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Essay About Child Labour In India
Writing an essay on the topic of child labor in India is undoubtedly a challenging task. The
subject itself is a sensitive and complex issue that requires careful research, nuanced analysis, and
a deep understanding of the socio-economic and cultural context in India.
To begin with, one must delve into the historical roots of child labor in the country, examining
the factors that contribute to its prevalence. This involves exploring the economic disparities,
lack of educational opportunities, and systemic issues that force children into the workforce. The
essay should also address the legal framework in India related to child labor, highlighting the
existing laws and their effectiveness in curbing this social menace.
Moreover, an in-depth analysis of the consequences of child labor on the physical, emotional,
and cognitive development of children is essential. Understanding the impact on their education,
health, and overall well-being adds another layer of complexity to the essay. Additionally,
discussing the role of international organizations, NGOs, and government initiatives in
combating child labor in India is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
Balancing the emotional aspect of child exploitation with a factual and objective presentation of
information is another challenge. Crafting a compelling narrative that not only informs but also
elicits empathy from the reader requires a delicate touch.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on child labor in India demands a multi-faceted approach,
involving thorough research, critical analysis, and a compassionate perspective. It is a challenge
that necessitates a commitment to shedding light on an issue that continues to affect the lives of
many children in the country.
For those seeking assistance with essays on similar topics or any other writing needs, various
resources are available. One such option is, where you can explore a range of
writing services tailored to your requirements.
Essay About Child Labour In India Essay About Child Labour In India
Summary Of Gary Althen s American Values And
In the article, American Values and Assumptions , Gary Althen notes that people who
grow up in the same culture share their ideas and beliefs most of the time. They
agree, not always, with each other. Each culture has its own values and assumptions.
The meaning of culture can be a group of values and assumptions that complain with
each other to form a certain people comprehensions and link it to the world around
them. In Althen s article, he discusses individualism, privacy, equality, informality,
competition, and time about the American culture. In American culture, the most
important thing is to understand their individualism. Althen also believes that
Americans need a time to be alone which called privacy. Moreover, the equality value
that... Show more content on ...
The writer uses lexical repetition, which means that they are many repeated words in
the article, to attract the reader s attention to the important ideas of the article. The
author use various word repetition such as, money , American , and Values and
Assumptions. The purpose of repetition is to make the writing clear and cohesive.
Also, to emphasize the point throughout the essay and meet the requirements of it.
Therefore, the author sometimes but sentences between commas to show us the
important of this sentence or the opposite which you can ignore this sentence. For
example, in paragraph 6 line 3, when the mother said, Or, you could save your money,
and sometime later... The author wants us to recognize how the mother treats her son
by telling him to save his money and but what he want, she is not going to buy it for
him. He wants us to understand how American makes their children responsible for
everything they need even for silly things like juice. The last thing is that Althen
uses the quotation marks in the story of the boy, paragraph 6, which consider a
direct speech to make the story more effective so we can imagine what is the
character of the mother which we ll know it by her own
A Survey On Friend Recommendation Essay
A Survey on Friend Recommendation in a Social Bookmarking System
Bhavesh Jain1, Tejas Kadiya2, Ramesh Prajapati3, Dr.Samrat Khanna4
1M.E Computer Engineering Student, IIST Rajpur
2Assistant Professor, IIST Rajpur
3Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, Rai University, Dholka
4Dept. of Information Techmology, V.Vnagar
Abstract The technique of Collaborative Filtering is especially successful in
generating personalized recommendations. Collaborative Filtering is quickly
becoming a popular technique for reducing information overload, often as a technique
to complement content based information filtering. More than a decade of research
has resulted in numerous algorithms, although no comparison of the different
strategies has been made. In fact, a universally accepted way of evaluating a
Collaborative Filtering algorithm does not exist yet. In this survey, we explain
different techniques found in the literature, and we study the characteristics of each
one, highlighting their principal strengths and weaknesses. This Paper Present a new
user similarity model to improve the recommendation performance to calculate the
similarity of each user. The model not only consider the local context information of
user rating but also the global preferences of user behavior.
Index Terms PCC, Jaccard, MSD, cold start, Proximity, Sigmoid
The Internet, with hundreds of millions of pages worldwide, has become the greatest
source of information that has ever existed. In
Immunization Pros And Cons
Many parents believe that the MMR vaccine is the cause for the so called Autistic
Epidemic. According to the Scientific American, Across a mere 10 year period 1993
to 2003 statistics from the U.S. Department of Education revealed a 657 percent
increase in the nationwide rate of autism. (Arkowitz and Lilienfeld) Parents often
worry that a mercury based chemical called thimerosal causes very serious side
effects including autism. Mercury, especially the methylmercury found in fish, can be
toxic at high doses. Although the ethylmercury, found in thimerosal, contains a
different chemical compound making it much easier to excrete and would need to
be taken in ludicrous doses in order to experience any severe side effects. Likewise,
several... Show more content on ...
Parents need to protect their children from diseases that might be fatal. Health care
providers strive to rid everyone from disease and hope that they can cure as many
people as possible. Together, everyone can become more informed about how to
protect themselves and their loved ones. The healthcare providers need to prepare
themselves to answer patients in a reasonable fashion when worried parents come in
asking for advice. Parents need to consider the scientific evidence rather than
emotional experiences when deciding whether or not to vaccinate their child. If they
want their child to have a strong immune system, have little to no risk at getting
seriously sick, and help prevent illnesses from spreading then they need to get their
children immunized. The government can help prevent people from getting ill by
funding projects that will help others innovate safer vaccinations. Throughout history,
vaccinations have saved countless lives and saved children from becoming
permanently disabled, we need to support immunizations to protect the future
generation s
Dr. Fasching Research Paper
It s a sad fact that some body fat is just difficult to eliminate. You ve already spent
hours in the gym just to burn off calories. You ve stopped eating your favorite
calorie laden food just so you wouldn t stray away from your strict diet. Yet, that
fatty deposit in your waist, hips or buns just wouldn t go away. It s frustrating, right?
The good news is you don t have to feel defeated. Thanks to modern technology, you
can request a liposuction with Dr. Michael Fasching to remove stubborn fat. It s a
minimally invasive procedure that works by suctioning fat out of our body. When
you visit Dr. Fasching for a liposuction consultation, you are most likely going to
encounter two liposuction techniques, a traditional liposuction or a tumescent
liposuction. Both have the same objective, which is fat reduction, but differ in... Show
more content on ...
Back to work within one to two days with mild bruising and soreness Which one is
better? From the table above, you can probably say that tumescent liposuction is
better. However, never underestimate what traditional liposuction can do. After all,
traditional liposuction has not become the most popular procedure in the country for
nothing. Both procedures can deliver the results you want, but they do have their
own pros and cons. If you want superb results, choosing who your surgeon will be
should be the weightier matter than what liposuction technique to get. Regardless of
what technique you choose, you should feel confident about your doctor s skill and
experience. With that said, the smartest move to make is to consult with a board
certified plastic surgeon. Thankfully, Dr. Fasching is highly qualified to recommend
and perform both techniques, and give the results you desire and deserve. To know if
you re a good liposuction candidate and which technique is better for you, schedule
an appointment
Bread Mold Experiment Essay
Bread Mold Experiment By: Stephanie Westover
The purpose of this experiment will be to determine how temperature affects the
growth of mold on wheat bread. The researchers choose this topic because she
thinks it will be beneficial to find a way to keep food from molding. Determining
how long bread can be stored before molding can help save money, prevent illness
and preserve freshness. The question the researcher will attempt to answer is how
freezing affects the rate of mold growth in wheat bread.
The information gathered in this experiment may be relevant to those individuals
who contend with food borne molds at home, or professionally. Because the rate of
mold growth can vary depending ... Show more content on ...
Controlling for those 2 factors while maintaining proper and consistent measurement
procedures should provide a repeatable and reliable understanding of how temperature
variations affect mold growth.
Because the researcher will be measuring mold growth on food and because there is
rarely if ever an acceptable level of mold growth on food, absolute precision in
measurement is not necessary. This experiment is designed to measure the relative
growth of mold across temperatures, not the exact level of mold growth on an
individual piece. Therefore, measurement in units of 16th of an inch using a standard
fractional rule should suffice. A fractional ruler was used because it easier to utilize in
measuring the mold than any other measuring device.
Controlled variables:
Standard ruler: 6 stainless steel ruler with graduations to the 32nd of an inch.
Type of bread purchased: Western Family wheat bread.
Date the bread was purchased: All bread samples will be from the same loaf
purchased the day the experiment begins.
Size of the bread piece: Each sample is one slice.
Sterility: Each sample will placed in a sealed bag, preventing the introduction of
extraneous bacteria.
Moisture: Each sample will placed in a sealed bag, preventing the introduction of
Light: Each bag will be exposed to the same amount of light for the same duration
each day.
Size of the Zip Lock baggies: Each bag will be the same size.
Testing Actions that were used:
The Oath Of The Horatii By Jacques Louis David
The Oath of the Horatii is a historical oil painting by the French artist Jacques Louis
David. Painted in 1784, the piece depicts a Roman legend about settling a dispute
between the nations of Rome and Alba. Instead of succumbing to the possibility of
war, a family from each of the nations was selected to battle out the conflict on a
much smaller scale. These two families were the Horatii (Rome) and the Curatii
(Alba). This paintingdepicts the Horatii family, specifically the three brothers, who
are receiving the swords they are meant to use for the battle. Many of the figures in
the painting show clear distress, but this is not simply because of the dangers
involved in this fight. A closer look into the context of the legend reveals that the
Horatii and Curatii families are joined through marriage. This makes the coming
battle all the more pivotal in the sense that these families must choose between their
duty to Rome and their familial ties.... Show more content on ...
The brothers all hold very strong, powerful stances, the vertical lines of their arms
extended toward the swords, which appear to be the focal point of the piece. The
women mourning in the background are there to remind the viewer that this painting
depicts a great sacrifice. Without their presence, it would be easy to interpret the
painting as one without consequence. The three arches in the background seem to
correlate to the three Horatii brothers as well, perhaps signifying the strength and
integrity needed to support a house or in this case, a mourning family and the entirety
Sherman Alexie Indian Identity
The novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, written by Sherman
Alexie, enables the reader to look into the life of Junior as he encounters situations
that allow him to discover his identity and self esteem. Identity and self esteem
represented in the novel display how important it is to be part of a community,
providing a sense of belonging. Throughout the story, Junior experiences
circumstances where he faces and realizes his split personality of being Indian and
white at the same time. Sherman Alexie demonstrates this by saying, They call
[Junior] an apple because they think I m red on the outside and white on the inside
(132). In addition, this describes how Junior has to embrace being white at Reardan
and he also has to embrace his Indian self back on the reservation. An example is
when Junior was determined to go to Reardan for a more successful future. However,
he is still not abandoning his culture and identity as an Indian.... Show more content
on ...
Junior is not alone and is no longer limited to just one tribe but instead, he belongs
to many different groups. To clarify, on page 217, Junior lists off many tribes that
he is a part of and states that, Sure I was a Spokane Indian. I belonged to that tribe.
But I also belong to the tribe of American immigrants. And to the tribe of basketball
players (217). These quotes make the reader feel inspired because many people can
relate with Junior and take out a lesson in which everyone belongs from the quotes.
As time passes, Junior is able to find out who he truly is which helps guide him to
live a more superior life without confusion and
The Importance Of The Self And Society
Contrary to popular belief, the self and society are not separate entities, they are
dialectic and influence the development of each other. This relationship can be
examined through behavior and interaction of an individual s self with social
reality. The self relates to society through a variety of different sociological theories
including Dramaturgy, Symbolic interactionism, the looking glass self,
phenomenology, and ethnomethodology. All the above argue that society and the
self are shaped through experiences within our everyday lives, and that
communication with other selves is necessary to make up the larger societal
structure. Without the self, society would cease to exist. Socialization is the
process through which the self emerges through social interaction (Gorea, 2017).
The self is not an organic thing that has a specific location whose fundamental fate
is to be born, to mature, and to die, nonetheless, is a dramatic effect arising from a
scene that is presented (Goffman, 1959:252) In other words, the way we are
socialized into society leaves an impression on ourselves, as well as our impression
leaves a lasting effect on society. Through this process of socialization, we learn to
adopt the perspective of others, and act in a manner molded to represent the
expectations of society. As humans, we actively influence our own social
development through our sense of self. We learn about ourselves through
socialization by copying the actions of others, or through
Kate Brownell s Five Years Of Fostering
Who would be willing to raise more children after already raising eight of their
own children? Who would want to volunteer after long days working as a nurse?
Kate Brownell worked as a nurse, did extensive volunteer work, and raised 8 kids
before becoming a foster mother. Brownell has touched and improved many lives and
is a true hero.
In Brownell s five years of fostering she has helped many people. When asked why
she wanted to start fostering she told me, I wanted to be a service to children who
needed to be cared for and give them hope. Brownell raised her own family and then
decided to start the fostering process. She fostered around 6 kids in her five years
and faced many challenges. In the words of the Common Questions, if a person can
nurture and love a child without receiving anything back, foster parenting might be
something they want to look into. Even when the foster children were not always
pleasant, sometimes even calling her names Brownell would continue to care for
them and treat them with kindness. To Brownell all the hardships she faced were
worth it the end because in her 4th year of ... Show more content on ...
Brownell told me a specific story of a young boy. This boy would hurt other kids
and be disrespectful and Brownell would sit him down and tell him that would he
was doing was hurtful and wrong. Brownell said that over time the child started
treating the other children with respect and sharing his toys with the others.
Brownell told me That is the reason I love to volunteer. Kids learn little life skills
that will take them a long way. According to ( Seven Qualities of Heroism: What
Makes a Person a Hero, People that become heroes are capable of sensing what
others needing guidance are experiencing (Cherry). Brownell knew what the young
boy needed to hear to help him grow as a person. When Brownell related to children
on a daily basis she was a true
Assignment On Garbage
Joan ShellabargerANTH 103 Archaeology and CultureFirst Assignment:
Garbage!October 2, 2017 The list of garbage I was assigned contained nine empty
cans of Arnold Palmer, eight empty bottles of Gatorade, five empty bottles of Dean s
milk, one empty bottle pf pure leaf tea, six bags of snack size chips, three empty Pop
tart wrappers, one bag of Milano cookies, four empty plastic foodcontainers, two
empty pizza Lunchables, two empty single serving pizza boxes, a banana peel and
an empty Old Spice deodorant. Given the contents of the garbage list, I believe my
subject is a physically active male, 24 to 35 years of age. Possibly Asian or
Caucasian, a college student, and making at least 20,000 a year if not more. Using
the data that I located on Real Time Consumer Demographics. What is my subject
gender? There is evidence to support that I am correct it destemming the gender of
my subject s garbage list as of male gender. Gather from the information from the
Real Time Consumer Demographics and by observing the behaviors of men in my
family, my subject, likemy husband purchases the majority of his items from
Drug Stores, Gas Stations and Convenience stores. My first clue to my subject s
gender was an Old Spice deodorant container, the presence of it to me is a tell tale
sign since Old Spice is typically used by men. The Old Spice I believe this is my
strongest clue to this person being of a male gender. The only hesitation is that my
daughters have been known to
How Is Managing Climate Change, Changes America s
How is Managing Climate change, Changes America s Health
Fady Estany
Tennessee State University
What is Climate Change?
Climate change is a change of environment patterns. In specific the change was
obvious from the mid to late 20th century. The reason of the dramatic change was
due to large increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of
fossil fuels. We as people can barely or see no change at all. But the truth is that our
Earth is warming little by little. Minor changes in the average temperature of the
earth can transform to massive and possibly dangerous shifts in climate and weather.
Global temperatures have been on the rise, Earth average temperature has by 1.4
Fahrenheit over the past 100 years, and temperature is projected to increase 2 to 11.5
Fahrenheit over the next century. Again as we can see the evidence of climate
changes such as increasing of temperatures, changes in precipitation, consequence in
more floods, ice glaciers are melting, and oceans are warming. ( United States
Environmental Protection Agency, 2014) As those changes take place in our Earth, it
becomes more challenging for us humans, and creatures around the planet. So as we
understand, the managing of climate change is important, because it will create
awareness on the role of science, as well the role of humans, the effects of climate
change, and the adaptation of climate change.
The Role of Science
In the past century, natural disasters such as
Setting In Montana 1948 And A River Runs Through It
Everyone is affected by the environment they grow up in. Not everyone will have
the same opportunities in life because of where they live. Similarly, the setting
influences characters into their decisions and beliefs. The setting is a major factor
in how the characters make their decisions. In Montana 1948, the stigma around
Indians made Frank feel that his actions were acceptable. On page 112, David s
father gets angry at Wesley for arresting Frank, Some Indian thinks he put his hands
where he shouldn t and you re pulling out your badge. David s grandfather is
demonstrating the racism towards Indians during this time. His father s and the
community s acceptance of his actions allowed Frank to feel that what he was
doing was acceptable. The setting also affects how the characters in A River Runs
Through It behave. The characters steal a rowboat and take it down the waterfall
near their town. They never would have done this if it weren t a small town in
Montana. The fact that no one was around and they had the open wilderness to
themselves allowed them to do this thinking they wouldn t get caught. They were
bored from the small town life and wanted to get some excitement away from... Show
more content on ...
In both Montana 1948 and A River Runs Through It, the characters are racist
towards Indians. David s grandfather shows his beliefs on page 112, Screwing an
Indian. Or feeling her up or whatever. You don t lock up a man for that. He is
showing his belief of racism toward the Indians. This belief has taken root because
of the setting. This is also shown in A River Runs Through It when the people at
the bar are giving dirty looks to the man dating the Indian woman. This behavior is a
result of where the characters are. Because Montana is more or less on the frontier,
the racism towards Indians has not faded as it had in the East. The setting of rural
Montana in both stories encourages racism toward
Helios Sun Rise Essay
The reason why the sun rises every morning and sets every evening is because one
of reasons and one reason only. The evil spirits and malevolent creatures that hide in
the darkness of the world. It is said that Helios, the sun god, protects every single
human on Earth. Helios has a very tremendous task everyday and that is to drive his
sunchariot across the sky from East to West. The sun chariot has four horses with
fiery manes and tremendous power. Helios is a very powerful god that can barely
control the horses. On the days where he can not control the horses, it becomes rainy
and cloudy because whenever the chariot streaks the skies, it pushes away all the
badness. The light pushes them away. It is said that a couple million years ago, that
the sun fell to the Earth,... Show more content on ...
