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Computer Essay
Crafting an essay on the broad and ever-evolving topic of computers can be a formidable task.
The difficulty lies not only in the vastness of the subject but also in the constant technological
advancements that reshape the landscape of computing. As a writer, navigating through the
intricate web of hardware, software, algorithms, and their interplay can be challenging.
Firstly, one must grapple with the historical evolution of computers, from their humble
beginnings to the present state of cutting-edge technology. This journey encompasses the
invention of early calculating devices, the emergence of personal computers, and the
revolutionary impact of the internet. Balancing historical context with a focus on contemporary
developments requires meticulous research and a deep understanding of technological progress.
Moreover, delving into the technical aspects of computers demands a careful balance between
depth and accessibility. Explaining complex concepts such as artificial intelligence, quantum
computing, or machine learning to a diverse audience without oversimplifying or overwhelming
them is a delicate task. The writer must strike a chord between providing detailed insights and
ensuring that the information remains comprehensible to readers with varying levels of technical
Addressing the societal implications of computers adds another layer of complexity. Examining
the role of technology in shaping economies, influencing communication, and altering social
dynamics requires a nuanced perspective. Writers must navigate through ethical considerations,
discussing issues like privacy, cybersecurity, and the digital divide.
Furthermore, the fast-paced nature of technological advancements means that the information
relevant today might be outdated tomorrow. Staying abreast of the latest developments is not
just a challenge but a necessity for an essay on computers to remain relevant and informative.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the expansive topic of computers demands a careful blend of
historical insight, technical expertise, and a keen awareness of societal implications. It is a task
that necessitates constant research, adaptation to evolving technologies, and a commitment to
presenting complex information in a clear and engaging manner.
For those seeking assistance with essays or other written assignments, platforms like offer a convenient solution. Professional writers can provide tailored essays on
a variety of topics, ensuring that the complexities of subjects like computers are navigated with
expertise and precision.
Computer Essay Computer Essay
Lab 14
LAB 14
This lab contains the following exercises and activities:
Exercise 14.1Creating a Custom MMC Console
Exercise 14.2Configuring Remote Desktop Access
Exercise 14.3Connecting to a Remote Workstation
Exercise 14.4Creating an RDP File
Lab Challenge 14.1 Using Windows Remote Management
You are a newly hired desktop technician for Contoso, Ltd., working on a long term
test deployment of new Windows 7 workstations. You have been given the task of
testing the various remote administration technologies included with Windows 7.
Estimated lab time: 60 minutes
| | | Exercise 14.1 Creating a Custom MMC Console| | | | | | Overview| Rather than
evaluate the system events on ... Show more content on ...
In Exercise 14.2, both you and your partner| | configure the Remote Access settings
on your individual computers.| | | Completion time| 5 minutes| | |
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. The Control Panel window appears.
2. Click System and Security gt; System. The System control panel appears.
3. Click Remote Settings. The System Properties sheet appears with the Remote tab
selected, as shown in Figure 14 2.
Figure 14 2
The System Properties sheet
4. Select the Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer check box and,
in the Remote Desktop area, select the Allow connections from computers running
any version of Remote Desktop option and click Advanced. The Remote Assistance
Settings dialog box appears.
5. Make sure that the Allow this computer to be controlled remotely check box is
selected. In the Invitations box, set the maximum amount of time that invitations can
remain open to 24 Hours and click OK.
Question| When using Remote Assistance, why might it be necessary to| 2| impose a
time limit on the invitation?You wouldn t want pople to have access during non
working hours. | | |
6. Click OK to close the System Properties dialog box.
7. Leave the computer logged on for the next exercise.
Repeat Exercise 14.2 on the NYC CL2 workstation, so that both
The s The Odyssey, Lysistrata, And Clytemnestra
In the time of Ancient Greece, Greek women were restricted to living within the
society s norms fulfilling mostly guided roles like housework. While some works of
the time presented women as mere housewives, others often put them in the position
of political leaders, heroines, and murderers. The women that receive major roles in
the stories such as Penelope in Homer s The Odyssey, Lysistrata in Aristophanes
Lysistrata, and Clytemnestra in Aeschylus Agamemnonare major characters with
important roles, thus breaking the traditions of normal culture during this time period
in Greek history. Not only are these women strong and well spoken, but they wield
considerable political power during a period in which women were only at the
sidelines of the shot calling leaders. Strong central female characters occur in each
classic. Penelope, Clytemnestra, and Lysistrata all have significant roles that differ
because of the genres and their characteristics. Mothers are persistent figures
throughout The Odyssey and are seen as the sideline cheering section rather than true
supporters of their sons and husbands in terms of military or personal
accomplishments. The mothers in this text serve little function besides mourning
their men and urging them to remain safe. Without a male to guide them, these
women appear to be lost and distraught. Penelope is one outlier in The Odyssey.
While she is left at home during the war and Odysseustrip home, Penelope is able to
keep the suitors
Jane Addams and Hull House Essay
Jane Addams and Hull House
Born in Cederville, Illinois, on September 6, 1860, Jane Addams founded the world
famous social settlement of Hull House. From Hull House, where she lived and
worked from it s start in 1889 to her death in 1935, Jane Addams built her reputation
as the country s most prominent women through her writings, settlement work and
international efforts for world peace. In 1931, she became the first women to win the
Nobel Peace Prize.
Addams, whose father was an Illinois state senator and friend of Abraham Lincoln,
graduated in 1881 from Rockford College (then called Rockford Women s
Seminary). She returned the following year to receive one of the school s first
bachelor s degrees. With limited career ... Show more content on ...
Many reformers at this time such as Jacob Riis focused on the poor and immigrants
moral improvements and ignored the crippling impact of low wages and dangerous
working conditions. Organizations expelled immigrants from drinking and other
forbidden behaviors such as prostitution and gambling. What these reformers didn t
understand was that the conditions that immigrants faced, led them to act these ways.
Jane Addams realized this. Addams developed a new weapon against poverty: the
settlement houses.
Addams toured in Europe in 1883 and was impressed by Toynbee Hall, which was a
charity workers residence situated deep in a London slum. When Addams returned to
Chicago in 1889, they purchased and refurnished Charles J. Hull s mansion and
opened the Hull House, in a settlement approach.
In 1892, Addams delivered a speech in a lecture to the Ethnic Cultural Societies about
the settlement housing. These societies probably had political connections to human
rights issues. The speech is called The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements,
and its main points were to give the immigrants and underprivileged the same
opportunities as the rest of the population. Addams states, This paper is an attempt
to.... analyze the motives which underlie a movement based not only upon
conviction, but genuine emotion .(Addams,1910) She does not aid the poor and
foreign born because it is right or wrong, but because they are humans just like
herself. In The Subjective
The Importance of Geography to Chinese History
For thousands of years, Chinese culture thrived and grew to become it s own
superpower, and for many years this was unknown to the rest of the world. Great
geographic influences included the treacherous mountain ranges, such as the
Himalayas, and the prosperous river valleys, such as the Yangtze and the Huang he.
Lack of cultural diffusion is primarily due to the fact that China, for hundreds of
years, had little to no outside contact or cultural diffusion with other civilizations of
that time. The culprit behind this lack of interaction is primarily China s many
mountain ranges. These massive mountains, such as the Himalayas, provided for a
dangerous and unkind terrain, and therefore trade and most contact with others was
inhibited ( Himalayas ). Despite the lack of outside influence, China and it s people
were actually quite prosperous. One aid in their economic prosperity was their
agricultural produce and domestic trade. China s agricultural society was actually a
thriving one mainly due to their fertile land, which is do to their river valleys. These
rivers, such as the Yangtze and the Huang he rivers, deposited silt known as loess,
onto the soil that was full of nutrients, and the land then became fertile (Perkins 4).
These rivers not only expanded upon the agricultural output, but they also created an
easy route for transportation and trade throughout the empire ( Yangtze River). These
simple aspects of the Chinese culture in retrospect, played some of the most
Bunnings’ Warehouse Future Strategic Plan Essays
|Table of contents | | | |Executive summary | |2 | |I. Summary of the current position
of Bunnings | |3 | | Financial Position | |3 | | Bunnings strategy | |3 | | Competitor focus
... Show more content on ...
Bunnings ranks the first in hardware and home improvement market with large
occupation of the market and presents quite good in the industry. On the basis of the
past and current experience, Bunnings sets up its strategy to provide products with
lowest prices and best service for customers. In the process of external environment
analysis, we find that the whole industry is going through continue growing with high
future profitability in the next few years. However, ever Bunnings doing downstream
vertical integration to maximize the profit, it will still be faced with low to medium
level negative influence by remote environment. In the internal analysis, we identify
the leader strategy adopted by Bunnings through 5Qs methods, outline major interests
and expectation for several key stakeholders, describe the low cost as its strategic
capability by passing three tests, evaluate its performance on four perspectives by the
Kaplan and Norton s balanced scorecard approach, and distinguish the fierce
competition from Mitre, Danks and Woolworths. As for the gap analysis part, three
areas are targeted between Bunnings strategy and its existing performance analysed
above. We also offer recommendations for each gap. In the last part, two strategic
options, production development and market penetration, are chosen to apply
Bunnings strategy into actual implementation stage. In production development
option, employee understanding, customer satisfaction and
The Social Security Problem By Max Moore Summary
Introduction In the essay, The Social Security Problem, published in Sticks and
Stones and Other Student Essays, Max Moore addresses the complex issue of
Social Security running out of funds. He also addresses the possible actions that can
be taken in order to provide a solution to this problem. Moore targets different
audiences that are either directly affected or in control of this depletion of funds. He
uses credible evidence to support his claims while also approaching the subject in a
balanced and unbiased manner. Moore wants Social Security to both raise the
retirementage and raise taxes.
In The Social Security Problem , Max Moore discusses the fearful reality of Social
Security running out of funds. He states that the U.S. Department of the Treasury
predicts that Social Security funds will run out by 2041 and action must be taken
in order to prevent this (134). In his essay, he explains how the depletion of Social
Security funds are a result from a decreasing retirement age, decreasing fertility
rate, and shrinking work force. These things contribute to an increased population
relying on Social Security, an increased population of the elderly, and a decreased
ratio of workers paying for those beneficiaries (135). Moore explains the proposal of
George W. Bushto make Social Security partially privatized; allowing young workers
to invest their retirement savings into their own account. This would result in people
putting their retirement on the line in
The Bible Is True And Not Myths
Archaeology has verified that the bible is true but how? First, archeology has
confirmed the biblical stories are true and not myths, as the world believed, because
of ancient sites and civilizations discovered. Second, manuscripts that were found and
translated has shown people today how the people back in the biblelived and worked.
Last but not least, archeology has shown where major events, like battles, have gone
on and during what year, they happened. According to Archeology and the Old
Testament, the book of Judges took place around the Iron Ageperiod, which was 1200
586 BC. Excavations have provided some useful information about daily life in
ancient Israelduring Judges, including the land, climate and people. However,
before we learn about how people lived their daily lives in Israel during the Iron
Ages, we should learn about the geography of Israel. The land of Israel stretches
from Dan in the North to Beersheba in the South and from the Mediterranean Sea
in the west to the Transjordan in the east. Israel s landscape is divided into five
main regions and even though the regions are in the same place they all receive
different amounts of rain, which produce different crops. The first region, the
coastal plain, goes along the Mediterranean coast to Rosh HaNiqura, receives about
25 to 16 inches of rain which is a great place to grow grain. The second region, is
the central mountain range that goes from Galilee to Negev Highlands; this region
receives from 20 to
Oratorio Music Vs Christian Music
Throughout the ages, music has been very important to religion. Ever since the
middle ages, the religious music told a story of a biblical event. The current day
Christian music tells a story about life and how Jesus Christ can fix the problem
because he is all powerful. Oratorio is one example of older religion music. The
current type of religious music is called Contemporary Christian music. There are a
lot of different genres between these two. Oratorio and Contemporary music differ
greatly; however, they both speak about the perfect JesusChrist.
Oratorio music was very sacred music in its time. Oratorio originated in the baroque
ere. They were also very large scale according to Wayne Bailey, the writer of In
Performance (169). They were ... Show more content on ...
Handel s oratorio, Messiah, is one of his most well known works. A part of this
oratorio is called Hallelujah Chorus and the music repeats itself a lot. If there is
only one word in that section, that one word is repeated a lot. If there is a phrase in
that section, then that phrase will be repeated at least two times. The overall story
of this song is how Jesus will reign forever. The main line said in this song is
hallelujah. On the other hand, each contemporary music piece is very different.
Meridith Andrew s song, You re Not Alone, talks about how when people go
through hard times, Jesus Christ is still there. Only the chorus of this song repeats.
Two of the main lines in this song is, You are not alone because I am here and I am
the one who has loved you all your life. Francesca Battistelli wrote the song Free to
be me. She relates to people throughout the whole song by talking about how she
has dents in her fender and rips in her jeans. She uses these to talk about how she is
not perfect, but that God loves her for who she is. One of the main lines in this
song is perfection is my enemy. The band called Sidewalk Prophets wrote the song
You Love Me Anyways. This song talks about how we make mistakes, but God still
loves us through it all. They have many examples of things we do wrong in life,
but the one that stood out in the song was I am the nail in your wrist, but you love
me anyways. Casting Crowns is a well known contemporary Christian band. One
of their songs is American Dream. This song talks about how people are starting to
put work and money above family and God. The theme of this song is that trying to
live the American dream and trying to be the best does not only push God away
from you and your family, it pushes your family away as well. The end of the song
shows that the dad did
Negative Effects Of Mass Media
The Mass media is one of the most unique feature of modern society and it has
brought with it a variety of changes like increase in social interactions, social change
and a change in the standard of life. Media plays an outstanding role in strengthening
society because of its purpose in informing, educating and entertaining people.
