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Disney Writing, Kids Stationary, Disney Coloring Disney Writing, Kids Stationary, Disney Coloring
How Has Science Fiction Changed Over Time
From a man going on an adventure to find a mythical sword in order to kill a dragon, to an alien race
coming to earth to destroy and enslave the human race, science fiction is one of films oldest and
beloved popular genres in film history ( For a science fiction film all it takes is a
fragment of non realistic qualities and it can be considered science fiction. Science Fiction and actual
Science hold complementary positions in the scheme of things. Over the years we have witnessed
science fiction undergo the basic standards of what a science fiction movie should be. From simple
animation to large scale blockbuster films that will generate over 10 million at the box office. The
genre of science fiction has changed drastically over ... Show more content on ...
Science fiction is a genre of film that had the most out there storylines and slowly became a strong
building block to the most iconic movies and characters that has appeared in a film. A lot has changed
since Georges Melies story of lunar travel where a man meets a race of selenites and escape back to
earth inside a rocket in the film Le Voyage Dans La Lune to the story of a man saving the human race
from a famine by travelling through a wormhole to another planet that can support the human race in
the story Interstellar written by Christopher Nolan. Science Fiction has become one of the top grossing
film genres accumulating nearly 9 trillion dollars ($8,932,256,387) worldwide. In the future
moviegoers will witness filmmakers push the boundaries for what the general public will recognize as
Science Fiction . One of the interesting discoveries we made was that the mid future (50 150 years in
the future) is one of the most popular time periods when being used in the genre. With advances in
technology it is very hard not to see the progress that these films have become and eventually will
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How Is Odysseus A Good Role Model
Many people do not realize the hardships Odysseus went through while being gone from Ithaca, his
home, for over 20 years. Odysseus was a very brave leader during the Trojan War, and he helped the
Greeks win with his smart and sophisticated ideas. Odysseus was a role model to the Greeks because
of his great leading skills, and I think he would be a role model for people anywhere in today s world.
First, Odysseus had to leave his wife and son which was hard for him, but he did it for the good of his
country in the upcoming war. Odysseus is also a great role model because of how fearless he was
having to go through many different obstacles on his way back home after the war. Finally, many
admired Odysseus of being great because of how he could outsmart any problem he ran into and avoid
the danger of it. Odysseus intelligence and bravery helped him become a great role model. ... Show
more content on ...
According to Odysseus is seen as a role model because of how he had to leave his family
and country behind him just to help the Greeks win the Trojan War. says Odysseus put
aside his own desires and selflessly gives himself to warfare for his country. From this site they are
trying to say that Odysseus wanted the best for his country even if he had to leave his family. This
shows he is a great role model because he will do what is best for his country and the rest of the
people in Ithaca. Odysseus knew what needed to be done even if it damages his relationship with his
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The Hunger Banquet Encourages Students
The Hunger Banquet enables students to shift into a new perspective and perceive how the largely
different economic standpoints are throughout our continents. The program provides insight on
distribution of wealth, it s relationship with general business, and brings ethical viewpoints into the
means of business. First, previous to taking any business classes, any knowledge regarding the
business environment and the different methods of economic systems were entirely basic. Residing in
countries such as the United States, most individuals grow to understand how a capitalistic (free
enterprise) economy works. However, much like myself, many other people who operate under
Capitalism do not have a full understanding of how other economic systems work, such as
communism and socialism. Communism, a political system in which the government owns and
operates all factors of production (Ebert, 2015, pg. 13), is a system in which I was unaware of the
government s ability to control every single means of production within an economy. Also, socialism,
a planned economic system, was introduced to me through the learning of business. Additionally, the
role given to me sent me to a location on the floor, indicating I was living in poverty. The character of
my role had to sacrifice food for himself in order to provide for his family who lived in an area of
poverty. During my journey through the Hunger Banquet, I was surprised at the surplus amounts of
food that were wasted in the
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Essay On Branches Of Government
In grade school, children are taught that there are only three branches of government: the Judiciary,
Legislative, and Executive branch. All three branches serve with equal power and each branch has the
right to check and balance the other branches in order to keep every branch from being too over
powered. The Supreme Court rules the Judiciary branch while the President rules over the Executive
branch, and while Congress rules over the Legislative branch. What if the textbooks and lessons were
wrong? Could there be a fourth branch of government? Yes and no. Mass media has made its way into
controversy and is being categorized as a branch of government. The branches of government serve to
check if the other branches of government are abusing their power in the government. In part, the
media has served to put ... Show more content on ...
For example, there has been an outcry of police brutality against the African American race. Many
people would say the system in unjust and want justice for what has been happening in the last couple
of years. Many African American males have been victims of discriminatory murder and the police
officers have yet to experience any consequence. The platform at which people actually hear about the
injustice is media. Twitter, Facebook, and many other mediums have been a platform for its users to
share the outrageous news to other users.
Without mass media, none of this would have been made possible. The nation is changing
progressively with the new advancements in technology and will continue to do so. Mass media will
stay with us for a very long time, if not forever. I believe it should be names as the fourth branch of
government due to its effectiveness in checking the actions made by the government. The government
will always have instances of corruption and unjust, but with mass media as a part of our society,
much of that unjust will
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frost Essay
The Road Not Taken
In line one, Frost introduces the elements of his primary metaphor, the diverging roads. Lines two to
three expresses the speaker s disappointment with his human limitations; he must make a choice. The
choice is not easy, since quot;long I stood quot; before coming to a decision. Lines four and five
examine the path as best the narrator can. However his vision is limited because the path bends and is
covered over. These lines indicate that although the speaker would like to acquire more information,
he is prevented from doing so because of the nature of his environment. In the following three lines,
lines six through eight, the speaker indicates that the second path is a more attractive choice because it
appears as ... Show more content on ...
However, given the workings of the world, he must choose one path and never see the one he did not
Th road is the most important thing in the world in the shop who can mentioneds the important factor
s in the worlkd . But si t
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Has worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In the leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first foe another day!
Yet knowing how way leads onto way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
The reader can just picture Robert Frost walking in a wooded area of the New Hampshire forest when
suddenly he comes upon a trail that divides and he wrote he Road Not Taken? A poem that has been
used in countless high school graduation speeches and as a metaphor for any situation in which a
person must make an important decision. The simple themes have always appealed to Frost s readers
and seems to speak to people more than a Shakespeare
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How To Describe A House Essay
The street I live on has a lot of houses on it, and mine just happens to be one of them. Each house has
its own driveway each one unique in its own way. Most of them are paved driveways, but mine
happens to be made from hard pack. I can picture the driveway when it was built, still in the same
place and still being made of rocks. The driveway to my house is a narrow driveway about as wide as
one and ½ car widths. The driveway separates my house from my neighbors and serves as a place to
park cars. It s not perfect and doesn t appear to have been made by professionals. It doesn t have sharp
clean edges, instead it just fades away at the ends. Its composition is not uniform. Millions of small
rocks scattered throughout the driveway, each rock varying in size from a grain of sand, to a small
stone the size of a ping pong ball. Each rock varying in color, size, shape, and type of rock making
each one unique. A strip of grass runs down the length of one side forming a boundary between the
driveway and my neighbor s house. A small concrete wall runs down the length of the driveway
closest to my house and extends out a couple feet. On the wall is a pit of white colored gravel which is
used for drainage. This allows rain dripping from the roof to land in a gravel pit instead of allowing
rain to erode the surface of the driveway. It has some weeds growing along the edges that sometimes
invade bits of the driveway sprouting up in almost random locations nowhere near the grass.
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Importance Of Higher Education
Education is a key to a better and successful life. According to the article, Why is higher education is
important by Dr. Heather Allen, defines that higher education is education provided by universities,
college, and other institutions that award academic degrees. Higher education includes both the
undergraduate (i.e., college) and the graduate (or postgraduate) levels. Higher education includes most
professional education and is strongly vocationally or professionally oriented. Hence, higher education
makes individuals much more intelligent than what they would be with just a high school education.
The more intelligent an individual is, the better quality of life they are likely to have. Higher education
systems can very valuable because they provide individuals with life skills that are essential to being
successful in life. While studying at a higher education system, one is forced to develop to essential
time management skills much more so than at the high school level. With the time needed for
studying, attending classes, completing homework, so one needs to manage their time in order to
avoid falling out. These time management skills help individuals later on in life. Another important
life skill that individuals who attend higher education systems gain is money management skills. Some
higher education system students work part time jobs, but the majority is unable to find the time to do
so on top of their schoolwork, so the only money they have for spending is
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The Day Lewis Short Story
How far will one go to protect the ones he loves? To him his intentions are good, but others see no
good in what he is doing. Clover, also known as Colin has always been trying to live up to his mother
s expectations. After his mother s death, he becomes obsessed with the idea of a perfect family. He
constantly feels that his mother is judging him through his mind. He was convinced that his mother
could communicated with him even though she is dead. If she wanted him to do something he did it
without hesitation. I can be good enough. I m as strong as Mother. No, I m stronger. I am a stronger
person, and I will not fail. I. Will. Not. Fail. (215). He always felt that he wasn t good enough so he
kidnapped young girls to prove he was. He did ... Show more content on ...
Clover wanted a family so bad that he resorted to kidnapping to get what he wanted. He wanted to
protect the innocent from the cruel society we live in. He renamed the girls after flowers because he
thought they were pure. He fell in love with each of them. He would bring home prostitutes and kill
them with his knife to show the girls the bad thinks the world consists of. When he fell in love with
the girls he would rape them. The girls had to be brave, because if they disobeyed him he would kill
them. Clover had OCD so they had to shower twice a day. The girls didn t mind it because they could
cry without anyone hearing them. They hated it at the same time because he wanted them to do it. Lily
s family never stopped searching for her and that is why Clover got caught and the girls got saved.
Unfortunately, Clover had already taken many young girls lives
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Appraisal
Archives are well documented extensive records or collected data of historical documents which are
used as tools for critical analysis. Appraisal on the other hand is the act of estimating or judging the
nature or value of something. Essentially, taking into account the definitions, archival appraisal is
looking at all the available dimensions and variables of a subject, keeping in mind its pros and cons,
its advantages and disadvantages and at the same time assessing the strengths and weaknesses. It is
critically analysing the available literature. The ulterior motive so to speak is to preserve the
documents by adding value, keeping in mind the various biases and results of other s studies, in order
to extend the life of the archived documents. The concept of appraisal highlights the method of
assessing the documents. The appraisal should be devoid of any sort of partiality. It should not favour
any type of user. The appraisal is not supposed to be objective, not subjected to any sort of personal
beliefs or opinions, nor shall it be based on any influenced notion. ... Show more content on ...
The archival theory varies from the archival methodology in terms of their usage. Archival theory
suggests what archival material is whereas archival methodology helps us figuratively decide how to
treat the archival documents. When value is attributed to such archival records or documented data), it
should be retained in their original form. The reason for preserving records and documented data in
their original form can be explained by the fact that when such documents have been attributed value,
they are archivally best accepted in their original form only. Therefore, value of archival documents
does not stand relative. However, the concept of attributing value to the archival documents is relative
since the opinions may vary from one archivist to another, from one generation to
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Essay On Far-Right
The most prominent example of the conservative far right confronting the more liberal centrist/leftist
factions happened in November of 2016 when the Americans had to choose a president between a
conservative candidate whose platform was deeply rooted in xenophobia, tolerance of hate speech and
misogyny, and a more moderate candidate whose platform was based around maintaining the legacy
of the previous administration while securing the rights of the disadvantaged. While some countries
that also faced this decision, such as France and Austria, went for the more liberal candidate, the
Americans voted for the lousy bigot whose platform would only benefit the oligarchy by taking away
the few benefits minorities possess. Ever since Trump s ... Show more content on ...
I will employ navigational capital in order to obtain an education and by doing so, fight against the
toxic narratives that the conservative media tries to push upon society by being able to call them out in
their bigotry. The reason why I would need to use my navigational capital to achieve my educational
goals is that, historically speaking, higher education institutions have not been supportive of oppressed
communities. This situation might worsen given that the volatile Donald Trump has threatened to pull
out funds from universities whose ideologies do not align with his, such as was the case for the
University of California at Berkeley, with whom Trump had an altercation after the students at the
campus rioted to protest the presence of the misogynistic and racist Milo Yiannopoulos. Later on,
Trump took to social media to express how he was willing to take away federal funding for the
university (Nelson, 2017). Seeing how turbulent the attitude of the incumbent president is and how he
and people who share his mentality are rather machiavellian individuals whose main interest is to keep
oppressing minorities, it is not a surprise that they will try to make the educational systems more
difficult to approach. It is in this situation that I will have to utilize my navigational capital in order to
carry myself through a system that was made more difficult for people like me. Luckily, as a gay
immigrant of color, I have faced a lot of difficulty and
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The Deer Hunter Film Analysis
The movie The Deer Hunter is one of the greatest works of Robert De Niro, John Cazale and
Christopher Walken set by the year 1978. The first hour of the movie appears dull if the viewers are
expecting tragic drama or Melodrama move. However, after that, it thrusts one entirely to the war
theater. It brings a thorough understanding of the war in Vietnam and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD). It carries our mind into the dark terrains of the Asian nation Vietnam where the American
forces face a brutal resistance war with the Vietnamese. It provides the viewer with the most gut
wrenching and disturbing examinations of the war until the end of the movie. In this particular scene,
the effects of PTSD on war veterans are shown through Nick. ... Show more content on ...
In the United States of America, there are hundreds of thousands of men and women that experience
the symptoms of PTSD, starting from mild depression to losing the purpose of living. It is a fact that
most mild and moderate cases of PTSD can be treated and controlled with proper medical therapy and
social support. These PTSD veterans have earned their right to be treated with dignity, compassion,
and respect. It is the responsibility of the government to provide them with the best healthcare money
can buy, and it is the responsibility of each person and as a community to provide our veterans with
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Representation In TV Shows
96.7% of people in the United States own a television. The majority of those people have at least one
show that they watch regularly. In some cases, it s even more than that. It s obvious, at least to me,
that TV shows and their characters are incredibly important to people. They have become more than
just a source of entertainment. TV shows are important to people because they encourage
representation, give people something to look forward to, and dive into moral issues. Representation
in TV shows is really important. The majority of conventionally attractive people in the media are
white, but TV shows are beginning to become more diverse. They are starting to portray people of
color in a positive light. A good example of representation in ... Show more content on
It s important for both young girls and women to see their gender portrayed as strong and capable of
taking care of themselves. The main character on Once Upon a Time, Emma Swan, is a strong female
character that has never been reduced to just a love interest. She has always been the writer of her own
story. One more example of a strong female is Jennifer Jareau from Criminal Minds. She balances
work and her family nearly flawlessly, and shows that women are capable of having a family and a
career. Clarke Griffin, from The 100, is one of the strongest characters, male or female, that I ve seen
on TV in a long time. She leads her people fearlessly, and she is never looked at any differently
because of her gender. On top of that, she is canonically bisexual. Arrow and The Flash are also good
examples of strong women. None of the characters on either of those shows rely on other people to
save them. One character on Arrow, Felicity Smoak, is a hacker. She saves her friends lives from
behind her computer on an almost daily basis. While she is not a conventionally strong woman, she is
still able to take care of herself, and she isn t treated like a lesser human being because she is a female.
That, to me, constitutes a strong woman. Sometimes, it is easier to get through the day if you know
that there is an episode of your favorite show waiting for you when you get home. It gives you
something to look forward to. TV shows also give people
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YAKKATECH. INC. (Steven L. McShane, The University Of...
CASE STUDY : YAKKATECH. INC. (Steven L. McShane, The University Of Western Australia.
1. What symptom(s) in this case study suggest that something has gone wrong?
In this case study, the symptoms that suggest that something has gone wrong are the customer
complaints regarding the poor quality services continue to increase with growth of Yakka Tech s
customer service business that has nearly doubled over the past five years, the increasing rate of
voluntary employee quit in the contact center which risen above industry average, inter departmental
conflicts due to inability of answering all dissatisfied customer queries, increased number of
employees turnover which lead to increased of labour costs due to the cost of recruiting new ... Show
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The customers profiles should also contain the previous problems or issues which were rectified
earlier. This system should show the client s problems, the department who handled the issue and the
name of employees who handled the case before and customers feedback. This system should direct
all calls to the basic employs who handled the customer s issues before. If that employee cannot
handle the call at that time, supervisor of that employee should handle the call and hence, customers
should not wait on the line to get service and the employee should call the customers back at their
convenient time to lessen their frustration resulted from waiting on the line which may be considers as
one of the main frustration factors.
h. This system should be sharable among all four regions in a way that enables all employees to access
and track any previous queries, issues, or problems raised by the
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The Permissive Parenting Style
In the article Don t trust anyone over 30 study explained correlation between parental legitimacy, the
three parenting styles and the predicted outcome of delinquent behavior. The three main parenting
styles covered were; authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. It states that the parenting styles that
is practice at home could be one of the potential factor that contributes to the future criminal behavior
and parental legitimacy tends to intercede between the two. The group that were being studied
consisted of middle and high school students from the New Hampshire Youth Study . The research
included three phases (T1, T2 T3 questionnaires) in a longitudinal study that lasted about 18 months.
