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Best Essay Writing Best Essay Writing
The Origin Of The Jews After The Babylonian Exile
The word Diaspora derives from the Greek Diasperien i.e. dia (through) and sperien (to scatter).
According to Webster s dictionary, Diaspora refers to dispersion so we can say that the word
represents a centre called home from where the dispersion occurs. In addition to it the dictionary it
also associates the meaning with the dispersion of the Jews after the Babylonian exile. Thus we get
two meanings of the word Diaspora as a spread of population and a forcible dispersal. However the
term Diaspora doesn t mean any nomadic existence, though it suggests a movement from one place to
another, but it s not a nomadic existence because it is somewhere a journey, however that does not
mean all journey can be understood as that of a Diaspora. As in Diaspora does not mean causal travel,
even though diasporic journeys are mainly about settling down and about having roots elsewhere.
Thus, the concept of Diaspora has different meanings to different people according to their different
circumstances. For instance, when the Jews were exiled from the Babylon, they were uprooted from
their own homes and they had to rebuild their community and culture all over again, for them the
diaspora had different meaning since it was forced. But today the meaning of Diaspora could be
limited to any community of a particular nation outside its own country, sharing some common bonds
that eventually give the community a new identity within their existing identity, it is notable that this
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Gun Violence And The Rights Of The United States
Every year, thousands of people, innocent or guilty die from gun violence in the United States. Gun
violence is despicable while guns are still lawful with a permit. The Second Amendment of the Bill of
Rights of the United States Constitution states A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security
of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed (Cornell). This
statement means that the government were to ever become corrupt the people have the rights to guns
in order to protect themselves. This amendment was written because of the Revolutionary War. The
founding fathers didn t want the people to be defenseless like they were against the British so they
guaranteed that right. However, our founding fathers failed to think about the disadvantages of giving
access to guns in our country so easily. Many people debate that there should be more limits on gun
control considering the many deaths and mass shootings that have occurred in the United States. Our
country leads all nations in gun violence yet some still debate that it s in the constitution for a reason,
for the protection of the people.
Personally, I believe that guns are completely unnecessary to the functionality of our society. I
completely understand why they were deemed as functional during the Revolutionary War against the
British but today Americans don t need guns. The American people don t need guns. Other countries
are thriving without gun access to the
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The Culture Of A Country
What defines culture? According to culture is the behaviors and beliefs
characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. The quality in a person or society that arises
from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits etc. (
Culture People refer to culture as a way of life of a group
of people. In the early 16th century, the word culture came about with a suggestion to cultivating land
or tilling land. People for the most part take their culture, or way of life, very seriously. Researching
the culture of another country is essential in order to learn and understand appropriate behavior in a
country that may ... Show more content on ...
Inherently the Shang Dynasty will fall after another rebellion at the Battle of Muye, bringing to power
the Zhou Dynasty from 1046 226 BCE. China eventually will fall under three more Dynasty s; Qin,
Han, and Tang before the People s Republic of China forms on the premise that everyone in the
population is equal. The overarching themes that make up culture are religion, economics, politics,
food, and social stratification. All themes appear to be equal throughout a culture; however, the three
main themes that can completely alter a culture are religion, economics, and politics. These main
themes play an existential role in how the Chinese culture for the most part remains virtually the same
to this day. Religion is one of the biggest players in the Chinese culture because religion introduced
from Dynasty were significant changes from the norm. Ancient religions such as Buddhism and
Confucianism are still in practice to this day. Politics under the first Dynasty evolve when the first
government forms, and through time slight changes occur. China, post Dynasty era, formally
represents itself as a Communist state controlled by a government comprised of three interlocking
branches with the highest level being the Executive branch. China is divided into 23 provinces ran by
the chief of state who is actually the president, elected by the National People s Congress, and holds
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Plra Court System
At one point the United States Court System paid no attention to inmate complaints and concerns.
However, that changed when the Supreme Court took an interest in prisoner litigations. Lawmakers
finally began to see inmates as American citizens who still were afforded certain liberties according to
the United States Constitution. Once perspectives began to change about the prisoners and their rights,
petitions addressing the violations of inmate s civil liberties started to flood into the courts. The
American court system is aware that prisoners do have some rights, but they would naturally be fewer
than free citizens (Carlson Garrett, 2008). The limitation of rights is mandatory to sustain security in
prisons or jails. The federal government stepped in and ... Show more content on ...
The first is that the inmate must exhaust all supervisory fulfilments in their local facility before the
case is filed in federal court. Next, the petitioner is required to pay applicable fees for filing as well as
the court cost, through their assets or a correctional trust fund. Thirdly an inmate is forbidden from
filing in forma pauperis as mentioned in the second requirement if they had a previous suit dissolved
for being frivolous or vengeful (Carlson Garrett, 2008). The intention of the legislation was an attempt
to correct a problem that was endangering the legitimacy of the process. However, the PLRA and it
states catalogs have considerably decreased judicial oversight of prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities,
which has now resulted in the terrible abuses going unmonitored. The PLRA is responsible for a sixty
percent decline in the number of federal cases filed between 1995 and 2006. The legislation was not
supposed to prevent the raising of legitimate complaints. If the bill were doing what its creators
intended, there would be a decline in filings and an increase in plaintiffs success. The PLRA has
dismissed fewer cases than it has settled (Schlanger Shay,
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Fastball s Loss Of Self-Confidence Skills
The reason I am writing to you, all involved with the league s management, is for you to alter the
position you take on pushing the players harder and making them be able to play competitively. I ask
you, respectfully, to contemplate about how many valuable players we have and how to bring out their
full potential. It appears to be that the players are lacking motivational and many skill causing them to
suffer defeat in many of their games.. Envision that you are in the last inning of the game and the
opponent has chance to up your score. You want to make sure the hitter doesn t make contact with the
ball and to make your team proud of you. You know that the batter is unable to hit curve balls, but you
can t throw one. You lose your self confidence and throw a fastball hoping he would miss it.
Unfortunately, they hit and score, and your team return home with another loss in their hands. People
start leaving the team thinking they have no chance in ever winning a game or even being a good
player. This is a ... Show more content on ...
As the majority of players actually fail to perform good because they weren t recognized by the coach
and he or she hasn t be able to put forth that skill. In fact, competition drives us to learn at a faster rate
and perform at a higher level. It makes us work harder and faster. In doing so we are able recognize
what we are able to do. Another trait that s builds within us is that we can manage our temper and be
able to persist. This trait proves to be useful in later years when they go for job interviews and
presentations. As we all know, the world is all about competition, and many children fear that
competition and try to hide from as much as they can. So it is your responsibility to push on them and
make sure that they realize there is nothing fear and anything can be done if they believe in
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Data Sheet Analysis for Kafka s Metamorphosis Essay
Noah Watkins
Analysis of Major Works
Major Works Data Sheet
|Note: You may download from Edline or email me for a Word version of this sheet. |
| |Details of the setting (include changes in setting): |
|Author: Franz Kafka |The entirety of the novel takes place within the confines of the |
| |Samsa s apartment, save for the final paragraph, where the family |
|Date of Publication: 1915 |goes off to ... Show more content on ...
For some this may cause a lack of interest in the | |
|book, as we never feel fully entranced. Kafka demonstrates this | |
|throughout, as he talks about the metamorphosis as a normal incident. | |
|Stanley Corngold writes: The Metamorphosis is dominated by an | |
|aesthetic intent. The intent to literalize a metaphor produces a being | |
|wholly divorced from empirical reality (9). The Metamorphosis is | |
|simply trying to come to terms with Gregor s literal metamorphosis. | |
|Finally, Kafka begins his sentences normally enough, but by placing the| |
|past participle at the end, he creates a snappy, surprising ending.. | |
|This is much more apparent in the original German than in the English | |
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A Brief Note On Random Forest Tree Based Approach It Uses...
Naive Bayes Probability based classifier This classifier is derived from Naïve Bayes conditional
probability. This is suitable for datasets having less number of attributes. [5]
Bayesian Net Probability based classifier Network of nodes based on Naïve Bayes classifier is termed
as Bayesian Net. This can be applied to larger datasets as compared to Naïve Bayes. [9]
Decision Tree (J48) Tree based approach It is enhanced version of C 4.5 algorithm and used ID3. [15]
Random Forest Tree based approach It is also a decision tree based approach but have more accuracy
as compared to J48. [15]
Random Tree Tree based approach It generates a tree by randomly selecting branches from ... Show
more content on ...
a similar development leads rules extraction techniques to make poorer sets of rules. DT algorithms
perform a variety method of nominal attributes and can t handle continuous ones directly. As result, an
outsized variety of ml and applied math techniques will solely be applied to information sets
composed entirely of nominal variables. However, an awfully giant proportion of real information sets
embrace continuous variables: that s variables measured at the interval or magnitude relation level.
One answer to the present drawback is to partition numeric variables into variety of sub ranges and
treat every such sub range as a class. This method of partitioning continuous variables into classes is
sometimes termed discretization. Sadly, the quantity of how to discretize a continual attribute is
infinite. Discretization could be a potential long bottleneck, since the variety of attainable
discretization is exponential within the number of interval threshold candidates at intervals the domain
[14]. The goal of discretization is to seek out a collection of cut points to partition the range into a
little variety of intervals that have sensible category coherence, that is sometimes measured by an
analysis operate. Additionally to the maximization of reciprocality between category labels and
attribute values, a perfect discretization technique
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Emergency Medical Technician Essay
Emergency Medical Technician Could you imagine working as a EMT and not knowing what could
happen at anytime that you are on the job. As you can tell this job is in very high demand, people are
in need of people to run emergency vehicles. Emergency Medical Technicians have been in need since
the 1960s, Emergency Medical Technicians have to go through extensive training and meet education
requirements to be able to do this job. There are many different things that Emergency Medical
Technicians do while on the job, there are also very many levels to being an Emergency Medical
Technicians. Emergency Medical Technicians are the ones that respond to emergency calls, perform
medical services, and transport patients to medical facilities. ( Summary. ) The idea of transporting an
injured individual in a hurry has been ... Show more content on ...
The next step is to determine the nature of the emergency, then stabilized the patient s condition, and
then administer the right procedures, while en route to the hospital. Treatment for the patients depends
on what level of training and certification the EMT has gone through. First responders are only
certified to care for a sick or injured person. A basic EMT can give CPR, control any bleeding, treat
shock victims, apply bandages, splint fractures, and administer an automatic defibrillation. EMTs are
also trained to handle emotionally unstable patients and heart attack, poisoning, and burn patients.
EMT Intermediate are trained to start an IV, or use a manual defibrillator for patients that are going
into cardiac arrest. EMT Paramedic are certified to be able to perform more intensive treatments,
while working in close radio contact with the doctor. (Careers In Focus: Medical Technicians 76)
EMT Paramedics are qualified to give intravenous drugs, use EKGs, put in breathing tubes, and use
any modern medical technology. (Careers In Emergency Medical Services
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Congenital Heart Defect s ( Chd )
Congenital Heart Defect s (CHD) affect about 1% of all births in the United States or about 40,000
babies per year ( Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a CHD that accounts for an estimated
10% of these births. There are many factors that are involved in the diagnosis, treatment and quality of
life for these children. The effects of the CHD vary in severity, therefore the effects it has on a child s
life vary. The etiology of TOF, how specific organs, cells, and tissues are affected, and what organ
systems are affected will all be discussed and explained. . The effects vary greatly between patients
this paper will focus on the average effects of this condition in order to provide a better understanding
of TOF.
TOF is a CHD which means the abnormal development of the heart occurred during gestation .A
normal heart consists of four chambers of cardiac muscle cells, four heart valves, an electrical
pathway, and its own blood supply. The chambers are the Right Atrium (RA) , Right Ventricle ( RV),
Left Atrium,(LA) , and the Left Ventricle ( LV). The blood flows from the Vena Cava to the RA thru
the Tricuspid Valve to the RV. It then gets ejected thru the Pulmonary Valve into the Pulmonary Artery,
and on into the lungs. It returns to the LA, goes thru the Mitral Valve into the LV, and then is ejected
thru the Aortic Valve into the aorta and onto systemic circulation. TOF is identified by four atypical
finding within the heart.
