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Essay On Leisure Activities
Writing an essay on the topic of leisure activities can present its own set of challenges. While the
subject may seem broad and enjoyable at first glance, delving into the intricacies of various
leisure pursuits demands a nuanced approach. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between
engaging the reader and providing informative content.
Firstly, one must navigate the diverse spectrum of leisure activities, encompassing everything
from sports and hobbies to entertainment and relaxation. Selecting the right activities to discuss
requires careful consideration, as each choice could influence the tone and direction of the essay.
Additionally, maintaining a coherent structure is crucial to avoid a disjointed narrative, given the
potential for numerous subtopics.
Research becomes another essential aspect. Accurate information on the history, benefits, and
cultural significance of different leisure activities is necessary to provide a comprehensive
overview. This requires sifting through various sources and synthesizing information to present a
well-rounded perspective.
The challenge continues with crafting a compelling introduction that captures the reader's
attention and introduces the significance of leisure activities. Following this, each paragraph
must seamlessly transition to the next, creating a fluid narrative that holds the reader's interest.
Balancing factual information with engaging anecdotes or examples is essential to keep the essay
both informative and enjoyable.
Furthermore, the writer must be mindful of their tone. Striking the right balance between
formality and relatability is crucial when discussing leisure activities, as the subject inherently
involves personal preferences and experiences.
Concluding the essay poses its own set of challenges. Summarizing the main points without
being repetitive and leaving a lasting impression on the reader requires finesse. The conclusion
should encourage reflection on the importance of leisure activities in one's life, tying together the
various elements discussed throughout the essay.
In essence, writing an essay on leisure activities demands careful thought, meticulous research,
and skilled execution to create a piece that is both informative and engaging. It is a task that
requires the writer to navigate a diverse landscape of topics while maintaining coherence and
For those who find this task daunting, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays
and a variety of writing services can be explored on platforms like, where
experienced writers can provide guidance and support in crafting well-structured and compelling
essays on a wide range of topics.
Essay On Leisure ActivitiesEssay On Leisure Activities
Money Politics And Political Godfatherism In Nigeria
Nigeria is one of the African countries that is responding to Western pressures to
make its states acquire a liberal and democratic culture. Over the years, Nigeria has
practiced what can be described as fraudulent democracy. This democracy has been
characterized by obnoxious acts such as indiscriminately using money and by very
powerful and influential members of the elite class, popularly called ‚political
godfathers, imposing political leaders on the people. This situation has already
become a culture in Nigeriabecause many politicians who want to contest and win
electionsalways look for such persons to support them. This means that they no longer
depend on the electorates to win elections, but instead rely on the political godfathers.
This political culture was truncated in the 2007 gubernatorial electionin Edo state,
Nigeria. This paper examines how the problem of money politics and political
godfatherism can be eliminated from Nigeria s politics in order to strengthen
democratic governance in the country. The methodology of the study is essentially
analytical and based on lessons from... Show more content on ...
4, No. 2 67
Money Politics and Political Godfatherism An Overview
Money politics refers to the excessive use of financial resources to encourage
illegal activities or behaviours in politics, especially during periods of election. On
the other hand, political godfatherism describes a situation in which very powerful
and influential members of the elite class use their power, money and influence to
determine who should rule or occupy a given political office and who impose these
leaders on the people. The leaders are generally forced upon the masses through
intimidation, harassment and an excessive use of money. Political godfathers act as
the financial backbone for politicians who want to occupy political offices at all cost.
Such political office holders usually become tied to the apron string of their
godfathers. According to Igbuzor
Essay On Therapeutic Hypothermia
As told, therapeutic hypothermia is a process which is used by doctors to help
reduce damage to patient s body and brain function after a cardiac arrest, which
commonly knows as a stroke. Cardiac arrest can be sudden and deadly to people.
Cardiac arrest is often caused by ventricular fibrillation, where patient s heart
experience rapid and sudden impulse. In result, patient s heart is not beating hard
enough and can t pump enough bloodto other organs and result organ failure.
Particularly to patient s brain because it s the first part of the body suffers, all
depends on an uninterrupted supply of blood. Reduced blood flow to your brain
causes unconsciousness and for a long term can fatal damage to people. Now we
have the way to cure patient... Show more content on ...
In the end, these diseases can be cured and the level of risk will decrease by
performing this procedure. Specifically, the purpose of this procedure is the
reduce the speed of the oxygen from moving up to the brain and does eternal
damage to the patient. This method of therapeutic hypothermia was first found
over 5,000 years ago. It started by a French physician described the case of a
lunatic who escaped from asylum and wandered naked in the winter, subsequently,
the person reported to have been cured of his mania ( History of therapeutic
hypothermia ) This procedure wasn t really familiar until more research was done
and more factors of the procedure was decided. Such as the procedure must be
performed for 24 hours, and the patient s body temperature must be maintained
around 32 34 degrees Celsius. Then technology advances and machines came in place
to help to make the procedure much safer like surface heating exchange device and
cool helmets, both help to measure and ensure the patient s temperature is at its right
temperature level. About the surface heat exchange device, it was first invented in the
Mexican Independence
Mexican Independence In New Spain, the Bourbon monarchies in 1808 1810
encouraged some creoles leaders to strike for total independence under the cover of
Ferdinand. On July 1808, Napoleon s capture of Charles the VI and Ferdinand the
VII, and capture of Spain reached Mexico causing intense debate between Mexican
elites. Creoles and Peninsulars prepared to take power and ensure their group would
have power over the other; New Spain, like other Spanish colonies, went through the
crisis of the Bourbon monarchy from 1808 1810. Yet, in Mexicowhat pushed for
independence from Spain would be the elite s race for power.
The creoles were the first to take action. The Mexico City cabildo called on the
viceroy to summon an assembly. It was ... Show more content on ...
It was followed by a long period of war at the Siege of Cuautla. Morelos military
efforts were hampered by differences with fractious civilian allies and by his
decision to establish a representative government at a time. In 1815, Morelos was
captured by Spanish colonial authorities, tried and executed for treason in San
CristГіbal Ecatepec on 22 December.
After ten years of civil war and the death of two of its founders, by early 1820 the
independence movement was stalemated and close to collapse. The rebels faced
stiff Spanish military resistance and the apathy of many of the most influential
criollos. The violent excesses and populist zeal of Hidalgo s and Morelos s irregular
armies had reinforced many criollos fears of race and class warfare, ensuring their
grudging acquiescence to conservative Spanish rule until a less bloody path to
independence could be found. It was at this juncture that the machinations of a
conservative military caudillo coinciding with a successful liberal rebellion in Spain,
made possible a radical realignment of the proindependence forces. Vicente Guerror,
planned to combine independence, monarchy, the supremacy of the Roman Catholic
Church, and the civil equality of the creoles and peninsulares.
While stationed in the town of Iguala, Iturbide
Zeus Relationship With Gods And Mortals Summary
By Aditya P.
Throughout the article, Zeus s Relationships with Gods and Mortals , Dowden
attempts to highlight the importance of Zeus in classical mythology by portraying
his relationship with gods and mortals alike. Dowden describes Zeus to be a special
god since he is the only god to have survived the Indo European times. In addition,
Dowden evaluates Zeus s importance by establishing his relationships with the gods
as a role of the father, brother, and husband, also in conjunction with Zeus s birth and
death, Titanomachy, Typhon, and gigantomachy. To further the relevance of Zeus in
classical mythology, Dowden examines Zeus s relationships with humans by
exploiting his adultery, begetter of gods and mortals, the color of myth, and
Ganymade. Thus, Dowden illustrates the importance of Zeus in classical mythology
and history through the use of various key themes.
One of the main themes Dowden employs to portray Zeus importance is his role of
being a father. Dowden claims that Zeus ... Show more content on ...
He further goes on to explain how Zeus obtained that power through the
Titanomachy; where he fought the Titans with the help of his siblings along with
the thunder and lightning that was given to him by the Cyclops and banished the
Titans into Tartarus. Furthermore, within classical Greek history people developed
a word for this katatartaroö, which means to utterly tartarise, according to
Dowden. Thus, Zeus played a huge role in shaping classical Greece and an
example of this includes the origin of Mt Etna in Sicily, which was thought to be
flames of the monster Typhon, who was defeated by Zeus. Dowden claims that this
tale was repatriated into the Hellenistic age as well. Many of these stories help to
explain the history of Classical Greece, while also demonstrating the reign of Zeus,
and appraising him for this
Oprah Winfrey s Influence
With the word influential , many connotations and definitions come to mind
including, honorable, determined and committed to providing change for others.
Oprah Winfrey fits all of the aspects along with her having the capacity to have an
effect on the character, development, and behavior of people. Being able to reach
hundreds of millions of people, Oprah is known worldwide for being a therapeutic
medicinal friend through TV screens, working to enable teenage females of South
Africa the right to education and has been awarded for her achievements and
professionalism.Oprah s trauma and experience with rape and, a teenage pregnancy
forced her to take advantage of her education, leading to Oprah changing her life and
the lives of others. The... Show more content on ...
As a way to clarify the blurred dimensions between her talk show and others similar
Oprah states in a quote, If there s a thread running through each show we do, it is
the message that you are not alone . Entertainment is the last thing I am looking
for ... My goal is to try to uplift, encourage and enlighten you in some way. I m
looking for the moment that makes you say, Ah ha, I didn t know that. (Marshall,
Christine, and Kiran) The universal struggle is the exploration of an issue of
recurrence in the universe. Oprah s talk show and way of perceiving difficulties
found in life offer her show to be viewed as a modern forum and confessional. It is
difficult for anyone to share their stories on a TV show which millions of people
view. The fear of judgement is always on the back of the participant s mind and
never leaves. Oprah uses the stories from the participants to convey the universal
struggle once again on a larger scale. Having the connections of many people and
being viewed by millions often tend for people to listen to her and what she has to
say and what she believes is important. For a person to sit back and watch a talk show
and easily be influenced takes a lot of effort and intelligence in the area. Oprah uses
mind cure , a way of breaking the boundaries of a closed minded person
Werewolves Beliefs
Carine Kessie
Prof: Van De Water
English 2010 29
Friday 24, 2017
Origin of Werewolves
Throughout history, there are records of the trials of confessed or accused
werewolves. In fact, they were questioned and executed the same way witches were,
because they often witches were considered also werewolves. These so called
werewolf s trials give us a historical glimpse at rampant human belief in werewolves.
Some of the people who were accused of being werewolves were arrested because
villagers needed someone to blame for dead livestock or some other unexplainable
occurrences. Also others were accused because actions far more sinister and less
likely to be contrived.
Wolves figure prominently in the mythology of nearly every Native American tribe.
... Show more content on ...
One of the earliest and best known iterations is found in the Roman poet Ovid s
poem Metamorphoses, which was published in 8 AD. According to Ovid: King
Lycaon was the tyrant of Arcadia. One day Zeus came to Lycaon s palace
masquerading as an ordinary man. After Zeus had revealed his true identity, the
king secretly planned to test whether Zeus was actually a god. So, King Lycaon
killed one of his hostages named Epirus, boiled and roasted the victim s flesh, and
served it to Zeus. However, Zeus did not eat it given to him. Extremely enraged
and also disgusted by what the king has done, he set the king s palace on fire and
killed all of the king s sons (50 sons in total). He also cursed the king, and sent him
into the wild where he transformed into a howling
Pakistan As A Favourite Whipping Boy
THE kings of yore often kept a whipping boy who could be used to vent their
frustrations on and be blamed for their mistakes and misfortune. Today, America
appears to have adopted Pakistan as its favourite whipping boy.
Pakistan s historically close relationship with the US is on a divergent path due to
America s growing alliance with India designed to contain China s rising power. This
process of divergence is likely to be accelerated by US pressure on Pakistan to do
three things: release Shakil Afridi, the doctor recruited by the CIA to take DNA
samples from Osama bin Laden s Abbottabad hideout; take military action against the
Haqqani network and refrain from deploying theatre nuclear weapons against India.
The demand for Afridi s release may be designed to secure continued publicity for US
success in killing Bin Laden and to assure current and potential CIA spies that they
will enjoy American protection . The expectation that Pakistan would override its
own judicial system and overlook Afridi s treasonous behaviour reflects the normal
American arrogance. Unfortunately, there are precedents where Pakistan has allowed
other traitors to exit the country. Many known foreign agents roam free in Pakistan.
In Afridi s case, it has become difficult for Pakistan to compromise on its principles
because of public American coercion. Perhaps some gestures from Washington, such
as finally offering a formal apology and adequate compensation for the accidental
killing of 29
The Gastrointestinal Tract, The Immune System And
Nowadays there are a large number of investigations related to the microbiota and
health not only of the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system but also the nervous
system and mental health. Likewise, changes in the microbiota are implicated in the
increasing tendency for a broad range of inflammatory diseases such as allergic
disease, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity and the presence of non communicable
diseases (NCDs) for instance, cardiovascular diseases (like heart attacks and stroke),
cancers, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructed pulmonary disease
and asthma) and diabetes. Studies have suggested strategies that would regulate the
intestinal microbiota for reducing the risk of such diseases, ... Show more content on ...
The gut microbiota is involved in the regulation of multiple host metabolic pathways,
giving rise to interactive host microbiota metabolic, signaling, and immune
inflammatory axes that physiologically connect the gut, liver, muscle, and brain. A
deeper understanding of these axes is a prerequisite for optimizing therapeutic
strategies to manipulate the gut microbiota to combat disease and improve health (4).
Interactions between the gut microbiota and the host immune system begin at birth.
Some epidemiological studies suggest that C section babies may have an elevated
risk for developing immune and metabolic disorders, including Type 1 diabetes,
allergies, asthma and obesity. Scientists have theorized that these children may be
missing key bacteria known to play a large role in shaping the immune system from
the moment of birth onward. Babies delivered by cesarean section (C section)
acquire a microbiota that differs from that of vaginally delivered infants, and C
section delivery has been associated with increased risk for immune and metabolic
disorders. Dominguez Bello et al conducted a pilot study in which infants delivered
by C section were exposed to maternal vaginal fluids at birth. A mother s vaginal
fluids loaded with one such essential bacterium,
The Importance Of Food Allergies
According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), food
allergies are defined as an adverse immune response that occurs upon on exposure to
a given food and is distinct from other adverse responses to food. Food allergies are
an increasingly prevalent and chronic condition that requires attentive management
by those affected by it . According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
more than 50 million Americans have an allergyof some kind. Food allergies are
estimated to affect 4 to 6 percent of children and 4 percent of adults. Food allergies
are most commonly seen in babies and children, but they can appear at any stage in
life. A food allergyis an immune response that typically occurs after food is ingested.
Symptoms usually occur immediately or within hours of ingestion, and can affect
the cutaneous, gastrointestinal, cardiac and/or respiratory systems (Crain, 2011).
Current management includes avoidance of the offending food and emergency
medications as needed. It is estimated that 1 in 13 children have a food allergy. As
reactions to food allergies can be severe and even fatal, it is important for those who
have food allergies to fully understand how to manage them. Some of the most
common food allergies include peanut allergy, Cow s milk protein allergy, more
common than food allergies are food intolerances, which can cause vomiting,
diarrhea, spitting up, and skin rashes. A food intolerancediffers from allergies because
Biography of Michelangelo Essay
Biography of Michelangelo The second of five brothers, Michelangelo was born
on March 6, 1475, at Caprese, in Tuscany, to Ludovico di Leonardo di Buonarotto
Simoni and Francesca Neri. The same day, his father noted down: Today March 6,
1475, a child of the male sex has been born to me and I have named him
Michelangelo. He was born on Monday between 4 and 5 in the morning, at Caprese,
where I am the PodestГ . Although born in the small village of Caprese,
Michelangelo always considered himself a son of Florence, as did his father, a Citizen
of Florence.
