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Essay On Effective
Communication In Social Work
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Essay On Effective Communication In Social WorkEssay On Effective Communication In Social Work
Same Sex Marriage Essay
What are others doing?
Canada is not the first country in the world to address whether and how to legally recognize same
sex unions. Indeed, Canada is coming to the debate later than many countries. Several countries
have debated this issue for many years and have come up with a variety of approaches, ranging
from same sex marriage in the Netherlands to the legal recognition of domestic partners, registered
partnerships and civil unions in Scandinavia, parts of Europe and parts of the United States.
Although some of these approaches appear to be similar, each is quite different, as it has been
created to fit the particular society and to comply with the specific constitutional and legal
structures in each country. Most countries have ... Show more content on ...
Alberta, in a bill before their legislature, has also raised the possibility of legal recognition for
unmarried couples. Some details are set out below. In addition to these laws, most provinces and
territories have now also legislated to provide some or all of the benefits and obligations of
married couples to common law gay and lesbian couples under provincial and territorial laws.
Bill 84 В— An Act instituting civil unions and establishing new rules of filiation В— was passed
by the National Assembly in June 2002. The Act amends the Civil Code and a number of other
provincial laws to create a new status of civil union partners (open to both unmarried opposite sex
and same sex conjugal partners). Civil union partners have almost all of the same benefits and
obligations under provincial law as married couples do, including the legal relationship between the
partner and any children. A civil union can be dissolved by a court judgment, a notarized joint
declaration (under some circumstances) or upon the death of one of the partners. A partner to a
civil union cannot marry without first dissolving the civil union.
While ensuring equal treatment, the Act makes it clear that civil unions are not marriages, and
retains some legal distinctions between the two. For example, some provisions of the Civil Code
that relate to legal separation continue to apply only to married couples.
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia has
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How Does Manette Change
In Charles Dickens Tale of Two Cities, the psychological state of his characters significantly affects
the plot of his novel. One character in particular, Dr. Alexandre Manette, has one of the most
complexly developed and dynamic minds in all of literature. Observing the changes in his unstable
psychological state during the beginning, middle, and end of the noveldisplays a more complex
reasoning behind his actions.
At the beginning of the novel, Manette is a man who has recently been released from an unjust
imprisonment in the Bastille. During his imprisonment, Manette slowly descends into madness and
despair. Because only his basic needs are being fulfilled, Manette begins to slow lose his grip on
his own mind as he descends into madness. ... Show more content on ...
Manette follows him and attempts to save him when he is arrested. As a former prisoner of
Bastille, Manette is idolized by the patriots in France and is immediately a respected figure
among the revolutionaries. He attempts to use this influence to get Charles out of prison, and
for the first time in the novel, Manette seems to have all of his needs met. He is finally able to
provide for himself and others Manette can effectively work towards self actualization. He
actually manages to get Charles out of his first trial, but Charles is arrested later that night, and
despite his best efforts Manette cannot do anything to rescue him. This causes Manette to return a
broken man, as he feels all of the newfound esteem and love slipping away from him. He asks for
his workbench and shoes back, which reveals that he has never truly recovered from his past.
However, Charles manages to escape execution and Manette returns happily to England with his
daughter and his son in law. As a truly heroic character, Manette receives an ending that is arguably
cliche yet ultimately
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The Most Famous Pieces Of Music
Introduction Austria is a very beautiful place with kind people and a very good history in music. It
is often known as the music capital because of the musical geniuses who have worked there
including Beethoven, Mozart and Strauss(biography). Some of the most famous pieces of music
were written in Austria including Silent Night and Edelweiss. Austriais located on Europe and its
capital is Vienna(Austria). Austria has one of the most stable economies in Europe. Austria has
unique qualities such as its geography, history, culture, economy, and its current events.
Geography, Climate, and Location The climate, geography, and location in Austria is unique. In the
East, there are hot summers and moderately cold winters. In the alpine region, ... Show more content
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She was an archduchess, and a Holy Roman Empress. Joseph ii was another important leader. He
was also a Holy Roman Emperor who tried to strengthen the Habsburg empire with his enlightened
reforms but his people opposed his changes very fiercely(biography). Austria had multiple big wars
but one of the wars they fought in was the war of the Austrian succession. It began on August 16,
1740. Frederick ii of Prussia invaded Silesia, one of Habsburg s richest provinces. His armies
defeated the Austrians at Mollwitz in April 1441 and overran Silesia. This proved what the other
European countries believed, that Silesia could not defend themselves. This ensured that the war
would become general. Within a month, France had constructed an alliance with Bavaria and Spain
and, later, with Saxony and Prussia against Austria. Maria Theresa derived her main support from
Britain fearing that if France took Hegemony in Europe, the British colonial and commercial empire
would be unsupportable(britannica). Austria declared independence by concluding the Austrian
State Treaty with the Four Occupying Powers.
Austria has a very kind culture. They have nice holidays, they have a functioning government, and
they have good food. Some major holidays in Austria are Three Kings day, Easter, All Saints Day,
St. Nicholas day, and Christmas. Three King s day is a celebration that most Christians celebrate
but only a few German states and Austria.
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Research Paper On Leonardo Dicaprios
As a summer babysitter who doesn t like children, and someone who can t stand Taylor Swift,
Alexis Stanley is anything but average. She s zany, but compassionate, and has a lot to talk about.
From her fear of swimming, to her crazy dreams about Leonardo Dicaprio, and her dream vacation
in Paris. My interview with Alexis reveals all sorts of information. her familyisn t calm either, being
the oldest of 3 siblings, it s always loud in her house. Her two brothers constantly argue and rant
about everything. When there isn t a sibling war, they stay separated throughout the day.
Everyone faces a challenge in life, like a roadblock. For Alexis, it s swimming. It doesn t matter
whether she s in swimming class, the ocean, or even the intercoastal: Alexis is not a fan of large
and deep bodies of water. She might freak out, and there s more. There s no evidence, but Alexis
stays behind the 4 feet line because she can t swim that well. Even though she has swim class for
her first quarter of freshmen year, there s no getting past a fear this big. Luckily for her, she can
put up with it for the grade. It s not a phobia, but don t try and shove Alexis into the deep end.
Now, you know there s one celebrity you love, ... Show more content on ...
Most people dream of being alone, sipping a coconut in the tropics. Alexis, on the other hand, fits in
with a smaller vacation minority. Although it s not uncommon for people to think about this at
some point, she seems intent on making it a reality. She sets the stage with a clear night sky, by the
Eiffel Tower. Alone, without all the tourists and tourist traps, Alexis and her currently non existent
boyfriend would sit on the mall, eating dinner, in a romantic moonlit setting, enjoying the finest
food, in the finest weather. To top it all off, they would be booked in a 5 star hotel, nearby, with
nothing to worry about. Sounds dreamy,
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Belle Boyd Research Paper
aria Isabella Boyd also known as Belle Boyd and The Cleopatra of the Succession was born on
May 9, 1844. She was born in Martinsburg, Virginia, now know as West Virginia. She grew up in
a town that people were Union supporters. Her family had strong Southern roots and were
supported the Confederates. Belle was a strong willed, high spritted, and a quick witted person.
She was educated at The Mounted Female College. Before she was a spy she lived a charmed life
as a debutante in Washington DC. When the war began Union troops stayed in her familys home.
Her mother and one of the troops got into a confrontation and was using language that was
offensive. Belle had enough and ended up shooting and killing the soldier. In a little bit of time...
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As time went on she became a messenger for General P.G.T. Beauregard and Thomas Stonewall
Jackson. When she was working for them she started off by carrying information and
transporting medical supplies. By the time her 18th birthday came her ID and activities became
well known all over. The press gave her names like La Belle Rebelle , the Siren of the
Shenandoah , and Rebel Joan of Arc . With her ID being well known and her being high profile
she was arrested. Her most well known accomplishment was in May of 1862. She was able to
get information needed for the Confederates and gave the details to Stonewall Jackson with
helped him recapture the town of Fort Royal. Two months after that accomplishment she got
arrested for working for the Confederates. She ended up spending a month behind bars at Old
Capitol Prison in Washington DC. Later on she was incarcerated for five months.She ended up
being banished to the South and never return to the North. Although she was banned she still
worked as a spy for the Confederates. In May of 1864 she set sail to transport Confederate papers
to England. While sailing the Union Navy stopped her ship and she was then again arrested. She
ended up falling in love with one of her captors, Union soldier, Samuel
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Bartolomeu Dias Research Paper
The age of discovery was filled with many new discoveries and ideas that helped shape our world
now. Many explorers were apart of this age of time that helped make new changes, like re
establishing trade with the East or breaking monopolies.
One of these great explorers is Bartolomeu Dias. Bartolomeu Dias was a Portuguese explorer who
made the discovery of sailing through the Cape of Good Hope and proving that it was possible to
go by sea to the Indian Ocean by sailing past the tip of Africa also known as Cabo das Agulhas. By
proving that is was possible in 1488, this discovery allowed the increase of trade between Europe
and India as well many of Asia s powers after the closing of the previous route in 1450 by the
Ottoman Empire. This
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Mandatory Trigger Warnings
At University of California, Santa Barbara, in 2014, the student Senate passed a resolution that
called for mandatory trigger warnings. This resolution, if it had become campus policy,
proposed that not only students who have been diagnosed with PTSD would be exempt from
class for any possibly triggering material but any student who was discomfited by the material
(The Times Editorial Board). In other words, students have the choice to decide if they attend
lecture due to discomfort scot free. According to the UCSB Newspaper, The Nexus, sophomore
Bailey Loverin said the idea for campus wide trigger warnings came to her in February after a
professor showed a graphic film depicting rape. Although she had herself not felt triggered by the
film,... Show more content on ...
According to NPR author Anya Kamenetz, 51% out of 841 professors reported that they ve used a
trigger warning in advance of introducing potentially difficult material (Kamenetz). University
faculty and staff have increasingly used trigger warnings to alert students to the possibility that they
might be affected or even harmed by potentially traumatic material. In colleges like Oberlin and
UCSB, trigger warnings are given in assumption that universities have a responsibility to protect
students from controversial or potentially sensitive material. Joanna Williams, director of the Centre
for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Kent, points out that the entire canon of
English literature could contain warnings as to the emotional nature of the content and the
issues covered (Williams 17). This has already begun to happen as some students have called for
warnings for classic works like Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart due its description of racial
violence, so that those students who have been previously victimized by racism or domestic
violence can choose to avoid these works, due to the possibility of a trigger. Williams also
mentions that lecturers driven by the pursuit of student satisfaction may well choose to self
censor and leave controversial topics out of the curriculum altogether to prevent potential upset
(Williams 187). One professor, in a Vox op ed called I m a liberal professor, and my liberal
students terrify me, validates this idea by writing that he was afraid of his undergraduate students
after a complaint and edited his subject material to avoid upsetting them. He further acknowledges
that his colleagues have done the same for fear of being let go (Schlosser). The claims for a right
to not be offended has essentially created a challenge for universities and their professors to teach
students to be comfortable with challenging
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Jeffersonian Democracy And Jacksonian Democracy
The Jeffersonian era and the Democratic Republican Party lasted from the early 1800 s to the
late 1820 s; this era was known as the Era of Good Feelings because of the single party
domination by the Democratic Republicans, which resulted in political cooperativeness. Following
the Jeffersonian era was the Age of Jackson. The Jacksonian era, also referred to as Jacksonian
democracy, lasted from the time the Jeffersonian democracyended to about 1840. During this time,
though, there was a two party system, consisting of the Democrat Party and the Whig Party.
Jackson personally believed he was carrying on Jeffersonian tradition through his ideals and actions
(GetAFive 2017); although there were some noticeable changes from Jeffersonian democracy to
Jacksonian democracy, Andrew and his successors ruled with many of the same ideologies from the
preceding democracy. Jacksonian democracy, including both ideologies and actions, was a
continuity of Jeffersonian democracy socially, through the treatment of Natives and slaves,
economically, through the emergence of industrialization and attitudes toward the National Bank,
and politically, through the representation of the lower classes. From a social viewpoint, there were
several groups, including Natives and slaves, that faced unjust actions by both the Jeffersonian and
Jacksonian democracies. Natives were negatively impacted by the democracies and peoples of both
eras, facing poor treatment and expulsion from their native lands.
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Carbohydrate Loading to Enhance an Athlete s Performance
In order to reach their peak performance, many endurance athletes experiment with altering their
diet before a long race. This is because diet is particularly important for athletes who must
sustain moderate to high energy levels for long periods of time (Walker et al, 2000). In recent
years, this is where the idea of carbohydrate loading has come into play. My question deals with
the effectiveness of carbohydrate loading on the day before a competition. I want to know if
carbohydrate loading loads on the success of the individual s performance. Carbohydrates are seen
as our body s primary source of quick energy. However, they provide another significant function to
the individual. When ingested they can transform into glycogenthat is later stored in the muscles
and liver (Mayo Clinic, 2006). This glycogen in the muscles is the body s fuel for training and
competing and starts to deplete as you exercise at a high intensity (Heaner, 2004). Without
exercise, the glycogen levels of muscles remain high. Then, as the athlete trains, these levels are
used as fuel and become depleted. The resulting very low glycogen levels within an athlete are the
primary source of physical exhaustion (Peterson, 1996). In order to prevent this muscle fatigue,
athletes and their nutritionist have resorted to relying on fueling up on more carbohydrates prior to
an event (Kersick al, 2008). Some side effects to this carbohydrate rich diet include upset stomach,
diarrhea, and constipation
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Faye Carey s If You Can Do More Than You Re Home
You might say you re an animal lover but do you care for it? Faye Carey is teen activist who
studies animals. Some things you could say about Faye is that she doesn t quit at anything and
that she ll keep moving forward even when there s tough situations to make. One example, is she
manages to re home more than sixty dogs. Here are some things I ve learned about Faye and
some things that you can learn from me! When Faye started to volunteer at the shelter she
decided to make a facebook page so people can adopt the dogs. Another example is that Faye
always grooms the puppies and photographs them before she puts them on the facebook page.
Therefore, Faye also posts the new dogs available each week for adoptionon her facebook page.
Every Time Faye volunteers at the shelter, the shelter receives 20 new dogs each week but some
dogs still need re homing. A quote from a worker also from the shelter says This takes a lot of
heat off the pound for us trying to get these dogs into homes. A quote from Mr. Oliver says he
appreciates Faye in every good way and wouldn t let her dream be unpredictable. ... Show more
content on ...
Oliver says The animal control is quite lucky and blessed to have Faye said Mr. Oliver. Instead
of not volunteering everyday at the shelter Faye volunteers every Friday. She volunteers on
Fridays because she still has to finish school. Faye is one of those people who has a passion for
animals. For example, She manages to take care of them when they re sick, when they need help,
and most importantly she manages to make sure they re adopted and well cared for. She cares for
animals in anyway she can. She proves to everybody that she can be more than what she
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Nundah Case Study
Since Nundah s first European settlement in 1938, it has gone through many changes and in
particularly recently; a major transformation. Socially the changes are beneficial as things life the
development of the bypass has made access to the Nundah area easier and trains, tunnels and bus
stations locate the areacentrally as it is only 7 stops on the train and 6 minutes by car to the Central
Business District. As a result of the increasing population, a wider range of services are being
offered to Nundah residents such shopping centre, eateries and clothing stores which also increases
the security and safety of the area. However socially the development of Nundah does not benefit
the area as the increased amount of traffic causes surrounding... Show more content on ...
Socially, proposal two would be beneficial, as it would allow for the development of higher
quality architectural styles of new apartments and potentially new shops with modern looks ,
which would be attractive for some people. In addition, it would allow for an increase in other
new developments to facilitate for the increased amount of residents and therefore new
recreational areas and shops for clothing, food and eating out would be established to account for
the new populations able to live in Nundah as a result of the residential developments. The
residential developments would accommodate for the growing population that increases by 3%
per year. However, negatively proposal two is not beneficial, as the development only accounts
for a wealthy businessperson demographic therefore limiting the diversity of people living in
the area. The increased amount of residents in Nundah would increase traffic and congestion as a
result of not having anywhere to park. Nundah would become overcrowded as a result and the
cultural heritage of Nundah s previous typical Queenslander type homes would be knocked
down to make space for future development sites. In addition, the elderly populations living in
Nundah may not approve of the rapid increases in populations and do not have the option or
ability to live in unit style homes and will therefore be forced out of the area. Economically
allowing high rise development is beneficial as it boosts the local economy, as new businesses
would be established and surrounding already established businesses would gain more foot traffic
due to increased population densities, which would therefore increase the amount of profit being
made. In addition, more employment opportunities would become available, as new businesses
would open. The price of properties will rise as a result of the
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The Invention Of Designer Babies
Throughout the world, the potential to genetically modify embryos has created controversy
whether this procedure if morally correct. Designer babies have been created by screening
embryos for genetic diseases. However, Designer babies has also been used to contain selected
desired qualities such as eye colour, hair colour and skin complexion. The question remains, where
is the line drawn for designer babies?
In Vitro Fertilisation
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a procedure in which eggs (ova) from a woman s ovary are removed.
In a laboratory procedure, they are fertilised with a sperm, and then the fertilized egg (embryo) is
returned to the woman s uterus. (Medicine, 2007) IVF is a process in which the egg is fertilised
outside of the body (as seen in figure 1). IVF is not the only assisted reproductive technology,
however, is the most commonly known and most successful. Other assisted reproductive
technologies include: Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), Hormonal therapy for men or surgery.
