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Argumentative Persuasive Essay
Writing an argumentative persuasive essay can be a daunting task, especially when attempting to
tackle it alone. The process involves not only articulating your own viewpoint but also
anticipating and addressing potential counterarguments effectively. It requires extensive research
to gather credible evidence and sources to support your stance, adding to the complexity.
Crafting a coherent and compelling argument demands critical thinking skills and the ability to
structure your thoughts logically.
Moreover, finding the balance between passion and objectivity is crucial. While it's essential to
convey your conviction and enthusiasm for your position, it's equally important to present your
argument in a rational and respectful manner, acknowledging opposing viewpoints without
dismissing them outright.
Additionally, the writing process itself can be time-consuming and mentally taxing. From
brainstorming and outlining to drafting and revising, each stage demands attention to detail and
a commitment to refining your ideas and arguments.
Given these challenges, seeking assistance from professional writing services like can be beneficial. They offer expertise and support to help navigate the
complexities of crafting a persuasive argument. Whether it's providing guidance on structuring
your essay, conducting research, or refining your writing, these services can alleviate some of the
pressures associated with tackling such a demanding task.
In conclusion, while writing an argumentative persuasive essay can be challenging, it's not
insurmountable, especially with the right resources and support. Consider reaching out to for assistance with this task and similar academic endeavors.
Argumentative Persuasive EssayArgumentative Persuasive Essay
Of Symbolism In Radiohead s OK Computer
In a society so rigidly ruled by structures, Radiohead holds up a funhouse mirror to
reveal its flaws and inner workings. Radiohead s OK Computer reveals that society s
obsession with hiding vulnerability through repeating symbolism, lyrical metaphors,
By using repeating symbolic imagery, OK Computer shows that ruling power
structures, like religion and corporations, center around vulnerability in how they
gain influence and in how they are motivated. Additionally, in order to maintain
their influence, these powers have to put up a front of indestructibility while also
managing internal struggles. Planes crashes are depicted throughout the album s
artwork, a symbol of innovation and monetary means that has failed and brought
people down with it. Planes, much like corporations, are supposed to have very
few chinks in their armor, but both can go down; both are vulnerable under their
guise of perfection. There is also the case of religion, where a statue of Jesus is
seen being worshipped by a considerably smaller family. Religion is a form of
protection, both for the herd immunity and for the surety of an afterlife, and the
family is beneath, quite vulnerable. However, the statue is white, like the scribbles
surrounding it, while the family is not and would take more work to scribble over
because of this. This suggests that religion can be consumed easily and has less
control over modern life than in previous centuries. When the statue appears again, it
is a hand behind a
Marks and Spencer Merger with Sainsbury Essay
Title of Modules: Strategic change in organizations, Creativity amp; Innovation,
Strategic HRM
Strategic Change
Unit 3 1. Background to organisational strategic change.
Marks and Spencer plc is a UK based company. Many people regard the business as
a national institution. It is lovingly called M amp;S and Marks and Sparks . M
amp;S is known as a best retailer. There are over 370 Marks amp; Spencer stores
throughout the UK that sell clothing, food and household goods. The core of its
retailing business is clothing, particularly women s. Over 80% of Marks amp;
Spencer s stores are sited in traditional high street locations. More than 10 million
customers a week buy products from one of its stores. An increasing number of ...
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M amp;S clothing could also be sold through Sainsbury s stores, providing a
powerful boost to the supermarket s non food business. Last night one City analyst
said there was a lot of logic surrounding the deal and suggested a move could come
He said: M amp;S have a fantastic property portfolio, there would be huge synergies
between the two companies. M amp;S is strong in non food, Sainsbury is strong in
food and Sainsbury is desperately trying to get into non food so a deal is a possibility.
It would also help to find a successor to Sir Stuart Rose.
Despite Rose persuading the City that the company s profits are going to take a hit
while the recession lasts, he has enraged some shareholders by breaching the City s
best practice standards with his twin roles of chairman and chief executive.
City investors and local authority pension funds that hold shares in M amp;S have
demanded that the company appoint an independent chairman or a new chief
executive by next summer, and it is now widely expected that Rose will step down
long before the mid 2011 deadline set last year. A potential tie up between the two
has been rumbling ever since Rose let slip at a retail conference in 2007 that his
shareholders would consider him an idiot if he did not think about mounting a
takeover, before adding: Watch this space.
But since then, the fortunes of the two have changed. While M amp;S is struggling
against a
How Doctor Die By Ken Murry
In How Doctor Die, Ken Murry explains the choice of doctors when they have a
terminal illness. From the beginning, Ken gives an example of an orthopedist who
was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He quit his job and spent the rest of his day
with his family. A doctor is a person who treats disease and saves patients; however,
when they have an illness, they are also like other patients. They meet difficult
situations with their patients but also feel for them. They tend to be fair because they
know about medicine and its limits. They do not wantto die. Surely, each doctorhas
the preparation for death, and they want to find a way to die in peace. On the other
hand, some patients try to find a method to overcome their illness although they
have to bear pain. What I take from Murray s essay is that patients have a right to
chose how they die . Every one dies, eventually, but I agree with Murray that the
choice needs to be an informed decision. According to Murray, some patients fight
death, they use drugs, chemotherpy, radiation, surgical, or CPR. They believe that
they can overcome their illness. Doctors recommend that people who can not be
saved with treatment should just live their life with their family, enjoying the rest of
their days. Therefore, the doctors have to know what is best for their patients. They
should have treatment. When the patients spend a lot of money, this is not the way to
overcome illness. For example, there was a women trying to overcome her
Dorothy Sayers Research Paper
Dorothy Sayers Dorothy Sayers is an extraordinary authors the great amount of
respect in the literary world. Dorothy Sayers was born on June 13th, 1893, in
Oxford. when she was six, her dad, which led to her being the president of a
modern language Association later in life. Dorothy was deeply religious, she was
anglo catholic. when Dorothy was a child, her family move to East English. She
grew up to be interested in women s rights, religion, and writing. Dorothy married to
Oswald Flemming, a journalist, in 1926. her path in finding a career is quite
interesting. Dorothy Sayers attended Godolphin School, Salisbury for grade school.
She later went to Somerville College in Oxford where she earned first
The Power Of Love In A Midsummer s Night Dream
Love is a powerful emotion, capable of turning the most rational people into
crazed, irrational lovers. In A Midsummer s Night Dream, Shakespeare centralizes
his comedy around the theme of human love as a powerful, transformative force.
Through the use of a magical love potion, the characters within the play are blinded
by fierce passion and their sight is narrowed to see only what the lover selectively
chooses to see. As a result of the power of love, the sensible become irrational and
emotions that stem from love, such as jealousy and desperation, give birth to
hysterical chaos. In A Midsummer s Night Dream, Shakespeare presents love as an
uncontrollable, indiscriminate, and transformative force that prevents those infected
with its power
Passive Ball Sorter
1.The design objective is to construct a passive ball sorter in groups of two people
that will sort hollow practice golf balls from golf balls into separate bins.
2.The goal for the passive ball sorter is to sort hollow practice golf balls from golf
balls into separate bins. There is a total of seven balls that need to be sorted
correctly to receive the points in that category. The balls will be released from a
tube at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. The constraints of the passive ball
sorter are the following: no electric motors or gas engine, no electronics of any type,
made from reasonable household recycled materials only, should fit inside a 1ft x 1ft
x 2ft box, and maintain purchases below $5 for supplies.
3.I began my research for information about passive ball sorters on YouTube. I
came across tutorials on how to build such a passive ball sorter made from
recycled materials found around the home. I saw videos where different techniques
such as bounce and roll were demonstrated. One example had the balls bounce off
rubber bands into separate bins. The other example had the balls roll down
cardboard paths which would separate the balls into separate bins. These two ideas
were a start in the right direction; ... Show more content on ...
For example, I brought half of the cardboard pieces, the hollow practice golf balls,
and hot glue gun refills. My partner brought the other half of the cardboard pieces,
golf balls, chopsticks, and hot glue gun. Overall, the work load for the project was
divided equally. I meet at my partner s house to assemble the project. I constructed
the bottom half of the passive ball sorter, and my partner made the top half of the
passive ball sorter. Afterwards, we ran tests on the cardboard built passive ball sorter.
The tests went well since the hollow practice golf balls and golf balls were correctly
separated into two separate
Informative Essay On Canoe Water
People want common sense paddling courses that allow them to enjoy the river
with competent skills. Canoe certification courses are good, but sometimes the
technicality is more then what the average person wants. On river instruction with
certified canoe instructors teaches safe ways to enter/exit canoes, how to steer a
canoe without switching sides, handy canoe stroke techniques and canoe rescues.
There is also a review of basic equipment needed, what to look for in canoe purchase
and what to pack as a simple safety precaution. These four hour course are filled
with practical hands on experience as a canoe trip is done on the river.
Many people that paddle lakes think they are prepared to canoe a river. Lakes do not
have speed and they do not have the force of water moving around and over
obstacles at sudden depth changes. This unfamiliarity is a potential danger to any
lake canoeist. River novices would be wise to take a canoe lesson with an instructor.
Proper canoe lessons on a river teach how to read water, a technique not required
on lakes. A canoeist that knows what they are looking at makes the best decisions of
where to go. Just understanding what a v spear head looks like helps avoid rocks
and knowing that v cones in the same direction is the deepest channel. Recognizing
the simple v patterns on water makes ... Show more content on ...
It has a little bit of everything; there is fast water, slow water, waves and eddies.
The river averages one meter in depth and is wide for maneuvering and forgiving.
Beginner canoeist can take on river instructional canoe courses here and gain
knowledge of how to read a river. The right read gives the right decisions for staying
off rocks, keeping dry and traveling with ease. With a skilled instructor traveling
along side... technique mistakes are quickly caught; water reading decisions are
corrected and added coaching builds
Pros And Cons Of Gentrification
What would you do if you or someone you knew was forced out of their home
because they couldn t afford the rent and their neighborhoods were changing
economically; this is called gentrification. Due to gentrification, many changes are
occurring to the people and homes that are in those neighborhoods. According to, Gentrification is a general term for the arrival of wealthier people in an
existing urban district, a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in
the district s character and culture. The term is often used negatively, suggesting the
displacement of poor communities by rich outsiders ( One area where
gentrification is currently taking place is the cityof San Francisco in the Mission
District.... Show more content on ...
In this area there was gangs and trap houses but now there were small businesses and
higher income people who were moving in and changing the neighborhood.
Gentrification has happened, is happening or will happen in the United States and it
is inevitable due to the government supporting it and the power that money has in
these regions. Although gentrification does have some pros, it also has some
important cons; the first con is the hidden cost that comes with gentrification, the
second con is the rents being raised which leads people to becoming homeless. This
paper will show the history, effects, benefits, and solutions like putting limits to when
and by how much the rent can be raised so that people don t become homeless. This
is not the right time for gentrification because levels of poverty are high and the
amount of people in debt is too much for gentrification to occur at this
Sacrabani Deals With Bullying
I don t particularly like this section in the book as it deals with bullying. Bullying is
probably the worst thing a child could do to another child. If you bully, you may feel
better about yourself but you have to realize that the person you re bullying is hurting
on the inside. Sacrabani has to deal with bullyingfor possibly his whole life because
of the way he looks. The children make fun of him and call him things such as
bastard. Sacrabani hearing such words will bring his confidence down in the
future, preventing him from trying new things as he will fear he will get judged
for it. No matter what I do, no matter how old I get if I have to make a decision that
will change my life, I will ask for my parent s permission, unlike Murugan,
Essay On Jeffrey Dahmer
Jeffrey Dahmer, a notorious serial killer and sex offender in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin responsible for killing, dismembering, and consuming 17 male victims
during 1978 to 1991. Jeff Dahmer was the child of Joyce and Lionel Dahmer; he
was born May 21, 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dahmer s father was a graduate
student working on his masters in analytic chemistry, and his mother worked as a
Teletype machine instructor. The marriage of Dahmer s parents showed signs of
early problems with continuous fighting. Joyce Dahmer suffered from extreme
psychological issues such as depression, and anxiety. Jeffery s mother attempted
suicide when he was a young child. Growing up, Dahmer seemed to be a very happy
child until age 6, where he had a surgery to... Show more content on
Shortly after the birth of his brother the Dahmer family relocated to Ohio for a job
opportunity offered to his father. After they moved Jeffrey really started to exhibit
signs of introversion with his lack of engagement in activities, not having many
friends, and missing emotions. His parents attempted to get Dahmer involved by
signing him up for tennis, soccer, and 4 H. At age 10 Jeffrey began his fascination
with dead animals. The young boy would ride his bicycle around the
neighborhood, and pick up any road kill he could find. Dahmer would then dissect
the deceased animals to observe their internal anatomy. Likewise, he would scrape
the flesh off the animals bones, and then preserve them to keep as a memento.
When Jeffrey was around 14 his fantasies of necrophilia began, this also involved
the calamitous period of his parents marriage. The psychological stress of the demise
of his parents marriage really weighed heavily on the young adolescent. It was during
the time of puberty where Dahmer discovered his homosexual identity. Jeffrey did not
expose his sexuality to his family, but did engage in a relationship with another male
during this pubescent
Persuasive Essay On Breastfeeding
Women in this world have a right to bear children and take care of them. As a new
parent, there are millions of questions, worries, and decisions one deals with
throughout the whole child s life. When a child is first born, a mother has to decide
whether or not to breastfeed or formula feed. The nutrition a baby receives in the
first months of life is what determines if the baby has a good or bad start. Women
should breastfeed their children because breastfeedingboosts chances of success for
their child, allows their baby to receive natural immunity from antibodies, mothers
are less likely to develop diseases such as cancers or diabetes, and breastfeeding
stimulates oxytocin to promote bonding between mother and child. Breastfeeding is
the best choice for a baby.
The natural process of breastfeeding is the most beneficial for the baby and many
studies have concluded that breastfeeding boosts chances of success. In Brazil, a
group of doctors took on a project to see if there was a difference from a breastfed
child and a formula fed one. These doctors randomly picked out more than 3,000
babies and studied them from the time they were born until they turned thirty years
old (Breast Feeding). Once these babies reach thirty, they were given an IQ test that
concluded, the subjects who were breast fed for 12 months or more had a higher IQ
than those who were breast fed for less than one month. The difference in IQ was
3.76 points (Horta). Not only does breastfeeding have an
Reggae Music Research Paper
The History of a Legacy
What is reggae music? Reggae music is a type of music that consists of different
genres of music such as blues and calypso. Reggae music also consists of different
rhythms such as different accents on different beats of the music. Say for instance
you are playing in a four/four time measure. The natural beat for a drummer playing
in this type of particular time measure would be for him to hit his high hat on all 4
beats, his bass foot pedal on one and three, and his snare on two and four. When
playing reggae this particular pattern differs for the drummer. When playing reggae
the drummer has more room to play around with the beat. In this particular setting the
drummer would continue to hit the hi hat on all four beats of the four measure. He
would then start the measure of music by hitting his bass foot ... Show more content
on ...
Reggae music consists of a drum set, bongos, bass guitar, electric guitar, and so
much more. A basic drum set for reggae music consists of a snare drum, a hi hat, a
floor tom, a middle tom, and a high tom, a kick bass, a ride cymbal and a crash
symbol. All of these pieces if equipment are used to keep the rhythm throughout the
performance of music. Bongos are a lot like the toms of a drum set, but differ as
far as the material that is used to create the distinct sound of these two instruments.
Toms of a drum set consist of man made material, whereas bongos consist of
drumheads that are made from an animals skin. Bongos also are an advocate to the
rhythmic part of reggae music. The bass guitar is the heartbeat of reggae music.
The bass guitar is a four string or more instrument that is played by hand by
plcking it or consciously striking it. An electric guitar is the exact same thing as a
bass guitar, with the exception of the pitch. A bass guitar has a deep bellowing kind
of a pitch, whereas an electric guitar has more of a high pitch to
Network Security Essay
Network Security
You can think of network security as an insurance policy in a dangerous new world.
In the good old days of centralized processing, is all you had to do was simply lock
the computer room door and restrict entrance access. Those days are long gone in
light of decentralized processing, the internet and vast communi cation networks.
Personal data and transaction security through networks is of paramount concern
when processing through the expanding networks held by government and private
enterprises. Network security in itself refers to a collection of tasks or plans that are
implemented to ensure data privacy. An overall plan is enacted with security profiles
enacted on a multilevel structure allowing various ... Show more content on ...
Your medical recordsare another critical information area. From medical records,
not only can wrongdoers get medical information about you but really good tidbits
like psychological problems you re encountered and maybe even your sexual
orientation. Lesser types of juicy intrusions involve trespassing into grocery store
discount card purchases. While this may seem quite minor, it is not. Do you really
want strangers to know all of the huge purchases you ve made of booze and
cigarettes? Do you want people to know you re a boozing smokestack? What about
your credit bureau? Boy, if your credit bureau gets mixed up, that could keep you
from getting a house. It could keep you from a lot of things. Your dreams could fade
away, all because of fraud. Quite clearly, network security in today s information age
is of paramount concern.
The first and easiest types of network attacks comes from hackers. Hackers are
people typically using a home computer to gain access to systems they shouldn t be
in and indeed the access is usually illegal. Hackers more and more are hell bent on
obtaining proprietary information, be it on a company or individual. If individ ual
personal information is obtained, that information can be used for a wide array of
identity theft crimes from credit card fraud to bank account fraud. The list could be
almost endless. On the other side, if company proprietary information is ob tained,
Atheism Essay
People in our society today who have the atheist point of view on religion, which is
the belief that there is no god, are going against the so called norms of society, and
therefor are seen as deviant. Deviance is just an idea. Society determines what is
deviant by the ideas they hold of what should be the norm. Atheism is seen as a
negative deviance, or below the norm. They have a status that is placed on them in
society. It doesn t necessarily mean that they believe in evil, although that is how it
is sometimes viewed from people in society who have a specific religion or faith.
Atheism, which is not a new idea, has been evolving in our society, and is the reason
for problems leading to debate and court cases, and for ... Show more content on ...
But as god beliefs have grown more absurd because of increasing knowledge, some
have felt compelled to point out difficulties with these beliefs. And, as religion has
grown more tyrannical, atheists have seen the need to organize in defense of
freedom. Atheism has a long and colorful history, but that history has been largely
hidden from the public s view due to religious suppression. It is therefore, with great
effort, that modern atheists are re discovering their heritage. Some early Greek
philosophers were among the first to write down atheistic ideas. Great thinkers such
as Heraclitus, Democritus, Protagorus, and Lucretius expressed views that questioned
the existence of gods. Atheism gained a permanent foothold in western culture during
the Renaissance and through the Enlightenment. But atheism truly began to thrive
around the beginning of the 20th century in what is called the Freethought
movement. Current trends indicate that the popularity of atheism should continue to
increase into the next century.