1. Pulmonary valve stenosis the valve
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The Church Of Columbus By Alice Lavern Riles
Pastored in 1952 by Alice Lavern Riles, known as Mother Sheppard, The Church of Columbus
remains today within the city of Columbus, Georgia. From a tiny building on 49th Street, to the over a
million dollar facility today, The Church of Columbus has gone through its share of change. Growing
up, the church was called the First United Pentecostal Church, but once the church moved locations,
Pastor renamed it The Church of Columbus. Located on 2001 Double Churches Road, there lies my
second home, with its grand 36,000 square feet structure. Growing up, I was always at the church,
whether it was for practice, or just to play sports such as volleyball and football with my lifelong
friends that I had made throughout my attendance at the church. According the church s website, the
church has grown from a Sunday morning attendance of sixty one in 1985, to a consistent attendance
of over 400 in 2013 (The Church of Columbus). The church s motto is Loving all to Christ . The motto
refers to the church s ultimate goal of reaching the 290,000 souls of the Columbus, Phenix City, Fort
Benning area (The Church of Columbus). A church member, Lisa Gail Stringer Johnson described the
church; The first thing you feel when you walk through the doors is an outpouring of Love and God s
presence. I am extremely grateful that I have such a tremendous place to call my second home. Filled
with different shades of blue, red, and cream, the church was particularly constructed with careful
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Essay on The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires
The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal societies all relied on bureaucracies that drew inspiration from the
steppe traditions of Turkish and Mogol people and from the heritage of Islam, they adopted similar
policies, they looked for ways to keep peace in their societies which were made up of different
religious and ethnic backgrounds, and they were associated with literary and artistic talents. Military
and religious factors gave rise to all three of these empires.
The Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman dynasty, in which, was named for its founder Osman Bey, a leader
of a band of semi nomadic Turks who migrated to northwestern Anatolia in the thirteenth century.
Osman and his followers sought to become ghazi warriors who fought for their faith. ... Show more
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However, with the Ottomans use of gun powdered weapons and Janissaries, the Safavids were
ultimately defeated with the temporary loss of their capital. This was mainly due to the lack of
technology and resources, which destroy it. In the late sixteenth century Shah Abbas the Great,
restored the Safavid empire, moved the capital to Isfahan, encouraged trade with other lands and
reformed the administrative and military institutions of the empire. He brought most of northwestern
Iran, the Caucasus, and Mesopotamia under Safavid rule. (Bentley, Streets, Ziegler, 2008, pg. 461).
The Mughal Empire: Zahir al Din, also known as Babur, was a Chagatai Turk that, unlike the Ottoman
and Safavids, was just a soldier of fortune not fighting on behalf of Islam. He wanted to use his
fortune to transform a glorious central Asian empire. Although, he did not succeed at that goal he then
focused on India. Babur took Delhi in 1526. He did not like the land that he had conquered, it was a
hot and humid climate but, Babur decided to stay. By the time of his death he had embraced most of
the Indian subcontinent. The height of the Mughal power and influence came from Babur s grandson
Akbar. He gained power in Gujarat and Bengal, destroyed the Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar in order
to later expand in southern India. He was a thoughtful man who tolerated the religious differences in
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Why Adults Are Better Learners
Why adults are better learners than kids (So NO, you re not too old)
Kids are great! I was an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher for several years in several
countries, teaching mostly children, and I could see how quick they were at learning a second
Of course, who of us doesn t want to go back to our childhood, when things were simpler and the
world was full of endless possibilities (which too many people claim it somehow isn t any more...)?
Along these lines, one of my favourite songs in the world is a Brazilian one about never losing touch
with your childhood.
So it s no wonder we want them to pounce on any advantages they have now to do something better,
which they may lose out on later.
This is why when some ... Show more content on ...
Forgetting obvious advantages with tonnes of common words (which of course are more beneficial
between somewhat languages, such as between European ones), a baby has so much extra work that
you are totally ignoring.
From birth it takes you years to be able to confidently distinguish between all sounds in your native
language. When you start learning Spanish, Italian, German, Hungarian, Czech etc. as an adult, don t
you realise everything you get to merrily skip over?
No need to learn how to distinguish m from n. Hell, no need to learn the vast majority of sounds that
are the same between those languages. No need to develop the muscles in your voice box and tongue
so you can simply attempt to make noises with them. No need to train your ear to be able to
distinguish voices as male/female or even recognisable friends/family, and different to other noises
from the environment. No need to be exposed to years of context of universal human interaction to
indicate when someone is angry, shouting or asking a question. No need to learn the vast majority of
international body language.
Don t people get that they aren t dealing with a separate species when they learn a new language? I d
argue that the majority of
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Battle Of Iwo Jima Research Paper Outline
1. Your topic: The Battle Of Iwo Jima
2. Important fact regarding your topic: The Battle was in the middle of World War 2, the battle was
between Japan and America, America was trying to seize Iwo Jima
3. THESIS STATEMENT: Why your topic is so important? What is its significance in history? The
Battle Of Iwo Jima was one of the major U.S. victories in the Pacific during world war 2 and the
Famous photo of the six soldiers who raised the American flag
The Battle of Iwo Jima was a battle between America and Japan. The battle happened in the middle of
World War II on the Japanese Island Iwo Jima. America needed the island for useful purposes and
decided to seize it. The Battle of Iwo Jima was one of the major ... Show more content on ...
Introduction sentence: America needed it for an emergency or fueling base decided to seize it
2. The seizure was only planned to take almost a week but it took a total of 36 days
3. The seizure very difficult because Iwo Jima is a volcanic mountain, the beaches are very steep, the
surf zone is not very deep but the waves are strong
4. The waves destroyed most of the Americans vehicles so the beach looked like a junk yard
5. Conclusion sentence for that paragraph (Why is this part of the story important?). From the start of
the seizure of Iwo Jima the Americans knew it was going to be difficult, had a lot of obstacles
America decided to seize Iwo Jima because they needed it for an emergency and fueling base. The
seizure was planned to only take a week but it took a total of 36 days. The seizure became very
difficult because Iwo Jima is a volcanic island, its beaches are very steep and the surf zone is not very
deep but because of the beaches the waves came on very strong. The waves were so strong that they
destroyed most of the American vehicles, so the beaches looked like junk yards. From the start of the
seizure of Iwo Jima, the Americans knew it was going to be difficult to get through all of the obstacles
that the Americans
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El cuerpo como memoria en Fe en disfraz de Mayra Santos...
El cuerpo como memoria en Fe en disfraz de Mayra Santos Febres
Cuando en una entrevista para la revista española Letral le preguntaron a Mayra Santos Febres con
relación a su última novela Fe en disfraz: ¿No crees que, tal vez, habría que dejar atrás junto a la
identidad, ese enfoque aplicado especialmente a la mujer negra? (A Mayra Santo Febres 154), la
escritora le respondió: No puede dejarse atrás ese tema porque no se ha escrito casi nada sobre él en
español . Si bien es cierto que es muy poca la literatura que se ha escrito sobre el período esclavista en
Hispanoamérica y en Puerto Rico, mucho menos se ha escrito sobre la experiencia de las mujeres
esclavas y su relación con los amos blancos, relación basada principalmente en el abuso sexual, en el
ultraje y en la humillación. Las vivencias de las mujeres esclavas han sido en muchas ocasiones
olvidadas y pasadas por alto, tanto por la Literatura como por la Historia.
Como señala Joseph C. Miller en su libro Woman and Slavery las investigaciones acerca de la
esclavitud permanecieron centradas en la figura masculina aun luego de la aparición de la historia de
la mujer como un campo de estudio coherente en los años 70 (1). Según Miller, la sumisión de la
mujer al espacio privado centrado en un orden patriarcal produjo que la imagen estereotipada de los
esclavos se convirtiera en masculina: hombres que trabajaban de sol a sol en los campos y en los
cañaverales, sujetos a ser vendidos en cualquier momento para el
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Cerebral Phalsy Argumentative Essay
Despite the growing amount of resources available for those with cerebral palsy, many parents and
clinicians are looking for alternative treatments. One such treatment is known as conductive education
(CE). The basic idea is that people with motor disorders (e.g. cerebral palsy) may have special
learning disabilities on top of their motor impairments (Darrah et al., 2003). While initial results
seemed promising, two reviews showed that many of the studies produced conflicting results, and that
more robust studies were needed in order to come to a conclusion about CE (Forssberg et al., 2000;
Darrah et al., 2003). Yet another alternative treatment is goal directed training. Goal directed training
is a method where specific goals and interventions ... Show more content on ...
One of the most exciting treatments being discussed and researched currently is neurotoxic protein
Botulinum toxin type A (BoTN A). By injecting BoNT A into spastic muscles, one can potentially
reduce the spasticity present from 3 6 months (Simpson et al., 2008; Scholtes et al., 2006; Dai et al.,
2008; Yang et al., 2008). It does this by weakening the muscle that it is injected into, effectively
relaxing the stiff muscles in cerebral palsy (Bihari, 2005). Additionally, BoNT A injections can
increase the motor functionality of a patient and reduce or prevent deformity (Apkon Cassidy, 2010).
The effects are reversible, so after this time period has passed, BoNT A must be reinjected into the
muscle. The main focus of the injections are for spastic or dystonic muscles. Some, though, have
shown that whilst BoNT A injections are helpful in the upper and lower extremities, there is
conflicting evidence regarding motor function (Delgado et al., 2010). BoNT A injections may even be
combined with any number of physiotherapies, occupational therapies, orthotics or casting as
described above to increase its effectiveness (Novak et al., 2013). With these other measures, walking
performance and hand functionality improved (Novak et
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I Read Is Hatchet Book Report
Hatchet Book Report The book I read is Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. It is about a thirteen year old boy
named Brian. This story takes place in the Canadian wilderness without a specified time. I think this
book is both interesting and helpful because of its contents.
To summarize the story, Brain was the sole passenger on the tiny Cessna 406 bush plane. He was
flying from the U.S. to Canada to spend summer break with his father after his parents divorced. The
pilot has a heart attack and the plane ends up crashing in a lake after Brain controlling it for a few
hours. Brain survived. He is now alone in the wilderness. Al he has there are himself and a hatchet that
his mom has given him.
This book contains a few major characters and a few ... Show more content on ...
He kept telling himself There, keep it that way. Short thoughts. (44) he did that in order to organize his
thoughts and not freak out. I admire that part about him because there won t be someone always there
to help you. Sometimes you are the one who has to comfort yourself.
Brain went through so much alone in the wilderness. He had faced wild animals such as a bear, a
skunk, and foxes. He knew how to deal with them for the most part. When the foxes were near him, he
knew to keep calm, not move, and wait until they leave. When the bear entered his home, he scared it
with fire so it won t come back. The skunk had attacked him without a warning but Brian knew how to
deal with the aftermath. He ran to the lake, took off his clothes, and jumped in. If it wasn t for this
story, I wouldn t have know how to act when there is a dangerous animal in me, how to build a home,
or catch fish and food.
His first attempt to get food was search for fruit. He walked around keeping the lake in his sight so he
won t get lost. That was a smart move because I would have wandered around forgetting about the
lake. He wanted to stay by the lake not only for the water but because when people come to rescue
him, they will notice him by the water rather than between trees. Which, again, I would have never
thought about.
