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Capital Punishment Argument
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Capital Punishment Argument EssaysCapital Punishment Argument Essays
The Circadian Sunlight
The Circadian Rhythm, Sleep, and Effects of Sunlight
Hanna M. MaciД…giewicz
Wright College
This paper will demonstrate
The circadian rhythm is a psychological and physical pattern that each human experiences in order
to maintain homeostasis. The circadian rhythm can manifest in mental alertness, the sensitivity to
pain, various hormone secretions, and most obviously, the sleep wake cycle. In Latin, circadian
rhythm translates to about and day . Examples of circadian rhythms in action are sensitivity and
dullness to pain, fluctuations of body temperatures, the brains most alert and calm state, and degree
of sleepiness along with highest
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Oral Communication Reflection
Back on Tuesday, September 19, I (along with the rest of the class,) gave my first speech in Oral
Communication Class. It was our first speech assigned/presented in class, and its topic, Self
Introduction. Some people may find it challenging, but I see it as a very simple subject to talk
about. Who knows more about you than yourself? No one! So why do people find it so hard to
talk about? I had a funny feeling that the day the order of our speeches were assigned that I d be
the first person to give their speech. Sure enough, I was the first person to give their speech. I m
genuinely glad that I was first because I was able to get it out of the way and not have to stress
on it. Giving a speech in front of my peers is nowhere near as nerve racking or terrifying as I
thought it would be, but upon giving my speech, I would like to reflect on how I felt the day of
my speech (in terms of confidence levels,) some verbal and delivery skills which I used well/not
as well, some improvements that could of been put in place for my speech, and who in the class
I believe gave the best speech among us all. First off, how I felt on the day of our first speech. I
m not going to say that I was 100% confident in myself and not nervous at all, because that s
simply not true, but all in all I felt pretty good and I wasn t really that nervous. Since I m used to
speaking in front of people, I wasn t nervous about talking in front of my peers but forgetting
what I m talking about in my speech since I m used to memorizing and not just speaking out in
front of people. The only thing I could think of which I could do to make me less nervous than
what I was on the day of my speech would be to go practice more in front of people who aren t my
friends. Otherwise, I believe I used my skill of performing in theatre and transposed it into my
speech so I wouldn t be nervous upon giving my speech. In speaking of skills, the next topic I d
like to address is some skills which I used well/not so well. Some verbal skills I believe I used well
(in the content) would be connecting to the audience with funny little examples of a side topic I
was talking about. An example of this would be when I said as red head, I could either be Peter
Pan at
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Othello as an outsider Essay
Set in 16th century Venice, Othello, by William Shakespeare, explores the idea of an outsider
from the very beginning of the play. Shakespeare uses Othello, a black army general, to explore the
relationship of an outsider in high Venetian society using a variety of approaches. The reader sees
characters consistently referring to Othelloin derogatory and demeaning terms, as well as frequent
implications that Othello is scarcely human. Further exploration of an outsider in society comes
from Othello himself, as he outlines a few of the major differences that set him and the community
Throughout the first act, a host of disparaging and select terms are used to describe Othello by a
number of different characters. Referred to as ... Show more content on ...
Another suggestion that Othello is not a normal being comes when Brabantio accuses him of
bewitching his daughter: (to Othello) That thou hast practised on her with foul charms/ Abused her
delicate youth with drugs and minerals. Indicating that Othello dabbles in supernatural forces, the
implication appears again that he belongs to a very different race to which he lives among.
The relationship of an outsider to society is also explored through Othello himself, as he recognises
the differences between him and those around him. While describing his and Desdemona s love,
Othello tells (about himself): Rude am I in speech/ And little blessed with the soft phrase of
peace. In these words, Othello is able convey that he is a little awkward in speech, and not a
smooth talker, with the unspoken understanding that others in the room are. Othello goes on, For
since these arms of mine had seven years pith/ Till now some nine moons wasted/ the tented
field/ ... little of this great world can I speak. Here the reader learns that Othello, unlike the
assortment of senators and the Duke, has spent most of his life in battle, and therefore has not had
a lot of life
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Examples Of Escapism In A Lesson Before Dying
Lola Deibert Mr. Serrano English Period 6 Lesson Before Dying Essay June 25, 2018 Escapism
In Tennessee Williams s play The Glass Menagerie, a common overarching theme is Escapism.
Amanda, Laura, and Tom Wingfield all attempt to escape the dull and depressing reality of their
situation. They engage in escapism by fleeting into their own idealistic worlds which push them
farther apart. Similarly, we can detect the same theme in Gaines book, Lesson Before Dying. In
this book various people use escapism to leave their reality and enter this alternate headspace that
allows them to feel free of all of their worries. However, it is soon realized that this facad will never
last. In this book, Gaines shows how escapism can truly take over someone s... Show more content
on ...
This central theme of escapism can be paralleled to today s world. The era in which Grant and
Jefferson lived in seems so far yet we see a lot of these issues around today such as institutional
racism, prejudice, and the theme of this essay, of escapism. I don t believe that Escapism is
necessarily bad, but it is a natural human quality to want to push out reality. However, forms of
escapism can be dangerous. Substance abuse has become a huge issue within all age groups, but
specifically teenagers. Teen alcohol statistics in the United States show that among 10 million
underage drinkers, about 6.5 million of them are binge drinkers and 2 million are classified as
heavy drinkers. This is a major issue that needs to be addressed, and we see that alcohol has the
power to ruin lives. Escapism is also found in other forms of love, which is definitely something
Gaines includes in his book. People find and use love in all different sorts of ways and I
personally think that everyone needs some sort of love in their life, platonic or not. Love gives
you the power to escape your hardships, but to also create new memories, and learn more about
yourself. I encourage you to endure your hardships and find it within you to use love and positivity
to help yourself so we can try and
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Construction Of Urban Regeneration Projects
Urban renewal or also known as urban regeneration project are driven by the importance of urban
design and aspiration which is important as the independent world moves further into the 21st
century. As the world undergoes rapid globalisation, people may experience challenges at a point
that demand for their awareness especially towards the evironment and social. Therefore, it is
important that part of an architect to practise practical solutions that brings advantage of the
existing urban assests in a smart and sustainable way. Although an architect alone could not
maintain a sustainable urban regeneration from an architectureperspective, the role of an architect
may contribute to a sustainable urban regeneration projects. From my... Show more content on ...
Therefore, part of an architect in creating a design for a building and producing an effective usage
of land is stunted as they do not have full access to unleash their creativity in creating a proficient
land use that contributes to a sustainable environment. It may be true that architects have limited
influence, which inhibits the goal of creating a sustainable urban redevelopment especially in
managing an efficient use of land, as they do not have access to certain sector such as choosing a
specific building site. However, architects are able to contribute to an efficient usage of land, as
they are usually part of a large committed group, which consist of an architect, engineer and
developer. In architect s role in urban regeneration, economic development and sustainability , Fred
W (2012) Clark promotes that great architecture requires great clients where the architect works
along with the engineers and developer to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, most of the
decisions made are discussed collectively as they would consider the ideas from an architecture
perspective, engineers and also developers before making a final conclusion. For example,
engineering plans will be issued to an architect before beginning of a new project where architects
will survey for quality control. Other than that, the
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The Characters Of Calpurnia As A Mockingbird
What does it take to be considered a mother? Does it take courage? Strength? Love? Or are you
only a mother if you give birth to a child or officially adopt a child? Being there for someone
emotionally, mentally, and physically are the characteristics of a good mother. A woman or even a
man can take the role of being a protector and guardian of someone who was not necessarily born
into or chosen for their family. Calpurnia does an excellent job of taking the role as Jem and Scout
s motherly figure. She has rules and shows the kids discipline, teaches them life lessons and
supports and comforts them as they grow up. Calpurnia is Jem and Scout s African Americancook
who has been with their family since before their motherdied. Scout said that She had been with us
ever since Jem was born, and I had felt her tyrannical presence as long as I could remember. Our
mother died when I was two, so I never felt her absence (6). Calpurnia displays motherly actions
by disciplining Jem and Scout just like they were her own kids. Her hand was as wide as a bed
slat and twice as hard (6) explained Scout. This quote signifies that Scout knows how her hand
feels and she was getting a physical punishment. Calpurnia tends to discipline Scout more than
Jem because Scout acts out and is the worst behaved child of the siblings. She was ordering me
out of the kitchen, asking me why I couldn t behave as well as Jem when she knew he was older,
and calling me home when I wasn t ready to come (6) Scout states. Scout and Calpurnia s
relationship is just like a mother and daughter relationship because they fight and make up and
Calpurnia disciplines Scout and Scout gets mad at her. Page 75 Chapter 3 states Calpurnia bent
down and kissed me. I ran along, wondering what had come over her. She had wanted to make up
with me, that was it. She had always been too hard on me, she had at last seen the error of her
fractious ways, she was sorry and too stubborn to say so. Calpurnia also accepts and claims them
as her own children because on page 118 she said, I don t want anybody sayin I don t look after
my children. Calpurnia s discipline is tough, but it relates back to the values and lessons that she
wants to teach her children.
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The Discovery Of The Fossil Species Essay
Is there a subspecies of Homo sapiens that lived complete opposite lives as us? Did we cause
them to go extinct or did we live and interbreed with them? I will be discussing aspects of the
species Homo neanderthalensis who lived alongside Homo sapiens and may have even interbred
with them. I will be focusing specifically on the discovery of the fossil species, where the species is
in the human ancestral tree, anatomical similarities and differences with Homo sapiens, and the
lifestyle and extinction of the Neanderthals.
The first fossil found, named Neanderthal 1, was found in 1856 in Germany. The name Homo
neanderthalensis was suggested by Geologist William King, because the fossil was found in the
Feldhofer Cave of the Neander Valley in Germany and tal (a modern version of thal) means
valley in German. (Smithsonian) Some people refer to the species as Neandertal, with no h, to
reflect modern German spelling. Several years after Neanderthal 1 was found, scientists
realized that earlier discoveries in Engis, Belgium (1829) and Forbes Quarry, Gibraltar (1848)
were also Neanderthals, putting the actual discovery date at 1829. Other key specimens are Le
Moustier, France (of a 45,000 year old skull which had Neanderthal features in an adolescent
individual proving these characteristics were genetic and not developed during their life), Lagar
Velho in Abrigo do Lagar Velho, central western Portugal (a 24,000 year old skeleton described as
a Neanderthal Homo sapien hybrid),
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Distance In The Latehomecomer By Kao Kalia Yang
Time is a relative concept. Created by man, it was meant to contain events and label points of
interest. Distance, however, is always certain. There is no bend of the path from here to there, it
will always be the same amount. In The Latehomecomer by Kao Kalia Yang the dilemma of
distance is tackled through expressing the heartache that can come from it exiting between people.
Kao Kalia Yang and her family came to America in 1987. There were many strange features in the
country. From the strangers kissing openly at the airport, to the hassle of finding the restroom, and
the new type of separation between the Yang s. The topic of distance is constantly brought up in
the book. It first begins at the river when Uncle Hue is forced to go back
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A Study Of A Friend Dealing With Identity Crisis
In this case study, the writer will view a study of a friend dealing with identity crisis. For identity
purposes the writer will name the friend Mary.
Demographic Description of the Client Mary is a 58 year old single African American female
who lives in Atlanta Ga. with two adult daughters and one granddaughter and one grandson. Both
grandchildren are under the age of ten. Mary was married to an FBI agent, and they divorced in
the 90 s. Mary is slender built with curves any woman would envy and charming. Most importantly
she is born again and loves the Lord. According to Sabar, we can never completely and utterly
comprehend the other s experience. To gain the best understanding possible of the other we need to
appreciate the way they configure themselves in relation to the environment, the patterns they paint
as they relate to their world and those they meet in their world, the way they shape and form their
experience. How the individual forms and then moves on from one experience to another. A person
transitions through many stages of life. Those different stages cause a person to feel different about
themselves in a negative manner depending on their lifestyle.
Presenting Problem
Mary sought to counsel because of her low self esteem about her life. Mary desires a husband as
her friends. She noticed being angry a lot and slashing out at her daughters and speaking negative
remarks toward them and their boyfriends. She does not have many friends because some women
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Japanese-Americans Racism-Discrimination
Each day we live, taking for granted everything we have. Freedom to choose where to live, eat,
work, and go to school. What would happen if all of that was taken away? And not just by another
country, but by our own people. Our own government took our rights and belongings away
overnight. What would people do? On February 19 of 1942, the president of the United States,
Franklin D. Roosevelt, signed an evacuation order, ordering the evacuation of all persons deemed
a threat to national security from the West Coast to relocation centers further inland ( ). Meaning
anyone who looked like they were of japanese descent, was considered a threat to the security of
the United States. The racism towards the japanese people was in the way they were looked at,
how they lived in the camps, and how they were treated. On December 7, 1941 there was a tragic
attack on an American military base in Hawaii, called Pearl Harbor. It was led by the japanese
empire. This is what started it all, with the racism of the different ethnic groups towards to
japanese people. Each time fellow Americans saw someone of japanese descent, it brought up
memories of this day in history. The emotions it stirred up the pain and loss, created anger and
hatred towards each of these people. The people of America were scared. The president decided
to send the people of his own country away. Some say it was for their own protection, but others
say it was just because we were afraid of the Japanese American people
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Taming Of The Shrew Quotes
In the play, The Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio is a foolish nobleman who tames the character
of Kate because she is a shrew. A shrew is ill spoken woman who has a negative reputation in the
Elizabethan period. Petruchio tames Kate by abusing her physically and mentally, Petruchio
starves Kate and deprives her of any sleep, finally he humiliates her. Kate is forced under
submission because of Petruchio trying to ...cure her wild and willful nature... (Act 4, Scene 1,
Pg. 10). Petruchio explains that all his abusing is because he loves her and for her own good,
when in fact he is trying to break her down. The Taming of the Shrewis about the conflict between
Kate and Bianca in which their father s rule which does not allow Bianca to get married... Show
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The text states ...It s cheap and nasty...Now, your gown...A sleeve? It s like a cannon...Ah well,
my Kate. We ll go to your father s house dressed as we are, in simple but honest clothes. Our
purses shall be rich, our garments poor. (Act 4, Scene 3, Pgs. 4 8). This illustrates Petruchio
forcing Kate to wear rags to Bianca s wedding night, humiliating her. The text states It s a disgrace
to a man of your social position and an insult to this solemn ceremony. (Act 3, Scene 2, Pg. 5). This
illustrates that Petruchio is late to his own wedding, and is unprepared which is a disgrace to his
nobleship. The quotes illustrate that Petruchio humiliates Kate purposely, in which mentally abuses
Kate by breaking her shrew like
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Advanced General Chemistry Course Analysis
General Chemistry (CH101/102) and Advanced General Chemistry (CH151/152) are the
introductory science courses that all cadets take as part of the core curriculum consisting of 26
common core courses and are designed to provide a general background in chemistry principles.
