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College Essay Academy Lesson 7:
Supplemental E
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College Essay Academy Lesson 7: Supplemental E College Essay Academy Lesson 7: Supplemental E
Motivation And Theory Of Motivation
It is suggested by psychologists that motivation can be understood as a technique that works as a
model that starts and maintains behaviours. The reason we all act or do something is caused by
motivation; it is related to the emotions, biology and the social factors that influence behaviour. It is
usually a term used to explain why an individual will do something, the reasons behind that action.
Moreover, The term motivation refers to factors that activate, direct, and sustain goal directed
behaviour motives are the whys of behaviour (Nevid, 2013).
This coursework will explain what motivation is, what the psychological theories are and how is that
crucial in explaining people s behaviour at the work place. Firstly, an in depth explanation of what is
motivation will be written, then the arguments for and against of the process theories of motivation.
Finally, descriptions on how useful these theories are to predict behaviour in companies. There are
four factors of motivation; that are intrinsic motivation, it incorporates following: goal, tool, situation
and temperament. Goal is related to attitude and behaviour. Tool, on the other hand, is what is used to
reach that goal. Situations are the external environment and the position you find yourself into. Finally
Temperament is your state (internally).
Pakdel (2013), from the twentieth century specialists started to evaluate other reasons for differences
in motivation. Others focused on internal factors to justify
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Theme Of Colonialism In The Midnight s Children
Through the prescribed framework of magic realism, the novel allows its multitude of characters,
belonging to diverse cultural backgrounds, to appraise and originate their own versions of Indian
history, thus subverting British colonial versions of history. Magic realism becomes obligatory to
communicate the postcoloniality of India, and within its framework, the novel explores and presents a
postcolonial history of its own. The cultural and social hybridity, along with the historical hybridity
present within the novel allows the text to exemplify the major themes of the novel and postcoloniality
itself: the formation and telling of history, self, and narratives. The novel effectively and noticeably
depicts the problems of postcoloniality and ... Show more content on ...
Not only are these children obligatory for India s new future, but they remain a mirror for India s
future, illuminating the strengths and weaknesses of an independent India. The Midnight s Children
therefore symbolize the multiplicity and miscellany within postcolonial India.
Rushdie assumes magic realism as an efficient tool to resolve the problems of post colonialism. So, by
linking and combining historical events, mythological stories and fictional narratives, Rushdie tries to
generate and convey a true picture of Indian post colonialism while the colonizers considered India
and Indians as a colossal place and people, the novel illustrates India s multiplicity and diversity, in an
effort to overturn the colonial representation of India. Midnight s Children is therefore an attempt to
evoke India. All these attempts would have been impossible without the insertion of magic realism.
1. Gray, Martin. A Dictionary of Literary Terms. 2nd ed. Essex: Longman, 1992. Print.
2. Rushdie, Salman. Midnight s Children. London: Vintage Books, 2006. Print.
3. Zamora, Lois Parkinson and Wendy B. Faris. Eds. Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community.
Durkham: Duke UP, 1995. Print.
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Book Of Ruth Summary
The book of Ruth begins in Bethlehem in Judah.The book of Ruth was written in tradition by the
Prophet Samuel in between 1011 and 931 B.C. There is a man named Elimelek, his wife Naomi and
there to two sons named Mahlon and Kilion. Naomi s husband dies and she is left with her two son
until they married a Moabile women named Orpah and Ruth. Then ten years later Naomi loses her two
sons and is left with her daughter in laws. Naomi tells them to go back to their mothers home. Orpah
listen but Ruth wanted to stay. So Naomi and Ruth head to Bethlehem. Naomi had a relative on her
husabands side of the family that Ruth could possibly marry. The relative was in the clan of Elimelek
named Boaz. Ruth went to the fields to pick up grain but went to ... Show more content on ...
Jerusalem has been known has the City of Daivd for over 3000 years. The City of David was built
between 1040 B.C 970 B.C. The City of David is narrow and about 80 100m wide. The story of the
City of David begins with King David leading his army to take over the city of Jerusalem. The
Jebusites was a Cananite tribe who lived there at that time.The Jebusite city lasted until the 12th
century. After he defeated them he took up residence and name the city after him. He wanted to
establish it as the capital of tribes of Israel. It is King Davids birthplace in 1040 B.C. and his early
home. The City of David is used in the Old Testament 45 times and in the New Testament only twice.
The city was built around the Gihon Spring. King David was the most important king in the bible. On
the east side of the city is bounded by the Kidron Valley and to the west is the Valley of Tyropoeon.
David s son Solomon built the first temple on Mount Mariah next to the City of David. In anciet
Mediterranean World it was common for a leader to name a city after
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Governing Aortic Pressure
Governing Physiology
In order to provide as accurate a test as possible, care must be taken to model our system after human
physiologic conditions. There are many variables at play near the aortic valve we must consider when
making our tester. The most obvious physiology we have to model is pressure. A successful heart
valve must be one that can reliably handle the pressures found in the body. Average blood pressure for
a healthy adult male when measured with a cuff is 80/120 mmHg where two numbers are given for
minimum and maximum pressures. However, pressure measured with a cuff is different than aortic
pressure5. At max pressure, the difference can by as by as much as 20 mmHG for systole5. This is due
to the higher elasticity of the aorta. We ust keep that in mind if hoping to get accurate pressure found
at an aortic valve. Minimum pressures ... Show more content on ...
The pump Siphon Mate 35 109PC Transfer Pump for Liquid can pump 0.12L of liquid per stroke, and
has a outer diameter of 1 8. In order to create a flow rate of 0.233L/s with this pump, one has to pump
one full stroke in: 0.12L / (0.233L/s) = 0.51s. This means one must do a full pump about twice per
second to test whether the heart valve can withstand the maximum flow rate through aorta. According
to the product description, this pump is a combination displacement lift pump and siphon pump with
valves suitable for transferring fuel. 8 So the pump itself contains a valve that prevents backflow.
Tubing: To house the heart valves, 1 inner diameter braided vinyl tubing was used. The tubing fit well
into the PVC T junctions and are approximately equal in size to a human aorta.
Assembly and iterations
The main parts and components of this project have remained relatively constant. We divided work
among our members setting up the pump, a housing for the heart valve, and a way to measure
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Social Hierarchy In To Kill A Mockingbird
Douglas Adams once wrote, Don t you understand that we need to be childish in order to understand?
Only a child sees things with perfect clarity because it has not developed all those filters which
prevent us from seeing things that we do not expect to see. To Kill a Mockingbird was written by
Harper Lee and it examines the life of the residents of the fictional town of Maycomb through the eyes
of a child. Incredibly paramount events in history largely shape the beliefs of the Maycombians. The
story is set in the southern state of Alabama roughly seventy years after the end of the Civil War.
Although slavery was abolished, the racial discrimination towards African Americans and the belief
that white people were better than their darker counterparts ... Show more content on
The adults of the town believed in the archaic system so firmly, their children were conditioned to
grow up with the same futile beliefs. Jem sums up the entirety of the social system in the twenty third
chapter when he states that: There s four kinds of folks in the world. There s the ordinary kind like us
and the neighbors, there s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells
down at the dump, and the Negroes. The Maycombians consistently abide by the status quo, and many
of the citizens treat people of lower classes differently and often terribly. In the book, the community
treated the Finches and their neighbors with extremely high regard. Even though Atticus gained a bad
reputation because he defended a black man, the town s residents treated him better than those who
were thought to be of subordinate classes. The Finches relation to the town founder, Simon Finch, also
highly influenced the way others treated them. Atticus was a lawyer, and this was considered to be one
of very few professional job positions held in the town. Jem classified the Finches, and the neighbors
as one type of people, the common folk, and they were treated the best in the entire community
because they had more money than the others and were more
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Existentialism In The Truman Show By Peter Weir
In today s society sometimes people feel like they are being watched. They feel like cameras are
always around them and recording them. They feel people are making sure they are living life
correctly. This is wrong, people should be able to live without being afraid of someone watching them.
People should not control the life of others. The director of the tv show, Christof, uses this quote: We
accept the reality of the world with which were presented. It s as simple as that. In The Truman Show
by Peter Weir, Truman Burbank lives his life on tv set without knowing that his whole life is fake.
There are many symbols in The Truman Show that relate existentialism which is a person s free will.
The life of Truman and his world is just perfect. The Truman Show portrays the theme of
existentialism through symbolism, including Truman figuring out what is real, Christof (the show s
director) acting like God, and Christof controlling Truman s life.
The place where Truman lives is a fake place; it is just the set of a tv show. All of the actors know they
are acting, but Truman does not, that is what makes this show so real. He is just living his life the way
he thinks it should be. Everything about the show is fake, because everything works well, everything
is perfect. The weather in this show is fake because it rains only in certain places. The sunset is always
the same and is amazing. A storm comes out of nowhere and objects fall out of the sky. Not only is the
weather fake, but his relationships are fake. He thinks that his wife in the show really loves him. His
wife is a paid actress pretending to love him. His parents are also paid actors, who even though are
really his parents are not being loving towards him, like parents should be. Truman s best friend acts
kind to him and is there for him, but has been lying to him since he was born. He says that he will
always tell the truth, but Christof is wanting Marlon to say that for the show. Marlon uses this quote
when he talks to Truman, I ve been your best friend since we were seven year old Truman . . . You re
the closest thing I ever had to a brother Truman! . . . But the point is, I d gladly walk in front of traffic
for you, Truman. And the last thing I d ever
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Overcoming Fear In The Short Story
In the short stories The Last Stop, by Brian Cable, I m not Leaving Until I Eat This Thing, by John T.
Edge and The Long Goodbye: Mother s Day in Federal Prison, by Amanda Coyne, all feel the same
when it comes to the businesses they fear. In all of these short stories each main character tries to
overcome fear by going into the businesses. All of the businesses have weird qualities, and that makes
the character feel weird going into the place. The characters each fear something and it makes it hard
for them to achieve their goals in overcoming the fear. Although Cable and Edge both overcome their
fear of the business, Coyne leaves her problem unresolved. People think that some businesses are
revolting, like working in a morgue, selling pig lips, or working in a prison. For example, In the story
The Last Stop, by Brian Cable, Cable used the quote Come in. said the sign. We re always open
(Cable 58). Cable tries to use humor by saying, come in we re always open. Meaning death does not
have a time limit. Death can happen at any time of the day. In the next story, I m not Leaving Until I
Eat This Thing, by John T. Edge, Edge writes We do our best to corner the market on lips (Edge 142).
Most consumers would not want to buy pig lips let alone try them. It is hard for them to get pig lips in
business so they are trying their hardest to sell them. Edge acknowledges why pig lips are weird
leading to him not wanting to try them. Lastly in The
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Early American Settlement Research Paper
As of the materials that are in the history textbooks for student, most of them do not tell the truth
about the early American settlement. According to James W. Loewen many of the college student he
questioned told him the wrong answer about when was the first original settlement of America. What
Loewen heard from the student was 1620 but the real answer was about 30,000 B.C. because that was
near the time the Native American arrive at this part of the world and lived there. Talking about the
first American settlement. a century before the first settlement of Jamestown, the Spanish has explore
and lived there for generations. Most of the glory History of America that student are learning from
their textbook are untruthful. From the Lies My
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Review Of Edwin Morgen s Poem The Aspect Of Life
The Aspect of Life
Trio is a poem written by Edwin Morgen which portrays the aspect of life. It s a story of three friends
walking down Buchannan Street during Christmas time and they are enjoying the happiness of
Christmas with the cuteness of a baby, the laughter of jokes being told in the company they are in, the
special time of Christmas and the togetherness of the cold time of year all playing a part in Edwin
Morgan s fantastic poem.
Firstly the author uses the aspect of life to show how the cuteness of the baby brought smiles to
everyone s faces. The author uses the metaphor melting baby to get across how cute the baby was. The
baby was quite clearly not melting on this cold winters night, in fact the babies face melted your heart
to look at. The wee babies laughter and smiles were contagious, it filled the crowd of three with
happiness and joy. This description fills the readers mind with an image of the babies face warming
people s hearts on that cold winters night.
Correspondingly, Edwin Morgan uses aspects of life to show how laughter is a protection and a need
in life. Morgan uses the simile laughter ringing them round like a guard . This shows that laughter and
joy will protect you from the sad and depressing thoughts in your mind. That happiness will act as a
barrier from all the bad in the world and for even a split second ... Show more content on ...