Because of the medias inherent ability to reach large groups of people, it used to
convey different messages.The media industries is divided into 9 major industries:
the book, newspaper, magazine, film, recording, radio, broadcast television, cable
television and computer. These industries have evolved through five different stages
over time to appeal to different audiences in different places.There is an association
between the development of mass mediaand social change although there is still
debate on if this change is detrimental or beneficial to society as a whole. There has
been further argument that the mass media can be used as an instrument because it
can be used in influencing people into certain modes of belief. This debate is further
emphasized by the difference between active and passive audiences. Salomon and
Cohen (1978) argued that unless viewers pay attention to messages, those messages
can have no effect on them and therefore should not be considered as exposure. It
would be a bit silly to contemplate that a character in Breaking Bad or Game of
Thrones could influence an audience s attitude, beliefs or interpretations but a
A Brief Story Of Walt Disney And Roy O. Disney
Walt Disney and Roy O. Disney began their greatest endeavor in 1923 when they
officially founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. With their headquarters
officially established in Burbank, California they established themselves as the leader
in the American animation industry. The most memorable character of the Disney
franchise would have to be attributed to their first sound film Steamboat Willie, with
its leading character Mickey Mouse(nearly named Mortimer Mouse). With much
success and critical acclaim, Disney released its first full length animated film in
1937: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. July 18, 1955 marks the official first day
that Disneyland is open to the general public. A year after making a crucial move in
False Interpretation In Revelation Chapter 12
The beginning of Revelation chapter 12 states that a great sign or wonder appeared
in heaven. This sign was the image of woman clothed with sun, the moon was
under her feet and she had twelve stars on her head. Over the many years since the
Apostle John described this sign there has been many false teachings about who
this woman is. One of the erroneous teachings is that the woman is the Church.
Matthew Poole in his commentary on Revelation chapter 12 stated I find all
valuable interpreters agreeing, that this woman represented the church, well
enough compared to a woman. This interpretation neglects that further down in the
chapter that the woman is described as pregnant and at the point of giving birth.
The church is described in 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 2 as the chaste virgin
beginning presented to Christ not as one who is giving birth to Christ. Another
example of false interpretation is applying it to be symbolic of all goddesses in
multiple cultural contexts. Tina Pippin proposes such an interpretation in her
work Revelation/Apocalypse of John where she states She has been interpreted as
many things: the image of Israel, of Mary, of Ishtar, of Inanna, of Isis, and more
recently of Our Lady of Guadalupe (a merger of Mary with the Aztec goddess
Coatlaxopeuh). The diversity of this goddess images fits easily into a variety of
culture contexts as a symbol of power One final example of false interpretation of
this passage is that the woman is
My Values, Social Justice, Equality, And Service
I believe people figure out their values throughout their life experiences. Therefore,
everyone is figured to have different values because everyone goes through
different life experiences. Values are the implicit and explicit ideas about what we
cherish as ideal and preferable, (DuBois Miley, 2014, p 108). My personal values are
honesty, social justice, equality, and service. There has been a situation within my
life that made me valueeach one of those values. For example, I developed service
as my value by seeing my cousin give service back to the community. I use to see
him give clothing items and feed people within the community and the smile they
had on their face was priceless. Social justice is also a value of mine because it
specifically help people within the lower class. I think SNAP is a great example of
how it helps them. Service and social justice are two values of mine that are similar
to the social work values. I think it s great that I have those two values while going
into social work because it shows I am willing to help and provide opportunities for
individuals.... Show more content on ...
I volunteer at a clothing and food bank. While volunteering my peers and I provide
service of passing out food and clothes to those in need. While passing out the food
and clothing items I realized the dignity and worth of each person. Majority of the
people that come to the clothing and food bank are not homeless. These are people
who have jobs but are just struggling. It humbles me a lot and let me realize that
could be me or one of my family members. My peers and I treat each family with
respect like we would want to be
Plastic Pollution and the Effects on Human Health Essay...
Where does all the plastic go. Every bit of plastic that has been created is still here.
This is because plastic is one hundred percent non biodegradable! Even the most
degraded plastic down to polymers cannot be digested by bacteria (Laist, 1997). If
global issues like starvation and climate change are not enough to stress on, the
weight of an issue literally churning in the Pacific Oceanis startling. For decades the
majority of the world s population has not been properly educated on the nature of
plasticand the potential harm it can do to our environment and our physical health.
Due to factors of man and the natural effects of nature, a major problem has
developed that is now harming our food.
Marine plastic is a visible sign of ... Show more content on ...
Due to their regurgitation ability; most studies have focused on the ingestion of
plastic pollution by bird, this does little harm to birds used in the studies. The
effects of ingestible plastic on fish have not been studied as thoroughly and no
studies have been conducted on filter feeding organisms, which do not possess a
feeding mechanism which would allow them to distinguish between plastic and
plankton. Plastic pollution is only getting worse due to increasing population of
developing countries. A wide variety of marine species is known to be harmed by
plastic debris. This could threaten the survival of certain species, especially since
many are sadly endangered by other types of anthropogenic actions.
Plastic debris pollution in the marine environment is greatest in oceanographic
convergences and eddies, where plastic bits accumulate (Day 1986). Gyres make
up a large proportion, approximately seventy five percent, of what we refer to as the
open ocean, or the area of the ocean that does not consist of coastal areas. Gyres are
an area of junction that forces plastic into a central area with little to no wind and
current influence. In oceanography, a subtropical gyre is a connected system of
ocean currents rotating clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise
in the Southern. Typically they form in large open ocean areas. A large volume of
high pressure air
Bloody Alarm Cock Creative Writing
As I finally reached Main Square I was already out of breath, but what breath
remained was snatched from my lungs by the scene that unfolded before me. A
heaving mass of bodies amassed in the square. Deafening chants permeated the air
mixing with the acrid scent of flares that some of the young crowd were lighting. One
young man stood upon a makeshift stage with a megaphone blaring to the audience
...because the government thinks that they have a right to ACQUIRE people s land,
but this is not just land that they are taking, it is their livelihoods, their homes, their
community. The government is meant to SERVE the people, not steal from them! A
cry erupted from the onlookers.
Encircling the crowd were rows of riot police covered ... Show more content on ...
My rooster crowed outside to announce the breaking dawn. My late husband
Reginald hated that rooster and would curse him every morning. Reginald named
him Alarm Cock , which he thought was quite clever. Each morning he would say,
Mabel can you turn off that bloody Alarm Cock? This always made me chuckle. It
has been seven years since I lost Reginald to a heart attack. Now I may lose this farm
too. OUR farm. It is all I have left of my dear Reg. By golly I would not lose it
without a fight!
My breakfast consisted of the usual piping hot scones with my homemade
pomegranate jam and a steaming cup of Earl Grey tea. Then I put on my coat,
wrapped my scarf snuggly around my neck, slipped on my gloves and grabbed my
protest sign. I may be an old duck, but this old duck had some fight in her yet.
I fired up the old Dodge. After a few turns of the key she coughed and sputtered
then RRROOOMMM she rumbled to life. It was a two and a half hour drive to
Houston where the march against the government s mandatory acquisition of
property to build an oil pipeline was being held...but my eyesight isn t what it used to
be, so it took me over
Bifidobacterium Research Paper
The beneficial aspects of Bifidobacterium Probiotics are live microorganisms that
live in the body and regulate the proper functioning of organism; in adequate amounts
help maintain our well being. This is about two kilograms of bacteria, which are
responsible for protecting our body against pathogenic bacteria. One of many bacterial
strains found in human body is bifidobacterium, which has a great impact on health
of digestive and immune system. Bifidobacterium does interact with intestinal
mucosal cells, and communicate with intestinal epithelial cells which help to
maintain gut homeostasis physically and immunologically. By the communcation
with intestinal epithelial cells bifidobacteria can improve its work and help in case of
the inflammation.... Show more content on ...
Currently, the type Bifidobacterium includes 32 species. They natural environment is
in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals where it may occur in a number of
1012 cells per 1 g of the intestinal content. In addition, they are presented in the
mucous membranes of the mouth and of the reproductive tract. Within human
intestines the most popular species are B. adolescentis, B. angulatum, B. bifidum, B.
brevi, B. catenulatum, B. langum, and B.infantis. Microorganisms that are classified
as the genus Bifidobacterium belong to the lactic acid bacteria family. It includes
rods and coccus Gram positive bacteria belonging to other genera, among which the
most important are Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Lactococcus, Enterococcus, and
Leuconostoc. All bacteria belonging to this group are characterized by the
metabolism of fermentation where the main end product of metabolism of sugars is
lactic acid. These microorganisms metabolize in the process of lactic fermentation
simple sugars, disaccharides and some complex
Nursing Home Evaluation Process Paper
The evaluation process allows information to be collected and analysed, allowing
decisions to be made about effectiveness, quality and outcomes of programs
(Robertson Long, 2008, p. 96). Evaluation allows accountability for practice and
services (Alston Bowles, 2012, p. 178). This process is extremely important within
nursing homes as not only are the evaluations used internally but outcomes may be
requested by government funding programs, insurance companies, professional
organizations or accreditation agencies (Robertson Long, 2008, p. 96). Evaluation
makes service providers accountable and ensures they are providing quality care or
services to an individual or group (Robertson Long, 2008, p. 96). Quality assurance
should motivate
The Freedom to the Choice of Abortion
We all live our lives as we please all in accordance to the law, but when it comes to
abortion people start to judge and try to regulate how others live and interfere in
their personal choices. We live in a country based on freedoms, and women have and
should continue to have the freedom to the choice of an abortion. A woman s right to
choose abortion is a fundamental right recognized by the US Supreme Court. The
courts also have a category of classes called the near suspect classes, which include
gender. Gender deserves protection from possible discrimination at the hands of the
majority. Women constitute a majority of American s and have been discriminated in
the past. The Landmark case Roe v. Wadewas decided and remains the law of the
land. Making laws against abortions don t stop abortions from happening; they just
make it less safe, which in many cases leads to death. Therefore idea of supporting
pro life is contradictory, this is why the nation should be pro choice. No child should
be brought into this world where they are not wanted or are not able to live a
normal life. Most people who are against abortion will never even become pregnant,
so they should not be making laws against it. Pregnancy is a private and personal
matter. Outlawing abortion is discriminatory and unfortunately abortions are being
transformed from a right to a privilege for most women.
Abortion represents a woman s right to choose whether or not to continue a
pregnancy, and this is a
The Brand Of Brand Loyalty
Furthermore, the publication suggests that the brand loyalty is correlated with
market share. So, the bigger the company is, the more loyalty among its customers.
And, this is true because the more people get to know the company, its services, and
its products, the more brand identity it will form among current customers. Also,
large companies benefit from having more loyal customers because they engage in
word of mouth activities which can potentially attract more customers. So, there are
many ways in which a company can increase their loyalty levels. But, when it
comes to increasing market share, a better way could involve the increase in
revenues among consumers. This can be done by opening more stores, offering
products online, and by offering volume discounts. And, as a result, the company
may be able to increase revenues and potentially increase its market share.
Eventually, it could lead to an increase in the amount of loyal customers overall.
Moreover, it can be said that loyalty programs and other related marketingactivities
can only make a difference in the long run because the result are hardly noticeable in
the short run due to the fact that it takes time for a buyer to become an actual loyal
When it comes to developing a well designed loyalty program, marketers should take
into account the value being offered to consumers with respect to the prices of the
products. This means that a company should offer reasonable rewards to the
customers after they
Leaving My Life Essay
I m leaving a life that matters because my experiences have shaped me in the
person I m today. Many circumstances have made me realized that I possess gifts
and spiritual values that have helped my private life and the people around me. My
desire to create in this world drives me to offer valuable insights for living a life of
significance. Going back on my first paper, I can clearly see the impact this class
has had in my life. The paper in week 1 narrates my moved to the United Statesand
the different situations that happened ever since I moved here 15 years ago. My
life story started a long time before I moved here, but I can say the most important
turning points stared happening the day I moved to the United States. I don t
remember much about my childhood, but my mom tells me, I was a quite child, I
enjoyed playing with my dolls, and loved playing with my brother. I was a very
curious little girls, and I could ask my parents a dozens of questions a minute. As I
got older, I became a shy girl, but continue asking my parents questions about
everything. Luckily, my childhood marked my life in a positive way for the most
part. As I got older, I became a social person and even though I don t have many
friends, I enjoyed the few I have because we share the same virtue and authenticity
in life. As an adult, I have realized that I rather keep few good friends, instead of
having many, but not the support system I need in my life. Beside my friends, my
family have helped me
Nt1210 Lab
Purpose (summary): The objective of this lab is to learn how to use the Tutor
TIMS software to build and analyze a communication system. This lab required us
to use Audio Oscilloscope, Adder and Tuneable LPF in order to get the required
frequency signals.
Key Results: After conducting the experiment, my software worked properly. After
making all the connections, I was able to add two different sources and frequencies,
which resulted in having a complex signal. Low pass filter (LPF) was used in our
lab to separate the lower frequency from the complex signal. Picture 1A (Showing
cable connections): Showing connections of output LPF to channel A of oscilloscope
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Picture 2B Same Picture (Showing Graph): Graph showing output of the adder from
Input signal to the LPF Picture 3C (Showing cable connections) Showing
connections from the output of LPF to input of Channel A The Master Signal at 100
KHz is connected to input of the audio amplifier Picture 3C (Same Picture Showing
Graph): LPF passes only Audio Oscilloscope Frequency Connection of audio
oscillator output to the Tutor TIMS module input to get a certain frequency reading
Frequency 2.414 KHz Vpp 4.00V Vrms 1.414 Graph shows that LPF passed only
audio oscillator frequency Picture 4D(Showing Cable Connections) Disconnect cable
of Tutor TIMS frequency input Connect the output of the LPF to the frequency
counter input (Tutor TIMS
Ode To A Nightingale Essay
Ode to a Nightingale
In Ode to a Nightingale, John Keats, the author and narrator, used descript
terminology to express the deep rooted pain he was suffering during his battle with
tuberculosis. This poem has eight paragraphs or verses of ten lines each and doesn t
follow any specific rhyme scheme. In the first paragraph, Keats gave away the mood
of the whole poem with his metaphors for his emotional and physical sufferings, for
example: My heart aches, and drowsy numbness pains
My sense (1 2) Keats then went on to explain to the reader that he was speaking to
the light winged Dryad in the poem.