I also learned how to make fire, home, and catch fish thanks to him. When making a fire, he needed
fuel, so he got bark. He also needed oxygen, so he was
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Mini Lops Research Paper
Rabbits were discovered first in Asia, a long time ago and since the discovery of rabbits, they spread
vastly to so many countries. Gomphos Elkema is the first and oldest rabbit to be discovered. Rabbits
bread rapidly, in the 1700 s and this increased greatly, the life span for a rabbit is usually between 6 9
years depending on the breed. Rabbits belongs to the mammals called logomprphia. There are about
40 species of rabbits, presently there are over 60 breeds of rabbits. In this project we focused on the
mini lop breed, the mini lop is a medium sized breed, the mini lop was first discovered in Europe and
it was the first breed to have been discovered with fluffy ears. Bob Herschbach discovered the mini
lop in the United States in 1970 , he originally was living in Germany and when he decided to move to
the united states, he took 3 trio ( 1 male and two females) German rabbits and he brought it down to
California with the intention to develop a dwarf kind of lop in different colors. ... Show more content
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The first baby lops were solid colors. A second generation came with broken colors. in 1980 mini lop
became officially recognized by the American rabbit breeders association with a general body type of
100 and compact. A senior lop weighs 6.5 pounds and a junior lop weighs 6.0 pounds. Mini lop rabbits
live in the cold and warm environments such as the grass and the arctic and can live in houses, Mini
lop rabbits have unique claws to help protect itself from predators. They are known for their special
qualities to help them survive in their environment, Mini lop rabbits have furs to help them protect
itself from getting bitten by a predator, their furs also keep warm during the cold weather, Mini lop
rabbits eat dried mixed food like peaches, bread and also fresh
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Liquid Crystal Display Advantages And Disadvantages
AGRICULTURE is the need of most of the Indians livelihood and it is one of the main sources of
livelihood. It also has a major impact on economy of the country. A major quantity of water is used for
irrigation system and therefore 85% of available fresh water resources are used for yielding
agricultural crops. This resource of water will decrease day by day and consumption of water will
dominate and increase more than 85% in upcoming half century. This is due to the high growth in
population due to this tremendous growth in population there is huge demand for food. Agriculture is
the main source for food production. Using science and technology we need to implement a method
by which there can be limited consumption of water.
Till date many methods have come into existence where water can be limitedly consumed. A method
where monitoring water status and based on status of water whether it is high or low irrigation is
scheduled which is based on canopy temperature of plant, which was captured with thermal imaging.
Another method is making use of information on volumetric water content of ... Show more content
on ...
It is preferred by engineers because it uses very small amount of electric power. Liquid crystal display
(LCD) offers several advantages over traditional cathode ray tube that makes them ideal for several
applications. Of course LCD s are flat and they use only a fraction of power required by cathode ray
tubes. They are easier to read and more pleasant to work with for long periods of time. There are
several tradeoffs as well, such as limited view angle, brightness and contrast, not to maintain high
manufacturing cost. 16x2 LCD is used in this project to display data to user. There are two rows and
sixteen columns. It is possible to display 16 characters on each of the 2 rows. It has registers,
command and data
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Cancer Research Paper
Cancer: Silent Killer
Wynne Michael David S. Gogo
Submitted to:
Ms. Katrina Q. Sundo
Cancer nowadays is very widespread.
But what is cancer?
Cancer, known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a large group of different diseases, all involving
unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors,
and invade nearby parts of the body. The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the body
through the lymphatic system or bloodstream. Not all tumors are cancerous. Benign tumors do not
grow uncontrollably, do not invade neighboring tissues, and do not spread throughout the body.
There are many ... Show more content on ...
Reviews of Related Literature
According to Olivia Newton John My cancer scare changed my life. I m grateful for every new,
healthy day I have. It has helped me prioritize my life.
According to Joel Siegel What cancer does is, it forces you to focus, to prioritize, and you learn what s
important. I mean, I don t sweat the small stuff. I used to get angry at cab drivers. It s not worth it....
And when somebody says you have cancer, you realize it s all small stuff. And if it weren t for the
downside, everyone would want to have it. But there is a downside.
According to Melissa Bank During chemo, you re more tired than you ve ever been. It s like a cloud
passing over the sun, and suddenly you re out. But you also find that you re stronger than you ve ever
been. You re clear. Your mortality is at optimal distance, not up so close that it obscures everything
else, but close enough to give you depth perception. Previously, it has taken you weeks, months, or
years to discover the meaning of an experience. Now it s instantaneous.
I used survey method by giving them some questionnaires and tried to ask some patients having
cancer. I gave them some questions and let them answer the questionnaire. After that I had an actual
interview with some of the patients.
I. Biographic data
Name: Beth Gomez Address: Jones Avenue, Cebu City 6000 Cebu
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Patient Name: Grace Pereira PCP: Reed Phillips, MD
Patient ID: 017990 DOB: 06/24/2007 Age: 7 Sex: F
Date of Exam: 05/05/2015
Reason for Visit: Follow up of behavior, patient accompanied by mother, records are unavailable.
HISTORY: Grace a 7 year old girl has a history of severe behavioral problems, ADHD, bipolar
disorder, borderline mental retardation, and significant past medical history of congenital
hydrocephalous associated with myelination defect on MRI. Mother records no new concerns. Mother
notes some brief improvements in the patient s impulsiveness and distractibility after starting
Neurontin. However, she feels that it is no longer effective. ... Show more content on
Tympanic membranes flat pale. NECK: Supple without mass or lymphadenopathy. CHEST: Lungs
clear to auscultation bilaterally. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur. ABDOMEN: Soft
with normal active bowel sounds,
Patient Name: Grace Pereira
Patient ID: 017990
Date of Exam: 05/05/2015
Page 2
non distended, no hepatosplenomegaly, no mass. EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.
Warm well perfused with +2 pulses symmetrically. NEUROLOGIC EXAM: Sensorium intact. Cranial
nerves II thru XII intact with the exception of Cranial nerve VIII on the right ear. Normal strength,
normal tone, no ticks or tremor, normal gait, and stance. Deep tendon reflexes +2 symmetrically
X RAY DATA: MRI with MR spectroscopy of the brain was performed on 04/20/2015, which reports
stable appearing non enhancing white matter abnormalities as described. The findings are felt to most
likely represent sequelae of PVL a demyelinating disease, which are felt to be much less likely as are
sequelae of an old infection. Normal MR spectroscopy within the right basal ganglia and right
centrum semiovale white matter. Mild inflammatory sinus changes.
LAB DATA: Summary of laboratory findings for the past year includes the following:
1. 02/07/2015 TORCH titer is negative except for positive HSV 1 IgG. Biotinidase normal, fragile X
PCR negative, chromosome analysis 46, XX normal
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European Influence Overpower Asia In The 1500s
Throughout the 1500s Asia was the leading nation as they dominated global trade and the
industrialization business placing them on top financially. Beginning in the 1500s the European nation
managed to overpower Asia as they began to grow in power. Although Europe suffered from multiple
different impacts on their economy their advancement in industrialization strengthened their nation,
allowing them to surpass Asia and the rest of the world. In many situations Europe found themselves
in competitive conditions against other nations that nearly left them in a financial hole. Which is why
their outstanding and superior domination over the world is so questionable. Europe began to excel in
the industrial business; Asia s sea control was extremely ... Show more content on ...
The Industrial Revolution affected Europe s surpassing of other nations in a huge way. Europe s
population increase influenced significant economic adjustments across the nation such as the demand
for industrial goods and resources. Britain brought the way of industrialization introducing
manufacturing businesses and more urbanized societies. This significant change brought
industrialization throughout all other European countries. Britain was the height of resources such as
coal and iron, which were also at a high demand across the world. Technology began to advance as
iron and copper became the common use of new tools and machinery making Britain s metal
production globally dependent upon across the
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Summary Of The Laughing Heart And The Journey
Life is full of decision making, and many obstacles that will come in your way to try and stop your
path and prevent you from achieving what you must achieve. In the poems A Laughing Heart, by
Charles Bukowski, and The Journey, by Mary Oliver, the authors both meet at describing what life is
like and how to live life like the fullest, even though there will be things to stop you, and you may stop
yourself. Both of these poems point out that you have to be the main character in your life, you have
to beat everybody or every obstacle that will trouble you, you must overcome it to achieve the highest
points of your life. In The Laughing Heart, the author says and the more often you learn to do it, the
more light there will be. (14, 15). Charles Bukowski is saying that if you learn to successfully
overcome your obstacles, your life will continually get better because there are less problems to face.
A similar line in The Journey, is you left their voices behind,/ the stars began to burn through the
sheets of clouds,/ and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own, (24 29). The
author is saying that as you started to seize opportunity, solve problems and face challenges in your
life, you became stronger, and you became the main character in your life. The theme of these two
poems is that your life is your life, and even though you will have to overcome obstacles and face
challenges, you must be the main character in your life to live your
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The Importance Of A Study Of Today s Business Market
In this essay is will be detailing the importance of a study of today s business market. A market survey
is key both before and after the release of a product or a business idea to strengthen it. You have an
idea of business that seem irresistible. Or you simply think to launch a new product, you ve found a
super location for your new business and want it, yes or Yes. Any of these actions requires money and
effort. For this reason it is necessary that we have all the data that ensures the viability of a project. A
good analysis and good planning will depend on that we devote resources to the areas that interest us
and which minimize the risks. Body
Market research helps us to understand the response of our potential customers (our target) and
suppliers and analyze our product, price and distribution, in short, all the factors to analyze a business
marketing plan. Every company should know, that often overlooked and issues that help us make the
best decisions. A correct compilation and analysis of this information we will be valuable not only
during the initial set up a business. Also our company is running, to get to know, for example, what
perception have of our brand and what notoriety has or if our product meets their needs. A market
study is something live, updatable and evolution. Quantitative, qualitative, techniques of observation
and documentary analysis are used for the development of a market study. From polls to the research
of trends in social networking or
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Chocolate Brownie Research Paper
What is one of the first cookies in the United States history? The chocolate brownie has been a well
liked treat in the United States for over 100 years.
Brownies do not come in just one shape or size, but many delicious varieties, such as brownies with
nuts, chocolate chips, or oreo cookies and m m s. Essentially anything a person would like to combine
with the brownie is possible and results in a tasty outcome. The brownie had many other names like
fudge or cake but the way the dark brown color of the dessert influenced the name Brownie .
( Brownies are great with milk and different types of ice cream.
Unlike most bakery foods, brownies have not changed all that much over the years. Aside from a few
small recipe ... Show more content on ...
Brownies are served in many different variations at most restaurants including Applebee s, Firehouse
Subs, and McDonalds to name a few examples. Brownies are also widely found and just about every
grocery store you can think of. Brownies are still often baked in peoples homes as well. Brownies are
popular to eat with a side of ice cream, usually vanilla, and brownies are also enjoyed by some
alongside a cup of coffee. Over the years people have been creative with adding different types of
ingredients to the brownies. People have started putting things like m m s, other types of chocolate,
different variations of candy and also peanut butter. Since their first creation, brownies have been
more and more popular, today brownies are a popular and well loved dessert.
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Rocky Horror Picture Show Essay
The Rocky Horror Picture Show starts off with Brad and Janet (originally casted as
Jarrod Emick and Alice Ripley), a newly engaged conventional couple are on a road trip from
Denton, Ohio to visit their old high school science teacher, Dr. Scott (originally casted as Lea
DeLaria) to tell him the great news. On the way, their car breaks down, and they stumble upon
Frank N Furter s (originally casted as Tom Hewitt), where he s holding a convention of people from
his home planet, Transexual Transylvania. During the night of their visit, Frank N Furter, who is also
guilty of killing Dr. Scott s uncle, Eddie, reveals to his guests, including Brad and
Janet, that he s been creating an artificial man named Rocky (Originally played by Sebastian
LaCause) ... Show more content on ...
The musical opened on June 16, 1973, at The Royal Court Theatre Upstairs in London,
England. The musical which was originally a just for kicks show was intended to run only a couple of
weeks, but took broadway by storm and became a huge success. The musical then moved from the
Theatre Upstairs to a series of larger theatres such as the Classic
Cinema. The Rocky Horror Picture Show made the cinema it s home from Aug. 14, 1973 to
Oct. 20, 1973, then moving to King s Road from Nov. 3, 1973 to March 31, 1979, and finally the
Comedy Theatre in the West End from April 6, 1979 until September 13, 1980 marking the end of the
shows initial run in the UK. The show played in London for a total of 2,960 performances.
About ten months into the run, Lou Adler saw the musical and brought it to the United States with the
show s first preview on March 19, 1974. The Rocky Horror Picture Show then spread all throughout
the world with the Australian premiere also in 1974 and Japan in 1975. The musical was made into a
feature film 1975 shot at Oakley Court in Windsor, England. In an attempt as a promotion for the
movie, the musical was brought back to the broadway stage on
March 10, 1975, but failed to capture audiences, with a total of only 3 previews and
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Nursing Intervention Essay
The county identified for investigation of its health problems is Prince George s (PG) county, which is
one of the 24 counties in Maryland. PG is located along the eastern edge of Washington, D.C. Some
health problems experienced by the community are diabetes and the related comorbidity, heart disease.
