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Essay On Medical Identity Theft
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Essay On Medical Identity Theft Essay On Medical Identity Theft
Performance Appraisal Hrm Absolute Standards
European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 7, Number 3 (2009) A New Framework for Selection
of the Best Performance Appraisal Method Mostafa Jafari Industrial Engineering Department, Iran
University of Science Technology Narmak, Tehran, Iran E mail:
Tel: +98 912 1382658 Atieh Bourouni Industrial Engineering Department, Iran University of
Science Technology Narmak, Tehran, Iran E mail: Tel: +98 912 5007402
Roozbeh Hesam Amiri Industrial Engineering Department, Iran University of Science Technology
Narmak, Tehran, Iran E mail: Tel: +98 912 5356487; Fax: +98 21 88814576
Abstract Performance appraisal is one of the most important processes in human resource... Show
more content on ...
2.2. Performance Appraisal Methods Decenzo and Robbins (1998) denominate that there are
three existent approaches for measuring performance appraisal. These are (1) absolute
standards (2) relative standards and (3) objectives. 93 European Journal of Social Sciences
Volume 7, Number 3 (2009) 2.2.1. Absolute Standards One group of appraisal methods use
absolute standard. This means that employees compare to a standard, and their evaluation is
independent of any other employee in a week group (Dessler, 2000). Included in this group are
the following methods: the essay appraisal, the critical incident appraisal, the checklist, the
graphic rating scale, forced choice and behaviorally anchored rating scales. The essay appraisal: It
is the simplest evaluating method in which evaluator writes an explanation about employee s
strength and weakness points, previous performance, positional and suggestion for his (her)
improvement at the end of evaluation term. This kind of evaluations usually includes some parts
of other systems to cause their flexibility. This method often combines with other methods. In
essay appraisal, we attempt to focus on behaviors (Mondy, 2008). The critical incident appraisal:
It focuses on key factors which make difference in performing a job efficiently. This method is
more credible because it is more related to job and based on individual s
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Money With Affiliate Marketing Online Essay
How to make money with affiliate marketing online is a topic that a lot of people come to Stuart
Ross with. Stuart is millionaire digital entrepreneur and co founder of the Six Figure Mentors
(SFM) and Digital Experts Academy (DEA), a Premier Business and Entrepreneur Online Education
Service and one of the fastest growing exclusive private communities on the internet today.
People tend to approach Stuart with a question like this, Stuart, I m thinking of getting started
online. I want to live the internet lifestyle. I want to create my digital empire, but I just don t
know what sort of products to create? What they re saying is that they ve been looking in the
market place and can see there s a variety of programs out there to make money with affiliate
marketing online.
The question is usually, Can you recommend any of the programs out there? or What types of
products shall I be selling? The mistake people often make when they first get started online is that
they look for affiliate programs that have the highest commission payouts or are quite low cost.
The reason for this is that they think that these are going to be the easiest products to sell because
of their low cost.
They then go and sign up to any old affiliate program and go out and start trying to make affiliate
commissions. The problem with this is that so often people are not that passionate or bothered
about the products they are selling. I will tell you this straight no course, training
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Persuasive Essay On Young People Go Camping
My best friend and I decide to go camping, it was supposed to be a regular long weekend with her
at Gennie Springs. The only thing was that we did not count on the issues that it could bring to
us. It was a Memorial weekend and two days before the weekend we planned everything to travel
5 hours away from home. The plan was just go camping, spend time with nature, and disconnect
from the world. We did not plan that the park was for crazy parties, we also did not plan that the
police will stop us, and of course, we did not plan that my car broke down on our way back.
During our way to Gennie Springs, everything was fine. We traveled for 5 hours without any
inconvenience. When we arrived at the park, we start noticing that a lot of young people from
colleges and universities. As we register and confirm our reservation, the guy from the park
advises us that they do crazy parties over there and they are not responsible for any damage. We
agreed and we signed. My friend and I started looking for our spot but everything was full and
there was not any space available. We start asking people if they know where was number 87,
that was our camping number, but they were all hangover and do not even know that the
camping has numbers. After an hour going around the park and passing for the same places over
and over, we asked an old couple and they tried to guide us through the park. We continue driving
and find out that our spot was on the other side of the park, so we go there and found
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Advantages Of Herbal Diet Supplements
Advantages of Herbal Diet Supplements
Here is a crash course in the advantages of herbal supplements and medicines:
They are cheap. Did you look at your medical bills for the past year? Now add up all that you paid
the pharmacist for prescription and over the counter medications. Is the number looking scary yet?
So if you have been using conventional medicine for small problems like common cold and
stomachaches then perhaps it is time you considered herbal medicine. It might give you a healthier
wallet or purse besides a healthy body.
You can do it. Did you know that herbal medicine and supplements can be assembled in your
own kitchen? There are thousands of herbal recipes available on the Internet. Just follow them
like a recipe to bake a cake and there you are. Your medicine made by your own hand. If you have a
garden you could even grown your own herbs.
They are natural. Man has learned to do many things but nature continues to know more. So matter
how much noise the pharmaceutical companies make you should at least give some time to listen
to nature and her own remedies.
Now for the long version. ... Show more content on ...
People have used them for centuries but it is only recently that western culture has rediscovered the
wonders of herbs. In part, this was because the development of allopathic medicinal techniques in
the west combined with the lack of scientific support for non conventional medicines to give an
unsavory (and quite wrong) reputation to herbal medicines and supplements. Recent discoveries
have forced the medical community to reconsider the benefits of herbs. This has mostly come about
with increasing exposure of western community to the healing techniques practiced in other
cultures and countries that proved to be more effective than, or at the least complimentary to,
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Edward Hopper, An American Realist Painter
Edward Hopper was an American realist painter born in 1882 in New York. After studying art and
many journeys, he had trouble getting famous and put on the art world map. But finally, in 1933, a
first installation is dedicated to him at the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York. His
works are mainly inspired by his journeys, trips to different places and the solitude of the American
in the twentieth century. Nighthawksis his most famous piece of art (Laura Herail, blog). After
researching and looking at many of his paintings, this artwork portrays sadness and yet it is not
a sad picture. It could be something enticing and yet charming about anonymous diners. The lack
of domesticity offering a relief what can be the full comfort of home. It may be easier to give
away to sadness here than in a cozy living room with wallpaper and framed pictures. Home often
appears to have betrayed Hopper s characters, something has happened there that forces them out
into the night and on to the road. The 24 hour diner is a sanctuary for those who for some reason
or another have failed to find there place in the normal world of relationships or community.
Hopper s ability to portray solitude comes from his own familiarity with it. He lead comfortable
middle class childhood as a son of a merchant, yet inside Hopper often felt a little bit awkward
like an outsider. Hoping for a while to be an artist and yet his parents insisted he trains in
commercial art to keep afloat financially. He hated
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Comparing Christianity, Morality In Islam, And The Bible
What is the meaning of life? Is there a universal source that serves as an instruction manual to direct
each person s life? Time has shown that multiple sources have found their own answers on the
purpose of human existence, and the most helpful answers derive from religious roots. Specifically,
Islam and Christianity both give answers to the questions of humanexistence and morality through
their holy scriptures, The Qur an in the Muslim faith, and the Bible in the Christian faith. While
the Bible and the Qur an offer helpful instruction to the lives of the followers of their respective
religions and stand out as long lasting pieces of literature, the two books differ on their bases for
morality due to key differences in the story each book
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The Social Responsibility Of The Workplace
Archie Carroll defines corporate social responsibility (CSR) as the social responsibility of business
encompassing the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of these
organizations at a given point in time. (Crane, 5) Interesting enough, there has been an abrupt
growth of firm s engagement in CSR within all industries. This is the result of growing requests
from the civil society demanding firms, of all sizes, to legitimize their practices. (Crane, 4)
More importantly, workplace issues have become an integral part of corporate social responsibility.
This includes a firm s lacking efforts in its occupational health and safety, and its fair pay and
conditions, amongst others. (Crane, 253) As employees reside in the midst of companies engaging
in corporate social responsibility, the reputation of the firm relies profoundly on ensuring all those
within the in house workplaces as well as the outsourced workplaces are treated justly and within
the operating country s legislation. (Crane, 253) Further to this, social injustice that occurs can
negatively affect the firm s reputation and brand favorability. (Crane, 254) Therefore, it was within
the firm s best interests to fulfill their core corporate responsibilities in the workplace. Albeit
corporations may have the intention to act within labour standards, circumstances do arise where
the rights of employees are neglected and the morality of the firm is questioned.
The Past of
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Addiction And Drug Abuse
Many aspects contribute to an individual s ability to resist drug use and most importantly
addiction, significantly fueling the debate whether it is nature or nurture that is the primary
consideration in understanding addiction (Crofton, Zhang, Green, 2015). Addiction is a disease
based on the ability of drugs and their use to alter a person s brain and behavior whereby they
compulsively seek drugs despite any other associated risk (Stanis Andersen, 2014). Drug use is
thought to alter the brain s dopamine surges where receptors for dopamine are reduced (Stanis
Andersen, 2014). However, despite substantial research that supports addictionas a disease,
controversy exists in that it is usually the individual who initially chooses to use drugs. Numerous
observers support that is this primary voluntary choice that makes it difficult for some to see
drugs addicts as anything other than criminal. Otherwise, drug use would probably be legal, and
there would be few drug crimes. Focusing on resilience may be a consideration that could find
support over a broader spectrum of beliefs. Resilience will be discussed.
Genetics and environmental factors play an import role in deterring a person s vulnerability to
addiction (Crofton, Zhang, Green, 2015). Understanding resistance thereby swaying the potential
choice that leads to the chronic disease of addiction would perhaps benefit society the more than
new laws and new prisons. Moreover, understanding environmental enrichment
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Essay On Lower House Of Government
The United States and France are two countries with similar ways of electing the lower house of
government. Both countries are divided into districts with single member representation. However,
the United States uses a majority system, first past the post, while France uses a majority plurality,
two round system. With each system there are separate advantages and disadvantages.
Nonetheless, the first past the post system used in the United States is more efficient, cost
effective, and comprehendible to the average person. The United States of America elects the
lower house of government using simple majority. This system can also be described as a
plurality, or first past the post. The United States is divided into 435 different districts by
population, with one individual representing each constituency. Members of the House of
Representatives, the lower house of government in the United States, are elected every two years.
(Parline Database, 2016) The methods by which candidates are brought to the ballot vary by state.
However, most states use a partisan primary to bring candidates to the final ballot. For example,
Washington State uses the top two method to bring candidates to the ballot. Under this... Show more
content on ...
Under plurality, the individual who receives the most votes receives the seat in the House of
Representatives. The individual may not always receive the majority of votes because more than
two individuals may receive votes. This leads to wasted votes in that everyone who voted for the
losing candidate does not have their vote represented. In addition, more seats may be given to a
political party than votes received. If a political party receives a plurality of votes with thirty
percent nationwide, they may be the new majority party but seventy percent of the country still
voted for somebody else. (Hoard,
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Argumentative Essay Childcare
14.2 million children under age 13 met federal requirements for child care subsidies in 2011 2012.
Of that number, 8.6 million were eligible under state policies. Yet only 1.5 million children actually
received the subsidies. That means only 10.6 percent of the number of children meeting federal
guidelines actually get the subsidy (Davidson 2017). The question that will be answered throughout
this paper is, how accessible is childcarein the United States? Child care is the care of children by
a day care center, babysitter, or other provider while parent/ parents/ or legal guardian is working.
The median household income for the United States is $53,8895 (Census Bureau) and the average
cost of childcare is between $10,000 and $16,000 (Hamm 2015). This means that childcare can cost
families making the median income 30% of their annual income. Given that this is the median
household income, half of households have an income that is below this costing them more than
30% of their income. The United States has excellent child care that is affordable for some,
however, most low income families are unable to afford it.
Child care is incredibly important for the youth because has been proven to improve children s
development. Early childhood education has a countless number of benefits, including more
equitable long term outcomes for children of diverse economic backgrounds. Additionally, investing
in these benefits early on helps create future workforce, secure long term
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Chronic Bronchitis Is A Medical Condition That Enhances...
Chronic bronchitis is a medical condition that enhances the swelling and mucus (phlegm or
sputum) production in the breathing tubes (airways). Airway obstruction takes a place in
chronic bronchitis, as the swelling and extra mucus cause the inside of the breathing tubes to be
narrower than normal. This illness is the fourth leading cause of death and WHO predicted that
COPD will be the third leading cause of death by 2030. Spirometry is the most recommended
diagnostic test to assess as to whether a patient has a COPD or not by Glob initiative in
Obstructive Lung disease (GOLD). This test is specifically designed to identify abnormalities in
lung volumes and air flow. Spirometry is utilized along with physical assessment, medical history
notes, x rays and blood tests to confirm the type of lung disease that a patient is suffering from,
which enables timely diagnosis and treatment. Spirometry can be defined as a mechanism that
illustrate the degree of airflow obstruction with a forced expiratory volume per second (FEV1) of
0.7. This review will focus on the recent developments spirometry as a diagnostic tool for COPD .
Keywords: COPD,emphysema, chronic bronchitis, spirometry Executive Summary Introduction:
COPD is a disease that characterized by airflow limitation, because it is irreversible. Sign and
symptoms: There are very helpful to diagnose the type of COPD the patients have to get the right
treaments. Breathlessness, cough, fatigue, cough, dyspnea and
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The Message Of Text Messaging Essay
Text messaging turns out to be most prevalent path for youngsters to stay in touch with today and is
also destroying the way we are communicating. Presently we can utilize online networking to get
our messages out to thousands or millions of individuals uncensored. Everything is always showing
signs of change; especially technology. Since change is unavoidable, rather than opposing it,
individuals should figure out how to grasp and adjust to it. With each new innovation comes the
obligation of taking care of it. All technological innovations must be utilized with social and moral
obligation. This paper will clarify the Christian Worldview on the utilization text messagingand how
technological innovation is supposed to be consumed properly.
Text messaging is now the most popular form of daily communication between adults, new
figures show. Text messaging has overtaken speaking on a cellphone and up close and personal
contact as the most utilized strategy for every day correspondence in the middle of loved ones
(Grant Meadows 2014). The first text message was sent on December 3, 1992 by Neil Papworth, a
22 year old engineer from his personal computer. The text message read Merry Christmas.
Omnipoint Communications, the principal GSM transporter in America, set up the first text
messaging service in the United States. Omnipoint not long after offered the primary messaging
between the US and whatever remains of the world, beginning a 160 character smaller scale
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What Is Obedience In King Lear
The most important thing was obedience, also a fundamental duty of women. Paternal authority
was unquestioned, children were to honour and respect their parents especially their father who
represented the ruling figure and symbolized God s authority. They expected to give love and care
for their parents for they were creators and deserved respect and gratitude. (1983.p.p:150 152).
Moreover, in king Lear the children seem to be injustice their ... Show more content on ...
(III.vii.88 91).
