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Essay Introduction Help Essay Introduction Help
Importance Of Preferential Trade Agreement
Internal Memorandum 2
Countries are increasingly using preferential trade arrangements in order to liberalize trade. There are
specific terms used in this context as such. When talking about a PTA, it should be first made clear
that this is an exception the core WTO principle of MFN. Some countries are treated better than others
for the purposes of such agreements, as opposed to the MFN status of the WTO, where everybody is
treated the same. There are going to be increasing levels of integration associated with PTAs.
The first one, according to relevant literature is the so called free trade agreement, FTA. Under this
arrangement countries will eliminate restrictions with their other club members , but will continue to
add independent ... Show more content on ...
The first two ways of integration deal with movements of goods and services across borders and WTO
commitments. So, to be clear, it is only the FTAs and Customs Unions towards which WTO rules are
addressed. The WTO has certain commitments that members agree to, surrounding these preferential
trade agreements. On an FTA, where the FTA and customs union are treated under art. XXIV of the
GATT, the commitments under the agreements are required that the restrictions on non members
cannot be increased. You can eliminate the barriers among your buddies, but you cannot increase the
tariffs on non members. With the customs union, since there will be a common policy towards non
members, there could be some instances where some good s tariffs go up for a particular member and
down for another. So, it is looking at policies as a whole. There will be a requirement for
compensation as such.
The other expectation is that the restrictions both under the FTA or customs union need to be removed
by members on substantially all trade and within a reasonable amount of time. So, the idea is that an
FTA or customs union will not be only for the auto industry or only for the agricultural industry, it
should be for trade, as a whole. Some agreements in practice do not meet this criteria and it is possible
that a member could bring a dispute settlement case against two other WTO members, who are not
living up
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Samuel Gompers Conversion To Socialism
In accordance with his hostility to socialism, Gompers was a staunch supporter of capitalism. He
believed that capitalism would improve the rights of union members, and also increase the strength
and power of the labor movement. However, in 1895 the Socialist Party within the AFL took control,
leading to the only year in which Samuel Gompers was not elected president. Despite this, the next
year Gompers was re elected President, and his aversion to socialism became stronger than ever.
Another defining characteristic of Samuel Gompers was that he was unafraid to stand up for his cause.
In 1906, after the courts issued an order not to boycott the Buck Stove and Range Company, Gompers
disobeyed this order and was consequently sentenced to a year ... Show more content on ...
Samuel Gompers choose not to focus on a reformation of America as a whole, but rather on protecting
the rights of everyday people. By focusing on simple, obtainable goals, Gompers impacted the lives of
millions of people. Gompers had to not only defend his position to those in the government who did
not support the labor movement, but also to his contemporaries who thought him to be too
conservative. He never backed down from his goal of protecting the rights of the working class.
Focusing on his objectives, Samuel Gompers took a firm stance on labor, defending his position to
anyone who disagreed with him. During a chaotic time in history where a strong figure was
desperately needed to change the status quo, Samuel Gompers emerged as a leader at the forefront of
the labor movement.
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Navy Diving Manual
The United States Navy Diving Manual contains a wealth of information about diving from the history
of diving to underwater physics and physiology. Start by browsing the U.S. Navy Diving Manual
(located within the weekly readings) and then post a response to the following questions: How do the
pressure variations with depth affect our ability to explore the ocean? Water is around 800 times
denser than air and much heavier. This is why only 5% of our oceans have been explored. The deepest
part of the ocean is still unseen by humans. Everything in the deep ocean is under great pressure. At
any depth in the ocean the weight of the water above pushes on any object below it. The deeper we go
the more harmful to our bodies this can be. For every
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Pompei Amphitheatre Research Paper
Now lets visit a couple of places in Pompei. Some famous and interesting places are The Villa of the
Mysteries, The Garden of fugitives , and The Pompeii Amphitheatre. The Villa of Mysteries is famous
for the series of Frescos in many rooms. It was a country house built around 65 50 BC.
The mural painting that gives this house its name is found in the dining room, or triclinium, of the
house. It s associated with Dionysian cult practices that are known to have flourished in the area.
Dionysus, was the Greek god of wine and ecstasy. Dionysian cult members were all female, called
Maenads or Bacchantes.
The frescoes at Pompeii have been sorted into four main styles the First, Second, Third, and Fourth
Styles. The Dionysian cycle in the dining ... Show more content on ...
The Pompeii Amphitheatre is the oldest surviving Roman amphitheatre. It is located in the ancient
Roman city of Pompeii, it was covered under all the ash and dust from the eruption of Mount
Vesuvius.It consists of a large cavea around which are the steps, divided into sections, which cover the
entire perimeter of the construction. The different sections are the ima cavea, the lower part, media
cavea, the middle part, and summa cavea, the upper part. The lower seats were reserved for
dignitaries, people considered to be important because of high rank or office. The higher seats were
for plebeians, commoners.
Now let s look at the clothes of Pompei. In ancient Pompeii, men wore togas, woolen robes and
women wore stolas, which are very similar to togas. They wore these over their tunics, under clothes.
They also didn t wear any underwear. People buried in the ash wore heavier clothing than the light
summer clothes typical of August. I love food, Don t you? Ancient Pompeii s common foods include
cheeses, poppy, beans, lentils, figs, grapes, plums, olives, nuts, grains and breads, eggs, fish, chicken,
ham and other meats. With many bakeries in Pompeii, bread was an available
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Information And Communication Technology In The 21st Century
Technology in an educational context is the ability to shape and change the physical world or
knowledge by the manipulation of material and tools. Education in the 21st century has greatly
benefited from the improvements provided by information and communication technology, visual and
audio content that can be sent immediately to any part of the world (Bartlett Burton, 2012). The
amount of economic resources a region or community has dictates its availability. This has meant
information can be more easily shared, students using electronic devices are enabled to access
information on any subject or topic. Educators can more easily share ideas or discuss concepts,
allowing them to deliver content using a variety of different electronic formats in the classroom.
Technology has become a major component in personalised learning, this is where the method of
providing information and the system used is built around the student, previously the system was built
for the learner which they were required to fit into (Bolstad et al., 2012). The introduction of
technology into the classroom has also changed how curriculum and pedagogy is delivered to students
in the 21st century.
When comparing new and traditional teaching practices from the 20th century, analysis need to be
completed on how curriculum and pedagogy have changed to accommodate this. Traditionally schools
were seen to be using the scholar academic ideology, that is the idea that culture has accumulated
knowledge over time
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Early Church History Essay
Mormon Church History
The first thing that should be stated is that Mormon is just a nickname given to the church that is
shorter and easier to say in one breath. The real name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints. It was organized April 6th,1830 by Joseph Smith, The first of the latter day prophets. It has
been almost two hundred years since that day and for most of the world Mormon history has faded
and few remember the persecution the early church faced. Many other events coincide with the
Church s foundation that helped influence the direction it would take, and how it was affected and
how others were affected by them.
In the years of Joseph Smith s youth there was a great amount of turmoil because of the reformations
being made in American society (Brinkley 288). In western New York the fervor from religion was so
intense it was known as the Burned Over District ( Religious ministers were everywhere
trying to convert new members and causing many to feel uncertain of which church was right. The
Smith family was especially divided, each wanting to live good lives, but not knowing which church
was the Christ s true Church. At fourteen Joseph was uncertain of weather or not he should join the ...
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It was there that he received the revelation that none of the sects were the full, true gospel. A few days
later he was led to a hill by the angel Moroni and there he found the brass plates that had been hidden
there by Moroni when he was alive. Joseph was told to protect the plates and for four years he did so.
In 1826 the angel Moroni told him to take the plates and translate them so all the world could read
them, the translation became the Book of Mormon. Joseph was helped in this by his friend Martin
Harris and Oliver Cowdery, who acted as scribes while Joseph translated. On April 6th, 1830 the
church of Jesus Christ was formally
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A Report On A Uniform Resource Locator ( Url )
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a
computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. A URL is a specific type of Uniform Resource
Identifier, although many people use the two terms interchangeably. A URL implies the means to
access an indicated resource, which is not true of every URI. URLs occur most commonly to reference
web pages, but are also used for file transfer, email, database access, and many other applications. A
query string is the part of uniform resource locator (URL) in the World Wide Web.
Domain name:
A series of alphanumeric strings separated by periods, such as, that is an address
of a computer network connection and that identifies the owner of the address.
Types of the URL:
Varieties of URLs that will be encountered when working with vendor URLs. Each URL is a
combination of these types.
Starting Point URLs A starting point URL is a persistent, durable URL that connects a browser to a
resource. This is the URL utilized in your OPAC, Web site, database, etc. to provide access to a
Static URL A URL that connects to a destination without calling a script.
Dynamic URL A URL that processes a script to connect to a destination.
Directory URL A URL without a filename that points to a directory s default file.
Formula URL A required structure that adheres to a specific format and must be used to connect to a
Every time the user clicks on the
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Elie Wiesel s The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
The Boy in the Striped Pajama exhibits doing the physically intolerable, but the morally correct deed,
despite rough situations. Bruno resisted the adults and risked severe retribution to deliver food for
Shmuel, a Jew. In the same way, Night also exhibits the principle of doing actions that benefit society,
despite symptoms of pain. The experiences in Elie Wiesel s Night force Elie to learn that everybody
should speak up during tough times. Young Elie s stereotypical reaction of doing what authority calls
for relates to what Perils of Obedience calls obedience to the higher powers natural. Conversely, older
Elie Wiesel s Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech requests society to respond during harsh
situations while resisting fear. Upon
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Internet Security Overview
Overview of Internet Security
As of 1996, the Internet connected an estimated 13 million computers in 195 countries on every
continent, even Antarctica (1). The Internet is not a single network, but a worldwide collection of
loosely connected networks that are accessible by individual computer hosts in a variety of ways,
including gateways, routers, dial up connections, and Internet service providers. The Internet is easily
accessible to anyone with a computer and a network connection. Individuals and organizations
worldwide can reach any point on the network without regard to national or geographic boundaries or
time of day.
However, along with the convenience and easy access to information come new risks. Among them
are the risks that ... Show more content on ...
Security is strong when the means of authentication cannot later be refuted the user cannot later deny
that he or she performed the activity. This is known as nonrepudiation.
Why Care About Security?
It is remarkably easy to gain unauthorized access to information in an insecure networked
environment, and it is hard to catch the intruders. Even if users have nothing stored on their computer
that they consider important, that computer can be a weak link , allowing unauthorized access to the
organization s systems and information.
Seemingly innocuous information can expose a computer system to compromise. Information that
intruders find useful includes which hardware and software are being used, system configuration, type
of network connections, phone numbers, and access and authentication procedures. Security related
information can enable unauthorized individuals to get access to important files and programs, thus
compromising the security of the system. Examples of important information are passwords, access
control files and keys, personnel information, and encryption algorithms.
Judging from CERT® Coordination Center (CERT/CC) data and the computer abuse reported in the
media, no one on the Internet is immune. Those affected include banks and financial companies,
insurance companies, brokerage houses, consultants, government contractors, government agencies,
hospitals and medical laboratories, network service providers,
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The Discovery of Antibiotics
The discovery of antibiotics in the 20th century was a major advancement in medicine. At the time of
the discovery, war was taking place, which resulted in a plethora of infected wounds. Antibiotics can
be described as a use, laboratory effect, or an action of a chemical compound (Clardy et al). Selman
Waksman first used the term in 1941 when describing the small molecules made by microorganisms
that prevent the growth of other microorganisms (Clardy et al). Antibiotics helped control the infection
which allowed many who were injured a second chance to live. The antibiotic that was first
discovered and used to cure war infections was penicillin. Since the discovery of antibiotics,
controlling infections and diseases became easier, ... Show more content on ...
The peptidoglycan coat in bacterial cells is formed by a crystal lattice structure that forms linear
chains from a pair of alternating amino acids. The cross linking of peptidoglycan strands by the
transpeptidase enzyme forms an uneven cell wall. Antibiotics, notably penicillin, interfere with this
cross linking, which destroys the bacteria cell wall. More specifically, antibiotics work by attaching to
specific sites on the ribosome, which affects with the bacteria s function during protein synthesis. The
small or 30S ribosomal subunit has binding sites for tRNA molecules. These sites are known as the
aminoacyl (A), peptidyl (P), and exit (E) sites. The process known as decoding oversees base pairing
between the codon of mRNA and the anticodon of tRNA at the A site, allowing the 30S subunit to
distinguish between the similarities of the tRNAs (Brodersen et al). Because most antibiotics bind to
ribosomes, its main target is the rRNA, which results in most of the binding sites being near the
mRNA and the tRNA binding sites, or at sites that undergo structural rearrangements during the
processes of decoding or translocation (Dallas et al). In all, the antibiotic prevents the bacterium from
creating its cell wall, which essentially kills the bacterium (Brodersen et al).