This bird symbolizes a Nightingale that to many, depicts the happiness and vibrance
of life with the way it seems to gracefully hover over ... Show more content on ...
He expresses that with the phrase:
And with thee fade away into the forest dim (20) Keats explained that he had
wanted to wander off into the forest so no one would ve had to be bothered by
him. In paragraph four, Keats had spoken to the Nightingale and told it to go off
and leave him alone because he already had known that death was coming and didn
t want to be reminded of his sad fate. Keats went on to say: I cannot see what
flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs, But, in
embalmed darkness... (41 43) This meant he didn t know what was about to happen,
only that he was going to die. He then illustrated all the creatures and things that
would live long past him; The grass, the thicket, and the fruit tree wild... (45)
In paragraph six, Keats had listened to the Darkling or Nightingale singing and this
had reminded him of how at one time in his life he questioned death and was even
infatuated by it because death was an unknown universe when he composed: ...for
many a time I have been half in love with easeful
Death, Call d him soft names... (51 53) But quickly after he had recalled that
memory he stated: Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain To thy high
requiem become a sod. (59 60)
Here he was saying how the Darkling sounded beautiful when it sang but that was
just a mask for the fate that it was taking him to; death. Thou was not born for death,
immortal Bird! (61) The immortal
Sur Y Alls House Short Story
I walk down the street with my best friend along with my brother Chandler, then
we drop her off, turn around into the sidewalk, walk in the door, moms in the
kitchen, dad grilling out on the back deck. I dash outside where my dad is grilling
chicken. We grill, talk, laugh, grill, talk, laugh, and then a lady comes up and says,
Sur y alls house is on fire!! I freak out and run inside to tell my mom and Chandler.
We go outside and look ends up it the neighbor across the streets house. It was one
of my brothers really good friends house. His name is John. My dad runs through
the house and out the door BAM! The glass door slams closed. I run to the front
door, put both my hands on it and press my face against it so close the window was
Fenway Park Essays
Some things on this earth are just magical. To some it may be the beach at sunset,
to others it may be as simple as the drive to work in the morning. For me that place
is Fenway Park in Boston Massachusetts. Going to a game in Fenway is a
smorgasbord of delightful feelings. Even the walk up to the ballpark is some thing
to behold. Walking with hundreds of passionate fans, all decked out in their red sox
T shirts, jerseys, and of coarse that iconic navy hat with the red B on it. I feel like I
belong there with this organized group of strangers. There is such a since of family
as I see people from the T car I was on and chatted with. A few hundred yards ahead I
could hear a Lets Go Red Sox chant as people around me began to join in... Show
more content on ...
I look down a gated alley that reads players and coaches only and I think If I was
just there twenty minutes earlier I would have gotten a glimpse or even a word in
with one of my favorite players. As I drift back in to reality I see several long lines
at gate A this was unusual but my spirits were to high to be broken. As I slide into
what looks like the shortest line my Uncle Geno grabs me and says, let s go so my
dad and I follow him. I was curious where we could be going and I really didn t
want to have to step out of line but I knew geno had something up his sleeve for us.
Geno leads us around the perimeter of the park and to gate D. There was almost
no line at this gate so we slide in easily. Geno had done it again, always the go to
guy on street knowledge and somehow he knew everyone. When we make our way
past countless vendor to the tunnel the crowd roars. As I step through the tunnel
into the light the glare of the setting July sun hits me. When my eyes finally
readjust to the light I look around and almost have trouble with my depth
perception because of how big and crowded Fenway is. As we begin our treck to
our seats we pass countless passionate fans I look to the scoreboard, the giant
Budweiser neon sign, and to the enormous coke bottle and marvel at their size. Then
Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Insurance
Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance
Recently, the S.184 No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full
Disclosure Act of 2017 was read and referred to the Committee on Finance. With the
newly elected President Donald Trump in office, adjustments have begun to take
place on the front end of abortion and what these procedures and the insurance that
covers them will look like going forward. The previously mentioned bill would
permanently prohibit federal funding, including District of Columbia funds, for
abortion or healthcare that includes abortion (Congress Wicker, 2017). The bill will
amend the Internal Revenue Code and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
by prohibiting health coverage from ... Show more content on ...
Aside from the safe assumption that Americans especially those whom appose
abortion don t want to be funding abortions through their tax dollars, the efficiency
of this bill would cover the loopholes that may have been created by prior acts
(Harned, 2015). The modifications this bill would bring about are going to conserve
the time in the future for other pressing issues that would otherwise be spent on an
issue that manages to be discussed redundantly.
The Severity of Abortion and its Role in the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act
Abortion is a one day procedure that can have important lifetime consequences. There
is potential for procedure failure as well as physical, emotional, or mental suffering,
which is why there is a need for some form of deterrence. In the hearing before the
Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice of the committee on the
Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, it was stated
that this bill would restrict tax deductions for women who use their own money for
abortion or if they purchase insurance that covers abortion, in turn this will raise the
tax for women should they choose to make that decision (House of Representatives.
Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice. Committee on the Judiciary,
2014). This sort of disincentive would ultimately make abortions more costly and
may deter women from
Design, Development And Clinical Testing
Design, Development and Clinical Testing of Spirometer Sushant Kule1, Matangi
Joshi1, Porous Mehta2, Rajesh Kumar Jain2
1(Biomedical Department, Mahatma Gandhi Mission s College of Engineering
Technology, University of Mumbai, India)
2(Electronics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India)
ABSTRACT: Spirometers are used to measure lung capacity and response of lungs
and chest during physical therapy. Current spirometers available in the market are
expensive and usually cost over $1,000. Due to this high cost, many physicians
practicing in developing countries like India, cannot afford spirometry equipment.
As a result, millions of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or
COPD, are unable to be effectively monitored or treated for their disease. Thus, the
development of a low cost reliable spirometer would allow these physicians to
assess their patient s pulmonary health. All these factors led to the development of
a product which addresses cost issues as well as technical accuracy[1] . A
computer based miniaturized spirometer system is Designed to be realized which
would use a solid state pressure sensor. A proto type of a Computer based
Spirometer system has been realized which would employ a solid state single port
pressure sensor. A dedicated analog signal acquisition and processing channel has
been designed and tested along with the solid state pressure sensor. Calibration of
pressure sensor for known values of applied pressure
Export Pl China For Hubbard Foods Ltd Essay
International marketing
Export plan to china for Hubbard foods Ltd.
Pratikkumar Patel 140004717
Executive Summary
The executive summary includes the segment and process of marketing to be
included in the marketing plan of business to introduce new product launch in the
market. There are various segments of market emphasized in the study focusing upon
the operational activities of the company. The first perception highlights the new
product launch in the new market environment and in the second market perception;
it highlights the launch of new product in the existing market. The product selected
here is muesli cereals, which is going to be introduced in the segment of market in
China. The company selected here is Hubbard Foods Limited who is working with
its business in New Zealand. The company needs to gain access to methods of
increasing market share and the total market size of Hubbard foods limited. Gaining
of market share is an aggressive strategy in business, which is used by most of the
business owners to make strength of organization in order to compete with
competitors. The most important thing to increase market share and market size is to
acquiring and securing more customers for the company by doing promotions of New
Zealand natural and green environment means healthy and green image of country
origin. Hubbard foods have to select niche marketing strategy to sell their
Grand Theft Auto Debate
A.Can you imagine a situation where an entertainment industry designed or created
a video game where you were allowed to kill any police officers by set them on fire,
massacre them using rifles and chainsaws? Do you think that anyone wanted to buy
that kind of games? The answer is yes and they already did.
1.Did you know the worldwide sale of a violent game named Grand Theft Auto has
sold nearly $2.3 billion? According to a CBS news article with a title Can a Video
Game Relate to Murder , Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is a video game where the players
can live in a world administered by the laws of depravity. If there re people you don t
like? Kill them. If you see a car that you like, steal it (Leung).
B.In June 2013, a teen who was a big fan ... Show more content on ...
So, for me, banning the sale of violent video games to minors is one of the best
prevention methods to put an end to this problem.
1.This legislation is to strengthen the present industry controlled rating system and to
ban the sale or rental any video games that are excessively violent that consist killing,
hurting, dissecting or sexually assaulting an image of a human being to those who
were under 18 (Mears).
2.Retailers who violate this law will be fine and it also requires the game maker to
put an 18 label on greatly violent video games (Mears).
3.This legislation is really beneficial to our society as it can prevent youths in our
community to get engaged in any violent acts caused by video games influence.
Restriction may not be a good solution as there are some parents that do not care
what their children do; they just allow their children to do whatever they want. But,
with government involvement, it was harder for the minors to get access to the
violent video games. Now, you all can see that banning of the sale of violent video
games to minors is the best way that we can do, as there are no other efficient ways
to put an end to this problem. What happen if we do not support this legislation?
IV.Visualize (Body
Soceity In Oliver Twist
Ah, poor dear, so it is! said the nurse, picking up the cork of the green bottle, which
had fallen out on the pillow, as she stooped to take up the child. Poor dear!
You needn t mind sending up to me, if the child cries, nurse, said the surgeon,
putting on his gloves with great deliberation. It s very likely it WILL be troublesome.
Give it a little gruel if it is. He put on his hat, and, pausing by the bedside on his way
to the door, added, She was a good looking girl, too; where did she come from?
She was brought here last night, replied the old woman, by the overseer s order. She
was found lying in the street. She had walked some distance, for her shoes were ...
Show more content on ...
Orphans who could not find a place in an orphanage sometimes had to live on the
streets or in workhouses. Workhouses provided food and shelter in return for hard,
unpleasant work. Conditions were very harsh and people would only go to
workhouses as a last resort. (London musuem)
Based on this paragraph, we can state that people, especially children, die from
starvation in Victorian era.They have a little food and upper class do not give enough
food them.Already,quatation taken book shows children suffer from hungery. As
historical context; Dickens explores many social themes in Oliver Twist, but three are
predominant: the abuses of the new Poor Law system, the evils of the criminal world
in London and the victimisation of children. The critique of the Poor Law of 1834
and the administration of the workhouse is presented in the opening chapters of
Oliver Twist. Dickens gives the most uncompromising critique of the Victorian
workhouse, which was run according to a regime of prolonged hunger, physical
punishment, humiliation and hypocrisy.(Diniejko)
Social life in Victorian
The Plaza Was Owned By The Aggressive And Ambitious
The Plaza was owned by the aggressive and ambitious Sohel Rana, who exploited
his political connections to acquire illegal permits and bribe government officials
to get approval construction.He had extra floors built without obtaining the proper
permits or approval from the local government authorities. Sohel Rana (like
building owners in general) was able to take advantage of the loopholes in the
system through his ties to political allies and his wealth. Not only did he ensure
that inspections were rarely performed, but was also able to bribe officials to build
on a rejected, unsuitable plot of land, to add additional floors to the building, and
to persuade workers to enter the building despite the cracks and warnings from
engineers. Also, he allegedly remarked to the media on the same day that the cracks
were a trivial matter. Rana Plaza was built after taking permission from the Savar
Mayor (who, like Rana was also an Awami League member) a person with no legal
authority to issue this permit. According to Emdadul Islam, chief engineer of the
state run Capital Development Authority, the owner of the building had permission
for only a five storey building from the local municipality. The illegal extension by a
further three stories was overlooked by the authorities due to Rana s political
connections (affiliation with ruling Awami League party). Rana brought paid gang
members to beat the workers (both male and female), hitting them with sticks to force
them to enter the
The Iranian Nuclear Deal And Iran
Ali Larijani, the current speaker of the Iranian parliament, gave npr an interview
detailing his opinions on the new nuclear deal with Iran. Larijani finds the deal
acceptable...not looking at the specifics...looking at the whole picture ( Larijani).
In other words, Larijani believes that the nuclear accord as it has been struck, has it
flaws and is in no way a perfect pact. He views it as more of a placeholder, a sign of
better things to come. The real test of this deal, in both Larijani and his country s
eyes, will be the economic reform it can bring for Iran. Larijani thinks it is possible
for the economy to thrive and comments that they have already passed three
legislations...that makes it invest in Iran ( Larijani).... Show more content on ...
The matter was taken to the United Nations Security Council, and a program of
sanctions against Iran was approved ( Iran Nuclear Deal 1). No significant
negotiated deal was reached with Iran on its nuclear program until the JPA in
2014. The JPA requires Iran to remove two thirds of its installed centrifuges and
reduce its current stockpile of enriched uranium by 98 percent ( Iran Nuclear Deal
1). The hope behind this is that Iran will have a vastly increased timeframe in which
they would be able to produce a viable nuclear weapon. That increase in time needed
to produce a bomb plus increased transparency to nuclear inspectors, not only to
Iranian nuclear facilities, but to...uranium mills....the centrifuge production and
storage facilities , would kill Iran s quest for a nuclear weapon before it could truly
begin ( Obama A Historic Understanding 1). In return, some sanctions on Iran are
lifted and they are able to rejoin the international economic community.