His Childhood and Youth
Buonarroti s mother, Francesca Neri, was too sick and frail to nurse Michelangelo,
so he was placed with a wet nurse, in a family of stone cutters, ... Show more content
on ...
In Michelangelo s personal diary he recounts his first two works: My first work
was a small bas relief, The Madonna of the Stairs. Mary, Mother of God, sits on the
rock of the church. The child curls back into her body. She foresees his death, and
his return on the stairway to heaven. My second work, another small relief. My
tutor read me the myth of the battle of the Lapiths against the Centaurs. The wild
forces of Life, locked in heroic combat. Already at 16, my mind was a battlefield:
my love of pagan beauty, the male nude, at war with my religious faith. A polarity of
themes and spiritual, the other earthly, I ve kept these carvings on the
walls of my studio to this very day.
His patron Lorenzo died in 1492; two years later Michelangelo fled Florence, when
the Medici were temporarily expelled.
His Studies of Anatomy
During the years he spent in the Garden of San Marco, Michelangelo began to study
human anatomy. In exchange for permission to study corpses, the prior of the church
of Santo Spirito, NiccolГІ Bichiellini, received a wooden Crucifix from
Michelangelo. But his contact with the dead bodies caused problems with his health,
obliging him to interrupt his activities periodically.
Good Afternoon Team Communication
Good Afternoon team players! After coming from a seminar for the health care
industry, it is intriguing that the team as a whole must come together and have
communication. The important thing is communication; this will help each and
every person to communicate more successfully. Every person works in the same
workplace and must have an understanding amongst one another as a team. However,
having communicationeach person must have define, organization, and implement.
Nevertheless, when going to the conference, it is known that a person should not just
focus on working in the healthcare environment, but instead, he or she as individuals
should concentrate on the patients. The conference taught not just numerous but
others how active listening
Covenant House Research Paper
Did you know that, 54% of homeless shelters are youth shelter ?(Emergency
homeless shelters in the GTA)The majority of Toronto s homeless community is
youth based, so care for them is extremely important. Their future is on the line if
they do not get the help that they need. Covenant House and Horizons for Youth
(HFY) are two very popular youth shelters, but the things that are important when a
youth is looking for a youth shelter are; what programs they offer, the location, and
the choice between an abstinence based system or a harm reduction program.
Covenant House offers the superior service when it comes to all of these things.
Although, both shelters claim to offer both the same support and programs, Covenant
House offers a transition house whereas Horizons for Youth does not. The reason this
program is important is because, When kids are experiencing a... Show more content
on ...
The reason for that is because, for youth who have addiction problems or anxiety
about being around intoxicated people, it can help with anxiety issues. Covenant
House has made the choice to use the abstinence program because This keeps our
kids safer and offers a positive choice for those who are trying to make changes. It is
very difficult for youth who are trying to quit drugs and alcohol to be surrounded by it
in their environment. They sometimes come to us straight from treatment centers.
(Abstinence Based, 2014.) HFY has chosen to use harm reduction. This program
allows youth to go into the shelter intoxicated, because Homeless youth are likely to
engage in risky health behaviours (About Youth Homelessness,2014) Covenant House
s choice to use the abstinence program opposed to harm reduction allows a more
comfortable atmosphere for others in the residence, but also ensures those who suffer
from addiction have the opportunity to
The Intent For Outpatient Prospective Payment System
The intent for Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems is to provide a system to
predict and manage program expenditures by setting a fixed payment amount to
groups of services. The outpatient prospective payment system classifies hospital
outpatient services into Ambulatory Payment Classifications. Ambulatory Payment
Classifications are assigned by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services and
are updated annually. Ambulatory Payment Classifications are services that are
similar in the aspect of the resources required to provide the service. The Outpatient
Prospective Payment System was developed to control the costs for healthcare
services by using a bundled payment system. The Balanced Budget Refinement Act of
1999 mandated other... Show more content on ...
Hospitals are subject to a 2% reduction in the annual payment if they do not meet
certain requirements of the Quality Data Reporting criteria. If the hospital does meet
the criteria, there is a financial incentive they can receive. With most of the services,
the patient will pay the deductible for that year. Once the patient meets the deductible,
Medicare pays the rest of the charges, less the copay or coinsurance the patient must
meet. On certain services, such as a screening mammogram, the patient is not liable
for a deductible. The Outpatient Prospective Payment System pays for services that
are designated as outpatient hospital services, partial hospitalization services,
hepatitis B vaccines and their administration, casts, splints, and initial preventative
physical exams that are received within the first 12 months of the Medicare Part B
coverage becoming effective. Other services that are included are x rays, stitches,
hospital charges for an emergency room visit, surgeries that are done on an outpatient
basis, observation services due to an illness or injury and the administration of certain
drugs that you cannot give
Nurses Diverse Cultural Background And Impact On Care
Nurses diverse cultural background and impact on care Tabytha Balash Ohio
University Nurses diverse cultural background and impact on care Cultural
diversity is when a group of individuals from different cultures come together. The
cultural differences include; race, ethnicity, language, nationality, religion, age,
gender, social status, or sexual orientation come together (Andrews, Boyle, 2016).
Cultural diversity incorporates how individuals perceive themselves, and how he
or she perceives others of different cultures or sub cultures. Age or generation is an
essential aspect of workforce diversity. Generation is important because the
individuals are born within the same time period, providing common views, and
beliefs because of the common exposure at a young age (Rajput, Bali, Kesarwani,
2013). This paper will provide an overview of the four Generations represented in
the current workforce today, an overview of the generation that I belong to, and
lastly, an explanation of how one group can learn from another. Overview of Four
Generations The four generations presented in this paper are: The Veterans, The
Baby Boomers, Generation X, and the Millennias. The Veterans, also known as
seniors or traditionalist, were born between 1925 and 1945 (Andrews Boyle 2016).
These individuals lived through the world wars, overcame economic hardship, and
have chosen to continue to work past the common retirement age. This group of
individuals believe they work out of
Foster Care Persuasive Essay
Faith Holbrook Persuasive:
Foster Care
Should we spend taxpayer dollars on the foster care system?
When it comes time to pay taxes do you ever wonder about just what some of the
money you pay goes towards? Well, some of your money goes into a multibillion
dollar organization called the foster care system. I believe that we shouldn t be using
taxpayer dollars on the foster care system. I think this because: There have been
cases of abuse, children have been shown to end up with trauma or emotional
disabilities, and a high percentage of kids aren t successful in life after being
involved in the system.
One reason why taxpayer dollars shouldn t be used on the foster care system is
because the fact that abuse occurs. And I personally think that the money the
working people pay in their taxes, shouldn t be going to an organization that has
multiple cases of abuse going on in their foster homes. These are the homes that are
supposed to take care of children, be their safe haven. That is, until their family
hopefully works the problems that are going on out. On that note, according to an
article through ABC news written by Cynthia Mcfadden, Sally Schofield, the
foster mother of Logan Marr, was found guilty June 25 of wrapping the 5 year old
s body with 42 feet of duct tape during a timeout, causing the little girl to suffocate.
This woman was supposed to take care of this child in her time of need for love and
compassion. What she did to her, is unforgivable, and
Curleys Wife Analysis
Curly s Wife
Curlys Wife is a very powerful and yet powerless character within the novel Of Mice
and Men as Steinbeck uses her to reflect the prejudice against women in the 1930s
since they had very little rights. Just from her title Curlys Wife she has no actual
name, this shows that she is just Curlys property and powerless in the sense that she
hasn t got her own individual identity, only an identity through her husband, also she
doesn t have enough power to be called a woman instead she is discriminated
against and is called derogatory terms such as a tart when Slim first speaks of her to
George by saying I think Curly married a tart showing no respect for her
From the beginning of when she is introduced in the novel she ... Show more content
on ...
From the word soft in the sentence The sun streaks were high on the wall by now,
and the light was growing soft we are reminded of Curlys Wife s soft velvet hair that
Lennie liked and lost control with, taking us back to the seriousness of her death and
feeling empathy for her character
To conclude, Steinbeck uses Curlys Wife to get the readers awareness of how
much women were discriminated against in the 1930s and how lonely and isolated
she was because of her being a female. She wasn t seen as her own individual
person but as a strand of someone else; her husband Curly. She used her best
quality: her beauty to get the attention of the other guys on the ranch because she
doesn t like her husband Curly and had a dream to become a famous actress in the
Movies. She went past the rule of staying away from Lennie because of her desire
to be noticed and be listened to by someone, this then led to her death which added to
the part of everyone s dreams not coming
Unit 4222 324 communication needs
Unit 4222 324 Support individuals with specific communication needs.
Kate Wilson
Outcome 1 understand specific communication needs and factors affecting them.
1.1 Explain the importance of meeting an individual s communication needs?
Individuals that have communication problems need help and support to enable them
to express themselves in the way they want, it s important that you find out the best
way for the individual to communicate for example it may be through sign language
or writing what they want to say down on paper, you must respect their preferred
method of communication as it is everyone s human right to communicate and not
allowing them to do so is stopping them from expressing their options and rights.
2.1 ... Show more content on ...
You may be working with doctors or speech therapists.
2.2 contribute to identifying the communication methods or aids that will best suit
the individual.
As some peoples communication can change day to day due to medical or physical
conditions you can help to identify the best methods to suit them by monitoring them
and reporting what you find to your manager they can then put in place aids or
different methods that will best suit the individual. Also they will be able to set up
meetings with the appropriate people e.g. speech therapist.
2.3 Explain how and when to access information and support about identifying and
addressing specific communication needs.
You can access the service users care plan this will help you to identify any specific
needs that they may have, you can then give them the support that is needed to
deliver the best possible care
Outcome 3 Be able to interact with individuals using their preferred communication.
3.1 Prepare the environment to facilitate communication.
You can find out how the individual feels more comfortable, it could be one to one
or they may prefer to be in a group. Make sure there is not a lot of background noise
and distractions have a good seating arrangement where you can see and hear each
other without having things in the way and so you don t have to shout to hear each
Prospective Payment System
Background of the MS DRG s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
adopted the Medical Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS DRGs) for use in the
Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) in the fiscal year 2008, which ran
from October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008. CMS was influenced by the
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MEDPAC) and the hospitalcommunity to
use a severity adjusted DRG system.
Steps for Determining a MS DRG
There are four steps in determining the MS DRG. The first step is the pre MDC
assignment. This was added in version 8 revision of DRGs. It is the principal IDC
procedure that determines the MS DRG. The encounter has to qualify for pre MDC
assignment for the process to be complete and there are no
Research Critique
The Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC] (2008) report that all professional
nurses have a responsibility to deliver care based on current evidence, best practice
and validated research when it is available, Gomm and Davies (2000) confirm this by
stating that government and professional guidance insist that professional practice
should be based on evidence.
Nurses are the largest professional group among health care workers worldwide; they
carry out numerous interventions with patients and patient s carers. The nurse s
decisions and actions affect the lives of many people, and therefore, it is sound
knowledge that nursing practice should be based on robust evidence (Parahoo 2006).
Burns and Grove (2005), state that a solid research base ... Show more content on ...
The abstract in article A clearly states the method used, their findings and a
conclusion, and from this the reader would be able to decide if the article was
appropriate for their search, without first having to read the whole article.
The authors of article A have written a good clear background section, which clearly
states the reason for the research, and the reviewer is of the opinion that the authors
have looked at previous studies and found a gap in the knowledge, hence the need
for this research piece to be conducted. The reviewer was unsure whether this
background section was actually the literature review, as there is no reference to the
literature review further on in the paper. Burns and Grove (2005) commented that the
literature review should help to identify any gaps in the literature relating to the
problem, and suggest how those gaps might be filled, which is what the reviewer
believes the background section does.
When looking at the sample and sample size in a research article, particularly a
quantitative piece, the degree to which a sample reflects the population it was
drawn from is a decisive factor in determining the adequacy of a study (Polit and
Beck 2006). Article A used a purposive sample of 7 out of 28 Strategic Health
Authorities in England, with each hospital and Primary Care Trust invited to
participate, with 87 out of 97 agreeing. The authors have stated that they piloted the
Dog And Book Analysis
I believe dogs and books are both significant, especially in times of our sorrow. We
have dogs who are loving and compassionate, and books which are best described
to be our ultimate escape. To begin with, the author of the article, Christie
Blatchford brings to our attention that humans can not solve all of our problems.
They mean to say the right thing, the comforting thing, but they say the wrong
thing. In my opinion, Blatchford s perspective on human s is true, as we are far
from perfect. We don t always say the right things only because we haven t
experienced scenarios our peers may have. However, when we have a friendly
creature such as dogs, it s best they cannot talk, just comfort us by cuddling. This is
what makes a dogis... Show more content on ...
Not only are they loving, but they are also very impactful in a sense they shape us
to be better humans. They show us to forgive easily. You accidentally step on a dog
s tail but as you soon as you pet them with compassion, all is forgiven. A lot of dog
owners are able to relate and think, if my own dog can forgive easily, then I should
too! On the other hand, books are not living creatures who we can cuddle with.
Instead, they are knowledgeable sources that teach us life lessons maybe our peers
can t touch on. A lesson I found in the article, you stick with what brung you. This
quote is clearly telling us that we should pay fealty to those who have gone out of
their way to look after us. As we can see, I ve interpreted a quote best for my
learning and understanding. Speaking of understanding, not many people
comprehend how we think and function. That is why books come in all styles,
genres and messages. So that we choose a book that best reflects the type of people
we are. For example, you may love books about romance because you are the
romantic type. In conclusion, life is a road that can sometimes lead to a dead
Christianity, Religion, And Religion
I have spent my entire life growing up in the greater philadelphia area, and
throughout my time here I have only been exposed to one type of religion which is
Christianity. I grew up going to a Catholic school, and I quickly learned that Jesus
was the one true God. From this moment on I believed that Jesus was the only way
to praise and worship God. Since I was brainwashed into this I was under the
impression that we would be learning about all prehistoric religions that were all
incorrect. However, I learned quickly that although these religions were prehistoric
some of their rituals did relate to Catholic practices. Religions provide us with a base
for morality and help us to answer the questions like how humans got here.
Christianity is the religionthat I believe in, however i think it is important to
evaluate and understand other religions because they provide us with different
views on our human condition. The aboriginal tribes were the first prehistoric
religion that we studied; prehistoric religions provided us with insight on how older
religions understood the world around them. Their religion is broken down into
three separate parts; the first part are the Creation Beings, many are involved with
the creation of people, the landscape, and aspects of the environment, such as the
creation of red, yellow or white pigments, so can be called Creation Figures or
Creation Beings (Religion and Ceremony). This first beings are the being that are
given credit
Genetically Modified Organisms In The Movie, Jurassic
In the movie Jurassic World GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, is one of
the main details in the movie. There are several topics to dicuss about how and
why they used these GMOs and what the outcome of that was. Topics such as,
what the purpose was, why they chose the specific traits they did, was it a good
idea, how the dinosaur s adaptations help it survive, how its genetic features affects
how it interatcs with the enviroment, and how they created the dinosaurs genome.
