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Creative Writing Essays Topics
Writing an essay on the topic "Creative Writing Essays Topics" can be both challenging and
intriguing. The difficulty lies in the broad scope of the subject matter. Creative writing
encompasses a wide range of genres, styles, and techniques, making it challenging to narrow
down specific topics to explore. Additionally, crafting an engaging and original essay requires a
deep understanding of literary concepts, effective storytelling, and the ability to think outside the
To tackle this topic effectively, one must spend considerable time brainstorming potential essay
ideas, conducting research to gather relevant examples and references, and structuring the essay
in a coherent and compelling manner. Furthermore, the process of creative writing itself demands
a high level of creativity, which can be demanding for some individuals.
However, despite the challenges, writing an essay on this topic can also be immensely rewarding.
It allows for exploration of one's creativity, encourages innovative thinking, and provides an
opportunity to express oneself through the written word. By delving into various aspects of
creative writing, such as character development, plot construction, and narrative techniques,
writers can gain valuable insights into the craft of storytelling and hone their own writing skills.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Creative Writing Essays Topics" may pose certain
difficulties due to its vast and multifaceted nature, it also presents an exciting opportunity for
exploration and self-expression. With dedication, creativity, and a systematic approach, one can
overcome these challenges and produce a compelling piece of writing that explores the intricacies
of creative expression.
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Creative Writing Essays TopicsCreative Writing Essays Topics
Western Pleasure vs Hunter Jumpers
Nikki Yager
Mrs. Yates
English II
3 October 2010
English Essay There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the
inside of a man. Winston Churchill. Horses not only inspire their riders, but also the
spectators. The art of equestrian is generally disregarded as a competitive sport.
Being a rider not only takes raw talent but also devotion, skill, concentration,
knowledge, and strength. With a variety of riding styles, it s difficult to express
which one is superior to the others. There is tension between the horsemen with
different riding styles; each believe their accomplishments take more skill. Western
Pleasure riding and English Hunter Jumpers are two distinctive techniques with
diverse characteristics, but ... Show more content on ...
Doping and the inappropriate use of normal medications present a serious threat to
the integrity and reputation of our sport, because they give athletes an unfair
advantage and threaten the welfare of horses. (FEI s Clean Sport Campaign pg1)
Federation Equestre Inerationale and several other animal welfare organizations have
well established regulations trying to create a more perfect sport. Because riding in
shows is so competitive riders need to understand that showing isn t always about
winning but learning for the experience of showing.
Western Pleasure riding and English Hunter Jumpers are two distinctive techniques
with diverse characteristics, but the riders themselves share a common attitude of
love and passion for riding. Talent and technique ample for creating a riding career,
but the need for passion in riding significantly exceeds that of talent and technique.
The creation of the horse is a gift, which enables people to feel freedom and
adoration towards a magnificent animal. Riders with a desire to succeed recognize
that riding is not about conquering the horse but becoming one with the
Medicinal Use Of Medical Marijuana
The debate surrounding the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes has been around
for many years. Patients with chronic debilitating illnesses taut the benefits of
marijuana, whether through smoking or eating it, and claim that its use has been
instrumental in allowing them to live normal, productive lives. Others, like those in
law enforcement and the government, believe that allowing marijuana to be used for
medicinal reasons will result in a higher incidence of illicit drug use, along with
encouraging users to seek bogus exemptions under the medicinal marijuana laws
(Fang, 2014). Used for thousands of years to treat a variety of illnesses, there is no
evidence that the use of marijuana for treatment purposes led people to ... Show more
content on ...
Under the state medical marijuana laws, the patient s doctor recommends the use of
marijuana but does not write a prescription as it is not available at pharmacies, nor is
it covered by any type of insurance plan. Patients and/or their caregivers, along with
growers and sellers, must register with the state to indicate their participation in the
medical marijuana program. Also, the patient must have at least one defined
debilitating or qualifying medical condition ( Controlled Substance Act, 2014). These
conditions can be difficult to define as patients often self report the benefits they
receive from smoking marijuana. According to one study, patients report that
marijuana relieves pain, muscle spasms, headaches, anxiety, depression, cramps,
diarrhea and panic attacks. In addition, they report that it improves their sleeping,
appetite, ability to relax and concentrate (Reinarman et al., 2011). Not surprising,
90% of the physician recommendations describe the patient as having chronic pain (
Controlled Substance Act,
Past and Present of Peruvian Cuisine Essay
Located in South America on the Pacific Coast lies a country named Peru, which
offers one of the world s greatest cuisines. The country of Peru is exquisitely diverse
with geography containing the Andes Mountains and highlands, the tropical/Amazon
Basin and the coast. All of which contribute significantly to the Peruvian cuisine.
Peruvian cuisine is a unique blending of Andean and Spanish cultures over 500 years,
mixed with Japanese, Chinese, African, Arab, and other influences (Cayo, 33). With
the cuisine being a fusion of many different cultures, it retains unique elements of
each and creates a distinct cuisine of its own making it unmatched in its diversity and
individuality. The best part of Peruvian cuisine is the similarities in the... Show more
content on ...
As Lorson discusses, the local cuisines found around the entire country rely on the
environment and the geographic location of each. The influences and style of
Peruvian cooking can be divided into three main culinary/climatic regions of Peru
which include, the Andes Mountains and highlands, the Tropical / Amazon Basin
and the Coast. Indigenous to the Andes Mountains region is the potato, and the
region features a wide array of potato and sweet potato varieties. In fact, in Peru you
can find more than 3,800 varieties of potatoes. Corn was a staple of Andean cuisine.
Peruvians presently continue to enjoy both the chicha morada, a drink made from
purple corn, and chicha de jora, a fermented corn beer. The ancient Incan peoples
came up with interesting preparation and preservation methods. Chunos, or dried
potatoes, remain a staple and charqui, or jerky, is one of the few Andean foods that
have been adopted around the world. The Incan influence remains strong in Peru.
The cuisine of the Peruvian Tropical / Amazon Basin is quite different from the rest
of the areas of the nation. The region boasts a large amount of tropical fruits, most of
which you are not able to find outside of the country of Peru. As implied in the
article, History of and Variation in Peruvian Cuisine, the individuals that are living in
this region of Peru include the abundant and distinctive tropical fruits as a main staple
of their diet. Popular
The Role Of Death In Erich Maria Remarque s All Quiet
In All Quiet On The Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque expresses how the human
nature of the Iron Youth alters because of WW1 after witnessing horrendous acts
during the struggle between life and death. The human nature of Paul Baumer
changes dramatically as he must conform his life to that of a cold, harsh, unforgiving
German soldier. Every event that occurs when the novel begins to unravel as each
man has a mess tin full for the evening, to the moment where Remarque shifts to
show fighting the oversized, disgusting rats in order to get a crust off an old
sandwich exemplifies the war. As human natureprogresses from joy to compassion to
guilt, the soldiers learn a new definition of surviving as they experience deathafter
death of true... Show more content on ...
Once Paul has made his way back to the western front, havoc begins to unleash like
never before, because his human nature is a murderer picking GГ©rard Duval as
the victim as fear takes over Paul s life. Duval is a vulnerable enemy that
blindlessly jumps towards his death as if he were a lamb up for slaughter. The idea
that Duval blindly jumps to his death as if he were up for slaughter like a lamb that
represents all young soldiers where their human nature, fear, controls life as they
know it. Paul s human nature has lead him to the killing of printer, GГ©rard Duval
because the time on leave changes him between the unnecessary praising and the
deterioration of his beloved potato maker s illness. Instantly Paul is flooded with
regret because he has killed the printer, GГ©rard Duval [and] must be a printer, I
think confusedly, be a printer, printer (107) in order to correct the death of him in
a moral sense. The war has made Paul lifeless and just another soldier that belongs
to the Iron Youth. The war has affected human nature as Remarque varies it from
guilt, sorrow, joy and to go as far as no feelings as he becomes desensitized before
seeing his mom that makes him realize the guilt that lives with him that leads to the
act he committed against Duval as if it has no effect. The idea of the Iron Youth is
coined to show that soldier are unstoppable but emotional the most affected because
the death of friends, Kemmerich does not emotionally bother him with the exception
of sorrow. Fear runs through the veins of soldiers that fiercely fight for their country
because everything and everyone is unpredictable especially when one is across
enemy lines. After bullet and bullet are fired , Burning I wait for our attack. My
hands are white at the knuckles, I clench
Subus 500 Objectives
SUBWAYВ® chain was founded by Fred DeLuca in Connecticut, USA, in 1965. It
has now been a multi billion company with more than 30000 outlets in 87 countries.
There were 1254 open SUBWAYВ® restaurants in Australia till March 2011. As it
has become a very popular brand, there are progressive plans to frequently open more
SUBWAYВ® restaurants in Australia in the future. Franchise 500 , an entrepreneur
magazine has named it as the number one franchise opportunity based on research
and surveys of franchises located in the United States in 2010.
1.Are the corporate objectives clearly stated and do they lead logically to the
marketing objectives?
The corporate objective of SUBWAYВ® is very straight forward, i.e. to bring the
customers into ... Show more content on ...
3.What is the core marketing strategy for achieving its objectives? Is it a sound
The core marketing strategy of SUBWAYВ® for achieving its objectives is to
address health, fresh and custom made sandwiches in accordance to the expectation
of the customers by number of approaches. SUBWAYВ® introduces national
sponsorship event like American Heart Association Heart Walks as well as local
events such as triathlons and children s sports teams to market its product. The
marketing strategy of SUBWAYВ® is one of the best examples of focusing on market
demand, consumer trends, product leveraging and innovation.
It is a sound strategy because SUBWAYВ® have been strategically positioned to
advance market share in near future by the marketing strategies of creating clear
brand recognition, brand and product association and market demands. Moreover,
these marketing strategies are also repeatable fundamental marketing strategies
surpassing the fast food market. SUBWAYВ® is in constant touch with consumers
through its dedicated specialist customer care team. As a part of their marketing
strategy, SUBWAYВ® identifies which venues and retail chains would be most
manageable to quick service brands as branded fast food has began to move into other
non traditional venues such as colleges, airports, military bases, hospitals and
The Importance of Giving Back to My Community Essay
Many people do not care about where they come from. Many people are selfish
with their time and effort, but not me I do care about where I came from and I
devote most of my time and effort to make many people happy. I try my hardest to
do the right thing and to give back when I know I should. Giving back to my
community is an important thing to me. People should care and protect about their
communities. Three reasons why giving back to my community is important to me
is because my community has done so much for me, I take so much pride in where
I am from, and because I want people to see how wonderful my community is. My
community has done so much for me. Giving back to my community is the least I
could do for what all it has done for... Show more content on ...
To look at the mass of woodland and the Emory River is a sight that will take your
breath away. Oakdale is full of so much history its unbelievable. Looking at the old
building structures is just enough to show how much history Oakdale has hiding.
This is one reason why giving back to my community is important to me. I want to
keep my community beautiful and I want everyone to know just how marvelous
Oakdale really is. One other reason, is because I want tourists and anyone visiting
my community to feel humble and welcome. I want the best for my community.
Whenever someone comes to visit, I want them to be amazed by my community,
and I want them to see what I see and feel what I feel about my community. By
giving back to my community, I can make sure that it stays a clean, safe, and an
enjoyable place to be. I do not want anyone to leave Oakdale and say anything
negative about how bad the community was. By my contribution I hope that I can
make everyone a little happier. I dislike graffiti or anything of the sorts and if I see
any I make my best effort to cover it up. Liter is another thing that I can not
tolerate; I will get rid of it if I see it, because I want my community to look its best
at all times. In conclusion, giving back to my community is very important to me.
The main reasons why giving back is important to me is because my community has
done so much for me, I take pride in where I am from, and because I want everyone
to be amazed about my
Financial Analysis Of Nike
This report is part of Introduction to Business subject (MGT1101). The topic is Nike
Inc. This report was written to give the reader an insight into Nike Inc. This report
was written to show the reader different aspects of the company, how it was
established, what it has to offer and some general knowledge of the company that
may be interesting and useful. In this report we will take you through Nike s journey
in becoming such a successful and well known brand and how it maintains its
standards and keep the company alive also the struggle of competing with other
heavy weight companies in the same industry.
Table of contents page
1 Company History 1.1
2 Company s form of ownership
3 Company products
4 Company s form of competition ... Show more content on ...
Nike is now the most popular brand. It s not only in America, but also throughout the
whole world. Nike has all the athletic shoes, clothes, and other accessories one would
need to wear in their certain sport.
Nike s target market for their shoes, clothes and other accessories are males and
females between 18 and 35 years old. Nike s Competitive market has expanded and
dominated in the international market. Nike disburses TV ads during professional
and college sports events, prime time programs, and late night TV programs. A
financial analysis helps us compare a company s current performance with its past
performance Gives us an idea of how the entire industry is performing as well as
liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, and leverage ratios will give us a good
understanding of how Nike, Adidas Group, and Under Armour are performing.
The strengths
Nike gets top athletes to wear and sponsor their products rather than events or
competitions as much. Nike explains that people tend to remember what the player
wore and not the brand that sponsors the event that the players perform at.
Chapter 2 Of The Annual Shape Trip-Personal Narrative
It was day 2 of the annual canoe trip that my Boy Scout troop goes on. I was in a
kayak because of a lack of canoes. The day started out with a cold and groggy
morning. The scouts ventured out to find wood to start a fire with, and the adults
began to fix breakfast and their morning cup of coffee. After the boys had gathered
enough wood for a fire, and the adults had breakfast prepared to be cooked, the
scouts constructed a roaring fire for everyone to cook their food over. Breakfast
was set to be fish. Since we were without any electronics or cooking devices, we
made hobo packs, which consisted of putting all of our food in an aluminum foil
wrap and heating it. The painstaking wait was over, and we now had a delicious
meal to fill our stomachs before another day on the water.... Show more content on ...
The day began a slow one. It picked up as time ticked by. Eventually, the time for
lunch had rolled around, so we stopped on an island to have lunch. Slowly, but
surely, the entire troop regrouped at the island and enjoyed a tasty meal of hotdogs
and chips. Lunch came to an end, and everyone s stomachs were full. Once more,
we abided by our Scout Motto, and left the island so we could paddle our way to the
end of our endeavour. Just a short distance of nearly a mile from the island, some
heavy rapids awaited our coming. They were something we all had to just deal
with, and figure out by trial and error, the best way to pass through them. A fellow
scout of mine, Ben, decided he wanted to be the first to try his luck in these rapids.
Ben was a first year scout, who had never been on the canoe trip before. Ben was in a
kayak as well. I followed closely behind Ben so that I could be of assistance should
anything go
The Gold Rush Of California
Gold is a very precious metal that with in any community is pressed very highly.
To a surprise to several, after the United States won California from Mexico. A land
owner had found several pieces of gold along the river bed of the San Francisco.
