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Essay About Paper
Writing an essay on the seemingly straightforward topic of "Essay About Paper" may appear
deceptively simple at first glance. One might assume that discussing paper, a fundamental and
ubiquitous material, would be a walk in the park. However, as any experienced writer will tell
you, the challenge lies not in the subject's simplicity but in finding a fresh perspective and
engaging the audience in a meaningful way.
The difficulty arises from the need to transcend the mundane and delve into the intricacies of
paper's significance in various aspects of our lives. It's not just about describing the physical
properties of paper or its manufacturing process but about exploring its historical, cultural, and
ecological dimensions. To make the essay compelling, one must navigate through the vast terrain
of information, selecting and organizing relevant details to craft a coherent narrative.
Moreover, avoiding clichГ©s and ensuring originality is crucial. With such a commonplace
subject, the risk of falling into the trap of generic statements and unoriginal content is high. A
writer must strive to bring a unique perspective to the table, presenting insights that captivate the
reader's interest and offer a fresh understanding of the topic.
Balancing depth and breadth is another challenge. Given the broad scope of the subject, it's
tempting to either oversimplify or delve too deeply into specific aspects. Striking the right
balance is crucial to maintaining the reader's engagement while delivering substantial information.
In addition, crafting a compelling introduction and a thought-provoking conclusion adds another
layer of complexity. The introduction must grab the reader's attention and establish the essay's
purpose, while the conclusion should leave a lasting impression and, ideally, prompt reflection.
In conclusion, the difficulty in writing an essay on the topic "Essay About Paper" lies in
transcending the mundane, offering a fresh perspective, navigating through a vast sea of
information, avoiding clichГ©s, and striking the right balance between depth and breadth.
However, with careful consideration and creative thinking, one can overcome these challenges to
produce an essay that stands out.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, a valuable
resource is, where a variety of writing services are available to meet your
specific needs.
Essay About Paper Essay About Paper
Creative Writting on Personal Diseases
Susan is a young professional who just had her personal genome sequenced. She
now knows she carries the gene for Huntington s disease. She is agonizing over the
decision about sharing this information with others. She doesn t know what to do
or who to tell. So she goes to a doctor to get his opinion on if it would be right or
not to let her family or boyfriend know. While she is waiting in the waiting room she
is imagining how her life would be if she had Huntington s disease. What type of
burden she would be on peoples their opinions about her. Her family would not be
able to leave because they would constantly have to take care of her whether that be
her hopefully husband or another family member. When she goes to any event in
public she will make a scene or outburst and how they all will judge her about her
condition. Susan starts to hypervinalate in the waiting room as all these scenarios run
uncontroably through her head. Finally the doctorwalks in and she focuses back in on
reality. She explains the situation to the doctor that she found out she carries the
gene for Huntington s disease and she doesn t know who to tell. The doctor explains
what he would do and gives her recommendations. For her parents she shouldn t tell
them because they will not be able to do anything about it or they may be dead by
the time she starts experiencing it extremely. It would just but unnecessary stress put
on her parents worrying about their daughter. As for her boyfriend goes she
Essay on The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
Why is the Universe expanding? What is Cosmic Back Ground Radiation (CBR)?
There are many questions asked about our Universe, which we know so little about.
Scientists, in their attempt to answer these and other confrontations, have found one
idea that seems to explain much of what we don t understand: The Big Bang Theory.
An explosion of incomprehensible speed was the beginning of our known Universe
and existence. At that time matter as small as the head of a pin inflated to become
larger than the visible Universe of today in less than one millisecond. The newly
born Universe cooled very quickly and continued to grow. Still, the heat was too great
for normal elementary particles like protons and neutrons to ... Show more content on ...
There were many people who worked together to come up with the present theory of
creation. Edwin Hubble, Arno Penzias, Robert Wilson and Alan Guth all contributed
greatly to the formation of the Big Bang theory.
Edwin Hubble used his large telescope to see far away stars and galaxies. He knew
that the elements in the stars reflected back specific colors, and you could tell what
a star was made of by its color ?DNA?. Hubble noticed that this pattern had been
slightly shifted to the red side of the spectrum, otherwise called a red shift. He
knew, based on the Doppler effect, that a red shift was caused by the stretched
wavelengths of an object moving away from a point. If the galaxies he had
observed had shifted to the red side then it meant that they were moving away from
Earth. He also discovered that the galaxies were moving away from each other, as
With these observations in mind, Hubble announced that the universe was expanding.
He then came to this syllogism: If the universe is expanding, then at one point it was
smaller. The result of his postulations was the Big Bang theory.
Another mystery of the universe was the Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR).
CBR is made up of photons throughout the universe that are floating for no apparent
reason in space. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson spent their lives trying to explain
the origin of this radiation and why it is still existent today. Their discoveries
What Is The Theme Of Science And Technology In
In the novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley expresses her sentiments regarding the
conflict between the ethical standards and science and technology of her time.
Through her illustration of the morally illiterate, Victor Frankenstein, she depicts
science and understanding as a factor with the potential to create monstrous forces to
displace man from their home in nature. However through Shelly s development of
Frankenstein, she ensures the reader that for every monstrous force that science
creates, nature imposes an equal and opposite reaction force in order to restore the
moral compass of man. As her society enters the New Victorian period, she
emphasizes the importance of upholding moralitywhile advancing to this period of
At the very essence of the natural state of man is life, a property that Shelly
believes is being exploited and endangered by the advancement of science and
technology. In a letter to his sister, Frankenstein s brother, Walton, writes that One
man s life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the
knowledge which I sought . Shelly is quick to expose the capability of science to
cause man to undervalue life, a basic principle of their foundation, early on in her
novel. Shelley conveys that man embraces this greed for science and is willing to
abolish the essence of nature, life, to satisfy this greed. Man s greed motivates him
to penetrate into the recesses of nature and show how she works in her hiding places.
Prince Vs Pauper
How would you like to switch places with the president, a pop star, or maybe just
one of your parents? What do you think the pros and cons of this would be? This is
what happened in the Prince and the Pauper by Samuel Clemens under the name
Mark Twain. It is about two boys who were born on the same day where one was
wanted, one was not. Each boy was not happy with his own life at an older age, so
they switched places. Tom Canty became a prince, and Edward Tudor became a
Some people may believe that the Mickey Mouse version of Prince and the Pauper is
the best version, but in fact the live action version of Prince and the Pauper is
superior. For instance, the Mickey Mouse version is more school friendly. The
graphics are cartoony and the characters ... Show more content on ...
To add on, the live action follows the original plot. In the live action, Tom was
invited into the castle by the prince, Edward Canty (Foster). This exemplifies that
the live action is better because that is a show of kindness toward his subjects that
develops the character. Not to mention, the live action is also more detailed. Each
action and facial expression showed a kind of emotion and the movements of each
character portray that character s personality. This shows that the live action is more
appealing because its realism presents each point better. Equally important, all the
important characters that were missing their storyline or just missing entirely in the
Mickey Mouse version are present. The Hendon brothers have their fight, Miles
becomes Edward s protector after he switched, and John Canty beats Tom when he
does any little thing wrong.
To recapitulate, the live action version of Prince and the Pauper by Foster is
superior to the Mickey Mouse version for many reasons. Truly, Prince and the Pauper
is a great work of literature. The question is...who would you switch with and
The Hero s Journey In Whirligig By Paul Fleischman
In stories, there is always a pattern that they all have in common. This certain
pattern is known as the Hero s Journey. There are varying descriptions of the Hero s
Journey steps but only the steps that are set by the teacher is used. These steps are
the The Call , Allies , Preparation , The Guardians of the Threshold , Crossing the
Threshold , Road of Trials , Saving Experience, Transformation , and Sharing the Gift
.This essay is explaining what the Hero s Journey is in the book Whirligig by Paul
Fleischman. The step that is coming up is the Call which is when the hero starts their
The Call occurs when Mrs. Zamora requests Brent to make the whirligigs in the
corners of the United States. For example, Mrs. Zamora tells ... Show more content on ...
With this sentence, you can see that Brent only prepared materials to build the
whirligig. This shows that Brent is prepared to go on his journey because he has all
of his necessaries in his luggage for the quest. Also, this shows that Brent still is self
conscious, comparing others to him. Therefore his preparation is done, and he next
needs to cross the Threshold blocking him from starting his quest. There are no
Guardians of the Threshold in this story unless Brent s parents are counted in the first
place. The book stated that Brent s parent raised one objection after another
(Fleischman 41). The Guardians of the Threshold usually prevents the hero from
going on his quest, and this statement shows that Brent s parents are objecting on the
quest. If their objection is fulfilled, Brent wouldn t have gone on the quest at first.
This fits the standards of being the Guardians of the Threshold but nothing is done. In
conclusion, it could be called the Guardians of the Threshold by some.
A main problem in Brent s journey that is a Threshold of sorts is that he s self
conscious. He doesn t believe he has much of a future after his journey and
compares to other people. In the book, it says He was no longer of their kind and
never will be (Fleischman 36). This sentence proves that he feels
What Is Deja Vu Essay
DГ©jГ vu ..... could it be ?
This story takes place while I was driving home one evening.
Like usual, I was letting my mind wander past the cars beside me, and had begun
falling into a daydream state. I was pondering work, (which is not a thing to give
ponder after leaving, I dare say), when a peculiar thing happened.
Well, I can not say that it was a thing, but rather, a moment of time that revealed a
strange state of being.
Now, many people have had moments of deja vu. There are many explanations and
theories behind the events that unfold in our concious/subconcious minds during
these times of similar experience.
In my case, though, it was bordering on uncomfortably eerie, and amazingly
excitable, all at the same time.
While driving down the freeway, I had ... Show more content on ...
There, on the right hand side of the road, were three cop cars, and in the center of
them....a man standing next to a green motorcycle.
To say I was freaked out by now would be an understatement. It was as if I had
spoken the event into existence.
Was this deja vu, or prophecy? I was perplexed, yet, quietly amazed with myself. I
tried to set up several other scenarios as I travelled along, but alas, I eventually pulled
into my driveway with no further events.
I slowly came to a stop beside my mailbox. I stared toward my home, up that long,
dusty, gravel road. The sun was now dipping slowly behind the hill that my home
sits on. The shadows were dancing in front of my house like young children just
released from school. I let my mind ponder the last half hour of time, then reached
over to open the mailbox.
There, lying almost deathly still on the very top, was a random coupon. The coupon
read something like this, Come and get it while the iron is hot...there is no moment
like the present. The next time you experience a sale like this, you will just be
experiencing deja hurry
Setting In Ray Bradbury s All Summer In A Day
2,555 days. 2,554 of those you re under a dark constant cloud of rain, and the world
seems to follow along with the grayness of the sky. But once, out of those 2,555
days, a bright light shines upon the horizon. For that day, the world seems to be alive
again. But for Margot, the main character in Ray Bradbury s All Summer In a Day,
that opportunity was stripped away from her. In this story, the setting is on the planet
Venus, when humans from Earth decided to set up civilization and move to the
planet. The problem on Venus, though, is that it rains straight for seven years, Out of
those seven years, the Suncomes out for only one day. Margot came to Venus only
five years ago, so she remembers the Sun in all its glory. The other children on
Maurice Sendak s Where The Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak s Where the Wild Things Are perfectly demonstrates that some of
our biggest discoveries can happen at a young age. Sendak sets the scene with a
young, misunderstood boy, Max, who is experiencing difficulty between him and
his mother. This leaves him feeling alone, an emotion that commonly catalyses
discovery. Max s wild journey begins when he is sent to his room without supper.
Quickly becoming angry, Max begins by giving his anger free rein, but by then
slowly discovering his love for his mother he comes to terms with the emotion
being experienced. Max sails off through the night and a day, in and out of weeks
and almost over a year . Meaning is created here by reminding the reader the
separation that anger can cause between a... Show more content on ...
The party is depicted in hand drawn images only, using techniques such as a
dynamic colour palette, contrast, framing, vectors and facial expressions. When
Max returns he discovers a fresh and intensely meaningful reconnection to his
mother, the one who loved him best of all . He has developed a new understanding
of their relations and renewed his previous perceptions of himself and his mother,
previously blurred by his anger. Max discovers that he can enthral the monsters
and becomes their king, however this love of control and power dissipates, leaving
Max to question or challenge his previous views. He forms a different perspective
and this worth is reassessed over the time he spends there. He discovers that he
misses his mother and home. Max s discovery makes him question and challenge
the importance of his anger over the love his mother provides his ... when viewed
from a different perspective, Max sees her worth and this is what brings him home.
The impact of the discoveries are far reaching and transformative for Max. These
discoveries are aided by his own personal context and
Reflection Paper About Mentoring
Mentoring: Perspectives from the ProtГ©gГ©s
My life, admittedly, has been one of grace and privilege. I was born into a loving
home and grew up attending church with my mother and two sisters. My father,
while unsaved, was exemplary in his provision for our family. To date, I have
attended three excellent institutions of higher education and currently am serving full
time within a ministry of consequence one that actively seeks to make disciples both
locally and internationally. Throughout my life I have had men and women mentor
me. I thank God for my parents, for my coaches, for multiple Sunday school teachers,
employers, professors, and pastors who shared their life with me. I am indebted to
Today, my desire, like that of my... Show more content on ...
But most of all, I long for the affections of my heart and mind to reflect and resemble
an authentic and growing love for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
ProtГ©gГ©s also verbalized that they simply want to know what is true. Their desire
is to be led from the text of Scripture and not only talk about truths but to understand
the process of discovering the truths for themselves. They do not want to just carry a
denominational line, but to own the point defend the Truth to their
know the strength of our positions. They want to know the truth, but they also want
to own it.
This is both a challenge and a blessing to the mentor. The challenge is in being
willing to hear the protГ©gГ© s questions without offense and to answer them with
wisdom, grace, and transparency. The blessing is in seeing another life grow in a
genuine love for Christ.
Mentoring is effective when the mentor s words match their life choices. This is a
necessary trait. These non bifurcated mentors are the same inside the classroom as
they are outside the classroom; their lives are genuine, authentic, true, and consistent .
The truth that is taught in church is also the truth that is in their hearts.
Often the protГ©gГ© will watch for this trait during isolated moments of life...
moments when life is most uneventful. They watch how the way a mentor speaks to
his/her children or their
The Exploitative Colony of Virginia Essay
The Exploitative Colony of Virginia
I believe that the early settlers of the colony of Virginia made it into an exploitative
and ignorant colony, due to the fact that it was set up primarily to make a small
number of individuals wealthy while ignoring the rights of its other members. In the
year 1607, a group of adventurers from the Virginia Company established the first
English American colony in the Chesapeake Bay area (Greene, 1988). They landed
in Jamestown, and it became the first English settlement to survive in the New
World. They named the colony Virginia. In its early history, Virginia was known for
its drive to conquer the land and in some cases people, so that it would bring its main
benefactors wealth and power ... Show more content on ...
The relationship was shaky mainly because the Europeans were naive and ignorant to
the Native Americans way of life. Thus, twice the Indians put on all out attacks
against the unsuspecting Europeans because of this fact. Through it all, the early
history of colonial Virginia suggest that it was backwards compared with other
colonies, but Virginia eventually began to settle down and found its way to stability
after it spent most of its history being ignorant to the red, black, and even in some of
the white men.
In 1588, the defeat of the Spanish armada by England s Sir Francis Drake signaled
the slow decline of Spain. But while this was happening the first permanent
settlement of the English in the New World on Reannex Island fails. It was then
almost two decades later till they tried again (Todd Curti, 1968). However, Spain
was different from the English, in that what their explorers did was under
government supervision; it was all done in the name of Spain. England was not a
wealthy nation, so they could not finance groups like Spain had done. However,
they did promise land to those who were willing to adventure out to the New World.
Trade companies then took it upon themselves to finance and establish land out posts
in the New World. Therefore, the control of the New World would be that of those
from the Old World.
England was ambitious to and anxious to get a foot in the New World, and it paid
Persuasive Essay About Drinking
Dear Uncle David, I really wish you would stop drinking all the time. I hate to see
you throwing up every day. Seeing you drained of energy is frightening. You used
to have a smile on your face every time you saw me, now I hardly ever see you
smiling and laughing because you re always sick. I don t understand why you
keep drinking since you are always in and out the hospital. You were such an
enthusiastic, funny, dramatic, fun person that people need in their life. Your smile
lit up the room and now, I only see you moping drunk every time you re up and
moving. It s sickening to hear family gossiping about when you re going to die. I
hope that by reading what I have to say will make you realize the problems you have
with drinking and how... Show more content on ...
Or How much alcohol is too much ? Asking your self numbers of questions ,
writing down the answers can be a big help to recognizing if you truly have a
problem . Its very important to to recognize that being an alcohol does not equate
with being a failure in life. Your life matters. Now that you understand the
importance of recognizing and accepting the fact that you have a drinking
problem. It s mostly smart and important to remove all temptation from your home
( everything that pressures or tempt your drive s to drink ). Emptying out
everything that has to do with alcohol . By doing those things you will feel good
and liberated , ready to get sober focusing on your recovery . Therefore it s normal
and common to have urges or a craving for alcohol . With in time, and by practicing
new responses, you ll find that your urges to drink will lose strength. Gaining your
confidence back having the ability to deal with urges. Remind yourself that you re
changing for the better and why you re changing . Every time you have an urge to
drink , you can tell someone letting them know that , than they can watch you closely
. By removing all the temptation , start focusing on having and building healthy
relationships in your life. Before you cut them off let them know your problem and
what your dealing with . Instead of causing that void or friction between you and
them . Separating yourself from people that can t help you with your
Heidi Roizen Case Essay
Case Assignment Summary: Heidi Roizen The case about Heidi Roizen was very
interesting to me because I can not believe how many people she is connected with
or I should say networked with. I believe her networking skills had more to do with
her personality, being outgoing and high energy by nature, and that it would be
difficult to have just anybody be able to pull this off. But I must say this story
really opened my eyes as to how important having a network is. I personally do not
have very good network skills, or even considered it important, but I do now. The
greatest strength would be how efficient she is at managing her network. She
established a way to keep in touch with the nuclei of other networks. This system...
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The guest list usually included friends from the high tech industry which provided
great networking opportunities. This was a way the network was maintained too.
By having parties, her network would keep going and going, like the Energizer
Bunny. When looking for suggestions to give Roizen for adjusting and maintaining
her network as she becomes involved with Softbank would be to continue on as she
has been since she began networking when she started her career. The methods she
has used to get her where she is today shouldn t be changed. Since the real issue she
is dealing with is time, the only suggestion would be to set aside a predetermined
amount of time per day or week, to ensure her network is maintained. She could
develop a priority system that would focus on nuclei that contact her for assistance.