According to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene s Maryland Vital Statistics
Annual Report 2011, the age adjusted death rate for Prince George s County ranked third in diabetes
and eighth in heart diseases among 24 Maryland jurisdictions (Institute for Public Health Innovation,
2014). This paper seeks to assess the health problems facing the PG community, identify a priority
nursing diagnosis and suggest an appropriate ... Show more content on ...
Since this is a community wide intervention in a wide geographical area, it would be impossible to
evaluate all the population that have or are at risk of this condition. An effective evaluation plan would
be a randomized before and after study conducted by mailed printed surveys, telephone interviews and
retrospective chart reviews. The time frame for first evaluation following the intervention could be
from 6 months and this evaluation could be repeated every consecutive 6 months to determine if the
intervention is achieving the desired outcomes of reducing the incidence of
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Essay on Benito Cereno by Herman Melville
Benito Cereno by Herman Melville
In many stories, the main characters carry the plot of a story throughout the book. The author often
expresses the message that he desires the reader to receive through their thoughts and actions. Yet, the
minor characters often have a large affect on the outcome of the book, although it is not quite as
obvious to the reader. By altering the thoughts or actions of the main characters, a seemingly minor
player in a novel may actually, at closer examination, be an important player in the plot. In the short
story Benito Cereno, by Herman Melville, the minor character, Atufal, largely influenced Captain
Delano, who is a main character. Delano s assessments and opinions aboard the Spanish ship were ...
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. . remit him of his penalty (163). Delano felt sympathy towards the Negro, and questioned Don
Cereno as to why he was treating the slave with such cruelty. Atufal s performance caused Delano to
believe that Cereno was in control of the happenings on the boat, and that his prior concerns about the
role of the Negroes on the San Dominick should be put to rest.
Delano did not do much more than shortly entertain the idea that the blacks were, in fact, in control of
the Spanish vessel because of what he witnessed in the situation of Atufal. Atufal affected the plot
because he caused Delano to doubt his suspicions, which therefore played a major role in the actions
of this main character. The observations of Atufal by Delano greatly helped to form his attitude
towards the Negroes upon the ship. The supposed cruelty of Don Cereno towards the slave Atufal
created an image of obedience by the blacks in Delano s mind. Delano thought, But [the Negroes]
were too stupid (177). Perhaps if Atufal had not implanted images of white supremacy aboard the
ship, Captain Delano might have acted sooner in helping to return the ship to Benito Cereno. In the
classic story Benito Cereno, by Herman Melville, the minor character Atufal greatly affected the
opinions of the main character, Captain Delano, which therefore plays a major part in the plot. Many
times attention is not paid to the minor characters of a novel; however, they are essential to the
development of
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Comparing The Seneca Falls Convention And The Declaration...
Throughout history, courageous people have stood up and worked hard to bring people together and
make change. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott are the two women who were brave enough
to stand up in front of the crowd and fight for what they believed in. By holding the Seneca Falls
Convention and drafting the Declaration of Sentiments they highlighted the issues that needed to
change. This is recognized as the beginning of the women s rights movement.
The early 19th century in the United States was a period of many social upheavals and reforms
including women s rights. The women s rights movement in the United States began with a
convention held at the Wesleyan Church chapel located in Seneca Falls, New York, which became
known as the Seneca Falls Convention. Approximately 200 people, men and women, attended; many
of them were already activists in various movements. During the convention the Declaration of
Sentiments and Resolutions was created and presented. This document defined the rights that both
men and women should have. This eventually led to women s right to vote, own property and have
independent lives. The Seneca Falls Convention was a monumental event that resulted in a movement
that truly changed the idea of women being less equal ... Show more content on ...
Even Mott declared that If thou demands that, thou will make us ridiculous! (Women s Suffrage). In
fact, that one resolution was why some people didn t support the movement (Britannica). However,
even though it didn t have as much support as the other resolutions, The Seneca Falls Convention
[still] concluded that the [electoral] franchise was...fundamental to...women to live full and influential
lives (Gale, Hillary Clinton). Those who supported the movement thought that it [was] the duty of the secure to themselves their sacred right to the elective franchise which meant that women
deserved the right to vote (Declaration of
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The Power Of Stereotyping
The Power of Stereotypes
Throughout our American society, there have been topics, or more specifically, issues, that have been
implemented in our lives. Whether it be poverty, economic issues, equality, and thus forth, there is one
what has always been around for centuries, but has made a bigger impact is stereotyping. This in
particular topic has lead to a multitude of problems, such as social categorization, and the cause of
prejudice. The stereotyping propaganda in the United States has caused more problems and attracted
more attention than is truly needed. Stereotyping has been a normal occurrence since human beings
have been able to do so to others, as tragic as that is. Although it has been through our history, nothing
from the past can possibly compare to the amount of stereotyping going on in our world in the modern
day, and how much it impacts us and others around us. Robert L. Heilbroner says it best in his article
DON T LET STEREOTYPES WARP YOUR JUDGMENT (citation) Stereotypes are a kind of gossip
about the world, a gossip that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them. Hence it is
not surprising that stereotypes have something to do with the dark world of prejudice (Heilbroner
Pg.19 number 5). He then goes on to say that Once we have typecast the world we tend to see people
in terms of our standardized pictures. He then goes on explaining about a demonstration he performed
with a number of Columbia and Barnard students, showing
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Descriptive Memory
When there s a memory you can t forget it s either because it was so pleasant and brought happiness
while it was happening, so you remember that specific moment and enjoy the good memories of it and
smile. Or, you can t forget it simply because it was such a bad experience that you hold on to the
memory to hope to never come across something similar. I wouldn t say that my first job is
unforgettable because of the joy it brought to me; sure it brought me some financial freedom and
independence. But it s easier to remember due to the sacrifices I had to make as a sophomore in high
school. Yes, I was a Cicis Pizza employee. Do you ever drive down the street and see someone
holding up a big sign stating some type of promotion? Of course you see them, that s the point as to
why they are doing it, to catch your attention. What would catch my attention more was how hot,
musty and sticky that person must be, holding that sign up under this powerfully, blazing, draining
Miami sun. Well I never thought that at one point, I would be holding a large Cicis Pizza buffet sign
under those sizzling circumstances. Not to mention our uniform was a black t shirt, black Dickies,
black sneakers, and a black hat. Dripping in sweat my first hour of being clocked in, with some type
of outdoor odor encarved in my uniform, and already feeling a little tired with an uneven sunburn.
How was I going to pull through the rest of my shift? Was I wrong for already disliking my job only
being an hour in? Every day as a Cicis Pizza employee that s what my first hour consisted of, trying to
get more people to come dine inn our restaurant. My boss made it clear that if I had to hold my sign
and jump up and down, shout out Cici s Pizza!! Come have lunch here , throw my sign around, or
twirl it to get more people to look, that s what I had to do. Whatever it was I had to ensure that the
amount of customers coming in today was greater than yesterdays. At times, I would even gather a
group of my friends or family and tell them to go, and tell them to bring along some of their friends to.
I would even comment to them how I would give them a good pricing deal, or how we could even
create and personalize their own flavorful pizza.Whether it was a
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Importance Of A Dream Without Ambition
Sean Hampton once stated, A dream without ambition is like a car without re not going
anywhere. Ambition is the gas for your car and your car is your motivation. It keeps you going
through the hardest weather and gives you enough power to go down the road of success. Without
your ambition, you don t have motivation and if you don t have motivation, then you re just stuck in
the middle of nowhere. Although many people discredit ambition for being a negative quality to
obtain, ambition is a major part of a person s success because it leads a person to achieve positive
goals that benefit themselves and others and it influences people to strive for personal growth.
Although many people believe that ambition is a quality that makes you selfish, ambition is the thing
that makes you get up in the morning with a sense of enthusiasm to do the things with a purpose.
According to Borzykowski, Those who wish to be more, know more, do more, give more or have
more, have a purpose and a powerful internal drive that leads them to dream bigger and go further.
Ambitious people tend do more, be more, and give more because they have dreams, which is just
another word for positive goals. For someone to achieve their goals, it takes just the right amount of
ambition to do it and when it is accomplished, the person will keep making new goals to improve.
According to Burton, A person cannot alter his ambition any more than he can alter any other
character trait: having
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Irony In Albert Camus The Plague
The central irony in The Plague lies in Camus treatment of freedom. The citizens of Oran become
prisoners of the plague when their city falls under total quarantine, but it is questionable whether they
were really free before the plague. Their lives were strictly regimented by an unconscious enslavement
to their habits. Moreover, it is questionable whether they were really alive. It is only when they are
separated by quarantine from their friends, lovers and families that they most intensively love them.
Before, they simply took their loved ones for granted.
Camus philosophy is an amalgam of existentialism and humanism. An atheist, Camus did not believe
that death, suffering, and human existence had any intrinsic moral or rational meaning. Because he did
not believe in God or an afterlife, Camus held that human beings, as mortals, live under an
inexplicable, irrational, completely absurd death sentence. Nevertheless, Camus did believe that
people are capable of giving their lives meaning. The most meaningful action within the context of
Camus philosophy is to choose to fight death and suffering. ... Show more content on
When the epidemic wears on for months, many of Oran s citizens rise above themselves by joining the
anti plague effort. The recognition of the plague as a collective concern allows them to break the gap
of alienation that has characterized their existence. Thus, they give meaning to their lives because they
chose to rebel against death. Fleeing the city or otherwise avoiding the anti plague effort is tantamount
to surrendering to the absurd death sentence under which every human being
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The Political and Social Effects of the Sandinista...
The people of Nicaragua were suffering oppression. This made us develop an awareness which
eventually led us to commit ourselves to the struggle against the domination of the capitalists of our
country in collusion with the United States government. (Daniel Ortega 1974) As has been discussed
throughout the semester thus far many countries throughout Latin America have experienced a
political revolution in some way, shape, or form. In the early 1970 s Nicaragua joined the long list of
Latin American countries to experience a revolution when the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion
Nacional (FSLN) lead by Daniel Ortega successfully overthrew the Somoza dynasty. Many people
often times have a misconception of what exactly a political revolution ... Show more content on ...
Others argue that the changes seen within a society during the time of revolution are short lived and
often times forgotten within a matter of years. Despite these two differing arguments over the exact
meaning of the term revolution one thing remains constant. At the heart of any definition of revolution
the word change can be found. For example, Samuel Huntington defines revolution as rapid,
fundamental, and violent domestic change in the dominant values, myths, political institutions, social
structure, leadership, government activity, and politics. (Booth 117) On the other hand, Theda Skocpol
defines revolution as rapid, basic transformations of a society s state and class structure, accompanied
by and in part accomplished through popular revolts from below. (Booth 117) Finally, Eric Selbin
argues that revolution and its social transformation are more likely where popular rebellion has
cultural roots and precedents. (Booth 117) The Sandinista Revolution in the early 1970 s provides a
perfect example in regards to the transformation of society that each one of these definitions promises.
However, in order to determine which definition of the term revolution most accurately describes the
Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua two key questions must be analyzed. First, it must be determined
how strong and persistent are the
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Kantian Views On War
While readings from Thucydides, Aristotle, and Machiavelli provide unique insight in the way war is
justified in early civil society, the introduction of globalization into international relations leads us to
ask if early theories regarding war and justice are still relevant to new and complex power
relationships. For the purpose of creating practical connections, I intend to look at several possible jus
in bello applications of two contemporary military technologies: nuclear weapons and drones
(otherwise known as Unmanned Armed Vehicles). There are many cases of emerging military
technologies that raise valuable question in regards to just acts of war, but I chose these two in
particular because of they provide two seemingly opposing perspectives ... Show more content on ...