The JPA will prove advantageous to Iran s economy as the lifting of economic
sanctions and the unfreezing of Iranian foreign assets are a key stipulation. For
decades, the United States had attempted to influence Iran s nuclear regime through
economic sanctions, meaning no trade or transfer of
The Warden Reflection
The Warden
She s mean, she s scary, she makes you dig holes Yes, you ve got it, it s the
dreadful, direful, fearsome...Warden. Based on what I have read so far, I believe
the Warden is a selfish, scary, and rude person. In addition to that, she is definitely
impatient, strict and bossy. Firstly, I believe the Warden is a selfish person,
because on page 3 of chapter 1, the author states that, The campers are forbidden to
lie in the hammock. It belongs to the Warden. The Warden owns the shade. The
Warden won t share the hammock to any of the campers, even if they are
dehydrated or near death. Isn t that just egoistical? Besides, in chapter 20, page 89,
the Warden s cabin is described as a very sybaritic place. It has air conditioner, a
television, and plenty of furniture that probably costs a lot. But then at Group D, all
they have is a wreck room, and it is trash (And a wreck, literally.)compared to the
Warden s cabin. Besides, the boys are working for the Warden, finding something for
the Warden, getting up everyday at the crack of dawn to dig holes. I don t think that s
a dream come true for them. And what does the Warden do? She sits in her fancy
cabin, sipping sodas and watching television, not giving any thanks to the boys.
The Warden is also quite the scary person. It is told that the Warden uses snake
venom as nail polish. She ... Show more content on ...
On pages 66 68, Mr.Pendanski says he had filled the canteens not long ago, but
then the Warden snarls, And the next time I tell you to do something, I expect you
to do it without questioning my authority. I would be sick of her attitude if I were
Stanley. And actually, the Warden is the one having the boys to dig holes all day
long, and when X Ray finds the gold tube, the Warden orders everyone in Group D
on how to dig and what to do. Though she does give Group D enough water, when
they can t find anything, she orders them to dig faster and faster, though not finding
Why Did African Americans Resist Slavery
Another great part of the African culture that was brought to America and kept in
practice through African American slaves was religion. An article titled Slave
Resistance and Rhetorical Self Definition: Spirituals as a Strategy states that African
American slaves used their spirituals to provide themselves with a rhetorical self
definition that served to refute limiting definitions pressed on them by whites (
Sanger 1) Religionallowed Africans and African Americans to not only preserve
something that was a part of their culture, but also allowed them to have hope and
believe in something outside of the constraints that their white masters gave them.
Without their masters knowing, slaves could get together and discuss liberty and the
judgement of God against people being allowed to own slaves. According to this same
... Show more content on ...
An article titled How Did Slaves Resist Slavery by author Lisa Vox explains that
some slaves would runaway temporarily while others would runaway permanently.
The slaves that would run away for a short period of time would hide in forests or
go see a spouse on another plantation. The slaves that would runaway permanently
believed that if they followed the North Star it would lead them to freedom. The
article also states that slaves would runaway to escape a harsh punishment that had
been threatened, to obtain relief from a heavy workload, or just to escape the
drudgery of everyday life under slavery (Vox 2) I can imagine that runaway took a
great deal of bravery for the slaves. Possibly having to leave their families or even
the possibility of them getting caught could lead them to extremely harsh
punishments or even to their death bed. It is very admirable the depths that they
would take to stand up for themselves and go against their masters in search for their
Mill City Museum
We planned to visit Mill City museum after a friend recommended that we check it
from the Minnesota Historical site. The museum is the most important and historical
place where anyone who wants to know more about the Minnesota people. The
museum contained historical articles and information. A lot of stuff was available
including plant species and human origin. We later made our way to the science
museumwhere displays of evolution. The main building of the Museum has its entire
floor with colorful animated dioramas that display their traditional costumes of
Minnesota people. On reaching the museum, we were met with a tour guide who
took us through the place and described everything that we wanted to know about the
The premises of the Museum are also well kept. I was also amazed to find out that
the visit to the Museum is completely free. Since it s a public place, no one charges
any person for the things that they view at the place.This place has historical
significance to the culture and social economic diversity of the region. We discovered
... Show more content on ...
These places contain images of people and activities that took place in the history
of Minnesota. This was a quiet place where the instructor was guiding us through
every picture. Since we are lovers of music, we wanted to enjoy the beautiful salsa
dances and merengue that are provided in this place. After lunch, we were tired
and wanted to experience the best form of entertainment that was provided in the
area. Chairs and tables were cleared for people to dance in this hotel. We had
brilliant forms of music that were presented to us by different people during this
visit. We also met lovely people who explained to us the significance of some of the
songs that act as a uniting factor to the people. This was the best night since we had
the opportunity to enjoy different forms of music that were also presented by the local
Physical Exam Paper
Nursing 200: Complete Physical Examination (PE) Written Documentation Indiana
State University College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services Nursing 200:
Complete Physical Examination (PE) Written Documentation The format for this
paper is based on : Jarvis (2008). Examiner: , SN ISU Date: 4/12/09 Patient: S.C.
Age: 20 Occupation: Full time nursing student taking 14 hours Language spoken:
English Gender: Marital Status Race: Caucasian Ethnic affiliation / association:
American Measurements (2 points): Weight (in lbs kgs) 125 lbs 56.8kgs Height (in
in cm) 60 inches 15.2 cm Waist to hip ratio .82 BMI 21.2... Show more content on ...
Heart Peripheral Vascular (2 points): Carotid arteries 2+ bilat, external jugular visible
in supine position, not visible when elevated. No visible chest wall pulsations, no
heave, lift, apical pulse in 5th intercostals space at midclavicular line, pulse 61,
regular rate, rhythm. Aortic, pulmonic valves, S2 S1. Erb s point, S2=S1. Tricuspid,
mitral valves, S1 S2. No gallops, murmurs, extra heart sounds. All pulses present 2+
bilat, no lymphadenopathy. Legs absent of varicosities, tenderness, edema, atrophy,
warm bil. Epitrochlear lymph nodes not palpable, no Homan s signs. Thorax Lungs
(2 points): AP less than transverse diameter; respiratory rate and pattern relaxed, even;
chest expansion symmetrical; tactile fremitus equal bilat; no tenderness, lumps,
lesions; resonant to percussion over lung fields; vesicular breath sounds clear over
lung fields; no adventitious sounds. Bronchial sounds, inspiration expiration over
trachea and larynx. Bronchovesicular, inspiration=expiration
Adobe Research Paper
Adobe is a building material crafted from both mud and other organic materials,
usually. Buildings constructed from adobe bricks are similar to both rammed earth
and cob buildings. Adobe is one of the most ancient materials utilized, globally.
Adobe bricks are most commonly crafted into units that weigh under 100 pounds,
which are small enough to effectively dry by air individually without experiencing
cracking. Soon after drying, they are assembled through the application of adobe
mud, which facilitates the bond between the structure and it s individual bricks.
Modern construction methods permit the pouring of entire adobe walls that are steel
reinforced. Adobe buildings are commonly found in North and South America; the
Middle East; North and West Africa; West Asia; Spain; Eastern Europe; East Anglia
in England, more particularly, Norfolk, which is referred to as clay lump. Adobe had
been used by North and South American indigenous peoples for several thousands of
years. In particular, the Pueblo people constructed their adobe buildings with either
filled baskets or handfuls of adobe, until the Spanish showed them how to craft
traditional bricks.... Show more content on ...
forward. It s widespread use can be credited to it s simple design and
craftsmanship, along with it s cost effective economical nature. Adobe can be made
into virtually any size or shape, provided the bricks are dried evenly and it s mixture
before it s completion includes an effective reinforcement for bricks that are larger.
Reinforcement can include cement, manure, straw, wooden posts, or rebar. Builders
have learned over time that cement, straw, or manure blended into an average
mixture of adobe can all develop a more durable, crack resistant
I Am A Good Problem Solver And I Have An Analytical
About 3 weeks ago
Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little
cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude
when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their
issues. I am a good problem solver and I have an analytical brain. These traits make
my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn t meant to be a fun job, but keeping a
cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to
come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood
when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with
issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my
position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people
apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them
cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these
types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have
never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what
it takes to help the server.
Why should we choose you to become staff instead of someone else?
To begin with, I feel I should take part in the staffing community here because I
ensure a large portion of qualified time as well as extreme experiences and a sincere
inclination in moderating over the chat and providing the necessary satisfaction
Summary Of The Bluest Eye By Pecola
Pecola on the Outside
In his essay When Home Fails to Nurture the Self: Tragedy of Being Homeless at
Home , Leester Thomas argues that, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, is split into
four sections; the first section Thomas titles Outdoors: The Meaning of Such
Wretchedness (53), which is followed by The First Eviction: Rejection of Self by
Mainstream Society (53), The Second Eviction: Rejection of Self by the Black
Community (54) and lastly, The Final Eviction Notice: Rejection of self by the
biological family (55). I agree with Thomas analysis of The Bluest Eye and Morrison
herself, along with the more direct analysis of Pecola herself, I will argue that much
like the conditions for marigolds to grow, the conditions that Pecola was immersed in
didn t allow for her to grow, and ultimately lead to her destruction.
According to The Old Farmer s Almanac Marigolds thrive in full sunshine , the
Marigolds, much like Pecola needed to be built up in an environment that gives them
the nutrients they need. As we see throughout the novel, Pecola is not in a healthy
environment, as Thomas explains she s left on the outside: To be outside is to be
without a home without a birthplace; without cultural/racial identity; without family
bonding; and finally without self esteem and, consequently, self realization (53) This
only serves as to build the foundation, or soil for which Pecola must grow. Thomas
There is nothing to be gained when one s potential for wholesome
`` My Dream `` By Brittany Maynard
My dream is that every terminally ill American has access to the choice to die on
their own terms with dignity. Please take an active role to make this a reality (qtd
Brittany Maynard Fund ). Brittany Maynard Diaz, a 29 year old woman who was
diagnosed with Glioblastoma and only given six months to live, turned her
tragedy into a legacy when she chose to die with dignity. She became an advocate
for the Compassion and Choices End of Life Consultation or EOLC program by
sharing her story and decision with everyone in America in an effort to help give
everyone in her situation the same options. She believed in dying with dignity for
the same basic reasons that many others do; constitutionally speaking, it is within
everyone s individual rights, it is an established medical practice used all over the
world, and no one should be forced to suffer needlessly. After researching her
diagnosed form of cancer and discussing her options with her family, any type of
treatment given would only destroy the quality of life during the time she had left
to live. What would you do? Imagine going to the doctor after numerous, severe
headaches. The doctor performs a CT scan that reveals a rapidly growing brain
tumor. The doctor breaks down the information, reveals that the tumor is a rare form
of cancer, and is inoperable. Unfortunately, the doctor also relays the life expectancy
with a cancer this rare and aggressive; a few months at best and those short months
will become increasingly
Questions On Individual Education Program
Notice of Conference Date of Report: July 1st, 2016
Individual Education Program
A. Student: Tiffany Smith STN: 12345
Date of Birth: 06/04/06 Age: 10 Current Grade: 3 Gender: Female
A1. IEP Annual Review Meeting
A. Purpose(s) of Meeting: Tiffany s parents have requested a review of Tiffany s
progress and IEP Planning Session for the 16/17 school year. They have expressed
concern about Tiffany s progress and recent attitude toward school.
B. Possible Outcomes: Tiffany will remain in the general education classroom during
Science and Specials. A co teacher or special education will come to class to work
with Tiffany and assist the general education teacher. The parents will communicate
with the teachers weekly through a communication journal.
C. Mandates: Parents have the right to access their children s educational records.
They have the right to attend and participate in IEP meetings. Parents have the right
to disagree with the decisions that the school makes regarding their child s education.
A2. Invited Individuals
3.General Education Teacher
4.Special Education Teacher
5.School District Representative
A3. Member Excusal
It is important for all members of the IEP team to attend the meeting. A member of the
Religious Influences in Government Policy Essay
Religious influence in the adoption and development of law is contradictory to the
structure of the American government and way of life. My fellow Americans, these
are words you have heard many times before, Presidents have uttered them in
addressing the nation, they always have the same connotation every time they are
spoken, that all of us are Americans, notice please that the statement is not My fellow
Christians. That s because being an American does not automatically indicate being a
Christian, one of the reasons this is such a great country is that we have specific
rights guaranteed by our government, such as the right to free speech, the right to
bear arms, freedom of the press and as important as any....Freedom of religion.
I am ... Show more content on ...
My well intended (I say that in attempt to delude myself into believing that their
arguments presented are not in any self serving intent.) opponents would have you
believe that our country was intended to be a non secular entity and that if our
government was truly of the people, for the people, by the people that its laws would
be reflective of Christianity as the majority of the American citizenry proclaim a
Christian affiliation. This my friends is a falsehood, in fact our founding fathers were
more than aware of the implications for the future that this great experiment posed
and included safeguards in attempt to prevent the abusive relationship that tends to
develop when government policy is tempered with religion, a very wise and brave act
considering the fact that many of them were in fact people who attended church and
worshipped God. These measurements were so important to them that they
outweighed any feelings of contradiction with their personal beliefs. It is not
coincidental that nowhere in the constitution is religion mentioned except in
exclusionary terms.
There have been many arguments that lay claim to be proof that this nation was
founded with the intent of being governed by religious philosophy, from
misrepresented quotations about religious feelings from various founding fathers to
the misconception that our laws were based upon biblical law and not precedent from
The Theory Of The Prophet Muhammad
In exploring the questions of how certain ethicist would respond if they had the
choice of stealing food to give to a starving child, it s important to draw from a
thorough and broad spectrum of philosophers in order to explore the experiment
fully. In trying to obtain the broadest set of hypothetical opinions we ll look at the
reasoning of al GhazГўlГ® from the medieval period, Immanuel Kant from the
modern period, and finally Confucius an ancient ethical philosopher. By spanning the
different centuries, cultures, and ethics of these great minds, we find three totally
different approaches to answering that question. al GhazГўlГ® The first ethicist
chosen for this analysis is al GhazГўlГ®, who as considered a divine command
ethics. al GhazГўlГ® s reasoning derived from not focusing on consequences on earth
but what consequences one s actions would lead to in the afterlife. He believed that
everyone should emulate the teaches of the Prophet Muhammad as a model of
behavior. Another interesting aspect of al GhazГўlГ® s ethics where that a person
shouldn t try to avoid the less than desirable facets of human nature but to work on
controlling them (Griffel, 2016).
