schools today are
trying their best to stay up to date with the latest and greatest technology, from Smart Boards to
lending each student their own laptop or iPad. In the classroom teachers use the technology within
their lesson plans, but when planning they should make sure that the programs that they include
will engage students, and will also involve interaction between the students and program
(Stošić, L). Incorporating technology in the classroom is a great educational tool for teachers to
use as part of their teaching methods. While including educational technology methods in the
classroom it will enhance students learning skills and their cognitive characteristic (Stošić, L).
With the right teaching methods and reliable educational interactive learning programs, students are
more excited and motivated about learning, because of the involvement of today s modern
technology. Outside of school, parents have the option to entertain and at the same time educate
their children by using technology. There are some apps intended for kindergarten through twelfth
grade, that parents can download to their device and can be used for educational purposes. Most of
the educational apps support the single person use of interactive learning materials, simulations and
learning games (Leinonen, T). Since apps include multiple games to get children engaged in
different educational lessons, they are more likely to retain more knowledge of the content being
taught. Educational apps are a great source for reviewing what they child has learned or is learning
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Sexual Harassment At The Civil Rights Act
With such practices agencies protect not only the victims rights but also evidence that is later used
in cases. This stratifies Miranda Rights actives that have grave concern for the effect... that the
individual may not be compelled to incriminate himself (Linkins, 2007). This practice also satisfies
the State, who has interest in protecting clear evidence of proper due process procedures and
statements given. In instances where states aim to protect victims under different circumstances,
for example individuals using cameras to harass others; states must adapt and utilizes laws already
at their disposal.
18 USC В§ 2510 2516 addresses wire tapping and privies protection against illegally tapping
someone s telephone, and 47 USC В§ 223 of the Communication Decency Act prohibits interstate or
foreign telecommunications that is used with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass
another... Title 42 of the Civil Rights Act may be utilized to address online victimization. This
statute has been interpreted to prohibit sexual harassment in work environments (Southworth, Finn,
Dawson, Fraser, Tucker, 2007).
States can utilize other statues in an effort to protect victims. Such statues can be applied to
cameras, invasion of privacy, and even stalking attempts where cameras and such devices are used.
The need for exact laws with cameras is sometimes clear but how and what statues are not always
Cameras and Future Laws Cameras, and other forms of technology, are
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Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity Essays
Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity
Judy Mills
HLT 310V
September 14, 2012
This paper compares the philosophies of three diverse faiths, that of: Buddhism, Islam, and
Christian Science, comparing them to Christianity. We will look at basic beliefs, spiritual
perspectives on healing, beliefs about healthcare, and components of healing such as prayer,
meditation, and rituals followed. We will also look at what is important to know when caring for a
person with different beliefs and cultural views, so that we may treat them with respect, dignity and
promote the healing process.
Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity
The practice of nursing brings you in ... Show more content on ...
Muslims believe their faith is the only true faith, it was revealed to them through a long line of
prophets inspired by God. To practice their faith Muslims must accept five primary obligations
called five pillars of Islam. The first pillar, is the profession of faith, repetition of the statement,
There is no god but God; Muhammad is the Messenger of God . The second pillar is the
devotion to prayer and worship. Muslims pray five times a day while facing towards Mecca the
house of God . Prayers are simple and personal but also done in groups. The third pillar is the
obligatory religious tax it is paid by all for the benefit of the community. The fourth pillar is the
month long fast each year during Ramadan from dawn to dark along with refraining from cursing,
lying, and cheating. The fifth pillar is the pilgrimage to Mecca at some time during your life.
Muslims beliefs about health and illness vary considerably from the Christian perspective.
Muslims believe that illness is atonement for their sins and accept it with prayers and patience.
Cleanliness is considered half the faith, the Quran prohibits the eating of pork and by products and
any meat not slaughtered in the halal way. The one month fast is thought to rest the body and have
medical values. When caring for Muslim patients where the cultural differences are vast, first
respect privacy and modesty, examine patient over gown when possible. Provide halal foods, allow
patient to pray and
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The History behind the Halo Universe
This is Spartan 117, can anyone hear me over Master Chief says to Lord Hood. Lord Hood
responds, Isolate that signal. Master Chief, you mind telling me what you are doing on that
ship? Master Chief then says Sir, finishing this fight . The iconic series of the Halo Universe is a
franchise that is looked at as the pinnacle of the competitive multiplayer system. On top of that, it
also has a really good story while still making the protagonist you are playing as feel like a total
badass. Bungie studios, who were originally partnered with Take Two Interactive studios, which
developed the top down actioner Grand Theft Auto series, created this masterpiece of a game in the
late 1990s, after numerous trial and errors of what they wanted to do. The original Halogame was
supposed to be released for the Macintosh OS X but after a presentation showcasing the game, the
event was so good that it caught the eyes of Microsoft Studios. Impressed, Microsoft then decided
to invest in Bungie studios and buy them out to create the series and bring it over to the PC, even
though it instead made its way to the iconic Xbox system. The protagonist you play is a Spartan
named John 117, best known as Master Chief, and is known as one of the most iconic protagonists
in any video game ever. The Halo universe the user plays in takes place in the future, the first game
Halo: Combat Evolved, taking place in the twenty sixth century. This iconic franchise tells us the
story of a cybernetically
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Venezuela s Government
The Effectiveness of Venezuela s Government
John Locke was an English philosopher in the 17th century. Locke explained what the most
important purposes of a government were. He claimed that the government s primary purpose was
to protect people s natural rights; life, liberty, and property. However, the country of Venezuelas
government does not protect any of these rights, and the people should revolt and force a change in
the government. Venezuela is a medium sized county in South America with a population of about
31,400,000 people. Venezuela s main language is Spanish and has a Federal Presidential Republic
under president Nicolas Maduro.Venezuela gained its independence from Spain in 1811.
The first natural right in John Locke s ... Show more content on ...
Venezuela is doing poorly in this as well. According to Travel Advisor, people should not show
signs of wealth on the streets by wearing watches or jewelry in caution of being stolen from.
People should also not have any electronic devices visible. Also according to Nation Master s
stats, Venezuela is ranked number 1(the most) in the category of worry of being mugged
robbed. with a score of 91 compared to the United States score of 45. Also in the category of
worry about home break in and enter Venezuela was ranked 16 out of 132. They were given a
score of 69 compared to the United States 48. Nation Master also states that Venezuela is ranked
5th out of 132 in the category of worry of belongings being stolen from your
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Themes And Characters In The Book Amaroq The Wolf
A.The writer s style is his personal choice dependent on the setting, plot and characters means
these three aspects of the story will be taken by the author and decided how it will best tell his
story. The writer must use his skill with words to develop his style for the story, since the reader
is completely at the mercy of the writer waiting for his words to write so he can feel, hear, see,
smell and contemplate what is going to happen next. The writer must tell the reader what the
world looks like and how it changes, who is in it and where the reader is going. One writer will
deal with a genre completely different from another, developing their own style and vision. Often a
writer s style can become so familiar readers they can recognize the author just from reading a
B.Connotations that greatly extend their dictionary meaning that was noticeable included: sick,
something thought of as extremely cool or nice, feel me is used to expressed an understanding of
dissention. Lastly there was the word stiff indicating someone who is not up to date or full of
rules. C.The use of similes and metaphors were greatly used in the first part of the book called
Amaroq the Wolf.
Simile: then he bayed a wild note that sounded like the wind on a frozen sea Metaphor: Jello went
back to the puppies and the three sped away like dark birds.
Hyperbole: The great wolf s eyes softened at the sight of the little wolves then quickly hardened in
to brittle yellow jewels
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The Collapse Of The Russian Monarchy
Tsar Nicholas II is thought to be personally responsible for the collapse of the Russian Monarchy.
His nature wasn t well suited for the role he held therefore he was an incompetent leader. Russia
was undergoing many changes and was in early stages of industrialization. This was followed by an
embarrassing string of defeats of which the Tsar was badly prepared. His unsuccessful involvement
in the First World War added to the disappointment in the government s incompetence and
corruption. There were many opportunities for Russiato modernize but this would require political
change, which the Tsar was unwilling to do. Nicholas had many opportunities throughout his reign
to reform, but destroyed his last chance of survival.
Nicholas II was born on May 18, 1868 in Pushkin, Russia. Nicholas inherited the throne when his
father Alexander III died in 1894. Nicholas ascended the throne at the age of 26. He ruled an
empire covering about one sixth of the Earth s land area. Nicholas as tsar was autocrat of all
Russia s , and saw himself as chosen by God to fill the role. His empire was at peace and in the
early stages of industrialization, ranked among the worlds great powers. Nicholas believed it was
his duty to continue the autocracy that he inherited and stated, I shall uphold the principle of
autocracy as firmly and as undeviatingly as did my late father . Nicholas was a conservative leader
with few of the skills needed to effectively rule 132 million people. Nicholas was
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Objectivity And The Social Responsibility Theory
Part I:Objectivity in journalism is claimed by many media sources yet is one of the hardest things
to find when searching the news. An objective view in journalism associates itself with the social
responsibility theory, in which a person must provide a variety of views for a piece of information
given to the public (Grossber 383). While many journalists may claim they are objective, this type
of communication to the public is difficult to achieve, as a natural biasdevelops within a person
from their socialization. El Nawawy and Iskandar are cited within The Great American Bubble by
Adel Iskandar, Objectivity has come to imply both a media practice of information collection,
processing, and dissemination, and an overarching attitude (163). As the article also discusses, Fox
Newsis an openly right winged news source for the public, specifically, their show, The O Reilly
Factor, displays conservative views on current news. Fox does not display complete objectivity in
their newsfeeds, yet they are open about it, which could be described as social responsibilitytheory
in a different way. I would argue that objectivity is almost impossible to achieve, and in that sense
news sources should openly explain their bias, instead of hiding their own agendas in their
information, which would give social responsibility theory and objectivity a new light.
Part II: Iskandar brings up an important point, saying Who judges whether or not a news story is
objective? Is it the audience
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Why Dogs Should Not Be Judged
Imagine a world where people were based off their race,family,religion or whatever makes them
different.Imagine a world that bases you off of that information and bans you from somewhere or
something just because of a stereotype.I know this might sound strange but instead of people
replace those with dogs and instead of raceor religion its breeds. Dangerous dogbreeds such as pit
bulls,rottweilers,and even german shepherds have been suffering from these stereotypes because
people believe they are too treacherous to live in the same place as them.I believe that these
Treacherous dog breeds should not be judged because on most occasion it is the owner who
trained them to be aggressive or to protect and they were breed to be family dogs but that all
changed when people started using them for wrong.
These dangerous dog breeds have been judged and banned from some
apartments,neighborhoods,cities,states and even some countries.As a famous dog trainer once said
Aggression is not a ... Show more content on ...
Bruce Cameron This movie/book shows that dogs are our friends and they should not be judged
because they can be really sweet and they have personalities so they shouldn t be treated differently
because of the actions of their owners.Blame the people who raised these dogs to act that way,not
the breed A few years back when I was living with my family, they had a dog, dexter, he was a pit
bull mix Rottweiler and my mom was very scared for me to meet him because she believed he was
aggressive.When I first met dexter I instantly fell in love.He was the sweetest big dog I have ever
met.On some occasions I believed that he thought he was a lap dog because he really enjoyed
laying all across your body and sleeping .He was just like other dogs and it really saddened me to
think that I used to be afraid of him and so are other people.Sadly dexter died over the summer,
but I will always remember him as the sweetest and most kind aggressive dog I have ever
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Homeless People And The Homeless Essay
Think about what it is like, not knowing where you will end up sleeping tonight, or when your
next meal or shower is going to be, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness there
were about 600,000 homeless people in America in January of 2015. This paper will hopefully
spread insight on homelessnessas a whole. There are many misconceptions about homeless people
and many facts that people do not realize about homeless people. These facts should be brought
to attention in order to help increase the knowledge of what normal everyday individuals can do
to help. Every day we are surrounded by someone who is homeless and we don t even know it.