Conception using IVF includes the following biological process:
Stimulating the ovaries, where the female is given hormones to produce more eggs each cycle the
enable the collection of multiple eggs. Collecting the eggs occurs by placing an ultrasound probe
in the uterus. The ultrasound will show where the follicles are within the ovaries. A needle is then
passed through the uterus wall and into the ovaries. Each follicle is pierced to collect the egg inside.
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Essay on Congenital Neonatal Infections in Vertical HIV
Congenital Human Immunodeficiency Virus, also called Vertical HIV, is a serious epidemic
arising from passage of the virus to an infant from a maternal infection. The disease can have
severe symptoms for the infected newborn and is almost always fatal to the child. The fetus has a
25% chance of infection while in utero and a 20% 50% ( depending of the country) chance of
infection during the birthing process although a cesarean birth significantly lowers the probability
of neonatal infection. The severity of the mothers HIVinfection determines the chances of a fetal
infection meaning the more advance the disease in the mother the high the possibility of
transmission through placental cord blood. Infection can also occur from... Show more content on ...
The juxtapositional co receptor attachment to the host membrane encourages the GP41 protein to
initiate fusion by collapsing into a hairpin loop structure bringing the two membranes in close
proximity. The virus then injects the contents of the virion including machinery enzymes and the
RNA genome into the host cell where a dsDNA molecule is made and integrated into the host.
The reverse transcription process has a high mutation rate because the viral reverse transcriptase
enzyme is unable to detect or repair any mistakes as it forms the dsDNA. After the new dsDNA
molecule is made it is transported to the nucleus of the host and integrated into the host genome.
The HIV genome will either remain in a lysogenic state within the host or if actively stimulated
new HIV viruses will be constructed and released to infect neighboring cells. The ability of the
virus to choose its co receptor is called viral tropism and determines its virulence and disease
progression rate. If the virus binds with the co receptor CCR5 it is called macrophage tropic (M
tropic) and characterizes most HIV infections. The M tropic variant is regarded as less virulent
because it is nonsyncytial. Some mutations of the CCR5 gene lead to a partial immunity to the
virus and can slow the disease and in some cases prevent infection of the M tropic HIV varient.
Also patients with high levels of CCR5 soluble chemokines are more resistant to the virus. The
CXCR4 chemokine co receptor is
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Wolves In Canada
This essay will cover 3 main points. The first point is what kind of wolves will you find in
Canada, and a brief description of different names and what they look like. My Second point will
cover what issues wolves are facing in canada today, because wolves are becoming and already
are extinct as i m writing this essay, this point will tell you why they are becoming extinct, and
why it is hard for them to move forward and become larger, and not become extinct. My third point
will cover what important wolveshave to the first nations, including spiritual beliefs and what they
mean to the first nations.
There are few types of wolves that live in canada. The wolves that are left in Canada we should
cherish, because soon they will become so rare, that there population could be whipped out. Firstly
there is the Arctic wolf, which is usually found up North where it is cold in Canada, the Arctic
wolves have beautiful thick white fur. The second wolf that i will tell you about is the grey wolf,
the grey wolf is a more common wolf but none the less gorgeous with its gray and black fur. The
grey wolfs used to roam the united states, but almost all of them were exterminated. Now the grey
wolves habitat is excluded to Canada, Alaska, the Great Lakes, northern Rockies and Pacific
Northwest. The next wolf i ... Show more content on ...
Wolves are just trying to survive and help their young survive just like how humans want to
survive and help their young survive. The issues they are facing are mostly human causes, we
need to stop killing and hunting wolves for prizes and for useless reasons, and start respecting
them. Wolves are very important to nature and first nations and everyone in general. Dont you
want your kids to grow up knowing what wolves are. Do you want you kids growing up their
parents generation killed off wolves, no you dont. Lets stop wolves from getting
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Analysis Of Bosses Seek Critical Thinking
In 1989 1995, my father took a job as a manager of the newspaper Marin Independent Journal
company called Gannett. His job required him to have bouts of experience and to be able to
solve problems quickly. When a carrier didn t show up, he needed to quickly come up with a
solution to get the mail out. Another problem he faced was how some people s mail were stolen.
His own experience with these issues and critical thinking is what helped him become manager
for almost four years. In her article, Bosses Seek Critical Thinking , but what is that , Melissa
Korn claims that qualities like critical thinking and problem solving are major assets that young
workers may lack. As she explains, critical thinking is something that is hard to describe and can
have many different ways of wording it. That, in turn makes it difficult for employers to set this
bar. Korn continues to give multiple types of definitions of critical thinking to show exactly how
the definitions can differ. She then adds that an incorporation has their candidates work through
company assessments to see how they reach their conclusions. This lets them see if their workers
are qualified. Korn then proceeds to bring Jerry Houser s opinion on how schools are encouraging
students to focus too much on their social lives. Upon reading Korn s article, i ve found that
although many parts are agreeable, such as when she talks about how difficult it is to actually
describe and prescribe critical thinking, other parts like
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Ex Conscientious Objectors In Ww1
Bread was not rationed, but by law had to be sold by weight and not by the loaf. Even so, the
government took steps to decrease its consumption further by banning the sale of bread until
twelve hours after it had been baked. The government decided that fresh bread was very difficult to
cut thinly so, if everyone cut their loaves in thick slices, they would consume more. Additionally,
the more appetising taste of fresh baked breadcould encourage people to eat it immoderately. Plans
were put in place to substitute the established white loaf with a national loaf made from
wholemeal grain. It is a loaf we are familiar with today but in 1918 many thought the taste and
colour unappetising, and some blamed it for a variety of digestive problems.... Show more content
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At the outbreak of war I looked upon taking life as a horrible and wicked thing something I, with
my religious training, could never do, and had genuine conscientious objections to becoming a
soldier for that reason, but as the weeks went by and instance after instance of Hun brutality the
fruits of militarism became common knowledge I had often to take myself to task. Before
Xmas, 1914, the truth dawned on me I had been selfish ignoring the fact that thousands of fine,
brave fellows had already given their lives good Christian men most of them and presumed to
put my conscientious objections before my country s need and the cause of God. The Germans
have relinquished all claim to humanity and have gravitated to the level of vermin even
conscientious objectors must grant this. Would they permit any other kind of vermin to do the
same amount of evil and create as much misery without attempting to exterminate it? A few
months of active service teaches one a great deal, things that once counted diminish to details of
no importance; a man s reasoning power is broadened, he is more balanced when coming to
conclusions, and he becomes more reliable if more silent. In warfare, particularly at that stage
when a man meets a man, killing is merely a matter of self preservation your opponent the
aggressor is determined to rob you of your life the only effective way to prevent this is to take his
if you do not attempt to do so then you are guilty of self murder. When on lookout duty in a first
line trench a soldier quickly takes aim and deliberately shoots the enemy through the head (the only
visible part). Should he not do so, or should
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Essay on C2 Bell Jeans Bhd
Case 2 Bell Jeans Berhad Bell Jeans Berhad was founded in the mid sixties. The firm survived
several lean years and economic recessions largely as the result of the market durability of its
dominant product blue denim jeans. Bell Jeans had been a market leader with wash and wear,
bell bottom and flare jeans, and modern casual pants. By 2009 it was one of Malaysia s largest
clothing manufacturers. It offered a wide variety of dress and fashion jeans for both men and
boys and a complete line of pants for women. It enjoyed a reputation for reasonably priced,
quality pants. The company sold 40 million pairs of pants last year. Production In each of the last
30 years, Bell Jeans sold virtually all its production and often had to begin to... Show more content
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The plant budgeting begins with me and my staff determining what a plant s quota (in pairs of
pants) for each month should be for one year ahead of time. We look at the plant s past
performance and add a little to this because we expect people to improve around here. These
yearly budgets are updated at the end of each month in light of the previous month s production.
If a plant manager beats this budget figure, we feel he has done a good job. If he cannot meet
the quota, his people have not been working at what the engineers feel is a very reasonable level
of speed and efficiency. Or possibly absenteeism or worker turnover, big problems in our plants,
have been excessively high. When the quota has not been reached, we want to know why and
want the problem corrected as quickly as we can. Given the number of pants that a plant actually
produces in a month, we can determine the number of standard labour hours allowed for that
month. We compare this figure against the 3 actual labour hours to determine how a plant manager
performed as an expense centre. I phone every plant manager each month to give prompt feedback
on either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. We also look for other things in evaluating a
plant manager. Have his community relations been good? Are his employees happy? The owners of
this company are very concerned about these factors. An annual bonus constituted the core of Bell
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Online Fandom Community Analysis
One of the things I am most interested in is the communities that form online and the way they are
used to shape information. Fandoms, the collective fans of a particular work regarded collectively
as a group, are one such community. As a fan, I want to what study what makes online fandom
communities unique. Who makes up the online fandom communities and how do they use fandom.
Often online fans and fandom in general are often viewed as purely based on obsessive
consumption of a media. However I experience them in most cases as intensely creative, highly
informed and extremely critical people. It is all of these things together that creates communities
that trade and thrive on fanworks. Fanworks take some element of a cannon work, the characters,...
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Connections often exist between fan involvement and gendered expression. My experience is often
that fanworks considered feminine creative works like crafts, fanfiction, costumes and fanart are
devalued in the face of more masculine acquisition of information and item collection. The results
of which are often harsh gatekeeping barring women from being truly fans. In my experience the
male fan experience is very different from the female fan
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Sexism In The Joy Luck Club
Throughout history men have been considered superior to women and sexism has always been a
large part of many societies. The divide between women and men drives Amy Tan s The Joy Luck
Club. Through a sense of patriarchy, responsibility, and needing to prove oneself worthy, the female
characters in The Joy Luck Club find their experiences to be very different from that of their male
counterparts, demonstrating the despotic sexism of the Chinese culture during the 1940s.
As a patriarchal society, China favored the men over the women, particularly in marriage. At Lindo
s wedding, her husband, Tyan, yanked the scarf off [her] face and smiled at his friends and family,
never even looking at [her] (59), illustrating the clear male hierarchy. The woman doesn t even
matter. All that matters is the husband s success in life and a not becoming a widower. Not only
is the woman subordinate in marriage, but women are also subject to becoming concubines not
for love, but because of the prestige of owning what so many other men wanted (234), showing
not only a lack of love and passion in marriage but also a regard for women as property and a
way to sexually pleasure oneself. There is a complete lack of regard for women and their
thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Often the only way for women to survive, especially those who
have been widowed, was to consent to be a man s concubine because of his enormous wealth
(234). If a woman did not have a man, husband or otherwise, to take care
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The Chrysanthemums Analysis
The element Romanticism is presented in the story through the setting first, The high gray flannel
fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world (page 1).
This sets the tone for some type of sad and cold emotion. Which those emotions comes to play when
her strength, happiness, and confidence is crushed after being boosted by the man who had taken a
different route and stumbled upon Elisa doing her gardening, they conversed about the
chrysanthemums, gardening, pots, and flirting for a generous amount of time. It was crushed
because she found the chrysanthemums she had gave him on the side of the rode with the pot not
being with it. It was easy to notice the hurt that she felt because she tried
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Analysis Of Katha Pollitt s The Hunger Games Feral...
In Katha Pollitt s essay entitled The Hunger Games Feral Feminism, Pollitt writes about what
reality television might look like if taken to extremes. Reality television is a huge part of our
culture today, and I not only agree with Pollitt s views and ideas of what reality TV would look
if taken to the extremes, but I believe that we have already gotten to that point. Today s reality
TV shows such as Keeping up with the Kardashians , The Bachelorette or any of the Real
Housewives are among many of today s popular shows that focus on extreme aggression,
bullying, physical beauty, and sex appeal. These TV shows teach us that it is not only ok to
compromise morals and values, but that type of behavior accepted and rewarded. In today s age,
reality TV generally has to go negative and go to the extreme in order for it to be interesting
despite the lasting impact that it may have on viewers. Reality TV has an impact on the values of
their viewers and alters how they may perceive real life situations. Therefore, it s important to take
a look at some of the standards portrayed by reality TV.
Reality television is a huge part of our television viewing culture and the line between right and
wrong is not always clear to many of the viewers. The fact is, the extreme behaviors displayed are
not real or normal in the world that exists outside of reality TV. Many reality shows depict women
idealizing beauty and thinness, giving the impression that a woman s value is based
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Racism Vs Racial Profiling
Racism and racial profiling has been a big argument for years in America. This prejudice blew up
in the town of Ferguson, Missouri, over the shooting of a black teenager by a white policeman.
Consequently, riots and looting sparked overnight in the streets and the whole controversy spread
across the nation as the world watched.
This whole thing all started at 11:47 a.m. officers Wilson responded to a call for a baby with
breathing problems and drove to Glenark Drive, east of Canfield Drive. Around three minutes
later and several blocks away from their, Michael Brown was recorded on camera stealing a box of
swisher cigars and was seen pushing away the store clerk on camera. Brown and his friend, Dorian
Johnson, left the market at about 11:54 a.m. At 11:53, a policedispatcher reported a stealing in
progress at the Ferguson Market and the description that the dispatcher gave was a black male
wearing a white T shirt running toward QuickTrip. At 11:57, the dispatch describe the suspect as
wearing a red Cardinals hat, a white T shirt, yellow socks, and khaki shorts, and was with another
male. ( Shooting of Michael Brown. n.p.) ... Show more content on ...
Wilson reported that he was back in service and radioed untits 25 and 22 to ask if they still
needed assistance in searching for the suspects, Seven seconds later, an unidentified officer said
the suspects had disappeared. Wilson called for backup at 12:02, saying Unit 21. Put me on
Canfield with two. And send another car. Reports of what happened next differ widely between
sources and witnesses, but Brown ended up shot dead by Wilson. At noon on August 9, Wilson
drove up to Brown and Johnson in the middle of Canfield Drive and ordered them to move off the
street and onto the sidewalk. Wilson continued driving past the two men, but then back and stopped
close to them. ( Shooting of Michael
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The Future of Freedom
The Future of Freedom
In his book, The Future of Freedom, Fareed Zakaria writes that we must make democracy safe for
the world. The American democracy sets the standard around the world for liberal democracies, but
transitions across for other countries across the world toward a liberal democracy is often difficult
and with poor decision making, close to impossible. Liberal democracies are the systems in
which people choose their government and live in an environment of freedom. In Zakaria s book,
he warns the readers of several telltale signs that their process toward a liberal democracy is in
trouble. He uses examples of different countries doing it right and doing it wrong the ones
discussed in ... Show more content on ...
Zakaria writes, They know that to introduce capitalism into China requires much more than
economic changes, so they have allowed significant reforms of the administrative and legal
systems as well (81). Although Zakaria argues that China must reform its political system, he
says a quick transition to a liberal democracy can lead to chaos, because of the large size of the
country and the small size of its middle class. Other reasons, and probably more realistic reasons
for China s slow progression towards a democratic state is that the leaders want to clasp to its
stronghold on the political system.
Can democracy work in China? Zakaria feels it cannot be ignored the progress the Chinese
economy has had under its state as a free economy. But the problem continues to be the political
progress of this country. China still only has a small middle class, which is detrimental towards
a functioning liberal democracy. During the 1980s, there were pushes for political reform from
members of the political scene as well as from the public but all that came to a halt during the
massacre in Tiananmen Square when soldiers stomped out the early fires of democracy
(Zakaria,83). But in 1992, China s leader, Deng Xiaoping, gave his blessing for open economic
markets (Zakaria, 83). That leads us to the present time.
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The Liquor Control Board Of Ontario
As many are aware, the LCBO is The Liquor Control Board of Ontario, it is an governmental
establishment that distributes and retails of alcoholic beverages in the province of Ontario. Due to
the fact that this establishment is government ran, much of its revenue is used for healthcare,
education and infrastructure; until 2007. They began Urban Environmental Management; as large
majority of the population resides in urban areas (also where most LCBO retail stores are located),
The LCBO began looking into sustainable urban development and took environmental
responsibility for their, carbon footprint, production of products, production of waste, and energy
consumption, etc. Their mission is to preserve and protect the environment for the future; to do so
they had to pay attention to the four key factors, urban form, transportation, energy and waste
management (Dearden, P., Mitchell, B. 2009).
This initiative is designed to make Ontario a better place to live. This is made possible with the
consideration of not only the health of the environment but the health of its people and
surroundings. This initiative began in 2007 with waste management, when this was proven a
success, the company broadened their horizons and looked at many more environmentally friendly
decisions they could make that would positively impact our future generations. For this initiative to
begin many things about the company were taken into consideration; things like indirect
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Social Perspectives On Education And The Sociology Of...
EDST 1104 Social Perspectives in Education
Assessment 2 Essay
Why is it important and/or helpful for initial teacher educators such as yourself, to learn about, and
learn to use, ideas from the sociology of education?
Social influences on educational outcomes and the social nature of education structures of the past
and present exemplify how social institutions can affect education perceived by individuals. This
can also be defined as the sociology of education; a study of education systems of how social
institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcome, as interpreted by Scott and
Marshall (2009). This essay will address how the background of sociology of education (culture of
power that exist) shapes the current social perspectives in education, how sociology of education
contributes and its usefulness for initial educators.