The results were that authoritative parenting style had a more positive association with parental
legitimacy versus authoritarian parenting style. There was no association between permissive
parenting style and parental legitimacy, but it was associated with delinquent behavior. Lastly, parental
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It exerts more control and demands on the child without any explanation. It follows a more unilateral
communication. The child has no independence and does with he or she is told based on the rules.
This type parenting styles is more likely associated future delinquent or criminal behavior and adverse
parental legitimacy. On the other hand, Permissive parenting style is a lenient type of parenting style
to the point that the child is free to do whatever he or she wants to do, without any control or limits.
There are no rules established for the child to follow and it leans more on the non demanding side.
Permissive parenting style is linked to future delinquency problems. Both authoritarian and permissive
parenting styles are affiliated with impending delinquent behavior because of the lack of effective of
communication, lack of individual moral compass without the proper guidance and stiff unrealistic
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Kidney Patterns
Title: High concentrations of sodium diet causes kidney stones in the African American male
Studies have shown that a person s sodium intake can contribute to an increase in blood pressure,
which can lead to heart disease and other health complications. Over the years many investigators
have continued to study the effects of sodium on the human body. African Americans living in the
United States have a higher risk of having diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease.
However, not much research investigated the effects of high salt consumption on the odds of
developing kidney stones in African American men. While this study will not build upon any currently
published literature, it will help to create awareness of ... Show more content on ...
Also, it will be difficult to create an accurate analysis from observation alone, leading to my
observational case control study only telling one part of the story. Another limitation of this study is
convenience sampling and low generalizability due to a small geographic area, extremely high salt
intake in this case. To minimize recall and selection bias, I will have to clearly identify and provide a
clear definition of my study population. The control group of my study will reflect the exposure of the
population which gave rise to the cases; controls will be selected independently of the exposure
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Appeacances of Tim Burton in His Own Films
Tim Burton is a unique American filmmaker that grew up watching horror movies, and even lived
near a cemetary. He was surely a self admitted oddball. However, Tim s style always seems to appear
in any movie he directs. A few movies are Edward scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,
and Corpse Bride. These movies represent his interests, inspirations, and life experiences. Some of
Tim s techniques are different, with a touch of darkness, and suspense to create his style of flashbacks,
gothic theme, and irony. One element that is contributed to Burton s establishments, and cinematic
style are flashbacks. Flashbacks show what occured in the past. For example, in the film Edward
scissorhands, there s a scene where Edward Scissorhands has a flashback of his father replacing his
hands with prosthetics. Flashbacks make the audience feel sympathy, because he is close to getting
hands but his creator died. This flash back is essential for defining Burton s style, because flashbacks
are necessary to the plot, or gives characters depth and meaning. Similarly, in Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory , the director uses flashbacks in the scene where Willy Wonka had a flashback of
his childhood. In this scene, the audience learns how Wonka s father was exteremely strict on eating
candy. This goes to show how Wonka became a candy maker. Furthermor, in Corpse bride Emily, the
corpse bride, has a flashback of when she was alive, and when she was in love with a lord. It finally
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Arthurian Historicism Analysis
The Retelling of Arthurian Historicism
During the beginning of the medieval era, a king was born. He was strong, smart, and a warrior. Until
a few centuries later his narrative changed again to fit the needs of the people. King Arthur of Camelot
was a figurehead for hope and prosperity to the early European peoples. Through out history there has
been speculation about the validity of the history of King Arthur and his court of knights. After the
medieval era, Arthurian legend became less prominent and more folklore that history. The people were
no longer in need of knights and mythical round tables. During the 19th century, poets took it upon
themselves to add different perspectives to the legends. Alfred Tennyson, an Arthurian enthusiast,
believed in the monarch as a historical figure and gear his poetry to toward a masculine Christian
theme. Much of his history arrived through the Geoffrey of Monmouth and historiography of British
monarchs. This belief in a true King Arthur allows readers of Tennyson s poems to reevaluate his
meaning and interpretation of the characters involved including their masculinity, femininity,
honorable characteristics, religion, and supernatural capabilities.
Along with Tennyson, Arthur Morris took an interest in the legends of King Arthur. However, his
interested were in the untold stories of individuals he felt were ill represented. In his interpretations he
adds Victorian cultural undertones to add something to the characters that was not
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Decisions Of The Supreme Court Essay
Mark Lewery
Mr. Boardman
Research Paper period 4
Due Date: 10/31/16
Decisions of the Supreme Court can have a huge impact on the country. Through United States
history, court decisions have influenced the nation and have totally changed how the government runs
things. The United Sates is set up into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. It is up to
the judiciary branch that has the job to interpret the constitution, and often these interpretations change
over certain amounts of times. Over the course of America s history as a fully autocratic nation, the
Supreme Court has made some monumental decisions. Three examples of significant cases that have
affected the government are Marbury vs. Madison (1803), Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka
(1954), and Mapp vs. Ohio (1961). Somewhere around 1800 and 1835, the Supreme Court managed
numerous instances of incredible significance to the United States of America. John Marshall served
as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court throughout this time. The instance of Marbury v. Madison,
in 1803, was a standout amongst the most controversial court cases and choices set aside during this
time. Equally important, the Supreme Court at this time had none of the authority and prestige it
commands today. Few cases of any importance had come before the Court or had been decided by it.
Consequently, it had little precedent on which to base its decisions and no assurance that those
decisions would be acted upon.
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Zipcar Case Study
Juan Francisco Marines
Case Study Analysis: Zipcar
(1) WHO ARE THE MAIN PLAYERS IN THE CASE? | Summary: Who: Robin Chase CEO and Co
founderWhen: October 14, 2000What: Option 1: Reach out to other investors Option 2: Create a new
business model Option 3: Close the businessMain Players: * Robin Chase * Antje Danielson *
Corporate PresidentOthers * Glenn Urban Dean and mentor to Chase * JohnSnow Consulting Firm *
Paul Covell MIT engineer * Investors CircleAlliance Partners: * Dan Holland Venture partner *
Transit Stations * AP reporter press coverage Competitors: * Europe car sharing companies Swiss
Mobility CarSharing, Drive Stadtauto * Rental Car Companies ... Show more content on ...
It has everything a consumer leaving in a busy area of a metropolitan area can ask for. Convenience,
cheap, and accessibility. This is everything that a customer living with out a vehicle in an area that a
car is needed periodically can ask for.Weaknesses: To start up a business like this as Chase realized
you need a lot of capital. Finding the money and investors that believe in your company is going to be
the hardest thing to do. To lease new cars or not have enough cars for the demand of new customers
can also be a hindrance in the growth of this company. Other areas of concern that need to be
addressed are the costs and insurance and liability exposure that renting a car to somebody can have.
With multiple of even a few wrecks or fatalities can easily close the doors to a company like Zipcar
that is just getting started. Opportunities: The Zipcar company is a company that can be very easily
started once the right infrastructure is in place and can even be pitched to investors as a franchise
store. That can be duplicated in other areas of the country. There is not current niche for the type of
people that Chase is targeting and is untapped market place with the proper marketing plan.Threats:
Rental car companies can also offer rental of cars on an hourly basis. They can pick up customers as
well. This is not advertised but can be done. Most importantly if Boston or New York, or Chicago
have a very efficient Public
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How Do Weapons Affect The World
There are various harmful and helpful discoveries all over the world. Though a number of these were
created to hurt instead of help, many people look to the invention before looking to the mind of a
human. For instance, drugs are used to cure people, while others treat them as an addiction. Similarly,
weapons are used either to kill or protect. Good people choose good, while evil people make poor
choices. Inventions overall improve our world; however, some people handle them as a detriment.
The most frequently used, harmful, and dangerous weapon across the world is the Automatic Rifle,
which was created in 1887 by General Manuel Mondragon. These powerful weapons were previously
used in the military after generals discovered the horrific demolition it could cause. Tracing all the
way back to its descendants, the AK 47, the M16A1, and the M 14, these rifles are self loading and
capable of delivering fully automatic, deadly weapon fire. Consequently, this weapon is ... Show more
content on ...
Drugs are harmful, dangerous, and addictive, and there are many different kinds of them. Drugs are
not just common in America, but all around the world today. Being more popular than alcohol and
Vape, drugs affect the brain, causing its consumers to be unaware and completely unable to think or
process things normally. Drug abuse, not only affecting its consumers greatly, hurt their friends,
families, and children and cause millions of deaths every year. In America, drug abuse causes four
thousand seven hundred and ninety deaths per year, and eighty five thousand five hundred and eighty
four deaths are caused by drug abuse in the world alone. Unfortunately, the number of drug abusers
and consumers are increasing by the year, and the number of lives lost because of this invention is
immeasurable. Like all addictions, drug dealing is common, destructive, and leaves bitter
consequences to the consumer and the world around
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Safety And Health Directives
This paper examines the implication to establish measures that provide safety and health directives
concerning areas involving painting operations, gas and electric welding, cutting, brazing, or
equivalent conflagration or spark generating operations towards safeguarding personnel and property
in contrast to heat, developed gases and fumes, electrical shock, and radiation meant for all personnel
responsible for ground work, managing, and accompanying painting, welding and cutting operations
(Mroszczyk, 2012). Personnel is mandated to use sanctioned painting, welding, and cutting equipment
and follow the manufacturer s instructions. Equipment will maintain a continuous operational status
and a safe working order at all times. Personnel will report any equipment deficiency or safety hazard
to a proprietor, and the use of such equipment must be unobtainable until it is repaired by qualified
personnel. Mroszczyk (2012) writes that painting, cutting or welding operations must be performed in
areas with adequate ventilation to keep fumes and gases within safe limits. Local exhaust ventilation
must be used when potentially hazardous materials are being worked ... Show more content on ...
ACGIH (2005) continuation rate suggested to diminish the likelihood of brain injury. OSHA endures
to use a rate of 5 mg/m3 as an extreme quantity rate for the PEL for manganese. In terms of protecting
people from brain damage, the OSHA PEL is not a suitable assessment (ACGIH, 2005).
OSHA (2010) has of late embraced an updated Permissible Exposure Limit for hexavalent chromium.
This PEL is set forth in 29 CFR 1910.1026 as 5 micrograms per cubic meter of air (5µg/m3). Since
there are 1000 micrograms in a milligram, this assessment may be inscribed as 0.005 mg/m3. 5µg/m3
is the same as 0.005 mg/m3 (OSHA,
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Risks And Risk Management Plan
Risk Management Plan
An important part any project is to identify risks and to determine how to address said risks. In this
paper, I will identify 10 risks that could occur during the making of Coleman Covenant Studios. I will
also assess and address each risk in detail. Although I am hopeful the completion of this project will
happen with minimal negative risks, I do realize hope is not a plan. For this reason, this risk
management plan is in place to acknowledge and prepare for a variety of unplanned events.
Planning Risk Management The purpose of this section is to determine how I will perform the risk
management process, who will be assigned to the risk management process, the budget, definitions of
risk and impact, ... Show more content on ...
Lastly, the stakeholders are willing to accept a considerable amount of risk as long as a plan is in place
to address it.
Qualitative Risk Analysis In addition to determining the impact of each risk and the likelihood of that
risk occurring, I also prioritized the risks by ranking them. By ranking each risk, I am ensuring all
team members understand the important of each risk in relation to other risks. As mentioned earlier in
paper, the ranks are in parentheses above. Once the risks were ranked, I determined the probability of
each risk and the impact it would have on the project if it did occur. These numbers are factored into
the risk matrix below: Table 1. Risk Matrix
The high risk in red is venue selection. The moderate risks in yellow are under budget, promotion,
venue location, legal issues, natural force delay, and bank doesn t approve loan. The low risks in green
are grand opening troubles, ahead of schedule, and design change.
Quantitative Risk Analysis In this section, I will further analyze the high risk activity: venue selection.
This activity is identified as high risk because the likelihood that it will occur is 50% and if it occurs,
its impact is at a level nine. Proper venue selection is integral to the successful completion of the
project. Ideally, a clear lot will be selected. However, there is a 50/50 chance the lot selected will not
be clear and destruction will take place.
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Introduction. Throughout The Course Of One’S Academic And
Throughout the course of one s academic and professional career, one will be required to create,
present, and receive needed information via numerous presentations which utilize slide deck software
such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Apple s Keynote. In this project, I will discuss the
effective use of these applications to create presentations which effectively utilize elements of visual
design to effectively communicate with an audience. My interest in this topic comes from my
experience as both a student and a professional. In these capacities, I have regularly experience both
the audience and the presenter side of slide shows and I have seen how this method of disseminating
information can both excite and ... Show more content on ...
Technology has given anyone with basic computer knowledge the ability to create multimodal blended
structure slide decks, and then distribute this media throughout the internet. I utilized The Non
Designer s Design Book because it emphasizes the four basic principles of good visual design, which
can easily be applied to create slide based presentations. These four principles include contrast,
repetition, alignment and proximity. The proper implementation of the principles are key to the
creation of an effective slideshow presentation. Another influential reading from our course which I
am able to apply to my project is Visual Language for Designers. The main points I take from this
reading, which are applicable to this project are the idea of minimalism in a low fidelity visual and the
idea of reducing the quantity of elements in a visual.
For this project, I also utilized other sources which dealt directly with the effective use of visual in
presentations. One valuable project resource was a 2014 TEDx talk given by David JP Phillips entitle
How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint. The main points taken from this source include the limitation of
one topic per slide, the importance of the size of visuals in presentations, the ability to capture the
attention of an audience with the effective use of
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Explain The Four Functions Of Management
The four Functions of Management Management is the process of using organisational resources to
achieve the organisations goals through planning, organising, leading and controlling. These functions
are set of activities directed at an organisations resources with the aim of achieving organisational
goals in efficient and effective manner. Henri Fayol was the first to describe the four managerial
functions in the later 1880s. He noted that managers at all levels, in both for profit and not for profit
firms must still perform each of the following functions. Planning Organising Leading Controlling
The four functions of planning, organising, leading and controlling are often used in conjunction with
one another when carried out in the ... Show more content on ...
Which goals should be pursued? 2. How should the goal be attained? 3. How should resources be
allocated? The planning function determines how effective and efficient the organisation is and
determines the strategy of the organisation. Planning involves setting objectives and determining a
course of action for achieving these goals. Planning requires managers to be aware of their
environmental conditions facing their organisation and forecast future conditions. And also requires
managers to make quick and beneficial decisions. Planning consists of a process that involves several
steps. The process starts with environmental scanning which makes planners aware of critical
contingencies facing their organisations such as economic conditions, competitors and customers.
Planners must be able to predict the future conditions. These predictions form the basis of the
planning. Planners must have an objective or objectives, such as what needs to be achieved and when
it must be achieved. They must recognise an alternative course of action when achieving these
objectives. After much evaluation of these courses of action planners must decide which is the best
plan for achieving these objectives. They will then need to convey the necessary steps which will be
taken to implement the path chosen. Final planners will need to evaluate the success rate of their plan
and correct any faults in their plan where
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How To Write An Essay About Guatemala
The country that I am reporting on is Guatemala. Guatemala is located in Central America on the
continent of North America. There are four countries that border Guatemala and they are Mexico,
Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. There are also two bodies of water that border Guatemala and they
are the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Guatemala covers 40,042 square miles of land. In 2017,
the total population was 17,137,294 people and the population per square mile was 349 people. The
primary language that is spoken in Guatemala is Spanish but K iche and Q eqchi are also spoken too.
Guatemala s capital is Guatemala City and it is located in the southern part of the country. Guatemala
has a Presidential Representative Democratic Republic government and the president is Jimmy
Morales. The currency that the citizens of Guatemala use is the Guatemalan Quetzal. The Guatemalan
Quetzal is worth 0.14 cents of the United States dollar. Most citizens practice the Roman Catholicism
religion but Evangelical Protestantism and Orthodoxy are also practiced ... Show more content on ...