Faced with the prospect of stealing food to give to a starving child, al GhazГўlГ®
would most likely agree that this was okay. Not only is it a well known fact that part
of the Muslim faith requires those able to feed the hungry, but it is the fact that he
held such close regard for the Prophet Muhammad s

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  • 1. Computer Essay Crafting an essay on the broad and ever-evolving topic of computers can be a formidable task. The difficulty lies not only in the vastness of the subject but also in the constant technological advancements that reshape the landscape of computing. As a writer, navigating through the intricate web of hardware, software, algorithms, and their interplay can be challenging. Firstly, one must grapple with the historical evolution of computers, from their humble beginnings to the present state of cutting-edge technology. This journey encompasses the invention of early calculating devices, the emergence of personal computers, and the revolutionary impact of the internet. Balancing historical context with a focus on contemporary developments requires meticulous research and a deep understanding of technological progress. Moreover, delving into the technical aspects of computers demands a careful balance between depth and accessibility. Explaining complex concepts such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, or machine learning to a diverse audience without oversimplifying or overwhelming them is a delicate task. The writer must strike a chord between providing detailed insights and ensuring that the information remains comprehensible to readers with varying levels of technical expertise. Addressing the societal implications of computers adds another layer of complexity. Examining the role of technology in shaping economies, influencing communication, and altering social dynamics requires a nuanced perspective. Writers must navigate through ethical considerations, discussing issues like privacy, cybersecurity, and the digital divide. Furthermore, the fast-paced nature of technological advancements means that the information relevant today might be outdated tomorrow. Staying abreast of the latest developments is not just a challenge but a necessity for an essay on computers to remain relevant and informative. In conclusion, writing an essay on the expansive topic of computers demands a careful blend of historical insight, technical expertise, and a keen awareness of societal implications. It is a task that necessitates constant research, adaptation to evolving technologies, and a commitment to presenting complex information in a clear and engaging manner. For those seeking assistance with essays or other written assignments, platforms like offer a convenient solution. Professional writers can provide tailored essays on a variety of topics, ensuring that the complexities of subjects like computers are navigated with expertise and precision. Computer Essay Computer Essay
  • 2. Lab 14 LAB 14 REMOTE WINDOWS 7 ADMINISTRATION This lab contains the following exercises and activities: Exercise 14.1Creating a Custom MMC Console Exercise 14.2Configuring Remote Desktop Access Exercise 14.3Connecting to a Remote Workstation Exercise 14.4Creating an RDP File Lab Challenge 14.1 Using Windows Remote Management SCENARIO You are a newly hired desktop technician for Contoso, Ltd., working on a long term test deployment of new Windows 7 workstations. You have been given the task of testing the various remote administration technologies included with Windows 7. Estimated lab time: 60 minutes | | | Exercise 14.1 Creating a Custom MMC Console| | | | | | Overview| Rather than evaluate the system events on ... Show more content on ... In Exercise 14.2, both you and your partner| | configure the Remote Access settings on your individual computers.| | | Completion time| 5 minutes| | | 1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. The Control Panel window appears. 2. Click System and Security gt; System. The System control panel appears. 3. Click Remote Settings. The System Properties sheet appears with the Remote tab selected, as shown in Figure 14 2. Figure 14 2 The System Properties sheet 4. Select the Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer check box and, in the Remote Desktop area, select the Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop option and click Advanced. The Remote Assistance Settings dialog box appears.
  • 3. 5. Make sure that the Allow this computer to be controlled remotely check box is selected. In the Invitations box, set the maximum amount of time that invitations can remain open to 24 Hours and click OK. Question| When using Remote Assistance, why might it be necessary to| 2| impose a time limit on the invitation?You wouldn t want pople to have access during non working hours. | | | 6. Click OK to close the System Properties dialog box. 7. Leave the computer logged on for the next exercise. NOTE| Repeat Exercise 14.2 on the NYC CL2 workstation, so that both
  • 4. The s The Odyssey, Lysistrata, And Clytemnestra In the time of Ancient Greece, Greek women were restricted to living within the society s norms fulfilling mostly guided roles like housework. While some works of the time presented women as mere housewives, others often put them in the position of political leaders, heroines, and murderers. The women that receive major roles in the stories such as Penelope in Homer s The Odyssey, Lysistrata in Aristophanes Lysistrata, and Clytemnestra in Aeschylus Agamemnonare major characters with important roles, thus breaking the traditions of normal culture during this time period in Greek history. Not only are these women strong and well spoken, but they wield considerable political power during a period in which women were only at the sidelines of the shot calling leaders. Strong central female characters occur in each classic. Penelope, Clytemnestra, and Lysistrata all have significant roles that differ because of the genres and their characteristics. Mothers are persistent figures throughout The Odyssey and are seen as the sideline cheering section rather than true supporters of their sons and husbands in terms of military or personal accomplishments. The mothers in this text serve little function besides mourning their men and urging them to remain safe. Without a male to guide them, these women appear to be lost and distraught. Penelope is one outlier in The Odyssey. While she is left at home during the war and Odysseustrip home, Penelope is able to keep the suitors
  • 5. Jane Addams and Hull House Essay Jane Addams and Hull House Born in Cederville, Illinois, on September 6, 1860, Jane Addams founded the world famous social settlement of Hull House. From Hull House, where she lived and worked from it s start in 1889 to her death in 1935, Jane Addams built her reputation as the country s most prominent women through her writings, settlement work and international efforts for world peace. In 1931, she became the first women to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Addams, whose father was an Illinois state senator and friend of Abraham Lincoln, graduated in 1881 from Rockford College (then called Rockford Women s Seminary). She returned the following year to receive one of the school s first bachelor s degrees. With limited career ... Show more content on ... Many reformers at this time such as Jacob Riis focused on the poor and immigrants moral improvements and ignored the crippling impact of low wages and dangerous working conditions. Organizations expelled immigrants from drinking and other forbidden behaviors such as prostitution and gambling. What these reformers didn t understand was that the conditions that immigrants faced, led them to act these ways. Jane Addams realized this. Addams developed a new weapon against poverty: the settlement houses. Addams toured in Europe in 1883 and was impressed by Toynbee Hall, which was a charity workers residence situated deep in a London slum. When Addams returned to Chicago in 1889, they purchased and refurnished Charles J. Hull s mansion and opened the Hull House, in a settlement approach. In 1892, Addams delivered a speech in a lecture to the Ethnic Cultural Societies about the settlement housing. These societies probably had political connections to human rights issues. The speech is called The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements, and its main points were to give the immigrants and underprivileged the same opportunities as the rest of the population. Addams states, This paper is an attempt to.... analyze the motives which underlie a movement based not only upon conviction, but genuine emotion .(Addams,1910) She does not aid the poor and foreign born because it is right or wrong, but because they are humans just like herself. In The Subjective
  • 6. The Importance of Geography to Chinese History For thousands of years, Chinese culture thrived and grew to become it s own superpower, and for many years this was unknown to the rest of the world. Great geographic influences included the treacherous mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas, and the prosperous river valleys, such as the Yangtze and the Huang he. Lack of cultural diffusion is primarily due to the fact that China, for hundreds of years, had little to no outside contact or cultural diffusion with other civilizations of that time. The culprit behind this lack of interaction is primarily China s many mountain ranges. These massive mountains, such as the Himalayas, provided for a dangerous and unkind terrain, and therefore trade and most contact with others was inhibited ( Himalayas ). Despite the lack of outside influence, China and it s people were actually quite prosperous. One aid in their economic prosperity was their agricultural produce and domestic trade. China s agricultural society was actually a thriving one mainly due to their fertile land, which is do to their river valleys. These rivers, such as the Yangtze and the Huang he rivers, deposited silt known as loess, onto the soil that was full of nutrients, and the land then became fertile (Perkins 4). These rivers not only expanded upon the agricultural output, but they also created an easy route for transportation and trade throughout the empire ( Yangtze River). These simple aspects of the Chinese culture in retrospect, played some of the most
  • 7. Bunnings’ Warehouse Future Strategic Plan Essays |Table of contents | | | |Executive summary | |2 | |I. Summary of the current position of Bunnings | |3 | | Financial Position | |3 | | Bunnings strategy | |3 | | Competitor focus ... Show more content on ... Bunnings ranks the first in hardware and home improvement market with large occupation of the market and presents quite good in the industry. On the basis of the past and current experience, Bunnings sets up its strategy to provide products with lowest prices and best service for customers. In the process of external environment analysis, we find that the whole industry is going through continue growing with high future profitability in the next few years. However, ever Bunnings doing downstream vertical integration to maximize the profit, it will still be faced with low to medium level negative influence by remote environment. In the internal analysis, we identify the leader strategy adopted by Bunnings through 5Qs methods, outline major interests and expectation for several key stakeholders, describe the low cost as its strategic capability by passing three tests, evaluate its performance on four perspectives by the Kaplan and Norton s balanced scorecard approach, and distinguish the fierce competition from Mitre, Danks and Woolworths. As for the gap analysis part, three areas are targeted between Bunnings strategy and its existing performance analysed above. We also offer recommendations for each gap. In the last part, two strategic options, production development and market penetration, are chosen to apply Bunnings strategy into actual implementation stage. In production development option, employee understanding, customer satisfaction and
  • 8. The Social Security Problem By Max Moore Summary Introduction In the essay, The Social Security Problem, published in Sticks and Stones and Other Student Essays, Max Moore addresses the complex issue of Social Security running out of funds. He also addresses the possible actions that can be taken in order to provide a solution to this problem. Moore targets different audiences that are either directly affected or in control of this depletion of funds. He uses credible evidence to support his claims while also approaching the subject in a balanced and unbiased manner. Moore wants Social Security to both raise the retirementage and raise taxes. Summary In The Social Security Problem , Max Moore discusses the fearful reality of Social Security running out of funds. He states that the U.S. Department of the Treasury predicts that Social Security funds will run out by 2041 and action must be taken in order to prevent this (134). In his essay, he explains how the depletion of Social Security funds are a result from a decreasing retirement age, decreasing fertility rate, and shrinking work force. These things contribute to an increased population relying on Social Security, an increased population of the elderly, and a decreased ratio of workers paying for those beneficiaries (135). Moore explains the proposal of George W. Bushto make Social Security partially privatized; allowing young workers to invest their retirement savings into their own account. This would result in people putting their retirement on the line in
  • 9. The Bible Is True And Not Myths Archaeology has verified that the bible is true but how? First, archeology has confirmed the biblical stories are true and not myths, as the world believed, because of ancient sites and civilizations discovered. Second, manuscripts that were found and translated has shown people today how the people back in the biblelived and worked. Last but not least, archeology has shown where major events, like battles, have gone on and during what year, they happened. According to Archeology and the Old Testament, the book of Judges took place around the Iron Ageperiod, which was 1200 586 BC. Excavations have provided some useful information about daily life in ancient Israelduring Judges, including the land, climate and people. However, before we learn about how people lived their daily lives in Israel during the Iron Ages, we should learn about the geography of Israel. The land of Israel stretches from Dan in the North to Beersheba in the South and from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Transjordan in the east. Israel s landscape is divided into five main regions and even though the regions are in the same place they all receive different amounts of rain, which produce different crops. The first region, the coastal plain, goes along the Mediterranean coast to Rosh HaNiqura, receives about 25 to 16 inches of rain which is a great place to grow grain. The second region, is the central mountain range that goes from Galilee to Negev Highlands; this region receives from 20 to
  • 10. Oratorio Music Vs Christian Music Throughout the ages, music has been very important to religion. Ever since the middle ages, the religious music told a story of a biblical event. The current day Christian music tells a story about life and how Jesus Christ can fix the problem because he is all powerful. Oratorio is one example of older religion music. The current type of religious music is called Contemporary Christian music. There are a lot of different genres between these two. Oratorio and Contemporary music differ greatly; however, they both speak about the perfect JesusChrist. Oratorio music was very sacred music in its time. Oratorio originated in the baroque ere. They were also very large scale according to Wayne Bailey, the writer of In Performance (169). They were ... Show more content on ... Handel s oratorio, Messiah, is one of his most well known works. A part of this oratorio is called Hallelujah Chorus and the music repeats itself a lot. If there is only one word in that section, that one word is repeated a lot. If there is a phrase in that section, then that phrase will be repeated at least two times. The overall story of this song is how Jesus will reign forever. The main line said in this song is hallelujah. On the other hand, each contemporary music piece is very different. Meridith Andrew s song, You re Not Alone, talks about how when people go through hard times, Jesus Christ is still there. Only the chorus of this song repeats. Two of the main lines in this song is, You are not alone because I am here and I am the one who has loved you all your life. Francesca Battistelli wrote the song Free to be me. She relates to people throughout the whole song by talking about how she has dents in her fender and rips in her jeans. She uses these to talk about how she is not perfect, but that God loves her for who she is. One of the main lines in this song is perfection is my enemy. The band called Sidewalk Prophets wrote the song You Love Me Anyways. This song talks about how we make mistakes, but God still loves us through it all. They have many examples of things we do wrong in life, but the one that stood out in the song was I am the nail in your wrist, but you love me anyways. Casting Crowns is a well known contemporary Christian band. One of their songs is American Dream. This song talks about how people are starting to put work and money above family and God. The theme of this song is that trying to live the American dream and trying to be the best does not only push God away from you and your family, it pushes your family away as well. The end of the song shows that the dad did