Circumstances lead to this land owner not wanting to reveal this information to the
world. Nevertheless, the information was spread so began the Gold Rush in
California. This magnificent event gave light to great change but was it the right
move for progress and growth for the new founded country the United States.
Growth in my eyes is defined as the increase of wealth among all the population that
is living in a general area. Wealth should be defined as in a way where a family can
live with good... Show more content on ...
However the turning point was the way the environment was being effected by the
means of destroying the land to get to the gold dug into the ground. Over all the
gold rush was looked at as a great passage in the right direction for developing a
modern world but it ended up leading us back, words, back into an era where
monarchy rules the world. The daily life of a miner was far from perfect. The way
the papers and other means of propaganda had portrayed getting rich quick, but it
was far from easy. All the equipment that was needed to start out as a miner was for
the most part outrageous. The earning wages from gold was sixteen dollars an
ounce pg.8. Even so, the work was backbreaking. There was swarms of minors
trying to get rich quick. To many miners that traveled to get a piece of the precious
metal they where resorted to taking land from previous land owner just to get
ahead in the Gold Rush. Not to mention that the living conditions where also
outrageous. The rentals of hotels and other business structures, whether of boards
or of canvas, reached even dizzier heights than did commodity prices pg.8. This
spaces where set prices at 3,000 dollars a month or 40,000 dollars for a year, there
was also other prices around the area of San Francisco. And in some cases miners
where resorted to living in a room filled to the brim with other miners. This lead to
very poor conditions for any one to live in. But nothing was better then being rich in
a few months or
Analysis Of The Poem V Darkness
(not edited)
Nova s P.O.V
Darkness... Darkness is all I see right now I somehow know I m not dead but not
alive either I m in between both like a coma not dead nor alive just sleeping. I look
around trying to find away out, Hello? I ask but nothing happens I start walking
around with no direction not knowing if I m going round and round I m not scared
I actually feel relaxed I don t know why. Hello? I ask again, this time something
appears in front of me it s like a movie screen I stare at it waiting for something to
happen. A few seconds later something starts playing; at first it was blurry but it
slowly focused, there s a women and her two children I stare closely at them they
look familiar but who are they; I stared closely at them my eyes widen, It was
mom, Xavier and me before mom died and Xavier disappeared. We look so happy
together swinging on the swing and laughing blowing some bubble here and there
the blue and sky and green grass. I remember this day it was my birthday, I was
turning 6 that day, and we went to the park together everything was just perfect. I
smiled at the memory seeing my moms face hearing her laughter her voice once
more. I feel the need of reaching out and hugging her at least one last time but I
don t, and my brother just two years older than me taking care of me making sure I
was ok catching me at the end of the slide and kissing my forehead I wish I could hug
them both and never let them go. I couldn t help it no more I just
Case Study Of Liftup
Globalization, fierce competition and dynamic market environment are some of the
main challenges which multinational companies face nowadays. Therefore,
performance management as well as process optimization have gained significant
importance these days. The project group has been asked to assist the case company
with performance managementsystem implementation. At the same time another
performance management system is designed for parallel implementation, thus the
group needs to provide suggestions concerning relevant KPI s, theory, technological
and implemenetation aspects.
LiftUp as established by the inventors in 2003 with NOVI Innovation in Aalborg as
co investors and partners and is today an innovative company where the foundation is
the development of welfare technology products in accessibility. Liftup has an
ambitious growth target of 50% pro anno and the growth should in large parts stem
from new product developments. ... Show more content on ...
In addition, the company is interested in involvement of the end users as well as
business partners in product development and innovation phase. Therefore a detailed
action plan has been created, which aims for effective stakeholder involvement in
product development and
Combination Padlock Research Paper
Description of a Combination Padlock General Description Combination padlocks
are most commonly used anywhere that provide lockers. There are many different
brands of combination padlocks but each of them are roughly the same design
they can be as simple or as complexed as wanted. This lock is simple to use and has
very few parts. Usually when using a combination padlock you will have a set of
three random numbers to dial in. The highest number that the combination will go
to is 35 and the lowest number is zero. Figure 1: Parts of a combination padlock
Sources: How to Use Your Master Combination Padlock. Locker Lock Blog. N.p.,
12 Sept. 2012. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. Shackle: The shackle is a thick metal upside U
shape. One end of the shackle is placed securely inside the lock, and can not be
removed. The other end of the shackle lifts about a half of an inch above the
padlock when unlocked. If unlocked the shackle can spin around in a 180 degree
motion. If the padlock in locked the other end of the shackle is then placed securely
inside the lock.... Show more content on ...
The indicator points to the number that has been selected, in order to make the
selection visibly clear. To unlock the padlock each of the three random numbers
with be stopped directly under the indicator, or the padlock will not open. Dial:
The dial is a black circle that you turn in order to unlock the padlock. The dial is
numbered from zero to thirty five with small ticks indicating the other numbers in
between. The dial also has a small nob that only the thumb and the index finger can
fit on. This nob is a part of the dial that helps the user fully turn it to the indicator.
The dial can either be turned clockwise (to the right) or counter clockwise (to the
FDR The First Hundred Days Essay
FDR The First Hundred Days One of the most traumatic situations this country has
ever experienced was the Great Depression. It was an extraordinary event for the
people of this country because , unlike the previous events such as wars this country
has experienced, it directly affected whole families, including women and children.
Many families were living in conditions similar to what we see in third world
countriestoday. These extraordinary times required an extraordinary leader. Franklin
D. Rooseveltwas such a leader. While his New Deal policies were not the sole
solution to the multitude of problems that this country faced, the first hundreddays of
his administration set in place the foundation that ultimately restored the... Show
more content on ...
During his campaign, however, it was hard to tell exactly what Roosevelt s New
Deal policy was. He lashed out against the Hoover administration for high tariff
policies, but by the end of the campaign, no real difference separated the candidates
on the tariff issue. In his speeches he said he would increase aid to the unemployed,
but he would slash federal spending (Leuchtenburg 10). One of the New Deal
administrators reflected subsequently: Given later developments, the campaign
speeches often read like a giant misprint, in which Roosevelt and Hoover speak each
other s lines (qtd. in Leuchtenburg 11). However, Hoover s handling of the economic
crisis and many other issues virtually assured Roosevelt of the Presidency.
In his inaugural speech, Roosevelt said This nation asks for action, and action
now.... We must act and act quickly (qtd. in Schlesinger 1). This address was also
where his famous quote The only thing we have to fear is fear itself was uttered
(qtd. in Freidel 93) The first part of the New Deal happened in the first three months
of his presidency, which became know as the hundred days.
The first objective of the new administration was to get the banks on a more firm
footing. On his very first night in office, Roosevelt directed his Secretary of the
Treasury to draft an emergency banking bill, and gave him only five days to get it
ready. On March fifth he proclaimed a national bank holiday to close the
Drug Use By Athletes
In 1998, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa, two professional baseball players of the
major baseball league were put up to the test to see who could break Roger Maris s
home run record of 61 by the end of the season. On September 8, McGwire beat Sosa
with 70 runs while Sosa came in second with 66. However, later in 2010 McGwire
admitted that he used androstenedione which is an over the counter muscle
enhancement product, when he broke the home runrecord. At the time, the use of that
drug had been banned by the National Football League, the International Olympic
Committee, and the World Anti Doping Agency, but not by Major League Baseball
.This product was also not federally classified as an anabolic steroid in the United
States until 2004. Up until... Show more content on ...
This will also encourage players to not use steroids or any other drug in general in
order to keep up with other players. When taking drugs it is always risky because of
the fact that the consumer will most likely consume more than the prescribed
amount. The use of drugs gives an dishonest turn to the game which later doesn t
have any point to it because of the fact that the drug consumer is not playing with
their own talent, but with the effects that the drug is giving them. Drug testing
athletes would not only show true talent, but also prevent health risks occurring to
any of the players. With athletes not being tested, we will never know who is at risk.
Drug testing should not be seen as getting caught it should be seen as a learning
experience. Drug consumers can be educated on the risks that drugs have not only
their health but their performance out on the field as well. Athletes on drugs are
athletes who run the risk of getting seriously hurt, or hurting others. Also,
participation in such sports is voluntary. Anyone who wishes not to be drug tested
would have the option of not participating in them. The benefits of athletes getting
drug tested are obvious: It would make a decrease in drug use among public schools.
Doctors and parents will become more cautious about drug use among their athletes.
Parents could then give their child the support they really
The Concept Of Jesus Being Fully Man
The concept of Jesus being fully man but also fully God at the same time has been
debated amongst scholars, both Christians and non Christians alike for centuries. The
doctrine and study surrounding the person of Jesus is known as Christology, and
after extensive and often hostile debates the Church gave a concluding definition of
its Christology in 451 CE at the Council of Chalcedon. It was stated that they
affirmed the belief in Jesus Christ as one Person in two natures, which are united
without confusion. The early church was adamant that the Incarnation was one of the
most important truths of the Christian faith.
Maurice Wiles, an Oxford patristic scholar summarised the Chalcedons s aims as
On the other hand was the conviction that a saviour must be fully divine; on the other
hand was the conviction that what is not assumed is not healed. Or, to put the matter
in other words, the source of salvation must be God; the locus of salvation must be
humanity. It is quite clear that these two principles often pulled in opposite
directions. The Council of Chalcedon was the church s attempt to resolve, or
perhaps rather to agree to live with, that tension. This essay will examine and
critically analyse this stance alongside answering the question of would it matter if
Jesus were not fully God and fully human? Five specific points will be looked at;
Jesus is God, Jesus is man, Jesus is a sinless man, Jesus will be fully God and man
forever, and
Patricia Monologue
Scene III Hernan is walking from left to right and from right to left. He appears to
be worried about something. He is wearing different clothes. It is midnight of the
next day. He checks his phone: no texts messages, no calls, no nothing. Hernan:
Where is she? Where could she be? He calls her. After a few minutes of waiting on
the phone, expecting Patricia to answer, the phone goes directly to voice mail: You
have reached the number... Then he hangs up, not letting the message to be over.
There is a knock on the door. Hernan runs to answer it. Patricia: I m sorry my dear,
I thought I d brought the key with me [She discharges a hiccup sound] Thank God
you re here. Let me present you to my friend Oscar. She goes on and moves forward
into the... Show more content on ...
Sometimes I think my face should appear on a hundred dollar bill. Patricia: In that
case, I will be calling you more often, just like Angela does. Hernan: [He quips] I ll
block you from my life instantly. The phone rings again. The both remain silent.
Patricia: You should turn it off if you re not going to answer. Hernan: I ll do that.
He says it as he does it: turns his phone off. Patricia: She stands up, suddenly feel
dizzy. Oh. Hernan: Alarmed he stands from his bed. What? Patricia: Nothing is
fine. I just got up too quickly and my drinking has gone to my head already.
Hernan: From today until that child is born, no more drinking, clear? Patricia:
Clear. But the temptation here is too big. I mean I was just gambling in one of
those machines and a waitress, out of the blue, comes and asks me what do I want
to drink she said it was on the house. And when I least expected, I had 5 rums on
me already. Hernan: It s my fault. Who brings a pregnant woman to sin city with
him? Only your gay friend, Pati. They both laugh. Come on. Let s go and prepare
you a bath, it will be good for you. They both walk toward the bathroom; as they
walk, Hernan tosses his phone on top of the
Analysis Of A Good Man Down
Sports Illustrated writer, Lee Jenkins, writes about the impact of a small town
football coach had on his community, before and after death in the article A Good
Man Down. The author explains the life of Ed Thomas, the head coach for the
Apilington Parkersburg football team in Iowa. Ed Thomas was shot and killed while
training his athletes by Mark Becker. Lee Jenkins begins by using very detail
accounts to bring out the pathos of the town, bringing the audienceto feel emotionally
connected to the town of Parkersburg. In the beginning of this article Jenkins
explains the importance of the field to Ed Thomas. Every morning Ed walked the
field, looking for any imperfection to correct. Dave Meyer, the Apilington
Parkersburg principal said, It s probably the best field in the state. The field was so
import to Ed Thomas and he took such great care of it that it was even named after
him. The field has standard issue metal bleachers, no box office, no fancy
scoreboard. What makes it special, what makes it sacred, is the love that Thomas
poured into the turf. Ed Thomas did anything he could help the town out. On some
Sundays, he d fill in for the pastor if they were not able to preach. He gave newborn
boys FUTURE FALCONS certificates. He did everything from being a driver s ed
instructor to mowing his precious field. He had no idea how much more of an impact
he would have.
On May 25, 2008, a tornado with winds exceeding 200 mph cut a hole three quarters
of a mile wide
Gangs and Violence in The Prison System Essay
Gangs and Violence in the Prison System
Gang violence is nationwide and is one of the most prominent problems in the prison
system today. Gangs are known to attempt to control the prisons/jails, instill fear
within the prison system and throughout the society, and bring negative attention to
the system. Gang affiliated inmates comprise about 18 percent of the 18000 inmate
population. (Seabrook) A growing numbers of inmates and a large amount of them
serving longer sentences for violent crimes suggest a notable increase in gangs and
violence in the prison system in the upcoming future.
Prisons began to bulge with gang members when states enacted tougher laws for gang
related crime in the mid to late ... Show more content on ...
In order to find a solution for the problem the prison system took and is still taking
steps such as classifying the gang members and other violent inmates as security
threat groups (STG s). Both prison officials and law enforcement agencies refer to
gangs as STG s rather than gangs in order to take away from the assumptions and
exposure that the word gang gets. There are several ways of becoming classified as a
security threat group, such as self admission, known gang tattoos, confiscation of
STG paraphernalia, or information provided by an informant acknowledging the
inmate as a gang member. All known security threat groups are kept in single inmate
cells known as administration segregation to separate them from the rest of the
inmate population, in hopes of reducing the amount of communication between gang
members and the amount violence. One problem with administration segregation is a
the amount of available space; the number of inmates classified as a security threat
group greatly exceeds the space available thus causing many prisons to keep STG s in
the general inmate population and putting only leaders of the gangs in administration
segregation. The simple decision of allowing the security threat groups to remain in
the general inmate population increases the probability of violence within the prison
tremendously. The prisons have also implemented a graduate
Oh The Places You Ll Go Essay
The unpleasant disturbance from my mother s phone call awakes me in the morning.
I overhear her conversation with my grandmother in Spanish. My mother informs
my grandmother that I am having difficulty in learning English, since Spanish is my
first foreign language. She suggests purchasing Dr. Seuss book, Oh, the Places You
ll Go! to not only improve my reading comprehension, but also to understand the
purpose of reading books. The vivid illustration and short sentences captivate me to
read the book. As the story unfolds, the main character travels to the Waiting Place, a
place where people can think and reconsider their choices in life. The author conveys
to his audience that people face hardships throughout life, but they can surpass their
obstacles with determination. Likewise, in my Waiting Place, I am conflicted with
two choices: to continue reading Dr. Seuss foreign language or to choose a simpler
novel. After reading Oh, the Places You ll Go! it encouraged me to further my writing
and reading skills in high school. During freshman year of high school, I was placed in
English Literature with a group of thirty girls. My... Show more content on ...