Since we already know she uses the system as a way of being more efficient, it
might just be exactly what she would need to gain the extra efficiency. If she wants
to continue using the vast networking system that is in place she will have to
improve her to make her networking system more efficient. I believe that since she
has become such an expert and successful with her networking skills, she should quit
working at Softbank, and write how to books for building efficient and successful
networks. Then she would be able to spend
Ninety Five Theses
In this essay i m going to be writing about the ninety five theses.The Ninety Five
Theses question the Catholic Church s practice of selling indulgences and view
skeptically the notion that a papal pardon rather than penance or genuine contrition
can achieve forgiveness of sins. Luther argued that Christians were being falsely told
that they could obtain absolution for souls in purgatory by buying indulgences.
All Saints Church in Wittenberg, Saxony in the Holy Roman Empire, locally known
as the Castle Church Schlosskirche, where the Ninety Five Theses famously appeared,
held one of Europe s largest collections of holy relics. These had been piously
collected by Frederick III of Saxony. At that time, pious veneration of relics
supposedly allowed ... Show more content on ...
Albert of Mainz, the Archbishop of Mainz in Germany, had borrowed heavily to
pay for his high church rank and was deeply in debt. He agreed to allow the sale of
the indulgences in his territory in exchange for a cut of the proceeds. Luther was
apparently not aware of this. Even though Luther s prince, Frederick III, and the
prince of the neighboring territory, George, Duke of Saxony, forbade the sale
thereof in their respective lands, people in Wittenberg traveled to purchase them.
When these people came to confession, they presented their plenary indulgences for
which they paid, claiming they no longer had to repent of their sins, since the
document promised to forgive all their sins. Luther was outraged that they had
paid money for what was theirs by right as a free gift from God. He felt compelled
to expose the fraud that was being sold to the people. This exposure was to take
place in the form of a public scholarly debate at the University of Wittenberg. The
Ninety Five Theses outlined the items to be discussed and issued the challenge to any
and all
Why Did Ancient Art Man Use Animals To Depict Their
I have a few theories as to why ancient man used animals to depict their deities.
First I ll start with Prehistoric Art. As far back as 30,000 B.C.E. man created
pictures of nature. From paintings on cave walls to sculptures carved of rock from
within the cave, prehistoric man paid tribute by creating art in the form of animals
such as bulls, bison, horses, bears, and even felines. To these people these animals
were a life source. Not only as food but for warmth, weapons and tools. By
worshipping these creatures with art man believed they were showing gratitude
therefore ensuring more animals would come. As seen with the Wounded Bison at
the Cave of Altamira in Northern Spain, these bison were painted on the cave
ceiling. Man noticed the bulges in the rock and chose to paint the creature it
resembles most even though it may have been difficult to reach. As though it was a
calling of a higher power, man would build scaffoldings against the walls to allow
themselves better access to their canvas. With the Egyptians their... Show more
content on ...
With these visual representations for their gods and Pharaohs it s easy to believe
that the people of Egypt lived in fear. For breaking Pharaohs laws would enact the
wrath of the gods bringing famine, floods, or drought. In this picture of the Palette
of King Narmer, the Pharaoh is depicted as larger than the other people in the
relief. This size difference was to establish the authority and power of the king. On
one side of the Palette, King Narmer holds a fallen enemy by the hair, as he raises
his mace an emblem of kingship with the other hand. On the other side of the Palette,
Narmer appears in the highest register now wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt.
(Janson s
“over 30 Workers Trapped After Chilean Copper Mine...
Knowing your Audience Paper and Communication Release
William Whelchel
Diane Dauble
11 28 2011
When a company needs to pass information to another organization or a group of
people it is very important that the company knows their audience. If the information
is regarding a disaster, it is even more important to make sure the company knows
their audience. One example of a company needing to know their audience was the
Chilean copper mine in South America.
On Thursday, August 5, 2010, A collapse of one of the shafts in the Chilean copper
mine left 33 workers trapped approximately 300 meters underground. At once, rescue
efforts began but just two days later another collapse in the mine halted the efforts of
the rescue ... Show more content on ...
Once the families have been informed it is important to let the fellow co workers
know what is happening. Many of the men trapped would have friends who also
work for the company and they would want to know what is happening. By making
sure the other employees know about what is happening, the company can try to
keep them from saying too much to news reporters and it will help ease their minds.
Once the employees have been notified, make it clear that all information to the press
needs to come from the company. When something is said to an audience that was
not properly prepared for that audience, it could have disastrous results.
Through the press the company will next have to handle the communication on an
international level. Because the mine company was global they were on the world
stage. The company owned mines in many other parts of the world, not just in South
America. In a situation like this one, rumors began to fly without much hesitation and
although rumor control was important with the company, it is impossible to stop.
Another aspect of communication that was not very publically known was the
communication with the investors, owners and stockholders of the company. It is
very important to keep this audience informed with what was going on because if
information was withheld then it could potentially cause a panic. Once in panic
mode, the investors could damage the company more by stopping funds, dumping
assets and plunge the
Character Analysis Of Morris Lurie s Running Nicely
Running nicely is a short story written by Morris Lurie, about two orphan brothers:
the protagonist, Moses, a twenty two years old young man and the antagonist, Ben,
his younger brother. The story is set during the night at ten PM, in the streets in
suburban Melbourne. When the two brothers are running, Moses realizes he has
difficulty accepting that Ben is getting older, and that his younger brother is now
running faster than him. The author suggests that familyrelationships after a loss may
result in being abnormal and can have consequences on one s development and
behavior. The author effectively conveys this theme through his use of
characterization, narrative point of view and irony.
To begin, the characterization of Moses in relation with his brother Ben
demonstrates how the protagonist is struggling to be a perfect father substitute, after
both parents passing away. Moses makes Ben grow too fast by doing adult type
activities, like showing him jazz music, making him watch old movies and making
him read books about war. By getting his brother learn about other things instead of
watching the TV like their neighbors, he feels proud about how [...] he has weaned
his brother, a former three hours a nigh man, off that awful habit. (2). After the death
of their parents, Moses must take the responsibility of a father, but ends up
controlling Ben too much by trying to educate him as an adult, while he is only
twelve years old. By striving for perfection, Moses
Compare the Central Characters in †Medusa’ and
†My Last...
Compare the central characters in Medusa and My Last Duchess
Carol Ann Duffy s Medusa and Robert Browning s My Last Duchess are two
entirely different poems in many respects. Written in entirely different eras, some
would say that they are as opposite as poetry could be. However, their central
characters have some remarkable similarities that strike a chord with the reader and
represent a common theme. In each of the poems, both Medusa and the Duke of
Ferrara represent the fickleness of power and how it fluctuates in daily life. Duffy s
manipulation of a paradox within Medusa displays the extent to which power plays a
part in the Greek myth of Medusa. The extended metaphor of Medusa with filthy
snakes that hissed and ... Show more content on ...
He calls the painting of her a wonder and does not elaborate upon this, suggesting
that while he was fond of his wife, their love was quite subdued. This allows him to
remain calm and present a dignified front. However, as the poem continues, he
becomes more obsessive over her and speaks quite aggressively of what he deems
to be promiscuous behaviour. The bough of cherries some officious fool broke in
the orchard for her seems to be a major part of his outrage, as he is offended that
she ranked my gift of a nine hundred years old name with anybody s gift . By
telling his companion of this in a conversation that merely started with mention of
a painting, the Duke reveals that he is very much not in control of himself. These
constant tests of his patience which seem very much unintentional on the Duchess
part seem to weigh heavily on the Duke s mind as he says here you miss, or there
exceed the mark showing heavy criticism on the Duchess. He wanted her to let
herself be lessoned so , which shows the extent to which her behaviour troubles
him. It also creates the air of superiority in that he sees himself as a sort of teacher,
and her as the student. The loss of control comes where all smiles stopped together ,
suggesting a macabre end to the story. Both Medusa and the Duke seem to cause
destruction and chaos around them as a direct result of being emotionally impacted
by those they love. This weakness
Motivational Theories And Concepts From The Lesson
Q: 1. Select three motivational theories or concepts from the lesson. Write a
recommendation which includes a brief explanation of each theory or concept and
why you selected it. Include key terms and concepts from the textbook.
What are motivation theories, and what roles due they play in the workplace; while
continuing to motivate staff employees? Well, motivationdetermines how a person
will exert his or her effort, it represents the forces operating on the person to exert
effort, as well as the direction in which the effort will be exerted (DeNisi Griffin,
2014, pp. 286). Motivation is a key element needed in the workplace to continue to
keep it running smooth and efficient. This is why a variety of theories have been
developed, and applied in helping to find alternatives in making things excitable;
and enjoyable. Some of those theories are as follows: reinforcement theory,
expectancy theory; and equity theory. With these theories in place, it doesn t mean it
will be a picture perfect solution to get your staff more productive; or inspired to
perform without effetely. This is also something the Human Resource Management
can get involved in, while finding ways to get their staff engaged in activities; to
boost their morale. However, no one model of motivation is guaranteed to work in all
situations for all people, instead it may take several different models of motivation, to
provide us with insights into how to motivate them; with this we can formulate a
The Importance Of Robust Vocabulary Instruction On
Introduction: This study had more than one purpose. The first purpose was to
observe the outcomes of robust vocabulary instruction on children who were
determined to have below average vocabulary skills. The children s level of
vocabulary was determined by a standardized test of vocabulary. The second
purpose was to observe how African American children retain novel vocabulary
words and what type of book influences that. The literature review for this study
covers robust vocabulary instruction and the role of storybooks in vocabulary
development. Beck, Perfetti, and McKeown (1982) acknowledged robust
vocabulary instruction as an effective way for children to learn meanings of words
and improve their understanding of what they are reading (as cited in Lovelace,
2009, p. 169). Using robust vocabulary instruction allows children to understand how
words are similar and different from other words or ideas. Beck et al. (1982)
conducted a study using fourth grade students from low socioeconomic statusto
determine the outcome of using robust vocabulary instruction compared with regular
reading and languagearts activities (as cited in Lovelace, 2009, p 169). There have
been a few studies after that compare the effects of robust vocabulary instruction on
different parts of vocabulary acquisition and understanding. All of the previous
studies specifically on robust vocabulary instruction found that it is beneficial gaining
knowledge of vocabulary words in students of low SES.
The Film Platoon
With the eminence of American power overseas and its consequences for
democracy, there has been a major concern and intrigue of Hollywood filmmakers
in the past three to four decades on this issue, as well as on the Vietnam War. Many
films capture essential historical truths as well as contradictory truths about the the
inner workings of the Vietnam war and the war as a whole. There is lots of
skepticism that arises throughout Fictional Motion pictures on the issue of a films
evidence and the overall accuracy of the film. Fictional Motion pictures reenact and
edit specific events in history. With the ability to edit certain information out and into
films, filmmakers have the power to choose what the viewer sees and how that
viewer sees it at... Show more content on ...
The documentary opens up with a statement from McNamara explaining that any
military commander honest with himself, will admit he s made mistakes with the
application of military power. This statement shows the amount of mistakes made
behind closed doors. This film is a documentary that shows non fictional characters
and their personal involvement in the Vietnam War. Using non fictional people in
the film gives the audience a sense of credibility and facts, for these people have
seen and been involved in the war first hand. This documentary goes beyond just
facts when Robert McNamara explains the many things hidden from the public eye
by their own government, the truth. He reveals to the audience his views on things
that have not been discussed by the government. With this documentary portraying
the views of Robert McNamara we can also get a since contradicting ideas, in the
since this is one person involved in the decision making of the Vietnam War. Many
other individuals may have views that differ and even disagree with his. Overall
using the former secretary of defense, someone who was heavily involved, gives the
film a lot of accuracy. But sharing his personal views and beliefs creates a level of
bias to the
Death Of Ancient Rome And Disposal Of The Body Essay
Task One:
Death in Ancient Rome and disposal of the body
During the times of the Ancient Romans, Epicureans and Stoics it was understood
that death and the disposal of the body were vitally important to all beliefs, these
views on death also display the contrasting portrayals of each ideology as to how the
deceased were handled and the influential theories revolving around death.
Death is less bitter punishment than death s delay Ovid, Ancient Roman Poet
The Ancient Romans believed and carried out the sacred traditions of taking care of
the dead by disposing those by either burying or cremating the body, it was also
ensured that citizens were promised a formal burial. However, the social status of
whoever died would also depend on how the body was disposed and treated which
helped establish the difference between the Patricians and Plebs. It was widely
believed by the Romans that death established the great segregation of body and soul.
The importance of burial plays a great part during the time period of The Ancient
Romans as they had a strong emotional attachment to the ceremonial burial of the
deceased and considered it such an honourable achievement to partake in such a
religious ritual such as the funeral and burial. The Romans also wanted to
demonstrate iusta facere towards the dead the great deal of respect they had as well
as the rights they had as the departed.
If one was to pass by a dead corpse found on the side of
Technology For The Greater Good
Igor Stepanov
Professor Simental
English 1A
15 April, 2015
Technology for the Greater Good Some say that technology is the evil that will
overcome humanity, others say it is something that will lead us to a new way of
thinking about the world. In the book Remix by Catherine Latterell, she writes three
assumptions about technology: Technologies are machines, technologies bring
progress or peril, and technology is neutral. These assumptions are what some
people make about the technology. In Latterell s book there was an article by
Langdon Winner who wrote Technology Somnambulism which was about how in
the modern world we are being controlled by technology, we change the way we
live because of technology. Now given the assumptions that Latterell gives,
technology can really be seen as something that is good for the world because it
can teach us how to be a better socializer, speeds up the process of doing things,
and allows a new kind of learning tool for future generations. A study at a
Dominican University of California was done, were they monitored teenagers
social cognitive effects of technology and had learned that texting will be used by
the left side of the brain which controls the skills for math and logic. Because of
texting the teenagers are working out their left side of the brain. Although texting
can be addicted to some teenagers, for others it is a way that they can identify.
Likewise, Ives a student who was had written an academic journal for their Degree
You and You
he collapse of one of the world s most striking and original game studios in late 1998
came as a shock to the industry. The precise circumstances of its collapse remain a
mystery, but one fact remains.
In an enigmatic 1992 press conference, Simon Bertucci used the phrase as he hinted
at the development of a gaming technology well beyond the current state of the art.
Following his death later that year, no notes or working prototype were found.
Its lasting legacy includes four major game franchises: Realms of Gold, Clandestine,
Solar Empires, and the Realms Beyond.
WORLDS, in the greatest INTERACTIVE experience ever forged.
Realms of Gold I: Tomb... Show more content on ...
Or Darren s gimmicky, failed attempts to create a cash cow which could further
monetize Black Arts s intellectual property.
Black Arts designer Russell Marsh explained, Are the Realms Beyond games
canon? Yes and no. We decided there was a thing called the Ludic Age where all
these kinds of things happen. It s not a part of history and they were all summoned
here by mystic forces. And so then all the characters come here and go stock car
racing or fall into a giant pinball machine, depending.
Realms Beyond included go kart racing, golf, skateboarding, and arena fighting. A
proposed volleyball expansion was never produced. Of its creative legacy, it is
enough to note that in Realms of Golf, the iconic warrior, wizard, princess and thief
compete in a wacky trap infested golf tournament organized by Death himself to
decide the fate of the world. At the conclusion of which, the eternal heroes go their
separate ways without a word. As if to say, Let us never mention this sorry episode
A novel of mystery, videogames, and the people who create them, by the bestselling
author of Soon I Will Be Invincible.
When Russell joins Black Arts games, brainchild of two visionary designers who
were once his closest friends, he reunites with an eccentric crew of nerds hacking the
frontiers of both technology and entertainment. In part, he s finally given up chasing
the conventional path that has always seemed just out of reach. But mostly, he needs
Nuclear Power And The Chernobyl Disaster
The Chernobyl Disaster was not meant to happen at all, what was supposed to
happen was an experiment to see if the reactor s own electrical needs could be
supplied by a freewheeling turbine in the event of a power outage, but the
experiment did not go as it was planned. This experiment gone wrong caused so
much radiation sickness to the people, which lead to death by sickness, or death by
cancer. The people who lived ended up having children with many mutations and
disabilities. The Soviet Union wanted to hide the fact this never happened, so they
released false information about the disaster to the public not realizing the many after
effects this would have on the world, the people and the environment. Nuclear power
plants may create a... Show more content on ...
The first part of the five basic parts to a nuclear reactor starts with the core which
holds the Uranium fuel. As there are many different types of reactors each core
holds a different type of Uranium. For some examples, a heavy water reactor uses
natural Uranium, which 0.7% is Uranium 235, while light water reactors use
Uranium that has been enriched, so that Uranium 235 makes up around 3 5% of the
total. The next part of the reactor is the moderator, now the moderator is a light
material such as water. The water will allow the neutrons to be slowed down without
being captured. The benefit of slowing down these fast neutrons during fission is it
can increase their efficiency by causing further fission. Control Rods are made up of
materials that can absorb neutrons, such as silver, boron, indium, hafnium, or
cadmium. These are introduced into the reactor to reduce the number of neutrons and
thus stop the fission process when required to stop. Another use of the rods is to
control the level and distribution of power in the reactor. Next part of the reactor is
the coolant. The coolant is the fluid that circulates through the reactor core. This
absorbs and transfers heat that is produced by nuclear fission. Also at the same time, it
maintains the temperature of the fuel within the acceptable limits. The final part the
nuclear reactor is the
My First Car Crash
Everybody remembers getting their very first car and discovering the limits they
could push with their car. Well, my first car was not anything special, just a bright
red 2008 Chevy Aveo5 Hatchback, which had a little less than eighty thousand
miles on it and was a manual transmission. This type of vehicle was far from being
considered fast, but at least it was enjoyable to drive due to it being a stick shift.
One of the worst habits an experienced driver can acquire is speeding, which I used
to experiment to see the maximum speedI could reach with my small red car.
Consequently, this mindset would all change after I endured the very first car crash
of my life in April, 2016.
It was a late Friday night, and I had just received a text from ... Show more content on ...
The car suddenly went off the road and into a large ditch, catching some air as its
forward momentum continued. The car and I abruptly stopped after we went head
first into a tree. At the same time, hearing and seeing the airbag go off, but also the
sound of screeching tortured metal crumpling as it hit the tree is what stains my
mind. The airbag obscured my vision and the plume of smoke that followed right
after. The smell of used gunpowder is what penetrated the air as I begin to get out
of the shock of what just happened. At first, I thought the car was going to set on
fire, so I quickly kicked open the crumpled door to get out. Once I was out, I was
struggling to get out of the thorn bushes that surrounded the perimeter of the
vehicle, which completely shredded both of my legs in the process. I was more
injured by the thorn bushes, than the actual crashed, which I found humorous. After
looking at the mangled metal that used to be my first car, I started to realize how
lucky I was. I was personally more angered about my stupidity than anything else,
yelling obscenities as a few people started to come closer to see if I was okay and
inspect the
Social Entrepreneurship And Social Innovation
Social Entrepreneurship The term social entrepreneurship first appeared in the
scholarly literature over 35 years ago in a publication titled The Sociology of Social
Movements (Banks,1972). However, Social entrepreneurship has its origins in the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries when philanthropic business owners and
industrialists like Robert Owen, demonstrated a concern for the welfare of employees
by improving their working, schooling and cultural lives. Since then, social
entrepreneurship has been associated with community enterprise and development,
education, churches, charities, the not for profit sector and voluntary organisations.
