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Essay Beautiful Mind And Schizophrenia Essay Beautiful Mind And Schizophrenia
Auto Wreck By Karl Castro
Poetry Analysis Paper
The Auto Wreck by Karl Shapiro is a grasping poem that digs into the universe of death and the
thought of voyeurism from the point of view of a spectator. Shapiro decorates the poem with
intriguing inconspicuous dialect and a lovely, although rather disheartening, depiction of death all
through the poem. While this is poetry, the creator still consolidates components of writing that
apply to both stories and poetry. As Shapiro weaves a word web, he utilizes a few prevailing
components which guarantee that the audience is understanding his point.Through symbolism,
personification and sound work, Shapiro imagines all parts of a vehicle s wreck from a voyeuristic
point of view, eventually evacuating the comfort of separation which produce a sweeping casualty.
Imagery utilizes the ability to create heart felt moments from the audience. Shapiro uses imagery
all through Auto Wreck which enlivens the revulsions of a vehicle s wreck before the eyes of
blameless onlookers. As we read ... Show more content on ...
This, the volta of the lyric, is set off by the vital utilization of inquiries and abbreviated line
length. Shapiro could be utilizing this line as a question of how demise picks its casualties and
the arbitrariness of an auto wreck. He experiences a few distinct sorts of death, including cancer,
suicide, and war, advocating how each picks its sufferer. Leaving vehicle wreck for definite
investigation. Shapiro presumes that car wrecks, in reality, are the one reason for death that is
arbitrary and assaults the guiltless. While the passings that originate from car wrecks are totally
irregular, an optional sort of death is encountered that very few individuals think about. The
exploitation of the on looking eyewitness quite often happens. By stripping the level of solace from
the spectator, he, similar toward the victim himself, develops until they are just as
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The Romanian Holocaust And Paul Celan s Death Fugue
During World War II, German concentration camps exterminated and tortured the majority of the
Jewish community in Europe. Understanding the suffering that the Jews went through during this
time is difficult. The Romanian Holocaust survivor and poet Paul Celan wrote the poem Death
Fugue in order to help others understand what he went through. This poem was written in German
and first published in 1948. I will be using examples from the both English translation by Michael
Hamburger and the English translation by John Felstiner.
In the first stanza of there are two quotes which suggest the poem is referring to a German
concentration camp. The first quote comes from the Hamburger translation, he writes when dusk
falls to Germany , and the
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Discuss The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Globalisation...
In 1886 the first petrol powered automobile the Benz patent Motorwagen was invented by Karl
Benz. It was the first time in history that an automobile (car) was produced in production. It was
the beginning of the car industry, what today has become one of the world s most important
economic sectors by revenue. Although the car industry has always been a huge Market it has
mostly be regional, the past 30 years have enabled the car market to gain growth through
globalisation. These factors were a result of a market that started to transform globally: Foreign
Direct Investment or (FDI) which is an investment made by a company based in one country, into a
company based in a another country. Large FDI flows come from the huge amount of low cost
labour forces in Brazil, China and India, strengthening both local markets and developed countries.
Furthermore global production and cross border trade have accelerated. Another change in the car
market around the 1980 s was the increased outsourcing in the car market which resulted in
increased trade and FDI for developed countries. Also the developing countries profited through this
by increasing their... Show more content on ...
Advantages like creating working places for people in developing countries, building businesses in
developing countries enabling the country to grow resulting in wealth equality. Strengthening
partnerships between countries and organisations resulting in more stable relationships between
countries. But, Yes, globalisation in the car industry also has its disadvantages. As car companies
started moving to developing countries where labour forces were cheaper, people in the original
country of the company started losing their jobs. Also working standards laws are often not
regulated in developing countries and can cause terrible working conditions. Also the environment
has suffered under the need for energy in all the factories and the shipping of car parts around the
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My Necklace Story
Nicole Skylar Cavazos! Yelled my mom, Heather. I just knew that I was in a heap of trouble
with my mom. I had taken my moms beautiful black and silver shimmering necklace, with a
sterling silver chain... again. Where s my necklace Nicole! At the moment, I was sitting by my
large window on my purple violet chair in my clean room, looking out of the window at the hot
and dusty plains covered in dead sandy sad colored grass, and the few little umbrella looking
trees with a dark color green wavy tops and rough brown trunks, as furry meerkats, prairie dogs,
kangaroo rats, and many other animals scurried about, and admiring the beauty of the necklace
shimmering in the sunlight rays. My mom always told me not to touch the necklace in her
special, dark brown wooden polished jewelry box, that I had given her for her birthday last year
by the way, but I just can t help myself from taking the necklace. She stomped into my room with
her new white sneakers, and started yelling at me some more. I m not going to ask you again
young lady,where is my necklace! As I glanced up at her with guilt, she crossed her arms and
yelled again, This is the 4th time this month you have taken my necklace... WHAT DID YOU
DO WITH IT YOUNG LADY! I hated it when she yelled at me, which is often, so this time I
looked up and said exclaimed, It s right here. As I pointed down at my neck, where the necklace
hung shining in the suns afternoon bright light. My mom came over and took the necklace off of
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The Study of Motivation Essay
Literature Review
MacIntyre et al. (2001) define motivation as an attribute of the individual describing the
psychological qualities underlying behavior with respect to a particular task (p. 463). The study of
motivation as a predictor of second language learning performance was initiated by Gardner and his
Canadian colleagues (1972).
According to Gardner and Lambert (1972), there are two kinds of motivation: integrative
motivation, referring to a holistic learning approach toward the speech and culture of the target
language group, and instrumental motivation, referring to language learning for more immediate or
practical goals. Intrinsic and extrinsic are the new classifications of motivation. Intrinsic motivation
is the ... Show more content on ...
Both types are important. A learner might learn an L2 well with an integrative motivation or with
an instrumental one, or indeed with both (Cook, 1991). . The level of identification with bilingual
or trilingual identity is also influenced by the learners attitudes toward the learning situation. These
attitudes refer to the individuals reactions to anything associated with the immediate context (e.g.,
the course and the teaching environment) in which the language is taught (Gardner, 1985).All the
men show higher instrumental motivation towards foreign language learning than woman.
Instrumental motivation, also called rational, pragmatic and utilitarian, refers to the individual s
desire to acquire a second language in order to use it for operational purposes, to pass an
examination, acquire a job, or visit a foreign country (ibid). Rahman explains rational language
learning as the learning of a language in order to empower oneself by acquiring the potential to
acquire employment (2002). . It has been pointed out that Gardner s motivation theory includes an
educational dimension and that, the Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB), that he and his
colleagues developed contains several items focusing on the learner s evaluation of the teacher and
classroom learning situation. Gardner and MacIntyre (1991) themselves had noted later that the old
characterization of motivation in terms of
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Pros And Cons Of Coal Mining
Do you think that coal mining is risky. Some people belive that it is not even worth it. But on the
other hand some people probably really want their electricity. It is very risky job. In 2010, 33
chilean coal miners were trapped almost half a mile underground for 69 days as it says in the
passage. wow that is a long ways down for a long time. But these people do get there money for it.
There salary is $21 per hour. And we get electricity so it is a win win. Yet it is super dangerous
because you could get black lung disease from long term exposure in coalmines.
One reason it is dangerous is because somebody could get stuck underground for a long period of
time like in 2010. We do not want that to happen again. That would be scary for
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Morte d Arthur Essay
Morte d Arthur In the Medieval Period, knights dedicated their lives to following the code of
chivalry. In Sir Thomas Malory s Le Morte d Arthur, a number of characters performed chivalrous
acts to achieve the status of an ideal knight. Their characteristics of respect for women and
courtesy for all, helpfulness to the weak, honor, and skill in battle made the characters King
Arthur, King Pellinore, and Sir Gryfflette examples of a what knights strove to be like in Medieval
society. Because of the examples ofchivalry, Le Morted Arthur showed what a knightdesired to be,
so he could improve theworld in which he lived. Respect for women and courtesy were two major
characteristics that knights longed to develop, and King... Show more content on ...
This was considerate behavior because even though he was angry, he was polite and allowed
them to leave safely. The warning also showed his courtesy because he could have not told them
in anticipation of their return in order to kill them because of their disagreement. These two
examples of King Arthur s respect for the Lady of the Lake and the Roman ambassadors made
him a model knight since he was obeying the code of chivalry. In addition to being courteous,
being helpful to the weak was another aspect of chivalry portrayed through characters in the
story. First, Arthur tried to be helpful to Merlin when he was being chased by ruffians. Arthur
chased them away while riding his horse. Merlin was not in real danger because of his magical
powers, but the intent of Arthur was to help someone who needed because he thought Merlin s
powers might have failed him. Another example of this chivalrous quality was illustrated during
the battle between King Pellinore and Sir Gryfflette. Pellinore knocked Gryfflette off his horse
and, swiftly ran over to him and loosened his armor. He then, lifted him gently onto his horse
(page 74). Sir Gryfflette was weak, and he was just knighted that day, so Pellinore did the
chivalrous action and helped him. Being helpful to the weak was a quality that all the knights were
trying to develop, and King Arthur and King Pellinore showed this attribute in their actions with
Merlin and
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Persuasive Essay On Growing Up
From the day you are born, to the day you die, society applies pressure to who you think you
should be. Growing older does not free you from all the expectations of your youth, and
sometimes, wisdom and freedom do not come with age. Throughout your entire life, you will be
told what you should look like and what you should enjoy doing. Growing up comes with
restrictions; more responsibility, sometimes less stability and a whole new set of expectations
for how you should look. You lose the freedom to dream and explore yourself due to the
expectations of others. It can also come with wisdom, friendship and maybe even love. Kids are
told to figure out who they are as people when they are only young, but they have a long life ahead
of them to... Show more content on ...
Long grey hair and a beard are not things associated with being a baby. Babies are small with no
teeth, they giggle at nothing and always look happy. Once you become a teen, acne is
everywhere, hair is dyed a horrid color and your clothing decisions can be debatable. Adults are
put together, old people look peaceful, heaven forbid someone over the age of 18 has pink hair!
What is the point in living your life, if you cannot be yourself? Life should come with freedom
instead of constrictions. It does not matter how old you are, looking a certain way is not
exclusive to any age group. Since you were young, you have likely heard adults say, Teenagers
are lazy, or Wisdom comes with age. These statements generalize people, making it seem wrong to
be an old person who is not the smartest or a hard working teenager. Consequently, humans tend to
conform to these clichГ©s, because they may become ridiculed if choosing to remain astray.
Benjamin is anything but expected, and his behaviors are not always of typical kids. He eventually
tries to fit in, like most people do and acts immaturely. As Fitzgerald wrote, Thereafter Benjamin
contrived to break something every day, but he did these things only
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A Case Study On Entrepreneurship And Business Failure Essay
John Labatt Blows In and Out of the Windy City, A Case Study in Entrepreneurship and Business
Failure, 1889 1896 , a 2014 article by Matthew Bellamy clearly illustrates multiple aspects working
against the Labatt Brewery in its attempt to jump into American saloons in the nineteenth century.
Being the first Canadian Brewery to tackle an expansion undertaking provided an interesting study
for the author. The article discusses the brewery s history and compares the different possibilities
that lead to the downfall of the company s American Expansion. Debating with the readers
whether the failure was caused by environmental factors or strong personality traits, by not
understanding the American consumer base or by not planning for new expenses Bellamy covers
many possible angles as to where the collapse could have faulted. Initially looking at how to
define a business failure, the author synthesizes for the audience generally accepted symptoms:
market share erosion, persistent low or negative profitability, shrinking critical resources, or the
loss of legitimacy (Bellamy, 2014.) When comparing this information to an article by Michael
Porter from 2008 titled The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy , there is some overlay in
information. Interestingly enough, multiple of these aspects are seen through the company s
attempted expansion as well as in other companies who also failed. When searching for what John
Labatt s, of Labatt Brewery, overall goal was in the
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Plenitude Case
Plenitude Case
Plenitude s Position in the US Market 1996:
Plenitude s position has been bumped from 3rd position behind Pond to 2nd position behind Oil of
Olay who is the market leader in the skin care industry. The move of Plenitude s position to second
position has been due to the introduction of a new product Revitalift known with L Oreal. Revitalift
is the 20th brand product of Plenitude s product line sold in the US in a 1.7 ounce container and
sales for $11.05 per unit.
Revitalift was introduced in September, 1995 and quickly came to represent 20% of Plenitude sales
with the support of $5M in TV advertising which continued through 1996 to date.
Exhibit 14 Shows the 20% sales from Revitalift:
Revitalift Volume sales... Show more content on ...
The 7% represents the users who like to spend money on themselves as discussed in exhibit 10.
3. L Oreal s Problems:
High Priced Products Plenitude has higher prices compared to its competitors yet the largest
percent of users are concerned more a bout price.
Awareness to Trial ratio Plenitude has a reasonable awareness though not as good as Oil of Olay
but the percentage 23% of customers willing to try their brands are very low compared to Oil of
Olay s 77%.
Product Information Plenitude products have a lot of information that most potential users do find
necessary and gets them confused hence making them lose interest in the product.
Test Markets Use of only 2 states out of 52 states were used to yield results upon which they based
the launch of their product line.
Product Launch Strategy Launching the entire product line was not a smart move. Potential users
where having a hard time making a choice from over 14 brands without the help of a sales expert.
4. What Hamilton should do:
Drop the bottom non performing brands: Hamilton should cease the production of the products that
are not yielding any sales such as the Excell Cream , Hydra Renewal Jar and Hydra Renewal cream
Price reduction on Daily Moisturizers: Hamilton should look into either price matching or reduce
the price on moisturizers in order to compete effectively hence boost up more sales for the
Free trial samples of the
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The Importance Of A Well Protection Of Well During...
This section is an overview of the demands and tests associated with the integrity of well during
production from and injection to a reservoir.
The process begins after the well construction/well intervention organization has handed the well
over to the production organization and concludes with a handover back to drilling and well
organization for intervention, work over or abandonment.
Well integrity during this phase is used to keep hydrocarbons from the pay zone inside the well and
by protecting it from leaking off to contaminating groundwater for environmental purposes.
Well barriers are an envelope of one or several dependent barrier elements preventing fluids or gases
from flowing unintentionally from the formation to the surface ... Show more content on ...
These well barrier elements have to be tested and must meet the requirements and guidelines that
will enable them carry out their demands. Demands are an event or a situation that needs
functioning well barrier elements and they could be continuous or instantaneous. A continuous
demand is the constant high temperature and pressure that a well barrier must be able to withstand
to avoid burst or collapse while and instantaneous demand could be an emergency shutdown of the
system from the platform.