People tend to have a false interpretation of what a homeless person looks like, the reasons for them
becoming homeless, and even how to help them.
There are many different factors that cause people to become homeless. The leading causes of
homelessness in America are not having enough affordable housing, a lack of income,
unemployment, poverty, and domestic violence. The reason people can become homeless can be
the result of one specific event which occurs, or it could be due to a kind of snowball effect
which occurs, where one small event leads to another and then another, until the end result is not
having a house anymore. While interviewing Katrina Knight, the executive director of Good
Shephard Center for the Homeless, she gave me a good example of this. In a situation where a
couple splits up and there is only one
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Christine De Pizan And The Renaissance Period
From 1330 1550, the Renaissance was a period emphasising a revival in the interest of art, music,
and literature. As a result, being culturally advanced was the goal for many individuals.
Machiavelli, Dante, and Chaucer are a few of the men who exhibited these values and defined
literature of the time. Although advancement was a goal of the era, women were seen as
subservient to men, excluding them from education and politics. Christine de Pizan; however,
brought awareness to these issues through her writing. As a result, she exemplifies the Renaissance
era, for she was cultured, self reliant, and aware of the need for change. In 1386, Christine de
Pizan was born in Venice, Italy. She is well known for her writings that brought awareness... Show
more content on ...
In order to gain income for herself and her three children, she wrote to support her family.
According to the article Christine de Pizan published by Professor Pavlac s Women s History, she
became the first woman in Europe to successfully make a living through writing (Lloyd). This is
significant considering that women during this time were overshadowed by men. Even without a
husband, Pizan sustained life for her family and was independent. Men of the Renaissance strived
towards the advancement of themselves and though she had to unpredictably, Christine de Pizan
did such on her own, resulting in her success. During the Renaissance, literature contained
messages that were prevalent during the time. The section Capturing Reality in Writing in
Western Civilizations states, Now they were being used to critique changing social mores and
regimes (Cole and Symes 289). Well known for her writing The Book of the City of Ladies,
Christine de Pizan fights the common assumptions of the characteristics of women within this
book. Pizan addresses that women are more than their bodies, and wants to gather all women in
order to protect them from the suppression of men. In Christine de Pizan s City of Ladies: A
Monumental (Re)Construction of, By, and For Women of All Time, it states, With these texts,
Christine is proving that women can build, are powerful and creative, and deserve to live in safety
and comfort (Wagner 70). Women during Pizan s time did not
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Outline the Inequality Problems That Persist in Terms of...
The Equal Pay Act 1970 is an Act of the United Kingdom Parliament which prohibits any less
favourable treatment between men and women in terms of pay and conditions of employment. It
was passed by Parliament in the aftermath of the 1968 Ford sewing machinists strike[1][2][3][4]
and came into force on 29 December 1975. The term pay is interpreted in a broad sense to
include, on top of wages, things like holidays, pension rights, company perks and some kinds of
bonuses. The legislation has been amended on a number of recent occasions to incorporate a
simplified approach under European Union law that is common to all member states.
Equal pay for women is an issue regarding pay inequality between men and women. It is often
introduced ... Show more content on ...
8 percent is the result of the fact that older women had poorer educational attainment. Another way
of explaining the gaps is to analyse the problem in terms of three broad themes:
Under valuing of women s work
An employment penalty for mothers
Gender segregation
C. The wage gap
17. There are several dimensions to the problem of the wage gap: First, there is the classic case
of a man and a woman doing exactly the same job (whether in a factory or on the stock market
floor), but the woman being paid less for it. This used to be a common problem, especially in
Western Europe, and many countries have outlawed this type of wage discriminationthere even
exists an ILO Convention designed to eliminate it21, dating back to 1951, as well as a 1975
European Council Directive22. But, as several recent studies conclude, even this type of classic
wage discrimination persists in many countries, which prompted the European Commission to
issue a (non binding) Code of Practice on the implementation of equal pay for work of equal
value of women and men as recently as 199623. For example, a Eurostat study of 2003 showed
that the average earnings of women in full time employment in the EU (at that time, of 15 member
states) stood at only 70 90% of those of men. Similarly,
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Environmental Issues in Poland
The environmental issues in Poland have improved since 1989 due to the major decline in heavy
industry and increased environmental concern by post Communist governments; of course air
pollution will always remains serious because of sulfur dioxide emanations from coal fired power
plants, and the causing acid rain has caused forest damage
Major trade and other wide ranging economic reforms have led to a vigorous show of the Polish
economy. A new WTO report on the trade policies of Polandsays that real GDP in Poland has
gone up by one quarter above pre transition levels and that GDP per capita averaged US$4,000 in
1999. The report notes however that rural poverty and regional expansion remain key problems.
WARSAW, Poland (AP) Thousands of Polish labor union members are marching through Warsaw
throwing smoke grenades and blowing whistles to show the level of their discontent with the
government s labor and wage policies.
The demonstrators congregated on Warsaw from all over Poland on Saturday, the last of four days
of major protests in the capital that also included meeting with politicians and arguments with labor
market experts. The coordinators Poland s largest union, OPZZ, Solidarity and groups representing
countless vocations are expecting more than 100,000 participants.
They say the guidelines of the government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk hurt the interests of
workers and of their families. The government is rapidly losing reputation after recently raising the
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Technical School Job
Another option was technical school, but even if I enrolled in some kind of vocational school,
the road to success would still be very problematic, for even having a technical job in the area
still kept you as the working poor, given that the prices for almost everything in the New York
City metro area, including the New Jersey side where we lived were high. Housing prices such
as rent (never mind mortgages) were high, car insurance rates were high, tolls were high and
practically everywhere, parking prices in the city were just ridiculous, and even public
transportation costs would add up. In one sentence, hourly salaries were just not keeping up
with the rising cost of living in general. Years later as my wife Jackie and I talked about what it is
like to live in that area the thought that occurred to us is of a swamp; once you are in it, it is very
difficult to get out, and for the average person, especially if they have a family requires a titanic
effort to do so.... Show more content on ...
The job was steady and provided an income for the family. But this was a dead end job, and his
wages kept the family operating within a strict budget limits. I was basically looking at my
future and it scared me, not at who my father was as a man, for I admired my father, but at the
helplessness of his job situation. I did not want that for myself, to land in one of those low paying
jobs, in which the decades would pass by year after year, a job where I would just get older and
older, and still would barely be making ends meet. For many people in the area this was the grim
everyday reality, and I did not want that for
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John Steinbeck s Writing Style
John Ernst Steinbeck was born and raised in Salinas, California. As a child he always aspired to
become a great writer. Between the years of 1920 and 1925 Steinbeck attended Stanford University.
While at Stanford University, Steinbeck took classes in writing techniques. Although John Ernst
Steinbeck excelled in writinghe lacked the will to achieve in other areas of education.
Unfortunately, Steinbeck never graduated from Stanford. John Steinbeck moved to New York
City to follow his dream of writing. For a few years Steinbeck worked two jobs to support
himself. One was as a fruit picker and the other was as a journalist. In New York City he tried to
establish himself as a free lance writer, but failed. The only pleasant thing he received from New
York was his wife. Steinbeck married in 1930 and decided to return to Salinas, his hometown, with
his new companion. When steinbeck returned home his father, a government official in Salinas,
provided the newly weds with a new home. John Steinbeck continued his on going dream of writing
in his new home.... Show more content on ...
Tortilla Flat has been one of his best novels. It was published in 1935 and became a financial
success. He continued his successful work with In Dubious Battle (1936) and Of Mice And
Men (1937). All of Steinbeck s novels can be categorized as having to do with the financial
burdens that the typical farm worker encounters in his or her life. John Steinbeck had an
enormous success with the novel Of Mice And Men. So much so that on the evening of
November 23, 1937 (Contemporary Literary Criticism p. 75) the novel Of Mice And Men was
turned into a theatrical play and performed in New York City. It was Steinbeck s first novel to be
converted into a play. The novel Of Mice And Men is a fictional,
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Male And Female Communication
Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus , is a true statement.
Male and Female communication styles are totally different. Men and women appear to be from
two different planets. How does communication and culture affect how you communication? I
agree, that cultural communication is taught different based on gender? Yes, Females are taught at a
very young age to be great listeners and pay close attention to detail. Males on the other hand or
taught to leave all the detail stuff to the women. Both way men and women separately are two
totally different genders. Male and Female genders have their own background and cultural habits.
The difference in genders has created different communion styles. This makes relationships very
challenging ... Show more content on ...
Women do use metamessages when communication with men. Our cultures do affect are future
communication in our long term relationships. Women, I must concur assume that if they are in a
long term relationships the man should know all about them. The man should know what they like
and do not like. Women in long term relationships know all about the man. They know their
favorite food, favorite color and their like and dislikes. Men, from my experiences do not like a lot
of communication talking in other words. Women on the other hand enjoys communication and I
agree that Deborah Tannen statement, Being understood without saying what you mean gives a
payoff in involvement, and that is why women value it so highly . This is exactly what women
really want in relationships with men. Women value men who can know exactly what they are
thinking without saying a word. Metamessages as described in this reading excerpt as an indirect
way of communicating. Metamessages are what women use as a form of communication to resolve
conflict or to solve every day dilemmas in relationships with men. One
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Managing and Resolving Conflicts
MANAGING AND RESOLVING CONFLICTS Introduction Many atimes when the term
conflict is used, the association made is with physical violence. Though, news media and other
sources often use conflict and physical violence interchangeably. The concept of conflict is far
more expansive. In many cases, conflict in the workplace just seems to be a fact of life. We ve
all seen situations where different people with different goals and needs have come into conflict.
The fact that conflict exists is not necessarily a bad thing. As long as it is resolved effectively, it
can lead to personal and professional growth. In many cases, effective conflict resolution skills can
make the difference between positive and negative outcomes. The good... Show more content on ...
The emergence of a conflict can change this. Now one can feel threatened, anxious and angry.
