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Write An Essay On 9/11 Dispatching
Emergency telecommunications otherwise known as 911 dispatching, is a fast paced and exciting
work environment. During a twelve hour shift, the dispatcher's never know what is going to occur,
nor do they know when it is going to occur. Hours of boredom are usually followed by minutes of
sheer panic and terror. They deal with everything from domestic violence to medical calls, traffic
stops to house fires. A 911 dispatcher doubles as a communications liaison for police officers,
deputies, medical personnel, and firefighters. Emergency telecommunications often known as
dispatching can be distributed in four major categories: law enforcement, fire, emergency medical,
and call taking/administrative. Law enforcement: Like the law enforcement more
Though law enforcement initially functions as individuals, fire dispatching normally involves one
or more units of personnel. The types of fire calls are as unpredictable as law enforcement. There
are many different types of fire calls, something as simple as smelling smoke, to a fully involved
structure with occupants inside. It is the dispatchers responsibility to glean detains that will allow
firefighters to respond with the appropriate personnel and apparatus. When seconds count, it is
critical that dispatchers obtain complete and accurate information. On occasion there is a nexus
between firefighting and law enforcement, such as an arson fire. Again it is crucial that the
dispatcher obtains complete and accurate information. It may be necessary to coordinate a law
enforcement response simultaneously with a fire response. An example would be the arson fire of
the Muslim mosque in Joplin in 2012. This was a total loss structure fire that was deliberately set.
Ultimately information obtained by dispatchers and conveyed to line police officers resulted in a
conviction of an arsonist and the ability of the mosque to get financial recovery and
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9/11 Research Paper
The 9/11 incident had a lot of people lost no one actually knew what really happened at first. A lot
of people were confused and shocked people didn't know what to think all they could really do was
assume. So the town evacuated it took tons of boats to get the people off of the island.
First, people thought it was an accident then the people kind of assumed it was a tourist attack, it
actually really was a tourist attack but they could not prove it.
There was a high school student that proved that it was a tourist attack because his dad was on the
plane when it was high jacked by tourist and the students dad got in touch with his son while they
were being high jacked and told him that tourist high jacked the plane and that he probably won't
make it home to his family but to tell the rest of the family that he loved more content...
It was a very emotional day for a lot of people. It's sad that it happened because a lot of loved ones
was lost. Tourist attacks is something I would never want to see or be around.
It's crazy to know that there are tourist I wish they did not exist it would make the world a better
place, a much better place. You never know when tourist attacks are going to happen, and I highly
doubt you would ever no when one is going to happen again. You can't be prepared for something
crazy like this because it's very unexpected. 9/11 was one of the worst tourist attacks in the world.
And I would never want to hear about something like this ever
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911 Dispatching Research Paper
Emergency telecommunications otherwise known as 911 dispatching is a fast paced and exciting
work environment. During a twelve hour shift, the dispatchers never know what is going to occur,
nor do they know when it is going to occur. Hours of boredom can be followed by minutes of sheer
panic and terror. They deal with everything from domestic violence to medical calls, traffic stops to
house fires. A 911 dispatcher doubles as a communications liaison for police officers, deputies,
medical personnel, and fire fighters. Emergency telecommunications often known as dispatching can
be broken down into four major categories: law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, and call
taking/administrative. Law enforcement: Like the law enforcement more content...
Whereas law enforcement initially functions as individuals, fire dispatching normally involves
one or more units of personnel. The types of fire calls are as unpredictable as law enforcement.
There are many different types of fire calls, something as simple as smelling smoke, to a fully
involved structure with occupants inside. It is the dispatchers responsibility to glean detains that
will allow fire fighters to respond with the appropriate personnel and apparatus. When seconds
count, it is critical that dispatchers obtain complete and accurate information. On occasion there is
a nexus between firefighting and law enforcement such as an arson fire. Again it is critical that the
dispatcher obtain complete and accurate information. It may be necessary to coordinate a law
enforcement response simultaneously with a fire response. An example would be the arson fire of
the Muslim mosque in Joplin in 2012. This was a total loss structure fire that was deliberately set.
Ultimately information obtained by dispatchers and conveyed to line police officers resulted in a
conviction of an arsonist and the ability of the mosque to get financial recovery and
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Narrative Essay On 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
he couldn't believe that the passengers were still okay after seeing that bus careen through the
intersection at such a shocking speed narrowly missing the pedestrians crossing just feet away and
crashing into that emergency guardrail he rushed over to the driver to see if there was anything to
do to help call 911 the driver said obviously petrified at what had just occurred the man jumped into
the bus as he scrounged through his pockets searching for his cell phone he checked on each
passenger as he quickly notified the dispatcher of what had just happened discovering to his relief
that the worst injuries anyone complained of were minor scratches and some bruises from the
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911 Operator Research Paper
911 Operator Education or Training Required: High school diploma or equivalent degree, and
employer training. Responsibilities and Daily Activities: Operate a multi–line telephone console
system, translate information to the appropriate codes, perform emergency medical dispatch,
monitor and operate a radio console, dispatch and coordinate the responses of public safety agencies.
(n.d.). Retrieved August 25, 2016, from
/911_Operator_Career_Information_and_Requirements.html Job Duties of 911 Dispatchers. (n.d.).
Retrieved August 25, 2016, from–description/ Self–Reflection:
Trevor– I'm not very interested in this career. It does not seem like a career that I would enjoy very
much. It
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9/11 Reflection Essay
On September 11, 2001 terrorists apprehended 4 airplanes and committed the most heinous act in
American history. They flew two planes into the world trade center, one into the Pentagon, and one
crashed in a field in Pennsylvania crash killing more than three thousand American citizens. Since 9
/11many things have changed in America in relation to our national security. One of the major
changes that have effected most people is in the airports. There are several new procedures one
must go through to take a flight these days. First, when you arrive at the airport you are required to
have a government issued identification card at the counter rather than any old identification card.
Then, after you receive your boarding pass you more content...
Most sickening is the relish other Americans are taking in their new roles as fascist storm troopers.
In a famous study conducted at Yale in the sixties by professor Stanley Milgram, members of the
public willingly administered what they thought were fatal electric shocks to another human being
simply because they were told to do so by an authority(Coulter 1)."
What Coulter is saying here is that these systems are ridiculously inane. She states that we as
Americans submit to them just because we are told we should even though they are not keeping us
safer. None of this makes us anymore safe it is just an illusion and a frustration.