Morgan uses imagery to give you an idea of the group of three walking under the Christmas lights in
Buchannan Street. Everyone in Glasgow knows how beautiful looking this street is during this time of
year, it is an amazing sight to see. The beautiful lights and decorations make it a wonder of the world
and just to witness it makes you feel Christmassy. The lights are as part of Christmas now as turkey
and presents, (they are a need). You know when you see the lights getting switched on means that
everyone s favourite holiday is coming
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Keiri Sexton Drug Scandal
Vioxx Recall Keri Sexton Stevens Henager College Author Note Keri Sexton, Department of Medical
Specialties, Stevens Henager College. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Keri Sexton, Department of Medical Specialties, Stevens Henager College, 1444 South Entertainment
Avenue, Boise, Idaho, 83709. Contact: Vioxx Recall There has been a
great deal of controversy surrounding the voluntarily recall of Vioxx by Merck. They initially went on
record stating that as soon as they became aware of the cardiovascular risks they pulled the profitable
medication. There has been speculation that the FDA was aware of the same risks and yet they did not
recall the medication sooner. (Drug Watch, ... Show more content on ...
So many people were affected by Merck s decisions; they had promoted Vioxx as a powerhouse
prescription and invested over $500 million in consumer and professional advertising. They even
featured television ads showing champion skater Dorothy Hammel skating without arthritis pain as a
result of Vioxx. Over all we can conclude that even though there was adequate testing, there were also
flaws in the oversight of the studies as well as how data was recorded and provided to governing
agencies. There have been numerous revisions and additions to the FDA process. (FDA, 2015) No
matter how you look at the scandal that is the Vioxx recall, there are certain facts that cannot be
ignored the most important being the 38,000 deaths are related to Vioxx. Everyone wants the miracle
drugs to be approved faster and get to market quicker; however the safety of the consumer needs to be
a priority. Oversight of the manufacturing and approval process is a necessity to ensure the safety of
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The Importance Of Work Place Culture And How It Has A...
People will typically be more enthusiastic where they feel a sense of belonging and see themselves as
member of a community, in comparison to a workplace in which each person is left to their own
devices Kohn (1999 pg. 188). This outlines that when people have a sense of belonging they will
thrive, and demonstrates the importance of work place culture and how it has a large influence on if a
business is successful, in the same way that Cameron and Quinn explained (2011) that some of today s
successful firms have developed a distinctive culture that is identifiable by its employees, for example
Disney. In early years settings this sense of belonging is shared through having a uniform, a defined
set of values, policies and ... Show more content on ...
Another major factor is how the individuals will play a role in how the communication is received, for
example their role within the setting. This is supported by Tylor and Van Every (2000) when they
stress that with clear and concise communication between employees an organisation can emerge and
grow. Schins (1985) explained in his model that there are three basic levels of elements for culture ,
described as layers. One of these is artefacts which are the visible elements like uniform worn by staff
and children which shows a group presence and aides belonging, providing a sense of family,
furthermore there is organisational structure, the manager leading the setting with their values which
are fed down through the deputy to the early years practitioners, through strategies and goals set by
the manager, and any policies and procedures the setting follows. One of these is what the setting
stands for which is for all children to be happy and to achieve, another one is where the setting aims to
be in the future. Which in the case of early years is striving to achieve the highest grade with
OFSTED, if staff feel valued and confident in their work this will influence a more positive attitude in
their behaviour and feelings,and will want to achieve more as a whole.
Hofstede (1980) suggested that settings need to consider the individual values of the employees and
their personal values and they should be encouraged and not criticised to make a
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The Revolution Of The Cuban Revolution
Art in Cuba was drastically affected from nineteen fifty to nineteen sixty and changed in the years that
followed because of the Cuban revolution. The oxford dictionary defines art as the expression or
application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or
sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power, as well as
the branches of creativity, such as painting, music, and dance. Art and its many different forms were
heavily influenced by the Cuban Revolution. Artists find inspirations for their works from a number of
different resources. Inspiration can be found from a simple conversation that sparks and idea to
portraying a grave passion. In the case of the revolution, artists used their art as a way to voice their
views. This is why many writers, journalists, and academic people were exiled during this time.
To clarify, the Cuban Revolution, which began in July 1953, was a rebellion led by Fidel Castro and
his allies to overthrow Fulgencio Batista. It triumphed six years later on the first of January 1959,
when Batista was forced out of power by rebels. In the beginning, the Revolution and Castro had
tremendous support from almost all of Cuba as well as enthusiasm from others worldwide who viewed
the Revolution as an anti imperialist movement. The Cuban Revolution brought a great deal of
attention to Latin America. Mass media now allowed the world to be connected and aware of what
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Summary Of Reproductionry In Auspicious Eggs
In society reproduction is one of the most important things that keeps our world s population growing.
In these three short dystopian stories there are different approaches on ideas on what reproduction
should be like and how it should be approached. Reproduction rights have an immensely big impact
on each of these stories in different circumstances but are very much alike. These three different
stories have different rules for the way they run their reproduction systems in their communities. Ten
with a Flag the way the society has to do with reproduction is by a ranking system. In this case the
people in the story find out how great their child is by ranking, so if the child is a ten it s perfect and if
the baby has a perfect ten with a flag, the flag means that the baby might have something troubled or
wrong about its persona. Amaryllis is about keeping society to a minimum. Auspicious Eggs is about
the Catholic Church and its involvement the reproductive system. All of these stories have harsh
endings if an individual can t do something to meet society s specifications about reproduction rules.
In Auspicious Eggs it describes if a baby is not fertile the baby does not have the right to live, if
women or men aren t fertile and they cannot produce new beings they are killed as a result. Ten With a
Flag, the flag represents something wrong with the newborn meaning that something is wrong with
the child or something terrible is going to happen to the child in the
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Asian Americans And Hispanic Americans
Categories, groupings, assumptions, classification; it s like society is built to expand yet isolate, to be
authentic yet alike. We form assumptions which turn into the ordinary or the norm. If one person is a
certain way then surely everyone like them is like that also. Two of the many cultures and ethnicities
we have placed stereotypes amongst are the Asian Americans and Latino Americans. We have placed
assumptions about who they are which only perpetuates the classification and, essentially, the
isolation. Have you ever heard the phrase, oh, is he Asian? That s why they act like that, they all do.
What a way of making a, perhaps, false assumption and classifying one person into a group of
millions of people. Asian Americans have long been depicted as brainiacs in contemporary media. We
see them as technologically advanced and extremely intelligent. When I was in high school, it was the
Asian kids that you wanted to sit next to and the ones you wanted in your group because they always
had the right answer. We see them as taking on the medicinal or engineering careers. Although many
do hold positions in these job categories, we have to know that not all Asian Americans align their
lives to society s classification. Furthermore, not only are they positively portrayed in the media; they
are also given negative stigmas. They are thought of as terrible drivers. I have seen countless movies
where the reckless and careless driver is assumed to be Asian American. This
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The Political and Social Effects of the Sandinista...
The people of Nicaragua were suffering oppression. This made us develop an awareness which
eventually led us to commit ourselves to the struggle against the domination of the capitalists of our
country in collusion with the United States government. (Daniel Ortega 1974) As has been discussed
throughout the semester thus far many countries throughout Latin America have experienced a
political revolution in some way, shape, or form. In the early 1970 s Nicaragua joined the long list of
Latin American countries to experience a revolution when the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion
Nacional (FSLN) lead by Daniel Ortega successfully overthrew the Somoza dynasty. Many people
often times have a misconception of what exactly a political revolution ... Show more content on ...
Others argue that the changes seen within a society during the time of revolution are short lived and
often times forgotten within a matter of years. Despite these two differing arguments over the exact
meaning of the term revolution one thing remains constant. At the heart of any definition of revolution
the word change can be found. For example, Samuel Huntington defines revolution as rapid,
fundamental, and violent domestic change in the dominant values, myths, political institutions, social
structure, leadership, government activity, and politics. (Booth 117) On the other hand, Theda Skocpol
defines revolution as rapid, basic transformations of a society s state and class structure, accompanied
by and in part accomplished through popular revolts from below. (Booth 117) Finally, Eric Selbin
argues that revolution and its social transformation are more likely where popular rebellion has
cultural roots and precedents. (Booth 117) The Sandinista Revolution in the early 1970 s provides a
perfect example in regards to the transformation of society that each one of these definitions promises.
However, in order to determine which definition of the term revolution most accurately describes the
Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua two key questions must be analyzed. First, it must be determined
how strong and persistent are the
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My Fear By Lawrence Rab Literary Devices
My Fear is a simple poem in which the author, Lawrence Raab, portrays fear as a person who is
constantly on the prowl and taking note of things to haunt us with in our dreams. Raab makes great
use of personification and symbolism throughout the poem in order to reveal the theme that fear is
inevitable and is something we all deal with.
Raab begins with the first stanza introducing the antagonist that is fear himself, who follows and
records the fears that trouble our mind. Through personification we are able to visualize the possibility
of a lighter side to fear s character. Fear is typically an emotion we don t like, but Raab takes a line to
sympathize by posing the idea that maybe he s sorry, maybe fear is just carrying out his job though
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C 5020 Research Paper
Subject: Internship in CS 5020 Internship in CS Instructor: Curtis Cooper Technologies Learned:
Ruby is a cross platform, interpreted and object oriented language, and is an open source language.
Ruby is a server side scripting language. Ruby can be used to write CGI scripts. Ruby has a rich set of
built in functions. Rails is a ruby gem developed using ruby and is a web development framework.
Rails include two most useful principles.  Don t Repeat Yourself: DRY is most useful principle in
rails, as it encourages reusability of its components.  Convention over Configuration: Rails giving
more flexible way of implementing website by following naming convention. Active Record: Rails
developed based on MVC architecture. Active record is Rails s Object Relational Mapping library
(ORM). Active Record is always inherits from Base class. In Active Record, objects transport both
persistent data and behavior which operates on that data. Active record works with MySQL, Postgres,
and SQLite. ORM connects the objects of an application to tables in a relational database management
system. ... Show more content on ...
Active Record uses naming conventions to find how the mapping between models and database tables
should be create. Active record migration will create database schemas based on class names in
models, and table names as pluralized to class names. Asset pipe line is used to concatenate and
compress JavaScript and CSS assets. It also gives additional functionality to write these assets in other
languages pre processors such as CoffeeScript, Sass and
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Theseus And The Minotaur
There are many examples of heroes throughout history and in story books that convey great messages,
but what makes your leaders heroes? There are many attributes that make a hero but there are three
main areas. To be a hero, one must be willing to make many sacrifices, be humble and not expect
anything from the actions, and make positive changes. To be a hero means to sacrifice something for
someone else no matter the circumstances or dangers. An example of this is in the myth Theseus and
the Minotaur. It gives a great example of sacrifice and heroism. Powerful king Minos of Crete
demands Athenian women and men every year to feed to the Minotaur. When Theseus heard about
this, he was not happy. He took the place of one of the sacrificed men and went to the labyrinth of the
Minotaur to try and kill the beast himself. Theseus then expressed his feelings of frustration by saying
saying, When it is time to send the next tribute, I will go as one of them and I vow that it is the last
time the Minotaur will be fed with the flesh of any of our people. Theseus was strong and was willing
to put himself in danger for the safety of his people. Not many people have the courage to sacrifice
themselves. Parents make sacrifices every day. Think of how hard mothers or fathers works to make
money, to keep the kids happy, to feed them, to clean up after everyone, to get their kids where they
what to go. My mom makes sacrifices everyday. She takes my brother dance right after a long
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How Can Abuse Cause Relationship Problems In The Future...
Can abuse cause relationship problems in the future for our loved ones? Abuse is the destroyer of
young people s faith and most of the time it causes long term mental problems. There are many types
of abuses. Many women and children are affected every day. Most of the causes affect your body.
Physical effects are as simple as having clothing that are worn and torn to shreds, having bad odor
coming from your skin and/or your breath. Another type of physical abuse can be shown by being
tested for sexually transmitted diseases and showing up positive for any type of the disease. Many
women and children are the first victims, because they are more vulnerable and unable to fight. Men
are also known to be victims, but rarely. Men are more known to be the suspects in these types of
abuses. Everyone is at some point picked to be the victims to an unbearably harsh abuse that may or
may not be easy to get away from. There is no answer when you may be picked. Health issues that are
being affected in the brain and the way you functions are considered to be called mental health.
Mental health is a condition of a person in ... Show more content on ...
One of the signs the abuser gives off is calling his victim names and telling them how worthless they
are. The victim may not consider that abuse but it is, this abuse can cause depression and thinking you
re not good enough to do anything you re interested in trying out. While in the depression state of
mind you shelter yourself from people, enjoy being in the dark and sometimes cry. In a controlling
relationship some of the time the man/women start the process of becoming a little controlling on who
they talk or interact with and where they go. In this type of situation it is now called social abuse
because they are both controlling who he or she talks to and may turn into a deadly situation
depending on whether or not they decide to confront one another or whether they end the
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Calabash Pathways By Brenda Chester Doharris Summary
Book Review
Calabash Parkways by Brenda Chester DoHarris.
