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Essay On Othello
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Othello" can be both intellectually stimulating and
challenging. On one hand, William Shakespeare's play "Othello" is a rich tapestry of complex
characters, intricate plots, and profound themes, providing ample material for analysis and
interpretation. On the other hand, the depth and nuance of the play demand a keen
understanding of Shakespearean language, Elizabethan society, and the intricacies of tragic
Delving into the character of Othello himself, one must navigate the complexities of his tragic
flaw, the destructive power of jealousy, and the subtle yet pervasive theme of racism. Analyzing
the relationships between characters adds another layer of difficulty, requiring a nuanced
exploration of the dynamics between Othello and Desdemona, Iago's manipulative schemes, and
the consequences of betrayal.
Moreover, the essay must grapple with broader thematic elements, such as the nature of love, the
consequences of unchecked ambition, and the societal expectations placed on individuals. A
successful essay on "Othello" demands not only a comprehensive understanding of the play's
intricacies but also the ability to articulate insightful and original perspectives that contribute to
the ongoing scholarly conversation surrounding the work.
The challenge lies in striking a balance between providing a detailed analysis of the play's
elements and maintaining a cohesive and well-structured argument. It requires the writer to
navigate the fine line between delving into the minutiae of the text and presenting a broader,
more holistic interpretation.
In conclusion, while the task of writing an essay on "Othello" is undeniably challenging, it is also
an opportunity for intellectual growth and exploration. It demands a deep engagement with the
play, a mastery of critical thinking skills, and the ability to express complex ideas with clarity.
For those seeking assistance or looking for expertly crafted essays on similar topics, various
services, including, offer support and resources to help navigate the intricate
world of literary analysis.
Essay On Othello Essay On Othello
Cave Paintings In The Film Cave Of Forgotten Dreams
Thinking of life back almost 40,000 years ago can be a challenge to wrap the mind
around. To learn about the human species past, we must decipher the clues left
behind of how humans used to live. When asked to recreate cave paintings a
common drawing some might think of stick figures. The actuality of the cave
paintings is that they are incredibly detailed and are able to show the artistic talent
of the cavemen and women. In the film Cave of Forgotten Dreams, it focuses on a
cave in southern France and the intricate paintings and artifacts found inside. The
cave dates to around 30,000 years ago and there is a unique aspect of how everything
was preserved. In fact, a ledge of rock fell and cut off the original entrance to the...
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The animals ranged from horses to rhinos, and even cave lions. The drawings were
detailed enough to allow scientists to decipher the paintings and learn what they were
witnessing at that period of time. Along with the paintings of the animals, bones were
found in the cave and that also revealed more about the life in the cave other than just
the cavemen and women. Using all of this information given to them, the scientists
were able to learn not only how the cavemen and women lived but how animals lived
during this time. The drawings in the cave in Southern France seemed to be quite
anatomically correct to the animals roaming Earth today. The drawings are so
detailed that there is not much hesitation on what type of animal they could have
been drawing, it is obvious what their intent was. A surprise regarding the animal
paintings was the lack of anything other than mammals. Throughout the cave there
were a handful of paintings depicting insects such as butterflies and the one sole
drawing of a human, but besides that they animals were mammals. Why these
paintings are important depends on who is answering the question. A scientist might
answer differently than an art professor who might answer differently than a random
civilian. The importance is in what each person gains from these drawings. A
scientist can analyze and learn about who lived there and how they looked and acted.
This was shown by the analysis of the red hand prints and the
A Rogerian Analysis of the Debate over Arizona s...
A Rogerian Analysis of the Debate over Arizona s Immigration Law
1. An introduction to the problem and a demonstration that the opponent s position is
America s illegal immigration problem is one of the most remarkable failures of
the U.S. federal government. Undocumented illegal immigrants, many in our very
own neighborhoods, are able evade the reach of our nation s laws and regulations
with remarkable ease. This is a huge source of anxiety for many tax paying
Americans, who perceive illegal immigrants as a strain on our public goods
More pragmatically, illegal immigration causes economic uncertainty for Americans.