The courses include the study of the nature of matter, atomic/molecular structure and the
fundamental concepts of scientific principles, theories and concepts.
Cadets are also exposed to opportunities to engage with programs such as the end of semester
program the Military Chemistry Lecture or MILCHEM when experts in the field of military
science demonstrate chemistry s relevance and chemistry s relevance to the Army. This end of
semester lecture was December 14 15 at Bartlett Hall.
This enrichment connects the foundational chemistry concepts the cadets have learned in the
classroom over the course of the ... Show more content on ...
Cadets are also exposed to areas of research they are able to participate in via summer internships
through collaboration with the Department of Chemistry and Life Science. Historically, this event
is the highlight of the semester for cadets.
Cadets, primarily freshman in the core science courses engage in the MILCHEM program at the
end of each semester.
Experts from the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education Project
Office at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey and the 2nd Civil Support Team (WMD), New York Army
National Guard Scotia, New York provided cadets with hands on demonstrations.
Picatinny Arsenal provided hi tech instruction in topics like Large Caliber Gun Tubes, 3D Printing
and Soldier Weapons and the Civil Support Team provided demonstration in Weapons of Mass
Destruction with detecting equipment like gas
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Hollywood s Stereotypes In The Big Bang Theory
Hollywood s attempt at displaying cultural groups on T.V. is leading to them presenting
stereotypes for comedic purposes. As seen in The Big Bang Theory, there is a display of an
Indian stereotype portrayed through Raj. His accent leaves the audience thinking all Indians
have accents and can be looked down upon for love opportunities due to racial colour as
compared to the rest of the cast. This gives audiences a reason to laugh at these group of people
as the labels implied on the show are used in a humorous way people will not realize that it
offends the racial group. Seen in Hollywood s past hit series such as Martin and Friends, there is
an absence of various cultural/racial groups. This deflects different forms of stereotypes but, what
is missing is the representation of various cultural groups. This leads to a... Show more content on ...
Hollywood s attempt at representing a culture has left with stereotyping Arabs. The clothing
worn by the women in the movie neglects their religion which leaves a negative impression
towards the younger audience about this society. The representation of this culture is poorly
displayed which would create controversy with specific groups of people. Hollywood is
succeeding in showing audiences how black women stereotypically behave. This is reinforced in
How to Get Away with Murder by Annalise Keating. She is seen being unfaithful which promotes
labels on black people going after any sexual opportunities that are open. She is also seen as a
short tempered and loud individual when conflicts arise. An accurate portrayal of these people is
not being shown but instead the prejudices that are being carried out from decades ago are being
used to create
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House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros
I try to be as honest about what I see and to speak rather than be silent, especially if it means I can
save lives, or serve humanity (Cisneros). Sandra Cisneros is a latina author of award winning
novels. She began writing as a teenager and it is now her way of living. I have researched,
analyzed, and now I will be summarizing her life from birth to present. Sandra Cisneros was born
December 20, 1954 in Chicago, IL. She is one of seven children, the only daughter, and her
parents are originally from Mexico. Sandra lived in poverty most of her life. The family[Cisneros]
shuttled between Chicago and Mexico City before finally settling in an area of Chicago... a
neighborhood that would later provide inspirations for The House on Mango Street (Mark Editors).
In this novel she depicts what it was like to grow up as a Mexican American in the Chicago. Even
though so many doubted her chance at success, she found an outlet in writing.... Show more content
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As a child she did poorly in school. I have C s and D s in everything... The only B I had was in
conduct, but I don t remember being that stupid (Mirriam Goldberg 5). As a latina girl growing up
on the southside of chicago, she knew she didn t have much of a chance becoming something.
...they thought the best she could achieve in her life was to be married, have children, and run a
cash register at a local supermarket (Mirriam Goldberg 6). She went on to prove them all wrong.
Attending Loyola University in Chicago she studied english
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Gilda s Hair Studio
Thousands of years ago, wigs and hair pieces were once a sign of social status and power. Today,
wearing the hair alternatives are popular for a number of reasons. Gilda s Hair Studio in Fairfield,
OH has been the region s leading center for hair replacement and other hair loss conditions.
In addition to offering cutting edge and award winning hair styling services, the salon specializes
in providing treatments that are customized to each client s unique hair color and texture. Gilda s
Hair Studio has seen the evolution of wigs and hair pieces over the decades and has kept up with
the innovations.
In fact, hair pieces have come a long way since ancient Egypt when women and men wore wigs to
showcase their class status. Made from vegetable fibers, ... Show more content on ...
In China, the hair additions were heavily used be theater actors during performances. Between
1200 and 1400 A.D., wigs fell by the wayside due to harsh financial times. Some religions said
women had to wear their hair covered by scarves and other pieces of cloth. By the time the
Renaissance period occurred around 1500, both wigs and hair pieces regained their popularity to
become elaborate styles.
Fast forward to the 19th century when synthetic materials were the main items used to construct
wigs. Today, salons such as Gilda s Hair Studio use top quality pieces made from human hair to
highlight a more natural look. As a client, you re guaranteed to receive a hair piece that is custom
made and designed to fit your lifestyle!
In fact, Gilda s Hair Studio specializes in treating a wide range of hair and scalp disorders through
laser hair treatments and other services. Those who have experienced hair loss as a result of
chemotherapy, alopecia, balding, and radiation are the professional salon s specialty.
Your hair can come back to life! To schedule a consultation, call Gilda s Hair Studio today at (513)
829 2221 or visit the website for extensive information on hair replacement
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Community Corrections And Prisons
The use of community corrections would be beneficial to the United States. Because it will help,
reduce the overcrowding in jails and prisons. With community corrections, offenders will be able to
remain as a productive member off society while still serving their sentence. The majority of
incarcerated people have committed nonviolent offenses (drugs, burglary, and other). By taking
them out of Jail and place those in community correction programs it will help cut the prison
One of major problems that affect the ability of corrections to function as a system is the
overcrowding of jails and prisons in the United States. Leading to increase inmate disobedience and
makes prison more dangerous places work. Especially in maximum security
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Effects Of Matrix Stiffness On Primary Pancreatic Cancer...
3. Results (620 current730)
3.1 Softer substrate regulates proliferation of primary pancreatic cancer cells
To study the effects of matrix stiffness on primary pancreatic cell proliferation, we first
developed a 2D hydrogel system with stiffness (SSM) that mimic those of healthy pancreatic
tissue and cancerous pancreas previously characterized. Briefly, the cancerous pancreatic tissue
had a larger range of SSM (2kPa 30kPa) and a higher average SSM than normal tissue (0.8 4 kPa).
Consequently, to account for the variability of stiffness on cancerous tissue, our model included
two groups of PA hydrogels with Acrylamide:Bisacrylamide (Ac:Bis) ratios of: (1) 6%:0.075% and
(2) 10%:0.075% 25kPa yielding an average SSM of 8kPa and 25kPa ... Show more content on ...
We examined the viability of the cells in response to the chemotherapeutic as a function of the
matrix stiffness (Figure 2C). We observed that as the cells underwent apoptosis they detached from
the substrates. Consequently, we collected the media before (Day 7) and after (Day 10) the
chemotherapy to quantify the number of cells in suspension. As depicted on Figure 2C, the PC
cells cultured on softer substrates experience larger increase in dead cells resulting from the
chemotherapy compared to the PC cells growing on stiffer substrates. As Figure 2A shows, both
Gemcitabine concentrations lead to a change in cell morphology and a higher decrease in cell area
on the softer PC tumors (3kPa and 8kPa) compared to the stiffer PC tumors (25kPa and control
To further explore the effect of matrix stiffness on the response of PC cells to chemotherapy, we
used enzymatic activity as a metric of cell proliferation. We perform alamarBlueВ® assay before
adding the Gemcitabine treatment and after 72hrs of treatment. As depicted in Figure 2B, there
is a dramatic (x x for 2um and xx for 5uM) decrease of the enzymatic activity of the PC cells
growing on softer substrates in response to the chemotherapy. On the other hand, the PC cells
growing on stiffer matrices shows no decrease of enzymatic activity when treated with 2 ВµM of
Gemcitabine and a xx when treated with 5ВµM of
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Summary Of Tim Meeker In My Brother Sam Is Dead
A true indication of a person s character is the actions she/ he takes when dealing with life s
conflicts. In My Brother Sam is Dead, the authors, James Lincoln Collier and Christopher
Collier, create Tim Meeker. Tim, a twelve year old, is growing up and facing many conflicts
during the era of the American Revolution. While Tim is dealing with these internal and external
conflicts, the reader can see Tim s personality traits: confused and creative, by what he says and
does, and by what others say in response to him. Tim s first personality trait is confused, which is
a person vs self conflict. Tim was often confused throughout the novel about many things. One of
the things he is confused about is how he isn t sure about what side to be on,
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Reconstruction Goals For African Americans
The Reconstruction era was a hard time for African Americans. Dealing with harassment and rude
comments from other people, and hoping that they will get the right to vote. During this time some
laws were passed, a few of them were the 1st amendment, voting rights, and equal rights. These
goals were partially achieved and were not one hundred percent successful.
The goals that were partially achieved were voting and most 1st amendment right. After Abraham
Lincoln was assassinated and the troops were pulled out, reconstruction ended. Now all the federal
government could do was pass amendments and make the people in the South follow them. The
13th amendment helped with the rights, as did the 14th amendment. When those amendments were
passed African Americans were protected the same as whites. The South on the other hand did not
entirely agree and chose not to listen and follow the new rules. African Americans could vote, but
with a huge list of restrictions, the Grandfather Clause was one of them. The Grandfather Clause
was if you re grandfather was able to vote so could you, but since most African American
grandfathers were slaves at that time, most could not vote. Another restriction which was a
literary test you had to take if you were colored . This test showed if you could read or write, and
most slaves could not so they could not vote. The goal, not even close to being ... Show more
content on ...
The extent of of the goals being met was that some laws were passed to help make sure that
African Americans were not put into slavery again, but with half of the country not following the
laws passed by the federal government, progress will not be made until far into the future when
more action is taken. In the end the goals of the Reconstruction era were partially met, but not
fully. If everyone had put more effort and made more laws then maybe the goals would have
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The Importance Of Credit Licensee
A credit licensee (that is, the holder of an Australian Credit Licence, commonly referred to as an
ACL holder) must comply with the responsible lending conduct obligations in Chapter 3 of the
National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth) (NCCP Act). These obligations relate to
the conduct of the credit licensee when engaging in credit activity. Under the NCCP Act, credit
activity includes: providing credit under a credit contract or consumer lease; benefiting from
mortgages or guarantees relating to a credit contract; exercising rights or performing obligations of
a credit provider or lessor (either as the credit provider or lessor or on behalf of another person who
is the credit provider or lessor); suggesting or assisting... Show more content on ...
We will do so by running through a number of checkpoints , as set out below. Checkpoint 1
whether the loan is regulated What is a regulated loan? Many credit licensees provide credit in
both the regulated and unregulated space. The term regulated is used for consumer loans and
leases as they are regulated by the National Credit Code (NCC), which is a schedule to the
NCCP Act. Loans and leases will be regulated under the NCCP Act if, amongst other things, it is
provided or is intended to be provided wholly or predominantly for personal, domestic or
household purposes or to refinance residential investment property. Generally, this means that
unless the loan applicant (referred to as the borrower in this course) is clearly able to establish
that the finance will be used predominantly for business purposes, the loan should be treated as a
consumer regulated loan. This also means that the responsible lending obligation to assess
unsuitability applies. Practical tips In practice, this means a credit provider needs to make
reasonable inquiries from each borrower as to the purpose for which they will be using the
borrowed funds. If the credit will be used for personal, domestic or household purposes, the loan
must be originated as a consumer loan, and compliance with the responsible lending obligation to
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The Devil In The White City
The nonfiction novel The Devil in the White City written by Erik Larson primarily takes place in
Chicago between the years 1890 1893. This novel tells the story of Daniel Burnham, an architect
in charge of building the Chicago World s Fair, and H.H. Holmes, a serial killer who uses the fair
to lure his victims. This novel has two major story arcs, one revolves around Daniel Burnhamand
the other revolves around H.H. Holmes. Burnham s story explains how he strived to build the fair,
Holmes story tells how he began killing and how far it escalated. These characters are considered
the protagonists of the novel because they are effected by each event mentioned throughout the
story. Both story arcs describe all of the obstacles they faced as... Show more content on ...
These men would do anything to succeed. However, Burnham utilized his skills with good
intentions, to create the World s Fair, whereas Holmes utilized his skills with a cruel motive, to
manipulate young women and commit crimes such as insurance fraud and murder. Similarly, both
men were handsome, had vivid blue eyes, and great charm which enticed many people. Despite this,
their personalities differed, Burnham was loyal and trustworthy, while Holmes was deceitful. This
is shown through their relationships. Burnham had close friends such as John Root, and he stayed
faithful to his wife Margaret. Holmes restrained from letting anyone become close so they wouldn t
learn about his crimes, additionally he had multiple wives whom he never divorced before marrying
another. Furthermore, decisions that Burnham made when creating the fair were beneficial to the
people around him. For example, the fair created jobs, gave people hope, and improved Americas
reputation. Holmes made decisions that were beneficial only to himself and harmful to others, such
as manipulating people, committing insurance fraud, and murdering young women. After analyzing
these men, it is clear that Burnham represents the good in the world, while Holmes represents the
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Application And Network Performance For Many Service...
1. Introduction The Domain Name System (DNS) is a major component of the Internet that maps
human understandable names to machine level IP addresses. From the past few years, as the
Internet are evolved across the regions, more service providers started using DNS in a way which
was not meant such cases were used often in content delivery networks (CDNs), NXDOMAIN
Remapping and URL auto completion. But the paper mainly focus on the new class of DNS misuse
called disposable domains and author found that various service providers, popular search engines,
social networks and security companies, started heavily using automatically generated domain
names to send one time signal to their servers. These disposable domains are generally created on
demand in abundant which belongs to common parent DNS zones. They have unique cache hit rate
percent which distinguish them from non disposable domains (Yizheng et al., 2014). These unique
ways of using DNS, invents the new useful applications and network performance for many service
providers. Hence, claimed that it is important to monitor and analyse the DNS usage from the
Internet service providers within ISP network and make sure under what conditions current DNS
practices are employed such that there should not be any negative impact on the network
infrastructure. In this paper, author and his team design a system that automatically identifies the
disposable domains and observes the detailed measurements on how disposable domains are
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Factors That Can Be Taken Into Account When An Individual...
There are various factors that can be taken into account when an individual is walking. Whether it is
your speed, group size, destination, status, culture, personality, distractions, or sex, one way of the
other they manage to have an impact on walking behaviors. Past researchers have indicated that
these factors may have an effect on walkingbehaviors and with our observation we put the theories
to test. The factors taken into account were genderand group size and their effect on walking speed
and interpersonal distance.