Instead of grammar books, my college professor recommends Mercer Street, a
collection of essays written by New York University students. As seen in Mercer
Street, students wrote eloquent essays by incorporating secondary sources and
concise language. Throughout my freshman year of college, I want to improve my
reading skills by analyzing essays in Mercer Street and forming my own thoughts on
the subject. Additionally, I want to be able to enhance my writing skills by forming
a well written thesis to strengthen my argument. Even though the short phrases from
Oh, the Places You ll Go! transforms into long written works as seen in the Mercer
Street, college will help me form new ideas to incorporate in my
Ask the Dust by John Fante
BookRags Literature Study Guide
Ask the Dust by John Fante
For the online version of BookRags Ask the Dust Literature Study Guide, including
complete copyright information, please visit: ask the dust/
Copyright Information
2000 2012 BookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The following sections of this BookRags Literature Study Guide is offprint from Gale
s For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly
Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes,
Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media
Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare Contrast, What Do I Read Next?,
For Further Study, and ... Show more content on ...
Their mutual love and hatred for one another, and for themselves, provides an
intensely dark comedy that exposes their inner conflicts, their racial bigotry and their
low self esteem, as they struggle to survive in a contrived culture to which neither
will ever really belong.
John Fante s description of Los Angeles during the depression of gaunt faces and lost
humanity is haunting and riveting, as told through the eyes of a young man who is
not altogether stable. The smog, traffic, dust, grime and shallow lifestyles of southern
California were already present in 1939, making this story relevant still today. The
earthquake scene in the story is just as realistic as it might be today, complete with
military intervention and the emergence of human kindness in the face of disaster.
Camilla, Arturo, Sammy, Vera and Hellfrick are all non entities in the bustle of L.A.
culture, but all are profoundly human in their suffering, confusion, and vices. All are
battling a poor sense of self worth and struggling to survive in an indifferent world.
Arturo Bandini takes us through this story in intimate first person, exposing us to his
mood swings, his astute observations and his growth as an author and a man.
In the Alta Loma Hotel in the Bunker Hill district of Los Angeles, writer Arturo
Bandini s hotel room window opens onto the ground level, a smog and sand choked
base of a palm tree as his view. Arturo s train of thought
Short Story Of Eric Patterson
A man that goes by the name Eric Patterson was reading a newspaper; he saw
something that caught his eye in a newspaper ad. The newspaper ad talked about a
deserted farmhouse that belonged to a deceased woman that was rich. The house
was very valuable and was being auctioned at very high prices. Patterson didn t
want buy the house because he knew he didn t have anything close to how much it
was worth. Some of the things that the house would come with were a garden path
and a lot of jewelry. The most valuable thing that was in that house was a diamond
necklace. Patterson decided that he was going to rob the house the day before the
auction. The day before the auction Patterson drove his motorcycle to the
farmhouse. While he was going up the hill he was amazed at we saw. He saw a
palomino stallion that really caught his eye, but he knew that it would be
impossible for him to take a horse. As he is landscaping the house he sees a broken
window, he chooses to go in from there because he thinks that the doors are
probably secured. Right as he goes in from the window he hears a screaming
burglar alarm. He didn t know that the house had motion sensors. He then panics but
proceeds the robbery because he has already went inside, but he figured that he didn
t have much time. The lights were all out but a glowing fireplace helped him see...
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Right as he is leaving he hears a raspy laugh and runs. While he is running he
accidently runs in to a table and drops a glass of champagne. As he leaves from the
back door he sees a yellow Cadillac and finds the keys inside of it. He must of hit a
bee hive because a swarm of bees were chasing him outside but he got rid of them
before he got into the car. The cops show up and see him speeding off. After a long
high speed chase he loses the cops. He already booked an airline ticket for the next
day, so he was all set. He left the country and nobody ever knew that it was
The Jolly Corner, By Henry James
Henry James originally published The Jolly Corner, in 1908. He was a master in
short stories and novella. The Jolly Corner, was about a man who once lived in the
United States and migrated to Europe to pursue the love he once had for art, and
reject a life in his family business. The Aleph later was published by Jorge Luis
Borges in 1945, he wrote a story about, an aspiring sphere that, the author s
character, Carlos had in his basement, that allows one to see all places in the world
at all at once. Although these were two different stories they both had many
similarities and differences with theme and symbols. The Jolly Corner written by
Henry James, wrote about Spencer Brydon, who left the United States when he was
younger, to pursue his career in art and writing short stories, instead of staying and
helping run his family business. On Spencer return, to the United States, the text
mentioned that, Spencer found many of his family and friends was no longer alive;
moreover, he found that the people and environment had drastically changed. The
economic growth of a new industrialized society had resulted in the removal of older
buildings and welcomes the new infrastructures, making it hard for Spencer to
recognize his neighborhood. Another part of spencer pass also reappears; Alice a
long lost friend, she was the only person that took time to update Spencer on
everything he missed out on throughout the years. Throughout the text, Alice
accompanies Spencer as he
Atrium Fire Rate
Yi, Huo, Li and Feng Chow [13] study the relationship between the time when
flooding flow of smoke occurs and the aspect ratio of atrium under different heat
release rate (HRR) of fire,32 simulations were carried out using a field model, FDS
(Fire Dynamics Simulator, Version 3). The size of the atrium and HRR of steady fire
are listed in Table (2 4). In all the simulations, the size of the fire room was set at 3 m
Г— 3 m Г— 3 m, the fire was located at the center of the floor of the fire room, the
height of atrium was 27 m. The vents in the fire floor were both 2 m Г— 1.5 m with
sill at 1 m above the floor. The ambient temperature is 20 oC.
Fig. (2 8) shows the situation of early stage when a fire occurs in an adjacent floor
to an atrium. The fire floor has two vertical vents (WA and WB) open to outside and
the atrium respectively. The ceiling of the atrium is open, and it is supposed that the
isolation between the atrium and the other floors is ideal. ... Show more content on ...
The velocity profile at the vents is simply shown in Fig. 1. At the top of the vents,
because the smoke in the fire floor is lighter than the air in the atrium and outside,
pressure difference between the fire floor and outside (atrium as the same) is larger
than at the lower place of the vents. At the bottom of the vents, the pressure
difference gets negative to that at the top. So there should be a zero pressure
difference or zero velocity plane О± and ОІ at the two vents
Media s Depiction Of Female Beauty
After many years of decrying the media s unrealistic depiction of female beauty,
over the last decade, women across the globe have raised their collective voices
and insisted that the media portray more realistic and anatomically diverse idealized
images of women (Bushak, 2015). As a result, Madison Avenue and Hollywood
have begun to include models and actresses of varying shapes, sizes, and colors more
frequently in ad campaigns, commercials, television shows, and movies (Bennett
Smith, 2015). Subsequently, the media s depiction of female beauty has slowly
started to become more inclusive and realistic (Lindsey, 2015). Nonetheless, more
progress must be made in order to align the media s presentation of ideal female
beauty with reality. Therefore,
Fins 2624
Cheryl Mew
FINS2624 Portfolio Management
Semester 1, 2011
A bond is a claim on some fixed future cash flows. A commonwealth government
bond (CGB) is a bond which pays semi annual coupons, in which the maturity date
/ coupon payment date is on the 15th of every month. A zero coupon bondis a bond
with no coupons. The important information of a bond: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2.
Transaction date: T Settlement date:T+2 Coupon payment dates Maturity date YTM
Coupon rate Cum interest or Ex interest? If ex interest If 7 days to the next coupon
payment cum interest
The Yield to Maturity (YTM) of a bond is: п‚· п‚· Interest rate that makes the present
value of the bond s ... Show more content on ...
Hence, the market price = Padj
Padj = пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ
пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ. 1 в€’
Cheryl Mew
FINS2624 Portfolio Management
Semester 1, 2011
Yield to maturity (YTM) reflects the return required and set by the market on the
assumption that the bond is held to maturity. In equilibrium, it is also the return that
investors can expect to earn over the life of the bond. Holding Period Return (HPR)
is the expected return over a future period, and is not based on the assumption that the
bond is held to maturity. SIMILARITIES п‚· п‚· п‚· Both expressed as annualised
returns (not effective rates) Use the settlement price as cost base Total returns
accounting for both the coupon interest component and the capital gain/loss
DIFFERENCES п‚· п‚· п‚· YTM is observed and set by the market, HRP is not
YTM assumes that coupon interests are all invested at the same rate as quoted YTM,
HPR allows for different reinvestment interest rates received at different times YTM
assumes that bond is held to maturity, HPR assumes that bond is to be sold before
CALCULATING HPR HRP is used for comparing the expected return among alternate
investments over the same predetermined holding period. However, to accomplish
this task, future interest rates for different lengths are required.
P0(1 +
пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ
Ecological Models And Health Behavior Change Essay
Ecological Models And Health Behavior Change
On individual level changes in health promotion and ecological approaches target and
influence multiple health behaviors. This is because the individuals living in the
environment are embedded in temporary change of behaviors. Therefore it is very
important to consider ecological approaches, changing health behaviors and
environmental factors while designing operational and supportable health promotion
Healthcare promotion is primarily based upon the public health and under this the
world has changed very rapidly. Prevention against the diseases is the main health
care issues and many professionals have derived many possible solutions to it.
Application of ecological approaches in ... Show more content on ...
These interventions are provided by health care professionals at individual level
and it is not considered safe for everyone. The medical treatments provided to
control obesity may benefit an individual but the entire population may not respond
well to the changing behaviors unless the root causes are not identified. That is why
the obesity epidemic will continue and the people will not stop eating more than
they require. The lacking is due to the contributing environmental factors like more
fast food consumption, more sedentary lifestyle, less involvement in outdoor games
and less use of recreational parks and walkways. The difference in the ecological
approach as compared to the medical approach is it does not blame the person and
addresses the complexity of the changing health behaviors (Hovell, Wahlgren Adams,
The social etiology of the disease depends on the underlying causes of the disease
which is directly related to the risk factors adopted by the people for unhealthy
behaviors. These causes and factors lie in the sociocultural environment. For example
heart disease, the outcome of the disease is dependent on bad eating habits, excessive
use of tobacco and sedentary lifestyle. All these are considered to be the
environmental influences and the researchers are working on to change these factors
with the aspect of health promotion (Glass McAtee, 2006).
Social Action Theory (SAT)
Social action
A Philosophical Analysis Of An Idea Presented By Ludwig...
A philosophical analysis of an idea presented by Ludwig Wittgenstein in On
Certainty Introduction Countless philosophers, from centuries ago to modern times,
have investigated the concept of inherited ideas. Some of the more daunting
questions on the subject seem to be: From where do these ideas originate? Can we
trust them? Do they serve as an objective foundation for the rest of our judgments,
or are they in fact mere judgments themselves? Ludwig Wittgenstein addresses such
questions in his written work On Certainty, and deduces that in some cases, an
inherited idea is so anchored [in me] that I cannot touch it (no. 103). This paper will
examine the definition of this idea and the argument that lies behind it, while also
addressing the various objections that could be made to such an argument.
Explanation of Idea In On Certainty, Wittgenstein arrives at the conclusion that
some of my ideas are so anchored in me that I cannot touch them. The key message
Wittgenstein is conveying here is that certain ideas are inherited, innate for
everyone. The term anchored , in its literal sense, refers to watercraft being held
securely in a fixed spot by aid of a curved, weighted implement to which it is
connected. In using this term, Wittgenstein creates the imagery of our intellect, our
perception, being like a sea, and our ideas like ships. This illustration suggests that
some of the ideas we have are in motion, changing as a result of our experiences and
Using The Standard Mpls Data Plane
Abstract The evolution of MPLS networks have made them critically important for
ISPs for the various functions of traffic engineering, efficient network utilization
and for providing L2 and L3 enterprise VPN services. All these functions are
supported by complex, energy hungry and expensive core routers with support for a
wide variety of control protocols carefully combined with data plane mechanisms. It
is observed that the MPLS data plane handles simpler functions of pushing, popping
off and swapping labels and are mostly un affected by any changes to the control
plane functionalities. This paper discusses the possibility of using the standard
MPLS data plane in combination with a simple extensible control plane using
OpenFlow, SDN and its applications. A Protocol implementation is discussed to
show the simplicity of the approach over existing MPLS control plane and how more
services can be supported with the new control plane.
Finally, The paper discusses how the introduction of a new map abstraction fits well
with the unified control architecture for packet and circuit networks, making the new
control plane ideal for multi layer networks.
MPLS has evolved as a complex and efficient solution for ISPs for the purposes of
traffic engineering and enterprise L2 and L3 VPN services, traffic engineering in turn
serves the purpose of maximizing the utilization of infrastructure while VPNs offer
secure connection services to enterprises, this feature
Issues Associated With Climate Change
The December negotiations of this month were crucial to we Pacific Island states.
The urgency of the situation is best explained by irreversible quality of the
consequences the state actions discussed below. The existence of our nation depends
on the commitments that are to emerge from the UN climate change conference in
Paris. This statement is not a metaphor, as the disappearance of land territory is a
reality; rising sea levels could have Tuvalu completely submerged under water soon.
Our primary goal was for these commitments to have legal force, primarily because
issues associated with climate changepermeate national boundaries. US or Australian
emissions, for example, are having adverse effects on states well beyond their
borders. The challenge faced by even those who wish put a stop to climate change is
the fact that the sources are so broad and require great efforts from states and their
individuals. Many times, these efforts conflict with state interests.
As aforementioned, our survival depends on the ability to learn from past mistakes,
especially as it pertains to the issue of negotiations for a solution to climate change. A
2014 synthesis reports human influence on the climate system is clear recent climate
changes have had a widespread impact on human and natural systems many of the
observed changes are unprecedented the atmosphere and ocean have warmed
amounts of snow and ice have diminished sea level have risen greenhouse gas
emissions are extremely
Controversy Over Modern Vs. Alternative Medicine
Controversy Over Modern vs. Alternative Medicine.
All around the world, doctors have been debating whether or not modern medicine is
a better treatment
than alternative medicine. Throughout the years this controversy has changed the
way some people live and helped
them decide how to raise their children. Modern medicine relies on modern
technologies, scientific values as well as
scientifically proved procedures for purposes of preventing, diagnosing, and treating
adverse medical conditions.
Today, many people are now opting toward Alternative which is also called
Complementary Alternative Medicine
(CAM) .For example since the 1980s Patients use of CAM therapies has grown ... in
the United States CAM in creasingly is ... Show more content on ...