Also, we can notice the wake up of conscience at statesman like is Albany, Albany, is
progressively more sympathetic to Lear s cause. While the critics such as Leo Kirschbaum sees in
Albany s transition from milksop to rebel against his wife and a force for good an indication of
hopefulness amid the play s bleak view of human action .(Bloom,2008:41).Goneril, whose husband,
Albany, is increasingly sympathetic to Lear s case, and he has discovered the conspire by helping
of Edger when submitted the letter which is sent with Oswald to Regan. Goneril and Edmund
conspire to kill Albany.
Shakespeare mollifies the poetic justice which kills Edmund at the end by giving him one last
repentance, perhaps even a conscience when in his dying moments he sends the order to
reprieve Lear and Cordelia, an order that comes too late for Cordelia .(White,1996:219). the end
of the play Lear, an old man, emotionally and physically exhausted, exposed to the wet and cold,
develops what is clearly, to psychiatric eyes, a brief delirium. This is described in terms that a
modem clinician would instantly recognize, and is cured by a kindly physician with rest and
sleep that to provoke in him are many simples operative, whose power will close the eye of
anguish ( Belts.T
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Reflective Essay On Community Work
Community Work
Young at Art museum Creativity and imagination is often overlooked in our current school system,
this organization aims to change that by allowing kids to explore the arts through creative projects
and hands on activities. While volunteering here I was able to assist kids with their arts and craft
projects and pushed them to to think more creatively. I believe that creativity sparks innovation
which is an important value to have in life. I was in charge of overseeing projects such as the
creation of puppets using recycled thrash, drafting digital comic books, the setup of fashion week,
and many other creative projects. I played an active role in inspiring kids to use their imagination to
create masterpieces and enriching the community as a result.
Miami Dade Animal Shelter Pets have always been in my life and my love for animals transfer to
my community work.The Miami Dade animal shelter is one of the largest animal shelters in the
U.S and they require a lot of volunteering in order to maintain the health and care of all the animals.
In response I have taken care of multiple orphaned animals throughout multiple weeks so they can
become accustomed to domestic life and be adopted one day. My tasks involved various tedious but
necessary chores such as cleaning up after them, feeding them, bathing them, and many other task. I
feel it s important to help out animals because they have always been around me since a child.
Mentors in Action This club is tasked with providing services to the community throughout
multiple means such as fundraising and supply drives. This year we will focusing on helping
orphanages, foster homes, and homeless shelters in our local area by raising supplies such as
food and books from our community. This club s activities and goals are flexible so they are
able to help meet the various needs of the community. I joined this club because I feel it s a
responsibility to give back to those who need care and can t provide for themselves.
National Art Honor Society This club s goal is to spread awareness of art by inspiring students with
projects such as chalk murals and the Art Fair. Students often feel not talented enough to get
interested in art but this
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An Analysis Of Tibet s Governmental System and the Dalai...
An Analysis Of Tibet s Governmental System and the Dalai Lama as Head of State
Throughout history, society has created many different governmental systems in order to organize
society in terms of law and authority. Many have failed in their purpose but others have remained
steadfast in their goals and have prospered. To fundamentally understand why this pattern occurs,
we must understand the true function and purpose of government. Government serves two
functions. Internally, government should serve the function as the ultimate enforcer of norms, the
final arbitration of conflicting interests, and control the overall planning and direction of society.
Externally, government should serve the function as the handler of ... Show more content on ...
An assumption is that the populace is unlawful and henceforth credulous to a high degree.[2] A
second assumption is that if there is no distinction and discrimination between priestly status and
lay people, the system is not credible and has no legs to stand on. Tibet is a perfect example of this
medieval type of society. Other examples that closely resemble the Tibetan political structure
occurred during the Catholicism of feudal Europe, the Inca regime of Peru, and Brahminism of
India. Therefore, the integration of Buddhism into Tibet s government and the formation of the
institution of the Dalai Lama as head of state have not only demonstrated to be one of the leading
models of political system in the world but negatively made the country vulnerable to military
To better understand why an autocratic theocracy was the right governmental system for Tibet, we
must look at how Buddhism came to Tibet. Buddhism entered Tibet in the fifth century but did not
become a force until the seventh century under King Song tsem Gampo. King Song tsem Gampo
had two wives who were Buddhist and they became a very influential force by inspiring him to
spread Buddhism throughout Tibet. His accomplishments include establishing Lhasa in 639 A.D.
and erecting hundreds of temples. From the period between King Song tsem Gampo s rule and the
thirteen century, there was no centralized
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Glaciation In The Pacific Cordillera Of North America
Although it may not feel like it, we are currently in an ice age today. An ice age is just a period
of time when the Earth s climate faces a constant and drastic decrease in temperature. Periods of
colder temperature during an ice age have been called glaciations because they result in something
being covered by glaciers or ice sheets. Shorter term, irregular intervals of warmer temperatures
have been called interglacials , which is what we are currently living in today. However, some
scientists believe that the climatemay dramatically decrease in the near future, and we could see
glaciers return again like we did in the last glacial period. This last glacial period is referred to as
The Ice Age. It was the most recent glacial period within our current ice age occurring in the...
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The glaciations that occurred during this glacial period covered many areas, primarily in the
Northern Hemisphere where the ice sheets were approximately two and a half miles thick. There
were twelve different names assigned to the multiple locations where glaciation occurred at that
time. Three terms were coined for glaciation in North America. Glaciation in the Pacific Cordillera
of North America was known as, Fraser . The Central Rocky Mountain area s glaciation was called
Pinedale , and glaciation in central North America was known as Wisconsinian .
When the Ice Age began, the Rocky Mountain National Park area saw large ice sheets covering
much of the land. There had been proof of earlier glaciation in the Rocky Mountain area because a
mass of older rocks and sediments called moraines had been deposited by a glacier and found on the
edges and extremities of the mountains there. Unfortunately, a large majority of the evidence has
been erased by the more recent glaciation in the Ice Age.
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Human Trafficking And Human Exploitation
Human trafficking and human exploitation is a serious crime and a grave violation of human
rights. Each year, thousands of individuals are subjected to human trafficking and human
exploitation either in their countries or abroad regardless of their age, gender, race and socio
economic background. Human trafficking and human exploitation are a form of modern day slavery
and a crime involved controlling an individual against their will through violence, fraud, and
coercion for the satisfaction of personal desires or profitable advantage. Human traffickingand
human exploitation are often inter related to each other. Traffickers use violence, threats,
blackmails, false promises, deceptions, manipulations, and debt bondage to trap potential
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Essay about Egyptian Funerary Practices
Egyptian Funerary Practices
Ancient Egyptian civilization was based on religion. Their belief in the rebirth after death became
their driving force behind their funeral practices. Death was simply a temporary interruption, rather
than an end to life, and that eternal life could be ensured by means of worship to the gods,
preservation of the physical form thru mummification, substantial ceremonies and detailed burial
policies and procedures. Even though many today have varying views of an afterlife, many of the
funerary practices that originated in Egypt can be seen in present day funeral services.
The Egyptians believed that the human soul used the first night after death to travel into the
afterlife. The body, which the... Show more content on ...
Even though we today do not invest the time, the amount of care given is still present.
The temples, pyramids, tombs, and religious artifacts left behind all tell us that the Ancient
Egyptians believed in the resurrection of the dead. Their belief in immortality was the
fundamental driving force behind their religion. The formulae which were declared to have
been recited during the performance of ceremonies were written down and copied for scores of
generations, and every pious, well to do Egyptian made arrangements that what had been done
and said on behalf of Osiris should be done and said for him outside and inside his tomb after his
death. (Liturgy of Funeral Offerings, pg.2) This illustrates just how important the ceremony and
the process was to the Egyptians. Their belief in the afterlife and the importance of the
ceremonial steps taken to get them there caused them great concern with their own funerals.
Today, everyone has an idea of what they would like to do for their own funeral as well. We may
follow in the same patterns as our family heritage has done for generations with either a traditional
funeral or cremation, or we may have a newer alternative in mind for our self. Even though we
may not be preparing for an afterlife, we still have an
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Tax Credits Are Better Than Deductions
Tax Credits Tax credits are better than deductions because they reduce your taxes dollar for
dollar. For example, federal and state governments offer many credits for research and
development, reducing energy usage, creating jobs and accommodating people with disabilities.
We ll explore the topic further in the Special Business Deductions. In bad years, especially when
you start a business and claim extra deductions, you might lower your taxes enough to qualify for
the Earned Income Tax Credit that lowers taxes for low to moderate income families. The
Lifetime Learning Credit is worth 20% of up to $10,000 that you spend for post secondary
education and training. The credit can take up to $2,000 off your taxes for fees spent on college
courses, training classes and earning certifications. The American Opportunity Tax Credit returns
the first $2,000 that you spend on college expenses for each dependent and 25% of the next $2,000
for a maximum credit of $2,500 per student. Special Business Deductions The federal government
and many state governments offer various tax credits, incentives and larger Section 179 deductions
for increasing energy efficiency, accommodating people with disabilities, removing architectural
and transportation barriers to mobility challenged people and encouraging entrepreneurs to
revitalize certain enterprise zones in some urban cities and areas where natural disasters have
occurred. Disability Accommodations You can qualify for tax benefits [4]
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The Effect Of Cologne On The Body
The Effects of Cologne Can the way a man smells actually affect his life? Can buying expensive
cologne give him more confidence or make him irresistible? Cologne advertisers would
certainly seem to think so. In truth, scents can affect an individual in different ways. Certain
scents can have particular effects on the body, and they can actually alter the way a person
behaves or perceives himself. Scents that work positively with a man s body chemistry can
actually change the way he acts or thinks. However, when cologne ads promise men that they
will be handsome, successful, powerful, and talented because of the scents they wear, the
industry begins to sell them fantasy rather than reality. Advertisements for cologne are very
unique. Cologne ads usually portray a message that says wearing this will make you attractive or
you will be more powerful by wearing this cologne. Most of these advertisements feature men,
since men are their target audience. However, some other advertisements feature women, since
women sometimes buy cologne for men as a gift. Some advertisements, like this one, feature
celebrities. Having a good looking celebrity, such as James Franco, draws in the attention of
viewers. This advertisement does a great job of visual advertising. The dark, simple background of
city lights is intended to focus one s attention solely on the image and the text, while portraying a
scene of mystery or perhaps adventure. This advertisement is fairly simple, yet allows the
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Website Idea Essay
How to Patent a Website Idea: Everything You Need to Know
If you want to learn how to patent a website idea, it is important that you understand the steps
necessary to protect your website idea from others that may try to profit from your idea. For
example, a utility patent is the most common type of patent. It covers the functional aspects of an
invention. In order for an invention to qualify for patent protection, it must be useful, new, and non
obvious. This means that it must be have some sort of purpose, or otherwise, be useful to potential
consumers. It must be new, which means that the invention cannot be similar to another invention
already patented. Lastly, it must be non obvious, meaning that it cannot be an obvious combination
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Provisional Patents for Websites
A provisional patent application is filed with the USPTO and establishes an early filing date, but
doesn t amount to a formal patent application unless and until the applicant files a non provisional
patent application within the 12 months subsequent to filing the non provisional patent. A
provisional patent application is both less detailed and less costly. Immediately after you file your
provisional patent application, you can indicate that your website idea is patent pending. During this
time period, you can develop your website idea even further and turn your provisional patent
application into a formal non provisional patent application.
With a provisional application, you ll want to prepare diagrams and drawings of your website when
filing the application. When drafting the diagrams, consider the user interface itself, the software
generated process, and the administrative screens/cods/software used to maintain the website. Since
there are many unique business processes involved in your website, you want to keep each one
distinct, showcasing the unique methods and processes utilized, and how your website came
together. The more specific and detailed you can be, the higher your chance of patent protection.
Always be mindful that you can hire a qualified patent attorney to assist you with preparing your
application. You can even hire a professional to assist in the drawings,
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A Strong Personality That Goes Against The Patriarchal...
etsabe Shojaee
Professor Patricia Caedozo
English 120
Merida has a strong personality that goes against the patriarchal idea of a weak woman. Merida
does not share in any womanly domestic activities championed by patriarchy and often performed
by past Disney princesses. In Disney movies, Princesses like Snow White and Cinderella are often
shown cleaning and cooking, but Merida enjoys physical activities such as horseback riding, rock
climbing, and archery. Sonja K. Foss, along with Cindy L. Griffin, built on Campbell s ideas about
feminist criticism in their essay Beyond Persuasion ... Show more content on ...
However, some will not support Merida is her feminist agenda due to messing up the flow of
entertainment via media. Laura Mulvy in her article Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema ,
backs these claims by stating, In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously
looked at and displayed, with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that
they can be said to connote to be looked at ness. Woman displayed as sexual object is the leit
motif of erotic spectacle: from pin ups to striptease, from Ziegfeld to Busby Berkeley, therefore
women are presence to indispensable elements of spectacle in normal narrative film . Some
misogynist movie goers and TV watchers like to see women objectified and hyper sexualized
because it keeps there attention and usually the attention is what funds the films. If cartoons and
films starting breaking down hyper sexuality of women, such as Merida is attempting in this
film, it could cause drastic change in audience and possible decline in sales. Turning back to my
original point, Merida is feminist because she has the patriarchal idea of a weak. Merida is
confident about her self and does not hesitate to take control when she ought to, such as coming up
with a plan to sneak Elinor in bear form out of the castle or procuring food when she and her
mother are in the woods. She insists on thinking for
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Relationship Between God and Creation
Khoa Pham
Theology 101
Dr. Nairn Relationship between God and Creation Genesis 1:26, God said Let us make
humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of
the sea, and over the bird of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animal of the earth,
and over every creeps upon the earth. I think this is the image of human dignity. We can simplify
this by saying that we are smarter than other creatures in this earth. In my opinion from a person
who doesn t have any religion, I don t believe in this. Because I always believe that human has
been developing in a long way of evolution, and now I just learnt a new conception which is god
created human. It is really interesting but ... Show more content on ...
