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Autobiography Essay Examples
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Autobiography Essay Examples" is no small feat. The
difficulty lies not only in the challenge of narrating one's life experiences but also in the delicate
balance required to make it engaging, reflective, and insightful. Delving into personal memories
and weaving them into a cohesive narrative demands a level of introspection that can be
emotionally taxing.
Moreover, the process of selecting which aspects of your life to include or exclude adds another
layer of complexity. The fear of oversharing or undersharing can create a constant tension during
the writing process. Striking the right tone—being authentic without sacrificing
professionalism—is an intricate dance that requires a deep understanding of oneself and a keen
awareness of the intended audience.
Technical aspects, such as structuring the essay effectively, providing a chronological flow, and
incorporating meaningful reflections, contribute to the challenge. The writer must navigate the
thin line between self-expression and maintaining the reader's interest, ensuring that the essay is
not a mere chronological list of events but a compelling story that resonates.
Furthermore, the very act of self-reflection can be daunting. Unearthing past experiences,
evaluating personal growth, and putting one's vulnerabilities on display can be an intimidating
process. It requires a level of honesty that may be uncomfortable but is essential for creating an
authentic and impactful autobiographical essay.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the theme of one's life journey is a formidable task. It
demands a delicate balance of emotional vulnerability, narrative skill, and self-awareness.
However, through this challenge, one can discover not only the art of storytelling but also gain
profound insights into one's own life. If you find this process too overwhelming, remember that
help is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered, where
professionals can assist in bringing your unique story to life.
Autobiography Essay Examples Autobiography Essay Examples
Arnold Shwarzenegger Accomplishments
Have you ever thought about becoming the youngest person ever to win an award?
Well that is what Arnold Schwarzenegger did. He had won the Mr. Universe title at
the age of twenty, the youngest anyone has ever won that title. After winning this
title, he went on to win seven Mr. Olympia titles. These titles were some of the
biggest titles that can be won in the sport of bodybuilding. Arnold Schwarzenegger
had a rough childhood and early life, but succeeded later in life. In the beginning,
Arnold Schwarzenegger had many of struggles during his childhood. Arnold was
born in the postwar Austria years (Ghaffari 1). During these years, Arnold s family
struggled quite a bit (Brandon 9). His family s house did not have indoor plumbing,
it also did... Show more content on ...
One award he won was the Simon s Wiesenthal Center s National Leadership
Award ( Arnold Schwarzenegger... 1). He had earned a BA in Business and
International Economics Superior ( Arnold Schwarzenegger 1). He also received a
honorary Doctorate Superior in 1996 and another in 2002 ( Arnold
Schwarzenegger 1). Arnold was named Special Olympics International Weight
Training Coach in 1979 ( Arnold Schwarzenegger 1). President George Bush
appointed Arnold as Chair of the President s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
in 1990 ( Arnold Schwarzenegger 1). In 2002, Arnold Schwarzenegger was honored
with the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award, presented to him by Ali himself (
Arnold Schwarzenegger 1). In addition, he was named one of Time Magazine s 100
People Who Help Shape the World in 2004 ( Arnold Schwarzenegger
The s First Retrospective Exhibition
Lucian Freud was a German born British artist. After being born on December 8th
of 1922, he lived in Berlin for 11 years. His family then moved to London, England
because of the rise of Nazism. He studied at the Central School of Arts in London for
a year, then from 1939 42 at the East Anglian School of Paintingand Drawing in
Debham and in 1942 43 at Goldsmiths College in London. He had his first solo
exhibition in 1944 at the Lefevre Gallery. Before moving to Holland Park, Freud
owned a studio in Paddington, London for 30 years. He was close friends with other
English artist such as Francis Bacon and Frank Auerbach, who all help establish the
art movement known as The School of London . This was a movement of
figurative artists who all knew each other during the boom years of abstract
painting. Freud s first retrospective exhibition was organised by the Arts Council of
Great Britain in 1974 at the Hayward Gallery in London. In 1989 he was shortlisted
for the Turner Prize. In 2001 he completed his portrait of Queen Elizabeth II.
Although he got harshly criticized for this painting, it did not greatly harm his
reputation. Later on he had many more retrospective shows. The latest Lucian Freud
exhibit was at the London National Portrait Gallery in 2012, 6 months after his death.
Lucian Freud died on July 20, 2011, since then there have been auctions of his
paintings that have sold for up to 52.6 million dollars. Although Freud has had many
different painting styles, his
The Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution
After America won its independence from Great Britain in 1783, the Articles of
Confederation were created to serve as the basis of American democracy. Years
subsequent to the creation of the Articles of Confederation, delegates from all states,
with the exception of Rhode Island, assembled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to mend
the weaknesses the Articles displayed throughout its practice. This meeting on
September 17, 1787, resulted in the newly drafted terms for which the United States
democracy would stand upon; the official document became known as the
Constitution and has gone unchanged for over 228 years. Although the Constitution
was drafted to replace the Articles of Confederation, both documents had proven to
have similarities as... Show more content on ...
The people of each state had the ability to effect the legitimacy of law and authority if
they felt it was morally wrong. The same enlightenment ideals carried over to the
creation of the Constitution, however, state power became limited. The Constitution
enhanced distant authority, giving the central government the power to rule the
citizens of every state. The stronger centralized government over the people therefore
led to the concept of federalism, which displayed other similarities and differences
between the Articles and the Constitution. Federalism was the belief in giving power
to two levels of government, state and national. After the Declaration of
Independence in 1776, colonies became states in an attempt to attain the ideal of a
geopolitical nation. A geopolitical nation consists of individual states equivalent to
individual countries, and these countries ruled themselves, while also being united
under the same national government. The structure of federalism was a continuation
from the Articles to the Constitution in the belief that each state retained its own
power. Each state had the power to overturn any national government authority,
exhibit their own authority over their residents, and have a ruling council of elected
representatives. The departure, however, was in the limitations put on state power.
The states were stripped of their power to overturn national taxation. The national
government was
Logos Of Dr Pepper Ad
Abstract The Dr. Pepper TEN advertisement is selling a new low calorie version of
Dr. Pepper that appeals to men. A diet soda has traditionally been viewed as a drink
for females as they are constantly focused on weight loss. Dr. Pepper has launched
a campaign to make low calorie soda masculine with the manly design and
expressive slogan It s not for women that sounds very persuasive. The commercial
portrays two manly men in the masculine environment driving on an all terrain
vehicle in the jungle, battling snakes and shooting lasers to each other. The main
idea of the commercial is that used to be feminine diet drink is made by Dr. Pepper
not for women. The language used in the commercial triggers emotions in younger
males saying them... Show more content on ...
The most common ones are logos, pathos and ethos. Logos refers to reasoning or
logic, in other words, the reasons why the audience should buy the product [1]. In
this advertisement the logical reason to buy the product is drink Dr. Pepper TEN
and you will be a manly men. The only logical information is the number of
calories and flavours in Dr. Pepper TEN. To stress that the soda is not a diet one
and still has calories, both Ten and 10 are mentioned. Pathos appeals to the audience
s emotions [1]. This commercial, as any other one, is full of pathos trying to sell
masculinity . The language used in the advertisement attempts to trigger emotions in
younger males telling them that they will feel manly if they drink this soda. Capital
letters of the tagline and the word women , which is highlighted, intensify the
enthusiasm in an attempt to attack its audience emotionally. The can containing Dr.
Pepper logotype also visually appeals to men. The design, colours and font are
plain and simple. Ethos denotes credibility of the author and relies on its reputation
[1]. It also refers to the reputation of the brand or association with something iconic.
In this commercial there is no other ethos than just Dr. Pepper by itself that is
successful and popular brand. The whole advertisement is viewed more like a joke
and can t be taken too
My Home Country Saudi Arabia
Last summer, I was moving out of D.C. to my home country Saudi Arabia. Since
selling furniture is cheaper than keeping it in storage, I decided that I was going to
leave my apartment and sell everything that I had, for the reason that I did not know
if I was coming back to the U.S again or not. I was not expecting that selling
furniture is just a headache. People were not willing to pay, they just wanted to use
you because they know that you need to move out soon and get rid of your furniture.
The process of me selling my furniture did generate a lot of emotions, especially anger
and disappointment. Emotions can affect the negotiations either in a positive or a
negative way. Frustration, dissatisfaction and disappointment all of... Show more
content on ...
I agreed on selling both the bookshelf and the sofa bed for $450 when my initial
offer was $400 for the sofa bed and $150 for the bookshelf. I decided that since he
was buying both I would lower my price and give him the price he asked for.
Especially that at that time all what I was thinking of that a burden was getting off
my shoulders, meaning that I would have less furniture to worry about. Anyway
when the next day came, he started to negotiate with me again with a ridiculous
price this time. He told me that he can only afford the couch for $200. Honestly, I
was so mad and insulted that I did not respond to him. I had other offers on the
sofa bed so I knew that I would not have a problem selling it. In Fisher s book, he
talks about how having a bottom line will affect the negotiation negatively in terms
of that it will limit my imagination of thinking of another options (Fisher, Urn
Patton, 2011). While I do agree with him on this point, in my situation I believe
that having a bottom line helped me not to surrender and accept an offer that is
below my bottomline. At the same time did not stop me from thinking of other
options. I reconsidered my bottom line when I received a reasonable offer like the
case with the guy who wanted to buy the sofa and the bookshelf. I did accept his
original offer even though it was lower than my bottom line, but it was a reasonable
one to me. The other offer that I managed to sell the sofa with was from a young lady
Could Dictatorships be a Better Option for Developing...
Government of people, by people and for the people is called democracy ,
(Aristotle) the Greek or more precisely Aristotle defined democracy this way. In
these recent times though, democracy has changed in shape and form and has
constantly evolved since the last 100 years or so. So it is quite difficult to find a
definition of democracyin modern times, which is accepted universally. Every
country delineates democracy according to its own customs and ethics, and
considers it to be best. A common credence is that, a country prerequisites
democracy in order to prosper, but we have not got any subsequent evident between
democracy and GDP progression. Under developed countries in Asia, South America
and Asia don t hold a candle to most... Show more content on ...
They are just concerned with getting meal on their table and economic stability;
they do not care where these things come from. Democracy has not worked for
common man, instead of alleviating his problems it has increased his financial
worries. In every democracy his life is more miserable than before. In democracy
poor hold more power than rich, because they are more in numbers. But this is not
the case in under developed countries, where rich dominate poor. As Aristotle said,
In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more
of them, and the will of the majority is supreme. (Aristotle). Poor just concede to
rich will because he thinks rich can get rid of his problems, but his troubles only
increase as time passes by.
Illiteracy hinders democracy in developing countries. Countries like Pakistan,
India, Africa and Nigeria have a little literacy rate. People are not able to choose
right representatives for them, and are bewitched by the sweet talk of politicians.
People cannot safe guard their rights and end up electing corrupt politicians. In this
turmoil, you cannot afford to have even one voter who is ignorant of his rights and
choices he makes, as John F Kennedy said, The ignorance of one voter in a
democracy impairs the security of all. (John F Kennedy, 1963)
There is lack of evidence pertaining to the discussion between democracy and
Within A Dream Argument
Edgar Allen Poe, a poet whose sanity was often debated, wrote the following poem,
which questioned the very nature of reality itself: A Dream within a Dream . Each
of the two stanzas illustrates a one sided conversation with two subtly differentiated
audiences. The first seems to be an argumentative statement of which the speaker is
presenting to someone lacking his worldview, who likely regards the speaker as less
than sane. Although, despite his assertions, the speaker himself does not seem to
comprehend the magnitude of their content until the second stanza, where he is
depicted to be symbolically losing his grasp on material reality. Knowing this, A
Dream within a Dream can be appreciated as an expression of Poe s philosophical
solipsism,... Show more content on ...
This shift, although somewhat prominent in the transition of stanzas, is clearly
disclosed with the repetition of the phrase at the end of each. With the simple
addition of one word, the nearly identical couplet is transformed from an
argumentative statement to an existential question, weighted with solipsistic despair.
Although he was previously aware of his own worldview, it was not until he argued
for its sake that he realized the emotional magnitude of such philosophy. The second
stanza serves as an avenue of self revelation for the speaker, suddenly frantic for
material fulfillment in his existence devoid of
Biblical References In Children Of Men
Throughout the history of mankind, the fight for freedom and equality has forever
shaped modern society, firmly cementing its foundation into the human condition.
From the predominant Roman hierarchy, to the 1776 American rebellion against their
oppressive government, to the contemporary fight for freedom against terrorism, war
has torn entire civilizations down while advancing others. Based on the 1992 novel
written by P. D. James, Alfonso Cuaron s film Children of Men Вё refers to Biblical
references while utilizing immaculate cinematography and strategic editing to depict
the overlaying theme: Even in the darkest hour, there is always hope. The film takes
place in the 2027 United Kingdom when the English government is the operating, and
... Show more content on ...
Interestingly enough, the chronological order supports the style of the film,
attempting a more documentary look as opposed to a traditional Hollywood film.
The continuity and seamless transitions depicting the absence of events or time
between scenes, further contributes to the documentary style of the film. The
audience is walked through Theo s journey and views everything how he sees it.
Cuaron paints this story this way because it gets a lot more personal with the
audience. Instead of an omniscient viewpoint, telling a story, the audience becomes
lost in the film s series of events and focuses more on the survival of Theo, Kee, and
her baby rather than the rest of the world. We are not given a choice and are
manipulated to view the film as Cuaron wants us to view
Buffalo Bill Cumming
Some times Cummigs will forgot to place spaces between words on purposes. This
uses is seen in Cumming s poem Buffalo Bill . In this poem man of words are
jumbled together to create something new: onetwothreefourfive (Cummings line 6).
By jumbling words together Cumming creates a fast paced verse that pushes the
poem along. This fast paced attitude in this poem show just how quick Buffalo Bill
s life and other people s lives can be. An example of a conventional with Cumming s
distinctive mark barely noticeable would be Anyone lived in a pretty how town .
This poem displays how uninformed people can become: Anyone lived in a pretty
how town, (with up so floating man bells down) (Cummings line 1 2). The only
display of E.e.Cumming s distinctive
Criterion-Related Validity Essay
In this post, I will examine the relationship between SATs scores and student success
in college through the lens of criterion validity. Since currently Higher Education
institutions are focusing on ranking, now, more than ever, admissions requirements
are becoming more strict, and heavier weight is being placed on SAT scores as a
way determining quality students. Currently, SAT scores are used to determine
whether a student will be successful in college. This shift is causing a great push to
identify students of risk, and for more elite institutions, who should be admitted
(Chronicle of Higher Education, 2017). Do to this shift, there is great emphasis
placed on the SATs as an indicator of college success. The question that many student
affairs professionals and educational leaders ask are, does this test accurately measure
and show a relationship between test scores and outcomes?
Using criterion related validity, we can get a glimpse into the relationship between
test scores and outcomes. ... Show more content on ...