The appearance and spreading of antibiotic resistant pathogens have given rise to many studies
involving the genetic
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A Comparison Of Materialism In The Women And Mildred Piercee
Two films released amidst the aftermath of the post American Great Depression and World War II, The
Women and Mildred Pierce, both similarly explore the issues surrounding the contemporary form of
materialism that has made itself present in society. The economic boom the war had provided America
gave birth to a new form of ultra consumerism that swept the nation, changing everything in a matter
of years. These films act as social commentaries in such a way that they are able to highlight the
impact materialism has made in the aspects of both the rich and middle class during this span in
American history. George Cukor introduces this as one of his main themes throughout his film The
Women. Using it to act as a key motivating factor for his character Mary Haines, a housewife and
mother seemingly trapped in a marriage with a cheating husband due to the luxurious lifestyle it
provides. Similarly, Michael Curtiz s Mildred Pierce, uses this desire for things such as clothes,
houses, and a generally expensive lifestyle as driving factors for both Mildred Pierce and her daughter,
Veda. Veda Pierce has been raised in a home where she has always received anything she s wanted. As
she grows up we find her desires have amassed to an all time high. So much so that when she learns
her mother won t be able to give her the opulent life she yearns for, she abandons the family; causing
her mother to make conflicting decisions regarding her personal life and attitude towards materialistic
endeavors in hopes of prompting her daughters return. Both of these movies rely heavily on this
common theme to drive the plot as well as build definitive characters. It is important to take into
consideration that in this day and age, women found themselves extensively restricted by societal
norms that standardized their lines of work to underpaid jobs. Censuses completed in 1930 and 1940
state that roughly only 25% of women were employed and only a select handful of those who did held
professional jobs ( Baughman et al. Vol. 4 ). These statistics give us a general idea of how unlikely it is
for a woman to be able to support herself without a husband. In The Women, these conditions cause
Mary Haines to contemplate her decision to
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Human Cultural Diversity Paper
Human cultural diversity is important for counselors to recognize and understand. Furthermore, due to
the wide spanning cultural variances between cultures. Counselors should seek to understand some of
the key psychological issues and recommended therapeutic approaches for that culture. For example,
in Asian cultures family identity is far more important that the western ideology of individualism. Or
there could be some culture assimilation issues within the generational structure of the family. Such as
the older generation does not what their Asian culture to be lost to western culture for the younger
generations. To truly be effective in counseling clients whom are Asian you may need an understand
that individual s family environment as well.
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Major Themes In The Old Testament
Major Themes: as seen in the Old Testament To better understand the full meaning of this passage it is
essential to look to the Old Testament. Throughout Jesus ministry He draws on symbolism from the
Old Testament to show His connection to the Father. The passages below are closely connected to
Matthew chapter 14. The similarities are important because of the original audience. The apostles
would have been Jewish men, which means they knew their Old Testament fairly well. When Jesus
makes connections He increases His credibility, and secures His label of Emmanuel.
Exodus 3:14; 14:10 15:21 The first thing to note about the book of Exodus is the passage in 3:14. This
is the first time God calls Himself I AM (Beale, Carson 50). This does
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Essay about Conflict in Northern Ireland
Conflict in Northern Ireland
For over three decades there has been conflict in Ireland. The disagreement between the
Republicans/Nationalist and Loyalist/unionists sill continues to this day. The key issue remains should
the North stay part of the United Kingdom with its own developed assembly or should it join the south
as part of a united and independent Ireland?
Ireland is a small country and has a population of 1.5 million. Yet despite this small number, the north
and south of Ireland have been in bitter conflict with each other which has been going on for decades.
This is mainly due to the main difference in the beliefs of the people. The two main groups in Ireland
are the ... Show more content on ...
The three main political groups for the nationalists are the SDLP (Social Democrats and Labour
party), Sinn Fein and IRA (Irish republican army).
The IRA is an extreme paramilitary group which beliefs that peace can only be obtained by violence
and killing. This group has mainly been responsible for the killing of thousands of civilians. This
group believes that the only way to stop British presence in Ireland and get their views across is to use
force and aggression. After the Peace process of 1998 a small splinter group known as the Real IRA
was made. These were members of the IRA which were opposed to the Good Friday agreement and so
split and formed there own group.
Sinn Fein is one of the political parties that agree with the use of violence and what the IRA do. This
group however does not get involved in the killing but elects candidates such as Gerry Adams to
represent and put forward there views on what they believe to be right.
The other main Nationalist party is the SDLP. Their main objective is also to have a united Ireland
however unlike the other two groups it is fiercely opposed to violence and believe it is not the best
way to reach an agreement. These moderate nationalists also want an independent Ireland, therefore
they support the aims of the hard line nationalists but they are opposed to the way they go about this.
The hard line nationalists use violence and
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Objectives Of Air Arabia
Air Arabia is the first budget friendly airline in the Middle East, which began in 2003. Air Arabia s
goal was to be a known budget friendly airline across the Middle East and North Africa. The main hub
of Air Arabia is Sharjah International Airport which is located in United Arab Emirates and Also in
Mohamed V Airport in Casablanca, Morocco. It was around 2006 when Air Arabia reached a growing
point because as inflation occurs people decided to travel for a cheaper price. Since it s growth Air
Arabia operates in 40 different location making it one of the most reliable budget airlines in the
Middle East and the world. Air Arabia flies to several different continents which are Asia, Africa and
Europe. The current CEO of Air Arabia is Adel Ali and he has transformed a small budget airline to a
well known airline across the Middle East. The current slogan of Air Arabia is Air Arabia, Pay Less
Fly More.
Question 1:
Travel Agents:
Air Arabia has plenty of offices all across Asia and the Middle East. Travel agents have been part of
the huge success of Air Arabia s campaign. Travel agents in Air Arabia help clients find the best deals
while traveling with Air ... Show more content on ...
The 4 hubs are Ahmedabad International Airport in India, King Abdulaziz International Airport in
Jeddah, Cochin International Airport in Kochi, India and Cairo International Airport in Egypt. These
airports welcome Air Arabia flights everyday to their country and because of this these airports have
become busier in the last couple of years because of the high demand for traveling with affordable
prices. These airports are the primary airports and they allow Air Arabia to land at their main airport
because they consider Air Arabia as a serious airline and by allowing Air Arabia to operate at their
main base the airport will gain more attention and more profit from Air Arabia and also customers
from Air Arabia can transport from the airport to the central city because it s a primary
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Essay on Sundiata and God s Bits of Wood
When I was finished reading both Sundiata and God s Bits of Wood I had a better understanding of the
strong relationship between the African people and their leaders. Even though Sundiata and Ihamim
Bakayoko became leaders by different means, they displayed a lot of similarities. Sundiata was a king,
so the people had to obey him because of his status. However his subjects did not follow him for that
reason, they listened to Sundiata because he was a good leader. As a wise African leader, Sundiata
ruled in consultation. Sundiata s number one consultant was his griot, Balla Fasseke. As D.T. Niane
said griots know the history of kings and their kingdoms, which is why they are the best advisors of
kings because whoever ... Show more content on ...
Towards the end of the book, the women were even consulting Bakayoko. This could be seen in the
From Thies to Dakar chapter where the women were taking an active role in the strike.
The next topic covered by the two books was the role of emotional self control in African leadership.
Traditionally leaders were to show very little if any emotion. That is how Sundiata mainly appears
throughout the book. For instance, when he went into battle, he showed no emotion, i.e. whether he
was afraid or not. However, he did display some emotion when it was necessary. This was evident in
the beginning of the book when Sundiata s mother was being ridiculed because her son was not able to
walk. Hearing this made Sundiata angry. However, instead of flying off the handle, he focused his
anger inward and used it successfully to raise himself to his feet and eventually to walk. Sundiata s
anger also shows when the queen mother takes his griot away from him. This time his mother calms
him some but not before he has a few words with King Touman. Sundiata also showed his sensitive
side when his sister, Nana Triban and his griot escaped from Soumaoro. When his sister told him of
Niani s destruction and the captivity of its people, Sundiata was very sympathetic to the situation
reinforcing his desire to recapture the land that was rightfully his.
Ihamim Bakayoko had good emotional self control too. He displayed this self control the time he met
the work inspector. The
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Chiquita Banana Case
a. How did the Common Market Organization for Bananas ( CMOB ) affect Chiquita?
Six firms dominated the banana industry in the early 1990 s, three from Europe and three from the
United States. In 1994, the three United States producers, Chiquita, Dole, and Del Monte, accounted
for approximately 72.4% of world banana sales. Chiquita accounted for 48% of worldwide banana
sales and 66.4% of banana sales of the three U.S. producers.
Prior to 1994, Europe accounted for nearly 40% of world banana imports by volume, of which
roughly 60% came from Latin America, the primary location of Chiquita Brand International s banana
production. However, in 1993, a common banana import policy, council Regulation (EEC) 404/93,
became effective four ... Show more content on ...
Since those numbers were not available in the case, we chose to compare the prices and consumption
of bananas in Germany versus France prior to CMOB taking effect. (move to an end note: Germans,
residents of the only free market for bananas in Europe, consumed 16.6 kg of bananas per capita at an
average price per ton of 438 of ECU in 1991 while the French, residents of Europe s most protective
market, consumed 8 kg of bananas per capita with average price per ton of 604 ECU. (case p 7). The
percentage change in price from France to Germany is (604 ECU 438 ECU)/438 ECU, which equals
.379. The percentage change in quantity from France to Germany is (8 kg 16.6 kg)/16.6 Kg, which
equals .518. The absolute value of the percentage change in quantity over the percentage change in
price is 1.3.) That calculation showed European demand to be elastic at 1.3, so for every 1% change in
price, the quantity demanded will change 1.3%.
c. What are the supply side constraints in the banana market? The slope of the supply curve
demonstrates how quickly a supplier can react to a change in prices. The following issues can affect
the slope of the banana supply curve:
Labor: Bananas grow all year but in 13 week cycles, and they are harvested daily by cutting the stems
by hand. ( In
its controversial
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The Substance Abuse Social Worker
The Substance Abuse Social Worker Social workers have long worked with people who abuse
substances, beginning in the 1800 s with sobriety houses and inebriate asylums, to settlement houses
in the profession s beginnings to developing self help, consumer driven programs, designing inpatient
detoxification programs, and to applying youth oriented prevention and education programs. As an
addictions counselor, the social worker is a part of a specialized profession that began with the
wounded healer tradition of abstinence based movements of the 18th century (White W. L., 2004).
Social workers regularly encounter individuals, families, and communities affected by substance use
disorders. Many social workers specialize in the alcohol, tobacco, ... Show more content on ...
May people see harm reduction such as methadone clinics a productive of our current society, when
actually, from 1919 to 1924, 44 communities had morphine maintenance clinics. These clinics were
run by public health or local police departments and were established to treat addicts. With the
Supreme Court decision that declared that for a physician to maintain an addict on his or her
customary dose is not in good faith medical practice, these clinics were all forced to close under threat
of indictment (White W. M., 1998). Narcotic treatment became nonexistent in America except for the
wealthy. It wasn t until the 1060 s that programs for narcotic addictions again became available in the
US. A substance abuse social worker evaluates and treats people who have substance use disorder.
These can include tobacco, alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs. A substance abuse social worker
helps individuals overcome their substance abuse or misuse through counseling, both individual and
group and assist the person in identifying and receiving additional services and resources as needed.
Because addiction and recovery are different for each client, the social worker must not place every
addicted client into the same box of what treatments are used and needed. This type of therapy is
strength based and very individualistic. Substance abuse social workers must have in depth training in
the many components of addiction, as they need to
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The Foundation of Understanding Human Anatomy During...
Our understanding in anatomy and physiology today will be deadened without the knowledge from
the Renaissance period. Let take a short step to look at what is Renaissance? Based historian,
Renaissance means rebirth because it [is] believed that the human spirit [has] to be reawakened as it
[is] in the classical (Greco Roman) times (). During this time, the new conception of human emerges
as individualism which means a man can create his own destiny, and humanism in which humans are
the center of the universe (). With their free will and the motion in seeking personal fame, artists
engage themselves in learning the structure of human body to make their works more lifelike. With
such knowledge, they have built the foundation for our ... Show more content on ...
First, it is the perspectival depiction technic which Mantegna uses to portray Christ body. The painting
appears with Christ body in the center lying on a marble slab with Virgin Mary and St.John by his
side. From the viewer s angle, one can see the anatomical details in Christ body especially his thorax.