If you say which side you are, I will answer that I am in the middle; because there are still many
things that science hasn t able to explain yet. For example, the scientists don t believe in the
existence of ghost but from the view of religious belief, people do. In fact,
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The Producers In Frankenstein
The Producers is about a man trying to make money from old ladies and con an account into
joining him. He gets an account to sort through his money. His account suggests that he chooses a
play that won t be successful and he would make more money than they had to put into it. They end
up in jail because they get caught in their act. In the begining of young frankensteinhe didn t like
people calling me Frankenstein. Dr Frankenstein learns about his grandfather inheritance and he
goes to transylvania.When he gets there people start to wonder what he is doing there and if he
going to start where his grandfather had left off. He starts to mess around with the monster in his
grandfather s basement and the monster eventually escapes. Even though
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Human Activities Like Dam Construction
Motivation and Objective
Human activities like dam construction, dredging, and agricultures cause large amount of sediment
transports in rivers, lakes, and estuaries. Erosion and sedimentation is a global issue that tends to be
primarily associated with water quality. Pollution by sediment has two major types. For a physical
dimension, erosion leads to excessive levels of turbidity in waters and the turbidity limits
penetration of sunlight thereby prohibiting growth of algae and rooted aquatic plants. High levels
of sedimentation lead to physical disruption of the hydraulic characteristics of the channel which
have serious impacts on reduction in channel depth, and it can cause increased flooding. For a
chemical dimension, the silt and clay fraction ( 62mm) is a primary carrier of adsorbed chemicals
originated from agricultures like phosphorus, chlorinated pesticides and most metals transported
into the aquatic system. The use of numerical hydrologic, hydraulic, and sediment transport models
has greatly expanded to predict and interpret behavior of erosion and sediment runoff for controlling
sediment pollutant and keeping water resources safe. Unfortunately, predictions from such models
always contain uncertainty, and the overall uncertainty is poorly quantified and deterministic
predictions have been used in most applications. Because those predictions are often used in
situations that involve the potential for economic losses, ecological impacts, and risks to human
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Coubertin Hockey History
The Olympics were reinvented when Coubertin invented the International Olympic Committee in
the late 1800s. The IOC was made to modernize the games to societies standards. Coubertin had a
more inclusively cosmopolitan vision and greater organizational skills than any of his
predecessors, [he] succeeded where they had failed (Guttman,121). Originally, Coubertin chose a
Greek scholar named Demetrios Bikelas to become the first president of the IOC. He served as
president for the six years and then Coubertin took over for almost the next 30 years. Coubertin
used the Olympics to introduce new sports to the masses and to show political neutrality when
countries were in conflict and/or at war. He was separate beliefs from athletics to make the... Show
more content on ...
Hockey became a sport that everyone could bond over. From natives, immigrants, and locals,
hockey was able to form a community s collective identity regardless of where they were from and
their socio economic status. According to Bairner, there is certainly a perceived Canadian way of
playing the game that is celebrated as being in some manner indicative of a national character
rugged, honest, utilitarian (Bariner,125). This Canadian way could have effected Canadas Olympic
Performances because they do not want to be put in the same box as their southern counterpart, the
United States. Even though the two countries are connected, Canadians pride themselves on being
different from the United States and their standards. They do not want to be categorized together
and the Olympics is an opportunity for them to distinguish themselves from Americans. As another
powerful nation, the Olympics becomes a time for Canadians to prove that they are a contender
among the United States, Russia, and China. The grit that is needed in hockey and the Canadian
way, is then passed along to all the other Canadian athletes in the games. Hockey pretty much sets
the tone for all the other athletes in the summer and in the winter
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BSA 375 Complete Course
Link name BSA 375Week 1 Discussion Question 1 Why do heuristics and biases play a major
role in the success or failure of an IT project? What specific kinds are the most influential factors,
in general and for your specific organization? How does organization culture play a role in the
successful reliance on the Joint Application Development (JAD) process to identify and gather
business requirements? Would JAD work in your company? Explain why or why not. BSA
375Week 1 Discussion Question 2 Based on Tallon and Scannell s (2007) article, describe
information life cycle management (ILM) and the relationship to the cost of storage. Based on
Mitchell s (2007) article, explain how Musicland stores were converted to the... Show more content
on ...
Cite and discuss 3 to 4 references, in addition to the required readings, that are relevant to the
assignment. Include citations and references, using the approved style guide format. Submit
section 2 of the final paper. BSA 375Week 4 Discussion Question 1 Is testing a distinct phase of a
project, or does it come into play during other phases? Explain your answer. How might tools
help the quality and effectiveness of testing? Based on Walsh s (2007) article, explain why end
user satisfaction should be used in addition to return on investment (ROI) when measuring new
systems. BSA 375Week 4 Discussion Question 2 Based on Davidson and Kumagai s (2008)
article, list three advantages and risks associated with open source software. BSA 375week 4
Individual Assignment Service Request SR rm 004, Part 3 Paper create using Riverpoint Individual
Assignment: Service Request SR rm 004, Part 3 Paper Complete section 3 of 3 for the final paper
This week s assignment incorporates the transition from design to implementation. You may
consider revising sections 1 and 2 based upon faculty feedback. Prepare a 4 6 page paper that
accomplishes the following: Describe the implementation stage for this project. Include a discussion
on the six major activities for the implementation stage as described within the text: Coding.
Testing. Installation. Documentation. Training. Support. The discussion on these six
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Sejarah Tingkatan 2
MENDORONG PENGUASAAN BRITISH 1. Pertapakan Syarikat Hindia Timur Inggeris (SHTI) di
Pulau Pinang Pulau Pinang merupakan sebahagian daripada Kedah.(pusat maritim). SHTi tidak
dapat menguasai Kedah kerana Kedah adalah di bawah naungan Siam. Punca SHTI mahukan Pulau
Pinang : 1. Kedudukan strategik laluan perdagangan Timur Barat 2. Pusat pengumpulan barang
dagangan i. Pusat pengumpulan Barang Teh dari Cina manakala Cina memerlukan emas, perak,
bijih Timah dan lada hitam. ii. Pelabuhan persinggahan Pulau Pinang dapat menyediakan keperluan
bekalan air, makanan dan membaiki kapal... Show more content on ...
iii. British tidak akan membantu Kedah menyerang Siam iv. British akan menghantar balik sultan
Kedah yang berlindung di Pulau Pinang ke kedah dan Kedah hendaklah membayar ufti ke Siam. v.
Siam mengiktiraf pendudukan British di Pulau Pinang. Dan Seberang Perai. Punca Pulau Pinang
gagal dimajukan sebagai pusat Perdagangan : 1. Terletak jauh di utara dan gagal bersaing dengan
pelabuhan Betawi, Riau dan Lingga. 2. Perdagangan dengan Cina amat penting terutama the, sutera
,kain kapas dan bahan pencelup.Britih dapat menguasai melaka dan Betawi sewaktu perang
Napoleon dan selepas perang terpaksa menyerah semula kepada Belanda.. Belanda mengenakan
cukai yang tinggi kepada pedagang British di Betawi.Usaha Stamford gagal untuk mendapat
pelabuhan baru sepeeti Palembang , Acheh dan Riau. Kesan ; Raffles mencadangkan kepada SHTI
membukja pelabuhan di Singapura. Singapura merupakan sebahagian daripada kekuasaan Johor.
Sebab Singapura penting untuk SHTI; `i.Kedudukan strategik dibahagian selatan dan dapat
bersaing dengan . Betawi ii. Dapat menyekat kuasa Belanda Strategik Raffles mengambil Singapura.
i. Mula mendarat Januari 1819 dan memaksa Temenggung Abdul Rahman tandatangan perjanjian
yang membenarkan British membina Loji di Singapura.. Syarat perjanjian
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The Myth Of The Werewolf
The Myth Of The Werewolf
Assistant Insert Photo
The myths and lore of the werewolf ( werewolves.html) had
caught the imagination of not only the German public, but the whole of Europe during the
medieval times. Such was the fear of this dreaded creature that people were burned at stake on mere
suspicion of being a werewolf, much like the infamous witch hunts.
It was the author, Johannes Fridericus Wolfeshusius ( n2012
186114/), a native of Leipzig, who broke the myth of werewolves by terming it as a medical
condition called Lycantrophy ( in his treatise De
Lycanthropia: An vere illi, ut fama est, luporum aliarum... Show more content on ...
The construction work was started in 1909 and the station was opened in 1915, but not after its
share of hiccups. Once the proposal of establishing a united German Imperial Railway was shot
down in 1898, due to the antagonism between two rival state railways the Royal Saxon State
Railways ( %20Saxon%20State%20Railways
item_type=topic) and the Prussian State Railways ( /articles/guides
/history of prussian railways.html), the Leipzig city council organized an architectural competition
for a design that would cater to both the state railways.
The competition was won by architects William Lossow (http://saebi.
/William_Lossow_(1852 1914)) and Max Hans KГјhne (
/Max_Hans_K%C3%BChne_(1874 1942)). The Central Train Station with its impressive
architecture was completed on December 4, 1915 and represented both the competing state
railways. Today, the building not only houses a total of 24 platforms, but also a multistoried
complex with shops and eateries. The Central Train Station remains an indispensable part of
Leipzig s glorious heritage.
The Legend Of The Leipzig Beer
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Establishment Clause Vs Free Exercise Clause
[Establishment Clause] [Free Exercise Clause] (Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof) Organized religion across the
country collectively speaks; we reserve the right to refuse to participate in any wedding or union
of same sex couples. All religious citizens across the country follow the teachings of their
respective churches and synagogues and refuse to take part in those unions as well. The Christian
cake maker, the Baptist Caterer, the Church going Photographer and the Jewish Organizer all claim
the right not to participate in events that are clearly same sex. This refusal being based on their
strongly held religious beliefs and the 1st Amendment s [Free Exercise Clause Or Prohibiting the
free exercise thereof] they now stand in direct conflict with the 14th Amendment s [Equal
Protection Clause.] It appears we are pulling on the same rope, in different directions.... Show more
content on ...
Along comes the 14th amendment and the [Equal protection Clause] forbidding the States to
discriminate. Setting aside for the moment the issues of the States and their guaranteed republican
form of government under the new constitution, we see that within the 14th Amendment resides the
authority to enforce the law of Equal Protection and, it has teeth. Congress shall make no law, yet
they have made such a law, the 14th amendment, and they gave it teeth, the power to enforce, it is
clearly written into that
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Becoming A Law Enforcement Officer
Who I am today As a one grows up, you can t help it but dream of becoming the craziest things. I
saw myself becoming a lot of things in life. Although, I was never able to stick to one thing and
kept going with it. I was always changing my mind up about what I wanted to be in life, what I
saw myself as an adult. I wasn t the smartest in school but I my grades always spoke for
themselves and I always tended to learn from my experiences and others peoples as well. I
thought about becoming a law enforcement officer, to becoming a great chef and tasting foods
from all around the world. I guess I wanted to become those things because I loved watching them
on T.V. and sort of saw cooking more as a hobby then a profession. Unfortunately it wasn t
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Gucci s Use Of Gender Roles In Advertising
Gender roles have been a part of society since the beginning of society itself. Men are supposed
to be bigger, stronger, smarter, they should go out and support their family. Women are meant to
fragile and they should stay at home to raise the children. Though this idea is not as present as it
once was, and many people, especially women, continue to step away from that idea, it is still
present especially in advertising. Gucci s 2011 advertisement for their Guilty cologne is no
exception to this. The advertisement features Chris Evans, known for his roles in the Captain
America films, and Evan Rachel Wood, known for her roles in Westworld. The two stand naked
against a black background. The cologne bottle is pictured in the bottom right corner of the image.
The title is above their heads in bold white letters and says Gucci Guilty: Pour Homme. They use
these genderroles, and other common societal ideas to convey their message that the use of the
cologne will not only make it s target audience more attractive but it will spice up their life and
get them pretty women. Chris Evans is the first thing that the audience sees when looking at the
given advertisement. He represents the role of men in society perfectly. His piercing blue eyes
provide a stark contrast with the rest of the image. He s looking directly into the camera as well
which exudes a level of confidence that most men can only wish to have. Viewers will be left
wondering what they could do to achieve this
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Hiroshima, By John Hersey
On August 6, 1945, the tragedy struck Hiroshima, Japan. At exactly 8:15 a.m. an atomic bomb
had been dropped and ruined the lives of millions. In a book called, Hiroshima , written by John
Hersey. Mr. Hersey was born on June 17, 1914 in Tientsin, China. He was a prize winning
journalist and writer. Keep in mind one of the earliest practitioners of the New Journalism, in
which storytelling methods of fiction are immuned to realist reportage. He won three awards, The
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Anisfield Wolf Book Award, National Jewish Book Award for Fiction.
The three main reasons that the United States bombed Hiroshima was because the Japanese
attacked the Pearl Harbor naval base, the U.S. wanted to end World War II, so by dropping the...
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This proves how the Japanese would not surrender so the U.S. had to frighten them, so by dropping
the bomb the U.S. believed that is would end the war.
The second reason why the U.S. bombed Hiroshima was to end World War II. In the CNN news
article called, WHY DID THE U.S. BOMB HIROSHIMA? Written by Ryan Browne states, Maier,
who teaches a course on World War II, said Japan was not ready to surrender unconditionally and
there was a concern that a weapons demonstration would have not done the job. Such a
demonstration would have detonated a nuclear weapon in a non inhabited but observable area to
compel Japan to surrender, an approach that was favored by a group of scientists and Assistant
Secretary of War John McCloy, according to Rushay. (Browne, CNN politics) The Japanese weren t
surrendering so the United States took matters into their own hands by creating the atomic bomb
and dropping it on Hiroshima. This proves how the Japanese would not surrender so the U.S. had to
frighten them, so they bombed Hiroshima.
The last reason was drop another bomb, but this time in Nagasaki so they would suffer just like
Hiroshima did in August 1945. In this article called, THE BOMBING OF NAGASAKI written by
C N Trueman states, Two senior American military figures General Groves and Admiral Purnell
were convinced that two atomic bombs dropped within days of the other would have such an
overwhelming impact on
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The Complexity Of George And Minnie, By John Steinbeck
George and Lennie had an unheard of relationship throughout the novella. They were the exception
to the overall theme of loneliness that each of the other characters felt in some way.
Both characters were extremely loyal to each other , however the significance of Lennies actions
meant that George had no choice but to kill Lennie
Slim s character was highly valued in the novella, and the influence of his opinion is demonstrated
in many cases especially in the final section when helping the reader understand how George had no
choice but to kill lennie.
The reader is able to notice that his voice is the voice of rationalism throughout the book and that
the ranch workers are aware of this.
In instances such as the shooting of Candy s dog, ... Show more content on ...
Another example of this is when He crushes Curly s hand his fist lost in Lennies paw the reader
can understand that the lack of control over his strength and handling of a situation that came to the
killing of a person, meant that George had no choice but to kill Lennie.
Despite Lennie s limitations and lack of relations to other characters, it is obvious to the reader
how highly he values Georges opinion and trusts George to never to leave him.
When he kills the puppy he says maybe George won t care Now maybe George won t let me tend
no rabbits he expresses worry, which translates to show his yearning for Georges approval and is
relatable, allowing the reader to form an empathetic view on him.
This puts emphasis on how dependent he was on George.
When Curly fights with Lennie he only defends himself when George tells him to get him he can
then only stop when George says Leggo his hand Lennie. Leggo . He does not posses the ability to
have any control in the situation. When Curlys wife starts struggling, he is incapable of dealing
with it and kills her instead.
Even when he is unaware of Crookes playing with him demonstrates the inability of thinking for
himself. George wasn t able to save Lennie and with his lack of dependence meant that letting him
escape, left him not only a threat but also vulnerable to those seeking power.
Curly was an aggressive man who seeking vengeance on Lennie. Lennie
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How Does The Alchemist Affect Santiago s Life
No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world.