In the context of Higher Education and its reliance on the SATs as a predictor to
determine the fate of many student s paths, it is important to know that the this
standardized test scores accurately measure what we say they measure.
Some things to consider about using this test to measure student success...does it
account for aspects of social capital (Yosso s Model) and its influence on how a
student may interrupt a question? Does this standardized test have a way of
understanding the multiple aspects of a student s identity that influences the way
they perceive and interpret questions? Does it account for the financial aspect of
paying for tutoring? The SATs do give institutions the ability to anticipate a student s
success, but it certainly does not measure the academic
Mockery Of Apple Technology
. Jonze reflects a world where technology has advanced not too far off from the
recent advancements of Apple Technology. It is both a mockery and a study of how
this effects our culture and society we live in today. Jonze in his interview by the
guardian states that in LA, everything is becoming easier and more convenient. The
sophisticated technologypaired with the scenic city of LA, creates a utopia for
Theodore; however, the same technology that brings so much connection can make
you become more lonely.
2. Scenes contrast between Theodore amongst crowds and empty spaces. This
exposes his loneliness in all contexts. In crowds, he and everyone else mumbles in to
their technology systems and nobody speaks to each other. This reflects the ... Show
more content on ...
The Element Software Advert Theodore walks in to a room where a small crowd of
people are infatuated with a big screen playing a commercial. He joins to watch
them. we ask you a simple question: who are you? What can you be? Where are you
going? What s out there? What are the possibilities An intuitive entity that listens to
you, understand you and knows you. It s not just an operating system. It s a
4. OS 1 Mockery of Apple s OS
The setup is robotic, asking intimate questions and expecting simple answers.
However, it is intelligent enough to interpret Theodore s complex answers, which is
humorous to the audience who anthropormothise technology all the time. For
example, Siri.
How would you describe your relationship with your mother? common question asked
by therapists. Audiences would find this humorous, especially audience members
from L.A. where it is stereotypical for them to have to a therapist. Theodore s answers
emphasise the humour. The setup voice interrupts him mid sentence and the set up is
Dolly zoom on computer screen creates the feeling of something exciting about to
Scarlett Johansson as the voice of Samantha is important and it is a sexy and
seductive voice to
Bhagat Singh
Bhagat SinghBhagat Singh was a freedom fighter and one of the most famous
revolutionaries of Indian Independence Movement. It is also believed that he was
one of the earliest Marxists in India. Bhagat Singh was born in a family that was
actively involved in revolutionary activities against the British rule in the country.
The name given to Bhagat Singh meant `devotee`. `Arya Samaj` had a huge impact
on the life of Bhagat Singh`s father Sardar Kishan Singh Sandhu. His uncles as
well as his father were all part of the `Ghadar Party` that was led by Kartar Singh
Sarabha. Bhagat Singh`s mentor was Kartar Singh Sarabha, who was a freedom
fighter of the country. Early Life of Bhagat Singh Bhagat Singh was born on 27th
September, 1907 into a... Show more content on ...
Bhagat Singh admitted his crime and made statements in the court against the
British as a tool to publicise their cause of freedom struggle. However, the court
ordered the case to be carried out without members of the association who were
present at the hearing. This order produced a chaos amongst the supporters of
Bhagat Singh. Bhagat Singh along with other prisoners launched hunger strike in
the jail. The main reason behind this was that the British thieves and murderers
were given better treatment than the Indian prisoners. According to law the Indian
political prisoners were supposed to be given better rights. Bhagat also demanded
that the Indian political prisoners should not be forced to do any sort of undignified
work. This hunger strike lasted for 63 days and ended with the submission of
British power. With this he gained tremendous popularity. Ideology of Bhagat Singh
Bhagat Singh used to maintain diary while in jail. Eventually he made to fill 404
pages. The diary was a precious one as he made numerous notes relating to the
quotations and popular sayings of various people whose vies he supported, prominent
were of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Political thought of Bhagat Singh`s evolved
gradually from Gandhian nationalism to revolutionary Marxism. By the end of 1928,
he and his comrades renamed their organisation the Hindustan Socialist Republican
Association. After going
The Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple
On October 29, 2016, I visited the Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple which offers
services regarding the religion of Judaism. Although I don t identify as religious, I
was originally raised as Roman Catholic, even going to a private catholic elementary
school. I ve always had somewhat of an interest in Judaismas it s believed to be
among one of the oldest existing religions in the world along with Hinduism. The
service I visited is referred to as the Shabbat Morning Service , which took place
from 11:00 AM 12:15 PM. The word Shabbat is Hebrew which is one of the
primary languages associated with Judaism. In English, it translates to Sabbath
which is primarily a day of religious observance and rest which is kept by those that
practice Judaism, also known as Jews, from Friday evening to Saturday evening.
Jews believe that God is the creator of all that exists and he alone is to be
worshipped. They also believe that Jesus did not fulfill messianic prophecies that
establish the criteria for the coming of the messiah. The congregation is led by a
rabbi who is a Jewish teacher or scholar and usually they are joined by a cantor who
sings liturgical music and sometimes leads in prayer. Attendants read and sing from a
prayer book throughout the service at the prompting of the rabbi and cantor. Male
attendants are prompted to wear kippahs at services although they are technically
optional. Generally, at Shabbat services, there is a partition between men and women
in that men sit on
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acid
Carbohydrates, Proteins, lipids, and nucleic Acid
Lab Exercise 6
Date: 9/17/12
Bio 102 11
Purpose the purpose of this experiment was to perform test to detect the presence of
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Explain the importance of a
positive and a negative control in biochemical test. Use biochemical test to identify an
unknown compound.
Most organic compounds in living organisms are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and
nucleic acids they are called macromolecules. Each of these macromolecules is made
of smaller subunits. These subunits are linked by dehydration synthesis. Dehydration
synthesis is an energy requiring process in which a molecule of water is removing
and the two subunits are boded ... Show more content on ...
Table 6.1 Solutions and color reaction for Benedict s test for reducing sugars and 2
iodine test for starch| tube| solution| Benedict s color reaction| Iodine Color
Reaction| 1| 10 drops onion juice| greenish| Brent orange | 2| 10 drops potato juice|
yellow| brown| 3| 10 drops sucrose solution| Light blue| Dark brown| 4| 10 drops
glucose solution| Bright orange| No change| 5| 10 drops distilled water| Light blue|
No change| 6| 10 drops reducing sugar solution| Light orange| No change| 7| 10 drops
starch solution| Light blue| black|
(6.2)Material and Methods in the process or exercise of measuring the starch we
were used the following material and how we used them to conduct the experiment.
Obtain seven tubes the material to be tested table 6.1 and then add seven to ten
drops of iodine to each tube, and then record the color of the tubes contents in table
6.1 Starch or amylum is a carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose units
joined by glycosidic bonds. This polysaccharide is produced by all green plants as
an energy store. It is the most common carbohydrate in the human diet and is
contained in large amounts in such staple foods as potatoes, wheat, maize (corn), rice,
and cassava.
Picture of starch molecules
Table 6.1 tube| solution| Benedict s color reaction| Iodine Color Reaction| 1| 10
drops onion juice| greenish| Brent orange | 2| 10 drops potato juice| yellow|
Conservative Judaism
When people around the world were worshiping thunder and wind, the Jews had
but one word to say God. Judaism is one of the three major religions in our society
today along with Islam and Christianity. Judaism believes there is only one God
who created and presides over the world. Their God is all powerful, all knowing and
is in all places at all times. He is also compassionate and just. The Jewish religionis
passed on via the mother of a child. If the mother is Jewish, the child is 100%
Jewish. According to Jewish law, one will remain a Jew even if they don t practice
Judaismor they do not believe in God.The Israelites accepted the Ten Commandments
from God at Mount Sinai therefore they devoted themselves to following a code of...
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Conservative Judaism sustains the idea in the Torah came from God, but was
interpreted by humans and contains a human element in it. Conservative Judaism
generally accepts the required nature of halakhah, but like Reconstructionist
Judaism believes that the Law should adapt, taking into account the changes in
society while also remaining true to Judaism s values. Orthodox Jews believe that
God gave Moses the whole Torah, the written and oral at Mount Sinai. Modern
Orthodox Jews follow halakhah very precisely, but still attempt to integrate into
modern society. Ultra Orthodox Jews, like Chasidic Jews, strictly observe Jewish
laws and don t attempt to integrate into modern society by dressing traditionally and
living separately. Judaism consists of many holidays where Jews celebrate their
religious devotion. For example, Hanukkah the festival of lights. Jews light
Hanukkah candles to remember the miracle of the oil that burnt for eight days and
the miracle of the Maccabees victory. Its said that after three years of fighting, the
Maccabees succeeded to drive the Greco Syrians out of Judea. The lights remind
the Jews of the miracles and of the struggle for religious freedom. Also, Yom
Kippur (The Day of Atonement) which is the holiest day of the Jewish year. Yom
Kippur is the only fast day decreed in the Bible. The fast last for 25 hours starting
How Does Romeo Mature
While in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet the two teens, Romeo and Juliet, make
bad decisions, they do mature throughout the story. When At the beginning of the
story, Romeo seemed to be very indecisive about his relationships, Friar Lawrence
even pointed this out to him when Romeo told him that he now is in love with
Juliet. Juliet matured when she decided to marry Paris. Both of the kids had to
mature in some way otherwise they would have died before the end of the actual
story. Romeo and Juliet maturing were good for both the story and the characters.
At the beginning of the story, Romeo was in love with Rosaline. Romeo is still a
teen and he is very indecisive about who he likes. But, after Romeo meets Juliet, he
instantly falls in love with her and he has no feelings for anyone else. This shows
Romeo becoming more mature because Romeo s actions show that he truly is in
love and doesn t have feelings for anyone else. If Romeo was like most teens, he
wouldn t be very serious about this Relationship he has with Juliet, most teens are not
very mature and will most likely not stay loyal to their partner. But Romeo does and
that shows that he has matured because Romeo can stay loyal to one partner.... Show
more content on ...
When Juliet got married to Romeo, her father came to her with the news that she
would be getting married to Paris. Juliet didn t want to be married to Paris, mother
and father threatened to kick her out of their house and disown her. Even though
Juliet didn t want to be married to Paris, she was willing to marry him because she
knew that it was the best option for her. This shows Juliet becoming more mature
because, like adults, Juliet was willing to compromise to get a better result. If Juliet
would not have gained this maturity, then she most likely would not have married
Paris, been kicked out onto the streets and would have
Persuasive Essay About Study Abroad
Why do people leave their home countries in order to live in a foreign country?
Why do they move abroad? Some people believe that getting up and moving to a
different is not hard, but it is not as easy as it sounds. People do so for various
reasons: to escape as a refugee if there are certain circumstances and issues like a
revolution or war are going in a country or immigrate to change their life forever.
In my case, I decided to move to a foreign country as an exchange student, surviving
a long forty two hour flight from my home country, Tajikistan, to the USA.
Actually, it was not my own idea to study abroad. My parents decided that it would
be a great idea for me to spend my junior and senior year in the United States as an
exchange student. They have always wanted the best for me. I remember the day;
My family and friends were celebrating my thirteenth birthday party. During the
party, my dad was discussing the idea of sending me abroad with his friends. First of
all, I thought he was joking then but now, four years later, I realized that it actually
happened and I am here, in Lincoln, Nebraska, about to spend my second
Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays in another country, thousands miles away from
For me, getting used to a new life was difficult for the first two months. I had
problems with a time distribution because the time in my home country is ten hours
ahead of time in Nebraska. I could not sleep and eat, and became depressed.
My first year I
Marigolds Literary Analysis
A Flower that Blooms in Darkness: How Lizabeth Transforms from Child to
Woman There comes a point in one s life when they must recognize the hardships
placed upon them, and instead of being ignorant of those hardships, they must
confront them head on. In Marigolds , a short story by Eugenia Collier, the main
protagonist, Lizabeth, encounters various struggles that come with living in a
poor town in rural Maryland during the Depression, allowing her to learn more
about growing up and accepting reality with all its flaws. Lizabeth is a 14 year old
girl who feels a conflict between her inner child and her inner woman, as she is
unable to do anything that satisfies both sides of her. She feels too old to be a child,
yet too young to be a... Show more content on ...
She can t fully comprehend why she detests these flowers, and so all she knows is
that they did not make sense to her. The child in her only has insight into her own
world, and not into the worlds of others around her. Despite the marigolds being too
troublesome for her to understand, she remains ignorant and does not try to seek any
further meaning behind them. With Lizabeth in this naГЇve state, she has not yet felt
the conflict between the child and the woman in her; she s too ignorant at this
point to attempt to develop an understanding for Miss Lottie and her flowers. After
Lizabeth and the other kids launch the first attack on the marigolds, invoking great
rage in Miss Lottie, Lizabeth feels a sudden urge to antagonize the old woman
even further. Chanting vicious phrases at her, Lizabeth feels that she, lost [her]
head entirely, mad with the power of inciting such rage [in Miss Lottie]. Lizabeth
has been taken over by a childish sense of pride after provoking Miss Lottie,
showing her selfishness and lack of compassion. Being the child that she is, Lizabeth
decides to further irritate Miss Lottie, only thinking about herself and how to ease
her boredom. She is only concerned about her own little world. This sudden act of
cruelty to Miss Lottie reveals
Oklahoma Baptist University Research Paper
Oklahoma Baptist University
In 2009, Oklahoma Baptist University had its first centennial celebration. Since
Oklahoma Baptist University first opened its doors in September of 1911, they have
become one of the most popular Christian liberal arts universities in Oklahoma. The
University strives to help students achieve academic excellence while integrating
faith into all knowledge ages. The University is owned and operated by the Baptist
General Convention of Oklahoma.
The University s purpose statement states that their goal is to prepare graduates for
effective service and leadership in the various vocations through combining the core
principles of Christianity and the traditional arts and sciences. Oklahoma Baptist
University s degree programs use a solid liberal arts core curriculum to prepare
students for careers and graduate level programs. Programs are designed to stimulate
social, cultural, spiritual and intellectual development through creating academic
environments infused with Christian principles.
Oklahoma Baptist University Accreditation Details
Oklahoma Baptist University is accredited by many prestigious organizations that
The North Central ... Show more content on ...
The exercise physiology degree program teaches physical wellness through
kinesiology. This program places students in practicums with mentors, so students
can gain in depth insight into the profession. The curriculum includes standard
movement sciences classes, such as biomechanics, human anatomy, exercise
physiology and kinesthetic learning. Students go onto work in the fields of health
promotion and commercial wellness. The personal training degree allows students to
specialize in strength and conditioning. Graduates go on to become personal trainers
at commercial fitness centers, with professional sports teams and as independent
Future Of Pharmacovigilance ( Pv ) Outsourcing India Essay
Future of Pharmacovigilance (PV) Outsourcing in India
Over the past few decades, many high profile drug recalls, regulatory authority
warnings and negative media impact have caused monetary losses and tarnishing of
the image of pharmaceutical companies. Consequently, these companies have
invested heavily on PV systems.