Also, it will be realted to real life an real life situations. The purpose for creating
this new dinosuar was because people were beginning to be bored with the normal,
average dinosaur. They used its specific was so people and children would be more
attracted and
Vouchers In Schools Pros And Cons
The Expense of Education Education is the most powerful tool one can arm
themselves with. Education provides people with the power to innovate, invent, and
change the world. Recognized on a global basis as the ultimate key to unlocking one
s potential, education is one of, if not the most important aspect of a human being s
life. Despite this recognition of educationas a necessary aspect of positive
advancement, there has lately been a high amount of controversy surrounding the
education system in the United States. A large amount of this controversy surrounds
the views of the new secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, who strongly believes in
the concept of schoolchoice vouchers, which are essentially subsidies given directly
to parents to... Show more content on ...
According to a report by the Southern Education Foundation, there are 115 private
schools that have anti homosexuality policies or belong to discriminatory associations
in the state of Georgia alone (Hansell). These schools have the legal authority to expel
students who are homosexual, transgender, or even have a member of their family
that is part of the LGBT community, even if the student themselves is not. Students
who are members of or have connections to the LGBT community do not have access
to many private institutions, even though their families pay for them through taxes.
Many argue that private education institutions should have the right to make their
own policies, even if they discriminate against certain groups, so why is this an
issue? This is a major problem because the government funding of discriminatory
institutions defeats the purpose of school vouchers by not providing school choice
to all students equally, and does it in a way that promotes discrimination on a
federally funded level. As seen in schools in Georgia, North Carolina, and other states
across the US, the foundational belief of voucher advocates that a zip code should
not define every student s education applies only to some students
Case Study Of The Hotel De Londres
The Hotel de Londres located centrally in the heart of Brig, which takes around 5mins
to the train station. The location is perfect. As a hotel with a long history, the design
of the hotel combine the modern and historical together and convey an atmosphere of
closeness and familiarity and of comfort and authenticity. For now the Hotel de
Londres main product could be segment into two parts,
1.Accommodation Meeting Product
пЃ¬Standard Single rooms
пЃ¬Double room
пЃ¬Junior Suite
пЃ¬Meeting Room
2.Food and Beverage Product
пЃ¬Special Brunches on festival
пЃ¬Honest Bar
Of course the Hotel de Londres provides the package for the customer, but only the
bed and breakfast package.And for each room, they provide the high quality facilities
and service to make their guest feels ... Show more content on ...
Distribution channels
OTA(Online Travel Agency) is an important part in the Hotel de Londres s
distribution channels. For example and, the Hotel get most
of the customers from these two website.
And at the same time they have their own hotel homepage which is the most
successful one. The customers could make the reservation in the hotel home page as
well with more choices and better price. The travel agents is another distribution
channel. But 15% was charged as the commission.
Level of customer service
In general the hotel has the expected service according to the comments from
travelers who lived there recently in and Every
customer was enjoy the perfect location and the beautiful scenery. Most of them like
the relaxed and familiarity atmosphere there and the friendly staffs. But at the same
time some customers complaint about the noise in the night, there is no air
conditioner in the room and some other detailed things.
All in one words, most of the customers enjoy their stay in the hotel and they felt they
received the value for their money.
Eye Of Horus
Figure 4 shows a expressed image of the Eye of Horus in a bowl held by the hand.
The most prominent feature of the image is the eye that resembles that of a human
with a long tail and brow. This image is religious in nature and it was drawn in
tombs (Silverman, 2003). Its pendulant was worn by both the living and the dead
because it was thought to protect people from the wrath of the deities.
Register Images
Ancient Egyptians developed registers, which were wall drawings that used
parallel lines to provide different scenes of one scenario. The registers were done
using colors and typically depicted scenes of various activities part of the Egyptian
livelihood. For instance, they would draw a scene of ordinary men rowing a boat as
in the ... Show more content on ...
Hieroglyphic drawings of the Ankh, the Eye of Horus, the Ntr which mean eternal
life, monarch power and divinity respectively all confirm that (Silverman, 2003).
The drawings, three dimensional sculpture, expressions and register were created
using a variety of materials such as wood, metals and stones sources from different
regions and a study now shows as far as Afghanistan in the case of blue stones
(Navran, 2008). The ornament can be said to stop from where the depiction of the
royals and deities begins. A close analysis of the royals and the deities show them in
different positions such as a kneeling position, standing on a throne, two royals
embracing or a deity seated as in the case of hieroglyphic symbol of god seated. These
depictions are used for rituals and the royals and deities in the form of sculptures
and expressions are created in such a way that allows those rituals or messages/texts
being communicated to be done effectively. Hence, even though the colors used in
the decorations are symbolic they are a creative element in the same way that the
use of wood, metals and stones are when used to create the art. Hence, there is a
creative aspect as well as religious aspect in ancient Egyptian decorative
Essay on Cave Paintings
The Cave of Lascaux and Cave Art
Cave paintings might possibly be the oldest known form of communication that
exists today. Cave paintings date back to a period of time called the Paleolithic Age.
The Paleolithic Age took place from 40,000 to 10,000 B.C. Prehistoric Age is
divided into three parts: Paleolithic being the earliest, Mesolithic being the middle at
10,000 B.C. and Neolithic Age being the latest at 8,000 B.C. During the Paleolithic
Age it is believed that the cave paintings at Lascaux, France were created.
Lascaux, is located in the south central, western corner of France. In 1940 this cave
was believed to be found by a group of four boys from Montignac, France and a ...
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This particular dating method uses radiocarbon dating, however typing of Lascauxs
pigments suggests the material used in this cave was iron or mangamese and metal
oxides which are very hard to date using either of the above methods. According to
Nature Magazine The chronology of European prehistoric cave paintings has been
loosely based on the style of fauna depicted or on dated remains left behind by cave
occupants, but has become more precise with radiocarbon dating on the charcoal
pigments . (Valladas, et al 479) This suggests that the men completing these works
left things behind which the archaeologists are able to date.
Cave paintings of this time were known to be created using a mixture of red and
yellow ochre, haematite, manganese oxide and charcoal. The colors these men
used were red, brown, blue, purple, yellow and black. Animal fat and plant sap
were used, and worked quite well, in producing a binding and preservation agent for
these cave works. In these cave lighting was an issue because the cave were often
extremely dark and one would have not had ample light to see. It is suggested in the
internet source Art: A new History, by Paul Johnson that both lamps and torch light
were used. (Johnson) Torch lights and lamps were also both effective in burning mass
amounts of animal fat which was then used as a binding agent for the paintings.
Typically most cave
Owning A Pit Bull Essay
Owning A Pit Bull
Own a Good Dog Own A Pit Bull
There are many different qualities to consider when choosing a dog. Pit Bulls have
all the qualities needed to become a great companion. Although, if you treat them
wrong when they re growing up there is a good chance they will get out of control. If
you raise them right you will have one of the best dogs ever. For example my friend
had a Pit Bull that he would hit for no reason and one day the dog attacked him and
hurt him pretty bad. This is a good example of why you should treat your dog right.
From my experience raising a Pit Bull I have come to believe they are the best
bread of dog. As with any dog you need to raise and treat them right. Naturally they
are loyal, smart, ... Show more content on ...
They were breed to be strong fighting dogs. They originated from Ireland. They
mixed a Bulldog and a Terrier, so they had the strength of a Bulldog and the speed
of a Terrier. Pit Bulls were fought in pits so that is were they got the name Pit Bull.
Pits also have amassing jaw strength. They can smash these dog toys called kongs
with their jaws. I can t even smash one by stepping on it. They are so strong that
you can hang a rope from a tree and they will lock their jaws on the rope and swing
from it. They can also jump very high. My Pit can already jump onto my bed and
that is almost double his height. Some Pit Bulls can even learn to climb trees. Pits
are also known for being very and muscular. My dog already weighs forty five
pounds at four months old.
The third characteristic of a good dog is courage. Courage is an important
characteristic of a good dog because they are more play full and fun to be around.
This also means that they won t be afraid of anything or any one. This is important
for a good guard dog. Pit Bulls are also very courageous. One example of how
courageous Pit Bulls are, is when my Pit was twelve pounds he was trying to
wrestle a one hundred and sixty five pound Rottwiller. Whenever he is around
dogs his own weight or close to it, he always is the dominant dog. Another way he
shows his dominance is whenever he is in a car he will want to sit on the driver s
lap. The vet told me that this is a sign of dominance in dogs. Even
Texas Fire Department Case Study
Board of Directors The governing Board of Directors of the Texas Fire Chiefs
Association. Candidate Department A Texas fire department that has contracted with
the Texas Fire Chiefs Association to conduct an assessment of their compliance with
the Texas Best Business Practices for Fire Departments. Compliance Files Files
created for each of the Best Practices which contain the Candidate Department s
Proofs of Compliance with that standard. Contract An agreement between a
Candidate Department and the Texas Fire Chiefs Association whereby the Texas Fire
Chiefs Association provides initial and ongoing evaluation of a candidate department
s compliance with Best Practices and grants Recognized status. Document
Submission Form A form designed to facilitate submission of proofs of compliance
and explain the documentation... Show more content on ...
If the department has already completed its Internal Review Process and has all
files ready for inspection, the Recognition Committee will approve the application
and direct the Program Director to send a Final Compliance Review team to the
department. As soon as the department is ready for a Final Review and is approved
to undergo the Full Review Process, the Program Director will have a Contract
mailed to the department. The contract should be completed and signed by both the
organization CEO (City Manager) and Fire Chief. As soon as the Contract is
completed and returned and the first year program fees have been paid in full, the
Program Director will contact the department and provide submission instructions,
and arrange for scheduling an initial meeting. Expect Department Change The
Program Manager (PM) is a key change agent. The Chief should also be aware that
Recognition is a task in which the entire department
21 Year Old Research Paper
My life as a normal 21 year old.By: Chelsea Berry So there I was living my life as a
normal 21 year old. Going out with friends, having a good time and I was in my last
year of college. I was taking Pre Algebra, Criminal Justice Systems and Research
Skills. My goals at that time was to finish college with an associate degree and move
up to my bachorl s and get a job in either a court house or hospital. Now I am resilient
because I am able to finish school, get an associate s degree, and am now working
toward a bachelor s degree. One day I woke up sick and was passing out a couple
times in one day. That day I passed out I have really bad chest pain and couldn t
catch my breath. So I went to the ER and got checked, and received the worst news
I ever heard as a young adult. You have heart failure . Once the doctor told me that
I didn t understand what was going to happen next and right there I felt like crying
my eyes out. When I found out I was sick I started thinking back when I was three
years out and got shocked. My family and I was thinking maybe that sparked
something in my heart and cause a heart problems, so I told the doctors when I was
getting checked and they said getting shocked... Show more content on ...
I am in college studying for my bachelors taking Business Law Today online and
English writing class and even a Psych class at Hocking College this summer.
Then I plan on transferring to OUZ in Zanesville this fall. I feel like I have my old
life back even if I can t really do most of the old stuff. I have found new and better
safer stuff to do like working out, going running, and getting active to keep my
heart healthy. Now since I am used to having this device I can joke around with it
like when people see it they freak out and ask what happened to you? I just joke and
say I got in a fight or just something funny that comes to mind at the
Erikson s Eigh Life-Span Stages at Stage 2
This project group, we decided to focus on Erikson s Eight Life Span stages which
at stage 2, autonomy versus shame and doubt. As we focus on this stage, Erik
Erikson usually more focus at psychological view of development. Autonomy
versus shame and doubt is at stage 2 and it is in early childhood, infancy 1 year
until 3 years. This stage is about the development of the greater sense of personal
control on the children self. Besides, this stage also the conflict of toddlerhood and it
been resolves positively if parent provide suitable guidance and appropriate.
The similar life stage by Freud at 2nd stage which are anal stage, whereas an
instinctual energies shift to anal region. Same as Erikson, he study and research that
toilet train was important part of this stage. These show children that able to control 1
of body function which is anal stage can make the feeling control and sense of
independence. Besides toilet training, children can gain more control over food
choices, toy preferences and clothing selection. Therefore, children will feel more
confident and sense the responsible towards their self.
Besides, in this 2nd stage of Erikson s Eight Life Span stages, children able to grow
their sense of control over physical skills also. They able to do and want to try new
toy, such bicycle, eat by own either by hand and holding utensils. Other than that,
children also can sense of independence. They also try to put on the cloth on their
own hand and choose their shoes.
Native American And African Slaves
As the Native American population had been decimated by genocide and war,
England looked to African slaves to provide them with the necessary labor to harvest
tobacco. Although African slaves had the same status as that of an indentured
servant, African slaves began to become more and more restricted, losing all human
and civil rights. These restrictions were placed on African slaves to protect the rights
of the indentured Englishmen, and developed a social/political system based of
segregation and discrimination, ultimately leading to the modern ideology of the
world, racism. Native Americans were not spared from the stupidity of racial
superiority, and like Africans, were forced into slavery. Native American slavery
though predominately in the Spanish colonies was used in North America. Though
unlike the Mesoamerican slaves, the North American slaves were also the slavers.
The colonists of North America lured Native Americans to capture other Native
Americans in exchange for trade goods and alliances, forcing Native Americans to
choose between being the slaver or the slaved, much like some African tribes. In
South America, the Spaniards enticed nearly 100,000 under false promises of riches,
and instead enslaved them, forcing them to harvest guano (bird excrements), an
export from Peru that had a value of fifteen billion dollars. As slavery spread
throughout the New World, much of the African, Chinese, and indigenous culture
began to mix together, resulting in a unique
Will American Involvement For Regional Stability Posed
Will American involvement in the Middle East reduce, or aggravate, the threat to
regional stability posed by ISIS?
As previous history from the Middle East has shown American involvement is to a
fairly large extent more likely to aggravate the threat of regional stability posed by
ISIS. The ISIS militants are an extremist religious group whose aim is to create an
Islamic state, or caliphate (a state where there is a supreme political and religious
leader) across the Middle East. They have made most ground in Syria and Iraq, with
their sphere of influence swelling to territory the size of the UK (Johnston, 2014).
This essay will assess a range of factors in order to efficiently answer the question.
Firstly, this essay will contextualize ... Show more content on ...
Therefore the implication here is that American is more likely to aggravate the threat
posed by ISIS than reduce it.
Context and actors involved
There are a number of actors involved in this situation; most notably these are that
of ISIS and America. As mentioned ISIS s stated goal is to create a broader
Islamic caliphate (BBC News, 2014). This would be a caliphate, which stretches
across the Middle East. ISIS has already made significant ground towards achieving
this goal as recorded in July that they are now in control of 35 percent of the Syrian
territory following a string of victories (Syrian Observatory, 2014). Moreover, the
ISIS movement has made substantial gains in Iraq controlling much of its north
western territory, and are making clear progress further south towards Baghdad given
the number of conflicts surrounding the capital (The New York Times, 2014).
