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Critical Essay On Hamlet
Writing a critical essay on Hamlet can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. The complexity
of Shakespeare's masterpiece requires a deep understanding of the play's intricacies, characters,
and underlying themes. Analyzing the psychological depth of Prince Hamlet, the intricate
relationships between characters, and the overarching themes of revenge, madness, and morality
demands both a comprehensive knowledge of the text and a nuanced interpretive approach.
Crafting a critical essay on Hamlet involves delving into the layers of symbolism, exploring the
cultural and historical context, and dissecting the motives of each character. The task extends
beyond summarizing the plot; it necessitates a critical examination of the language, symbolism,
and dramatic elements employed by Shakespeare. Addressing the play's philosophical aspects,
such as existentialism and the nature of human existence, adds an additional layer of complexity
to the essay.
Moreover, forming a unique and compelling thesis statement that contributes to the existing body
of Hamlet criticism requires originality and insight. Balancing personal interpretation with
scholarly analysis can be a delicate task, as it demands a thorough understanding of literary
theory and the ability to apply it effectively.
Navigating through the vast sea of existing scholarly work on Hamlet poses another challenge.
The essay must engage with the existing critical discourse while offering fresh perspectives and
interpretations. This requires extensive research and a keen awareness of the various schools of
thought that have examined the play over the years.
In conclusion, crafting a critical essay on Hamlet is a formidable task that demands a
combination of literary prowess, analytical skills, and a deep appreciation for the complexities of
Shakespeare's work. However, the intellectual satisfaction derived from unraveling the layers of
this timeless play can be immensely rewarding.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are
available. Websites like offer services where individuals can order custom
essays, research papers, and more, tailored to their specific requirements. These platforms can be
valuable for those who require additional support or wish to explore different perspectives on
challenging literary works like Hamlet.
Critical Essay On Hamlet Critical Essay On Hamlet
Special Interest Groups Influence The Government
Special interests groups which are also referred to pressure groups or interest groups
are an organization of individuals who come together with a common concern, and
they are usually formally organized with an aim to influence the public policy in their
favor. The main objective of people who form special interest groups is to influence
the governmentto make policies which are beneficial to them (Almond Coleman,
2015). These groups may either be fighting for a single section in the society like
subsidies for farmers or a common cause which affects the society like reducing
global warming. They usually use the tactic of lobbying so that the government or
the policy makers can make a policy which they need. The special groups are
beneficial... Show more content on ...
In these countries, there is also a belief that the special interest groups represented
their interests instead of that of the general public. In the countries which have
authoritarian regimes, the operations of the special interest groups are limited and in
other places they are even banned (Berry, 2015). The political cultures differ from
country to country, and so do the special interest groups. However in some countries
such as Sweden, the government supports the special interest groups through funding
and also involves them in policy making. In other communist countries, the special
interest groups operate under fear of facing legal action from the government because
they are not given the right to operate (Gilens Page, 2014). The ruling parties in all
the countries influence the importance of the special interest
Puerto Rico Sociology
The first group of Puerto Ricans migrated to United States in the mid 19th century
during the Spanish American War when the United States took possession of the
island of Puerto Rico as part of the Treaty of Paris. After the war and the Jones Act
that extended U.S. Citizenship to Puerto Ricans, Puerto Ricans began migrating to
the United even more with the promise and hope of better jobs, but in fact one of the
minorities groups of the United Statesexperienced poverty, dilapidated housing,
schooling and jobs discrimination and really bad health care. By the late 1960s, in
response to these conditions a group of young Puerto Ricans began organizing and
protesting in large numbers forming the Young Lords Movement.
Most Young Lords were the children of the Great Puerto Rican Migration that
arrived in the United States after World War II. Under US domination since 1898,
Puerto Rico s agriculture had been destroyed when large scale absentee
corporations took ownership of the land, forcing displaced farmers into migrant
labor and low wage jobs. A government program called Operation Bootstrap gave tax
breaks and offered cheap labor to US ... Show more content on ...
In my opinion, it is not fair how Puerto Rican soldiers are always the first ones to
participate and fight for the United States, even when they are not considered part of
the United States. Within the Current Status of Puerto Rico: they are considered a
territory appurtenant and belonging to the United States, but not a part of the United
States, even after years of this declaration. Puerto Rico still foreign in a domestic
sense. However, the Young Lords contributions were important for Puerto Ricans and
Latinos in general and even though the Puerto Rico Current Status hasn t changed,
their movement even today it is still useful, specially in education. Free tuition is one
of the most important achievements for students in
Marketing Strategies For The Sales Force
As a sales person I have been working for over 20 years in various industries from
telecommunication, security systems and now pest control. One of the hardest
objectives for the sales force is where the marketing targets, helping us achieve
visibility to the customers in our territories. Today s companies use various marketing
strategies, to grow and reach customers in the growing internet age. The role and
goals of salespeople have changed dramatically over the last few years. Why has it
changed? Companies have had to change over the years in order to continue to
reach their target market. In the past, a newspaper or yellow page ad was a simple
effective marketing tool. Today with the expansion of social media age, customers
have the option of clinking an ad or browsing past it. Yet companies use various
marketing tools to bring out brand awareness. One the oldest forms of marketing is
using celebrities or an attractive models to sell a product. Since marketing has
become a global campaign use of celebrities or models in certain regions could
produce a negative outcome and must be a consideration before add placement.
Companies use various marketing trends to fit the demographics of the product s
My role as a salesperson and how I go about goal setting has changed dramatically
over the years. My first job was working at the Sears sporting goods department
making commission and salary. My goal there was not just to ring people up on the
register, but convince
Move Of Wrestling Essay
So in wrestling there are multiple moves you can do. These moves are probably
the most basic moves you are taught and the most commonly used moves done
today. The first move is the double leg takedown. The double leg takedown is a
flying tackle similar to a football tackle (Douglas).For a double leg takedown there
are a lot of little steps that you may need to execute this move correctly. The first
thing you need to do is perform a setup and then to perform a penetration step. The
next thing you are gonna wanna do is to place your head on either side of your
opponent. Next you are going to want to push your chest up against your opponent s
thighs and hips. The less space you have the better control you will have over your
opponents strong... Show more content on ...
Typically, the lower part of the leg is pulled in one direction, while the torso or
shoulder is used to press the body or upper part of the leg of the opponent in the
other direction. Another great takedown is the duck under. In a duck under, the
wrestler pulls the opponent s elbow forward and away from the body, lowers his
own head, and ducks under the opponent s arm in an effort to get behind or at least
beside the opponent; from this position the opponent can be taken down by lifting
and throwing or by a leg trip. Then for the best and most used move everyone uses in
wrestling, the half nelson. The half nelson is referred to by most coaches as being
the easiest, but most effective move in folkstyle wrestling (Wrestling Moves). It
involves you using only one hand, by passing it under the arm of the opponent and
locking the hand on the opponent s neck. Then you will run him over until his
back is fully on the mat. Then you will want to get chest to chest to make sure that
he can t get out of it. You will hold it there until he is pinned or until you get your
nearfall points. So there are a lot of wrestling moves to know about, but in order to
be good at these moves, you must choose to eat healthy so you can execute these
Essay On Investigative Journalism
Complicating definitions: Latin American watchdogs
[en] el periodismo de investigaciГіn..., sos tan grande como el enemigo que elegГs o
como el desafГo que elegГs... eso es lo que define tu capacidad de grandeza
Eduardo Galeano (interviewed by FaГєndez, 2002: 11)
The narratives and the evidence about the status of IJ in Latin America are
contradictory. For some, there is an increasing practice of this genre of journalism
(Alves, 2005; Castillo, 2016; Joyce, SaldaГ±a, Schmitz Weiss, Alves, 2017) while
for others, there is a relative declining of it (Dermota, 2002). These perceptions
heavily depends on the chosen type of medium (newspapers, television, digital), the
massiveness of them (mainstream or independent/non profit), or the period of ... Show
more content on ...
Indeed, these countries share certain backgrounds, such economic crisis in the 1980s
and the 1990s and the consequential foreign debt and adjustment policies, high
inequality, poverty, and a skyrocketing corruption that came afterwards. Expressed in
particular local tones, these features have framed Latin America s entrance to
neoliberalism during the 1990s. Violence in different shapes is also a common
ground for Latin American societies, but with different patterns. For example, drug
trafficking and drug lords violence eventually in partnership with local authorities
are rather a familiar experience for Colombian and Mexican media workers, while
political state violence was a landmark during dictatorships in South America. Cases
of these unlikely experiences of violence against journalists populate this landscape.
Colombian editor, Guillermo Cano, was killed by gunmen in MedellГn (Colombia) in
the 1980s, as well as occurred to Javier Valdez in CualiacГЎn (MГ©xico) in 2017;
while reporters Rodolfo Walsh and JosГ© Carrasco Tapia were victims of state
polices brutality in Argentina in the 1970s and in Chile in the 1980s, respectively.
Although violence was the shared feature of these cases, the contexts, the driven
forces, and the journalists as targets vary.
Precisely these Latin American particularities among others have challenged the
established Anglo American operationalization of IJ and
The Myth Of Woman By Simone De Beauvoir
Simone De Beauvoir in The Second Sex suggests that to resolve the tension between
bad faith and authenticity, people must regard women as subjects and not objects.
They must also collectively fight against the idea of womanhood in order to remain
authentic to themselves. The myth of woman is the idea that women are inherently
different than men. Man believes that he posits himself first, and then posits others.
In the myth of woman, men see women as others that are incapable of positing
themselves. The reality is that women are the same as men in an existential sense.
They are both subjects, who posit themselves before they posit others. Man uses the
myth of woman to subjugate women and treat them as lesser, as [the myth of
woman] justifies all privileges and even authorizes their abuse (De Beauvoir). Just
as Pygmalion sculpts Galatea, man sculpts the idea of woman. The consequence of
this is that man perpetuates the idea of womanhood, and women obey it. Beauvoir
encourages women to fight against this idea of womanhood, arguing that To pose
women is to [deny]... that she is a subject, a fellow human being (De Beauvoir).
Most people unfortunately do not fight back against this idea of womanhood, and
remain passive to it. This passivity can be seen in one of Jean Paul Sartres examples
within Being And Nothingness. A woman is on a date with a man and she remains
passive to this man s advances even though she is not interested in him. The lady is
in bad faith: she knows
Jane Martin Beauty
For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile
practice (New International Version, James 3:16). The author of Beauty is Jane
Martin, a prize winning playwright, and is Americas best known, unknown
playwright (Mandell, 749). This play is about two jealous friends named Carla and
Bethany, who are the opposite of one another. Carla is beautiful model who has
personality but lacks intelligence. Whereas Bethany is studious and a successful
accountant/writer but isn t happy with her appearance. Both women don t appreciate
what they have and both want what the other has. In addition, Carla wishes she was
smart and Bethany wishes she was beautiful. The play Beauty discusses the benefits
and disadvantages of... Show more content on ...
One benefit of being intelligent is becoming successful. Bethany is a very intelligent
woman and her intelligence has enabled her to be successful in her studies, in
publishing and to be successful in her accountant career. Carla tells Bethany, You re
the one with the $40,000 job straight out of school. You re the one who has
published short stories (Martin1.59). Bethany believes beauty is external and only
sees outer beauty not inner. For example, Carla tells Bethany is, You have
personality...Smart guys like you (Martin1.63 67). Bethany s job isn t based on
beauty, but it instead requires a strong mind. Being a public accountant minimize her
physical beauty while highlighting her mental or internal beauty. Bethany is
characterized as the internal beauty, the beauty of mind. However, one disadvantage
for Bethany being intelligent is that men have to know her. Jane Martin uses this to
show that, while Carla s relationships are mainly based on physical appearance,
Bethany s relationships with men are based on time and personality. In the play
Beauty, jealousy overcomes both women and as Bethany makes her final wish. Each
of the characters realizes that whatever they have lost was more valuable than what
they wished for: CARLA/BETHANY: We both have the one thing, the one and only
thing everybody wants. BETHANY/CARLA: What is
Comparing Two Persuasive Techniques
The 2 ads that are going to be a compared are the solo ad and the mount franklin ad
they are both about drinks but they are aimed at different audiences they mount
franklin is elegant sparkling water and the solo ad is aimed at rough old men that
need to quench their thirst so it will be hard to compare the 2 the persuasive
techniques used are sex appeal in the water ad and the solo ad uses colour and
sound as well as escapism the intention of the water ad is to make you feel elegant
and the solo ad is to make you feel tough and feel like a man. Both ads try and make
you feel something and in the end they both want you to buy your product so they
share that similarity they both use a lot of persuasive techniques the techniques used
on the
The Intersection Of Social Movements And Art
The intersection of social movements and Art is one that can be observed
throughout the civil right movements of America in the 1960 s and early 1970 s.
The sixties in America saw a substantial cultural and social change through activism
against the Vietnam war, women s right and against the segregation of the African
American communities. Art became a prominent method of activism to advocate
the civil rights movement. It was a way to express self identity as well as the
struggle that people went through and by means of visual imagery a way to show
political ideals and forms of resistance. To examine how a specific movement can
have a profound effects on the visual art, this essay will focus on the black art
movement of the 1960s and... Show more content on ...
Secondly, observing the work of Emma Amos who was the only women within the
spiral group. Romare Bearden, started his artistic career being an abstractionist,
however the civil right movement had an impact on his art which lead him to the
creation of the group called spiral. With the help of other black artists, Bearden
sought to reflect how they could portray their connection to the civil right movement
through their arts as a racial group minority. Ralph Ellison (1977), mentions the
anachronism of the American social experience of minority artists which could then
be used to understand the motivation behind the art of Bearden. This anachronism
refers to; The imbalance in American society which leads to a distorted perception of
social reality, to a stubborn blindness to the creative possibilities of cultural diversity,
to the prevalence of negative myth, racial stereotypes and dangerous illusion about
art, humanities and society. (Ellison: 1977 : pp.673) It is then argued that many
artists are often majorly influenced by the power of this anachronism, as their culture
as well as the freedom of representing their self identity through aesthetic technique of
self expression that are already existing. This, then restrict their attempt to seek
change of the complex social situation they experience. Meanwhile, it is said that
Bearden attempt not to follow the anachronism in is art by transforming it into a
component of art as a mean of personal vision (Ellison:
Puerto Rico Debt Crisis Essay
The debt crisis in Puerto Rico has consistently grown over the years, and has
become a major talking point this year as Puerto Rico faces the possibility of
defaulting on its loans. The condition of the economy and the growing debt has
initiated talks of a bailout from the United States congress. There are several issues on
dealing with Puerto Rico including its tax exemption, growing unemployment rate,
and an exodus from the island to the main land. While many will argue that Puerto
Rico s issues should be solved within the island government, I believe that the United
Statesshould offer bankruptcy to alleviate Puerto Rico of its burden. Puerto Rico s
economy has been in a recession for approximately 9 years and a major reason why
was the... Show more content on ...
The population has decreased by over 1 million since the beginning of its recession
in 2006. The exodus has created a domino effect due to fewer people now paying
taxes, creating lower tax revenue, and forcing Puerto Rico to cut back on public
services and hike their tax rates. Another major reason for the economic crisis is
due in large part of the island s trio of tax breaks. In 1917, the United States passed
the Jones Shafroth Act, which allowed bondholders who were issued Puerto Rican
bonds, regardless of their residency, to be exempt from federal, state, and local taxes.
Puerto Rico has continually racked up debt in order to keep its government afloat and
give the quality of life that they believe the citizens are accustomed to. While Puerto
Rico s spending habits have become wildly uncontrollable, the United States is to
blame. The economic and tax policies in place have hurt the island and the island s
status as simply being a commonwealth, rather than a state or independent country, is
critically hurting its economic development. The incentives taken away from Section
936 that allowed incentives for companies to manufacture on the island was a big
crisis. The island offers no incentives, and the manufacturers that stayed are being
given a business friendly tax percentage. Puerto Rico offers no incentives thanks in
part to growing competition from neighboring Latin American
Women Athletic Trainers in the NFL
Women in the National Football League The NFL is a man s world where each
and every man is out on the field to show off his athleticism. Every aspect of the
game, whether it is on the field or on the side lines, is predominately male. However,
there is an area of the NFL that women could become a part of. Women could become
athletic trainers for the NFL. An athletic trainer is a health care specialist that focuses
on prevention of injury and rehab to recuperate athletes (Summary). Currently there
are no women employed in the NFL although one womanused to work for the
Pittsburgh Steelers (Mihoces). There are many people that agree that women should
be able to work in the NFL, but there are also many people that do not believe women
... Show more content on ...
It is unnerving to have a woman in the same room while players are showering and
changing. It is also awkward for the female athletic trainer to be present when men
all around her are changing and showering. A second argument for those who
oppose is that women are seen as pushovers in the training room. Stereotypically,
women are seen as dainty, elegant people that cannot stand up in an authority
position over the gigantic football brutes. Likewise, it is awkward for a female
athletic trainer to demonstrate her power over the coach. If the athletic trainer
believes that the team needs a water break, it is his or her obligation to inform the
coach, and sometimes it can get pretty dicey between the athletic trainer and the
coach. Also, if an athletic trainer will not clear a player to be able to return to play,
the coach and the athletic trainer can become very argumentative and irrational. If
the athletic trainer is female, the coach believes that she will hold grudges like
most other females they know. The final argument is that women can be a
distraction to the players. If there is a female on the field, the players could get
distracted and not be able to focus clearly on the task at hand. Almost following the
same line, there is a big hazard potential. Sexual harassment is a big issue in any
work environment, but imagine how much more of a hazard this would be. The
hazard potential of sexual harassment
Literary Devices In Ernest Hemingway s A Farewell To
Ernest Hemingway s A Farewell To Arms is a great adventure of ones life. A
great love story of a man, Frederic Henry, and a woman, Catherine Barkley, that are
in a
time of war. Hemingway wanted to connect with his readers and make an amazing
which he did.
Hemingway has a unique way of using words. He uses repetition quite a bit in the
story with things like the continuing use of to morrow and on page six talks about the
oak trees and the oak forests. The way Hemingway connects to his readers so well is
use of adjectives, also how he sets up his sentences. He uses adjectives that are very
common they aren t hard to figure out what they mean. For example, within the first
chapters of the book he explains the summer nights as cool and the whether very nice.
They are words that any teenager could read and understand with flying colors. He
sets up his sentences very short and to the point, it s more that he s trying to make us
connect to Henry so that we are more involved into Henry. We understand him as a
person. We image him doing what he is doing; it s the use of more pronouns so we
aren t
combining the sentences, he stops just to use another I or me.