The same person whom we enjoyed working with yesterday now seems like an adversary, just
because of our vast, past experience with conflict, most of which was negative. Many of us had
not learnt to deal with conflicts constructively, in fact the converse is true we have learnt
destructive ways of handling conflicts. As children, as students, as employees and too often as
spouses. We have experienced losing in a conflict because parents, teachers and bosses used
their power to win at our expense. Even though we know the feelings of resentment, anger,
dislike, even hostility that we experience as a result of losing, the win lose posture is deeply
ingrained and when we get in positions where we have power over people, we too often choose
to win at their expense. A great deal of research shows the damaging effects that win lose conflict
resolution has on interpersonal relationships. It creates distance, separation, dislike even hatred. It
is the main reason people leave their jobs for new ones and marriages break up. Procedures for
Conflict Resolution пѓ Negotiation i.e. bargaining relationship between parties who have a
perceived or actual conflict of interest. пѓ Mediation i.e. Intervention of an acceptable third party
who has limited (or no) authoritative decision making power. It leaves the decision making power
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  • 2. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Search Engine... Many webmasters believe that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the only way to receive more traffic and do business online. There has been so much buzz around the term SEO, it is hard to believe that there is any other, perhaps faster, route to online success. While SEO deals with an important aspect i.e. improving the customer experience with relevant high quality content, clean layout, and intuitive navigation, there are other things such as Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Pay per click (PPC) marketing, Cost per thousand (CPM) etc. that webmasters can consider to attract more visitors to their websites. These marketing strategies can maximise the impact they receive out of the SEO efforts, since they will be able to retain the customer ... Show more content on ... They can also step in to guide the advertiser to select the right keywords and perfect the landing pages for their PPC campaigns. Cost Per Mille (CPM) Cost per mille (CPM) impression is a way of measuring the amount of money that an advertising company has to pay to a publisher per thousand views of their ads. The M in CPM denotes 1,000 in Roman numeral terms since mille stands for one thousand in Italian, French, and latin. It is one of the most common methods of pricing ads on the internet. CPM is calculated by dividing the cost of an ad placement by the number of expressions (in thousands) it generates. Click through Rate (CTR) plays an important role in CPM campaigns since it denotes the number of visitors that clicked on the advertisement and visited the advertiser s landing page out of the thousand that viewed the advertisement. The importance of creating great advertisements to grab the attention of customers cannot be denied for the success of a CPM campaigns. If only a few visitors actually click on the advertisement, the advertiser may not be able to justify the expenses incurred for CPM advertising. Another important thing is to have the right landing page design to make sure that the visitor does not leave the website without doing what the advertiser wants him do i.e. make a purchase, sign up to a newsletter, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Importance Of Imagination Patricia A. McKillip is quoted as saying, Imagination is the golden eyed monster that never sleeps. It must be fed; it cannot be ignored. And, as children people believed in monsters that lurked in the dim shadows of our bedrooms or hid beneath their bed; monsters that only existed in our imaginations. As adults, the monsters no longer lurk, ready to pounce from darkness, but are their imaginations running rampant. When faced with danger, the mindspirals down two different paths prompted by fear. There is the path of reason. It is an analytical process taking into account of all the known knowledge and present situation in a logical view. And then, there is imagination, fantasies crafted by the mind. Imagination is prone to being unrealistic but is strongly influenced by our emotions. Once the golden eyed imagination monster emerges from fear, it cannot be ignored as stated in the quote. Imagination becomes vivid in its scenarios, producing the worst of images, and the mind can do nothing but listen to the monster because it fears the worst over what is realistic. Imagination overcomes reason when the mind fears its own fantasies to an extent of overlooking reason. Imagination s strength in fear can be seen in the life and death situation of the Sailors of Essex in Karen Thompson Walker s TedTalk, Roderick s debilitating fear of the future in Edgar Allen Poe s Fallen House of Usher, and real life situations where the mind believes in the unlikely death scenarios ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Cognitive Development According to Piaget Essay Cognitive Development According to Piaget Works Cited Missing Cognitive development is defined as gradual orderly changes by which mental processes become more complex and sophisticated, or the scientific study of how human beings develop in certain orderly stages as they get older. The actual study of cognition refers to the process of knowing; it is the study of all mental activities related to acquiring, storing, and using knowledge (Microsoft, 2001, p.3). How we as humans develop cognitively has been thoroughly observed and researched by Jean Piaget. He was a cognitivist: he believed that our environment stimulates us to learn on our own (make our own intelligence). Piaget was a Swiss psychologist who had a major impact ... Show more content on ... Within the Sensory Stage, there are six sub stages. The first sub stage is from birth to one month, known as the reflex stage. When something enters their hand or touches their feet, they attempt to grasp it. Also, when something is placed on their lips, they try to suck on the object thinking it is food. Next is from one to four months, primary circular reaction. Now children begin to follow objects with their eyes, they have some coordinated movements (everything they hold, they put in their mouth), and they start repeated motions (kicking). Next is from four to six months, secondary circular reaction. This is when children start to coordinate their eyes with their hands, they now have foresight, and they start to act for results (behavior = attention). They start to experiment; they connect events in the places they occur ( bath in the bathtub, changing on the changing table). Also in this stage they develop object permanence. The fourth sub stage is from six to twelve months, known as the coordination of secondary schema. They now have deliberate plans of exploration (know where they want to go and what they want to do when they get there). They can also play simple games, like taking objects out of a box and putting them back in. The next sub stage is from twelve to eighteen months and is called the tertiary circular reaction stage. Children LOVE experimentation in this stage. They begin to walk and get into everything. Also in this stage ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Lance Armstrong Essay Whoosh! was the sound of the wind blowing into his face as he raced through the mountain s monstrous decent. As he raced through the Pyrenees, he thought about everything that had occurred in the past couple of years of his life. He felt his heart pounding as he pedaled through the dirt and rocks. Cycling is a tough sport that only certain athletes can endure. The long and painful climbs up a 2,000 foot hill are not the easiest things to do, but certain athletes have done well enough to call themselves champions of the sport. Lance Armstrong has succeeded so many times in this strenuous sport, that he has earned his title as the greatest cyclist. Lance was born on September 18, 1971 in a tiny suburb of Dallas, Texas called Oak Cliff.... Show more content on ... In 1990, he was invited to train with the junior U.S National team in Colorado Springs and then to travel to Moscow for his first big international race. When Lance turned seventeen, he received a call from the manager of the U.S National Cycling Team, Chris Charmichael, who invited Lance to go to Europe; it was then that his career as a professional cyclist began. By 1996, Lance became the world s top ranked cyclist winning ten titles in every race from San SebastiГЎn to the Tour Du Pont. At his best, Lance was on his way towards success in the Tour de France, when he received some distressing news; he had cancer. I thought I knew what fear was, until I heard the words You have cancer. (73). On October 2, 1996, Lance Armstrong received terrible news which stated that he had right testicular cancer or cancer in his right testicle. After being told about his cancer, Lance was immediately on the phone, phoning those whom cared for and loved him. He started first with his mother, then his teammate Kevin all the way to his attorney Bill Stapleton. In the first 24 hours since he was diagnosed, Lance did everything he could to obtain knowledge on the disease that he possessed. His tests had shown that he had stage three, testicular cancer and his chances of survival were very slim. Even though his chances were slim, Lance never gave up hope. With the support of his mother, Lance was sure that he would be fine. He even told himself I had to keep movingВ… (87), ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Early Modern Era Between The 1500s And The 1800s The timespan between the 1500s and the 1800s is commonly regarded as the Early Modern Era of European history. This period directly follows the Middle Ages and ends around the time of the French Revolution, which thereafter the modern period seemingly begins. This specific era consists of profound and significant developments in Europe s economic history and here we can see the beginnings of capitalism. This early modern periodexperienced important technological advances, the Protestant Reformationand the decline of the Church, the formation of banking systems and savings, nation state building, mercantilism and the beginnings of industrialization. The economic ideas that emerged during this period are markedly different and some times at odds with those that prevailed just right before during the Middle Ages. The early 1500 s began with a burst of economic activity, which is largely credited to the important technological advances that occurred in Europe during this time, which then led to relatively rapid economic, social and political changes throughout Europe. The period preceding the Early Modern Era, the Middle Ages, reflects a society that is much different to the world we see today. The Middle Ages can be characterized as a decentralized society where the Church held great influence in both politics, economics and the society as a whole. The economy placed much greater emphasis on agriculture, with Feudalism as the prevailing system of society. What came with ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The History of Restaurants THE RESTAURANT It was not until the 19th century that the term Restaurant was derived. Prior to this time, these establishment was referred to as a number of different terms such as, eating house , restorator , just to name a few. restaurants america These establishments were defined as being a place where one can order a meal in exchange for money. As the world began to grow in population, the amount of restaurants began to grow as well in different areas of the country. Think back to how the guest restaurant experience was from beginning to end 15 years ago. The backbone of the business was based on handwritten books from the reservation book to the accounting books of the business. Upon entering the restaurant, a waiter would check the handwritten reservation book, that had the party name, party number, and a contact number, and also the table layout to decide which table is available. After which, the guests are seated and presented with a paper menu which list the food items available at that particular establishment. Majority of the time, the menu was displayed in a list form without any pictures, only a description of the item. When guests were ready to order, typically, the waiter will pull out a notepad and pen to scribe each guest s order and specifications. While the party waits for their food, guests are required to entertain themselves. At some restaurants, children are given crayons and an ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Social Movement And The Industrial Revolution There have been several social movements in history that have impacted the world. Groups of people have come together and tried their hardest to make a difference in unresolved problems and issues. It is hard to make a difference as an individual trying to change something big, it becomes easier when you find people who have the same beliefs as you and will fight for it along your side. This is social change, and normally comes about through collective behavior and social movements. Social change is a significant change in behaviors and cultural values and norms. For example significant changes that have occurred in the past are the abolition of slavery, the changes put into action after 9/11, the feminist movement, and the industrial revolution. As I mentioned early social change occurs through both collective behavior and social movements. Collective behavior is a voluntary activity that many people take part in to change norms and values of the people around them. Collective behavior can be seen in many different ways. For example, there can be crowds, masses, panics, mobs, riots, fads, public opinion and fashion. An example of this would be when Cooper Tire in Findlay Ohio went on strike in order to get a new contract with better medical benefits. The workers walked off one morning and stood outside of the factory. Social Movementis an organized group that works together to promote or resist change through action. There are many different types of social ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Effect of Stress on Health The Effect of Stress on Health Introduction Stress is a common phenomenon that affects people in some way (Barringer Orbuch, 2013). However, the level of stress varies from mild to acute stress. Research has shown concrete evidence on the impact of stress on physical and emotional health of humans. This works explore the contribution of stress on health status. Related Research Statement of Purpose The purpose of this study is to highlight the depth to which stress affects physical and emotional health of an individual. Specific Research Methods Although there are numerous research methods, this research focuses on qualitative research approach. This research is limited to research work done within the last seven years. All documents ... Show more content on ... Excessive release of this chemical leads to sleeplessness that affects normal human cycle. This contributes immensely to regular and sustained burnouts due to sleep deprivation (Seib, Whiteside, Humphrey, Lee, Thomas, Chopin, ... Anderson, 2014). Additionally, catecholamines affect the frontal region of the brain, which is instrumental in short term and long term memories (King, Lloyd Holewa, 2008). This leads to poor memory and retention capacity. Acute stress tends to have a long term mental health impact that affects multiple regions. The second response mechanism towards stress is by the heart, circulatory system and the lungs (Seib et al., 2014; Wells, 2013). Uncontrolled release of metabolic signals leads to poor digestion and absorption of bear. As the concentration of bear increases, the heart beat increases to try and distribute the concentration of bear to other parts of the body, which leads to an increase in blood pressure (Seib et al., 2014; Wells, 2013). To country oxygen demand, the breathing system suddenly increases as the lungs take in as much oxygen as they possibly can to satisfy its shortage in the blood stream (Wells, 2013). On the other hand, the spleen increases discharge of white and red blood cells to ensure that more blood cells are available to transport excess oxygen throughout the circulatory system. Research has ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Aseptic