Earlier research finding have reported that interpersonal distances are influenced by dominance,
attraction, age, similarity and gender. Willis (1996) reported in his research that young people
are more like to approach one another closer and as people tend to age the more personal space is
recorded. A closer more intimate space is seen in opposite sexpairs (Aiello 1987; Crawford and
Unger 2000; Hall 1984; Heshka and Nelson 1972). From this finding, researchers conclude that
when people interact in closer distances they have an attraction or interpersonal relationship.
Dominance, power, and status are also said lead to lower interpersonal distance. Similarities in
race, sexual preference, religions are also factors that contribute to a closer interpersonal distance
(Bell et al., 2001).
According to some researchers negatively toned situations cause larger spatial zones (Strayer and
Roberts 1997). Studies suggest that women are more prone to react in
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Interdependence Theory Reflection
Saturday, it is the second night of the Italian Heritage festival here in Clarksburg, West Virginia.
My fellow bartenders and I completed a sixteen hour shift the day before. That Friday of the
festival had gone smooth; we worked extremely well together and customers gave us no
complications throughout the evening. I could tell as everyone began to roll in for this shift,
things would not run like they had the night before. The night before, everyone was bright eyed
and dressed up in hopes to make as much money as possible. Today, on the other hand, a couple
walked in with bags under their eyes, looking like the bar was the last place on they wanted to be.
Myself, I understand no matter how I am feeling I must present myself the way the customers want
me to be in order to make money. Typically, I am the motivator of my peers, the spunk, the go
getter of my co workers: Mason, Erica, and Macey. My role in this group is to keep everyone
encouraged and energetic throughout the rest of the night. Through this interaction, the
interdependence theory conceptualization can be interpreted. Each member has their own role
throughout the shift. Mason keeps all the beer stocked in the entire bar. Macey is to keep dry
products are supplied at access. Erica makes sure all necessary fruit is kept cut. My role is to
maintain full liquor bottles. I noticed everyone kept up with their respected role, which in turn kept
the shift running smoothly. There were a few times one member would have
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Understand the Different Responsibilities Relating to...
Outcome 1: Understand the different responsibilities relating to health and safety in social care
1.1 Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a social care setting.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational
health and safety. Under this Act, the employer, the workers and the individuals being supported
have responsibilities to ensure safety is maintained in the workplace. Your employer should display
a copy of this Act on their main premises.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 emphasize what employers are
required to achieve under the Health and Safety at Work Act. * The Control of Substances
Hazardous to Health Regulations ... Show more content on ...
It involves a systematic approach to the identification and characterization of physical, chemical,
and biologic hazards to individuals and populations in their environment. The consequences of such
hazards can include severe illness or injury, an irreversible health consequence, an unfamiliar
disease, and an undesirable situation that might have been avoided by use of an alternative
approach or technology. Risk assessments typically require that attention be given first to the most
important hazards, that is, the ones that can result in the worst health related outcomes.
2.2 Explain the steps to carrying out a risks assessment.
The steps to carry out a risk assessment are: 1. Identify the hazards 2. Decide who might be
harmed and how 3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution 4. Record your findings and
implement them 5. Review your assessment and update if necessary
2.3 Explain how to address potential health and safety risks identified.
Potential health and safety risks must be reported immediately to ones supervisor. It is up to the
supervisor to use the chain of command and as needed it will even be reported to government
2.4 Explain how risk assessment can help address
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Bantu Languages And The Languages
Bantu The word Bantu which means people in many Bantu languages, refers to a group of about
five hundred African languages and to their speakers, today numbering ninety million. The Bantu
people of Sub Saharan Africa, lived about one thousand CE. They shifted from hunting and
gathering to settle agricultureabout four thousand years ago. The Bantu people traveled in to West
Africa and Southward into the present day Congo. As the Bantu people migrated evidence shows
that they absorbed most of the hunting and gathering population that originally inhabited the areas
they migrated to. The farming techniques used by the Bantu required them to move every few
years. The technique is called slash and burn. A patch of the forest is cut down and burned. They
cut down the vegetation using their machetes and billhooks, then the ashes are mixed into the soil
creating a fertile garden area. However, this process caused the land to lose its fertility quickly and
is abandoned for another plot in a new location. When they moved, the Bantu speakers shared their
skills with the people they met, adapted their methods to suit each new environment, and learned
new customs. They followed the Congo River through the rain forests. There they farmed the
riverbanks, the only place that received enough sunlight to support agriculture. As they moved
eastward into the savannas, they adapted their techniques for herding goats and sheep to raising
cattle. Passing through what is now Kenya and
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Homeless Minors
In the past couple of years, the number of homeless individuals have been on the rise in Nevada. In
this mass increase, the population mostly consists of homeless individuals under the age of
eighteen. These minors are mostly unaccompanied, with no adults to teach them right or wrong.
Being homeless and on the streets, it gives the minors less chances in life and it also influences
them to act out negatively in society. The number of homeless teens have been skyrocketing and
the problem is that with the amount we have now it might be hard to control in the future. In Clark
County, there has been a vast increase in the number of homeless individuals. The number of
homeless people has increased from 7,443 to 7,509 in the past year. (Amaro).... Show more content
on ...
The homeless minors have no one to look up to as a role model and have limited amounts of
resources. This can result in the minors doing deviant actions such as stealing. In the past month,
there has been many cases of young adults and minors breaking into neighborhood houses and
robbing families. Around a month ago, there was a situation that I witnessed where this young
teen was going around a neighborhood stealing items from various houses. During that time, I was
also notified that these types of situations have been occurring a lot recently. Aside from this
incident, a couple months back a teen went into my aunt s shop and attempted to steal some of her
belongings. This problem not only affects society, but mainly the minors who are committing
these crimes. Whether or not these homeless individuals do the right thing or the wrong they still
get punished for being homeless. All they want to do is pass you along, so they can get on to
their next problem. A lot of the time if you are homeless they would arrest you for basically being
homeless (Elko Daily Free Press). This can result in the teens having negative influences throughout
their most impressionable times in their life. Being exposed to such environments at a young age
will affect their ways as they grow older. The minors who are homeless usually do not have
efficient amounts of resources for them to use. Even though, there
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Persuasive Speech About Relationships
Have you been cheated on? Is your partner having an affair with someone else? Well, if yes, then
this book is definitely for you.
They say change is the only constant thing in the world and that everything happens for a reason.
We all know that nothing is perfect and life is as messy as your room. Same goes with
relationships. Every relationship starts with flowers and hearts, experiences some bumpy and
sticky roads along the way, and will either come to an end, or to a fruitful marriage. That s the
scariest part of dating, and it is one of life s greatest mysteries. You will never know what will
happen next...
One of the most common things that barricades every couple s way to their possible future together
is infidelity. If you re having the best partner around and suddenly, your system goes into turmoil
when you ... Show more content on ...
Then there will be utter devastation, feelings of hurt, confusion, and betrayal to deal with. On top
of that, there are also many ribcage opening heart decisions to think and make about the future of
your relationship Is it time to end the relationship? Or you just need some time to think? Maybe,
you badly need counseling.
First, let s talk about cheating. When one of you cheats, it just means that your relationship needs
some minor repairs, or in other cases really serious repairs. It serves as a premonition, a stop light,
a warning sign that something is wrong. It could be with you, with him/her, or with both of you.
Now let s have a 30 day plan to help you cope after the affair. The healing process is an emotional
one and takes some real work from both parties involved, not just with only you. The process of
fixing and figuring things up and saving the relationship is really difficult and emotional like,
really emotional for some people but it is not impossible to achieve, to give you out good
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The Alleviation Of Poverty And The Complete Eradication Of...
The alleviation of poverty and the complete eradication of financial constraints among most
individuals are two important processes that strive towards the achievement of a better life. The
inclusion of income security programs in the federal policies and programs of most governments
is supposed to protect its citizens from impoverished situations once they grow older. This paper is
a brief essay that discuses one income security program (CanadaPension Plan) that affects life in a
day to day manner in specific focus to the country of Canada.
The Canada Pension Plan is one of the income security programs set up by the government in
order to assist its citizens to save for their future (Gros et al, 2013). As a college student living
within the Canadian community, this program has numerous benefits to financial future. To begin
with, the CPP allows individuals to make contributions early in life and then begin to receive
monthly payments once individual touch the age of sixty. However, there are some factors that
may influence the process of policy making for this income security program. One of the factors
that affect CPP is the salary and remuneration one receives (Hemmeter, 2015). This is because the
pension is deducted from the salary based on the earnings that one makes.
According to Steve Hick, income security programs are mainly devised to save Canadians from
unexpected economy circumstances that could arise and interrupt their lives (2013, p. 3).
Historically, the
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A Brief History of Library Automation
An automated library is one where a computer system is used to
manage one or several of the library s key functions such as
acquisitions, serials control, cataloging, circulation and the public
access catalog. When exploring the history of library automation, it
is possible to return to past centuries when visionaries well before
the computer age created devices to assist with their book lending
systems. Even as far back as 1588, the invention of the French Book
Wheel allowed scholars to rotate between books by stepping on a pedal
that turned a book table. Another interesting example was the Book
Indicator , developed by Albert Cotgreave in 1863. It housed miniature
books to represent books in the library s collection. The ... Show more content on ...
ARPANET, a network established by the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency in 1969 brought into existence the use of e mail,
telnet and ftp. By 1980, a sub net of ARPANET made MELVYL, the
University of CaliforniaГs on line public access catalog, available on
a national level. ARPANET, would become the prototype for other
networks such as CSNET, BITNET, and EDUCOM. These networks have almost
disappeared with the evolution of ARPANET to NSFNET which has become
the present day Internet.
During the 1970 s the inventions of the integrated computer chip
and storage devices caused the use of minicomputers and microcomputers
to grow substantially. The use of commercial systems for searching
reference databases (such as DIALOG) began. BALLOTS (Bibliographical
Automation of Large Library Operations) in the late 1970 s was one of
the first and later became the foundation for RLIN (the Research
Libraries Information Network). BALLOTS was designed to integrate
closely with the technical processing functions of the library and
contained four main files: (1)MARC records from LOC; (2) an in process
file containing information on items in the processing stage; (3) a
catalog data file containing an on line record for each item; and (4)
a reference file. Further, it contained a wide search retrieval
capability with the ability to search on truncated words, keywords,
and LC
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Bystander Effect
The Bystander Effect
Everybody wants to be a hero and to change the world. To make it a better place and make a
difference. So why then in the face of danger do we back down? Why do we just stand by as cruel
things happen to good people. Science has coined this term as the bystander effect. The bystander
effect is defined as, a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases in which individuals
do not offer any means of help to a victim when other people are present. You can see this effect in
full in the movie, The Hunger Games, as people just stand by and let the killing of innocent
children happen year after year.
Now this might seem like a crazy idea because in you mind if someone really needed help you
would always help. This is not always the case though. In the book, No One Helped : Kitty
Genovese, New York City, and the Myth of Urban Apathy, the author, Marcia Gallo, highlights the
events that happened that lead to the understanding of the event known as the Bystander Effect. It
was because of this event, that the term bystander effect was first used and brought to light not only
to the scientific community but also to the public. March 27, 1964 Kitty Genovese ... Show more
content on ...
And more importantly, why does this happen. Well there are a number of different reasons that this the book, Bystander Apathy and the Territorial Imperative, A.R Gillis and John Hagan
highlight the science behind the Bystander Effect. They highlight the finding that one of the
reasons that people fail to get involved is the idea of disorganization; the idea that in high stimuli
situations, such as city life, one s stress is increased and the need to blend in and not cause
attention increases. Another reason that people fail to get involved is because they do not know
the other people involved. It has been studied that if a friend was in trouble a person would feel
socially accountable to help rather than with a
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Examples Of Being Extrovert Essay
I am not famous, I am extroverted My friends in school think that I am just a normal with no life
at all. However, outside of school, I have a whole different kind of personality which is being
extroverted.I disagree with my friends in school that I have no life and have not many friends.
In my friends perspective, being extroverted means being very famous and is the kind of person
who stands out from the rest, but for me, it just means that I can relate to other people by having
a kind heart and an open mind. The word extrovert came from the Latin word extro meaning
extra and vertere meaning turn. Having said this, the real meaning of the word is if the person
has an attitude of being friendly, sociable, and talkative. However, people who are extroverted
have a different approach of the meaning. These people think that people should be famous to be
extroverted. Being famous leads to having more friends. Having more friends means they have
more social life and they feel that they belong with the cool people. These feeling cool people often
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Our vice president told us that you should vote me as vice president. So that day, we voted him
as VP. However, we already doubted his capability of leading the class because of his feeling
cool attitude, rude, and boastful attitude. Having officers like this would not even lead us to
nothing. He was a type of person that will just pass out the fault to other people. He says that its
not my fault, it s the class fault. Obviously, this affects us because we did not do anything then
he blames us. There was one time wherein almost every Chinese class, we would be noisy. When
our class advisers knew about this, he would suspect the people who is very noisy all the time.
However, these are the one that are noisy, even the officers are noisy. Sometimes, the officers or
the leaders cannot admit that they did this because they are afraid to be impeached or
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California Open Meeting Law
First, we have to understand what a meeting is considered, know what government offices are
covered by open meeting laws then explain why it is open to the public. One of the California
open meeting laws is the Bagley Keene Act it applies at the state government level; it includes state
boards, state commissions and any other state offices that have to hold public meetings. Bagley
Keene Act defines meetings as a congregation of the members of a state body at the same time to
hear, discuss or deliberate. The Brown Act is the second open meetinglaw for California, this applies
to the local government level, this would include; the cities, the counties, school districts, municipal
corporations, special districts, and all the other local public... Show more content on
The employees of the government offices are paid by the government hence the reason that I do not
believe they are considered a business at the government level.
The cities receive their revenue from companies, state and federal accounts. But, a lot is paid by
the residents of the state, for example; property taxes, permits, parks and recreation, homeowners
taxes, taxes from businesses, court fees and fines, utility companies and other outside franchises.
City revenue can also take fees for some services like, amusement taxes, and hotel occupancy.
Yes, a city can file bankruptcy. The city of Stockton in California filed bankruptcy, the question was
can they go bankrupt without having to reduce the pensions of public workers. It is the largest city
that filled and Detroit followed. When a municipality files bankruptcy the federal government has to
approve or deny it. Municipalities file under Chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy code. This is not a
common occurrence. The process varies from state to state. In some states, the city goes into state
receivership rather than actually filing. The most common reason is unaffordable union
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Stargirl Character Analysis
There s a lot of people who are conforming and few people who are individual. Stargirl written by
Jerry Spinelli is the book that is about an individual girl and other conforming students. The main
character of this book is a girl who names Stargirl. She is a new student at the Mika high school
and she is known as a strange girl because she always wears weird outfits and she does not behave
as other students. Spinelli uses characterization and conflict of Stargirlto demonstrate that stay in an
individual is good for people who don t want to disturb by others and to force someone to conform
would disturb their life.