Sociology, education and history
Firstly, it is fundamental for scholars to understand the relationship between the roots of
educational sociology and the sociology of education. Education is being integrated into sociology,
the latter considered by many educators as a supporting beam of pedagogy (in addition to
philosophy, anthropology, psychology, biology, ethics and aesthetics). Through this, the knowledge
of sociological method, problems and generalizations may be adequately interpreted to every
educator. Surely, contemporary education cannot disregard the contributions of sociology. In
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Social And Economic Policy Decisions Impact Income Equality
Social and economic policy decisions impact income equality, which has an effect on the health
of Canadians. Those with lower incomes are directly affected while income inequality affects
the health of all Canadians through weakening of social structure (Raphael, 2002). Contrary to
reports of rising net worth, a new report has been released by an Ottawa based think tank to show
Canada s inequality problem. The top 10 percent of Canadians have seen their net worth grow by
42% since 2005 to 2.1 million in 2012. However, the bottom 10 percent saw their net worth shrink
by 150 percent (Flavelle, 2014). With this new report, it challenges the idea that suggests Canadians
are getting wealthier laterally (Flavelle, 2014). This paper will examine... Show more content on ...
For example, the reduction of deaths from infectious diseases such as influenza, diphtheria and
typhoid were due to improvements in general living conditions rather than medical cures (Raphael,
2002) It is hypothesized that lifestyle differences are the reasons for the incidence of stroke, heart
disease and cancer.
Health and Poverty
Vulnerable populations including immigrants, Aboriginal peoples, single parent families and the
elderly make up a growing percentage of the lower extreme of the socioeconomic scale (Turnbull,
J. Podymow T, 2002). While we are quick to consider the costs of aiding the poor, we rarely
consider the costs that poverty and income inequality inflict on our society. To achieve improved
health, it is critical to improve income security through good jobs, income supports and fairer taxes
(Barnes et al., 2013).
There are two broad strategies that focus on alleviating the effects of poverty on health: 1) directly
reducing poverty and socio economic inequality 2) intervening in pathways connecting poverty and
health. These interventions have been identified as upstream and downstream. Downstream
policies refer to those that have an explicit health purpose and tend to be targeted at those that are
already suffering from increased health risk, while upstream refers to the wider influences on health
inequalities such as income distribution, education and housing. While these approaches fall
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Gattaca Self Determination Essay
The role of self determination is quite present throughout multiple scenes within the movie
involving Vincent and his brother competing in their own swimming contest dubbed Chicken in
which they attempt to out swim the other. Initially, Anton outswims brother in almost every race
because of his innate physical advantages not due to his determination as throughout Anton s life he
never had to try due to him being a valid. Though Vincent eventually succeeds and beats his brother
in chicken as through sheer determination as unlike Anton, Vincent was constantly told that he was
naturally inferior. Every time he swam against Anton, he put in all his effort. This is the first
demonstration of the role of self determinationwithin the film as despite losing almost every time
Vincent does not lose hope but instead becomes more determined than before. This proves to
Vincent that if he is capable of beating his valid brother, he is able to fulfil his dream of
becoming an astronaut at Gattaca. The role of self determination is also apparent towards the
end of the movie in which the two brothers play chicken one last time in which Vincent beats his
brother once more. Anton yells, Vincent! How are you doing this Vincent? How have you done
any of this? We have to go back. To which Vincent later replies, You wanna know how I did it?
This is how I did it Anton. I never saved anything for the swim back. This shows that Vincent is
100% dedicated to the task that he is willing to
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Speech On Being Self Aware
students. I provided office hours addressing any questions or concerns they may have or just
general chit chat and this was a language school and every opportunity was an opportunity to
speak English. Being Present 1. When I arrived to class I expected myself and my students to be
fully present. If they were experiencing joy, sadness, a burden, I would have them share with the
class before continuing on. This allowed my students to be focused on the now and not on what
happened or will happen. An exercise that helped them accomplish this was to write something
down that may be hindering them from being present and deposit it, without their name, into a
classroom box. Temprarily, I was able to clear their mind and get them focused on what is
happening now. See more at:
/profdev170_c.shtml#sthash.E0UtKEEc.dpuf Being Self Aware . Being self aware while
teaching meant that I was aware of what I was saying, what I was thinking and how I was
responding to the leaners and the instructional material. I was self ware of the decisions I made in
and out of class. This is also what I encouraged in my students. Encouraging students to be self
aware, they consciously paid more attention. The learner proactively viewed themselves from the
position of their higher self, through their feelings thoughts, decisions, and actions. I expected no
less of them than what I expected of myself. Unskilled. Two areas that I am not familiar with, but
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Personal Self Assessment Essay
Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more
about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this
process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and
weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student
and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science. Self
Assessment is the first step in my successful future.
I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a
I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open discussions ...
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I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For
example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style.
With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or
not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always
trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes
help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after
writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at
least I know what they mean.
I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also
like to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style,
accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have
got by this far, it must work out for me.
I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by
others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and
material being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to
save myself from
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Lewis And The Silent Planet
Olivia Seeney
Dr. Michael Elam
ENGL 475
C.S. Lewis and the Influence of Dante in Out of the Silent Planet All throughout Lewis novels there
is evidence that clearly connects the themes and symbolism from other aspects of traditional
Christian literature both during and before he began writing. One of the most distinct examples of
this occurring within Lewis works is the influence that Dante had on the concepts that he reflects on
while conveying thoughts to his readers. This is specifically more notable a connection between
Dante and Lewis when you examine the parallels that take place within Lewis Out of the Silent
Planet and Dante s Inferno. The literary tradition left behind by Dante is both one able to
influence the thoughts of others and to teach the value of Christianity through within a fictional
environment. This is similar to Lewis Space Trilogy in more ways than one, some of which
include Ransom journey in place of the pilgrim as he travels through strange, new, territory in
order to reach his goal, and the use of Malacandra to represent the levels of Hell. Each book in the
Space Trilogy continues to expand on the possible influence that Dante may have had on Lewis
while he wrote these books and aims to show Christians the truth behind the Dante s thoughts
through the use of science fiction. Many elements found within Dante s Inferno are reintroduced
through new ideas by Lewis within Out of the Silent Planet in order to convey Christian thoughts
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Tulip Tree Dental Care
If you get nervous or even fearful when you consider a trip to the dentist, you certainly are not
alone. We meet patients every day who are just like you. In fact, we regularly help patients
overcome their fear of the dentist and help them get the dental care they may desperately need.
If you are in a situation where you need dental care but are too anxious to seek it, we can help.
Our team offers a variety of solutions that can help you feel comfortable and relaxed while in our
care. Please contact Tulip Tree Dental Care with any questions or concerns you may have. We will
be happy to help you!
Dental Sedation Options
Dental sedation is one of the most effective ways to ease nervous patients. We offer two different
levels of sedation ... Show more content on ...
However, with one of our metal free solutions, getting the smile of your dreams can be comfortable
and convenient. Whether you are looking into orthodontics for yourself or your child, we may have
the solution for you. In many cases, traditional metal braces are not your only option. Let us help
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Ortho Tain Orthodontic Appliances
We offer Ortho Tain orthodontic appliances for children. These appliances are wonderful because
they can be used to not only straighten currently misaligned teeth but also prevent further
orthodontic issues. We use an interceptive approach to help guide your child s orthodontic
development. We can catch minor issues and help solve them before they become larger problems.
This interceptive method is wonderful for children because we can truly make a difference. We
can save your child the hassle and embarrassment of needing braces later in life.
Invisalign Clear
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Rock Music In The 1950 s
Rock music is a genre of popular music that developed in the 1950 s. Rock music is considered a
mixture of country, blues, and gospel music. Rock music was formed by African Americans who
at the time didn t get much credit because of racism and segregation. Some of the founding
fathers of rock music are Lloyd Price, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Little Richard,
Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley and the Comets, Bo Diddley, Roy Orbison, Johnny cash, Robert
Rock music begun in the 1950 s originating in the U.S. Rock music is a combination of country,
rhythm and blues and gospel music. Rock music targeted the young who wanted to rebel and steer
away from the influence of their parents. Soon after the emergence of Rock music it became ...
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When Roy was eight years old his father gave him a guitar and he wrote his first song. In high
school Orbison formed a band. They caught the attention of a producer at Sun Records. While
Orbison was being considered He recorded a couple songs including Ooby Dooby , which got
enough attention to land him a record deal. In 1960 Orbison signed with Monument Records
and recorded his first big hit Only The Lonely . Orbison continued to record major hits such as
Running Scared , Crying , It s over and Oh Pretty Woman . When writing songs Orbison didn t
follow the norms of song structure. He would structure a song however he wanted to. Orbison
was not considered very good looking nor did he have amazing stage presence but he was
blessed with an amazing voice. Orbison s music represented the opposite of rock and roll at the
time. Orbison wrote about love, heartbreak and pain. The downfall of Orbison s career came in
1966 when Orbison s wife died in a tragic motorcycle accident. Soon after in 1968 both of his sons
died in a house fire. After these two incidents Orbison didn t produce any hits.
Johnny Cash was born in Kingsland, Arkansas. Cash began working at a young age. It was through
his family and his community that Cash found his musical influence. Cash s mother used to sing
hymns and folksongs. Cash started playing guitar at twelve years old and his mother put him
through singing lessons. Cash only took three lessons before his instructor
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Early Gnosticism
[title goes here] The discovery of the books like the Gospel of Mary, the Coptic Gospel of
Thomas, and the Secret Gospel of John makes the Bible look less like the sacred, holy texts of
God the Father, and more like a film in the theaters. Chunks of the story that were shot but never
put into the final edit sit on the cutting room floor. Some parts even change the whole story. All
religions do this sort of editing, both consciously and unconsciously. Sometimes, holy books are
just lost to time. Paper rots, stone erodes, and oral stories are forgotten, and that s all there is to it.
In some cases, however, the editing is done with knives, or with blood, or with political change. In
the case of the parts of the Bible that didn t quite make it... Show more content on ...
Many of the themes and doctrines of this belief fit well into the values of young academics,
especially the focus on the acquisition of knowledge to reach salvation, as opposed to living
without sin. However, at the birth of Christianity, there was a lot about the Gnostic doctrine that the
layman found disagreeable. Adding Gnostic text to the canonical Bible complicated the New
Testament even further. It was also considered elitist, as a religion based on knowledge during a
time where most of the population was illiterate would be exclusionary and inaccessible. The main
reason, however, that the early Christianity we all now know and love survived over Gnosticism is
that Gnosticism is individualistic, while Orthodox Christianity is more community centric. In
ancient times as well as modern, it is easier to survive while working with a group, for the good of
the group. This focus on community also made organization easier, where church leaders could
explain what the Bible says to the people, instead of having them read it themselves and possibly
reinterpret sections to make them disagree with the
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Managed Care Term Paper
U.S. Health Care Delivery System
Term Paper
Margarita Blanco
March.29th, 2010
Managed care was started as early as the 1900 s, the cited pioneer of the structured system of
care that is known today as Managed Care is Dr. Michael Shadid. His goal was to help meet the
health care needs of a certain groups of people. Such as: rural residents, workers and families in
the lumber, mining and railroad industries; the enrollees paid a set fee to physicians who then
delivered care under the terms of their agreement. By 1929 the Los Angeles department of water
and power contracted with Drs Ronald Ross and H. Clifford Loos to provide service for almost
2,000 ... Show more content on ...
If you choose to go outside of your network for health care you will get charge a deductible like a
PPO plan, charges will be about 300 dollars for and individual or 600 dollars for a family. For some
reason when I was researching managed care majority of the websites I came across never
mentioned Exclusive Provider Organization [EPO] then I finally came across it. Exclusive
Provider Organization [EPO] is the type of managed care that if you get healthcare outside of
your network you will have to pay for it out of pocket, so its not like a Point of Service where
you ll get charged a deductible or a percentage in this case your on your own. Being that EPO
member are restricted to in network doctors they are able to negotiate prices. EPO does charge co
payments each visit that ranges from 20 30$ and charge a monthly premiums and deductibles. I
chose to save the best for last; I will be talking briefly about Health Maintenance Organization
[HMO] as well as its advantages and disadvantages. I chose HMO because it was the first form of
Managed Care. The earliest from of HMOs can be seen in a number of prepaid health plans
tracing back to 1910 the western clinic in Tahoma, Washington offered lumber mills owners and
their employees certain medical services from is providers for a premium of 50 cents. However; the
first HMO considered in the United States was the Ross Loss Medical Group in 1929 as I said
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Educators Struggle with Philosophy
As an educator we all struggle with philosophy and where to go from there once we decide what
our set of beliefs are. Once we put our philosophy in place, we then struggle with changing our
philosophy. I believe that philosophies can be always changing any given situation and in order for
growth as an educator we have to be aware to the situations that can change our philosophy, as well
as being true to our core beliefs. However, in order for this to happen we must understand what
philosophy is, and what it is not and how it fall in line with ideology and theories. For this
assignment, I will compare and contrast philosophy, ideology, and theory.
Philosophy is the most beliefs about what is true or real according to individual values (Gutek,
2009). Philosophy is our beliefs that will determine what we do professionally and personally. Not
having a philosophy set in place, it will be difficult to make decisions within the classroom,
creating curriculums and evaluate progress. Although a person can set goals without having a
philosophy implemented, not having the foundation of a set philosophy (core set of beliefs)
achieving the goals can be a very difficult challenge.
Educators need a starting point to understand why we think and act the way we do in our
classrooms. Having a philosophy allows an educator to reflect on how to make classroom actions
consistent with our beliefs related to learning. However, before we list our beliefs we need to
delve deeper into what makes
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the roman empire is the greatest civilization of all time
The Roman Empire was the period of time after the Roman Republic and before the Byzantine
Empire from 29 B.C. to A.D. 476. It was the highest point of Roman civilization, greater than any
prior empires and towers over even the empires after it; it triumphed over the world .
The Roman Republic was what built up the foundation for the Roman Empire. During the
Republic, a small group of people started from scratch and developed their own systems, which
later develops into the Roman Empire. The strong leaders of the Republic had conquered much
land and people for Rome. The Roman Republic thus ignites Roman civilization, which leads on to
the second step the Roman Empire.
The Roman Empire started off with leader Augustus, who was left ... Show more content on ...
Because Augustus encouraged trade, many roads and highways were built for convenient traveling.
Trading made easier increased trade, which boosted Roman economy even more.
The Greek Empire occurred before the Romans and when compared to the Roman Empire, seems
to be modest, not as great. The Greeks did not have as much conquered lands, which lessens their
power. What they did have conquered was divided into parts amongst different rulers, who were
constantly at war with each other, lacking the peace that Pax Romana had. The conquered Greek
lands did not have a chance to civilize as one great empire as the Romans had.
The Byzantine Empire followed the Roman Empire, and it, also, seems meager in comparison. It
had evolved from the Roman Empire, and because it was in the late stage that it was in, land had
been lost, so in terms of size, the Roman Empire was superior to the Byzantine. The empire wasn t
strong, either. At the start, the first ruler, Justinian, attempted to reconquer Roman lands, but in
doing so, left his own land in ruins, and his conquests were lost right after his death. The Empire
faced many enemies and was threatened constantly by them. Eventually, all land was lost except for
the Constantinople, the rich and powerful capital city, and the land surrounding it.
As can be seen, the Roman Empire was great for its time in more ways that one, with its
undefeatable strength and size . It was greater than the empires before it
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Analysis Of Using The Cigarette Case Study
Intro When I first entered the dig site I saw a military officer hart, a skeleton, two swords, two
old cameras, a Russians wooden doll, and two old newspapers. The first thing I noticed was the
skeleton on the ground, along with the two swords. Our teacher asked us to make hypothesis on
how the person may have died, and to fill out this packet for homework. We were also to not to
touch anything, as it was old and fragile. I observed the find by sitting down on the ground to
take a better look and to see if there were any broken bones. I wrote down this packet what I saw
and that is how I documented my findings. To research artifacts I used my plan of using the
Internet. Part II The first item I decided to research was... Show more content on ...
The Kodachrome came out in 1935 by the Kodak Company. It was being sold by process paid
and stopped in 1954. Then the film could be processed anywhere a place processes film. Many
photographers used it in media and for lots of years. Since the processing of film was complex it
helped digital photography. Kodak stopped making the film in 2009, and stopped processing
film in 2010. The sixth item that I researched was the Norfolk newspaper. The first Norfolk
newspaper is not known, and the oldest one is from 1865. Having business troubles in 1873 the
company changes the name to The Norfolk Landmark. In 1906 two companies (Norfolk
Dispatch and The Public Ledger) come together to create The Ledger Dispatch. The company
still makes newspapers to this day, and has their own website becoming one of
the first online newspapers. After Looking at all of the artifacts I first believed that this person
was someone from the 1940 s. They were taking a walk one day in the wilderness, and got lost
and starved to death. The reason I suspect this because the skeleton had not been damaged and
was in perfect condition. Also I had found a newspaper that shows the end of World War 2. I also
believed he was going to take pictures as he had Kodak film and cameras with
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The Australian Rugby Union Association
All policies by any sporting body are put into place to ensure the safety of players and fair play in
the game. The Australian Rugby Union Association (ARUA) have developed policies that provide
players and officials with guidelines that protect them from unsafe behaviour and strengthen the
positive image of rugby union. These policies consist of a code of conduct that includes expectations
of behaviour, anti doping, medical policies including concussionguidelines, sport supplement
policies, illicit drug use, work health and safety and game regulations. All laws of the game allow
players of all physiques, skill levels, genders and ages the opportunity to participate in rugby in an
environment that is safe, controlled and enjoyable.... Show more content on ...
The medical policy ensures all players are treated with equal respect when it comes to personal
health conditions, making each player confident enough to play rugby well equipped to handle their
condition without the need to take excessive drugs which may cause extra harm.