Technique And Culturing Bacteria MATERIAL and METHODS: Aseptic Technique and Culturing Microbes(1) experiment was followed as stated in the lab manual from Clinical Microbiology Class C 453. Aseptic technique was initiated at the beginning of each experiment. Starting by cleansing the work surface with disinfected wipes to prevent cross contamination each time. Utilizing the gloves and personal protective equipment assisted in maintaining a pure culture during the series of experiments. The first step, was to grow the yeast and bacteria cultures. The materials used for the Aseptic Technique Experiment(1) were: test tube rack, 5 mL nutrient broth tubes, pipettes, a lit tea light, Fleischmen s rapid yeast pack, E. Coli tablet and the S. epidermidis tablet. Started by activating the yeast, by placing the content of Fleischmen s yeast bag in a disposable cup. Then added approximately 60 mL of warm tap water into the disposable cup. To assist in mixing the two items, I carefully swirled the cup. Once the mixture was combined, it then was left alone for around 10 minutes or until it was frothy. Each nutrient broth tube was labeled with the correct name of the microorganism that was cultured in that tube and dated. The S. epidermidis was selected first, to be cultured. Taking one of the 5mL nutrient broth tube in one hand, the pipette in other hand. The cap was removed with the same hand that had the pipette. Utilizing a lit tea light, like a bunsen burner, I flamed the mouth of the nutrient ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Miguel Hidalgo And Allende By 1811, Miguel Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende were left with no moves against the Spanish army. The Mexican army had won victories at Guanajuato and Monte de las Cruces but were still being chased around Mexico by the royalist army. Occupying the city of Guadalajara, Hidalgo and Allende would hold their ground at the Calderon Bridge. Hidalgos army had grown to some 80,000 thanks to the Grito de Dolores. Even though some of the better trained and armed soldiers had defected, most fighters were poor peasants and Indians armed with machetes, axes, knives and clubs. Most couldn t even communicate with one another because they spoke different languages, yet they still defeated the better trained royalist army. Hidalgo and Allende made a good team... Show more content on ... By 1813, the Spanish had organized a response to the Mexican army. A general by the name of Felix Calleja, who defeated Hidalgo at the Battle of Calderon Bridge planned an aggressive strategy to defeating the rebellion. Calleja conquered the north before turning to Morelos and the south and in December 1813, the insurgents lost a battle at Valladolid and were forced to put on ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The National Building Museum ( NBM ) The National Building Museum (NBM) was founded in 1980 without a collection. The museum currently has about 250,000 objects, primarily photographs and architectural drawings all housed in 7,000 square feet of on site storage. The NBM s primary collecting focus is everything related to buildings, but the structures themselves. They document the process of building with their collection of architectural plans, photographs, architectural models, and tools. The NBM do not actively collect artifacts, but are frequently offered objects through private donations. Even with their impressive collection almost everything currently on view is on loan. There are differences between what is considered textbook best practices and the work that... Show more content on ... Currently, the NBM is in the process of creating a collecting plan to strengthen their collections as well as turn away items not fitting within the scope of the plan. Many museums in the past collected without regard to the future which creates havoc on contemporary museum administrators, so the implementation of a collecting plan is considered best practice. Moreover, when the NBM is offered items there is a quarterly collections committee who deliberate on the decision. The committee includes curators, registrars, directors, and preparators. Once the objects are approved the registrar initiate the accession process. Furthermore, all of these procedures are outlined in their collections management policy and are updated regularly as is considered standard. In keeping with best practices at the NBM, the staff facilitates discussions and conversations with other departments in order to solve any issues that arise. Typically, more established museums have stories of found in collection and gift restricted objects. However, the NBM showcases how it can happen to any age institution. For example, a box was found in the collections and while the objects were accessioned and in the database, the location of the boxes were unknown until that time. Although it was not technically a found in collection object as the museum did have a deed of gift, it was a similar instance that registrars do not want happening regularly. Although this case is usual, according to best ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Archetypes In Chronicles Of Narnia In the fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia written by C.S. Lewis, a critically acclaimed author and beloved by fans, there are many common archetypes. An archetype is a role played by a character in movies, plays, books, etcetera like heroes and villains. The Magician s Nephew takes place in the summer of 1900 London. It all starts when Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer meet. Together they have to deal with a selfish, greedy Uncle, a witch that tried to kill Digory s aunt, and much more. Along the way they meet a lion who created a universe by his sing, this happened thanks to a magic ring. One of the most important characterQueen Jadis plays the part of the evil villain, while Digory defeats her by being an utmost hero. Every story needs ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Ludwig Wittgenstein s Word Games Introduction: It is a common tendency for philosophers to invent their own vernacular, usually giving new connotations and definitions to terms we find ordinary. An instance of this is Heidegger s Dasein . He takes two very common German words: Da , meaning there and sein , meaning to be , but Dasein has the heavy connotation of not only physically existing there, but being present in a multitude of ways (Heidegger, 1927). Another example is from Foucault expanding the word government not simply in the common notion of managing a country, but further to the ability to govern one s self or one s family through discipline or common ground (Foucault, 1979) Denoting particular connotations onto existing words enables philosophers to give voice to meanings that would be trying or even impossible to say, but the redefining of words can also bring confusion to the reader. As Lois Shawver points out in his article Postmodernizing the Unconscious, if one, as the reader, gives into the assumption that the language is used in the usual way, then the philosopher s words will appear to be outlandish and enigmatic (Shawver, 1998). This begs the question: how does the reader then know if the writer is using an ordinary term or their newly defined meaning of that same term? In order to make this distinction and to understand of the redefined and coined terms, one must read with an intentional awareness of the terms. Wittgenstein understands this difficulty and aids his readers ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Example Of Leading By Example Lead by Example: Fact or Fiction My family is really important to me. This is because they are always helping me with my life. They help me decide what to do. The main person that leads me by example is my sister Sara. She is always helping me up and down. Although, we fight, we make up. Two other people that lead me by example are my mom and dad. They always tell me that you have to do whatever you put your mind to. Leading by example is a big priority in my life because what you do can affect other people in many different ways. But everyone is a leader if they try their best. People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. Lewis Cass. Any body can lead by example, it is simple if you try your best. Leaders are right in front of you. Parents, and teachers. They try and lead you onto the right path. When you grow up with your parents and teachers leading you to the right path. That will guide you to help other people on the right path. An article by Brent Gleeson said that there are seven ways to lead by example, but I am only going to name two of the seven. The first one is to get your hands dirty. By doing this you can learn to build... Show more content on ... What is the example we want to be setting? They say that if you can t answer that question then you can t lead by example because you don t know what that example is supposed to be. I personally think that it has happened to me before. I don t know what example to set so therefore I can t lead by example. But put this to mind, you have to try your best if you want to lead or become a leader. If you want empowerment, think of this, you have to make decisions based on the highest good. You have to be proactive by asking what you can do the help or improve in a situation. If you want something you have to shoot for it. Everybody has dreams. Achieve your dreams by completing them your ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Death Penalty In Texas The death penalty is the punishment of execution. The death penalty was authorized by 32 states, the Federal Government, and the U.S. Military. Throughout the years, the method of the death penalty has changed. Not only has the way it is performed been altered, but also the way our presidential candidates view the death penalty. For example, when George Bush was governor of Texas in the 1990s, he approved executions. He sent some to death who might have been innocent. Death sentences in Texas have dropped nearly 80% since 1999. In 1977, Oklahoma became the first state to adopt lethal injection as a form of execution. Lethal injection is the primary method used. On December 2, 1982, Charles Brooks became the first person executed by lethal injection in Texas. Besides the deadly injection, the electric chair nicknamed Old Sparky, was also an execution method. Texas, along with Louisiana, Ohio, and Illinois used the electric chair. The electric chair was in use from 1924 until 1964. Old Sparky was said to have taken 361 prisoners life s (TexasTribune).... Show more content on ... history. During his administration he has executed 279 people (TCADP). Donald Trump is not only a conservative, but big supporter of the death penalty. After two police officers were shot and killed, Donald Trump said, The death penalty. It should be brought back and it should be brought back strong. Now these two people are just gunned down by these two thugs, and I will say thugs, and they should get the death penalty absolutely. Donald has also said, 100% of the people executed will never commit another crime. Observing these two quotes, Donald Trump s view on the death penalty can be seen as very strong (Donald ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Impact Of Agricultural Innovation On Farm... Introduction Technology has helped farming for the positive by: increasing yield productivity, using GPS tracking to decrease human error, and using drones to create maps. Now how is technology able to do all these things you may ask, it s simple. According to the website Pressroom , A new report by the International Food Policy Research Institute measures the impacts of agricultural innovation on farm productivity, prices, hunger, and trade flows as we approach 2050 and identifies practices which could significantly benefit developing nations ( Agricultural Technologies Could Increase Global Crop Yields as Much as 67 Percent and Cut Food Prices Nearly in Half by 2050 , 2014, p. 1). Another website states the following on drones by ... Show more content on ... Now what happens if you can t buy the best available seed treatments in technology? No problem. According to the website Beale (2015) it states, If farmers can be helped to obtain simple technologies, income can rise, and they can accumulate bank balances and collateral (p. 1). As shown, you don t need all the high expensive technology to make a profit, all you need is something simple in technology to change your yield productivity for the better. For many years farmers have dealt with problems during plantations season whether it be droughts, insects, or other issues, but what if technology could help you with that? GM traits, such as insect and herbicide tolerance, help to increase yields by protecting the yield that would otherwise be lost due to insects or weeds (Do GM crops increase Yield?, 2012, p.1). Thanks to recent help by technology, farmers have been able to reduce this problem by using genetically modifying crops, allowing them to increase their yields dramatically for the better. If it wasn t for all these extraordinary technological help that there is today in the world of farming, it wouldn t be as easy or efficient for farmers, thus not allowing farming to be where it is today. GPS Decreasing Human Error Thanks to technology in farming, GPS helps the productivity of a farm, helps stop human errors, and helps fields. The technology in GPS can help a lot in farming, according to Virginia Tech University farming expert, Tim Mize, who states, With ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Prestige Analysis The Prestige Analysis The Prestige is a film adaptation of the Christopher Priest novel bearing the same name. The story is set in the turn of the century London about two stage magicians, their rivalry, and their obsession to be the best with the artistry and secrecy of illusion. The analysis of The Prestige will examine several aspects of the film including plot, character development, use of sound, use of photography, set design, lighting, and role of the collaborators. Each of these areas is important to create the emotion, suspense, and energy for a successful and entertaining film. The Plot The filmmakers introduce a man who designs the equipment to pull off the illusions. The magic of a successful illusion consists of three ... Show more content on ... Other key characters include Mr. Cutter, Sarah Borden, and Olivia Wenscombe. Mr. Cutter, the engineer that designs the mechanical devices used for the illusions, tells the story leading up to the death of Mr. Angier and Mr. Borden. Sarah Borden, Alfred Borden s wife, displays confusion over the on again, off again love received by Mr. Borden. Throughout the film, she expresses this confusion by telling Alfred, Today, it s true, or Today, you don t mean it (Nolan, Ryder, and Thomas). She believes on some days, his love of magic is greater than his love for her. Olivia Wenscombe, Mr. Angier s assistant and later Mr. Borden s mistress, represented a woman who loved the attention of the stage. Her outgoing personality embodied through her clothing and her dialogue. The Use of Sound Even though the film is essentially a visual experience, the use of sound has become extremely important in modern film. The modern viewer hears a complicated soundtrack that is as meaningful as the image on the screen. Three elements comprise the film s soundtrack: the dialogue, the sound effects, and the musical score. The proper balance and mix of these elements produced the essential emphasis required, which created the desired effects. As explained by Joseph Boggs and Dennis Petrie, Because we are more consciously aware of what we see than what we hear, we generally accept the soundtrack without much thought, responding intuitively to the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Why Is John Brown Unjustified John Brown s actions were modern day terrorist acts with the Pottawatomie Creek Massacre and raid on Harpers Ferry being unjustified, concluding that John Brown is a terrorist and not a freedom fighter. May 24th and 25th John Brown and others murdered five pro slavery settlers. 1859 John Brown lead a slave revolt into a United States military arsenal at Harpers Ferry. These actions are attacking innocent people. His purposes to the attacks were unjustified, just unreasonable, ridiculous. It was no doubt for a good reason but his thinking and purposes were ridiculous. The Pottawatomie Creek Massacre was all because he was mad about the Sacking of Lawrence. The reason he attacked Harpers Ferry is because he wanted control of the United ... Get more on ...