In Stargirl, Spinelli uses characterization of Stargirl to show people should stay individual if they
want to do whatever they want. In the beginning of this book, Spinelli describes Stargirl s
appearance such as clothes that she wears. Spinelli describes her clothes as: Several times in those
early weeks of September, she [showed] up in something outrageous. A 1920s flapperdress. An
Indian buckskin. A kimono (20). This description of her clothes shows that they are not
appropriate for school. Spinelli uses the word outrageous and the specific types of her clothes
such as kimono to describe how her clothes are weird. Here, Spinelli shows her individuality
because no one would wear traditional clothes for another country or dress to school unless there is
some kind of event. On the other hand, in the middle of this story, Spinelli starts to show her
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Edgar Degas Research Paper Outline
Hilaire German Edgar Degas was born in Paris, France on July 19, 1834. He was the son of
Auguste de Gas, a banker, and Celestine Musson de Gas, an American from New Orleans. Edgar
was the oldest of the five children Auguste and Celestine had. Their family was members of the
middle class, however, for many years their familyspelled their name de Gas which thanks to the
preposition de suggested that their family was from a land owning aristocratic background. It wasn
t until 1870 that Edgar changed his name to the less aristocratic sounding Degas.
You could say that Edgar Degas was born with artistic blood running through his veins after all his
mother, Celestine, was an amateur opera singer and his father, Auguste, would arrange for
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Whether or Not Quotas for Job Applicant Selection Are a...
In this essay I will consider whether or not quotas for job applicant selection are a solution to
racial inequality in the United States of America. In considering this subject I will rely on In
Defense of Quotas by James Rachels who argues that the use of Quotas is justifiable in certain
circumstances. First I will qualify my use of the word race and clarify what I mean when I
reference racial equality. Then I will present an argument that quotas will not work as the sole
solution to racial inequality. After this I will support a premise for my main argument which is that
not all of the races are equivalently qualified for potentially equivalent jobs. After this I will
consider a possible objection to my argument which is that quotas... Show more content on ...
Thus it seems that as Rachels presents them, quotas, although justifiable, most likely would not
solve the inequality of wealth between different groups of people unless groups are equally
qualified for jobs. If this is true, then, although quotas could do some good, they would not make
our current system drastically less biased towards the preference of peoples from majority races.
It seems to be the case that racial groups are not equally qualified for jobs, because further
education is a major qualification for a job and it is not currently the case that different racial
groups are equally prepared for further education after high school. According to a study by
Rachel E. Durham and the Baltimore Education Research Consortium The average person with
a bachelor s degree earns almost twice as much as a high school graduate and nearly triple that
of someone who did not finish high school. The unemployment rate for people with bachelor s
degrees is about one third that for non high school graduates and one half that of high school
graduates (Durham). Therefore, it seems to be the case that if someone is accepted into a college,
can pay for college, and can pass all of their college classes, then, in most cases, that person has, or
will have a college degree and therefore a major qualification for a job. This major qualification for
a job can allow its recipient to have access higher paying jobs and to have a lower rate of
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Lord Of The Flies By William Golding
Naz Usman
Lord of the Flies
William Golding
Summer Essay
In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, one of the scenes that I think is central to the
development of the story is when Ralph and Piggy discover the conch shell on the beach and use
it to summon the boys together after the crash. This scene has great importance to the plot of the
story considering it was the first time the boys held a meeting and discussed their situation. They
came up with a system that would eliminate chaos. For example, in their very first meeting, they
voted on a chief, choosing Ralph over Jack because he was the one with the conch. This proves that
the boys seem to think that power, responsibility, and leadership skills come from the conch. In
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Essay The Thought Process of Shakespeare s Hamlet
The Thought Process of Shakespeare s Hamlet
If Hamlet from himself be ta en away,
And when he s not himself does wrong Laertes,
Then Hamlet does it not, Hamlet denies it.
Who does it then? His madness. If t be so,
Hamlet is of the faction that is wrong d;
His madness is poor Hamlet s enemy.
(V.ii.230 235)
Hamlet s self description in his apology to Laertes, delivered in the appropriately distanced and
divided third person, explicitly fingers the greatest antagonist of the play‹consciousness. The
obligatory cultural baggage that comes along with Hamlet heeds little attention to the incestuous
Claudius while focusing entirely on the gloomy Dane s legendary melancholia and his resulting
revenge delays. As Laurence ... Show more content on ...
The chief definition of thought revolves around the basic concept of the mental process: The
action or process of thinking; mental action or activity in general, esp. that of the intellect; exercise
of the mental faculty; formation and arrangement of ideas in the mind (OED, 1a). A further subset
of definitions can be catalogued into a Manichean vision of positives and negatives and which
equally apply to Hamlet s central consideration of consciousness as a blessing or a curse. There is a
stress on thought s potentiality which fits with Hamlet s obsession with the infinitude of man:
Conception, imagination, fancy (OED, 4c). But following this comes the negative view of thought
as quasi action, a direct link to Hamlet s stall tactics: The entertaining of some project in the mind;
the idea or notion of doing something, as contemplated or entertained in the mind; hence, intention,
purpose, design; esp. an imperfect or half formed intention; with negative expressed or implied =
not the least intention or notion of doing something (OED, 4d). Similarly, the past neutral sense of
Remembrance, Е’mind (OED, 5e) is countered by the negative anticipatory connotation of: Anxiety
or distress of mind; solicitude; grief, sorrow, trouble, care, vexation (OED, 5a). This current of
duality is important to keep in mind as we explore its
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Emily s Monologue
One day, Emily, a senior in high school, was walking to class and she saw her friends beating up a
girl. Emily asked them why they were treating the girl in that manner.
After they left, Emily went up to the girl and asked, Are you okay? What s your name?
I m okay. My name is Passion, what s yours?
Hello, Passion, I m Emily, welcome to Ridgewood!
Thanks for interjecting; you re the first person to actually speak to me! Everyone else has ignored
me today. Possibly because I am bald and they know that I have cancer, stated Passion.
Wow, they certainly didn t display good citizenship! You can come join me at lunch if you want.
I would like that very much!
Emily learned that they had similar interests such as biology and chemistry. ... Show more content
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Passion was overwhelmed by Emily s generosity and she broke into tears. What s wrong? I thought
you would be ecstatic! asked Emily.
You re such a good person! I just feel a little bit uncomfortable accepting all of your kind
heartedness, sobbed Passion.
One of the most important things that I have learned in life is to know when to accept help when
I need it. Life can be very difficult if you carry all of its burdens without having someone to
confide in, Emily said softly.
I guess you are right! mumbled Passion.
Then you agree to let me help you raise money to help your family with this financial burden, right?
whispered Emily.
Thank you, Emily, and yes, my family and I would greatly appreciate any financial assistance. My
treatment is expensive and my parents do not have any insurance coverage.
Emily went home and shared her idea with her parents. She recruited their help to get donations
and to organize a bake sale. The bake sale was held the next week at Ridgewood High School and
7,500 dollars was raised. Emily could not believe how much Passion had positively impacted her
life. I guess you could say that Emily had found her true passion in life, which was helping
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Earth System Research Paper
EASC 2112 Earth System The lively Earth: important features make the Earth unique Name: Leung
Ho Nam, Banson UID: 2011712579 Introduction: The Earth is one of the eight planets in the solar
system. The planet Earth is emphasized as the rare Earth in numerous literatures because of its
unique physical conditions and the complicated interactions among all biotic and abiotic systems.
Isotope dating indicates the earth was formed approximately from 4.53 to 4.568 Ga, according to
isotope used (AllГЁgre et. al., 1995). Despite the precise formation time of the Earth, there is no
exact planet formation model that is generally accepted except the minimum mass solar nebula
model, MMSN (Canup, 2008). The MMSN model suggested the... Show more content on ...
Studies from Karato (1993) implies the magnetic field may relate to the magnetizing properties
of iron. No matter how the Earth s magnetic field was formed, it prevents the atmosphere being
stripped away by the solar wind (Staff, 2010). Atmosphere: The atmosphere is the outermost, thin
layer enclosing the Earth. The composition of the atmosphere for example, oxygen, is imperative
to the evolution of the Earth. The atmosphere of the Earth is comparable to the nearby terrestrial
planet such as Mars and Venus. Given that the average distance and the size of Venus from the
sun is 3/4 and 4/5 of the Earth, Venus has an atmosphere (Adams, 1934). Spectroscopic studies
indicate that the atmosphere of Venus does not show any markings representing the presence of
oxygen and water vapour, even if these elements, once, had been appearing on Venus, they were
consumed by the crust. Another result in the same spectroscopic concluded that the Venus
atmosphere contains a high concentration of carbon dioxide, triggering a sever greenhouse
effect (Adams, 1934). In addition to Venus, the Mars with only one tenth by the mass of the
Earth also has an atmosphere. Spectrograms studies raised significant markings on О»8300 and
О»8700 recognizes the appearance of water and carbon dioxide respectively on the Mars
atmosphere(Kaplan et. al., 1964). The presence of water on Mars is obvious with the ice cap
present in the polar region of Mars (Adams, 1934). Not
... Get more on ...
Asian American Stereotypes Essay
Pertaining to Tracy Lai s article titled, Asian American Women , Lai discusses how stereotypes
dehumanize people while turning them into objects to be manipulated. Lai touches on the topic of
how Asian people and cultures are stereotyped as being inferior and exotic. The problem that Lai
brings to our attention is that it is a struggle to be an Asian in America due to the fact that Asians
have been denied political, economic and social equality in America. Lai also brings to our attention
the die hard myth that Asians have made it in America, which is far from the truth.
I sense that Lai s argument is extremely effective due to the fact that stereotypes are not only seen
among Asians, they are also seen in many other cultures and ... Show more content on ...
I have also noticed that there are very few Asian politicians, as well as very few women politicians,
within our culture. I do not know if this problem stems from Asian Americans not having a
historical/authoritative figure like Dr.
Martin Luther King representing African Americans, and Susan B. Anthonyrepresenting woman s
rights to vote. However, I do know that Asians do not receive the same types of opportunities as
others because they have been stereotyped for so long as being inferior. In addition, I feel that the
reason why
Asians may be seen as inferior individuals is because they were one of the last cultures to start a
movement for equality that was inspired by other ethnic cultures.
Because of this somewhat late movement, our culture has not been able to adapt to this change, like
our culture has not adapted to women being paid the same as men.
Lai brought to my attention that Asians are claimed to value education more than other
minorities and Asians are said to have special intellectual affinities for math and science. Lai
proceeded to raise the point that this is a racist rationale because this is implying that other
cultures are not able to succeed in this type of area. For instance, I can relate to this statement
because African American s are said to be dominate in athletics, and they are also believed to have
a higher vertical leap than others. I was offended when I heard this because I received a
scholarship to
... Get more on ...
Four Leadership Theories
I have just been appointed to organise a small team in a large corporate organisation. As I am new
to this role I have been provided with the assistance of a mentor.
In the first meeting I realised that to have a useful discussion with the mentor I should study the
concepts and theories related to management and leadership so I can properly make the notes that
would help in proper discussion with the mentor. For this reason I studied different articles and
make notes that consist of:
In this report I will discuss the four leadership theories that include leader member exchange
theory, path goal theory, transactional transformational theory and the full range leadership
theory. (UK essays. November 2013) we start the report by discussing the leader member
exchange theory. Leader Member Exchange Theory, also called LMX or Vertical Dyad Linkage
Theory, explains how leaders in groups maintain their position through a series of tacit exchange
agreements with their members . In this theory there are 3 qualities of the leader follower
collaborations were analyzed by the LMX such as locus of control, need for power, and self
esteem. The extent to which a person has control over his life and environment is locus of control.
A person who think they are responsible for all their activities are the persons with the internal
locus of control. These people are usually the people who show more satisfaction
... Get more on ...
Compare And Contrast Renaissance And Humanism
Renaissance, which means rebirth in French, might be defined as the awakening of art, literature,
architecture and learning in Europe between fourteenth and mid sixteenth centuries through the
contribution of classical sources. Despite the fact that it was originated in Italy, it started to spread
throughout Europe and contributed to the transition from the Medieval Age to the modern one.
Proponents of this movement emphatically connected themselves with the values of classical
antiquity, especially as seen in the recently rediscovered works of art of writing and history.
Additionally, they had a tendency to separate themselves from works written in the Middle Ages, a
historical period they looked upon rather negatively. According to them, the Middle Ages were set
in the center of two significantly profitable periods. In the same way, Humanism, which has an ideal
of placing human beings at the center of the universe rather than God, was the major intellectual
movement of the Renaissanceand then it became the dominant sophisticated movement in Europe in
the 16th century. Supporters of this movement asserted that humanistic studies, comprising of the
examination and imitation of the established culture of Ancient Rome and... Show more content on ...
As mentioned by Wilde, one of the most significant changes that occurred during the Renaissance
was the evolution of Renaissance humanism as a method of thinking. During this period, people
actually started to think differently and change how they thought about humanity, art, science and
other fields. Therefore, due to their spread throughout the Europe with the cultural aspects by
affecting painting, literature and science, Renaissance and Humanism had several influences on the
people in terms of enhancing the way people look at the
... Get more on ...
Globalization, Glt1, Task 1 Essays
Globalization Western Governors University Globalization refers to the development of an
integrated world economy, exchange of cultural views, thoughts, and products (Wikipedia, 2013).
Pologeorgis (2012) states that, essentially globalization began with the exploration and settlement
of new lands. Communication and transportation advances have aided in this process. Two non
Western countries that have been impacted by globalization are India and China. India opened its
doors to globalization during the nineteen nineties following an economic crisis in which the
country almost defaulted on loans (Balakrishnan, n.d.). Before globalization India purposely
isolated itself from world markets and was in a state of... Show more content on ...
Western culture has had an impact on traditional Chinese society. The West s impact can be seen
in the advertisement of Western products, acceptance of Western business, and change of
thought to accept Western ideals. Examples of this include the prevalence of foreign companies
in the country like McDonalds, Nike, and Marriott. A change in ideals was expressed by Jaffe
(2012) who wrote that while living in China she noticed that foreign advertisements often
featured Western models. Curious about this she asked her Chinese friends about it. They
explained that by Chinese standards big eyes, fair skin, and a pronounced nose was thought to
be beautiful. Western influence in China seems to only be influencing major cities with villages
only being influenced by globalization when it is forced upon them like it was during the 2008
Olympics when one town was displaced so that Olympic facilities could be built (Ames, n.d.).