One of the most controversial issues to come forth from the post 9/11 era is the Patriot Act. This is
a law that was passed by congress to help the intelligence agencies and the executive branch succeed
in their counter terrorism efforts. Also, "To deter and punish terrorist acts in theUnited States and
around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools and other reasons(Patriot Act)."
The reason biggest reason that this is so controversial is the ability of our intelligence agencies
acquire wire taps and search people personal correspondents without a warrant signed by a judge.
However, I do not find this to be so troubling and the reason for that is, if you aren't doing anything
in the way of terrorist activities you have nothing to worry about. People complain about their fourth
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9/11 Research Paper
September 11, 2001 is a day that will forever be remembered by all Americans; it was the day in
which 2,823 people were killed due to the terrorist attacks performed by the terrorist group
Al–Qaeda. Up to this day there are many people who do not know all the facts about this day and
do not even know the number of plane crashes that occurred due to Al–Qaeda's terrorist plans.
Al–Qaeda is a terrorist organization that was started by Osama Bin Laden. This terrorist group is a
racist organization whose philosophy is described as centralization of decision and decentralization
of execution. This group has admitted they are responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11,
2001. They stated that the United States was actively oppressing more content...
There was no survivors on any of the four planes that were hijacked. Many people died in the
buildings as well, and some people trying to escape the attacks did not make it. There were 1,102
victims that were identified by a New York medical examiner, but there were 1,616 victims who
were not found nor identified and their families were given death certificates. The estimated total
of deaths including every passenger aboard the four planes is 2,823. There were people who were
rescued and tragically people who had no way out and did the first thing they could think of,
which was to jump to their death. In order to try to save themselves from the excruciating heat
coming from the fires that erupted from the plane crashes, people would jump from the buildings
and fall to their death. The fall was estimated to last about ten seconds and would fall at a rapid
speed of 125 mph. If the body was to fall in a position where someone fell down with their body
straight as if they were diving, the speed of the body falling down could increase to a speed of up
to 200 mph. There were around 200 jumpers who decided to die this way. While all of this was
happening, there were people who were trying to escape the madness in the towers. In an effort to
escape, people tried using the elevators in the World Trade Centers but some plunged to their death
as a result of the elevator cables being damaged due to the planes crashing and
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Argumentative Essay On 9 / 11
Every American citizen can remember exactly where they were on the day September 11, 2001, this
day was burned into the mind of American because the biggest terrorist attack in American history
would occur. Two Boeing planes hijacked by a terrorist organization named al–Qaeda who would
crash the planes into the world trades centers, sending America into shock(Pizzo,2016). There have
been countless laws and regulations passed in America since the awful terrorist attacks on 9/11,
has it been effective or a failure. The attack on September 11, 2001, will forever be a turning point
in American history, it raised one of the most important questions in American society today what is
more import for a citizen freedom or security and the law put in place to combat these horrific
terrorist attack ultimately would be ineffective and tear American more apart on political issues.
The terrorist attacks on the world trades created many laws trying to prevent these from ever
happing again, but what are these laws exactly? The major law that was put in place by the U.S
government was the Patriot Act also known as the Anti–Terrorism Act of 2001; these laws would be
the biggest expand of government in U.S history(Pizzo,2016). The original law was created to try to
remove the limits the law–enforcement, so it could better protect the citizens of the United States. In
many causes, this was just modernizing the government with all the new technology like cell phones
and the internet. One
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Speech On 9/11
The monstrous moment on September 11, 2001. When the two twin towers broke down, because the
actions of Al – Queda, hitting the twin towers with two planes ending people's innocent lives. A
huge chunk of lives were taken some people even decided to jump off. One man thought, giving
money to families who suffered from disappointment by losing someone in the 9/11 incident, that
man was Kenneth Fineberg. I strongly disagree with Kenneth Fineberg, why give money when
money won't bring the person who passed away back alive and I believe money won't fix the
problem. Although people disagree and think the rich should get more money because they work in
higher ranking jobs and the poor get less, or rich and poor get the same amount
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Essay On 9/11 Attacks
With this in mind, one terrorist attack that will forever be remembered is the attack that occurred
in September 11, 2001 led by Osama bin Laden. During this attack, terrorists who were ready to
kill thousands of innocent people and end their own life as well in the process of doing so hijacked
two airplanes. They took over the airplanes and headed straight over to the World Trade Center. One
tower was impacted first and the second one was struck minutes later. Suddenly after a couple of
minutes after the twin towers were hit, the towers came tumbling down, causing even more panic
an terror all throughout New York City and worldwide. Ever since the attacks in 2001, it seems that
more and more attacks have transpired over the last couple of years not only by Osama bin Laden
but also by al Qaeda, ISIS, and other extremist groups.
Furthermore, recruitment has become extremely popular through Internet means after the attacks on
9/11. This is what would be considered a form of Internet jihad. As declared by Schorn (2007), "It is
certain that virtual reality is doing real damage with intelligence, recruiting, more
Terrorism has also opened up a whole new level of threat after jihad has been able to be completed
through media and internet/cyber means. The Internet and the media have only made it simpler for
terrorists groups such as the Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, Osama bin Laden followers, and so on, to
achieve their goals and cause a reign of terror all throughout the world. Thus, that is why it is so
critical for everyone, especially those from government background, to be aware of the threats these
groups can pose and be prepared in the case that there is an attack. If every single defense
department is prepared, informed, and determined to fight against terrorists, there could definitely be
a possible resolution to this worldwide evolving
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9/11 Conspiracy Essay
"Have you heard of the conspiracy of 9/11, Mom? We're learning about the religion of Islam in
World History and today we discussed one time terrorists were planning on attacking the Twin
towers on September 9, 2011. Apparently, some guy and no one know who it was but the FBI are
looking into it. This guy exposed some dude by the name of Osama bin Laden and his group of
followers before they could have attacked. Is it true?" 12–year–old Lucy Banker asked her mother.
Mrs. Banker looked up from her knitting and thought for a moment. "Yes, Dear. I do remember
that day. It was a scary day for all of us as Americans but they imprisoned Osama and his men. A
few a years before that the government noticed how dominating he was. So to deal with the problem
they executed him. "
"But wait, more content...