The importance of well integrity in the production phase cannot be undermined and it could be
easily categorized in three phases, namely pre production, in production/operations and
Pre Production
This phase as the name implies, is the phase just before we start producing from the well and
pumping up the hydrocarbons. This is also the phase when the completion personal hands over
the well to the production crew. Well integrity in this phase is very critical because we have to
check the well barriers and the well barrier elements and make sure they can handle the different
types of demand prior to pumping the hydrocarbons out of the formation. Also important is the
well barrier schematics and well barrier diagrams for the well and the necessary procedures to be
taken should there be a well barrier failure . A well barrier schematic and well barrier
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Marks And Spencer Organisational Structure
Faculty of Business and Law
Date: 18/10/2017
Front Page
Organisational Structure and Management
Human Resource Management
Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Impact on the Retailer by current changes in the retail sector
This report will demonstrate, apply and evaluate knowledge and understanding of key managerial
disciplines of the chosen high street retailer, Marks and Spencer, in different real world global
contexts. According to the report by Deloitte, the retail industry is undergoing immense changes
and faces a tough competitive ... Show more content on ...
The previous arrangement followed by Marks and Spencer demonstrates the concept of hierarchical
structure, however in the last five years, due to a rise in their competitors within in the retail
industry in the UK, their strategies have now become more focused on innovation and customer
service s quality. Therefore, their tall structure was redefined to adapt to these changes.
Therefore, Marks and Spencer now follow a flat organisational structure. This includes limited
levels of management between administrative level and front line employees. The structure is
followed in organisation to encourage employees.
The process of marketing involves the action of advertising and promoting a company, product or
service. This includes everything the customer encounters in relation to the company, from
advertisements to customer service experiences. Marketing is often broken down into four sections,
known as the four P s of marketing .
(1) Identification, selection and development of a product, (2) Determination of its price, (3)
Selection of a distribution channel to reach the customer s place, and (4) Development and
implementation of a promotional strategy.
According to Harvard Business school professor Theodore C. Levitt Selling concerns itself with the
tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not
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Mortality in the Stranger by Albert Camus Essay example
Everyone will die. Meursault s awareness of death contributes to his nonchalant attitude toward
every death he witness or must endure in The Stranger. Death fails to upset Meursault. In The
Stranger, Albert Camus emphasizes mortality in order to expose the ignorance humanity has
towards the inevitable or unknown end.
Camus s emphasis on time accentuates Meursault s indifference. This indifference reveals that death
occurs inevitably, regardless of time. The first thought that the audience reads, Maman died today.
Or yesterday maybe, I don t know. I got a telegram from the home: Mother deceased. Funeral
tomorrow. Faithfully yours. That doesn t mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday, immediately
exhibits that when Maman died does not ... Show more content on ...
This realization demonstrates the lack of power that people have over time, and by association,
death. The reader assumes that since Salamano and his dog grow old together, they may likely
also die together. Nearer to Meursault s execution, the chaplain asks, But if you don t die today,
you ll die tomorrow, or the next day. And then the same question will arise. How will you face
that terrifying ordeal (Camus 117)? Death, unpredictable and uncontrollable, will occur when it
wishes, and through his indifference to time, Meursault asserts that getting upset over something
known to be inevitable provides as useless. Camus foreshadows Meursault s death through the
symbols of heat and Salamano s dog. While observing Salamano and his dog, Meursault notes,
After living together for so long, the two of them alone in one tiny room, they ve ended up
looking like each other...They look as if they belong to the same species, yet they hate each other
(Camus 26 27). The likeness of Salamano and his dog produces the idea of inescapable death for
all living things. They have become similar to each other in appearance without noticing, just as
they have always had the same end laid out without noticing. Meursault s recognition provides a
sense of the period of existentialism, focusing on the individual, but also contrastingly granting that
the individual is part of a whole. However, the nurse acknowledges that all beings have the same
fate when she says, If you go slowly, you
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A Comparison Of The Unites States And Canada s Health...
A Comparison of the Unites States and Canada s Health Care System America has a very
disorganized and fragmented healthcare system while Canada has a very structured and established
system. Since there is no healthcare system in the world that is considered perfect all countries
implement polices that they believe will be the most beneficial for their residents, The United States
and Canada s systems are both constantly being reformed to fit the current needs their residents
however there are strengths and weaknesses for both of the systems.
United States Health Care System and it s Benefits The United States health care system is
considered broken because we do not have one universal system. Within the American system there
are different types of health insurance such as private, group or self insurance. The United States
works on a fee for service system so the providers receive money for every service they provide
therefore the medical bills for Americans are significantly high. Before the Affordable Care Act
was implemented a few forms of government programs were Medicaid, the Children s Health
insurance Program and Medicare. Medicaid and Children s Health Insurance Program were to
help insure the low income citizens and their children. CHIP and Medicaid are both funded by the
government and state but administered by the individual states. CHIP covers children whose
family income is up to 200% of the poverty level. Medicaid insures low income citizens but can also
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Social Movement Analysis
However, McLeod (2009) stated that there is very limited discourse when it comes to the media
and the two party systems only hinders the discourse even more (p. 116). People become less
aware of the happenings around them and may even have trouble identifying how they feel about
issues and conflicts when they arise. They could have a point of view outside of the norm but say
nothing about it because people and groups outside of the mainstream are treated as deviants
(McLeod, 2009, p. 116).
McLeod (2009) investigated transcripts of the CNN and Fox News coverage of the conflict over
U.S. policy toward Iraq after the events of September 11, 2001 that lead to the war which began
on March 20, 2003 (p. 117). This conflict was chosen because it ... Show more content on ...
9). Public opinion is the overall attitude of citizens on a given issue or question. Many democratic
theorists subscribe to the view that not only should citizens form opinions, but the government has
a responsibility to respond to those opinions (Roth, 2004, p. 9). The government has the tendency
to respond to these opinions, whether the response be in favor of the public opinion or not. The
definition of this theory is, The desires, wants, and thinking of the majority of the people or
collective opinion of the people in a society or state on an issue or problem (Public Opinion, 2016,
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Analysis Of Shooting An Elephant
Sometimes, the people around a man force him to give up his freedom by giving in to what the
audience expects. The person wants to make the audience pleased and wishes to keep his
reputation high. In the short story, Shooting an Elephant , George Orwell, who writes from his own
experiences, describes the life of the narrator, a policeman in a foreign country, Burma. The narrator
feels forced to shoot a wild elephant that has destroyed parts of a village. He does not want to shoot
the elephant, but because the Burmese around him seem determined and excited to see the elephant
die, the narrator feels compelled to do what the natives request to keep his high status and position
of authority. Throughout the time when the narrator has had... Show more content on ...
When the Burmese see the narrator with an elephant rifle, they feel excited. With the weapon in
the officer s hand, the villagers anticipated that Orwell plans to shoot the elephant. The Burmese
feel as if they should follow him to the elephant because they want to see if he will actually kill
the elephant. However, from the narrator s perspective, he states, I had no intention of shooting
the elephant I had merely sent for the rifle to defend myself if necessary . In his mind, he wishes
that the elephant will not be dangerous because he does not want to murder an animal.
However, the narrator cannot turn back. Behind him, there was an immense crowd, two
thousand at the least and growing every minute. It blocked the road for a long distance on either
side . The villagers expect him to be brave enough to shoot the elephant. If he gives up, then the
villagers will laugh and mock him for being afraid to kill the elephant. The narrator knows that
every white man s life in the East, was one long struggle not to be laughed at . If he turns back, he
will indicate his weakness and lack of power over the Burmese. Therefore, he has no choice.
Orwell uses irony to emphasize the impossible position of foreign leaders in a native country. The
narrator s decision to murder the elephant proves his weakness not his strength; instead, with all the
excited Burmese around him, he was only an absurd puppet
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Creating A Crisis Management Plan For Mentorship Academy...
Signature Assignment
Create a Crisis Management Plan
The purpose of this assignment is to create a crisis management plan for Mentorship Academy
Athletic Department. Mentorship Academy host several athletic events throughout the school year
for high school athletes to participate. Students that participates in any athletic events are at a risk
for injuries than any other student and causes each sport to have a higher standard of caution and
safety to protect the students safety. Therefore I will be completing a crisis managementplan for
Mentorship Academy Football Team.
Currently, Mentorship Academy has approximately 1200 students and 243 students participating in
athletics in grades ninth through twelve. Programs offered for ... Show more content on ...
Each coach must assist in performing regularly scheduled facility inspections to insure safety.
When using outdoor and indoor facilities, it is important to performed scheduled inspections to
insure safety for the student athletes, coaches and spectators. Although every sport have a different
safety need as it pertains to facilities. That s why it is important for facilities to have an inspection
before the spectators are allowed in the venue. Coaches must also be aware of the athletics health
when it pertains to heat exhaustion. Coaches also have a duty to protect the students from injury
with the proper equipment. If there is a sport that has a greater risk of injury the then there should
be a higher need for equipment protection. When it pertains to football each player must have
shoulder pads, helmet, mouth piece, thigh pads and knee pads.
However, even though athletes have to wear the safety equipment in order to participate in any
sport, the coaches have the responsibility to inform the parents and the students about the inherent
risks for the sport. Therefore all parents should also be aware of the specific inherent risks per sport,
athletes insurance, equipment, transportation and expectations for players and fans.
As a part of any risk management planning there should be an emergency medical plans. As athletic
injuries occur during the event of a game or practice, the athletic training staff must assist with the
planning to provide the proper
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Infiltration Of Poway
She often said how she liked the verbal jousting with her male customers and the kibitzing with
her women customers. She worked her way from clerk to baker to manager to franchise owner.
With Winchell s popularity waning, Glenda worried that the new corporate franchises would be
too much competition for her. Periodically, the independent coffee franchises ordered several
dozen donuts from her. A few kept standing orders for Saturday or Sunday. The new franchises
used their own contractors, and she considered them the biggest threat to her shop staying
profitable. She decided to help Sandra fight the corporate infiltration of Poway. As I went over to
the whiskey bottles, I saw Bill, John, and Leo were holding a conversation. Pouring a shot
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The Film Spotlight And How This Film Does The Freedom Of...
As stated in the Constitution of United States of America of 1789; Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the Government for a redress of grievances. Focusing on the freedom of speech , or of the press it s
important to note that the media holds powerful entities whether that be individuals, government,
businesses, or the Catholic Churchaccountable for their illegal or dishonest behavior. To analyze
this statement, I will be focusing on the film Spotlight and how this film reiterates the idea of
holding and exposing wrongdoings through use of the... Show more content on ...
Paul/ Minneapolis, MN.
Throughout the movie there are a couple of themes that arise that I believe need to be addressed
before focusing on how the media holds institutions accountable. The first theme I d like to
focus on is the crisis of Faith. The character Mike, had an interesting and powerful character arc.
Once Mike sees the files that declare the church was guilty of abuse, he loses his religious Faith .
This loss of Faith is especially difficult for a man raised Catholic in one of the most Catholic of
cities. The net result is that Mike doubles down on his secular faith in the journalistic
investigative process on which he has embarked. His drive to get to the truth kicks his faith in the
investigation process into an even higher gear. Further, it s not just an individual s turn, it s an
entire generations turn as well to face the crises of Faith . The priests abuse was horrific. This is
and should be a story about the victims permanent scars. The film also shows how the church s
cover up has furthered the very erosion of the institution they were trying to protect. Mike in that
sense stands in for many who lost their Faith in the wake of the abuse scandal, Faith in the Catholic
church, Faith and trust in the Priests who lead and represent the church, even Faith in God .
Complicity and infallibility in regards to the contrast between the two major institutions, church
and press existed
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The Risk Factors For Suicidal Ideation
I will discuss how pain affects one s life and how the way one copes affect his or her pain.
Further, I will explore the risk factors for suicidal ideation, the impact of positive and negative
emotions on pain perception, sleep disruption in relation to pain, and the importance of one
expressing his or her painas separate from his or her identity. It was concluded that positive
emotions, support from family and friends, expressing one s internal world, and maintaining a
social scene are important for those sufferingfrom chronic pain. Factors that Contribute to Chronic
Pain and
Methods of Coping and Improving Quality of Life A large population of individuals experience
chronic pain and it often affects every aspect of their existence. ... Show more content on ...
Indications of Suicidality and Preventative Measures Because of the lasting nature of chronic
pain, one who is suffering from it may feel depressed and even suicidal. Research suggests that
there is an increased risk of suicidal ideation among individuals with chronic pain (Wilson,
Kowal, Henderson, McWilliams, Pe loquin 2013, para. 1). Moreover, it is hypothesized that for
an individual the risk is higher if he or she feels isolated or that he or she is a burden to others
(Wilson et al. 2013, para. 2). Such predictions appear to be plausible as lasting pain has a
tendency to impede greatly on one s social life. Further, it is important to note that studies have
also indicated that pain severity and suicidal ideation do not always correlate (Wilson et al. 2013,
para. 20). In other words, someone with severe pain may not experience suicidal ideation, but
someone with mild pain may experience suicidal ideation. This finding is important as one may
assume that a higher level of pain equals a higher likelihood of suicidal thoughts and actions, but
this may not always be the case. Thus, it is important that health professionals as well as friends
and family members caring for those suffering from chronic pain acknowledge their suffering even
if their pain is not categorized as severe. Other preventative measures to suicide
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How Did The Dust Bowl Affect The Economy
There was dust everywhere, covering everything. People and animals falling over dead left and
right. No one can breathe, and are all suffocating from the great amounts of dust particles in the
air. Imagine an immense cloud of dust appearing sporadically and being so overtaking all there is
to do is sit and wait for the storm to terminate. The Dust Bowleffected the economy, the people, and
the geographical region of the Great Plainsnegatively. The Dust Bowl will forever go down in
history as one of the most catastrophic disasters to take place in the Great Plains. Many events
occurred before the years of the Dust Bowl began. The farmers plowed up all of the ground to
grow cash crops (Marrin 58). The plowing of the soil left no grass to hold down the topsoil,
leaving it vulnerable for wind erosion. In 1930, the people of the Great Plains had the biggest
shortage of water in the history. Seventeen million people were affected (Worster 11). In the
early 1930 s, the temperatures went higher than they ever had before (Marrin 52). By 1932, most
people had reached their breaking point. Before the dust storms began, there was a cutworm
plague, a grasshopper plague, and a rabbit plague (Reis 51 and 52). Between all of the natural
problems occurring, the land and people were both exhausted. They had no idea... Show more
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Fish died from the water being so dirty, and they were unable to get oxygen. Cattle were blinded
from the wind blowing dust in their eyes, and they did not have any teeth left from the grinding
of their teeth on the dust covered grass. Autopsies of the deceased cattle showed their lungs full
of dust and mud. The land was also affected. Approximately four hundred and eight tons of dirt
was blown away from the original place. Ten million acres lost five inches of topsoil, and thirteen
and a half million acres lost two and a half inches of topsoil (Worster 22 29). The land would take
years to
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The Choices of Nora Helmer
The Choices of Nora Helmer The one thing that every person is granted in life is having the
option to choose. Choosing whether to stand or to sit; to go or to stay; to speak up or to stay
quiet and fictional characters should be no different. In Henrik Ibsen s play, A Doll s House, the
protagonist Nora Helmer is always making decisions that she feels are beneficial. Nora is like a
typical housewife: devoted to her husband, children, and home. Just in the beginning of the play,
she is seen coming back home after a day spent shopping for Christmas presents for her family. The
reader grasps that she is a loving individual, but it also seems as if she is naГЇve. This all changes
as the play continues. Just from how she handles situations and... Show more content on ...
