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Desertification Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of desertification can be a challenging task that requires a thorough
understanding of the subject and the ability to convey complex information in a clear and
engaging manner. Desertification is a multifaceted issue involving environmental, social, and
economic factors, making it essential for the writer to delve deep into research to grasp the
intricacies of the topic.
One of the difficulties lies in gathering accurate and up-to-date information about the causes and
consequences of desertification. This may involve reviewing scientific studies, reports from
environmental organizations, and data from governmental agencies. The writer must sift through
vast amounts of information to select relevant and credible sources to support their arguments.
Furthermore, crafting a coherent and well-structured essay requires the ability to organize
thoughts logically. Desertification encompasses various aspects, such as climate change,
deforestation, and unsustainable agricultural practices. Arranging these components in a manner
that flows smoothly and builds a compelling narrative demands careful planning and skillful
Addressing the complexity of desertification also involves tackling the interconnectedness of
environmental and societal issues. Explaining how desertification affects ecosystems,
biodiversity, and human communities requires a nuanced approach. Balancing scientific evidence
with real-life examples and human stories can be a delicate task, as it requires the writer to strike
a harmonious blend between facts and empathy.
In addition to content, the writer must pay careful attention to language and style.
Communicating the seriousness of desertification while maintaining a level of engagement for
the reader is crucial. Striking this balance involves choosing appropriate vocabulary, employing
persuasive techniques, and ensuring clarity in conveying complex concepts.
While the challenge of writing a comprehensive essay on desertification is evident, it is also an
opportunity to contribute to raising awareness about a pressing global issue. By overcoming
these difficulties, the writer can create an impactful piece that informs, persuades, and inspires
For those seeking assistance or looking to explore similar topics, various resources are available.
Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, where professional
writers can provide tailored support based on specific requirements and preferences.
Desertification Essay Desertification Essay
Colonize Mars
Scientists have been thinking about colonizing Mars and it is an great idea
because they could find the discoveries on Mars. Have you ever thought of going
to Mars, it would be really interesting to see all of Mars features. Astronauts should
colonize Mars because we could discover what is on Mars, they would have a lot of
time to prepare and why do they even want to go to mars?
NASA wants to go to mars because Mars is a great place for scientific descovorys.
Mars has every thing we need to live. If you went to mars there would only be a few
things we need to live a space suit, water, food, and clothes. Mars is also a great place
to colonize because Mars has the biggest volcanic mountain. Also if you would like
to go to Mars you have to be 18 years or older. ... Show more content on ...
Mars is a really good place to colonize because it is really cold on Mars which,
means that the inside is frozen and if the colonizers can melt that they would have
endless water. NASA is not going to send colonizers every day. They have to send
people at the right time because the sun is blocking Mars and if they send them at the
wrong time they will go right into the sun. Earth is a overpopulated place so if we go
to Mars and its fine to live there our earth would not be overpopulated anymore. Also
NASA is not going to force you to go to Mars you can go to Mars if you are
experienced and you want to
King Narmer s Second Dynasty
On a cultural, economic and political level, Egypt has been largely shaped by the
idiosyncrasies of its various rulers. Egypt s first leap towards becoming an advanced
civilisation began with King Narmer s unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Although the first 200 years of Egypt s unification do not appear to have been
peaceful, cultural development accelerated ahead during the early dynasties. The
tensions between the North and South throughout Egypts second dynasty continued
to grow until Khasekhemwy s ascension to the throne. As the last King of the
Second Dynasty, he is widely recognised as the King that resolved the conflict
between the two sides, however, how this was achieved is not known. The beginning
of the third dynasty started with his son, Djoser, who now ruled over a politically
stable Egypt. Egyptian society advanced significantly under... Show more content on ...
The validity of Narmer s pharaonic title is supported by the seal impressions found
in the Abydos tombs which have provided an ancient list of Kings, of which
Narmer is recorded as a pharaoh. His rule was further consolidated by his marriage
with Neithhotep, a supposed Lower Egyptian Princess, as suggested by Sir Flinders
Petrie. Egyptian culture has not only benefited from the Unification, rather the
economy as well. Narmer s name has been found outside Egypt, in Syria Palestine
which indicates that some form of contact and active trade was present between
Egypt and parts of the Ancient Near East, and thus creating trade links bettering
Egypt s future economic prospects. As a result of the accelerated cultural
development brought upon by Narmer s unification of Upper and Lower Egypt,
handicrafts, mason s skills, architecture, burial customs , writing art, bureaucracy and
politics have improved dramatically. In terms of writing art and iconography, the
reign of Narmer illustrates the transition between old and new systems of royal
iconography. On an ivory cylinder in Hierakonpolis, it is the catfish element
Passive Observations And Active Experimentation
To answer this question we must clearly understand the main three aspects which
are Passive observation , active experiment , and whether if there was another way
to produce knowledge. Passive observations and active experimentation are very
associated to each other because experimentation is simply the methodological
observation of things. Both passive observation and active transport might not be
distinct modes of learning. The question asks whether if there is another way of
producing knowledge. Inductive and deductive reasoning can also count as a way
of producing knowledge. Inductive reasoning is reasoning in which the properties
pursue it supply strong evidence for the conclusion. Deductive reasoning is the
logical way of getting to a conclusion. The areas of knowledge that will be
discussed in the essay will be Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The way of
knowing that will be discussed in the essay will be doing vs. thinking and ethics
/ culture. The two knowledge questions that will execute in this essay are To what
extent can we determine the source of our knowledge? and To what extent can we
determine which form of the different forms of knowledge is more important?
Mathematics is an inductive epistemology being either observed or physically
represented. The theory of special relativity is the accepted physical theory regarding
the relationship between space and time that is based on two principles, the principle
of relativity and the principle of the speed
The Drug Called Cialis And Its Effects On Erectile...
Clinical Background
The drug called Cialis was originally founded by the company called Glaxo
Wellcome, more commonly known as GlaxoSmithKline, which was established as a
partnership between Glaxo and ICOS to develop new drugs in August 1991. In
1998, ICOS Corporation and the Eli Lilly and Company formed the Lilly ICOS,
LLC to further develop and commercialize tadalafil (Cialis) as a treatment for ED
(Erectile Dysfunction). The Eli Lilly and Company had made long strides in the drug
industry as ICOS began to fall behind and in 2007, the Eli Lilly and Company
bought the ICOS Corporation for 2.3 Billion dollars1.
In December 2003, the Food and Drug Administration approved tadalafil as Cialis
for sale in the United States1. This would make Cialis the third prescription drug
pill to treat erectile dysfunction after Viagra and Levitra. In 1993, ICOS
Corporation began studying compound IC351, a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5)
enzyme inhibitor. In 1994, Pfizer scientists discovered that sildenafil citrate, which
also inhibits the PDE5 enzyme, caused penile erection in men participating in a
clinical study of a heart medicine1. In 1994 ICOS received a patent for compound
IC3511. In 1995 phase one of the clinical trials began, and then in 1997 phase two
of the clinical trials began that were initiated for men experiencing ED, which then
progressed to phase three that was intended to support the drugs FDA approval. In
2000, Lilly ICOS, LLC, filed a New Drug Application with the FDA
Benefits Of Spending On Eating Out
On the first assignment, I listed one of the advantages in changing my spending when
it comes to eating out was that it would save me money that could be better spent on
something more valuable. This is overall the most important benefit for me currently
because money is especially tight during this Fall Semester, the holidays are here and
this this usually includes spending on foodand gifts. Also with the new season I
enjoy spending some money on things that will last longer than 30 minutes,
typically food is only a short term splurge. The overall goal is to save money, and I
found that I have saved a lot more money by becoming more aware of how much
money I ve actually put into eatingout. I use that saved money towards bills, which are
... Show more content on ...
I have found this to be true because now that I am choosing to eat at home I see my
mom a lot more. We will sit together for a meal every other day (like I said, im very
busy so I m not home very often.) I also indicated that my temptations towards
sweets and beverages would be reduced because im not in its presence. This proved
to be true because if I don t see the temptations I don t fall to it. I have tried to avoid
putting myself in situations where going out to eat becomes an option and
therefore I don t have the need to buy something because the occasion or because
im already in that setting. Last, I said the novelty of eating out will be special
again. The absence of the eating out environment will make it feel more significant
event. To elaborate, you know when you have something so often that after a while
it might not mean as much to you as it did the first few times. Like seeing your
favorite play the first few times, but maybe after the 87th time you aren t as excited
about it. This is the exact feeling im talking about, eating out, getting treats so much
with my boyfriend that it isnt a special event for us anymore. Now that we don t do
this as frequently its become something to really look forward to because its not
Now to add to my advantages, I would say that by reducing my spending on food I
would gain better money managing skills. I would have a better understanding of
determining needs versus wants.
Chapter 10 Wide Area Networks
Homework Chapter 10: Wide Area Networks Last Name:
___________________________________ First Name:
___________________________________ Due Date:
____________________________________ Directions Place your cursor at the end
of a question and hit Enter. This will place you in the Answer style. This has
already been done for Part a) of Question 1. Test Your Understanding Questions 1.a)
Distinguish between LANs and WANs. [373] b) What are rights of way? [374] c)
What are carriers? [374] d) Why do you have more flexibility with LAN service than
with WAN service? Why? [374] 2.a) Why are typical WAN speeds slower than
typical LAN speeds? Give a clear and complete argument. [375] b) Why are future
WAN prices difficult to... Show more content on ...
[388] d) What types of amplifiers are needed for cable data service? [388] e) What
device do customers need for cable modem service? [388] 12.a) What two
technologies are needed for leased line switched WANs? [390] b) What are the cost
elements in networks of leased lines? [390] 13.a) List the physical components of
PSDN technology. {6, 23} [391] b) Do customers need leased lines if they use
PSDNs? [391] c) What is a POP? [391] d) Why do you want a WAN with many
POPs? (The answer is not in the text. It requires you to think about POPs.) [391] e) If
a company has seven sites, how many leased lines will it need if it uses a PSDN?
[391] f) Why are PSDNs fairly inexpensive? [391] g) Why is the PSDN transport core
drawn as a cloud? [391] 14.a) What is the speed range of Frame Relay? {6, 24} [392]
b) Why is this speed range attractive? [392] c) Why has ATM not been popular?
[392] d) What is metro Ethernet? [392] e) For what reasons is it attractive? [392]
f) What PSDN service is growing? [392] *15.a) Why are virtual circuits used? {6, 25}
[393] b) With virtual circuits, on what does a switch base its forwarding decision
when a frame arrives? [394] c) Do PSDN frames have destination addresses or
virtual circuit numbers in their headers? [394] d) What is the name of the Frame
Relay virtual circuit number? [394] e) How long, typically, is a DLCI? [394] f) How
many virtual circuits does this
The Tempest Quote Analysis
The Great Chain of Being has been around since the Classical period and places
people of society in a certain order. A person s position is controlled by how
spiritual they are, where God is at the top, then angels, which furthermore leads to a
king, men, winged animals, and all the way down to the Devil. For anyone desiring
to move up the social ladder, that action will cause commotion to the uniformed chain
and would lead the other divisions to also move up. In Shakespeare s drama, The
Tempest, the use of ambition reiterates the importance of how a gluttonous desire
can conduct disorder or align the Great Chain of Being. Overdosage of this impulse
causes The Tempest s cake to have a repugnant aftertaste. Yet removing the
unnecessary cups of ambition and replacing it with only good intentions and
motivations, overall leads the cake to taste satisfying in the end. For the majority of
the play, Prospero holds a grudge on the noble court and revolves around a
revengeful personality. Multiple scenes throughout the play contain disbalance in
the GCOB due to someone craving to be a king. After Prospero brews up a rigid and
eye opening storm, Miranda finds out it is his [awakened] evil nature (1.2.113) that
triggered... Show more content on ...
Both order and disorder would not have been possible without ambition, the make it
or break ingredient. After the trials of stirring the ingredients together and baking it,
it all comes down to the result of the cake . Destructive ambition versus healthy
aspiration is revealed in the character s desires of moving up the Great Chain of
Being. The cake in this context represents the product of all the good and bad events
in The Tempest. The repulsive items include the grudges, emotional pain,
disorderment of the Great Chain of Being, and excessive ambition. Opposed to the
appalling elements, a good cake must be balanced with sweet ingredients such as:
forgiveness and
The Spanish Armad A Shift Of Power Creating Spain s...
Ashley Bowers
Mr. Kennedy
25 May 2016
The Spanish Armada: A Shift Of Power Creating Spain s Demise and England s
Uprise Infinite power is unattainable, this is because the circumstances in situations
change, therefore power is thus being constantly shifted from one place to another.
Power shifting can be for better or for worse, however, undoubtably so, is inevitable.
The Spanish Armada, which took place in August of fifteen eighty eight, was a
Spanish fleet of one hundred and thirty ships that sailed from A CoruГ±a, with the
purpose to invade England. The almighty Spain was favoured to win however it was
in turn the weaker country of England that came out on top, thus making The Spanish
Armada a perfect example of an extreme power ... Show more content on ...
Along with this, this also led to the beginning of a power shift in leaders, where
Elizabeth I, a woman, disobeyed Phillip II, a man, something that was considered
very taboo during this time. This rejection overall angered Phillip as he had plans
of marrying Elizabeth I for the purpose of joining her to reign the throne of
England. The acrimony Phillip II then felt due to being rejected, led him to the
irrational plan that was the Spanish Armada. Within this plan, Phillip II decided to
attack England to gain complete control over them. His mindset was strictly
focused on Spain gaining complete power, which in turn ended up working against
him as it is through this that Spain s great downfall begun. The Spanish Armada
was created, and along with this, Spain s loss of power had been initiated. Charles
Phillips, British author, supports the idea of Elizabeth I marriage rejection angering
King Phillip II to creating the Spanish Armada against England, which thus in turn
created Spain s dramatic downfall, in King s and Queens of Britain s Golden Age
writing in the section The Age of Elizabeth (46) With the death of Mary, Phillip saw
that he himself could now lay claim to the english crown in the event of the
restoration of Catholicism. Here, Phillips is supporting the idea that through Phillip
II s marriage proposal, he had high hopes of gaining more power and taking over
England just as he did with Portugal. Therefore, it is through
Rhetorical Analysis Of Colin Kaernick Took A Stand
On August 26, 2016 Colin Kaepernick Took a stand by not standing during the
National Anthem before the preseason game. This angered many fans, including
African American fans. Many videos have gone viral, of fans burning Kaepernick
s jersey. In one video the man was recorded saying, if you don t love our country,
get the [] out of it. You should never play another down in the NFL. Move to
Canada. Although, Kaepernick broke no rules, Officials are still thinking about
penalizing him. Kaepernick says that he will not honor a flag for a country that
oppresses people of color. Many people wonder how he knows what it is like to be
oppressed making 126 million dollars a year. Another fact that has angered fans is
that Kaepernick was adopted... Show more content on ...
They say there are better ways he could have gone about it, but this way probably
got the most attention. Damien Woody tweeted Kaep has every right to express his
feelings/beliefs and ppl have every right to disagree. That s ok folks! This is what
comes with free society unless people hate democracy People or athletes that stand
with Kaep, but still stand usually put their fist up to support him. They say that they
believe and understand what he is standing up for, but there are many other great
things about the Nation. 49ers coach says he stands with Kaeps decision, and he does
not know when he intends on stopping the
Terrorism in Kenya and the USA
Terrorism in Kenya and the USA
The events of September 11, 2001, changed the New York City skyline and changed
the world with it irrevocably. For example, if one simply examines the ways in which
departments of the federal government changed after September 11, the changes are
indeed staggering and dramatic: immediately post 9/11 the Department of Homeland
Security was created in coordination with the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, creating essentially the most comprehensive reorganization of government
in the last fifty years (McEntire, 2004). The events of September 11th also caused
the spotlight to be thrust on people like Emergency manager, putting their jobs under
greater scrutiny as well as granting them long overdue recognition from the general
public, creating pressure which has led to more funding for the vital profession. The
more intensive and advanced technological arena has also offered the field more
challenges and more advantages. The events of September 11 opened the United
States up to terrorism in a new way as terrorist eventually discovered that one way of
attacking the United State was via American presence abroad. Terrorists have selected
Kenya as an object of interest as they ve readily found that attacking this country was
one way to manipulate U.S. involvement and impact U.S. interests. The United States
and Kenya have long enjoyed a relationship of mutual respect. Kenya has respected
U.S. achievements and policies, and the U.S. has
Princess Diana Essay example
When they feel like it is the end of the world, many people have trouble keeping a
smile on their face. Other people can continue to shine no matter how bad they
feel. Those people can leave a long lasting impact on the world. Princess Diana
influenced millions of people from all over the world, and her legacy will remain
forever. Lady Diana Frances Spencer was born at home on July 1, 1961, in
Norfolk, England (Morton 70). Her parents were very ashamed that she was a girl.