Then they went to the office to meet Lucy's mother. Mrs. Banker let the office know she was there
to pick the girls up and to sign some paperwork how long Lucy would be absent and soon after,
they were in the car heading towards the airport.
In 20 minutes they were there. Lucy and Faith were squealing with excitement!
" Look at all the awesome planes!" Faith exclaimed.
" Oh, I can smell the ocean water already." Lucy looking up, gave a sniff of fresh air as if she could
smell it. Faith laughed.
" Ok, Girls, now that we're here, we need to stay together. There's a lot of people and you can
easily get lost in this big place. We're first going to go pay for our flight and then use the restroom
before boarding. Our flight leaves in half an hour. That should give us enough time."
Once inside, they headed towards where the sign said, " Ticket counter" but it wasn't hard to find it
because of the long line.
Lucy looked up at her Mom. Wondering what they were going to do now. Her mother looked calm.
Lucy and Faith looked each other and with a shrug, decided that there was nothing to worry
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Compare And Contrast Essay About 9/11
Many bad things happened September 11, 2001. Also many people lost family members that work
at the World Trade Center. Also people lost family m in Arlington County, Virginia. The Twin
Towers were the tallest buildings in the world. Many families were sad for their lost ones on 9/11 in
New York and Virginia.
9/11 was a very sad day for most people. It was a very sad day because most people died from the
twin tower attack from terrorists or hijackers. Osama Bin Laden was the leader of this whole
process. The Twin Towers were the biggest buildings inNew York Cityand they got attacked by
hijackers who crashed into the towers. The towers were attacked by a Islamic extremist group called
During 9/11 the
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Informative Essay On 911
September 11, 2001, one of the most traumatic days in United States history. The day we lost
many lives and grieved as a whole. A day that would forever change the lives of citizens' in the
United States forever. Just imagine one day waking up and hearing that a local business around
your area had been struck by planes and killed thousands of people in the process, and being in the
area, witnessing it as it happens. The interview I conducted with my mother shows how people in the
public of the United States felt that day. In the area we lived in they thought we were the next
target, we lived close to Wright Patterson Airforce Base in Fairborn Ohio. They were stopping
anyone and everyone that lived in Ohio that day from being able to go anywhere or do anything.
According to my mother, "I found out at 8:45 am when the first tower was attacked. All hell broke
loose and more content...
One has to wonder how our country was not able to see this coming. I uncovered some interesting
facts concerning the September 11 attacks and some of these facts are really heart wrenching. Only
20 people were pulled from the debris of the twin towers. It took 99 days to completely put out all
of the fires from the explosions, and "144 wedding rings were found in the debris of the collapsed
towers" (Lord). There were 3,051 children that lost their parents that day, and one fact that I find
interesting is "three hours before the attacks a machine called a Random Event Generator at
Princeton University predicted a cataclysmic event was about to unfold" (Hind). Even though it did
not say where the event was going to take place, I think the government should have been notified.
There should have been some type of clues of some sort that the government had in their possession.
As much technology as the world has today, how could they have not known that something this
catastrophic was going to happen, it is simply
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9/11 Informative Speech
September 11th, 2001, known to be one of the most important days in our nation's history. Located
in New York City, is a monument that has two large pools with names engraved of the people
killed that day, symbolising a memory we will never forget. This monument was established on
September 11th, 2011, with more than 10,000 visitors every day. If you go to New York City, visit
this monument, especially if you knew someone in the attack.
The 9/11 monument is very big sitting 66' wide. It is located at the World Trade Center, now sitting
where the Twin Towers used to stand. The 9/11 Monument is in a field of over 400 oak trees and
a small park. It has two large pools with all of the people's names engraved in stone, who were
killed in the terrorist attack. Michael Arad, Peter Walker, and Daniel Libeskind constructed this
right where the Twin Towers used to stand in New York City. If you had a family member in that
attack, you could lay a flower on their name. They built this memorial in mark of the Twin Towers
because they feel it's connecting them to the towers deconstruction and the people killed that day.
This incident more content...
The monument is in New York City, New York, receiving more than 10,000 visitors every day
since it was built in 2011. The ticket amount ranges from $15 to $50 and free if you are a member.
There are different types of tickets you can buy depending on what you wanna see. The monument is
open daily from 9 a.m., to 9 p.m., and the Museum is open every weekday and weekend, earliest 9
a.m., latest 9 p.m. There are guided tours for both the museum and monument. For the Museum you
get a 45 minute tour of what happened on 9/11, how people responded after the attacks, the
rebuilding of it, and history. At the monument, you learn the significance of the World Trade Center,
learn about what happened that day, and understand the symbols of the Monuments
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Research Paper On 9/11
As history events have been noted in books, so that people will hopefully learn from our miss
stakes. There are many things that causes certain events to be written down in history books and
that would be when something important happen. This can be something that was a good day or
an event that cause a lot of problems. Now what this essay is going to talk about is how the day
of 9/11 started and how it even finish after everything was over. Also there might be some things
on this essay that might make people mad for writing about 9/11 in general or that it could have
been an inside job. Many people believe that this weaken the United States. For the longest time
this was the first time that more than 2,000 people die in the U.S from an terrorist attack. On the
day September 11, 2001 it started off like any other day, people going to work, kids going to school
and people flight to places. It happen in the morning at 8:46 A.M when the first plane had hit the
world trade center. Many people believe that more content...
This was called ground zero because everything was laid down to waste. There were many people
that help the firefighters and the police since there was a lot that had to be done. This help with
the search and rescues which saved many lives. There were people that had been found near the
towers that were very badly wounded and sometimes there were people that had been found
collapse a block away. The smoke that spread when the buildings fell was a couple of blocks. This
cause some people to pass out from all the dirt/smoke spread around the builds and it sometime
killed people that come not make it out. As the fire men looked for people under the piece of
rubble, they also had to make sure that when they did find someone, they had to find a way get the
rubble off of that without hurting
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Essay About 9/11
September 11 2001 One of the most horrific event that has taken place in the United States Of
America in the 2000's was the 9/11 attacks on the World Trades Centre and the Pentagon. Over
500,000 people were affected by these events, yet there are still many unanswered questions about
what had really taken place that day and Why? In this essay you will read direct quotes from people
who have experienced the catalyst into multiple conspiracy theories and my opinion on what had
happened September 11 2001.