Many who prefer alternative
medicine are influenced by religious reasons. The majority of people s daily lives
and choices are influenced by reli gion and cultural beliefs. The providers of
alternative and modern medicine take a stand to say they did not differ in
spirituality, but a higher percentage of acupuncturists strongly agreed with the
statement that they tried to carry their
religious beliefs into the rest of their lives (Curlin). The interconnection in religion
and the belief of the medicine
provider sets the understanding that alternative medicine is often based on traditional
knowledge, which is why there
is sometimes not always enough scientific evidence available about their safety and
usefulness. Overtime, people
tend to become attracted to alternative medicine because there s a perceived health
benefit start to embrace the reli gious ideas underneath these practices (Moon). Due
to their beliefs, they become more attached to their religious
beliefs and internally attached to their cultural norms. The modern medicine is more
towards curing the patient with
the shortest time frame possible.
The assumption that there s a sort of spiritual energy at work (Moon), is explained in
Healer Beware: Are
We Ignoring the Non Christian Roots of Alternative Medicine? by Ruth Moon.
Alternative medicine is also intertwi ned spirituality and reaching in to help the
patient improve and heal from the inside.
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence2
Introduction: Domestic Violence is a crime that is growing every year. I am very
concerned about justice for anyone that is a victim of domestic violence by a loved
one. My purpose is to outline a crime victim policy for these victims. I intend to
define these victims clearly, point to statistics relative to the crimes against them,
analyze the context in which the crime occurs, state how victims might contribute to
the crimes against them, describe the impact of the crime on society, and list
proposed victim assistance to back up my new victim policy.
I. Everyone who has been a victim of Domestic Violencewill be included in this
policy A. Domestic Violenceincludes but not limited to ... Show more content on ...
Leaving can be dangerous. The most dangerous time for a woman who is being
abused is when she tries to leave. One thing that is a fact and not a myth is many
victims do leave and lead successful, violence free lives. (Suite 101) Anyone can be
a victim. Victims can be of any age, sex, race, culture, religion, education,
employment, or marital status. Although both men and women can be abused, most
victims are women. Children in homes where there is domestic violence are more
likely to be abused. Most children in these homes know about the violence.
Heterosexual males may also be victims of domestic violence or perpetrated by their
female partners. They experience the same as female victims such as experiences of
disbelief, ridicule, and shame that only enhance their silence. Individuals with
physical, psychiatric, and cognitive disabilities may not only experiences sexual and
domestic violence at a higher rate from
Domestic Violence6
intimate partners or spouses than the norm, but they may also experience
mistreatment, abuse, neglect, and exploitation from their caretakers, personal
assistants, paid staff, and family members. A sizable population is older women.
They are more likely to be bound by traditional and cultural ideology that prevents
them from leaving. They are usually financially dependent on their abusive spouse
and do not have access to the financial
Ambassador Of The United Kingdom
Good afternoon. I am grateful to Chancellor Rt. Hon. the Lord Patten of Barnes,
Vice Chancellor Professor Andrew Hamilton and indeed the entire leadership of this
great University for extending an invitation to have me speak here today. I have
spoken at many places but engaging any form of audience at the prestigious Oxford
University is something that I really have to place on my curriculum vitae. I am also
grateful to the US Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Ambassador Mathew Barzun
and his family for the warmth they have shown me since I got to the United Kingdom
and for being present at this function. Ambassador Barzun s pace setting involvement
with the internet especially at its early stage is something that I have for ... Show more
content on ...
These issues include shutdowns, ratifications and the war powers act. I will then
provide some advice to today s political leaders and even future political leaders.
However, before that I will like to set briefly the ball rolling with my personal history.
Personal History
I was born in January, 1939 in Rosemont, a small village in Maryland of a few
hundred people. My father was a World War I veteran and my mother a sort of
teacher, running some version of a reading school for the kids in the community.
1939 means I was born in the same year that the Second World War began and that
earned me the nickname the baby s that s getting his father to go to another war .
However, my father developed a terminal illness that meant that his participation in
World War 2 would only be to explain the essence and likely ramification of
reported war incidents and statements to myself and my four siblings. Inspired by
my father s war stories especially those that detailed the extent that many American
soldiers would go to defend their country, and also by the early Cold War
politicking, I enrolled in the US Naval Academy and passed out in 1955. At the time,
the Cold War was at its height and as was more than likely at the time, I fought in the
Vietnam War in the 1960s.
The Vietnam period was when my father s World War 1 tales and dissections of
World War 2 actions became most alive to me. The
Recycling Waste Of Recycling
Although recycling of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) based plastics decrease the
amount of these polymers that end up in municipal waste, the cost of recycling
these plastics for the producer are an important factor to weigh in to whether they
should be recycled or not. PVC is a soft and flexible plastic used to make clear plastic
food wrapping, computer cables, and even pipes and parts for plumbing. Because
PVC contains numerous toxins, food products using PVC require virgin material for
their construction. In general, there are two types of PVC recyclingprocesses,
mechanical and feedstock, which include their own respect costs, purposes, and
benefits. Although there are a large number of costs for the producer for recycling
PVC from the toxicity to the inefficacy of its recycling process, there are many
benefits that include reducing the amount of PVC in municipal waste and its
usefulness as a recycled product. In general, virgin PVC itself is already relatively
toxic as its main component is vinyl chloride, which is a carcinogen. Once PVC is
recycled once, its chemical properties deteriorate, and its toxicity becomes more
harmful, meaning its usefulness as a food container product no longer exist.
Therefore, recycled PVC cannot be used to its previous full potential lead companies
to think whether it is worth it to recycle this polymer. Although recycled polymers are
cheaper to produce, their quality decreases due to contamination with each recycling
cycle (1), and with
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Case Study
The United States Army decision to divest the OH 58D Kiowa Warrior was an end
to an airframe that has a long history of service. No other airframe in the United
States Army has the reliability, close air support, and overall operational readiness
rate. Many Soldiers lives affected by the divestiture of this airframe, some have
lost their jobs, or forced into different needs of the Army. The decision to divest the
OH 58D is important , leaving this important role to the AH 64D/E Apache, and
unmanned aerial vehicles. The OH 58 has been in service since 1969 as a Light
Observation Helicopter. (Wikipedia January 2017) Many variants include OH 58A,
OH 58B, OH 58C, and OH 58D; an OH 58F was in the testing phase but scrapped.
The... Show more content on ...
The small but agile airframe primarily used for observation or the scout role,
gathering Intel about enemy movements across the battlefield. No airframe in the
Army s fleet could provide close air support to ground vehicle convoys like the
airframe did, sometimes flying within 50 feet of conveys to ensure their protection.
This close air support was valuable to providing convoys make it to their destination
unharmed, showing teeth to any would be attacker. In addition, ground troops hailed
the aircraft for its quick response in the battle space, apparently saving many
American Soldiers lives. Working joint operations with the AH64D/E Apache
helicopter Apache missions scrubbed due to maintenance issues causing units with
OH 58D to deploy more aircraft to support their mission losses. If any ground troop
wanted fast and effective close air support, many would have chosen the OH 58D.
Stories often heard was how the OH 58D came flying in and suppressed the threat
allowing ground troops to advance and continue the mission. Just having this airframe
in the battle space contained many threats before they even evolved; supporting lost
capabilities this helicopter has brought to the U.S
Teaching English As A Second Language
Term Paper
Teaching English as a second language can be a difficult task and the challenges that
teachers face vary greatly from student to student and classroom to classroom. The
internship working Professor Jesse Stewart and his students from his ESL 116 class
was eye opening and great opportunity to work with students who had a range of
English levels. Each student was unique in that they learned differently, had different
language backgrounds and had different language abilities but one thing that seemed
similar was the type of mistakes they were making in their papers for the class. The
errors that the students made in fact reflected the common errors that many ESL
students make everyday and though the reason for these errors is still debated in the
field of linguistics the errors themselves still tend to be similar across language
backgrounds and teaching environments. The theoretical side of this paper deals with
the common errors that ESL learners make as well as the development of literacy and
writing in ESL learners, language assessment, and the importance of ESL in
Canada. Later in this paper, I will include a more practical comparison of my own
experiences with students to the errors discussed previously, as well as give an
insight into my view of the course and how it will help me in the future.
Literacy and Writing Development
Since the focus of ESL116 was academic reading and writing it is prudent to include
information and theories regarding the
Symbols In The Military Propaganda
Propaganda can be seen as any information of a biased or misleading nature that is
used to promote a political point of view. The oversized warning with an
exclamation mark in a red box on the propaganda suddenly captures the reader s
mind; as the reader gazes at the propaganda they read, our homes are in danger now!
The propagandas goal is to tell the citizens of the United Stated that there homes are
in danger; the symbols used in the propagandaare two army men, one from German
and one from Japan, looking at the North America, on the globe, with warfare in there
hands. The slogan they use is, our job, keep em firing, intended for the American
workers to keep manufacturing the warfare supply. This propaganda elicit an
emotional response
Sugar Crystals
Crystals are all beautiful creations! When an individual thinks of crystals, they
typically think of the type that are found and kept as valuables but that s not all
that crystals can be, they can also be edible. For example, Rock Candy is a type of
crystal that is edible. These types of crystals are sugarcrystals. Now, the real
question is, is it possible to make sugar crystals from the comfort of your own
home? In order to make sugar crystals you will need the following supplies; 1 cup
of water, 3 cups of table sugar, a clean glass jar, a pencil or butter knife, sting or
yarn (do not use nylon string), a pan, a spoon, and food coloring. The first step into
making these tasty treats is to tie a string to your pencil or butter knife. Make sure
that your string does not touch the bottom or sides of the jar in order for this
experiment to work. You can begin to boil water in the pan once your instructor has
confirmed that you are ready. Once the water begins to boil, stir in one spoonful of
sugar at a time. You want to make sure that you have a lot sugar in the solution but
not too... Show more content on ...
The string is the where the surfacing of the crystals will begin. Small crystals of
sugar will encrust the string as water evaporates from it. The tiny seed crystals
provide a starting point for the bigger crystals. Future growth of the crystals will
form around these points. The string provides the basic foundation for the crystals
to form on. Without the string, we would not be able to form the crystals together.
There is plenty of science behind sugar crystals. They are a very fascinating candy.
They are beautiful and tasty! Sugar crystals have some very interesting details and
are very simple to build. Once the molecules all come together in the end, you ll have
a beautiful crystal and a sweet treat! Can an individual build these crystals with just a
jar, some sugar and water, and a string? It is very much
The Dow Jones Industrial Index
The Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ composite are both significant
economic indicators. The Dow Jones was created by Charles Dow in 1896. The
Dow is a price weighted average of 30 significant stocks, most of which are traded on
the New York Stock exchange. The NASDAQ is the National Association of
Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System. It is the first and largest electronic
stock exchange in the world, consisting of more than 4000 companies. Both the Dow
Jones Industrial Averageand NASDAQare significant gauges of the current state of
the economy. However, the NASDAQ is much larger and includes more than 4000
companies, while the Dow Jones only includes 30 companies. All of the NASDAQ
stocks are also traded on the NASDAQ... Show more content on ...
The index also includes a broad range of companies, which allows people to
receive a good idea of the general condition and direction of the stock market. The
index can also be used to predict the direction of the stock market, which can be
helpful to some investors. This economic indicator is also a good tool for
comparing the current market to markets in the past because it has been around
for many years. The physiological importance that the Dow holds also increases its
significance greatly. The Dow is one of the highlights in financial news and even
people not familiar with the stock market have heard of it. The importance of the
Dow in financial news has a large influence over many people. The NASDAQ also
holds a lot of significance as an economic indicator. The main significance of the
NASDAQ composite index is that it is a representation of the stocks that are traded
on the NASDAQ stock exchange. There is no other exchange that has its own
popular index. This index is also very important because it represents a large
portion of tech and innovative companies. The NASDAQ is a very good indicator
of how the tech segments of the market are doing. The NASDAQ composite index
is also the NASDAQ s main and longest running index. The physiological
importance held by this indicator is also very significant because of how people
base the state of the stock market on the state of the index. The index is very
The Black Of Black Arts Movement Essay
The Black Arts Movement was considered to be the artistic part of the Black Power
Movement when it was formed in the 1960s and lasted until mid 1970s. It featured
several Black writers, poets, playwrights, artists, and musicians, who sought to
explore the essence of black identity , commonly referred to as the Black Aesthetic.
The Black aesthetic was both a cultural and artistic ideology that was developed
from many Black Americans who desired self determination and separation from the
white community. Several of the artists who contributed to the Black Arts Movement
included, but is not limited to, Leroi Jones, also known as Amiri Baraka, Larry Neal,
Nikki Giovanni, and Sonia Sanchez. They sought to create art that spoke directly to
the issues, needs, aspirations and sociopolitical rights of Black Americans. Overall,
this movement is one of the most influential movements in regards to Black literature
and music because it inspired Black peopleto write and led to the creation of theaters,
journals, magazines, and art institutions. The Black Arts Movement was also said to
be the spiritual sister of the Black PowerMovement, but although the movement
claimed to be the sister of the Black Power Movement, it was sexist, racially
exclusive and was in no way feminine of supportive of its Black women.
Leroi Jones, also known as Amiri Baraka, founded the Black Arts Movement in
Harlem, New York in 1965. The movement was officially established in 1965 when
Baraka launched the
Elie Saab Research Paper
With 100 boutiques and a $200 net worth, Elie Saab has proven that he has what it
takes to be a part of the fashion industry. He was born in Damour, Lebanon but he
went to school in Paris. At only eighteen years old, he started his own atelier with
fifteen employees. An atelier is a designer s studio. Over the years, he has dressed
many important people, but his career really took off when he dressed Halle Berry
when she went to the Oscars in 2002.
Elie Saab s 2018 Spring Ready to Wear show was in Paris this year. There was a wide
variety of maxi and mini dresses. The fringes were able to play different roles to give
the looks many different feels. Some outfits felts as if they were ready for the beach
or Coachella, while others were ready
The Norman Blumberg Housing Project
On May 3rd when I visited the site where the Norman Blumberg Housing Project
once stood, the air was hauntingly peaceful. I had read about the notoriety of the site
during my research, how over its existence it had become an area of concentrated
poverty and crime, but on this day this urban setting was quiet and calm. On the two
square city blocks where a complex of apartmentbuildings once ruled the landscape,
only a single high riseremained among the unchecked wild grass. However, even in
the peacefulness of this day in Sharswood, the looming presence of the infamous
Norman Blumberg Apartments could still be felt. After standing for nearly six
decades, the two public housing high rise buildings that once defined Blumberg
Apartments and... Show more content on ...