And normally he doesn t know it, Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist. Everyone has an impact on
someone s life, some greater than others. In The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, Santiago meets
several people on his journey to find his treasure, however, the person who made the biggest
impact on his life is Melchizedek, King of Salem; he convinced Santiago to go on a journey to
find his treasure, and he taught him how to read and follow the omens. King Melchizedek has
greatly impacted Santiago s life. First, he convinced Santiago to go on the journey to find his
treasure. This was offered to Santiago by a gypsy; he thought it was a scam, so he refused
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Two Similarities And Differences Between Germany And China
Germany, a western country is well known for beer, sausage and innovative technology. China, an
eastern country is well known for delicious food, martial arts and low priced products. Everyone
knows they are completely different. However, can you raise some concrete examples showing
their difference? And is it true that both do not have a single similarity at all? Though, they have
certain similar aspects if you look closer. One obvious difference between Germany and Chinais the
food habit. German tends to have cool food for breakfast, which comprises bread, cheese and cold
meat like ham and salami, whereas the Chinese tend to have hot food at the beginning of the day,
such as congee, which is a thick, white porridge made of riceand water.... Show more content on ...
Both countries view family as a key aspect of their life. German have a strong bond with family.
For example, everybody goes back home for reunion at Christmas and Easter. Family would
spend time together for enjoying the long holiday. Chinese also emphasize family gathering and
reunion, just as German do. During the Spring Festival, a number of Chinese would travel from
the city they are working at back to their hometown in order to celebrate and gather, given the
fact that the Spring Festival is the most important festival to Chinese. Furthermore, both
societies show a great respect to elders. There is a Chinese saying, An old in a home is like a
treasure of a family. Chinese view the elder as an experienced and alive encyclopedia more than
an encumbrance in the society. Similarly, German are always willing to help the senior citizens.
German help those citizens is common in public, like on buses and at restaurants. The youngsters
would give up their seats, or helping the elders getting on and off the bus. The politeness to
senior citizens could be also shown from the German language. People would use Sie , which is a
polite and formal form to address other, Herr and Frau to address the senior
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Babe Ruth, Informative
Everyone has heard of the infamous Babe Ruth , but few people know that his birth given name
is George Herman Ruth, Jr. He lived from February 6, 1895 August 16, 1948, and was best
known as Babe Ruth and nicknamed the Bambino and the Sultan of Swat . Babe was an American
baseball player who spent 22 seasons in Major League Baseball(MLB) playing for three teams
between the years of 1914 1935. The most important points of Babe s life are his early childhood,
his major league baseball career, and the legacy that Babe left behind.
Ruth came from German American parents, Kate Schamberger Ruth and George Herman Ruth, Sr.
His parents owned a succession of saloons (bars) and sold lightning rods. Babe Ruth was one of
seven children; ... Show more content on ...
Babe s amazing pitching allowed the Red Sox to win the World Series again, four games to one.
Ruth extended his World Series consecutive scoreless inning streak to 29в…” innings, a recorded
that would last until almost fifty years later. Inly July 1918, Ruth walked off the field due to a
dispute with the manager, a mistake that would soon lead him to be traded to the Yankees.
However Ruth wouldn t go out without a fight. Ruth placed a curse on the Red Sox for trading
him to the Yankees. The Red Sox didn t win another World Series until 2004 (86 years later).
On December 26, 1919, Babe Ruth was traded to the Yankees. Several reasons such as Babe s
negative attitude and his demand for a double in his salary led his trade to the New York Yankees
for almost $2mil (in now a days dollars). Babe would stay with the Yankees from 1919 1935.
During his career with the Yankees, Babe Ruth emerged from a pitcher, to an all star hitter. In
1920, Babe hit 54 home runs and his .847 slugging average would remain a Major League
Baseball record for over 80 years. The best year of Ruth s career was 1921, hitting 59 home runs,
batting .378 and slugging .846. Ruth also hit a record high of 139 home runs on July 18, 1921.
Ruth s name soon became synonymous with the term home run. Babe s powerful home runs went
as far as 575 feet from the home plate. Unfortunately, due to an injury, Babe was not able to play
in a majority of the World Series against the New York Giants. This led to the
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Coleman And Bourdieu
Three different views on social capital are particularly considered by scholars. They are the ideas of
Pierre Bourdieu, James Coleman, and Robert Putnam.
Pierre Bourdieu
A concurrently developed theory of social capital came from French Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu
(1985). Bourdieu s (1985) use of the term social capital is an explicit attempt to understand the
production of classes and class divisions. Social capital and relationships are never disconnected
from capital. Capital for Bourdieu (1985), is simultaneously economic as well as a set of power
relations that constitute a variety of realms and social interactions though normally non
economic. He was interested to find the ways to reproduce society and to understand how the
supreme position of dominant classes are retained. He could not explain this by economics alone,
and he is well known for his discussion of cultural capital. Also he tried to learn how people
utilized cultural knowledge to place them in the hierarchy. He wrote a famous book, Distinction
(1984) a detailed study of middle class taste and how they identify themselves with those who are
above than them on the social ladder and the difference from those below .
James Coleman ... Show more content on ...
Social capital for him is inherently functional and social capital is whatever allows people or
institutions to act. Social capital is therefore not a mechanism, a thing, or an outcome, but
simultaneously any or all of them. Coleman sought to link the ideas of economic and sociology
theory. His way of study leads to a broader view of social capital. According to him social capital is
not a stock owned by elite groups but also the benefits of all commodities can be utilized by the
marginalized and
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Should People Be Allowed To Keep Animals In Captivity
Animals in Captivity
Everyday people go to zoos with intentions of having a good time without realizing they are
paying for animals to be held in captivity for the rest of their lives. In recent discussion, the
decision to keep animals in captivity is a very controversial topic. Many people are towards the
decision that zookeepers should keep the wild animals captive for the entertainment of others, while
on the contrary many are against it. However nobody has done anything to get the animals out. The
people who are against setting them free believe that the animals are living a much better life than
they would outside and that they are better for keeping entertainment for the public but what they
do not see is what happens when the zoo is closed and how they are treated outside of the public s
eye, which is what the people who are against it tend to see. Not only do animals not like being
held in captivity but also it gives them stress, anxiety and ... Show more content on
Many animals never see life outside of cages because they are taken in from when they are
babies and kept until they die. With zoos existing for hundreds of years people have never
noticed how wrong it is to keep animals in cages. Animals all over the world are affected
because they get taken away and never know what it is really like to live in the wild. Zoos are
not a perfect place to keep animals, more animals are abused and hurt inside of zoos. One day a
wallaby was suppose to be getting taken care of by its zookeeper but the zookeeper was not
paying attention because the wallaby drowned in a bucket of water. In another case a spider
monkey had frost bite but was not treated soon enough so zookeepers were forced to euthanize
the spider monkey (Jouvenal). More accidents take place inside of zoos than they would if animals
were released to the wild. Everyday animals die in captivity due to zookeepers that don t pay
attention to the
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Cdc Recommendations
Recommendation to CDMC: In the development of this paper I have focused on mitigating risks,
addressing challenges and identified opportunities for each option provided. Managing the change
with communication, education and input from stakeholders is critical to a smooth transition of
any change CDMC incorporates and I would appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the
change and vision for NCC. In consideration of the 3 options I presented in this paper I
recommend to CDMC to first adopt option 1 with a transition to option 2 after monitoring the
count pressures of medium PC s, PC remand and sentenced GP s for a minimum of 6 months. At
any time option 3 to house female offenders at the centre is viewed as a requirement it could also...
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The risks I have identified in option 1 of the perceptions of NCC being designated a PC centre
by other centres and the inmate population can be managed through a series of presentations
through webinar and/ or video clips to classification officers, leadership teams, drug and alcohol
councillors, native workers, chaplains, and staff training opportunities at the other centres.
Managers would include the agenda item of NCC change in bed placement strategy in all
committees meetings they are members. The NCC CorrPoint page would be updated to reflect
the centres classification and bed load strategy and include an update of the CorrPoint news
page to reach staff at all centres. By educating and informing the stakeholders they would have
impact on the message inmates at other centres receive. The challenges identified in option 1 of
promoting NCC as the 3 classification centre would be addressed through training and education
listed above. The challenge of the GP inmates resistance to move to Campbell House that was
housed with PC s would be addressed in the plan and processes prepared by NCC before any
move is implemented. By communicating with the inmates of the process and providing them the
opportunity to be herd for their concerns and bring forward ideas are valuable to the process. I
have viewed it as an opportunity for the PC s to be housed in the dorms with unescorted movements
to records, health care, separate kitchen, and
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Tcos Play A Key Role In The Production And Distribution Of...
TCOs play a key role in the production and distribution of counterfeit products and engage in this
activity because it produces high profits comparable to other illicit activities such as drug
trafficking but with a greatly reduced risk for prosecution and penalties associated with these types
of crime. Evidence has been gathered to prove that numerous well known TCOs from such
countries as Italy, Japan, and Hong Kong have engaged in the counterfeitproducts business with a
direct link to other illicit activities from these groups such as money laundering. Many of these
TCOs have the tactics, techniques and procedures to manufacture, distribute, and sell counterfeit
products on a global scale through their other illegal activities such as drug,
... Get more on ...
The Argument Of Federal Progressive Income Tax
Legal Illusion
The arguments regarding federal progressive income tax has been represented to us through the
United States Supreme Court, on the floors of congress, and in media. The revenue from taxes
reached the objective of financing wars from the Civil War through World War II. At the same time
deteriorating the economy with fewer dollars that could be used on imports, exports, and services
(Henchman). Today, the United States deficit is $18,800,241,350,538.12 this is a grand total of
58,405.32 owed by every man, woman, and child (Brown). The legal illusion is presenting the
question, is income tax legal? There are Americans today who believe income tax is not legal and
stand by their beliefs in a movement that has cost many individuals considerably. I am interviewing
such a person, his name is Bobby Ray and the history he presented to me was interesting, and has
left me with more questions than answers.
Today, the federal government controls unrestricted means to execute whatsoever the elected
official desire, without reverence for the Constitution the aforementioned vanished gradually.
Common people are not knowledgeable that the United States in 1776, did not have personal
income tax sovereign, and in 1913; a perpetual income tax was inflicted upon the people. In actual
fact, the Constitution disallowed a direct income tax on there person. For longer than a century, the
leadership endured completely without proceeds from wages. Formerly, the U.S. government
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An Analysis Of Will Richardson s From Master Learner
I found myself nodding like a bobblehead while reading Will Richardson s From Master Teacher to
Master Learner.
Richardson argues that with our ability to use technology to connect, create and share globally, the
basic assumptions of schools are increasingly irrelevant. While focusing on the skills and
dispositions of learning (and defining what we mean by learning ), teachers current role must
change as they become more important than ever in preparing students for a world in rapid
What s valued now is what we can do with what we know and the ability to learn more. As my
own journey as a teacher has been to become a learner of learning for the past five years, I
wholeheartedly agree with Richardson.
While access to technology
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Oedipus, A Liar, By Sophocles
In the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, Oedipus remains blind throughout the play, both
figuratively and literally. The play is about a man named Oedipus whose fate is to kill his father
and marry his mother. His biological parents, knowing about the Oedipus prophecy, abandons
him, and continue with their lives. However, Oedipus is saved, but spends his life running away
from his adoptive parents (who he believed to be his biological parents), afraid that the prophecy
may come true. As the audience knows, the prophecy has been fulfilled, however, Oedipus is
oblivious to the truth. He often chooses to ignore the truth and remain figuratively blind to what
everyone is trying to prove to him. He accuses Tiresias, the blind prophet, of being a liar,
continuing to then unreasonably project his anger towards Creon . Once he finally opens his
eyes to the truth, he decides to gouge out his eyes, becoming literally blind. Firstly, Oedipus
accuses Tiresias of being a liar after trying to discuss the prophecy and tell Oedipus the truth.
Tiresias is called in to help release the city from the plague. After some resistance, the prophet
reveals that Oedipus is the murderer of Laius, angering Oedipus as Tiresias had predicted.
Oedipus rejects Tiresias words, saying things such as That obscenity, twice by god, you ll pay
(Pg.180, 414) as well as Your words are nothing futile (Pg. 180, 416). His figurative blindness
affects his judgement, causing him to not accept what Tiresias is
... Get more on ...
History Of Social Norms
Social norms have been shaping the way people interact throughout history. While norms could be
seen as something that confides behavior, it also maintains social order allowing certain
behaviors to be accepted or to be evaded. The way people respond to a situation depends on the
person s normative beliefs or what they believe society should act.
A normative belief is a person or a group of people believe what behavior is appropriate and
inappropriate in a given social context. However, George C. Homans stated: Norms are just shared
beliefs; they are not the behavior itself, but what people think behavior ought to be (Standford). A
person may see one behavior completely outlandish while the person acting out sees it as something
... Get more on ...
What You Pawn I Will Redeem Essay
What You Pawn I Will Redeem by Sherman Alexie is a story that engages the issues of alcoholism
and homelessness from a personal indigenous perspective. Western cultures portrayal of alcoholism,
especially among indigenous communities, is a legacy of North America s colonialist history.
Various untruths about alcoholism have remained pervasive and though it does indeed remain a
problem in many indigenous communities the attempts to explain its pervasiveness have allowed
racist sentiments to take root. Outside groups attempts to provide aid and support to indigenous
people struggling with homelessness have helped but only offer a temporary fix to the damage
dealt. Alexie uses the experiences of his own life to provide the character of Jackson... Show more
content on ...
We know this due to some of the dates that Jackson, the protagonist, uses; pinning his
grandmother s death to nineteen seventy two and that she died fifty years ago (Alexie). Though
this results in the year according to Jackson being 2022 any discrepancy given could be the result
of Jackson s unreliability as a narrator. Knowing this we can understand the historical context
properly and know how to apply this understanding properly. The personal history of the Author,
Sherman Alexie is incredibly important to gaining deeper understanding of Jackson. Alexie
during university changed his major from medicine to American Studies after succumbing to
fainting spells in anatomy class and after graduating and beginning writing he had developed a
drinking problem by the age of twenty three, upon learning that The Business of Fancydancing
was to be published, he immediately gave up alcohol. ( Sherman Alexie ). During the beginning
of the story Jackson gives a brief biography of himself, describing himself moving to Seattle
twenty three years ago for college, flunked out after two semesters, worked various blue and bluer
collar jobs ... and then went crazy. (Alexie). This shows that Jackson acts as something of an author
avatar for Alexie, acting out a potential future where Alexie flunked out of secondary education and
his drinking problem remained. In addition both Alexie and Jackson are from Spokane and share
the same culture and
... Get more on ...
Centralia Mine
Problem: The layers of bureaucracy created a group of administrators that were out of touch with
those that they were hired to protect. Rather then focusing on results that created change, they
focused on meetings and memos that essentially did nothing but create a paper trail that lead to a
disaster. In the case of the Centralia #5 Mine, failure to act was responsible for the death of 111
men, the widowing of 79 women and leaving 76 children under the age of 18 without a Father.
On March 25, 1947, in Centralia, Illinois, the explosion of the Centralia #5 Mine resulted in the
death of 111 hardworking men. Most of these men dedicated their lives to the Bell Zoller Coal
Company mining coal at the company s Centralia ... Show more content on ...