At 8:46 on a regular tuesday morning, a hijacked plane flew through the north tower of the world
trade center in New York killing everyone on board and on the 93 rd through to the 99th floors.
About 15 minutes later, the south tower was hit. With a total of 2,996 civilian deaths, more
All reports say that the steel melted at 1,500В°C the elevation in temperature was due to 90,000 L
gallons of jet fuel on a few floors of the WTC. Results in buckling and failure of the steel was due
to two factors: loss of strength due to the temperature of the fire, loss of structural integrity due to
distortion of the steel from the different degrees in temperatures of the fire.
As one or two of the most heavily burned floors gave way and the outer support began to bow
outward, the floors above them also fell. The floor below could not support the roughly 45,000 tons
of ten floors this started the domino effect that caused the collapse. It only took seven seconds and
would have fallen around 300 km/h a 500,000 tons structure went straight down.
American Airlines Flight 77 The Boeing 757–223 was hijacked by five men affiliated with al–Qaeda
on September 11, 2001, flew into the western side of the Pentagon at 9:37 EDT killing all 64 people
on board, 125 people in the building and the five
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911 Case Study
1) I think the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon affected both short and long
term productivity in the U.S.It affected short–term travel the day of and weeks to follow the
attack.Increased security and delayed/canceled flights were in high volume for weeks after.This
caused a decrease in productivity because less planes were allowed in the air and business was
done less efficiently.This affect has carried over in to the long term as well.Travel is still slowed
down due to heavier security screenings and more laborers are required to ensure the safety of
travellers. 2) Some example of new technology that has caused unemployment is self–check out
aisles and automated customer service.Cashiers are no longer needed to ring customers up and
customer service representatives are being replaced by systems that give options that can be
answered with the push of a button.An example of a new technology that has created jobs is the
new application technology for Гњber drivers.This system allows people to work for themselves by
transporting people around like a taxi driver would.The new technology keeps track of accounting,
fares, and more.The way to measure the net impact of technological change on overall employment
and GDP in the U.S. is to compare the number of jobs created by technologies to the number lost.
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Write A Short Essay On 9/11
In the Month of September there are a lot of holidays. One of the holidays is Labor Day. Labor
Day celebrates those American Workers and there achievements. Usually they close schools and
sometimes they even give people they day off of work. Labor Day is celebrated the first Monday of
September. People do cook out and go to parks and gather the family.
Other people go to special events or parades. Something else that occurred in September was 9/11.
9/11 was a terrorist attack . The attack happened in Manhattan, New York on September 11 , 2001.
There were four plane . The four planes where hijacked mid flight. All of the planes went to different
locations except for two. Two planes crashed into the twin towers. Then the other two planes went to
different places. One went to the Pentagon in Washington, more content...
It was lead by a man named Osama Bin laden. The group was founded in 1988. Osama in laden was
killed on May 2nd , 2011 around 1:00am. He was killed by navy seals. He was killed in his
Compound in Bilal Town, Abbottabad, Pakistan.
As a result his body was buried in North Arabian Sea.Fall starts in September. September is the ninth
month but did you know that it use to be the seventh month in the Roman Calendar. September is the
month with the longest name. It has nine letters. September got it its name because it was the
seventh month. The name came from "seven". The Latin root means seven.
The root is septem. September 16 is the fourth most common birthday in the world. The month of
September is the begging of autumn. It is also the begging o spring. In the northern hemisphere it is
autumn but southern hemisphere it is spring. There are thirty days in September. September also has
three birth flowers. The flowers are the morning glory, the aster, and the Forget me not. They all
have different
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9/11 Terrorism Essay
On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a Tuesday morning, a Boeing 767–222 aircraft plummeted
into the twin towers. Boarding 56 passengers including 5 hijackers. After the incident, no survivors
were found all passengers and more were found dead at the scene.
Al–Qaeda was the name of the group to aim carry out suicide attacks against important United States
buildings. An Islamic extremist terrorist system started by Osama bin Laden. With franchise
operations in at least sixteen other countries, al–Qaeda seeks to overthrow Middle–Eastern
governments or other places with strong Muslim representation that do not force
religiously–sanctioned social and political order. Knowing that if those areas were to fail, then the
people would have to start back over from square 1. Knocking out the United States way of trade.
This event gave birth to a war and brought about everyday sociological changes for America. The
attacks on American soil were made in an attempt to reduce support in the United States for the
'offending' governments, which al–Qaeda saw as a huge obstacle in building a global order under
Islam. In addition, they were angry more content...
All leaving and entering Boston. The two other planes involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks had
slightly different routes. The first, an American Airlines Boeing 767–222 left the airport in
Washington D.C., headed for Los Angeles. Once hijacked, the attackers steered the plane towards the
Pentagon where they slammed into the west side of the building, workplace to twenty four thousand
people (Schmemann). After learning about the other attacks, passengers on the fourth plane, United
Airlines Boeing 767–222, Flight 93, decided to take matter into their own hands. Fighting back, the
passengers were able to steer the plane from its original target, Washington D.C., and crashed into a
field in Pennsylvania, killing everyone
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9/11 Thesis
9/11 Terrorist AttacksTopic: 9/11 Terrorist AttacksQuestion: How did the 9/11 terrorist attacks affect
America ?Thesis Statement: The 9/11 terrorist attacks affected America so much so the U.S.
tightened airport security. Lots of people lost family members and that affected the way these
Americans live now.The 9/11 terrorist attacks had a great impact on America, let me give you a
little bit of background on why that is. Basically, the terrorist group Al– Qaeda hijacked 4 planes to
basically use as missiles. Something of this magnitude had never happened in the United States
before. This act of terrorism left scars on Americans forever.As I mentioned before, there were 4
planes hijacked each was intended for a certain large target. In total there were 19 men who hijacked
those 4 more content...
