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Can I Pay Someone To Write My Research Paper – Loga Can I Pay Someone To Write My Research Paper – Loga
Power Of Words In Julius Caesar Research Paper
Words holding more power than weapons There s seems to be a lot of examples of words having more
power over weapons in The tragedy of Julius Caesar by william shakespeare. The subject can be
agreeable. There s a lot if ways that words can make you feel when comparing two things together
either one can win you over and make you want to know more and be on the other side. One way
words have more power is when Brutus was talking to cassius. Cassius was trying to persuade Brutus
to go against Caesar thou brutus did not give in right away Cassius did make Brutus think about how
rome would be better off without caesar ruling. Brutus seems like a good friend of caesar and he is but
he also fears that caesar will get too much power over his head and end up crashing with it and
making rome fall down with him. But then again if you were a true friend towards someone you
shouldn t just switch up on them. It really doesn t matter what others say you should be able to stay
strong and stick with the person you were always loyal too. ... Show more content on
I thrice presented him a kingly crown,Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?Yet Brutus says
he was ambitious,And sure he is an honourable man... (III.ii.82 96). This part of the play Antony
speaks about how brutus kept saying that Caesar was going over his head and his ambition was taking
over. The crowd was starting to get startled up because they felt caesar was actually a cruel person but
Anothy switches that around and makes them think again. But then Anthony brung out a will from
ceaser and that s when everything goes downhill with people getting mad and getting to the point that
they want to go and kill everyone who sound like a
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Available online at
International Journal of Current Research Vol. 3, Issue, 3, pp.149 153, March, 2011
ISSN: 0975 833X
1Jayakumaran, M. and 2Manoharan, C. 1Department of Management Studies, Kalasalingam
University, Virudhunagar (Dt.)
Tamil Nadu, India
2Department of Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Article History:
Received 18th December, 2010 Received in revised form 21st January, 2011 Accepted 29th February,
2011 Published online 13th March, 2011
After Second World War the United States of America was forced to improve the production of ...
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Today it is in our best interest to encourage everyone s potential by dedicating ourselves to the
continual improvement of our own abilities and those of the people with whom we work and live.
Total Quality is, essentially, a win win approach which works to everyone s ultimate advantage.
According to Deming, no human being should ever evaluate another human being. Therefore, TQM
emphasizes self improvement process. In addition, this principle also laminates to the focusing on
students strengths, individual learning styles, and different types of intelligences. A System of
Ongoing Process The third pillar of TQM as applied in education is the recognition of the organization
as a system and the work done within the organization must be seen as an ongoing process. The
primary implication of this principle is that individual students and teachers are less to blame for
failure than the system in which they work. Quality speaks to working on the system, which must be
examined to identify and eliminate the flawed processes that allow its participants to fail. Since
systems are made in the quality of those processes largely determine the quality of the resulting
product. In the new paradigm of learning , continual improvement of learning outcomes replaces the
outdated teach and test mode. Leadership The fourth TQM principle applied to education is that the
success of TQM is the responsibility of top management. The school teachers must
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Reflections At Keppel Bay Analysis
In the lecture The language of Architecture by Daniel Libeskind, he talks about communicating
through light, proportion and material and shares with us his insights and projects that he has worked
on or his work in progress.
Reflections at Keppel bay presents a radical project with the idea of creating a home that is unique,
different from the sense of conformity and overpopulation that is observed in residential
developments. The double curvature of the structure is a functional idea which allows every level to
lie in a different space, creating a staggered effect; residences are not seen from the same viewpoint or
are located next to each other. This gives a sense of individuality for each residential space. The
double curvature is adorned in anodized aluminium that creates a lustrous surface and also amounts ...
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It is a mixed use typology which caters for residential, recreational and retail needs. Westside was
design with the intention of creating public spaces that could provide for day and night activities. The
roof cuts allow daylight to filter in and paired with the extensive window cuts, the façade opens up
and deliberately brings light into the shopping mall.
Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada features a futuristic building with unprecedented forms.
The museum serves as a wonder of nature and art and the topography of space reflects light
throughout different times of the day. The museum did not cut out any old buildings around it but
instead the building was cut to reveal some of the façade of the old buildings. The historical buildings,
complemented by the modern façade of the museum enhances the relationship between traditional and
innovation. The ground level of the museum provides a continuous space without any distinction
throughout the entire
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Possible Causes Of Jealousy In Relationship
Possible causes of jealousy and its effects on a relationship
One of the most authentic causes of jealousy is unhealthy comparisons. By human nature people are
often comparing things and one another.
Insecurity There is no greater source of jealousy in a relationship than insecurity, which is a result of
inferiority complex or lack of self confidence or having low self esteem. An insecure person believes
that he or she is not good enough; they assume that everyone else is better than they are and are
therefore easily intimidated by other people s success, happiness, brilliance, possession or class.
Insecurity which can arise as a result of peer pressure or unbalanced societal expectations or judgment
causes people to become vulnerable to ... Show more content on ...
Jealousy is a sign that something is seriously wrong about your relationship. And most often it is not
about your partner but rather about you. Do you have trust issues? Do you have a low self esteem? Do
you feel the need to control your partner s whereabouts and actions? All these things will do more
damage than good to your relationship.
Nobody wants a jealous lover. Jealousy will simply sap the energy and beauty out of your relationship.
According to Jealousy is all about trying to restrict, manipulate, and monitor another
person s behavior and choices. Look out if your relationship is increasingly filled with questions such
as, Where were you? Why were you talking to him? Who sent you that text message? You heard from
that person on Facebook again?
A relationship thrives on freedom the freedom to grow and develop, to be authentic and genuine, to
pursue new opportunities. Unfounded jealousy is a stranglehold sure to suffocate any romantic
relationship. Want a lasting, healthy love relationship? Make sure both partners have the space,
encouragement, and autonomy to be who they are without someone else watching every breath and
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La evolución de la ciencia a través de los años
Cuando era más chica, me enseñaron (o tal vez fue la impresión que me dieron) que las leyes
científicas, teorías y factores siempre estaban correctas, que iban a ser invocadas, porque se basaban
en observaciones objetivas, hechos concretos y pruebas, y aun que yo sabía que otras teorías
científicas en el pasado habían sido refutadas (por ejemplo la que decía que la tierra era plana), nunca
se me ocurrió pensar que eso también podría ser cierto ahora. Pero entonces llegó el día en que Plutón
dejó de ser considerado un planeta , y después de estudiar por dos años los nueve planetas que
componen el sistema solar, me dijeron que ahora habían ocho planetas, ya que el noveno (Plutón)
había sido considerado recientemente como un cometa, por lo tanto después de un par de meses de
confusión (y algunas preguntas incorrectas en las pruebas, porque me tomo un tiempo asumir que lo
que yo pensaba que era un hecho, una verdad absoluta, ya no era valido), finalmente me di cuenta que
la ciencia no era infalible, que no era un cien por ciento exacta, y que un una pequeña evidencia podía
influir mucho. La ciencia es una parte fundamental de nuestra sociedad, nace de la curiosidad humana
y busca dar una explicación a los distintos aspectos del mundo. Por otro lado, la ciencia busca la
verdad, aun que, no siempre la encuentra o si es que la encuentra no siempre esta correcta. La tierra no
es plana, la vida no aparece espontáneamente de objetos (generación espontanea), Plutón no es un
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What Caused The American Revolution Research Paper
There was a feeling of revolution as soon as people left England to come to the New World. John
Adams explains how the revolution began when he says, The Revolution was effected before the war
commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. The duel for America created
a restlessness among the independent minded Americans. However, mother England saw the necessity
of holding her colonies. Eventually, tension is felt between the two sides, resulting in colonial unity
and the sovereignty of a new republic. There were many causes and effects of the American
There were many causes that sparked America s new sense of individuality. One of the first causes
was the increased confidence in military strength, which caused a rise in colonial self esteem. This
increase in self esteem was a result of the valuable gain from the French and Indian War. The French
and Indian War, also shattered the myth of British invincibility, showing the colonials that anything
was ... Show more content on ...
Tensions first arose when the London government issued the Proclamation of 1763. This proclamation
prohibited settlement in the area beyond the Appalachians, by the colonies. This angered many
Americans because they felt that the land was their birthright, but this document was not drawn up to
oppress the colonies, but it was made to work out the Indian problem to prevent another uprising like
Pontiac s. Mercantilism also added to the tension between Britain and America. Tension arose from
mercantilism because Americans were not at liberty to buy, sell, ship or manufacture under conditions
that they found most profit. The Boston Gazette explained how the colonists felt about mercantilism
by stating, A colonist cannot make a button, a horseshoe, nor a hobnail, but some snotty ironmonger of
Britain shall bawl and squall that his honor s worship is most egregiously maltreated,
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Determining Lodging Tolerance Are Mostly Taken Around Bud...
Measurements to determine lodging tolerance are mostly taken around bud to mid bloom stage
(Johnson et al. 2008). They reported two methods used in carrying out these measurements and
subsequent rating; 1) spaced plants trial and 2) solid seeded plots. In the spaced plant method, rating
was done based on the percentage of erect stems within plant rows while in the solid seeded plots
method, plots were rated based on percentage of erect stem within the plot. Different methods have
been adopted to tackle lodging. Some of them include soil quality improvement, good management
practice (HCGA 2005) cultivation of dwarf varieties, and introduction of lodging resistant varieties
(Prairie Grains 2005). Hasnath and Jahan (2013) investigated the lodging resistance of different
genotypes of hard wheat. They noted that some genotypes (Pradiv, Akbar, Gourav, and Shatabdi) had
higher lodging resistance than others (Bijoy, Sufi, Shourav, Barkat, Prativa, and Balaka,). Kong et al.
(2013) reported that the solid stemmed wheat genotypes are more resistant than the hollow stemmed
genotypes. The difference was because the solid stemmed wheat having more mechanical support
tissues as well as a wider stem wall. On the other hand, Crook and Ennos (1994) work on the lodging
resistance of four winter wheat cultivars revealed that the lodging resistance was independent of
stiffness of the stem but rather was related to the height of the stem. They recommended shorter stem
plants with widespread
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Personal Finance Midterm Analysis
Personal Finance Midterm
Having financial goals is very important. I personally have three goals that are important to me.
Following a budget is something I want to follow for the rest of my life. I think it is important to have
a budget so you can manage and control the money you spend. Right now, I don t have very much to
budget, but soon I will be taking loans out for school and hopefully getting a stable job. To complete
this goal, I plan on making a budget each month and stick with it. Another financial goal of mine is to
start an emergency fund. I chose this goal because I think it is important to be ready for anything. In
my case I would want around two thousand dollars in mine. For this to happen I must budget out
money each month and ... Show more content on ...
I keep track of everything I buy and make sure it is necessary. Something my friend does is spend less
than she earns. I think this strategy is smart because if you always spend less than you earn you will
always have some money left over, hopefully if I start now by doing this I will have good spending
habits down the road.
My ideal job is to become a registered nurse. I like the idea of becoming a nurse because it means I
get to do one of my favorite things which is help people. The world will always need nurses and
doctors so with a nursing degree I will always have a place to work. A registered nurse makes around
60,000 a year. To achieve this I, must continue going to school and start focusing on classes that will
help me in this career field. Something else that I want to do is an internship program at a hospital or
something so I can get a feel on what it s like to be an actual nurse.
My credit score is basically none existent right now because I don t have any credit cards or loans out
right now. But in the future, I plan on having good credit for the rest of my life. I m going to have
good credit because I know what needs to be done. I am going to pay my bills and credit cards on
time. Another thing I am going to do once I get a credit card is keep the balance on it
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Homelessness In New York City
I. Define the Problem
For anyone living in or visiting New York City, the site of a homeless person is almost guaranteed.
Whether riding the subway, taking in the lights in Times Square, or going for a stroll in Central Park,
one is bound to see a homeless person. Homelessness does not discriminate; men and women can be
seen sleeping over a subway grate. Age is not a discriminatory factor either. Many a times one will see
a mother with her child/children sitting on the steps of a church begging for food and money.
These fairly simple observations lead to a non subjective conclusion; there are too many homeless
people in New York City. There will obviously always be some level of homelessness; it would be
naïve to assume that homelessness could be completely eliminated. However, the excessive level of
homelessness can be attributed to market failures across various market structures. This policy
proposal attempts to offer alternative solutions to alleviating these market failures, in the hopes that it
will translate into a decreased level of homelessness in New York City.
II. Assembling the Evidence
New York City has had an obligation to provide the homeless with secured shelter since 1979; during
this time, a veteran of the Korean War sued the city for failing to provide him with adequate housing.
Since then, the provision of providing a home to those who are unable to afford one was amended into
the New York State constitution, where it states the aid, care, and support
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Mulvey s Gaze
From a cinematography perspective, elements of Mulvey s essay persist throughout the film,
specifically, the idea of the male gaze upon females who are meant to be looked at. However, in line
with the homosexual themes in Carol, this gaze is manipulated to be a female to female gaze. On their
quest for a Christmas tree, Therese s gazes are followed by broken down, close up shots of Carol s
gloved hands on the steering wheel and red lips as she smile back at Therese. Then from the car,
Therese photographs Carol without her knowledge, the ultimate form of Mulvey s scopophilia, or
gaining pleasure by looking suggestively, however it does not derive from the herterosexual male s
perspective. Hayne s challenging of traditional depictions of sexuality in ... Show more content on ...
Conventional elements of sexualitiy in Carol are complicated further by the power dynamics between
Carol and Therese expressed through cinematographic elements. While Carol is wiser and more
experienced than Therese and is often framed with low angle shots making her appear large,
confident, and strong. The complexity of Carol s character is further explored as she simultaneously
appears as having power over Therese but is also the subject of Therese s objectifying gaze. Therese,
who is often captured through high angle shots giving viewers a sense of looking down on her, possess
a gaze which often frames Carol seductively as she photographs and stares at Carol flaunting her
feminine glamour and sexuality. Just as the scene in which they first met, Therese is often obscured,
hidden behind the lense of her camera, and Carol is the subject of awe, attention, and desire. In the
dark, Therese stares at Carol under her red covers as she sleeps. Through parts of her are obscured
throughout the film, Therese is the holder of Mulvey s powerful gaze and thus gives new meaning to
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Gilgamesh s Epic Of Gilgamesh
The story of Epic of Gilgamesh deals with different behaviors in Gilgamesh. Throughout the story
Gilgamesh behavior changes, he is portrayed as overbearing ruler, as a courageous and strong fighter
to his peoples, and finally as a man who seems content with what he s accomplished. Through all of
these transitions, we see Gilgamesh s attitude toward life change. The goals he has for his own life
alter dramatically, and it is in these goals that we see Gilgamesh s transition from being a shallow,
ruthless ruler to being an introspective, content man.