It is because Mantegna uses foreshortens and dramatizes the recumbent [of Christ] figure (). However,
Christ s feet are smaller in the size so that they cannot interfere the view of Christ body. If Mantegna
draws Christ s feet in proper size, it may cover much of the body. This painting is one of the most
masterpiece as example for perspective technic. Even thought Mantegna uses foreshorten to make
Christ s body appearing shorten, the physical structure of his body is still represented accuracy. By
using the perspectival depiction technic, Mantegna also expresses his understanding of human
anatomy through Christ s figure. For the first look, we can see Christ s thorax is described in detail.
His bond and muscle of the chest appears natural. Besides, the wound in his arms and feet are small
hole surround by broken flesh. It is understandable in our world today due to our knowledge of
anatomy. The wound looks like that because people takes the nail which stuck Christ s arms and legs
to the cross out. The broken flesh is the trace of the nail being stuck in his arms and feet. However,
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Dialectic of the Union Blockade during the Civil War
The Civil War in the United States from 1861 to 1865 serves as a dark reminder of how disjointed a
nation can become over issues that persistently cause heated debate among party factions. Most
students that have taken courses in American history understand the disadvantage possessed by the
Confederate States of America as they fought against the powerful Union army for what they
perceived as a necessary institution of slavery. Historians have debated over the effectiveness of the
blockade and if it was important in creating the failures faced by the Confederate States of America.
This debate has generated the contested question of Did the Union blockade succeed in the American
Civil War? The blockade, whether considered a success or an ... Show more content on ...
The authors considered the psychological effect of the blockade to double as a mode of deterrence
when it came to blockade running. A presence of Union ships on the southern coast was enough to
deter Confederate ships from running through blockades and risk losing vessels of the small
Confederate navy (Bonner and McCord 378). In relation to the authors thesis, the presence of a
psychological effect forcing the southern populace to realize the consequences of the blockade, and
reduce the number of raiders attempting to breach the blockade.
Following the psychological assessment of the southern attitudes, the authors transition to the initially
reason for the blockade, crippling the southern economy. The blockade aided in the Confederacy s
deterioration, but was not the only source of prevention. The blockade led to the collapse of the
already fragile Confederate railroad, leading to a decrease in transporting goods to soldiers (Bonner
and McCord 381). The south was also limited in the amount of cotton it could export to Europe, and
with it being their largest source of income, greatly reduced clothing supplies, and monetary assets
(Bonner and McCord 381). Furthermore, the revenue that came from blockade running paled in
comparison to pre blockade profits. This led to the Confederacy only providing immediate needs for
the populace (Bonner and McCord 381). To continue with the economic theme, the authors include a
cost/benefit assessment completed by David Surdam, who
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The Line Between Reality and Fantasy (a Streetcar Named...
The Line Between Reality and Fantasy In the play A Streetcar Named Desire (ASND) by Tennessee
Williams, one of the big themes from the play is the theme of illusion. Stella, Stanley, and Blanche
allow illusion to shape and control their lives because they all see it as the best way towards
happiness. Blanche s life is an illusion because she wants to believe that she is still young, beautiful,
and innocent while trying to hide from her past. While the role that illusion plays in Stella s life is the
fact that while she can see that her marriage is far from perfect, she acts like nothing is wrong just to
keep herself from not having the family she would like. Stanley s illusion is his delusion between love
and desire, and not being ... Show more content on ...
Also when Stanley is losing his poker game with friends, he gets mad at Stella for making a comment
and he hits her to try and teach her a lesson. After everything has cooled down, he calls for Stella to
come back down for him. And as soon as she comes back down to him, he immediately carries her off
to the bedroom because that is his reality of showing his love for her (57, 60). He is lucky to have
someone like Stella with him because a lot of women would not put up with just being a sex toy to her
husband but would demand respect and better treatment. A good example of this is in the final scene,
where Stanley goes out onto the porch after Blanche has been taken away and Stella is just inside
holding their baby. She is crying because she is not sure if she made the right choice by sending her
sister off to a mental hospital and could use the comfort/care of her husband. Stanley then proceeds to
walk over to her, and the first thing he does is attempt to remove her blouse (142). That was one of
many examples of how illusion plays a big part in Stanley s life and really controls his actions.
Illusion plays a big part in the life of Stella Kowalski just as it does for Stanley and Blanche but it is
the least noticeable of the three. Stella can see the illusions that control the lives of Blanche and
Stanley so she chooses to live in her own illusion to make her life more
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Global Mental Health Issues
Mental health is one of the global issues that have a significant impact on the international community.
Mental health concerns are eminent globally and in every population. There are about 200 classified
forms of mental health disorders, but the common ones include anxiety, depression, schizophrenia,
post traumatic stress, dementia, bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia (Ahonen, 2014). The World
Health Organization (WHO) study shows that about a third of the global adult population suffers from
mental disease, in particular, mental disorder. 25 % of the United States adults are suffering from
mental illness (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Proportionally, 206% of U.S adults
live with bipolar disorder and approximate 2.4 ... Show more content on ...
First, it affects the performance of the health care by increasing service demand since most of mental
disorders require complex intervention. Besides, the treatment of these numerous disorders will bring
in a strain within the health care center, thus declining the health services efficiency. Moreover, it
results in crowding out affects within the hospitals as some patients with severe mental disorders will
need to stay longer in the hospital. Consequently, this creates more demand for hospital beds and
related services. Mental illness increases health care expenditure since hospitals incurs extra cost in
hiring therapist, psychiatrist, etc. (Olesen et al., 2012). Besides, the health systems suffer more cost in
organizing awareness campaigns. On the other hand, the CDC is working collaboratively with other
organizations such as Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), National Institute of
Health, and Behavioral Surveillance System among others to establish a comprehensive national
surveillance of mental illnesses. Consequently, the organization recommends an increased monitoring
and management of anxiety disorders across all agencies through the United States (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention,
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The Jewish Concentration Camp On The Camp
Woke up had breakfast in the hostel. Went to the train station and met our tour guide, then headed to
Dachau. Dachau had mixed emotions. The Jewish concentration camp left many speechless. Words
could not describe how it felt to walk through the camp, where so many people was murdered.
Walking to the furnace I could not fathom what actually took place. I never knew all of the symbols
each prisoner wore and had no clue there was a different symbol for everyone in the camp. Seeing the
original prisoner suits was amazing yet sad. The status of the mangled bodies will be imbedded in my
memory and I will never forget what the wall stated which was Never again. The solidarity jail cells
was eye opening. The different places for each religion ... Show more content on ...
The building was original all the way to the wall color and chandeliers. After that had to meet back at
hostel to have a meeting with Dr. O Neil and Dr. Martin to say goodbyes.
Prague 5/26/15
Dr. O Neil is now the professor for the rest of our trip. Long train ride and the ATM would not work
fortunately we found one that would work. Czech money was confusing but got the hang of it. I did
like it because everything was cheaper than euros. A great example for the change rate was 2,000 =
80$. Walked to hostel, tons of hills, Hostel was really nice, all the girls was in the same room, went
and got dinner then went to bed
Prague 5/27/15
Breakfast at Starbucks McDonalds, free walking tour with a really tall young guy but learned
important history of Prague. He lead us around to many sites that included: Old Town Hall,
astronomical clock, Prague city hall, wenceslass square, municipal house, Jewish museum and then
we had a snack of fries and hotdogs. The tour was extremely cold. Mandy had coke spilt all over her.
Went to the Jewish area saw the cemetery learned how they stacked the caskets because they were
running out of space. Chicken skewer for dinner, one cool thing that we saw was the being born again
in the Prague Old Town. It was interesting and looked like a big metal statue. Following, students
napped and Pub crawl that I did not attend nor did Allison. Jenna and Avery came
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Case Study Of BCG And PLC
BCG and PLC In order to achieve a broad understanding of the B O and the actual product presence, it
requires an understanding of how the various products categories are sorted in the channel. With the
Boston Consulting Group model also known as BCG model, we will analyze the collection of
products they have. After that with the Product Life Cycle model also known as PLC, we will show
the different stages that product goes from development to withdrawal. Together with BCG and PLC,
we will have understanding and assessment of the company s product range and what challenges or
opportunities could be in this area. B O has four business areas Audio/Video, B O Play, Automotive
and ICEpower. We decided to focus on the Audio/Video section, because the revenue for the second
quarter of 12/13 is MDKK 819 and around 58% = MDKK 476 of this was generated from sales of
Audio/Video (B O Financial report Q2 12/13). The categories under Audio/Video section are shown in
Figure 141. From this model, we can see that B O has four main product groups. Audio and video:
Video Loud Speakers Audio Telephones The shown product groups ... Show more content on ...
Top prices, absolute quality, exclusive design and cooperation with luxury car brands have positioned
B O s products in a niche market. The ownership of B O products creates a feeling in the customer of
belonging to certain social class. By offering BeoPlay the products of lower costs may affect
consumer s perception of High price = High quality . B O for attracting the group of young people,
should up to date their technology because the young people are up to date with the innovations and
also should make some product differentiation and come out with high quality products but with more
affordable price. Also, have to take under consideration that entering into the lower price market may
increase the competition from the electronic giants such as Samsung, Panasonic,
... Get more on ...
Sherry Argov s Well, Why Men Love Bitch
Do you feel like you are too nice? Have you ever felt like you lost yourself in your relationship? Well,
Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov, New York Times bestselling author, explains why strong
willed women are more attractive to males versus the yes woman. The book introduces nine concepts
to women about the importance of holding their own in a relationship. Argov provides a unique
perspective of a remix advice column by using her endless (100 to be exact) attraction principles to
supply a go to guide on big tips to dating and being in a relationship. With the inclusion of multiple
real life scenarios, she advises women on how to move from Doormat to Dreamgirl by comparing and
contrasting the good girl with the bitch. The term bitch ... Show more content on ...
Giving away too much is something the nice girl struggles with because she tries to accept the male s
normative restrictions. Whereas, the bitch plays by her own rules because in the relationship she s the
boss of herself, not him. Knowing a woman is the content of her own life, says to the man I m not
knocking myself out for you. The reassurances of realness with oneself deepens with tips on how to
go from sappy to sassy. Used to glorify the women into the bitch, aka more than a pushover. Letting
women know to not be a basic bitch, because when one stays outside of the man s reach, he s on his
best behavior.
Six concept, Nagging no more explains what to do when he takes you for granted or when nagging
doesn t work. Strips the identity of the lover and mother to create a woman the man deems
unpredictable and indifferent to his behavior. Treat him like a friend showcases at the women s most
significant advantage because when one treats her man casually, he will fly her way. The little distance
provided by the friend space causes the woman to show better than tell because the male is forced to
see you differently. In doing so, a woman takes a part of the man s book to prove her
... Get more on ...
Catcher In The Rye Controversy
A Teen s Voice: The Authenticity of Catcher in the Rye Young adult books are hot in the writing world
and are the new trend of what people want to read. Teens and adults alike are drawn to characters like
Katniss Everdeen, Hazel Grace, and Jacob Portman; they seem real, they become dear to us. Before
this trend started, however, many people did not write for a young adult reader. J.D. Salinger, on the
other hand, wrote a very popular book for young adults called The Catcher in the Rye. Salinger wrote
this book in 1951 way before the new young adult book writing craze. Many people are now saying
that the main character of The Catcher in the Rye, Holden, is outdated. Can young adults not relate
with Holden anymore because this book was written ... Show more content on ...
As he s telling what he has experienced he is very truthful, even in his lies. Holden doesn t keep
anything to himself he says, I felt so lonesome all of a sudden, I almost wished I was dead (48).
Holden was just sitting in a quiet room thinking at this point. He doesn t just say this to get sympathy.
Holden says this because this is actually how he felt at that moment. The reader also finds out the
emotional truth at the end of the book when Holden shares that he is in a rest home. When Holden
says, this one psychoanalyst guy they have here, keeps asking me if I m going apply myself when I go
back to school next September (114) it opens up the eyes to the reader that Holden was telling the
story the whole time to someone in the rest home. This is what many teens go to when they are
emitted to holmes for help with their mental stability. Holden Caulfield is an authentic teenage
character that many teens can relate
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Essay On University Of Minnesota
Minnesota is regularly ranked among the best K 12 public school systems in the country. Despite this,
the state houses one of the largest achievement gaps between white students and students of color in
the nation. This was the setting for my primary, secondary, and postsecondary education. From a
small, very white, and mostly conservative town to the liberal, diverse, and much more highly
populated Minneapolis, I took what I could from each context to develop a more inclusive picture of
the system in which I was taking part. Through advocacy work and literacy tutoring, students from
primary through postsecondary education contexts brought their stories and lives into mine, and I did
what I could to be a positive piece of theirs. While ... Show more content on ...
