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Class Observation Essay
Crafting a Class Observation Essay can be a challenging task that demands a keen eye for detail,
adept observational skills, and the ability to articulate your insights effectively. The difficulty
arises not just from the necessity to accurately capture the classroom environment but also to
interpret and analyze the various elements at play.
To begin with, observing a class requires focused attention and a deep understanding of the
educational context. You need to pay close attention to the dynamics between the teacher and
students, instructional methods employed, class atmosphere, and the overall learning
environment. Juggling these elements and discerning their significance can be demanding, as it
involves not just witnessing but interpreting and reflecting on what unfolds before you.
Additionally, translating your observations into a coherent and engaging essay poses its own set
of challenges. Balancing descriptive details with insightful analysis requires a careful choice of
words and an understanding of the larger educational framework. Conveying the essence of the
observed class while maintaining an objective and analytical tone is a delicate act.
Moreover, an effective Class Observation Essay should go beyond mere narration. It should
delve into the implications of observed teaching methods, their impact on student engagement
and comprehension, and perhaps even touch upon broader educational theories. This requires a
solid grasp of educational concepts and the ability to synthesize your observations into
meaningful insights.
In conclusion, writing a Class Observation Essay demands not only keen observational skills but
also the ability to articulate your observations in a meaningful and insightful manner. It is a task
that necessitates a careful balance between objective description and subjective analysis, making
it a challenge that requires both attention to detail and a broader understanding of educational
If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with various types of
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Class Observation Essay Class Observation Essay
Character Analysis Of Midaq Alley
The novel, Midaq Alley, written by Naguib Mahfouz, tells the story of various
characters living in a poor alley in Egypt during World War I. Of all the people in
Midaq Alley, Hamida is the one who lusts most for an escape from tradition and
poverty. She despises her traditional culture, and longs for a life free from the
social and cultural constraints that fall upon her. Hamida is introduced as a strong
character; however, the temptation of modernization guides her towards a more
enticing lifestyle. Hamida s character portrays how easy it is for one to abandon
their culture, traditions and values.It also portrays change in all aspects of
Egyptian life, including religion, wealth and traditions. The description Mahfouz
gives of Hamida makes her out to be the most beautiful girl in the alley.
Immediately, her beauty captures the reader s attention, and causes her to stand out
in the novel. In fact, her beauty created chaos among the men in the alley, and is
conveyed in the line she was constantly beset by a desire to fight and conquer...this
she showed in her pleasure in attracting men [Mahfouz, 39]. In the third chapter of
the novel, Hamida was described as a beautiful, shapely, dark eyed girl in her
twenties, who longs for fine clothes and a rich husband. Hamida is described as
having long, black hair that is near her knees. Her beauty not... Show more content on ...
For instance, in the line On her head she wore a white silk turban, under which her
oiled and scented hair curled appealingly , the silk turban shows her wealth as silk
is something that people with money can wear. Before her gain of wealth, she
wore shabby clothing and was said to have not washed her hair for two months.
Hamida s character portrays the lack of respect for religion nowadays. Her death, at
the hands of the soldier, conveys what could happen to a woman who tries to go
against what society believes is expected from a woman in their
Essay on Indigenous Religions of the World
Indigenous religions exist in every climate around the world and exhibit a wide range
of differences in their stories, language, customs, and views of the afterlife. Within
indigenous communities, religion, social behavior, art, and music are so intertwined
that their religion is a significant part of their cultureand virtually inseparable from
it. These religions originally developed and thrived in isolation from one another
and are some of the earliest examples of religious practice and belief. The modern
world; however, has taken its toll on these groups and many of their stories, customs,
and beliefs have been lost to, or replaced by, those brought in as a result of popular
culture and the missionary work of Christians and Muslims.... Show more content on ...
For those languages which have no written form, when the language dies off, so
does the accumulated knowledge and history of the culture. Sadly, indigenous
languages around the world are dying off at an alarming rate. It is estimated that
nearly half of the languages spoken today are likely to die off within the next century
if steps are not taken to preserve those which still exist.
Recently, researchers working on a project geared toward the cataloging of basic
word lists of the endangered aboriginal tongues in Australia, met the sole living
speaker of Amurdag, a language in the Northern Territory that has already been
declared extinct (Wilford, John Noble). It is doubtful that the language can be
brought back, as the speaker strained to recall words he had last heard from his late
father (Wilford, John Noble) but researchers were at least able to make a record of it.
In addition to the loss of culture and language for indigenous people, they are also
experiencing the loss of their traditional lands and native environment. For indigenous
people, much personal and group meaning comes from the natural environment and
as a result, their religious practices are deeply rooted in the environment in which
they live. When the environment that they rely on is taken away for development,
both their cultural and religious identity suffers.
Very few places exist today in which indigenous people can live
Essay on The Atomic Cafe
The Atomic Cafe The Atomic Cafe is a 1982 documentary film compiled of clips
from government propaganda, training films, news stories, advertisements and other
media from the 1940 s through the 1950 s. Many films were prepared by the U.S.
government either for the military or for its citizens to view. The form of Atomic
Cafe was unique for documentaries. It was produced entirely of different film
sources edited together, without narration. The film made its points solely through
the selection and order of the clips included in the documentary. The purpose of the
film was to show the American people of the 1980 s exactly how the government
distributed propaganda and deceived the American citizens of the 1950 s. Atomic
Cafe is a... Show more content on ...
The government knew that such actions and the Duck and Cover methods
recommended in schools would, in fact, provide absolutely no protection against
exposure to fallout. The government also promoted building a fallout shelter,
stocked with supplies of canned goods, as a way to survive atomic war. This was
only a partial truth, since a shelter could protect from radiation, but not from fire
storms. The filmmakers main ideas are that the government misled and lied to the
people of the U.S. so that they would believe that the atomic bomb would have no
effect on their health and security, that we should question if the government should
have lied to the American people, and to make us question whether or not the
citizens of the U.S. would continue to be as naive as the people of the 1950 s. I do
mostly agree with the filmmakers thesis. It is obvious that the government was lying
and misleading the people of the U.S. regarding the ability to survive nuclear war. I
don t think that it was entirely right that the government lied to the U.S. people. I don
t believe it was the government s place or choice to withhold such important
information. Citizens have a right to know, but in cases, it s better for them to not
know to prevent riots and episodes of mass hysteria. If the citizens had known all the
facts about the horrible consequences of a nuclear war, there might have been more
opposition to the continuing
Essay On Group Bullying
Why do we hurt other people? Throughout history there has always been incidences
of violence towards other people. Someone can hurt another person unintentionally
or to get a message across, but the reasons why can become a long list depending on
the situation. From war to bullying, hate crimes, genocide the list of how people can
hurt others goes on. More specifically, group bullyingis a common phenomenon
people are more familiar with, hence there are many movies and books based on
bullying. Additionally, bullying or group bullying is a more day to day reoccurring
problem that individuals partake in, to which there are many possibilities why
individuals join in on group violence with bullying. I believe the reasons I am
going to state are not the only reasons, but are crucial to consider. Individuals join in
on group bullying for typically conforming to peers as gaining power is of interest to
the bullies while there is an issue of bullies not understanding their own behavior.
A factor that leads individuals to connect with others in group bullying is conformity
or the peer pressure to be included with the group bullies, which further induces
violent acts against victims. Conformity is when someone is influenced by another
person, thus the person being influenced changes their behavior to fit in with the
group. From a social psychological perspective, conformity in group bullying can be
explained by normative social influence and social impact theory (Aronson et al. 238).
Pronouns And Antecedent
Student Edition Level 2, Unit 1 Lesson: Pronouns and Antecedents Learning Target
Ensure that pronouns agree with and clearly refer to their antecedents. Pronoun
Antecedent Agreement Pronouns are words that refer to persons, places, ideas, and
things. They take the place of nouns or other pronouns or refer to people, places,
things, and ideas. The words they take the place of or refer to are called the
pronouns antecedents. Pronouns should agree with (have the same gender and
number as) their antecedents. Pronouns can be masculine (and refer to male persons
or animals), feminine (and refer to female persons or animals), or neuter (and refer
to things or to people or animals of unspecified gender). Every boy should have his
pencil and notebook. [The pronoun his refers to the... Show more content on ...
[The pronoun her refers to the antecedent girl. Both the pronoun and its antecedent
are singular and feminine, so they agree.] All students should have their pencils
and notebooks. [The pronoun their refers to the antecedent students. Both the
pronoun and its antecedent are plural and neuter, so they agree.] Clear Reference
Make sure that it is clear whom or what a pronoun refers to. Sometimes you will
need to rewrite a sentence to make the sentence clear. Unclear: After Lorna talked
with Ms. Garza, she became worried. [Who became worried?] Clear: Ms. Garza
became worried after Lorna talked to her. Unclear: They haven t finished painting
the house or pouring the cement. Will the rain ruin it? Clear: They haven t finished
painting the house or pouring the cement slab. Will the rain ruin the paint or the
slab? Check Your Understanding For each of the following sentences, fill in the
blank with a correct pronoun form EXAMPLE: I am looking for Chen and Violet.
Have you seen _them_______ ? 1. All of the teachers should bring
_____________________ calendars to the
Zinc s Role In The Body
Zinc is a mineral that plays major roles in the body. For instance, it plays a role in
the anabolism of proteins as well of the development of proteins. In addition, it
affects cell division and gene expression. Zinc is also needed in reproductive and
immune system (Fink and Heitner 2014). There are individuals that do not have an
adequate amount of zincin their everyday diets and doctors recommend that they take
over the counter supplements to prevent serious health problems.
The body has a certain amount of zinc in the bloodstream, which helps the body to be
healthy and to function properly. According to the National Institute of Health
(2011), the amount of zinc one needs depends on age and gender. As one gets older
the amount of zinc one
Marshall Mcluhan s Theory Of The Media And
Marshall McLuhan was a media and communication theorist and is considered the
first leading prophet of the electronic age but he was also the most controversial
and most talked about contemporary intellectuals. , he coined the phrase Medium
is the Message also know as Medium Theory. He was explaining the way in which
we absorb information from media, and how it isn t the information that affects us
but the way we absorb it. McLuhan said Indeed, it is only too typical that the
content of any medium blinds us to the character of the medium Medium Theory is
his most famous piece of work, Medium Theory was introduced in his 1964 book,
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man . Which soon became known as the
bible of media studies. It is defined as the name assigned to a variety of approaches
used to examine how the means of expression of human communication impact the
meaning(s) of human... Show more content on ...
The three main categories are medium as a vessel, medium as a language and
medium as a environment. Medium as a vessel refers to the idea That media are
more or less neutral containers for content . With reference to television, it doesn t
matter what the focus of the information presented is but rather that the television
brings across all information unbiased in the same demeanour. Medium as a language
reflect exactly what it sounds like, different mediums will express themselves in
different ways, with different slang or grammar to define the genre. With printed
mediums this could reflect in the format of the piece, the way in which something in
written and even font choice. The final category is medium as an environment, the
idea is derived from the concept that media has the ability to create and directly
influence our personal and individual experience within a mass population whether or
not we realise
The Kindness Experiment
Throughout the week of January 9 13, Mrs. Thompson s Language Arts classes
conducted a Kindness Experiment. Students were asked to complete kind gestures
and encourage recipients to pay them forward. This task created a kindness chain
that is still going on today. Students and teachers are passing the torch of kindness
and doing amazing things. This proves that kindness is contagious! No act of
kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Aesop. Kindness is a very
important thing. If no one is kind, everyone is hostile, brief, angry, and there would
be no happiness in the world. The people who try their hardest to be the absolute
kindest that they can keep society functioning. If you do something small for
someone, it can change their mindset for the entire day. On a freezing night, Julio
Diaz was mugged on a subway station platform. But decided to help his mugger to
make the world a better place. I figure, you know, if you treat people right,... Show
more content on ...
It saddened her to know that no one would be there to see this woman off to
whatever comes after death, so she asked everyone over social media to attend her
funeral to make the occasion a little less somber. That s exactly what happened.
Over thirty people came to her funeral. [but] my heart felt good that she wasn t
alone. Said one of the people Francine knew at her assisted living home which she
had lived at for over ten years. Last year, as I was walking to the checkout counter
at the local Seven Eleven with my brother, the man in front of us checked out and
walked out of the store. The man who just left paid for you guys. The cashier told
us as we placed everything we were going to purchase on the counter. We still do not
know why this man decided to do this, but we were stunned. We never even had a
chance to thank him for what he
The Welfare System
Changes within the welfare system as a result of policy shifts and by new thinking,
more generally in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD), have had many methods, but the one that seemed most important, was that
welfare recipients were required to do much more to justify their income support
payments than before. The foundation of this new idea is that income support
programs should allow individuals to maximise their participation in work. Due to the
general shift in welfareadministration, the number of activity test requirements an
individual in Australia must meet in order to receive unemployment benefits, has
expanded significantly since the early 1990s. This complex, overly bureaucratic
process means that disadvantaged individuals cannot access the income support
payments they require.
Within the collaborative research project by the Brotherhood of St Laurence, St
Vincent de Paul Society, and The Centre for Public Policy, University of
Melbourne, Much obliged: Disadvantaged job seekers experiences of the mutual
obligation regime , a series of interviews with disadvantaged individuals were
conducted. These people were considered extremely disadvantaged in the labour
market, have been on benefits for an average of two and a half years and many had a
history of homelessness, mental health issues and/or drug use. This research project
found that many of them spoke about their desire to find work, and the
demoralisation associated with
What Does It Mean To Be An Adult
What does it mean to be an adult in society today? Does it mean you have lived a
certain number of years and no matter what choices you have made in that time
span you are automatically considered an adult? Or is it based off your experiences
within that span of time? A persons circumstances give a better understanding of his
maturity level as opposed to looking solely at his or her age. In society today once
you reach the ageof eighteen or in some areas twenty one, you are considered an
adult and are bestowed with all the opportunities and responsibilities that come with
this. Such as being able to purchase tobacco products, having to register for selective
service agreement, no longer having to abide by a curfew, and if you are in high...
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Technically, turning eighteen makes you legally an adult according to the
government of the Unites States of America. However, when you analyze this term,
there is so much more to it than that. Being an adult means you are able to support
yourself not just financially, but also bodily and spiritually. What does it meanto
support yourself physically though? Supporting yourself physically means you are
able to take care of yourself on a day to day basis from a hygienic point of view.
You bathe regularly, know how to wash clothes, clean up after yourself, are able to
prepare food for yourself, and other tasks such as that. Since coming to college I
have realized that it is necessary to know how to care for myself on a day to day
basis because there is no one here to remind me to do it. Also, my appearance is a
direct reflection of myself and my character. If I walk around smelling bad and
appearing disheveled that reflects poorly on me because it appears that I do not
know how to properly care for myself. That would reflect poorly on my character
and would in turn hurt me financially. I would not be able to get a job because I
would not appear qualified. Most adults know how to do the bare minimum at the
least, as this can have an effect on the other two aspects of taking care of yourself.
Personally, having a religious connection is important to me. It is not important to
everyone, however to some it is the backbone of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr s words on April 3, 1968 at Mason Temple in Memphis
Tennessee speaks through the ages and still grips me with an eerie feeling of
prophetic conviction. King s stirring words that night were classical pieces of
rhetoric that will be preserved as a place mark for the civil rights movement. When
a sick, but yet powerful King bellowed out to the audience I may not get there with
you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promise
land! ; he was eerily suggesting that his life may possibly be ending soon but the
movement continuing. This part of the speech is moving but yet stirring, and to
many of the people in attendance that night, disturbing. Here is this iconic figure
telling a packed congregation of weary, yet persistent people that he may not make
the journey into the land that produces a brighter day and better opportunities. This
likens to the biblical story of Moses. After leading the Children of Israel out of
bondage for so long and tirelessly working to get them to the land of Canaan Moses
is told by God that he will not be the one to lead them into the land flowing with
milk and honey and that he will not enter therein at all. It is unnerving to think that
Martin knew that his time was at hand. That he had led his people as far as he could
lead them. The melancholy mood brought on by the thought of King s premature
death turns into an emotional cry of self assurance but also a dramatic exhale and a
Project Proposal For An Implementation Of Mobile...
n the MSc report always use third person writing the only exception is the
Academic declaration section which should be in the first person. Type should be
11 pt for all text, 14pt for chapter titles and 12pt for section and subsection titles. In
the title page you should use 16 pt for the title of the project, 14 pt for the author s
name and 12 pt for affiliations.
This project proposal is a specification and plan for an implementation of mobile
application keywords contextual targeting. The functionality of mobile
implementation will live up to several basic requirements regard to Search Engine
Optimisation, Information Retrieval and mobile application, in an effort to develop a
manual keywords phrases clusters. I ... Show more content on ...
Information Retrieval view8
3.1 Unigram model8
3.2 Applying methodology to Unigram model8
4. Mobile application10
4.1 User Journey 10
4.2 Technical 10
5. Conclusion11
5.1 Objectives11
5.2 Schedule11
Appendix A11
1. Introduction
One of the ranking factors is how relevant can be your content which represents
your web page according to Google and Bing Page Rank functions. The basic
Search Engine techniques for the content, that can be HTML code. Most of the
web pages might not use an appropriate structure of HTML code [Extra 15], so
when a user search a query those web sites can not show as a results on Google.