Some would also suggest that the influence of Western media through the use of the internet, or
American media had led to a loss of their traditional language as the people begin to speak chi
English (Chang, n.d.). From all of this is plain to see that globalization can have positive and
negative effects upon a society, but a country that refuses to open its doors to the world face
economic stagnation and poverty for its people. Those
... Get more on ...
Charles Dutoit Research Paper
Charles Dutoit is one of todays most sought after conductors, having performed with all of the
major orchestras on most stages of the five continents.
Violinist Simone Porter has been recognized as an emerging artist of impassioned energy, musical
integrity and vibrant sound.
Overture to the creature of prometheus, Op. 43
Ludwig Van Beethoven
The Prometheus overture is extremely concise (it lasts barely five minutes to my surprise) and
powerful; it is easy to understand why this music was performed so frequently. Massive chord open
the slow introduction, which leads without pause into allegro motto con brio. As that marking
suggests, this goes at a blistering pace, introduced quietly by a moto perpetuo theme in the first
violins. Woodwinds
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Capital Punishment Argument Essays 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Capital Punishment Argument EssaysCapital Punishment Argument Essays
  • 2. The Circadian Sunlight The Circadian Rhythm, Sleep, and Effects of Sunlight Hanna M. MaciД…giewicz Wright College THE CIRCADIAN RHYTHM, SLEEP, AND EFFECTS OF SUNLIGHT Abstract This paper will demonstrate The circadian rhythm is a psychological and physical pattern that each human experiences in order to maintain homeostasis. The circadian rhythm can manifest in mental alertness, the sensitivity to pain, various hormone secretions, and most obviously, the sleep wake cycle. In Latin, circadian rhythm translates to about and day . Examples of circadian rhythms in action are sensitivity and dullness to pain, fluctuations of body temperatures, the brains most alert and calm state, and degree of sleepiness along with highest ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Oral Communication Reflection Back on Tuesday, September 19, I (along with the rest of the class,) gave my first speech in Oral Communication Class. It was our first speech assigned/presented in class, and its topic, Self Introduction. Some people may find it challenging, but I see it as a very simple subject to talk about. Who knows more about you than yourself? No one! So why do people find it so hard to talk about? I had a funny feeling that the day the order of our speeches were assigned that I d be the first person to give their speech. Sure enough, I was the first person to give their speech. I m genuinely glad that I was first because I was able to get it out of the way and not have to stress on it. Giving a speech in front of my peers is nowhere near as nerve racking or terrifying as I thought it would be, but upon giving my speech, I would like to reflect on how I felt the day of my speech (in terms of confidence levels,) some verbal and delivery skills which I used well/not as well, some improvements that could of been put in place for my speech, and who in the class I believe gave the best speech among us all. First off, how I felt on the day of our first speech. I m not going to say that I was 100% confident in myself and not nervous at all, because that s simply not true, but all in all I felt pretty good and I wasn t really that nervous. Since I m used to speaking in front of people, I wasn t nervous about talking in front of my peers but forgetting what I m talking about in my speech since I m used to memorizing and not just speaking out in front of people. The only thing I could think of which I could do to make me less nervous than what I was on the day of my speech would be to go practice more in front of people who aren t my friends. Otherwise, I believe I used my skill of performing in theatre and transposed it into my speech so I wouldn t be nervous upon giving my speech. In speaking of skills, the next topic I d like to address is some skills which I used well/not so well. Some verbal skills I believe I used well (in the content) would be connecting to the audience with funny little examples of a side topic I was talking about. An example of this would be when I said as red head, I could either be Peter Pan at ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Othello as an outsider Essay Set in 16th century Venice, Othello, by William Shakespeare, explores the idea of an outsider from the very beginning of the play. Shakespeare uses Othello, a black army general, to explore the relationship of an outsider in high Venetian society using a variety of approaches. The reader sees characters consistently referring to Othelloin derogatory and demeaning terms, as well as frequent implications that Othello is scarcely human. Further exploration of an outsider in society comes from Othello himself, as he outlines a few of the major differences that set him and the community apart. Throughout the first act, a host of disparaging and select terms are used to describe Othello by a number of different characters. Referred to as ... Show more content on ... Another suggestion that Othello is not a normal being comes when Brabantio accuses him of bewitching his daughter: (to Othello) That thou hast practised on her with foul charms/ Abused her delicate youth with drugs and minerals. Indicating that Othello dabbles in supernatural forces, the implication appears again that he belongs to a very different race to which he lives among. The relationship of an outsider to society is also explored through Othello himself, as he recognises the differences between him and those around him. While describing his and Desdemona s love, Othello tells (about himself): Rude am I in speech/ And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace. In these words, Othello is able convey that he is a little awkward in speech, and not a smooth talker, with the unspoken understanding that others in the room are. Othello goes on, For since these arms of mine had seven years pith/ Till now some nine moons wasted/ the tented field/ ... little of this great world can I speak. Here the reader learns that Othello, unlike the assortment of senators and the Duke, has spent most of his life in battle, and therefore has not had a lot of life ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Examples Of Escapism In A Lesson Before Dying Lola Deibert Mr. Serrano English Period 6 Lesson Before Dying Essay June 25, 2018 Escapism In Tennessee Williams s play The Glass Menagerie, a common overarching theme is Escapism. Amanda, Laura, and Tom Wingfield all attempt to escape the dull and depressing reality of their situation. They engage in escapism by fleeting into their own idealistic worlds which push them farther apart. Similarly, we can detect the same theme in Gaines book, Lesson Before Dying. In this book various people use escapism to leave their reality and enter this alternate headspace that allows them to feel free of all of their worries. However, it is soon realized that this facad will never last. In this book, Gaines shows how escapism can truly take over someone s... Show more content on ... This central theme of escapism can be paralleled to today s world. The era in which Grant and Jefferson lived in seems so far yet we see a lot of these issues around today such as institutional racism, prejudice, and the theme of this essay, of escapism. I don t believe that Escapism is necessarily bad, but it is a natural human quality to want to push out reality. However, forms of escapism can be dangerous. Substance abuse has become a huge issue within all age groups, but specifically teenagers. Teen alcohol statistics in the United States show that among 10 million underage drinkers, about 6.5 million of them are binge drinkers and 2 million are classified as heavy drinkers. This is a major issue that needs to be addressed, and we see that alcohol has the power to ruin lives. Escapism is also found in other forms of love, which is definitely something Gaines includes in his book. People find and use love in all different sorts of ways and I personally think that everyone needs some sort of love in their life, platonic or not. Love gives you the power to escape your hardships, but to also create new memories, and learn more about yourself. I encourage you to endure your hardships and find it within you to use love and positivity to help yourself so we can try and ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Construction Of Urban Regeneration Projects Urban renewal or also known as urban regeneration project are driven by the importance of urban design and aspiration which is important as the independent world moves further into the 21st century. As the world undergoes rapid globalisation, people may experience challenges at a point that demand for their awareness especially towards the evironment and social. Therefore, it is important that part of an architect to practise practical solutions that brings advantage of the existing urban assests in a smart and sustainable way. Although an architect alone could not maintain a sustainable urban regeneration from an architectureperspective, the role of an architect may contribute to a sustainable urban regeneration projects. From my... Show more content on ... Therefore, part of an architect in creating a design for a building and producing an effective usage of land is stunted as they do not have full access to unleash their creativity in creating a proficient land use that contributes to a sustainable environment. It may be true that architects have limited influence, which inhibits the goal of creating a sustainable urban redevelopment especially in managing an efficient use of land, as they do not have access to certain sector such as choosing a specific building site. However, architects are able to contribute to an efficient usage of land, as they are usually part of a large committed group, which consist of an architect, engineer and developer. In architect s role in urban regeneration, economic development and sustainability , Fred W (2012) Clark promotes that great architecture requires great clients where the architect works along with the engineers and developer to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, most of the decisions made are discussed collectively as they would consider the ideas from an architecture perspective, engineers and also developers before making a final conclusion. For example, engineering plans will be issued to an architect before beginning of a new project where architects will survey for quality control. Other than that, the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Characters Of Calpurnia As A Mockingbird What does it take to be considered a mother? Does it take courage? Strength? Love? Or are you only a mother if you give birth to a child or officially adopt a child? Being there for someone emotionally, mentally, and physically are the characteristics of a good mother. A woman or even a man can take the role of being a protector and guardian of someone who was not necessarily born into or chosen for their family. Calpurnia does an excellent job of taking the role as Jem and Scout s motherly figure. She has rules and shows the kids discipline, teaches them life lessons and supports and comforts them as they grow up. Calpurnia is Jem and Scout s African Americancook who has been with their family since before their motherdied. Scout said that She had been with us ever since Jem was born, and I had felt her tyrannical presence as long as I could remember. Our mother died when I was two, so I never felt her absence (6). Calpurnia displays motherly actions by disciplining Jem and Scout just like they were her own kids. Her hand was as wide as a bed slat and twice as hard (6) explained Scout. This quote signifies that Scout knows how her hand feels and she was getting a physical punishment. Calpurnia tends to discipline Scout more than Jem because Scout acts out and is the worst behaved child of the siblings. She was ordering me out of the kitchen, asking me why I couldn t behave as well as Jem when she knew he was older, and calling me home when I wasn t ready to come (6) Scout states. Scout and Calpurnia s relationship is just like a mother and daughter relationship because they fight and make up and Calpurnia disciplines Scout and Scout gets mad at her. Page 75 Chapter 3 states Calpurnia bent down and kissed me. I ran along, wondering what had come over her. She had wanted to make up with me, that was it. She had always been too hard on me, she had at last seen the error of her fractious ways, she was sorry and too stubborn to say so. Calpurnia also accepts and claims them as her own children because on page 118 she said, I don t want anybody sayin I don t look after my children. Calpurnia s discipline is tough, but it relates back to the values and lessons that she wants to teach her children. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Discovery Of The Fossil Species Essay Is there a subspecies of Homo sapiens that lived complete opposite lives as us? Did we cause them to go extinct or did we live and interbreed with them? I will be discussing aspects of the species Homo neanderthalensis who lived alongside Homo sapiens and may have even interbred with them. I will be focusing specifically on the discovery of the fossil species, where the species is in the human ancestral tree, anatomical similarities and differences with Homo sapiens, and the lifestyle and extinction of the Neanderthals. The first fossil found, named Neanderthal 1, was found in 1856 in Germany. The name Homo neanderthalensis was suggested by Geologist William King, because the fossil was found in the Feldhofer Cave of the Neander Valley in Germany and tal (a modern version of thal) means valley in German. (Smithsonian) Some people refer to the species as Neandertal, with no h, to reflect modern German spelling. Several years after Neanderthal 1 was found, scientists realized that earlier discoveries in Engis, Belgium (1829) and Forbes Quarry, Gibraltar (1848) were also Neanderthals, putting the actual discovery date at 1829. Other key specimens are Le Moustier, France (of a 45,000 year old skull which had Neanderthal features in an adolescent individual proving these characteristics were genetic and not developed during their life), Lagar Velho in Abrigo do Lagar Velho, central western Portugal (a 24,000 year old skeleton described as a Neanderthal Homo sapien hybrid), ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Distance In The Latehomecomer By Kao Kalia Yang Time is a relative concept. Created by man, it was meant to contain events and label points of interest. Distance, however, is always certain. There is no bend of the path from here to there, it will always be the same amount. In The Latehomecomer by Kao Kalia Yang the dilemma of distance is tackled through expressing the heartache that can come from it exiting between people. Kao Kalia Yang and her family came to America in 1987. There were many strange features in the country. From the strangers kissing openly at the airport, to the hassle of finding the restroom, and the new type of separation between the Yang s. The topic of distance is constantly brought up in the book. It first begins at the river when Uncle Hue is forced to go back ... Get more on ...
