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Enabling Smarter Cities through Internet of
Things, Web of Data & Citizen Participation
UCLM, Ciudad Real, 4 de Noviembre de 2015, 11:45-12:30
Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
• Smarter Cities pillars:
– Internet of Things
– Web of Data
– Crowdsourcing
• Interdependence analysis:
– Society ageing
– Societal urbanisation
• Enablement of Smarter Inclusive Cities
Internet of Things (IoT) Promise
• There will be around 25 billion devices connected to the
Internet by 2015, 50 billion by 2020
– A dynamic and universal network where billions of identifiable
“things” (e.g. devices, people, applications, etc.) communicate
with one another anytime anywhere; things become context-
aware, are able to configure themselves and exchange
information, and show “intelligence/cognitive” behaviour
Internet of Things: Challenges
1. To process huge amounts of data supplied by “connected
things” and to offer services as response
2. To research in new methods and mechanisms to find,
retrieve, and transmit data dynamically
– Discovery of sensor data — both in time and space
– Communication of sensor data: complex queries (synchronous),
publish/subscribe (asynchronous)
– Processing of great variety of sensor data streams: correlation,
aggregation and filtering
3. Ethical and social dimension: to keep the balance between
personalization, privacy and security
IoT Enabling Technologies
• Low-cost embedded computing and communication
platforms, e.g. Arduino or Rapsberry PI
• Wide availability of low-cost sensors and sensor networks
• Cloud-based Sensor Data Management Frameworks:
 Democratization of Internet-connected Physical Objects
IoT impulse: Smart Cities, consumer
objects, mobile sensing, smart metering
Personal data: SmartWatch & Health-
promoting Data Devices
Nature of Data in IoT
• Heterogeneity makes IoT devices hardly interoperable
• Data collected is multi-modal, diverse, voluminous
and often supplied at high speed
• IoT data management imposes heavy challenges on
information systems
User-generated Data: Google Maps vs.
Open Street Map
• OSM is an excellent cartographic product driven by user contributions
• Google Maps has progressed from mapping for the world to mapping from the world,
where cartography is not the end product, but rather the necessary means for:
– Google’s autonomous car initiative, combine sensors, GPS and 3D maps for self-driving cars.
– Google’s Project Wing: a drone-based delivery systems to make use of a detailed 3D model
of the world to quickly link supply to demand
• By connecting the geometrical content of its Google Maps databases to digital traces
that it collects, Google can assign meaning to space, transforming it into place.
– Mapping by machines if not about “you are here”, but to understand who you are, where
you should be heading, what you could be doing there!
• Individuals with sensing and computing devices collectively
share data and extract information to measure and map
phenomena of common interest
Personal Data
• Defined as "any information
relating to an identified or
identifiable natural person
("data subject")”
Social Open Innovation
• Novel solution to a social problem that
is more effective, efficient, sustainable,
or just than current solutions.
– New ideas (products, services and models)
that simultaneously meet social needs and
create new social relationships
CAPS: Collective-awareness Platforms
for Sustainability and Social Innovation
• Aims at designing and piloting online platforms creating
awareness of sustainability problems and offering
collaborative solutions based on networks (of people, of
ideas, of sensors), enabling new forms of social innovation.
• Examples:
– Open Democracy, Open Policy Making
– Collaborative/Shared Economy
– Collaborative making  co-creation
Linked Data
• “A term used to describe a recommended best practice for
exposing, sharing, and connecting pieces of data, information,
and knowledge on the Semantic Web using URIs and RDF.“
• Allows to discover, connect, describe and reuse all sorts of data
– Fosters passing from a Web of Documents to a Web of Data
• In September 2011, it had 31 billion RDF triples linked through 504 millions of
• Thought to open and connect diverse vocabularies and semantic
instances, to be used by the Semantic community
• URL:
Linked Data Principles
1. Uses URIs to identify things
2. Uses HTTP URIs to enable those
things to be dereferenced by both
people and user agents
3. Provides useful info (structured
description and metadata) about a
thing/concept referenced by an URI
4. Includes links to other URIs to
improve related information
discovery in the web
Linked Data Life Cycle
• Linked Data must go through several stages (several
iterations on Linkage) before are ready for exploitation:
Linked Data by IoT Devices
• Modelling not only the sensors but also their features of
interest: spatial and temporal attributes, resources that
provide their data, who operated on it, provenance and so on
– With SSN, SWEET, SWRC, GeoNames, PROV-O, … vocabularies
Avoiding Data Silos through
Semantics in IoT
• Cut-down semantics is applied to enable machine-
interpretable and self-descriptive interlinked data
– Integration – heterogeneous data can be integrated or one
type of data combined with other
– Abstraction and access – semantic descriptions are
provided on well accepted ontologies such as SSN
– Search and discovery – resulting Linked Data facilitates
publishing and discovery of related data
– Reasoning and interpretation –new knowledge can be
inferred from existing assertions and rules
Actionable Knowledge from
Linked Data
• Don’t care about the data sources (sensors) care about
knowledge extracted from their data correlation &
– Data is captured, communicated, stored, accessed and shared
from the physical world to better understand the surroundings
– Sensory data related to different events can be analysed,
correlated and turned into actionable knowledge
– Application domains: e-health, retail, green energy,
manufacturing, smart cities/houses
Towards Actionable Knowledge:
Converting to and Visualizing Open Data
• labman: data management system for research organizations which
enables to correlate researchers, publications, projects, funding, news …
• euro e-lecciones, social data mining in Twitter to visualize trends for the
last European elections
• teseo, conversion and visualization of the distribution by genre and topics
of PhD dissertations in Spain. These data was extracted from site
• intellidata, bank transaction analysis in different streets and
neighborhoods in Madrid and Barcelona
Data Understanding through Linked
Statistics & Visualizations
Bringing together IoT and Linked Data:
Sustainable Linked Data Coffee Maker
• Hypothesis: “the active collaboration of people and
Eco-aware everyday objects will enable a more
sustainable/energy efficient use of the shared
appliances within public spaces”
• Contribution: An augmented capsule-based coffee
machine placed in a public spaces, e.g. research
– Continuously collects usage patterns to offer
feedback to coffee consumers about the energy
wasting and also, to intelligently adapt its
operation to reduce wasted energy
Social + Sustainable + Persuasive +
Cooperative + Linked Data Device
1. Social since it reports its energy consumptions via social
networks, i.e. Twitter
2. Sustainable since it intelligently foresees when it should be
switched on or off
3. Persuasive since it does not stay still, it reports misuse and
motivates seductively usage corrections
4. Cooperative since it cooperates with other devices in order
to accelerate the learning process
5. Linked Data Device, since it generates reusable energy
consumption-related linked data interlinked with data from
other domains that facilitates their exploitation
Persuasive Interfaces to Promote Positive
Behaviour Change
GreenSoul, H2020
project 2016-2018, EE11
What is Big Data?
• "Big Data are high-volume, high-velocity, and/or
high-variety information assets that require new
forms of processing to enable enhanced decision
making, insight discovery and process optimization“
Gartner, 2012
– Opportunity to encounter insights in new and emerging
data streams and contents and to answer previously
considered beyond the scope questions
• Enabled by Open Source frameworks such as Hadoop
and Spark
Features of Big Data
• The structure (or lack thereof) and size of Big Data
that makes it so unique
• Represents both significant information and the way
this information is analyzed
– "Big Data" represents a noun – "the data" - and a verb –
"combing the data to find value.“
• Interpretation of Big Data can bring about insights
which might not be immediately visible or which
would be impossible to find using traditional
Why Big Data?
• We're generating more content than ever before, but in
many cases it leads to more questions and fewer answers.
– What is happening in the atmosphere?
– Which candidate do voters prefer?
– Which movies, books, and TV shows are going to satiate the public's
– Which trends are coming down the road?
• Technology can drive the business:
– Finding "competitive advantages," getting "data on the board's
agenda" and driving "innovative products and startups.“
From 3Vs to 4Vs of Big Data
Big Data Storage Needs
The need for Smart Cities
• Challenges cities face today:
– Growing population
• Traffic congestion
• Space – homes and public space
– Resource management (water and energy use)
– Global warming (carbon emissions)
– Tighter city budgets
– Aging infrastructure and population
Society Urbanisation & Ageing
• Urban populations will grow by an estimated 2.3 billion over the
next 40 years, and as much as 70% of the world’s population will
live in cities by 2050
[World Urbanization Prospects, United Nations, 2011]
• By 2060, 30% of European population will be 65 years or older
[EUROSTAT. Demography report 2010. “Older, more numerous and diverse Europeans”, March 2011.]
What is a Smart City?
• Smart Cities improve the efficiency and
quality of the services provided by governing
entities and business and (are supposed to)
increase citizens’ quality of life within a city
– This view can be achieved by leveraging:
• Available infrastructure such as Open Government
Data and deployed sensor networks in cities
• Citizens’ participation through apps in their
– Or go for big companies’ “smart city in a box”
What is a Smart Sustainable City?
A smart sustainable city is an innovative city that uses
information and communication technologies and
other means to improve quality of life, efficiency of
urban operation and services, and competitiveness,
while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and
future generations with respect to economic, social and
environmental aspects
Smart Diamond of Smart Cities
Smart City Applications
• sadfafd
What is an Ambient
Assisted City?
• A city aware of the special needs of ALL its citizens,
particularly those with disabilities or about to lose
their autonomy:
– Elderly people
• The "Young Old" 65-74
• The "Old" 75-84
• The "Oldest-Old" 85+
– People with disabilities
• Physical
• Sensory (visual, hearing)
• Intellectual
Age-friendly Smarter Cities
• The main attribute of a Smart City is efficiency
• An Age-friendly city is an inclusive and accessible
urban environment that promotes active ageing
• The main attributes of an Ambient Assisted
(Smarter) City are:
– Livable
– Accessible
– Healthy
– Inclusive
– Participative
[WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities]
Silver Economy
The need for Participative Cities
• Not enough with the traditional resource efficiency
approach of Smart City initiatives
• “City appeal and dynamicity” will be key to attract and
retain citizens, companies and tourists
• Only possible by user-driven and centric innovation:
– The citizen should be heard, EMPOWERED!
» Urban apps to enhance the experience and interactions of the
citizen, by taking advantage of the city infrastructure
– The information generated by cities and citizens must be linked
and processed
» How do we correlate, link and exploit such humongous data for all
stakeholders’ benefit?
• We should start talking about Big (Linked) Data
• Smart Cities seek the participation of citizens:
– To enrich the knowledge gathered about a city
not only with government-provided or networked
sensors' provided data, but also with highly
dynamic user-generated data
• BUT, how can we ensure that users and their
generated data can be trusted and has enough
– W3C has created the PROV Data Model, for provenance
Citizen Participation
• There is a need to analyze the impact that
citizens may have on improving, extending
and enriching the data
– Quality of the provided data may vary from one
citizen to another, not to mention the possibility
of someone's interest in populating the system
with fake data
• Duplication, miss-classification, mismatching and data
enrichment issues
Problems associated to
User-provided Data
Urban Intelligence / Analytics
• Broad Data aggregates data from heterogeneous sources:
– Open Government Data repositories
– User-supplied data through social networks or apps
– Public private sector data or
– End-user private data
• Humongous potential on correlating and analysing Broad
Data in the city context:
– Leverage digital traces left by citizens in their daily interactions
with the city to gain insights about why, how and when they do
– We can progress from Open City Data to Open Data Knowledge
• Energy saving, improve health monitoring, optimized transport
system, filtering and recommendation of contents and services
Smarter Cities
• Smarter Cities  cities that do not only manage their
resources more efficiently but also are aware of the
citizens’ needs.
– Human/city interactions leave digital traces that can be
compiled into comprehensive pictures of human daily facets
– Analysis and discovery of the information behind the big
amount of Broad Data captured on these smart cities
Smarter Cities= Internet of Things + Linked Data + citizen
participation through Smartphones + Urban Analytics
Data challenges of Smart
• Data coverage and access (openness)
• Data integration and interoperability (data standards) –
overcoming the silo and resistance to change
• Data quality and provenance: veracity (accuracy, fidelity),
uncertainty, error, bias, reliability, calibration, lineage
• Quality, veracity and transparency of data analytics
• Data interpretation and management issues
• Paradigm shift towards data-driven decision making
• Security and privacy: stem data breaches and fraud
• Skills and organizational capabilities and capacities
Analytics in the Smart City: Data-
driven decision making
Priority Areas EIP on Smart Cities
& Communities
• dfad
Standardization in Smart Cities:
Vocabularies and Indicators
• UNE 178301 rule developed by AENOR (Spanish Association of
Normalization and Certification) establishes a set of requisites for the
reuse of Open Data generated by Public Administrations in Smart Cities.
• ISO 37120:2014 indicators a) themes and b) energy example
From Open Data to Open Knowledge
IES Cities Project
• The IES Cities project promotes user-centric
mobile micro-services that exploit open data
and generate user-supplied data
– Hypothesis: Users may help on improving, extending
and enriching the open data in which micro-services
are based
• Its platform aims to:
– Enable user supplied data to complement, enrich and
enhance existing datasets about a city
– Facilitate the generation of citizen-centric apps that
exploit urban data in different domains
European CIP project
2013-2016, Zaragoza &
Majadahonda involved
IES Cities Stakeholders
• Citizens:
– Users collaborate in the definition of the digital entity of the city.
– Citizen produce and consumes contents (super-prosumer concept).
• SMEs:
– IES Cities will allow the creation of services benefiting the local businesses.
• ICT-developing companies:
– The platform will enable the chance to create new apps and services based on
user needs, bringing new possibilities and added value.
• Public administration:
– The interaction with the users will enable them to improve and foster the use of
their deployed sensors in urban areas and open databases
IES Cities Objectives
• To create a new open-platform adapting the technologies and over taking
the knowledge from previous initiatives.
• To validate and test a set of predefined urban apps across the cities.
• To validate, analyse and retrieve technical feedback from the different
pilots in order to detect and solve the major incidences of the technical
solutions used in the cities.
• To adequately achieve engagement of users in the pilots and measure
their acceptability during the validations.
• To maximize the impact of the project through adequate dissemination
activities and publication of solutions upon a Dual-license model.
IES Cities Player
Bristol’s Democratree App
Zaragoza’s Your Opinion Matters
What´s WeLive (I)
A novel We-Government ecosystem of tools (Live) that is
easily deployable in different PA and which promotes co-
innovation and co-creation of personalised public services
through public-private partnerships and the
empowerment of all stakeholders to actively take part in
the value-chain of a municipality or a territory
Open Data Open Services Open Innovation
H2020 project
Bilbao council involved
What´s WeLive (II)
Stakeholder Collaboration + Public-private Partnership 
WeLive offers tools to transform the needs into ideas
Tools to select the best Ideas and create the B. Blocks
A way to compose the
Building Blocks into mass
market Applications which
can be exploited through
the marketplace
WeLive proposes…
Transform the current e-government approach into…
WeLive Open and Collaborative Government Solution = We-
government + t-government + I-government + m-government
All stakeholders
are treated as
peers and
tools to create
public value
To do more
with less by
involving other
players and the
PA as
Utilisation of
mobile tech. for
public services
Key Area WeLive Innovation and added value
Open Data
WeLive will provide an Open Data Toolset which will enable to handle the whole life cycle
of what is starting to be termed as Broad Data, i.e. a combination of Open Data, Social Data,
Big Data and private data.
• Open Data Toolset will provide tools to capture, transform, adapt, link, store, publish
and search for data which may be consumed by innovative public service apps.
Open Services Framework centred on two key abstractions, namely building blocks and
app templates.
• Factorize the capabilities offered by a city or its stakeholders as a set of building blocks
which can be easily combined with each other to give place to composite services.
• Exemplary service templates composed of several building blocks so that stakeholders
can personalize them and turn them into new public service app instances.
Tackle the whole innovation process phases: a) conceptualization, b) voting and
selection, c) funding, d) development and e) promotion and f) exploitation.
• WeLive will focus on how to pass from innovation to adoption, by democratizing the
creation process and fostering public-private partnership that will jointly exploit the
outcomes of the innovation process.
Personalization of public service apps based on user profile and context.
• A key element, named Citizen Data Vault, will represent a single sign-on point for a user
• Decision Engine will enable stakeholders to retrieve statistics about the usage and app
consumption and demand patterns of the different stakeholder groups.
• Visual Composer, a tool to enable every stakeholder, even citizens, to visually compose
their own services will be offered.
WeLive Marketplace
(Java EE)
WeLive Player
Citizen Data Vault
Decision Engine
(JBoss Drools 6)
Open Innovation Area
(Java EE)
Building blocks
Get profile
Update data
Building blocks
Data Mashup
Publish new
Building blocks
Idea generation
from citizen
Get Public Service
Use existing Building
Idea evaluation
and selection
implementation NEED
Develop building
blocks/open service
from scratch
Visual composer
WeLive Vision/Architecture
City4Age: Elderly-friendly City
services for active and healthy ageing
• Aims to act as a bridge between the European Innovation Partnerships (EIP)
on Smart Cities and Communities & Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA)
• Demonstrate that Cities play a pivotal role in the unobtrusive collection of
“more data”and with “increased frequency” for comprehending individual
behaviours and improving the early detection of risks
H2020 project 2016-
2018, PHC 21, Madrid is
• Addresses the need to offer a
more efficient and more effective
experience to companies and
citizens in their daily interaction
with Public Administration (PA)
– Providing a personalized delivery of
e- services based on advanced
cognitive system technologies and by
promoting an active engagement of
people for the continuous
improvement of the interaction with
these services.
H2020 project
2016-2018, EURO6,
Xunta Galicia is involved
PA traditional e-services vs.
SIMPATICO approach
I have a dream … the citizen-
empowered inclusive City
• Smart Cities must ensure social equity, economic viability
and environmental sustainability, enabled by:
– IoT: Smart Objects, e.g. enabling technology for inclusive cities which
allows to collect data, e.g. people transiting through a given area
– Web of Data: Open Data from a given council should be linked to real-
time data gathered by sensor data (physical) and prosumed data by
users (virtual sensors)  BROAD DATA
– Citizen participation: smartphones running Location-aware Open
Data apps which recommend to surrounding citizens and visitors
according to their profile and capabilities
• User-conscious apps should adapt to the capabilities of different users,
their devices and current context
I have a dream … the citizen-
empowered inclusive City
Enabling Smarter Cities through Internet of
Things, Web of Data & Citizen Participation
UCLM, Ciudad Real, 4 de Noviembre de 2015, 11:45-12:30
Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
• Innovating the Smart Cities, Syam Madanapalli | IEEE Smart Tech
Workshop 2015,
• Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T. and McArdle, G. (2015) Knowing and governing
cities through urban indicators, city benchmarking and real-time
dashboards. Regional Studies, Regional Science 2: 1-28,
• Towards Smart City: Making Government Data Work with Big Data
Analysis, Charles Mok, 24 September 2015,
• Mining in the Middle of the City: The needs of Big Data for Smart Cities, Dr.
Antonio Jara,
• ITU News – What is a smart sustainable city?,
• Frost & Sullivan's Predictions for the Global Energy and
Environment Market,