These students experience family violence, sexual trauma, difficulty functioning in schools, and peer
aggression. School is not their first priority.
My second role required the creation of curricula to supplement the teacher s pre determined school
learning objectives. With my colleagues, I teach students about subjects such as teen dating abuse,
healthy sexuality and consent, and LGBTQIA topics. Our content is delivered to upwards of twenty
schools in Hennepin, Dakota, and Carver counties. The curriculum had to be clear and adaptable for
students in culturally dissimilar settings and remain engaging and relevant for both youth and teachers.
Seeking to be more involved, I proposed a new position for myself within the School Based Services
program of Cornerstone. Through this newly created Advocacy and Education Lead role, I worked
more directly with evaluation and assessment strategies for students. Working more closely with our
full time grant writer created a space for my previous research experiences to shine and expand. I
reassessed the value of currently used evaluation tools and defined a plan to measure truancy, social
emotional health, and overall client safety for our funders. Additionally, I developed a comprehensive
advocacy curriculum with tools, activities, marketing materials, crisis reporting guidelines, and
supplemental legal
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The Mentality Of Baseball In Fences By August Wilson
August Wilson uses baseball ideology to construct the mindset of his protagonist, Troy Maxson, in
Fences ; however, Wilson also uses Troy to embody black America in the 50s. The metaphorical and
literal significance of baseball is the driving force Troy s subjectivity and ideology. Whether it be
comparing death to baseball pitch, warning his son to not strikeout, or complaining about being stuck
on first base, Troy uses baseball to explain life to those around him. Ironically, it is baseball that
actually leads to Troy s psychic castration. Although Troy was older when he was released from prison
and playing in the Negro leagues, racism held younger players from competing with white Americans
and there is no doubt that Troy saw this as what held him back as well. Unable to play in the major
leagues bitters Troy s attitude towards life and affects his relationship with his son, Cory, and wife,
Rose. While on a micro level, the rules and mechanics of baseball have a negative impact on Troy s
mentality, on a macro level Troy s loyalty to the game can be seen as an empowering force for black
America in the 50s. The idea of not striking out, and the fetish of the home run is meant to represent
the black community s resistance against society s racism during this time. Although the ideology of
baseball consumes Troy to the point of his own personal strikeouts, the ideology itself, and who Troy
represents, is suppose to represent black America s fight against a racist
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Sound In The Jungle Book
In the film, The Jungle Book there are different types of sound throughout the movie. The different
types of sound are vocal, music, and sounds effects. These different types of sounds help shapes the
feelings of the audience, helps to reveal the character, and presents the theme of the movie. The Jungle
Book is filled with music from its characters. At different times of the movie the singing gives the
audience a certain type of feeling. When Mowgli and Baloo sing the song about bare necessities it
makes the audience feel joyful and delightful. The audience also gets this same type of feeling from
the song I Wanna Be like You . On the other hand, when Baloo betrayed Mowgli sad music started
playing in the background. This music makes the
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September 11 Attacks and World Trade Center
Watching the movie 102 minutes for the second time opened my eyes to the tragedy of 9/11 more than
it did the first time. Being only six years old at the time of the incident, I didn t truly understand the
magnitude of the disaster until years later. The quality of the movie made it very clear to me just how
painful being around the World Trade Center buildings during the attack was, not only for the people
in the buildings that were hit, but for the people around as well. The feeling of helplessness that the
bystanders must have felt in addition to the feeling of fear must have been unbearable. Seeing the
footage of the attack in such clear video made it feel as though it was like a
Hollywood movie rather than a real traumatic event ... Show more content on ...
Second I think that people weren t necessarily sure that what they saw was a real event. Sure, it clearly
happened, but the events seemed fictional because of their magnitude. I know that even though I saw
footage of the attacks, it still seems surreal. The magnitude of the attack makes it seem like something
that no one would expect to actually happen to us. Overall I think that those who did not turn off their
cameras did something positive because we would not see so much about the attacks or ever forget
them with this much visual coverage of it.
I think that the events of 9/11 made a huge impact on those around that survived. In my opinion, I
think that I would have felt so unbearable helpless in a situation like this. I have an altruistic sense of
being so not being able to help those around me makes me feel like I failed my life s goal of helping
others even though I feel that I might be in danger.
102 Minutes differs from other documentations because it is a mix of many different people s
perspectives and real experiences. It shows the true, raw emotions of the attacks rather than just
demonstrating the factual event. I think that 102 Minutes was more effective that other movies made
about 9/11 because it showed everyone the real events, not Hollywood altered, not hiding and bias, it
showed the real hurt that not only New York, but the country
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The Blood Test For Diabetes Essay
Their idea is to simplify the blood test for diabetes. Diabetes is on a rise in India, to address the
concern of doctor s availability and their time, cost incurred to individual for the test and consultation.
AINA Simple easy to use mobile diagnostic mobile platform for chronic disease was introduced by
Michal Depa and Sidhant Jena.
AINA, a device that turns a smartphone into a blood analyzer. Using a drop of blood from a finger
prick, this device can run five tests, including the HbA1C, which is used to diagnose diabetes and is
usually done in a lab using blood drawn from a vein.
This product is not only for educated people who have complete access to doctor but to reach the
under diagnosed poor, the device is available with android and IOS app for smartphones that can be
used by doctors, clinics and government hospitals.
The test reports from the patient are aggregated in one place for doctor evaluation, wherein in very
less time doctor can reach to thousands, also the application can continuously remind patient with
doctor advice on living life style like exercising, diet and much more. This serves one of the major
challenge of doctor patient ratio.
Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that can t be solved with a single technical solution, like a vaccine for
infectious diseases. Type 2 diabetes is dangerous silent that will slowly slowly affects people over
time. This requires multi pronged effort: Early detection and better diagnostics to
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Why Did England Grow During The Industrial Revolution
By late 1700s and early 1800s, United Kingdom was on the brink of Industrial Revolution. Industrial
evolution was basically a period of time where a country had mass productions and new inventions in
technology. Setting aside the time when it started, why did the Industrial Revolution start in Great
Britain? What advantages did England have to initiate the Industrial Revolution? The Industrial
Revolution initiated in United Kingdom because of its surfeit amounts of natural resources, stable
government and economy and developments in new machinery. Britain was the first country to
industrialize as a result of its abundance in natural resources. Britain got its surfeit amount of
resources from its colonies. Around early 1800s, Britain was the sovereign nation in the world,
conquering relatively half of the world. This gave Britain an enormous economic advantage. The
country already enjoyed a vigorous export trade to Europe, the American colonies, India, and ... Show
more content on ...
During this time, inventors have been getting ideas to make a machine that is much more powerful,
efficient yet safe than the bare hand labor. During this time, inventor James Watt, came up with an
idea that uses water and coal to generate the steam that powers the engine. This idea turned out to be
successful and revolutionized the way power is used. By the end of the century, nearly one fifth of
Britain s mechanical production was powered by steam. (ABC CLIO, 2014) . The Steam engine
mainly benefitted the Textile Industry, producing mass amount of fabric and cotton. As the country
advanced in the Steam engine utility, the Steam driven locomotives emerged. These locomotives gave
an immense advantage for transportation as it speeded up the time to reach a place or so. Setting aside
the economic advantages, United Kingdom had political advantages that led to industrial revolution
occur in the
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Thoreau s Message in Walden Essay
Thoreau s Message in Walden
In Walden, Henry D. Thoreau presented a radical and controversial perspective on society that was far
beyond its time. In a period where growth both economically and territorially was seen as necessary
for the development of a premature country, Thoreau felt the opposite. Thoreau was a man in search of
growth within himself and was not concerned with outward improvements in him or society. In the
chapter entitled economy, he argued that people were too occupied with work to truly appreciate what
life has to offer. He felt the root of this obsession with work was created through the misconstrued
perception that material needs were a necessity, rather than a hindrance to true happiness and the ...
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Since less work was required; people had more time to appreciate nature and thus enjoyed a happier
Thoreau was very doubtful of the ideas that outward improvements could bring improvements to one s
inner peace. One clear illustration of Thoreau s resistance to progress can be found in the chapter,
Sounds, where he voiced his criticism on technological advancements. At first he was annoyed with
the sound created by the passing trains which hindered his ability to hear the chirping of the birds. As
he stated, The whistle of the locomotive penetrates my woods summer and winter, sounding like the
scream of a hawk sailing over some farmer s yard, informing me that many restless city merchants are
arriving within the circle of the town... (78). Trains also reminded him of the businessman and
tradesman involved in manipulation and profits. Thoreau believed that a technological advancement
such as the train would give people a false impression of heightened freedom, for trains were able to
travel to areas never before imagined and in a time that was thought impossible. He was worried that
people would prefer to take the train than the road less traveled. By taking trains, people missed out on
the beauty of nature. Then he realized that the trains had transported people to many different areas
and that it had enabled the people to experience new things.
Thoreau showed his disapproval
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St Francis Of Assisi
St Francis of Assisi reformed the Catholic Church, by focusing on the less fortunate people. St Francis
also through his previous life in luxury away to help the lees fortunate. By the rebuilding of San
Damiano He was able to re light the flame of faith. His order of monks and sisters that were
recognized by their no Earthly wealth and their brown robes. Conceived in Italy around 1181 in
Duchy of Spoleto, St. Francis of Assisi was eminent for drinking and celebrating in his childhood. By
age 14, he had left school and gotten to be known as a defiant young person who habitually drank,
celebrated and broke the city time limit. His dad, Pedro Bernardone was a rich fabric trader. St.
Francis of Assisi, however worshipped today, started his life
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Southern Italy Research Paper
Italy, the place where thousands of people go to get away from their normal lives, has been facing
many struggles of its own. The ancient buildings, rivers, and popular attractions make Italy look like a
perfect, easy living society. Yet, Italy has lots of problems, from governmental money issues to the
everyday lives of people. Italy s economy is continuing to get worse, causing the European and other
country s people to worry.
There are many THINGS that later result in a bad economy. Employment is a cause Italy has been
facing. Back to the 1990 s, Italian employees have been clocking longer hours while producing less.
(Weissmann ). Italian people have been working longer and harder, yet not making nearly as much.
This can create a problem ... Show more content on ...
. . . it s going to need to start growing more than .25 percent a year (O Brien). People have finally
taken a notice in the problems Italy is facing. Italy is deep in debt and it will time to get out of it s
debt. In 2009, the economy suffered a hefty 5.5% contraction . . . no clear trend of recovery ( Italy
Economic Outlook ). Italy seems to keep getting hit over and over again without time to recover. The
government isn t able to keep up with the problems. The government has reduced its growth
expectations for the current year to minus 1.3 percent (Basta). This shows how bad the problem is
when the government sees no hope in recovery. The government has stated that it thinks Italy will go
farther in debt for the year instead of
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Brothers Grimm s Rapunzel
Rapunzel is German fairy tale written by the popular authors, Brothers Grimm. The Grimm s
Rapunzel was based off an eighteenth century literary version by Friedrich Schulz, who in turn
borrowed from a French literary tale had written by Charlotte Rose Caumont de la Force. Because the
story was rewritten multiple times in different time periods it has many elements from different
cultures. Literary and cultural contexts stand out most in the story of Rapunzel and are the most
important when analyzing and understanding the story.
In the 19th century Jacob and Wilhelm become known as the famous Brothers Grimm for their
contribution to traditional folk tales. They had worked as cultural researchers, linguists,
lexicographers, folklore collectors ... Show more content on ...
Not teaching children about the real world, to keep them young and innocent never works in a parent
or guardians favor. That child will grow up being naïve and thinking things that are not alright are
acceptable. Like Rapunzel, many girls do not learn about sex and their bodies and often time s things
like pregnancies happen. The best thing for a parent to do is educate their son or daughter on those
topics and teach them to respect their bodies. If an accident does happen they should be a support
system rather than banishing
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Parenago 1802
Parenago 1802, a member of the ∼1 Myr Orion Nebula Cluster, is a double lined, detached eclipsing
binary in a 4.674 d orbit, with equal mass components (M2/M1=0.985±0.029). Here we present
extensive V IC JHKS light curves spanning ∼15 yr, as well as a Keck/HIRES optical spectrum. The
light curves evince a third light source that is variable with a period of 0.73 d, and is also manifested
in the high resolution spectrum, strongly indicating the presence of a third star in the system, probably
a rapidly rotating classical T Tauri star. We incorporate this third light into our radial velocity and light
curve modeling of the eclipsing pair, measuring accurate masses (M1=0.391±0.032, M2=0.385±0.032
M⊙), radii (R1=1.73±0.02, R2=1.62±0.02 R⊙), and temperature ratio
(Teff,1/Teff,2=1.0924±0.0017). Thus the radii of the eclipsing stars differ by 6.9±0.8%, the
temperatures differ by 9.2±0.2%, and consequently the luminosities differ by 62±3%, despite having
masses equal to within 3%. This could be indicative of an age difference of ∼ 3 × 105 yr between the
two eclipsing stars, perhaps a vestige of the binary formation history. We find that the eclipsing pair is
in an orbit that has not yet fully circularized, ... Show more content on ...