There were many of wonderful quotes in A Farewell To Arms
. The first quote I
find ironic, I knew I did not love Catherine Barkley nor had any idea of loving her
(Hemingway 26). Considering that Henry and Catherine end up falling in love only
him to end up losing her in the end. There
Culturally Diverse Workforce
Assignment # 2
1)The company which has a future vision to grow up should refresh their job
environment associating with a culturally diverse workforce. Which is the best way
to create more job s relations with other companies in foreign countries. The most
challenge situation for a company is related with the economic factor because this
inversion will be more expensive, however the new project should bring more
benefits than negatives effects. There are many benefits that a cultural diverse
workforce could brings them, such as great motivation, better results, and increase the
productivity in the company.
2)In my opinion Employment Retirement Income Security Act (1974) is the most
important law which every company must provide to their employees when they
were working with loyalty and respect for them. Because this benefit give them
economic support to the employees when it is time stop working for any reason like
the age, sickness or others. This law guaranty their economic sustaining if they are in
bad situation avoiding the unstability to not have a job. However, the reality it is not
for all companies because they are more worry in produce more money than expend it
in the retirement s plans to their employees.
3)To increase better results inside a company the owner have to evaluate how he can
motivate ... Show more content on ...
The relationship marketing has the opportunity to satisfy the buyer as the seller
which is the long term relationship with the customers. This relationship help
company to develop more interesting products to attract more attention and more
revenue increasing economic opportunities to grow up to another area. For example,
give discount coupon for employees of different companies could bring new clients
and at the same time every new client could bring their relatives creating a big
Stereotypes In Hoop Dreams
There a many stereotypes that are explored in the film Hoop Dreams. Both William
Gates and Arthur Agee fit into the stereotype of great basketball players who aren t
very successful academically. Over time as they advanced in High School this
stereotype manifested to where they were unable to play at the professional level
they all dreamed about when they were kids. As most parents would want to believe
about their children, they want them to be successful academically and athletically.
This stereotype was exploded as the documentary progressed.
Looking at the film from a certain perspective it can be seen that both Arthur and
William lived their lives by proxy . They looked up to many of the famous NBA
players at the time and thought that ... Show more content on ...
He passed up a tryout with the CBA s Connecticut Pride to take a speaking role in
the made for television film Passing Glory, but later admitted that he regretted the
decision. Agee has said in interviews that the film served as both a blessing and a
curse , but appreciates the opportunity for helping him move his family out of the
West Garfield projects and providing him opportunities after its release. He even
started a Hoop Dreams clothing line in the mid 2000s with the slogan Control Your
Destiny . Agee now has five children and still lives in the Chicago area. He started
the Arthur Agee Jr foundation and works as a motivational speaker for inner city
youth. William Gates on the other hand, wasn t very successful, he moved back to
Chicago and worked a variety of odd jobs before a comeback in 2001. After a broken
foot derailed his comeback attempt, Gates committed his life to preaching at a local
Chicago church and worked at the Kids Club. He has four children and has since
moved to San Antonio to escape Chicago s inner city violence. His son, William Jr,
accepted a basketball scholarship to Furman last year, but recently announced his
intentions to transfer to Houston Baptist. Both Bo Agee and Curtis were murdered
later in the early 2000 s. Bo was murdered during a failed robbery in 2004. Curtis
Gates was killed in
Impact Of Advertising On The State Of Alabama
Political ads have become something politics rely on to achieve the voters vote.
Politics is a huge part of our democracy and we take pride and joy with the power
our decision has in our government. We see the same message from each candidate
that we miss to look at their body language and what each word they say mean
throughout the commercial. Every political commercial has the same purpose, but it
s always directed to specific people. It s simple to get lost in words when you are
unfamiliar with the topic so it s crucial for us to pay attention and think critical. The
politician in the video isn t running for president or congress, he s running for
Agricultural Commission of Alabamawhich might be as big as running for president
in that state. In this essay we will discuss the reinforcements, visual effects, and the
hidden we miss.
Advertising has become a huge part of our society, as a community we respond to
what we see on television. The impact this commercial may be bigger in the state
of Alabama than in other states. The patterns of this video text are set well, as they
show an Alabama citizen ready for a huge role in the community. The way he
speaks compels the audience to think that he can back up what he is saying with his
experience. There is a significant to committing to the people it gives a secure tone
and adds stability to his words. The effectiveness of this commercial is shown
directly with the vocabulary he uses by pointing out the errors Alabama is
Mommie Dearest Quotes
Mommie Dearest was a best selling memoir, turned into a bio drama motion picture.
The book was released in 1978 and the movie was released in 1981. The memoir was
written by Christina Crawford, adopted daughter of actress Joan Crawford. Christina
recounts her childhood and claims that she and her siblings were physically and
emotionally abused by their alcoholic mother. This movie primarily follows the
relationship between Christina and Joan.
Joan Crawford was in her late 20 s or early 30 s when the film begins. She was an
Oscar winning actress with a high reputation of perfection to uphold. Joan is a
beautiful, hard working, self confident, perfectionist who will do anything to get her
way. Joan displays symptoms of narcissistic personality ... Show more content on ...
Joan wins the race and Christina childishly reacts by stating that the race was
unfair because of their age and size difference. Joan responds by saying, Ah, but no
one ever said that life is fair, Tina. I am bigger and I am faster. I will always beat you
. In this one statement, Joan portrays multiple narcissistic character traits. Such as,
having a superiority complex, wanting to be admired, and showing no empathy
toward her young daughter. She also proves that she wants to be admired and that
she is worthy of love when she asks Christina Why can t you give me the respect
that I m entitled to? Why can t you treat me like I would be treated by any stranger
on the street? Joan continually fails to acknowledge others needs and interests. When
Christina starts to assert herself and her opinions, she is sent off to boarding school.
When Christina was a teenager, she was caught in a compromising scenario with a
boy from her boarding school. Although the headmistress of the school says that it
was innocent and both children have been properly punished, Joan pulls Christina out
of the school and calls the school a teenage brothel , belittling the school and the
Paul Revere Contributions
Paul Revere s contributions before and during the American Revolution were so
important that without them the history of the United States could be very different
today. As a member of the Sons of Liberty and founder of the Mechanics , Revere
was successful employing propaganda, code and cipher, and an early warning
system to aid colonists in the defeat of the British. However, it is Paul Revere s
midnight ride, warning of the British advance on Lexington and Concord, that he is
most remembered for. And Revere s contributions as the first intelligence operative
supported the success of the colonists before and during the American Revolution.
But what if Paul Revere never took that midnight ride? How would the lack of
intelligence resources affected the result of the first battle of the American
Revolution? The paper will examine how the outcome of the American Revolution
would have changed without Paul Revere s actions and contributions of intelligence
and intelligence assets.
The Battle of Lexington and Concord
On the night of 18 April 1775, hundreds of British troops set off from Boston toward
Concord, Massachusetts, to seize weapons and ammunition stockpiled by American
colonists. Early the next morning, an advance guard of nearly 240 British soldiers
reached Lexington. Paul Revere s famous ride ahead of the British departure from
Boston alerted a group of nearly 70 minutemen along the route from Lexington
through to Concord. When the British finally arrived the
Mental Health And Mental Health
In the book Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on college campuses, authors
Arum and Roska (2011) discuss how college is academically adrift, denoting how
minor academic learning is in comparison to other facets and how academia is failing
its students (p. 30). One point the authors emphasize is that it is academic learning is
more crucial for students to show the value in their collegiate experience (p. 30). This
is in contrast with how universities focus on utilizing student engagement for
retention purposes, which the authors believe is not as pivotal (p. 31). This means
that to measure the success of college, we should not mention retention but what
students learn. While the authors make an interesting case, this view does not focus
on students holistically. Indeed, students go to college to learn, but students are more
than their academics. When students are seen as only learners and measured by that,
I believe this affects their mental healthnegatively. It causes them to only focus on
their academic achievements and how much they learned, instead of focusing on
themselves and their sanity. When a student s mental health is not at his or her best,
they cannot properly learn. For this reason, my paper will focus on students
advocating for their mental health as an important skill a college graduate should
have, with the main basis coming from my own personal experience. Additionally,
this paper will discuss how changing certain policies and practice areas can help
The Dangers Of Bioterrorism
Despite the many facts supporting the dangers of bioterrorism, there has not been
a serious attack since 2001; that adds to fourteen years free of bioterrorism. Even
the attack that did occur in 2001 only killed five people. William Clark, a professor
and chair emeritus of immunology at UCLA, writes that: It is almost inconceivable
that any terrorist organization we know of [could develop] a bioweapon capable of
causing mass casualties on American soil. He states that the threat of terrorism has
been systematically and deliberately exaggerated. Other professors like Sucharit
Bhakdi, head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz,
cast a critical eye on talk of a serious, imminent threat from biological agents. A...
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Biosurveillance is defined as a process of gathering, integrating, interpreting, and
communicating essential information that might relate to disease activity and threats
to human, animal, or plant health (National Association of County City Health
Officials). Its activities range from standard epidemiological practices to advanced
technological systems, utilizing complex algorithms. Its goal is to develop
effective surveillance, prevention and operational capabilities for detecting and
countering biological threats. Along with Biosurveillance, NIH has a basic
research program for biodefense. BARDA has developed medications that may be
critical in future responses to bioterrorism attacks. CDC has funded public health
agencies to prepare for bioterrorism, and oversees laboratory research centered
around this topic, manages a national stockpile of medications in case of an
emergency, and has an Emergency Operations Center that is a model for other
health agencies around the world. DHS has created a risk assessment and threat
characterization process to help guide planning. FDA has created an office that deals
explicitly with the regulation and approval of products to be used only in the event
of bioterrorism, pandemics, or other urgencies or emergencies. The DOD and DOS
have important programs dedicated to addressing the issue overseas through science
and technology as well as cooperative threat reduction. (Tom Inglesby, Assessing the
Aristotle s On The Soul
Mark A. Elvy
Professor Ryan Shea
PHL 103 009
22 February 2017
On the Soul by Aristotle
a.Aristotle s On the Soul is a treatise.
a.Aristotle discusses the nature of the soul of not only humans but all living things,
and as to why they are considered living. The question surrounding the work is what
makes the soul? To answer this Aristotle concludes that the soul is natural and
entelecheia or being at work staying itself .
a.Overview of the soul
i.Defining the soul is the most difficult to define. (402a)
1.There is a variety of methods are used to define the soul.
a.Thinking causes us to bring up questions about what we know about the soul and
prevents us from creating logical ... Show more content on ...
the soul could not be a body, since it is not the body that is an underlying thing, but
rather the body has being as an underlying thing and material [for something else].
d.So, everything that lives and has a soul at all necessarily has the nutritive soul from
birth and up to death... (434a 20)
a....harmony is some ratio or putting together of things that have been mixed or
joined and the soul cannot be either of these. (407b 30)
i.Argument: Some people define the soul to be a harmony or as a blending of
contraries, but that s not what the soul is. ii. Analysis: Aristotle argues that the soul
isn t harmony rather that there are several souls that make up the body that work in
b.the soul could not be a body, since it is not the body that is in an underlying thing,
but rather the body has being as an underlying thing and material [for something else].
i.Argument: The soul is not a body. ii. Analysis: Aristotle is arguing that the soul
cannot be a body because the soul does not have self nourishing abilities only natural
bodies do. The soul is instead everlasting so it has the ability of being at work
staying itself.
a.After finding everything the soul isn t, Aristotle
To What Extent was President Reagan’s Personal Role
in the...
A.Plan of Investigation
The investigation assesses the extent of significance of President Reagan s role in
the Iran Contra affair in the 1980 s. Reagan s role will be looked at while aiding
the Nicaraguan Contras, releasing American hostages, both which led to the Iran
Contra affair, and during the cover up, in America and partly in Iran. An
investigation account and American history are mostly used to evaluate Reagan s
role. Two of the sources used in this essay, Firewall: The Iran Contra conspiracy and
cover up written by Lawrence E. Walsh and The Age of Reagan by Sean Wilentz will
then be evaluated for their origins, purposes, values, and limitations.
B.Summary of Evidence
Prior to the Iran Contra affair, Reagan was in the last ... Show more content on ...
Also, Oliver North was ordered to teach the Contras military tactics and raised
money for them. As Reagan and his private officials went about on doing this
secretly, publicity had a way to find what was going on. Congress was lied to as a
cover up by Reagan so they would not intervene. After his reelection, Reagan
supported another covert program: an attempt to release hostages in Lebanon. This
would soon turn into the Iran Contra Affair. In 1984 a Shiite Islamic group that was
loyal to Iran s Ayatollah Khomeini had captured and held seven Americans hostage
in Lebanon. The President was very much concerned for the Americans well being.
An Israeli foreign minister, David Kimche, insisted that since Iran and Iraq were at
war with each other, Iran would need more weapons, and because Israel would also
gain monetary benefits, they could help with persuasion to release the officials. All
the U.S. needed to do was to approve a small shipment of armaments to Iran. Reagan
then agreed to this deal, to sell arms to Iran through Israel, which would induce the
kidnappers in releasing the hostages. Even though Reagan stated before that America
will never make concessions to terrorists, the transferring of arms violated that
statement and the Arms Export Control Act since congress was not informed and
didn t give consent. The secret request, hidden from congress would not only help
free the hostages, but also
I Woke At The Sound Of Roosters Greeting
I awoke to the sound of roosters greeting the morning outside my window.
Breathing in the already hot tropical air, I detected notes of coffee wafting from
the adjacent common living space, which doubled as a kitchen. After spending
only three days in Piedras Gordas, Panama, my host family had embraced my
broken Spanish and love for fresh juice, but SeГ±or Dominguez had yet to approve
of me helping with the sugar cane harvest. The differences between our cultures
were apparent, yet I was ready to embrace them and expand my horizons. Panama
is an interesting contradiction, with bustling cities only miles from quiet mountain
villages. With over 80% of Panama s rural population living in poverty, few
families own cars in the village that became my home for a week. The village is a
sprawling collection of houses, a school, a small co op, one church, and a rather
abandoned looking medical clinic. The only characteristic of the stark concrete
structure revealing it as such is a sign reading ClГnica, barely visible through
overgrown grass. One day, as we were walking to a neighbor s, I pointed to the
structure, asking my host mother what it was. She explained it was a medical clinic,
but only staffed with nurses a couple times a month. Any other medical needs or
emergencies must be taken care of in the nearby town, approximately 30 minutes by
bus. Though I found this disconcerting, she simply continued our conversation this
level of care is her norm. This poignant moment added
Water Is An Important Factor That Affects Sorption
Water is an important factor that affects sorption because when there is excess
water or when water drains through soil from sources at the surface, adsorbed
pesticide molecules can become unattached, or desorbed, and wash away to a new
location (Rao, 1999). Just as degradation has a measure in the half life of a
compound, sorption also has a measure in the partition coefficient (Koc), which is a
ratio of pesticide concentration in a soilbound state versus dissolved in soil water
(Rao, 1999). In fact, the solubility of a pesticide and its sorption on soil are
inversely related; [in other words], increased solubility results in less sorption (Rao,
1999). Both sorption and degradation are effected by soil type and pH, both of which
... Show more content on ...
Volatilization is a means of major pesticide loss and its rate of loss can often
exceeds that of degradation, runoff, or leaching (van der Werf, 1996). For example,
in an Oregon study, soil samples 64km from any agriculture were found to have DDT
residues, and in Saskatchewan, Canada, 20% of 2, 4 D iso octyl ester volatilized in
24 hours (Pimentel, 1995). Once in the atmosphere, pesticide residues can spread
anywhere, even Antarctica (Pimentel, 1995). Large amounts of pesticides and
organic compounds can be transported around the globe in the atmosphere, for
example, in the atmosphere of the Netherlands, the amounts of
BHC, DDT, and heptachlor were reported to be 4600, 1064, and 190 pg/m 3,
respectively (Pimentel, 1995).
Topography and Geology Topography and geology affect pesticide movement in
as much as directing or transporting pesticides. Topography is very obvious, for
example, if a field is right next to a river, it is much more likely for runoff to get into
the river system, or if a field is in a low area not very far above the water table,
pesticides are very likely to leach into the groundwater. On the other hand, a field
could be high and dry and very far from any river or groundwater, but if it is hilly
that can pose its own problems. As T. Y. Tong and Chen point out, surface runoffis an
important source of non point pollution (Tong and Chen, 2002). Though it was
pointed out by van der Werf that volatilization is the biggest source of
Fred Hollows Significance in Promoting Change for...
Good morning/ afternoon,
My name is Mary Doe and it is an honour to represent the Queensland Youth
Parliament during reconciliation week. This presentation will focus on Fred Hollows
significance in promoting change for Indigenous Australia. As you may well know
Fred Hollows was an able advocate for Indigenous health and focused much of his life
on ending curable blindness among numerous Indigenous communities.
Paragraph 1 Who is Fred Hollows and what were his main achievements.
Fred Hollows was born in New Zealand in 1929. He was not only a terrific
ophthalmologist but also a skilled surgeon and social justice activist, as he believed
everyone was equal due to his respectful and non judgemental family upbringing.
Initially Fred wanted to work in the church but later changed his mind to medicine
after working in a mental health hospital. At the age of 22, he started Medical school
at the University of Otago and then in 1965 to continue his ophthalmologic work.
Paragraph 2 Career beginnings
Fred started his medical career by attending the University of Otago Medical School
in 1951, at the age of 22. Fred held many different positions in his early career
including being a medical intern, a house surgeon and a clinician before specialising
in Ophthalmology. After qualifying as an ophthalmologist Fred worked all around
New Zealand including Wellington Hospital, which was the biggest in the country.
After he moved to Australia in 1965, in the late 1960 s to
A Research Study On Different Cultures Based On The
This section explains about the actions which are taken by the researcher and their
sequence and then the outline which has been followed to carry out the field of study.
There have been various methods taken to evaluate the subject and they are
highlighted in this section and then a valid analysis has been conducted and the entire
population was kept in view and the sample and its collection types.
The research design means the procedures and the gathering of data for the study.
The design can be in different types: exploratory, descriptive or applied. Exploratory
design means when data and information are obtained as basic priority and the proper
sequence of data collection is followed. For understanding the integration of different
... Show more content on ...
3.1 Data Collection
Primary and secondary are the two major forms of any particular study. Primary has
unprocessed and information which is not manipulated and it is gathered directly
from the source whereas secondary means a reliance on the already researched work
which is available and has been researched by numerous scholars and researchers.
Both methods are used to gather the important info for the use of exploratory study as
in this case.
3.2 Primary data collection
Bryman and Bell (2007) said that to carry out a qualitative data then there are two
methods used: direct observation and conduction an interview. This approach
always provides an analysis in detail and elaborates the research. Creswell (2009)
had this view that primary data is important and has a great significance because it is
always in a raw form and it is more authentic because it has been collected directly
from the source. So, for this study it was suggested to conduct primary data from the
students who are studying in UK and the method used for semi structured interview.
