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Asian Child Labor
Child Labor in South Asia Sparks fly off heavy machinery and sweat and grim coat the foreheads of
weary children. Child labor is a serious recurring problem in countries such as South Asia. Some
find the use of youths in the work field a necessity in order to preserve a roof over their heads,
however, these actions can cause continual conflicts in the lives of young individuals. Child labor in
South Asia has a massive negative impact on the youths living there because it places many young
lives in dangerous working atmospheres, rips time away from earning a proper education, and their
tiring work efforts are often rewarded with little to no pay. Impacts are severe when young children
are placed in an environment where dangerous elements are at disposal. The unsafe conditions and
work zones are shown by "The presence of millions of child laborers in India, many of whom toil in
hazardous industries such as construction, mining, leather ... Show more content on
A young girl who worked tirelessly said, "I start work early but don't finish until late into the night. I
get paid less than two dollars a week" (Sindhu). These desperate children work for many long hours
and for little pay. Earning cents a day barely covers the cost of food, however, these young
individuals force their weary bodies to rise in the mornings and labor well into the night for the
small unfair wage they receive. "Our presence was clearly not welcome. As we were speaking to the
girls the owner came in and ordered us to leave. Within walking distance are other factories. But
again, when we arrived, the youngest workers were quickly led away." (Dhariwal). Children are kept
in factories where they work long strenuous hours. As stated above, visitors are not welcomed, and
are quickly made to leave in order to hide the corruption found on the
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Child Soldiers
Intro: Child soldiers have helped the world make decisions about rights of children and the crimes
that some have committed . Child soldiers are children who are recruited by the government, taken
from their parents, or join because the war is their only option. The children in these situations are
under the age of 18 and are brought into the war to be fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, unnecessary
purposes, human shields, messengers, or spies. Child soldiers have brought up many debates in the
past as well as they will be in the future. One major debate within the topic of child soldiers is if the
child soldiers should be given amnesty. Child Soldiers should not be given amnesty because child
soldiers have mental disorders from the war, They have the potential to be dangerous, and because
many children grew up in the war causing ... Show more content on ...
This point has brought up several debates that the Regional Academy on the United Nations
(R.A.U.N) has brought up many times. The R.A.U.N. states,"There are three ways in which children
are recruited – they are...forcibly recruited," (Markovic 2). Many child soldiers are forced to join the
war if their villages get attacked. When this happens, the children are forced to be separated from
their families and get thrown into the lifestyle of war. However, what Markovic fails to mention in
that paragraph is that majority of child soldiers join on their own. Markovic later comes back to this
point in a later paragraph on the same website and states the fact that a majority of child soldiers
join the army out of their own will, (Markovic 4). Markovic addresses the very important fact that
not all child soldiers are forced to join the war. Some children join as a last resort and others join
because the war might seem welcoming. No matter the reason, there are some child soldiers who
join because it is their choice. They were not forced or put on drugs. It was a conscious
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Formal Child Care
Child care may be known as care for young children, who are supervised by adults who are not their
parents. According to an article, Informal child care by relatives, nannies, or home care providers
typically takes place in a home setting (either the child's home or the adult's home), while formal
care by trained and untrained caregivers takes place in school or care centre settings. Child care is
now an ordinary part of life for children in most western countries. More than half of infants are
placed in some form of child care for at least ten hours during their first year of life, and more than
three–quarters of families with young children depend on child care as a support for maternal
employment. Formal child care can also provide early ... Show more content on ...
Some researchers link such a risk with infant child care in particular;5 however, other researchers
have failed to replicate this finding, even when using the same data set.6 The NICHD researchers
found that the more time children spend in any of a variety of non– maternal care arrangements
across the first 4.5 years of life, the more acting–out problem behaviour (ie, aggression and
disobedience) and conflict with adults they manifested at 54 months of age and in kindergarten.7
Surprisingly, these findings do not vary as a function of child care quality. It is important to qualify
that the effects are relatively small, that most children with extensive child care experience do not
have behaviour problems, and that the direction of such effects is not clear ― in other words,
parents with more difficult children may enrol their children in child care for more hours. In future
work, it will be important to identify the processes through which hours in care may pose a risk. For
example, some researchers have speculated that large group sizes (exposure to many peers) may
increase the frequency of acting out behaviours that go unnoticed, and therefore uncorrected, by
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Understanding A Child Needs And Child Development
Understanding a child needs and the way to interact with them a key knowledge to create different
ways for the child to development at their appropriate age level. In the beginning of the semester, I
only have some knowledge of child development. I didn't know the method of teaching a child are
even to speak to them. After this class and participating in programs relating to children 's
development, such as Jumpstart, i slowly understand the importance of ways to express and take to
the children. The environment that a child grows in affects a child in a certain degree that would
either be negative or positive. For example, if a child is growing in a place that lack of space and
material to manipulate, then the child will have lack of that skill he or she is supposed to acquire at a
certain age and that will maintain for a lifetime. On the other hand, if the child have the spacious
environment to implement play meaning that child would have enough material to develop the
developmental skills that is appropriate for his or her age. In a classroom, it is best that there is
enough materials for each individual that are able to use to reach the developmental skills. I think
the most important thing that a classroom should have is natural lighting, which meaning that there
should be windows. "In early childhood centers located in spaces not originally designed for
children....create a safe, healthy, and engaging environment"( Smith, 2013 p.9). I know that there are
preschool that
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Child Throwing
Throwing is probably the most common of the ballistic skills yet the most difficult to assess. As a
parent when teaching the child to throw, it is important to begin at a level that the child can achieve
and then slowly increase the level of difficulty, so that the child is stretched slightly (taking steps
backwards, or throwing for longer distance), each time but does not lose confidence in achieving the
task. Also, make sure while each step is completed give the child lots and lots of praise and
encouragement. With giving encouragement as a parent, the child looks up to you to give them
instruction therefore if the child does a skill correctly keep their confidence up in order for them to
move on to the next step in throwing. ... Show more content on ...
Without learning the basic steps, it would be difficult to master the task. But with gender and skill
level varying in each child, being patient and boosting their confidence when they do it correctly is
equally important as correctly them when they make a mistake. What we don't see in young adults
as we do in children is fear. Many children are afraid to try new things. Throwing the correct way is
very important as a child because of the danger of overuse injuries rising all over the world. Since
overhead throwing is not a natural motion of the shoulder, it does cause strain on the muscles. As a
child, I couldn't get enough of sports, so for me to gain this kind of knowledge through this class is
interesting because I had no idea that breaking down the steps or videotaping the action can
breakdown the skill to see what the child is doing wrong in the motion. The application to this
information can help me raise my kids, it can help me train those who come to me for help.
Developing as an individual is a never ending process and that is what interests me so much; the fact
that we continuously grow throughout our
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The New Child
THE NEW CHILD AT SCHOOL Working with young children demand a special attention because
leaving their parent could be very difficult for them. There, are always a hard time for some children
who come the first time in school. I see that at my work some children cry all day long sometimes
one or two weeks they still are crying. It is important that a family member can come with the child
for a short period to visit the class before starting the first day in which the child can realize that he
has not been abandoned. It is also at the beginning of the first few days, family member can stay a
few minutes with the child's classroom for additional reassurance. As a teacher, it is important to
help the family, as well as the child, say good–bye, I love you, when it is time for mother or father to
leave. I find in the book one sentence that I agree with, families should be encouraged to establish a
routine that maintains trust for instance always waving, good–bye, hugging rather than sneaking out
when the child is not looking. Some parents are dealing like that just drop up the child and leave or
if the child cries they sneak. Therefore, teacher who work with young children should be available
to welcome and spend some time with new child and teacher ... Show more content on ...
Erikson emphasize the importance of providing for children a social environment in which people
can be trusted. Children need to develop social skills that help them make friends, work and play
cooperatively and productively with other children and adults. To do this, children need to feel
secure about themselves and enjoy positive social interaction. As a preschool teacher, we must learn
children how to socialize each other and other adults, as teacher serves as a social model by building
a positive relationship with each child and parent. This is a part of our responsibilities to encourage
and support
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The Child Of The Wild Child
Susan Wiley, or most commonly known as Genie the Wild Child was born on the 18th of April
1957. She was the fourth child of Clark and Irene Wiley and was one of two children that survived
childhood. Her parents were married in 1944 Clark was 20 years his wife's senior and their marriage
was riddled with domestic violence. Their first two children were both suspiciously killed before
their first birthday. It was reported that Clark Wiley extremely disliked children and was very
mentally unstable. The third of the Wiley children John lived with Clarks mother Pearl, when she
was killed in a hit and run accident Clark held his son responsible which only added to his fragile
mental health.
The final child of the couple was Genie. At a doctor's appointment in late 1958 when Genie was 20
months old the doctor diagnosed her with mild retardation. However, this claim has been debated.
Nevertheless, Genie's sadistic father kept her in extreme isolation locked away in an upstairs
bedroom. The window was covered in aluminium foil and Genie was tightly restrained to a potty
chair in near darkness every day. At night she slept in a tattered sleeping bag tied down in a cot that
was enclosed with chicken wire. Although she would often be left on the potty chair overnight. She
was malnourished and Clark forbid his son and wife to speak to Genie. If she was to make any
sound she was beaten with a wooden plank, and was allegedly sexually abused also. Though no one
will ever know exactly what
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Child Labor In Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo has changed a lot due to child labor. The children of Congo
work hours mining gold, cassiterite, and most commonly cobalt as well as use the children as
soldiers to fight in wars. The Democratic Republic of Congo has not done anything to prevent child
labor until very recently. The country's economy has been crashing which is why they used child
labor to start with. About twenty–five percent of children between the age of five to fourteen, which
is over four million kids in Congo. Luckily there is at least fifty–nine percent of Congos children are
going to school and not working through the ages of five through fourteen. There are children who
go to school and work from the ages of seven to fourteen. ... Show more content on
This plan plans to get rid of child labor by 2020. The only problem with this plan is that this plan is
not being paid by congo's government meaning that they are waiting for other countries to help them
get out of child labor. Not a lot of people know about this issue meaning that there needs to be a
spread of awareness. The democratic republic of Congo government started a program to get
children out of these bad situations and to get child labor out of Congo in. The government got
support from Sweden and Japan, the USAID (which advances the U.S.'s national security), and the
world bank. The goal of This program was to get about 1,500 or more children out armies. After this
program, once a child was identified in an army in Congo they were removed. After about a year the
program was ended and by the end of it over 2,000 children were put into foster homes. Many new
integration programs were also integrated in
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Transitioning For A Child
The process of transitioning for a student who is approaching transition age is important because a
child is moving on to their next phase in life and that can be difficult, even for a child without ID.
However, a child that has ID needs to have steps and guidance in order to be prepared for what is to
come. A child with disabilities will fail or even fall beyond if certain things are not in place.
In order for the student to succeed the educational system must provide transition services which
should be tailored to the student and their needs. What this looks like is having annual goals and
objectives in order to get to the annual goals. This will allow the student to be able to succeed. The
areas of the student's future life outside
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Child Labor In The 1800s
Child labor was very common and popular especially in the late 1800s and early the 1900s even
though many people were not aware of the dangers. We can define child labor as work that deprives
children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and cause to their physical and mental
development. Children are the base of a country but in a developing country child labor is an issue
that has yet to disappear. Most of the children remain illiterate because of their poor economic
condition and parents do not have enough money to spend on the education of their children, rather
they send their children for work so that they could earn some money during their poor economic
condition. The objective of my research paper is to raise awareness ... Show more content on ...
A decrease in per capita GDP is correlated with increase in child labor. It is difficult for poor
families to stop sending children to work, because alternatives are hunger and starvation of the
whole families. Pierik and Houwezijl (2006) have put it,
"This is the main reason why targeted boycotts of the products of child labor turn out to be
counterproductive (at least in the short term): they focus, in a limited geographical area, only on the
effects of child labor–its products–but typically fail to investigate the structural reasons for the
occurrence of child labor–namely, poverty."
Thus, taking jobs away from these children without understanding fundamental principle of the
child labor can only send them to worse and less–paid jobs.
Prohibition on child labor works well when adult wages increase at the same time, and this would
most likely happen if "all regulators, importers, and consumers of products in the world would be
able to effectively support such
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Child Observation
A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities of virtue and vice, but
as yet unstained.
It is always difficult to understand children because they are different and complicated. With all the
amusing and ambiguous characteristics of young children, we studied decades ago that in order to
better understand children we should start by observing them as they play. As caregivers, it is
essential for us to know our children intensely, to flow with their movements, and to broaden their
approach to how the world works.
I have observed one of my friend's son in my neighborhood. His name is Nishanth and he is 5 years
old. I was watching both my son and Nishanth playing together for an hour. ... Show more content
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My friend (mother) was only aware of this, and Nishanth did not know that he was being observed. I
decided to observe him in order to gain a better understanding of the child's desire, feelings, and the
behavior. I would like to provide information about the kinds of activities, children like to do when
they play. It is also going to help me figure out the different areas of child development.