The rainy season is from May to October and the weather is rainy and cool. The dry season is from
November to April and the weather is sunny and warm with an average temperature of seventy two
degrees fahrenheit. Guatemala is mostly made up of tropical plains, volcanic mountains, and deep
river valley s. Guatemala is a wonderful home to many different animals including iguanas, turtles,
snakes, birds, monkeys, and jaguars.
Agriculture is very important to Guatemala. They grow a variety of crops all year long including
coffee, sugar, bananas, melons, and cotton. They raise chickens and ducks for their eggs and meat.
They also raise sheep, goats, and cows for their milk and meat. Along with agriculture, aquaculture is
also very important to Guatemala. Each day fish and shrimp farmers go out onto the water to catch
enough food for there
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Position Paper on Relevance of It
Position Paper on Relevance of Information Technology
Information technology has undoubtedly become an indispensable part of our day to day lives. Both
the articles considered for analysis projects the role of IT, from being the back bone of commerce to
handling huge volumes of data, as being highly significant in the modern world. Even though both
Nicholas Carr and Erik Brynjolfsson are in agreement to the omnipresence of IT, their perception of
the future of IT differs vastly. I am in accordance with the school of thought put forth by Nicholas
Carr which believes that the strategic value of IT has reduced. For all the inventions that had
revolutionized the world there has been a point where these inventions become inevitable and hence ...
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Most of the companies invest in new technologies when the existing versions can very well serve the
purpose. Hence emphasis should be given to effectively managing and maintaining the existing
technology rather than unnecessarily investing on more technology. IT can be replicated very easily
and is subject to rapid deflation making it a bad investment. It is always better to wait rather than rush
to buy a new technology since a better version is always available before the newly purchased one is
ready to use. Also it is very difficult to turn temporary technological advantages to enduring
positioning ones. Hence more emphasis should be given in fixing the vulnerabilities rather than
investing on a soon to be outdated technology. I agree with Carr that the companies in order to achieve
a better return should manage risks and costs meticulously rather than resorting to seeking aggressive
advantage. Also we have indeed spent much more than necessary on IT that the available technology
is much advanced than what is required in the most cases.
Brynjolfsson s four paradigms for innovation, i.e., measurement, experimentation, sharing and
replication, in my opinion, put forth a best practice that can be adopted to achieve innovation. This
model can be replicated by companies to achieve a desired effect. It has in turn been discussed by Carr
that a best practice can be
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Training Day Analysis
Training Day is a LAPD movie, but the plot makes it stand out. It s a story of a rookie cop who has his
mind set on a goal. Alonzo, (Denzel Washington), a veteran cop who can get him there. The movie
follows the cop duo, which feels like End of Watch, and both movies have the same writer. Training
Day is action packed, and makes you think because it sends a message to the audience and the
character. I like this movie too because it asks the audience what s right and what s wrong. I would
also like to mention that everyone is crooked, yet Jake (the rookie cop)is honest. Alonzo stole money
from a drug dealer to bribe a crooked judge to get a warrant to break into a richer drug dealer house
and to steal his money, so he can bribe russians to ... Show more content on ...
It made really made me think if what the characters are doing morally wrong. Both cops handle justice
a different way and no one taught Jake that the world is cruel, and twisted. This eventually causes the
climactic intense ending, and will keep your eyes glued to the screen. Although I enjoy this movie
there is somethings that could be better. For instance the movie has a slow start. I m not going to lie, I
did skip a bit to the ride along, for it was boring. I also would make a scene more believable, but I
digress because if it was the movie wouldn t be able to continue. Overall this movie contained major
keys to make it interesting. I love rated R movies because they are actually interesting and keep me in
the edge of my seat. If this movie wasn t as blunt as it is I probably wouldn t like it. Usually I would
recommend R movies to 10 and up, but I saw it before when I was younger. I had no idea what was
going on, and I didn t understand the message it was sending. So I would probably recommend it to 14
and up, for some children won t see the message. MPAA rated Training Day rated R, for it s brutal
violence, pervasive language, drug content, and brief nudity. Overall this is a entertaining movie that
doesn t disappoint. 9/11 would watch
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The Negative Effects Of Homelessness
Homelessness, what is homelessness? Well, there is no official definition of the word homelessness.
According to Health centers funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) use
the following: A homeless person is an individual without permanent housing who may live on the
streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room occupancy facilities, abandoned building or vehicle; or
in any other unstable or non permanent situation. Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act.
Across America, many people tend to believe that homelessness is not a big deal. What they do not
realize is that it is a growing controversy, and can be shown through statically numbers and how they
are being punished for it. In the US more than ... Show more content on ...
Eviction accounted for 13 percent of responses.
The face of homelessness has shifted over the past 35 years. Homelessness started to increase around
the 1980s. Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked over 50 million people live in poverty
35% are children. For most, the encounter of becoming homeless is rooted in financial difficulty. Once
a person ends up becoming homeless, poverty and the social issues that coalesce in circumstances of
poverty increase the probability of encountering repeat occurrence of homeless, especially among
female headed single parent families. Data from the 1996 National Survey of Homeless Assistance
Providers and Clients demonstrate that homeless people are more likely be African American than
white or Hispanic. Historically, minorities are overrepresented in the homeless population. Single men
hold a vast extent of the homeless population across the nation. Recent years, family homelessness has
turned out to be progressively more common, and almost 43% of the homeless population is now
composed of families with youngsters.
So, I went out and asked people what their opinion on homelessness. Some think such way, When I
think homelessness I remember the individuals who are starving, need pharmaceutical help, and our
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Work Rate and Oxygen Uptake
The Relationship Between Work Rate And Oxygen Uptake During Incremental Submaximal Exercise
Oxygen uptake () describes the rate at which oxygen is utilized by tissues (Burton et al, 2004). is
determined by heart rate (heart beats each minute), stroke volume (the volume of blood pumped from
one ventricle each beat) and arteriovenous oxygen difference (difference in blood oxygen content
between arterial and venous blood). Oxygen is needed for respiration, the chemical process that
produces energy in the form of ATP. Several sources agree that oxygen uptake increases linearly with
exercise, this is due to the skeletal muscles requirement for more oxygen for the production of more
ATP. Hanson et al (1998) measured ... Show more content on ...
For the participant in this trial to sustain 60rpm, their muscles must produce progressively more force
after each increment, as 0.5kg resistance is applied to the flywheel each time, therefore the energy
demands of the muscle progressively increase. A deviation from the trend during the middle of the
trial was not expected as most sources agree the relationship is linear (Burton, Özyener, Glassford),
however Astrand (1961) found a non linear steeper increase in during the middle stages. Astrand s non
linear pattern may be explained by production of power increasing to a point beyond the lactate
threshold, the point at which lactic acid starts to accumulate in the blood. A slowly developing
increase in during constant work rate exercise performed above the lactate threshold produces a
curvilinear relationship and is known as the slow component of kinetics (Jones et al, 2011). The cause
for the steep increase at the final stage of the trial is supported by the research of Bernard et al (1996),
who measured the effects of increasing exercise intensities recording oxygen consumption and heart
rate simultaneously. Findings revealed a significant correlation with the best predictions of from work
rate observed at higher intensities. Bernard s findings support results in table 1 that
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Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Inflammation usually forms when a gallstone blocks
the cystic duct that transports bile. Cholecystitis is the most common problem resulting from
gallbladder stones (90% of the cases). Cholecystitis affects women more often than men and is more
likely to occur after age 40. People who have a history of gallstones are at increased risk for
cholecystitis. Cholecystitis has an increased prevalence among people of Scandinavian descent, Pima
Indians, and Hispanic populations. It affected 20 million people with a mortality record of 1,092
deaths in 2004. Hospitalizations total up 622,000 in the same year and over 700,000 have undergone
cholecystectomies. ... Show more content on ...
Pain can last anywhere between several minutes to several hours. Warning signs are abdominal pain so
intense that you can t sit still or find a comfortable position, yellowing of your skin and the whites of
your eyes, clay colored stool and high fever with chills. Complications that can occur from gallstones
if left untreated are inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), blockage of pancreatic duct
(gallstone pancreatitis), rupturing of the gallbladder, peritonitis, liver damage, cirrhosis and
gallbladder cancer.
When gallstones are suspected to be the cause of symptoms, the doctor is likely to do an ultrasound
exam or CT Scan, the most sensitive and specific test for gallstones. Other exams that may be
performed are a Cholescintigraphy a.k.a. HIDA (hepatobiliary iminodiactec acid) Scan, ERCP
(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), and blood tests. Treatments include Surgery and
medications to dissolve the gallstones. Nearly all cholecystectomies are performed with laparoscopy.
If tests show the gallbladder has severe inflammation, infection, or scarring from other operations, the
surgeon may perform open surgery to remove the gallbladder. In some cases, open surgery is planned;
however, sometimes these problems are discovered during the laparoscopy and the surgeon must make
a larger incision. If gallstones
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Life Pi By Yann Martel And The Movie Life Of Pi Directed...
Many famous novels have been rearranged in order to make movies. However, the quality of the
movie, a lot of the times, depends on the changes made when adapting the novel to film. The director
of the movie needs to make sure that the film does not cut off significant parts, and at the same time,
abstain from the unnecessary parts the writer made without changing the whole theme. Moreover, they
need to add in more characters and scenes to make the film more creative and understandable. In this
essay, the comparison of differences in the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel and the movie Life of Pi
directed by Lee Ann will be discussed.
The setting has not changed when it is transferred to the movie. The settings are: Pondicherry, India;
the ... Show more content on ...
So Pi s mother forces Pi to work for a dance class to calm down, but one of the dancers soon adapt a
deep relationship with Pi. This situation actually makes Pi s move to Canada more difficult. Thus, it
led to another conjecture of Pi was trying to hide his girlfriend onto the lifeboat and bring her also to
Canada, because in the movie, Pi mentioned, ... but I don t remember saying goodbye.
What books cannot achieve is the sceneries and effects that film can include. Compare to the book,
Lee created more stunning scenes using special effects. When the readers reach to the point of Pi
describing the ocean, they can try their best to imagine the whole landscape and situation, but the
feeling of helplessly floating on the ocean cannot be illustrated using only personal experiences. The
ocean in the movie can remind the audiences about how small people are compared to the world the
irresistible sense of unknown and tininess, would provoke people to think about their origins. The
sunken scene of the ship Tsimtsum is tiny compared to Titanic , but at the moment of the ship sank,
when Pi is floating on the dark ocean in the night, the drowning feeling that audiences can experience
certainly is not worse than Titanic .
Lee used lots of scenes and background music to bring immersive feeling to the audiences. When it
reached to the storm scene, the camera
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Essay on state nullification
Impact of a State s Right to Nullification
Impact of a State s Right to Nullification
The impact of a state s right to nullification can ultimately cause a great deal of damage to the country
that it resides in. To describe the impacts one would need to take a look back into history when the
Nullification Crisis took place. South Carolina had economic hard times after the war of 1812. Cotton
prices started to drop and South Carolina was in a state of depression. Southerners however tend to
blame their economic woes on the policies of the national government. (Goode ... Show more content
on ...
The worn out fields produce fewer pounds per acre than did the new fields west of the mountains.
South Carolina also had problems with slave conspiracies. Denmark Vesey a free black who lived in
Charleston lead a rebellion that cause 36 blacks to be killed and many others exiled. (Internet Source
1) South Carolina said that if a strong federal government is allowed to take money from the South
using a protective tariff to benefit the wealth of the north, then eventually they are going to try to
abolish slavery which South Carolina lived on.
The Tariff of Abominations
The Tariff of Abominations or Tariff of 1828 was one of the more famous acts passed by Congress.
Adams had been a strong advocate for a higher tariff. Andrew Jackson s supporters in Congress
modified Adam s original tariff bill to include much higher taxes on imported raw materials as well.
They believed that the northern legislators and Adams supporters would never vote for such
legislation since it would mean that New England manufacturers would pay much higher prices for
their raw materials. However the bill passed and consumer prices for a selection of goods increased a
whole lot. (Benton 232).
South Carolina fights with the Tariff
When the Tariff of Abominations was passed in 1828, it was chaos in
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French And Indian War Causes
The French and Indian war started in 1756 and lasted until 1765. The war cost a lot of money, King
George III made the colonists pay for the war by raising taxes. The taxes from the war made the
colonists angry and revolt against the crown. King George III was doing what was best for the United
Kingdom not the colonists. In his eyes the colonists were peasants. He put the people of the United
Kingdom first. Benjamin Franklin made the famous cartoon join or die to inspire the people to fight in
the French and Indian war. he was a very respected man and the first general postmaster in the
colonies. The british didn t want to anger the indians more than they already had because the french
lost the war so they forbid colonists to settle west ... Show more content on ...
The Quartering Act made citizens in the colonies house and feed british soldiers. If the colonists weren
t angry enough the crown made them pay taxes for printing things with ink, this was the Stamp Act.
This made the colonists very angry. Then the angry colonists received another tax in 1767 called the
Townshend Acts. It made them pay extra for imported goods from Britain and outlawed them getting
imported goods from anywhere else. Then there was the Boston Massacre where many good people
lost their lives. In 1770 the colonists threw snowballs at the british regulars which is a great offence
but not enough to kill five people over it. Thats right five people died from the musket barrels of the
british regulars that gruesome day. It made the colonists so angry at the crown, more angry than they
had ever been before. The Tea Act in 1773 was outrageous.It made the colonists pay extra money for a
most delightful beverage. It made them pay extra money for tea. This made the colonists take action.
That night the sons of liberty dressed as mohawk indians they intercepted a boat of tea delivery and
dumped it in the harbor. That night a crisp red filled the harbor. The Boston Tea party made the king
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Significance Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild
Whitney Moore
People Tracker
Into The Wild
People Tracker
Christopher McCandless (AKA: Alexander Supertramp): Main character of Into The Wild. Wanted to
go on an adventure so after he graduated college he left home and begun his travels around the US
making his way to Alaska where he would die of starvation.
Anchorage Couple: Couple hiking the Stampede trail. Came across the bus, smelt a gross smell and
saw Chris s letter and found his body.
Jan Burres Bob: 41 year old rubber tramp. traveling around the west selling knick knacks at flea
markets and swap meets. Bob is the boyfriend to Jan. Chris became good friends and stayed in touch
with them.
Charlie: Old man who lives just outside of Bullhead, Arizona. Suggests Chris live in an old ... Show
more content on ...
After McCandless s death, he listens to Mccandless s advice to hit the road and live off the grid.
Jim Gallien: Last person to see McCandless alive. He drops off Chris on the Stampede Trail, giving
McCandless boots and warning him of the dangers that Alaska can hold..
Jon Krakauer: Author of the novel. Writes about his own journey climbing the Devil s Thumb in
Carine McCandless Chris s younger sister. He wrote letters to her telling her how he felt about his
parents and his life. They were very close.
Samuel Walter McCandless Chris s father, a NASA scientist and entrepreneur who develops advanced
radar systems. Married twice, he has a total of eight children. Chris is from his second marriage to
Billie. He lies about his relationship between the two families (Him living a double life) causing Chris
to distance himself from his parents.
Billie McCandless Chris s mother and Walt s second wife, works hard alongside Chris s father.
Ken Thompson: Moose hunter who find the bus in where McCandless died of starvation.
Gordon Samel: Moose hunter who find the bus in where McCandless died of
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Analysis Of The Film A Few Good Men
Humanity can be defined as quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is
distinguished from other beings. Being human does not mean that an individual possesses humanity.
Humans can be set apart from other living beings by, their ability to reason out whether a decision is
either wrong or right using their conscience, their ability to create relationships that can hold a similar
value to that of biological relationships, and despite having a capacity for sin, humans are still good.
In the film A Few Good Men, three lawyers are left with a case, where two Marines on Guantanamo
Bay have been convicted of murdering a fellow comrade. This film clearly showed as to what it means
to be human. Through the film, the audience ... Show more content on ...
Likewise, Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, who was the defense Lawyer for both Dawson and Downey, was
a man who was in great need of emotional guidance from other people. During the trial period, Kaffee
was left dumbfounded on whether the case should be fought on or if it was time to step back. His
defense partners were Lieutenant Commander JoAnne Galloway and Lieutenant Sam Weinberg, two
individuals that helped in removing Kaffee from his old shell and putting him into a new one. While
Kaffee was ready to abandon Dawson and Downey s case, Galloway made him realize that. Being in
connection with others is a requirement for any living being, but if these relationships prevent a person
from doing good, then they should not be given such importance. Similarly, to bad relationships,
unwanted rules and conditions are also very bad for a person s conscience.