Sir Thomas Huxley coined the term agnostic in 1869. Popularly the word agnostic is
felt to mean that the nature of god cannot be known but that there is a god. Therefore
the agnostic is accepted in the community and he is accepted by the church, unlike
those labeled or known as atheists . Agnosticism is very closely related to the
religious doctrine that the ways of god are incomprehensible, that human reason is
deceptive and that man requires a
Conflict Of The Case Of Online Defamation
The new age of information has caused scholars to consider the adequacy of
traditional jurisdictional regimes where interstate disputes arise. Many scholars argue
that traditional choice of law doctrines are inadequate to determine which state of law
applies in inter state cyber disputes.
In case of online defamation, considering this crime is not restricted to one
particular geographical boundary, it is important to analyze as to which particular
law will apply to the case at hand. There appear to be three stages involved:
(a)the inquiry whether there is a conflict of policy,
(b)the inquiry whether there is a conflict in application, and,
(c)if the answer to the previous two questions ... Show more content on ...
First, the wrong must be of such a character that it would have been actionable if
committed in England [the place of the forum]...Secondly, the act must not have been
justifiable by the law of the place where it was done.
The Conflict of Law Rules under the Common Law system have been codified by
way of the Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act passed in
1995. This however excludes defamation. Under the tort of defamation if it takes
place in England (here in India) then it is stated that law of forum shall be followed
as the lex fori and the lex loci deliciti are the same.
In case of multi state defamation a fresh tort is committed in each country in which
publication occurs. More radically, the concept of the place of the tort could be
abandoned altogether and replaced in cases of multi state defamation by a rule
applying one of the following: (i) law of the claimant s domicil or residence , (ii) the
law of the country which with respect to the particular issues has the most significant
relationship with the occurrence and with the parties.
The latter half of this is followed under the American approach for torts has been
summarized under s. 145 of The Restatement (Second) Conflict of laws. This also
provides for the most significant relationship rule to apply in case of defamation.
Most of the
A Research Study On The Vaccination Schedule
The study is significant because certain types of HPV can lead to venereal warts,
which can ultimately lead to cancer in male and female patients. This disease is
preventable, but uptake of the vaccine has been below the expected level since its
introduction. One of the goals of Healthy People 2020 is to reduce the proportion of
females with HPV infection. The primary means of preventing cervical, anal, penile
and oropharyngeal cancer resulting from HPV is completing the vaccination series.
Adherence to the vaccination schedule is an important health initiative, so nursing
researchthat helps to increase adherence is essential.
This research study will attempt to increase compliance through interviewing
patients, providing education, reducing barriers, offering the vaccination and
following up using phone calls. The methods used in this study could be applied in
other populations because an understanding on reasons for hesitancy and non
compliance will be better understood. The reasons will differ between population
types, so interventions would have to be individualized to meet the needs of the
specific group. The goal is to increase vaccine compliance and reduce the incidence
of HPV and the complications that may result from this virus.
Research Aim The aim of the research is to help identify the health beliefs that
adolescents age 11 20 and their parents have regarding the risk of becoming infected
with HPV. Since the compliance in males is especially low, the
Benefitfocus Case
The brief that follows provides an overview of Benefitfocus, Inc. and highlights the
business performance, competitive landscape, prospects, and challenges facing the
At first glance a prospective investor might be turned off by the fact that
Benefitfocus net income seems to be headed in the entirely wrong direction. Losses
have ballooned from 30M in 2013 to 62M in 2015. However, it is important to note
that the company s net income as a percentage of its revenue is headed in the right
direction. The profit margin has improved from 74% in 2013 to 19.31% through three
quarters of 2016. The fact that revenue growth has far outstripped cost growth over
the past few years indicates that positive operating leverage is inherit in Benefitfocus
business model. If these trends continue Benefitfocus should reach breakeven sooner
rather than later.
Benefitfocus jumped closer to profitability in the first months of 2017, posting better
than expected results that boosted its stock Friday (Moore, 2017).
The Daniel Island based software company, ... Show more content on
The employers use its solutions to streamline benefits processes, keep up with
complex regulatory requirements, control costs and offer a greater variety of plans to
attract, retain and motivate their employees (Gupta, 2013). Some of its customers in
this segment include: Brooks Brothers Group, Morganite Industries, Fehrer
Automotive, Vangent, Inc (Gupta, 2013).
пЂInsurance carriers segment: Under this segment, the company sells its solutions to
the insurance carriers, and simultaneously serves many key constituents in the
insurance market, including consumers, employers and brokers (Gupta, 2013). Some
of its customers in this segment include: Allstate Insurance, Tufts Associated Health
Plans (Gupta, 2013).
Photovoltaic Materials Essay
Photovoltaic Materials
Ahmed Albalbisi
University of South Florida
Solar energy is one of the most used energy sources that all living things depend
upon. Man has been able to capture some of the sun s energy and uses it for
cooking, heating and to power everyday appliances. Solar energy technologies have
come a long way. Solar cells, commonly referred to as photovoltaic cells, transform
the solar energy into electrical energy. Owing that solar energy is renewable and
could be the most dependable source of electricity, it is worthwhile to drive the
production costs further down to enable growth in the photovoltaic manufacturing
sector. Research in the solar cell manufacturing field indicates that influences ... Show
more content on ...
In converting solar enagy to electrical energy for use, Solar cells commonly known as
photovoltaic cells are used. Technology innovations in the solar photovoltaicsis
anticipated to significantly reduced the cost of energy across the globe (Kalkman et
al, 2015). This paper will look to investigate and research on prospective production
practices and innovations that will help to drive down expenditure involved in the
production of photovoltaic materials.
In the past four decades, there have been numerous strides made in the
photovoltaic enagy field which has seen has seen the emergence of PV as a viable
source of renewable energy. One significant development is the progressive
reduction in the unit cost of photovoltaic cells made from silicon. For instance, an
analysis of the cost in dollars per watt of Crystalline Silicon from 1977 indicates
that the cost has been declining steadily. In 1977, the cost in dollars per watt
($IW) over $76, in the year 2000, it stood at $5 and surprisingly, in 2015 it was at a
low of $0.30 (Kalkman et al, 2015). Due to the decline in cost per unit watt,
photovoltaic energy production has reached grid parity in 40 countries of thereabout.
In it projected that by the end of this year, it would have attained grid parity in more
than half of the countries of the world (Balfour Shaw, 2011).
Albeit the cost of c Si cells has become very affordable, its low cost has made it hard
for other equally viable
Doctoral Study Premise Essay
Restating the topic of Doctoral Study Premise
The United States is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world but the
health outcomes of racial and ethnic populations are still disproportionately affected,
as access to health and healthcare utilization can be a difficult and complex path that
cuts across various racial and ethnic populations including African immigrant
population (Venters Gany, 2009). These complexities are due to barriers associated
with health disparities, linguistic, cultural, and inequality among other things. African
immigrant population is identified as a vulnerable population and is impacted with
the lack knowledge and research studies that has emphasized mostly on infectious
diseases among this ... Show more content on ...
These observations with regards to influences associated with limited access to health
care, acculturation, health literacy, effects of ethnic/cultural health practices and
behaviors are also relative to United States immigrants and refugee populations, as
they are more likely to experience and present with poor health outcomes.
Ethical concerns that should have been considered when data was initially collected
within the topic area
An article by Singh et al in 2013, carefully analyzed 8 major national data systems on
immigrant health in the United States, highlighting their different areas of focus as
well as their limitations and how they can be utilized as secondary data sources to
answer specific questions on immigrant health towards addressing gaps in literature
in research. These data systems are said to vary substantially in their coverage of
health and behavioral characteristics, identification of ethnic and immigrant groups,
time periods, data collection methodologies, and the types of data analyses that can
be supported for studying immigrant health (Singh et al, 2013). These databases
include: National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), National Longitudinal Mortality
Study (NLMS), National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System
The Black Death
THE BLACK DEATH! What Is The Black Death?
The Black Death is a disease that went on for over 5 years. It also spread around a
wide range of places! It killled and harmed thousands upon thousands of people and
had no mercy. If you were to sadly catch the Black Death, you would DEFINITELY
die and there was many cures and causes however none of the causes actually
worked also all of causes were thought to be a punishment from God. Once you knew
you had the Black Death, you were abliged to hang a red cross on the front of your
door. This was to warn un infected peasants to stay away unless they wanted to catch
So far I think that the Black Death was a disaster. This is because there was no
proven working ... Show more content on ...
This meant the plauge could not spread. The only time a human being was to go to
Scotland would be to deliver food or essential items. I still think that the Black Death
was a disaster as no boby new how the desiease was spreading and what would be the
lucky place to either not have it at all or to not be re visited by it!
Causes.... Bad air. Some people believed that the Black Death was spread by in
hailing bad fumes. Intimacy. A lot of peasants had big families, they all hugged
and kissed one another not knowing if they or the other person had the desiease.
Wickedness, people believed that god was punishing them so to stop the irony,
they whipped themselves. This way the died painfully yet quickly, whereas with
the Black Death, you dies painfully yet slowly! Cures... Take A Live Frog And Put
It On Your Sores. One of the cures was this, you would place a life frog on your
buboes, this was meant to take the posion out and risk the percentage of the Black
Death killing you. This cure wouldn t work however the peseants didn t know that
as they had no science and technoliogy! This showas that the Black Death was still a
disasster however some may disagree as it hos now inproven our views of science
and technoliogy.
The Impact Of The Black Death!
The Invention Of Torture In Medieval Time
The word torture comes from the Late Latin tortura, which is a past participle of
torquere. Torture is, in law, defined as the infliction of severe bodily pain; either as
punishment, or as a means of receiving a confession. There are millions of ways to
torture someone, to inflict pain until the person becomes unhinged mentally, until
finally they give you what you want; however, I will only be explaining a few
devices and methods. The Rack, although used in medieval times, was not invented
in that era. It invented in 1420, by the Duke of Exeter, John Holland. Several types
of the rack existed, one being the version that the Duke made and introduced, and
were used; however, they were all designed similarly. The ankles of a sufferer were...
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Garrote means different things in different countries. In Spain, it refers to a rope and
stick that restricts a person s movements. Garroting was popular around the world;
however, it was favored in Spain, where it got it s name. Spain played with the
original garrote, maximizing the ability to cause pain and certain death. (Chronicles,
Tarring and Feathering was a physical punishment to enforce formal justice. Tarring
and feathering was done in feudal Europe and its colonies. When tarring and
feathering, typically the victim of an angry crowd would be stripped down to the
waist. Hot tar was poured or painted onto them until they became immobile; then, the
victim had feathers thrown on them, or they were rolled around on a pile of feathers.
They were often paraded around town on a cart or rail; the purpose being to cause
pain and humiliate someone enough until they either reformed their behavior, or left
Essay about iran contra scandal
Iran Contra Scandal
The Cold War peaked the interest of the entire globe. Each threat, policy and action
that took place had ramifications far more reaching then ever imaginable. The world
sat on edge because it feared its own destruction, after the introduction of nuclear
warfare at the close of World War II, another World War could result in the Earth s
demise. This fear ran through the hearts and minds of citizens of both the United
States and the Soviet Union, but it is the citizens elsewhere that had to pay the
consequences for these fears. The race to become the premier superpower of the
world between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. did not always remain as subsided as many
like to believe. Many regions of the world were held accountable ... Show more
content on ...
To understand the Iran contra Affair it is necessary to understand American Iranian
relations leading up to the scandal. Since the origin of both major powers, Iran had
managed to to maintain its independence as a nation state by playing the two
superpowers against one another. And it was when the two rivals came to an
understanding that, Iranian leaders saw their country s independence and identity in
serious jeopardy. [2] The turning point in the relationship between the Iran and the
United States began after [the United States] part in the overthrow of Muhammad
Musadiq in 1953, the United States found itself the object of growing Iranian
criticism. [3] Moderate, nationalistic opposition forces and radical leftist began to
refer to the United States as an imperialistic, oppressive external force, all as Shi i
religious leaders begun condemning America and their policies. Iranians of all
political persuasions increasingly formed a negative image of the United States. [4]
America exposed itself as no longer an external liberating force that was held
responsible for protecting Iran from Great Britain and the Soviet Union, and instead,
became the exploiter.
Throughout the 1970 s the United
Essay on causes of french revoultionary war
The causes of the French Revolution, the uprising which brought the regime of
King Louis XVI to an end, were manifold. France in 1789 was one of the richest
and most powerful nations in Europe; only in Great Britain and the Netherlands did
the common people have more freedom and less chance of arbitrary punishment.
Nevertheless, the ancien rГ©gime was brought down, partly by its own rigidity in
the face of a changing world, partly by the ambitions of a rising bourgeoisie, allied
with aggrieved peasantsand wage earners and with individuals of all classes who
were influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment. As the revolution proceeded and as
power devolved from the monarchy to legislative bodies, the conflicting interests of
these... Show more content on ...
The proletariat and the non bourgeois strata of the middle class had either not yet
evolved interests which were different from those of the bourgeoisie or they did not
yet constitute independent classes or class divisions. Therefore, where they opposed
the bourgeoisie, as they did in France in 1793 and 1794, [that is to say, during the
Reign of Terror] they fought only for the attainment of the aims of the bourgeoisie,
albeit in a non bourgeois manner. The entire French terrorism was just a plebeian way
of dealing with the enemies of the bourgeoisie: absolutism, feudalism and
philistinism. [1] (
Since 1614, the French monarchy had operated without resort to a legislature. Kings
had managed their fiscal affairs by increasing the burden of the ancient and unequal
system of taxes, by borrowing money, and sometimes by selling noble titles and other
privileges; however, because noble titles exempted the holder from future taxes, the
purchasers of titles were effectively buying an annuity.
This led to the long running fiscal crisis of the French government. On the eve of
the revolution, France was deeply indebted, so deeply as to be effectively bankrupt.
Extravagant expenditures by Louis XIV on luxuries such as Versailles were
compounded by heavy expenditures on the Seven Years War
Jehovah s Witness Research Paper
Knock, knock. Who s there? It s a Jehovah s Witness! Have you ever had a Jehovah
s Witness knock on your door? Jesus told His people to go and make disciples of
people of all the nations in Matthew, and since they didn t have phones or social
media to spread the Word of God, the only way to do it was to go from house to
house. Jehovah s Witnesses believe that door to door ministry is the best way to
reach people. The members of this religion would sit outside for hours upon hours
just to convert a couple people to being a Jehovah s Witness. ...We made return visits
to householders who had formerly shown interest in our message, even the least bit...
says a Jehovah s Witness Pioneer. While having some similar beliefs as Christianity,
Jehovah s Witnesses have several differences, too.... Show more content on ...
Charles Taze Russell, the leader of the group (not the founder of the religion),
helped publish books such as, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah s Kingdom. The
religion spread rapidly. According to the book, Cults and New Religions, the
population of Jehovah s Witnesses doubled in North America, and multiplied by
fifteen in South America. In 1999, there were about 5 6 million members plus more
people who were interested in the religion. In Michigan, only about 1% of the
population is a Jehovah s Witness. Just as Christians believe that God is the Almighty
God, Jehovah s Witnesses believe that God is the Almighty God and His name is
Jehovah; hence, Jehovah s Witness . In Psalms 2, we read, I will surely tell of the
decree of the Lord: He said to me, You are my Son, today I have begotten you which
is referring to Jesus being the Son of God. Jehovah s Witnesses believe that Jesus is
the Son of God, but they have no biblical references to prove it in their version of the
Behaviorism Theory And Social Cognitive Theory
Learning perspective also known as behavioral perspective is a theory that is
apprehensive with how a person s behavior changes because of their environment
and experiences. The learning perspective has two theories; behaviorism and social
cognitive learning theory. Furthermore, behaviorists do not invoke the mind to
explain behavior; they prefer to stick to what they can observe and measure directly:
acts and events that happen in the environment (Carole Wade, 2008). In this essay the
following attributes that will be discussed are; the two types of theories and their sub
theories, two current uses in Business Science, what is the learning effectiveness of
those learning approaches, and lastly this essay will be concluded by discussing
alternative uses of the learning approaches in the major business science. Behaviorism
is referred to as a psychological approach which emphasizes scientific and objective
methods of investigation (McLeod, 2016). In the behaviorism theory, we have two
sub theories which are; classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical
conditioning is a learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired;
a response that is at first produced by the second stimulus is eventually produced by
the first stimulus alone. Furthermore, operant conditioning is changing of behavior
by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response (McLeod,
2016). Reinforcements can be both positive and negative. The second theory
Examples Of Fidelity In Clueless
The idea of fidelity can limit our understanding of adaptation in many ways. This
idea is shown throughout Clueless, a 1990 s adaptation of the novel Emma.
Firstly, the theory of fidelity is that, in order to be successful, adaptations should
religiously follow their source text and keep every aspect of the text identical. The
notion in itself is incredibly flawed, as there are many different ways to adapt a
source text and still retain its significance. Also, it supports the claim that an
adaptation is inherently a loss, which is harmful and problematic. It also raises the
idea that fidelity is not even attainable when creating an adaptation as every form of
media is an adaptation in some form and it becomes harder and harder to think in
Sociologist Career Research Paper
Sociologist study society, social behaviors, and this also includes culture. There are
number of options for sociologists when it comes to jobs. Sociology is not the
largest field, but it does is a unique one. Sociologists study culture, which has always
been a field and has many aspects such as tv, media, and politics. The sociologists of
the world also study people and the groups that they form. Sociologyis the area that
sociologists go into when they go into secondary teaching. Sociologists earn about
seventy nine thousand dollars per year.
The Bureau of Labor Services defines sociologists job as, Sociologists study society
and social behavior by examining the groups, cultures, organizations, social
institutions, and processes that develop when people interact and work together.
On average sociologist make $79,750 per year and $38.34 per hour, according to
Bureau of Labor Services. This above average of people who have an advanced
degree. People with advanced degrees on average make seventy two thousand dollars
per year. To become a Sociologist you must have a Masters in sociology.
Sociologists are required to have a masters in sociology, according to Burueau of
Labor Services. This is gained from secondary schooling, which you can enter
without passing primary schooling or having a GED. Most students in Sociology go
to four ... Show more content on ...
Whereas in Cheers, it is in the 1980 s, it can be a lot more let s go to the bar and
hangout with my friends instead of focusing on the family, and family type issues.
When watching these two shows side by side you can really see the difference
twenty years of television can have. When you look at it you can see that as tv
progressed it got a lot more away from the family but was still a show where it was
about friends. It was still family friendly, but not as family friendly as The Andy
Griffith Show
Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia Essay
Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia
C. S. Lewis, a well known author and apologist, is best known by people of all
ages for his seven volume series entitled The Chronicles of Narnia. As Lewis
wrote about the land of Narnia, an imaginary world visited by children of this
world, he had two obvious purposes: to entertain the readers and to suggest
analogies of the Christian faith. Although some feel that his stories are
violent, Lewis is successful at using fiction to open peoples hearts to
accepting Christ as their Savior because he first entertains the audience with a
wonderful story.