As a central part of this analysis, I will be discussing the role Blumberg Apartments
played in the deterioration of Sharswood. I will also be evoking the Pruitt Igoe
myth as Blumberg Apartments shares many similarities with the notorious Pruitt
Igoe development. Finally, I will present and discuss the future transformation of
Sharswood as detailed by the Sharswood Blumberg Neighborhood Transformation
Plan. To judge the success or failure of Blumberg Apartments, we must first analyze
the project as it works to provide good housing. Good housing should not just be
regarded as a noun, it should also encompass housing as a verb. The commodity of
the house as a shelter is the noun. This commodity should provide a place for
redressing. It should hold the essential necessities that make for a comfortable and
complete home. A place that balances privacy and social interactions. As a verb, good
housing should be a utility that works to enhance one s life (Turner, 1972). It should
be a stepping stone towards opportunity. For Blumberg Apartments in the grand
scheme, both of these facets can be regarded as failures. As the housing projects
suffered through massive deterioration, it failed as a commodity. Residents described
how their housing had stairwells that reeked of urine and dirty diapers, constantly
breaking appliances and elevators, and the frequent sounds of gunshots (Colaneri,
2016). Furthermore, units were found to not meet minimum size standards and

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Creative Writing Essays Topics. Descriptive Essay Writing Topics For Grade 6

  • 1. Creative Writing Essays Topics Writing an essay on the topic "Creative Writing Essays Topics" can be both challenging and intriguing. The difficulty lies in the broad scope of the subject matter. Creative writing encompasses a wide range of genres, styles, and techniques, making it challenging to narrow down specific topics to explore. Additionally, crafting an engaging and original essay requires a deep understanding of literary concepts, effective storytelling, and the ability to think outside the box. To tackle this topic effectively, one must spend considerable time brainstorming potential essay ideas, conducting research to gather relevant examples and references, and structuring the essay in a coherent and compelling manner. Furthermore, the process of creative writing itself demands a high level of creativity, which can be demanding for some individuals. However, despite the challenges, writing an essay on this topic can also be immensely rewarding. It allows for exploration of one's creativity, encourages innovative thinking, and provides an opportunity to express oneself through the written word. By delving into various aspects of creative writing, such as character development, plot construction, and narrative techniques, writers can gain valuable insights into the craft of storytelling and hone their own writing skills. In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Creative Writing Essays Topics" may pose certain difficulties due to its vast and multifaceted nature, it also presents an exciting opportunity for exploration and self-expression. With dedication, creativity, and a systematic approach, one can overcome these challenges and produce a compelling piece of writing that explores the intricacies of creative expression. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Creative Writing Essays TopicsCreative Writing Essays Topics
  • 2. Western Pleasure vs Hunter Jumpers Nikki Yager Mrs. Yates English II 3 October 2010 English Essay There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. Winston Churchill. Horses not only inspire their riders, but also the spectators. The art of equestrian is generally disregarded as a competitive sport. Being a rider not only takes raw talent but also devotion, skill, concentration, knowledge, and strength. With a variety of riding styles, it s difficult to express which one is superior to the others. There is tension between the horsemen with different riding styles; each believe their accomplishments take more skill. Western Pleasure riding and English Hunter Jumpers are two distinctive techniques with diverse characteristics, but ... Show more content on ... Doping and the inappropriate use of normal medications present a serious threat to the integrity and reputation of our sport, because they give athletes an unfair advantage and threaten the welfare of horses. (FEI s Clean Sport Campaign pg1) Federation Equestre Inerationale and several other animal welfare organizations have well established regulations trying to create a more perfect sport. Because riding in shows is so competitive riders need to understand that showing isn t always about winning but learning for the experience of showing. Western Pleasure riding and English Hunter Jumpers are two distinctive techniques with diverse characteristics, but the riders themselves share a common attitude of love and passion for riding. Talent and technique ample for creating a riding career, but the need for passion in riding significantly exceeds that of talent and technique. The creation of the horse is a gift, which enables people to feel freedom and adoration towards a magnificent animal. Riders with a desire to succeed recognize that riding is not about conquering the horse but becoming one with the
  • 3. Medicinal Use Of Medical Marijuana Introduction The debate surrounding the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes has been around for many years. Patients with chronic debilitating illnesses taut the benefits of marijuana, whether through smoking or eating it, and claim that its use has been instrumental in allowing them to live normal, productive lives. Others, like those in law enforcement and the government, believe that allowing marijuana to be used for medicinal reasons will result in a higher incidence of illicit drug use, along with encouraging users to seek bogus exemptions under the medicinal marijuana laws (Fang, 2014). Used for thousands of years to treat a variety of illnesses, there is no evidence that the use of marijuana for treatment purposes led people to ... Show more content on ... Under the state medical marijuana laws, the patient s doctor recommends the use of marijuana but does not write a prescription as it is not available at pharmacies, nor is it covered by any type of insurance plan. Patients and/or their caregivers, along with growers and sellers, must register with the state to indicate their participation in the medical marijuana program. Also, the patient must have at least one defined debilitating or qualifying medical condition ( Controlled Substance Act, 2014). These conditions can be difficult to define as patients often self report the benefits they receive from smoking marijuana. According to one study, patients report that marijuana relieves pain, muscle spasms, headaches, anxiety, depression, cramps, diarrhea and panic attacks. In addition, they report that it improves their sleeping, appetite, ability to relax and concentrate (Reinarman et al., 2011). Not surprising, 90% of the physician recommendations describe the patient as having chronic pain ( Controlled Substance Act,
  • 4. Past and Present of Peruvian Cuisine Essay Located in South America on the Pacific Coast lies a country named Peru, which offers one of the world s greatest cuisines. The country of Peru is exquisitely diverse with geography containing the Andes Mountains and highlands, the tropical/Amazon Basin and the coast. All of which contribute significantly to the Peruvian cuisine. Peruvian cuisine is a unique blending of Andean and Spanish cultures over 500 years, mixed with Japanese, Chinese, African, Arab, and other influences (Cayo, 33). With the cuisine being a fusion of many different cultures, it retains unique elements of each and creates a distinct cuisine of its own making it unmatched in its diversity and individuality. The best part of Peruvian cuisine is the similarities in the... Show more content on ... As Lorson discusses, the local cuisines found around the entire country rely on the environment and the geographic location of each. The influences and style of Peruvian cooking can be divided into three main culinary/climatic regions of Peru which include, the Andes Mountains and highlands, the Tropical / Amazon Basin and the Coast. Indigenous to the Andes Mountains region is the potato, and the region features a wide array of potato and sweet potato varieties. In fact, in Peru you can find more than 3,800 varieties of potatoes. Corn was a staple of Andean cuisine. Peruvians presently continue to enjoy both the chicha morada, a drink made from purple corn, and chicha de jora, a fermented corn beer. The ancient Incan peoples came up with interesting preparation and preservation methods. Chunos, or dried potatoes, remain a staple and charqui, or jerky, is one of the few Andean foods that have been adopted around the world. The Incan influence remains strong in Peru. The cuisine of the Peruvian Tropical / Amazon Basin is quite different from the rest of the areas of the nation. The region boasts a large amount of tropical fruits, most of which you are not able to find outside of the country of Peru. As implied in the article, History of and Variation in Peruvian Cuisine, the individuals that are living in this region of Peru include the abundant and distinctive tropical fruits as a main staple of their diet. Popular
  • 5. The Role Of Death In Erich Maria Remarque s All Quiet On... In All Quiet On The Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque expresses how the human nature of the Iron Youth alters because of WW1 after witnessing horrendous acts during the struggle between life and death. The human nature of Paul Baumer changes dramatically as he must conform his life to that of a cold, harsh, unforgiving German soldier. Every event that occurs when the novel begins to unravel as each man has a mess tin full for the evening, to the moment where Remarque shifts to show fighting the oversized, disgusting rats in order to get a crust off an old sandwich exemplifies the war. As human natureprogresses from joy to compassion to guilt, the soldiers learn a new definition of surviving as they experience deathafter death of true... Show more content on ... Once Paul has made his way back to the western front, havoc begins to unleash like never before, because his human nature is a murderer picking GГ©rard Duval as the victim as fear takes over Paul s life. Duval is a vulnerable enemy that blindlessly jumps towards his death as if he were a lamb up for slaughter. The idea that Duval blindly jumps to his death as if he were up for slaughter like a lamb that represents all young soldiers where their human nature, fear, controls life as they know it. Paul s human nature has lead him to the killing of printer, GГ©rard Duval because the time on leave changes him between the unnecessary praising and the deterioration of his beloved potato maker s illness. Instantly Paul is flooded with regret because he has killed the printer, GГ©rard Duval [and] must be a printer, I think confusedly, be a printer, printer (107) in order to correct the death of him in a moral sense. The war has made Paul lifeless and just another soldier that belongs to the Iron Youth. The war has affected human nature as Remarque varies it from guilt, sorrow, joy and to go as far as no feelings as he becomes desensitized before seeing his mom that makes him realize the guilt that lives with him that leads to the act he committed against Duval as if it has no effect. The idea of the Iron Youth is coined to show that soldier are unstoppable but emotional the most affected because the death of friends, Kemmerich does not emotionally bother him with the exception of sorrow. Fear runs through the veins of soldiers that fiercely fight for their country because everything and everyone is unpredictable especially when one is across enemy lines. After bullet and bullet are fired , Burning I wait for our attack. My hands are white at the knuckles, I clench
  • 6. Subus 500 Objectives SUBWAYВ® chain was founded by Fred DeLuca in Connecticut, USA, in 1965. It has now been a multi billion company with more than 30000 outlets in 87 countries. There were 1254 open SUBWAYВ® restaurants in Australia till March 2011. As it has become a very popular brand, there are progressive plans to frequently open more SUBWAYВ® restaurants in Australia in the future. Franchise 500 , an entrepreneur magazine has named it as the number one franchise opportunity based on research and surveys of franchises located in the United States in 2010. 1.Are the corporate objectives clearly stated and do they lead logically to the marketing objectives? The corporate objective of SUBWAYВ® is very straight forward, i.e. to bring the customers into ... Show more content on ... 3.What is the core marketing strategy for achieving its objectives? Is it a sound strategy? The core marketing strategy of SUBWAYВ® for achieving its objectives is to address health, fresh and custom made sandwiches in accordance to the expectation of the customers by number of approaches. SUBWAYВ® introduces national sponsorship event like American Heart Association Heart Walks as well as local events such as triathlons and children s sports teams to market its product. The marketing strategy of SUBWAYВ® is one of the best examples of focusing on market demand, consumer trends, product leveraging and innovation. It is a sound strategy because SUBWAYВ® have been strategically positioned to advance market share in near future by the marketing strategies of creating clear brand recognition, brand and product association and market demands. Moreover, these marketing strategies are also repeatable fundamental marketing strategies surpassing the fast food market. SUBWAYВ® is in constant touch with consumers through its dedicated specialist customer care team. As a part of their marketing strategy, SUBWAYВ® identifies which venues and retail chains would be most manageable to quick service brands as branded fast food has began to move into other non traditional venues such as colleges, airports, military bases, hospitals and amusement
  • 7. The Importance of Giving Back to My Community Essay Many people do not care about where they come from. Many people are selfish with their time and effort, but not me I do care about where I came from and I devote most of my time and effort to make many people happy. I try my hardest to do the right thing and to give back when I know I should. Giving back to my community is an important thing to me. People should care and protect about their communities. Three reasons why giving back to my community is important to me is because my community has done so much for me, I take so much pride in where I am from, and because I want people to see how wonderful my community is. My community has done so much for me. Giving back to my community is the least I could do for what all it has done for... Show more content on ... To look at the mass of woodland and the Emory River is a sight that will take your breath away. Oakdale is full of so much history its unbelievable. Looking at the old building structures is just enough to show how much history Oakdale has hiding. This is one reason why giving back to my community is important to me. I want to keep my community beautiful and I want everyone to know just how marvelous Oakdale really is. One other reason, is because I want tourists and anyone visiting my community to feel humble and welcome. I want the best for my community. Whenever someone comes to visit, I want them to be amazed by my community, and I want them to see what I see and feel what I feel about my community. By giving back to my community, I can make sure that it stays a clean, safe, and an enjoyable place to be. I do not want anyone to leave Oakdale and say anything negative about how bad the community was. By my contribution I hope that I can make everyone a little happier. I dislike graffiti or anything of the sorts and if I see any I make my best effort to cover it up. Liter is another thing that I can not tolerate; I will get rid of it if I see it, because I want my community to look its best at all times. In conclusion, giving back to my community is very important to me. The main reasons why giving back is important to me is because my community has done so much for me, I take pride in where I am from, and because I want everyone to be amazed about my
  • 8. Financial Analysis Of Nike Preface This report is part of Introduction to Business subject (MGT1101). The topic is Nike Inc. This report was written to give the reader an insight into Nike Inc. This report was written to show the reader different aspects of the company, how it was established, what it has to offer and some general knowledge of the company that may be interesting and useful. In this report we will take you through Nike s journey in becoming such a successful and well known brand and how it maintains its standards and keep the company alive also the struggle of competing with other heavy weight companies in the same industry. Table of contents page Chapter1 1 Company History 1.1 Chapter2 2 Company s form of ownership Chapter3 3 Company products Chapter4 4 Company s form of competition ... Show more content on ... Nike is now the most popular brand. It s not only in America, but also throughout the whole world. Nike has all the athletic shoes, clothes, and other accessories one would need to wear in their certain sport. Nike s target market for their shoes, clothes and other accessories are males and females between 18 and 35 years old. Nike s Competitive market has expanded and dominated in the international market. Nike disburses TV ads during professional and college sports events, prime time programs, and late night TV programs. A financial analysis helps us compare a company s current performance with its past performance Gives us an idea of how the entire industry is performing as well as liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, and leverage ratios will give us a good understanding of how Nike, Adidas Group, and Under Armour are performing. The strengths Nike gets top athletes to wear and sponsor their products rather than events or competitions as much. Nike explains that people tend to remember what the player wore and not the brand that sponsors the event that the players perform at. The
  • 9. Chapter 2 Of The Annual Shape Trip-Personal Narrative It was day 2 of the annual canoe trip that my Boy Scout troop goes on. I was in a kayak because of a lack of canoes. The day started out with a cold and groggy morning. The scouts ventured out to find wood to start a fire with, and the adults began to fix breakfast and their morning cup of coffee. After the boys had gathered enough wood for a fire, and the adults had breakfast prepared to be cooked, the scouts constructed a roaring fire for everyone to cook their food over. Breakfast was set to be fish. Since we were without any electronics or cooking devices, we made hobo packs, which consisted of putting all of our food in an aluminum foil wrap and heating it. The painstaking wait was over, and we now had a delicious meal to fill our stomachs before another day on the water.... Show more content on ... The day began a slow one. It picked up as time ticked by. Eventually, the time for lunch had rolled around, so we stopped on an island to have lunch. Slowly, but surely, the entire troop regrouped at the island and enjoyed a tasty meal of hotdogs and chips. Lunch came to an end, and everyone s stomachs were full. Once more, we abided by our Scout Motto, and left the island so we could paddle our way to the end of our endeavour. Just a short distance of nearly a mile from the island, some heavy rapids awaited our coming. They were something we all had to just deal with, and figure out by trial and error, the best way to pass through them. A fellow scout of mine, Ben, decided he wanted to be the first to try his luck in these rapids. Ben was a first year scout, who had never been on the canoe trip before. Ben was in a kayak as well. I followed closely behind Ben so that I could be of assistance should anything go