Rules and conditions that go against a person s moral values and conscience are also tremendously
bad since it can become very difficult for a person to realize as to which rules are deemed acceptable,
as we are taught from an early age to follow all rules and order. Therefore, as seen in the film, the
rules put in place by the commanding officers of Lance Corporal Dawson and Private Downey
directly conflicted with their abilities to comprehend moral values and damaged the
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Tesla Is An Automobile Car Company Of The 21st Century Essay
Tesla is an auto car company of the 21st century founded by Elon Musk, Martin Eberhard, JB Straubel
and Ian Wright. The company also manufactures power walls and battery charging equipment. Tesla is
well known for the production of its first sports car Tesla Roadster coupled with two other cars Tesla
Model S and the current Tesla Model X. Elon Musk is the face of the company and has driven the
company through odds building confidence among its shareholders and customers (Marcovici, 2013, p
45). The company s shares are often overpriced, thanks to loyal customers and investors of Tesla.
Musk s vision of the company is to mass produce electric vehicles at a low cost and capture the
American market. Consumer behavior towards the electric vehicles has been negative in the US but
Elon bets on the near future where the central focus will be on clean energy. He emphasized that the
company is more inclined towards environmental impact other than just an automobile car company
(Kallen, 2016, p 23). Tesla 3 is the dream car for Elon and Tesla, which its prototype was unveiled
recently, and production looks to start in 2017. The car will be the cheapest that the company has
produced at almost a third the previous price of Model X. The move exposes huge risks to the
business both financial and future risks. The potential risks that Tesla will face with Tesla Model 3
introduction include: Strained financial impact Tesla 3 will be worth $35,000, a third the price of the
previous cars
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Theme Of The Penelopiad
Margaret Atwood s The Penelopiad has many motifs, although the most significant motif is suffering,
which is present throughout The Penelopiad through uninformed families, terrified suitors, and the
agony of young girls. Even the narrator of the story, Penelope, has suffered ever since her childhood
when she was thrown off a cliff. Since the beginning of The Penelopiad, each individual from Ithaca
has ended up in pain. Penelope and Telemachus pain of not knowing the fate of Odysseus, a father,
and a husband, the frightening death of the overstayed suitors, and the agony put on the maids, who
are raped and hurt repeatedly by the awful suitors. All together, Margaret Atwood uses the motif of
suffering to describe the unavoidable pain that the characters face throughout The Penelopiad, and
how suffering correlates to the departure and return of Odysseus.
Atwood uses suffering to describe Penelope and Telemachus unknowing of the fate of Odysseus.
Since the start of The Penelopiad, Atwood describes the suffering of Penelope, and the suffering of
Telemachus through the absence of Odysseus. The grief began when Odysseus was sent to Troy, and
after 20 years, still hasn t returned. Additional suffering is added to this pair, when Telemachus comes
of age and starts looking for answers. He d gone in search of his father, since nobody else was
prepared to lift a finger in that direction. He claimed his father would ve been proud of him for
showing some backbone about getting out
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Australian Cricket History
Cricket in Australia The game of cricket has evolved since it started in 1892 and we have seen many
improvements over the years. Since 1945 the batters, bowlers and the protection and padding have all
changed. These changes are due to a number of contributing factors, some of which have had a
positive effect and some of which may be considered unfavourable. The game of cricket has seen
some major changes since it was first played in March 1982, and it is still developing today. The
highest batting average made in the 1940 s was made by Sir Donald Bradman who played 52 test
games with 80 innings, his batting average was a total of 99.94 runs a game. Bradman was one of and
still is one of the best batsmen known to man. In the modern day game, ... Show more content on ...
If you were a batter for Australia you are expected to face 163 gram balls bowled at your face moving
at 145 kilometres per hour. The cricket balls have a cork core and only in the late 1970 s that the
helmet was introduced to the game. It is also a time consuming game that takes up a considerable
amount of time especially test matches which last up to five days. If you want to start playing
competitive cricket, you ll need to join a club. This will often mean you will have to pay club
membership and competition fees. For competitions, you will also need to buy pants and shirts to play
in (cricket whites) and cricket spikes (shoes with spikes) for playing on the turf. (Cricket Health
Benefits 2015, Cricket, accessed 11 June 2015,
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The Radio During World War I
The radio was never used more or for a much more important reason than during World War I and
World War II. Prior to the first world war war, many ships used the radio for communication. In the
early part of the 20th Century, amplification was one of the top concerns of the development of the
radio. Of course people were able to communicate with others hundreds of miles away, but the clarity
and amplification of the messages weren t necessarily as good as many had expected and counted on.
Often times, other means of communication like the telegraph were better off being used instead of the
radio. Because of that, Lee De Forest invented the Audion vacuum tube in 1906, and followed that up
one year later by adding his triode tube. According to
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Politeness
Politeness Politeness is the practice of good manners or etiquette in communication or behaviour. In
our conversation, we practiced positive politeness. It is defined as to establish a positive relationship
between parties by respecting a person s need to be liked and understood. It could be seen by attending
to one s wants or needs. Krushka asked me if I wanted to get together. She asked me first instead of
inviting me to come for the movie. Next was by being optimistic when I asked could I bring my
cousin, Rina along with us and I state out the reasons by why I want to bring her. Lastly, include both
of us in a conversation such as by agreeing to meet up at noon and would be able to eat our burger too
before the movie. Not only that, there ... Show more content on ...
A rhetorical analysis shows how certain sentence and words are used. It explains how does it
persuade, entertain or inform a person. In our conversation, we had allusion which is a simple
reference to something. The person does not explain in details or to what it refers. It is just a comment
and should be able to spot the allusion and understand its importance in the context. It could be seen
when I asked could we all wear same colors and Vivian answered that we should. She even said that
we would look like totally spies which means wearing something that is alike and and it looks good as
well. Besides that, a rhetoric manner was used also in the conversation when Vivian has doubts on
how teaching in kindergarten would be easy. Then, I and Krushka gave explanation why was it easy
for Rina to teach. It was because she was trained and was used to her routine after some time. We said
that the children look forward to go school because of the activities that is held. We managed to clear
Vivian ambiguity and she understood it. She then changed her perception. Moreover, it was also
during when Krushka said that we would ask Rina to show us how does she makes creative items and
Vivian decided to drop by the crafts store to buy the items. We all agreed as we wanted to make some
creative items for Christmas. In our conversation, we manage to persuade one another on going to a
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Electoral Americ The Purpose Of The Electoral College
Electoral College
The Electoral College was a compromise in order to pick a president between the Congress s vote and
the citizens vote. The selection of Electors would meet and vote for the president and vice president,
they would also count the electoral votes by Congress. There are 538 electors, but a majority of 270
electoral votes is required to elect a vice president or a vice president. The amount of electors equals
the amount of members of the House of Representative that states have plus two more for the Senator.
Each candidate running for president has a group of electors in each state. The candidates electors are
chosen by the candidates political party but, different laws in different states change how the electors
are selected. When voting for a President we are actually voting for our state candidates election. After
the presidential election, the governor of their state writes a Certificate of Ascertainment which list the
candidates for that state as well as their electors. The Certificate of Ascertainment also shows which
electors will represent the state at the election meeting as well as the winning presidential candidate.
The meeting of the electors is held on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December after
the presidential election. In their respective states, the electors cast their votes for both the Vice
President and President on separate ballots. The voters votes are then recorded and sent to Congress
on the Certificates of Votes.
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Bros Before Hos Analysis
In this comparative essay, I will be relating the points that are driven by the movie Crazy Stupid Love
and the narrative Bros before Hos by Kimmel. For some background information on these, I will start
by summarizing the movie Crazy Stupid Love. The movie Crazy Stupid love is about a man named
Cal who has lost what his Manliness Mentor calls his manhood or what we will be calling it is his
masculinity. Cal s wife leaves him to go be with another guy and all Cal can do is pout around at bars
until a sly, young, and smooth talking man (Jacob) comes to Jacobs rescue to help him get his
manhood back. Overall, this movie is a Romantic Comedy that has numerous twists and turns in the
plot to keep the viewer watching.
The Chapter Bros before Hos ... Show more content on ...
This can be explained by a simple explanation. These men want to know the true meaning of manhood
and masculinity, perhaps the character and/or narrator are just the director/ author and what they really
are seeking to understand is the true ideas or perception of manhood in society. What does the author
show that the director does not? The author in hindsight shows a lot of ideas that can be perceived as
cliché and he shows numerous accounts of anecdotes, whereas the director sticks to one line of the
story and shows the evolution of Cal s masculinity, as it starts as him being a less masculine, manly
man. Then towards the end or near scene twenty one, it is seen that he is a dominant male or alpha
male. How are these ideas important to society and what group are these pieces geared towards? The
ideas are important to the male gender because no matter what a man tells you they are always looking
for the true ideas of manhood even if they don t say so themselves; thus, these pieces (movie and
narrative) are aimed towards intriguing the males in society. In conclusion, we can see multiple key
ideas presented by both the narrative and the movie but the one key idea that sticks out and is Key to
both plots is masculinity because masculinity is defined and shown in both pieces, whether it is
implicitly or
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Examples Of Multivariate Analysis
As we have discussed in earlier chapter, there are a variety of multivariate techniques available to the
researcher or analyst. Also, there are multitude of issues involved in each of their application.
Therefore, it becomes evident that successful completion of a multivariate analysis involves not only
the selection of correct method but also several other issues. There are other issues to be addressed
such as problem definition, empirical issues and critical diagnosis of results.
A six step approach to multivariate analysis is presented in subsequent paragraphs. This process helps
the researcher, analyst or user in applying the appropriate multivariate method or technique to analyse
the data. The different stages in the structured approach ... Show more content on ...
The researcher or analyst needs to define the research problem and analyse the objectives in
conceptual terms, before specifying the variables or measures. The role of conceptual model
development or theory cannot be overstated. Whether in academic or applied research, the researcher
must view the problem in conceptual terms by defining the concepts. Then he has to identify the
essential relationships that are to be investigated.
A conceptual model need not be detailed and complex. It can be just a simple representation of
relationships to be studied. For example, if a dependence relationship is proposed as research
objective, then the researcher has to specify the dependent and independent concepts. For an
application of an interdependence technique, the dimensions of structure or similarity should be
specified. Sometimes a concept or an idea, rather than specific variables, is defined in both
dependence and interdependence situations.
Once the objective and conceptual model are specified, then the researcher has to select the suitable
multivariate technique based on the measurement characteristics of dependent and independent
variables. Variables for each concept are generally specified prior to the study. But, it may be
necessary to respecify or even state in a different form, for example, transformations or creating
dummy variables, after the data has been collected.
Stage 2: Develop the analysis
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Victorian Age Comparison Essay
The Victorian Era is a time in history in which societal expectations of men and women were
formidably difficult to meet. Societal expectations made it harder for one to succeed in a relationship,
causing many people of the time to criticize the societal norm. Among these people were authors Jane
Austen and Christina Rossetti, who each wrote a unique piece criticizing these beliefs. The two
authors expressed their opposing views to the time s expectations of male to female relations in their
literature pieces The Goblin Market and Love and Friendship. Christina Rossetti wrote The Goblin
Market: a piece in which the lives of two independent women are depicted to be ruined by loathsome
creatures representative of males and relationships. Similarly, Jane Austen wrote Love and Friendship:
a tale that depicts two females whose lives come to a sudden decline due to the loss of their husbands
and their naive nature towards true love. Within both pieces, Rossetti and Austen expose the hardship
in attaining the highest profound connection in male to female relationships through the barriers of
power relations, social class, and the fantasy of true love.
During the Victorian Era, a stable life was not always easily attainable. A female did not have much
choice in the choosing of her lifelong partner, as Austen exhibits in Laura and Jannetta s cases. Both
females had their marriages arranged by their fathers based upon the future husband s success of
societal norms (D:
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The Economic Risks Of Argentina
Argentina has had a very interesting, unpredictable, and faulty economic system is the last century.
The country has seen everything from economic superiority in South America to the greatest
depression in their current history. Argentina s economy hit rock bottom in the year of 2002, but in
2012 and the beginning of 2014 Argentina s government has put into place more strict and reasonable
economic policy. (The World FactBook, 2014) This country has the resources to become an emerging
economy and join its neighbor, Brazil, in the emerging markets of the world. As of right now,
Argentina s economic growth rate, as measure by GDP (Gross Domestic Product), is trending
upwards, but that could be a deceiving trend for companies looking to do business ,and invest, in
Argentina. (The World FactBook, 2014)
Economic Risks of Doing Business in Argentina
Even though Argentina is showing signs of growth, the risk of investing in and doing business in the
country is still very high. Euler Hermes, an economic research company, rates the risk level of doing
business in Argentina as a D4. (Cazalets, 2014)A D4 rating is the highest risk rating that a country is
able to receive. Since this country has such a high risk rating right now, businesses should be cautious
and require a high return when investing their assets into the country. If a company is looking for ease
of doing business in a South American market, Argentina would be the last country on their list.
(World Bank Group, 2014)
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Dermatology Essay
Experimental Dermatology Research and TPM
Arguably, the immune system is where multiphoton microscopy has had the greatest impact in basic
dermatological studies in both the steady state and during inflammation where it is possible to study
real time single cells and molecules within an intact living environment. Currently, the most common
sites for intravital multiphoton imaging of the skin in mice include the ear (Roediger et al., 2008), hind
footpad (Graham et al., 2009), and dorsal skin (Amornphimoltham et al., 2011). The footpad is an
attractive site for imaging as it is hairless, whilst hair removal is essential in ear and back skin due to
the autofluorescence of hair shafts obscuring image acquisition (Li et al., 2012b, Roediger et ... Show
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TPM microscopy can also be enhanced by combining it with other optical techniques. Using a Cre
inducible E cadherin GFP transgenic mouse model, Erami and co workers combined TPM and FRAP
to assess alteration in cadherin based cell cell junction integrity in the setting of tumour progression
(Erami et al., 2016). While this is not a comprehensive review of all the advances made through
multiphoton imaging of the skin, these examples serve to demonstrate that this technology has
significantly advanced our understanding of the spatio temporal interactions of immune cell subsets in
lymphoid organs and peripheral tissues including the skin (Germain et al., 2012). Moreover, while
animal models are able to elucidate basic cellular and molecular mechanisms to obtain real time
quantifiable details of complex biological mechanisms in intact tissues, the ultimate goal is to translate
our understanding into clinical applications. Clinical Dermatology and TPM
Multiphoton microscopy is now being considered a potential non invasive diagnostic tool in
dermatology as the skin is very accessible for imaging. Although currently it is only possible to derive
structural information from autofluorescent signals within human tissue in vivo, TPM is able to
provide near histological grade images without the need for a skin biopsy or tissue processing. The use
of autofluorescence as a source of natural contrast has been demonstrated in reflectance confocal
microscopy. However,
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Essay about Kyoto Protocol
After ten days of tough negotiations, ministers and other high level officials from 160 countries
reached an agreement this morning on a legally binding Protocol under which industrialized countries
will reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2%. The agreement aims to lower
overall emissions from a group of six greenhouse gases by 2008 12, calculated as an average over
these five years. (UNFCCC, 2011)
In December of 1997, 160 countries gathered in Kyoto, Japan to agree upon a Protocol that will curb
emissions and hopefully restore emission levels to pre industrial numbers. This Protocol is the Kyoto
Protocol established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Control. It is widely
believed that ... Show more content on ...
The atmospheres absorption of this energy helps keep our average global temperature at an ideal level
for life. Notably important is the temperature of our oceans. Our oceans are compared to a sink for
carbon dioxide, in that they hold much of the carbon dioxide that would otherwise be in the
atmosphere (Wikipedia, 2011). As the temperature of the oceans rise, they absorb less and less carbon
dioxide. Thus increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increasing the global
mean temperature, creating a snowball like effect, that would be nearly impossible to reverse. To
prevent this catastrophe the Kyoto Protocol was established as a global legally binding agreement
(Wikipedia, 2011). The objective of this agreement was to provide financing for developing countries.
The financial aid would go towards new technologies to help these countries develop in a more
sustainable manner. The Protocol also hoped to install mechanisms that report, verify, and review the
carbon emissions of each country. Lastly, the countries that helped create the Kyoto Protocol wanted it
to be a legally binding agreement that had consequences for countries who failed to meet their
emission target. The Kyoto Protocol was established as a part of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Control (UNFCCC). All parties that are
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Water Scarcity And Water Pollution
A Basic Necessity
The amount of available fresh water is very limited in Benin, Africa. Much of this is a result of under
urbanization, at one end of the spectrum, and poor government and infrastructure, at the other end.