Because the keywords can not occur in URL and meta tags, the web site is not a
result. It can be part of the results for specific keywords if the web site content has
the query s keywords. Furthermore, the editor of the web page has to add new
keywords or phrases on web page, for optimizing the web site position on search
engine results page. Additionally, mobile applications are tend to using for search, so
I will build a mobile application which provide keywords idea based on specific
Search Engine techniques and Information Retrieval algorithm.
1.1 Aim
The aim of this project is a mobile application that will be helpful for checking
Search Engine techniques (HTML code) and given new keywords ideas to add
phrases or keywords on your web page. My aims are shown below:
To develop a mobile application which will
The State Of Public Schools Essay
In Kansas, the dispute between the branches for power began when the judiciary
noticed the disparity in the funding of Kansas school education. The Kansas
judiciary came to the conclusion that the disparity in funding was a violation of
Kansas constitution. In an effort to fix this, the Kansas judiciary ordered the
legislative to make a solution. However, rather than addressing the school funding
issue, the Kansas legislative branch passed a law that removed the Supreme Courts
right to appoint local chief judges and the ability to set district court budgets. Then,
the Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, who is in the executive branch, signed a law
that would remove the funding of the judicial branch if the Kansas Supreme Court
ruled against him in the court case concerning the funding of public schools. The
actions of both the legislative and executive branch of Kansas government disregard
the system of checks and balances because the judicial branch is being punished for
doing their job. Therefore, judicial reviewis vital for a judge in maintaining a
consistent balance of power in the government.
In 1789, the Constitution of the United States of America was created and serves as
the law of the land. In the Constitution, there was an establishment of the different
branches of government: the legislative, executive, and the judiciary. In each branch,
there are jurisdictional rights that is given and serves as a guideline for the branches
to adhere to. For the judicial
Summary Of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
The client had a troubled childhood growing up in Los Angeles California. He grew
up poor, eating out of trash cans, moving from hotel to hotel. After his parent s
divorce, his father abandoned the family for several years. This has caused the client
to feel abandoned and worthless. The Japanese community did not accept John
because I was of mixed race, which also made the client feel worthless and unwanted.
The client did not have many friends in his neighborhood because I was different in
appearance compared to the other kids in the community. The client felt like an
outcast and would keep to himself. In high school, the client reconnected with his
father and moved into his home. The client reported, I would lay in the bed for days,
... Show more content on ...
The client has difficulties with interpersonal skills because of his past negative
experiences growing up. The client tends to perceive other individual s body
language or comments as negative and an attack on the client causing him to get
angry and anxious because of his past experiences in his childhood. When the client is
asked about how he knows the intentions of others, the client states that I can tell.
However, the client cannot give any details that prove it was the individual s true
intentions. For example When I come downstairs, my roommate stairs at me like I
am not supposed to be downstairs. Due to past experiences, the client holds these
faulty beliefs that may not hold true today. The actions of others that the client
perceives as negative brings the client the feelings from childhood of being an
outcast, worthless, hopeless, and unwanted. When these feelings occur, the client self
medicates with cannabis as a coping strategy. The client s faulty thinking causes him
significant harm to his relationships with family, housemates, and church. Rational
Emotive Behavior Therapy will be used to show the client that the event does not
cause his depression, anger, and anxiety but his beliefs about the event causes his
depression, anger, and
Analysis Of El Buen Pastor By Luis Jimenez
Luis Jimenez s piece titled El Buen Pastor (The Good Shepherd) from the Winthrop
Rockefeller Gallery represents the react against the seminal post war American
movement. The works of art were chosen by a Contemporary and Modern collection
created during the past century. The commonality amongst the works of artthat lead
to them being displayed together was the abstract expressionism; all the paintings
reacted against the seminal post war American movement. This piece was made in
1998 as a depiction of the murder of Esequiel of Redford, Texas while he tended
his goats. The piece s present location is the Arkansas Arts Center, and its original
location is the Lawrence Lithography Workshop in Saint Louis, Missouri. The
piece is water color and crayon on paper, and it can only be seen from one side by
looking up because it is hanging on the wall. The subject of the work of art by
JimГ©nez is a young mantending his goats who was shot by assassins because they
thought he was a drug smuggler. This work of art was made in 1998 in Saint
Louis, Missouri for Esequiel Hernandez. This painting was not a copy, it was
originally made. The art was made after similar works. The technique used was
lithograph (water color) and crayon on paper. The painting was a pretty nice size,
more on the bigger side. Luis Jimenez is the artist of El Buen Pastor (The Good
Shepherd). He is an American born in El Paso Texas in 1940 and died in 2006 in
Hondo, New Mexico. He created this work of art in
Bagel Bread
Bagel Bread is the bread that comes from Canada. This bread similiar to donuts, but
slightly different. Want to know the difference ? Try make it and feel the difference
by following How To Make Bagel Bread below.
Bagel Bread Ingredients :
500 grams of high protein refined flour
1 1/2 liters of water
350 mililiters of warm water
2 teaspoons instant yeast
1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon cooking oil
Salt to taste
How To Make Bagel Bread:
1. Mix water and baking soda, boiled until boiling, then set aside.
2. Mix flour, instant yeast, sugar, cooking oil and warm water. Stir until all
ingredients are well blended. Then add salt, stir well.
3. Put dough on a marble table that has
Hockey Violence Essay
Ice in our Blood and Blood on our Ice
Ice in our Blood and Blood on our Ice
I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out. Rodney Dangerfield.
Ever since the start to the game of hockey, violence has always played a role in the
sport. While that role both contributing positive and negative aspects to the game,
violence has taken its toll on not only the players but the fans as well. As violence in
hockey is as many fans say part of the game and what makes hockey hockey, the
negative outcomes overweigh the positive. From fights to brawls, slashes to high
sticks, boarding to head contact the violence surrounds the entire game. As fans cheer
and rant at their full potential when a fight breaks out during a hockey ... Show more
content on ...
Nevertheless, it is difficult to accept that violence is incidental when NHL players
who specialize in fighting, goons or enforcers, are paid a premium for this behavior
even though their hockey skills are marginal and those who refuse to fight are
consigned to the minor leagues as punishment.
However, when looking specifically at the economic value that violence is an
attribute of the product intentionally promoted by leagues and teams to increase
attendance and profits. The underlying assumption is that fans have a taste for
violence, and violence attracts larger crowds, larger crowds increase revenue,
which, given costs, increases profits. This hypothesis is compatible with the
response of successive NHL presidents when the question of violence is raised: that
the league is in the entertainment business and therefore has to put on a spectacle.
It is also consistent with the act of paying players a premium to fight and the
statistical finding that violence and NHL attendance are positively correlated.
While it is quite clear that violence was widespread in hockey before and during
the early years of the NHL, when it was strictly a Canadian game, as some of the
classic NHL brawls have taken place in Canada between Canadian teams, and the
largest NHL fan riot occurred in Montreal.
Vitas Strengths
Superhuman Strength: Vitas is very powerful when he wants to be. His strength
can sometimes be tied to his anger, becoming stronger the more he gives into his
rage. Either way, he makes for a formidable opponent if you re his enemy. Vitas
does not use this power often; instead he prefers to use his own strength to fight.
He only uses this if he s enraged enough, or if it s a drastic measure. Healing factor:
Vitas is able to heal and recover from injuries such as gunshots, gashes, broken
bones, stabbing wounds, burns, and bite wounds. The speed of regeneration is
usually dependent on how severe his injury is. Some injuries cannot be healed with
this power; however, instead he must rest just like a human. Flight: Vitas has the
potential to fly he just has to learn how to. Right now, he is dependent on the
Miracle of Flight, granted by goddesses Palutena and Viridi. There is a downside to
this the Miracle of Flight only lasts 5 minutes. If this time limit is surpassed, Vitas
wings will catch fire, proving fatal to his life.... Show more content on ...
Angelic Weapons: If hit in a vital spot or injured well enough of one of these, Vitas
can be killed. Magic: Vitas is still a mortal and is, as such, is still vulnerable to the
workings of magic. Black magic has an adverse effect on him, and he s able to be
trapped inside of an pentagram or magic circle which weakens his powers. Power
development: Vitas nephilim powers are still in the development stage. His brother,
Vlad, is much more experienced with these. Therefore, he is not able to do other
things that fully fledged Nephilims can, e.g. healing, empathy, and more. Hunted:
Some Nephilim are viewed as a disgrace and a complete mistake to every normal
angel, making them a prime subject for
A Short Biography Of Jackie Robinson
Donovan Hill
Mrs. Astudillo
Composition and Grammar P.4
2 December 2015
Jackie Robinson and the Breaking of the Color Barrier I m not concerned with
your liking or disliking me.....All I ask is that you respect me as a human being
(Robinson).Baseball legend Jackie Robinson was born on January 31, 1919 to
Jerry and Mallie Robinson In Cairo, Georgia where he became the youngest of five
children. Jackie s father Jerry was a sharecropper and taught the family important
lessons, like to stay out of trouble and follow the law Jackie s mom Mallie raised
the family by herself. After Jackie s father left the family, the Robinson family
moved to Pasadena where Jack went to UCLA ( African Americans
could play baseball professionally, Jackie Robinson made history by becoming the
first professional African American baseball player, and paved the way for future
African American baseball players. To begin with Americans today couldn t believe
that there was a time that African Americans could not play baseball. Since the
beginning of of baseball African Americans didn t participate in games because of
the color barrier. In 1920 African Americans could play baseball in a league created
just for ... Show more content on ...
Jackie Robinson joined the Montreal Royals in 1946 (Hall of Jackie
Robinson had one of the best seasons in minor league history (Simon). Jackie
Robinson was promoted to the Major Leagues in 1947; this led to Jackie Robinson
breaking the 50 year color barrier in the Major Leagues on April 24, 1947
( Jackie Robinson won the Rookie of the year and MVP award in just
his first season in Major League Baseball Becomes first African American to win
both awards (Simon). He would later send his team to the World Series. To conclude,
Jackie Robinson made it possible to for African Americans to play baseball today.
Without him the negro leagues would still
Why A Person Would Commit Crimes
Throughout history people have tried to explain why a person would commit crimes.
Some consider a life of crime better than a regular job at least until they are caught. (
The mainstream of American society have always struggled to achieve the
American Dream. The dream usually consists of graduating from college, earning a
well paid salary from a respected employer, a family, a nice car, and owning a home.
We strive to have the perfect smile, the perfect body, the best clothes, and throw the
perfect parties. We want to become Pro athletes, rappers, rockers, Hollywood s most
famous, a CEO or President. We are a society that wants it all, and now, and
sometimes by any means. Sociologist Robert Merton wrote that deviance is, in a
sense, a normal behavior in a functioning society.
/introductiontosociology/chapter/chapter7 deviance crime and social control/). He
believes that every individual in society is encouraged to achieve financial success
and the availability to success determines whether or not a person conforms or
deviates to such societal norms. Merton introduced the Strain Theory. He believes
that the inconsistency between what a person can achieve and their ability to attain
this financial goal causes strain. Merton defines five ways people address the
inconsistencies. Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism, and Rebellion. The
impact and relevance of the Strain Theory in 2015 can be observed everywhere in
Promotion Strategy Essay
At its heart, promoting a product is simply communication. Consumer perceptions are
a key component of success or failure, so organizations must strive to align
communications into clear, concise, and customer oriented messages (Lumen, n.d).
The point of promotion is to convince consumers to purchase the intended product.
There are several promotion methods to choose from and nearly limitless media to
use for promotion. Marketingdepartments must choose the method or methods and
media that best reach the target consumer. In order to further illustrate the use of
promotion methods and media, promotion strategies have been developed for a
software company, a new toy, a health beverage, and a small airline.
Animation Software
A ... Show more content on ...
Overall, this approach is indicative of the importance of the customer to the
organization. It has another benefit as well. When a small company uses multiple
salespeople to contact a client it helps the company appear larger than it is (Lumen,
n.d.). There are a couple of types of media the organization should use. First, submit
the software to for review. This will provide a point of reference for
anyone researching animation software and provide impartial judgment on the merits
of the software. Second, contact ideal customers and schedule a presentation of the
new advanced software. Once complete, offer a sample version of the software (with
reduced functionality) so it can be operated prior to purchasing the full version. Since
there are many small companies that create video games and other animation, I
suggest attending trade shows. According to the Animation World Network website,
there are 19 tradeshows in the next 3 months (Events, n.d.). The organization can also
attend shows frequented by animators such as the E3 and South by Southwest
conferences. The proper use of these methods will ensure the news of this innovative
animation software reaches the intended target audience. While this plan works in
this scenario, it does not necessarily apply to all products.
New Toy
An organization has developed a new toy to capitalize on the popularity of a children
s TV show. There were delays in getting the toy introduced in the market
Past and Current Drug Trends in America
Past and Current Drug Trends in America
Sarah Pierce
October 25, 2010
Scharlene De Horney
Past and Current Drug Trends in America
Drugs come in many forms and from many places. Drugs have been around since the
beginning of time and people have been using them since they discovered them. Drug
use began thousands if not a hundred thousand years ago as humans started exploring
their environment. People would see a new plant or observe an animal s behavior
after consuming the plant, and out of curiosity, they would experiment with it or taste
it. This is how some of the drugs we know today came about. Cocaine, opium, LSD,
peyote, and marijuana all come from plants that primitive people discovered while
tasting the environment ... Show more content on ...
Marijuana is still and probably always will be a widespread used drug.
Amphetamines are a major problem here in Arizona, especially among teens and
young adults. Arizona started a large scale media campaign in the beginning of
2010 known as The Arizona Meth Project . The purpose of this project is to inform
the youth of the risks and the effects of using meth. Also in Arizona, there is a rise in
crack cocaine use. Young people have on recreational drug experimentation is mixed.
Some, if not most young adults and teens believe that drugs are bad. Nevertheless,
there are always those who see nothing wrong with living a little .
Appropriate Use of Illicit Drugs In some cases, the public views the use of illicit
drugs as acceptable. Some of these illicit drugs are acceptable for medicinal
purposes and some are acceptable because of religion. Many people believe in the
medicinal value of marijuana. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in
the United States. Many advocates consider marijuana a harmless, or even beneficial,
substance that should be made legal (Medical Marijuana, 2010. para.1). In fact, in
recent years there have been propositions put on the ballot to legalize marijuana in
many states. In California and some other states, patients with a cannabis card and a
prescription can purchase and use marijuana. Marijuana helps with pain, anxiety, and
many other medical issues. In some cases, the use of amphetamines is
What Is Solipsistic Little Godism In The Crimes Of
In The Crime of Gabriel Gale by G. K. Chesterton, Chesterton demonstrates
solipsistic little godism through the young character Herbert Saunders, a seminary
student and new found solipsistic little godist. Solipsism is defined as the belief in
only two things: one s own existence and what they are presently imagining. A
solipsist does not believe that the outside world is actually there, he just believes
that he imagined it. Extreme solipsists may be referred to solipsistic little godists,
as they wholeheartedly believe that they created their own interpretation of the
world and are therefore in control of everything that happens. One may be a
solipsist without being a little godist, but being a solipsist is prerequisite for one to
be a little godist, as little godism is an extreme form of solipsism.... Show more
content on ...
To interpret the premise that no one enjoys suffering, one must objectively define
suffering. Gale chose to pitchfork Saunders to the tree because he felt that it was a
situation Saunders would never place himself in by choice, as it was uncomfortable
and potentially life threatening, had a tornado ensued or if lightning struck the tree.
However, Gale could not possibly know with absolute certainty that Saunders would
never choose this for himself. Gale and Saunders were not close friends prior to this
event, and Gale could never possibly guess Saunders future desires or preferences. If
Saunders secretly enjoyed thunderstorms, or pitchforks, or being suspended from a
tree, this method of proving that Saunders is not a Little God would not work; rather,
it would only reinforce Saunders beliefs. Therefore, this treatment is contingent on
the belief that Saunders does not enjoy the situation Gale placed him in, which Gale
could not possibly know at the time. Ultimately, this treatment worked mostly due to
a lucky guess on Gale s part, not an objectively, absolutely true idea of
What factors lead to the rise of the pictorial poster
What factors lead to the rise of the pictorial poster? When looking at what factors
lead to the rise of the pictorial poster, it is clear to see that the majority of them
occurred in late nineteenth century Paris and that perhaps one man, Jules ChГ©ret,
can be thanked for exploiting and mastering the techniques which made these
posters reach the levels of respect previously reserved for the fine arts. As well as
Jules ChГ©ret and his mastery of lithography I will be exploring the influence of
Japan and their printing techniques upon Toulouse Lautrec as well as Baron Georges
Eugene Haussmann s renovation of Paris during its Second empire, the impacts of
the rising middle class, and the effects that tax had upon the walls of Paris.... Show
more content on ...