They wanted a boy very badly to keep the Spencer name (Morton 71). Diana had
two older sisters and one younger brother. She was always the closest to her brother,
Charles, and admired him strongly (Vickers 160). As a child, Diana was somewhat
complicated. Growing up,... Show more content on ...
Diana grew up always feeling different and unlike anyone else. She was surrounded
by stuffed animals, considering them as her family (Morton 23 27). She could not
rely on anyone but her brother because they understood each other. She grew up
always being jealous of her two older sisters (Morton30). Diana Spencer met Prince
Charles when she was sixteen years old, while visiting with his family. Diana left a
memorable impression. There was a thirteen year age difference between the two
of them, but they had a lot in common (Dolan 4). Diana had crushed on Charles
since she was a little girl. She was in love with him so much that she had a poster
of him hanging above her bed (Dolan 4). Diana always joked about how she should
be more into Prince Andrew because he was around her age, but she always longed
for Charles. In 1980, Miss Spencer and The Prince of Wales began talking about
marriage. In 1981, Charles proposed to her, and she immediately responded yes.
Her dream was always to marry Charles (Dolan 14). On July 29, 1981, Lady Diana
Frances Spencer and Charles Philip Arthur George were joined together in holy
matrimony in St. Paul s Cathedral. This day was the most remembered day in
British history. This was the largest media event of all time (The Prince 1 2). Half a
million people joined the couple at the royal wedding. Residents from London and
every part of the world, along with the royal families of
The Objective Of Loss Mitigation
The objective of loss mitigation is to return the loan to a performing status with
minimum economic loss. If it is determined that the loan cannot return to a
performing status, then it is the objective to liquidate the loan for maximum value
and minimal loss.
The Default Operations Department is part of the RCS Loss Mitigation Department,
and work together with the other Loss Mitigation Departments to prevent a loan from
going into a foreclosure status whenever possible. They play a key role in this
process by providing the following services:
Provide manual Pre Foreclosure and Post Foreclosure reviews of loans, before
foreclosure a sale can occur.
U.S. Treasury reporting for the Loss Mitigation Department.
Review and identify all ... Show more content on ...
Please refer to the Default Operations Policies for additional information.
Department Oversight
The Default Operations department falls under servicing operations. The Default
Operations Manager oversees the day to day operations.
Inter departmental Interactions
Call Center / Collections Department
Handles inbound and outbound customer service and collection calls with borrowers.
Loss Mitigation
Works with borrowers to determine if there is a modification option instead of
Works with borrowers to set up in flight modifications per the transfer analyst
Completes all final review of modifications.
Reviews all modification appeals by borrowers. Inter departmental Interactions
Loan Administration Departments
Payoff Department responds to payoff requests from borrowers.
Customer Relations is responsible for reviewing incoming written Qualified Written
Requests correspondence within appropriate timelines.
Payment Processing Department
Posts all borrower s funds correctly to the account per instructions.
Foreclosure Department
Reviews all paperwork, notes and loan status before moving forward on a foreclosure
Manages interactions with attorneys to move the foreclosure forward.
Belize Barrier Reef Essay
Glover s Reef is a part of the second largest reef system in the world, the Belize
Reef. In recent years, mostly due to tourism growth and the respective development
for the tourists, ocean pollution has damaged many of species that live in Belize
Reef. While the government has imposed a national reservation on the area that
protects it from human destruction, it simply has not had the effect expected. On the
Glover Reef, a research facility was created to gain a better understand of coral in
the area and the best way to protect it. The hopeful future is that the research project
gives scientist insight on how to protect the entirety of the Belize Barrier ReefSystem.
Belize Barrier Reef System
The Belize Barrier Reef consists of multiple coral reefs on the coast of Belize. This
reef is known as the most remarkable reef in the West Indies due to its large diversity
of organisms and ecosystems. (Darwin). It is home to around 70 hard coral species,
36 soft coral species, and over 500 species of fish. The second largest coral reef
system in the entire world is also the top tourist destination in all of Belize and is
attractive for scuba diving and snorkeling. The 260 meter reef attracts around
260,000 visitors on an annual basis. Many tourists enjoy scuba diving near the reefs
especially at the Blue Hole, which is an underwater sinkhole. The Mayans and the
current people used the area for fishing as a variety of fish species live in the water.
Due to the tourist
What Is The Theme Of The Bell Jar
THE BELL JAR The Bell Jar is considered the first American feminist novel by
many people.The main character is Esther Greenwood.Esther thinks that she faces
sexual double standards in society.She has stable thoughts about her sexual
status.She is a virgin and this constantly weighs on her mind.As she says When I
was nineteen, pureness was the great issue. Instead of the world being divided up
into Catholics and Protestants or Republicans and Democrats or white men and
black men or even men and women, I saw the world divided into people who had
slept with somebody and people who hadn t, and this seemed the only really
significant difference between one person and another.(Slyvia Plath,The Bell Jar,s.66)
She believes that a woman must be avirgin when she gets married.But she assumes
the same for men.But she discovers that Buddy Willard is not a virgin.He has
The Role Of Police During The Criminal Justice System
This report shall examine the role of the police in the criminal justice system. For
background it will detail a brief history of the development of the police then look at
the later development of police powers of arrest, detention and of stop and search.
Further to this it will examine the role of the police in miscarriages of justice and the
effects of these miscarriages on the development of safeguards for people detained
by the police. Also the measures taken to prevent further miscarriages of justice such
as the development of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to decide if the
evidence is there and a prosecution is likely to be successful.
History and Development of the Police
The history of a professional police service in England dates back to the creation of
the Metropolitan Police in 1829 by the then Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel
(Joyce, 2012), the City of Glasgow Police was the first professional force to be
created in Britain in 1800 (Newburn, 2013). The Metropolitan Police force replaced
the volunteers who had until then served in an unpaid capacity to perform police
duties. The professional police service then served as a template on which to
model other local police forces throughout England and Wales (Joyce, 2012). There
are 41 provincial police forces outside London and two within London, the
Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police, at its peak the total number of
officers in England and Wales was over 143,000 in 2006 (Hale et
A Brief Note On The Supply Chain Management
Introduction Technology in Supply Chain Management Till not to long ago the
area of Supply Chain management was seen as a task that took place in the
background without any dedicated resources. Majority of the people thought it
was only used by large brands that have an international distribution need. When
there was an issue in the supply chain, people were pulled from their existing jobs
to fix the issue. Once the problem was solved, the people would go back to their
original tasks. There was a lack of patience, demand and awareness amongst the
customers back in the day, as online ordering and tracking were processes that they
weren t familiar with. For example, even the service provided by the U.S. Postal
Service was considered... Show more content on ...
It became obvious that observing the route of goods using pins on a map would no
longer make the cut. Technology has crept into SCM slowly, starting with
electronic invoicing, computerized shipping and tracking as well as automated
notifications that were progressively used by companies like FedEx and UPS.
Initially intended for business to business interactions, it took time before that
level of tracking and accountability was provided to consumers. But it became quite
clear that notifying everyone along the chain has become increasingly important.
It was only when companies like Zappos which positioned itself to be customer
friendly, by creating a tagline Powered by Service, came into limelight that clients
got a flavor of how they have a huge role to play in purchases. Zappos as on online
company, did not start with brick and mortar stores, so instead of adapting to new
technology, they were embraced by it. The fact that the consumers get notified at
every step of the process is what makes them love the experience. Before deciding to
make the purchase, extensive reviews can be read to make an informed decision,
they can also have a check on the mother brand. This set the benchmark for online
customer service; firm that could match up to this standard gain a competitive
advantage. Companies like Apple and Harley Davidson use this benefit to further
personalize the buying experience by going
FIFA s Not So Objective Role in Football
FIFA s Not So Objective Role in Football Football has always historically been
known as the most played, most loved, and most influential sport in the world. The
history of football, which was first played by the ancient Greeks and Romans, is a
long one that has played some role in shaping almost every country s culture as we
know it today. The game of football is seen by many as a game that has the rare
power to bring nations together. Football is a language that every nation can speak,
where despite the many differences in cultures between nations; football is a massive
part of almost every European, South American, and Asian nation s cultures. Whether
it is a nation like England, where organized and governed football games first... Show
more content on ...
The World Cup allows countries to display their nationalism in supporting their
countries team, but to also show how the game of football is a language that we all
speak regardless of your religion, language, political views, and culture. The
objectivity of FIFA on picking the location of recent World Cups has brought FIFA
and its president Sepp Blatter under heavy criticism. FIFA has specifically been
criticized regarding the role of politics in objectively picking each World Cup s
location (Plaja, Steffi). Objectively picking a World Cup location requires specific
criteria for a location to be considered, some countries just do not have the
infrastructure among other criteria to host the World Cup. As a non governmental
organization, FIFA is required to hold a political objectivity when choosing the
location for each World Cup. Recent allegations of corruption in the location
selection process have brought FIFA s highest members under heavy criticism.
FIFA s current selection process allows countries who want to host the World Cup
to submit bids to FIFA. The bidding process allows for politics to become heavily
integrated into the overall selection process (Plaja, Steffi). Allowing countries to bid
for the ability to host the World Cup provides some countries with a significant
advantage over others to win the bid. FIFA s bidding process has allowed politics
Alicia Keys Holy War
When Alicia Keys starts her song with, If war is holy and sex is obscene, she
immediately creates a seriousness that can t be ignored (1). Alicia and Billy
Walsh, a poet she wrote the song with knew that people often shy away from
discussing these topics. Keys reveals how she is not afraid to confront the difficult
realities that society faces by bluntly discussing war and sex. In her song Holy
War, that she released in October of 2016 she is longing to advocate for love, not
hate and war. The purpose is to be able to love on somebody regardless of the
stereotypes, their skin color, or what society has to say about them. This song pulls
back the curtain, revealing how cruel society is today. Not only does it do that, but it
advocates... Show more content on ...
She comes across as blunt and straightforward because she strives for the
communities to see that we shouldn t build up walls between each other. After
closely listening to the song, depressing realizations occur when the powerful
words resonate with the heart. Keys alludes to the idea that We ve got it twisted in
this lucid dream, war is praised, and sex is viewed as offensive (2). This further
exemplifies that reality has been distorted. Flaws are no longer beautiful because
we can t see people and issues for what they are. The word lucid reveals that society
is aware of the circumstances but chooses to ignore it. Key wants the audience to
see that in reality these ideas should be seen as opposite, sex praised and war
offensive. Metaphorically Keys paints a better picture for how our minds are
viewing the situation with, Baptized in boundaries, schooled in sin (3). Keys
desires for the audience to see the discrepancy and irony of this because everyone
knows that school is consumed with boundaries. No one is telling us to put up these
boundaries between one another. It is our own actions that have gotten us here. We
know that baptism deals with the representation of being cleansed from past sins.
Therefore revealing the irony in baptized and sin not being placed together. Our
minds are blind to the switch, even though anyone can secretly attest to the idea that
society is divided and twisted due to difference, sexuality, and skin (4). Keys points
this out directly because no one likes to come to realize that they are going through
life surrounded by barriers. These are not just natural barriers but ones that have been
built up by people their entire lives. A difficult concept to confront, but it is
something true that occurs continually in our culture. Where did the walls come
from? Keys says walls built up
Plainchant Compare And Contrast
The plainchants Viderunt Omnes by Anonymous and O viridissima virga by
Hildegard of Bingen are both compositions that were created during the Medieval
Age, also known as the Middle Age. The purpose of these pieces were to be served
usually in Roman Catholic Churches as music of worship. Although these two songs
are known as plainchants, meaning they are usually monophonic and the melody
usually does not change, both pieces have many similarities and differences. In my
personal opinion, I believe that these two piece are more different than they are
similar. For example, Viderunt Omnes is polyphonic for a majority of its duration
because it sounds to be sung in unison by a choir and not by a singular person. O
viridissima virga on the other
Personal Narrative Essay On Race Track
Horses are full of energy as I was unloading our pacer from the trailer he leapt and
hit with his front hooves with a thump and just about knocked me down once we
was out and around the truck! We arrived early as we usually do and we was starving
our stomachs were growling. So dad and I took a walk through the fair as all the
rides were starting up, and kids were running around having fun with their friends. I
was beyond glad that it was a cool rainy day or else we would have been miserable in
the heat. We borrowed a friends truckto go into town. We had discovered that the
right front tire was low on air, so we had went around Troy driving to find
somewhere to pump up the tire. Dad was so aggravated and concentrated on finding
somewhere to pump the tire up he forgot what we really even borrowed the truck
for! We went back to the racetrack and it turns out that they had a air pump at their
barn that we did not know about. We sat and joked around and caught up with all the
drama... Show more content on ...
And the all of a sudden it made a break and got like 2 feet passed where I had been
standing and the driver Hunter Myers got off the race bike to lead her off the track.
Then suddenly she dropped over and couldn t get back up. Everyone was curious
and was going to the fence where she was to see what happened. She laid there for
a good 10 minutes while the vet and others were trying to figure out what was
wrong and if she was still alive. I went over also and as soon as I seen her I knew
what had happened. She had tied up she had a huge knot in her stomach. I felt the
pain for her owner as he stood there not knowing what to do while this vet was
clueless and was obviously not very experienced. The two year old filly died lying on
the track causing the races to be delayed. A blanket was covering her and they got
her off of the track with a truck and
America Quotes In Kindred
Kindred takes place in two different time periods, on two different sides of
America. This makes the differences in the place and time very different. Not only
has Dana s home of California not yet been discovered, but she ends up in the
antebellum south, in the early 17th century. When Dana does go back to the early
17th century, she must save Rufus from whatever danger he is in, and then can
leave when she is in danger. This often leaves her stranded in Rufus time, unable to
leave. During this time, she had to either do slave labor, or help Rufus with
whatever he needed her to do. However, Dana often bends to what Rufus wants,
even if it is bad for others around her. In Kindred, Dana is usually more harmful
than she is helpful, as she almost always bends to Rufus will. There are many
moments throughout Kindred where Dana is harming the other slaves by bending to
Rufus will. One major example of this is when Dana goes back to Rufus time and
sees him getting beaten up by Isaac. She stops Isaac, and tells him that... Show more
content on ...
After Alice and Isaac are caught, Rufus buys Alice to save her, but she has been
badly beaten. When Dana sees her, she describes it as Alice lay bloody, filthy, and
barely alive (146). This shows that she is in bad shape, as Dana directly states that
she is barely alive (146). The commas in the sentence also help to cut up the
sentence, making the reader pause momentarily on each word describing her
condition. While her appearance may be bad, Rufus gets Dana to help her and
eventually get her to a point where she is continuing to heal and grow (154). In the
end, this situation is overall beneficial to Alice. While she may not appreciate being
a slave now, she isn t dead, and she isn t somewhere in the south. Rufus is a good
master who will not beat her, and he can keep his father from beating her, especially
after he
Changing the Genre of a Blog Article
There is a belief that the way information is presented can affect the way it is going
to be understood by the person. In this assignment, our task was to find a published
piece of work and change its genre drastically. Then we had to analyze which genre
is the best for presenting the information that we have. The topic that my partner and
I chose was about the Ukrainian crisis. The primary genre is a blogpost from The
Washington Postand the secondary genre is a poem. It is not easy to say which genre
works the best in this situation; however the primary genre is more effective because
it is well organized, presents facts, and includes details.
The primary genre is the blog article from the online newspaper. The author of this
article argues that there are many reasons why the crisis in Ukraine happened and
that there are many sides to the story. However, he highlights two major views. One
view is that Ukrainians got tired of the authoritative pro Russian corrupt president
and decided to fight for their freedom and democracy by supporting the idea of
entering the European Union. The other view is that the whole problem in Ukraine
is not the president himself, it is his origin. The president is from the East of
Ukraine, which is a Russian speaking part of the country that does not want to be
part of the European Union and is happy to be part of the pro Russian trade union.
However, many western bloggers and media present only one side of the story,
ignoring a big population
Disadvantages Of Going Back To School
The idea of going back to school has been in my mind for the last five to seven
years however, up until very recently I was not ready to act upon it. The decision to
enroll in the Clinical Research Associate program is the outcome of my longstanding
interest in clinical studies and losing my job.
Very optimistic after the first two weeks, and reasonably certain that another job
would be fairly easy to find within the next two to three months, going back to school
was not yet an option. However, my optimism was dampened after a few fruitless
months trying to find a position that was more or less aligned with my work
experience of the last twenty years. Consequently, my strategy had to be re evaluated.