The reason for using semi structured interview is that; researcher can easily edit the
questions asked in a semi structured interview session before they are answered and
the questions can be manipulated which makes it more valuable and important for
any research. To conduct an interview, the queries are based on the idea to rely on
the basic aim and objective of the field of the study and also highly
Breaking A Good Book Essay
There is nothing like the thrill you get from reading a good book. These are hard
to find nowadays, as authors seem to be hugging one niche or the other, trying to
sell their books. The really good books are hidden under this pile of confusion. Not
to say that there aren t any good books these days, as there are a lot of interesting
novels spinning one romance story or the other. The fact is, very few are useful to
your life. Few books leave you with the impression of, Wow! I didn t know that .
They all tell something people already know. Infact, the stories these days seem like
tales that have been told already. In this article, we will be taking a look at 10
fucking useful books you should read. ... Show more content on ...
101 Places to get f*cked up before you die: This amazing read published by the
Matador Network and edited by David S. Miller provides you with all the
information you need on top party destinations around the world. If you are tired of
spending your vacations in the same old places and you simply want a break, this
book is the ultimate travel guide to partying around the world. With amazing
destinations like Marrakech, Morroco and even Croatia; this book is very useful to
2.How to Poo at work: This hilarious book is also very useful. It would not only make
you laugh, but would serve you with some juicy tips on going for number 2 in the
office. People often ask me, Roxy, what kind of books do you read? , well this is
what I read.
3.Messing with Telemarketers: Everyone hates telemarketers. Telemarketers
themselves do not like receiving calls from companies trying to sell one product or
the other. This book is the ultimate guide to messing with telemarketers. It would
show you how to have fun in an otherwise annoying
Benefits And Drawbacks Of Cookies
Academic Report
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Cookies
Jeff Andrew (B00107736)
Department of Business
School of Business Humanities
Institute of Technology Blanchardstown
Dublin 15
[Word limit for assignment: 1500Actual word count: [1560]
Digital Enterprise/Semester one
Personal Development
Digital Marketing
29th November 2017
Essay #3: Cookies are widely used to track consumers and profile their preferences
and interests. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the use of cookies for both
businesses and consumers.
Cookies have become an online phenomenon. They have many benefits and
drawbacks for both businesses and consumers in modern society. Everyone that has
access to the internet, a phone or laptop and uses the Google search engine to browse
for their content of interest, is prone to the implementation of cookies on their virtual
profiles. Cookies are controversially beneficial to businesses more so than consumers;
however, consumers do get suggestions/advertisements of the content they are
interested in occasionally.
Consumers often use a search engine such as Google to browse for content that
applies to their lifestyle, interests, hobbies and career focused information. Every
search that is carried out by a consumer, on any browser, is monitored and recorded.
This data is collected using a size 1x1 bit code labelled cookies, that acts ... Show
more content on ...
Prior research has reported that online consumers are often confused about the pros
and cons of cookies, also that most are not able to properly identify what a cookie is
(Ha et al. 2006; Hoofnagle 2005). Many consumers are not aware of numerous
technologies that they can use online which can reduce the invasion of privacy
through cookies, at no extra
Noble 8 Fold Path
Exploring the Beauty of Nature with Snyder through Zen Buddhism Gary Snyder
along with a few other Beats started the practice of Zen Buddhism in order to live a
simpler life, not only to get in touch with each other or themselves but to also get in
touch with the world and the beautiful things it has to offer. ZenBuddhismcan be
tough to define but it can be seen as the practice of meditating daily, laughing, seeing
but not taking much in, not giving into the unskilled habits of the mind and realizing
the characteristics of existence, as well as following the Noble 8 Fold Path. Gary
Snyder practices the Zen and reflects what he s learned in his poetry in poems such as
Mid August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout, Piute Creek, Water, A
Analysis Of The Poem Norham Castle Sunrise
Norham Castle Sunrise , first painted by Joseph Mallord William Turner in 1798 as
a young man of 23 years old. Having first visited the castle in 1797 Turner proceed
to paint Norham Castle various times through out his career. It can be seen through
this series the way in which his age impacted upon his perception of the scene, his
final painting, completed 1845 when Turner was in his 70s shows the transition of
the atmospheric value and presence that now features, i will be writing on this
final painting. Normah Castle, the subject of this particular painting is located on
the River Tweed, on the boarder of England and Scotland, painted in the medium of
Graphite, watercolour on paper. Wanderer Above a Sea of Fog , painted by Casper
David Friedrich in 1818 as a mature man, aged approximately 44 years old,
Friedrich painted this piece in the final third of his life, it is believed to possibly
have been Colonel Friedrich Gotthard Von Bricken, of the Saxon infantry, it is
most likely this man was killed in 1813 or 1814 in service of King Friedrich
Wilhelm III of Prussia in the Battles against Napoleon, there for this painting may
be serving as a patriotic tribute. The inspiration for the painting was that of the
Elbandsteingebirge, in Saxony and Bohemia. Both Joseph Mallord William Turner s
Norham Castle Sunrise , as well as Casper David Friedrich s Wanderer Above a Sea
of Fog are painted in the Romanticism style of landscape painting. Romanticism was
an art movement
Robust Video Data Hiding Using Forbidden Zone Data
Robust Video Data Hiding Using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding and Selective
Embedding Ersin Esen and A. Aydin Alatan, Member, IEEE
Abstract Video data hiding is still an important research topic due to the design
complexities involved. We propose a new video data hiding method that makes use of
erasure correction capa bility of repeat accumulate codes and superiority of forbidden
zone data hiding. Selective embedding is utilized in the proposed method to
determine host signal samples suitable for data hiding. This method also contains a
temporal synchronization scheme in order to withstand frame drop ... Show more
content on ...
They applied quantization index modulation (QIM) to low frequency DCT
coefficients and adapted the quantization parameter based on MPEG 2 parameters.
Furthermore, they varied the embedding rate depending on the type of the frame. As
a result, insertions and erasures occur at the decoder, which causes de
synchronization. They utilized repeat accumulate (RA) codes in order to
withstand erasures. Since they adapted the parameters according to type of frame,
each frame is processed separately. RA codes are already applied in image data
hiding. In [3], adaptive block selection results in de synchronization and they
utilized RA codes to handle erasures. Insertions and erasures can be also handled
by convolutional codes as in [4]. The authors used convolutional codes at
embedder. However, the burden is placed on the decoder. Multiple parallel Viterbi
decoders are used to correct de synchronization errors. However, it is observed [4]
that such a scheme is successful when the number of selected host signal samples
is much less than the total number of host signal samples. In [5], 3 D DWT
domain is used to hide data. They use LL subband coefficients and do not perform
any adaptive selec tion. Therefore, they do not use error correction codes robust to
erasures. Instead, they use BCH code to increase error correction capability. The
authors performed 3 D interleaving in order to get rid of local burst of errors.
The Human Resource Management Practices
The success of an organization can be attributed to a number of factors. Some of
these factors include not only the quality of physical resources but also the people
working in that particular organization and their skills. Human resource management
typically, refers to the practices/policies of organizations and how these policies
affect the behaviours and performances of their employees. This paper will discuss
how the practices of human resource managementenable a firm to obtain a
competitive advantage over other competing firms in terms of training, recruitment,
diversity managementand employment equity. We will discuss the human resource
management policies of KPMG which is an accounting firm and is in fact, one of
the four largest professional services companies in the world. KPMG employs
more than 162000 people and specialises in auditing, tax and financial advisory
services. They have achieved this feat by attracting and keeping the most skilled
employees that are available in today s dynamic business world. I chose this
company because they are a prime example of the kind of success other companies
should be striving for. They are well managed with equal importance being given
to each of their employees and have a very good work culture in general. It is a
well known fact that no strategy, no matter how well drafted, will work unless you
have the right people, with the right skills, in the right roles and supervised by the
right leaders. In today s day and
Walt Disney s Influence On
Examining Walt Disney s Influence1
Examining Walt Disney Production s Influence1
Examining Walt Disney Production s Influence on Brad Bird
Sean Skokan
Cleveland State University
1) Introduction Introduces reader to Brad Bird, his films, and Disney s influence on
both his work and his life.
2) Body Disney Protagonists Demonstrates how Disney protagonists, specifically
females, are depicted in films through several studies. Brad Bird s Protagonists
Examines how protagonists are displayed in Brad Bird s films and compares them to
previously established masculine and feminine qualities that have resulted from these
previous studies.
3) Conclusion Summarizes the influence of Disney on Brad Bird s life and films.
This paper explores the influence and impact of classic Walt Disneyproductions on
Brad Bird and his films, and how these aforementioned productions compare and
contrast to Bird s films. Disney protagonists are examined through their gender,
feminine and masculine characteristics, through several studies. These studies and
their results are then used as a basis to compare and contrast to the depiction of
protagonists in Brad Bird s films, as the depiction and traits of these protagonists are
Examining Walt Disney s Influence on Brad Bird
Introduction to Brad Bird The products of the goliath commonly known as Disney
and formally known as The Walt Disney Company have had an undeniably large
impact on animated
Young Goodman Brown VS. Paul Essay
Young Goodman Brown vs. Paul
After studying the short stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown
and Willa Cather s Paul s Case , I began to see many similarities within the two
stories. Both of the main characters in each story have characteristics that could be
looked at as being alike, but after analyzing each character I started to find that
although alike in some aspects, these two characters are very different from one
another. At first I noticed that both Goodman Brown and Paul are starved for
attention, but in different ways. Next, I see that each character has issues with their
past and are both trying desperately to overcome them. Finally, I found that each
character s main goal in ... Show more content on ...
Of all nights in the year, this one night must I tarry away from thee. My journey, as
thou callest it, forth and back again, must needs be done twixt now and sunrise
(Hawthorne). I believe that this line that Goodman say s to his newly married
wife, is saying that he needs to become something in order for her to be proud of
him. He needs to go on this journey and prove to himself that he is strong and will
be able to find fulfillment in himself. Goodman Brown is a character, which has
many problems within himself. His quest for internal greatness was shattered by his
inability to accept who he was and get over his past. This eventually led to a life
controlled by the devil.
Paul is the main character in Willa Cather s short story titled, Paul s Case . Paul is a
very troubled young man who believes he is destined for greatness. He was always
in trouble at school and was never content with being himself. Paul had a very
troubling past where his father would constantly emotionally abuse him and was
always looked down upon at school. Paul feels that his is stuck where he his and
cannot control his own future. One symbol used in this story was Cordelia Street.
This is the street that Paul grew up on and he talks about this street as being boring
and common, much like his life. Paul has a real problem with his past and how to
escape it. Because
The Avalon Data Warehouse Implementation Essay
Avalon is an application that supports a standard way of working across Fugro. To
support this standard way of working Avalon applications handle with an enormous
volume of transactional data daily. In a further stage this transactional data is used
for monitoring and controlling process and decision making, in line with the Avalon
program goals below.
Improve Cross OpCo and Cross divisional project transparency and control and;
Provide automated key information and reporting at all levels.
The Avalon data warehouseis a combination of data warehouse functionality with a
business intelligence application that expanding Avalon reporting capability and
enable Avalon to achieve goals concerning reporting.
This document describes the Avalon data warehouse as a business solution to
enhance Avalon reporting.
Chapter 2 describes the Avalon data warehouse functionality and chapter 3 the scope
of the Avalon data warehouse. Chapter 4 lists the motivation for supporting the
Avalon data warehouse implementation. In chapter 5, the process of collecting and
processing business requirements is described. At chapters 6 and 7, there is a
technical description of the architecture and data security, and Chapter 8 outlines the
implementation plan.
2.Avalon data warehouse
The Avalon data warehouse is a business solution that enhances Avalon with powerful
database functionalities. These functionalities provide to Avalon users a practical
way to view historic data, and by
Bobby Askedahl s The Cal Bomber
Stanford College is struck with a bomb making one person permanently injured
and killing the second. The Cal Bomber is someone who has been sending bombs
to colleges around California trying to get revenge for the rise of technology and
the point across that we need to go back to the time without relying on it. For years
after years of this violence, the Cal Bomber was still not found and remained
anonymous. Natalie, a teacher with two daughters and a husband that gets home very
late because of work, is struck with a feeling that her brother, Bobby Askedahl, is the
terrorizing Cal Bomber. The manifesto of the bomber and her brothers last letter to
her sound remarkably similar. She faces numerous challenges throughout the story
with her family... Show more content on ...
The characters bring a riveting story to life when reading. Throughout the book, I
felt emotions left and right for the characters and what they were going through.
There is a lot of mystery and questioning that will be answered later in the book, but
once its done, there are still many questions being asked. when I look for a book,
that is something that stands out to me because I really want to read more, and
when you have that reaction to a book, that means it was worth reading. I found this
book remarkable because of the behaviors, characteristics, and decisions that the
characters make, and I recommend this book to everyone, even if they don t like to
Functional Training Vs Physical Therapy
Functional Training
People who practice functional training or physical therapy use similar techniques to
help their clients improve their mobility and physical quality of life. Physical and
occupational therapists, chiropractors, athletic trainers, and coaches use functional
training exercises that mimic everyday functional movements like pushing, pulling,
squatting, walking, and running to improve a person s strength, mobility, stability,
and flexibility. These exercises help patients and athletes to reach their goals safely
and without causing further harm to an injury.
The Purpose of Functional Training
Functional training involves bodyweight resistance exercises, free and machine
weights, medicine balls, kettlebells, and various other equipment. Exercises are used
to mimic the way the body naturally moves thus limiting the potential for injury.
Building muscles like the biceps or quadriceps in isolation are not the purpose of
functional training. Instead, the purpose is to strengthen the muscles and build
muscle endurance so that a client can better perform daily living tasks. ... Show more
content on ...
Physical Therapy
A person doesn t have to have a physical impairment, injury, disability, or a medical
referral to receive functional training. For example, athletic trainers use functional
training techniques on athletes to help improve their game time performance. In
some cases, individuals can practice functional training exercises without the
assistance of a
Analysis Of Pixar s New Man
The New Man as described by Ken Gillam and Shannon R. Wooden in Post
Princess Models of Gender: The New Man in Disney/Pixar explains the way in
which men are portrayed in children s films today and how that varies from older
films. Contrasting this New Man are all the dangerous and traditional men Michael S.
Kimmel describes in Gender, Class and Terrorism because these men are uber
macho males as explained by Gillam and Wooden. Pixar s New Man definition has
evolved from the original definition of what it means to be male and have masculine
qualities which escapes the rhetoric of masculinity(a term coined by Kimmel) which
if incorporated into modern society would lessen negative events that happen in the
world. When speaking of negative events that covers all damaging behavior that
comes from following what C.J. Pascoe explains in Dude, You re a Fag : Adolescent
Masculinity and the Fag Discourse . In Pascoe s work he describes the way in which
men treat each other to diminish each other s manhood.
When introduced to the world, Pixar s New Man would be empowered by equality
and would not demand power as well as leadership but would find strength in being
a part of a team. Kimmel explains that alpha males in current society continue to feel
a seething resentment against women, whom they perceive as stealing their rightful
place at the head of the table (593). Gillam and Wooden New Man is exemplified by
the character Mr. Incredible who must embrace his own
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Stepping Machines
the most straightforward gadget that can be connected to CNC machines since it
can change over advanced information into real mechanical relocation. It is not
important to have any simple to computerized converter nor criticism gadget for the
control framework. They are in a perfect world suited to open circle frameworks. In
any case, Stepping engines are not generally utilized as a part of machine devices
because of the accompanying disadvantages moderate rate, low torque, low
determination and simple to slip if there should be an occurrence of over burden.
Samples of venturing engineapplication are the attractive head of floppy plate drive
and hard circle drive of PC, daisy wheel sort printer, X Y tape control, and CNC EDM
Wire cut machine... Show more content on ...
Automatic Mode (Auto and Single Block): In this mode the framework permits
the execution of a section program ceaselessly. The part program is executed piece
by square. While one piece is being executed, the following square is perused by
the framework, broke down and kept prepared for execution. Execution of the
project can be one piece after another consequently or the framework will execute a
square, stop the execution of the following square till it is started to do as such (by
squeezing the begin button).Selection of part program execution ceaselessly (Auto)
or one square at once (Single Block) is done through the machine control board.
Numerous frameworks permit squares (single or different) to be backtracked the
other way. Square follow is permitted just when a cycle step state is built up. Part
program execution can resume and its execution starts with the followed piece. This
is valuable for device investigation or if there should arise an occurrence of
hardware breakage. Project begin can be affected at any piece in the system, through
Victorian Era Research Paper
During the Victorian era many events had taken place. The people were ruled by a
monarchy, had many different jobs depending on their skill, and many things had
taken place in the Victorian era. There is a reason that the Victorian era it is because
during the time the woman that had ruled was named victoria. The era was ruled by a
The victorian era was ruled by a monarchy. The queen that was part of the
monarchy was queen victoria since 1688. A monarchy and a parliament, It has a
queen or a king that rules everyone. A parliament consists of a house of lords and a
house of commons. Being a monarchy the people couldn t choose who would make
their laws.
The Victorian era gave people jobs based on their skills, age, and gender. Professions
Hoop Dreams Film Analysis
Whilst watching Hoop Dreams , the respect that is held for William Gates and
Arthur Agee by the filmmakers Steve James, Peter Gilbert and Frederick Marx
within the observational documentary (Bill Nichols, 2001) is obvious, and their
decorum after the film s release remains an integral part of the film s legacy. As a
whole, documentaries often do not perform as well as their narrative film
counterparts, and so when Hoop Dreamssoared beyond expectations to make
$11.8million at the box office worldwide (according to, the
filmmakers famously gave Gates and Agee around $200,000 a piece in royalties.
Paying for a social actor s involvement in the film is the subject of debate worldwide,
as many professionals in the industry... Show more content on ...
As Sheila presents herself on screen as being a strong and proud woman, the
filmmakers ethically document her asking direct to camera Do you ever ask
yourself how I get by on $268 a month and keep this house and feed these children?
Do you ever ask yourself that question? The largely white, upper or middle class
intended audience for this film would be shocked by such questions appearing in
their own lives. Too many of them embraced Ronald Reagan s cartoon of Welfare
Queens and now endorse Newt Gingrich s even more vicious slanders on welfare
mothers. (Sperber, 1996) The filmmakers themselves then give Sheila the money
to pay for her utility bills in this moment of despair. This act of generosity and
kindness is exemplified in it s ethical nature, as the moment itself is never shown on
camera, but came out after the film s release. It is clear from this that it was not
done to further the image of the filmmakers, but rather to show support for a family
who had been so accommodating for the years spent making this film. That was the
kind of situation where we try to be human beings in the process, notes Steve James.