(Shaw Carter, 2007) Dees (1998) defined social entrepreneurship as the production of
social value by individuals with: A mission to create and sustain social value, as
change agents in the social sector; The relentless pursuit of new opportunities to serve
that mission; A commitment to the process of continuous innovation, adaptation, and
learning; The readiness to act boldly without being limited by resources currently in
hand; Heightened accountability to the constituencies served and for the outcomes
created (Light, 2009). This definition lays emphasis on the need to produce social
value by instilling various behaviours and attitudes on an individualistic level. Dees
has accurately defined the exact characteristics of general entrepreneurial behaviour
in the definition. I feel that this is the most ideal definition of
The Importance Of Losses In The Trojan War
At the beginning their were us paratroopers with its allies went in before the
landing happen so then the troops landed they had to cut off the germans
reinforcements and so it would make it easier for the troops involved of the
invasion the us landed at utah and omaha which was the worst end of the stick per
say because it took us longer to take the beach and we had the the most losses
because the german thought we were taking the port so once it happened the
germans had a lot of troops there and once the troops landed it was chaos for the us
troops and so of the troops had to use their own dead comrades as human shields so
they can push onward up the beach so they could take the beach and win the battle as
we know the allies they won the
Doraemon Essay
Doraemon, a manga serialized on magazines, is written by Fujiko Fujio, a team of
two Japanese mangaka (maga artists) since 1969. They are Hiroshi Fujimoto and
Motoo Abiko. However, they ended their partnership since 1987. Mr. Fujimoto
continued to write Doraemon and used the pen name, Fujiko F. Fujio. He died in
1996 and Doraemon is left unfinished. The manga was made into animes and movies
and becomes one of the most marketed cartoon in Japan. It has been sold for more
than 1 million copies. There is a museum for Fujiko F. Fujio in Kawasaki.
Doraemon is a cat shaped robot who come from 22nd century (future). He was sent
back to help Nobi Nobita by Nobita s future descendents because Nobita is a loser.
He fails on every scope including academic and sport. Doraemon has a ... Show more
content on ...
For instance, there is Time Machine for traveling back to the past. Everyone who
have ever read Doraemon must want to own his devices. Lots of voting were held
in Asian to see which device is the most popular one. The Anywhere Door has
always top the list. However, unlike Harry Potter, the devices are technological
products and have the probability to be invented in the future. This makes the devices
more attractive. With those devices, life will be more lighten and joyful.
Nobita always creates trouble to Doraemon. He is very dependent on Doraemon
and sometimes neglects Doraemon s feeling. However, Doraemon still stays with
him and keeps helping him. Nobita also will be worried about Doraemon s sickness.
They share the moment of happiness and sadness. Readers love their friendship and
even create an optimistic ending for them (As mentioned before, the manga is left
unfinished). The ending is that Doraemon s power runs out. Nobita starts to work
hard and become a robotics technician. Finally, he retrieves Doraemon s life. Their
friendship is so touching.
Spanning the Globe
Executive Summary This paper analyzes the case spanning the globe, which helps
understand the various HR issues faced by Mr. Eric Christopher who is the
Associate Director for Global HR Development at Tex Mark. Tex Mark is a computer
input and output manufacturing firm with its head office in San Antonio. After its
establishment in the 1970s, they have over 5 production facilities, 3 research and
new product development facilities over the world. Additionally, they have 7
international sales, distribution and customer service centers universally but mainly
concentrated in Asia. Below is a brief company and employee history to aid with the
case study analysis. The first step in identifying the various challenges faced by Tex
Mark... Show more content on ...
Due to the economic uncertainty in the period, the set up time was exceptionally
long. Also, Fred and his team had not been able to successfully adjust to their
Mexican counterparts. They had not treated the local and national agencies with
respect and that affected the business component of the whole structure. This is an
implicit problem has been identified as it occurs in more than one scenario. 2.1.2
Expatriation failure The Jaipur, India plant needed a sudden change in its lead
engineer due to a personal problem of one of the chosen expatriates. This caused
Eric to choose Fred on an almost instinctive basis due to his previous experiences
and technical abilities. Although Eric had designed a Training and Development pre
departure program, it was designed for the original candidate without taking into
consideration the needs and requirements of Fred. As one scenario may not be
applicable for all, this may have posed as a problem for Fred. 2.1.3 Training and
Development Failure Tex Mark had no particular emphasis or compulsions for
expatriates to go through the pre departure activities that included country briefings,
reading assignments etc. Fred being one of them was unwilling to adjust to the local
engineers and the government of India causing the 18 months assignment to turn into
a 3 year assignment. 2.1.4 Language Barriers Since
Persuasive Essay About Skydiving
I remember the night it all began. I was coerced out to drink beers with my friend
Justin and my brother Scott. After several cheaply priced libations, and just as if a
gaffer slammed down a marker, they both begin to heckle me about my
agoraphobic behaviors. Mortified, as usual, I began to slither down into the sticky
bar chair like a snake sliding into a dark crevice. The boys conversed in simple
chatter, then an idea came to fruition; it became more and more real as if I were
living in a nightmare. Regrettably, this idyllic conversation was that us three should
go skydiving. Skydiving? I suppose they both did not think that leaping out of an
airplane and freefalling to our death was such a bad idea, especially after slamming
four or five watered down drinks. Just the sound of the words together, sky, and
dive made my bones liquefy. On the other hand, skydiving was the last thing I
wanted to think about since I already had been tremendously scared about having
reconstructive shoulder surgery after being injured while on duty. The surgeon
told me I would not be able to use my entire arm for six weeks; there was a
possibility I could lose feeling in my hand and entire arm since the damage was so
severe. As a result, hearing those possible outcomes of the surgery made me not even
want to go through with it. Unfortunately, I was government property and the Navy
expedited the surgery, therefore I had no say so. Afterward, my fear began to build
strength. My telephone screamed
Wood Fencing Benefits
Need A New Fence? Why You Should Go With Wood
If you need privacy when relaxing in your backyard, you may be thinking about
getting a wood fence for your home. A fence is a great way to make it difficult for
neighbors to peer in and see what you are up to, while also adding some security. By
understanding the benefits and cost of wood fencing, you may find that it is the right
choice for you.
The Benefits of Wood Fencing
A main benefit of wood fencing is how easy it is to repair the material when it
becomes damaged. There are many wood pickets used to construct each panel, but
those pickets can easily be removed and replaced. That s why it is a good idea to save
some extra pickets for when you need to make a repair. Other materials that come
Relativism Is Relative
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.[1] Hamlet: Act 2,
Scene 2. Contemplating this interesting idea, severe doubt shall rise. Is good
relative?. How do we define good ?. Is not good based on facts?. Are facts
themselves relative?. If facts are relative, does this whole life make sense?. To get
some adequate answers, we should take a look on relativism, a criticizing look in
fact. In this paper, I will argue that relativism can not be true. I shall also try to
disprove relativism using one of the arguments by Plato. It was first noted in his book
Theaetetus in which Socrates had great debates with the relativists. The argument
goes as follows:
Protagoras holds a contradiction
1: Protagoras believes truth is a matter of opinion
2: I believe relativism is false
3: If p2 then a relativist should believe my idea regarding his belief is true First of
all, a definition of relativism should be introduced. Relativism is the philosophical
view that no universal truth exists. Every fact and opinion are true within themselves
relative to their holder [2]. This very doctrine started with Protagoras, the well
known for his achievements in mathematics. Protagoras held some interesting views.
His famous quote Of all things the measure is Man, of the things that are, that they
are, and of the things that are not, that they are not sums it all [3]. He believed that
truth is a matter of opinion and a man is not entitled to his only opinion but to other
men s opinions despite contradicts may exist [4]. This philosophical view, held also
by sophists, stated that truth may not be relative to human only but to different
cultures, societies or different ages. This became very clear when Thermasys
defined justice as only doing what is in the interest of the strongest, a definition
refuted easily by Socrates [5]. To be clearer, relativism holds no universals but things
relative to them it measures. Through this paper, I shall break the whole case into
Back to our first premise, I should try to explain why a relativist could hold such a
view. Most of the relativists, including Protagoras, believed that knowledge is
gathered by experience, a doctrine they share with empiricists [6].
Seahunter Tournament 37
SeaHunter Tournament 37 boats Ergonomically designed for the angler Designed
with the fisherman/woman in mind, the SeaHunter Tournament 37 edges close to the
yacht sized craft, which is typically considered to be 40 +. The SeaHunter
Tournament 37 is oriented to those looking for both Atlantic offshore and Gulf
offshore adventures, with a several features incorporated into the design to maximize
the experience. Powerful with both fishing and socialization features, the SeaHunter
Tournament 37 boats for sale are worth considering. The hull design Contributing to
the reputation that the brand has acquired as a builder of durable vessels, the
SeaHunter Tournament 37 boat is constructed from a layered Kevlar fabric system.
This is combined with... Show more content on ...
It is not considered to be ideal for freshwater fishing, unless you are fishing in large
freshwater. It is suggested that boat purchasers use the dual anchoring lockers to
maximize the stability and limit drifting and rolling in areas such as the Keys.
Pricing Average pricing on the SeaHunter 37 Tournament is around $249,900. You
might be able to find boats priced in the lower $220,000 range. However, the new
suggested retail price for the 2018 SeaHunter 37 Tournament boats for sale is
$319,153. Those looking for a lower cost may wish to consider a pre owned vessel.
Finding a pre owned SeaHunter Tournament 37 boat for sale. SeaHunter
Tournament 37 boats may be available for sale pre owned. Vessel Vendor offers a
few boats from the brand from listers on our site. Please browse the selection of
listed boats to see the details and pricing/packaging options available. Vessel Vendor
specializes in providing boat listings from the top brands, manufacturers, distributors,
and private
Essay Laurent Clerc Pioneer Teacher
Laurent Clerc Pioneer Teacher
1785 1869
Laurent Clerc was born in LaBalme, France, on Dec. 26 1785. His father was
Mayor of the town and the family could boast of a long line of magistrates in the
Clerc lineage. At the age of one, the infant fell from a kitchen chair by accident
into a nearby fireplace. He was burned on one side of his face and a fever left him
totally deaf. He had uncle also named Laurent Clerc, who heard about the school for
the deaf in Paris. When he was twelve years old, his uncle brought him to Paris and
took him in the Royal Institution for the Deaf. In 1816, his eight year as a teacher, an
event happened which changed the course of his life.
He met a young idealist from America, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, ... Show more
content on ...
At age 84, Laurent Clerc died on July 18, 1869.
History of Laurent Clerc
There are a lot of firsts that Laurent Clerc accomplished. He was the first deaf
teacher in America, the first deaf person to appear before U.S. Congress in
Washington, D.C. to talk about establishing public schools for the deaf, and the first
deaf person to get an honorary M.A. degree from Trinity College.
Clerc was born to a prominent family in the village of LaBalme, France. His father
was a notary by profession and a mayor of the village for 34 years. His mother was
the daughter of another notary. Males in Clercs family held the office of Tubelion
(a Royal Commissary) in that village for over 300 years. Clercs family believes that
he became deaf after falling from his highchair into the kitchen fire, but he might
have been born deaf. His right cheek was burned from the accident hence the name
sign of brushing two fingers across cheek.
Clerc lived through the French Revolution, witnessing Napoleons rise and fall. In
fact, he lived in England for a while to escape from the turmoil.
Clerc had once been considered to help start a school for the deaf in Russia but was
passed over because he was deaf. He agreed to coe to America for only three years for
three reasons: 1) to help organize a new school for the deaf; 2) to be the first
experienced teacher; and 3) to teach others how to teach deaf. However, he married
one of his beautiful, dark eyed, dark haired, slender,
Creative Thinking Job With Google
I am prepared for a creative thinking job with google, working on the Google Home
because of the skills that I developed through my technical communication class. In
LMC 3403 I expanded my knowledge on technical communication and continued to
grow as an individual. I learned a lot about a different types of voice personas and
the characteristics of soundinterfaces. Perhaps the biggest takeaway in the class for
me came through the development of my groups own sound interface. We were
forced to focus on the user interaction and really think about the characteristics that
the voice would possess, including the details that go into a voice persona like Siri,
Alexa, and the Google Home.
During LMC 3403 I acquired a foundational vocabulary for discussing and
analyzing sounds, voices, and modes of listening through the work done on my
blog post. I learned about soundscapes and how the use of tempo, pitch, and
intensity create different emotions; contribute to the overall goal of the
environment. For instance take a weight room and library for instance. The goal
of a weight room is to give high levels of effort and physical effort. So you may
have loud intense music playing, this gets the blood going. You also may here the
low grunts of other athletes exerting their efforts. This creates an environment of
hard work and motivates you to work harder. Now take a library for example you
may here the low hum of the air conditioner, the thuds of books going back on the
shelf, and the
Pursuing A Bachelor s Degree In Social Work
The values and principles of social work captivated me even before I fully
understood what the profession entailed. My experience as a 16 year old junior
counselor at the Alamance County Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club allowed me
to see the importance of empowerment, as well as the necessity of linking
marginalized populations to resources. The majority of the children I worked with
were minorities with low income. As I developed rapport with the youth, they began
to share their struggles (i.e. family issues, academic challenges, and financial
struggles), and my heart immediately went out to them. I had always known that I
had a passion for helping others, but this experience at the Boys and Girls Club
showed me that assisting others was... Show more content on ...
I had noticed that this man rode his bicycle down my street almost daily, and we
always spoke as he passed by. One day when I was volunteering in the local food
pantry, I was able to engage in a full conversation with him, and that was when I
learned that he was a veteran. I also learned that he was not receiving the veteran
benefits that he needed. Learning this information disappointed me greatly; so much
so that a little while later I asked my father to give the man a small donation from
me, as my father would often see the veteran around our neighborhood. Several years
have passed, and my father tells me that the veteran now has two jobs, housing, and
two small motorcycles. In the moment that I helped the veteran, my perceptions of
being a helper were that of genuine fulfillment and humility. I felt deeply enriched to
have the opportunity to assist another individual. I knew that the helping profession
of social work would be the only career that would give me lasting satisfaction in
Juvenile Detention Center
Education is Needed in Juvenile Detention Center
As a Social Work and Therapeutic Rec major with a minor in criminology I see
myself working in a juvenile detention center. I hope to make an impact in the
corrupted juvenile system. These teens lack support. They lack voice and power. And
one way of empowering them is through education. Stopping them from getting an
education is stopping any chance for them to get better and have a better future. Not
only does implementing education in Juvenile detention centers benefit the inmates
but it benefits society as a hole. Juvenile Detention Centers were created with the
intention of rehabilitation. However, over time rehabilitation has been forgotten.
Education is part of rehabilitation. In ... Show more content on ...
My Social Work Professor Kenn Colton mentioned how here at Southern Illinois
University had a programs was offered for criminals who had shown there capacity
to learn at a higher level. Four students were part of the program. These students new
what they had a risk and dedicated themselves to school. My professor talked about
how he saw great improvement. However, do to the budget cut the program was
taken out and these four student had to go back to nothing. They were yanked from
the opportunity of making something out of themselves. College should be accessible
to everyone including
Nelson Mandela And The Fight For Human Rights
Nelson Mandela Apartheid is a former policy of segregation and political and
economic discrimination against non European groups in the Republic of South
Africa (Merriam Webster s online dictionary, n.d.). When you hear the word
apartheid, you automatically think of Nelson Mandela, the most influential man in
the fight for human rights for black South Africans. Mr. Mandela was a Visionary
and Ethical Leader. His actions, decisions and behaviors lead to the end of apartheid
and the creation of a democratic government in South Africa. During this essay, I will
discuss how Mr. Mandela realized his vision using the Eight Step Change Process and
his Transformational Leadershiptrait of Inspirational Motivation. Mr. Mandela was
Morally Courageous and although behaved unethically for a time, I will argue his
behavior, according to Consequences Test, was justified. I will then share what I
have learned from Nelson Mandela and how it is personally relevant to me.
Visionary Leader
Nelson Mandela s vision was to see the end of apartheid and to gain equality for
South African natives. He did this using the Transformational Leadership trait of
Inspirational Motivation. According to Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted
Education [BCEE] (2014), he did through his spoken words, which inspired his
followers to envision freedom and democracy for all South Africans. According to his
autobiography, Mr. Mandela spent twenty seven years in prison, convicted of crimes
committed in his
Reflection Paper On Special Education
For my observation, I was at Randolph Elementary in Ms. Heim s fifth grade class.
I spent two and a half hours, twice a week, for three weeks at Randolph.
Throughout my time at Randolph, I was able to observe many different
exceptionalities. Because each of the fifth grade teachers teach a particular
subject, the students rotate between classrooms for instruction. This allowed me to
observe students in two of the classes. I was there during their writing/spelling time. I
was able to observe Ms. Heim s class for an hour a half each day I was there and Ms.
Thompson s class for an hour every day I was there. There were seven students I
was able to observe, all with different exceptionalities. During the first couple days of
my observation, I was unable to identify the students in Ms. Heim s class that had
any exceptionalities. It wasn t until one day that Ms. Heim was gone that I noticed a
student, Eddie, had a behaviorproblem. Eddie was acting out and calling the special
educationteachers names because he did not want to go to the resource room for
math. After discussing this with Ms. Heim the next day, I found out that Eddie
does not like change. I also learned that Eddie has an IEP for behavior problems
and learning disabilities. Ms. Heim said Eddie s learning disabilities and behavior
problems came from a brain injury when he was younger and because he has had a
very rough childhood. I also learned that when the fifth grade teachers met before the
school year started to
Mariticidal Housewife Essay
Domestic Goddess Turned Mariticidal Housewife The 1950 s were a very iconic
time period. In this time, there was a very distinct style, way of life, and vision of
the perfect family. The perfect housewife, otherwise known as the domestic
goddess, was the epitome of the 50 s. She was to take care of the house, the
children, and make sure everything was downright perfection. The husband was the
breadwinner for the household, the strict but loving patriarch, working 9 5 as a
businessman. Perfection was the vocabulary word of the decade. An example of
this is Mary Maloney. She s the perfect housewife, the nurturing spouse who is eager
to cater to her husband s every need. Yet, in a shocking twist (at least to her), she is
told by her... Show more content on ...