Furthermore, for the last plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania and is thought to have been
heading for the white house. In total there were 2,996 people who died in3. Of those 2,996 people
400 of those were police and firefighters4. It The plane that crashed in Pennsylvania didn't crash in
the open field on purpose. 1–11–attacks2
As a matter of fact, it was the combined effort of the people on the plane that made the plane crash in
field instead of a populated area.Many new policies were established due to the terrorist attacks. For
example, airlines tightened security immensely after this. It seems like it takes a whole day to get
through the inspections. This is just one thing that changed after the terrorist attacks. Something
rather notable is the President George W. Bush actually went to war against the terrorists without
permission from congress. Additionally,another thing that changed drastically is the way Americans
feel toward middle
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Essay 911

  • 1. Write An Essay On 9/11 Dispatching Emergency telecommunications otherwise known as 911 dispatching, is a fast paced and exciting work environment. During a twelve hour shift, the dispatcher's never know what is going to occur, nor do they know when it is going to occur. Hours of boredom are usually followed by minutes of sheer panic and terror. They deal with everything from domestic violence to medical calls, traffic stops to house fires. A 911 dispatcher doubles as a communications liaison for police officers, deputies, medical personnel, and firefighters. Emergency telecommunications often known as dispatching can be distributed in four major categories: law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, and call taking/administrative. Law enforcement: Like the law enforcement more content... Though law enforcement initially functions as individuals, fire dispatching normally involves one or more units of personnel. The types of fire calls are as unpredictable as law enforcement. There are many different types of fire calls, something as simple as smelling smoke, to a fully involved structure with occupants inside. It is the dispatchers responsibility to glean detains that will allow firefighters to respond with the appropriate personnel and apparatus. When seconds count, it is critical that dispatchers obtain complete and accurate information. On occasion there is a nexus between firefighting and law enforcement, such as an arson fire. Again it is crucial that the dispatcher obtains complete and accurate information. It may be necessary to coordinate a law enforcement response simultaneously with a fire response. An example would be the arson fire of the Muslim mosque in Joplin in 2012. This was a total loss structure fire that was deliberately set. Ultimately information obtained by dispatchers and conveyed to line police officers resulted in a conviction of an arsonist and the ability of the mosque to get financial recovery and Get more content on
  • 2. 9/11 Research Paper The 9/11 incident had a lot of people lost no one actually knew what really happened at first. A lot of people were confused and shocked people didn't know what to think all they could really do was assume. So the town evacuated it took tons of boats to get the people off of the island. First, people thought it was an accident then the people kind of assumed it was a tourist attack, it actually really was a tourist attack but they could not prove it. There was a high school student that proved that it was a tourist attack because his dad was on the plane when it was high jacked by tourist and the students dad got in touch with his son while they were being high jacked and told him that tourist high jacked the plane and that he probably won't make it home to his family but to tell the rest of the family that he loved more content... It was a very emotional day for a lot of people. It's sad that it happened because a lot of loved ones was lost. Tourist attacks is something I would never want to see or be around. It's crazy to know that there are tourist I wish they did not exist it would make the world a better place, a much better place. You never know when tourist attacks are going to happen, and I highly doubt you would ever no when one is going to happen again. You can't be prepared for something crazy like this because it's very unexpected. 9/11 was one of the worst tourist attacks in the world. And I would never want to hear about something like this ever Get more content on
  • 3. 911 Dispatching Research Paper Emergency telecommunications otherwise known as 911 dispatching is a fast paced and exciting work environment. During a twelve hour shift, the dispatchers never know what is going to occur, nor do they know when it is going to occur. Hours of boredom can be followed by minutes of sheer panic and terror. They deal with everything from domestic violence to medical calls, traffic stops to house fires. A 911 dispatcher doubles as a communications liaison for police officers, deputies, medical personnel, and fire fighters. Emergency telecommunications often known as dispatching can be broken down into four major categories: law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, and call taking/administrative. Law enforcement: Like the law enforcement more content... Whereas law enforcement initially functions as individuals, fire dispatching normally involves one or more units of personnel. The types of fire calls are as unpredictable as law enforcement. There are many different types of fire calls, something as simple as smelling smoke, to a fully involved structure with occupants inside. It is the dispatchers responsibility to glean detains that will allow fire fighters to respond with the appropriate personnel and apparatus. When seconds count, it is critical that dispatchers obtain complete and accurate information. On occasion there is a nexus between firefighting and law enforcement such as an arson fire. Again it is critical that the dispatcher obtain complete and accurate information. It may be necessary to coordinate a law enforcement response simultaneously with a fire response. An example would be the arson fire of the Muslim mosque in Joplin in 2012. This was a total loss structure fire that was deliberately set. Ultimately information obtained by dispatchers and conveyed to line police officers resulted in a conviction of an arsonist and the ability of the mosque to get financial recovery and Get more content on
  • 4. Narrative Essay On 9/11 Terrorist Attacks he couldn't believe that the passengers were still okay after seeing that bus careen through the intersection at such a shocking speed narrowly missing the pedestrians crossing just feet away and crashing into that emergency guardrail he rushed over to the driver to see if there was anything to do to help call 911 the driver said obviously petrified at what had just occurred the man jumped into the bus as he scrounged through his pockets searching for his cell phone he checked on each passenger as he quickly notified the dispatcher of what had just happened discovering to his relief that the worst injuries anyone complained of were minor scratches and some bruises from the Get more content on
  • 5. 911 Operator Research Paper 911 Operator Education or Training Required: High school diploma or equivalent degree, and employer training. Responsibilities and Daily Activities: Operate a multi–line telephone console system, translate information to the appropriate codes, perform emergency medical dispatch, monitor and operate a radio console, dispatch and coordinate the responses of public safety agencies. (n.d.). Retrieved August 25, 2016, from /911_Operator_Career_Information_and_Requirements.html Job Duties of 911 Dispatchers. (n.d.). Retrieved August 25, 2016, from–description/ Self–Reflection: Trevor– I'm not very interested in this career. It does not seem like a career that I would enjoy very much. It Get more content on
