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Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific
                                                              is the leading consultancy for
                                                              organisations communicating in
                                                              Asia-Pacific and internationally.
                                                              With a presence in the region dating
                                                              back to 1973, Burson-Marsteller
                                                              Asia-Pacific today includes 34
                                                              offices and affiliates in 16 countries
                                                              integrated seamlessly into a global
                                                              network operating in 98 countries.
                                                              Our evidence-based approach
                                                              to communications provides our
                                                              clients with effective, data-driven
                                                              programs delivered through multiple
                                                              channels and focused on tangible,
                                                              measurable results. Our team of
                                                              more than 700 professionals offers
                                                              a powerful combination of local
                                                              knowledge, sector expertise and
© Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific, 2011. All rights reserved   global communications reach. For
This study is made available under a Creative Commons
                                                              more information, please visit
Attribution 3.0 Unported License.                   
T   A   B   L           E                O         F

                	 2	   Introducton
                	 3	   Executive	Summary
                	 4	   Methodology
                	 6	   Corporate	Use	of	Social	Media
                	 3	   A	Case	for	Open	Digital	Leadership
                15	    Use	of	Social	Media	by	Market
                16     Australia
                17     China
                18     Hong Kong
                19     India
                20     Indonesia
                21     Japan
                22     Malaysia
                23     Philippines
                24     Singapore
                25     South Korea
                26     Taiwan
                27     Thailand

                	 9	   Approach	to	Corporate	Social	Media	
                	 	    &	Next	Steps
                	 3	   Company-Market	Index
                	 4	   Further	Reading
                	 5	   Acknowledgements	&	Contacts

            h e n 	 w e 	 c o n d u c t e d	                                                       To	 reach	 and	 persuade	 stakeholders	
            Burson-Marsteller’s	 first	                                                            today,	it	is	not	just	the	vocabulary	and	
            annual	 Corporate	 Social	                                                             tone	of	corporate	marketing	that	must	
            Media	 Study	 in	 2010,	 it	                                                           evolve.	 More	 important,	 companies	
was	 striking	 that	 Asian	 companies	                                                             must	 adopt	 a	 mindset	 that	 puts	
were	 eyeing	 social	 media	 tentatively,	                                                         listening	 and	 acting	 genuinely	 and	
even	 skeptically,	 fearful	 of	 what	                                                             transparently	 front	 and	 centre.	 And	
might	 happen	 should	 someone	 post	                                                              they	 must	 understand	 how	 to	 deal	
something	 negative	 on	 their	 online	                                                            with	 negative	 feedback	 expressed	
front-door.                                                                                        publicly	 that	 could	 resonate	 and	
This	 year,	 despite	 many	 more	 firms	
dipping	 their	 toes	 in	 the	 social	 swirl,	                                                    When	 the	 upside	 is	 a	 greater	 ability	
it	 is	 clear	 that	 Asian	 firms	 remain	                                                        to	 reach	 and	 influence	 corporate	
                                               Bob Pickard
reluctant	to	get	involved	in	open	online	                                                         stakeholders	 of	 all	 types,	 and	 the	
discussions,	 in	 part	 because	 they	                                                            downside	 is	 appearing	 disinterested	
tend	 to	 be	 highly	 conscious	 of	 their	                                                       or	 irrelevant,	 companies	 have	 little	
image	and	fearful	of	publicly	losing	face,	in	part	as	they	realize	      option	but	to	participate	on	social	platforms.
–	correctly	–	that	committing	to	social	media	is	not	something	
to	be	done	lightly.                                                      I	 hope	 you	 enjoy	 this	 study.	 If	 you	 have	 any	 questions,	
                                                                         comments	 or	 suggestions,	 feel	 free	 to	 post	 them	 to	 our	
Let’s	face	it,	social	media	isn’t	for	every	occasion.	Using	the	         Facebook	page	at:
web	 to	 lobby	 governments	 accustomed	 to	 hammering	 out	
deals	in	smoke-filled	rooms	will	probably	miss	its	target,	and	
may	 simply	 alienate	 officials.	 The	 business	 media	 remain	 a	      We’d	love	to	hear	from	you.
more	credible	source	of	information,	news	and	analysis	than	
Sina	 Weibo	 or	 YouTube	 for	 board	 directors.	 Most	 senior	          Sincerely,
decision-makers	 are	 uncomfortable	 with	 the	 concept	 of	
blogging	on	industry	issues	and	having	to	defend	difficult	or	
controversial	decisions	openly.

But	 for	 most	 audiences,	 the	 Internet	 and	 social	 media	 are	
indispensible	to	their	working	and	personal	lives,	for	talking,	         Bob Pickard
sharing	ideas,	meeting	new	people,	conducting	research	and	              President & CEO
making	 decisions.	 If	 you’re	 under	 30	 you’re	 unlikely	 to	 pick	   Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific
up	 a	 newspaper	 –	 news	 is	 consumed	 in	 bite-sized	 chunks
between	stretches	of	work,	networking	and	gaming.                        @bobpickard


Social media is now a key channel for corporate                            Continued corporate focus on pushing
marketing and communications across Asia                                   information, rather than stakeholder
•	 Top	 Asian	 companies	 are	 placing	 greater	 emphasis	 on	
   deploying	social	media	channels	for	corporate	marketing	                •	 Social	media	provides	companies	with	an	opportunity	to	
   and	communications,	with	81%	of	firms	covered	-	double	                    use	 content	 and	 dialogue	 to	 drive	 user	 interest,	 sharing	
   the	number	across	Asia	in	20101	and	almost	on	a	par	with	                  and	advocacy.	However,	most	firms	are	making	little	effort	
   84%	 of	 Fortune	 100	 companies2	 -	 now	 using	 branded	                 to	 engage	 audiences	 in	 corporate-related	 discussions,	
   social	media	channels.                                                     preferring	 instead	 to	 push	 content	 at	 users	 in	 a	 manner	
                                                                              consistent	with	‘traditional’	public	relations	and	marketing.
•	 South	 Korean	 and	 Chinese	 companies	 are	 most	 active	
   in	 their	 use	 of	 social	 media	 for	 corporate	 marketing,	          •	 The	 most	 popular	 use	 of	 social	 media	 for	 corporate	
   especially	 to	 domestic	 audiences.	 However,	 many	                      purposes	 across	 Asia	 is	 to	 reinforce	 and	 extend	
   companies	 also	 view	 social	 media	 as	 a	 means	 to	 build	             ongoing	 media	 and	 influencer	 outreach.	 Engaging	 core	
   awareness	amongst	international	stakeholders.                              stakeholders	on	‘softer’	topics	such	as	Corporate	Social	
                                                                              Responsibility	 or	 Thought	 Leadership	 as	 a	 means	 of	
•	 While	 few	 top	 Asian	 companies	 have	 no	 corporate	                    stimulating	questions	or	feedback	take	a	back	seat.
   presence	 or	 voice	 in	 social	 media,	 firms	 in	 Taiwan	 and	
   Singapore	 continue	 to	 use	 social	 media	 sparingly,	 a	             •	 In	 a	 similar	 vein,	 other	 than	 in	 South	 Korea	 and	 China,	
   reflection	of	their	conservative	business	cultures.                        very	few	Asian	firms	use	overtly	two-way	communications	
                                                                              channels	such	as	corporate	blogs	for	corporate	marketing	
Corporate social media strategies remain short-                               purposes,	despite	their	value	in	helping	explain	complex	
term and piecemeal                                                            topics.	 Micro-blogs	 are	 the	 preferred	 standalone	
                                                                              corporate	marketing	channel.
•	 Despite	 corporate	 marketing	 taking	 advantage	 of	 an	
   ever	greater	array	of	social	media	platforms,	over	half	of	
                                                                           Corporate digital storytelling remains in its
   these	branded	accounts	are	‘inactive’.		The	great	majority	
   of	 social	 media	 channels	 are	 used	 primarily	 for	 product	
   marketing	campaigns,	which	are	rarely	updated	after	the	                •	 While	 video	 is	 hugely	 popular	 on	 the	 Internet,	 the	 great	
   campaign	has	ended.                                                        majority	of	company	video	sharing	channels	are	product	
                                                                              marketing	 vehicles.	 Corporate	 use	 of	 video	 in	 Asia	 is	
•	 Few	Asian	companies	have	set	up	social	media	channels	                     mostly	limited	to	illustrating	good	social	deeds	and	some	
   specifically	 for	 corporate	 marketing	 or	 communications	               leadership	communications.
   purposes,	with	most	opting	to	piggy-back	on	consumer	
   channels.	 While	 this	 one-size-fits-all	 approach	 enables	           •	 Accordingly,	 companies	 are	 missing	 a	 significant	
   firms	 to	 reach	 an	 established	 community	 quickly,	 it	                opportunity	 to	 bring	 alive	 their	 activities	 in	 ways	 that	
   also	 means	 that	 it	 can	 prove	 more	 difficult	 over	 time	 to	        audiences	 can	 relate	 to	 and	 might	 want	 to	 share	 with	
   segment	 users	 and	 target	 them	 with	 relevant	 corporate	              others.
   news	and	information.

•	 Most	 firms	 are	 failing	 to	 promote	 their	 social	 profiles	
   through	 their	 websites,	 implying	 that	 they	 continue	 to	
   regard	their	efforts	as	pilots	and	remain	wary	of	negative	
   discussions	‘over-spilling’	on	to	their	core	owned	assets.

1   Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2010, Burson-Marsteller – October 2010
2   Global Social Media Check-Up, Burson-Marsteller – February 2011

                                                                                                CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 |

         his	 study	 assesses	 corporate	 marketing	 and	
         communications	activity	on	top	social	media	channels	
         by	120	of	Asia’s	leading	companies.	Companies	were	
         selected	from	the	Wall	Street	Journal	Asia	200	Index	
of	 Asia’s	 leading	 companies	 as	 determined	 by	 executives	
and	professionals	across	Asia-Pacific.	The	top	10	companies	
per	country	were	selected.	A	full	list	of	companies	surveyed	
is	 available	 on	page	 33	of	this	 study.	The	countries	studied	
were:	Australia,	China,	Hong	Kong,	India,	Indonesia,	Japan,	
Malaysia,	 The	 Philippines,	 Singapore,	 South	 Korea,	 Taiwan	
and	Thailand.	

Corporate	 marketing	 is	 defined	 as:	 Media	 and	 Influencer	
Relations;	 Corporate	 Social	 Responsibility;	 Thought	
Leadership;	 Leadership	 Communications;	 Crisis	 and	 Issues	
Management;	Recruitment	Marketing.	

Social	 media	 channels	 analysed	 comprised	 the	 top	 social	
networks,	micro-blogs,	video	sharing	and	corporate	blogging	
platforms	per	country	–	hosted	on	third	party	platforms	and/
or	website-based.	

Data	was	collected	in	July	2011	by	Burson-Marsteller’s	Asia-
Pacific	digital	and	research	teams.	Accounts	were	considered	
‘active’	if	they	had	at	least	one	post	by	the	company	on	or	
between	July	1st	and	15th,	2011.


                     SOCIAL MEDIA

         ocial	 media	 has	 been	 a	 buzz	 phrase	 for	 some	                 The growing challenge of reputation
         time	 now,	 yet	 its	 impact	 and	 its	 relevance	 remain	           management
         questioned.	 For	 some,	 these	 new	 channels	 are	 a	
         byword	for	disruption	and	loss	of	control,	for	others	               Accelerated	 information	 flows	 make	 it	 much	 harder	 for	
it’s	a	wonderful	opportunity	to	expand	cost-efficiently	into	new	             companies	 to	 manage	 their	 reputations.	 With	 journalists,	
customer	 segments	 and	 markets	 and	 to	 build	 real	 interest	             bloggers	 and	 other	 opinion-formers	 assiduously	 tracking	
and	loyalty	in	one’s	brand.                                                   micro-blogs	 for	 breaking	 news	 and	 combing	 discussion	
                                                                              boards	 for	 story	 ideas,	 companies	 must	 approach	 the	
Consumers	 are	 pointing	 the	 way	 forward,	 taking	 to	 micro-              Internet	as	a	core	tool	to	track	topics	and	issues	relevant	to	
blogs,	social	networks,	mobile	social	applications	and	other	                 them	and	as	a	channel	to	build	relationships	with	existing	and	
tools	 with	 ease	 and	 often	 breathtaking	                                                       new	influencers.
enthusiasm.	 Social	 media	 of	 different	
types	 now	 dominate	 Inter net	 use,	              Social media are a                              I n 	 p a r a l l e l , 	 i t 	 i s 	 c l e a r 	 t h a t 	 N G O s	
with	 Facebook	 leading	 online	 time	 in	                                                          and	 activists,	 as	 well	 as	 disgruntled	
Australasia,	 Hong	 Kong	 and	 across	 a	         crucial part of the new                           customers	and	local	communities,	have	
swathe	 of	 Southeast	 and	 South	 Asia,	                                                           become	 much	 more	 adept	 at	 using	 the	
while	domestic	players	such	as	Tencent,	           weaponry for NGOs,                               many	 low-cost	 channels	 and	 tools	 at	
Naver,	 FC2	 and	 Wretch	 are	 hugely	          activists and disgruntled                           their	disposal	to	share	their	experiences,	
popular	across	North	Asia3.                                                                         voice	their	opinions,	organize	campaigns	
                                                                  customers                         and	 raise	 funds.	 Social	 media	 are	 a	
Asia	 is	 shaping	 the	 Internet	 and	 social	                                                      crucial	part	of	their	new	weaponry.	
media	 in	 terms	 of	 technology	 and	
behaviour.	Sina’s	Weibo	(micro-blog)	platform	is	considerably	                In	 addition,	 large	 and	 especially	 publicly-listed	 companies	
more	 technically	 sophisticated	 than	 Twitter.	 Asian-based	                are	 under	 pressure	 to	 become	 more	 transparent	 and	
social	 networks	 and	 online	 gaming	 platforms	 introduced	                 accountable,	in	part	due	to	government	intervention,	in	part	
virtual	 currencies	 and	 online	 transactions	 long	 before	 their	          due	to	increased	stakeholder	and	consumer	expectations	of	
western	 counterparts.	 Smartphones	 are	 already	 near	                      good	behavior,	and	in	part	due	to	ever	greater	demands	for	
saturation	 point	 in	 Japan,	 South	 Korea,	 Hong	 Kong	 and	                information	and	dialogue.	
                                                                              This	 raises	 the	 question	 as	 to	 how	 organisations	 should	
One	 of	 the	 most	 conspicuous	 aspects	 of	 social	 media	 in	              structure	 themselves	 to	 participate	 with	 the	 multiplicity	 of	
Asia	is	its	highly	contributory	culture.	According	to	Forrester	              stakeholders	actively	using	social	media.	Most	organisations	
Research,	Koreans	and	Chinese	are	the	most	active	creators	                   are	 struggling	 with	 questions	 such	 whether	 engagement	
of	 online	 content	 in	 the	 world4,	 uploading	 vast	 quantities	 of	       should	 be	 handled	 centrally	 or	 locally.	 Who	 are	 the	
video,	 photographs,	 and	blog	posts	 every	day.	Indonesians	                 appropriate	 spokespeople?	 What	 are	 the	 skills	 and	 tools	
love	to	share	news	and	updates	using	Twitter.	                                required?	How	to	measure	success?	Who	pays?	