Her decision displays how dedicated she is to her family. She wants what is best for her husband
and what was best for him was for he to go to Italy. This choice also shows her strength. She
knew that there was a huge chance that Helmer would be infuriated with her, for women at that
time could not borrow money without their husband consent. Nora was willing to face his rage
just to make sure that he received the help he needed. Nora s unexpected decision to leave
Helmer shows the confidence she has within herself and the strong ability that she posses. This
result occurs when Helmer finds out that Nora had borrowed money from Krogstad to finance
the trip to Italy. The two get into an argument, but it quickly dies down once Helmer receives
another letter from Krogstad saying how he will not blackmail Nora anymore. Helmer tries to
console her but at this point it was too late. She explains how she feels like his trophy by
exclaiming, ...But our home s been nothing but a playroom. I ve been your doll wife, the same
way that I was Papa s doll child. And the children have been my dolls. I thought it was great fun
when you played with me, the way they thought it was when I played with them. That s what our
marriage has been, Torvald (Ibsen 935). She realizes that she has been nothing but a plaything for
Torvald. Torvald liked the idea of having someone to love him and do what he says but not
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Physical Analysis On Physical Forensics
Physical Forensics
One physical analysis technique that could be considered as physical forensics is finger printing.
Although technically from a biological trace, the analysis method used to establish finger print
from finger print at the crime scene is a very analytical and physically arduous process.
Finger printing
At a crime scene, the one thing that can never be fully covered up is the presence of finger prints.
Because of the oils we produce through our skin, our fingers leave prints on any imaginable
surface, including on another body. These finger prints are classified in many different ways in
order to make the extraction, storage and eventual cross reference of these fingerprints much easier
for future analysis purposes. The ... Show more content on ...
Types of finger prints
Because finger prints come in all shapes and sizes, it means that finger print evidence is often a
very accurate and reliable way at distinguishing the presence of a person at a scene. It is thought
that the chances of 2 people having the same fingerprints is around 1/64,000,000,000 that s 64
In terms of classification of finger prints, the actual trace itself can be distinguished by analyzing
the finger using the accepted terms for the patterns that all fingers exhibit. These include whorls
which is the circular shape, ridges and ridge endings which are unique in almost every way and
also loops which are the elongated bend shape which can originate from the left or the right of the
finger. Other, more rare characteristics of the finger print is the arch which is slightly raised lines
and tented arches which form a triangular looking fingerprint.
Today, prints are analysed by putting them through a system on the computer which measures the
different characteristics of the finger print from a selection of viewpoints in order to establish
whether the owner of the finger prints has their finger prints on the system. This will flag up if it is
the case, and show the culprit and their previous crimes/affiliations.
Recovering prints
Because of the composition of the prints, they are often fragile and can be damaged on contact to
the point where no analysis can take place. This means that
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A Short Note On Anti Aging Skin Care
Anti aging skin care
The moment we are born we start to age throughout our lives, the effects of aging are getting more
noticeable in our bodies. At age 20 you start to see the effects of aging to be noticeable in the skin.
One of things that affects the skin is called, Chronological age , it causes a chemical change in
collagen and elasticity. The connective tissues give the skin its firmness and elasticity. The loss of
firmness and elasticity occurs at different times. Everybody s skin is different, some age
different than others. When people start to loose elasticity in the skin, it starts to get drier, fat
padding starts to disappear, when you start to lose fat padding and connective tissue the skin
starts to sag. It looks less limber and wrinkles start to form. The skin may be itchy with increased
dryness, and a cut may heal more slowly. With aging the process of photo aging may take place.
Photo aging is the effect of chronic and extreme sun exposure on the skin. Cigarette smoking also
provide aging effect of biochemical changes, it brings about in skin tissue. Photo ageing and
chronological aging combined may appear to advance the progress of chronological ageing. In fact
photo ageing may be accountable for the preponderance of age associated change in the skin s
manifestation: mottled pigmentation, surface roughness, fine wrinkles that disappear when
stretched, age or liver spots (lentiginous) on the hands, and dilated blood vessels. Chronic sun
exposure is very
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Advantages Of CPM
APPLICATION The major of using technology that help discovering how companies are using
CPM, the past theory stated the benefits obtained from CPM application. The theory in 1974 gave
six different options for benefits including improved estimating, improved planning before work
starts, improved project control after work starts, faster response to problems, improved
communication among the work force, and cost savings (Kelleher,2004). Other than that, more
benefits were added to the survey such as improved scheduling, helps train future project managers,
positive psychological effects on employees, and time savings. This method can give more benefits
including improved understanding of the project help project complete on time and run smoother,
minimizes disputes, and more control over risk and uncertainty. According to Callahan et al,.
(1992) mention the important because the 1983 study showed that delayed projects are closely
related to... Show more content on ...
The particular task can give big impact to the total time of project and enable to project
managers manage a schedule for each task to effectively plan and specified the deadline to the
project (Snavely K. 2015). When using CPM, Large companies are more likely than small or
medium sized companies to use CPM because of its increased use in law. Large companies were
more likely to obtain the listed benefits than medium and small companies except for a few cases
such as positive problem effects on employees, time savings, and cost savings. CPM is more
likely to have positive problem effects on employees in small companies than medium or large
companies. Time savings and cost savings were obtained almost the same by large and small
companies with medium companies lagging
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The World Of The East Coast Of Massachusetts
The rooms were confined to themselves by a large metal door with a small slot about 5 feet
from the floor that could only be opened from the outside. The walls were once a brilliant white,
but now filled with the scratch marks and blood stains from the ones before me. The room
stench of urine, most likely from the other patients. All there was in the room was a small cot
with a mattress so thin, it almost looked as if it was a thin piece of plywood. As I laid there
strapped to my bed by leather restraints that were made to protect me from myself, I kept pondering
on the question what did I do to deserve to be locked up in a place like this? Then I remember my
crime, and smile. This perdition of a world I was living in was the Brookside... Show more content
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They think that pills and shock therapy can cure the sickness inside my head, but one thing is
for sure; I will never modificate. I like the way I am too much to be changed. I am a monster and
I adore it. Not much happened the first month happened the first month inside the asylum, just
the periodic routine I followed: Eat breakfast with the other patients, take my morning pills, be
given an hour of electroconvulsive therapy, swig down more pills, then listen to music for an
hour or two and finally be tested by the nurses there. A very basic routine, one that I very easily
got in the habit of following. Being a young man, the age of 24 at the time, I tried to keep to
myself most of the time and did not associate with the other patients for they were too
decrepitated and insane for my likings. On the fiftieth day I was at the mental institution, my
usual routine abruptly was broken. I was listening to my favorite song, Heureux Tous Les Deux
by Frank Alamo, three of the health care workers walked into my room with the director of the
hospital, Dr. James Roxton. Dr. Roxton, a very serious man, was in a furious manner and
screamed at me In all this time since you ve been in my care, you have not improved! Not even
the slightest! It is time to escalate your therapy. What are you going to do... I was saying as they
ripped me away from the old cassette player in my room. They threw me onto the metal table they
brought with them into the room and restrained me down
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Huckleberry Finn Book Analysis
Overtime the n word became a word only Black people are allowed to say. When teaching the
book as is brings up the problem where people do not feel comfortable reading the word over and
over because they know it is not from a black person, it is Huck saying it or another white
person. This however is teachable moment were the students have a opportunity to talk about
the racial history, the teachers should be able to guide the conversation better (Beck). When
correctly guided the students better know our history and we learn from it so in the future we
make better decisions. Because the students are the future decision makers and are therefore
suppose to be openmind of the outcomes. Dr. Nel agrees that the discomfort created by this
book needs a sensitive teacher to guide this experience (Beck). If there is discomfort then
society clearly has not progressed. As Nel said in his interview that only way to teach
Huckleberry Finn the right way is to be uncomfortable and discuss the situation rather than
ignoring it and pretending everything is okay (Beck). In order for the students to acquire the most
knowledge is by receiving the original version of Huckleberry Finn . Schools however have
avoided the dilemma that comes from reading Huckleberry Finn due to its overuse of the n word.
Therefore, one solution has come up to replace the n word with another, because that is the only
problem with the book. The NewSouth Books has partnered up with Alan Gribben to
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Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
Duchenne muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is the most common out of nine types of muscular
dystrophy. This genetic disorder causes progressive muscular weakness, and deterioration due to
the lack of a protein called Dystrophin. This protein keeps the muscles in tack, so when it s
missing, the muscles slowly break down. (MDA, 2015)
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the most common muscular dystrophy disorder. In the United
States DMD affects 1 in 3,500 males. 2/3 of those cases are passed down for the mothers and 1/3
are random mutations. Internationally the statistics are similar. (Medscape, 2015)
Modes of Inheritance
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disorder that is passed on through the x chromosomes.
Only men are ... Show more content on ...
We have many drugs, therapy techniques, and procedures to help slow the progression or help
with the pain associated with DMD. There are many varying degrees of severity with DMD and
because of this treatment plans vary greatly with the patient s specific needs. Many are given
medical interventions to help with mobility. Many use wheelchairs or braces to help them
maintain freedom and independance. Drugs like Prednisone, Deflazacort,Cyclosporine and
Oxandrolone are used to prolong the ability to walk without aids as much as 5 years. Prednisone
is a Corticosteroid that is the most common steriod used to help symptoms of DMD. There is
controversy when using this steriod because of the numerous side effects like weight gain,
fragile bones, high blood pressure, and behavioral changes. Deflazacort is a synthetic form of
Prednisone that has been found to have less side effects. This drug is used in Europe.
Cyclosporine is a medication that is very controversial because it s possible it causes myopathy.
Oxandrolone is still being researched but it is believed to have similar results as Prednisone with
fewer side effects.(National Human Genome Research Institute, 2013) People with DMD may
need other medications for secondary issues like asthma, or heart complications. Surgeries are
also an option to help correct spinal curvature or fix issues with the heart. Therapies are the most
common among all varying degrees of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Range of Motion exercises
will help keep flexibility in the affected joints. These exercises will also help to prevent muscle
shortening. Low impact exercises like swimming are highly to maintain mobility., flexibility in
joints, and strength.(Mayo Clinic,
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Justification Public Policy
Explain the justifications for and goals of public policy, please discuss factors inherent in
government that provides opportunities for public/Government failure?
When it comes to intervention in private affairs, policy analysts should use great caution and stay
away from it. Most single decision encourages such social values as productivity and freedom. In
any case, some individual decision can be distinguished as market failures and can diminish social
values in unsurprising ways. As a result, aggregate decision practiced through government
structures offers, at any rate, the possibility of correcting the apparent insufficiencies of individual
choice. Be that as it may, similarly as individual decision now and then neglects to advance
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Fear Of Death In On The Trial And Death Of Socrates
We are born and then we die, since no human is immortal, we must all endure this cycle of life.
Since each human must endure the dying process, it is common that as humans we have and share
mutual feelings and thoughts toward the experience of dying, such as a fear of death. In a poll of
the top one hundred phobias in America, Thanatophobia or the fearof deathranked number twelve,
signifying that the experience of death is considered by many to be a very frightening thing ( Top
100 Phobia List. ). Numerous people may fear death; however, various philosophers have
challenged this notion. Throughout the years, numerous philosophers have provided various valid
points in order to alleviate our fears of death. After considering the reasons... Show more content on ...
The thoughts and ideology of Saint Augustine help to alleviate the unknowingness of death, which
in turn alleviates one s fear of death. In The Death of a Friend and the life of the Soul, Augustine
speaks about death and the afterlife from a religious standpoint in order to alleviate the
unknowingness of death. Augustine tells of how it is through the power of God that one is created
through birth, therefore since we are created from God we will return to God through death
(Ciraulo, p. 111 123). Since God is the greatest good, by returning to God it signifies that death is
also the greatest good. This is an important concept because it relates back to Socrates ideology in
which he challenged that death cannot be feared because there is a chance that death is the greatest
good. Through religion Augustine validates that death is the greatest good, therefore validating the
point that death cannot feared, since one cannot fear something that is
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1920s Flappers Research Paper
The 1920s was the era of the Flapper. Young women started to cut their hair, shorten their skirts, so
that they could more easily dance the wild, flapping dances of the age (hence the term flapper ).
They drank and smoked and wore makeup, and went out with boys without a chaperone. They
played sports, golf, tennis, and swimming were all very popular. Sunbathing became popular with
womenfor the first time. Women enjoyed driving automobiles, and many women took to flying
Although many girls still went to college, the number was lower than in the pre WW1 era, and
there was a decline of interest in careers among young women. Most women worked until they got
married, but far fewer women were interested in staying single and pursuing ... Show more content
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The Kimberly Clark Company had manufactured bandages made out of wood pulp for army
hospitals in World War I. American nurses used them when they had their periods and raved about
their absorbency and disposability. After the war, the firm began selling the bandages under the
name Kotex in pharmacies and department stores. An early ad, signed by a registered nurse, praised
the product s Immaculacy and clean exquisiteness under circumstances which most women find
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A Rose Is Still A Rhodes (Rose)
A Rhodes (rose) is still a Rhodes (rose) Introduction Like the rose that grew from concrete, life is
hard. Never give up! You ll make it to the sunshine of success. Never give up! J. Lewis A s you
look at the rose that grew from concrete, what do you see? Do you see the damaged petals? Or
are you in awe to see the rose that actually grew from concrete? The truth is we never know what
molded an individual into the person that is presented to the outside world. Just like the rose that
grew from concrete, we view people from their outer being rather than from their soul. My
tenacious behavior is much like that rose. That rose that grew from concrete willed itself to survive
and bloom despite the laws of nature.... Show more content on ...