Rumour has it that this was because his son was born, Phaeton, and Helios forgot
to drive the chariot across the sky. Since then, Helios vowed that he will never let
that happen again. So he left his family and never saw them again. It was a hard
sacrifice, but it was very important that he did that. Phaeton grew up with his
mortal mother, he was bullied at school for telling his peers that his dad was the
sun. One day phaeton had enough and ran out of the school angrily. As he was
walking to his house, it appeared like the sun had gotten brighter. Phaeton looks into
the sun but was not blinded by it. Instead he saw the sun chariot with the shape of a
human being in it. Phaeton runs home and tells his mother what he saw, but his
mother only acted like he was crazy. He asks his mother where his dad was and she
pointed up. Meaning that he died but really she meant that he was in the sky. But
Phaeton did not understand that part. He believed that she meant that his father was
dead. When night came, the mother and son went to sleep in their rooms, and the
mother had a visitor. It was Helios, this upset the mother and caused her to yell at
him to be at home more
Examples Of Close Reading In Jane Eyre
Eujean Oh AP Literature and Composition Close Reading Jane s Character First
Setting: Gateshead Throughout the book Jane Eyre, the protagonist Jane goes
through a variety of stages in her life where the setting/environment of where she
lives in forms a part of her character and who she becomes as a person. The first
setting in the novel is the Reed family s home in Gateshead, England. As an orphan
with no parents, she is taken in by Mrs. Reed who promised the late Mr.Reed to take
care of Jane. Playing the role of the mean stepmother , Mrs. Reed as well as all of her
cousins John, Eliza and Georgiana treat her as if she was a lowly, undeserving girl.
At the fragile age of ten, Jane develops an almost rebellious character and has a lot
of anger built inside of her because of feeling wronged by the unfortunate deeds of
the Reed family that drives her to become lonely and miserable as a child. Being
locked up in the red room also gave her a superstitious side that also proves as a part
of the prejudices that form around her when people don t... Show more content on ...
She makes her own decision to leave Lowood after a solid ten years and earns a job
with her own abilities and is determined to venture out into the world away from
Lowood. When she meets Mr. Rochester, he encourages her to express herself in
her own way when he admires her drawings. But as Jane falls in love with Mr.
Rochester Jane learns about new emotions that she has never felt before as she
finds love and learns how to suppress them. As she falls in love with Mr. Rochester,
the master, she learns to conceal her feelings instead of breaking out in emotional
outbursts like she did at Gateshead. They eventually fall in love and decide to get
married but Jane makes a wise decision to leave Thornfield even though her decision
is distressing and heartbreaking she does it for her own
Swot Analysis Of Sony
Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corp, was founded in 1946 and has
changed its name to Sony in 1958.
Sony has established globally recognized brands for its products such as VAIO,
Walkman and Play Stations.
Sony is a conglomerate company. It has expanded its business segments in
electronics, entertainments and financial services and continues restructuring. Figure
10 illustrates revenue by Sony s segments. Data is mainly taken from Bloomberg (for
standardized values) but with adjustment from data in IR website to project revenue
under new segments. Description of each business segment is available in Appendix 1.
Revenue and operating income in FY3/13 have returned to the same level in FY3/08.
... Show more content on ...
oCosts are incurred from establishment of power supply and camera module
businesses in Device.
Sony s commitment to R D and innovation enabled the company to offer products
with top quality helping to maintain the strong Sony s brands.
Pictures, Music and Financial Service have been stable revenue contributors, which
are able to compensate loss made in electronics to some extent.
Sony lacks in foresight as suggested by Euromonitor International (2013) that its
delayed entry to the market has resulted in difficulty to take away the market share
from its competitors.
Sony focuses on producing high quality products, which essentially requires high
costs according to Euromonitor International (2013).
A large amount of assets are with risks of impairment loss as identified in the
Structural Reform section.
Combination of gaming and network service is a new and unique idea, which is only
possible in a conglomerate company like Sony, and it can potentially be a large profit
contributor in the medium
The Effects Of Neurodegenerative Diseases On Central...
Abstract Neurodegenerative diseases causes a wide variety of mental symptoms
whose evolution is not directly related to the analysis made by radiologists on
basis of images, who can hardly quantify systematic differences. This paper
presents a new automatic (Based on software program) image analysis method that
reveals different brain patterns associated to the presence of neurodegenerative
diseases, finding systematic differences and therefore grading objectively any
neurological disorder. An accurate solution can be provided by using Alzheimer s
diseases based on saliency map characterization is carried out on database images.
This paper gives automatic image analysis method and attempts an approach for
classification of brain images to search for pathology and normality part of brain
by extracting salient features of input brain image and the region of interest is
identified using kernel k means algorithm. A support vector machine (SVM) a
supervised learning process is used for classification of AD, which is recognized
on basis of blue color is normal brain part and red color is pathology related. I.
INTRODUCTION Neurodegenerative diseases affect central nervous system.
Neurodegenerative is mixture of two words those are Neuro means nerve cell‟
and Degeneration means progressive losses‟. Overall definition of
Neurodegenerative diseases is progressive loss of memory that involves loss of
neurons and death of neurons intern that leads to loss of constitution of
Edgar Allan Poe s Use Of Suspense
The reader is probably wondering what they are getting themselves into right now.
And the answer is, walking straight towards you, further into the essay. This is an
example of suspense. Suspense is the state of being excited or frightened about what
may happen next. In stories, authors use suspense to catch the reader s attention and
interest the reader into learning and going into the story. It can be positive and a
cheery outcome, or a negative and frightening outcome. Suspense can be created in
several ways including the creation of the Point of View, Irony, and Diction. Edgar
Allan Poe, a Gothic story writer, knows the importance of including these elements to
create successful suspense in his stories. All of his stories use these elements... Show
more content on ...
Diction is the word choice that the author chooses to add to his story to create a
mood, setting, or tone for the readers to recognize. It is used to create suspense
because the denotation of a word can create tones and feelings in the reader. In this
case, Poe uses words with a negative denotation to create suspense. In The Tell Tale
Heart , he uses words like haunted , blood ran cold , mad , and evil eye to provoke
feeling from the readers. These words have a different denotation than other words
that could have been used like blood was chilly , or psychotically unstable ,
possibly baleful eye since these words give a lighter negative feeling or more
positive feeling. In The Raven , he uses words lie firey and bleak that make the
reader suspect something coming. This allows the reader to feel suspenseful because
they question what is
Subway Case Study
Q1: When an international fast food restaurant such as Subway operates abroad,
there are three risks that it should be aware of, which include: political risks, foreign
exchange (monetary) risks, and competitive risks (Daniels, Radebaugh Sullivan,
2011). While each risk has its own defining characteristics, their effects can force
Subway to confront other types of risks. Beginning with political risk, it can be
described as a type of riskthat has the potential for occurring due to unfavorable
changes that may occur either in an organization s home country or the foreign
country in which they are or may decide to operate within in the future (Daniels et
al., 2011). For instance, if Subway were to extend its operations to countries such as
Colombia or Indonesia, the company may be subjected to extortion or property
damage (Daniels et al., 2011). Extortion might become a reality for Subway if the
region it expands to has group that oppose its operations in the region and have
enough influence to cause the organization to pay a type of protection moneyin order
to operate there, which could cause the organization to see reduced profits either
through the payment of that protection money or through disruptions in operations
that result from not paying (Daniels et al., 2011). In addition, the non payment of that
protection money could motivate certain groups within those regions or countries to
resort to destroying Subway property among other Subway assets in order to get
Benefits And Benefits Of A Lunch Hours
Lunch hours are the times that the bank is busiest the most. The customers want to
be sure that they can be taken care of in a minimal amount of time and still have
time left on their lunch hour. Since most customers come during this time, the wait
times can be a little longer. Reed (2014) gives an example of a customer having to
take a half day off from work just to complete account documents. At Capital One,
the customer may not need to take a half day to complete an account, but the
opening process does take about 45 minutes. Reed (2014) further explains that digital
signatures offer a true benefit to the customer being able to sign quickly and safely.
This addition will help bankers and tellers provide better customer service to our...
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During account opening, the banker has the customer sign a signature card. Once the
signature card is scanned, it is filed away. Sometimes, this may not happen and the
document may be misplaced. There are two inconveniences that this may cause:
customer inconvenience and customer information is compromised. The customer
may be inconvenienced if the signature did not register properly in the system; the
customer may need to come back into the branch to complete another signature card.
In addition, there is so much personal information on this signature card that it would
be detrimental to the bank and to the customer if this information had been retrieved
by someone else. Electronic signatures could be a remedy for all these issues. If the
customer signs a signature pad, there is no information being left on a paper that can
potentially get lost. Also, the signature would already be on file before the customer
leaves the branch so there would never be a need for the customer to return to the
branch to re sign a document.
Throughout the proposal, much information has been given to explain the benefits of
implementing a paperless environment at Capital One bank. There are also some
drawbacks that should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to
implement this paperless environment. Table 3 below shows the benefits and
potential drawbacks of integrating a paperless environment in the banking branch
Livestock Is Beneficial For The Environment
Livestock is Beneficial for the Environment Raising livestock has many beneficial
effects on the environment. They can create healthier land, which leads to healthier
crops. They can also be trained to graze to where they benefit the land. Grass fed
cattle produce healthier beef than grain fed cattle, giving people a healthier food
choice. Some would argue that since livestock produce harmful emissions, they are
hurting the environment. Although they can produce emissions, livestock are more
beneficial to the land than harmful to it. Livestock creates healthy land and crops,
can be trained to graze properly, and produced healthy, grass fed beef. Livestock is
good for the environment because they help land and crops become healthier. For
example, Simon Fairlie claims, Organic crops, grown without animal manure,
require 33 per cent more land (to supply green manure) than crops grown with
manure. Manure fertilizes the land, creating richer soil, requiring less land to grow
crops. Fairlie explains that approximately twenty five percent of the world s land is
unsuitable for growing crops. Livestock can graze on the land, making use of it. The
article The Role... Show more content on ...
United Nations Global Environmental Alert Service claims, Livestock emissions
makeup nearly 80 percent of emissions from agriculture and agricultural emissions
make up an estimated 10 to 35 percent of total global emissions. Although livestock
produce a lot of emissions, their impact on the soil and people outweigh the negative
effects of the emissions.
Emissions from livestock are a negative effect on the environment. However, farmers
are always discovering new ways to raise livestock. Livestock helps the soil become
richer in nutrients and healthier overall. People also eat the meat from livestock,
providing food to the public. Livestock not only helps the environment, but helps the
people within
Air Sports Classification Essay
According to Thesaurus Dictionary, A sport is an activity involving physical
exertion and skills. Individuals or teams engage in sporting activities for
competition, health reasons or for entertainment purposes. Throughout the world,
persons from different walks of life can be observed partaking in sports of varying
categories. Air, Track and Field and Aquatic are three types of sports.
Air sports are one category of sports. There are several examples of air sports.
Parachuting also known as skydiving is one example. It is considered an action sport
where persons exit an aircraft and return to earth with the aid of gravity, and then
slow down during the last part of descent with the aid of a parachute (Source).
Parachuting technology was developed ... Show more content on ...
Diving is one type of aquatic sport and it is considered as an underwater event.
Diving is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard,
usually while performing acrobatics (Source). Whilst some people dive as a form
of recreation, it is also a competitive sport. Diving as a recreational sport is used as
a way to explore the wonders of below the sea and no particular characteristics is
needed. However, in order to compete in this sport, competitors must possess
characteristics such as strength, flexibility, kinaesthetic judgment and air
awareness. In addition to diving, canoeing is also a type of aquatic sport.
Canoeing is considered as an on water sport and it is the sport where a canoe is
used for racing. History shows that canoeing was used as an important means of
transport for exploration and trade until the mid 1800, however it then transitioned
to a recreational and competitive event (Source). Canoeing can be a team or
individual event, where person/persons use paddles as a means to move the boat.
Both of these aquatic events can be considered as a fun filled one, however, they can
be considered dangerous. When water is involved there is always a risk that someone
can drown, therefore, in aquatic sports safety precautions must be taken seriously and
The Impacts of September 11, 2001 on the Aviation...
Abstract This paper discusses the impacts of the September 11, 2001 terrorist
attacks on the aviation industry. Specifically, how aviation industry members were
forced to alter their marketing mix in response to the events. The four P s of
marketing were all modified. The airlines had to change their product (route
structures) and their prices. They also had to change their promotion tactics to ease
the customer s fear factor . Lastly they had to alter the means of delivering their
product to the consumer due to enhance security measures (place). September 11,
2001 will always be considered a turning point in the history of America. The events
of 11 September 2001 were unlike any other shock experienced in the history of...
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Cooperation within alliances poses several challenges to managers: the size of the
alliance, the need to intensify cooperation and the harmonization and standardization
of common processes, and the search for synergies to reduce costs. However, in
times of crisis, alliances do not necessarily prevent stiff competition between the
partners. At present, five alliances В– One World, Star, Wings, Sky Team and
Qualiflyer stand out as the core groupings around which other airlines with strong
regional networks will come together to form worldwide networks and can be
described as global alliances. But they remain fragile creations subject to competing
attractions and economic forces. Over the years, several companies have switched
from one alliance to another. Austrian Airlines, for example, moved from the
Qualiflyer to the Star alliance. Air France has recently floated the idea of creating a
Mediterranean alliance with Alitalia and Iberia. To make this three way deal
possible, Iberia would have to leave the OneWorld alliance. Airlines took the various
short term measures that have been described above, but few changed their long term
strategies. The network carriers did cut out some unprofitable routes, and reduced
frequencies on others. The 11 September
The Stereotypical Story Of A Family Dog
is a short humorous atypical story about a man and his kids dog . Getting off on the
wrong foot, he hates this dog who he never calls by the same name twice Hansen
Writes We got off on the wrong foot. Whining in his pen those first nights. My squirt
gun in his face and him blinking from the water. The so called accidents in the house
(Bedford 244) Right from the start there is a clear understanding of the relationship
between the two. However, the dogthat he claims to despise dies at age ten,
unfortunately for the rest of the family, and he, the owner goes through great lengths
to bury and defend the pets honor. There is nothing funny about a family dog s
death. The author portrays humor in the situation by adding how badly the dog
behaves around him and how loving the dog is around his family .When Hansen
writes, When pushed to the brink I shouted, I ll cut your face off and show it to you,
and the small brained mammal just stared at me.... Show more content on ...
(Bedford 472) It shows how annoyed and bothered he is . If there is anything
likeable about the narrator, it would be the stubborn love he has , since he would
do anything for his family, and tries to do the right thing by his morals in the way
of disposing the dog. He considers what the best way to go about dealing with the
dead dog so that he can deal with least amount of drama from his family as
possible. The author uses characterization in this story as a means of revealing how
the dad feels about the dog and how he shows stubborn love towards it. The readers
start to learn that he in fact does care for the dog
American Red Cross Organization
American Red Cross Organization
One agency that has trouble had an impact on me and the people around me is the
American Red Cross Organization. While I was in the military I received news
that my grandmother was terribly ill and that I needed to go home as soon as
possible. I was stationed in Germany at the time so it was not as easy as just
jumping into my car and driving back to Florida. My mother called the American
Red Cross gave them my social and my unit. In less than 12 hours the American
Red Cross Organization had informed me of the news processed my leave forms
through my unit and paid for my plane ticket and they even found dog sitters for
me. In less than 12 hours, I was at the airport awaiting my flight. They took care of
everything that I needed in order to make it home without a single bit of chaos. The
American Red Cross Organization was founded in Washington, D.C. on May 21,
1881 by Clara Barton. The traditional purpose of the organization included giving
relief to and serving as a medium of communication between members of the
American armed forces and their families and providing nation and international
disaster relief and mitigation. Anytime there is a disaster in the United ... Show more
content on ...
It depends solely on volunteers and the donations that it receives in order to
complete their missions. While I was in the military I volunteered a once or twice
for the American Red Cross Organization, but it wasn t really till I learned how
much they do through my own personal experience. I always just thought of the
American Red Cross Organization as an agency that just collected blood and was
just passing out flyers. This agency is like the hidden people behind the scenes.
Once I saw how much they can do for you, I made it a point to help volunteer any
chance that I got. I mean my life was changed by just a normal person like people
who just decided to help out that
Essay about Beowulf as a Messianic Narrative
Beowulf as a messianic narrative has been a subject of great controversy. Given the
time period, Christianity was not completely established, and it was entwined with
cultural paganism, as seen woven throughout the text. The definition of a messianic
narrative (containing the ultimate messianic figure) is found in Isaiah53, a prophecy
spoken by God through the Hebrew prophet Isaiah. This is the standard to which
Beowulfmust be compared to determination the nature of the poem. Many scholars
such as Harold Bloom (quoting E. Talbot Donaldson), Roberta Frank, Rich Lawson,
Seamus Heaney, and J. R. R. Tolkien (quoting R. W. Chambers) have critically
viewed Beowulf to determine the nature of the epic, resulting in a diverse range of...
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Bloom and Donaldson argue that whilst Christian elements are present, heroic
paganism is more prevalent in Beowulf. This is supported by the death of Beowulf,
reading, of all the world kings, [he was] keenest for fame, summarising Beowulf, and
suggesting his life only amounted to self glorification.