  • 10. The Gold Rush Of California Gold is a very precious metal that with in any community is pressed very highly. To a surprise to several, after the United States won California from Mexico. A land owner had found several pieces of gold along the river bed of the San Francisco. Circumstances lead to this land owner not wanting to reveal this information to the world. Nevertheless, the information was spread so began the Gold Rush in California. This magnificent event gave light to great change but was it the right move for progress and growth for the new founded country the United States. Growth in my eyes is defined as the increase of wealth among all the population that is living in a general area. Wealth should be defined as in a way where a family can live with good... Show more content on ... However the turning point was the way the environment was being effected by the means of destroying the land to get to the gold dug into the ground. Over all the gold rush was looked at as a great passage in the right direction for developing a modern world but it ended up leading us back, words, back into an era where monarchy rules the world. The daily life of a miner was far from perfect. The way the papers and other means of propaganda had portrayed getting rich quick, but it was far from easy. All the equipment that was needed to start out as a miner was for the most part outrageous. The earning wages from gold was sixteen dollars an ounce pg.8. Even so, the work was backbreaking. There was swarms of minors trying to get rich quick. To many miners that traveled to get a piece of the precious metal they where resorted to taking land from previous land owner just to get ahead in the Gold Rush. Not to mention that the living conditions where also outrageous. The rentals of hotels and other business structures, whether of boards or of canvas, reached even dizzier heights than did commodity prices pg.8. This spaces where set prices at 3,000 dollars a month or 40,000 dollars for a year, there was also other prices around the area of San Francisco. And in some cases miners where resorted to living in a room filled to the brim with other miners. This lead to very poor conditions for any one to live in. But nothing was better then being rich in a few months or
  • 11. Analysis Of The Poem V Darkness (not edited) Nova s P.O.V Darkness... Darkness is all I see right now I somehow know I m not dead but not alive either I m in between both like a coma not dead nor alive just sleeping. I look around trying to find away out, Hello? I ask but nothing happens I start walking around with no direction not knowing if I m going round and round I m not scared I actually feel relaxed I don t know why. Hello? I ask again, this time something appears in front of me it s like a movie screen I stare at it waiting for something to happen. A few seconds later something starts playing; at first it was blurry but it slowly focused, there s a women and her two children I stare closely at them they look familiar but who are they; I stared closely at them my eyes widen, It was mom, Xavier and me before mom died and Xavier disappeared. We look so happy together swinging on the swing and laughing blowing some bubble here and there the blue and sky and green grass. I remember this day it was my birthday, I was turning 6 that day, and we went to the park together everything was just perfect. I smiled at the memory seeing my moms face hearing her laughter her voice once more. I feel the need of reaching out and hugging her at least one last time but I don t, and my brother just two years older than me taking care of me making sure I was ok catching me at the end of the slide and kissing my forehead I wish I could hug them both and never let them go. I couldn t help it no more I just
  • 12. Case Study Of Liftup Globalization, fierce competition and dynamic market environment are some of the main challenges which multinational companies face nowadays. Therefore, performance management as well as process optimization have gained significant importance these days. The project group has been asked to assist the case company with performance managementsystem implementation. At the same time another performance management system is designed for parallel implementation, thus the group needs to provide suggestions concerning relevant KPI s, theory, technological and implemenetation aspects. LiftUp as established by the inventors in 2003 with NOVI Innovation in Aalborg as co investors and partners and is today an innovative company where the foundation is the development of welfare technology products in accessibility. Liftup has an ambitious growth target of 50% pro anno and the growth should in large parts stem from new product developments. ... Show more content on ... In addition, the company is interested in involvement of the end users as well as business partners in product development and innovation phase. Therefore a detailed action plan has been created, which aims for effective stakeholder involvement in product development and
  • 13. Combination Padlock Research Paper Description of a Combination Padlock General Description Combination padlocks are most commonly used anywhere that provide lockers. There are many different brands of combination padlocks but each of them are roughly the same design they can be as simple or as complexed as wanted. This lock is simple to use and has very few parts. Usually when using a combination padlock you will have a set of three random numbers to dial in. The highest number that the combination will go to is 35 and the lowest number is zero. Figure 1: Parts of a combination padlock Sources: How to Use Your Master Combination Padlock. Locker Lock Blog. N.p., 12 Sept. 2012. Web. 25 Feb. 2016. Shackle: The shackle is a thick metal upside U shape. One end of the shackle is placed securely inside the lock, and can not be removed. The other end of the shackle lifts about a half of an inch above the padlock when unlocked. If unlocked the shackle can spin around in a 180 degree motion. If the padlock in locked the other end of the shackle is then placed securely inside the lock.... Show more content on ... The indicator points to the number that has been selected, in order to make the selection visibly clear. To unlock the padlock each of the three random numbers with be stopped directly under the indicator, or the padlock will not open. Dial: The dial is a black circle that you turn in order to unlock the padlock. The dial is numbered from zero to thirty five with small ticks indicating the other numbers in between. The dial also has a small nob that only the thumb and the index finger can fit on. This nob is a part of the dial that helps the user fully turn it to the indicator. The dial can either be turned clockwise (to the right) or counter clockwise (to the
  • 14. FDR The First Hundred Days Essay FDR The First Hundred Days One of the most traumatic situations this country has ever experienced was the Great Depression. It was an extraordinary event for the people of this country because , unlike the previous events such as wars this country has experienced, it directly affected whole families, including women and children. Many families were living in conditions similar to what we see in third world countriestoday. These extraordinary times required an extraordinary leader. Franklin D. Rooseveltwas such a leader. While his New Deal policies were not the sole solution to the multitude of problems that this country faced, the first hundreddays of his administration set in place the foundation that ultimately restored the... Show more content on ... During his campaign, however, it was hard to tell exactly what Roosevelt s New Deal policy was. He lashed out against the Hoover administration for high tariff policies, but by the end of the campaign, no real difference separated the candidates on the tariff issue. In his speeches he said he would increase aid to the unemployed, but he would slash federal spending (Leuchtenburg 10). One of the New Deal administrators reflected subsequently: Given later developments, the campaign speeches often read like a giant misprint, in which Roosevelt and Hoover speak each other s lines (qtd. in Leuchtenburg 11). However, Hoover s handling of the economic crisis and many other issues virtually assured Roosevelt of the Presidency. In his inaugural speech, Roosevelt said This nation asks for action, and action now.... We must act and act quickly (qtd. in Schlesinger 1). This address was also where his famous quote The only thing we have to fear is fear itself was uttered (qtd. in Freidel 93) The first part of the New Deal happened in the first three months of his presidency, which became know as the hundred days. The first objective of the new administration was to get the banks on a more firm footing. On his very first night in office, Roosevelt directed his Secretary of the Treasury to draft an emergency banking bill, and gave him only five days to get it ready. On March fifth he proclaimed a national bank holiday to close the
  • 15. Drug Use By Athletes In 1998, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa, two professional baseball players of the major baseball league were put up to the test to see who could break Roger Maris s home run record of 61 by the end of the season. On September 8, McGwire beat Sosa with 70 runs while Sosa came in second with 66. However, later in 2010 McGwire admitted that he used androstenedione which is an over the counter muscle enhancement product, when he broke the home runrecord. At the time, the use of that drug had been banned by the National Football League, the International Olympic Committee, and the World Anti Doping Agency, but not by Major League Baseball .This product was also not federally classified as an anabolic steroid in the United States until 2004. Up until... Show more content on ... This will also encourage players to not use steroids or any other drug in general in order to keep up with other players. When taking drugs it is always risky because of the fact that the consumer will most likely consume more than the prescribed amount. The use of drugs gives an dishonest turn to the game which later doesn t have any point to it because of the fact that the drug consumer is not playing with their own talent, but with the effects that the drug is giving them. Drug testing athletes would not only show true talent, but also prevent health risks occurring to any of the players. With athletes not being tested, we will never know who is at risk. Drug testing should not be seen as getting caught it should be seen as a learning experience. Drug consumers can be educated on the risks that drugs have not only their health but their performance out on the field as well. Athletes on drugs are athletes who run the risk of getting seriously hurt, or hurting others. Also, participation in such sports is voluntary. Anyone who wishes not to be drug tested would have the option of not participating in them. The benefits of athletes getting drug tested are obvious: It would make a decrease in drug use among public schools. Doctors and parents will become more cautious about drug use among their athletes. Parents could then give their child the support they really
  • 16. The Concept Of Jesus Being Fully Man Introduction The concept of Jesus being fully man but also fully God at the same time has been debated amongst scholars, both Christians and non Christians alike for centuries. The doctrine and study surrounding the person of Jesus is known as Christology, and after extensive and often hostile debates the Church gave a concluding definition of its Christology in 451 CE at the Council of Chalcedon. It was stated that they affirmed the belief in Jesus Christ as one Person in two natures, which are united without confusion. The early church was adamant that the Incarnation was one of the most important truths of the Christian faith. Maurice Wiles, an Oxford patristic scholar summarised the Chalcedons s aims as follows: On the other hand was the conviction that a saviour must be fully divine; on the other hand was the conviction that what is not assumed is not healed. Or, to put the matter in other words, the source of salvation must be God; the locus of salvation must be humanity. It is quite clear that these two principles often pulled in opposite directions. The Council of Chalcedon was the church s attempt to resolve, or perhaps rather to agree to live with, that tension. This essay will examine and critically analyse this stance alongside answering the question of would it matter if Jesus were not fully God and fully human? Five specific points will be looked at; Jesus is God, Jesus is man, Jesus is a sinless man, Jesus will be fully God and man forever, and
  • 17. Patricia Monologue Scene III Hernan is walking from left to right and from right to left. He appears to be worried about something. He is wearing different clothes. It is midnight of the next day. He checks his phone: no texts messages, no calls, no nothing. Hernan: Where is she? Where could she be? He calls her. After a few minutes of waiting on the phone, expecting Patricia to answer, the phone goes directly to voice mail: You have reached the number... Then he hangs up, not letting the message to be over. There is a knock on the door. Hernan runs to answer it. Patricia: I m sorry my dear, I thought I d brought the key with me [She discharges a hiccup sound] Thank God you re here. Let me present you to my friend Oscar. She goes on and moves forward into the... Show more content on ... Sometimes I think my face should appear on a hundred dollar bill. Patricia: In that case, I will be calling you more often, just like Angela does. Hernan: [He quips] I ll block you from my life instantly. The phone rings again. The both remain silent. Patricia: You should turn it off if you re not going to answer. Hernan: I ll do that. He says it as he does it: turns his phone off. Patricia: She stands up, suddenly feel dizzy. Oh. Hernan: Alarmed he stands from his bed. What? Patricia: Nothing is fine. I just got up too quickly and my drinking has gone to my head already. Hernan: From today until that child is born, no more drinking, clear? Patricia: Clear. But the temptation here is too big. I mean I was just gambling in one of those machines and a waitress, out of the blue, comes and asks me what do I want to drink she said it was on the house. And when I least expected, I had 5 rums on me already. Hernan: It s my fault. Who brings a pregnant woman to sin city with him? Only your gay friend, Pati. They both laugh. Come on. Let s go and prepare you a bath, it will be good for you. They both walk toward the bathroom; as they walk, Hernan tosses his phone on top of the
  • 18. Analysis Of A Good Man Down Sports Illustrated writer, Lee Jenkins, writes about the impact of a small town football coach had on his community, before and after death in the article A Good Man Down. The author explains the life of Ed Thomas, the head coach for the Apilington Parkersburg football team in Iowa. Ed Thomas was shot and killed while training his athletes by Mark Becker. Lee Jenkins begins by using very detail accounts to bring out the pathos of the town, bringing the audienceto feel emotionally connected to the town of Parkersburg. In the beginning of this article Jenkins explains the importance of the field to Ed Thomas. Every morning Ed walked the field, looking for any imperfection to correct. Dave Meyer, the Apilington Parkersburg principal said, It s probably the best field in the state. The field was so import to Ed Thomas and he took such great care of it that it was even named after him. The field has standard issue metal bleachers, no box office, no fancy scoreboard. What makes it special, what makes it sacred, is the love that Thomas poured into the turf. Ed Thomas did anything he could help the town out. On some Sundays, he d fill in for the pastor if they were not able to preach. He gave newborn boys FUTURE FALCONS certificates. He did everything from being a driver s ed instructor to mowing his precious field. He had no idea how much more of an impact he would have. On May 25, 2008, a tornado with winds exceeding 200 mph cut a hole three quarters of a mile wide
  • 19. Gangs and Violence in The Prison System Essay Gangs and Violence in the Prison System Introduction Gang violence is nationwide and is one of the most prominent problems in the prison system today. Gangs are known to attempt to control the prisons/jails, instill fear within the prison system and throughout the society, and bring negative attention to the system. Gang affiliated inmates comprise about 18 percent of the 18000 inmate population. (Seabrook) A growing numbers of inmates and a large amount of them serving longer sentences for violent crimes suggest a notable increase in gangs and violence in the prison system in the upcoming future. History Prisons began to bulge with gang members when states enacted tougher laws for gang related crime in the mid to late ... Show more content on ... In order to find a solution for the problem the prison system took and is still taking steps such as classifying the gang members and other violent inmates as security threat groups (STG s). Both prison officials and law enforcement agencies refer to gangs as STG s rather than gangs in order to take away from the assumptions and exposure that the word gang gets. There are several ways of becoming classified as a security threat group, such as self admission, known gang tattoos, confiscation of STG paraphernalia, or information provided by an informant acknowledging the inmate as a gang member. All known security threat groups are kept in single inmate cells known as administration segregation to separate them from the rest of the inmate population, in hopes of reducing the amount of communication between gang members and the amount violence. One problem with administration segregation is a the amount of available space; the number of inmates classified as a security threat group greatly exceeds the space available thus causing many prisons to keep STG s in the general inmate population and putting only leaders of the gangs in administration segregation. The simple decision of allowing the security threat groups to remain in the general inmate population increases the probability of violence within the prison tremendously. The prisons have also implemented a graduate
  • 20. Oh The Places You Ll Go Essay The unpleasant disturbance from my mother s phone call awakes me in the morning. I overhear her conversation with my grandmother in Spanish. My mother informs my grandmother that I am having difficulty in learning English, since Spanish is my first foreign language. She suggests purchasing Dr. Seuss book, Oh, the Places You ll Go! to not only improve my reading comprehension, but also to understand the purpose of reading books. The vivid illustration and short sentences captivate me to read the book. As the story unfolds, the main character travels to the Waiting Place, a place where people can think and reconsider their choices in life. The author conveys to his audience that people face hardships throughout life, but they can surpass their obstacles with determination. Likewise, in my Waiting Place, I am conflicted with two choices: to continue reading Dr. Seuss foreign language or to choose a simpler novel. After reading Oh, the Places You ll Go! it encouraged me to further my writing and reading skills in high school. During freshman year of high school, I was placed in English Literature with a group of thirty girls. My... Show more content on ... Instead of grammar books, my college professor recommends Mercer Street, a collection of essays written by New York University students. As seen in Mercer Street, students wrote eloquent essays by incorporating secondary sources and concise language. Throughout my freshman year of college, I want to improve my reading skills by analyzing essays in Mercer Street and forming my own thoughts on the subject. Additionally, I want to be able to enhance my writing skills by forming a well written thesis to strengthen my argument. Even though the short phrases from Oh, the Places You ll Go! transforms into long written works as seen in the Mercer Street, college will help me form new ideas to incorporate in my