(Leeman, 2003) But at the same time, capture the realities of their lives in as honest a
way as we could without compromising our essential humanness. We need to be more
than just filmmakers. And it s a tough line to
Leadership of Richard Branson Essay
Leadership of Richard Branson
Dr. Paul FrankenhauserMGT 500 Modern Management
Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group has been a household name in the
United Kingdom for over twenty years. He is well respected in the business world.
He is the founder of the Virgin Group, which is known for many different things
such as cell phones, record labels, airlines and many more. Branson is also known
for his unique character and leadership styles, one who is not afraid to take risks,
and believes that people are the foundation to his company s success. If I were to
first characterize his leadership style I would say he is definitely a democratic leader.
He truly feels that getting other peoples input and listening to what ... Show more
content on ...
They show customers and employees what our business stands for, and often
inspire our teams at other businesses to try new challenges. Another way Branson
keeps employees engaged is by inviting them to take part in company events, like
the Virgin Mobile Live Free fest, a free music festival held every year to raise
money (through donations) for homeless young people. Along with giving
employees a chance to give something back to the community, the festival allows
an opportunity to say thank you to customers and staff by providing them with the
chance to enjoy themselves for free. The sense of fun unites the businesses
reminds employees of what the company stands for. In some ways it s easier for a
large organization like Virgin to embark on such projects, but with a little
inventiveness and resourceful thinking, other business owners might come up with
shot in the arm schemes of their own (Entrepreneur, 2012). Maintaining a focused
and motivated staff can be a difficult task for employers to master, especially
during harsh economic times and with stretched resources. Branson recently held a
series of talks for employees, where they were encouraged to engage and debate
different subjects. The exercises were held on a tropical island in the Caribbean.
Every company does not have the luxury of taking their employees off to a tropical
island, that
The Four Reasons Why The Christian Denominations
Ever since the start of Christianity, the church has constantly been dividing into
different sects, also known as denominations. Some churches for example let snakes
loose while they take communion, while others have professional football on
television during services. While these traditions may seem strange to some, they are
simply the norm for others. The question we must then ask ourselves is why? Today,
not only will we find out why there are so many denominations, why this matters, and
what the Biblesays about the different denominations.
When dealing with the Christian denominations, we must go back and start with the
reformation. This reformation, commonly referred to as the Protestant Reformation,
split reformed Christianity from Catholicism. As a result of this reformation,
Christianity broke off into four major denominations: Lutherans, Methodists,
Presbyterians, and Baptists. Each one of these churches finds a different part of
Christianity to focus on. The denominations do not stop there however. People have
created even more offshoots of Christianity based on their interpretation of the
Scriptures, some being valid, while others are completely bizarre. Over time, over
forty thousand different denominations have been established worldwide! ... Show
more content on ...
The simple answer is yes. You should know the specific beliefs of the church you
choose to go to. Many churches simply differ on minute issues, while others add or
remove essential parts of Christianity completely. To spot denominations that are
straying from the truth, listen carefully to what they preach. Christians should only
go to a church that affirms the true gospel of Jesus. As long as the church does not
contradict or add to the Bible, then the decision of which church to attend lies simply
in preference and
Microfinance And Small Scale Business
Microfinance are the financial institutions who provide loans or funds to individuals
who do not possess the actual documents which can be submitted to banks to seek
/borrow loans. These individuals can be entrepreneurs and small scale business
owners. Microfinance institutions mostly function in developing countries when
compared to developed countries. They are almost similar to banks with regards to
the nature of functioning, for instance, they fund people who would like to start a
poultry business (farmers), transportation and restaurants.
The functions as mentioned earlier are similar to the banking institutions, however,
the range of transactions are in small scale. The transactions mostly happen with few
hundreds of dollars. The money borrowed are often used to buy the tools and
necessary items to start with construction in case of a new small business or for
reconstruction in case of an established trader. The main purpose of these small
entrepreneurs is to support their families and the run their business to get themselves
out of poverty. Microfinance institutions lends loan on short term basis where the
borrower is expected to pay their loan within 6 months to 1 year. Hence these
institutions do not require much documents prior to approve the loans, as it can be
seen with most banks.
What kind of innovation is microfinance today?
Microfinance was started as a Social Innovation by a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur
named Muhammad Yunus. His intentions
Basketball Throw Bracket
The way to construct a major league ball playoff bracket is described below. This
will let you track the competition all the way to the end of the World Series, so
you ll know how the World Champions won. The criteria for determining which
teams make the MLB playoffs are complex. Unless you are an avid follower, it can
very difficult to distinguish between wild cards, record holders and divisional
winners. However, this guide explains the basics in the playoffs that go into the
decision of major league baseballteam, and decides which teams advance. This is the
way to construct a baseballdivision playoff bracket.
Know the definition of a playoff bracket. The playoff bracket simply shows the teams
that oppose each other in each round. Lots ... Show more content on
Once you have got the two winners from the division series on the NL side, those
two winning teams will have to play each other to get the league champions. In
order to demonstrate this on your baseball bracket, sketch a different 3 sided cube.
Sketch a line from the center of the division games boxes, and put the winning team
on that line. Each winning team should be joined together by using a vertical line.
Do this for the AL and the NL teams in the bracket.
Display the World Series champs. Once both leagues have played, there will be one
winner on each side. At this point both sides in your baseball playoff bracket will
meet in the page s center. Divide each league championship game in half by drawing
a line through the center of that game and enter the winning team on this line. There
will be 2 teams written next to each other. The reason is that one team is in the
National League while the other is in the American League. You don t need a box
now, just the line.
Champion of the World Series. The winner of your MLB playoff bracket will be
determined at the conclusion of the World Series. Underline the rival World Series
competitor team s names, by themselves. Jot down the victorious ballteam s name on
this line, writing champion beneath
A Short Note On The Experience And Connectivity
Table Of Contents Introduction: I. Avaya A. Experience and Connectivity I.
Experience of Company II. ACD based on Windows III. Connectivity B.
Multimedia Support I. E Mail II. Chat III. Voice Mail IV. IVR V. Outbound dial VI.
CTI VII. URL VIII. CRM support II. Genesys A. Experience and Connectivity I.
Experience of Company II. ACD based on Windows III. Connectivity B.
Multimedia Support I. E Mail II. Chat III. Voice Mail IV. IVR V. Outbound dial VI.
CTI VII. URL VIII. CRM support III. Interactive Intelligence A. Experience and
Connectivity I. Experience of Company II. ACD based on Windows III.
Connectivity B. Multimedia Support I. E Mail II. Chat III. Voice Mail IV. IVR V.
Outbound dial VI. CTI VII. URL VIII. CRM support IV. Comparing service
offered by the company. V. Conclusion At the core of any good business and call
center is a strong platform in place that meets the current needs of the company and
the ability for growth in the future. This proposal is to identify which vendor I
suggest that can not only meet our current needs but also give us flexibility in the
future. I will establish my findings and reasons for selecting the proposed platform
from a specific vendor. To determine the best fit for our needs, I will be evaluating
the following vendors to narrow my selection
What Type Of Reaction The Dashwood Sisters Express
No matter what type of reaction the Dashwood sisters express toward situations, both
sisters are completely supportive of the other sister. The definition of the terms
Sense and Sensibility are complete opposites. Sense is using logic in order to come
to some sort of conclusion. The term Sensibility is relying on one s emotions when
making a reacting to a situation or circumstance. The main characters in Sense and
Sensibilityhave opposite reactions when referring to situations. However, the
Dashwood sisters don t pass judgment and their differences actually bring them closer.
The Dashwood sisters aren t so easily categorized into sections of either Sense or
Sensibility . Elinor possesses the most sense between the two sisters. ... Show more
content on ...
She also has an intense love for poetry.
The Dashwood sister s support each other, even when the other doesn t yet know the
reasoning behind the decisions. Although the two sisters aren t compatible in their
reactions they continue to have a close relationship. The novel addresses the two
sisters as a positive comparison. The novel doesn t pin the sisters against one another,
but rather describes how the characters react to each situations. The two sisters
respect each other and their reactions to situations. They don t envy the others
decisions, but they understand the others motives for their reactions. They never talk
down to or about the other sister for their actions that involve their sense or
sensibility personality traits. They respect each other, and it s important for their
relationship that they ve never tried to change the other sister. Perhaps, the sisters
learn from each other and grow as individuals. Elinor learns to have more sensibility
in her life. Marianne learns to react to situations with more logic, which is a sense
The passage of the novel that relates to the characteristic of sense is chapter 22.
This chapter explains the reactions of Elinor as she finds out about Lucy and
Edward s secret engagement. Edward is Elinor s love interest. They spend a lot of
their time together and really bonded. She keeps her composure when hearing the
news from Lucy. She doesn t react erratically. She thinks the situation
Explication Of Still I Rise By Maya Angelou
Jeg Lucero
May 11 2017
7A Abetya
Poetry Explication of Still I Rise
The poem I am doing for my poetry explication, is the poem Still I Rise by the poet
Maya Angelou. This poem was released on the year 1978, the author Maya Angelou,
was born on April 4th, 1928 and died on May 28th, of 2014. Maya Angelouwas
american poet, memoirist, and an civil rights activist. She was most importantly
known for poetry and several poetry books that she had published to the public.
The form of the poem called Still I Rise by the poet Maya Angelou, is an cinquain
poem, the poem has 9 stanza that contains 4 lines of stanza of poetry. The structure of
the poem is that it has 9 stanzas, with similar sounding words known as alliteration.
This poem does not have a rhyme scheme, but the poem has an iambic pentameter
within the poem. ... Show more content on ...
In the conversation where there competing to win the conversation against each
other, you can compare this to a kid against a school bully, using descriptive words
and phrases, trying to make the other character feel bad for doing things to innocent
people. And the narrator seems confident during the whole thing. But when the
poem relates to the fact of life, is that this poem seems to support the fight against
the constant fight against bullying all across the world. And how this poem relates
to my life personally is that this poem seems like if I am going to an new school
with an bully, and how I will stand up to them and make them feel sorry for
Stereotypes In Miyazaki s Princess Mononoke
Studio Ghibli is probably one of my most preferred animation studios out there. Their
best movies typically contain powerful female lead characters, which is awesome
since you don t really see that in animation. It s difficult to find female characters who
take the situation in their own hands without waiting for a prince charming to come
save the day. Miyazaki, the lead animator is a genius for coming up with many
creative storylines and significant illustrations.
Princess Mononoke (1997)
Princess Mononoke is a dark and adventurous story about man s infinite battle with
nature. This movie is a tale of a Prince (Ashitaka) who travels far away from home
in order to find a solution to a curse that was cast upon him. If left untreated he will
die. Ashitaka is pulled between a war throughout his journey with an industrial
village of Iron Town and the animals in the forest led by San, a princess of wolves....
Show more content on ...
She is fierce and an awesome lead to little girls out there. You usually find female
characters in animation portrayed as a damsel in distress. Especially in the
mainstream box offices like what Walt Disney produces. San is the opposite of all
the damsel in distress stereotype that females usually have, instead of waiting around
for her home (which was the forest) to be destroyed she helps the main character
Ashitaka rid of the people harming the forest and help the animals living there. She
definitely deserves the number one spot on this list in my opinion.
Spirited Away(2001)
Spirited Away is one of the classics or an introductory movie I guess. It s one of the
movies that you should watch before you die if you re When I first started to get into
Studio Ghibli Spirited Away was the first movie I saw. It blew me away, the
soundtrack was very fitting to a situation and the animation, how they drew the
characters was astonishing.
Howl s Moving Castle
The Importance Of Jurisdictionance Of Law
According to the ICJ statute jurisdiction of the court can only come into play once
consent has been established. this essay will thus discuss the different ways in
which the court jurisdiction comes into play and whether in light of this we can
deduce the existence of an ICJ compulsory jurisdiction. Under article 93 of the
UNC all members of the UN are members of the ICJ however, this does not confer
on it jurisdiction, this will come into play only after a state have given their consent
which is done in various ways; First, Consent can be given by Special agreement or
compromis Under article 36 of the Statute, this can be invoked after a dispute had
arisen through ad hoc means or on the basis of a reciprocal agreement. thus, states...
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With regards reservations under article 36(3) of the ICJ, states can agree to the court
s jurisdiction as per article 36(2) but include reservations to limit the jurisdiction.
Reservations can be in relation to a treaty, in relation to matters of domestic
jurisdiction, matters they have agreed to settle through other means, or to disputes
that occurred prior to a date, these reservations also are used via the principle of
reciprocity for example, in the Norwegian Loans case the court dismissed France
application due to its reservation regarding matters of national jurisdiction. This
therefore demonstrates further that the court jurisdiction is limited by the
requirement of states sovereignty in conformity with the customary law position.
Further, the jurisdiction of the court is also limited by the fact that the other states
have to accept this obligation for the court to convene on a certain matter i.e. when
one state accepts the court s jurisdiction it can only bring a case against ICJ as long
as the other state has accepted this jurisdiction a state can also depend on article 36(5)
to claim the court jurisdiction. However, in the Nicaragua case the court rejected the
US arguments against its Jurisdiction and held that it still had jurisdiction under
customary law principles and that both the UN charter and customary law regulated
the use of
Summary Of Cynthia Rylant s Stray
Imagine you are a poor person and don t have any money and lonely wouldn t you
want a pet to keep you company. Stray is a story about a little girl named doris. She
is a very lonely kid that needs anything or anyone to keep her company. Children get
really upset when they cannot get a pet parents cent get them anything and don t like
their parent s answer. In the story, Stray , Cynthia Rylant writes to the reader that
children get really upset when they cannot get something.
The first reason is children get really upset when they cannot get a pet. The
primary reason in the story, stray , Cynthia Rylant writes to show the reader that
children get really upset when they can t get something. Doris fell silent praying the
weather would never clear. Imagine that you don t have a lot of money become
very lonely and poor people might need a pet to make them happy. This makes clear
that Doris is very upset she really ... Show more content on ...
Imagine your father didn t have any money and couldn t afford anything what
would you do? Her father made so little money and pets were out of the question.
Imagine you were upset when you can t get something because your mom said so
sometimes people that don t have a lot of money can t even get anything. Even after
week had gone by, Doris didn t name the dog . She knew her parents wouldn t let her
keep it, that her father made so little money any pets were out the question, and
that the pup would definitely got to the pound when the weather cleared. Imagine
you were in a situation when get so upset and you want to cry but you can t and
you want to stay strong but you can t well when people do that they become lonely
and get very upset and you can lose your job and possibly become poor and if you
have kids they might become upset with you because you can t ever get anything.
She was trying not to cry but she was not strong
High School Ministry
When I was in High School Ministry, I loved being there, and I loved being
involved in my High School Ministry but I did not know why I loved being
involved so much and what caused the feeling I had. Not until the new High School
Pastor came, I finally got my answers that I wanted to know. One has to ask
themselves, how you achieve a great High School Ministry. To achieve this goal one
must have passion for causing long lasting faith, discipleship, relationship, and
changing lives.
According to Lankford, James. 4 Steps to a Great Start in Youth Ministry. LifeWay.
N.p., n.d. Web. . He says that to have a great ministry you must do these: develop a
focus, meet everyone involved, brainstorm what you need to accomplish, and follow
up and start ... Show more content on ...
In the article by, Black, Wesley. The Search For Lasting Faith: Development Of A
Scale To Predict Continued Faithfulness In Church Attendance Following High
School Graduation. Journal Of Youth Ministry Spring 2008 (2008): Christian
Periodical Index. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. It says to have lasting faith you must have these
four domains: Discipleship and spiritual depth, Family influences, Mentoring and
intergenerational influences, and Relationships. They disciple them, they build
relationships with them, they mentor them and change their lives. They also have
their families supporting them. Therefore, they can live a life centered on God. We
want the students to have a relationship with God that does not cease. When they
leave, the high school ministry we do not want them to fall away. The long last
faith is putting full trust in God; with all of our life that lasts forever. Blind trust as
it is defined. We want them trust in God has much as we do. Faith is so amazing
and when you put, your faith in God. Life is worth living. I remember when I
trusted fully in God; with my life, he blessed me with a job, schooling, and amazing
friends. We want the students to experience that as well. We try so hard to get
through to students because we care that they live a life that is filled with God,
which is long lasting. In the Article Spirit Driven Discipleship: A Pneumatology of
Youth Ministry by Michael D.
IIAM Foundation s Scholarship Analysis
Because of my history of academic achievement, I believe that I am a deserving
recipient of the IIAM Foundation s scholarship. Throughout my entire life, I have
always strived for academic excellence, putting in the extra effort needed to rise to the
top. The effort that I have put forth in school has perpetuated my understanding of the
importance of obtaining a quality educationafter high schoolgraduation. Unfortunately
for the individual looking to push forward in his academic career, a bachelor s
degree, while not only generally requiring an additional four years, also requires a
substantial amount of money in order to pay for attendance. This poses an interesting
conflict to the aspiring collegestudent: to pursue continued education and be forced
to pay for college in one form or another or to refrain from attendance. While
college was never an option for me, I have always understood its importance in
helping me build a successful career and never had any intentions not to attend.
However, as I grew older, I began to understand how expensive a degree truly is, and
researched the best ways to bypass post graduation debt. Though it has been time
consuming... Show more content on ...
Perhaps the most defining feature of my passion to attend college is the ability to
continue learning in a classroom environment. Though I learn everyday outside of
the classroom, the scape of what I learn in the classroom has a unique effect of my
desire to be there. I have always had a longing to know as much about anything as I
possibly could and college continues to teach me about things I would have otherwise
never had the opportunity to know. If I am to receive one of the IIAM Chairmen s
scholarships, the committee can know to an absolute certainty that their recipient has
a passion for learning and that he understands the utter importance of a college degree
on his own
Essay The Horror of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic...
The Horror of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church.
Early Sunday morning, people shuffle in through the mahogany doors as the smell
of Frankincense and Myrrh tickle the nose. Rays of sunlight beam through the
stained glass windows, making rainbow images on the red velvet carpet. What
sounds like the voices of angels singing praise to the lord harmoniously circulates
in the air. A mighty voice roars from the altar, Now, let us bow our heads in prayer.
This is a majestic place where one can find peace, confess sins and thank the lord for
all of the blessings he has bestowed upon them.
In May of 1992, all of this would change, as Catholicism would be thrust to its knees.
A story concerning a Catholic Priest sparked the ... Show more content on ...