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Dealing with the need for Infrastructural Support in Ambient Intelligence
Transiting to SMART COMMUNITIES by fostering Collaboration & CO-CREATION for ...
Transiting to SMART COMMUNITIES by fostering Collaboration & CO-CREATION for ...Transiting to SMART COMMUNITIES by fostering Collaboration & CO-CREATION for ...
Transiting to SMART COMMUNITIES by fostering Collaboration & CO-CREATION for ...
Transiting to Open Knowledge by fostering Collaboration through CO-CREATION
Transiting to Open Knowledge by fostering Collaboration through CO-CREATIONTransiting to Open Knowledge by fostering Collaboration through CO-CREATION
Transiting to Open Knowledge by fostering Collaboration through CO-CREATION
Human-centric Collaborative Services : IoT, Broad Data, Crowdsourcing, Engage...
Human-centric Collaborative Services : IoT, Broad Data, Crowdsourcing, Engage...Human-centric Collaborative Services : IoT, Broad Data, Crowdsourcing, Engage...
Human-centric Collaborative Services : IoT, Broad Data, Crowdsourcing, Engage...
Towards more Elderly-friendly Ambient Assisted Cities
Towards more Elderly-friendly Ambient Assisted CitiesTowards more Elderly-friendly Ambient Assisted Cities
Towards more Elderly-friendly Ambient Assisted Cities
Combining ICT and User Participation to give place to Smarter Cities through ...
Combining ICT and User Participation to give place to Smarter Cities through ...Combining ICT and User Participation to give place to Smarter Cities through ...
Combining ICT and User Participation to give place to Smarter Cities through ...
Internet de las Cosas: del Concepto a la Realidad
Internet de las Cosas: del Concepto a la RealidadInternet de las Cosas: del Concepto a la Realidad
Internet de las Cosas: del Concepto a la Realidad
Empowering citizens to turn them into cocreators of demand driven public serv...
Empowering citizens to turn them into cocreators of demand driven public serv...Empowering citizens to turn them into cocreators of demand driven public serv...
Empowering citizens to turn them into cocreators of demand driven public serv...
Open Data Power Smart Cities
Open Data Power Smart Cities Open Data Power Smart Cities
Open Data Power Smart Cities