In the current economy, two viable options
Brutus Character Analysis
In the play, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare There are a great deal of
characters that play a major part. Although there are many characters in this essay
I will be talking about Brutus in particular. I will be dissecting Brutus actions
throughout the play. In the end, I am going to come to the conclusion of whether
Brutus is a villain or hero, and whether he is a dishonorable man, or a mistaken
one. Is Brutus a villain or a hero? This will be the first of Brutus s character
analysis. Throughout the play, Brutus does lots of things to make you question
whether he is the good guy or the bad guy . In my opinion, I believe Brutus is truly
a villain. Through examples, I will prove that Brutus is indubitably a villain. An
example of this is when Brutus made the point that if anyone were to demand why
Brutus rose against Caesar, Then we would answer: not loved Caesar that I loved
Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. . , I agree that it may have been hard for
someone who was so close to Caesar to harm him, but does his sense of loyalty and
honorability really justify him in participating in the killing of a dear friend such as
Caesar? No, I believe Brutus throws out the word love a lot Brutus tries to justify
his love for Caesar a reason for participating in killing him. Brutus makes the
conflicting point that he loved both Caesar and Rome the same. Brutus never really
never goes into true depth into why he felt there was no other alternative for his
Compare And Contrast Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The
In ancient literature, the protagonist of different stories often times shares many
great attributes that made them into a hero. Both Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the
Green Knight provide the reader with the traditional portrayal of a classical hero.
Beowulf tells the story of a warrior from Geats who has a history of being dominant
over monsters and beasts. His immaculate reputation leads him to be called upon in
the city of Danes in order to defeat Grendel, a monster that is murdering civilians
every night. He successfully defeats Grendel, and Beowulf is forced to go face
Grendel s mothers. His luck seems to be never ending when he finds a sword that
allows him to kill Grendel s mother and decapitate Grendel and take his head as a
prize to the Danes. Beowulf grows old in the city of Geats but does not perish until
he is forced to face one more beast. Beowulf dies in his battle with the beast but
only after having delivered a fatal blow to the dragon. Much like in Beowulf, Sir
Gawain and the Green Knightpresents a character, Sir Gawain, that possesses much
bravery and respect among his peers. When the king is faced with a challenge from
the green knight, Sir Gawain is quick to step in front of the king and take on the
challenger. The challenge that the knight presented was that Gawain could deliver
one blow to the green knight, but the knight could deliver one blow a year and a
day later. The green knight of course survives the blow and the story tells of Gawain
s travel to
Communication Skills in Jhumpa LahiriaВґs A Temporary
In Jhumpa Lahiria s A Temporary Matter the married couples relationship went up
in smoke because the relationship lacked communication skills resulting in Shoba
giving birth with out Shukumar, who was at an academic conference in Baltimore.
Despite Shoba telling Shukumar to go on his business trip, he should have stayed
and helped Shoba incase she went into labor, which is more likely to happen closer
to the due date. Shukumar should have stayed with his wife which is what most
people in a relationship would feel like it s the right thing they should do. Even
though Shoba had insisted it was important to make contacts, and reminded him he
would be entering the job market next year. He shouldn t have taken the chance
because deep down Shoba would like for him to cease a great opportunity in going
to Baltimore but when she goes into labor great opportunities goes out the window
and she would be looking for Shukumar to help her through he process that was
taking place. As you read in the story you can see that this is a relationship that is
going through the struggle that a young relationship would go through. Shoba is
33 and took on more hours at work and also more projects which means she doest
get home until late some days which doesn t matter because there is nothing for her
to do when she gets home except making corrections to text, with the color code she
came up with, in her book. Shukumar is 35 years old and is in his sixth year of
graduate school. He has been doing
Canterbury Tales Corruption Essay
Corruption Crushing the Christian Church Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy,
and pride, the list of traits and actions known to Christians to be the seven deadly sins
that one shall never commit. Members of the church swear to never commit these
sins and to assist others to do the same. Through his writing of the Canterbury Tales,
Geoffrey Chaucerelucidates the hypocrisy and corruption within the Church tearing
the country apart through the actions of its representatives, the Nun s Priest, the
Friar, the Pardoner, and the Summoner. The traits are shown through tales told along
the journey to Canterbury.
The first tale of the journey is told by the Pardoner, a man who lives a sinful life
filled with greed and pride. The Pardoner is described as a small man with oily brittle
hair, his face said to be of a sallow coloration. On his face is a long nose which he
speaks through. His job is to travel through the land selling pardons to commoners
who have sinned and who wish to take time off of their sentences. Along with
carrying pardons blessed by the pope he carries relics which are said to be of ... Show
more content on ...
The Friar was only concerned with sex and fortune. To protect his wealth the Friar
would carry pocket knives in his tippit, a good Friar would have no need for
violence. With violence comes thoughts of wrath which disregards the peaceful
traits of an ideal friar. As for his job the Friar would conduct marriages for many
women and men. In order for a bride to receive her marriage license she must receive
the Friar s personal gift first, the gift of sex. The Friar was a lustful man who would
have sex with the soon to be brides in order to determine if they were ready for
marriage or not. For someone who is part of the clergy the Friar was not a good
man, nor were any of the clergy members at the time. This is shown in the Nun s
Priest s
Al Qaeda Terrorist Group
Al Qaeda Terrorist Group
Paul Leclair
University of Phoenix
William Barnes
December 8, 2005
Al Qaeda is arguably the most well known and most dangerous Islamic terrorist
organization in the world. It was established around 1990 by a Saudi millionaire,
Osama Bin Laden, to bring together Arabs who fought in Afghanistan against the
Soviet invasion. The goal of the organization is to reestablish the Muslim state
throughout the world. Al Qaeda works with allied Islamic extremist groups to
overthrow regimes it deems non Islamic and remove Westerners from Muslin
countries. Groups affiliated with Al Qaeda have conducted numerous bombings and
other violent attacks throughout the world that have resulted in the ... Show more
content on ...
These plots included the bombings of the African Embassies in 1998 and the
September 11, 2001 attacks. Following the September 11, 2001 attacks against
America, American led forces toppled the Talibanregime in Afghanistan.
Approximately half of the senior Al Qaeda leadership was captured during the
American led campaign, along with crippling the group s communication network.
The exact size of Al Qaeda is unknown, but the group likely has several thousand
fighters. The estimated numbers of people who trained in camps or fought in
Afghanistan ranges from 20,000 to 60,000 but these are not all Al Qaeda
members. Al Qaeda serves as an umbrella organization that carries out its own
terrorist acts as well as a focal point for other extremist groups. Some experts
believe that Al Qaeda is an organization in transition. The losses of many of the
group s leaders and their base in Afghanistan have disrupted the organization. While
Al Qaeda s definitive structure is unknown, experts fear that the organization can
continue to operate if they lose senior leaders due to the entrepreneurial spirit in its
lower level fighters. Al Qaeda is a network with global reach and is reinforced by its
ties to Sunni extremist networks. Until the American led attack, Afghanistan was
where Al Qaeda s base of operation, logistics, and training facilities were. Al Qaeda
has since branched out and has cells or collaborators found in south Asia, Southeast
Asia, the
Four Pieces For Timpani Essay
Music has always been part of our daily lives, rooted in our culture and contributing
to our development. Listening to and playing music allows us to experience a wide
range of emotions including pleasure, joy, sadness, angst etc; it touches us at a
subconscious level and influences life changing experiences. In my opinion the
rhythms used in music are comparable to the rhythms in our speech and
communication. In this paper, the link between rhythms and speech will be identified
using the rhythmic qualities of the following pieces: Earth Dance by Bill Douglas;
The Recital Snare Drum Suite by William
J. Schinstine and Four Pieces for Timpani by John Bergamo as a medium to do so.
Rhythm is everywhere. Its exists in nature, in traffic, ... Show more content on ...
I believe that in the name of the piece itself there is a deeper meaning. If we look at
the name Four Pieces FOR Timpani with the emphasis on the word FOR , this
implies that he didn t intentionally compose the piece for an audience but for each
Timpano by its self. He named the first movement,
Recitative. Recitative according to the oxford dictionary means, A musical
declamation of the kind usually in the narrative and dialogue parts of Operas, sung in
the rhythms of ordinary speech with many words on the same note. So by taking this
definition into consideration, the way he composed and structured the first
movement shows a dialog between each drum. A lot of the rhythmic groups are
usually started on one drum and eventually moves to the other drums as if it were a
call and answer. Human beings as I mentioned earlier speaks within a rhythm or
rhythmic structure, this can me seen using the concept of Audiation, some examples
are as follows using groupings that are present in the piece;
*Triplets Beautiful
*Sixteenth notes Peanut Butter
*Quintuplets Hippopotamus
*Eight notes
Importance Of Coral Reefs
Coral reefs are a very important to our ecosystem and our earth. The ocean contains
many different types of coral reefs containing a wide variety of living things.
Although, every day, it seems that our coral reefs are becoming endangered. While
these coral reefs are important to us, they are in great danger of being nonexistent.
First of all, a coral reef is defined as a ridge of rock in the sea formed by the growth
and deposit of coral. Coral reefs are a diverse underwater ecosystem held together by
calcium carbonate structures. They are created by colonies of tiny animals and
organisms found in marine water. These animals and organisms contain nutrients
needed to help the process of coral reef formation. These reefs begin to form when ...
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In these coral reefs, live many different types of plants and animals. Some of these
plants include but are not limited to, algae. Algae is known for providing a source of
food for the smaller fish and invertebrate sea life. Then they are also known for
acting like glue while helping the reefs grow larger and stronger. Then in the reefs,
are also seagrasses. These seagrasses can grow very rapidly growing, and in return,
they help trap sediment loads near the reefs. The seagrass can also provide a
habitat for smaller fish, invertebrate animals, sea turtles, and even manatees. One
of the final plants is the mangroves. Mangroves are plants that can help support a
very wide range of reef fishes and other marine life. The roots of the mangrove
trees act as a nursery for young reef fishes by giving them an are that is not very
well seen. They are able to breed, and the smaller fish are able to grow away from
predators. Then there are also animals that live in the reefs. Some of these animals
are predators, while some are not. Some of these animals include sea snakes, sea
turtles, manatees, dugongs, sponges, crustaceans, and mollusks. These sea snakes
are said to be venomous, so scuba divers and fishers are recommended to stay away
from them. Then there are the sea turtles. The different species of sea turtles are
most often seen resting on the reef itself. One of the species of sea turtles is the
Hawksbill turtle. They are a species that is known to
Informative Essay On Roadmasters
Is it a car, sports car, super car? No, it s a super sports car While many cars have
been released by major automobile powerhouses, there are only a few that have
lived up to their hype. These are the cars that still retain their charm years after
their release, thereby earning themselves the name roadmasters . I recently found
one such car and just on first glance, I was sure it is what I needed so I explored
further, and here is what really made me fall in love with this new release. I am
talking about Lamborghini HuracГЎn Performante. Exterior Design: Exteriors are
aerodynamics redesigned. Carbon fiber rear and front spoilers manage the downforce
to the maximize aerodynamics and performance. Exhausts in performante sport single
pipes rather than dual... Show more content on ...
The trim version has carbon fiber seats. However, the option of leather upholstery is
also available. Before the ignition, the driver s information system shows the
perfomante outline. Large HD 12.3 TFT display acts as the information center or
virtual cockpit for the car. The display is available with GPS navigation (Google),
Bluetooth, Multimedia interface and 3D computer graphics all from Nvidia.
Lamborghini Infotainment system keeps you entertained. The dashboard has four
manually adjustable AC vents made out of composite materials and also has
illuminated glove compartments on the passenger side. There is a total of about 190
liters of storage capacity. 70 liters behind the seats and about 120 liters in the front
boot. Engine specifications and fuel economy: Lamborghini HuracГЎn Performante
houses a rear mounted 5.2 Liter V10 engine under the hood. At 8000 rpm it delivers
a power of 640 horsepower through an all wheel drive that is electronically
controlled. The boost in performance is also achieved through shaving off about 90
pounds of weight, by using composite materials and
The Female Characters Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
The female characters in Frankenstein represent the treatment of women in the early
1800 s. Women who are deprived of their female roles and are enclosed in a feminine
sphere of domesticity. In the novel, Frankenstein, the women characters are treated as
property and have little privileges in relationship to the malecharacters, the women
suffer and are eventually destroyed showing how unimportant they are in the book s
society, and when it comes to reproduction of humans, man thinks it pointless to have
women play that role. These attacks on the innocent prove that women are second
rate in the novel.
The women in Frankenstein are forced to be submissive. Victor treats Elizabeth
more like a possession or object instead of a living, breathing human being.
Elizabeth is passive around Victor. She and other women of the novel, are
accepting of the male controlled society being the powerful figure because that is
what they were raised to follow (Kolker). Men withdraw the women of their rights
thus the women are forced to act well mannered. Like Elizabeth s destruction, the
monsterette s creation and destruction dramatize how women do not function in
their own right but rather as signs and conduits for men s relations with other men
(Smith 323). Elizabeth possesses herself as being quiet and calm. This quiet
behavior adds to the fact that she is a possession and not an individual. All praises
bestowed on her, I received as made to a possession of my own (Shelly 44).
Essay on Spiritual Poverty in James Joyce s Dubliners
Spiritual Poverty Exposed in The Dubliners
Joyce describes the spiritual poverty of the people of Dublin in the industrial age,
with powerful images of mechanized humans and animated machines. In After the
Race and Counterparts he delineates characters with appropriate portraits of human
automation. Machines seize human attributes and vitality in opposition to the
vacuous citizens of Ireland s capitalist city. Joyce s use of metaphorical language
brings to life the despair of his country.
In Winesburg, Ohio, Sherwood Anderson writes an allegorical account of the failure
of mankind (1919). Although Anderson depicts rural lifein the New World, his
understanding of human nature and descriptive terminology provide a ... Show more
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They seek an escape from the dreariness of Dublin, but mistakenly idealize
mainland Europe as a vessel for their dreams of transcending the ordinary. With this
idea of a utopia across the ocean, people loose interest in every day life and become
stagnant. Belief in this myth transforms humans, reducing them to a state of
mechanized paralysis without identity. Joyce animates the racing machines in the
opening of the story, describing how they came scudding in towards Dublin, and
each blue car received a double round of welcome (52). The spectators are dull
masses in contrast to the vehicles:
Sightseers had gathered in clumps to watch the cars careening homeward and through
this channel of poverty and inaction the Continent sped its wealth and industry. (52).
People here are inanimate clumps mere obsolete hardware juxtaposed with the new
line of refined technology from the Continent.
The central character of After the Race is riding in one of these French cars and he
is electrified by its performance. Jimmy a Dubliner has taken the truth of the
Continent s promise as his own, and has thus been disfigured himself into a machine.
He pursues a business venture with several Continentals, driven by the falsehood of
escape and prosperity that he and his father embrace. As a passive traveler in the car,
Jimmy is aroused because rapid motion through space elates one (54). He
mechanically responds to the stimulus from an embodiment of his truth:
The House Of The Seven Gabless Analysis
Salem State University professor, Aviva Chomsky, spoke at the House of the
Seven Gables, on Thursday Sept. 14, about the 1933 Pequot Mills Strike, and its
connection to modern labor issues facing the U.S. today. The House of the Seven
Gables welcomed back Chomsky, as a guest speaker, for the final presentation of
their ongoing speaker series, Life and Labor over Four Centuries at the House of
the Seven Gables. Ana Nuncio, Settlement Programs Manager at the House of
Seven Gables said, The Gables is proud to include professor Avi Chomsky in its
roster of speakers this year, and that Chomsky is an engaging speaker with much to
say on topics that are relevant to our Salem community, such as labor issues and
immigrant rights.
Chomsky s talk on the 1933 Pequot mills strike, now the site of Shetland Park,
chronicled the issues faced by the mostly immigrant workers, of automation,
productivity, unemployment, and wage disparity that still face the workers of today.
The workers of the Pequot mills were Irish, French Canadian, and Polish immigrants
that resided mostly in the Point Neighborhood of Salem. These immigrant workers
were prompted to strike due to issues of unemployment and forced increased
productivity caused by new innovations in loom technology.
Chomsky described how, One mill worker could now run 1,000 looms instead of
just one, leaving 999 mill workers unemployed. With communist party influence,
and concern for the working class, the mill workers struck in 1933. This strike
influenced all of Salem as almost half of all residents were employed by the Pequot
mills. The mill workers met to discuss the strike at the Saltonstall school, and
marched down Lafayette Street in protest of the unfair labor conditions and wages.
Chomsky highlighted the solidary of the mill workers by showing a document
created by the strikers that said, If we lose this strike, all textile workers will be
effected. Chomsky pointed out that even then people were thinking about the global
influence of workers rights.
The Pequot mills strike, were finally resolved when President Roosevelt sent
mediators to reach a consensus between the striking workers, and the employers. The
Pequot mills strike and the worker s
Causes Of The Han Dynasty
Empires rise and they fall, Dynasties come and they go. The empire, long divided,
must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been. This quotation in Luo
Guanzhong s Romance of the Three Kingdoms best represents the cyclical nature of
the dynasties in China. The Han Empire was no exception; Corruption plagued the
Han Dynasty, inevitably leading to its demise. Within the court certain families held
excessive powers, this influence lead to be just as great as the eunuchs and
eventually diminishing the authority of the Emperor. On top of this the peasants
suffered from natural disasters that befell upon the empire which was a catalyst for
a large scale uprising. The rebellion led to a weaker central government allowing
military leaders and local warlords to rise in power. As such the internal struggle
between the eunuchs and government officials played a large role in the fall of the
Han ruled empire, but this was not the sole reason. There were other crucial factors
that contributed to the fall such as, family clans gathering power, natural disasters
and decentralisation.