This course has broadened my world view and piqued my interest of subfields in philosophy. For
an example in A Lesson Before Dying, and Midwives, different philosophical phenomena s
emerged from the pages of each novel philosophy of the mind, religion, and science. Philosophy
of the mind: Both novels were reflective of human emotions, such as desire, passion and feelings.
Philosophy of religion: Lesson Before Dying, religious symbolism was used throughout the novel.
Grant and Pastor Ambrose were continually battling over religious beliefs and spirituality.
Philosophy of science: Midwives, the trial of Sybil traditionalists vs. modernists. This course has
helped me think outside the box and dissect a work of art, and identify underlying questions that
provides me a better understanding of what the writer is trying to portray to their audience. In
conclusion the rose in concrete metaphor represents the hardship of life, but with perseverance
anything is possible. Hello, my name is Carletta Marie Rhodes and I am destined for
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Lab Report On Protein Purification
Lab Report 4
Introduction: Protein purification is a process that can be employed to separate a single protein
from a larger starting material which may be anything from an organ to a cell. Isolating a purified
protein from a larger fraction enables further analysis such as determination of amino acid sequence,
potential biological function, and even evolutionary relationship. (Cuatrecasas 1970) In this
experiment, the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase will be purified, this enzyme is found extensively
in human cells and catalyzes the conversion of lactate to pyruvate, an essential part in energy
production. LDH is a key part of anaerobic energy production especially within glycolysis in
which LDH catalyzes the conversion of the reverse reaction, pyruvate to lactate, generating NAD+
from NADH, reproducing the oxidized form of the coenzyme which can be used for oxidative
respiration. (Markert 1963) Due to the fact that number of purification steps correlates with the
purity of the protein multiple purification techniques will be used to isolate a pure form of LDH.
LDH will be isolated from a larger cytosol fraction collected from a homogenized rat liver in a
previous fractionation exercise. Of the procedures that will be used to isolate and purify proteins
from a larger fractionate are a set of techniques collectively known as chromatography. These
techniques all have the same premise, in that they consist of a stationary phase, also known as the
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Gospel Of Luke Analysis
The Gospel of Luke was written by a Greek speaking Christian. It was not written to replace the
Gospel of Mark, but as a new account written for an audience under different circumstances than
Mark s community. The church was becoming more Gentiles than Jews. Most people in Luke s
community were not familiar with the Jewish traditions that were referred to by many preachers.
Many members of the community were well off as well. This community struggled to follow a
church that had a Hebrew core. These issues are what influenced Luke s writing. Luke wanted his
community to know that they were all included in God s plan for salvation even though in history
the Jews would have been the first to know. A few of the major themes of Luke s Gospelwere:
salvation for all, mercy and forgiveness, and modern... Show more content on ...
In the early Christian community, this story was seen as a call to faith in Jesus who is present in the
church during stormy times (Kodell 953). This interpretation is still incredibly relevant for
Christians today. This passage shows Christians that Jesus is there for you through everything.
Even in tough times, Jesus is there. The storm in the passage is symbolic for stormy times in life.
Jesus calming the storm is representative of the support that God can provide for you during tough
times. No matter what the situation, God will be there for you.
The Calming of a Storm at Sea shows Luke s community the power of Jesus. It shows that Jesus
is there for you when you need him. The passage shows that even when you lack faith, like the
disciples did, God will still be there for you. In this story, Jesus takes a situation where the
disciples are in danger and calms it to where they are safe. This is representative of the fact that
when you are in danger, you can turn to Jesus and he will save you. The passage clearly shows God
s saving power and and the reaction of the
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Importance Of Belonging In Society
Belonging What is it and is it important?
According to most dictionaries, belonging is either being the property of someone or being part of
an organisation. But I believe that belonging is more than that. And what about the people who don
t feel they belong? Are there significant side effects?
Belonging means actively participating, and actively participating gives you a purpose. It is
important to an individual s mental health and wellbeing and there are negative side effects to those
who feel they don t belong.
Belonging also relates to being able to be yourself within the community. But it is not something
that happens instantly. It is a process. Finding true belonging can be difficult in our society
because of many reasons. Some people can be excluded from events due to things they have no
control of (skin colour, gender, motor skills, etc), and often feel they don t belong as no part of
society seems to want them.
Sometimes it can be the opposite, and you don t want to have to be a part of something, like a
religion or culture that is being forced on you. This is evident in the touching book the rabbit proof
fence as three girls (Molly, Daisy, Gracie) have western culture forced on them. This causes them to
unwisely flee the settlement they were relocated to in an attempt to go home to Jigalong.
This can affect people in bad ways, and can lead to depression, sleep disorders and even an
inferiority complex. Although these are in severe cases, the World
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The Importance Of Race In Education
Access to education is a basic human right, not a privilege. Human rights cannot be given or taken
away on the basis of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other
status. This means that the right to education is legally guaranteed for all without any
discrimination, state have the obligation to protect, respect, and fulfil the right to education, [and
that] there are ways to hold states accountable for violations of deprivations of the right to
education (Right to Education). In 1948, Article 26 of The Universal Declaration on Human Rights
declared that everyone has the right to education. However, many children are denied educational
opportunities on the basis of their gender or their race. In the United States, race and gender
inequality still plays a big role in students education. Race and ethnicity have been shown to
have a large effect on the way that students learn and are treated in all levels of education. As
with race, gender also plays a large role in one s education. Reports have shown that academic
and disciplinary racial disparities continue to exist in K 1 education in the United States, and girls
and young women in all parts of the globe are prevented from starting school at all, or not allowed
to complete their education (T., Kirah). The United States Department of Education s 2014 Civil
Rights Data Collection reports that Black, Latino, and Native Americans have a bigger chance of
going to schools with a
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The Confederate Wins and Losses
On April 12,1865 Confederate warships bombed the union at Fort Sumter in South Carolina and
this marked the beginning of one of the worst and deadliest wars fought in the world. It was a
war that only lasted around four years but yet took 620,000 of our brothers, sisters, and children
with it. Families were torn apart, sons had lost their fathers, mothers lost their sons, and whole
towns lost every man they had to give. A war that we fought on our land, a war that made brother
fight brother, killed almost as many men as every war America has fought since combined. At
First the Union believed they were going to fight at least a couple battles and it would all be over
with, but oh was the Union wrong. They under estimated the wholeheartedly fighting Confederate
soldiers, the Confederates were not going to give up that easily what they needed, what they
wanted, and their way of life. Between the battle of Fort Sumter a Confederate victory and the
First battle of Bull Run anther Confederate victory, there were nine other smaller battles many not
large enough to truly be called a battle. Of those nine battles three were won by the Confederates
and two were inconclusive. At the first battle of Bull Run, the Union still believed that this is going
to be a very short war, they believed it so much that spectators came and lined the sides of the
battlefield to watch the Union smash the Confederate Army. Of the spectators most we re just
common folk or people near that community, but
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Moral Justification in Greatest Happiness Principle
In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Spock saves the Enterprise from certain destruction by going
in to the damaged warp core camber which was flooded with deadly radiation in order to fix and
save the entire crew of the Enterprise. This ended up leading to the death of Spock and in his
dying words to Admiral Kirk he says Don t grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many
outweigh ...the needs of the few...or the one. This relates almost exactly to the words of John
Stuart Mill, a Utilitarian philosopher, on the idea of the Greatest Happiness Principle. The
greatest happiness principle is kind of simple alteration of the quote in that instead of acting out
the needs of the many we can act so long as the action promotes the greatest happiness for the
greatest number of people affected. Meaning that any action you can take can be morally justified
if it brings about the most amount of happiness to the most amounts of people. According to John
Stuart Mill this is an acceptable foundation for morality but is it really? Truly this isn t that great
of a foundation for morality, one person cannot assume that his or her actions will result in
happiness other people. This is because one people associate different meanings to their individual
happiness. Also this is an unstable foundation for morality because we cannot see every
consequence for our actions as soon as they take place. There sure are immediate results as to how
our actions impact the people around us but
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Scars Of Memory And Rosario Castellanos City Of Kings
In the 1932: Scars of Memory and Rosario Castellanos City of Kings, with its excerpt, Arthur Smith
Finds Salvation, demonstrated the ambiguous characteristics of the distinctive culture of
indigenous people of modern Latin America. It was the specific and violent continuity of ancient
traditions that potentially influenced the constant uprisings as well as dictatorships, as the Mayan
and Aztec civilizations were known for their aggressive rituals and behavioral patterns (Castellanos,
137). All the while, the same continuity of traditions supported the descendants of ancient
civilizations in their struggles to preserve their ethnic and cultural entity as well as human dignity.
As the Nobel Peace Prize winner from Guatemala, Indian rights activist
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Christopher Leinberger s Chapter Summary
This chapter of the book is a good example of an impassioned appeal for human mobility. So
much that I went ahead and started reading chapter 6, just to get a feel of where walkable
urbanism was headed. Leinberger presents a case that would allow cities to encourage, allow and
promotes places for individuals to live and have accessible places to go via walking. The chapter
focuses on human well being, rather than limit infrastructure and resources to encourage
automobile travel only. The author Christopher Leinberger clarifies the origin of such an appeal
and proves that it is the unambiguous choice experienced in the 20th century. In chapter five,
Leinberger argues about demographics and money. He pointed out that the reduced prices of oil
resulted to sub urbanism. However, as the prices of oil were increased, there was an impact on the
choices of people and the locations where they want to live.
This is an idea of chapter s 4 s drive until you qualify , which explains why buyers ... Show more
content on ...
Leinberger has a great idea for what he is writing about and goes into great depth and meaning of
walkable urbanism and drivable sub urbanism. This chapter is critical to architects, sociologists
and urban planners. The author had the perspective of an advisor. Leinberger does a wonderful
job in outlining the main changes that should be implemented to have walkable urbanism as a
choice. Most readers will state that it is a good book. It tells people about the history of transition
development in American society for the last 100 years (Leinberger, 2008). It is important
particularly for the pulls and pushes leading to the demand for suburban and the walkable urban
settings. One thing for certain is that even though the book was originally written more than 10
years old, any young readers that miss the current information can definitely get filled in by reading
... Get more on ...
Cooper Myles Research Paper
Cooper Myles (1736/7 1785) is an American Loyalist, and the Bishop of Canterbury for the
Anglican church before the revolutionary war.Born in Furness, Lancashire son of William
Cooper andEliz ibeh and was baptized 19 February in Cumberland County England. In 1753 he
graduated entered after 7 years he got an M.A. Teaching in gent. After went on to trained to be a
minister he was ordained as an Anglican priest during this time he wrote Poems on Several
Occasions celebrating life as not needing self rejection from religious folk who experience
tragedies. Son after he was elected Archbishop of CAnterbury and remains to be the youngest
person to be elected Archbishop of Canterbury. He came to America in 1762 at the request to aid
Samuel Johnson... Show more content on ...
When headed back he advocated allegiance to the crown and was an active voice to loyalist
ideals. In his pamphlet stated A Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans on our Political
Confusion. Talking about the consequences of opposing the british troops violently. Anomaly a
student wrote to him fairly addressing against his ideas of royalty to the crown. This angered
the patriots who were already angry at him they gathered into the college for his head. Copper
half dressed ran for the fence running to a friends house in 1775. The next day boarded the
BRitish vessel the Kingfisher escaping to britain. The college was turned into a hospital for the
revolutionary soldiers while the students were kicked out. After the war it was reopened by the
legislature of new York though with no president and a lack of funds. Having escaped the mob
Cooper lived out his days in Edinburgh. Making poems along with a speech to the oxford that
caused much political discussion. Finally he wrote an address to the Anglican churches, asking
for bishops to be appointed there. Passing away in Edinburgh May 1, 1785 buried in a holy
ground other minister like him are buried, on his tombstone he wrote a poem for is
... Get more on ...
Explain Why The Royal Air Force Saved Britain
The Royal Air Force saved Britain from the Nazi regime. In the beginning of the summer of
1940, war broke out over the United Kingdom between the German Luftwaffe and the British
Royal Air Force. The fighting started because of the fall of France to the Nazi s. The Nazi s
looked to Britain as their next territory they wanted to occupy. Germany had a plan that they
were beginning to draw up. Operation Sea Lion called for an assault on Britain by gaining air
control over Britain. On the British side, they had a powerful air defense system. Within the air
defense system there were the fighter pilots. The leader of the Luftwaffe was Herman Goring and
the leader of The Royal Air Force fighter pilots was Air Marshal Hugh Dowding. He is considered...
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As retaliation to the bombing of London, he ordered his Royal Air Force to bomb Berlin the
next night. The leader of the Luftwaffe, Herman Goring, said, you can call me Meyer (Wyatt
Info Poland). This was a joking remark towards Churchill. This statement was saying that
Churchill would not carry out his attack on Berlin. Goring was wrong and carried out his plan.
That night eighty one British Hampden bombers appeared over Berlin and delivered a blow that
would halt Hitler s Nazi Third Reich. After the bombing, Goring stated that a bombing of Berlin
would not happen again. To his surprise another bombing happened. Hitler was outraged and
stated in a radio addresses to his people if the British bomb our cities, we will bury theirs . He
ordered Goring to start a brutal air raid on London. The bombing hurt Britain, but gave much
needed rest to The Royal Air Force. The British could build back their bases and factories. With
The Royal Air Force forces back with increased numbers, they gave the Luftwaffe a beating and
diminished their forces. With the numbers of the Luftwaffe dwindling they could not keep up
fighting The Royal Air Force. This led to a point where all day bombings, and Operation Sea Lion
had to be halted. The British had won the battle. Due to these actions, a turning point in the war
took place. The successful defense of Britain was a turning point in WWII. If the Germans
... Get more on ...