En vedette

On the Road to Smart Cities - Opportunities and Challenges
On the Road to Smart Cities - Opportunities and ChallengesOn the Road to Smart Cities - Opportunities and Challenges
On the Road to Smart Cities - Opportunities and Challenges
莫利伟 Olivier Maugain
A Unified Semantic Engine for Internet of Things and Smart Cities: From Senso...
A Unified Semantic Engine for Internet of Things and Smart Cities: From Senso...A Unified Semantic Engine for Internet of Things and Smart Cities: From Senso...
A Unified Semantic Engine for Internet of Things and Smart Cities: From Senso...
Amélie Gyrard
Concurso de Ideas WeLive - Bilbao Ekintza
Concurso de Ideas WeLive - Bilbao EkintzaConcurso de Ideas WeLive - Bilbao Ekintza
Concurso de Ideas WeLive - Bilbao Ekintza
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Semantic technologies for the Internet of Things
Semantic technologies for the Internet of Things Semantic technologies for the Internet of Things
Semantic technologies for the Internet of Things
Cloud Computing: Windows Azure
Cloud Computing: Windows AzureCloud Computing: Windows Azure
Cloud Computing: Windows Azure
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
La quarta rivoluzione industriale è iniziata?
La quarta rivoluzione industriale è iniziata?La quarta rivoluzione industriale è iniziata?
La quarta rivoluzione industriale è iniziata?
Fondazione Fiera Milano
Future Internet: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing & Linked Data --> Big Data
Future Internet: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing & Linked Data --> Big DataFuture Internet: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing & Linked Data --> Big Data
Future Internet: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing & Linked Data --> Big Data
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Cloud Computing: una perspectiva tecnológica
Cloud Computing: una perspectiva tecnológicaCloud Computing: una perspectiva tecnológica
Cloud Computing: una perspectiva tecnológica
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Huawei Solutions for Smart Cities
Huawei Solutions for Smart CitiesHuawei Solutions for Smart Cities
Huawei Solutions for Smart Cities
Muhammad Rauf Akram
Amor y sexualidad
Amor y sexualidadAmor y sexualidad
Amor y sexualidad
Annita Correa
Gacetilla nº 20. junio 2016.Pereda_Leganés
Gacetilla nº 20. junio 2016.Pereda_LeganésGacetilla nº 20. junio 2016.Pereda_Leganés
Gacetilla nº 20. junio 2016.Pereda_Leganés
Contagem-Edição Contagem 33/2
Contagem-Edição Contagem  33/2Contagem-Edição Contagem  33/2
Contagem-Edição Contagem 33/2
Anderson Gonçalves

En vedette (14)