The Child: Nishanth likes to play video games, especially PS4 when he is playing with his father
and his friends but mostly he loves to play outside. When asked where would he go if he can go
anywhere, he immediately responded that he likes to go to the park. He likes to play around the park
with his friends. Nishanth wishes to be an astronaut when he grows up. Nishanth, my son, and other
kids ran about playing games like tag and climbing the small walls in my courtyard. I believe all of
these activities promoted the use of gross motor skills along with emotional/social interactions. Tag
is one of the play activities which is social, that requires anywhere from small to large groups of
kids to play with one another. Running is a great form of exercise that keeps kids healthy. It is also
mentioned in the book (Page 56) that "outdoor environments set up for autonomous children provide
freedom for exploration with few
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Developing Child
Imagine yourself going out for the night at a local restaurant. Some of the first things you may
notice when you walk in is the overwhelming aroma of the food being served, the light chatter from
everyone in the place, or maybe the décor. But there's something else you notice, and it doesn't seem
right. Instead of coloring pages and crayons at each table with children, there's a tablet. Each child is
intensely involved with the tiny, glowing screens that show characters running around at the
commands of the child's every wish. Each one looks like a zombie, completely brainwashed and
only interested in what their screens are playing rather than their parents attempts to make
conversation. You glance to the side as you see a mom trying to take ... Show more content on ...
Instead of using a videogame system or tablet to keep them entertained, they were exercising not
only their bodies, but also their imaginations. Cris Rowan, author for The Huffington Post, stated in
her article "The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child" that "A 2010 Kaiser Foundation
study showed that elementary aged children use on average 7.5 hours per day of entertainment
technology, 75 percent of these children have TV's in their bedrooms, and 50 percent of North
American homes have the TV on all day." Today's generation of kids are glued to these devices and
heavily rely on them to keep them entertained. Unfortunately, parents have not helped this issue
become any better: instead, they are quick to hand their toddler a phone or tablet in order to keep
them "occupied" and out of their ways. It's no surprise either that children are this way considering
the recent boom in technological developments and further societal integrations. But is the
introduction of technology of any kind at a young age as beneficial as it is put out to be? Today's
generation of kids, referred to as "glow kids", is suffering from the overuse of technology in their
daily lives. Children's emotional, social, and physical developments are being majorly hindered due
to the increased integration of technology within their daily lives that is distributed by parents and
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Rights of the Child
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was brought into effect to recognise that Children
needed their own set of specific human rights that should be protected and that these were a
universal right not a privilege. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was drawn up and
accepted by the UN in 1989. The UK government agreed to abide by the principles in 1991 and it
was fully implemented in 1992. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most
universally recognised set of standards for protecting the rights of children and numerous countries
have agreed to abide by it. The Convention forms a set of articles that highlight the minimum
entitlements of all children. These ... Show more content on ...
Children understand how to protect themselves, and feel protected and are protected from significant
harm including neglect, abuse and accident." The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
essentially underpins all aspects of the work we do and how we undertake it and the responsibilities
we have to the individual. It is therefore a major and key piece of legislation that we must be
familiar with to fulfill the job role and responsibilities as manager of a home.
The Human Rights Act was drawn up by the UK government and implemented in 1998. It draws on
the European Convention of Human Rights but allows for issues to be addressed within the UK
courts of Law rather than needing a European Court. "The Act provides that it is unlawful for a
public authority to act in such a way as to contravene Convention rights. For these purposes public
authority includes any other person "whose functions are functions of a public nature."" The Human
Rights Act uses a set of articles to detail the rights of everyone within the UK. Examples of these
articles include: the right to life; prohibition of torture; prohibition of slavery and forced labour;
right to liberty and security; right to respect for family and private life; freedom of thought
conscience and religion; freedom of expression; prohibition of discrimination; protection of
property; and
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Child Labour In China
How would you feel if your child was forced to work every day just for your family's survival?
Child labour is work that exploits children mentally and physically, as well as keeping them away
from school. The International Labor Organization estimates that 215 million children between the
ages of 5 and 17 currently work under conditions that are considered illegal, hazardous or extremely
exploitative. China is one of the main culprits. A recent study by the China Labour Bulletin in 2000,
indicated that there were approximately 11,575,000 children at work between the ages of 10 to 14 in
China. This violates many articles from the Convention of Rights of The Child. For example, article
32 states that, "You have the right to protection from work that harms you, and is bad for your health
and prevents you from receiving an education. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid
fairly." (The Convention of Rights of The Child, § 32, 1990). Child labour in China is a major
problem that needs to be resolved. This essay will examine how child labour affects many
misfortunate children, whilst demonstrating how child labour is still an uprising trend, one that
needs to be changed. Showcasing why it's so important to actively change our worldview on the
exploitation of child labour, for the greater good of future generations. Undeniably, there are many
reasons why child labour occurs. The most common reason why is because of the lack of money in
poverty stricken areas or
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Child Labor
Cheap Labor at the Expense of Children
Halima is an 11 year old girl who lives in Bangladesh; she works eight hours a day six days a week.
She works clipping loose threads off of Hanes underwear for only 53 cents a day. Halima needs to
clip 150 pairs of underwear per hour, and she becomes exhausted to the point where she is able to
fall asleep standing up. This 11 year old girl should not be working like this. Worldwide, there are
approximately 150 million children involved in child labor who shouldn't be. Child labor is an issue
that attacks the rights of children and takes away their ability to be a child, as displayed by the
countries of Eritrea and China.
An example of one of the worst offenders of child labor is Eritrea. Eritrea resides ... Show more
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Resting in east Asia, China is also along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Asia holistically is a hub for
utilizing illegal child labor. Currently, there are reports of China illegally recruiting children to
work. According to recent reports, "...children are abducted or deceived by recruiters... and sold to
employers. Some children are held captive, forced to work long hours for little pay" ( Not
only are children being forced to work in factories, they are being kidnapped and held in the
factories against their will. Children do not possess the option to help support their impoverished
families, for they are taken right out of the arms of their families and put to work. By capitalizing on
the naivety of children, China is failing to acknowledge the rights of children. To continue, young
boys of China are often found working in poor conditions of brick factories. Based on IHS Child
Slave Labor, "boys as young as eight have been working in these horrible conditions at the kilns. It
was reported that they were sold for about $65 each to bosses who would treat them as property."
Children are put to work as slaves even though the minimum working age is 16. They often don't
even have the choice of working, for corporations buy them as slaves. The rights of children are
under attack in these cases because they lack the privilege to choose to work as well as many
children are too young to be working at all. Therefore, China is a country which violates the rights
of children by utilizing illegal child
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Leashed Child
Consider for a second your childhood memories. Maybe you thought of freedom, of exploration and
independent play. For many children today, the most memorable moments of their youth will not be
any of these; for many children today, they will remember the child harness; a leash attached to a
child's backpack that restricts a child's mobility to their parents'. It's a growing trend, popular with
busy, metropolitan parents that, as a father, I find worrying. Why would a parent be so demeaning,
neglecting and restrictive to their children?
Yes, a leash on a child is demeaning. Last week, I was with my family, walking the dog. Trekking
through our neighbourhood, a leashed boy passed us as we stopped to let our leashed dog urinate.
As he walked on, with genuine curiosity, the leashed child ... Show more content on
Not only I, but the boy himself knew that in wearing a leash, he was being likened to, and treated as,
a pet: Less than human. To limit a child's movement in such a way is limiting their freedom; a born
entitlement. Taking away this right puts the child below a person;
To demean and dehumanise a child with such an accessory is wrong.
This is a contentious point, but nonetheless, the parent is neglecting their child in constricting them
as opposed to educating them in discipline and boundaries, a critical point once the child ages
beyond the leash. Parents are expected to be able to chase down their more excitable children and
educate them on the dangers of running off. Doing so keeps the child from trying to run off and the
child would gain responsibility. In contrast, if a parent attached a leash to the child, if they were to
run, all that would be required is to pull them back as if nothing had happened. Yes, perhaps at the
time the leashed child is safe, but I fear for the child who is one day taken off the leash and does not
know how to act responsibly in busy metropolitan areas. To use a child leash to neglect this point is
ignoring a parent's basic
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Child Discipline
Forms of Discipline: What is best for the child?
Children are like flowers, if well taken care of they will bloom. If ignored or tortured, they will
wither and die. Child discipline is one of the most important elements of successful parenting.
Today, many people have this notion that physical abuse is in no way a solution to helping children
discern between right and wrong. Since generations children have been taught the art of discipline
through physical punishment. Often this approach to disciplining has resulted in two outcomes, one
is where the child becomes more tolerant and is willing to adhere to what he/she has been told, or
the other which more often results in children developing a sense of anguish and desire to revolt. ...
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Today, there is a common misconception that spanking is a form of child abuse. Some parents are
actually afraid to discipline their own children using the same method used for their own
upbringing. Who is correct in the notion of right and wrong discipline? Is there such a thing as a
correct way to spank your child? In my opinion, there is. So, my objective is to show that there is a
fine line between the two terms Spanking and Child abuse. A Cambridge Dictionary states that Child
Abuse occurs "when adults intentionally treat children in a cruel or violent way." On the other hand,
Spanking in the same dictionary means "to hit a child with the hand, usually several times on the
bottom as a punishment." In this way, the line between the two can be drawn where too much
spanking results in bruises and scars on the child. Therefore, parents should not spank their children
when they are angry themselves as the spank would turn out to be an unintentional smack. When
this occurs, parents tend to accidently take out their frustration on the child. Primarily, this is when
Spanking, a form of discipline, starts drifting towards the entire concept of 'child abuse'.
However, this misconception has led to many unwanted situations where parents have been sent to
jail by their own children. In a general
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Speech On Child Labor
So..What is child labor? Child labor is children basically being slaves for other people. Children
who are involved in child labor are sold by their parents to other companies. Adults would not be
considered people who are in child labor because they are grown adults. They work in fields and
factories but mostly factories. Sometimes they work in gold mines but with no safety equipment
whatsoever. These children work all day and not like you think which is maybe 3 hours. They spend
countless hours which I doubt you would even guess working in those fields, Factories and gold
mines. This segment will teach you all about child labor and what effects it has on these children. In
this essay you will learn about Child Labor and how it affects different children
They are doing work ... Show more content on ...
But that is what set Activists wondering about child labor and what they can do to prevent it from
happening again.This became now a worldwide issue and eventually Craig Kielburger heard about
the problem and he figured out how he could solve it. He eventually started a organization that
helped kids in child labor. He eventually got a success and was able to help other kids in child labor.
All of this just started because of the shooting.
Right now Child Labor is a International problem and it is trying to be stopped in many countries.
We do not child labor because it is a very sad thing to deal with and we do have sympathy for what
those children are going through and how much they have to work. They are not just doing chores,
they are doing labor.
Now let us get into more about the mines that the children do work in. The mines that the children in
child labor work in are very poisonous. They are unlicensed but they still force the children who do
not wear the proper safety equipment to work in the mines and to mine the gold. The reason of the
poison in the mines is because of Mercury which is a very deadly
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Bleach and Child
PRS 1023
Examination Revision
May/June 2010
Question 2
2.1 How to ensure food safety: Food safety depends on sanitation
1. Personnel and especially food handlers – must meet health standards and take great care to
maintain a high level of personal health. – Hands should be washed thoroughly before handling
food. – Injuries on hands covered with waterproof plasters. – Use gloves and hair nets.
2. Safe food handling techniques should be practised.
3. ... Show more content on ...
–dental decay (Pg 20 prescribed book)
Proper dental care should be practiced from birth, with special attention given to:
–Following a correct diet an adequate intake of protein, and minerals, particularly calcium and
fluoride. Most devastating influence on diet is the common intake of sticky carbohydrates
–hygienic practices–e.g. tooth, brushing flossing. Food particles can be removed from an infant
gums by wiping them with a small wet washcloth
–dental examination scheduled at recommended intervals
–prompt treatment of dental problems
Additional steps that can be taken to increase a child's interest in brushing their teeth include:
–purchase a small soft toothbrush in the child's favorite color.
–store the toothbrush where the child can reach it.
–provide a footstool or chair where the child can reach the sink
–demonstrate the toothbrush procedure so that the child knows what to expect.
–help the child to at least brush twice daily once in the morning and once before they go to bed
–put up a chart where can check each time they brushed
Question 3
3.1 Explain what you would include when planning an emergency evacuation plan: (12) (pg 36
tut501, pg 54 tut502)
Specific factors to be considered:
1. The plan should be simple, yet effective, to prevent undue confusion and to achieve the intended
goal. When drawing up your own disaster plan, make use of the
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Child Abuse And Neglect
When you're a kid you should still have so much hope because you have not seen the tragedies in
the world. Imagine just for a second that before you were even five, you had to take care of yourself.
As a toddler you felt unloved and neglected. Each year 5.5 million children experience this feeling,
not just for a second, but throughout their childhood. Neglect is child abuse, as well as physical
abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. Child abuse is awful because it causes the child to feel
worthless, to lose trust, and to have serious psychological problems early on in life. Neglect is the
most common form of child abuse. The parent or caregiver fails to provide basic needs for the child.
Neglected children are constantly ... Show more content on ...
Sexually abused kids are plagued by feelings of shame and guilt. The child usually feels responsible
which makes it particularly hard for them to come forward. Sexual abuse can lead to self hate and
feelings of worthlessness. This can lead to troubles with future relationships, especially intimate
ones. They easily pull away from touch and are very self conscious. Self hate can lead to a lot of
different psychological problems. Sexual abuse can also lead to PTSD, panic attacks, and even
eating disorders. More than ten percent of adults reported being emotionally abused as a child. They
are constantly told they are no good, worthless, and a mistake. They start to believe it and it hurts
them a lot mentally. Yelling at the child is not an uncommon occurrence. The child gets an earful of
all the reasons they are worthless. They don't know who won't hurt them or who will. The kids don't
know if they can trust anyone to be a positive influence in their life. Emotional abuse can lead to
depression and self hate. Like all abuse, it destroys people mentally. Some kids have already lost
hope because of abuse. They have seen bad in the world, usually coming from someone who is
supposed to be one of the most supportive and loving
Schichtel 3 people in their lives. When talking to an abused child remain calm and avoid denial.