Clearly,	organisations	looking	to	target	consumers,	especially	
the	 under	 30s,	 must	 now	 incorporate	 social	 media	 into	
their	 marketing	 mix	 or	 miss	 their	 target.	 It	 is	 equally	 clear	
that	 the	 Internet	 and	 social	 media	 are	 now	 critical	 tools	 to	
communicate	with	corporate	stakeholders.	

3   Asia-Pacific Social Media Infographics, Burson-Marsteller – August 2011
4   Consumer Social Technographics, Forrester

How companies are responding

Social	 media	 provide	 an	 opportunity	 for	 organisations	 to	                  Research	 for	 this	 year’s	 study	 shows	 that	 more	 top	 Asian	
increase	 awareness	 of	 their	 activities	 and	 to	 build	 interest,	            companies	 are	 using	 branded	 social	 media	 channels	 for	
trust	 and	 advocacy	 amongst	 their	 stakeholders.	 That	 they	                  corporate	marketing	and	communications,	with	81%	of	firms	
can	 also	 do	 this	 direct	 with	 their	 audience	 and	 by-pass	                 covered	(Figure	1)	-	double	the	number	across	Asia	in	20107	
conventional	gatekeepers	is	also	an	attractive	proposition.                       and	almost	on	a	par	with	the	84%	of	Fortune	100	companies8	
                                                                                  -	now	using	branded	social	media	channels.
Yet	enthusiasm	amongst	companies	in	Asia	has	been	muted.	
Last	 year’s	 Asia-Pacific	 Corporate	 Social	 Media	 Study5	 by	                 It	is	clear	that	Asian	companies	are	also	leveraging	a	greater	
Burson-Marsteller	 identified	 that	 top	 Asian	 companies	 had	                  number	 of	 the	 channels	 at	 their	 disposal,	 with	 just	 under	 a	
largely	been	hesitant	to	use	branded	social	media	channels	                       third	 using	 three	 social	 media	 channels	 or	 more,	 compared	
to	communicate	with	corporate	audiences.	                                         to	 only	 3%	 in	 2010.	 Conversely,	 only	 19%	 of	 firms	 are	 not	
                                                                                  using	any	form	of	branded	channel	for	corporate	purposes	–	
This	 hesitancy	 is	 also	 evident	 in	 more	 recent	 research 6	                 a	significant	increase	on	the	60%	identified	in	2010.
showing	 that	 most	 companies	 believe	 they	 are	 poorly	
prepared	 for	 crises	 that	 emerge	 and	 spread	 online,	 despite	
believing	 that	 digital	 has	 made	 them	 more	 vulnerable	 and	
made	responding	to	a	crisis	more	challenging.

    Figure 1: Number of social media channels with                               Number of social media channels with corporate
              corporate activity - 011                                          activity - 010

    Number of company social media channels used solely or in part for corporate communications  marketing purposes

5     Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2010 – Burson-Marsteller, October 2010
6     Reputation In The Cloud Era: Digital Crisis Communications Study – Burson-Marsteller, June 2011
7     Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2010 – Burson-Marsteller, October 2010
8     Global Social Media Check-Up, Burson-Marsteller – February 2011

                                                                                                          CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 |
Preferred social media channels                                                    of	 purposes.	 Asian	 companies	 are	 also	 starting	 to	 develop	
                                                                                   standalone	profiles	for	product	brands	and	specific	corporate	
Social	networks	are	proving	the	most	popular	social	channel	                       functions,	notably	recruitment.
for	corporate	marketing	and	communications	(Figure	2).	This	
might	be	regarded	as	surprising,	given	that	Facebook	–	the	                        Micro-blogs	 are	 also	 popular	 as	 they	 are	 typically	 seen	
top	social	network	across	much	of	Asia-Pacific	–	tends	to	be	                      as	 an	 additional	 information	 ‘push’	 tool,	 enabling	 broader	
regarded	more	as	a	consumer	marketing	channel.	Yet	many	                           dissemination	of	content	and	messages	across	the	Internet	
Asian	 firms	 have	 opted	 to	 focus	 their	 activities	 on	 a	 single	            and,	 increasingly,	 to	 mobile	 devices.	 Better	 still	 (from	 a	
branded	profile	that	is	used	for	both	consumer	and	corporate	                      corporate	perspective),	there	seems	little	need	to	engage	in	
marketing.                                                                         sustained	discussions	–	for	most	Asian	companies	the	main	
                                                                                   forum	for	dialogue	is	face-to-face.
In	our	experience,	the	principal	reason	for	this	is	that	social	
networks	were	mostly	first	used	by	firms	looking	to	increase	                      This	reluctance	to	enter	into	public	dialogue	is	testament	to	a	
awareness	 and	 buzz	 about	 their	 products	 or	 services.	                       widespread	conservative	business	culture;	it	also	means	there	
Corporate	 teams	 then	 piggy-back	 on	 these	 established	                        is	less	chance	of	firms	losing	face	in	front	of	others.	Hence	
channels,	 often	 in	 addition	 to	 advising	 on	 messaging	 and	                  also	 the	 general	 lack	 of	 enthusiasm	 for	 corporate	 blogs,	
governance.                                                                        where	conversation	is	expected	–	even	if	it	actually	tends	to	
                                                                                   be	limited	(in	many	instances,	almost	non-existent).
It	is	also	true	that	many	firms	have	started	(and	continue	to	
start)	their	official	social	network	presence	without	considering	                 And	 while	 video	 sharing	 platforms	 rarely	 attract	 significant	
carefully	 their	 target	 audiences	 and	 objectives.	 In	 this	 ‘me	              levels	 of	 corporate-related	 discussions,	 they	 remain	 in	 the	
too’	scenario,	companies	develop	a	channel	in	the	corporate	                       minority	 across	 much	 of	 the	 region,	 despite	 the	 very	 high	
name	and	see	how	it	evolves	based	on	a	combination	of	its	                         popularity	of	online	video	in	most	markets.	
popularity,	user	feedback,	resources	and	content	available.
                                                                                   For	many	firms	in	Asia,	the	slick	corporate	paean	to	superior	
Less	surprising	is	the	fact	that	Asian	companies	are	deploying	                    leadership	and	 products	remains	the	video	of	choice	 rather	
micro-blogs	 for	 corporate	 purposes.	 Twitter,	 the	 weibos	                     than	 the	 more	 ‘genuine’,	 on	 the	 ground	 feel	 that	 is	 now	
(‘micro-blogs’)	in	China	or	me2day	in	South	Korea	tend	to	be	                      commonplace	amongst	Western	companies.
seen	more	as	influencer	networks	of	journalists,	bloggers	and	
brand	advocates,	while	also	being	used	by	media	outlets	and	                       Local differences
publishers	to	extend	their	online	presence.
                                                                                   The	 use	 of	 social	 media	 for	 corporate	 marketing	 and	
Given	 the	 relative	 ease	 of	 resourcing	 micro-blogs	 and	 their	               communications	 is	 by	 no	 means	 consistent	 across	 Asia-
search	 engine-friendliness,	 firms	 are	 more	 likely	 to	 set	 up	               Pacific;	 some	 markets	 are	 very	 aggressive,	 the	 majority	 are	
a	 dedicated	 corporate	 channel	 that	 serves	 a	 broad	 range	                   active	if	cautious,	a	few	remain	highly	conservative.

Figure : Top corporate social media channels used for corporate marketing  communications



                                                                                                  12%                       12%

                       2011 2010                         2011 2010                         2011 2010                        2011 2010
                       Micro-blogs                     Social Networks                  Corporate Blogs                    Video Sharing
Active (at least one post during the period July 1-15, 2011) use of company social media channels for corporate purposes

Figure : Corporate social media channels by market - 011

      Australia                    90%                             50%                   50%

         China                   80%                                   90%                             50%           30%

   Hong Kong                 60%                          70%               10%      30%

          India                70%                            70%                 20%           40%

     Indonesia            50%                  40%          20%        30%

         Japan                   70%                    40%                     70%

  South Korea                     90%                                  70%                                  90%                      60%

      Malaysia                   80%                                     100%                         20%              80%

    Philippines           50%                  40%        10%        40%

     Singapore        30%          30%               50%                                                                         n Micro-blogs

                                                                                                                                 n Social Networks
        Taiwan      20%          40%             30%
                                                                                                                                 n Corporate Blogs

       Thailand                70%                                 90%                   10%                70%
                                                                                                                                 n Video Sharing

Percentage of companies using the four major social media channel types across Asia-Pacific in 2011

Figure : Corporate social media channels by market – 010

      Australia       30%      10% 20%

         China      20%        30%

   Hong Kong        20%            50%           10%10%

          India       30%          30%         20% 10%

     Indonesia        30%             40%

         Japan 10%10%10%

  South Korea             50%               30%             40%          20%

      Malaysia     100% 20%

    Philippines   10%10%

     Singapore 10%10%                                                                                                            n Micro-blogs

                                                                                                                                 n Social Networks
        Taiwan 10%
                                                                                                                                 n Corporate Blogs

       Thailand     20%          40%         10%
                                                                                                                                 n Video Sharing

Percentage of companies using the four major social media channel types across Asia-Pacific in 2010

                                                                                                            CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 |
On	 the	 whole,	 north	 Asian	 firms	 are	 the	 more	 aggressive	           corporate	 behaviour	 and	 quality	 of	 products	 and	 customer	
users	 of	 social	 media.	 Often	 focused	 on	 managing	 costs,	            service.	 Leading	 companies	 in	 these	 countries	 realise	 they	
they	 view	 social	 platforms	 as	 a	 cost-effective	 route	 to	 build	     must	at	least	have	a	presence	in	these	conversations.
short-term	 market	 share	 in	their	domestic	markets.	 And	for	
both	established	and	emerging	players	in	China,	Japan	and	                  Push and pull communications
South	Korea	expanding	into	foreign	markets,	social	media	is	
now	a	critical	component	of	the	marketing	mix	to	reach	both	                Questions	 that	 corporate	 communications	 professionals	
corporate	audiences	and	consumers.	                                         (rightfully)	 ask	 before	 participating	 in	 social	 media	 include:	
                                                                            What	are	we	going	to	speak	about?	What’s	going	to	resonate	
Leading	 north	 Asian	 companies	 are	 also	 more	 likely	 to	 use	         with	users?	Do	they	really	want	to	hear	about	our	company	
video,	 though	 this	 tends	 to	 be	 more	 a	 reflection	 of	 their	        news	and	point	of	view?	How	often	do	we	have	to	post?	Who	
impressive	broadband	networks	than	their	desire	to	use	video,	              should	answer	feedback,	and	how	often?
graphics	and	other	visual	formats	to	tell	their	corporate	story.
                                                                            As	 we	 saw	 in	 last	 year’s	 study,	 Asian	 companies	 are	 –	
Compared	to	last	year,	Australian	and	Indian	firms	are	placing	             and	 remain	 -	 much	 more	 focused	 on	 pushing	 news	 and	
greater	emphasis	 on	 social	media,	 especially	 in	their	use	of	           information	at	users	rather	than	responding	to	comments	or	
micro-blogs	and,	to	a	lesser	extent,	social	networks.	In	both	              actively	engaging	them	in	conversations.		
markets,	journalists,	activists	and	business	decision-makers	
are	 actively	 using	 Twitter,	 which	 are	 seen	 as	 central	 to	 the	     This	 reluctance	 to	 get	 into	 online	 discussions	 has	 many	
evolving	online	reputational	ecosystems.	By	contrast,	social	               explanations,	 not	 least	 the	 lack	 of	 dedicated	 resources	
networks	are	regarded	principally	as	consumer	vehicles.                     with	 the	 necessary	 skills	 and	 remit	 to	 reach	 out	 across	 the	
                                                                            organisation	 for	 a	 response,	 express	 it	 in	 an	 appropriate	
The	 most	 startling	 change	 has	 been	 in	 Southeast	 Asia	 -	            manner	and	be	able	to	manage	the	necessary	follow-ups.	
notably	amongst	Malay,	Thai,	Philippino	and	Indonesian	firms	
–	most	of	which	were	barely	using	social	media	at	all	twelve	               It	 is	 also	 likely	 that	 many	 corporate	 communicators	 do	 not	
months	ago.	What’s	behind	this	shift?	                                      fully	appreciate	the	interests,	requirements	and	behaviours	of	
                                                                            their	audiences	(other	than	some	key	journalists).	What	about	
Their	 fast	 expanding	 local	 online	 Internet	 populations	 and	          product	 marketing?	 Few	 invest	 in	 qualitative	 or	 quantitative	
improved	 telecom	 infrastructures	 are	 one	 reason.	 Playing	             research	that	can	yield	invaluable	insights	into	stakeholders’	
catch	up	with	peers	and	competitors	in	the	region	has	also	                 interests	and	content	preferences.
doubtless	spurred	action.
                                                                            At	 another	 level,	 the	 reluctance	 to	 get	 into	 conversations	 is	
The	 relative	 volatility	 of	 their	 online	 cultures	 may	 also	          also	evident	in	firms’	preference	to	use	their	branded	social	
have	 played	 a	 part.	 All	 these	 markets	 have	 witnessed	 the	          media	 channels	 primarily	 to	 relay	 corporate	 news	 direct	 to	
emergence	of	a	more	vocal,	and	politicized,	citizenry,	who	are	             opinion-formers	(Figure	5)	in	the	hope	that	they	will	report	it	
more	willing	to	express	their	views	on	their	political	systems,	            and	share	it	with	their	own	online	networks.