On the Road to Smart Cities - Opportunities and Challenges
On the Road to Smart Cities - Opportunities and ChallengesOn the Road to Smart Cities - Opportunities and Challenges
On the Road to Smart Cities - Opportunities and Challenges
A Unified Semantic Engine for Internet of Things and Smart Cities: From Senso...
A Unified Semantic Engine for Internet of Things and Smart Cities: From Senso...A Unified Semantic Engine for Internet of Things and Smart Cities: From Senso...
A Unified Semantic Engine for Internet of Things and Smart Cities: From Senso...
Concurso de Ideas WeLive - Bilbao Ekintza
Concurso de Ideas WeLive - Bilbao EkintzaConcurso de Ideas WeLive - Bilbao Ekintza
Concurso de Ideas WeLive - Bilbao Ekintza
Semantic technologies for the Internet of Things
Semantic technologies for the Internet of Things Semantic technologies for the Internet of Things
Semantic technologies for the Internet of Things
Cloud Computing: Windows Azure
Cloud Computing: Windows AzureCloud Computing: Windows Azure
Cloud Computing: Windows Azure
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
Internet del Futuro: Internet de las Cosas, Computación en la Nube y la Web d...
La quarta rivoluzione industriale è iniziata?
La quarta rivoluzione industriale è iniziata?La quarta rivoluzione industriale è iniziata?
La quarta rivoluzione industriale è iniziata?
Future Internet: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing & Linked Data --> Big Data
Future Internet: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing & Linked Data --> Big DataFuture Internet: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing & Linked Data --> Big Data
Future Internet: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing & Linked Data --> Big Data
Cloud Computing: una perspectiva tecnológica
Cloud Computing: una perspectiva tecnológicaCloud Computing: una perspectiva tecnológica
Cloud Computing: una perspectiva tecnológica
Huawei Solutions for Smart Cities
Huawei Solutions for Smart CitiesHuawei Solutions for Smart Cities
Huawei Solutions for Smart Cities
Amor y sexualidad
Amor y sexualidadAmor y sexualidad
Amor y sexualidad
Gacetilla nº 20. junio 2016.Pereda_Leganés
Gacetilla nº 20. junio 2016.Pereda_LeganésGacetilla nº 20. junio 2016.Pereda_Leganés
Gacetilla nº 20. junio 2016.Pereda_Leganés
Contagem-Edição Contagem 33/2
Contagem-Edição Contagem  33/2Contagem-Edição Contagem  33/2
Contagem-Edição Contagem 33/2

Similaire à Enabling Smarter Cities through Internet of Things, Web of Data & Citizen Participation

Internet de las cosas y datos de ciencia ciudadana para uso público
Internet de las cosas y datos de ciencia ciudadana para uso públicoInternet de las cosas y datos de ciencia ciudadana para uso público
Internet de las cosas y datos de ciencia ciudadana para uso público
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
06 linked datadevices v1
06 linked datadevices v106 linked datadevices v1
06 linked datadevices v1
Els Descheemaeker
SoBigData. European Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social Mining
SoBigData. European Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social MiningSoBigData. European Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social Mining
SoBigData. European Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social Mining
Research Data Alliance
Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay, Don’t Pay: Delivering open science, a Digital Research...
Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay, Don’t Pay: Delivering open science,  a Digital Research...Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay, Don’t Pay: Delivering open science,  a Digital Research...
Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay, Don’t Pay: Delivering open science, a Digital Research...
Carole Goble
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart citiesThe impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart citiesThe impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
CityPulse Project
Linked Open Government Data: What’s Next?
Linked Open Government Data:  What’s Next?Linked Open Government Data:  What’s Next?
Linked Open Government Data: What’s Next?
Li Ding
Dr. Anjaiah Mothukuri
Current Disruptions in Media: Earthquakes or New Openings? Stanford as Catalyst
Current Disruptions in Media: Earthquakes or New Openings? Stanford as CatalystCurrent Disruptions in Media: Earthquakes or New Openings? Stanford as Catalyst
Current Disruptions in Media: Earthquakes or New Openings? Stanford as Catalyst
Martha Russell
Big & Open Data: Challenges for Smartcity
Big & Open Data:  Challenges for SmartcityBig & Open Data:  Challenges for Smartcity
Big & Open Data: Challenges for Smartcity
Victoria López
Sirris innovate2011 - Smart Products with smart data - introduction, Dr. Elen...
Sirris innovate2011 - Smart Products with smart data - introduction, Dr. Elen...Sirris innovate2011 - Smart Products with smart data - introduction, Dr. Elen...
Sirris innovate2011 - Smart Products with smart data - introduction, Dr. Elen...
NIH Data Commons - Note: Presentation has animations
NIH Data Commons  - Note:  Presentation has animations NIH Data Commons  - Note:  Presentation has animations
NIH Data Commons - Note: Presentation has animations
Vivien Bonazzi
The Internet of Things: What's next?
The Internet of Things: What's next? The Internet of Things: What's next?
The Internet of Things: What's next?
Big data analytics with Apache Hadoop
Big data analytics with Apache  HadoopBig data analytics with Apache  Hadoop
Big data analytics with Apache Hadoop
Suman Saurabh
Enabling the physical world to the Internet and potential benefits for agricu...
Enabling the physical world to the Internet and potential benefits for agricu...Enabling the physical world to the Internet and potential benefits for agricu...
Enabling the physical world to the Internet and potential benefits for agricu...
Andreas Kamilaris
Hypermedia-driven Socio-technical Networks for Goal-driven Discovery in the W...
Hypermedia-driven Socio-technical Networks for Goal-driven Discovery in the W...Hypermedia-driven Socio-technical Networks for Goal-driven Discovery in the W...
Hypermedia-driven Socio-technical Networks for Goal-driven Discovery in the W...
Andrei Ciortea
Emerging Trends in Crisis Informatics
Emerging Trends in Crisis InformaticsEmerging Trends in Crisis Informatics
Emerging Trends in Crisis Informatics
Adam Papendieck
Intelligent Data Processing for the Internet of Things
Intelligent Data Processing for the Internet of Things Intelligent Data Processing for the Internet of Things
Intelligent Data Processing for the Internet of Things
Towards long-term preservation of linked data - the PRELIDA project
Towards long-term preservation of linked data - the PRELIDA projectTowards long-term preservation of linked data - the PRELIDA project
Towards long-term preservation of linked data - the PRELIDA project
Real World Internet, Smart Cities and Linked Data: Mirko Presser (Alexandrea ...
Real World Internet, Smart Cities and Linked Data: Mirko Presser (Alexandrea ...Real World Internet, Smart Cities and Linked Data: Mirko Presser (Alexandrea ...
Real World Internet, Smart Cities and Linked Data: Mirko Presser (Alexandrea ...

Similaire à Enabling Smarter Cities through Internet of Things, Web of Data & Citizen Participation (20)