This has had a number of repercussions onto that of America, for example it has
been recorded that roughly 90 percent of Americans now view ISIS as a serious
threat to U.S. national security (Gottlieb, 2014). This threat to national security could
be argued to be because of the idea of American Imperialism. This is the idea that
America believes that it has the role of World Police to some degree, that as being the
largest western superpower it has the job of regulating anyone who might challenge
freedom. Therefore, they must intervene in mostly all situations to attempt to restore
piece. This
Imagery In The Juggler
The use of different literary devices such as imagery, symbolism and diction
convey the many tasks of life the juggler has trouble juggling. The juggler appears
to be an important figure in this community and his importance is shown through
the crowds reaction. The different literary devices help us to create a world of our
own while he shows us a part of ours. It is also shown through his many eye
catching actions as well as the multiple emotions of the audience. The use of
imagery in The Juggler shows us that it is physically hard to balance the many
tasks of life. [The juggler] trades it all for a broom, a plate, a table. Oh, on his toe
the table is turning, the broom s balancing up on his nose, (18 19). The crowds
reaction shows how
Russian Revolution Causes
The Russian Revolution have many important stages that are distinct from one
another, From the Tsar to the Provisional Government to the Communist. It all
happened in 1914, World War I is booming in Europe, a perfect opportunity for
Russia s rotting society. War makes the Russian people forget about the disputes that
the Tsar failed to resolve. And so the Tsar dragged his people to war with Germany.
At first, Russiawas seemingly to be successful, but the Russian army with bad
leadership from the incompetent generals have caused them major defeats against
the German. Morale was low and to combat this, Tsar Nicholas himself went to the
battlefield and leave his wife in charge of the nation back home. People of all class
heavily reject this... Show more content on ...
The Red Army are the communists that are in power and held most of the land. Most
countries of the former Russian Empire turn socialist and join Russia into a big Soviet
Union. The Allies saw that Russia pulled out of the war and the German have more
forces now that they are free from the Eastern front. And so the Allies intervened
the Russian in their civil war by supporting the White, hopefully they would
continue the war once they took over. But this is repelled when the Reds uses
nationalism to encourage the Russian to drive out foreign power, this has a crucial
outcome in the future as the Russian have a distrust in the West. The civil war uses
Terror as a strategy for both sides. Assassinations attempts and executions happened
often. The Red set up the Cheka, a Secret police force that take out political
opponents and spread fear among their own people, just like what the tsar did
when he was in power to keep the people from rebelling. The communists also set
up forced labor camps to make political prisoner work. They also adopt a policy
known as War Communism. The Government took control of almost all aspect of
economy of the people and that peasants are forced to give all their crops to the
Army and the people in the city, peasants were also forcefully drafted to the army or
forced to work in factories. Trotsky trained his army into an effective fighting force,
using terror to discipline his soldiers by shooting every tenth men in an unit if they
performed poorly in battle. The Red army with strategic location and organization are
far better than the scattered whites that have to fight from all sides with no
coordinations. By 1921, the Reds beat the whites
Jonas Salk
The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more (Biography 1). Jonas
Edward Salk was a medical doctor and epidemiologist, who aided in the
manufacturing of the first vaccine to counteract poliomyelitis (polio). Jonas Salk, the
pioneer for the first polio vaccine, was a humanitarian who worked to help others,
which reflected his Jewish background.
Most notably, Jonas Edward Salk was known for his work in the field of medicine,
specifically the polio vaccine, his medical research institution, and the institution s
fight against AIDS. Salk was working with Thomas Francis Jr. at New York
University College of Medicine, where they were developing a killed virus vaccine
(Britannica 1). A killed virus or inactivated vaccine is an... Show more content on ...
According to, if one s mother is Jewish, then the person s religion is
Jewish. When Jonas Salk was asked by Herb Meyer, a friend of Salk, what he
thought of Intelligent Design vs. evolution, Salk responded by saying, Why do I have
to choose? Why must it be one or the other? Of course evolution is real. DNA mutates
and that makes evolution one of the most powerful forces in nature. But who set
evolution into motion? Can t God have done that? (Aussiegirl 1) Based on this quote,
Salk reveals his thoughts about God and accredits the creation of evolution, small
mutations and not common ancestry, to God. Moreover, when the poliomyelitis
vaccine was released in 1955, Jonas Salk was asked by Edward R. Murrow in an
interview about who owned the patent for vaccine. Well, the people, I would say,
Salk responded. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun? (Palmer 1) By saying
this, Jonas Salk insinuated that a substance so helpful, is best kept without the
defilement of economic
Electronic Essay
III nitride (III N) material systems have attracted extensive research interest in both
electronics and optoelectronics, including high electron mobility transistors, (
removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 1 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML )
power diodes, ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 2 4 ( removed HTML ) (
removed HTML ) solid state lighting, ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 5 7 (
removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) photovoltaics (PV), ( removed HTML ) (
removed HTML ) 8 11 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) photodetectors, (
removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 12 14 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML )
and visible light communication. ( removed HTML )... Show more content on ...
( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 21 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML )
Therefore, efficient and reliable operation of solar cells at high temperatures is
critical for these applications, where III N materials and devices hold great promise. (
removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 21,22 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) (
removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) By virtue of their large bandgaps and high
atomic displacement energies, ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 23 ( removed
HTML ) ( removed HTML ) III N materials and devices are promising for high
temperature applications. To date, high temperature operation of III N devices has
been theoretically predicted and experimentally demonstrated up to 600 В°C in air
and 1000 В°C in vacuum. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 24 28 ( removed
HTML ) ( removed HTML ) For III N InGaN solar cells, high efficiency operation at a
temperature of 300 В°C has been demonstrated, ( removed HTML ) ( removed
HTML ) 29 32 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) which is superior to
traditional Si or III V solar cells. Despite the promising results, very few studies on
the thermal reliability of InGaN solar cells exist, and their degradation mechanisms at
high temperature are still unclear. In addition to crystal qualities, other device
parameters such as metal
Organizational Structure And Functional Structure
How do you think your chosen company created their organizational structure? How
is the organizational structure reflected in the company culture?
The company I have chosen is the Department of Navy created their Functional
Structure which was based of learned lessons from past military employment history.
The Navy s functional structure provides organization according to a jobs or an
individual s purpose within the organization. Departments that focus on a single
function or goal most easily recognize functional organizations. For instance, an
organization with a marketing department, a human resources department, a research
and development department and so forth, operates according to functional
The functional structure provides employees, as well as their appropriate
departments, with a clear objective and purpose for their work. As an example,
employees within a marketing department know that their job is marketing and, as a
result, those employees can focus on improving their marketing work and even
specialize in a specific area of marketing. On the other hand, functional structure can
create divisions between departments if a conflict develops between departments.
How is the company able to keep all the employees up to date on company strategies
and tactics within the current company dynamics? Is it effective?
Management sets objectives and charts a course of action so as to be proactive rather
than reactive to the dynamics of the business
Occupational Therapy Case Study
Myra is a 30 year old woman with cerebral palsy who works in an office. She has
recently changed jobs and requested an occupational therapy evaluation to set up her
work environment successfully.
What is the role of occupational therapy in ergonomics counseling?
The role of occupational therapy in ergonomics counseling begins with an evaluation
of the client, the work environment and the duties required to fulfill the position.
During the assessment, the occupational therapist will identify possible hazards and
offer reasonable recommendations to minimize risk factors. The therapist will also be
focused on suggesting and creating any necessary modifications to maximize client
functionality, comfort, and safety in order to regain productivity.
Office Of Professional Responsibility And Inspections Essay
Currently serving as a Patrol Sergeant for the MTPD. One of six Sergeants
assigned to watch over, lead and supervise over 80 officers. Responsible for the
direct supervision of 12 Officers assigned to my squad. Also serve as Department
Special Response Team (SRT) Assistant Commander. On a typical day, I oversee 20
to 40 on duty Officers. Responsibilities include:
Preforms as MTPD s Assistant SRT Commander with over two years of experience in
this position and five years of service as an SRT member prior to the assignment.
Familiar with tactics, techniques, initiatives, training, sharing, teamwork, networking
and more which can be beneficial in various events such as, problem solving,
immediate response or critical incidents.
Investigate of allegations of Officer misconduct, use of force incidents, complaints,
vehicle accidents and other areas when required. These investigations are subject to
review by higher authorities and submitted to the Office of Professional
Responsibility and Inspections (OPRI) for final review. Interview individuals who
were placed into Police custody then by means of any reason sought medical attention
inside of the District of Columbia.
Oversee the Field Training program s implementation at the district level by making
sure the policies and directives are followed and supported. If scheduling conflicts,
training discrepancies, professionalism or other issues arise, the Field Training
Sergeant assigned to that section is tasked to
“How Can Modern Behavioural Therapies Help a Client
Abstract: How can modern behavioural therapies help a client accept uncertainty
about their future?
Introduction: I will demonstrate a good knowledge and understanding focusing on
REBT and CT, combining them to produce a fluid response to answer the question.
Background: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a generic umbrella term for a
category of therapy approach that focus on the relationship between thoughts,
feelings, and actions. There are many different types of CBT. Rational Emotive
Behaviour Therapy (Ellis s REBT) and Cognitive Therapy (Beck s CT) are the two
main types. Current CBT practice originated in the 50s and 60s with Ellis, Lazarus
(MultiModal Therapy) and Beck, building upon the ... Show more content on ...
CT focuses on the inferences clients draw about certain events. For example, if a
partner leaves the relationship for another person clients may tell themselves, I ll
never find someone to love me. This prediction may lead to feeling depressed and
avoiding opportunities to find another partner. A cognitive therapist will help clients
to realize that they have no way to predict the future and get them to rethink their
inference. When they stop making negative predictions about the future, they are
more likely to develop realistic problem solving methods.
Accepting uncertainty: REBT differs from most of the other CBTs by focusing on
the clients evaluation of events. Very often, when we evaluate negative events, our
evaluations are rigid and extreme. These rigid and extreme evaluations lead to
emotional disturbance and self defeating behavior. When we modify our rigid and
extreme beliefs, our emotional responses are healthier and our actions, particularly to
problems are more efficient. For example, if a client failed an important exam.
According to Ellis, clients may evaluate the situation as awful and tend to make
themselves depressed. REBT encourages clients to reconsider this evaluation and to
conclude that failing the exam is probably not the end of the world.
Pride In Cantos 7-12
In Cantos 7 12, there were many times when the vice of pride was mentioned. For
Aquinas, he does not list pride as a capital sin because he believes it is the general
influence to all vices or the queen of all vices. Pride can also be described as the
beginning of all sins : aversion from God, which is the formal complement of sin,
belongs to pride essentially, and to other sins, consequently. Hence it is that pride
fulfils the conditions of a first thing, and is the beginning of all sins (q. 162, a. 7).
Pride can be seen as a root cause of other vices, which is why it is not listed in the
capital vices; it can be linked to all the vices. In Canto 12, the Pilgrim was telling
Virgil how he feels lighter than at the beginning and Virgil
Chemical Weapons
Chemical Weapons Weapons of Mass Destruction
Chemical weapons and their use is one of the most important issues facing the
world today. Not only is the use of such weapons highly controversial, but also the
very idea of such weapons of mass destruction being in the hands of dangerous
leaders. Next to nuclear weapons they are the most feared, and the prospect of these
weapons not only concerns people, but also frightens them. As a result of these fears,
America has entered a new war that could bring devastating effects upon our world. It
is a very sensitive topic among many countries, and is out of hand primarily because
of the introduction of chemical weapons to the world in the First World War. Many
people have the same feelings ... Show more content on ...
One example is how they were used on our campus in 1999 and this year. These
types of chemicals are not the problem though. Chemical weapons such as mustard
gas, sarin, and anthrax are becoming increasingly feared. During the first major use
of chemical weapons in World War I, there was a death toll of 1.3 million. These
deaths were caused single handedly by chemical weapons, and primarily by
mustard gas. Tim Cook stated if the war had continued for yet another year it would
have indeed been called the First Chemical War (A Short History of Chemical
Weapons 21). Before such weapons, soldiers had a better chance of staying alive if
they were skilled enough.
Following the war, most countries decided that these types of weapons would only
be used in special circumstances and not as a main stream military weapon. World
War II was a prime example when hardly any chemical weapons were used at all.
Although that was the case, both sides still had the ability to release very large
amounts of many different chemical weapons. After World War II, the use of
chemical weapons by our military was dropped.
Most chemical weapons lead to tragedies, not only to humans but also the natural
environment. Chemical weapons do not only affect human population but they also
effect animals and plants. They can also lead to contamination of water and crops in
and around the areas of their use. In some respects they are quite similar to
Decision To Go To College
Going to college became a modern tradition. Parents, in America, save money
throughout their child s life to ensure that he or she will have the opportunity to go
to the best college that money can buy. On the other hand, in Brazil, teenagers
sweat, cry, and bleed to pass the exam t a public school, and if they do not pass it is a
year of study and money jeopardized. Before taking any step further in the decision
on going to collegeor not, I will analyze the opportunity on an economic point of
view. First, it is important to define some terms such as opportunity cost and trade
off, so I can be able to define what are mine before making any decisions. A trade
off is giving up something in return for another. For example, going to college means
giving up time where I could be volunteering and money that I could use to travel the
world. Next, an opportunity cost is the next best alternative to what you are doing at
the moment. Moreover, I would say my opportunity cost is traveling the world, it...
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Price is the monetary value of something. For example, the price of a chocolate bar
is five dollars. Cost is the measure of what must be sacrificed to purchase a product.
Using the same chocolate bar example, to buy it means giving up on five packs of
mints. In addition, some of the costs of going to college, for me, mean not going to
China nor Australia in the next ten years. Besides the trade offs, opportunity cost,
and costs going to college has benefits that are able to suppress the sacrifices.
Nothing can mimic the college experience. It is an eye opening time in life, to grow
and learn. Gain experience and obtain knowledge. On top of everything, in the area
that I like to pursue a career, I also need a diploma that calls attention, to ensure other
opportunities. Unfortunately, in the scientific field where you went to college and
who you got your knowledge from can set back countless job
Essay E-Business
E Business
1 Abstract
2 About E Business
3 Advantages and Disadvantages
4 The impact if e business on a typical business
5 What a company must do to transform its strategy when it decides to transform into
e business
6 Conclusion
7 References
There is a misconception that e Business simply means buying and selling products
and services over the Internet. The broader view of e Business focuses on the key
processes that directly enhance revenue В— namely, customer acquisition and
retention through sales, marketing and service (Siebel, 2004). This customer centric
view of e Business is not limited to the Internet but rather applies to all aspects of the
customer relationship whether it is online or offline. ... Show more content on ...
However, there are also the advantages and disadvantages to every good thing. When
it comes to e business, the advantages may include being able to use applications and
features such as email, which is great because it is a quick and cheap way of sending
information, combined with the ability to attach files and send them onto another
user. E business is also quicker and easier means of communications; it may
strengthen marketing capabilities and reach. Finally, it may also reduce the cost of
doing business by lowering transaction costs and increasing efficient methods for
payment, such as using online banking and reducing stationery and postage costs.