She lies straight to the detectives faces, hoping to get away with the murder. She
also manipulates herself into believing nothing is wrong when she returns to the
house with her husband s body inside. ...and if, when she entered the house, she
happened to find anything unusual, or tragic, or terrible, then naturally it would be
a shock and she d become frantic with grief and horror. Mind you she wasn t
expecting to find anything. She purposely thinks to herself that nothing is wrong so
that she has a genuine reaction when she discovers her husband lying dead in the
living room. Some may say that she was not mentally capable of realizing her
wrongdoing, but it is shown that she functions like a person lacking a mental illness
throughout the story. Her ability to manipulate others helped her in hiding her
involvement, but also supports that she is guilty. Secondly, Mary Maloney is guilty
because she showed no remorse for her actions in the time following the murder.
Right after she kills her husband, she immediately realizes her wrongdoing, but
shows no emotion. All right, she told herself. So I ve killed him. She doesn t cry or
even change emotions, even after her heinous
Hickory Dickory Dock Analysis
Hickory Dickory Dock
Nursery rhymes are poems that have an underline meaning. Nursery rhymes were
used in a way to relay a hidden message that spoke out against the British government.
However, guardians and educators communicated the significance of nursery rhymes
to children at a youthful age, asserting that they are critical for them to build up an
urge for dialect, syllables, and rhythm. Individuals would think that nursery rhymes
were sweet and innocent, but in between those lines was a hidden message that was
derogatory. Nursery rhymes originated in Britain roughly around the seventeenth
hundreds. Many nursery rhymes were popular poems like Hickory Dickory Dock.
Be that as it may, does Hickory Dickory Dock have a mischievous significance
behind its snappy tune?
Hickory Dickory Dock is a straightforward nursery rhyme about a mouse and a clock.
However, it presumably alludes to one of Britain s minimum rulers who showed up
on the political scene in the seventeenth century. This nursery rhyme initially
published in 1743; yet, is thought to allude to previous events in the earlier century.
England was a republic between the execution of King Charles I in 1649 and the
reclamation of the government, under King Charles II, in 1660. Richard was given
power because his brother died which led him to take his throne. As a result, Richard
Cromwell went on for nine months as Lord Protector before offering his resignation.
Richard was permitted to leave the nation for
Ikea Children Labour
DESSAIN ANDERS SJГ–MAN IKEA s Global Sourcing Challenge: Indian Rugs and
Child Labor (A) In May 1995, Marianne Barner faced a tough decision. After just
two years with IKEA, the world s largest furniture retailer, and less than a year into
her job as business area manager for carpets, she was faced with the decision of
cutting off one of the company s major suppliers of Indian rugs. While such a move
would disrupt supply and affect sales, she found the reasons to do so quite
compelling. A German TV station had just broadcast an investigative report naming
the supplier as one that used child labor in the production of rugs made for IKEA.
What frustrated Barner was that,... Show more content on ...
In 1951, to reduce product returns, he opened a display store in nearby Г„lmhult
village to allow customers to inspect products before buying. It was an immediate
success, with customers traveling seven hours from the capital Stockholm by
train to visit. Based on the store s success, IKEA stopped accepting mail orders.
Later Kamprad reflected, The basis of the modern IKEA concept was created [at
this time] and in principle it still applies. First and foremost, we use a catalog to
tempt people to visit an exhibition, which today is our store. . . . Then, catalog in
hand, customers can see simple interiors for themselves, touch the furniture they
want to buy and then write out an order. 2 As Kamprad developed and refined his
furniture retailing business model he became increasingly frustrated with the way
a tightly knit cartel of furniture manufacturers controlled the Swedish industry to
keep prices high. He began to view the situation not just as a business opportunity
but also as an unacceptable social problem that he wanted to correct.
Foreshadowing a vision for IKEA that would later be articulated as creating a
better life for the many people, he wrote: A disproportionately large part of all
resources is used to satisfy a small part of the population. . . . IKEA s aim is to
change this situation. We shall offer a wide range of home furnishing items of good
design and function at prices so low that the majority of
Planning Your Perfect Vacation Essay
William Vera
Mr. Carli
Process Paper
English 101 at 8am
February 27th, 2011
Planning Your Perfect Vacation
Choosing a destination for your vacation may be the easiest part of planning the
whole trip but planning the details of it is the hard part. Some people have it down
to a science and some do it all last minute. When you wait until the last minute to
plan your trip it can end up being very expensive. I prefer to keep it simple and take
my time planning my trip, keeping it as stress free as possible. The first step in
planning your vacation is choosing the destination. Make sure that it is somewhere
that you and/or your companion are going to enjoy. If you are planning to go out of
the country, don t forget that you will... Show more content on ...
You re going on vacation so pack comfortably
When you have chosen the location and received your passport the next thing you
must do is choose the dates that you will be going on your vacation but you must
also make sure that they corresponds with the climate. If you decide to go to a
warmer climate then you may want to go between the months of October and May
because the temperatures are not so extreme. If the hot summer months are what you
enjoy, then I recommend that you go on vacation from June through September. On
the other hand, if you choose to go to a cooler climate where it snows in the winter
months I would go during the summer.
After you choose your destination the next thing you must do is reserve your airfare
and hotel. This may be tough because there are many websites and travel agents
that you can go through. I have found that it is cheaper and easier to go through You can book your hotel and flight all together and pay one low price.
I have also found that flying with Southwest Airlines is very cheap and they have
many one way stops all across the country and for a cheap hotel that is very nice I
recommend the Extended Stay America.
While you are on your vacation make sure you make plenty of time for sightseeing.
If you are going to the Caribbean or someplace that has a beautiful body of water
that had lots of ocean life in it then I recommend going diving or snorkeling. This is
a great way to get in touch with
The Moral Imperative Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet
Self Reflection To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day,
thou cans t not be false to any man. Shakespeare, Hamlet. To live an authentic way of
life, you must know yourself and act accordingly. This is the moral imperative
throughout the history of the study of human behavior. Existentialist believed that
authenticity is critically important in understanding well being and freedom from
psychopathology. The quote from William Shakespeare means that one must be
honest in his ways and relations. When we are being inauthentic, we are not
congruent with our values, preferences, and abilities. We tend to feel out of sync
even things seem to be right or ideal. Our actions and feelings are not connected.
We show people around us such as relatives, friends, neighbors, and co workers that
we are living the perfect life. We are great actors, living the fake life. Authenticity is
defined the unimpeded operation of one s true or core self in ones daily enterprise .
To be authentic requires awareness and knowledge about own self. People who are
authentic have a clear understanding about their strength and weaknesses. They are
accountable. They are connected to their own values and desires and act
appropriately in ways that are consistent with their qualities. Being Authentic means
being real and genuine. It allows us to connect deeply with others because it requires
us to be transparent and vulnerable. Authenticity is important because it liberates us
Individual Privacy vs National Security
Individual Privacy VS National Security
John Williams
ENG 122: GSE 1244A
Instructor: Ebony Gibson
November 1, 2012
Individual Privacy VS National Security
Since the terrorist attack of 9/11, America has been in a high level conflict with
terrorist around the world, particularly the group known as Al Qaeda. There has been
many discussions within the U.S. Congress about the measures of how to effectively
combat this organization and their members, here and abroad. Consequently, the
issue of individual privacy vs. national security has generated discussions within the
civilian and government sectors. To date, the discussions continues with many private
citizens who feels they are constantly losing their privacy , when ... Show more
content on ...
The residing administration presented stacks of follow up attacks to Congress
from experts and officials on a daily basis with grim pictures or scenarios of
possible attacks on nuclear facilities, schools, shopping centers, and others alike, that
the public saw measures in place as acceptable and adequate, (Downing 2008a).
Downing further states; Americans have seen their privacy and other rights curtailed
in previous wars but the present day privations are unfounded only in the duration of
these rights. Just how long will the duration of war on terrorism and rights last, it has
already lasted longer than any other US wars. Further sources of concern to the
public, are the rich array of devices and techniques of the government, such as
improved computer programs, databases, and surveillance gear, never before used in
previous wars and never devoted as resources to any state or its partners. What if
any remedies are there in the political system in the privacy of individuals versus
national security protections and concerns? The courts have narrowed away some of
the concerns, but the bulk of these powers, many of them are still persisting.
Congress has been hesitant to amend passing the Patriot Act and its follow ups, due
to fear of being labeled unpatriotic, but also for fear of
Swot Analysis Of Vodafone s Service
Brief History:
A global juggernaut Multinational Telecommunication company Vodafone
headquartered in London, UK is the world s 2nd largest mobile telecommunications
company. Vodafone operates networks in 21 countries and has partner networks in
over 40 additional countries with over 430 mil customers worldwide. This company
has come a long way when it started on 1 January 1985 with a significant presence in
Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific.
Vodafonein Australia:
Vodafone Hutchison Australia is the result of merging between Vodafone and
Hutchison ,after setting up in Australia Vodafone was able to secure 27% customer
percentage in the country making it third largest telecomm company . It was formed
on 10 June 2009. Their first priority was getting the organization and the
organizational structure sorted out.
Current Services:
Vodafone currently providing the fastest 4gnetworks in Australia .The results were
compiled for Fairfax Media by British firm OpenSignal 2013.
The services include (2G 4G):
Postpaid Phone Plans
Mobile broadband plans
Prepaid plans
International Roaming Plans
Retail stores (over 170 stores)
Telstra Corporation Limited
M2 Telecom
Big names like Telstra and Optus are always in competition with Vodafone. By
launching 4G+ services Vodafone heated up the market in 2013. Few small
companies compete with big 3 by putting up same plans for less buck
Descriptive Essay About My First Plane
As I scanned my boarding pass and walked down the tunnel hallway that led to the
airplane, my heart began to beat a little faster in my chest and my hands got
clammy. I had never been outside of the country before! After boarding the
airplane, I sat down in my seat next to my dad, so ecstatic to finally be on my way
to Peru for my first mission trip! With the seat belt fastened snugly across my hips
and the cool air from the vents comfortably blowing on my face, I peered out the
window as the planetook off, my excitement growing as we rose up past the clouds
into the clear blue sky. Although it felt like any other normal flight, somehow I knew
this one would be different.
Shortly after we took off and reached a higher elevation, I put my tray table down in
preparation for the meal and drinks that were being served by the flight attendants.
Rolling their food and drink carts in front of them, the flight attendants slowly made
their way down the aisle. Finally, they reached my row and I received my first
international flight meal mozzarella cheese, basil, and tomato sandwich, a square of
cheesecake, and a small chocolate. As I was unwrapping my sandwich and getting
ready to enjoy my meal, totally captivated by the newness and the excitement of it all,
the plane suddenly experienced some unexpected turbulence. Nothing crazy at first,
only a couple bumps that caused me to hold on to the arm rests and grow a little
nervous. But then it happened!
We dropped.
How Did Joseph The Transformer
Wahab 1. Qudus Wahab Mr. Snader Biblical Reflection 01 15 2017 JOSEPH THE
DREAMER Out of twelve children, Joseph was the favorite of their father because
he is believed to be a special child and he is the son of his most loved wife (Rachel).
Joseph s dad (Jacob) pampers and gives Joseph a lot of gift which made the other
children to be jealous of him. Joseph had a dream which translated to him
becoming a king and a leader to his elder brothers. The jealous brothers tried to
avert it by killing him but God has his own plan for Joseph. You will find out what
happen next as you continue to read this interesting story. The setting of the story
began when the boys planned to get rid of joseph, because they don t want him to
fulfil his destiny written by God. they tried to hurt him but Joseph survived.
Joseph was discovered by a slave trader who took him to Egypt and sold him to a
man known as Potiphar, one of Pharaoh s officers. Joseph served Potiphar well and
accepted him as his master so he gained great favor. Joseph was later imprisoned
because Pharaoh s wife tried to seduce him but he rejected, so she went to Pharaoh
and falsely accused Joseph. Joseph is a man of faith so God proved his presence
and protection over him even in the prison. The prison keeper became a close
friend with Joseph, the prison keeper have also noticed Joseph ability to interpret
dreams, on a fateful day Joseph was called upon by Pharaoh to interpret a dream that
has so much troubled him. None of the wise consults was able to... Show more
content on ...
Joseph s brothers thought they have the power to change Joseph destiny, but little
did they know that their jealous actions to stop the dream from coming to past will
only lead Joseph to fulfilling his destiny. God is a merciful Lord, because even with
the terrible actions of the brothers they still received
Nature Related Metaphors In Frankenstein
Mary Shelley is one of the well known writers in the era of the Romantics who
wrote a famous novel called Frankenstein. One of Shelley s features is using the
nature as a source of inspiration and relaxation as in the case of her novel
Frankenstein. Shelley uses the nature as a fuel for energy for the main character
Victor Frankensteinand that what made him consistently go back to nature seeking
for relaxation and spiritual comfort after the death of his dearest friends and family.
Shelley uses many nature related metaphors to describe many events from
Frankenstein childhood:
I feel pleasure in dwelling on the recollections of childhood, before misfortune had
tainted my mind, and changed its bright visions of extensive usefulness into gloomy
... Show more content on ...
He starts to pay attention to the things that reminds him of her like the vision of the
fish and pebbles she used to make him happy. Afterwards, he dreams of nature:
What became of me? I know not; I lost sensation, and chains and darkness were the
only objects that pressed upon me. Sometimes, indeed, I dreamt that I wandered in
flowery meadows and pleasant vales with the friends of my youth . . .(Volume III,
Chapter 23)
To conclude, in this novel nature appears to be the most significant element that
always cheers Victor s up and keeps him healthy and sanity. The setting of nature
becomes fundamental since it is the only place that gives the protagonist comfort.
Moreover, Victor has obsession on nature and his obsession is inane because he
ignores all the people to be isolated in nature; perhaps this is one of Victor s flaws or
personality. Furthermore, being stupid and smart as in the case of Victor
Frankenstein might be natural for Frankenstein to be drawn to compulsive tendency.
Finally, Shelley uses excessive elements of nature in her novel as a source
Naughty Dog Studios Vs Insomniac Research Paper
Around the world, there are hordes of video game companies; they re in Japan,
America, China, and tons more. Though, the two uttermost notable companies known
for their outstanding titles, Naughty Dog Studios and Insomniac Games have the
most memorable video games in the early 2000 s and to this day, yet one is superior
to the other. Both Naughty Dog Studios and Insomniac Games have released
magnificent and nostalgic titles, but every gamer should know that Naughty Dog is
the superior gamecompany and gamers will see how by viewing their differences and
Ironically, both companie locations are in California, but Naughty Dog is in Santa
Monica and Insomniac is in Burbank. In Burbank it offers shopping at Burbank
Town Center, investigate the farmer s market, and if you get peckish there s the
famous Bob s Big Boy known for their burgers and shakes. Meanwhile, at Santa
Monica it offers surfing at the beach, playing games on the pier, discover the marine
life in the ... Show more content on ...
Insomniac takes responsibility in responding and answering questions about any
video game, yet they do not provide useful information about games fans want to
see. For example, the upcoming release of Spiderman PS4 fans have not heard any
new information about the game until the recent showcase on the 12 of June. The
first teaser was shown on December 6th, for months fans have not received new
information about their cherished web slinger. On the other hand, Naughty Dog is
frequently responding to fans about their games from the past or even games that ll
release next year and this year. They kept gamers up to date with their beautifully
made Uncharted 4: A Thief s End. Fans had boundless questions and Naughty Dog
had an indefinite about of answers. Naughty Dog will countless love towards their
fans for years to come and won t leave gamers in the desert, thirsty for
Pittsburgh, Hotels, Accommodations And Convention
Pittsburgh, PA Hotels, Accommodations and Convention Center Information
Meta Description: Pittsburgh has so many great hotels to choose from that it can be
hard to pick one by the convention center. Our quick guide to Pittsburgh
accommodations should help.
Meta Keywords: Pittsburgh Hotels, Hotels in Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Convention
Center Hotels, Pittsburgh Convention Center
Pittsburgh s Hotels, Accommodations, and Convention Center are Waiting to Show
you a Great Time in the Steel City
These days there are a great many excellent places to stay when visiting Pittsburgh
either for work or for pleasure. If your trip brings you to Western Pennsylvania for an
event at Pittsburgh s David L. Lawrence Convention Center, then you have a great
many excellent nearby properties to choose from. If you can stay a little farther away
from the Pittsburgh Arts District, then you have a stunning array of boutique hotels
and other fantastic properties waiting to roll out the proverbial carpet for you. Read
on for our quick guide to some of the Steel City s finest accommodations, and a quick
word about Pittsburgh s fabulous Convention Center.
Hotel Monaco http://www.monaco
utm_medium=referral utm_campaign=hotel website links Hotel Monaco in
Pittsburgh has put a shine new face on a Beaux Arts stel building that has serious
history in Pittsburgh. The building began its life in 1903 as an electric company and
now lives on as a boutique hotel.
Theme Of Death In A Farewell To Arms
The 1932 novel, A Farewell to Arms, is the result of then years digestion of his
experiences in the First World War. The central character is Frederick Henry, a
young American who is in Italy when breaks out and who enlists with the Italian
ambulance unit. He is wounded, and his convalescence coincides with a loveaffair
between him and the British nurse, Catherine Barclay. Henry returns to the front
but he witnesses a chaotic retreat, and the insanity of such a world makes him want
to rejoin Catherine. He is obsessed with the feeling that everything worth caring for
is being destroyed and by the fear that the world will soon catch up with him and
Catherine. Although they seek refuge in the Swiss Alps, the world has the last
word: both Catherine and the child die. As Henry once said in the novel, If people
bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them...It
kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially (cf.
Hemingway, 1929).
The keynote of his novel is not terror, but doom. The impartiality of death is cruel, or
... Show more content on ...
The first and the greatest confrontation of the armies at a global level has most
certainly been a real slaughter. The men who have managed to escape this great
tragedy of the XXth century have been left with unforgettable scars, that have
irrevocably changed their view points. It is the case with the male protagonist of
the novel, when stating: If people bring so much courage to this world the world
has to kill to break them, so of course it kills them. The world breaks every one and
afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it
kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you
are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special
hurry. (cf. Hemingway,
A Community Meal And The Gas Stove
One of the first things that we need to do to formulate a strategy and immediate one
or an emerging one is to evaluate all the assets that the congregation has. This falls
into two categories The physical assets of property and the assets of members of the
congregation s meaning what their gifts and graces are on a personal level that could
help the ministryof the church that they would be to give. This being said we know
from the case study the size of the building and when it was last renovated but we
needto be checking in making sure there s not anything that could be inhibit the use
of any of the equipment or rooms that may not have been used in a while. Such as
making sure classrooms don t have a leaks as well as making sure the... Show more
content on ...