  • 20. B-Complex Vitamin Group Lab Report The B complex vitamin group is made up of a family of eight vitamins: thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pyroxidine (vitamin B6), folate (folic acid, vitamin B9), cobalamin (vitamin B12), biotin and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). Although each of these has its own independent function, they work in synergy in many different ways in the body, acting as co enzymes to help the body obtain energy from food, for example, or supporting red blood cell formation. This vital group of nutrients are water soluble, meaning that they dissolve in water. This results in poor storage in the body and therefore a need to obtain a regular supply from our diet or supplement. The water soluble status of B vitamins also means that they are easily destroyed or washed out during food storage or preparation. Proper storage and preparation of food can minimise vitamin loss so you should always refrigerate fresh produce, keep milk and grains away from strong light, and use cooking water from vegetables to prepare soups. Here is a closer look at each one.... THIAMIN (vitamin B1) WHAT DOES IT DO? This useful vitamin helps to release energy from food, promotes muscle function (especially in the heart), red blood cell and amino acid production, looks after the maintenance of the nervous system and supports digestion. WHERE IS IT FOUND? In whole grains, oats, red meat, seafood, nuts, pulses and yeast. WHAT IF WE DON T GET ENOUGH? A deficiency in beneficial bacteria can reduce the body s own production of B vitamins, while medication and alcohol consumption can both increase the demand and excretion of thiamin. Thiamin is easily lost through food processing. NATURAL HEALTH 73 natural EAT In the second part of a new series looking at key vitamins and minerals, nutritional therapist Henrietta Norton explores the importance of the B vitamin group RIBOFLAVIN (vitamin B2) WHAT DOES IT DO? Like thiamin, this helps to release energy from food, but it also supports mucus membranes (including those in the eye), assists in neurological health, promotes skin and hair strength (as it acts as an antioxidant) and supports the immune system and the production of antibodies. WHERE IS IT FOUND? In wholegrains, eggs, dairy ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Dupont Model Analysis DuPont Model Analysis: Assignment 1 DuPont Model Analysis: Assignment 1 Name University of Maryland University College September 23, 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction3 Analysis3 Recommendations6 References8 Introduction The DuPont Method is a financial method that was first introduced by the DuPont Company in the 1970 s (Brooks, Callahan Stetz, 2007). It is used to highlight how a company s finances affect its return on investment. This assignment uses the DuPont Method to analyze the finances of Dick s Sporting Goods Company. In addition, the results of the analysis are compared to imaginary industry standards. Based on the comparison, recommendations will be provided to ensure that Dick s Sporting ... Show more content on ... Operating Expense Ratio the company is not maintaining a high percentage of profit after it pays fixed asset type expenses 5. Net profit, plant equipment ratio the company is not effectively utilizing their depreciating fixed assets. The chart below outlines, in accordance to the DuPont Method, the problem areas and their connectivity to the other areas in the financial model. [pic] Chart 1: DuPont Model of Dick s Sporting Goods Please note that the areas in red are the problem areas. The arrows show how each area impacts other areas. The table below lists the ratios of Dick s Sporting Goods and their standing compared to industry standards. [pic] Table 1: Comparison chart Recommendations It is recommended that Dick s Sporting Goods execute one critical problem resolution process to regain their competitive edge in the industry. Working from the bottom up, the company should replace the failing fixed assets. New or well maintained fixed assets would increase productivity and result in reduced downtime and costly repairs. In addition, the net profit, plant equipment ratio, gross profit margin and operating expense ratio would all increase to at or above industry standards. The direct result of their effort would be seen in the increase net profit margin. Funding
  • 22. for the hardware replacement refresh should be provided ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Alternative Fuels Essay UPS s alternative fuels fleet is in response to growing trends in government and environmental policies along with scientific discoveries in clean energy. The government launched a National Clean Fleets Partnership aimed at helping businesses incorporate vehicles that run on alternate fuels. The public private partnership began a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy and businesses such as UPS s. Over the years UPS s has tried different options to achieve cost savings by using fuel efficient alternative vehicles dating back to the 1930 s. The first alternative vehicle they started using was electric cars to deliver packages in New York City. These electric cars could only reach 20 mph which was ideal in New York City, ... Show more content on ... With the 2004 discovery of a massive shale gas fields in the Marcellus Shale region of the United States this has caused the price of liquefied natural gas to drop in price making it a competitive choice to diesel. This information is giving UPS more options to alternative fuels at a price that the company can afford and still make a profit. UPS continues to test and gather information on alternative fuels that would be best for their business and the environment. It is important for businesses such as UPS to stay on top of changes in the external environment so they can make the best decisions for the business. Without the discovery of the shale gas fields UPS would not have the options that they currently do. The business needs to continue to stay up to date with external environment information to know which alternative fuel technologies will become central over time. UPS will continue testing new technologies in order to determine which energy source will have the greatest benefit to the business. Sustainability is economic development that generates wealth and meets the needs of the current population while preserving society and the environment for the needs of future generations. UPS purchased 48 liquified natural gas engine tractor trailers in 2011, by the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Second Great Awakening Capitalism Analysis As seen throughout the semester, the debates surrounding capitalism and its role in society are extensive and transcends generations. By virtue of the nature of debates, two broad positions on capitalism evolved in North American Protestantism one position defends capitalism while the other protests capitalism. The defense of capitalism developed in the 19th century. Being one of the many authors to do so, Charles Sellers attributes the development of capitalism to the Market and Industrial Revolution (Sellers, 21). Consequently, the Second Great Awakening increased religious awareness and significance in the daily lives of Americans (Sellers, 202). Sellers argues it was only through religion that Americans could cope with the stresses of... Show more content on ... 28). He describes wealth as a ...blessing to mankind, (Gladden, 8). Gladden s perspective of causality dissents from Weber and Sellers; he believes that, effect invariably produced by Christianity upon an uncivilized people receiving it is to multiply the wealth of that people, (Gladden, 5). He argues, Protestantism, and ultimately Christianity, cause people to desire material goods (Class notes, Feb. 28). Thus, Christianity cannot be against capitalism without contradicting itself (Gladden, 8). Gladden s evidence for his argument stems from the Bible. Gladden contends that there are statements in the Old Testament in which ...the possession and the increase of wealth are adduced as proofs of the favor of God, (Gladded, 6). Wherefore, the New Testament supplements this argument by clarifying that is expected for men to accumulate wealth and possessions, but also God admonishes people valuing material goods over spiritual good, but not material wealth itself (Gladden,6). That is, people are meant to value spiritual well being over material goods, but also remember they are commanded to be fruitful on earth and thus produce and amass wealth (Gladden, 7). Finally, Gladden realizes capitalism is not the problem; the problem is the unequal distribution of wealth (Class Notes, Feb. 28). He says, No possible system will remove all ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Sensors And Instrumentation An Introduction to Sensors and Instrumentation Chapter 1 Introduction to Sensors and Transducers Instrumentation is defined as the art and science of measurement and control which is considered as working with instruments used to measure, record, and control process variables (for examples, fluid level and flow, temperature, and pressure). Control and measurement systems are very widely used in the petroleum product (oil and gas) industries, chemical and fertilizer industry, the pulp and paper industry, power generation, food processing and several other complex process. Control systems have attained significant applications in automotive industrial processes for the improved productivity, conserved entry, and reduced pollution. Instrumentation and control systems continue to be an extremely important field of technology with the rapid growth of industrial sector. Instruments are devices which are used to measure attributes of physical systems. The variable measured includes practically any measurable variable (called measurand) related to the physical sciences. These variables commonly include: Electrical quantities such as voltage, current , frequency ,resistance etc Non Electrical quantities like ... Show more content on ... Basically it is a sensing device by which a physical, mechanical or optical quantity to be measured is transformed directly into an electrical signal (such as current, voltage and frequency) with a suitable mechanism,. The production of these signals is based upon electrical effects which may be resistive, inductive, capacitive etc. in nature. The input versus output energy relationship takes a definite reproducible function. The output to input and the output to time behavior are predictable to a known degree of accuracy, sensitivity and response, within the specified environmental conditions. Modern digital computers have made use of electrical transducers absolutely ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Coca Cola Company Essay A Project report On A study to understand market acceptability of Pepsi Atom In partial fulfilment of the requirements of Master of Management Studies Conducted by University of Mumbai A study to understand market acceptability of Pepsi Atom under the guidance of Prof. Rajesh Vyas in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Masters of Management Studies by University of Mumbai for the academic year 2012 2014. _______________ Prof. Rajesh Vyas Project Guide ______________________________ Prof. Umar FarooqDr. Kalim Khan Academic CoordinatorDirector EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project gives an overview of the Indian soft drink market various players, new entrants etc. The ... Show more content on ... Coca Cola was the 1st international soft drinks brand to enter India in early 1970 s. Indian market was dominated by domestic brands, with Limca being the largest selling brand. Cola was the largest selling flavor with market share of 40%, Lemon drinks 31% and orange drinks only 19%. Up till 1977, Coca cola was the leading soft drink brand in India. But due to norms set by the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), Coca Cola left India and did not return till 1993 after a 16 year absence from the Indian beverage market. FERA needed Coca Cola to reveal its secret concentrate formula as well as reduce its equity stake which was not acceptable. Pure drinks, Delhi launched Campa Cola, to take advantage of Coke s exit and by the end of 70 s, were the only Cola drink in the Indian market. In 1980, Parle, another major Indian player launched Thums Up, the drink which till date is most popular soft drink in India. Pure Drinks strongly objected to Thums Up being called a soft drink as it felt its taste is too strong. For over a decade, Parle led the Indian soft drinks market, with its market share reaching a peak of 70% in1990. Attempt 1: In May 1985, PepsiCo joined hands with the RPG group to form Agro Product Export
  • 27. Limited. It planned to import Cola concentrate and sell soft drinks under the Pepsi label and in return offered to export Juice Concentrate from Punjab. The government rejected the proposal due ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Dualism and Artificial Intelligence Mind body dualism is usually seen as the central issue in philosophy of the mind. The problem with mind body dualism is that it is unknown whether the mind really is a separate entity from the human body as Descartes states in his argument, or whether the mind is the brain itself. Descartes believed that in a person existed two major components, the physical body and the nonphysical body which was called the mind or soul. As a scientist, Descartes believed in mechanical theories of matter, however, he was also very religious and did not believe people could merely be mechanical creatures that ran like clockwork. And so, it was Descartes who argued that the mind directed thoughts. To account for this, he split the world into two parts,... Show more content on ... Turing, a physicalist, believed that artificial intelligence could be achieved in the future. Turing argued that the mind was merely due to the physical aspects of the brain and so a machine could one day be created that has a mind of its own, i.e. artificial intelligence. He created a test called the Turing Test to determine whether a machine has artificial intelligence. In the Turing Test, an interrogator asks two subjects a series of questions. One of the subjects is a person, the other is the computer. The goal is for the person to imitate a computer and the computer to imitate the person. If the interrogator is fooled into thinking that the computer is the human then the computer, according to Turing, is concluded to have the ability to think and thus, have a mind. Turing argued that machines passing the Turing Test were sufficient for ascribing thought. There were those who did not agree with Turing s belief that computers would one day pass the Turing Test or that artificial intelligence could be created. A philosopher by the name of Lady Lovlace challenged Turing s theory. She argued that machines could never learn and adapt and so nothing creative could ever come from a machine. She claimed that machines ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Mexican Immigration Essay Mexican immigration in the early 1900 s was a huge issue that impacted the United States in areas such as urban population, employment and many other ways. The mass number of Mexican immigrant s that migrated to the United States from Mexico was at nearly half million in between the years of 1920 and 1929. Mexicans left their native land and moved to the United States not only to achieve financial prosperity, but to get out of the chaotic environment that Mexico was in at the time due to the Mexican revolution which began in 1910. Many Mexicans that were seeking work found jobs in farming, mining, and railroad construction work this help them in their pursuit of financial prosperity. But did Mexican immigration affect... Show more content on ... For the most part this was the objective goal of the Protestant denominations, the Catholic Church and the corporate world which wanted Americanized workers. The year 1910 marked the start of the Mexican Revolution which pushed many Mexican citizens north of the border into the United States. Not only were they pushed to America by the Mexican Revolution but they were also lured here by the numerous employment opportunities such as farming, railroad work, and mining that s could be found in Midwest states such as Chicago, Colorado and Iowa. In a report that Reverend Robert N. Mclean did on Colorado Mexicans in 1924, he stated evidence that showed at the time 35 percent of the population in Las Animas County, Colorado was Mexican which amounts to 17,000 or 18,000 people. The majority of these Mexicans worked in the mining camps. Another example of this is found in a report that was done in 1928 by Anita Edgar Jones in which she surveyed Mexican Life in Chicago. She stated that The Mexicans in Chicago