In the beginning of the story Gilgamesh is described to be an overly aggressive ruler. People respect
him, but they dislike Gilgamesh sexual and physical aggression, so they called to the gods to lighten
their burden with Gilgamesh. The gods created an equal to have control over him and to also keep him
in line, so they send Enkidu. Enkidu has an immediate impact on Gilgamesh, these two never met
before. And they both did not hit it off right with each other. They basically had a brawl with each
other. The gods gave Gilgamesh a real battle to deal with, Enkidu instantly changes Gilgamesh
behaviors throughout the story; Gilgamesh and Enkidu fighting with each other creates a serious mess,
but they both end up without animosity toward the other. In having this equal this gives Gilgamesh to
learn to have respect for him and another man around him. Gilgamesh and Enkidu behavior with each
other is how human in today society act,
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Qualitative Research Summary
This author has chosen the question, In low risk pregnant women does the presence of a professional
doula, to support the woman when laboring, provide improved maternal outcomes versus utilizing
only family support as evidenced by patient satisfaction? for the focus in her capstone project. The
following questions will be answered in regard to each article: 1) How does each article describe the
nature of the problem, issue, or deficit you have identified, 2) Does each article provide statistical
information to demonstrate the gravity of the issue, problem, or deficit? 3) What are example(s) of
morbidity, mortality, and rate of incidence or rate of occurrence in the general population? 4) Does
each article support your proposed change? Following a literature search the author has selected 15
articles for review, which will be outline in this paper and ... Show more content on ...
A case study design was used in a purposive sampling of participants for the collection of information.
The article describes the issues that can occur specifically in adolescents during labor and how a doula
can be a helpful addition to the team. There is not numerical statistical information from the article, it
is more anecdotal and themed issues that arose over the collection of data. Based on the data
collection and emerging themes that were noted, implications that would affect practice were
identified by the authors. There is no identification of mortality or morbidity references in the article.
However, the authors mention reasons some participants did not utilize doula services and the
rationale behind that decision. The article does support this author s position. The presence of the
doula in those that participated increased their satisfaction with their
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Essay on Protecting Miles and Flora in The Turn of the Screw
Protecting Miles and Flora in The Turn of the Screw
I saw my service so strongly and simply. I was there to protect and defend the little creatures... The
governess sees it as her duty to protect Miles and Flora. What do they need protection from and how
does Henry James illustrate this in his novel The Turn of the Screw ?
Henry James s Turn of the Screw can be interpreted in many different ways. He constructed his novel
in order to make allusions to sexual topics, (without stating anything explicitly) madness, ghosts and
Victorian society. In this essay I will be analysing each of the above in order to make a conclusion as
to what I think the children need protecting from.
As for the ghosts being present or not, ... Show more content on ...
But either way I don t believe the governess saw the ghosts based on two main factors; first being, her
vague description of Miss Jessel, and secondly, the fact Mrs Grose never saw either of the ghosts.
I think the children need protection from the governess and her imagination. The governess comes
across to have an unbalanced behaviour which doesn t go well with the children. I also think madness
links into the fact the governess is hallucinating. I believe the hallucinations have lead the governess
to get carried away, which slowly turned her insane and made her very over protective towards the
children. The more the governess hallucinates the more insane she is going to get, which is not going
to protect the children in anyway as she would be trying to sort out her imagination. The governess is
only a child herself, having to cope with two other children alone maybe a bit to much too handle, so
having this other pressure (the hallucinations) to cope with might just leave her to break down
mentally. In the turn of the screw, Henry James never identifies who is to blame for the chaos at Bly.
The interpretation bought about by the
Victorian society is that the master is to blame. By neglecting his responsibility to provide a stabilizing
environment at Bly, he allowed everything to breakdown into chaos:
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Roman Culture
Introduction There have been examples of conquering forces with a simple agenda of bringing the
ultimate mayhem upon their enemies and wiping out the cultural heritage of their enemies together
with the civilians. Romans however were ravenous for plunder, culturally curious, interested in
enslavement of their enemies, and good at incorporating the captured in their societies; on the top of
that, they had a relatively good understanding of being politically organized. These were not
necessarily mutually exclusive with the acts of ultimate violence, and a good example would be the
battle of Pydn in 198 BC and Rome s harsh treatment of this Greek city (Wasson, 2015). However, in
peace or war, the interest of Romans in the Hellenistic Greece ... Show more content on ...
Greeks taught Romans how to write sophisticated poems, comedy, and history (Morey, 1901). Art:
Roman form of art expressed itself in their structures and building, however, the more polished form
of art containing a prevailing artistic taste in beauty was missing in their culture. Although Romans
couldn t compete with Greek artists, their admiration for Greek art showed itself in the decoration of
their houses and how they collected and ultimately preserved Greek art (Morey, 1901). Manners and
Morals: Romans manners and morals was less likely to undergo significant and fundamental changes
since the lack of a genuine interest and the presence of their barbarous spirit were always in the way
(Morey, 1901).We still remember how Spartan resisted the luxurious life style and went as far as
making the life intolerable and hard for their soldiers. Morey (1901) point out that Romans were also
divided on this topic and while some like Cato the Censor strongly opposed Greek etiquettes and
ideas, others like Scipio Africanus welcomed them. Roman culture was a mixture of some of the best
aspects of the civilized and refined cultures and the simpler, self centered, and greedy remains of their
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Milo And Tock Quest
The Quest Someone once said, Each of us needs a quest, and a person without one is lost to himself.
This statement is true to everyone including Milo and Tock. Milo and Tock should accept the quest to
rescue Rhyme and Reason for these three reasons: the kingdoms are in chaos, the quest will be an
exciting change for Milo, and everyone desires Rhyme and Reason to return from exile. The first
reason that Milo and Tock should accept the quest to rescue Rhyme and Reason is the kingdoms are in
chaos. With no one to turn to for guidance, there are many unsolved dilemmas. Everything in the two
kingdoms was perfect until Rhyme and Reason were banned. Additionally, part of the two kingdoms
problem is their prideful rulers, who will cease
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The Problem Of Differential Equations
Predicting the future is a big topic that many people have attempted and failed. Many people try to
predict things such as the end of the world, the next stock market crash, and the weather. Many people
are also scared of the future and wonder what it will hold, such as the prophet Jonah. When the Lord
told Jonah to go to Nineveh, he was terrified of the future and fled from the Lord. God later showed
Jonah that he is the only one in control and Jonah couldn t run from God. Christians believe that there
is only one person that is in control of the future and can predict it, and that would be God. While they
know this to be certain, mathematicians believe that by using math, specifically differential equations,
they can predict how things such as population, the stock market, and the weather can be somewhat
accurately predicted. In order to decide whether differential equations can predict future events, it is
important to know exactly what a differential equation is. A differential equation is an equation
involving derivatives of a function or functions.. The functions usually represent some quantities, and
the derivatives represent their rates of change. The differential equation that results from the two
relates the derivative and the function to be used as a productive equation. The rate of change
according to time can be a pivotal part in trying to predict some aspects of the future. When
mathematicians think of using differential equations to predict
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Roles And Responsibilities Of Batelco
Task 2:
2.1 Employees of Batelco are interesting, as they have many features and experiences that excel them
for others, but in return there is not a person completely.
And identify five of the company s employees who play a role in the development of the company and
its policies, where you will learn about the most important features they have and touching on some of
the things they need to improve them:
Sameer Altaf
Chief Financial Officer Bahrain
Sameer Altaf was appointed to the post of CFO Bahrain in October 2013 having held the role of
Group Financial Controller since 2008 when he joined Batelco to lead the Financial Control function
for both Batelco Group and Batelco Bahrain. Mr. Altaf also held the post of interim CFO Bahrain in ...
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Batelco respects the interests of its customers and meet their obligations with them and do not prepare
them, but what they can do.
Company: Batelco use the proper tools to control the transfer of confidential and sensitive information
inside and outside the company. And do not deliberately disclose public information relating to its
business or its agents or employees, unless it is linked to the provision of services to their customers,
or at the request of its customers, or as required by law.
Control of conscience :Soul searching is the first step on the road to the moral commitment of the
members are a form of self censorship applied by the individual on your behavior and increasingly
self accounting and pronounced effect on the person s normal, and the person is not normal, it is not
very much committed to the principles and moral values, and therefore it does not feel the pinch of
self accounting, but person s normal, he faces a sharp conflicts if they try to do a set of behaviors that
are not consistent with the ethical principles and explain this breach of ethical rules as masculinity,
such as lying, theft, treason, bribery, deception and intrigue, and the attack on the rights of others ...
etc. without being affected or suffering from his conscience and that it was dealing with them are
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Stress Of Stress In Nursing
With the high demand of medical professionals and increasing numbers of people with chronic
diseased, there might be a time where one nurse have to over see more patients than normal. Taking
care of extra patients than normal might bring some work burnout and prevent nursing professionals
from performing their job effectively. A study was done to measure the stress level of nurses working
on the oncology department and the effect of stress leading the nurses to consider looking for job in
other departments. It was found that 35% of the nurses were experiencing emotional stress and 17 %
were depersonalized which then resulted in considering for other opportunities in less stressful
departments (Davis S, Lind BK, Sorensen C, 2013). Stress can be experience from many factors such
as death of a patient, patient s family history, severity of patient s health condition, and emotional
attachment with patients. As a nursing professional, one have to witness devastating situations such as
death of loved ones. It has been found that death and close relationship with patients and working
environment are the main factors causing stress among nurses (Pavlos S et. al, 2016). Despite the fact
that nursing professionals have to go through many stressful situations at work and may be in their
personal life, how much attentive can they be while performing their nursing duties?
It requires a lot of positive attitude and strong personality to be able to perform nursing duties properly
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Analyzing Victor Frankenstein s The Creature
Victor Frankenstein
Henry Clerval
Justine Moritz
Elizabeth Lavenza
The De Lacey s
The Creature
Alphonse Frankenstein
William Frankenstein
Robert Walton
Caroline Beaufort
M. Krempe
Mr. Kirwin
Victor is the main narrator also the protagonist.
Victor s childhood best friend.
Justine was adopted to the Frankenstein family. Was accused of William s death.
Victor s adopted cousin to whom he pledged to marry.
Agatha, Father De Lacey, Felix the unknowing teachers of the Creature.
Victor s creation and son .
Victor s father and his support throughout the novel.
Victor s youngest brother. Also the Creatures first victim.
Walton is the initial narrator. He also finds Victor in the Arctic and listens to his story. ... Show more
content on ...
Victor represents the danger of too much knowledge, as well irrational decision making.
Henry is the only one to bring Victor out of his depression, helps him by reminding him of the past in
the good sense.
Justine represents justice. This is verbal irony (Justine and justice sound alike.)
Elizabeth represents hope. Throughout Victor s depression she was the only one he was focused on
seeing, and brought a sense of a tranquil spirit.
The De Lacey s represent aspiration. The Creature watches them for years aspiring to be like them or
to be accepted. The love witnessed between them brings a desirable dream to the Creature.
The Creature represents why man shouldn t defy the rules of nature. Also shows what a parent owes a
Alphonse represents what a child owes a parent ... Honesty.
William represents how innocent lives can be corrupted.
Walton represents the fear of another. Walton possess parallel characteristics at Victor (wanted to be
known, adventurous) which could lead to the creation of another.
Caroline was the first of Victor s family to die. Her death is the trigger for Victor s thoughts of
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Permanent Life Insurance Essay
How to Choose Permanent Life Insurance
Which Life Insurance Plan is Better For My Family:
You may require one or more types of life insurance to meet your financial needs and goals. Two
major categories of life insurance are term and permanent. Permanent life insurance has options
including whole life, variable life, universal life, and single premium life.
Term life
Term life insurance provides a fixed amount of coverage, at a fixed premium, over a specific period of
time or term (10, 15, 20 or 30 years). Because its premiums are generally lower, term life insurance is
often the choice made by young families. If you die before the end of the term, your beneficiaries
receive a lump sum equal to the amount of ... Show more content on ...
What else should I consider about term life?
Term life only lasts for the term you set or until you stop paying the premium. It accrues no cash value
paid out at the end of the term, if you re still living.
Permanent life
What is permanent life insurance?
Permanent life insurance covers you from date of issue until the day you die, as long as you continue
to pay your premiums. Permanent life can earn cash value as your premiums are invested. This helps
you build wealth while also protecting it. And of course, it transfers and distributes your wealth
efficiently to your heirs.
Why would I need it?
Because it never expires, permanent life can be used as the foundation of your overall life insurance
plan for a variety of life stages and financial needs.
What else should I consider about permanent life?
Permanent life policies tend to have higher premiums than term policies, and may offer less flexibility
than term life for pricing and options.
Types of permanent life insurance :
Whole, universal, variable and single premium are all types of permanent life insurance. Each may be
used for wealth accumulation, protection, distribution and transfer depending on your needs.
Features of a Permanent Life Policy
Basically, this type of life insurance provides lifetime coverage. It is typically comprised of two parts:
a savings, or investment, portion and an insurance portion.Due to the presence of the savings element,
the premiums are quite high.
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Auditors And The International Financial Reporting Standards
Introduction: Auditors, accountants, and companies must comply with the regulations as
recommended by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Disputes concerning
convergence issues and compliance may arise between companies and the auditors. In the case of
dispute, the companies and the auditor should consider alternative dispute resolving mechanisms
which are faster, less expensive and less adversarial than traditional litigation.
Reason for Conflict: Audited financial statements may be a source of dispute between the auditor and
management. The process of audit resolution would entail negotiating them. Knapp (1985, p. 202)
proposes the way that auditors approach these conflicts play a big role on the auditors independence
and the content of the results and the credibility of the financial statements. Controversy threatens the
success of the firm, resolving controversy will help reduce the agency cost hence minimizing the
expenses to be incurred. Resolving audit disputes would also be serving the interest of the
Areas of Dispute: Audit disputes may arise in areas such as fraud investigations, malpractice claims,
fee disputes, the purpose of internal auditors and the appropriate application of the accepted
accounting practices.
How The Conflict Arises: In these cases, auditor s must inform their clients about their roles and the
responsibility of the companies accounting function against those of the external auditors. When the
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Assess the Extent to Which Short Term Factors Are Now More...
The electorate are those that are eligible to vote, and many factors can influence the way in which the
electorate do vote. Primacy, also known as long term, factors are those that have a long term influence
on the way in which somebody votes, for example the social class in which that person belongs to.
Recency also referred to as short term, factors are those which have a short term influence and most
prominently during the lead up to an election, an example of a recency factor is the impact of mass
media. In the last few decades many long term factors have become less important due to partisan and
social de alignment, whilst the short term factors have been ever more emphasised and prominent. To
begin, the period of 1945 1970 was ... Show more content on ...
This occurred due to embourgeoisement, which was the tendency of the better off working class
people with aspirations to become more like the middle classes in their social outlook and voting
behaviour. This new type of class was classified by Crewe as the new working class of the new estates
and new service economy of the South. The voting behaviour had been changed, instead of voting for
Labour the new working class were more inclined to the tax cut, nationalisation and union policies of
the Conservatives. Also, demographic changes lead to inner cities emptying and their electoral base
eroded, whilst the South grew where it had a concentration of Conservative voters. Therefore, the long
term factors of social class and party identification have become less important in shaping the voting
behaviour, mainly as the working class was less aligned to Labour. However, the general election
results of 2005 suggest there is still a small link between social class and voting as Labour had a clear
majority against the Conservatives in some of the inner cities, where the concentration of working
class lie. There is great evidence to suggest that short term factors have been very influential in the
voting behaviour of the electorate today. To support this, Denver in 2003, noted that voting is now
much influenced by the opinions and
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Subprime Meltdown
Subprime Meltdown: American Housing and Global Financial Turmoil Borrowers with a lower credit
score were considered as risky and were called subprime borrowers . Therefore the interest rates on
these loans were higher than the rates given to borrowers with a higher credit rating. In the 1970s it
was very difficult for these borrowers to avail loans. They had to apply through conventional lenders
for loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). The procedure was long and tedious
and required a lot of documentation. Early Days: Lenders traditionally offered the fixed 30 year
mortgage with no prepayment penalties which were offered by the banks and Savings and Loan
Associations (S Ls) However in the 80s short term ... Show more content on ...