In assessing the Christianity of Beowulf, Frank suggests that, like King Alfred did
of Remiguis s commentaries, the author of Beowulf used pagan analogies for
Christian concepts. Lawson explores this in the role fate has throughout the poem.
The Geat prince placed all his trust in...his Maker s favour, Then Beowulf speaks,
The Father...shall apportion the whichever side shall seem to Him fit, .
The poet wrote, Fate had not assigned him the glory of battle, . The composer s
personification of Fate portrays the place it has taken God s place. Lawson writes
of this, The pagan concept of tied to God, suggesting that Beowulf is
resigned to fate, but the author is using this to illustrate the nature of God. Frank also
states, What matters is how the rulers...served God s purpose, , also calling Beowulf
a, Pagan prince of peace, . While Beowulf demonstrates a pagan trust in fate, Lawson
and Frank believe it was the author using paganism to convey the messianic narrative,
and that Beowulf was instrumental in doing so.
In analysing Beowulf, Lawson concluded it was a messianic narrative including a
messianic figure,
Summary Of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr, And
Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr, and James Baldwin have some of the most well
known African American writers. Although they lived during the same time and
agreed that race was an enormous problem, they all had different approaches. For
example: King believed in nonviolent protest and integration, Malcolm X wanted a
separate society for blacks and violent protests, and Baldwin knew that white people
were the key to solving inequality if they learned their history of oppression and
wanted integration. While having different ideas, all of them played a key role in the
civil rights movement. None of this would be possible without the works of Phillis
Wheatley, David Walker, and Frederick Douglass. Similarly to the future leaders,
Wheatley, Walker, and Douglass have different ideas on how to combat the
oppression in that time. Phillis Wheatley broke the mold when she had her work
published, being not only a woman, but also the first African Americanauthor to be
published. She is also oldest of the three like before Walker and Douglass were
even born. This translates into her writing and stylistic choices. In order to be
published, Wheatley needed to be conservative and safe in her writing but of course;
she found a way around that restriction. At first glance, her poems may seem
thankful to her captors; after a closer look, she disguises the hypocrisy of her captors
and their religion with thankfulness. Wheatley questions, I, young in life, by seeming
cruel fate was
Elder Justice Act Essay
Consultants, Contractors, and Volunteers will be provided computer based learning
to ensure all staff are receiving the required training to be in compliance with the
regulations and ensure all around resident safety. Elder Justice Act The Elder Justice
Act amendment establishes new requirements for employees and individuals
associated with long term care facilities. These requirements create shorter reporting
deadlines for reporting crimes and abuse and higher fines for non compliance. All
staff will Abuse, neglect, and exploitation: Elder Abuse and Mandated Reporter This
training will enforce the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA)
federal law to provide protection to both our staff and customer health... Show more
content on ...
QAPI represents an ongoing, organized method of doing business to achieve
optimum results, involving all levels of an organization. CMS requires that
healthcare entities implement and effectively demonstrate a program that
encompasses the principals and methods associated with ongoing monitoring of
outcomes. The QAPI Program provides the facility level team members a forum and
platform to identify areas of growth, risk and refinement that potentially impact the
quality of care rendered to the patient population or negatively impinge on the
financial well being of the organization. The training will educate and support
nursing facility operators and staff regarding the requirements of participation for
nursing homes as it relates to the QAPI plan, process and roles and responsibilities.
The training will outline the elements and goals of our QAPI plan set forth in the
facilities. The plan/program consist of weekly risk meetings, monthly COR, quarterly
Short Essay On The Wizard
Moving his rocker back by the pot Sly tries to relax. After a long wait and a couple
of short naps, the cloth is dry. Removing it from the rope Sylvester folded the now
red cloth into a bolt and lays it on the worktable Calling the tailor he says, Marcus if
you got the time I could use your help now. Put the teapot on the stove, Markus said.
I ll be there as fast as my short legs can get me there. After unlocking the door, Sly
puts a large tea pot on the fire so they will have plenty of hot tea. Marcus knocks on
the door, not waiting for the wizardhe walks in. What you got for me? he asks
Having all the measurement and a sketch on a sheet of paper Sly hands the
information to the tailor, We... Show more content on ...
One of the helpers had made a slender rope out of the same material used in the
bag. Picking up the rope Sylvester guides it through the loop at the top of the bag.
Going all the way around it comes out just two centimeters from where it went in.
When someone pulls the both ends of the rope, he bag closes the bag so nothing
will fall out. . Now was the time for the big test, time to put something in the bag
and see if it will work as he planned. Tying the rope to the top of two chairs so it
would stay open, Sly stands with his hands resting on his hips, looking around the
lab for something to put in the bag. First, in the bag, is a softball, then a tricycle.
Picking up a football, he tossed it in, along with a baseball glove and bat. Standing on
a short stool the wizard looks in the bag and said, OH MY, OH MY, Where are they?
To see the bottom of the bag, he needed a lamp. There, on the bottom of the bag are
five little items the size of a stamp. Untying one rope from a chair, he reaches in.
Taking out one small item, and set it on the floor. POOF! It grew, to the same size as
Next, he would try to find the tricycle, then the bat and the ball. POOF! They
returned to their original size
Analyzing The Poem Strange Fruit
Strange Fruit Messages can travel through art in any form. The message hidden in
Strange Fruit started as a disturbing photograph of a lynching that was taken in
1930. Decades later, a high school teacher named Abel Meeropol decided to
transpose the feelings the photo evoked and wrote a poem that uses an eerie
metaphor to convey those feelings. Then a song was created using the poem. After it
was sung by the famous singer, Billie Holiday, the world heard the message that
started with a simple photo. The image that the original poem was based on was a
lynchingin Marion, Indiana, of two young black men. Strange Fruitis a captivating
poem that was written by Abel Meeropoland published in 1937. This poem and song
uses literary devices and stirring language to induce strong feelings of grief and
horror in the reader.... Show more content on ...
The grotesque poem is told from the perspective of someone observing the bodies,
or fruit , hanging from the trees. Abel Meeropol wrote the poem because he was
disturbed by a photo he saw of the Marion, Indiana lynchings. The black and white
photo of two savaged bodies hanging from a tree with a crowd standing below them
posing and pointing up at the limp carcasses is a sick image that makes us question
the humanity of those who could commit such a horrendous crime and feel no
remorse. Meeropol once said the photograph haunted him for days. (Blair). The
song conveys the emotions of the original poem, and Billie Holiday expresses pain
and grief in her rendition. When Holiday decided to sing Strange Fruit, the song
reached millions of people (Blair). If Holiday had not sung this song, it is likely that
the poem would not be so well known
Destiny And Destiny Short Story
This ancient story of the conversation of Vasishtha and Brahma, O Yudhishthira, is
an illustration in point. In olden times the adorable Vasishtha enquired of Brahma as
to which among these two, viz., the Karma of a creature acquired in this life, or that
acquired in previous lives (and called Destiny), is the more potent in shaping his life.
Then, O king, the great godBrahma, who had sprung from the primeval lotus,
answered him in these exquisite and well reasoned words, full of meaning.
Brahma said, Nothing comes into existence without seed. Without seed, fruits do
not grow. From seeds spring other seeds. Hence are fruits known to be generated
from seeds. Good or bad as the seed is that the husbandman soweth in his field,
good or bad are the fruits that he reaps. As, unsown with seed, the soil, though
tilled, becomes fruitless, so, without individual Exertion, Destiny is of no avail.
One s own acts are like the soil, and Destiny (or the sum of one s acts in previous
births) is compared to the seed. From the union of the soil and the seed doth the
harvest grow. It is observed every day in the world that the doer reaps the fruit of his
good and evil deeds; that happiness results from good deeds, and pain from evil
ones; that acts, when done, always fructify; and that, if not done, no fruit arises. A
man of (good) acts acquires merits with good fortune, while an idler falls away from
his estate, and reaps evil like the infusion of alkaline matter injected into a wound. By
devoted application, one acquires beauty, fortune, and riches of various kinds.
p. 17
can be secured by Exertion: but nothing can be gained through Destiny alone, by a
man that is wanting in personal Exertion. Even so does one attain to heaven, and all
the objects of enjoyment, as also the fulfilment of one s heart s desires by well
directed individual Exertion. Al! the luminous bodies in the firmament, all the deities,
the Nagas, and the Rakshasas, as also the Sun and the Moon and the Winds, have
attained to their high status by evolution from man s status, through dint of their own
action. Riches, friends, prosperity descending from generation to generation, as also
the graces of life, are difficult of attainment by those
Character Development In Unwind By Neal Shusterman
Unwind by Neal Shusterman is the newer version of America. In this New
America, your parents could easily get rid of you by Unwinding you. Your body
would be split into separate parts but your soul would still be intact. Your body
parts would go to people who need it though, such as a prefrontal cortex for
someone who was in a severe head injury accident or just has some type of brain
problem. These known Unwinds that have been chosen are going to harvest camps,
spending their last few days there before being Unwound. Connor, Risa, and Lev are
the three main characters in this book, all Unwinds. This book was a very
controversial story for the likes and dislikes of it, and there are many different
connections and recommendations that I... Show more content on ...
One way I decided to connect the book by was connecting it to another book first. I
connected it to the book The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey because of the strive for
survival and the desperation from characters. Another connection that I made was
this book to was society in general. I made this connection because people are
always wanting to have the best of the best and in this book people take other s
body parts so they, themselves, can function better. Finally, the last connection I
have made with this book is Unwind and the real life situation of abortion. Right
now, abortion is a very controversial topic. The two sides are debating whether to
give soon to be mothers the choice or force them to have the baby. This relates to
the book because the book has many factors in it such as deciding to Unwind your
child and storking. These connections to the book are some of many but they are also
The Human Immune Response Against Gingivitis Essay
What is Gingivitis? Gingivitis is a mild reversible periodontal disease that results in
inflammation of the gum tissue. If not treated it can lead to irreversible damage of
the associated ligaments and bone that support the teeth, leading to a more serious
condition known as periodontitis (Arndt and Nagelberg, 2010). In most cases of
gingivitis, bacteria normally found in the mouth ingest and convert carbohydrates
into acid. The combination of bacteria, acid, food, and saliva form what is known as
plaque (Wood, 2006). If plaque is not removed, it hardens and becomes calculus,
which is usually found built up around the base of the tooth. The bacteria found in
plaque also contribute to the inflammatory response by releasing toxins that... Show
more content on ...
Patients who are taking certain medications may also see a similar inflammatory
response. Lastly, malnutrition can also be a cause for gingivitis. Those deficient
with vitamins A, B complex, and C are all at risk for inflammation from
accumulation of biofilm (Nield Gehrig and Willmann, 2011). Non Plaque Induced
Gingivitis The minority of gingivitis cases is of the non plaque induced form,
which cannot simply be cured by the removal of dental plaque. Some forms of
gingivitis are the result of an infection that is of bacterial origin. The causative
agents include Neisseria gonorrhea, Treponema pallidum, and streptococcal species
(Nield Gehrig and Willmann, 2011). Non plaque induced gingivitis may also be
induced by viral infections, specifically the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1).
This disease may cause ulcers on the lips, tongue, palate, and buccal mucosa, as well
as, widespread inflammation of the gingiva. Lastly, non plaque gingivitis also may be
induced by a variety of conditions. One of which is Linear Gingival Erythema, a
condition that is manifested from immunosuppression, typically associated with HIV
infection. Both Lichen Planus and Erythema Multiforme are also conditions where
patients experience gingivitis as they are both skin diseases
Why I Deserve This Scholarship
I deserve this scholarship because I try and make an effort everyday at school. I
will admit that I took my first semester of ninth grade in high school for a joke. I
was excited to be moving up to the bigger school. So, my grades went up and
down. I started off in the Honors program but ended up being kicked out because of
my math class. That was the hardest class I had. It was literally easy. However, I had
just transferred from Northridge High Schoolin Tuscaloosa, AL. The same math was
being taken, but we were doing at Northridge was what Bibb County High School
would be taking last. Our lessons plans were opposites. So, when I got there I
already knew the things she didn t teach me. By the end of the course I was making
a passing grade.
How Did Cesar Chavez Make An Informative Essay
Informative Essay
Make a Difference
Throughout time there have been many people who have wanted to enact change
or make a difference. Cesar Chavez helped migrant farmers with their unsafe work
conditions and their lack workers rights. Mother Jones marched for children s rights
and to create child labor laws. Van Jones is fighting for human rights currently.
These people all did amazing things and all fought for a singular purpose.Cesar
Chavez, Mother Jones, and Van Jones all helped fight to enact change, by making
people notice their cause and by having the perseverance to keep fighting for others
to have better lives.
Cesar Chavez fought for other migrant farmers because he had experienced what they
were experiencing, and thought he should make a difference when Chavez started
leading the UFW, United Farm Workers, is when his movement really started. Lots of
things happened during Chavez s childhood At age 11, his family lost their farm
during the Great Depression and became migrant farm workers (Cesar Chavez
Foundation). That is the main reason for why Chavez noticed the issues that were
surfacing with workers, this is what got him into the farms. Cesar taught many
unforgettable lessons Cesar learned and taught others how commitment and sacrifice
can set you free from the constraints imposed by depending entirely on money and
material things (Cesar Chavez Foundation). The citation shows how Cesar made a
big impact on others even if only teaching them. Cesar did many
Feminism And The Western Hemisphere
Russia is a leading example of case studies examining feminism and its role in the
Eastern hemisphere. Though feminism is apparent across the globe and is often
affiliated with the western hemisphere, the concept of female empowerment differs
greatly in Russia. In Feminism in Russia by Linda H. Edmondson, she explains that
Russians are considered to have a backwards society, because of their special status
and recognition of women. Backwards societies such as Russias are considered this in
comparison to Western societies, as Western societies are considered to be the ideal
In a study of Feminism in Russia by Rochelle Ruthchild, Ruthchild presents a case
study in which Russian law established family roles and gender roles within the
family. The male was to play, the bread winner and domestic authority, while the
females were to play the , obedient wife and mother. Initially, Tsars of Russia
supported female empowerment to establish a sense of leadership in largely peasant
societies, but as time progressed, tsarist officials convinced that women s education
produced women revolutionaries. The implementation of Russian law resulted in the
natural inclination of rebellion. With an increase in awareness of a large group of
people, the need to rebel increases. In this case, the implementation of the Russian
Law urged Russian domestic women to discover the reasoning behind the law.
Though women did not rebel, Tsars began to deny women education due to the
Procedural Justice Theory Paper
The constant derogatory comments and attention police departments have gotten
lately can have a negative impact on their ability to perform their job and have a
positive relationship with the community. According to the Procedural Justice
Theory, the legitimacy and trust are largely based on perceptions of procedural
fairness believing that the policetreat citizens with fairness and respect... (Hohl,
2011). The media does a good job at attacking the legitimacy of the police and their
ability to perform their job in a fair and consistent manner. Per the Procedural Justice
Theory, with the fairness of the polices actions in question, the trust towards police
gets tarnished and disintegrates. With little to no faith in law enforcement, the police
cannot... Show more content on ...
This event is the first of its kind and has brought together police officers from around
the country to discuss how we can strengthen the relationships between law
enforcement and the communities they serve. The discussion was a healthy balance
of how these groups can work together and improve these relationships.
The Black Chamber of Arizona, University of Phoenix, and the Checkered Flag Run
Foundation organized an event that included law enforcement, community based
organizations, and government leaders, to address the issues of the negative
reputation law enforcement has been getting hit with by the media. The purpose was
to come up with some new solutions to help represent law enforcement in a better
light and dispel undesirable rumors. One of the solutions offered was by Deputy
Chief Danielle Outlaw. She suggested that all police officers should have increased
fear training. This training would have an emphasis on deescalating situations,
making sure a weapon was not involved. If the officers feel safer in the environment,
they will not react hastily where they can make
Burts Chips
This is an inclusive international marketing which has been produced for Burts Chips
operating in South West England Devon on the outskirts of Plymouth. This
marketing plan mainly aims to develop awareness within its target market
concerning the products and work offered by the enterprise. This marketing plan is
formulated for one year. Burt s Chips is a UK Snack Company that started in April
1st 1997. This company started in Devon, the South West of England. Burt s Chips is
a hand cooked potatochips which use English finest potatoes and ingredients. They
further provide a variety of flavours such as Spicy chorizo, Vintage Cheddar and
Spring Onion, Crushed Peppercorns, Thai Sweet Chilli and many more. Burt s Chips
has grown globally by over... Show more content on ...
This marketing Plan will goal at how Burts Chips can create understanding in its
distinctive market. This Plan will further point out the causes at the back of
penetrating the Singaporean market making use of the spicy chorizo Chips flavour.
This marketing plan is drawn up for an estimated interval of one year. Precise market
as seen within the marketing plan includes the young to youths in Singapore. This
worldwide marketing Plan is being designed for Burts Chips with the intention of
assessing the Singaporean Snack industry, this may occasionally incorporate
competitors within the equal line of production. Burts Chips has identified an
opportunity to internationalise with the goal of making revenue. It has extra been
realised that the interior and external environment of the supplier and Singaporean
government is able of getting an influence on the agency and its performances. The
targets of this advertising plan might be situated on the communication/distribution
channels and advertising and marketing process to be adapted by using the business
enterprise. It also determines detailed responsibilities and time period in an
implementation plan. In addition, performance will probably be monitored and
assessed probably counter to the efficiency warning signs. The essential determinant
on which this plan is proposed are the commonplace reviewing and monitoring of
performances as good because the expected outcomes, this will be by means of cause
of the truth that problems arisen can be easily
The Characteristics Of A Trickster Story
For a story to be a great trickster story, the story must contain certain qualities along
with the characters having certain characteristics. Among these traits, three are very
important in the story. The use of anthropomorphism, the gods, spirits and
supernaturals, and the negative qualities of the trickster. All of these are equally
important, but in there own way. The Use of Anthropomorphism plays a big rule in a
trickster tale. Anthropomorphism is giving non human characters human qualities.