For a pharmaceutical company, setting up a PV system in house is not always cost
effective and finding qualified and trained resources is a huge challenge. Thus, these
companies have relied on PV outsourcing to markets such as India. This white paper
provides an overview of the current PV outsourcing market in India and a prediction
into the future of PV outsourcing in India based on current trends in the PV world.
There has been an ever increasing pressure on pharmaceutical companies with
respect to proactive detection and management of safety signals or concerns
related to the use of a medicinal product and grave concerns regarding public
health impact. This along with strict regulatory requirements has sparked the
exponential rise of the global PV market. Many high profile drug withdrawals (e.g.
Vioxx i.e. rofecoxib from Merck that was recalled in 2004) in the past decade has
led to various pharmaceuticals to adopt Good PV Practice guidelines in a more
stringent way. These factors are expected to drive the growth of the global PV market.
As per a market research report by Transparency Market Research1, the global PV
market is expected
C. S. Lewis Miracles Essay
In the book Miracles C.S. Lewis discusses what miracles are and challenges the
reader, Christian or not, to think philosophically on how and why they happen. He
uses ideas such as naturalism and supernaturalism to help readers understand the idea
of miracles, but also makes sure to point out that miracles do happen, and they
happen for a reason. That reason being because Godintended them to happen to
maintain control on Earth as well as show his sovereignty. Some people may think
of things being out of control in the world to be riots, an uncontrollable plague, or
even a three year old kid throwing a tantrum, but in reality what if out of control is
anything that has resulted from the fall, anything that God had not intended? C.S.
Lewis states, By definition, miracles must of course interrupt the usual course of the very act of so doing, assert all the more the unity and self
consistency of total reality at some deeper level (97). Miracles are not always
prevalent at times, but are ways for God to bring the world closer to how He had
originally intended the... Show more content on ...
It seems that much more likely that human thought is not God s but God kindled
(44). Lewis explained before that God can interfere in the physical world and that it
may interrupt the usual course of nature all the while of asserting self consistency.
Humans may decide for themselves what they eat for breakfast on a day to day
basis, but in the big scheme of things it is actually God who makes their decisions
for them. to realize for the first time how majestically indifferent most reality is to
man, and who perhaps abandons his religion on that account, may at that moment be
having his first genuinely religious experience (81).God allows humans to make their
own decisions, but by making their ultimate ones He is able to guide them back to
Attributes Of Mice And Ieng Mice Essay
| November 2016 Attributes of MICE/IEng MICE to be demonstrated at Member
Professional Review: During my childhood days, I have always enjoyed making
things with Lego blocks, as I grew up I started to build slightly bigger versions of
these. I really like the idea of problem solving and this is when I realised that
construction is something which I would be keen to pursue it as my career.
Therefore decided to take up Civil Engineering degree from Liverpool John
Moores University. After successful completion of my degree I would apply my
academic knowledge to the real world problems and then try to bring a difference
in the society. Since, I am still pursuing my degree from the university, all the
evidence for the below ICE attributes will be entirely based on my academic and
personal experience to date. 4 Independent Judgement and Responsibility A Ability
to identify the limits of personal knowledge and skills. в€’After completing my A
Levels, I wanted to pursue my degree from a reputable university from abroad,
therefore I decided to come to UK. I knew that my English would not be of the
standard required by the university but I did not limit myself to not apply in UK
universities. I decided that it would be better for me to pursue an English course in
UK and therefore I successfully completed my English course and also completed the
IELTS from St Giles Brighton
How Did The Power Corrupt In The Stanford Prison
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost
always bad men . John Dalberg Acton has an extremely interesting theory, which is
proven to be true many years later during the Stanford Prison Experiment. Occurring
in 1971, the Stanford Prison Experiment was lead by Philip Zimbardo, a psychologist
and teacher at the university. He wanted to investigate how normal people responded
to authority when put into a vulnerable position. It was originally designed to focus
on the prisoners, but the experimentended up exploring much more, developing into
something that actually revealed more about the guards and Zimbardo, who are in
positions of power, than the prisoners. This experiment uncovers how an environment
... Show more content on ...
More recently, for example, Donald Trump is the exact profile for the type of
person who has the most power in America. He is a white, straight ,upper class,
Christian male and he has had those privileges for his entire life, but he refuses to
damn recognize his many privileges. Because he has been in a position of power for
his entire life, he has never been exposed to the alternate perspectives and
experiences of other people who have different realities than him. His entitlement has
carried throughout the election and is attractive to people who are both like him and
aspire to be like him. Although he has always been powerful because of his status, he
has become even more powerful because of the support he has gained from others.
This heightened power has only validated his already existing power which has led to
the ultimate entitlement. Despite the differences in environment, the power
constructs in Stanford Prison Experiment and Donald Trump are surprisingly similar.
In their own environments, they gain the utmost power which ultimately consumes
them and makes them oblivious to the experiences of those around
Militarism Dbq
The military was founded in 1775 in order to fight Great Britain. The small army was
led by appointed commander George Washington. Ever since its establishment, the
military has continued to increase. The United States currently has about 1.3 million
active troops and an additional 865,000 troops in reserve it is the world s third
largest military. The US also has a large global presence with troops deployed in over
170 countries including South Korea, Italy, Afghanistan, and Japan. The United States
is a militaristic country because of the military budget, the military s expansion into
civilian areas, and military culture. The large and increasing budget of the military is
an example of U.S. militarism. According to National Priorities... Show more content
on ...
Civilian control of the military is a government policy, written in the constitution, that
places responsibility of the the head of the Defense Department in the hands of a
civilian political leader rather than a military officer. This doctrine, however, is
coming to an end. According to Document 2, military personnel are required to wait 7
years after retirement to gain a civilian position. President Trump has ignored this
practice by appointing generals and lieutenant generals to cabinet or high ranking
positions. This proves that the United States is a militaristic country because the
military is now moving into positions, that were previously reserved for civilians.
Document 2 also states that the military has expanded its role into areas that were
previously civilian areas. These include counter terrorism, drug trafficking
enforcement, natural disaster aid, immigration control, and policing. This shows that
the US is militaristic because the military is constantly expanding; not only by means
of budget and power, but also responsibility. This is also a negative example of US
militarism because civilian control over the military is important. The American
democracy was built around this
Globalization Is The Cause Of Overpopulation In Puerto
Bethly Abreu
HIST 3005
Fall 2015: Final Paper
Globalization is the Cause of Overpopulation The notion of globalization dates back
to the early modern period, this practice of globalization consists of the international
development facilities, influences, and operations. With time the practice of
globalization evolved into Imperialism, which is the practice of forcefully
implementing a country s power and influence over other countries, and transforming
them into colonies. This act of colonization began when countries desired to increase
their supply of raw materials in order to maximize the greatest good. A country in
particular who has faithfully practiced the policy of imperialism is the United States.
The United States has imperialized ... Show more content on ...
The United states has done this many times, and as a result commonwealths such as
Puerto Rico encountered many injustices. Injustices such as forced sterilization,
and Operation Boot Strap. These injustices were a result of misconstrued views on
the cause of Puerto Rico s economic issues. As an effort to fix the overpopulation
problem; which in actuality was a Eugenics ploy, sterilization was introduced in
Puerto Rico, as well as Operation Bootstrap . These events led to the creation of a
Eugenics Board ,which believed that women who are unfit should not reproduce
offspring. This board and association is responsible for the many sterilizations of
Puerto Rican women, between the years 1944 and 1946 over a thousand women were
already sterilized (Perez 42). The importance behind understanding how globalization
led to the creation of unjust policies mandated by political leader of Puerto Rico
during the twentieth century is immense because it resulted in a great amount of
injustices and tragedy amongst Puerto
Examples Of Verbal Irony In Animal Farm
The last type of irony that can be found in Animal Farm is verbal irony. Verbal
irony is when a character express words that is contrary to what it truly mean.
Example of verbal irony that can be found in Animal Farm is in the last
commandment in chapter 10, page 51 and 52. The last commandment used to be All
animals are equal but it has changed to All animals are equal, but some animals are
more equal than others. The sentence is ironic because it says that all animals are
equal, which means all animals in the farm, including the pigs and dogs, are on the
same level but the part that more equal than others is contradictory to the first part of
the sentence. Therefore, the sentence does not make any sense. However, it is not a
Ques 1
The asset betas for the various divisions have been computed as follows:
Risk free rate: Risk free rate considered is the U.S. Government interest rates. For
divisions with shorter useful life of assets, the US government interest for 10 years
as of April 1988 has been used (short term rate for restaurants and contract services)
and for division with the assets with long useful lives, the US government interest for
30 years has been considered (long term rate for Lodging). Since the information for
US government interest rates for different maturities is available it has been
considered, in the absence of this information we can take the short term treasury bill
Market risk premium (MRP=Market return Risk free rate): The ... Show more content
on ...
Since only contract services industry provide a return above this threshold, any future
projects in lodging and restaurants industry which achieve the threshold for the
returns in that industry will be ignored unless they achieve a return of 12.02%. This
would result in the INCREASE in the total assets under contract services division of
the company and a DECLINE in the proportion of assets for the other division. With
the passage of time, the company will stop taking any projects in other divisions and
would exclusively handle the contract services division, this would result in a
decline in the value of the firm since the contract services industry contributes lesser
to the total profits of the firm compared to its contribution in sales (For 1987,
contract services contributed to 46% in sale and 33% in profits as against 41% and
51% for lodging and 13% and 16% for restaurants). Also this would result in the
company taking up the riskiest projects in the industry.
VALUE OF BUSINESS OVER TIME: As a result of the above, there will be
incorrect allocation of capital between the divisions, resulting in reduced value of
the company. Also, since a single rate will be used to discount the cash flows from
less riskier divisions (lodging), this too would result in lower valuation
Grit Essay
Grit, what is this? Is it success, is it failure, or is it talent? As Angela Duckworth
said Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals. Grit is having
stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in and day out. Not just for the
week, not just for the month, but for years. And working really hard to make that
future a reality. Grit is living life like it s a marathon, not a sprint. Grit is a
combination of strength, persistence, focus, and dedication that helps a person to
maintain the optimism and discipline needed to persevere in their goals even if
they are head to head with failure. Grit does not depend on talent, IQ, or success.
Grit is the ability to fail and learn from your mistake, in order to come back next...
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I remember going to sleep at 1:30 am, because I was working on my posters, and I
remember spending 7 hours on a Saturday to brainstorm and write my speech.
Eventually my hard work and dedication paid off when I won. On the other hand I
remember that training for my 5k was much worse. On the side of being trained by
the Devil himself (Coach Acuna) I was also training on my separate time with my
dad. I wanted to quit every day and I didn t want to run twice, but eventually I
started to improve and I began to feel good. I realized that I could accomplish
everything and anything I wanted to. In the future I would love to be sleeping
early not having to work on an extra credit assignment. I know you would rather be
sleeping than reading multiple extra credit essays. I did not do what was asked of me
as an AP student this first six weeks, but I will learn from my mistake and I will get
back in the groove of school. By the end of this year I would like to look back on my
report card and see a 91% or above on every single one of my classes. I would like
to be signing up for thousands of different scholarships rather than worrying on
how I will pay my tuition. In order for all of this to happen I will make sure that
every homework assignment is turned in on time, I will also make sure that I do my
best to complete any assignment (especially Socratic seminars). I will start to study
for all of my literary term quizzes, and read
Character Analysis Of Rick Morty
Joseph Calandra
Dr McCracken
English 101
October 17, 2017
Rick and Morty Show Analysis
Rick and Morty is an adult animated science fiction cartoon series. This show was
started by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. The cartoon series is currently being
broadcasted on Cartoon Network s late night programming network called Adult
Swim. The show accompanies the wild adventures of the self motivated, mad
scientist Rick Sanchez. Rick Sanchez he always followed by Morty Smith. Morty is
always distressed and unsure of himself. Between the two of them they like to spend
their time traveling on adventures through dimensions and battling problems in their
everyday regular life. Rick and Morty depict the contemporary idea of family in 2017
American ... Show more content on ...
Family is based on more than just a group of people living under one roof, it is
build upon love, patient s, loyalty and compassion. Even though modern
complexities of life can intertwine and abstain us from enjoying the qualities in
which a family should be defined upon, we should still see a family based on its
qualities over what it physically is. In this show we can see some of these qualities
unfold on the television screen.
Coontz veiw on family
In this show there are times when the family values are crossed with interdimensional
and space travel. For instance, in this episode there is a focal point on marriage
problems that have been arriving in the smith household. Beth is an alcoholic just
like her father and Jerry seems to not be good at anything. Somehow the two have
found a way to develop and strengthen their love for each other. The episode where
the marriage problems are highlighted is called Big Trouble in Little Sanchez. This
episode did mainly focus its air time on the little Rick plot, but there was a subplot
within this episode that focused primarily on Beth and Jerry s marriage problems .
Rick sent the couple to an Off Earth couples counseling to see if they could have
any positive impact on the two. At this counseling resort, as a therapy method they
allowed to see how the two subconsciously viewed each other. Beth appeared as a
giant evil looking bug monster who was very controlling. Jerry was viewed as a shy
Philip Larkin s Talking in Bed
Philip Larkin s poem Talking in Bed tells the truth about life and how relationships
can slowly descend overtime. It explores the idea that no matter how close we are
to someone, we can still experience intense depths of loneliness. The language
emphasizes the feelings of what an empty marriage may feel like. The poem also
gives the impression it is from the male s perspective. It is written in four stanzas,
each with three lines of ten syllables apiece. This makes it a short lyrical ballad.
Through the tone, the language, and the imagery, Larkin is able to create a feeling in
which he can effectively criticize and deconstruct the subject of innocence in relation
to his current life experiences. There are many examples of imagery in this... Show
more content on ...
Although the lovers remain silent, The wind s incomplete unrest / Builds and
disperses clouds about the sky , which symbolizes first an eternal yearning for
something deeper than is there, and secondly a clouded, obscure vision of what this
something may be. The previously mentioned yearning is shown also by a definition
of clouds as a type of the fleeting or unsubstantial (Oxford English Dictionary).
Whatever it may be that is being searched for cannot be found by lying inert letting
time pass by. While this second stanza contemplates the apparently unattainable, the
final two seem to convey a feeling of hopelessness in knowing that the clouds may
never subside.
The third and fourth stanzas offer the poems greatest paradoxes. The author speaks of
the lovers being At this unique distance from isolation which is to say they are in the
one place where they can truly be themselves, in their natural habitat, doing that
which is only natural to human instinct. Despite these circumstances, however, the
two are at a loss: It becomes still more difficult to find / Words at once true and kind,
/ Or not untrue and not unkind. It is through this final stanza that the author conveys
the ultimate paradox of human relationships: Relationships are not built upon true
love for one another; rather they are built upon the absence of hatred.