The population of Benin is roughly 10,160,556. It is estimated that each individual produces about 77
pounds of excrement and 132 gallons of urine a year (George 2008). This is waste that is typically
flushed down a toilet and into a sewer system. However, this is not the case in many of these
communities. Many homes in this part of the world do not have the luxury of indoor plumbing or even
a indoor toilet. These people must utilize fields for their means of eliminating human waste. It is
astounding to think of the infinite uses of water, and the need that some countries have for it.
The current predicament Africa is facing is dealing with water scarcity and water pollution. So where
do we go from here? Composting Chemical toilets or dry systems as they are sometimes known are
waterless toilets that use microorganisms to break down human waste. While the story behind
composting toilets has been around for a long time, the composting toilets of today have evolved to
include a variety of features that make it even more appealing to these rural areas than a flushing
toilet. Without any type of sewer system in place a flushing toilet is not seen to be placed in these
homes in the near future. The point of a composting toilet is very clear;
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Disney Writing, Kids Stationary, Disney Coloring

  • 1. Disney Writing, Kids Stationary, Disney Coloring 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Disney Writing, Kids Stationary, Disney Coloring Disney Writing, Kids Stationary, Disney Coloring
  • 2. How Has Science Fiction Changed Over Time From a man going on an adventure to find a mythical sword in order to kill a dragon, to an alien race coming to earth to destroy and enslave the human race, science fiction is one of films oldest and beloved popular genres in film history ( For a science fiction film all it takes is a fragment of non realistic qualities and it can be considered science fiction. Science Fiction and actual Science hold complementary positions in the scheme of things. Over the years we have witnessed science fiction undergo the basic standards of what a science fiction movie should be. From simple animation to large scale blockbuster films that will generate over 10 million at the box office. The genre of science fiction has changed drastically over ... Show more content on ... Science fiction is a genre of film that had the most out there storylines and slowly became a strong building block to the most iconic movies and characters that has appeared in a film. A lot has changed since Georges Melies story of lunar travel where a man meets a race of selenites and escape back to earth inside a rocket in the film Le Voyage Dans La Lune to the story of a man saving the human race from a famine by travelling through a wormhole to another planet that can support the human race in the story Interstellar written by Christopher Nolan. Science Fiction has become one of the top grossing film genres accumulating nearly 9 trillion dollars ($8,932,256,387) worldwide. In the future moviegoers will witness filmmakers push the boundaries for what the general public will recognize as Science Fiction . One of the interesting discoveries we made was that the mid future (50 150 years in the future) is one of the most popular time periods when being used in the genre. With advances in technology it is very hard not to see the progress that these films have become and eventually will ... Get more on ...
  • 3. How Is Odysseus A Good Role Model Many people do not realize the hardships Odysseus went through while being gone from Ithaca, his home, for over 20 years. Odysseus was a very brave leader during the Trojan War, and he helped the Greeks win with his smart and sophisticated ideas. Odysseus was a role model to the Greeks because of his great leading skills, and I think he would be a role model for people anywhere in today s world. First, Odysseus had to leave his wife and son which was hard for him, but he did it for the good of his country in the upcoming war. Odysseus is also a great role model because of how fearless he was having to go through many different obstacles on his way back home after the war. Finally, many admired Odysseus of being great because of how he could outsmart any problem he ran into and avoid the danger of it. Odysseus intelligence and bravery helped him become a great role model. ... Show more content on ... According to Odysseus is seen as a role model because of how he had to leave his family and country behind him just to help the Greeks win the Trojan War. says Odysseus put aside his own desires and selflessly gives himself to warfare for his country. From this site they are trying to say that Odysseus wanted the best for his country even if he had to leave his family. This shows he is a great role model because he will do what is best for his country and the rest of the people in Ithaca. Odysseus knew what needed to be done even if it damages his relationship with his ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Hunger Banquet Encourages Students The Hunger Banquet enables students to shift into a new perspective and perceive how the largely different economic standpoints are throughout our continents. The program provides insight on distribution of wealth, it s relationship with general business, and brings ethical viewpoints into the means of business. First, previous to taking any business classes, any knowledge regarding the business environment and the different methods of economic systems were entirely basic. Residing in countries such as the United States, most individuals grow to understand how a capitalistic (free enterprise) economy works. However, much like myself, many other people who operate under Capitalism do not have a full understanding of how other economic systems work, such as communism and socialism. Communism, a political system in which the government owns and operates all factors of production (Ebert, 2015, pg. 13), is a system in which I was unaware of the government s ability to control every single means of production within an economy. Also, socialism, a planned economic system, was introduced to me through the learning of business. Additionally, the role given to me sent me to a location on the floor, indicating I was living in poverty. The character of my role had to sacrifice food for himself in order to provide for his family who lived in an area of poverty. During my journey through the Hunger Banquet, I was surprised at the surplus amounts of food that were wasted in the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Essay On Branches Of Government In grade school, children are taught that there are only three branches of government: the Judiciary, Legislative, and Executive branch. All three branches serve with equal power and each branch has the right to check and balance the other branches in order to keep every branch from being too over powered. The Supreme Court rules the Judiciary branch while the President rules over the Executive branch, and while Congress rules over the Legislative branch. What if the textbooks and lessons were wrong? Could there be a fourth branch of government? Yes and no. Mass media has made its way into controversy and is being categorized as a branch of government. The branches of government serve to check if the other branches of government are abusing their power in the government. In part, the media has served to put ... Show more content on ... For example, there has been an outcry of police brutality against the African American race. Many people would say the system in unjust and want justice for what has been happening in the last couple of years. Many African American males have been victims of discriminatory murder and the police officers have yet to experience any consequence. The platform at which people actually hear about the injustice is media. Twitter, Facebook, and many other mediums have been a platform for its users to share the outrageous news to other users. Without mass media, none of this would have been made possible. The nation is changing progressively with the new advancements in technology and will continue to do so. Mass media will stay with us for a very long time, if not forever. I believe it should be names as the fourth branch of government due to its effectiveness in checking the actions made by the government. The government will always have instances of corruption and unjust, but with mass media as a part of our society, much of that unjust will ... Get more on ...
  • 6. frost Essay The Road Not Taken In line one, Frost introduces the elements of his primary metaphor, the diverging roads. Lines two to three expresses the speaker s disappointment with his human limitations; he must make a choice. The choice is not easy, since quot;long I stood quot; before coming to a decision. Lines four and five examine the path as best the narrator can. However his vision is limited because the path bends and is covered over. These lines indicate that although the speaker would like to acquire more information, he is prevented from doing so because of the nature of his environment. In the following three lines, lines six through eight, the speaker indicates that the second path is a more attractive choice because it appears as ... Show more content on ... However, given the workings of the world, he must choose one path and never see the one he did not take. Th road is the most important thing in the world in the shop who can mentioneds the important factor s in the worlkd . But si t The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that, the passing there Has worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In the leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first foe another day! Yet knowing how way leads onto way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. The reader can just picture Robert Frost walking in a wooded area of the New Hampshire forest when
  • 7. suddenly he comes upon a trail that divides and he wrote he Road Not Taken? A poem that has been used in countless high school graduation speeches and as a metaphor for any situation in which a person must make an important decision. The simple themes have always appealed to Frost s readers and seems to speak to people more than a Shakespeare ... Get more on ...
  • 8. How To Describe A House Essay The street I live on has a lot of houses on it, and mine just happens to be one of them. Each house has its own driveway each one unique in its own way. Most of them are paved driveways, but mine happens to be made from hard pack. I can picture the driveway when it was built, still in the same place and still being made of rocks. The driveway to my house is a narrow driveway about as wide as one and ½ car widths. The driveway separates my house from my neighbors and serves as a place to park cars. It s not perfect and doesn t appear to have been made by professionals. It doesn t have sharp clean edges, instead it just fades away at the ends. Its composition is not uniform. Millions of small rocks scattered throughout the driveway, each rock varying in size from a grain of sand, to a small stone the size of a ping pong ball. Each rock varying in color, size, shape, and type of rock making each one unique. A strip of grass runs down the length of one side forming a boundary between the driveway and my neighbor s house. A small concrete wall runs down the length of the driveway closest to my house and extends out a couple feet. On the wall is a pit of white colored gravel which is used for drainage. This allows rain dripping from the roof to land in a gravel pit instead of allowing rain to erode the surface of the driveway. It has some weeds growing along the edges that sometimes invade bits of the driveway sprouting up in almost random locations nowhere near the grass. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Importance Of Higher Education Education is a key to a better and successful life. According to the article, Why is higher education is important by Dr. Heather Allen, defines that higher education is education provided by universities, college, and other institutions that award academic degrees. Higher education includes both the undergraduate (i.e., college) and the graduate (or postgraduate) levels. Higher education includes most professional education and is strongly vocationally or professionally oriented. Hence, higher education makes individuals much more intelligent than what they would be with just a high school education. The more intelligent an individual is, the better quality of life they are likely to have. Higher education systems can very valuable because they provide individuals with life skills that are essential to being successful in life. While studying at a higher education system, one is forced to develop to essential time management skills much more so than at the high school level. With the time needed for studying, attending classes, completing homework, so one needs to manage their time in order to avoid falling out. These time management skills help individuals later on in life. Another important life skill that individuals who attend higher education systems gain is money management skills. Some higher education system students work part time jobs, but the majority is unable to find the time to do so on top of their schoolwork, so the only money they have for spending is ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Day Lewis Short Story How far will one go to protect the ones he loves? To him his intentions are good, but others see no good in what he is doing. Clover, also known as Colin has always been trying to live up to his mother s expectations. After his mother s death, he becomes obsessed with the idea of a perfect family. He constantly feels that his mother is judging him through his mind. He was convinced that his mother could communicated with him even though she is dead. If she wanted him to do something he did it without hesitation. I can be good enough. I m as strong as Mother. No, I m stronger. I am a stronger person, and I will not fail. I. Will. Not. Fail. (215). He always felt that he wasn t good enough so he kidnapped young girls to prove he was. He did ... Show more content on ... Clover wanted a family so bad that he resorted to kidnapping to get what he wanted. He wanted to protect the innocent from the cruel society we live in. He renamed the girls after flowers because he thought they were pure. He fell in love with each of them. He would bring home prostitutes and kill them with his knife to show the girls the bad thinks the world consists of. When he fell in love with the girls he would rape them. The girls had to be brave, because if they disobeyed him he would kill them. Clover had OCD so they had to shower twice a day. The girls didn t mind it because they could cry without anyone hearing them. They hated it at the same time because he wanted them to do it. Lily s family never stopped searching for her and that is why Clover got caught and the girls got saved. Unfortunately, Clover had already taken many young girls lives ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Appraisal Archives are well documented extensive records or collected data of historical documents which are used as tools for critical analysis. Appraisal on the other hand is the act of estimating or judging the nature or value of something. Essentially, taking into account the definitions, archival appraisal is looking at all the available dimensions and variables of a subject, keeping in mind its pros and cons, its advantages and disadvantages and at the same time assessing the strengths and weaknesses. It is critically analysing the available literature. The ulterior motive so to speak is to preserve the documents by adding value, keeping in mind the various biases and results of other s studies, in order to extend the life of the archived documents. The concept of appraisal highlights the method of assessing the documents. The appraisal should be devoid of any sort of partiality. It should not favour any type of user. The appraisal is not supposed to be objective, not subjected to any sort of personal beliefs or opinions, nor shall it be based on any influenced notion. ... Show more content on ... The archival theory varies from the archival methodology in terms of their usage. Archival theory suggests what archival material is whereas archival methodology helps us figuratively decide how to treat the archival documents. When value is attributed to such archival records or documented data), it should be retained in their original form. The reason for preserving records and documented data in their original form can be explained by the fact that when such documents have been attributed value, they are archivally best accepted in their original form only. Therefore, value of archival documents does not stand relative. However, the concept of attributing value to the archival documents is relative since the opinions may vary from one archivist to another, from one generation to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay On Far-Right The most prominent example of the conservative far right confronting the more liberal centrist/leftist factions happened in November of 2016 when the Americans had to choose a president between a conservative candidate whose platform was deeply rooted in xenophobia, tolerance of hate speech and misogyny, and a more moderate candidate whose platform was based around maintaining the legacy of the previous administration while securing the rights of the disadvantaged. While some countries that also faced this decision, such as France and Austria, went for the more liberal candidate, the Americans voted for the lousy bigot whose platform would only benefit the oligarchy by taking away the few benefits minorities possess. Ever since Trump s ... Show more content on ... I will employ navigational capital in order to obtain an education and by doing so, fight against the toxic narratives that the conservative media tries to push upon society by being able to call them out in their bigotry. The reason why I would need to use my navigational capital to achieve my educational goals is that, historically speaking, higher education institutions have not been supportive of oppressed communities. This situation might worsen given that the volatile Donald Trump has threatened to pull out funds from universities whose ideologies do not align with his, such as was the case for the University of California at Berkeley, with whom Trump had an altercation after the students at the campus rioted to protest the presence of the misogynistic and racist Milo Yiannopoulos. Later on, Trump took to social media to express how he was willing to take away federal funding for the university (Nelson, 2017). Seeing how turbulent the attitude of the incumbent president is and how he and people who share his mentality are rather machiavellian individuals whose main interest is to keep oppressing minorities, it is not a surprise that they will try to make the educational systems more difficult to approach. It is in this situation that I will have to utilize my navigational capital in order to carry myself through a system that was made more difficult for people like me. Luckily, as a gay immigrant of color, I have faced a lot of difficulty and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Deer Hunter Film Analysis The movie The Deer Hunter is one of the greatest works of Robert De Niro, John Cazale and Christopher Walken set by the year 1978. The first hour of the movie appears dull if the viewers are expecting tragic drama or Melodrama move. However, after that, it thrusts one entirely to the war theater. It brings a thorough understanding of the war in Vietnam and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It carries our mind into the dark terrains of the Asian nation Vietnam where the American forces face a brutal resistance war with the Vietnamese. It provides the viewer with the most gut wrenching and disturbing examinations of the war until the end of the movie. In this particular scene, the effects of PTSD on war veterans are shown through Nick. ... Show more content on ... In the United States of America, there are hundreds of thousands of men and women that experience the symptoms of PTSD, starting from mild depression to losing the purpose of living. It is a fact that most mild and moderate cases of PTSD can be treated and controlled with proper medical therapy and social support. These PTSD veterans have earned their right to be treated with dignity, compassion, and respect. It is the responsibility of the government to provide them with the best healthcare money can buy, and it is the responsibility of each person and as a community to provide our veterans with moral ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Representation In TV Shows 96.7% of people in the United States own a television. The majority of those people have at least one show that they watch regularly. In some cases, it s even more than that. It s obvious, at least to me, that TV shows and their characters are incredibly important to people. They have become more than just a source of entertainment. TV shows are important to people because they encourage representation, give people something to look forward to, and dive into moral issues. Representation in TV shows is really important. The majority of conventionally attractive people in the media are white, but TV shows are beginning to become more diverse. They are starting to portray people of color in a positive light. A good example of representation in ... Show more content on ... It s important for both young girls and women to see their gender portrayed as strong and capable of taking care of themselves. The main character on Once Upon a Time, Emma Swan, is a strong female character that has never been reduced to just a love interest. She has always been the writer of her own story. One more example of a strong female is Jennifer Jareau from Criminal Minds. She balances work and her family nearly flawlessly, and shows that women are capable of having a family and a career. Clarke Griffin, from The 100, is one of the strongest characters, male or female, that I ve seen on TV in a long time. She leads her people fearlessly, and she is never looked at any differently because of her gender. On top of that, she is canonically bisexual. Arrow and The Flash are also good examples of strong women. None of the characters on either of those shows rely on other people to save them. One character on Arrow, Felicity Smoak, is a hacker. She saves her friends lives from behind her computer on an almost daily basis. While she is not a conventionally strong woman, she is still able to take care of herself, and she isn t treated like a lesser human being because she is a female. That, to me, constitutes a strong woman. Sometimes, it is easier to get through the day if you know that there is an episode of your favorite show waiting for you when you get home. It gives you something to look forward to. TV shows also give people ... Get more on ...