In Perpetual Peace, Kant supplies firstly that the suspension of hostilities does not supply the security
of peace, and unless this security is pledged... the latter... can treat the former as an enemy (111). He
then supplies that nations never have a right to war and that without a contract among nations peace
can be neither inaugurated nor guaranteed (117). The argument that the suspension of hostilities does
not create long term peace is not one that I intend to invalidate, but the case of nuclear weapons does
provide an example of its suspended use having acted as an effective deterrent for military conflict
(while still, admittedly, allowing for tension and ideological conflicts). The Cold War and the concept
of Mutually Assured Destruction between the US and the USSR forces us to consider the ways that
nuclear weapons could potentially create extended periods of peace simply due to the notion that
nuclear weapons might have symbolic power beyond the kinds of hostilities that Kant imagined. Kant
described here a league of peace that ensured peaceful actions among nations, and while such leagues
have and do exist now, we have not reached an era of global peace. This is what makes the ideology of
nuclear peace so compelling towards a Kantian perspective: the argument that the concept of Mutually
Assured Destruction can create international stability in the face of major ideological conflicts does
not ignore existing hostile sentiments but it does give the concept of perpetual peace substance and
practicality that existing international leagues cannot always provide. Such a theory, however, while
compelling, is ultimately flawed in that it assumes that all
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  • 2. The Origin Of The Jews After The Babylonian Exile The word Diaspora derives from the Greek Diasperien i.e. dia (through) and sperien (to scatter). According to Webster s dictionary, Diaspora refers to dispersion so we can say that the word represents a centre called home from where the dispersion occurs. In addition to it the dictionary it also associates the meaning with the dispersion of the Jews after the Babylonian exile. Thus we get two meanings of the word Diaspora as a spread of population and a forcible dispersal. However the term Diaspora doesn t mean any nomadic existence, though it suggests a movement from one place to another, but it s not a nomadic existence because it is somewhere a journey, however that does not mean all journey can be understood as that of a Diaspora. As in Diaspora does not mean causal travel, even though diasporic journeys are mainly about settling down and about having roots elsewhere. Thus, the concept of Diaspora has different meanings to different people according to their different circumstances. For instance, when the Jews were exiled from the Babylon, they were uprooted from their own homes and they had to rebuild their community and culture all over again, for them the diaspora had different meaning since it was forced. But today the meaning of Diaspora could be limited to any community of a particular nation outside its own country, sharing some common bonds that eventually give the community a new identity within their existing identity, it is notable that this kind ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Gun Violence And The Rights Of The United States Every year, thousands of people, innocent or guilty die from gun violence in the United States. Gun violence is despicable while guns are still lawful with a permit. The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution states A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed (Cornell). This statement means that the government were to ever become corrupt the people have the rights to guns in order to protect themselves. This amendment was written because of the Revolutionary War. The founding fathers didn t want the people to be defenseless like they were against the British so they guaranteed that right. However, our founding fathers failed to think about the disadvantages of giving access to guns in our country so easily. Many people debate that there should be more limits on gun control considering the many deaths and mass shootings that have occurred in the United States. Our country leads all nations in gun violence yet some still debate that it s in the constitution for a reason, for the protection of the people. Personally, I believe that guns are completely unnecessary to the functionality of our society. I completely understand why they were deemed as functional during the Revolutionary War against the British but today Americans don t need guns. The American people don t need guns. Other countries are thriving without gun access to the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Culture Of A Country What defines culture? According to culture is the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits etc. ( Culture People refer to culture as a way of life of a group of people. In the early 16th century, the word culture came about with a suggestion to cultivating land or tilling land. People for the most part take their culture, or way of life, very seriously. Researching the culture of another country is essential in order to learn and understand appropriate behavior in a country that may ... Show more content on ... Inherently the Shang Dynasty will fall after another rebellion at the Battle of Muye, bringing to power the Zhou Dynasty from 1046 226 BCE. China eventually will fall under three more Dynasty s; Qin, Han, and Tang before the People s Republic of China forms on the premise that everyone in the population is equal. The overarching themes that make up culture are religion, economics, politics, food, and social stratification. All themes appear to be equal throughout a culture; however, the three main themes that can completely alter a culture are religion, economics, and politics. These main themes play an existential role in how the Chinese culture for the most part remains virtually the same to this day. Religion is one of the biggest players in the Chinese culture because religion introduced from Dynasty were significant changes from the norm. Ancient religions such as Buddhism and Confucianism are still in practice to this day. Politics under the first Dynasty evolve when the first government forms, and through time slight changes occur. China, post Dynasty era, formally represents itself as a Communist state controlled by a government comprised of three interlocking branches with the highest level being the Executive branch. China is divided into 23 provinces ran by the chief of state who is actually the president, elected by the National People s Congress, and holds ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Plra Court System At one point the United States Court System paid no attention to inmate complaints and concerns. However, that changed when the Supreme Court took an interest in prisoner litigations. Lawmakers finally began to see inmates as American citizens who still were afforded certain liberties according to the United States Constitution. Once perspectives began to change about the prisoners and their rights, petitions addressing the violations of inmate s civil liberties started to flood into the courts. The American court system is aware that prisoners do have some rights, but they would naturally be fewer than free citizens (Carlson Garrett, 2008). The limitation of rights is mandatory to sustain security in prisons or jails. The federal government stepped in and ... Show more content on ... The first is that the inmate must exhaust all supervisory fulfilments in their local facility before the case is filed in federal court. Next, the petitioner is required to pay applicable fees for filing as well as the court cost, through their assets or a correctional trust fund. Thirdly an inmate is forbidden from filing in forma pauperis as mentioned in the second requirement if they had a previous suit dissolved for being frivolous or vengeful (Carlson Garrett, 2008). The intention of the legislation was an attempt to correct a problem that was endangering the legitimacy of the process. However, the PLRA and it states catalogs have considerably decreased judicial oversight of prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities, which has now resulted in the terrible abuses going unmonitored. The PLRA is responsible for a sixty percent decline in the number of federal cases filed between 1995 and 2006. The legislation was not supposed to prevent the raising of legitimate complaints. If the bill were doing what its creators intended, there would be a decline in filings and an increase in plaintiffs success. The PLRA has dismissed fewer cases than it has settled (Schlanger Shay, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Fastball s Loss Of Self-Confidence Skills The reason I am writing to you, all involved with the league s management, is for you to alter the position you take on pushing the players harder and making them be able to play competitively. I ask you, respectfully, to contemplate about how many valuable players we have and how to bring out their full potential. It appears to be that the players are lacking motivational and many skill causing them to suffer defeat in many of their games.. Envision that you are in the last inning of the game and the opponent has chance to up your score. You want to make sure the hitter doesn t make contact with the ball and to make your team proud of you. You know that the batter is unable to hit curve balls, but you can t throw one. You lose your self confidence and throw a fastball hoping he would miss it. Unfortunately, they hit and score, and your team return home with another loss in their hands. People start leaving the team thinking they have no chance in ever winning a game or even being a good player. This is a ... Show more content on ... As the majority of players actually fail to perform good because they weren t recognized by the coach and he or she hasn t be able to put forth that skill. In fact, competition drives us to learn at a faster rate and perform at a higher level. It makes us work harder and faster. In doing so we are able recognize what we are able to do. Another trait that s builds within us is that we can manage our temper and be able to persist. This trait proves to be useful in later years when they go for job interviews and presentations. As we all know, the world is all about competition, and many children fear that competition and try to hide from as much as they can. So it is your responsibility to push on them and make sure that they realize there is nothing fear and anything can be done if they believe in ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Data Sheet Analysis for Kafka s Metamorphosis Essay Noah Watkins Nosky Analysis of Major Works 12/4/12 Major Works Data Sheet |Note: You may download from Edline or email me for a Word version of this sheet. | | |Details of the setting (include changes in setting): | |Author: Franz Kafka |The entirety of the novel takes place within the confines of the | | |Samsa s apartment, save for the final paragraph, where the family | |Date of Publication: 1915 |goes off to ... Show more content on ... For some this may cause a lack of interest in the | | |book, as we never feel fully entranced. Kafka demonstrates this | | |throughout, as he talks about the metamorphosis as a normal incident. | | |Stanley Corngold writes: The Metamorphosis is dominated by an | | |aesthetic intent. The intent to literalize a metaphor produces a being | | |wholly divorced from empirical reality (9). The Metamorphosis is | | |simply trying to come to terms with Gregor s literal metamorphosis. | | |Finally, Kafka begins his sentences normally enough, but by placing the| | |past participle at the end, he creates a snappy, surprising ending.. | | |This is much more apparent in the original German than in the English | | ... Get more on ...
  • 8. A Brief Note On Random Forest Tree Based Approach It Uses... COMPARISON OF CLASSIFIERS CLASSIFIER CATEGORY DESCRIPTION REFERENCE Naive Bayes Probability based classifier This classifier is derived from Naïve Bayes conditional probability. This is suitable for datasets having less number of attributes. [5] Bayesian Net Probability based classifier Network of nodes based on Naïve Bayes classifier is termed as Bayesian Net. This can be applied to larger datasets as compared to Naïve Bayes. [9] Decision Tree (J48) Tree based approach It is enhanced version of C 4.5 algorithm and used ID3. [15] Random Forest Tree based approach It is also a decision tree based approach but have more accuracy as compared to J48. [15] Random Tree Tree based approach It generates a tree by randomly selecting branches from ... Show more content on ... a similar development leads rules extraction techniques to make poorer sets of rules. DT algorithms perform a variety method of nominal attributes and can t handle continuous ones directly. As result, an outsized variety of ml and applied math techniques will solely be applied to information sets composed entirely of nominal variables. However, an awfully giant proportion of real information sets embrace continuous variables: that s variables measured at the interval or magnitude relation level. One answer to the present drawback is to partition numeric variables into variety of sub ranges and treat every such sub range as a class. This method of partitioning continuous variables into classes is sometimes termed discretization. Sadly, the quantity of how to discretize a continual attribute is infinite. Discretization could be a potential long bottleneck, since the variety of attainable discretization is exponential within the number of interval threshold candidates at intervals the domain [14]. The goal of discretization is to seek out a collection of cut points to partition the range into a little variety of intervals that have sensible category coherence, that is sometimes measured by an analysis operate. Additionally to the maximization of reciprocality between category labels and attribute values, a perfect discretization technique ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Emergency Medical Technician Essay Emergency Medical Technician Could you imagine working as a EMT and not knowing what could happen at anytime that you are on the job. As you can tell this job is in very high demand, people are in need of people to run emergency vehicles. Emergency Medical Technicians have been in need since the 1960s, Emergency Medical Technicians have to go through extensive training and meet education requirements to be able to do this job. There are many different things that Emergency