Figure : Focus of corporate social media activity

                             Percentage of corporate marketing or communications posts to company social media channels
                             across Asia-Pacific

Corporate	 Social	 Responsibility	 (CSR)	 is	 another	 area	                      complaints	 and	 other	 issues	 to	 escalate	 overnight	 into	 full-
where	 companies	 feel	 relatively	 comfortable	 when	 using	                     scale	 problems.	 Some	 Asian	 firms	 are	 monitoring	 and	
social	 media.	 Examples	of	local	community	 programmes	 or	                      responding	to	negative	posts,	albeit	on	a	largely	ad	hoc	basis.	
business	commitments	to	reduce	electricity	use	or	to		recycle	                    But	 the	 majority	 feel	 they	 are	 unprepared	 to	 handle	 online	
water	are	naturally	‘Like’-friendly	and	can	work	well	as	short	                   crises11.
videos.	Even	better	if	people	can	be	persuaded	to	contribute	
their	 own	 suggestions	 or	 ideas,	 as	 Pepsi	 has	 done	 with	 its	             Long-term commitment and short-term
Refresh	Project9.                                                                 campaigns

While	 CSR	 can	 help	 paint	 a	 softer	 picture	 of	 the	 entity,	               Similar	to	last	year,	this	 study	reveals	high	levels	of	 inactive	
companies	need	to	also	be	aware	of	the	risks	of	being	seen	                       branded	 social	 media	 accounts	 (Figure	 6)	 that	 were	 either	
to	over-claim	or	misrepresent	the	facts.	As	market	research	                      not	 updated	 during	 the	 research	 period	 or	 that	 had	 been	
agency	Nielsen	has	shown10,	the	Internet	is	fertile	ground	for	                   registered	but	not	used.
activists	 and	 others	 looking	 to	 pick	 apart	 corporate	 claims,	
especially	concerning	‘green-washing’	and	the	environment.                        Clearly,	many	firms	continue	to	struggle	to	identify	the	content	
                                                                                  and	 topics	 of	 conversation	 that	 will	 help	 sustain	 interest	
Another	 notable	 area	 of	 corporate	 social	 media	 activity	 is	               over	the	long-term	–	indeed,	developing	a	regular	stream	of	      	
crisis	 and	 issues	 communications.	 While	 crises	 are	 rare,	                  engaging,	relevant	content	(especially	video)	and	dialogue	is	
issues	of	different	types	need	to	be	handled	regularly,	a	tricky	                 challenging	for	many	organisations.	
proposition	 when	 it	 is	 taking	 place	 in	 the	 full	 glare	 of	 your	
Facebook	page.	                                                                   There	is	also	another	explanation	for	the	high	levels	of	inactive	
                                                                                  accounts:	 the	 large	 numbers	 of	 social	 media	 profiles	 that	
With	 the	 corporate	 rumour	 mill	 now	 real-time	 and	 global,	                 were	 set	 up	 to	 support	 product	 marketing	 campaigns	 and	
companies	are	profoundly	aware	of	the	potential	for	customer	                     were	abandoned	once	the	campaigns	had	run	their	course.

Figure : Levels of activity on social media channels

                                                                                                                  n Active Accounts      n Inactive Accounts


                                                                53%                              54%
                                                         47%                              46%


                       Micro-blogs                    Social Networks                  Corporate Blogs                    Video Sharing

Percentage of companies with active (at least one post during the period July 01-15, 2011) or inactive (with no company posts or activity during the period July
01-15, 2011) social media channels used solely or in part for corporate marketing or communications purposes

10 Greenwashing: Who’s Winning and Losing the Green Race Online? – Nielsen, April 2008
11 Reputation In The Cloud Era: Digital Crisis Communications Study – Burson-Marsteller, June 2011

                                                                                                          CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 | 11
The	 management	 of	 official	 social	 media	 profiles	 takes	
considerable	 time	 and	 effort,	 and	 demands	 organisations	
think	 carefully	 about	 their	 marketing	 and	 communications	
objectives,	marketing	mix	and	channel	strategies.	

Despite	 this,	 the	 high	 percentage	 of	 inactive	 accounts	
indicates	that	many	Asian	organisations	are	yet	to	develop	a	
sustainable	social	media	strategy	that	places	social	media	in	
the	context	of	the	broader	marketing	mix,	including	‘traditional’	
PR,	internal	communications,	knowledge	sharing,	marketing,	
customer	service	and	sales.

In	the	meantime,	a	high	proportion	of	top	Asian	companies	
continue	to	treat	their	corporate	social	media	as	pilot	projects,	
keeping	 them	 deliberately	 separate	 from	 the	 company	
website	 (Figure	 7).	 While	 firms	 may	 remain	 wary	 of	 the	
capacity	for	users	to	say	what	they	want,	keeping	their	social	
channels	at	arm’s	length		also	makes	it	more	difficult	for	users	
to	find	them	and	reduces	their	effectiveness.

Figure : Integration of social media channels with corporate website

                                                                                                           n Homepage Integration   n Social Sharing Tools

   60%                                                                                       60%
         50%                             50%                                                                                                    50%
                                                                   40% 40%                         40%
                                  30%                                                                     30%
                20%         20%                20%    20% 20%                                                   20%    20% 20%      20% 20%
                                                                                      0%                                                              0%

   Australia     China      Hong Kong       India     Indonesia      Japan      S. Korea     Malaysia Philippines Singapore         Taiwan      Thailand

Percentage of companies promoting their branded social media channels via their homepage or using page sharing tools


         o r 	 c o m m u n i c a t o r s , 	 f e w	                                                   So what does all this say
         opportunities	 today	 are	 as	                                                               about a path forward?
         e x c i t i n g 	 a s 	 s t u d y i n g 	 t h e	
         corporate	use	of	relatively	new	                                                             First,	 I	 think	 it’s	 very	 likely	 that	
digital	 channels	 across	 Asia’s	 many	                                                              companies	 in	 Asia	 who	 want	 to	 get	
emerging	markets.		                                                                                   serious	 about	 their	 online	 presence	
                                                                                                      might	 first	 re-examine	 their	 preferred	
I 	 w e l c o m e 	 t h e 	 o p p o r t u n i t y 	 t o	                                              metrics	in	order	to	encourage	the	right	
contribute	 to	 this	 report	 not	 only	                                                              tactics	and	management	approaches.	       	
because	 we	 have	 so	 few	 useful	                                                                   If	we	want	a	sustained	presence	and	
studies	 of	 corporate	 social	 media	                                                                meaningful	 engagement,	 then	 we	
in	 Asian	 markets,	 but	 also	 because	                                                              must	 begin	 with	 metrics	 which	 can	
of	 the	 study’s	 design.	 	 In	 this	 age	 of	                                                       reveal	any	improvements	along	these	
fast	 data	 and	 quick	 white	 papers,	 I	                                                            lines.	 	 Perhaps	 most	 importantly,	 a	
                                                         Michael Netzley
believe	 in	 some	 ways	 we	 could	 be	                                                               revised	dashboard	must	also	be	well	
making	 it	 more	 difficult	for	marketers	                                                            aligned	with	the	corporate	strategy.		
and	 communicators	 to	 craft	 wise	
strategies	when	faced	with	so	much	fragmentary	evidence.                   We	 can	 especially	 see	 in	 the	 year-on-year	 comparison	 that	
                                                                           some	companies	are	putting	digital	channels	to	good	use.		I	
This	report	is	different.		Replicating	the	2010	study,	Burson-             am	encouraged	to	see	significant	growth	in	activities	such	as	
Marsteller	offers	us	a	year-on-year	look	at	corporate	uses	of	             media	and	influencer	relations	and	thought	leadership.		These	
digital	channels.		For	me,	several	findings	stand	out.		                   can	be	great	investments	of	time	and	resources	trusting	that	
                                                                           the	 messaging	 strategy	 is	 aimed	 at	 something	 more	 than	
•	 The	 top	 activities	 for	 companies	 in	 Asia,	 by	 percentage	        simple	 push,	 one-way	 announcements.	 	 In	 other	 words,	
   of	 posts,	 are:	 media	 and	 influencer	 relations,	 thought	          having	enough	content	for	sustained	corporate	engagement	
   leadership	 and	 CSR.	 	 These	 are	 all	 meaningful	 uses	             with	stakeholders	means	that	we	must	all	start	operating	like	
   of	 digital	 channels	 which	 can	 help	 shape	 a	 company’s	           we	are	a	media	company.	We	need	quality	narrative	content	
   operating	landscape.                                                    that	evokes	a	response.

•	 The	 data	 also	 reveals	 how	 many	 more	 companies	 have	             Delivering	 sustained	 narrative	 content	 over	 blogs	 or	 video	
   created	multiple	social	media	channels	and	appear	to	be	                channels,	 however,	 is	 not	 easy.	 	 The	 growth	 of	 media	
   increasing	their	online	presence.		                                     channels	revealed	by	this	study	also	suggests	that	we	need	
                                                                           talented	staff	who	can	deliver	such	content.		My	sense	is	that	
Creating	the	channels	is	an	important	first	step,	but	perhaps	             such	people	can	be	in	short	supply	in	Asia’s	many	emerging	
the	 easiest.	 	 The	 findings	 also	 reveal	 opportunities	 for	          markets.	 	 So	 in	 addition	 to	 revising	 our	 measurement	
companies	to	use	these	channels	more	fully.                                dashboard,	the	increased	adoption	of	more	digital	channels	
                                                                           along	with	the	high	levels	of	inactivity	lead	me	to	ask	about	
•	 Channels	 which	 allow	 companies	 to	 develop	 a	 rich	                our	 talent	 schemes.	 	 Are	 we	 attracting,	 developing,	 and	
   narrative	 (e.g.,	 video	 sharing	 and	 blogs)	 appear	 to	 be	         retaining	 enough	 skilled	 storytellers	 to	 maintain	 an	 on-
   used	 less	 frequently	 than	 do	 short-form	 communication	            going	 dialogue	 with	 stakeholders?	 	 Perhaps	 not.	 	 Until	
   channels	such	as	micro-blogs.		                                         that	 happens,	 the	 partnership	 between	 organisations	 and	
                                                                           agencies	will	be	critical	to	any	successful	online	presence.
•	 Additionally,	 sustained	 use	 of	 the	 digital	 challenges	
   appears	 to	 be	 an	 on-going	 challenge.	 	 While	 more	               And	while	I	am	encouraged	to	see	more	companies	dipping	
   companies	 have	 a	 presence	 over	 many	 channels,	 the	               their	 toe	 in	 the	 digital	 media	 pool,	 I	 believe	 the	 opportunity	
   levels	of	inactivity	are	surprisingly	high.		                           for	 a	 company	 to	 firmly	 establish	 itself	 as	 a	 leader	 in	 this	

                                                                                                CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 | 1
space	remains	ripe.		The	findings	of	this	study	appear	highly	
consistent	 with	 my	 university	 research—few	 companies	
have	really	established	themselves	as	genuine	leaders	in	the	
digital	sphere.		The	early	mover	advantage	still	appears	to	be	
available	in	many	markets	and	industries,	but	the	increased	
adoption	of	digital	channels	indicates	the	clock	is	ticking.

I	 have	 little	 doubt	 that	 in	 the	 coming	 years	 digital	 channels	
will	 reshape	 more	 than	 just	 marketing	 and	 public	 relations.	   	
These	 channels	 are	 set	 to	 impact	 all	 aspects	 of	 business.	    	
Today	 we	 can	 see	 increased	 use	 of	 digital	 channels	 for	
customer	service	and	employee	engagement	as	two	obvious	
examples.	 	 But	 companies	 are	 also	 increasingly	 adopting	
enterprise	communications	to	increase	speed	and	efficiency	
of	 operations.	 	 Social	 networks	 are	 being	 leveraged	 to	
make	 companies	 innovate	 and	 shorten	 the	 time	 it	 takes	 to	
bring	 a	 new	 product	 or	 service	 to	 market.	 	 	 And	 university	
researchers	are	busy	discovering	how	we	can	mine	big	data	
for	better	insights.

Digital	communications	are	making	businesses	more	social.	           	
Companies	are	immersed	in	a	web	of	stakeholders	who	are	
all	 aware	 of	 each	 other	 and	 talk	 about	 organisations.	 	 This	
study	 delivers	 one	 of	 the	 few	 comparative	 year-on-year	
snapshots	of	how	Asian	companies	are	coming	to	terms	with	
this	changed	environment.	Much	work	remains.	

Those	who	exhibit	leadership,	learn	the	quickest	and	become	
the	first	to	capture	the	benefits	of	digital	communications	will,	
no	doubt,	gain	a	significant	advantage.

Michael Netzley, PhD
Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication (Education)
2010-11 Research Fellow, Society for New Communication Research
Singapore Management University

         BY MARKET


        his	 year’s	 findings	 show	 that	                                  Carly Yanco                       on	Facebook,	and	dedicated	resources	
        A u s t r a l i a n 	 c o m p a n i e s 	 a r e	                    Head of Digital
                                                                                                              to	maintain	and	facilitate	the	accounts,	
        taking	 an	 ever	 more	 integrated	                                                                   Qantas	 Airways	 manages	 to	 keep	
        a p p ro a c h 	 t o 	 s o c i a l 	 m e d i a .	                   @carlyyanco
                                                                                                              c u s t o m e r s 	 u p d a t e d , 	 re s p o n d 	 t o	
Having	 initially	 dipped	 their	 toes	 in	                                                                   queries,	 communicate	 latest	 offers	
the	 water	 and	 set	 up	 sole-purpose	                                                                       and	 promotions	 and	 suggest	 travel	
social	 media	 accounts,	 focusing	 on	                     Corporate	(and	marketing)	content	itself	         and	 holiday	 destinations.	 Accordingly,	
brand	 marketing	 or	 customer	 service,	                   must	also	be	interesting	and	relevant.	It	        Qantas’	 audiences	 are	 more	 engaged	
companies	 are	 now	 taking	 a	 more	                       is	very	simple	for	users	to	share	content	        and	responsive	to	intermittent	corporate	
sophisticated	approach.                                     with	 their	 friends	 and	 colleagues	 (the	      messages.
                                                            desired	 ‘network	 effect’),	 but	 the	
Major	 Australian	 companies	 such	 as	                     reality	 is	 that	 much	 content	 fails	 truly	   As	 Australian	 consumers	 continue	
Westpac	 and	 Qantas	 have	 increased	                      to	 engage	 the	 user.	 However,	 the	 jury	      to	 move	 online	 thanks	 to	 improved	
the	 number	 of	 branded	 channels	 they	                   is	out	as	to	whether	it	is	the	nature	of	         broadband	 infrastructure	 and	 rising	
offer,	 while	 using	 these	 channels	 to	                  Australian	audiences	that	is	driving	the	         smartphone	 penetration,	 it	 is	 only	 to	
support	 a	 mix	 of	 brand,	 corporate	                     reluctance	 to	 ‘engage’	 with	 corporate	        be	 expected	 that	 more	 businesses	
content	and	customer	service	functions.                     content	 online,	 or	 whether	 it	 is	 based	     will	take	advantage	of	social	media	as	
                                                            on	 the	 nature	 of	 corporate	 content	          a	 means	 to	 communicate	 with	 their	
The	 study	 also	 finds	 that	 corporate	                   itself.                                           audiences,	at	a	lower	relative	cost.
content	 tends	 to	 resonate	 strongly	
with	 Australian	 audiences,	 with	 users	                  Australian	companies	that	are	weaving	            W e 	 a l s o 	 e x p e c t 	 t o 	 s e e 	 m o r e	
largely	 disinterested	 in	 or	 reluctant	                  corporate	 messaging	 into	 their	 brand	         A u s t r a l i a n 	 c o m p a n i e s 	 t a k i n g 	 a n	
to	 comment	 on	 or	 share	 corporate	                      marketing	 and/or	 customer	 service	             integrated	 approach	 to	 social	 media,	
content	 with	 their	 own	 networks.	                       efforts	 appear	 to	 be	 most	 successful,	       with	 accounts	 evolving	 true	 online	
Why?	For	one,	levels	of	online	dialogue	                    suggesting	that	an	integrated	approach	           representations	of	the	company,	giving	
amongst	Australians	are	lower	than	the	                     increases	engagement	levels.                      audiences	a	more	authentic	and	holistic	
global	average12.	Another	reason	could	                                                                       brand	experience.
be	 that	 Australians	 are	 by	 nature	 fairly	             For	 example,	 with	 close	 to	 35,000	
cynical	about	marketing.                                    followers	 on	 Twitter	 and	 over	 85,000	