The Han dynasty was the longest imperial dynasty, which lasted around 400 years
after the collapse of the Qin Dynasty. The dynasty began with a struggle between Liu
Bang and Xiang Yu which saw Liu Bang, a man of lower social status winning and
reuniting the land in 206 BCE (Qian, S. 1971). During the course of the Han dynasty
there were technological and cultural advancements but in the later
Electronic Medical Record Essay
An electronic medical record [EMR] is a computerised record that maintains patients
health related data, which is available to be used and accessed, only by authorised
personnel, in order to deliver healthcare services within the health organisation
(Hasanain, Vallmuur Clark, 2014, p. 1). From patient record keeping to
administrative reporting and clinical support tools, the extensive functionality of an
EMR solution has the potential to fundamentally transform how healthcare services
are provided by the hospital (Goo, Huang Koo, 2015). EMRs have been available
worldwide for some time and are implemented into hospitals because of the expected
benefits such as increased delivery of patient care, improved access to patient... Show
more content on ...
Previous research on EMR implementation has identified that EMR implementation
is most likely to fail due to user rejection, so it is important to recognize the
thoughts and beliefs that doctors, nurses and other health professionals may have to
be able to anticipate whether they will accept or reject the new EMR (Goo et al.,
2015). Clearly, EMR technology exists, but even with the best technology success is
not guaranteed. The challenge is the implementation, and understanding the
reluctance of change amongst users is critical for developing adoption strategies
(Khalifa, 2013). The complexity and usability of the system greatly impacts user
acceptance. The more accurate and timely that data can be entered into the system,
the more beneficial the system will be (Struik et al., 2014). If the system is poorly
designed or if there is a lack of technical support and training, clinical workflow may
become more time consuming creating resistance from clinicians (Goo et
Sexism In Othello Essay
When virtue is looked up in the dictionary, the two definitions that are produced
describe, one, a morally good or redeeming quality of a person and, two, the
chastity of a woman. Why is it that not only this word, but prevalent cultures as
well, directly connect a young woman s virginity to her morality? The importance
of celibacy, especially the celibacy of women, has long been argued, making a
detrimental impact on the perspectives of societal norms. Several aspects of it are
extensively chronicled in literature. In the theatrical work Othello, this sexism is
unveiled in the lives of spouses Desdemona and Othello as he becomes obsessed
with assuming she has been unfaithful. Othello s reason he loved her in the first
place proves to be her aura of chastity, instead of her more important and appraisable
traits. Through the ceasing of Othello s respect for Desdemona, the emphasis on a
handkerchief that symbolizes her, as well as excerpts from an essay written by
Professor Syed Anwarul Huq called Desdemona s Handkerchief: It s Symbolic
Significance , the issue in this perspective becomes thoroughly evident. In the play
Othello, the author Shakespeare vividly presents the notion that a womans merit is
determined by her chastity, which embodies the sexist societal expectation that
causes men and women of all ages to dismiss other attributes that indicate morality in
favor of chastity.... Show more content on ...
The subsequent downfall directly connects to an overall societal issue concerning
women because Othello s respect and love for Desdemona relies on his perspective
of her purity. When this image of purity dwindles, he dismisses all of her redeeming
qualities and evolves into an abusive and hateful version of himself. In the play, as
Othello is continually accusing Desdemona, he dehumanizes and insults her. He tells
A Brief Note On Older Care And Employment Of Migrant
3. Marketisation of Older Care and Employment of Migrant Workers in Western
Researchers focus on the marketization of older care in western countries, including
Northern European countries, Italy, Spain, and the UK (Bettio et al., 2006; Shutes
and Chiatti, 2012). Meanwhile, there are findings revealing the difficulties of care
workers recruitment and retention, as well as potential labour shortage in the care
sector and demand for migrant workers (Shutes, 2014). The migrant workers they
concerned are foreign born migrants who are undertaking care work for the older
people in the input countries. The employment of migrant care workers in European
countries is influenced by state policies towards care and the intersection with
immigration policies (Williams, 2012; Shutes and Chiatti, 2012). The care service
for older people has been shaped by the increasing role of the market. The
marketization of care and the implications of the processes of marketization for who
provides care and under what conditions need further researches (Daly and Lewis,
2000). Based on date of the employment of migrant care workers in the familial care
in Italy and in the residential care services in the UK, Shutes and Chiatti (2012)
argued that different institutional contexts produce similar outcomes as regards the
employment of migrant workers in care work for older people. The marketization of
care and immigration controls contributed to the recruitment of migrant workers in
both contexts
From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike s A P Essay
From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike s A P Sammy is stuck in that difficult
transition between childhood and adulthood. He is a nineteen year old cashier at
an A P, the protagonist in a story with the same name. John Updike, the author of A
P, writes from Sammy s point of view, making him not only the main character but
also the first person narrator. The tone of the story is set by Sammy s attitude,
which is nonchalant but frank he calls things as he sees them. There is a hint of
sarcasm in Sammy s thoughts, for he tends to make crude references to everything
he observes. Updike uses this motif to develop the character of Sammy, as many of
these references relate to the idea of play. Sammy is no longer a child, but much of...
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Sammy s play continues as he his eyes follow the three girls around the store, and
he notes the way that the one he has named Queenie is definitely the leader. She
would buzz to the other two, who kind of huddled against her for relief (28).
Sammy sees this as a game of follow the leader as well as a game of hide and seek,
because, as Queenie led them, the other two [would] peek around and make their
shoulders round (27). Sammy is shallow and sexist in the way he has named these
young women according to his first impression of their bodies and behaviors.
Patrick W. Shaw notes that Sammy knows what is on each aisle in the store and
constantly thinks of what is inside bottles, cans, and jars; but he has no idea what
is inside the girls, no sensitivity to their psychology or sexual subtlety. His
awareness stops with their sweet cans and ice cream breasts (322). Sammy further
demonstrates his childishness and chauvinism by commenting on the mental
abilities of the girls: You never know for sure how girls minds work (do you really
think it s a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?) (27). This
comment ironically lets the reader know more about the way Sammy s mind
works. Shaw agrees, suggesting that Sammy s mind is even less than a bee in a jar
(322). Sammy is still absorbed in thinking about the games he played as a cild and
maybe even in the present. He
Exceptions Of Non Charitable Trust
Introduction to Non charitable trust
Trusts can be widely categorized according to their objects, which are either purposes
or persons. The purposes of trust can be either charitable or non charitable trust. A
charitable trust is one whose purpose falls within the legal definition of charity. On
the other hand, a non charitable trust has a purpose which falls outside the legal
definition of charity. A non charitable trust is not for the public. Non charitable trust
are beneficiary to people, include the trust to further the purpose of club, association
to a trust provide housing for native children being schooled off their reserve. A non
charitable is a type of trust without ascertainable beneficiaries. Usually struck down
by the court because the court thinks that this type of trust is not enforceable by
anyone. As a general rule, a trust would fail if there is no beneficiary to enforce it. In
Re Astor s Settlement Trust, apart from uncertainty, the gift failed on the ground that
there was nobody that could enforce the trust. In Morice v Bishop of Durham, Sir
William Grant stated that: ... Show more content on ...
There are a number of exceptions to the invalidity of non charitable trust. In order
for a non charitable trust to be valid, the purpose of the trust must fall within the five
exceptions. In the case of Re Endacott, it laid down the principle that a non charitable
trust is invalid if the purpose did not fit into one of the exceptions. Gift must be
limited to particular purposes.
Exception 1 : Specific animals
The first exception is the trust must be made for the specific animal. In the case of
Re Dean, the trust was held to be valid despite the fact that no one could enforce the
trust, the purpose of the trust was for the maintenance of testator s horses and
hounds for 50 years. This is typically where the settlor wishes that his or her own
pets are looked
The Ethical Dilemma Of Hawaii Regarding The
This paper will talk about the ethical dilemma that has been a controversial issue in
Hawaii regarding the construction of the thirty meter telescope being built on Mauna
Kea, the most sacred land in the entire pacific. This issue has risen concerns
regarding the local community, the Native Hawaiians and the TMT organization. The
ethical dilemma here is to build or not to build? Yes, Hawaiiwants to preserve the
host culture, but should Native Hawaiians prevent the development of new
technology? With this telescope, according to the TMT website, it will be able to see
the formation of galaxies, thirteen billion light years away. This can answer
humankinds most compelling question...Where did life begin?
Mauna Kea is currently the tallest mountain in the Hawaiian Chain. 4,205 meters
above sea level, Mauna Kea is located on the island of Hawaii. It is the second largest
surface that comprises of the five volcanoes on Mauna Kea. With Mauna Kea being
the largest Mountain in the Hawaiian chain, it is a popular location to look into the
galaxies, to find the origin of life.
Humans have looked to the skies for answers, the Polynesians sailed the Pacific using
celestial navigation. Astronomy continues to revolutionize our thinking. Today, with
the construction of the most powerful telescope, humankind may have the answers
to the origin of life. However, this telescope is being built atop Mauna Kea, one of
the most sacred lands in the entire Pacific. Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka
Saint Thomas AquinasPhilosophy Over God And God
Saint Thomas Aquinas was a priest and a theologian. He was also known for his ideas
and thoughts about philosophy. He investigated the philosophy over God and human
beings. Aquinas connected scriptures and scriptural theology to his philosophical
findings. Thomas treats most of the major sub disciplines of philosophy, including
logic, philosophy of nature, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophical psychology,
philosophy of mind, philosophical theology, the philosophy of language, ethics and.
Political philosophy (iep). He was the most influential contribute to theology and
philosophy, as well as placing in his views to connect God in with those two topics.
One thing that St. Thomas Aquinasestablished truth on, was whether an object can
exist, cease to exist, and re exist. He believed in gappy existence and drew limits that
explained that not everything can manage gappy existence. St. Thomas stated that
anything that is destroyed, God could make another thing to take its place
(Gappy,95). He distinguishes between the form of the whole and form of the part.
Former is the substances essence, while the latter is substantial form. In the case of
human beings, the whole is humanity and the form is their soul. Humanity is that
which is signified by the definition of man. But the definition of man signifies not
form alone but also matter, since matter must be comprised in the definition of
material things. Hence both soul and body are included in the notion of humanity
Sheldon s Somatotyping
Review Questions
What are the four body types in William H. Sheldon s somatotyping? Describe each
body type and identify which one Sheldon believed was related to delinquency and
The four body types in William H. Sheldon s somatotyping are endomorphs,
mesomorphs, ectomorphs, and balanced individuals. Endomorphs are individuals
who are overweight with a large stomach. Mesomorphs are individuals who are
muscular and athletic. Ectomorphs are individuals who are thin and frail. Balanced
individuals are not too overweight, thin, or muscular. Sheldon believed the
mesomorph body type was related to delinquency and crime.
What personality types did Hans J. Eysenck believe were related to crime? Describe
each personality type and discuss why ... Show more content on ...
Most people understand that violence in media is purely for entertainment, and
excites people. However, individuals with mental difficulties may not understand that
the violence in the media is for entertainment, but rather a calling for the individual
to mimic their violence in the real world. I do not think violence in the media
should be censored unless extreme, such as extreme gore or violence on smaller
children or animals. With proper introduction to the violence, we can identify people
with aggressive behavior before they do any criminal
Forecasting Effects on Supply Chain
Analysis of Forecasting on Supply Chain
A supply chain is a network that performs functions from supplier s supplier to
customer s customer. It encompasses all the process involved in delivering the final
product to the final consumer. Supply chain is filled with various uncertainties such
as demand, process, and supply. Inventories are often used to protect the chain from
these uncertainties. The higher the variations the more the losses and every company
needs to minimize the variations and uncertainties in its supply chain.
There are various causes of uncertainties. Among them few that can be listed are
demand variations based on the type of product, the suppliers receipt variations which
depend on the ... Show more content on ...
It also tells us the effect of forecasting on the planning.
We know about the bullwhip effect and the model shows clear signs of it. How the
change in forecast is affecting the demand given by the manufacturer to its supplier. It
shows clear signs within the firm itself where changes in demand by the customer is
encouraging sales people to buffer up their supply to meet the demand.
The model:
We are considering a mean demand of D, the variations sigma, lead time of 2 8
weeks depending on the parts.
As we can see the demand has been varying a lot in 2009. This has induced a
forecasting error by the sales people in the manufacturing organization.
It has been assumed that sales people fill the MDS data 3 months in advance for the
confirmed orders. Hence it can be easily seen how the variation in the original
forecast, the amount filled in the MDS and actual shipment delivered to the customer
The bullwhip effect increases as the lead time increases. This is because the order
level needed and desired level needed are proportional to the lead time. This causes
amplifying of inventory. There can also be other delays like delaying order placing.
Here as we can see the decentralization has caused different forecast. This issue
becomes more complicated downstream as can be seen from the chart. There is a
high increase in the variation of the demand. The equilibrium depends not only on the
quantities ordered
The Pros And Cons Of Digital Disruption
Disruption? You might initially think negatively about this word. Digital disruption
is a development produced by emerging digital technologies and business models
(Oxford College of Marketing Blog, 2017). This change impacts people in this
decade to have a better living. Lifestyles and work have been changed by the new,
potential technology. Besides, the advantages are the increasing of productivity,
improved work health and safety and new products and services; all of which have
been elevating our living standards through innovative businessmodels. However, the
most awareness thing to be considered by marketers is that Digitalis coming and it s
coming fast and Digital will disrupt your industry (Freek V., 2017). This is why the
term disruption is used because the emergence of these new digital business models
is disrupting the existing markets. In fact, this single word is warning us.
Why should we be concerned?
Capgemini Consultants established that since 2000, 52% of Fortune 500 companies
have gone bankrupt, been acquired or ceased trading, due, to some extent, to their
inability to keep abreast of the speed of digital transformation (Heck D., 2016).
Kodak is one such example; it had declined the opportunity in digital photography and
subsequently this destroyed its film based business model. Despite Kodak
monopolized the photography markets for the majority of the 20th century, it
unexpectedly declared bankruptcy in 2012. However, digital disruption provides
Sterilization Law
Forced sterilization of people during the holocaust remained another major issue.
Many people died due to the procedures for sterilization (Friedlander 30). Also, the
Nazi s did not only sterilize Jews, they sterilized the mentally ill and those of mixed
race (Forced Sterilization). Although the Nazi s conducted this horrible event, they
were not the only one, nor the first. Hitler and his cabinet approved the first eugenic
law only six months after his taking over of office. This law stated that handicapped
people could apply for sterilization, but physicians, doctors, and nurses could also fill
out the application (Friedlander 26). The Sterilization Law interpreted the
significance of decontaminating the German race of all genetic... Show more content
on ...
A German psychiatrist, August Forel, tried to support sterilization of the mentally
ill by stating that it is, a national sacrifice similar to that of a soldier in the time of
war (Evans 106). Also, gynecologist, Edwin Kehere, sterilized female patients that
he believed should no longer be allowed to bring lesser children into the world.
Psychiatrist, Ernst Rudin, even suggested sterilization of alcoholics (Evans 106
7). The court s decided that forced sterilization could take place even against the
will of the person. In 1934, the court sterilized 62,463 people; while in 1935, the
court sterilized 71,760 people then again in 1936 the number went back down to
64,646. Two thirds of the members on each hereditary court held a profession in
medicine so each sterilization case remained a disguise for the procedure
(Friedlander 27). Of the people sterilized, fifty two percent were diagnosed with
congenital feeblemindedness, thirty two percent schizophrenia, fourteen percent
hereditary epilepsy, etc (Friedlander 29). During the years of 1934 and 1936, three
hundred and sixty seven women died during a sterilization procedure while only
seventy men died. Also, in 1934, only half of the intended sterilization procedures
occurred (Friedlander 28). Overall, the
Disney Inhumane Working Conditions
Disney and Their Inhumane Working Conditions
Imagine a child, unpaid, away from their family, and performing extremely hazardous
and deadly tasks day in and day out. Several Massive corporations of the world
incorporate these dangerous and unfair treatment of their workers into their
production of their products. These corporations underpay, and overwork their
employees to the breaking point in a few cases. Multiple times, these companies were
inserted into scandals over there lack of humane treatment towards the workers and
the dangerous positions they install them in to complete the tasks at hand. A few
examples of these well known corporations that implement the poor treatment and
unsafe conditions of work are Disney and Apple. The government ... Show more
content on ...