Employers do not know what their payroll is going to look like and how the hiring of
undocumented immigrants will affect their business. Moreover, the current illegal
immigration problem promotes the exploitation of illegal immigrants for labor.
Illegal immigrants, because of their precarious legal position, are often employed at
sub standard wages, without the employee benefits or job security enjoyed by U.S.
Arizona s new immigration law seeks to correct this problem by bringing illegal
immigration out into the light. The law would require all immigrants to carry
immigration papers on them at all times. (Archibold, 2010). In addition, it gives the
police the authority to arrest and detain anyone that they suspect of being an illegal
immigrant. Those people found to be in the country illegally will be sent back to
their home
What Is The Cause Of Coronary Heart Disease
The country of Greece is beautiful, with towering mountains and sparkling seas. But
is it really the paradise it is portrayed to be? The answer is hard, because it is
known to be a wonderful place for getaways and honeymoons. There are even diets
that advertise the healthiness of the greek diet and how it ll make you live forever.
Contrasting, the statistics of the country tell another story, one of unhealthiness and
disease. What are the causes, what could be causing so many people to die from
Coronary Heart Disease? When Coronary HeartDiseases main causes are bad habits
such as unhealthy diets and smoking, and other bad life choices. Could it be that
Greece is in poverty? Could the actual majority of citizens be eating unhealthy? Or is
... Show more content on ...
And the health care system isn t very good. If someone needed an operation
immediately they would have to wait at least a month. Government unemployment
only lasts a year and after that, the government doesn t do much to help them.
Many Greeks may be eating as best they can, but it s not good enough. They have
to wait to be seen by a doctor and wait even longer for an operation. They smoke
and drink and eat fast food and cheap things from the grocery store that can be
heated up. This is called Greek diet is what is eaten by tourist, and the rich of
Greece. Not the people living their life, majority of the population. Smoking is a
very common habit in Greece. And it is one of the leading causes of Coronary
heart disease. CHD is considered to be the disease that you can change. And it s all
based on life choices. If an entire country of people are all stressed and trying to get
money for rent, mortgage or even dinner, It is likely they will start to form
unhealthy habits such as drinking or smoking. These habits on top of being
stressed, and not eating fresh fruits and vegetables everyday leads to Coronary Heart
disease. They are eating cheap fast food, Mcdonald s is all over Greece, and so are
many other fast food places. On top of this the healthcare isn t the best, all these
factors are why this disease is the top killer. In other words you could just say the top
cause of death is stress and
Police Officer Forcillo Summary
This article talks about how the trial of Officer Forcillo, who is charged for killing
Sammy Yatim. The court heard that police officers are taught they can only use
lethal force when an officer as good reason to believe that there is probable risk of
death or serious injury. It was also stated that officers have training in how to deal
with high risk situations without resulting to lethal force. The officers are also
trained to recognize people with mental illness and how to react appropriately in
those situations. The officers say that the problem is that they have very limited time
(sometimes a matter of seconds) to make the decision on whether to use lethal force
or not. They also say that the officer s perception can vary on whether they feel in
imminent danger or not.... Show more content on ...
However, I also believe that police are often now turning to the use of lethal force in
situations where it is completely uncalled for. As previously stated, the do need to
protect themselves, but they are provided with extensive training and have a
variety of tools in their belt to help in intense situations. Even if shots must be
fired, there is no reason that they can t shoot someone in the leg, injuring them, but
not killing them. The constant use of excessive force and lethal force is causing
mass fear of the police and causing people to lose their lives. Many of these people
are suffering from mental illness and just need help. If an officer was in a situation
where they had no choice but to use lethal force to save themselves or another officer
then that would be completely acceptable. However, more often than not, the officers
are turning to lethal force when there is absolutely no reason for it. They need to use
the training they are given to preserve human life whenever
Mary Lindberg s Analysis
Mary s reign was built on reestablishing Catholic connections and pulling back the
protestant reformation. Lindberg commented that Mary s catholic upbringing was
important because from a purely non theological perspective [Mary] had to be
Catholic in order to be the legitimate heir to the throne. Politically, as the daughter
of Catherine of Aragon, she had a reason to bring in her religion and rule strictly in
order to save her people from mortal sin by restoring papal obedience. In her
estimate, it was the pope who tried to save her mother s modesty and good name
where the hedonistic church powers in England dismissed her and her mother when
they became an inconvenience. During her reign, she persecuted and killed many
protestants,... Show more content on ...