Scanlan and the coal executives lack of action were equally responsible for 111 preventable
deaths. As an inspector, if there was a clear and imminent danger, Scanlan had the ability and
responsibility to shut down the mine. Although Inspector Scanlan saw imminent danger in the
case of the Centralia #5 Mine, he failed to take action and close the mine. He felt that many other
mines were in equally poor condition and would find it hard to justify his order to close. He also
thought that closing the mine would result in the loss of his job after which he would quickly
be replaced by someone who would downplay the importance of his findings and allow the mine
to reopen. I feel that Scanlan s thought process was flawed. Closing the mine would have been a
very bold move. It would have quickly come to the attention of administrators that repeatedly
ignored his reports and others that were unaware of them. The resulting media attention would
have forced others to act regardless of their fear of political retribution. This action could have
saved the lives of the 111 men at the Centralia #5 mine and possibly others at mines with similar
Two lessons are clear from this case study. Relationships between opposing organizations must have
clear boundaries that limit influence. Secondly, administrators must focus on results over activity
alone as a benchmark for efficacy. In this case, there are many
... Get more on ...

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Essay On Medical Identity Theft. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Essay On Medical Identity Theft 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Medical Identity Theft Essay On Medical Identity Theft
  • 2. Performance Appraisal Hrm Absolute Standards European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 7, Number 3 (2009) A New Framework for Selection of the Best Performance Appraisal Method Mostafa Jafari Industrial Engineering Department, Iran University of Science Technology Narmak, Tehran, Iran E mail: Tel: +98 912 1382658 Atieh Bourouni Industrial Engineering Department, Iran University of Science Technology Narmak, Tehran, Iran E mail: Tel: +98 912 5007402 Roozbeh Hesam Amiri Industrial Engineering Department, Iran University of Science Technology Narmak, Tehran, Iran E mail: Tel: +98 912 5356487; Fax: +98 21 88814576 Abstract Performance appraisal is one of the most important processes in human resource... Show more content on ... 2.2. Performance Appraisal Methods Decenzo and Robbins (1998) denominate that there are three existent approaches for measuring performance appraisal. These are (1) absolute standards (2) relative standards and (3) objectives. 93 European Journal of Social Sciences Volume 7, Number 3 (2009) 2.2.1. Absolute Standards One group of appraisal methods use absolute standard. This means that employees compare to a standard, and their evaluation is independent of any other employee in a week group (Dessler, 2000). Included in this group are the following methods: the essay appraisal, the critical incident appraisal, the checklist, the graphic rating scale, forced choice and behaviorally anchored rating scales. The essay appraisal: It is the simplest evaluating method in which evaluator writes an explanation about employee s strength and weakness points, previous performance, positional and suggestion for his (her) improvement at the end of evaluation term. This kind of evaluations usually includes some parts of other systems to cause their flexibility. This method often combines with other methods. In essay appraisal, we attempt to focus on behaviors (Mondy, 2008). The critical incident appraisal: It focuses on key factors which make difference in performing a job efficiently. This method is more credible because it is more related to job and based on individual s ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Money With Affiliate Marketing Online Essay How to make money with affiliate marketing online is a topic that a lot of people come to Stuart Ross with. Stuart is millionaire digital entrepreneur and co founder of the Six Figure Mentors (SFM) and Digital Experts Academy (DEA), a Premier Business and Entrepreneur Online Education Service and one of the fastest growing exclusive private communities on the internet today. People tend to approach Stuart with a question like this, Stuart, I m thinking of getting started online. I want to live the internet lifestyle. I want to create my digital empire, but I just don t know what sort of products to create? What they re saying is that they ve been looking in the market place and can see there s a variety of programs out there to make money with affiliate marketing online. The question is usually, Can you recommend any of the programs out there? or What types of products shall I be selling? The mistake people often make when they first get started online is that they look for affiliate programs that have the highest commission payouts or are quite low cost. The reason for this is that they think that these are going to be the easiest products to sell because of their low cost. They then go and sign up to any old affiliate program and go out and start trying to make affiliate commissions. The problem with this is that so often people are not that passionate or bothered about the products they are selling. I will tell you this straight no course, training ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Young People Go Camping My best friend and I decide to go camping, it was supposed to be a regular long weekend with her at Gennie Springs. The only thing was that we did not count on the issues that it could bring to us. It was a Memorial weekend and two days before the weekend we planned everything to travel 5 hours away from home. The plan was just go camping, spend time with nature, and disconnect from the world. We did not plan that the park was for crazy parties, we also did not plan that the police will stop us, and of course, we did not plan that my car broke down on our way back. During our way to Gennie Springs, everything was fine. We traveled for 5 hours without any inconvenience. When we arrived at the park, we start noticing that a lot of young people from colleges and universities. As we register and confirm our reservation, the guy from the park advises us that they do crazy parties over there and they are not responsible for any damage. We agreed and we signed. My friend and I started looking for our spot but everything was full and there was not any space available. We start asking people if they know where was number 87, that was our camping number, but they were all hangover and do not even know that the camping has numbers. After an hour going around the park and passing for the same places over and over, we asked an old couple and they tried to guide us through the park. We continue driving and find out that our spot was on the other side of the park, so we go there and found ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Advantages Of Herbal Diet Supplements Advantages of Herbal Diet Supplements Here is a crash course in the advantages of herbal supplements and medicines: They are cheap. Did you look at your medical bills for the past year? Now add up all that you paid the pharmacist for prescription and over the counter medications. Is the number looking scary yet? So if you have been using conventional medicine for small problems like common cold and stomachaches then perhaps it is time you considered herbal medicine. It might give you a healthier wallet or purse besides a healthy body. You can do it. Did you know that herbal medicine and supplements can be assembled in your own kitchen? There are thousands of herbal recipes available on the Internet. Just follow them like a recipe to bake a cake and there you are. Your medicine made by your own hand. If you have a garden you could even grown your own herbs. They are natural. Man has learned to do many things but nature continues to know more. So matter how much noise the pharmaceutical companies make you should at least give some time to listen to nature and her own remedies. Now for the long version. ... Show more content on ... People have used them for centuries but it is only recently that western culture has rediscovered the wonders of herbs. In part, this was because the development of allopathic medicinal techniques in the west combined with the lack of scientific support for non conventional medicines to give an unsavory (and quite wrong) reputation to herbal medicines and supplements. Recent discoveries have forced the medical community to reconsider the benefits of herbs. This has mostly come about with increasing exposure of western community to the healing techniques practiced in other cultures and countries that proved to be more effective than, or at the least complimentary to, allopathic ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Edward Hopper, An American Realist Painter Edward Hopper was an American realist painter born in 1882 in New York. After studying art and many journeys, he had trouble getting famous and put on the art world map. But finally, in 1933, a first installation is dedicated to him at the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York. His works are mainly inspired by his journeys, trips to different places and the solitude of the American in the twentieth century. Nighthawksis his most famous piece of art (Laura Herail, blog). After researching and looking at many of his paintings, this artwork portrays sadness and yet it is not a sad picture. It could be something enticing and yet charming about anonymous diners. The lack of domesticity offering a relief what can be the full comfort of home. It may be easier to give away to sadness here than in a cozy living room with wallpaper and framed pictures. Home often appears to have betrayed Hopper s characters, something has happened there that forces them out into the night and on to the road. The 24 hour diner is a sanctuary for those who for some reason or another have failed to find there place in the normal world of relationships or community. Hopper s ability to portray solitude comes from his own familiarity with it. He lead comfortable middle class childhood as a son of a merchant, yet inside Hopper often felt a little bit awkward like an outsider. Hoping for a while to be an artist and yet his parents insisted he trains in commercial art to keep afloat financially. He hated ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Comparing Christianity, Morality In Islam, And The Bible What is the meaning of life? Is there a universal source that serves as an instruction manual to direct each person s life? Time has shown that multiple sources have found their own answers on the purpose of human existence, and the most helpful answers derive from religious roots. Specifically, Islam and Christianity both give answers to the questions of humanexistence and morality through their holy scriptures, The Qur an in the Muslim faith, and the Bible in the Christian faith. While the Bible and the Qur an offer helpful instruction to the lives of the followers of their respective religions and stand out as long lasting pieces of literature, the two books differ on their bases for morality due to key differences in the story each book ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Social Responsibility Of The Workplace Introduction Archie Carroll defines corporate social responsibility (CSR) as the social responsibility of business encompassing the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of these organizations at a given point in time. (Crane, 5) Interesting enough, there has been an abrupt growth of firm s engagement in CSR within all industries. This is the result of growing requests from the civil society demanding firms, of all sizes, to legitimize their practices. (Crane, 4) More importantly, workplace issues have become an integral part of corporate social responsibility. This includes a firm s lacking efforts in its occupational health and safety, and its fair pay and conditions, amongst others. (Crane, 253) As employees reside in the midst of companies engaging in corporate social responsibility, the reputation of the firm relies profoundly on ensuring all those within the in house workplaces as well as the outsourced workplaces are treated justly and within the operating country s legislation. (Crane, 253) Further to this, social injustice that occurs can negatively affect the firm s reputation and brand favorability. (Crane, 254) Therefore, it was within the firm s best interests to fulfill their core corporate responsibilities in the workplace. Albeit corporations may have the intention to act within labour standards, circumstances do arise where the rights of employees are neglected and the morality of the firm is questioned. The Past of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Addiction And Drug Abuse Many aspects contribute to an individual s ability to resist drug use and most importantly addiction, significantly fueling the debate whether it is nature or nurture that is the primary consideration in understanding addiction (Crofton, Zhang, Green, 2015). Addiction is a disease based on the ability of drugs and their use to alter a person s brain and behavior whereby they compulsively seek drugs despite any other associated risk (Stanis Andersen, 2014). Drug use is thought to alter the brain s dopamine surges where receptors for dopamine are reduced (Stanis Andersen, 2014). However, despite substantial research that supports addictionas a disease, controversy exists in that it is usually the individual who initially chooses to use drugs. Numerous observers support that is this primary voluntary choice that makes it difficult for some to see drugs addicts as anything other than criminal. Otherwise, drug use would probably be legal, and there would be few drug crimes. Focusing on resilience may be a consideration that could find support over a broader spectrum of beliefs. Resilience will be discussed. Genetics and environmental factors play an import role in deterring a person s vulnerability to addiction (Crofton, Zhang, Green, 2015). Understanding resistance thereby swaying the potential choice that leads to the chronic disease of addiction would perhaps benefit society the more than new laws and new prisons. Moreover, understanding environmental enrichment ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Essay On Lower House Of Government The United States and France are two countries with similar ways of electing the lower house of government. Both countries are divided into districts with single member representation. However, the United States uses a majority system, first past the post, while France uses a majority plurality, two round system. With each system there are separate advantages and disadvantages. Nonetheless, the first past the post system used in the United States is more efficient, cost effective, and comprehendible to the average person. The United States of America elects the lower house of government using simple majority. This system can also be described as a plurality, or first past the post. The United States is divided into 435 different districts by population, with one individual representing each constituency. Members of the House of Representatives, the lower house of government in the United States, are elected every two years. (Parline Database, 2016) The methods by which candidates are brought to the ballot vary by state. However, most states use a partisan primary to bring candidates to the final ballot. For example, Washington State uses the top two method to bring candidates to the ballot. Under this... Show more content on ... Under plurality, the individual who receives the most votes receives the seat in the House of Representatives. The individual may not always receive the majority of votes because more than two individuals may receive votes. This leads to wasted votes in that everyone who voted for the losing candidate does not have their vote represented. In addition, more seats may be given to a political party than votes received. If a political party receives a plurality of votes with thirty percent nationwide, they may be the new majority party but seventy percent of the country still voted for somebody else. (Hoard, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Argumentative Essay Childcare 14.2 million children under age 13 met federal requirements for child care subsidies in 2011 2012. Of that number, 8.6 million were eligible under state policies. Yet only 1.5 million children actually received the subsidies. That means only 10.6 percent of the number of children meeting federal guidelines actually get the subsidy (Davidson 2017). The question that will be answered throughout this paper is, how accessible is childcarein the United States? Child care is the care of children by a day care center, babysitter, or other provider while parent/ parents/ or legal guardian is working. The median household income for the United States is $53,8895 (Census Bureau) and the average cost of childcare is between $10,000 and $16,000 (Hamm 2015). This means that childcare can cost families making the median income 30% of their annual income. Given that this is the median household income, half of households have an income that is below this costing them more than 30% of their income. The United States has excellent child care that is affordable for some, however, most low income families are unable to afford it. Child care is incredibly important for the youth because has been proven to improve children s development. Early childhood education has a countless number of benefits, including more equitable long term outcomes for children of diverse economic backgrounds. Additionally, investing in these benefits early on helps create future workforce, secure long term ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Chronic Bronchitis Is A Medical Condition That Enhances... Chronic bronchitis is a medical condition that enhances the swelling and mucus (phlegm or sputum) production in the breathing tubes (airways). Airway obstruction takes a place in chronic bronchitis, as the swelling and extra mucus cause the inside of the breathing tubes to be narrower than normal. This illness is the fourth leading cause of death and WHO predicted that COPD will be the third leading cause of death by 2030. Spirometry is the most recommended diagnostic test to assess as to whether a patient has a COPD or not by Glob initiative in Obstructive Lung disease (GOLD). This test is specifically designed to identify abnormalities in lung volumes and air flow. Spirometry is utilized along with physical assessment, medical history notes, x rays and blood tests to confirm the type of lung disease that a patient is suffering from, which enables timely diagnosis and treatment. Spirometry can be defined as a mechanism that illustrate the degree of airflow obstruction with a forced expiratory volume per second (FEV1) of 0.7. This review will focus on the recent developments spirometry as a diagnostic tool for COPD . Keywords: COPD,emphysema, chronic bronchitis, spirometry Executive Summary Introduction: COPD is a disease that characterized by airflow limitation, because it is irreversible. Sign and symptoms: There are very helpful to diagnose the type of COPD the patients have to get the right treaments. Breathlessness, cough, fatigue, cough, dyspnea and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Message Of Text Messaging Essay Text messaging turns out to be most prevalent path for youngsters to stay in touch with today and is also destroying the way we are communicating. Presently we can utilize online networking to get our messages out to thousands or millions of individuals uncensored. Everything is always showing signs of change; especially technology. Since change is unavoidable, rather than opposing it, individuals should figure out how to grasp and adjust to it. With each new innovation comes the obligation of taking care of it. All technological innovations must be utilized with social and moral obligation. This paper will clarify the Christian Worldview on the utilization text messagingand how technological innovation is supposed to be consumed properly. Text messaging is now the most popular form of daily communication between adults, new figures show. Text messaging has overtaken speaking on a cellphone and up close and personal contact as the most utilized strategy for every day correspondence in the middle of loved ones (Grant Meadows 2014). The first text message was sent on December 3, 1992 by Neil Papworth, a 22 year old engineer from his personal computer. The text message read Merry Christmas. Omnipoint Communications, the principal GSM transporter in America, set up the first text messaging service in the United States. Omnipoint not long after offered the primary messaging between the US and whatever remains of the world, beginning a 160 character smaller scale ... Get more on ...