Lewis talked about how he came to write the books of Narnia, saying that they ...
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But how should Lewis go about getting past those who are
not open to the idea of Christianity? He believed that the best way to do this
was to present it in a fictional world, a world in which it would be easier to
accept. The audience grows to love Aslan and everything that he symbolizes; they
begin to wish for someone like Aslan in this world. After finding this love for
Aslan, they will ideally transfer that love to Christ when presented with the
Gospel later in life. It is important to remember that The Chronicles of Narnia
are successful because many readers do not realize the resemblance of Aslan to
Jesus Christ. Even though Christian themes are present, the Chronicles are not
dependent on them (Schakel 132). Peter J. Schakel, a professor of English at
Hope College in Holland, Michigan, states that a non Christian reader can
approach the book as a fictional story and be moved by the exciting adventures
and the archetypal meanings, and not find the Christian elements obtrusive or
offensive (132). For this reason, the Narnian stories have been so successful
in getting into the bloodstream of the secular world (Hooper 99).
Hooper discusses how Lewis will be successful in sharing the gospel if he can
get past the partition of
Joe Hill Magicians
Audiences have at all times throughout history been amazed by illusions performed
for them for the purpose of entertainment by the means of magicians. Some of these
magicians include David Copperfield, who made the Statue of Liberty disappear,
Harry Houdini, who was most famous for his escape tricks, and Robert Houdin, who
would read the audience s mind. In spite of the fact that many of these magicians
appear to have done their magic through some supernatural force, in reality, the
magicians use their sleight of hand in order to change the perspective of the audience.
According to the article, Magic as a Cooperative Deceit, the author states that magic
is an attempt to change the belief of the audience that something out ... Show more
content on ...
The psychology of magic tricks is also affected from person to person. The
experience of an individual may be different among other individuals based on past
experience and expectations. For example, this article, There s more to magic than
meets the eye includes the illusion of a ball being thrown up; however, the ball
stays in the illusionist s hand. About 68% of people fall for the trick because of
the fact that their expectation is that the ball will go up and their past experience
is the fact that they have seen a ball thrown up numerous times. Furthermore, the
social cuing of the illusionist inspired the social cuing of the audience into
believing the direction of the ball to go up. Consequently, this shows that the
audience of a magician may not all be affected and some may experience no
illusion. In addition, Illusions are based on many things. A good magician uses
The Cooperative Principle . This law basically states that the cause precedes the
effect in time, cause and effect are contiguous in time and place, and there is a
history of regularity in the precedence and contiguity of cause and effect. These
rules may be applied to illusions due to the fact that the magician uses the
cooperation of the audience and their sleight of hand. The cause in a simple trick
along the lines of pulling a rabbit is the magician s sleight of hand and the effect
Billy Should Not Have Killed Claggart Research Paper
1Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God,
and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. 2 So anyone who
rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be
punished Romans 13:1 2 Everyone agrees that Billy killed Claggart, but some
believe that that Billy should have killed him and others believe that Billy should not
have killed him. Billy should not have hit Claggart for three reasons. Billy stained his
reputation, Billy disrespected his authorities, and Billy ruined his future. The first
reason Billy should not have hit claggart was that Billy stained his reputation. Billy,
being the perfect sailor he was, ruined his reputation in killing... Show more content
on ...
According to Romans 13:1 2 Billy was definitely in the wrong of punching Calgart.
If Billy would have just kept his cool like a good boy he definitely would not have
been in as much trouble as he ended up getting into. The third reason Billy should
not have hit Claggart was that Billy ruined his future. Billy definitely messed up
when he let Claggart s words affect him, and if Billy had decided to be patient he
would never had hit Claggart. Claggart s accusations on Billy would never had
sentenced him to death, but the fact that Billy killed Claggart sealed his death
sentence. Some people say that Billy should have hit Claggart. They argue that
because Billy couldn t speak at moment and he had to take up for himself by some
other means. However, the Bible says differently to that logic for it says in
Proverbs 29:11 A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back. In
addition people argue that Claggart deserved it because of the evil he was doing.
This argument is very wrong, because Billy committed just as great a sin as
Claggart whether he meant it or not because all sin is equal in the eyes of the
Leadership Comparison Between Sir Richard Branson and
Leadership style of Sir Richard Branson and Knight Bill Gates
Table of Contents 1.Executive summary3 2.Introduction4 3.Get to know Sir Richard
Branson5 4.Get to know Bill Gates6 5.Leadership styles used by Sir Richard
Branson7 6.Leadership styles used by Knight Bill Gates10 7.Comparison of the
leadership styles of Sir Richard Branson and12 Knight Bill Gates12 8.Which of the
two characters seemed to be more effective?14 9.Conclusion15 10.Appendix16
1. Executive summary
This report contains the characteristics and comparison between the leadership
qualities of Bill Gates and Richard Branson. Here it is discussed how Bill ... Show
more content on ...
In this report it is discussed further with more details about Sir Richard Branson s
successful leadership style and Knight Bill Gates leadership style comparatively and
5. Leadership styles used by Sir Richard Branson
Ones Sir Richard Branson stated that You can t be a good leader if you do not
genuinely like people (CBS interview). This is how he defines the leadership
management style. Through the newspaper articles, television shows it could be
judged that Sir Richard Branson as a very humble, Down to earth and a friendly
person. Sir Richard Branson s characteristics are as follows (Stephen, 2005).
First main characteristic he pointed out was Smile everything gets much easier if
people can show up a friendly face. Secondly have fun at work. Stress can be
massively cut down plus employees will not feel the hard work by having fun at
the working place. This was one reason Sir Richard Branson s companies were
successful. The employees of these companies enjoyed working. Branson made sure
that the working environment of his companies always adapted accordingly. He
came from a simple family background with the above mentioned characteristics so
the leadership qualities were also very much simple. As it was mentioned in the
introduction Sir Richard Branson was not a fan of theories. Even though his
leadership style was very simple he never referred strategies and worked according to
the theories. But it could be seen that his leadership
Personal Narrative-Elmar Relationship
Alright I am going to try and call Mom and Dad because they probably wonder
how me and Elmar are doing. I thought to myself as I dialed the phone and pressed
the flashing green call button. Beep, Beep, The phone went to its recording You
may leave a message if you like, or press one for more options Mom, Dad, are you
there, I know you are wondering where Elmar and me are. Well we are in space in
a homemade rocket. Well you were gone, we built a little rocket. The rocket is
really small It has two beds, a bathroom, a fridge, and four buttons that were
supposed to help us control the rocket. The solar system has so many stars It is
really cool. I did not expect it to be able to make it into space. Me and Elmar are
trying to find a way to make it back home. So if you get this message you know
where we currently are, bye. I pressed the red phone button and the call went dead
and I was sitting there hoping they would get the message.... Show more content on ...
I am 13 years old and my brother is 11. Right after my parents left for vacation for
two weeks, we sat down and watched a show of were two kids who were the first
kids to ever go into space. Me and Elmar (who is my younger brother) decided it
would be cool to go into space so we decided to build a rocket ship that would
hopefully make it out of the atmosphere. By the time the show was was done it was
10 o clock and we decided to go to sleep. The whole night I could not sleep because I
was thinking of how we could make a really good
Evening Hawk Literary Devices
In his poem Evening Hawk , Robert Penn Warren describes the ominous flight of
the hawk through the eyes of a human narrator who admires the hawk to reveal the
power of nature over the human race as the world comes to an end warning them to
correct the error of their ways before it is too late. He conveys this using
juxtaposition of movements of the and the description of the setting, the ironic
viewpoint of the narrator, Through Warren s juxtaposition of the hawk s fluid
movements and its path to the sharp, precise setting, he reveals the almighty power
of the hawk over the world he views from above. Warren opens his poem with a stark
illustration of the setting, employing harsh mathematical terms to paint the world as
relentless as in... Show more content on ...
The title of the poem is Evening Hawk and the word evening implies the end a day
coming to a close. But, the day is transformed into all of time through other
figurative language in the poem. Beginning in stanza one, Warren depicts the
sunset build[ing] as The last tumultuous avalanche of light breaks through the
pines (Warren 2, 4 5). Like evening, sunset implies the end of a day as the light
leaves the earth and darkness encloses. However, as the sunset builds , light that
breaks through the trees is the last bit of light before the hawk comes. The word
last suggests there is no more to come ever. Not only is it the last ray of light, it is
a tumultuous avalanche of light creating the image of a rough mountain in the mind
of the reader. This mountain reveals how the author recognizes that he has reached
the climax of his life and is on a quick downward fall toward death the end of time
is near. Furthermore, a tumultuous avalanche insinuates urgency in the tone of the
author revealing how he is trying to warn readers that the end is closer than
previously thought. In stanza two, Warren continues to indicate the end is
approached through the crashless fall of stalks of Time as the hawk Scythes down
another day (Warren 9, 7). Literally, time is compared to stalks of grain in a field and
as they fall there are not as many
The Ethics of Cloning Essay
Imagine a world where everyone looked like you and was related to you as a
sibling, cousin, or any form of relation, wouldn t that be freaky? Although cloning is
not an important issue presently, it could potentially replace sexual reproduction as
our method of producing children. Cloning is a dangerous possibility because it
could lead to an over emphasis on the importance of the genotype, no guaranteed live
births, and present risks to both the cloned child and surrogate mother. It also violates
the biological parent child relationship and can cause the destruction of the normal
structure of a family. The cloningof the deceased is another problem with cloning
because it displays the inability of the parents to accept the child s... Show more
content on ...
Reproductive cloning could essentially replace sexual reproduction and change the
way of life for future generations.
There are two main types of Reproductive Cloning, Blastomere Separation (Embryo
Splitting) and cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technology (Cibelli
et al. 478). Blastomere separation is the making of multiple copies of a genome by
separating or multiplying the individual cells of an early embryo (Cibelli et al.
478). This process can make multiple identical genotypes possible. SCNT
Technology is the use of a somatic (body) cell nucleus from an existing (or
deceased) person to copy the genome of that individual (Cibelli et al. 478). There
are two uses to this technology, the procreative uses and the deliberate replicative
uses. People who cannot have a biologically related child any other way would use
the procreative SCNT technology. It appeals to both gays and lesbians or just
people who want to avoid transmitting a disease through sexual reproduction
(Cibelli et al. 478). The purpose is to obtain a healthy child who is directly related to
his/her parents, not to re create a living genotype (Cibelli et al. 478). On the
Liberalism In The Movie Pleasantville
This movie is about David and Jennifer, who live in Southern America in the 90s
which was said to be a liberal state, are sent from reality to a TV show Pleasantville
in 1950s. From reality looking through this TV show, Pleasantville looks like an
ideal place for people to live in, but getting a closer look and being part of this
world you actually realize that it is very different from what is shown on TV. After
David and Jennifer arriving to Pleasantville, they become colorless, everything there
is either black, white or gray. People then expose their conservative lifestyles with
suppression of sexuality, discrimination and restrictive of personal liberty and
imagination. In Pleasantville, people assume that there is no outside world other...
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Liberalism means to grow, change and improve. during the movie, we can see that
women and men have different rights, men spend their time outside with their
friends while women are just meant to be at home doing housework; Also, men
are aware that females are fighting for more freedom which they think it isn t what
women should do. In this movie, citizens in Pleasantville are conservatives, they
promote the traditional way of lifestyles, believing that everything should remain
the same, and following the policies which have been done before. They find
comfort in tradition, especially when they thought they had everything they could
ever ask for with no doubt; enjoyed lives as it was and not seeking out unnecessary
challenges. For my own opinion, I suggest that this set of mind should be renewed
we live in an ever changing society and conservatives should accept the fact that
things are never going to stay the same. Individual equality, human rights and
fairness are what we are fighting for nowadays. Liberalism expects citizens to be
attached to equality, to be tolerant of their own beliefs, to have a long lasting
pursuit of justice, to have a genuine care for the weak, and to live an independent
and individualized life. In everyday life, being liberals is never easier than
conservatives or radicals. Liberalism is inclusive, and at the bottom of diversity, it is
respect for the individual and the persistence of freedom and equality. These insist
constitute the common beliefs of citizens and become the solid foundation of
The Roles Of Animals In Ancient Egypt
Back in the times of ancient Egypt, there were many kinds of animals that played
different roles in the community. Animals were important to the Egyptian society
because the people were provided with things to honor, things to sacrifice, things to
eat and so much more!
In ancient Egypt, the people had many types of pets. When most people think of
Egypt and animals they immediately think of cats, but there were other animals
too. People had cats and dogs like they do now, but they also had monkeys, ducks,
geese, pigeons, falcons, and ferrets. When people did have cats, they were usually
jungle cats. Jungle cats were also symbols of grace and poise, as well as the cat god
Bast. They hunted their prey and accompanied their masters while hunting. Another
common pet was the ... Show more content on ...
So many animals were crucial to the survival of the people. The most common
farm animals were cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, geese, and horses; which were all
domesticated. Some of these animals could be sacrificed for the gods or for other
religious ceremonies. Under the rule of Ramses III, 16,000 cattle were sacrificed
per year! These animals had many important uses. The wool, leather, and other
skins could be used for clothes or warmth. Food was also provided by the animals
body. For instance, beef was a luxury item, while pork was eaten regularly. Farm
animals also had relations to the gods. Cows were associated with many gods like
Hathor, Bat, Isis, and Nut. Bulls could also be associated with Ra. Overall, farming
was very important to the ancient Egyptians and without the animals they might not
have been able to.
So far we ve learned that animals were so important in ancient times as they are now.
Also, we found out that the Egyptians had a lot of different uses for each animal. In
conclusion, animals are the backbone of a functioning society and helped to make
ancient Egypt the great civilization it
The Characteristics And Features Of Mutual Funds
1.1General Introduction
The term investment refers to the commitment of funds made with an expectation of
some positive returns. Two essentials aspects of investment are that firstly it involves
waiting for returns, and secondly it involves an element of risk of not getting what is
expected of the investment. Basically investment means purchase of financial asset
that yield a return, which is proportionate to risk assumed over some future period of
In finance, investment means buying securities or other monetary or paper
(financial) assets in the money markets or capital markets, or other in fairly liquid
real assets, such as good as an investment, real estate or collectibles with a view to
earn some gain over a period of time.
1.2Features of Investment
All the investment have the following features:
... Show more content on ...
Professional Management
Mutual Funds provide the services of experienced and skilled professionals, backed
by a dedicated investment research team that analyses the performance and prospects
of companies and selects suitable investments to achieve the objectives of the scheme.
2. Diversification
Mutual Funds invest in a number of companies across a broad cross section of
industries and sectors. This diversification reduces the risk because seldom do all
stocks decline at the same time and in the same proportion. You achieve this
diversification through a Mutual Fund with far less money than you can do on your
3. Convenient Administration
Investing in a Mutual Fund reduces paperwork and helps you avoid many problems
such as bad deliveries, delayed payments and follow up with brokers and companies.
Mutual Funds save your time and make investing easy and convenient.
4. Return Potential
Over a medium to long term, Mutual Funds have the potential to provide a higher
return as they invest in a diversified basket of selected securities.
5. Low
Virtual Organization Behavior
Virtual Organization Characteristics
From the definitions of virtual organization/team, it can be summarized that virtual
organization/team has four main characteristics which make it different from non
virtual organization/team:
First, cross line, virtual organization/team is centralized with a few or without
department. Business environment change makes a company or organization should
be more flexible in doing its activity. When a company should produce a high quality
product to meet their consumer needs, they could collaborate with other companies
to determine consumer needs. In this case, virtual organization/team has an important
Second, resources and purpose sharing, virtual organization/team could facilitate
someone with innovative idea but has not enough resources. Amazon sells a lot of
books but they do not really have the books, they cooperate with other parties who
have the books and then sell it via Amazon.
Third, geographic dispersion, refer to any physical dispersion of team members, such
as different geographic locations or different workplaces at the same geographic
location, nationally or internationally. Virtual organization/team could maximize the
time difference advantage from its member. When a US company develops a website
they can work on it from morning to evening, and their partner in the other part of the
world (Asia, Africa, or Europe) will continue the development so it could finished
Fourth, impermanent member, one team formed
Animal Testing Is Unnecessary
Imagine yourself trapped in a cage, engulfed by darkness, the feeling of dread the
only thing standing by your side. Every day you tremble in fear of what new twist
those lab coats have in store for you. You lost your faith that you will be saved long
ago and that your destiny is to die in this forsaken cage. This is what animals used for
experimentation go through on almost daily. Throughout the last few centuries,
millions of animals have undergone many cruel and stress inducing tests and
experiments. Nowadays, many studies show that using animals for testing is
unnecessary and that scientists should not have any real need for it. In this paper, I
will show how the use of animals in labs is unnecessary by explaining the history of
experimentation,... Show more content on ...
The monkeys were in bad shape. Many had open, festering wounds, and much of
their lustrous hair was missing. Their normally bushy tails were bare because of
malnutrition, and they had pulled out whole clumps of fur on their [body] from
frustration...and misery... once vigorous... defenders of their jungle homes, after
years of confinement in... cages barely larger than their own bodies, they were now
frail and vulnerable.
As the state s veterinary witnesses would later testify in court, many of the monkeys
had been operated on, their backs cut open and their nerves severed, making [the]
movement of their arms difficult or impossible.
Analysis Of Lord Of The Flies
In the popular novel, Lord of the Flies, there are many elements to the story that
are not seen when just viewed from the surface. In order to understand these ideas,
we have to dive deeper and really analyze the characters in the story. When you do
this, a very important theme will arise and that is the very different personality
types of the boys on the island. These personality types can be explained using
Freud s psychoanalytic theory of personality. His theory explains that there are three
basic parts of personality; the id, the ego, and the superego. Everyone has a different
combination of these three parts, which makes everyone s personality different. In
the novel, Jack is a character who has a lot of id in his personality.... Show more
content on ...
He also sees hunting as a need, even though it is not. You could have had everyone
when the shelters were finished. But you had to hunt...You didn t ought to have let
that fire out. You said you d keep the smoke going... (Golding 100). He even goes
out hunting and neglects to tend to the fire, which goes out, inhibiting Ralph from
signaling a passing ship for their rescue. He went hunting and didn t think about
the consequences of his actions. Lastly, Jack ambushes Ralph s campsite in search
of Piggy s glasses because he needs them to make fire. He acted upon his first
savage instinct instead of thinking through a solution that wouldn t hurt Ralph s
group. He could have just asked to borrow the glasses or a stick from Ralph s fire,
but instead he uses violence to hurt Ralph s tribe and take away Piggy s vision.