Student s name
Course name and number
Instructor s name
Date submitted
Brenda Chester DoHarris, Calabash Parkway, Bowie, Maryland: Tantaria Press, 2005, pp.158. ISBN 0
9770728 0 0
Author Brenda DoHarris was born and raised in colonial Guyana, and later immigrated to US where
she now resides and works as an English professor at the Bowie State University, in Bowie Maryland.
She graduated from Columbia University and went on to receive her PHD in English from Harvard
University. Post colonial women s literature is her area of scholarly interest. Her first Novel was The
Colored Girl in the Ring, set in Guyana in the 1950 s and 60s, when Guyana went through an
agonizing ... Show more content on ...
Gatha s character is overcoming many hurdles intermittently one after another, for instance losing all
her saving to the burglars instance losing all her saving to when US authorities rejected her visa, and
her clever maneuver to go around the system and entered US via Canada. Her sudden death in the
arms of her lover, was tragic and turned her success in Pyrrhic victory, her career throughout the novel
is however a fascinating tale of determination, fortitude and resilience is. The story also beautifully
embellished the inequalities of North south, by portraying a rather obscure divide, when people are
thrashing against intimidating environments to make their survival. Gatha remains dominant in the
novel from start to the
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The Technology And Embedded Computing
Abstract We present a technique in which we use a credit card sized microcomputer to serve as an
access point in a wireless network based entirely on wireless communication and low cost, robust and
responsive detective wireless devices on the network. The wireless devices are basically smartphones
that will connect itself to the network which will be generated by a system proposed later in the paper.
The paper deals with reviewing the work done by research scholars previously on this area of
embedded computing (using Raspberry Pi) and IoT that shall serve as a foundation to the system
proposed by the authors. The reliability and the suitability of the system proposed can be advocated by
the work done in this field by various authors whose papers have been reviewed here.
Index Terms Wireless networks, Raspberry Pi, IoT, wifi proximity, ZigBee, Wifi Direct
In our research we have identified how IT and embedded computing together can revolutionize the
way we use technol ogy today, especially in the domain of mobile computing [10]. The paradigm shift
from the Internet of People to the Internet of Things also termed as IoT is undeniable [9]. According to
a CISCO report the number of devices, which range from mobile and smartphones to embedded
computers, microcontrollers, microcomputers, sensors and everything else on the network will
increase from 15 billion today to nearly 50 billion by
2020 [9]. This is going
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Funds Of Knowledge Analysis
Funds of knowledge is a term developed by researchers while working with Mexican American
families and other families in poor communities (Allen, 2010). Funds of knowledge refers to the
strengths and resources within families, lived experiences and the knowledge that is embedding in
both community and home practices (Allen, 2010; Gonzalez, Moll Amanti, 2005). Funds of
knowledge focus on getting to know families in order to learn about both their family s background,
and also how this affects their children. My family is a typical middle class Australian family. My
father grew up on a farm in Western Australia, but because we lived so far away, we did not go there
very often. My father also took me to the local library every week and I enjoyed
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Essay about European Imperialism
European imperialism during 1450 1750, began as a plan to gain more riches for the European
nations. The Europeans did this for three main reasons, which were for God, Gold, and Glory. The
Europeans domination over Latin America, Africa and Asia were made out to be good for the native
people of these lands. However, the Europeans were not there to help these geographic areas. They
were there to spread their influence and gain riches for themselves and the European nations. The
successes and failures of the Europeans and non Europeans would decide their relationship status for
as long as they could co exist.
In Latin America, Cortes who was the conqueror of Mexico, and Pizarro the conqueror of Peru and the
Incans, would control the ... Show more content on ...
Instead, the Latin Americans were auctioned off and forced into slavery. After taking the gold, ruling
over the people, and forcing them into slavery, the Spanish did nothing to help out the people of Latin
European domination in Africa began because the Portuguese wanted to establish a faster route to
India. Yet, when the Portuguese arrived they began to set up a trade of gold, slaves and ivory. The
Europeans pretended to be Christian humanitarians and attempted to convert the Africans to
Christians. They used god to justify their mistreatment of the natives. Many of the natives did convert
to Christianity and accepted the Europeans mistreatments. The Europeans set up port cities on the
African coast in order to help their ships on their journey to India. At the port cities, they could stop,
rest, and replenish their supplies.
The Europeans would attempt to turn the different African tribes against each other and started many
tribal wars throughout Africa. When a tribe was conquered, the remaining members would be
transported back to Europe and the Americas in order to be sold into slavery, and their villages would
be raided for any potential riches the Europeans could sell or use. Creating these tribal wars gave the
Europeans money and also eliminated possible enemies from the land.
The Europeans tried to use the same methods they had
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Essay On Italian Wine
To start with, best thing about Italian wines is no matter which wine you choose, you find each wine
unique and perfect to pair with the food. You don t actually bother about the direction or orientation of
the vineyard, the soil components and the wine making techniques. Just open the bottle, pour the wine
and get drinking!
In this assignment I am explaining my personal experience of tasting an extremely prestigious Italian
wine 2004 Ruffino Chianti DOCG.
Tasting Notes:
Producer: Ruffino_________________________________________________________________
Name of the Wine: Chianti DOCG____________________________________________________ ...
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DOC, IGT. These laws help to keep the quality check and out of three DOCG (shown in appendix 2)
assure maximum quality. It stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita. It requires
wine maker to follow stricter production laws and guarantee everything that is claimed on the wine
label. DOCG wines are approved to sell after inspecting the wine done by a tasting panel of wine
experts and are subject to legal analysis at any time
After looking at the factors of production of Ruffino Chianti we can summarize the technical aspects
of the wine and which shows resemblance with the tasting notes.
Name: 2004 Rufino Chianti
Location: Chianti region,Tuscany, Italy
Soil: Sandy,Limestone
Bottle Size 750 ml
Alcohol 12.5% alcohol by volume
Grape: 80% Sangiovese, 10% Canaiolo 10% Colorino
Type of wine: Medium bodied red with well balanced tannins and acidity, complex floral and fruit
Age: 5 months in stainless steel vats and rest in bottles
Residual sugar: 0 g/l
Aromas: Cherries, berries, spicy, tea leaves
Sales Pitch:
A young vibrant medium bodied Chianti with floral, berries and spices aromas and display complex
and fruit character with hints of pepper. The wine has a brilliant balance of firm tannins and bright
acidity. Wine excels with all the traditional Tuscan pasta dishes with rich
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Adnan Syed Jay Wilds
There is definitely an abundance of inaccuracy in stories and time lines, leading to many questions and
theories of what truly happened on the 13th of January, 1999. On that January day Hae Min Lee, a
senior at Woodlawn High School, was supposedly murdered by Adnan Syed. This murder case has
many suspects and witnesses, but the star witness was Jay Wilds. Jay s testimony was crucial for the
state to bring Adnan Syed to trial. Although the state used Jay s testimony, that doesn t mean it was
truthful or correctly used in a court of law. Jay s testimonies, stories, and statements in fact have many
contradictions and changes. The difference in the stories Jay gives are going lead many to questions to
why the court used his story to put Adnan Syed ... Show more content on ...
Adnan comes to Jay s house to pick him up and lend him his car, while he goes back to school. After
this Jay uses the car to go over to Jennifer s(friend of Jay s) house. This is where the first conflict in
stories takes place. Jenn says she got home before Jay got to her house, while Jay says he got home
before she did. Jay says he got there before her because he wanted to hang with Mark, who is Jenn s
brother. Another thing conflicting their testimonies is whether Jay left Jenn s house or stayed there
most of the afternoon. Jenn says that Jay never left till the afternoon, while Jay says he left multiple
times. There is one thing that Jenn and Jay agree on which is Jay left around 3:30pm to 3:40pm.
Although they both agree on this, Jenn says she remembers Jay getting two phone calls from someone
around that time too. The problem with that statement is that the calls could not have been from Adnan
or to Adnan s phone because of the AT T call logs. The call log shows that a call only at 3:15pm and
4:30pm occurred, therefore Jay could not have received a call on Adnan s cell at 4:30pm. During all
this time Adnan states he was on the school campus till after track practice which would be after
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Basketball Game Descriptive Essay
As my alarm clock startled me from sweet dreams, I grinned realizing game day had come upon us. I
leapt out of bed in excitement as I skipped to the bathroom. I filled the bathroom with Today s Hits on
Pandora, sprang in the shower, and danced while scrubbing my hair. After showering, I brushed my
teeth, gave the mirror a cheesy smile, and headed to my room. I slipped into my Crestwood Girls
Basketball long sleeve and a pair of jeans. I combed through my hair and decided to let it air dry. I
gulped down my breakfast in three bites, grabbed my book bag, and zoomed out the door. After an
exhilarating start to the day, I anticipated tonight s basketball game would bring more delight to that
wonderful day. Good luck tonight, Shannon, my ... Show more content on ...
locker and trotted towards my school locker to get my books for first hour.
Hi Shannon! Ellie screamed from down the hall.
Good morning, Ellie! HAPPY GAMEDAY!! I shouted from the other end of the hall.
In the seventeen hours of not seeing each other, Ellie and I hugged like the reunion of a mother and
her daughter after a year of college.
I will see you fourth hour in Spanish, I shrieked to Ellie over my shoulder, dashing to my first hour
Our favorite class of the day, she sarcastically uttered under her breath.
I parked myself in my chair as the clock struck eight fifteen a.m. Ooofuda, made it just in time, I
whispered, skeptically looking around the room to see if anyone noticed my superwoman powers.
First hour zoomed by in the blink of an eye.
Each hour after that went slower than the last. I stared at the clock as each hour ticked tocked ever so
slowly. I cocked my head back and forth as I watched the hands of the clock move at a snail pace.
I slugged to every class. My tolerance level shortened every hour until sixth, seventh, and eighth hour.
As the end of the day approached, I lost focus, only thinking of the game that would happen in a short
few hours. Eighth hour arrived and I watched as each minute occurred slower than the last. As the
final minute came to a countdown, Now remember kids to finish , I did not hear a
word my teacher
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Harry Potter Betrayal
From Julius Caesar s twenty three stab wounds to Gatsby s disloyal love, the importance of the cruel
act of betrayal in literature has long been discussed. Perhaps less historically, betrayal has also
appeared in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, as two terrible wars redefine values and loyalty
within the wizarding community. However, betrayal also shows itself in acts of love and bravery in
Rowling s beloved series. In the Harry Potter books betrayals are used to reveal truths about
characters, represent development, and uphold the belief held within all seven of the books: that we
are defined by the choices that we make. Within the Harry Potter series, betrayals are often used to
show sides of characters that we might not have otherwise seen. With the first wizarding war in full
swing Lily and James Potter (in hiding from Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters) are betrayed by
their close friend Peter Pettigrew. As their secret keeper it is his responsibility to protect them to his
own death. Instead he goes against the traits of his house, bravery and chivalry, by betraying them.
Fear trumps Pettigrew s loyalty to the Potters. He does not change his values or replace his friends, he
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Peter Pettigrew betrayed his friends and his values in spite of what our assumptions would tell us
about a brave Gryffindor. Because of his decision he spent the rest of his life serving a master who he
feared and hated. Regulus Black betrayed a cause he was raised to believe in and knew was evil, and
died protecting his brother and the others fighting in the resistance. This shows that no upbringing and
no house can define you as good or evil. The final thing that defines a person are the values they are
unable to betray. The betrayals within the Harry Potter Series ask us to reconsider our assumptions
about people, no matter why we may have made
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Analysis Of Luther The Reformer By Kittelson
Martian Luther
The book Luther The Reformer, by James Kittelson focused on the life, death and work of Martian
Luther. Luther came from humble beginnings, born the son of a peasant. From these humble
beginnings, Luther unintentionally created a revolution within the world of the church and an empire
of Protestantism. Luther was not the person to start this spark nor did he want to create a new religion,
rather his idea was to reform the church , but it was his views that were carried forth and spread. He
was simply in the right place at the right time. Luther created a ripple effect that has shaped religion
into what it is today. Whether we realize it or not, these teaching and views of Luther affect every
aspect of our daily lives. The freedoms ... Show more content on ...
He would evaluate the scriptures by asking the question, what does this mean for me . This is a really
key concept in my mind because it sets the stage for why Luther writes what he writes. He takes the
passages in the Bible and examines how they apply to us and our salvation. He evaluates what the
possible implications are for our salvation. This is the fundamental view of the protestant church. It is
the view that the Protestant church has focused on so intently. It is no longer us being told what the
Bible means, but it is us interpreting it for ourselves. It is this thought that has brought us to where we
are today. It has been both beneficial, in terms that the people now have the Bible in their language
and often in their possession, but it also creates fighting amongst individuals on what passages may or
may not mean. This has led to massive schisms within the church today and throughout the past 500
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Edward T. Hall s Four Spatial Zones
Anthropologist Edward T. Hall has defined four spatial zones that we use depending upon the content
that we are communicating and the level of self disclosure. Hall s four spatial zones begin with what
he calls intimate space, skin contact to 18 inches away, this is the space that we use for intimate
conversations, secrets, and deeper levels of self disclosure. The second of Hall s spatial zones is
personal space, 18 inches to 4 feet away, this spatial zone is used to communicate personal
information, but is less intimate than that of intimate space. The third of Hall s spatial zones is social
space, 4 to 12 feet away, in this spatial zone occurs more formal and impersonal communication. The
fourth of Hall s spatial zones is public space, 12 ... Show more content on ...