Maria Mestreu Research Paper
Many female Hispanic Americans have had a significant part in shaping Florida
today. Maria Mestre de los Dolores Andreu was one of those miraculous women
who played an important role in history. She was the first of her race and gender to
become an official lighthouse keeper in Florida and inspired many great female
Hispanic Americans to join the U.S Coast Guard. Maria made a big impact on
women all over Florida and proved that women can do anything if they put their
minds to it. Carrying on the job as lighthouse keeper in St. Augustine, Florida, was
very important to Maria. According to Jax Dem, after her husband, Joseph Andreu,
fell sixty feet to his death when he was painting the lighthouse, Maria took over the
position in 1859 and ran
Our Adventure to Virginia Beach
When the word vacation is mentioned, everyone instantly thinks of a great time.
There are no classes, no work, no chores, and most importantly, no worries.
However, this isn t always the case, especially with my family. We decided to set out
on an adventure to Virginia Beach this past April. The events that took place were
benign but, the tripitself was a little bitof a struggle due to the chain of unpredictable
events. The vacation started with us deciding to pack the rental car up the night
before we left. Once we were done, the car was replete with all the beach essentials
such as towels, drinks, snacks, swim suits, and of course, sunscreen. My dad,
being an intelligent man, decided that it would be better for us to leave that night
and drive halfway then stop instead of trying to cram in an eleven and a half hour
ride into one day. However, there was a schism that took place when he told us this
because my brothers didn t want to leave just yet. Being supercilious boys, they
didn t think about the benefits of leaving early but were only concerned with
finishing their game on Xbox. My dad concluded that it was an incumbent step to
take in order for our vacation to go as smooth as possible and for us to possibly get
there earlier. As we got in the car, we quickly did a double check to make sure all
the requisite items were in the car. After realizing we forgot the phone chargers and
we had to go back inside, we started on the road. The first few hours of travel
Sizing Issue Analysis Paper
Good morning all, For the last 11 months we have had a total of 7 complaints on
sizing. The complaints reported have been sporadic and the last 4 complaints
received stretch from May to July and none have similar production date codes.
For the same time frame, Tyson has produced and sold over 17.4 Million pounds
of this product. This would be .000002758% reported with a sizing issue. These
types of products will always receive sizing complaints based on the volume and
the design of the product. For this product, the piece count range is slightly larger
than other tenderloin specs. The piece count range must fall within 40 to 60 pieces
per case with a target of 50. The total piece count will have an effect on the average
size per piece. Let s say production is running closer to 40 pieces on average. This
will cause the pieces to be larger when compared to a case that is near 60 pieces. I
truly believe that sometimes our facilities run... Show more content on ...
This product is also produced at two different locations. Even though the
specifications (recipe more less) is the exact same, there are differences in the
process that may give the product different characteristics that eagle eyed
customers will notice. Some of these differences could be the raw material used
are coming from multiple facilities, even though the product is within the required
weight, the equipment used to harvest the tenderloin may cut it differently. When
Q.A. performs a quality audit on this product they will pull two cases per hour and
review the pieces for: weight, folds (allowable 1%), marriages (allowable 1%), twists
(allowable 4%), C shape (allowable 4%), hammerheads (allowable 4%), breading
voids (allowable 4%, and small/broken pieces less than 4 inches (allowable 4%).
Cumulative total would be 4% or a combination from the noted
Dangers Of High School Football
While football is a very popular sport in high school it could easily become a very
dangerous sport. It becomes even more dangerous when it comes to football in
high school. There are many precautions that need to be taken to formulate it as
safely as possible, even then it still is difficult to make it safe if it s tackle football.
A majority of students playing football in high school are aged fifteen through
eighteen, still tremendously young meaning that their brains at this time are still
developing. If you have ever been to a football game you experience the rush of
excitement when a touchdown is made, and the sense of overwhelming anxiety
when you see your friend surrounded by paramedics out on the football field.
Football can be extremely entertaining from the tackles, field goals, and
touchdowns, however, someone s life should not be negatively affected by
playing. Football becomes a dangerous sport not only on game day, but in practices
as well. A majority of these players play rough for weeks preparing for the final
game days. According to source one, four out of every 1,000 high school football
exposures resulted in injuries... high school football players sustained a greater
proportion of season ending injuries, fractures, and concussions compared to
collegiate football players (Source 1) It is apparent that the number is particularly
small, but for high school kids and it not being professional football that is a majority
of teens getting injured,
A Love Spell Research Paper
You Want To Do A Love Spell? Really? Let me start off by saying that if you are
unhappy in your life, no spell will make that all disappear. Happiness does not
come from spells; it comes from you knowing who you are, totally and honestly
and from being one with nature. Before you can even cast a spell, you must be
ready to believe in yourself, to learn and understand yourself, challenge your
circumstances to change, and to listen while observing. When the underlying
problem still exists, a spell is not a magical band aid that will make things all better.
It is also very essential that you understand that the basis of Wicca are to do no harm,
which includes influencing the hearts and souls of others. While a love spell may
assist you in strengthening
Who Is Julius Caesar Prideful
Julius Caesar
Brutus is a very well respected person who was driven down the wrong path. Cassius
who is a manipulative, power hungry person guided Brutus down that path. Cassius
manipulates Brutus into believing that his closest friend Caesar, a prideful person,
was going to destroy his home, Rome, and made him believe they had to be the ones
to stop him from destroying Rome.
Cassius explains to Brutus how they need to get rid of Caesar for good and that the
only way is to kill him. Eventually, Brutus agrees with Cassius and they invite a
couple more people to join them. Cassius was doing this for his own benefit, but not
Brutus. Brutus was doing this, killing his closest friend who he loved dearly in his
heart, because he thought he was ... Show more content on ...
Although it s true that he loved the attention given to him by the commoners, his
friends, and his family Caesar was still that person more on the inside rather than
out, but he cared enough to leave his people his things in his will. Brutus however
didn t need things to give when he could sacrifice his life, his friend s life, and his
family to save the people of Rome, to save them from Caesar and his pridefulness.
Brutus was an honest, loving, and caring person on the inside and out. Brutus loved
his dear friend Caesar, but Brutus knew that Cassius was right; he had to save his
people. If Cassius wouldn t have said anything to Brutus there would be no tragic
hero, Brutus, to save Rome from Caesar.
The reason Brutus is a tragic hero is because he sacrificed his life, friend, and wife
just to save Rome because he cared for his people. Brutus didn t kill Caesar for his
own needs, but for others and that s the definition of a hero. The reason any of this
happened was because of Cassius and his selfish ways. Cassius is the whole entire
reason Brutus is a hero, but Brutus is to blame for the tragedy. Brutus could have
talked to Caesar first, but instead he jumped at his chance. Brutus flung himself onto
a sword knowing Mark Antony was coming for him. Brutus is a tragic hero all thanks
My Speech On My Life
We have been just sitting here, we have not said much. I feel so much better in this
moment in time. I don t need friends or even someone to talk to. I am fine the way
I am, the only wish I had was just to not be alone. I will be fine as long I have
someone next to me. That person does not have to talk, they can just sit here next
to me like yoongi is. I fine with that, I get so needy and out of control when I am
left alone. I start wanting things I know I can t have. I start to feel things that I
know will never happen. namjoon I know you don t talk much, but just know that
you talk to me about anything. I will listen to you, and won t judge you I promise.
This is about the 3rd time yoongi has told me this, I guess he really wants me to talk
to him more. I can understand to a point because that is what normal people do. you
know what I wantto do yoongi. I want to fly away, to be a star in the sky. Everything
just seems better up there in the sky. There are nice and fluffy clouds, there are
birds with the freedom to fly away. At night there are so many other stars and the
moon. up their I would never be alone. Up there nothing can touch me, up there
nothing can hurt me. I want to forever live in the sky, it is better than this world or
the people here. Also the hate and love that is all around. It all just get to be too
much. He gave me a worried look but he did not say anything. I think it was for the
best for him not to say anything, I don t know what he would
Black Hole Research Papers
Black Holes This paper will introduce you to the incredible topic which is black
holes. A black hole is a region of space time exhibiting such strong gravitational
effects that nothing can escape from inside it. (NASA) No human has ever entered a
black hole and there is still a large mystery about them; we have very little idea of
where the matter that enters them goes. A black holecannot be looked into either, as
it sucks all the light into the middle of it. Space programs use special satellites with
certain features that allow them to see these black holes. A black hole can be big or
small, sometimes forming when a staris dying. Some scientists speculate that there
can be black holes just 1 centimeter large. There are multiple types of... Show more
content on ...
Scary right? Well what about a black hole sucking in the earth, is it possible?
Thankfully, black holes do not go around eating stars, moons, and planets. There is
no black hole close enough to the earth for it to be able to be sucked into. If a black
hole the same mass as the sun were to replace the sun, earth would still not be able
to fall into it. The black hole would have the same gravity as the sun and the planets
would orbit it, just as they do the sun. Also, the sun will never turn into a black hole,
as it is not a big enough star to create one.
The Cold Sassy Tree Research Paper
Inventions have affected and changed many people s lives. It is a constant use in
humans lifestyles, and they can adapt to technological devices very quickly. The
Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns, described how people living in a productive
time came to know of new technology, and how it shaped the people of Cold Sassy.
An invention that became known back then, was the telephone. Its use was to
communicate with others instantly and efficiently. A current invention that affected
people globally, was the cellphone. It can send messages and call anywhere he or she
goes. These technical inventions have built our world today.
Alexander Bell had designed the first telephone in 1876. He worked as a school for
the deaf, and attempted to create a ... Show more content on ...
Many people could talk to others that lived very far. It was more convenient, and
everyone enjoyed having one at home. Later on, in 1992, SMS or text messaging
was developed by Neil Papworth. Before, the mobile phone didn t have a keyboard
but Papworth made it possible. Now, people could send messages to their loved
ones, and they didn t have to call. It was a faster way of reaching others through
messaging. In 2007, Steve Jobs announced the Iphone at the Macworld convention,
and caught many people s attention. The Iphone was more advanced than any other
cell phone. It allowed access to sending emails, the internet, and social media. It has
many apps such as, a Safari engine, weather, news, banking, reminders, and other
helpful tips. These are some of the reasons why cell phones have affected many lives
of today.
In conclusion, inventions have changed many lives of the people. In the past,
Alexander Bell had invented the first telephone for better communication, and he had
inspired many great inventors. Those creators would then invent efficient and rapid
ways of communication for people to talk with others at home or anywhere they
travel. The first telephone has evolved since the time Bell invented it. Now, many
people have access to useful information, and it has become one of the world s
important creations of all
United States Flag Essay
The very first flag for the United States to have was the Grand Union Flag, in the
years 1775 1777. The design of this flag was thirteen red and white stripes, with the
red cross of St. Georgia, England along with the white cross of St. Andrew,
Scotland in a blue field. The final split between the between the colonies and Great
Britain brought the removal of the British Union from our flag. Shortly after came
the stars on a blue field. By June 14, 1777 the Flag Resolution was passed, which is
now known as Flag Day. Which basically said that the United Statesflag had to have
thirteen stripes being red and white; that the union have 13 stars that are white with a
blue field. Then, came Francis Hopkinsons design of the United States Flag.... Show
more content on ...
They thought that the stars were taken from the sky, the red was influenced from
the British colors, and the white demonstrated withdrawing from the home
country. As for the book Our Flag the white means purity and innocence, red means
hardiness and valour, and blue means vigilance, perseverance, and justice. The
design of the flag however does have a meaning. The stars symbolize the heavens.
Having fifty of the stars, represents the fifty states of the United States today. The
stripes symbolize the rays of sunlight radiating from the sun. Having thirteen of the
stripes, represents the thirteen colonies that proclaimed independence for Great
Britain to form the United States. However, the United States has had many
different designs of the flag. With more states being added, it would be difficult to
not create new flag designs. In the year 1795 Vermont and Kentucky were added,
which caused the stars and stripes to raise to 15 instead of 13. In the years 1796
through 1817 the states Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, and Mississippi
joined the United States. Then the Act of April 4, 1818 called for 13 stripes and a
star for each state. December in the year 1818 Illinois joined, which added another
star to the flag. In 1819 and 1820 two states were added, adding two more stars. In
August 1821 Missouri joined, adding another star. In the year 1836 Arkansas joined.
In 1837 Michigan joined. In 1845 Florida and Texas joined. In
The Theorist I Choose For This Paper That I Believe I
The theorist I choose for this paper that I believe I relate to the most is Erik
Erikson. Erik Erikson is best known for his theory on identity, which was a theory
that was broadened from Sigmund Freud while retaining its core work (Schultz, D.
Schultz, S., 2013). Erik Erikson s mother, who was Jewish, became pregnant but a
man that was not her husband after her husband s disappearance. She was sent to
Germany, where she gave birth to Erik. Erik Eriksongrew up believing his
pediatrician was his biological father due to his mother marrying this man. Since Erik
Erikson researched the impact of identity and personality, it is not a shock that he has
experiences identity crisis , such as his name and psychological identity. At the age of
... Show more content on ...
Each stage has age ranges, but also basic strengths and adaptive versus maladaptive
ways of coping with everyday life. I agree that at each stage the life of an
individual experiences different feelings and that each stage comes with a feeling
of hope. For example, in the oral sensory stage, which is birth to one years old,
babies experience trust versus distrust and the feeling of hope. Babies know that if
they cry, they will get attention. They know that if they are in a familiar person s
arms, they will be cared for. If these things do not happen, the baby experiences
distrust, but continue to be hopeful that they will be nurtured. The second stage is
the muscular anal stage, which ranges from age one to tree. During this stage
toddlers are dealing with autonomy versus doubt with a strength of will. The third
stage ranges from age three to fix, the fourth stage ranges from ages six to eleven,
and the fifth stage ranges from age twelve to eighteen. The sixth stage is young
adulthood, which ranges from age 18 to 35. During this stage, young adults are
experiencing intimacy versus isolation with the strength of love, overall. Intimacy
can lead to love, but love many also lead to isolation in many cases. The last two
stages are adulthood that range from age 35 to 55, and the last stage being maturity
to old age that is 55 years and older. The way Erik Erikson researched these
The Signal And The Noise Book Report
The Signal and the Noise Why So Many Predictions Fail but Some Don t is a book
written by Nate Silver an American statistician and writer who analyzes baseball
and elections. The Signal and the Noise was published on September 27, 2012 in
the United States after its first week in print it reached the New York Times Best
Sellers list as No. 12 for non fiction hardback books. The Signal and the Noise opens
with an Introduction that looks at the rise of information availability over the past
several centuries. It notes that though the increasing levels of information has lead to
advantages in many areas (such as boosting the economy), it has also increased the
sheer amount of incorrect or misleading information (the noise ) that exists in the...