                      Westpac – Thought Leadership
                                                                                                              Corporate Use of Social Media Channels
                                                                                                                  n Active Accounts           n Inactive Accounts

                                                                                                                   67%           60%                         60%


                                                              Source:                             40%                         40%
    Westpac uses its YouTube channel to support its thought leadership                                             33%
    communications, posting weekly economic news updates and business
    information and insights. The channel is also used to showcase the firm’s
    Corporate Social Responsibility efforts. The channel averages approximately                                                                 0%
    300 views per video and supports the bank’s broader stakeholder
                                                                                                              Micro-blogs      Social  Corporate             Video
    communications.                                                                                                           Networks  Blogs               Sharing

12 Digital Life, TNS, October 2010


                                                                                   Leon Zhang
         h i n a ’s	 I n t e r n e t 	 i s 	 g ro w i n g	                                                                   surveyed	having	one	or	more	of	these	
                                                                                   Digital Strategy  Insights Lead
         explosively,	 with	 485+	 million	                                                                                  channels.	Yet	only	20%	of	these	blogs	
         Internet	 users	 of	 which	 some	                                                                                   were	active	during	the	research	period,	
         235	 million	 are	 social	 media	                                         @digimarketing
                                                                                                                             pointing	to	a	larger	issue	–	the	paucity	
users,	with	a	year-on-year	growth	rate	                                                                                      of	 skills	 to	 man	 these	 channels	 and	
of	 33.7%13.	 So	 it	 is	 little	 surprise	 that	                                                                            feed	 them	 compelling	 content	 on	 an	
more	 and	 more	 companies	 in	 China	                           proving	 popular	 for	 marketing	 and	                      ongoing	 basis,	 and	 a	 general	 lack	 of	
–	 both	 local	 and	 international	 –	 are	                      communications	 purposes.	 China	                           commitment	to	fill	this	need.	
jumping	on	the	social	bandwagon.	                                Merchants	 Bank,	 for	 instance,	 now	
                                                                 counts	 well	 over	 300,000	 followers	 of	                 The	fact	that	social	media	channels	in	
This	 year’s	 study	 shows	 that	 all	 the	                      its	Weibo	account.                                          mainland	 China	 are	 rarely	 promoted,	
companies	 surveyed	 are	 now	 using	                                                                                        let	alone	integrated,	with	the	corporate	
at	 least	 one	 corporate	 social	 media	                        Yet	 while	 the	 weibos	 are	 in	 vogue	                    website	also	 indicates	that	companies	
channel,	 most	 often	 a	 corporate	 blog,	                      for	 both	 consumer	 and	 corporate	                        remain	 cautious	 in	 this	 area.	 In	 China,	
sometimes	a	social	network	profile	and,	                         marketing	 and	 communication,	 and	                        there	are	good	reasons	for	caution,	not	
increasingly,	a	weibo	(micro-blog	profile).                      some	firms	can	boast	high	numbers	of	                       least	due	to	the	uncertainty	surrounding	
                                                                 followers,	 actual	 dialogue	 with	 users	                  the	weibos	–	will	they	be	regulated?	Or	
Micro-blogs,	 in	 particular,	 have	 been	                       remains	very	thin,	certainly	on	corporate	                  has	 the	 government	 let	 the	 social	 cat	
the	 talk	 of	 the	 town	 over	 the	 past	                       marketing	and	communications	topics.                        out	of	the	digital	bag?	
twelve	 months,	 with	 huge	 numbers	
of	 users	 (Sina	 and	 Tencent	 both	 now	                       The	relative	lack	of	dialogue	is	precisely	                 Meantime,	 Chinese	 companies	 would	
state	 they	 have	 over	 200m	 users	 for	                       why	many	firms	feel	comfortable	using	                      do	well	to	clarify	who	they	are	aiming	at	
their	 respective	 weibos),	 and	 playing	                       weibos	 in	 the	 communications	 mix	 –	                    and	why	they	are	using	social	media.	A	
an	active,	and	highly	visible	role,	in	the	                      they	 are	 primarily	 used	 to	 disseminate	                common	mistake	is	simply	to	focus	on	
Zhejiang	 high-speed	 train	 crash	 and	 a	                      information	 as	 far	 and	 as	 wide	 as	                    the	quantity	of	 fans/followers,	 ignoring	
series	of	protests,	scandals	and	natural	                        possible,	 rather	 than	 truly	 ‘engage’	                   their	 quality	 and	 influence.	 This	 may	
disasters.                                                       users.                                                      be	 a	 reason	 why	 “zombie	 followers”	
                                                                                                                             (inactive	or	 fake	followers	 manipulated	
The	 weibos	 –	 especially	 Sina,	 which	                        T h i s 	 m a y 	 s e e m 	 t o 	 c o n t r a d i c t	      by	 some	 companies	 /	 individuals	 for	
is	 seen	 to	 have	 a	 more	 educated	                           companies’	(ongoing)	use	of	corporate	                      business	 purposes)	 have	 become	
a n d 	 i n f l u e n t i a l 	 u s e r 	 b a s e 	 – 	 a r e	   blogs,	 with	 half	 of	 the	 companies	                     prevalent	in	China	recently.

    Alibaba Group – Corporate Social Responsibility                                                                          Corporate Use of Social Media Channels
                                                                                                                                n Active Accounts    n Inactive Accounts

                                                                                                                                 67%         60%      60%        100%


    In addition to a dedicated website, Alibaba Group has an official blog
    specifically to highlight its Corporate Social Responsibility activities,                                                    8%          10%
    providing a stream of CSR-related news, updates and reports on
                                                                                                                             Micro-blogs    Social  Corporate    Video
    volunteering, disaster relief and environmental protection programmes.                                                                 Networks  Blogs      Sharing

13 28th China Internet Development Report – CNNIC, July 2011

                                                                                                                          CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 | 1

             ong	 Kong’s	 love	 affair	 with	                                      Terence Yam                      fun	 and	 engaging	 content,	 the	 ‘weibo	
             social	 media	 is	 a	 little	 more	                                   Digital Strategist
                                                                                                                    fever’	that	has	been	sweeping	mainland	
             muted	 than	 in	 some	 other	                                                                          China	 does	 not	 apply	 to	 the	 same	
             markets,	 perhaps	 because	                                           @terenceyam
                                                                                                                    extent	in	Hong	Kong.	
it	 is	 a	 small	 place	 and	 people	 meet	 in	
person	frequently.                                                                                                  This	 is	 perhaps	 surprising,	 as	 Hong	
                                                                   principally	 for	 short-term	 product	 and	      Kong-ers	 prefer	 content	 that	 is	 short	
N o n e t h e l e s s , 	 c o m p a n i e s 	 a r e	               brand	 marketing	 campaigns,	 with	              and	 contains	 a	 lot	 of	 graphics	 (in	
increasingly	 keen	 to	 use	 social	 media,	                       some	 companies	 also	 using	 it	 for	           contrast	 to	 the	 reading	 habits	 of	
especially	 for	 consumer	 marketing	                              general	 stakeholder	 communications	            mainland	 Chinese).	 	 They	 are	 also	
c a m p a i g n s . 	 A n d 	 t h e 	 H o n g 	 K o n g	           and	 to	 highlight	their	 Corporate	Social	      used	to	a	style	of	media	reportage	that	
gover nment	 is	 also	 placing	 much	                              Responsibility	programmes.	                      favours	fewer	words	and	more	pictures.
greater	 emphasis	 on	 Facebook	 and	                                                                               In	 addition	 to	 a	 general	 conservatism,	
other	 channels	 for	 its	 own	 public	                            However,	 active	 and	 sustained	 use	 of	       this	 relative	 lack	 of	 substantive	 media	
communications,	 perhaps	 spurred	 by	                             Facebook	 and	 other	 social	 media	 for	        output	 and	 online	 content	 might	 also	
a	 well	 publicised	 campaign	 against	 a	                         corporate	purposes	remains	thin	on	the	          explain	 why	 so	 few	 firms	 are	 using	
proposed	high-speed	railway.                                       ground.                                          dialogue	–	either	on	Facebook,	micro-
                                                                                                                    blogs	or	on	dedicated	corporate-blogs	
While	 consumer	 brands	 are	 actively	                            Why	this	conservatism?	It	is	partly	due	         to	communicate	with	stakeholders.
using	 social	 media,	 Hong	 Kong-                                 to	 a	 lack	 of	 skilled	 resources,	 partly	
based	 companies	 are	 lagging	 in	 their	                         due	 to	 the	 perceived	 loss	 of	 control	      All	of	which	points	to	video	as	perhaps	
use	 of	 social	 media	 for	 corporate	                            that	 social	 media	 represents.	 There	         the	 best	 opportunity	 for	 companies	
communications	 and	 marketing,	 with	                             is	 also	 the	 added	 difficulty	 of	 needing	   looking	 to	 bring	 alive	 their	 corporate	
few	exceptions,	notably	Cathay	Pacific	                            to	 manage	 social	 channels	 using	             marketing	messages.	YouTube	is	highly	
Airways,	which	uses	a	variety	of	social	                           traditional	 Chinese	 as	 well	 as	 English	     popular	in	Hong	Kong,	as	are	some	of	
platforms	to	communicate	with	a	broad	                             and	perhaps	also	simplified	Chinese.	            the	Chinese	online	video	channels	such	
spectrum	of	stakeholders.                                          	                                                as	Youku	and	Ku6,	and	the	mainstream	
                                                                   Equally,	 while	 Sina	 Weibo	 has	 gotten	       media	 are	 busy	 launching	 video	 news	
Facebook	 is	 much	 the	 most	 popular	                            some	 real	 traction	 in	 Hong	 Kong	 over	      channels.	 Yet	 companies	 seldom	 use	
s o c i a l 	 c h a n n e l , 	 re a c h i n g 	 a ro u n d	       the	past	few	months	thanks	to	its	user-          video	 to	 promote	 their	 brands	 –	 a	 big	
77%	 of	 the	 population 14,	 and	 is	 used	                       friendly	 interface	 and	 abundance	 of	         missed	opportunity.	

                        Hong Kong  China Gas –                                                                     Corporate Use of Social Media Channels
                      Corporate Social Responsibility
                                                                                                                       n Active Accounts    n Inactive Accounts

                                                                                                                        73%         43%      100%       100%

                                                                                                                                    57%      12%

                                                               Source:          27%
    Hong Kong  China Gas uses a variety of social media tools to raise
    awareness and encourage its customers of its ‘Towngas Low Carbon Action!’
    campaign to save energy and adopt a generally more environmentally-
                                                                                                                    Micro-blogs    Social  Corporate    Video
    friendly lifestyle.                                                                                                           Networks  Blogs      Sharing

14 Asia-Pacific Social Media Infographics – Burson-Marsteller, August 2011


         o c i a l 	 m e d i a 	 i s 	 t h e 	 n e w	                     Salil Jayakar                       2011	 saw	 India	 suffer	 its	 fair	 share	 of	
         buzzword	 in	 India	 amongst	                                    Digital Strategist
                                                                                                              social	 media	 crises	 and	 there	 is	 no	
         c o n s u m e r s , 	 c i t i z e n s 	 a n d	                                                       reason	to	believe	that	2012	will	be	any	
         companies.	 India	 now	 counts	                                  @salilicious
over	 32	 million	 registered	 Facebook	
users,	 nearly	 52%	 of	 the	 local	 online	                                                                  The	 challenge	 many	 companies	 face	
population.	 Twitter	 and	 LinkedIn	                      especially	 true	 of	 social	 media.	 Some	         is	how	to	deal	with	such	an	open	and	
now	 have	 around	 10	 million	 users	                    of	 India’s	 largest	 companies	 remain	            volatile	environment.	Few	firms	in	India	
respectively15.                                           family-owned,	 for	 which	 traditional	             have	much	idea	how	to	respond	during	
                                                          marketing	formats	such	as	TV	ad	spots	              a	public	onslaught	on	the	Internet,	and	
In	 the	 past	 twelve	 months,	 more	 and	                and	posters	have	worked	well.	                      in	our	experience	few	have	prepared	for	
more	 Indian	 companies	 have	 started	                                                                       this	eventuality.
using	social	networks	and	other	media.	    	              Moreover,	 decision-making	 is	 often	
But	 corporate	 use	 remains	 at	 an	 early	              controlled	 by	 a	 single	 individual	 (more	       T h a t ’s 	 n o t 	 t o 	 s a y 	 t h e r e 	 a r e n ’ t	
stage,	with	the	focus	largely	on	product	                 often	 than	 not)	 who	 has	 little	 time	 to	      companies	 prepared	 to	 take	 a	 risk.	 In	
marketing	and	customer	service.	                          study	 a	 new	 medium	 that	 appears	 to	           particular,	 India’s	 leading	 technology	
                                                          have	 little	 immediate	 impact	 on	 the	           firms	 (for	 instance,	 see	 Wipro	 below)	
Indian	 companies’	 preferred	 channel	                   bottom	line,	and	the	top	management	                are	 actively	 using	 corporate	 blogs	
is	 social	 networks,	 with	 almost	 60%	                 /	 policy	 makers	 in	 these	 companies	            and	 other	 social	 media	 for	 thought	
of	 companies	 using	 Facebook,	 as	                      te nd 	 to 	 be	 senior	 members 	 who	             leadership	companies,	and	to	help	drive	
well	 as	 Google’s	 Orkut,	 as	 opposed	                  have	 little	 exposure	 to	 social	 media	          awareness	 and	 credibility	 in	 foreign	
to	 some	 30%	 using	 Twitter.	 Only	 10%	                tools.	 For	 them,	 evaluation	 of	 social	         markets,	 especially	 English-language	
of	 companies	 surveyed	 are	 using	                      media	 presents	 a	 learning	 curve	 and	           ones.			
online	 video	 in	 any	 way	 for	 corporate	              a	 risk-investment-gain	 analysis	 to	 be	
marketing	or	communications.                              conducted.                                          For	 those	 Indian	 companies	 yet	 to	
                                                                                                              make	 the	 social	 media	 jump,	 the	
There	 can	 be	 said	 to	be	something	of	                 In	 addition,	 many	 firms	 are	 worried	           waiting	 time	 has	 been	 getting	 shorter.	
a	 herd	 mentality	 generally	 that	 applies	             about	 the	 risks	 of	 overly	 exposing	            And,	 there’s	 an	 elephant	 in	 the	 room,	
to	marketing	in	India,	and	this	appears	                  themselves	 in	 these	 public	 domains.	            and	one	they	cannot	choose	to	ignore.