In the trickster tale of ВЁHow Stories Came to EarthВЁ, anthropomorphism is used
with the description of the protagonist, which is a spider. When the author refers to
the protagonist, he uses certain adjectives that really paint a picture for the reader.
Such as, ВЁ...Sometimes looking more like a wise old man than a spider...ВЁ. The
author describes the protagonist as if he were a sage, which is ludicrous when
describing a spider. In another tale titled the, ВЁCoyote steals firesВЁ, they used
small adjectives to describe the godof Thunder. ВЁThunder was a fearful beingВЁ,
using the adjective fearful to describe ThunderВґs power over the other creatures.
Lastly, the tale of, ВЁMaster Cat, or Puss in BootsВЁ, uses this element of a
trickster. ВЁJust get me a pouch and have a pair of bootsВЁ. CatВґs are not going to
dress up in boots and live in a person s pouch, it definitely will not request on either.
The use of Anthropomorphism is important to a trickster tale, nevertheless, the
Russian Working Conditions in the 19th Century Essay...
Russian Working Conditions in the 19th Century
Karl Marx drafted The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels in the mid 19th
century after living in Moscow and seeing the strife of laborers there. The document
was a reflection on the two men s belief that the wealthier members of society were
exploiting the working class. From his experience in Russian society, Marx became
concerned with the way that the majority of the proletariat class was living. The
filthy and inhumane working conditions, the negligible wages, and the way that the
employers disrespected their employees, all led to Marx penning The Communist
Manifesto. The theme of humans and nature is shown by the ideas that Marx and
Engels wrote about in their ... Show more content on ...
As Paul Brians states,
The old feudal restrictions which had fixed peasants in place on the land and limited
their income had also guaranteed them a place in the world. They may not have
prospered, but they were often able to fend off starvation and homelessness simply
because they had been born onto estates from which they could not be removed
against their wills. [i]
After the feudal system was destroyed, workers moved to the cities and began to
participate in what would later be referred to as, The Industrial Revolution.
As technology increased and the demand for manufactured goods grew, more and
more Russian peasants migrated to the cities. Soon the big metropolises such as St.
Petersburg and Moscow became hubs for the demands of the industrial world. As the
number of factories expanded, so did the number of laborers, and in turn, the
conditions in these workplaces worsened. As Bonnell writes,
In the second half of the nineteenth century the face of traditional Russian society
began to change. Many villages and towns became transformed into factory centers,
and mills started to appear where once there had been only peasant huts. In the
leading urban centers of the Russian Empire St. Petersburg, the modern capital, and
its predecessor, Moscow the pace of industrialization was rapid and intense. Factories
and shops were springing up as never before, spilling over into the outskirts of each
city, and creating
Case Study Of Duracell International Inc.
Duracell International Inc. is an American brand of batteries and smart power
systems owned by the subsidiary The Gillette Company and its parent company is
Procter Gamble. Duracell over past decades has evolved into a strong brand that
Duracell is used as a verb in context of batteries .It is the world s leading
manufacturer and marketer of high performance alkaline batteries.
It had a very humble beginning with a motivated cause when Philip Georges Mallory
and his basic business tenets of invest in research and the customer is King laid the
groundwork for Duracell back in 1935. In 1920 a PR Mallory partnered with Samuel
Rubin an independent inventor who worked on research and development of more
robust and durable batteries ... Show more content on ...
The first hearing aid button cell used Ruben s mercury battery technology.
During the early 1960s, the company introduced its AA size and AAA size alkaline
batteries. The Duracell brand name was adopted in 1964
The economic upturn and boom of 1972 allowed the firm to boost sales of electrical
and electronic items to industry, complementing consumer sales. As there was a good
growth rate in the consumer durables market Mallory adopted to economies of scale
which meant mass production lowering per unit cost and extending profit margins
In 1977, Fortune magazine ranked Mallory as the 507th largest company, with $323
million in sales and profits of $10 million (which put it in the 170th position).
P.R. Mallory was bought by Dart Industries in 1978, becoming Duracell Inc. which
in turn merged with Kraft and thus began a series of exponential growth merger
right up to 2014 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts bought Duracell in 1988 and took the
company public in 1989. It was acquired by Gillette in 1996. In 2005, Procter Gamble
Lgbt Individuals Access And Experiences With Their
LGBT individuals access and experiences with services may be affected by their
identity. Fredrikesen Goldsen et al. (2014) stated, In addition to discrimination in the
larger society, LGBT older adults experience both overt and covert discrimination in
health and human service settings. Discrimination within healthcare systems is a
significant predictor of poor mental and physical health (p. 93). In addition, due to
ageism and heterosexism older LGBTindividuals have less resources and services
available to them, and they also may be afraid to seek out these services (Jessup
Dibble, 2012). Feeling like they are pressured to be invisible and silent due to
previous experiences of institutional discrimination and insensitivity from
professionals may also cause older LGBT individuals from seeking out mental
health services (Hash Rogers, 2013). In addition, many older LGBT adults feel the
need to hide their identity of go back into the closet when receiving services or in
long term care facilities which can lead to higher levels of psychological distress
(Fredriksen Goldsen et al, 2014). Hash Roger s (2013) stated,
Many older LGBT adults feel vulnerable in their neighborhoods; do not feel part of
the gay community; experience the ramifications of ageism and homophobia; fear
continued poor treatment as they age; and have strong, painful memories of and
residual trauma from being criminalized, stigmatized, and terrified because of their
sexual identity. Consequently,
Male Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a cancer relating to the prostate, a gland located in front of the
rectum and below the urinary bladder (ACS 2015). Prostate cancer only affects the
male population because the prostate gland is only found in the male reproductive
system (FIS 2015). Among the males in the world, certain males are at higher risk
than others due to certain risk factors. One of the biggest risk factors is age (PCF
2015). Only 1 in 10000 men under the age of 40 will be diagnosed with prostate
cancerhowever 1 in 38 men between the ages of 40 59 will be diagnosed (PCF 2015).
This then shoots up further to 1 in 14 men among the age of 60 69 (PCF 2015). Over
65% of all prostate cancerdiagnoses are in men that are over the age of 65 (PCF
2015).... Show more content on ...
For instance, African American males are 2.5 times more likely to die from
prostate cancer in comparison to Caucasian males, while Asian males (residing in
Asia) have the lowest risk (PCF 2015). From a geographical perspective, North
America has the highest incidence rate, while Asia has the lowest (PCF 2015).
Also family genetics play a large role in how likely a male is to be diagnosed with
prostate cancer (PCF 2015). Having a father or brother diagnosed with prostate
cancer increases the likelihood of being diagnosed by two (PCF 2015). Diet and
certain hormone levels have also been found to be major risk factors while total
caloric intake and fat intake was found to be insignificant (ACS 2015; Gann 2002).
High calcium intake (due to supplement consumption) increase risk 4.6 times on
average and consumption of red meat was positively correlated with prostate
cancer risk (Giovannucci et al. 1998; Kolonel 2001). Contradictory to previous
correlations, the relationship between fat intake and the risk of prostate cancer
has been found to be inconclusive because although saturated fat intake has been
shown to increase the risk of aggressive prostate cancer, the relationship is
insignificant (Chavarro et al. 2007). A larger risk factor is found when studying
the relationship between high levels of insulin like growing factor (IGF 1) and
prostate cancer (Pollak 2008). The previous significance between height and
prostate cancer has been found to rely not on the genetic influence, but the levels
of IGF 1, since the hormone contributes greatly to your height (Pollak 2008). The
relationship between high levels of IGF 1 and incidence of prostate cancer reveals
that increased levels of IGF 1 in the bloodstream can increase the risk of prostate
cancer due to IGF 1 having the ability to make the prostate grow, and during this
growth there is more room for error (mutations when duplicating cells) which can lead
Analysis Of A. Philip Randolph s Brotherhood Of Sleeping...
On the surface, A. Philip Randolph s Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP)
was fighting for union recognition and changing the pay system from tip based to
living wage based in 1926. Underneath this, was a desire to separate blacks from the
status of servant. The Pullman porters of the era were perceived by the BSCP and
Randolph as either slacker porters who relied on tips, musicianship, and the
paternalism of rich whites, or manly men who were willing to demand job dignity,
fair pay, and representation. The rhetoric of slacker porters and manly men was in
response to the vast racist misinterpretation that belittled specifically black itinerant
musicians, but was geared towards all black workers regardless of their given
profession. This belittlement can be seen through the ubiquitous caricatures
maligning the work ethic, intelligence, and humanity... [that was] specific to...
musical entertainment . This imagery depicted black musicians as stock characters
used by racist whites to represent black laziness, immaturity, primitivism, and lack of
manliness, but these interpretations were only a part of a larger accumulation of
racist misinterpretations that affected all blacks. For Randolph, the similarities of
mobility, tip taking, the need to endear oneself to customers between porters who
relied on tips for ends meet, some even going through the trouble of learning
musicianship in order to boost their tip income and black wanderlust musicians
The National Security Agency ( Nsa ) Is An Intelligence...
Security is key for the advancement and stability of the United States, and spying is
nothing new to the world. With the advancement of technology, we are now able to
stay connected with each other, while having a plethora of information at our
fingertips. This is phenomenal, but dangerous. With the increasing amount of stored
data online and the speed at which said data can be transferred, one can only worry
that maybe were sharing a little TOO much information. The National Security
Agency (NSA) is an intelligence organization created by the United States
government. The NSA is responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing
of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence. Today, the
NSA states that... Show more content on ...
These countries were pretty successful at obtaining sensitive Intel. However, in the
21st century surveillance is used in a different and more complicated way. Due to
the drastic increase in crime rates and recent terrorist attacks, governments around
the world were forced to use electronic surveillance to protect their own people. The
electronic surveillance that each government conducts is so complex and covert
that you don t even know that you are the target. The US government has become
one of the biggest cases of this kind of surveillance. The US government has been
employing several forms of high level surveillance such as wiretapping, CCTV
cameras (Closed Circuit Televisions, aka street cameras) and now internet data by
looking at the information transferred between devices. The thought that the
government was secretly watching their citizens every move has been talked about
for some time now. Although this talk was widespread and sort of heard of, there
was no definitive proof. However, suspicions were confirmed in 2013 due to a man
by the name of Edward Snowden leaking classified information from the NSA s
archives. Amongst the leaked information, evidence showed that the NSA had been
spying on millions of innocent people, and said monitoring is still being conducted.
This shocking level of spying was without warrant, making it illegal. Now, the US
government has taken its bad
Psy 201 Research Methods And Statistics
Khloe Copeland 1509716 PSY 201 Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
Assignment 2 Short Answer Quiz Question 1.Research, no matter what field, is often
conducted and analysed in accordance with two basic approaches: quantitative and
qualitative. The quantitative approach aims to test a hypothesis and examine the
relationship through generating numerical data or other information that is than
converted into numbers, whereas the qualitative approach is more exploratory,
aiming to gain a deeper understanding of the research subject. Through breaking
down and examining the key features in each of these approaches it is evident that
although they both begin with a problem the researcher aims to understand they
fundamentally differ. The table below shows side by side comparisons, highlighting
the differences that can be used to differentiate these approaches, described broadly
across three main categories. Qualitative Quantitative Methodology Interviews, focus
groups, document analysis , observation Surveys, questionnaires, measurements and
other numerical or measurable data and pre formulated questions Analysis
Considered to be Subjective, researchers interpretation important occurrences,
analysis tends to be more time consuming, and less able to be generalizedPursues
accurate measurement analysis of topic, Identifies statistical relationships. Outcome
A Record with contextual description direct quotations from research participants.
Messi Research Paper
Messi is The Best Soccer PLayer The world s best when I was growing up was Pele
and he would have been a great player now, too, but Messi surpasses him. He s also
way out ahead of Diego Maradona it s not even a close call any more ( m messi).
Lionel Messi is an Argentine soccer player that currently plays with both Futbol Club
Barcelona and his country Argentina. In the other hand, Cristiano Ronaldo is a
Portuguese soccer player that is playing with Real Madrid Club de FГєtbol and his
country. Both of these guys have wrote their names down as some of the the best
soccer players in the world and continue to add records because they are not going
to stop soon. While critics argue that Ronaldo is the best player, I argue that Messi
is the best player of all time, because he has won more ballon d or and has a better
playing style even though Ronaldo has more goals and some better strengths.
Cristiano Ronaldo might be considered the best due to the fact that he might have
some better... Show more content on ...
When people watch Messi they all like the way, His ball skills are second to none,
his runs from midfield are usually lethal and he is almost impossible to tackle
when he gets his head down. His balance when running at speed is incredible. Also
his goal scoring ability is amazing (Ronaldo vs Messi). This quote talk about his
phenomenal skills and how he uses them at the time of game and how he is able to
make the impossible look unchallenging. Some say that Messi is instinctual athlete
do to the fact that his skills are natural and He s very good with the ball (Yaya
Toure). Another thing that makes him a great player is that he is team player.
Messi does like to score and for that reason he has a lot of goals but what makes
him a team player is that he has more assists than Ronaldo. Messi is just the best at
dribbling, scoring, and taking the defenders because he makes it look
Transformations in Ovid s Metamorphosis Essay
Transformations in Ovid s Metamorphosis
Transformations from one shape or form into another are the central theme in Ovid s
Metamorphoses. The popularity and timelessness of this work stems from the manner
of story telling. Ovid takes stories relevant to his culture and time period, and weaves
them together into one work with a connecting theme of transformation throughout.
The thread of humor that runs through Metamorphoses is consistent with the satire
and commentary of the work. The theme is presented in the opening lines of
Metamorphoses, where the poet invokes the gods, who are responsible for the
changes, to look favorably on his efforts to compose. The changes are of many kinds:
from human to animal, animal to human, thing to ... Show more content on ...
Upon encountering Daphne, Apollo falls madly in love with her. Overcome by Cupid
s arrow, Apollo sets aside reason and becomes engulfed by his hope of attaining his
love. Before being transformed, Apollo would most likely have paid little or no
attention to Daphne, but now, Apollo is overcome by his lust for beauty. Ovid
compares Apollo s love for Daphne to a flame in a brush. This metaphor used by
Ovid is very effective. The change that goes through Apollo is very sudden and
fast. The imagery of a flame rapidly spreading through brush conveys the idea of an
almost violent change. The god is consumed with a desire for the girl. His chase is
fueled by a hope to overcome the ultimate futility of his actions. He sees every part
of her as beautiful, her eyes, hair, face and even speculates as to the beauty of her
hidden regions. Unsatisfied by the sight of Daphne and wanting more than just a
glimpse of her beauty, Apollo follows Daphne as a hound chases a rabbit. The hope
for his fruitless love keeps Apollo close on Daphne s trail, and fear motivates
Daphne to stay just out of reach. When Ovid tries to convey the intensity of the
flight, he says, He gave the fleeing maiden no respite, but followed close on her
heels, and his breath touched the locks that lay scattered on her neck, ;(p. 43) Finally,
burdened by mortal exhaustion, Daphne prays to her father to deliver her from her
torment. As the words leave her mouth, Daphne is transformed for the second
Aristotle Segregates
Aristotle segregates virtues into two categories and they are moral and intellectual.
Aristotle believes that moral virtues is a product of habits, while intellectual
virtues come from learning or life experience. He stated that since nothing...can
form a habit contrary to its nature (Book II, 1), virtues are only possible to form by
habits. For intellectual virtues, it can only be perfected over a period of a time, as
well with experience. A more concrete point that will solidify this conclusion is that
virtues are first learnt, then it will be presented, and the everyday life experience of
the virtueis in diversified position and situations will lead a way for development.
Aristotleas well goes in detail not just defining virtues theoretically,
Symbolism in The Farming of Bones
Justin Peterkin
Eng150 014
Prof. N. Essey
Research Essay
Symbolism in The Farming Of Bones
In The Farming of Bones, a story based on tragic real life events written by Edwidge
Danticat, a Haitian girl named Amabelle attempts to establish a new life for herself in
the neighboring Dominican Republic after the tragic deaths of both her parents.
After establishing herself in the Dominican town of Alegria as a servant for a
Dominican family, Amabelle s whole way of life is once again turned upside down
when Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo orders the slaughter of Haitians who are
occupying the Dominican Republic (Derby). Of the many themes and symbols used
in this story the most prominent of them is water. (Scribd Inc.)While ... Show more
content on ...
During the crossing a member of their group is shot by a Dominican soldier and
another drowns in the water. We see here that life is once again being represented
by the river, the lives of two individuals were taken attempting to cross over the
border but at the same time a new life awaited Amabelle and Yves in their native
country and for Amabelle the hope for her still remained that she may be able to
locate Sebastien.Once they arrived in Haiti, Amabelle and Yves eventually settled at
the family home of Yves and lived there for many years. During her time in Haiti
Amabelle frequently pondered the fate of her lover Sebastien the people she
formerly served in the Domincian Republic. Soon her curiosity gets the best of her
and Amabelle arranges to once again cross the border into the Dominican Republic
and visit her old home where she lived as a servant, to do this she would once again
have to cross over the water, albeit this time by bridge. After crossing over the
bridge Amabelle Is driven back to Alegria, were she first encountered Sebastian and
were she believed that Senora Valencia might still live. After she arrives in Alegria
Amabelle finds that Senora Valencia is in fact still alive and located in the same
town. Amabelle locates Senora Valencia and after a brief discussion of the events that
have occurred in the many years since they have seen each other, Amabelle requests
one thing from Senora Valencia, to see the stream the one
Poverty In Detroit Research Paper
Poverty in Detroit Being home to Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, Detroit was
the nation s auto industry capital in the 1950s ( Anatomy of Detroit s Decline ). The
city was thriving, bringing in more income and more people each year, which led to
Detroit s expansion and population peak becoming the 4th largest cityin America. But
if the city was doing so well, then what caused such an economic downfall to put
them in the impoverished state they are facing today?
Most of Detroit s economic downfall was because of the reliance on a single industry,
which at the time was the auto industry ( Anatomy of Detroit s Decline ). Although
this industry was thriving in every way possible, the city became too reliant on it
because when the auto industry left Detroit, the economy made a dramatic decrease.