For instance, Zurich operated with government on a much smaller scale, using
various magistrates to decide what would be appropriate for the community and the
church. No magistrate had complete power to change any major traditions or
doctrines. Even Zwingli had to compromise with various members of the government
to build the way forward for the Protestant churches in the area. This small scale also
allowed for dissenters, such as the Anabaptists, to take hold and root themselves
within the structure. Even though they wanted a unified church in Zurich, they were
not able to stop the theology expanding that further fractured the reformed
A Story In Short Story
Stories In a city a family living. In their family Father Mr. A, Mother Mrs. B, Son
Mr. C, Daughter s D and E. Mr. An utilised as a part of an assumed and his
measures do great at all around as the same totally actualized in their family. Mrs. B
housewife and doing a little article plotting as entertainment developer. Their young
people Mr. Cand Ms. D and E went to their school and they additionally continually
take after his dad standards Always tell the truth, without pay off in the works,
considers, regard the Elders, regard the women, don t battle anyone, don t abuse
useless working environments, don t lead any wrong individuals. Time passing away.
One day at his home one little occasion happens. Mr. As tyke was counter towards at
his school some individual s Scale and wood Ink Pen found in his sack and dad
rebuked him why you was stolen and he beaten him and let him know always told
the Truth . That Mr. C was easy going to tell he buys the Scale and wood Ink Pen his
mom given her cash, in light of the way that in his familymonetary matters just
directing Mr. A, on the off chance that he tells the matter his dad will true blue to
his mom. Furthermore, on that day Father Mr. A given his sustenance and safe
house outside as prepare. He uncovered and on that day he picks in any case I
come clean in my life. In like manner, after they are astoundingly planning with
their family in regards to articles, books, cash, materials, etc. Mr. C is going
routinely to his school, at his school he tells his lords always truth. One day an
examination went to their school and gets a few information about subjects and
assorted exercises. Likewise, the Teachers who in like way by and large offered
tenets to Mr. C will remain noiseless and his seat relegated to him finally situate else
it will something happens to their school. The examination, individuals came to Mr.
C class and gets a little information about the showing educators and school.
Moreover, finally they ask Mr. C and he calmly answers through his head
enhancements. What s more, after he expect about the School, his living Town, his
Country. Is there any wrongdoing to come clean in any case I admit this is my
family gauges.
He goes up against the issues
Human Intelligence And The Biomedical Engineering Field
Vernor Vinge states, I have argued above that we cannot prevent the Singularity, that
its coming is an inevitable consequence of the humans natural competitiveness and
the possibilities inherent in technology. Technological singularity is on the verge of
having a massive breakthrough but are we ready for what it brings? Raymond
Kurzweil, an American author, believes that singularity will emerge in 2045.
Technological singularity is an event in which artificial intelligent machines go
beyond human intelligence and have the possibility to redesign themselves.
Scientific development and enhancement is in our daily lives. The concept of
creating intelligent machines was almost deemed impossible but in the last decade,
researchers and scientists have shown beyond doubt that creating intelligent
machines is possible. These artificial intelligent machines produce potential
benefits and problems in the biomedical engineering field, a field where scientists
should not continue to work to on due to the dangers this field poses. In the novel
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, an inspired man by the name of Victor
Frankenstein believed that he could create new life. Victor had excessive self pride
and had an idea that he could create this perfect creation of a human that would
obey his every command. Once Frankenstein accomplishes his goal and creates new
life, his creation looks more like a colossal brute. His yellow skin scarcely covered
the work of muscles and arteries beneath...his
The Dangers Of Residential Schools In Canada
80 Residential schools were developed and established all across Canada in 1931,
and slowly over the years, about 150 000 First Nation students attend the different
schools. This happened because many believed that education was one of the biggest
factors to assimilation, and so the Canadian Parliament changed the Indian Act
requiring all children, ranging the ages of seven to fifteen to go to school . The
biggest concerns for the Indigenous at the time was that they had to trek thousands of
kilometres from home to the nearest school, unknown of the dangers these parents
were sending their children into. At these academic schools, English was stressed to
speak when interacting with others while native tongue and language was banned ,
due to the fact, most of these schools were ran by churches. Also because these
schools were ran by these churches, Christian religion and ideals were emphasized,
while Aboriginal Spirituality and culture was condemned. These poor kids were
separated from everything they knew about growing up, and they just threw them
into a curriculum and material that is so very different from what they knew and
would get penalize from not understanding and would feel like they were an outsider.