                        Wipro – Thought Leadership                                                            Corporate Use of Social Media Channels
                                                                                                                  n Active Accounts          n Inactive Accounts

                                                                                                                   57%           29%           50%           75%



                                Source:                                                       25%
    IT company Wipro’s official ‘Applying Thought’ blog features regular posts
    from India and foreign-based senior executives, experts and guest bloggers.
    The blog aims to positions the company as an expert on a range of topics,
                                                                                                              Micro-blogs      Social  Corporate            Video
    from business strategy and organisational design to sustainability.                                                       Networks  Blogs              Sharing

15 Various sources – Bloomberg, LinkedIn,, September 2011

                                                                                                           CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 | 1

         u b b e d 	 t h e 	 m o s t 	 Tw i t t e r-                                    Natashia Jaya                               Additionally,	there	is	still	a	big	question	
         addicted	 nation	 in	 the	 world,	                                             Digital Associate
                                                                                                                                    mark	 amongst	 companies	 on	 how	 to	
         Indonesia’s	 prolific	 use	 of	                                                                                            measure	ROI	for	corporate	use	of	social	
         social	 media	 and	 its	 general	                                              @natsii
influence	on	society	continues	to	garner	
considerable	attention	globally.                                                                                                    Ye t 	 w h i l e 	 I n d o n e s i a n 	 c o m p a n i e s	
                                                                   purposes	 only	 rather	 than	 stakeholder	                       continue	 to	 shy	 away	 from	 detailing	
L a s t 	 y e a r, 	 a t t e n t i o n 	 f o c u s e d 	 o n	      communications.                                                  their	corporate	activities	on	the	Internet	
the 	 ‘ A 	 C o i n 	 f o r 	 P r i t a ’ 	 m o v e m e n t	                                                                        a n d 	 t h ro u g h 	 s o c i a l 	 m e d i a , 	 m o s t	
waged	 against	 a	 hospital	 in	 Jakarta;	                         One	of	the	reasons	behind	the	general	                           established	 companies	 are	 well	 aware	
this	 year	 was	 the	 turn	 of	 enraged	                           reluctance	 to	 use	 social	 media	 for	                         that	 they	 are	 increasingly	 expected	 to	
H a r r y 	 P o t t e r 	 f a n s 	 c a s t i n g 	 s p e l l s	   corporate	 purposes	 is	 that	 most	                             be	in	this	space	whether	they	like	it	or	
on	 Twitter	 after	 the	 announcement	                             companies	still	prefer	traditional	media	                        not.	Hence,	the	majority	of	Indonesian	
that	 the	 film	 would	 not	 be	 screened	                         channels,	 notably	 print,	 broadcast	                           companies	 surveyed	 have	 either	 a	
i n 	 I n d o n e s i a .	 M e a n w h i l e 	 a c t re s s	       and,	increasingly,	online	media	to	build	                        Twitter	 or	 Facebook	 account,	 or	 both,	
Emma	 Watson	 tweeted	 in	 support	                                emerging	domestic	markets	and	market	                            though	 rarely	 for	 corporate	 marketing	
of	 the	 #IndonesiawantsHarryPotter	                               share.	 There	 is	 also	 a	 distinct	 lack	 of	                  alone	 –	 product	 campaigns	 dominate	
movement.                                                          qualified	local	personnel	to	devise	and	                         social	media	thinking	and	doing	here.
                                                                   manage	social	media	programmes.
Despite	 the	 fact	 that	 Indonesia	 has	                                                                                           With	 a	 population	 of	 over	 240	 million,	
one	 of	 the	 highest	 levels	 of	 Twitter	                        The	 growing	 concer n	 that	 social	                            Internet	 penetration	 at	 16% 19 	 and	
penetration	 in	 the	 world 16 	 and	 the	                         media	 will	 result	 in	 a	 loss	 of	 control	                   massive	 enthusiasm	 for	 all	 things	
largest	 number	 of	 Facebook	 users	                              of	 messaging	 and	 content	 has	 also	                          social,	there	is	untapped	potential	that	
in	 Asia	 (over	 40	 million 17),	 data	 from	                     h i n d e re d 	 c o m p a n i e s 	 f ro m 	 u s i n g	         companies	 in	 Indonesia	 can	 address.	
this	 study	 indicates	 that	 companies	 in	                       t h e i r 	 s o c i a l 	 m e d i a 	 c h a n n e l s 	 f o r	   As	 consumer	 access	 to	 broadband	
Indonesia	continue	to	use	social	media	                            c o r p o r a t e 	 p u r p o s e s . 	 C o m p a n i e s	       becomes	 more	 pervasive	 and	 mobile	
sparingly	 for	 corporate	 activities.	 In	                        are	 uncomfortable	 their	 corporate	                            broadband	services	reduce,	companies	
line	 with	 last	 year’s	 results18,	 popular	                     information	 the	 public	 where	 it	 might	                      are	going	to	find	it	harder	to	say	no	in	
social	 media	 channels	 are	 principally	                         generate	 uncontrolled	 conversations	                           the	future.
b e i n g 	 u s e d 	 b y 	 t o p 	 I n d o n e s i a n	           or	 questions	 that	 may	 undo	 their	
companies	 for	 consumer	 marketing	                               reputations.

        Garuda Indonesia – Recruitment Marketing                                                                                    Corporate Use of Social Media Channels
                                                                                                                                        n Active Accounts          n Inactive Accounts

                                                                                                                                        100%          100%          100%          100%


     Garuda Indonesia, the national airline for Indonesia, uses its Facebook
     account mainly for recruitment marketing. In addition to posting information
     about new openings, the company also directs its followers to the Garuda
                                                                                                                                    Micro-blogs      Social  Corporate            Video
     Indonesia’s career website where prospective employees can apply online.                                                                       Networks  Blogs              Sharing

16   Twitter Growth Worldwide - Comscore Media Metrix, August 2010
17 - September 2011
18   Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2010 - Burson-Marsteller, August 2010


         ontrary	to	some	commentators’	                                                           by	 target	 audiences	 and	 companies	
         opinions,		Japanese	firms	of	all	                     Kyoko Toyoda                       alike.
         shapes	 and	 sizes	 are	 actively	                    Strategist
         using	 social	 media	 to	 market	           
                                                                                                  Of	 the	 options	 available,	 micro-blogs	
their	brands	and	products.                                                                        -	 especially	 Twitter	 –	 are	 the	 channels	
                                                                                                  of	 choice,	 chiefly	 as	 they	 are	 so	
But	it	remains	true	that	Japanese	firms	        set	 of	 audiences	 both	 in	 Japan	 and	         easy	 to	 use	 and	 require	 little	 effort	 to	
remain	 slow	 in	 using	 social	 media	 for	    elsewhere.                                        maintain	and	promote.	It	is	also	worth	
corporate	communications.		There	are	                                                             remembering	 that	 it	 is	 possible	 to	
three	main	reasons:                             For	the	moment,	the	focus	is	on	setting	          express	 much	 more	 in	 Japanese	 than	
                                                up	 the	 core	 social	 infrastructure	 and	       many	 other	 languages	 within	 the	 140	
First,	 Japanese	 companies	 continue	          looking	 for	 opportunities	 to	 engage	          character	limit.	
to	think	that	social	media	is	only	about	       with	online	media	and	bloggers.	Actual	
consumer	 marketing.	 Second,	 local	           engagement	 with	 stakeholders	 on	 the	          There	 is	 also	 a	 widespread	 belief	 that	
firms	 of	 all	 sizes	 remain	 worried	about	   Internet	remains	thin.                            news	and	information	added	to	Twitter	
the	possible	 loss	of	control	that	 social	                                                       will	 somehow	 miraculously	 spread	
media	 entails.	 Third,	 they	 lack	 the	       Corporate	dialogue	can	also	suffer	from	          out	 across	 the	 Internet	 like	 fairy	 dust.	
requisite	resources	and	skills,	especially	     being	inappropriate.	There	is	much	talk	          Yet	 many	 corporate	 Twitter	 accounts	
in	the	corporate	communication	arena,	          now	of	so-called	‘soft-touch	(or	casual	          struggle	to	attract	large	followings.
despite	 the	 international	 footprint	 of	     social	 media)	 accounts’.	 	 Commonly	
many	of	the	companies	surveyed.                 found	 on	 micro-blogs	 and	 social	              Overall,	 Japan’s	 use	 of	 social	 media	
                                                networks,	 these	 corporate	 accounts	            will	 follow	 the	 contours	 of	 its	 path	 as	
Nonetheless,	 there’s	 no	 question	 that	      do	little	more	than	engage	in	what	can	           a	 culture	 and	 as	 country:	 the	 more	
Japanese	 companies	 have	 started	             appear	 to	 be	 fairly	 pointless	 chatter	       open	 we	 become,	 the	 more	 likely	 we	
to	 consider	 corporate	 use	 of	 social	       with	fans/followers,	as	if	to	fill	space	in	      are	 to	 express	 ourselves	 openly.	 This	
media	 more	 seriously	 having	 seen	 the	      a	conversation	that	seems	to	be	going	            applies	to	ourselves	as	people,	and	as	
role	 that	 social	 media	 played	 in	 the	     nowhere.	While	this	approach	has	been	            businesses.	 	 This	 may	 take	 time.	 But	
Great	 East	 Japan	 earthquake,	 as	 well	      popular	since	the	first	wave	of	company	          with	 Facebook	 increasingly	 popular,	
as	by	a	spate	of	digitally-driven	issues	       social	 media	 accounts	 in	 2009,	 it	 has	      and	 Japanese	 firms	 look	 outward	 for	
and	 crises	 driven	 by	 a	 more	 vocal	        only	 recently	 started	 to	 be	 questioned	      growth,	the	future	is	promising.

         Softbank – Leadership Communications                                                     Corporate Use of Social Media Channels
                                                                                                     n Active Accounts     n Inactive Accounts

                                                                                                      14%         50%                   57%



   Masayoshi Son, CEO of telecoms company Softbank, uses Twitter to talk
   about company news and activities, and to gather feedback on its services.                                                0%
   He also sheds light on his private life and his thoughts on politics, business
                                                                                                  Micro-blogs    Social  Corporate     Video
   and the environment to his 1.3 million followers.                                                            Networks  Blogs       Sharing

                                                                                               CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 | 1

            a l a y s i a n s ’ 	 g r o w i n g	                                   Kelvin Lim                                    As	 brands	 continue	 to	 extend	 their	
            acceptance	and	enthusiasm	                                             Digital Strategist
                                                                                                                                 online	 presence	 into	 the	 social	 space,	
            for	social	media	has	created	                                                                                        channels	 such	 as	 Facebook,	 Twitter	
            p e r s i s t e n t 	 c h a l l e n g e s	                             @kelameity
                                                                                                                                 and	blogs	will	increasingly	serve	as	key	
for	 companies	 looking	 to	 engage	                                                                                             communications	hubs,	where	corporate	
a	 community	 long	 accustomed	 to	                                                                                              m e s s a g i n g	 i s	 s p r i n k l e d	 a m o n g s t	
basic	 value	 hunting	 and	 the	 pursuit	 of	                expectations.	 Rising	 living	 costs	 and	                          promotional	consumer	content.	
personal	and	social	causes.	                                 recurring	 political	 turmoil	 has	 coloured	
                                                             consumer	 sentiment,	 and	 brands	 are	                             Meantime,	 other	 corporate	 channels,	
As	 excitement	 over	 the	 promise	 of	                      now	faced	with	larger	pockets	of	highly	                            including	 corporate	 blogs	 and	 video	
social	 media	 engagements	 begins	 to	                      opinionated	 consumers	 that	 are	 more	                            and	 image	 hosting	 sites,	 often	 remain	
abate,	 consumers	 and	 corporations	                        unforgiving	 of	 corporate	 mishaps	 than	                          dormant.	 This	 is	 attributed	 mainly	 to	
alike	are	faced	with	increasing	exposure	                    ever	before.	                                                       low	 traffic	 and	 engagement	 levels,	
fatigue	 and	 a	 general	 lack	 of	 strategic	                                                                                   leading	to	difficulty	in	justifying	return	on	
sophistication.	                                             I n 	 a d d i t i o n , 	 a 	 g e n e r a l l y 	 re a c t i v e	   investment.
                                                             approach	to	online	issues	management	
In	 turn,	 corporations	 have	 adapted	                      together	 with	 a	 lack	 of	 understanding	
to	 the	 predominantly	 incentive-driven	                    of	digital	crisis	management	has	caught	
local	 culture	 by	 running	 campaigns	                      many	 Malaysian	 companies	 unaware,	
focused	on	simple	metrics.	By	contrast,	                     leading	 to	 consumer	 flare-ups	 on	
long-term	 relationship	 building	 is	often	                 Facebook	and	Twitter.
pioneered	by	the	consumer	product	or	
services	 sectors,	 where	 fresh	 content	                   It	 comes	 as	 no	 surprise	 that	 service	
a n d 	 e n g a g e m e n t 	 t a c t i c s 	 c a n 	 b e	   i n d u s t r i e s 	 s u c h 	 a s 	 a i r l i n e s 	 a n d	
routinely	deployed	sustain	activity	levels.                  telecommunication	 providers	 are	
                                                             among	 the	 most	 active	 participants	 in	
This	often	leads	to	brands	under-valuing	                    social	media,	while	banking	institutions	
their	corporate	assets	and	messaging.	                       shy	 away	 from	 online	 engagement,	
This	is	by	no	means	a	reflection	of	lack	                    mostly	 opting	 to	 limit	 their	 activities	 to	
of	 will,	 but	 rather,	 adjustment	 in	 lieu	               corporate	social	responsibility	efforts	on	
of	 Malaysian	 netizen	 behaviour	 and	                      their	corporate	websites.