  • 15. YAKKATECH. INC. (Steven L. McShane, The University Of... CASE STUDY : YAKKATECH. INC. (Steven L. McShane, The University Of Western Australia. 1. What symptom(s) in this case study suggest that something has gone wrong? In this case study, the symptoms that suggest that something has gone wrong are the customer complaints regarding the poor quality services continue to increase with growth of Yakka Tech s customer service business that has nearly doubled over the past five years, the increasing rate of voluntary employee quit in the contact center which risen above industry average, inter departmental conflicts due to inability of answering all dissatisfied customer queries, increased number of employees turnover which lead to increased of labour costs due to the cost of recruiting new ... Show more content on ... The customers profiles should also contain the previous problems or issues which were rectified earlier. This system should show the client s problems, the department who handled the issue and the name of employees who handled the case before and customers feedback. This system should direct all calls to the basic employs who handled the customer s issues before. If that employee cannot handle the call at that time, supervisor of that employee should handle the call and hence, customers should not wait on the line to get service and the employee should call the customers back at their convenient time to lessen their frustration resulted from waiting on the line which may be considers as one of the main frustration factors. h. This system should be sharable among all four regions in a way that enables all employees to access and track any previous queries, issues, or problems raised by the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Permissive Parenting Style In the article Don t trust anyone over 30 study explained correlation between parental legitimacy, the three parenting styles and the predicted outcome of delinquent behavior. The three main parenting styles covered were; authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. It states that the parenting styles that is practice at home could be one of the potential factor that contributes to the future criminal behavior and parental legitimacy tends to intercede between the two. The group that were being studied consisted of middle and high school students from the New Hampshire Youth Study . The research included three phases (T1, T2 T3 questionnaires) in a longitudinal study that lasted about 18 months. The results were that authoritative parenting style had a more positive association with parental legitimacy versus authoritarian parenting style. There was no association between permissive parenting style and parental legitimacy, but it was associated with delinquent behavior. Lastly, parental ... Show more content on ... It exerts more control and demands on the child without any explanation. It follows a more unilateral communication. The child has no independence and does with he or she is told based on the rules. This type parenting styles is more likely associated future delinquent or criminal behavior and adverse parental legitimacy. On the other hand, Permissive parenting style is a lenient type of parenting style to the point that the child is free to do whatever he or she wants to do, without any control or limits. There are no rules established for the child to follow and it leans more on the non demanding side. Permissive parenting style is linked to future delinquency problems. Both authoritarian and permissive parenting styles are affiliated with impending delinquent behavior because of the lack of effective of communication, lack of individual moral compass without the proper guidance and stiff unrealistic ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Kidney Patterns Title: High concentrations of sodium diet causes kidney stones in the African American male population? Studies have shown that a person s sodium intake can contribute to an increase in blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease and other health complications. Over the years many investigators have continued to study the effects of sodium on the human body. African Americans living in the United States have a higher risk of having diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. However, not much research investigated the effects of high salt consumption on the odds of developing kidney stones in African American men. While this study will not build upon any currently published literature, it will help to create awareness of ... Show more content on ... Also, it will be difficult to create an accurate analysis from observation alone, leading to my observational case control study only telling one part of the story. Another limitation of this study is convenience sampling and low generalizability due to a small geographic area, extremely high salt intake in this case. To minimize recall and selection bias, I will have to clearly identify and provide a clear definition of my study population. The control group of my study will reflect the exposure of the population which gave rise to the cases; controls will be selected independently of the exposure ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Appeacances of Tim Burton in His Own Films Tim Burton is a unique American filmmaker that grew up watching horror movies, and even lived near a cemetary. He was surely a self admitted oddball. However, Tim s style always seems to appear in any movie he directs. A few movies are Edward scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Corpse Bride. These movies represent his interests, inspirations, and life experiences. Some of Tim s techniques are different, with a touch of darkness, and suspense to create his style of flashbacks, gothic theme, and irony. One element that is contributed to Burton s establishments, and cinematic style are flashbacks. Flashbacks show what occured in the past. For example, in the film Edward scissorhands, there s a scene where Edward Scissorhands has a flashback of his father replacing his hands with prosthetics. Flashbacks make the audience feel sympathy, because he is close to getting hands but his creator died. This flash back is essential for defining Burton s style, because flashbacks are necessary to the plot, or gives characters depth and meaning. Similarly, in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , the director uses flashbacks in the scene where Willy Wonka had a flashback of his childhood. In this scene, the audience learns how Wonka s father was exteremely strict on eating candy. This goes to show how Wonka became a candy maker. Furthermor, in Corpse bride Emily, the corpse bride, has a flashback of when she was alive, and when she was in love with a lord. It finally ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Arthurian Historicism Analysis The Retelling of Arthurian Historicism During the beginning of the medieval era, a king was born. He was strong, smart, and a warrior. Until a few centuries later his narrative changed again to fit the needs of the people. King Arthur of Camelot was a figurehead for hope and prosperity to the early European peoples. Through out history there has been speculation about the validity of the history of King Arthur and his court of knights. After the medieval era, Arthurian legend became less prominent and more folklore that history. The people were no longer in need of knights and mythical round tables. During the 19th century, poets took it upon themselves to add different perspectives to the legends. Alfred Tennyson, an Arthurian enthusiast, believed in the monarch as a historical figure and gear his poetry to toward a masculine Christian theme. Much of his history arrived through the Geoffrey of Monmouth and historiography of British monarchs. This belief in a true King Arthur allows readers of Tennyson s poems to reevaluate his meaning and interpretation of the characters involved including their masculinity, femininity, honorable characteristics, religion, and supernatural capabilities. Along with Tennyson, Arthur Morris took an interest in the legends of King Arthur. However, his interested were in the untold stories of individuals he felt were ill represented. In his interpretations he adds Victorian cultural undertones to add something to the characters that was not ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Decisions Of The Supreme Court Essay Mark Lewery Mr. Boardman Research Paper period 4 Due Date: 10/31/16 WA#2 Decisions of the Supreme Court can have a huge impact on the country. Through United States history, court decisions have influenced the nation and have totally changed how the government runs things. The United Sates is set up into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. It is up to the judiciary branch that has the job to interpret the constitution, and often these interpretations change over certain amounts of times. Over the course of America s history as a fully autocratic nation, the Supreme Court has made some monumental decisions. Three examples of significant cases that have affected the government are Marbury vs. Madison (1803), Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), and Mapp vs. Ohio (1961). Somewhere around 1800 and 1835, the Supreme Court managed numerous instances of incredible significance to the United States of America. John Marshall served as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court throughout this time. The instance of Marbury v. Madison, in 1803, was a standout amongst the most controversial court cases and choices set aside during this time. Equally important, the Supreme Court at this time had none of the authority and prestige it commands today. Few cases of any importance had come before the Court or had been decided by it. Consequently, it had little precedent on which to base its decisions and no assurance that those decisions would be acted upon. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Zipcar Case Study Juan Francisco Marines Case Study Analysis: Zipcar (1) WHO ARE THE MAIN PLAYERS IN THE CASE? | Summary: Who: Robin Chase CEO and Co founderWhen: October 14, 2000What: Option 1: Reach out to other investors Option 2: Create a new business model Option 3: Close the businessMain Players: * Robin Chase * Antje Danielson * Corporate PresidentOthers * Glenn Urban Dean and mentor to Chase * JohnSnow Consulting Firm * Paul Covell MIT engineer * Investors CircleAlliance Partners: * Dan Holland Venture partner * Transit Stations * AP reporter press coverage Competitors: * Europe car sharing companies Swiss Mobility CarSharing, Drive Stadtauto * Rental Car Companies ... Show more content on ... It has everything a consumer leaving in a busy area of a metropolitan area can ask for. Convenience, cheap, and accessibility. This is everything that a customer living with out a vehicle in an area that a car is needed periodically can ask for.Weaknesses: To start up a business like this as Chase realized you need a lot of capital. Finding the money and investors that believe in your company is going to be the hardest thing to do. To lease new cars or not have enough cars for the demand of new customers can also be a hindrance in the growth of this company. Other areas of concern that need to be addressed are the costs and insurance and liability exposure that renting a car to somebody can have. With multiple of even a few wrecks or fatalities can easily close the doors to a company like Zipcar that is just getting started. Opportunities: The Zipcar company is a company that can be very easily started once the right infrastructure is in place and can even be pitched to investors as a franchise store. That can be duplicated in other areas of the country. There is not current niche for the type of people that Chase is targeting and is untapped market place with the proper marketing plan.Threats: Rental car companies can also offer rental of cars on an hourly basis. They can pick up customers as well. This is not advertised but can be done. Most importantly if Boston or New York, or Chicago have a very efficient Public ... Get more on ...
  • 22. How Do Weapons Affect The World There are various harmful and helpful discoveries all over the world. Though a number of these were created to hurt instead of help, many people look to the invention before looking to the mind of a human. For instance, drugs are used to cure people, while others treat them as an addiction. Similarly, weapons are used either to kill or protect. Good people choose good, while evil people make poor choices. Inventions overall improve our world; however, some people handle them as a detriment. The most frequently used, harmful, and dangerous weapon across the world is the Automatic Rifle, which was created in 1887 by General Manuel Mondragon. These powerful weapons were previously used in the military after generals discovered the horrific demolition it could cause. Tracing all the way back to its descendants, the AK 47, the M16A1, and the M 14, these rifles are self loading and capable of delivering fully automatic, deadly weapon fire. Consequently, this weapon is ... Show more content on ... Drugs are harmful, dangerous, and addictive, and there are many different kinds of them. Drugs are not just common in America, but all around the world today. Being more popular than alcohol and Vape, drugs affect the brain, causing its consumers to be unaware and completely unable to think or process things normally. Drug abuse, not only affecting its consumers greatly, hurt their friends, families, and children and cause millions of deaths every year. In America, drug abuse causes four thousand seven hundred and ninety deaths per year, and eighty five thousand five hundred and eighty four deaths are caused by drug abuse in the world alone. Unfortunately, the number of drug abusers and consumers are increasing by the year, and the number of lives lost because of this invention is immeasurable. Like all addictions, drug dealing is common, destructive, and leaves bitter consequences to the consumer and the world around ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Safety And Health Directives This paper examines the implication to establish measures that provide safety and health directives concerning areas involving painting operations, gas and electric welding, cutting, brazing, or equivalent conflagration or spark generating operations towards safeguarding personnel and property in contrast to heat, developed gases and fumes, electrical shock, and radiation meant for all personnel responsible for ground work, managing, and accompanying painting, welding and cutting operations (Mroszczyk, 2012). Personnel is mandated to use sanctioned painting, welding, and cutting equipment and follow the manufacturer s instructions. Equipment will maintain a continuous operational status and a safe working order at all times. Personnel will report any equipment deficiency or safety hazard to a proprietor, and the use of such equipment must be unobtainable until it is repaired by qualified personnel. Mroszczyk (2012) writes that painting, cutting or welding operations must be performed in areas with adequate ventilation to keep fumes and gases within safe limits. Local exhaust ventilation must be used when potentially hazardous materials are being worked ... Show more content on ... ACGIH (2005) continuation rate suggested to diminish the likelihood of brain injury. OSHA endures to use a rate of 5 mg/m3 as an extreme quantity rate for the PEL for manganese. In terms of protecting people from brain damage, the OSHA PEL is not a suitable assessment (ACGIH, 2005). OSHA (2010) has of late embraced an updated Permissible Exposure Limit for hexavalent chromium. This PEL is set forth in 29 CFR 1910.1026 as 5 micrograms per cubic meter of air (5µg/m3). Since there are 1000 micrograms in a milligram, this assessment may be inscribed as 0.005 mg/m3. 5µg/m3 is the same as 0.005 mg/m3 (OSHA, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Risks And Risk Management Plan Risk Management Plan Introduction An important part any project is to identify risks and to determine how to address said risks. In this paper, I will identify 10 risks that could occur during the making of Coleman Covenant Studios. I will also assess and address each risk in detail. Although I am hopeful the completion of this project will happen with minimal negative risks, I do realize hope is not a plan. For this reason, this risk management plan is in place to acknowledge and prepare for a variety of unplanned events. Planning Risk Management The purpose of this section is to determine how I will perform the risk management process, who will be assigned to the risk management process, the budget, definitions of risk and impact, ... Show more content on ... Lastly, the stakeholders are willing to accept a considerable amount of risk as long as a plan is in place to address it. Qualitative Risk Analysis In addition to determining the impact of each risk and the likelihood of that risk occurring, I also prioritized the risks by ranking them. By ranking each risk, I am ensuring all team members understand the important of each risk in relation to other risks. As mentioned earlier in paper, the ranks are in parentheses above. Once the risks were ranked, I determined the probability of each risk and the impact it would have on the project if it did occur. These numbers are factored into the risk matrix below: Table 1. Risk Matrix The high risk in red is venue selection. The moderate risks in yellow are under budget, promotion, venue location, legal issues, natural force delay, and bank doesn t approve loan. The low risks in green are grand opening troubles, ahead of schedule, and design change. Quantitative Risk Analysis In this section, I will further analyze the high risk activity: venue selection. This activity is identified as high risk because the likelihood that it will occur is 50% and if it occurs, its impact is at a level nine. Proper venue selection is integral to the successful completion of the project. Ideally, a clear lot will be selected. However, there is a 50/50 chance the lot selected will not be clear and destruction will take place. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Introduction. Throughout The Course Of One’S Academic And Introduction Throughout the course of one s academic and professional career, one will be required to create, present, and receive needed information via numerous presentations which utilize slide deck software such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Apple s Keynote. In this project, I will discuss the effective use of these applications to create presentations which effectively utilize elements of visual design to effectively communicate with an audience. My interest in this topic comes from my experience as both a student and a professional. In these capacities, I have regularly experience both the audience and the presenter side of slide shows and I have seen how this method of disseminating information can both excite and ... Show more content on ... Technology has given anyone with basic computer knowledge the ability to create multimodal blended structure slide decks, and then distribute this media throughout the internet. I utilized The Non Designer s Design Book because it emphasizes the four basic principles of good visual design, which can easily be applied to create slide based presentations. These four principles include contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity. The proper implementation of the principles are key to the creation of an effective slideshow presentation. Another influential reading from our course which I am able to apply to my project is Visual Language for Designers. The main points I take from this reading, which are applicable to this project are the idea of minimalism in a low fidelity visual and the idea of reducing the quantity of elements in a visual. For this project, I also utilized other sources which dealt directly with the effective use of visual in presentations. One valuable project resource was a 2014 TEDx talk given by David JP Phillips entitle How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint. The main points taken from this source include the limitation of one topic per slide, the importance of the size of visuals in presentations, the ability to capture the attention of an audience with the effective use of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Explain The Four Functions Of Management The four Functions of Management Management is the process of using organisational resources to achieve the organisations goals through planning, organising, leading and controlling. These functions are set of activities directed at an organisations resources with the aim of achieving organisational goals in efficient and effective manner. Henri Fayol was the first to describe the four managerial functions in the later 1880s. He noted that managers at all levels, in both for profit and not for profit firms must still perform each of the following functions. Planning Organising Leading Controlling The four functions of planning, organising, leading and controlling are often used in conjunction with one another when carried out in the ... Show more content on ... Which goals should be pursued? 2. How should the goal be attained? 3. How should resources be allocated? The planning function determines how effective and efficient the organisation is and determines the strategy of the organisation. Planning involves setting objectives and determining a course of action for achieving these goals. Planning requires managers to be aware of their environmental conditions facing their organisation and forecast future conditions. And also requires managers to make quick and beneficial decisions. Planning consists of a process that involves several steps. The process starts with environmental scanning which makes planners aware of critical contingencies facing their organisations such as economic conditions, competitors and customers. Planners must be able to predict the future conditions. These predictions form the basis of the planning. Planners must have an objective or objectives, such as what needs to be achieved and when it must be achieved. They must recognise an alternative course of action when achieving these objectives. After much evaluation of these courses of action planners must decide which is the best plan for achieving these objectives. They will then need to convey the necessary steps which will be taken to implement the path chosen. Final planners will need to evaluate the success rate of their plan and correct any faults in their plan where ... Get more on ...