  • 6. 9/11 Reflection Essay On September 11, 2001 terrorists apprehended 4 airplanes and committed the most heinous act in American history. They flew two planes into the world trade center, one into the Pentagon, and one crashed in a field in Pennsylvania crash killing more than three thousand American citizens. Since 9 /11many things have changed in America in relation to our national security. One of the major changes that have effected most people is in the airports. There are several new procedures one must go through to take a flight these days. First, when you arrive at the airport you are required to have a government issued identification card at the counter rather than any old identification card. Then, after you receive your boarding pass you more content... Most sickening is the relish other Americans are taking in their new roles as fascist storm troopers. In a famous study conducted at Yale in the sixties by professor Stanley Milgram, members of the public willingly administered what they thought were fatal electric shocks to another human being simply because they were told to do so by an authority(Coulter 1)." What Coulter is saying here is that these systems are ridiculously inane. She states that we as Americans submit to them just because we are told we should even though they are not keeping us safer. None of this makes us anymore safe it is just an illusion and a frustration. One of the most controversial issues to come forth from the post 9/11 era is the Patriot Act. This is a law that was passed by congress to help the intelligence agencies and the executive branch succeed in their counter terrorism efforts. Also, "To deter and punish terrorist acts in theUnited States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools and other reasons(Patriot Act)." The reason biggest reason that this is so controversial is the ability of our intelligence agencies acquire wire taps and search people personal correspondents without a warrant signed by a judge. However, I do not find this to be so troubling and the reason for that is, if you aren't doing anything in the way of terrorist activities you have nothing to worry about. People complain about their fourth amendment Get more content on
  • 7. 9/11 Research Paper September 11, 2001 is a day that will forever be remembered by all Americans; it was the day in which 2,823 people were killed due to the terrorist attacks performed by the terrorist group Al–Qaeda. Up to this day there are many people who do not know all the facts about this day and do not even know the number of plane crashes that occurred due to Al–Qaeda's terrorist plans. Al–Qaeda is a terrorist organization that was started by Osama Bin Laden. This terrorist group is a racist organization whose philosophy is described as centralization of decision and decentralization of execution. This group has admitted they are responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. They stated that the United States was actively oppressing more content... There was no survivors on any of the four planes that were hijacked. Many people died in the buildings as well, and some people trying to escape the attacks did not make it. There were 1,102 victims that were identified by a New York medical examiner, but there were 1,616 victims who were not found nor identified and their families were given death certificates. The estimated total of deaths including every passenger aboard the four planes is 2,823. There were people who were rescued and tragically people who had no way out and did the first thing they could think of, which was to jump to their death. In order to try to save themselves from the excruciating heat coming from the fires that erupted from the plane crashes, people would jump from the buildings and fall to their death. The fall was estimated to last about ten seconds and would fall at a rapid speed of 125 mph. If the body was to fall in a position where someone fell down with their body straight as if they were diving, the speed of the body falling down could increase to a speed of up to 200 mph. There were around 200 jumpers who decided to die this way. While all of this was happening, there were people who were trying to escape the madness in the towers. In an effort to escape, people tried using the elevators in the World Trade Centers but some plunged to their death as a result of the elevator cables being damaged due to the planes crashing and Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay On 9 / 11 Every American citizen can remember exactly where they were on the day September 11, 2001, this day was burned into the mind of American because the biggest terrorist attack in American history would occur. Two Boeing planes hijacked by a terrorist organization named al–Qaeda who would crash the planes into the world trades centers, sending America into shock(Pizzo,2016). There have been countless laws and regulations passed in America since the awful terrorist attacks on 9/11, has it been effective or a failure. The attack on September 11, 2001, will forever be a turning point in American history, it raised one of the most important questions in American society today what is more import for a citizen freedom or security and the law put in place to combat these horrific terrorist attack ultimately would be ineffective and tear American more apart on political issues. The terrorist attacks on the world trades created many laws trying to prevent these from ever happing again, but what are these laws exactly? The major law that was put in place by the U.S government was the Patriot Act also known as the Anti–Terrorism Act of 2001; these laws would be the biggest expand of government in U.S history(Pizzo,2016). The original law was created to try to remove the limits the law–enforcement, so it could better protect the citizens of the United States. In many causes, this was just modernizing the government with all the new technology like cell phones and the internet. One Get more content on
  • 9. Speech On 9/11 The monstrous moment on September 11, 2001. When the two twin towers broke down, because the actions of Al – Queda, hitting the twin towers with two planes ending people's innocent lives. A huge chunk of lives were taken some people even decided to jump off. One man thought, giving money to families who suffered from disappointment by losing someone in the 9/11 incident, that man was Kenneth Fineberg. I strongly disagree with Kenneth Fineberg, why give money when money won't bring the person who passed away back alive and I believe money won't fix the problem. Although people disagree and think the rich should get more money because they work in higher ranking jobs and the poor get less, or rich and poor get the same amount Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On 9/11 Attacks With this in mind, one terrorist attack that will forever be remembered is the attack that occurred in September 11, 2001 led by Osama bin Laden. During this attack, terrorists who were ready to kill thousands of innocent people and end their own life as well in the process of doing so hijacked two airplanes. They took over the airplanes and headed straight over to the World Trade Center. One tower was impacted first and the second one was struck minutes later. Suddenly after a couple of minutes after the twin towers were hit, the towers came tumbling down, causing even more panic an terror all throughout New York City and worldwide. Ever since the attacks in 2001, it seems that more and more attacks have transpired over the last couple of years not only by Osama bin Laden but also by al Qaeda, ISIS, and other extremist groups. Furthermore, recruitment has become extremely popular through Internet means after the attacks on 9/11. This is what would be considered a form of Internet jihad. As declared by Schorn (2007), "It is certain that virtual reality is doing real damage with intelligence, recruiting, more content... Terrorism has also opened up a whole new level of threat after jihad has been able to be completed through media and internet/cyber means. The Internet and the media have only made it simpler for terrorists groups such as the Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, Osama bin Laden followers, and so on, to achieve their goals and cause a reign of terror all throughout the world. Thus, that is why it is so critical for everyone, especially those from government background, to be aware of the threats these groups can pose and be prepared in the case that there is an attack. If every single defense department is prepared, informed, and determined to fight against terrorists, there could definitely be a possible resolution to this worldwide evolving Get more content on