  • 21. Ask the Dust by John Fante BookRags Literature Study Guide Ask the Dust by John Fante For the online version of BookRags Ask the Dust Literature Study Guide, including complete copyright information, please visit: ask the dust/ Copyright Information 2000 2012 BookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The following sections of this BookRags Literature Study Guide is offprint from Gale s For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare Contrast, What Do I Read Next?, For Further Study, and ... Show more content on ... Their mutual love and hatred for one another, and for themselves, provides an intensely dark comedy that exposes their inner conflicts, their racial bigotry and their low self esteem, as they struggle to survive in a contrived culture to which neither will ever really belong. John Fante s description of Los Angeles during the depression of gaunt faces and lost humanity is haunting and riveting, as told through the eyes of a young man who is not altogether stable. The smog, traffic, dust, grime and shallow lifestyles of southern California were already present in 1939, making this story relevant still today. The earthquake scene in the story is just as realistic as it might be today, complete with military intervention and the emergence of human kindness in the face of disaster. Camilla, Arturo, Sammy, Vera and Hellfrick are all non entities in the bustle of L.A. culture, but all are profoundly human in their suffering, confusion, and vices. All are battling a poor sense of self worth and struggling to survive in an indifferent world. Arturo Bandini takes us through this story in intimate first person, exposing us to his mood swings, his astute observations and his growth as an author and a man. In the Alta Loma Hotel in the Bunker Hill district of Los Angeles, writer Arturo Bandini s hotel room window opens onto the ground level, a smog and sand choked base of a palm tree as his view. Arturo s train of thought
  • 22. Short Story Of Eric Patterson A man that goes by the name Eric Patterson was reading a newspaper; he saw something that caught his eye in a newspaper ad. The newspaper ad talked about a deserted farmhouse that belonged to a deceased woman that was rich. The house was very valuable and was being auctioned at very high prices. Patterson didn t want buy the house because he knew he didn t have anything close to how much it was worth. Some of the things that the house would come with were a garden path and a lot of jewelry. The most valuable thing that was in that house was a diamond necklace. Patterson decided that he was going to rob the house the day before the auction. The day before the auction Patterson drove his motorcycle to the farmhouse. While he was going up the hill he was amazed at we saw. He saw a palomino stallion that really caught his eye, but he knew that it would be impossible for him to take a horse. As he is landscaping the house he sees a broken window, he chooses to go in from there because he thinks that the doors are probably secured. Right as he goes in from the window he hears a screaming burglar alarm. He didn t know that the house had motion sensors. He then panics but proceeds the robbery because he has already went inside, but he figured that he didn t have much time. The lights were all out but a glowing fireplace helped him see... Show more content on ... Right as he is leaving he hears a raspy laugh and runs. While he is running he accidently runs in to a table and drops a glass of champagne. As he leaves from the back door he sees a yellow Cadillac and finds the keys inside of it. He must of hit a bee hive because a swarm of bees were chasing him outside but he got rid of them before he got into the car. The cops show up and see him speeding off. After a long high speed chase he loses the cops. He already booked an airline ticket for the next day, so he was all set. He left the country and nobody ever knew that it was
  • 23. The Jolly Corner, By Henry James Henry James originally published The Jolly Corner, in 1908. He was a master in short stories and novella. The Jolly Corner, was about a man who once lived in the United States and migrated to Europe to pursue the love he once had for art, and reject a life in his family business. The Aleph later was published by Jorge Luis Borges in 1945, he wrote a story about, an aspiring sphere that, the author s character, Carlos had in his basement, that allows one to see all places in the world at all at once. Although these were two different stories they both had many similarities and differences with theme and symbols. The Jolly Corner written by Henry James, wrote about Spencer Brydon, who left the United States when he was younger, to pursue his career in art and writing short stories, instead of staying and helping run his family business. On Spencer return, to the United States, the text mentioned that, Spencer found many of his family and friends was no longer alive; moreover, he found that the people and environment had drastically changed. The economic growth of a new industrialized society had resulted in the removal of older buildings and welcomes the new infrastructures, making it hard for Spencer to recognize his neighborhood. Another part of spencer pass also reappears; Alice a long lost friend, she was the only person that took time to update Spencer on everything he missed out on throughout the years. Throughout the text, Alice accompanies Spencer as he
  • 24. Atrium Fire Rate Yi, Huo, Li and Feng Chow [13] study the relationship between the time when flooding flow of smoke occurs and the aspect ratio of atrium under different heat release rate (HRR) of fire,32 simulations were carried out using a field model, FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator, Version 3). The size of the atrium and HRR of steady fire are listed in Table (2 4). In all the simulations, the size of the fire room was set at 3 m Г— 3 m Г— 3 m, the fire was located at the center of the floor of the fire room, the height of atrium was 27 m. The vents in the fire floor were both 2 m Г— 1.5 m with sill at 1 m above the floor. The ambient temperature is 20 oC. Fig. (2 8) shows the situation of early stage when a fire occurs in an adjacent floor to an atrium. The fire floor has two vertical vents (WA and WB) open to outside and the atrium respectively. The ceiling of the atrium is open, and it is supposed that the isolation between the atrium and the other floors is ideal. ... Show more content on ... The velocity profile at the vents is simply shown in Fig. 1. At the top of the vents, because the smoke in the fire floor is lighter than the air in the atrium and outside, pressure difference between the fire floor and outside (atrium as the same) is larger than at the lower place of the vents. At the bottom of the vents, the pressure difference gets negative to that at the top. So there should be a zero pressure difference or zero velocity plane О± and ОІ at the two vents
  • 25. Media s Depiction Of Female Beauty After many years of decrying the media s unrealistic depiction of female beauty, over the last decade, women across the globe have raised their collective voices and insisted that the media portray more realistic and anatomically diverse idealized images of women (Bushak, 2015). As a result, Madison Avenue and Hollywood have begun to include models and actresses of varying shapes, sizes, and colors more frequently in ad campaigns, commercials, television shows, and movies (Bennett Smith, 2015). Subsequently, the media s depiction of female beauty has slowly started to become more inclusive and realistic (Lindsey, 2015). Nonetheless, more progress must be made in order to align the media s presentation of ideal female beauty with reality. Therefore,
  • 26. Fins 2624 Cheryl Mew FINS2624 Portfolio Management Semester 1, 2011 LECTURE 1 BOND PRICING WHAT IS A BOND? A bond is a claim on some fixed future cash flows. A commonwealth government bond (CGB) is a bond which pays semi annual coupons, in which the maturity date / coupon payment date is on the 15th of every month. A zero coupon bondis a bond with no coupons. The important information of a bond: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. Transaction date: T Settlement date:T+2 Coupon payment dates Maturity date YTM Coupon rate Cum interest or Ex interest? If ex interest If 7 days to the next coupon payment cum interest YIELD TO MATURITY The Yield to Maturity (YTM) of a bond is: п‚· п‚· Interest rate that makes the present value of the bond s ... Show more content on ... Hence, the market price = Padj Padj = пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ. 1 в€’ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ 3 Cheryl Mew FINS2624 Portfolio Management Semester 1, 2011 LECTURE 2 TERM STRUCTURE OF INTEREST RATES YTM AND HPR Yield to maturity (YTM) reflects the return required and set by the market on the assumption that the bond is held to maturity. In equilibrium, it is also the return that investors can expect to earn over the life of the bond. Holding Period Return (HPR) is the expected return over a future period, and is not based on the assumption that the bond is held to maturity. SIMILARITIES п‚· п‚· п‚· Both expressed as annualised returns (not effective rates) Use the settlement price as cost base Total returns accounting for both the coupon interest component and the capital gain/loss component
  • 27. DIFFERENCES п‚· п‚· п‚· YTM is observed and set by the market, HRP is not YTM assumes that coupon interests are all invested at the same rate as quoted YTM, HPR allows for different reinvestment interest rates received at different times YTM assumes that bond is held to maturity, HPR assumes that bond is to be sold before maturity CALCULATING HPR HRP is used for comparing the expected return among alternate investments over the same predetermined holding period. However, to accomplish this task, future interest rates for different lengths are required. P0(1 + пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ
  • 28. Ecological Models And Health Behavior Change Essay Ecological Models And Health Behavior Change On individual level changes in health promotion and ecological approaches target and influence multiple health behaviors. This is because the individuals living in the environment are embedded in temporary change of behaviors. Therefore it is very important to consider ecological approaches, changing health behaviors and environmental factors while designing operational and supportable health promotion plans. Healthcare promotion is primarily based upon the public health and under this the world has changed very rapidly. Prevention against the diseases is the main health care issues and many professionals have derived many possible solutions to it. Application of ecological approaches in ... Show more content on ... These interventions are provided by health care professionals at individual level and it is not considered safe for everyone. The medical treatments provided to control obesity may benefit an individual but the entire population may not respond well to the changing behaviors unless the root causes are not identified. That is why the obesity epidemic will continue and the people will not stop eating more than they require. The lacking is due to the contributing environmental factors like more fast food consumption, more sedentary lifestyle, less involvement in outdoor games and less use of recreational parks and walkways. The difference in the ecological approach as compared to the medical approach is it does not blame the person and addresses the complexity of the changing health behaviors (Hovell, Wahlgren Adams, 2009). The social etiology of the disease depends on the underlying causes of the disease which is directly related to the risk factors adopted by the people for unhealthy behaviors. These causes and factors lie in the sociocultural environment. For example heart disease, the outcome of the disease is dependent on bad eating habits, excessive use of tobacco and sedentary lifestyle. All these are considered to be the environmental influences and the researchers are working on to change these factors with the aspect of health promotion (Glass McAtee, 2006). Social Action Theory (SAT) Social action
  • 29. A Philosophical Analysis Of An Idea Presented By Ludwig... A philosophical analysis of an idea presented by Ludwig Wittgenstein in On Certainty Introduction Countless philosophers, from centuries ago to modern times, have investigated the concept of inherited ideas. Some of the more daunting questions on the subject seem to be: From where do these ideas originate? Can we trust them? Do they serve as an objective foundation for the rest of our judgments, or are they in fact mere judgments themselves? Ludwig Wittgenstein addresses such questions in his written work On Certainty, and deduces that in some cases, an inherited idea is so anchored [in me] that I cannot touch it (no. 103). This paper will examine the definition of this idea and the argument that lies behind it, while also addressing the various objections that could be made to such an argument. Explanation of Idea In On Certainty, Wittgenstein arrives at the conclusion that some of my ideas are so anchored in me that I cannot touch them. The key message Wittgenstein is conveying here is that certain ideas are inherited, innate for everyone. The term anchored , in its literal sense, refers to watercraft being held securely in a fixed spot by aid of a curved, weighted implement to which it is connected. In using this term, Wittgenstein creates the imagery of our intellect, our perception, being like a sea, and our ideas like ships. This illustration suggests that some of the ideas we have are in motion, changing as a result of our experiences and investigations
  • 30. Using The Standard Mpls Data Plane Abstract The evolution of MPLS networks have made them critically important for ISPs for the various functions of traffic engineering, efficient network utilization and for providing L2 and L3 enterprise VPN services. All these functions are supported by complex, energy hungry and expensive core routers with support for a wide variety of control protocols carefully combined with data plane mechanisms. It is observed that the MPLS data plane handles simpler functions of pushing, popping off and swapping labels and are mostly un affected by any changes to the control plane functionalities. This paper discusses the possibility of using the standard MPLS data plane in combination with a simple extensible control plane using OpenFlow, SDN and its applications. A Protocol implementation is discussed to show the simplicity of the approach over existing MPLS control plane and how more services can be supported with the new control plane. Finally, The paper discusses how the introduction of a new map abstraction fits well with the unified control architecture for packet and circuit networks, making the new control plane ideal for multi layer networks. I.INTRODUCTION MPLS has evolved as a complex and efficient solution for ISPs for the purposes of traffic engineering and enterprise L2 and L3 VPN services, traffic engineering in turn serves the purpose of maximizing the utilization of infrastructure while VPNs offer secure connection services to enterprises, this feature
  • 31. Issues Associated With Climate Change The December negotiations of this month were crucial to we Pacific Island states. The urgency of the situation is best explained by irreversible quality of the consequences the state actions discussed below. The existence of our nation depends on the commitments that are to emerge from the UN climate change conference in Paris. This statement is not a metaphor, as the disappearance of land territory is a reality; rising sea levels could have Tuvalu completely submerged under water soon. Our primary goal was for these commitments to have legal force, primarily because issues associated with climate changepermeate national boundaries. US or Australian emissions, for example, are having adverse effects on states well beyond their borders. The challenge faced by even those who wish put a stop to climate change is the fact that the sources are so broad and require great efforts from states and their individuals. Many times, these efforts conflict with state interests. As aforementioned, our survival depends on the ability to learn from past mistakes, especially as it pertains to the issue of negotiations for a solution to climate change. A 2014 synthesis reports human influence on the climate system is clear recent climate changes have had a widespread impact on human and natural systems many of the observed changes are unprecedented the atmosphere and ocean have warmed amounts of snow and ice have diminished sea level have risen greenhouse gas emissions are extremely
  • 32. Controversy Over Modern Vs. Alternative Medicine Controversy Over Modern vs. Alternative Medicine. All around the world, doctors have been debating whether or not modern medicine is a better treatment than alternative medicine. Throughout the years this controversy has changed the way some people live and helped them decide how to raise their children. Modern medicine relies on modern technologies, scientific values as well as scientifically proved procedures for purposes of preventing, diagnosing, and treating adverse medical conditions. Today, many people are now opting toward Alternative which is also called Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) .For example since the 1980s Patients use of CAM therapies has grown ... in the United States CAM in creasingly is ... Show more content on ... Many who prefer alternative medicine are influenced by religious reasons. The majority of people s daily lives and choices are influenced by reli gion and cultural beliefs. The providers of alternative and modern medicine take a stand to say they did not differ in spirituality, but a higher percentage of acupuncturists strongly agreed with the statement that they tried to carry their religious beliefs into the rest of their lives (Curlin). The interconnection in religion and the belief of the medicine provider sets the understanding that alternative medicine is often based on traditional knowledge, which is why there is sometimes not always enough scientific evidence available about their safety and usefulness. Overtime, people tend to become attracted to alternative medicine because there s a perceived health benefit start to embrace the reli gious ideas underneath these practices (Moon). Due to their beliefs, they become more attached to their religious beliefs and internally attached to their cultural norms. The modern medicine is more towards curing the patient with
  • 33. the shortest time frame possible. The assumption that there s a sort of spiritual energy at work (Moon), is explained in Healer Beware: Are We Ignoring the Non Christian Roots of Alternative Medicine? by Ruth Moon. Alternative medicine is also intertwi ned spirituality and reaching in to help the patient improve and heal from the inside.