Lawyers for the victims have obtained a 69 page document outlining sexual abuse
protocol. This document written in 1962, possessing the seal of Pope John XXIII,
blatantly states the church should be protected at any cost and those who choose to
ignore the secret of the Holy Office are in jeopardy of excommunication. There are
also questions concerning poor judgment applied at the Diocese level:
During a deposition, Bishop Thomas L. Dupre stated that he reassigned Rev.
Richard Meehan to administrative duties following his removal from a local
parish after abusing a child. He not only had access to sexual abuse files but also
destroyed confidential files pertaining to sexual abuse cases that were kept in a
secured area. Furthermore, Rev. James J. Scahill insists that he was present in a
meeting where Bishop Dupre stated his parish was not only safe but also fortunate
because the late Bishop Christopher J. Weldon had destroyed many files implicating
priests of child sexual abuse, before he died in 1982 ( Spotlight Investigation ).
After the unsealing of church records, it was found that the Catholic Church was well
aware of the dark history surrounding some of its priests. In addition, a vast number
of child sexual abuse complaints were found, implicating several hundred Catholic

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Critical Essay On Hamlet

  • 1. Critical Essay On Hamlet Writing a critical essay on Hamlet can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. The complexity of Shakespeare's masterpiece requires a deep understanding of the play's intricacies, characters, and underlying themes. Analyzing the psychological depth of Prince Hamlet, the intricate relationships between characters, and the overarching themes of revenge, madness, and morality demands both a comprehensive knowledge of the text and a nuanced interpretive approach. Crafting a critical essay on Hamlet involves delving into the layers of symbolism, exploring the cultural and historical context, and dissecting the motives of each character. The task extends beyond summarizing the plot; it necessitates a critical examination of the language, symbolism, and dramatic elements employed by Shakespeare. Addressing the play's philosophical aspects, such as existentialism and the nature of human existence, adds an additional layer of complexity to the essay. Moreover, forming a unique and compelling thesis statement that contributes to the existing body of Hamlet criticism requires originality and insight. Balancing personal interpretation with scholarly analysis can be a delicate task, as it demands a thorough understanding of literary theory and the ability to apply it effectively. Navigating through the vast sea of existing scholarly work on Hamlet poses another challenge. The essay must engage with the existing critical discourse while offering fresh perspectives and interpretations. This requires extensive research and a keen awareness of the various schools of thought that have examined the play over the years. In conclusion, crafting a critical essay on Hamlet is a formidable task that demands a combination of literary prowess, analytical skills, and a deep appreciation for the complexities of Shakespeare's work. However, the intellectual satisfaction derived from unraveling the layers of this timeless play can be immensely rewarding. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic tasks, various resources are available. Websites like offer services where individuals can order custom essays, research papers, and more, tailored to their specific requirements. These platforms can be valuable for those who require additional support or wish to explore different perspectives on challenging literary works like Hamlet. Critical Essay On Hamlet Critical Essay On Hamlet
  • 2. Special Interest Groups Influence The Government Special interests groups which are also referred to pressure groups or interest groups are an organization of individuals who come together with a common concern, and they are usually formally organized with an aim to influence the public policy in their favor. The main objective of people who form special interest groups is to influence the governmentto make policies which are beneficial to them (Almond Coleman, 2015). These groups may either be fighting for a single section in the society like subsidies for farmers or a common cause which affects the society like reducing global warming. They usually use the tactic of lobbying so that the government or the policy makers can make a policy which they need. The special groups are beneficial... Show more content on ... In these countries, there is also a belief that the special interest groups represented their interests instead of that of the general public. In the countries which have authoritarian regimes, the operations of the special interest groups are limited and in other places they are even banned (Berry, 2015). The political cultures differ from country to country, and so do the special interest groups. However in some countries such as Sweden, the government supports the special interest groups through funding and also involves them in policy making. In other communist countries, the special interest groups operate under fear of facing legal action from the government because they are not given the right to operate (Gilens Page, 2014). The ruling parties in all the countries influence the importance of the special interest
  • 3. Puerto Rico Sociology The first group of Puerto Ricans migrated to United States in the mid 19th century during the Spanish American War when the United States took possession of the island of Puerto Rico as part of the Treaty of Paris. After the war and the Jones Act that extended U.S. Citizenship to Puerto Ricans, Puerto Ricans began migrating to the United even more with the promise and hope of better jobs, but in fact one of the minorities groups of the United Statesexperienced poverty, dilapidated housing, schooling and jobs discrimination and really bad health care. By the late 1960s, in response to these conditions a group of young Puerto Ricans began organizing and protesting in large numbers forming the Young Lords Movement. Most Young Lords were the children of the Great Puerto Rican Migration that arrived in the United States after World War II. Under US domination since 1898, Puerto Rico s agriculture had been destroyed when large scale absentee corporations took ownership of the land, forcing displaced farmers into migrant labor and low wage jobs. A government program called Operation Bootstrap gave tax breaks and offered cheap labor to US ... Show more content on ... In my opinion, it is not fair how Puerto Rican soldiers are always the first ones to participate and fight for the United States, even when they are not considered part of the United States. Within the Current Status of Puerto Rico: they are considered a territory appurtenant and belonging to the United States, but not a part of the United States, even after years of this declaration. Puerto Rico still foreign in a domestic sense. However, the Young Lords contributions were important for Puerto Ricans and Latinos in general and even though the Puerto Rico Current Status hasn t changed, their movement even today it is still useful, specially in education. Free tuition is one of the most important achievements for students in
  • 4. Marketing Strategies For The Sales Force As a sales person I have been working for over 20 years in various industries from telecommunication, security systems and now pest control. One of the hardest objectives for the sales force is where the marketing targets, helping us achieve visibility to the customers in our territories. Today s companies use various marketing strategies, to grow and reach customers in the growing internet age. The role and goals of salespeople have changed dramatically over the last few years. Why has it changed? Companies have had to change over the years in order to continue to reach their target market. In the past, a newspaper or yellow page ad was a simple effective marketing tool. Today with the expansion of social media age, customers have the option of clinking an ad or browsing past it. Yet companies use various marketing tools to bring out brand awareness. One the oldest forms of marketing is using celebrities or an attractive models to sell a product. Since marketing has become a global campaign use of celebrities or models in certain regions could produce a negative outcome and must be a consideration before add placement. Companies use various marketing trends to fit the demographics of the product s region. My role as a salesperson and how I go about goal setting has changed dramatically over the years. My first job was working at the Sears sporting goods department making commission and salary. My goal there was not just to ring people up on the register, but convince
  • 5. Move Of Wrestling Essay So in wrestling there are multiple moves you can do. These moves are probably the most basic moves you are taught and the most commonly used moves done today. The first move is the double leg takedown. The double leg takedown is a flying tackle similar to a football tackle (Douglas).For a double leg takedown there are a lot of little steps that you may need to execute this move correctly. The first thing you need to do is perform a setup and then to perform a penetration step. The next thing you are gonna wanna do is to place your head on either side of your opponent. Next you are going to want to push your chest up against your opponent s thighs and hips. The less space you have the better control you will have over your opponents strong... Show more content on ... Typically, the lower part of the leg is pulled in one direction, while the torso or shoulder is used to press the body or upper part of the leg of the opponent in the other direction. Another great takedown is the duck under. In a duck under, the wrestler pulls the opponent s elbow forward and away from the body, lowers his own head, and ducks under the opponent s arm in an effort to get behind or at least beside the opponent; from this position the opponent can be taken down by lifting and throwing or by a leg trip. Then for the best and most used move everyone uses in wrestling, the half nelson. The half nelson is referred to by most coaches as being the easiest, but most effective move in folkstyle wrestling (Wrestling Moves). It involves you using only one hand, by passing it under the arm of the opponent and locking the hand on the opponent s neck. Then you will run him over until his back is fully on the mat. Then you will want to get chest to chest to make sure that he can t get out of it. You will hold it there until he is pinned or until you get your nearfall points. So there are a lot of wrestling moves to know about, but in order to be good at these moves, you must choose to eat healthy so you can execute these moves
  • 6. Essay On Investigative Journalism Complicating definitions: Latin American watchdogs [en] el periodismo de investigaciГіn..., sos tan grande como el enemigo que elegГs o como el desafГo que elegГs... eso es lo que define tu capacidad de grandeza Eduardo Galeano (interviewed by FaГєndez, 2002: 11) The narratives and the evidence about the status of IJ in Latin America are contradictory. For some, there is an increasing practice of this genre of journalism (Alves, 2005; Castillo, 2016; Joyce, SaldaГ±a, Schmitz Weiss, Alves, 2017) while for others, there is a relative declining of it (Dermota, 2002). These perceptions heavily depends on the chosen type of medium (newspapers, television, digital), the massiveness of them (mainstream or independent/non profit), or the period of ... Show more content on ... Indeed, these countries share certain backgrounds, such economic crisis in the 1980s and the 1990s and the consequential foreign debt and adjustment policies, high inequality, poverty, and a skyrocketing corruption that came afterwards. Expressed in particular local tones, these features have framed Latin America s entrance to neoliberalism during the 1990s. Violence in different shapes is also a common ground for Latin American societies, but with different patterns. For example, drug trafficking and drug lords violence eventually in partnership with local authorities are rather a familiar experience for Colombian and Mexican media workers, while political state violence was a landmark during dictatorships in South America. Cases of these unlikely experiences of violence against journalists populate this landscape. Colombian editor, Guillermo Cano, was killed by gunmen in MedellГn (Colombia) in the 1980s, as well as occurred to Javier Valdez in CualiacГЎn (MГ©xico) in 2017; while reporters Rodolfo Walsh and JosГ© Carrasco Tapia were victims of state polices brutality in Argentina in the 1970s and in Chile in the 1980s, respectively. Although violence was the shared feature of these cases, the contexts, the driven forces, and the journalists as targets vary. Precisely these Latin American particularities among others have challenged the established Anglo American operationalization of IJ and
  • 7. The Myth Of Woman By Simone De Beauvoir Simone De Beauvoir in The Second Sex suggests that to resolve the tension between bad faith and authenticity, people must regard women as subjects and not objects. They must also collectively fight against the idea of womanhood in order to remain authentic to themselves. The myth of woman is the idea that women are inherently different than men. Man believes that he posits himself first, and then posits others. In the myth of woman, men see women as others that are incapable of positing themselves. The reality is that women are the same as men in an existential sense. They are both subjects, who posit themselves before they posit others. Man uses the myth of woman to subjugate women and treat them as lesser, as [the myth of woman] justifies all privileges and even authorizes their abuse (De Beauvoir). Just as Pygmalion sculpts Galatea, man sculpts the idea of woman. The consequence of this is that man perpetuates the idea of womanhood, and women obey it. Beauvoir encourages women to fight against this idea of womanhood, arguing that To pose women is to [deny]... that she is a subject, a fellow human being (De Beauvoir). Most people unfortunately do not fight back against this idea of womanhood, and remain passive to it. This passivity can be seen in one of Jean Paul Sartres examples within Being And Nothingness. A woman is on a date with a man and she remains passive to this man s advances even though she is not interested in him. The lady is in bad faith: she knows
  • 8. Jane Martin Beauty For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice (New International Version, James 3:16). The author of Beauty is Jane Martin, a prize winning playwright, and is Americas best known, unknown playwright (Mandell, 749). This play is about two jealous friends named Carla and Bethany, who are the opposite of one another. Carla is beautiful model who has personality but lacks intelligence. Whereas Bethany is studious and a successful accountant/writer but isn t happy with her appearance. Both women don t appreciate what they have and both want what the other has. In addition, Carla wishes she was smart and Bethany wishes she was beautiful. The play Beauty discusses the benefits and disadvantages of... Show more content on ... One benefit of being intelligent is becoming successful. Bethany is a very intelligent woman and her intelligence has enabled her to be successful in her studies, in publishing and to be successful in her accountant career. Carla tells Bethany, You re the one with the $40,000 job straight out of school. You re the one who has published short stories (Martin1.59). Bethany believes beauty is external and only sees outer beauty not inner. For example, Carla tells Bethany is, You have personality...Smart guys like you (Martin1.63 67). Bethany s job isn t based on beauty, but it instead requires a strong mind. Being a public accountant minimize her physical beauty while highlighting her mental or internal beauty. Bethany is characterized as the internal beauty, the beauty of mind. However, one disadvantage for Bethany being intelligent is that men have to know her. Jane Martin uses this to show that, while Carla s relationships are mainly based on physical appearance, Bethany s relationships with men are based on time and personality. In the play Beauty, jealousy overcomes both women and as Bethany makes her final wish. Each of the characters realizes that whatever they have lost was more valuable than what they wished for: CARLA/BETHANY: We both have the one thing, the one and only thing everybody wants. BETHANY/CARLA: What is
  • 9. Comparing Two Persuasive Techniques The 2 ads that are going to be a compared are the solo ad and the mount franklin ad they are both about drinks but they are aimed at different audiences they mount franklin is elegant sparkling water and the solo ad is aimed at rough old men that need to quench their thirst so it will be hard to compare the 2 the persuasive techniques used are sex appeal in the water ad and the solo ad uses colour and sound as well as escapism the intention of the water ad is to make you feel elegant and the solo ad is to make you feel tough and feel like a man. Both ads try and make you feel something and in the end they both want you to buy your product so they share that similarity they both use a lot of persuasive techniques the techniques used on the
  • 10. The Intersection Of Social Movements And Art The intersection of social movements and Art is one that can be observed throughout the civil right movements of America in the 1960 s and early 1970 s. The sixties in America saw a substantial cultural and social change through activism against the Vietnam war, women s right and against the segregation of the African American communities. Art became a prominent method of activism to advocate the civil rights movement. It was a way to express self identity as well as the struggle that people went through and by means of visual imagery a way to show political ideals and forms of resistance. To examine how a specific movement can have a profound effects on the visual art, this essay will focus on the black art movement of the 1960s and... Show more content on ... Secondly, observing the work of Emma Amos who was the only women within the spiral group. Romare Bearden, started his artistic career being an abstractionist, however the civil right movement had an impact on his art which lead him to the creation of the group called spiral. With the help of other black artists, Bearden sought to reflect how they could portray their connection to the civil right movement through their arts as a racial group minority. Ralph Ellison (1977), mentions the anachronism of the American social experience of minority artists which could then be used to understand the motivation behind the art of Bearden. This anachronism refers to; The imbalance in American society which leads to a distorted perception of social reality, to a stubborn blindness to the creative possibilities of cultural diversity, to the prevalence of negative myth, racial stereotypes and dangerous illusion about art, humanities and society. (Ellison: 1977 : pp.673) It is then argued that many artists are often majorly influenced by the power of this anachronism, as their culture as well as the freedom of representing their self identity through aesthetic technique of self expression that are already existing. This, then restrict their attempt to seek change of the complex social situation they experience. Meanwhile, it is said that Bearden attempt not to follow the anachronism in is art by transforming it into a component of art as a mean of personal vision (Ellison:
  • 11. Puerto Rico Debt Crisis Essay The debt crisis in Puerto Rico has consistently grown over the years, and has become a major talking point this year as Puerto Rico faces the possibility of defaulting on its loans. The condition of the economy and the growing debt has initiated talks of a bailout from the United States congress. There are several issues on dealing with Puerto Rico including its tax exemption, growing unemployment rate, and an exodus from the island to the main land. While many will argue that Puerto Rico s issues should be solved within the island government, I believe that the United Statesshould offer bankruptcy to alleviate Puerto Rico of its burden. Puerto Rico s economy has been in a recession for approximately 9 years and a major reason why was the... Show more content on ... The population has decreased by over 1 million since the beginning of its recession in 2006. The exodus has created a domino effect due to fewer people now paying taxes, creating lower tax revenue, and forcing Puerto Rico to cut back on public services and hike their tax rates. Another major reason for the economic crisis is due in large part of the island s trio of tax breaks. In 1917, the United States passed the Jones Shafroth Act, which allowed bondholders who were issued Puerto Rican bonds, regardless of their residency, to be exempt from federal, state, and local taxes. Puerto Rico has continually racked up debt in order to keep its government afloat and give the quality of life that they believe the citizens are accustomed to. While Puerto Rico s spending habits have become wildly uncontrollable, the United States is to blame. The economic and tax policies in place have hurt the island and the island s status as simply being a commonwealth, rather than a state or independent country, is critically hurting its economic development. The incentives taken away from Section 936 that allowed incentives for companies to manufacture on the island was a big crisis. The island offers no incentives, and the manufacturers that stayed are being given a business friendly tax percentage. Puerto Rico offers no incentives thanks in part to growing competition from neighboring Latin American
  • 12. Women Athletic Trainers in the NFL Women in the National Football League The NFL is a man s world where each and every man is out on the field to show off his athleticism. Every aspect of the game, whether it is on the field or on the side lines, is predominately male. However, there is an area of the NFL that women could become a part of. Women could become athletic trainers for the NFL. An athletic trainer is a health care specialist that focuses on prevention of injury and rehab to recuperate athletes (Summary). Currently there are no women employed in the NFL although one womanused to work for the Pittsburgh Steelers (Mihoces). There are many people that agree that women should be able to work in the NFL, but there are also many people that do not believe women ... Show more content on ... It is unnerving to have a woman in the same room while players are showering and changing. It is also awkward for the female athletic trainer to be present when men all around her are changing and showering. A second argument for those who oppose is that women are seen as pushovers in the training room. Stereotypically, women are seen as dainty, elegant people that cannot stand up in an authority position over the gigantic football brutes. Likewise, it is awkward for a female athletic trainer to demonstrate her power over the coach. If the athletic trainer believes that the team needs a water break, it is his or her obligation to inform the coach, and sometimes it can get pretty dicey between the athletic trainer and the coach. Also, if an athletic trainer will not clear a player to be able to return to play, the coach and the athletic trainer can become very argumentative and irrational. If the athletic trainer is female, the coach believes that she will hold grudges like most other females they know. The final argument is that women can be a distraction to the players. If there is a female on the field, the players could get distracted and not be able to focus clearly on the task at hand. Almost following the same line, there is a big hazard potential. Sexual harassment is a big issue in any work environment, but imagine how much more of a hazard this would be. The hazard potential of sexual harassment