Jack acts upon impulses and only wants to help himself and doesn t care about
others. He also doesn t think about how his actions could have negative
consequences for him or for others. For these reasons, Jack is a great representation
of the id personality. The second personality typeis the ego. Ralph is a character that
demonstrates a lot of ego. According to Freud, the ego is the rational, pragmatic part
of our personality. It is less primitive than the id and is partly conscious and partly
unconscious. It s what
The Misuse Of Drugs Act
Laws are created by parliament which is made up by the MP S society votes for
during the election process. The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) was introduced to
prevent the misuse of controlled drugs such as cannabis, amphetamine and other
drugs stated in the Act. The Act attempts to prevent the misuse of drugs by making
it a criminal offence to be in possession or supply, manufacture, import and export
drugs (Drugscope, 2015). The Act also gives the Home secretary authority to ban
new drugs and increase the penalties associated with them. Sometimes the
government will set out a proposal for a new law in a document known as a green
paper which then faces scrutiny and discussion this could be by experts in the area
that the proposed Law intends to change/ affect or a select committee within
parliament. The proposal can then be changed and made into a white paper. This
then forms the Bill which gets introduced into Parliament (Making laws: How a
law is made part 2 of 2, 2009). There are 2 different types of Bills a private and a
public Bill. The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) was a public Bill as it affects the
public. These also have 2 categories, government Bills and Private member bills.
The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) was a government Bill. A bill goes through a
consultation stage where the opinion of others is noted on what the proposed Law
should say. This usually takes place before the Bill is introduced to Parliament. A
Bill can either go through the House of Commons or Lords
Grant Wood Controversy
About the Artist Grant Wood was born February 13, 1891, near Anamosa, Iowa,
and spent much of his lifetime working and teaching in his home state. During his
years there, he taught in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, public schools and, later, was a
Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Iowa. He painted the familiar
surroundings and everyday life of his nativestate and was one of the Regionalist
group of painters of the American Scene. He once said that all the really good ideas
he ever had came to him while he was milking a cow. In 1930, the Art Institute of
Chicago purchased one of his most famous paintings, American Gothic, for $300.00,
and he immediately received national attention. At the time, the painting aroused
much controversy... Show more content on ...
I did cut it with my hatchet. Run to my arms, you dearest boy, cried his father in
transports, run to my arms; glad am I, George, that you killed my tree; for you have
paid me for it a thousand fold. Such an act of heroism in my son is more worth than a
thousand trees, though blossomed with silver, and their fruits of purest
Global Education
The intention of this rationale is to discuss the value of implementing global
education into the school s Study of Society senior work program. Therefore, this
rationale will outline the focus of the curriculum initiative, address its significance,
demonstrate how to implement the initiative into Study of Society, and why senior
students would find it interesting and worthwhile. To address these areas the rationale
will draw on the initiative itself, and will apply the initiative to the Study of Society
senior syllabus (Queensland Board of Senior Secondary School Studies [QBSSSS],
2000) and Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians
(Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs
[MCEETYA],... Show more content on ...
The first goal is that Australian schooling should promote equity and excellence (p.7).
In relation to global education, this initiative requires that the school promotes high
expectations and outcomes of all students no matter their gender, language, sexual
orientation, pregnancy, culture, ethnicity, religion, health or disability,
socioeconomic background, or geographic location and that the school contributes to
a socially cohesive society that respects and appreciates cultural, social and religious
diversity (p.7). The second goal from the Melbourne Declaration on Educational
Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA, 2008) states, all young Australians should
have the opportunity to become successful learners, confident and creative
individuals, and active and informed citizens (p.7). Global education fits comfortably
into the descriptors of this goal. These goals require the school and wider community
to model the values associated with global education. Further commitment to the
goals can be achieved through the study of global education and promoting the
concepts found within the Melbourne Declaration, Study of Society syllabus, and
global education frameworks. There are many ways in which global education can be
implemented in senior Study of Society, which promote student knowledge and
understanding about the
Single Sex School Essay
Does your child s education matter to you? I believe single sex schools are better
than co education schools. My reasons behind this opinion are single sex schooling
has less distraction in class, single sex schools have better learning results and lastly
boys and girls in a same sex environment are more likely to pursue subjects they
usually would not try.
Single sex schools have less distractions in class. I believe this because in a single
sex environment boys do not feel the need to impress girls and girls would not have
to downplay their strengths to impress boys. The first example to backup my point is
a study by the Australian Council for Educational Research where they said research
indicates that single sex schools improve ... Show more content on ...
A second example to help argue my point is when United Kingdom educator
Graham Able compared student performance in 30 single sex and co educational
schools, he found the academic advantage of single sex schooling even greater for
boys. This evidence shows that single sex is the better school option for learning and
getter better academic results, especially if your child is a boy. Single sex schooling
is the better choice when selecting your child s future school specially when you are
looking for the best possible education.
In single sex schools boys and girls excel in subjects they usually would not. Single
sex schools help children do well in subjects they usually would not be good at or
subjects they would not usually try. For example girls do better at maths and
science in all girl schools; boys do better in languages and the arts in all boy
schools. My first example to backup my point is a study by Cambridge University
in 2006 where their research showed boys improved in english and foreign
languages in single sex classes, and girls improved in maths and physics. This
proves girls and boys do better in subjects they usually would not do because they
are more comfortable in a single sex school rather than a co educational school. A
second piece of evidence to help argue my point is a United States study that found
boys at single sex
The Great Migration Essay
The progression of people into and within the United States has had an essential
impact on the nation, both intentionally and unintentionally. Progressions such as The
Great Migration and the Second Great Migration are examples of movements that
impacted the United States greatly. During these movements, African Americans
migrated to flee racism and prejudice in the South, as well as to inquire jobs in
industrial cities. They were unable to escape racism, but they were able to infuse their
culture into American society. During the twentieth century, economic and political
problems led to movements such as The Great Migrationand The Second Great
Migration which impacted the United Statessignificantly.
The Great Migration was the ... Show more content on ...
Similar to The Great Migration, The Second Great Migration was the movement of
more than five million African Americans from the South to the North, Midwest
and West from 1941 to 1970. Between 1930 and 1950, the number of Southern
tenant farmers was cut roughly in half, while the number of tractors tripled from
1940 to 1950 ( Second Great Migration: Historical Overview ). Adding to the
troubles, many planters started to use the mechanized cotton picker. The need for
laborers at harvest time was therefore drastically decreased. Besides a terrible
economic situation, Southerners, as they had done during the Great Migration, were
also fleeing Jim Crow. Also, with little hope of glow in the justice system, African
Americans were at the crime of abusive employers, landlords, and almost anyone
bent on depriving them of their rights ( Second Great Migration ). Once World War II
came about and the United States became engaged in a two front war against Japan
and Germany, production shifted into higher gear. In addition to the usual needs for
armaments, clothing, food, and training facilities, the naval war with Japan
stimulated increased shipbuilding and the making of naval material, much of it
directed to and through Pacific coast ports. The impacts of the Great Migration and
Second Migration are still being portrayed in American society. These movements
have produced the first vast,
Research Paper On Milking A Cow
Milking a cow
Tools, equipment and machinery used for milking a cow
Milking machine: The milking machine is a system consisting out of varies parts that
work in combination with each other to milk a number of cows at the same time. The
following parts form the basic framework of the milking machine.
Milk tubes (many different shapes and sizes);
Bulk tank
Milking machines are used to extract milk from cows when the herd is larger than
about 4 cows. The milking unit is the portion of a milking machine for removing
milk from an udder. It is made up of a claw, four teatcups, long milk tube, long
pulsator tube, and pulsator.
The claw is manifold which connects the short pulse tubes and short milk tubes from
... Show more content on ...
The two rigid, stainless steel teatcup shells applied to the front two quarters of the
cow are visible. The top of the flexible liner is visible at the top of the shells as are
the short milk tubes and short pulsation tubes extending from the bottom of the shells
to the claw.
The bottom of the claw is transparent to allow visualization of milk flow.
When milking is completed the vacuum to the milking unit is shut off and the
teatcups are removed
Milking machines keep the milk enclosed and safe from external contamination. The
interior milk contact surfaces of the machine are kept clean by a manual or automated
washing procedure implemented after milking is completed twice or three times per
Milk contact surfaces must comply with regulations ensuring that they are food grade
materials (typically stainless steel and special plastics and rubber compounds) and
are easily cleaned.
Most milking machines are powered by electricity but, in case of electrical failure,
there can be an alternative means of motive power, often an internal combustion
engine, for the vacuum and milk pumps because milking cows cannot tolerate delays
in their scheduled milking without suffering serious milk production
Twelfth Night Viola
In Act 1 of Shakespeare s Twelfth Night, Olivia falls for the reinvented identity of
Viola, Cesario , the character she embodies along with her physical change. During
her appearance earlier in the act, Orsino orders Viola to unfold the passion of my
love (1.5.27). In the interaction between Olivia and Cesario , the actions Viola
performs are merely for the expression of her disguise. Even the compliments where
Viola refers to Olivia as radiant, exquisite, and unmatchable beauty (1.5.169) are part
of her cover to seem like a gentleman. Her dialogue about lovewhere she explains
how my lord and master loves you (1.5.252) and that if I did love you in my master s
flame (1.5.266) is only told after Orsino orders Viola to describe his love
neon Essay
Did you know that neon is a Greek word that means quot;new quot;? Neon is the
element that I am most interested in. I chose to do neon because I found out what
many uses it has in our daily life. Neon is the element that allows you to watch TV.
Without neon we would never see the cool flashing signs outside of diners and bars.
In my essay I am going to tell you about neon and its many uses.
First, I m going to tell you about the history and uses of neon. Neon was discovered
by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris M. Travers, an English
chemist, shortly after their discovery of the element krypton in 1898. Neon is one of
the most amusing elements used today. Neon mixed with some other elements ...
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Neon is found in the atmosphere. Neon is 0.002% of the atmosphere. Also, stars
produce neon during the later stages of nuclear fusion.
All there is to talk about neon now is about how it integrates into our life. To show
you the integration in our society I will demonstrate a situation in which neon comes
into play. Imagine walking around in Las Vegas with your friends looking to have a
good time before your business meeting the next day. You look up and see giant signs
that flash and move around advertising casinos and restaurants. Those signs are
discharge tubes holding the active ingredients of our friend neon and his buddy
mercury. You decide to walk into the casino with the biggest, coolest sign that says
quot;MGM quot;. You walk into the casino wondering what to do first, so you
walk over to the nearest craps table. You play craps for a couple hours and decide to
cash in and go out to eat with all the money you won. You walk into a sports bar to
get a drink and you notice a TV with the Lakers game on. You look up at the TV
and notice they are losing 84 to 36. The television has a tube in it that holds neon to
project things onto the glass screen you see, without neon you wouldn t be able to
watch any of your favorite shows. When you are finished eating your friends ask if
you want to go to the Smithsonian observation museum about 10 miles away from
downtown Las Vegas. You agree and pile into your rented Mercedes Benz SRX. As
your driving on the
Value My Family
I was born in a family that is very connected. My family would help each other in
many ways including help in homework, tests, quizzes, keeping the house in shape
order and so on. The most important thing in my life is my family. The reason why
I value my family so much is because they help me in my everyday life. My brother
helps me with school, my sister helps me in writing my essays, and my motherand
father keep the house clean and stable. If I didn t have such a family, I would not be
the person I am today.
What I value the most in my life is my family. The reason why I value my family is
because they help me go through life, guiding me through life s challenges. For
example, regarding school, my older sister and my brother help teach me things
that I didn t understand. For example, when I began writing important pieces in
ELA including essays, my sister laid out the basic outline for an essay. Then my
brother would check my essay for grammar mistakes, improper tense or sloppy
wording. My brother also helps me out in math and science. He recently began
helping me out in math and science as soon as I began Manhattan Village Academy.
My brother would teach me concepts in math that he is learning in geometry at
school. These concepts would give me a better understanding of the Geometry of
Manhattan Village Academy. In addition, my twin brother is taking Biology, and
would fill me in on the biological components of AP Environmental Science. I also
value my mother and
Fine Arts And Cultural Studies
Fine Arts and Cultural Studies
The educational subject areas focusing on the fine arts and cultural studies are
notable for their many shared developmental outcomes and related teaching
methodology challenges. Analysis of previously implemented art based programs and
learning strategies devised to supplement cultural studies indicates it may be a
uniquely productive approach. The use of creative instruction in forms including but
not limited to play acting, creation of visual arts, and musical instruction has high
effectiveness in the context of maximizing student receptivity to cultural
transmission. Students of both subjects have also been observed to demonstrate
markedly improved intellectual, behavioral, and emotional growth from programs
which integrate up to date modern research and intuitive planning to navigate the
complex environment of cultural pluralism. Many such programs feature the direct
involvement of artists and other relevant professionals with students to enrich and
ensure the quality of the educational experience.
In recent times, the necessity for significant reform in the educational practices of
both fields has been extensively documented. Educational professionals throughout
the globe have dedicated themselves to compiling, reviewing, and distributing crucial
field research. Their efforts allow for the analysis of common pedagogical
deficiencies in order to make collective progress towards innovative solutions.
Comprehensive evaluations of commonly
Survival Of The Sickest Analysis
In Survival of the Sickest by Dr. Sharon Moalem and Jonathan Prince, the authors
prove that modern day diseases were actually vital survival traits for our ancestors.
Traits of certain passed on diseases that we would now normally consider deadly or
unhealthy helped humans adapt to other sicknesses and problems. Diabetes, favism,
and hemochromatosis are three examples of how hereditary diseases have once
helped humans survive in the past. Diabests mellitus, commonly known as diabetes,
is a diseasethat disturbs insulin, a hormone in the pancreas, from storing sugar in the
liver or other parts of the body. This inability results in an overload of sugar in one s
bloodstream. Untreated, diabetes can lead to rapid dehydration, coma, and death ...
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Bloodletting, known as phlebotomy in the medical world, imitates to some degree
the violent blood loss of the European Vikings. As explained earlier, the loss of
nutrition through bloodloss was balanced out by the mutation, hemochromatosis.
Now, hemochromatic people do the opposite and balance high iron levels with
bloodletting. The process of bloodletting can be done several ways, obviously much
more differently and safer than in the past. The author of Survival of the Sickest, Dr.
Sharon Maulem, chooses to donate blood on the regular to balance his iron levels,
similar to his grandfather who was also
Free Speech And The Paradox Of Tolerance By Julia Serano
In Free Speech and the Paradox of Tolerance (Medium, February 6, 2017), Julia
Serano addresses the flaws in activists Richard Spencer s and Milo Yiannopoulos
actions against freedom of speech, as well as the flaws in free speech absolutism.
The author explains how free speech absolutism cannot fully be achieved because
of the laws that protect our privacy, and how free speech absolutism can only make
matters worse. Because there are no laws against Milo Yiannopoulos campaigning
for actor/comedian Leslie Jones to delete her personal website, people are allowed to
use their freedom of speechto take away that same right from others. Serano
explains how she was scared to express herself as transgender during her childhood
because she witnessed people being harassed for their identity. The author calls
this the paradox of free speech. Another paradox she highlights is the paradox of
tolerance. If those who are tolerant do not defend against the intolerant, then the
tolerant will one day disappear. Serano believes everyone should be a moderator.
People who believe in an open and positive, free speaking society should
collectively stand up against those that are intolerant to opposing ideologies, and
possibly even incarcerate those who cannot present reason for their beliefs. This,
however, is where the line must be drawn. Serano is wrong to believe that free
speech absolutism will cause intolerance of fester and one day erupt, and that the
minority should be treated like
Should There Be More Eligible Citizens To Vote
The United States, in my personal opinion would most definitely be better in all
aspects. The more people that participate in political processing, the more chances
of us coming together and picking what is better for our government. I will be
explaining to you why I think it will be better if more eligible citizens participated
in the political process, and start voicing there opinions and joining political
campaigns. They re plenty of ways that us eligible citizens come together to help
better our own selves. First off, I am going to let you in on why it is not a good
thing if most eligible citizens do not participate. Lets say if there is 200 people but
only 150 vote, we will only be getting opinions from three fourth of the said to be
population, therefore one fourth of the people had the opportunity to vote. However,
They chose not to or were not educated enough to know where and how to vote for
the right person. If our eligible citizens, someone that is not a Washington Insider ,
would run for political office they would better understand what it is that we need in
the community for the better.... Show more content on ...
For the people that don t have much education or don t know much about a
candidate, this would be a perfect opportunity to find out a little more information
for the voter can know on which candidate is better for them. The bottom line of a
campaign contains ideas that whichever candidate shares with the eligible citizens. It
is meant for getting people to agree with there plans if they were to win a type of
political office. They do this for they can support them while running for that political
Trucks Vs Suvs Essay
Trucks Vs. SUVs
Over the years, SUVs have become popular options for families. With nearly $18
million in sales, the automotive industry saw a lot of SUV and truck sales last
year. SUVs have proved to be a popular option, but there are many people who find
it hard to choose between an SUV or a truck, both offer families many options,
especially newer heavy duty Ford F150s in Dearborn.
The Pros and Cons of Driving an SUV
Since their introduction, SUVs have provided families an alternative to driving a
minivan. They provide families with a lot of room, allowing all family members to
fit comfortably. Additionally, SUVs offer people a smooth ride. These vehicles can
handle the road without riders feeling the roughness of the road below. SUVs also ...
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In fact, with more people purchasing SUVs the average cost of vehicles has
increased remarkably over the years. Additionally, the cost of owning SUVs is
increasing. In fact, in 2012, the research found that owning and operating an SUV
cost $11,360 per year or $.075.7 per mile based on 15,000. SUVs were the most
expensive vehicle to own.
The Pros and Cons of Driving a Truck
Trucks like F150 are popular options these days for families. With expanded cabins,
an entire family can easily fit comfortably, and enjoy long trips. Truck manufacturers
also include more features in pickup trucks to make trucks more competitive when it
comes to SUVs. From technology packages to operational components that help
trucks drive smoothly, truck manufacturers have changed how truck performed over
the years.
There are more SUV sales than trucks. With SUVs able to get more gas mileage than
a traditional rugged pickup, while offering the same features and benefits, many
families are still choosing SUVs over trucks. However, many truck manufacturers are
investing in game changing technology that s improving the gas mileage many
pickup trucks get, especially in newer
The Contributions Of James Dewey Watson
James Dewey Watson was born on April 6, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois. He attended
the Horace Mann Grammar School, South Shore High School. In the summer of
1943, he entered the experimental four year college program at the University of
Chicago. In 1947, he received a B.Sc. degree in zoology. He subsequently earned a
fellowship for a graduate study program at the University of Indiana in
Bloomington. At Indiana he was inspired by geneticists H.J. Muller and T.M.