At powerful corporations like, Disney and Apple they practice the idea of harsh
conditions, hours and child labor and it needs to be addressed. Disney relentlessly
pushes their workers in these sweatshops in foreign companies to over work
themselves, this includes children working 10 13 hours a day. In several
countries, speaking is not allowed while working for those long, exhausting hours.
Then, the workers usually are paid at least 40 cents under the minimum wage. A
drastic amount of children faint on the job, and pass out from exhaustion. At
Apple, they practice similar ideas from Disney. Nonetheless, they under pay their
workers a decent amount and overwork them day in and day out. Apple has been
inserted into scandals over people committing suicide after, their countless hours
and lack of enthusiasm in their workplace. A few people may argue in order for
Apple to produce its product at the correct rate for people to obtain the product,
they need people to work these countless hours and they may argue that it is cheap
for Disney and Apple to pay the workers like they do. The companies may need
work to be done, but they should be held accountable and pay their workers more for
their overtime work. On November 20th, 2015, Green America, an organization
against child labor produced an article. They pushed for large companies

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Desertification Essay

  • 1. Desertification Essay Writing an essay on the topic of desertification can be a challenging task that requires a thorough understanding of the subject and the ability to convey complex information in a clear and engaging manner. Desertification is a multifaceted issue involving environmental, social, and economic factors, making it essential for the writer to delve deep into research to grasp the intricacies of the topic. One of the difficulties lies in gathering accurate and up-to-date information about the causes and consequences of desertification. This may involve reviewing scientific studies, reports from environmental organizations, and data from governmental agencies. The writer must sift through vast amounts of information to select relevant and credible sources to support their arguments. Furthermore, crafting a coherent and well-structured essay requires the ability to organize thoughts logically. Desertification encompasses various aspects, such as climate change, deforestation, and unsustainable agricultural practices. Arranging these components in a manner that flows smoothly and builds a compelling narrative demands careful planning and skillful execution. Addressing the complexity of desertification also involves tackling the interconnectedness of environmental and societal issues. Explaining how desertification affects ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities requires a nuanced approach. Balancing scientific evidence with real-life examples and human stories can be a delicate task, as it requires the writer to strike a harmonious blend between facts and empathy. In addition to content, the writer must pay careful attention to language and style. Communicating the seriousness of desertification while maintaining a level of engagement for the reader is crucial. Striking this balance involves choosing appropriate vocabulary, employing persuasive techniques, and ensuring clarity in conveying complex concepts. While the challenge of writing a comprehensive essay on desertification is evident, it is also an opportunity to contribute to raising awareness about a pressing global issue. By overcoming these difficulties, the writer can create an impactful piece that informs, persuades, and inspires action. For those seeking assistance or looking to explore similar topics, various resources are available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like, where professional writers can provide tailored support based on specific requirements and preferences. Desertification Essay Desertification Essay
  • 2. Colonize Mars Scientists have been thinking about colonizing Mars and it is an great idea because they could find the discoveries on Mars. Have you ever thought of going to Mars, it would be really interesting to see all of Mars features. Astronauts should colonize Mars because we could discover what is on Mars, they would have a lot of time to prepare and why do they even want to go to mars? NASA wants to go to mars because Mars is a great place for scientific descovorys. Mars has every thing we need to live. If you went to mars there would only be a few things we need to live a space suit, water, food, and clothes. Mars is also a great place to colonize because Mars has the biggest volcanic mountain. Also if you would like to go to Mars you have to be 18 years or older. ... Show more content on ... Mars is a really good place to colonize because it is really cold on Mars which, means that the inside is frozen and if the colonizers can melt that they would have endless water. NASA is not going to send colonizers every day. They have to send people at the right time because the sun is blocking Mars and if they send them at the wrong time they will go right into the sun. Earth is a overpopulated place so if we go to Mars and its fine to live there our earth would not be overpopulated anymore. Also NASA is not going to force you to go to Mars you can go to Mars if you are experienced and you want to
  • 3. King Narmer s Second Dynasty On a cultural, economic and political level, Egypt has been largely shaped by the idiosyncrasies of its various rulers. Egypt s first leap towards becoming an advanced civilisation began with King Narmer s unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. Although the first 200 years of Egypt s unification do not appear to have been peaceful, cultural development accelerated ahead during the early dynasties. The tensions between the North and South throughout Egypts second dynasty continued to grow until Khasekhemwy s ascension to the throne. As the last King of the Second Dynasty, he is widely recognised as the King that resolved the conflict between the two sides, however, how this was achieved is not known. The beginning of the third dynasty started with his son, Djoser, who now ruled over a politically stable Egypt. Egyptian society advanced significantly under... Show more content on ... The validity of Narmer s pharaonic title is supported by the seal impressions found in the Abydos tombs which have provided an ancient list of Kings, of which Narmer is recorded as a pharaoh. His rule was further consolidated by his marriage with Neithhotep, a supposed Lower Egyptian Princess, as suggested by Sir Flinders Petrie. Egyptian culture has not only benefited from the Unification, rather the economy as well. Narmer s name has been found outside Egypt, in Syria Palestine which indicates that some form of contact and active trade was present between Egypt and parts of the Ancient Near East, and thus creating trade links bettering Egypt s future economic prospects. As a result of the accelerated cultural development brought upon by Narmer s unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, handicrafts, mason s skills, architecture, burial customs , writing art, bureaucracy and politics have improved dramatically. In terms of writing art and iconography, the reign of Narmer illustrates the transition between old and new systems of royal iconography. On an ivory cylinder in Hierakonpolis, it is the catfish element
  • 4. Passive Observations And Active Experimentation To answer this question we must clearly understand the main three aspects which are Passive observation , active experiment , and whether if there was another way to produce knowledge. Passive observations and active experimentation are very associated to each other because experimentation is simply the methodological observation of things. Both passive observation and active transport might not be distinct modes of learning. The question asks whether if there is another way of producing knowledge. Inductive and deductive reasoning can also count as a way of producing knowledge. Inductive reasoning is reasoning in which the properties pursue it supply strong evidence for the conclusion. Deductive reasoning is the logical way of getting to a conclusion. The areas of knowledge that will be discussed in the essay will be Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The way of knowing that will be discussed in the essay will be doing vs. thinking and ethics / culture. The two knowledge questions that will execute in this essay are To what extent can we determine the source of our knowledge? and To what extent can we determine which form of the different forms of knowledge is more important? Mathematics is an inductive epistemology being either observed or physically represented. The theory of special relativity is the accepted physical theory regarding the relationship between space and time that is based on two principles, the principle of relativity and the principle of the speed
  • 5. The Drug Called Cialis And Its Effects On Erectile... Clinical Background The drug called Cialis was originally founded by the company called Glaxo Wellcome, more commonly known as GlaxoSmithKline, which was established as a partnership between Glaxo and ICOS to develop new drugs in August 1991. In 1998, ICOS Corporation and the Eli Lilly and Company formed the Lilly ICOS, LLC to further develop and commercialize tadalafil (Cialis) as a treatment for ED (Erectile Dysfunction). The Eli Lilly and Company had made long strides in the drug industry as ICOS began to fall behind and in 2007, the Eli Lilly and Company bought the ICOS Corporation for 2.3 Billion dollars1. In December 2003, the Food and Drug Administration approved tadalafil as Cialis for sale in the United States1. This would make Cialis the third prescription drug pill to treat erectile dysfunction after Viagra and Levitra. In 1993, ICOS Corporation began studying compound IC351, a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) enzyme inhibitor. In 1994, Pfizer scientists discovered that sildenafil citrate, which also inhibits the PDE5 enzyme, caused penile erection in men participating in a clinical study of a heart medicine1. In 1994 ICOS received a patent for compound IC3511. In 1995 phase one of the clinical trials began, and then in 1997 phase two of the clinical trials began that were initiated for men experiencing ED, which then progressed to phase three that was intended to support the drugs FDA approval. In 2000, Lilly ICOS, LLC, filed a New Drug Application with the FDA
  • 6. Benefits Of Spending On Eating Out On the first assignment, I listed one of the advantages in changing my spending when it comes to eating out was that it would save me money that could be better spent on something more valuable. This is overall the most important benefit for me currently because money is especially tight during this Fall Semester, the holidays are here and this this usually includes spending on foodand gifts. Also with the new season I enjoy spending some money on things that will last longer than 30 minutes, typically food is only a short term splurge. The overall goal is to save money, and I found that I have saved a lot more money by becoming more aware of how much money I ve actually put into eatingout. I use that saved money towards bills, which are ... Show more content on ... I have found this to be true because now that I am choosing to eat at home I see my mom a lot more. We will sit together for a meal every other day (like I said, im very busy so I m not home very often.) I also indicated that my temptations towards sweets and beverages would be reduced because im not in its presence. This proved to be true because if I don t see the temptations I don t fall to it. I have tried to avoid putting myself in situations where going out to eat becomes an option and therefore I don t have the need to buy something because the occasion or because im already in that setting. Last, I said the novelty of eating out will be special again. The absence of the eating out environment will make it feel more significant event. To elaborate, you know when you have something so often that after a while it might not mean as much to you as it did the first few times. Like seeing your favorite play the first few times, but maybe after the 87th time you aren t as excited about it. This is the exact feeling im talking about, eating out, getting treats so much with my boyfriend that it isnt a special event for us anymore. Now that we don t do this as frequently its become something to really look forward to because its not everyday. Now to add to my advantages, I would say that by reducing my spending on food I would gain better money managing skills. I would have a better understanding of determining needs versus wants.
  • 7. Chapter 10 Wide Area Networks Homework Chapter 10: Wide Area Networks Last Name: ___________________________________ First Name: ___________________________________ Due Date: ____________________________________ Directions Place your cursor at the end of a question and hit Enter. This will place you in the Answer style. This has already been done for Part a) of Question 1. Test Your Understanding Questions 1.a) Distinguish between LANs and WANs. [373] b) What are rights of way? [374] c) What are carriers? [374] d) Why do you have more flexibility with LAN service than with WAN service? Why? [374] 2.a) Why are typical WAN speeds slower than typical LAN speeds? Give a clear and complete argument. [375] b) Why are future WAN prices difficult to... Show more content on ... [388] d) What types of amplifiers are needed for cable data service? [388] e) What device do customers need for cable modem service? [388] 12.a) What two technologies are needed for leased line switched WANs? [390] b) What are the cost elements in networks of leased lines? [390] 13.a) List the physical components of PSDN technology. {6, 23} [391] b) Do customers need leased lines if they use PSDNs? [391] c) What is a POP? [391] d) Why do you want a WAN with many POPs? (The answer is not in the text. It requires you to think about POPs.) [391] e) If a company has seven sites, how many leased lines will it need if it uses a PSDN? [391] f) Why are PSDNs fairly inexpensive? [391] g) Why is the PSDN transport core drawn as a cloud? [391] 14.a) What is the speed range of Frame Relay? {6, 24} [392] b) Why is this speed range attractive? [392] c) Why has ATM not been popular? [392] d) What is metro Ethernet? [392] e) For what reasons is it attractive? [392] f) What PSDN service is growing? [392] *15.a) Why are virtual circuits used? {6, 25} [393] b) With virtual circuits, on what does a switch base its forwarding decision when a frame arrives? [394] c) Do PSDN frames have destination addresses or virtual circuit numbers in their headers? [394] d) What is the name of the Frame Relay virtual circuit number? [394] e) How long, typically, is a DLCI? [394] f) How many virtual circuits does this
  • 8. The Tempest Quote Analysis The Great Chain of Being has been around since the Classical period and places people of society in a certain order. A person s position is controlled by how spiritual they are, where God is at the top, then angels, which furthermore leads to a king, men, winged animals, and all the way down to the Devil. For anyone desiring to move up the social ladder, that action will cause commotion to the uniformed chain and would lead the other divisions to also move up. In Shakespeare s drama, The Tempest, the use of ambition reiterates the importance of how a gluttonous desire can conduct disorder or align the Great Chain of Being. Overdosage of this impulse causes The Tempest s cake to have a repugnant aftertaste. Yet removing the unnecessary cups of ambition and replacing it with only good intentions and motivations, overall leads the cake to taste satisfying in the end. For the majority of the play, Prospero holds a grudge on the noble court and revolves around a revengeful personality. Multiple scenes throughout the play contain disbalance in the GCOB due to someone craving to be a king. After Prospero brews up a rigid and eye opening storm, Miranda finds out it is his [awakened] evil nature (1.2.113) that triggered... Show more content on ... Both order and disorder would not have been possible without ambition, the make it or break ingredient. After the trials of stirring the ingredients together and baking it, it all comes down to the result of the cake . Destructive ambition versus healthy aspiration is revealed in the character s desires of moving up the Great Chain of Being. The cake in this context represents the product of all the good and bad events in The Tempest. The repulsive items include the grudges, emotional pain, disorderment of the Great Chain of Being, and excessive ambition. Opposed to the appalling elements, a good cake must be balanced with sweet ingredients such as: forgiveness and
  • 9. The Spanish Armad A Shift Of Power Creating Spain s... Ashley Bowers Mr. Kennedy CHY 4U 25 May 2016 The Spanish Armada: A Shift Of Power Creating Spain s Demise and England s Uprise Infinite power is unattainable, this is because the circumstances in situations change, therefore power is thus being constantly shifted from one place to another. Power shifting can be for better or for worse, however, undoubtably so, is inevitable. The Spanish Armada, which took place in August of fifteen eighty eight, was a Spanish fleet of one hundred and thirty ships that sailed from A CoruГ±a, with the purpose to invade England. The almighty Spain was favoured to win however it was in turn the weaker country of England that came out on top, thus making The Spanish Armada a perfect example of an extreme power ... Show more content on ... Along with this, this also led to the beginning of a power shift in leaders, where Elizabeth I, a woman, disobeyed Phillip II, a man, something that was considered very taboo during this time. This rejection overall angered Phillip as he had plans of marrying Elizabeth I for the purpose of joining her to reign the throne of England. The acrimony Phillip II then felt due to being rejected, led him to the irrational plan that was the Spanish Armada. Within this plan, Phillip II decided to attack England to gain complete control over them. His mindset was strictly focused on Spain gaining complete power, which in turn ended up working against him as it is through this that Spain s great downfall begun. The Spanish Armada was created, and along with this, Spain s loss of power had been initiated. Charles Phillips, British author, supports the idea of Elizabeth I marriage rejection angering King Phillip II to creating the Spanish Armada against England, which thus in turn created Spain s dramatic downfall, in King s and Queens of Britain s Golden Age writing in the section The Age of Elizabeth (46) With the death of Mary, Phillip saw that he himself could now lay claim to the english crown in the event of the restoration of Catholicism. Here, Phillips is supporting the idea that through Phillip II s marriage proposal, he had high hopes of gaining more power and taking over England just as he did with Portugal. Therefore, it is through
  • 10. Rhetorical Analysis Of Colin Kaernick Took A Stand On August 26, 2016 Colin Kaepernick Took a stand by not standing during the National Anthem before the preseason game. This angered many fans, including African American fans. Many videos have gone viral, of fans burning Kaepernick s jersey. In one video the man was recorded saying, if you don t love our country, get the [] out of it. You should never play another down in the NFL. Move to Canada. Although, Kaepernick broke no rules, Officials are still thinking about penalizing him. Kaepernick says that he will not honor a flag for a country that oppresses people of color. Many people wonder how he knows what it is like to be oppressed making 126 million dollars a year. Another fact that has angered fans is that Kaepernick was adopted... Show more content on ... They say there are better ways he could have gone about it, but this way probably got the most attention. Damien Woody tweeted Kaep has every right to express his feelings/beliefs and ppl have every right to disagree. That s ok folks! This is what comes with free society unless people hate democracy People or athletes that stand with Kaep, but still stand usually put their fist up to support him. They say that they believe and understand what he is standing up for, but there are many other great things about the Nation. 49ers coach says he stands with Kaeps decision, and he does not know when he intends on stopping the
  • 11. Terrorism in Kenya and the USA Terrorism in Kenya and the USA The events of September 11, 2001, changed the New York City skyline and changed the world with it irrevocably. For example, if one simply examines the ways in which departments of the federal government changed after September 11, the changes are indeed staggering and dramatic: immediately post 9/11 the Department of Homeland Security was created in coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, creating essentially the most comprehensive reorganization of government in the last fifty years (McEntire, 2004). The events of September 11th also caused the spotlight to be thrust on people like Emergency manager, putting their jobs under greater scrutiny as well as granting them long overdue recognition from the general public, creating pressure which has led to more funding for the vital profession. The more intensive and advanced technological arena has also offered the field more challenges and more advantages. The events of September 11 opened the United States up to terrorism in a new way as terrorist eventually discovered that one way of attacking the United State was via American presence abroad. Terrorists have selected Kenya as an object of interest as they ve readily found that attacking this country was one way to manipulate U.S. involvement and impact U.S. interests. The United States and Kenya have long enjoyed a relationship of mutual respect. Kenya has respected U.S. achievements and policies, and the U.S. has
  • 12. Princess Diana Essay example When they feel like it is the end of the world, many people have trouble keeping a smile on their face. Other people can continue to shine no matter how bad they feel. Those people can leave a long lasting impact on the world. Princess Diana influenced millions of people from all over the world, and her legacy will remain forever. Lady Diana Frances Spencer was born at home on July 1, 1961, in Norfolk, England (Morton 70). Her parents were very ashamed that she was a girl. They wanted a boy very badly to keep the Spencer name (Morton 71). Diana had two older sisters and one younger brother. She was always the closest to her brother, Charles, and admired him strongly (Vickers 160). As a child, Diana was somewhat complicated. Growing up,... Show more content on ... Diana grew up always feeling different and unlike anyone else. She was surrounded by stuffed animals, considering them as her family (Morton 23 27). She could not rely on anyone but her brother because they understood each other. She grew up always being jealous of her two older sisters (Morton30). Diana Spencer met Prince Charles when she was sixteen years old, while visiting with his family. Diana left a memorable impression. There was a thirteen year age difference between the two of them, but they had a lot in common (Dolan 4). Diana had crushed on Charles since she was a little girl. She was in love with him so much that she had a poster of him hanging above her bed (Dolan 4). Diana always joked about how she should be more into Prince Andrew because he was around her age, but she always longed for Charles. In 1980, Miss Spencer and The Prince of Wales began talking about marriage. In 1981, Charles proposed to her, and she immediately responded yes. Her dream was always to marry Charles (Dolan 14). On July 29, 1981, Lady Diana Frances Spencer and Charles Philip Arthur George were joined together in holy matrimony in St. Paul s Cathedral. This day was the most remembered day in British history. This was the largest media event of all time (The Prince 1 2). Half a million people joined the couple at the royal wedding. Residents from London and every part of the world, along with the royal families of
  • 13. The Objective Of Loss Mitigation The objective of loss mitigation is to return the loan to a performing status with minimum economic loss. If it is determined that the loan cannot return to a performing status, then it is the objective to liquidate the loan for maximum value and minimal loss. The Default Operations Department is part of the RCS Loss Mitigation Department, and work together with the other Loss Mitigation Departments to prevent a loan from going into a foreclosure status whenever possible. They play a key role in this process by providing the following services: Provide manual Pre Foreclosure and Post Foreclosure reviews of loans, before foreclosure a sale can occur. U.S. Treasury reporting for the Loss Mitigation Department. Review and identify all ... Show more content on ... Please refer to the Default Operations Policies for additional information. Department Oversight The Default Operations department falls under servicing operations. The Default Operations Manager oversees the day to day operations. Inter departmental Interactions Call Center / Collections Department Handles inbound and outbound customer service and collection calls with borrowers. Loss Mitigation Works with borrowers to determine if there is a modification option instead of foreclosure. Works with borrowers to set up in flight modifications per the transfer analyst directions. Underwriting Completes all final review of modifications. Reviews all modification appeals by borrowers. Inter departmental Interactions (continued) Loan Administration Departments Payoff Department responds to payoff requests from borrowers. Customer Relations is responsible for reviewing incoming written Qualified Written Requests correspondence within appropriate timelines. Payment Processing Department Posts all borrower s funds correctly to the account per instructions. Foreclosure Department Reviews all paperwork, notes and loan status before moving forward on a foreclosure sale. Manages interactions with attorneys to move the foreclosure forward.