Family and friends know when you re behaving out of the ordinary, and because they know you at a
deeper level they feel they can tell you to stop a certain behavior without hurting your feelings.
Strangers, on the other hand only know you at superficial level and don t feel comfortable correcting
your behavior, strangers don t know how you typically behave and probably think that you go around
making people feel uncomfortable all the time. I also learned that it not just invading people s physical
space that leaves them feeling uneasy, but violating spatial zones by discussing content that is
inappropriate for certain zones. When you discuss content that is only appropriate for intimate spatial
zones so that it can be heard in a public spatial zone it makes people feeling very uncomfortable. Like
arguing in public or talking to loud at a restaurant about personal
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Excavation Of Pompeii
Before its destruction, the city of Pompeii was home to a flourishing city that through observations
made from its archeological excavation and through the analysis of certain artifacts and various
buildings An exact image of the city as it stood in the first century is presented to the archaeologists.
This provides insight into the lives of the people living at the time.
Pompeii is an old Roman town city located in the territory of Pompeii and commune in the Campania
region of Italy. Pompeii was destroyed and buried under 13 to 20 feet of volcanic ash in the eruption
of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 (Beard 22). Pompeii was founded in the sixth or seven century BC by the
Oscans and came under Roman rule in the 4th BC but was conquered to ... Show more content on ...
Pompeii as an archeological site is a source of information on so many aspects of the economic,
religious, social and political life of the ancient world. Many well preserved house shrines give a hint
on the importance of the vitality of religion in the family. Pompeii had a busy port that exported
products throughout the Mediterranean region; this was a haven for the tradesmen and merchants
living near the city gates. Unfortunately, these excavations are endangered by tourist traffic at the site,
changes in weather patterns and destructive vegetation. In the 1950s, many structures were fitted with
concrete roofs but have deteriorated over the years making upkeep difficult. Pompeii faces numerous
problems including, mismanagement, degradation, and vandalism. In July 2008, the Italian
government took the unforeseen step of declaring a one year state of emergency for the site and a
special officer was appointed to oversee the site (Sonneborn 17).This move emphasizes the need to
importance of preservation, restoration and critical analysis of the evidence available before it is lost
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Case Study Of Virgin Group
Establishing Strategic Issues and Problems
Using the case study, this section will examine the strategic issues and problems relevant to the Virgin
Group and the strategy that the company has adopted. The case study briefly describes the Virgin
Group empire and its corporate strategy. Furthermore, it proceeds to highlight a number of strategic
issues Virgin group was experiencing. According to the National Academic Press (2009) a strategic
issue is understood to constitute fundamental policy choice with the capacity to accept the mission,
mandates, financing structure, management, processes, users or customers and product mix or service
level of an organization. The primary issues that Virgin group is facing relates to both Virgin Atlantic
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Furthermore, there are Virgin companies, which were profitable, for instance Virgin Records, which
was sold with an aim of financing other ventures.
At the moment, the accounting system and financial structure guiding Virgin are disjointed. In fact, it
is overly complicated for one to interpret the financial position of the entire Branson s empire. There
are no consolidated accounts for the group, the holding companies and other subsidiaries. Evidently,
the financial system that the Virgin group has adopted is rather amorphous.
Attempts to track the financial results of the various Virgin companies are apparently the most
confusing aspect of the Branson s empire. Despite that fact, Branson insists that financing his business
investments takes place on a standalone basis even though analysts have previously pointed various
instances in which profits that the viable investments make are channeled to the ailing ones to revive
them even without standard accounting procedures followed. An example of this tendency relates to
the records showing that in 1992, one of the Branson s most profitable investment as the Virgin record
and it was sold with an aim of safeguarding Virgin Atlantic while Singapore Airline purchased 49%
stake in Virgin Atlantic to ensure that the Virgin group s music retail business
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Mall Santa University Research Paper
Everyone 5 and up knows that although Saint Nicholas existed; thankfully, there isn t a cheery fat guy
with flying reindeer somehow slipping down your chimney to deliver presents while also knowing
whether or not you ve been naughty or nice. Speaking of which, how can he deliver presents to 2.2
billion kids?! And another thing; how can he survive in the Arctic? Being upon, if not the most,
inhospitable place on Earth, it s practically impossible for any human being to live that far up north;
not including global warming nor any of the other residents. For the scientific logic behind Santa,
click here. Image result for mall santa animation Anyway, it s easy to assume that pretending to be
Santa may seem like a simple job; but there is reason behind why thousands of theses aged sugar
plums wear the suit each year. Not to accommodate the hundreds ... Show more content on ...
Malls don t just accept any street bum looking for beers money; they look for graduates of Santa
University. Every Santa in training has to pass their background check and real beards; bleached or
otherwise. For those who passed go to Santa University in Arvada where hundreds of girthy greats
come to learn the Santa basics like how to ho ho ho just right, what the reindeer s names are, where
the secret bathrooms at the mall are, what the trendiest new do dads are and more. Image result for
creepy santaThough there are some parents who actually want their children to scream and kick in
Santa s loving arms, all it takes is for that one kid to fall off his knee; then Santa would pay hundreds
of dollars in damages; even worse, Heaven forbid, a place on his own Naughty list. That s why
experienced professionals always carry their own liability insurance. In fact, there s an organization
dedicated to these types of incidents; the International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas. It s a real
thing, and gives Santa a group rate on insurance should an incident
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How A Career And Passion
Focus: How a career and passion in dentistry shape who Dr. Henkel is today.
Interviewed by email to Dr. Henkel (mentor for my internship)
Interview Questions:
1. Who are the most influential people in your life? Tough question to answer as there have been so
many. The obvious of course would be my mother, wife, and daughter. But educationally, two people
really come to mind. One was my microbiology professor, a very small in stature woman from the
Philippines, who gave her entire lecture series, start to finish, over an entire semester, without ever
looking at a note. Not once. She would have been my mentor for my master s degree had I not change
course to dental school. The other is a clinical instructor at the univ.of Detroit dental school, dr.
Benjamin Leone. One of the toughest instructors we had in dental school. Getting an a from him was
next to impossible. But he taught us more, made us do our work to the highest standard, than most
others. 2. What is your inspiration for doing your job? Couple of things. From a personal perspective,
dentistry allows for a great lifestyle, giving adequate free time to pursue whatever it is you enjoy.
From a professional perspective, helping people, relieving their discomfort, seeing the change in self
esteem when we complete a smile rehabilitation, makes it all worthwhile
3. Why did you choose the field of dentistry? What was your vision? Interestingly, it almost chose me.
I was pursuing a pre medical
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Aphorisms In Tuesdays With Morrie
In Mitch Albom s, Tuesdays with Morrie he used many literary devices such as aphorisms. Overall,
there are almost thirty amazing examples of aphorisms in Tuesdays with Morrie . Such as, Love
always wins. (pg. 40), The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it
come in. (p. 52), another one includes, Love is the only rational act. (p. 52). Morrie s aphorisms
mainly speak of love, and how you should treat others. It is a lesson that makes readers think of their
values and their ethics. It also makes you question your morals and how you treat one another. In the
Last Lecture , Randy Pausch also used many aphorisms, although not as much as Tuesdays with
Morrie , due to the fact our class only read an
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Heterosexist Discrimination In America
Americans live in a society that seems constantly plagued by various types of discrimination. For
instance, ableism, classism, and sizeism are a few examples of the sorts of systematic discriminations
that Americans face every day. However, as of late, one of the most prevalent forms that targets
homosexual minorities is Heterosexist discrimination. Heterosexism is defined as the discrimination
or prejudice against homosexuals ( Heterosexism ). In addition to being prejudiced and discriminatory,
Heterosexism is more often than not paired with the idea that heterosexuality is the normal sexual
orientation, and therefore superior. For the past couple of years, America has attempted to mend the
issues in our society that kept homosexual people
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Zebrafish Experiment
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are a popular freshwater fish that have been modified by researchers to
produce several transgenic strains. The strain of transgenic zebrafish that express fluorescent colors
have been given the name Glofish, for they contain different fluorescent proteins such as Green
Fluorescent Protein (GFP), Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP), Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP), Blue
Fluorescent Protein (BFP), or Purple Fluorescent Protein (PFP) (Vick, B. M., A. Pollak, C. Welsh, J.
O. Liang, 2012). There are several benefits of using Glofish as a model to portray and understand
inheritance patterns of transgenic genes. Glofish are small size in size, produce a high number of
progeny, have similar genetic control to humans, ... Show more content on ...
Phenotypes pertaining to fins, fin length, and color were observed. Only a few phenotypes, such as fin
length and presence of specific fluorescent proteins, were decided on to be important in understanding
the genetics (Biology 2202 Genetics Laboratory Handout, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2015).
Fishes with these phenotypes were counted and recorded.
Generating Hypotheses
Numbers of the wild type and transgenic fish were compared. Type of transgenes and type of
inheritance were hypothesized based on the patterns seen in the offspring. Using that information can
help determine the parent genotypes and thus determine a final inheritance pattern. A null hypothesis
was then formed relative to the genes and inheritance pattern of each tank (Biology 2202 Genetics
Laboratory Handout, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2015).
Data Analysis
Hypothesis were generated by comparing the phenotypes of each tank. The hypothesis included the
ratio and expected inheritance pattern, and that any difference is due to chance. Using the information
collected based on the genotypes of the parents and the formed hypothesis, the expected value for each
phenotype were calculated and recorded. A chi square test was used to determine the P value and
conclude the generated
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Tda 2.8 Support Children and Young Peoples Health and Safety
Assessment task TDA 2.8 Support children and young peoples Health and Safety Task links to
learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 Describe how current health and safety
legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting Health and Safety Legislation is
there to protect everyone within a setting, (everyone being pupils, staff and visitors) through policies
and procedures for preventing and controlling risk of accidents. All those working in school have a
duty to ensure the Health and Safety of children in their care along with their own health and safety
and that of colleagues and visitors. Children and Young people need to be allowed to explore their
environment and learn for themselves, but ... Show more content on ...
The obligations to employers are to: * assess the risks * decide what precautions are needed * take
steps to reduce or adequately control exposure to hazardous substances * ensure that control measures
are utilised and maintained * monitor exposure * carry out health surveillance of employees who have
been or are likely to be exposed * have in place emergency procedures to deal with accidents/incidents
* ensure that employees are properly informed, trained and supervised. Educational establishments
must have in place appropriate measures to ensure that the risks to the health and safety of
pupils/students from exposure to hazardous substances are minimised. First Aid Regulations 1981
Require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure
that everyone receives immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill. This will include trained
first aiders, first aid boxes and first aid room along with ongoing assessment. Fire Precautions
(Workplace) Regulations 1997 Following a fire risk assessment an employer must provide the
following in order to safeguard the safety of everyone in case of fire: Emergency exit routes and
doors; The final emergency exit doors must open outwards and not be sliding or revolving; Emergency
lighting to cover the exit routes where necessary; Fire fighting equipment, fire alarms and where
necessary fire detectors. Appropriate fire exit signs, fire
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A Research On Telehealth And Telemedicine Is A Tool For...
Telehealth Consultation Telehealth is becoming a widely used tool for seeking medical care, or
consultation. The world of technology we live in is ever growing, making healthcare easily accessible
through telehealth. While many different organizations define telehealth using different words, they all
have the same idea. I found in my research that telehealth and telemedicine are defined differently.
Per the website, telehealth is different from telemedicine, because it refers to a broader
scope of remote healthcare services than telemedicine. While telemedicine refers specifically to
remote clinical services, telehealth can refer to remote non clinical services, such as provider training,
administrative meetings, and continuing medical education, in addition to clinical services. According
to, the Health Resources Services Administration defines telehealth as the use of
electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long distance clinical health
care, patient and professional health related education, public health and health administration.
Medicare defines it as Telehealth (or Telemonitoring) is the use of telecommunications and
information technology to provide access to health assessment, diagnosis, intervention, consultation,
supervision and information across distance.
Reps. Doris Matsui (D Calif.) and Bill Johnson (R Ohio) introduced a bill, the Telehealth
Modernization Act of 2013,
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Analysis Of Trufx An Adelaide Based Visual Effect Studio
Melanie Trieu
Business Owner
33 Warwick Street, Adelaide, 5081
ABN: 53 024 921 617
ACN: 007 249 989
Business Plan
Prepared: [date prepared]
TruFX is an Adelaide based visual effect studio. We will focus on the creation of visual effects for
national television commercials, small film productions and websites. The target market is small to
medium size companies that have been established for two or more years.