However, this image is missing the simplicity of the previous poster and the skill
in which ChГ©ret prints La Loi fuller s dress in movement cannot be overlooked,
it is what carries the whole poster with ease. As stated by Jane Abdy in The French
Poster what makes a great ChГ©ret is the personification of gaiety in his posters
.... the laughing, twirling, sparkling girl whom he uses as a model; the Parisians
adored her , and called her La Cherette (abdy, 1969, p.31) In Les affiches illustr ees
Maindron a section from The French Poster by Jane Abdy, Ernest Maindron talks
about that when posters were very successful, it was often reproduced in a small
version so that collectors could have them. A daily newspaper Le courriere
francias made special printings of ChГ©ret posters in a convenient size (22 x14 )
as presents to their subscribers (Abdy, 1969, p.171) However, the size of posters
not only affected legibility and who could own them, it also affected the amount of
tax placed upon them. All posters which were to be placed in the streets would be
subjected to a government tax. This was varied according to size; the rate was 6
centimes for the Вј colombier, 12 centimes for the ВЅ colombier, 18 for the jesus and
the colombier and 24 centimes for all large posters. (Abdy, 1969, p.171) when this
levy was paid, the poster was stamped and approved to be hung in the streets. Figure
3 Hiroshige Plum estate, Kamedio.
Design And Brilliant Branding Of Dyson Vacuum Cleaner
But when we actually touch the tool itself, we intuitively know with our very begins
why the weight, hardness and palpable texture of stoneware inspired the human
senses that drove the culture of the Stone Age. Even today I myself feel thrilled to
handle these tools. This sensational feeling is like an impulse inciting us to create.
After reading this key text made me think of one special tool I have ever use, Dyson
vacuum cleaner (fig1). The weight, hardness, palpable texture and also the sound
both closely related to Dyson vacuum cleaner. With the innovate design and brilliant
branding, Dyson had become one of the most successful technology company.
The multi sensory is fusion of vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste and feeling, seize the
product packaging most likely to be perceived sections color, shape, graphics, text,
sounds, smells, textures and other elements to stimulate, induce, attract the attention
of consumers, enhance consumer Their brand of memory products, so as to increase
market share goal. When people talk about Nokia, Intel and other brands, the ears
will be ringing their unique melodic music, so the consumer perception of the brand,
not by a single senses, but the information received through the five senses in the
brain to form a comprehensive mapping like.
Removal of trademarks, can a brand be identified it? All along, the brand for the
dissemination of the audience is narrowly limited to text, sound and images in this in
several ways, so that
Why Do We Need International Criminal Court
Do we need an international criminal court ? The International Criminal Court (ICC),
governed by the Rome Statute, is the first interminable, treaty based, international
criminal court established to help end exemptions for the perpetrators of the most
serious and heinous crimes of concern to the international community. The ICC was
mandated in July of 1998 but was bought into force by July of 2002.1 The Rome
Statute is a mutual treaty which serves as the ICC s foundational and leading
document. States which become party to the Rome Statute, for example by passing
it, become member states of the ICC. Currently, there are 122 states which are party
to the Rome Statute and as a result are members of the ICC.2 The creation of the
International Criminal Courtis a global response to the extreme mayhem perpetrated in
the last century. Unfortunately, in all too many cases, terrible crimes went
unpunished and a alleged culture of impunity protected the perpetrators. National
courts often did not investigate the crimes adequately, or at all. The International
criminal court was established at the Paris Peace Conference Following the First
World War, because some of the most heinous crimes were committed during the
conflicts which marked the twentieth century.3 Unfortunately, many of these
violations of international law have remained unpunished and the role of the
International criminal court was to bring past and future dreadful crimes to trial and
to be punished, and
Aircraft Instruments System Reviewer
ANEROID sensitive component in an altimeter or barometer that measures absolute
pressure of the air. Sealed, flat capsule made of thin corrugated disks of metal
soldered together and evacuated by pumping all of the air out of it.
PRESSURE amount of force acting on a given unit of area and all pressure must be
measured from some known references.
BAROMETRICSCALE/KOLLSMAN WINDOW small window in the dial of a
sensitive altimeter in which the pilot sets the barometric pressure level from which
the altitude shown on the altimeter is measured.
AIRSPEED INDICATOR A flight instrument that measures the differential between
the pitot, of ram air pressure and the static pressure of the air surrounding the aircraft.
BOURDON TUBE type ... Show more content on ...
ISOGONIC LINE a line drawn on an aeronautical chart along which the angular
difference between the magnetic and geographic north poles is the same.
AGONIC LINE a line drawn on an aeronautical chart along which there is no angular
difference between the magnetic geographic north poles.
RATE GYROS mounted in single gimbals and they operate on the characteristic of
ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft System * 2 ECAMS display * Engine
Warning Display * System Display
EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System
ADIRU Air data /Inertial Reference unit and located rear ECAM
ADR (Air Data Input) Input: AOA, TAT, and Pitot amp; static ports. Output:
Airspeed, Mach no., Barometric altitude, TAT, Static Air Temp. And Sensors.
Inertial Reference Section (output) * Gives inertial data to the EFIS.
ADIRS control and display unit (CDU) located at the overhead panel.
1st group * ADIRUs * DDRMI * ISIS
2nd group * GPS * TCAS * DME * ADF * VOR
3rd group * ILS * Marker Receivers
4th group * EGPWS * RAs * WXR * PWS
DME measures a slant distance from an aircraft to a station.
FWC Flight Warning Computer (Oral amp; Visual)
ISIS Enhanced/Integrated Standby Instrument System * Replaces 3 conventional
standby instruments * Capable of ILS
EIS Electronic Instrument System
SDAC System Data Acquisition Concentrators
Captivity Narrative Essay
One of the most popular music producers today, William Moore, also known as DJ
Esco, once found himself locked up in a jail in Dubai. He was held Captive for 56
days. In one of the songs he produced, he told his tale of captivity and how it felt to
be amongst a culture that is completely different from your own. He states in the
song that he felt as if he were an alien among the people of Dubai. This is an
example of a captivity narrative. Captivity narratives are usually stories of people
captured by enemies whom they consider uncivilized, or whose beliefs and customs
they oppose. A few other examples of captivity narratives include, Twelve Years a
Slave (2013) by Solomon Northup, Olaudah Equianos Narrative (1789), and a more
up to... Show more content on ...
In the film, Bass asks Edwin Epps about the treatment and conditions of his slaves,
which were horrid, and Epps replies with, They ain t hired help. They re my
property. (McQueen) One last example of people being held captive would be the
Iranian Hostage Crisis. 52 hostages were held in an embassy for 444 days. While
they were never severely injured, the hostages endured awful treatment by their
captors; they were displayed in front of cameras blindfolded, they could not talk,
read, or change clothes. (Iran Hostage Crisis) There are a number of ways one can
escape captivity, according to these narratives. In Equiano s narrative, he achieves
freedom by purchasing it from his owner, Robert King, for 40 pounds. What! said
he, give you your freedom? Why, where did you get the money; have you got forty
pounds sterling? Yes sir, I answered. How did you get it ; replied he; I told him,
Very honestly. The captain then said he knew I got the money very honestly, and
with much industry, and that I was particularly careful. (Equiano 719 720) In
Twelve Years a Slave, Northup gains his freedom by escaping Louisiana and fleeing
to New York and thus gaining his freedom in 1853. The
Technology Is Brain Washing Our Kids !
Technology is Brain Washing Our Kids! Imagine being a kid in the 1980 s. Kids
back in those days would run around outside all day, using their imagination to
create imaginary worlds to travel to imaginary places that made way for creative
ideas and inventions as they grew older. One of those inventions turned out to be the
tablet, the iPhone, or the netbook. Basically anything that made everything easier.
Everything is now easier. One can simply look up an article and read it on their
computer or phone, or research the latest fashion trends without having to keep
updated on the latest magazine. Easier is okay. Let s make things easier, but it s
when the easier starts finding its way into schoolsystems. Easy technology usage
becomes a problem when it creeps into our school, when the unreliable, and
brainwashing abilities of technology creep into the minds of the young to hurt their
ability to actually truly learn and experience life for what it should be. Computers
have made writingpapers easier, emails have made communicating with teachers more
efficient, and the Internet has made access to information become extraordinarily
easy to come by. However, in this picture, a fourth grade teacher is asking her
students to complete an assignment with their technology. Obviously, this assignment
is supposed to be a warm up, something at the beginning of the year to help the kids
back into the swing of school. While they should be picking up a penciland thinking
of how to write
Chimera Research Paper
The Chimera of Arezzo (first half of the fourth century., Bronze) was made by the
Etruscans. It was found in Arezzo in 1553. It is believed to be part of group of
bronze statues depicting a battle. The Chimera is a part of Greek mythology. A
monster believed to breathe fire. Its defeat to the hero Bellerophon was a legend,
which is why it is portrayed as a battle locked creature bleeding and ready to attack.
This sculpture was created as an offering to a god believed to be commissioned by a
wealthy Etruscan. It shows how the Etruscans used many different influences from
different cultures and made them their own. The Chimera was a mythological
monster believed to breathe fire. In Greek mythology, the offspring the gods Typhon
and Echidna. A hybrid of different types of animals, most commonly it had the
head of a lion, the head of a goat coming from its side and a serpent as the tail. It
was a female beast known for its ferocity. The mother of the Sphinx and Nemeian
Lion, and raised by a king the monster was great and terrible. Known to roam the
land of Lycia wrecking the lives of its inhabitants until it s defeat by the warrior
Bellerophon by order of... Show more content on ...
King Iobates sent a man named Bellerophon to fight the treacherous beast, as a
favor to another king who wanted the young warrior dead. He rode on the back of
a Pegasus to fight the chimera. The Chimera of Arezzo depicts the monster in
battle with its set of wounds. It is bleeding from its side where a spear was
believed to be pre discovery. The head of the goat also bleeds from its neck. The
monster seems to be in pain and is roaring in anger. Its body is crouched in a
pouncing position ready to attack who is assumed to be Bellerophon who emerged
victorious from the fight. This could be the reason the sculpture was chosen to be
offered to an Etruscan god, the sculpture is very detailed and captures attention
because of the artist s
The Importance Of Glacier National Park
On August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed the act creating the
National Park Service to conserve natural land from being destroyed or messed with.
This enabled it to be preserved for many generations to see rather than it be torn
down and made into some lame houses or buildings.
Red wood forest, San Francisco, California
Yellowstone National ParkCody, Wyoming
Glacier National Park Montana
Sequoia National Park California and Yosemite National Park California
Glacier National Park is a very beautiful park with many sites. The Park itself has
not really been toiled with too much but they do receive a outrageous amount of
tourist each year. The Glacier national park is known all over the world for its
beautiful sites and location.
A Short Story Of Aeldra s Life Story
No luck she never had the chance to be happy. Aeldra couldn t handle it anymore.
She was all by herself growing up in a destroyed, impoverished cabin surviving
more than living, always begging for food on the street and never had anyone to
be with except her parents everyday in her dreams.Her horrible life story started
when she was only a three month baby when her father Deniz died on a trip in the
sea, and a nine year old little girl when her mother Bora was killed in a hurricane.
Destiny or maybe just the name curse, Aeldra wasn t sure what it was. Deniz
means sea in Turkish and Bora has the meaning of hurricane and that is where their
life ended, where their destiny landed them at the end so Aeldra made a promise to
herself to call her first born baby Hakan which meant emperor so the destiny would
make him the ruler. Aeldra hated the fact of being lonely and a family was what
she desired the most in her life. A need to belong, to be part of something, that was
all she wanted from this world but at the age of sixteen she got the most horrible
lesson on her life: Better off alone than with monsters. She got raped on a rainy
night while she was alone in the street and from that horrific experience, she got
pregnant. She was too young to be a mother, too poor to have a baby so even it
hurt her heart the most she decided to get rid of the life that was growing inside her.
She was four months pregnant and her back was killing her because of the pregnancy
she traveled
No Control At All By Jack
This child, lets call him, Jack. With no control at all, Jack was fortunate enough to
be born into high income country, like New Zealand Then there s, Jill. With the
same amount of control as Jack, he added to the total of 10,368 children born into
poverty a day. That s one child, every 1.2 seconds Jack has a 1 in 165 chance of
dying before he s 5. Jill on the other hand is not so lucky and the odds of him
reaching his 5th birthday are 1 in 6. Everyone was born into and are living in
circumstances that they haven t chosen, it s not something we can change, we just
have to live with it. It s something that has a huge impact and often determines the
direction of our lives. We can t choose whether we were born into rich family or a
poor family. We can t choose if we re black or white, male or female,disabled or not
disabled, tall or short, intelligent or not. These are things that don t fully define
who we are but they do often influence how people may see you. Imagine if
someone like Kate Sheppard was born into poverty, her fight for women s rights
might not have been prioritised because she had to focus on her own survival. And
even if they that did seem important, her education would probably have been very
limited. Education for females in some third world countries is frowned upon
because they don t believe in educating women. Or what if Usain Bolt was born with
cerebral palsy, affecting the part of the brain that controls legs, we d have a new
world champion sprinter.
Similarities Between The United States And The Federal
The United States Federal System and the current Federal System for the European
Union have many similarities and differences. The traditional division of the
functions of a federal government are the legislative, executive and the judicial
branch. The United States is made up all three branches separately to check potential
abuses and balance each of the branches. The European Union also has three main
political institutions that constitute the executive and legislative branches, as well as
the independent judiciary with the power to exercise judicial review (European
The legislative Branch for the United States is divided into two parts: House of
Representatives and the Senate. The House is made up of 435 elected members,
which is divided among the 50 states in amount to their total population. The
Speaker of the House, who is the third in the line of succession to the Presidency, is
elected by the Representatives. The members of the House are elected every two
years and must 25 years of age and been a U.S. citizen for at least 7 ... Show more
content on ...
There are only a few differences between the House and the Parliament such as the
House has the right to introduce new legislation while the Parliament has no right to
initiate legislation but co determines EU legislative planning (European Parliament).
For the Senate and the Council of the European Union, it is also the exact same thing
as the House and the Parliament. The only differences between the Senate and the
Council are: there are two senators from each Senators from each State in the Senate
while there is one representative from each Member State government and one vote
per Senate member while the member state population of the Council determines how
many votes each member State has (European
Essay On Canadian Pop Culture
Canadian Pop Culture
I would watch many different shows, movies, and animes. I don t watch any
Canadian shows. None of the animes, shows and movies I watch are Canadian
because I would watch japanese anime and Canadian shows don t seem that
interesting to me. Animes I watched are Shingeki No Kyojin and Naruto . There s
also a few anime movies I seen, like Boruto . I haven t heard or seen any Canadian
movies. I ve seen a few episodes of Canadian shows: MasterChef Canada and The
Amazing Race Canada . I watch shows that are similar to The Flash , Marvel s
Agents of Shields , and Arrow .I listened to music that a Canadian person sings. I
listen to Justin Bieber s and Shawn Mendes music. Some Justin Bieber s songs I
listened to is Love ... Show more content on ...
Depending on what succeeded can benefit me; if it s the news or weather channel
that succeeded they would continue to run it, instead of canceling it because they
are getting profit out of it. This is beneficial to me because I can be informed on
what s happening in other countries or what s happening in Canada. Some of the
qualities of Canadians products are better than and just as good as some of American
products.Some songs by Canadian singers are better than American songs. Some of
Justin Bieber songs are better than Americans; What Do You Mean and Sorry are one
of the best songs. Some Canadian products are more worse than some American
products. Some clothings, foods, movies, songs, video games, advertisements, etc,
are better than, worst than, or same quality as some American products. I think most
American shows or movies are better than Canadians and Canadian music are better
music than Americans. Having CRTC and CANCON regulations are really important
because it informs the world about what s happening in other countries/world and it
strengthens Canada s culture, social and economic structures. It informs people
across the world about Canada and if people ever want to or are planning to go to
Canada they will know when to come because they would know
Vital Strategic Management Processes
A strategic leader can utilize decision making teams as a powerful asset in
successfully coping with the environment. Such teams improve their decision making
by using a process of consensus, a process useful when developing national security
strategy, military strategy, or strategic planning in other public or private sectors.
Knowing how to forge consensusfor policy development and implementation is
critical to successful management and leadership. Being able to manage strategic
consensus has been identified as one of the effective methods for the execution of
strategy. Within an organization one of the fundamental priorities consists of
understanding commitment (Floyd and Woolridge, 1992), as this is often reflected in
important... Show more content on ...
Cormick.G et al, 1996 states consensus is a process of those who have a stake in the
outcome to reach agreement on actions and outcomes that resolve or advance issues
related to environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
Key attributes to successfully participation include humility, willingness to listen
to others and see their perspectives, and willingness to share your own ideas but not
insist they are the best ones. Decisions are a part of everyday life and can be made
in a variety of ways, but most of the time they are either made individually or in a
group setting. Both individual decision making and group decision making have their
pros and cons, and can even determine the type of individual a person is.
There are major differences between group decision making and individual
decision making. When participants are in a group, decision making could not
only consist of one person s opinion, however everyone s opinion which could
become vital for the final outcome. This could go two ways either it makes it easier
for a final decision to be reached, or make it even harder to reach a final decision.
Group decision making can also be positive because there is more brain power
involved which can ultimately lead to a quick and more efficient type of decision
Consensus is a method used to find a solution where everyone in the team agrees and
is used in company s such as housing operatives, activist
Tuition Prices in Albert, Canada
Alberta provides quality education to its students.
It used visions and suggestions as a vital knowledge in planning for a advancement in
It is facing a number of challenges for improving the quality of post secondary
It provides numerous ways of solving the remedies and bringing change in the system.
But number of hands by government for support has declined
Investments by public are necessary for universities to indulge in long term financial
planning. Creation of affordable packages.