  • 11. Negative Effects Of Mass Media The Mass media is one of the most unique feature of modern society and it has brought with it a variety of changes like increase in social interactions, social change and a change in the standard of life. Media plays an outstanding role in strengthening society because of its purpose in informing, educating and entertaining people. Because of the medias inherent ability to reach large groups of people, it used to convey different messages.The media industries is divided into 9 major industries: the book, newspaper, magazine, film, recording, radio, broadcast television, cable television and computer. These industries have evolved through five different stages over time to appeal to different audiences in different places.There is an association between the development of mass mediaand social change although there is still debate on if this change is detrimental or beneficial to society as a whole. There has been further argument that the mass media can be used as an instrument because it can be used in influencing people into certain modes of belief. This debate is further emphasized by the difference between active and passive audiences. Salomon and Cohen (1978) argued that unless viewers pay attention to messages, those messages can have no effect on them and therefore should not be considered as exposure. It would be a bit silly to contemplate that a character in Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones could influence an audience s attitude, beliefs or interpretations but a
  • 12. A Brief Story Of Walt Disney And Roy O. Disney Walt Disney and Roy O. Disney began their greatest endeavor in 1923 when they officially founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. With their headquarters officially established in Burbank, California they established themselves as the leader in the American animation industry. The most memorable character of the Disney franchise would have to be attributed to their first sound film Steamboat Willie, with its leading character Mickey Mouse(nearly named Mortimer Mouse). With much success and critical acclaim, Disney released its first full length animated film in 1937: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. July 18, 1955 marks the official first day that Disneyland is open to the general public. A year after making a crucial move in establishing
  • 13. False Interpretation In Revelation Chapter 12 The beginning of Revelation chapter 12 states that a great sign or wonder appeared in heaven. This sign was the image of woman clothed with sun, the moon was under her feet and she had twelve stars on her head. Over the many years since the Apostle John described this sign there has been many false teachings about who this woman is. One of the erroneous teachings is that the woman is the Church. Matthew Poole in his commentary on Revelation chapter 12 stated I find all valuable interpreters agreeing, that this woman represented the church, well enough compared to a woman. This interpretation neglects that further down in the chapter that the woman is described as pregnant and at the point of giving birth. The church is described in 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 2 as the chaste virgin beginning presented to Christ not as one who is giving birth to Christ. Another example of false interpretation is applying it to be symbolic of all goddesses in multiple cultural contexts. Tina Pippin proposes such an interpretation in her work Revelation/Apocalypse of John where she states She has been interpreted as many things: the image of Israel, of Mary, of Ishtar, of Inanna, of Isis, and more recently of Our Lady of Guadalupe (a merger of Mary with the Aztec goddess Coatlaxopeuh). The diversity of this goddess images fits easily into a variety of culture contexts as a symbol of power One final example of false interpretation of this passage is that the woman is
  • 14. My Values, Social Justice, Equality, And Service I believe people figure out their values throughout their life experiences. Therefore, everyone is figured to have different values because everyone goes through different life experiences. Values are the implicit and explicit ideas about what we cherish as ideal and preferable, (DuBois Miley, 2014, p 108). My personal values are honesty, social justice, equality, and service. There has been a situation within my life that made me valueeach one of those values. For example, I developed service as my value by seeing my cousin give service back to the community. I use to see him give clothing items and feed people within the community and the smile they had on their face was priceless. Social justice is also a value of mine because it specifically help people within the lower class. I think SNAP is a great example of how it helps them. Service and social justice are two values of mine that are similar to the social work values. I think it s great that I have those two values while going into social work because it shows I am willing to help and provide opportunities for individuals.... Show more content on ... I volunteer at a clothing and food bank. While volunteering my peers and I provide service of passing out food and clothes to those in need. While passing out the food and clothing items I realized the dignity and worth of each person. Majority of the people that come to the clothing and food bank are not homeless. These are people who have jobs but are just struggling. It humbles me a lot and let me realize that could be me or one of my family members. My peers and I treat each family with respect like we would want to be
  • 15. Plastic Pollution and the Effects on Human Health Essay... Where does all the plastic go. Every bit of plastic that has been created is still here. This is because plastic is one hundred percent non biodegradable! Even the most degraded plastic down to polymers cannot be digested by bacteria (Laist, 1997). If global issues like starvation and climate change are not enough to stress on, the weight of an issue literally churning in the Pacific Oceanis startling. For decades the majority of the world s population has not been properly educated on the nature of plasticand the potential harm it can do to our environment and our physical health. Due to factors of man and the natural effects of nature, a major problem has developed that is now harming our food. Marine plastic is a visible sign of ... Show more content on ... Due to their regurgitation ability; most studies have focused on the ingestion of plastic pollution by bird, this does little harm to birds used in the studies. The effects of ingestible plastic on fish have not been studied as thoroughly and no studies have been conducted on filter feeding organisms, which do not possess a feeding mechanism which would allow them to distinguish between plastic and plankton. Plastic pollution is only getting worse due to increasing population of developing countries. A wide variety of marine species is known to be harmed by plastic debris. This could threaten the survival of certain species, especially since many are sadly endangered by other types of anthropogenic actions. Plastic debris pollution in the marine environment is greatest in oceanographic convergences and eddies, where plastic bits accumulate (Day 1986). Gyres make up a large proportion, approximately seventy five percent, of what we refer to as the open ocean, or the area of the ocean that does not consist of coastal areas. Gyres are an area of junction that forces plastic into a central area with little to no wind and current influence. In oceanography, a subtropical gyre is a connected system of ocean currents rotating clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern. Typically they form in large open ocean areas. A large volume of high pressure air
  • 16. Bloody Alarm Cock Creative Writing As I finally reached Main Square I was already out of breath, but what breath remained was snatched from my lungs by the scene that unfolded before me. A heaving mass of bodies amassed in the square. Deafening chants permeated the air mixing with the acrid scent of flares that some of the young crowd were lighting. One young man stood upon a makeshift stage with a megaphone blaring to the audience ...because the government thinks that they have a right to ACQUIRE people s land, but this is not just land that they are taking, it is their livelihoods, their homes, their community. The government is meant to SERVE the people, not steal from them! A cry erupted from the onlookers. Encircling the crowd were rows of riot police covered ... Show more content on ... My rooster crowed outside to announce the breaking dawn. My late husband Reginald hated that rooster and would curse him every morning. Reginald named him Alarm Cock , which he thought was quite clever. Each morning he would say, Mabel can you turn off that bloody Alarm Cock? This always made me chuckle. It has been seven years since I lost Reginald to a heart attack. Now I may lose this farm too. OUR farm. It is all I have left of my dear Reg. By golly I would not lose it without a fight! My breakfast consisted of the usual piping hot scones with my homemade pomegranate jam and a steaming cup of Earl Grey tea. Then I put on my coat, wrapped my scarf snuggly around my neck, slipped on my gloves and grabbed my protest sign. I may be an old duck, but this old duck had some fight in her yet. I fired up the old Dodge. After a few turns of the key she coughed and sputtered then RRROOOMMM she rumbled to life. It was a two and a half hour drive to Houston where the march against the government s mandatory acquisition of property to build an oil pipeline was being held...but my eyesight isn t what it used to be, so it took me over
  • 17. Bifidobacterium Research Paper The beneficial aspects of Bifidobacterium Probiotics are live microorganisms that live in the body and regulate the proper functioning of organism; in adequate amounts help maintain our well being. This is about two kilograms of bacteria, which are responsible for protecting our body against pathogenic bacteria. One of many bacterial strains found in human body is bifidobacterium, which has a great impact on health of digestive and immune system. Bifidobacterium does interact with intestinal mucosal cells, and communicate with intestinal epithelial cells which help to maintain gut homeostasis physically and immunologically. By the communcation with intestinal epithelial cells bifidobacteria can improve its work and help in case of the inflammation.... Show more content on ... Currently, the type Bifidobacterium includes 32 species. They natural environment is in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals where it may occur in a number of 1012 cells per 1 g of the intestinal content. In addition, they are presented in the mucous membranes of the mouth and of the reproductive tract. Within human intestines the most popular species are B. adolescentis, B. angulatum, B. bifidum, B. brevi, B. catenulatum, B. langum, and B.infantis. Microorganisms that are classified as the genus Bifidobacterium belong to the lactic acid bacteria family. It includes rods and coccus Gram positive bacteria belonging to other genera, among which the most important are Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Lactococcus, Enterococcus, and Leuconostoc. All bacteria belonging to this group are characterized by the metabolism of fermentation where the main end product of metabolism of sugars is lactic acid. These microorganisms metabolize in the process of lactic fermentation simple sugars, disaccharides and some complex
  • 18. Nursing Home Evaluation Process Paper The evaluation process allows information to be collected and analysed, allowing decisions to be made about effectiveness, quality and outcomes of programs (Robertson Long, 2008, p. 96). Evaluation allows accountability for practice and services (Alston Bowles, 2012, p. 178). This process is extremely important within nursing homes as not only are the evaluations used internally but outcomes may be requested by government funding programs, insurance companies, professional organizations or accreditation agencies (Robertson Long, 2008, p. 96). Evaluation makes service providers accountable and ensures they are providing quality care or services to an individual or group (Robertson Long, 2008, p. 96). Quality assurance should motivate
  • 19. The Freedom to the Choice of Abortion We all live our lives as we please all in accordance to the law, but when it comes to abortion people start to judge and try to regulate how others live and interfere in their personal choices. We live in a country based on freedoms, and women have and should continue to have the freedom to the choice of an abortion. A woman s right to choose abortion is a fundamental right recognized by the US Supreme Court. The courts also have a category of classes called the near suspect classes, which include gender. Gender deserves protection from possible discrimination at the hands of the majority. Women constitute a majority of American s and have been discriminated in the past. The Landmark case Roe v. Wadewas decided and remains the law of the land. Making laws against abortions don t stop abortions from happening; they just make it less safe, which in many cases leads to death. Therefore idea of supporting pro life is contradictory, this is why the nation should be pro choice. No child should be brought into this world where they are not wanted or are not able to live a normal life. Most people who are against abortion will never even become pregnant, so they should not be making laws against it. Pregnancy is a private and personal matter. Outlawing abortion is discriminatory and unfortunately abortions are being transformed from a right to a privilege for most women. Abortion represents a woman s right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy, and this is a
  • 20. The Brand Of Brand Loyalty Furthermore, the publication suggests that the brand loyalty is correlated with market share. So, the bigger the company is, the more loyalty among its customers. And, this is true because the more people get to know the company, its services, and its products, the more brand identity it will form among current customers. Also, large companies benefit from having more loyal customers because they engage in word of mouth activities which can potentially attract more customers. So, there are many ways in which a company can increase their loyalty levels. But, when it comes to increasing market share, a better way could involve the increase in revenues among consumers. This can be done by opening more stores, offering products online, and by offering volume discounts. And, as a result, the company may be able to increase revenues and potentially increase its market share. Eventually, it could lead to an increase in the amount of loyal customers overall. Moreover, it can be said that loyalty programs and other related marketingactivities can only make a difference in the long run because the result are hardly noticeable in the short run due to the fact that it takes time for a buyer to become an actual loyal customer. When it comes to developing a well designed loyalty program, marketers should take into account the value being offered to consumers with respect to the prices of the products. This means that a company should offer reasonable rewards to the customers after they
  • 21. Leaving My Life Essay I m leaving a life that matters because my experiences have shaped me in the person I m today. Many circumstances have made me realized that I possess gifts and spiritual values that have helped my private life and the people around me. My desire to create in this world drives me to offer valuable insights for living a life of significance. Going back on my first paper, I can clearly see the impact this class has had in my life. The paper in week 1 narrates my moved to the United Statesand the different situations that happened ever since I moved here 15 years ago. My life story started a long time before I moved here, but I can say the most important turning points stared happening the day I moved to the United States. I don t remember much about my childhood, but my mom tells me, I was a quite child, I enjoyed playing with my dolls, and loved playing with my brother. I was a very curious little girls, and I could ask my parents a dozens of questions a minute. As I got older, I became a shy girl, but continue asking my parents questions about everything. Luckily, my childhood marked my life in a positive way for the most part. As I got older, I became a social person and even though I don t have many friends, I enjoyed the few I have because we share the same virtue and authenticity in life. As an adult, I have realized that I rather keep few good friends, instead of having many, but not the support system I need in my life. Beside my friends, my family have helped me
  • 22. Nt1210 Lab Purpose (summary): The objective of this lab is to learn how to use the Tutor TIMS software to build and analyze a communication system. This lab required us to use Audio Oscilloscope, Adder and Tuneable LPF in order to get the required frequency signals. ______________________________________________________________________ Key Results: After conducting the experiment, my software worked properly. After making all the connections, I was able to add two different sources and frequencies, which resulted in having a complex signal. Low pass filter (LPF) was used in our lab to separate the lower frequency from the complex signal. Picture 1A (Showing cable connections): Showing connections of output LPF to channel A of oscilloscope ... Show more content on ... Picture 2B Same Picture (Showing Graph): Graph showing output of the adder from Input signal to the LPF Picture 3C (Showing cable connections) Showing connections from the output of LPF to input of Channel A The Master Signal at 100 KHz is connected to input of the audio amplifier Picture 3C (Same Picture Showing Graph): LPF passes only Audio Oscilloscope Frequency Connection of audio oscillator output to the Tutor TIMS module input to get a certain frequency reading Frequency 2.414 KHz Vpp 4.00V Vrms 1.414 Graph shows that LPF passed only audio oscillator frequency Picture 4D(Showing Cable Connections) Disconnect cable of Tutor TIMS frequency input Connect the output of the LPF to the frequency counter input (Tutor TIMS