These agencies used their own statistical models to rate the MBSs. They also rated the CDO entities
and underwriters. There was competition between two major rating agencies Moody s and S P. Moody
s was accused of being tough and conservative. It ultimately had to relax its standards in order to get
more business. Another major problem with the rating agencies was that they could be influenced by
the powerful and influential people who were behind major investment banks and hedge funds. Who s
responsible? A crisis of such magnitude cannot be brought about by the actions of one player. The
subprime crisis is a result of the actions/behavior of a number of factors. Who s to be blamed most is a
difficult question to answer. Was it the lenders who gave out mortgage loans to subprime customers at
higher rates, or was it the borrowers themselves who borrowed beyond their means and did not
actually understand the features of the mortgages. And what about the underwriters and insurers who
gave the tranches better ratings through credit enhancement tools. It was these guarantees that made
the investors more confident. The Financial System: Thus the economy trusted that the matured
markets would govern themselves leading to lose regulation. But as the crisis unfolded, it was quiet
evident the markets were not doing what they were supposed to. Everyone, be it the lenders,
borrowers, underwriters, insurers or investors, believed that the housing bubble
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Jean Piaget Cognitive Development
4. Piaget and Cognitive Development
Copyright 2004, James Fleming, Ph.D. _______ During this [early childhood] period magic, animism,
and artificialism are completely merged. The world is a society of living beings controlled and
directed by man. The self and the external world are not clearly delimited. Every action is both
physical and psychical. Jean Piaget1 ________
Piaget s Place in the History of Psychology
A ranking of the most eminent psychologists of the 20th century by professionals in the field listed the
top three names as B. F. Skinner, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud (Haggbloom and others, 2002).
These three names also occupy places of prominence in this textbook. But although Skinner s impact
on the field of ... Show more content on ...
Between 15 and 18 years of age, he published a series of articles on shellfish. As a result, he was
offered a position as curator of the mollusk collection at the Geneva museum of natural history. (He
had to turn this down because he had yet to finish high school!) Piaget received his PhD in natural
science at age 21 from the University of Neuchâtel. By this time he had already published 21 papers!
His interest in epistemology (theory of knowledge) led him to study how children solve problems. At
Albert Einstein s suggestion, Piaget investigated children s understanding of time, space, speed, and
motion, resulting in two books on these subjects. During his long lifetime (Piaget died in 1980, at age
84) he wrote over 40 books and numerous articles. He was honored by the American Psychological
Association with the Distinguished Scientist Award in 1969. Piagetian Conservation Tasks Before
plunging headlong into Piaget s sometimes abstract theoretical ideas about the ways in which children
learn at different stages of development, it may be helpful particularly to students with no familiarity
with Piaget to begin with a few examples of his well known conservation tasks. These nicely illustrate
Piaget s approach to observing children as they grapple with ordinary objects. Piaget noticed that
students below a certain level of maturity
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The Revolving Door
Amanda Stevenson
Dr. Woodiwiss
PO 101
11 December 2015
¬¬¬¬¬The Effects of the Revolving Door
For five years, Mr. Larry Lavender served as the chief of staff for Representative Spencer Bachus on
the House Financial Services Committee. In 2012, Lavender was recruited by a law firm representing
JPMorgan, a banking and financial institution, and left the committee. Although this move disbanded
his professional link to Bachus, the two still maintained a personal relationship, and Lavender also
communicated with former colleagues without seeking any official favors or actions (Revolving
Door). Because of the relationship between Lavender and Bachus and through efforts made behind the
scenes, JPMorgan avoided testifying against one of their clients in the House of Representatives. This
sequence of events illustrates what is referred to as the revolving door , which is a system that shuffles
former federal employees into jobs as lobbyists, consultants and strategists . In this system, former
public office holders become lobbyists because they already have relationships with people they have
worked with or for in the past. Within the practice, there has been evidence of corruption through the
manipulation of bans and the undermining use of professional interactions. The spinning of the
revolving door prompts government officials to make laws that reflect the preferences of industry
lobbies rather than the will of the people As the revolving door continues to spin more
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Cio Organization Paper
WOBBLY WHEELS | November 29
| | Memo |
Contents Introduction and Purpose: 2 Leadership Philosophy: 2 Current IT department Structure: 4
New CIO organization: 5 Key Services: 6 New CIO Organization Structure: 6 Key Milestones: 8
Conclusion: 9 References 10
To: Chief Financial Officer
From: Chief Information Officer
Date: November 29, 2014
RE: Wobbly Wheels IT Organizational Changes
Introduction and Purpose:
Over the past few years growth, of WW has not increased and it has remained stagnant due to the slow
growth of the economy. In order to improve the growth of the organization, a few IT organizational
changes are required that will help streamline the internal processes for WW to improve the ... Show
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IT organizational restructure includes; hiring 3 more application developers and hiring two more
people in the networking team in order to reduce the number of the networking issues for the
applications maintained within WW. Application developers will decrease development time of the
applications. Current implemented technology for the accounting processes, route optimization,
freight tracking and fleet maintenance will need to be improved. All these applications are based on an
older technology. In order to improve the overall functionality and to reduce the cost associated with
IT requires the organization to implement a cloud computing based ERP solution systems. This system
will improve the overall performance and will reduce the cost associated with the implementation. The
cloud based applications can be accessed from anywhere and anyone authorized to access the system
can access the system easily. The next set of changes that are required in the internal IT strategies are
the improvement in the internal processes; all the internal operations are managed in a better way
through the new systems. The new systems are targeted to improve the overall operations within the
organization (Chand, S 2014). The next change in the IT internal strategy is the IT portfolio. IT
portfolio includes implementation of the
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The Blue Mask by Lou Reed
Lou Reed s, The Blue Mask
Although the visionary singer, song writer, Lou Reed, gained his fame in the 70 s, he reached the
highest peak of his career with the album The Blue Mask, in which he explored the elements of human
flaws. With this album, he stripped down from his dramatic work in the 70 s and explored new
techniques along with his small, tight knit band. The Blue Mask received excellent reviews from
critics and consumers because it allowed listeners to have a personal connection with Reed and
showed them a different side apart from the public persona. Overall, the achievements and praise were
well deserved for the hard work he and his band put in.
Lou Reed, a New York native, attended the University of Syracuse and studied poetry and journalism.
He later became the lead singer for the band, Velvet Underground during the 60 s. He is commonly
known today as the one who started the punk rock era and also brought a stormy dissonance to the
foreground, helping to expand the vocabulary of the electric guitar (Rolling Stone Bio). He broke
away from his partnership with Velvet Underground and headed for England in pursuit of a solo
career. Over a decade later, he released the album, The Blue Mask.
The Blue Mask was under the direction of RCA Records and was originally distributed on a 12 inch
vinyl stereo gramophone record. RCA Records owned the phonographic copyrights, as well as regular
copyrights. Lou Reed produced the entire album with the help of
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What Is The Difference Between Beowulf And Grendel s Mother
Epic heroes are often those of a noble birth who sacrifice their self to fight so something mortals
cannot defeat. Beowulf did selfless acts three times throughout The Epic of Beowulf through his
encounters with Grendel, Grendel s mother, and the dragon. Each fight is unique in their own ways
due to the outcome and the important circumstances surrounding the combat.
Beowulf s first major battle was the fight with Grendel. Beowulf was motivated to fight Grendel
because he wanted to give Hrothgar his rightful kingdom back. The difference between this fight from
the other two was the way that Beowulf fought his opponent. He used hand to hand combat to rip the
arm off of Grendel. He did not use any weapons because Grendel did not use weapons. It
demonstrates Beowulf s superhuman strength. The outcome of the fight was the death of Grendel as
well as Hrothgar taking back his throne for a brief time. The fight between Grendel and Beowulf
allowed a new beast to arise, Grendel s mother. ... Show more content on ...
Beowulf s motivation to attack Grendel s mother was on a spiritual level in the sense he was
destroying evil at the source, hell. She killed one of Hrothgar s greatest men as well, and it motivated
Beowulf even more. This attack was the same in the sense that it demonstrated Beowulf s superhuman
strength by the depths he dove to reach her lair. This battle proved to be different because Beowulf
had to use a powerful sword to defeat Grendel s mother. Instead of ripping off her arm, like he did
Grendel s, he decapitated Grendel s mother. She was only trying to get back at the men that killed her
son, but Beowulf saw her as a threat to Heorot. Years later, after the death of Grendel s mother, a new
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Rhodes Must Fall Movement Essay
The following essay will be discussing and analysing the Rhodes Must Fall movement which was
created and encouraged by students at the University of Cape Town in response to The Johannesburg
Salon Vol 9. Throughout this essay, I will be sympathising with the students that formed the
movement, but will also be making a critical observation. The Rhodes Must Fall Movement was
created by the students in order for black students to feel like they belong and included in the
university, as well as for equality for black students and students of colour within UCT. On the 9th of
March 2015, a student from UCT threw human excrement at the statue of Cecil John Rhodes on
campus at the university. By doing so, the student ignited the beginning of student ... Show more
content on ...
Decolonisation can be defined as a process which always was and will continue to be a violent
process. This is due to the fact that one man will be replacing another using the same force that was
used to colonise them (Fanon, 2001). Decolonisation can be described as being a process of complete
disorder as it is when two or more conflicting forces meet one another. These opposing forces will
have their own beliefs as well as different ways of doing certain tasks (Fanon, 2001). The movement
of Rhodes Must Fall is exactly that. During the movement, violence is seen when human excrement is
thrown at the statue of Cecil John Rhodes. Another representation of violence is the sudden outbreak
of one of the leaders and the vandalism that was present. Although Fanon states that violence will
always be a part of the decolonisation process, I do not believe that we should associate and include
violence when standing up for what we believe in, as this may infringe on peoples human rights if one
does not feel safe in a certain situation where violence is a prominent
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Great Hammerhead Shark Migration Essay
Recent studies from the article Hammerhead shark migration gives new hope for conservation
discusses how these hammerhead sharks have been listed onto the IUCN (International Union for the
Conservation of Nature) since 2007, also having certain regulation about international trade
threatening species going extinct. Dr. Tristian Guthridge explains the benefits of understanding the
shark s behavior and more research of where these sharks are migrating, and possibly manage the time
of fishing in the areas to eliminate human and shark altercations. With the wide spread of ocean water
it can be difficult to study the traveling of sharks; however, the research group was able to tag the
sharks with both acoustic and satellite tag, and use photo identification and laser photogrammetry
(Charlie Huveneers).
During the observation, the shark s motions and ... Show more content on ...
Dr. Charlie Huveneers personal first hand data proved that the great hammerhead sharks are very
migratory. Using this data to Tag, Photo, and researching their movements. He believes this can be
very useful to the future of this endangered species. Great Hammerhead sharks travel a vast migration
3030 km or more. FUCK!! Oh my bad. I didn t take my meds and shit. Anyway, using this information
Dr. Huveneers considers that this species is being over fished by trophy hunters due to their long
migratory patterns and range of environmental range. I personal believe that not only did Dr.
Huveneers did an outstanding job on the research for this article. This article in a scholarly article a lot
of scientific terms and evidence came alone with it. My understanding of these gorgeous animals
shows a lot of appreciation not only for the science behind it all but the respect for this animal I share
this world with. Needless to say, I do hope your respect for this animals are at the same level as
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Major Types Of Social Structure Theories
In a narrative, I will compare and contrast the three major types of social structure theories, and the
three major types of social structure theories are social disorganization theory, strain theory, and
culture conflict theory. Also, I will, include the major principles for each perspective. In this I will
define social structure , and I will detail key points in each of these subjects. Introduction Social
order,and economics in society explains crime by reference to the Social Structure theory. This type of
theory makes important relationships among social institutions and recount the types of behavior that
differinate groups of people from certain Individuals.There are three major types of social structure
theories. The first theory is social disorganization, and this theory lack of alerting, not even
development of culture, social change, and conflict, This is the conditions that exist when faced with
these conditions. A sociological approach that propose a separation between socially and sub
culturally sanctioned goals and means as the source of criminal behavior, and this is the strain theory.
Culture conflict theory perspective on crime suggest that the main cause of being a criminal can be
found in a inconsistennse of values in the middle different socialized groups over what is acceptable .
These theory focus on the way in which society is organized. They are organise by their group, or
class. In comparison all of these theories believe that social structure in
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Taking a Look at Team Connor s Organization
As per our analysis of TeamConnor s financials we explored that the organization has been having
difficulty in maintaining a positive net income throughout the past three years. According to
TeamConnors financials, we observe that there is a misfit between their goals, stated in TeamConnors
Goals for the Future, and their financial capabilities. With the net negative income over the past three
years, TeamConnor has lacked in updating their goals to match with their current financial standards.
According to our projections, continuing at this pace with income decreasing and expenses rising, we
believe TeamConnor will be nearly $850 thousand in the negative. The goals of awarding more grants
with an annual increase of 46% through the upcoming years will not be attainable with the current
trend of income in the organization. With constantly growing expense like salary, professional service
expenses, and event costs, summing up to nearly roughly 45% of total expenditures at an estimated
growth rate of 30%, expenses continues to exceed the revenues each year. With a negative outlook in
the coming years with unrealistic goals, the change of strategic orientation is obvious and urgent.
As we carefully analyzed the current strategic orientation of TeamConnor organization we came
across some key issues that need to be addressed. According to the information provided, we believe
that currently the organization is having issues with focusing on their
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Who s Got No Game
Reflecting on the topic of Men In Relationships, Neill Korobov s article He s Got No Game (2009)
was particularly interesting to me, specifically the concept of the lovable loser. This archetype is en
vogue in a vast majority of comedic films for more than a decade. More recent examples are typified
by actors like Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, and Jay Baruchel, to name just a few. In spite of how prolific
this emerging masculine character has become, Korobov rightly states that this persona is unlikely to
be employed by any males other than younger white guys. Unsurprisingly, the aforementioned movie
genre is targeted towards this very demographic. This conjures questions of whether life imitates art,
or vice versa.