Internet de las cosas y datos de ciencia ciudadana para uso público
Internet de las cosas y datos de ciencia ciudadana para uso públicoInternet de las cosas y datos de ciencia ciudadana para uso público
Internet de las cosas y datos de ciencia ciudadana para uso público
06 linked datadevices v1
06 linked datadevices v106 linked datadevices v1
06 linked datadevices v1
SoBigData. European Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social Mining
SoBigData. European Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social MiningSoBigData. European Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social Mining
SoBigData. European Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social Mining
Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay, Don’t Pay: Delivering open science, a Digital Research...
Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay, Don’t Pay: Delivering open science,  a Digital Research...Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay, Don’t Pay: Delivering open science,  a Digital Research...
Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay, Don’t Pay: Delivering open science, a Digital Research...
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart citiesThe impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart citiesThe impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
The impact of Big Data on next generation of smart cities
Linked Open Government Data: What’s Next?
Linked Open Government Data:  What’s Next?Linked Open Government Data:  What’s Next?
Linked Open Government Data: What’s Next?
Current Disruptions in Media: Earthquakes or New Openings? Stanford as Catalyst
Current Disruptions in Media: Earthquakes or New Openings? Stanford as CatalystCurrent Disruptions in Media: Earthquakes or New Openings? Stanford as Catalyst
Current Disruptions in Media: Earthquakes or New Openings? Stanford as Catalyst
Big & Open Data: Challenges for Smartcity
Big & Open Data:  Challenges for SmartcityBig & Open Data:  Challenges for Smartcity
Big & Open Data: Challenges for Smartcity
Sirris innovate2011 - Smart Products with smart data - introduction, Dr. Elen...
Sirris innovate2011 - Smart Products with smart data - introduction, Dr. Elen...Sirris innovate2011 - Smart Products with smart data - introduction, Dr. Elen...
Sirris innovate2011 - Smart Products with smart data - introduction, Dr. Elen...
NIH Data Commons - Note: Presentation has animations
NIH Data Commons  - Note:  Presentation has animations NIH Data Commons  - Note:  Presentation has animations
NIH Data Commons - Note: Presentation has animations
The Internet of Things: What's next?
The Internet of Things: What's next? The Internet of Things: What's next?
The Internet of Things: What's next?
Big data analytics with Apache Hadoop
Big data analytics with Apache  HadoopBig data analytics with Apache  Hadoop
Big data analytics with Apache Hadoop
Enabling the physical world to the Internet and potential benefits for agricu...
Enabling the physical world to the Internet and potential benefits for agricu...Enabling the physical world to the Internet and potential benefits for agricu...
Enabling the physical world to the Internet and potential benefits for agricu...
Hypermedia-driven Socio-technical Networks for Goal-driven Discovery in the W...
Hypermedia-driven Socio-technical Networks for Goal-driven Discovery in the W...Hypermedia-driven Socio-technical Networks for Goal-driven Discovery in the W...
Hypermedia-driven Socio-technical Networks for Goal-driven Discovery in the W...
Emerging Trends in Crisis Informatics
Emerging Trends in Crisis InformaticsEmerging Trends in Crisis Informatics
Emerging Trends in Crisis Informatics
Intelligent Data Processing for the Internet of Things
Intelligent Data Processing for the Internet of Things Intelligent Data Processing for the Internet of Things
Intelligent Data Processing for the Internet of Things
Towards long-term preservation of linked data - the PRELIDA project
Towards long-term preservation of linked data - the PRELIDA projectTowards long-term preservation of linked data - the PRELIDA project
Towards long-term preservation of linked data - the PRELIDA project
Real World Internet, Smart Cities and Linked Data: Mirko Presser (Alexandrea ...
Real World Internet, Smart Cities and Linked Data: Mirko Presser (Alexandrea ...Real World Internet, Smart Cities and Linked Data: Mirko Presser (Alexandrea ...
Real World Internet, Smart Cities and Linked Data: Mirko Presser (Alexandrea ...

Plus de Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza

Digital Twin aiding more effective Digital Maintenance
Digital Twin aiding more effective Digital MaintenanceDigital Twin aiding more effective Digital Maintenance
Digital Twin aiding more effective Digital Maintenance
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Humanized Computing: the path towards higher collaboration and reciprocal lea...
Humanized Computing: the path towards higher collaboration and reciprocal lea...Humanized Computing: the path towards higher collaboration and reciprocal lea...
Humanized Computing: the path towards higher collaboration and reciprocal lea...
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Generative AI How It's Changing Our World and What It Means for You_final.pdf
Generative AI How It's Changing Our World and What It Means for You_final.pdfGenerative AI How It's Changing Our World and What It Means for You_final.pdf
Generative AI How It's Changing Our World and What It Means for You_final.pdf
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Democratizing Co-Production Of Sustainable Public Services
Democratizing Co-Production Of Sustainable Public Services Democratizing Co-Production Of Sustainable Public Services
Democratizing Co-Production Of Sustainable Public Services
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Ontological Infrastructure for Interoperable Research Information Systems: HE...
Ontological Infrastructure for Interoperable Research Information Systems: HE...Ontological Infrastructure for Interoperable Research Information Systems: HE...
Ontological Infrastructure for Interoperable Research Information Systems: HE...
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration through co-production and rewarding
Fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration through co-production and rewarding Fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration through co-production and rewarding
Fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration through co-production and rewarding
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Sustainable Engaged Research & Co-Produc...
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Sustainable Engaged Research & Co-Produc...A Collaborative Environment to Boost Sustainable Engaged Research & Co-Produc...
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Sustainable Engaged Research & Co-Produc...
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Co-Production of Sustainable Public Serv...
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Co-Production of Sustainable Public Serv...A Collaborative Environment to Boost Co-Production of Sustainable Public Serv...
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Co-Production of Sustainable Public Serv...
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
INTERLINK: Engaged Research through co-production
INTERLINK: Engaged Research through co-production INTERLINK: Engaged Research through co-production
INTERLINK: Engaged Research through co-production
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Internet of People: towards a Human-centric computing for Social Good
Internet of People: towards a Human-centric computing for Social GoodInternet of People: towards a Human-centric computing for Social Good
Internet of People: towards a Human-centric computing for Social Good
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Boosting data-driven innovation in Europe with the support of DIHs
Boosting data-driven innovation in Europe with the support of DIHs Boosting data-driven innovation in Europe with the support of DIHs
Boosting data-driven innovation in Europe with the support of DIHs
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Social Coin: Blockchain-mediated incentivization of citizens for sustainable ...
Social Coin: Blockchain-mediated incentivization of citizens for sustainable ...Social Coin: Blockchain-mediated incentivization of citizens for sustainable ...
Social Coin: Blockchain-mediated incentivization of citizens for sustainable ...
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Role of Data Incubators shaping European Data Spaces: EDI & REACH cases
Role of Data Incubators shaping European Data Spaces: EDI & REACH casesRole of Data Incubators shaping European Data Spaces: EDI & REACH cases
Role of Data Incubators shaping European Data Spaces: EDI & REACH cases
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
ROH: Proceso de Ingeniería Ontológica & Uso y Extensión de Vocabularios Estándar
ROH: Proceso de Ingeniería Ontológica & Uso y Extensión de Vocabularios EstándarROH: Proceso de Ingeniería Ontológica & Uso y Extensión de Vocabularios Estándar
ROH: Proceso de Ingeniería Ontológica & Uso y Extensión de Vocabularios Estándar
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Introduction to FAIR Data and Research Objects
Introduction to FAIR Data and Research ObjectsIntroduction to FAIR Data and Research Objects
Introduction to FAIR Data and Research Objects
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Introducción a Linked Open Data (espacios enlazados y enlazables)
Introducción a Linked Open Data (espacios enlazados y enlazables)Introducción a Linked Open Data (espacios enlazados y enlazables)
Introducción a Linked Open Data (espacios enlazados y enlazables)
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
Red Ontologías Hércules – ROH
Red Ontologías Hércules – ROHRed Ontologías Hércules – ROH
Red Ontologías Hércules – ROH
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
AUDABLOK: Engaging Citizens in Open Data Refinement through Blockchain
AUDABLOK: Engaging Citizens in Open Data Refinement through BlockchainAUDABLOK: Engaging Citizens in Open Data Refinement through Blockchain
AUDABLOK: Engaging Citizens in Open Data Refinement through Blockchain
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
EDI - European Data Incubator - Public Presentation
EDI - European Data Incubator - Public PresentationEDI - European Data Incubator - Public Presentation
EDI - European Data Incubator - Public Presentation
Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza

Plus de Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza (20)