Sonneborn, and microbiologist S.E. Lucia, under whom Watson completed his
thesis regarding the effect of hard X rays on bacteriophage multiplication. From
1950 to 1951 he traveled to Copenhagen as Merck Fellow of the National Research
Council during his first postdoctoral year. He worked with biochemist Herman
Kalckar and microbiologist Ole MaalГёe shortly thereafter, and studied bacterial
viruses to analyze the structure of DNA. In the spring of 1951, he traveled with
Kalckar to the Zoology Station at Naples. there he met Maurice Wilkins and for the
first time saw the X ray diffraction pattern of crystalline DNA which prompted his to
change the orientation of his research to the structural chemistry of nucleic and
proteins. In October of 1951 he began to work at the Cavendish Laboratory in
Cambridge where he soon met Francis Crick.
Francis Harry Compton Crick was born on June 8, 1916 in Northampton, England.
He attended the Northampton Grammar School and Mill Hill School. He received a
B.Sc. degree in physics at
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Argumentative Persuasive Essay. 8 Argumentative Essay Examples

  • 1. Argumentative Persuasive Essay Writing an argumentative persuasive essay can be a daunting task, especially when attempting to tackle it alone. The process involves not only articulating your own viewpoint but also anticipating and addressing potential counterarguments effectively. It requires extensive research to gather credible evidence and sources to support your stance, adding to the complexity. Crafting a coherent and compelling argument demands critical thinking skills and the ability to structure your thoughts logically. Moreover, finding the balance between passion and objectivity is crucial. While it's essential to convey your conviction and enthusiasm for your position, it's equally important to present your argument in a rational and respectful manner, acknowledging opposing viewpoints without dismissing them outright. Additionally, the writing process itself can be time-consuming and mentally taxing. From brainstorming and outlining to drafting and revising, each stage demands attention to detail and a commitment to refining your ideas and arguments. Given these challenges, seeking assistance from professional writing services like can be beneficial. They offer expertise and support to help navigate the complexities of crafting a persuasive argument. Whether it's providing guidance on structuring your essay, conducting research, or refining your writing, these services can alleviate some of the pressures associated with tackling such a demanding task. In conclusion, while writing an argumentative persuasive essay can be challenging, it's not insurmountable, especially with the right resources and support. Consider reaching out to for assistance with this task and similar academic endeavors. Argumentative Persuasive EssayArgumentative Persuasive Essay
  • 2. Of Symbolism In Radiohead s OK Computer In a society so rigidly ruled by structures, Radiohead holds up a funhouse mirror to reveal its flaws and inner workings. Radiohead s OK Computer reveals that society s obsession with hiding vulnerability through repeating symbolism, lyrical metaphors, and By using repeating symbolic imagery, OK Computer shows that ruling power structures, like religion and corporations, center around vulnerability in how they gain influence and in how they are motivated. Additionally, in order to maintain their influence, these powers have to put up a front of indestructibility while also managing internal struggles. Planes crashes are depicted throughout the album s artwork, a symbol of innovation and monetary means that has failed and brought people down with it. Planes, much like corporations, are supposed to have very few chinks in their armor, but both can go down; both are vulnerable under their guise of perfection. There is also the case of religion, where a statue of Jesus is seen being worshipped by a considerably smaller family. Religion is a form of protection, both for the herd immunity and for the surety of an afterlife, and the family is beneath, quite vulnerable. However, the statue is white, like the scribbles surrounding it, while the family is not and would take more work to scribble over because of this. This suggests that religion can be consumed easily and has less control over modern life than in previous centuries. When the statue appears again, it is a hand behind a
  • 3. Marks and Spencer Merger with Sainsbury Essay Title of Modules: Strategic change in organizations, Creativity amp; Innovation, Strategic HRM Strategic Change Unit 3 1. Background to organisational strategic change. Marks and Spencer plc is a UK based company. Many people regard the business as a national institution. It is lovingly called M amp;S and Marks and Sparks . M amp;S is known as a best retailer. There are over 370 Marks amp; Spencer stores throughout the UK that sell clothing, food and household goods. The core of its retailing business is clothing, particularly women s. Over 80% of Marks amp; Spencer s stores are sited in traditional high street locations. More than 10 million customers a week buy products from one of its stores. An increasing number of ... Show more content on ... M amp;S clothing could also be sold through Sainsbury s stores, providing a powerful boost to the supermarket s non food business. Last night one City analyst said there was a lot of logic surrounding the deal and suggested a move could come soon. He said: M amp;S have a fantastic property portfolio, there would be huge synergies between the two companies. M amp;S is strong in non food, Sainsbury is strong in food and Sainsbury is desperately trying to get into non food so a deal is a possibility. It would also help to find a successor to Sir Stuart Rose. Despite Rose persuading the City that the company s profits are going to take a hit while the recession lasts, he has enraged some shareholders by breaching the City s best practice standards with his twin roles of chairman and chief executive. City investors and local authority pension funds that hold shares in M amp;S have demanded that the company appoint an independent chairman or a new chief executive by next summer, and it is now widely expected that Rose will step down long before the mid 2011 deadline set last year. A potential tie up between the two has been rumbling ever since Rose let slip at a retail conference in 2007 that his shareholders would consider him an idiot if he did not think about mounting a takeover, before adding: Watch this space. But since then, the fortunes of the two have changed. While M amp;S is struggling against a
  • 4. How Doctor Die By Ken Murry In How Doctor Die, Ken Murry explains the choice of doctors when they have a terminal illness. From the beginning, Ken gives an example of an orthopedist who was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He quit his job and spent the rest of his day with his family. A doctor is a person who treats disease and saves patients; however, when they have an illness, they are also like other patients. They meet difficult situations with their patients but also feel for them. They tend to be fair because they know about medicine and its limits. They do not wantto die. Surely, each doctorhas the preparation for death, and they want to find a way to die in peace. On the other hand, some patients try to find a method to overcome their illness although they have to bear pain. What I take from Murray s essay is that patients have a right to chose how they die . Every one dies, eventually, but I agree with Murray that the choice needs to be an informed decision. According to Murray, some patients fight death, they use drugs, chemotherpy, radiation, surgical, or CPR. They believe that they can overcome their illness. Doctors recommend that people who can not be saved with treatment should just live their life with their family, enjoying the rest of their days. Therefore, the doctors have to know what is best for their patients. They should have treatment. When the patients spend a lot of money, this is not the way to overcome illness. For example, there was a women trying to overcome her
  • 5. Dorothy Sayers Research Paper Dorothy Sayers Dorothy Sayers is an extraordinary authors the great amount of respect in the literary world. Dorothy Sayers was born on June 13th, 1893, in Oxford. when she was six, her dad, which led to her being the president of a modern language Association later in life. Dorothy was deeply religious, she was anglo catholic. when Dorothy was a child, her family move to East English. She grew up to be interested in women s rights, religion, and writing. Dorothy married to Oswald Flemming, a journalist, in 1926. her path in finding a career is quite interesting. Dorothy Sayers attended Godolphin School, Salisbury for grade school. She later went to Somerville College in Oxford where she earned first
  • 6. The Power Of Love In A Midsummer s Night Dream Love is a powerful emotion, capable of turning the most rational people into crazed, irrational lovers. In A Midsummer s Night Dream, Shakespeare centralizes his comedy around the theme of human love as a powerful, transformative force. Through the use of a magical love potion, the characters within the play are blinded by fierce passion and their sight is narrowed to see only what the lover selectively chooses to see. As a result of the power of love, the sensible become irrational and emotions that stem from love, such as jealousy and desperation, give birth to hysterical chaos. In A Midsummer s Night Dream, Shakespeare presents love as an uncontrollable, indiscriminate, and transformative force that prevents those infected with its power
  • 7. Passive Ball Sorter 1.The design objective is to construct a passive ball sorter in groups of two people that will sort hollow practice golf balls from golf balls into separate bins. 2.The goal for the passive ball sorter is to sort hollow practice golf balls from golf balls into separate bins. There is a total of seven balls that need to be sorted correctly to receive the points in that category. The balls will be released from a tube at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. The constraints of the passive ball sorter are the following: no electric motors or gas engine, no electronics of any type, made from reasonable household recycled materials only, should fit inside a 1ft x 1ft x 2ft box, and maintain purchases below $5 for supplies. 3.I began my research for information about passive ball sorters on YouTube. I came across tutorials on how to build such a passive ball sorter made from recycled materials found around the home. I saw videos where different techniques such as bounce and roll were demonstrated. One example had the balls bounce off rubber bands into separate bins. The other example had the balls roll down cardboard paths which would separate the balls into separate bins. These two ideas were a start in the right direction; ... Show more content on ... For example, I brought half of the cardboard pieces, the hollow practice golf balls, and hot glue gun refills. My partner brought the other half of the cardboard pieces, golf balls, chopsticks, and hot glue gun. Overall, the work load for the project was divided equally. I meet at my partner s house to assemble the project. I constructed the bottom half of the passive ball sorter, and my partner made the top half of the passive ball sorter. Afterwards, we ran tests on the cardboard built passive ball sorter. The tests went well since the hollow practice golf balls and golf balls were correctly separated into two separate
  • 8. Informative Essay On Canoe Water People want common sense paddling courses that allow them to enjoy the river with competent skills. Canoe certification courses are good, but sometimes the technicality is more then what the average person wants. On river instruction with certified canoe instructors teaches safe ways to enter/exit canoes, how to steer a canoe without switching sides, handy canoe stroke techniques and canoe rescues. There is also a review of basic equipment needed, what to look for in canoe purchase and what to pack as a simple safety precaution. These four hour course are filled with practical hands on experience as a canoe trip is done on the river. Many people that paddle lakes think they are prepared to canoe a river. Lakes do not have speed and they do not have the force of water moving around and over obstacles at sudden depth changes. This unfamiliarity is a potential danger to any lake canoeist. River novices would be wise to take a canoe lesson with an instructor. Proper canoe lessons on a river teach how to read water, a technique not required on lakes. A canoeist that knows what they are looking at makes the best decisions of where to go. Just understanding what a v spear head looks like helps avoid rocks and knowing that v cones in the same direction is the deepest channel. Recognizing the simple v patterns on water makes ... Show more content on ... It has a little bit of everything; there is fast water, slow water, waves and eddies. The river averages one meter in depth and is wide for maneuvering and forgiving. Beginner canoeist can take on river instructional canoe courses here and gain knowledge of how to read a river. The right read gives the right decisions for staying off rocks, keeping dry and traveling with ease. With a skilled instructor traveling along side... technique mistakes are quickly caught; water reading decisions are corrected and added coaching builds
  • 9. Pros And Cons Of Gentrification What would you do if you or someone you knew was forced out of their home because they couldn t afford the rent and their neighborhoods were changing economically; this is called gentrification. Due to gentrification, many changes are occurring to the people and homes that are in those neighborhoods. According to, Gentrification is a general term for the arrival of wealthier people in an existing urban district, a related increase in rents and property values, and changes in the district s character and culture. The term is often used negatively, suggesting the displacement of poor communities by rich outsiders ( One area where gentrification is currently taking place is the cityof San Francisco in the Mission District.... Show more content on ... In this area there was gangs and trap houses but now there were small businesses and higher income people who were moving in and changing the neighborhood. Gentrification has happened, is happening or will happen in the United States and it is inevitable due to the government supporting it and the power that money has in these regions. Although gentrification does have some pros, it also has some important cons; the first con is the hidden cost that comes with gentrification, the second con is the rents being raised which leads people to becoming homeless. This paper will show the history, effects, benefits, and solutions like putting limits to when and by how much the rent can be raised so that people don t become homeless. This is not the right time for gentrification because levels of poverty are high and the amount of people in debt is too much for gentrification to occur at this
  • 10. Sacrabani Deals With Bullying I don t particularly like this section in the book as it deals with bullying. Bullying is probably the worst thing a child could do to another child. If you bully, you may feel better about yourself but you have to realize that the person you re bullying is hurting on the inside. Sacrabani has to deal with bullyingfor possibly his whole life because of the way he looks. The children make fun of him and call him things such as bastard. Sacrabani hearing such words will bring his confidence down in the future, preventing him from trying new things as he will fear he will get judged for it. No matter what I do, no matter how old I get if I have to make a decision that will change my life, I will ask for my parent s permission, unlike Murugan,
  • 11. Essay On Jeffrey Dahmer Jeffrey Dahmer, a notorious serial killer and sex offender in Milwaukee, Wisconsin responsible for killing, dismembering, and consuming 17 male victims during 1978 to 1991. Jeff Dahmer was the child of Joyce and Lionel Dahmer; he was born May 21, 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dahmer s father was a graduate student working on his masters in analytic chemistry, and his mother worked as a Teletype machine instructor. The marriage of Dahmer s parents showed signs of early problems with continuous fighting. Joyce Dahmer suffered from extreme psychological issues such as depression, and anxiety. Jeffery s mother attempted suicide when he was a young child. Growing up, Dahmer seemed to be a very happy child until age 6, where he had a surgery to... Show more content on ... Shortly after the birth of his brother the Dahmer family relocated to Ohio for a job opportunity offered to his father. After they moved Jeffrey really started to exhibit signs of introversion with his lack of engagement in activities, not having many friends, and missing emotions. His parents attempted to get Dahmer involved by signing him up for tennis, soccer, and 4 H. At age 10 Jeffrey began his fascination with dead animals. The young boy would ride his bicycle around the neighborhood, and pick up any road kill he could find. Dahmer would then dissect the deceased animals to observe their internal anatomy. Likewise, he would scrape the flesh off the animals bones, and then preserve them to keep as a memento. When Jeffrey was around 14 his fantasies of necrophilia began, this also involved the calamitous period of his parents marriage. The psychological stress of the demise of his parents marriage really weighed heavily on the young adolescent. It was during the time of puberty where Dahmer discovered his homosexual identity. Jeffrey did not expose his sexuality to his family, but did engage in a relationship with another male during this pubescent
  • 12. Persuasive Essay On Breastfeeding Women in this world have a right to bear children and take care of them. As a new parent, there are millions of questions, worries, and decisions one deals with throughout the whole child s life. When a child is first born, a mother has to decide whether or not to breastfeed or formula feed. The nutrition a baby receives in the first months of life is what determines if the baby has a good or bad start. Women should breastfeed their children because breastfeedingboosts chances of success for their child, allows their baby to receive natural immunity from antibodies, mothers are less likely to develop diseases such as cancers or diabetes, and breastfeeding stimulates oxytocin to promote bonding between mother and child. Breastfeeding is the best choice for a baby. The natural process of breastfeeding is the most beneficial for the baby and many studies have concluded that breastfeeding boosts chances of success. In Brazil, a group of doctors took on a project to see if there was a difference from a breastfed child and a formula fed one. These doctors randomly picked out more than 3,000 babies and studied them from the time they were born until they turned thirty years old (Breast Feeding). Once these babies reach thirty, they were given an IQ test that concluded, the subjects who were breast fed for 12 months or more had a higher IQ than those who were breast fed for less than one month. The difference in IQ was 3.76 points (Horta). Not only does breastfeeding have an
  • 13. Reggae Music Research Paper The History of a Legacy What is reggae music? Reggae music is a type of music that consists of different genres of music such as blues and calypso. Reggae music also consists of different rhythms such as different accents on different beats of the music. Say for instance you are playing in a four/four time measure. The natural beat for a drummer playing in this type of particular time measure would be for him to hit his high hat on all 4 beats, his bass foot pedal on one and three, and his snare on two and four. When playing reggae this particular pattern differs for the drummer. When playing reggae the drummer has more room to play around with the beat. In this particular setting the drummer would continue to hit the hi hat on all four beats of the four measure. He would then start the measure of music by hitting his bass foot ... Show more content on ... Reggae music consists of a drum set, bongos, bass guitar, electric guitar, and so much more. A basic drum set for reggae music consists of a snare drum, a hi hat, a floor tom, a middle tom, and a high tom, a kick bass, a ride cymbal and a crash symbol. All of these pieces if equipment are used to keep the rhythm throughout the performance of music. Bongos are a lot like the toms of a drum set, but differ as far as the material that is used to create the distinct sound of these two instruments. Toms of a drum set consist of man made material, whereas bongos consist of drumheads that are made from an animals skin. Bongos also are an advocate to the rhythmic part of reggae music. The bass guitar is the heartbeat of reggae music. The bass guitar is a four string or more instrument that is played by hand by plcking it or consciously striking it. An electric guitar is the exact same thing as a bass guitar, with the exception of the pitch. A bass guitar has a deep bellowing kind of a pitch, whereas an electric guitar has more of a high pitch to
  • 14. Network Security Essay Network Security You can think of network security as an insurance policy in a dangerous new world. In the good old days of centralized processing, is all you had to do was simply lock the computer room door and restrict entrance access. Those days are long gone in light of decentralized processing, the internet and vast communi cation networks. Personal data and transaction security through networks is of paramount concern when processing through the expanding networks held by government and private enterprises. Network security in itself refers to a collection of tasks or plans that are implemented to ensure data privacy. An overall plan is enacted with security profiles enacted on a multilevel structure allowing various ... Show more content on ... Your medical recordsare another critical information area. From medical records, not only can wrongdoers get medical information about you but really good tidbits like psychological problems you re encountered and maybe even your sexual orientation. Lesser types of juicy intrusions involve trespassing into grocery store discount card purchases. While this may seem quite minor, it is not. Do you really want strangers to know all of the huge purchases you ve made of booze and cigarettes? Do you want people to know you re a boozing smokestack? What about your credit bureau? Boy, if your credit bureau gets mixed up, that could keep you from getting a house. It could keep you from a lot of things. Your dreams could fade away, all because of fraud. Quite clearly, network security in today s information age is of paramount concern. THE MANY FACES OF ATTACKS The first and easiest types of network attacks comes from hackers. Hackers are people typically using a home computer to gain access to systems they shouldn t be in and indeed the access is usually illegal. Hackers more and more are hell bent on obtaining proprietary information, be it on a company or individual. If individ ual personal information is obtained, that information can be used for a wide array of identity theft crimes from credit card fraud to bank account fraud. The list could be almost endless. On the other side, if company proprietary information is ob tained, that