Make sure to not interrogate, or it could make the
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Child Athletes
Modern society has many ills plaguing it. Some of these ills include excess stress and unacceptable
behavior, both of which can be caused by the same thing: unhealthy placement of sports in modern
society. By sports being considered practically ideal in society, many child athletes suffer from
pressure to win and numerous people suffer from the poor behavior exhibited by certain adult
athletes. Most children's sports leagues begin with children around the age of 5 because that is the
age where most children are able to understand the concepts and rules of sports. This is also when
children are most influenced by the world around them. When children are signed up for sports it is
usually for reasons such as getting them involved in an activity, ... Show more content on ...
However, some athletes don't lose the feeling of aggression and intimidation after they leave the
field. Studies have been conducted to assess whether aggressive behavior and violence can be linked
to athletes, specifically male athletes. Studies by the NCAVA have shown that on some campuses,
male athletes make up one third of assaults. Although being only one third leaves a majority of the
assaults to being committed by non–athletes, the athletes are striving to become professional.
Professional athletes are idolized far more than the average person, and therefore they must know
how to behave themselves, follow the rules/laws, and be a good role
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Child Soldiers
Child Soldiers for War Crimes
Child soldiers. Most can not fathom the idea of children in war, less the fact that those children are
fighting. It is a terrible thought to have to think about, especially when America now has the power
to help and has been reluctant to use it. None the less, though, children from ages 10 and up are
being recruited for war. Under international law, the participation of children under 18 in armed
conflict is generally prohibited, and the recruitment and use of children under 15 is a war crime. Yet
worldwide, hundreds of thousands of children are recruited into government armed forces,
paramilitaries, civil militia and a variety of other armed groups. Often they are abducted at school,
on the streets or at home. ... Show more content on ...
The actions of the child soldiers usually are not decided by the child, but rather by a general or
commander. When the child is told to do something they succumb and act on the plan because they
are still children. As an adult, though, soldiers have the state of mind to evaluate the situation, and
decide what would be best for their country; and them. Child soldiers are raised in an environment
of severe violence, experience it, and subsequently often commit cruelties and atrocities of the worst
kind. This repeated exposure to chronic and traumatic stress during development leaves the children
with mental and related physical ill–health, notably PTSD and severe personality changes. Such
exposure also deprives the child from a normal and healthy development into society as a fully
functioning member. Pertinent Laws of War anonymously state that the enlistment, recruitment, use,
and/or deployment of child soldiers under the age of 15 are actions that are war crimes according to
the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the 1998 Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court. These two guiding, international instruments have even been advanced by the
Convention of the Rights of the Child, which states a 'straight 18' approach to recruitment in the
2002 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The 1990 African Charter on
the Rights
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Child Witnesses
Courts within United Kingdom, along with several other countries have made several propositions
for addressing the vulnerability of child witnesses within the courtroom, although these provisions
generally do not directly address the linguistic difficulties. Thus, in some jurisdictions, child
witnesses are allowed to give evidence on closed–circuit television, in order to alleviate them from
trauma of being face to face in court with a suspect against whom they are testifying against.
However, children are often required to be present in court for cross–examination, sometimes
provided with support by a screen between the child and the accused (Birnbaum, and Bala, 2010).
Other provisions which attempt to address the disadvantage faced by children ... Show more content
on ...
Eades, (2008) asked preschool–aged children questions that were answerable and the questions that
were nonsensical to see whether they would respond in predictable ways. Overall children rarely
answered "I don't know" to the nonsensical questions, and the youngest children exhibited a
tendency to acquiesce to the experimenter. These findings suggest that when children's language
skills limit their understanding of questions posed to them, they are still likely to attempt and
answer, and thus their response are likely less accurate. The developmental inappropriate language
used in court makes it difficult for any child to provide reliable testimony, no matter what their
relative competence at understanding and answering questions may
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The Welfare Of The Child
The local authority has the duty of care for the child and their decisions should also be taken into
account. This could be linked to the UNCRC. The children 's rights are valued and taken into
consideration; the child has their own views and feelings. The welfare of the child should be put in
the centre at all times. The articles I am referring to from the UNCRC are article 3– organizations
should work towards what 's best for the child for example a child that is in harm's way should
receive support or should be taken away for protection, depending on how much risk they are in.
Article 12– children and young people have the right to say what they think should happen; this is
relevant to a child going into foster care as they still have ... Show more content on
This could be counselling to help with emotions and behavioural management to monitor behaviour.
Social workers that can be of a support for them professionally and help them develop holistically.
An Advocate could be a friend to the child that they could speak to whenever they want about their
struggles and feelings, this could be of support for the child if they feel they can't speak to anyone or
if they find it hard to make friends/ build relationships., 14/09/15)
It's important that the child doesn't get pushed aside during this transition and they are being valued.
If the child has a physical disability they may find it hard enough to cope with the transition alone
without being pushed aside and not having their needs met as individuals, providing facilities for the
child and helping them around by holding their hand as they walk or pushing their wheelchair may
be a relief for the child, adapting facilities may be of support for the child with physical disabilities
such as a disability toilet. The child shouldn't feel ashamed of their skin colour, ethnicity or religion,
to overcome this the care setting could provide display boards with pictures of children from all over
the world holding one and others hand to promote equality. The setting could also provide dolls of
different coloured skin, this may also help the child feel more comfortable in their skin especially as
they are going through a
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Child Soldiers And Child Pirates: An Analysis
Push and Pull Factors for Child Soldiers and Child Pirates
Conradi (2013) explains, child soldiering and child piracy are both considered an act of human
trafficking. To demonstrate, although the minor carries out the act, the adult is in a position of power
supervising the minor. In this brief discussion, I will focus on the "push and pull factors of child
soldiering" and child piracy discussed in Chapter 4 (Haer, 2017). Although, child piracy was not
discussed in the chapter, I found the topic to be relevant to the discussion.
To define, "push factors" in this context are, the reasons children join a criminal entity and the "pull
factors" are the reasons why criminal organizations recruit children (Haer, 2017). Haer (2017)
indicates, the push factors that drive children to join criminal organizations vary from their
impoverished conditions to the glamour of the lifestyle, etc. (Haer, 2017). On the other hand, the
"pull" factors that drive criminal entities to recruit children include: "they obey orders, they are not
concerned to get back to a wife or family, the know no fear, etc." (Haer, 2017, p. 67). ... Show more
content on ...
According to Whitman (2013) "child soldiers and child pirates face similar life–threatening dangers
and are both exploited by adults in similar ways" (p. 228). Additionally, Whitman (2013) argues the
"children are shifted from different contexts of exploitation" considering their skills are transferable
across criminal activities (p. 229). For instance, in 2013, while piracy attacks reduced,
simultaneously the militant group, "Al–Shabaab, gained ground on land in Somalia" (p. 229).
Dalhousie Marine Piracy Project (DMPP) claims, "as the conflict on land intensifies the levels of
marine piracy decline" (Whitman,
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Understanding Of Child Support
Understanding Child Support
What is Child Support?
To convey the message that the financial support of parents in the lives of their children is vital,
Title IV–D of the Social Security Act established the Federal Child Support program in 1975 which
exhibits how financial participation by both parents in the life of a child is essential and encourages
accountability amongst parents. An individual's understanding of Child Support is shaped not only
by their knowledge of its legal elements, but also by their personal opinions and social
environments. As a society, there are many varying views of child support, but the general
understanding of the program relates to the understanding of how child support works.
Child support stresses the importance of financial support of children and its foundation is based on
the legal theory that parents are responsible for the upbringing and providing of minimum
necessities considered essential for proper development. Prior to the ... Show more content on ...
The support order legally binds the parents to provide for the child's well–being until they reach the
"age of majority" at which the child is then considered a young adult by the state.
Misconceptions about Child Support
There are several common misconceptions of child support that can impair one's understanding of
the child support program. First, the stigma exists that child support is for single mothers, this is
inaccurate and child support can be award to any individual determined an obligee (child support
recipient). While the custodial parent is the most common obligee an obligee can also be an
appointed guardian, caregiver, or government agency. Second, the belief that non–custodial parents
are forced to pay child support. "Child support can be entered into voluntarily, by court order or by
an administrative
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Child Apparel
Each kid's life is comprised of a progression of occasions. Finding the correct outfit of child dress
for every occasion is once in a while a test. Shopping face to face permits the youngster to attempt
on the dress, yet looking on the web makes it less demanding to peruse. The key is to discover a
trade off.
When looking for child apparel, time is of the pith. Kids develop before there is a great opportunity
to sit tight for long tends to returns since something did not fit. That is the reason many individuals
want to shop at a nearby store. At that point they can have the youngsters attempt on the outfits and
get them promptly.
Be that as it may, to discover a choice of child dress face to face, it is important to make a great deal
of ... Show more content on ...
There are diverse sorts of child apparel for uncommon events, recess, donning occasions and nasty
climate adapt. For young ladies, there are dresses and skirts and additionally shorts and pants. For
young men, there are a wide range of jeans and lively tops.
Another imperative figure looking for child attire online is that it is greatly simple to see whether the
online store conveys a specific size. In the event that the size is in stock, it will be recorded as a
decision. On the off chance that it has been sold out, there will be a note on the thing that it is no
longer accessible.
In the event that one needs a thing of child apparel that is plainly sold out, it is conceivable that it
can be reordered. This should be possible by utilizing the contact email deliver to talk about the
matter with somebody at the web store. Individuals who might never request exceptional
administrations are not perplexed of writing in their demand and sitting tight for an answer.
Shopping at a neighborhood store for child attire has its preferences. However, a day of shopping on
the web is a great deal less strenuous. It might likewise be simpler on the wallet, particularly
considering the cost of
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Child Observation
hey want to know how their child/children is doing and it we have any concerns. When you observe
a parent with a child to tend to find out things. Non verbal and verbal can affect an infant/toddler in
many ways if you are non verbal to your child you can put them behind and make their language
delayed. It can be hard for you to meet the needs of the child if you don't understand or
communicate with the child. Sometimes you can tell by the child vocabulary you can tell who
communicate with their child at home and who doesn't. The head start program that they have
implement group socialization for infant and toddler as well. The teachers plans activities with
groups and individual that are age appropriate. The program focuses on the parent child
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Child Rearranging
The moment I became a parent, I had to rearrange my thought process. My life was then centered
around my child, who needed more attention and direction. My job as a parent is to protect my
children from danger, both seen and unseen. In my opinion, taking children out to eat could possibly
lead to a dangerous situation. From the outside looking in, this may seem like an easy task, however,
taking children out to eat may lead to a surprising ending to your night with unexpected aftermath.
After sitting still for a short period of time, most children will run, jump, or play. This could be very
dangerous in a public setting. This type of behavior increases the risk for choking, falling, or even
being burned by hot drinks or food. Not only is ... Show more content on ...
Because of this, some children may be allergic to some of the foods. When eating out, it is
impossible to control the process of how the food is prepared. There's no way to determine what
products they use, how fresh the ingredients are, or how hygienic the cooks were when preparing the
meal. Foods being under prepared or not cleaned properly could cause indigestion or food
poisoning. Fast foods may also be too heavy for children's little stomach's.
Parents, like me, do our best to prevent all of these dangers and look after our children at all times,
but sometimes that's not enough. Letting the children have a sense of freedom in a restaurant is
beneficial for the child, but it leaves the parents in a dilemma. If the parents are busy talking and
eating, they pay little to no attention to their children; if parents watch their children, they cannot
fully enjoy their time. Getting a babysitter is not always easy or cheap.
It is obvious that taking children to eat out is very hazardous to their health. On one hand, children
being left alone with little to no supervision may choke on food or get burned; on the other hand,
being looked after, they may still be in danger of receiving poor quality food, and while most adult
stomach can stand it, children's health may be undermined by food
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Child Development
The Parents' Role in Creating a Safe Environment for Child Development A sweet, innocent,
newborn baby is taken home by the parents for the very first time, which means that it is now the
parents' vital responsibility to create a secure home for their child. Since children's learning
foundation is built in the home from the time they are born, it is important for parent's to create a
safe learning environment as their child grows and develops. Parents can create a safe learning
environment in the home in order to support their children throughout the different milestones, by
creating secure parent to child attachments starting at birth, by helping the brain and personality
develop, and by keeping objects and spaces safe for each stage. ... Show more content on ...
Next, secure attachments are a mental process that create loving relationships.
Secure parent to child attachments can be created on the foundation of love. Love means so many
different things, and shown in so many different ways. Love is sacrifice, selflessness, respect, and
kindness. It is definitely shown in a secure relationship between parents and children throughout all
milestones as they develop. There is something so special between the love of a parent and child. A
quote by Burmenskaya, proves this statement, "Attachment keeps its role as an active mental
mechanism in creating interpersonal relations, including friendship, love and family relations"
(Burmenskaya 389). Attachments can also create success when parents help their children form self–
worth, empathy, and autonomy first at birth, and can continue as they grow. Burmenskaya's article
continues to expound on the idea that parents need to create an attachment not just from the time
their child is born, but as he/she continues to grow, because this influences the child's personality.