  • 10. A Study Of A Friend Dealing With Identity Crisis In this case study, the writer will view a study of a friend dealing with identity crisis. For identity purposes the writer will name the friend Mary. Demographic Description of the Client Mary is a 58 year old single African American female who lives in Atlanta Ga. with two adult daughters and one granddaughter and one grandson. Both grandchildren are under the age of ten. Mary was married to an FBI agent, and they divorced in the 90 s. Mary is slender built with curves any woman would envy and charming. Most importantly she is born again and loves the Lord. According to Sabar, we can never completely and utterly comprehend the other s experience. To gain the best understanding possible of the other we need to appreciate the way they configure themselves in relation to the environment, the patterns they paint as they relate to their world and those they meet in their world, the way they shape and form their experience. How the individual forms and then moves on from one experience to another. A person transitions through many stages of life. Those different stages cause a person to feel different about themselves in a negative manner depending on their lifestyle. Presenting Problem Mary sought to counsel because of her low self esteem about her life. Mary desires a husband as her friends. She noticed being angry a lot and slashing out at her daughters and speaking negative remarks toward them and their boyfriends. She does not have many friends because some women ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Japanese-Americans Racism-Discrimination Each day we live, taking for granted everything we have. Freedom to choose where to live, eat, work, and go to school. What would happen if all of that was taken away? And not just by another country, but by our own people. Our own government took our rights and belongings away overnight. What would people do? On February 19 of 1942, the president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, signed an evacuation order, ordering the evacuation of all persons deemed a threat to national security from the West Coast to relocation centers further inland ( ). Meaning anyone who looked like they were of japanese descent, was considered a threat to the security of the United States. The racism towards the japanese people was in the way they were looked at, how they lived in the camps, and how they were treated. On December 7, 1941 there was a tragic attack on an American military base in Hawaii, called Pearl Harbor. It was led by the japanese empire. This is what started it all, with the racism of the different ethnic groups towards to japanese people. Each time fellow Americans saw someone of japanese descent, it brought up memories of this day in history. The emotions it stirred up the pain and loss, created anger and hatred towards each of these people. The people of America were scared. The president decided to send the people of his own country away. Some say it was for their own protection, but others say it was just because we were afraid of the Japanese American people ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Taming Of The Shrew Quotes In the play, The Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio is a foolish nobleman who tames the character of Kate because she is a shrew. A shrew is ill spoken woman who has a negative reputation in the Elizabethan period. Petruchio tames Kate by abusing her physically and mentally, Petruchio starves Kate and deprives her of any sleep, finally he humiliates her. Kate is forced under submission because of Petruchio trying to ...cure her wild and willful nature... (Act 4, Scene 1, Pg. 10). Petruchio explains that all his abusing is because he loves her and for her own good, when in fact he is trying to break her down. The Taming of the Shrewis about the conflict between Kate and Bianca in which their father s rule which does not allow Bianca to get married... Show more content on ... The text states ...It s cheap and nasty...Now, your gown...A sleeve? It s like a cannon...Ah well, my Kate. We ll go to your father s house dressed as we are, in simple but honest clothes. Our purses shall be rich, our garments poor. (Act 4, Scene 3, Pgs. 4 8). This illustrates Petruchio forcing Kate to wear rags to Bianca s wedding night, humiliating her. The text states It s a disgrace to a man of your social position and an insult to this solemn ceremony. (Act 3, Scene 2, Pg. 5). This illustrates that Petruchio is late to his own wedding, and is unprepared which is a disgrace to his nobleship. The quotes illustrate that Petruchio humiliates Kate purposely, in which mentally abuses Kate by breaking her shrew like ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Advanced General Chemistry Course Analysis General Chemistry (CH101/102) and Advanced General Chemistry (CH151/152) are the introductory science courses that all cadets take as part of the core curriculum consisting of 26 common core courses and are designed to provide a general background in chemistry principles. The courses include the study of the nature of matter, atomic/molecular structure and the fundamental concepts of scientific principles, theories and concepts. Cadets are also exposed to opportunities to engage with programs such as the end of semester program the Military Chemistry Lecture or MILCHEM when experts in the field of military science demonstrate chemistry s relevance and chemistry s relevance to the Army. This end of semester lecture was December 14 15 at Bartlett Hall. This enrichment connects the foundational chemistry concepts the cadets have learned in the classroom over the course of the ... Show more content on ... Cadets are also exposed to areas of research they are able to participate in via summer internships through collaboration with the Department of Chemistry and Life Science. Historically, this event is the highlight of the semester for cadets. Cadets, primarily freshman in the core science courses engage in the MILCHEM program at the end of each semester. Experts from the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education Project Office at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey and the 2nd Civil Support Team (WMD), New York Army National Guard Scotia, New York provided cadets with hands on demonstrations. Picatinny Arsenal provided hi tech instruction in topics like Large Caliber Gun Tubes, 3D Printing and Soldier Weapons and the Civil Support Team provided demonstration in Weapons of Mass Destruction with detecting equipment like gas ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Hollywood s Stereotypes In The Big Bang Theory Hollywood s attempt at displaying cultural groups on T.V. is leading to them presenting stereotypes for comedic purposes. As seen in The Big Bang Theory, there is a display of an Indian stereotype portrayed through Raj. His accent leaves the audience thinking all Indians have accents and can be looked down upon for love opportunities due to racial colour as compared to the rest of the cast. This gives audiences a reason to laugh at these group of people as the labels implied on the show are used in a humorous way people will not realize that it offends the racial group. Seen in Hollywood s past hit series such as Martin and Friends, there is an absence of various cultural/racial groups. This deflects different forms of stereotypes but, what is missing is the representation of various cultural groups. This leads to a... Show more content on ... Hollywood s attempt at representing a culture has left with stereotyping Arabs. The clothing worn by the women in the movie neglects their religion which leaves a negative impression towards the younger audience about this society. The representation of this culture is poorly displayed which would create controversy with specific groups of people. Hollywood is succeeding in showing audiences how black women stereotypically behave. This is reinforced in How to Get Away with Murder by Annalise Keating. She is seen being unfaithful which promotes labels on black people going after any sexual opportunities that are open. She is also seen as a short tempered and loud individual when conflicts arise. An accurate portrayal of these people is not being shown but instead the prejudices that are being carried out from decades ago are being used to create ... Get more on ...
  • 15. House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros I try to be as honest about what I see and to speak rather than be silent, especially if it means I can save lives, or serve humanity (Cisneros). Sandra Cisneros is a latina author of award winning novels. She began writing as a teenager and it is now her way of living. I have researched, analyzed, and now I will be summarizing her life from birth to present. Sandra Cisneros was born December 20, 1954 in Chicago, IL. She is one of seven children, the only daughter, and her parents are originally from Mexico. Sandra lived in poverty most of her life. The family[Cisneros] shuttled between Chicago and Mexico City before finally settling in an area of Chicago... a neighborhood that would later provide inspirations for The House on Mango Street (Mark Editors). In this novel she depicts what it was like to grow up as a Mexican American in the Chicago. Even though so many doubted her chance at success, she found an outlet in writing.... Show more content on ... As a child she did poorly in school. I have C s and D s in everything... The only B I had was in conduct, but I don t remember being that stupid (Mirriam Goldberg 5). As a latina girl growing up on the southside of chicago, she knew she didn t have much of a chance becoming something. ...they thought the best she could achieve in her life was to be married, have children, and run a cash register at a local supermarket (Mirriam Goldberg 6). She went on to prove them all wrong. Attending Loyola University in Chicago she studied english ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Gilda s Hair Studio Thousands of years ago, wigs and hair pieces were once a sign of social status and power. Today, wearing the hair alternatives are popular for a number of reasons. Gilda s Hair Studio in Fairfield, OH has been the region s leading center for hair replacement and other hair loss conditions. In addition to offering cutting edge and award winning hair styling services, the salon specializes in providing treatments that are customized to each client s unique hair color and texture. Gilda s Hair Studio has seen the evolution of wigs and hair pieces over the decades and has kept up with the innovations. In fact, hair pieces have come a long way since ancient Egypt when women and men wore wigs to showcase their class status. Made from vegetable fibers, ... Show more content on ... In China, the hair additions were heavily used be theater actors during performances. Between 1200 and 1400 A.D., wigs fell by the wayside due to harsh financial times. Some religions said women had to wear their hair covered by scarves and other pieces of cloth. By the time the Renaissance period occurred around 1500, both wigs and hair pieces regained their popularity to become elaborate styles. Fast forward to the 19th century when synthetic materials were the main items used to construct wigs. Today, salons such as Gilda s Hair Studio use top quality pieces made from human hair to highlight a more natural look. As a client, you re guaranteed to receive a hair piece that is custom made and designed to fit your lifestyle! In fact, Gilda s Hair Studio specializes in treating a wide range of hair and scalp disorders through laser hair treatments and other services. Those who have experienced hair loss as a result of chemotherapy, alopecia, balding, and radiation are the professional salon s specialty. Your hair can come back to life! To schedule a consultation, call Gilda s Hair Studio today at (513) 829 2221 or visit the website for extensive information on hair replacement ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Community Corrections And Prisons The use of community corrections would be beneficial to the United States. Because it will help, reduce the overcrowding in jails and prisons. With community corrections, offenders will be able to remain as a productive member off society while still serving their sentence. The majority of incarcerated people have committed nonviolent offenses (drugs, burglary, and other). By taking them out of Jail and place those in community correction programs it will help cut the prison population. One of major problems that affect the ability of corrections to function as a system is the overcrowding of jails and prisons in the United States. Leading to increase inmate disobedience and makes prison more dangerous places work. Especially in maximum security ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Effects Of Matrix Stiffness On Primary Pancreatic Cancer... 3. Results (620 current730) 3.1 Softer substrate regulates proliferation of primary pancreatic cancer cells To study the effects of matrix stiffness on primary pancreatic cell proliferation, we first developed a 2D hydrogel system with stiffness (SSM) that mimic those of healthy pancreatic tissue and cancerous pancreas previously characterized. Briefly, the cancerous pancreatic tissue had a larger range of SSM (2kPa 30kPa) and a higher average SSM than normal tissue (0.8 4 kPa). Consequently, to account for the variability of stiffness on cancerous tissue, our model included two groups of PA hydrogels with Acrylamide:Bisacrylamide (Ac:Bis) ratios of: (1) 6%:0.075% and (2) 10%:0.075% 25kPa yielding an average SSM of 8kPa and 25kPa ... Show more content on ... We examined the viability of the cells in response to the chemotherapeutic as a function of the matrix stiffness (Figure 2C). We observed that as the cells underwent apoptosis they detached from the substrates. Consequently, we collected the media before (Day 7) and after (Day 10) the chemotherapy to quantify the number of cells in suspension. As depicted on Figure 2C, the PC cells cultured on softer substrates experience larger increase in dead cells resulting from the chemotherapy compared to the PC cells growing on stiffer substrates. As Figure 2A shows, both Gemcitabine concentrations lead to a change in cell morphology and a higher decrease in cell area on the softer PC tumors (3kPa and 8kPa) compared to the stiffer PC tumors (25kPa and control group). To further explore the effect of matrix stiffness on the response of PC cells to chemotherapy, we used enzymatic activity as a metric of cell proliferation. We perform alamarBlueВ® assay before adding the Gemcitabine treatment and after 72hrs of treatment. As depicted in Figure 2B, there is a dramatic (x x for 2um and xx for 5uM) decrease of the enzymatic activity of the PC cells growing on softer substrates in response to the chemotherapy. On the other hand, the PC cells growing on stiffer matrices shows no decrease of enzymatic activity when treated with 2 ВµM of Gemcitabine and a xx when treated with 5ВµM of ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Summary Of Tim Meeker In My Brother Sam Is Dead A true indication of a person s character is the actions she/ he takes when dealing with life s conflicts. In My Brother Sam is Dead, the authors, James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier, create Tim Meeker. Tim, a twelve year old, is growing up and facing many conflicts during the era of the American Revolution. While Tim is dealing with these internal and external conflicts, the reader can see Tim s personality traits: confused and creative, by what he says and does, and by what others say in response to him. Tim s first personality trait is confused, which is a person vs self conflict. Tim was often confused throughout the novel about many things. One of the things he is confused about is how he isn t sure about what side to be on, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Reconstruction Goals For African Americans The Reconstruction era was a hard time for African Americans. Dealing with harassment and rude comments from other people, and hoping that they will get the right to vote. During this time some laws were passed, a few of them were the 1st amendment, voting rights, and equal rights. These goals were partially achieved and were not one hundred percent successful. The goals that were partially achieved were voting and most 1st amendment right. After Abraham Lincoln was assassinated and the troops were pulled out, reconstruction ended. Now all the federal government could do was pass amendments and make the people in the South follow them. The 13th amendment helped with the rights, as did the 14th amendment. When those amendments were passed African Americans were protected the same as whites. The South on the other hand did not entirely agree and chose not to listen and follow the new rules. African Americans could vote, but with a huge list of restrictions, the Grandfather Clause was one of them. The Grandfather Clause was if you re grandfather was able to vote so could you, but since most African American grandfathers were slaves at that time, most could not vote. Another restriction which was a literary test you had to take if you were colored . This test showed if you could read or write, and most slaves could not so they could not vote. The goal, not even close to being ... Show more content on ... The extent of of the goals being met was that some laws were passed to help make sure that African Americans were not put into slavery again, but with half of the country not following the laws passed by the federal government, progress will not be made until far into the future when more action is taken. In the end the goals of the Reconstruction era were partially met, but not fully. If everyone had put more effort and made more laws then maybe the goals would have ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Importance Of Credit Licensee A credit licensee (that is, the holder of an Australian Credit Licence, commonly referred to as an ACL holder) must comply with the responsible lending conduct obligations in Chapter 3 of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth) (NCCP Act). These obligations relate to the conduct of the credit licensee when engaging in credit activity. Under the NCCP Act, credit activity includes: providing credit under a credit contract or consumer lease; benefiting from mortgages or guarantees relating to a credit contract; exercising rights or performing obligations of a credit provider or lessor (either as the credit provider or lessor or on behalf of another person who is the credit provider or lessor); suggesting or assisting... Show more content on ... We will do so by running through a number of checkpoints , as set out below. Checkpoint 1 whether the loan is regulated What is a regulated loan? Many credit licensees provide credit in both the regulated and unregulated space. The term regulated is used for consumer loans and leases as they are regulated by the National Credit Code (NCC), which is a schedule to the NCCP Act. Loans and leases will be regulated under the NCCP Act if, amongst other things, it is provided or is intended to be provided wholly or predominantly for personal, domestic or household purposes or to refinance residential investment property. Generally, this means that unless the loan applicant (referred to as the borrower in this course) is clearly able to establish that the finance will be used predominantly for business purposes, the loan should be treated as a consumer regulated loan. This also means that the responsible lending obligation to assess unsuitability applies. Practical tips In practice, this means a credit provider needs to make reasonable inquiries from each borrower as to the purpose for which they will be using the borrowed funds. If the credit will be used for personal, domestic or household purposes, the loan must be originated as a consumer loan, and compliance with the responsible lending obligation to assess ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Devil In The White City The nonfiction novel The Devil in the White City written by Erik Larson primarily takes place in Chicago between the years 1890 1893. This novel tells the story of Daniel Burnham, an architect in charge of building the Chicago World s Fair, and H.H. Holmes, a serial killer who uses the fair to lure his victims. This novel has two major story arcs, one revolves around Daniel Burnhamand the other revolves around H.H. Holmes. Burnham s story explains how he strived to build the fair, Holmes story tells how he began killing and how far it escalated. These characters are considered the protagonists of the novel because they are effected by each event mentioned throughout the story. Both story arcs describe all of the obstacles they faced as... Show more content on ... These men would do anything to succeed. However, Burnham utilized his skills with good intentions, to create the World s Fair, whereas Holmes utilized his skills with a cruel motive, to manipulate young women and commit crimes such as insurance fraud and murder. Similarly, both men were handsome, had vivid blue eyes, and great charm which enticed many people. Despite this, their personalities differed, Burnham was loyal and trustworthy, while Holmes was deceitful. This is shown through their relationships. Burnham had close friends such as John Root, and he stayed faithful to his wife Margaret. Holmes restrained from letting anyone become close so they wouldn t learn about his crimes, additionally he had multiple wives whom he never divorced before marrying another. Furthermore, decisions that Burnham made when creating the fair were beneficial to the people around him. For example, the fair created jobs, gave people hope, and improved Americas reputation. Holmes made decisions that were beneficial only to himself and harmful to others, such as manipulating people, committing insurance fraud, and murdering young women. After analyzing these men, it is clear that Burnham represents the good in the world, while Holmes represents the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Application And Network Performance For Many Service... 