Expansion of potential of students and fulfillment of demands by students.
Making effective use of distant learning.
Investment in funding.
Barriers should be removed.
Lowering tuition fee.
Commitment of highest standards.
Rapid participation from rural community.
Provision of high level education and facilities.
Offering grants instead of loans
Retrieved Source
Tuitions are currently frozen in Alberta, but students group in the province say the
findings ring true because universities are jacking up fees instead.
It s really institutions finding another source of revenue to make up for
Change Management. Student Name. Institution Of
Change Management
Student Name
Institution of Affiliation
Introduction Change Management is a basic key undertaking in any association.
However, pioneers are the ones considered in charge of the plan and usage of
progress. In the most recent decade, measurements show that just about 80% of
progress ventures do not succeed. Past reviews likewise affirm that goals of most
change activities are not achieved. In specific cases, the change tasks are finished
after the set due dates, consequently, not profiting the objective subjects. In John
Kotter s article, Why Transformation Efforts Fail, he plots basic calculates that
influence achievement change ventures. Kotter presented a model proposing that
authoritative pioneers can ... Show more content on ...
Fiorina, the then approaching CEO embraced the rebuilding of the association
without imparting the same to the organization s potential clients and workers. This
affected the loss of the association s clients like Ford and Boeing. The clients whined
that the new structure embraced by the organization did not completely address their
necessities. They were not persuaded about the whole thought of converging with
Compaq Computer Corporation. These difficulties were affected by the way that the
possibility of the merger was not appropriately conveyed to the workers (Palmer,
Dunford and Akin, 2009). IBM is additionally another fruitful organization that has
dependably been attempting to present and oversee change. In the evident story of
progress administration, it is unequivocal that correspondence was successfully
directed. Be that as it may, when Samual Palmisano assumed control as the new CEO
of IBM, things started to take another bend. Notwithstanding, this was not the
situation at IBM. The pioneer imparted to all staff individuals about his expectations
of progress and the potential advantages, and he ought to be lauded for that. Kodak
Corporation is one of the film organizations that have obtained a bigger piece of the
overall industry in the United States. It is prestigious for the generation of
Peter Suchy Research Paper
6th June| Stamford, CT: Renowned Vintage Jewelry expert Peter Suchy s Estate
and Edwardian Pieces are easily available online. All that one needs to do is log on
to Peter Suchy s catalogue and go through his extensive estate and Edwardian
jewelry collection. Estate jewelry is another world for antique jewelry. It is
referred to as estate jewelry as it has left behind by its owner as part of their estate.
This is authentic jewelry that it is intricately designed with detailed craftsmanship
which gives the jewelry a sophisticated yet elegant look. Antique jewelries are
making a comeback due to their old school charm and the nostalgia they evoke.
These jewelry designs have evolved through the passage and yet have managed to
remain relevant in
The Story Of My Search
Lilly Bjorkquist
The Story of My Search It s no secret that the economy has not been the best in the
past five or so years, and a lot of schools have taken the hardest hit from that. Public
schools have had to cut many different programs and areas of study because it is
simply just too expensive to teach all of them and provide the correct materials for
the students. This is causing the quality of students education to go down, and they
aren t receiving all of the benefits that they should be. The education that a student
receives starting in elementary school and all the way up into high schools sets
them up for how they will do in college, and that will determine how they are going
to live the rest of their lives. Since my future ... Show more content on ...
Schools also cut sports, extra circular activities, and other events that make school
fun for the students. I want to see how they deal with these cuts but yet still give
the students the proper education. Overall, I just want to find out how schools
make up for the classes that are taken out of the schools, and what they think is the
best way to deal with this situation. My search had its good and bad points, but over
all it was pretty successful and took me about two weeks to complete. I found out a
lot of things that I didn t know, but some of the things were obvious from attending a
public high school. At some points it was difficult to find information to back up
what I wanted to explain, but for the most part I had a handful of good and credible
sources to use. I used a few websites that were from major new sites, a former
teacher, and school websites themselves. I got the majority of my information
from the news sites, and that was very interesting because the different states
showed different ways that they cut programs and how it differed depending on
the school and the area. It also showed how some of them were similar and some of
the cuts were placed in the same areas but not always. Another thing that I did was
to interview one of my former teachers to see what her feelings where on the
budgets cuts and how it directly effected her. It was good to hear some feedback
from someone who was experiencing the cuts first
Race, Class, and Gender Essay
In Anderson and Collins , chapter on Why race, class, and gender still maters
encourage readers to think about the world in their framework of race, class, and
gender. They argued that even though society has change and there is a wide range
of diversity; race, class and gender still matters. Anderson and Collins stated, Race,
class, and gender matter because they remain the foundation for system of power
and inequality that, despite our nation s diversity, continue to be among the most
significant social facts of peoples lives. (Anderson and Collins, 2010) When I was a
little girl, I never knew that people were classified in to groups such as race, class,
gender. I knew there were people that had a different color of skin than... Show more
content on ...
The staffs made us feel very uncomfortable so we decided to leave the store. In
addition, I have noticed that people tend to stayed within their race and culture.
For example, some white people stay within their race, they form relationships
within their own race, they live in neighborhoods where white people predominate,
and they have their own life style, and consider other races lower than theirs. This
makes me think about my own Mexican culture. I have heard some of my Central
American friends say that Mexicans think they are better than they are. I do not say
anything but I know many Mexicans who have said that we are better than other
cultures. I have to say we are different in the way that we do integrate and have
close friendships with people from other cultures. Unlike some white people, who
say they have close relationships with other races, when in reality they do not.
Anderson and Collins, stated, We want readers to understand that race, class, and
gender are linked experiences, no one of which is more important than the other; the
three are interrelated and together configure the structure of U.S. society. (Anderson
and Collins, 2010) Peggy McIntosh, chapter on White Privilege, color, and crime,
encourages readers to think about the world in the framework of race, class, and
gender on a White privilege perspective. McIntosh
The Apollo Conspiracy
There s an organization called NASA, who s done a significant job of sticking to
their story. They say Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon on July
20, 1969, and set foot on the surface 6 hours later. This same organization claims
there were 5 additional missions which successfully landed on the Moon, and a
suspected total of 12 people went for a walk there. According to them, they spent $24
billion, which is more than $150 billion in inflation adjusted dollars. Their Apollo
program employed 400,000 people, supported by more than 20,000 companies and
research institutions.
The main pillar of any conspiracy requires a few select people keeping a really, big
secret. Looking at the facts, the select group required to successfully ... Show more
content on ...
It is fiction. It s mixed together. It s hard to separate them until you look at them
closely . Something like this cannot be fact and fiction that is mixed together.
Something cannot be fake, but also real, it doesn t make sense. He also says that all
the scenes of the lunar surface were filmed on Earth . So this means that no one ever
went to space, so where did the rocket go that they had to launch? I think that it is so
hard to believe that they actually fake the moon landing. I do not agree with the
narrators on the moon landing. I do think that we went to the
Balancing Individual Privacy with Press Freedom
Balancing Individual Privacy with Press Freedom
Alan F. Westin, a privacy expert at Columbia University, once wrote: Privacy is the
claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how,
and to what extent information about them is communicated to others (self
information control right). In this age of mass media, individual privacy has become a
casualty of journalists feeding frenzy and it has become really hard for societies to
determine the nature and process of information in the public domain. In this article I
reflect on the problem in Nepal s context.
Despite being a social animal, every human being seeks seclusion and solitude within
the open mirror of society. Privacy is inherent in the behavior ... Show more content
on ...
The current interim constitution (article 28) stipulates that except on the
circumstance as provided by the law, the privacy of the person, his or her residence,
property, document, statistics, correspondence and character is inviolable
Similarly, the constitution of the country also guarantees freedom of the press (article
15 interim constitution, 2063). It ensures the right to freedom of press and
publication. This right was included as a specific fundamental right in previous
Constitution of Nepal 2047.
Freedom of the press means the right to print and publish without any interference
from the state or any public authority. The liberty of the press consists freedom from
prior restraints upon publication of content. Freedom of the press also means
freedom of dissemination, news and views from diverse and antagonistic sources for
the knowledge and welfare of the people.
The Press and Publication Act (2048), a new version of the earlier Press and
Publication Act (2039), also guaranteed the constitutional freedom of the press. The
Gali Beizzati Ain 2016 (such as in article 3 and 8) recognizes freedom of the press.
It says that every human being shall enjoy free press, without any discrimination on
the ground of race, color, sex etc.
There are, however, very few International Conventions which guarantee right to
privacy, but there are several conventions regarding press freedom. For example, the
right to privacy is enumerated in article 12 of the Universal
Key Lessons For Those Who Lead From The Middle Year
Are you a leader but not the leader? That is the category into which most leaders
fall. Great things can be accomplished by those who lead from the middle. They
may or may not get the credit. However, credit is not the goal. The goal is
faithfulness, progress, success, change, or resolution depending on the situation.
It does not matter who gets the credit so long as the job gets done. I love and respect
my leader so very much. I also take joy on those occasions where he says or initiates
something over which I had influence. We he wins, I win and all of our staff wins.
If the organization does well that is good for all who are affiliated. Therefore, I am
committed to do my best as I lead from the middle. I shared four key lessons for...
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You will not always get your way. You will encounter some people whose motives
are not pure and their actions will bring hurt to you. What do you do in those
circumstances? You must offer genuine forgiveness and let go of the hurts. If not,
you will become the cynic and will be unable to accomplish the aims described in the
previous point. Buddy Hackett once said that while you carry the grudge the other
guy is out dancing. What does that mean? It means you only hurt yourself and not
only do you become an anchor holding back your organization but you also become
the anchor to your own personal development and effectiveness. You will get hurt and
when it happens you must work through it, learn from it, and then let go.
7. Work hard, but not to the neglect of your family. Effective leaders are by nature
hard workers and you should be. However, on this point you should not compromise.
Strive to succeed with family and at work. But if you can only succeed with one,
make it your family. Jobs come and go but your family is a lifetime association and
commitment. You can do both. It requires skills at prioritizing, establishing healthy
boundaries, good time management, and a strong work ethic. Do you possess those
four qualities or skills? If not get help because your church, organization, and most
importantly your family need your leadership.
8. Don t dismiss your critics. I ll admit it. I do not like to be criticized. But I do like
the result of
Viva Voce
Time Value of Money 4 Financial Management (13th edt) By E.F. Bringham and
M.C. Ehrhardt 4 1 Time Value of money пЃ® Receiving $1 today is worth more than
$1 in the future  Today s dollar can be invested to have more dollars tomorrow
 Opportunity cost is the interest we could have earned on $1 if received earlier
 Opportunity cost rate is the rate of return on the best available alternative
investment of equal risk. 4 2 1 Compounding and Discounting пЃ® Compounding
 Translating today s $1 into its equivalent FV  FVn = PV ( 1 + i )n  FV1=
100(1+.10)1=110  Discounting  Translating tomorrow s $1 into its
equivalent PV  PVn = FV÷( 1 + i )n  PV1= 110÷ (1+.10)1=100 4 3
Compounding and Discounting When making investment... Show more content on ...
пЂЅ PMT {1 (1 пЂ« r) n } r PV (Immediate) = PMT (PVIFA i, n ) 4 20 10 PVIFAi,n
(PVIFA Table) PVIF The PV of an annuity of $1 per period n i=2% i=4% i=6% i=8%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.980 1.942 2.884 3.808 4.713 5.601 6.472 7.326 8.162 0.962 1.886
2.775 3.630 4.452 5.242 6.002 6.733 7.435 0.943 1.833 2.673 3.465 4.212 4.917
5.582 6.210 6.802 0.926 1.783 2.577 3.312 3.993 4.623 5.206 5.747 6.247 i=10%
i=10% 0.909 1.736 2.487 3.170 3.791 4.355 4.868 5.335 5.759 0.909 0.826 0.751
0.683 0.621 0.564 0.513 0.467 0.424 4 21 PV of Your Bank Loan Cynthia Smart
agrees to repay her PMT loan in 24 monthly PVImm. пЂЅ {1 (1 пЂ« r) n } r
installments of $250 each. If the interest rate on the loan is $250 0.75% per month
PVImm = {1 (1 + 0.0075) 24 } 0.0075 (9% per annum), what is the present
=$5,472.29 value of her loan payments? 4 22 11 PV of an Annuity Due PVDue пЂЅ
PMT {1 (1 пЂ« r) n }(1 пЂ« r) r PV
Christopher Wren Contributions
Christopher Wren s advancements during his time were some of the best and well
known. He furthered science and technology as a professor and helped rebuild the
lives of many through his architecture. Even with his being sick all the time he still
was able to help and contribute. Wren s many achievements and discoveries as well
as his contribution to the London fire lead him to being remembered in history and
influenced other scientists along the way. Christopher Wrens architecture was greatly
influenced by the architecture before him. Medieval and baroque architecture
especially. Baroque architecture is tall arches long hallways and grand entrances and
rooms. Almost everything is covered in gold and intricate designs. There are often
mirrors and windows lining the walls. At the entrance there are usually roman
columns. Art and tapestries cover everything as well. Every the entire building is
symmetrical making it look visually pleasing. The medieval architecture had tall
arches and spires throughout the building. The spires were tall symbolizing to look to
God not the world. These attributes among others influenced Wren s designs. In fact
wren said, The secret of architectural excellence is to translate the proportions of a
dachshund into bricks, mortar and marble. (Geraghty 2).
Christopher Wren was born October 20,1632, in East Knoyle, United Kingdom.
Wren s mother was Mary Cox, and his father was Christopher Wren senior.
Christopher Wren Jr. was married to Jane
Discuss The Role Of Women In America
Colonialism is and has been a reality during previous centuries. As a political and
economical reality it entailed significant consequences in the colonized country s
politics, geographical maps, and people s lives, fates and temperaments. As the
consequences are hard to ignore the writers of the formerly colonized countries
never forgot to write about it and their people s lives before, during and after their
country s colonization. As Emecheta is one of these writer who is born and brought
up in Nigeria, a colony of British Empire until 1960, postcolonial approach is one of
the most appropriate critical methods to deal with her narratives. Besides, since she is
focusing on women in the colonial and postcolonial setting trying to... Show more
content on ...
Spivak believes that the Western World s master world s master are catachreses, or
improper words, because they claim to represent all women, all workers and all of
the proletariat, when there are no true examples of the true workers , the true
women , the true proletariat . Indeed, for Spivak, the singularity of each of the
disempowered people she engages with tests the limits of the dominant narratives.
Among the disempowered Spivak s analysis is basically directed at the subject
position of the female subaltern, whom she describes as doubly marginalized by
virtue of relative economic disadvantage and gender subordination. Further to deal
with the social position of the Third World women Spivak also shifted the focus of
essentialist debate from a concern with sexual differences between men and women
to focus on cultural differences between women in the Third World and women in
the First World . She also proposes the idea of strategic essentialism and believes
that for minority groups, in particular, the use of essentialism as a short term strategy
to affirm political identity can be effective, as long as this identity does not get fixed
as an essential category by the dominant group. Chandra Talpade Mohanty in her key
text Under Western Eyes deals with the issues of postcolonial feminism and
Gas Chromatography And Petroleum Industry
Gas chromatography in petroleum industry
Its became a vital analytical tool in virtually every part of the petroleum industry,
from finding crude oil to research in new petrochemicals, due to the various types of
samples, chemists within the petroleum industry use gas chromatographic methods.
Petroleum analysis makes special use of columns for gas chromatography, with
industries expecting continues development of columns for high analytical
performances and efficiency.
GC Analysis of petroleum products
In America, testing gas chromatography method for petroleum distillations have a
boiling range of 174 degrees to 700 degrees Celsius when using gas chromatography
it increases the boiling point.
It provides a good understanding for manufactures for stock and products which are
related to petroleum refining when determining the boiling range distribution of a
distillate fraction.
A technique known as simulated distillation is used in which Gas Chromatography is
merged with standards of alkane which is published to boiling parts that perform a
direct comparison to the boiling parts of the sample components.
To calibrate the Gas chromatography system Polyethylene standards is used such as
PolywaxВ® 1000 or PolywaxВ® 655, these consist of an even number of
hydrocarbons between C20 C100.
The moment that the alkanes are calibrated against the distributed boiling points, and
the analysis of the molecular weight fractions are matched using a software. To
minimize the injector
Essay On ADHD
Many may ask what the causes of attention deficit/hyperactive disorders are but the
cause of ADHD is not completely understood yet. People suggest that there may be
biological abnormalities, hereditary factors, and environmental factors for those who
suffer from ADHD. Individuals with attention deficit/hyperactive disorders may have
biological abnormalities such as brainstructure abnormalities or abnormal
biochemical levels (Comer, 2016). Brain structural abnormalities tend to occur in the
frontostriatal network of the brain. The frontostriatal network involves the lateral
prefrontal cortex, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, and the caudate nucleus and
putamen (Curatolo, 2010). It has been shown that patients with ADHD have... Show
more content on ...