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In this chapter he talks about the swine flu epidemics of the late seventies and of
2009 serve as an example of how extrapolation can lead to improper predictions,
particularly if you assume that things will keep proceeding as they have in the recent
past. It notes that self fulfilling and self canceling prophecies complicate the process
of determining the future, by altering which directions the given traits proceed and
altering their progress. The efforts to change the progress of certain events, helping
the good and thwarting the bad, mean that many traits change their course from their
initial progress (as when the swine flu outbreaks were stopped shortly after starting).
Self fulfilling predictions can be caused by the sheer act of releasing the prediction.
For example, when news about H1N1 flu is broadcast, more people go to doctors
and more H1N1 is identified. Self cancelling predictions can also occur. Navigation
systems show where the least traffic is but simultaneously invalidate the route by
sending all traffic there en masse. Chapter 7 deals with the dangers of extrapolation
and overly simplistic assumptions, using misfiring flu predictions as an example.
Also discussed here are self fulfilling and self cancelling predictions. Often the very
act of prediction can alter the way people behave (an observation that also John
Adams makes with regard to risk a form of prediction, of course

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Autobiography Essay Examples. Argumentative Essay: Autobiography essay format

  • 1. Autobiography Essay Examples Crafting an essay on the subject of "Autobiography Essay Examples" is no small feat. The difficulty lies not only in the challenge of narrating one's life experiences but also in the delicate balance required to make it engaging, reflective, and insightful. Delving into personal memories and weaving them into a cohesive narrative demands a level of introspection that can be emotionally taxing. Moreover, the process of selecting which aspects of your life to include or exclude adds another layer of complexity. The fear of oversharing or undersharing can create a constant tension during the writing process. Striking the right tone—being authentic without sacrificing professionalism—is an intricate dance that requires a deep understanding of oneself and a keen awareness of the intended audience. Technical aspects, such as structuring the essay effectively, providing a chronological flow, and incorporating meaningful reflections, contribute to the challenge. The writer must navigate the thin line between self-expression and maintaining the reader's interest, ensuring that the essay is not a mere chronological list of events but a compelling story that resonates. Furthermore, the very act of self-reflection can be daunting. Unearthing past experiences, evaluating personal growth, and putting one's vulnerabilities on display can be an intimidating process. It requires a level of honesty that may be uncomfortable but is essential for creating an authentic and impactful autobiographical essay. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the theme of one's life journey is a formidable task. It demands a delicate balance of emotional vulnerability, narrative skill, and self-awareness. However, through this challenge, one can discover not only the art of storytelling but also gain profound insights into one's own life. If you find this process too overwhelming, remember that help is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered, where professionals can assist in bringing your unique story to life. Autobiography Essay Examples Autobiography Essay Examples
  • 2. Arnold Shwarzenegger Accomplishments Have you ever thought about becoming the youngest person ever to win an award? Well that is what Arnold Schwarzenegger did. He had won the Mr. Universe title at the age of twenty, the youngest anyone has ever won that title. After winning this title, he went on to win seven Mr. Olympia titles. These titles were some of the biggest titles that can be won in the sport of bodybuilding. Arnold Schwarzenegger had a rough childhood and early life, but succeeded later in life. In the beginning, Arnold Schwarzenegger had many of struggles during his childhood. Arnold was born in the postwar Austria years (Ghaffari 1). During these years, Arnold s family struggled quite a bit (Brandon 9). His family s house did not have indoor plumbing, it also did... Show more content on ... One award he won was the Simon s Wiesenthal Center s National Leadership Award ( Arnold Schwarzenegger... 1). He had earned a BA in Business and International Economics Superior ( Arnold Schwarzenegger 1). He also received a honorary Doctorate Superior in 1996 and another in 2002 ( Arnold Schwarzenegger 1). Arnold was named Special Olympics International Weight Training Coach in 1979 ( Arnold Schwarzenegger 1). President George Bush appointed Arnold as Chair of the President s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports in 1990 ( Arnold Schwarzenegger 1). In 2002, Arnold Schwarzenegger was honored with the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award, presented to him by Ali himself ( Arnold Schwarzenegger 1). In addition, he was named one of Time Magazine s 100 People Who Help Shape the World in 2004 ( Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • 3. The s First Retrospective Exhibition Lucian Freud was a German born British artist. After being born on December 8th of 1922, he lived in Berlin for 11 years. His family then moved to London, England because of the rise of Nazism. He studied at the Central School of Arts in London for a year, then from 1939 42 at the East Anglian School of Paintingand Drawing in Debham and in 1942 43 at Goldsmiths College in London. He had his first solo exhibition in 1944 at the Lefevre Gallery. Before moving to Holland Park, Freud owned a studio in Paddington, London for 30 years. He was close friends with other English artist such as Francis Bacon and Frank Auerbach, who all help establish the art movement known as The School of London . This was a movement of figurative artists who all knew each other during the boom years of abstract painting. Freud s first retrospective exhibition was organised by the Arts Council of Great Britain in 1974 at the Hayward Gallery in London. In 1989 he was shortlisted for the Turner Prize. In 2001 he completed his portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. Although he got harshly criticized for this painting, it did not greatly harm his reputation. Later on he had many more retrospective shows. The latest Lucian Freud exhibit was at the London National Portrait Gallery in 2012, 6 months after his death. Lucian Freud died on July 20, 2011, since then there have been auctions of his paintings that have sold for up to 52.6 million dollars. Although Freud has had many different painting styles, his
  • 4. The Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution After America won its independence from Great Britain in 1783, the Articles of Confederation were created to serve as the basis of American democracy. Years subsequent to the creation of the Articles of Confederation, delegates from all states, with the exception of Rhode Island, assembled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to mend the weaknesses the Articles displayed throughout its practice. This meeting on September 17, 1787, resulted in the newly drafted terms for which the United States democracy would stand upon; the official document became known as the Constitution and has gone unchanged for over 228 years. Although the Constitution was drafted to replace the Articles of Confederation, both documents had proven to have similarities as... Show more content on ... The people of each state had the ability to effect the legitimacy of law and authority if they felt it was morally wrong. The same enlightenment ideals carried over to the creation of the Constitution, however, state power became limited. The Constitution enhanced distant authority, giving the central government the power to rule the citizens of every state. The stronger centralized government over the people therefore led to the concept of federalism, which displayed other similarities and differences between the Articles and the Constitution. Federalism was the belief in giving power to two levels of government, state and national. After the Declaration of Independence in 1776, colonies became states in an attempt to attain the ideal of a geopolitical nation. A geopolitical nation consists of individual states equivalent to individual countries, and these countries ruled themselves, while also being united under the same national government. The structure of federalism was a continuation from the Articles to the Constitution in the belief that each state retained its own power. Each state had the power to overturn any national government authority, exhibit their own authority over their residents, and have a ruling council of elected representatives. The departure, however, was in the limitations put on state power. The states were stripped of their power to overturn national taxation. The national government was
  • 5. Logos Of Dr Pepper Ad Abstract The Dr. Pepper TEN advertisement is selling a new low calorie version of Dr. Pepper that appeals to men. A diet soda has traditionally been viewed as a drink for females as they are constantly focused on weight loss. Dr. Pepper has launched a campaign to make low calorie soda masculine with the manly design and expressive slogan It s not for women that sounds very persuasive. The commercial portrays two manly men in the masculine environment driving on an all terrain vehicle in the jungle, battling snakes and shooting lasers to each other. The main idea of the commercial is that used to be feminine diet drink is made by Dr. Pepper not for women. The language used in the commercial triggers emotions in younger males saying them... Show more content on ... The most common ones are logos, pathos and ethos. Logos refers to reasoning or logic, in other words, the reasons why the audience should buy the product [1]. In this advertisement the logical reason to buy the product is drink Dr. Pepper TEN and you will be a manly men. The only logical information is the number of calories and flavours in Dr. Pepper TEN. To stress that the soda is not a diet one and still has calories, both Ten and 10 are mentioned. Pathos appeals to the audience s emotions [1]. This commercial, as any other one, is full of pathos trying to sell masculinity . The language used in the advertisement attempts to trigger emotions in younger males telling them that they will feel manly if they drink this soda. Capital letters of the tagline and the word women , which is highlighted, intensify the enthusiasm in an attempt to attack its audience emotionally. The can containing Dr. Pepper logotype also visually appeals to men. The design, colours and font are plain and simple. Ethos denotes credibility of the author and relies on its reputation [1]. It also refers to the reputation of the brand or association with something iconic. In this commercial there is no other ethos than just Dr. Pepper by itself that is successful and popular brand. The whole advertisement is viewed more like a joke and can t be taken too
  • 6. My Home Country Saudi Arabia Last summer, I was moving out of D.C. to my home country Saudi Arabia. Since selling furniture is cheaper than keeping it in storage, I decided that I was going to leave my apartment and sell everything that I had, for the reason that I did not know if I was coming back to the U.S again or not. I was not expecting that selling furniture is just a headache. People were not willing to pay, they just wanted to use you because they know that you need to move out soon and get rid of your furniture. The process of me selling my furniture did generate a lot of emotions, especially anger and disappointment. Emotions can affect the negotiations either in a positive or a negative way. Frustration, dissatisfaction and disappointment all of... Show more content on ... I agreed on selling both the bookshelf and the sofa bed for $450 when my initial offer was $400 for the sofa bed and $150 for the bookshelf. I decided that since he was buying both I would lower my price and give him the price he asked for. Especially that at that time all what I was thinking of that a burden was getting off my shoulders, meaning that I would have less furniture to worry about. Anyway when the next day came, he started to negotiate with me again with a ridiculous price this time. He told me that he can only afford the couch for $200. Honestly, I was so mad and insulted that I did not respond to him. I had other offers on the sofa bed so I knew that I would not have a problem selling it. In Fisher s book, he talks about how having a bottom line will affect the negotiation negatively in terms of that it will limit my imagination of thinking of another options (Fisher, Urn Patton, 2011). While I do agree with him on this point, in my situation I believe that having a bottom line helped me not to surrender and accept an offer that is below my bottomline. At the same time did not stop me from thinking of other options. I reconsidered my bottom line when I received a reasonable offer like the case with the guy who wanted to buy the sofa and the bookshelf. I did accept his original offer even though it was lower than my bottom line, but it was a reasonable one to me. The other offer that I managed to sell the sofa with was from a young lady
  • 7. Could Dictatorships be a Better Option for Developing... Government of people, by people and for the people is called democracy , (Aristotle) the Greek or more precisely Aristotle defined democracy this way. In these recent times though, democracy has changed in shape and form and has constantly evolved since the last 100 years or so. So it is quite difficult to find a definition of democracyin modern times, which is accepted universally. Every country delineates democracy according to its own customs and ethics, and considers it to be best. A common credence is that, a country prerequisites democracy in order to prosper, but we have not got any subsequent evident between democracy and GDP progression. Under developed countries in Asia, South America and Asia don t hold a candle to most... Show more content on ... They are just concerned with getting meal on their table and economic stability; they do not care where these things come from. Democracy has not worked for common man, instead of alleviating his problems it has increased his financial worries. In every democracy his life is more miserable than before. In democracy poor hold more power than rich, because they are more in numbers. But this is not the case in under developed countries, where rich dominate poor. As Aristotle said, In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme. (Aristotle). Poor just concede to rich will because he thinks rich can get rid of his problems, but his troubles only increase as time passes by. Illiteracy hinders democracy in developing countries. Countries like Pakistan, India, Africa and Nigeria have a little literacy rate. People are not able to choose right representatives for them, and are bewitched by the sweet talk of politicians. People cannot safe guard their rights and end up electing corrupt politicians. In this turmoil, you cannot afford to have even one voter who is ignorant of his rights and choices he makes, as John F Kennedy said, The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all. (John F Kennedy, 1963) There is lack of evidence pertaining to the discussion between democracy and
  • 8. Within A Dream Argument Edgar Allen Poe, a poet whose sanity was often debated, wrote the following poem, which questioned the very nature of reality itself: A Dream within a Dream . Each of the two stanzas illustrates a one sided conversation with two subtly differentiated audiences. The first seems to be an argumentative statement of which the speaker is presenting to someone lacking his worldview, who likely regards the speaker as less than sane. Although, despite his assertions, the speaker himself does not seem to comprehend the magnitude of their content until the second stanza, where he is depicted to be symbolically losing his grasp on material reality. Knowing this, A Dream within a Dream can be appreciated as an expression of Poe s philosophical solipsism,... Show more content on ... This shift, although somewhat prominent in the transition of stanzas, is clearly disclosed with the repetition of the phrase at the end of each. With the simple addition of one word, the nearly identical couplet is transformed from an argumentative statement to an existential question, weighted with solipsistic despair. Although he was previously aware of his own worldview, it was not until he argued for its sake that he realized the emotional magnitude of such philosophy. The second stanza serves as an avenue of self revelation for the speaker, suddenly frantic for material fulfillment in his existence devoid of
  • 9. Biblical References In Children Of Men Throughout the history of mankind, the fight for freedom and equality has forever shaped modern society, firmly cementing its foundation into the human condition. From the predominant Roman hierarchy, to the 1776 American rebellion against their oppressive government, to the contemporary fight for freedom against terrorism, war has torn entire civilizations down while advancing others. Based on the 1992 novel written by P. D. James, Alfonso Cuaron s film Children of Men Вё refers to Biblical references while utilizing immaculate cinematography and strategic editing to depict the overlaying theme: Even in the darkest hour, there is always hope. The film takes place in the 2027 United Kingdom when the English government is the operating, and ... Show more content on ... Interestingly enough, the chronological order supports the style of the film, attempting a more documentary look as opposed to a traditional Hollywood film. The continuity and seamless transitions depicting the absence of events or time between scenes, further contributes to the documentary style of the film. The audience is walked through Theo s journey and views everything how he sees it. Cuaron paints this story this way because it gets a lot more personal with the audience. Instead of an omniscient viewpoint, telling a story, the audience becomes lost in the film s series of events and focuses more on the survival of Theo, Kee, and her baby rather than the rest of the world. We are not given a choice and are manipulated to view the film as Cuaron wants us to view
  • 10. Buffalo Bill Cumming Some times Cummigs will forgot to place spaces between words on purposes. This uses is seen in Cumming s poem Buffalo Bill . In this poem man of words are jumbled together to create something new: onetwothreefourfive (Cummings line 6). By jumbling words together Cumming creates a fast paced verse that pushes the poem along. This fast paced attitude in this poem show just how quick Buffalo Bill s life and other people s lives can be. An example of a conventional with Cumming s distinctive mark barely noticeable would be Anyone lived in a pretty how town . This poem displays how uninformed people can become: Anyone lived in a pretty how town, (with up so floating man bells down) (Cummings line 1 2). The only display of E.e.Cumming s distinctive