And they would have to deal with this on the daily. And what made it worse was the
fact that many of these teachers were harsh and cruel towards these students, hurting
them physically, mentally or sexually, causing trauma they d never forget in their
lives. The
Rome During Medieval Times
Medieval Society Medieval Society helped to give a better perspective on what
Rome was like during Medieval Times. The article explained the collapse of The
Western Roman Empire, and makes things easier to comprehend by breaking it
down by countries/ parts of the empire. By using this method, it makes it easier to
understand the fall of the Roman Empire by going in depth and explaining all the
different causes for each empire s downfall. It also showed how medieval Europe
inherited many of it s traditions and institutions, for example, Christianity. I thought
this article was well written and gave enough details and information to fully
understand the main concept of this article.
The Medieval Cathedral in its Cultural Setting The Medieval Cathedral in its Cultural
Setting made it easier to understand the the significance of the Cathedral. Jean
Gimpel, the author of the article said, In order to understand the cultural significance
of the cathedral, the student must know the political, economic, social, aesthetic, and
religious environment in which it grew ; which the article did perfectly. The article
even discussed the beginning of the cathedral itself by explaining how it was built, ...
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The parts of the article that I could understand did help to better understand
feudalism as McKAy did not give that much information about it. I also used this
article as a reference for a previous question in The Middle Ages Part 1. I personally
thought this article was more difficult to read than the first two because the first
paragraph discussed many things and was unclear as to what the article was going
to discuss. The transitions for topic to topic were also formatted strange and made it
even more difficult to understand and I did not like this style of writing as much as
the previous two
Pros And Cons Of Online Learning
Online Classes vs. Traditional Learning As human beings, it is in their nature to
choose what is more convenient and comfortable for them, most of the time, and as
technology continues to revolutionize the world as a whole, the education field
couldn t be left out. Thanks to technology, in the past years the e educationhas
changed the way students choose to be educated; online education has proven to be
one of the biggest booms in higher education. Regardless of this e revolution,
traditional or in class continues to be important in the field. In the following
paragraphs, it will compare and discuss advantages and disadvantages of online and
in classroom learning, pros and cons such as costs, student independency, and success
of the student in both classroom settings.
First of all, taking an online class can save a student a lot of money; students who
take online classes save money on commuting, weather they spend money on
public transportation or gas. Housing expenses, dorming can sometimes be
considered a luxury for some students, since the average amount to be paid for
dorming in a state university is of 10k to 14k; they also save a lot of time since
they avoid the struggle of taking busses or driving from their homes or jobs to get
to their classes on time. According to the article Online vs. Traditional Learning,
published by the University of Potomac The total average cost of a traditional degree
is USD $85,000 as opposed to online degrees which can cost an
A Reflection OfManifest Destiny, And The Monroe Doctrine
The term Manifest Destiny has been a paramount concept ever since its emergence
during the time of Andrew Jackson and his ideals of westward expansion for the
United States. Prior to the term of Manifest Destiny, the Monroe Doctrine of 1823
was in full effect, in which the argument could be made that these two concepts are
somehow correlated. The primary sourcedocuments such as The Monroe Doctrine
Declares the Western Hemisphere Closed to European Intervention, 1823, and essays
such as, Expansionist Ambition, Not Republican Ideals, will support the structure of
this essay, showing that there is a reflection of Manifest Destinyideology in the
Monroe Doctrine. Using various primary and secondary sources from Major
Problems in American Foreign Relations, this short essay will argue that the Monroe
Doctrine of 1823 was a reflection of Manifest Destiny ideology. Defining the two
concepts of Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine, will be the main element in
this first body paragraph. The term Manifest Destiny illustrates the principles that are
given by God, in which give the United Statespure justifications that entail expansion
for universal equality and American greatness.1 In other words, the concept given by
God, Manifest Destiny, describes America s purpose to expand its natural borders,
and to expand to areas that are unfit to govern. The Monroe Doctrine of December
1823, declared that the hemisphere was closed to European colonization and to the
Katy Perry s The Song Fireworks Essay
Katy Perry takes a similar approach by creating a song that allows people to be the
way they are. Katy Perry had created the song Fireworks. This song is an
inspirational song that allows people to reveal themselves to the true world instead
of keeping it a secret. Katy is trying to portray the fact that people should not be
afraid to represent the way they truly are. She wants everyone to show his or her
true colors . In a sense, Katy wants to people to embrace what they are. In the first
few lines she states, Do you ever feel like a plastic bag. Drifting through the wind.