For example, "We saw the advantage of attachment system in the fact that psychological education
integrates the experience of the child's close interactions beginning from infancy in a concentrated
way, and on the other hand, it is connected directly with emotional / personality sphere"
(Burmenskaya 399,
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Child Observation
i. The child knows all the numbers up to ten and can sometimes say the number 11 and 12. She does
classify things into groups whether that be farm animals, or what kind of things need to be recycled
in plastic, paper and aluminum bins. She does plan somethings when she plays or draws, but most of
the time she just jumps right into it. Thought she did take the time to plan her little kittens house
before she started playing with them. Her attention span is avenged she does listen to the teacher
when she is talking, but at some time she does get distracted by others around her and will start
looking at them.
ii.The teacher during circle time sometimes switches between doing different things because some
time they learn a new song or they do ... Show more content on ...
The child can stay at a center or station for a good 40 minutes or sometimes only ten minutes
depending on what kind of task or play she is doing. I once saw her stay up in the loft area and play
with another little girl for about forty to forty–five minutes until she switched to go to a different
center, but I also have seen her go to some centers and only play there for five or ten minutes before
switching. When it comes to small groups where the teacher has the children write in their journals
or create something she usually takes her time and stayed away after the other children have left
finishing her creation she doesn't rush and she takes her time in what she is drawing or making.
Sometimes she does get distracted during circle time if other children are playing or messing around
her she will look at them instead of the teacher. One example the teacher was explaining a game
about recycling that they were going to play she started to play with her shoes while the teacher was
talking and wasn't really looking at her, but when it was her turn to go she know what to do and
which basket her card went in. I did notice during music time she will not dance or do the motions
of the song if she doesn't like the song she once told me she doesn't like the song so she didn't do
two of the songs. Some she will turn around and tell me she need and break and will stop doing the
song or dance. She doesn't get easily frustrated or anything she takes her time when doing things,
but she never get frustrated or gives up. For instance she was playing with a floor puzzle in the back
of the classroom I saw she was having a hard time trying to find of pieces that would fit the puzzle
so instead of getting mad or frustrated that she couldn't find the pieces and just give up she came up
to me and ask if i could help her find it once we found it she continues on doing the puzzle and
moved on to another
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The Issue Of Child Labor
The issue of child labor has drawn significant attention since early 1990s as many labor union and
special interest groups advocate banning import of goods produced by the child labor in developing
countries and the international consensus in the form of Convention on the Right of the Child (CRC)
which is widely ratified in 1989 by countries (Boyden, Ling and Myers, 1998). However, concern
regarding child labor is not new and can be dated back to industrial revolution, especially late
eighteenth and early nineteenth century, in England many parents were helpless but to send their
children to work to cope the increasing poverty and inequality. (Horrell and Humphries, 1995;
Edmonds, 2007). Nevertheless, before the industrial revolution and ... Show more content on ...
There have been steady decline in the incidence of child 's exposure to hazardous work and child
labor on balance. However, the recent estimates of child labor are still astonishingly high and the
trend predict even slower pace of decline in child labor. According to ILO report in 2012, for age
group 5–17 years 16.7 percent (or 264,427 in absolute number) of children are in some form of
employment, 10.6 percent (equivalently 167,956) is considered as child labor, and 5.4 percent
(equivalently 85,344) is involved in hazardous work. Although these figures are lower than the
corresponding figures in 2000, the absolute numbers of child labor are still very high (ILO 2013).
Policy measures adopted to reduce child labor are derived from an increasing number of theoretical
and empirical research on this issue specially since late 1990s. Theoretical studies use the household
decision making model to explain the incidence of child labor and attempt to find the determinants
of child labor. Initial models that attempt to explain the phenomenon of child labor assume an
exploitative household where child is considered household 's asset and parents are the sole decision
maker who maximizes their welfare disregarding the welfare of child. In these models parents are
selfish and child labor is chosen if it maximizes household welfare which may disregard
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Child Recovery
What is the Role of Education in the Recovery of a Child?
Often, when a child is ill or needs behavioral health treatment, education is the last thing on a
guardian's mind. They're focused on the day–to–day management of their child's care:
communicating with doctors and nurses and easing their child's fears during his or her hospital stay.
During and after treatment, the focus is on the child's recovery so they can go back to being a kid:
playing with their friends, enjoying family time, and transitioning back to school.
The moment a child walks through those hospital doors they become a student–patient, who not
only has to deal with their illness, but also keep up with their education. It can be extremely
challenging for guardians to ... Show more content on ...
Many student–patients must miss extended periods of school, becoming disconnected from their
education and social life. They may feel that their teachers and friends have forgotten about them.
Some may become depressed and have anxiety about returning to school after treatment. So, it's
important they stay engaged. KidsHealth authors recommend that student–patients stay connected
via online social networking sites, email, instant message, text messaging, and talking on the phone
with classmates, friends, and teachers. They also state that "staying connected to school bring
academic, cognitive, psychological, and social benefits."
There are numerous reasons why children must be admitted to the hospital for treatment. Some kids
may be battling cancer and need chemo. Others may need to visit the hospital a few days a month
for kidney dialysis. A child with a disability may need regular physical therapy treatment.
On the other side, children who struggle with a mental, social, or behavioral illness, like bipolar
disorder, depression, or post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may miss school for extended periods
of time to treat or manage their condition and minimize stressors.
According to an article on Nationwide Children's, "stress is a common part of every child's life. A
certain amount of stress is normal, but too much stress can be unhealthy...
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Child Labor
"Child labor"
Elie Bou Chaaya
ENL 110 Section "D" Miss Zeina Fayyad
18, January, 2008
Thesis statement: Child labor nowadays is considered to be a social injustice due to its harmful
effects on the personal and psychological life of the child where the kinds of work offered to the
child increases the amount of these effects regarding the solutions. I. Harmful personal and physical
effects of child labor A. Low pay B. Very long work hours C. Forbids children right in education D.
Physical harm 1. Increased risk of accidents 2. Working in unregulated environments where little
attention is paid 3. Violence exerted by adults on children 4. Risk of illness from ... Show more
content on ...
In addition to that, one of the most important side effects is that working children may experience
physical harm in a number of ways. These include an increased risk of accidents; children and
young people often work in unregulated environments where little attention is paid to safety.
Working children often experience violence in the workplace from adult staff and managers.
Children and young people working in the street are also at risk of physical violence from police
officers and other authority figures. Risk of illness from poor hygiene and exposure to bad weather
can also be witnessed. Therefore, child labor involves the following characteristics: it violates a
nation's minimum age laws, involves intolerable abuse, such as child slavery, child trafficking, debt
bondage, forced labor, or illicit activities, prevents children from going to school, and uses children
to undermine labor standards (December, 2007). Child labor can also be developmentally,
emotionally, and physically abusive. Child workers are more vulnerable than adult workers, leaving
them at risk for exploitation, dangerous and abusive conditions. In many parts of the world, it too
often involves confinement, bondage, and forced labor; it frequently involves dangerous and
unhealthy working conditions. Children work longer hours have lower pays than adults. Some
children are sold into labor
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Child Labor
The History of Child Labor In AmericaTopic: The History Of Child LaborQuestion: In what ways
was child labor cruel to children?Thesis: Child labor in America has been very cruel and unfair to
children as their jobs were not paid a decent amount of money, were working under terrible
conditions, and they led to diseases. Starting in about the 1700s, hand labor was replaced by power
driven machines to make jobs easier.1 The industrial revolution had begun, and families needed a
job and money to be able to survive2. European immigrants started spreading word that children
should work.Eventually factories decided to get kids to work since the machines were easy to
operate3 and didn't require adult strength. The jobs in the factories were easy, ... Show more content
on ...
Some factories were even fenced with barbed wire to prevent children from escaping14. Tenement
shops in which children worked making clothes and other items were extremely dirty15 and nasty
for children to be working in. Mining was also very dangerous for children to work in as they had to
process raw coal by breaking it into many different sizes for different types of furnaces.16 Just in
the past year, inspectors found
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Nonparental Child Development
To better understand what early extensive childcare and the affects it has, you really have to stop
and think about common knowledge facts for a bit. There are over 8.2 billion children who receive
childcare and more than half of that number has some sort of behavioral issue. It is becoming more
common for children under the age of one to start going to child care.
While childcare may have some positive benefits to a child's social and behavioral skills, the
negatives outweigh that. Generally the nonparental care of a child being at a childcare place, can
take an even bigger toll on the development of a child's behavioral and social skills.
As I read in "Time spent in Child Care: How and Why Does It Affect Social Development?"
Department of ... Show more content on ...
This has all started negatively affecting a child's life along with the childcare involved. More than
8.2 million women in the U.S. alone are single working mothers of children under the age of six.
Thus making childcare non–avoidable, and very low income based as to what she can afford.
The writers of "Changes in Young Children's Family Structures and Child Care Arrangements," (
2013) states that "The romantic and marital lives of the U.S. adults have become increasingly fluid,
with partnership histories often include more than one residential union."
Divorce rate is very high, leaving woman with children and needing to work, thus needing childcare.
If families were as it used to be, and the divorce rate could drop and/ or the parents could work
together to ensure that the children can have parental time on a normal basis, could possibly cut
down on some of the behavioral issues caused by childcare and being separated from the parents for
prolonged amount of hours each
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Child Labor In The 1800s
When most people hear child labor, their minds automatically think of places such as Africa, China,
India, and Mali, but the truth is that even in the United States of America, it was a big problem.
Child labor peaked especially between the nineteenth and twentieth century on account of the
Industrial Revolution. Employers were in dire need of workers, and parents were in dire need of
money to sustain themselves, therefore more and more children were forced to work. Children went
out and worked in mines, factories, and farms under dangerous and treacherous conditions. People
began disapproving and demanded laws to regulate child labor and a reform movement was started.
Over the years, child labor laws in the United Sates have evolved immensely, ... Show more content
on ...
In the Fact Sheet– Wage and Hour Divisions, it presents the laws that are put into place today
include minimum age standards for employment which establishes the hours and occupational
standards for youth the age of eighteen, sixteen, fourteen, and under fourteen. As opposed to the
nineteenth and twentieth century where children as young as five years old working before these
laws had been established. There are also occupations that are banned for all minors under the age of
18 which include "manufacturing or storing explosives, driving motor vehicles, coal mining, using
certain power–driven machines, and other occupations that are particularly hazardous or detrimental
to health" (Fact Sheet– Wage and Hour Divisions). This is a great advancement from the nineteenth
and twentieth century, where lots of children were coal miners, and worked in jobs that required the
use of dangerous machinery or chemicals that were unsafe and harmful to their well–being. The
investigators of the Wage and Hour Division are all over the U.S. to enforce the regulations set by
the FLSA and make sure that businesses follow them. Businesses that violate the regulations may be
subject to fines up to $100,000. (Fact Sheet– Wage and Hour Divisions). It is now evident the
immense growth, evolution, and development that child labor laws have gone through over the years
in the
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Child Soldiers Amnesty
Should Child Soldiers be Granted Amnesty or Should they be Prosecuted? Although not everyone
knows it, there is a huge tragedy that is, and has been, going on even at this exact moment. That
tragedy is children being taken out of their ordinary lives, whether by force or not, away from their
families and into battle. Despite how much these children went through in the wars, the question still
remains: once the war is over, should they be granted amnesty, or be prosecuted? The answer to this
comes from thorough research. Child soldiers should be granted amnesty because they are unaware
of what they are doing, they need help rather than prosecution, and many are forced to fight.
The first reason why child soldiers should be legally forgiven ... Show more content on ...
The side that argues prosecuting the child soldiers says kids were given the option to stay or leave,
and most chose to stay. That is only partly true. It is true that they are given the option. Yet, the
children indirectly forced to stay. Because they have become addicted to the drugs the warlords gave
them, they are now dependent on them for those drugs and simply cannot leave, as it reads on Also, Ishmael Beah points out that through the war, they have gained a connection
to their commanders and fellow soldiers. For some, including Ishmael, it is the only family they
have left. So, they may, indeed, choose to stay, but not for the reason the many believe. Instead of
staying for the fighting, the stay for of family. Those who argue that child soldiers should be
considered the perpetrators also say that if we grant amnesty to the soldiers, there would be no
justice for the victims they killed. This is completely agreeable and understandable. It is agreeable
that there should be punishment given in order to fulfill justice for the victims. However, in order for
justice to be fully satisfied, the children should not be the ones punished, but rather, the warlords
who wish to come to the US from their country of origin. The warlords drug the child soldiers and
kill those who do not follow orders. They also force some to join. If child soldiers were
... Get more on ...
Former Child Soldiers
The facts speak for themselves. The majority of former child soldiers suffer from at least one mental
impairment such as post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and other disorders that
makes it extremely hard for them to function in everyday life as a member of society. many former
child soldiers also have issues with anger and irrational fear.
I believe that former child soldiers can become functional members of society. Children are
extremely resilient and can bounce back from traumatic experiences. However, the treatment and
care that they need to overcome this traumatic ordeal is not provided to these children as child
soldiering almost always occurs in impoverished countries. This means that the facilities and experts
that are needed to care for them are not available. But I also think that a lot of family and
community ... Show more content on ...