The size of the congregation and the number in our team is beneficial because
there are not too many congregants yet at the same time there is enough staff that
we can break up and tackle all of the congregation at once or break up and
assignment a few members of our team to interview all of the congregants either
through home visits or meals with the congregants. The congregants interviews
would be two fold to first ask them what you think are the strengths of the
congregation and what they think the congregation can bring to the community.
The second would be to get to know the congregants on an individual basis to
ascertain their level of involvement as well as what their gifts and graces are.
Another avenue to finding these things out can be a survey or what I have seen it
in some congregations A volunteer form with different ideas for new ministries
and see what people would be willing to help with. Not only would we use these
forms and interviews to find out what they would be willing to help with more
importantly what they are in need of that as well. We have to remember The
congregation is at the top of priorities and so there needs need to be evaluated as
well. Wall interviewing congregants and beginning to work at the church through
preaching and leading worship a part of the team needs to begin surveying the
surrounding area. We have some of this information that there are new shops and a
new population but to begin to look
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Essay About Paper. How to Write an Argumentative Research Paper - wikiHow
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Essay About Paper. How to Write an Argumentative Research Paper - wikiHow

  • 1. Essay About Paper Writing an essay on the seemingly straightforward topic of "Essay About Paper" may appear deceptively simple at first glance. One might assume that discussing paper, a fundamental and ubiquitous material, would be a walk in the park. However, as any experienced writer will tell you, the challenge lies not in the subject's simplicity but in finding a fresh perspective and engaging the audience in a meaningful way. The difficulty arises from the need to transcend the mundane and delve into the intricacies of paper's significance in various aspects of our lives. It's not just about describing the physical properties of paper or its manufacturing process but about exploring its historical, cultural, and ecological dimensions. To make the essay compelling, one must navigate through the vast terrain of information, selecting and organizing relevant details to craft a coherent narrative. Moreover, avoiding clichГ©s and ensuring originality is crucial. With such a commonplace subject, the risk of falling into the trap of generic statements and unoriginal content is high. A writer must strive to bring a unique perspective to the table, presenting insights that captivate the reader's interest and offer a fresh understanding of the topic. Balancing depth and breadth is another challenge. Given the broad scope of the subject, it's tempting to either oversimplify or delve too deeply into specific aspects. Striking the right balance is crucial to maintaining the reader's engagement while delivering substantial information. In addition, crafting a compelling introduction and a thought-provoking conclusion adds another layer of complexity. The introduction must grab the reader's attention and establish the essay's purpose, while the conclusion should leave a lasting impression and, ideally, prompt reflection. In conclusion, the difficulty in writing an essay on the topic "Essay About Paper" lies in transcending the mundane, offering a fresh perspective, navigating through a vast sea of information, avoiding clichГ©s, and striking the right balance between depth and breadth. However, with careful consideration and creative thinking, one can overcome these challenges to produce an essay that stands out. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, a valuable resource is, where a variety of writing services are available to meet your specific needs. Essay About Paper Essay About Paper
  • 2. Creative Writting on Personal Diseases Susan is a young professional who just had her personal genome sequenced. She now knows she carries the gene for Huntington s disease. She is agonizing over the decision about sharing this information with others. She doesn t know what to do or who to tell. So she goes to a doctor to get his opinion on if it would be right or not to let her family or boyfriend know. While she is waiting in the waiting room she is imagining how her life would be if she had Huntington s disease. What type of burden she would be on peoples their opinions about her. Her family would not be able to leave because they would constantly have to take care of her whether that be her hopefully husband or another family member. When she goes to any event in public she will make a scene or outburst and how they all will judge her about her condition. Susan starts to hypervinalate in the waiting room as all these scenarios run uncontroably through her head. Finally the doctorwalks in and she focuses back in on reality. She explains the situation to the doctor that she found out she carries the gene for Huntington s disease and she doesn t know who to tell. The doctor explains what he would do and gives her recommendations. For her parents she shouldn t tell them because they will not be able to do anything about it or they may be dead by the time she starts experiencing it extremely. It would just but unnecessary stress put on her parents worrying about their daughter. As for her boyfriend goes she
  • 3. Essay on The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Why is the Universe expanding? What is Cosmic Back Ground Radiation (CBR)? There are many questions asked about our Universe, which we know so little about. Scientists, in their attempt to answer these and other confrontations, have found one idea that seems to explain much of what we don t understand: The Big Bang Theory. An explosion of incomprehensible speed was the beginning of our known Universe and existence. At that time matter as small as the head of a pin inflated to become larger than the visible Universe of today in less than one millisecond. The newly born Universe cooled very quickly and continued to grow. Still, the heat was too great for normal elementary particles like protons and neutrons to ... Show more content on ... There were many people who worked together to come up with the present theory of creation. Edwin Hubble, Arno Penzias, Robert Wilson and Alan Guth all contributed greatly to the formation of the Big Bang theory. Edwin Hubble used his large telescope to see far away stars and galaxies. He knew that the elements in the stars reflected back specific colors, and you could tell what a star was made of by its color ?DNA?. Hubble noticed that this pattern had been slightly shifted to the red side of the spectrum, otherwise called a red shift. He knew, based on the Doppler effect, that a red shift was caused by the stretched wavelengths of an object moving away from a point. If the galaxies he had observed had shifted to the red side then it meant that they were moving away from Earth. He also discovered that the galaxies were moving away from each other, as well. With these observations in mind, Hubble announced that the universe was expanding. He then came to this syllogism: If the universe is expanding, then at one point it was smaller. The result of his postulations was the Big Bang theory. Another mystery of the universe was the Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR). CBR is made up of photons throughout the universe that are floating for no apparent reason in space. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson spent their lives trying to explain the origin of this radiation and why it is still existent today. Their discoveries
  • 4. What Is The Theme Of Science And Technology In Frankenstein In the novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley expresses her sentiments regarding the conflict between the ethical standards and science and technology of her time. Through her illustration of the morally illiterate, Victor Frankenstein, she depicts science and understanding as a factor with the potential to create monstrous forces to displace man from their home in nature. However through Shelly s development of Frankenstein, she ensures the reader that for every monstrous force that science creates, nature imposes an equal and opposite reaction force in order to restore the moral compass of man. As her society enters the New Victorian period, she emphasizes the importance of upholding moralitywhile advancing to this period of industrialization. At the very essence of the natural state of man is life, a property that Shelly believes is being exploited and endangered by the advancement of science and technology. In a letter to his sister, Frankenstein s brother, Walton, writes that One man s life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought . Shelly is quick to expose the capability of science to cause man to undervalue life, a basic principle of their foundation, early on in her novel. Shelley conveys that man embraces this greed for science and is willing to abolish the essence of nature, life, to satisfy this greed. Man s greed motivates him to penetrate into the recesses of nature and show how she works in her hiding places.
  • 5. Prince Vs Pauper How would you like to switch places with the president, a pop star, or maybe just one of your parents? What do you think the pros and cons of this would be? This is what happened in the Prince and the Pauper by Samuel Clemens under the name Mark Twain. It is about two boys who were born on the same day where one was wanted, one was not. Each boy was not happy with his own life at an older age, so they switched places. Tom Canty became a prince, and Edward Tudor became a pauper. Some people may believe that the Mickey Mouse version of Prince and the Pauper is the best version, but in fact the live action version of Prince and the Pauper is superior. For instance, the Mickey Mouse version is more school friendly. The graphics are cartoony and the characters ... Show more content on ... To add on, the live action follows the original plot. In the live action, Tom was invited into the castle by the prince, Edward Canty (Foster). This exemplifies that the live action is better because that is a show of kindness toward his subjects that develops the character. Not to mention, the live action is also more detailed. Each action and facial expression showed a kind of emotion and the movements of each character portray that character s personality. This shows that the live action is more appealing because its realism presents each point better. Equally important, all the important characters that were missing their storyline or just missing entirely in the Mickey Mouse version are present. The Hendon brothers have their fight, Miles becomes Edward s protector after he switched, and John Canty beats Tom when he does any little thing wrong. To recapitulate, the live action version of Prince and the Pauper by Foster is superior to the Mickey Mouse version for many reasons. Truly, Prince and the Pauper is a great work of literature. The question is...who would you switch with and
  • 6. The Hero s Journey In Whirligig By Paul Fleischman In stories, there is always a pattern that they all have in common. This certain pattern is known as the Hero s Journey. There are varying descriptions of the Hero s Journey steps but only the steps that are set by the teacher is used. These steps are the The Call , Allies , Preparation , The Guardians of the Threshold , Crossing the Threshold , Road of Trials , Saving Experience, Transformation , and Sharing the Gift .This essay is explaining what the Hero s Journey is in the book Whirligig by Paul Fleischman. The step that is coming up is the Call which is when the hero starts their journey. The Call occurs when Mrs. Zamora requests Brent to make the whirligigs in the corners of the United States. For example, Mrs. Zamora tells ... Show more content on ... With this sentence, you can see that Brent only prepared materials to build the whirligig. This shows that Brent is prepared to go on his journey because he has all of his necessaries in his luggage for the quest. Also, this shows that Brent still is self conscious, comparing others to him. Therefore his preparation is done, and he next needs to cross the Threshold blocking him from starting his quest. There are no Guardians of the Threshold in this story unless Brent s parents are counted in the first place. The book stated that Brent s parent raised one objection after another (Fleischman 41). The Guardians of the Threshold usually prevents the hero from going on his quest, and this statement shows that Brent s parents are objecting on the quest. If their objection is fulfilled, Brent wouldn t have gone on the quest at first. This fits the standards of being the Guardians of the Threshold but nothing is done. In conclusion, it could be called the Guardians of the Threshold by some. A main problem in Brent s journey that is a Threshold of sorts is that he s self conscious. He doesn t believe he has much of a future after his journey and compares to other people. In the book, it says He was no longer of their kind and never will be (Fleischman 36). This sentence proves that he feels
  • 7. What Is Deja Vu Essay DГ©jГ vu ..... could it be ? This story takes place while I was driving home one evening. Like usual, I was letting my mind wander past the cars beside me, and had begun falling into a daydream state. I was pondering work, (which is not a thing to give ponder after leaving, I dare say), when a peculiar thing happened. Well, I can not say that it was a thing, but rather, a moment of time that revealed a strange state of being. Now, many people have had moments of deja vu. There are many explanations and theories behind the events that unfold in our concious/subconcious minds during these times of similar experience. In my case, though, it was bordering on uncomfortably eerie, and amazingly excitable, all at the same time. While driving down the freeway, I had ... Show more content on ... There, on the right hand side of the road, were three cop cars, and in the center of them....a man standing next to a green motorcycle. To say I was freaked out by now would be an understatement. It was as if I had spoken the event into existence. Was this deja vu, or prophecy? I was perplexed, yet, quietly amazed with myself. I tried to set up several other scenarios as I travelled along, but alas, I eventually pulled into my driveway with no further events. I slowly came to a stop beside my mailbox. I stared toward my home, up that long, dusty, gravel road. The sun was now dipping slowly behind the hill that my home sits on. The shadows were dancing in front of my house like young children just released from school. I let my mind ponder the last half hour of time, then reached over to open the mailbox. There, lying almost deathly still on the very top, was a random coupon. The coupon read something like this, Come and get it while the iron is hot...there is no moment like the present. The next time you experience a sale like this, you will just be experiencing deja hurry
  • 8. Setting In Ray Bradbury s All Summer In A Day 2,555 days. 2,554 of those you re under a dark constant cloud of rain, and the world seems to follow along with the grayness of the sky. But once, out of those 2,555 days, a bright light shines upon the horizon. For that day, the world seems to be alive again. But for Margot, the main character in Ray Bradbury s All Summer In a Day, that opportunity was stripped away from her. In this story, the setting is on the planet Venus, when humans from Earth decided to set up civilization and move to the planet. The problem on Venus, though, is that it rains straight for seven years, Out of those seven years, the Suncomes out for only one day. Margot came to Venus only five years ago, so she remembers the Sun in all its glory. The other children on
  • 9. Maurice Sendak s Where The Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak s Where the Wild Things Are perfectly demonstrates that some of our biggest discoveries can happen at a young age. Sendak sets the scene with a young, misunderstood boy, Max, who is experiencing difficulty between him and his mother. This leaves him feeling alone, an emotion that commonly catalyses discovery. Max s wild journey begins when he is sent to his room without supper. Quickly becoming angry, Max begins by giving his anger free rein, but by then slowly discovering his love for his mother he comes to terms with the emotion being experienced. Max sails off through the night and a day, in and out of weeks and almost over a year . Meaning is created here by reminding the reader the separation that anger can cause between a... Show more content on ... The party is depicted in hand drawn images only, using techniques such as a dynamic colour palette, contrast, framing, vectors and facial expressions. When Max returns he discovers a fresh and intensely meaningful reconnection to his mother, the one who loved him best of all . He has developed a new understanding of their relations and renewed his previous perceptions of himself and his mother, previously blurred by his anger. Max discovers that he can enthral the monsters and becomes their king, however this love of control and power dissipates, leaving Max to question or challenge his previous views. He forms a different perspective and this worth is reassessed over the time he spends there. He discovers that he misses his mother and home. Max s discovery makes him question and challenge the importance of his anger over the love his mother provides his ... when viewed from a different perspective, Max sees her worth and this is what brings him home. The impact of the discoveries are far reaching and transformative for Max. These discoveries are aided by his own personal context and
  • 10. Reflection Paper About Mentoring Mentoring: Perspectives from the ProtГ©gГ©s My life, admittedly, has been one of grace and privilege. I was born into a loving home and grew up attending church with my mother and two sisters. My father, while unsaved, was exemplary in his provision for our family. To date, I have attended three excellent institutions of higher education and currently am serving full time within a ministry of consequence one that actively seeks to make disciples both locally and internationally. Throughout my life I have had men and women mentor me. I thank God for my parents, for my coaches, for multiple Sunday school teachers, employers, professors, and pastors who shared their life with me. I am indebted to them. Today, my desire, like that of my... Show more content on ... But most of all, I long for the affections of my heart and mind to reflect and resemble an authentic and growing love for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ProtГ©gГ©s also verbalized that they simply want to know what is true. Their desire is to be led from the text of Scripture and not only talk about truths but to understand the process of discovering the truths for themselves. They do not want to just carry a denominational line, but to own the point defend the Truth to their know the strength of our positions. They want to know the truth, but they also want to own it. This is both a challenge and a blessing to the mentor. The challenge is in being willing to hear the protГ©gГ© s questions without offense and to answer them with wisdom, grace, and transparency. The blessing is in seeing another life grow in a genuine love for Christ. Authentic Mentoring is effective when the mentor s words match their life choices. This is a necessary trait. These non bifurcated mentors are the same inside the classroom as they are outside the classroom; their lives are genuine, authentic, true, and consistent . The truth that is taught in church is also the truth that is in their hearts. Often the protГ©gГ© will watch for this trait during isolated moments of life... moments when life is most uneventful. They watch how the way a mentor speaks to his/her children or their
  • 11. The Exploitative Colony of Virginia Essay The Exploitative Colony of Virginia I believe that the early settlers of the colony of Virginia made it into an exploitative and ignorant colony, due to the fact that it was set up primarily to make a small number of individuals wealthy while ignoring the rights of its other members. In the year 1607, a group of adventurers from the Virginia Company established the first English American colony in the Chesapeake Bay area (Greene, 1988). They landed in Jamestown, and it became the first English settlement to survive in the New World. They named the colony Virginia. In its early history, Virginia was known for its drive to conquer the land and in some cases people, so that it would bring its main benefactors wealth and power ... Show more content on ... The relationship was shaky mainly because the Europeans were naive and ignorant to the Native Americans way of life. Thus, twice the Indians put on all out attacks against the unsuspecting Europeans because of this fact. Through it all, the early history of colonial Virginia suggest that it was backwards compared with other colonies, but Virginia eventually began to settle down and found its way to stability after it spent most of its history being ignorant to the red, black, and even in some of the white men. In 1588, the defeat of the Spanish armada by England s Sir Francis Drake signaled the slow decline of Spain. But while this was happening the first permanent settlement of the English in the New World on Reannex Island fails. It was then almost two decades later till they tried again (Todd Curti, 1968). However, Spain was different from the English, in that what their explorers did was under government supervision; it was all done in the name of Spain. England was not a wealthy nation, so they could not finance groups like Spain had done. However, they did promise land to those who were willing to adventure out to the New World. Trade companies then took it upon themselves to finance and establish land out posts in the New World. Therefore, the control of the New World would be that of those from the Old World. England was ambitious to and anxious to get a foot in the New World, and it paid
  • 12. Persuasive Essay About Drinking Dear Uncle David, I really wish you would stop drinking all the time. I hate to see you throwing up every day. Seeing you drained of energy is frightening. You used to have a smile on your face every time you saw me, now I hardly ever see you smiling and laughing because you re always sick. I don t understand why you keep drinking since you are always in and out the hospital. You were such an enthusiastic, funny, dramatic, fun person that people need in their life. Your smile lit up the room and now, I only see you moping drunk every time you re up and moving. It s sickening to hear family gossiping about when you re going to die. I hope that by reading what I have to say will make you realize the problems you have with drinking and how... Show more content on ... Or How much alcohol is too much ? Asking your self numbers of questions , writing down the answers can be a big help to recognizing if you truly have a problem . Its very important to to recognize that being an alcohol does not equate with being a failure in life. Your life matters. Now that you understand the importance of recognizing and accepting the fact that you have a drinking problem. It s mostly smart and important to remove all temptation from your home ( everything that pressures or tempt your drive s to drink ). Emptying out everything that has to do with alcohol . By doing those things you will feel good and liberated , ready to get sober focusing on your recovery . Therefore it s normal and common to have urges or a craving for alcohol . With in time, and by practicing new responses, you ll find that your urges to drink will lose strength. Gaining your confidence back having the ability to deal with urges. Remind yourself that you re changing for the better and why you re changing . Every time you have an urge to drink , you can tell someone letting them know that , than they can watch you closely . By removing all the temptation , start focusing on having and building healthy relationships in your life. Before you cut them off let them know your problem and what your dealing with . Instead of causing that void or friction between you and them . Separating yourself from people that can t help you with your
  • 13. Heidi Roizen Case Essay Case Assignment Summary: Heidi Roizen The case about Heidi Roizen was very interesting to me because I can not believe how many people she is connected with or I should say networked with. I believe her networking skills had more to do with her personality, being outgoing and high energy by nature, and that it would be difficult to have just anybody be able to pull this off. But I must say this story really opened my eyes as to how important having a network is. I personally do not have very good network skills, or even considered it important, but I do now. The greatest strength would be how efficient she is at managing her network. She established a way to keep in touch with the nuclei of other networks. This system... Show more content on ... The guest list usually included friends from the high tech industry which provided great networking opportunities. This was a way the network was maintained too. By having parties, her network would keep going and going, like the Energizer Bunny. When looking for suggestions to give Roizen for adjusting and maintaining her network as she becomes involved with Softbank would be to continue on as she has been since she began networking when she started her career. The methods she has used to get her where she is today shouldn t be changed. Since the real issue she is dealing with is time, the only suggestion would be to set aside a predetermined amount of time per day or week, to ensure her network is maintained. She could develop a priority system that would focus on nuclei that contact her for assistance. Since we already know she uses the system as a way of being more efficient, it might just be exactly what she would need to gain the extra efficiency. If she wants to continue using the vast networking system that is in place she will have to improve her to make her networking system more efficient. I believe that since she has become such an expert and successful with her networking skills, she should quit working at Softbank, and write how to books for building efficient and successful networks. Then she would be able to spend