Work health and safety regulations cover many problems that often arise on the field as a result
of injuries. These include direct injuries that may result in excessive bleeding. In this case, the
no blood policy is followed to ensure the injured player is safely, effectively and accurately
treated and other players or trainers are not at risk of contamination. A concussion guideline is
pertained that are set to explain what concussion is, how to prevent it in rugby, and how to treat
it, thus ensuring players are not at a high risk of such an injury whilst playing. The concussion
guideline states that any player with a suspected concussion must be removed from training or the
game and seek medical assistance, to reduce risk of serious brain damage. The medical policies
explain many protocols for injuries both on and off the field to allow players the safety and
confidence in playing, knowing
... Get more on ...
Positive Impact Of The Roman Republic
The Greeks, made up of Athenians and Spartans, and the Romans, led by the Roman Republic and
Roman Empire, ruled present day Middle East between 4th and 5th centuries BCE. In the Twelve
Tables, it s clear that the Roman Republic killed those who do wrong (Doc 5). Meanwhile, the
Athenians controlled their citizens through respect and appreciation of each citizens individuality
(Doc 2). Both of the governments saw positive and negative impacts. While the Romans deserve
credit for their accomplishments in government, the Greeks more effectively controlled their
citizens, and saw more positive effects than the Romans. The citizens of the Greek city state
Athens were more willing to cooperate with the Athenian government because they weren t
oppressed (Doc 2). This conclusion can be drawn from Document 2, Enjoying Global History,
written by Henry Abraham and Irwin Pfeffer as a part of the Amsco School Publications in 2006.
Abraham and Pfeffer wanted to portray that Athens was a strong city state, since they did not list
any of its negatives, which might bias the junior high age students it was intended for. In Greece,
positive impact of free thought and independence is an opposite of the Roman ruling. According to
the Twelve Tables, the Roman Republic controlled its citizens by threatening wrong doers with
death (Doc 5). In Amnesty International s 2005 report on the death penalty, titled Facts and figures
on the death penalty, 97% of all executions took place in China,
... Get more on ...
Mommy And Toddler Observation Paper
This week I meet up with my Nephew Omari who is currently 2 years old, going on 3 in January.
We meet up at home and I sat back and just quietly witnessed the interaction between mommy and
toddler. First observation of toddler is that sitting still is not in his vocabulary. He is on the go and
in everything that he can get his hands on, mommy is on standby to intercept anything that could
be dangerous but still lets him be. Toys litter the floor and he is not even focused on them but on
what is on the nightstand (makeup, jewelry). Being that he is still little he cannot reach it (just yet)
but his curiosity is in high gear and he wants them bad. After a few frustrated moments he cries, but
mommy is there to console him and tell him in a very
... Get more on ...
Marx Vs Adam Smith
When we discuss the theory about Marx, we firstly need to differentiate his theory from other
subsequent communism or marxism theorists like Vladimir Lenin, the best approach is to review
his ideology in the aspects of politics and economics. We should not judge with the benefit of the
hindsight, neglecting the era of his times. If we want to understand his ideology about politics,
economics nexus and comprehend what he peddled in the mainstream view, we need to firstly
canvass the economics view, from the most fundamental principle and then follows the politics
view. Since Marx did not formed a systematic philosophy, we emphasis on the framework and
interrelationship of politics and economics. From the publish order of works, it can be speculated
that the Marx developed his economic thoughts before the political thoughts. However, his political
thoughts, have a strong ideology, as mechanism to achieve his political thoughts. It might be not
true in the works... Show more content on ...
Marx s labor value theory, origins in Adam Smith s the wealth of nations; labor create value in
the point of view of, and thought that labor create wealth and are allocated between the different
classes, in the forms of wages, profit and rent (Marx 1867: 127 131; Smith ). Marx and Adam
Smith are the same at this point. Their divergences were mainly in the deductive way. Herein,
Smith discussed the distribution of wealth, he began to discuss quantitatively and accurately the
relationship between the various elements in the production process (.Marx, on the other hand,
has qualitatively discussed whether it is reasonable to allocate wealth so as to find surplus value
(Marx 1867: The elaboration of marxist economics on economy is not focused on economy, but
more is based on the discovery of surplus value, and proves the rationality of socialism
economically (Marx 1867:
... Get more on ...
Observation Of Gene Expression Using Various Plasmids
Observation of gene expression using various plasmids (pUC18/lux), and their role in E. coli
Nawaz Rahman
Panther ID: 5029032
Lab Partners:
Manuel Vera
Giselle Janoura
Jeniffer Marranca
Section U17
Small circular pieces of DNA molecules located inside the nucleoid in bacterial species
(prokaryotes) are known
as Plasmids.Plasmids do not dictate the survival of the host bacteria, but it can give rise to certain
genes being
activated, if required, providing certain benefits. Survival and reproduction in different
environments can be considered
as one of these benefits. In this experiment we add different ... Show more content on ...
forming into its own small colonies. No growth is also a possible outcome.
The experiment contained a total of six different petri dishes, each containing different treatments to
the E. coli.
The first petri dish held ampicillin resistance gene, luria broth and E. Coli. This served as a positive
control since there
was basically nothing to stop the E. Coli from growing. The petri dish containing E.Coli, Luria
Broth and ampicillin
with no plasmids provided us with the opposite results. There was no growth. Since there were no
plasmids in the dish
all the E. Coli died hence showing no growth.
In general E. Coli growth was directly proportional to the presence of ampicillin. If it so happens
there was
ampicillin in a petri dish with either the lux or ampicillin resistance gene, the result would depict a
colonial growth.
This is because the ampicillin and plasmid attack one another hence some die and the others live.
On the other hand if
there no ampicillin presents the petri dish would depict a lawn growth, because there is no
ampicillin there to replicate.
We began the experiment by adding plasmids, a vector, to the bacteria E. Coli to see the E. Coli
growth with the plasmids in its DNA. Our results will conclude for us the correlation between the
transformation of a plasmid and the growth of E. Coli. The process of
... Get more on ...
Renaissance Vs Dark Ages Dbq Essay
WHAT! Just to think that the Dark Age turn to an age of man. Believe or not, the history goes far
back, beginning in the European history. In addition, the Middle Ages or sometimes called the
Dark Age was a history of tragedy. According to the Background Essay, the Middle Ages primary
peoples were Roman Catholic Church and Pope. Additionally, there were numerous illiteracy
peoples widespread throughout Europe, and larger than 85 percent were peasant farmers called serfs.
On the other hand, during the Renaissance, men spread literacy, art and create machines. Moreover,
the scientific revolution, which transpired during the Renaissance, showed man the idea of a
change in men s view. Though there isn t much data on the Renaissance or the Dark... Show more
content on ...
Just like Document D notes stated that every twelve zodiacs controlled a part of the body. For
example, Aries the Ram controlled the head; Sagittarius the Archer controlled the thighs.
Additionally, during the Dark Age, it was about Fantasy, unknown idea, and Church. On the other
hand, during the Renaissance man took tools and dig deep, under the ground and uncover secrets of
man s body. They uncovered bones, flesh, organs, and soon realized that man wasn t a puppet
controlled by zodiac, but man controlled their own body. In addition to uncovering the secret of
men, a famous doctor dissected human corpses to better understand human, he also found bones,
flesh, organs, but the zodiac theory became unreasonable. Overall, the way that man change shift to
see how man truly is, show that man had a vision that wasn t right during the Middle Ages. Men dig
deeper and found that theory in Middle Age wasn t as reasonable as theory in the
... Get more on ...
The Water Landslide Research Paper
The Water Slide Slip Have you ever made a bad decision? Chances are, YOU HAVE! Maybe
spilled something on the floor and not cleaned it up, or deciding to kick your cousin in the face
for not leaving the elevator... Anyway, my decision in this story has nothing to do with the
second one. But it is a VERY BAD CHOICE, with a VERY, VERY BAD consequence! It is the
time when I left my spilt water on the floor, and my uncle suffered! Uh oh..... It was getting late,
the sky was dimming, and the fridge and blender were calling my name! That s right, SNACK
TIME!!! I ran out of my room, through the hall, and took a sharp right turn into the kitchen! As
fast as lighting I grabbed my vitamin water out of the fridge, grabbed a cup filled with ice, and
... Get more on ...
Decrease Of Honey Bees
The honeybee as a pollinator has a huge influence to not only the agriculture, but the agriculture
around the world as well. These bees play a huge role in food production, although the decline in
pollination will take a huge toll on not only food production, however the human race as well.
The believed cause of this decrease is believed to be from the insecticides farmers use on their
plants and a deadly parasite that kills bees in their own hive.
The decrease in honeybee colonies began in 2006 2007 winter, when American honeybee farmers
noticed bees and queen bees were dying at alarming rates, producing less honey and not pollinating
as frequent. ( Colony Collapse Disorder ). The main believed cause for the loss of so many bees are
... Get more on ...
Native American Stories Of The American Indian Stories By...
Throughout much of the history of Native Americans we can see a pattern of times of intense
hardship and adversity in many different forms. Likewise we can see hardship in the various
Native American stories of Zitkala sa, Momaday, Alexie, and Silko. However adversity and
hardship are not necessarily crippling or damning, in fact in this paper we will see how the
various problems faced by these native americans, be it the fictional characters in the stories
themselves or the authors of the story s actually empowered them and often times made them
stronger people as a whole be it as leaders of their community or simply people to look up too. In
this paper we will attempt to answer the question. Is it possible that a good can come from... Show
more content on ...
This choice she makes shows that even though she probably anticipates and eventually receives
backlash from her family and community for choosing to stay at the school and further
difficulty in connecting with the other students around her, she recognizes the importance of
her education and remains at the school anyway not only showing a maturity well ahead of her
age in being able to recognize when something is good for you but also being able to make the
choice you believe to be right even in the face of adversity. After deciding to stay at the school,
zitkala sa picks up competitive speech she is meet with further adversity when during one of her
competitions she is met with a racist and bigoted crowd that unrelentingly harass her. However
again we can see a admirable mental fortitude as instead of backing down from the adversity she
instead faces it head on and goes on to not only participate in but win the competition. However
the final and perhaps greatest example of Zitkala sa s growth comes from after the story has
ended and we look at her life. From these examples in the past already listed and our knowledge of
the adversities Native Americans continued to face throughout much of her life time we
... Get more on ...
John Mackey, Cofounder and Co-CEO of Whole Market,...
John Mackey, Cofounder and Co CEO of Whole Market, Believes in Conscious Capitalism (pp. 29
What role, if any, does McGregor s Theory Y play at Whole Foods? Explain.
Mackey clearly took notes on McGregor s theories on how and why people are the way they are
at work. He took more to the Theory Y side: the moral and loyal view of people at work. Mackey
feels that he and the company are viewed and based on the more heroic side of things, meaning
that he aims to not only provide to the world his services and products but to also leave some type
of impact. Mackey states that it is more important to value your conscious business versus
maximizing on your profits and the shareholder values. Mackey also calls on the theory of ... Show
more content on ...
That is what animates me personally. That is what animates the company. I resisted that purpose
for a long time, by the way. I actually thought we were in some variant of service that is was really
about fulfilling the good. The team members consistently told me I was wrong, that we had a
different purpose. It was this more heroic purpose.
Outdated (Theory X) Assumptions Modern (Theory Y) Assumptions About People
About People At Workat Work
1. Most people dislike work; 1. Work is a natural activity, like play or rest.
They avoid it when they can.2. People are capable of self direction and self
2. Most people must be coerced andcontrol if they are committed to objectives.
Threatened with punishment before3. People generally become committed to
They will work. People require close organizational objectives if they are rewarded
Direction when they are working. For doing so.
3. Most people actually prefer to be 4. The typical employee can learn to accept and
Directed. They tend to avoid seek responsibility.
Responsibility and exhibit little ambition. 5. The typical member of the general population
They are interested only in security. Has imagination, ingenuity, and creativity.
McGregor s Theory Y (pg. 8 )
In 1960, Douglas McGregor wrote a book entitled The Human Side of Enterprise, which
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Communication Devices Are The Key Of Success For Every...
What are communication devices? Communication devices are the key of success for every
business. Without any communication devices, we won t be able to contact or keep in touch with
the business. There are many communication devices that are beneficial to all business. Topics
discussed in this manual:
3.E mail
5.Video and Web Conferencing
Definition: Telephone or phone, is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to
conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly ( Telephone ).
Office Use: Telephone is used to communicate with a customer one on one talk from irrespective of
distance. The telephone is the first communication choice for customers because it s easy and more
convenient. When communicating through the phone, you get a better understanding of the
Cost: Cost of phone depends on the features and the brand of the phone. Importantly, is the plan you
1)Telephone is very easy to use as well as it s very quick.
2)Communication through telephone is available all the time because now days, everyone uses the
phone and should have a phone.
3)Distance is not a matter because you can communicate with a person even if he or she is from
the other side of the world.
1)Sometime voice can t hear clearly because of connection problems
2)Telephone cannot provide face to face conversation
3)Sometime telephone cause communication
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An Analysis of Moulin Rouge
Moulin Rouge(2001) is an Oscar winning master piece from director Baz Luhrmann. It followed
the success and recognition of Romeo + Juliet (1996) and Strictly Ballroom (1992). All three films
were recognized for Luhrmann s characteristic style. His films feature stylistic choices such as blue
and red lighting, the use of rapid cuts and vibrant, period accurate costume. To analyze Luhrmann s
use of the four elements of the stylistic system, I will consider two specific scenes from the film,
namely El Tango De Roxanne and the first meeting between the Duke, Christian and Satine.
Although they both feature singing and dancing, the mood evoked by each contrasts completely.
Every film uses the stylistic system to structure a narrative that ... Show more content on ...
To follow the dialogue, Luhrmann crosses the axis of action. Bordwell and Thompson define the
axis of action as; the imaginary line that passes from side to side through the main actors,
defining all the spatial relations of all the elements of the scene as being to the right or left. The
camera is not supposed to cross the axis at a cut and thus reverse those spatial relations. (2008, pg
477). Luhrmann manages to cross the axis of action by moving his camera around the outside of
the group of characters. This way, the audience doesn t get disorientated by a constant changing of
character positions but also enables them to see all the characters in relation to one another and
their reactions to the dialogue.
When the music begins and the characters are doing choreographed dance steps, the takes become
longer and the shot scale is long to medium. This is done specifically so that the audience can take
in all the action and spectacle in each shot. Luhrmann also makes use of quick camera movements;
such as the whip pan (quick rotation on the horizontal axis) when moving from character to
character during the song which once again enforces how busy the scene is.
The entire scene takes place in the elephant outside the Moulin Rouge which is Satine s private
boudoir and the place that she entertains all her male guests. The dГ©cor inside is very oriental
and opulent; the predominant colours are red and gold with rich
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Asynchronous Technologies Support Learning And Teaching
Now that the LMS for the organization has been identified, the committee will determine the
different assets that can be integrated into the LMS. The committee must also decide if the material
will be delivered to the students synchronously, asynchronously, or as a combination of the two.
Synchronous learning environments support learning and teaching and offer students and teachers
with multiple ways of interacting, sharing, and the ability to collaborate and ask questions in real
time through synchronous learning technologies. Examples of synchronous online technology
types include videoconferencing, webcasts, interactive learning models, and telephone conferences
(Er et al., 2009;, 2012). In an asynchronous learning environment students are able
to actively participate in their own learning, giving them the opportunity to interact with their peers,
provide peer feedback, and reflect on the status of their personal learning goals and outcomes
(Harris et al., 2009; Simonson et al., 2012). Asynchronous technologies support learning and allow
more time for student reflection, collaboration, and student to student interactions (Skylar, 2009;
Meloni, 2010). According to Meloni (2010) asynchronous communication and learning is by far the
more popular learning type because many of the learning tools are free, require minimal hardware,
and are used at the student s pace. Recent research into the usage and efficacy of synchronous tools
has indicated that these
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Measure The Effectiveness Of Naps
A nap is a short period of sleep, typically taken between the hours of 9am and 9pm as an adjunct
to the usual nocturnal sleep period. Naps are most often taken as a response to drowsiness
during waking hours. A nap is a form of biphasic or polyphasic sleep, where the latter terms also
include longer periods of sleep in addition to one single period. Cultural attitudes toward napping
during the work day vary. In many Western cultures, children and the elderly are expected to nap
during the day and are provided with designated periods and locations to do so. In these same
cultures, most working adults are not expected to sleep during the day and napping on the job is
widely considered unacceptable. Other cultures serve their largest meals at... Show more content on ...
Negative effects For those suffering from insomnia or depression, naps may aggravate already
disrupted sleep wake patterns. Power nap A power nap, also known as a Stage 2 nap, is a short
slumber of 20 minutes or less which terminates before the occurrence of deep slow wave sleep,
intended to quickly revitalize the napper. The expression power nap was coined by Cornell
University social psychologist James Maas. The 20 minute nap increases alertness and motor
skills. People who regularly take these short naps, or catnaps as they used to be called, may
develop a good idea of the duration which works best for them, as well as which tools,
environment, position, and associated factors help produce the best results. Power naps are
effective even when schedules allow a full night s sleep. Mitsuo Hayashi and Tadao Hori have
demonstrated that a nap improves mental performance, even after a full night s sleep. Stimulant or
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Negative Effects Of Substance Abuse
Negative Effect of Substance Abuse
Substance abuse has effects on everyday users. The effects of using illegal and legal substances
may be fatal or even cause death. Alcohol and cigarettes are known as gateway drug that can lead
someone to more extreme drugs such as heroin, meth, and other harmful drugs (Myers 23 24).