In conclusion, I do think that former child soldiers can become normal once more. But I do not
believe that most do as they do not get the care and support needed to overcome this traumatic
In conclusion, I think that child soldiering has negative effects on a child's development and
emotional/mental wellbeing. Whether the child was forced to join or volunteered, they are still a
victim. Even if they volunteered the circumstances that they faced forced them to join to try to make
their lives better. Their roles, whether combat or noncombat, are harmful because the child witnesses
and experiences things that no child should experience. From carrying injured soldiers and weapons,
to being used as cannon fodder, to being sexually violated on a regular basis, all of these things
lower the quality of well being of a child and turns them into insensitive robots with no compassion
for other human beings. The terrible things that child soldiers are forced to witness and do are
... Get more on ...

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Asian Child Labor

  • 1. Asian Child Labor Child Labor in South Asia Sparks fly off heavy machinery and sweat and grim coat the foreheads of weary children. Child labor is a serious recurring problem in countries such as South Asia. Some find the use of youths in the work field a necessity in order to preserve a roof over their heads, however, these actions can cause continual conflicts in the lives of young individuals. Child labor in South Asia has a massive negative impact on the youths living there because it places many young lives in dangerous working atmospheres, rips time away from earning a proper education, and their tiring work efforts are often rewarded with little to no pay. Impacts are severe when young children are placed in an environment where dangerous elements are at disposal. The unsafe conditions and work zones are shown by "The presence of millions of child laborers in India, many of whom toil in hazardous industries such as construction, mining, leather ... Show more content on ... A young girl who worked tirelessly said, "I start work early but don't finish until late into the night. I get paid less than two dollars a week" (Sindhu). These desperate children work for many long hours and for little pay. Earning cents a day barely covers the cost of food, however, these young individuals force their weary bodies to rise in the mornings and labor well into the night for the small unfair wage they receive. "Our presence was clearly not welcome. As we were speaking to the girls the owner came in and ordered us to leave. Within walking distance are other factories. But again, when we arrived, the youngest workers were quickly led away." (Dhariwal). Children are kept in factories where they work long strenuous hours. As stated above, visitors are not welcomed, and are quickly made to leave in order to hide the corruption found on the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Child Soldiers Intro: Child soldiers have helped the world make decisions about rights of children and the crimes that some have committed . Child soldiers are children who are recruited by the government, taken from their parents, or join because the war is their only option. The children in these situations are under the age of 18 and are brought into the war to be fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, unnecessary purposes, human shields, messengers, or spies. Child soldiers have brought up many debates in the past as well as they will be in the future. One major debate within the topic of child soldiers is if the child soldiers should be given amnesty. Child Soldiers should not be given amnesty because child soldiers have mental disorders from the war, They have the potential to be dangerous, and because many children grew up in the war causing ... Show more content on ... This point has brought up several debates that the Regional Academy on the United Nations (R.A.U.N) has brought up many times. The R.A.U.N. states,"There are three ways in which children are recruited – they are...forcibly recruited," (Markovic 2). Many child soldiers are forced to join the war if their villages get attacked. When this happens, the children are forced to be separated from their families and get thrown into the lifestyle of war. However, what Markovic fails to mention in that paragraph is that majority of child soldiers join on their own. Markovic later comes back to this point in a later paragraph on the same website and states the fact that a majority of child soldiers join the army out of their own will, (Markovic 4). Markovic addresses the very important fact that not all child soldiers are forced to join the war. Some children join as a last resort and others join because the war might seem welcoming. No matter the reason, there are some child soldiers who join because it is their choice. They were not forced or put on drugs. It was a conscious ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Formal Child Care Child care may be known as care for young children, who are supervised by adults who are not their parents. According to an article, Informal child care by relatives, nannies, or home care providers typically takes place in a home setting (either the child's home or the adult's home), while formal care by trained and untrained caregivers takes place in school or care centre settings. Child care is now an ordinary part of life for children in most western countries. More than half of infants are placed in some form of child care for at least ten hours during their first year of life, and more than three–quarters of families with young children depend on child care as a support for maternal employment. Formal child care can also provide early ... Show more content on ... Some researchers link such a risk with infant child care in particular;5 however, other researchers have failed to replicate this finding, even when using the same data set.6 The NICHD researchers found that the more time children spend in any of a variety of non– maternal care arrangements across the first 4.5 years of life, the more acting–out problem behaviour (ie, aggression and disobedience) and conflict with adults they manifested at 54 months of age and in kindergarten.7 Surprisingly, these findings do not vary as a function of child care quality. It is important to qualify that the effects are relatively small, that most children with extensive child care experience do not have behaviour problems, and that the direction of such effects is not clear ― in other words, parents with more difficult children may enrol their children in child care for more hours. In future work, it will be important to identify the processes through which hours in care may pose a risk. For example, some researchers have speculated that large group sizes (exposure to many peers) may increase the frequency of acting out behaviours that go unnoticed, and therefore uncorrected, by ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Understanding A Child Needs And Child Development Understanding a child needs and the way to interact with them a key knowledge to create different ways for the child to development at their appropriate age level. In the beginning of the semester, I only have some knowledge of child development. I didn't know the method of teaching a child are even to speak to them. After this class and participating in programs relating to children 's development, such as Jumpstart, i slowly understand the importance of ways to express and take to the children. The environment that a child grows in affects a child in a certain degree that would either be negative or positive. For example, if a child is growing in a place that lack of space and material to manipulate, then the child will have lack of that skill he or she is supposed to acquire at a certain age and that will maintain for a lifetime. On the other hand, if the child have the spacious environment to implement play meaning that child would have enough material to develop the developmental skills that is appropriate for his or her age. In a classroom, it is best that there is enough materials for each individual that are able to use to reach the developmental skills. I think the most important thing that a classroom should have is natural lighting, which meaning that there should be windows. "In early childhood centers located in spaces not originally designed for children....create a safe, healthy, and engaging environment"( Smith, 2013 p.9). I know that there are preschool that ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Child Throwing Introduction Throwing is probably the most common of the ballistic skills yet the most difficult to assess. As a parent when teaching the child to throw, it is important to begin at a level that the child can achieve and then slowly increase the level of difficulty, so that the child is stretched slightly (taking steps backwards, or throwing for longer distance), each time but does not lose confidence in achieving the task. Also, make sure while each step is completed give the child lots and lots of praise and encouragement. With giving encouragement as a parent, the child looks up to you to give them instruction therefore if the child does a skill correctly keep their confidence up in order for them to move on to the next step in throwing. ... Show more content on ... Without learning the basic steps, it would be difficult to master the task. But with gender and skill level varying in each child, being patient and boosting their confidence when they do it correctly is equally important as correctly them when they make a mistake. What we don't see in young adults as we do in children is fear. Many children are afraid to try new things. Throwing the correct way is very important as a child because of the danger of overuse injuries rising all over the world. Since overhead throwing is not a natural motion of the shoulder, it does cause strain on the muscles. As a child, I couldn't get enough of sports, so for me to gain this kind of knowledge through this class is interesting because I had no idea that breaking down the steps or videotaping the action can breakdown the skill to see what the child is doing wrong in the motion. The application to this information can help me raise my kids, it can help me train those who come to me for help. Developing as an individual is a never ending process and that is what interests me so much; the fact that we continuously grow throughout our ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The New Child THE NEW CHILD AT SCHOOL Working with young children demand a special attention because leaving their parent could be very difficult for them. There, are always a hard time for some children who come the first time in school. I see that at my work some children cry all day long sometimes one or two weeks they still are crying. It is important that a family member can come with the child for a short period to visit the class before starting the first day in which the child can realize that he has not been abandoned. It is also at the beginning of the first few days, family member can stay a few minutes with the child's classroom for additional reassurance. As a teacher, it is important to help the family, as well as the child, say good–bye, I love you, when it is time for mother or father to leave. I find in the book one sentence that I agree with, families should be encouraged to establish a routine that maintains trust for instance always waving, good–bye, hugging rather than sneaking out when the child is not looking. Some parents are dealing like that just drop up the child and leave or if the child cries they sneak. Therefore, teacher who work with young children should be available to welcome and spend some time with new child and teacher ... Show more content on ... Erikson emphasize the importance of providing for children a social environment in which people can be trusted. Children need to develop social skills that help them make friends, work and play cooperatively and productively with other children and adults. To do this, children need to feel secure about themselves and enjoy positive social interaction. As a preschool teacher, we must learn children how to socialize each other and other adults, as teacher serves as a social model by building a positive relationship with each child and parent. This is a part of our responsibilities to encourage and support ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Child Of The Wild Child Susan Wiley, or most commonly known as Genie the Wild Child was born on the 18th of April 1957. She was the fourth child of Clark and Irene Wiley and was one of two children that survived childhood. Her parents were married in 1944 Clark was 20 years his wife's senior and their marriage was riddled with domestic violence. Their first two children were both suspiciously killed before their first birthday. It was reported that Clark Wiley extremely disliked children and was very mentally unstable. The third of the Wiley children John lived with Clarks mother Pearl, when she was killed in a hit and run accident Clark held his son responsible which only added to his fragile mental health. The final child of the couple was Genie. At a doctor's appointment in late 1958 when Genie was 20 months old the doctor diagnosed her with mild retardation. However, this claim has been debated. Nevertheless, Genie's sadistic father kept her in extreme isolation locked away in an upstairs bedroom. The window was covered in aluminium foil and Genie was tightly restrained to a potty chair in near darkness every day. At night she slept in a tattered sleeping bag tied down in a cot that was enclosed with chicken wire. Although she would often be left on the potty chair overnight. She was malnourished and Clark forbid his son and wife to speak to Genie. If she was to make any sound she was beaten with a wooden plank, and was allegedly sexually abused also. Though no one will ever know exactly what ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Child Labor In Congo The Democratic Republic of Congo has changed a lot due to child labor. The children of Congo work hours mining gold, cassiterite, and most commonly cobalt as well as use the children as soldiers to fight in wars. The Democratic Republic of Congo has not done anything to prevent child labor until very recently. The country's economy has been crashing which is why they used child labor to start with. About twenty–five percent of children between the age of five to fourteen, which is over four million kids in Congo. Luckily there is at least fifty–nine percent of Congos children are going to school and not working through the ages of five through fourteen. There are children who go to school and work from the ages of seven to fourteen. ... Show more content on ... This plan plans to get rid of child labor by 2020. The only problem with this plan is that this plan is not being paid by congo's government meaning that they are waiting for other countries to help them get out of child labor. Not a lot of people know about this issue meaning that there needs to be a spread of awareness. The democratic republic of Congo government started a program to get children out of these bad situations and to get child labor out of Congo in. The government got support from Sweden and Japan, the USAID (which advances the U.S.'s national security), and the world bank. The goal of This program was to get about 1,500 or more children out armies. After this program, once a child was identified in an army in Congo they were removed. After about a year the program was ended and by the end of it over 2,000 children were put into foster homes. Many new integration programs were also integrated in ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Transitioning For A Child The process of transitioning for a student who is approaching transition age is important because a child is moving on to their next phase in life and that can be difficult, even for a child without ID. However, a child that has ID needs to have steps and guidance in order to be prepared for what is to come. A child with disabilities will fail or even fall beyond if certain things are not in place. In order for the student to succeed the educational system must provide transition services which should be tailored to the student and their needs. What this looks like is having annual goals and objectives in order to get to the annual goals. This will allow the student to be able to succeed. The areas of the student's future life outside ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Child Labor In The 1800s Child labor was very common and popular especially in the late 1800s and early the 1900s even though many people were not aware of the dangers. We can define child labor as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and cause to their physical and mental development. Children are the base of a country but in a developing country child labor is an issue that has yet to disappear. Most of the children remain illiterate because of their poor economic condition and parents do not have enough money to spend on the education of their children, rather they send their children for work so that they could earn some money during their poor economic condition. The objective of my research paper is to raise awareness ... Show more content on ... A decrease in per capita GDP is correlated with increase in child labor. It is difficult for poor families to stop sending children to work, because alternatives are hunger and starvation of the whole families. Pierik and Houwezijl (2006) have put it, "This is the main reason why targeted boycotts of the products of child labor turn out to be counterproductive (at least in the short term): they focus, in a limited geographical area, only on the effects of child labor–its products–but typically fail to investigate the structural reasons for the occurrence of child labor–namely, poverty." Thus, taking jobs away from these children without understanding fundamental principle of the child labor can only send them to worse and less–paid jobs. Prohibition on child labor works well when adult wages increase at the same time, and this would most likely happen if "all regulators, importers, and consumers of products in the world would be able to effectively support such ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Child Observation Introduction: A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities of virtue and vice, but as yet unstained. – LYMAN ABBOTT It is always difficult to understand children because they are different and complicated. With all the amusing and ambiguous characteristics of young children, we studied decades ago that in order to better understand children we should start by observing them as they play. As caregivers, it is essential for us to know our children intensely, to flow with their movements, and to broaden their approach to how the world works. I have observed one of my friend's son in my neighborhood. His name is Nishanth and he is 5 years old. I was watching both