  • 14. Ninety Five Theses In this essay i m going to be writing about the ninety five theses.The Ninety Five Theses question the Catholic Church s practice of selling indulgences and view skeptically the notion that a papal pardon rather than penance or genuine contrition can achieve forgiveness of sins. Luther argued that Christians were being falsely told that they could obtain absolution for souls in purgatory by buying indulgences. All Saints Church in Wittenberg, Saxony in the Holy Roman Empire, locally known as the Castle Church Schlosskirche, where the Ninety Five Theses famously appeared, held one of Europe s largest collections of holy relics. These had been piously collected by Frederick III of Saxony. At that time, pious veneration of relics supposedly allowed ... Show more content on ... Albert of Mainz, the Archbishop of Mainz in Germany, had borrowed heavily to pay for his high church rank and was deeply in debt. He agreed to allow the sale of the indulgences in his territory in exchange for a cut of the proceeds. Luther was apparently not aware of this. Even though Luther s prince, Frederick III, and the prince of the neighboring territory, George, Duke of Saxony, forbade the sale thereof in their respective lands, people in Wittenberg traveled to purchase them. When these people came to confession, they presented their plenary indulgences for which they paid, claiming they no longer had to repent of their sins, since the document promised to forgive all their sins. Luther was outraged that they had paid money for what was theirs by right as a free gift from God. He felt compelled to expose the fraud that was being sold to the people. This exposure was to take place in the form of a public scholarly debate at the University of Wittenberg. The Ninety Five Theses outlined the items to be discussed and issued the challenge to any and all
  • 15. Why Did Ancient Art Man Use Animals To Depict Their Deities I have a few theories as to why ancient man used animals to depict their deities. First I ll start with Prehistoric Art. As far back as 30,000 B.C.E. man created pictures of nature. From paintings on cave walls to sculptures carved of rock from within the cave, prehistoric man paid tribute by creating art in the form of animals such as bulls, bison, horses, bears, and even felines. To these people these animals were a life source. Not only as food but for warmth, weapons and tools. By worshipping these creatures with art man believed they were showing gratitude therefore ensuring more animals would come. As seen with the Wounded Bison at the Cave of Altamira in Northern Spain, these bison were painted on the cave ceiling. Man noticed the bulges in the rock and chose to paint the creature it resembles most even though it may have been difficult to reach. As though it was a calling of a higher power, man would build scaffoldings against the walls to allow themselves better access to their canvas. With the Egyptians their... Show more content on ... With these visual representations for their gods and Pharaohs it s easy to believe that the people of Egypt lived in fear. For breaking Pharaohs laws would enact the wrath of the gods bringing famine, floods, or drought. In this picture of the Palette of King Narmer, the Pharaoh is depicted as larger than the other people in the relief. This size difference was to establish the authority and power of the king. On one side of the Palette, King Narmer holds a fallen enemy by the hair, as he raises his mace an emblem of kingship with the other hand. On the other side of the Palette, Narmer appears in the highest register now wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt. (Janson s
  • 16. “over 30 Workers Trapped After Chilean Copper Mine... Knowing your Audience Paper and Communication Release William Whelchel Diane Dauble 11 28 2011 BCOM/275 When a company needs to pass information to another organization or a group of people it is very important that the company knows their audience. If the information is regarding a disaster, it is even more important to make sure the company knows their audience. One example of a company needing to know their audience was the Chilean copper mine in South America. On Thursday, August 5, 2010, A collapse of one of the shafts in the Chilean copper mine left 33 workers trapped approximately 300 meters underground. At once, rescue efforts began but just two days later another collapse in the mine halted the efforts of the rescue ... Show more content on ... Once the families have been informed it is important to let the fellow co workers know what is happening. Many of the men trapped would have friends who also work for the company and they would want to know what is happening. By making sure the other employees know about what is happening, the company can try to keep them from saying too much to news reporters and it will help ease their minds. Once the employees have been notified, make it clear that all information to the press needs to come from the company. When something is said to an audience that was not properly prepared for that audience, it could have disastrous results. Through the press the company will next have to handle the communication on an international level. Because the mine company was global they were on the world stage. The company owned mines in many other parts of the world, not just in South America. In a situation like this one, rumors began to fly without much hesitation and although rumor control was important with the company, it is impossible to stop. Another aspect of communication that was not very publically known was the communication with the investors, owners and stockholders of the company. It is very important to keep this audience informed with what was going on because if information was withheld then it could potentially cause a panic. Once in panic mode, the investors could damage the company more by stopping funds, dumping assets and plunge the
  • 17. Character Analysis Of Morris Lurie s Running Nicely Running nicely is a short story written by Morris Lurie, about two orphan brothers: the protagonist, Moses, a twenty two years old young man and the antagonist, Ben, his younger brother. The story is set during the night at ten PM, in the streets in suburban Melbourne. When the two brothers are running, Moses realizes he has difficulty accepting that Ben is getting older, and that his younger brother is now running faster than him. The author suggests that familyrelationships after a loss may result in being abnormal and can have consequences on one s development and behavior. The author effectively conveys this theme through his use of characterization, narrative point of view and irony. To begin, the characterization of Moses in relation with his brother Ben demonstrates how the protagonist is struggling to be a perfect father substitute, after both parents passing away. Moses makes Ben grow too fast by doing adult type activities, like showing him jazz music, making him watch old movies and making him read books about war. By getting his brother learn about other things instead of watching the TV like their neighbors, he feels proud about how [...] he has weaned his brother, a former three hours a nigh man, off that awful habit. (2). After the death of their parents, Moses must take the responsibility of a father, but ends up controlling Ben too much by trying to educate him as an adult, while he is only twelve years old. By striving for perfection, Moses
  • 18. Compare the Central Characters in †Medusa’ and †My Last... Compare the central characters in Medusa and My Last Duchess Carol Ann Duffy s Medusa and Robert Browning s My Last Duchess are two entirely different poems in many respects. Written in entirely different eras, some would say that they are as opposite as poetry could be. However, their central characters have some remarkable similarities that strike a chord with the reader and represent a common theme. In each of the poems, both Medusa and the Duke of Ferrara represent the fickleness of power and how it fluctuates in daily life. Duffy s manipulation of a paradox within Medusa displays the extent to which power plays a part in the Greek myth of Medusa. The extended metaphor of Medusa with filthy snakes that hissed and ... Show more content on ... He calls the painting of her a wonder and does not elaborate upon this, suggesting that while he was fond of his wife, their love was quite subdued. This allows him to remain calm and present a dignified front. However, as the poem continues, he becomes more obsessive over her and speaks quite aggressively of what he deems to be promiscuous behaviour. The bough of cherries some officious fool broke in the orchard for her seems to be a major part of his outrage, as he is offended that she ranked my gift of a nine hundred years old name with anybody s gift . By telling his companion of this in a conversation that merely started with mention of a painting, the Duke reveals that he is very much not in control of himself. These constant tests of his patience which seem very much unintentional on the Duchess part seem to weigh heavily on the Duke s mind as he says here you miss, or there exceed the mark showing heavy criticism on the Duchess. He wanted her to let herself be lessoned so , which shows the extent to which her behaviour troubles him. It also creates the air of superiority in that he sees himself as a sort of teacher, and her as the student. The loss of control comes where all smiles stopped together , suggesting a macabre end to the story. Both Medusa and the Duke seem to cause destruction and chaos around them as a direct result of being emotionally impacted by those they love. This weakness
  • 19. Motivational Theories And Concepts From The Lesson Q: 1. Select three motivational theories or concepts from the lesson. Write a recommendation which includes a brief explanation of each theory or concept and why you selected it. Include key terms and concepts from the textbook. What are motivation theories, and what roles due they play in the workplace; while continuing to motivate staff employees? Well, motivationdetermines how a person will exert his or her effort, it represents the forces operating on the person to exert effort, as well as the direction in which the effort will be exerted (DeNisi Griffin, 2014, pp. 286). Motivation is a key element needed in the workplace to continue to keep it running smooth and efficient. This is why a variety of theories have been developed, and applied in helping to find alternatives in making things excitable; and enjoyable. Some of those theories are as follows: reinforcement theory, expectancy theory; and equity theory. With these theories in place, it doesn t mean it will be a picture perfect solution to get your staff more productive; or inspired to perform without effetely. This is also something the Human Resource Management can get involved in, while finding ways to get their staff engaged in activities; to boost their morale. However, no one model of motivation is guaranteed to work in all situations for all people, instead it may take several different models of motivation, to provide us with insights into how to motivate them; with this we can formulate a much
  • 20. The Importance Of Robust Vocabulary Instruction On Children Introduction: This study had more than one purpose. The first purpose was to observe the outcomes of robust vocabulary instruction on children who were determined to have below average vocabulary skills. The children s level of vocabulary was determined by a standardized test of vocabulary. The second purpose was to observe how African American children retain novel vocabulary words and what type of book influences that. The literature review for this study covers robust vocabulary instruction and the role of storybooks in vocabulary development. Beck, Perfetti, and McKeown (1982) acknowledged robust vocabulary instruction as an effective way for children to learn meanings of words and improve their understanding of what they are reading (as cited in Lovelace, 2009, p. 169). Using robust vocabulary instruction allows children to understand how words are similar and different from other words or ideas. Beck et al. (1982) conducted a study using fourth grade students from low socioeconomic statusto determine the outcome of using robust vocabulary instruction compared with regular reading and languagearts activities (as cited in Lovelace, 2009, p 169). There have been a few studies after that compare the effects of robust vocabulary instruction on different parts of vocabulary acquisition and understanding. All of the previous studies specifically on robust vocabulary instruction found that it is beneficial gaining knowledge of vocabulary words in students of low SES.
  • 21. The Film Platoon With the eminence of American power overseas and its consequences for democracy, there has been a major concern and intrigue of Hollywood filmmakers in the past three to four decades on this issue, as well as on the Vietnam War. Many films capture essential historical truths as well as contradictory truths about the the inner workings of the Vietnam war and the war as a whole. There is lots of skepticism that arises throughout Fictional Motion pictures on the issue of a films evidence and the overall accuracy of the film. Fictional Motion pictures reenact and edit specific events in history. With the ability to edit certain information out and into films, filmmakers have the power to choose what the viewer sees and how that viewer sees it at... Show more content on ... The documentary opens up with a statement from McNamara explaining that any military commander honest with himself, will admit he s made mistakes with the application of military power. This statement shows the amount of mistakes made behind closed doors. This film is a documentary that shows non fictional characters and their personal involvement in the Vietnam War. Using non fictional people in the film gives the audience a sense of credibility and facts, for these people have seen and been involved in the war first hand. This documentary goes beyond just facts when Robert McNamara explains the many things hidden from the public eye by their own government, the truth. He reveals to the audience his views on things that have not been discussed by the government. With this documentary portraying the views of Robert McNamara we can also get a since contradicting ideas, in the since this is one person involved in the decision making of the Vietnam War. Many other individuals may have views that differ and even disagree with his. Overall using the former secretary of defense, someone who was heavily involved, gives the film a lot of accuracy. But sharing his personal views and beliefs creates a level of bias to the
  • 22. Death Of Ancient Rome And Disposal Of The Body Essay Task One: Death in Ancient Rome and disposal of the body During the times of the Ancient Romans, Epicureans and Stoics it was understood that death and the disposal of the body were vitally important to all beliefs, these views on death also display the contrasting portrayals of each ideology as to how the deceased were handled and the influential theories revolving around death. TRADITIONAL ROMAN VIEWS ON DEATH: Death is less bitter punishment than death s delay Ovid, Ancient Roman Poet The Ancient Romans believed and carried out the sacred traditions of taking care of the dead by disposing those by either burying or cremating the body, it was also ensured that citizens were promised a formal burial. However, the social status of whoever died would also depend on how the body was disposed and treated which helped establish the difference between the Patricians and Plebs. It was widely believed by the Romans that death established the great segregation of body and soul. The importance of burial plays a great part during the time period of The Ancient Romans as they had a strong emotional attachment to the ceremonial burial of the deceased and considered it such an honourable achievement to partake in such a religious ritual such as the funeral and burial. The Romans also wanted to demonstrate iusta facere towards the dead the great deal of respect they had as well as the rights they had as the departed. If one was to pass by a dead corpse found on the side of
  • 23. Technology For The Greater Good Igor Stepanov Professor Simental English 1A 15 April, 2015 Technology for the Greater Good Some say that technology is the evil that will overcome humanity, others say it is something that will lead us to a new way of thinking about the world. In the book Remix by Catherine Latterell, she writes three assumptions about technology: Technologies are machines, technologies bring progress or peril, and technology is neutral. These assumptions are what some people make about the technology. In Latterell s book there was an article by Langdon Winner who wrote Technology Somnambulism which was about how in the modern world we are being controlled by technology, we change the way we live because of technology. Now given the assumptions that Latterell gives, technology can really be seen as something that is good for the world because it can teach us how to be a better socializer, speeds up the process of doing things, and allows a new kind of learning tool for future generations. A study at a Dominican University of California was done, were they monitored teenagers social cognitive effects of technology and had learned that texting will be used by the left side of the brain which controls the skills for math and logic. Because of texting the teenagers are working out their left side of the brain. Although texting can be addicted to some teenagers, for others it is a way that they can identify. Likewise, Ives a student who was had written an academic journal for their Degree
  • 24. You and You he collapse of one of the world s most striking and original game studios in late 1998 came as a shock to the industry. The precise circumstances of its collapse remain a mystery, but one fact remains. In an enigmatic 1992 press conference, Simon Bertucci used the phrase as he hinted at the development of a gaming technology well beyond the current state of the art. Following his death later that year, no notes or working prototype were found. Its lasting legacy includes four major game franchises: Realms of Gold, Clandestine, Solar Empires, and the Realms Beyond. REALMS OF GOLD SERIES FOLLOW the adventures of FOUR ETERNAL HEROES through INFINITE WORLDS, in the greatest INTERACTIVE experience ever forged. Realms of Gold I: Tomb... Show more content on ... Or Darren s gimmicky, failed attempts to create a cash cow which could further monetize Black Arts s intellectual property. Black Arts designer Russell Marsh explained, Are the Realms Beyond games canon? Yes and no. We decided there was a thing called the Ludic Age where all these kinds of things happen. It s not a part of history and they were all summoned here by mystic forces. And so then all the characters come here and go stock car racing or fall into a giant pinball machine, depending. Realms Beyond included go kart racing, golf, skateboarding, and arena fighting. A proposed volleyball expansion was never produced. Of its creative legacy, it is enough to note that in Realms of Golf, the iconic warrior, wizard, princess and thief compete in a wacky trap infested golf tournament organized by Death himself to decide the fate of the world. At the conclusion of which, the eternal heroes go their separate ways without a word. As if to say, Let us never mention this sorry episode again. A novel of mystery, videogames, and the people who create them, by the bestselling author of Soon I Will Be Invincible. When Russell joins Black Arts games, brainchild of two visionary designers who were once his closest friends, he reunites with an eccentric crew of nerds hacking the frontiers of both technology and entertainment. In part, he s finally given up chasing the conventional path that has always seemed just out of reach. But mostly, he needs to
  • 25. Nuclear Power And The Chernobyl Disaster The Chernobyl Disaster was not meant to happen at all, what was supposed to happen was an experiment to see if the reactor s own electrical needs could be supplied by a freewheeling turbine in the event of a power outage, but the experiment did not go as it was planned. This experiment gone wrong caused so much radiation sickness to the people, which lead to death by sickness, or death by cancer. The people who lived ended up having children with many mutations and disabilities. The Soviet Union wanted to hide the fact this never happened, so they released false information about the disaster to the public not realizing the many after effects this would have on the world, the people and the environment. Nuclear power plants may create a... Show more content on ... The first part of the five basic parts to a nuclear reactor starts with the core which holds the Uranium fuel. As there are many different types of reactors each core holds a different type of Uranium. For some examples, a heavy water reactor uses natural Uranium, which 0.7% is Uranium 235, while light water reactors use Uranium that has been enriched, so that Uranium 235 makes up around 3 5% of the total. The next part of the reactor is the moderator, now the moderator is a light material such as water. The water will allow the neutrons to be slowed down without being captured. The benefit of slowing down these fast neutrons during fission is it can increase their efficiency by causing further fission. Control Rods are made up of materials that can absorb neutrons, such as silver, boron, indium, hafnium, or cadmium. These are introduced into the reactor to reduce the number of neutrons and thus stop the fission process when required to stop. Another use of the rods is to control the level and distribution of power in the reactor. Next part of the reactor is the coolant. The coolant is the fluid that circulates through the reactor core. This absorbs and transfers heat that is produced by nuclear fission. Also at the same time, it maintains the temperature of the fuel within the acceptable limits. The final part the nuclear reactor is the
  • 26. My First Car Crash Everybody remembers getting their very first car and discovering the limits they could push with their car. Well, my first car was not anything special, just a bright red 2008 Chevy Aveo5 Hatchback, which had a little less than eighty thousand miles on it and was a manual transmission. This type of vehicle was far from being considered fast, but at least it was enjoyable to drive due to it being a stick shift. One of the worst habits an experienced driver can acquire is speeding, which I used to experiment to see the maximum speedI could reach with my small red car. Consequently, this mindset would all change after I endured the very first car crash of my life in April, 2016. It was a late Friday night, and I had just received a text from ... Show more content on ... The car suddenly went off the road and into a large ditch, catching some air as its forward momentum continued. The car and I abruptly stopped after we went head first into a tree. At the same time, hearing and seeing the airbag go off, but also the sound of screeching tortured metal crumpling as it hit the tree is what stains my mind. The airbag obscured my vision and the plume of smoke that followed right after. The smell of used gunpowder is what penetrated the air as I begin to get out of the shock of what just happened. At first, I thought the car was going to set on fire, so I quickly kicked open the crumpled door to get out. Once I was out, I was struggling to get out of the thorn bushes that surrounded the perimeter of the vehicle, which completely shredded both of my legs in the process. I was more injured by the thorn bushes, than the actual crashed, which I found humorous. After looking at the mangled metal that used to be my first car, I started to realize how lucky I was. I was personally more angered about my stupidity than anything else, yelling obscenities as a few people started to come closer to see if I was okay and inspect the
  • 27. Social Entrepreneurship And Social Innovation Social Entrepreneurship The term social entrepreneurship first appeared in the scholarly literature over 35 years ago in a publication titled The Sociology of Social Movements (Banks,1972). However, Social entrepreneurship has its origins in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries when philanthropic business owners and industrialists like Robert Owen, demonstrated a concern for the welfare of employees by improving their working, schooling and cultural lives. Since then, social entrepreneurship has been associated with community enterprise and development, education, churches, charities, the not for profit sector and voluntary organisations. (Shaw Carter, 2007) Dees (1998) defined social entrepreneurship as the production of social value by individuals with: A mission to create and sustain social value, as change agents in the social sector; The relentless pursuit of new opportunities to serve that mission; A commitment to the process of continuous innovation, adaptation, and learning; The readiness to act boldly without being limited by resources currently in hand; Heightened accountability to the constituencies served and for the outcomes created (Light, 2009). This definition lays emphasis on the need to produce social value by instilling various behaviours and attitudes on an individualistic level. Dees has accurately defined the exact characteristics of general entrepreneurial behaviour in the definition. I feel that this is the most ideal definition of
  • 28. The Importance Of Losses In The Trojan War At the beginning their were us paratroopers with its allies went in before the landing happen so then the troops landed they had to cut off the germans reinforcements and so it would make it easier for the troops involved of the invasion the us landed at utah and omaha which was the worst end of the stick per say because it took us longer to take the beach and we had the the most losses because the german thought we were taking the port so once it happened the germans had a lot of troops there and once the troops landed it was chaos for the us troops and so of the troops had to use their own dead comrades as human shields so they can push onward up the beach so they could take the beach and win the battle as we know the allies they won the
  • 29. Doraemon Essay Doraemon Doraemon, a manga serialized on magazines, is written by Fujiko Fujio, a team of two Japanese mangaka (maga artists) since 1969. They are Hiroshi Fujimoto and Motoo Abiko. However, they ended their partnership since 1987. Mr. Fujimoto continued to write Doraemon and used the pen name, Fujiko F. Fujio. He died in 1996 and Doraemon is left unfinished. The manga was made into animes and movies and becomes one of the most marketed cartoon in Japan. It has been sold for more than 1 million copies. There is a museum for Fujiko F. Fujio in Kawasaki. Doraemon is a cat shaped robot who come from 22nd century (future). He was sent back to help Nobi Nobita by Nobita s future descendents because Nobita is a loser. He fails on every scope including academic and sport. Doraemon has a ... Show more content on ... For instance, there is Time Machine for traveling back to the past. Everyone who have ever read Doraemon must want to own his devices. Lots of voting were held in Asian to see which device is the most popular one. The Anywhere Door has always top the list. However, unlike Harry Potter, the devices are technological products and have the probability to be invented in the future. This makes the devices more attractive. With those devices, life will be more lighten and joyful. Friendship Nobita always creates trouble to Doraemon. He is very dependent on Doraemon and sometimes neglects Doraemon s feeling. However, Doraemon still stays with him and keeps helping him. Nobita also will be worried about Doraemon s sickness. They share the moment of happiness and sadness. Readers love their friendship and even create an optimistic ending for them (As mentioned before, the manga is left unfinished). The ending is that Doraemon s power runs out. Nobita starts to work hard and become a robotics technician. Finally, he retrieves Doraemon s life. Their friendship is so touching.