  • 14. Belize Barrier Reef Essay Glover s Reef is a part of the second largest reef system in the world, the Belize Reef. In recent years, mostly due to tourism growth and the respective development for the tourists, ocean pollution has damaged many of species that live in Belize Reef. While the government has imposed a national reservation on the area that protects it from human destruction, it simply has not had the effect expected. On the Glover Reef, a research facility was created to gain a better understand of coral in the area and the best way to protect it. The hopeful future is that the research project gives scientist insight on how to protect the entirety of the Belize Barrier ReefSystem. Belize Barrier Reef System The Belize Barrier Reef consists of multiple coral reefs on the coast of Belize. This reef is known as the most remarkable reef in the West Indies due to its large diversity of organisms and ecosystems. (Darwin). It is home to around 70 hard coral species, 36 soft coral species, and over 500 species of fish. The second largest coral reef system in the entire world is also the top tourist destination in all of Belize and is attractive for scuba diving and snorkeling. The 260 meter reef attracts around 260,000 visitors on an annual basis. Many tourists enjoy scuba diving near the reefs especially at the Blue Hole, which is an underwater sinkhole. The Mayans and the current people used the area for fishing as a variety of fish species live in the water. Due to the tourist
  • 15. What Is The Theme Of The Bell Jar THE BELL JAR The Bell Jar is considered the first American feminist novel by many people.The main character is Esther Greenwood.Esther thinks that she faces sexual double standards in society.She has stable thoughts about her sexual status.She is a virgin and this constantly weighs on her mind.As she says When I was nineteen, pureness was the great issue. Instead of the world being divided up into Catholics and Protestants or Republicans and Democrats or white men and black men or even men and women, I saw the world divided into people who had slept with somebody and people who hadn t, and this seemed the only really significant difference between one person and another.(Slyvia Plath,The Bell Jar,s.66) She believes that a woman must be avirgin when she gets married.But she assumes the same for men.But she discovers that Buddy Willard is not a virgin.He has
  • 16. The Role Of Police During The Criminal Justice System Introduction This report shall examine the role of the police in the criminal justice system. For background it will detail a brief history of the development of the police then look at the later development of police powers of arrest, detention and of stop and search. Further to this it will examine the role of the police in miscarriages of justice and the effects of these miscarriages on the development of safeguards for people detained by the police. Also the measures taken to prevent further miscarriages of justice such as the development of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to decide if the evidence is there and a prosecution is likely to be successful. History and Development of the Police The history of a professional police service in England dates back to the creation of the Metropolitan Police in 1829 by the then Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel (Joyce, 2012), the City of Glasgow Police was the first professional force to be created in Britain in 1800 (Newburn, 2013). The Metropolitan Police force replaced the volunteers who had until then served in an unpaid capacity to perform police duties. The professional police service then served as a template on which to model other local police forces throughout England and Wales (Joyce, 2012). There are 41 provincial police forces outside London and two within London, the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police, at its peak the total number of officers in England and Wales was over 143,000 in 2006 (Hale et
  • 17. A Brief Note On The Supply Chain Management Introduction Technology in Supply Chain Management Till not to long ago the area of Supply Chain management was seen as a task that took place in the background without any dedicated resources. Majority of the people thought it was only used by large brands that have an international distribution need. When there was an issue in the supply chain, people were pulled from their existing jobs to fix the issue. Once the problem was solved, the people would go back to their original tasks. There was a lack of patience, demand and awareness amongst the customers back in the day, as online ordering and tracking were processes that they weren t familiar with. For example, even the service provided by the U.S. Postal Service was considered... Show more content on ... It became obvious that observing the route of goods using pins on a map would no longer make the cut. Technology has crept into SCM slowly, starting with electronic invoicing, computerized shipping and tracking as well as automated notifications that were progressively used by companies like FedEx and UPS. Initially intended for business to business interactions, it took time before that level of tracking and accountability was provided to consumers. But it became quite clear that notifying everyone along the chain has become increasingly important. It was only when companies like Zappos which positioned itself to be customer friendly, by creating a tagline Powered by Service, came into limelight that clients got a flavor of how they have a huge role to play in purchases. Zappos as on online company, did not start with brick and mortar stores, so instead of adapting to new technology, they were embraced by it. The fact that the consumers get notified at every step of the process is what makes them love the experience. Before deciding to make the purchase, extensive reviews can be read to make an informed decision, they can also have a check on the mother brand. This set the benchmark for online customer service; firm that could match up to this standard gain a competitive advantage. Companies like Apple and Harley Davidson use this benefit to further personalize the buying experience by going
  • 18. FIFA s Not So Objective Role in Football FIFA s Not So Objective Role in Football Football has always historically been known as the most played, most loved, and most influential sport in the world. The history of football, which was first played by the ancient Greeks and Romans, is a long one that has played some role in shaping almost every country s culture as we know it today. The game of football is seen by many as a game that has the rare power to bring nations together. Football is a language that every nation can speak, where despite the many differences in cultures between nations; football is a massive part of almost every European, South American, and Asian nation s cultures. Whether it is a nation like England, where organized and governed football games first... Show more content on ... The World Cup allows countries to display their nationalism in supporting their countries team, but to also show how the game of football is a language that we all speak regardless of your religion, language, political views, and culture. The objectivity of FIFA on picking the location of recent World Cups has brought FIFA and its president Sepp Blatter under heavy criticism. FIFA has specifically been criticized regarding the role of politics in objectively picking each World Cup s location (Plaja, Steffi). Objectively picking a World Cup location requires specific criteria for a location to be considered, some countries just do not have the infrastructure among other criteria to host the World Cup. As a non governmental organization, FIFA is required to hold a political objectivity when choosing the location for each World Cup. Recent allegations of corruption in the location selection process have brought FIFA s highest members under heavy criticism. FIFA s current selection process allows countries who want to host the World Cup to submit bids to FIFA. The bidding process allows for politics to become heavily integrated into the overall selection process (Plaja, Steffi). Allowing countries to bid for the ability to host the World Cup provides some countries with a significant advantage over others to win the bid. FIFA s bidding process has allowed politics
  • 19. Alicia Keys Holy War When Alicia Keys starts her song with, If war is holy and sex is obscene, she immediately creates a seriousness that can t be ignored (1). Alicia and Billy Walsh, a poet she wrote the song with knew that people often shy away from discussing these topics. Keys reveals how she is not afraid to confront the difficult realities that society faces by bluntly discussing war and sex. In her song Holy War, that she released in October of 2016 she is longing to advocate for love, not hate and war. The purpose is to be able to love on somebody regardless of the stereotypes, their skin color, or what society has to say about them. This song pulls back the curtain, revealing how cruel society is today. Not only does it do that, but it advocates... Show more content on ... She comes across as blunt and straightforward because she strives for the communities to see that we shouldn t build up walls between each other. After closely listening to the song, depressing realizations occur when the powerful words resonate with the heart. Keys alludes to the idea that We ve got it twisted in this lucid dream, war is praised, and sex is viewed as offensive (2). This further exemplifies that reality has been distorted. Flaws are no longer beautiful because we can t see people and issues for what they are. The word lucid reveals that society is aware of the circumstances but chooses to ignore it. Key wants the audience to see that in reality these ideas should be seen as opposite, sex praised and war offensive. Metaphorically Keys paints a better picture for how our minds are viewing the situation with, Baptized in boundaries, schooled in sin (3). Keys desires for the audience to see the discrepancy and irony of this because everyone knows that school is consumed with boundaries. No one is telling us to put up these boundaries between one another. It is our own actions that have gotten us here. We know that baptism deals with the representation of being cleansed from past sins. Therefore revealing the irony in baptized and sin not being placed together. Our minds are blind to the switch, even though anyone can secretly attest to the idea that society is divided and twisted due to difference, sexuality, and skin (4). Keys points this out directly because no one likes to come to realize that they are going through life surrounded by barriers. These are not just natural barriers but ones that have been built up by people their entire lives. A difficult concept to confront, but it is something true that occurs continually in our culture. Where did the walls come from? Keys says walls built up
  • 20. Plainchant Compare And Contrast The plainchants Viderunt Omnes by Anonymous and O viridissima virga by Hildegard of Bingen are both compositions that were created during the Medieval Age, also known as the Middle Age. The purpose of these pieces were to be served usually in Roman Catholic Churches as music of worship. Although these two songs are known as plainchants, meaning they are usually monophonic and the melody usually does not change, both pieces have many similarities and differences. In my personal opinion, I believe that these two piece are more different than they are similar. For example, Viderunt Omnes is polyphonic for a majority of its duration because it sounds to be sung in unison by a choir and not by a singular person. O viridissima virga on the other
  • 21. Personal Narrative Essay On Race Track Horses are full of energy as I was unloading our pacer from the trailer he leapt and hit with his front hooves with a thump and just about knocked me down once we was out and around the truck! We arrived early as we usually do and we was starving our stomachs were growling. So dad and I took a walk through the fair as all the rides were starting up, and kids were running around having fun with their friends. I was beyond glad that it was a cool rainy day or else we would have been miserable in the heat. We borrowed a friends truckto go into town. We had discovered that the right front tire was low on air, so we had went around Troy driving to find somewhere to pump up the tire. Dad was so aggravated and concentrated on finding somewhere to pump the tire up he forgot what we really even borrowed the truck for! We went back to the racetrack and it turns out that they had a air pump at their barn that we did not know about. We sat and joked around and caught up with all the drama... Show more content on ... And the all of a sudden it made a break and got like 2 feet passed where I had been standing and the driver Hunter Myers got off the race bike to lead her off the track. Then suddenly she dropped over and couldn t get back up. Everyone was curious and was going to the fence where she was to see what happened. She laid there for a good 10 minutes while the vet and others were trying to figure out what was wrong and if she was still alive. I went over also and as soon as I seen her I knew what had happened. She had tied up she had a huge knot in her stomach. I felt the pain for her owner as he stood there not knowing what to do while this vet was clueless and was obviously not very experienced. The two year old filly died lying on the track causing the races to be delayed. A blanket was covering her and they got her off of the track with a truck and
  • 22. America Quotes In Kindred Kindred takes place in two different time periods, on two different sides of America. This makes the differences in the place and time very different. Not only has Dana s home of California not yet been discovered, but she ends up in the antebellum south, in the early 17th century. When Dana does go back to the early 17th century, she must save Rufus from whatever danger he is in, and then can leave when she is in danger. This often leaves her stranded in Rufus time, unable to leave. During this time, she had to either do slave labor, or help Rufus with whatever he needed her to do. However, Dana often bends to what Rufus wants, even if it is bad for others around her. In Kindred, Dana is usually more harmful than she is helpful, as she almost always bends to Rufus will. There are many moments throughout Kindred where Dana is harming the other slaves by bending to Rufus will. One major example of this is when Dana goes back to Rufus time and sees him getting beaten up by Isaac. She stops Isaac, and tells him that... Show more content on ... After Alice and Isaac are caught, Rufus buys Alice to save her, but she has been badly beaten. When Dana sees her, she describes it as Alice lay bloody, filthy, and barely alive (146). This shows that she is in bad shape, as Dana directly states that she is barely alive (146). The commas in the sentence also help to cut up the sentence, making the reader pause momentarily on each word describing her condition. While her appearance may be bad, Rufus gets Dana to help her and eventually get her to a point where she is continuing to heal and grow (154). In the end, this situation is overall beneficial to Alice. While she may not appreciate being a slave now, she isn t dead, and she isn t somewhere in the south. Rufus is a good master who will not beat her, and he can keep his father from beating her, especially after he
  • 23. Changing the Genre of a Blog Article There is a belief that the way information is presented can affect the way it is going to be understood by the person. In this assignment, our task was to find a published piece of work and change its genre drastically. Then we had to analyze which genre is the best for presenting the information that we have. The topic that my partner and I chose was about the Ukrainian crisis. The primary genre is a blogpost from The Washington Postand the secondary genre is a poem. It is not easy to say which genre works the best in this situation; however the primary genre is more effective because it is well organized, presents facts, and includes details. The primary genre is the blog article from the online newspaper. The author of this article argues that there are many reasons why the crisis in Ukraine happened and that there are many sides to the story. However, he highlights two major views. One view is that Ukrainians got tired of the authoritative pro Russian corrupt president and decided to fight for their freedom and democracy by supporting the idea of entering the European Union. The other view is that the whole problem in Ukraine is not the president himself, it is his origin. The president is from the East of Ukraine, which is a Russian speaking part of the country that does not want to be part of the European Union and is happy to be part of the pro Russian trade union. However, many western bloggers and media present only one side of the story, ignoring a big population