  • 14. What Is Obedience In King Lear The most important thing was obedience, also a fundamental duty of women. Paternal authority was unquestioned, children were to honour and respect their parents especially their father who represented the ruling figure and symbolized God s authority. They expected to give love and care for their parents for they were creators and deserved respect and gratitude. (1983.p.p:150 152). Moreover, in king Lear the children seem to be injustice their ... Show more content on ... (III.vii.88 91). Also, we can notice the wake up of conscience at statesman like is Albany, Albany, is progressively more sympathetic to Lear s cause. While the critics such as Leo Kirschbaum sees in Albany s transition from milksop to rebel against his wife and a force for good an indication of hopefulness amid the play s bleak view of human action .(Bloom,2008:41).Goneril, whose husband, Albany, is increasingly sympathetic to Lear s case, and he has discovered the conspire by helping of Edger when submitted the letter which is sent with Oswald to Regan. Goneril and Edmund conspire to kill Albany. Shakespeare mollifies the poetic justice which kills Edmund at the end by giving him one last repentance, perhaps even a conscience when in his dying moments he sends the order to reprieve Lear and Cordelia, an order that comes too late for Cordelia .(White,1996:219). the end of the play Lear, an old man, emotionally and physically exhausted, exposed to the wet and cold, develops what is clearly, to psychiatric eyes, a brief delirium. This is described in terms that a modem clinician would instantly recognize, and is cured by a kindly physician with rest and sleep that to provoke in him are many simples operative, whose power will close the eye of anguish ( Belts.T ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Reflective Essay On Community Work Community Work Young at Art museum Creativity and imagination is often overlooked in our current school system, this organization aims to change that by allowing kids to explore the arts through creative projects and hands on activities. While volunteering here I was able to assist kids with their arts and craft projects and pushed them to to think more creatively. I believe that creativity sparks innovation which is an important value to have in life. I was in charge of overseeing projects such as the creation of puppets using recycled thrash, drafting digital comic books, the setup of fashion week, and many other creative projects. I played an active role in inspiring kids to use their imagination to create masterpieces and enriching the community as a result. Miami Dade Animal Shelter Pets have always been in my life and my love for animals transfer to my community work.The Miami Dade animal shelter is one of the largest animal shelters in the U.S and they require a lot of volunteering in order to maintain the health and care of all the animals. In response I have taken care of multiple orphaned animals throughout multiple weeks so they can become accustomed to domestic life and be adopted one day. My tasks involved various tedious but necessary chores such as cleaning up after them, feeding them, bathing them, and many other task. I feel it s important to help out animals because they have always been around me since a child. Clubs Mentors in Action This club is tasked with providing services to the community throughout multiple means such as fundraising and supply drives. This year we will focusing on helping orphanages, foster homes, and homeless shelters in our local area by raising supplies such as food and books from our community. This club s activities and goals are flexible so they are able to help meet the various needs of the community. I joined this club because I feel it s a responsibility to give back to those who need care and can t provide for themselves. National Art Honor Society This club s goal is to spread awareness of art by inspiring students with projects such as chalk murals and the Art Fair. Students often feel not talented enough to get interested in art but this ... Get more on ...
  • 16. An Analysis Of Tibet s Governmental System and the Dalai... An Analysis Of Tibet s Governmental System and the Dalai Lama as Head of State Throughout history, society has created many different governmental systems in order to organize society in terms of law and authority. Many have failed in their purpose but others have remained steadfast in their goals and have prospered. To fundamentally understand why this pattern occurs, we must understand the true function and purpose of government. Government serves two functions. Internally, government should serve the function as the ultimate enforcer of norms, the final arbitration of conflicting interests, and control the overall planning and direction of society. Externally, government should serve the function as the handler of ... Show more content on ... An assumption is that the populace is unlawful and henceforth credulous to a high degree.[2] A second assumption is that if there is no distinction and discrimination between priestly status and lay people, the system is not credible and has no legs to stand on. Tibet is a perfect example of this medieval type of society. Other examples that closely resemble the Tibetan political structure occurred during the Catholicism of feudal Europe, the Inca regime of Peru, and Brahminism of India. Therefore, the integration of Buddhism into Tibet s government and the formation of the institution of the Dalai Lama as head of state have not only demonstrated to be one of the leading models of political system in the world but negatively made the country vulnerable to military attack. To better understand why an autocratic theocracy was the right governmental system for Tibet, we must look at how Buddhism came to Tibet. Buddhism entered Tibet in the fifth century but did not become a force until the seventh century under King Song tsem Gampo. King Song tsem Gampo had two wives who were Buddhist and they became a very influential force by inspiring him to spread Buddhism throughout Tibet. His accomplishments include establishing Lhasa in 639 A.D. and erecting hundreds of temples. From the period between King Song tsem Gampo s rule and the thirteen century, there was no centralized ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Glaciation In The Pacific Cordillera Of North America Although it may not feel like it, we are currently in an ice age today. An ice age is just a period of time when the Earth s climate faces a constant and drastic decrease in temperature. Periods of colder temperature during an ice age have been called glaciations because they result in something being covered by glaciers or ice sheets. Shorter term, irregular intervals of warmer temperatures have been called interglacials , which is what we are currently living in today. However, some scientists believe that the climatemay dramatically decrease in the near future, and we could see glaciers return again like we did in the last glacial period. This last glacial period is referred to as The Ice Age. It was the most recent glacial period within our current ice age occurring in the... Show more content on ... The glaciations that occurred during this glacial period covered many areas, primarily in the Northern Hemisphere where the ice sheets were approximately two and a half miles thick. There were twelve different names assigned to the multiple locations where glaciation occurred at that time. Three terms were coined for glaciation in North America. Glaciation in the Pacific Cordillera of North America was known as, Fraser . The Central Rocky Mountain area s glaciation was called Pinedale , and glaciation in central North America was known as Wisconsinian . When the Ice Age began, the Rocky Mountain National Park area saw large ice sheets covering much of the land. There had been proof of earlier glaciation in the Rocky Mountain area because a mass of older rocks and sediments called moraines had been deposited by a glacier and found on the edges and extremities of the mountains there. Unfortunately, a large majority of the evidence has been erased by the more recent glaciation in the Ice Age. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Human Trafficking And Human Exploitation Human trafficking and human exploitation is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. Each year, thousands of individuals are subjected to human trafficking and human exploitation either in their countries or abroad regardless of their age, gender, race and socio economic background. Human trafficking and human exploitation are a form of modern day slavery and a crime involved controlling an individual against their will through violence, fraud, and coercion for the satisfaction of personal desires or profitable advantage. Human traffickingand human exploitation are often inter related to each other. Traffickers use violence, threats, blackmails, false promises, deceptions, manipulations, and debt bondage to trap potential individuals. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay about Egyptian Funerary Practices Egyptian Funerary Practices Ancient Egyptian civilization was based on religion. Their belief in the rebirth after death became their driving force behind their funeral practices. Death was simply a temporary interruption, rather than an end to life, and that eternal life could be ensured by means of worship to the gods, preservation of the physical form thru mummification, substantial ceremonies and detailed burial policies and procedures. Even though many today have varying views of an afterlife, many of the funerary practices that originated in Egypt can be seen in present day funeral services. The Egyptians believed that the human soul used the first night after death to travel into the afterlife. The body, which the... Show more content on ... Even though we today do not invest the time, the amount of care given is still present. The temples, pyramids, tombs, and religious artifacts left behind all tell us that the Ancient Egyptians believed in the resurrection of the dead. Their belief in immortality was the fundamental driving force behind their religion. The formulae which were declared to have been recited during the performance of ceremonies were written down and copied for scores of generations, and every pious, well to do Egyptian made arrangements that what had been done and said on behalf of Osiris should be done and said for him outside and inside his tomb after his death. (Liturgy of Funeral Offerings, pg.2) This illustrates just how important the ceremony and the process was to the Egyptians. Their belief in the afterlife and the importance of the ceremonial steps taken to get them there caused them great concern with their own funerals. Today, everyone has an idea of what they would like to do for their own funeral as well. We may follow in the same patterns as our family heritage has done for generations with either a traditional funeral or cremation, or we may have a newer alternative in mind for our self. Even though we may not be preparing for an afterlife, we still have an ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Tax Credits Are Better Than Deductions Tax Credits Tax credits are better than deductions because they reduce your taxes dollar for dollar. For example, federal and state governments offer many credits for research and development, reducing energy usage, creating jobs and accommodating people with disabilities. We ll explore the topic further in the Special Business Deductions. In bad years, especially when you start a business and claim extra deductions, you might lower your taxes enough to qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit that lowers taxes for low to moderate income families. The Lifetime Learning Credit is worth 20% of up to $10,000 that you spend for post secondary education and training. The credit can take up to $2,000 off your taxes for fees spent on college courses, training classes and earning certifications. The American Opportunity Tax Credit returns the first $2,000 that you spend on college expenses for each dependent and 25% of the next $2,000 for a maximum credit of $2,500 per student. Special Business Deductions The federal government and many state governments offer various tax credits, incentives and larger Section 179 deductions for increasing energy efficiency, accommodating people with disabilities, removing architectural and transportation barriers to mobility challenged people and encouraging entrepreneurs to revitalize certain enterprise zones in some urban cities and areas where natural disasters have occurred. Disability Accommodations You can qualify for tax benefits [4] ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Effect Of Cologne On The Body The Effects of Cologne Can the way a man smells actually affect his life? Can buying expensive cologne give him more confidence or make him irresistible? Cologne advertisers would certainly seem to think so. In truth, scents can affect an individual in different ways. Certain scents can have particular effects on the body, and they can actually alter the way a person behaves or perceives himself. Scents that work positively with a man s body chemistry can actually change the way he acts or thinks. However, when cologne ads promise men that they will be handsome, successful, powerful, and talented because of the scents they wear, the industry begins to sell them fantasy rather than reality. Advertisements for cologne are very unique. Cologne ads usually portray a message that says wearing this will make you attractive or you will be more powerful by wearing this cologne. Most of these advertisements feature men, since men are their target audience. However, some other advertisements feature women, since women sometimes buy cologne for men as a gift. Some advertisements, like this one, feature celebrities. Having a good looking celebrity, such as James Franco, draws in the attention of viewers. This advertisement does a great job of visual advertising. The dark, simple background of city lights is intended to focus one s attention solely on the image and the text, while portraying a scene of mystery or perhaps adventure. This advertisement is fairly simple, yet allows the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Website Idea Essay How to Patent a Website Idea: Everything You Need to Know If you want to learn how to patent a website idea, it is important that you understand the steps necessary to protect your website idea from others that may try to profit from your idea. For example, a utility patent is the most common type of patent. It covers the functional aspects of an invention. In order for an invention to qualify for patent protection, it must be useful, new, and non obvious. This means that it must be have some sort of purpose, or otherwise, be useful to potential consumers. It must be new, which means that the invention cannot be similar to another invention already patented. Lastly, it must be non obvious, meaning that it cannot be an obvious combination ... Show more content on ... Provisional Patents for Websites A provisional patent application is filed with the USPTO and establishes an early filing date, but doesn t amount to a formal patent application unless and until the applicant files a non provisional patent application within the 12 months subsequent to filing the non provisional patent. A provisional patent application is both less detailed and less costly. Immediately after you file your provisional patent application, you can indicate that your website idea is patent pending. During this time period, you can develop your website idea even further and turn your provisional patent application into a formal non provisional patent application. With a provisional application, you ll want to prepare diagrams and drawings of your website when filing the application. When drafting the diagrams, consider the user interface itself, the software generated process, and the administrative screens/cods/software used to maintain the website. Since there are many unique business processes involved in your website, you want to keep each one distinct, showcasing the unique methods and processes utilized, and how your website came together. The more specific and detailed you can be, the higher your chance of patent protection. Always be mindful that you can hire a qualified patent attorney to assist you with preparing your application. You can even hire a professional to assist in the drawings, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. A Strong Personality That Goes Against The Patriarchal... etsabe Shojaee Professor Patricia Caedozo English 120 5/26/2015 Merida has a strong personality that goes against the patriarchal idea of a weak woman. Merida does not share in any womanly domestic activities championed by patriarchy and often performed by past Disney princesses. In Disney movies, Princesses like Snow White and Cinderella are often shown cleaning and cooking, but Merida enjoys physical activities such as horseback riding, rock climbing, and archery. Sonja K. Foss, along with Cindy L. Griffin, built on Campbell s ideas about feminist criticism in their essay Beyond Persuasion ... Show more content on ... However, some will not support Merida is her feminist agenda due to messing up the flow of entertainment via media. Laura Mulvy in her article Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema , backs these claims by stating, In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed, with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to be looked at ness. Woman displayed as sexual object is the leit motif of erotic spectacle: from pin ups to striptease, from Ziegfeld to Busby Berkeley, therefore women are presence to indispensable elements of spectacle in normal narrative film . Some misogynist movie goers and TV watchers like to see women objectified and hyper sexualized because it keeps there attention and usually the attention is what funds the films. If cartoons and films starting breaking down hyper sexuality of women, such as Merida is attempting in this film, it could cause drastic change in audience and possible decline in sales. Turning back to my original point, Merida is feminist because she has the patriarchal idea of a weak. Merida is confident about her self and does not hesitate to take control when she ought to, such as coming up with a plan to sneak Elinor in bear form out of the castle or procuring food when she and her mother are in the woods. She insists on thinking for ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Relationship Between God and Creation Khoa Pham Theology 101 Dr. Nairn Relationship between God and Creation Genesis 1:26, God said Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the bird of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animal of the earth, and over every creeps upon the earth. I think this is the image of human dignity. We can simplify this by saying that we are smarter than other creatures in this earth. In my opinion from a person who doesn t have any religion, I don t believe in this. Because I always believe that human has been developing in a long way of evolution, and now I just learnt a new conception which is god created human. It is really interesting but ... Show more content on ... If you say which side you are, I will answer that I am in the middle; because there are still many things that science hasn t able to explain yet. For example, the scientists don t believe in the existence of ghost but from the view of religious belief, people do. In fact, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Producers In Frankenstein The Producers is about a man trying to make money from old ladies and con an account into joining him. He gets an account to sort through his money. His account suggests that he chooses a play that won t be successful and he would make more money than they had to put into it. They end up in jail because they get caught in their act. In the begining of young frankensteinhe didn t like people calling me Frankenstein. Dr Frankenstein learns about his grandfather inheritance and he goes to transylvania.When he gets there people start to wonder what he is doing there and if he going to start where his grandfather had left off. He starts to mess around with the monster in his grandfather s basement and the monster eventually escapes. Even though ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Human Activities Like Dam Construction Motivation and Objective Human activities like dam construction, dredging, and agricultures cause large amount of sediment transports in rivers, lakes, and estuaries. Erosion and sedimentation is a global issue that tends to be primarily associated with water quality. Pollution by sediment has two major types. For a physical dimension, erosion leads to excessive levels of turbidity in waters and the turbidity limits penetration of sunlight thereby prohibiting growth of algae and rooted aquatic plants. High levels of sedimentation lead to physical disruption of the hydraulic characteristics of the channel which have serious impacts on reduction in channel depth, and it can cause increased flooding. For a chemical dimension, the silt and clay fraction ( 62mm) is a primary carrier of adsorbed chemicals originated from agricultures like phosphorus, chlorinated pesticides and most metals transported into the aquatic system. The use of numerical hydrologic, hydraulic, and sediment transport models has greatly expanded to predict and interpret behavior of erosion and sediment runoff for controlling sediment pollutant and keeping water resources safe. Unfortunately, predictions from such models always contain uncertainty, and the overall uncertainty is poorly quantified and deterministic predictions have been used in most applications. Because those predictions are often used in situations that involve the potential for economic losses, ecological impacts, and risks to human ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Coubertin Hockey History The Olympics were reinvented when Coubertin invented the International Olympic Committee in the late 1800s. The IOC was made to modernize the games to societies standards. Coubertin had a more inclusively cosmopolitan vision and greater organizational skills than any of his predecessors, [he] succeeded where they had failed (Guttman,121). Originally, Coubertin chose a Greek scholar named Demetrios Bikelas to become the first president of the IOC. He served as president for the six years and then Coubertin took over for almost the next 30 years. Coubertin used the Olympics to introduce new sports to the masses and to show political neutrality when countries were in conflict and/or at war. He was separate beliefs from athletics to make the... Show more content on ... Hockey became a sport that everyone could bond over. From natives, immigrants, and locals, hockey was able to form a community s collective identity regardless of where they were from and their socio economic status. According to Bairner, there is certainly a perceived Canadian way of playing the game that is celebrated as being in some manner indicative of a national character rugged, honest, utilitarian (Bariner,125). This Canadian way could have effected Canadas Olympic Performances because they do not want to be put in the same box as their southern counterpart, the United States. Even though the two countries are connected, Canadians pride themselves on being different from the United States and their standards. They do not want to be categorized together and the Olympics is an opportunity for them to distinguish themselves from Americans. As another powerful nation, the Olympics becomes a time for Canadians to prove that they are a contender among the United States, Russia, and China. The grit that is needed in hockey and the Canadian way, is then passed along to all the other Canadian athletes in the games. Hockey pretty much sets the tone for all the other athletes in the summer and in the winter ... Get more on ...