Digital Twin aiding more effective Digital Maintenance
Digital Twin aiding more effective Digital MaintenanceDigital Twin aiding more effective Digital Maintenance
Digital Twin aiding more effective Digital Maintenance
Humanized Computing: the path towards higher collaboration and reciprocal lea...
Humanized Computing: the path towards higher collaboration and reciprocal lea...Humanized Computing: the path towards higher collaboration and reciprocal lea...
Humanized Computing: the path towards higher collaboration and reciprocal lea...
Generative AI How It's Changing Our World and What It Means for You_final.pdf
Generative AI How It's Changing Our World and What It Means for You_final.pdfGenerative AI How It's Changing Our World and What It Means for You_final.pdf
Generative AI How It's Changing Our World and What It Means for You_final.pdf
Democratizing Co-Production Of Sustainable Public Services
Democratizing Co-Production Of Sustainable Public Services Democratizing Co-Production Of Sustainable Public Services
Democratizing Co-Production Of Sustainable Public Services
Ontological Infrastructure for Interoperable Research Information Systems: HE...
Ontological Infrastructure for Interoperable Research Information Systems: HE...Ontological Infrastructure for Interoperable Research Information Systems: HE...
Ontological Infrastructure for Interoperable Research Information Systems: HE...
Fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration through co-production and rewarding
Fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration through co-production and rewarding Fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration through co-production and rewarding
Fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration through co-production and rewarding
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Sustainable Engaged Research & Co-Produc...
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Sustainable Engaged Research & Co-Produc...A Collaborative Environment to Boost Sustainable Engaged Research & Co-Produc...
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Sustainable Engaged Research & Co-Produc...
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Co-Production of Sustainable Public Serv...
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Co-Production of Sustainable Public Serv...A Collaborative Environment to Boost Co-Production of Sustainable Public Serv...
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Co-Production of Sustainable Public Serv...
INTERLINK: Engaged Research through co-production
INTERLINK: Engaged Research through co-production INTERLINK: Engaged Research through co-production
INTERLINK: Engaged Research through co-production
Internet of People: towards a Human-centric computing for Social Good
Internet of People: towards a Human-centric computing for Social GoodInternet of People: towards a Human-centric computing for Social Good
Internet of People: towards a Human-centric computing for Social Good
Boosting data-driven innovation in Europe with the support of DIHs
Boosting data-driven innovation in Europe with the support of DIHs Boosting data-driven innovation in Europe with the support of DIHs
Boosting data-driven innovation in Europe with the support of DIHs
Social Coin: Blockchain-mediated incentivization of citizens for sustainable ...
Social Coin: Blockchain-mediated incentivization of citizens for sustainable ...Social Coin: Blockchain-mediated incentivization of citizens for sustainable ...
Social Coin: Blockchain-mediated incentivization of citizens for sustainable ...
Role of Data Incubators shaping European Data Spaces: EDI & REACH cases
Role of Data Incubators shaping European Data Spaces: EDI & REACH casesRole of Data Incubators shaping European Data Spaces: EDI & REACH cases
Role of Data Incubators shaping European Data Spaces: EDI & REACH cases
ROH: Proceso de Ingeniería Ontológica & Uso y Extensión de Vocabularios Estándar
ROH: Proceso de Ingeniería Ontológica & Uso y Extensión de Vocabularios EstándarROH: Proceso de Ingeniería Ontológica & Uso y Extensión de Vocabularios Estándar
ROH: Proceso de Ingeniería Ontológica & Uso y Extensión de Vocabularios Estándar
Introduction to FAIR Data and Research Objects
Introduction to FAIR Data and Research ObjectsIntroduction to FAIR Data and Research Objects
Introduction to FAIR Data and Research Objects
Introducción a Linked Open Data (espacios enlazados y enlazables)
Introducción a Linked Open Data (espacios enlazados y enlazables)Introducción a Linked Open Data (espacios enlazados y enlazables)
Introducción a Linked Open Data (espacios enlazados y enlazables)
Red Ontologías Hércules – ROH
Red Ontologías Hércules – ROHRed Ontologías Hércules – ROH
Red Ontologías Hércules – ROH
AUDABLOK: Engaging Citizens in Open Data Refinement through Blockchain
AUDABLOK: Engaging Citizens in Open Data Refinement through BlockchainAUDABLOK: Engaging Citizens in Open Data Refinement through Blockchain
AUDABLOK: Engaging Citizens in Open Data Refinement through Blockchain
EDI - European Data Incubator - Public Presentation
EDI - European Data Incubator - Public PresentationEDI - European Data Incubator - Public Presentation
EDI - European Data Incubator - Public Presentation


Generating privacy-protected synthetic data using Secludy and Milvus
Generating privacy-protected synthetic data using Secludy and MilvusGenerating privacy-protected synthetic data using Secludy and Milvus
Generating privacy-protected synthetic data using Secludy and Milvus
HCL Notes and Domino License Cost Reduction in the World of DLAU
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HCL Notes and Domino License Cost Reduction in the World of DLAU
UI5 Controls simplified - UI5con2024 presentation
UI5 Controls simplified - UI5con2024 presentationUI5 Controls simplified - UI5con2024 presentation
UI5 Controls simplified - UI5con2024 presentation
Wouter Lemaire
Ocean lotus Threat actors project by John Sitima 2024 (1).pptx
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Ocean lotus Threat actors project by John Sitima 2024 (1).pptx
Recommendation System using RAG Architecture
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Recommendation System using RAG Architecture
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Enabling Smarter Cities through Internet of Things, Web of Data & Citizen Participation