  • 24. Disadvantages Of Going Back To School The idea of going back to school has been in my mind for the last five to seven years however, up until very recently I was not ready to act upon it. The decision to enroll in the Clinical Research Associate program is the outcome of my longstanding interest in clinical studies and losing my job. Very optimistic after the first two weeks, and reasonably certain that another job would be fairly easy to find within the next two to three months, going back to school was not yet an option. However, my optimism was dampened after a few fruitless months trying to find a position that was more or less aligned with my work experience of the last twenty years. Consequently, my strategy had to be re evaluated. In the current economy, two viable options
  • 25. Brutus Character Analysis In the play, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare There are a great deal of characters that play a major part. Although there are many characters in this essay I will be talking about Brutus in particular. I will be dissecting Brutus actions throughout the play. In the end, I am going to come to the conclusion of whether Brutus is a villain or hero, and whether he is a dishonorable man, or a mistaken one. Is Brutus a villain or a hero? This will be the first of Brutus s character analysis. Throughout the play, Brutus does lots of things to make you question whether he is the good guy or the bad guy . In my opinion, I believe Brutus is truly a villain. Through examples, I will prove that Brutus is indubitably a villain. An example of this is when Brutus made the point that if anyone were to demand why Brutus rose against Caesar, Then we would answer: not loved Caesar that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. . , I agree that it may have been hard for someone who was so close to Caesar to harm him, but does his sense of loyalty and honorability really justify him in participating in the killing of a dear friend such as Caesar? No, I believe Brutus throws out the word love a lot Brutus tries to justify his love for Caesar a reason for participating in killing him. Brutus makes the conflicting point that he loved both Caesar and Rome the same. Brutus never really never goes into true depth into why he felt there was no other alternative for his
  • 26. Compare And Contrast Beowulf And Sir Gawain And The Green... In ancient literature, the protagonist of different stories often times shares many great attributes that made them into a hero. Both Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight provide the reader with the traditional portrayal of a classical hero. Beowulf tells the story of a warrior from Geats who has a history of being dominant over monsters and beasts. His immaculate reputation leads him to be called upon in the city of Danes in order to defeat Grendel, a monster that is murdering civilians every night. He successfully defeats Grendel, and Beowulf is forced to go face Grendel s mothers. His luck seems to be never ending when he finds a sword that allows him to kill Grendel s mother and decapitate Grendel and take his head as a prize to the Danes. Beowulf grows old in the city of Geats but does not perish until he is forced to face one more beast. Beowulf dies in his battle with the beast but only after having delivered a fatal blow to the dragon. Much like in Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knightpresents a character, Sir Gawain, that possesses much bravery and respect among his peers. When the king is faced with a challenge from the green knight, Sir Gawain is quick to step in front of the king and take on the challenger. The challenge that the knight presented was that Gawain could deliver one blow to the green knight, but the knight could deliver one blow a year and a day later. The green knight of course survives the blow and the story tells of Gawain s travel to
  • 27. Communication Skills in Jhumpa LahiriaВґs A Temporary Matter In Jhumpa Lahiria s A Temporary Matter the married couples relationship went up in smoke because the relationship lacked communication skills resulting in Shoba giving birth with out Shukumar, who was at an academic conference in Baltimore. Despite Shoba telling Shukumar to go on his business trip, he should have stayed and helped Shoba incase she went into labor, which is more likely to happen closer to the due date. Shukumar should have stayed with his wife which is what most people in a relationship would feel like it s the right thing they should do. Even though Shoba had insisted it was important to make contacts, and reminded him he would be entering the job market next year. He shouldn t have taken the chance because deep down Shoba would like for him to cease a great opportunity in going to Baltimore but when she goes into labor great opportunities goes out the window and she would be looking for Shukumar to help her through he process that was taking place. As you read in the story you can see that this is a relationship that is going through the struggle that a young relationship would go through. Shoba is 33 and took on more hours at work and also more projects which means she doest get home until late some days which doesn t matter because there is nothing for her to do when she gets home except making corrections to text, with the color code she came up with, in her book. Shukumar is 35 years old and is in his sixth year of graduate school. He has been doing
  • 28. Canterbury Tales Corruption Essay Corruption Crushing the Christian Church Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride, the list of traits and actions known to Christians to be the seven deadly sins that one shall never commit. Members of the church swear to never commit these sins and to assist others to do the same. Through his writing of the Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucerelucidates the hypocrisy and corruption within the Church tearing the country apart through the actions of its representatives, the Nun s Priest, the Friar, the Pardoner, and the Summoner. The traits are shown through tales told along the journey to Canterbury. The first tale of the journey is told by the Pardoner, a man who lives a sinful life filled with greed and pride. The Pardoner is described as a small man with oily brittle hair, his face said to be of a sallow coloration. On his face is a long nose which he speaks through. His job is to travel through the land selling pardons to commoners who have sinned and who wish to take time off of their sentences. Along with carrying pardons blessed by the pope he carries relics which are said to be of ... Show more content on ... The Friar was only concerned with sex and fortune. To protect his wealth the Friar would carry pocket knives in his tippit, a good Friar would have no need for violence. With violence comes thoughts of wrath which disregards the peaceful traits of an ideal friar. As for his job the Friar would conduct marriages for many women and men. In order for a bride to receive her marriage license she must receive the Friar s personal gift first, the gift of sex. The Friar was a lustful man who would have sex with the soon to be brides in order to determine if they were ready for marriage or not. For someone who is part of the clergy the Friar was not a good man, nor were any of the clergy members at the time. This is shown in the Nun s Priest s
  • 29. Al Qaeda Terrorist Group Al Qaeda Terrorist Group Paul Leclair University of Phoenix CJA/300 William Barnes December 8, 2005 Abstract Al Qaeda is arguably the most well known and most dangerous Islamic terrorist organization in the world. It was established around 1990 by a Saudi millionaire, Osama Bin Laden, to bring together Arabs who fought in Afghanistan against the Soviet invasion. The goal of the organization is to reestablish the Muslim state throughout the world. Al Qaeda works with allied Islamic extremist groups to overthrow regimes it deems non Islamic and remove Westerners from Muslin countries. Groups affiliated with Al Qaeda have conducted numerous bombings and other violent attacks throughout the world that have resulted in the ... Show more content on ... These plots included the bombings of the African Embassies in 1998 and the September 11, 2001 attacks. Following the September 11, 2001 attacks against America, American led forces toppled the Talibanregime in Afghanistan. Approximately half of the senior Al Qaeda leadership was captured during the American led campaign, along with crippling the group s communication network. The exact size of Al Qaeda is unknown, but the group likely has several thousand fighters. The estimated numbers of people who trained in camps or fought in Afghanistan ranges from 20,000 to 60,000 but these are not all Al Qaeda members. Al Qaeda serves as an umbrella organization that carries out its own terrorist acts as well as a focal point for other extremist groups. Some experts believe that Al Qaeda is an organization in transition. The losses of many of the group s leaders and their base in Afghanistan have disrupted the organization. While Al Qaeda s definitive structure is unknown, experts fear that the organization can continue to operate if they lose senior leaders due to the entrepreneurial spirit in its lower level fighters. Al Qaeda is a network with global reach and is reinforced by its ties to Sunni extremist networks. Until the American led attack, Afghanistan was where Al Qaeda s base of operation, logistics, and training facilities were. Al Qaeda has since branched out and has cells or collaborators found in south Asia, Southeast Asia, the
  • 30. Four Pieces For Timpani Essay Music has always been part of our daily lives, rooted in our culture and contributing to our development. Listening to and playing music allows us to experience a wide range of emotions including pleasure, joy, sadness, angst etc; it touches us at a subconscious level and influences life changing experiences. In my opinion the rhythms used in music are comparable to the rhythms in our speech and communication. In this paper, the link between rhythms and speech will be identified using the rhythmic qualities of the following pieces: Earth Dance by Bill Douglas; The Recital Snare Drum Suite by William J. Schinstine and Four Pieces for Timpani by John Bergamo as a medium to do so. Rhythm is everywhere. Its exists in nature, in traffic, ... Show more content on ... I believe that in the name of the piece itself there is a deeper meaning. If we look at the name Four Pieces FOR Timpani with the emphasis on the word FOR , this implies that he didn t intentionally compose the piece for an audience but for each Timpano by its self. He named the first movement, Recitative. Recitative according to the oxford dictionary means, A musical declamation of the kind usually in the narrative and dialogue parts of Operas, sung in the rhythms of ordinary speech with many words on the same note. So by taking this definition into consideration, the way he composed and structured the first movement shows a dialog between each drum. A lot of the rhythmic groups are usually started on one drum and eventually moves to the other drums as if it were a call and answer. Human beings as I mentioned earlier speaks within a rhythm or rhythmic structure, this can me seen using the concept of Audiation, some examples are as follows using groupings that are present in the piece; *Triplets Beautiful *Sixteenth notes Peanut Butter *Quintuplets Hippopotamus *Eight notes
  • 31. Importance Of Coral Reefs Coral reefs are a very important to our ecosystem and our earth. The ocean contains many different types of coral reefs containing a wide variety of living things. Although, every day, it seems that our coral reefs are becoming endangered. While these coral reefs are important to us, they are in great danger of being nonexistent. First of all, a coral reef is defined as a ridge of rock in the sea formed by the growth and deposit of coral. Coral reefs are a diverse underwater ecosystem held together by calcium carbonate structures. They are created by colonies of tiny animals and organisms found in marine water. These animals and organisms contain nutrients needed to help the process of coral reef formation. These reefs begin to form when ... Show more content on ... In these coral reefs, live many different types of plants and animals. Some of these plants include but are not limited to, algae. Algae is known for providing a source of food for the smaller fish and invertebrate sea life. Then they are also known for acting like glue while helping the reefs grow larger and stronger. Then in the reefs, are also seagrasses. These seagrasses can grow very rapidly growing, and in return, they help trap sediment loads near the reefs. The seagrass can also provide a habitat for smaller fish, invertebrate animals, sea turtles, and even manatees. One of the final plants is the mangroves. Mangroves are plants that can help support a very wide range of reef fishes and other marine life. The roots of the mangrove trees act as a nursery for young reef fishes by giving them an are that is not very well seen. They are able to breed, and the smaller fish are able to grow away from predators. Then there are also animals that live in the reefs. Some of these animals are predators, while some are not. Some of these animals include sea snakes, sea turtles, manatees, dugongs, sponges, crustaceans, and mollusks. These sea snakes are said to be venomous, so scuba divers and fishers are recommended to stay away from them. Then there are the sea turtles. The different species of sea turtles are most often seen resting on the reef itself. One of the species of sea turtles is the Hawksbill turtle. They are a species that is known to
  • 32. Informative Essay On Roadmasters Is it a car, sports car, super car? No, it s a super sports car While many cars have been released by major automobile powerhouses, there are only a few that have lived up to their hype. These are the cars that still retain their charm years after their release, thereby earning themselves the name roadmasters . I recently found one such car and just on first glance, I was sure it is what I needed so I explored further, and here is what really made me fall in love with this new release. I am talking about Lamborghini HuracГЎn Performante. Exterior Design: Exteriors are aerodynamics redesigned. Carbon fiber rear and front spoilers manage the downforce to the maximize aerodynamics and performance. Exhausts in performante sport single pipes rather than dual... Show more content on ... The trim version has carbon fiber seats. However, the option of leather upholstery is also available. Before the ignition, the driver s information system shows the perfomante outline. Large HD 12.3 TFT display acts as the information center or virtual cockpit for the car. The display is available with GPS navigation (Google), Bluetooth, Multimedia interface and 3D computer graphics all from Nvidia. Lamborghini Infotainment system keeps you entertained. The dashboard has four manually adjustable AC vents made out of composite materials and also has illuminated glove compartments on the passenger side. There is a total of about 190 liters of storage capacity. 70 liters behind the seats and about 120 liters in the front boot. Engine specifications and fuel economy: Lamborghini HuracГЎn Performante houses a rear mounted 5.2 Liter V10 engine under the hood. At 8000 rpm it delivers a power of 640 horsepower through an all wheel drive that is electronically controlled. The boost in performance is also achieved through shaving off about 90 pounds of weight, by using composite materials and
  • 33. The Female Characters Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein The female characters in Frankenstein represent the treatment of women in the early 1800 s. Women who are deprived of their female roles and are enclosed in a feminine sphere of domesticity. In the novel, Frankenstein, the women characters are treated as property and have little privileges in relationship to the malecharacters, the women suffer and are eventually destroyed showing how unimportant they are in the book s society, and when it comes to reproduction of humans, man thinks it pointless to have women play that role. These attacks on the innocent prove that women are second rate in the novel. The women in Frankenstein are forced to be submissive. Victor treats Elizabeth more like a possession or object instead of a living, breathing human being. Elizabeth is passive around Victor. She and other women of the novel, are accepting of the male controlled society being the powerful figure because that is what they were raised to follow (Kolker). Men withdraw the women of their rights thus the women are forced to act well mannered. Like Elizabeth s destruction, the monsterette s creation and destruction dramatize how women do not function in their own right but rather as signs and conduits for men s relations with other men (Smith 323). Elizabeth possesses herself as being quiet and calm. This quiet behavior adds to the fact that she is a possession and not an individual. All praises bestowed on her, I received as made to a possession of my own (Shelly 44).