  • 27. How To Write An Essay About Guatemala Guatemala The country that I am reporting on is Guatemala. Guatemala is located in Central America on the continent of North America. There are four countries that border Guatemala and they are Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. There are also two bodies of water that border Guatemala and they are the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Guatemala covers 40,042 square miles of land. In 2017, the total population was 17,137,294 people and the population per square mile was 349 people. The primary language that is spoken in Guatemala is Spanish but K iche and Q eqchi are also spoken too. Guatemala s capital is Guatemala City and it is located in the southern part of the country. Guatemala has a Presidential Representative Democratic Republic government and the president is Jimmy Morales. The currency that the citizens of Guatemala use is the Guatemalan Quetzal. The Guatemalan Quetzal is worth 0.14 cents of the United States dollar. Most citizens practice the Roman Catholicism religion but Evangelical Protestantism and Orthodoxy are also practiced ... Show more content on ... The rainy season is from May to October and the weather is rainy and cool. The dry season is from November to April and the weather is sunny and warm with an average temperature of seventy two degrees fahrenheit. Guatemala is mostly made up of tropical plains, volcanic mountains, and deep river valley s. Guatemala is a wonderful home to many different animals including iguanas, turtles, snakes, birds, monkeys, and jaguars. Agriculture is very important to Guatemala. They grow a variety of crops all year long including coffee, sugar, bananas, melons, and cotton. They raise chickens and ducks for their eggs and meat. They also raise sheep, goats, and cows for their milk and meat. Along with agriculture, aquaculture is also very important to Guatemala. Each day fish and shrimp farmers go out onto the water to catch enough food for there ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Position Paper on Relevance of It Position Paper on Relevance of Information Technology Information technology has undoubtedly become an indispensable part of our day to day lives. Both the articles considered for analysis projects the role of IT, from being the back bone of commerce to handling huge volumes of data, as being highly significant in the modern world. Even though both Nicholas Carr and Erik Brynjolfsson are in agreement to the omnipresence of IT, their perception of the future of IT differs vastly. I am in accordance with the school of thought put forth by Nicholas Carr which believes that the strategic value of IT has reduced. For all the inventions that had revolutionized the world there has been a point where these inventions become inevitable and hence ... Show more content on ... Most of the companies invest in new technologies when the existing versions can very well serve the purpose. Hence emphasis should be given to effectively managing and maintaining the existing technology rather than unnecessarily investing on more technology. IT can be replicated very easily and is subject to rapid deflation making it a bad investment. It is always better to wait rather than rush to buy a new technology since a better version is always available before the newly purchased one is ready to use. Also it is very difficult to turn temporary technological advantages to enduring positioning ones. Hence more emphasis should be given in fixing the vulnerabilities rather than investing on a soon to be outdated technology. I agree with Carr that the companies in order to achieve a better return should manage risks and costs meticulously rather than resorting to seeking aggressive advantage. Also we have indeed spent much more than necessary on IT that the available technology is much advanced than what is required in the most cases. Brynjolfsson s four paradigms for innovation, i.e., measurement, experimentation, sharing and replication, in my opinion, put forth a best practice that can be adopted to achieve innovation. This model can be replicated by companies to achieve a desired effect. It has in turn been discussed by Carr that a best practice can be ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Training Day Analysis Training Day is a LAPD movie, but the plot makes it stand out. It s a story of a rookie cop who has his mind set on a goal. Alonzo, (Denzel Washington), a veteran cop who can get him there. The movie follows the cop duo, which feels like End of Watch, and both movies have the same writer. Training Day is action packed, and makes you think because it sends a message to the audience and the character. I like this movie too because it asks the audience what s right and what s wrong. I would also like to mention that everyone is crooked, yet Jake (the rookie cop)is honest. Alonzo stole money from a drug dealer to bribe a crooked judge to get a warrant to break into a richer drug dealer house and to steal his money, so he can bribe russians to ... Show more content on ... It made really made me think if what the characters are doing morally wrong. Both cops handle justice a different way and no one taught Jake that the world is cruel, and twisted. This eventually causes the climactic intense ending, and will keep your eyes glued to the screen. Although I enjoy this movie there is somethings that could be better. For instance the movie has a slow start. I m not going to lie, I did skip a bit to the ride along, for it was boring. I also would make a scene more believable, but I digress because if it was the movie wouldn t be able to continue. Overall this movie contained major keys to make it interesting. I love rated R movies because they are actually interesting and keep me in the edge of my seat. If this movie wasn t as blunt as it is I probably wouldn t like it. Usually I would recommend R movies to 10 and up, but I saw it before when I was younger. I had no idea what was going on, and I didn t understand the message it was sending. So I would probably recommend it to 14 and up, for some children won t see the message. MPAA rated Training Day rated R, for it s brutal violence, pervasive language, drug content, and brief nudity. Overall this is a entertaining movie that doesn t disappoint. 9/11 would watch ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Negative Effects Of Homelessness Homelessness, what is homelessness? Well, there is no official definition of the word homelessness. According to Health centers funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) use the following: A homeless person is an individual without permanent housing who may live on the streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room occupancy facilities, abandoned building or vehicle; or in any other unstable or non permanent situation. Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act. Across America, many people tend to believe that homelessness is not a big deal. What they do not realize is that it is a growing controversy, and can be shown through statically numbers and how they are being punished for it. In the US more than ... Show more content on ... Eviction accounted for 13 percent of responses. The face of homelessness has shifted over the past 35 years. Homelessness started to increase around the 1980s. Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked over 50 million people live in poverty 35% are children. For most, the encounter of becoming homeless is rooted in financial difficulty. Once a person ends up becoming homeless, poverty and the social issues that coalesce in circumstances of poverty increase the probability of encountering repeat occurrence of homeless, especially among female headed single parent families. Data from the 1996 National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients demonstrate that homeless people are more likely be African American than white or Hispanic. Historically, minorities are overrepresented in the homeless population. Single men hold a vast extent of the homeless population across the nation. Recent years, family homelessness has turned out to be progressively more common, and almost 43% of the homeless population is now composed of families with youngsters. So, I went out and asked people what their opinion on homelessness. Some think such way, When I think homelessness I remember the individuals who are starving, need pharmaceutical help, and our ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Work Rate and Oxygen Uptake The Relationship Between Work Rate And Oxygen Uptake During Incremental Submaximal Exercise Introduction Oxygen uptake () describes the rate at which oxygen is utilized by tissues (Burton et al, 2004). is determined by heart rate (heart beats each minute), stroke volume (the volume of blood pumped from one ventricle each beat) and arteriovenous oxygen difference (difference in blood oxygen content between arterial and venous blood). Oxygen is needed for respiration, the chemical process that produces energy in the form of ATP. Several sources agree that oxygen uptake increases linearly with exercise, this is due to the skeletal muscles requirement for more oxygen for the production of more ATP. Hanson et al (1998) measured ... Show more content on ... For the participant in this trial to sustain 60rpm, their muscles must produce progressively more force after each increment, as 0.5kg resistance is applied to the flywheel each time, therefore the energy demands of the muscle progressively increase. A deviation from the trend during the middle of the trial was not expected as most sources agree the relationship is linear (Burton, Özyener, Glassford), however Astrand (1961) found a non linear steeper increase in during the middle stages. Astrand s non linear pattern may be explained by production of power increasing to a point beyond the lactate threshold, the point at which lactic acid starts to accumulate in the blood. A slowly developing increase in during constant work rate exercise performed above the lactate threshold produces a curvilinear relationship and is known as the slow component of kinetics (Jones et al, 2011). The cause for the steep increase at the final stage of the trial is supported by the research of Bernard et al (1996), who measured the effects of increasing exercise intensities recording oxygen consumption and heart rate simultaneously. Findings revealed a significant correlation with the best predictions of from work rate observed at higher intensities. Bernard s findings support results in table 1 that ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Cholecystitis Gallstones Cholecystitis Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Inflammation usually forms when a gallstone blocks the cystic duct that transports bile. Cholecystitis is the most common problem resulting from gallbladder stones (90% of the cases). Cholecystitis affects women more often than men and is more likely to occur after age 40. People who have a history of gallstones are at increased risk for cholecystitis. Cholecystitis has an increased prevalence among people of Scandinavian descent, Pima Indians, and Hispanic populations. It affected 20 million people with a mortality record of 1,092 deaths in 2004. Hospitalizations total up 622,000 in the same year and over 700,000 have undergone cholecystectomies. ... Show more content on ... Pain can last anywhere between several minutes to several hours. Warning signs are abdominal pain so intense that you can t sit still or find a comfortable position, yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes, clay colored stool and high fever with chills. Complications that can occur from gallstones if left untreated are inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), blockage of pancreatic duct (gallstone pancreatitis), rupturing of the gallbladder, peritonitis, liver damage, cirrhosis and gallbladder cancer. When gallstones are suspected to be the cause of symptoms, the doctor is likely to do an ultrasound exam or CT Scan, the most sensitive and specific test for gallstones. Other exams that may be performed are a Cholescintigraphy a.k.a. HIDA (hepatobiliary iminodiactec acid) Scan, ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), and blood tests. Treatments include Surgery and medications to dissolve the gallstones. Nearly all cholecystectomies are performed with laparoscopy. If tests show the gallbladder has severe inflammation, infection, or scarring from other operations, the surgeon may perform open surgery to remove the gallbladder. In some cases, open surgery is planned; however, sometimes these problems are discovered during the laparoscopy and the surgeon must make a larger incision. If gallstones ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Life Pi By Yann Martel And The Movie Life Of Pi Directed... Many famous novels have been rearranged in order to make movies. However, the quality of the movie, a lot of the times, depends on the changes made when adapting the novel to film. The director of the movie needs to make sure that the film does not cut off significant parts, and at the same time, abstain from the unnecessary parts the writer made without changing the whole theme. Moreover, they need to add in more characters and scenes to make the film more creative and understandable. In this essay, the comparison of differences in the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel and the movie Life of Pi directed by Lee Ann will be discussed. The setting has not changed when it is transferred to the movie. The settings are: Pondicherry, India; the ... Show more content on ... So Pi s mother forces Pi to work for a dance class to calm down, but one of the dancers soon adapt a deep relationship with Pi. This situation actually makes Pi s move to Canada more difficult. Thus, it led to another conjecture of Pi was trying to hide his girlfriend onto the lifeboat and bring her also to Canada, because in the movie, Pi mentioned, ... but I don t remember saying goodbye. What books cannot achieve is the sceneries and effects that film can include. Compare to the book, Lee created more stunning scenes using special effects. When the readers reach to the point of Pi describing the ocean, they can try their best to imagine the whole landscape and situation, but the feeling of helplessly floating on the ocean cannot be illustrated using only personal experiences. The ocean in the movie can remind the audiences about how small people are compared to the world the irresistible sense of unknown and tininess, would provoke people to think about their origins. The sunken scene of the ship Tsimtsum is tiny compared to Titanic , but at the moment of the ship sank, when Pi is floating on the dark ocean in the night, the drowning feeling that audiences can experience certainly is not worse than Titanic . Lee used lots of scenes and background music to bring immersive feeling to the audiences. When it reached to the storm scene, the camera ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay on state nullification Impact of a State s Right to Nullification Impact of a State s Right to Nullification The impact of a state s right to nullification can ultimately cause a great deal of damage to the country that it resides in. To describe the impacts one would need to take a look back into history when the Nullification Crisis took place. South Carolina had economic hard times after the war of 1812. Cotton prices started to drop and South Carolina was in a state of depression. Southerners however tend to blame their economic woes on the policies of the national government. (Goode ... Show more content on ... The worn out fields produce fewer pounds per acre than did the new fields west of the mountains. South Carolina also had problems with slave conspiracies. Denmark Vesey a free black who lived in Charleston lead a rebellion that cause 36 blacks to be killed and many others exiled. (Internet Source 1) South Carolina said that if a strong federal government is allowed to take money from the South using a protective tariff to benefit the wealth of the north, then eventually they are going to try to abolish slavery which South Carolina lived on. The Tariff of Abominations The Tariff of Abominations or Tariff of 1828 was one of the more famous acts passed by Congress. Adams had been a strong advocate for a higher tariff. Andrew Jackson s supporters in Congress modified Adam s original tariff bill to include much higher taxes on imported raw materials as well. They believed that the northern legislators and Adams supporters would never vote for such legislation since it would mean that New England manufacturers would pay much higher prices for their raw materials. However the bill passed and consumer prices for a selection of goods increased a whole lot. (Benton 232). South Carolina fights with the Tariff When the Tariff of Abominations was passed in 1828, it was chaos in ... Get more on ...
  • 35. French And Indian War Causes The French and Indian war started in 1756 and lasted until 1765. The war cost a lot of money, King George III made the colonists pay for the war by raising taxes. The taxes from the war made the colonists angry and revolt against the crown. King George III was doing what was best for the United Kingdom not the colonists. In his eyes the colonists were peasants. He put the people of the United Kingdom first. Benjamin Franklin made the famous cartoon join or die to inspire the people to fight in the French and Indian war. he was a very respected man and the first general postmaster in the colonies. The british didn t want to anger the indians more than they already had because the french lost the war so they forbid colonists to settle west ... Show more content on ... The Quartering Act made citizens in the colonies house and feed british soldiers. If the colonists weren t angry enough the crown made them pay taxes for printing things with ink, this was the Stamp Act. This made the colonists very angry. Then the angry colonists received another tax in 1767 called the Townshend Acts. It made them pay extra for imported goods from Britain and outlawed them getting imported goods from anywhere else. Then there was the Boston Massacre where many good people lost their lives. In 1770 the colonists threw snowballs at the british regulars which is a great offence but not enough to kill five people over it. Thats right five people died from the musket barrels of the british regulars that gruesome day. It made the colonists so angry at the crown, more angry than they had ever been before. The Tea Act in 1773 was outrageous.It made the colonists pay extra money for a most delightful beverage. It made them pay extra money for tea. This made the colonists take action. That night the sons of liberty dressed as mohawk indians they intercepted a boat of tea delivery and dumped it in the harbor. That night a crisp red filled the harbor. The Boston Tea party made the king most ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Significance Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild Whitney Moore People Tracker Into The Wild People Tracker Christopher McCandless (AKA: Alexander Supertramp): Main character of Into The Wild. Wanted to go on an adventure so after he graduated college he left home and begun his travels around the US making his way to Alaska where he would die of starvation. Anchorage Couple: Couple hiking the Stampede trail. Came across the bus, smelt a gross smell and saw Chris s letter and found his body. Jan Burres Bob: 41 year old rubber tramp. traveling around the west selling knick knacks at flea markets and swap meets. Bob is the boyfriend to Jan. Chris became good friends and stayed in touch with them. Charlie: Old man who lives just outside of Bullhead, Arizona. Suggests Chris live in an old ... Show more content on ... After McCandless s death, he listens to Mccandless s advice to hit the road and live off the grid. Jim Gallien: Last person to see McCandless alive. He drops off Chris on the Stampede Trail, giving McCandless boots and warning him of the dangers that Alaska can hold.. Jon Krakauer: Author of the novel. Writes about his own journey climbing the Devil s Thumb in Alaska. Carine McCandless Chris s younger sister. He wrote letters to her telling her how he felt about his parents and his life. They were very close. Samuel Walter McCandless Chris s father, a NASA scientist and entrepreneur who develops advanced radar systems. Married twice, he has a total of eight children. Chris is from his second marriage to Billie. He lies about his relationship between the two families (Him living a double life) causing Chris to distance himself from his parents. Billie McCandless Chris s mother and Walt s second wife, works hard alongside Chris s father. Ken Thompson: Moose hunter who find the bus in where McCandless died of starvation.