  • 30. live for the most part either in railroad camps or in well defined colonies.... The most important colonies are those which may be described as the Hull House colony, the University of Chicago Settlement colony, the South Chicago Colony.... ( Anita Edgar Jones ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Analysis Of Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is a poem by Thomas Gray which was first published in 1751. The origins of the poem are unknown, but it was somewhat inspired by Gray s thoughts of the death of the poet Richard West in 1742. The poem presents the argument that the remembrance of death can be good and bad. The narrator finds comfort in thinking about the lives once lived by the people buried in the churchyard. The poem is not just about death, it is about how people are remembered after they have died. In the first stanza of the poem we see the first metaphor in the poem. Line one, The curfew tolls the knell of parting day , is a metaphor for death because a knell is a bell that rings when someone dies. The author could be saying that the day is dying, or ending, because the curfew is a bell that rings at the end of the day. In line two, the author replaces the word over with o er in order to make the number of syllables fit the iambic pentameter. In the second stanza, the author uses alliteration to show how quiet and peaceful the churchyard is by saying And all the air a solemn stillness holds (line 6). The author also uses personification to talk about the the bells, by saying they are drowsy (line 8). The use of personification is continued into the third stanza. The speaker does not say that the owl is hooting, instead he states that the owl is moping and complaining (line 10), which is something that a human would do, and not an owl. In stanza 4, the speaker is looking over the graves and saying that this is where the ancestors of the town are buried. He describes them as rude , but when this poem was written, rude didn t mean impolite, it meant someone from the country or someone who was unsophisticated. The people in the graves were most likely farmers or country men. In stanza 5, the speaker clearly states that the ancestors that are in the graves are dead and are never going to wake up. He lists things that would normally wake a person up, such as the smell of the breeze first thing in the morning, the sound of birds tweeting, and the sound of a roosters cock a doodle do or the sound of a horn being blown. The next stanza focuses on the pleasures that the dead ancestors ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Resurrection Of Jesus A Historical Event Just how vital is the resurrection to Christianity Well in a quote taken from Man Alive; by Michal green he state, Christianity does not hold the resurrection to be one among many tenet of belief. Without the faith in the resurrection there would be no Christianity at all. The Christian church would never have begun; the Jews movement would have fizzled out like a damp squib with his exaction. When Jesusrose from the grave, the impact was felt immediately and has continued to reverberate throughout the world. This is certainly why many people have attacked the resurrection and set out to disprove it and as Christians it is our job to defend this important part of history that determines the future of so many people. So in order to defend the greatest day in history one has to ask; is the resurrection of Jesus a historical event? Everyone agrees that Jesus Christ was a moral man who lived on earth. Some state the resurrection of Jesus is a historical event, while others say the resurrection of Jesus is not a historical event. Jesus death on the cross is seen as a barbarous event, but to others, Jesus death on the unlocked the crippling chains of humanity. The resurrection of Jesus is proven to be a historical event for these three reasons; the vacant tomb, credible witnesses, and impactful culture. The first reason the resurrection of Jesus is proven to be historical event is the symbol of the empty tomb. A quote by Anthony Flew, a devout atheist states, The ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Pros And Cons Of Counterfeit Medications Counterfeit medications are unsafe and a treat to people around the world. The use of the medications can cause harm to both the body and society. It is important that the consumers are educated about counterfeit mediations. Most people who purchase counterfeit medication may not understand that laws are being broken. Drugs are unlawfully and consciously being made to resemble the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved drug. Sellers are infringing on the companies Intellectual Property (IP), as medications are protected in law by copyright, patents, and trademarks. Copyrights are protecting the pharmaceutical copay ownership of the product, whereas the counterfeitdrug suppliers are claiming the medication as the original. Fake medications are being stamped with the same logo Drug patents last 20 years and once the patent expires the owner has the authority to decide how others can use the product. The counterfeit drug supplies do not have the right to copy the makeup and design of the legitimate drug. There are many fake drugs that are slightly identical to the original. Visually the consumer may not be able to tell the difference, the drugs are the same color, shape, and include the unique logo of the pharmaceutical company. Due to the misappropriation consumers are lead to believe they are receiving the same product. A United Nations report lists phony medicines as the greatest concern when it comes to counterfeit goods (Counterfeit goods ... Show more content on ... Most people are not enlightened regarding the difference between the imitation and the generic form of the medication. Counterfeit drugs are roughly being sold at half the price of the medication if purchased at retail. In America there are many people without insurance or who cannot afford the insurance mediation copays. The profits of these drugs have been linked to the funding of criminal ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Establish Human Resource Requirements For A Business... Outcome 1: Establish human resource requirements for a business operation (a)Old structure of the college NZQA enlisted, by contextual investigation, school NZAB acknowledge understudies from diverse nations to this nation offer some unforeseen outside States to India is just about 70% .In understudies retreat, there It might be some purpose for this yet clarified underneath Innovation is extremely best in class, and they need better association structure. Some individuals like new innovation or some equipped staff search for better training offices. All representatives and understudies likewise require a superior administration of administration. Here beneath it in the picture office .If course fluctuate as indicated by the piece of this outline, for example, school and school is distinctive in diverse divisions, a specialized structure of the association that pulled in everybody specialized, and that needs to unite with. As indicated by the chart beneath its specialized structure. It ought to be driven by any board of trustees and that more work and obviously differ as indicated by determinations set is to make the division. Specialized structure can help in the accompanying The structure individuals give clear bearing to how to continue. Bunch, a plainly settled structure to keep up request and to give an intends to determining contrasts. The structure, which unites individuals. In this gathering, and the significance and character of the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Socio Economic Factors Of Teenage Pregnancy Teenage pregnancy is normally identified as deprived life choice, for example, tasks of teenage parenting have long term impact on the mental health of the mother and children (Statistics New Zealand, 2003). It is important to identify the socio economic factors of teenage pregnancy to lower the chances of mental health problems in young mothers. In this paper the aim is to analyse the main socio economic factors of teenage pregnancy and discuss how it affects the mental health of an adolescent motherin New Zealand. This essay will commence by identifying how a lack of education is considered as a socio economic factor associated with teenage pregnancy, followed by the second theme which will consist of economic circumstances such as, parental unemployment and welfare dependency. Lastly, this essay will discuss how deficiency of support from familyand friends lead to unstable relationships, which has a huge impact on a teenage mother s mental health. A lack of education is one of the main socio economic factors which impact the mental health of an adolescent mother. Studies show a number of negative outcomes that are linked with dropping out of school at an early age. For example, youth that tend to gain fewer educational qualifications are more likely to be in unstable relationships resulting in a lack of knowledge regarding contraceptive use which leaves them to deal with economic circumstances (Breheny Stephens, 2008; Friesen, Woodward, Fergusson, Horwood, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Designing A Gantt Chart And Conduct A Feasibility Study Of... The problem which had arose this year, we had to get into groups and decide what project to undergo for this second year of the degree course. When groups were created we were sharing ideas of project we would do and if they were possible to make or not. We could not have a small project because we were in a group of 3 so we had to make sure the project was big enough to do for group of 3 members. The purpose of the project was to build an electrical and electronic based project which involved circuitry. To start with, we had to create a gantt chart and conduct a feasibility study to know if our project would be a success or not, and gantt chart to give a rough estimation of how long the project would take to build and test. We first started looking into what sensors we would use and how they would be connected up to give us readings, so we had researched microcontrollers to use because that is what all sensors would be connected upto. The most suitable firmware was the arduino in the end. We had researched weather monitoring systems and had also gone to have a look at a few; we looked at how everything would function and how the readings were given out. The circuitry carried out was a good experience seeing as we were electrical and electronic students. The project was much harder than we had anticipated, but throughout the year we had learnt many new skills and qualities, including how to use a breadboard and test equipment it was also my first time using an ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Development Of Dtmf Circuits Essay CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1Overview In this project, after the design and development parts were completed. The hardware development consists of the development of DTMF circuits, driver circuit, microcontroller circuit and interfacing circuits by using EAGLE software. This chapter will discuss the results of the overall system development and its analysis. The result is discussed into two parts; the hardware development and accuracy of the system. These results have been analyzed in order to improve the system performance in future work. Also show the result of the project in the prototype. 4.2Circuit Testing Result and Analysis This part of the analysis has been dedicated to test the circuit operation. The testing was carried out to measuring the input and output voltage and components connections were tested using a digital multimeter. Figure 4.1: Power ON The circuit is power up by 9V to 12V input and voltage regulator reduces the input voltage to 5V. LM voltage regulator is operating the microcontroller circuit, LCD display, DTMF circuit and the L298N motor driver. The green LED indicates that the power supply circuit is functioning and working perfectly. Figure 4.2: Forward Movement Figure 4.2 shows the output for DTMF decoder when key 2 is pressed on the mobile phone the binary equivalent 0100. The binary number has been input to microcontroller in order to move the robot forward. The output from microcontroller has been 1010 ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Mystery Of The Mary Celeste Mystery of The Mary Celeste What Happened to Her Crew The Mystery of the Mary Celeste has been talked about for centuries. Historical scholars have debated the events that lead to her crews mysterious disappearance. Many books both non fiction and fiction have been written about her. Did an explosion caused by her precious cargo cause her crew to abandon ship? Was there a violent sea quake that made her immobile? Maybe the captain thought her hull was filling with water and sinking after days of violent weather? Looking at each theory gives clues as to what really happened to the Mary Celeste. The Mary Celeste began its fateful journey on November 7, 1872, with her Capt. Benjamin Spooner Briggs, his wife, the couple s 2 year old ... Show more content on ... The explosion theory; although far fetched, seems to be one very realistic cause of The Celeste s abandonment. The main purpose of the Celeste s voyage was to deliver 1701 barrels of alcohol to Genoa, which was used to fortify wine. Lee explains in his article for the ULC News that: It seemed highly possible that the leaking alcohol caught light, sending Captain Briggs into a panic and prompting the dreaded cry: Abandon ship! It was a plausible explanation but has always been discounted because there was no sign of fire, or explosion. A blast of sufficient magnitude to persuade an experienced captain to take the last resort of abandoning ship would surely have left at least a few scorch marks on the wooden barrels, or in the hold (1). New scientific techniques have been used to solve the great mystery. An experiment, conducted by a scientist at UCL for a Channel 5, shows that an explosion may indeed be the key to the fate of the brigantine and her crew (1). The experiment was conducted by a chemist from The University of Los Angeles, California. Dr. Andrea Sella [UCL Chemistry] built a replica of the hold of the Mary Celeste. Using butane gas, he simulated an explosion that would have been caused by the leaking alcohol in the hull of the Mary Celeste. He did not use wood barrels, instead he used cubes of paper. A huge blast was caused after he set light to the gas; which sent a ball of flame upwards (1). ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Pdca Performance Improvement There are several variations to the performance improvement process with most following a version of the PDCA cycle: plan, do, check, act. The plan identifies the nature of the problem, obtains the resources to resolve it and determins the best way to implement any change required. The do is the actual changing of an existing process. The check uses key performance indicators to measure and ensure that the new process is performing as expected. The act brings deviations to the change to make the underlying process as efficient as possible. There are numerous indicators for the employee, manager and organisation that can influence performance and potentially cause slippage. I have included some of those I have encountered over the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. A Management System For The Warehouses And Stores 1Abstract This project proposes a complete asset management system for the warehouses and stores to efficiently record, manage and track the products kept in the store. This unified solution can help the company record appropriate need, security, and statistical data, which can be used to create more efficient asset management protocols. This system employs multiple technologies: An RFID reader, RS 232 communication, UART, LCD Interface, a microcontroller, EPROM, and GSM communication; all of these technologies are described in details. When the RFID tag is in the range of reader, asset data is read by the RFID reader and transmitted to the microcontroller via RS 232 communication. The microcontroller takes this data and asks to store ... Show more content on ... 