2008, hereafter Paper I). Par 1802, as a member of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC; Hillenbrand
1997), is considered to have an age of ∼1 Myr (Paper I). A follow up analysis which included the
radial velocity curves and the IC band light curve found the components masses to be equal to within
∼2%, but their radii and effective temperatures to differ by ∼5 10% (Stassun et al. 2008, hereafter
Paper II). They suggest that these disparate radii and temperatures are the result of a difference in age
of a few hundred thousand
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  • 2. Importance Of Preferential Trade Agreement Internal Memorandum 2 Countries are increasingly using preferential trade arrangements in order to liberalize trade. There are specific terms used in this context as such. When talking about a PTA, it should be first made clear that this is an exception the core WTO principle of MFN. Some countries are treated better than others for the purposes of such agreements, as opposed to the MFN status of the WTO, where everybody is treated the same. There are going to be increasing levels of integration associated with PTAs. The first one, according to relevant literature is the so called free trade agreement, FTA. Under this arrangement countries will eliminate restrictions with their other club members , but will continue to add independent ... Show more content on ... The first two ways of integration deal with movements of goods and services across borders and WTO commitments. So, to be clear, it is only the FTAs and Customs Unions towards which WTO rules are addressed. The WTO has certain commitments that members agree to, surrounding these preferential trade agreements. On an FTA, where the FTA and customs union are treated under art. XXIV of the GATT, the commitments under the agreements are required that the restrictions on non members cannot be increased. You can eliminate the barriers among your buddies, but you cannot increase the tariffs on non members. With the customs union, since there will be a common policy towards non members, there could be some instances where some good s tariffs go up for a particular member and down for another. So, it is looking at policies as a whole. There will be a requirement for compensation as such. The other expectation is that the restrictions both under the FTA or customs union need to be removed by members on substantially all trade and within a reasonable amount of time. So, the idea is that an FTA or customs union will not be only for the auto industry or only for the agricultural industry, it should be for trade, as a whole. Some agreements in practice do not meet this criteria and it is possible that a member could bring a dispute settlement case against two other WTO members, who are not living up ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Samuel Gompers Conversion To Socialism In accordance with his hostility to socialism, Gompers was a staunch supporter of capitalism. He believed that capitalism would improve the rights of union members, and also increase the strength and power of the labor movement. However, in 1895 the Socialist Party within the AFL took control, leading to the only year in which Samuel Gompers was not elected president. Despite this, the next year Gompers was re elected President, and his aversion to socialism became stronger than ever. Another defining characteristic of Samuel Gompers was that he was unafraid to stand up for his cause. In 1906, after the courts issued an order not to boycott the Buck Stove and Range Company, Gompers disobeyed this order and was consequently sentenced to a year ... Show more content on ... Samuel Gompers choose not to focus on a reformation of America as a whole, but rather on protecting the rights of everyday people. By focusing on simple, obtainable goals, Gompers impacted the lives of millions of people. Gompers had to not only defend his position to those in the government who did not support the labor movement, but also to his contemporaries who thought him to be too conservative. He never backed down from his goal of protecting the rights of the working class. Focusing on his objectives, Samuel Gompers took a firm stance on labor, defending his position to anyone who disagreed with him. During a chaotic time in history where a strong figure was desperately needed to change the status quo, Samuel Gompers emerged as a leader at the forefront of the labor movement. ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Pompei Amphitheatre Research Paper Now lets visit a couple of places in Pompei. Some famous and interesting places are The Villa of the Mysteries, The Garden of fugitives , and The Pompeii Amphitheatre. The Villa of Mysteries is famous for the series of Frescos in many rooms. It was a country house built around 65 50 BC. The mural painting that gives this house its name is found in the dining room, or triclinium, of the house. It s associated with Dionysian cult practices that are known to have flourished in the area. Dionysus, was the Greek god of wine and ecstasy. Dionysian cult members were all female, called Maenads or Bacchantes. The frescoes at Pompeii have been sorted into four main styles the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Styles. The Dionysian cycle in the dining ... Show more content on ... The Pompeii Amphitheatre is the oldest surviving Roman amphitheatre. It is located in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, it was covered under all the ash and dust from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.It consists of a large cavea around which are the steps, divided into sections, which cover the entire perimeter of the construction. The different sections are the ima cavea, the lower part, media cavea, the middle part, and summa cavea, the upper part. The lower seats were reserved for dignitaries, people considered to be important because of high rank or office. The higher seats were for plebeians, commoners. Now let s look at the clothes of Pompei. In ancient Pompeii, men wore togas, woolen robes and women wore stolas, which are very similar to togas. They wore these over their tunics, under clothes. They also didn t wear any underwear. People buried in the ash wore heavier clothing than the light summer clothes typical of August. I love food, Don t you? Ancient Pompeii s common foods include cheeses, poppy, beans, lentils, figs, grapes, plums, olives, nuts, grains and breads, eggs, fish, chicken, ham and other meats. With many bakeries in Pompeii, bread was an available ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Information And Communication Technology In The 21st Century Technology in an educational context is the ability to shape and change the physical world or knowledge by the manipulation of material and tools. Education in the 21st century has greatly benefited from the improvements provided by information and communication technology, visual and audio content that can be sent immediately to any part of the world (Bartlett Burton, 2012). The amount of economic resources a region or community has dictates its availability. This has meant information can be more easily shared, students using electronic devices are enabled to access information on any subject or topic. Educators can more easily share ideas or discuss concepts, allowing them to deliver content using a variety of different electronic formats in the classroom. Technology has become a major component in personalised learning, this is where the method of providing information and the system used is built around the student, previously the system was built for the learner which they were required to fit into (Bolstad et al., 2012). The introduction of technology into the classroom has also changed how curriculum and pedagogy is delivered to students in the 21st century. When comparing new and traditional teaching practices from the 20th century, analysis need to be completed on how curriculum and pedagogy have changed to accommodate this. Traditionally schools were seen to be using the scholar academic ideology, that is the idea that culture has accumulated knowledge over time ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Early Church History Essay Mormon Church History The first thing that should be stated is that Mormon is just a nickname given to the church that is shorter and easier to say in one breath. The real name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was organized April 6th,1830 by Joseph Smith, The first of the latter day prophets. It has been almost two hundred years since that day and for most of the world Mormon history has faded and few remember the persecution the early church faced. Many other events coincide with the Church s foundation that helped influence the direction it would take, and how it was affected and how others were affected by them. In the years of Joseph Smith s youth there was a great amount of turmoil because of the reformations being made in American society (Brinkley 288). In western New York the fervor from religion was so intense it was known as the Burned Over District ( Religious ministers were everywhere trying to convert new members and causing many to feel uncertain of which church was right. The Smith family was especially divided, each wanting to live good lives, but not knowing which church was the Christ s true Church. At fourteen Joseph was uncertain of weather or not he should join the ... Show more content on ... It was there that he received the revelation that none of the sects were the full, true gospel. A few days later he was led to a hill by the angel Moroni and there he found the brass plates that had been hidden there by Moroni when he was alive. Joseph was told to protect the plates and for four years he did so. In 1826 the angel Moroni told him to take the plates and translate them so all the world could read them, the translation became the Book of Mormon. Joseph was helped in this by his friend Martin Harris and Oliver Cowdery, who acted as scribes while Joseph translated. On April 6th, 1830 the church of Jesus Christ was formally ... Get more on ...
  • 8. A Report On A Uniform Resource Locator ( Url ) A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. A URL is a specific type of Uniform Resource Identifier, although many people use the two terms interchangeably. A URL implies the means to access an indicated resource, which is not true of every URI. URLs occur most commonly to reference web pages, but are also used for file transfer, email, database access, and many other applications. A query string is the part of uniform resource locator (URL) in the World Wide Web. Domain name: A series of alphanumeric strings separated by periods, such as, that is an address of a computer network connection and that identifies the owner of the address. Types of the URL: Varieties of URLs that will be encountered when working with vendor URLs. Each URL is a combination of these types. Starting Point URLs A starting point URL is a persistent, durable URL that connects a browser to a resource. This is the URL utilized in your OPAC, Web site, database, etc. to provide access to a resource. Static URL A URL that connects to a destination without calling a script. Dynamic URL A URL that processes a script to connect to a destination. Directory URL A URL without a filename that points to a directory s default file. Formula URL A required structure that adheres to a specific format and must be used to connect to a destination. Every time the user clicks on the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Elie Wiesel s The Boy In The Striped Pajamas The Boy in the Striped Pajama exhibits doing the physically intolerable, but the morally correct deed, despite rough situations. Bruno resisted the adults and risked severe retribution to deliver food for Shmuel, a Jew. In the same way, Night also exhibits the principle of doing actions that benefit society, despite symptoms of pain. The experiences in Elie Wiesel s Night force Elie to learn that everybody should speak up during tough times. Young Elie s stereotypical reaction of doing what authority calls for relates to what Perils of Obedience calls obedience to the higher powers natural. Conversely, older Elie Wiesel s Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech requests society to respond during harsh situations while resisting fear. Upon ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Internet Security Overview Overview of Internet Security As of 1996, the Internet connected an estimated 13 million computers in 195 countries on every continent, even Antarctica (1). The Internet is not a single network, but a worldwide collection of loosely connected networks that are accessible by individual computer hosts in a variety of ways, including gateways, routers, dial up connections, and Internet service providers. The Internet is easily accessible to anyone with a computer and a network connection. Individuals and organizations worldwide can reach any point on the network without regard to national or geographic boundaries or time of day. However, along with the convenience and easy access to information come new risks. Among them are the risks that ... Show more content on ... Security is strong when the means of authentication cannot later be refuted the user cannot later deny that he or she performed the activity. This is known as nonrepudiation. Why Care About Security? It is remarkably easy to gain unauthorized access to information in an insecure networked environment, and it is hard to catch the intruders. Even if users have nothing stored on their computer that they consider important, that computer can be a weak link , allowing unauthorized access to the organization s systems and information. Seemingly innocuous information can expose a computer system to compromise. Information that intruders find useful includes which hardware and software are being used, system configuration, type of network connections, phone numbers, and access and authentication procedures. Security related information can enable unauthorized individuals to get access to important files and programs, thus compromising the security of the system. Examples of important information are passwords, access control files and keys, personnel information, and encryption algorithms. Judging from CERT® Coordination Center (CERT/CC) data and the computer abuse reported in the media, no one on the Internet is immune. Those affected include banks and financial companies, insurance companies, brokerage houses, consultants, government contractors, government agencies, hospitals and medical laboratories, network service providers, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Discovery of Antibiotics The discovery of antibiotics in the 20th century was a major advancement in medicine. At the time of the discovery, war was taking place, which resulted in a plethora of infected wounds. Antibiotics can be described as a use, laboratory effect, or an action of a chemical compound (Clardy et al). Selman Waksman first used the term in 1941 when describing the small molecules made by microorganisms that prevent the growth of other microorganisms (Clardy et al). Antibiotics helped control the infection which allowed many who were injured a second chance to live. The antibiotic that was first discovered and used to cure war infections was penicillin. Since the discovery of antibiotics, controlling infections and diseases became easier, ... Show more content on ... The peptidoglycan coat in bacterial cells is formed by a crystal lattice structure that forms linear chains from a pair of alternating amino acids. The cross linking of peptidoglycan strands by the transpeptidase enzyme forms an uneven cell wall. Antibiotics, notably penicillin, interfere with this cross linking, which destroys the bacteria cell wall. More specifically, antibiotics work by attaching to specific sites on the ribosome, which affects with the bacteria s function during protein synthesis. The small or 30S ribosomal subunit has binding sites for tRNA molecules. These sites are known as the aminoacyl (A), peptidyl (P), and exit (E) sites. The process known as decoding oversees base pairing between the codon of mRNA and the anticodon of tRNA at the A site, allowing the 30S subunit to distinguish between the similarities of the tRNAs (Brodersen et al). Because most antibiotics bind to ribosomes, its main target is the rRNA, which results in most of the binding sites being near the mRNA and the tRNA binding sites, or at sites that undergo structural rearrangements during the processes of decoding or translocation (Dallas et al). In all, the antibiotic prevents the bacterium from creating its cell wall, which essentially kills the bacterium (Brodersen et al). The appearance and spreading of antibiotic resistant pathogens have given rise to many studies involving the genetic ... Get more on ...