  • 11. Criterion-Related Validity Essay In this post, I will examine the relationship between SATs scores and student success in college through the lens of criterion validity. Since currently Higher Education institutions are focusing on ranking, now, more than ever, admissions requirements are becoming more strict, and heavier weight is being placed on SAT scores as a way determining quality students. Currently, SAT scores are used to determine whether a student will be successful in college. This shift is causing a great push to identify students of risk, and for more elite institutions, who should be admitted (Chronicle of Higher Education, 2017). Do to this shift, there is great emphasis placed on the SATs as an indicator of college success. The question that many student affairs professionals and educational leaders ask are, does this test accurately measure and show a relationship between test scores and outcomes? Using criterion related validity, we can get a glimpse into the relationship between test scores and outcomes. ... Show more content on ... In the context of Higher Education and its reliance on the SATs as a predictor to determine the fate of many student s paths, it is important to know that the this standardized test scores accurately measure what we say they measure. Some things to consider about using this test to measure student success...does it account for aspects of social capital (Yosso s Model) and its influence on how a student may interrupt a question? Does this standardized test have a way of understanding the multiple aspects of a student s identity that influences the way they perceive and interpret questions? Does it account for the financial aspect of paying for tutoring? The SATs do give institutions the ability to anticipate a student s success, but it certainly does not measure the academic
  • 12. Mockery Of Apple Technology . Jonze reflects a world where technology has advanced not too far off from the recent advancements of Apple Technology. It is both a mockery and a study of how this effects our culture and society we live in today. Jonze in his interview by the guardian states that in LA, everything is becoming easier and more convenient. The sophisticated technologypaired with the scenic city of LA, creates a utopia for Theodore; however, the same technology that brings so much connection can make you become more lonely. 2. Scenes contrast between Theodore amongst crowds and empty spaces. This exposes his loneliness in all contexts. In crowds, he and everyone else mumbles in to their technology systems and nobody speaks to each other. This reflects the ... Show more content on ... The Element Software Advert Theodore walks in to a room where a small crowd of people are infatuated with a big screen playing a commercial. He joins to watch them. we ask you a simple question: who are you? What can you be? Where are you going? What s out there? What are the possibilities An intuitive entity that listens to you, understand you and knows you. It s not just an operating system. It s a consciousness. 4. OS 1 Mockery of Apple s OS The setup is robotic, asking intimate questions and expecting simple answers. However, it is intelligent enough to interpret Theodore s complex answers, which is humorous to the audience who anthropormothise technology all the time. For example, Siri. How would you describe your relationship with your mother? common question asked by therapists. Audiences would find this humorous, especially audience members from L.A. where it is stereotypical for them to have to a therapist. Theodore s answers emphasise the humour. The setup voice interrupts him mid sentence and the set up is complete. Dolly zoom on computer screen creates the feeling of something exciting about to happen. Scarlett Johansson as the voice of Samantha is important and it is a sexy and seductive voice to
  • 13. Bhagat Singh Bhagat SinghBhagat Singh was a freedom fighter and one of the most famous revolutionaries of Indian Independence Movement. It is also believed that he was one of the earliest Marxists in India. Bhagat Singh was born in a family that was actively involved in revolutionary activities against the British rule in the country. The name given to Bhagat Singh meant `devotee`. `Arya Samaj` had a huge impact on the life of Bhagat Singh`s father Sardar Kishan Singh Sandhu. His uncles as well as his father were all part of the `Ghadar Party` that was led by Kartar Singh Sarabha. Bhagat Singh`s mentor was Kartar Singh Sarabha, who was a freedom fighter of the country. Early Life of Bhagat Singh Bhagat Singh was born on 27th September, 1907 into a... Show more content on ... Bhagat Singh admitted his crime and made statements in the court against the British as a tool to publicise their cause of freedom struggle. However, the court ordered the case to be carried out without members of the association who were present at the hearing. This order produced a chaos amongst the supporters of Bhagat Singh. Bhagat Singh along with other prisoners launched hunger strike in the jail. The main reason behind this was that the British thieves and murderers were given better treatment than the Indian prisoners. According to law the Indian political prisoners were supposed to be given better rights. Bhagat also demanded that the Indian political prisoners should not be forced to do any sort of undignified work. This hunger strike lasted for 63 days and ended with the submission of British power. With this he gained tremendous popularity. Ideology of Bhagat Singh Bhagat Singh used to maintain diary while in jail. Eventually he made to fill 404 pages. The diary was a precious one as he made numerous notes relating to the quotations and popular sayings of various people whose vies he supported, prominent were of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Political thought of Bhagat Singh`s evolved gradually from Gandhian nationalism to revolutionary Marxism. By the end of 1928, he and his comrades renamed their organisation the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association. After going
  • 14. The Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple On October 29, 2016, I visited the Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple which offers services regarding the religion of Judaism. Although I don t identify as religious, I was originally raised as Roman Catholic, even going to a private catholic elementary school. I ve always had somewhat of an interest in Judaismas it s believed to be among one of the oldest existing religions in the world along with Hinduism. The service I visited is referred to as the Shabbat Morning Service , which took place from 11:00 AM 12:15 PM. The word Shabbat is Hebrew which is one of the primary languages associated with Judaism. In English, it translates to Sabbath which is primarily a day of religious observance and rest which is kept by those that practice Judaism, also known as Jews, from Friday evening to Saturday evening. Jews believe that God is the creator of all that exists and he alone is to be worshipped. They also believe that Jesus did not fulfill messianic prophecies that establish the criteria for the coming of the messiah. The congregation is led by a rabbi who is a Jewish teacher or scholar and usually they are joined by a cantor who sings liturgical music and sometimes leads in prayer. Attendants read and sing from a prayer book throughout the service at the prompting of the rabbi and cantor. Male attendants are prompted to wear kippahs at services although they are technically optional. Generally, at Shabbat services, there is a partition between men and women in that men sit on
  • 15. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acid Carbohydrates, Proteins, lipids, and nucleic Acid Lab Exercise 6 Date: 9/17/12 Bio 102 11 Purpose the purpose of this experiment was to perform test to detect the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Explain the importance of a positive and a negative control in biochemical test. Use biochemical test to identify an unknown compound. Background Most organic compounds in living organisms are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids they are called macromolecules. Each of these macromolecules is made of smaller subunits. These subunits are linked by dehydration synthesis. Dehydration synthesis is an energy requiring process in which a molecule of water is removing and the two subunits are boded ... Show more content on ... Table 6.1 Solutions and color reaction for Benedict s test for reducing sugars and 2 iodine test for starch| tube| solution| Benedict s color reaction| Iodine Color Reaction| 1| 10 drops onion juice| greenish| Brent orange | 2| 10 drops potato juice| yellow| brown| 3| 10 drops sucrose solution| Light blue| Dark brown| 4| 10 drops glucose solution| Bright orange| No change| 5| 10 drops distilled water| Light blue| No change| 6| 10 drops reducing sugar solution| Light orange| No change| 7| 10 drops starch solution| Light blue| black| (6.2)Material and Methods in the process or exercise of measuring the starch we were used the following material and how we used them to conduct the experiment. Obtain seven tubes the material to be tested table 6.1 and then add seven to ten drops of iodine to each tube, and then record the color of the tubes contents in table 6.1 Starch or amylum is a carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose units joined by glycosidic bonds. This polysaccharide is produced by all green plants as an energy store. It is the most common carbohydrate in the human diet and is contained in large amounts in such staple foods as potatoes, wheat, maize (corn), rice, and cassava. Picture of starch molecules Table 6.1 tube| solution| Benedict s color reaction| Iodine Color Reaction| 1| 10 drops onion juice| greenish| Brent orange | 2| 10 drops potato juice| yellow|
  • 16. Conservative Judaism When people around the world were worshiping thunder and wind, the Jews had but one word to say God. Judaism is one of the three major religions in our society today along with Islam and Christianity. Judaism believes there is only one God who created and presides over the world. Their God is all powerful, all knowing and is in all places at all times. He is also compassionate and just. The Jewish religionis passed on via the mother of a child. If the mother is Jewish, the child is 100% Jewish. According to Jewish law, one will remain a Jew even if they don t practice Judaismor they do not believe in God.The Israelites accepted the Ten Commandments from God at Mount Sinai therefore they devoted themselves to following a code of... Show more content on ... Conservative Judaism sustains the idea in the Torah came from God, but was interpreted by humans and contains a human element in it. Conservative Judaism generally accepts the required nature of halakhah, but like Reconstructionist Judaism believes that the Law should adapt, taking into account the changes in society while also remaining true to Judaism s values. Orthodox Jews believe that God gave Moses the whole Torah, the written and oral at Mount Sinai. Modern Orthodox Jews follow halakhah very precisely, but still attempt to integrate into modern society. Ultra Orthodox Jews, like Chasidic Jews, strictly observe Jewish laws and don t attempt to integrate into modern society by dressing traditionally and living separately. Judaism consists of many holidays where Jews celebrate their religious devotion. For example, Hanukkah the festival of lights. Jews light Hanukkah candles to remember the miracle of the oil that burnt for eight days and the miracle of the Maccabees victory. Its said that after three years of fighting, the Maccabees succeeded to drive the Greco Syrians out of Judea. The lights remind the Jews of the miracles and of the struggle for religious freedom. Also, Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) which is the holiest day of the Jewish year. Yom Kippur is the only fast day decreed in the Bible. The fast last for 25 hours starting before
  • 17. How Does Romeo Mature While in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet the two teens, Romeo and Juliet, make bad decisions, they do mature throughout the story. When At the beginning of the story, Romeo seemed to be very indecisive about his relationships, Friar Lawrence even pointed this out to him when Romeo told him that he now is in love with Juliet. Juliet matured when she decided to marry Paris. Both of the kids had to mature in some way otherwise they would have died before the end of the actual story. Romeo and Juliet maturing were good for both the story and the characters. At the beginning of the story, Romeo was in love with Rosaline. Romeo is still a teen and he is very indecisive about who he likes. But, after Romeo meets Juliet, he instantly falls in love with her and he has no feelings for anyone else. This shows Romeo becoming more mature because Romeo s actions show that he truly is in love and doesn t have feelings for anyone else. If Romeo was like most teens, he wouldn t be very serious about this Relationship he has with Juliet, most teens are not very mature and will most likely not stay loyal to their partner. But Romeo does and that shows that he has matured because Romeo can stay loyal to one partner.... Show more content on ... When Juliet got married to Romeo, her father came to her with the news that she would be getting married to Paris. Juliet didn t want to be married to Paris, mother and father threatened to kick her out of their house and disown her. Even though Juliet didn t want to be married to Paris, she was willing to marry him because she knew that it was the best option for her. This shows Juliet becoming more mature because, like adults, Juliet was willing to compromise to get a better result. If Juliet would not have gained this maturity, then she most likely would not have married Paris, been kicked out onto the streets and would have
  • 18. Persuasive Essay About Study Abroad Why do people leave their home countries in order to live in a foreign country? Why do they move abroad? Some people believe that getting up and moving to a different is not hard, but it is not as easy as it sounds. People do so for various reasons: to escape as a refugee if there are certain circumstances and issues like a revolution or war are going in a country or immigrate to change their life forever. In my case, I decided to move to a foreign country as an exchange student, surviving a long forty two hour flight from my home country, Tajikistan, to the USA. Actually, it was not my own idea to study abroad. My parents decided that it would be a great idea for me to spend my junior and senior year in the United States as an exchange student. They have always wanted the best for me. I remember the day; My family and friends were celebrating my thirteenth birthday party. During the party, my dad was discussing the idea of sending me abroad with his friends. First of all, I thought he was joking then but now, four years later, I realized that it actually happened and I am here, in Lincoln, Nebraska, about to spend my second Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays in another country, thousands miles away from home. For me, getting used to a new life was difficult for the first two months. I had problems with a time distribution because the time in my home country is ten hours ahead of time in Nebraska. I could not sleep and eat, and became depressed. My first year I
  • 19. Marigolds Literary Analysis A Flower that Blooms in Darkness: How Lizabeth Transforms from Child to Woman There comes a point in one s life when they must recognize the hardships placed upon them, and instead of being ignorant of those hardships, they must confront them head on. In Marigolds , a short story by Eugenia Collier, the main protagonist, Lizabeth, encounters various struggles that come with living in a poor town in rural Maryland during the Depression, allowing her to learn more about growing up and accepting reality with all its flaws. Lizabeth is a 14 year old girl who feels a conflict between her inner child and her inner woman, as she is unable to do anything that satisfies both sides of her. She feels too old to be a child, yet too young to be a... Show more content on ... She can t fully comprehend why she detests these flowers, and so all she knows is that they did not make sense to her. The child in her only has insight into her own world, and not into the worlds of others around her. Despite the marigolds being too troublesome for her to understand, she remains ignorant and does not try to seek any further meaning behind them. With Lizabeth in this naГЇve state, she has not yet felt the conflict between the child and the woman in her; she s too ignorant at this point to attempt to develop an understanding for Miss Lottie and her flowers. After Lizabeth and the other kids launch the first attack on the marigolds, invoking great rage in Miss Lottie, Lizabeth feels a sudden urge to antagonize the old woman even further. Chanting vicious phrases at her, Lizabeth feels that she, lost [her] head entirely, mad with the power of inciting such rage [in Miss Lottie]. Lizabeth has been taken over by a childish sense of pride after provoking Miss Lottie, showing her selfishness and lack of compassion. Being the child that she is, Lizabeth decides to further irritate Miss Lottie, only thinking about herself and how to ease her boredom. She is only concerned about her own little world. This sudden act of cruelty to Miss Lottie reveals
  • 20. Oklahoma Baptist University Research Paper Oklahoma Baptist University In 2009, Oklahoma Baptist University had its first centennial celebration. Since Oklahoma Baptist University first opened its doors in September of 1911, they have become one of the most popular Christian liberal arts universities in Oklahoma. The University strives to help students achieve academic excellence while integrating faith into all knowledge ages. The University is owned and operated by the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. The University s purpose statement states that their goal is to prepare graduates for effective service and leadership in the various vocations through combining the core principles of Christianity and the traditional arts and sciences. Oklahoma Baptist University s degree programs use a solid liberal arts core curriculum to prepare students for careers and graduate level programs. Programs are designed to stimulate social, cultural, spiritual and intellectual development through creating academic environments infused with Christian principles. Oklahoma Baptist University Accreditation Details Oklahoma Baptist University is accredited by many prestigious organizations that include: The North Central ... Show more content on ... The exercise physiology degree program teaches physical wellness through kinesiology. This program places students in practicums with mentors, so students can gain in depth insight into the profession. The curriculum includes standard movement sciences classes, such as biomechanics, human anatomy, exercise physiology and kinesthetic learning. Students go onto work in the fields of health promotion and commercial wellness. The personal training degree allows students to specialize in strength and conditioning. Graduates go on to become personal trainers at commercial fitness centers, with professional sports teams and as independent