  • 11. 9/11 Conspiracy Essay "Have you heard of the conspiracy of 9/11, Mom? We're learning about the religion of Islam in World History and today we discussed one time terrorists were planning on attacking the Twin towers on September 9, 2011. Apparently, some guy and no one know who it was but the FBI are looking into it. This guy exposed some dude by the name of Osama bin Laden and his group of followers before they could have attacked. Is it true?" 12–year–old Lucy Banker asked her mother. Mrs. Banker looked up from her knitting and thought for a moment. "Yes, Dear. I do remember that day. It was a scary day for all of us as Americans but they imprisoned Osama and his men. A few a years before that the government noticed how dominating he was. So to deal with the problem they executed him. " "But wait, more content... Then they went to the office to meet Lucy's mother. Mrs. Banker let the office know she was there to pick the girls up and to sign some paperwork how long Lucy would be absent and soon after, they were in the car heading towards the airport. In 20 minutes they were there. Lucy and Faith were squealing with excitement! " Look at all the awesome planes!" Faith exclaimed. " Oh, I can smell the ocean water already." Lucy looking up, gave a sniff of fresh air as if she could smell it. Faith laughed. " Ok, Girls, now that we're here, we need to stay together. There's a lot of people and you can easily get lost in this big place. We're first going to go pay for our flight and then use the restroom before boarding. Our flight leaves in half an hour. That should give us enough time." Once inside, they headed towards where the sign said, " Ticket counter" but it wasn't hard to find it because of the long line. Lucy looked up at her Mom. Wondering what they were going to do now. Her mother looked calm. Lucy and Faith looked each other and with a shrug, decided that there was nothing to worry Get more content on
  • 12. Compare And Contrast Essay About 9/11 Many bad things happened September 11, 2001. Also many people lost family members that work at the World Trade Center. Also people lost family m in Arlington County, Virginia. The Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in the world. Many families were sad for their lost ones on 9/11 in New York and Virginia. 9/11 was a very sad day for most people. It was a very sad day because most people died from the twin tower attack from terrorists or hijackers. Osama Bin Laden was the leader of this whole process. The Twin Towers were the biggest buildings inNew York Cityand they got attacked by hijackers who crashed into the towers. The towers were attacked by a Islamic extremist group called al–Qaeda. During 9/11 the Get more content on
  • 13. Informative Essay On 911 September 11, 2001, one of the most traumatic days in United States history. The day we lost many lives and grieved as a whole. A day that would forever change the lives of citizens' in the United States forever. Just imagine one day waking up and hearing that a local business around your area had been struck by planes and killed thousands of people in the process, and being in the area, witnessing it as it happens. The interview I conducted with my mother shows how people in the public of the United States felt that day. In the area we lived in they thought we were the next target, we lived close to Wright Patterson Airforce Base in Fairborn Ohio. They were stopping anyone and everyone that lived in Ohio that day from being able to go anywhere or do anything. According to my mother, "I found out at 8:45 am when the first tower was attacked. All hell broke loose and more content... One has to wonder how our country was not able to see this coming. I uncovered some interesting facts concerning the September 11 attacks and some of these facts are really heart wrenching. Only 20 people were pulled from the debris of the twin towers. It took 99 days to completely put out all of the fires from the explosions, and "144 wedding rings were found in the debris of the collapsed towers" (Lord). There were 3,051 children that lost their parents that day, and one fact that I find interesting is "three hours before the attacks a machine called a Random Event Generator at Princeton University predicted a cataclysmic event was about to unfold" (Hind). Even though it did not say where the event was going to take place, I think the government should have been notified. There should have been some type of clues of some sort that the government had in their possession. As much technology as the world has today, how could they have not known that something this catastrophic was going to happen, it is simply Get more content on
  • 14. 9/11 Informative Speech September 11th, 2001, known to be one of the most important days in our nation's history. Located in New York City, is a monument that has two large pools with names engraved of the people killed that day, symbolising a memory we will never forget. This monument was established on September 11th, 2011, with more than 10,000 visitors every day. If you go to New York City, visit this monument, especially if you knew someone in the attack. The 9/11 monument is very big sitting 66' wide. It is located at the World Trade Center, now sitting where the Twin Towers used to stand. The 9/11 Monument is in a field of over 400 oak trees and a small park. It has two large pools with all of the people's names engraved in stone, who were killed in the terrorist attack. Michael Arad, Peter Walker, and Daniel Libeskind constructed this right where the Twin Towers used to stand in New York City. If you had a family member in that attack, you could lay a flower on their name. They built this memorial in mark of the Twin Towers because they feel it's connecting them to the towers deconstruction and the people killed that day. This incident more content... The monument is in New York City, New York, receiving more than 10,000 visitors every day since it was built in 2011. The ticket amount ranges from $15 to $50 and free if you are a member. There are different types of tickets you can buy depending on what you wanna see. The monument is open daily from 9 a.m., to 9 p.m., and the Museum is open every weekday and weekend, earliest 9 a.m., latest 9 p.m. There are guided tours for both the museum and monument. For the Museum you get a 45 minute tour of what happened on 9/11, how people responded after the attacks, the rebuilding of it, and history. At the monument, you learn the significance of the World Trade Center, learn about what happened that day, and understand the symbols of the Monuments Get more content on
  • 15. Research Paper On 9/11 As history events have been noted in books, so that people will hopefully learn from our miss stakes. There are many things that causes certain events to be written down in history books and that would be when something important happen. This can be something that was a good day or an event that cause a lot of problems. Now what this essay is going to talk about is how the day of 9/11 started and how it even finish after everything was over. Also there might be some things on this essay that might make people mad for writing about 9/11 in general or that it could have been an inside job. Many people believe that this weaken the United States. For the longest time this was the first time that more than 2,000 people die in the U.S from an terrorist attack. On the day September 11, 2001 it started off like any other day, people going to work, kids going to school and people flight to places. It happen in the morning at 8:46 A.M when the first plane had hit the world trade center. Many people believe that more content... This was called ground zero because everything was laid down to waste. There were many people that help the firefighters and the police since there was a lot that had to be done. This help with the search and rescues which saved many lives. There were people that had been found near the towers that were very badly wounded and sometimes there were people that had been found collapse a block away. The smoke that spread when the buildings fell was a couple of blocks. This cause some people to pass out from all the dirt/smoke spread around the builds and it sometime killed people that come not make it out. As the fire men looked for people under the piece of rubble, they also had to make sure that when they did find someone, they had to find a way get the rubble off of that without hurting Get more content on