  • 15. Atheism Essay Atheism People in our society today who have the atheist point of view on religion, which is the belief that there is no god, are going against the so called norms of society, and therefor are seen as deviant. Deviance is just an idea. Society determines what is deviant by the ideas they hold of what should be the norm. Atheism is seen as a negative deviance, or below the norm. They have a status that is placed on them in society. It doesn t necessarily mean that they believe in evil, although that is how it is sometimes viewed from people in society who have a specific religion or faith. Atheism, which is not a new idea, has been evolving in our society, and is the reason for problems leading to debate and court cases, and for ... Show more content on ... But as god beliefs have grown more absurd because of increasing knowledge, some have felt compelled to point out difficulties with these beliefs. And, as religion has grown more tyrannical, atheists have seen the need to organize in defense of freedom. Atheism has a long and colorful history, but that history has been largely hidden from the public s view due to religious suppression. It is therefore, with great effort, that modern atheists are re discovering their heritage. Some early Greek philosophers were among the first to write down atheistic ideas. Great thinkers such as Heraclitus, Democritus, Protagorus, and Lucretius expressed views that questioned the existence of gods. Atheism gained a permanent foothold in western culture during the Renaissance and through the Enlightenment. But atheism truly began to thrive around the beginning of the 20th century in what is called the Freethought movement. Current trends indicate that the popularity of atheism should continue to increase into the next century. Sir Thomas Huxley coined the term agnostic in 1869. Popularly the word agnostic is felt to mean that the nature of god cannot be known but that there is a god. Therefore the agnostic is accepted in the community and he is accepted by the church, unlike those labeled or known as atheists . Agnosticism is very closely related to the religious doctrine that the ways of god are incomprehensible, that human reason is deceptive and that man requires a
  • 16. Conflict Of The Case Of Online Defamation CONFLICT OF LAWS IN CASE OF ONLINE DEFAMATION The new age of information has caused scholars to consider the adequacy of traditional jurisdictional regimes where interstate disputes arise. Many scholars argue that traditional choice of law doctrines are inadequate to determine which state of law applies in inter state cyber disputes. In case of online defamation, considering this crime is not restricted to one particular geographical boundary, it is important to analyze as to which particular law will apply to the case at hand. There appear to be three stages involved: (a)the inquiry whether there is a conflict of policy, (b)the inquiry whether there is a conflict in application, and, (c)if the answer to the previous two questions ... Show more content on ... First, the wrong must be of such a character that it would have been actionable if committed in England [the place of the forum]...Secondly, the act must not have been justifiable by the law of the place where it was done. The Conflict of Law Rules under the Common Law system have been codified by way of the Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act passed in 1995. This however excludes defamation. Under the tort of defamation if it takes place in England (here in India) then it is stated that law of forum shall be followed as the lex fori and the lex loci deliciti are the same. In case of multi state defamation a fresh tort is committed in each country in which publication occurs. More radically, the concept of the place of the tort could be abandoned altogether and replaced in cases of multi state defamation by a rule applying one of the following: (i) law of the claimant s domicil or residence , (ii) the law of the country which with respect to the particular issues has the most significant relationship with the occurrence and with the parties. The latter half of this is followed under the American approach for torts has been summarized under s. 145 of The Restatement (Second) Conflict of laws. This also provides for the most significant relationship rule to apply in case of defamation. Most of the
  • 17. A Research Study On The Vaccination Schedule The study is significant because certain types of HPV can lead to venereal warts, which can ultimately lead to cancer in male and female patients. This disease is preventable, but uptake of the vaccine has been below the expected level since its introduction. One of the goals of Healthy People 2020 is to reduce the proportion of females with HPV infection. The primary means of preventing cervical, anal, penile and oropharyngeal cancer resulting from HPV is completing the vaccination series. Adherence to the vaccination schedule is an important health initiative, so nursing researchthat helps to increase adherence is essential. This research study will attempt to increase compliance through interviewing patients, providing education, reducing barriers, offering the vaccination and following up using phone calls. The methods used in this study could be applied in other populations because an understanding on reasons for hesitancy and non compliance will be better understood. The reasons will differ between population types, so interventions would have to be individualized to meet the needs of the specific group. The goal is to increase vaccine compliance and reduce the incidence of HPV and the complications that may result from this virus. Research Aim The aim of the research is to help identify the health beliefs that adolescents age 11 20 and their parents have regarding the risk of becoming infected with HPV. Since the compliance in males is especially low, the
  • 18. Benefitfocus Case Purpose The brief that follows provides an overview of Benefitfocus, Inc. and highlights the business performance, competitive landscape, prospects, and challenges facing the company. Conclusions At first glance a prospective investor might be turned off by the fact that Benefitfocus net income seems to be headed in the entirely wrong direction. Losses have ballooned from 30M in 2013 to 62M in 2015. However, it is important to note that the company s net income as a percentage of its revenue is headed in the right direction. The profit margin has improved from 74% in 2013 to 19.31% through three quarters of 2016. The fact that revenue growth has far outstripped cost growth over the past few years indicates that positive operating leverage is inherit in Benefitfocus business model. If these trends continue Benefitfocus should reach breakeven sooner rather than later. Benefitfocus jumped closer to profitability in the first months of 2017, posting better than expected results that boosted its stock Friday (Moore, 2017). The Daniel Island based software company, ... Show more content on ... The employers use its solutions to streamline benefits processes, keep up with complex regulatory requirements, control costs and offer a greater variety of plans to attract, retain and motivate their employees (Gupta, 2013). Some of its customers in this segment include: Brooks Brothers Group, Morganite Industries, Fehrer Automotive, Vangent, Inc (Gupta, 2013). пЂInsurance carriers segment: Under this segment, the company sells its solutions to the insurance carriers, and simultaneously serves many key constituents in the insurance market, including consumers, employers and brokers (Gupta, 2013). Some of its customers in this segment include: Allstate Insurance, Tufts Associated Health Plans (Gupta, 2013). Competitive
  • 19. Photovoltaic Materials Essay Photovoltaic Materials Ahmed Albalbisi University of South Florida Abstract Solar energy is one of the most used energy sources that all living things depend upon. Man has been able to capture some of the sun s energy and uses it for cooking, heating and to power everyday appliances. Solar energy technologies have come a long way. Solar cells, commonly referred to as photovoltaic cells, transform the solar energy into electrical energy. Owing that solar energy is renewable and could be the most dependable source of electricity, it is worthwhile to drive the production costs further down to enable growth in the photovoltaic manufacturing sector. Research in the solar cell manufacturing field indicates that influences ... Show more content on ... In converting solar enagy to electrical energy for use, Solar cells commonly known as photovoltaic cells are used. Technology innovations in the solar photovoltaicsis anticipated to significantly reduced the cost of energy across the globe (Kalkman et al, 2015). This paper will look to investigate and research on prospective production practices and innovations that will help to drive down expenditure involved in the production of photovoltaic materials. In the past four decades, there have been numerous strides made in the photovoltaic enagy field which has seen has seen the emergence of PV as a viable source of renewable energy. One significant development is the progressive reduction in the unit cost of photovoltaic cells made from silicon. For instance, an analysis of the cost in dollars per watt of Crystalline Silicon from 1977 indicates that the cost has been declining steadily. In 1977, the cost in dollars per watt ($IW) over $76, in the year 2000, it stood at $5 and surprisingly, in 2015 it was at a low of $0.30 (Kalkman et al, 2015). Due to the decline in cost per unit watt, photovoltaic energy production has reached grid parity in 40 countries of thereabout. In it projected that by the end of this year, it would have attained grid parity in more than half of the countries of the world (Balfour Shaw, 2011). Albeit the cost of c Si cells has become very affordable, its low cost has made it hard for other equally viable
  • 20. Doctoral Study Premise Essay Restating the topic of Doctoral Study Premise The United States is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world but the health outcomes of racial and ethnic populations are still disproportionately affected, as access to health and healthcare utilization can be a difficult and complex path that cuts across various racial and ethnic populations including African immigrant population (Venters Gany, 2009). These complexities are due to barriers associated with health disparities, linguistic, cultural, and inequality among other things. African immigrant population is identified as a vulnerable population and is impacted with the lack knowledge and research studies that has emphasized mostly on infectious diseases among this ... Show more content on ... These observations with regards to influences associated with limited access to health care, acculturation, health literacy, effects of ethnic/cultural health practices and behaviors are also relative to United States immigrants and refugee populations, as they are more likely to experience and present with poor health outcomes. Ethical concerns that should have been considered when data was initially collected within the topic area An article by Singh et al in 2013, carefully analyzed 8 major national data systems on immigrant health in the United States, highlighting their different areas of focus as well as their limitations and how they can be utilized as secondary data sources to answer specific questions on immigrant health towards addressing gaps in literature in research. These data systems are said to vary substantially in their coverage of health and behavioral characteristics, identification of ethnic and immigrant groups, time periods, data collection methodologies, and the types of data analyses that can be supported for studying immigrant health (Singh et al, 2013). These databases include: National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), National Longitudinal Mortality Study (NLMS), National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System
  • 21. The Black Death THE BLACK DEATH! What Is The Black Death? The Black Death is a disease that went on for over 5 years. It also spread around a wide range of places! It killled and harmed thousands upon thousands of people and had no mercy. If you were to sadly catch the Black Death, you would DEFINITELY die and there was many cures and causes however none of the causes actually worked also all of causes were thought to be a punishment from God. Once you knew you had the Black Death, you were abliged to hang a red cross on the front of your door. This was to warn un infected peasants to stay away unless they wanted to catch it. So far I think that the Black Death was a disaster. This is because there was no proven working ... Show more content on ... This meant the plauge could not spread. The only time a human being was to go to Scotland would be to deliver food or essential items. I still think that the Black Death was a disaster as no boby new how the desiease was spreading and what would be the lucky place to either not have it at all or to not be re visited by it! Cures Cures And And Causes Causes Causes.... Bad air. Some people believed that the Black Death was spread by in hailing bad fumes. Intimacy. A lot of peasants had big families, they all hugged and kissed one another not knowing if they or the other person had the desiease. Wickedness, people believed that god was punishing them so to stop the irony, they whipped themselves. This way the died painfully yet quickly, whereas with the Black Death, you dies painfully yet slowly! Cures... Take A Live Frog And Put It On Your Sores. One of the cures was this, you would place a life frog on your buboes, this was meant to take the posion out and risk the percentage of the Black Death killing you. This cure wouldn t work however the peseants didn t know that as they had no science and technoliogy! This showas that the Black Death was still a disasster however some may disagree as it hos now inproven our views of science and technoliogy. The Impact Of The Black Death!
  • 22. The Invention Of Torture In Medieval Time The word torture comes from the Late Latin tortura, which is a past participle of torquere. Torture is, in law, defined as the infliction of severe bodily pain; either as punishment, or as a means of receiving a confession. There are millions of ways to torture someone, to inflict pain until the person becomes unhinged mentally, until finally they give you what you want; however, I will only be explaining a few devices and methods. The Rack, although used in medieval times, was not invented in that era. It invented in 1420, by the Duke of Exeter, John Holland. Several types of the rack existed, one being the version that the Duke made and introduced, and were used; however, they were all designed similarly. The ankles of a sufferer were... Show more content on ... Garrote means different things in different countries. In Spain, it refers to a rope and stick that restricts a person s movements. Garroting was popular around the world; however, it was favored in Spain, where it got it s name. Spain played with the original garrote, maximizing the ability to cause pain and certain death. (Chronicles, Medieval) Tarring and Feathering was a physical punishment to enforce formal justice. Tarring and feathering was done in feudal Europe and its colonies. When tarring and feathering, typically the victim of an angry crowd would be stripped down to the waist. Hot tar was poured or painted onto them until they became immobile; then, the victim had feathers thrown on them, or they were rolled around on a pile of feathers. They were often paraded around town on a cart or rail; the purpose being to cause pain and humiliate someone enough until they either reformed their behavior, or left
  • 23. Essay about iran contra scandal Iran Contra Scandal The Cold War peaked the interest of the entire globe. Each threat, policy and action that took place had ramifications far more reaching then ever imaginable. The world sat on edge because it feared its own destruction, after the introduction of nuclear warfare at the close of World War II, another World War could result in the Earth s demise. This fear ran through the hearts and minds of citizens of both the United States and the Soviet Union, but it is the citizens elsewhere that had to pay the consequences for these fears. The race to become the premier superpower of the world between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. did not always remain as subsided as many like to believe. Many regions of the world were held accountable ... Show more content on ... To understand the Iran contra Affair it is necessary to understand American Iranian relations leading up to the scandal. Since the origin of both major powers, Iran had managed to to maintain its independence as a nation state by playing the two superpowers against one another. And it was when the two rivals came to an understanding that, Iranian leaders saw their country s independence and identity in serious jeopardy. [2] The turning point in the relationship between the Iran and the United States began after [the United States] part in the overthrow of Muhammad Musadiq in 1953, the United States found itself the object of growing Iranian criticism. [3] Moderate, nationalistic opposition forces and radical leftist began to refer to the United States as an imperialistic, oppressive external force, all as Shi i religious leaders begun condemning America and their policies. Iranians of all political persuasions increasingly formed a negative image of the United States. [4] America exposed itself as no longer an external liberating force that was held responsible for protecting Iran from Great Britain and the Soviet Union, and instead, became the exploiter. Throughout the 1970 s the United
  • 24. Essay on causes of french revoultionary war The causes of the French Revolution, the uprising which brought the regime of King Louis XVI to an end, were manifold. France in 1789 was one of the richest and most powerful nations in Europe; only in Great Britain and the Netherlands did the common people have more freedom and less chance of arbitrary punishment. Nevertheless, the ancien rГ©gime was brought down, partly by its own rigidity in the face of a changing world, partly by the ambitions of a rising bourgeoisie, allied with aggrieved peasantsand wage earners and with individuals of all classes who were influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment. As the revolution proceeded and as power devolved from the monarchy to legislative bodies, the conflicting interests of these... Show more content on ... The proletariat and the non bourgeois strata of the middle class had either not yet evolved interests which were different from those of the bourgeoisie or they did not yet constitute independent classes or class divisions. Therefore, where they opposed the bourgeoisie, as they did in France in 1793 and 1794, [that is to say, during the Reign of Terror] they fought only for the attainment of the aims of the bourgeoisie, albeit in a non bourgeois manner. The entire French terrorism was just a plebeian way of dealing with the enemies of the bourgeoisie: absolutism, feudalism and philistinism. [1] ( Economics Debt Since 1614, the French monarchy had operated without resort to a legislature. Kings had managed their fiscal affairs by increasing the burden of the ancient and unequal system of taxes, by borrowing money, and sometimes by selling noble titles and other privileges; however, because noble titles exempted the holder from future taxes, the purchasers of titles were effectively buying an annuity. This led to the long running fiscal crisis of the French government. On the eve of the revolution, France was deeply indebted, so deeply as to be effectively bankrupt. Extravagant expenditures by Louis XIV on luxuries such as Versailles were compounded by heavy expenditures on the Seven Years War
  • 25. Jehovah s Witness Research Paper Knock, knock. Who s there? It s a Jehovah s Witness! Have you ever had a Jehovah s Witness knock on your door? Jesus told His people to go and make disciples of people of all the nations in Matthew, and since they didn t have phones or social media to spread the Word of God, the only way to do it was to go from house to house. Jehovah s Witnesses believe that door to door ministry is the best way to reach people. The members of this religion would sit outside for hours upon hours just to convert a couple people to being a Jehovah s Witness. ...We made return visits to householders who had formerly shown interest in our message, even the least bit... says a Jehovah s Witness Pioneer. While having some similar beliefs as Christianity, Jehovah s Witnesses have several differences, too.... Show more content on ... Charles Taze Russell, the leader of the group (not the founder of the religion), helped publish books such as, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah s Kingdom. The religion spread rapidly. According to the book, Cults and New Religions, the population of Jehovah s Witnesses doubled in North America, and multiplied by fifteen in South America. In 1999, there were about 5 6 million members plus more people who were interested in the religion. In Michigan, only about 1% of the population is a Jehovah s Witness. Just as Christians believe that God is the Almighty God, Jehovah s Witnesses believe that God is the Almighty God and His name is Jehovah; hence, Jehovah s Witness . In Psalms 2, we read, I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to me, You are my Son, today I have begotten you which is referring to Jesus being the Son of God. Jehovah s Witnesses believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but they have no biblical references to prove it in their version of the
  • 26. Behaviorism Theory And Social Cognitive Theory Learning perspective also known as behavioral perspective is a theory that is apprehensive with how a person s behavior changes because of their environment and experiences. The learning perspective has two theories; behaviorism and social cognitive learning theory. Furthermore, behaviorists do not invoke the mind to explain behavior; they prefer to stick to what they can observe and measure directly: acts and events that happen in the environment (Carole Wade, 2008). In this essay the following attributes that will be discussed are; the two types of theories and their sub theories, two current uses in Business Science, what is the learning effectiveness of those learning approaches, and lastly this essay will be concluded by discussing alternative uses of the learning approaches in the major business science. Behaviorism is referred to as a psychological approach which emphasizes scientific and objective methods of investigation (McLeod, 2016). In the behaviorism theory, we have two sub theories which are; classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired; a response that is at first produced by the second stimulus is eventually produced by the first stimulus alone. Furthermore, operant conditioning is changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response (McLeod, 2016). Reinforcements can be both positive and negative. The second theory
  • 27. Examples Of Fidelity In Clueless The idea of fidelity can limit our understanding of adaptation in many ways. This idea is shown throughout Clueless, a 1990 s adaptation of the novel Emma. Firstly, the theory of fidelity is that, in order to be successful, adaptations should religiously follow their source text and keep every aspect of the text identical. The notion in itself is incredibly flawed, as there are many different ways to adapt a source text and still retain its significance. Also, it supports the claim that an adaptation is inherently a loss, which is harmful and problematic. It also raises the idea that fidelity is not even attainable when creating an adaptation as every form of media is an adaptation in some form and it becomes harder and harder to think in