We know from Holt Thompson s writing that men consume their particular brand of masculinity, and
this loveable loser anti hero is no exception. Korobov s approach to understanding emerging
masculinities through discursive analysis is fascinating although observing actual human behaviour
can be considered far more accurate, the ways in which we speak about things have a certain creative
power. The things that we say off the cuff are often an accurate reflection of the culture we live in. In
Korobov s study, he explained that he did his best to create an environment where young men s
discourse could emerge naturally, but we know intuitively that such an attempt is fraught with many
difficulties which can include observer bias, impression management, and
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Why So Vampirism Isnt About Vampires
So vampirism isn t about vampires? Vampire and ghost stories aren t all that you may think they are,
but maybe they have a deeper meaning, a sexual meaning. Throughout this Chapter, Nice to Eat You:
Acts of Vampires , my mind has been open to countless new ideas. This text has made me question
other stories or novels I ve read in the past, and want to analysis more text I read. After reading this
chapter, about how stories about vampires could mean something totally different, like sexual
relations, I m open to think about how maybe even children s stories, or any story or novel in fact,
could have a totally divergent message than they display. A nasty old man, attractive but evil, violates
young women, leaves his mark on them, steals
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Anonymous Groups Effectiveness
Effectiveness of Anonymous Groups for Individuals with Substance Abuse Disorders Danielle M.
Slain University of Minnesota Abstract The prevalence and participation of various Anonymous
groups (I.e. Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, etc.) has grown
substantially over the last decade. Researchers suggest that attendance is an important part of recovery
from substance abuse disorders, but dropout and relapse is still a common aspect of patient recovery.
This review attempts to address what type of individuals would benefit from Anonymous groups, why
relapses or dropouts occur in conjunction with participation in the Anonymous groups, and how we
can use this information in a clinical setting to facilitate ... Show more content on ...
Even further, research tends to focus around male participants. For example, Kelly (2000) found that
in one of the more commonly cited meta analytic reviews, Emrick, Tonigan, Montgomery and Little
(1993), women were vastly underrepresented (p. 651). Researchers noted, this disparity is remarkable
given that women have consistently made up about one third of AA members and make up one third
of [substance use disorder] treatment admissions (Kelly, 2000, p. 652). Findings are predominantly
important because, as Kelly suggests, the emphasis on powerlessness and the minority status of
women in 12 step groups that may make women specific issues more difficult to discuss (p.
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Grumpy Duramy Short Story
Long, long ago, in the mystical kingdom of Muampa, there lived a rather crotchety egg who wasn t
typically sunny side up. Back then, this ill tempered egg went by the name of Grumpy Dumpty. For
twelve days and twelve nights, the joyous people of Muampa were miserable. The villagers had asked
Grumpy dumpty to stop, but all he did was egg nore them.
Oh Grumpy, don t be such a dull egg and turn that frown upside down, little Hope pleaded.
Quit your begging little girl. Nothing you say or do will ever change the way I am. This disturbing
kingdom is too jubilant. You ll see, one day I will have my chance to get off this wall and rue the day!
Grumpy Dumpty heartlessly said to the innocent child.
Hope sadly stomped off to the king s court to report this horrifying incident.
Oh please, oh please!! There has to be something you can do. That unegg ceptional egg is trying to
turn this kingdom into an incredibly gloomy place. We can t let this happen. We just can t!! Hope said
with a deep sob.
The king s men stared at each other in confusion.
Well, I have never heard of this so called Grumpy Dumpty character. I have heard of Humpty Dumpty,
but we are not living in a fairytale world. It would make no sense for him to egg ist, said old Joe.
Oh come on! You have to believe me! cried little Hope.
Most of the time, nobody goes against what Joe says, but Tommy is extremely courageous.
Uh...I...I guess I believe her, Tommy nervously said.
Then, all the
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Essay on Artifical Heart Can Save Lives
Have you ever met someone that needed a heart transplant? Their heart was failing and the only way
that they could continue to live and escape death was to have an operation to transplant their heart. But
what if there was not a heart available for them when they required it the most? An artificial heart
transplant would be a great option that could save their life. The artificial heart is one of the greatest
inventions ever invented. Dr. Robert Jarvik is widely known as the inventor of the first permanent
total artificial heart. ( Robert Koffler Jarvik is the outstanding inventor of the
artificial heart which has saved many lives of Americans and other people throughout the world.
Robert was born on May 11, 1946 in ... Show more content on ...
His idea was successful because he was soon accepted into Utah s medical school where he earned a
degree in the year 1976. Sadly, his father passed away after suffering from an aneurysm shortly after
Robert received his degree. As he was attending the medical school in Utah, there were already
artificial heart designs that were in the process of being developed. The problem behind the early
designs was developing a pump that had a sufficient power source. Robert Jarvik was on the right path
to becoming a successful inventor devoted to helping people around the world. While Robert was
operating with the institution, the team he was working with had developed the Kwann Gett heart .
This device acted as a pumping device with a rubber diaphragm that would move blood in and out as
if it were an actual heart. The team tested animals with this first instead of humans and they soon
found out that the problem with it was that it caused unnecessary clotting which could ultimately have
lead the patient to death instead of correcting their health problem with their heart. Robert was able to
create a new and improved version of the artificial heart which was called the, Jarvik 3 . This
corrected the clotting flaw that the other artificial heart had by substituting the rubber of the synthetic
heart for three malleable sheets of polyurethane also known as biomer. Later on, he was able to
develop a device that was to succeed the Jarvik 3 .
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The General Behavior Model Is Developed By Ludwig Brenner...
GEBMO or the General Behavior Model was developed by Ludwig Brenner as a way to predict
hazards before they happened. Brenner devised a system of scenarios that could occur with multiple
factors for each element. The system is basically designed on a cause effect relationship. One thing
happens because of another which leads to a result (Haight, 2012). This model was used to develop an
emergency action plan for a small community surrounding a gas station.
The first step to any emergency action plan is to conduct a hazard assessment and the best way
conduct to do that is to conduct a walk through of the facility or area (Haight, 2012). In this scenario,
our facility is a service station with fuel holding tanks and convenience store items which is located in
close proximity to the center of town, a housing development, an elementary school, playground,
baseball field, and wooded area. The nature of the business makes it a hazard, the location of it makes
it a hazard to the community. Using the General Behavior Model, possible hazards and their reactions,
as well as ways to prevent them are discussed.
When working with fuels such as gasoline and diesel, physical hazards to humans are possible.
Gasoline is highly explosive and flammable, while diesel is flammable. The use of GEBMO is to
prevent or reduce the number of fires and explosions. GEBMO is broken down into seven steps. The
first step is to predict a stressing event such as a fire when a tanker is
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Why I Want To Be An Alpha Essay
My name is Latifah Syeh and it is my aspiration to become a member of the alpha chi chapter of alpha
kappa alpha sorority, inc. In my eyes, the purpose of alpha kappa alpha is to promote social change,
equality, and personal growth through scholarship and leadership. These are all things that I want my
legacy to be defined by. I am aspiring to join this sorority specifically because I want to walk in the
path of those that I admire. I admire alpha women. You all are beneficent, sophisticated, and
empowering. I want that for myself.
I received a full scholarship to attend Appalachian State University when I was just in the third grade
and I went on to graduate 4th in my high school class despite being documented as a McKenny Vento
youth. I am a Junior Pharmaceutical Sciences major. Upon graduation, I plan to join the peace corps. I
have intermediate knowledge of the Spanish language and it is my goal to spend a few years in a
Spanish speaking country so that I can become fluent. Once I become fluent, I plan to attend medical
school with a specialty in psychiatry. ... Show more content on ...
I am grateful because that lead me to North Carolina Central University. From my time here, I have
grown immensely. Being a student at NCCU is the best thing that ever happened to me. I enjoy
debating, fine dining, and shopping. One of the greatest experiences I had at NCCU is an etiquette
class. If I had no responsibilities for 48 hours, I would likely spend it decorating and shopping for
decorations. I am always looking for ways to improve things. My motto is that I am going to become
the woman of my dreams . The woman of my dreams is how I imagined myself as a child. She was
hard working, dedicated, sophisticated, classy, and elegant. Each day I work on molding myself into
that idea and I believe that becoming a member of alpha kappa alpha can assist me in my
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Type Of Agonist Essay
Types of agonists
Receptors can be activated by either endogenous (such as hormones and neurotransmitters) or
exogenous (such as drugs) agonists, resulting in a biological response. A physiological agonist is a
substance that creates the same bodily responses but does not bind to the same receptor.
An endogenous agonist for a particular receptor is a compound naturally produced by the body that
binds to and activates that receptor. For example, the endogenous agonist for serotonin receptors is
serotonin, and the endogenous agonist for dopamine receptors is dopamine.[1]
A superagonist is a compound that is capable of producing a greater maximal response than the
endogenous agonist for the target receptor, and thus has an efficacy of more than 100%. This does not
necessarily mean ... Show more content on ...
Inverse agonists exert the opposite pharmacological effect of a receptor agonist, not merely an absence
of the agonist effect as seen with antagonist. An example is the cannabinoid inverse agonist
A co agonist works with other co agonists to produce the desired effect together. NMDA receptor
activation requires the binding of both glutamate, glycine and D serine co agonists.
An irreversible agonist is a type of agonist that binds permanently to a receptor through the formation
of covalent bonds. A few of these have been described.[2][3]
A selective agonist is selective for a specific type of receptor. E.g. buspirone is a selective agonist for
serotonin 5 HT1A.
New findings that broaden the conventional definition of pharmacology demonstrate that ligands can
concurrently behave as agonist and antagonists at the same receptor, depending on effector pathways
or tissue type. Terms that describe this phenomenon are functional selectivity , protean agonism ,[4][5]
or selective receptor modulators.[6]
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Analysis Of The Article The Self Of The Age Of...
Writing 2
Yijia Chen
In the article, The self in the age of Information, Kenneth Gergen argues that under the information
era, technology leads people to lose the self and reflect this lost on the writing. Discussing the same
period, Jeremy Rifkin in the chapter A Postmodern Stage showed a more positive perspective about
the change.
To support his argument, Gergen elaborates damages in the community and institution that nurtured
independent self, the direct erosion to solitary self. In the pre modern world, people due to the lack of
communication and transportation tools, have fewer opportunities to get in touch with various people
outside. Therefore, people form consistent relationships with others, which derive a strong sense of
being somebody everyone is familiar with. However, the advances in communication enable people to
move household often and be in contact with a wider range of friends leading to average weakening
bonds with more and fast changing friends. As a result of the decrease in deep relationships, in Gergen
s notion, people receive less sense of identification. Moreover, the multi voices raised today and the
suspicions over speakers motivations confuse people from faith to distrust.
Other than environmental factors, Gergen addresses the erosion of the essential self directly
undermine the intelligibility of the tradition self. People can t make independent and rational decision
because of the conflicting stands they held in the same time and if
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Streetcar Named Desire Light
Mikaela Hall
Brower Nedler
Period Three
Composition and Literature Three
A Desire for Darkness In plays, it may seem as though the script is the most important part in
captivating the audience. Although it is important there are other aspects as well that play a huge part
in creating a masterpiece such as the use of music and lighting. In the play, A street Car Named
Desire, Tennessee Williams uses light and music to in capture his audience through his play. Blanche s
personality throughout the play is shown by the lightness and darkness in every scene. Blanche s past
is reflected with the background music flowing in and out of each scene. Her emotions are mirrored
by the sounds of the instruments. Blanche feels comfort in the dark ... Show more content on ...
It represents Blanche s emotions and state of mind in the play. In Scene six, when Blanche tells Mitch
about the tragic story of her young husband s death, the reasoning for playing the polka music
throughout the play is revealed. This music serves as a constant reminder of the tragic event in which
Alan shot himself in despair after Blanche had discovered about his male lover. Ever since then,
Blanche has been on a downward spiral. The polka music also symbolizes the memory of the time
when she was young and experienced a true romance. Because of her past Blanche s memory of
romance is gone and all that is left is sadness. The polka music occurs throughout the play represented
symbolism. By the end of the play, it is playing constantly in Blanche s head. She once says to Mitch
Have you ever had anything caught in your head? Some words, a piece of music? That goes
relentlessly on and on in your head? No, of course you haven t, you dumb angel puss, you d never get
anything awful caught in your head! (pg. 140). Blanche is relating to the awful polka music caught in
her head, showing that she can t let go of the past and her memories of Alan. This music torments
Blanche throughout the whole play and it shows in her actions. However, the polka music serves not
just as a reminder of the past, it also foreshadows the future. The music plays showing the
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Wealth, Power, And Privilege
WEALTH, POWER AND PRIVILEGE Name: Course: University: Tutor: Date submitted:
Introduction Inequality in the society has been an issue since the history of the universe and as we
think we are bridging the gap between the rich and the poor we always find out that it is as a wide as it
was. The poor will always exist in the society as the inferior group while the rich are the superiors
who control various aspects and sectors of the society. The conflict theory explains that there is always
a disparity that exists in the society due to the presence of limited resources as well as the variations in
the skills and knowledge. It will always happen that in the society there are the wealthy and elite, the
middle class people and the poor who have the lower status in the society. The children from these
social statuses will always have varying education success, employment opportunities and eventually
economic success (Zucman, 2014). The generations are likely to continue their status because the
children from the wealthy families will continue having opportunities that the poor cannot access
simply because they are the inferior people in the society. This is due to the increased need for the
society to eliminate inequality, various theorists and psychologists have been for the past years trying
to explain how inequality is introduced in the society, its causes, effects as well as some of the
measures that should be taken to eliminate inequality in the society. The
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How Did Yahweh Not Punish David
1 Samuel 15 2 Samuel 8: Question 2: What questions did I have For Davis project part two I learned a
lot, but I also have many questions. One of my questions is what happened to Samuel? Meaning how
did Samuel die? Did he just die of old age or did Saul kill him? Another question I have is why was I
always told King Saul was a good king he really was not a good king? In Sunday school my teaches
always said good things about King Saul, but after reading Davis I do not think King Saul was a good
king. In fact, I think King Saul was a terrible king for the kingdom of God. My final question I have is
why did Yahweh take so long to make David king? Why did Yahweh not kill of King Saul right away?
Why did he wait so long so Saul to die so David could be the king of Yahweh s people?
Word Count: 150
2 Samuel 9 20: Question 2: What questions did I have ... Show more content on ...
My first question is why did Yahweh not punish David more severely? I would think that since David
broke one of the ten commandments that he would be sentenced to death by Yahweh. Why did
Yahweh not turn his back on David like he did for Saul? Saul and David both sinned, yet David still
has Yahweh on his side. Another question I have is why did Yahweh take David s wives and son as
David s punishment instead of the kingdom? I would also like to know why Absalom is so angry with
Amnon even though Absalom told Amnon to get with Tamar? My final question I have regarding this
section is why did Yahweh not step in and tell David to restore Tamar and punish Absalom and Amnon
for the sin they
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Goldfish Climate Change
Natural selection is arduous but it is also amazing to see how some aquatic organism evolved over
time with pollution and specifically global warming. Since global warming will increase heat in
aquatic habitat, thermal behavior will evolve as well (Bolnick 2003, et al). Ectothermal species are
very fascinating due to their capability to live in a wide variety of climate change on earth. Knowing
about their ability would explain their tolerance even though we are going through a big climate
change every day (Sollid 2006). As a conformer Carassius auratus would not mind being within a
range of different environment without too much suffocation as long as it s not over their limit. Being
responsive to climate change would have an ... Show more content on ...