Despite having many advantages of the Internet, there are, unfortunately
disadvantages as well in e business. For example, Viruses are often spread over the
Internet, which can normally be done via email. Even having a virus scanner does
not protect your computer system at one hundred percent because they do not
always recognize new virus, which it does not yet know about. Other disadvantages
may include hackers being able to access your system and therefore, all of the
company s files, which could ruin the company s business, may be at large. There is
also one of the biggest complaints, which is the lack of physical contact because it
prevents scrutiny of products and lacks face to face interaction; there may be
difficulty in finding information;
Giant Panda Affected by Road Construction
The Qinling giant pandas are a slowly diminishing species. If left unprotected they
will eventually become extinct. Fan, Li, Quan, Wu, Hu, and Yang investigated the
effects of road construction on endangered Qinling giant pandas. Road construction
can greatly affect the environment. According to the article, the harmful effects of
roadway expansion extend to an area ten times broader than the roadway itself (Fan
et al., 2011, p. 145). It can cause harmful chemicals to contaminate water sources and
food supplies. Subsequently, road construction isolates species from one another, and
this in turn blocks gene flow..., which steeply [decreases] genetic diversity (Fan et
al., 2011, p. 145). On the other hand, road networks can isolate these species from
their main water source and/or food supply. The giant pandas only food source is
bamboo. Bamboo is a fickle plant that grows in certain habitats, under pristine
conditions. Therefore, becoming isolated from bamboo forestry is detrimental to
their survival. Researchers investigated the impact of road construction on giant
panda s habitat and its carrying capacity in the Qinling Mountains (Fan et al., 2011, p.
First, the scientists determined a study area that would serve as their representative
sample of the population. The south slope of the Qinling Mountains was chosen
because it contained a rich population of Qinling giant pandas, and the environmental
conditions were optimal for bamboo growth. Secondly,

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Essay On Leisure Activities. Essay Leisure Essays

  • 1. Essay On Leisure Activities Writing an essay on the topic of leisure activities can present its own set of challenges. While the subject may seem broad and enjoyable at first glance, delving into the intricacies of various leisure pursuits demands a nuanced approach. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between engaging the reader and providing informative content. Firstly, one must navigate the diverse spectrum of leisure activities, encompassing everything from sports and hobbies to entertainment and relaxation. Selecting the right activities to discuss requires careful consideration, as each choice could influence the tone and direction of the essay. Additionally, maintaining a coherent structure is crucial to avoid a disjointed narrative, given the potential for numerous subtopics. Research becomes another essential aspect. Accurate information on the history, benefits, and cultural significance of different leisure activities is necessary to provide a comprehensive overview. This requires sifting through various sources and synthesizing information to present a well-rounded perspective. The challenge continues with crafting a compelling introduction that captures the reader's attention and introduces the significance of leisure activities. Following this, each paragraph must seamlessly transition to the next, creating a fluid narrative that holds the reader's interest. Balancing factual information with engaging anecdotes or examples is essential to keep the essay both informative and enjoyable. Furthermore, the writer must be mindful of their tone. Striking the right balance between formality and relatability is crucial when discussing leisure activities, as the subject inherently involves personal preferences and experiences. Concluding the essay poses its own set of challenges. Summarizing the main points without being repetitive and leaving a lasting impression on the reader requires finesse. The conclusion should encourage reflection on the importance of leisure activities in one's life, tying together the various elements discussed throughout the essay. In essence, writing an essay on leisure activities demands careful thought, meticulous research, and skilled execution to create a piece that is both informative and engaging. It is a task that requires the writer to navigate a diverse landscape of topics while maintaining coherence and relevance. For those who find this task daunting, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and a variety of writing services can be explored on platforms like, where experienced writers can provide guidance and support in crafting well-structured and compelling essays on a wide range of topics. Essay On Leisure ActivitiesEssay On Leisure Activities
  • 2. Money Politics And Political Godfatherism In Nigeria Nigeria is one of the African countries that is responding to Western pressures to make its states acquire a liberal and democratic culture. Over the years, Nigeria has practiced what can be described as fraudulent democracy. This democracy has been characterized by obnoxious acts such as indiscriminately using money and by very powerful and influential members of the elite class, popularly called ‚political godfathers, imposing political leaders on the people. This situation has already become a culture in Nigeriabecause many politicians who want to contest and win electionsalways look for such persons to support them. This means that they no longer depend on the electorates to win elections, but instead rely on the political godfathers. This political culture was truncated in the 2007 gubernatorial electionin Edo state, Nigeria. This paper examines how the problem of money politics and political godfatherism can be eliminated from Nigeria s politics in order to strengthen democratic governance in the country. The methodology of the study is essentially analytical and based on lessons from... Show more content on ... 4, No. 2 67 Money Politics and Political Godfatherism An Overview Money politics refers to the excessive use of financial resources to encourage illegal activities or behaviours in politics, especially during periods of election. On the other hand, political godfatherism describes a situation in which very powerful and influential members of the elite class use their power, money and influence to determine who should rule or occupy a given political office and who impose these leaders on the people. The leaders are generally forced upon the masses through intimidation, harassment and an excessive use of money. Political godfathers act as the financial backbone for politicians who want to occupy political offices at all cost. Such political office holders usually become tied to the apron string of their godfathers. According to Igbuzor
  • 3. Essay On Therapeutic Hypothermia As told, therapeutic hypothermia is a process which is used by doctors to help reduce damage to patient s body and brain function after a cardiac arrest, which commonly knows as a stroke. Cardiac arrest can be sudden and deadly to people. Cardiac arrest is often caused by ventricular fibrillation, where patient s heart experience rapid and sudden impulse. In result, patient s heart is not beating hard enough and can t pump enough bloodto other organs and result organ failure. Particularly to patient s brain because it s the first part of the body suffers, all depends on an uninterrupted supply of blood. Reduced blood flow to your brain causes unconsciousness and for a long term can fatal damage to people. Now we have the way to cure patient... Show more content on ... In the end, these diseases can be cured and the level of risk will decrease by performing this procedure. Specifically, the purpose of this procedure is the reduce the speed of the oxygen from moving up to the brain and does eternal damage to the patient. This method of therapeutic hypothermia was first found over 5,000 years ago. It started by a French physician described the case of a lunatic who escaped from asylum and wandered naked in the winter, subsequently, the person reported to have been cured of his mania ( History of therapeutic hypothermia ) This procedure wasn t really familiar until more research was done and more factors of the procedure was decided. Such as the procedure must be performed for 24 hours, and the patient s body temperature must be maintained around 32 34 degrees Celsius. Then technology advances and machines came in place to help to make the procedure much safer like surface heating exchange device and cool helmets, both help to measure and ensure the patient s temperature is at its right temperature level. About the surface heat exchange device, it was first invented in the
  • 4. Mexican Independence Mexican Independence In New Spain, the Bourbon monarchies in 1808 1810 encouraged some creoles leaders to strike for total independence under the cover of Ferdinand. On July 1808, Napoleon s capture of Charles the VI and Ferdinand the VII, and capture of Spain reached Mexico causing intense debate between Mexican elites. Creoles and Peninsulars prepared to take power and ensure their group would have power over the other; New Spain, like other Spanish colonies, went through the crisis of the Bourbon monarchy from 1808 1810. Yet, in Mexicowhat pushed for independence from Spain would be the elite s race for power. The creoles were the first to take action. The Mexico City cabildo called on the viceroy to summon an assembly. It was ... Show more content on ... It was followed by a long period of war at the Siege of Cuautla. Morelos military efforts were hampered by differences with fractious civilian allies and by his decision to establish a representative government at a time. In 1815, Morelos was captured by Spanish colonial authorities, tried and executed for treason in San CristГіbal Ecatepec on 22 December. After ten years of civil war and the death of two of its founders, by early 1820 the independence movement was stalemated and close to collapse. The rebels faced stiff Spanish military resistance and the apathy of many of the most influential criollos. The violent excesses and populist zeal of Hidalgo s and Morelos s irregular armies had reinforced many criollos fears of race and class warfare, ensuring their grudging acquiescence to conservative Spanish rule until a less bloody path to independence could be found. It was at this juncture that the machinations of a conservative military caudillo coinciding with a successful liberal rebellion in Spain, made possible a radical realignment of the proindependence forces. Vicente Guerror, planned to combine independence, monarchy, the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church, and the civil equality of the creoles and peninsulares. While stationed in the town of Iguala, Iturbide
  • 5. Zeus Relationship With Gods And Mortals Summary ZEUS S RELATIONSHIPS WITH GODS AND MORTALS By Aditya P. Throughout the article, Zeus s Relationships with Gods and Mortals , Dowden attempts to highlight the importance of Zeus in classical mythology by portraying his relationship with gods and mortals alike. Dowden describes Zeus to be a special god since he is the only god to have survived the Indo European times. In addition, Dowden evaluates Zeus s importance by establishing his relationships with the gods as a role of the father, brother, and husband, also in conjunction with Zeus s birth and death, Titanomachy, Typhon, and gigantomachy. To further the relevance of Zeus in classical mythology, Dowden examines Zeus s relationships with humans by exploiting his adultery, begetter of gods and mortals, the color of myth, and Ganymade. Thus, Dowden illustrates the importance of Zeus in classical mythology and history through the use of various key themes. One of the main themes Dowden employs to portray Zeus importance is his role of being a father. Dowden claims that Zeus ... Show more content on ... He further goes on to explain how Zeus obtained that power through the Titanomachy; where he fought the Titans with the help of his siblings along with the thunder and lightning that was given to him by the Cyclops and banished the Titans into Tartarus. Furthermore, within classical Greek history people developed a word for this katatartaroГ¶, which means to utterly tartarise, according to Dowden. Thus, Zeus played a huge role in shaping classical Greece and an example of this includes the origin of Mt Etna in Sicily, which was thought to be flames of the monster Typhon, who was defeated by Zeus. Dowden claims that this tale was repatriated into the Hellenistic age as well. Many of these stories help to explain the history of Classical Greece, while also demonstrating the reign of Zeus, and appraising him for this
  • 6. Oprah Winfrey s Influence With the word influential , many connotations and definitions come to mind including, honorable, determined and committed to providing change for others. Oprah Winfrey fits all of the aspects along with her having the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, and behavior of people. Being able to reach hundreds of millions of people, Oprah is known worldwide for being a therapeutic medicinal friend through TV screens, working to enable teenage females of South Africa the right to education and has been awarded for her achievements and professionalism.Oprah s trauma and experience with rape and, a teenage pregnancy forced her to take advantage of her education, leading to Oprah changing her life and the lives of others. The... Show more content on ... As a way to clarify the blurred dimensions between her talk show and others similar Oprah states in a quote, If there s a thread running through each show we do, it is the message that you are not alone . Entertainment is the last thing I am looking for ... My goal is to try to uplift, encourage and enlighten you in some way. I m looking for the moment that makes you say, Ah ha, I didn t know that. (Marshall, Christine, and Kiran) The universal struggle is the exploration of an issue of recurrence in the universe. Oprah s talk show and way of perceiving difficulties found in life offer her show to be viewed as a modern forum and confessional. It is difficult for anyone to share their stories on a TV show which millions of people view. The fear of judgement is always on the back of the participant s mind and never leaves. Oprah uses the stories from the participants to convey the universal struggle once again on a larger scale. Having the connections of many people and being viewed by millions often tend for people to listen to her and what she has to say and what she believes is important. For a person to sit back and watch a talk show and easily be influenced takes a lot of effort and intelligence in the area. Oprah uses mind cure , a way of breaking the boundaries of a closed minded person
  • 7. Werewolves Beliefs Carine Kessie Prof: Van De Water English 2010 29 Friday 24, 2017 Origin of Werewolves Throughout history, there are records of the trials of confessed or accused werewolves. In fact, they were questioned and executed the same way witches were, because they often witches were considered also werewolves. These so called werewolf s trials give us a historical glimpse at rampant human belief in werewolves. Some of the people who were accused of being werewolves were arrested because villagers needed someone to blame for dead livestock or some other unexplainable occurrences. Also others were accused because actions far more sinister and less likely to be contrived. Wolves figure prominently in the mythology of nearly every Native American tribe. ... Show more content on ... One of the earliest and best known iterations is found in the Roman poet Ovid s poem Metamorphoses, which was published in 8 AD. According to Ovid: King Lycaon was the tyrant of Arcadia. One day Zeus came to Lycaon s palace masquerading as an ordinary man. After Zeus had revealed his true identity, the king secretly planned to test whether Zeus was actually a god. So, King Lycaon killed one of his hostages named Epirus, boiled and roasted the victim s flesh, and served it to Zeus. However, Zeus did not eat it given to him. Extremely enraged and also disgusted by what the king has done, he set the king s palace on fire and killed all of the king s sons (50 sons in total). He also cursed the king, and sent him into the wild where he transformed into a howling
  • 8. Pakistan As A Favourite Whipping Boy THE kings of yore often kept a whipping boy who could be used to vent their frustrations on and be blamed for their mistakes and misfortune. Today, America appears to have adopted Pakistan as its favourite whipping boy. Pakistan s historically close relationship with the US is on a divergent path due to America s growing alliance with India designed to contain China s rising power. This process of divergence is likely to be accelerated by US pressure on Pakistan to do three things: release Shakil Afridi, the doctor recruited by the CIA to take DNA samples from Osama bin Laden s Abbottabad hideout; take military action against the Haqqani network and refrain from deploying theatre nuclear weapons against India. The demand for Afridi s release may be designed to secure continued publicity for US success in killing Bin Laden and to assure current and potential CIA spies that they will enjoy American protection . The expectation that Pakistan would override its own judicial system and overlook Afridi s treasonous behaviour reflects the normal American arrogance. Unfortunately, there are precedents where Pakistan has allowed other traitors to exit the country. Many known foreign agents roam free in Pakistan. In Afridi s case, it has become difficult for Pakistan to compromise on its principles because of public American coercion. Perhaps some gestures from Washington, such as finally offering a formal apology and adequate compensation for the accidental killing of 29
  • 9. The Gastrointestinal Tract, The Immune System And Mental... Introduction Nowadays there are a large number of investigations related to the microbiota and health not only of the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system but also the nervous system and mental health. Likewise, changes in the microbiota are implicated in the increasing tendency for a broad range of inflammatory diseases such as allergic disease, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity and the presence of non communicable diseases (NCDs) for instance, cardiovascular diseases (like heart attacks and stroke), cancers, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructed pulmonary disease and asthma) and diabetes. Studies have suggested strategies that would regulate the intestinal microbiota for reducing the risk of such diseases, ... Show more content on ... The gut microbiota is involved in the regulation of multiple host metabolic pathways, giving rise to interactive host microbiota metabolic, signaling, and immune inflammatory axes that physiologically connect the gut, liver, muscle, and brain. A deeper understanding of these axes is a prerequisite for optimizing therapeutic strategies to manipulate the gut microbiota to combat disease and improve health (4). Discussion Interactions between the gut microbiota and the host immune system begin at birth. Some epidemiological studies suggest that C section babies may have an elevated risk for developing immune and metabolic disorders, including Type 1 diabetes, allergies, asthma and obesity. Scientists have theorized that these children may be missing key bacteria known to play a large role in shaping the immune system from the moment of birth onward. Babies delivered by cesarean section (C section) acquire a microbiota that differs from that of vaginally delivered infants, and C section delivery has been associated with increased risk for immune and metabolic disorders. Dominguez Bello et al conducted a pilot study in which infants delivered by C section were exposed to maternal vaginal fluids at birth. A mother s vaginal fluids loaded with one such essential bacterium,
  • 10. The Importance Of Food Allergies According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), food allergies are defined as an adverse immune response that occurs upon on exposure to a given food and is distinct from other adverse responses to food. Food allergies are an increasingly prevalent and chronic condition that requires attentive management by those affected by it . According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 50 million Americans have an allergyof some kind. Food allergies are estimated to affect 4 to 6 percent of children and 4 percent of adults. Food allergies are most commonly seen in babies and children, but they can appear at any stage in life. A food allergyis an immune response that typically occurs after food is ingested. Symptoms usually occur immediately or within hours of ingestion, and can affect the cutaneous, gastrointestinal, cardiac and/or respiratory systems (Crain, 2011). Current management includes avoidance of the offending food and emergency medications as needed. It is estimated that 1 in 13 children have a food allergy. As reactions to food allergies can be severe and even fatal, it is important for those who have food allergies to fully understand how to manage them. Some of the most common food allergies include peanut allergy, Cow s milk protein allergy, more common than food allergies are food intolerances, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, spitting up, and skin rashes. A food intolerancediffers from allergies because
  • 11. Biography of Michelangelo Essay Biography of Michelangelo The second of five brothers, Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, at Caprese, in Tuscany, to Ludovico di Leonardo di Buonarotto Simoni and Francesca Neri. The same day, his father noted down: Today March 6, 1475, a child of the male sex has been born to me and I have named him Michelangelo. He was born on Monday between 4 and 5 in the morning, at Caprese, where I am the PodestГ . Although born in the small village of Caprese, Michelangelo always considered himself a son of Florence, as did his father, a Citizen of Florence. His Childhood and Youth Buonarroti s mother, Francesca Neri, was too sick and frail to nurse Michelangelo, so he was placed with a wet nurse, in a family of stone cutters, ... Show more content on ... In Michelangelo s personal diary he recounts his first two works: My first work was a small bas relief, The Madonna of the Stairs. Mary, Mother of God, sits on the rock of the church. The child curls back into her body. She foresees his death, and his return on the stairway to heaven. My second work, another small relief. My tutor read me the myth of the battle of the Lapiths against the Centaurs. The wild forces of Life, locked in heroic combat. Already at 16, my mind was a battlefield: my love of pagan beauty, the male nude, at war with my religious faith. A polarity of themes and spiritual, the other earthly, I ve kept these carvings on the walls of my studio to this very day. His patron Lorenzo died in 1492; two years later Michelangelo fled Florence, when the Medici were temporarily expelled. His Studies of Anatomy During the years he spent in the Garden of San Marco, Michelangelo began to study human anatomy. In exchange for permission to study corpses, the prior of the church of Santo Spirito, NiccolГІ Bichiellini, received a wooden Crucifix from Michelangelo. But his contact with the dead bodies caused problems with his health, obliging him to interrupt his activities periodically. The