  • 12. A Comparison Of Materialism In The Women And Mildred Piercee Two films released amidst the aftermath of the post American Great Depression and World War II, The Women and Mildred Pierce, both similarly explore the issues surrounding the contemporary form of materialism that has made itself present in society. The economic boom the war had provided America gave birth to a new form of ultra consumerism that swept the nation, changing everything in a matter of years. These films act as social commentaries in such a way that they are able to highlight the impact materialism has made in the aspects of both the rich and middle class during this span in American history. George Cukor introduces this as one of his main themes throughout his film The Women. Using it to act as a key motivating factor for his character Mary Haines, a housewife and mother seemingly trapped in a marriage with a cheating husband due to the luxurious lifestyle it provides. Similarly, Michael Curtiz s Mildred Pierce, uses this desire for things such as clothes, houses, and a generally expensive lifestyle as driving factors for both Mildred Pierce and her daughter, Veda. Veda Pierce has been raised in a home where she has always received anything she s wanted. As she grows up we find her desires have amassed to an all time high. So much so that when she learns her mother won t be able to give her the opulent life she yearns for, she abandons the family; causing her mother to make conflicting decisions regarding her personal life and attitude towards materialistic endeavors in hopes of prompting her daughters return. Both of these movies rely heavily on this common theme to drive the plot as well as build definitive characters. It is important to take into consideration that in this day and age, women found themselves extensively restricted by societal norms that standardized their lines of work to underpaid jobs. Censuses completed in 1930 and 1940 state that roughly only 25% of women were employed and only a select handful of those who did held professional jobs ( Baughman et al. Vol. 4 ). These statistics give us a general idea of how unlikely it is for a woman to be able to support herself without a husband. In The Women, these conditions cause Mary Haines to contemplate her decision to ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Human Cultural Diversity Paper Human cultural diversity is important for counselors to recognize and understand. Furthermore, due to the wide spanning cultural variances between cultures. Counselors should seek to understand some of the key psychological issues and recommended therapeutic approaches for that culture. For example, in Asian cultures family identity is far more important that the western ideology of individualism. Or there could be some culture assimilation issues within the generational structure of the family. Such as the older generation does not what their Asian culture to be lost to western culture for the younger generations. To truly be effective in counseling clients whom are Asian you may need an understand that individual s family environment as well. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Major Themes In The Old Testament Major Themes: as seen in the Old Testament To better understand the full meaning of this passage it is essential to look to the Old Testament. Throughout Jesus ministry He draws on symbolism from the Old Testament to show His connection to the Father. The passages below are closely connected to Matthew chapter 14. The similarities are important because of the original audience. The apostles would have been Jewish men, which means they knew their Old Testament fairly well. When Jesus makes connections He increases His credibility, and secures His label of Emmanuel. Exodus 3:14; 14:10 15:21 The first thing to note about the book of Exodus is the passage in 3:14. This is the first time God calls Himself I AM (Beale, Carson 50). This does ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Essay about Conflict in Northern Ireland Conflict in Northern Ireland For over three decades there has been conflict in Ireland. The disagreement between the Republicans/Nationalist and Loyalist/unionists sill continues to this day. The key issue remains should the North stay part of the United Kingdom with its own developed assembly or should it join the south as part of a united and independent Ireland? Ireland is a small country and has a population of 1.5 million. Yet despite this small number, the north and south of Ireland have been in bitter conflict with each other which has been going on for decades. This is mainly due to the main difference in the beliefs of the people. The two main groups in Ireland are the ... Show more content on ... The three main political groups for the nationalists are the SDLP (Social Democrats and Labour party), Sinn Fein and IRA (Irish republican army). The IRA is an extreme paramilitary group which beliefs that peace can only be obtained by violence and killing. This group has mainly been responsible for the killing of thousands of civilians. This group believes that the only way to stop British presence in Ireland and get their views across is to use force and aggression. After the Peace process of 1998 a small splinter group known as the Real IRA was made. These were members of the IRA which were opposed to the Good Friday agreement and so split and formed there own group. Sinn Fein is one of the political parties that agree with the use of violence and what the IRA do. This group however does not get involved in the killing but elects candidates such as Gerry Adams to represent and put forward there views on what they believe to be right. The other main Nationalist party is the SDLP. Their main objective is also to have a united Ireland however unlike the other two groups it is fiercely opposed to violence and believe it is not the best way to reach an agreement. These moderate nationalists also want an independent Ireland, therefore they support the aims of the hard line nationalists but they are opposed to the way they go about this. The hard line nationalists use violence and ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Objectives Of Air Arabia Introduction Air Arabia is the first budget friendly airline in the Middle East, which began in 2003. Air Arabia s goal was to be a known budget friendly airline across the Middle East and North Africa. The main hub of Air Arabia is Sharjah International Airport which is located in United Arab Emirates and Also in Mohamed V Airport in Casablanca, Morocco. It was around 2006 when Air Arabia reached a growing point because as inflation occurs people decided to travel for a cheaper price. Since it s growth Air Arabia operates in 40 different location making it one of the most reliable budget airlines in the Middle East and the world. Air Arabia flies to several different continents which are Asia, Africa and Europe. The current CEO of Air Arabia is Adel Ali and he has transformed a small budget airline to a well known airline across the Middle East. The current slogan of Air Arabia is Air Arabia, Pay Less Fly More. Question 1: Travel Agents: Air Arabia has plenty of offices all across Asia and the Middle East. Travel agents have been part of the huge success of Air Arabia s campaign. Travel agents in Air Arabia help clients find the best deals while traveling with Air ... Show more content on ... The 4 hubs are Ahmedabad International Airport in India, King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, Cochin International Airport in Kochi, India and Cairo International Airport in Egypt. These airports welcome Air Arabia flights everyday to their country and because of this these airports have become busier in the last couple of years because of the high demand for traveling with affordable prices. These airports are the primary airports and they allow Air Arabia to land at their main airport because they consider Air Arabia as a serious airline and by allowing Air Arabia to operate at their main base the airport will gain more attention and more profit from Air Arabia and also customers from Air Arabia can transport from the airport to the central city because it s a primary ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay on Sundiata and God s Bits of Wood Sundiata When I was finished reading both Sundiata and God s Bits of Wood I had a better understanding of the strong relationship between the African people and their leaders. Even though Sundiata and Ihamim Bakayoko became leaders by different means, they displayed a lot of similarities. Sundiata was a king, so the people had to obey him because of his status. However his subjects did not follow him for that reason, they listened to Sundiata because he was a good leader. As a wise African leader, Sundiata ruled in consultation. Sundiata s number one consultant was his griot, Balla Fasseke. As D.T. Niane said griots know the history of kings and their kingdoms, which is why they are the best advisors of kings because whoever ... Show more content on ... Towards the end of the book, the women were even consulting Bakayoko. This could be seen in the From Thies to Dakar chapter where the women were taking an active role in the strike. The next topic covered by the two books was the role of emotional self control in African leadership. Traditionally leaders were to show very little if any emotion. That is how Sundiata mainly appears throughout the book. For instance, when he went into battle, he showed no emotion, i.e. whether he was afraid or not. However, he did display some emotion when it was necessary. This was evident in the beginning of the book when Sundiata s mother was being ridiculed because her son was not able to walk. Hearing this made Sundiata angry. However, instead of flying off the handle, he focused his anger inward and used it successfully to raise himself to his feet and eventually to walk. Sundiata s anger also shows when the queen mother takes his griot away from him. This time his mother calms him some but not before he has a few words with King Touman. Sundiata also showed his sensitive side when his sister, Nana Triban and his griot escaped from Soumaoro. When his sister told him of Niani s destruction and the captivity of its people, Sundiata was very sympathetic to the situation reinforcing his desire to recapture the land that was rightfully his. Ihamim Bakayoko had good emotional self control too. He displayed this self control the time he met the work inspector. The ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Chiquita Banana Case a. How did the Common Market Organization for Bananas ( CMOB ) affect Chiquita? Six firms dominated the banana industry in the early 1990 s, three from Europe and three from the United States. In 1994, the three United States producers, Chiquita, Dole, and Del Monte, accounted for approximately 72.4% of world banana sales. Chiquita accounted for 48% of worldwide banana sales and 66.4% of banana sales of the three U.S. producers. Prior to 1994, Europe accounted for nearly 40% of world banana imports by volume, of which roughly 60% came from Latin America, the primary location of Chiquita Brand International s banana production. However, in 1993, a common banana import policy, council Regulation (EEC) 404/93, became effective four ... Show more content on ... Since those numbers were not available in the case, we chose to compare the prices and consumption of bananas in Germany versus France prior to CMOB taking effect. (move to an end note: Germans, residents of the only free market for bananas in Europe, consumed 16.6 kg of bananas per capita at an average price per ton of 438 of ECU in 1991 while the French, residents of Europe s most protective market, consumed 8 kg of bananas per capita with average price per ton of 604 ECU. (case p 7). The percentage change in price from France to Germany is (604 ECU 438 ECU)/438 ECU, which equals .379. The percentage change in quantity from France to Germany is (8 kg 16.6 kg)/16.6 Kg, which equals .518. The absolute value of the percentage change in quantity over the percentage change in price is 1.3.) That calculation showed European demand to be elastic at 1.3, so for every 1% change in price, the quantity demanded will change 1.3%. c. What are the supply side constraints in the banana market? The slope of the supply curve demonstrates how quickly a supplier can react to a change in prices. The following issues can affect the slope of the banana supply curve: Labor: Bananas grow all year but in 13 week cycles, and they are harvested daily by cutting the stems by hand. ( In its controversial ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Substance Abuse Social Worker The Substance Abuse Social Worker Social workers have long worked with people who abuse substances, beginning in the 1800 s with sobriety houses and inebriate asylums, to settlement houses in the profession s beginnings to developing self help, consumer driven programs, designing inpatient detoxification programs, and to applying youth oriented prevention and education programs. As an addictions counselor, the social worker is a part of a specialized profession that began with the wounded healer tradition of abstinence based movements of the 18th century (White W. L., 2004). Social workers regularly encounter individuals, families, and communities affected by substance use disorders. Many social workers specialize in the alcohol, tobacco, ... Show more content on ... May people see harm reduction such as methadone clinics a productive of our current society, when actually, from 1919 to 1924, 44 communities had morphine maintenance clinics. These clinics were run by public health or local police departments and were established to treat addicts. With the Supreme Court decision that declared that for a physician to maintain an addict on his or her customary dose is not in good faith medical practice, these clinics were all forced to close under threat of indictment (White W. M., 1998). Narcotic treatment became nonexistent in America except for the wealthy. It wasn t until the 1060 s that programs for narcotic addictions again became available in the US. A substance abuse social worker evaluates and treats people who have substance use disorder. These can include tobacco, alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs. A substance abuse social worker helps individuals overcome their substance abuse or misuse through counseling, both individual and group and assist the person in identifying and receiving additional services and resources as needed. Because addiction and recovery are different for each client, the social worker must not place every addicted client into the same box of what treatments are used and needed. This type of therapy is strength based and very individualistic. Substance abuse social workers must have in depth training in the many components of addiction, as they need to ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Foundation of Understanding Human Anatomy During... Our understanding in anatomy and physiology today will be deadened without the knowledge from the Renaissance period. Let take a short step to look at what is Renaissance? Based historian, Renaissance means rebirth because it [is] believed that the human spirit [has] to be reawakened as it [is] in the classical (Greco Roman) times (). During this time, the new conception of human emerges as individualism which means a man can create his own destiny, and humanism in which humans are the center of the universe (). With their free will and the motion in seeking personal fame, artists engage themselves in learning the structure of human body to make their works more lifelike. With such knowledge, they have built the foundation for our ... Show more content on ... First, it is the perspectival depiction technic which Mantegna uses to portray Christ body. The painting appears with Christ body in the center lying on a marble slab with Virgin Mary and St.John by his side. From the viewer s angle, one can see the anatomical details in Christ body especially his thorax. It is because Mantegna uses foreshortens and dramatizes the recumbent [of Christ] figure (). However, Christ s feet are smaller in the size so that they cannot interfere the view of Christ body. If Mantegna draws Christ s feet in proper size, it may cover much of the body. This painting is one of the most masterpiece as example for perspective technic. Even thought Mantegna uses foreshorten to make Christ s body appearing shorten, the physical structure of his body is still represented accuracy. By using the perspectival depiction technic, Mantegna also expresses his understanding of human anatomy through Christ s