The Role Of Diplomatic Relations Between Germany And Turkey
However, many historians have debated not only Germany s role in the severity of Armenian
persecution and their motives in involving themselves in the Armenian situation and the, but also
their rationale behind forming a relationship with the Ottoman Empire that began in the 1890s. In
March of 2007, Dr. Margaret Lavinia Anderson, a Professor Emerita of History at the University of
California, Berkeley, published an article in The Journal of Modern History, entitled Down in
Turkey, far away : Human Rights, the Armenian Massacres, and Orientalism in Wilhelmine
Germany. In this article, Anderson examines the development of diplomatic relations between
Germany and Turkey and, more specifically, why Germany became interested in the Near East,
their motives, and, later, their alliance. She argues that Germany was mainly focused on developing
a strong, influential relationship with the Ottoman Empireduring the Wilhelmine era. An alliance
with the Turks would be a joint cooperative effort to strengthen and modernize the failing Ottoman
military and ensure safe passage into neighboring British colonies for the Germans, still trying to
extend their influence beyond the Ottoman Empire eastward. The Germans sought to accomplish
this and create a strong coalition by adopting a compliant attitude towards Armenian persecution
and reiterating the Turkish rhetoric and belief that the Armenianswere getting what they deserved.
Anderson asserts that, in the age of Imperialism and
... Get more on ...

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Essay Beautiful Mind And Schizophrenia. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Essay Beautiful Mind And Schizophrenia 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay Beautiful Mind And Schizophrenia Essay Beautiful Mind And Schizophrenia
  • 2. Auto Wreck By Karl Castro Poetry Analysis Paper The Auto Wreck by Karl Shapiro is a grasping poem that digs into the universe of death and the thought of voyeurism from the point of view of a spectator. Shapiro decorates the poem with intriguing inconspicuous dialect and a lovely, although rather disheartening, depiction of death all through the poem. While this is poetry, the creator still consolidates components of writing that apply to both stories and poetry. As Shapiro weaves a word web, he utilizes a few prevailing components which guarantee that the audience is understanding his point.Through symbolism, personification and sound work, Shapiro imagines all parts of a vehicle s wreck from a voyeuristic point of view, eventually evacuating the comfort of separation which produce a sweeping casualty. Imagery utilizes the ability to create heart felt moments from the audience. Shapiro uses imagery all through Auto Wreck which enlivens the revulsions of a vehicle s wreck before the eyes of blameless onlookers. As we read ... Show more content on ... This, the volta of the lyric, is set off by the vital utilization of inquiries and abbreviated line length. Shapiro could be utilizing this line as a question of how demise picks its casualties and the arbitrariness of an auto wreck. He experiences a few distinct sorts of death, including cancer, suicide, and war, advocating how each picks its sufferer. Leaving vehicle wreck for definite investigation. Shapiro presumes that car wrecks, in reality, are the one reason for death that is arbitrary and assaults the guiltless. While the passings that originate from car wrecks are totally irregular, an optional sort of death is encountered that very few individuals think about. The exploitation of the on looking eyewitness quite often happens. By stripping the level of solace from the spectator, he, similar toward the victim himself, develops until they are just as ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Romanian Holocaust And Paul Celan s Death Fugue During World War II, German concentration camps exterminated and tortured the majority of the Jewish community in Europe. Understanding the suffering that the Jews went through during this time is difficult. The Romanian Holocaust survivor and poet Paul Celan wrote the poem Death Fugue in order to help others understand what he went through. This poem was written in German and first published in 1948. I will be using examples from the both English translation by Michael Hamburger and the English translation by John Felstiner. In the first stanza of there are two quotes which suggest the poem is referring to a German concentration camp. The first quote comes from the Hamburger translation, he writes when dusk falls to Germany , and the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Discuss The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Globalisation... In 1886 the first petrol powered automobile the Benz patent Motorwagen was invented by Karl Benz. It was the first time in history that an automobile (car) was produced in production. It was the beginning of the car industry, what today has become one of the world s most important economic sectors by revenue. Although the car industry has always been a huge Market it has mostly be regional, the past 30 years have enabled the car market to gain growth through globalisation. These factors were a result of a market that started to transform globally: Foreign Direct Investment or (FDI) which is an investment made by a company based in one country, into a company based in a another country. Large FDI flows come from the huge amount of low cost labour forces in Brazil, China and India, strengthening both local markets and developed countries. Furthermore global production and cross border trade have accelerated. Another change in the car market around the 1980 s was the increased outsourcing in the car market which resulted in increased trade and FDI for developed countries. Also the developing countries profited through this by increasing their... Show more content on ... Advantages like creating working places for people in developing countries, building businesses in developing countries enabling the country to grow resulting in wealth equality. Strengthening partnerships between countries and organisations resulting in more stable relationships between countries. But, Yes, globalisation in the car industry also has its disadvantages. As car companies started moving to developing countries where labour forces were cheaper, people in the original country of the company started losing their jobs. Also working standards laws are often not regulated in developing countries and can cause terrible working conditions. Also the environment has suffered under the need for energy in all the factories and the shipping of car parts around the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. My Necklace Story Nicole Skylar Cavazos! Yelled my mom, Heather. I just knew that I was in a heap of trouble with my mom. I had taken my moms beautiful black and silver shimmering necklace, with a sterling silver chain... again. Where s my necklace Nicole! At the moment, I was sitting by my large window on my purple violet chair in my clean room, looking out of the window at the hot and dusty plains covered in dead sandy sad colored grass, and the few little umbrella looking trees with a dark color green wavy tops and rough brown trunks, as furry meerkats, prairie dogs, kangaroo rats, and many other animals scurried about, and admiring the beauty of the necklace shimmering in the sunlight rays. My mom always told me not to touch the necklace in her special, dark brown wooden polished jewelry box, that I had given her for her birthday last year by the way, but I just can t help myself from taking the necklace. She stomped into my room with her new white sneakers, and started yelling at me some more. I m not going to ask you again young lady,where is my necklace! As I glanced up at her with guilt, she crossed her arms and yelled again, This is the 4th time this month you have taken my necklace... WHAT DID YOU DO WITH IT YOUNG LADY! I hated it when she yelled at me, which is often, so this time I looked up and said exclaimed, It s right here. As I pointed down at my neck, where the necklace hung shining in the suns afternoon bright light. My mom came over and took the necklace off of ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Study of Motivation Essay Literature Review Motivation MacIntyre et al. (2001) define motivation as an attribute of the individual describing the psychological qualities underlying behavior with respect to a particular task (p. 463). The study of motivation as a predictor of second language learning performance was initiated by Gardner and his Canadian colleagues (1972). According to Gardner and Lambert (1972), there are two kinds of motivation: integrative motivation, referring to a holistic learning approach toward the speech and culture of the target language group, and instrumental motivation, referring to language learning for more immediate or practical goals. Intrinsic and extrinsic are the new classifications of motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the ... Show more content on ... Both types are important. A learner might learn an L2 well with an integrative motivation or with an instrumental one, or indeed with both (Cook, 1991). . The level of identification with bilingual or trilingual identity is also influenced by the learners attitudes toward the learning situation. These attitudes refer to the individuals reactions to anything associated with the immediate context (e.g., the course and the teaching environment) in which the language is taught (Gardner, 1985).All the men show higher instrumental motivation towards foreign language learning than woman. Instrumental motivation, also called rational, pragmatic and utilitarian, refers to the individual s desire to acquire a second language in order to use it for operational purposes, to pass an examination, acquire a job, or visit a foreign country (ibid). Rahman explains rational language learning as the learning of a language in order to empower oneself by acquiring the potential to acquire employment (2002). . It has been pointed out that Gardner s motivation theory includes an educational dimension and that, the Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB), that he and his colleagues developed contains several items focusing on the learner s evaluation of the teacher and classroom learning situation. Gardner and MacIntyre (1991) themselves had noted later that the old characterization of motivation in terms of ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Pros And Cons Of Coal Mining Do you think that coal mining is risky. Some people belive that it is not even worth it. But on the other hand some people probably really want their electricity. It is very risky job. In 2010, 33 chilean coal miners were trapped almost half a mile underground for 69 days as it says in the passage. wow that is a long ways down for a long time. But these people do get there money for it. There salary is $21 per hour. And we get electricity so it is a win win. Yet it is super dangerous because you could get black lung disease from long term exposure in coalmines. One reason it is dangerous is because somebody could get stuck underground for a long period of time like in 2010. We do not want that to happen again. That would be scary for ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Morte d Arthur Essay Morte d Arthur In the Medieval Period, knights dedicated their lives to following the code of chivalry. In Sir Thomas Malory s Le Morte d Arthur, a number of characters performed chivalrous acts to achieve the status of an ideal knight. Their characteristics of respect for women and courtesy for all, helpfulness to the weak, honor, and skill in battle made the characters King Arthur, King Pellinore, and Sir Gryfflette examples of a what knights strove to be like in Medieval society. Because of the examples ofchivalry, Le Morted Arthur showed what a knightdesired to be, so he could improve theworld in which he lived. Respect for women and courtesy were two major characteristics that knights longed to develop, and King... Show more content on ... This was considerate behavior because even though he was angry, he was polite and allowed them to leave safely. The warning also showed his courtesy because he could have not told them in anticipation of their return in order to kill them because of their disagreement. These two examples of King Arthur s respect for the Lady of the Lake and the Roman ambassadors made him a model knight since he was obeying the code of chivalry. In addition to being courteous, being helpful to the weak was another aspect of chivalry portrayed through characters in the story. First, Arthur tried to be helpful to Merlin when he was being chased by ruffians. Arthur chased them away while riding his horse. Merlin was not in real danger because of his magical powers, but the intent of Arthur was to help someone who needed because he thought Merlin s powers might have failed him. Another example of this chivalrous quality was illustrated during the battle between King Pellinore and Sir Gryfflette. Pellinore knocked Gryfflette off his horse and, swiftly ran over to him and loosened his armor. He then, lifted him gently onto his horse (page 74). Sir Gryfflette was weak, and he was just knighted that day, so Pellinore did the chivalrous action and helped him. Being helpful to the weak was a quality that all the knights were trying to develop, and King Arthur and King Pellinore showed this attribute in their actions with Merlin and ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Growing Up From the day you are born, to the day you die, society applies pressure to who you think you should be. Growing older does not free you from all the expectations of your youth, and sometimes, wisdom and freedom do not come with age. Throughout your entire life, you will be told what you should look like and what you should enjoy doing. Growing up comes with restrictions; more responsibility, sometimes less stability and a whole new set of expectations for how you should look. You lose the freedom to dream and explore yourself due to the expectations of others. It can also come with wisdom, friendship and maybe even love. Kids are told to figure out who they are as people when they are only young, but they have a long life ahead of them to... Show more content on ... Long grey hair and a beard are not things associated with being a baby. Babies are small with no teeth, they giggle at nothing and always look happy. Once you become a teen, acne is everywhere, hair is dyed a horrid color and your clothing decisions can be debatable. Adults are put together, old people look peaceful, heaven forbid someone over the age of 18 has pink hair! What is the point in living your life, if you cannot be yourself? Life should come with freedom instead of constrictions. It does not matter how old you are, looking a certain way is not exclusive to any age group. Since you were young, you have likely heard adults say, Teenagers are lazy, or Wisdom comes with age. These statements generalize people, making it seem wrong to be an old person who is not the smartest or a hard working teenager. Consequently, humans tend to conform to these clichГ©s, because they may become ridiculed if choosing to remain astray. Benjamin is anything but expected, and his behaviors are not always of typical kids. He eventually tries to fit in, like most people do and acts immaturely. As Fitzgerald wrote, Thereafter Benjamin contrived to break something every day, but he did these things only ... Get more on ...