Wanting to start again (Fireworks). This part of the song reveals that a lot of people
go with the flow. They just follow the norms of society and do not fight against it.
She continues on to talk about how people continue to go with the flow until she
states, Do you know that there s still a chance for you. Cause there s a spark in you
(Fireworks). This portion of the song reveals there is hope even if want to go
against the norm. Just a small push is needed in order to get over the hurdle. Then
Katy states, Cause baby you re a firework. Come and show em what you re worth.
Make em go oh, oh, oh! As you shoot across the sky y y (Fireworks). When you do
reveal yourself, it will feel like a huge burden is lifted off your shoulders. Katy is
trying to say to her fans be motivated and keep reaching for the stars. Being unique
might be a bad thing, but don t let their voice reach you.
External Factors Of Entrepreneurship
The Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) is the second largest public traded company in
India in terms of market capitalisation. RIL contributes about 20% of total exports
from India. Did you ever wonder from where did Dhirubhai Ambani get the idea of
selling crude oil in India? When Dhirubhai was a teenager, he used to work in a
company in Yemen. In 1962, he returned to India with an idea of starting his own
import export business. He moved to petrochemicals business and established a
profitable and global enterprise in India.
Thus, a successful entrepreneurship is created and developed from an innovative and
simple idea or concept. It is the small seed for a big enterprise or small business. The
entrepreneur should collect information pertaining to various profitable opportunities
available ina region or country. Then, he has to select an idea, which can be ... Show
more content on ...
You will also know the distinction between an entrepreneur and a manager. You will
also look at the qualities of successful entrepreneurs.
Emergence of Entrepreneurial Class in India
The evolution and emergence of entrepreneurship in India can be studied with
reference to the role of specific communities and their development in history. The
emergence of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial class can be described in four
Period I Entrepreneurship in Ancient Period
Period II Entrepreneurship in Pre Independence Era before 1850
Isolation And Of Mice And Men By James Joyce
Explore the ways in which the theme of isolation is presented in Dubliners and Of
Mice and Men.
Isolation a complete, or near complete lack of contact with people or society. People
can either ostracise you, deliberately shunning you out, which is mainly the type
which can be found in the books which we have studied, or it can be very accidental.
From The Dubliners, a collection of short stories, I have selected two that I feel can
be related to themes of isolation and withdrawal: First, The Dead, written by James
Joyce, set in Edwardian Dublin, and like Of Mice and Men, it contains strong
themes of isolation, primarily between the two main characters, Gretta and Gabriel
Conroy. Joyce presents Gabriel as being very out of control of the situation, and
although in close proximity to his wife, they are both in very different worlds; very
apart. In Eveline, she doesn t have any say on what she does with her life, often she
finds herself isolated from her family, and is limited by the moral contexts restricting
women at the time. The book Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, and set in
rural southern California during the depression, follows the hopes of both Lennie
Small and George Milton, towards their dream of owning a ranch together; a
unique aspiration in a book full of insecurity and isolation. Most of the characters
in this book are very isolated: by gender, for example there is only one woman, by
race, for example there is only one black character, or even
Descriptive Writing On An Invention
For the past five years my friends Tristen, Alice, Courtney, Leo, and I, Ruby, have
been working on an invention to help cure tons of diseases. We spent our hours
between classes, nights, and days working on Invention. After all the time working
and designing it, we hadn t put any thought into the name and started calling it
Invention. I had come up with the original design and idea for it, but none of us
had been able to get Invention to work. My dorm room had a special cabinet for all
of the prototypes we made of Invention, so far none of them had been able to work.