We will work from a small office within the Adelaide CBD. Melanie Trieu is the business owner and
sole managing director of TruFX. Melanie is responsible for all of the design work and administrative
details. The company is made up of four other employees who are essential to the company s
operation and future success.
Start up summary
Background information
Name of owners
Melanie Trieu
Industry knowledge experience/skills of key personnel:
Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialising in CGI and Visual Effects) at TAFE SA
Technical and vocational skills:
Knowledge in Mac OS, Windows 10 and Windows Office
Lighting and texturing knowledge in the programs Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop.
Practical job experience:
6 months freelance Adelaide Motorbike Group
Bachelor of Media Arts at UniSA
1 term CDW Studios
Technical and vocational skills:
Knowledge in Windows 10 and Windows Office
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  • 2. Motivation And Theory Of Motivation It is suggested by psychologists that motivation can be understood as a technique that works as a model that starts and maintains behaviours. The reason we all act or do something is caused by motivation; it is related to the emotions, biology and the social factors that influence behaviour. It is usually a term used to explain why an individual will do something, the reasons behind that action. Moreover, The term motivation refers to factors that activate, direct, and sustain goal directed behaviour motives are the whys of behaviour (Nevid, 2013). This coursework will explain what motivation is, what the psychological theories are and how is that crucial in explaining people s behaviour at the work place. Firstly, an in depth explanation of what is motivation will be written, then the arguments for and against of the process theories of motivation. Finally, descriptions on how useful these theories are to predict behaviour in companies. There are four factors of motivation; that are intrinsic motivation, it incorporates following: goal, tool, situation and temperament. Goal is related to attitude and behaviour. Tool, on the other hand, is what is used to reach that goal. Situations are the external environment and the position you find yourself into. Finally Temperament is your state (internally). Pakdel (2013), from the twentieth century specialists started to evaluate other reasons for differences in motivation. Others focused on internal factors to justify ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Theme Of Colonialism In The Midnight s Children Through the prescribed framework of magic realism, the novel allows its multitude of characters, belonging to diverse cultural backgrounds, to appraise and originate their own versions of Indian history, thus subverting British colonial versions of history. Magic realism becomes obligatory to communicate the postcoloniality of India, and within its framework, the novel explores and presents a postcolonial history of its own. The cultural and social hybridity, along with the historical hybridity present within the novel allows the text to exemplify the major themes of the novel and postcoloniality itself: the formation and telling of history, self, and narratives. The novel effectively and noticeably depicts the problems of postcoloniality and ... Show more content on ... Not only are these children obligatory for India s new future, but they remain a mirror for India s future, illuminating the strengths and weaknesses of an independent India. The Midnight s Children therefore symbolize the multiplicity and miscellany within postcolonial India. Conclusion: Rushdie assumes magic realism as an efficient tool to resolve the problems of post colonialism. So, by linking and combining historical events, mythological stories and fictional narratives, Rushdie tries to generate and convey a true picture of Indian post colonialism while the colonizers considered India and Indians as a colossal place and people, the novel illustrates India s multiplicity and diversity, in an effort to overturn the colonial representation of India. Midnight s Children is therefore an attempt to evoke India. All these attempts would have been impossible without the insertion of magic realism. WORKS CITED: 1. Gray, Martin. A Dictionary of Literary Terms. 2nd ed. Essex: Longman, 1992. Print. 2. Rushdie, Salman. Midnight s Children. London: Vintage Books, 2006. Print. 3. Zamora, Lois Parkinson and Wendy B. Faris. Eds. Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community. Durkham: Duke UP, 1995. Print. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Book Of Ruth Summary The book of Ruth begins in Bethlehem in Judah.The book of Ruth was written in tradition by the Prophet Samuel in between 1011 and 931 B.C. There is a man named Elimelek, his wife Naomi and there to two sons named Mahlon and Kilion. Naomi s husband dies and she is left with her two son until they married a Moabile women named Orpah and Ruth. Then ten years later Naomi loses her two sons and is left with her daughter in laws. Naomi tells them to go back to their mothers home. Orpah listen but Ruth wanted to stay. So Naomi and Ruth head to Bethlehem. Naomi had a relative on her husabands side of the family that Ruth could possibly marry. The relative was in the clan of Elimelek named Boaz. Ruth went to the fields to pick up grain but went to ... Show more content on ... Jerusalem has been known has the City of Daivd for over 3000 years. The City of David was built between 1040 B.C 970 B.C. The City of David is narrow and about 80 100m wide. The story of the City of David begins with King David leading his army to take over the city of Jerusalem. The Jebusites was a Cananite tribe who lived there at that time.The Jebusite city lasted until the 12th century. After he defeated them he took up residence and name the city after him. He wanted to establish it as the capital of tribes of Israel. It is King Davids birthplace in 1040 B.C. and his early home. The City of David is used in the Old Testament 45 times and in the New Testament only twice. The city was built around the Gihon Spring. King David was the most important king in the bible. On the east side of the city is bounded by the Kidron Valley and to the west is the Valley of Tyropoeon. David s son Solomon built the first temple on Mount Mariah next to the City of David. In anciet Mediterranean World it was common for a leader to name a city after ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Governing Aortic Pressure Governing Physiology In order to provide as accurate a test as possible, care must be taken to model our system after human physiologic conditions. There are many variables at play near the aortic valve we must consider when making our tester. The most obvious physiology we have to model is pressure. A successful heart valve must be one that can reliably handle the pressures found in the body. Average blood pressure for a healthy adult male when measured with a cuff is 80/120 mmHg where two numbers are given for minimum and maximum pressures. However, pressure measured with a cuff is different than aortic pressure5. At max pressure, the difference can by as by as much as 20 mmHG for systole5. This is due to the higher elasticity of the aorta. We ust keep that in mind if hoping to get accurate pressure found at an aortic valve. Minimum pressures ... Show more content on ... The pump Siphon Mate 35 109PC Transfer Pump for Liquid can pump 0.12L of liquid per stroke, and has a outer diameter of 1 8. In order to create a flow rate of 0.233L/s with this pump, one has to pump one full stroke in: 0.12L / (0.233L/s) = 0.51s. This means one must do a full pump about twice per second to test whether the heart valve can withstand the maximum flow rate through aorta. According to the product description, this pump is a combination displacement lift pump and siphon pump with valves suitable for transferring fuel. 8 So the pump itself contains a valve that prevents backflow. Tubing: To house the heart valves, 1 inner diameter braided vinyl tubing was used. The tubing fit well into the PVC T junctions and are approximately equal in size to a human aorta. Assembly and iterations The main parts and components of this project have remained relatively constant. We divided work among our members setting up the pump, a housing for the heart valve, and a way to measure ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Social Hierarchy In To Kill A Mockingbird Douglas Adams once wrote, Don t you understand that we need to be childish in order to understand? Only a child sees things with perfect clarity because it has not developed all those filters which prevent us from seeing things that we do not expect to see. To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee and it examines the life of the residents of the fictional town of Maycomb through the eyes of a child. Incredibly paramount events in history largely shape the beliefs of the Maycombians. The story is set in the southern state of Alabama roughly seventy years after the end of the Civil War. Although slavery was abolished, the racial discrimination towards African Americans and the belief that white people were better than their darker counterparts ... Show more content on ... The adults of the town believed in the archaic system so firmly, their children were conditioned to grow up with the same futile beliefs. Jem sums up the entirety of the social system in the twenty third chapter when he states that: There s four kinds of folks in the world. There s the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes. The Maycombians consistently abide by the status quo, and many of the citizens treat people of lower classes differently and often terribly. In the book, the community treated the Finches and their neighbors with extremely high regard. Even though Atticus gained a bad reputation because he defended a black man, the town s residents treated him better than those who were thought to be of subordinate classes. The Finches relation to the town founder, Simon Finch, also highly influenced the way others treated them. Atticus was a lawyer, and this was considered to be one of very few professional job positions held in the town. Jem classified the Finches, and the neighbors as one type of people, the common folk, and they were treated the best in the entire community because they had more money than the others and were more ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Existentialism In The Truman Show By Peter Weir In today s society sometimes people feel like they are being watched. They feel like cameras are always around them and recording them. They feel people are making sure they are living life correctly. This is wrong, people should be able to live without being afraid of someone watching them. People should not control the life of others. The director of the tv show, Christof, uses this quote: We accept the reality of the world with which were presented. It s as simple as that. In The Truman Show by Peter Weir, Truman Burbank lives his life on tv set without knowing that his whole life is fake. There are many symbols in The Truman Show that relate existentialism which is a person s free will. The life of Truman and his world is just perfect. The Truman Show portrays the theme of existentialism through symbolism, including Truman figuring out what is real, Christof (the show s director) acting like God, and Christof controlling Truman s life. The place where Truman lives is a fake place; it is just the set of a tv show. All of the actors know they are acting, but Truman does not, that is what makes this show so real. He is just living his life the way he thinks it should be. Everything about the show is fake, because everything works well, everything is perfect. The weather in this show is fake because it rains only in certain places. The sunset is always the same and is amazing. A storm comes out of nowhere and objects fall out of the sky. Not only is the weather fake, but his relationships are fake. He thinks that his wife in the show really loves him. His wife is a paid actress pretending to love him. His parents are also paid actors, who even though are really his parents are not being loving towards him, like parents should be. Truman s best friend acts kind to him and is there for him, but has been lying to him since he was born. He says that he will always tell the truth, but Christof is wanting Marlon to say that for the show. Marlon uses this quote when he talks to Truman, I ve been your best friend since we were seven year old Truman . . . You re the closest thing I ever had to a brother Truman! . . . But the point is, I d gladly walk in front of traffic for you, Truman. And the last thing I d ever ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Overcoming Fear In The Short Story In the short stories The Last Stop, by Brian Cable, I m not Leaving Until I Eat This Thing, by John T. Edge and The Long Goodbye: Mother s Day in Federal Prison, by Amanda Coyne, all feel the same when it comes to the businesses they fear. In all of these short stories each main character tries to overcome fear by going into the businesses. All of the businesses have weird qualities, and that makes the character feel weird going into the place. The characters each fear something and it makes it hard for them to achieve their goals in overcoming the fear. Although Cable and Edge both overcome their fear of the business, Coyne leaves her problem unresolved. People think that some businesses are revolting, like working in a morgue, selling pig lips, or working in a prison. For example, In the story The Last Stop, by Brian Cable, Cable used the quote Come in. said the sign. We re always open (Cable 58). Cable tries to use humor by saying, come in we re always open. Meaning death does not have a time limit. Death can happen at any time of the day. In the next story, I m not Leaving Until I Eat This Thing, by John T. Edge, Edge writes We do our best to corner the market on lips (Edge 142). Most consumers would not want to buy pig lips let alone try them. It is hard for them to get pig lips in business so they are trying their hardest to sell them. Edge acknowledges why pig lips are weird leading to him not wanting to try them. Lastly in The ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Early American Settlement Research Paper As of the materials that are in the history textbooks for student, most of them do not tell the truth about the early American settlement. According to James W. Loewen many of the college student he questioned told him the wrong answer about when was the first original settlement of America. What Loewen heard from the student was 1620 but the real answer was about 30,000 B.C. because that was near the time the Native American arrive at this part of the world and lived there. Talking about the first American settlement. a century before the first settlement of Jamestown, the Spanish has explore and lived there for generations. Most of the glory History of America that student are learning from their textbook are untruthful. From the Lies My ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Review Of Edwin Morgen s Poem The Aspect Of Life The Aspect of Life Trio is a poem written by Edwin Morgen which portrays the aspect of life. It s a story of three friends walking down Buchannan Street during Christmas time and they are enjoying the happiness of Christmas with the cuteness of a baby, the laughter of jokes being told in the company they are in, the special time of Christmas and the togetherness of the cold time of year all playing a part in Edwin Morgan s fantastic poem. Firstly the author uses the aspect of life to show how the cuteness of the baby brought smiles to everyone s faces. The author uses the metaphor melting baby to get across how cute the baby was. The baby was quite clearly not melting on this cold winters night, in fact the babies face melted your heart to look at. The wee babies laughter and smiles were contagious, it filled the crowd of three with happiness and joy. This description fills the readers mind with an image of the babies face warming people s hearts on that cold winters night. Correspondingly, Edwin Morgan uses aspects of life to show how laughter is a protection and a need in life. Morgan uses the simile laughter ringing them round like a guard . This shows that laughter and joy will protect you from the sad and depressing thoughts in your mind. That happiness will act as a barrier from all the bad in the world and for even a split second ... Show more content on ... Morgan uses imagery to give you an idea of the group of three walking under the Christmas lights in Buchannan Street. Everyone in Glasgow knows how beautiful looking this street is during this time of year, it is an amazing sight to see. The beautiful lights and decorations make it a wonder of the world and just to witness it makes you feel Christmassy. The lights are as part of Christmas now as turkey and presents, (they are a need). You know when you see the lights getting switched on means that everyone s favourite holiday is coming ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Keiri Sexton Drug Scandal Vioxx Recall Keri Sexton Stevens Henager College Author Note Keri Sexton, Department of Medical Specialties, Stevens Henager College. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Keri Sexton, Department of Medical Specialties, Stevens Henager College, 1444 South Entertainment Avenue, Boise, Idaho, 83709. Contact: Vioxx Recall There has been a great deal of controversy surrounding the voluntarily recall of Vioxx by Merck. They initially went on record stating that as soon as they became aware of the cardiovascular risks they pulled the profitable medication. There has been speculation that the FDA was aware of the same risks and yet they did not recall the medication sooner. (Drug Watch, ... Show more content on ... So many people were affected by Merck s decisions; they had promoted Vioxx as a powerhouse prescription and invested over $500 million in consumer and professional advertising. They even featured television ads showing champion skater Dorothy Hammel skating without arthritis pain as a result of Vioxx. Over all we can conclude that even though there was adequate testing, there were also flaws in the oversight of the studies as well as how data was recorded and provided to governing agencies. There have been numerous revisions and additions to the FDA process. (FDA, 2015) No matter how you look at the scandal that is the Vioxx recall, there are certain facts that cannot be ignored the most important being the 38,000 deaths are related to Vioxx. Everyone wants the miracle drugs to be approved faster and get to market quicker; however the safety of the consumer needs to be a priority. Oversight of the manufacturing and approval process is a necessity to ensure the safety of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Importance Of Work Place Culture And How It Has A... People will typically be more enthusiastic where they feel a sense of belonging and see themselves as member of a community, in comparison to a workplace in which each person is left to their own devices Kohn (1999 pg. 188). This outlines that when people have a sense of belonging they will thrive, and demonstrates the importance of work place culture and how it has a large influence on if a business is successful, in the same way that Cameron and Quinn explained (2011) that some of today s successful firms have developed a distinctive culture that is identifiable by its employees, for example Disney. In early years settings this sense of belonging is shared through having a uniform, a defined set of values, policies and ... Show more content on ... Another major factor is how the individuals will play a role in how the communication is received, for example their role within the setting. This is supported by Tylor and Van Every (2000) when they stress that with clear and concise communication between employees an organisation can emerge and grow. Schins (1985) explained in his model that there are three basic levels of elements for culture , described as layers. One of these is artefacts which are the visible elements like uniform worn by staff and children which shows a group presence and aides belonging, providing a sense of family, furthermore there is organisational structure, the manager leading the setting with their values which are fed down through the deputy to the early years practitioners, through strategies and goals set by the manager, and any policies and procedures the setting follows. One of these is what the setting stands for which is for all children to be happy and to achieve, another one is where the setting aims to be in the future. Which in the case of early years is striving to achieve the highest grade with OFSTED, if staff feel valued and confident in their work this will influence a more positive attitude in their behaviour and feelings,and will want to achieve more as a whole. Hofstede (1980) suggested that settings need to consider the individual values of the employees and their personal values and they should be encouraged and not criticised to make a ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Revolution Of The Cuban Revolution Art in Cuba was drastically affected from nineteen fifty to nineteen sixty and changed in the years that followed because of the Cuban revolution. The oxford dictionary defines art as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power, as well as the branches of creativity, such as painting, music, and dance. Art and its many different forms were heavily influenced by the Cuban Revolution. Artists find inspirations for their works from a number of different resources. Inspiration can be found from a simple conversation that sparks and idea to portraying a grave passion. In the case of the revolution, artists used their art as a way to voice their views. This is why many writers, journalists, and academic people were exiled during this time. To clarify, the Cuban Revolution, which began in July 1953, was a rebellion led by Fidel Castro and his allies to overthrow Fulgencio Batista. It triumphed six years later on the first of January 1959, when Batista was forced out of power by rebels. In the beginning, the Revolution and Castro had tremendous support from almost all of Cuba as well as enthusiasm from others worldwide who viewed the Revolution as an anti imperialist movement. The Cuban Revolution brought a great deal of attention to Latin America. Mass media now allowed the world to be connected and aware of what was ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Summary Of Reproductionry In Auspicious Eggs In society reproduction is one of the most important things that keeps our world s population growing. In these three short dystopian stories there are different approaches on ideas on what reproduction should be like and how it should be approached. Reproduction rights have an immensely big impact on each of these stories in different circumstances but are very much alike. These three different stories have different rules for the way they run their reproduction systems in their communities. Ten with a Flag the way the society has to do with reproduction is by a ranking system. In this case the people in the story find out how great their child is by ranking, so if the child is a ten it s perfect and if the baby has a perfect ten with a flag, the flag means that the baby might have something troubled or wrong about its persona. Amaryllis is about keeping society to a minimum. Auspicious Eggs is about the Catholic Church and its involvement the reproductive system. All of these stories have harsh endings if an individual can t do something to meet society s specifications about reproduction rules. In Auspicious Eggs it describes if a baby is not fertile the baby does not have the right to live, if women or men aren t fertile and they cannot produce new beings they are killed as a result. Ten With a Flag, the flag represents something wrong with the newborn meaning that something is wrong with the child or something terrible is going to happen to the child in the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Asian Americans And Hispanic Americans Categories, groupings, assumptions, classification; it s like society is built to expand yet isolate, to be authentic yet alike. We form assumptions which turn into the ordinary or the norm. If one person is a certain way then surely everyone like them is like that also. Two of the many cultures and ethnicities we have placed stereotypes amongst are the Asian Americans and Latino Americans. We have placed assumptions about who they are which only perpetuates the classification and, essentially, the isolation. Have you ever heard the phrase, oh, is he Asian? That s why they act like that, they all do. What a way of making a, perhaps, false assumption and classifying one person into a group of millions of people. Asian Americans have long been depicted as brainiacs in contemporary media. We see them as technologically advanced and extremely intelligent. When I was in high school, it was the Asian kids that you wanted to sit next to and the ones you wanted in your group because they always had the right answer. We see them as taking on the medicinal or engineering careers. Although many do hold positions in these job categories, we have to know that not all Asian Americans align their lives to society s classification. Furthermore, not only are they positively portrayed in the media; they are also given negative stigmas. They are thought of as terrible drivers. I have seen countless movies where the reckless and careless driver is assumed to be Asian American. This ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Political and Social Effects of the Sandinista... The people of Nicaragua were suffering oppression. This made us develop an awareness which eventually led us to commit ourselves to the struggle against the domination of the capitalists of our country in collusion with the United States government. (Daniel Ortega 1974) As has been discussed throughout the semester thus far many countries throughout Latin America have experienced a political revolution in some way, shape, or form. In the early 1970 s Nicaragua joined the long list of Latin American countries to experience a revolution when the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional (FSLN) lead by Daniel Ortega successfully overthrew the Somoza dynasty. Many people often times have a misconception of what exactly a political revolution ... Show more content on ... Others argue that the changes seen within a society during the time of revolution are short lived and often times forgotten within a matter of years. Despite these two differing arguments over the exact meaning of the term revolution one thing remains constant. At the heart of any definition of revolution the word change can be found. For example, Samuel Huntington defines revolution as rapid, fundamental, and violent domestic change in the dominant values, myths, political institutions, social structure, leadership, government activity, and politics. (Booth 117) On the other hand, Theda Skocpol defines revolution as rapid, basic transformations of a society s state and class structure, accompanied by and in part accomplished through popular revolts from below. (Booth 117) Finally, Eric Selbin argues that revolution and its social transformation are more likely where popular rebellion has cultural roots and precedents. (Booth 117) The Sandinista Revolution in the early 1970 s provides a perfect example in regards to the transformation of society that each one of these definitions promises. However, in order to determine which definition of the term revolution most accurately describes the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua two key questions must be analyzed. First, it must be determined how strong and persistent are the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. My Fear By Lawrence Rab Literary Devices My Fear is a simple poem in which the author, Lawrence Raab, portrays fear as a person who is constantly on the prowl and taking note of things to haunt us with in our dreams. Raab makes great use of personification and symbolism throughout the poem in order to reveal the theme that fear is inevitable and is something we all deal with. Raab begins with the first stanza introducing the antagonist that is fear himself, who follows and records the fears that trouble our mind. Through personification we are able to visualize the possibility of a lighter side to fear s character. Fear is typically an emotion we don t like, but Raab takes a line to sympathize by posing the idea that maybe he s sorry, maybe fear is just carrying out his job though ... Get more on ...
  • 18. C 5020 Research Paper Subject: Internship in CS 5020 Internship in CS Instructor: Curtis Cooper Technologies Learned: Ruby is a cross platform, interpreted and object oriented language, and is an open source language. Ruby is a server side scripting language. Ruby can be used to write CGI scripts. Ruby has a rich set of built in functions. Rails is a ruby gem developed using ruby and is a web development framework. Rails include two most useful principles.  Don t Repeat Yourself: DRY is most useful principle in rails, as it encourages reusability of its components.  Convention over Configuration: Rails giving more flexible way of implementing website by following naming convention. Active Record: Rails developed based on MVC architecture. Active record is Rails s Object Relational Mapping library (ORM). Active Record is always inherits from Base class. In Active Record, objects transport both persistent data and behavior which operates on that data. Active record works with MySQL, Postgres, and SQLite. ORM connects the objects of an application to tables in a relational database management system. ... Show more content on ... Active Record uses naming conventions to find how the mapping between models and database tables should be create. Active record migration will create database schemas based on class names in models, and table names as pluralized to class names. Asset pipe line is used to concatenate and compress JavaScript and CSS assets. It also gives additional functionality to write these assets in other languages pre processors such as CoffeeScript, Sass and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Theseus And The Minotaur There are many examples of heroes throughout history and in story books that convey great messages, but what makes your leaders heroes? There are many attributes that make a hero but there are three main areas. To be a hero, one must be willing to make many sacrifices, be humble and not expect anything from the actions, and make positive changes. To be a hero means to sacrifice something for someone else no matter the circumstances or dangers. An example of this is in the myth Theseus and the Minotaur. It gives a great example of sacrifice and heroism. Powerful king Minos of Crete demands Athenian women and men every year to feed to the Minotaur. When Theseus heard about this, he was not happy. He took the place of one of the sacrificed men and went to the labyrinth of the Minotaur to try and kill the beast himself. Theseus then expressed his feelings of frustration by saying saying, When it is time to send the next tribute, I will go as one of them and I vow that it is the last time the Minotaur will be fed with the flesh of any of our people. Theseus was strong and was willing to put himself in danger for the safety of his people. Not many people have the courage to sacrifice themselves. Parents make sacrifices every day. Think of how hard mothers or fathers works to make money, to keep the kids happy, to feed them, to clean up after everyone, to get their kids where they what to go. My mom makes sacrifices everyday. She takes my brother dance right after a long ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How Can Abuse Cause Relationship Problems In The Future... Can abuse cause relationship problems in the future for our loved ones? Abuse is the destroyer of young people s faith and most of the time it causes long term mental problems. There are many types of abuses. Many women and children are affected every day. Most of the causes affect your body. Physical effects are as simple as having clothing that are worn and torn to shreds, having bad odor coming from your skin and/or your breath. Another type of physical abuse can be shown by being tested for sexually transmitted diseases and showing up positive for any type of the disease. Many women and children are the first victims, because they are more vulnerable and unable to fight. Men are also known to be victims, but rarely. Men are more known to be the suspects in these types of abuses. Everyone is at some point picked to be the victims to an unbearably harsh abuse that may or may not be easy to get away from. There is no answer when you may be picked. Health issues that are being affected in the brain and the way you functions are considered to be called mental health. Mental health is a condition of a person in ... Show more content on ... One of the signs the abuser gives off is calling his victim names and telling them how worthless they are. The victim may not consider that abuse but it is, this abuse can cause depression and thinking you re not good enough to do anything you re interested in trying out. While in the depression state of mind you shelter yourself from people, enjoy being in the dark and sometimes cry. In a controlling relationship some of the time the man/women start the process of becoming a little controlling on who they talk or interact with and where they go. In this type of situation it is now called social abuse because they are both controlling who he or she talks to and may turn into a deadly situation depending on whether or not they decide to confront one another or whether they end the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Calabash Pathways By Brenda Chester Doharris Summary Book Review Calabash Parkways by Brenda Chester DoHarris. Student s name Course name and number Instructor s name Date submitted Brenda Chester DoHarris, Calabash Parkway, Bowie, Maryland: Tantaria Press, 2005, pp.158. ISBN 0 9770728 0 0 