2Acknowledgments I would like to thank my supervisor for this project Dr. Anastasios Chassiakos, who directed me through this project from the start. My father, Awad AL Neyadi, the head engineering department in the government of Abu Dhabi, proofread my thesis. Finally, I would like to thank my friends for their help and support. 3Introduction 3.1Problem Statement The warehouses and stores with enormous amount of packages and product management has a need of an autonomous system that tracks and manages the inventory of the asset present in the store along with providing security of theft and stealing. Imagine someone whose primary job function is to ensure the products from a store successfully make their ways out to the respective consumers. Part of this involves keeping accurate records that verify the products when they are brought to the store or when they are taken out. The difficulty for an individual to follow every package and record the relevant data. That person cannot possibly track each individual product manually, as they may not be able to remember and memorize huge amount of assets kept in the store. It s a tedious job to make inventory on paper for huge amount of assets present in the store also the probability of error increases a lot. To better illustrate the magnitude of this ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Advantages Of Teaching Technology And The Benefits Of... Benefits of Technology Children today are impacted by technology; some people believe that technology can be beneficial in a child s life and others are strictly against it. Though, everyone is accustomed to their own beliefs when it comes to raising a child, and how they want their child to be educated. The main argument is should children or adults be involved with technology, and if so how much technology should they encounter within the day? There is a wide variety of educational and non educational resources that technology offers to teachers, parents, and students, in moderation these resources can be beneficial to people educationally and socially. Schools today are trying their best to stay up to date with the latest and greatest technology, from Smart Boards to lending each student their own laptop or iPad. In the classroom teachers use the technology within their lesson plans, but when planning they should make sure that the programs that they include will engage students, and will also involve interaction between the students and program (StoЕЎiД‡, L). Incorporating technology in the classroom is a great educational tool for teachers to use as part of their teaching methods. While including educational technology methods in the classroom it will enhance students learning skills and their cognitive characteristic (StoЕЎiД‡, L). With the right teaching methods and reliable educational interactive learning programs, students are more excited and motivated about learning, because of the involvement of today s modern technology. Outside of school, parents have the option to entertain and at the same time educate their children by using technology. There are some apps intended for kindergarten through twelfth grade, that parents can download to their device and can be used for educational purposes. Most of the educational apps support the single person use of interactive learning materials, simulations and learning games (Leinonen, T). Since apps include multiple games to get children engaged in different educational lessons, they are more likely to retain more knowledge of the content being taught. Educational apps are a great source for reviewing what they child has learned or is learning in ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Sexual Harassment At The Civil Rights Act With such practices agencies protect not only the victims rights but also evidence that is later used in cases. This stratifies Miranda Rights actives that have grave concern for the effect... that the individual may not be compelled to incriminate himself (Linkins, 2007). This practice also satisfies the State, who has interest in protecting clear evidence of proper due process procedures and statements given. In instances where states aim to protect victims under different circumstances, for example individuals using cameras to harass others; states must adapt and utilizes laws already at their disposal. 18 USC В§ 2510 2516 addresses wire tapping and privies protection against illegally tapping someone s telephone, and 47 USC В§ 223 of the Communication Decency Act prohibits interstate or foreign telecommunications that is used with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass another... Title 42 of the Civil Rights Act may be utilized to address online victimization. This statute has been interpreted to prohibit sexual harassment in work environments (Southworth, Finn, Dawson, Fraser, Tucker, 2007). States can utilize other statues in an effort to protect victims. Such statues can be applied to cameras, invasion of privacy, and even stalking attempts where cameras and such devices are used. The need for exact laws with cameras is sometimes clear but how and what statues are not always so. Cameras and Future Laws Cameras, and other forms of technology, are ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity Essays Running head: HEALTHCARE PROVIDER AND FAITH DIVERSITY Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity Judy Mills GCU HLT 310V September 14, 2012 Abstract This paper compares the philosophies of three diverse faiths, that of: Buddhism, Islam, and Christian Science, comparing them to Christianity. We will look at basic beliefs, spiritual perspectives on healing, beliefs about healthcare, and components of healing such as prayer, meditation, and rituals followed. We will also look at what is important to know when caring for a person with different beliefs and cultural views, so that we may treat them with respect, dignity and promote the healing process. Healthcare Provider and Faith Diversity The practice of nursing brings you in ... Show more content on ... Muslims believe their faith is the only true faith, it was revealed to them through a long line of prophets inspired by God. To practice their faith Muslims must accept five primary obligations called five pillars of Islam. The first pillar, is the profession of faith, repetition of the statement, There is no god but God; Muhammad is the Messenger of God . The second pillar is the devotion to prayer and worship. Muslims pray five times a day while facing towards Mecca the house of God . Prayers are simple and personal but also done in groups. The third pillar is the obligatory religious tax it is paid by all for the benefit of the community. The fourth pillar is the month long fast each year during Ramadan from dawn to dark along with refraining from cursing, lying, and cheating. The fifth pillar is the pilgrimage to Mecca at some time during your life. Muslims beliefs about health and illness vary considerably from the Christian perspective. Muslims believe that illness is atonement for their sins and accept it with prayers and patience. Cleanliness is considered half the faith, the Quran prohibits the eating of pork and by products and any meat not slaughtered in the halal way. The one month fast is thought to rest the body and have medical values. When caring for Muslim patients where the cultural differences are vast, first respect privacy and modesty, examine patient over gown when possible. Provide halal foods, allow patient to pray and ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The History behind the Halo Universe This is Spartan 117, can anyone hear me over Master Chief says to Lord Hood. Lord Hood responds, Isolate that signal. Master Chief, you mind telling me what you are doing on that ship? Master Chief then says Sir, finishing this fight . The iconic series of the Halo Universe is a franchise that is looked at as the pinnacle of the competitive multiplayer system. On top of that, it also has a really good story while still making the protagonist you are playing as feel like a total badass. Bungie studios, who were originally partnered with Take Two Interactive studios, which developed the top down actioner Grand Theft Auto series, created this masterpiece of a game in the late 1990s, after numerous trial and errors of what they wanted to do. The original Halogame was supposed to be released for the Macintosh OS X but after a presentation showcasing the game, the event was so good that it caught the eyes of Microsoft Studios. Impressed, Microsoft then decided to invest in Bungie studios and buy them out to create the series and bring it over to the PC, even though it instead made its way to the iconic Xbox system. The protagonist you play is a Spartan named John 117, best known as Master Chief, and is known as one of the most iconic protagonists in any video game ever. The Halo universe the user plays in takes place in the future, the first game Halo: Combat Evolved, taking place in the twenty sixth century. This iconic franchise tells us the story of a cybernetically ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Venezuela s Government The Effectiveness of Venezuela s Government John Locke was an English philosopher in the 17th century. Locke explained what the most important purposes of a government were. He claimed that the government s primary purpose was to protect people s natural rights; life, liberty, and property. However, the country of Venezuelas government does not protect any of these rights, and the people should revolt and force a change in the government. Venezuela is a medium sized county in South America with a population of about 31,400,000 people. Venezuela s main language is Spanish and has a Federal Presidential Republic under president Nicolas Maduro.Venezuela gained its independence from Spain in 1811. The first natural right in John Locke s ... Show more content on ... Venezuela is doing poorly in this as well. According to Travel Advisor, people should not show signs of wealth on the streets by wearing watches or jewelry in caution of being stolen from. People should also not have any electronic devices visible. Also according to Nation Master s stats, Venezuela is ranked number 1(the most) in the category of worry of being mugged robbed. with a score of 91 compared to the United States score of 45. Also in the category of worry about home break in and enter Venezuela was ranked 16 out of 132. They were given a score of 69 compared to the United States 48. Nation Master also states that Venezuela is ranked 5th out of 132 in the category of worry of belongings being stolen from your ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Themes And Characters In The Book Amaroq The Wolf A.The writer s style is his personal choice dependent on the setting, plot and characters means these three aspects of the story will be taken by the author and decided how it will best tell his story. The writer must use his skill with words to develop his style for the story, since the reader is completely at the mercy of the writer waiting for his words to write so he can feel, hear, see, smell and contemplate what is going to happen next. The writer must tell the reader what the world looks like and how it changes, who is in it and where the reader is going. One writer will deal with a genre completely different from another, developing their own style and vision. Often a writer s style can become so familiar readers they can recognize the author just from reading a passage. B.Connotations that greatly extend their dictionary meaning that was noticeable included: sick, something thought of as extremely cool or nice, feel me is used to expressed an understanding of dissention. Lastly there was the word stiff indicating someone who is not up to date or full of rules. C.The use of similes and metaphors were greatly used in the first part of the book called Amaroq the Wolf. Simile: then he bayed a wild note that sounded like the wind on a frozen sea Metaphor: Jello went back to the puppies and the three sped away like dark birds. Hyperbole: The great wolf s eyes softened at the sight of the little wolves then quickly hardened in to brittle yellow jewels ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Collapse Of The Russian Monarchy Tsar Nicholas II is thought to be personally responsible for the collapse of the Russian Monarchy. His nature wasn t well suited for the role he held therefore he was an incompetent leader. Russia was undergoing many changes and was in early stages of industrialization. This was followed by an embarrassing string of defeats of which the Tsar was badly prepared. His unsuccessful involvement in the First World War added to the disappointment in the government s incompetence and corruption. There were many opportunities for Russiato modernize but this would require political change, which the Tsar was unwilling to do. Nicholas had many opportunities throughout his reign to reform, but destroyed his last chance of survival. Nicholas II was born on May 18, 1868 in Pushkin, Russia. Nicholas inherited the throne when his father Alexander III died in 1894. Nicholas ascended the throne at the age of 26. He ruled an empire covering about one sixth of the Earth s land area. Nicholas as tsar was autocrat of all Russia s , and saw himself as chosen by God to fill the role. His empire was at peace and in the early stages of industrialization, ranked among the worlds great powers. Nicholas believed it was his duty to continue the autocracy that he inherited and stated, I shall uphold the principle of autocracy as firmly and as undeviatingly as did my late father . Nicholas was a conservative leader with few of the skills needed to effectively rule 132 million people. Nicholas was ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Objectivity And The Social Responsibility Theory Part I:Objectivity in journalism is claimed by many media sources yet is one of the hardest things to find when searching the news. An objective view in journalism associates itself with the social responsibility theory, in which a person must provide a variety of views for a piece of information given to the public (Grossber 383). While many journalists may claim they are objective, this type of communication to the public is difficult to achieve, as a natural biasdevelops within a person from their socialization. El Nawawy and Iskandar are cited within The Great American Bubble by Adel Iskandar, Objectivity has come to imply both a media practice of information collection, processing, and dissemination, and an overarching attitude (163). As the article also discusses, Fox Newsis an openly right winged news source for the public, specifically, their show, The O Reilly Factor, displays conservative views on current news. Fox does not display complete objectivity in their newsfeeds, yet they are open about it, which could be described as social responsibilitytheory in a different way. I would argue that objectivity is almost impossible to achieve, and in that sense news sources should openly explain their bias, instead of hiding their own agendas in their information, which would give social responsibility theory and objectivity a new light. Part II: Iskandar brings up an important point, saying Who judges whether or not a news story is objective? Is it the audience ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Why Dogs Should Not Be Judged Imagine a world where people were based off their race,family,religion or whatever makes them different.Imagine a world that bases you off of that information and bans you from somewhere or something just because of a stereotype.I know this might sound strange but instead of people replace those with dogs and instead of raceor religion its breeds. Dangerous dogbreeds such as pit bulls,rottweilers,and even german shepherds have been suffering from these stereotypes because people believe they are too treacherous to live in the same place as them.I believe that these Treacherous dog breeds should not be judged because on most occasion it is the owner who trained them to be aggressive or to protect and they were breed to be family dogs but that all changed when people started using them for wrong. These