  • 30. Spanning the Globe Executive Summary This paper analyzes the case spanning the globe, which helps understand the various HR issues faced by Mr. Eric Christopher who is the Associate Director for Global HR Development at Tex Mark. Tex Mark is a computer input and output manufacturing firm with its head office in San Antonio. After its establishment in the 1970s, they have over 5 production facilities, 3 research and new product development facilities over the world. Additionally, they have 7 international sales, distribution and customer service centers universally but mainly concentrated in Asia. Below is a brief company and employee history to aid with the case study analysis. The first step in identifying the various challenges faced by Tex Mark... Show more content on ... Due to the economic uncertainty in the period, the set up time was exceptionally long. Also, Fred and his team had not been able to successfully adjust to their Mexican counterparts. They had not treated the local and national agencies with respect and that affected the business component of the whole structure. This is an implicit problem has been identified as it occurs in more than one scenario. 2.1.2 Expatriation failure The Jaipur, India plant needed a sudden change in its lead engineer due to a personal problem of one of the chosen expatriates. This caused Eric to choose Fred on an almost instinctive basis due to his previous experiences and technical abilities. Although Eric had designed a Training and Development pre departure program, it was designed for the original candidate without taking into consideration the needs and requirements of Fred. As one scenario may not be applicable for all, this may have posed as a problem for Fred. 2.1.3 Training and Development Failure Tex Mark had no particular emphasis or compulsions for expatriates to go through the pre departure activities that included country briefings, reading assignments etc. Fred being one of them was unwilling to adjust to the local engineers and the government of India causing the 18 months assignment to turn into a 3 year assignment. 2.1.4 Language Barriers Since
  • 31. Persuasive Essay About Skydiving I remember the night it all began. I was coerced out to drink beers with my friend Justin and my brother Scott. After several cheaply priced libations, and just as if a gaffer slammed down a marker, they both begin to heckle me about my agoraphobic behaviors. Mortified, as usual, I began to slither down into the sticky bar chair like a snake sliding into a dark crevice. The boys conversed in simple chatter, then an idea came to fruition; it became more and more real as if I were living in a nightmare. Regrettably, this idyllic conversation was that us three should go skydiving. Skydiving? I suppose they both did not think that leaping out of an airplane and freefalling to our death was such a bad idea, especially after slamming four or five watered down drinks. Just the sound of the words together, sky, and dive made my bones liquefy. On the other hand, skydiving was the last thing I wanted to think about since I already had been tremendously scared about having reconstructive shoulder surgery after being injured while on duty. The surgeon told me I would not be able to use my entire arm for six weeks; there was a possibility I could lose feeling in my hand and entire arm since the damage was so severe. As a result, hearing those possible outcomes of the surgery made me not even want to go through with it. Unfortunately, I was government property and the Navy expedited the surgery, therefore I had no say so. Afterward, my fear began to build strength. My telephone screamed
  • 32. Wood Fencing Benefits Need A New Fence? Why You Should Go With Wood If you need privacy when relaxing in your backyard, you may be thinking about getting a wood fence for your home. A fence is a great way to make it difficult for neighbors to peer in and see what you are up to, while also adding some security. By understanding the benefits and cost of wood fencing, you may find that it is the right choice for you. The Benefits of Wood Fencing A main benefit of wood fencing is how easy it is to repair the material when it becomes damaged. There are many wood pickets used to construct each panel, but those pickets can easily be removed and replaced. That s why it is a good idea to save some extra pickets for when you need to make a repair. Other materials that come
  • 33. Relativism Is Relative There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.[1] Hamlet: Act 2, Scene 2. Contemplating this interesting idea, severe doubt shall rise. Is good relative?. How do we define good ?. Is not good based on facts?. Are facts themselves relative?. If facts are relative, does this whole life make sense?. To get some adequate answers, we should take a look on relativism, a criticizing look in fact. In this paper, I will argue that relativism can not be true. I shall also try to disprove relativism using one of the arguments by Plato. It was first noted in his book Theaetetus in which Socrates had great debates with the relativists. The argument goes as follows: Protagoras holds a contradiction 1: Protagoras believes truth is a matter of opinion 2: I believe relativism is false 3: If p2 then a relativist should believe my idea regarding his belief is true First of all, a definition of relativism should be introduced. Relativism is the philosophical view that no universal truth exists. Every fact and opinion are true within themselves relative to their holder [2]. This very doctrine started with Protagoras, the well known for his achievements in mathematics. Protagoras held some interesting views. His famous quote Of all things the measure is Man, of the things that are, that they are, and of the things that are not, that they are not sums it all [3]. He believed that truth is a matter of opinion and a man is not entitled to his only opinion but to other men s opinions despite contradicts may exist [4]. This philosophical view, held also by sophists, stated that truth may not be relative to human only but to different cultures, societies or different ages. This became very clear when Thermasys defined justice as only doing what is in the interest of the strongest, a definition refuted easily by Socrates [5]. To be clearer, relativism holds no universals but things relative to them it measures. Through this paper, I shall break the whole case into fragments. Back to our first premise, I should try to explain why a relativist could hold such a view. Most of the relativists, including Protagoras, believed that knowledge is gathered by experience, a doctrine they share with empiricists [6].
  • 34. Seahunter Tournament 37 SeaHunter Tournament 37 boats Ergonomically designed for the angler Designed with the fisherman/woman in mind, the SeaHunter Tournament 37 edges close to the yacht sized craft, which is typically considered to be 40 +. The SeaHunter Tournament 37 is oriented to those looking for both Atlantic offshore and Gulf offshore adventures, with a several features incorporated into the design to maximize the experience. Powerful with both fishing and socialization features, the SeaHunter Tournament 37 boats for sale are worth considering. The hull design Contributing to the reputation that the brand has acquired as a builder of durable vessels, the SeaHunter Tournament 37 boat is constructed from a layered Kevlar fabric system. This is combined with... Show more content on ... It is not considered to be ideal for freshwater fishing, unless you are fishing in large freshwater. It is suggested that boat purchasers use the dual anchoring lockers to maximize the stability and limit drifting and rolling in areas such as the Keys. Pricing Average pricing on the SeaHunter 37 Tournament is around $249,900. You might be able to find boats priced in the lower $220,000 range. However, the new suggested retail price for the 2018 SeaHunter 37 Tournament boats for sale is $319,153. Those looking for a lower cost may wish to consider a pre owned vessel. Finding a pre owned SeaHunter Tournament 37 boat for sale. SeaHunter Tournament 37 boats may be available for sale pre owned. Vessel Vendor offers a few boats from the brand from listers on our site. Please browse the selection of listed boats to see the details and pricing/packaging options available. Vessel Vendor specializes in providing boat listings from the top brands, manufacturers, distributors, and private
  • 35. Essay Laurent Clerc Pioneer Teacher Laurent Clerc Pioneer Teacher 1785 1869 Laurent Clerc was born in LaBalme, France, on Dec. 26 1785. His father was Mayor of the town and the family could boast of a long line of magistrates in the Clerc lineage. At the age of one, the infant fell from a kitchen chair by accident into a nearby fireplace. He was burned on one side of his face and a fever left him totally deaf. He had uncle also named Laurent Clerc, who heard about the school for the deaf in Paris. When he was twelve years old, his uncle brought him to Paris and took him in the Royal Institution for the Deaf. In 1816, his eight year as a teacher, an event happened which changed the course of his life. He met a young idealist from America, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, ... Show more content on ... At age 84, Laurent Clerc died on July 18, 1869. History of Laurent Clerc There are a lot of firsts that Laurent Clerc accomplished. He was the first deaf teacher in America, the first deaf person to appear before U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. to talk about establishing public schools for the deaf, and the first deaf person to get an honorary M.A. degree from Trinity College. Clerc was born to a prominent family in the village of LaBalme, France. His father was a notary by profession and a mayor of the village for 34 years. His mother was the daughter of another notary. Males in Clercs family held the office of Tubelion (a Royal Commissary) in that village for over 300 years. Clercs family believes that he became deaf after falling from his highchair into the kitchen fire, but he might have been born deaf. His right cheek was burned from the accident hence the name sign of brushing two fingers across cheek. Clerc lived through the French Revolution, witnessing Napoleons rise and fall. In fact, he lived in England for a while to escape from the turmoil. Clerc had once been considered to help start a school for the deaf in Russia but was passed over because he was deaf. He agreed to coe to America for only three years for three reasons: 1) to help organize a new school for the deaf; 2) to be the first experienced teacher; and 3) to teach others how to teach deaf. However, he married one of his beautiful, dark eyed, dark haired, slender,
  • 36. Creative Thinking Job With Google I am prepared for a creative thinking job with google, working on the Google Home because of the skills that I developed through my technical communication class. In LMC 3403 I expanded my knowledge on technical communication and continued to grow as an individual. I learned a lot about a different types of voice personas and the characteristics of soundinterfaces. Perhaps the biggest takeaway in the class for me came through the development of my groups own sound interface. We were forced to focus on the user interaction and really think about the characteristics that the voice would possess, including the details that go into a voice persona like Siri, Alexa, and the Google Home. During LMC 3403 I acquired a foundational vocabulary for discussing and analyzing sounds, voices, and modes of listening through the work done on my blog post. I learned about soundscapes and how the use of tempo, pitch, and intensity create different emotions; contribute to the overall goal of the environment. For instance take a weight room and library for instance. The goal of a weight room is to give high levels of effort and physical effort. So you may have loud intense music playing, this gets the blood going. You also may here the low grunts of other athletes exerting their efforts. This creates an environment of hard work and motivates you to work harder. Now take a library for example you may here the low hum of the air conditioner, the thuds of books going back on the shelf, and the
  • 37. Pursuing A Bachelor s Degree In Social Work The values and principles of social work captivated me even before I fully understood what the profession entailed. My experience as a 16 year old junior counselor at the Alamance County Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club allowed me to see the importance of empowerment, as well as the necessity of linking marginalized populations to resources. The majority of the children I worked with were minorities with low income. As I developed rapport with the youth, they began to share their struggles (i.e. family issues, academic challenges, and financial struggles), and my heart immediately went out to them. I had always known that I had a passion for helping others, but this experience at the Boys and Girls Club showed me that assisting others was... Show more content on ... I had noticed that this man rode his bicycle down my street almost daily, and we always spoke as he passed by. One day when I was volunteering in the local food pantry, I was able to engage in a full conversation with him, and that was when I learned that he was a veteran. I also learned that he was not receiving the veteran benefits that he needed. Learning this information disappointed me greatly; so much so that a little while later I asked my father to give the man a small donation from me, as my father would often see the veteran around our neighborhood. Several years have passed, and my father tells me that the veteran now has two jobs, housing, and two small motorcycles. In the moment that I helped the veteran, my perceptions of being a helper were that of genuine fulfillment and humility. I felt deeply enriched to have the opportunity to assist another individual. I knew that the helping profession of social work would be the only career that would give me lasting satisfaction in
  • 38. Juvenile Detention Center Education is Needed in Juvenile Detention Center As a Social Work and Therapeutic Rec major with a minor in criminology I see myself working in a juvenile detention center. I hope to make an impact in the corrupted juvenile system. These teens lack support. They lack voice and power. And one way of empowering them is through education. Stopping them from getting an education is stopping any chance for them to get better and have a better future. Not only does implementing education in Juvenile detention centers benefit the inmates but it benefits society as a hole. Juvenile Detention Centers were created with the intention of rehabilitation. However, over time rehabilitation has been forgotten. Education is part of rehabilitation. In ... Show more content on ... My Social Work Professor Kenn Colton mentioned how here at Southern Illinois University had a programs was offered for criminals who had shown there capacity to learn at a higher level. Four students were part of the program. These students new what they had a risk and dedicated themselves to school. My professor talked about how he saw great improvement. However, do to the budget cut the program was taken out and these four student had to go back to nothing. They were yanked from the opportunity of making something out of themselves. College should be accessible to everyone including
  • 39. Nelson Mandela And The Fight For Human Rights Nelson Mandela Apartheid is a former policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non European groups in the Republic of South Africa (Merriam Webster s online dictionary, n.d.). When you hear the word apartheid, you automatically think of Nelson Mandela, the most influential man in the fight for human rights for black South Africans. Mr. Mandela was a Visionary and Ethical Leader. His actions, decisions and behaviors lead to the end of apartheid and the creation of a democratic government in South Africa. During this essay, I will discuss how Mr. Mandela realized his vision using the Eight Step Change Process and his Transformational Leadershiptrait of Inspirational Motivation. Mr. Mandela was Morally Courageous and although behaved unethically for a time, I will argue his behavior, according to Consequences Test, was justified. I will then share what I have learned from Nelson Mandela and how it is personally relevant to me. Visionary Leader Nelson Mandela s vision was to see the end of apartheid and to gain equality for South African natives. He did this using the Transformational Leadership trait of Inspirational Motivation. According to Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education [BCEE] (2014), he did through his spoken words, which inspired his followers to envision freedom and democracy for all South Africans. According to his autobiography, Mr. Mandela spent twenty seven years in prison, convicted of crimes committed in his
  • 40. Reflection Paper On Special Education For my observation, I was at Randolph Elementary in Ms. Heim s fifth grade class. I spent two and a half hours, twice a week, for three weeks at Randolph. Throughout my time at Randolph, I was able to observe many different exceptionalities. Because each of the fifth grade teachers teach a particular subject, the students rotate between classrooms for instruction. This allowed me to observe students in two of the classes. I was there during their writing/spelling time. I was able to observe Ms. Heim s class for an hour a half each day I was there and Ms. Thompson s class for an hour every day I was there. There were seven students I was able to observe, all with different exceptionalities. During the first couple days of my observation, I was unable to identify the students in Ms. Heim s class that had any exceptionalities. It wasn t until one day that Ms. Heim was gone that I noticed a student, Eddie, had a behaviorproblem. Eddie was acting out and calling the special educationteachers names because he did not want to go to the resource room for math. After discussing this with Ms. Heim the next day, I found out that Eddie does not like change. I also learned that Eddie has an IEP for behavior problems and learning disabilities. Ms. Heim said Eddie s learning disabilities and behavior problems came from a brain injury when he was younger and because he has had a very rough childhood. I also learned that when the fifth grade teachers met before the school year started to
  • 41. Mariticidal Housewife Essay Domestic Goddess Turned Mariticidal Housewife The 1950 s were a very iconic time period. In this time, there was a very distinct style, way of life, and vision of the perfect family. The perfect housewife, otherwise known as the domestic goddess, was the epitome of the 50 s. She was to take care of the house, the children, and make sure everything was downright perfection. The husband was the breadwinner for the household, the strict but loving patriarch, working 9 5 as a businessman. Perfection was the vocabulary word of the decade. An example of this is Mary Maloney. She s the perfect housewife, the nurturing spouse who is eager to cater to her husband s every need. Yet, in a shocking twist (at least to her), she is told by her... Show more content on ... She lies straight to the detectives faces, hoping to get away with the murder. She also manipulates herself into believing nothing is wrong when she returns to the house with her husband s body inside. ...and if, when she entered the house, she happened to find anything unusual, or tragic, or terrible, then naturally it would be a shock and she d become frantic with grief and horror. Mind you she wasn t expecting to find anything. She purposely thinks to herself that nothing is wrong so that she has a genuine reaction when she discovers her husband lying dead in the living room. Some may say that she was not mentally capable of realizing her wrongdoing, but it is shown that she functions like a person lacking a mental illness throughout the story. Her ability to manipulate others helped her in hiding her involvement, but also supports that she is guilty. Secondly, Mary Maloney is guilty because she showed no remorse for her actions in the time following the murder. Right after she kills her husband, she immediately realizes her wrongdoing, but shows no emotion. All right, she told herself. So I ve killed him. She doesn t cry or even change emotions, even after her heinous
  • 42. Hickory Dickory Dock Analysis Hickory Dickory Dock Nursery rhymes are poems that have an underline meaning. Nursery rhymes were used in a way to relay a hidden message that spoke out against the British government. However, guardians and educators communicated the significance of nursery rhymes to children at a youthful age, asserting that they are critical for them to build up an urge for dialect, syllables, and rhythm. Individuals would think that nursery rhymes were sweet and innocent, but in between those lines was a hidden message that was derogatory. Nursery rhymes originated in Britain roughly around the seventeenth hundreds. Many nursery rhymes were popular poems like Hickory Dickory Dock. Be that as it may, does Hickory Dickory Dock have a mischievous significance behind its snappy tune? Hickory Dickory Dock is a straightforward nursery rhyme about a mouse and a clock. However, it presumably alludes to one of Britain s minimum rulers who showed up on the political scene in the seventeenth century. This nursery rhyme initially published in 1743; yet, is thought to allude to previous events in the earlier century. England was a republic between the execution of King Charles I in 1649 and the reclamation of the government, under King Charles II, in 1660. Richard was given power because his brother died which led him to take his throne. As a result, Richard Cromwell went on for nine months as Lord Protector before offering his resignation. Richard was permitted to leave the nation for