  • 12. Good Afternoon Team Communication Good Afternoon team players! After coming from a seminar for the health care industry, it is intriguing that the team as a whole must come together and have communication. The important thing is communication; this will help each and every person to communicate more successfully. Every person works in the same workplace and must have an understanding amongst one another as a team. However, having communicationeach person must have define, organization, and implement. Nevertheless, when going to the conference, it is known that a person should not just focus on working in the healthcare environment, but instead, he or she as individuals should concentrate on the patients. The conference taught not just numerous but others how active listening
  • 13. Covenant House Research Paper Did you know that, 54% of homeless shelters are youth shelter ?(Emergency homeless shelters in the GTA)The majority of Toronto s homeless community is youth based, so care for them is extremely important. Their future is on the line if they do not get the help that they need. Covenant House and Horizons for Youth (HFY) are two very popular youth shelters, but the things that are important when a youth is looking for a youth shelter are; what programs they offer, the location, and the choice between an abstinence based system or a harm reduction program. Covenant House offers the superior service when it comes to all of these things. Although, both shelters claim to offer both the same support and programs, Covenant House offers a transition house whereas Horizons for Youth does not. The reason this program is important is because, When kids are experiencing a... Show more content on ... The reason for that is because, for youth who have addiction problems or anxiety about being around intoxicated people, it can help with anxiety issues. Covenant House has made the choice to use the abstinence program because This keeps our kids safer and offers a positive choice for those who are trying to make changes. It is very difficult for youth who are trying to quit drugs and alcohol to be surrounded by it in their environment. They sometimes come to us straight from treatment centers. (Abstinence Based, 2014.) HFY has chosen to use harm reduction. This program allows youth to go into the shelter intoxicated, because Homeless youth are likely to engage in risky health behaviours (About Youth Homelessness,2014) Covenant House s choice to use the abstinence program opposed to harm reduction allows a more comfortable atmosphere for others in the residence, but also ensures those who suffer from addiction have the opportunity to
  • 14. The Intent For Outpatient Prospective Payment System The intent for Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems is to provide a system to predict and manage program expenditures by setting a fixed payment amount to groups of services. The outpatient prospective payment system classifies hospital outpatient services into Ambulatory Payment Classifications. Ambulatory Payment Classifications are assigned by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services and are updated annually. Ambulatory Payment Classifications are services that are similar in the aspect of the resources required to provide the service. The Outpatient Prospective Payment System was developed to control the costs for healthcare services by using a bundled payment system. The Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 mandated other... Show more content on ... Hospitals are subject to a 2% reduction in the annual payment if they do not meet certain requirements of the Quality Data Reporting criteria. If the hospital does meet the criteria, there is a financial incentive they can receive. With most of the services, the patient will pay the deductible for that year. Once the patient meets the deductible, Medicare pays the rest of the charges, less the copay or coinsurance the patient must meet. On certain services, such as a screening mammogram, the patient is not liable for a deductible. The Outpatient Prospective Payment System pays for services that are designated as outpatient hospital services, partial hospitalization services, hepatitis B vaccines and their administration, casts, splints, and initial preventative physical exams that are received within the first 12 months of the Medicare Part B coverage becoming effective. Other services that are included are x rays, stitches, hospital charges for an emergency room visit, surgeries that are done on an outpatient basis, observation services due to an illness or injury and the administration of certain drugs that you cannot give
  • 15. Nurses Diverse Cultural Background And Impact On Care Essay Nurses diverse cultural background and impact on care Tabytha Balash Ohio University Nurses diverse cultural background and impact on care Cultural diversity is when a group of individuals from different cultures come together. The cultural differences include; race, ethnicity, language, nationality, religion, age, gender, social status, or sexual orientation come together (Andrews, Boyle, 2016). Cultural diversity incorporates how individuals perceive themselves, and how he or she perceives others of different cultures or sub cultures. Age or generation is an essential aspect of workforce diversity. Generation is important because the individuals are born within the same time period, providing common views, and beliefs because of the common exposure at a young age (Rajput, Bali, Kesarwani, 2013). This paper will provide an overview of the four Generations represented in the current workforce today, an overview of the generation that I belong to, and lastly, an explanation of how one group can learn from another. Overview of Four Generations The four generations presented in this paper are: The Veterans, The Baby Boomers, Generation X, and the Millennias. The Veterans, also known as seniors or traditionalist, were born between 1925 and 1945 (Andrews Boyle 2016). These individuals lived through the world wars, overcame economic hardship, and have chosen to continue to work past the common retirement age. This group of individuals believe they work out of
  • 16. Foster Care Persuasive Essay Faith Holbrook Persuasive: Foster Care Should we spend taxpayer dollars on the foster care system? When it comes time to pay taxes do you ever wonder about just what some of the money you pay goes towards? Well, some of your money goes into a multibillion dollar organization called the foster care system. I believe that we shouldn t be using taxpayer dollars on the foster care system. I think this because: There have been cases of abuse, children have been shown to end up with trauma or emotional disabilities, and a high percentage of kids aren t successful in life after being involved in the system. One reason why taxpayer dollars shouldn t be used on the foster care system is because the fact that abuse occurs. And I personally think that the money the working people pay in their taxes, shouldn t be going to an organization that has multiple cases of abuse going on in their foster homes. These are the homes that are supposed to take care of children, be their safe haven. That is, until their family hopefully works the problems that are going on out. On that note, according to an article through ABC news written by Cynthia Mcfadden, Sally Schofield, the foster mother of Logan Marr, was found guilty June 25 of wrapping the 5 year old s body with 42 feet of duct tape during a timeout, causing the little girl to suffocate. This woman was supposed to take care of this child in her time of need for love and compassion. What she did to her, is unforgivable, and
  • 17. Curleys Wife Analysis Curly s Wife Curlys Wife is a very powerful and yet powerless character within the novel Of Mice and Men as Steinbeck uses her to reflect the prejudice against women in the 1930s since they had very little rights. Just from her title Curlys Wife she has no actual name, this shows that she is just Curlys property and powerless in the sense that she hasn t got her own individual identity, only an identity through her husband, also she doesn t have enough power to be called a woman instead she is discriminated against and is called derogatory terms such as a tart when Slim first speaks of her to George by saying I think Curly married a tart showing no respect for her From the beginning of when she is introduced in the novel she ... Show more content on ... From the word soft in the sentence The sun streaks were high on the wall by now, and the light was growing soft we are reminded of Curlys Wife s soft velvet hair that Lennie liked and lost control with, taking us back to the seriousness of her death and feeling empathy for her character To conclude, Steinbeck uses Curlys Wife to get the readers awareness of how much women were discriminated against in the 1930s and how lonely and isolated she was because of her being a female. She wasn t seen as her own individual person but as a strand of someone else; her husband Curly. She used her best quality: her beauty to get the attention of the other guys on the ranch because she doesn t like her husband Curly and had a dream to become a famous actress in the Movies. She went past the rule of staying away from Lennie because of her desire to be noticed and be listened to by someone, this then led to her death which added to the part of everyone s dreams not coming
  • 18. Unit 4222 324 communication needs Unit 4222 324 Support individuals with specific communication needs. Kate Wilson Outcome 1 understand specific communication needs and factors affecting them. 1.1 Explain the importance of meeting an individual s communication needs? Individuals that have communication problems need help and support to enable them to express themselves in the way they want, it s important that you find out the best way for the individual to communicate for example it may be through sign language or writing what they want to say down on paper, you must respect their preferred method of communication as it is everyone s human right to communicate and not allowing them to do so is stopping them from expressing their options and rights. 2.1 ... Show more content on ... You may be working with doctors or speech therapists. 2.2 contribute to identifying the communication methods or aids that will best suit the individual. As some peoples communication can change day to day due to medical or physical conditions you can help to identify the best methods to suit them by monitoring them and reporting what you find to your manager they can then put in place aids or different methods that will best suit the individual. Also they will be able to set up meetings with the appropriate people e.g. speech therapist. 2.3 Explain how and when to access information and support about identifying and addressing specific communication needs. You can access the service users care plan this will help you to identify any specific needs that they may have, you can then give them the support that is needed to deliver the best possible care Outcome 3 Be able to interact with individuals using their preferred communication. 3.1 Prepare the environment to facilitate communication. You can find out how the individual feels more comfortable, it could be one to one or they may prefer to be in a group. Make sure there is not a lot of background noise and distractions have a good seating arrangement where you can see and hear each other without having things in the way and so you don t have to shout to hear each
  • 19. Prospective Payment System Background of the MS DRG s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) adopted the Medical Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS DRGs) for use in the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) in the fiscal year 2008, which ran from October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008. CMS was influenced by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MEDPAC) and the hospitalcommunity to use a severity adjusted DRG system. Steps for Determining a MS DRG There are four steps in determining the MS DRG. The first step is the pre MDC assignment. This was added in version 8 revision of DRGs. It is the principal IDC procedure that determines the MS DRG. The encounter has to qualify for pre MDC assignment for the process to be complete and there are no
  • 20. Research Critique The Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC] (2008) report that all professional nurses have a responsibility to deliver care based on current evidence, best practice and validated research when it is available, Gomm and Davies (2000) confirm this by stating that government and professional guidance insist that professional practice should be based on evidence. Nurses are the largest professional group among health care workers worldwide; they carry out numerous interventions with patients and patient s carers. The nurse s decisions and actions affect the lives of many people, and therefore, it is sound knowledge that nursing practice should be based on robust evidence (Parahoo 2006). Burns and Grove (2005), state that a solid research base ... Show more content on ... The abstract in article A clearly states the method used, their findings and a conclusion, and from this the reader would be able to decide if the article was appropriate for their search, without first having to read the whole article. The authors of article A have written a good clear background section, which clearly states the reason for the research, and the reviewer is of the opinion that the authors have looked at previous studies and found a gap in the knowledge, hence the need for this research piece to be conducted. The reviewer was unsure whether this background section was actually the literature review, as there is no reference to the literature review further on in the paper. Burns and Grove (2005) commented that the literature review should help to identify any gaps in the literature relating to the problem, and suggest how those gaps might be filled, which is what the reviewer believes the background section does. When looking at the sample and sample size in a research article, particularly a quantitative piece, the degree to which a sample reflects the population it was drawn from is a decisive factor in determining the adequacy of a study (Polit and Beck 2006). Article A used a purposive sample of 7 out of 28 Strategic Health Authorities in England, with each hospital and Primary Care Trust invited to participate, with 87 out of 97 agreeing. The authors have stated that they piloted the interview
  • 21. Dog And Book Analysis I believe dogs and books are both significant, especially in times of our sorrow. We have dogs who are loving and compassionate, and books which are best described to be our ultimate escape. To begin with, the author of the article, Christie Blatchford brings to our attention that humans can not solve all of our problems. They mean to say the right thing, the comforting thing, but they say the wrong thing. In my opinion, Blatchford s perspective on human s is true, as we are far from perfect. We don t always say the right things only because we haven t experienced scenarios our peers may have. However, when we have a friendly creature such as dogs, it s best they cannot talk, just comfort us by cuddling. This is what makes a dogis... Show more content on ... Not only are they loving, but they are also very impactful in a sense they shape us to be better humans. They show us to forgive easily. You accidentally step on a dog s tail but as you soon as you pet them with compassion, all is forgiven. A lot of dog owners are able to relate and think, if my own dog can forgive easily, then I should too! On the other hand, books are not living creatures who we can cuddle with. Instead, they are knowledgeable sources that teach us life lessons maybe our peers can t touch on. A lesson I found in the article, you stick with what brung you. This quote is clearly telling us that we should pay fealty to those who have gone out of their way to look after us. As we can see, I ve interpreted a quote best for my learning and understanding. Speaking of understanding, not many people comprehend how we think and function. That is why books come in all styles, genres and messages. So that we choose a book that best reflects the type of people we are. For example, you may love books about romance because you are the romantic type. In conclusion, life is a road that can sometimes lead to a dead
  • 22. Christianity, Religion, And Religion I have spent my entire life growing up in the greater philadelphia area, and throughout my time here I have only been exposed to one type of religion which is Christianity. I grew up going to a Catholic school, and I quickly learned that Jesus was the one true God. From this moment on I believed that Jesus was the only way to praise and worship God. Since I was brainwashed into this I was under the impression that we would be learning about all prehistoric religions that were all incorrect. However, I learned quickly that although these religions were prehistoric some of their rituals did relate to Catholic practices. Religions provide us with a base for morality and help us to answer the questions like how humans got here. Christianity is the religionthat I believe in, however i think it is important to evaluate and understand other religions because they provide us with different views on our human condition. The aboriginal tribes were the first prehistoric religion that we studied; prehistoric religions provided us with insight on how older religions understood the world around them. Their religion is broken down into three separate parts; the first part are the Creation Beings, many are involved with the creation of people, the landscape, and aspects of the environment, such as the creation of red, yellow or white pigments, so can be called Creation Figures or Creation Beings (Religion and Ceremony). This first beings are the being that are given credit
  • 23. Genetically Modified Organisms In The Movie, Jurassic World In the movie Jurassic World GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, is one of the main details in the movie. There are several topics to dicuss about how and why they used these GMOs and what the outcome of that was. Topics such as, what the purpose was, why they chose the specific traits they did, was it a good idea, how the dinosaur s adaptations help it survive, how its genetic features affects how it interatcs with the enviroment, and how they created the dinosaurs genome. Also, it will be realted to real life an real life situations. The purpose for creating this new dinosuar was because people were beginning to be bored with the normal, average dinosaur. They used its specific was so people and children would be more attracted and
  • 24. Vouchers In Schools Pros And Cons The Expense of Education Education is the most powerful tool one can arm themselves with. Education provides people with the power to innovate, invent, and change the world. Recognized on a global basis as the ultimate key to unlocking one s potential, education is one of, if not the most important aspect of a human being s life. Despite this recognition of educationas a necessary aspect of positive advancement, there has lately been a high amount of controversy surrounding the education system in the United States. A large amount of this controversy surrounds the views of the new secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, who strongly believes in the concept of schoolchoice vouchers, which are essentially subsidies given directly to parents to... Show more content on ... According to a report by the Southern Education Foundation, there are 115 private schools that have anti homosexuality policies or belong to discriminatory associations in the state of Georgia alone (Hansell). These schools have the legal authority to expel students who are homosexual, transgender, or even have a member of their family that is part of the LGBT community, even if the student themselves is not. Students who are members of or have connections to the LGBT community do not have access to many private institutions, even though their families pay for them through taxes. Many argue that private education institutions should have the right to make their own policies, even if they discriminate against certain groups, so why is this an issue? This is a major problem because the government funding of discriminatory institutions defeats the purpose of school vouchers by not providing school choice to all students equally, and does it in a way that promotes discrimination on a federally funded level. As seen in schools in Georgia, North Carolina, and other states across the US, the foundational belief of voucher advocates that a zip code should not define every student s education applies only to some students
  • 25. Case Study Of The Hotel De Londres Product The Hotel de Londres located centrally in the heart of Brig, which takes around 5mins to the train station. The location is perfect. As a hotel with a long history, the design of the hotel combine the modern and historical together and convey an atmosphere of closeness and familiarity and of comfort and authenticity. For now the Hotel de Londres main product could be segment into two parts, 1.Accommodation Meeting Product пЃ¬Standard Single rooms пЃ¬Double room пЃ¬Junior Suite пЃ¬Meeting Room 2.Food and Beverage Product пЃ¬Breakfast пЃ¬Special Brunches on festival пЃ¬Honest Bar Of course the Hotel de Londres provides the package for the customer, but only the bed and breakfast package.And for each room, they provide the high quality facilities and service to make their guest feels ... Show more content on ... Distribution channels OTA(Online Travel Agency) is an important part in the Hotel de Londres s distribution channels. For example and, the Hotel get most of the customers from these two website. And at the same time they have their own hotel homepage which is the most successful one. The customers could make the reservation in the hotel home page as well with more choices and better price. The travel agents is another distribution channel. But 15% was charged as the commission. Level of customer service In general the hotel has the expected service according to the comments from travelers who lived there recently in and Every customer was enjoy the perfect location and the beautiful scenery. Most of them like the relaxed and familiarity atmosphere there and the friendly staffs. But at the same time some customers complaint about the noise in the night, there is no air conditioner in the room and some other detailed things. All in one words, most of the customers enjoy their stay in the hotel and they felt they received the value for their money.