  • 1. 1 Enabling Smarter Cities through Internet of Things, Web of Data & Citizen Participation UCLM, Ciudad Real, 4 de Noviembre de 2015, 11:45-12:30 Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
  • 2. 2 Agenda • Smarter Cities pillars: – Internet of Things – Web of Data – Crowdsourcing • Interdependence analysis: – Society ageing – Societal urbanisation • Enablement of Smarter Inclusive Cities
  • 3. 3 Internet of Things (IoT) Promise • There will be around 25 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2015, 50 billion by 2020 – A dynamic and universal network where billions of identifiable “things” (e.g. devices, people, applications, etc.) communicate with one another anytime anywhere; things become context- aware, are able to configure themselves and exchange information, and show “intelligence/cognitive” behaviour
  • 4. 4 Internet of Things: Challenges 1. To process huge amounts of data supplied by “connected things” and to offer services as response 2. To research in new methods and mechanisms to find, retrieve, and transmit data dynamically – Discovery of sensor data — both in time and space – Communication of sensor data: complex queries (synchronous), publish/subscribe (asynchronous) – Processing of great variety of sensor data streams: correlation, aggregation and filtering 3. Ethical and social dimension: to keep the balance between personalization, privacy and security
  • 5. 5 IoT Enabling Technologies • Low-cost embedded computing and communication platforms, e.g. Arduino or Rapsberry PI • Wide availability of low-cost sensors and sensor networks • Cloud-based Sensor Data Management Frameworks: Xively,  Democratization of Internet-connected Physical Objects
  • 6. 6 IoT impulse: Smart Cities, consumer objects, mobile sensing, smart metering
  • 7. 7 Personal data: SmartWatch & Health- promoting Data Devices
  • 8. 8 Nature of Data in IoT • Heterogeneity makes IoT devices hardly interoperable • Data collected is multi-modal, diverse, voluminous and often supplied at high speed • IoT data management imposes heavy challenges on information systems
  • 9. 9 User-generated Data: Google Maps vs. Open Street Map • OSM is an excellent cartographic product driven by user contributions • Google Maps has progressed from mapping for the world to mapping from the world, where cartography is not the end product, but rather the necessary means for: – Google’s autonomous car initiative, combine sensors, GPS and 3D maps for self-driving cars. – Google’s Project Wing: a drone-based delivery systems to make use of a detailed 3D model of the world to quickly link supply to demand • By connecting the geometrical content of its Google Maps databases to digital traces that it collects, Google can assign meaning to space, transforming it into place. – Mapping by machines if not about “you are here”, but to understand who you are, where you should be heading, what you could be doing there!
  • 10. 10 CrowdSensing • Individuals with sensing and computing devices collectively share data and extract information to measure and map phenomena of common interest
  • 11. 11 Personal Data • Defined as "any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject")”
  • 12. 12 Social Open Innovation • Novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than current solutions. – New ideas (products, services and models) that simultaneously meet social needs and create new social relationships
  • 13. 13 CAPS: Collective-awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation • Aims at designing and piloting online platforms creating awareness of sustainability problems and offering collaborative solutions based on networks (of people, of ideas, of sensors), enabling new forms of social innovation. • Examples: – Open Democracy, Open Policy Making – Collaborative/Shared Economy – Collaborative making  co-creation
  • 14. 14 Linked Data • “A term used to describe a recommended best practice for exposing, sharing, and connecting pieces of data, information, and knowledge on the Semantic Web using URIs and RDF.“ • Allows to discover, connect, describe and reuse all sorts of data – Fosters passing from a Web of Documents to a Web of Data • In September 2011, it had 31 billion RDF triples linked through 504 millions of links • Thought to open and connect diverse vocabularies and semantic instances, to be used by the Semantic community • URL:
  • 15. 15 Linked Data Principles 1. Uses URIs to identify things 2. Uses HTTP URIs to enable those things to be dereferenced by both people and user agents 3. Provides useful info (structured description and metadata) about a thing/concept referenced by an URI 4. Includes links to other URIs to improve related information discovery in the web
  • 16. 16 Linked Data Life Cycle • Linked Data must go through several stages (several iterations on Linkage) before are ready for exploitation:
  • 17. 17 Linked Data by IoT Devices • Modelling not only the sensors but also their features of interest: spatial and temporal attributes, resources that provide their data, who operated on it, provenance and so on – With SSN, SWEET, SWRC, GeoNames, PROV-O, … vocabularies
  • 18. 18 Avoiding Data Silos through Semantics in IoT • Cut-down semantics is applied to enable machine- interpretable and self-descriptive interlinked data – Integration – heterogeneous data can be integrated or one type of data combined with other – Abstraction and access – semantic descriptions are provided on well accepted ontologies such as SSN – Search and discovery – resulting Linked Data facilitates publishing and discovery of related data – Reasoning and interpretation –new knowledge can be inferred from existing assertions and rules
  • 19. 19 Actionable Knowledge from Linked Data • Don’t care about the data sources (sensors) care about knowledge extracted from their data correlation & interpretation! – Data is captured, communicated, stored, accessed and shared from the physical world to better understand the surroundings – Sensory data related to different events can be analysed, correlated and turned into actionable knowledge – Application domains: e-health, retail, green energy, manufacturing, smart cities/houses
  • 20. 20 Towards Actionable Knowledge: Converting to and Visualizing Open Data • labman: data management system for research organizations which enables to correlate researchers, publications, projects, funding, news … – • euro e-lecciones, social data mining in Twitter to visualize trends for the last European elections – • teseo, conversion and visualization of the distribution by genre and topics of PhD dissertations in Spain. These data was extracted from site – • intellidata, bank transaction analysis in different streets and neighborhoods in Madrid and Barcelona –
  • 21. 21 Data Understanding through Linked Statistics & Visualizations
  • 22. 22 Bringing together IoT and Linked Data: Sustainable Linked Data Coffee Maker • Hypothesis: “the active collaboration of people and Eco-aware everyday objects will enable a more sustainable/energy efficient use of the shared appliances within public spaces” • Contribution: An augmented capsule-based coffee machine placed in a public spaces, e.g. research laboratory – Continuously collects usage patterns to offer feedback to coffee consumers about the energy wasting and also, to intelligently adapt its operation to reduce wasted energy •
  • 23. 23 Social + Sustainable + Persuasive + Cooperative + Linked Data Device 1. Social since it reports its energy consumptions via social networks, i.e. Twitter 2. Sustainable since it intelligently foresees when it should be switched on or off 3. Persuasive since it does not stay still, it reports misuse and motivates seductively usage corrections 4. Cooperative since it cooperates with other devices in order to accelerate the learning process 5. Linked Data Device, since it generates reusable energy consumption-related linked data interlinked with data from other domains that facilitates their exploitation
  • 24. 24 Persuasive Interfaces to Promote Positive Behaviour Change GreenSoul, H2020 project 2016-2018, EE11
  • 25. 25 What is Big Data? • "Big Data are high-volume, high-velocity, and/or high-variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization“ Gartner, 2012 – Opportunity to encounter insights in new and emerging data streams and contents and to answer previously considered beyond the scope questions • Enabled by Open Source frameworks such as Hadoop and Spark
  • 26. 26 Features of Big Data • The structure (or lack thereof) and size of Big Data that makes it so unique • Represents both significant information and the way this information is analyzed – "Big Data" represents a noun – "the data" - and a verb – "combing the data to find value.“ • Interpretation of Big Data can bring about insights which might not be immediately visible or which would be impossible to find using traditional methods.
  • 27. 27 Why Big Data? • We're generating more content than ever before, but in many cases it leads to more questions and fewer answers. – What is happening in the atmosphere? – Which candidate do voters prefer? – Which movies, books, and TV shows are going to satiate the public's appetite? – Which trends are coming down the road? • Technology can drive the business: – Finding "competitive advantages," getting "data on the board's agenda" and driving "innovative products and startups.“ • awesome
  • 28. 28 From 3Vs to 4Vs of Big Data
  • 30. 30 The need for Smart Cities • Challenges cities face today: – Growing population • Traffic congestion • Space – homes and public space – Resource management (water and energy use) – Global warming (carbon emissions) – Tighter city budgets – Aging infrastructure and population
  • 31. 31 Society Urbanisation & Ageing • Urban populations will grow by an estimated 2.3 billion over the next 40 years, and as much as 70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050 [World Urbanization Prospects, United Nations, 2011] • By 2060, 30% of European population will be 65 years or older [EUROSTAT. Demography report 2010. “Older, more numerous and diverse Europeans”, March 2011.]
  • 32. 32 What is a Smart City? • Smart Cities improve the efficiency and quality of the services provided by governing entities and business and (are supposed to) increase citizens’ quality of life within a city – This view can be achieved by leveraging: • Available infrastructure such as Open Government Data and deployed sensor networks in cities • Citizens’ participation through apps in their smartphones – Or go for big companies’ “smart city in a box” solutions
  • 33. 33 What is a Smart Sustainable City? A smart sustainable city is an innovative city that uses information and communication technologies and other means to improve quality of life, efficiency of urban operation and services, and competitiveness, while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social and environmental aspects
  • 34. 34 Smart Diamond of Smart Cities
  • 36. 36 What is an Ambient Assisted City? • A city aware of the special needs of ALL its citizens, particularly those with disabilities or about to lose their autonomy: – Elderly people • The "Young Old" 65-74 • The "Old" 75-84 • The "Oldest-Old" 85+ – People with disabilities • Physical • Sensory (visual, hearing) • Intellectual
  • 37. 37 Age-friendly Smarter Cities • The main attribute of a Smart City is efficiency • An Age-friendly city is an inclusive and accessible urban environment that promotes active ageing • The main attributes of an Ambient Assisted (Smarter) City are: – Livable – Accessible – Healthy – Inclusive – Participative [WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities]