my son and Nishanth playing together for an hour. ... Show more content on ... My friend (mother) was only aware of this, and Nishanth did not know that he was being observed. I decided to observe him in order to gain a better understanding of the child's desire, feelings, and the behavior. I would like to provide information about the kinds of activities, children like to do when they play. It is also going to help me figure out the different areas of child development. The Child: Nishanth likes to play video games, especially PS4 when he is playing with his father and his friends but mostly he loves to play outside. When asked where would he go if he can go anywhere, he immediately responded that he likes to go to the park. He likes to play around the park with his friends. Nishanth wishes to be an astronaut when he grows up. Nishanth, my son, and other kids ran about playing games like tag and climbing the small walls in my courtyard. I believe all of these activities promoted the use of gross motor skills along with emotional/social interactions. Tag is one of the play activities which is social, that requires anywhere from small to large groups of kids to play with one another. Running is a great form of exercise that keeps kids healthy. It is also mentioned in the book (Page 56) that "outdoor environments set up for autonomous children provide freedom for exploration with few ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Developing Child Imagine yourself going out for the night at a local restaurant. Some of the first things you may notice when you walk in is the overwhelming aroma of the food being served, the light chatter from everyone in the place, or maybe the décor. But there's something else you notice, and it doesn't seem right. Instead of coloring pages and crayons at each table with children, there's a tablet. Each child is intensely involved with the tiny, glowing screens that show characters running around at the commands of the child's every wish. Each one looks like a zombie, completely brainwashed and only interested in what their screens are playing rather than their parents attempts to make conversation. You glance to the side as you see a mom trying to take ... Show more content on ... Instead of using a videogame system or tablet to keep them entertained, they were exercising not only their bodies, but also their imaginations. Cris Rowan, author for The Huffington Post, stated in her article "The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child" that "A 2010 Kaiser Foundation study showed that elementary aged children use on average 7.5 hours per day of entertainment technology, 75 percent of these children have TV's in their bedrooms, and 50 percent of North American homes have the TV on all day." Today's generation of kids are glued to these devices and heavily rely on them to keep them entertained. Unfortunately, parents have not helped this issue become any better: instead, they are quick to hand their toddler a phone or tablet in order to keep them "occupied" and out of their ways. It's no surprise either that children are this way considering the recent boom in technological developments and further societal integrations. But is the introduction of technology of any kind at a young age as beneficial as it is put out to be? Today's generation of kids, referred to as "glow kids", is suffering from the overuse of technology in their daily lives. Children's emotional, social, and physical developments are being majorly hindered due to the increased integration of technology within their daily lives that is distributed by parents and ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Rights of the Child UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was brought into effect to recognise that Children needed their own set of specific human rights that should be protected and that these were a universal right not a privilege. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was drawn up and accepted by the UN in 1989. The UK government agreed to abide by the principles in 1991 and it was fully implemented in 1992. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most universally recognised set of standards for protecting the rights of children and numerous countries have agreed to abide by it. The Convention forms a set of articles that highlight the minimum entitlements of all children. These ... Show more content on ... Children understand how to protect themselves, and feel protected and are protected from significant harm including neglect, abuse and accident." The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child essentially underpins all aspects of the work we do and how we undertake it and the responsibilities we have to the individual. It is therefore a major and key piece of legislation that we must be familiar with to fulfill the job role and responsibilities as manager of a home. HUMAN RIGHTS ACT 1998 The Human Rights Act was drawn up by the UK government and implemented in 1998. It draws on the European Convention of Human Rights but allows for issues to be addressed within the UK courts of Law rather than needing a European Court. "The Act provides that it is unlawful for a public authority to act in such a way as to contravene Convention rights. For these purposes public authority includes any other person "whose functions are functions of a public nature."" The Human Rights Act uses a set of articles to detail the rights of everyone within the UK. Examples of these articles include: the right to life; prohibition of torture; prohibition of slavery and forced labour; right to liberty and security; right to respect for family and private life; freedom of thought conscience and religion; freedom of expression; prohibition of discrimination; protection of property; and ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Child Labour In China How would you feel if your child was forced to work every day just for your family's survival? Child labour is work that exploits children mentally and physically, as well as keeping them away from school. The International Labor Organization estimates that 215 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 currently work under conditions that are considered illegal, hazardous or extremely exploitative. China is one of the main culprits. A recent study by the China Labour Bulletin in 2000, indicated that there were approximately 11,575,000 children at work between the ages of 10 to 14 in China. This violates many articles from the Convention of Rights of The Child. For example, article 32 states that, "You have the right to protection from work that harms you, and is bad for your health and prevents you from receiving an education. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid fairly." (The Convention of Rights of The Child, § 32, 1990). Child labour in China is a major problem that needs to be resolved. This essay will examine how child labour affects many misfortunate children, whilst demonstrating how child labour is still an uprising trend, one that needs to be changed. Showcasing why it's so important to actively change our worldview on the exploitation of child labour, for the greater good of future generations. Undeniably, there are many reasons why child labour occurs. The most common reason why is because of the lack of money in poverty stricken areas or ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Child Labor Cheap Labor at the Expense of Children Halima is an 11 year old girl who lives in Bangladesh; she works eight hours a day six days a week. She works clipping loose threads off of Hanes underwear for only 53 cents a day. Halima needs to clip 150 pairs of underwear per hour, and she becomes exhausted to the point where she is able to fall asleep standing up. This 11 year old girl should not be working like this. Worldwide, there are approximately 150 million children involved in child labor who shouldn't be. Child labor is an issue that attacks the rights of children and takes away their ability to be a child, as displayed by the countries of Eritrea and China. An example of one of the worst offenders of child labor is Eritrea. Eritrea resides ... Show more content on ... Resting in east Asia, China is also along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Asia holistically is a hub for utilizing illegal child labor. Currently, there are reports of China illegally recruiting children to work. According to recent reports, "...children are abducted or deceived by recruiters... and sold to employers. Some children are held captive, forced to work long hours for little pay" ( Not only are children being forced to work in factories, they are being kidnapped and held in the factories against their will. Children do not possess the option to help support their impoverished families, for they are taken right out of the arms of their families and put to work. By capitalizing on the naivety of children, China is failing to acknowledge the rights of children. To continue, young boys of China are often found working in poor conditions of brick factories. Based on IHS Child Slave Labor, "boys as young as eight have been working in these horrible conditions at the kilns. It was reported that they were sold for about $65 each to bosses who would treat them as property." Children are put to work as slaves even though the minimum working age is 16. They often don't even have the choice of working, for corporations buy them as slaves. The rights of children are under attack in these cases because they lack the privilege to choose to work as well as many children are too young to be working at all. Therefore, China is a country which violates the rights of children by utilizing illegal child ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Leashed Child Consider for a second your childhood memories. Maybe you thought of freedom, of exploration and independent play. For many children today, the most memorable moments of their youth will not be any of these; for many children today, they will remember the child harness; a leash attached to a child's backpack that restricts a child's mobility to their parents'. It's a growing trend, popular with busy, metropolitan parents that, as a father, I find worrying. Why would a parent be so demeaning, neglecting and restrictive to their children? Yes, a leash on a child is demeaning. Last week, I was with my family, walking the dog. Trekking through our neighbourhood, a leashed boy passed us as we stopped to let our leashed dog urinate. As he walked on, with genuine curiosity, the leashed child ... Show more content on ... Not only I, but the boy himself knew that in wearing a leash, he was being likened to, and treated as, a pet: Less than human. To limit a child's movement in such a way is limiting their freedom; a born entitlement. Taking away this right puts the child below a person; To demean and dehumanise a child with such an accessory is wrong. This is a contentious point, but nonetheless, the parent is neglecting their child in constricting them as opposed to educating them in discipline and boundaries, a critical point once the child ages beyond the leash. Parents are expected to be able to chase down their more excitable children and educate them on the dangers of running off. Doing so keeps the child from trying to run off and the child would gain responsibility. In contrast, if a parent attached a leash to the child, if they were to run, all that would be required is to pull them back as if nothing had happened. Yes, perhaps at the time the leashed child is safe, but I fear for the child who is one day taken off the leash and does not know how to act responsibly in busy metropolitan areas. To use a child leash to neglect this point is ignoring a parent's basic ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Child Discipline Forms of Discipline: What is best for the child? Children are like flowers, if well taken care of they will bloom. If ignored or tortured, they will wither and die. Child discipline is one of the most important elements of successful parenting. Today, many people have this notion that physical abuse is in no way a solution to helping children discern between right and wrong. Since generations children have been taught the art of discipline through physical punishment. Often this approach to disciplining has resulted in two outcomes, one is where the child becomes more tolerant and is willing to adhere to what he/she has been told, or the other which more often results in children developing a sense of anguish and desire to revolt. ... Show more content on ... Today, there is a common misconception that spanking is a form of child abuse. Some parents are actually afraid to discipline their own children using the same method used for their own upbringing. Who is correct in the notion of right and wrong discipline? Is there such a thing as a correct way to spank your child? In my opinion, there is. So, my objective is to show that there is a fine line between the two terms Spanking and Child abuse. A Cambridge Dictionary states that Child Abuse occurs "when adults intentionally treat children in a cruel or violent way." On the other hand, Spanking in the same dictionary means "to hit a child with the hand, usually several times on the bottom as a punishment." In this way, the line between the two can be drawn where too much spanking results in bruises and scars on the child. Therefore, parents should not spank their children when they are angry themselves as the spank would turn out to be an unintentional smack. When this occurs, parents tend to accidently take out their frustration on the child. Primarily, this is when Spanking, a form of discipline, starts drifting towards the entire concept of 'child abuse'. However, this misconception has led to many unwanted situations where parents have been sent to jail by their own children. In a general ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Speech On Child Labor So..What is child labor? Child labor is children basically being slaves for other people. Children who are involved in child labor are sold by their parents to other companies. Adults would not be considered people who are in child labor because they are grown adults. They work in fields and factories but mostly factories. Sometimes they work in gold mines but with no safety equipment whatsoever. These children work all day and not like you think which is maybe 3 hours. They spend countless hours which I doubt you would even guess working in those fields, Factories and gold mines. This segment will teach you all about child labor and what effects it has on these children. In this essay you will learn about Child Labor and how it affects different children They are doing work ... Show more content on ... But that is what set Activists wondering about child labor and what they can do to prevent it from happening again.This became now a worldwide issue and eventually Craig Kielburger heard about the problem and he figured out how he could solve it. He eventually started a organization that helped kids in child labor. He eventually got a success and was able to help other kids in child labor. All of this just started because of the shooting. Right now Child Labor is a International problem and it is trying to be stopped in many countries. We do not child labor because it is a very sad thing to deal with and we do have sympathy for what those children are going through and how much they have to work. They are not just doing chores, they are doing labor. Now let us get into more about the mines that the children do work in. The mines that the children in child labor work in are very poisonous. They are unlicensed but they still force the children who do not wear the proper safety equipment to work in the mines and to mine the gold. The reason of the poison in the mines is because of Mercury which is a very deadly ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Bleach and Child PRS 1023 Examination Revision May/June 2010 1.1D 1.2E 1.3C 1.4A 1.5B 1.6C 1.7E 1.8D 1.9E 1.10C 1.11D 1.12A 1.13C 1.14D 1.15A
  • 38. 1.16D 1.17B 1.18E 1.19E 1.20A 1.21B 1.22D 1.23C 1.24E 1.25E 1.26D 1.27D 1.28E 1.29E 1.30E Question 2 2.1 How to ensure food safety: Food safety depends on sanitation 1. Personnel and especially food handlers – must meet health standards and take great care to maintain a high level of personal health. – Hands should be washed thoroughly before handling food. – Injuries on hands covered with waterproof plasters. – Use gloves and hair nets. 2. Safe food handling techniques should be practised. 3. ... Show more content on ... –dental decay (Pg 20 prescribed book) Proper dental care should be practiced from birth, with special attention given to: –Following a correct diet an adequate intake of protein, and minerals, particularly calcium and fluoride. Most devastating influence on diet is the common intake of sticky carbohydrates