In order to come up with this cause, researchers had to use family, twin, and adoption
studies to observe whether heredity can be a cause of ADHD. Family and twin
studies estimated about 70 80% of high heritability. According to Franke B (2012),
ADHD may be greater among first degree probands with ADHD that persist into
adolescence and adulthood. This means that if your mother or father has ADHD it is
much likely for the offspring to inherit ADHD as well. Also, adoption studies have
found that ADHD is transmitted through only biological relatives which indicates
that genetics can play a role in developing this disorder (Franke, 2012). Finally, there
are environmental factors that cause children to develop attention deficit
/hyperactivity disorder. Pre , peri and postnatal environmental factors play an
important role in the pathogenesis of ADHD (Curatolo, 2010). In the prenatal stage,
environmental factors such as alcohol consumption and smoking by the mother play
a part in the development of ADHD. In order to avoid these environmental factors, it
is important to live a healthy maternity lifestyle while pregnant. According to
Curatolo (2010) alcohol can influence the brain s structure negatively and that
children who were exposed to alcohol in the prenatal stage are most likely to become
hyperactive, impulsive, and inattentive. Smoking can have similar effects to alcohol
because there has been a relationship between maternal smoking during pregnancy

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Class Observation Essay. Classroom management observation by Victor - Issuu

  • 1. Class Observation Essay Crafting a Class Observation Essay can be a challenging task that demands a keen eye for detail, adept observational skills, and the ability to articulate your insights effectively. The difficulty arises not just from the necessity to accurately capture the classroom environment but also to interpret and analyze the various elements at play. To begin with, observing a class requires focused attention and a deep understanding of the educational context. You need to pay close attention to the dynamics between the teacher and students, instructional methods employed, class atmosphere, and the overall learning environment. Juggling these elements and discerning their significance can be demanding, as it involves not just witnessing but interpreting and reflecting on what unfolds before you. Additionally, translating your observations into a coherent and engaging essay poses its own set of challenges. Balancing descriptive details with insightful analysis requires a careful choice of words and an understanding of the larger educational framework. Conveying the essence of the observed class while maintaining an objective and analytical tone is a delicate act. Moreover, an effective Class Observation Essay should go beyond mere narration. It should delve into the implications of observed teaching methods, their impact on student engagement and comprehension, and perhaps even touch upon broader educational theories. This requires a solid grasp of educational concepts and the ability to synthesize your observations into meaningful insights. In conclusion, writing a Class Observation Essay demands not only keen observational skills but also the ability to articulate your observations in a meaningful and insightful manner. It is a task that necessitates a careful balance between objective description and subjective analysis, making it a challenge that requires both attention to detail and a broader understanding of educational principles. If you find yourself struggling with such assignments or need assistance with various types of essays, you might consider seeking help from professional writing services. Platforms like offer a range of services, providing customized essays on diverse topics to meet your academic needs. Class Observation Essay Class Observation Essay
  • 2. Character Analysis Of Midaq Alley The novel, Midaq Alley, written by Naguib Mahfouz, tells the story of various characters living in a poor alley in Egypt during World War I. Of all the people in Midaq Alley, Hamida is the one who lusts most for an escape from tradition and poverty. She despises her traditional culture, and longs for a life free from the social and cultural constraints that fall upon her. Hamida is introduced as a strong character; however, the temptation of modernization guides her towards a more enticing lifestyle. Hamida s character portrays how easy it is for one to abandon their culture, traditions and values.It also portrays change in all aspects of Egyptian life, including religion, wealth and traditions. The description Mahfouz gives of Hamida makes her out to be the most beautiful girl in the alley. Immediately, her beauty captures the reader s attention, and causes her to stand out in the novel. In fact, her beauty created chaos among the men in the alley, and is conveyed in the line she was constantly beset by a desire to fight and conquer...this she showed in her pleasure in attracting men [Mahfouz, 39]. In the third chapter of the novel, Hamida was described as a beautiful, shapely, dark eyed girl in her twenties, who longs for fine clothes and a rich husband. Hamida is described as having long, black hair that is near her knees. Her beauty not... Show more content on ... For instance, in the line On her head she wore a white silk turban, under which her oiled and scented hair curled appealingly , the silk turban shows her wealth as silk is something that people with money can wear. Before her gain of wealth, she wore shabby clothing and was said to have not washed her hair for two months. Hamida s character portrays the lack of respect for religion nowadays. Her death, at the hands of the soldier, conveys what could happen to a woman who tries to go against what society believes is expected from a woman in their
  • 3. Essay on Indigenous Religions of the World Indigenous religions exist in every climate around the world and exhibit a wide range of differences in their stories, language, customs, and views of the afterlife. Within indigenous communities, religion, social behavior, art, and music are so intertwined that their religion is a significant part of their cultureand virtually inseparable from it. These religions originally developed and thrived in isolation from one another and are some of the earliest examples of religious practice and belief. The modern world; however, has taken its toll on these groups and many of their stories, customs, and beliefs have been lost to, or replaced by, those brought in as a result of popular culture and the missionary work of Christians and Muslims.... Show more content on ... For those languages which have no written form, when the language dies off, so does the accumulated knowledge and history of the culture. Sadly, indigenous languages around the world are dying off at an alarming rate. It is estimated that nearly half of the languages spoken today are likely to die off within the next century if steps are not taken to preserve those which still exist. Recently, researchers working on a project geared toward the cataloging of basic word lists of the endangered aboriginal tongues in Australia, met the sole living speaker of Amurdag, a language in the Northern Territory that has already been declared extinct (Wilford, John Noble). It is doubtful that the language can be brought back, as the speaker strained to recall words he had last heard from his late father (Wilford, John Noble) but researchers were at least able to make a record of it. In addition to the loss of culture and language for indigenous people, they are also experiencing the loss of their traditional lands and native environment. For indigenous people, much personal and group meaning comes from the natural environment and as a result, their religious practices are deeply rooted in the environment in which they live. When the environment that they rely on is taken away for development, both their cultural and religious identity suffers. Very few places exist today in which indigenous people can live
  • 4. Essay on The Atomic Cafe The Atomic Cafe The Atomic Cafe is a 1982 documentary film compiled of clips from government propaganda, training films, news stories, advertisements and other media from the 1940 s through the 1950 s. Many films were prepared by the U.S. government either for the military or for its citizens to view. The form of Atomic Cafe was unique for documentaries. It was produced entirely of different film sources edited together, without narration. The film made its points solely through the selection and order of the clips included in the documentary. The purpose of the film was to show the American people of the 1980 s exactly how the government distributed propaganda and deceived the American citizens of the 1950 s. Atomic Cafe is a... Show more content on ... The government knew that such actions and the Duck and Cover methods recommended in schools would, in fact, provide absolutely no protection against exposure to fallout. The government also promoted building a fallout shelter, stocked with supplies of canned goods, as a way to survive atomic war. This was only a partial truth, since a shelter could protect from radiation, but not from fire storms. The filmmakers main ideas are that the government misled and lied to the people of the U.S. so that they would believe that the atomic bomb would have no effect on their health and security, that we should question if the government should have lied to the American people, and to make us question whether or not the citizens of the U.S. would continue to be as naive as the people of the 1950 s. I do mostly agree with the filmmakers thesis. It is obvious that the government was lying and misleading the people of the U.S. regarding the ability to survive nuclear war. I don t think that it was entirely right that the government lied to the U.S. people. I don t believe it was the government s place or choice to withhold such important information. Citizens have a right to know, but in cases, it s better for them to not know to prevent riots and episodes of mass hysteria. If the citizens had known all the facts about the horrible consequences of a nuclear war, there might have been more opposition to the continuing
  • 5. Essay On Group Bullying Why do we hurt other people? Throughout history there has always been incidences of violence towards other people. Someone can hurt another person unintentionally or to get a message across, but the reasons why can become a long list depending on the situation. From war to bullying, hate crimes, genocide the list of how people can hurt others goes on. More specifically, group bullyingis a common phenomenon people are more familiar with, hence there are many movies and books based on bullying. Additionally, bullying or group bullying is a more day to day reoccurring problem that individuals partake in, to which there are many possibilities why individuals join in on group violence with bullying. I believe the reasons I am going to state are not the only reasons, but are crucial to consider. Individuals join in on group bullying for typically conforming to peers as gaining power is of interest to the bullies while there is an issue of bullies not understanding their own behavior. A factor that leads individuals to connect with others in group bullying is conformity or the peer pressure to be included with the group bullies, which further induces violent acts against victims. Conformity is when someone is influenced by another person, thus the person being influenced changes their behavior to fit in with the group. From a social psychological perspective, conformity in group bullying can be explained by normative social influence and social impact theory (Aronson et al. 238).
  • 6. Pronouns And Antecedent Student Edition Level 2, Unit 1 Lesson: Pronouns and Antecedents Learning Target Ensure that pronouns agree with and clearly refer to their antecedents. Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Pronouns are words that refer to persons, places, ideas, and things. They take the place of nouns or other pronouns or refer to people, places, things, and ideas. The words they take the place of or refer to are called the pronouns antecedents. Pronouns should agree with (have the same gender and number as) their antecedents. Pronouns can be masculine (and refer to male persons or animals), feminine (and refer to female persons or animals), or neuter (and refer to things or to people or animals of unspecified gender). Every boy should have his pencil and notebook. [The pronoun his refers to the... Show more content on ... [The pronoun her refers to the antecedent girl. Both the pronoun and its antecedent are singular and feminine, so they agree.] All students should have their pencils and notebooks. [The pronoun their refers to the antecedent students. Both the pronoun and its antecedent are plural and neuter, so they agree.] Clear Reference Make sure that it is clear whom or what a pronoun refers to. Sometimes you will need to rewrite a sentence to make the sentence clear. Unclear: After Lorna talked with Ms. Garza, she became worried. [Who became worried?] Clear: Ms. Garza became worried after Lorna talked to her. Unclear: They haven t finished painting the house or pouring the cement. Will the rain ruin it? Clear: They haven t finished painting the house or pouring the cement slab. Will the rain ruin the paint or the slab? Check Your Understanding For each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with a correct pronoun form EXAMPLE: I am looking for Chen and Violet. Have you seen _them_______ ? 1. All of the teachers should bring _____________________ calendars to the
  • 7. Zinc s Role In The Body Zinc is a mineral that plays major roles in the body. For instance, it plays a role in the anabolism of proteins as well of the development of proteins. In addition, it affects cell division and gene expression. Zinc is also needed in reproductive and immune system (Fink and Heitner 2014). There are individuals that do not have an adequate amount of zincin their everyday diets and doctors recommend that they take over the counter supplements to prevent serious health problems. The body has a certain amount of zinc in the bloodstream, which helps the body to be healthy and to function properly. According to the National Institute of Health (2011), the amount of zinc one needs depends on age and gender. As one gets older the amount of zinc one
  • 8. Marshall Mcluhan s Theory Of The Media And Communication... Marshall McLuhan was a media and communication theorist and is considered the first leading prophet of the electronic age but he was also the most controversial and most talked about contemporary intellectuals. , he coined the phrase Medium is the Message also know as Medium Theory. He was explaining the way in which we absorb information from media, and how it isn t the information that affects us but the way we absorb it. McLuhan said Indeed, it is only too typical that the content of any medium blinds us to the character of the medium Medium Theory is his most famous piece of work, Medium Theory was introduced in his 1964 book, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man . Which soon became known as the bible of media studies. It is defined as the name assigned to a variety of approaches used to examine how the means of expression of human communication impact the meaning(s) of human... Show more content on ... The three main categories are medium as a vessel, medium as a language and medium as a environment. Medium as a vessel refers to the idea That media are more or less neutral containers for content . With reference to television, it doesn t matter what the focus of the information presented is but rather that the television brings across all information unbiased in the same demeanour. Medium as a language reflect exactly what it sounds like, different mediums will express themselves in different ways, with different slang or grammar to define the genre. With printed mediums this could reflect in the format of the piece, the way in which something in written and even font choice. The final category is medium as an environment, the idea is derived from the concept that media has the ability to create and directly influence our personal and individual experience within a mass population whether or not we realise
  • 9. The Kindness Experiment Throughout the week of January 9 13, Mrs. Thompson s Language Arts classes conducted a Kindness Experiment. Students were asked to complete kind gestures and encourage recipients to pay them forward. This task created a kindness chain that is still going on today. Students and teachers are passing the torch of kindness and doing amazing things. This proves that kindness is contagious! No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Aesop. Kindness is a very important thing. If no one is kind, everyone is hostile, brief, angry, and there would be no happiness in the world. The people who try their hardest to be the absolute kindest that they can keep society functioning. If you do something small for someone, it can change their mindset for the entire day. On a freezing night, Julio Diaz was mugged on a subway station platform. But decided to help his mugger to make the world a better place. I figure, you know, if you treat people right,... Show more content on ... It saddened her to know that no one would be there to see this woman off to whatever comes after death, so she asked everyone over social media to attend her funeral to make the occasion a little less somber. That s exactly what happened. Over thirty people came to her funeral. [but] my heart felt good that she wasn t alone. Said one of the people Francine knew at her assisted living home which she had lived at for over ten years. Last year, as I was walking to the checkout counter at the local Seven Eleven with my brother, the man in front of us checked out and walked out of the store. The man who just left paid for you guys. The cashier told us as we placed everything we were going to purchase on the counter. We still do not know why this man decided to do this, but we were stunned. We never even had a chance to thank him for what he
  • 10. The Welfare System Changes within the welfare system as a result of policy shifts and by new thinking, more generally in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), have had many methods, but the one that seemed most important, was that welfare recipients were required to do much more to justify their income support payments than before. The foundation of this new idea is that income support programs should allow individuals to maximise their participation in work. Due to the general shift in welfareadministration, the number of activity test requirements an individual in Australia must meet in order to receive unemployment benefits, has expanded significantly since the early 1990s. This complex, overly bureaucratic process means that disadvantaged individuals cannot access the income support payments they require. Within the collaborative research project by the Brotherhood of St Laurence, St Vincent de Paul Society, and The Centre for Public Policy, University of Melbourne, Much obliged: Disadvantaged job seekers experiences of the mutual obligation regime , a series of interviews with disadvantaged individuals were conducted. These people were considered extremely disadvantaged in the labour market, have been on benefits for an average of two and a half years and many had a history of homelessness, mental health issues and/or drug use. This research project found that many of them spoke about their desire to find work, and the demoralisation associated with
  • 11. What Does It Mean To Be An Adult What does it mean to be an adult in society today? Does it mean you have lived a certain number of years and no matter what choices you have made in that time span you are automatically considered an adult? Or is it based off your experiences within that span of time? A persons circumstances give a better understanding of his maturity level as opposed to looking solely at his or her age. In society today once you reach the ageof eighteen or in some areas twenty one, you are considered an adult and are bestowed with all the opportunities and responsibilities that come with this. Such as being able to purchase tobacco products, having to register for selective service agreement, no longer having to abide by a curfew, and if you are in high... Show more content on ... Technically, turning eighteen makes you legally an adult according to the government of the Unites States of America. However, when you analyze this term, there is so much more to it than that. Being an adult means you are able to support yourself not just financially, but also bodily and spiritually. What does it meanto support yourself physically though? Supporting yourself physically means you are able to take care of yourself on a day to day basis from a hygienic point of view. You bathe regularly, know how to wash clothes, clean up after yourself, are able to prepare food for yourself, and other tasks such as that. Since coming to college I have realized that it is necessary to know how to care for myself on a day to day basis because there is no one here to remind me to do it. Also, my appearance is a direct reflection of myself and my character. If I walk around smelling bad and appearing disheveled that reflects poorly on me because it appears that I do not know how to properly care for myself. That would reflect poorly on my character and would in turn hurt me financially. I would not be able to get a job because I would not appear qualified. Most adults know how to do the bare minimum at the least, as this can have an effect on the other two aspects of taking care of yourself. Personally, having a religious connection is important to me. It is not important to everyone, however to some it is the backbone of
  • 12. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Dr. Martin Luther King Jr s words on April 3, 1968 at Mason Temple in Memphis Tennessee speaks through the ages and still grips me with an eerie feeling of prophetic conviction. King s stirring words that night were classical pieces of rhetoric that will be preserved as a place mark for the civil rights movement. When a sick, but yet powerful King bellowed out to the audience I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promise land! ; he was eerily suggesting that his life may possibly be ending soon but the movement continuing. This part of the speech is moving but yet stirring, and to many of the people in attendance that night, disturbing. Here is this iconic figure telling a packed congregation of weary, yet persistent people that he may not make the journey into the land that produces a brighter day and better opportunities. This likens to the biblical story of Moses. After leading the Children of Israel out of bondage for so long and tirelessly working to get them to the land of Canaan Moses is told by God that he will not be the one to lead them into the land flowing with milk and honey and that he will not enter therein at all. It is unnerving to think that Martin knew that his time was at hand. That he had led his people as far as he could lead them. The melancholy mood brought on by the thought of King s premature death turns into an emotional cry of self assurance but also a dramatic exhale and a