figure. For the first look, we can see Christ s thorax is described in detail. His bond and muscle of the chest appears natural. Besides, the wound in his arms and feet are small hole surround by broken flesh. It is understandable in our world today due to our knowledge of anatomy. The wound looks like that because people takes the nail which stuck Christ s arms and legs to the cross out. The broken flesh is the trace of the nail being stuck in his arms and feet. However, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Dialectic of the Union Blockade during the Civil War The Civil War in the United States from 1861 to 1865 serves as a dark reminder of how disjointed a nation can become over issues that persistently cause heated debate among party factions. Most students that have taken courses in American history understand the disadvantage possessed by the Confederate States of America as they fought against the powerful Union army for what they perceived as a necessary institution of slavery. Historians have debated over the effectiveness of the blockade and if it was important in creating the failures faced by the Confederate States of America. This debate has generated the contested question of Did the Union blockade succeed in the American Civil War? The blockade, whether considered a success or an ... Show more content on ... The authors considered the psychological effect of the blockade to double as a mode of deterrence when it came to blockade running. A presence of Union ships on the southern coast was enough to deter Confederate ships from running through blockades and risk losing vessels of the small Confederate navy (Bonner and McCord 378). In relation to the authors thesis, the presence of a psychological effect forcing the southern populace to realize the consequences of the blockade, and reduce the number of raiders attempting to breach the blockade. Following the psychological assessment of the southern attitudes, the authors transition to the initially reason for the blockade, crippling the southern economy. The blockade aided in the Confederacy s deterioration, but was not the only source of prevention. The blockade led to the collapse of the already fragile Confederate railroad, leading to a decrease in transporting goods to soldiers (Bonner and McCord 381). The south was also limited in the amount of cotton it could export to Europe, and with it being their largest source of income, greatly reduced clothing supplies, and monetary assets (Bonner and McCord 381). Furthermore, the revenue that came from blockade running paled in comparison to pre blockade profits. This led to the Confederacy only providing immediate needs for the populace (Bonner and McCord 381). To continue with the economic theme, the authors include a cost/benefit assessment completed by David Surdam, who ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Line Between Reality and Fantasy (a Streetcar Named... The Line Between Reality and Fantasy In the play A Streetcar Named Desire (ASND) by Tennessee Williams, one of the big themes from the play is the theme of illusion. Stella, Stanley, and Blanche allow illusion to shape and control their lives because they all see it as the best way towards happiness. Blanche s life is an illusion because she wants to believe that she is still young, beautiful, and innocent while trying to hide from her past. While the role that illusion plays in Stella s life is the fact that while she can see that her marriage is far from perfect, she acts like nothing is wrong just to keep herself from not having the family she would like. Stanley s illusion is his delusion between love and desire, and not being ... Show more content on ... Also when Stanley is losing his poker game with friends, he gets mad at Stella for making a comment and he hits her to try and teach her a lesson. After everything has cooled down, he calls for Stella to come back down for him. And as soon as she comes back down to him, he immediately carries her off to the bedroom because that is his reality of showing his love for her (57, 60). He is lucky to have someone like Stella with him because a lot of women would not put up with just being a sex toy to her husband but would demand respect and better treatment. A good example of this is in the final scene, where Stanley goes out onto the porch after Blanche has been taken away and Stella is just inside holding their baby. She is crying because she is not sure if she made the right choice by sending her sister off to a mental hospital and could use the comfort/care of her husband. Stanley then proceeds to walk over to her, and the first thing he does is attempt to remove her blouse (142). That was one of many examples of how illusion plays a big part in Stanley s life and really controls his actions. Illusion plays a big part in the life of Stella Kowalski just as it does for Stanley and Blanche but it is the least noticeable of the three. Stella can see the illusions that control the lives of Blanche and Stanley so she chooses to live in her own illusion to make her life more ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Global Mental Health Issues Mental health is one of the global issues that have a significant impact on the international community. Mental health concerns are eminent globally and in every population. There are about 200 classified forms of mental health disorders, but the common ones include anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, post traumatic stress, dementia, bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia (Ahonen, 2014). The World Health Organization (WHO) study shows that about a third of the global adult population suffers from mental disease, in particular, mental disorder. 25 % of the United States adults are suffering from mental illness (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Proportionally, 206% of U.S adults live with bipolar disorder and approximate 2.4 ... Show more content on ... First, it affects the performance of the health care by increasing service demand since most of mental disorders require complex intervention. Besides, the treatment of these numerous disorders will bring in a strain within the health care center, thus declining the health services efficiency. Moreover, it results in crowding out affects within the hospitals as some patients with severe mental disorders will need to stay longer in the hospital. Consequently, this creates more demand for hospital beds and related services. Mental illness increases health care expenditure since hospitals incurs extra cost in hiring therapist, psychiatrist, etc. (Olesen et al., 2012). Besides, the health systems suffer more cost in organizing awareness campaigns. On the other hand, the CDC is working collaboratively with other organizations such as Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), National Institute of Health, and Behavioral Surveillance System among others to establish a comprehensive national surveillance of mental illnesses. Consequently, the organization recommends an increased monitoring and management of anxiety disorders across all agencies through the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Jewish Concentration Camp On The Camp Woke up had breakfast in the hostel. Went to the train station and met our tour guide, then headed to Dachau. Dachau had mixed emotions. The Jewish concentration camp left many speechless. Words could not describe how it felt to walk through the camp, where so many people was murdered. Walking to the furnace I could not fathom what actually took place. I never knew all of the symbols each prisoner wore and had no clue there was a different symbol for everyone in the camp. Seeing the original prisoner suits was amazing yet sad. The status of the mangled bodies will be imbedded in my memory and I will never forget what the wall stated which was Never again. The solidarity jail cells was eye opening. The different places for each religion ... Show more content on ... The building was original all the way to the wall color and chandeliers. After that had to meet back at hostel to have a meeting with Dr. O Neil and Dr. Martin to say goodbyes. Prague 5/26/15 Dr. O Neil is now the professor for the rest of our trip. Long train ride and the ATM would not work fortunately we found one that would work. Czech money was confusing but got the hang of it. I did like it because everything was cheaper than euros. A great example for the change rate was 2,000 = 80$. Walked to hostel, tons of hills, Hostel was really nice, all the girls was in the same room, went and got dinner then went to bed Prague 5/27/15 Breakfast at Starbucks McDonalds, free walking tour with a really tall young guy but learned important history of Prague. He lead us around to many sites that included: Old Town Hall, astronomical clock, Prague city hall, wenceslass square, municipal house, Jewish museum and then we had a snack of fries and hotdogs. The tour was extremely cold. Mandy had coke spilt all over her. Went to the Jewish area saw the cemetery learned how they stacked the caskets because they were running out of space. Chicken skewer for dinner, one cool thing that we saw was the being born again in the Prague Old Town. It was interesting and looked like a big metal statue. Following, students napped and Pub crawl that I did not attend nor did Allison. Jenna and Avery came ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Case Study Of BCG And PLC BCG and PLC In order to achieve a broad understanding of the B O and the actual product presence, it requires an understanding of how the various products categories are sorted in the channel. With the Boston Consulting Group model also known as BCG model, we will analyze the collection of products they have. After that with the Product Life Cycle model also known as PLC, we will show the different stages that product goes from development to withdrawal. Together with BCG and PLC, we will have understanding and assessment of the company s product range and what challenges or opportunities could be in this area. B O has four business areas Audio/Video, B O Play, Automotive and ICEpower. We decided to focus on the Audio/Video section, because the revenue for the second quarter of 12/13 is MDKK 819 and around 58% = MDKK 476 of this was generated from sales of Audio/Video (B O Financial report Q2 12/13). The categories under Audio/Video section are shown in Figure 141. From this model, we can see that B O has four main product groups. Audio and video: Video Loud Speakers Audio Telephones The shown product groups ... Show more content on ... Top prices, absolute quality, exclusive design and cooperation with luxury car brands have positioned B O s products in a niche market. The ownership of B O products creates a feeling in the customer of belonging to certain social class. By offering BeoPlay the products of lower costs may affect consumer s perception of High price = High quality . B O for attracting the group of young people, should up to date their technology because the young people are up to date with the innovations and also should make some product differentiation and come out with high quality products but with more affordable price. Also, have to take under consideration that entering into the lower price market may increase the competition from the electronic giants such as Samsung, Panasonic, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Sherry Argov s Well, Why Men Love Bitch Do you feel like you are too nice? Have you ever felt like you lost yourself in your relationship? Well, Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov, New York Times bestselling author, explains why strong willed women are more attractive to males versus the yes woman. The book introduces nine concepts to women about the importance of holding their own in a relationship. Argov provides a unique perspective of a remix advice column by using her endless (100 to be exact) attraction principles to supply a go to guide on big tips to dating and being in a relationship. With the inclusion of multiple real life scenarios, she advises women on how to move from Doormat to Dreamgirl by comparing and contrasting the good girl with the bitch. The term bitch ... Show more content on ... Giving away too much is something the nice girl struggles with because she tries to accept the male s normative restrictions. Whereas, the bitch plays by her own rules because in the relationship she s the boss of herself, not him. Knowing a woman is the content of her own life, says to the man I m not knocking myself out for you. The reassurances of realness with oneself deepens with tips on how to go from sappy to sassy. Used to glorify the women into the bitch, aka more than a pushover. Letting women know to not be a basic bitch, because when one stays outside of the man s reach, he s on his best behavior. Six concept, Nagging no more explains what to do when he takes you for granted or when nagging doesn t work. Strips the identity of the lover and mother to create a woman the man deems unpredictable and indifferent to his behavior. Treat him like a friend showcases at the women s most significant advantage because when one treats her man casually, he will fly her way. The little distance provided by the friend space causes the woman to show better than tell because the male is forced to see you differently. In doing so, a woman takes a part of the man s book to prove her ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Catcher In The Rye Controversy A Teen s Voice: The Authenticity of Catcher in the Rye Young adult books are hot in the writing world and are the new trend of what people want to read. Teens and adults alike are drawn to characters like Katniss Everdeen, Hazel Grace, and Jacob Portman; they seem real, they become dear to us. Before this trend started, however, many people did not write for a young adult reader. J.D. Salinger, on the other hand, wrote a very popular book for young adults called The Catcher in the Rye. Salinger wrote this book in 1951 way before the new young adult book writing craze. Many people are now saying that the main character of The Catcher in the Rye, Holden, is outdated. Can young adults not relate with Holden anymore because this book was written ... Show more content on ... As he s telling what he has experienced he is very truthful, even in his lies. Holden doesn t keep anything to himself he says, I felt so lonesome all of a sudden, I almost wished I was dead (48). Holden was just sitting in a quiet room thinking at this point. He doesn t just say this to get sympathy. Holden says this because this is actually how he felt at that moment. The reader also finds out the emotional truth at the end of the book when Holden shares that he is in a rest home. When Holden says, this one psychoanalyst guy they have here, keeps asking me if I m going apply myself when I go back to school next September (114) it opens up the eyes to the reader that Holden was telling the story the whole time to someone in the rest home. This is what many teens go to when they are emitted to holmes for help with their mental stability. Holden Caulfield is an authentic teenage character that many teens can relate ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay On University Of Minnesota Minnesota is regularly ranked among the best K 12 public school systems in the country. Despite this, the state houses one of the largest achievement gaps between white students and students of color in the nation. This was the setting for my primary, secondary, and postsecondary education. From a small, very white, and mostly conservative town to the liberal, diverse, and much more highly populated Minneapolis, I took what I could from each context to develop a more inclusive picture of the system in which I was taking part. Through advocacy work and literacy tutoring, students from primary through postsecondary education contexts brought their stories and lives into mine, and I did what I could to be a positive piece of theirs. While ... Show more content on ... These students experience family violence, sexual trauma, difficulty functioning in schools, and peer aggression. School is not their first priority. My second role required the creation of curricula to supplement the teacher s pre determined school learning objectives. With my colleagues, I teach students about subjects such as teen dating abuse, healthy sexuality and consent, and LGBTQIA topics. Our content is delivered to upwards of twenty schools in Hennepin, Dakota, and Carver counties. The curriculum had to be clear and adaptable for students in culturally dissimilar settings and remain engaging and relevant for both youth and teachers. Seeking to be more