  • 28. BSA 375 Complete Course Link name BSA 375Week 1 Discussion Question 1 Why do heuristics and biases play a major role in the success or failure of an IT project? What specific kinds are the most influential factors, in general and for your specific organization? How does organization culture play a role in the successful reliance on the Joint Application Development (JAD) process to identify and gather business requirements? Would JAD work in your company? Explain why or why not. BSA 375Week 1 Discussion Question 2 Based on Tallon and Scannell s (2007) article, describe information life cycle management (ILM) and the relationship to the cost of storage. Based on Mitchell s (2007) article, explain how Musicland stores were converted to the... Show more content on ... Cite and discuss 3 to 4 references, in addition to the required readings, that are relevant to the assignment. Include citations and references, using the approved style guide format. Submit section 2 of the final paper. BSA 375Week 4 Discussion Question 1 Is testing a distinct phase of a project, or does it come into play during other phases? Explain your answer. How might tools help the quality and effectiveness of testing? Based on Walsh s (2007) article, explain why end user satisfaction should be used in addition to return on investment (ROI) when measuring new systems. BSA 375Week 4 Discussion Question 2 Based on Davidson and Kumagai s (2008) article, list three advantages and risks associated with open source software. BSA 375week 4 Individual Assignment Service Request SR rm 004, Part 3 Paper create using Riverpoint Individual Assignment: Service Request SR rm 004, Part 3 Paper Complete section 3 of 3 for the final paper This week s assignment incorporates the transition from design to implementation. You may consider revising sections 1 and 2 based upon faculty feedback. Prepare a 4 6 page paper that accomplishes the following: Describe the implementation stage for this project. Include a discussion on the six major activities for the implementation stage as described within the text: Coding. Testing. Installation. Documentation. Training. Support. The discussion on these six ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Sejarah Tingkatan 2 MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH TINGKATAN 2 BAB 1:KEDUDUKAN STRATEGIK MENDORONG PENGUASAAN BRITISH 1. Pertapakan Syarikat Hindia Timur Inggeris (SHTI) di Pulau Pinang Pulau Pinang merupakan sebahagian daripada Kedah.(pusat maritim). SHTi tidak dapat menguasai Kedah kerana Kedah adalah di bawah naungan Siam. Punca SHTI mahukan Pulau Pinang : 1. Kedudukan strategik laluan perdagangan Timur Barat 2. Pusat pengumpulan barang dagangan i. Pusat pengumpulan Barang Teh dari Cina manakala Cina memerlukan emas, perak, bijih Timah dan lada hitam. ii. Pelabuhan persinggahan Pulau Pinang dapat menyediakan keperluan bekalan air, makanan dan membaiki kapal... Show more content on ... iii. British tidak akan membantu Kedah menyerang Siam iv. British akan menghantar balik sultan Kedah yang berlindung di Pulau Pinang ke kedah dan Kedah hendaklah membayar ufti ke Siam. v. Siam mengiktiraf pendudukan British di Pulau Pinang. Dan Seberang Perai. Punca Pulau Pinang gagal dimajukan sebagai pusat Perdagangan : 1. Terletak jauh di utara dan gagal bersaing dengan pelabuhan Betawi, Riau dan Lingga. 2. Perdagangan dengan Cina amat penting terutama the, sutera ,kain kapas dan bahan pencelup.Britih dapat menguasai melaka dan Betawi sewaktu perang Napoleon dan selepas perang terpaksa menyerah semula kepada Belanda.. Belanda mengenakan cukai yang tinggi kepada pedagang British di Betawi.Usaha Stamford gagal untuk mendapat pelabuhan baru sepeeti Palembang , Acheh dan Riau. Kesan ; Raffles mencadangkan kepada SHTI membukja pelabuhan di Singapura. Singapura merupakan sebahagian daripada kekuasaan Johor. Sebab Singapura penting untuk SHTI; `i.Kedudukan strategik dibahagian selatan dan dapat bersaing dengan . Betawi ii. Dapat menyekat kuasa Belanda Strategik Raffles mengambil Singapura. i. Mula mendarat Januari 1819 dan memaksa Temenggung Abdul Rahman tandatangan perjanjian yang membenarkan British membina Loji di Singapura.. Syarat perjanjian ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Myth Of The Werewolf The Myth Of The Werewolf Assistant Insert Photo The myths and lore of the werewolf ( werewolves.html) had caught the imagination of not only the German public, but the whole of Europe during the medieval times. Such was the fear of this dreaded creature that people were burned at stake on mere suspicion of being a werewolf, much like the infamous witch hunts. It was the author, Johannes Fridericus Wolfeshusius ( n2012 186114/), a native of Leipzig, who broke the myth of werewolves by terming it as a medical condition called Lycantrophy ( in his treatise De Lycanthropia: An vere illi, ut fama est, luporum aliarum... Show more content on ... The construction work was started in 1909 and the station was opened in 1915, but not after its share of hiccups. Once the proposal of establishing a united German Imperial Railway was shot down in 1898, due to the antagonism between two rival state railways the Royal Saxon State Railways ( %20Saxon%20State%20Railways item_type=topic) and the Prussian State Railways ( /articles/guides /history of prussian railways.html), the Leipzig city council organized an architectural competition for a design that would cater to both the state railways. The competition was won by architects William Lossow (http://saebi. /William_Lossow_(1852 1914)) and Max Hans KГјhne ( /Max_Hans_K%C3%BChne_(1874 1942)). The Central Train Station with its impressive architecture was completed on December 4, 1915 and represented both the competing state railways. Today, the building not only houses a total of 24 platforms, but also a multistoried complex with shops and eateries. The Central Train Station remains an indispensable part of Leipzig s glorious heritage. The Legend Of The Leipzig Beer Assistant ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Establishment Clause Vs Free Exercise Clause [Establishment Clause] [Free Exercise Clause] (Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof) Organized religion across the country collectively speaks; we reserve the right to refuse to participate in any wedding or union of same sex couples. All religious citizens across the country follow the teachings of their respective churches and synagogues and refuse to take part in those unions as well. The Christian cake maker, the Baptist Caterer, the Church going Photographer and the Jewish Organizer all claim the right not to participate in events that are clearly same sex. This refusal being based on their strongly held religious beliefs and the 1st Amendment s [Free Exercise Clause Or Prohibiting the free exercise thereof] they now stand in direct conflict with the 14th Amendment s [Equal Protection Clause.] It appears we are pulling on the same rope, in different directions.... Show more content on ... Along comes the 14th amendment and the [Equal protection Clause] forbidding the States to discriminate. Setting aside for the moment the issues of the States and their guaranteed republican form of government under the new constitution, we see that within the 14th Amendment resides the authority to enforce the law of Equal Protection and, it has teeth. Congress shall make no law, yet they have made such a law, the 14th amendment, and they gave it teeth, the power to enforce, it is clearly written into that ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Becoming A Law Enforcement Officer Who I am today As a one grows up, you can t help it but dream of becoming the craziest things. I saw myself becoming a lot of things in life. Although, I was never able to stick to one thing and kept going with it. I was always changing my mind up about what I wanted to be in life, what I saw myself as an adult. I wasn t the smartest in school but I my grades always spoke for themselves and I always tended to learn from my experiences and others peoples as well. I thought about becoming a law enforcement officer, to becoming a great chef and tasting foods from all around the world. I guess I wanted to become those things because I loved watching them on T.V. and sort of saw cooking more as a hobby then a profession. Unfortunately it wasn t ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Gucci s Use Of Gender Roles In Advertising Gender roles have been a part of society since the beginning of society itself. Men are supposed to be bigger, stronger, smarter, they should go out and support their family. Women are meant to fragile and they should stay at home to raise the children. Though this idea is not as present as it once was, and many people, especially women, continue to step away from that idea, it is still present especially in advertising. Gucci s 2011 advertisement for their Guilty cologne is no exception to this. The advertisement features Chris Evans, known for his roles in the Captain America films, and Evan Rachel Wood, known for her roles in Westworld. The two stand naked against a black background. The cologne bottle is pictured in the bottom right corner of the image. The title is above their heads in bold white letters and says Gucci Guilty: Pour Homme. They use these genderroles, and other common societal ideas to convey their message that the use of the cologne will not only make it s target audience more attractive but it will spice up their life and get them pretty women. Chris Evans is the first thing that the audience sees when looking at the given advertisement. He represents the role of men in society perfectly. His piercing blue eyes provide a stark contrast with the rest of the image. He s looking directly into the camera as well which exudes a level of confidence that most men can only wish to have. Viewers will be left wondering what they could do to achieve this ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Hiroshima, By John Hersey On August 6, 1945, the tragedy struck Hiroshima, Japan. At exactly 8:15 a.m. an atomic bomb had been dropped and ruined the lives of millions. In a book called, Hiroshima , written by John Hersey. Mr. Hersey was born on June 17, 1914 in Tientsin, China. He was a prize winning journalist and writer. Keep in mind one of the earliest practitioners of the New Journalism, in which storytelling methods of fiction are immuned to realist reportage. He won three awards, The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Anisfield Wolf Book Award, National Jewish Book Award for Fiction. The three main reasons that the United States bombed Hiroshima was because the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor naval base, the U.S. wanted to end World War II, so by dropping the... Show more content on ... This proves how the Japanese would not surrender so the U.S. had to frighten them, so by dropping the bomb the U.S. believed that is would end the war. The second reason why the U.S. bombed Hiroshima was to end World War II. In the CNN news article called, WHY DID THE U.S. BOMB HIROSHIMA? Written by Ryan Browne states, Maier, who teaches a course on World War II, said Japan was not ready to surrender unconditionally and there was a concern that a weapons demonstration would have not done the job. Such a demonstration would have detonated a nuclear weapon in a non inhabited but observable area to compel Japan to surrender, an approach that was favored by a group of scientists and Assistant Secretary of War John McCloy, according to Rushay. (Browne, CNN politics) The Japanese weren t surrendering so the United States took matters into their own hands by creating the atomic bomb and dropping it on Hiroshima. This proves how the Japanese would not surrender so the U.S. had to frighten them, so they bombed Hiroshima. The last reason was drop another bomb, but this time in Nagasaki so they would suffer just like Hiroshima did in August 1945. In this article called, THE BOMBING OF NAGASAKI written by C N Trueman states, Two senior American military figures General Groves and Admiral Purnell were convinced that two atomic bombs dropped within days of the other would have such an overwhelming impact on ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Complexity Of George And Minnie, By John Steinbeck George and Lennie had an unheard of relationship throughout the novella. They were the exception to the overall theme of loneliness that each of the other characters felt in some way. Both characters were extremely loyal to each other , however the significance of Lennies actions meant that George had no choice but to kill Lennie Slim s character was highly valued in the novella, and the influence of his opinion is demonstrated in many cases especially in the final section when helping the reader understand how George had no choice but to kill lennie. The reader is able to notice that his voice is the voice of rationalism throughout the book and that the ranch workers are aware of this. In instances such as the shooting of Candy s dog, ... Show more content on ... Another example of this is when He crushes Curly s hand his fist lost in Lennies paw the reader can understand that the lack of control over his strength and handling of a situation that came to the killing of a person, meant that George had no choice but to kill Lennie. Despite Lennie s limitations and lack of relations to other characters, it is obvious to the reader how highly he values Georges opinion and trusts George to never to leave him. When he kills the puppy he says maybe George won t care Now maybe George won t let me tend no rabbits he expresses worry, which translates to show his yearning for Georges approval and is relatable, allowing the reader to form an empathetic view on him. This puts emphasis on how dependent he was on George. When Curly fights with Lennie he only defends himself when George tells him to get him he can then only stop when George says Leggo his hand Lennie. Leggo . He does not posses the ability to have any control in the situation. When Curlys wife starts struggling, he is incapable of dealing with it and kills her instead. Even when he is unaware of Crookes playing with him demonstrates the inability of thinking for himself. George wasn t able to save Lennie and with his lack of dependence meant that letting him escape, left him not only a threat but also vulnerable to those seeking power. Curly was an aggressive man who seeking vengeance on Lennie. Lennie ... Get more on ...