  • 13. Project Proposal For An Implementation Of Mobile... n the MSc report always use third person writing the only exception is the Academic declaration section which should be in the first person. Type should be 11 pt for all text, 14pt for chapter titles and 12pt for section and subsection titles. In the title page you should use 16 pt for the title of the project, 14 pt for the author s name and 12 pt for affiliations. Abstract: This project proposal is a specification and plan for an implementation of mobile application keywords contextual targeting. The functionality of mobile implementation will live up to several basic requirements regard to Search Engine Optimisation, Information Retrieval and mobile application, in an effort to develop a manual keywords phrases clusters. I ... Show more content on ... Information Retrieval view8 3.1 Unigram model8 3.2 Applying methodology to Unigram model8 4. Mobile application10 4.1 User Journey 10 4.2 Technical 10 5. Conclusion11 5.1 Objectives11 5.2 Schedule11 Appendix A11 1. Introduction One of the ranking factors is how relevant can be your content which represents your web page according to Google and Bing Page Rank functions. The basic Search Engine techniques for the content, that can be HTML code. Most of the web pages might not use an appropriate structure of HTML code [Extra 15], so when a user search a query those web sites can not show as a results on Google. Because the keywords can not occur in URL and meta tags, the web site is not a result. It can be part of the results for specific keywords if the web site content has the query s keywords. Furthermore, the editor of the web page has to add new keywords or phrases on web page, for optimizing the web site position on search engine results page. Additionally, mobile applications are tend to using for search, so I will build a mobile application which provide keywords idea based on specific Search Engine techniques and Information Retrieval algorithm. 1.1 Aim The aim of this project is a mobile application that will be helpful for checking Search Engine techniques (HTML code) and given new keywords ideas to add phrases or keywords on your web page. My aims are shown below: To develop a mobile application which will
  • 14. The State Of Public Schools Essay In Kansas, the dispute between the branches for power began when the judiciary noticed the disparity in the funding of Kansas school education. The Kansas judiciary came to the conclusion that the disparity in funding was a violation of Kansas constitution. In an effort to fix this, the Kansas judiciary ordered the legislative to make a solution. However, rather than addressing the school funding issue, the Kansas legislative branch passed a law that removed the Supreme Courts right to appoint local chief judges and the ability to set district court budgets. Then, the Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, who is in the executive branch, signed a law that would remove the funding of the judicial branch if the Kansas Supreme Court ruled against him in the court case concerning the funding of public schools. The actions of both the legislative and executive branch of Kansas government disregard the system of checks and balances because the judicial branch is being punished for doing their job. Therefore, judicial reviewis vital for a judge in maintaining a consistent balance of power in the government. In 1789, the Constitution of the United States of America was created and serves as the law of the land. In the Constitution, there was an establishment of the different branches of government: the legislative, executive, and the judiciary. In each branch, there are jurisdictional rights that is given and serves as a guideline for the branches to adhere to. For the judicial
  • 15. Summary Of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy The client had a troubled childhood growing up in Los Angeles California. He grew up poor, eating out of trash cans, moving from hotel to hotel. After his parent s divorce, his father abandoned the family for several years. This has caused the client to feel abandoned and worthless. The Japanese community did not accept John because I was of mixed race, which also made the client feel worthless and unwanted. The client did not have many friends in his neighborhood because I was different in appearance compared to the other kids in the community. The client felt like an outcast and would keep to himself. In high school, the client reconnected with his father and moved into his home. The client reported, I would lay in the bed for days, ... Show more content on ... The client has difficulties with interpersonal skills because of his past negative experiences growing up. The client tends to perceive other individual s body language or comments as negative and an attack on the client causing him to get angry and anxious because of his past experiences in his childhood. When the client is asked about how he knows the intentions of others, the client states that I can tell. However, the client cannot give any details that prove it was the individual s true intentions. For example When I come downstairs, my roommate stairs at me like I am not supposed to be downstairs. Due to past experiences, the client holds these faulty beliefs that may not hold true today. The actions of others that the client perceives as negative brings the client the feelings from childhood of being an outcast, worthless, hopeless, and unwanted. When these feelings occur, the client self medicates with cannabis as a coping strategy. The client s faulty thinking causes him significant harm to his relationships with family, housemates, and church. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy will be used to show the client that the event does not cause his depression, anger, and anxiety but his beliefs about the event causes his depression, anger, and
  • 16. Analysis Of El Buen Pastor By Luis Jimenez Luis Jimenez s piece titled El Buen Pastor (The Good Shepherd) from the Winthrop Rockefeller Gallery represents the react against the seminal post war American movement. The works of art were chosen by a Contemporary and Modern collection created during the past century. The commonality amongst the works of artthat lead to them being displayed together was the abstract expressionism; all the paintings reacted against the seminal post war American movement. This piece was made in 1998 as a depiction of the murder of Esequiel of Redford, Texas while he tended his goats. The piece s present location is the Arkansas Arts Center, and its original location is the Lawrence Lithography Workshop in Saint Louis, Missouri. The piece is water color and crayon on paper, and it can only be seen from one side by looking up because it is hanging on the wall. The subject of the work of art by JimГ©nez is a young mantending his goats who was shot by assassins because they thought he was a drug smuggler. This work of art was made in 1998 in Saint Louis, Missouri for Esequiel Hernandez. This painting was not a copy, it was originally made. The art was made after similar works. The technique used was lithograph (water color) and crayon on paper. The painting was a pretty nice size, more on the bigger side. Luis Jimenez is the artist of El Buen Pastor (The Good Shepherd). He is an American born in El Paso Texas in 1940 and died in 2006 in Hondo, New Mexico. He created this work of art in
  • 17. Bagel Bread Bagel Bread is the bread that comes from Canada. This bread similiar to donuts, but slightly different. Want to know the difference ? Try make it and feel the difference by following How To Make Bagel Bread below. Bagel Bread Ingredients : 500 grams of high protein refined flour 1 1/2 liters of water 350 mililiters of warm water 2 teaspoons instant yeast 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon cooking oil Salt to taste How To Make Bagel Bread: 1. Mix water and baking soda, boiled until boiling, then set aside. 2. Mix flour, instant yeast, sugar, cooking oil and warm water. Stir until all ingredients are well blended. Then add salt, stir well. 3. Put dough on a marble table that has
  • 18. Hockey Violence Essay Ice in our Blood and Blood on our Ice Ice in our Blood and Blood on our Ice I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out. Rodney Dangerfield. Ever since the start to the game of hockey, violence has always played a role in the sport. While that role both contributing positive and negative aspects to the game, violence has taken its toll on not only the players but the fans as well. As violence in hockey is as many fans say part of the game and what makes hockey hockey, the negative outcomes overweigh the positive. From fights to brawls, slashes to high sticks, boarding to head contact the violence surrounds the entire game. As fans cheer and rant at their full potential when a fight breaks out during a hockey ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, it is difficult to accept that violence is incidental when NHL players who specialize in fighting, goons or enforcers, are paid a premium for this behavior even though their hockey skills are marginal and those who refuse to fight are consigned to the minor leagues as punishment. However, when looking specifically at the economic value that violence is an attribute of the product intentionally promoted by leagues and teams to increase attendance and profits. The underlying assumption is that fans have a taste for violence, and violence attracts larger crowds, larger crowds increase revenue, which, given costs, increases profits. This hypothesis is compatible with the response of successive NHL presidents when the question of violence is raised: that the league is in the entertainment business and therefore has to put on a spectacle. It is also consistent with the act of paying players a premium to fight and the statistical finding that violence and NHL attendance are positively correlated. While it is quite clear that violence was widespread in hockey before and during the early years of the NHL, when it was strictly a Canadian game, as some of the classic NHL brawls have taken place in Canada between Canadian teams, and the largest NHL fan riot occurred in Montreal.
  • 19. Vitas Strengths Superhuman Strength: Vitas is very powerful when he wants to be. His strength can sometimes be tied to his anger, becoming stronger the more he gives into his rage. Either way, he makes for a formidable opponent if you re his enemy. Vitas does not use this power often; instead he prefers to use his own strength to fight. He only uses this if he s enraged enough, or if it s a drastic measure. Healing factor: Vitas is able to heal and recover from injuries such as gunshots, gashes, broken bones, stabbing wounds, burns, and bite wounds. The speed of regeneration is usually dependent on how severe his injury is. Some injuries cannot be healed with this power; however, instead he must rest just like a human. Flight: Vitas has the potential to fly he just has to learn how to. Right now, he is dependent on the Miracle of Flight, granted by goddesses Palutena and Viridi. There is a downside to this the Miracle of Flight only lasts 5 minutes. If this time limit is surpassed, Vitas wings will catch fire, proving fatal to his life.... Show more content on ... Angelic Weapons: If hit in a vital spot or injured well enough of one of these, Vitas can be killed. Magic: Vitas is still a mortal and is, as such, is still vulnerable to the workings of magic. Black magic has an adverse effect on him, and he s able to be trapped inside of an pentagram or magic circle which weakens his powers. Power development: Vitas nephilim powers are still in the development stage. His brother, Vlad, is much more experienced with these. Therefore, he is not able to do other things that fully fledged Nephilims can, e.g. healing, empathy, and more. Hunted: Some Nephilim are viewed as a disgrace and a complete mistake to every normal angel, making them a prime subject for
  • 20. A Short Biography Of Jackie Robinson Donovan Hill Mrs. Astudillo Composition and Grammar P.4 2 December 2015 Jackie Robinson and the Breaking of the Color Barrier I m not concerned with your liking or disliking me.....All I ask is that you respect me as a human being (Robinson).Baseball legend Jackie Robinson was born on January 31, 1919 to Jerry and Mallie Robinson In Cairo, Georgia where he became the youngest of five children. Jackie s father Jerry was a sharecropper and taught the family important lessons, like to stay out of trouble and follow the law Jackie s mom Mallie raised the family by herself. After Jackie s father left the family, the Robinson family moved to Pasadena where Jack went to UCLA ( African Americans could play baseball professionally, Jackie Robinson made history by becoming the first professional African American baseball player, and paved the way for future African American baseball players. To begin with Americans today couldn t believe that there was a time that African Americans could not play baseball. Since the beginning of of baseball African Americans didn t participate in games because of the color barrier. In 1920 African Americans could play baseball in a league created just for ... Show more content on ... Jackie Robinson joined the Montreal Royals in 1946 (Hall of Jackie Robinson had one of the best seasons in minor league history (Simon). Jackie Robinson was promoted to the Major Leagues in 1947; this led to Jackie Robinson breaking the 50 year color barrier in the Major Leagues on April 24, 1947 ( Jackie Robinson won the Rookie of the year and MVP award in just his first season in Major League Baseball Becomes first African American to win both awards (Simon). He would later send his team to the World Series. To conclude, Jackie Robinson made it possible to for African Americans to play baseball today. Without him the negro leagues would still
  • 21. Why A Person Would Commit Crimes Throughout history people have tried to explain why a person would commit crimes. Some consider a life of crime better than a regular job at least until they are caught. ( Bettmann/Corbis) The mainstream of American society have always struggled to achieve the American Dream. The dream usually consists of graduating from college, earning a well paid salary from a respected employer, a family, a nice car, and owning a home. We strive to have the perfect smile, the perfect body, the best clothes, and throw the perfect parties. We want to become Pro athletes, rappers, rockers, Hollywood s most famous, a CEO or President. We are a society that wants it all, and now, and sometimes by any means. Sociologist Robert Merton wrote that deviance is, in a sense, a normal behavior in a functioning society. /introductiontosociology/chapter/chapter7 deviance crime and social control/). He believes that every individual in society is encouraged to achieve financial success and the availability to success determines whether or not a person conforms or deviates to such societal norms. Merton introduced the Strain Theory. He believes that the inconsistency between what a person can achieve and their ability to attain this financial goal causes strain. Merton defines five ways people address the inconsistencies. Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism, and Rebellion. The impact and relevance of the Strain Theory in 2015 can be observed everywhere in
  • 22. Promotion Strategy Essay At its heart, promoting a product is simply communication. Consumer perceptions are a key component of success or failure, so organizations must strive to align communications into clear, concise, and customer oriented messages (Lumen, n.d). The point of promotion is to convince consumers to purchase the intended product. There are several promotion methods to choose from and nearly limitless media to use for promotion. Marketingdepartments must choose the method or methods and media that best reach the target consumer. In order to further illustrate the use of promotion methods and media, promotion strategies have been developed for a software company, a new toy, a health beverage, and a small airline. Animation Software A ... Show more content on ... Overall, this approach is indicative of the importance of the customer to the organization. It has another benefit as well. When a small company uses multiple salespeople to contact a client it helps the company appear larger than it is (Lumen, n.d.). There are a couple of types of media the organization should use. First, submit the software to for review. This will provide a point of reference for anyone researching animation software and provide impartial judgment on the merits of the software. Second, contact ideal customers and schedule a presentation of the new advanced software. Once complete, offer a sample version of the software (with reduced functionality) so it can be operated prior to purchasing the full version. Since there are many small companies that create video games and other animation, I suggest attending trade shows. According to the Animation World Network website, there are 19 tradeshows in the next 3 months (Events, n.d.). The organization can also attend shows frequented by animators such as the E3 and South by Southwest conferences. The proper use of these methods will ensure the news of this innovative animation software reaches the intended target audience. While this plan works in this scenario, it does not necessarily apply to all products. New Toy An organization has developed a new toy to capitalize on the popularity of a children s TV show. There were delays in getting the toy introduced in the market
  • 23. Past and Current Drug Trends in America Past and Current Drug Trends in America Sarah Pierce PSY425 October 25, 2010 Scharlene De Horney Past and Current Drug Trends in America Drugs come in many forms and from many places. Drugs have been around since the beginning of time and people have been using them since they discovered them. Drug use began thousands if not a hundred thousand years ago as humans started exploring their environment. People would see a new plant or observe an animal s behavior after consuming the plant, and out of curiosity, they would experiment with it or taste it. This is how some of the drugs we know today came about. Cocaine, opium, LSD, peyote, and marijuana all come from plants that primitive people discovered while tasting the environment ... Show more content on ... Marijuana is still and probably always will be a widespread used drug. Amphetamines are a major problem here in Arizona, especially among teens and young adults. Arizona started a large scale media campaign in the beginning of 2010 known as The Arizona Meth Project . The purpose of this project is to inform the youth of the risks and the effects of using meth. Also in Arizona, there is a rise in crack cocaine use. Young people have on recreational drug experimentation is mixed. Some, if not most young adults and teens believe that drugs are bad. Nevertheless, there are always those who see nothing wrong with living a little . Appropriate Use of Illicit Drugs In some cases, the public views the use of illicit drugs as acceptable. Some of these illicit drugs are acceptable for medicinal purposes and some are acceptable because of religion. Many people believe in the medicinal value of marijuana. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. Many advocates consider marijuana a harmless, or even beneficial, substance that should be made legal (Medical Marijuana, 2010. para.1). In fact, in recent years there have been propositions put on the ballot to legalize marijuana in many states. In California and some other states, patients with a cannabis card and a prescription can purchase and use marijuana. Marijuana helps with pain, anxiety, and many other medical issues. In some cases, the use of amphetamines is
  • 24. What Is Solipsistic Little Godism In The Crimes Of Gabriel... In The Crime of Gabriel Gale by G. K. Chesterton, Chesterton demonstrates solipsistic little godism through the young character Herbert Saunders, a seminary student and new found solipsistic little godist. Solipsism is defined as the belief in only two things: one s own existence and what they are presently imagining. A solipsist does not believe that the outside world is actually there, he just believes that he imagined it. Extreme solipsists may be referred to solipsistic little godists, as they wholeheartedly believe that they created their own interpretation of the world and are therefore in control of everything that happens. One may be a solipsist without being a little godist, but being a solipsist is prerequisite for one to be a little godist, as little godism is an extreme form of solipsism.... Show more content on ... To interpret the premise that no one enjoys suffering, one must objectively define suffering. Gale chose to pitchfork Saunders to the tree because he felt that it was a situation Saunders would never place himself in by choice, as it was uncomfortable and potentially life threatening, had a tornado ensued or if lightning struck the tree. However, Gale could not possibly know with absolute certainty that Saunders would never choose this for himself. Gale and Saunders were not close friends prior to this event, and Gale could never possibly guess Saunders future desires or preferences. If Saunders secretly enjoyed thunderstorms, or pitchforks, or being suspended from a tree, this method of proving that Saunders is not a Little God would not work; rather, it would only reinforce Saunders beliefs. Therefore, this treatment is contingent on the belief that Saunders does not enjoy the situation Gale placed him in, which Gale could not possibly know at the time. Ultimately, this treatment worked mostly due to a lucky guess on Gale s part, not an objectively, absolutely true idea of
  • 25. What factors lead to the rise of the pictorial poster What factors lead to the rise of the pictorial poster? When looking at what factors lead to the rise of the pictorial poster, it is clear to see that the majority of them occurred in late nineteenth century Paris and that perhaps one man, Jules ChГ©ret, can be thanked for exploiting and mastering the techniques which made these posters reach the levels of respect previously reserved for the fine arts. As well as Jules ChГ©ret and his mastery of lithography I will be exploring the influence of Japan and their printing techniques upon Toulouse Lautrec as well as Baron Georges Eugene Haussmann s renovation of Paris during its Second empire, the impacts of the rising middle class, and the effects that tax had upon the walls of Paris.... Show more content on ... However, this image is missing the simplicity of the previous poster and the skill in which ChГ©ret prints La Loi fuller s dress in movement cannot be overlooked, it is what carries the whole poster with ease. As stated by Jane Abdy in The French Poster what makes a great ChГ©ret is the personification of gaiety in his posters .... the laughing, twirling, sparkling girl whom he uses as a model; the Parisians adored her , and called her La Cherette (abdy, 1969, p.31) In Les affiches illustr ees Maindron a section from The French Poster by Jane Abdy, Ernest Maindron talks about that when posters were very successful, it was often reproduced in a small version so that collectors could have them. A daily newspaper Le courriere francias made special printings of ChГ©ret posters in a convenient size (22 x14 ) as presents to their subscribers (Abdy, 1969, p.171) However, the size of posters not only affected legibility and who could own them, it also affected the amount of tax placed upon them. All posters which were to be placed in the streets would be subjected to a government tax. This was varied according to size; the rate was 6 centimes for the Вј colombier, 12 centimes for the ВЅ colombier, 18 for the jesus and the colombier and 24 centimes for all large posters. (Abdy, 1969, p.171) when this levy was paid, the poster was stamped and approved to be hung in the streets. Figure 3 Hiroshige Plum estate, Kamedio.