  • 39. 39 The need for Participative Cities • Not enough with the traditional resource efficiency approach of Smart City initiatives • “City appeal and dynamicity” will be key to attract and retain citizens, companies and tourists • Only possible by user-driven and centric innovation: – The citizen should be heard, EMPOWERED! » Urban apps to enhance the experience and interactions of the citizen, by taking advantage of the city infrastructure – The information generated by cities and citizens must be linked and processed » How do we correlate, link and exploit such humongous data for all stakeholders’ benefit? • We should start talking about Big (Linked) Data
  • 40. 40 • Smart Cities seek the participation of citizens: – To enrich the knowledge gathered about a city not only with government-provided or networked sensors' provided data, but also with highly dynamic user-generated data • BUT, how can we ensure that users and their generated data can be trusted and has enough quality? – W3C has created the PROV Data Model, for provenance interchange Citizen Participation
  • 41. 41 • There is a need to analyze the impact that citizens may have on improving, extending and enriching the data – Quality of the provided data may vary from one citizen to another, not to mention the possibility of someone's interest in populating the system with fake data • Duplication, miss-classification, mismatching and data enrichment issues Problems associated to User-provided Data
  • 42. 42 Urban Intelligence / Analytics • Broad Data aggregates data from heterogeneous sources: – Open Government Data repositories – User-supplied data through social networks or apps – Public private sector data or – End-user private data • Humongous potential on correlating and analysing Broad Data in the city context: – Leverage digital traces left by citizens in their daily interactions with the city to gain insights about why, how and when they do things – We can progress from Open City Data to Open Data Knowledge • Energy saving, improve health monitoring, optimized transport system, filtering and recommendation of contents and services
  • 43. 43 Smarter Cities • Smarter Cities  cities that do not only manage their resources more efficiently but also are aware of the citizens’ needs. – Human/city interactions leave digital traces that can be compiled into comprehensive pictures of human daily facets – Analysis and discovery of the information behind the big amount of Broad Data captured on these smart cities deployment Smarter Cities= Internet of Things + Linked Data + citizen participation through Smartphones + Urban Analytics
  • 44. 44 Data challenges of Smart Cities • Data coverage and access (openness) • Data integration and interoperability (data standards) – overcoming the silo and resistance to change • Data quality and provenance: veracity (accuracy, fidelity), uncertainty, error, bias, reliability, calibration, lineage • Quality, veracity and transparency of data analytics • Data interpretation and management issues • Paradigm shift towards data-driven decision making • Security and privacy: stem data breaches and fraud • Skills and organizational capabilities and capacities
  • 45. 45 Analytics in the Smart City: Data- driven decision making
  • 46. 46 Priority Areas EIP on Smart Cities & Communities • dfad
  • 47. 47 Standardization in Smart Cities: Vocabularies and Indicators • UNE 178301 rule developed by AENOR (Spanish Association of Normalization and Certification) establishes a set of requisites for the reuse of Open Data generated by Public Administrations in Smart Cities. – 4#.VjmsffmrQU1 • ISO 37120:2014 indicators a) themes and b) energy example
  • 48. 48 From Open Data to Open Knowledge
  • 49. 49 IES Cities Project • The IES Cities project promotes user-centric mobile micro-services that exploit open data and generate user-supplied data – Hypothesis: Users may help on improving, extending and enriching the open data in which micro-services are based • Its platform aims to: – Enable user supplied data to complement, enrich and enhance existing datasets about a city – Facilitate the generation of citizen-centric apps that exploit urban data in different domains European CIP project 2013-2016, Zaragoza & Majadahonda involved
  • 50. 50 IES Cities Stakeholders • Citizens: – Users collaborate in the definition of the digital entity of the city. – Citizen produce and consumes contents (super-prosumer concept). • SMEs: – IES Cities will allow the creation of services benefiting the local businesses. • ICT-developing companies: – The platform will enable the chance to create new apps and services based on user needs, bringing new possibilities and added value. • Public administration: – The interaction with the users will enable them to improve and foster the use of their deployed sensors in urban areas and open databases
  • 51. 51 IES Cities Objectives • To create a new open-platform adapting the technologies and over taking the knowledge from previous initiatives. • To validate and test a set of predefined urban apps across the cities. • To validate, analyse and retrieve technical feedback from the different pilots in order to detect and solve the major incidences of the technical solutions used in the cities. • To adequately achieve engagement of users in the pilots and measure their acceptability during the validations. • To maximize the impact of the project through adequate dissemination activities and publication of solutions upon a Dual-license model.
  • 55. 55 What´s WeLive (I) A novel We-Government ecosystem of tools (Live) that is easily deployable in different PA and which promotes co- innovation and co-creation of personalised public services through public-private partnerships and the empowerment of all stakeholders to actively take part in the value-chain of a municipality or a territory Open Data Open Services Open Innovation H2020 project 2015-2017, Bilbao council involved
  • 56. 56 What´s WeLive (II) Stakeholder Collaboration + Public-private Partnership  IDEAS >> APPLICATIONS >> MARKETPLACE WeLive offers tools to transform the needs into ideas Tools to select the best Ideas and create the B. Blocks A way to compose the Building Blocks into mass market Applications which can be exploited through the marketplace
  • 57. 57 WeLive proposes… Transform the current e-government approach into… WeLive Open and Collaborative Government Solution = We- government + t-government + I-government + m-government We- All stakeholders are treated as peers and prosumers t- Providing Technology tools to create public value l- To do more with less by involving other players and the PA as orchestrator m- Utilisation of mobile tech. for public services delivery
  • 58. 58 Key Area WeLive Innovation and added value Open Data WeLive will provide an Open Data Toolset which will enable to handle the whole life cycle of what is starting to be termed as Broad Data, i.e. a combination of Open Data, Social Data, Big Data and private data. • Open Data Toolset will provide tools to capture, transform, adapt, link, store, publish and search for data which may be consumed by innovative public service apps. Open Services Open Services Framework centred on two key abstractions, namely building blocks and app templates. • Factorize the capabilities offered by a city or its stakeholders as a set of building blocks which can be easily combined with each other to give place to composite services. • Exemplary service templates composed of several building blocks so that stakeholders can personalize them and turn them into new public service app instances. Open Innovation Tackle the whole innovation process phases: a) conceptualization, b) voting and selection, c) funding, d) development and e) promotion and f) exploitation. • WeLive will focus on how to pass from innovation to adoption, by democratizing the creation process and fostering public-private partnership that will jointly exploit the outcomes of the innovation process. User- centric services Personalization of public service apps based on user profile and context. • A key element, named Citizen Data Vault, will represent a single sign-on point for a user • Decision Engine will enable stakeholders to retrieve statistics about the usage and app consumption and demand patterns of the different stakeholder groups. • Visual Composer, a tool to enable every stakeholder, even citizens, to visually compose their own services will be offered.
  • 59. 59 WeLive Marketplace (Java EE) WeLive Player Citizen Data Vault (PubSubHubBub) Decision Engine (JBoss Drools 6) Open Innovation Area (Java EE) Propose Building blocks Get profile Update data Building blocks Data Mashup Publish new Building blocks Idea generation from citizen Get Public Service App Use existing Building Blocks Idea Generation Idea evaluation and selection Idea refinement Idea implementation NEED Develop building blocks/open service from scratch Visual composer (HTML5/CSS3) WeLive Vision/Architecture
  • 60. 60 City4Age: Elderly-friendly City services for active and healthy ageing • Aims to act as a bridge between the European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) on Smart Cities and Communities & Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) • Demonstrate that Cities play a pivotal role in the unobtrusive collection of “more data”and with “increased frequency” for comprehending individual behaviours and improving the early detection of risks H2020 project 2016- 2018, PHC 21, Madrid is involved
  • 61. 61 SIMPATICO • Addresses the need to offer a more efficient and more effective experience to companies and citizens in their daily interaction with Public Administration (PA) – Providing a personalized delivery of e- services based on advanced cognitive system technologies and by promoting an active engagement of people for the continuous improvement of the interaction with these services. H2020 project 2016-2018, EURO6, Xunta Galicia is involved
  • 62. 62 PA traditional e-services vs. SIMPATICO approach
  • 63. 63 I have a dream … the citizen- empowered inclusive City • Smart Cities must ensure social equity, economic viability and environmental sustainability, enabled by: – IoT: Smart Objects, e.g. enabling technology for inclusive cities which allows to collect data, e.g. people transiting through a given area – Web of Data: Open Data from a given council should be linked to real- time data gathered by sensor data (physical) and prosumed data by users (virtual sensors)  BROAD DATA – Citizen participation: smartphones running Location-aware Open Data apps which recommend to surrounding citizens and visitors according to their profile and capabilities • User-conscious apps should adapt to the capabilities of different users, their devices and current context
  • 64. 64 I have a dream … the citizen- empowered inclusive City
  • 65. 65 Enabling Smarter Cities through Internet of Things, Web of Data & Citizen Participation UCLM, Ciudad Real, 4 de Noviembre de 2015, 11:45-12:30 Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza
  • 66. 66 References • Innovating the Smart Cities, Syam Madanapalli | IEEE Smart Tech Workshop 2015, smart-cities • Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T. and McArdle, G. (2015) Knowing and governing cities through urban indicators, city benchmarking and real-time dashboards. Regional Studies, Regional Science 2: 1-28, • Towards Smart City: Making Government Data Work with Big Data Analysis, Charles Mok, 24 September 2015, data-work-with-big-data-analysis-53176591 • Mining in the Middle of the City: The needs of Big Data for Smart Cities, Dr. Antonio Jara, of-the-city-the-needs-of-big-data-for-smart-cities
  • 67. 67 References • ITU News – What is a smart sustainable city?, city.note.aspx • Frost & Sullivan's Predictions for the Global Energy and Environment Market, predictions-for-the-global-energy-and-environment-market