Courtney and Tristen called everyone together for another late night working on
Invention. We all met in the library that was on the college campus. I carried in my
bookbag and Invention, meeting Courtney, Alice, and Tristen who were seated at a
table in the back of the library.
Should we start without Leo? I sat Invention in the middle of the table carefully and
my book bag on the ground, leaning up against the chair I sat down in. My friends
nodded and started setting up the table with our supplies.
Alice pulled out three colored notebooks, setting them up on the table and I pulled
my laptop out of my backpack. Courtney and Tristen sat out a pack of paper that was
laminated with some of the designs they had come up with.
Before I knew it, it was almost three o clock in the morning. I had been able to go
over everything we had talked about and work on Invention. The last few hours of
the night were a blur, I was on the verge of falling asleep and eventually I did fall
I woke up later in the morning to Courtney yelling at me, Ruby, wake up! We almost
got Invention to work! Hurry up, everyone else is in the tech lab.
I bolted up and gathered all of my belongings. Courtney was already halfway across
the library by time I had gotten up from my spot.
Courtney and I hurried to the tech lab that was on the other side of campus. I felt
like I was sprinting as Courtney tugged at my arm for me to hurry up. Ten minutes
later we were standing outside of the tech lab. Courtney pushed the door open as fast
as possible and pulled me in with her. Invention was sitting in the middle of the room
as Alice, Leo, and Tristen were sitting on
Essay on There is No Escaping the Matrix
There is No Escaping the Matrix
In the video game world anything is possible, and if your player dies you can
always play again. The videogame industry is exploding in the market place; it s
far from child s play and far from the days of pong. In the most recent issue of
Entertainment Weekly (December 6, 2002) there is an article, Video Game Nation,
discussing a new video game experience being touted as the wave of the future, The
Real World meets The Matrix. In this virtual world called The Sims Online, people
live in a virtual environment peopled by avatars created by thousands of other
gamers. Neal Stephenson envisioned this future ten years prior with his release of
Snow Crash. Stephenson describes a computer generated ... Show more content on ...
If you look closer at Agent Smiths statement, As soon as we started thinking for you,
your world became our world. a sliver of truth comes out of it. If the thinking is left
for someone or something are we not giving up our world in exchange for theirs? Is
it possible that people are evolving into a machine loving species capable of finding
our selves imprisoned by our own creations? In the movie The Matrix, Agent Smith,
the computer generated villain, expresses his views on The Matrix. He marvels at its
beauty, its shear genius. The Matrix, he explains, went through some changes after
some crops {humans} were lost when the humans failed to accept the perfect world
where everyone was happy. Agent Smith goes on to explain that other Artificial
beings believed we lacked the programming language to describe the perfect world.
Agent Smith comes up with his own theory, that humans need pain and suffering in
order to define their reality. So rather than create a perfect world the machines
recreate a more real world; a world of suffering a Buddhist world, one that prevents
the human mind from trying to wake up from. This is the world Neo grows up in,
this Matrix world. He grows up in a machine world; his mind is a by product of the
machinery, therefore, making him the perfect candidate to be the chosen
Cholesterol And Levels Of Cholesterol Essay
Introduction:In the United States, more than 2,100 people die from cardiovascular
disease each day. According to the American Heart Association, too much cholesterol
in a person s blood can lead to a heart disease and stroke (1). Cholesterol is the most
common sterol in animal. Plants also have sterols in their structure, however human
enzyme systems can only digest animal sterols (2). Cholesterolis produced in our
bodies by the liver (endogenous) or could come from the foods we eat (exogenous).