  • 36. How Does The Alchemist Affect Santiago s Life No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn t know it, Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist. Everyone has an impact on someone s life, some greater than others. In The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, Santiago meets several people on his journey to find his treasure, however, the person who made the biggest impact on his life is Melchizedek, King of Salem; he convinced Santiago to go on a journey to find his treasure, and he taught him how to read and follow the omens. King Melchizedek has greatly impacted Santiago s life. First, he convinced Santiago to go on the journey to find his treasure. This was offered to Santiago by a gypsy; he thought it was a scam, so he refused ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Two Similarities And Differences Between Germany And China Germany, a western country is well known for beer, sausage and innovative technology. China, an eastern country is well known for delicious food, martial arts and low priced products. Everyone knows they are completely different. However, can you raise some concrete examples showing their difference? And is it true that both do not have a single similarity at all? Though, they have certain similar aspects if you look closer. One obvious difference between Germany and Chinais the food habit. German tends to have cool food for breakfast, which comprises bread, cheese and cold meat like ham and salami, whereas the Chinese tend to have hot food at the beginning of the day, such as congee, which is a thick, white porridge made of riceand water.... Show more content on ... Both countries view family as a key aspect of their life. German have a strong bond with family. For example, everybody goes back home for reunion at Christmas and Easter. Family would spend time together for enjoying the long holiday. Chinese also emphasize family gathering and reunion, just as German do. During the Spring Festival, a number of Chinese would travel from the city they are working at back to their hometown in order to celebrate and gather, given the fact that the Spring Festival is the most important festival to Chinese. Furthermore, both societies show a great respect to elders. There is a Chinese saying, An old in a home is like a treasure of a family. Chinese view the elder as an experienced and alive encyclopedia more than an encumbrance in the society. Similarly, German are always willing to help the senior citizens. German help those citizens is common in public, like on buses and at restaurants. The youngsters would give up their seats, or helping the elders getting on and off the bus. The politeness to senior citizens could be also shown from the German language. People would use Sie , which is a polite and formal form to address other, Herr and Frau to address the senior ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Babe Ruth, Informative Everyone has heard of the infamous Babe Ruth , but few people know that his birth given name is George Herman Ruth, Jr. He lived from February 6, 1895 August 16, 1948, and was best known as Babe Ruth and nicknamed the Bambino and the Sultan of Swat . Babe was an American baseball player who spent 22 seasons in Major League Baseball(MLB) playing for three teams between the years of 1914 1935. The most important points of Babe s life are his early childhood, his major league baseball career, and the legacy that Babe left behind. Ruth came from German American parents, Kate Schamberger Ruth and George Herman Ruth, Sr. His parents owned a succession of saloons (bars) and sold lightning rods. Babe Ruth was one of seven children; ... Show more content on ... Babe s amazing pitching allowed the Red Sox to win the World Series again, four games to one. Ruth extended his World Series consecutive scoreless inning streak to 29в…” innings, a recorded that would last until almost fifty years later. Inly July 1918, Ruth walked off the field due to a dispute with the manager, a mistake that would soon lead him to be traded to the Yankees. However Ruth wouldn t go out without a fight. Ruth placed a curse on the Red Sox for trading him to the Yankees. The Red Sox didn t win another World Series until 2004 (86 years later). On December 26, 1919, Babe Ruth was traded to the Yankees. Several reasons such as Babe s negative attitude and his demand for a double in his salary led his trade to the New York Yankees for almost $2mil (in now a days dollars). Babe would stay with the Yankees from 1919 1935. During his career with the Yankees, Babe Ruth emerged from a pitcher, to an all star hitter. In 1920, Babe hit 54 home runs and his .847 slugging average would remain a Major League Baseball record for over 80 years. The best year of Ruth s career was 1921, hitting 59 home runs, batting .378 and slugging .846. Ruth also hit a record high of 139 home runs on July 18, 1921. Ruth s name soon became synonymous with the term home run. Babe s powerful home runs went as far as 575 feet from the home plate. Unfortunately, due to an injury, Babe was not able to play in a majority of the World Series against the New York Giants. This led to the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Coleman And Bourdieu Three different views on social capital are particularly considered by scholars. They are the ideas of Pierre Bourdieu, James Coleman, and Robert Putnam. Pierre Bourdieu A concurrently developed theory of social capital came from French Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1985). Bourdieu s (1985) use of the term social capital is an explicit attempt to understand the production of classes and class divisions. Social capital and relationships are never disconnected from capital. Capital for Bourdieu (1985), is simultaneously economic as well as a set of power relations that constitute a variety of realms and social interactions though normally non economic. He was interested to find the ways to reproduce society and to understand how the supreme position of dominant classes are retained. He could not explain this by economics alone, and he is well known for his discussion of cultural capital. Also he tried to learn how people utilized cultural knowledge to place them in the hierarchy. He wrote a famous book, Distinction (1984) a detailed study of middle class taste and how they identify themselves with those who are above than them on the social ladder and the difference from those below . James Coleman ... Show more content on ... Social capital for him is inherently functional and social capital is whatever allows people or institutions to act. Social capital is therefore not a mechanism, a thing, or an outcome, but simultaneously any or all of them. Coleman sought to link the ideas of economic and sociology theory. His way of study leads to a broader view of social capital. According to him social capital is not a stock owned by elite groups but also the benefits of all commodities can be utilized by the marginalized and ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Should People Be Allowed To Keep Animals In Captivity Animals in Captivity Everyday people go to zoos with intentions of having a good time without realizing they are paying for animals to be held in captivity for the rest of their lives. In recent discussion, the decision to keep animals in captivity is a very controversial topic. Many people are towards the decision that zookeepers should keep the wild animals captive for the entertainment of others, while on the contrary many are against it. However nobody has done anything to get the animals out. The people who are against setting them free believe that the animals are living a much better life than they would outside and that they are better for keeping entertainment for the public but what they do not see is what happens when the zoo is closed and how they are treated outside of the public s eye, which is what the people who are against it tend to see. Not only do animals not like being held in captivity but also it gives them stress, anxiety and ... Show more content on ... Many animals never see life outside of cages because they are taken in from when they are babies and kept until they die. With zoos existing for hundreds of years people have never noticed how wrong it is to keep animals in cages. Animals all over the world are affected because they get taken away and never know what it is really like to live in the wild. Zoos are not a perfect place to keep animals, more animals are abused and hurt inside of zoos. One day a wallaby was suppose to be getting taken care of by its zookeeper but the zookeeper was not paying attention because the wallaby drowned in a bucket of water. In another case a spider monkey had frost bite but was not treated soon enough so zookeepers were forced to euthanize the spider monkey (Jouvenal). More accidents take place inside of zoos than they would if animals were released to the wild. Everyday animals die in captivity due to zookeepers that don t pay attention to the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Cdc Recommendations Recommendation to CDMC: In the development of this paper I have focused on mitigating risks, addressing challenges and identified opportunities for each option provided. Managing the change with communication, education and input from stakeholders is critical to a smooth transition of any change CDMC incorporates and I would appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the change and vision for NCC. In consideration of the 3 options I presented in this paper I recommend to CDMC to first adopt option 1 with a transition to option 2 after monitoring the count pressures of medium PC s, PC remand and sentenced GP s for a minimum of 6 months. At any time option 3 to house female offenders at the centre is viewed as a requirement it could also... Show more content on ... The risks I have identified in option 1 of the perceptions of NCC being designated a PC centre by other centres and the inmate population can be managed through a series of presentations through webinar and/ or video clips to classification officers, leadership teams, drug and alcohol councillors, native workers, chaplains, and staff training opportunities at the other centres. Managers would include the agenda item of NCC change in bed placement strategy in all committees meetings they are members. The NCC CorrPoint page would be updated to reflect the centres classification and bed load strategy and include an update of the CorrPoint news page to reach staff at all centres. By educating and informing the stakeholders they would have impact on the message inmates at other centres receive. The challenges identified in option 1 of promoting NCC as the 3 classification centre would be addressed through training and education listed above. The challenge of the GP inmates resistance to move to Campbell House that was housed with PC s would be addressed in the plan and processes prepared by NCC before any move is implemented. By communicating with the inmates of the process and providing them the opportunity to be herd for their concerns and bring forward ideas are valuable to the process. I have viewed it as an opportunity for the PC s to be housed in the dorms with unescorted movements to records, health care, separate kitchen, and ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Tcos Play A Key Role In The Production And Distribution Of... TCOs play a key role in the production and distribution of counterfeit products and engage in this activity because it produces high profits comparable to other illicit activities such as drug trafficking but with a greatly reduced risk for prosecution and penalties associated with these types of crime. Evidence has been gathered to prove that numerous well known TCOs from such countries as Italy, Japan, and Hong Kong have engaged in the counterfeitproducts business with a direct link to other illicit activities from these groups such as money laundering. Many of these TCOs have the tactics, techniques and procedures to manufacture, distribute, and sell counterfeit products on a global scale through their other illegal activities such as drug, ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Argument Of Federal Progressive Income Tax Legal Illusion The arguments regarding federal progressive income tax has been represented to us through the United States Supreme Court, on the floors of congress, and in media. The revenue from taxes reached the objective of financing wars from the Civil War through World War II. At the same time deteriorating the economy with fewer dollars that could be used on imports, exports, and services (Henchman). Today, the United States deficit is $18,800,241,350,538.12 this is a grand total of 58,405.32 owed by every man, woman, and child (Brown). The legal illusion is presenting the question, is income tax legal? There are Americans today who believe income tax is not legal and stand by their beliefs in a movement that has cost many individuals considerably. I am interviewing such a person, his name is Bobby Ray and the history he presented to me was interesting, and has left me with more questions than answers. Today, the federal government controls unrestricted means to execute whatsoever the elected official desire, without reverence for the Constitution the aforementioned vanished gradually. Common people are not knowledgeable that the United States in 1776, did not have personal income tax sovereign, and in 1913; a perpetual income tax was inflicted upon the people. In actual fact, the Constitution disallowed a direct income tax on there person. For longer than a century, the leadership endured completely without proceeds from wages. Formerly, the U.S. government performed ... Get more on ...
  • 44. An Analysis Of Will Richardson s From Master Learner I found myself nodding like a bobblehead while reading Will Richardson s From Master Teacher to Master Learner. Richardson argues that with our ability to use technology to connect, create and share globally, the basic assumptions of schools are increasingly irrelevant. While focusing on the skills and dispositions of learning (and defining what we mean by learning ), teachers current role must change as they become more important than ever in preparing students for a world in rapid transition. What s valued now is what we can do with what we know and the ability to learn more. As my own journey as a teacher has been to become a learner of learning for the past five years, I wholeheartedly agree with Richardson. While access to technology ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Oedipus, A Liar, By Sophocles In the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, Oedipus remains blind throughout the play, both figuratively and literally. The play is about a man named Oedipus whose fate is to kill his father and marry his mother. His biological parents, knowing about the Oedipus prophecy, abandons him, and continue with their lives. However, Oedipus is saved, but spends his life running away from his adoptive parents (who he believed to be his biological parents), afraid that the prophecy may come true. As the audience knows, the prophecy has been fulfilled, however, Oedipus is oblivious to the truth. He often chooses to ignore the truth and remain figuratively blind to what everyone is trying to prove to him. He accuses Tiresias, the blind prophet, of being a liar, continuing to then unreasonably project his anger towards Creon . Once he finally opens his eyes to the truth, he decides to gouge out his eyes, becoming literally blind. Firstly, Oedipus accuses Tiresias of being a liar after trying to discuss the prophecy and tell Oedipus the truth. Tiresias is called in to help release the city from the plague. After some resistance, the prophet reveals that Oedipus is the murderer of Laius, angering Oedipus as Tiresias had predicted. Oedipus rejects Tiresias words, saying things such as That obscenity, twice by god, you ll pay (Pg.180, 414) as well as Your words are nothing futile (Pg. 180, 416). His figurative blindness affects his judgement, causing him to not accept what Tiresias is ... Get more on ...
  • 46. History Of Social Norms Social norms have been shaping the way people interact throughout history. While norms could be seen as something that confides behavior, it also maintains social order allowing certain behaviors to be accepted or to be evaded. The way people respond to a situation depends on the person s normative beliefs or what they believe society should act. A normative belief is a person or a group of people believe what behavior is appropriate and inappropriate in a given social context. However, George C. Homans stated: Norms are just shared beliefs; they are not the behavior itself, but what people think behavior ought to be (Standford). A person may see one behavior completely outlandish while the person acting out sees it as something normal. ... Get more on ...
  • 47. What You Pawn I Will Redeem Essay What You Pawn I Will Redeem by Sherman Alexie is a story that engages the issues of alcoholism and homelessness from a personal indigenous perspective. Western cultures portrayal of alcoholism, especially among indigenous communities, is a legacy of North America s colonialist history. Various untruths about alcoholism have remained pervasive and though it does indeed remain a problem in many indigenous communities the attempts to explain its pervasiveness have allowed racist sentiments to take root. Outside groups attempts to provide aid and support to indigenous people struggling with homelessness have helped but only offer a temporary fix to the damage dealt. Alexie uses the experiences of his own life to provide the character of Jackson... Show more content on ... We know this due to some of the dates that Jackson, the protagonist, uses; pinning his grandmother s death to nineteen seventy two and that she died fifty years ago (Alexie). Though this results in the year according to Jackson being 2022 any discrepancy given could be the result of Jackson s unreliability as a narrator. Knowing this we can understand the historical context properly and know how to apply this understanding properly. The personal history of the Author, Sherman Alexie is incredibly important to gaining deeper understanding of Jackson. Alexie during university changed his major from medicine to American Studies after succumbing to fainting spells in anatomy class and after graduating and beginning writing he had developed a drinking problem by the age of twenty three, upon learning that The Business of Fancydancing was to be published, he immediately gave up alcohol. ( Sherman Alexie ). During the beginning of the story Jackson gives a brief biography of himself, describing himself moving to Seattle twenty three years ago for college, flunked out after two semesters, worked various blue and bluer collar jobs ... and then went crazy. (Alexie). This shows that Jackson acts as something of an author avatar for Alexie, acting out a potential future where Alexie flunked out of secondary education and his drinking problem remained. In addition both Alexie and Jackson are from Spokane and share the same culture and ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Centralia Mine Problem: The layers of bureaucracy created a group of administrators that were out of touch with those that they were hired to protect. Rather then focusing on results that created change, they focused on meetings and memos that essentially did nothing but create a paper trail that lead to a disaster. In the case of the Centralia #5 Mine, failure to act was responsible for the death of 111 men, the widowing of 79 women and leaving 76 children under the age of 18 without a Father. History: On March 25, 1947, in Centralia, Illinois, the explosion of the Centralia #5 Mine resulted in the death of 111 hardworking men. Most of these men dedicated their lives to the Bell Zoller Coal Company mining coal at the company s Centralia ... Show more content on ... Scanlan and the coal executives lack of action were equally responsible for 111 preventable deaths. As an inspector, if there was a clear and imminent danger, Scanlan had the ability and responsibility to shut down the mine. Although Inspector Scanlan saw imminent danger in the case of the Centralia #5 Mine, he failed to take action and close the mine. He felt that many other mines were in equally poor condition and would find it hard to justify his order to close. He also thought that closing the mine would result in the loss of his job after which he would quickly be replaced by someone who would downplay the importance of his findings and allow the mine to reopen. I feel that Scanlan s thought process was flawed. Closing the mine would have been a very bold move. It would have quickly come to the attention of administrators that repeatedly ignored his reports and others that were unaware of them. The resulting media attention would have forced others to act regardless of their fear of political retribution. This action could have saved the lives of the 111 men at the Centralia #5 mine and possibly others at mines with similar conditions. Lessons: Two lessons are clear from this case study. Relationships between opposing organizations must have clear boundaries that limit influence. Secondly, administrators must focus on results over activity alone as a benchmark for efficacy. In this case, there are many ... Get more on ...