  • 21. Future Of Pharmacovigilance ( Pv ) Outsourcing India Essay Future of Pharmacovigilance (PV) Outsourcing in India Abstract Over the past few decades, many high profile drug recalls, regulatory authority warnings and negative media impact have caused monetary losses and tarnishing of the image of pharmaceutical companies. Consequently, these companies have invested heavily on PV systems. For a pharmaceutical company, setting up a PV system in house is not always cost effective and finding qualified and trained resources is a huge challenge. Thus, these companies have relied on PV outsourcing to markets such as India. This white paper provides an overview of the current PV outsourcing market in India and a prediction into the future of PV outsourcing in India based on current trends in the PV world. Introduction There has been an ever increasing pressure on pharmaceutical companies with respect to proactive detection and management of safety signals or concerns related to the use of a medicinal product and grave concerns regarding public health impact. This along with strict regulatory requirements has sparked the exponential rise of the global PV market. Many high profile drug withdrawals (e.g. Vioxx i.e. rofecoxib from Merck that was recalled in 2004) in the past decade has led to various pharmaceuticals to adopt Good PV Practice guidelines in a more stringent way. These factors are expected to drive the growth of the global PV market. As per a market research report by Transparency Market Research1, the global PV market is expected
  • 22. C. S. Lewis Miracles Essay In the book Miracles C.S. Lewis discusses what miracles are and challenges the reader, Christian or not, to think philosophically on how and why they happen. He uses ideas such as naturalism and supernaturalism to help readers understand the idea of miracles, but also makes sure to point out that miracles do happen, and they happen for a reason. That reason being because Godintended them to happen to maintain control on Earth as well as show his sovereignty. Some people may think of things being out of control in the world to be riots, an uncontrollable plague, or even a three year old kid throwing a tantrum, but in reality what if out of control is anything that has resulted from the fall, anything that God had not intended? C.S. Lewis states, By definition, miracles must of course interrupt the usual course of the very act of so doing, assert all the more the unity and self consistency of total reality at some deeper level (97). Miracles are not always prevalent at times, but are ways for God to bring the world closer to how He had originally intended the... Show more content on ... It seems that much more likely that human thought is not God s but God kindled (44). Lewis explained before that God can interfere in the physical world and that it may interrupt the usual course of nature all the while of asserting self consistency. Humans may decide for themselves what they eat for breakfast on a day to day basis, but in the big scheme of things it is actually God who makes their decisions for them. to realize for the first time how majestically indifferent most reality is to man, and who perhaps abandons his religion on that account, may at that moment be having his first genuinely religious experience (81).God allows humans to make their own decisions, but by making their ultimate ones He is able to guide them back to
  • 23. Attributes Of Mice And Ieng Mice Essay PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN TASK 2 ICE ATTRIBUTES ACHIEVEMENT ABDULLA MOHAMMED BAHZAD | CIVIL ENGINEERING | November 2016 Attributes of MICE/IEng MICE to be demonstrated at Member Professional Review: During my childhood days, I have always enjoyed making things with Lego blocks, as I grew up I started to build slightly bigger versions of these. I really like the idea of problem solving and this is when I realised that construction is something which I would be keen to pursue it as my career. Therefore decided to take up Civil Engineering degree from Liverpool John Moores University. After successful completion of my degree I would apply my academic knowledge to the real world problems and then try to bring a difference in the society. Since, I am still pursuing my degree from the university, all the evidence for the below ICE attributes will be entirely based on my academic and personal experience to date. 4 Independent Judgement and Responsibility A Ability to identify the limits of personal knowledge and skills. в€’After completing my A Levels, I wanted to pursue my degree from a reputable university from abroad, therefore I decided to come to UK. I knew that my English would not be of the standard required by the university but I did not limit myself to not apply in UK universities. I decided that it would be better for me to pursue an English course in UK and therefore I successfully completed my English course and also completed the IELTS from St Giles Brighton
  • 24. How Did The Power Corrupt In The Stanford Prison Experiment Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men . John Dalberg Acton has an extremely interesting theory, which is proven to be true many years later during the Stanford Prison Experiment. Occurring in 1971, the Stanford Prison Experiment was lead by Philip Zimbardo, a psychologist and teacher at the university. He wanted to investigate how normal people responded to authority when put into a vulnerable position. It was originally designed to focus on the prisoners, but the experimentended up exploring much more, developing into something that actually revealed more about the guards and Zimbardo, who are in positions of power, than the prisoners. This experiment uncovers how an environment ... Show more content on ... More recently, for example, Donald Trump is the exact profile for the type of person who has the most power in America. He is a white, straight ,upper class, Christian male and he has had those privileges for his entire life, but he refuses to damn recognize his many privileges. Because he has been in a position of power for his entire life, he has never been exposed to the alternate perspectives and experiences of other people who have different realities than him. His entitlement has carried throughout the election and is attractive to people who are both like him and aspire to be like him. Although he has always been powerful because of his status, he has become even more powerful because of the support he has gained from others. This heightened power has only validated his already existing power which has led to the ultimate entitlement. Despite the differences in environment, the power constructs in Stanford Prison Experiment and Donald Trump are surprisingly similar. In their own environments, they gain the utmost power which ultimately consumes them and makes them oblivious to the experiences of those around
  • 25. Militarism Dbq The military was founded in 1775 in order to fight Great Britain. The small army was led by appointed commander George Washington. Ever since its establishment, the military has continued to increase. The United States currently has about 1.3 million active troops and an additional 865,000 troops in reserve it is the world s third largest military. The US also has a large global presence with troops deployed in over 170 countries including South Korea, Italy, Afghanistan, and Japan. The United States is a militaristic country because of the military budget, the military s expansion into civilian areas, and military culture. The large and increasing budget of the military is an example of U.S. militarism. According to National Priorities... Show more content on ... Civilian control of the military is a government policy, written in the constitution, that places responsibility of the the head of the Defense Department in the hands of a civilian political leader rather than a military officer. This doctrine, however, is coming to an end. According to Document 2, military personnel are required to wait 7 years after retirement to gain a civilian position. President Trump has ignored this practice by appointing generals and lieutenant generals to cabinet or high ranking positions. This proves that the United States is a militaristic country because the military is now moving into positions, that were previously reserved for civilians. Document 2 also states that the military has expanded its role into areas that were previously civilian areas. These include counter terrorism, drug trafficking enforcement, natural disaster aid, immigration control, and policing. This shows that the US is militaristic because the military is constantly expanding; not only by means of budget and power, but also responsibility. This is also a negative example of US militarism because civilian control over the military is important. The American democracy was built around this
  • 26. Globalization Is The Cause Of Overpopulation In Puerto Rico Bethly Abreu HIST 3005 Fall 2015: Final Paper Globalization is the Cause of Overpopulation The notion of globalization dates back to the early modern period, this practice of globalization consists of the international development facilities, influences, and operations. With time the practice of globalization evolved into Imperialism, which is the practice of forcefully implementing a country s power and influence over other countries, and transforming them into colonies. This act of colonization began when countries desired to increase their supply of raw materials in order to maximize the greatest good. A country in particular who has faithfully practiced the policy of imperialism is the United States. The United States has imperialized ... Show more content on ... The United states has done this many times, and as a result commonwealths such as Puerto Rico encountered many injustices. Injustices such as forced sterilization, and Operation Boot Strap. These injustices were a result of misconstrued views on the cause of Puerto Rico s economic issues. As an effort to fix the overpopulation problem; which in actuality was a Eugenics ploy, sterilization was introduced in Puerto Rico, as well as Operation Bootstrap . These events led to the creation of a Eugenics Board ,which believed that women who are unfit should not reproduce offspring. This board and association is responsible for the many sterilizations of Puerto Rican women, between the years 1944 and 1946 over a thousand women were already sterilized (Perez 42). The importance behind understanding how globalization led to the creation of unjust policies mandated by political leader of Puerto Rico during the twentieth century is immense because it resulted in a great amount of injustices and tragedy amongst Puerto
  • 27. Examples Of Verbal Irony In Animal Farm The last type of irony that can be found in Animal Farm is verbal irony. Verbal irony is when a character express words that is contrary to what it truly mean. Example of verbal irony that can be found in Animal Farm is in the last commandment in chapter 10, page 51 and 52. The last commandment used to be All animals are equal but it has changed to All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. The sentence is ironic because it says that all animals are equal, which means all animals in the farm, including the pigs and dogs, are on the same level but the part that more equal than others is contradictory to the first part of the sentence. Therefore, the sentence does not make any sense. However, it is not a secret
  • 28. Marriot Ques 1 The asset betas for the various divisions have been computed as follows: Risk free rate: Risk free rate considered is the U.S. Government interest rates. For divisions with shorter useful life of assets, the US government interest for 10 years as of April 1988 has been used (short term rate for restaurants and contract services) and for division with the assets with long useful lives, the US government interest for 30 years has been considered (long term rate for Lodging). Since the information for US government interest rates for different maturities is available it has been considered, in the absence of this information we can take the short term treasury bill rate. Market risk premium (MRP=Market return Risk free rate): The ... Show more content on ... Since only contract services industry provide a return above this threshold, any future projects in lodging and restaurants industry which achieve the threshold for the returns in that industry will be ignored unless they achieve a return of 12.02%. This would result in the INCREASE in the total assets under contract services division of the company and a DECLINE in the proportion of assets for the other division. With the passage of time, the company will stop taking any projects in other divisions and would exclusively handle the contract services division, this would result in a decline in the value of the firm since the contract services industry contributes lesser to the total profits of the firm compared to its contribution in sales (For 1987, contract services contributed to 46% in sale and 33% in profits as against 41% and 51% for lodging and 13% and 16% for restaurants). Also this would result in the company taking up the riskiest projects in the industry. VALUE OF BUSINESS OVER TIME: As a result of the above, there will be incorrect allocation of capital between the divisions, resulting in reduced value of the company. Also, since a single rate will be used to discount the cash flows from less riskier divisions (lodging), this too would result in lower valuation
  • 29. Grit Essay Grit, what is this? Is it success, is it failure, or is it talent? As Angela Duckworth said Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in and day out. Not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years. And working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it s a marathon, not a sprint. Grit is a combination of strength, persistence, focus, and dedication that helps a person to maintain the optimism and discipline needed to persevere in their goals even if they are head to head with failure. Grit does not depend on talent, IQ, or success. Grit is the ability to fail and learn from your mistake, in order to come back next... Show more content on ... I remember going to sleep at 1:30 am, because I was working on my posters, and I remember spending 7 hours on a Saturday to brainstorm and write my speech. Eventually my hard work and dedication paid off when I won. On the other hand I remember that training for my 5k was much worse. On the side of being trained by the Devil himself (Coach Acuna) I was also training on my separate time with my dad. I wanted to quit every day and I didn t want to run twice, but eventually I started to improve and I began to feel good. I realized that I could accomplish everything and anything I wanted to. In the future I would love to be sleeping early not having to work on an extra credit assignment. I know you would rather be sleeping than reading multiple extra credit essays. I did not do what was asked of me as an AP student this first six weeks, but I will learn from my mistake and I will get back in the groove of school. By the end of this year I would like to look back on my report card and see a 91% or above on every single one of my classes. I would like to be signing up for thousands of different scholarships rather than worrying on how I will pay my tuition. In order for all of this to happen I will make sure that every homework assignment is turned in on time, I will also make sure that I do my best to complete any assignment (especially Socratic seminars). I will start to study for all of my literary term quizzes, and read
  • 30. Character Analysis Of Rick Morty Joseph Calandra Dr McCracken English 101 October 17, 2017 Rick and Morty Show Analysis Rick and Morty is an adult animated science fiction cartoon series. This show was started by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. The cartoon series is currently being broadcasted on Cartoon Network s late night programming network called Adult Swim. The show accompanies the wild adventures of the self motivated, mad scientist Rick Sanchez. Rick Sanchez he always followed by Morty Smith. Morty is always distressed and unsure of himself. Between the two of them they like to spend their time traveling on adventures through dimensions and battling problems in their everyday regular life. Rick and Morty depict the contemporary idea of family in 2017 American ... Show more content on ... Family is based on more than just a group of people living under one roof, it is build upon love, patient s, loyalty and compassion. Even though modern complexities of life can intertwine and abstain us from enjoying the qualities in which a family should be defined upon, we should still see a family based on its qualities over what it physically is. In this show we can see some of these qualities unfold on the television screen. Coontz veiw on family In this show there are times when the family values are crossed with interdimensional and space travel. For instance, in this episode there is a focal point on marriage problems that have been arriving in the smith household. Beth is an alcoholic just like her father and Jerry seems to not be good at anything. Somehow the two have found a way to develop and strengthen their love for each other. The episode where the marriage problems are highlighted is called Big Trouble in Little Sanchez. This episode did mainly focus its air time on the little Rick plot, but there was a subplot within this episode that focused primarily on Beth and Jerry s marriage problems . Rick sent the couple to an Off Earth couples counseling to see if they could have any positive impact on the two. At this counseling resort, as a therapy method they allowed to see how the two subconsciously viewed each other. Beth appeared as a giant evil looking bug monster who was very controlling. Jerry was viewed as a shy
  • 31. Philip Larkin s Talking in Bed Philip Larkin s poem Talking in Bed tells the truth about life and how relationships can slowly descend overtime. It explores the idea that no matter how close we are to someone, we can still experience intense depths of loneliness. The language emphasizes the feelings of what an empty marriage may feel like. The poem also gives the impression it is from the male s perspective. It is written in four stanzas, each with three lines of ten syllables apiece. This makes it a short lyrical ballad. Through the tone, the language, and the imagery, Larkin is able to create a feeling in which he can effectively criticize and deconstruct the subject of innocence in relation to his current life experiences. There are many examples of imagery in this... Show more content on ... Although the lovers remain silent, The wind s incomplete unrest / Builds and disperses clouds about the sky , which symbolizes first an eternal yearning for something deeper than is there, and secondly a clouded, obscure vision of what this something may be. The previously mentioned yearning is shown also by a definition of clouds as a type of the fleeting or unsubstantial (Oxford English Dictionary). Whatever it may be that is being searched for cannot be found by lying inert letting time pass by. While this second stanza contemplates the apparently unattainable, the final two seem to convey a feeling of hopelessness in knowing that the clouds may never subside. The third and fourth stanzas offer the poems greatest paradoxes. The author speaks of the lovers being At this unique distance from isolation which is to say they are in the one place where they can truly be themselves, in their natural habitat, doing that which is only natural to human instinct. Despite these circumstances, however, the two are at a loss: It becomes still more difficult to find / Words at once true and kind, / Or not untrue and not unkind. It is through this final stanza that the author conveys the ultimate paradox of human relationships: Relationships are not built upon true love for one another; rather they are built upon the absence of hatred.