  • 28. Sociologist Career Research Paper Sociologist study society, social behaviors, and this also includes culture. There are number of options for sociologists when it comes to jobs. Sociology is not the largest field, but it does is a unique one. Sociologists study culture, which has always been a field and has many aspects such as tv, media, and politics. The sociologists of the world also study people and the groups that they form. Sociologyis the area that sociologists go into when they go into secondary teaching. Sociologists earn about seventy nine thousand dollars per year. The Bureau of Labor Services defines sociologists job as, Sociologists study society and social behavior by examining the groups, cultures, organizations, social institutions, and processes that develop when people interact and work together. On average sociologist make $79,750 per year and $38.34 per hour, according to Bureau of Labor Services. This above average of people who have an advanced degree. People with advanced degrees on average make seventy two thousand dollars per year. To become a Sociologist you must have a Masters in sociology. Sociologists are required to have a masters in sociology, according to Burueau of Labor Services. This is gained from secondary schooling, which you can enter without passing primary schooling or having a GED. Most students in Sociology go to four ... Show more content on ... Whereas in Cheers, it is in the 1980 s, it can be a lot more let s go to the bar and hangout with my friends instead of focusing on the family, and family type issues. When watching these two shows side by side you can really see the difference twenty years of television can have. When you look at it you can see that as tv progressed it got a lot more away from the family but was still a show where it was about friends. It was still family friendly, but not as family friendly as The Andy Griffith Show
  • 29. Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia Essay Christianity and The Chronicles of Narnia C. S. Lewis, a well known author and apologist, is best known by people of all ages for his seven volume series entitled The Chronicles of Narnia. As Lewis wrote about the land of Narnia, an imaginary world visited by children of this world, he had two obvious purposes: to entertain the readers and to suggest analogies of the Christian faith. Although some feel that his stories are violent, Lewis is successful at using fiction to open peoples hearts to accepting Christ as their Savior because he first entertains the audience with a wonderful story. Lewis talked about how he came to write the books of Narnia, saying that they ... Show more content on ... But how should Lewis go about getting past those who are not open to the idea of Christianity? He believed that the best way to do this was to present it in a fictional world, a world in which it would be easier to accept. The audience grows to love Aslan and everything that he symbolizes; they begin to wish for someone like Aslan in this world. After finding this love for Aslan, they will ideally transfer that love to Christ when presented with the Gospel later in life. It is important to remember that The Chronicles of Narnia are successful because many readers do not realize the resemblance of Aslan to Jesus Christ. Even though Christian themes are present, the Chronicles are not dependent on them (Schakel 132). Peter J. Schakel, a professor of English at Hope College in Holland, Michigan, states that a non Christian reader can approach the book as a fictional story and be moved by the exciting adventures
  • 30. and the archetypal meanings, and not find the Christian elements obtrusive or offensive (132). For this reason, the Narnian stories have been so successful in getting into the bloodstream of the secular world (Hooper 99). Hooper discusses how Lewis will be successful in sharing the gospel if he can get past the partition of
  • 31. Joe Hill Magicians Introduction Audiences have at all times throughout history been amazed by illusions performed for them for the purpose of entertainment by the means of magicians. Some of these magicians include David Copperfield, who made the Statue of Liberty disappear, Harry Houdini, who was most famous for his escape tricks, and Robert Houdin, who would read the audience s mind. In spite of the fact that many of these magicians appear to have done their magic through some supernatural force, in reality, the magicians use their sleight of hand in order to change the perspective of the audience. According to the article, Magic as a Cooperative Deceit, the author states that magic is an attempt to change the belief of the audience that something out ... Show more content on ... The psychology of magic tricks is also affected from person to person. The experience of an individual may be different among other individuals based on past experience and expectations. For example, this article, There s more to magic than meets the eye includes the illusion of a ball being thrown up; however, the ball stays in the illusionist s hand. About 68% of people fall for the trick because of the fact that their expectation is that the ball will go up and their past experience is the fact that they have seen a ball thrown up numerous times. Furthermore, the social cuing of the illusionist inspired the social cuing of the audience into believing the direction of the ball to go up. Consequently, this shows that the audience of a magician may not all be affected and some may experience no illusion. In addition, Illusions are based on many things. A good magician uses The Cooperative Principle . This law basically states that the cause precedes the effect in time, cause and effect are contiguous in time and place, and there is a history of regularity in the precedence and contiguity of cause and effect. These rules may be applied to illusions due to the fact that the magician uses the cooperation of the audience and their sleight of hand. The cause in a simple trick along the lines of pulling a rabbit is the magician s sleight of hand and the effect
  • 32. Billy Should Not Have Killed Claggart Research Paper 1Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. 2 So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished Romans 13:1 2 Everyone agrees that Billy killed Claggart, but some believe that that Billy should have killed him and others believe that Billy should not have killed him. Billy should not have hit Claggart for three reasons. Billy stained his reputation, Billy disrespected his authorities, and Billy ruined his future. The first reason Billy should not have hit claggart was that Billy stained his reputation. Billy, being the perfect sailor he was, ruined his reputation in killing... Show more content on ... According to Romans 13:1 2 Billy was definitely in the wrong of punching Calgart. If Billy would have just kept his cool like a good boy he definitely would not have been in as much trouble as he ended up getting into. The third reason Billy should not have hit Claggart was that Billy ruined his future. Billy definitely messed up when he let Claggart s words affect him, and if Billy had decided to be patient he would never had hit Claggart. Claggart s accusations on Billy would never had sentenced him to death, but the fact that Billy killed Claggart sealed his death sentence. Some people say that Billy should have hit Claggart. They argue that because Billy couldn t speak at moment and he had to take up for himself by some other means. However, the Bible says differently to that logic for it says in Proverbs 29:11 A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back. In addition people argue that Claggart deserved it because of the evil he was doing. This argument is very wrong, because Billy committed just as great a sin as Claggart whether he meant it or not because all sin is equal in the eyes of the
  • 33. Leadership Comparison Between Sir Richard Branson and Bill... Leadership style of Sir Richard Branson and Knight Bill Gates Table of Contents 1.Executive summary3 2.Introduction4 3.Get to know Sir Richard Branson5 4.Get to know Bill Gates6 5.Leadership styles used by Sir Richard Branson7 6.Leadership styles used by Knight Bill Gates10 7.Comparison of the leadership styles of Sir Richard Branson and12 Knight Bill Gates12 8.Which of the two characters seemed to be more effective?14 9.Conclusion15 10.Appendix16 11.References17 1. Executive summary This report contains the characteristics and comparison between the leadership qualities of Bill Gates and Richard Branson. Here it is discussed how Bill ... Show more content on ... In this report it is discussed further with more details about Sir Richard Branson s successful leadership style and Knight Bill Gates leadership style comparatively and contrastingly. 5. Leadership styles used by Sir Richard Branson Ones Sir Richard Branson stated that You can t be a good leader if you do not genuinely like people (CBS interview). This is how he defines the leadership management style. Through the newspaper articles, television shows it could be judged that Sir Richard Branson as a very humble, Down to earth and a friendly person. Sir Richard Branson s characteristics are as follows (Stephen, 2005). First main characteristic he pointed out was Smile everything gets much easier if people can show up a friendly face. Secondly have fun at work. Stress can be massively cut down plus employees will not feel the hard work by having fun at the working place. This was one reason Sir Richard Branson s companies were successful. The employees of these companies enjoyed working. Branson made sure that the working environment of his companies always adapted accordingly. He came from a simple family background with the above mentioned characteristics so the leadership qualities were also very much simple. As it was mentioned in the introduction Sir Richard Branson was not a fan of theories. Even though his leadership style was very simple he never referred strategies and worked according to the theories. But it could be seen that his leadership
  • 34. Personal Narrative-Elmar Relationship Alright I am going to try and call Mom and Dad because they probably wonder how me and Elmar are doing. I thought to myself as I dialed the phone and pressed the flashing green call button. Beep, Beep, The phone went to its recording You may leave a message if you like, or press one for more options Mom, Dad, are you there, I know you are wondering where Elmar and me are. Well we are in space in a homemade rocket. Well you were gone, we built a little rocket. The rocket is really small It has two beds, a bathroom, a fridge, and four buttons that were supposed to help us control the rocket. The solar system has so many stars It is really cool. I did not expect it to be able to make it into space. Me and Elmar are trying to find a way to make it back home. So if you get this message you know where we currently are, bye. I pressed the red phone button and the call went dead and I was sitting there hoping they would get the message.... Show more content on ... I am 13 years old and my brother is 11. Right after my parents left for vacation for two weeks, we sat down and watched a show of were two kids who were the first kids to ever go into space. Me and Elmar (who is my younger brother) decided it would be cool to go into space so we decided to build a rocket ship that would hopefully make it out of the atmosphere. By the time the show was was done it was 10 o clock and we decided to go to sleep. The whole night I could not sleep because I was thinking of how we could make a really good
  • 35. Evening Hawk Literary Devices In his poem Evening Hawk , Robert Penn Warren describes the ominous flight of the hawk through the eyes of a human narrator who admires the hawk to reveal the power of nature over the human race as the world comes to an end warning them to correct the error of their ways before it is too late. He conveys this using juxtaposition of movements of the and the description of the setting, the ironic viewpoint of the narrator, Through Warren s juxtaposition of the hawk s fluid movements and its path to the sharp, precise setting, he reveals the almighty power of the hawk over the world he views from above. Warren opens his poem with a stark illustration of the setting, employing harsh mathematical terms to paint the world as relentless as in... Show more content on ... The title of the poem is Evening Hawk and the word evening implies the end a day coming to a close. But, the day is transformed into all of time through other figurative language in the poem. Beginning in stanza one, Warren depicts the sunset build[ing] as The last tumultuous avalanche of light breaks through the pines (Warren 2, 4 5). Like evening, sunset implies the end of a day as the light leaves the earth and darkness encloses. However, as the sunset builds , light that breaks through the trees is the last bit of light before the hawk comes. The word last suggests there is no more to come ever. Not only is it the last ray of light, it is a tumultuous avalanche of light creating the image of a rough mountain in the mind of the reader. This mountain reveals how the author recognizes that he has reached the climax of his life and is on a quick downward fall toward death the end of time is near. Furthermore, a tumultuous avalanche insinuates urgency in the tone of the author revealing how he is trying to warn readers that the end is closer than previously thought. In stanza two, Warren continues to indicate the end is approached through the crashless fall of stalks of Time as the hawk Scythes down another day (Warren 9, 7). Literally, time is compared to stalks of grain in a field and as they fall there are not as many
  • 36. The Ethics of Cloning Essay Imagine a world where everyone looked like you and was related to you as a sibling, cousin, or any form of relation, wouldn t that be freaky? Although cloning is not an important issue presently, it could potentially replace sexual reproduction as our method of producing children. Cloning is a dangerous possibility because it could lead to an over emphasis on the importance of the genotype, no guaranteed live births, and present risks to both the cloned child and surrogate mother. It also violates the biological parent child relationship and can cause the destruction of the normal structure of a family. The cloningof the deceased is another problem with cloning because it displays the inability of the parents to accept the child s... Show more content on ... Reproductive cloning could essentially replace sexual reproduction and change the way of life for future generations. There are two main types of Reproductive Cloning, Blastomere Separation (Embryo Splitting) and cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technology (Cibelli et al. 478). Blastomere separation is the making of multiple copies of a genome by separating or multiplying the individual cells of an early embryo (Cibelli et al. 478). This process can make multiple identical genotypes possible. SCNT Technology is the use of a somatic (body) cell nucleus from an existing (or deceased) person to copy the genome of that individual (Cibelli et al. 478). There are two uses to this technology, the procreative uses and the deliberate replicative uses. People who cannot have a biologically related child any other way would use the procreative SCNT technology. It appeals to both gays and lesbians or just people who want to avoid transmitting a disease through sexual reproduction (Cibelli et al. 478). The purpose is to obtain a healthy child who is directly related to his/her parents, not to re create a living genotype (Cibelli et al. 478). On the
  • 37. Liberalism In The Movie Pleasantville This movie is about David and Jennifer, who live in Southern America in the 90s which was said to be a liberal state, are sent from reality to a TV show Pleasantville in 1950s. From reality looking through this TV show, Pleasantville looks like an ideal place for people to live in, but getting a closer look and being part of this world you actually realize that it is very different from what is shown on TV. After David and Jennifer arriving to Pleasantville, they become colorless, everything there is either black, white or gray. People then expose their conservative lifestyles with suppression of sexuality, discrimination and restrictive of personal liberty and imagination. In Pleasantville, people assume that there is no outside world other... Show more content on ... Liberalism means to grow, change and improve. during the movie, we can see that women and men have different rights, men spend their time outside with their friends while women are just meant to be at home doing housework; Also, men are aware that females are fighting for more freedom which they think it isn t what women should do. In this movie, citizens in Pleasantville are conservatives, they promote the traditional way of lifestyles, believing that everything should remain the same, and following the policies which have been done before. They find comfort in tradition, especially when they thought they had everything they could ever ask for with no doubt; enjoyed lives as it was and not seeking out unnecessary challenges. For my own opinion, I suggest that this set of mind should be renewed we live in an ever changing society and conservatives should accept the fact that things are never going to stay the same. Individual equality, human rights and fairness are what we are fighting for nowadays. Liberalism expects citizens to be attached to equality, to be tolerant of their own beliefs, to have a long lasting pursuit of justice, to have a genuine care for the weak, and to live an independent and individualized life. In everyday life, being liberals is never easier than conservatives or radicals. Liberalism is inclusive, and at the bottom of diversity, it is respect for the individual and the persistence of freedom and equality. These insist constitute the common beliefs of citizens and become the solid foundation of harmonious
  • 38. The Roles Of Animals In Ancient Egypt Back in the times of ancient Egypt, there were many kinds of animals that played different roles in the community. Animals were important to the Egyptian society because the people were provided with things to honor, things to sacrifice, things to eat and so much more! In ancient Egypt, the people had many types of pets. When most people think of Egypt and animals they immediately think of cats, but there were other animals too. People had cats and dogs like they do now, but they also had monkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons, falcons, and ferrets. When people did have cats, they were usually jungle cats. Jungle cats were also symbols of grace and poise, as well as the cat god Bast. They hunted their prey and accompanied their masters while hunting. Another common pet was the ... Show more content on ... So many animals were crucial to the survival of the people. The most common farm animals were cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, geese, and horses; which were all domesticated. Some of these animals could be sacrificed for the gods or for other religious ceremonies. Under the rule of Ramses III, 16,000 cattle were sacrificed per year! These animals had many important uses. The wool, leather, and other skins could be used for clothes or warmth. Food was also provided by the animals body. For instance, beef was a luxury item, while pork was eaten regularly. Farm animals also had relations to the gods. Cows were associated with many gods like Hathor, Bat, Isis, and Nut. Bulls could also be associated with Ra. Overall, farming was very important to the ancient Egyptians and without the animals they might not have been able to. So far we ve learned that animals were so important in ancient times as they are now. Also, we found out that the Egyptians had a lot of different uses for each animal. In conclusion, animals are the backbone of a functioning society and helped to make ancient Egypt the great civilization it
  • 39. The Characteristics And Features Of Mutual Funds 1.1General Introduction The term investment refers to the commitment of funds made with an expectation of some positive returns. Two essentials aspects of investment are that firstly it involves waiting for returns, and secondly it involves an element of risk of not getting what is expected of the investment. Basically investment means purchase of financial asset that yield a return, which is proportionate to risk assumed over some future period of time. In finance, investment means buying securities or other monetary or paper (financial) assets in the money markets or capital markets, or other in fairly liquid real assets, such as good as an investment, real estate or collectibles with a view to earn some gain over a period of time. 1.2Features of Investment All the investment have the following features: Return Risk Safety Liquidity ... Show more content on ... Professional Management Mutual Funds provide the services of experienced and skilled professionals, backed by a dedicated investment research team that analyses the performance and prospects of companies and selects suitable investments to achieve the objectives of the scheme. 2. Diversification Mutual Funds invest in a number of companies across a broad cross section of industries and sectors. This diversification reduces the risk because seldom do all stocks decline at the same time and in the same proportion. You achieve this diversification through a Mutual Fund with far less money than you can do on your own. 3. Convenient Administration Investing in a Mutual Fund reduces paperwork and helps you avoid many problems such as bad deliveries, delayed payments and follow up with brokers and companies. Mutual Funds save your time and make investing easy and convenient. 4. Return Potential Over a medium to long term, Mutual Funds have the potential to provide a higher return as they invest in a diversified basket of selected securities. 5. Low
  • 40. Virtual Organization Behavior Virtual Organization Characteristics From the definitions of virtual organization/team, it can be summarized that virtual organization/team has four main characteristics which make it different from non virtual organization/team: First, cross line, virtual organization/team is centralized with a few or without department. Business environment change makes a company or organization should be more flexible in doing its activity. When a company should produce a high quality product to meet their consumer needs, they could collaborate with other companies to determine consumer needs. In this case, virtual organization/team has an important role. Second, resources and purpose sharing, virtual organization/team could facilitate someone with innovative idea but has not enough resources. Amazon sells a lot of books but they do not really have the books, they cooperate with other parties who have the books and then sell it via Amazon. Third, geographic dispersion, refer to any physical dispersion of team members, such as different geographic locations or different workplaces at the same geographic location, nationally or internationally. Virtual organization/team could maximize the time difference advantage from its member. When a US company develops a website they can work on it from morning to evening, and their partner in the other part of the world (Asia, Africa, or Europe) will continue the development so it could finished faster. Fourth, impermanent member, one team formed
  • 41. Animal Testing Is Unnecessary Imagine yourself trapped in a cage, engulfed by darkness, the feeling of dread the only thing standing by your side. Every day you tremble in fear of what new twist those lab coats have in store for you. You lost your faith that you will be saved long ago and that your destiny is to die in this forsaken cage. This is what animals used for experimentation go through on almost daily. Throughout the last few centuries, millions of animals have undergone many cruel and stress inducing tests and experiments. Nowadays, many studies show that using animals for testing is unnecessary and that scientists should not have any real need for it. In this paper, I will show how the use of animals in labs is unnecessary by explaining the history of experimentation,... Show more content on ... The monkeys were in bad shape. Many had open, festering wounds, and much of their lustrous hair was missing. Their normally bushy tails were bare because of malnutrition, and they had pulled out whole clumps of fur on their [body] from frustration...and misery... once vigorous... defenders of their jungle homes, after years of confinement in... cages barely larger than their own bodies, they were now frail and vulnerable. As the state s veterinary witnesses would later testify in court, many of the monkeys had been operated on, their backs cut open and their nerves severed, making [the] movement of their arms difficult or impossible.