  • 37. Gordon Samel: Moose hunter who find the bus in where McCandless died of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Analysis Of The Film A Few Good Men Humanity can be defined as quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings. Being human does not mean that an individual possesses humanity. Humans can be set apart from other living beings by, their ability to reason out whether a decision is either wrong or right using their conscience, their ability to create relationships that can hold a similar value to that of biological relationships, and despite having a capacity for sin, humans are still good. In the film A Few Good Men, three lawyers are left with a case, where two Marines on Guantanamo Bay have been convicted of murdering a fellow comrade. This film clearly showed as to what it means to be human. Through the film, the audience ... Show more content on ... Likewise, Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, who was the defense Lawyer for both Dawson and Downey, was a man who was in great need of emotional guidance from other people. During the trial period, Kaffee was left dumbfounded on whether the case should be fought on or if it was time to step back. His defense partners were Lieutenant Commander JoAnne Galloway and Lieutenant Sam Weinberg, two individuals that helped in removing Kaffee from his old shell and putting him into a new one. While Kaffee was ready to abandon Dawson and Downey s case, Galloway made him realize that. Being in connection with others is a requirement for any living being, but if these relationships prevent a person from doing good, then they should not be given such importance. Similarly, to bad relationships, unwanted rules and conditions are also very bad for a person s conscience. Rules and conditions that go against a person s moral values and conscience are also tremendously bad since it can become very difficult for a person to realize as to which rules are deemed acceptable, as we are taught from an early age to follow all rules and order. Therefore, as seen in the film, the rules put in place by the commanding officers of Lance Corporal Dawson and Private Downey directly conflicted with their abilities to comprehend moral values and damaged the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Tesla Is An Automobile Car Company Of The 21st Century Essay Tesla is an auto car company of the 21st century founded by Elon Musk, Martin Eberhard, JB Straubel and Ian Wright. The company also manufactures power walls and battery charging equipment. Tesla is well known for the production of its first sports car Tesla Roadster coupled with two other cars Tesla Model S and the current Tesla Model X. Elon Musk is the face of the company and has driven the company through odds building confidence among its shareholders and customers (Marcovici, 2013, p 45). The company s shares are often overpriced, thanks to loyal customers and investors of Tesla. Musk s vision of the company is to mass produce electric vehicles at a low cost and capture the American market. Consumer behavior towards the electric vehicles has been negative in the US but Elon bets on the near future where the central focus will be on clean energy. He emphasized that the company is more inclined towards environmental impact other than just an automobile car company (Kallen, 2016, p 23). Tesla 3 is the dream car for Elon and Tesla, which its prototype was unveiled recently, and production looks to start in 2017. The car will be the cheapest that the company has produced at almost a third the previous price of Model X. The move exposes huge risks to the business both financial and future risks. The potential risks that Tesla will face with Tesla Model 3 introduction include: Strained financial impact Tesla 3 will be worth $35,000, a third the price of the previous cars ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Theme Of The Penelopiad Margaret Atwood s The Penelopiad has many motifs, although the most significant motif is suffering, which is present throughout The Penelopiad through uninformed families, terrified suitors, and the agony of young girls. Even the narrator of the story, Penelope, has suffered ever since her childhood when she was thrown off a cliff. Since the beginning of The Penelopiad, each individual from Ithaca has ended up in pain. Penelope and Telemachus pain of not knowing the fate of Odysseus, a father, and a husband, the frightening death of the overstayed suitors, and the agony put on the maids, who are raped and hurt repeatedly by the awful suitors. All together, Margaret Atwood uses the motif of suffering to describe the unavoidable pain that the characters face throughout The Penelopiad, and how suffering correlates to the departure and return of Odysseus. Atwood uses suffering to describe Penelope and Telemachus unknowing of the fate of Odysseus. Since the start of The Penelopiad, Atwood describes the suffering of Penelope, and the suffering of Telemachus through the absence of Odysseus. The grief began when Odysseus was sent to Troy, and after 20 years, still hasn t returned. Additional suffering is added to this pair, when Telemachus comes of age and starts looking for answers. He d gone in search of his father, since nobody else was prepared to lift a finger in that direction. He claimed his father would ve been proud of him for showing some backbone about getting out ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Australian Cricket History Cricket in Australia The game of cricket has evolved since it started in 1892 and we have seen many improvements over the years. Since 1945 the batters, bowlers and the protection and padding have all changed. These changes are due to a number of contributing factors, some of which have had a positive effect and some of which may be considered unfavourable. The game of cricket has seen some major changes since it was first played in March 1982, and it is still developing today. The highest batting average made in the 1940 s was made by Sir Donald Bradman who played 52 test games with 80 innings, his batting average was a total of 99.94 runs a game. Bradman was one of and still is one of the best batsmen known to man. In the modern day game, ... Show more content on ... If you were a batter for Australia you are expected to face 163 gram balls bowled at your face moving at 145 kilometres per hour. The cricket balls have a cork core and only in the late 1970 s that the helmet was introduced to the game. It is also a time consuming game that takes up a considerable amount of time especially test matches which last up to five days. If you want to start playing competitive cricket, you ll need to join a club. This will often mean you will have to pay club membership and competition fees. For competitions, you will also need to buy pants and shirts to play in (cricket whites) and cricket spikes (shoes with spikes) for playing on the turf. (Cricket Health Benefits 2015, Cricket, accessed 11 June 2015, ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Radio During World War I The radio was never used more or for a much more important reason than during World War I and World War II. Prior to the first world war war, many ships used the radio for communication. In the early part of the 20th Century, amplification was one of the top concerns of the development of the radio. Of course people were able to communicate with others hundreds of miles away, but the clarity and amplification of the messages weren t necessarily as good as many had expected and counted on. Often times, other means of communication like the telegraph were better off being used instead of the radio. Because of that, Lee De Forest invented the Audion vacuum tube in 1906, and followed that up one year later by adding his triode tube. According to ... Get more on ...
  • 43. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Politeness Politeness Politeness is the practice of good manners or etiquette in communication or behaviour. In our conversation, we practiced positive politeness. It is defined as to establish a positive relationship between parties by respecting a person s need to be liked and understood. It could be seen by attending to one s wants or needs. Krushka asked me if I wanted to get together. She asked me first instead of inviting me to come for the movie. Next was by being optimistic when I asked could I bring my cousin, Rina along with us and I state out the reasons by why I want to bring her. Lastly, include both of us in a conversation such as by agreeing to meet up at noon and would be able to eat our burger too before the movie. Not only that, there ... Show more content on ... A rhetorical analysis shows how certain sentence and words are used. It explains how does it persuade, entertain or inform a person. In our conversation, we had allusion which is a simple reference to something. The person does not explain in details or to what it refers. It is just a comment and should be able to spot the allusion and understand its importance in the context. It could be seen when I asked could we all wear same colors and Vivian answered that we should. She even said that we would look like totally spies which means wearing something that is alike and and it looks good as well. Besides that, a rhetoric manner was used also in the conversation when Vivian has doubts on how teaching in kindergarten would be easy. Then, I and Krushka gave explanation why was it easy for Rina to teach. It was because she was trained and was used to her routine after some time. We said that the children look forward to go school because of the activities that is held. We managed to clear Vivian ambiguity and she understood it. She then changed her perception. Moreover, it was also during when Krushka said that we would ask Rina to show us how does she makes creative items and Vivian decided to drop by the crafts store to buy the items. We all agreed as we wanted to make some creative items for Christmas. In our conversation, we manage to persuade one another on going to a certain ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Electoral Americ The Purpose Of The Electoral College Electoral College The Electoral College was a compromise in order to pick a president between the Congress s vote and the citizens vote. The selection of Electors would meet and vote for the president and vice president, they would also count the electoral votes by Congress. There are 538 electors, but a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect a vice president or a vice president. The amount of electors equals the amount of members of the House of Representative that states have plus two more for the Senator. Each candidate running for president has a group of electors in each state. The candidates electors are chosen by the candidates political party but, different laws in different states change how the electors are selected. When voting for a President we are actually voting for our state candidates election. After the presidential election, the governor of their state writes a Certificate of Ascertainment which list the candidates for that state as well as their electors. The Certificate of Ascertainment also shows which electors will represent the state at the election meeting as well as the winning presidential candidate. The meeting of the electors is held on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December after the presidential election. In their respective states, the electors cast their votes for both the Vice President and President on separate ballots. The voters votes are then recorded and sent to Congress on the Certificates of Votes. ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Bros Before Hos Analysis In this comparative essay, I will be relating the points that are driven by the movie Crazy Stupid Love and the narrative Bros before Hos by Kimmel. For some background information on these, I will start by summarizing the movie Crazy Stupid Love. The movie Crazy Stupid love is about a man named Cal who has lost what his Manliness Mentor calls his manhood or what we will be calling it is his masculinity. Cal s wife leaves him to go be with another guy and all Cal can do is pout around at bars until a sly, young, and smooth talking man (Jacob) comes to Jacobs rescue to help him get his manhood back. Overall, this movie is a Romantic Comedy that has numerous twists and turns in the plot to keep the viewer watching. The Chapter Bros before Hos ... Show more content on ... This can be explained by a simple explanation. These men want to know the true meaning of manhood and masculinity, perhaps the character and/or narrator are just the director/ author and what they really are seeking to understand is the true ideas or perception of manhood in society. What does the author show that the director does not? The author in hindsight shows a lot of ideas that can be perceived as cliché and he shows numerous accounts of anecdotes, whereas the director sticks to one line of the story and shows the evolution of Cal s masculinity, as it starts as him being a less masculine, manly man. Then towards the end or near scene twenty one, it is seen that he is a dominant male or alpha male. How are these ideas important to society and what group are these pieces geared towards? The ideas are important to the male gender because no matter what a man tells you they are always looking for the true ideas of manhood even if they don t say so themselves; thus, these pieces (movie and narrative) are aimed towards intriguing the males in society. In conclusion, we can see multiple key ideas presented by both the narrative and the movie but the one key idea that sticks out and is Key to both plots is masculinity because masculinity is defined and shown in both pieces, whether it is implicitly or ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Examples Of Multivariate Analysis As we have discussed in earlier chapter, there are a variety of multivariate techniques available to the researcher or analyst. Also, there are multitude of issues involved in each of their application. Therefore, it becomes evident that successful completion of a multivariate analysis involves not only the selection of correct method but also several other issues. There are other issues to be addressed such as problem definition, empirical issues and critical diagnosis of results. A six step approach to multivariate analysis is presented in subsequent paragraphs. This process helps the researcher, analyst or user in applying the appropriate multivariate method or technique to analyse the data. The different stages in the structured approach ... Show more content on ... The researcher or analyst needs to define the research problem and analyse the objectives in conceptual terms, before specifying the variables or measures. The role of conceptual model development or theory cannot be overstated. Whether in academic or applied research, the researcher must view the problem in conceptual terms by defining the concepts. Then he has to identify the essential relationships that are to be investigated. A conceptual model need not be detailed and complex. It can be just a simple representation of relationships to be studied. For example, if a dependence relationship is proposed as research objective, then the researcher has to specify the dependent and independent concepts. For an application of an interdependence technique, the dimensions of structure or similarity should be specified. Sometimes a concept or an idea, rather than specific variables, is defined in both dependence and interdependence situations. Once the objective and conceptual model are specified, then the researcher has to select the suitable multivariate technique based on the measurement characteristics of dependent and independent variables. Variables for each concept are generally specified prior to the study. But, it may be necessary to respecify or even state in a different form, for example, transformations or creating dummy variables, after the data has been collected. Stage 2: Develop the analysis ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Victorian Age Comparison Essay The Victorian Era is a time in history in which societal expectations of men and women were formidably difficult to meet. Societal expectations made it harder for one to succeed in a relationship, causing many people of the time to criticize the societal norm. Among these people were authors Jane Austen and Christina Rossetti, who each wrote a unique piece criticizing these beliefs. The two authors expressed their opposing views to the time s expectations of male to female relations in their literature pieces The Goblin Market and Love and Friendship. Christina Rossetti wrote The Goblin Market: a piece in which the lives of two independent women are depicted to be ruined by loathsome creatures representative of males and relationships. Similarly, Jane Austen wrote Love and Friendship: a tale that depicts two females whose lives come to a sudden decline due to the loss of their husbands and their naive nature towards true love. Within both pieces, Rossetti and Austen expose the hardship in attaining the highest profound connection in male to female relationships through the barriers of power relations, social class, and the fantasy of true love. During the Victorian Era, a stable life was not always easily attainable. A female did not have much choice in the choosing of her lifelong partner, as Austen exhibits in Laura and Jannetta s cases. Both females had their marriages arranged by their fathers based upon the future husband s success of societal norms (D: ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The Economic Risks Of Argentina Argentina has had a very interesting, unpredictable, and faulty economic system is the last century. The country has seen everything from economic superiority in South America to the greatest depression in their current history. Argentina s economy hit rock bottom in the year of 2002, but in 2012 and the beginning of 2014 Argentina s government has put into place more strict and reasonable economic policy. (The World FactBook, 2014) This country has the resources to become an emerging economy and join its neighbor, Brazil, in the emerging markets of the world. As of right now, Argentina s economic growth rate, as measure by GDP (Gross Domestic Product), is trending upwards, but that could be a deceiving trend for companies looking to do business ,and invest, in Argentina. (The World FactBook, 2014) Economic Risks of Doing Business in Argentina Even though Argentina is showing signs of growth, the risk of investing in and doing business in the country is still very high. Euler Hermes, an economic research company, rates the risk level of doing business in Argentina as a D4. (Cazalets, 2014)A D4 rating is the highest risk rating that a country is able to receive. Since this country has such a high risk rating right now, businesses should be cautious and require a high return when investing their assets into the country. If a company is looking for ease of doing business in a South American market, Argentina would be the last country on their list. (World Bank Group, 2014) ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Dermatology Essay Experimental Dermatology Research and TPM Arguably, the immune system is where multiphoton microscopy has had the greatest impact in basic dermatological studies in both the steady state and during inflammation where it is possible to study real time single cells and molecules within an intact living environment. Currently, the most common sites for intravital multiphoton imaging of the skin in mice include the ear (Roediger et al., 2008), hind footpad (Graham et al., 2009), and dorsal skin (Amornphimoltham et al., 2011). The footpad is an attractive site for imaging as it is hairless, whilst hair removal is essential in ear and back skin due to the autofluorescence of hair shafts obscuring image acquisition (Li et al., 2012b, Roediger et ... Show more content on ... TPM microscopy can also be enhanced by combining it with other optical techniques. Using a Cre inducible E cadherin GFP transgenic mouse model, Erami and co workers combined TPM and FRAP to assess alteration in cadherin based cell cell junction integrity in the setting of tumour progression (Erami et al., 2016). While this is not a comprehensive review of all the advances made through multiphoton imaging of the skin, these examples serve to demonstrate that this technology has significantly advanced our understanding of the spatio temporal interactions of immune cell subsets in lymphoid organs and peripheral tissues including the skin (Germain et al., 2012). Moreover, while animal models are able to elucidate basic cellular and molecular mechanisms to obtain real time quantifiable details of complex biological mechanisms in intact tissues, the ultimate goal is to translate our understanding into clinical applications. Clinical Dermatology and TPM Multiphoton microscopy is now being considered a potential non invasive diagnostic tool in dermatology as the skin is very accessible for imaging. Although currently it is only possible to derive structural information from autofluorescent signals within human tissue in vivo, TPM is able to provide near histological grade images without the need for a skin biopsy or tissue processing. The use of autofluorescence as a source of natural contrast has been demonstrated in reflectance confocal microscopy. However, ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Essay about Kyoto Protocol After ten days of tough negotiations, ministers and other high level officials from 160 countries reached an agreement this morning on a legally binding Protocol under which industrialized countries will reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2%. The agreement aims to lower overall emissions from a group of six greenhouse gases by 2008 12, calculated as an average over these five years. (UNFCCC, 2011) In December of 1997, 160 countries gathered in Kyoto, Japan to agree upon a Protocol that will curb emissions and hopefully restore emission levels to pre industrial numbers. This Protocol is the Kyoto Protocol established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Control. It is widely believed that ... Show more content on ... The atmospheres absorption of this energy helps keep our average global temperature at an ideal level for life. Notably important is the temperature of our oceans. Our oceans are compared to a sink for carbon dioxide, in that they hold much of the carbon dioxide that would otherwise be in the atmosphere (Wikipedia, 2011). As the temperature of the oceans rise, they absorb less and less carbon dioxide. Thus increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increasing the global mean temperature, creating a snowball like effect, that would be nearly impossible to reverse. To prevent this catastrophe the Kyoto Protocol was established as a global legally binding agreement (Wikipedia, 2011). The objective of this agreement was to provide financing for developing countries. The financial aid would go towards new technologies to help these countries develop in a more sustainable manner. The Protocol also hoped to install mechanisms that report, verify, and review the carbon emissions of each country. Lastly, the countries that helped create the Kyoto Protocol wanted it to be a legally binding agreement that had consequences for countries who failed to meet their emission target. The Kyoto Protocol was established as a part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Control (UNFCCC). All parties that are ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Water Scarcity And Water Pollution A Basic Necessity Introduction The amount of available fresh water is very limited in Benin, Africa. Much of this is a result of under urbanization, at one end of the spectrum, and poor government and infrastructure, at the other end. The population of Benin is roughly 10,160,556. It is estimated that each individual produces about 77 pounds of excrement and 132 gallons of urine a year (George 2008). This is waste that is typically flushed down a toilet and into a sewer system. However, this is not the case in many of these communities. Many homes in this part of the world do not have the luxury of indoor plumbing or even a indoor toilet. These people must utilize fields for their means of eliminating human waste. It is astounding to think of the infinite uses of water, and the need that some countries have for it. The current predicament Africa is facing is dealing with water scarcity and water pollution. So where do we go from here? Composting Chemical toilets or dry systems as they are sometimes known are waterless toilets that use microorganisms to break down human waste. While the story behind composting toilets has been around for a long time, the composting toilets of today have evolved to include a variety of features that make it even more appealing to these rural areas than a flushing toilet. Without any type of sewer system in place a flushing toilet is not seen to be placed in these homes in the near future. The point of a composting toilet is very clear; ... Get more on ...