  • 13. Literary Devices In Ernest Hemingway s A Farewell To Arms Ernest Hemingway s A Farewell To Arms is a great adventure of ones life. A great love story of a man, Frederic Henry, and a woman, Catherine Barkley, that are in a time of war. Hemingway wanted to connect with his readers and make an amazing story, which he did. Hemingway has a unique way of using words. He uses repetition quite a bit in the story with things like the continuing use of to morrow and on page six talks about the oak trees and the oak forests. The way Hemingway connects to his readers so well is the use of adjectives, also how he sets up his sentences. He uses adjectives that are very common they aren t hard to figure out what they mean. For example, within the first two chapters of the book he explains the summer nights as cool and the whether very nice. They are words that any teenager could read and understand with flying colors. He also sets up his sentences very short and to the point, it s more that he s trying to make us connect to Henry so that we are more involved into Henry. We understand him as a person. We image him doing what he is doing; it s the use of more pronouns so we aren t combining the sentences, he stops just to use another I or me. There were many of wonderful quotes in A Farewell To Arms . The first quote I find ironic, I knew I did not love Catherine Barkley nor had any idea of loving her (Hemingway 26). Considering that Henry and Catherine end up falling in love only for
  • 14. him to end up losing her in the end. There
  • 15. Culturally Diverse Workforce Assignment # 2 1)The company which has a future vision to grow up should refresh their job environment associating with a culturally diverse workforce. Which is the best way to create more job s relations with other companies in foreign countries. The most challenge situation for a company is related with the economic factor because this inversion will be more expensive, however the new project should bring more benefits than negatives effects. There are many benefits that a cultural diverse workforce could brings them, such as great motivation, better results, and increase the productivity in the company. 2)In my opinion Employment Retirement Income Security Act (1974) is the most important law which every company must provide to their employees when they were working with loyalty and respect for them. Because this benefit give them economic support to the employees when it is time stop working for any reason like the age, sickness or others. This law guaranty their economic sustaining if they are in bad situation avoiding the unstability to not have a job. However, the reality it is not for all companies because they are more worry in produce more money than expend it in the retirement s plans to their employees. 3)To increase better results inside a company the owner have to evaluate how he can motivate ... Show more content on ... The relationship marketing has the opportunity to satisfy the buyer as the seller which is the long term relationship with the customers. This relationship help company to develop more interesting products to attract more attention and more revenue increasing economic opportunities to grow up to another area. For example, give discount coupon for employees of different companies could bring new clients and at the same time every new client could bring their relatives creating a big relationship
  • 16. Stereotypes In Hoop Dreams There a many stereotypes that are explored in the film Hoop Dreams. Both William Gates and Arthur Agee fit into the stereotype of great basketball players who aren t very successful academically. Over time as they advanced in High School this stereotype manifested to where they were unable to play at the professional level they all dreamed about when they were kids. As most parents would want to believe about their children, they want them to be successful academically and athletically. This stereotype was exploded as the documentary progressed. Looking at the film from a certain perspective it can be seen that both Arthur and William lived their lives by proxy . They looked up to many of the famous NBA players at the time and thought that ... Show more content on ... He passed up a tryout with the CBA s Connecticut Pride to take a speaking role in the made for television film Passing Glory, but later admitted that he regretted the decision. Agee has said in interviews that the film served as both a blessing and a curse , but appreciates the opportunity for helping him move his family out of the West Garfield projects and providing him opportunities after its release. He even started a Hoop Dreams clothing line in the mid 2000s with the slogan Control Your Destiny . Agee now has five children and still lives in the Chicago area. He started the Arthur Agee Jr foundation and works as a motivational speaker for inner city youth. William Gates on the other hand, wasn t very successful, he moved back to Chicago and worked a variety of odd jobs before a comeback in 2001. After a broken foot derailed his comeback attempt, Gates committed his life to preaching at a local Chicago church and worked at the Kids Club. He has four children and has since moved to San Antonio to escape Chicago s inner city violence. His son, William Jr, accepted a basketball scholarship to Furman last year, but recently announced his intentions to transfer to Houston Baptist. Both Bo Agee and Curtis were murdered later in the early 2000 s. Bo was murdered during a failed robbery in 2004. Curtis Gates was killed in
  • 17. Impact Of Advertising On The State Of Alabama Political ads have become something politics rely on to achieve the voters vote. Politics is a huge part of our democracy and we take pride and joy with the power our decision has in our government. We see the same message from each candidate that we miss to look at their body language and what each word they say mean throughout the commercial. Every political commercial has the same purpose, but it s always directed to specific people. It s simple to get lost in words when you are unfamiliar with the topic so it s crucial for us to pay attention and think critical. The politician in the video isn t running for president or congress, he s running for Agricultural Commission of Alabamawhich might be as big as running for president in that state. In this essay we will discuss the reinforcements, visual effects, and the hidden we miss. Advertising has become a huge part of our society, as a community we respond to what we see on television. The impact this commercial may be bigger in the state of Alabama than in other states. The patterns of this video text are set well, as they show an Alabama citizen ready for a huge role in the community. The way he speaks compels the audience to think that he can back up what he is saying with his experience. There is a significant to committing to the people it gives a secure tone and adds stability to his words. The effectiveness of this commercial is shown directly with the vocabulary he uses by pointing out the errors Alabama is
  • 18. Mommie Dearest Quotes Mommie Dearest was a best selling memoir, turned into a bio drama motion picture. The book was released in 1978 and the movie was released in 1981. The memoir was written by Christina Crawford, adopted daughter of actress Joan Crawford. Christina recounts her childhood and claims that she and her siblings were physically and emotionally abused by their alcoholic mother. This movie primarily follows the relationship between Christina and Joan. Joan Crawford was in her late 20 s or early 30 s when the film begins. She was an Oscar winning actress with a high reputation of perfection to uphold. Joan is a beautiful, hard working, self confident, perfectionist who will do anything to get her way. Joan displays symptoms of narcissistic personality ... Show more content on ... Joan wins the race and Christina childishly reacts by stating that the race was unfair because of their age and size difference. Joan responds by saying, Ah, but no one ever said that life is fair, Tina. I am bigger and I am faster. I will always beat you . In this one statement, Joan portrays multiple narcissistic character traits. Such as, having a superiority complex, wanting to be admired, and showing no empathy toward her young daughter. She also proves that she wants to be admired and that she is worthy of love when she asks Christina Why can t you give me the respect that I m entitled to? Why can t you treat me like I would be treated by any stranger on the street? Joan continually fails to acknowledge others needs and interests. When Christina starts to assert herself and her opinions, she is sent off to boarding school. When Christina was a teenager, she was caught in a compromising scenario with a boy from her boarding school. Although the headmistress of the school says that it was innocent and both children have been properly punished, Joan pulls Christina out of the school and calls the school a teenage brothel , belittling the school and the
  • 19. Paul Revere Contributions Paul Revere s contributions before and during the American Revolution were so important that without them the history of the United States could be very different today. As a member of the Sons of Liberty and founder of the Mechanics , Revere was successful employing propaganda, code and cipher, and an early warning system to aid colonists in the defeat of the British. However, it is Paul Revere s midnight ride, warning of the British advance on Lexington and Concord, that he is most remembered for. And Revere s contributions as the first intelligence operative supported the success of the colonists before and during the American Revolution. But what if Paul Revere never took that midnight ride? How would the lack of intelligence resources affected the result of the first battle of the American Revolution? The paper will examine how the outcome of the American Revolution would have changed without Paul Revere s actions and contributions of intelligence and intelligence assets. The Battle of Lexington and Concord On the night of 18 April 1775, hundreds of British troops set off from Boston toward Concord, Massachusetts, to seize weapons and ammunition stockpiled by American colonists. Early the next morning, an advance guard of nearly 240 British soldiers reached Lexington. Paul Revere s famous ride ahead of the British departure from Boston alerted a group of nearly 70 minutemen along the route from Lexington through to Concord. When the British finally arrived the
  • 20. Mental Health And Mental Health In the book Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on college campuses, authors Arum and Roska (2011) discuss how college is academically adrift, denoting how minor academic learning is in comparison to other facets and how academia is failing its students (p. 30). One point the authors emphasize is that it is academic learning is more crucial for students to show the value in their collegiate experience (p. 30). This is in contrast with how universities focus on utilizing student engagement for retention purposes, which the authors believe is not as pivotal (p. 31). This means that to measure the success of college, we should not mention retention but what students learn. While the authors make an interesting case, this view does not focus on students holistically. Indeed, students go to college to learn, but students are more than their academics. When students are seen as only learners and measured by that, I believe this affects their mental healthnegatively. It causes them to only focus on their academic achievements and how much they learned, instead of focusing on themselves and their sanity. When a student s mental health is not at his or her best, they cannot properly learn. For this reason, my paper will focus on students advocating for their mental health as an important skill a college graduate should have, with the main basis coming from my own personal experience. Additionally, this paper will discuss how changing certain policies and practice areas can help
  • 21. The Dangers Of Bioterrorism Despite the many facts supporting the dangers of bioterrorism, there has not been a serious attack since 2001; that adds to fourteen years free of bioterrorism. Even the attack that did occur in 2001 only killed five people. William Clark, a professor and chair emeritus of immunology at UCLA, writes that: It is almost inconceivable that any terrorist organization we know of [could develop] a bioweapon capable of causing mass casualties on American soil. He states that the threat of terrorism has been systematically and deliberately exaggerated. Other professors like Sucharit Bhakdi, head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz, cast a critical eye on talk of a serious, imminent threat from biological agents. A... Show more content on ... Biosurveillance is defined as a process of gathering, integrating, interpreting, and communicating essential information that might relate to disease activity and threats to human, animal, or plant health (National Association of County City Health Officials). Its activities range from standard epidemiological practices to advanced technological systems, utilizing complex algorithms. Its goal is to develop effective surveillance, prevention and operational capabilities for detecting and countering biological threats. Along with Biosurveillance, NIH has a basic research program for biodefense. BARDA has developed medications that may be critical in future responses to bioterrorism attacks. CDC has funded public health agencies to prepare for bioterrorism, and oversees laboratory research centered around this topic, manages a national stockpile of medications in case of an emergency, and has an Emergency Operations Center that is a model for other health agencies around the world. DHS has created a risk assessment and threat characterization process to help guide planning. FDA has created an office that deals explicitly with the regulation and approval of products to be used only in the event of bioterrorism, pandemics, or other urgencies or emergencies. The DOD and DOS have important programs dedicated to addressing the issue overseas through science and technology as well as cooperative threat reduction. (Tom Inglesby, Assessing the
  • 22. Aristotle s On The Soul Mark A. Elvy Professor Ryan Shea PHL 103 009 22 February 2017 On the Soul by Aristotle Analysis 1.Classification a.Aristotle s On the Soul is a treatise. 2.Summary a.Aristotle discusses the nature of the soul of not only humans but all living things, and as to why they are considered living. The question surrounding the work is what makes the soul? To answer this Aristotle concludes that the soul is natural and entelecheia or being at work staying itself . 3.Structure a.Overview of the soul i.Defining the soul is the most difficult to define. (402a) 1.There is a variety of methods are used to define the soul. a.Thinking causes us to bring up questions about what we know about the soul and prevents us from creating logical ... Show more content on ... the soul could not be a body, since it is not the body that is an underlying thing, but rather the body has being as an underlying thing and material [for something else]. (412a10) d.So, everything that lives and has a soul at all necessarily has the nutritive soul from birth and up to death... (434a 20) 3.Argument a....harmony is some ratio or putting together of things that have been mixed or joined and the soul cannot be either of these. (407b 30) i.Argument: Some people define the soul to be a harmony or as a blending of contraries, but that s not what the soul is. ii. Analysis: Aristotle argues that the soul isn t harmony rather that there are several souls that make up the body that work in harmony. b.the soul could not be a body, since it is not the body that is in an underlying thing, but rather the body has being as an underlying thing and material [for something else]. (412a10) i.Argument: The soul is not a body. ii. Analysis: Aristotle is arguing that the soul cannot be a body because the soul does not have self nourishing abilities only natural bodies do. The soul is instead everlasting so it has the ability of being at work staying itself. 4.Solutions a.After finding everything the soul isn t, Aristotle
  • 23. To What Extent was President Reagan’s Personal Role in the... A.Plan of Investigation The investigation assesses the extent of significance of President Reagan s role in the Iran Contra affair in the 1980 s. Reagan s role will be looked at while aiding the Nicaraguan Contras, releasing American hostages, both which led to the Iran Contra affair, and during the cover up, in America and partly in Iran. An investigation account and American history are mostly used to evaluate Reagan s role. Two of the sources used in this essay, Firewall: The Iran Contra conspiracy and cover up written by Lawrence E. Walsh and The Age of Reagan by Sean Wilentz will then be evaluated for their origins, purposes, values, and limitations. B.Summary of Evidence Prior to the Iran Contra affair, Reagan was in the last ... Show more content on ... Also, Oliver North was ordered to teach the Contras military tactics and raised money for them. As Reagan and his private officials went about on doing this secretly, publicity had a way to find what was going on. Congress was lied to as a cover up by Reagan so they would not intervene. After his reelection, Reagan supported another covert program: an attempt to release hostages in Lebanon. This would soon turn into the Iran Contra Affair. In 1984 a Shiite Islamic group that was loyal to Iran s Ayatollah Khomeini had captured and held seven Americans hostage in Lebanon. The President was very much concerned for the Americans well being. An Israeli foreign minister, David Kimche, insisted that since Iran and Iraq were at war with each other, Iran would need more weapons, and because Israel would also gain monetary benefits, they could help with persuasion to release the officials. All the U.S. needed to do was to approve a small shipment of armaments to Iran. Reagan then agreed to this deal, to sell arms to Iran through Israel, which would induce the kidnappers in releasing the hostages. Even though Reagan stated before that America will never make concessions to terrorists, the transferring of arms violated that statement and the Arms Export Control Act since congress was not informed and didn t give consent. The secret request, hidden from congress would not only help free the hostages, but also
  • 24. I Woke At The Sound Of Roosters Greeting I awoke to the sound of roosters greeting the morning outside my window. Breathing in the already hot tropical air, I detected notes of coffee wafting from the adjacent common living space, which doubled as a kitchen. After spending only three days in Piedras Gordas, Panama, my host family had embraced my broken Spanish and love for fresh juice, but SeГ±or Dominguez had yet to approve of me helping with the sugar cane harvest. The differences between our cultures were apparent, yet I was ready to embrace them and expand my horizons. Panama is an interesting contradiction, with bustling cities only miles from quiet mountain villages. With over 80% of Panama s rural population living in poverty, few families own cars in the village that became my home for a week. The village is a sprawling collection of houses, a school, a small co op, one church, and a rather abandoned looking medical clinic. The only characteristic of the stark concrete structure revealing it as such is a sign reading ClГnica, barely visible through overgrown grass. One day, as we were walking to a neighbor s, I pointed to the structure, asking my host mother what it was. She explained it was a medical clinic, but only staffed with nurses a couple times a month. Any other medical needs or emergencies must be taken care of in the nearby town, approximately 30 minutes by bus. Though I found this disconcerting, she simply continued our conversation this level of care is her norm. This poignant moment added
  • 25. Water Is An Important Factor That Affects Sorption Water is an important factor that affects sorption because when there is excess water or when water drains through soil from sources at the surface, adsorbed pesticide molecules can become unattached, or desorbed, and wash away to a new location (Rao, 1999). Just as degradation has a measure in the half life of a compound, sorption also has a measure in the partition coefficient (Koc), which is a ratio of pesticide concentration in a soilbound state versus dissolved in soil water (Rao, 1999). In fact, the solubility of a pesticide and its sorption on soil are inversely related; [in other words], increased solubility results in less sorption (Rao, 1999). Both sorption and degradation are effected by soil type and pH, both of which ... Show more content on ... Volatilization is a means of major pesticide loss and its rate of loss can often exceeds that of degradation, runoff, or leaching (van der Werf, 1996). For example, in an Oregon study, soil samples 64km from any agriculture were found to have DDT residues, and in Saskatchewan, Canada, 20% of 2, 4 D iso octyl ester volatilized in 24 hours (Pimentel, 1995). Once in the atmosphere, pesticide residues can spread anywhere, even Antarctica (Pimentel, 1995). Large amounts of pesticides and organic compounds can be transported around the globe in the atmosphere, for example, in the atmosphere of the Netherlands, the amounts of BHC, DDT, and heptachlor were reported to be 4600, 1064, and 190 pg/m 3, respectively (Pimentel, 1995). Topography and Geology Topography and geology affect pesticide movement in as much as directing or transporting pesticides. Topography is very obvious, for example, if a field is right next to a river, it is much more likely for runoff to get into the river system, or if a field is in a low area not very far above the water table, pesticides are very likely to leach into the groundwater. On the other hand, a field could be high and dry and very far from any river or groundwater, but if it is hilly that can pose its own problems. As T. Y. Tong and Chen point out, surface runoffis an important source of non point pollution (Tong and Chen, 2002). Though it was pointed out by van der Werf that volatilization is the biggest source of
  • 26. Fred Hollows Significance in Promoting Change for... Introduction Good morning/ afternoon, My name is Mary Doe and it is an honour to represent the Queensland Youth Parliament during reconciliation week. This presentation will focus on Fred Hollows significance in promoting change for Indigenous Australia. As you may well know Fred Hollows was an able advocate for Indigenous health and focused much of his life on ending curable blindness among numerous Indigenous communities. Paragraph 1 Who is Fred Hollows and what were his main achievements. Fred Hollows was born in New Zealand in 1929. He was not only a terrific ophthalmologist but also a skilled surgeon and social justice activist, as he believed everyone was equal due to his respectful and non judgemental family upbringing. Initially Fred wanted to work in the church but later changed his mind to medicine after working in a mental health hospital. At the age of 22, he started Medical school at the University of Otago and then in 1965 to continue his ophthalmologic work. Paragraph 2 Career beginnings Fred started his medical career by attending the University of Otago Medical School in 1951, at the age of 22. Fred held many different positions in his early career including being a medical intern, a house surgeon and a clinician before specialising in Ophthalmology. After qualifying as an ophthalmologist Fred worked all around New Zealand including Wellington Hospital, which was the biggest in the country. After he moved to Australia in 1965, in the late 1960 s to
  • 27. A Research Study On Different Cultures Based On The Basic... This section explains about the actions which are taken by the researcher and their sequence and then the outline which has been followed to carry out the field of study. There have been various methods taken to evaluate the subject and they are highlighted in this section and then a valid analysis has been conducted and the entire population was kept in view and the sample and its collection types. The research design means the procedures and the gathering of data for the study. The design can be in different types: exploratory, descriptive or applied. Exploratory design means when data and information are obtained as basic priority and the proper sequence of data collection is followed. For understanding the integration of different ... Show more content on ... 3.1 Data Collection Primary and secondary are the two major forms of any particular study. Primary has unprocessed and information which is not manipulated and it is gathered directly from the source whereas secondary means a reliance on the already researched work which is available and has been researched by numerous scholars and researchers. Both methods are used to gather the important info for the use of exploratory study as in this case. 3.2 Primary data collection Bryman and Bell (2007) said that to carry out a qualitative data then there are two methods used: direct observation and conduction an interview. This approach always provides an analysis in detail and elaborates the research. Creswell (2009) had this view that primary data is important and has a great significance because it is always in a raw form and it is more authentic because it has been collected directly from the source. So, for this study it was suggested to conduct primary data from the students who are studying in UK and the method used for semi structured interview. The reason for using semi structured interview is that; researcher can easily edit the questions asked in a semi structured interview session before they are answered and the questions can be manipulated which makes it more valuable and important for any research. To conduct an interview, the queries are based on the idea to rely on the basic aim and objective of the field of the study and also highly