In Contrast warmer water temperature decreases the physical activity associated osmoregulatory
disturbances, and increased vulnerability to pathogenic disease and often alters the genes expression
(Ross 2001), so reducing the myofibrillar activity will affect on different physiological abnormalities
Added temperature furthermore drops the quantity of oxygen molecules, which is dissolved in the
water. Water composed of two negatively charged oxygen atoms and one positively charged hydrogen.
When the temperature is cooler these particles encompass less energy and there is less change that
they get separated from each other. In contrast atomic particles are more energetic when the
temperature is warmer ands so they will get separated from the hydrogen atom. So cold water holds
more oxygen (Mallya 2007). Added temperature furthermore drops the quantity of oxygen molecules,
which is dissolved in the water.
Since these ectothermic organisms are strict conformer they are able to maintain their homeostasis to a
certain extend. Goldfishes are unable to generate their own body heat and so they depend on the
outside environment. If the environment temperature is more that 76 degree Fahrenheit it causes stress
or even death to the
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Can I Pay Someone To Write My Research Paper – Loga 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Can I Pay Someone To Write My Research Paper – Loga Can I Pay Someone To Write My Research Paper – Loga
  • 2. Power Of Words In Julius Caesar Research Paper Words holding more power than weapons There s seems to be a lot of examples of words having more power over weapons in The tragedy of Julius Caesar by william shakespeare. The subject can be agreeable. There s a lot if ways that words can make you feel when comparing two things together either one can win you over and make you want to know more and be on the other side. One way words have more power is when Brutus was talking to cassius. Cassius was trying to persuade Brutus to go against Caesar thou brutus did not give in right away Cassius did make Brutus think about how rome would be better off without caesar ruling. Brutus seems like a good friend of caesar and he is but he also fears that caesar will get too much power over his head and end up crashing with it and making rome fall down with him. But then again if you were a true friend towards someone you shouldn t just switch up on them. It really doesn t matter what others say you should be able to stay strong and stick with the person you were always loyal too. ... Show more content on ... I thrice presented him a kingly crown,Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,And sure he is an honourable man... (III.ii.82 96). This part of the play Antony speaks about how brutus kept saying that Caesar was going over his head and his ambition was taking over. The crowd was starting to get startled up because they felt caesar was actually a cruel person but Anothy switches that around and makes them think again. But then Anthony brung out a will from ceaser and that s when everything goes downhill with people getting mad and getting to the point that they want to go and kill everyone who sound like a ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Tqm Available online at INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH International Journal of Current Research Vol. 3, Issue, 3, pp.149 153, March, 2011 3 ISSN: 0975 833X REVIEW ARTICLE TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION 1Jayakumaran, M. and 2Manoharan, C. 1Department of Management Studies, Kalasalingam University, Virudhunagar (Dt.) Tamil Nadu, India 2Department of Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India ARTICLE INFO Article History: Received 18th December, 2010 Received in revised form 21st January, 2011 Accepted 29th February, 2011 Published online 13th March, 2011 ABSTRACT After Second World War the United States of America was forced to improve the production of ... Show more content on ... Today it is in our best interest to encourage everyone s potential by dedicating ourselves to the continual improvement of our own abilities and those of the people with whom we work and live. Total Quality is, essentially, a win win approach which works to everyone s ultimate advantage. According to Deming, no human being should ever evaluate another human being. Therefore, TQM emphasizes self improvement process. In addition, this principle also laminates to the focusing on students strengths, individual learning styles, and different types of intelligences. A System of Ongoing Process The third pillar of TQM as applied in education is the recognition of the organization as a system and the work done within the organization must be seen as an ongoing process. The primary implication of this principle is that individual students and teachers are less to blame for failure than the system in which they work. Quality speaks to working on the system, which must be examined to identify and eliminate the flawed processes that allow its participants to fail. Since systems are made in the quality of those processes largely determine the quality of the resulting product. In the new paradigm of learning , continual improvement of learning outcomes replaces the outdated teach and test mode. Leadership The fourth TQM principle applied to education is that the success of TQM is the responsibility of top management. The school teachers must
  • 4. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Reflections At Keppel Bay Analysis In the lecture The language of Architecture by Daniel Libeskind, he talks about communicating through light, proportion and material and shares with us his insights and projects that he has worked on or his work in progress. Reflections at Keppel bay presents a radical project with the idea of creating a home that is unique, different from the sense of conformity and overpopulation that is observed in residential developments. The double curvature of the structure is a functional idea which allows every level to lie in a different space, creating a staggered effect; residences are not seen from the same viewpoint or are located next to each other. This gives a sense of individuality for each residential space. The double curvature is adorned in anodized aluminium that creates a lustrous surface and also amounts ... Show more content on ... It is a mixed use typology which caters for residential, recreational and retail needs. Westside was design with the intention of creating public spaces that could provide for day and night activities. The roof cuts allow daylight to filter in and paired with the extensive window cuts, the façade opens up and deliberately brings light into the shopping mall. Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada features a futuristic building with unprecedented forms. The museum serves as a wonder of nature and art and the topography of space reflects light throughout different times of the day. The museum did not cut out any old buildings around it but instead the building was cut to reveal some of the façade of the old buildings. The historical buildings, complemented by the modern façade of the museum enhances the relationship between traditional and innovation. The ground level of the museum provides a continuous space without any distinction throughout the entire ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Possible Causes Of Jealousy In Relationship Possible causes of jealousy and its effects on a relationship One of the most authentic causes of jealousy is unhealthy comparisons. By human nature people are often comparing things and one another. Insecurity There is no greater source of jealousy in a relationship than insecurity, which is a result of inferiority complex or lack of self confidence or having low self esteem. An insecure person believes that he or she is not good enough; they assume that everyone else is better than they are and are therefore easily intimidated by other people s success, happiness, brilliance, possession or class. Insecurity which can arise as a result of peer pressure or unbalanced societal expectations or judgment causes people to become vulnerable to ... Show more content on ... Jealousy is a sign that something is seriously wrong about your relationship. And most often it is not about your partner but rather about you. Do you have trust issues? Do you have a low self esteem? Do you feel the need to control your partner s whereabouts and actions? All these things will do more damage than good to your relationship. Nobody wants a jealous lover. Jealousy will simply sap the energy and beauty out of your relationship. According to Jealousy is all about trying to restrict, manipulate, and monitor another person s behavior and choices. Look out if your relationship is increasingly filled with questions such as, Where were you? Why were you talking to him? Who sent you that text message? You heard from that person on Facebook again? A relationship thrives on freedom the freedom to grow and develop, to be authentic and genuine, to pursue new opportunities. Unfounded jealousy is a stranglehold sure to suffocate any romantic relationship. Want a lasting, healthy love relationship? Make sure both partners have the space, encouragement, and autonomy to be who they are without someone else watching every breath and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. La evolución de la ciencia a través de los años Cuando era más chica, me enseñaron (o tal vez fue la impresión que me dieron) que las leyes científicas, teorías y factores siempre estaban correctas, que iban a ser invocadas, porque se basaban en observaciones objetivas, hechos concretos y pruebas, y aun que yo sabía que otras teorías científicas en el pasado habían sido refutadas (por ejemplo la que decía que la tierra era plana), nunca se me ocurrió pensar que eso también podría ser cierto ahora. Pero entonces llegó el día en que Plutón dejó de ser considerado un planeta , y después de estudiar por dos años los nueve planetas que componen el sistema solar, me dijeron que ahora habían ocho planetas, ya que el noveno (Plutón) había sido considerado recientemente como un cometa, por lo tanto después de un par de meses de confusión (y algunas preguntas incorrectas en las pruebas, porque me tomo un tiempo asumir que lo que yo pensaba que era un hecho, una verdad absoluta, ya no era valido), finalmente me di cuenta que la ciencia no era infalible, que no era un cien por ciento exacta, y que un una pequeña evidencia podía influir mucho. La ciencia es una parte fundamental de nuestra sociedad, nace de la curiosidad humana y busca dar una explicación a los distintos aspectos del mundo. Por otro lado, la ciencia busca la verdad, aun que, no siempre la encuentra o si es que la encuentra no siempre esta correcta. La tierra no es plana, la vida no aparece espontáneamente de objetos (generación espontanea), Plutón no es un planeta, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. What Caused The American Revolution Research Paper There was a feeling of revolution as soon as people left England to come to the New World. John Adams explains how the revolution began when he says, The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. The duel for America created a restlessness among the independent minded Americans. However, mother England saw the necessity of holding her colonies. Eventually, tension is felt between the two sides, resulting in colonial unity and the sovereignty of a new republic. There were many causes and effects of the American Revolution. There were many causes that sparked America s new sense of individuality. One of the first causes was the increased confidence in military strength, which caused a rise in colonial self esteem. This increase in self esteem was a result of the valuable gain from the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War, also shattered the myth of British invincibility, showing the colonials that anything was ... Show more content on ... Tensions first arose when the London government issued the Proclamation of 1763. This proclamation prohibited settlement in the area beyond the Appalachians, by the colonies. This angered many Americans because they felt that the land was their birthright, but this document was not drawn up to oppress the colonies, but it was made to work out the Indian problem to prevent another uprising like Pontiac s. Mercantilism also added to the tension between Britain and America. Tension arose from mercantilism because Americans were not at liberty to buy, sell, ship or manufacture under conditions that they found most profit. The Boston Gazette explained how the colonists felt about mercantilism by stating, A colonist cannot make a button, a horseshoe, nor a hobnail, but some snotty ironmonger of Britain shall bawl and squall that his honor s worship is most egregiously maltreated, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Determining Lodging Tolerance Are Mostly Taken Around Bud... Measurements to determine lodging tolerance are mostly taken around bud to mid bloom stage (Johnson et al. 2008). They reported two methods used in carrying out these measurements and subsequent rating; 1) spaced plants trial and 2) solid seeded plots. In the spaced plant method, rating was done based on the percentage of erect stems within plant rows while in the solid seeded plots method, plots were rated based on percentage of erect stem within the plot. Different methods have been adopted to tackle lodging. Some of them include soil quality improvement, good management practice (HCGA 2005) cultivation of dwarf varieties, and introduction of lodging resistant varieties (Prairie Grains 2005). Hasnath and Jahan (2013) investigated the lodging resistance of different genotypes of hard wheat. They noted that some genotypes (Pradiv, Akbar, Gourav, and Shatabdi) had higher lodging resistance than others (Bijoy, Sufi, Shourav, Barkat, Prativa, and Balaka,). Kong et al. (2013) reported that the solid stemmed wheat genotypes are more resistant than the hollow stemmed genotypes. The difference was because the solid stemmed wheat having more mechanical support tissues as well as a wider stem wall. On the other hand, Crook and Ennos (1994) work on the lodging resistance of four winter wheat cultivars revealed that the lodging resistance was independent of stiffness of the stem but rather was related to the height of the stem. They recommended shorter stem plants with widespread ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Personal Finance Midterm Analysis Personal Finance Midterm Having financial goals is very important. I personally have three goals that are important to me. Following a budget is something I want to follow for the rest of my life. I think it is important to have a budget so you can manage and control the money you spend. Right now, I don t have very much to budget, but soon I will be taking loans out for school and hopefully getting a stable job. To complete this goal, I plan on making a budget each month and stick with it. Another financial goal of mine is to start an emergency fund. I chose this goal because I think it is important to be ready for anything. In my case I would want around two thousand dollars in mine. For this to happen I must budget out money each month and ... Show more content on ... I keep track of everything I buy and make sure it is necessary. Something my friend does is spend less than she earns. I think this strategy is smart because if you always spend less than you earn you will always have some money left over, hopefully if I start now by doing this I will have good spending habits down the road. My ideal job is to become a registered nurse. I like the idea of becoming a nurse because it means I get to do one of my favorite things which is help people. The world will always need nurses and doctors so with a nursing degree I will always have a place to work. A registered nurse makes around 60,000 a year. To achieve this I, must continue going to school and start focusing on classes that will help me in this career field. Something else that I want to do is an internship program at a hospital or something so I can get a feel on what it s like to be an actual nurse. My credit score is basically none existent right now because I don t have any credit cards or loans out right now. But in the future, I plan on having good credit for the rest of my life. I m going to have good credit because I know what needs to be done. I am going to pay my bills and credit cards on time. Another thing I am going to do once I get a credit card is keep the balance on it ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Homelessness In New York City I. Define the Problem For anyone living in or visiting New York City, the site of a homeless person is almost guaranteed. Whether riding the subway, taking in the lights in Times Square, or going for a stroll in Central Park, one is bound to see a homeless person. Homelessness does not discriminate; men and women can be seen sleeping over a subway grate. Age is not a discriminatory factor either. Many a times one will see a mother with her child/children sitting on the steps of a church begging for food and money. These fairly simple observations lead to a non subjective conclusion; there are too many homeless people in New York City. There will obviously always be some level of homelessness; it would be naïve to assume that homelessness could be completely eliminated. However, the excessive level of homelessness can be attributed to market failures across various market structures. This policy proposal attempts to offer alternative solutions to alleviating these market failures, in the hopes that it will translate into a decreased level of homelessness in New York City. II. Assembling the Evidence New York City has had an obligation to provide the homeless with secured shelter since 1979; during this time, a veteran of the Korean War sued the city for failing to provide him with adequate housing. Since then, the provision of providing a home to those who are unable to afford one was amended into the New York State constitution, where it states the aid, care, and support ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Mulvey s Gaze From a cinematography perspective, elements of Mulvey s essay persist throughout the film, specifically, the idea of the male gaze upon females who are meant to be looked at. However, in line with the homosexual themes in Carol, this gaze is manipulated to be a female to female gaze. On their quest for a Christmas tree, Therese s gazes are followed by broken down, close up shots of Carol s gloved hands on the steering wheel and red lips as she smile back at Therese. Then from the car, Therese photographs Carol without her knowledge, the ultimate form of Mulvey s scopophilia, or gaining pleasure by looking suggestively, however it does not derive from the herterosexual male s perspective. Hayne s challenging of traditional depictions of sexuality in ... Show more content on ... Conventional elements of sexualitiy in Carol are complicated further by the power dynamics between Carol and Therese expressed through cinematographic elements. While Carol is wiser and more experienced than Therese and is often framed with low angle shots making her appear large, confident, and strong. The complexity of Carol s character is further explored as she simultaneously appears as having power over Therese but is also the subject of Therese s objectifying gaze. Therese, who is often captured through high angle shots giving viewers a sense of looking down on her, possess a gaze which often frames Carol seductively as she photographs and stares at Carol flaunting her feminine glamour and sexuality. Just as the scene in which they first met, Therese is often obscured, hidden behind the lense of her camera, and Carol is the subject of awe, attention, and desire. In the dark, Therese stares at Carol under her red covers as she sleeps. Through parts of her are obscured throughout the film, Therese is the holder of Mulvey s powerful gaze and thus gives new meaning to this ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Gilgamesh s Epic Of Gilgamesh The story of Epic of Gilgamesh deals with different behaviors in Gilgamesh. Throughout the story Gilgamesh behavior changes, he is portrayed as overbearing ruler, as a courageous and strong fighter to his peoples, and finally as a man who seems content with what he s accomplished. Through all of these transitions, we see Gilgamesh s attitude toward life change. The goals he has for his own life alter dramatically, and it is in these goals that we see Gilgamesh s transition from being a shallow, ruthless ruler to being an introspective, content man. In the beginning of the story Gilgamesh is described to be an overly aggressive ruler. People respect him, but they dislike Gilgamesh sexual and physical aggression, so they called to the gods to lighten their burden with Gilgamesh. The gods created an equal to have control over him and to also keep him in line, so they send Enkidu. Enkidu has an immediate impact on Gilgamesh, these two never met before. And they both did not hit it off right with each other. They basically had a brawl with each other. The gods gave Gilgamesh a real battle to deal with, Enkidu instantly changes Gilgamesh behaviors throughout the story; Gilgamesh and Enkidu fighting with each other creates a serious mess, but they both end up without animosity toward the other. In having this equal this gives Gilgamesh to learn to have respect for him and another man around him. Gilgamesh and Enkidu behavior with each other is how human in today society act, ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Qualitative Research Summary This author has chosen the question, In low risk pregnant women does the presence of a professional doula, to support the woman when laboring, provide improved maternal outcomes versus utilizing only family support as evidenced by patient satisfaction? for the focus in her capstone project. The following questions will be answered in regard to each article: 1) How does each article describe the nature of the problem, issue, or deficit you have identified, 2) Does each article provide statistical information to demonstrate the gravity of the issue, problem, or deficit? 