Medical Technicians do while on the job, there are also very many levels to being an Emergency Medical Technicians. Emergency Medical Technicians are the ones that respond to emergency calls, perform medical services, and transport patients to medical facilities. ( Summary. ) The idea of transporting an injured individual in a hurry has been ... Show more content on ... The next step is to determine the nature of the emergency, then stabilized the patient s condition, and then administer the right procedures, while en route to the hospital. Treatment for the patients depends on what level of training and certification the EMT has gone through. First responders are only certified to care for a sick or injured person. A basic EMT can give CPR, control any bleeding, treat shock victims, apply bandages, splint fractures, and administer an automatic defibrillation. EMTs are also trained to handle emotionally unstable patients and heart attack, poisoning, and burn patients. EMT Intermediate are trained to start an IV, or use a manual defibrillator for patients that are going into cardiac arrest. EMT Paramedic are certified to be able to perform more intensive treatments, while working in close radio contact with the doctor. (Careers In Focus: Medical Technicians 76) EMT Paramedics are qualified to give intravenous drugs, use EKGs, put in breathing tubes, and use any modern medical technology. (Careers In Emergency Medical Services ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Congenital Heart Defect s ( Chd ) Congenital Heart Defect s (CHD) affect about 1% of all births in the United States or about 40,000 babies per year ( Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a CHD that accounts for an estimated 10% of these births. There are many factors that are involved in the diagnosis, treatment and quality of life for these children. The effects of the CHD vary in severity, therefore the effects it has on a child s life vary. The etiology of TOF, how specific organs, cells, and tissues are affected, and what organ systems are affected will all be discussed and explained. . The effects vary greatly between patients this paper will focus on the average effects of this condition in order to provide a better understanding of TOF. TOF is a CHD which means the abnormal development of the heart occurred during gestation .A normal heart consists of four chambers of cardiac muscle cells, four heart valves, an electrical pathway, and its own blood supply. The chambers are the Right Atrium (RA) , Right Ventricle ( RV), Left Atrium,(LA) , and the Left Ventricle ( LV). The blood flows from the Vena Cava to the RA thru the Tricuspid Valve to the RV. It then gets ejected thru the Pulmonary Valve into the Pulmonary Artery, and on into the lungs. It returns to the LA, goes thru the Mitral Valve into the LV, and then is ejected thru the Aortic Valve into the aorta and onto systemic circulation. TOF is identified by four atypical finding within the heart. 1. Pulmonary valve stenosis the valve ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Church Of Columbus By Alice Lavern Riles Pastored in 1952 by Alice Lavern Riles, known as Mother Sheppard, The Church of Columbus remains today within the city of Columbus, Georgia. From a tiny building on 49th Street, to the over a million dollar facility today, The Church of Columbus has gone through its share of change. Growing up, the church was called the First United Pentecostal Church, but once the church moved locations, Pastor renamed it The Church of Columbus. Located on 2001 Double Churches Road, there lies my second home, with its grand 36,000 square feet structure. Growing up, I was always at the church, whether it was for practice, or just to play sports such as volleyball and football with my lifelong friends that I had made throughout my attendance at the church. According the church s website, the church has grown from a Sunday morning attendance of sixty one in 1985, to a consistent attendance of over 400 in 2013 (The Church of Columbus). The church s motto is Loving all to Christ . The motto refers to the church s ultimate goal of reaching the 290,000 souls of the Columbus, Phenix City, Fort Benning area (The Church of Columbus). A church member, Lisa Gail Stringer Johnson described the church; The first thing you feel when you walk through the doors is an outpouring of Love and God s presence. I am extremely grateful that I have such a tremendous place to call my second home. Filled with different shades of blue, red, and cream, the church was particularly constructed with careful ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay on The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal societies all relied on bureaucracies that drew inspiration from the steppe traditions of Turkish and Mogol people and from the heritage of Islam, they adopted similar policies, they looked for ways to keep peace in their societies which were made up of different religious and ethnic backgrounds, and they were associated with literary and artistic talents. Military and religious factors gave rise to all three of these empires. The Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman dynasty, in which, was named for its founder Osman Bey, a leader of a band of semi nomadic Turks who migrated to northwestern Anatolia in the thirteenth century. Osman and his followers sought to become ghazi warriors who fought for their faith. ... Show more content on ... However, with the Ottomans use of gun powdered weapons and Janissaries, the Safavids were ultimately defeated with the temporary loss of their capital. This was mainly due to the lack of technology and resources, which destroy it. In the late sixteenth century Shah Abbas the Great, restored the Safavid empire, moved the capital to Isfahan, encouraged trade with other lands and reformed the administrative and military institutions of the empire. He brought most of northwestern Iran, the Caucasus, and Mesopotamia under Safavid rule. (Bentley, Streets, Ziegler, 2008, pg. 461). The Mughal Empire: Zahir al Din, also known as Babur, was a Chagatai Turk that, unlike the Ottoman and Safavids, was just a soldier of fortune not fighting on behalf of Islam. He wanted to use his fortune to transform a glorious central Asian empire. Although, he did not succeed at that goal he then focused on India. Babur took Delhi in 1526. He did not like the land that he had conquered, it was a hot and humid climate but, Babur decided to stay. By the time of his death he had embraced most of the Indian subcontinent. The height of the Mughal power and influence came from Babur s grandson Akbar. He gained power in Gujarat and Bengal, destroyed the Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar in order to later expand in southern India. He was a thoughtful man who tolerated the religious differences in ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Why Adults Are Better Learners Why adults are better learners than kids (So NO, you re not too old) Kids are great! I was an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher for several years in several countries, teaching mostly children, and I could see how quick they were at learning a second language. Of course, who of us doesn t want to go back to our childhood, when things were simpler and the world was full of endless possibilities (which too many people claim it somehow isn t any more...)? Along these lines, one of my favourite songs in the world is a Brazilian one about never losing touch with your childhood. So it s no wonder we want them to pounce on any advantages they have now to do something better, which they may lose out on later. This is why when some ... Show more content on ... Forgetting obvious advantages with tonnes of common words (which of course are more beneficial between somewhat languages, such as between European ones), a baby has so much extra work that you are totally ignoring. From birth it takes you years to be able to confidently distinguish between all sounds in your native language. When you start learning Spanish, Italian, German, Hungarian, Czech etc. as an adult, don t you realise everything you get to merrily skip over? No need to learn how to distinguish m from n. Hell, no need to learn the vast majority of sounds that are the same between those languages. No need to develop the muscles in your voice box and tongue so you can simply attempt to make noises with them. No need to train your ear to be able to distinguish voices as male/female or even recognisable friends/family, and different to other noises from the environment. No need to be exposed to years of context of universal human interaction to indicate when someone is angry, shouting or asking a question. No need to learn the vast majority of international body language. Don t people get that they aren t dealing with a separate species when they learn a new language? I d argue that the majority of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Battle Of Iwo Jima Research Paper Outline INTRODUCTION paragraph: 1. Your topic: The Battle Of Iwo Jima 2. Important fact regarding your topic: The Battle was in the middle of World War 2, the battle was between Japan and America, America was trying to seize Iwo Jima 3. THESIS STATEMENT: Why your topic is so important? What is its significance in history? The Battle Of Iwo Jima was one of the major U.S. victories in the Pacific during world war 2 and the Famous photo of the six soldiers who raised the American flag The Battle of Iwo Jima was a battle between America and Japan. The battle happened in the middle of World War II on the Japanese Island Iwo Jima. America needed the island for useful purposes and decided to seize it. The Battle of Iwo Jima was one of the major ... Show more content on ... Introduction sentence: America needed it for an emergency or fueling base decided to seize it 2. The seizure was only planned to take almost a week but it took a total of 36 days 3. The seizure very difficult because Iwo Jima is a volcanic mountain, the beaches are very steep, the surf zone is not very deep but the waves are strong 4. The waves destroyed most of the Americans vehicles so the beach looked like a junk yard 5. Conclusion sentence for that paragraph (Why is this part of the story important?). From the start of the seizure of Iwo Jima the Americans knew it was going to be difficult, had a lot of obstacles America decided to seize Iwo Jima because they needed it for an emergency and fueling base. The seizure was planned to only take a week but it took a total of 36 days. The seizure became very difficult because Iwo Jima is a volcanic island, its beaches are very steep and the surf zone is not very deep but because of the beaches the waves came on very strong. The waves were so strong that they destroyed most of the American vehicles, so the beaches looked like junk yards. From the start of the seizure of Iwo Jima, the Americans knew it was going to be difficult to get through all of the obstacles that the Americans ... Get more on ...
  • 15. El cuerpo como memoria en Fe en disfraz de Mayra Santos... El cuerpo como memoria en Fe en disfraz de Mayra Santos Febres Cuando en una entrevista para la revista española Letral le preguntaron a Mayra Santos Febres con relación a su última novela Fe en disfraz: ¿No crees que, tal vez, habría que dejar atrás junto a la identidad, ese enfoque aplicado especialmente a la mujer negra? (A Mayra Santo Febres 154), la escritora le respondió: No puede dejarse atrás ese tema porque no se ha escrito casi nada sobre él en español . Si bien es cierto que es muy poca la literatura que se ha escrito sobre el período esclavista en Hispanoamérica y en Puerto Rico, mucho menos se ha escrito sobre la experiencia de las mujeres esclavas y su relación con los amos blancos, relación basada principalmente en el abuso sexual, en el ultraje y en la humillación. Las vivencias de las mujeres esclavas han sido en muchas ocasiones olvidadas y pasadas por alto, tanto por la Literatura como por la Historia. Como señala Joseph C. Miller en su libro Woman and Slavery las investigaciones acerca de la esclavitud permanecieron centradas en la figura masculina aun luego de la aparición de la historia de la mujer como un campo de estudio coherente en los años 70 (1). Según Miller, la sumisión de la mujer al espacio privado centrado en un orden patriarcal produjo que la imagen estereotipada de los esclavos se convirtiera en masculina: hombres que trabajaban de sol a sol en los campos y en los cañaverales, sujetos a ser vendidos en cualquier momento para el ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Cerebral Phalsy Argumentative Essay Despite the growing amount of resources available for those with cerebral palsy, many parents and clinicians are looking for alternative treatments. One such treatment is known as conductive education (CE). The basic idea is that people with motor disorders (e.g. cerebral palsy) may have special learning disabilities on top of their motor impairments (Darrah et al., 2003). While initial results seemed promising, two reviews showed that many of the studies produced conflicting results, and that more robust studies were needed in order to come to a conclusion about CE (Forssberg et al., 2000; Darrah et al., 2003). Yet another alternative treatment is goal directed training. Goal directed training is a method where specific goals and interventions ... Show more content on ... One of the most exciting treatments being discussed and researched currently is neurotoxic protein Botulinum toxin type A (BoTN A). By injecting BoNT A into spastic muscles, one can potentially reduce the spasticity present from 3 6 months (Simpson et al., 2008; Scholtes et al., 2006; Dai et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2008). It does this by weakening the muscle that it is injected into, effectively relaxing the stiff muscles in cerebral palsy (Bihari, 2005). Additionally, BoNT A injections can increase the motor functionality of a patient and reduce or prevent deformity (Apkon Cassidy, 2010). The effects are reversible, so after this time period has passed, BoNT A must be reinjected into the muscle. The main focus of the injections are for spastic or dystonic muscles. Some, though, have shown that whilst BoNT A injections are helpful in the upper and lower extremities, there is conflicting evidence regarding motor function (Delgado et al., 2010). BoNT A injections may even be combined with any number of physiotherapies, occupational therapies, orthotics or casting as described above to increase its effectiveness (Novak et al., 2013). With these other measures, walking performance and hand functionality improved (Novak et ... Get more on ...