1. Introduction The Domain Name System (DNS) is a major component of the Internet that maps human understandable names to machine level IP addresses. From the past few years, as the Internet are evolved across the regions, more service providers started using DNS in a way which was not meant such cases were used often in content delivery networks (CDNs), NXDOMAIN Remapping and URL auto completion. But the paper mainly focus on the new class of DNS misuse called disposable domains and author found that various service providers, popular search engines, social networks and security companies, started heavily using automatically generated domain names to send one time signal to their servers. These disposable domains are generally created on demand in abundant which belongs to common parent DNS zones. They have unique cache hit rate percent which distinguish them from non disposable domains (Yizheng et al., 2014). These unique ways of using DNS, invents the new useful applications and network performance for many service providers. Hence, claimed that it is important to monitor and analyse the DNS usage from the Internet service providers within ISP network and make sure under what conditions current DNS practices are employed such that there should not be any negative impact on the network infrastructure. In this paper, author and his team design a system that automatically identifies the disposable domains and observes the detailed measurements on how disposable domains are ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Factors That Can Be Taken Into Account When An Individual... There are various factors that can be taken into account when an individual is walking. Whether it is your speed, group size, destination, status, culture, personality, distractions, or sex, one way of the other they manage to have an impact on walking behaviors. Past researchers have indicated that these factors may have an effect on walkingbehaviors and with our observation we put the theories to test. The factors taken into account were genderand group size and their effect on walking speed and interpersonal distance. Earlier research finding have reported that interpersonal distances are influenced by dominance, attraction, age, similarity and gender. Willis (1996) reported in his research that young people are more like to approach one another closer and as people tend to age the more personal space is recorded. A closer more intimate space is seen in opposite sexpairs (Aiello 1987; Crawford and Unger 2000; Hall 1984; Heshka and Nelson 1972). From this finding, researchers conclude that when people interact in closer distances they have an attraction or interpersonal relationship. Dominance, power, and status are also said lead to lower interpersonal distance. Similarities in race, sexual preference, religions are also factors that contribute to a closer interpersonal distance (Bell et al., 2001). According to some researchers negatively toned situations cause larger spatial zones (Strayer and Roberts 1997). Studies suggest that women are more prone to react in ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Interdependence Theory Reflection Saturday, it is the second night of the Italian Heritage festival here in Clarksburg, West Virginia. My fellow bartenders and I completed a sixteen hour shift the day before. That Friday of the festival had gone smooth; we worked extremely well together and customers gave us no complications throughout the evening. I could tell as everyone began to roll in for this shift, things would not run like they had the night before. The night before, everyone was bright eyed and dressed up in hopes to make as much money as possible. Today, on the other hand, a couple walked in with bags under their eyes, looking like the bar was the last place on they wanted to be. Myself, I understand no matter how I am feeling I must present myself the way the customers want me to be in order to make money. Typically, I am the motivator of my peers, the spunk, the go getter of my co workers: Mason, Erica, and Macey. My role in this group is to keep everyone encouraged and energetic throughout the rest of the night. Through this interaction, the interdependence theory conceptualization can be interpreted. Each member has their own role throughout the shift. Mason keeps all the beer stocked in the entire bar. Macey is to keep dry products are supplied at access. Erica makes sure all necessary fruit is kept cut. My role is to maintain full liquor bottles. I noticed everyone kept up with their respected role, which in turn kept the shift running smoothly. There were a few times one member would have ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Understand the Different Responsibilities Relating to... Outcome 1: Understand the different responsibilities relating to health and safety in social care settings. 1.1 Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a social care setting. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety. Under this Act, the employer, the workers and the individuals being supported have responsibilities to ensure safety is maintained in the workplace. Your employer should display a copy of this Act on their main premises. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 emphasize what employers are required to achieve under the Health and Safety at Work Act. * The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations ... Show more content on ... It involves a systematic approach to the identification and characterization of physical, chemical, and biologic hazards to individuals and populations in their environment. The consequences of such hazards can include severe illness or injury, an irreversible health consequence, an unfamiliar disease, and an undesirable situation that might have been avoided by use of an alternative approach or technology. Risk assessments typically require that attention be given first to the most important hazards, that is, the ones that can result in the worst health related outcomes. 2.2 Explain the steps to carrying out a risks assessment. The steps to carry out a risk assessment are: 1. Identify the hazards 2. Decide who might be harmed and how 3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution 4. Record your findings and implement them 5. Review your assessment and update if necessary 2.3 Explain how to address potential health and safety risks identified. Potential health and safety risks must be reported immediately to ones supervisor. It is up to the supervisor to use the chain of command and as needed it will even be reported to government offices. 2.4 Explain how risk assessment can help address ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Bantu Languages And The Languages Bantu The word Bantu which means people in many Bantu languages, refers to a group of about five hundred African languages and to their speakers, today numbering ninety million. The Bantu people of Sub Saharan Africa, lived about one thousand CE. They shifted from hunting and gathering to settle agricultureabout four thousand years ago. The Bantu people traveled in to West Africa and Southward into the present day Congo. As the Bantu people migrated evidence shows that they absorbed most of the hunting and gathering population that originally inhabited the areas they migrated to. The farming techniques used by the Bantu required them to move every few years. The technique is called slash and burn. A patch of the forest is cut down and burned. They cut down the vegetation using their machetes and billhooks, then the ashes are mixed into the soil creating a fertile garden area. However, this process caused the land to lose its fertility quickly and is abandoned for another plot in a new location. When they moved, the Bantu speakers shared their skills with the people they met, adapted their methods to suit each new environment, and learned new customs. They followed the Congo River through the rain forests. There they farmed the riverbanks, the only place that received enough sunlight to support agriculture. As they moved eastward into the savannas, they adapted their techniques for herding goats and sheep to raising cattle. Passing through what is now Kenya and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Homeless Minors In the past couple of years, the number of homeless individuals have been on the rise in Nevada. In this mass increase, the population mostly consists of homeless individuals under the age of eighteen. These minors are mostly unaccompanied, with no adults to teach them right or wrong. Being homeless and on the streets, it gives the minors less chances in life and it also influences them to act out negatively in society. The number of homeless teens have been skyrocketing and the problem is that with the amount we have now it might be hard to control in the future. In Clark County, there has been a vast increase in the number of homeless individuals. The number of homeless people has increased from 7,443 to 7,509 in the past year. (Amaro).... Show more content on ... The homeless minors have no one to look up to as a role model and have limited amounts of resources. This can result in the minors doing deviant actions such as stealing. In the past month, there has been many cases of young adults and minors breaking into neighborhood houses and robbing families. Around a month ago, there was a situation that I witnessed where this young teen was going around a neighborhood stealing items from various houses. During that time, I was also notified that these types of situations have been occurring a lot recently. Aside from this incident, a couple months back a teen went into my aunt s shop and attempted to steal some of her belongings. This problem not only affects society, but mainly the minors who are committing these crimes. Whether or not these homeless individuals do the right thing or the wrong they still get punished for being homeless. All they want to do is pass you along, so they can get on to their next problem. A lot of the time if you are homeless they would arrest you for basically being homeless (Elko Daily Free Press). This can result in the teens having negative influences throughout their most impressionable times in their life. Being exposed to such environments at a young age will affect their ways as they grow older. The minors who are homeless usually do not have efficient amounts of resources for them to use. Even though, there ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Persuasive Speech About Relationships Have you been cheated on? Is your partner having an affair with someone else? Well, if yes, then this book is definitely for you. They say change is the only constant thing in the world and that everything happens for a reason. We all know that nothing is perfect and life is as messy as your room. Same goes with relationships. Every relationship starts with flowers and hearts, experiences some bumpy and sticky roads along the way, and will either come to an end, or to a fruitful marriage. That s the scariest part of dating, and it is one of life s greatest mysteries. You will never know what will happen next... One of the most common things that barricades every couple s way to their possible future together is infidelity. If you re having the best partner around and suddenly, your system goes into turmoil when you ... Show more content on ... Then there will be utter devastation, feelings of hurt, confusion, and betrayal to deal with. On top of that, there are also many ribcage opening heart decisions to think and make about the future of your relationship Is it time to end the relationship? Or you just need some time to think? Maybe, you badly need counseling. First, let s talk about cheating. When one of you cheats, it just means that your relationship needs some minor repairs, or in other cases really serious repairs. It serves as a premonition, a stop light, a warning sign that something is wrong. It could be with you, with him/her, or with both of you. Now let s have a 30 day plan to help you cope after the affair. The healing process is an emotional one and takes some real work from both parties involved, not just with only you. The process of fixing and figuring things up and saving the relationship is really difficult and emotional like, really emotional for some people but it is not impossible to achieve, to give you out good ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Alleviation Of Poverty And The Complete Eradication Of... The alleviation of poverty and the complete eradication of financial constraints among most individuals are two important processes that strive towards the achievement of a better life. The inclusion of income security programs in the federal policies and programs of most governments is supposed to protect its citizens from impoverished situations once they grow older. This paper is a brief essay that discuses one income security program (CanadaPension Plan) that affects life in a day to day manner in specific focus to the country of Canada. The Canada Pension Plan is one of the income security programs set up by the government in order to assist its citizens to save for their future (Gros et al, 2013). As a college student living within the Canadian community, this program has numerous benefits to financial future. To begin with, the CPP allows individuals to make contributions early in life and then begin to receive monthly payments once individual touch the age of sixty. However, there are some factors that may influence the process of policy making for this income security program. One of the factors that affect CPP is the salary and remuneration one receives (Hemmeter, 2015). This is because the pension is deducted from the salary based on the earnings that one makes. According to Steve Hick, income security programs are mainly devised to save Canadians from unexpected economy circumstances that could arise and interrupt their lives (2013, p. 3). Historically, the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. A Brief History of Library Automation An automated library is one where a computer system is used to manage one or several of the library s key functions such as acquisitions, serials control, cataloging, circulation and the public access catalog. When exploring the history of library automation, it is possible to return to past centuries when visionaries well before the computer age created devices to assist with their book lending systems. Even as far back as 1588, the invention of the French Book Wheel allowed scholars to rotate between books by stepping on a pedal that turned a book table. Another interesting example was the Book Indicator , developed by Albert Cotgreave in 1863. It housed miniature books to represent books in the library s collection. The ... Show more content on ... ARPANET, a network established by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in 1969 brought into existence the use of e mail, telnet and ftp. By 1980, a sub net of ARPANET made MELVYL, the University of CaliforniaГs on line public access catalog, available on a national level. ARPANET, would become the prototype for other networks such as CSNET, BITNET, and EDUCOM. These networks have almost disappeared with the evolution of ARPANET to NSFNET which has become the present day Internet. During the 1970 s the inventions of the integrated computer chip and storage devices caused the use of minicomputers and microcomputers
  • 32. to grow substantially. The use of commercial systems for searching reference databases (such as DIALOG) began. BALLOTS (Bibliographical Automation of Large Library Operations) in the late 1970 s was one of the first and later became the foundation for RLIN (the Research Libraries Information Network). BALLOTS was designed to integrate closely with the technical processing functions of the library and contained four main files: (1)MARC records from LOC; (2) an in process file containing information on items in the processing stage; (3) a catalog data file containing an on line record for each item; and (4) a reference file. Further, it contained a wide search retrieval capability with the ability to search on truncated words, keywords, and LC ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Bystander Effect The Bystander Effect Everybody wants to be a hero and to change the world. To make it a better place and make a difference. So why then in the face of danger do we back down? Why do we just stand by as cruel things happen to good people. Science has coined this term as the bystander effect. The bystander effect is defined as, a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases in which individuals do not offer any means of help to a victim when other people are present. You can see this effect in full in the movie, The Hunger Games, as people just stand by and let the killing of innocent children happen year after year. Now this might seem like a crazy idea because in you mind if someone really needed help you would always help. This is not always the case though. In the book, No One Helped : Kitty Genovese, New York City, and the Myth of Urban Apathy, the author, Marcia Gallo, highlights the events that happened that lead to the understanding of the event known as the Bystander Effect. It was because of this event, that the term bystander effect was first used and brought to light not only to the scientific community but also to the public. March 27, 1964 Kitty Genovese ... Show more content on ... And more importantly, why does this happen. Well there are a number of different reasons that this the book, Bystander Apathy and the Territorial Imperative, A.R Gillis and John Hagan highlight the science behind the Bystander Effect. They highlight the finding that one of the reasons that people fail to get involved is the idea of disorganization; the idea that in high stimuli situations, such as city life, one s stress is increased and the need to blend in and not cause attention increases. Another reason that people fail to get involved is because they do not know the other people involved. It has been studied that if a friend was in trouble a person would feel socially accountable to help rather than with a ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Examples Of Being Extrovert Essay I am not famous, I am extroverted My friends in school think that I am just a normal with no life at all. However, outside of school, I have a whole different kind of personality which is being extroverted.I disagree with my friends in school that I have no life and have not many friends. In my friends perspective, being extroverted means being very famous and is the kind of person who stands out from the rest, but for me, it just means that I can relate to other people by having a kind heart and an open mind. The word extrovert came from the Latin word extro meaning extra and vertere meaning turn. Having said this, the real meaning of the word is if the person has an attitude of being friendly, sociable, and talkative. However, people who are extroverted have a different approach of the meaning. These people think that people should be famous to be extroverted. Being famous leads to having more friends. Having more friends means they have more social life and they feel that they belong with the cool people. These feeling cool people often ... Show more content on ... Our vice president told us that you should vote me as vice president. So that day, we voted him as VP. However, we already doubted his capability of leading the class because of his feeling cool attitude, rude, and boastful attitude. Having officers like this would not even lead us to nothing. He was a type of person that will just pass out the fault to other people. He says that its not my fault, it s the class fault. Obviously, this affects us because we did not do anything then he blames us. There was one time wherein almost every Chinese class, we would be noisy. When our class advisers knew about this, he would suspect the people who is very noisy all the time. However, these are the one that are noisy, even the officers are noisy. Sometimes, the officers or the leaders cannot admit that they did this because they are afraid to be impeached or ... Get more on ...