Author Brenda DoHarris was born and raised in colonial Guyana, and later immigrated to US where she now resides and works as an English professor at the Bowie State University, in Bowie Maryland. She graduated from Columbia University and went on to receive her PHD in English from Harvard University. Post colonial women s literature is her area of scholarly interest. Her first Novel was The Colored Girl in the Ring, set in Guyana in the 1950 s and 60s, when Guyana went through an agonizing ... Show more content on ... Gatha s character is overcoming many hurdles intermittently one after another, for instance losing all her saving to the burglars instance losing all her saving to when US authorities rejected her visa, and her clever maneuver to go around the system and entered US via Canada. Her sudden death in the arms of her lover, was tragic and turned her success in Pyrrhic victory, her career throughout the novel is however a fascinating tale of determination, fortitude and resilience is. The story also beautifully embellished the inequalities of North south, by portraying a rather obscure divide, when people are thrashing against intimidating environments to make their survival. Gatha remains dominant in the novel from start to the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Technology And Embedded Computing Abstract We present a technique in which we use a credit card sized microcomputer to serve as an access point in a wireless network based entirely on wireless communication and low cost, robust and responsive detective wireless devices on the network. The wireless devices are basically smartphones that will connect itself to the network which will be generated by a system proposed later in the paper. The paper deals with reviewing the work done by research scholars previously on this area of embedded computing (using Raspberry Pi) and IoT that shall serve as a foundation to the system proposed by the authors. The reliability and the suitability of the system proposed can be advocated by the work done in this field by various authors whose papers have been reviewed here. Index Terms Wireless networks, Raspberry Pi, IoT, wifi proximity, ZigBee, Wifi Direct I. INTRODUCTION In our research we have identified how IT and embedded computing together can revolutionize the way we use technol ogy today, especially in the domain of mobile computing [10]. The paradigm shift from the Internet of People to the Internet of Things also termed as IoT is undeniable [9]. According to a CISCO report the number of devices, which range from mobile and smartphones to embedded computers, microcontrollers, microcomputers, sensors and everything else on the network will increase from 15 billion today to nearly 50 billion by 2020 [9]. This is going ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Funds Of Knowledge Analysis Funds of knowledge is a term developed by researchers while working with Mexican American families and other families in poor communities (Allen, 2010). Funds of knowledge refers to the strengths and resources within families, lived experiences and the knowledge that is embedding in both community and home practices (Allen, 2010; Gonzalez, Moll Amanti, 2005). Funds of knowledge focus on getting to know families in order to learn about both their family s background, and also how this affects their children. My family is a typical middle class Australian family. My father grew up on a farm in Western Australia, but because we lived so far away, we did not go there very often. My father also took me to the local library every week and I enjoyed ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Essay about European Imperialism European imperialism during 1450 1750, began as a plan to gain more riches for the European nations. The Europeans did this for three main reasons, which were for God, Gold, and Glory. The Europeans domination over Latin America, Africa and Asia were made out to be good for the native people of these lands. However, the Europeans were not there to help these geographic areas. They were there to spread their influence and gain riches for themselves and the European nations. The successes and failures of the Europeans and non Europeans would decide their relationship status for as long as they could co exist. In Latin America, Cortes who was the conqueror of Mexico, and Pizarro the conqueror of Peru and the Incans, would control the ... Show more content on ... Instead, the Latin Americans were auctioned off and forced into slavery. After taking the gold, ruling over the people, and forcing them into slavery, the Spanish did nothing to help out the people of Latin America. European domination in Africa began because the Portuguese wanted to establish a faster route to India. Yet, when the Portuguese arrived they began to set up a trade of gold, slaves and ivory. The Europeans pretended to be Christian humanitarians and attempted to convert the Africans to Christians. They used god to justify their mistreatment of the natives. Many of the natives did convert to Christianity and accepted the Europeans mistreatments. The Europeans set up port cities on the African coast in order to help their ships on their journey to India. At the port cities, they could stop, rest, and replenish their supplies. The Europeans would attempt to turn the different African tribes against each other and started many tribal wars throughout Africa. When a tribe was conquered, the remaining members would be transported back to Europe and the Americas in order to be sold into slavery, and their villages would be raided for any potential riches the Europeans could sell or use. Creating these tribal wars gave the Europeans money and also eliminated possible enemies from the land. The Europeans tried to use the same methods they had ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Essay On Italian Wine Overview: To start with, best thing about Italian wines is no matter which wine you choose, you find each wine unique and perfect to pair with the food. You don t actually bother about the direction or orientation of the vineyard, the soil components and the wine making techniques. Just open the bottle, pour the wine and get drinking! In this assignment I am explaining my personal experience of tasting an extremely prestigious Italian wine 2004 Ruffino Chianti DOCG. Tasting Notes: Producer: Ruffino_________________________________________________________________ Name of the Wine: Chianti DOCG____________________________________________________ ... Show more content on ... DOC, IGT. These laws help to keep the quality check and out of three DOCG (shown in appendix 2) assure maximum quality. It stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita. It requires wine maker to follow stricter production laws and guarantee everything that is claimed on the wine label. DOCG wines are approved to sell after inspecting the wine done by a tasting panel of wine experts and are subject to legal analysis at any time After looking at the factors of production of Ruffino Chianti we can summarize the technical aspects of the wine and which shows resemblance with the tasting notes. Name: 2004 Rufino Chianti Location: Chianti region,Tuscany, Italy Soil: Sandy,Limestone Bottle Size 750 ml Alcohol 12.5% alcohol by volume Grape: 80% Sangiovese, 10% Canaiolo 10% Colorino Type of wine: Medium bodied red with well balanced tannins and acidity, complex floral and fruit character Age: 5 months in stainless steel vats and rest in bottles Residual sugar: 0 g/l Aromas: Cherries, berries, spicy, tea leaves Sales Pitch: A young vibrant medium bodied Chianti with floral, berries and spices aromas and display complex and fruit character with hints of pepper. The wine has a brilliant balance of firm tannins and bright acidity. Wine excels with all the traditional Tuscan pasta dishes with rich ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Adnan Syed Jay Wilds There is definitely an abundance of inaccuracy in stories and time lines, leading to many questions and theories of what truly happened on the 13th of January, 1999. On that January day Hae Min Lee, a senior at Woodlawn High School, was supposedly murdered by Adnan Syed. This murder case has many suspects and witnesses, but the star witness was Jay Wilds. Jay s testimony was crucial for the state to bring Adnan Syed to trial. Although the state used Jay s testimony, that doesn t mean it was truthful or correctly used in a court of law. Jay s testimonies, stories, and statements in fact have many contradictions and changes. The difference in the stories Jay gives are going lead many to questions to why the court used his story to put Adnan Syed ... Show more content on ... Adnan comes to Jay s house to pick him up and lend him his car, while he goes back to school. After this Jay uses the car to go over to Jennifer s(friend of Jay s) house. This is where the first conflict in stories takes place. Jenn says she got home before Jay got to her house, while Jay says he got home before she did. Jay says he got there before her because he wanted to hang with Mark, who is Jenn s brother. Another thing conflicting their testimonies is whether Jay left Jenn s house or stayed there most of the afternoon. Jenn says that Jay never left till the afternoon, while Jay says he left multiple times. There is one thing that Jenn and Jay agree on which is Jay left around 3:30pm to 3:40pm. Although they both agree on this, Jenn says she remembers Jay getting two phone calls from someone around that time too. The problem with that statement is that the calls could not have been from Adnan or to Adnan s phone because of the AT T call logs. The call log shows that a call only at 3:15pm and 4:30pm occurred, therefore Jay could not have received a call on Adnan s cell at 4:30pm. During all this time Adnan states he was on the school campus till after track practice which would be after ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Basketball Game Descriptive Essay As my alarm clock startled me from sweet dreams, I grinned realizing game day had come upon us. I leapt out of bed in excitement as I skipped to the bathroom. I filled the bathroom with Today s Hits on Pandora, sprang in the shower, and danced while scrubbing my hair. After showering, I brushed my teeth, gave the mirror a cheesy smile, and headed to my room. I slipped into my Crestwood Girls Basketball long sleeve and a pair of jeans. I combed through my hair and decided to let it air dry. I gulped down my breakfast in three bites, grabbed my book bag, and zoomed out the door. After an exhilarating start to the day, I anticipated tonight s basketball game would bring more delight to that wonderful day. Good luck tonight, Shannon, my ... Show more content on ... locker and trotted towards my school locker to get my books for first hour. Hi Shannon! Ellie screamed from down the hall. Good morning, Ellie! HAPPY GAMEDAY!! I shouted from the other end of the hall. In the seventeen hours of not seeing each other, Ellie and I hugged like the reunion of a mother and her daughter after a year of college. I will see you fourth hour in Spanish, I shrieked to Ellie over my shoulder, dashing to my first hour class. Our favorite class of the day, she sarcastically uttered under her breath. I parked myself in my chair as the clock struck eight fifteen a.m. Ooofuda, made it just in time, I whispered, skeptically looking around the room to see if anyone noticed my superwoman powers. First hour zoomed by in the blink of an eye. Each hour after that went slower than the last. I stared at the clock as each hour ticked tocked ever so slowly. I cocked my head back and forth as I watched the hands of the clock move at a snail pace. I slugged to every class. My tolerance level shortened every hour until sixth, seventh, and eighth hour. As the end of the day approached, I lost focus, only thinking of the game that would happen in a short few hours. Eighth hour arrived and I watched as each minute occurred slower than the last. As the final minute came to a countdown, Now remember kids to finish , I did not hear a word my teacher ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Harry Potter Betrayal From Julius Caesar s twenty three stab wounds to Gatsby s disloyal love, the importance of the cruel act of betrayal in literature has long been discussed. Perhaps less historically, betrayal has also appeared in the wizarding world of Harry Potter, as two terrible wars redefine values and loyalty within the wizarding community. However, betrayal also shows itself in acts of love and bravery in Rowling s beloved series. In the Harry Potter books betrayals are used to reveal truths about characters, represent development, and uphold the belief held within all seven of the books: that we are defined by the choices that we make. Within the Harry Potter series, betrayals are often used to show sides of characters that we might not have otherwise seen. With the first wizarding war in full swing Lily and James Potter (in hiding from Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters) are betrayed by their close friend Peter Pettigrew. As their secret keeper it is his responsibility to protect them to his own death. Instead he goes against the traits of his house, bravery and chivalry, by betraying them. Fear trumps Pettigrew s loyalty to the Potters. He does not change his values or replace his friends, he ... Show more content on ... Peter Pettigrew betrayed his friends and his values in spite of what our assumptions would tell us about a brave Gryffindor. Because of his decision he spent the rest of his life serving a master who he feared and hated. Regulus Black betrayed a cause he was raised to believe in and knew was evil, and died protecting his brother and the others fighting in the resistance. This shows that no upbringing and no house can define you as good or evil. The final thing that defines a person are the values they are unable to betray. The betrayals within the Harry Potter Series ask us to reconsider our assumptions about people, no matter why we may have made ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Analysis Of Luther The Reformer By Kittelson Martian Luther The book Luther The Reformer, by James Kittelson focused on the life, death and work of Martian Luther. Luther came from humble beginnings, born the son of a peasant. From these humble beginnings, Luther unintentionally created a revolution within the world of the church and an empire of Protestantism. Luther was not the person to start this spark nor did he want to create a new religion, rather his idea was to reform the church , but it was his views that were carried forth and spread. He was simply in the right place at the right time. Luther created a ripple effect that has shaped religion into what it is today. Whether we realize it or not, these teaching and views of Luther affect every aspect of our daily lives. The freedoms ... Show more content on ... He would evaluate the scriptures by asking the question, what does this mean for me . This is a really key concept in my mind because it sets the stage for why Luther writes what he writes. He takes the passages in the Bible and examines how they apply to us and our salvation. He evaluates what the possible implications are for our salvation. This is the fundamental view of the protestant church. It is the view that the Protestant church has focused on so intently. It is no longer us being told what the Bible means, but it is us interpreting it for ourselves. It is this thought that has brought us to where we are today. It has been both beneficial, in terms that the people now have the Bible in their language and often in their possession, but it also creates fighting amongst individuals on what passages may or may not mean. This has led to massive schisms within the church today and throughout the past 500 ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Edward T. Hall s Four Spatial Zones Anthropologist Edward T. Hall has defined four spatial zones that we use depending upon the content that we are communicating and the level of self disclosure. Hall s four spatial zones begin with what he calls intimate space, skin contact to 18 inches away, this is the space that we use for intimate conversations, secrets, and deeper levels of self disclosure. The second of Hall s spatial zones is personal space, 18 inches to 4 feet away, this spatial zone is used to communicate personal information, but is less intimate than that of intimate space. The third of Hall s spatial zones is social space, 4 to 12 feet away, in this spatial zone occurs more formal and impersonal communication. The fourth of Hall s spatial zones is public space, 12 ... Show more content on ... Family and friends know when you re behaving out of the ordinary, and because they know you at a deeper level they feel they can tell you to stop a certain behavior without hurting your feelings. Strangers, on the other hand only know you at superficial level and don t feel comfortable correcting your behavior, strangers don t know how you typically behave and probably think that you go around making people feel uncomfortable all the time. I also learned that it not just invading