While the auto industry was still there, the city ... Show more content on ...
Because many people abandoned their homes, the city now has fewer tax payers,
and many vacant homes. This task to shrink the city would be easier if these
abandoned homes were next to each other in convenient chunks, but it appears that
Detroit is not so lucky, for the abandoned homes are spread out all across the city
making any efforts to shrink the city extremely difficult ( Anatomy of Detroit s
Decline ).
Another trial that the city faces is the development of the children (Bouffard, Karen).
More than 59% of the children in Detroit live below the poverty line (Bouffard,
Karen). However, there is good news in the midst of all this bad; Bill Ballmer,
owner of the L.A. clippers, grew up in Detroit and is now focusing on helping
Detroit s economy, specifically the children ( Letter: Ending Poverty in Detroit ). He
is doing so by opening an office in Detroit that focuses on fighting poverty and
enhancing the development of Detroit s youth ( Letter: Ending Poverty in

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Essay About Child Labour In India

  • 1. Essay About Child Labour In India Writing an essay on the topic of child labor in India is undoubtedly a challenging task. The subject itself is a sensitive and complex issue that requires careful research, nuanced analysis, and a deep understanding of the socio-economic and cultural context in India. To begin with, one must delve into the historical roots of child labor in the country, examining the factors that contribute to its prevalence. This involves exploring the economic disparities, lack of educational opportunities, and systemic issues that force children into the workforce. The essay should also address the legal framework in India related to child labor, highlighting the existing laws and their effectiveness in curbing this social menace. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of the consequences of child labor on the physical, emotional, and cognitive development of children is essential. Understanding the impact on their education, health, and overall well-being adds another layer of complexity to the essay. Additionally, discussing the role of international organizations, NGOs, and government initiatives in combating child labor in India is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Balancing the emotional aspect of child exploitation with a factual and objective presentation of information is another challenge. Crafting a compelling narrative that not only informs but also elicits empathy from the reader requires a delicate touch. In conclusion, tackling an essay on child labor in India demands a multi-faceted approach, involving thorough research, critical analysis, and a compassionate perspective. It is a challenge that necessitates a commitment to shedding light on an issue that continues to affect the lives of many children in the country. For those seeking assistance with essays on similar topics or any other writing needs, various resources are available. One such option is, where you can explore a range of writing services tailored to your requirements. Essay About Child Labour In India Essay About Child Labour In India
  • 2. Summary Of Gary Althen s American Values And Assumption In the article, American Values and Assumptions , Gary Althen notes that people who grow up in the same culture share their ideas and beliefs most of the time. They agree, not always, with each other. Each culture has its own values and assumptions. The meaning of culture can be a group of values and assumptions that complain with each other to form a certain people comprehensions and link it to the world around them. In Althen s article, he discusses individualism, privacy, equality, informality, competition, and time about the American culture. In American culture, the most important thing is to understand their individualism. Althen also believes that Americans need a time to be alone which called privacy. Moreover, the equality value that... Show more content on ... The writer uses lexical repetition, which means that they are many repeated words in the article, to attract the reader s attention to the important ideas of the article. The author use various word repetition such as, money , American , and Values and Assumptions. The purpose of repetition is to make the writing clear and cohesive. Also, to emphasize the point throughout the essay and meet the requirements of it. Therefore, the author sometimes but sentences between commas to show us the important of this sentence or the opposite which you can ignore this sentence. For example, in paragraph 6 line 3, when the mother said, Or, you could save your money, and sometime later... The author wants us to recognize how the mother treats her son by telling him to save his money and but what he want, she is not going to buy it for him. He wants us to understand how American makes their children responsible for everything they need even for silly things like juice. The last thing is that Althen uses the quotation marks in the story of the boy, paragraph 6, which consider a direct speech to make the story more effective so we can imagine what is the character of the mother which we ll know it by her own
  • 3. A Survey On Friend Recommendation Essay A Survey on Friend Recommendation in a Social Bookmarking System Bhavesh Jain1, Tejas Kadiya2, Ramesh Prajapati3, Dr.Samrat Khanna4 1M.E Computer Engineering Student, IIST Rajpur 2Assistant Professor, IIST Rajpur 3Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, Rai University, Dholka 4Dept. of Information Techmology, V.Vnagar Abstract The technique of Collaborative Filtering is especially successful in generating personalized recommendations. Collaborative Filtering is quickly becoming a popular technique for reducing information overload, often as a technique to complement content based information filtering. More than a decade of research has resulted in numerous algorithms, although no comparison of the different strategies has been made. In fact, a universally accepted way of evaluating a Collaborative Filtering algorithm does not exist yet. In this survey, we explain different techniques found in the literature, and we study the characteristics of each one, highlighting their principal strengths and weaknesses. This Paper Present a new user similarity model to improve the recommendation performance to calculate the similarity of each user. The model not only consider the local context information of user rating but also the global preferences of user behavior. Index Terms PCC, Jaccard, MSD, cold start, Proximity, Sigmoid I.INTRODUCTION The Internet, with hundreds of millions of pages worldwide, has become the greatest source of information that has ever existed. In
  • 4. Immunization Pros And Cons Many parents believe that the MMR vaccine is the cause for the so called Autistic Epidemic. According to the Scientific American, Across a mere 10 year period 1993 to 2003 statistics from the U.S. Department of Education revealed a 657 percent increase in the nationwide rate of autism. (Arkowitz and Lilienfeld) Parents often worry that a mercury based chemical called thimerosal causes very serious side effects including autism. Mercury, especially the methylmercury found in fish, can be toxic at high doses. Although the ethylmercury, found in thimerosal, contains a different chemical compound making it much easier to excrete and would need to be taken in ludicrous doses in order to experience any severe side effects. Likewise, several... Show more content on ... Parents need to protect their children from diseases that might be fatal. Health care providers strive to rid everyone from disease and hope that they can cure as many people as possible. Together, everyone can become more informed about how to protect themselves and their loved ones. The healthcare providers need to prepare themselves to answer patients in a reasonable fashion when worried parents come in asking for advice. Parents need to consider the scientific evidence rather than emotional experiences when deciding whether or not to vaccinate their child. If they want their child to have a strong immune system, have little to no risk at getting seriously sick, and help prevent illnesses from spreading then they need to get their children immunized. The government can help prevent people from getting ill by funding projects that will help others innovate safer vaccinations. Throughout history, vaccinations have saved countless lives and saved children from becoming permanently disabled, we need to support immunizations to protect the future generation s
  • 5. Dr. Fasching Research Paper It s a sad fact that some body fat is just difficult to eliminate. You ve already spent hours in the gym just to burn off calories. You ve stopped eating your favorite calorie laden food just so you wouldn t stray away from your strict diet. Yet, that fatty deposit in your waist, hips or buns just wouldn t go away. It s frustrating, right? The good news is you don t have to feel defeated. Thanks to modern technology, you can request a liposuction with Dr. Michael Fasching to remove stubborn fat. It s a minimally invasive procedure that works by suctioning fat out of our body. When you visit Dr. Fasching for a liposuction consultation, you are most likely going to encounter two liposuction techniques, a traditional liposuction or a tumescent liposuction. Both have the same objective, which is fat reduction, but differ in... Show more content on ... Back to work within one to two days with mild bruising and soreness Which one is better? From the table above, you can probably say that tumescent liposuction is better. However, never underestimate what traditional liposuction can do. After all, traditional liposuction has not become the most popular procedure in the country for nothing. Both procedures can deliver the results you want, but they do have their own pros and cons. If you want superb results, choosing who your surgeon will be should be the weightier matter than what liposuction technique to get. Regardless of what technique you choose, you should feel confident about your doctor s skill and experience. With that said, the smartest move to make is to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon. Thankfully, Dr. Fasching is highly qualified to recommend and perform both techniques, and give the results you desire and deserve. To know if you re a good liposuction candidate and which technique is better for you, schedule an appointment
  • 6. Bread Mold Experiment Essay Bread Mold Experiment By: Stephanie Westover PURPOSE The purpose of this experiment will be to determine how temperature affects the growth of mold on wheat bread. The researchers choose this topic because she thinks it will be beneficial to find a way to keep food from molding. Determining how long bread can be stored before molding can help save money, prevent illness and preserve freshness. The question the researcher will attempt to answer is how freezing affects the rate of mold growth in wheat bread. The information gathered in this experiment may be relevant to those individuals who contend with food borne molds at home, or professionally. Because the rate of mold growth can vary depending ... Show more content on ... Controlling for those 2 factors while maintaining proper and consistent measurement procedures should provide a repeatable and reliable understanding of how temperature variations affect mold growth. Because the researcher will be measuring mold growth on food and because there is rarely if ever an acceptable level of mold growth on food, absolute precision in measurement is not necessary. This experiment is designed to measure the relative growth of mold across temperatures, not the exact level of mold growth on an individual piece. Therefore, measurement in units of 16th of an inch using a standard fractional rule should suffice. A fractional ruler was used because it easier to utilize in measuring the mold than any other measuring device. Controlled variables: Standard ruler: 6 stainless steel ruler with graduations to the 32nd of an inch. Type of bread purchased: Western Family wheat bread. Date the bread was purchased: All bread samples will be from the same loaf purchased the day the experiment begins. Size of the bread piece: Each sample is one slice. Sterility: Each sample will placed in a sealed bag, preventing the introduction of extraneous bacteria. Moisture: Each sample will placed in a sealed bag, preventing the introduction of moisture. Light: Each bag will be exposed to the same amount of light for the same duration each day. Size of the Zip Lock baggies: Each bag will be the same size. Testing Actions that were used:
  • 7. The Oath Of The Horatii By Jacques Louis David The Oath of the Horatii is a historical oil painting by the French artist Jacques Louis David. Painted in 1784, the piece depicts a Roman legend about settling a dispute between the nations of Rome and Alba. Instead of succumbing to the possibility of war, a family from each of the nations was selected to battle out the conflict on a much smaller scale. These two families were the Horatii (Rome) and the Curatii (Alba). This paintingdepicts the Horatii family, specifically the three brothers, who are receiving the swords they are meant to use for the battle. Many of the figures in the painting show clear distress, but this is not simply because of the dangers involved in this fight. A closer look into the context of the legend reveals that the Horatii and Curatii families are joined through marriage. This makes the coming battle all the more pivotal in the sense that these families must choose between their duty to Rome and their familial ties.... Show more content on ... The brothers all hold very strong, powerful stances, the vertical lines of their arms extended toward the swords, which appear to be the focal point of the piece. The women mourning in the background are there to remind the viewer that this painting depicts a great sacrifice. Without their presence, it would be easy to interpret the painting as one without consequence. The three arches in the background seem to correlate to the three Horatii brothers as well, perhaps signifying the strength and integrity needed to support a house or in this case, a mourning family and the entirety of
  • 8. Sherman Alexie Indian Identity The novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, written by Sherman Alexie, enables the reader to look into the life of Junior as he encounters situations that allow him to discover his identity and self esteem. Identity and self esteem represented in the novel display how important it is to be part of a community, providing a sense of belonging. Throughout the story, Junior experiences circumstances where he faces and realizes his split personality of being Indian and white at the same time. Sherman Alexie demonstrates this by saying, They call [Junior] an apple because they think I m red on the outside and white on the inside (132). In addition, this describes how Junior has to embrace being white at Reardan and he also has to embrace his Indian self back on the reservation. An example is when Junior was determined to go to Reardan for a more successful future. However, he is still not abandoning his culture and identity as an Indian.... Show more content on ... Junior is not alone and is no longer limited to just one tribe but instead, he belongs to many different groups. To clarify, on page 217, Junior lists off many tribes that he is a part of and states that, Sure I was a Spokane Indian. I belonged to that tribe. But I also belong to the tribe of American immigrants. And to the tribe of basketball players (217). These quotes make the reader feel inspired because many people can relate with Junior and take out a lesson in which everyone belongs from the quotes. As time passes, Junior is able to find out who he truly is which helps guide him to live a more superior life without confusion and
  • 9. The Importance Of The Self And Society Contrary to popular belief, the self and society are not separate entities, they are dialectic and influence the development of each other. This relationship can be examined through behavior and interaction of an individual s self with social reality. The self relates to society through a variety of different sociological theories including Dramaturgy, Symbolic interactionism, the looking glass self, phenomenology, and ethnomethodology. All the above argue that society and the self are shaped through experiences within our everyday lives, and that communication with other selves is necessary to make up the larger societal structure. Without the self, society would cease to exist. Socialization is the process through which the self emerges through social interaction (Gorea, 2017). The self is not an organic thing that has a specific location whose fundamental fate is to be born, to mature, and to die, nonetheless, is a dramatic effect arising from a scene that is presented (Goffman, 1959:252) In other words, the way we are socialized into society leaves an impression on ourselves, as well as our impression leaves a lasting effect on society. Through this process of socialization, we learn to adopt the perspective of others, and act in a manner molded to represent the expectations of society. As humans, we actively influence our own social development through our sense of self. We learn about ourselves through socialization by copying the actions of others, or through
  • 10. Kate Brownell s Five Years Of Fostering Who would be willing to raise more children after already raising eight of their own children? Who would want to volunteer after long days working as a nurse? Kate Brownell worked as a nurse, did extensive volunteer work, and raised 8 kids before becoming a foster mother. Brownell has touched and improved many lives and is a true hero. In Brownell s five years of fostering she has helped many people. When asked why she wanted to start fostering she told me, I wanted to be a service to children who needed to be cared for and give them hope. Brownell raised her own family and then decided to start the fostering process. She fostered around 6 kids in her five years and faced many challenges. In the words of the Common Questions, if a person can nurture and love a child without receiving anything back, foster parenting might be something they want to look into. Even when the foster children were not always pleasant, sometimes even calling her names Brownell would continue to care for them and treat them with kindness. To Brownell all the hardships she faced were worth it the end because in her 4th year of ... Show more content on ... Brownell told me a specific story of a young boy. This boy would hurt other kids and be disrespectful and Brownell would sit him down and tell him that would he was doing was hurtful and wrong. Brownell said that over time the child started treating the other children with respect and sharing his toys with the others. Brownell told me That is the reason I love to volunteer. Kids learn little life skills that will take them a long way. According to ( Seven Qualities of Heroism: What Makes a Person a Hero, People that become heroes are capable of sensing what others needing guidance are experiencing (Cherry). Brownell knew what the young boy needed to hear to help him grow as a person. When Brownell related to children on a daily basis she was a true
  • 11. Assignment On Garbage Joan ShellabargerANTH 103 Archaeology and CultureFirst Assignment: Garbage!October 2, 2017 The list of garbage I was assigned contained nine empty cans of Arnold Palmer, eight empty bottles of Gatorade, five empty bottles of Dean s milk, one empty bottle pf pure leaf tea, six bags of snack size chips, three empty Pop tart wrappers, one bag of Milano cookies, four empty plastic foodcontainers, two empty pizza Lunchables, two empty single serving pizza boxes, a banana peel and an empty Old Spice deodorant. Given the contents of the garbage list, I believe my subject is a physically active male, 24 to 35 years of age. Possibly Asian or Caucasian, a college student, and making at least 20,000 a year if not more. Using the data that I located on Real Time Consumer Demographics. What is my subject gender? There is evidence to support that I am correct it destemming the gender of my subject s garbage list as of male gender. Gather from the information from the Real Time Consumer Demographics and by observing the behaviors of men in my family, my subject, likemy husband purchases the majority of his items from Drug Stores, Gas Stations and Convenience stores. My first clue to my subject s gender was an Old Spice deodorant container, the presence of it to me is a tell tale sign since Old Spice is typically used by men. The Old Spice I believe this is my strongest clue to this person being of a male gender. The only hesitation is that my daughters have been known to
  • 12. How Is Managing Climate Change, Changes America s Health How is Managing Climate change, Changes America s Health Fady Estany Tennessee State University What is Climate Change? Climate change is a change of environment patterns. In specific the change was obvious from the mid to late 20th century. The reason of the dramatic change was due to large increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. We as people can barely or see no change at all. But the truth is that our Earth is warming little by little. Minor changes in the average temperature of the earth can transform to massive and possibly dangerous shifts in climate and weather. Global temperatures have been on the rise, Earth average temperature has by 1.4 Fahrenheit over the past 100 years, and temperature is projected to increase 2 to 11.5 Fahrenheit over the next century. Again as we can see the evidence of climate changes such as increasing of temperatures, changes in precipitation, consequence in more floods, ice glaciers are melting, and oceans are warming. ( United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2014) As those changes take place in our Earth, it becomes more challenging for us humans, and creatures around the planet. So as we understand, the managing of climate change is important, because it will create awareness on the role of science, as well the role of humans, the effects of climate change, and the adaptation of climate change. The Role of Science In the past century, natural disasters such as
  • 13. Setting In Montana 1948 And A River Runs Through It Everyone is affected by the environment they grow up in. Not everyone will have the same opportunities in life because of where they live. Similarly, the setting influences characters into their decisions and beliefs. The setting is a major factor in how the characters make their decisions. In Montana 1948, the stigma around Indians made Frank feel that his actions were acceptable. On page 112, David s father gets angry at Wesley for arresting Frank, Some Indian thinks he put his hands where he shouldn t and you re pulling out your badge. David s grandfather is demonstrating the racism towards Indians during this time. His father s and the community s acceptance of his actions allowed Frank to feel that what he was doing was acceptable. The setting also affects how the characters in A River Runs Through It behave. The characters steal a rowboat and take it down the waterfall near their town. They never would have done this if it weren t a small town in Montana. The fact that no one was around and they had the open wilderness to themselves allowed them to do this thinking they wouldn t get caught. They were bored from the small town life and wanted to get some excitement away from... Show more content on ... In both Montana 1948 and A River Runs Through It, the characters are racist towards Indians. David s grandfather shows his beliefs on page 112, Screwing an Indian. Or feeling her up or whatever. You don t lock up a man for that. He is showing his belief of racism toward the Indians. This belief has taken root because of the setting. This is also shown in A River Runs Through It when the people at the bar are giving dirty looks to the man dating the Indian woman. This behavior is a result of where the characters are. Because Montana is more or less on the frontier, the racism towards Indians has not faded as it had in the East. The setting of rural Montana in both stories encourages racism toward
  • 14. Helios Sun Rise Essay The reason why the sun rises every morning and sets every evening is because one of reasons and one reason only. The evil spirits and malevolent creatures that hide in the darkness of the world. It is said that Helios, the sun god, protects every single human on Earth. Helios has a very tremendous task everyday and that is to drive his sunchariot across the sky from East to West. The sun chariot has four horses with fiery manes and tremendous power. Helios is a very powerful god that can barely control the horses. On the days where he can not control the horses, it becomes rainy and cloudy because whenever the chariot streaks the skies, it pushes away all the badness. The light pushes them away. It is said that a couple million years ago, that the sun fell to the Earth,... Show more content on ... Rumour has it that this was because his son was born, Phaeton, and Helios forgot to drive the chariot across the sky. Since then, Helios vowed that he will never let that happen again. So he left his family and never saw them again. It was a hard sacrifice, but it was very important that he did that. Phaeton grew up with his mortal mother, he was bullied at school for telling his peers that his dad was the sun. One day phaeton had enough and ran out of the school angrily. As he was walking to his house, it appeared like the sun had gotten brighter. Phaeton looks into the sun but was not blinded by it. Instead he saw the sun chariot with the shape of a human being in it. Phaeton runs home and tells his mother what he saw, but his mother only acted like he was crazy. He asks his mother where his dad was and she pointed up. Meaning that he died but really she meant that he was in the sky. But Phaeton did not understand that part. He believed that she meant that his father was dead. When night came, the mother and son went to sleep in their rooms, and the mother had a visitor. It was Helios, this upset the mother and caused her to yell at him to be at home more