  • 17. I Read Is Hatchet Book Report Hatchet Book Report The book I read is Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. It is about a thirteen year old boy named Brian. This story takes place in the Canadian wilderness without a specified time. I think this book is both interesting and helpful because of its contents. To summarize the story, Brain was the sole passenger on the tiny Cessna 406 bush plane. He was flying from the U.S. to Canada to spend summer break with his father after his parents divorced. The pilot has a heart attack and the plane ends up crashing in a lake after Brain controlling it for a few hours. Brain survived. He is now alone in the wilderness. Al he has there are himself and a hatchet that his mom has given him. This book contains a few major characters and a few ... Show more content on ... He kept telling himself There, keep it that way. Short thoughts. (44) he did that in order to organize his thoughts and not freak out. I admire that part about him because there won t be someone always there to help you. Sometimes you are the one who has to comfort yourself. Brain went through so much alone in the wilderness. He had faced wild animals such as a bear, a skunk, and foxes. He knew how to deal with them for the most part. When the foxes were near him, he knew to keep calm, not move, and wait until they leave. When the bear entered his home, he scared it with fire so it won t come back. The skunk had attacked him without a warning but Brian knew how to deal with the aftermath. He ran to the lake, took off his clothes, and jumped in. If it wasn t for this story, I wouldn t have know how to act when there is a dangerous animal in me, how to build a home, or catch fish and food. His first attempt to get food was search for fruit. He walked around keeping the lake in his sight so he won t get lost. That was a smart move because I would have wandered around forgetting about the lake. He wanted to stay by the lake not only for the water but because when people come to rescue him, they will notice him by the water rather than between trees. Which, again, I would have never thought about. I also learned how to make fire, home, and catch fish thanks to him. When making a fire, he needed fuel, so he got bark. He also needed oxygen, so he was ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Mini Lops Research Paper Rabbits were discovered first in Asia, a long time ago and since the discovery of rabbits, they spread vastly to so many countries. Gomphos Elkema is the first and oldest rabbit to be discovered. Rabbits bread rapidly, in the 1700 s and this increased greatly, the life span for a rabbit is usually between 6 9 years depending on the breed. Rabbits belongs to the mammals called logomprphia. There are about 40 species of rabbits, presently there are over 60 breeds of rabbits. In this project we focused on the mini lop breed, the mini lop is a medium sized breed, the mini lop was first discovered in Europe and it was the first breed to have been discovered with fluffy ears. Bob Herschbach discovered the mini lop in the United States in 1970 , he originally was living in Germany and when he decided to move to the united states, he took 3 trio ( 1 male and two females) German rabbits and he brought it down to California with the intention to develop a dwarf kind of lop in different colors. ... Show more content on ... The first baby lops were solid colors. A second generation came with broken colors. in 1980 mini lop became officially recognized by the American rabbit breeders association with a general body type of 100 and compact. A senior lop weighs 6.5 pounds and a junior lop weighs 6.0 pounds. Mini lop rabbits live in the cold and warm environments such as the grass and the arctic and can live in houses, Mini lop rabbits have unique claws to help protect itself from predators. They are known for their special qualities to help them survive in their environment, Mini lop rabbits have furs to help them protect itself from getting bitten by a predator, their furs also keep warm during the cold weather, Mini lop rabbits eat dried mixed food like peaches, bread and also fresh ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Liquid Crystal Display Advantages And Disadvantages AGRICULTURE is the need of most of the Indians livelihood and it is one of the main sources of livelihood. It also has a major impact on economy of the country. A major quantity of water is used for irrigation system and therefore 85% of available fresh water resources are used for yielding agricultural crops. This resource of water will decrease day by day and consumption of water will dominate and increase more than 85% in upcoming half century. This is due to the high growth in population due to this tremendous growth in population there is huge demand for food. Agriculture is the main source for food production. Using science and technology we need to implement a method by which there can be limited consumption of water. Till date many methods have come into existence where water can be limitedly consumed. A method where monitoring water status and based on status of water whether it is high or low irrigation is scheduled which is based on canopy temperature of plant, which was captured with thermal imaging. Another method is making use of information on volumetric water content of ... Show more content on ... It is preferred by engineers because it uses very small amount of electric power. Liquid crystal display (LCD) offers several advantages over traditional cathode ray tube that makes them ideal for several applications. Of course LCD s are flat and they use only a fraction of power required by cathode ray tubes. They are easier to read and more pleasant to work with for long periods of time. There are several tradeoffs as well, such as limited view angle, brightness and contrast, not to maintain high manufacturing cost. 16x2 LCD is used in this project to display data to user. There are two rows and sixteen columns. It is possible to display 16 characters on each of the 2 rows. It has registers, command and data ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Cancer Research Paper Cancer: Silent Killer By: Wynne Michael David S. Gogo Submitted to: Ms. Katrina Q. Sundo Abstract Cancer nowadays is very widespread. But what is cancer? Cancer, known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a large group of different diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body. The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic system or bloodstream. Not all tumors are cancerous. Benign tumors do not grow uncontrollably, do not invade neighboring tissues, and do not spread throughout the body. There are many ... Show more content on ... Reviews of Related Literature According to Olivia Newton John My cancer scare changed my life. I m grateful for every new, healthy day I have. It has helped me prioritize my life. According to Joel Siegel What cancer does is, it forces you to focus, to prioritize, and you learn what s important. I mean, I don t sweat the small stuff. I used to get angry at cab drivers. It s not worth it.... And when somebody says you have cancer, you realize it s all small stuff. And if it weren t for the downside, everyone would want to have it. But there is a downside. According to Melissa Bank During chemo, you re more tired than you ve ever been. It s like a cloud passing over the sun, and suddenly you re out. But you also find that you re stronger than you ve ever been. You re clear. Your mortality is at optimal distance, not up so close that it obscures everything else, but close enough to give you depth perception. Previously, it has taken you weeks, months, or years to discover the meaning of an experience. Now it s instantaneous. Methodology
  • 21. I used survey method by giving them some questionnaires and tried to ask some patients having cancer. I gave them some questions and let them answer the questionnaire. After that I had an actual interview with some of the patients. Findings I. Biographic data Name: Beth Gomez Address: Jones Avenue, Cebu City 6000 Cebu ... Get more on ...
  • 22. PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY CLINIC CONSULT Essays PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY CLINIC CONSULT_____________________ Patient Name: Grace Pereira PCP: Reed Phillips, MD Patient ID: 017990 DOB: 06/24/2007 Age: 7 Sex: F Date of Exam: 05/05/2015 Reason for Visit: Follow up of behavior, patient accompanied by mother, records are unavailable. HISTORY: Grace a 7 year old girl has a history of severe behavioral problems, ADHD, bipolar disorder, borderline mental retardation, and significant past medical history of congenital hydrocephalous associated with myelination defect on MRI. Mother records no new concerns. Mother notes some brief improvements in the patient s impulsiveness and distractibility after starting Neurontin. However, she feels that it is no longer effective. ... Show more content on ... Tympanic membranes flat pale. NECK: Supple without mass or lymphadenopathy. CHEST: Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur. ABDOMEN: Soft with normal active bowel sounds, (Continued) PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY CLINIC CONSULT Patient Name: Grace Pereira Patient ID: 017990 Date of Exam: 05/05/2015 Page 2 non distended, no hepatosplenomegaly, no mass. EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. Warm well perfused with +2 pulses symmetrically. NEUROLOGIC EXAM: Sensorium intact. Cranial nerves II thru XII intact with the exception of Cranial nerve VIII on the right ear. Normal strength, normal tone, no ticks or tremor, normal gait, and stance. Deep tendon reflexes +2 symmetrically throughout. X RAY DATA: MRI with MR spectroscopy of the brain was performed on 04/20/2015, which reports stable appearing non enhancing white matter abnormalities as described. The findings are felt to most likely represent sequelae of PVL a demyelinating disease, which are felt to be much less likely as are sequelae of an old infection. Normal MR spectroscopy within the right basal ganglia and right centrum semiovale white matter. Mild inflammatory sinus changes.
  • 23. LAB DATA: Summary of laboratory findings for the past year includes the following: 1. 02/07/2015 TORCH titer is negative except for positive HSV 1 IgG. Biotinidase normal, fragile X PCR negative, chromosome analysis 46, XX normal ... Get more on ...
  • 24. European Influence Overpower Asia In The 1500s Throughout the 1500s Asia was the leading nation as they dominated global trade and the industrialization business placing them on top financially. Beginning in the 1500s the European nation managed to overpower Asia as they began to grow in power. Although Europe suffered from multiple different impacts on their economy their advancement in industrialization strengthened their nation, allowing them to surpass Asia and the rest of the world. In many situations Europe found themselves in competitive conditions against other nations that nearly left them in a financial hole. Which is why their outstanding and superior domination over the world is so questionable. Europe began to excel in the industrial business; Asia s sea control was extremely ... Show more content on ... The Industrial Revolution affected Europe s surpassing of other nations in a huge way. Europe s population increase influenced significant economic adjustments across the nation such as the demand for industrial goods and resources. Britain brought the way of industrialization introducing manufacturing businesses and more urbanized societies. This significant change brought industrialization throughout all other European countries. Britain was the height of resources such as coal and iron, which were also at a high demand across the world. Technology began to advance as iron and copper became the common use of new tools and machinery making Britain s metal production globally dependent upon across the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Summary Of The Laughing Heart And The Journey Life is full of decision making, and many obstacles that will come in your way to try and stop your path and prevent you from achieving what you must achieve. In the poems A Laughing Heart, by Charles Bukowski, and The Journey, by Mary Oliver, the authors both meet at describing what life is like and how to live life like the fullest, even though there will be things to stop you, and you may stop yourself. Both of these poems point out that you have to be the main character in your life, you have to beat everybody or every obstacle that will trouble you, you must overcome it to achieve the highest points of your life. In The Laughing Heart, the author says and the more often you learn to do it, the more light there will be. (14, 15). Charles Bukowski is saying that if you learn to successfully overcome your obstacles, your life will continually get better because there are less problems to face. A similar line in The Journey, is you left their voices behind,/ the stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds,/ and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as your own, (24 29). The author is saying that as you started to seize opportunity, solve problems and face challenges in your life, you became stronger, and you became the main character in your life. The theme of these two poems is that your life is your life, and even though you will have to overcome obstacles and face challenges, you must be the main character in your life to live your ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Importance Of A Study Of Today s Business Market In this essay is will be detailing the importance of a study of today s business market. A market survey is key both before and after the release of a product or a business idea to strengthen it. You have an idea of business that seem irresistible. Or you simply think to launch a new product, you ve found a super location for your new business and want it, yes or Yes. Any of these actions requires money and effort. For this reason it is necessary that we have all the data that ensures the viability of a project. A good analysis and good planning will depend on that we devote resources to the areas that interest us and which minimize the risks. Body Market research helps us to understand the response of our potential customers (our target) and suppliers and analyze our product, price and distribution, in short, all the factors to analyze a business marketing plan. Every company should know, that often overlooked and issues that help us make the best decisions. A correct compilation and analysis of this information we will be valuable not only during the initial set up a business. Also our company is running, to get to know, for example, what perception have of our brand and what notoriety has or if our product meets their needs. A market study is something live, updatable and evolution. Quantitative, qualitative, techniques of observation and documentary analysis are used for the development of a market study. From polls to the research of trends in social networking or ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Chocolate Brownie Research Paper What is one of the first cookies in the United States history? The chocolate brownie has been a well liked treat in the United States for over 100 years. Brownies do not come in just one shape or size, but many delicious varieties, such as brownies with nuts, chocolate chips, or oreo cookies and m m s. Essentially anything a person would like to combine with the brownie is possible and results in a tasty outcome. The brownie had many other names like fudge or cake but the way the dark brown color of the dessert influenced the name Brownie . ( Brownies are great with milk and different types of ice cream. Unlike most bakery foods, brownies have not changed all that much over the years. Aside from a few small recipe ... Show more content on ... Brownies are served in many different variations at most restaurants including Applebee s, Firehouse Subs, and McDonalds to name a few examples. Brownies are also widely found and just about every grocery store you can think of. Brownies are still often baked in peoples homes as well. Brownies are popular to eat with a side of ice cream, usually vanilla, and brownies are also enjoyed by some alongside a cup of coffee. Over the years people have been creative with adding different types of ingredients to the brownies. People have started putting things like m m s, other types of chocolate, different variations of candy and also peanut butter. Since their first creation, brownies have been more and more popular, today brownies are a popular and well loved dessert. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Rocky Horror Picture Show Essay The Rocky Horror Picture Show starts off with Brad and Janet (originally casted as Jarrod Emick and Alice Ripley), a newly engaged conventional couple are on a road trip from Denton, Ohio to visit their old high school science teacher, Dr. Scott (originally casted as Lea DeLaria) to tell him the great news. On the way, their car breaks down, and they stumble upon Frank N Furter s (originally casted as Tom Hewitt), where he s holding a convention of people from his home planet, Transexual Transylvania. During the night of their visit, Frank N Furter, who is also guilty of killing Dr. Scott s uncle, Eddie, reveals to his guests, including Brad and Janet, that he s been creating an artificial man named Rocky (Originally played by Sebastian LaCause) ... Show more content on ... The musical opened on June 16, 1973, at The Royal Court Theatre Upstairs in London, England. The musical which was originally a just for kicks show was intended to run only a couple of weeks, but took broadway by storm and became a huge success. The musical then moved from the 60seat Theatre Upstairs to a series of larger theatres such as the Classic Cinema. The Rocky Horror Picture Show made the cinema it s home from Aug. 14, 1973 to Oct. 20, 1973, then moving to King s Road from Nov. 3, 1973 to March 31, 1979, and finally the Comedy Theatre in the West End from April 6, 1979 until September 13, 1980 marking the end of the shows initial run in the UK. The show played in London for a total of 2,960 performances. About ten months into the run, Lou Adler saw the musical and brought it to the United States with the show s first preview on March 19, 1974. The Rocky Horror Picture Show then spread all throughout the world with the Australian premiere also in 1974 and Japan in 1975. The musical was made into a feature film 1975 shot at Oakley Court in Windsor, England. In an attempt as a promotion for the movie, the musical was brought back to the broadway stage on March 10, 1975, but failed to capture audiences, with a total of only 3 previews and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Nursing Intervention Essay Introduction The county identified for investigation of its health problems is Prince George s (PG) county, which is one of the 24 counties in Maryland. PG is located along the eastern edge of Washington, D.C. Some health problems experienced by the community are diabetes and the related comorbidity, heart disease. According to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene s Maryland Vital Statistics Annual Report 2011, the age adjusted death rate for Prince George s County ranked third in diabetes and eighth in heart diseases among 24 Maryland jurisdictions (Institute for Public Health Innovation, 2014). This paper seeks to assess the health problems facing the PG community, identify a priority nursing diagnosis and suggest an appropriate ... Show more content on ... Since this is a community wide intervention in a wide geographical area, it would be impossible to evaluate all the population that have or are at risk of this condition. An effective evaluation plan would be a randomized before and after study conducted by mailed printed surveys, telephone interviews and retrospective chart reviews. The time frame for first evaluation following the intervention could be from 6 months and this evaluation could be repeated every consecutive 6 months to determine if the intervention is achieving the desired outcomes of reducing the incidence of ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Essay on Benito Cereno by Herman Melville Benito Cereno by Herman Melville In many stories, the main characters carry the plot of a story throughout the book. The author often expresses the message that he desires the reader to receive through their thoughts and actions. Yet, the minor characters often have a large affect on the outcome of the book, although it is not quite as obvious to the reader. By altering the thoughts or actions of the main characters, a seemingly minor player in a novel may actually, at closer examination, be an important player in the plot. In the short story Benito Cereno, by Herman Melville, the minor character, Atufal, largely influenced Captain Delano, who is a main character. Delano s assessments and opinions aboard the Spanish ship were ... Show more content on ... . . remit him of his penalty (163). Delano felt sympathy towards the Negro, and questioned Don Cereno as to why he was treating the slave with such cruelty. Atufal s performance caused Delano to believe that Cereno was in control of the happenings on the boat, and that his prior concerns about the role of the Negroes on the San Dominick should be put to rest. Delano did not do much more than shortly entertain the idea that the blacks were, in fact, in control of the Spanish vessel because of what he witnessed in the situation of Atufal. Atufal affected the plot because he caused Delano to doubt his suspicions, which therefore played a major role in the actions of this main character. The observations of Atufal by Delano greatly helped to form his attitude towards the Negroes upon the ship. The supposed cruelty of Don Cereno towards the slave Atufal created an image of obedience by the blacks in Delano s mind. Delano thought, But [the Negroes] were too stupid (177). Perhaps if Atufal had not implanted images of white supremacy aboard the ship, Captain Delano might have acted sooner in helping to return the ship to Benito Cereno. In the classic story Benito Cereno, by Herman Melville, the minor character Atufal greatly affected the opinions of the main character, Captain Delano, which therefore plays a major part in the plot. Many times attention is not paid to the minor characters of a novel; however, they are essential to the development of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Comparing The Seneca Falls Convention And The Declaration... Throughout history, courageous people have stood up and worked hard to bring people together and make change. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott are the two women who were brave enough to stand up in front of the crowd and fight for what they believed in. By holding the Seneca Falls Convention and drafting the Declaration of Sentiments they highlighted the issues that needed to change. This is recognized as the beginning of the women s rights movement. The early 19th century in the United States was a period of many social upheavals and reforms including women s rights. The women s rights movement in the United States began with a convention held at the Wesleyan Church chapel located in Seneca Falls, New York, which became known as the Seneca Falls Convention. Approximately 200 people, men and women, attended; many of them were already activists in various movements. During the convention the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions was created and presented. This document defined the rights that both men and women should have. This eventually led to women s right to vote, own property and have independent lives. The Seneca Falls Convention was a monumental event that resulted in a movement that truly changed the idea of women being less equal ... Show more content on ... Even Mott declared that If thou demands that, thou will make us ridiculous! (Women s Suffrage). In fact, that one resolution was why some people didn t support the movement (Britannica). However, even though it didn t have as much support as the other resolutions, The Seneca Falls Convention [still] concluded that the [electoral] franchise was...fundamental to...women to live full and influential lives (Gale, Hillary Clinton). Those who supported the movement thought that it [was] the duty of the secure to themselves their sacred right to the elective franchise which meant that women deserved the right to vote (Declaration of ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Power Of Stereotyping The Power of Stereotypes Throughout our American society, there have been topics, or more specifically, issues, that have been implemented in our lives. Whether it be poverty, economic issues, equality, and thus forth, there is one what has always been around for centuries, but has made a bigger impact is stereotyping. This in particular topic has lead to a multitude of problems, such as social categorization, and the cause of prejudice. The stereotyping propaganda in the United States has caused more problems and attracted more attention than is truly needed. Stereotyping has been a normal occurrence since human beings have been able to do so to others, as tragic as that is. Although it has been through our history, nothing from the past can possibly compare to the amount of stereotyping going on in our world in the modern day, and how much it impacts us and others around us. Robert L. Heilbroner says it best in his article DON T LET STEREOTYPES WARP YOUR JUDGMENT (citation) Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world, a gossip that makes us prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them. Hence it is not surprising that stereotypes have something to do with the dark world of prejudice (Heilbroner Pg.19 number 5). He then goes on to say that Once we have typecast the world we tend to see people in terms of our standardized pictures. He then goes on explaining about a demonstration he performed with a number of Columbia and Barnard students, showing ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Descriptive Memory When there s a memory you can t forget it s either because it was so pleasant and brought happiness while it was happening, so you remember that specific moment and enjoy the good memories of it and smile. Or, you can t forget it simply because it was such a bad experience that you hold on to the memory to hope to never come across something similar. I wouldn t say that my first job is unforgettable because of the joy it brought to me; sure it brought me some financial freedom and independence. But it s easier to remember due to the sacrifices I had to make as a sophomore in high school. Yes, I was a Cicis Pizza employee. Do you ever drive down the street and see someone holding up a big sign stating some type of promotion? Of course you see them, that s the point as to why they are doing it, to catch your attention. What would catch my attention more was how hot, musty and sticky that person must be, holding that sign up under this powerfully, blazing, draining Miami sun. Well I never thought that at one point, I would be holding a large Cicis Pizza buffet sign under those sizzling circumstances. Not to mention our uniform was a black t shirt, black Dickies, black sneakers, and a black hat. Dripping in sweat my first hour of being clocked in, with some type of outdoor odor encarved in my uniform, and already feeling a little tired with an uneven sunburn. How was I going to pull through the rest of my shift? Was I wrong for already disliking my job only being an hour in? Every day as a Cicis Pizza employee that s what my first hour consisted of, trying to get more people to come dine inn our restaurant. My boss made it clear that if I had to hold my sign and jump up and down, shout out Cici s Pizza!! Come have lunch here , throw my sign around, or twirl it to get more people to look, that s what I had to do. Whatever it was I had to ensure that the amount of customers coming in today was greater than yesterdays. At times, I would even gather a group of my friends or family and tell them to go, and tell them to bring along some of their friends to. I would even comment to them how I would give them a good pricing deal, or how we could even create and personalize their own flavorful pizza.Whether it was a ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Importance Of A Dream Without Ambition Sean Hampton once stated, A dream without ambition is like a car without re not going anywhere. Ambition is the gas for your car and your car is your motivation. It keeps you going through the hardest weather and gives you enough power to go down the road of success. Without your ambition, you don t have motivation and if you don t have motivation, then you re just stuck in the middle of nowhere. Although many people discredit ambition for being a negative quality to obtain, ambition is a major part of a person s success because it leads a person to achieve positive goals that benefit themselves and others and it influences people to strive for personal growth. Although many people believe that ambition is a quality that makes you selfish, ambition is the thing that makes you get up in the morning with a sense of enthusiasm to do the things with a purpose. According to Borzykowski, Those who wish to be more, know more, do more, give more or have more, have a purpose and a powerful internal drive that leads them to dream bigger and go further. Ambitious people tend do more, be more, and give more because they have dreams, which is just another word for positive goals. For someone to achieve their goals, it takes just the right amount of ambition to do it and when it is accomplished, the person will keep making new goals to improve. According to Burton, A person cannot alter his ambition any more than he can alter any other character trait: having ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Irony In Albert Camus The Plague The central irony in The Plague lies in Camus treatment of freedom. The citizens of Oran become prisoners of the plague when their city falls under total quarantine, but it is questionable whether they were really free before the plague. Their lives were strictly regimented by an unconscious enslavement to their habits. Moreover, it is questionable whether they were really alive. It is only when they are separated by quarantine from their friends, lovers and families that they most intensively love them. Before, they simply took their loved ones for granted. Camus philosophy is an amalgam of existentialism and humanism. An atheist, Camus did not believe that death, suffering, and human existence had any intrinsic moral or rational meaning. Because he did not believe in God or an afterlife, Camus held that human beings, as mortals, live under an inexplicable, irrational, completely absurd death sentence. Nevertheless, Camus did believe that people are capable of giving their lives meaning. The most meaningful action within the context of Camus philosophy is to choose to fight death and suffering. ... Show more content on ... When the epidemic wears on for months, many of Oran s citizens rise above themselves by joining the anti plague effort. The recognition of the plague as a collective concern allows them to break the gap of alienation that has characterized their existence. Thus, they give meaning to their lives because they chose to rebel against death. Fleeing the city or otherwise avoiding the anti plague effort is tantamount to surrendering to the absurd death sentence under which every human being ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Political and Social Effects of the Sandinista... The people of Nicaragua were suffering oppression. This made us develop an awareness which eventually led us to commit ourselves to the struggle against the domination of the capitalists of our country in collusion with the United States government. (Daniel Ortega 1974) As has been discussed throughout the semester thus far many countries throughout Latin America have experienced a political revolution in some way, shape, or form. In the early 1970 s Nicaragua joined the long list of Latin American countries to experience a revolution when the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional (FSLN) lead by Daniel Ortega successfully overthrew the Somoza dynasty. Many people often times have a misconception of what exactly a political revolution ... Show more content on ... Others argue that the changes seen within a society during the time of revolution are short lived and often times forgotten within a matter of years. Despite these two differing arguments over the exact meaning of the term revolution one thing remains constant. At the heart of any definition of revolution the word change can be found. For example, Samuel Huntington defines revolution as rapid, fundamental, and violent domestic change in the dominant values, myths, political institutions, social structure, leadership, government activity, and politics. (Booth 117) On the other hand, Theda Skocpol defines revolution as rapid, basic transformations of a society s state and class structure, accompanied by and in part accomplished through popular revolts from below. (Booth 117) Finally, Eric Selbin argues that revolution and its social transformation are more likely where popular rebellion has cultural roots and precedents. (Booth 117) The Sandinista Revolution in the early 1970 s provides a perfect example in regards to the transformation of society that each one of these definitions promises. However, in order to determine which definition of the term revolution most accurately describes the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua two key questions must be analyzed. First, it must be determined how strong and persistent are the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Kantian Views On War While readings from Thucydides, Aristotle, and Machiavelli provide unique insight in the way war is justified in early civil society, the introduction of globalization into international relations leads us to ask if early theories regarding war and justice are still relevant to new and complex power relationships. For the purpose of creating practical connections, I intend to look at several possible jus in bello applications of two contemporary military technologies: nuclear weapons and drones (otherwise known as Unmanned Armed Vehicles). There are many cases of emerging military technologies that raise valuable question in regards to just acts of war, but I chose these two in particular because of they provide two seemingly opposing perspectives ... Show more content on ... In Perpetual Peace, Kant supplies firstly that the suspension of hostilities does not supply the security of peace, and unless this security is pledged... the latter... can treat the former as an enemy (111). He then supplies that nations never have a right to war and that without a contract among nations peace can be neither inaugurated nor guaranteed (117). The argument that the suspension of hostilities does not create long term peace is not one that I intend to invalidate, but the case of nuclear weapons does provide an example of its suspended use having acted as an effective deterrent for military conflict (while still, admittedly, allowing for tension and ideological conflicts). The Cold War and the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction between the US and the USSR forces us to consider the ways that nuclear weapons could potentially create extended periods of peace simply due to the notion that nuclear weapons might have symbolic power beyond the kinds of hostilities that Kant imagined. Kant described here a league of peace that ensured peaceful actions among nations, and while such leagues have and do exist now, we have not reached an era of global peace. This is what makes the ideology of nuclear peace so compelling towards a Kantian perspective: the argument that the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction can create international stability in the face of major ideological conflicts does not ignore existing hostile sentiments but it does give the concept of perpetual peace substance and practicality that existing international leagues cannot always provide. Such a theory, however, while compelling, is ultimately flawed in that it assumes that all ... Get more on ...