  • 26. Design And Brilliant Branding Of Dyson Vacuum Cleaner But when we actually touch the tool itself, we intuitively know with our very begins why the weight, hardness and palpable texture of stoneware inspired the human senses that drove the culture of the Stone Age. Even today I myself feel thrilled to handle these tools. This sensational feeling is like an impulse inciting us to create. After reading this key text made me think of one special tool I have ever use, Dyson vacuum cleaner (fig1). The weight, hardness, palpable texture and also the sound both closely related to Dyson vacuum cleaner. With the innovate design and brilliant branding, Dyson had become one of the most successful technology company. The multi sensory is fusion of vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste and feeling, seize the product packaging most likely to be perceived sections color, shape, graphics, text, sounds, smells, textures and other elements to stimulate, induce, attract the attention of consumers, enhance consumer Their brand of memory products, so as to increase market share goal. When people talk about Nokia, Intel and other brands, the ears will be ringing their unique melodic music, so the consumer perception of the brand, not by a single senses, but the information received through the five senses in the brain to form a comprehensive mapping like. Removal of trademarks, can a brand be identified it? All along, the brand for the dissemination of the audience is narrowly limited to text, sound and images in this in several ways, so that
  • 27. Why Do We Need International Criminal Court Do we need an international criminal court ? The International Criminal Court (ICC), governed by the Rome Statute, is the first interminable, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end exemptions for the perpetrators of the most serious and heinous crimes of concern to the international community. The ICC was mandated in July of 1998 but was bought into force by July of 2002.1 The Rome Statute is a mutual treaty which serves as the ICC s foundational and leading document. States which become party to the Rome Statute, for example by passing it, become member states of the ICC. Currently, there are 122 states which are party to the Rome Statute and as a result are members of the ICC.2 The creation of the International Criminal Courtis a global response to the extreme mayhem perpetrated in the last century. Unfortunately, in all too many cases, terrible crimes went unpunished and a alleged culture of impunity protected the perpetrators. National courts often did not investigate the crimes adequately, or at all. The International criminal court was established at the Paris Peace Conference Following the First World War, because some of the most heinous crimes were committed during the conflicts which marked the twentieth century.3 Unfortunately, many of these violations of international law have remained unpunished and the role of the International criminal court was to bring past and future dreadful crimes to trial and to be punished, and
  • 28. Aircraft Instruments System Reviewer ANEROID sensitive component in an altimeter or barometer that measures absolute pressure of the air. Sealed, flat capsule made of thin corrugated disks of metal soldered together and evacuated by pumping all of the air out of it. PRESSURE amount of force acting on a given unit of area and all pressure must be measured from some known references. BAROMETRICSCALE/KOLLSMAN WINDOW small window in the dial of a sensitive altimeter in which the pilot sets the barometric pressure level from which the altitude shown on the altimeter is measured. AIRSPEED INDICATOR A flight instrument that measures the differential between the pitot, of ram air pressure and the static pressure of the air surrounding the aircraft. BOURDON TUBE type ... Show more content on ... ISOGONIC LINE a line drawn on an aeronautical chart along which the angular difference between the magnetic and geographic north poles is the same. AGONIC LINE a line drawn on an aeronautical chart along which there is no angular difference between the magnetic geographic north poles. RATE GYROS mounted in single gimbals and they operate on the characteristic of precession. ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft System * 2 ECAMS display * Engine Warning Display * System Display EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System ADIRU Air data /Inertial Reference unit and located rear ECAM ADR (Air Data Input) Input: AOA, TAT, and Pitot amp; static ports. Output: Airspeed, Mach no., Barometric altitude, TAT, Static Air Temp. And Sensors. Inertial Reference Section (output) * Gives inertial data to the EFIS. ADIRS control and display unit (CDU) located at the overhead panel. GENEREAL SYSTEMS 1st group * ADIRUs * DDRMI * ISIS 2nd group * GPS * TCAS * DME * ADF * VOR 3rd group * ILS * Marker Receivers 4th group * EGPWS * RAs * WXR * PWS DME measures a slant distance from an aircraft to a station. FWC Flight Warning Computer (Oral amp; Visual) ISIS Enhanced/Integrated Standby Instrument System * Replaces 3 conventional standby instruments * Capable of ILS EIS Electronic Instrument System SDAC System Data Acquisition Concentrators
  • 29. Captivity Narrative Essay One of the most popular music producers today, William Moore, also known as DJ Esco, once found himself locked up in a jail in Dubai. He was held Captive for 56 days. In one of the songs he produced, he told his tale of captivity and how it felt to be amongst a culture that is completely different from your own. He states in the song that he felt as if he were an alien among the people of Dubai. This is an example of a captivity narrative. Captivity narratives are usually stories of people captured by enemies whom they consider uncivilized, or whose beliefs and customs they oppose. A few other examples of captivity narratives include, Twelve Years a Slave (2013) by Solomon Northup, Olaudah Equianos Narrative (1789), and a more up to... Show more content on ... In the film, Bass asks Edwin Epps about the treatment and conditions of his slaves, which were horrid, and Epps replies with, They ain t hired help. They re my property. (McQueen) One last example of people being held captive would be the Iranian Hostage Crisis. 52 hostages were held in an embassy for 444 days. While they were never severely injured, the hostages endured awful treatment by their captors; they were displayed in front of cameras blindfolded, they could not talk, read, or change clothes. (Iran Hostage Crisis) There are a number of ways one can escape captivity, according to these narratives. In Equiano s narrative, he achieves freedom by purchasing it from his owner, Robert King, for 40 pounds. What! said he, give you your freedom? Why, where did you get the money; have you got forty pounds sterling? Yes sir, I answered. How did you get it ; replied he; I told him, Very honestly. The captain then said he knew I got the money very honestly, and with much industry, and that I was particularly careful. (Equiano 719 720) In Twelve Years a Slave, Northup gains his freedom by escaping Louisiana and fleeing to New York and thus gaining his freedom in 1853. The
  • 30. Technology Is Brain Washing Our Kids ! Technology is Brain Washing Our Kids! Imagine being a kid in the 1980 s. Kids back in those days would run around outside all day, using their imagination to create imaginary worlds to travel to imaginary places that made way for creative ideas and inventions as they grew older. One of those inventions turned out to be the tablet, the iPhone, or the netbook. Basically anything that made everything easier. Everything is now easier. One can simply look up an article and read it on their computer or phone, or research the latest fashion trends without having to keep updated on the latest magazine. Easier is okay. Let s make things easier, but it s when the easier starts finding its way into schoolsystems. Easy technology usage becomes a problem when it creeps into our school, when the unreliable, and brainwashing abilities of technology creep into the minds of the young to hurt their ability to actually truly learn and experience life for what it should be. Computers have made writingpapers easier, emails have made communicating with teachers more efficient, and the Internet has made access to information become extraordinarily easy to come by. However, in this picture, a fourth grade teacher is asking her students to complete an assignment with their technology. Obviously, this assignment is supposed to be a warm up, something at the beginning of the year to help the kids back into the swing of school. While they should be picking up a penciland thinking of how to write
  • 31. Chimera Research Paper The Chimera of Arezzo (first half of the fourth century., Bronze) was made by the Etruscans. It was found in Arezzo in 1553. It is believed to be part of group of bronze statues depicting a battle. The Chimera is a part of Greek mythology. A monster believed to breathe fire. Its defeat to the hero Bellerophon was a legend, which is why it is portrayed as a battle locked creature bleeding and ready to attack. This sculpture was created as an offering to a god believed to be commissioned by a wealthy Etruscan. It shows how the Etruscans used many different influences from different cultures and made them their own. The Chimera was a mythological monster believed to breathe fire. In Greek mythology, the offspring the gods Typhon and Echidna. A hybrid of different types of animals, most commonly it had the head of a lion, the head of a goat coming from its side and a serpent as the tail. It was a female beast known for its ferocity. The mother of the Sphinx and Nemeian Lion, and raised by a king the monster was great and terrible. Known to roam the land of Lycia wrecking the lives of its inhabitants until it s defeat by the warrior Bellerophon by order of... Show more content on ... King Iobates sent a man named Bellerophon to fight the treacherous beast, as a favor to another king who wanted the young warrior dead. He rode on the back of a Pegasus to fight the chimera. The Chimera of Arezzo depicts the monster in battle with its set of wounds. It is bleeding from its side where a spear was believed to be pre discovery. The head of the goat also bleeds from its neck. The monster seems to be in pain and is roaring in anger. Its body is crouched in a pouncing position ready to attack who is assumed to be Bellerophon who emerged victorious from the fight. This could be the reason the sculpture was chosen to be offered to an Etruscan god, the sculpture is very detailed and captures attention because of the artist s
  • 32. The Importance Of Glacier National Park On August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed the act creating the National Park Service to conserve natural land from being destroyed or messed with. This enabled it to be preserved for many generations to see rather than it be torn down and made into some lame houses or buildings. Red wood forest, San Francisco, California Yellowstone National ParkCody, Wyoming Glacier National Park Montana Sequoia National Park California and Yosemite National Park California Glacier National Park is a very beautiful park with many sites. The Park itself has not really been toiled with too much but they do receive a outrageous amount of tourist each year. The Glacier national park is known all over the world for its beautiful sites and location.
  • 33. A Short Story Of Aeldra s Life Story No luck she never had the chance to be happy. Aeldra couldn t handle it anymore. She was all by herself growing up in a destroyed, impoverished cabin surviving more than living, always begging for food on the street and never had anyone to be with except her parents everyday in her dreams.Her horrible life story started when she was only a three month baby when her father Deniz died on a trip in the sea, and a nine year old little girl when her mother Bora was killed in a hurricane. Destiny or maybe just the name curse, Aeldra wasn t sure what it was. Deniz means sea in Turkish and Bora has the meaning of hurricane and that is where their life ended, where their destiny landed them at the end so Aeldra made a promise to herself to call her first born baby Hakan which meant emperor so the destiny would make him the ruler. Aeldra hated the fact of being lonely and a family was what she desired the most in her life. A need to belong, to be part of something, that was all she wanted from this world but at the age of sixteen she got the most horrible lesson on her life: Better off alone than with monsters. She got raped on a rainy night while she was alone in the street and from that horrific experience, she got pregnant. She was too young to be a mother, too poor to have a baby so even it hurt her heart the most she decided to get rid of the life that was growing inside her. She was four months pregnant and her back was killing her because of the pregnancy she traveled
  • 34. No Control At All By Jack This child, lets call him, Jack. With no control at all, Jack was fortunate enough to be born into high income country, like New Zealand Then there s, Jill. With the same amount of control as Jack, he added to the total of 10,368 children born into poverty a day. That s one child, every 1.2 seconds Jack has a 1 in 165 chance of dying before he s 5. Jill on the other hand is not so lucky and the odds of him reaching his 5th birthday are 1 in 6. Everyone was born into and are living in circumstances that they haven t chosen, it s not something we can change, we just have to live with it. It s something that has a huge impact and often determines the direction of our lives. We can t choose whether we were born into rich family or a poor family. We can t choose if we re black or white, male or female,disabled or not disabled, tall or short, intelligent or not. These are things that don t fully define who we are but they do often influence how people may see you. Imagine if someone like Kate Sheppard was born into poverty, her fight for women s rights might not have been prioritised because she had to focus on her own survival. And even if they that did seem important, her education would probably have been very limited. Education for females in some third world countries is frowned upon because they don t believe in educating women. Or what if Usain Bolt was born with cerebral palsy, affecting the part of the brain that controls legs, we d have a new world champion sprinter.