  • 15. Examples Of Close Reading In Jane Eyre Eujean Oh AP Literature and Composition Close Reading Jane s Character First Setting: Gateshead Throughout the book Jane Eyre, the protagonist Jane goes through a variety of stages in her life where the setting/environment of where she lives in forms a part of her character and who she becomes as a person. The first setting in the novel is the Reed family s home in Gateshead, England. As an orphan with no parents, she is taken in by Mrs. Reed who promised the late Mr.Reed to take care of Jane. Playing the role of the mean stepmother , Mrs. Reed as well as all of her cousins John, Eliza and Georgiana treat her as if she was a lowly, undeserving girl. At the fragile age of ten, Jane develops an almost rebellious character and has a lot of anger built inside of her because of feeling wronged by the unfortunate deeds of the Reed family that drives her to become lonely and miserable as a child. Being locked up in the red room also gave her a superstitious side that also proves as a part of the prejudices that form around her when people don t... Show more content on ... She makes her own decision to leave Lowood after a solid ten years and earns a job with her own abilities and is determined to venture out into the world away from Lowood. When she meets Mr. Rochester, he encourages her to express herself in her own way when he admires her drawings. But as Jane falls in love with Mr. Rochester Jane learns about new emotions that she has never felt before as she finds love and learns how to suppress them. As she falls in love with Mr. Rochester, the master, she learns to conceal her feelings instead of breaking out in emotional outbursts like she did at Gateshead. They eventually fall in love and decide to get married but Jane makes a wise decision to leave Thornfield even though her decision is distressing and heartbreaking she does it for her own
  • 16. Swot Analysis Of Sony COMPANY DESCRIPTION Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corp, was founded in 1946 and has changed its name to Sony in 1958. Sony has established globally recognized brands for its products such as VAIO, Walkman and Play Stations. Sony is a conglomerate company. It has expanded its business segments in electronics, entertainments and financial services and continues restructuring. Figure 10 illustrates revenue by Sony s segments. Data is mainly taken from Bloomberg (for standardized values) but with adjustment from data in IR website to project revenue under new segments. Description of each business segment is available in Appendix 1. PAST PERFORMANCE Revenue and operating income in FY3/13 have returned to the same level in FY3/08. ... Show more content on ... oCosts are incurred from establishment of power supply and camera module businesses in Device. COMPANY ANALYSIS STRATEGY ANALYSIS SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH Sony s commitment to R D and innovation enabled the company to offer products with top quality helping to maintain the strong Sony s brands. Pictures, Music and Financial Service have been stable revenue contributors, which are able to compensate loss made in electronics to some extent. WEAKNESS Sony lacks in foresight as suggested by Euromonitor International (2013) that its delayed entry to the market has resulted in difficulty to take away the market share from its competitors. Sony focuses on producing high quality products, which essentially requires high costs according to Euromonitor International (2013). A large amount of assets are with risks of impairment loss as identified in the Structural Reform section. OPPORTUNITY Combination of gaming and network service is a new and unique idea, which is only possible in a conglomerate company like Sony, and it can potentially be a large profit contributor in the medium
  • 17. The Effects Of Neurodegenerative Diseases On Central... Abstract Neurodegenerative diseases causes a wide variety of mental symptoms whose evolution is not directly related to the analysis made by radiologists on basis of images, who can hardly quantify systematic differences. This paper presents a new automatic (Based on software program) image analysis method that reveals different brain patterns associated to the presence of neurodegenerative diseases, finding systematic differences and therefore grading objectively any neurological disorder. An accurate solution can be provided by using Alzheimer s diseases based on saliency map characterization is carried out on database images. This paper gives automatic image analysis method and attempts an approach for classification of brain images to search for pathology and normality part of brain by extracting salient features of input brain image and the region of interest is identified using kernel k means algorithm. A support vector machine (SVM) a supervised learning process is used for classification of AD, which is recognized on basis of blue color is normal brain part and red color is pathology related. I. INTRODUCTION Neurodegenerative diseases affect central nervous system. Neurodegenerative is mixture of two words those are Neuro means nerve cell‟ and Degeneration means progressive losses‟. Overall definition of Neurodegenerative diseases is progressive loss of memory that involves loss of neurons and death of neurons intern that leads to loss of constitution of
  • 18. Edgar Allan Poe s Use Of Suspense The reader is probably wondering what they are getting themselves into right now. And the answer is, walking straight towards you, further into the essay. This is an example of suspense. Suspense is the state of being excited or frightened about what may happen next. In stories, authors use suspense to catch the reader s attention and interest the reader into learning and going into the story. It can be positive and a cheery outcome, or a negative and frightening outcome. Suspense can be created in several ways including the creation of the Point of View, Irony, and Diction. Edgar Allan Poe, a Gothic story writer, knows the importance of including these elements to create successful suspense in his stories. All of his stories use these elements... Show more content on ... Diction is the word choice that the author chooses to add to his story to create a mood, setting, or tone for the readers to recognize. It is used to create suspense because the denotation of a word can create tones and feelings in the reader. In this case, Poe uses words with a negative denotation to create suspense. In The Tell Tale Heart , he uses words like haunted , blood ran cold , mad , and evil eye to provoke feeling from the readers. These words have a different denotation than other words that could have been used like blood was chilly , or psychotically unstable , possibly baleful eye since these words give a lighter negative feeling or more positive feeling. In The Raven , he uses words lie firey and bleak that make the reader suspect something coming. This allows the reader to feel suspenseful because they question what is
  • 19. Subway Case Study Q1: When an international fast food restaurant such as Subway operates abroad, there are three risks that it should be aware of, which include: political risks, foreign exchange (monetary) risks, and competitive risks (Daniels, Radebaugh Sullivan, 2011). While each risk has its own defining characteristics, their effects can force Subway to confront other types of risks. Beginning with political risk, it can be described as a type of riskthat has the potential for occurring due to unfavorable changes that may occur either in an organization s home country or the foreign country in which they are or may decide to operate within in the future (Daniels et al., 2011). For instance, if Subway were to extend its operations to countries such as Colombia or Indonesia, the company may be subjected to extortion or property damage (Daniels et al., 2011). Extortion might become a reality for Subway if the region it expands to has group that oppose its operations in the region and have enough influence to cause the organization to pay a type of protection moneyin order to operate there, which could cause the organization to see reduced profits either through the payment of that protection money or through disruptions in operations that result from not paying (Daniels et al., 2011). In addition, the non payment of that protection money could motivate certain groups within those regions or countries to resort to destroying Subway property among other Subway assets in order to get
  • 20. Benefits And Benefits Of A Lunch Hours Lunch hours are the times that the bank is busiest the most. The customers want to be sure that they can be taken care of in a minimal amount of time and still have time left on their lunch hour. Since most customers come during this time, the wait times can be a little longer. Reed (2014) gives an example of a customer having to take a half day off from work just to complete account documents. At Capital One, the customer may not need to take a half day to complete an account, but the opening process does take about 45 minutes. Reed (2014) further explains that digital signatures offer a true benefit to the customer being able to sign quickly and safely. This addition will help bankers and tellers provide better customer service to our... Show more content on ... During account opening, the banker has the customer sign a signature card. Once the signature card is scanned, it is filed away. Sometimes, this may not happen and the document may be misplaced. There are two inconveniences that this may cause: customer inconvenience and customer information is compromised. The customer may be inconvenienced if the signature did not register properly in the system; the customer may need to come back into the branch to complete another signature card. In addition, there is so much personal information on this signature card that it would be detrimental to the bank and to the customer if this information had been retrieved by someone else. Electronic signatures could be a remedy for all these issues. If the customer signs a signature pad, there is no information being left on a paper that can potentially get lost. Also, the signature would already be on file before the customer leaves the branch so there would never be a need for the customer to return to the branch to re sign a document. POTENTIAL DRAWBACKS Throughout the proposal, much information has been given to explain the benefits of implementing a paperless environment at Capital One bank. There are also some drawbacks that should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to implement this paperless environment. Table 3 below shows the benefits and potential drawbacks of integrating a paperless environment in the banking branch
  • 21. Livestock Is Beneficial For The Environment Livestock is Beneficial for the Environment Raising livestock has many beneficial effects on the environment. They can create healthier land, which leads to healthier crops. They can also be trained to graze to where they benefit the land. Grass fed cattle produce healthier beef than grain fed cattle, giving people a healthier food choice. Some would argue that since livestock produce harmful emissions, they are hurting the environment. Although they can produce emissions, livestock are more beneficial to the land than harmful to it. Livestock creates healthy land and crops, can be trained to graze properly, and produced healthy, grass fed beef. Livestock is good for the environment because they help land and crops become healthier. For example, Simon Fairlie claims, Organic crops, grown without animal manure, require 33 per cent more land (to supply green manure) than crops grown with manure. Manure fertilizes the land, creating richer soil, requiring less land to grow crops. Fairlie explains that approximately twenty five percent of the world s land is unsuitable for growing crops. Livestock can graze on the land, making use of it. The article The Role... Show more content on ... United Nations Global Environmental Alert Service claims, Livestock emissions makeup nearly 80 percent of emissions from agriculture and agricultural emissions make up an estimated 10 to 35 percent of total global emissions. Although livestock produce a lot of emissions, their impact on the soil and people outweigh the negative effects of the emissions. Emissions from livestock are a negative effect on the environment. However, farmers are always discovering new ways to raise livestock. Livestock helps the soil become richer in nutrients and healthier overall. People also eat the meat from livestock, providing food to the public. Livestock not only helps the environment, but helps the people within
  • 22. Air Sports Classification Essay According to Thesaurus Dictionary, A sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skills. Individuals or teams engage in sporting activities for competition, health reasons or for entertainment purposes. Throughout the world, persons from different walks of life can be observed partaking in sports of varying categories. Air, Track and Field and Aquatic are three types of sports. Air sports are one category of sports. There are several examples of air sports. Parachuting also known as skydiving is one example. It is considered an action sport where persons exit an aircraft and return to earth with the aid of gravity, and then slow down during the last part of descent with the aid of a parachute (Source). Parachuting technology was developed ... Show more content on ... Diving is one type of aquatic sport and it is considered as an underwater event. Diving is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard, usually while performing acrobatics (Source). Whilst some people dive as a form of recreation, it is also a competitive sport. Diving as a recreational sport is used as a way to explore the wonders of below the sea and no particular characteristics is needed. However, in order to compete in this sport, competitors must possess characteristics such as strength, flexibility, kinaesthetic judgment and air awareness. In addition to diving, canoeing is also a type of aquatic sport. Canoeing is considered as an on water sport and it is the sport where a canoe is used for racing. History shows that canoeing was used as an important means of transport for exploration and trade until the mid 1800, however it then transitioned to a recreational and competitive event (Source). Canoeing can be a team or individual event, where person/persons use paddles as a means to move the boat. Both of these aquatic events can be considered as a fun filled one, however, they can be considered dangerous. When water is involved there is always a risk that someone can drown, therefore, in aquatic sports safety precautions must be taken seriously and
  • 23. The Impacts of September 11, 2001 on the Aviation... Abstract This paper discusses the impacts of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the aviation industry. Specifically, how aviation industry members were forced to alter their marketing mix in response to the events. The four P s of marketing were all modified. The airlines had to change their product (route structures) and their prices. They also had to change their promotion tactics to ease the customer s fear factor . Lastly they had to alter the means of delivering their product to the consumer due to enhance security measures (place). September 11, 2001 will always be considered a turning point in the history of America. The events of 11 September 2001 were unlike any other shock experienced in the history of... Show more content on ... Cooperation within alliances poses several challenges to managers: the size of the alliance, the need to intensify cooperation and the harmonization and standardization of common processes, and the search for synergies to reduce costs. However, in times of crisis, alliances do not necessarily prevent stiff competition between the partners. At present, five alliances В– One World, Star, Wings, Sky Team and Qualiflyer stand out as the core groupings around which other airlines with strong regional networks will come together to form worldwide networks and can be described as global alliances. But they remain fragile creations subject to competing attractions and economic forces. Over the years, several companies have switched from one alliance to another. Austrian Airlines, for example, moved from the Qualiflyer to the Star alliance. Air France has recently floated the idea of creating a Mediterranean alliance with Alitalia and Iberia. To make this three way deal possible, Iberia would have to leave the OneWorld alliance. Airlines took the various short term measures that have been described above, but few changed their long term strategies. The network carriers did cut out some unprofitable routes, and reduced frequencies on others. The 11 September
  • 24. The Stereotypical Story Of A Family Dog is a short humorous atypical story about a man and his kids dog . Getting off on the wrong foot, he hates this dog who he never calls by the same name twice Hansen Writes We got off on the wrong foot. Whining in his pen those first nights. My squirt gun in his face and him blinking from the water. The so called accidents in the house (Bedford 244) Right from the start there is a clear understanding of the relationship between the two. However, the dogthat he claims to despise dies at age ten, unfortunately for the rest of the family, and he, the owner goes through great lengths to bury and defend the pets honor. There is nothing funny about a family dog s death. The author portrays humor in the situation by adding how badly the dog behaves around him and how loving the dog is around his family .When Hansen writes, When pushed to the brink I shouted, I ll cut your face off and show it to you, and the small brained mammal just stared at me.... Show more content on ... (Bedford 472) It shows how annoyed and bothered he is . If there is anything likeable about the narrator, it would be the stubborn love he has , since he would do anything for his family, and tries to do the right thing by his morals in the way of disposing the dog. He considers what the best way to go about dealing with the dead dog so that he can deal with least amount of drama from his family as possible. The author uses characterization in this story as a means of revealing how the dad feels about the dog and how he shows stubborn love towards it. The readers start to learn that he in fact does care for the dog
  • 25. American Red Cross Organization American Red Cross Organization One agency that has trouble had an impact on me and the people around me is the American Red Cross Organization. While I was in the military I received news that my grandmother was terribly ill and that I needed to go home as soon as possible. I was stationed in Germany at the time so it was not as easy as just jumping into my car and driving back to Florida. My mother called the American Red Cross gave them my social and my unit. In less than 12 hours the American Red Cross Organization had informed me of the news processed my leave forms through my unit and paid for my plane ticket and they even found dog sitters for me. In less than 12 hours, I was at the airport awaiting my flight. They took care of everything that I needed in order to make it home without a single bit of chaos. The American Red Cross Organization was founded in Washington, D.C. on May 21, 1881 by Clara Barton. The traditional purpose of the organization included giving relief to and serving as a medium of communication between members of the American armed forces and their families and providing nation and international disaster relief and mitigation. Anytime there is a disaster in the United ... Show more content on ... It depends solely on volunteers and the donations that it receives in order to complete their missions. While I was in the military I volunteered a once or twice for the American Red Cross Organization, but it wasn t really till I learned how much they do through my own personal experience. I always just thought of the American Red Cross Organization as an agency that just collected blood and was just passing out flyers. This agency is like the hidden people behind the scenes. Once I saw how much they can do for you, I made it a point to help volunteer any chance that I got. I mean my life was changed by just a normal person like people who just decided to help out that
  • 26. Essay about Beowulf as a Messianic Narrative Beowulf as a messianic narrative has been a subject of great controversy. Given the time period, Christianity was not completely established, and it was entwined with cultural paganism, as seen woven throughout the text. The definition of a messianic narrative (containing the ultimate messianic figure) is found in Isaiah53, a prophecy spoken by God through the Hebrew prophet Isaiah. This is the standard to which Beowulfmust be compared to determination the nature of the poem. Many scholars such as Harold Bloom (quoting E. Talbot Donaldson), Roberta Frank, Rich Lawson, Seamus Heaney, and J. R. R. Tolkien (quoting R. W. Chambers) have critically viewed Beowulf to determine the nature of the epic, resulting in a diverse range of... Show more content on ... Bloom and Donaldson argue that whilst Christian elements are present, heroic paganism is more prevalent in Beowulf. This is supported by the death of Beowulf, reading, of all the world kings, [he was] keenest for fame, summarising Beowulf, and suggesting his life only amounted to self glorification. In assessing the Christianity of Beowulf, Frank suggests that, like King Alfred did of Remiguis s commentaries, the author of Beowulf used pagan analogies for Christian concepts. Lawson explores this in the role fate has throughout the poem. The Geat prince placed all his trust in...his Maker s favour, Then Beowulf speaks, The Father...shall apportion the whichever side shall seem to Him fit, . The poet wrote, Fate had not assigned him the glory of battle, . The composer s personification of Fate portrays the place it has taken God s place. Lawson writes of this, The pagan concept of tied to God, suggesting that Beowulf is resigned to fate, but the author is using this to illustrate the nature of God. Frank also states, What matters is how the rulers...served God s purpose, , also calling Beowulf a, Pagan prince of peace, . While Beowulf demonstrates a pagan trust in fate, Lawson and Frank believe it was the author using paganism to convey the messianic narrative, and that Beowulf was instrumental in doing so. In analysing Beowulf, Lawson concluded it was a messianic narrative including a messianic figure,
  • 27. Summary Of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr, And James... Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr, and James Baldwin have some of the most well known African American writers. Although they lived during the same time and agreed that race was an enormous problem, they all had different approaches. For example: King believed in nonviolent protest and integration, Malcolm X wanted a separate society for blacks and violent protests, and Baldwin knew that white people were the key to solving inequality if they learned their history of oppression and wanted integration. While having different ideas, all of them played a key role in the civil rights movement. None of this would be possible without the works of Phillis Wheatley, David Walker, and Frederick Douglass. Similarly to the future leaders, Wheatley, Walker, and Douglass have different ideas on how to combat the oppression in that time. Phillis Wheatley broke the mold when she had her work published, being not only a woman, but also the first African Americanauthor to be published. She is also oldest of the three like before Walker and Douglass were even born. This translates into her writing and stylistic choices. In order to be published, Wheatley needed to be conservative and safe in her writing but of course; she found a way around that restriction. At first glance, her poems may seem thankful to her captors; after a closer look, she disguises the hypocrisy of her captors and their religion with thankfulness. Wheatley questions, I, young in life, by seeming cruel fate was
  • 28. Elder Justice Act Essay Consultants, Contractors, and Volunteers will be provided computer based learning to ensure all staff are receiving the required training to be in compliance with the regulations and ensure all around resident safety. Elder Justice Act The Elder Justice Act amendment establishes new requirements for employees and individuals associated with long term care facilities. These requirements create shorter reporting deadlines for reporting crimes and abuse and higher fines for non compliance. All staff will Abuse, neglect, and exploitation: Elder Abuse and Mandated Reporter This training will enforce the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) federal law to provide protection to both our staff and customer health... Show more content on ... QAPI represents an ongoing, organized method of doing business to achieve optimum results, involving all levels of an organization. CMS requires that healthcare entities implement and effectively demonstrate a program that encompasses the principals and methods associated with ongoing monitoring of outcomes. The QAPI Program provides the facility level team members a forum and platform to identify areas of growth, risk and refinement that potentially impact the quality of care rendered to the patient population or negatively impinge on the financial well being of the organization. The training will educate and support nursing facility operators and staff regarding the requirements of participation for nursing homes as it relates to the QAPI plan, process and roles and responsibilities. The training will outline the elements and goals of our QAPI plan set forth in the facilities. The plan/program consist of weekly risk meetings, monthly COR, quarterly QAPI.