3) What are example(s) of morbidity, mortality, and rate of incidence or rate of occurrence in the general population? 4) Does each article support your proposed change? Following a literature search the author has selected 15 articles for review, which will be outline in this paper and ... Show more content on ... A case study design was used in a purposive sampling of participants for the collection of information. The article describes the issues that can occur specifically in adolescents during labor and how a doula can be a helpful addition to the team. There is not numerical statistical information from the article, it is more anecdotal and themed issues that arose over the collection of data. Based on the data collection and emerging themes that were noted, implications that would affect practice were identified by the authors. There is no identification of mortality or morbidity references in the article. However, the authors mention reasons some participants did not utilize doula services and the rationale behind that decision. The article does support this author s position. The presence of the doula in those that participated increased their satisfaction with their ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Essay on Protecting Miles and Flora in The Turn of the Screw Protecting Miles and Flora in The Turn of the Screw I saw my service so strongly and simply. I was there to protect and defend the little creatures... The governess sees it as her duty to protect Miles and Flora. What do they need protection from and how does Henry James illustrate this in his novel The Turn of the Screw ? Henry James s Turn of the Screw can be interpreted in many different ways. He constructed his novel in order to make allusions to sexual topics, (without stating anything explicitly) madness, ghosts and the Victorian society. In this essay I will be analysing each of the above in order to make a conclusion as to what I think the children need protecting from. As for the ghosts being present or not, ... Show more content on ... But either way I don t believe the governess saw the ghosts based on two main factors; first being, her vague description of Miss Jessel, and secondly, the fact Mrs Grose never saw either of the ghosts. I think the children need protection from the governess and her imagination. The governess comes across to have an unbalanced behaviour which doesn t go well with the children. I also think madness links into the fact the governess is hallucinating. I believe the hallucinations have lead the governess to get carried away, which slowly turned her insane and made her very over protective towards the children. The more the governess hallucinates the more insane she is going to get, which is not going to protect the children in anyway as she would be trying to sort out her imagination. The governess is only a child herself, having to cope with two other children alone maybe a bit to much too handle, so having this other pressure (the hallucinations) to cope with might just leave her to break down mentally. In the turn of the screw, Henry James never identifies who is to blame for the chaos at Bly. The interpretation bought about by the Victorian society is that the master is to blame. By neglecting his responsibility to provide a stabilizing environment at Bly, he allowed everything to breakdown into chaos: ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Roman Culture Introduction There have been examples of conquering forces with a simple agenda of bringing the ultimate mayhem upon their enemies and wiping out the cultural heritage of their enemies together with the civilians. Romans however were ravenous for plunder, culturally curious, interested in enslavement of their enemies, and good at incorporating the captured in their societies; on the top of that, they had a relatively good understanding of being politically organized. These were not necessarily mutually exclusive with the acts of ultimate violence, and a good example would be the battle of Pydn in 198 BC and Rome s harsh treatment of this Greek city (Wasson, 2015). However, in peace or war, the interest of Romans in the Hellenistic Greece ... Show more content on ... Greeks taught Romans how to write sophisticated poems, comedy, and history (Morey, 1901). Art: Roman form of art expressed itself in their structures and building, however, the more polished form of art containing a prevailing artistic taste in beauty was missing in their culture. Although Romans couldn t compete with Greek artists, their admiration for Greek art showed itself in the decoration of their houses and how they collected and ultimately preserved Greek art (Morey, 1901). Manners and Morals: Romans manners and morals was less likely to undergo significant and fundamental changes since the lack of a genuine interest and the presence of their barbarous spirit were always in the way (Morey, 1901).We still remember how Spartan resisted the luxurious life style and went as far as making the life intolerable and hard for their soldiers. Morey (1901) point out that Romans were also divided on this topic and while some like Cato the Censor strongly opposed Greek etiquettes and ideas, others like Scipio Africanus welcomed them. Roman culture was a mixture of some of the best aspects of the civilized and refined cultures and the simpler, self centered, and greedy remains of their warrior ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Milo And Tock Quest The Quest Someone once said, Each of us needs a quest, and a person without one is lost to himself. This statement is true to everyone including Milo and Tock. Milo and Tock should accept the quest to rescue Rhyme and Reason for these three reasons: the kingdoms are in chaos, the quest will be an exciting change for Milo, and everyone desires Rhyme and Reason to return from exile. The first reason that Milo and Tock should accept the quest to rescue Rhyme and Reason is the kingdoms are in chaos. With no one to turn to for guidance, there are many unsolved dilemmas. Everything in the two kingdoms was perfect until Rhyme and Reason were banned. Additionally, part of the two kingdoms problem is their prideful rulers, who will cease ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Problem Of Differential Equations Predicting the future is a big topic that many people have attempted and failed. Many people try to predict things such as the end of the world, the next stock market crash, and the weather. Many people are also scared of the future and wonder what it will hold, such as the prophet Jonah. When the Lord told Jonah to go to Nineveh, he was terrified of the future and fled from the Lord. God later showed Jonah that he is the only one in control and Jonah couldn t run from God. Christians believe that there is only one person that is in control of the future and can predict it, and that would be God. While they know this to be certain, mathematicians believe that by using math, specifically differential equations, they can predict how things such as population, the stock market, and the weather can be somewhat accurately predicted. In order to decide whether differential equations can predict future events, it is important to know exactly what a differential equation is. A differential equation is an equation involving derivatives of a function or functions.. The functions usually represent some quantities, and the derivatives represent their rates of change. The differential equation that results from the two relates the derivative and the function to be used as a productive equation. The rate of change according to time can be a pivotal part in trying to predict some aspects of the future. When mathematicians think of using differential equations to predict ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Roles And Responsibilities Of Batelco Task 2: 2.1 Employees of Batelco are interesting, as they have many features and experiences that excel them for others, but in return there is not a person completely. And identify five of the company s employees who play a role in the development of the company and its policies, where you will learn about the most important features they have and touching on some of the things they need to improve them: Sameer Altaf Chief Financial Officer Bahrain Sameer Altaf was appointed to the post of CFO Bahrain in October 2013 having held the role of Group Financial Controller since 2008 when he joined Batelco to lead the Financial Control function for both Batelco Group and Batelco Bahrain. Mr. Altaf also held the post of interim CFO Bahrain in ... Show more content on ... Batelco respects the interests of its customers and meet their obligations with them and do not prepare them, but what they can do. Company: Batelco use the proper tools to control the transfer of confidential and sensitive information inside and outside the company. And do not deliberately disclose public information relating to its business or its agents or employees, unless it is linked to the provision of services to their customers, or at the request of its customers, or as required by law. Control of conscience :Soul searching is the first step on the road to the moral commitment of the members are a form of self censorship applied by the individual on your behavior and increasingly self accounting and pronounced effect on the person s normal, and the person is not normal, it is not very much committed to the principles and moral values, and therefore it does not feel the pinch of self accounting, but person s normal, he faces a sharp conflicts if they try to do a set of behaviors that are not consistent with the ethical principles and explain this breach of ethical rules as masculinity, such as lying, theft, treason, bribery, deception and intrigue, and the attack on the rights of others ... etc. without being affected or suffering from his conscience and that it was dealing with them are affected ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Stress Of Stress In Nursing With the high demand of medical professionals and increasing numbers of people with chronic diseased, there might be a time where one nurse have to over see more patients than normal. Taking care of extra patients than normal might bring some work burnout and prevent nursing professionals from performing their job effectively. A study was done to measure the stress level of nurses working on the oncology department and the effect of stress leading the nurses to consider looking for job in other departments. It was found that 35% of the nurses were experiencing emotional stress and 17 % were depersonalized which then resulted in considering for other opportunities in less stressful departments (Davis S, Lind BK, Sorensen C, 2013). Stress can be experience from many factors such as death of a patient, patient s family history, severity of patient s health condition, and emotional attachment with patients. As a nursing professional, one have to witness devastating situations such as death of loved ones. It has been found that death and close relationship with patients and working environment are the main factors causing stress among nurses (Pavlos S et. al, 2016). Despite the fact that nursing professionals have to go through many stressful situations at work and may be in their personal life, how much attentive can they be while performing their nursing duties? It requires a lot of positive attitude and strong personality to be able to perform nursing duties properly while ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Analyzing Victor Frankenstein s The Creature Victor Frankenstein Henry Clerval Justine Moritz Elizabeth Lavenza The De Lacey s The Creature Alphonse Frankenstein William Frankenstein Robert Walton Caroline Beaufort M. Krempe M.Waldman Mr. Kirwin Safie Victor is the main narrator also the protagonist. Victor s childhood best friend. Justine was adopted to the Frankenstein family. Was accused of William s death. Victor s adopted cousin to whom he pledged to marry. Agatha, Father De Lacey, Felix the unknowing teachers of the Creature. Victor s creation and son .
  • 22. Victor s father and his support throughout the novel. Victor s youngest brother. Also the Creatures first victim. Walton is the initial narrator. He also finds Victor in the Arctic and listens to his story. ... Show more content on ... Victor represents the danger of too much knowledge, as well irrational decision making. Henry is the only one to bring Victor out of his depression, helps him by reminding him of the past in the good sense. Justine represents justice. This is verbal irony (Justine and justice sound alike.) Elizabeth represents hope. Throughout Victor s depression she was the only one he was focused on seeing, and brought a sense of a tranquil spirit. The De Lacey s represent aspiration. The Creature watches them for years aspiring to be like them or to be accepted. The love witnessed between them brings a desirable dream to the Creature. The Creature represents why man shouldn t defy the rules of nature. Also shows what a parent owes a child. Alphonse represents what a child owes a parent ... Honesty. William represents how innocent lives can be corrupted. Walton represents the fear of another. Walton possess parallel characteristics at Victor (wanted to be known, adventurous) which could lead to the creation of another. Caroline was the first of Victor s family to die. Her death is the trigger for Victor s thoughts of recreating ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Permanent Life Insurance Essay How to Choose Permanent Life Insurance Which Life Insurance Plan is Better For My Family: You may require one or more types of life insurance to meet your financial needs and goals. Two major categories of life insurance are term and permanent. Permanent life insurance has options including whole life, variable life, universal life, and single premium life. Term life Term life insurance provides a fixed amount of coverage, at a fixed premium, over a specific period of time or term (10, 15, 20 or 30 years). Because its premiums are generally lower, term life insurance is often the choice made by young families. If you die before the end of the term, your beneficiaries receive a lump sum equal to the amount of ... Show more content on ... What else should I consider about term life? Term life only lasts for the term you set or until you stop paying the premium. It accrues no cash value paid out at the end of the term, if you re still living. Permanent life What is permanent life insurance? Permanent life insurance covers you from date of issue until the day you die, as long as you continue to pay your premiums. Permanent life can earn cash value as your premiums are invested. This helps you build wealth while also protecting it. And of course, it transfers and distributes your wealth efficiently to your heirs. Why would I need it? Because it never expires, permanent life can be used as the foundation of your overall life insurance plan for a variety of life stages and financial needs. What else should I consider about permanent life? Permanent life policies tend to have higher premiums than term policies, and may offer less flexibility than term life for pricing and options. Types of permanent life insurance : Whole, universal, variable and single premium are all types of permanent life insurance. Each may be used for wealth accumulation, protection, distribution and transfer depending on your needs. Features of a Permanent Life Policy Basically, this type of life insurance provides lifetime coverage. It is typically comprised of two parts: a savings, or investment, portion and an insurance portion.Due to the presence of the savings element, the premiums are quite high. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Auditors And The International Financial Reporting Standards Introduction: Auditors, accountants, and companies must comply with the regulations as recommended by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Disputes concerning convergence issues and compliance may arise between companies and the auditors. In the case of dispute, the companies and the auditor should consider alternative dispute resolving mechanisms which are faster, less expensive and less adversarial than traditional litigation. Reason for Conflict: Audited financial statements may be a source of dispute between the auditor and management. The process of audit resolution would entail negotiating them. Knapp (1985, p. 202) proposes the way that auditors approach these conflicts play a big role on the auditors independence and the content of the results and the credibility of the financial statements. Controversy threatens the success of the firm, resolving controversy will help reduce the agency cost hence minimizing the expenses to be incurred. Resolving audit disputes would also be serving the interest of the shareholders. Areas of Dispute: Audit disputes may arise in areas such as fraud investigations, malpractice claims, fee disputes, the purpose of internal auditors and the appropriate application of the accepted accounting practices. How The Conflict Arises: In these cases, auditor s must inform their clients about their roles and the responsibility of the companies accounting function against those of the external auditors. When the auditor ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Assess the Extent to Which Short Term Factors Are Now More... The electorate are those that are eligible to vote, and many factors can influence the way in which the electorate do vote. Primacy, also known as long term, factors are those that have a long term influence on the way in which somebody votes, for example the social class in which that person belongs to. Recency also referred to as short term, factors are those which have a short term influence and most prominently during the lead up to an election, an example of a recency factor is the impact of mass media. In the last few decades many long term factors have become less important due to partisan and social de alignment, whilst the short term factors have been ever more emphasised and prominent. To begin, the period of 1945 1970 was ... Show more content on ... This occurred due to embourgeoisement, which was the tendency of the better off working class people with aspirations to become more like the middle classes in their social outlook and voting behaviour. This new type of class was classified by Crewe as the new working class of the new estates and new service economy of the South. The voting behaviour had been changed, instead of voting for Labour the new working class were more inclined to the tax cut, nationalisation and union policies of the Conservatives. Also, demographic changes lead to inner cities emptying and their electoral base eroded, whilst the South grew where it had a concentration of Conservative voters. Therefore, the long term factors of social class and party identification have