  • 32. Maria Mestreu Research Paper Many female Hispanic Americans have had a significant part in shaping Florida today. Maria Mestre de los Dolores Andreu was one of those miraculous women who played an important role in history. She was the first of her race and gender to become an official lighthouse keeper in Florida and inspired many great female Hispanic Americans to join the U.S Coast Guard. Maria made a big impact on women all over Florida and proved that women can do anything if they put their minds to it. Carrying on the job as lighthouse keeper in St. Augustine, Florida, was very important to Maria. According to Jax Dem, after her husband, Joseph Andreu, fell sixty feet to his death when he was painting the lighthouse, Maria took over the position in 1859 and ran
  • 33. Our Adventure to Virginia Beach When the word vacation is mentioned, everyone instantly thinks of a great time. There are no classes, no work, no chores, and most importantly, no worries. However, this isn t always the case, especially with my family. We decided to set out on an adventure to Virginia Beach this past April. The events that took place were benign but, the tripitself was a little bitof a struggle due to the chain of unpredictable events. The vacation started with us deciding to pack the rental car up the night before we left. Once we were done, the car was replete with all the beach essentials such as towels, drinks, snacks, swim suits, and of course, sunscreen. My dad, being an intelligent man, decided that it would be better for us to leave that night and drive halfway then stop instead of trying to cram in an eleven and a half hour ride into one day. However, there was a schism that took place when he told us this because my brothers didn t want to leave just yet. Being supercilious boys, they didn t think about the benefits of leaving early but were only concerned with finishing their game on Xbox. My dad concluded that it was an incumbent step to take in order for our vacation to go as smooth as possible and for us to possibly get there earlier. As we got in the car, we quickly did a double check to make sure all the requisite items were in the car. After realizing we forgot the phone chargers and we had to go back inside, we started on the road. The first few hours of travel
  • 34. Sizing Issue Analysis Paper Good morning all, For the last 11 months we have had a total of 7 complaints on sizing. The complaints reported have been sporadic and the last 4 complaints received stretch from May to July and none have similar production date codes. For the same time frame, Tyson has produced and sold over 17.4 Million pounds of this product. This would be .000002758% reported with a sizing issue. These types of products will always receive sizing complaints based on the volume and the design of the product. For this product, the piece count range is slightly larger than other tenderloin specs. The piece count range must fall within 40 to 60 pieces per case with a target of 50. The total piece count will have an effect on the average size per piece. Let s say production is running closer to 40 pieces on average. This will cause the pieces to be larger when compared to a case that is near 60 pieces. I truly believe that sometimes our facilities run... Show more content on ... This product is also produced at two different locations. Even though the specifications (recipe more less) is the exact same, there are differences in the process that may give the product different characteristics that eagle eyed customers will notice. Some of these differences could be the raw material used are coming from multiple facilities, even though the product is within the required weight, the equipment used to harvest the tenderloin may cut it differently. When Q.A. performs a quality audit on this product they will pull two cases per hour and review the pieces for: weight, folds (allowable 1%), marriages (allowable 1%), twists (allowable 4%), C shape (allowable 4%), hammerheads (allowable 4%), breading voids (allowable 4%, and small/broken pieces less than 4 inches (allowable 4%). Cumulative total would be 4% or a combination from the noted
  • 35. Dangers Of High School Football While football is a very popular sport in high school it could easily become a very dangerous sport. It becomes even more dangerous when it comes to football in high school. There are many precautions that need to be taken to formulate it as safely as possible, even then it still is difficult to make it safe if it s tackle football. A majority of students playing football in high school are aged fifteen through eighteen, still tremendously young meaning that their brains at this time are still developing. If you have ever been to a football game you experience the rush of excitement when a touchdown is made, and the sense of overwhelming anxiety when you see your friend surrounded by paramedics out on the football field. Football can be extremely entertaining from the tackles, field goals, and touchdowns, however, someone s life should not be negatively affected by playing. Football becomes a dangerous sport not only on game day, but in practices as well. A majority of these players play rough for weeks preparing for the final game days. According to source one, four out of every 1,000 high school football exposures resulted in injuries... high school football players sustained a greater proportion of season ending injuries, fractures, and concussions compared to collegiate football players (Source 1) It is apparent that the number is particularly small, but for high school kids and it not being professional football that is a majority of teens getting injured,
  • 36. A Love Spell Research Paper You Want To Do A Love Spell? Really? Let me start off by saying that if you are unhappy in your life, no spell will make that all disappear. Happiness does not come from spells; it comes from you knowing who you are, totally and honestly and from being one with nature. Before you can even cast a spell, you must be ready to believe in yourself, to learn and understand yourself, challenge your circumstances to change, and to listen while observing. When the underlying problem still exists, a spell is not a magical band aid that will make things all better. It is also very essential that you understand that the basis of Wicca are to do no harm, which includes influencing the hearts and souls of others. While a love spell may assist you in strengthening
  • 37. Who Is Julius Caesar Prideful Julius Caesar Brutus is a very well respected person who was driven down the wrong path. Cassius who is a manipulative, power hungry person guided Brutus down that path. Cassius manipulates Brutus into believing that his closest friend Caesar, a prideful person, was going to destroy his home, Rome, and made him believe they had to be the ones to stop him from destroying Rome. Cassius explains to Brutus how they need to get rid of Caesar for good and that the only way is to kill him. Eventually, Brutus agrees with Cassius and they invite a couple more people to join them. Cassius was doing this for his own benefit, but not Brutus. Brutus was doing this, killing his closest friend who he loved dearly in his heart, because he thought he was ... Show more content on ... Although it s true that he loved the attention given to him by the commoners, his friends, and his family Caesar was still that person more on the inside rather than out, but he cared enough to leave his people his things in his will. Brutus however didn t need things to give when he could sacrifice his life, his friend s life, and his family to save the people of Rome, to save them from Caesar and his pridefulness. Brutus was an honest, loving, and caring person on the inside and out. Brutus loved his dear friend Caesar, but Brutus knew that Cassius was right; he had to save his people. If Cassius wouldn t have said anything to Brutus there would be no tragic hero, Brutus, to save Rome from Caesar. The reason Brutus is a tragic hero is because he sacrificed his life, friend, and wife just to save Rome because he cared for his people. Brutus didn t kill Caesar for his own needs, but for others and that s the definition of a hero. The reason any of this happened was because of Cassius and his selfish ways. Cassius is the whole entire reason Brutus is a hero, but Brutus is to blame for the tragedy. Brutus could have talked to Caesar first, but instead he jumped at his chance. Brutus flung himself onto a sword knowing Mark Antony was coming for him. Brutus is a tragic hero all thanks to
  • 38. My Speech On My Life We have been just sitting here, we have not said much. I feel so much better in this moment in time. I don t need friends or even someone to talk to. I am fine the way I am, the only wish I had was just to not be alone. I will be fine as long I have someone next to me. That person does not have to talk, they can just sit here next to me like yoongi is. I fine with that, I get so needy and out of control when I am left alone. I start wanting things I know I can t have. I start to feel things that I know will never happen. namjoon I know you don t talk much, but just know that you talk to me about anything. I will listen to you, and won t judge you I promise. This is about the 3rd time yoongi has told me this, I guess he really wants me to talk to him more. I can understand to a point because that is what normal people do. you know what I wantto do yoongi. I want to fly away, to be a star in the sky. Everything just seems better up there in the sky. There are nice and fluffy clouds, there are birds with the freedom to fly away. At night there are so many other stars and the moon. up their I would never be alone. Up there nothing can touch me, up there nothing can hurt me. I want to forever live in the sky, it is better than this world or the people here. Also the hate and love that is all around. It all just get to be too much. He gave me a worried look but he did not say anything. I think it was for the best for him not to say anything, I don t know what he would
  • 39. Black Hole Research Papers Black Holes This paper will introduce you to the incredible topic which is black holes. A black hole is a region of space time exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing can escape from inside it. (NASA) No human has ever entered a black hole and there is still a large mystery about them; we have very little idea of where the matter that enters them goes. A black holecannot be looked into either, as it sucks all the light into the middle of it. Space programs use special satellites with certain features that allow them to see these black holes. A black hole can be big or small, sometimes forming when a staris dying. Some scientists speculate that there can be black holes just 1 centimeter large. There are multiple types of... Show more content on ... Scary right? Well what about a black hole sucking in the earth, is it possible? Thankfully, black holes do not go around eating stars, moons, and planets. There is no black hole close enough to the earth for it to be able to be sucked into. If a black hole the same mass as the sun were to replace the sun, earth would still not be able to fall into it. The black hole would have the same gravity as the sun and the planets would orbit it, just as they do the sun. Also, the sun will never turn into a black hole, as it is not a big enough star to create one.
  • 40. The Cold Sassy Tree Research Paper Inventions have affected and changed many people s lives. It is a constant use in humans lifestyles, and they can adapt to technological devices very quickly. The Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns, described how people living in a productive time came to know of new technology, and how it shaped the people of Cold Sassy. An invention that became known back then, was the telephone. Its use was to communicate with others instantly and efficiently. A current invention that affected people globally, was the cellphone. It can send messages and call anywhere he or she goes. These technical inventions have built our world today. Alexander Bell had designed the first telephone in 1876. He worked as a school for the deaf, and attempted to create a ... Show more content on ... Many people could talk to others that lived very far. It was more convenient, and everyone enjoyed having one at home. Later on, in 1992, SMS or text messaging was developed by Neil Papworth. Before, the mobile phone didn t have a keyboard but Papworth made it possible. Now, people could send messages to their loved ones, and they didn t have to call. It was a faster way of reaching others through messaging. In 2007, Steve Jobs announced the Iphone at the Macworld convention, and caught many people s attention. The Iphone was more advanced than any other cell phone. It allowed access to sending emails, the internet, and social media. It has many apps such as, a Safari engine, weather, news, banking, reminders, and other helpful tips. These are some of the reasons why cell phones have affected many lives of today. In conclusion, inventions have changed many lives of the people. In the past, Alexander Bell had invented the first telephone for better communication, and he had inspired many great inventors. Those creators would then invent efficient and rapid ways of communication for people to talk with others at home or anywhere they travel. The first telephone has evolved since the time Bell invented it. Now, many people have access to useful information, and it has become one of the world s important creations of all
  • 41. United States Flag Essay The very first flag for the United States to have was the Grand Union Flag, in the years 1775 1777. The design of this flag was thirteen red and white stripes, with the red cross of St. Georgia, England along with the white cross of St. Andrew, Scotland in a blue field. The final split between the between the colonies and Great Britain brought the removal of the British Union from our flag. Shortly after came the stars on a blue field. By June 14, 1777 the Flag Resolution was passed, which is now known as Flag Day. Which basically said that the United Statesflag had to have thirteen stripes being red and white; that the union have 13 stars that are white with a blue field. Then, came Francis Hopkinsons design of the United States Flag.... Show more content on ... They thought that the stars were taken from the sky, the red was influenced from the British colors, and the white demonstrated withdrawing from the home country. As for the book Our Flag the white means purity and innocence, red means hardiness and valour, and blue means vigilance, perseverance, and justice. The design of the flag however does have a meaning. The stars symbolize the heavens. Having fifty of the stars, represents the fifty states of the United States today. The stripes symbolize the rays of sunlight radiating from the sun. Having thirteen of the stripes, represents the thirteen colonies that proclaimed independence for Great Britain to form the United States. However, the United States has had many different designs of the flag. With more states being added, it would be difficult to not create new flag designs. In the year 1795 Vermont and Kentucky were added, which caused the stars and stripes to raise to 15 instead of 13. In the years 1796 through 1817 the states Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, and Mississippi joined the United States. Then the Act of April 4, 1818 called for 13 stripes and a star for each state. December in the year 1818 Illinois joined, which added another star to the flag. In 1819 and 1820 two states were added, adding two more stars. In August 1821 Missouri joined, adding another star. In the year 1836 Arkansas joined. In 1837 Michigan joined. In 1845 Florida and Texas joined. In
  • 42. The Theorist I Choose For This Paper That I Believe I Relate The theorist I choose for this paper that I believe I relate to the most is Erik Erikson. Erik Erikson is best known for his theory on identity, which was a theory that was broadened from Sigmund Freud while retaining its core work (Schultz, D. Schultz, S., 2013). Erik Erikson s mother, who was Jewish, became pregnant but a man that was not her husband after her husband s disappearance. She was sent to Germany, where she gave birth to Erik. Erik Eriksongrew up believing his pediatrician was his biological father due to his mother marrying this man. Since Erik Erikson researched the impact of identity and personality, it is not a shock that he has experiences identity crisis , such as his name and psychological identity. At the age of ... Show more content on ... Each stage has age ranges, but also basic strengths and adaptive versus maladaptive ways of coping with everyday life. I agree that at each stage the life of an individual experiences different feelings and that each stage comes with a feeling of hope. For example, in the oral sensory stage, which is birth to one years old, babies experience trust versus distrust and the feeling of hope. Babies know that if they cry, they will get attention. They know that if they are in a familiar person s arms, they will be cared for. If these things do not happen, the baby experiences distrust, but continue to be hopeful that they will be nurtured. The second stage is the muscular anal stage, which ranges from age one to tree. During this stage toddlers are dealing with autonomy versus doubt with a strength of will. The third stage ranges from age three to fix, the fourth stage ranges from ages six to eleven, and the fifth stage ranges from age twelve to eighteen. The sixth stage is young adulthood, which ranges from age 18 to 35. During this stage, young adults are experiencing intimacy versus isolation with the strength of love, overall. Intimacy can lead to love, but love many also lead to isolation in many cases. The last two stages are adulthood that range from age 35 to 55, and the last stage being maturity to old age that is 55 years and older. The way Erik Erikson researched these
  • 43. The Signal And The Noise Book Report The Signal and the Noise Why So Many Predictions Fail but Some Don t is a book written by Nate Silver an American statistician and writer who analyzes baseball and elections. The Signal and the Noise was published on September 27, 2012 in the United States after its first week in print it reached the New York Times Best Sellers list as No. 12 for non fiction hardback books. The Signal and the Noise opens with an Introduction that looks at the rise of information availability over the past several centuries. It notes that though the increasing levels of information has lead to advantages in many areas (such as boosting the economy), it has also increased the sheer amount of incorrect or misleading information (the noise ) that exists in the... Show more content on ... In this chapter he talks about the swine flu epidemics of the late seventies and of 2009 serve as an example of how extrapolation can lead to improper predictions, particularly if you assume that things will keep proceeding as they have in the recent past. It notes that self fulfilling and self canceling prophecies complicate the process of determining the future, by altering which directions the given traits proceed and altering their progress. The efforts to change the progress of certain events, helping the good and thwarting the bad, mean that many traits change their course from their initial progress (as when the swine flu outbreaks were stopped shortly after starting). Self fulfilling predictions can be caused by the sheer act of releasing the prediction. For example, when news about H1N1 flu is broadcast, more people go to doctors and more H1N1 is identified. Self cancelling predictions can also occur. Navigation systems show where the least traffic is but simultaneously invalidate the route by sending all traffic there en masse. Chapter 7 deals with the dangers of extrapolation and overly simplistic assumptions, using misfiring flu predictions as an example. Also discussed here are self fulfilling and self cancelling predictions. Often the very act of prediction can alter the way people behave (an observation that also John Adams makes with regard to risk a form of prediction, of course