  • 10. A Case Study On Entrepreneurship And Business Failure Essay John Labatt Blows In and Out of the Windy City, A Case Study in Entrepreneurship and Business Failure, 1889 1896 , a 2014 article by Matthew Bellamy clearly illustrates multiple aspects working against the Labatt Brewery in its attempt to jump into American saloons in the nineteenth century. Being the first Canadian Brewery to tackle an expansion undertaking provided an interesting study for the author. The article discusses the brewery s history and compares the different possibilities that lead to the downfall of the company s American Expansion. Debating with the readers whether the failure was caused by environmental factors or strong personality traits, by not understanding the American consumer base or by not planning for new expenses Bellamy covers many possible angles as to where the collapse could have faulted. Initially looking at how to define a business failure, the author synthesizes for the audience generally accepted symptoms: market share erosion, persistent low or negative profitability, shrinking critical resources, or the loss of legitimacy (Bellamy, 2014.) When comparing this information to an article by Michael Porter from 2008 titled The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy , there is some overlay in information. Interestingly enough, multiple of these aspects are seen through the company s attempted expansion as well as in other companies who also failed. When searching for what John Labatt s, of Labatt Brewery, overall goal was in the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Plenitude Case Plenitude Case Plenitude s Position in the US Market 1996: Plenitude s position has been bumped from 3rd position behind Pond to 2nd position behind Oil of Olay who is the market leader in the skin care industry. The move of Plenitude s position to second position has been due to the introduction of a new product Revitalift known with L Oreal. Revitalift is the 20th brand product of Plenitude s product line sold in the US in a 1.7 ounce container and sales for $11.05 per unit. Revitalift was introduced in September, 1995 and quickly came to represent 20% of Plenitude sales with the support of $5M in TV advertising which continued through 1996 to date. Exhibit 14 Shows the 20% sales from Revitalift: Revitalift Volume sales... Show more content on ... The 7% represents the users who like to spend money on themselves as discussed in exhibit 10. 3. L Oreal s Problems: High Priced Products Plenitude has higher prices compared to its competitors yet the largest percent of users are concerned more a bout price. Awareness to Trial ratio Plenitude has a reasonable awareness though not as good as Oil of Olay but the percentage 23% of customers willing to try their brands are very low compared to Oil of Olay s 77%. Product Information Plenitude products have a lot of information that most potential users do find necessary and gets them confused hence making them lose interest in the product. Test Markets Use of only 2 states out of 52 states were used to yield results upon which they based the launch of their product line. Product Launch Strategy Launching the entire product line was not a smart move. Potential users where having a hard time making a choice from over 14 brands without the help of a sales expert. 4. What Hamilton should do: Drop the bottom non performing brands: Hamilton should cease the production of the products that are not yielding any sales such as the Excell Cream , Hydra Renewal Jar and Hydra Renewal cream tube. Price reduction on Daily Moisturizers: Hamilton should look into either price matching or reduce the price on moisturizers in order to compete effectively hence boost up more sales for the moisturizers. Free trial samples of the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Importance Of A Well Protection Of Well During... This section is an overview of the demands and tests associated with the integrity of well during production from and injection to a reservoir. The process begins after the well construction/well intervention organization has handed the well over to the production organization and concludes with a handover back to drilling and well organization for intervention, work over or abandonment. Well integrity during this phase is used to keep hydrocarbons from the pay zone inside the well and by protecting it from leaking off to contaminating groundwater for environmental purposes. Well barriers are an envelope of one or several dependent barrier elements preventing fluids or gases from flowing unintentionally from the formation to the surface ... Show more content on ... These well barrier elements have to be tested and must meet the requirements and guidelines that will enable them carry out their demands. Demands are an event or a situation that needs functioning well barrier elements and they could be continuous or instantaneous. A continuous demand is the constant high temperature and pressure that a well barrier must be able to withstand to avoid burst or collapse while and instantaneous demand could be an emergency shutdown of the system from the platform. The importance of well integrity in the production phase cannot be undermined and it could be easily categorized in three phases, namely pre production, in production/operations and postproduction. Pre Production This phase as the name implies, is the phase just before we start producing from the well and pumping up the hydrocarbons. This is also the phase when the completion personal hands over the well to the production crew. Well integrity in this phase is very critical because we have to check the well barriers and the well barrier elements and make sure they can handle the different types of demand prior to pumping the hydrocarbons out of the formation. Also important is the well barrier schematics and well barrier diagrams for the well and the necessary procedures to be taken should there be a well barrier failure . A well barrier schematic and well barrier ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Marks And Spencer Organisational Structure Faculty of Business and Law Date: 18/10/2017 Contents Front Page Contents Introduction Organisational Structure and Management Marketing Human Resource Management Operations Sustainability and Social Responsibility Impact on the Retailer by current changes in the retail sector Conclusion Introduction This report will demonstrate, apply and evaluate knowledge and understanding of key managerial disciplines of the chosen high street retailer, Marks and Spencer, in different real world global contexts. According to the report by Deloitte, the retail industry is undergoing immense changes and faces a tough competitive ... Show more content on ... The previous arrangement followed by Marks and Spencer demonstrates the concept of hierarchical structure, however in the last five years, due to a rise in their competitors within in the retail industry in the UK, their strategies have now become more focused on innovation and customer service s quality. Therefore, their tall structure was redefined to adapt to these changes. Therefore, Marks and Spencer now follow a flat organisational structure. This includes limited levels of management between administrative level and front line employees. The structure is followed in organisation to encourage employees. Marketing The process of marketing involves the action of advertising and promoting a company, product or service. This includes everything the customer encounters in relation to the company, from advertisements to customer service experiences. Marketing is often broken down into four sections, known as the four P s of marketing . (1) Identification, selection and development of a product, (2) Determination of its price, (3) Selection of a distribution channel to reach the customer s place, and (4) Development and implementation of a promotional strategy. According to Harvard Business school professor Theodore C. Levitt Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not
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  • 15. Mortality in the Stranger by Albert Camus Essay example Everyone will die. Meursault s awareness of death contributes to his nonchalant attitude toward every death he witness or must endure in The Stranger. Death fails to upset Meursault. In The Stranger, Albert Camus emphasizes mortality in order to expose the ignorance humanity has towards the inevitable or unknown end. Camus s emphasis on time accentuates Meursault s indifference. This indifference reveals that death occurs inevitably, regardless of time. The first thought that the audience reads, Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don t know. I got a telegram from the home: Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours. That doesn t mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday, immediately exhibits that when Maman died does not ... Show more content on ... This realization demonstrates the lack of power that people have over time, and by association, death. The reader assumes that since Salamano and his dog grow old together, they may likely also die together. Nearer to Meursault s execution, the chaplain asks, But if you don t die today, you ll die tomorrow, or the next day. And then the same question will arise. How will you face that terrifying ordeal (Camus 117)? Death, unpredictable and uncontrollable, will occur when it wishes, and through his indifference to time, Meursault asserts that getting upset over something known to be inevitable provides as useless. Camus foreshadows Meursault s death through the symbols of heat and Salamano s dog. While observing Salamano and his dog, Meursault notes, After living together for so long, the two of them alone in one tiny room, they ve ended up looking like each other...They look as if they belong to the same species, yet they hate each other (Camus 26 27). The likeness of Salamano and his dog produces the idea of inescapable death for all living things. They have become similar to each other in appearance without noticing, just as they have always had the same end laid out without noticing. Meursault s recognition provides a sense of the period of existentialism, focusing on the individual, but also contrastingly granting that the individual is part of a whole. However, the nurse acknowledges that all beings have the same fate when she says, If you go slowly, you ... Get more on ...
  • 16. A Comparison Of The Unites States And Canada s Health... A Comparison of the Unites States and Canada s Health Care System America has a very disorganized and fragmented healthcare system while Canada has a very structured and established system. Since there is no healthcare system in the world that is considered perfect all countries implement polices that they believe will be the most beneficial for their residents, The United States and Canada s systems are both constantly being reformed to fit the current needs their residents however there are strengths and weaknesses for both of the systems. United States Health Care System and it s Benefits The United States health care system is considered broken because we do not have one universal system. Within the American system there are different types of health insurance such as private, group or self insurance. The United States works on a fee for service system so the providers receive money for every service they provide therefore the medical bills for Americans are significantly high. Before the Affordable Care Act was implemented a few forms of government programs were Medicaid, the Children s Health insurance Program and Medicare. Medicaid and Children s Health Insurance Program were to help insure the low income citizens and their children. CHIP and Medicaid are both funded by the government and state but administered by the individual states. CHIP covers children whose family income is up to 200% of the poverty level. Medicaid insures low income citizens but can also ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Social Movement Analysis However, McLeod (2009) stated that there is very limited discourse when it comes to the media and the two party systems only hinders the discourse even more (p. 116). People become less aware of the happenings around them and may even have trouble identifying how they feel about issues and conflicts when they arise. They could have a point of view outside of the norm but say nothing about it because people and groups outside of the mainstream are treated as deviants (McLeod, 2009, p. 116). McLeod (2009) investigated transcripts of the CNN and Fox News coverage of the conflict over U.S. policy toward Iraq after the events of September 11, 2001 that lead to the war which began on March 20, 2003 (p. 117). This conflict was chosen because it ... Show more content on ... 9). Public opinion is the overall attitude of citizens on a given issue or question. Many democratic theorists subscribe to the view that not only should citizens form opinions, but the government has a responsibility to respond to those opinions (Roth, 2004, p. 9). The government has the tendency to respond to these opinions, whether the response be in favor of the public opinion or not. The definition of this theory is, The desires, wants, and thinking of the majority of the people or collective opinion of the people in a society or state on an issue or problem (Public Opinion, 2016, para. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Analysis Of Shooting An Elephant Sometimes, the people around a man force him to give up his freedom by giving in to what the audience expects. The person wants to make the audience pleased and wishes to keep his reputation high. In the short story, Shooting an Elephant , George Orwell, who writes from his own experiences, describes the life of the narrator, a policeman in a foreign country, Burma. The narrator feels forced to shoot a wild elephant that has destroyed parts of a village. He does not want to shoot the elephant, but because the Burmese around him seem determined and excited to see the elephant die, the narrator feels compelled to do what the natives request to keep his high status and position of authority. Throughout the time when the narrator has had... Show more content on ... When the Burmese see the narrator with an elephant rifle, they feel excited. With the weapon in the officer s hand, the villagers anticipated that Orwell plans to shoot the elephant. The Burmese feel as if they should follow him to the elephant because they want to see if he will actually kill the elephant. However, from the narrator s perspective, he states, I had no intention of shooting the elephant I had merely sent for the rifle to defend myself if necessary . In his mind, he wishes that the elephant will not be dangerous because he does not want to murder an animal. However, the narrator cannot turn back. Behind him, there was an immense crowd, two thousand at the least and growing every minute. It blocked the road for a long distance on either side . The villagers expect him to be brave enough to shoot the elephant. If he gives up, then the villagers will laugh and mock him for being afraid to kill the elephant. The narrator knows that every white man s life in the East, was one long struggle not to be laughed at . If he turns back, he will indicate his weakness and lack of power over the Burmese. Therefore, he has no choice. Orwell uses irony to emphasize the impossible position of foreign leaders in a native country. The narrator s decision to murder the elephant proves his weakness not his strength; instead, with all the excited Burmese around him, he was only an absurd puppet ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Creating A Crisis Management Plan For Mentorship Academy... Signature Assignment Create a Crisis Management Plan The purpose of this assignment is to create a crisis management plan for Mentorship Academy Athletic Department. Mentorship Academy host several athletic events throughout the school year for high school athletes to participate. Students that participates in any athletic events are at a risk for injuries than any other student and causes each sport to have a higher standard of caution and safety to protect the students safety. Therefore I will be completing a crisis managementplan for Mentorship Academy Football Team. Currently, Mentorship Academy has approximately 1200 students and 243 students participating in athletics in grades ninth through twelve. Programs offered for ... Show more content on ... Each coach must assist in performing regularly scheduled facility inspections to insure safety. When using outdoor and indoor facilities, it is important to performed scheduled inspections to insure safety for the student athletes, coaches and spectators. Although every sport have a different safety need as it pertains to facilities. That s why it is important for facilities to have an inspection before the spectators are allowed in the venue. Coaches must also be aware of the athletics health when it pertains to heat exhaustion. Coaches also have a duty to protect the students from injury with the proper equipment. If there is a sport that has a greater risk of injury the then there should be a higher need for equipment protection. When it pertains to football each player must have shoulder pads, helmet, mouth piece, thigh pads and knee pads. However, even though athletes have to wear the safety equipment in order to participate in any sport, the coaches have the responsibility to inform the parents and the students about the inherent risks for the sport. Therefore all parents should also be aware of the specific inherent risks per sport, athletes insurance, equipment, transportation and expectations for players and fans. As a part of any risk management planning there should be an emergency medical plans. As athletic injuries occur during the event of a game or practice, the athletic training staff must assist with the planning to provide the proper ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Infiltration Of Poway She often said how she liked the verbal jousting with her male customers and the kibitzing with her women customers. She worked her way from clerk to baker to manager to franchise owner. With Winchell s popularity waning, Glenda worried that the new corporate franchises would be too much competition for her. Periodically, the independent coffee franchises ordered several dozen donuts from her. A few kept standing orders for Saturday or Sunday. The new franchises used their own contractors, and she considered them the biggest threat to her shop staying profitable. She decided to help Sandra fight the corporate infiltration of Poway. As I went over to the whiskey bottles, I saw Bill, John, and Leo were holding a conversation. Pouring a shot ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Film Spotlight And How This Film Does The Freedom Of... As stated in the Constitution of United States of America of 1789; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Focusing on the freedom of speech , or of the press it s important to note that the media holds powerful entities whether that be individuals, government, businesses, or the Catholic Churchaccountable for their illegal or dishonest behavior. To analyze this statement, I will be focusing on the film Spotlight and how this film reiterates the idea of holding and exposing wrongdoings through use of the... Show more content on ... Paul/ Minneapolis, MN. Throughout the movie there are a couple of themes that arise that I believe need to be addressed before focusing on how the media holds institutions accountable. The first theme I d like to focus on is the crisis of Faith. The character Mike, had an interesting and powerful character arc. Once Mike sees the files that declare the church was guilty of abuse, he loses his religious Faith . This loss of Faith is especially difficult for a man raised Catholic in one of the most Catholic of cities. The net result is that Mike doubles down on his secular faith in the journalistic investigative process on which he has embarked. His drive to get to the truth kicks his faith in the investigation process into an even higher gear. Further, it s not just an individual s turn, it s an entire generations turn as well to face the crises of Faith . The priests abuse was horrific. This is and should be a story about the victims permanent scars. The film also shows how the church s cover up has furthered the very erosion of the institution they were trying to protect. Mike in that sense stands in for many who lost their Faith in the wake of the abuse scandal, Faith in the Catholic church, Faith and trust in the Priests who lead and represent the church, even Faith in God . Complicity and infallibility in regards to the contrast between the two major institutions, church and press existed ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Risk Factors For Suicidal Ideation I will discuss how pain affects one s life and how the way one copes affect his or her pain. Further, I will explore the risk factors for suicidal ideation, the impact of positive and negative emotions on pain perception, sleep disruption in relation to pain, and the importance of one expressing his or her painas separate from his or her identity. It was concluded that positive emotions, support from family and friends, expressing one s internal world, and maintaining a social scene are important for those sufferingfrom chronic pain. Factors that Contribute to Chronic Pain and Methods of Coping and Improving Quality of Life A large population of individuals experience chronic pain and it often affects every aspect of their existence. ... Show more content on ... Indications of Suicidality and Preventative Measures Because of the lasting nature of chronic pain, one who is suffering from it may feel depressed and even suicidal. Research suggests that there is an increased risk of suicidal ideation among individuals with chronic pain (Wilson, Kowal, Henderson, McWilliams, Pe loquin 2013, para. 1). Moreover, it is hypothesized that for an individual the risk is higher if he or she feels isolated or that he or she is a burden to others (Wilson et al. 2013, para. 2). Such predictions appear to be plausible as lasting pain has a tendency to impede greatly on one s social life. Further, it is important to note that studies have also indicated that pain severity and suicidal ideation do not always correlate (Wilson et al. 2013, para. 20). In other words, someone with severe pain may not experience suicidal ideation, but someone with mild pain may experience suicidal ideation. This finding is important as one may assume that a higher level of pain equals a higher likelihood of suicidal thoughts and actions, but this may not always be the case. Thus, it is important that health professionals as well as friends and family members caring for those suffering from chronic pain acknowledge their suffering even if their pain is not categorized as severe. Other preventative measures to suicide ... Get more on ...