  • 35. Similarities Between The United States And The Federal System The United States Federal System and the current Federal System for the European Union have many similarities and differences. The traditional division of the functions of a federal government are the legislative, executive and the judicial branch. The United States is made up all three branches separately to check potential abuses and balance each of the branches. The European Union also has three main political institutions that constitute the executive and legislative branches, as well as the independent judiciary with the power to exercise judicial review (European Parliament). The legislative Branch for the United States is divided into two parts: House of Representatives and the Senate. The House is made up of 435 elected members, which is divided among the 50 states in amount to their total population. The Speaker of the House, who is the third in the line of succession to the Presidency, is elected by the Representatives. The members of the House are elected every two years and must 25 years of age and been a U.S. citizen for at least 7 ... Show more content on ... There are only a few differences between the House and the Parliament such as the House has the right to introduce new legislation while the Parliament has no right to initiate legislation but co determines EU legislative planning (European Parliament). For the Senate and the Council of the European Union, it is also the exact same thing as the House and the Parliament. The only differences between the Senate and the Council are: there are two senators from each Senators from each State in the Senate while there is one representative from each Member State government and one vote per Senate member while the member state population of the Council determines how many votes each member State has (European
  • 36. Essay On Canadian Pop Culture Canadian Pop Culture I would watch many different shows, movies, and animes. I don t watch any Canadian shows. None of the animes, shows and movies I watch are Canadian because I would watch japanese anime and Canadian shows don t seem that interesting to me. Animes I watched are Shingeki No Kyojin and Naruto . There s also a few anime movies I seen, like Boruto . I haven t heard or seen any Canadian movies. I ve seen a few episodes of Canadian shows: MasterChef Canada and The Amazing Race Canada . I watch shows that are similar to The Flash , Marvel s Agents of Shields , and Arrow .I listened to music that a Canadian person sings. I listen to Justin Bieber s and Shawn Mendes music. Some Justin Bieber s songs I listened to is Love ... Show more content on ... Depending on what succeeded can benefit me; if it s the news or weather channel that succeeded they would continue to run it, instead of canceling it because they are getting profit out of it. This is beneficial to me because I can be informed on what s happening in other countries or what s happening in Canada. Some of the qualities of Canadians products are better than and just as good as some of American products.Some songs by Canadian singers are better than American songs. Some of Justin Bieber songs are better than Americans; What Do You Mean and Sorry are one of the best songs. Some Canadian products are more worse than some American products. Some clothings, foods, movies, songs, video games, advertisements, etc, are better than, worst than, or same quality as some American products. I think most American shows or movies are better than Canadians and Canadian music are better music than Americans. Having CRTC and CANCON regulations are really important because it informs the world about what s happening in other countries/world and it strengthens Canada s culture, social and economic structures. It informs people across the world about Canada and if people ever want to or are planning to go to Canada they will know when to come because they would know
  • 37. Vital Strategic Management Processes A strategic leader can utilize decision making teams as a powerful asset in successfully coping with the environment. Such teams improve their decision making by using a process of consensus, a process useful when developing national security strategy, military strategy, or strategic planning in other public or private sectors. Knowing how to forge consensusfor policy development and implementation is critical to successful management and leadership. Being able to manage strategic consensus has been identified as one of the effective methods for the execution of strategy. Within an organization one of the fundamental priorities consists of understanding commitment (Floyd and Woolridge, 1992), as this is often reflected in important... Show more content on ... Cormick.G et al, 1996 states consensus is a process of those who have a stake in the outcome to reach agreement on actions and outcomes that resolve or advance issues related to environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Key attributes to successfully participation include humility, willingness to listen to others and see their perspectives, and willingness to share your own ideas but not insist they are the best ones. Decisions are a part of everyday life and can be made in a variety of ways, but most of the time they are either made individually or in a group setting. Both individual decision making and group decision making have their pros and cons, and can even determine the type of individual a person is. There are major differences between group decision making and individual decision making. When participants are in a group, decision making could not only consist of one person s opinion, however everyone s opinion which could become vital for the final outcome. This could go two ways either it makes it easier for a final decision to be reached, or make it even harder to reach a final decision. Group decision making can also be positive because there is more brain power involved which can ultimately lead to a quick and more efficient type of decision making. Consensus is a method used to find a solution where everyone in the team agrees and is used in company s such as housing operatives, activist
  • 38. Tuition Prices in Albert, Canada EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Alberta provides quality education to its students. It used visions and suggestions as a vital knowledge in planning for a advancement in education. It is facing a number of challenges for improving the quality of post secondary education. It provides numerous ways of solving the remedies and bringing change in the system. But number of hands by government for support has declined Investments by public are necessary for universities to indulge in long term financial planning. Creation of affordable packages. Expansion of potential of students and fulfillment of demands by students. Making effective use of distant learning. Investment in funding. Barriers should be removed. Lowering tuition fee. Commitment of highest standards. Rapid participation from rural community. Provision of high level education and facilities. Offering grants instead of loans STATISTICS CANADA RANKS UNIVERSITYTUITION IN ALBERTA AS SIXTH HIGHEST IN THE COUNTRY BY HERALD CALGARY Examples Retrieved Source Tuitions are currently frozen in Alberta, but students group in the province say the findings ring true because universities are jacking up fees instead. It s really institutions finding another source of revenue to make up for
  • 39. Change Management. Student Name. Institution Of Affiliation. Change Management Student Name Institution of Affiliation Introduction Change Management is a basic key undertaking in any association. However, pioneers are the ones considered in charge of the plan and usage of progress. In the most recent decade, measurements show that just about 80% of progress ventures do not succeed. Past reviews likewise affirm that goals of most change activities are not achieved. In specific cases, the change tasks are finished after the set due dates, consequently, not profiting the objective subjects. In John Kotter s article, Why Transformation Efforts Fail, he plots basic calculates that influence achievement change ventures. Kotter presented a model proposing that authoritative pioneers can ... Show more content on ... Fiorina, the then approaching CEO embraced the rebuilding of the association without imparting the same to the organization s potential clients and workers. This affected the loss of the association s clients like Ford and Boeing. The clients whined that the new structure embraced by the organization did not completely address their necessities. They were not persuaded about the whole thought of converging with Compaq Computer Corporation. These difficulties were affected by the way that the possibility of the merger was not appropriately conveyed to the workers (Palmer, Dunford and Akin, 2009). IBM is additionally another fruitful organization that has dependably been attempting to present and oversee change. In the evident story of progress administration, it is unequivocal that correspondence was successfully directed. Be that as it may, when Samual Palmisano assumed control as the new CEO of IBM, things started to take another bend. Notwithstanding, this was not the situation at IBM. The pioneer imparted to all staff individuals about his expectations of progress and the potential advantages, and he ought to be lauded for that. Kodak Corporation is one of the film organizations that have obtained a bigger piece of the overall industry in the United States. It is prestigious for the generation of
  • 40. Peter Suchy Research Paper 6th June| Stamford, CT: Renowned Vintage Jewelry expert Peter Suchy s Estate and Edwardian Pieces are easily available online. All that one needs to do is log on to Peter Suchy s catalogue and go through his extensive estate and Edwardian jewelry collection. Estate jewelry is another world for antique jewelry. It is referred to as estate jewelry as it has left behind by its owner as part of their estate. This is authentic jewelry that it is intricately designed with detailed craftsmanship which gives the jewelry a sophisticated yet elegant look. Antique jewelries are making a comeback due to their old school charm and the nostalgia they evoke. These jewelry designs have evolved through the passage and yet have managed to remain relevant in
  • 41. The Story Of My Search Lilly Bjorkquist The Story of My Search It s no secret that the economy has not been the best in the past five or so years, and a lot of schools have taken the hardest hit from that. Public schools have had to cut many different programs and areas of study because it is simply just too expensive to teach all of them and provide the correct materials for the students. This is causing the quality of students education to go down, and they aren t receiving all of the benefits that they should be. The education that a student receives starting in elementary school and all the way up into high schools sets them up for how they will do in college, and that will determine how they are going to live the rest of their lives. Since my future ... Show more content on ... Schools also cut sports, extra circular activities, and other events that make school fun for the students. I want to see how they deal with these cuts but yet still give the students the proper education. Overall, I just want to find out how schools make up for the classes that are taken out of the schools, and what they think is the best way to deal with this situation. My search had its good and bad points, but over all it was pretty successful and took me about two weeks to complete. I found out a lot of things that I didn t know, but some of the things were obvious from attending a public high school. At some points it was difficult to find information to back up what I wanted to explain, but for the most part I had a handful of good and credible sources to use. I used a few websites that were from major new sites, a former teacher, and school websites themselves. I got the majority of my information from the news sites, and that was very interesting because the different states showed different ways that they cut programs and how it differed depending on the school and the area. It also showed how some of them were similar and some of the cuts were placed in the same areas but not always. Another thing that I did was to interview one of my former teachers to see what her feelings where on the budgets cuts and how it directly effected her. It was good to hear some feedback from someone who was experiencing the cuts first
  • 42. Race, Class, and Gender Essay In Anderson and Collins , chapter on Why race, class, and gender still maters encourage readers to think about the world in their framework of race, class, and gender. They argued that even though society has change and there is a wide range of diversity; race, class and gender still matters. Anderson and Collins stated, Race, class, and gender matter because they remain the foundation for system of power and inequality that, despite our nation s diversity, continue to be among the most significant social facts of peoples lives. (Anderson and Collins, 2010) When I was a little girl, I never knew that people were classified in to groups such as race, class, gender. I knew there were people that had a different color of skin than... Show more content on ... The staffs made us feel very uncomfortable so we decided to leave the store. In addition, I have noticed that people tend to stayed within their race and culture. For example, some white people stay within their race, they form relationships within their own race, they live in neighborhoods where white people predominate, and they have their own life style, and consider other races lower than theirs. This makes me think about my own Mexican culture. I have heard some of my Central American friends say that Mexicans think they are better than they are. I do not say anything but I know many Mexicans who have said that we are better than other cultures. I have to say we are different in the way that we do integrate and have close friendships with people from other cultures. Unlike some white people, who say they have close relationships with other races, when in reality they do not. Anderson and Collins, stated, We want readers to understand that race, class, and gender are linked experiences, no one of which is more important than the other; the three are interrelated and together configure the structure of U.S. society. (Anderson and Collins, 2010) Peggy McIntosh, chapter on White Privilege, color, and crime, encourages readers to think about the world in the framework of race, class, and gender on a White privilege perspective. McIntosh
  • 43. The Apollo Conspiracy There s an organization called NASA, who s done a significant job of sticking to their story. They say Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969, and set foot on the surface 6 hours later. This same organization claims there were 5 additional missions which successfully landed on the Moon, and a suspected total of 12 people went for a walk there. According to them, they spent $24 billion, which is more than $150 billion in inflation adjusted dollars. Their Apollo program employed 400,000 people, supported by more than 20,000 companies and research institutions. The main pillar of any conspiracy requires a few select people keeping a really, big secret. Looking at the facts, the select group required to successfully ... Show more content on ... It is fiction. It s mixed together. It s hard to separate them until you look at them closely . Something like this cannot be fact and fiction that is mixed together. Something cannot be fake, but also real, it doesn t make sense. He also says that all the scenes of the lunar surface were filmed on Earth . So this means that no one ever went to space, so where did the rocket go that they had to launch? I think that it is so hard to believe that they actually fake the moon landing. I do not agree with the narrators on the moon landing. I do think that we went to the
  • 44. Balancing Individual Privacy with Press Freedom Balancing Individual Privacy with Press Freedom Alan F. Westin, a privacy expert at Columbia University, once wrote: Privacy is the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others (self information control right). In this age of mass media, individual privacy has become a casualty of journalists feeding frenzy and it has become really hard for societies to determine the nature and process of information in the public domain. In this article I reflect on the problem in Nepal s context. Despite being a social animal, every human being seeks seclusion and solitude within the open mirror of society. Privacy is inherent in the behavior ... Show more content on ... The current interim constitution (article 28) stipulates that except on the circumstance as provided by the law, the privacy of the person, his or her residence, property, document, statistics, correspondence and character is inviolable Similarly, the constitution of the country also guarantees freedom of the press (article 15 interim constitution, 2063). It ensures the right to freedom of press and publication. This right was included as a specific fundamental right in previous Constitution of Nepal 2047. Freedom of the press means the right to print and publish without any interference from the state or any public authority. The liberty of the press consists freedom from prior restraints upon publication of content. Freedom of the press also means freedom of dissemination, news and views from diverse and antagonistic sources for the knowledge and welfare of the people. The Press and Publication Act (2048), a new version of the earlier Press and Publication Act (2039), also guaranteed the constitutional freedom of the press. The Gali Beizzati Ain 2016 (such as in article 3 and 8) recognizes freedom of the press. It says that every human being shall enjoy free press, without any discrimination on the ground of race, color, sex etc. There are, however, very few International Conventions which guarantee right to privacy, but there are several conventions regarding press freedom. For example, the right to privacy is enumerated in article 12 of the Universal
  • 45. Key Lessons For Those Who Lead From The Middle Year Week Are you a leader but not the leader? That is the category into which most leaders fall. Great things can be accomplished by those who lead from the middle. They may or may not get the credit. However, credit is not the goal. The goal is faithfulness, progress, success, change, or resolution depending on the situation. It does not matter who gets the credit so long as the job gets done. I love and respect my leader so very much. I also take joy on those occasions where he says or initiates something over which I had influence. We he wins, I win and all of our staff wins. If the organization does well that is good for all who are affiliated. Therefore, I am committed to do my best as I lead from the middle. I shared four key lessons for... Show more content on ... You will not always get your way. You will encounter some people whose motives are not pure and their actions will bring hurt to you. What do you do in those circumstances? You must offer genuine forgiveness and let go of the hurts. If not, you will become the cynic and will be unable to accomplish the aims described in the previous point. Buddy Hackett once said that while you carry the grudge the other guy is out dancing. What does that mean? It means you only hurt yourself and not only do you become an anchor holding back your organization but you also become the anchor to your own personal development and effectiveness. You will get hurt and when it happens you must work through it, learn from it, and then let go. 7. Work hard, but not to the neglect of your family. Effective leaders are by nature hard workers and you should be. However, on this point you should not compromise. Strive to succeed with family and at work. But if you can only succeed with one, make it your family. Jobs come and go but your family is a lifetime association and commitment. You can do both. It requires skills at prioritizing, establishing healthy boundaries, good time management, and a strong work ethic. Do you possess those four qualities or skills? If not get help because your church, organization, and most importantly your family need your leadership. 8. Don t dismiss your critics. I ll admit it. I do not like to be criticized. But I do like the result of
  • 46. Viva Voce Time Value of Money 4 Financial Management (13th edt) By E.F. Bringham and M.C. Ehrhardt 4 1 Time Value of money пЃ® Receiving $1 today is worth more than $1 in the future  Today s dollar can be invested to have more dollars tomorrow  Opportunity cost is the interest we could have earned on $1 if received earlier  Opportunity cost rate is the rate of return on the best available alternative investment of equal risk. 4 2 1 Compounding and Discounting пЃ® Compounding  Translating today s $1 into its equivalent FV  FVn = PV ( 1 + i )n  FV1= 100(1+.10)1=110 пЃ® Discounting  Translating tomorrow s $1 into its equivalent PV  PVn = FVГ·( 1 + i )n  PV1= 110Г· (1+.10)1=100 4 3 Compounding and Discounting When making investment... Show more content on ... пЂЅ PMT {1 (1 пЂ« r) n } r PV (Immediate) = PMT (PVIFA i, n ) 4 20 10 PVIFAi,n (PVIFA Table) PVIF The PV of an annuity of $1 per period n i=2% i=4% i=6% i=8% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.980 1.942 2.884 3.808 4.713 5.601 6.472 7.326 8.162 0.962 1.886 2.775 3.630 4.452 5.242 6.002 6.733 7.435 0.943 1.833 2.673 3.465 4.212 4.917 5.582 6.210 6.802 0.926 1.783 2.577 3.312 3.993 4.623 5.206 5.747 6.247 i=10% i=10% 0.909 1.736 2.487 3.170 3.791 4.355 4.868 5.335 5.759 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683 0.621 0.564 0.513 0.467 0.424 4 21 PV of Your Bank Loan Cynthia Smart agrees to repay her PMT loan in 24 monthly PVImm. пЂЅ {1 (1 пЂ« r) n } r installments of $250 each. If the interest rate on the loan is $250 0.75% per month PVImm = {1 (1 + 0.0075) 24 } 0.0075 (9% per annum), what is the present =$5,472.29 value of her loan payments? 4 22 11 PV of an Annuity Due PVDue пЂЅ PMT {1 (1 пЂ« r) n }(1 пЂ« r) r PV
  • 47. Christopher Wren Contributions Christopher Wren s advancements during his time were some of the best and well known. He furthered science and technology as a professor and helped rebuild the lives of many through his architecture. Even with his being sick all the time he still was able to help and contribute. Wren s many achievements and discoveries as well as his contribution to the London fire lead him to being remembered in history and influenced other scientists along the way. Christopher Wrens architecture was greatly influenced by the architecture before him. Medieval and baroque architecture especially. Baroque architecture is tall arches long hallways and grand entrances and rooms. Almost everything is covered in gold and intricate designs. There are often mirrors and windows lining the walls. At the entrance there are usually roman columns. Art and tapestries cover everything as well. Every the entire building is symmetrical making it look visually pleasing. The medieval architecture had tall arches and spires throughout the building. The spires were tall symbolizing to look to God not the world. These attributes among others influenced Wren s designs. In fact wren said, The secret of architectural excellence is to translate the proportions of a dachshund into bricks, mortar and marble. (Geraghty 2). Christopher Wren was born October 20,1632, in East Knoyle, United Kingdom. Wren s mother was Mary Cox, and his father was Christopher Wren senior. Christopher Wren Jr. was married to Jane
  • 48. Discuss The Role Of Women In America Colonialism is and has been a reality during previous centuries. As a political and economical reality it entailed significant consequences in the colonized country s politics, geographical maps, and people s lives, fates and temperaments. As the consequences are hard to ignore the writers of the formerly colonized countries never forgot to write about it and their people s lives before, during and after their country s colonization. As Emecheta is one of these writer who is born and brought up in Nigeria, a colony of British Empire until 1960, postcolonial approach is one of the most appropriate critical methods to deal with her narratives. Besides, since she is focusing on women in the colonial and postcolonial setting trying to... Show more content on ... Spivak believes that the Western World s master world s master are catachreses, or improper words, because they claim to represent all women, all workers and all of the proletariat, when there are no true examples of the true workers , the true women , the true proletariat . Indeed, for Spivak, the singularity of each of the disempowered people she engages with tests the limits of the dominant narratives. Among the disempowered Spivak s analysis is basically directed at the subject position of the female subaltern, whom she describes as doubly marginalized by virtue of relative economic disadvantage and gender subordination. Further to deal with the social position of the Third World women Spivak also shifted the focus of essentialist debate from a concern with sexual differences between men and women to focus on cultural differences between women in the Third World and women in the First World . She also proposes the idea of strategic essentialism and believes that for minority groups, in particular, the use of essentialism as a short term strategy to affirm political identity can be effective, as long as this identity does not get fixed as an essential category by the dominant group. Chandra Talpade Mohanty in her key text Under Western Eyes deals with the issues of postcolonial feminism and
  • 49. Gas Chromatography And Petroleum Industry Gas chromatography in petroleum industry Its became a vital analytical tool in virtually every part of the petroleum industry, from finding crude oil to research in new petrochemicals, due to the various types of samples, chemists within the petroleum industry use gas chromatographic methods. Petroleum analysis makes special use of columns for gas chromatography, with industries expecting continues development of columns for high analytical performances and efficiency. GC Analysis of petroleum products In America, testing gas chromatography method for petroleum distillations have a boiling range of 174 degrees to 700 degrees Celsius when using gas chromatography it increases the boiling point. It provides a good understanding for manufactures for stock and products which are related to petroleum refining when determining the boiling range distribution of a distillate fraction. A technique known as simulated distillation is used in which Gas Chromatography is merged with standards of alkane which is published to boiling parts that perform a direct comparison to the boiling parts of the sample components. To calibrate the Gas chromatography system Polyethylene standards is used such as PolywaxВ® 1000 or PolywaxВ® 655, these consist of an even number of hydrocarbons between C20 C100. The moment that the alkanes are calibrated against the distributed boiling points, and the analysis of the molecular weight fractions are matched using a software. To minimize the injector
  • 50. Essay On ADHD Many may ask what the causes of attention deficit/hyperactive disorders are but the cause of ADHD is not completely understood yet. People suggest that there may be biological abnormalities, hereditary factors, and environmental factors for those who suffer from ADHD. Individuals with attention deficit/hyperactive disorders may have biological abnormalities such as brainstructure abnormalities or abnormal biochemical levels (Comer, 2016). Brain structural abnormalities tend to occur in the frontostriatal network of the brain. The frontostriatal network involves the lateral prefrontal cortex, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, and the caudate nucleus and putamen (Curatolo, 2010). It has been shown that patients with ADHD have... Show more content on ... In order to come up with this cause, researchers had to use family, twin, and adoption studies to observe whether heredity can be a cause of ADHD. Family and twin studies estimated about 70 80% of high heritability. According to Franke B (2012), ADHD may be greater among first degree probands with ADHD that persist into adolescence and adulthood. This means that if your mother or father has ADHD it is much likely for the offspring to inherit ADHD as well. Also, adoption studies have found that ADHD is transmitted through only biological relatives which indicates that genetics can play a role in developing this disorder (Franke, 2012). Finally, there are environmental factors that cause children to develop attention deficit /hyperactivity disorder. Pre , peri and postnatal environmental factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of ADHD (Curatolo, 2010). In the prenatal stage, environmental factors such as alcohol consumption and smoking by the mother play a part in the development of ADHD. In order to avoid these environmental factors, it is important to live a healthy maternity lifestyle while pregnant. According to Curatolo (2010) alcohol can influence the brain s structure negatively and that children who were exposed to alcohol in the prenatal stage are most likely to become hyperactive, impulsive, and inattentive. Smoking can have similar effects to alcohol because there has been a relationship between maternal smoking during pregnancy and