  • 23. Ode To A Nightingale Essay Ode to a Nightingale In Ode to a Nightingale, John Keats, the author and narrator, used descript terminology to express the deep rooted pain he was suffering during his battle with tuberculosis. This poem has eight paragraphs or verses of ten lines each and doesn t follow any specific rhyme scheme. In the first paragraph, Keats gave away the mood of the whole poem with his metaphors for his emotional and physical sufferings, for example: My heart aches, and drowsy numbness pains My sense (1 2) Keats then went on to explain to the reader that he was speaking to the light winged Dryad in the poem. This bird symbolizes a Nightingale that to many, depicts the happiness and vibrance of life with the way it seems to gracefully hover over ... Show more content on ... He expresses that with the phrase: And with thee fade away into the forest dim (20) Keats explained that he had wanted to wander off into the forest so no one would ve had to be bothered by him. In paragraph four, Keats had spoken to the Nightingale and told it to go off and leave him alone because he already had known that death was coming and didn t want to be reminded of his sad fate. Keats went on to say: I cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs, But, in embalmed darkness... (41 43) This meant he didn t know what was about to happen, only that he was going to die. He then illustrated all the creatures and things that would live long past him; The grass, the thicket, and the fruit tree wild... (45) In paragraph six, Keats had listened to the Darkling or Nightingale singing and this had reminded him of how at one time in his life he questioned death and was even infatuated by it because death was an unknown universe when he composed: ...for many a time I have been half in love with easeful Death, Call d him soft names... (51 53) But quickly after he had recalled that memory he stated: Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain To thy high requiem become a sod. (59 60) Here he was saying how the Darkling sounded beautiful when it sang but that was just a mask for the fate that it was taking him to; death. Thou was not born for death, immortal Bird! (61) The immortal
  • 24. Sur Y Alls House Short Story I walk down the street with my best friend along with my brother Chandler, then we drop her off, turn around into the sidewalk, walk in the door, moms in the kitchen, dad grilling out on the back deck. I dash outside where my dad is grilling chicken. We grill, talk, laugh, grill, talk, laugh, and then a lady comes up and says, Sur y alls house is on fire!! I freak out and run inside to tell my mom and Chandler. We go outside and look ends up it the neighbor across the streets house. It was one of my brothers really good friends house. His name is John. My dad runs through the house and out the door BAM! The glass door slams closed. I run to the front door, put both my hands on it and press my face against it so close the window was fogging
  • 25. Fenway Park Essays Some things on this earth are just magical. To some it may be the beach at sunset, to others it may be as simple as the drive to work in the morning. For me that place is Fenway Park in Boston Massachusetts. Going to a game in Fenway is a smorgasbord of delightful feelings. Even the walk up to the ballpark is some thing to behold. Walking with hundreds of passionate fans, all decked out in their red sox T shirts, jerseys, and of coarse that iconic navy hat with the red B on it. I feel like I belong there with this organized group of strangers. There is such a since of family as I see people from the T car I was on and chatted with. A few hundred yards ahead I could hear a Lets Go Red Sox chant as people around me began to join in... Show more content on ... I look down a gated alley that reads players and coaches only and I think If I was just there twenty minutes earlier I would have gotten a glimpse or even a word in with one of my favorite players. As I drift back in to reality I see several long lines at gate A this was unusual but my spirits were to high to be broken. As I slide into what looks like the shortest line my Uncle Geno grabs me and says, let s go so my dad and I follow him. I was curious where we could be going and I really didn t want to have to step out of line but I knew geno had something up his sleeve for us. Geno leads us around the perimeter of the park and to gate D. There was almost no line at this gate so we slide in easily. Geno had done it again, always the go to guy on street knowledge and somehow he knew everyone. When we make our way past countless vendor to the tunnel the crowd roars. As I step through the tunnel into the light the glare of the setting July sun hits me. When my eyes finally readjust to the light I look around and almost have trouble with my depth perception because of how big and crowded Fenway is. As we begin our treck to our seats we pass countless passionate fans I look to the scoreboard, the giant Budweiser neon sign, and to the enormous coke bottle and marvel at their size. Then
  • 26. Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Insurance Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Recently, the S.184 No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2017 was read and referred to the Committee on Finance. With the newly elected President Donald Trump in office, adjustments have begun to take place on the front end of abortion and what these procedures and the insurance that covers them will look like going forward. The previously mentioned bill would permanently prohibit federal funding, including District of Columbia funds, for abortion or healthcare that includes abortion (Congress Wicker, 2017). The bill will amend the Internal Revenue Code and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by prohibiting health coverage from ... Show more content on ... Aside from the safe assumption that Americans especially those whom appose abortion don t want to be funding abortions through their tax dollars, the efficiency of this bill would cover the loopholes that may have been created by prior acts (Harned, 2015). The modifications this bill would bring about are going to conserve the time in the future for other pressing issues that would otherwise be spent on an issue that manages to be discussed redundantly. The Severity of Abortion and its Role in the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act Abortion is a one day procedure that can have important lifetime consequences. There is potential for procedure failure as well as physical, emotional, or mental suffering, which is why there is a need for some form of deterrence. In the hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice of the committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, it was stated that this bill would restrict tax deductions for women who use their own money for abortion or if they purchase insurance that covers abortion, in turn this will raise the tax for women should they choose to make that decision (House of Representatives. Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice. Committee on the Judiciary, 2014). This sort of disincentive would ultimately make abortions more costly and may deter women from
  • 27. Design, Development And Clinical Testing Design, Development and Clinical Testing of Spirometer Sushant Kule1, Matangi Joshi1, Porous Mehta2, Rajesh Kumar Jain2 1(Biomedical Department, Mahatma Gandhi Mission s College of Engineering Technology, University of Mumbai, India) 2(Electronics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India) ABSTRACT: Spirometers are used to measure lung capacity and response of lungs and chest during physical therapy. Current spirometers available in the market are expensive and usually cost over $1,000. Due to this high cost, many physicians practicing in developing countries like India, cannot afford spirometry equipment. As a result, millions of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, are unable to be effectively monitored or treated for their disease. Thus, the development of a low cost reliable spirometer would allow these physicians to assess their patient s pulmonary health. All these factors led to the development of a product which addresses cost issues as well as technical accuracy[1] . A computer based miniaturized spirometer system is Designed to be realized which would use a solid state pressure sensor. A proto type of a Computer based Spirometer system has been realized which would employ a solid state single port pressure sensor. A dedicated analog signal acquisition and processing channel has been designed and tested along with the solid state pressure sensor. Calibration of pressure sensor for known values of applied pressure
  • 28. Export Pl China For Hubbard Foods Ltd Essay 351.725 International marketing Export plan to china for Hubbard foods Ltd. Pratikkumar Patel 140004717 Executive Summary The executive summary includes the segment and process of marketing to be included in the marketing plan of business to introduce new product launch in the market. There are various segments of market emphasized in the study focusing upon the operational activities of the company. The first perception highlights the new product launch in the new market environment and in the second market perception; it highlights the launch of new product in the existing market. The product selected here is muesli cereals, which is going to be introduced in the segment of market in China. The company selected here is Hubbard Foods Limited who is working with its business in New Zealand. The company needs to gain access to methods of increasing market share and the total market size of Hubbard foods limited. Gaining of market share is an aggressive strategy in business, which is used by most of the business owners to make strength of organization in order to compete with competitors. The most important thing to increase market share and market size is to acquiring and securing more customers for the company by doing promotions of New Zealand natural and green environment means healthy and green image of country origin. Hubbard foods have to select niche marketing strategy to sell their
  • 29. Grand Theft Auto Debate A.Can you imagine a situation where an entertainment industry designed or created a video game where you were allowed to kill any police officers by set them on fire, massacre them using rifles and chainsaws? Do you think that anyone wanted to buy that kind of games? The answer is yes and they already did. 1.Did you know the worldwide sale of a violent game named Grand Theft Auto has sold nearly $2.3 billion? According to a CBS news article with a title Can a Video Game Relate to Murder , Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is a video game where the players can live in a world administered by the laws of depravity. If there re people you don t like? Kill them. If you see a car that you like, steal it (Leung). B.In June 2013, a teen who was a big fan ... Show more content on ... So, for me, banning the sale of violent video games to minors is one of the best prevention methods to put an end to this problem. 1.This legislation is to strengthen the present industry controlled rating system and to ban the sale or rental any video games that are excessively violent that consist killing, hurting, dissecting or sexually assaulting an image of a human being to those who were under 18 (Mears). 2.Retailers who violate this law will be fine and it also requires the game maker to put an 18 label on greatly violent video games (Mears). 3.This legislation is really beneficial to our society as it can prevent youths in our community to get engaged in any violent acts caused by video games influence. Restriction may not be a good solution as there are some parents that do not care what their children do; they just allow their children to do whatever they want. But, with government involvement, it was harder for the minors to get access to the violent video games. Now, you all can see that banning of the sale of violent video games to minors is the best way that we can do, as there are no other efficient ways to put an end to this problem. What happen if we do not support this legislation? IV.Visualize (Body
  • 30. Soceity In Oliver Twist LONDON SOCEД°TY Д°N VД°CTORД°AN ERA : OLД°VER TWД°ST by CHARLES DД°CKENS Ah, poor dear, so it is! said the nurse, picking up the cork of the green bottle, which had fallen out on the pillow, as she stooped to take up the child. Poor dear! You needn t mind sending up to me, if the child cries, nurse, said the surgeon, putting on his gloves with great deliberation. It s very likely it WILL be troublesome. Give it a little gruel if it is. He put on his hat, and, pausing by the bedside on his way to the door, added, She was a good looking girl, too; where did she come from? She was brought here last night, replied the old woman, by the overseer s order. She was found lying in the street. She had walked some distance, for her shoes were ... Show more content on ... Orphans who could not find a place in an orphanage sometimes had to live on the streets or in workhouses. Workhouses provided food and shelter in return for hard, unpleasant work. Conditions were very harsh and people would only go to workhouses as a last resort. (London musuem) Based on this paragraph, we can state that people, especially children, die from starvation in Victorian era.They have a little food and upper class do not give enough food them.Already,quatation taken book shows children suffer from hungery. As historical context; Dickens explores many social themes in Oliver Twist, but three are predominant: the abuses of the new Poor Law system, the evils of the criminal world in London and the victimisation of children. The critique of the Poor Law of 1834 and the administration of the workhouse is presented in the opening chapters of Oliver Twist. Dickens gives the most uncompromising critique of the Victorian workhouse, which was run according to a regime of prolonged hunger, physical punishment, humiliation and hypocrisy.(Diniejko) Social life in Victorian
  • 31. The Plaza Was Owned By The Aggressive And Ambitious Sohel... The Plaza was owned by the aggressive and ambitious Sohel Rana, who exploited his political connections to acquire illegal permits and bribe government officials to get approval construction.He had extra floors built without obtaining the proper permits or approval from the local government authorities. Sohel Rana (like building owners in general) was able to take advantage of the loopholes in the system through his ties to political allies and his wealth. Not only did he ensure that inspections were rarely performed, but was also able to bribe officials to build on a rejected, unsuitable plot of land, to add additional floors to the building, and to persuade workers to enter the building despite the cracks and warnings from engineers. Also, he allegedly remarked to the media on the same day that the cracks were a trivial matter. Rana Plaza was built after taking permission from the Savar Mayor (who, like Rana was also an Awami League member) a person with no legal authority to issue this permit. According to Emdadul Islam, chief engineer of the state run Capital Development Authority, the owner of the building had permission for only a five storey building from the local municipality. The illegal extension by a further three stories was overlooked by the authorities due to Rana s political connections (affiliation with ruling Awami League party). Rana brought paid gang members to beat the workers (both male and female), hitting them with sticks to force them to enter the
  • 32. The Iranian Nuclear Deal And Iran Ali Larijani, the current speaker of the Iranian parliament, gave npr an interview detailing his opinions on the new nuclear deal with Iran. Larijani finds the deal acceptable...not looking at the specifics...looking at the whole picture ( Larijani). In other words, Larijani believes that the nuclear accord as it has been struck, has it flaws and is in no way a perfect pact. He views it as more of a placeholder, a sign of better things to come. The real test of this deal, in both Larijani and his country s eyes, will be the economic reform it can bring for Iran. Larijani thinks it is possible for the economy to thrive and comments that they have already passed three legislations...that makes it invest in Iran ( Larijani).... Show more content on ... The matter was taken to the United Nations Security Council, and a program of sanctions against Iran was approved ( Iran Nuclear Deal 1). No significant negotiated deal was reached with Iran on its nuclear program until the JPA in 2014. The JPA requires Iran to remove two thirds of its installed centrifuges and reduce its current stockpile of enriched uranium by 98 percent ( Iran Nuclear Deal 1). The hope behind this is that Iran will have a vastly increased timeframe in which they would be able to produce a viable nuclear weapon. That increase in time needed to produce a bomb plus increased transparency to nuclear inspectors, not only to Iranian nuclear facilities, but to...uranium mills....the centrifuge production and storage facilities , would kill Iran s quest for a nuclear weapon before it could truly begin ( Obama A Historic Understanding 1). In return, some sanctions on Iran are lifted and they are able to rejoin the international economic community. The JPA will prove advantageous to Iran s economy as the lifting of economic sanctions and the unfreezing of Iranian foreign assets are a key stipulation. For decades, the United States had attempted to influence Iran s nuclear regime through economic sanctions, meaning no trade or transfer of