  • 23. How Did The Dust Bowl Affect The Economy There was dust everywhere, covering everything. People and animals falling over dead left and right. No one can breathe, and are all suffocating from the great amounts of dust particles in the air. Imagine an immense cloud of dust appearing sporadically and being so overtaking all there is to do is sit and wait for the storm to terminate. The Dust Bowleffected the economy, the people, and the geographical region of the Great Plainsnegatively. The Dust Bowl will forever go down in history as one of the most catastrophic disasters to take place in the Great Plains. Many events occurred before the years of the Dust Bowl began. The farmers plowed up all of the ground to grow cash crops (Marrin 58). The plowing of the soil left no grass to hold down the topsoil, leaving it vulnerable for wind erosion. In 1930, the people of the Great Plains had the biggest shortage of water in the history. Seventeen million people were affected (Worster 11). In the early 1930 s, the temperatures went higher than they ever had before (Marrin 52). By 1932, most people had reached their breaking point. Before the dust storms began, there was a cutworm plague, a grasshopper plague, and a rabbit plague (Reis 51 and 52). Between all of the natural problems occurring, the land and people were both exhausted. They had no idea... Show more content on ... Fish died from the water being so dirty, and they were unable to get oxygen. Cattle were blinded from the wind blowing dust in their eyes, and they did not have any teeth left from the grinding of their teeth on the dust covered grass. Autopsies of the deceased cattle showed their lungs full of dust and mud. The land was also affected. Approximately four hundred and eight tons of dirt was blown away from the original place. Ten million acres lost five inches of topsoil, and thirteen and a half million acres lost two and a half inches of topsoil (Worster 22 29). The land would take years to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Choices of Nora Helmer The Choices of Nora Helmer The one thing that every person is granted in life is having the option to choose. Choosing whether to stand or to sit; to go or to stay; to speak up or to stay quiet and fictional characters should be no different. In Henrik Ibsen s play, A Doll s House, the protagonist Nora Helmer is always making decisions that she feels are beneficial. Nora is like a typical housewife: devoted to her husband, children, and home. Just in the beginning of the play, she is seen coming back home after a day spent shopping for Christmas presents for her family. The reader grasps that she is a loving individual, but it also seems as if she is naГЇve. This all changes as the play continues. Just from how she handles situations and... Show more content on ... Her decision displays how dedicated she is to her family. She wants what is best for her husband and what was best for him was for he to go to Italy. This choice also shows her strength. She knew that there was a huge chance that Helmer would be infuriated with her, for women at that time could not borrow money without their husband consent. Nora was willing to face his rage just to make sure that he received the help he needed. Nora s unexpected decision to leave Helmer shows the confidence she has within herself and the strong ability that she posses. This result occurs when Helmer finds out that Nora had borrowed money from Krogstad to finance the trip to Italy. The two get into an argument, but it quickly dies down once Helmer receives another letter from Krogstad saying how he will not blackmail Nora anymore. Helmer tries to console her but at this point it was too late. She explains how she feels like his trophy by exclaiming, ...But our home s been nothing but a playroom. I ve been your doll wife, the same way that I was Papa s doll child. And the children have been my dolls. I thought it was great fun when you played with me, the way they thought it was when I played with them. That s what our marriage has been, Torvald (Ibsen 935). She realizes that she has been nothing but a plaything for Torvald. Torvald liked the idea of having someone to love him and do what he says but not ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Physical Analysis On Physical Forensics Physical Forensics One physical analysis technique that could be considered as physical forensics is finger printing. Although technically from a biological trace, the analysis method used to establish finger print from finger print at the crime scene is a very analytical and physically arduous process. Finger printing At a crime scene, the one thing that can never be fully covered up is the presence of finger prints. Because of the oils we produce through our skin, our fingers leave prints on any imaginable surface, including on another body. These finger prints are classified in many different ways in order to make the extraction, storage and eventual cross reference of these fingerprints much easier for future analysis purposes. The ... Show more content on ... Types of finger prints Because finger prints come in all shapes and sizes, it means that finger print evidence is often a very accurate and reliable way at distinguishing the presence of a person at a scene. It is thought that the chances of 2 people having the same fingerprints is around 1/64,000,000,000 that s 64 billion. In terms of classification of finger prints, the actual trace itself can be distinguished by analyzing the finger using the accepted terms for the patterns that all fingers exhibit. These include whorls which is the circular shape, ridges and ridge endings which are unique in almost every way and also loops which are the elongated bend shape which can originate from the left or the right of the finger. Other, more rare characteristics of the finger print is the arch which is slightly raised lines and tented arches which form a triangular looking fingerprint. Today, prints are analysed by putting them through a system on the computer which measures the different characteristics of the finger print from a selection of viewpoints in order to establish whether the owner of the finger prints has their finger prints on the system. This will flag up if it is the case, and show the culprit and their previous crimes/affiliations. Recovering prints Because of the composition of the prints, they are often fragile and can be damaged on contact to the point where no analysis can take place. This means that ... Get more on ...
  • 26. A Short Note On Anti Aging Skin Care Anti aging skin care The moment we are born we start to age throughout our lives, the effects of aging are getting more noticeable in our bodies. At age 20 you start to see the effects of aging to be noticeable in the skin. One of things that affects the skin is called, Chronological age , it causes a chemical change in collagen and elasticity. The connective tissues give the skin its firmness and elasticity. The loss of firmness and elasticity occurs at different times. Everybody s skin is different, some age different than others. When people start to loose elasticity in the skin, it starts to get drier, fat padding starts to disappear, when you start to lose fat padding and connective tissue the skin starts to sag. It looks less limber and wrinkles start to form. The skin may be itchy with increased dryness, and a cut may heal more slowly. With aging the process of photo aging may take place. Photo aging is the effect of chronic and extreme sun exposure on the skin. Cigarette smoking also provide aging effect of biochemical changes, it brings about in skin tissue. Photo ageing and chronological aging combined may appear to advance the progress of chronological ageing. In fact photo ageing may be accountable for the preponderance of age associated change in the skin s manifestation: mottled pigmentation, surface roughness, fine wrinkles that disappear when stretched, age or liver spots (lentiginous) on the hands, and dilated blood vessels. Chronic sun exposure is very ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Advantages Of CPM 2.3ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE BY USING CPM 2.3.1ADVANTAGE OF CPM APPLICATION The major of using technology that help discovering how companies are using CPM, the past theory stated the benefits obtained from CPM application. The theory in 1974 gave six different options for benefits including improved estimating, improved planning before work starts, improved project control after work starts, faster response to problems, improved communication among the work force, and cost savings (Kelleher,2004). Other than that, more benefits were added to the survey such as improved scheduling, helps train future project managers, positive psychological effects on employees, and time savings. This method can give more benefits including improved understanding of the project help project complete on time and run smoother, minimizes disputes, and more control over risk and uncertainty. According to Callahan et al,. (1992) mention the important because the 1983 study showed that delayed projects are closely related to... Show more content on ... The particular task can give big impact to the total time of project and enable to project managers manage a schedule for each task to effectively plan and specified the deadline to the project (Snavely K. 2015). When using CPM, Large companies are more likely than small or medium sized companies to use CPM because of its increased use in law. Large companies were more likely to obtain the listed benefits than medium and small companies except for a few cases such as positive problem effects on employees, time savings, and cost savings. CPM is more likely to have positive problem effects on employees in small companies than medium or large companies. Time savings and cost savings were obtained almost the same by large and small companies with medium companies lagging ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The World Of The East Coast Of Massachusetts The rooms were confined to themselves by a large metal door with a small slot about 5 feet from the floor that could only be opened from the outside. The walls were once a brilliant white, but now filled with the scratch marks and blood stains from the ones before me. The room stench of urine, most likely from the other patients. All there was in the room was a small cot with a mattress so thin, it almost looked as if it was a thin piece of plywood. As I laid there strapped to my bed by leather restraints that were made to protect me from myself, I kept pondering on the question what did I do to deserve to be locked up in a place like this? Then I remember my crime, and smile. This perdition of a world I was living in was the Brookside... Show more content on ... They think that pills and shock therapy can cure the sickness inside my head, but one thing is for sure; I will never modificate. I like the way I am too much to be changed. I am a monster and I adore it. Not much happened the first month happened the first month inside the asylum, just the periodic routine I followed: Eat breakfast with the other patients, take my morning pills, be given an hour of electroconvulsive therapy, swig down more pills, then listen to music for an hour or two and finally be tested by the nurses there. A very basic routine, one that I very easily got in the habit of following. Being a young man, the age of 24 at the time, I tried to keep to myself most of the time and did not associate with the other patients for they were too decrepitated and insane for my likings. On the fiftieth day I was at the mental institution, my usual routine abruptly was broken. I was listening to my favorite song, Heureux Tous Les Deux by Frank Alamo, three of the health care workers walked into my room with the director of the hospital, Dr. James Roxton. Dr. Roxton, a very serious man, was in a furious manner and screamed at me In all this time since you ve been in my care, you have not improved! Not even the slightest! It is time to escalate your therapy. What are you going to do... I was saying as they ripped me away from the old cassette player in my room. They threw me onto the metal table they brought with them into the room and restrained me down ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Huckleberry Finn Book Analysis Overtime the n word became a word only Black people are allowed to say. When teaching the book as is brings up the problem where people do not feel comfortable reading the word over and over because they know it is not from a black person, it is Huck saying it or another white person. This however is teachable moment were the students have a opportunity to talk about the racial history, the teachers should be able to guide the conversation better (Beck). When correctly guided the students better know our history and we learn from it so in the future we make better decisions. Because the students are the future decision makers and are therefore suppose to be openmind of the outcomes. Dr. Nel agrees that the discomfort created by this book needs a sensitive teacher to guide this experience (Beck). If there is discomfort then society clearly has not progressed. As Nel said in his interview that only way to teach Huckleberry Finn the right way is to be uncomfortable and discuss the situation rather than ignoring it and pretending everything is okay (Beck). In order for the students to acquire the most knowledge is by receiving the original version of Huckleberry Finn . Schools however have avoided the dilemma that comes from reading Huckleberry Finn due to its overuse of the n word. Therefore, one solution has come up to replace the n word with another, because that is the only problem with the book. The NewSouth Books has partnered up with Alan Gribben to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Description Duchenne muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is the most common out of nine types of muscular dystrophy. This genetic disorder causes progressive muscular weakness, and deterioration due to the lack of a protein called Dystrophin. This protein keeps the muscles in tack, so when it s missing, the muscles slowly break down. (MDA, 2015) Epidemiology Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the most common muscular dystrophy disorder. In the United States DMD affects 1 in 3,500 males. 2/3 of those cases are passed down for the mothers and 1/3 are random mutations. Internationally the statistics are similar. (Medscape, 2015) Modes of Inheritance Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disorder that is passed on through the x chromosomes. Only men are ... Show more content on ... We have many drugs, therapy techniques, and procedures to help slow the progression or help with the pain associated with DMD. There are many varying degrees of severity with DMD and because of this treatment plans vary greatly with the patient s specific needs. Many are given medical interventions to help with mobility. Many use wheelchairs or braces to help them maintain freedom and independance. Drugs like Prednisone, Deflazacort,Cyclosporine and Oxandrolone are used to prolong the ability to walk without aids as much as 5 years. Prednisone is a Corticosteroid that is the most common steriod used to help symptoms of DMD. There is controversy when using this steriod because of the numerous side effects like weight gain, fragile bones, high blood pressure, and behavioral changes. Deflazacort is a synthetic form of Prednisone that has been found to have less side effects. This drug is used in Europe. Cyclosporine is a medication that is very controversial because it s possible it causes myopathy. Oxandrolone is still being researched but it is believed to have similar results as Prednisone with fewer side effects.(National Human Genome Research Institute, 2013) People with DMD may need other medications for secondary issues like asthma, or heart complications. Surgeries are also an option to help correct spinal curvature or fix issues with the heart. Therapies are the most common among all varying degrees of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Range of Motion exercises will help keep flexibility in the affected joints. These exercises will also help to prevent muscle shortening. Low impact exercises like swimming are highly to maintain mobility., flexibility in joints, and strength.(Mayo Clinic, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Justification Public Policy Explain the justifications for and goals of public policy, please discuss factors inherent in government that provides opportunities for public/Government failure? When it comes to intervention in private affairs, policy analysts should use great caution and stay away from it. Most single decision encourages such social values as productivity and freedom. In any case, some individual decision can be distinguished as market failures and can diminish social values in unsurprising ways. As a result, aggregate decision practiced through government structures offers, at any rate, the possibility of correcting the apparent insufficiencies of individual choice. Be that as it may, similarly as individual decision now and then neglects to advance ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Fear Of Death In On The Trial And Death Of Socrates We are born and then we die, since no human is immortal, we must all endure this cycle of life. Since each human must endure the dying process, it is common that as humans we have and share mutual feelings and thoughts toward the experience of dying, such as a fear of death. In a poll of the top one hundred phobias in America, Thanatophobia or the fearof deathranked number twelve, signifying that the experience of death is considered by many to be a very frightening thing ( Top 100 Phobia List. ). Numerous people may fear death; however, various philosophers have challenged this notion. Throughout the years, numerous philosophers have provided various valid points in order to alleviate our fears of death. After considering the reasons... Show more content on ... The thoughts and ideology of Saint Augustine help to alleviate the unknowingness of death, which in turn alleviates one s fear of death. In The Death of a Friend and the life of the Soul, Augustine speaks about death and the afterlife from a religious standpoint in order to alleviate the unknowingness of death. Augustine tells of how it is through the power of God that one is created through birth, therefore since we are created from God we will return to God through death (Ciraulo, p. 111 123). Since God is the greatest good, by returning to God it signifies that death is also the greatest good. This is an important concept because it relates back to Socrates ideology in which he challenged that death cannot be feared because there is a chance that death is the greatest good. Through religion Augustine validates that death is the greatest good, therefore validating the point that death cannot feared, since one cannot fear something that is ... Get more on ...
  • 33. 1920s Flappers Research Paper The 1920s was the era of the Flapper. Young women started to cut their hair, shorten their skirts, so that they could more easily dance the wild, flapping dances of the age (hence the term flapper ). They drank and smoked and wore makeup, and went out with boys without a chaperone. They played sports, golf, tennis, and swimming were all very popular. Sunbathing became popular with womenfor the first time. Women enjoyed driving automobiles, and many women took to flying aeroplanes. Although many girls still went to college, the number was lower than in the pre WW1 era, and there was a decline of interest in careers among young women. Most women worked until they got married, but far fewer women were interested in staying single and pursuing ... Show more content on ... The Kimberly Clark Company had manufactured bandages made out of wood pulp for army hospitals in World War I. American nurses used them when they had their periods and raved about their absorbency and disposability. After the war, the firm began selling the bandages under the name Kotex in pharmacies and department stores. An early ad, signed by a registered nurse, praised the product s Immaculacy and clean exquisiteness under circumstances which most women find exceedingly ... Get more on ...