  • 26. Eye Of Horus Figure 4 shows a expressed image of the Eye of Horus in a bowl held by the hand. The most prominent feature of the image is the eye that resembles that of a human with a long tail and brow. This image is religious in nature and it was drawn in tombs (Silverman, 2003). Its pendulant was worn by both the living and the dead because it was thought to protect people from the wrath of the deities. Register Images Ancient Egyptians developed registers, which were wall drawings that used parallel lines to provide different scenes of one scenario. The registers were done using colors and typically depicted scenes of various activities part of the Egyptian livelihood. For instance, they would draw a scene of ordinary men rowing a boat as in the ... Show more content on ... Hieroglyphic drawings of the Ankh, the Eye of Horus, the Ntr which mean eternal life, monarch power and divinity respectively all confirm that (Silverman, 2003). The drawings, three dimensional sculpture, expressions and register were created using a variety of materials such as wood, metals and stones sources from different regions and a study now shows as far as Afghanistan in the case of blue stones (Navran, 2008). The ornament can be said to stop from where the depiction of the royals and deities begins. A close analysis of the royals and the deities show them in different positions such as a kneeling position, standing on a throne, two royals embracing or a deity seated as in the case of hieroglyphic symbol of god seated. These depictions are used for rituals and the royals and deities in the form of sculptures and expressions are created in such a way that allows those rituals or messages/texts being communicated to be done effectively. Hence, even though the colors used in the decorations are symbolic they are a creative element in the same way that the use of wood, metals and stones are when used to create the art. Hence, there is a creative aspect as well as religious aspect in ancient Egyptian decorative
  • 27. Essay on Cave Paintings The Cave of Lascaux and Cave Art Cave paintings might possibly be the oldest known form of communication that exists today. Cave paintings date back to a period of time called the Paleolithic Age. The Paleolithic Age took place from 40,000 to 10,000 B.C. Prehistoric Age is divided into three parts: Paleolithic being the earliest, Mesolithic being the middle at 10,000 B.C. and Neolithic Age being the latest at 8,000 B.C. During the Paleolithic Age it is believed that the cave paintings at Lascaux, France were created. Lascaux, is located in the south central, western corner of France. In 1940 this cave was believed to be found by a group of four boys from Montignac, France and a ... Show more content on ... This particular dating method uses radiocarbon dating, however typing of Lascauxs pigments suggests the material used in this cave was iron or mangamese and metal oxides which are very hard to date using either of the above methods. According to Nature Magazine The chronology of European prehistoric cave paintings has been loosely based on the style of fauna depicted or on dated remains left behind by cave occupants, but has become more precise with radiocarbon dating on the charcoal pigments . (Valladas, et al 479) This suggests that the men completing these works left things behind which the archaeologists are able to date. Cave paintings of this time were known to be created using a mixture of red and yellow ochre, haematite, manganese oxide and charcoal. The colors these men used were red, brown, blue, purple, yellow and black. Animal fat and plant sap were used, and worked quite well, in producing a binding and preservation agent for these cave works. In these cave lighting was an issue because the cave were often extremely dark and one would have not had ample light to see. It is suggested in the internet source Art: A new History, by Paul Johnson that both lamps and torch light were used. (Johnson) Torch lights and lamps were also both effective in burning mass amounts of animal fat which was then used as a binding agent for the paintings. Typically most cave
  • 28. Owning A Pit Bull Essay Owning A Pit Bull Own a Good Dog Own A Pit Bull There are many different qualities to consider when choosing a dog. Pit Bulls have all the qualities needed to become a great companion. Although, if you treat them wrong when they re growing up there is a good chance they will get out of control. If you raise them right you will have one of the best dogs ever. For example my friend had a Pit Bull that he would hit for no reason and one day the dog attacked him and hurt him pretty bad. This is a good example of why you should treat your dog right. From my experience raising a Pit Bull I have come to believe they are the best bread of dog. As with any dog you need to raise and treat them right. Naturally they are loyal, smart, ... Show more content on ... They were breed to be strong fighting dogs. They originated from Ireland. They mixed a Bulldog and a Terrier, so they had the strength of a Bulldog and the speed of a Terrier. Pit Bulls were fought in pits so that is were they got the name Pit Bull. Pits also have amassing jaw strength. They can smash these dog toys called kongs with their jaws. I can t even smash one by stepping on it. They are so strong that you can hang a rope from a tree and they will lock their jaws on the rope and swing from it. They can also jump very high. My Pit can already jump onto my bed and that is almost double his height. Some Pit Bulls can even learn to climb trees. Pits are also known for being very and muscular. My dog already weighs forty five pounds at four months old. The third characteristic of a good dog is courage. Courage is an important characteristic of a good dog because they are more play full and fun to be around. This also means that they won t be afraid of anything or any one. This is important for a good guard dog. Pit Bulls are also very courageous. One example of how courageous Pit Bulls are, is when my Pit was twelve pounds he was trying to wrestle a one hundred and sixty five pound Rottwiller. Whenever he is around dogs his own weight or close to it, he always is the dominant dog. Another way he shows his dominance is whenever he is in a car he will want to sit on the driver s lap. The vet told me that this is a sign of dominance in dogs. Even
  • 29. Texas Fire Department Case Study Board of Directors The governing Board of Directors of the Texas Fire Chiefs Association. Candidate Department A Texas fire department that has contracted with the Texas Fire Chiefs Association to conduct an assessment of their compliance with the Texas Best Business Practices for Fire Departments. Compliance Files Files created for each of the Best Practices which contain the Candidate Department s Proofs of Compliance with that standard. Contract An agreement between a Candidate Department and the Texas Fire Chiefs Association whereby the Texas Fire Chiefs Association provides initial and ongoing evaluation of a candidate department s compliance with Best Practices and grants Recognized status. Document Submission Form A form designed to facilitate submission of proofs of compliance and explain the documentation... Show more content on ... If the department has already completed its Internal Review Process and has all files ready for inspection, the Recognition Committee will approve the application and direct the Program Director to send a Final Compliance Review team to the department. As soon as the department is ready for a Final Review and is approved to undergo the Full Review Process, the Program Director will have a Contract mailed to the department. The contract should be completed and signed by both the organization CEO (City Manager) and Fire Chief. As soon as the Contract is completed and returned and the first year program fees have been paid in full, the Program Director will contact the department and provide submission instructions, and arrange for scheduling an initial meeting. Expect Department Change The Program Manager (PM) is a key change agent. The Chief should also be aware that Recognition is a task in which the entire department
  • 30. 21 Year Old Research Paper My life as a normal 21 year old.By: Chelsea Berry So there I was living my life as a normal 21 year old. Going out with friends, having a good time and I was in my last year of college. I was taking Pre Algebra, Criminal Justice Systems and Research Skills. My goals at that time was to finish college with an associate degree and move up to my bachorl s and get a job in either a court house or hospital. Now I am resilient because I am able to finish school, get an associate s degree, and am now working toward a bachelor s degree. One day I woke up sick and was passing out a couple times in one day. That day I passed out I have really bad chest pain and couldn t catch my breath. So I went to the ER and got checked, and received the worst news I ever heard as a young adult. You have heart failure . Once the doctor told me that I didn t understand what was going to happen next and right there I felt like crying my eyes out. When I found out I was sick I started thinking back when I was three years out and got shocked. My family and I was thinking maybe that sparked something in my heart and cause a heart problems, so I told the doctors when I was getting checked and they said getting shocked... Show more content on ... I am in college studying for my bachelors taking Business Law Today online and English writing class and even a Psych class at Hocking College this summer. Then I plan on transferring to OUZ in Zanesville this fall. I feel like I have my old life back even if I can t really do most of the old stuff. I have found new and better safer stuff to do like working out, going running, and getting active to keep my heart healthy. Now since I am used to having this device I can joke around with it like when people see it they freak out and ask what happened to you? I just joke and say I got in a fight or just something funny that comes to mind at the
  • 31. Erikson s Eigh Life-Span Stages at Stage 2 This project group, we decided to focus on Erikson s Eight Life Span stages which at stage 2, autonomy versus shame and doubt. As we focus on this stage, Erik Erikson usually more focus at psychological view of development. Autonomy versus shame and doubt is at stage 2 and it is in early childhood, infancy 1 year until 3 years. This stage is about the development of the greater sense of personal control on the children self. Besides, this stage also the conflict of toddlerhood and it been resolves positively if parent provide suitable guidance and appropriate. The similar life stage by Freud at 2nd stage which are anal stage, whereas an instinctual energies shift to anal region. Same as Erikson, he study and research that toilet train was important part of this stage. These show children that able to control 1 of body function which is anal stage can make the feeling control and sense of independence. Besides toilet training, children can gain more control over food choices, toy preferences and clothing selection. Therefore, children will feel more confident and sense the responsible towards their self. Besides, in this 2nd stage of Erikson s Eight Life Span stages, children able to grow their sense of control over physical skills also. They able to do and want to try new toy, such bicycle, eat by own either by hand and holding utensils. Other than that, children also can sense of independence. They also try to put on the cloth on their own hand and choose their shoes.