Gateway drugs lead more people to use and abuse the drugs they find to cope with the life they
have now or maybe in the future. Substance abuse has negative effect on young teens and adults in
the real world socially,physically, and emotionally.
The first effect is the social effect this is more harmful than physical and emotional put together (
Social Effects of an Addiction ). Social effects can cause depression this can cause more effect
like suicidal thought. Drug abuse can also lead to crimes like stealing, underage drinking, and
underage buying (Myers 47). Leading to crimes are bad enough but getting caught up with
trouble can ruin your life ,you can be sent to jail for wanting to get high. Adding to this is that
dropout drug users are much more likely to be involved with violent criminal activity.(Ojeda 24).
Young teens are suffering from addiction in school this can cause teens to start failing or stop
concentrating and learning you can not study while high or out of reality ( Substance Abuse
),(Myers 13). Teen will not get anything done if their high their want to be lazy and want to feel
relax and feel like their back in control of the life but
... Get more on ...

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Essay On Effective Communication In Social Work

  • 1. Essay On Effective Communication In Social Work 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Effective Communication In Social WorkEssay On Effective Communication In Social Work
  • 2. Same Sex Marriage Essay What are others doing? Canada is not the first country in the world to address whether and how to legally recognize same sex unions. Indeed, Canada is coming to the debate later than many countries. Several countries have debated this issue for many years and have come up with a variety of approaches, ranging from same sex marriage in the Netherlands to the legal recognition of domestic partners, registered partnerships and civil unions in Scandinavia, parts of Europe and parts of the United States. Although some of these approaches appear to be similar, each is quite different, as it has been created to fit the particular society and to comply with the specific constitutional and legal structures in each country. Most countries have ... Show more content on ... Alberta, in a bill before their legislature, has also raised the possibility of legal recognition for unmarried couples. Some details are set out below. In addition to these laws, most provinces and territories have now also legislated to provide some or all of the benefits and obligations of married couples to common law gay and lesbian couples under provincial and territorial laws. Quebec Bill 84 В— An Act instituting civil unions and establishing new rules of filiation В— was passed by the National Assembly in June 2002. The Act amends the Civil Code and a number of other provincial laws to create a new status of civil union partners (open to both unmarried opposite sex and same sex conjugal partners). Civil union partners have almost all of the same benefits and obligations under provincial law as married couples do, including the legal relationship between the partner and any children. A civil union can be dissolved by a court judgment, a notarized joint declaration (under some circumstances) or upon the death of one of the partners. A partner to a civil union cannot marry without first dissolving the civil union. While ensuring equal treatment, the Act makes it clear that civil unions are not marriages, and retains some legal distinctions between the two. For example, some provisions of the Civil Code that relate to legal separation continue to apply only to married couples. Nova Scotia Nova Scotia has ... Get more on ...
  • 3. How Does Manette Change In Charles Dickens Tale of Two Cities, the psychological state of his characters significantly affects the plot of his novel. One character in particular, Dr. Alexandre Manette, has one of the most complexly developed and dynamic minds in all of literature. Observing the changes in his unstable psychological state during the beginning, middle, and end of the noveldisplays a more complex reasoning behind his actions. At the beginning of the novel, Manette is a man who has recently been released from an unjust imprisonment in the Bastille. During his imprisonment, Manette slowly descends into madness and despair. Because only his basic needs are being fulfilled, Manette begins to slow lose his grip on his own mind as he descends into madness. ... Show more content on ... Manette follows him and attempts to save him when he is arrested. As a former prisoner of Bastille, Manette is idolized by the patriots in France and is immediately a respected figure among the revolutionaries. He attempts to use this influence to get Charles out of prison, and for the first time in the novel, Manette seems to have all of his needs met. He is finally able to provide for himself and others Manette can effectively work towards self actualization. He actually manages to get Charles out of his first trial, but Charles is arrested later that night, and despite his best efforts Manette cannot do anything to rescue him. This causes Manette to return a broken man, as he feels all of the newfound esteem and love slipping away from him. He asks for his workbench and shoes back, which reveals that he has never truly recovered from his past. However, Charles manages to escape execution and Manette returns happily to England with his daughter and his son in law. As a truly heroic character, Manette receives an ending that is arguably cliche yet ultimately ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Most Famous Pieces Of Music Introduction Austria is a very beautiful place with kind people and a very good history in music. It is often known as the music capital because of the musical geniuses who have worked there including Beethoven, Mozart and Strauss(biography). Some of the most famous pieces of music were written in Austria including Silent Night and Edelweiss. Austriais located on Europe and its capital is Vienna(Austria). Austria has one of the most stable economies in Europe. Austria has unique qualities such as its geography, history, culture, economy, and its current events. Geography, Climate, and Location The climate, geography, and location in Austria is unique. In the East, there are hot summers and moderately cold winters. In the alpine region, ... Show more content on ... She was an archduchess, and a Holy Roman Empress. Joseph ii was another important leader. He was also a Holy Roman Emperor who tried to strengthen the Habsburg empire with his enlightened reforms but his people opposed his changes very fiercely(biography). Austria had multiple big wars but one of the wars they fought in was the war of the Austrian succession. It began on August 16, 1740. Frederick ii of Prussia invaded Silesia, one of Habsburg s richest provinces. His armies defeated the Austrians at Mollwitz in April 1441 and overran Silesia. This proved what the other European countries believed, that Silesia could not defend themselves. This ensured that the war would become general. Within a month, France had constructed an alliance with Bavaria and Spain and, later, with Saxony and Prussia against Austria. Maria Theresa derived her main support from Britain fearing that if France took Hegemony in Europe, the British colonial and commercial empire would be unsupportable(britannica). Austria declared independence by concluding the Austrian State Treaty with the Four Occupying Powers. Culture Austria has a very kind culture. They have nice holidays, they have a functioning government, and they have good food. Some major holidays in Austria are Three Kings day, Easter, All Saints Day, St. Nicholas day, and Christmas. Three King s day is a celebration that most Christians celebrate but only a few German states and Austria. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Research Paper On Leonardo Dicaprios As a summer babysitter who doesn t like children, and someone who can t stand Taylor Swift, Alexis Stanley is anything but average. She s zany, but compassionate, and has a lot to talk about. From her fear of swimming, to her crazy dreams about Leonardo Dicaprio, and her dream vacation in Paris. My interview with Alexis reveals all sorts of information. her familyisn t calm either, being the oldest of 3 siblings, it s always loud in her house. Her two brothers constantly argue and rant about everything. When there isn t a sibling war, they stay separated throughout the day. Everyone faces a challenge in life, like a roadblock. For Alexis, it s swimming. It doesn t matter whether she s in swimming class, the ocean, or even the intercoastal: Alexis is not a fan of large and deep bodies of water. She might freak out, and there s more. There s no evidence, but Alexis stays behind the 4 feet line because she can t swim that well. Even though she has swim class for her first quarter of freshmen year, there s no getting past a fear this big. Luckily for her, she can put up with it for the grade. It s not a phobia, but don t try and shove Alexis into the deep end. Now, you know there s one celebrity you love, ... Show more content on ... Most people dream of being alone, sipping a coconut in the tropics. Alexis, on the other hand, fits in with a smaller vacation minority. Although it s not uncommon for people to think about this at some point, she seems intent on making it a reality. She sets the stage with a clear night sky, by the Eiffel Tower. Alone, without all the tourists and tourist traps, Alexis and her currently non existent boyfriend would sit on the mall, eating dinner, in a romantic moonlit setting, enjoying the finest food, in the finest weather. To top it all off, they would be booked in a 5 star hotel, nearby, with nothing to worry about. Sounds dreamy, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Belle Boyd Research Paper aria Isabella Boyd also known as Belle Boyd and The Cleopatra of the Succession was born on May 9, 1844. She was born in Martinsburg, Virginia, now know as West Virginia. She grew up in a town that people were Union supporters. Her family had strong Southern roots and were supported the Confederates. Belle was a strong willed, high spritted, and a quick witted person. She was educated at The Mounted Female College. Before she was a spy she lived a charmed life as a debutante in Washington DC. When the war began Union troops stayed in her familys home. Her mother and one of the troops got into a confrontation and was using language that was offensive. Belle had enough and ended up shooting and killing the soldier. In a little bit of time... Show more content on ... As time went on she became a messenger for General P.G.T. Beauregard and Thomas Stonewall Jackson. When she was working for them she started off by carrying information and transporting medical supplies. By the time her 18th birthday came her ID and activities became well known all over. The press gave her names like La Belle Rebelle , the Siren of the Shenandoah , and Rebel Joan of Arc . With her ID being well known and her being high profile she was arrested. Her most well known accomplishment was in May of 1862. She was able to get information needed for the Confederates and gave the details to Stonewall Jackson with helped him recapture the town of Fort Royal. Two months after that accomplishment she got arrested for working for the Confederates. She ended up spending a month behind bars at Old Capitol Prison in Washington DC. Later on she was incarcerated for five months.She ended up being banished to the South and never return to the North. Although she was banned she still worked as a spy for the Confederates. In May of 1864 she set sail to transport Confederate papers to England. While sailing the Union Navy stopped her ship and she was then again arrested. She ended up falling in love with one of her captors, Union soldier, Samuel ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Bartolomeu Dias Research Paper The age of discovery was filled with many new discoveries and ideas that helped shape our world now. Many explorers were apart of this age of time that helped make new changes, like re establishing trade with the East or breaking monopolies. One of these great explorers is Bartolomeu Dias. Bartolomeu Dias was a Portuguese explorer who made the discovery of sailing through the Cape of Good Hope and proving that it was possible to go by sea to the Indian Ocean by sailing past the tip of Africa also known as Cabo das Agulhas. By proving that is was possible in 1488, this discovery allowed the increase of trade between Europe and India as well many of Asia s powers after the closing of the previous route in 1450 by the Ottoman Empire. This ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Mandatory Trigger Warnings At University of California, Santa Barbara, in 2014, the student Senate passed a resolution that called for mandatory trigger warnings. This resolution, if it had become campus policy, proposed that not only students who have been diagnosed with PTSD would be exempt from class for any possibly triggering material but any student who was discomfited by the material (The Times Editorial Board). In other words, students have the choice to decide if they attend lecture due to discomfort scot free. According to the UCSB Newspaper, The Nexus, sophomore Bailey Loverin said the idea for campus wide trigger warnings came to her in February after a professor showed a graphic film depicting rape. Although she had herself not felt triggered by the film,... Show more content on ... According to NPR author Anya Kamenetz, 51% out of 841 professors reported that they ve used a trigger warning in advance of introducing potentially difficult material (Kamenetz). University faculty and staff have increasingly used trigger warnings to alert students to the possibility that they might be affected or even harmed by potentially traumatic material. In colleges like Oberlin and UCSB, trigger warnings are given in assumption that universities have a responsibility to protect students from controversial or potentially sensitive material. Joanna Williams, director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Kent, points out that the entire canon of English literature could contain warnings as to the emotional nature of the content and the issues covered (Williams 17). This has already begun to happen as some students have called for warnings for classic works like Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart due its description of racial violence, so that those students who have been previously victimized by racism or domestic violence can choose to avoid these works, due to the possibility of a trigger. Williams also mentions that lecturers driven by the pursuit of student satisfaction may well choose to self censor and leave controversial topics out of the curriculum altogether to prevent potential upset (Williams 187). One professor, in a Vox op ed called I m a liberal professor, and my liberal students terrify me, validates this idea by writing that he was afraid of his undergraduate students after a complaint and edited his subject material to avoid upsetting them. He further acknowledges that his colleagues have done the same for fear of being let go (Schlosser). The claims for a right to not be offended has essentially created a challenge for universities and their professors to teach students to be comfortable with challenging ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Jeffersonian Democracy And Jacksonian Democracy The Jeffersonian era and the Democratic Republican Party lasted from the early 1800 s to the late 1820 s; this era was known as the Era of Good Feelings because of the single party domination by the Democratic Republicans, which resulted in political cooperativeness. Following the Jeffersonian era was the Age of Jackson. The Jacksonian era, also referred to as Jacksonian democracy, lasted from the time the Jeffersonian democracyended to about 1840. During this time, though, there was a two party system, consisting of the Democrat Party and the Whig Party. Jackson personally believed he was carrying on Jeffersonian tradition through his ideals and actions (GetAFive 2017); although there were some noticeable changes from Jeffersonian democracy to Jacksonian democracy, Andrew and his successors ruled with many of the same ideologies from the preceding democracy. Jacksonian democracy, including both ideologies and actions, was a continuity of Jeffersonian democracy socially, through the treatment of Natives and slaves, economically, through the emergence of industrialization and attitudes toward the National Bank, and politically, through the representation of the lower classes. From a social viewpoint, there were several groups, including Natives and slaves, that faced unjust actions by both the Jeffersonian and Jacksonian democracies. Natives were negatively impacted by the democracies and peoples of both eras, facing poor treatment and expulsion from their native lands. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Carbohydrate Loading to Enhance an Athlete s Performance In order to reach their peak performance, many endurance athletes experiment with altering their diet before a long race. This is because diet is particularly important for athletes who must sustain moderate to high energy levels for long periods of time (Walker et al, 2000). In recent years, this is where the idea of carbohydrate loading has come into play. My question deals with the effectiveness of carbohydrate loading on the day before a competition. I want to know if carbohydrate loading loads on the success of the individual s performance. Carbohydrates are seen as our body s primary source of quick energy. However, they provide another significant function to the individual. When ingested they can transform into glycogenthat is later stored in the muscles and liver (Mayo Clinic, 2006). This glycogen in the muscles is the body s fuel for training and competing and starts to deplete as you exercise at a high intensity (Heaner, 2004). Without exercise, the glycogen levels of muscles remain high. Then, as the athlete trains, these levels are used as fuel and become depleted. The resulting very low glycogen levels within an athlete are the primary source of physical exhaustion (Peterson, 1996). In order to prevent this muscle fatigue, athletes and their nutritionist have resorted to relying on fueling up on more carbohydrates prior to an event (Kersick al, 2008). Some side effects to this carbohydrate rich diet include upset stomach, diarrhea, and constipation ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Faye Carey s If You Can Do More Than You Re Home You might say you re an animal lover but do you care for it? Faye Carey is teen activist who studies animals. Some things you could say about Faye is that she doesn t quit at anything and that she ll keep moving forward even when there s tough situations to make. One example, is she manages to re home more than sixty dogs. Here are some things I ve learned about Faye and some things that you can learn from me! When Faye started to volunteer at the shelter she decided to make a facebook page so people can adopt the dogs. Another example is that Faye always grooms the puppies and photographs them before she puts them on the facebook page. Therefore, Faye also posts the new dogs available each week for adoptionon her facebook page. Every Time Faye volunteers at the shelter, the shelter receives 20 new dogs each week but some dogs still need re homing. A quote from a worker also from the shelter says This takes a lot of heat off the pound for us trying to get these dogs into homes. A quote from Mr. Oliver says he appreciates Faye in every good way and wouldn t let her dream be unpredictable. ... Show more content on ... Oliver says The animal control is quite lucky and blessed to have Faye said Mr. Oliver. Instead of not volunteering everyday at the shelter Faye volunteers every Friday. She volunteers on Fridays because she still has to finish school. Faye is one of those people who has a passion for animals. For example, She manages to take care of them when they re sick, when they need help, and most importantly she manages to make sure they re adopted and well cared for. She cares for animals in anyway she can. She proves to everybody that she can be more than what she ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Nundah Case Study Since Nundah s first European settlement in 1938, it has gone through many changes and in particularly recently; a major transformation. Socially the changes are beneficial as things life the development of the bypass has made access to the Nundah area easier and trains, tunnels and bus stations locate the areacentrally as it is only 7 stops on the train and 6 minutes by car to the Central Business District. As a result of the increasing population, a wider range of services are being offered to Nundah residents such shopping centre, eateries and clothing stores which also increases the security and safety of the area. However socially the development of Nundah does not benefit the area as the increased amount of traffic causes surrounding... Show more content on ... Socially, proposal two would be beneficial, as it would allow for the development of higher quality architectural styles of new apartments and potentially new shops with modern looks , which would be attractive for some people. In addition, it would allow for an increase in other new developments to facilitate for the increased amount of residents and therefore new recreational areas and shops for clothing, food and eating out would be established to account for the new populations able to live in Nundah as a result of the residential developments. The residential developments would accommodate for the growing population that increases by 3% per year. However, negatively proposal two is not beneficial, as the development only accounts for a wealthy businessperson demographic therefore limiting the diversity of people living in the area. The increased amount of residents in Nundah would increase traffic and congestion as a result of not having anywhere to park. Nundah would become overcrowded as a result and the cultural heritage of Nundah s previous typical Queenslander type homes would be knocked down to make space for future development sites. In addition, the elderly populations living in Nundah may not approve of the rapid increases in populations and do not have the option or ability to live in unit style homes and will therefore be forced out of the area. Economically allowing high rise development is beneficial as it boosts the local economy, as new businesses would be established and surrounding already established businesses would gain more foot traffic due to increased population densities, which would therefore increase the amount of profit being made. In addition, more employment opportunities would become available, as new businesses would open. The price of properties will rise as a result of the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Invention Of Designer Babies Introduction Throughout the world, the potential to genetically modify embryos has created controversy whether this procedure if morally correct. Designer babies have been created by screening embryos for genetic diseases. However, Designer babies has also been used to contain selected desired qualities such as eye colour, hair colour and skin complexion. The question remains, where is the line drawn for designer babies? In Vitro Fertilisation In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a procedure in which eggs (ova) from a woman s ovary are removed. In a laboratory procedure, they are fertilised with a sperm, and then the fertilized egg (embryo) is returned to the woman s uterus. (Medicine, 2007) IVF is a process in which the egg is fertilised outside of the body (as seen in figure 1). IVF is not the only assisted reproductive technology, however, is the most commonly known and most successful. Other assisted reproductive technologies include: Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), Hormonal therapy for men or surgery. Conception using IVF includes the following biological process: Stimulating the ovaries, where the female is given hormones to produce more eggs each cycle the enable the collection of multiple eggs. Collecting the eggs occurs by placing an ultrasound probe in the uterus. The ultrasound will show where the follicles are within the ovaries. A needle is then passed through the uterus wall and into the ovaries. Each follicle is pierced to collect the egg inside. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay on Congenital Neonatal Infections in Vertical HIV Congenital Human Immunodeficiency Virus, also called Vertical HIV, is a serious epidemic arising from passage of the virus to an infant from a maternal infection. The disease can have severe symptoms for the infected newborn and is almost always fatal to the child. The fetus has a 25% chance of infection while in utero and a 20% 50% ( depending of the country) chance of infection during the birthing process although a cesarean birth significantly lowers the probability of neonatal infection. The severity of the mothers HIVinfection determines the chances of a fetal infection meaning the more advance the disease in the mother the high the possibility of transmission through placental cord blood. Infection can also occur from... Show more content on ... The juxtapositional co receptor attachment to the host membrane encourages the GP41 protein to initiate fusion by collapsing into a hairpin loop structure bringing the two membranes in close proximity. The virus then injects the contents of the virion including machinery enzymes and the RNA genome into the host cell where a dsDNA molecule is made and integrated into the host. The reverse transcription process has a high mutation rate because the viral reverse transcriptase enzyme is unable to detect or repair any mistakes as it forms the dsDNA. After the new dsDNA molecule is made it is transported to the nucleus of the host and integrated into the host genome. The HIV genome will either remain in a lysogenic state within the host or if actively stimulated new HIV viruses will be constructed and released to infect neighboring cells. The ability of the virus to choose its co receptor is called viral tropism and determines its virulence and disease progression rate. If the virus binds with the co receptor CCR5 it is called macrophage tropic (M tropic) and characterizes most HIV infections. The M tropic variant is regarded as less virulent because it is nonsyncytial. Some mutations of the CCR5 gene lead to a partial immunity to the virus and can slow the disease and in some cases prevent infection of the M tropic HIV varient. Also patients with high levels of CCR5 soluble chemokines are more resistant to the virus. The CXCR4 chemokine co receptor is ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Wolves In Canada This essay will cover 3 main points. The first point is what kind of wolves will you find in Canada, and a brief description of different names and what they look like. My Second point will cover what issues wolves are facing in canada today, because wolves are becoming and already are extinct as i m writing this essay, this point will tell you why they are becoming extinct, and why it is hard for them to move forward and become larger, and not become extinct. My third point will cover what important wolveshave to the first nations, including spiritual beliefs and what they mean to the first nations. There are few types of wolves that live in canada. The wolves that are left in Canada we should cherish, because soon they will become so rare, that there population could be whipped out. Firstly there is the Arctic wolf, which is usually found up North where it is cold in Canada, the Arctic wolves have beautiful thick white fur. The second wolf that i will tell you about is the grey wolf, the grey wolf is a more common wolf but none the less gorgeous with its gray and black fur. The grey wolfs used to roam the united states, but almost all of them were exterminated. Now the grey wolves habitat is excluded to Canada, Alaska, the Great Lakes, northern Rockies and Pacific Northwest. The next wolf i ... Show more content on ... Wolves are just trying to survive and help their young survive just like how humans want to survive and help their young survive. The issues they are facing are mostly human causes, we need to stop killing and hunting wolves for prizes and for useless reasons, and start respecting them. Wolves are very important to nature and first nations and everyone in general. Dont you want your kids to grow up knowing what wolves are. Do you want you kids growing up their parents generation killed off wolves, no you dont. Lets stop wolves from getting ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Analysis Of Bosses Seek Critical Thinking In 1989 1995, my father took a job as a manager of the newspaper Marin Independent Journal company called Gannett. His job required him to have bouts of experience and to be able to solve problems quickly. When a carrier didn t show up, he needed to quickly come up with a solution to get the mail out. Another problem he faced was how some people s mail were stolen. His own experience with these issues and critical thinking is what helped him become manager for almost four years. In her article, Bosses Seek Critical Thinking , but what is that , Melissa Korn claims that qualities like critical thinking and problem solving are major assets that young workers may lack. As she explains, critical thinking is something that is hard to describe and can have many different ways of wording it. That, in turn makes it difficult for employers to set this bar. Korn continues to give multiple types of definitions of critical thinking to show exactly how the definitions can differ. She then adds that an incorporation has their candidates work through company assessments to see how they reach their conclusions. This lets them see if their workers are qualified. Korn then proceeds to bring Jerry Houser s opinion on how schools are encouraging students to focus too much on their social lives. Upon reading Korn s article, i ve found that although many parts are agreeable, such as when she talks about how difficult it is to actually describe and prescribe critical thinking, other parts like ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Ex Conscientious Objectors In Ww1 Bread was not rationed, but by law had to be sold by weight and not by the loaf. Even so, the government took steps to decrease its consumption further by banning the sale of bread until twelve hours after it had been baked. The government decided that fresh bread was very difficult to cut thinly so, if everyone cut their loaves in thick slices, they would consume more. Additionally, the more appetising taste of fresh baked breadcould encourage people to eat it immoderately. Plans were put in place to substitute the established white loaf with a national loaf made from wholemeal grain. It is a loaf we are familiar with today but in 1918 many thought the taste and colour unappetising, and some blamed it for a variety of digestive problems.... Show more content on ... At the outbreak of war I looked upon taking life as a horrible and wicked thing something I, with my religious training, could never do, and had genuine conscientious objections to becoming a soldier for that reason, but as the weeks went by and instance after instance of Hun brutality the fruits of militarism became common knowledge I had often to take myself to task. Before Xmas, 1914, the truth dawned on me I had been selfish ignoring the fact that thousands of fine, brave fellows had already given their lives good Christian men most of them and presumed to put my conscientious objections before my country s need and the cause of God. The Germans have relinquished all claim to humanity and have gravitated to the level of vermin even conscientious objectors must grant this. Would they permit any other kind of vermin to do the same amount of evil and create as much misery without attempting to exterminate it? A few months of active service teaches one a great deal, things that once counted diminish to details of no importance; a man s reasoning power is broadened, he is more balanced when coming to conclusions, and he becomes more reliable if more silent. In warfare, particularly at that stage when a man meets a man, killing is merely a matter of self preservation your opponent the aggressor is determined to rob you of your life the only effective way to prevent this is to take his if you do not attempt to do so then you are guilty of self murder. When on lookout duty in a first line trench a soldier quickly takes aim and deliberately shoots the enemy through the head (the only visible part). Should he not do so, or should ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay on C2 Bell Jeans Bhd Case 2 Bell Jeans Berhad Bell Jeans Berhad was founded in the mid sixties. The firm survived several lean years and economic recessions largely as the result of the market durability of its dominant product blue denim jeans. Bell Jeans had been a market leader with wash and wear, bell bottom and flare jeans, and modern casual pants. By 2009 it was one of Malaysia s largest clothing manufacturers. It offered a wide variety of dress and fashion jeans for both men and boys and a complete line of pants for women. It enjoyed a reputation for reasonably priced, quality pants. The company sold 40 million pairs of pants last year. Production In each of the last 30 years, Bell Jeans sold virtually all its production and often had to begin to... Show more content on ... The plant budgeting begins with me and my staff determining what a plant s quota (in pairs of pants) for each month should be for one year ahead of time. We look at the plant s past performance and add a little to this because we expect people to improve around here. These yearly budgets are updated at the end of each month in light of the previous month s production. If a plant manager beats this budget figure, we feel he has done a good job. If he cannot meet the quota, his people have not been working at what the engineers feel is a very reasonable level of speed and efficiency. Or possibly absenteeism or worker turnover, big problems in our plants, have been excessively high. When the quota has not been reached, we want to know why and want the problem corrected as quickly as we can. Given the number of pants that a plant actually produces in a month, we can determine the number of standard labour hours allowed for that month. We compare this figure against the 3 actual labour hours to determine how a plant manager performed as an expense centre. I phone every plant manager each month to give prompt feedback on either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. We also look for other things in evaluating a plant manager. Have his community relations been good? Are his employees happy? The owners of this company are very concerned about these factors. An annual bonus constituted the core of Bell Jeans ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Online Fandom Community Analysis One of the things I am most interested in is the communities that form online and the way they are used to shape information. Fandoms, the collective fans of a particular work regarded collectively as a group, are one such community. As a fan, I want to what study what makes online fandom communities unique. Who makes up the online fandom communities and how do they use fandom. Often online fans and fandom in general are often viewed as purely based on obsessive consumption of a media. However I experience them in most cases as intensely creative, highly informed and extremely critical people. It is all of these things together that creates communities that trade and thrive on fanworks. Fanworks take some element of a cannon work, the characters,... Show more content on ... Connections often exist between fan involvement and gendered expression. My experience is often that fanworks considered feminine creative works like crafts, fanfiction, costumes and fanart are devalued in the face of more masculine acquisition of information and item collection. The results of which are often harsh gatekeeping barring women from being truly fans. In my experience the male fan experience is very different from the female fan ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Sexism In The Joy Luck Club Throughout history men have been considered superior to women and sexism has always been a large part of many societies. The divide between women and men drives Amy Tan s The Joy Luck Club. Through a sense of patriarchy, responsibility, and needing to prove oneself worthy, the female characters in The Joy Luck Club find their experiences to be very different from that of their male counterparts, demonstrating the despotic sexism of the Chinese culture during the 1940s. As a patriarchal society, China favored the men over the women, particularly in marriage. At Lindo s wedding, her husband, Tyan, yanked the scarf off [her] face and smiled at his friends and family, never even looking at [her] (59), illustrating the clear male hierarchy. The woman doesn t even matter. All that matters is the husband s success in life and a not becoming a widower. Not only is the woman subordinate in marriage, but women are also subject to becoming concubines not for love, but because of the prestige of owning what so many other men wanted (234), showing not only a lack of love and passion in marriage but also a regard for women as property and a way to sexually pleasure oneself. There is a complete lack of regard for women and their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Often the only way for women to survive, especially those who have been widowed, was to consent to be a man s concubine because of his enormous wealth (234). If a woman did not have a man, husband or otherwise, to take care ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Chrysanthemums Analysis The element Romanticism is presented in the story through the setting first, The high gray flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world (page 1). This sets the tone for some type of sad and cold emotion. Which those emotions comes to play when her strength, happiness, and confidence is crushed after being boosted by the man who had taken a different route and stumbled upon Elisa doing her gardening, they conversed about the chrysanthemums, gardening, pots, and flirting for a generous amount of time. It was crushed because she found the chrysanthemums she had gave him on the side of the rode with the pot not being with it. It was easy to notice the hurt that she felt because she tried ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Analysis Of Katha Pollitt s The Hunger Games Feral... In Katha Pollitt s essay entitled The Hunger Games Feral Feminism, Pollitt writes about what reality television might look like if taken to extremes. Reality television is a huge part of our culture today, and I not only agree with Pollitt s views and ideas of what reality TV would look if taken to the extremes, but I believe that we have already gotten to that point. Today s reality TV shows such as Keeping up with the Kardashians , The Bachelorette or any of the Real Housewives are among many of today s popular shows that focus on extreme aggression, bullying, physical beauty, and sex appeal. These TV shows teach us that it is not only ok to compromise morals and values, but that type of behavior accepted and rewarded. In today s age, reality TV generally has to go negative and go to the extreme in order for it to be interesting despite the lasting impact that it may have on viewers. Reality TV has an impact on the values of their viewers and alters how they may perceive real life situations. Therefore, it s important to take a look at some of the standards portrayed by reality TV. Reality television is a huge part of our television viewing culture and the line between right and wrong is not always clear to many of the viewers. The fact is, the extreme behaviors displayed are not real or normal in the world that exists outside of reality TV. Many reality shows depict women idealizing beauty and thinness, giving the impression that a woman s value is based ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Racism Vs Racial Profiling Racism and racial profiling has been a big argument for years in America. This prejudice blew up in the town of Ferguson, Missouri, over the shooting of a black teenager by a white policeman. Consequently, riots and looting sparked overnight in the streets and the whole controversy spread across the nation as the world watched. This whole thing all started at 11:47 a.m. officers Wilson responded to a call for a baby with breathing problems and drove to Glenark Drive, east of Canfield Drive. Around three minutes later and several blocks away from their, Michael Brown was recorded on camera stealing a box of swisher cigars and was seen pushing away the store clerk on camera. Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, left the market at about 11:54 a.m. At 11:53, a policedispatcher reported a stealing in progress at the Ferguson Market and the description that the dispatcher gave was a black male wearing a white T shirt running toward QuickTrip. At 11:57, the dispatch describe the suspect as wearing a red Cardinals hat, a white T shirt, yellow socks, and khaki shorts, and was with another male. ( Shooting of Michael Brown. n.p.) ... Show more content on ... Wilson reported that he was back in service and radioed untits 25 and 22 to ask if they still needed assistance in searching for the suspects, Seven seconds later, an unidentified officer said the suspects had disappeared. Wilson called for backup at 12:02, saying Unit 21. Put me on Canfield with two. And send another car. Reports of what happened next differ widely between sources and witnesses, but Brown ended up shot dead by Wilson. At noon on August 9, Wilson drove up to Brown and Johnson in the middle of Canfield Drive and ordered them to move off the street and onto the sidewalk. Wilson continued driving past the two men, but then back and stopped close to them. ( Shooting of Michael ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Future of Freedom History The Future of Freedom In his book, The Future of Freedom, Fareed Zakaria writes that we must make democracy safe for the world. The American democracy sets the standard around the world for liberal democracies, but transitions across for other countries across the world toward a liberal democracy is often difficult and with poor decision making, close to impossible. Liberal democracies are the systems in which people choose their government and live in an environment of freedom. In Zakaria s book, he warns the readers of several telltale signs that their process toward a liberal democracy is in trouble. He uses examples of different countries doing it right and doing it wrong the ones discussed in ... Show more content on ... Zakaria writes, They know that to introduce capitalism into China requires much more than economic changes, so they have allowed significant reforms of the administrative and legal systems as well (81). Although Zakaria argues that China must reform its political system, he says a quick transition to a liberal democracy can lead to chaos, because of the large size of the country and the small size of its middle class. Other reasons, and probably more realistic reasons for China s slow progression towards a democratic state is that the leaders want to clasp to its stronghold on the political system. Can democracy work in China? Zakaria feels it cannot be ignored the progress the Chinese economy has had under its state as a free economy. But the problem continues to be the political progress of this country. China still only has a small middle class, which is detrimental towards a functioning liberal democracy. During the 1980s, there were pushes for political reform from members of the political scene as well as from the public but all that came to a halt during the massacre in Tiananmen Square when soldiers stomped out the early fires of democracy (Zakaria,83). But in 1992, China s leader, Deng Xiaoping, gave his blessing for open economic markets (Zakaria, 83). That leads us to the present time. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Liquor Control Board Of Ontario INTRODCUTION As many are aware, the LCBO is The Liquor Control Board of Ontario, it is an governmental establishment that distributes and retails of alcoholic beverages in the province of Ontario. Due to the fact that this establishment is government ran, much of its revenue is used for healthcare, education and infrastructure; until 2007. They began Urban Environmental Management; as large majority of the population resides in urban areas (also where most LCBO retail stores are located), The LCBO began looking into sustainable urban development and took environmental responsibility for their, carbon footprint, production of products, production of waste, and energy consumption, etc. Their mission is to preserve and protect the environment for the future; to do so they had to pay attention to the four key factors, urban form, transportation, energy and waste management (Dearden, P., Mitchell, B. 2009). ABOUT INITIATIVE This initiative is designed to make Ontario a better place to live. This is made possible with the consideration of not only the health of the environment but the health of its people and surroundings. This initiative began in 2007 with waste management, when this was proven a success, the company broadened their horizons and looked at many more environmentally friendly decisions they could make that would positively impact our future generations. For this initiative to begin many things about the company were taken into consideration; things like indirect ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Social Perspectives On Education And The Sociology Of... EDST 1104 Social Perspectives in Education Assessment 2 Essay TANUWIJAYA, Wirya Z3483970 Why is it important and/or helpful for initial teacher educators such as yourself, to learn about, and learn to use, ideas from the sociology of education? Social influences on educational outcomes and the social nature of education structures of the past and present exemplify how social institutions can affect education perceived by individuals. This can also be defined as the sociology of education; a study of education systems of how social institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcome, as interpreted by Scott and Marshall (2009). This essay will address how the background of sociology of education (culture of power that exist) shapes the current social perspectives in education, how sociology of education contributes and its usefulness for initial educators. Sociology, education and history Firstly, it is fundamental for scholars to understand the relationship between the roots of educational sociology and the sociology of education. Education is being integrated into sociology, the latter considered by many educators as a supporting beam of pedagogy (in addition to philosophy, anthropology, psychology, biology, ethics and aesthetics). Through this, the knowledge of sociological method, problems and generalizations may be adequately interpreted to every educator. Surely, contemporary education cannot disregard the contributions of sociology. In ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Social And Economic Policy Decisions Impact Income Equality Social and economic policy decisions impact income equality, which has an effect on the health of Canadians. Those with lower incomes are directly affected while income inequality affects the health of all Canadians through weakening of social structure (Raphael, 2002). Contrary to reports of rising net worth, a new report has been released by an Ottawa based think tank to show Canada s inequality problem. The top 10 percent of Canadians have seen their net worth grow by 42% since 2005 to 2.1 million in 2012. However, the bottom 10 percent saw their net worth shrink by 150 percent (Flavelle, 2014). With this new report, it challenges the idea that suggests Canadians are getting wealthier laterally (Flavelle, 2014). This paper will examine... Show more content on ... For example, the reduction of deaths from infectious diseases such as influenza, diphtheria and typhoid were due to improvements in general living conditions rather than medical cures (Raphael, 2002) It is hypothesized that lifestyle differences are the reasons for the incidence of stroke, heart disease and cancer. Health and Poverty Vulnerable populations including immigrants, Aboriginal peoples, single parent families and the elderly make up a growing percentage of the lower extreme of the socioeconomic scale (Turnbull, J. Podymow T, 2002). While we are quick to consider the costs of aiding the poor, we rarely consider the costs that poverty and income inequality inflict on our society. To achieve improved health, it is critical to improve income security through good jobs, income supports and fairer taxes (Barnes et al., 2013). There are two broad strategies that focus on alleviating the effects of poverty on health: 1) directly reducing poverty and socio economic inequality 2) intervening in pathways connecting poverty and health. These interventions have been identified as upstream and downstream. Downstream policies refer to those that have an explicit health purpose and tend to be targeted at those that are already suffering from increased health risk, while upstream refers to the wider influences on health inequalities such as income distribution, education and housing. While these approaches fall ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Gattaca Self Determination Essay The role of self determination is quite present throughout multiple scenes within the movie involving Vincent and his brother competing in their own swimming contest dubbed Chicken in which they attempt to out swim the other. Initially, Anton outswims brother in almost every race because of his innate physical advantages not due to his determination as throughout Anton s life he never had to try due to him being a valid. Though Vincent eventually succeeds and beats his brother in chicken as through sheer determination as unlike Anton, Vincent was constantly told that he was naturally inferior. Every time he swam against Anton, he put in all his effort. This is the first demonstration of the role of self determinationwithin the film as despite losing almost every time Vincent does not lose hope but instead becomes more determined than before. This proves to Vincent that if he is capable of beating his valid brother, he is able to fulfil his dream of becoming an astronaut at Gattaca. The role of self determination is also apparent towards the end of the movie in which the two brothers play chicken one last time in which Vincent beats his brother once more. Anton yells, Vincent! How are you doing this Vincent? How have you done any of this? We have to go back. To which Vincent later replies, You wanna know how I did it? This is how I did it Anton. I never saved anything for the swim back. This shows that Vincent is 100% dedicated to the task that he is willing to ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Speech On Being Self Aware students. I provided office hours addressing any questions or concerns they may have or just general chit chat and this was a language school and every opportunity was an opportunity to speak English. Being Present 1. When I arrived to class I expected myself and my students to be fully present. If they were experiencing joy, sadness, a burden, I would have them share with the class before continuing on. This allowed my students to be focused on the now and not on what happened or will happen. An exercise that helped them accomplish this was to write something down that may be hindering them from being present and deposit it, without their name, into a classroom box. Temprarily, I was able to clear their mind and get them focused on what is happening now. See more at: /profdev170_c.shtml#sthash.E0UtKEEc.dpuf Being Self Aware . Being self aware while teaching meant that I was aware of what I was saying, what I was thinking and how I was responding to the leaners and the instructional material. I was self ware of the decisions I made in and out of class. This is also what I encouraged in my students. Encouraging students to be self aware, they consciously paid more attention. The learner proactively viewed themselves from the position of their higher self, through their feelings thoughts, decisions, and actions. I expected no less of them than what I expected of myself. Unskilled. Two areas that I am not familiar with, but ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Personal Self Assessment Essay Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science. Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future. I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a test. I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open discussions ... Show more content on ... I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style. With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at least I know what they mean. I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this far, it must work out for me. I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save myself from ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Lewis And The Silent Planet Olivia Seeney Dr. Michael Elam ENGL 475 10/4/16 C.S. Lewis and the Influence of Dante in Out of the Silent Planet All throughout Lewis novels there is evidence that clearly connects the themes and symbolism from other aspects of traditional Christian literature both during and before he began writing. One of the most distinct examples of this occurring within Lewis works is the influence that Dante had on the concepts that he reflects on while conveying thoughts to his readers. This is specifically more notable a connection between Dante and Lewis when you examine the parallels that take place within Lewis Out of the Silent Planet and Dante s Inferno. The literary tradition left behind by Dante is both one able to influence the thoughts of others and to teach the value of Christianity through within a fictional environment. This is similar to Lewis Space Trilogy in more ways than one, some of which include Ransom journey in place of the pilgrim as he travels through strange, new, territory in order to reach his goal, and the use of Malacandra to represent the levels of Hell. Each book in the Space Trilogy continues to expand on the possible influence that Dante may have had on Lewis while he wrote these books and aims to show Christians the truth behind the Dante s thoughts through the use of science fiction. Many elements found within Dante s Inferno are reintroduced through new ideas by Lewis within Out of the Silent Planet in order to convey Christian thoughts and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Tulip Tree Dental Care If you get nervous or even fearful when you consider a trip to the dentist, you certainly are not alone. We meet patients every day who are just like you. In fact, we regularly help patients overcome their fear of the dentist and help them get the dental care they may desperately need. If you are in a situation where you need dental care but are too anxious to seek it, we can help. Our team offers a variety of solutions that can help you feel comfortable and relaxed while in our care. Please contact Tulip Tree Dental Care with any questions or concerns you may have. We will be happy to help you! Dental Sedation Options Dental sedation is one of the most effective ways to ease nervous patients. We offer two different levels of sedation ... Show more content on ... However, with one of our metal free solutions, getting the smile of your dreams can be comfortable and convenient. Whether you are looking into orthodontics for yourself or your child, we may have the solution for you. In many cases, traditional metal braces are not your only option. Let us help you get the smile of your dreams without the hassle today. Ortho Tain Orthodontic Appliances We offer Ortho Tain orthodontic appliances for children. These appliances are wonderful because they can be used to not only straighten currently misaligned teeth but also prevent further orthodontic issues. We use an interceptive approach to help guide your child s orthodontic development. We can catch minor issues and help solve them before they become larger problems. This interceptive method is wonderful for children because we can truly make a difference. We can save your child the hassle and embarrassment of needing braces later in life. Invisalign Clear ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Rock Music In The 1950 s Rock music is a genre of popular music that developed in the 1950 s. Rock music is considered a mixture of country, blues, and gospel music. Rock music was formed by African Americans who at the time didn t get much credit because of racism and segregation. Some of the founding fathers of rock music are Lloyd Price, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley and the Comets, Bo Diddley, Roy Orbison, Johnny cash, Robert Johnson. Rock music begun in the 1950 s originating in the U.S. Rock music is a combination of country, rhythm and blues and gospel music. Rock music targeted the young who wanted to rebel and steer away from the influence of their parents. Soon after the emergence of Rock music it became ... Show more content on ... When Roy was eight years old his father gave him a guitar and he wrote his first song. In high school Orbison formed a band. They caught the attention of a producer at Sun Records. While Orbison was being considered He recorded a couple songs including Ooby Dooby , which got enough attention to land him a record deal. In 1960 Orbison signed with Monument Records and recorded his first big hit Only The Lonely . Orbison continued to record major hits such as Running Scared , Crying , It s over and Oh Pretty Woman . When writing songs Orbison didn t follow the norms of song structure. He would structure a song however he wanted to. Orbison was not considered very good looking nor did he have amazing stage presence but he was blessed with an amazing voice. Orbison s music represented the opposite of rock and roll at the time. Orbison wrote about love, heartbreak and pain. The downfall of Orbison s career came in 1966 when Orbison s wife died in a tragic motorcycle accident. Soon after in 1968 both of his sons died in a house fire. After these two incidents Orbison didn t produce any hits. Johnny Cash was born in Kingsland, Arkansas. Cash began working at a young age. It was through his family and his community that Cash found his musical influence. Cash s mother used to sing hymns and folksongs. Cash started playing guitar at twelve years old and his mother put him through singing lessons. Cash only took three lessons before his instructor ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Early Gnosticism [title goes here] The discovery of the books like the Gospel of Mary, the Coptic Gospel of Thomas, and the Secret Gospel of John makes the Bible look less like the sacred, holy texts of God the Father, and more like a film in the theaters. Chunks of the story that were shot but never put into the final edit sit on the cutting room floor. Some parts even change the whole story. All religions do this sort of editing, both consciously and unconsciously. Sometimes, holy books are just lost to time. Paper rots, stone erodes, and oral stories are forgotten, and that s all there is to it. In some cases, however, the editing is done with knives, or with blood, or with political change. In the case of the parts of the Bible that didn t quite make it... Show more content on ... Many of the themes and doctrines of this belief fit well into the values of young academics, especially the focus on the acquisition of knowledge to reach salvation, as opposed to living without sin. However, at the birth of Christianity, there was a lot about the Gnostic doctrine that the layman found disagreeable. Adding Gnostic text to the canonical Bible complicated the New Testament even further. It was also considered elitist, as a religion based on knowledge during a time where most of the population was illiterate would be exclusionary and inaccessible. The main reason, however, that the early Christianity we all now know and love survived over Gnosticism is that Gnosticism is individualistic, while Orthodox Christianity is more community centric. In ancient times as well as modern, it is easier to survive while working with a group, for the good of the group. This focus on community also made organization easier, where church leaders could explain what the Bible says to the people, instead of having them read it themselves and possibly reinterpret sections to make them disagree with the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Managed Care Term Paper U.S. Health Care Delivery System Term Paper Margarita Blanco March.29th, 2010 Managed care was started as early as the 1900 s, the cited pioneer of the structured system of care that is known today as Managed Care is Dr. Michael Shadid. His goal was to help meet the health care needs of a certain groups of people. Such as: rural residents, workers and families in the lumber, mining and railroad industries; the enrollees paid a set fee to physicians who then delivered care under the terms of their agreement. By 1929 the Los Angeles department of water and power contracted with Drs Ronald Ross and H. Clifford Loos to provide service for almost 2,000 ... Show more content on ... If you choose to go outside of your network for health care you will get charge a deductible like a PPO plan, charges will be about 300 dollars for and individual or 600 dollars for a family. For some reason when I was researching managed care majority of the websites I came across never mentioned Exclusive Provider Organization [EPO] then I finally came across it. Exclusive Provider Organization [EPO] is the type of managed care that if you get healthcare outside of your network you will have to pay for it out of pocket, so its not like a Point of Service where you ll get charged a deductible or a percentage in this case your on your own. Being that EPO member are restricted to in network doctors they are able to negotiate prices. EPO does charge co payments each visit that ranges from 20 30$ and charge a monthly premiums and deductibles. I chose to save the best for last; I will be talking briefly about Health Maintenance Organization [HMO] as well as its advantages and disadvantages. I chose HMO because it was the first form of Managed Care. The earliest from of HMOs can be seen in a number of prepaid health plans tracing back to 1910 the western clinic in Tahoma, Washington offered lumber mills owners and their employees certain medical services from is providers for a premium of 50 cents. However; the first HMO considered in the United States was the Ross Loss Medical Group in 1929 as I said earlier. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Educators Struggle with Philosophy As an educator we all struggle with philosophy and where to go from there once we decide what our set of beliefs are. Once we put our philosophy in place, we then struggle with changing our philosophy. I believe that philosophies can be always changing any given situation and in order for growth as an educator we have to be aware to the situations that can change our philosophy, as well as being true to our core beliefs. However, in order for this to happen we must understand what philosophy is, and what it is not and how it fall in line with ideology and theories. For this assignment, I will compare and contrast philosophy, ideology, and theory. Philosophy is the most beliefs about what is true or real according to individual values (Gutek, 2009). Philosophy is our beliefs that will determine what we do professionally and personally. Not having a philosophy set in place, it will be difficult to make decisions within the classroom, creating curriculums and evaluate progress. Although a person can set goals without having a philosophy implemented, not having the foundation of a set philosophy (core set of beliefs) achieving the goals can be a very difficult challenge. Educators need a starting point to understand why we think and act the way we do in our classrooms. Having a philosophy allows an educator to reflect on how to make classroom actions consistent with our beliefs related to learning. However, before we list our beliefs we need to delve deeper into what makes ... Get more on ...