             AirAsia – Media  Influencer Outreach                                                                               Corporate Use of Social Media Channels
                                                                                                                                     n Active Accounts         n Inactive Accounts

                                                                                                                                      92%          80%           50%         100%


    AirAsia uses a mix of social media channels, including a company blog, to
    provide insight into its staff and working culture, as well as to announce                                                        8%
    product news and promotions. AirAsia also encourages its customers to
                                                                                                                                 Micro-blogs     Social  Corporate           Video
    share their experiences through the blog using videos and photos.                                                                           Networks  Blogs             Sharing

Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011

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Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2011

  • 2. Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific is the leading consultancy for organisations communicating in Asia-Pacific and internationally. With a presence in the region dating back to 1973, Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific today includes 34 offices and affiliates in 16 countries integrated seamlessly into a global network operating in 98 countries. Our evidence-based approach to communications provides our clients with effective, data-driven programs delivered through multiple channels and focused on tangible, measurable results. Our team of more than 700 professionals offers a powerful combination of local knowledge, sector expertise and © Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific, 2011. All rights reserved global communications reach. For This study is made available under a Creative Commons more information, please visit Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
  • 3. CONTENTS T A B L E O F 2 Introducton 3 Executive Summary 4 Methodology 6 Corporate Use of Social Media 1 3 A Case for Open Digital Leadership 15 Use of Social Media by Market 16 Australia 17 China 18 Hong Kong 19 India 20 Indonesia 21 Japan 22 Malaysia 23 Philippines 24 Singapore 25 South Korea 26 Taiwan 27 Thailand 2 9 Approach to Corporate Social Media & Next Steps 3 3 Company-Market Index 3 4 Further Reading 3 5 Acknowledgements & Contacts
  • 4. INTRODUCTION W h e n w e c o n d u c t e d To reach and persuade stakeholders Burson-Marsteller’s first today, it is not just the vocabulary and annual Corporate Social tone of corporate marketing that must Media Study in 2010, it evolve. More important, companies was striking that Asian companies must adopt a mindset that puts were eyeing social media tentatively, listening and acting genuinely and even skeptically, fearful of what transparently front and centre. And might happen should someone post they must understand how to deal something negative on their online with negative feedback expressed front-door. publicly that could resonate and escalate. This year, despite many more firms dipping their toes in the social swirl, When the upside is a greater ability it is clear that Asian firms remain to reach and influence corporate Bob Pickard reluctant to get involved in open online stakeholders of all types, and the discussions, in part because they downside is appearing disinterested tend to be highly conscious of their or irrelevant, companies have little image and fearful of publicly losing face, in part as they realize option but to participate on social platforms. – correctly – that committing to social media is not something to be done lightly. I hope you enjoy this study. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to post them to our Let’s face it, social media isn’t for every occasion. Using the Facebook page at: web to lobby governments accustomed to hammering out deals in smoke-filled rooms will probably miss its target, and may simply alienate officials. The business media remain a We’d love to hear from you. more credible source of information, news and analysis than Sina Weibo or YouTube for board directors. Most senior Sincerely, decision-makers are uncomfortable with the concept of blogging on industry issues and having to defend difficult or controversial decisions openly. But for most audiences, the Internet and social media are indispensible to their working and personal lives, for talking, Bob Pickard sharing ideas, meeting new people, conducting research and President & CEO making decisions. If you’re under 30 you’re unlikely to pick Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific up a newspaper – news is consumed in bite-sized chunks between stretches of work, networking and gaming. @bobpickard | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC
  • 5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Social media is now a key channel for corporate Continued corporate focus on pushing marketing and communications across Asia information, rather than stakeholder engagement • Top Asian companies are placing greater emphasis on deploying social media channels for corporate marketing • Social media provides companies with an opportunity to and communications, with 81% of firms covered - double use content and dialogue to drive user interest, sharing the number across Asia in 20101 and almost on a par with and advocacy. However, most firms are making little effort 84% of Fortune 100 companies2 - now using branded to engage audiences in corporate-related discussions, social media channels. preferring instead to push content at users in a manner consistent with ‘traditional’ public relations and marketing. • South Korean and Chinese companies are most active in their use of social media for corporate marketing, • The most popular use of social media for corporate especially to domestic audiences. However, many purposes across Asia is to reinforce and extend companies also view social media as a means to build ongoing media and influencer outreach. Engaging core awareness amongst international stakeholders. stakeholders on ‘softer’ topics such as Corporate Social Responsibility or Thought Leadership as a means of • While few top Asian companies have no corporate stimulating questions or feedback take a back seat. presence or voice in social media, firms in Taiwan and Singapore continue to use social media sparingly, a • In a similar vein, other than in South Korea and China, reflection of their conservative business cultures. very few Asian firms use overtly two-way communications channels such as corporate blogs for corporate marketing Corporate social media strategies remain short- purposes, despite their value in helping explain complex term and piecemeal topics. Micro-blogs are the preferred standalone corporate marketing channel. • Despite corporate marketing taking advantage of an ever greater array of social media platforms, over half of Corporate digital storytelling remains in its these branded accounts are ‘inactive’. The great majority infancy of social media channels are used primarily for product marketing campaigns, which are rarely updated after the • While video is hugely popular on the Internet, the great campaign has ended. majority of company video sharing channels are product marketing vehicles. Corporate use of video in Asia is • Few Asian companies have set up social media channels mostly limited to illustrating good social deeds and some specifically for corporate marketing or communications leadership communications. purposes, with most opting to piggy-back on consumer channels. While this one-size-fits-all approach enables • Accordingly, companies are missing a significant firms to reach an established community quickly, it opportunity to bring alive their activities in ways that also means that it can prove more difficult over time to audiences can relate to and might want to share with segment users and target them with relevant corporate others. news and information. • Most firms are failing to promote their social profiles through their websites, implying that they continue to regard their efforts as pilots and remain wary of negative discussions ‘over-spilling’ on to their core owned assets. 1 Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2010, Burson-Marsteller – October 2010 2 Global Social Media Check-Up, Burson-Marsteller – February 2011 CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 |
  • 6. METHODOLOGY T his study assesses corporate marketing and communications activity on top social media channels by 120 of Asia’s leading companies. Companies were selected from the Wall Street Journal Asia 200 Index of Asia’s leading companies as determined by executives and professionals across Asia-Pacific. The top 10 companies per country were selected. A full list of companies surveyed is available on page 33 of this study. The countries studied were: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. Corporate marketing is defined as: Media and Influencer Relations; Corporate Social Responsibility; Thought Leadership; Leadership Communications; Crisis and Issues Management; Recruitment Marketing. Social media channels analysed comprised the top social networks, micro-blogs, video sharing and corporate blogging platforms per country – hosted on third party platforms and/ or website-based. Data was collected in July 2011 by Burson-Marsteller’s Asia- Pacific digital and research teams. Accounts were considered ‘active’ if they had at least one post by the company on or between July 1st and 15th, 2011. | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC
  • 8. CORPORATE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA S ocial media has been a buzz phrase for some The growing challenge of reputation time now, yet its impact and its relevance remain management questioned. For some, these new channels are a byword for disruption and loss of control, for others Accelerated information flows make it much harder for it’s a wonderful opportunity to expand cost-efficiently into new companies to manage their reputations. With journalists, customer segments and markets and to build real interest bloggers and other opinion-formers assiduously tracking and loyalty in one’s brand. micro-blogs for breaking news and combing discussion boards for story ideas, companies must approach the Consumers are pointing the way forward, taking to micro- Internet as a core tool to track topics and issues relevant to blogs, social networks, mobile social applications and other them and as a channel to build relationships with existing and tools with ease and often breathtaking new influencers. enthusiasm. Social media of different types now dominate Inter net use, Social media are a I n p a r a l l e l , i t i s c l e a r t h a t N G O s with Facebook leading online time in and activists, as well as disgruntled Australasia, Hong Kong and across a crucial part of the new customers and local communities, have swathe of Southeast and South Asia, become much more adept at using the while domestic players such as Tencent, weaponry for NGOs, many low-cost channels and tools at Naver, FC2 and Wretch are hugely activists and disgruntled their disposal to share their experiences, popular across North Asia3. voice their opinions, organize campaigns customers and raise funds. Social media are a Asia is shaping the Internet and social crucial part of their new weaponry. media in terms of technology and behaviour. Sina’s Weibo (micro-blog) platform is considerably In addition, large and especially publicly-listed companies more technically sophisticated than Twitter. Asian-based are under pressure to become more transparent and social networks and online gaming platforms introduced accountable, in part due to government intervention, in part virtual currencies and online transactions long before their due to increased stakeholder and consumer expectations of western counterparts. Smartphones are already near good behavior, and in part due to ever greater demands for saturation point in Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and information and dialogue. Singapore. This raises the question as to how organisations should One of the most conspicuous aspects of social media in structure themselves to participate with the multiplicity of Asia is its highly contributory culture. According to Forrester stakeholders actively using social media. Most organisations Research, Koreans and Chinese are the most active creators are struggling with questions such whether engagement of online content in the world4, uploading vast quantities of should be handled centrally or locally. Who are the video, photographs, and blog posts every day. Indonesians appropriate spokespeople? What are the skills and tools love to share news and updates using Twitter. required? How to measure success? Who pays? Clearly, organisations looking to target consumers, especially the under 30s, must now incorporate social media into their marketing mix or miss their target. It is equally clear that the Internet and social media are now critical tools to communicate with corporate stakeholders. 3 Asia-Pacific Social Media Infographics, Burson-Marsteller – August 2011 4 Consumer Social Technographics, Forrester | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC
  • 9. How companies are responding Social media provide an opportunity for organisations to Research for this year’s study shows that more top Asian increase awareness of their activities and to build interest, companies are using branded social media channels for trust and advocacy amongst their stakeholders. That they corporate marketing and communications, with 81% of firms can also do this direct with their audience and by-pass covered (Figure 1) - double the number across Asia in 20107 conventional gatekeepers is also an attractive proposition. and almost on a par with the 84% of Fortune 100 companies8 - now using branded social media channels. Yet enthusiasm amongst companies in Asia has been muted. Last year’s Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study5 by It is clear that Asian companies are also leveraging a greater Burson-Marsteller identified that top Asian companies had number of the channels at their disposal, with just under a largely been hesitant to use branded social media channels third using three social media channels or more, compared to communicate with corporate audiences. to only 3% in 2010. Conversely, only 19% of firms are not using any form of branded channel for corporate purposes – This hesitancy is also evident in more recent research 6 a significant increase on the 60% identified in 2010. showing that most companies believe they are poorly prepared for crises that emerge and spread online, despite believing that digital has made them more vulnerable and made responding to a crisis more challenging. Figure 1: Number of social media channels with Number of social media channels with corporate corporate activity - 011 activity - 010 Number of company social media channels used solely or in part for corporate communications marketing purposes 5 Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2010 – Burson-Marsteller, October 2010 6 Reputation In The Cloud Era: Digital Crisis Communications Study – Burson-Marsteller, June 2011 7 Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2010 – Burson-Marsteller, October 2010 8 Global Social Media Check-Up, Burson-Marsteller – February 2011 CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 |
  • 10. Preferred social media channels of purposes. Asian companies are also starting to develop standalone profiles for product brands and specific corporate Social networks are proving the most popular social channel functions, notably recruitment. for corporate marketing and communications (Figure 2). This might be regarded as surprising, given that Facebook – the Micro-blogs are also popular as they are typically seen top social network across much of Asia-Pacific – tends to be as an additional information ‘push’ tool, enabling broader regarded more as a consumer marketing channel. Yet many dissemination of content and messages across the Internet Asian firms have opted to focus their activities on a single and, increasingly, to mobile devices. Better still (from a branded profile that is used for both consumer and corporate corporate perspective), there seems little need to engage in marketing. sustained discussions – for most Asian companies the main forum for dialogue is face-to-face. In our experience, the principal reason for this is that social networks were mostly first used by firms looking to increase This reluctance to enter into public dialogue is testament to a awareness and buzz about their products or services. widespread conservative business culture; it also means there Corporate teams then piggy-back on these established is less chance of firms losing face in front of others. Hence channels, often in addition to advising on messaging and also the general lack of enthusiasm for corporate blogs, governance. where conversation is expected – even if it actually tends to be limited (in many instances, almost non-existent). It is also true that many firms have started (and continue to start) their official social network presence without considering And while video sharing platforms rarely attract significant carefully their target audiences and objectives. In this ‘me levels of corporate-related discussions, they remain in the too’ scenario, companies develop a channel in the corporate minority across much of the region, despite the very high name and see how it evolves based on a combination of its popularity of online video in most markets. popularity, user feedback, resources and content available. For many firms in Asia, the slick corporate paean to superior Less surprising is the fact that Asian companies are deploying leadership and products remains the video of choice rather micro-blogs for corporate purposes. Twitter, the weibos than the more ‘genuine’, on the ground feel that is now (‘micro-blogs’) in China or me2day in South Korea tend to be commonplace amongst Western companies. seen more as influencer networks of journalists, bloggers and brand advocates, while also being used by media outlets and Local differences publishers to extend their online presence. The use of social media for corporate marketing and Given the relative ease of resourcing micro-blogs and their communications is by no means consistent across Asia- search engine-friendliness, firms are more likely to set up Pacific; some markets are very aggressive, the majority are a dedicated corporate channel that serves a broad range active if cautious, a few remain highly conservative. Figure : Top corporate social media channels used for corporate marketing communications 30% 28% 20% 18% 12% 12% 9% 8% 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 Micro-blogs Social Networks Corporate Blogs Video Sharing Active (at least one post during the period July 1-15, 2011) use of company social media channels for corporate purposes | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC
  • 11. Figure : Corporate social media channels by market - 011 Australia 90% 50% 50% China 80% 90% 50% 30% Hong Kong 60% 70% 10% 30% India 70% 70% 20% 40% Indonesia 50% 40% 20% 30% Japan 70% 40% 70% South Korea 90% 70% 90% 60% Malaysia 80% 100% 20% 80% Philippines 50% 40% 10% 40% Singapore 30% 30% 50% n Micro-blogs n Social Networks Taiwan 20% 40% 30% n Corporate Blogs Thailand 70% 90% 10% 70% n Video Sharing Percentage of companies using the four major social media channel types across Asia-Pacific in 2011 Figure : Corporate social media channels by market – 010 Australia 30% 10% 20% China 20% 30% Hong Kong 20% 50% 10%10% India 30% 30% 20% 10% Indonesia 30% 40% Japan 10%10%10% South Korea 50% 30% 40% 20% Malaysia 100% 20% Philippines 10%10% Singapore 10%10% n Micro-blogs n Social Networks Taiwan 10% n Corporate Blogs Thailand 20% 40% 10% n Video Sharing Percentage of companies using the four major social media channel types across Asia-Pacific in 2010 CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 |
  • 12. On the whole, north Asian firms are the more aggressive corporate behaviour and quality of products and customer users of social media. Often focused on managing costs, service. Leading companies in these countries realise they they view social platforms as a cost-effective route to build must at least have a presence in these conversations. short-term market share in their domestic markets. And for both established and emerging players in China, Japan and Push and pull communications South Korea expanding into foreign markets, social media is now a critical component of the marketing mix to reach both Questions that corporate communications professionals corporate audiences and consumers. (rightfully) ask before participating in social media include: What are we going to speak about? What’s going to resonate Leading north Asian companies are also more likely to use with users? Do they really want to hear about our company video, though this tends to be more a reflection of their news and point of view? How often do we have to post? Who impressive broadband networks than their desire to use video, should answer feedback, and how often? graphics and other visual formats to tell their corporate story. As we saw in last year’s study, Asian companies are – Compared to last year, Australian and Indian firms are placing and remain - much more focused on pushing news and greater emphasis on social media, especially in their use of information at users rather than responding to comments or micro-blogs and, to a lesser extent, social networks. In both actively engaging them in conversations. markets, journalists, activists and business decision-makers are actively using Twitter, which are seen as central to the This reluctance to get into online discussions has many evolving online reputational ecosystems. By contrast, social explanations, not least the lack of dedicated resources networks are regarded principally as consumer vehicles. with the necessary skills and remit to reach out across the organisation for a response, express it in an appropriate The most startling change has been in Southeast Asia - manner and be able to manage the necessary follow-ups. notably amongst Malay, Thai, Philippino and Indonesian firms – most of which were barely using social media at all twelve It is also likely that many corporate communicators do not months ago. What’s behind this shift? fully appreciate the interests, requirements and behaviours of their audiences (other than some key journalists). What about Their fast expanding local online Internet populations and product marketing? Few invest in qualitative or quantitative improved telecom infrastructures are one reason. Playing research that can yield invaluable insights into stakeholders’ catch up with peers and competitors in the region has also interests and content preferences. doubtless spurred action. At another level, the reluctance to get into conversations is The relative volatility of their online cultures may also also evident in firms’ preference to use their branded social have played a part. All these markets have witnessed the media channels primarily to relay corporate news direct to emergence of a more vocal, and politicized, citizenry, who are opinion-formers (Figure 5) in the hope that they will report it more willing to express their views on their political systems, and share it with their own online networks. Figure : Focus of corporate social media activity Percentage of corporate marketing or communications posts to company social media channels across Asia-Pacific 10 | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC
  • 13. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is another area complaints and other issues to escalate overnight into full- where companies feel relatively comfortable when using scale problems. Some Asian firms are monitoring and social media. Examples of local community programmes or responding to negative posts, albeit on a largely ad hoc basis. business commitments to reduce electricity use or to recycle But the majority feel they are unprepared to handle online water are naturally ‘Like’-friendly and can work well as short crises11. videos. Even better if people can be persuaded to contribute their own suggestions or ideas, as Pepsi has done with its Long-term commitment and short-term Refresh Project9. campaigns While CSR can help paint a softer picture of the entity, Similar to last year, this study reveals high levels of inactive companies need to also be aware of the risks of being seen branded social media accounts (Figure 6) that were either to over-claim or misrepresent the facts. As market research not updated during the research period or that had been agency Nielsen has shown10, the Internet is fertile ground for registered but not used. activists and others looking to pick apart corporate claims, especially concerning ‘green-washing’ and the environment. Clearly, many firms continue to struggle to identify the content and topics of conversation that will help sustain interest Another notable area of corporate social media activity is over the long-term – indeed, developing a regular stream of crisis and issues communications. While crises are rare, engaging, relevant content (especially video) and dialogue is issues of different types need to be handled regularly, a tricky challenging for many organisations. proposition when it is taking place in the full glare of your Facebook page. There is also another explanation for the high levels of inactive accounts: the large numbers of social media profiles that With the corporate rumour mill now real-time and global, were set up to support product marketing campaigns and companies are profoundly aware of the potential for customer were abandoned once the campaigns had run their course. Figure : Levels of activity on social media channels n Active Accounts n Inactive Accounts 77% 62% 53% 54% 47% 46% 38% 23% Micro-blogs Social Networks Corporate Blogs Video Sharing Percentage of companies with active (at least one post during the period July 01-15, 2011) or inactive (with no company posts or activity during the period July 01-15, 2011) social media channels used solely or in part for corporate marketing or communications purposes 9 10 Greenwashing: Who’s Winning and Losing the Green Race Online? – Nielsen, April 2008 11 Reputation In The Cloud Era: Digital Crisis Communications Study – Burson-Marsteller, June 2011 CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 | 11
  • 14. The management of official social media profiles takes considerable time and effort, and demands organisations think carefully about their marketing and communications objectives, marketing mix and channel strategies. Despite this, the high percentage of inactive accounts indicates that many Asian organisations are yet to develop a sustainable social media strategy that places social media in the context of the broader marketing mix, including ‘traditional’ PR, internal communications, knowledge sharing, marketing, customer service and sales. In the meantime, a high proportion of top Asian companies continue to treat their corporate social media as pilot projects, keeping them deliberately separate from the company website (Figure 7). While firms may remain wary of the capacity for users to say what they want, keeping their social channels at arm’s length also makes it more difficult for users to find them and reduces their effectiveness. Figure : Integration of social media channels with corporate website n Homepage Integration n Social Sharing Tools 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 50% 40% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 10% 0% 0% Australia China Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan S. Korea Malaysia Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand Percentage of companies promoting their branded social media channels via their homepage or using page sharing tools 1 | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC
  • 15. A CASE FOR OPEN DIGITAL LEADERSHIP F o r c o m m u n i c a t o r s , f e w So what does all this say opportunities today are as about a path forward? e x c i t i n g a s s t u d y i n g t h e corporate use of relatively new First, I think it’s very likely that digital channels across Asia’s many companies in Asia who want to get emerging markets. serious about their online presence might first re-examine their preferred I w e l c o m e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o metrics in order to encourage the right contribute to this report not only tactics and management approaches. because we have so few useful If we want a sustained presence and studies of corporate social media meaningful engagement, then we in Asian markets, but also because must begin with metrics which can of the study’s design. In this age of reveal any improvements along these fast data and quick white papers, I lines. Perhaps most importantly, a Michael Netzley believe in some ways we could be revised dashboard must also be well making it more difficult for marketers aligned with the corporate strategy. and communicators to craft wise strategies when faced with so much fragmentary evidence. We can especially see in the year-on-year comparison that some companies are putting digital channels to good use. I This report is different. Replicating the 2010 study, Burson- am encouraged to see significant growth in activities such as Marsteller offers us a year-on-year look at corporate uses of media and influencer relations and thought leadership. These digital channels. For me, several findings stand out. can be great investments of time and resources trusting that the messaging strategy is aimed at something more than • The top activities for companies in Asia, by percentage simple push, one-way announcements. In other words, of posts, are: media and influencer relations, thought having enough content for sustained corporate engagement leadership and CSR. These are all meaningful uses with stakeholders means that we must all start operating like of digital channels which can help shape a company’s we are a media company. We need quality narrative content operating landscape. that evokes a response. • The data also reveals how many more companies have Delivering sustained narrative content over blogs or video created multiple social media channels and appear to be channels, however, is not easy. The growth of media increasing their online presence. channels revealed by this study also suggests that we need talented staff who can deliver such content. My sense is that Creating the channels is an important first step, but perhaps such people can be in short supply in Asia’s many emerging the easiest. The findings also reveal opportunities for markets. So in addition to revising our measurement companies to use these channels more fully. dashboard, the increased adoption of more digital channels along with the high levels of inactivity lead me to ask about • Channels which allow companies to develop a rich our talent schemes. Are we attracting, developing, and narrative (e.g., video sharing and blogs) appear to be retaining enough skilled storytellers to maintain an on- used less frequently than do short-form communication going dialogue with stakeholders? Perhaps not. Until channels such as micro-blogs. that happens, the partnership between organisations and agencies will be critical to any successful online presence. • Additionally, sustained use of the digital challenges appears to be an on-going challenge. While more And while I am encouraged to see more companies dipping companies have a presence over many channels, the their toe in the digital media pool, I believe the opportunity levels of inactivity are surprisingly high. for a company to firmly establish itself as a leader in this CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 | 1
  • 16. space remains ripe. The findings of this study appear highly consistent with my university research—few companies have really established themselves as genuine leaders in the digital sphere. The early mover advantage still appears to be available in many markets and industries, but the increased adoption of digital channels indicates the clock is ticking. I have little doubt that in the coming years digital channels will reshape more than just marketing and public relations. These channels are set to impact all aspects of business. Today we can see increased use of digital channels for customer service and employee engagement as two obvious examples. But companies are also increasingly adopting enterprise communications to increase speed and efficiency of operations. Social networks are being leveraged to make companies innovate and shorten the time it takes to bring a new product or service to market. And university researchers are busy discovering how we can mine big data for better insights. Digital communications are making businesses more social. Companies are immersed in a web of stakeholders who are all aware of each other and talk about organisations. This study delivers one of the few comparative year-on-year snapshots of how Asian companies are coming to terms with this changed environment. Much work remains. Those who exhibit leadership, learn the quickest and become the first to capture the benefits of digital communications will, no doubt, gain a significant advantage. Michael Netzley, PhD Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication (Education) 2010-11 Research Fellow, Society for New Communication Research Singapore Management University @communicateasia 1 | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC
  • 18. AUSTRALIA T his year’s findings show that Carly Yanco on Facebook, and dedicated resources A u s t r a l i a n c o m p a n i e s a r e Head of Digital to maintain and facilitate the accounts, taking an ever more integrated Qantas Airways manages to keep a p p ro a c h t o s o c i a l m e d i a . @carlyyanco c u s t o m e r s u p d a t e d , re s p o n d t o Having initially dipped their toes in queries, communicate latest offers the water and set up sole-purpose and promotions and suggest travel social media accounts, focusing on Corporate (and marketing) content itself and holiday destinations. Accordingly, brand marketing or customer service, must also be interesting and relevant. It Qantas’ audiences are more engaged companies are now taking a more is very simple for users to share content and responsive to intermittent corporate sophisticated approach. with their friends and colleagues (the messages. desired ‘network effect’), but the Major Australian companies such as reality is that much content fails truly As Australian consumers continue Westpac and Qantas have increased to engage the user. However, the jury to move online thanks to improved the number of branded channels they is out as to whether it is the nature of broadband infrastructure and rising offer, while using these channels to Australian audiences that is driving the smartphone penetration, it is only to support a mix of brand, corporate reluctance to ‘engage’ with corporate be expected that more businesses content and customer service functions. content online, or whether it is based will take advantage of social media as on the nature of corporate content a means to communicate with their The study also finds that corporate itself. audiences, at a lower relative cost. content tends to resonate strongly with Australian audiences, with users Australian companies that are weaving W e a l s o e x p e c t t o s e e m o r e largely disinterested in or reluctant corporate messaging into their brand A u s t r a l i a n c o m p a n i e s t a k i n g a n to comment on or share corporate marketing and/or customer service integrated approach to social media, content with their own networks. efforts appear to be most successful, with accounts evolving true online Why? For one, levels of online dialogue suggesting that an integrated approach representations of the company, giving amongst Australians are lower than the increases engagement levels. audiences a more authentic and holistic global average12. Another reason could brand experience. be that Australians are by nature fairly For example, with close to 35,000 cynical about marketing. followers on Twitter and over 85,000 Westpac – Thought Leadership Corporate Use of Social Media Channels n Active Accounts n Inactive Accounts 67% 60% 60% 12% Source: 40% 40% Westpac uses its YouTube channel to support its thought leadership 33% communications, posting weekly economic news updates and business information and insights. The channel is also used to showcase the firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility efforts. The channel averages approximately 0% 300 views per video and supports the bank’s broader stakeholder Micro-blogs Social Corporate Video communications. Networks Blogs Sharing 12 Digital Life, TNS, October 2010 1 | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC
  • 19. CHINA C Leon Zhang h i n a ’s I n t e r n e t i s g ro w i n g surveyed having one or more of these Digital Strategy Insights Lead explosively, with 485+ million channels. Yet only 20% of these blogs Internet users of which some were active during the research period, 235 million are social media @digimarketing pointing to a larger issue – the paucity users, with a year-on-year growth rate of skills to man these channels and of 33.7%13. So it is little surprise that feed them compelling content on an more and more companies in China proving popular for marketing and ongoing basis, and a general lack of – both local and international – are communications purposes. China commitment to fill this need. jumping on the social bandwagon. Merchants Bank, for instance, now counts well over 300,000 followers of The fact that social media channels in This year’s study shows that all the its Weibo account. mainland China are rarely promoted, companies surveyed are now using let alone integrated, with the corporate at least one corporate social media Yet while the weibos are in vogue website also indicates that companies channel, most often a corporate blog, for both consumer and corporate remain cautious in this area. In China, sometimes a social network profile and, marketing and communication, and there are good reasons for caution, not increasingly, a weibo (micro-blog profile). some firms can boast high numbers of least due to the uncertainty surrounding followers, actual dialogue with users the weibos – will they be regulated? Or Micro-blogs, in particular, have been remains very thin, certainly on corporate has the government let the social cat the talk of the town over the past marketing and communications topics. out of the digital bag? twelve months, with huge numbers of users (Sina and Tencent both now The relative lack of dialogue is precisely Meantime, Chinese companies would state they have over 200m users for why many firms feel comfortable using do well to clarify who they are aiming at their respective weibos), and playing weibos in the communications mix – and why they are using social media. A an active, and highly visible role, in the they are primarily used to disseminate common mistake is simply to focus on Zhejiang high-speed train crash and a information as far and as wide as the quantity of fans/followers, ignoring series of protests, scandals and natural possible, rather than truly ‘engage’ their quality and influence. This may disasters. users. be a reason why “zombie followers” (inactive or fake followers manipulated The weibos – especially Sina, which T h i s m a y s e e m t o c o n t r a d i c t by some companies / individuals for is seen to have a more educated companies’ (ongoing) use of corporate business purposes) have become a n d i n f l u e n t i a l u s e r b a s e – a r e blogs, with half of the companies prevalent in China recently. Alibaba Group – Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Use of Social Media Channels n Active Accounts n Inactive Accounts 67% 60% 60% 100% 12% Source: 20% In addition to a dedicated website, Alibaba Group has an official blog specifically to highlight its Corporate Social Responsibility activities, 8% 10% providing a stream of CSR-related news, updates and reports on Micro-blogs Social Corporate Video volunteering, disaster relief and environmental protection programmes. Networks Blogs Sharing 13 28th China Internet Development Report – CNNIC, July 2011 CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 | 1
  • 20. HONG KONG H ong Kong’s love affair with Terence Yam fun and engaging content, the ‘weibo social media is a little more Digital Strategist fever’ that has been sweeping mainland muted than in some other China does not apply to the same markets, perhaps because @terenceyam extent in Hong Kong. it is a small place and people meet in person frequently. This is perhaps surprising, as Hong principally for short-term product and Kong-ers prefer content that is short N o n e t h e l e s s , c o m p a n i e s a r e brand marketing campaigns, with and contains a lot of graphics (in increasingly keen to use social media, some companies also using it for contrast to the reading habits of especially for consumer marketing general stakeholder communications mainland Chinese). They are also c a m p a i g n s . A n d t h e H o n g K o n g and to highlight their Corporate Social used to a style of media reportage that gover nment is also placing much Responsibility programmes. favours fewer words and more pictures. greater emphasis on Facebook and In addition to a general conservatism, other channels for its own public However, active and sustained use of this relative lack of substantive media communications, perhaps spurred by Facebook and other social media for output and online content might also a well publicised campaign against a corporate purposes remains thin on the explain why so few firms are using proposed high-speed railway. ground. dialogue – either on Facebook, micro- blogs or on dedicated corporate-blogs While consumer brands are actively Why this conservatism? It is partly due to communicate with stakeholders. using social media, Hong Kong- to a lack of skilled resources, partly based companies are lagging in their due to the perceived loss of control All of which points to video as perhaps use of social media for corporate that social media represents. There the best opportunity for companies communications and marketing, with is also the added difficulty of needing looking to bring alive their corporate few exceptions, notably Cathay Pacific to manage social channels using marketing messages. YouTube is highly Airways, which uses a variety of social traditional Chinese as well as English popular in Hong Kong, as are some of platforms to communicate with a broad and perhaps also simplified Chinese. the Chinese online video channels such spectrum of stakeholders. as Youku and Ku6, and the mainstream Equally, while Sina Weibo has gotten media are busy launching video news Facebook is much the most popular some real traction in Hong Kong over channels. Yet companies seldom use s o c i a l c h a n n e l , re a c h i n g a ro u n d the past few months thanks to its user- video to promote their brands – a big 77% of the population 14, and is used friendly interface and abundance of missed opportunity. Hong Kong China Gas – Corporate Use of Social Media Channels Corporate Social Responsibility n Active Accounts n Inactive Accounts 73% 43% 100% 100% 57% 12% Source: 27% Hong Kong China Gas uses a variety of social media tools to raise awareness and encourage its customers of its ‘Towngas Low Carbon Action!’ campaign to save energy and adopt a generally more environmentally- Micro-blogs Social Corporate Video friendly lifestyle. Networks Blogs Sharing 14 Asia-Pacific Social Media Infographics – Burson-Marsteller, August 2011 1 | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC
  • 21. INDIA S o c i a l m e d i a i s t h e n e w Salil Jayakar 2011 saw India suffer its fair share of buzzword in India amongst Digital Strategist social media crises and there is no c o n s u m e r s , c i t i z e n s a n d reason to believe that 2012 will be any companies. India now counts @salilicious different. over 32 million registered Facebook users, nearly 52% of the local online The challenge many companies face population. Twitter and LinkedIn especially true of social media. Some is how to deal with such an open and now have around 10 million users of India’s largest companies remain volatile environment. Few firms in India respectively15. family-owned, for which traditional have much idea how to respond during marketing formats such as TV ad spots a public onslaught on the Internet, and In the past twelve months, more and and posters have worked well. in our experience few have prepared for more Indian companies have started this eventuality. using social networks and other media. Moreover, decision-making is often But corporate use remains at an early controlled by a single individual (more T h a t ’s n o t t o s a y t h e r e a r e n ’ t stage, with the focus largely on product often than not) who has little time to companies prepared to take a risk. In marketing and customer service. study a new medium that appears to particular, India’s leading technology have little immediate impact on the firms (for instance, see Wipro below) Indian companies’ preferred channel bottom line, and the top management are actively using corporate blogs is social networks, with almost 60% / policy makers in these companies and other social media for thought of companies using Facebook, as te nd to be senior members who leadership companies, and to help drive well as Google’s Orkut, as opposed have little exposure to social media awareness and credibility in foreign to some 30% using Twitter. Only 10% tools. For them, evaluation of social markets, especially English-language of companies surveyed are using media presents a learning curve and ones. online video in any way for corporate a risk-investment-gain analysis to be marketing or communications. conducted. For those Indian companies yet to make the social media jump, the There can be said to be something of In addition, many firms are worried waiting time has been getting shorter. a herd mentality generally that applies about the risks of overly exposing And, there’s an elephant in the room, to marketing in India, and this appears themselves in these public domains. and one they cannot choose to ignore. Wipro – Thought Leadership Corporate Use of Social Media Channels n Active Accounts n Inactive Accounts 57% 29% 50% 75% 71% 12% 50% 43% Source: 25% IT company Wipro’s official ‘Applying Thought’ blog features regular posts from India and foreign-based senior executives, experts and guest bloggers. The blog aims to positions the company as an expert on a range of topics, Micro-blogs Social Corporate Video from business strategy and organisational design to sustainability. Networks Blogs Sharing 15 Various sources – Bloomberg, LinkedIn,, September 2011 CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 | 1
  • 22. INDONESIA D u b b e d t h e m o s t Tw i t t e r- Natashia Jaya Additionally, there is still a big question addicted nation in the world, Digital Associate mark amongst companies on how to Indonesia’s prolific use of measure ROI for corporate use of social social media and its general @natsii media. influence on society continues to garner considerable attention globally. Ye t w h i l e I n d o n e s i a n c o m p a n i e s purposes only rather than stakeholder continue to shy away from detailing L a s t y e a r, a t t e n t i o n f o c u s e d o n communications. their corporate activities on the Internet the ‘ A C o i n f o r P r i t a ’ m o v e m e n t a n d t h ro u g h s o c i a l m e d i a , m o s t waged against a hospital in Jakarta; One of the reasons behind the general established companies are well aware this year was the turn of enraged reluctance to use social media for that they are increasingly expected to H a r r y P o t t e r f a n s c a s t i n g s p e l l s corporate purposes is that most be in this space whether they like it or on Twitter after the announcement companies still prefer traditional media not. Hence, the majority of Indonesian that the film would not be screened channels, notably print, broadcast companies surveyed have either a i n I n d o n e s i a . M e a n w h i l e a c t re s s and, increasingly, online media to build Twitter or Facebook account, or both, Emma Watson tweeted in support emerging domestic markets and market though rarely for corporate marketing of the #IndonesiawantsHarryPotter share. There is also a distinct lack of alone – product campaigns dominate movement. qualified local personnel to devise and social media thinking and doing here. manage social media programmes. Despite the fact that Indonesia has With a population of over 240 million, one of the highest levels of Twitter The growing concer n that social Internet penetration at 16% 19 and penetration in the world 16 and the media will result in a loss of control massive enthusiasm for all things largest number of Facebook users of messaging and content has also social, there is untapped potential that in Asia (over 40 million 17), data from h i n d e re d c o m p a n i e s f ro m u s i n g companies in Indonesia can address. this study indicates that companies in t h e i r s o c i a l m e d i a c h a n n e l s f o r As consumer access to broadband Indonesia continue to use social media c o r p o r a t e p u r p o s e s . C o m p a n i e s becomes more pervasive and mobile sparingly for corporate activities. In are uncomfortable their corporate broadband services reduce, companies line with last year’s results18, popular information the public where it might are going to find it harder to say no in social media channels are principally generate uncontrolled conversations the future. b e i n g u s e d b y t o p I n d o n e s i a n or questions that may undo their companies for consumer marketing reputations. Garuda Indonesia – Recruitment Marketing Corporate Use of Social Media Channels n Active Accounts n Inactive Accounts 100% 100% 100% 100% 12% Source: Garuda Indonesia, the national airline for Indonesia, uses its Facebook account mainly for recruitment marketing. In addition to posting information about new openings, the company also directs its followers to the Garuda Micro-blogs Social Corporate Video Indonesia’s career website where prospective employees can apply online. Networks Blogs Sharing 16 Twitter Growth Worldwide - Comscore Media Metrix, August 2010 17 - September 2011 18 Asia-Pacific Corporate Social Media Study 2010 - Burson-Marsteller, August 2010 19 0 | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC
  • 23. JAPAN C ontrary to some commentators’ by target audiences and companies opinions, Japanese firms of all Kyoko Toyoda alike. shapes and sizes are actively Strategist using social media to market Of the options available, micro-blogs their brands and products. - especially Twitter – are the channels of choice, chiefly as they are so But it remains true that Japanese firms set of audiences both in Japan and easy to use and require little effort to remain slow in using social media for elsewhere. maintain and promote. It is also worth corporate communications. There are remembering that it is possible to three main reasons: For the moment, the focus is on setting express much more in Japanese than up the core social infrastructure and many other languages within the 140 First, Japanese companies continue looking for opportunities to engage character limit. to think that social media is only about with online media and bloggers. Actual consumer marketing. Second, local engagement with stakeholders on the There is also a widespread belief that firms of all sizes remain worried about Internet remains thin. news and information added to Twitter the possible loss of control that social will somehow miraculously spread media entails. Third, they lack the Corporate dialogue can also suffer from out across the Internet like fairy dust. requisite resources and skills, especially being inappropriate. There is much talk Yet many corporate Twitter accounts in the corporate communication arena, now of so-called ‘soft-touch (or casual struggle to attract large followings. despite the international footprint of social media) accounts’. Commonly many of the companies surveyed. found on micro-blogs and social Overall, Japan’s use of social media networks, these corporate accounts will follow the contours of its path as Nonetheless, there’s no question that do little more than engage in what can a culture and as country: the more Japanese companies have started appear to be fairly pointless chatter open we become, the more likely we to consider corporate use of social with fans/followers, as if to fill space in are to express ourselves openly. This media more seriously having seen the a conversation that seems to be going applies to ourselves as people, and as role that social media played in the nowhere. While this approach has been businesses. This may take time. But Great East Japan earthquake, as well popular since the first wave of company with Facebook increasingly popular, as by a spate of digitally-driven issues social media accounts in 2009, it has and Japanese firms look outward for and crises driven by a more vocal only recently started to be questioned growth, the future is promising. Softbank – Leadership Communications Corporate Use of Social Media Channels n Active Accounts n Inactive Accounts 14% 50% 57% 86% 12% 50% 43% Source:!/masason Masayoshi Son, CEO of telecoms company Softbank, uses Twitter to talk about company news and activities, and to gather feedback on its services. 0% He also sheds light on his private life and his thoughts on politics, business Micro-blogs Social Corporate Video and the environment to his 1.3 million followers. Networks Blogs Sharing CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2011 | 1
  • 24. MALAYSIA M a l a y s i a n s ’ g r o w i n g Kelvin Lim As brands continue to extend their acceptance and enthusiasm Digital Strategist online presence into the social space, for social media has created channels such as Facebook, Twitter p e r s i s t e n t c h a l l e n g e s @kelameity and blogs will increasingly serve as key for companies looking to engage communications hubs, where corporate a community long accustomed to m e s s a g i n g i s s p r i n k l e d a m o n g s t basic value hunting and the pursuit of expectations. Rising living costs and promotional consumer content. personal and social causes. recurring political turmoil has coloured consumer sentiment, and brands are Meantime, other corporate channels, As excitement over the promise of now faced with larger pockets of highly including corporate blogs and video social media engagements begins to opinionated consumers that are more and image hosting sites, often remain abate, consumers and corporations unforgiving of corporate mishaps than dormant. This is attributed mainly to alike are faced with increasing exposure ever before. low traffic and engagement levels, fatigue and a general lack of strategic leading to difficulty in justifying return on sophistication. I n a d d i t i o n , a g e n e r a l l y re a c t i v e investment. approach to online issues management In turn, corporations have adapted together with a lack of understanding to the predominantly incentive-driven of digital crisis management has caught local culture by running campaigns many Malaysian companies unaware, focused on simple metrics. By contrast, leading to consumer flare-ups on long-term relationship building is often Facebook and Twitter. pioneered by the consumer product or services sectors, where fresh content It comes as no surprise that service a n d e n g a g e m e n t t a c t i c s c a n b e i n d u s t r i e s s u c h a s a i r l i n e s a n d routinely deployed sustain activity levels. telecommunication providers are among the most active participants in This often leads to brands under-valuing social media, while banking institutions their corporate assets and messaging. shy away from online engagement, This is by no means a reflection of lack mostly opting to limit their activities to of will, but rather, adjustment in lieu corporate social responsibility efforts on of Malaysian netizen behaviour and their corporate websites. AirAsia – Media Influencer Outreach Corporate Use of Social Media Channels n Active Accounts n Inactive Accounts 92% 80% 50% 100% 12% 50% Source: 20% AirAsia uses a mix of social media channels, including a company blog, to provide insight into its staff and working culture, as well as to announce 8% product news and promotions. AirAsia also encourages its customers to Micro-blogs Social Corporate Video share their experiences through the blog using videos and photos. Networks Blogs Sharing | BURSON-MARSTELLER ASIA-PACIFIC