  • 32. Native American And African Slaves As the Native American population had been decimated by genocide and war, England looked to African slaves to provide them with the necessary labor to harvest tobacco. Although African slaves had the same status as that of an indentured servant, African slaves began to become more and more restricted, losing all human and civil rights. These restrictions were placed on African slaves to protect the rights of the indentured Englishmen, and developed a social/political system based of segregation and discrimination, ultimately leading to the modern ideology of the world, racism. Native Americans were not spared from the stupidity of racial superiority, and like Africans, were forced into slavery. Native American slavery though predominately in the Spanish colonies was used in North America. Though unlike the Mesoamerican slaves, the North American slaves were also the slavers. The colonists of North America lured Native Americans to capture other Native Americans in exchange for trade goods and alliances, forcing Native Americans to choose between being the slaver or the slaved, much like some African tribes. In South America, the Spaniards enticed nearly 100,000 under false promises of riches, and instead enslaved them, forcing them to harvest guano (bird excrements), an export from Peru that had a value of fifteen billion dollars. As slavery spread throughout the New World, much of the African, Chinese, and indigenous culture began to mix together, resulting in a unique
  • 33. Will American Involvement For Regional Stability Posed By... Will American involvement in the Middle East reduce, or aggravate, the threat to regional stability posed by ISIS? As previous history from the Middle East has shown American involvement is to a fairly large extent more likely to aggravate the threat of regional stability posed by ISIS. The ISIS militants are an extremist religious group whose aim is to create an Islamic state, or caliphate (a state where there is a supreme political and religious leader) across the Middle East. They have made most ground in Syria and Iraq, with their sphere of influence swelling to territory the size of the UK (Johnston, 2014). This essay will assess a range of factors in order to efficiently answer the question. Firstly, this essay will contextualize ... Show more content on ... Therefore the implication here is that American is more likely to aggravate the threat posed by ISIS than reduce it. Context and actors involved There are a number of actors involved in this situation; most notably these are that of ISIS and America. As mentioned ISIS s stated goal is to create a broader Islamic caliphate (BBC News, 2014). This would be a caliphate, which stretches across the Middle East. ISIS has already made significant ground towards achieving this goal as recorded in July that they are now in control of 35 percent of the Syrian territory following a string of victories (Syrian Observatory, 2014). Moreover, the ISIS movement has made substantial gains in Iraq controlling much of its north western territory, and are making clear progress further south towards Baghdad given the number of conflicts surrounding the capital (The New York Times, 2014). This has had a number of repercussions onto that of America, for example it has been recorded that roughly 90 percent of Americans now view ISIS as a serious threat to U.S. national security (Gottlieb, 2014). This threat to national security could be argued to be because of the idea of American Imperialism. This is the idea that America believes that it has the role of World Police to some degree, that as being the largest western superpower it has the job of regulating anyone who might challenge freedom. Therefore, they must intervene in mostly all situations to attempt to restore piece. This
  • 34. Imagery In The Juggler The use of different literary devices such as imagery, symbolism and diction convey the many tasks of life the juggler has trouble juggling. The juggler appears to be an important figure in this community and his importance is shown through the crowds reaction. The different literary devices help us to create a world of our own while he shows us a part of ours. It is also shown through his many eye catching actions as well as the multiple emotions of the audience. The use of imagery in The Juggler shows us that it is physically hard to balance the many tasks of life. [The juggler] trades it all for a broom, a plate, a table. Oh, on his toe the table is turning, the broom s balancing up on his nose, (18 19). The crowds reaction shows how
  • 35. Russian Revolution Causes The Russian Revolution have many important stages that are distinct from one another, From the Tsar to the Provisional Government to the Communist. It all happened in 1914, World War I is booming in Europe, a perfect opportunity for Russia s rotting society. War makes the Russian people forget about the disputes that the Tsar failed to resolve. And so the Tsar dragged his people to war with Germany. At first, Russiawas seemingly to be successful, but the Russian army with bad leadership from the incompetent generals have caused them major defeats against the German. Morale was low and to combat this, Tsar Nicholas himself went to the battlefield and leave his wife in charge of the nation back home. People of all class heavily reject this... Show more content on ... The Red Army are the communists that are in power and held most of the land. Most countries of the former Russian Empire turn socialist and join Russia into a big Soviet Union. The Allies saw that Russia pulled out of the war and the German have more forces now that they are free from the Eastern front. And so the Allies intervened the Russian in their civil war by supporting the White, hopefully they would continue the war once they took over. But this is repelled when the Reds uses nationalism to encourage the Russian to drive out foreign power, this has a crucial outcome in the future as the Russian have a distrust in the West. The civil war uses Terror as a strategy for both sides. Assassinations attempts and executions happened often. The Red set up the Cheka, a Secret police force that take out political opponents and spread fear among their own people, just like what the tsar did when he was in power to keep the people from rebelling. The communists also set up forced labor camps to make political prisoner work. They also adopt a policy known as War Communism. The Government took control of almost all aspect of economy of the people and that peasants are forced to give all their crops to the Army and the people in the city, peasants were also forcefully drafted to the army or forced to work in factories. Trotsky trained his army into an effective fighting force, using terror to discipline his soldiers by shooting every tenth men in an unit if they performed poorly in battle. The Red army with strategic location and organization are far better than the scattered whites that have to fight from all sides with no coordinations. By 1921, the Reds beat the whites
  • 36. Jonas Salk The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more (Biography 1). Jonas Edward Salk was a medical doctor and epidemiologist, who aided in the manufacturing of the first vaccine to counteract poliomyelitis (polio). Jonas Salk, the pioneer for the first polio vaccine, was a humanitarian who worked to help others, which reflected his Jewish background. Most notably, Jonas Edward Salk was known for his work in the field of medicine, specifically the polio vaccine, his medical research institution, and the institution s fight against AIDS. Salk was working with Thomas Francis Jr. at New York University College of Medicine, where they were developing a killed virus vaccine (Britannica 1). A killed virus or inactivated vaccine is an... Show more content on ... According to, if one s mother is Jewish, then the person s religion is Jewish. When Jonas Salk was asked by Herb Meyer, a friend of Salk, what he thought of Intelligent Design vs. evolution, Salk responded by saying, Why do I have to choose? Why must it be one or the other? Of course evolution is real. DNA mutates and that makes evolution one of the most powerful forces in nature. But who set evolution into motion? Can t God have done that? (Aussiegirl 1) Based on this quote, Salk reveals his thoughts about God and accredits the creation of evolution, small mutations and not common ancestry, to God. Moreover, when the poliomyelitis vaccine was released in 1955, Jonas Salk was asked by Edward R. Murrow in an interview about who owned the patent for vaccine. Well, the people, I would say, Salk responded. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun? (Palmer 1) By saying this, Jonas Salk insinuated that a substance so helpful, is best kept without the defilement of economic
  • 37. Electronic Essay III nitride (III N) material systems have attracted extensive research interest in both electronics and optoelectronics, including high electron mobility transistors, ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 1 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) power diodes, ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 2 4 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) solid state lighting, ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 5 7 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) photovoltaics (PV), ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 8 11 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) photodetectors, ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 12 14 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) and visible light communication. ( removed HTML )... Show more content on ... ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 21 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Therefore, efficient and reliable operation of solar cells at high temperatures is critical for these applications, where III N materials and devices hold great promise. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 21,22 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) By virtue of their large bandgaps and high atomic displacement energies, ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 23 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) III N materials and devices are promising for high temperature applications. To date, high temperature operation of III N devices has been theoretically predicted and experimentally demonstrated up to 600 В°C in air and 1000 В°C in vacuum. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 24 28 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) For III N InGaN solar cells, high efficiency operation at a temperature of 300 В°C has been demonstrated, ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 29 32 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) which is superior to traditional Si or III V solar cells. Despite the promising results, very few studies on the thermal reliability of InGaN solar cells exist, and their degradation mechanisms at high temperature are still unclear. In addition to crystal qualities, other device parameters such as metal
  • 38. Organizational Structure And Functional Structure How do you think your chosen company created their organizational structure? How is the organizational structure reflected in the company culture? The company I have chosen is the Department of Navy created their Functional Structure which was based of learned lessons from past military employment history. The Navy s functional structure provides organization according to a jobs or an individual s purpose within the organization. Departments that focus on a single function or goal most easily recognize functional organizations. For instance, an organization with a marketing department, a human resources department, a research and development department and so forth, operates according to functional organization. The functional structure provides employees, as well as their appropriate departments, with a clear objective and purpose for their work. As an example, employees within a marketing department know that their job is marketing and, as a result, those employees can focus on improving their marketing work and even specialize in a specific area of marketing. On the other hand, functional structure can create divisions between departments if a conflict develops between departments. How is the company able to keep all the employees up to date on company strategies and tactics within the current company dynamics? Is it effective? Management sets objectives and charts a course of action so as to be proactive rather than reactive to the dynamics of the business
  • 39. Occupational Therapy Case Study Myra is a 30 year old woman with cerebral palsy who works in an office. She has recently changed jobs and requested an occupational therapy evaluation to set up her work environment successfully. What is the role of occupational therapy in ergonomics counseling? The role of occupational therapy in ergonomics counseling begins with an evaluation of the client, the work environment and the duties required to fulfill the position. During the assessment, the occupational therapist will identify possible hazards and offer reasonable recommendations to minimize risk factors. The therapist will also be focused on suggesting and creating any necessary modifications to maximize client functionality, comfort, and safety in order to regain productivity.
  • 40. Office Of Professional Responsibility And Inspections Essay Currently serving as a Patrol Sergeant for the MTPD. One of six Sergeants assigned to watch over, lead and supervise over 80 officers. Responsible for the direct supervision of 12 Officers assigned to my squad. Also serve as Department Special Response Team (SRT) Assistant Commander. On a typical day, I oversee 20 to 40 on duty Officers. Responsibilities include: Preforms as MTPD s Assistant SRT Commander with over two years of experience in this position and five years of service as an SRT member prior to the assignment. Familiar with tactics, techniques, initiatives, training, sharing, teamwork, networking and more which can be beneficial in various events such as, problem solving, immediate response or critical incidents. Investigate of allegations of Officer misconduct, use of force incidents, complaints, vehicle accidents and other areas when required. These investigations are subject to review by higher authorities and submitted to the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspections (OPRI) for final review. Interview individuals who were placed into Police custody then by means of any reason sought medical attention inside of the District of Columbia. Oversee the Field Training program s implementation at the district level by making sure the policies and directives are followed and supported. If scheduling conflicts, training discrepancies, professionalism or other issues arise, the Field Training Sergeant assigned to that section is tasked to
  • 41. “How Can Modern Behavioural Therapies Help a Client Accept... Abstract: How can modern behavioural therapies help a client accept uncertainty about their future? Introduction: I will demonstrate a good knowledge and understanding focusing on REBT and CT, combining them to produce a fluid response to answer the question. Background: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a generic umbrella term for a category of therapy approach that focus on the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and actions. There are many different types of CBT. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (Ellis s REBT) and Cognitive Therapy (Beck s CT) are the two main types. Current CBT practice originated in the 50s and 60s with Ellis, Lazarus (MultiModal Therapy) and Beck, building upon the ... Show more content on ... CT focuses on the inferences clients draw about certain events. For example, if a partner leaves the relationship for another person clients may tell themselves, I ll never find someone to love me. This prediction may lead to feeling depressed and avoiding opportunities to find another partner. A cognitive therapist will help clients to realize that they have no way to predict the future and get them to rethink their inference. When they stop making negative predictions about the future, they are more likely to develop realistic problem solving methods. Accepting uncertainty: REBT differs from most of the other CBTs by focusing on the clients evaluation of events. Very often, when we evaluate negative events, our evaluations are rigid and extreme. These rigid and extreme evaluations lead to emotional disturbance and self defeating behavior. When we modify our rigid and extreme beliefs, our emotional responses are healthier and our actions, particularly to problems are more efficient. For example, if a client failed an important exam. According to Ellis, clients may evaluate the situation as awful and tend to make themselves depressed. REBT encourages clients to reconsider this evaluation and to conclude that failing the exam is probably not the end of the world.
  • 42. Pride In Cantos 7-12 In Cantos 7 12, there were many times when the vice of pride was mentioned. For Aquinas, he does not list pride as a capital sin because he believes it is the general influence to all vices or the queen of all vices. Pride can also be described as the beginning of all sins : aversion from God, which is the formal complement of sin, belongs to pride essentially, and to other sins, consequently. Hence it is that pride fulfils the conditions of a first thing, and is the beginning of all sins (q. 162, a. 7). Pride can be seen as a root cause of other vices, which is why it is not listed in the capital vices; it can be linked to all the vices. In Canto 12, the Pilgrim was telling Virgil how he feels lighter than at the beginning and Virgil
  • 43. Chemical Weapons Chemical Weapons Weapons of Mass Destruction Chemical weapons and their use is one of the most important issues facing the world today. Not only is the use of such weapons highly controversial, but also the very idea of such weapons of mass destruction being in the hands of dangerous leaders. Next to nuclear weapons they are the most feared, and the prospect of these weapons not only concerns people, but also frightens them. As a result of these fears, America has entered a new war that could bring devastating effects upon our world. It is a very sensitive topic among many countries, and is out of hand primarily because of the introduction of chemical weapons to the world in the First World War. Many people have the same feelings ... Show more content on ... One example is how they were used on our campus in 1999 and this year. These types of chemicals are not the problem though. Chemical weapons such as mustard gas, sarin, and anthrax are becoming increasingly feared. During the first major use of chemical weapons in World War I, there was a death toll of 1.3 million. These deaths were caused single handedly by chemical weapons, and primarily by mustard gas. Tim Cook stated if the war had continued for yet another year it would have indeed been called the First Chemical War (A Short History of Chemical Weapons 21). Before such weapons, soldiers had a better chance of staying alive if they were skilled enough. Following the war, most countries decided that these types of weapons would only be used in special circumstances and not as a main stream military weapon. World War II was a prime example when hardly any chemical weapons were used at all. Although that was the case, both sides still had the ability to release very large amounts of many different chemical weapons. After World War II, the use of chemical weapons by our military was dropped. Most chemical weapons lead to tragedies, not only to humans but also the natural environment. Chemical weapons do not only affect human population but they also effect animals and plants. They can also lead to contamination of water and crops in and around the areas of their use. In some respects they are quite similar to
  • 44. Decision To Go To College Going to college became a modern tradition. Parents, in America, save money throughout their child s life to ensure that he or she will have the opportunity to go to the best college that money can buy. On the other hand, in Brazil, teenagers sweat, cry, and bleed to pass the exam t a public school, and if they do not pass it is a year of study and money jeopardized. Before taking any step further in the decision on going to collegeor not, I will analyze the opportunity on an economic point of view. First, it is important to define some terms such as opportunity cost and trade off, so I can be able to define what are mine before making any decisions. A trade off is giving up something in return for another. For example, going to college means giving up time where I could be volunteering and money that I could use to travel the world. Next, an opportunity cost is the next best alternative to what you are doing at the moment. Moreover, I would say my opportunity cost is traveling the world, it... Show more content on ... Price is the monetary value of something. For example, the price of a chocolate bar is five dollars. Cost is the measure of what must be sacrificed to purchase a product. Using the same chocolate bar example, to buy it means giving up on five packs of mints. In addition, some of the costs of going to college, for me, mean not going to China nor Australia in the next ten years. Besides the trade offs, opportunity cost, and costs going to college has benefits that are able to suppress the sacrifices. Nothing can mimic the college experience. It is an eye opening time in life, to grow and learn. Gain experience and obtain knowledge. On top of everything, in the area that I like to pursue a career, I also need a diploma that calls attention, to ensure other opportunities. Unfortunately, in the scientific field where you went to college and who you got your knowledge from can set back countless job
  • 45. Essay E-Business E Business 1 Abstract 2 About E Business 3 Advantages and Disadvantages 4 The impact if e business on a typical business 5 What a company must do to transform its strategy when it decides to transform into e business 6 Conclusion 7 References Abstract There is a misconception that e Business simply means buying and selling products and services over the Internet. The broader view of e Business focuses on the key processes that directly enhance revenue В— namely, customer acquisition and retention through sales, marketing and service (Siebel, 2004). This customer centric view of e Business is not limited to the Internet but rather applies to all aspects of the customer relationship whether it is online or offline. ... Show more content on ... However, there are also the advantages and disadvantages to every good thing. When it comes to e business, the advantages may include being able to use applications and features such as email, which is great because it is a quick and cheap way of sending information, combined with the ability to attach files and send them onto another user. E business is also quicker and easier means of communications; it may strengthen marketing capabilities and reach. Finally, it may also reduce the cost of doing business by lowering transaction costs and increasing efficient methods for payment, such as using online banking and reducing stationery and postage costs. Despite having many advantages of the Internet, there are, unfortunately disadvantages as well in e business. For example, Viruses are often spread over the Internet, which can normally be done via email. Even having a virus scanner does not protect your computer system at one hundred percent because they do not always recognize new virus, which it does not yet know about. Other disadvantages may include hackers being able to access your system and therefore, all of the company s files, which could ruin the company s business, may be at large. There is also one of the biggest complaints, which is the lack of physical contact because it prevents scrutiny of products and lacks face to face interaction; there may be difficulty in finding information;
  • 46. Giant Panda Affected by Road Construction The Qinling giant pandas are a slowly diminishing species. If left unprotected they will eventually become extinct. Fan, Li, Quan, Wu, Hu, and Yang investigated the effects of road construction on endangered Qinling giant pandas. Road construction can greatly affect the environment. According to the article, the harmful effects of roadway expansion extend to an area ten times broader than the roadway itself (Fan et al., 2011, p. 145). It can cause harmful chemicals to contaminate water sources and food supplies. Subsequently, road construction isolates species from one another, and this in turn blocks gene flow..., which steeply [decreases] genetic diversity (Fan et al., 2011, p. 145). On the other hand, road networks can isolate these species from their main water source and/or food supply. The giant pandas only food source is bamboo. Bamboo is a fickle plant that grows in certain habitats, under pristine conditions. Therefore, becoming isolated from bamboo forestry is detrimental to their survival. Researchers investigated the impact of road construction on giant panda s habitat and its carrying capacity in the Qinling Mountains (Fan et al., 2011, p. 145). Methods: First, the scientists determined a study area that would serve as their representative sample of the population. The south slope of the Qinling Mountains was chosen because it contained a rich population of Qinling giant pandas, and the environmental conditions were optimal for bamboo growth. Secondly,