involved, I proposed a new position for myself within the School Based Services program of Cornerstone. Through this newly created Advocacy and Education Lead role, I worked more directly with evaluation and assessment strategies for students. Working more closely with our full time grant writer created a space for my previous research experiences to shine and expand. I reassessed the value of currently used evaluation tools and defined a plan to measure truancy, social emotional health, and overall client safety for our funders. Additionally, I developed a comprehensive advocacy curriculum with tools, activities, marketing materials, crisis reporting guidelines, and supplemental legal ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Mentality Of Baseball In Fences By August Wilson August Wilson uses baseball ideology to construct the mindset of his protagonist, Troy Maxson, in Fences ; however, Wilson also uses Troy to embody black America in the 50s. The metaphorical and literal significance of baseball is the driving force Troy s subjectivity and ideology. Whether it be comparing death to baseball pitch, warning his son to not strikeout, or complaining about being stuck on first base, Troy uses baseball to explain life to those around him. Ironically, it is baseball that actually leads to Troy s psychic castration. Although Troy was older when he was released from prison and playing in the Negro leagues, racism held younger players from competing with white Americans and there is no doubt that Troy saw this as what held him back as well. Unable to play in the major leagues bitters Troy s attitude towards life and affects his relationship with his son, Cory, and wife, Rose. While on a micro level, the rules and mechanics of baseball have a negative impact on Troy s mentality, on a macro level Troy s loyalty to the game can be seen as an empowering force for black America in the 50s. The idea of not striking out, and the fetish of the home run is meant to represent the black community s resistance against society s racism during this time. Although the ideology of baseball consumes Troy to the point of his own personal strikeouts, the ideology itself, and who Troy represents, is suppose to represent black America s fight against a racist ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Sound In The Jungle Book In the film, The Jungle Book there are different types of sound throughout the movie. The different types of sound are vocal, music, and sounds effects. These different types of sounds help shapes the feelings of the audience, helps to reveal the character, and presents the theme of the movie. The Jungle Book is filled with music from its characters. At different times of the movie the singing gives the audience a certain type of feeling. When Mowgli and Baloo sing the song about bare necessities it makes the audience feel joyful and delightful. The audience also gets this same type of feeling from the song I Wanna Be like You . On the other hand, when Baloo betrayed Mowgli sad music started playing in the background. This music makes the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. September 11 Attacks and World Trade Center Watching the movie 102 minutes for the second time opened my eyes to the tragedy of 9/11 more than it did the first time. Being only six years old at the time of the incident, I didn t truly understand the magnitude of the disaster until years later. The quality of the movie made it very clear to me just how painful being around the World Trade Center buildings during the attack was, not only for the people in the buildings that were hit, but for the people around as well. The feeling of helplessness that the bystanders must have felt in addition to the feeling of fear must have been unbearable. Seeing the footage of the attack in such clear video made it feel as though it was like a Hollywood movie rather than a real traumatic event ... Show more content on ... Second I think that people weren t necessarily sure that what they saw was a real event. Sure, it clearly happened, but the events seemed fictional because of their magnitude. I know that even though I saw footage of the attacks, it still seems surreal. The magnitude of the attack makes it seem like something that no one would expect to actually happen to us. Overall I think that those who did not turn off their cameras did something positive because we would not see so much about the attacks or ever forget them with this much visual coverage of it. I think that the events of 9/11 made a huge impact on those around that survived. In my opinion, I think that I would have felt so unbearable helpless in a situation like this. I have an altruistic sense of being so not being able to help those around me makes me feel like I failed my life s goal of helping others even though I feel that I might be in danger. 102 Minutes differs from other documentations because it is a mix of many different people s perspectives and real experiences. It shows the true, raw emotions of the attacks rather than just demonstrating the factual event. I think that 102 Minutes was more effective that other movies made about 9/11 because it showed everyone the real events, not Hollywood altered, not hiding and bias, it showed the real hurt that not only New York, but the country ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Blood Test For Diabetes Essay Background: Their idea is to simplify the blood test for diabetes. Diabetes is on a rise in India, to address the concern of doctor s availability and their time, cost incurred to individual for the test and consultation. AINA Simple easy to use mobile diagnostic mobile platform for chronic disease was introduced by Michal Depa and Sidhant Jena. AINA, a device that turns a smartphone into a blood analyzer. Using a drop of blood from a finger prick, this device can run five tests, including the HbA1C, which is used to diagnose diabetes and is usually done in a lab using blood drawn from a vein. This product is not only for educated people who have complete access to doctor but to reach the under diagnosed poor, the device is available with android and IOS app for smartphones that can be used by doctors, clinics and government hospitals. The test reports from the patient are aggregated in one place for doctor evaluation, wherein in very less time doctor can reach to thousands, also the application can continuously remind patient with doctor advice on living life style like exercising, diet and much more. This serves one of the major challenge of doctor patient ratio. Introduction Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that can t be solved with a single technical solution, like a vaccine for infectious diseases. Type 2 diabetes is dangerous silent that will slowly slowly affects people over time. This requires multi pronged effort: Early detection and better diagnostics to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Why Did England Grow During The Industrial Revolution By late 1700s and early 1800s, United Kingdom was on the brink of Industrial Revolution. Industrial evolution was basically a period of time where a country had mass productions and new inventions in technology. Setting aside the time when it started, why did the Industrial Revolution start in Great Britain? What advantages did England have to initiate the Industrial Revolution? The Industrial Revolution initiated in United Kingdom because of its surfeit amounts of natural resources, stable government and economy and developments in new machinery. Britain was the first country to industrialize as a result of its abundance in natural resources. Britain got its surfeit amount of resources from its colonies. Around early 1800s, Britain was the sovereign nation in the world, conquering relatively half of the world. This gave Britain an enormous economic advantage. The country already enjoyed a vigorous export trade to Europe, the American colonies, India, and ... Show more content on ... During this time, inventors have been getting ideas to make a machine that is much more powerful, efficient yet safe than the bare hand labor. During this time, inventor James Watt, came up with an idea that uses water and coal to generate the steam that powers the engine. This idea turned out to be successful and revolutionized the way power is used. By the end of the century, nearly one fifth of Britain s mechanical production was powered by steam. (ABC CLIO, 2014) . The Steam engine mainly benefitted the Textile Industry, producing mass amount of fabric and cotton. As the country advanced in the Steam engine utility, the Steam driven locomotives emerged. These locomotives gave an immense advantage for transportation as it speeded up the time to reach a place or so. Setting aside the economic advantages, United Kingdom had political advantages that led to industrial revolution occur in the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Thoreau s Message in Walden Essay Thoreau s Message in Walden In Walden, Henry D. Thoreau presented a radical and controversial perspective on society that was far beyond its time. In a period where growth both economically and territorially was seen as necessary for the development of a premature country, Thoreau felt the opposite. Thoreau was a man in search of growth within himself and was not concerned with outward improvements in him or society. In the chapter entitled economy, he argued that people were too occupied with work to truly appreciate what life has to offer. He felt the root of this obsession with work was created through the misconstrued perception that material needs were a necessity, rather than a hindrance to true happiness and the ... Show more content on ... Since less work was required; people had more time to appreciate nature and thus enjoyed a happier life. Thoreau was very doubtful of the ideas that outward improvements could bring improvements to one s inner peace. One clear illustration of Thoreau s resistance to progress can be found in the chapter, Sounds, where he voiced his criticism on technological advancements. At first he was annoyed with the sound created by the passing trains which hindered his ability to hear the chirping of the birds. As he stated, The whistle of the locomotive penetrates my woods summer and winter, sounding like the scream of a hawk sailing over some farmer s yard, informing me that many restless city merchants are arriving within the circle of the town... (78). Trains also reminded him of the businessman and tradesman involved in manipulation and profits. Thoreau believed that a technological advancement such as the train would give people a false impression of heightened freedom, for trains were able to travel to areas never before imagined and in a time that was thought impossible. He was worried that people would prefer to take the train than the road less traveled. By taking trains, people missed out on the beauty of nature. Then he realized that the trains had transported people to many different areas and that it had enabled the people to experience new things. Thoreau showed his disapproval ... Get more on ...
  • 35. St Francis Of Assisi St Francis of Assisi reformed the Catholic Church, by focusing on the less fortunate people. St Francis also through his previous life in luxury away to help the lees fortunate. By the rebuilding of San Damiano He was able to re light the flame of faith. His order of monks and sisters that were recognized by their no Earthly wealth and their brown robes. Conceived in Italy around 1181 in Duchy of Spoleto, St. Francis of Assisi was eminent for drinking and celebrating in his childhood. By age 14, he had left school and gotten to be known as a defiant young person who habitually drank, celebrated and broke the city time limit. His dad, Pedro Bernardone was a rich fabric trader. St. Francis of Assisi, however worshipped today, started his life ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Southern Italy Research Paper Italy, the place where thousands of people go to get away from their normal lives, has been facing many struggles of its own. The ancient buildings, rivers, and popular attractions make Italy look like a perfect, easy living society. Yet, Italy has lots of problems, from governmental money issues to the everyday lives of people. Italy s economy is continuing to get worse, causing the European and other country s people to worry. There are many THINGS that later result in a bad economy. Employment is a cause Italy has been facing. Back to the 1990 s, Italian employees have been clocking longer hours while producing less. (Weissmann ). Italian people have been working longer and harder, yet not making nearly as much. This can create a problem ... Show more content on ... . . . it s going to need to start growing more than .25 percent a year (O Brien). People have finally taken a notice in the problems Italy is facing. Italy is deep in debt and it will time to get out of it s debt. In 2009, the economy suffered a hefty 5.5% contraction . . . no clear trend of recovery ( Italy Economic Outlook ). Italy seems to keep getting hit over and over again without time to recover. The government isn t able to keep up with the problems. The government has reduced its growth expectations for the current year to minus 1.3 percent (Basta). This shows how bad the problem is when the government sees no hope in recovery. The government has stated that it thinks Italy will go farther in debt for the year instead of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Brothers Grimm s Rapunzel Rapunzel is German fairy tale written by the popular authors, Brothers Grimm. The Grimm s Rapunzel was based off an eighteenth century literary version by Friedrich Schulz, who in turn borrowed from a French literary tale had written by Charlotte Rose Caumont de la Force. Because the story was rewritten multiple times in different time periods it has many elements from different cultures. Literary and cultural contexts stand out most in the story of Rapunzel and are the most important when analyzing and understanding the story. In the 19th century Jacob and Wilhelm become known as the famous Brothers Grimm for their contribution to traditional folk tales. They had worked as cultural researchers, linguists, lexicographers, folklore collectors ... Show more content on ... Not teaching children about the real world, to keep them young and innocent never works in a parent or guardians favor. That child will grow up being naïve and thinking things that are not alright are acceptable. Like Rapunzel, many girls do not learn about sex and their bodies and often time s things like pregnancies happen. The best thing for a parent to do is educate their son or daughter on those topics and teach them to respect their bodies. If an accident does happen they should be a support system rather than banishing ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Parenago 1802 Parenago 1802, a member of the ∼1 Myr Orion Nebula Cluster, is a double lined, detached eclipsing binary in a 4.674 d orbit, with equal mass components (M2/M1=0.985±0.029). Here we present extensive V IC JHKS light curves spanning ∼15 yr, as well as a Keck/HIRES optical spectrum. The light curves evince a third light source that is variable with a period of 0.73 d, and is also manifested in the high resolution spectrum, strongly indicating the presence of a third star in the system, probably a rapidly rotating classical T Tauri star. We incorporate this third light into our radial velocity and light curve modeling of the eclipsing pair, measuring accurate masses (M1=0.391±0.032, M2=0.385±0.032 M⊙), radii (R1=1.73±0.02, R2=1.62±0.02 R⊙), and temperature ratio (Teff,1/Teff,2=1.0924±0.0017). Thus the radii of the eclipsing stars differ by 6.9±0.8%, the temperatures differ by 9.2±0.2%, and consequently the luminosities differ by 62±3%, despite having masses equal to within 3%. This could be indicative of an age difference of ∼ 3 × 105 yr between the two eclipsing stars, perhaps a vestige of the binary formation history. We find that the eclipsing pair is in an orbit that has not yet fully circularized, ... Show more content on ... 2008, hereafter Paper I). Par 1802, as a member of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC; Hillenbrand 1997), is considered to have an age of ∼1 Myr (Paper I). A follow up analysis which included the radial velocity curves and the IC band light curve found the components masses to be equal to within ∼2%, but their radii and effective temperatures to differ by ∼5 10% (Stassun et al. 2008, hereafter Paper II). They suggest that these disparate radii and temperatures are the result of a difference in age of a few hundred thousand ... Get more on ...