  • 34. A Rose Is Still A Rhodes (Rose) A Rhodes (rose) is still a Rhodes (rose) Introduction Like the rose that grew from concrete, life is hard. Never give up! You ll make it to the sunshine of success. Never give up! J. Lewis A s you look at the rose that grew from concrete, what do you see? Do you see the damaged petals? Or are you in awe to see the rose that actually grew from concrete? The truth is we never know what molded an individual into the person that is presented to the outside world. Just like the rose that grew from concrete, we view people from their outer being rather than from their soul. My tenacious behavior is much like that rose. That rose that grew from concrete willed itself to survive and bloom despite the laws of nature.... Show more content on ... This course has broadened my world view and piqued my interest of subfields in philosophy. For an example in A Lesson Before Dying, and Midwives, different philosophical phenomena s emerged from the pages of each novel philosophy of the mind, religion, and science. Philosophy of the mind: Both novels were reflective of human emotions, such as desire, passion and feelings. Philosophy of religion: Lesson Before Dying, religious symbolism was used throughout the novel. Grant and Pastor Ambrose were continually battling over religious beliefs and spirituality. Philosophy of science: Midwives, the trial of Sybil traditionalists vs. modernists. This course has helped me think outside the box and dissect a work of art, and identify underlying questions that provides me a better understanding of what the writer is trying to portray to their audience. In conclusion the rose in concrete metaphor represents the hardship of life, but with perseverance anything is possible. Hello, my name is Carletta Marie Rhodes and I am destined for ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Lab Report On Protein Purification Lab Report 4 Introduction: Protein purification is a process that can be employed to separate a single protein from a larger starting material which may be anything from an organ to a cell. Isolating a purified protein from a larger fraction enables further analysis such as determination of amino acid sequence, potential biological function, and even evolutionary relationship. (Cuatrecasas 1970) In this experiment, the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase will be purified, this enzyme is found extensively in human cells and catalyzes the conversion of lactate to pyruvate, an essential part in energy production. LDH is a key part of anaerobic energy production especially within glycolysis in which LDH catalyzes the conversion of the reverse reaction, pyruvate to lactate, generating NAD+ from NADH, reproducing the oxidized form of the coenzyme which can be used for oxidative respiration. (Markert 1963) Due to the fact that number of purification steps correlates with the purity of the protein multiple purification techniques will be used to isolate a pure form of LDH. LDH will be isolated from a larger cytosol fraction collected from a homogenized rat liver in a previous fractionation exercise. Of the procedures that will be used to isolate and purify proteins from a larger fractionate are a set of techniques collectively known as chromatography. These techniques all have the same premise, in that they consist of a stationary phase, also known as the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Gospel Of Luke Analysis The Gospel of Luke was written by a Greek speaking Christian. It was not written to replace the Gospel of Mark, but as a new account written for an audience under different circumstances than Mark s community. The church was becoming more Gentiles than Jews. Most people in Luke s community were not familiar with the Jewish traditions that were referred to by many preachers. Many members of the community were well off as well. This community struggled to follow a church that had a Hebrew core. These issues are what influenced Luke s writing. Luke wanted his community to know that they were all included in God s plan for salvation even though in history the Jews would have been the first to know. A few of the major themes of Luke s Gospelwere: salvation for all, mercy and forgiveness, and modern... Show more content on ... In the early Christian community, this story was seen as a call to faith in Jesus who is present in the church during stormy times (Kodell 953). This interpretation is still incredibly relevant for Christians today. This passage shows Christians that Jesus is there for you through everything. Even in tough times, Jesus is there. The storm in the passage is symbolic for stormy times in life. Jesus calming the storm is representative of the support that God can provide for you during tough times. No matter what the situation, God will be there for you. The Calming of a Storm at Sea shows Luke s community the power of Jesus. It shows that Jesus is there for you when you need him. The passage shows that even when you lack faith, like the disciples did, God will still be there for you. In this story, Jesus takes a situation where the disciples are in danger and calms it to where they are safe. This is representative of the fact that when you are in danger, you can turn to Jesus and he will save you. The passage clearly shows God s saving power and and the reaction of the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Importance Of Belonging In Society Belonging What is it and is it important? According to most dictionaries, belonging is either being the property of someone or being part of an organisation. But I believe that belonging is more than that. And what about the people who don t feel they belong? Are there significant side effects? Belonging means actively participating, and actively participating gives you a purpose. It is important to an individual s mental health and wellbeing and there are negative side effects to those who feel they don t belong. Belonging also relates to being able to be yourself within the community. But it is not something that happens instantly. It is a process. Finding true belonging can be difficult in our society because of many reasons. Some people can be excluded from events due to things they have no control of (skin colour, gender, motor skills, etc), and often feel they don t belong as no part of society seems to want them. Sometimes it can be the opposite, and you don t want to have to be a part of something, like a religion or culture that is being forced on you. This is evident in the touching book the rabbit proof fence as three girls (Molly, Daisy, Gracie) have western culture forced on them. This causes them to unwisely flee the settlement they were relocated to in an attempt to go home to Jigalong. This can affect people in bad ways, and can lead to depression, sleep disorders and even an inferiority complex. Although these are in severe cases, the World ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Importance Of Race In Education Access to education is a basic human right, not a privilege. Human rights cannot be given or taken away on the basis of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. This means that the right to education is legally guaranteed for all without any discrimination, state have the obligation to protect, respect, and fulfil the right to education, [and that] there are ways to hold states accountable for violations of deprivations of the right to education (Right to Education). In 1948, Article 26 of The Universal Declaration on Human Rights declared that everyone has the right to education. However, many children are denied educational opportunities on the basis of their gender or their race. In the United States, race and gender inequality still plays a big role in students education. Race and ethnicity have been shown to have a large effect on the way that students learn and are treated in all levels of education. As with race, gender also plays a large role in one s education. Reports have shown that academic and disciplinary racial disparities continue to exist in K 1 education in the United States, and girls and young women in all parts of the globe are prevented from starting school at all, or not allowed to complete their education (T., Kirah). The United States Department of Education s 2014 Civil Rights Data Collection reports that Black, Latino, and Native Americans have a bigger chance of going to schools with a ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Confederate Wins and Losses On April 12,1865 Confederate warships bombed the union at Fort Sumter in South Carolina and this marked the beginning of one of the worst and deadliest wars fought in the world. It was a war that only lasted around four years but yet took 620,000 of our brothers, sisters, and children with it. Families were torn apart, sons had lost their fathers, mothers lost their sons, and whole towns lost every man they had to give. A war that we fought on our land, a war that made brother fight brother, killed almost as many men as every war America has fought since combined. At First the Union believed they were going to fight at least a couple battles and it would all be over with, but oh was the Union wrong. They under estimated the wholeheartedly fighting Confederate soldiers, the Confederates were not going to give up that easily what they needed, what they wanted, and their way of life. Between the battle of Fort Sumter a Confederate victory and the First battle of Bull Run anther Confederate victory, there were nine other smaller battles many not large enough to truly be called a battle. Of those nine battles three were won by the Confederates and two were inconclusive. At the first battle of Bull Run, the Union still believed that this is going to be a very short war, they believed it so much that spectators came and lined the sides of the battlefield to watch the Union smash the Confederate Army. Of the spectators most we re just common folk or people near that community, but ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Moral Justification in Greatest Happiness Principle In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Spock saves the Enterprise from certain destruction by going in to the damaged warp core camber which was flooded with deadly radiation in order to fix and save the entire crew of the Enterprise. This ended up leading to the death of Spock and in his dying words to Admiral Kirk he says Don t grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh ...the needs of the few...or the one. This relates almost exactly to the words of John Stuart Mill, a Utilitarian philosopher, on the idea of the Greatest Happiness Principle. The greatest happiness principle is kind of simple alteration of the quote in that instead of acting out the needs of the many we can act so long as the action promotes the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people affected. Meaning that any action you can take can be morally justified if it brings about the most amount of happiness to the most amounts of people. According to John Stuart Mill this is an acceptable foundation for morality but is it really? Truly this isn t that great of a foundation for morality, one person cannot assume that his or her actions will result in happiness other people. This is because one people associate different meanings to their individual happiness. Also this is an unstable foundation for morality because we cannot see every consequence for our actions as soon as they take place. There sure are immediate results as to how our actions impact the people around us but ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Scars Of Memory And Rosario Castellanos City Of Kings In the 1932: Scars of Memory and Rosario Castellanos City of Kings, with its excerpt, Arthur Smith Finds Salvation, demonstrated the ambiguous characteristics of the distinctive culture of indigenous people of modern Latin America. It was the specific and violent continuity of ancient traditions that potentially influenced the constant uprisings as well as dictatorships, as the Mayan and Aztec civilizations were known for their aggressive rituals and behavioral patterns (Castellanos, 137). All the while, the same continuity of traditions supported the descendants of ancient civilizations in their struggles to preserve their ethnic and cultural entity as well as human dignity. As the Nobel Peace Prize winner from Guatemala, Indian rights activist ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Christopher Leinberger s Chapter Summary This chapter of the book is a good example of an impassioned appeal for human mobility. So much that I went ahead and started reading chapter 6, just to get a feel of where walkable urbanism was headed. Leinberger presents a case that would allow cities to encourage, allow and promotes places for individuals to live and have accessible places to go via walking. The chapter focuses on human well being, rather than limit infrastructure and resources to encourage automobile travel only. The author Christopher Leinberger clarifies the origin of such an appeal and proves that it is the unambiguous choice experienced in the 20th century. In chapter five, Leinberger argues about demographics and money. He pointed out that the reduced prices of oil resulted to sub urbanism. However, as the prices of oil were increased, there was an impact on the choices of people and the locations where they want to live. This is an idea of chapter s 4 s drive until you qualify , which explains why buyers ... Show more content on ... Leinberger has a great idea for what he is writing about and goes into great depth and meaning of walkable urbanism and drivable sub urbanism. This chapter is critical to architects, sociologists and urban planners. The author had the perspective of an advisor. Leinberger does a wonderful job in outlining the main changes that should be implemented to have walkable urbanism as a choice. Most readers will state that it is a good book. It tells people about the history of transition development in American society for the last 100 years (Leinberger, 2008). It is important particularly for the pulls and pushes leading to the demand for suburban and the walkable urban settings. One thing for certain is that even though the book was originally written more than 10 years old, any young readers that miss the current information can definitely get filled in by reading Chapter ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Cooper Myles Research Paper Cooper Myles (1736/7 1785) is an American Loyalist, and the Bishop of Canterbury for the Anglican church before the revolutionary war.Born in Furness, Lancashire son of William Cooper andEliz ibeh and was baptized 19 February in Cumberland County England. In 1753 he graduated entered after 7 years he got an M.A. Teaching in gent. After went on to trained to be a minister he was ordained as an Anglican priest during this time he wrote Poems on Several Occasions celebrating life as not needing self rejection from religious folk who experience tragedies. Son after he was elected Archbishop of CAnterbury and remains to be the youngest person to be elected Archbishop of Canterbury. He came to America in 1762 at the request to aid Samuel Johnson... Show more content on ... When headed back he advocated allegiance to the crown and was an active voice to loyalist ideals. In his pamphlet stated A Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans on our Political Confusion. Talking about the consequences of opposing the british troops violently. Anomaly a student wrote to him fairly addressing against his ideas of royalty to the crown. This angered the patriots who were already angry at him they gathered into the college for his head. Copper half dressed ran for the fence running to a friends house in 1775. The next day boarded the BRitish vessel the Kingfisher escaping to britain. The college was turned into a hospital for the revolutionary soldiers while the students were kicked out. After the war it was reopened by the legislature of new York though with no president and a lack of funds. Having escaped the mob Cooper lived out his days in Edinburgh. Making poems along with a speech to the oxford that caused much political discussion. Finally he wrote an address to the Anglican churches, asking for bishops to be appointed there. Passing away in Edinburgh May 1, 1785 buried in a holy ground other minister like him are buried, on his tombstone he wrote a poem for is ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Explain Why The Royal Air Force Saved Britain The Royal Air Force saved Britain from the Nazi regime. In the beginning of the summer of 1940, war broke out over the United Kingdom between the German Luftwaffe and the British Royal Air Force. The fighting started because of the fall of France to the Nazi s. The Nazi s looked to Britain as their next territory they wanted to occupy. Germany had a plan that they were beginning to draw up. Operation Sea Lion called for an assault on Britain by gaining air control over Britain. On the British side, they had a powerful air defense system. Within the air defense system there were the fighter pilots. The leader of the Luftwaffe was Herman Goring and the leader of The Royal Air Force fighter pilots was Air Marshal Hugh Dowding. He is considered... Show more content on ... As retaliation to the bombing of London, he ordered his Royal Air Force to bomb Berlin the next night. The leader of the Luftwaffe, Herman Goring, said, you can call me Meyer (Wyatt Info Poland). This was a joking remark towards Churchill. This statement was saying that Churchill would not carry out his attack on Berlin. Goring was wrong and carried out his plan. That night eighty one British Hampden bombers appeared over Berlin and delivered a blow that would halt Hitler s Nazi Third Reich. After the bombing, Goring stated that a bombing of Berlin would not happen again. To his surprise another bombing happened. Hitler was outraged and stated in a radio addresses to his people if the British bomb our cities, we will bury theirs . He ordered Goring to start a brutal air raid on London. The bombing hurt Britain, but gave much needed rest to The Royal Air Force. The British could build back their bases and factories. With The Royal Air Force forces back with increased numbers, they gave the Luftwaffe a beating and diminished their forces. With the numbers of the Luftwaffe dwindling they could not keep up fighting The Royal Air Force. This led to a point where all day bombings, and Operation Sea Lion had to be halted. The British had won the battle. Due to these actions, a turning point in the war took place. The successful defense of Britain was a turning point in WWII. If the Germans ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Role Of Diplomatic Relations Between Germany And Turkey However, many historians have debated not only Germany s role in the severity of Armenian persecution and their motives in involving themselves in the Armenian situation and the, but also their rationale behind forming a relationship with the Ottoman Empire that began in the 1890s. In March of 2007, Dr. Margaret Lavinia Anderson, a Professor Emerita of History at the University of California, Berkeley, published an article in The Journal of Modern History, entitled Down in Turkey, far away : Human Rights, the Armenian Massacres, and Orientalism in Wilhelmine Germany. In this article, Anderson examines the development of diplomatic relations between Germany and Turkey and, more specifically, why Germany became interested in the Near East, their motives, and, later, their alliance. She argues that Germany was mainly focused on developing a strong, influential relationship with the Ottoman Empireduring the Wilhelmine era. An alliance with the Turks would be a joint cooperative effort to strengthen and modernize the failing Ottoman military and ensure safe passage into neighboring British colonies for the Germans, still trying to extend their influence beyond the Ottoman Empire eastward. The Germans sought to accomplish this and create a strong coalition by adopting a compliant attitude towards Armenian persecution and reiterating the Turkish rhetoric and belief that the Armenianswere getting what they deserved. Anderson asserts that, in the age of Imperialism and ... Get more on ...