  • 39. –hygienic practices–e.g. tooth, brushing flossing. Food particles can be removed from an infant gums by wiping them with a small wet washcloth –dental examination scheduled at recommended intervals –prompt treatment of dental problems Additional steps that can be taken to increase a child's interest in brushing their teeth include: –purchase a small soft toothbrush in the child's favorite color. –store the toothbrush where the child can reach it. –provide a footstool or chair where the child can reach the sink –demonstrate the toothbrush procedure so that the child knows what to expect. –help the child to at least brush twice daily once in the morning and once before they go to bed –put up a chart where can check each time they brushed Question 3 3.1 Explain what you would include when planning an emergency evacuation plan: (12) (pg 36 tut501, pg 54 tut502) Specific factors to be considered: 1. The plan should be simple, yet effective, to prevent undue confusion and to achieve the intended goal. When drawing up your own disaster plan, make use of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Child Abuse And Neglect When you're a kid you should still have so much hope because you have not seen the tragedies in the world. Imagine just for a second that before you were even five, you had to take care of yourself. As a toddler you felt unloved and neglected. Each year 5.5 million children experience this feeling, not just for a second, but throughout their childhood. Neglect is child abuse, as well as physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. Child abuse is awful because it causes the child to feel worthless, to lose trust, and to have serious psychological problems early on in life. Neglect is the most common form of child abuse. The parent or caregiver fails to provide basic needs for the child. Neglected children are constantly ... Show more content on ... Sexually abused kids are plagued by feelings of shame and guilt. The child usually feels responsible which makes it particularly hard for them to come forward. Sexual abuse can lead to self hate and feelings of worthlessness. This can lead to troubles with future relationships, especially intimate ones. They easily pull away from touch and are very self conscious. Self hate can lead to a lot of different psychological problems. Sexual abuse can also lead to PTSD, panic attacks, and even eating disorders. More than ten percent of adults reported being emotionally abused as a child. They are constantly told they are no good, worthless, and a mistake. They start to believe it and it hurts them a lot mentally. Yelling at the child is not an uncommon occurrence. The child gets an earful of all the reasons they are worthless. They don't know who won't hurt them or who will. The kids don't know if they can trust anyone to be a positive influence in their life. Emotional abuse can lead to depression and self hate. Like all abuse, it destroys people mentally. Some kids have already lost hope because of abuse. They have seen bad in the world, usually coming from someone who is supposed to be one of the most supportive and loving Schichtel 3 people in their lives. When talking to an abused child remain calm and avoid denial. Make sure to not interrogate, or it could make the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Child Athletes Modern society has many ills plaguing it. Some of these ills include excess stress and unacceptable behavior, both of which can be caused by the same thing: unhealthy placement of sports in modern society. By sports being considered practically ideal in society, many child athletes suffer from pressure to win and numerous people suffer from the poor behavior exhibited by certain adult athletes. Most children's sports leagues begin with children around the age of 5 because that is the age where most children are able to understand the concepts and rules of sports. This is also when children are most influenced by the world around them. When children are signed up for sports it is usually for reasons such as getting them involved in an activity, ... Show more content on ... However, some athletes don't lose the feeling of aggression and intimidation after they leave the field. Studies have been conducted to assess whether aggressive behavior and violence can be linked to athletes, specifically male athletes. Studies by the NCAVA have shown that on some campuses, male athletes make up one third of assaults. Although being only one third leaves a majority of the assaults to being committed by non–athletes, the athletes are striving to become professional. Professional athletes are idolized far more than the average person, and therefore they must know how to behave themselves, follow the rules/laws, and be a good role ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Child Soldiers Child Soldiers for War Crimes Child soldiers. Most can not fathom the idea of children in war, less the fact that those children are fighting. It is a terrible thought to have to think about, especially when America now has the power to help and has been reluctant to use it. None the less, though, children from ages 10 and up are being recruited for war. Under international law, the participation of children under 18 in armed conflict is generally prohibited, and the recruitment and use of children under 15 is a war crime. Yet worldwide, hundreds of thousands of children are recruited into government armed forces, paramilitaries, civil militia and a variety of other armed groups. Often they are abducted at school, on the streets or at home. ... Show more content on ... The actions of the child soldiers usually are not decided by the child, but rather by a general or commander. When the child is told to do something they succumb and act on the plan because they are still children. As an adult, though, soldiers have the state of mind to evaluate the situation, and decide what would be best for their country; and them. Child soldiers are raised in an environment of severe violence, experience it, and subsequently often commit cruelties and atrocities of the worst kind. This repeated exposure to chronic and traumatic stress during development leaves the children with mental and related physical ill–health, notably PTSD and severe personality changes. Such exposure also deprives the child from a normal and healthy development into society as a fully functioning member. Pertinent Laws of War anonymously state that the enlistment, recruitment, use, and/or deployment of child soldiers under the age of 15 are actions that are war crimes according to the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. These two guiding, international instruments have even been advanced by the Convention of the Rights of the Child, which states a 'straight 18' approach to recruitment in the 2002 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The 1990 African Charter on the Rights ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Child Witnesses Courts within United Kingdom, along with several other countries have made several propositions for addressing the vulnerability of child witnesses within the courtroom, although these provisions generally do not directly address the linguistic difficulties. Thus, in some jurisdictions, child witnesses are allowed to give evidence on closed–circuit television, in order to alleviate them from trauma of being face to face in court with a suspect against whom they are testifying against. However, children are often required to be present in court for cross–examination, sometimes provided with support by a screen between the child and the accused (Birnbaum, and Bala, 2010). Other provisions which attempt to address the disadvantage faced by children ... Show more content on ... Eades, (2008) asked preschool–aged children questions that were answerable and the questions that were nonsensical to see whether they would respond in predictable ways. Overall children rarely answered "I don't know" to the nonsensical questions, and the youngest children exhibited a tendency to acquiesce to the experimenter. These findings suggest that when children's language skills limit their understanding of questions posed to them, they are still likely to attempt and answer, and thus their response are likely less accurate. The developmental inappropriate language used in court makes it difficult for any child to provide reliable testimony, no matter what their relative competence at understanding and answering questions may ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Welfare Of The Child The local authority has the duty of care for the child and their decisions should also be taken into account. This could be linked to the UNCRC. The children 's rights are valued and taken into consideration; the child has their own views and feelings. The welfare of the child should be put in the centre at all times. The articles I am referring to from the UNCRC are article 3– organizations should work towards what 's best for the child for example a child that is in harm's way should receive support or should be taken away for protection, depending on how much risk they are in. Article 12– children and young people have the right to say what they think should happen; this is relevant to a child going into foster care as they still have ... Show more content on ... This could be counselling to help with emotions and behavioural management to monitor behaviour. Social workers that can be of a support for them professionally and help them develop holistically. An Advocate could be a friend to the child that they could speak to whenever they want about their struggles and feelings, this could be of support for the child if they feel they can't speak to anyone or if they find it hard to make friends/ build relationships., 14/09/15) It's important that the child doesn't get pushed aside during this transition and they are being valued. If the child has a physical disability they may find it hard enough to cope with the transition alone without being pushed aside and not having their needs met as individuals, providing facilities for the child and helping them around by holding their hand as they walk or pushing their wheelchair may be a relief for the child, adapting facilities may be of support for the child with physical disabilities such as a disability toilet. The child shouldn't feel ashamed of their skin colour, ethnicity or religion, to overcome this the care setting could provide display boards with pictures of children from all over the world holding one and others hand to promote equality. The setting could also provide dolls of different coloured skin, this may also help the child feel more comfortable in their skin especially as they are going through a ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Child Soldiers And Child Pirates: An Analysis Push and Pull Factors for Child Soldiers and Child Pirates Conradi (2013) explains, child soldiering and child piracy are both considered an act of human trafficking. To demonstrate, although the minor carries out the act, the adult is in a position of power supervising the minor. In this brief discussion, I will focus on the "push and pull factors of child soldiering" and child piracy discussed in Chapter 4 (Haer, 2017). Although, child piracy was not discussed in the chapter, I found the topic to be relevant to the discussion. To define, "push factors" in this context are, the reasons children join a criminal entity and the "pull factors" are the reasons why criminal organizations recruit children (Haer, 2017). Haer (2017) indicates, the push factors that drive children to join criminal organizations vary from their impoverished conditions to the glamour of the lifestyle, etc. (Haer, 2017). On the other hand, the "pull" factors that drive criminal entities to recruit children include: "they obey orders, they are not concerned to get back to a wife or family, the know no fear, etc." (Haer, 2017, p. 67). ... Show more content on ... According to Whitman (2013) "child soldiers and child pirates face similar life–threatening dangers and are both exploited by adults in similar ways" (p. 228). Additionally, Whitman (2013) argues the "children are shifted from different contexts of exploitation" considering their skills are transferable across criminal activities (p. 229). For instance, in 2013, while piracy attacks reduced, simultaneously the militant group, "Al–Shabaab, gained ground on land in Somalia" (p. 229). Dalhousie Marine Piracy Project (DMPP) claims, "as the conflict on land intensifies the levels of marine piracy decline" (Whitman, ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Understanding Of Child Support Understanding Child Support What is Child Support? To convey the message that the financial support of parents in the lives of their children is vital, Title IV–D of the Social Security Act established the Federal Child Support program in 1975 which exhibits how financial participation by both parents in the life of a child is essential and encourages accountability amongst parents. An individual's understanding of Child Support is shaped not only by their knowledge of its legal elements, but also by their personal opinions and social environments. As a society, there are many varying views of child support, but the general understanding of the program relates to the understanding of how child support works. Child support stresses the importance of financial support of children and its foundation is based on the legal theory that parents are responsible for the upbringing and providing of minimum necessities considered essential for proper development. Prior to the ... Show more content on ... The support order legally binds the parents to provide for the child's well–being until they reach the "age of majority" at which the child is then considered a young adult by the state. Misconceptions about Child Support There are several common misconceptions of child support that can impair one's understanding of the child support program. First, the stigma exists that child support is for single mothers, this is inaccurate and child support can be award to any individual determined an obligee (child support recipient). While the custodial parent is the most common obligee an obligee can also be an appointed guardian, caregiver, or government agency. Second, the belief that non–custodial parents are forced to pay child support. "Child support can be entered into voluntarily, by court order or by an administrative ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Child Apparel Each kid's life is comprised of a progression of occasions. Finding the correct outfit of child dress for every occasion is once in a while a test. Shopping face to face permits the youngster to attempt on the dress, yet looking on the web makes it less demanding to peruse. The key is to discover a trade off. When looking for child apparel, time is of the pith. Kids develop before there is a great opportunity to sit tight for long tends to returns since something did not fit. That is the reason many individuals want to shop at a nearby store. At that point they can have the youngsters attempt on the outfits and get them promptly. Be that as it may, to discover a choice of child dress face to face, it is important to make a great deal of ... Show more content on ... There are diverse sorts of child apparel for uncommon events, recess, donning occasions and nasty climate adapt. For young ladies, there are dresses and skirts and additionally shorts and pants. For young men, there are a wide range of jeans and lively tops. Another imperative figure looking for child attire online is that it is greatly simple to see whether the online store conveys a specific size. In the event that the size is in stock, it will be recorded as a decision. On the off chance that it has been sold out, there will be a note on the thing that it is no longer accessible. In the event that one needs a thing of child apparel that is plainly sold out, it is conceivable that it can be reordered. This should be possible by utilizing the contact email deliver to talk about the matter with somebody at the web store. Individuals who might never request exceptional administrations are not perplexed of writing in their demand and sitting tight for an answer. Shopping at a neighborhood store for child attire has its preferences. However, a day of shopping on the web is a great deal less strenuous. It might likewise be simpler on the wallet, particularly considering the cost of ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Child Observation hey want to know how their child/children is doing and it we have any concerns. When you observe a parent with a child to tend to find out things. Non verbal and verbal can affect an infant/toddler in many ways if you are non verbal to your child you can put them behind and make their language delayed. It can be hard for you to meet the needs of the child if you don't understand or communicate with the child. Sometimes you can tell by the child vocabulary you can tell who communicate with their child at home and who doesn't. The head start program that they have implement group socialization for infant and toddler as well. The teachers plans activities with groups and individual that are age appropriate. The program focuses on the parent child ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Child Rearranging The moment I became a parent, I had to rearrange my thought process. My life was then centered around my child, who needed more attention and direction. My job as a parent is to protect my children from danger, both seen and unseen. In my opinion, taking children out to eat could possibly lead to a dangerous situation. From the outside looking in, this may seem like an easy task, however, taking children out to eat may lead to a surprising ending to your night with unexpected aftermath. After sitting still for a short period of time, most children will run, jump, or play. This could be very dangerous in a public setting. This type of behavior increases the risk for choking, falling, or even being burned by hot drinks or food. Not only is ... Show more content on ... Because of this, some children may be allergic to some of the foods. When eating out, it is impossible to control the process of how the food is prepared. There's no way to determine what products they use, how fresh the ingredients are, or how hygienic the cooks were when preparing the meal. Foods being under prepared or not cleaned properly could cause indigestion or food poisoning. Fast foods may also be too heavy for children's little stomach's. Parents, like me, do our best to prevent all of these dangers and look after our children at all times, but sometimes that's not enough. Letting the children have a sense of freedom in a restaurant is beneficial for the child, but it leaves the parents in a dilemma. If the parents are busy talking and eating, they pay little to no attention to their children; if parents watch their children, they cannot fully enjoy their time. Getting a babysitter is not always easy or cheap. It is obvious that taking children to eat out is very hazardous to their health. On one hand, children being left alone with little to no supervision may choke on food or get burned; on the other hand, being looked after, they may still be in danger of receiving poor quality food, and while most adult stomach can stand it, children's health may be undermined by food ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Child Development The Parents' Role in Creating a Safe Environment for Child Development A sweet, innocent, newborn baby is taken home by the parents for the very first time, which means that it is now the parents' vital responsibility to create a secure home for their child. Since children's learning foundation is built in the home from the time they are born, it is important for parent's to create a safe learning environment as their child grows and develops. Parents can create a safe learning environment in the home in order to support their children throughout the different milestones, by creating secure parent to child attachments starting at birth, by helping the brain and personality develop, and by keeping objects and spaces safe for each stage. ... Show more content on ... Next, secure attachments are a mental process that create loving relationships. Secure parent to child attachments can be created on the foundation of love. Love means so many different things, and shown in so many different ways. Love is sacrifice, selflessness, respect, and kindness. It is definitely shown in a secure relationship between parents and children throughout all milestones as they develop. There is something so special between the love of a parent and child. A quote by Burmenskaya, proves this statement, "Attachment keeps its role as an active mental mechanism in creating interpersonal relations, including friendship, love and family relations" (Burmenskaya 389). Attachments can also create success when parents help their children form self– worth, empathy, and autonomy first at birth, and can continue as they grow. Burmenskaya's article continues to expound on the idea that parents need to create an attachment not just from the time their child is born, but as he/she continues