  • 42. Analysis Of Lord Of The Flies In the popular novel, Lord of the Flies, there are many elements to the story that are not seen when just viewed from the surface. In order to understand these ideas, we have to dive deeper and really analyze the characters in the story. When you do this, a very important theme will arise and that is the very different personality types of the boys on the island. These personality types can be explained using Freud s psychoanalytic theory of personality. His theory explains that there are three basic parts of personality; the id, the ego, and the superego. Everyone has a different combination of these three parts, which makes everyone s personality different. In the novel, Jack is a character who has a lot of id in his personality.... Show more content on ... He also sees hunting as a need, even though it is not. You could have had everyone when the shelters were finished. But you had to hunt...You didn t ought to have let that fire out. You said you d keep the smoke going... (Golding 100). He even goes out hunting and neglects to tend to the fire, which goes out, inhibiting Ralph from signaling a passing ship for their rescue. He went hunting and didn t think about the consequences of his actions. Lastly, Jack ambushes Ralph s campsite in search of Piggy s glasses because he needs them to make fire. He acted upon his first savage instinct instead of thinking through a solution that wouldn t hurt Ralph s group. He could have just asked to borrow the glasses or a stick from Ralph s fire, but instead he uses violence to hurt Ralph s tribe and take away Piggy s vision. Jack acts upon impulses and only wants to help himself and doesn t care about others. He also doesn t think about how his actions could have negative consequences for him or for others. For these reasons, Jack is a great representation of the id personality. The second personality typeis the ego. Ralph is a character that demonstrates a lot of ego. According to Freud, the ego is the rational, pragmatic part of our personality. It is less primitive than the id and is partly conscious and partly unconscious. It s what
  • 43. The Misuse Of Drugs Act Laws are created by parliament which is made up by the MP S society votes for during the election process. The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) was introduced to prevent the misuse of controlled drugs such as cannabis, amphetamine and other drugs stated in the Act. The Act attempts to prevent the misuse of drugs by making it a criminal offence to be in possession or supply, manufacture, import and export drugs (Drugscope, 2015). The Act also gives the Home secretary authority to ban new drugs and increase the penalties associated with them. Sometimes the government will set out a proposal for a new law in a document known as a green paper which then faces scrutiny and discussion this could be by experts in the area that the proposed Law intends to change/ affect or a select committee within parliament. The proposal can then be changed and made into a white paper. This then forms the Bill which gets introduced into Parliament (Making laws: How a law is made part 2 of 2, 2009). There are 2 different types of Bills a private and a public Bill. The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) was a public Bill as it affects the public. These also have 2 categories, government Bills and Private member bills. The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) was a government Bill. A bill goes through a consultation stage where the opinion of others is noted on what the proposed Law should say. This usually takes place before the Bill is introduced to Parliament. A Bill can either go through the House of Commons or Lords
  • 44. Grant Wood Controversy About the Artist Grant Wood was born February 13, 1891, near Anamosa, Iowa, and spent much of his lifetime working and teaching in his home state. During his years there, he taught in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, public schools and, later, was a Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Iowa. He painted the familiar surroundings and everyday life of his nativestate and was one of the Regionalist group of painters of the American Scene. He once said that all the really good ideas he ever had came to him while he was milking a cow. In 1930, the Art Institute of Chicago purchased one of his most famous paintings, American Gothic, for $300.00, and he immediately received national attention. At the time, the painting aroused much controversy... Show more content on ... I did cut it with my hatchet. Run to my arms, you dearest boy, cried his father in transports, run to my arms; glad am I, George, that you killed my tree; for you have paid me for it a thousand fold. Such an act of heroism in my son is more worth than a thousand trees, though blossomed with silver, and their fruits of purest
  • 45. Global Education The intention of this rationale is to discuss the value of implementing global education into the school s Study of Society senior work program. Therefore, this rationale will outline the focus of the curriculum initiative, address its significance, demonstrate how to implement the initiative into Study of Society, and why senior students would find it interesting and worthwhile. To address these areas the rationale will draw on the initiative itself, and will apply the initiative to the Study of Society senior syllabus (Queensland Board of Senior Secondary School Studies [QBSSSS], 2000) and Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs [MCEETYA],... Show more content on ... The first goal is that Australian schooling should promote equity and excellence (p.7). In relation to global education, this initiative requires that the school promotes high expectations and outcomes of all students no matter their gender, language, sexual orientation, pregnancy, culture, ethnicity, religion, health or disability, socioeconomic background, or geographic location and that the school contributes to a socially cohesive society that respects and appreciates cultural, social and religious diversity (p.7). The second goal from the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA, 2008) states, all young Australians should have the opportunity to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens (p.7). Global education fits comfortably into the descriptors of this goal. These goals require the school and wider community to model the values associated with global education. Further commitment to the goals can be achieved through the study of global education and promoting the concepts found within the Melbourne Declaration, Study of Society syllabus, and global education frameworks. There are many ways in which global education can be implemented in senior Study of Society, which promote student knowledge and understanding about the
  • 46. Single Sex School Essay Does your child s education matter to you? I believe single sex schools are better than co education schools. My reasons behind this opinion are single sex schooling has less distraction in class, single sex schools have better learning results and lastly boys and girls in a same sex environment are more likely to pursue subjects they usually would not try. Single sex schools have less distractions in class. I believe this because in a single sex environment boys do not feel the need to impress girls and girls would not have to downplay their strengths to impress boys. The first example to backup my point is a study by the Australian Council for Educational Research where they said research indicates that single sex schools improve ... Show more content on ... A second example to help argue my point is when United Kingdom educator Graham Able compared student performance in 30 single sex and co educational schools, he found the academic advantage of single sex schooling even greater for boys. This evidence shows that single sex is the better school option for learning and getter better academic results, especially if your child is a boy. Single sex schooling is the better choice when selecting your child s future school specially when you are looking for the best possible education. In single sex schools boys and girls excel in subjects they usually would not. Single sex schools help children do well in subjects they usually would not be good at or subjects they would not usually try. For example girls do better at maths and science in all girl schools; boys do better in languages and the arts in all boy schools. My first example to backup my point is a study by Cambridge University in 2006 where their research showed boys improved in english and foreign languages in single sex classes, and girls improved in maths and physics. This proves girls and boys do better in subjects they usually would not do because they are more comfortable in a single sex school rather than a co educational school. A second piece of evidence to help argue my point is a United States study that found boys at single sex
  • 47. The Great Migration Essay The progression of people into and within the United States has had an essential impact on the nation, both intentionally and unintentionally. Progressions such as The Great Migration and the Second Great Migration are examples of movements that impacted the United States greatly. During these movements, African Americans migrated to flee racism and prejudice in the South, as well as to inquire jobs in industrial cities. They were unable to escape racism, but they were able to infuse their culture into American society. During the twentieth century, economic and political problems led to movements such as The Great Migrationand The Second Great Migration which impacted the United Statessignificantly. The Great Migration was the ... Show more content on ... Similar to The Great Migration, The Second Great Migration was the movement of more than five million African Americans from the South to the North, Midwest and West from 1941 to 1970. Between 1930 and 1950, the number of Southern tenant farmers was cut roughly in half, while the number of tractors tripled from 1940 to 1950 ( Second Great Migration: Historical Overview ). Adding to the troubles, many planters started to use the mechanized cotton picker. The need for laborers at harvest time was therefore drastically decreased. Besides a terrible economic situation, Southerners, as they had done during the Great Migration, were also fleeing Jim Crow. Also, with little hope of glow in the justice system, African Americans were at the crime of abusive employers, landlords, and almost anyone bent on depriving them of their rights ( Second Great Migration ). Once World War II came about and the United States became engaged in a two front war against Japan and Germany, production shifted into higher gear. In addition to the usual needs for armaments, clothing, food, and training facilities, the naval war with Japan stimulated increased shipbuilding and the making of naval material, much of it directed to and through Pacific coast ports. The impacts of the Great Migration and Second Migration are still being portrayed in American society. These movements have produced the first vast,
  • 48. Research Paper On Milking A Cow Milking a cow Tools, equipment and machinery used for milking a cow Milking machine: The milking machine is a system consisting out of varies parts that work in combination with each other to milk a number of cows at the same time. The following parts form the basic framework of the milking machine. Claw; Teatcups; Milk tubes (many different shapes and sizes); Pulsator; Bulk tank Milking machines are used to extract milk from cows when the herd is larger than about 4 cows. The milking unit is the portion of a milking machine for removing milk from an udder. It is made up of a claw, four teatcups, long milk tube, long pulsator tube, and pulsator. The claw is manifold which connects the short pulse tubes and short milk tubes from ... Show more content on ... The two rigid, stainless steel teatcup shells applied to the front two quarters of the cow are visible. The top of the flexible liner is visible at the top of the shells as are the short milk tubes and short pulsation tubes extending from the bottom of the shells to the claw. The bottom of the claw is transparent to allow visualization of milk flow. When milking is completed the vacuum to the milking unit is shut off and the teatcups are removed Milking machines keep the milk enclosed and safe from external contamination. The interior milk contact surfaces of the machine are kept clean by a manual or automated washing procedure implemented after milking is completed twice or three times per day. Milk contact surfaces must comply with regulations ensuring that they are food grade materials (typically stainless steel and special plastics and rubber compounds) and are easily cleaned. Most milking machines are powered by electricity but, in case of electrical failure, there can be an alternative means of motive power, often an internal combustion engine, for the vacuum and milk pumps because milking cows cannot tolerate delays in their scheduled milking without suffering serious milk production
  • 49. Twelfth Night Viola In Act 1 of Shakespeare s Twelfth Night, Olivia falls for the reinvented identity of Viola, Cesario , the character she embodies along with her physical change. During her appearance earlier in the act, Orsino orders Viola to unfold the passion of my love (1.5.27). In the interaction between Olivia and Cesario , the actions Viola performs are merely for the expression of her disguise. Even the compliments where Viola refers to Olivia as radiant, exquisite, and unmatchable beauty (1.5.169) are part of her cover to seem like a gentleman. Her dialogue about lovewhere she explains how my lord and master loves you (1.5.252) and that if I did love you in my master s flame (1.5.266) is only told after Orsino orders Viola to describe his love
  • 50. neon Essay Did you know that neon is a Greek word that means quot;new quot;? Neon is the element that I am most interested in. I chose to do neon because I found out what many uses it has in our daily life. Neon is the element that allows you to watch TV. Without neon we would never see the cool flashing signs outside of diners and bars. In my essay I am going to tell you about neon and its many uses. First, I m going to tell you about the history and uses of neon. Neon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris M. Travers, an English chemist, shortly after their discovery of the element krypton in 1898. Neon is one of the most amusing elements used today. Neon mixed with some other elements ... Show more content on ... Neon is found in the atmosphere. Neon is 0.002% of the atmosphere. Also, stars produce neon during the later stages of nuclear fusion. All there is to talk about neon now is about how it integrates into our life. To show you the integration in our society I will demonstrate a situation in which neon comes into play. Imagine walking around in Las Vegas with your friends looking to have a good time before your business meeting the next day. You look up and see giant signs that flash and move around advertising casinos and restaurants. Those signs are discharge tubes holding the active ingredients of our friend neon and his buddy mercury. You decide to walk into the casino with the biggest, coolest sign that says quot;MGM quot;. You walk into the casino wondering what to do first, so you walk over to the nearest craps table. You play craps for a couple hours and decide to cash in and go out to eat with all the money you won. You walk into a sports bar to get a drink and you notice a TV with the Lakers game on. You look up at the TV and notice they are losing 84 to 36. The television has a tube in it that holds neon to project things onto the glass screen you see, without neon you wouldn t be able to watch any of your favorite shows. When you are finished eating your friends ask if you want to go to the Smithsonian observation museum about 10 miles away from downtown Las Vegas. You agree and pile into your rented Mercedes Benz SRX. As your driving on the
  • 51. Value My Family I was born in a family that is very connected. My family would help each other in many ways including help in homework, tests, quizzes, keeping the house in shape order and so on. The most important thing in my life is my family. The reason why I value my family so much is because they help me in my everyday life. My brother helps me with school, my sister helps me in writing my essays, and my motherand father keep the house clean and stable. If I didn t have such a family, I would not be the person I am today. What I value the most in my life is my family. The reason why I value my family is because they help me go through life, guiding me through life s challenges. For example, regarding school, my older sister and my brother help teach me things that I didn t understand. For example, when I began writing important pieces in ELA including essays, my sister laid out the basic outline for an essay. Then my brother would check my essay for grammar mistakes, improper tense or sloppy wording. My brother also helps me out in math and science. He recently began helping me out in math and science as soon as I began Manhattan Village Academy. My brother would teach me concepts in math that he is learning in geometry at school. These concepts would give me a better understanding of the Geometry of Manhattan Village Academy. In addition, my twin brother is taking Biology, and would fill me in on the biological components of AP Environmental Science. I also value my mother and
  • 52. Fine Arts And Cultural Studies Fine Arts and Cultural Studies The educational subject areas focusing on the fine arts and cultural studies are notable for their many shared developmental outcomes and related teaching methodology challenges. Analysis of previously implemented art based programs and learning strategies devised to supplement cultural studies indicates it may be a uniquely productive approach. The use of creative instruction in forms including but not limited to play acting, creation of visual arts, and musical instruction has high effectiveness in the context of maximizing student receptivity to cultural transmission. Students of both subjects have also been observed to demonstrate markedly improved intellectual, behavioral, and emotional growth from programs which integrate up to date modern research and intuitive planning to navigate the complex environment of cultural pluralism. Many such programs feature the direct involvement of artists and other relevant professionals with students to enrich and ensure the quality of the educational experience. In recent times, the necessity for significant reform in the educational practices of both fields has been extensively documented. Educational professionals throughout the globe have dedicated themselves to compiling, reviewing, and distributing crucial field research. Their efforts allow for the analysis of common pedagogical deficiencies in order to make collective progress towards innovative solutions. Comprehensive evaluations of commonly
  • 53. Survival Of The Sickest Analysis In Survival of the Sickest by Dr. Sharon Moalem and Jonathan Prince, the authors prove that modern day diseases were actually vital survival traits for our ancestors. Traits of certain passed on diseases that we would now normally consider deadly or unhealthy helped humans adapt to other sicknesses and problems. Diabetes, favism, and hemochromatosis are three examples of how hereditary diseases have once helped humans survive in the past. Diabests mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a diseasethat disturbs insulin, a hormone in the pancreas, from storing sugar in the liver or other parts of the body. This inability results in an overload of sugar in one s bloodstream. Untreated, diabetes can lead to rapid dehydration, coma, and death ... Show more content on ... Bloodletting, known as phlebotomy in the medical world, imitates to some degree the violent blood loss of the European Vikings. As explained earlier, the loss of nutrition through bloodloss was balanced out by the mutation, hemochromatosis. Now, hemochromatic people do the opposite and balance high iron levels with bloodletting. The process of bloodletting can be done several ways, obviously much more differently and safer than in the past. The author of Survival of the Sickest, Dr. Sharon Maulem, chooses to donate blood on the regular to balance his iron levels, similar to his grandfather who was also
  • 54. Free Speech And The Paradox Of Tolerance By Julia Serano In Free Speech and the Paradox of Tolerance (Medium, February 6, 2017), Julia Serano addresses the flaws in activists Richard Spencer s and Milo Yiannopoulos actions against freedom of speech, as well as the flaws in free speech absolutism. The author explains how free speech absolutism cannot fully be achieved because of the laws that protect our privacy, and how free speech absolutism can only make matters worse. Because there are no laws against Milo Yiannopoulos campaigning for actor/comedian Leslie Jones to delete her personal website, people are allowed to use their freedom of speechto take away that same right from others. Serano explains how she was scared to express herself as transgender during her childhood because she witnessed people being harassed for their identity. The author calls this the paradox of free speech. Another paradox she highlights is the paradox of tolerance. If those who are tolerant do not defend against the intolerant, then the tolerant will one day disappear. Serano believes everyone should be a moderator. People who believe in an open and positive, free speaking society should collectively stand up against those that are intolerant to opposing ideologies, and possibly even incarcerate those who cannot present reason for their beliefs. This, however, is where the line must be drawn. Serano is wrong to believe that free speech absolutism will cause intolerance of fester and one day erupt, and that the minority should be treated like
  • 55. Should There Be More Eligible Citizens To Vote The United States, in my personal opinion would most definitely be better in all aspects. The more people that participate in political processing, the more chances of us coming together and picking what is better for our government. I will be explaining to you why I think it will be better if more eligible citizens participated in the political process, and start voicing there opinions and joining political campaigns. They re plenty of ways that us eligible citizens come together to help better our own selves. First off, I am going to let you in on why it is not a good thing if most eligible citizens do not participate. Lets say if there is 200 people but only 150 vote, we will only be getting opinions from three fourth of the said to be population, therefore one fourth of the people had the opportunity to vote. However, They chose not to or were not educated enough to know where and how to vote for the right person. If our eligible citizens, someone that is not a Washington Insider , would run for political office they would better understand what it is that we need in the community for the better.... Show more content on ... For the people that don t have much education or don t know much about a candidate, this would be a perfect opportunity to find out a little more information for the voter can know on which candidate is better for them. The bottom line of a campaign contains ideas that whichever candidate shares with the eligible citizens. It is meant for getting people to agree with there plans if they were to win a type of political office. They do this for they can support them while running for that political
  • 56. Trucks Vs Suvs Essay Trucks Vs. SUVs Over the years, SUVs have become popular options for families. With nearly $18 million in sales, the automotive industry saw a lot of SUV and truck sales last year. SUVs have proved to be a popular option, but there are many people who find it hard to choose between an SUV or a truck, both offer families many options, especially newer heavy duty Ford F150s in Dearborn. The Pros and Cons of Driving an SUV Since their introduction, SUVs have provided families an alternative to driving a minivan. They provide families with a lot of room, allowing all family members to fit comfortably. Additionally, SUVs offer people a smooth ride. These vehicles can handle the road without riders feeling the roughness of the road below. SUVs also ... Show more content on ... In fact, with more people purchasing SUVs the average cost of vehicles has increased remarkably over the years. Additionally, the cost of owning SUVs is increasing. In fact, in 2012, the research found that owning and operating an SUV cost $11,360 per year or $.075.7 per mile based on 15,000. SUVs were the most expensive vehicle to own. The Pros and Cons of Driving a Truck Trucks like F150 are popular options these days for families. With expanded cabins, an entire family can easily fit comfortably, and enjoy long trips. Truck manufacturers also include more features in pickup trucks to make trucks more competitive when it comes to SUVs. From technology packages to operational components that help trucks drive smoothly, truck manufacturers have changed how truck performed over the years. There are more SUV sales than trucks. With SUVs able to get more gas mileage than a traditional rugged pickup, while offering the same features and benefits, many families are still choosing SUVs over trucks. However, many truck manufacturers are investing in game changing technology that s improving the gas mileage many pickup trucks get, especially in newer
  • 57. The Contributions Of James Dewey Watson James Dewey Watson was born on April 6, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois. He attended the Horace Mann Grammar School, South Shore High School. In the summer of 1943, he entered the experimental four year college program at the University of Chicago. In 1947, he received a B.Sc. degree in zoology. He subsequently earned a fellowship for a graduate study program at the University of Indiana in Bloomington. At Indiana he was inspired by geneticists H.J. Muller and T.M. Sonneborn, and microbiologist S.E. Lucia, under whom Watson completed his thesis regarding the effect of hard X rays on bacteriophage multiplication. From 1950 to 1951 he traveled to Copenhagen as Merck Fellow of the National Research Council during his first postdoctoral year. He worked with biochemist Herman Kalckar and microbiologist Ole MaalГёe shortly thereafter, and studied bacterial viruses to analyze the structure of DNA. In the spring of 1951, he traveled with Kalckar to the Zoology Station at Naples. there he met Maurice Wilkins and for the first time saw the X ray diffraction pattern of crystalline DNA which prompted his to change the orientation of his research to the structural chemistry of nucleic and proteins. In October of 1951 he began to work at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge where he soon met Francis Crick. Francis Harry Compton Crick was born on June 8, 1916 in Northampton, England. He attended the Northampton Grammar School and Mill Hill School. He received a B.Sc. degree in physics at