become less important in shaping the voting behaviour, mainly as the working class was less aligned to Labour. However, the general election results of 2005 suggest there is still a small link between social class and voting as Labour had a clear majority against the Conservatives in some of the inner cities, where the concentration of working class lie. There is great evidence to suggest that short term factors have been very influential in the voting behaviour of the electorate today. To support this, Denver in 2003, noted that voting is now much influenced by the opinions and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Subprime Meltdown Subprime Meltdown: American Housing and Global Financial Turmoil Borrowers with a lower credit score were considered as risky and were called subprime borrowers . Therefore the interest rates on these loans were higher than the rates given to borrowers with a higher credit rating. In the 1970s it was very difficult for these borrowers to avail loans. They had to apply through conventional lenders for loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). The procedure was long and tedious and required a lot of documentation. Early Days: Lenders traditionally offered the fixed 30 year mortgage with no prepayment penalties which were offered by the banks and Savings and Loan Associations (S Ls) However in the 80s short term ... Show more content on ... These agencies used their own statistical models to rate the MBSs. They also rated the CDO entities and underwriters. There was competition between two major rating agencies Moody s and S P. Moody s was accused of being tough and conservative. It ultimately had to relax its standards in order to get more business. Another major problem with the rating agencies was that they could be influenced by the powerful and influential people who were behind major investment banks and hedge funds. Who s responsible? A crisis of such magnitude cannot be brought about by the actions of one player. The subprime crisis is a result of the actions/behavior of a number of factors. Who s to be blamed most is a difficult question to answer. Was it the lenders who gave out mortgage loans to subprime customers at higher rates, or was it the borrowers themselves who borrowed beyond their means and did not actually understand the features of the mortgages. And what about the underwriters and insurers who gave the tranches better ratings through credit enhancement tools. It was these guarantees that made the investors more confident. The Financial System: Thus the economy trusted that the matured markets would govern themselves leading to lose regulation. But as the crisis unfolded, it was quiet evident the markets were not doing what they were supposed to. Everyone, be it the lenders, borrowers, underwriters, insurers or investors, believed that the housing bubble ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Jean Piaget Cognitive Development 4. Piaget and Cognitive Development Copyright 2004, James Fleming, Ph.D. _______ During this [early childhood] period magic, animism, and artificialism are completely merged. The world is a society of living beings controlled and directed by man. The self and the external world are not clearly delimited. Every action is both physical and psychical. Jean Piaget1 ________ Piaget s Place in the History of Psychology A ranking of the most eminent psychologists of the 20th century by professionals in the field listed the top three names as B. F. Skinner, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud (Haggbloom and others, 2002). These three names also occupy places of prominence in this textbook. But although Skinner s impact on the field of ... Show more content on ... Between 15 and 18 years of age, he published a series of articles on shellfish. As a result, he was offered a position as curator of the mollusk collection at the Geneva museum of natural history. (He had to turn this down because he had yet to finish high school!) Piaget received his PhD in natural science at age 21 from the University of Neuchâtel. By this time he had already published 21 papers! His interest in epistemology (theory of knowledge) led him to study how children solve problems. At Albert Einstein s suggestion, Piaget investigated children s understanding of time, space, speed, and motion, resulting in two books on these subjects. During his long lifetime (Piaget died in 1980, at age 84) he wrote over 40 books and numerous articles. He was honored by the American Psychological Association with the Distinguished Scientist Award in 1969. Piagetian Conservation Tasks Before plunging headlong into Piaget s sometimes abstract theoretical ideas about the ways in which children learn at different stages of development, it may be helpful particularly to students with no familiarity with Piaget to begin with a few examples of his well known conservation tasks. These nicely illustrate Piaget s approach to observing children as they grapple with ordinary objects. Piaget noticed that students below a certain level of maturity ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Revolving Door Amanda Stevenson Dr. Woodiwiss PO 101 11 December 2015 ¬¬¬¬¬The Effects of the Revolving Door For five years, Mr. Larry Lavender served as the chief of staff for Representative Spencer Bachus on the House Financial Services Committee. In 2012, Lavender was recruited by a law firm representing JPMorgan, a banking and financial institution, and left the committee. Although this move disbanded his professional link to Bachus, the two still maintained a personal relationship, and Lavender also communicated with former colleagues without seeking any official favors or actions (Revolving Door). Because of the relationship between Lavender and Bachus and through efforts made behind the scenes, JPMorgan avoided testifying against one of their clients in the House of Representatives. This sequence of events illustrates what is referred to as the revolving door , which is a system that shuffles former federal employees into jobs as lobbyists, consultants and strategists . In this system, former public office holders become lobbyists because they already have relationships with people they have worked with or for in the past. Within the practice, there has been evidence of corruption through the manipulation of bans and the undermining use of professional interactions. The spinning of the revolving door prompts government officials to make laws that reflect the preferences of industry lobbies rather than the will of the people As the revolving door continues to spin more ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Cio Organization Paper WOBBLY WHEELS | November 29 2014 | | Memo | Contents Introduction and Purpose: 2 Leadership Philosophy: 2 Current IT department Structure: 4 New CIO organization: 5 Key Services: 6 New CIO Organization Structure: 6 Key Milestones: 8 Conclusion: 9 References 10 To: Chief Financial Officer From: Chief Information Officer Date: November 29, 2014 RE: Wobbly Wheels IT Organizational Changes Introduction and Purpose: Over the past few years growth, of WW has not increased and it has remained stagnant due to the slow growth of the economy. In order to improve the growth of the organization, a few IT organizational changes are required that will help streamline the internal processes for WW to improve the ... Show more content on ... IT organizational restructure includes; hiring 3 more application developers and hiring two more people in the networking team in order to reduce the number of the networking issues for the applications maintained within WW. Application developers will decrease development time of the applications. Current implemented technology for the accounting processes, route optimization, freight tracking and fleet maintenance will need to be improved. All these applications are based on an older technology. In order to improve the overall functionality and to reduce the cost associated with IT requires the organization to implement a cloud computing based ERP solution systems. This system will improve the overall performance and will reduce the cost associated with the implementation. The cloud based applications can be accessed from anywhere and anyone authorized to access the system can access the system easily. The next set of changes that are required in the internal IT strategies are the improvement in the internal processes; all the internal operations are managed in a better way through the new systems. The new systems are targeted to improve the overall operations within the organization (Chand, S 2014). The next change in the IT internal strategy is the IT portfolio. IT portfolio includes implementation of the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Blue Mask by Lou Reed Lou Reed s, The Blue Mask Although the visionary singer, song writer, Lou Reed, gained his fame in the 70 s, he reached the highest peak of his career with the album The Blue Mask, in which he explored the elements of human flaws. With this album, he stripped down from his dramatic work in the 70 s and explored new techniques along with his small, tight knit band. The Blue Mask received excellent reviews from critics and consumers because it allowed listeners to have a personal connection with Reed and showed them a different side apart from the public persona. Overall, the achievements and praise were well deserved for the hard work he and his band put in. Lou Reed, a New York native, attended the University of Syracuse and studied poetry and journalism. He later became the lead singer for the band, Velvet Underground during the 60 s. He is commonly known today as the one who started the punk rock era and also brought a stormy dissonance to the foreground, helping to expand the vocabulary of the electric guitar (Rolling Stone Bio). He broke away from his partnership with Velvet Underground and headed for England in pursuit of a solo career. Over a decade later, he released the album, The Blue Mask. The Blue Mask was under the direction of RCA Records and was originally distributed on a 12 inch vinyl stereo gramophone record. RCA Records owned the phonographic copyrights, as well as regular copyrights. Lou Reed produced the entire album with the help of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. What Is The Difference Between Beowulf And Grendel s Mother Epic heroes are often those of a noble birth who sacrifice their self to fight so something mortals cannot defeat. Beowulf did selfless acts three times throughout The Epic of Beowulf through his encounters with Grendel, Grendel s mother, and the dragon. Each fight is unique in their own ways due to the outcome and the important circumstances surrounding the combat. Beowulf s first major battle was the fight with Grendel. Beowulf was motivated to fight Grendel because he wanted to give Hrothgar his rightful kingdom back. The difference between this fight from the other two was the way that Beowulf fought his opponent. He used hand to hand combat to rip the arm off of Grendel. He did not use any weapons because Grendel did not use weapons. It demonstrates Beowulf s superhuman strength. The outcome of the fight was the death of Grendel as well as Hrothgar taking back his throne for a brief time. The fight between Grendel and Beowulf allowed a new beast to arise, Grendel s mother. ... Show more content on ... Beowulf s motivation to attack Grendel s mother was on a spiritual level in the sense he was destroying evil at the source, hell. She killed one of Hrothgar s greatest men as well, and it motivated Beowulf even more. This attack was the same in the sense that it demonstrated Beowulf s superhuman strength by the depths he dove to reach her lair. This battle proved to be different because Beowulf had to use a powerful sword to defeat Grendel s mother. Instead of ripping off her arm, like he did Grendel s, he decapitated Grendel s mother. She was only trying to get back at the men that killed her son, but Beowulf saw her as a threat to Heorot. Years later, after the death of Grendel s mother, a new monster ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Rhodes Must Fall Movement Essay The following essay will be discussing and analysing the Rhodes Must Fall movement which was created and encouraged by students at the University of Cape Town in response to The Johannesburg Salon Vol 9. Throughout this essay, I will be sympathising with the students that formed the movement, but will also be making a critical observation. The Rhodes Must Fall Movement was created by the students in order for black students to feel like they belong and included in the university, as well as for equality for black students and students of colour within UCT. On the 9th of March 2015, a student from UCT threw human excrement at the statue of Cecil John Rhodes on campus at the university. By doing so, the student ignited the beginning of student ... Show more content on ... Decolonisation can be defined as a process which always was and will continue to be a violent process. This is due to the fact that one man will be replacing another using the same force that was used to colonise them (Fanon, 2001). Decolonisation can be described as being a process of complete disorder as it is when two or more conflicting forces meet one another. These opposing forces will have their own beliefs as well as different ways of doing certain tasks (Fanon, 2001). The movement of Rhodes Must Fall is exactly that. During the movement, violence is seen when human excrement is thrown at the statue of Cecil John Rhodes. Another representation of violence is the sudden outbreak of one of the leaders and the vandalism that was present. Although Fanon states that violence will always be a part of the decolonisation process, I do not believe that we should associate and include violence when standing up for what we believe in, as this may infringe on peoples human rights if one does not feel safe in a certain situation where violence is a prominent ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Great Hammerhead Shark Migration Essay Recent studies from the article Hammerhead shark migration gives new hope for conservation discusses how these hammerhead sharks have been listed onto the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) since 2007, also having certain regulation about international trade threatening species going extinct. Dr. Tristian Guthridge explains the benefits of understanding the shark s behavior and more research of where these sharks are migrating, and possibly manage the time of fishing in the areas to eliminate human and shark altercations. With the wide spread of ocean water it can be difficult to study the traveling of sharks; however, the research group was able to tag the sharks with both acoustic and satellite tag, and use photo identification and laser photogrammetry (Charlie Huveneers). During the observation, the shark s motions and ... Show more content on ... Dr. Charlie Huveneers personal first hand data proved that the great hammerhead sharks are very migratory. Using this data to Tag, Photo, and researching their movements. He believes this can be very useful to the future of this endangered species. Great Hammerhead sharks travel a vast migration 3030 km or more. FUCK!! Oh my bad. I didn t take my meds and shit. Anyway, using this information Dr. Huveneers considers that this species is being over fished by trophy hunters due to their long migratory patterns and range of environmental range. I personal believe that not only did Dr. Huveneers did an outstanding job on the research for this article. This article in a scholarly article a lot of scientific terms and evidence came alone with it. My understanding of these gorgeous animals shows a lot of appreciation not only for the science behind it all but the respect for this animal I share this world with. Needless to say, I do hope your respect for this animals are at the same level as ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Major Types Of Social Structure Theories In a narrative, I will compare and contrast the three major types of social structure theories, and the three major types of social structure theories are social disorganization theory, strain theory, and culture conflict theory. Also, I will, include the major principles for each perspective. In this I will define social structure , and I will detail key points in each of these subjects. Introduction Social order,and economics in society explains crime by reference to the Social Structure theory. This type of theory makes important relationships among social institutions and recount the types of behavior that differinate groups of people from certain Individuals.There are three major types of social structure theories. The first theory is social disorganization, and this theory lack of alerting, not even development of culture, social change, and conflict, This is the conditions that exist when faced with these conditions. A sociological approach that propose a separation between socially and sub culturally sanctioned goals and means as the source of criminal behavior, and this is the strain theory. Culture conflict theory perspective on crime suggest that the main cause of being a criminal can be found in a inconsistennse of values in the middle different socialized groups over what is acceptable . These theory focus on the way in which society is organized. They are organise by their group, or class. In comparison all of these theories believe that social structure in ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Taking a Look at Team Connor s Organization FINANCIAL SUMMARY As per our analysis of TeamConnor s financials we explored that the organization has been having difficulty in maintaining a positive net income throughout the past three years. According to TeamConnors financials, we observe that there is a misfit between their goals, stated in TeamConnors Goals for the Future, and their financial capabilities. With the net negative income over the past three years, TeamConnor has lacked in updating their goals to match with their current financial standards. According to our projections, continuing at this pace with income decreasing and expenses rising, we believe TeamConnor will be nearly $850 thousand in the negative. The goals of awarding more grants with an annual increase of 46% through the upcoming years will not be attainable with the current trend of income in the organization. With constantly growing expense like salary, professional service expenses, and event costs, summing up to nearly roughly 45% of total expenditures at an estimated growth rate of 30%, expenses continues to exceed the revenues each year. With a negative outlook in the coming years with unrealistic goals, the change of strategic orientation is obvious and urgent. PROPOSALS As we carefully analyzed the current strategic orientation of TeamConnor organization we came across some key issues that need to be addressed. According to the information provided, we believe that currently the organization is having issues with focusing on their ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Who s Got No Game Reflecting on the topic of Men In Relationships, Neill Korobov s article He s Got No Game (2009) was particularly interesting to me, specifically the concept of the lovable loser. This archetype is en vogue in a vast majority of comedic films for more than a decade. More recent examples are typified by actors like Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, and Jay Baruchel, to name just a few. In spite of how prolific this emerging masculine character has become, Korobov rightly states that this persona is unlikely to be employed by any males other than younger white guys. Unsurprisingly, the aforementioned movie genre is targeted towards this very demographic. This conjures questions of whether life imitates art, or vice versa. We know from Holt Thompson s writing that men consume their particular brand of masculinity, and this loveable loser anti hero is no exception. Korobov s approach to understanding emerging masculinities through discursive analysis is fascinating although observing actual human behaviour can be considered far more accurate, the ways in which we speak about things have a certain creative power. The things that we say off the cuff are often an accurate reflection of the culture we live in. In Korobov s study, he explained that he did his best to create an environment where young men s discourse could emerge naturally, but we know intuitively that such an attempt is fraught with many difficulties which can include observer bias, impression management, and ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Why So Vampirism Isnt About Vampires So vampirism isn t about vampires? Vampire and ghost stories aren t all that you may think they are, but maybe they have a deeper meaning, a sexual meaning. Throughout this Chapter, Nice to Eat You: Acts of Vampires , my mind has been open to countless new ideas. This text has made me question other stories or novels I ve read in the past, and want to analysis more text I read. After reading this chapter, about how stories about vampires could mean something totally different, like sexual relations, I m open to think about how maybe even children s stories, or any story or novel in fact, could have a totally divergent message than they display. A nasty old man, attractive but evil, violates young women, leaves his mark on them, steals ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Anonymous Groups Effectiveness Effectiveness of Anonymous Groups for Individuals with Substance Abuse Disorders Danielle M. Slain University of Minnesota Abstract The prevalence and participation of various Anonymous groups (I.e. Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, etc.) has grown substantially over the last decade. Researchers suggest that attendance is an important part of recovery from substance abuse disorders, but dropout and relapse is still a common aspect of patient recovery. This review attempts to address what type of individuals would benefit from Anonymous groups, why relapses or dropouts occur in conjunction with participation in the Anonymous groups, and how we can use this information in a clinical setting to facilitate ... Show more content on ... Even further, research tends to focus around male participants. For example, Kelly (2000) found that in one of the more commonly cited meta analytic reviews, Emrick, Tonigan, Montgomery and Little (1993), women were vastly underrepresented (p. 651). Researchers noted, this disparity is remarkable given that women have consistently made up about one third of AA members and make up one third of [substance use disorder] treatment admissions (Kelly, 2000, p. 652). Findings are predominantly important because, as Kelly suggests, the emphasis on powerlessness and the minority status of women in 12 step groups that may make women specific issues more difficult to discuss (p. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Grumpy Duramy Short Story Long, long ago, in the mystical kingdom of Muampa, there lived a rather crotchety egg who wasn t typically sunny side up. Back then, this ill tempered egg went by the name of Grumpy Dumpty. For twelve days and twelve nights, the joyous people of Muampa were miserable. The villagers had asked Grumpy dumpty to stop, but all he did was egg nore them. Oh Grumpy, don t be such a dull egg and turn that frown upside down, little Hope pleaded. Quit your begging little girl. Nothing you say or do will ever change the way I am. This disturbing kingdom is too jubilant. You ll see, one day I will have my chance to get off this wall and rue the day! Grumpy Dumpty heartlessly said to the innocent child. Hope sadly stomped off to the king s court to report this horrifying incident. Oh please, oh please!! There has to be something you can do. That unegg ceptional egg is trying to turn this kingdom into an incredibly gloomy place. We can t let this happen. We just can t!! Hope said with a deep sob. The king s men stared at each other in confusion. Well, I have never heard of this so called Grumpy Dumpty character. I have heard of Humpty Dumpty, but we are not living in a fairytale world. It would make no sense for him to egg ist, said old Joe. Oh come on! You have to believe me! cried little Hope. Most of the time, nobody goes against what Joe says, but Tommy is extremely courageous. Uh...I...I guess I believe her, Tommy nervously said. Then, all the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Essay on Artifical Heart Can Save Lives Have you ever met someone that needed a heart transplant? Their heart was failing and the only way that they could continue to live and escape death was to have an operation to transplant their heart. But what if there was not a heart available for them when they required it the most? An artificial heart transplant would be a great option that could save their life. The artificial heart is one of the greatest inventions ever invented. Dr. Robert Jarvik is widely known as the inventor of the first permanent total artificial heart. ( Robert Koffler Jarvik is the outstanding inventor of the artificial heart which has saved many lives of Americans and other people throughout the world. Robert was born on May 11, 1946 in ... Show more content on ... His idea was successful because he was soon accepted into Utah s medical school where he earned a degree in the year 1976. Sadly, his father passed away after suffering from an aneurysm shortly after Robert received his degree. As he was attending the medical school in Utah, there were already artificial heart designs that were in the process of being developed. The problem behind the early designs was developing a pump that had a sufficient power source. Robert Jarvik was on the right path to becoming a successful inventor devoted to helping people around the world. While Robert was operating with the institution, the team he was working with had developed the Kwann Gett heart . This device acted as a pumping device with a rubber diaphragm that would move blood in and out as if it were an actual heart. The team tested animals with this first instead of humans and they soon found out that the problem with it was that it caused unnecessary clotting which could ultimately have lead the patient to death instead of correcting their health problem with their heart. Robert was able to create a new and improved version of the artificial heart which was called the, Jarvik 3 . This corrected the clotting flaw that the other artificial heart had by substituting the rubber of the synthetic heart for three malleable sheets of polyurethane also known as biomer. Later on, he was able to develop a device that was to succeed the Jarvik 3 . ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The General Behavior Model Is Developed By Ludwig Brenner... GEBMO or the General Behavior Model was developed by Ludwig Brenner as a way to predict hazards before they happened. Brenner devised a system of scenarios that could occur with multiple factors for each element. The system is basically designed on a cause effect relationship. One thing happens because of another which leads to a result (Haight, 2012). This model was used to develop an emergency action plan for a small community surrounding a gas station. The first step to any emergency action plan is to conduct a hazard assessment and the best way conduct to do that is to conduct a walk through of the facility or area (Haight, 2012). In this scenario, our facility is a service station with fuel holding tanks and convenience store items which is located in close proximity to the center of town, a housing development, an elementary school, playground, baseball field, and wooded area. The nature of the business makes it a hazard, the location of it makes it a hazard to the community. Using the General Behavior Model, possible hazards and their reactions, as well as ways to prevent them are discussed. When working with fuels such as gasoline and diesel, physical hazards to humans are possible. Gasoline is highly explosive and flammable, while diesel is flammable. The use of GEBMO is to prevent or reduce the number of fires and explosions. GEBMO is broken down into seven steps. The first step is to predict a stressing event such as a fire when a tanker is ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Why I Want To Be An Alpha Essay My name is Latifah Syeh and it is my aspiration to become a member of the alpha chi chapter of alpha kappa alpha sorority, inc. In my eyes, the purpose of alpha kappa alpha is to promote social change, equality, and personal growth through scholarship and leadership. These are all things that I want my legacy to be defined by. I am aspiring to join this sorority specifically because I want to walk in the path of those that I admire. I admire alpha women. You all are beneficent, sophisticated, and empowering. I want that for myself. I received a full scholarship to attend Appalachian State University when I was just in the third grade and I went on to graduate 4th in my high school class despite being documented as a McKenny Vento youth. I am a Junior Pharmaceutical Sciences major. Upon graduation, I plan to join the peace corps. I have intermediate knowledge of the Spanish language and it is my goal to spend a few years in a Spanish speaking country so that I can become fluent. Once I become fluent, I plan to attend medical school with a specialty in psychiatry. ... Show more content on ... I am grateful because that lead me to North Carolina Central University. From my time here, I have grown immensely. Being a student at NCCU is the best thing that ever happened to me. I enjoy debating, fine dining, and shopping. One of the greatest experiences I had at NCCU is an etiquette class. If I had no responsibilities for 48 hours, I would likely spend it decorating and shopping for decorations. I am always looking for ways to improve things. My motto is that I am going to become the woman of my dreams . The woman of my dreams is how I imagined myself as a child. She was hard working, dedicated, sophisticated, classy, and elegant. Each day I work on molding myself into that idea and I believe that becoming a member of alpha kappa alpha can assist me in my ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Type Of Agonist Essay Types of agonists Receptors can be activated by either endogenous (such as hormones and neurotransmitters) or exogenous (such as drugs) agonists, resulting in a biological response. A physiological agonist is a substance that creates the same bodily responses but does not bind to the same receptor. An endogenous agonist for a particular receptor is a compound naturally produced by the body that binds to and activates that receptor. For example, the endogenous agonist for serotonin receptors is serotonin, and the endogenous agonist for dopamine receptors is dopamine.[1] A superagonist is a compound that is capable of producing a greater maximal response than the endogenous agonist for the target receptor, and thus has an efficacy of more than 100%. This does not necessarily mean ... Show more content on ... Inverse agonists exert the opposite pharmacological effect of a receptor agonist, not merely an absence of the agonist effect as seen with antagonist. An example is the cannabinoid inverse agonist rimonabant. A co agonist works with other co agonists to produce the desired effect together. NMDA receptor activation requires the binding of both glutamate, glycine and D serine co agonists. An irreversible agonist is a type of agonist that binds permanently to a receptor through the formation of covalent bonds. A few of these have been described.[2][3] A selective agonist is selective for a specific type of receptor. E.g. buspirone is a selective agonist for serotonin 5 HT1A. New findings that broaden the conventional definition of pharmacology demonstrate that ligands can concurrently behave as agonist and antagonists at the same receptor, depending on effector pathways or tissue type. Terms that describe this phenomenon are functional selectivity , protean agonism ,[4][5] or selective receptor modulators.[6] Activity ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Analysis Of The Article The Self Of The Age Of... Writing 2 Yijia Chen In the article, The self in the age of Information, Kenneth Gergen argues that under the information era, technology leads people to lose the self and reflect this lost on the writing. Discussing the same period, Jeremy Rifkin in the chapter A Postmodern Stage showed a more positive perspective about the change. To support his argument, Gergen elaborates damages in the community and institution that nurtured independent self, the direct erosion to solitary self. In the pre modern world, people due to the lack of communication and transportation tools, have fewer opportunities to get in touch with various people outside. Therefore, people form consistent relationships with others, which derive a strong sense of being somebody everyone is familiar with. However, the advances in communication enable people to move household often and be in contact with a wider range of friends leading to average weakening bonds with more and fast changing friends. As a result of the decrease in deep relationships, in Gergen s notion, people receive less sense of identification. Moreover, the multi voices raised today and the suspicions over speakers motivations confuse people from faith to distrust. Other than environmental factors, Gergen addresses the erosion of the essential self directly undermine the intelligibility of the tradition self. People can t make independent and rational decision because of the conflicting stands they held in the same time and if ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Streetcar Named Desire Light Mikaela Hall Brower Nedler Period Three Composition and Literature Three 5/7/15 A Desire for Darkness In plays, it may seem as though the script is the most important part in captivating the audience. Although it is important there are other aspects as well that play a huge part in creating a masterpiece such as the use of music and lighting. In the play, A street Car Named Desire, Tennessee Williams uses light and music to in capture his audience through his play. Blanche s personality throughout the play is shown by the lightness and darkness in every scene. Blanche s past is reflected with the background music flowing in and out of each scene. Her emotions are mirrored by the sounds of the instruments. Blanche feels comfort in the dark ... Show more content on ... It represents Blanche s emotions and state of mind in the play. In Scene six, when Blanche tells Mitch about the tragic story of her young husband s death, the reasoning for playing the polka music throughout the play is revealed. This music serves as a constant reminder of the tragic event in which Alan shot himself in despair after Blanche had discovered about his male lover. Ever since then, Blanche has been on a downward spiral. The polka music also symbolizes the memory of the time when she was young and experienced a true romance. Because of her past Blanche s memory of romance is gone and all that is left is sadness. The polka music occurs throughout the play represented symbolism. By the end of the play, it is playing constantly in Blanche s head. She once says to Mitch Have you ever had anything caught in your head? Some words, a piece of music? That goes relentlessly on and on in your head? No, of course you haven t, you dumb angel puss, you d never get anything awful caught in your head! (pg. 140). Blanche is relating to the awful polka music caught in her head, showing that she can t let go of the past and her memories of Alan. This music torments Blanche throughout the whole play and it shows in her actions. However, the polka music serves not just as a reminder of the past, it also foreshadows the future. The music plays showing the ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Wealth, Power, And Privilege WEALTH, POWER AND PRIVILEGE Name: Course: University: Tutor: Date submitted: Introduction Inequality in the society has been an issue since the history of the universe and as we think we are bridging the gap between the rich and the poor we always find out that it is as a wide as it was. The poor will always exist in the society as the inferior group while the rich are the superiors who control various aspects and sectors of the society. The conflict theory explains that there is always a disparity that exists in the society due to the presence of limited resources as well as the variations in the skills and knowledge. It will always happen that in the society there are the wealthy and elite, the middle class people and the poor who have the lower status in the society. The children from these social statuses will always have varying education success, employment opportunities and eventually economic success (Zucman, 2014). The generations are likely to continue their status because the children from the wealthy families will continue having opportunities that the poor cannot access simply because they are the inferior people in the society. This is due to the increased need for the society to eliminate inequality, various theorists and psychologists have been for the past years trying to explain how inequality is introduced in the society, its causes, effects as well as some of the measures that should be taken to eliminate inequality in the society. The ... Get more on ...
  • 47. How Did Yahweh Not Punish David 1 Samuel 15 2 Samuel 8: Question 2: What questions did I have For Davis project part two I learned a lot, but I also have many questions. One of my questions is what happened to Samuel? Meaning how did Samuel die? Did he just die of old age or did Saul kill him? Another question I have is why was I always told King Saul was a good king he really was not a good king? In Sunday school my teaches always said good things about King Saul, but after reading Davis I do not think King Saul was a good king. In fact, I think King Saul was a terrible king for the kingdom of God. My final question I have is why did Yahweh take so long to make David king? Why did Yahweh not kill of King Saul right away? Why did he wait so long so Saul to die so David could be the king of Yahweh s people? Word Count: 150 2 Samuel 9 20: Question 2: What questions did I have ... Show more content on ... My first question is why did Yahweh not punish David more severely? I would think that since David broke one of the ten commandments that he would be sentenced to death by Yahweh. Why did Yahweh not turn his back on David like he did for Saul? Saul and David both sinned, yet David still has Yahweh on his side. Another question I have is why did Yahweh take David s wives and son as David s punishment instead of the kingdom? I would also like to know why Absalom is so angry with Amnon even though Absalom told Amnon to get with Tamar? My final question I have regarding this section is why did Yahweh not step in and tell David to restore Tamar and punish Absalom and Amnon for the sin they ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Goldfish Climate Change Introduction Natural selection is arduous but it is also amazing to see how some aquatic organism evolved over time with pollution and specifically global warming. Since global warming will increase heat in aquatic habitat, thermal behavior will evolve as well (Bolnick 2003, et al). Ectothermal species are very fascinating due to their capability to live in a wide variety of climate change on earth. Knowing about their ability would explain their tolerance even though we are going through a big climate change every day (Sollid 2006). As a conformer Carassius auratus would not mind being within a range of different environment without too much suffocation as long as it s not over their limit. Being responsive to climate change would have an ... Show more content on ... In Contrast warmer water temperature decreases the physical activity associated osmoregulatory disturbances, and increased vulnerability to pathogenic disease and often alters the genes expression (Ross 2001), so reducing the myofibrillar activity will affect on different physiological abnormalities Added temperature furthermore drops the quantity of oxygen molecules, which is dissolved in the water. Water composed of two negatively charged oxygen atoms and one positively charged hydrogen. When the temperature is cooler these particles encompass less energy and there is less change that they get separated from each other. In contrast atomic particles are more energetic when the temperature is warmer ands so they will get separated from the hydrogen atom. So cold water holds more oxygen (Mallya 2007). Added temperature furthermore drops the quantity of oxygen molecules, which is dissolved in the water. Since these ectothermic organisms are strict conformer they are able to maintain their homeostasis to a certain extend. Goldfishes are unable to generate their own body heat and so they depend on the outside environment. If the environment temperature is more that 76 degree Fahrenheit it causes stress or even death to the ... Get more on ...