  • 37. the roman empire is the greatest civilization of all time The Roman Empire was the period of time after the Roman Republic and before the Byzantine Empire from 29 B.C. to A.D. 476. It was the highest point of Roman civilization, greater than any prior empires and towers over even the empires after it; it triumphed over the world . The Roman Republic was what built up the foundation for the Roman Empire. During the Republic, a small group of people started from scratch and developed their own systems, which later develops into the Roman Empire. The strong leaders of the Republic had conquered much land and people for Rome. The Roman Republic thus ignites Roman civilization, which leads on to the second step the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire started off with leader Augustus, who was left ... Show more content on ... Because Augustus encouraged trade, many roads and highways were built for convenient traveling. Trading made easier increased trade, which boosted Roman economy even more. The Greek Empire occurred before the Romans and when compared to the Roman Empire, seems to be modest, not as great. The Greeks did not have as much conquered lands, which lessens their power. What they did have conquered was divided into parts amongst different rulers, who were constantly at war with each other, lacking the peace that Pax Romana had. The conquered Greek lands did not have a chance to civilize as one great empire as the Romans had. The Byzantine Empire followed the Roman Empire, and it, also, seems meager in comparison. It had evolved from the Roman Empire, and because it was in the late stage that it was in, land had been lost, so in terms of size, the Roman Empire was superior to the Byzantine. The empire wasn t strong, either. At the start, the first ruler, Justinian, attempted to reconquer Roman lands, but in doing so, left his own land in ruins, and his conquests were lost right after his death. The Empire faced many enemies and was threatened constantly by them. Eventually, all land was lost except for the Constantinople, the rich and powerful capital city, and the land surrounding it. As can be seen, the Roman Empire was great for its time in more ways that one, with its undefeatable strength and size . It was greater than the empires before it ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Analysis Of Using The Cigarette Case Study Intro When I first entered the dig site I saw a military officer hart, a skeleton, two swords, two old cameras, a Russians wooden doll, and two old newspapers. The first thing I noticed was the skeleton on the ground, along with the two swords. Our teacher asked us to make hypothesis on how the person may have died, and to fill out this packet for homework. We were also to not to touch anything, as it was old and fragile. I observed the find by sitting down on the ground to take a better look and to see if there were any broken bones. I wrote down this packet what I saw and that is how I documented my findings. To research artifacts I used my plan of using the Internet. Part II The first item I decided to research was... Show more content on ... The Kodachrome came out in 1935 by the Kodak Company. It was being sold by process paid and stopped in 1954. Then the film could be processed anywhere a place processes film. Many photographers used it in media and for lots of years. Since the processing of film was complex it helped digital photography. Kodak stopped making the film in 2009, and stopped processing film in 2010. The sixth item that I researched was the Norfolk newspaper. The first Norfolk newspaper is not known, and the oldest one is from 1865. Having business troubles in 1873 the company changes the name to The Norfolk Landmark. In 1906 two companies (Norfolk Dispatch and The Public Ledger) come together to create The Ledger Dispatch. The company still makes newspapers to this day, and has their own website becoming one of the first online newspapers. After Looking at all of the artifacts I first believed that this person was someone from the 1940 s. They were taking a walk one day in the wilderness, and got lost and starved to death. The reason I suspect this because the skeleton had not been damaged and was in perfect condition. Also I had found a newspaper that shows the end of World War 2. I also believed he was going to take pictures as he had Kodak film and cameras with ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Australian Rugby Union Association All policies by any sporting body are put into place to ensure the safety of players and fair play in the game. The Australian Rugby Union Association (ARUA) have developed policies that provide players and officials with guidelines that protect them from unsafe behaviour and strengthen the positive image of rugby union. These policies consist of a code of conduct that includes expectations of behaviour, anti doping, medical policies including concussionguidelines, sport supplement policies, illicit drug use, work health and safety and game regulations. All laws of the game allow players of all physiques, skill levels, genders and ages the opportunity to participate in rugby in an environment that is safe, controlled and enjoyable.... Show more content on ... The medical policy ensures all players are treated with equal respect when it comes to personal health conditions, making each player confident enough to play rugby well equipped to handle their condition without the need to take excessive drugs which may cause extra harm. Work health and safety regulations cover many problems that often arise on the field as a result of injuries. These include direct injuries that may result in excessive bleeding. In this case, the no blood policy is followed to ensure the injured player is safely, effectively and accurately treated and other players or trainers are not at risk of contamination. A concussion guideline is pertained that are set to explain what concussion is, how to prevent it in rugby, and how to treat it, thus ensuring players are not at a high risk of such an injury whilst playing. The concussion guideline states that any player with a suspected concussion must be removed from training or the game and seek medical assistance, to reduce risk of serious brain damage. The medical policies explain many protocols for injuries both on and off the field to allow players the safety and confidence in playing, knowing ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Positive Impact Of The Roman Republic The Greeks, made up of Athenians and Spartans, and the Romans, led by the Roman Republic and Roman Empire, ruled present day Middle East between 4th and 5th centuries BCE. In the Twelve Tables, it s clear that the Roman Republic killed those who do wrong (Doc 5). Meanwhile, the Athenians controlled their citizens through respect and appreciation of each citizens individuality (Doc 2). Both of the governments saw positive and negative impacts. While the Romans deserve credit for their accomplishments in government, the Greeks more effectively controlled their citizens, and saw more positive effects than the Romans. The citizens of the Greek city state Athens were more willing to cooperate with the Athenian government because they weren t oppressed (Doc 2). This conclusion can be drawn from Document 2, Enjoying Global History, written by Henry Abraham and Irwin Pfeffer as a part of the Amsco School Publications in 2006. Abraham and Pfeffer wanted to portray that Athens was a strong city state, since they did not list any of its negatives, which might bias the junior high age students it was intended for. In Greece, positive impact of free thought and independence is an opposite of the Roman ruling. According to the Twelve Tables, the Roman Republic controlled its citizens by threatening wrong doers with death (Doc 5). In Amnesty International s 2005 report on the death penalty, titled Facts and figures on the death penalty, 97% of all executions took place in China, ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Mommy And Toddler Observation Paper This week I meet up with my Nephew Omari who is currently 2 years old, going on 3 in January. We meet up at home and I sat back and just quietly witnessed the interaction between mommy and toddler. First observation of toddler is that sitting still is not in his vocabulary. He is on the go and in everything that he can get his hands on, mommy is on standby to intercept anything that could be dangerous but still lets him be. Toys litter the floor and he is not even focused on them but on what is on the nightstand (makeup, jewelry). Being that he is still little he cannot reach it (just yet) but his curiosity is in high gear and he wants them bad. After a few frustrated moments he cries, but mommy is there to console him and tell him in a very ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Marx Vs Adam Smith When we discuss the theory about Marx, we firstly need to differentiate his theory from other subsequent communism or marxism theorists like Vladimir Lenin, the best approach is to review his ideology in the aspects of politics and economics. We should not judge with the benefit of the hindsight, neglecting the era of his times. If we want to understand his ideology about politics, economics nexus and comprehend what he peddled in the mainstream view, we need to firstly canvass the economics view, from the most fundamental principle and then follows the politics view. Since Marx did not formed a systematic philosophy, we emphasis on the framework and interrelationship of politics and economics. From the publish order of works, it can be speculated that the Marx developed his economic thoughts before the political thoughts. However, his political thoughts, have a strong ideology, as mechanism to achieve his political thoughts. It might be not true in the works... Show more content on ... Marx s labor value theory, origins in Adam Smith s the wealth of nations; labor create value in the point of view of, and thought that labor create wealth and are allocated between the different classes, in the forms of wages, profit and rent (Marx 1867: 127 131; Smith ). Marx and Adam Smith are the same at this point. Their divergences were mainly in the deductive way. Herein, Smith discussed the distribution of wealth, he began to discuss quantitatively and accurately the relationship between the various elements in the production process (.Marx, on the other hand, has qualitatively discussed whether it is reasonable to allocate wealth so as to find surplus value (Marx 1867: The elaboration of marxist economics on economy is not focused on economy, but more is based on the discovery of surplus value, and proves the rationality of socialism economically (Marx 1867: ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Observation Of Gene Expression Using Various Plasmids Observation of gene expression using various plasmids (pUC18/lux), and their role in E. coli transformation Nawaz Rahman Panther ID: 5029032 Signature:____________________________________ Lab Partners: Manuel Vera Giselle Janoura Jeniffer Marranca Section U17 Abstract Small circular pieces of DNA molecules located inside the nucleoid in bacterial species (prokaryotes) are known as Plasmids.Plasmids do not dictate the survival of the host bacteria, but it can give rise to certain genes being activated, if required, providing certain benefits. Survival and reproduction in different environments can be considered as one of these benefits. In this experiment we add different ... Show more content on ... Coli forming into its own small colonies. No growth is also a possible outcome. The experiment contained a total of six different petri dishes, each containing different treatments to the E. coli. The first petri dish held ampicillin resistance gene, luria broth and E. Coli. This served as a positive control since there
  • 44. was basically nothing to stop the E. Coli from growing. The petri dish containing E.Coli, Luria Broth and ampicillin with no plasmids provided us with the opposite results. There was no growth. Since there were no plasmids in the dish all the E. Coli died hence showing no growth. In general E. Coli growth was directly proportional to the presence of ampicillin. If it so happens there was ampicillin in a petri dish with either the lux or ampicillin resistance gene, the result would depict a colonial growth. This is because the ampicillin and plasmid attack one another hence some die and the others live. On the other hand if there no ampicillin presents the petri dish would depict a lawn growth, because there is no ampicillin there to replicate. Introduction We began the experiment by adding plasmids, a vector, to the bacteria E. Coli to see the E. Coli growth with the plasmids in its DNA. Our results will conclude for us the correlation between the transformation of a plasmid and the growth of E. Coli. The process of ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Renaissance Vs Dark Ages Dbq Essay WHAT! Just to think that the Dark Age turn to an age of man. Believe or not, the history goes far back, beginning in the European history. In addition, the Middle Ages or sometimes called the Dark Age was a history of tragedy. According to the Background Essay, the Middle Ages primary peoples were Roman Catholic Church and Pope. Additionally, there were numerous illiteracy peoples widespread throughout Europe, and larger than 85 percent were peasant farmers called serfs. On the other hand, during the Renaissance, men spread literacy, art and create machines. Moreover, the scientific revolution, which transpired during the Renaissance, showed man the idea of a change in men s view. Though there isn t much data on the Renaissance or the Dark... Show more content on ... Just like Document D notes stated that every twelve zodiacs controlled a part of the body. For example, Aries the Ram controlled the head; Sagittarius the Archer controlled the thighs. Additionally, during the Dark Age, it was about Fantasy, unknown idea, and Church. On the other hand, during the Renaissance man took tools and dig deep, under the ground and uncover secrets of man s body. They uncovered bones, flesh, organs, and soon realized that man wasn t a puppet controlled by zodiac, but man controlled their own body. In addition to uncovering the secret of men, a famous doctor dissected human corpses to better understand human, he also found bones, flesh, organs, but the zodiac theory became unreasonable. Overall, the way that man change shift to see how man truly is, show that man had a vision that wasn t right during the Middle Ages. Men dig deeper and found that theory in Middle Age wasn t as reasonable as theory in the ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Water Landslide Research Paper The Water Slide Slip Have you ever made a bad decision? Chances are, YOU HAVE! Maybe spilled something on the floor and not cleaned it up, or deciding to kick your cousin in the face for not leaving the elevator... Anyway, my decision in this story has nothing to do with the second one. But it is a VERY BAD CHOICE, with a VERY, VERY BAD consequence! It is the time when I left my spilt water on the floor, and my uncle suffered! Uh oh..... It was getting late, the sky was dimming, and the fridge and blender were calling my name! That s right, SNACK TIME!!! I ran out of my room, through the hall, and took a sharp right turn into the kitchen! As fast as lighting I grabbed my vitamin water out of the fridge, grabbed a cup filled with ice, and tossed ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Decrease Of Honey Bees The honeybee as a pollinator has a huge influence to not only the agriculture, but the agriculture around the world as well. These bees play a huge role in food production, although the decline in pollination will take a huge toll on not only food production, however the human race as well. The believed cause of this decrease is believed to be from the insecticides farmers use on their plants and a deadly parasite that kills bees in their own hive. The decrease in honeybee colonies began in 2006 2007 winter, when American honeybee farmers noticed bees and queen bees were dying at alarming rates, producing less honey and not pollinating as frequent. ( Colony Collapse Disorder ). The main believed cause for the loss of so many bees are pesticides, ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Native American Stories Of The American Indian Stories By... Throughout much of the history of Native Americans we can see a pattern of times of intense hardship and adversity in many different forms. Likewise we can see hardship in the various Native American stories of Zitkala sa, Momaday, Alexie, and Silko. However adversity and hardship are not necessarily crippling or damning, in fact in this paper we will see how the various problems faced by these native americans, be it the fictional characters in the stories themselves or the authors of the story s actually empowered them and often times made them stronger people as a whole be it as leaders of their community or simply people to look up too. In this paper we will attempt to answer the question. Is it possible that a good can come from... Show more content on ... This choice she makes shows that even though she probably anticipates and eventually receives backlash from her family and community for choosing to stay at the school and further difficulty in connecting with the other students around her, she recognizes the importance of her education and remains at the school anyway not only showing a maturity well ahead of her age in being able to recognize when something is good for you but also being able to make the choice you believe to be right even in the face of adversity. After deciding to stay at the school, zitkala sa picks up competitive speech she is meet with further adversity when during one of her competitions she is met with a racist and bigoted crowd that unrelentingly harass her. However again we can see a admirable mental fortitude as instead of backing down from the adversity she instead faces it head on and goes on to not only participate in but win the competition. However the final and perhaps greatest example of Zitkala sa s growth comes from after the story has ended and we look at her life. From these examples in the past already listed and our knowledge of the adversities Native Americans continued to face throughout much of her life time we ... Get more on ...
  • 49. John Mackey, Cofounder and Co-CEO of Whole Market,... John Mackey, Cofounder and Co CEO of Whole Market, Believes in Conscious Capitalism (pp. 29 30) What role, if any, does McGregor s Theory Y play at Whole Foods? Explain. Mackey clearly took notes on McGregor s theories on how and why people are the way they are at work. He took more to the Theory Y side: the moral and loyal view of people at work. Mackey feels that he and the company are viewed and based on the more heroic side of things, meaning that he aims to not only provide to the world his services and products but to also leave some type of impact. Mackey states that it is more important to value your conscious business versus maximizing on your profits and the shareholder values. Mackey also calls on the theory of ... Show more content on ... That is what animates me personally. That is what animates the company. I resisted that purpose for a long time, by the way. I actually thought we were in some variant of service that is was really about fulfilling the good. The team members consistently told me I was wrong, that we had a different purpose. It was this more heroic purpose. Outdated (Theory X) Assumptions Modern (Theory Y) Assumptions About People About People At Workat Work 1. Most people dislike work; 1. Work is a natural activity, like play or rest. They avoid it when they can.2. People are capable of self direction and self 2. Most people must be coerced andcontrol if they are committed to objectives. Threatened with punishment before3. People generally become committed to They will work. People require close organizational objectives if they are rewarded Direction when they are working. For doing so. 3. Most people actually prefer to be 4. The typical employee can learn to accept and Directed. They tend to avoid seek responsibility. Responsibility and exhibit little ambition. 5. The typical member of the general population They are interested only in security. Has imagination, ingenuity, and creativity. McGregor s Theory Y (pg. 8 ) In 1960, Douglas McGregor wrote a book entitled The Human Side of Enterprise, which ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Communication Devices Are The Key Of Success For Every... What are communication devices? Communication devices are the key of success for every business. Without any communication devices, we won t be able to contact or keep in touch with the business. There are many communication devices that are beneficial to all business. Topics discussed in this manual: 1.Telephone 2.Voicemail 3.E mail 4.Fax 5.Video and Web Conferencing Telephone Definition: Telephone or phone, is a telecommunications device that permits two or more users to conduct a conversation when they are too far apart to be heard directly ( Telephone ). Office Use: Telephone is used to communicate with a customer one on one talk from irrespective of distance. The telephone is the first communication choice for customers because it s easy and more convenient. When communicating through the phone, you get a better understanding of the conversation. Cost: Cost of phone depends on the features and the brand of the phone. Importantly, is the plan you choose. Advantages: 1)Telephone is very easy to use as well as it s very quick. 2)Communication through telephone is available all the time because now days, everyone uses the phone and should have a phone. 3)Distance is not a matter because you can communicate with a person even if he or she is from the other side of the world. Disadvantage: 1)Sometime voice can t hear clearly because of connection problems 2)Telephone cannot provide face to face conversation 3)Sometime telephone cause communication ... Get more on ...
  • 51. An Analysis of Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge(2001) is an Oscar winning master piece from director Baz Luhrmann. It followed the success and recognition of Romeo + Juliet (1996) and Strictly Ballroom (1992). All three films were recognized for Luhrmann s characteristic style. His films feature stylistic choices such as blue and red lighting, the use of rapid cuts and vibrant, period accurate costume. To analyze Luhrmann s use of the four elements of the stylistic system, I will consider two specific scenes from the film, namely El Tango De Roxanne and the first meeting between the Duke, Christian and Satine. Although they both feature singing and dancing, the mood evoked by each contrasts completely. Every film uses the stylistic system to structure a narrative that ... Show more content on ... To follow the dialogue, Luhrmann crosses the axis of action. Bordwell and Thompson define the axis of action as; the imaginary line that passes from side to side through the main actors, defining all the spatial relations of all the elements of the scene as being to the right or left. The camera is not supposed to cross the axis at a cut and thus reverse those spatial relations. (2008, pg 477). Luhrmann manages to cross the axis of action by moving his camera around the outside of the group of characters. This way, the audience doesn t get disorientated by a constant changing of character positions but also enables them to see all the characters in relation to one another and their reactions to the dialogue. When the music begins and the characters are doing choreographed dance steps, the takes become longer and the shot scale is long to medium. This is done specifically so that the audience can take in all the action and spectacle in each shot. Luhrmann also makes use of quick camera movements; such as the whip pan (quick rotation on the horizontal axis) when moving from character to character during the song which once again enforces how busy the scene is. The entire scene takes place in the elephant outside the Moulin Rouge which is Satine s private boudoir and the place that she entertains all her male guests. The dГ©cor inside is very oriental and opulent; the predominant colours are red and gold with rich ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Asynchronous Technologies Support Learning And Teaching Now that the LMS for the organization has been identified, the committee will determine the different assets that can be integrated into the LMS. The committee must also decide if the material will be delivered to the students synchronously, asynchronously, or as a combination of the two. Synchronous learning environments support learning and teaching and offer students and teachers with multiple ways of interacting, sharing, and the ability to collaborate and ask questions in real time through synchronous learning technologies. Examples of synchronous online technology types include videoconferencing, webcasts, interactive learning models, and telephone conferences (Er et al., 2009;, 2012). In an asynchronous learning environment students are able to actively participate in their own learning, giving them the opportunity to interact with their peers, provide peer feedback, and reflect on the status of their personal learning goals and outcomes (Harris et al., 2009; Simonson et al., 2012). Asynchronous technologies support learning and allow more time for student reflection, collaboration, and student to student interactions (Skylar, 2009; Meloni, 2010). According to Meloni (2010) asynchronous communication and learning is by far the more popular learning type because many of the learning tools are free, require minimal hardware, and are used at the student s pace. Recent research into the usage and efficacy of synchronous tools has indicated that these ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Measure The Effectiveness Of Naps A nap is a short period of sleep, typically taken between the hours of 9am and 9pm as an adjunct to the usual nocturnal sleep period. Naps are most often taken as a response to drowsiness during waking hours. A nap is a form of biphasic or polyphasic sleep, where the latter terms also include longer periods of sleep in addition to one single period. Cultural attitudes toward napping during the work day vary. In many Western cultures, children and the elderly are expected to nap during the day and are provided with designated periods and locations to do so. In these same cultures, most working adults are not expected to sleep during the day and napping on the job is widely considered unacceptable. Other cultures serve their largest meals at... Show more content on ... Negative effects For those suffering from insomnia or depression, naps may aggravate already disrupted sleep wake patterns. Power nap A power nap, also known as a Stage 2 nap, is a short slumber of 20 minutes or less which terminates before the occurrence of deep slow wave sleep, intended to quickly revitalize the napper. The expression power nap was coined by Cornell University social psychologist James Maas. The 20 minute nap increases alertness and motor skills. People who regularly take these short naps, or catnaps as they used to be called, may develop a good idea of the duration which works best for them, as well as which tools, environment, position, and associated factors help produce the best results. Power naps are effective even when schedules allow a full night s sleep. Mitsuo Hayashi and Tadao Hori have demonstrated that a nap improves mental performance, even after a full night s sleep. Stimulant or caffeine ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Negative Effects Of Substance Abuse Negative Effect of Substance Abuse Substance abuse has effects on everyday users. The effects of using illegal and legal substances may be fatal or even cause death. Alcohol and cigarettes are known as gateway drug that can lead someone to more extreme drugs such as heroin, meth, and other harmful drugs (Myers 23 24). Gateway drugs lead more people to use and abuse the drugs they find to cope with the life they have now or maybe in the future. Substance abuse has negative effect on young teens and adults in the real world socially,physically, and emotionally. The first effect is the social effect this is more harmful than physical and emotional put together ( Social Effects of an Addiction ). Social effects can cause depression this can cause more effect like suicidal thought. Drug abuse can also lead to crimes like stealing, underage drinking, and underage buying (Myers 47). Leading to crimes are bad enough but getting caught up with trouble can ruin your life ,you can be sent to jail for wanting to get high. Adding to this is that dropout drug users are much more likely to be involved with violent criminal activity.(Ojeda 24). Young teens are suffering from addiction in school this can cause teens to start failing or stop concentrating and learning you can not study while high or out of reality ( Substance Abuse ),(Myers 13). Teen will not get anything done if their high their want to be lazy and want to feel relax and feel like their back in control of the life but ... Get more on ...