people s physical space that leaves them feeling uneasy, but violating spatial zones by discussing content that is inappropriate for certain zones. When you discuss content that is only appropriate for intimate spatial zones so that it can be heard in a public spatial zone it makes people feeling very uncomfortable. Like arguing in public or talking to loud at a restaurant about personal ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Excavation Of Pompeii Before its destruction, the city of Pompeii was home to a flourishing city that through observations made from its archeological excavation and through the analysis of certain artifacts and various buildings An exact image of the city as it stood in the first century is presented to the archaeologists. This provides insight into the lives of the people living at the time. Pompeii is an old Roman town city located in the territory of Pompeii and commune in the Campania region of Italy. Pompeii was destroyed and buried under 13 to 20 feet of volcanic ash in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 (Beard 22). Pompeii was founded in the sixth or seven century BC by the Oscans and came under Roman rule in the 4th BC but was conquered to ... Show more content on ... Pompeii as an archeological site is a source of information on so many aspects of the economic, religious, social and political life of the ancient world. Many well preserved house shrines give a hint on the importance of the vitality of religion in the family. Pompeii had a busy port that exported products throughout the Mediterranean region; this was a haven for the tradesmen and merchants living near the city gates. Unfortunately, these excavations are endangered by tourist traffic at the site, changes in weather patterns and destructive vegetation. In the 1950s, many structures were fitted with concrete roofs but have deteriorated over the years making upkeep difficult. Pompeii faces numerous problems including, mismanagement, degradation, and vandalism. In July 2008, the Italian government took the unforeseen step of declaring a one year state of emergency for the site and a special officer was appointed to oversee the site (Sonneborn 17).This move emphasizes the need to importance of preservation, restoration and critical analysis of the evidence available before it is lost ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Case Study Of Virgin Group Establishing Strategic Issues and Problems Using the case study, this section will examine the strategic issues and problems relevant to the Virgin Group and the strategy that the company has adopted. The case study briefly describes the Virgin Group empire and its corporate strategy. Furthermore, it proceeds to highlight a number of strategic issues Virgin group was experiencing. According to the National Academic Press (2009) a strategic issue is understood to constitute fundamental policy choice with the capacity to accept the mission, mandates, financing structure, management, processes, users or customers and product mix or service level of an organization. The primary issues that Virgin group is facing relates to both Virgin Atlantic ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, there are Virgin companies, which were profitable, for instance Virgin Records, which was sold with an aim of financing other ventures. At the moment, the accounting system and financial structure guiding Virgin are disjointed. In fact, it is overly complicated for one to interpret the financial position of the entire Branson s empire. There are no consolidated accounts for the group, the holding companies and other subsidiaries. Evidently, the financial system that the Virgin group has adopted is rather amorphous. Attempts to track the financial results of the various Virgin companies are apparently the most confusing aspect of the Branson s empire. Despite that fact, Branson insists that financing his business investments takes place on a standalone basis even though analysts have previously pointed various instances in which profits that the viable investments make are channeled to the ailing ones to revive them even without standard accounting procedures followed. An example of this tendency relates to the records showing that in 1992, one of the Branson s most profitable investment as the Virgin record and it was sold with an aim of safeguarding Virgin Atlantic while Singapore Airline purchased 49% stake in Virgin Atlantic to ensure that the Virgin group s music retail business ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Mall Santa University Research Paper Everyone 5 and up knows that although Saint Nicholas existed; thankfully, there isn t a cheery fat guy with flying reindeer somehow slipping down your chimney to deliver presents while also knowing whether or not you ve been naughty or nice. Speaking of which, how can he deliver presents to 2.2 billion kids?! And another thing; how can he survive in the Arctic? Being upon, if not the most, inhospitable place on Earth, it s practically impossible for any human being to live that far up north; not including global warming nor any of the other residents. For the scientific logic behind Santa, click here. Image result for mall santa animation Anyway, it s easy to assume that pretending to be Santa may seem like a simple job; but there is reason behind why thousands of theses aged sugar plums wear the suit each year. Not to accommodate the hundreds ... Show more content on ... Malls don t just accept any street bum looking for beers money; they look for graduates of Santa University. Every Santa in training has to pass their background check and real beards; bleached or otherwise. For those who passed go to Santa University in Arvada where hundreds of girthy greats come to learn the Santa basics like how to ho ho ho just right, what the reindeer s names are, where the secret bathrooms at the mall are, what the trendiest new do dads are and more. Image result for creepy santaThough there are some parents who actually want their children to scream and kick in Santa s loving arms, all it takes is for that one kid to fall off his knee; then Santa would pay hundreds of dollars in damages; even worse, Heaven forbid, a place on his own Naughty list. That s why experienced professionals always carry their own liability insurance. In fact, there s an organization dedicated to these types of incidents; the International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas. It s a real thing, and gives Santa a group rate on insurance should an incident ... Get more on ...
  • 34. How A Career And Passion Focus: How a career and passion in dentistry shape who Dr. Henkel is today. Interviewed by email to Dr. Henkel (mentor for my internship) Interview Questions: 1. Who are the most influential people in your life? Tough question to answer as there have been so many. The obvious of course would be my mother, wife, and daughter. But educationally, two people really come to mind. One was my microbiology professor, a very small in stature woman from the Philippines, who gave her entire lecture series, start to finish, over an entire semester, without ever looking at a note. Not once. She would have been my mentor for my master s degree had I not change course to dental school. The other is a clinical instructor at the univ.of Detroit dental school, dr. Benjamin Leone. One of the toughest instructors we had in dental school. Getting an a from him was next to impossible. But he taught us more, made us do our work to the highest standard, than most others. 2. What is your inspiration for doing your job? Couple of things. From a personal perspective, dentistry allows for a great lifestyle, giving adequate free time to pursue whatever it is you enjoy. From a professional perspective, helping people, relieving their discomfort, seeing the change in self esteem when we complete a smile rehabilitation, makes it all worthwhile 3. Why did you choose the field of dentistry? What was your vision? Interestingly, it almost chose me. I was pursuing a pre medical ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Aphorisms In Tuesdays With Morrie In Mitch Albom s, Tuesdays with Morrie he used many literary devices such as aphorisms. Overall, there are almost thirty amazing examples of aphorisms in Tuesdays with Morrie . Such as, Love always wins. (pg. 40), The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in. (p. 52), another one includes, Love is the only rational act. (p. 52). Morrie s aphorisms mainly speak of love, and how you should treat others. It is a lesson that makes readers think of their values and their ethics. It also makes you question your morals and how you treat one another. In the Last Lecture , Randy Pausch also used many aphorisms, although not as much as Tuesdays with Morrie , due to the fact our class only read an ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Heterosexist Discrimination In America Americans live in a society that seems constantly plagued by various types of discrimination. For instance, ableism, classism, and sizeism are a few examples of the sorts of systematic discriminations that Americans face every day. However, as of late, one of the most prevalent forms that targets homosexual minorities is Heterosexist discrimination. Heterosexism is defined as the discrimination or prejudice against homosexuals ( Heterosexism ). In addition to being prejudiced and discriminatory, Heterosexism is more often than not paired with the idea that heterosexuality is the normal sexual orientation, and therefore superior. For the past couple of years, America has attempted to mend the issues in our society that kept homosexual people ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Zebrafish Experiment Introduction Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are a popular freshwater fish that have been modified by researchers to produce several transgenic strains. The strain of transgenic zebrafish that express fluorescent colors have been given the name Glofish, for they contain different fluorescent proteins such as Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP), Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP), Blue Fluorescent Protein (BFP), or Purple Fluorescent Protein (PFP) (Vick, B. M., A. Pollak, C. Welsh, J. O. Liang, 2012). There are several benefits of using Glofish as a model to portray and understand inheritance patterns of transgenic genes. Glofish are small size in size, produce a high number of progeny, have similar genetic control to humans, ... Show more content on ... Phenotypes pertaining to fins, fin length, and color were observed. Only a few phenotypes, such as fin length and presence of specific fluorescent proteins, were decided on to be important in understanding the genetics (Biology 2202 Genetics Laboratory Handout, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2015). Fishes with these phenotypes were counted and recorded. Generating Hypotheses Numbers of the wild type and transgenic fish were compared. Type of transgenes and type of inheritance were hypothesized based on the patterns seen in the offspring. Using that information can help determine the parent genotypes and thus determine a final inheritance pattern. A null hypothesis was then formed relative to the genes and inheritance pattern of each tank (Biology 2202 Genetics Laboratory Handout, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2015). Data Analysis Hypothesis were generated by comparing the phenotypes of each tank. The hypothesis included the ratio and expected inheritance pattern, and that any difference is due to chance. Using the information collected based on the genotypes of the parents and the formed hypothesis, the expected value for each phenotype were calculated and recorded. A chi square test was used to determine the P value and conclude the generated ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Tda 2.8 Support Children and Young Peoples Health and Safety Assessment task TDA 2.8 Support children and young peoples Health and Safety Task links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting Health and Safety Legislation is there to protect everyone within a setting, (everyone being pupils, staff and visitors) through policies and procedures for preventing and controlling risk of accidents. All those working in school have a duty to ensure the Health and Safety of children in their care along with their own health and safety and that of colleagues and visitors. Children and Young people need to be allowed to explore their environment and learn for themselves, but ... Show more content on ... The obligations to employers are to: * assess the risks * decide what precautions are needed * take steps to reduce or adequately control exposure to hazardous substances * ensure that control measures are utilised and maintained * monitor exposure * carry out health surveillance of employees who have been or are likely to be exposed * have in place emergency procedures to deal with accidents/incidents * ensure that employees are properly informed, trained and supervised. Educational establishments must have in place appropriate measures to ensure that the risks to the health and safety of pupils/students from exposure to hazardous substances are minimised. First Aid Regulations 1981 Require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure that everyone receives immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill. This will include trained first aiders, first aid boxes and first aid room along with ongoing assessment. Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 Following a fire risk assessment an employer must provide the following in order to safeguard the safety of everyone in case of fire: Emergency exit routes and doors; The final emergency exit doors must open outwards and not be sliding or revolving; Emergency lighting to cover the exit routes where necessary; Fire fighting equipment, fire alarms and where necessary fire detectors. Appropriate fire exit signs, fire ... Get more on ...
  • 39. A Research On Telehealth And Telemedicine Is A Tool For... Telehealth Consultation Telehealth is becoming a widely used tool for seeking medical care, or consultation. The world of technology we live in is ever growing, making healthcare easily accessible through telehealth. While many different organizations define telehealth using different words, they all have the same idea. I found in my research that telehealth and telemedicine are defined differently. Definition Per the website, telehealth is different from telemedicine, because it refers to a broader scope of remote healthcare services than telemedicine. While telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical services, telehealth can refer to remote non clinical services, such as provider training, administrative meetings, and continuing medical education, in addition to clinical services. According to, the Health Resources Services Administration defines telehealth as the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long distance clinical health care, patient and professional health related education, public health and health administration. Medicare defines it as Telehealth (or Telemonitoring) is the use of telecommunications and information technology to provide access to health assessment, diagnosis, intervention, consultation, supervision and information across distance. Background Reps. Doris Matsui (D Calif.) and Bill Johnson (R Ohio) introduced a bill, the Telehealth Modernization Act of 2013, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Analysis Of Trufx An Adelaide Based Visual Effect Studio Melanie Trieu Business Owner TruFX 33 Warwick Street, Adelaide, 5081 ABN: 53 024 921 617 ACN: 007 249 989 TruFX Business Plan Prepared: [date prepared] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TruFX is an Adelaide based visual effect studio. We will focus on the creation of visual effects for national television commercials, small film productions and websites. The target market is small to medium size companies that have been established for two or more years. We will work from a small office within the Adelaide CBD. Melanie Trieu is the business owner and sole managing director of TruFX. Melanie is responsible for all of the design work and administrative details. The company is made up of four other employees who are essential to the company s operation and future success. Start up summary Background information Name of owners Melanie Trieu Industry knowledge experience/skills of key personnel: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Melanie Trieu: Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Specialising in CGI and Visual Effects) at TAFE SA Technical and vocational skills: Knowledge in Mac OS, Windows 10 and Windows Office Lighting and texturing knowledge in the programs Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop. Practical job experience:
  • 41. 6 months freelance Adelaide Motorbike Group EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Adam Smith: Bachelor of Media Arts at UniSA 1 term CDW Studios Technical and vocational skills: Knowledge in Windows 10 and Windows Office Compositing ... Get more on ...