  • 28. Breaking A Good Book Essay TOR78673 10 FUCKING USEFUL BOOKS YOU SHOULD READ Introduction There is nothing like the thrill you get from reading a good book. These are hard to find nowadays, as authors seem to be hugging one niche or the other, trying to sell their books. The really good books are hidden under this pile of confusion. Not to say that there aren t any good books these days, as there are a lot of interesting novels spinning one romance story or the other. The fact is, very few are useful to your life. Few books leave you with the impression of, Wow! I didn t know that . They all tell something people already know. Infact, the stories these days seem like tales that have been told already. In this article, we will be taking a look at 10 fucking useful books you should read. ... Show more content on ... 101 Places to get f*cked up before you die: This amazing read published by the Matador Network and edited by David S. Miller provides you with all the information you need on top party destinations around the world. If you are tired of spending your vacations in the same old places and you simply want a break, this book is the ultimate travel guide to partying around the world. With amazing destinations like Marrakech, Morroco and even Croatia; this book is very useful to travellers. 2.How to Poo at work: This hilarious book is also very useful. It would not only make you laugh, but would serve you with some juicy tips on going for number 2 in the office. People often ask me, Roxy, what kind of books do you read? , well this is what I read. 3.Messing with Telemarketers: Everyone hates telemarketers. Telemarketers themselves do not like receiving calls from companies trying to sell one product or the other. This book is the ultimate guide to messing with telemarketers. It would show you how to have fun in an otherwise annoying
  • 29. Benefits And Drawbacks Of Cookies Academic Report The Benefits and Drawbacks of Cookies Jeff Andrew (B00107736) Department of Business School of Business Humanities Institute of Technology Blanchardstown Dublin 15 [Word limit for assignment: 1500Actual word count: [1560] Digital Enterprise/Semester one Personal Development Digital Marketing 29th November 2017 Essay #3: Cookies are widely used to track consumers and profile their preferences and interests. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the use of cookies for both businesses and consumers. Introduction: Cookies have become an online phenomenon. They have many benefits and drawbacks for both businesses and consumers in modern society. Everyone that has access to the internet, a phone or laptop and uses the Google search engine to browse for their content of interest, is prone to the implementation of cookies on their virtual profiles. Cookies are controversially beneficial to businesses more so than consumers; however, consumers do get suggestions/advertisements of the content they are interested in occasionally. Consumers often use a search engine such as Google to browse for content that applies to their lifestyle, interests, hobbies and career focused information. Every search that is carried out by a consumer, on any browser, is monitored and recorded. This data is collected using a size 1x1 bit code labelled cookies, that acts ... Show more content on ... Prior research has reported that online consumers are often confused about the pros and cons of cookies, also that most are not able to properly identify what a cookie is (Ha et al. 2006; Hoofnagle 2005). Many consumers are not aware of numerous technologies that they can use online which can reduce the invasion of privacy through cookies, at no extra
  • 30. Noble 8 Fold Path Exploring the Beauty of Nature with Snyder through Zen Buddhism Gary Snyder along with a few other Beats started the practice of Zen Buddhism in order to live a simpler life, not only to get in touch with each other or themselves but to also get in touch with the world and the beautiful things it has to offer. ZenBuddhismcan be tough to define but it can be seen as the practice of meditating daily, laughing, seeing but not taking much in, not giving into the unskilled habits of the mind and realizing the characteristics of existence, as well as following the Noble 8 Fold Path. Gary Snyder practices the Zen and reflects what he s learned in his poetry in poems such as Mid August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout, Piute Creek, Water, A
  • 31. Analysis Of The Poem Norham Castle Sunrise Norham Castle Sunrise , first painted by Joseph Mallord William Turner in 1798 as a young man of 23 years old. Having first visited the castle in 1797 Turner proceed to paint Norham Castle various times through out his career. It can be seen through this series the way in which his age impacted upon his perception of the scene, his final painting, completed 1845 when Turner was in his 70s shows the transition of the atmospheric value and presence that now features, i will be writing on this final painting. Normah Castle, the subject of this particular painting is located on the River Tweed, on the boarder of England and Scotland, painted in the medium of Graphite, watercolour on paper. Wanderer Above a Sea of Fog , painted by Casper David Friedrich in 1818 as a mature man, aged approximately 44 years old, Friedrich painted this piece in the final third of his life, it is believed to possibly have been Colonel Friedrich Gotthard Von Bricken, of the Saxon infantry, it is most likely this man was killed in 1813 or 1814 in service of King Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia in the Battles against Napoleon, there for this painting may be serving as a patriotic tribute. The inspiration for the painting was that of the Elbandsteingebirge, in Saxony and Bohemia. Both Joseph Mallord William Turner s Norham Castle Sunrise , as well as Casper David Friedrich s Wanderer Above a Sea of Fog are painted in the Romanticism style of landscape painting. Romanticism was an art movement
  • 32. Robust Video Data Hiding Using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding... 1130IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 21, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011 Robust Video Data Hiding Using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding and Selective Embedding Ersin Esen and A. Aydin Alatan, Member, IEEE Abstract Video data hiding is still an important research topic due to the design complexities involved. We propose a new video data hiding method that makes use of erasure correction capa bility of repeat accumulate codes and superiority of forbidden zone data hiding. Selective embedding is utilized in the proposed method to determine host signal samples suitable for data hiding. This method also contains a temporal synchronization scheme in order to withstand frame drop ... Show more content on ... They applied quantization index modulation (QIM) to low frequency DCT coefficients and adapted the quantization parameter based on MPEG 2 parameters. Furthermore, they varied the embedding rate depending on the type of the frame. As a result, insertions and erasures occur at the decoder, which causes de synchronization. They utilized repeat accumulate (RA) codes in order to withstand erasures. Since they adapted the parameters according to type of frame, each frame is processed separately. RA codes are already applied in image data hiding. In [3], adaptive block selection results in de synchronization and they utilized RA codes to handle erasures. Insertions and erasures can be also handled by convolutional codes as in [4]. The authors used convolutional codes at embedder. However, the burden is placed on the decoder. Multiple parallel Viterbi decoders are used to correct de synchronization errors. However, it is observed [4] that such a scheme is successful when the number of selected host signal samples is much less than the total number of host signal samples. In [5], 3 D DWT domain is used to hide data. They use LL subband coefficients and do not perform any adaptive selec tion. Therefore, they do not use error correction codes robust to erasures. Instead, they use BCH code to increase error correction capability. The authors performed 3 D interleaving in order to get rid of local burst of errors.
  • 33. The Human Resource Management Practices The success of an organization can be attributed to a number of factors. Some of these factors include not only the quality of physical resources but also the people working in that particular organization and their skills. Human resource management typically, refers to the practices/policies of organizations and how these policies affect the behaviours and performances of their employees. This paper will discuss how the practices of human resource managementenable a firm to obtain a competitive advantage over other competing firms in terms of training, recruitment, diversity managementand employment equity. We will discuss the human resource management policies of KPMG which is an accounting firm and is in fact, one of the four largest professional services companies in the world. KPMG employs more than 162000 people and specialises in auditing, tax and financial advisory services. They have achieved this feat by attracting and keeping the most skilled employees that are available in today s dynamic business world. I chose this company because they are a prime example of the kind of success other companies should be striving for. They are well managed with equal importance being given to each of their employees and have a very good work culture in general. It is a well known fact that no strategy, no matter how well drafted, will work unless you have the right people, with the right skills, in the right roles and supervised by the right leaders. In today s day and
  • 34. Walt Disney s Influence On Examining Walt Disney s Influence1 Examining Walt Disney Production s Influence1 Examining Walt Disney Production s Influence on Brad Bird Sean Skokan Cleveland State University Outline 1) Introduction Introduces reader to Brad Bird, his films, and Disney s influence on both his work and his life. 2) Body Disney Protagonists Demonstrates how Disney protagonists, specifically females, are depicted in films through several studies. Brad Bird s Protagonists Examines how protagonists are displayed in Brad Bird s films and compares them to previously established masculine and feminine qualities that have resulted from these previous studies. 3) Conclusion Summarizes the influence of Disney on Brad Bird s life and films. Abstract This paper explores the influence and impact of classic Walt Disneyproductions on Brad Bird and his films, and how these aforementioned productions compare and contrast to Bird s films. Disney protagonists are examined through their gender, feminine and masculine characteristics, through several studies. These studies and their results are then used as a basis to compare and contrast to the depiction of protagonists in Brad Bird s films, as the depiction and traits of these protagonists are examined. Examining Walt Disney s Influence on Brad Bird Introduction to Brad Bird The products of the goliath commonly known as Disney and formally known as The Walt Disney Company have had an undeniably large impact on animated
  • 35. Young Goodman Brown VS. Paul Essay Young Goodman Brown vs. Paul After studying the short stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown and Willa Cather s Paul s Case , I began to see many similarities within the two stories. Both of the main characters in each story have characteristics that could be looked at as being alike, but after analyzing each character I started to find that although alike in some aspects, these two characters are very different from one another. At first I noticed that both Goodman Brown and Paul are starved for attention, but in different ways. Next, I see that each character has issues with their past and are both trying desperately to overcome them. Finally, I found that each character s main goal in ... Show more content on ... Of all nights in the year, this one night must I tarry away from thee. My journey, as thou callest it, forth and back again, must needs be done twixt now and sunrise (Hawthorne). I believe that this line that Goodman say s to his newly married wife, is saying that he needs to become something in order for her to be proud of him. He needs to go on this journey and prove to himself that he is strong and will be able to find fulfillment in himself. Goodman Brown is a character, which has many problems within himself. His quest for internal greatness was shattered by his inability to accept who he was and get over his past. This eventually led to a life controlled by the devil. Paul is the main character in Willa Cather s short story titled, Paul s Case . Paul is a very troubled young man who believes he is destined for greatness. He was always in trouble at school and was never content with being himself. Paul had a very troubling past where his father would constantly emotionally abuse him and was always looked down upon at school. Paul feels that his is stuck where he his and cannot control his own future. One symbol used in this story was Cordelia Street. This is the street that Paul grew up on and he talks about this street as being boring and common, much like his life. Paul has a real problem with his past and how to escape it. Because
  • 36. The Avalon Data Warehouse Implementation Essay 1.Introduction Avalon is an application that supports a standard way of working across Fugro. To support this standard way of working Avalon applications handle with an enormous volume of transactional data daily. In a further stage this transactional data is used for monitoring and controlling process and decision making, in line with the Avalon program goals below. Improve Cross OpCo and Cross divisional project transparency and control and; Provide automated key information and reporting at all levels. The Avalon data warehouseis a combination of data warehouse functionality with a business intelligence application that expanding Avalon reporting capability and enable Avalon to achieve goals concerning reporting. This document describes the Avalon data warehouse as a business solution to enhance Avalon reporting. Chapter 2 describes the Avalon data warehouse functionality and chapter 3 the scope of the Avalon data warehouse. Chapter 4 lists the motivation for supporting the Avalon data warehouse implementation. In chapter 5, the process of collecting and processing business requirements is described. At chapters 6 and 7, there is a technical description of the architecture and data security, and Chapter 8 outlines the implementation plan. 2.Avalon data warehouse The Avalon data warehouse is a business solution that enhances Avalon with powerful database functionalities. These functionalities provide to Avalon users a practical way to view historic data, and by
  • 37. Bobby Askedahl s The Cal Bomber Stanford College is struck with a bomb making one person permanently injured and killing the second. The Cal Bomber is someone who has been sending bombs to colleges around California trying to get revenge for the rise of technology and the point across that we need to go back to the time without relying on it. For years after years of this violence, the Cal Bomber was still not found and remained anonymous. Natalie, a teacher with two daughters and a husband that gets home very late because of work, is struck with a feeling that her brother, Bobby Askedahl, is the terrorizing Cal Bomber. The manifesto of the bomber and her brothers last letter to her sound remarkably similar. She faces numerous challenges throughout the story with her family... Show more content on ... The characters bring a riveting story to life when reading. Throughout the book, I felt emotions left and right for the characters and what they were going through. There is a lot of mystery and questioning that will be answered later in the book, but once its done, there are still many questions being asked. when I look for a book, that is something that stands out to me because I really want to read more, and when you have that reaction to a book, that means it was worth reading. I found this book remarkable because of the behaviors, characteristics, and decisions that the characters make, and I recommend this book to everyone, even if they don t like to
  • 38. Functional Training Vs Physical Therapy Functional Training People who practice functional training or physical therapy use similar techniques to help their clients improve their mobility and physical quality of life. Physical and occupational therapists, chiropractors, athletic trainers, and coaches use functional training exercises that mimic everyday functional movements like pushing, pulling, squatting, walking, and running to improve a person s strength, mobility, stability, and flexibility. These exercises help patients and athletes to reach their goals safely and without causing further harm to an injury. The Purpose of Functional Training Functional training involves bodyweight resistance exercises, free and machine weights, medicine balls, kettlebells, and various other equipment. Exercises are used to mimic the way the body naturally moves thus limiting the potential for injury. Building muscles like the biceps or quadriceps in isolation are not the purpose of functional training. Instead, the purpose is to strengthen the muscles and build muscle endurance so that a client can better perform daily living tasks. ... Show more content on ... Physical Therapy A person doesn t have to have a physical impairment, injury, disability, or a medical referral to receive functional training. For example, athletic trainers use functional training techniques on athletes to help improve their game time performance. In some cases, individuals can practice functional training exercises without the assistance of a
  • 39. Analysis Of Pixar s New Man The New Man as described by Ken Gillam and Shannon R. Wooden in Post Princess Models of Gender: The New Man in Disney/Pixar explains the way in which men are portrayed in children s films today and how that varies from older films. Contrasting this New Man are all the dangerous and traditional men Michael S. Kimmel describes in Gender, Class and Terrorism because these men are uber macho males as explained by Gillam and Wooden. Pixar s New Man definition has evolved from the original definition of what it means to be male and have masculine qualities which escapes the rhetoric of masculinity(a term coined by Kimmel) which if incorporated into modern society would lessen negative events that happen in the world. When speaking of negative events that covers all damaging behavior that comes from following what C.J. Pascoe explains in Dude, You re a Fag : Adolescent Masculinity and the Fag Discourse . In Pascoe s work he describes the way in which men treat each other to diminish each other s manhood. When introduced to the world, Pixar s New Man would be empowered by equality and would not demand power as well as leadership but would find strength in being a part of a team. Kimmel explains that alpha males in current society continue to feel a seething resentment against women, whom they perceive as stealing their rightful place at the head of the table (593). Gillam and Wooden New Man is exemplified by the character Mr. Incredible who must embrace his own
  • 40. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Stepping Machines the most straightforward gadget that can be connected to CNC machines since it can change over advanced information into real mechanical relocation. It is not important to have any simple to computerized converter nor criticism gadget for the control framework. They are in a perfect world suited to open circle frameworks. In any case, Stepping engines are not generally utilized as a part of machine devices because of the accompanying disadvantages moderate rate, low torque, low determination and simple to slip if there should be an occurrence of over burden. Samples of venturing engineapplication are the attractive head of floppy plate drive and hard circle drive of PC, daisy wheel sort printer, X Y tape control, and CNC EDM Wire cut machine... Show more content on ... Automatic Mode (Auto and Single Block): In this mode the framework permits the execution of a section program ceaselessly. The part program is executed piece by square. While one piece is being executed, the following square is perused by the framework, broke down and kept prepared for execution. Execution of the project can be one piece after another consequently or the framework will execute a square, stop the execution of the following square till it is started to do as such (by squeezing the begin button).Selection of part program execution ceaselessly (Auto) or one square at once (Single Block) is done through the machine control board. Numerous frameworks permit squares (single or different) to be backtracked the other way. Square follow is permitted just when a cycle step state is built up. Part program execution can resume and its execution starts with the followed piece. This is valuable for device investigation or if there should arise an occurrence of hardware breakage. Project begin can be affected at any piece in the system, through the BLOCK SEARCH
  • 41. Victorian Era Research Paper During the Victorian era many events had taken place. The people were ruled by a monarchy, had many different jobs depending on their skill, and many things had taken place in the Victorian era. There is a reason that the Victorian era it is because during the time the woman that had ruled was named victoria. The era was ruled by a queen. The victorian era was ruled by a monarchy. The queen that was part of the monarchy was queen victoria since 1688. A monarchy and a parliament, It has a queen or a king that rules everyone. A parliament consists of a house of lords and a house of commons. Being a monarchy the people couldn t choose who would make their laws. The Victorian era gave people jobs based on their skills, age, and gender. Professions
  • 42. Hoop Dreams Film Analysis Whilst watching Hoop Dreams , the respect that is held for William Gates and Arthur Agee by the filmmakers Steve James, Peter Gilbert and Frederick Marx within the observational documentary (Bill Nichols, 2001) is obvious, and their decorum after the film s release remains an integral part of the film s legacy. As a whole, documentaries often do not perform as well as their narrative film counterparts, and so when Hoop Dreamssoared beyond expectations to make $11.8million at the box office worldwide (according to, the filmmakers famously gave Gates and Agee around $200,000 a piece in royalties. Paying for a social actor s involvement in the film is the subject of debate worldwide, as many professionals in the industry... Show more content on ... As Sheila presents herself on screen as being a strong and proud woman, the filmmakers ethically document her asking direct to camera Do you ever ask yourself how I get by on $268 a month and keep this house and feed these children? Do you ever ask yourself that question? The largely white, upper or middle class intended audience for this film would be shocked by such questions appearing in their own lives. Too many of them embraced Ronald Reagan s cartoon of Welfare Queens and now endorse Newt Gingrich s even more vicious slanders on welfare mothers. (Sperber, 1996) The filmmakers themselves then give Sheila the money to pay for her utility bills in this moment of despair. This act of generosity and kindness is exemplified in it s ethical nature, as the moment itself is never shown on camera, but came out after the film s release. It is clear from this that it was not done to further the image of the filmmakers, but rather to show support for a family who had been so accommodating for the years spent making this film. That was the kind of situation where we try to be human beings in the process, notes Steve James. (Leeman, 2003) But at the same time, capture the realities of their lives in as honest a way as we could without compromising our essential humanness. We need to be more than just filmmakers. And it s a tough line to