  • 33. The Warden Reflection The Warden She s mean, she s scary, she makes you dig holes Yes, you ve got it, it s the dreadful, direful, fearsome...Warden. Based on what I have read so far, I believe the Warden is a selfish, scary, and rude person. In addition to that, she is definitely impatient, strict and bossy. Firstly, I believe the Warden is a selfish person, because on page 3 of chapter 1, the author states that, The campers are forbidden to lie in the hammock. It belongs to the Warden. The Warden owns the shade. The Warden won t share the hammock to any of the campers, even if they are dehydrated or near death. Isn t that just egoistical? Besides, in chapter 20, page 89, the Warden s cabin is described as a very sybaritic place. It has air conditioner, a television, and plenty of furniture that probably costs a lot. But then at Group D, all they have is a wreck room, and it is trash (And a wreck, literally.)compared to the Warden s cabin. Besides, the boys are working for the Warden, finding something for the Warden, getting up everyday at the crack of dawn to dig holes. I don t think that s a dream come true for them. And what does the Warden do? She sits in her fancy cabin, sipping sodas and watching television, not giving any thanks to the boys. The Warden is also quite the scary person. It is told that the Warden uses snake venom as nail polish. She ... Show more content on ... On pages 66 68, Mr.Pendanski says he had filled the canteens not long ago, but then the Warden snarls, And the next time I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it without questioning my authority. I would be sick of her attitude if I were Stanley. And actually, the Warden is the one having the boys to dig holes all day long, and when X Ray finds the gold tube, the Warden orders everyone in Group D on how to dig and what to do. Though she does give Group D enough water, when they can t find anything, she orders them to dig faster and faster, though not finding any
  • 34. Why Did African Americans Resist Slavery Another great part of the African culture that was brought to America and kept in practice through African American slaves was religion. An article titled Slave Resistance and Rhetorical Self Definition: Spirituals as a Strategy states that African American slaves used their spirituals to provide themselves with a rhetorical self definition that served to refute limiting definitions pressed on them by whites ( Sanger 1) Religionallowed Africans and African Americans to not only preserve something that was a part of their culture, but also allowed them to have hope and believe in something outside of the constraints that their white masters gave them. Without their masters knowing, slaves could get together and discuss liberty and the judgement of God against people being allowed to own slaves. According to this same ... Show more content on ... An article titled How Did Slaves Resist Slavery by author Lisa Vox explains that some slaves would runaway temporarily while others would runaway permanently. The slaves that would run away for a short period of time would hide in forests or go see a spouse on another plantation. The slaves that would runaway permanently believed that if they followed the North Star it would lead them to freedom. The article also states that slaves would runaway to escape a harsh punishment that had been threatened, to obtain relief from a heavy workload, or just to escape the drudgery of everyday life under slavery (Vox 2) I can imagine that runaway took a great deal of bravery for the slaves. Possibly having to leave their families or even the possibility of them getting caught could lead them to extremely harsh punishments or even to their death bed. It is very admirable the depths that they would take to stand up for themselves and go against their masters in search for their
  • 35. Mill City Museum We planned to visit Mill City museum after a friend recommended that we check it from the Minnesota Historical site. The museum is the most important and historical place where anyone who wants to know more about the Minnesota people. The museum contained historical articles and information. A lot of stuff was available including plant species and human origin. We later made our way to the science museumwhere displays of evolution. The main building of the Museum has its entire floor with colorful animated dioramas that display their traditional costumes of Minnesota people. On reaching the museum, we were met with a tour guide who took us through the place and described everything that we wanted to know about the Minnesota. The premises of the Museum are also well kept. I was also amazed to find out that the visit to the Museum is completely free. Since it s a public place, no one charges any person for the things that they view at the place.This place has historical significance to the culture and social economic diversity of the region. We discovered ... Show more content on ... These places contain images of people and activities that took place in the history of Minnesota. This was a quiet place where the instructor was guiding us through every picture. Since we are lovers of music, we wanted to enjoy the beautiful salsa dances and merengue that are provided in this place. After lunch, we were tired and wanted to experience the best form of entertainment that was provided in the area. Chairs and tables were cleared for people to dance in this hotel. We had brilliant forms of music that were presented to us by different people during this visit. We also met lovely people who explained to us the significance of some of the songs that act as a uniting factor to the people. This was the best night since we had the opportunity to enjoy different forms of music that were also presented by the local
  • 36. Physical Exam Paper Running head: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (PE) WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION Nursing 200: Complete Physical Examination (PE) Written Documentation Indiana State University College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services Nursing 200: Complete Physical Examination (PE) Written Documentation The format for this paper is based on : Jarvis (2008). Examiner: , SN ISU Date: 4/12/09 Patient: S.C. Age: 20 Occupation: Full time nursing student taking 14 hours Language spoken: English Gender: Marital Status Race: Caucasian Ethnic affiliation / association: American Measurements (2 points): Weight (in lbs kgs) 125 lbs 56.8kgs Height (in in cm) 60 inches 15.2 cm Waist to hip ratio .82 BMI 21.2... Show more content on ... Heart Peripheral Vascular (2 points): Carotid arteries 2+ bilat, external jugular visible in supine position, not visible when elevated. No visible chest wall pulsations, no heave, lift, apical pulse in 5th intercostals space at midclavicular line, pulse 61, regular rate, rhythm. Aortic, pulmonic valves, S2 S1. Erb s point, S2=S1. Tricuspid, mitral valves, S1 S2. No gallops, murmurs, extra heart sounds. All pulses present 2+ bilat, no lymphadenopathy. Legs absent of varicosities, tenderness, edema, atrophy, warm bil. Epitrochlear lymph nodes not palpable, no Homan s signs. Thorax Lungs (2 points): AP less than transverse diameter; respiratory rate and pattern relaxed, even; chest expansion symmetrical; tactile fremitus equal bilat; no tenderness, lumps, lesions; resonant to percussion over lung fields; vesicular breath sounds clear over lung fields; no adventitious sounds. Bronchial sounds, inspiration expiration over trachea and larynx. Bronchovesicular, inspiration=expiration
  • 37. Adobe Research Paper Adobe is a building material crafted from both mud and other organic materials, usually. Buildings constructed from adobe bricks are similar to both rammed earth and cob buildings. Adobe is one of the most ancient materials utilized, globally. Adobe bricks are most commonly crafted into units that weigh under 100 pounds, which are small enough to effectively dry by air individually without experiencing cracking. Soon after drying, they are assembled through the application of adobe mud, which facilitates the bond between the structure and it s individual bricks. Modern construction methods permit the pouring of entire adobe walls that are steel reinforced. Adobe buildings are commonly found in North and South America; the Middle East; North and West Africa; West Asia; Spain; Eastern Europe; East Anglia in England, more particularly, Norfolk, which is referred to as clay lump. Adobe had been used by North and South American indigenous peoples for several thousands of years. In particular, the Pueblo people constructed their adobe buildings with either filled baskets or handfuls of adobe, until the Spanish showed them how to craft traditional bricks.... Show more content on ... forward. It s widespread use can be credited to it s simple design and craftsmanship, along with it s cost effective economical nature. Adobe can be made into virtually any size or shape, provided the bricks are dried evenly and it s mixture before it s completion includes an effective reinforcement for bricks that are larger. Reinforcement can include cement, manure, straw, wooden posts, or rebar. Builders have learned over time that cement, straw, or manure blended into an average mixture of adobe can all develop a more durable, crack resistant
  • 38. I Am A Good Problem Solver And I Have An Analytical Brain About 3 weeks ago Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their issues. I am a good problem solver and I have an analytical brain. These traits make my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn t meant to be a fun job, but keeping a cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what it takes to help the server. Why should we choose you to become staff instead of someone else? To begin with, I feel I should take part in the staffing community here because I ensure a large portion of qualified time as well as extreme experiences and a sincere inclination in moderating over the chat and providing the necessary satisfaction
  • 39. Summary Of The Bluest Eye By Pecola Pecola on the Outside In his essay When Home Fails to Nurture the Self: Tragedy of Being Homeless at Home , Leester Thomas argues that, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, is split into four sections; the first section Thomas titles Outdoors: The Meaning of Such Wretchedness (53), which is followed by The First Eviction: Rejection of Self by Mainstream Society (53), The Second Eviction: Rejection of Self by the Black Community (54) and lastly, The Final Eviction Notice: Rejection of self by the biological family (55). I agree with Thomas analysis of The Bluest Eye and Morrison herself, along with the more direct analysis of Pecola herself, I will argue that much like the conditions for marigolds to grow, the conditions that Pecola was immersed in didn t allow for her to grow, and ultimately lead to her destruction. According to The Old Farmer s Almanac Marigolds thrive in full sunshine , the Marigolds, much like Pecola needed to be built up in an environment that gives them the nutrients they need. As we see throughout the novel, Pecola is not in a healthy environment, as Thomas explains she s left on the outside: To be outside is to be without a home without a birthplace; without cultural/racial identity; without family bonding; and finally without self esteem and, consequently, self realization (53) This only serves as to build the foundation, or soil for which Pecola must grow. Thomas writes; There is nothing to be gained when one s potential for wholesome
  • 40. `` My Dream `` By Brittany Maynard My dream is that every terminally ill American has access to the choice to die on their own terms with dignity. Please take an active role to make this a reality (qtd Brittany Maynard Fund ). Brittany Maynard Diaz, a 29 year old woman who was diagnosed with Glioblastoma and only given six months to live, turned her tragedy into a legacy when she chose to die with dignity. She became an advocate for the Compassion and Choices End of Life Consultation or EOLC program by sharing her story and decision with everyone in America in an effort to help give everyone in her situation the same options. She believed in dying with dignity for the same basic reasons that many others do; constitutionally speaking, it is within everyone s individual rights, it is an established medical practice used all over the world, and no one should be forced to suffer needlessly. After researching her diagnosed form of cancer and discussing her options with her family, any type of treatment given would only destroy the quality of life during the time she had left to live. What would you do? Imagine going to the doctor after numerous, severe headaches. The doctor performs a CT scan that reveals a rapidly growing brain tumor. The doctor breaks down the information, reveals that the tumor is a rare form of cancer, and is inoperable. Unfortunately, the doctor also relays the life expectancy with a cancer this rare and aggressive; a few months at best and those short months will become increasingly
  • 41. Questions On Individual Education Program Notice of Conference Date of Report: July 1st, 2016 Individual Education Program A. Student: Tiffany Smith STN: 12345 Date of Birth: 06/04/06 Age: 10 Current Grade: 3 Gender: Female A1. IEP Annual Review Meeting A. Purpose(s) of Meeting: Tiffany s parents have requested a review of Tiffany s progress and IEP Planning Session for the 16/17 school year. They have expressed concern about Tiffany s progress and recent attitude toward school. B. Possible Outcomes: Tiffany will remain in the general education classroom during Science and Specials. A co teacher or special education will come to class to work with Tiffany and assist the general education teacher. The parents will communicate with the teachers weekly through a communication journal. C. Mandates: Parents have the right to access their children s educational records. They have the right to attend and participate in IEP meetings. Parents have the right to disagree with the decisions that the school makes regarding their child s education. A2. Invited Individuals 1.Student 2.Parent/Guardian 3.General Education Teacher 4.Special Education Teacher 5.School District Representative A3. Member Excusal It is important for all members of the IEP team to attend the meeting. A member of the
  • 42. Religious Influences in Government Policy Essay Religious influence in the adoption and development of law is contradictory to the structure of the American government and way of life. My fellow Americans, these are words you have heard many times before, Presidents have uttered them in addressing the nation, they always have the same connotation every time they are spoken, that all of us are Americans, notice please that the statement is not My fellow Christians. That s because being an American does not automatically indicate being a Christian, one of the reasons this is such a great country is that we have specific rights guaranteed by our government, such as the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, freedom of the press and as important as any....Freedom of religion. I am ... Show more content on ... My well intended (I say that in attempt to delude myself into believing that their arguments presented are not in any self serving intent.) opponents would have you believe that our country was intended to be a non secular entity and that if our government was truly of the people, for the people, by the people that its laws would be reflective of Christianity as the majority of the American citizenry proclaim a Christian affiliation. This my friends is a falsehood, in fact our founding fathers were more than aware of the implications for the future that this great experiment posed and included safeguards in attempt to prevent the abusive relationship that tends to develop when government policy is tempered with religion, a very wise and brave act considering the fact that many of them were in fact people who attended church and worshipped God. These measurements were so important to them that they outweighed any feelings of contradiction with their personal beliefs. It is not coincidental that nowhere in the constitution is religion mentioned except in exclusionary terms. There have been many arguments that lay claim to be proof that this nation was founded with the intent of being governed by religious philosophy, from misrepresented quotations about religious feelings from various founding fathers to the misconception that our laws were based upon biblical law and not precedent from previously
  • 43. The Theory Of The Prophet Muhammad Introduction In exploring the questions of how certain ethicist would respond if they had the choice of stealing food to give to a starving child, it s important to draw from a thorough and broad spectrum of philosophers in order to explore the experiment fully. In trying to obtain the broadest set of hypothetical opinions we ll look at the reasoning of al GhazГўlГ® from the medieval period, Immanuel Kant from the modern period, and finally Confucius an ancient ethical philosopher. By spanning the different centuries, cultures, and ethics of these great minds, we find three totally different approaches to answering that question. al GhazГўlГ® The first ethicist chosen for this analysis is al GhazГўlГ®, who as considered a divine command ethics. al GhazГўlГ® s reasoning derived from not focusing on consequences on earth but what consequences one s actions would lead to in the afterlife. He believed that everyone should emulate the teaches of the Prophet Muhammad as a model of behavior. Another interesting aspect of al GhazГўlГ® s ethics where that a person shouldn t try to avoid the less than desirable facets of human nature but to work on controlling them (Griffel, 2016). Faced with the prospect of stealing food to give to a starving child, al GhazГўlГ® would most likely agree that this was okay. Not only is it a well known fact that part of the Muslim faith requires those able to feed the hungry, but it is the fact that he held such close regard for the Prophet Muhammad s