  • 35. California Open Meeting Law First, we have to understand what a meeting is considered, know what government offices are covered by open meeting laws then explain why it is open to the public. One of the California open meeting laws is the Bagley Keene Act it applies at the state government level; it includes state boards, state commissions and any other state offices that have to hold public meetings. Bagley Keene Act defines meetings as a congregation of the members of a state body at the same time to hear, discuss or deliberate. The Brown Act is the second open meetinglaw for California, this applies to the local government level, this would include; the cities, the counties, school districts, municipal corporations, special districts, and all the other local public... Show more content on ... The employees of the government offices are paid by the government hence the reason that I do not believe they are considered a business at the government level. The cities receive their revenue from companies, state and federal accounts. But, a lot is paid by the residents of the state, for example; property taxes, permits, parks and recreation, homeowners taxes, taxes from businesses, court fees and fines, utility companies and other outside franchises. City revenue can also take fees for some services like, amusement taxes, and hotel occupancy. Yes, a city can file bankruptcy. The city of Stockton in California filed bankruptcy, the question was can they go bankrupt without having to reduce the pensions of public workers. It is the largest city that filled and Detroit followed. When a municipality files bankruptcy the federal government has to approve or deny it. Municipalities file under Chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy code. This is not a common occurrence. The process varies from state to state. In some states, the city goes into state receivership rather than actually filing. The most common reason is unaffordable union ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Stargirl Character Analysis There s a lot of people who are conforming and few people who are individual. Stargirl written by Jerry Spinelli is the book that is about an individual girl and other conforming students. The main character of this book is a girl who names Stargirl. She is a new student at the Mika high school and she is known as a strange girl because she always wears weird outfits and she does not behave as other students. Spinelli uses characterization and conflict of Stargirlto demonstrate that stay in an individual is good for people who don t want to disturb by others and to force someone to conform would disturb their life. In Stargirl, Spinelli uses characterization of Stargirl to show people should stay individual if they want to do whatever they want. In the beginning of this book, Spinelli describes Stargirl s appearance such as clothes that she wears. Spinelli describes her clothes as: Several times in those early weeks of September, she [showed] up in something outrageous. A 1920s flapperdress. An Indian buckskin. A kimono (20). This description of her clothes shows that they are not appropriate for school. Spinelli uses the word outrageous and the specific types of her clothes such as kimono to describe how her clothes are weird. Here, Spinelli shows her individuality because no one would wear traditional clothes for another country or dress to school unless there is some kind of event. On the other hand, in the middle of this story, Spinelli starts to show her ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Edgar Degas Research Paper Outline Hilaire German Edgar Degas was born in Paris, France on July 19, 1834. He was the son of Auguste de Gas, a banker, and Celestine Musson de Gas, an American from New Orleans. Edgar was the oldest of the five children Auguste and Celestine had. Their family was members of the middle class, however, for many years their familyspelled their name de Gas which thanks to the preposition de suggested that their family was from a land owning aristocratic background. It wasn t until 1870 that Edgar changed his name to the less aristocratic sounding Degas. You could say that Edgar Degas was born with artistic blood running through his veins after all his mother, Celestine, was an amateur opera singer and his father, Auguste, would arrange for ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Whether or Not Quotas for Job Applicant Selection Are a... In this essay I will consider whether or not quotas for job applicant selection are a solution to racial inequality in the United States of America. In considering this subject I will rely on In Defense of Quotas by James Rachels who argues that the use of Quotas is justifiable in certain circumstances. First I will qualify my use of the word race and clarify what I mean when I reference racial equality. Then I will present an argument that quotas will not work as the sole solution to racial inequality. After this I will support a premise for my main argument which is that not all of the races are equivalently qualified for potentially equivalent jobs. After this I will consider a possible objection to my argument which is that quotas... Show more content on ... Thus it seems that as Rachels presents them, quotas, although justifiable, most likely would not solve the inequality of wealth between different groups of people unless groups are equally qualified for jobs. If this is true, then, although quotas could do some good, they would not make our current system drastically less biased towards the preference of peoples from majority races. It seems to be the case that racial groups are not equally qualified for jobs, because further education is a major qualification for a job and it is not currently the case that different racial groups are equally prepared for further education after high school. According to a study by Rachel E. Durham and the Baltimore Education Research Consortium The average person with a bachelor s degree earns almost twice as much as a high school graduate and nearly triple that of someone who did not finish high school. The unemployment rate for people with bachelor s degrees is about one third that for non high school graduates and one half that of high school graduates (Durham). Therefore, it seems to be the case that if someone is accepted into a college, can pay for college, and can pass all of their college classes, then, in most cases, that person has, or will have a college degree and therefore a major qualification for a job. This major qualification for a job can allow its recipient to have access higher paying jobs and to have a lower rate of ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Lord Of The Flies By William Golding Naz Usman Lord of the Flies William Golding Summer Essay In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, one of the scenes that I think is central to the development of the story is when Ralph and Piggy discover the conch shell on the beach and use it to summon the boys together after the crash. This scene has great importance to the plot of the story considering it was the first time the boys held a meeting and discussed their situation. They came up with a system that would eliminate chaos. For example, in their very first meeting, they voted on a chief, choosing Ralph over Jack because he was the one with the conch. This proves that the boys seem to think that power, responsibility, and leadership skills come from the conch. In reference ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Essay The Thought Process of Shakespeare s Hamlet The Thought Process of Shakespeare s Hamlet If Hamlet from himself be ta en away, And when he s not himself does wrong Laertes, Then Hamlet does it not, Hamlet denies it. Who does it then? His madness. If t be so, Hamlet is of the faction that is wrong d; His madness is poor Hamlet s enemy. (V.ii.230 235) Hamlet s self description in his apology to Laertes, delivered in the appropriately distanced and divided third person, explicitly fingers the greatest antagonist of the play‹consciousness. The obligatory cultural baggage that comes along with Hamlet heeds little attention to the incestuous Claudius while focusing entirely on the gloomy Dane s legendary melancholia and his resulting revenge delays. As Laurence ... Show more content on ... The chief definition of thought revolves around the basic concept of the mental process: The action or process of thinking; mental action or activity in general, esp. that of the intellect; exercise of the mental faculty; formation and arrangement of ideas in the mind (OED, 1a). A further subset of definitions can be catalogued into a Manichean vision of positives and negatives and which equally apply to Hamlet s central consideration of consciousness as a blessing or a curse. There is a stress on thought s potentiality which fits with Hamlet s obsession with the infinitude of man: Conception, imagination, fancy (OED, 4c). But following this comes the negative view of thought as quasi action, a direct link to Hamlet s stall tactics: The entertaining of some project in the mind; the idea or notion of doing something, as contemplated or entertained in the mind; hence, intention, purpose, design; esp. an imperfect or half formed intention; with negative expressed or implied = not the least intention or notion of doing something (OED, 4d). Similarly, the past neutral sense of Remembrance, Е’mind (OED, 5e) is countered by the negative anticipatory connotation of: Anxiety or distress of mind; solicitude; grief, sorrow, trouble, care, vexation (OED, 5a). This current of duality is important to keep in mind as we explore its ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Emily s Monologue One day, Emily, a senior in high school, was walking to class and she saw her friends beating up a girl. Emily asked them why they were treating the girl in that manner. After they left, Emily went up to the girl and asked, Are you okay? What s your name? I m okay. My name is Passion, what s yours? Hello, Passion, I m Emily, welcome to Ridgewood! Thanks for interjecting; you re the first person to actually speak to me! Everyone else has ignored me today. Possibly because I am bald and they know that I have cancer, stated Passion. Wow, they certainly didn t display good citizenship! You can come join me at lunch if you want. I would like that very much! Emily learned that they had similar interests such as biology and chemistry. ... Show more content on ... Passion was overwhelmed by Emily s generosity and she broke into tears. What s wrong? I thought you would be ecstatic! asked Emily. You re such a good person! I just feel a little bit uncomfortable accepting all of your kind heartedness, sobbed Passion. One of the most important things that I have learned in life is to know when to accept help when I need it. Life can be very difficult if you carry all of its burdens without having someone to confide in, Emily said softly. I guess you are right! mumbled Passion. Then you agree to let me help you raise money to help your family with this financial burden, right? whispered Emily. Thank you, Emily, and yes, my family and I would greatly appreciate any financial assistance. My treatment is expensive and my parents do not have any insurance coverage. Emily went home and shared her idea with her parents. She recruited their help to get donations and to organize a bake sale. The bake sale was held the next week at Ridgewood High School and 7,500 dollars was raised. Emily could not believe how much Passion had positively impacted her life. I guess you could say that Emily had found her true passion in life, which was helping ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Earth System Research Paper EASC 2112 Earth System The lively Earth: important features make the Earth unique Name: Leung Ho Nam, Banson UID: 2011712579 Introduction: The Earth is one of the eight planets in the solar system. The planet Earth is emphasized as the rare Earth in numerous literatures because of its unique physical conditions and the complicated interactions among all biotic and abiotic systems. Isotope dating indicates the earth was formed approximately from 4.53 to 4.568 Ga, according to isotope used (AllГЁgre et. al., 1995). Despite the precise formation time of the Earth, there is no exact planet formation model that is generally accepted except the minimum mass solar nebula model, MMSN (Canup, 2008). The MMSN model suggested the... Show more content on ... Studies from Karato (1993) implies the magnetic field may relate to the magnetizing properties of iron. No matter how the Earth s magnetic field was formed, it prevents the atmosphere being stripped away by the solar wind (Staff, 2010). Atmosphere: The atmosphere is the outermost, thin layer enclosing the Earth. The composition of the atmosphere for example, oxygen, is imperative to the evolution of the Earth. The atmosphere of the Earth is comparable to the nearby terrestrial planet such as Mars and Venus. Given that the average distance and the size of Venus from the sun is 3/4 and 4/5 of the Earth, Venus has an atmosphere (Adams, 1934). Spectroscopic studies indicate that the atmosphere of Venus does not show any markings representing the presence of oxygen and water vapour, even if these elements, once, had been appearing on Venus, they were consumed by the crust. Another result in the same spectroscopic concluded that the Venus atmosphere contains a high concentration of carbon dioxide, triggering a sever greenhouse effect (Adams, 1934). In addition to Venus, the Mars with only one tenth by the mass of the Earth also has an atmosphere. Spectrograms studies raised significant markings on О»8300 and О»8700 recognizes the appearance of water and carbon dioxide respectively on the Mars atmosphere(Kaplan et. al., 1964). The presence of water on Mars is obvious with the ice cap present in the polar region of Mars (Adams, 1934). Not ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Asian American Stereotypes Essay Pertaining to Tracy Lai s article titled, Asian American Women , Lai discusses how stereotypes dehumanize people while turning them into objects to be manipulated. Lai touches on the topic of how Asian people and cultures are stereotyped as being inferior and exotic. The problem that Lai brings to our attention is that it is a struggle to be an Asian in America due to the fact that Asians have been denied political, economic and social equality in America. Lai also brings to our attention the die hard myth that Asians have made it in America, which is far from the truth. I sense that Lai s argument is extremely effective due to the fact that stereotypes are not only seen among Asians, they are also seen in many other cultures and ... Show more content on ... I have also noticed that there are very few Asian politicians, as well as very few women politicians, within our culture. I do not know if this problem stems from Asian Americans not having a historical/authoritative figure like Dr. Martin Luther King representing African Americans, and Susan B. Anthonyrepresenting woman s rights to vote. However, I do know that Asians do not receive the same types of opportunities as others because they have been stereotyped for so long as being inferior. In addition, I feel that the reason why Asians may be seen as inferior individuals is because they were one of the last cultures to start a movement for equality that was inspired by other ethnic cultures. Because of this somewhat late movement, our culture has not been able to adapt to this change, like our culture has not adapted to women being paid the same as men. Lai brought to my attention that Asians are claimed to value education more than other minorities and Asians are said to have special intellectual affinities for math and science. Lai proceeded to raise the point that this is a racist rationale because this is implying that other cultures are not able to succeed in this type of area. For instance, I can relate to this statement because African American s are said to be dominate in athletics, and they are also believed to have a higher vertical leap than others. I was offended when I heard this because I received a scholarship to ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Four Leadership Theories Introduction I have just been appointed to organise a small team in a large corporate organisation. As I am new to this role I have been provided with the assistance of a mentor. TASK 1 In the first meeting I realised that to have a useful discussion with the mentor I should study the concepts and theories related to management and leadership so I can properly make the notes that would help in proper discussion with the mentor. For this reason I studied different articles and make notes that consist of: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPTS OF LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT In this report I will discuss the four leadership theories that include leader member exchange theory, path goal theory, transactional transformational theory and the full range leadership theory. (UK essays. November 2013) we start the report by discussing the leader member exchange theory. Leader Member Exchange Theory, also called LMX or Vertical Dyad Linkage Theory, explains how leaders in groups maintain their position through a series of tacit exchange agreements with their members . In this theory there are 3 qualities of the leader follower collaborations were analyzed by the LMX such as locus of control, need for power, and self esteem. The extent to which a person has control over his life and environment is locus of control. A person who think they are responsible for all their activities are the persons with the internal locus of control. These people are usually the people who show more satisfaction ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Compare And Contrast Renaissance And Humanism Renaissance, which means rebirth in French, might be defined as the awakening of art, literature, architecture and learning in Europe between fourteenth and mid sixteenth centuries through the contribution of classical sources. Despite the fact that it was originated in Italy, it started to spread throughout Europe and contributed to the transition from the Medieval Age to the modern one. Proponents of this movement emphatically connected themselves with the values of classical antiquity, especially as seen in the recently rediscovered works of art of writing and history. Additionally, they had a tendency to separate themselves from works written in the Middle Ages, a historical period they looked upon rather negatively. According to them, the Middle Ages were set in the center of two significantly profitable periods. In the same way, Humanism, which has an ideal of placing human beings at the center of the universe rather than God, was the major intellectual movement of the Renaissanceand then it became the dominant sophisticated movement in Europe in the 16th century. Supporters of this movement asserted that humanistic studies, comprising of the examination and imitation of the established culture of Ancient Rome and... Show more content on ... As mentioned by Wilde, one of the most significant changes that occurred during the Renaissance was the evolution of Renaissance humanism as a method of thinking. During this period, people actually started to think differently and change how they thought about humanity, art, science and other fields. Therefore, due to their spread throughout the Europe with the cultural aspects by affecting painting, literature and science, Renaissance and Humanism had several influences on the people in terms of enhancing the way people look at the ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Globalization, Glt1, Task 1 Essays Globalization Western Governors University Globalization refers to the development of an integrated world economy, exchange of cultural views, thoughts, and products (Wikipedia, 2013). Pologeorgis (2012) states that, essentially globalization began with the exploration and settlement of new lands. Communication and transportation advances have aided in this process. Two non Western countries that have been impacted by globalization are India and China. India opened its doors to globalization during the nineteen nineties following an economic crisis in which the country almost defaulted on loans (Balakrishnan, n.d.). Before globalization India purposely isolated itself from world markets and was in a state of... Show more content on ... Western culture has had an impact on traditional Chinese society. The West s impact can be seen in the advertisement of Western products, acceptance of Western business, and change of thought to accept Western ideals. Examples of this include the prevalence of foreign companies in the country like McDonalds, Nike, and Marriott. A change in ideals was expressed by Jaffe (2012) who wrote that while living in China she noticed that foreign advertisements often featured Western models. Curious about this she asked her Chinese friends about it. They explained that by Chinese standards big eyes, fair skin, and a pronounced nose was thought to be beautiful. Western influence in China seems to only be influencing major cities with villages only being influenced by globalization when it is forced upon them like it was during the 2008 Olympics when one town was displaced so that Olympic facilities could be built (Ames, n.d.). Some would also suggest that the influence of Western media through the use of the internet, or American media had led to a loss of their traditional language as the people begin to speak chi English (Chang, n.d.). From all of this is plain to see that globalization can have positive and negative effects upon a society, but a country that refuses to open its doors to the world face economic stagnation and poverty for its people. Those ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Charles Dutoit Research Paper er Charles Dutoit is one of todays most sought after conductors, having performed with all of the major orchestras on most stages of the five continents. Violinist Simone Porter has been recognized as an emerging artist of impassioned energy, musical integrity and vibrant sound. Overture to the creature of prometheus, Op. 43 Ludwig Van Beethoven The Prometheus overture is extremely concise (it lasts barely five minutes to my surprise) and powerful; it is easy to understand why this music was performed so frequently. Massive chord open the slow introduction, which leads without pause into allegro motto con brio. As that marking suggests, this goes at a blistering pace, introduced quietly by a moto perpetuo theme in the first violins. Woodwinds ... Get more on ...