  • 43. Ikea Children Labour 9 906 414 REV: NOVEMBER 14, 2006 CHRISTOPHER A. BARTLETT VINCENT DESSAIN ANDERS SJГ–MAN IKEA s Global Sourcing Challenge: Indian Rugs and Child Labor (A) In May 1995, Marianne Barner faced a tough decision. After just two years with IKEA, the world s largest furniture retailer, and less than a year into her job as business area manager for carpets, she was faced with the decision of cutting off one of the company s major suppliers of Indian rugs. While such a move would disrupt supply and affect sales, she found the reasons to do so quite compelling. A German TV station had just broadcast an investigative report naming the supplier as one that used child labor in the production of rugs made for IKEA. What frustrated Barner was that,... Show more content on ... In 1951, to reduce product returns, he opened a display store in nearby Г„lmhult village to allow customers to inspect products before buying. It was an immediate success, with customers traveling seven hours from the capital Stockholm by train to visit. Based on the store s success, IKEA stopped accepting mail orders. Later Kamprad reflected, The basis of the modern IKEA concept was created [at this time] and in principle it still applies. First and foremost, we use a catalog to tempt people to visit an exhibition, which today is our store. . . . Then, catalog in hand, customers can see simple interiors for themselves, touch the furniture they want to buy and then write out an order. 2 As Kamprad developed and refined his furniture retailing business model he became increasingly frustrated with the way a tightly knit cartel of furniture manufacturers controlled the Swedish industry to keep prices high. He began to view the situation not just as a business opportunity but also as an unacceptable social problem that he wanted to correct. Foreshadowing a vision for IKEA that would later be articulated as creating a better life for the many people, he wrote: A disproportionately large part of all resources is used to satisfy a small part of the population. . . . IKEA s aim is to change this situation. We shall offer a wide range of home furnishing items of good design and function at prices so low that the majority of
  • 44. Planning Your Perfect Vacation Essay William Vera Mr. Carli Process Paper English 101 at 8am February 27th, 2011 Planning Your Perfect Vacation Choosing a destination for your vacation may be the easiest part of planning the whole trip but planning the details of it is the hard part. Some people have it down to a science and some do it all last minute. When you wait until the last minute to plan your trip it can end up being very expensive. I prefer to keep it simple and take my time planning my trip, keeping it as stress free as possible. The first step in planning your vacation is choosing the destination. Make sure that it is somewhere that you and/or your companion are going to enjoy. If you are planning to go out of the country, don t forget that you will... Show more content on ... You re going on vacation so pack comfortably When you have chosen the location and received your passport the next thing you must do is choose the dates that you will be going on your vacation but you must also make sure that they corresponds with the climate. If you decide to go to a warmer climate then you may want to go between the months of October and May because the temperatures are not so extreme. If the hot summer months are what you enjoy, then I recommend that you go on vacation from June through September. On the other hand, if you choose to go to a cooler climate where it snows in the winter months I would go during the summer. After you choose your destination the next thing you must do is reserve your airfare and hotel. This may be tough because there are many websites and travel agents that you can go through. I have found that it is cheaper and easier to go through You can book your hotel and flight all together and pay one low price. I have also found that flying with Southwest Airlines is very cheap and they have many one way stops all across the country and for a cheap hotel that is very nice I recommend the Extended Stay America. While you are on your vacation make sure you make plenty of time for sightseeing. If you are going to the Caribbean or someplace that has a beautiful body of water that had lots of ocean life in it then I recommend going diving or snorkeling. This is a great way to get in touch with
  • 45. The Moral Imperative Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet Self Reflection To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou cans t not be false to any man. Shakespeare, Hamlet. To live an authentic way of life, you must know yourself and act accordingly. This is the moral imperative throughout the history of the study of human behavior. Existentialist believed that authenticity is critically important in understanding well being and freedom from psychopathology. The quote from William Shakespeare means that one must be honest in his ways and relations. When we are being inauthentic, we are not congruent with our values, preferences, and abilities. We tend to feel out of sync even things seem to be right or ideal. Our actions and feelings are not connected. We show people around us such as relatives, friends, neighbors, and co workers that we are living the perfect life. We are great actors, living the fake life. Authenticity is defined the unimpeded operation of one s true or core self in ones daily enterprise . To be authentic requires awareness and knowledge about own self. People who are authentic have a clear understanding about their strength and weaknesses. They are accountable. They are connected to their own values and desires and act appropriately in ways that are consistent with their qualities. Being Authentic means being real and genuine. It allows us to connect deeply with others because it requires us to be transparent and vulnerable. Authenticity is important because it liberates us from
  • 46. Individual Privacy vs National Security Individual Privacy VS National Security John Williams ENG 122: GSE 1244A Instructor: Ebony Gibson November 1, 2012 Individual Privacy VS National Security Introduction Since the terrorist attack of 9/11, America has been in a high level conflict with terrorist around the world, particularly the group known as Al Qaeda. There has been many discussions within the U.S. Congress about the measures of how to effectively combat this organization and their members, here and abroad. Consequently, the issue of individual privacy vs. national security has generated discussions within the civilian and government sectors. To date, the discussions continues with many private citizens who feels they are constantly losing their privacy , when ... Show more content on ... The residing administration presented stacks of follow up attacks to Congress from experts and officials on a daily basis with grim pictures or scenarios of possible attacks on nuclear facilities, schools, shopping centers, and others alike, that the public saw measures in place as acceptable and adequate, (Downing 2008a). Downing further states; Americans have seen their privacy and other rights curtailed in previous wars but the present day privations are unfounded only in the duration of these rights. Just how long will the duration of war on terrorism and rights last, it has already lasted longer than any other US wars. Further sources of concern to the public, are the rich array of devices and techniques of the government, such as improved computer programs, databases, and surveillance gear, never before used in previous wars and never devoted as resources to any state or its partners. What if any remedies are there in the political system in the privacy of individuals versus national security protections and concerns? The courts have narrowed away some of the concerns, but the bulk of these powers, many of them are still persisting. Congress has been hesitant to amend passing the Patriot Act and its follow ups, due to fear of being labeled unpatriotic, but also for fear of
  • 47. Swot Analysis Of Vodafone s Service BUISNESS ANALYSIS VODAFONE TELECOMM SERVICE IN AUSTRALIA Brief History: A global juggernaut Multinational Telecommunication company Vodafone headquartered in London, UK is the world s 2nd largest mobile telecommunications company. Vodafone operates networks in 21 countries and has partner networks in over 40 additional countries with over 430 mil customers worldwide. This company has come a long way when it started on 1 January 1985 with a significant presence in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Vodafonein Australia: Vodafone Hutchison Australia is the result of merging between Vodafone and Hutchison ,after setting up in Australia Vodafone was able to secure 27% customer percentage in the country making it third largest telecomm company . It was formed on 10 June 2009. Their first priority was getting the organization and the organizational structure sorted out. Current Services: Vodafone currently providing the fastest 4gnetworks in Australia .The results were compiled for Fairfax Media by British firm OpenSignal 2013. The services include (2G 4G): Postpaid Phone Plans Mobile broadband plans Prepaid plans International Roaming Plans Retail stores (over 170 stores) Competition: Telstra Corporation Limited Optus M2 Telecom AAPT Opticomm Big names like Telstra and Optus are always in competition with Vodafone. By launching 4G+ services Vodafone heated up the market in 2013. Few small companies compete with big 3 by putting up same plans for less buck
  • 48. Descriptive Essay About My First Plane As I scanned my boarding pass and walked down the tunnel hallway that led to the airplane, my heart began to beat a little faster in my chest and my hands got clammy. I had never been outside of the country before! After boarding the airplane, I sat down in my seat next to my dad, so ecstatic to finally be on my way to Peru for my first mission trip! With the seat belt fastened snugly across my hips and the cool air from the vents comfortably blowing on my face, I peered out the window as the planetook off, my excitement growing as we rose up past the clouds into the clear blue sky. Although it felt like any other normal flight, somehow I knew this one would be different. Shortly after we took off and reached a higher elevation, I put my tray table down in preparation for the meal and drinks that were being served by the flight attendants. Rolling their food and drink carts in front of them, the flight attendants slowly made their way down the aisle. Finally, they reached my row and I received my first international flight meal mozzarella cheese, basil, and tomato sandwich, a square of cheesecake, and a small chocolate. As I was unwrapping my sandwich and getting ready to enjoy my meal, totally captivated by the newness and the excitement of it all, the plane suddenly experienced some unexpected turbulence. Nothing crazy at first, only a couple bumps that caused me to hold on to the arm rests and grow a little nervous. But then it happened! We dropped.
  • 49. How Did Joseph The Transformer Wahab 1. Qudus Wahab Mr. Snader Biblical Reflection 01 15 2017 JOSEPH THE DREAMER Out of twelve children, Joseph was the favorite of their father because he is believed to be a special child and he is the son of his most loved wife (Rachel). Joseph s dad (Jacob) pampers and gives Joseph a lot of gift which made the other children to be jealous of him. Joseph had a dream which translated to him becoming a king and a leader to his elder brothers. The jealous brothers tried to avert it by killing him but God has his own plan for Joseph. You will find out what happen next as you continue to read this interesting story. The setting of the story began when the boys planned to get rid of joseph, because they don t want him to fulfil his destiny written by God. they tried to hurt him but Joseph survived. Joseph was discovered by a slave trader who took him to Egypt and sold him to a man known as Potiphar, one of Pharaoh s officers. Joseph served Potiphar well and accepted him as his master so he gained great favor. Joseph was later imprisoned because Pharaoh s wife tried to seduce him but he rejected, so she went to Pharaoh and falsely accused Joseph. Joseph is a man of faith so God proved his presence and protection over him even in the prison. The prison keeper became a close friend with Joseph, the prison keeper have also noticed Joseph ability to interpret dreams, on a fateful day Joseph was called upon by Pharaoh to interpret a dream that has so much troubled him. None of the wise consults was able to... Show more content on ... Joseph s brothers thought they have the power to change Joseph destiny, but little did they know that their jealous actions to stop the dream from coming to past will only lead Joseph to fulfilling his destiny. God is a merciful Lord, because even with the terrible actions of the brothers they still received
  • 50. Nature Related Metaphors In Frankenstein Mary Shelley is one of the well known writers in the era of the Romantics who wrote a famous novel called Frankenstein. One of Shelley s features is using the nature as a source of inspiration and relaxation as in the case of her novel Frankenstein. Shelley uses the nature as a fuel for energy for the main character Victor Frankensteinand that what made him consistently go back to nature seeking for relaxation and spiritual comfort after the death of his dearest friends and family. Shelley uses many nature related metaphors to describe many events from Frankenstein childhood: I feel pleasure in dwelling on the recollections of childhood, before misfortune had tainted my mind, and changed its bright visions of extensive usefulness into gloomy ... Show more content on ... He starts to pay attention to the things that reminds him of her like the vision of the fish and pebbles she used to make him happy. Afterwards, he dreams of nature: What became of me? I know not; I lost sensation, and chains and darkness were the only objects that pressed upon me. Sometimes, indeed, I dreamt that I wandered in flowery meadows and pleasant vales with the friends of my youth . . .(Volume III, Chapter 23) To conclude, in this novel nature appears to be the most significant element that always cheers Victor s up and keeps him healthy and sanity. The setting of nature becomes fundamental since it is the only place that gives the protagonist comfort. Moreover, Victor has obsession on nature and his obsession is inane because he ignores all the people to be isolated in nature; perhaps this is one of Victor s flaws or personality. Furthermore, being stupid and smart as in the case of Victor Frankenstein might be natural for Frankenstein to be drawn to compulsive tendency. Finally, Shelley uses excessive elements of nature in her novel as a source
  • 51. Naughty Dog Studios Vs Insomniac Research Paper Around the world, there are hordes of video game companies; they re in Japan, America, China, and tons more. Though, the two uttermost notable companies known for their outstanding titles, Naughty Dog Studios and Insomniac Games have the most memorable video games in the early 2000 s and to this day, yet one is superior to the other. Both Naughty Dog Studios and Insomniac Games have released magnificent and nostalgic titles, but every gamer should know that Naughty Dog is the superior gamecompany and gamers will see how by viewing their differences and similarities. Ironically, both companie locations are in California, but Naughty Dog is in Santa Monica and Insomniac is in Burbank. In Burbank it offers shopping at Burbank Town Center, investigate the farmer s market, and if you get peckish there s the famous Bob s Big Boy known for their burgers and shakes. Meanwhile, at Santa Monica it offers surfing at the beach, playing games on the pier, discover the marine life in the ... Show more content on ... Insomniac takes responsibility in responding and answering questions about any video game, yet they do not provide useful information about games fans want to see. For example, the upcoming release of Spiderman PS4 fans have not heard any new information about the game until the recent showcase on the 12 of June. The first teaser was shown on December 6th, for months fans have not received new information about their cherished web slinger. On the other hand, Naughty Dog is frequently responding to fans about their games from the past or even games that ll release next year and this year. They kept gamers up to date with their beautifully made Uncharted 4: A Thief s End. Fans had boundless questions and Naughty Dog had an indefinite about of answers. Naughty Dog will countless love towards their fans for years to come and won t leave gamers in the desert, thirsty for
  • 52. Pittsburgh, Hotels, Accommodations And Convention Center... Pittsburgh, PA Hotels, Accommodations and Convention Center Information Meta Description: Pittsburgh has so many great hotels to choose from that it can be hard to pick one by the convention center. Our quick guide to Pittsburgh accommodations should help. Meta Keywords: Pittsburgh Hotels, Hotels in Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Convention Center Hotels, Pittsburgh Convention Center Pittsburgh s Hotels, Accommodations, and Convention Center are Waiting to Show you a Great Time in the Steel City These days there are a great many excellent places to stay when visiting Pittsburgh either for work or for pleasure. If your trip brings you to Western Pennsylvania for an event at Pittsburgh s David L. Lawrence Convention Center, then you have a great many excellent nearby properties to choose from. If you can stay a little farther away from the Pittsburgh Arts District, then you have a stunning array of boutique hotels and other fantastic properties waiting to roll out the proverbial carpet for you. Read on for our quick guide to some of the Steel City s finest accommodations, and a quick word about Pittsburgh s fabulous Convention Center. Hotel Monaco http://www.monaco utm_medium=referral utm_campaign=hotel website links Hotel Monaco in Pittsburgh has put a shine new face on a Beaux Arts stel building that has serious history in Pittsburgh. The building began its life in 1903 as an electric company and now lives on as a boutique hotel.
  • 53. Theme Of Death In A Farewell To Arms The 1932 novel, A Farewell to Arms, is the result of then years digestion of his experiences in the First World War. The central character is Frederick Henry, a young American who is in Italy when breaks out and who enlists with the Italian ambulance unit. He is wounded, and his convalescence coincides with a loveaffair between him and the British nurse, Catherine Barclay. Henry returns to the front but he witnesses a chaotic retreat, and the insanity of such a world makes him want to rejoin Catherine. He is obsessed with the feeling that everything worth caring for is being destroyed and by the fear that the world will soon catch up with him and Catherine. Although they seek refuge in the Swiss Alps, the world has the last word: both Catherine and the child die. As Henry once said in the novel, If people bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them...It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially (cf. Hemingway, 1929). The keynote of his novel is not terror, but doom. The impartiality of death is cruel, or ... Show more content on ... The first and the greatest confrontation of the armies at a global level has most certainly been a real slaughter. The men who have managed to escape this great tragedy of the XXth century have been left with unforgettable scars, that have irrevocably changed their view points. It is the case with the male protagonist of the novel, when stating: If people bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill to break them, so of course it kills them. The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry. (cf. Hemingway,
  • 54. A Community Meal And The Gas Stove One of the first things that we need to do to formulate a strategy and immediate one or an emerging one is to evaluate all the assets that the congregation has. This falls into two categories The physical assets of property and the assets of members of the congregation s meaning what their gifts and graces are on a personal level that could help the ministryof the church that they would be to give. This being said we know from the case study the size of the building and when it was last renovated but we needto be checking in making sure there s not anything that could be inhibit the use of any of the equipment or rooms that may not have been used in a while. Such as making sure classrooms don t have a leaks as well as making sure the... Show more content on ... The size of the congregation and the number in our team is beneficial because there are not too many congregants yet at the same time there is enough staff that we can break up and tackle all of the congregation at once or break up and assignment a few members of our team to interview all of the congregants either through home visits or meals with the congregants. The congregants interviews would be two fold to first ask them what you think are the strengths of the congregation and what they think the congregation can bring to the community. The second would be to get to know the congregants on an individual basis to ascertain their level of involvement as well as what their gifts and graces are. Another avenue to finding these things out can be a survey or what I have seen it in some congregations A volunteer form with different ideas for new ministries and see what people would be willing to help with. Not only would we use these forms and interviews to find out what they would be willing to help with more importantly what they are in need of that as well. We have to remember The congregation is at the top of priorities and so there needs need to be evaluated as well. Wall interviewing congregants and beginning to work at the church through preaching and leading worship a part of the team needs to begin surveying the surrounding area. We have some of this information that there are new shops and a new population but to begin to look