  • 43. Leadership of Richard Branson Essay Leadership of Richard Branson Dr. Paul FrankenhauserMGT 500 Modern Management 9/7/2014 Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group has been a household name in the United Kingdom for over twenty years. He is well respected in the business world. He is the founder of the Virgin Group, which is known for many different things such as cell phones, record labels, airlines and many more. Branson is also known for his unique character and leadership styles, one who is not afraid to take risks, and believes that people are the foundation to his company s success. If I were to first characterize his leadership style I would say he is definitely a democratic leader. He truly feels that getting other peoples input and listening to what ... Show more content on ... They show customers and employees what our business stands for, and often inspire our teams at other businesses to try new challenges. Another way Branson keeps employees engaged is by inviting them to take part in company events, like the Virgin Mobile Live Free fest, a free music festival held every year to raise money (through donations) for homeless young people. Along with giving employees a chance to give something back to the community, the festival allows an opportunity to say thank you to customers and staff by providing them with the chance to enjoy themselves for free. The sense of fun unites the businesses reminds employees of what the company stands for. In some ways it s easier for a large organization like Virgin to embark on such projects, but with a little inventiveness and resourceful thinking, other business owners might come up with shot in the arm schemes of their own (Entrepreneur, 2012). Maintaining a focused and motivated staff can be a difficult task for employers to master, especially during harsh economic times and with stretched resources. Branson recently held a series of talks for employees, where they were encouraged to engage and debate different subjects. The exercises were held on a tropical island in the Caribbean. Every company does not have the luxury of taking their employees off to a tropical island, that
  • 44. The Four Reasons Why The Christian Denominations Ever since the start of Christianity, the church has constantly been dividing into different sects, also known as denominations. Some churches for example let snakes loose while they take communion, while others have professional football on television during services. While these traditions may seem strange to some, they are simply the norm for others. The question we must then ask ourselves is why? Today, not only will we find out why there are so many denominations, why this matters, and what the Biblesays about the different denominations. When dealing with the Christian denominations, we must go back and start with the reformation. This reformation, commonly referred to as the Protestant Reformation, split reformed Christianity from Catholicism. As a result of this reformation, Christianity broke off into four major denominations: Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Baptists. Each one of these churches finds a different part of Christianity to focus on. The denominations do not stop there however. People have created even more offshoots of Christianity based on their interpretation of the Scriptures, some being valid, while others are completely bizarre. Over time, over forty thousand different denominations have been established worldwide! ... Show more content on ... The simple answer is yes. You should know the specific beliefs of the church you choose to go to. Many churches simply differ on minute issues, while others add or remove essential parts of Christianity completely. To spot denominations that are straying from the truth, listen carefully to what they preach. Christians should only go to a church that affirms the true gospel of Jesus. As long as the church does not contradict or add to the Bible, then the decision of which church to attend lies simply in preference and
  • 45. Microfinance And Small Scale Business Introduction Microfinance are the financial institutions who provide loans or funds to individuals who do not possess the actual documents which can be submitted to banks to seek /borrow loans. These individuals can be entrepreneurs and small scale business owners. Microfinance institutions mostly function in developing countries when compared to developed countries. They are almost similar to banks with regards to the nature of functioning, for instance, they fund people who would like to start a poultry business (farmers), transportation and restaurants. The functions as mentioned earlier are similar to the banking institutions, however, the range of transactions are in small scale. The transactions mostly happen with few hundreds of dollars. The money borrowed are often used to buy the tools and necessary items to start with construction in case of a new small business or for reconstruction in case of an established trader. The main purpose of these small entrepreneurs is to support their families and the run their business to get themselves out of poverty. Microfinance institutions lends loan on short term basis where the borrower is expected to pay their loan within 6 months to 1 year. Hence these institutions do not require much documents prior to approve the loans, as it can be seen with most banks. What kind of innovation is microfinance today? Microfinance was started as a Social Innovation by a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur named Muhammad Yunus. His intentions
  • 46. Basketball Throw Bracket The way to construct a major league ball playoff bracket is described below. This will let you track the competition all the way to the end of the World Series, so you ll know how the World Champions won. The criteria for determining which teams make the MLB playoffs are complex. Unless you are an avid follower, it can very difficult to distinguish between wild cards, record holders and divisional winners. However, this guide explains the basics in the playoffs that go into the decision of major league baseballteam, and decides which teams advance. This is the way to construct a baseballdivision playoff bracket. Know the definition of a playoff bracket. The playoff bracket simply shows the teams that oppose each other in each round. Lots ... Show more content on ... Once you have got the two winners from the division series on the NL side, those two winning teams will have to play each other to get the league champions. In order to demonstrate this on your baseball bracket, sketch a different 3 sided cube. Sketch a line from the center of the division games boxes, and put the winning team on that line. Each winning team should be joined together by using a vertical line. Do this for the AL and the NL teams in the bracket. Display the World Series champs. Once both leagues have played, there will be one winner on each side. At this point both sides in your baseball playoff bracket will meet in the page s center. Divide each league championship game in half by drawing a line through the center of that game and enter the winning team on this line. There will be 2 teams written next to each other. The reason is that one team is in the National League while the other is in the American League. You don t need a box now, just the line. Champion of the World Series. The winner of your MLB playoff bracket will be determined at the conclusion of the World Series. Underline the rival World Series competitor team s names, by themselves. Jot down the victorious ballteam s name on this line, writing champion beneath
  • 47. A Short Note On The Experience And Connectivity Table Of Contents Introduction: I. Avaya A. Experience and Connectivity I. Experience of Company II. ACD based on Windows III. Connectivity B. Multimedia Support I. E Mail II. Chat III. Voice Mail IV. IVR V. Outbound dial VI. CTI VII. URL VIII. CRM support II. Genesys A. Experience and Connectivity I. Experience of Company II. ACD based on Windows III. Connectivity B. Multimedia Support I. E Mail II. Chat III. Voice Mail IV. IVR V. Outbound dial VI. CTI VII. URL VIII. CRM support III. Interactive Intelligence A. Experience and Connectivity I. Experience of Company II. ACD based on Windows III. Connectivity B. Multimedia Support I. E Mail II. Chat III. Voice Mail IV. IVR V. Outbound dial VI. CTI VII. URL VIII. CRM support IV. Comparing service offered by the company. V. Conclusion At the core of any good business and call center is a strong platform in place that meets the current needs of the company and the ability for growth in the future. This proposal is to identify which vendor I suggest that can not only meet our current needs but also give us flexibility in the future. I will establish my findings and reasons for selecting the proposed platform from a specific vendor. To determine the best fit for our needs, I will be evaluating the following vendors to narrow my selection
  • 48. What Type Of Reaction The Dashwood Sisters Express Toward... No matter what type of reaction the Dashwood sisters express toward situations, both sisters are completely supportive of the other sister. The definition of the terms Sense and Sensibility are complete opposites. Sense is using logic in order to come to some sort of conclusion. The term Sensibility is relying on one s emotions when making a reacting to a situation or circumstance. The main characters in Sense and Sensibilityhave opposite reactions when referring to situations. However, the Dashwood sisters don t pass judgment and their differences actually bring them closer. The Dashwood sisters aren t so easily categorized into sections of either Sense or Sensibility . Elinor possesses the most sense between the two sisters. ... Show more content on ... She also has an intense love for poetry. The Dashwood sister s support each other, even when the other doesn t yet know the reasoning behind the decisions. Although the two sisters aren t compatible in their reactions they continue to have a close relationship. The novel addresses the two sisters as a positive comparison. The novel doesn t pin the sisters against one another, but rather describes how the characters react to each situations. The two sisters respect each other and their reactions to situations. They don t envy the others decisions, but they understand the others motives for their reactions. They never talk down to or about the other sister for their actions that involve their sense or sensibility personality traits. They respect each other, and it s important for their relationship that they ve never tried to change the other sister. Perhaps, the sisters learn from each other and grow as individuals. Elinor learns to have more sensibility in her life. Marianne learns to react to situations with more logic, which is a sense characteristic. The passage of the novel that relates to the characteristic of sense is chapter 22. This chapter explains the reactions of Elinor as she finds out about Lucy and Edward s secret engagement. Edward is Elinor s love interest. They spend a lot of their time together and really bonded. She keeps her composure when hearing the news from Lucy. She doesn t react erratically. She thinks the situation
  • 49. Explication Of Still I Rise By Maya Angelou Jeg Lucero May 11 2017 7A Abetya Poetry Explication of Still I Rise The poem I am doing for my poetry explication, is the poem Still I Rise by the poet Maya Angelou. This poem was released on the year 1978, the author Maya Angelou, was born on April 4th, 1928 and died on May 28th, of 2014. Maya Angelouwas american poet, memoirist, and an civil rights activist. She was most importantly known for poetry and several poetry books that she had published to the public. The form of the poem called Still I Rise by the poet Maya Angelou, is an cinquain poem, the poem has 9 stanza that contains 4 lines of stanza of poetry. The structure of the poem is that it has 9 stanzas, with similar sounding words known as alliteration. This poem does not have a rhyme scheme, but the poem has an iambic pentameter within the poem. ... Show more content on ... In the conversation where there competing to win the conversation against each other, you can compare this to a kid against a school bully, using descriptive words and phrases, trying to make the other character feel bad for doing things to innocent people. And the narrator seems confident during the whole thing. But when the poem relates to the fact of life, is that this poem seems to support the fight against the constant fight against bullying all across the world. And how this poem relates to my life personally is that this poem seems like if I am going to an new school with an bully, and how I will stand up to them and make them feel sorry for
  • 50. Stereotypes In Miyazaki s Princess Mononoke Studio Ghibli is probably one of my most preferred animation studios out there. Their best movies typically contain powerful female lead characters, which is awesome since you don t really see that in animation. It s difficult to find female characters who take the situation in their own hands without waiting for a prince charming to come save the day. Miyazaki, the lead animator is a genius for coming up with many creative storylines and significant illustrations. Princess Mononoke (1997) Princess Mononoke is a dark and adventurous story about man s infinite battle with nature. This movie is a tale of a Prince (Ashitaka) who travels far away from home in order to find a solution to a curse that was cast upon him. If left untreated he will die. Ashitaka is pulled between a war throughout his journey with an industrial village of Iron Town and the animals in the forest led by San, a princess of wolves.... Show more content on ... She is fierce and an awesome lead to little girls out there. You usually find female characters in animation portrayed as a damsel in distress. Especially in the mainstream box offices like what Walt Disney produces. San is the opposite of all the damsel in distress stereotype that females usually have, instead of waiting around for her home (which was the forest) to be destroyed she helps the main character Ashitaka rid of the people harming the forest and help the animals living there. She definitely deserves the number one spot on this list in my opinion. Spirited Away(2001) Spirited Away is one of the classics or an introductory movie I guess. It s one of the movies that you should watch before you die if you re When I first started to get into Studio Ghibli Spirited Away was the first movie I saw. It blew me away, the soundtrack was very fitting to a situation and the animation, how they drew the characters was astonishing. Howl s Moving Castle
  • 51. The Importance Of Jurisdictionance Of Law According to the ICJ statute jurisdiction of the court can only come into play once consent has been established. this essay will thus discuss the different ways in which the court jurisdiction comes into play and whether in light of this we can deduce the existence of an ICJ compulsory jurisdiction. Under article 93 of the UNC all members of the UN are members of the ICJ however, this does not confer on it jurisdiction, this will come into play only after a state have given their consent which is done in various ways; First, Consent can be given by Special agreement or compromis Under article 36 of the Statute, this can be invoked after a dispute had arisen through ad hoc means or on the basis of a reciprocal agreement. thus, states... Show more content on ... With regards reservations under article 36(3) of the ICJ, states can agree to the court s jurisdiction as per article 36(2) but include reservations to limit the jurisdiction. Reservations can be in relation to a treaty, in relation to matters of domestic jurisdiction, matters they have agreed to settle through other means, or to disputes that occurred prior to a date, these reservations also are used via the principle of reciprocity for example, in the Norwegian Loans case the court dismissed France application due to its reservation regarding matters of national jurisdiction. This therefore demonstrates further that the court jurisdiction is limited by the requirement of states sovereignty in conformity with the customary law position. Further, the jurisdiction of the court is also limited by the fact that the other states have to accept this obligation for the court to convene on a certain matter i.e. when one state accepts the court s jurisdiction it can only bring a case against ICJ as long as the other state has accepted this jurisdiction a state can also depend on article 36(5) to claim the court jurisdiction. However, in the Nicaragua case the court rejected the US arguments against its Jurisdiction and held that it still had jurisdiction under customary law principles and that both the UN charter and customary law regulated the use of
  • 52. Summary Of Cynthia Rylant s Stray Imagine you are a poor person and don t have any money and lonely wouldn t you want a pet to keep you company. Stray is a story about a little girl named doris. She is a very lonely kid that needs anything or anyone to keep her company. Children get really upset when they cannot get a pet parents cent get them anything and don t like their parent s answer. In the story, Stray , Cynthia Rylant writes to the reader that children get really upset when they cannot get something. The first reason is children get really upset when they cannot get a pet. The primary reason in the story, stray , Cynthia Rylant writes to show the reader that children get really upset when they can t get something. Doris fell silent praying the weather would never clear. Imagine that you don t have a lot of money become very lonely and poor people might need a pet to make them happy. This makes clear that Doris is very upset she really ... Show more content on ... Imagine your father didn t have any money and couldn t afford anything what would you do? Her father made so little money and pets were out of the question. Imagine you were upset when you can t get something because your mom said so sometimes people that don t have a lot of money can t even get anything. Even after week had gone by, Doris didn t name the dog . She knew her parents wouldn t let her keep it, that her father made so little money any pets were out the question, and that the pup would definitely got to the pound when the weather cleared. Imagine you were in a situation when get so upset and you want to cry but you can t and you want to stay strong but you can t well when people do that they become lonely and get very upset and you can lose your job and possibly become poor and if you have kids they might become upset with you because you can t ever get anything. She was trying not to cry but she was not strong
  • 53. High School Ministry When I was in High School Ministry, I loved being there, and I loved being involved in my High School Ministry but I did not know why I loved being involved so much and what caused the feeling I had. Not until the new High School Pastor came, I finally got my answers that I wanted to know. One has to ask themselves, how you achieve a great High School Ministry. To achieve this goal one must have passion for causing long lasting faith, discipleship, relationship, and changing lives. According to Lankford, James. 4 Steps to a Great Start in Youth Ministry. LifeWay. N.p., n.d. Web. . He says that to have a great ministry you must do these: develop a focus, meet everyone involved, brainstorm what you need to accomplish, and follow up and start ... Show more content on ... In the article by, Black, Wesley. The Search For Lasting Faith: Development Of A Scale To Predict Continued Faithfulness In Church Attendance Following High School Graduation. Journal Of Youth Ministry Spring 2008 (2008): Christian Periodical Index. Web. 23 Oct. 2015. It says to have lasting faith you must have these four domains: Discipleship and spiritual depth, Family influences, Mentoring and intergenerational influences, and Relationships. They disciple them, they build relationships with them, they mentor them and change their lives. They also have their families supporting them. Therefore, they can live a life centered on God. We want the students to have a relationship with God that does not cease. When they leave, the high school ministry we do not want them to fall away. The long last faith is putting full trust in God; with all of our life that lasts forever. Blind trust as it is defined. We want them trust in God has much as we do. Faith is so amazing and when you put, your faith in God. Life is worth living. I remember when I trusted fully in God; with my life, he blessed me with a job, schooling, and amazing friends. We want the students to experience that as well. We try so hard to get through to students because we care that they live a life that is filled with God, which is long lasting. In the Article Spirit Driven Discipleship: A Pneumatology of Youth Ministry by Michael D.
  • 54. IIAM Foundation s Scholarship Analysis Because of my history of academic achievement, I believe that I am a deserving recipient of the IIAM Foundation s scholarship. Throughout my entire life, I have always strived for academic excellence, putting in the extra effort needed to rise to the top. The effort that I have put forth in school has perpetuated my understanding of the importance of obtaining a quality educationafter high schoolgraduation. Unfortunately for the individual looking to push forward in his academic career, a bachelor s degree, while not only generally requiring an additional four years, also requires a substantial amount of money in order to pay for attendance. This poses an interesting conflict to the aspiring collegestudent: to pursue continued education and be forced to pay for college in one form or another or to refrain from attendance. While college was never an option for me, I have always understood its importance in helping me build a successful career and never had any intentions not to attend. However, as I grew older, I began to understand how expensive a degree truly is, and researched the best ways to bypass post graduation debt. Though it has been time consuming... Show more content on ... Perhaps the most defining feature of my passion to attend college is the ability to continue learning in a classroom environment. Though I learn everyday outside of the classroom, the scape of what I learn in the classroom has a unique effect of my desire to be there. I have always had a longing to know as much about anything as I possibly could and college continues to teach me about things I would have otherwise never had the opportunity to know. If I am to receive one of the IIAM Chairmen s scholarships, the committee can know to an absolute certainty that their recipient has a passion for learning and that he understands the utter importance of a college degree on his own
  • 55. Essay The Horror of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic... The Horror of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church. Early Sunday morning, people shuffle in through the mahogany doors as the smell of Frankincense and Myrrh tickle the nose. Rays of sunlight beam through the stained glass windows, making rainbow images on the red velvet carpet. What sounds like the voices of angels singing praise to the lord harmoniously circulates in the air. A mighty voice roars from the altar, Now, let us bow our heads in prayer. This is a majestic place where one can find peace, confess sins and thank the lord for all of the blessings he has bestowed upon them. In May of 1992, all of this would change, as Catholicism would be thrust to its knees. A story concerning a Catholic Priest sparked the ... Show more content on ... Lawyers for the victims have obtained a 69 page document outlining sexual abuse protocol. This document written in 1962, possessing the seal of Pope John XXIII, blatantly states the church should be protected at any cost and those who choose to ignore the secret of the Holy Office are in jeopardy of excommunication. There are also questions concerning poor judgment applied at the Diocese level: During a deposition, Bishop Thomas L. Dupre stated that he reassigned Rev. Richard Meehan to administrative duties following his removal from a local parish after abusing a child. He not only had access to sexual abuse files but also destroyed confidential files pertaining to sexual abuse cases that were kept in a secured area. Furthermore, Rev. James J. Scahill insists that he was present in a meeting where Bishop Dupre stated his parish was not only safe but also fortunate because the late Bishop Christopher J. Weldon had destroyed many files implicating priests of child sexual abuse, before he died in 1982 ( Spotlight Investigation ). After the unsealing of church records, it was found that the Catholic Church was well aware of the dark history surrounding some of its priests. In addition, a vast number of child sexual abuse complaints were found, implicating several hundred Catholic priests.