  • 29. Short Essay On The Wizard Moving his rocker back by the pot Sly tries to relax. After a long wait and a couple of short naps, the cloth is dry. Removing it from the rope Sylvester folded the now red cloth into a bolt and lays it on the worktable Calling the tailor he says, Marcus if you got the time I could use your help now. Put the teapot on the stove, Markus said. I ll be there as fast as my short legs can get me there. After unlocking the door, Sly puts a large tea pot on the fire so they will have plenty of hot tea. Marcus knocks on the door, not waiting for the wizardhe walks in. What you got for me? he asks Having all the measurement and a sketch on a sheet of paper Sly hands the information to the tailor, We... Show more content on ... One of the helpers had made a slender rope out of the same material used in the bag. Picking up the rope Sylvester guides it through the loop at the top of the bag. Going all the way around it comes out just two centimeters from where it went in. When someone pulls the both ends of the rope, he bag closes the bag so nothing will fall out. . Now was the time for the big test, time to put something in the bag and see if it will work as he planned. Tying the rope to the top of two chairs so it would stay open, Sly stands with his hands resting on his hips, looking around the lab for something to put in the bag. First, in the bag, is a softball, then a tricycle. Picking up a football, he tossed it in, along with a baseball glove and bat. Standing on a short stool the wizard looks in the bag and said, OH MY, OH MY, Where are they? To see the bottom of the bag, he needed a lamp. There, on the bottom of the bag are five little items the size of a stamp. Untying one rope from a chair, he reaches in. Taking out one small item, and set it on the floor. POOF! It grew, to the same size as before. Next, he would try to find the tricycle, then the bat and the ball. POOF! They returned to their original size
  • 30. Analyzing The Poem Strange Fruit Strange Fruit Messages can travel through art in any form. The message hidden in Strange Fruit started as a disturbing photograph of a lynching that was taken in 1930. Decades later, a high school teacher named Abel Meeropol decided to transpose the feelings the photo evoked and wrote a poem that uses an eerie metaphor to convey those feelings. Then a song was created using the poem. After it was sung by the famous singer, Billie Holiday, the world heard the message that started with a simple photo. The image that the original poem was based on was a lynchingin Marion, Indiana, of two young black men. Strange Fruitis a captivating poem that was written by Abel Meeropoland published in 1937. This poem and song uses literary devices and stirring language to induce strong feelings of grief and horror in the reader.... Show more content on ... The grotesque poem is told from the perspective of someone observing the bodies, or fruit , hanging from the trees. Abel Meeropol wrote the poem because he was disturbed by a photo he saw of the Marion, Indiana lynchings. The black and white photo of two savaged bodies hanging from a tree with a crowd standing below them posing and pointing up at the limp carcasses is a sick image that makes us question the humanity of those who could commit such a horrendous crime and feel no remorse. Meeropol once said the photograph haunted him for days. (Blair). The song conveys the emotions of the original poem, and Billie Holiday expresses pain and grief in her rendition. When Holiday decided to sing Strange Fruit, the song reached millions of people (Blair). If Holiday had not sung this song, it is likely that the poem would not be so well known
  • 31. Destiny And Destiny Short Story This ancient story of the conversation of Vasishtha and Brahma, O Yudhishthira, is an illustration in point. In olden times the adorable Vasishtha enquired of Brahma as to which among these two, viz., the Karma of a creature acquired in this life, or that acquired in previous lives (and called Destiny), is the more potent in shaping his life. Then, O king, the great godBrahma, who had sprung from the primeval lotus, answered him in these exquisite and well reasoned words, full of meaning. Brahma said, Nothing comes into existence without seed. Without seed, fruits do not grow. From seeds spring other seeds. Hence are fruits known to be generated from seeds. Good or bad as the seed is that the husbandman soweth in his field, good or bad are the fruits that he reaps. As, unsown with seed, the soil, though tilled, becomes fruitless, so, without individual Exertion, Destiny is of no avail. One s own acts are like the soil, and Destiny (or the sum of one s acts in previous births) is compared to the seed. From the union of the soil and the seed doth the harvest grow. It is observed every day in the world that the doer reaps the fruit of his good and evil deeds; that happiness results from good deeds, and pain from evil ones; that acts, when done, always fructify; and that, if not done, no fruit arises. A man of (good) acts acquires merits with good fortune, while an idler falls away from his estate, and reaps evil like the infusion of alkaline matter injected into a wound. By devoted application, one acquires beauty, fortune, and riches of various kinds. Everything p. 17 can be secured by Exertion: but nothing can be gained through Destiny alone, by a man that is wanting in personal Exertion. Even so does one attain to heaven, and all the objects of enjoyment, as also the fulfilment of one s heart s desires by well directed individual Exertion. Al! the luminous bodies in the firmament, all the deities, the Nagas, and the Rakshasas, as also the Sun and the Moon and the Winds, have attained to their high status by evolution from man s status, through dint of their own action. Riches, friends, prosperity descending from generation to generation, as also the graces of life, are difficult of attainment by those
  • 32. Character Development In Unwind By Neal Shusterman Unwind by Neal Shusterman is the newer version of America. In this New America, your parents could easily get rid of you by Unwinding you. Your body would be split into separate parts but your soul would still be intact. Your body parts would go to people who need it though, such as a prefrontal cortex for someone who was in a severe head injury accident or just has some type of brain problem. These known Unwinds that have been chosen are going to harvest camps, spending their last few days there before being Unwound. Connor, Risa, and Lev are the three main characters in this book, all Unwinds. This book was a very controversial story for the likes and dislikes of it, and there are many different connections and recommendations that I... Show more content on ... One way I decided to connect the book by was connecting it to another book first. I connected it to the book The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey because of the strive for survival and the desperation from characters. Another connection that I made was this book to was society in general. I made this connection because people are always wanting to have the best of the best and in this book people take other s body parts so they, themselves, can function better. Finally, the last connection I have made with this book is Unwind and the real life situation of abortion. Right now, abortion is a very controversial topic. The two sides are debating whether to give soon to be mothers the choice or force them to have the baby. This relates to the book because the book has many factors in it such as deciding to Unwind your child and storking. These connections to the book are some of many but they are also very
  • 33. The Human Immune Response Against Gingivitis Essay What is Gingivitis? Gingivitis is a mild reversible periodontal disease that results in inflammation of the gum tissue. If not treated it can lead to irreversible damage of the associated ligaments and bone that support the teeth, leading to a more serious condition known as periodontitis (Arndt and Nagelberg, 2010). In most cases of gingivitis, bacteria normally found in the mouth ingest and convert carbohydrates into acid. The combination of bacteria, acid, food, and saliva form what is known as plaque (Wood, 2006). If plaque is not removed, it hardens and becomes calculus, which is usually found built up around the base of the tooth. The bacteria found in plaque also contribute to the inflammatory response by releasing toxins that... Show more content on ... Patients who are taking certain medications may also see a similar inflammatory response. Lastly, malnutrition can also be a cause for gingivitis. Those deficient with vitamins A, B complex, and C are all at risk for inflammation from accumulation of biofilm (Nield Gehrig and Willmann, 2011). Non Plaque Induced Gingivitis The minority of gingivitis cases is of the non plaque induced form, which cannot simply be cured by the removal of dental plaque. Some forms of gingivitis are the result of an infection that is of bacterial origin. The causative agents include Neisseria gonorrhea, Treponema pallidum, and streptococcal species (Nield Gehrig and Willmann, 2011). Non plaque induced gingivitis may also be induced by viral infections, specifically the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV 1). This disease may cause ulcers on the lips, tongue, palate, and buccal mucosa, as well as, widespread inflammation of the gingiva. Lastly, non plaque gingivitis also may be induced by a variety of conditions. One of which is Linear Gingival Erythema, a condition that is manifested from immunosuppression, typically associated with HIV infection. Both Lichen Planus and Erythema Multiforme are also conditions where patients experience gingivitis as they are both skin diseases
  • 34. Why I Deserve This Scholarship I deserve this scholarship because I try and make an effort everyday at school. I will admit that I took my first semester of ninth grade in high school for a joke. I was excited to be moving up to the bigger school. So, my grades went up and down. I started off in the Honors program but ended up being kicked out because of my math class. That was the hardest class I had. It was literally easy. However, I had just transferred from Northridge High Schoolin Tuscaloosa, AL. The same math was being taken, but we were doing at Northridge was what Bibb County High School would be taking last. Our lessons plans were opposites. So, when I got there I already knew the things she didn t teach me. By the end of the course I was making a passing grade.
  • 35. How Did Cesar Chavez Make An Informative Essay Informative Essay Make a Difference Throughout time there have been many people who have wanted to enact change or make a difference. Cesar Chavez helped migrant farmers with their unsafe work conditions and their lack workers rights. Mother Jones marched for children s rights and to create child labor laws. Van Jones is fighting for human rights currently. These people all did amazing things and all fought for a singular purpose.Cesar Chavez, Mother Jones, and Van Jones all helped fight to enact change, by making people notice their cause and by having the perseverance to keep fighting for others to have better lives. Cesar Chavez fought for other migrant farmers because he had experienced what they were experiencing, and thought he should make a difference when Chavez started leading the UFW, United Farm Workers, is when his movement really started. Lots of things happened during Chavez s childhood At age 11, his family lost their farm during the Great Depression and became migrant farm workers (Cesar Chavez Foundation). That is the main reason for why Chavez noticed the issues that were surfacing with workers, this is what got him into the farms. Cesar taught many unforgettable lessons Cesar learned and taught others how commitment and sacrifice can set you free from the constraints imposed by depending entirely on money and material things (Cesar Chavez Foundation). The citation shows how Cesar made a big impact on others even if only teaching them. Cesar did many
  • 36. Feminism And The Western Hemisphere Russia is a leading example of case studies examining feminism and its role in the Eastern hemisphere. Though feminism is apparent across the globe and is often affiliated with the western hemisphere, the concept of female empowerment differs greatly in Russia. In Feminism in Russia by Linda H. Edmondson, she explains that Russians are considered to have a backwards society, because of their special status and recognition of women. Backwards societies such as Russias are considered this in comparison to Western societies, as Western societies are considered to be the ideal society. In a study of Feminism in Russia by Rochelle Ruthchild, Ruthchild presents a case study in which Russian law established family roles and gender roles within the family. The male was to play, the bread winner and domestic authority, while the females were to play the , obedient wife and mother. Initially, Tsars of Russia supported female empowerment to establish a sense of leadership in largely peasant societies, but as time progressed, tsarist officials convinced that women s education produced women revolutionaries. The implementation of Russian law resulted in the natural inclination of rebellion. With an increase in awareness of a large group of people, the need to rebel increases. In this case, the implementation of the Russian Law urged Russian domestic women to discover the reasoning behind the law. Though women did not rebel, Tsars began to deny women education due to the
  • 37. Procedural Justice Theory Paper The constant derogatory comments and attention police departments have gotten lately can have a negative impact on their ability to perform their job and have a positive relationship with the community. According to the Procedural Justice Theory, the legitimacy and trust are largely based on perceptions of procedural fairness believing that the policetreat citizens with fairness and respect... (Hohl, 2011). The media does a good job at attacking the legitimacy of the police and their ability to perform their job in a fair and consistent manner. Per the Procedural Justice Theory, with the fairness of the polices actions in question, the trust towards police gets tarnished and disintegrates. With little to no faith in law enforcement, the police cannot... Show more content on ... This event is the first of its kind and has brought together police officers from around the country to discuss how we can strengthen the relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve. The discussion was a healthy balance of how these groups can work together and improve these relationships. The Black Chamber of Arizona, University of Phoenix, and the Checkered Flag Run Foundation organized an event that included law enforcement, community based organizations, and government leaders, to address the issues of the negative reputation law enforcement has been getting hit with by the media. The purpose was to come up with some new solutions to help represent law enforcement in a better light and dispel undesirable rumors. One of the solutions offered was by Deputy Chief Danielle Outlaw. She suggested that all police officers should have increased fear training. This training would have an emphasis on deescalating situations, making sure a weapon was not involved. If the officers feel safer in the environment, they will not react hastily where they can make
  • 38. Burts Chips This is an inclusive international marketing which has been produced for Burts Chips operating in South West England Devon on the outskirts of Plymouth. This marketing plan mainly aims to develop awareness within its target market concerning the products and work offered by the enterprise. This marketing plan is formulated for one year. Burt s Chips is a UK Snack Company that started in April 1st 1997. This company started in Devon, the South West of England. Burt s Chips is a hand cooked potatochips which use English finest potatoes and ingredients. They further provide a variety of flavours such as Spicy chorizo, Vintage Cheddar and Spring Onion, Crushed Peppercorns, Thai Sweet Chilli and many more. Burt s Chips has grown globally by over... Show more content on ... This marketing Plan will goal at how Burts Chips can create understanding in its distinctive market. This Plan will further point out the causes at the back of penetrating the Singaporean market making use of the spicy chorizo Chips flavour. This marketing plan is drawn up for an estimated interval of one year. Precise market as seen within the marketing plan includes the young to youths in Singapore. This worldwide marketing Plan is being designed for Burts Chips with the intention of assessing the Singaporean Snack industry, this may occasionally incorporate competitors within the equal line of production. Burts Chips has identified an opportunity to internationalise with the goal of making revenue. It has extra been realised that the interior and external environment of the supplier and Singaporean government is able of getting an influence on the agency and its performances. The targets of this advertising plan might be situated on the communication/distribution channels and advertising and marketing process to be adapted by using the business enterprise. It also determines detailed responsibilities and time period in an implementation plan. In addition, performance will probably be monitored and assessed probably counter to the efficiency warning signs. The essential determinant on which this plan is proposed are the commonplace reviewing and monitoring of performances as good because the expected outcomes, this will be by means of cause of the truth that problems arisen can be easily
  • 39. The Characteristics Of A Trickster Story For a story to be a great trickster story, the story must contain certain qualities along with the characters having certain characteristics. Among these traits, three are very important in the story. The use of anthropomorphism, the gods, spirits and supernaturals, and the negative qualities of the trickster. All of these are equally important, but in there own way. The Use of Anthropomorphism plays a big rule in a trickster tale. Anthropomorphism is giving non human characters human qualities. In the trickster tale of ВЁHow Stories Came to EarthВЁ, anthropomorphism is used with the description of the protagonist, which is a spider. When the author refers to the protagonist, he uses certain adjectives that really paint a picture for the reader. Such as, ВЁ...Sometimes looking more like a wise old man than a spider...ВЁ. The author describes the protagonist as if he were a sage, which is ludicrous when describing a spider. In another tale titled the, ВЁCoyote steals firesВЁ, they used small adjectives to describe the godof Thunder. ВЁThunder was a fearful beingВЁ, using the adjective fearful to describe ThunderВґs power over the other creatures. Lastly, the tale of, ВЁMaster Cat, or Puss in BootsВЁ, uses this element of a trickster. ВЁJust get me a pouch and have a pair of bootsВЁ. CatВґs are not going to dress up in boots and live in a person s pouch, it definitely will not request on either. The use of Anthropomorphism is important to a trickster tale, nevertheless, the negative
  • 40. Russian Working Conditions in the 19th Century Essay... Russian Working Conditions in the 19th Century Karl Marx drafted The Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels in the mid 19th century after living in Moscow and seeing the strife of laborers there. The document was a reflection on the two men s belief that the wealthier members of society were exploiting the working class. From his experience in Russian society, Marx became concerned with the way that the majority of the proletariat class was living. The filthy and inhumane working conditions, the negligible wages, and the way that the employers disrespected their employees, all led to Marx penning The Communist Manifesto. The theme of humans and nature is shown by the ideas that Marx and Engels wrote about in their ... Show more content on ... As Paul Brians states, The old feudal restrictions which had fixed peasants in place on the land and limited their income had also guaranteed them a place in the world. They may not have prospered, but they were often able to fend off starvation and homelessness simply because they had been born onto estates from which they could not be removed against their wills. [i] After the feudal system was destroyed, workers moved to the cities and began to participate in what would later be referred to as, The Industrial Revolution. As technology increased and the demand for manufactured goods grew, more and more Russian peasants migrated to the cities. Soon the big metropolises such as St. Petersburg and Moscow became hubs for the demands of the industrial world. As the number of factories expanded, so did the number of laborers, and in turn, the conditions in these workplaces worsened. As Bonnell writes, In the second half of the nineteenth century the face of traditional Russian society began to change. Many villages and towns became transformed into factory centers, and mills started to appear where once there had been only peasant huts. In the leading urban centers of the Russian Empire St. Petersburg, the modern capital, and its predecessor, Moscow the pace of industrialization was rapid and intense. Factories and shops were springing up as never before, spilling over into the outskirts of each city, and creating