  • 34. Domestic Violence Domestic Violence2 OUTLINE Introduction: Domestic Violence is a crime that is growing every year. I am very concerned about justice for anyone that is a victim of domestic violence by a loved one. My purpose is to outline a crime victim policy for these victims. I intend to define these victims clearly, point to statistics relative to the crimes against them, analyze the context in which the crime occurs, state how victims might contribute to the crimes against them, describe the impact of the crime on society, and list proposed victim assistance to back up my new victim policy. I. Everyone who has been a victim of Domestic Violencewill be included in this policy A. Domestic Violenceincludes but not limited to ... Show more content on ... Leaving can be dangerous. The most dangerous time for a woman who is being abused is when she tries to leave. One thing that is a fact and not a myth is many victims do leave and lead successful, violence free lives. (Suite 101) Anyone can be a victim. Victims can be of any age, sex, race, culture, religion, education, employment, or marital status. Although both men and women can be abused, most victims are women. Children in homes where there is domestic violence are more likely to be abused. Most children in these homes know about the violence. Heterosexual males may also be victims of domestic violence or perpetrated by their female partners. They experience the same as female victims such as experiences of disbelief, ridicule, and shame that only enhance their silence. Individuals with physical, psychiatric, and cognitive disabilities may not only experiences sexual and domestic violence at a higher rate from Domestic Violence6 intimate partners or spouses than the norm, but they may also experience mistreatment, abuse, neglect, and exploitation from their caretakers, personal assistants, paid staff, and family members. A sizable population is older women. They are more likely to be bound by traditional and cultural ideology that prevents them from leaving. They are usually financially dependent on their abusive spouse and do not have access to the financial
  • 35. Ambassador Of The United Kingdom Introduction Good afternoon. I am grateful to Chancellor Rt. Hon. the Lord Patten of Barnes, Vice Chancellor Professor Andrew Hamilton and indeed the entire leadership of this great University for extending an invitation to have me speak here today. I have spoken at many places but engaging any form of audience at the prestigious Oxford University is something that I really have to place on my curriculum vitae. I am also grateful to the US Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Ambassador Mathew Barzun and his family for the warmth they have shown me since I got to the United Kingdom and for being present at this function. Ambassador Barzun s pace setting involvement with the internet especially at its early stage is something that I have for ... Show more content on ... These issues include shutdowns, ratifications and the war powers act. I will then provide some advice to today s political leaders and even future political leaders. However, before that I will like to set briefly the ball rolling with my personal history. Personal History I was born in January, 1939 in Rosemont, a small village in Maryland of a few hundred people. My father was a World War I veteran and my mother a sort of teacher, running some version of a reading school for the kids in the community. 1939 means I was born in the same year that the Second World War began and that earned me the nickname the baby s that s getting his father to go to another war . However, my father developed a terminal illness that meant that his participation in World War 2 would only be to explain the essence and likely ramification of reported war incidents and statements to myself and my four siblings. Inspired by my father s war stories especially those that detailed the extent that many American soldiers would go to defend their country, and also by the early Cold War politicking, I enrolled in the US Naval Academy and passed out in 1955. At the time, the Cold War was at its height and as was more than likely at the time, I fought in the Vietnam War in the 1960s. The Vietnam period was when my father s World War 1 tales and dissections of World War 2 actions became most alive to me. The
  • 36. Recycling Waste Of Recycling Although recycling of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) based plastics decrease the amount of these polymers that end up in municipal waste, the cost of recycling these plastics for the producer are an important factor to weigh in to whether they should be recycled or not. PVC is a soft and flexible plastic used to make clear plastic food wrapping, computer cables, and even pipes and parts for plumbing. Because PVC contains numerous toxins, food products using PVC require virgin material for their construction. In general, there are two types of PVC recyclingprocesses, mechanical and feedstock, which include their own respect costs, purposes, and benefits. Although there are a large number of costs for the producer for recycling PVC from the toxicity to the inefficacy of its recycling process, there are many benefits that include reducing the amount of PVC in municipal waste and its usefulness as a recycled product. In general, virgin PVC itself is already relatively toxic as its main component is vinyl chloride, which is a carcinogen. Once PVC is recycled once, its chemical properties deteriorate, and its toxicity becomes more harmful, meaning its usefulness as a food container product no longer exist. Therefore, recycled PVC cannot be used to its previous full potential lead companies to think whether it is worth it to recycle this polymer. Although recycled polymers are cheaper to produce, their quality decreases due to contamination with each recycling cycle (1), and with
  • 37. OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Case Study The United States Army decision to divest the OH 58D Kiowa Warrior was an end to an airframe that has a long history of service. No other airframe in the United States Army has the reliability, close air support, and overall operational readiness rate. Many Soldiers lives affected by the divestiture of this airframe, some have lost their jobs, or forced into different needs of the Army. The decision to divest the OH 58D is important , leaving this important role to the AH 64D/E Apache, and unmanned aerial vehicles. The OH 58 has been in service since 1969 as a Light Observation Helicopter. (Wikipedia January 2017) Many variants include OH 58A, OH 58B, OH 58C, and OH 58D; an OH 58F was in the testing phase but scrapped. The... Show more content on ... The small but agile airframe primarily used for observation or the scout role, gathering Intel about enemy movements across the battlefield. No airframe in the Army s fleet could provide close air support to ground vehicle convoys like the airframe did, sometimes flying within 50 feet of conveys to ensure their protection. This close air support was valuable to providing convoys make it to their destination unharmed, showing teeth to any would be attacker. In addition, ground troops hailed the aircraft for its quick response in the battle space, apparently saving many American Soldiers lives. Working joint operations with the AH64D/E Apache helicopter Apache missions scrubbed due to maintenance issues causing units with OH 58D to deploy more aircraft to support their mission losses. If any ground troop wanted fast and effective close air support, many would have chosen the OH 58D. Stories often heard was how the OH 58D came flying in and suppressed the threat allowing ground troops to advance and continue the mission. Just having this airframe in the battle space contained many threats before they even evolved; supporting lost capabilities this helicopter has brought to the U.S
  • 38. Teaching English As A Second Language Term Paper Teaching English as a second language can be a difficult task and the challenges that teachers face vary greatly from student to student and classroom to classroom. The internship working Professor Jesse Stewart and his students from his ESL 116 class was eye opening and great opportunity to work with students who had a range of English levels. Each student was unique in that they learned differently, had different language backgrounds and had different language abilities but one thing that seemed similar was the type of mistakes they were making in their papers for the class. The errors that the students made in fact reflected the common errors that many ESL students make everyday and though the reason for these errors is still debated in the field of linguistics the errors themselves still tend to be similar across language backgrounds and teaching environments. The theoretical side of this paper deals with the common errors that ESL learners make as well as the development of literacy and writing in ESL learners, language assessment, and the importance of ESL in Canada. Later in this paper, I will include a more practical comparison of my own experiences with students to the errors discussed previously, as well as give an insight into my view of the course and how it will help me in the future. Literacy and Writing Development Since the focus of ESL116 was academic reading and writing it is prudent to include information and theories regarding the
  • 39. Symbols In The Military Propaganda Propaganda can be seen as any information of a biased or misleading nature that is used to promote a political point of view. The oversized warning with an exclamation mark in a red box on the propaganda suddenly captures the reader s mind; as the reader gazes at the propaganda they read, our homes are in danger now! The propagandas goal is to tell the citizens of the United Stated that there homes are in danger; the symbols used in the propagandaare two army men, one from German and one from Japan, looking at the North America, on the globe, with warfare in there hands. The slogan they use is, our job, keep em firing, intended for the American workers to keep manufacturing the warfare supply. This propaganda elicit an emotional response
  • 40. Sugar Crystals Crystals are all beautiful creations! When an individual thinks of crystals, they typically think of the type that are found and kept as valuables but that s not all that crystals can be, they can also be edible. For example, Rock Candy is a type of crystal that is edible. These types of crystals are sugarcrystals. Now, the real question is, is it possible to make sugar crystals from the comfort of your own home? In order to make sugar crystals you will need the following supplies; 1 cup of water, 3 cups of table sugar, a clean glass jar, a pencil or butter knife, sting or yarn (do not use nylon string), a pan, a spoon, and food coloring. The first step into making these tasty treats is to tie a string to your pencil or butter knife. Make sure that your string does not touch the bottom or sides of the jar in order for this experiment to work. You can begin to boil water in the pan once your instructor has confirmed that you are ready. Once the water begins to boil, stir in one spoonful of sugar at a time. You want to make sure that you have a lot sugar in the solution but not too... Show more content on ... The string is the where the surfacing of the crystals will begin. Small crystals of sugar will encrust the string as water evaporates from it. The tiny seed crystals provide a starting point for the bigger crystals. Future growth of the crystals will form around these points. The string provides the basic foundation for the crystals to form on. Without the string, we would not be able to form the crystals together. There is plenty of science behind sugar crystals. They are a very fascinating candy. They are beautiful and tasty! Sugar crystals have some very interesting details and are very simple to build. Once the molecules all come together in the end, you ll have a beautiful crystal and a sweet treat! Can an individual build these crystals with just a jar, some sugar and water, and a string? It is very much
  • 41. The Dow Jones Industrial Index The Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ composite are both significant economic indicators. The Dow Jones was created by Charles Dow in 1896. The Dow is a price weighted average of 30 significant stocks, most of which are traded on the New York Stock exchange. The NASDAQ is the National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System. It is the first and largest electronic stock exchange in the world, consisting of more than 4000 companies. Both the Dow Jones Industrial Averageand NASDAQare significant gauges of the current state of the economy. However, the NASDAQ is much larger and includes more than 4000 companies, while the Dow Jones only includes 30 companies. All of the NASDAQ stocks are also traded on the NASDAQ... Show more content on ... The index also includes a broad range of companies, which allows people to receive a good idea of the general condition and direction of the stock market. The index can also be used to predict the direction of the stock market, which can be helpful to some investors. This economic indicator is also a good tool for comparing the current market to markets in the past because it has been around for many years. The physiological importance that the Dow holds also increases its significance greatly. The Dow is one of the highlights in financial news and even people not familiar with the stock market have heard of it. The importance of the Dow in financial news has a large influence over many people. The NASDAQ also holds a lot of significance as an economic indicator. The main significance of the NASDAQ composite index is that it is a representation of the stocks that are traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange. There is no other exchange that has its own popular index. This index is also very important because it represents a large portion of tech and innovative companies. The NASDAQ is a very good indicator of how the tech segments of the market are doing. The NASDAQ composite index is also the NASDAQ s main and longest running index. The physiological importance held by this indicator is also very significant because of how people base the state of the stock market on the state of the index. The index is very
  • 42. The Black Of Black Arts Movement Essay The Black Arts Movement was considered to be the artistic part of the Black Power Movement when it was formed in the 1960s and lasted until mid 1970s. It featured several Black writers, poets, playwrights, artists, and musicians, who sought to explore the essence of black identity , commonly referred to as the Black Aesthetic. The Black aesthetic was both a cultural and artistic ideology that was developed from many Black Americans who desired self determination and separation from the white community. Several of the artists who contributed to the Black Arts Movement included, but is not limited to, Leroi Jones, also known as Amiri Baraka, Larry Neal, Nikki Giovanni, and Sonia Sanchez. They sought to create art that spoke directly to the issues, needs, aspirations and sociopolitical rights of Black Americans. Overall, this movement is one of the most influential movements in regards to Black literature and music because it inspired Black peopleto write and led to the creation of theaters, journals, magazines, and art institutions. The Black Arts Movement was also said to be the spiritual sister of the Black PowerMovement, but although the movement claimed to be the sister of the Black Power Movement, it was sexist, racially exclusive and was in no way feminine of supportive of its Black women. Leroi Jones, also known as Amiri Baraka, founded the Black Arts Movement in Harlem, New York in 1965. The movement was officially established in 1965 when Baraka launched the
  • 43. Elie Saab Research Paper With 100 boutiques and a $200 net worth, Elie Saab has proven that he has what it takes to be a part of the fashion industry. He was born in Damour, Lebanon but he went to school in Paris. At only eighteen years old, he started his own atelier with fifteen employees. An atelier is a designer s studio. Over the years, he has dressed many important people, but his career really took off when he dressed Halle Berry when she went to the Oscars in 2002. Elie Saab s 2018 Spring Ready to Wear show was in Paris this year. There was a wide variety of maxi and mini dresses. The fringes were able to play different roles to give the looks many different feels. Some outfits felts as if they were ready for the beach or Coachella, while others were ready
  • 44. The Norman Blumberg Housing Project On May 3rd when I visited the site where the Norman Blumberg Housing Project once stood, the air was hauntingly peaceful. I had read about the notoriety of the site during my research, how over its existence it had become an area of concentrated poverty and crime, but on this day this urban setting was quiet and calm. On the two square city blocks where a complex of apartmentbuildings once ruled the landscape, only a single high riseremained among the unchecked wild grass. However, even in the peacefulness of this day in Sharswood, the looming presence of the infamous Norman Blumberg Apartments could still be felt. After standing for nearly six decades, the two public housing high rise buildings that once defined Blumberg Apartments and... Show more content on ... As a central part of this analysis, I will be discussing the role Blumberg Apartments played in the deterioration of Sharswood. I will also be evoking the Pruitt Igoe myth as Blumberg Apartments shares many similarities with the notorious Pruitt Igoe development. Finally, I will present and discuss the future transformation of Sharswood as detailed by the Sharswood Blumberg Neighborhood Transformation Plan. To judge the success or failure of Blumberg Apartments, we must first analyze the project as it works to provide good housing. Good housing should not just be regarded as a noun, it should also encompass housing as a verb. The commodity of the house as a shelter is the noun. This commodity should provide a place for redressing. It should hold the essential necessities that make for a comfortable and complete home. A place that balances privacy and social interactions. As a verb, good housing should be a utility that works to enhance one s life (Turner, 1972). It should be a stepping stone towards opportunity. For Blumberg Apartments in the grand scheme, both of these facets can be regarded as failures. As the housing projects suffered through massive deterioration, it failed as a commodity. Residents described how their housing had stairwells that reeked of urine and dirty diapers, constantly breaking appliances and elevators, and the frequent sounds of gunshots (Colaneri, 2016). Furthermore, units were found to not meet minimum size standards and