  • 34. Essay on Spiritual Poverty in James Joyce s Dubliners Spiritual Poverty Exposed in The Dubliners Joyce describes the spiritual poverty of the people of Dublin in the industrial age, with powerful images of mechanized humans and animated machines. In After the Race and Counterparts he delineates characters with appropriate portraits of human automation. Machines seize human attributes and vitality in opposition to the vacuous citizens of Ireland s capitalist city. Joyce s use of metaphorical language brings to life the despair of his country. In Winesburg, Ohio, Sherwood Anderson writes an allegorical account of the failure of mankind (1919). Although Anderson depicts rural lifein the New World, his understanding of human nature and descriptive terminology provide a ... Show more content on ... They seek an escape from the dreariness of Dublin, but mistakenly idealize mainland Europe as a vessel for their dreams of transcending the ordinary. With this idea of a utopia across the ocean, people loose interest in every day life and become stagnant. Belief in this myth transforms humans, reducing them to a state of mechanized paralysis without identity. Joyce animates the racing machines in the opening of the story, describing how they came scudding in towards Dublin, and each blue car received a double round of welcome (52). The spectators are dull masses in contrast to the vehicles: Sightseers had gathered in clumps to watch the cars careening homeward and through this channel of poverty and inaction the Continent sped its wealth and industry. (52). People here are inanimate clumps mere obsolete hardware juxtaposed with the new line of refined technology from the Continent. The central character of After the Race is riding in one of these French cars and he is electrified by its performance. Jimmy a Dubliner has taken the truth of the Continent s promise as his own, and has thus been disfigured himself into a machine. He pursues a business venture with several Continentals, driven by the falsehood of escape and prosperity that he and his father embrace. As a passive traveler in the car, Jimmy is aroused because rapid motion through space elates one (54). He mechanically responds to the stimulus from an embodiment of his truth: The
  • 35. The House Of The Seven Gabless Analysis Salem State University professor, Aviva Chomsky, spoke at the House of the Seven Gables, on Thursday Sept. 14, about the 1933 Pequot Mills Strike, and its connection to modern labor issues facing the U.S. today. The House of the Seven Gables welcomed back Chomsky, as a guest speaker, for the final presentation of their ongoing speaker series, Life and Labor over Four Centuries at the House of the Seven Gables. Ana Nuncio, Settlement Programs Manager at the House of Seven Gables said, The Gables is proud to include professor Avi Chomsky in its roster of speakers this year, and that Chomsky is an engaging speaker with much to say on topics that are relevant to our Salem community, such as labor issues and immigrant rights. Chomsky s talk on the 1933 Pequot mills strike, now the site of Shetland Park, chronicled the issues faced by the mostly immigrant workers, of automation, productivity, unemployment, and wage disparity that still face the workers of today. The workers of the Pequot mills were Irish, French Canadian, and Polish immigrants that resided mostly in the Point Neighborhood of Salem. These immigrant workers were prompted to strike due to issues of unemployment and forced increased productivity caused by new innovations in loom technology. Chomsky described how, One mill worker could now run 1,000 looms instead of just one, leaving 999 mill workers unemployed. With communist party influence, and concern for the working class, the mill workers struck in 1933. This strike influenced all of Salem as almost half of all residents were employed by the Pequot mills. The mill workers met to discuss the strike at the Saltonstall school, and marched down Lafayette Street in protest of the unfair labor conditions and wages. Chomsky highlighted the solidary of the mill workers by showing a document created by the strikers that said, If we lose this strike, all textile workers will be effected. Chomsky pointed out that even then people were thinking about the global influence of workers rights. The Pequot mills strike, were finally resolved when President Roosevelt sent mediators to reach a consensus between the striking workers, and the employers. The Pequot mills strike and the worker s
  • 36. Causes Of The Han Dynasty Empires rise and they fall, Dynasties come and they go. The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been. This quotation in Luo Guanzhong s Romance of the Three Kingdoms best represents the cyclical nature of the dynasties in China. The Han Empire was no exception; Corruption plagued the Han Dynasty, inevitably leading to its demise. Within the court certain families held excessive powers, this influence lead to be just as great as the eunuchs and eventually diminishing the authority of the Emperor. On top of this the peasants suffered from natural disasters that befell upon the empire which was a catalyst for a large scale uprising. The rebellion led to a weaker central government allowing military leaders and local warlords to rise in power. As such the internal struggle between the eunuchs and government officials played a large role in the fall of the Han ruled empire, but this was not the sole reason. There were other crucial factors that contributed to the fall such as, family clans gathering power, natural disasters and decentralisation. The Han dynasty was the longest imperial dynasty, which lasted around 400 years after the collapse of the Qin Dynasty. The dynasty began with a struggle between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu which saw Liu Bang, a man of lower social status winning and reuniting the land in 206 BCE (Qian, S. 1971). During the course of the Han dynasty there were technological and cultural advancements but in the later
  • 37. Electronic Medical Record Essay An electronic medical record [EMR] is a computerised record that maintains patients health related data, which is available to be used and accessed, only by authorised personnel, in order to deliver healthcare services within the health organisation (Hasanain, Vallmuur Clark, 2014, p. 1). From patient record keeping to administrative reporting and clinical support tools, the extensive functionality of an EMR solution has the potential to fundamentally transform how healthcare services are provided by the hospital (Goo, Huang Koo, 2015). EMRs have been available worldwide for some time and are implemented into hospitals because of the expected benefits such as increased delivery of patient care, improved access to patient... Show more content on ... Previous research on EMR implementation has identified that EMR implementation is most likely to fail due to user rejection, so it is important to recognize the thoughts and beliefs that doctors, nurses and other health professionals may have to be able to anticipate whether they will accept or reject the new EMR (Goo et al., 2015). Clearly, EMR technology exists, but even with the best technology success is not guaranteed. The challenge is the implementation, and understanding the reluctance of change amongst users is critical for developing adoption strategies (Khalifa, 2013). The complexity and usability of the system greatly impacts user acceptance. The more accurate and timely that data can be entered into the system, the more beneficial the system will be (Struik et al., 2014). If the system is poorly designed or if there is a lack of technical support and training, clinical workflow may become more time consuming creating resistance from clinicians (Goo et
  • 38. Sexism In Othello Essay When virtue is looked up in the dictionary, the two definitions that are produced describe, one, a morally good or redeeming quality of a person and, two, the chastity of a woman. Why is it that not only this word, but prevalent cultures as well, directly connect a young woman s virginity to her morality? The importance of celibacy, especially the celibacy of women, has long been argued, making a detrimental impact on the perspectives of societal norms. Several aspects of it are extensively chronicled in literature. In the theatrical work Othello, this sexism is unveiled in the lives of spouses Desdemona and Othello as he becomes obsessed with assuming she has been unfaithful. Othello s reason he loved her in the first place proves to be her aura of chastity, instead of her more important and appraisable traits. Through the ceasing of Othello s respect for Desdemona, the emphasis on a handkerchief that symbolizes her, as well as excerpts from an essay written by Professor Syed Anwarul Huq called Desdemona s Handkerchief: It s Symbolic Significance , the issue in this perspective becomes thoroughly evident. In the play Othello, the author Shakespeare vividly presents the notion that a womans merit is determined by her chastity, which embodies the sexist societal expectation that causes men and women of all ages to dismiss other attributes that indicate morality in favor of chastity.... Show more content on ... The subsequent downfall directly connects to an overall societal issue concerning women because Othello s respect and love for Desdemona relies on his perspective of her purity. When this image of purity dwindles, he dismisses all of her redeeming qualities and evolves into an abusive and hateful version of himself. In the play, as Othello is continually accusing Desdemona, he dehumanizes and insults her. He tells
  • 39. A Brief Note On Older Care And Employment Of Migrant Workers 3. Marketisation of Older Care and Employment of Migrant Workers in Western Countries Researchers focus on the marketization of older care in western countries, including Northern European countries, Italy, Spain, and the UK (Bettio et al., 2006; Shutes and Chiatti, 2012). Meanwhile, there are findings revealing the difficulties of care workers recruitment and retention, as well as potential labour shortage in the care sector and demand for migrant workers (Shutes, 2014). The migrant workers they concerned are foreign born migrants who are undertaking care work for the older people in the input countries. The employment of migrant care workers in European countries is influenced by state policies towards care and the intersection with immigration policies (Williams, 2012; Shutes and Chiatti, 2012). The care service for older people has been shaped by the increasing role of the market. The marketization of care and the implications of the processes of marketization for who provides care and under what conditions need further researches (Daly and Lewis, 2000). Based on date of the employment of migrant care workers in the familial care in Italy and in the residential care services in the UK, Shutes and Chiatti (2012) argued that different institutional contexts produce similar outcomes as regards the employment of migrant workers in care work for older people. The marketization of care and immigration controls contributed to the recruitment of migrant workers in both contexts
  • 40. From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike s A P Essay From Childhood to Adulthood in Updike s A P Sammy is stuck in that difficult transition between childhood and adulthood. He is a nineteen year old cashier at an A P, the protagonist in a story with the same name. John Updike, the author of A P, writes from Sammy s point of view, making him not only the main character but also the first person narrator. The tone of the story is set by Sammy s attitude, which is nonchalant but frank he calls things as he sees them. There is a hint of sarcasm in Sammy s thoughts, for he tends to make crude references to everything he observes. Updike uses this motif to develop the character of Sammy, as many of these references relate to the idea of play. Sammy is no longer a child, but much of... Show more content on ... Sammy s play continues as he his eyes follow the three girls around the store, and he notes the way that the one he has named Queenie is definitely the leader. She would buzz to the other two, who kind of huddled against her for relief (28). Sammy sees this as a game of follow the leader as well as a game of hide and seek, because, as Queenie led them, the other two [would] peek around and make their shoulders round (27). Sammy is shallow and sexist in the way he has named these young women according to his first impression of their bodies and behaviors. Patrick W. Shaw notes that Sammy knows what is on each aisle in the store and constantly thinks of what is inside bottles, cans, and jars; but he has no idea what is inside the girls, no sensitivity to their psychology or sexual subtlety. His awareness stops with their sweet cans and ice cream breasts (322). Sammy further demonstrates his childishness and chauvinism by commenting on the mental abilities of the girls: You never know for sure how girls minds work (do you really think it s a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?) (27). This comment ironically lets the reader know more about the way Sammy s mind works. Shaw agrees, suggesting that Sammy s mind is even less than a bee in a jar (322). Sammy is still absorbed in thinking about the games he played as a cild and maybe even in the present. He
  • 41. Exceptions Of Non Charitable Trust Introduction to Non charitable trust Trusts can be widely categorized according to their objects, which are either purposes or persons. The purposes of trust can be either charitable or non charitable trust. A charitable trust is one whose purpose falls within the legal definition of charity. On the other hand, a non charitable trust has a purpose which falls outside the legal definition of charity. A non charitable trust is not for the public. Non charitable trust are beneficiary to people, include the trust to further the purpose of club, association to a trust provide housing for native children being schooled off their reserve. A non charitable is a type of trust without ascertainable beneficiaries. Usually struck down by the court because the court thinks that this type of trust is not enforceable by anyone. As a general rule, a trust would fail if there is no beneficiary to enforce it. In Re Astor s Settlement Trust, apart from uncertainty, the gift failed on the ground that there was nobody that could enforce the trust. In Morice v Bishop of Durham, Sir William Grant stated that: ... Show more content on ... There are a number of exceptions to the invalidity of non charitable trust. In order for a non charitable trust to be valid, the purpose of the trust must fall within the five exceptions. In the case of Re Endacott, it laid down the principle that a non charitable trust is invalid if the purpose did not fit into one of the exceptions. Gift must be limited to particular purposes. Exception 1 : Specific animals The first exception is the trust must be made for the specific animal. In the case of Re Dean, the trust was held to be valid despite the fact that no one could enforce the trust, the purpose of the trust was for the maintenance of testator s horses and hounds for 50 years. This is typically where the settlor wishes that his or her own pets are looked
  • 42. The Ethical Dilemma Of Hawaii Regarding The Construction... Abstract This paper will talk about the ethical dilemma that has been a controversial issue in Hawaii regarding the construction of the thirty meter telescope being built on Mauna Kea, the most sacred land in the entire pacific. This issue has risen concerns regarding the local community, the Native Hawaiians and the TMT organization. The ethical dilemma here is to build or not to build? Yes, Hawaiiwants to preserve the host culture, but should Native Hawaiians prevent the development of new technology? With this telescope, according to the TMT website, it will be able to see the formation of galaxies, thirteen billion light years away. This can answer humankinds most compelling question...Where did life begin? Mauna Kea is currently the tallest mountain in the Hawaiian Chain. 4,205 meters above sea level, Mauna Kea is located on the island of Hawaii. It is the second largest surface that comprises of the five volcanoes on Mauna Kea. With Mauna Kea being the largest Mountain in the Hawaiian chain, it is a popular location to look into the galaxies, to find the origin of life. Humans have looked to the skies for answers, the Polynesians sailed the Pacific using celestial navigation. Astronomy continues to revolutionize our thinking. Today, with the construction of the most powerful telescope, humankind may have the answers to the origin of life. However, this telescope is being built atop Mauna Kea, one of the most sacred lands in the entire Pacific. Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka
  • 43. Saint Thomas AquinasPhilosophy Over God And God Saint Thomas Aquinas was a priest and a theologian. He was also known for his ideas and thoughts about philosophy. He investigated the philosophy over God and human beings. Aquinas connected scriptures and scriptural theology to his philosophical findings. Thomas treats most of the major sub disciplines of philosophy, including logic, philosophy of nature, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophical psychology, philosophy of mind, philosophical theology, the philosophy of language, ethics and. Political philosophy (iep). He was the most influential contribute to theology and philosophy, as well as placing in his views to connect God in with those two topics. One thing that St. Thomas Aquinasestablished truth on, was whether an object can exist, cease to exist, and re exist. He believed in gappy existence and drew limits that explained that not everything can manage gappy existence. St. Thomas stated that anything that is destroyed, God could make another thing to take its place (Gappy,95). He distinguishes between the form of the whole and form of the part. Former is the substances essence, while the latter is substantial form. In the case of human beings, the whole is humanity and the form is their soul. Humanity is that which is signified by the definition of man. But the definition of man signifies not form alone but also matter, since matter must be comprised in the definition of material things. Hence both soul and body are included in the notion of humanity
  • 44. Sheldon s Somatotyping Review Questions What are the four body types in William H. Sheldon s somatotyping? Describe each body type and identify which one Sheldon believed was related to delinquency and crime. The four body types in William H. Sheldon s somatotyping are endomorphs, mesomorphs, ectomorphs, and balanced individuals. Endomorphs are individuals who are overweight with a large stomach. Mesomorphs are individuals who are muscular and athletic. Ectomorphs are individuals who are thin and frail. Balanced individuals are not too overweight, thin, or muscular. Sheldon believed the mesomorph body type was related to delinquency and crime. What personality types did Hans J. Eysenck believe were related to crime? Describe each personality type and discuss why ... Show more content on ... Most people understand that violence in media is purely for entertainment, and excites people. However, individuals with mental difficulties may not understand that the violence in the media is for entertainment, but rather a calling for the individual to mimic their violence in the real world. I do not think violence in the media should be censored unless extreme, such as extreme gore or violence on smaller children or animals. With proper introduction to the violence, we can identify people with aggressive behavior before they do any criminal
  • 45. Forecasting Effects on Supply Chain Analysis of Forecasting on Supply Chain Background: A supply chain is a network that performs functions from supplier s supplier to customer s customer. It encompasses all the process involved in delivering the final product to the final consumer. Supply chain is filled with various uncertainties such as demand, process, and supply. Inventories are often used to protect the chain from these uncertainties. The higher the variations the more the losses and every company needs to minimize the variations and uncertainties in its supply chain. There are various causes of uncertainties. Among them few that can be listed are demand variations based on the type of product, the suppliers receipt variations which depend on the ... Show more content on ... It also tells us the effect of forecasting on the planning. We know about the bullwhip effect and the model shows clear signs of it. How the change in forecast is affecting the demand given by the manufacturer to its supplier. It shows clear signs within the firm itself where changes in demand by the customer is encouraging sales people to buffer up their supply to meet the demand. The model: We are considering a mean demand of D, the variations sigma, lead time of 2 8 weeks depending on the parts. As we can see the demand has been varying a lot in 2009. This has induced a forecasting error by the sales people in the manufacturing organization. It has been assumed that sales people fill the MDS data 3 months in advance for the confirmed orders. Hence it can be easily seen how the variation in the original forecast, the amount filled in the MDS and actual shipment delivered to the customer changes. Findings: The bullwhip effect increases as the lead time increases. This is because the order level needed and desired level needed are proportional to the lead time. This causes amplifying of inventory. There can also be other delays like delaying order placing. Here as we can see the decentralization has caused different forecast. This issue becomes more complicated downstream as can be seen from the chart. There is a high increase in the variation of the demand. The equilibrium depends not only on the quantities ordered
  • 46. The Pros And Cons Of Digital Disruption Disruption? You might initially think negatively about this word. Digital disruption is a development produced by emerging digital technologies and business models (Oxford College of Marketing Blog, 2017). This change impacts people in this decade to have a better living. Lifestyles and work have been changed by the new, potential technology. Besides, the advantages are the increasing of productivity, improved work health and safety and new products and services; all of which have been elevating our living standards through innovative businessmodels. However, the most awareness thing to be considered by marketers is that Digitalis coming and it s coming fast and Digital will disrupt your industry (Freek V., 2017). This is why the term disruption is used because the emergence of these new digital business models is disrupting the existing markets. In fact, this single word is warning us. Why should we be concerned? Capgemini Consultants established that since 2000, 52% of Fortune 500 companies have gone bankrupt, been acquired or ceased trading, due, to some extent, to their inability to keep abreast of the speed of digital transformation (Heck D., 2016). Kodak is one such example; it had declined the opportunity in digital photography and subsequently this destroyed its film based business model. Despite Kodak monopolized the photography markets for the majority of the 20th century, it unexpectedly declared bankruptcy in 2012. However, digital disruption provides
  • 47. Sterilization Law Forced sterilization of people during the holocaust remained another major issue. Many people died due to the procedures for sterilization (Friedlander 30). Also, the Nazi s did not only sterilize Jews, they sterilized the mentally ill and those of mixed race (Forced Sterilization). Although the Nazi s conducted this horrible event, they were not the only one, nor the first. Hitler and his cabinet approved the first eugenic law only six months after his taking over of office. This law stated that handicapped people could apply for sterilization, but physicians, doctors, and nurses could also fill out the application (Friedlander 26). The Sterilization Law interpreted the significance of decontaminating the German race of all genetic... Show more content on ... A German psychiatrist, August Forel, tried to support sterilization of the mentally ill by stating that it is, a national sacrifice similar to that of a soldier in the time of war (Evans 106). Also, gynecologist, Edwin Kehere, sterilized female patients that he believed should no longer be allowed to bring lesser children into the world. Psychiatrist, Ernst Rudin, even suggested sterilization of alcoholics (Evans 106 7). The court s decided that forced sterilization could take place even against the will of the person. In 1934, the court sterilized 62,463 people; while in 1935, the court sterilized 71,760 people then again in 1936 the number went back down to 64,646. Two thirds of the members on each hereditary court held a profession in medicine so each sterilization case remained a disguise for the procedure (Friedlander 27). Of the people sterilized, fifty two percent were diagnosed with congenital feeblemindedness, thirty two percent schizophrenia, fourteen percent hereditary epilepsy, etc (Friedlander 29). During the years of 1934 and 1936, three hundred and sixty seven women died during a sterilization procedure while only seventy men died. Also, in 1934, only half of the intended sterilization procedures occurred (Friedlander 28). Overall, the
  • 48. Disney Inhumane Working Conditions Disney and Their Inhumane Working Conditions Imagine a child, unpaid, away from their family, and performing extremely hazardous and deadly tasks day in and day out. Several Massive corporations of the world incorporate these dangerous and unfair treatment of their workers into their production of their products. These corporations underpay, and overwork their employees to the breaking point in a few cases. Multiple times, these companies were inserted into scandals over there lack of humane treatment towards the workers and the dangerous positions they install them in to complete the tasks at hand. A few examples of these well known corporations that implement the poor treatment and unsafe conditions of work are Disney and Apple. The government ... Show more content on ... At powerful corporations like, Disney and Apple they practice the idea of harsh conditions, hours and child labor and it needs to be addressed. Disney relentlessly pushes their workers in these sweatshops in foreign companies to over work themselves, this includes children working 10 13 hours a day. In several countries, speaking is not allowed while working for those long, exhausting hours. Then, the workers usually are paid at least 40 cents under the minimum wage. A drastic amount of children faint on the job, and pass out from exhaustion. At Apple, they practice similar ideas from Disney. Nonetheless, they under pay their workers a decent amount and overwork them day in and day out. Apple has been inserted into scandals over people committing suicide after, their countless hours and lack of enthusiasm in their workplace. A few people may argue in order for Apple to produce its product at the correct rate for people to obtain the product, they need people to work these countless hours and they may argue that it is cheap for Disney and Apple to pay the workers like they do. The companies may need work to be done, but they should be held accountable and pay their workers more for their overtime work. On November 20th, 2015, Green America, an organization against child labor produced an article. They pushed for large companies