dangerous dog breeds have been judged and banned from some apartments,neighborhoods,cities,states and even some countries.As a famous dog trainer once said Aggression is not a ... Show more content on ... Bruce Cameron This movie/book shows that dogs are our friends and they should not be judged because they can be really sweet and they have personalities so they shouldn t be treated differently because of the actions of their owners.Blame the people who raised these dogs to act that way,not the breed A few years back when I was living with my family, they had a dog, dexter, he was a pit bull mix Rottweiler and my mom was very scared for me to meet him because she believed he was aggressive.When I first met dexter I instantly fell in love.He was the sweetest big dog I have ever met.On some occasions I believed that he thought he was a lap dog because he really enjoyed laying all across your body and sleeping .He was just like other dogs and it really saddened me to think that I used to be afraid of him and so are other people.Sadly dexter died over the summer, but I will always remember him as the sweetest and most kind aggressive dog I have ever ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Homeless People And The Homeless Essay Think about what it is like, not knowing where you will end up sleeping tonight, or when your next meal or shower is going to be, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness there were about 600,000 homeless people in America in January of 2015. This paper will hopefully spread insight on homelessnessas a whole. There are many misconceptions about homeless people and many facts that people do not realize about homeless people. These facts should be brought to attention in order to help increase the knowledge of what normal everyday individuals can do to help. Every day we are surrounded by someone who is homeless and we don t even know it. People tend to have a false interpretation of what a homeless person looks like, the reasons for them becoming homeless, and even how to help them. There are many different factors that cause people to become homeless. The leading causes of homelessness in America are not having enough affordable housing, a lack of income, unemployment, poverty, and domestic violence. The reason people can become homeless can be the result of one specific event which occurs, or it could be due to a kind of snowball effect which occurs, where one small event leads to another and then another, until the end result is not having a house anymore. While interviewing Katrina Knight, the executive director of Good Shephard Center for the Homeless, she gave me a good example of this. In a situation where a couple splits up and there is only one ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Christine De Pizan And The Renaissance Period From 1330 1550, the Renaissance was a period emphasising a revival in the interest of art, music, and literature. As a result, being culturally advanced was the goal for many individuals. Machiavelli, Dante, and Chaucer are a few of the men who exhibited these values and defined literature of the time. Although advancement was a goal of the era, women were seen as subservient to men, excluding them from education and politics. Christine de Pizan; however, brought awareness to these issues through her writing. As a result, she exemplifies the Renaissance era, for she was cultured, self reliant, and aware of the need for change. In 1386, Christine de Pizan was born in Venice, Italy. She is well known for her writings that brought awareness... Show more content on ... In order to gain income for herself and her three children, she wrote to support her family. According to the article Christine de Pizan published by Professor Pavlac s Women s History, she became the first woman in Europe to successfully make a living through writing (Lloyd). This is significant considering that women during this time were overshadowed by men. Even without a husband, Pizan sustained life for her family and was independent. Men of the Renaissance strived towards the advancement of themselves and though she had to unpredictably, Christine de Pizan did such on her own, resulting in her success. During the Renaissance, literature contained messages that were prevalent during the time. The section Capturing Reality in Writing in Western Civilizations states, Now they were being used to critique changing social mores and regimes (Cole and Symes 289). Well known for her writing The Book of the City of Ladies, Christine de Pizan fights the common assumptions of the characteristics of women within this book. Pizan addresses that women are more than their bodies, and wants to gather all women in order to protect them from the suppression of men. In Christine de Pizan s City of Ladies: A Monumental (Re)Construction of, By, and For Women of All Time, it states, With these texts, Christine is proving that women can build, are powerful and creative, and deserve to live in safety and comfort (Wagner 70). Women during Pizan s time did not ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Outline the Inequality Problems That Persist in Terms of... Wikipedia The Equal Pay Act 1970 is an Act of the United Kingdom Parliament which prohibits any less favourable treatment between men and women in terms of pay and conditions of employment. It was passed by Parliament in the aftermath of the 1968 Ford sewing machinists strike[1][2][3][4] and came into force on 29 December 1975. The term pay is interpreted in a broad sense to include, on top of wages, things like holidays, pension rights, company perks and some kinds of bonuses. The legislation has been amended on a number of recent occasions to incorporate a simplified approach under European Union law that is common to all member states. Equal pay for women is an issue regarding pay inequality between men and women. It is often introduced ... Show more content on ... 8 percent is the result of the fact that older women had poorer educational attainment. Another way of explaining the gaps is to analyse the problem in terms of three broad themes: Under valuing of women s work An employment penalty for mothers Gender segregation C. The wage gap 17. There are several dimensions to the problem of the wage gap: First, there is the classic case of a man and a woman doing exactly the same job (whether in a factory or on the stock market floor), but the woman being paid less for it. This used to be a common problem, especially in Western Europe, and many countries have outlawed this type of wage discriminationthere even exists an ILO Convention designed to eliminate it21, dating back to 1951, as well as a 1975 European Council Directive22. But, as several recent studies conclude, even this type of classic wage discrimination persists in many countries, which prompted the European Commission to issue a (non binding) Code of Practice on the implementation of equal pay for work of equal value of women and men as recently as 199623. For example, a Eurostat study of 2003 showed that the average earnings of women in full time employment in the EU (at that time, of 15 member states) stood at only 70 90% of those of men. Similarly, ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Environmental Issues in Poland The environmental issues in Poland have improved since 1989 due to the major decline in heavy industry and increased environmental concern by post Communist governments; of course air pollution will always remains serious because of sulfur dioxide emanations from coal fired power plants, and the causing acid rain has caused forest damage Major trade and other wide ranging economic reforms have led to a vigorous show of the Polish economy. A new WTO report on the trade policies of Polandsays that real GDP in Poland has gone up by one quarter above pre transition levels and that GDP per capita averaged US$4,000 in 1999. The report notes however that rural poverty and regional expansion remain key problems. WARSAW, Poland (AP) Thousands of Polish labor union members are marching through Warsaw throwing smoke grenades and blowing whistles to show the level of their discontent with the government s labor and wage policies. The demonstrators congregated on Warsaw from all over Poland on Saturday, the last of four days of major protests in the capital that also included meeting with politicians and arguments with labor market experts. The coordinators Poland s largest union, OPZZ, Solidarity and groups representing countless vocations are expecting more than 100,000 participants. They say the guidelines of the government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk hurt the interests of workers and of their families. The government is rapidly losing reputation after recently raising the ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Technical School Job Another option was technical school, but even if I enrolled in some kind of vocational school, the road to success would still be very problematic, for even having a technical job in the area still kept you as the working poor, given that the prices for almost everything in the New York City metro area, including the New Jersey side where we lived were high. Housing prices such as rent (never mind mortgages) were high, car insurance rates were high, tolls were high and practically everywhere, parking prices in the city were just ridiculous, and even public transportation costs would add up. In one sentence, hourly salaries were just not keeping up with the rising cost of living in general. Years later as my wife Jackie and I talked about what it is like to live in that area the thought that occurred to us is of a swamp; once you are in it, it is very difficult to get out, and for the average person, especially if they have a family requires a titanic effort to do so.... Show more content on ... The job was steady and provided an income for the family. But this was a dead end job, and his wages kept the family operating within a strict budget limits. I was basically looking at my future and it scared me, not at who my father was as a man, for I admired my father, but at the helplessness of his job situation. I did not want that for myself, to land in one of those low paying jobs, in which the decades would pass by year after year, a job where I would just get older and older, and still would barely be making ends meet. For many people in the area this was the grim everyday reality, and I did not want that for ... Get more on ...
  • 55. John Steinbeck s Writing Style John Ernst Steinbeck was born and raised in Salinas, California. As a child he always aspired to become a great writer. Between the years of 1920 and 1925 Steinbeck attended Stanford University. While at Stanford University, Steinbeck took classes in writing techniques. Although John Ernst Steinbeck excelled in writinghe lacked the will to achieve in other areas of education. Unfortunately, Steinbeck never graduated from Stanford. John Steinbeck moved to New York City to follow his dream of writing. For a few years Steinbeck worked two jobs to support himself. One was as a fruit picker and the other was as a journalist. In New York City he tried to establish himself as a free lance writer, but failed. The only pleasant thing he received from New York was his wife. Steinbeck married in 1930 and decided to return to Salinas, his hometown, with his new companion. When steinbeck returned home his father, a government official in Salinas, provided the newly weds with a new home. John Steinbeck continued his on going dream of writing in his new home.... Show more content on ... Tortilla Flat has been one of his best novels. It was published in 1935 and became a financial success. He continued his successful work with In Dubious Battle (1936) and Of Mice And Men (1937). All of Steinbeck s novels can be categorized as having to do with the financial burdens that the typical farm worker encounters in his or her life. John Steinbeck had an enormous success with the novel Of Mice And Men. So much so that on the evening of November 23, 1937 (Contemporary Literary Criticism p. 75) the novel Of Mice And Men was turned into a theatrical play and performed in New York City. It was Steinbeck s first novel to be converted into a play. The novel Of Mice And Men is a fictional, ... Get more on ...
  • 56. Male And Female Communication Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus , is a true statement. Male and Female communication styles are totally different. Men and women appear to be from two different planets. How does communication and culture affect how you communication? I agree, that cultural communication is taught different based on gender? Yes, Females are taught at a very young age to be great listeners and pay close attention to detail. Males on the other hand or taught to leave all the detail stuff to the women. Both way men and women separately are two totally different genders. Male and Female genders have their own background and cultural habits. The difference in genders has created different communion styles. This makes relationships very challenging ... Show more content on ... Women do use metamessages when communication with men. Our cultures do affect are future communication in our long term relationships. Women, I must concur assume that if they are in a long term relationships the man should know all about them. The man should know what they like and do not like. Women in long term relationships know all about the man. They know their favorite food, favorite color and their like and dislikes. Men, from my experiences do not like a lot of communication talking in other words. Women on the other hand enjoys communication and I agree that Deborah Tannen statement, Being understood without saying what you mean gives a payoff in involvement, and that is why women value it so highly . This is exactly what women really want in relationships with men. Women value men who can know exactly what they are thinking without saying a word. Metamessages as described in this reading excerpt as an indirect way of communicating. Metamessages are what women use as a form of communication to resolve conflict or to solve every day dilemmas in relationships with men. One ... Get more on ...
  • 57. Managing and Resolving Conflicts MANAGING AND RESOLVING CONFLICTS Introduction Many atimes when the term conflict is used, the association made is with physical violence. Though, news media and other sources often use conflict and physical violence interchangeably. The concept of conflict is far more expansive. In many cases, conflict in the workplace just seems to be a fact of life. We ve all seen situations where different people with different goals and needs have come into conflict. The fact that conflict exists is not necessarily a bad thing. As long as it is resolved effectively, it can lead to personal and professional growth. In many cases, effective conflict resolution skills can make the difference between positive and negative outcomes. The good... Show more content on ... The emergence of a conflict can change this. Now one can feel threatened, anxious and angry. The same person whom we enjoyed working with yesterday now seems like an adversary, just because of our vast, past experience with conflict, most of which was negative. Many of us had not learnt to deal with conflicts constructively, in fact the converse is true we have learnt destructive ways of handling conflicts. As children, as students, as employees and too often as spouses. We have experienced losing in a conflict because parents, teachers and bosses used their power to win at our expense. Even though we know the feelings of resentment, anger, dislike, even hostility that we experience as a result of losing, the win lose posture is deeply ingrained and when we get in positions where we have power over people, we too often choose to win at their expense. A great deal of research shows the damaging effects that win lose conflict resolution has on interpersonal relationships. It creates distance, separation, dislike even hatred. It is the main reason people leave their jobs for new ones and marriages break up. Procedures for Conflict Resolution пѓ Negotiation i.e. bargaining relationship between parties who have a perceived or actual conflict of interest. пѓ Mediation i.e. Intervention of an acceptable third party who has limited (or no) authoritative decision making power. It leaves the decision making power ... Get more on ...