  • 16. Essay About 9/11 September 11 2001 One of the most horrific event that has taken place in the United States Of America in the 2000's was the 9/11 attacks on the World Trades Centre and the Pentagon. Over 500,000 people were affected by these events, yet there are still many unanswered questions about what had really taken place that day and Why? In this essay you will read direct quotes from people who have experienced the catalyst into multiple conspiracy theories and my opinion on what had happened September 11 2001. At 8:46 on a regular tuesday morning, a hijacked plane flew through the north tower of the world trade center in New York killing everyone on board and on the 93 rd through to the 99th floors. About 15 minutes later, the south tower was hit. With a total of 2,996 civilian deaths, more content... All reports say that the steel melted at 1,500В°C the elevation in temperature was due to 90,000 L gallons of jet fuel on a few floors of the WTC. Results in buckling and failure of the steel was due to two factors: loss of strength due to the temperature of the fire, loss of structural integrity due to distortion of the steel from the different degrees in temperatures of the fire. As one or two of the most heavily burned floors gave way and the outer support began to bow outward, the floors above them also fell. The floor below could not support the roughly 45,000 tons of ten floors this started the domino effect that caused the collapse. It only took seven seconds and would have fallen around 300 km/h a 500,000 tons structure went straight down. American Airlines Flight 77 The Boeing 757–223 was hijacked by five men affiliated with al–Qaeda on September 11, 2001, flew into the western side of the Pentagon at 9:37 EDT killing all 64 people on board, 125 people in the building and the five Get more content on
  • 17. 911 Case Study 1) I think the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon affected both short and long term productivity in the U.S.It affected short–term travel the day of and weeks to follow the attack.Increased security and delayed/canceled flights were in high volume for weeks after.This caused a decrease in productivity because less planes were allowed in the air and business was done less efficiently.This affect has carried over in to the long term as well.Travel is still slowed down due to heavier security screenings and more laborers are required to ensure the safety of travellers. 2) Some example of new technology that has caused unemployment is self–check out aisles and automated customer service.Cashiers are no longer needed to ring customers up and customer service representatives are being replaced by systems that give options that can be answered with the push of a button.An example of a new technology that has created jobs is the new application technology for Гњber drivers.This system allows people to work for themselves by transporting people around like a taxi driver would.The new technology keeps track of accounting, fares, and more.The way to measure the net impact of technological change on overall employment and GDP in the U.S. is to compare the number of jobs created by technologies to the number lost. Get more content on
  • 18. Write A Short Essay On 9/11 In the Month of September there are a lot of holidays. One of the holidays is Labor Day. Labor Day celebrates those American Workers and there achievements. Usually they close schools and sometimes they even give people they day off of work. Labor Day is celebrated the first Monday of September. People do cook out and go to parks and gather the family. Other people go to special events or parades. Something else that occurred in September was 9/11. 9/11 was a terrorist attack . The attack happened in Manhattan, New York on September 11 , 2001. There were four plane . The four planes where hijacked mid flight. All of the planes went to different locations except for two. Two planes crashed into the twin towers. Then the other two planes went to different places. One went to the Pentagon in Washington, more content... It was lead by a man named Osama Bin laden. The group was founded in 1988. Osama in laden was killed on May 2nd , 2011 around 1:00am. He was killed by navy seals. He was killed in his Compound in Bilal Town, Abbottabad, Pakistan. As a result his body was buried in North Arabian Sea.Fall starts in September. September is the ninth month but did you know that it use to be the seventh month in the Roman Calendar. September is the month with the longest name. It has nine letters. September got it its name because it was the seventh month. The name came from "seven". The Latin root means seven. The root is septem. September 16 is the fourth most common birthday in the world. The month of September is the begging of autumn. It is also the begging o spring. In the northern hemisphere it is autumn but southern hemisphere it is spring. There are thirty days in September. September also has three birth flowers. The flowers are the morning glory, the aster, and the Forget me not. They all have different Get more content on
  • 19. 9/11 Terrorism Essay On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a Tuesday morning, a Boeing 767–222 aircraft plummeted into the twin towers. Boarding 56 passengers including 5 hijackers. After the incident, no survivors were found all passengers and more were found dead at the scene. Al–Qaeda was the name of the group to aim carry out suicide attacks against important United States buildings. An Islamic extremist terrorist system started by Osama bin Laden. With franchise operations in at least sixteen other countries, al–Qaeda seeks to overthrow Middle–Eastern governments or other places with strong Muslim representation that do not force religiously–sanctioned social and political order. Knowing that if those areas were to fail, then the people would have to start back over from square 1. Knocking out the United States way of trade. This event gave birth to a war and brought about everyday sociological changes for America. The attacks on American soil were made in an attempt to reduce support in the United States for the 'offending' governments, which al–Qaeda saw as a huge obstacle in building a global order under Islam. In addition, they were angry more content... All leaving and entering Boston. The two other planes involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks had slightly different routes. The first, an American Airlines Boeing 767–222 left the airport in Washington D.C., headed for Los Angeles. Once hijacked, the attackers steered the plane towards the Pentagon where they slammed into the west side of the building, workplace to twenty four thousand people (Schmemann). After learning about the other attacks, passengers on the fourth plane, United Airlines Boeing 767–222, Flight 93, decided to take matter into their own hands. Fighting back, the passengers were able to steer the plane from its original target, Washington D.C., and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, killing everyone Get more content on
  • 20. 9/11 Thesis 9/11 Terrorist AttacksTopic: 9/11 Terrorist AttacksQuestion: How did the 9/11 terrorist attacks affect America ?Thesis Statement: The 9/11 terrorist attacks affected America so much so the U.S. tightened airport security. Lots of people lost family members and that affected the way these Americans live now.The 9/11 terrorist attacks had a great impact on America, let me give you a little bit of background on why that is. Basically, the terrorist group Al– Qaeda hijacked 4 planes to basically use as missiles. Something of this magnitude had never happened in the United States before. This act of terrorism left scars on Americans forever.As I mentioned before, there were 4 planes hijacked each was intended for a certain large target. In total there were 19 men who hijacked those 4 more content... Furthermore, for the last plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania and is thought to have been heading for the white house. In total there were 2,996 people who died in3. Of those 2,996 people 400 of those were police and firefighters4. It The plane that crashed in Pennsylvania didn't crash in the open field on purpose. 1–11–attacks2 /topics/9–11–attacks3–11–anniversary–fast–facts /index.html4–facts–about–911 As a matter of fact, it was the combined effort of the people on the plane that made the plane crash in field instead of a populated area.Many new policies were established due to the terrorist attacks. For example, airlines tightened security immensely after this. It seems like it takes a whole day to get through the inspections. This is just one thing that changed after the terrorist attacks. Something rather notable is the President George W. Bush actually went to war against the terrorists without permission from congress. Additionally,another thing that changed drastically is the way Americans feel toward middle Get more content on