  • 41. Case Study Of Duracell International Inc. INTRODUCTION Duracell International Inc. is an American brand of batteries and smart power systems owned by the subsidiary The Gillette Company and its parent company is Procter Gamble. Duracell over past decades has evolved into a strong brand that Duracell is used as a verb in context of batteries .It is the world s leading manufacturer and marketer of high performance alkaline batteries. It had a very humble beginning with a motivated cause when Philip Georges Mallory and his basic business tenets of invest in research and the customer is King laid the groundwork for Duracell back in 1935. In 1920 a PR Mallory partnered with Samuel Rubin an independent inventor who worked on research and development of more robust and durable batteries ... Show more content on ... The first hearing aid button cell used Ruben s mercury battery technology. During the early 1960s, the company introduced its AA size and AAA size alkaline batteries. The Duracell brand name was adopted in 1964 The economic upturn and boom of 1972 allowed the firm to boost sales of electrical and electronic items to industry, complementing consumer sales. As there was a good growth rate in the consumer durables market Mallory adopted to economies of scale which meant mass production lowering per unit cost and extending profit margins In 1977, Fortune magazine ranked Mallory as the 507th largest company, with $323 million in sales and profits of $10 million (which put it in the 170th position). P.R. Mallory was bought by Dart Industries in 1978, becoming Duracell Inc. which in turn merged with Kraft and thus began a series of exponential growth merger right up to 2014 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts bought Duracell in 1988 and took the company public in 1989. It was acquired by Gillette in 1996. In 2005, Procter Gamble acquired
  • 42. Lgbt Individuals Access And Experiences With Their Identity LGBT individuals access and experiences with services may be affected by their identity. Fredrikesen Goldsen et al. (2014) stated, In addition to discrimination in the larger society, LGBT older adults experience both overt and covert discrimination in health and human service settings. Discrimination within healthcare systems is a significant predictor of poor mental and physical health (p. 93). In addition, due to ageism and heterosexism older LGBTindividuals have less resources and services available to them, and they also may be afraid to seek out these services (Jessup Dibble, 2012). Feeling like they are pressured to be invisible and silent due to previous experiences of institutional discrimination and insensitivity from professionals may also cause older LGBT individuals from seeking out mental health services (Hash Rogers, 2013). In addition, many older LGBT adults feel the need to hide their identity of go back into the closet when receiving services or in long term care facilities which can lead to higher levels of psychological distress (Fredriksen Goldsen et al, 2014). Hash Roger s (2013) stated, Many older LGBT adults feel vulnerable in their neighborhoods; do not feel part of the gay community; experience the ramifications of ageism and homophobia; fear continued poor treatment as they age; and have strong, painful memories of and residual trauma from being criminalized, stigmatized, and terrified because of their sexual identity. Consequently,
  • 43. Male Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is a cancer relating to the prostate, a gland located in front of the rectum and below the urinary bladder (ACS 2015). Prostate cancer only affects the male population because the prostate gland is only found in the male reproductive system (FIS 2015). Among the males in the world, certain males are at higher risk than others due to certain risk factors. One of the biggest risk factors is age (PCF 2015). Only 1 in 10000 men under the age of 40 will be diagnosed with prostate cancerhowever 1 in 38 men between the ages of 40 59 will be diagnosed (PCF 2015). This then shoots up further to 1 in 14 men among the age of 60 69 (PCF 2015). Over 65% of all prostate cancerdiagnoses are in men that are over the age of 65 (PCF 2015).... Show more content on ... For instance, African American males are 2.5 times more likely to die from prostate cancer in comparison to Caucasian males, while Asian males (residing in Asia) have the lowest risk (PCF 2015). From a geographical perspective, North America has the highest incidence rate, while Asia has the lowest (PCF 2015). Also family genetics play a large role in how likely a male is to be diagnosed with prostate cancer (PCF 2015). Having a father or brother diagnosed with prostate cancer increases the likelihood of being diagnosed by two (PCF 2015). Diet and certain hormone levels have also been found to be major risk factors while total caloric intake and fat intake was found to be insignificant (ACS 2015; Gann 2002). High calcium intake (due to supplement consumption) increase risk 4.6 times on average and consumption of red meat was positively correlated with prostate cancer risk (Giovannucci et al. 1998; Kolonel 2001). Contradictory to previous correlations, the relationship between fat intake and the risk of prostate cancer has been found to be inconclusive because although saturated fat intake has been shown to increase the risk of aggressive prostate cancer, the relationship is insignificant (Chavarro et al. 2007). A larger risk factor is found when studying the relationship between high levels of insulin like growing factor (IGF 1) and prostate cancer (Pollak 2008). The previous significance between height and prostate cancer has been found to rely not on the genetic influence, but the levels of IGF 1, since the hormone contributes greatly to your height (Pollak 2008). The relationship between high levels of IGF 1 and incidence of prostate cancer reveals that increased levels of IGF 1 in the bloodstream can increase the risk of prostate cancer due to IGF 1 having the ability to make the prostate grow, and during this growth there is more room for error (mutations when duplicating cells) which can lead
  • 44. Analysis Of A. Philip Randolph s Brotherhood Of Sleeping... On the surface, A. Philip Randolph s Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP) was fighting for union recognition and changing the pay system from tip based to living wage based in 1926. Underneath this, was a desire to separate blacks from the status of servant. The Pullman porters of the era were perceived by the BSCP and Randolph as either slacker porters who relied on tips, musicianship, and the paternalism of rich whites, or manly men who were willing to demand job dignity, fair pay, and representation. The rhetoric of slacker porters and manly men was in response to the vast racist misinterpretation that belittled specifically black itinerant musicians, but was geared towards all black workers regardless of their given profession. This belittlement can be seen through the ubiquitous caricatures maligning the work ethic, intelligence, and humanity... [that was] specific to... musical entertainment . This imagery depicted black musicians as stock characters used by racist whites to represent black laziness, immaturity, primitivism, and lack of manliness, but these interpretations were only a part of a larger accumulation of racist misinterpretations that affected all blacks. For Randolph, the similarities of mobility, tip taking, the need to endear oneself to customers between porters who relied on tips for ends meet, some even going through the trouble of learning musicianship in order to boost their tip income and black wanderlust musicians
  • 45. The National Security Agency ( Nsa ) Is An Intelligence... Security is key for the advancement and stability of the United States, and spying is nothing new to the world. With the advancement of technology, we are now able to stay connected with each other, while having a plethora of information at our fingertips. This is phenomenal, but dangerous. With the increasing amount of stored data online and the speed at which said data can be transferred, one can only worry that maybe were sharing a little TOO much information. The National Security Agency (NSA) is an intelligence organization created by the United States government. The NSA is responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence. Today, the NSA states that... Show more content on ... These countries were pretty successful at obtaining sensitive Intel. However, in the 21st century surveillance is used in a different and more complicated way. Due to the drastic increase in crime rates and recent terrorist attacks, governments around the world were forced to use electronic surveillance to protect their own people. The electronic surveillance that each government conducts is so complex and covert that you don t even know that you are the target. The US government has become one of the biggest cases of this kind of surveillance. The US government has been employing several forms of high level surveillance such as wiretapping, CCTV cameras (Closed Circuit Televisions, aka street cameras) and now internet data by looking at the information transferred between devices. The thought that the government was secretly watching their citizens every move has been talked about for some time now. Although this talk was widespread and sort of heard of, there was no definitive proof. However, suspicions were confirmed in 2013 due to a man by the name of Edward Snowden leaking classified information from the NSA s archives. Amongst the leaked information, evidence showed that the NSA had been spying on millions of innocent people, and said monitoring is still being conducted. This shocking level of spying was without warrant, making it illegal. Now, the US government has taken its bad
  • 46. Psy 201 Research Methods And Statistics Khloe Copeland 1509716 PSY 201 Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology Assignment 2 Short Answer Quiz Question 1.Research, no matter what field, is often conducted and analysed in accordance with two basic approaches: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative approach aims to test a hypothesis and examine the relationship through generating numerical data or other information that is than converted into numbers, whereas the qualitative approach is more exploratory, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of the research subject. Through breaking down and examining the key features in each of these approaches it is evident that although they both begin with a problem the researcher aims to understand they fundamentally differ. The table below shows side by side comparisons, highlighting the differences that can be used to differentiate these approaches, described broadly across three main categories. Qualitative Quantitative Methodology Interviews, focus groups, document analysis , observation Surveys, questionnaires, measurements and other numerical or measurable data and pre formulated questions Analysis Considered to be Subjective, researchers interpretation important occurrences, analysis tends to be more time consuming, and less able to be generalizedPursues accurate measurement analysis of topic, Identifies statistical relationships. Outcome A Record with contextual description direct quotations from research participants.
  • 47. Messi Research Paper Messi is The Best Soccer PLayer The world s best when I was growing up was Pele and he would have been a great player now, too, but Messi surpasses him. He s also way out ahead of Diego Maradona it s not even a close call any more ( m messi). Lionel Messi is an Argentine soccer player that currently plays with both Futbol Club Barcelona and his country Argentina. In the other hand, Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese soccer player that is playing with Real Madrid Club de FГєtbol and his country. Both of these guys have wrote their names down as some of the the best soccer players in the world and continue to add records because they are not going to stop soon. While critics argue that Ronaldo is the best player, I argue that Messi is the best player of all time, because he has won more ballon d or and has a better playing style even though Ronaldo has more goals and some better strengths. Cristiano Ronaldo might be considered the best due to the fact that he might have some better... Show more content on ... When people watch Messi they all like the way, His ball skills are second to none, his runs from midfield are usually lethal and he is almost impossible to tackle when he gets his head down. His balance when running at speed is incredible. Also his goal scoring ability is amazing (Ronaldo vs Messi). This quote talk about his phenomenal skills and how he uses them at the time of game and how he is able to make the impossible look unchallenging. Some say that Messi is instinctual athlete do to the fact that his skills are natural and He s very good with the ball (Yaya Toure). Another thing that makes him a great player is that he is team player. Messi does like to score and for that reason he has a lot of goals but what makes him a team player is that he has more assists than Ronaldo. Messi is just the best at dribbling, scoring, and taking the defenders because he makes it look
  • 48. Transformations in Ovid s Metamorphosis Essay Transformations in Ovid s Metamorphosis Transformations from one shape or form into another are the central theme in Ovid s Metamorphoses. The popularity and timelessness of this work stems from the manner of story telling. Ovid takes stories relevant to his culture and time period, and weaves them together into one work with a connecting theme of transformation throughout. The thread of humor that runs through Metamorphoses is consistent with the satire and commentary of the work. The theme is presented in the opening lines of Metamorphoses, where the poet invokes the gods, who are responsible for the changes, to look favorably on his efforts to compose. The changes are of many kinds: from human to animal, animal to human, thing to ... Show more content on ... Upon encountering Daphne, Apollo falls madly in love with her. Overcome by Cupid s arrow, Apollo sets aside reason and becomes engulfed by his hope of attaining his love. Before being transformed, Apollo would most likely have paid little or no attention to Daphne, but now, Apollo is overcome by his lust for beauty. Ovid compares Apollo s love for Daphne to a flame in a brush. This metaphor used by Ovid is very effective. The change that goes through Apollo is very sudden and fast. The imagery of a flame rapidly spreading through brush conveys the idea of an almost violent change. The god is consumed with a desire for the girl. His chase is fueled by a hope to overcome the ultimate futility of his actions. He sees every part of her as beautiful, her eyes, hair, face and even speculates as to the beauty of her hidden regions. Unsatisfied by the sight of Daphne and wanting more than just a glimpse of her beauty, Apollo follows Daphne as a hound chases a rabbit. The hope for his fruitless love keeps Apollo close on Daphne s trail, and fear motivates Daphne to stay just out of reach. When Ovid tries to convey the intensity of the flight, he says, He gave the fleeing maiden no respite, but followed close on her heels, and his breath touched the locks that lay scattered on her neck, ;(p. 43) Finally, burdened by mortal exhaustion, Daphne prays to her father to deliver her from her torment. As the words leave her mouth, Daphne is transformed for the second
  • 49. Aristotle Segregates Aristotle segregates virtues into two categories and they are moral and intellectual. Aristotle believes that moral virtues is a product of habits, while intellectual virtues come from learning or life experience. He stated that since nothing...can form a habit contrary to its nature (Book II, 1), virtues are only possible to form by habits. For intellectual virtues, it can only be perfected over a period of a time, as well with experience. A more concrete point that will solidify this conclusion is that virtues are first learnt, then it will be presented, and the everyday life experience of the virtueis in diversified position and situations will lead a way for development. Aristotleas well goes in detail not just defining virtues theoretically,
  • 50. Symbolism in The Farming of Bones Justin Peterkin Eng150 014 Prof. N. Essey 11/15/11 Research Essay Symbolism in The Farming Of Bones In The Farming of Bones, a story based on tragic real life events written by Edwidge Danticat, a Haitian girl named Amabelle attempts to establish a new life for herself in the neighboring Dominican Republic after the tragic deaths of both her parents. After establishing herself in the Dominican town of Alegria as a servant for a Dominican family, Amabelle s whole way of life is once again turned upside down when Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo orders the slaughter of Haitians who are occupying the Dominican Republic (Derby). Of the many themes and symbols used in this story the most prominent of them is water. (Scribd Inc.)While ... Show more content on ... During the crossing a member of their group is shot by a Dominican soldier and another drowns in the water. We see here that life is once again being represented by the river, the lives of two individuals were taken attempting to cross over the border but at the same time a new life awaited Amabelle and Yves in their native country and for Amabelle the hope for her still remained that she may be able to locate Sebastien.Once they arrived in Haiti, Amabelle and Yves eventually settled at the family home of Yves and lived there for many years. During her time in Haiti Amabelle frequently pondered the fate of her lover Sebastien the people she formerly served in the Domincian Republic. Soon her curiosity gets the best of her and Amabelle arranges to once again cross the border into the Dominican Republic and visit her old home where she lived as a servant, to do this she would once again have to cross over the water, albeit this time by bridge. After crossing over the bridge Amabelle Is driven back to Alegria, were she first encountered Sebastian and were she believed that Senora Valencia might still live. After she arrives in Alegria Amabelle finds that Senora Valencia is in fact still alive and located in the same town. Amabelle locates Senora Valencia and after a brief discussion of the events that have occurred in the many years since they have seen each other, Amabelle requests one thing from Senora Valencia, to see the stream the one
  • 51. Poverty In Detroit Research Paper Poverty in Detroit Being home to Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, Detroit was the nation s auto industry capital in the 1950s ( Anatomy of Detroit s Decline ). The city was thriving, bringing in more income and more people each year, which led to Detroit s expansion and population peak becoming the 4th largest cityin America. But if the city was doing so well, then what caused such an economic downfall to put them in the impoverished state they are facing today? Most of Detroit s economic downfall was because of the reliance on a single industry, which at the time was the auto industry ( Anatomy of Detroit s Decline ). Although this industry was thriving in every way possible, the city became too reliant on it because when the auto industry left Detroit, the economy made a dramatic decrease. While the auto industry was still there, the city ... Show more content on ... Because many people abandoned their homes, the city now has fewer tax payers, and many vacant homes. This task to shrink the city would be easier if these abandoned homes were next to each other in convenient chunks, but it appears that Detroit is not so lucky, for the abandoned homes are spread out all across the city making any efforts to shrink the city extremely difficult ( Anatomy of Detroit s Decline ). Another trial that the city faces is the development of the children (Bouffard, Karen). More than 59% of the children in Detroit live below the poverty line (Bouffard, Karen). However, there is good news in the midst of all this bad; Bill Ballmer, owner of the L.A. clippers, grew up in Detroit and is now focusing on helping Detroit s economy, specifically the children ( Letter: Ending Poverty in Detroit ). He is doing so by opening an office in Detroit that focuses on fighting poverty and enhancing the development of Detroit s youth ( Letter: Ending Poverty in