to grow, because this influences the child's personality. For example, "We saw the advantage of attachment system in the fact that psychological education integrates the experience of the child's close interactions beginning from infancy in a concentrated way, and on the other hand, it is connected directly with emotional / personality sphere" (Burmenskaya 399, ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Child Observation i. The child knows all the numbers up to ten and can sometimes say the number 11 and 12. She does classify things into groups whether that be farm animals, or what kind of things need to be recycled in plastic, paper and aluminum bins. She does plan somethings when she plays or draws, but most of the time she just jumps right into it. Thought she did take the time to plan her little kittens house before she started playing with them. Her attention span is avenged she does listen to the teacher when she is talking, but at some time she does get distracted by others around her and will start looking at them. ii.The teacher during circle time sometimes switches between doing different things because some time they learn a new song or they do ... Show more content on ... The child can stay at a center or station for a good 40 minutes or sometimes only ten minutes depending on what kind of task or play she is doing. I once saw her stay up in the loft area and play with another little girl for about forty to forty–five minutes until she switched to go to a different center, but I also have seen her go to some centers and only play there for five or ten minutes before switching. When it comes to small groups where the teacher has the children write in their journals or create something she usually takes her time and stayed away after the other children have left finishing her creation she doesn't rush and she takes her time in what she is drawing or making. Sometimes she does get distracted during circle time if other children are playing or messing around her she will look at them instead of the teacher. One example the teacher was explaining a game about recycling that they were going to play she started to play with her shoes while the teacher was talking and wasn't really looking at her, but when it was her turn to go she know what to do and which basket her card went in. I did notice during music time she will not dance or do the motions of the song if she doesn't like the song she once told me she doesn't like the song so she didn't do two of the songs. Some she will turn around and tell me she need and break and will stop doing the song or dance. She doesn't get easily frustrated or anything she takes her time when doing things, but she never get frustrated or gives up. For instance she was playing with a floor puzzle in the back of the classroom I saw she was having a hard time trying to find of pieces that would fit the puzzle so instead of getting mad or frustrated that she couldn't find the pieces and just give up she came up to me and ask if i could help her find it once we found it she continues on doing the puzzle and moved on to another ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Issue Of Child Labor The issue of child labor has drawn significant attention since early 1990s as many labor union and special interest groups advocate banning import of goods produced by the child labor in developing countries and the international consensus in the form of Convention on the Right of the Child (CRC) which is widely ratified in 1989 by countries (Boyden, Ling and Myers, 1998). However, concern regarding child labor is not new and can be dated back to industrial revolution, especially late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, in England many parents were helpless but to send their children to work to cope the increasing poverty and inequality. (Horrell and Humphries, 1995; Edmonds, 2007). Nevertheless, before the industrial revolution and ... Show more content on ... There have been steady decline in the incidence of child 's exposure to hazardous work and child labor on balance. However, the recent estimates of child labor are still astonishingly high and the trend predict even slower pace of decline in child labor. According to ILO report in 2012, for age group 5–17 years 16.7 percent (or 264,427 in absolute number) of children are in some form of employment, 10.6 percent (equivalently 167,956) is considered as child labor, and 5.4 percent (equivalently 85,344) is involved in hazardous work. Although these figures are lower than the corresponding figures in 2000, the absolute numbers of child labor are still very high (ILO 2013). Policy measures adopted to reduce child labor are derived from an increasing number of theoretical and empirical research on this issue specially since late 1990s. Theoretical studies use the household decision making model to explain the incidence of child labor and attempt to find the determinants of child labor. Initial models that attempt to explain the phenomenon of child labor assume an exploitative household where child is considered household 's asset and parents are the sole decision maker who maximizes their welfare disregarding the welfare of child. In these models parents are selfish and child labor is chosen if it maximizes household welfare which may disregard ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Child Recovery What is the Role of Education in the Recovery of a Child? Often, when a child is ill or needs behavioral health treatment, education is the last thing on a guardian's mind. They're focused on the day–to–day management of their child's care: communicating with doctors and nurses and easing their child's fears during his or her hospital stay. During and after treatment, the focus is on the child's recovery so they can go back to being a kid: playing with their friends, enjoying family time, and transitioning back to school. The moment a child walks through those hospital doors they become a student–patient, who not only has to deal with their illness, but also keep up with their education. It can be extremely challenging for guardians to ... Show more content on ... Many student–patients must miss extended periods of school, becoming disconnected from their education and social life. They may feel that their teachers and friends have forgotten about them. Some may become depressed and have anxiety about returning to school after treatment. So, it's important they stay engaged. KidsHealth authors recommend that student–patients stay connected via online social networking sites, email, instant message, text messaging, and talking on the phone with classmates, friends, and teachers. They also state that "staying connected to school bring academic, cognitive, psychological, and social benefits." There are numerous reasons why children must be admitted to the hospital for treatment. Some kids may be battling cancer and need chemo. Others may need to visit the hospital a few days a month for kidney dialysis. A child with a disability may need regular physical therapy treatment. On the other side, children who struggle with a mental, social, or behavioral illness, like bipolar disorder, depression, or post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may miss school for extended periods of time to treat or manage their condition and minimize stressors. According to an article on Nationwide Children's, "stress is a common part of every child's life. A certain amount of stress is normal, but too much stress can be unhealthy... ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Child Labor "Child labor" By Elie Bou Chaaya ENL 110 Section "D" Miss Zeina Fayyad 18, January, 2008 Outline: Thesis statement: Child labor nowadays is considered to be a social injustice due to its harmful effects on the personal and psychological life of the child where the kinds of work offered to the child increases the amount of these effects regarding the solutions. I. Harmful personal and physical effects of child labor A. Low pay B. Very long work hours C. Forbids children right in education D. Physical harm 1. Increased risk of accidents 2. Working in unregulated environments where little attention is paid 3. Violence exerted by adults on children 4. Risk of illness from ... Show more content on ... In addition to that, one of the most important side effects is that working children may experience physical harm in a number of ways. These include an increased risk of accidents; children and young people often work in unregulated environments where little attention is paid to safety. Working children often experience violence in the workplace from adult staff and managers. Children and young people working in the street are also at risk of physical violence from police officers and other authority figures. Risk of illness from poor hygiene and exposure to bad weather can also be witnessed. Therefore, child labor involves the following characteristics: it violates a nation's minimum age laws, involves intolerable abuse, such as child slavery, child trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor, or illicit activities, prevents children from going to school, and uses children to undermine labor standards (December, 2007). Child labor can also be developmentally, emotionally, and physically abusive. Child workers are more vulnerable than adult workers, leaving them at risk for exploitation, dangerous and abusive conditions. In many parts of the world, it too often involves confinement, bondage, and forced labor; it frequently involves dangerous and unhealthy working conditions. Children work longer hours have lower pays than adults. Some children are sold into labor ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Child Labor The History of Child Labor In AmericaTopic: The History Of Child LaborQuestion: In what ways was child labor cruel to children?Thesis: Child labor in America has been very cruel and unfair to children as their jobs were not paid a decent amount of money, were working under terrible conditions, and they led to diseases. Starting in about the 1700s, hand labor was replaced by power driven machines to make jobs easier.1 The industrial revolution had begun, and families needed a job and money to be able to survive2. European immigrants started spreading word that children should work.Eventually factories decided to get kids to work since the machines were easy to operate3 and didn't require adult strength. The jobs in the factories were easy, ... Show more content on ... Some factories were even fenced with barbed wire to prevent children from escaping14. Tenement shops in which children worked making clothes and other items were extremely dirty15 and nasty for children to be working in. Mining was also very dangerous for children to work in as they had to process raw coal by breaking it into many different sizes for different types of furnaces.16 Just in the past year, inspectors found ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Nonparental Child Development To better understand what early extensive childcare and the affects it has, you really have to stop and think about common knowledge facts for a bit. There are over 8.2 billion children who receive childcare and more than half of that number has some sort of behavioral issue. It is becoming more common for children under the age of one to start going to child care. While childcare may have some positive benefits to a child's social and behavioral skills, the negatives outweigh that. Generally the nonparental care of a child being at a childcare place, can take an even bigger toll on the development of a child's behavioral and social skills. As I read in "Time spent in Child Care: How and Why Does It Affect Social Development?" Department of ... Show more content on ... This has all started negatively affecting a child's life along with the childcare involved. More than 8.2 million women in the U.S. alone are single working mothers of children under the age of six. Thus making childcare non–avoidable, and very low income based as to what she can afford. The writers of "Changes in Young Children's Family Structures and Child Care Arrangements," ( 2013) states that "The romantic and marital lives of the U.S. adults have become increasingly fluid, with partnership histories often include more than one residential union." Divorce rate is very high, leaving woman with children and needing to work, thus needing childcare. If families were as it used to be, and the divorce rate could drop and/ or the parents could work together to ensure that the children can have parental time on a normal basis, could possibly cut down on some of the behavioral issues caused by childcare and being separated from the parents for prolonged amount of hours each ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Child Labor In The 1800s When most people hear child labor, their minds automatically think of places such as Africa, China, India, and Mali, but the truth is that even in the United States of America, it was a big problem. Child labor peaked especially between the nineteenth and twentieth century on account of the Industrial Revolution. Employers were in dire need of workers, and parents were in dire need of money to sustain themselves, therefore more and more children were forced to work. Children went out and worked in mines, factories, and farms under dangerous and treacherous conditions. People began disapproving and demanded laws to regulate child labor and a reform movement was started. Over the years, child labor laws in the United Sates have evolved immensely, ... Show more content on ... In the Fact Sheet– Wage and Hour Divisions, it presents the laws that are put into place today include minimum age standards for employment which establishes the hours and occupational standards for youth the age of eighteen, sixteen, fourteen, and under fourteen. As opposed to the nineteenth and twentieth century where children as young as five years old working before these laws had been established. There are also occupations that are banned for all minors under the age of 18 which include "manufacturing or storing explosives, driving motor vehicles, coal mining, using certain power–driven machines, and other occupations that are particularly hazardous or detrimental to health" (Fact Sheet– Wage and Hour Divisions). This is a great advancement from the nineteenth and twentieth century, where lots of children were coal miners, and worked in jobs that required the use of dangerous machinery or chemicals that were unsafe and harmful to their well–being. The investigators of the Wage and Hour Division are all over the U.S. to enforce the regulations set by the FLSA and make sure that businesses follow them. Businesses that violate the regulations may be subject to fines up to $100,000. (Fact Sheet– Wage and Hour Divisions). It is now evident the immense growth, evolution, and development that child labor laws have gone through over the years in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Child Soldiers Amnesty Should Child Soldiers be Granted Amnesty or Should they be Prosecuted? Although not everyone knows it, there is a huge tragedy that is, and has been, going on even at this exact moment. That tragedy is children being taken out of their ordinary lives, whether by force or not, away from their families and into battle. Despite how much these children went through in the wars, the question still remains: once the war is over, should they be granted amnesty, or be prosecuted? The answer to this comes from thorough research. Child soldiers should be granted amnesty because they are unaware of what they are doing, they need help rather than prosecution, and many are forced to fight. The first reason why child soldiers should be legally forgiven ... Show more content on ... The side that argues prosecuting the child soldiers says kids were given the option to stay or leave, and most chose to stay. That is only partly true. It is true that they are given the option. Yet, the children indirectly forced to stay. Because they have become addicted to the drugs the warlords gave them, they are now dependent on them for those drugs and simply cannot leave, as it reads on Also, Ishmael Beah points out that through the war, they have gained a connection to their commanders and fellow soldiers. For some, including Ishmael, it is the only family they have left. So, they may, indeed, choose to stay, but not for the reason the many believe. Instead of staying for the fighting, the stay for of family. Those who argue that child soldiers should be considered the perpetrators also say that if we grant amnesty to the soldiers, there would be no justice for the victims they killed. This is completely agreeable and understandable. It is agreeable that there should be punishment given in order to fulfill justice for the victims. However, in order for justice to be fully satisfied, the children should not be the ones punished, but rather, the warlords who wish to come to the US from their country of origin. The warlords drug the child soldiers and kill those who do not follow orders. They also force some to join. If child soldiers were ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Former Child Soldiers The facts speak for themselves. The majority of former child soldiers suffer from at least one mental impairment such as post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and other disorders that makes it extremely hard for them to function in everyday life as a member of society. many former child soldiers also have issues with anger and irrational fear. I believe that former child soldiers can become functional members of society. Children are extremely resilient and can bounce back from traumatic experiences. However, the treatment and care that they need to overcome this traumatic ordeal is not provided to these children as child soldiering almost always occurs in impoverished countries. This means that the facilities and experts that are needed to care for them are not available. But I also think that a lot of family and community ... Show more content on ... In conclusion, I do think that former child soldiers can become normal once more. But I do not believe that most do as they do not get the care and support needed to overcome this traumatic experience. In conclusion, I think that child soldiering has negative effects on a child's development and emotional/mental wellbeing. Whether the child was forced to join or volunteered, they are still a victim. Even if they volunteered the circumstances that they faced forced them to join to try to make their lives better. Their roles, whether combat or noncombat, are harmful because the child witnesses and experiences things that no child should experience. From carrying injured soldiers and weapons, to being used as cannon fodder, to being sexually violated on a regular basis, all of these things lower the quality of well being of a child and turns them into insensitive robots with no compassion for other human beings. The terrible things that child soldiers are forced to witness and do are ... Get more on ...