Both kinds are transported to and from the cells by lipoproteins: LDL and HDL. LDL
cholesterol is considered to be the bad cholesterol, since it contributes in depositing
plaque in the arteries, therefore contributing to atherosclerosis. HDL, on the other
hand, is considered to be the good cholesterol since it has the opposite effect; it
removes the LDL cholesterol from the arteries carrying it back to the liver,
therefore reducing risks of atherosclerosis. Maintaining the low levels of LDL and
high levels of HDL is extremely important, as HDL is responsible for moving the
cholesterol from the blood to the liver whereas LDL is the reason for the build up
inside the artery therefore increasing the risk of the cardiovascular diseases. In
order to assess cholesterol levels in the body, blood serum cholesterol is tested. It is
recommended that total cholesterol (TC) level in an individual to be less than 200
mg/dl (desirable level). The level between 200 239 mg/dl is
Vinyl Records
Vinyl Records Correctly Cared for Sing a Finer Song If you always hear snap,
crackle, and pop of dirty records, then you need to realize this can be causing
damage to your valuable albums. This paper will discuss cleaning records and
storage of records properly. The purpose is to help keep vinyl records preserved
and sounding magnificent for many years. First, what needs to be understood is
that repeated plays of dirty records which can include mold, dust, and grime in the
grooves can cause permanent damage to the record. The needle rides into the
grooves and the soiled record debris can wear down and ruin the grooves. So, the
soundwill suffer causing distortion, surface noise, and skipping of the record. The
needle causes friction... Show more content on ...
The main issues and concerns with storing records are preventing warping, mold,
and unexpected disaster such as a flood. To keep warping from becoming an issue,
store the albums vertically not laying on the side like a pancake. The huge
amounts of weight will compromise the integrity of the vinyl causing bowing and
warping. The area you store the albums in should be dry and have low humidity
because extreme heat and dampness can perpetuate mold and of course warping.
The aspect of using shelving and new record sleeves will keep excess dust and
foreign material off the records. Using a shelving system helps keep the records
off the ground. Also, if you are using the basement for storage, there s a potential
for flooding or water damage and the shelves can offer another layer of protection.
Because, if the albums get wet, then there could be irreversible damage to the covers
and the mold spores can spread on the vinyl which causes extreme surface noise and
Examples Of Empathy In The House Of The Scorpion
Stirring Empathy In The House of the Scorpion
At least every person has felt different or set apart from others before sometime in
their life. Yet we all know everyone is different and no two people are the same,
and the society constructed by Nancy Farmer in The House of the Scorpion is no
different except for the anti hero Matt. After facing reality that he was cloned from
a cow, Matt finds it incredibly difficult to live a normal life. He is consistently
mistreated by everyone, especially Rosa, who is supposed to care for him but treats
him like an actual animal. In The House of the Scorpion Nancy Farmer uses italics,
em dashes, and description to stir the reader s empathy.
To start, italics are used towards the beginning of the book in order to stir the
reader s empathy for Matt. In this point in the book, Rosa, Matt s new caretaker
treats him like an animal. She literally takes away his bed, builds a pen and fills it
with wood chips, then sticks Matt in it. He develops rashes and infections due to
the living conditions, but no matter how much he begs to live normally he always
gets a similar response. One day Rosa gets especially raged one day. I could kill
you, she said quietly. I could bury your body under the floor and I might do it.
(Farmer 39) Nancy Farmer s use of italics shows the readers why Rosa may be an
antagonist in the story. This may be alleged because of her harsh manner when she
speaks and her cruel actions throughout the story. This is
The War Between Infinite Creativity And Finite Teachings
The War Between Infinite Creativity and Finite Teachings For centuries, art and
science have been viewed as opposites. Art has been defined as an infinite outlet of
creativity that allows for personal expression and development. On the contrary,
science has been defined by society as a finite outlet of creativity that follows a rigid
procedure that allows for professional, scientific, and creative expression. However,
one aspect that both art and science have in common is their ability to allow
expression, development, and advancement of techniques and theories. In Margaret
Atwoods novel Oryx and Crake, there is a fictional debate about science and art
between the narrator Snowman and his childhood acquaintance Crake. Additionally,
throughout the novel and semester, there have been discussions of environment and
environmental issues and their depiction in literary works. This demonstrates the
struggle between both art and science and leaves us with the ultimate debate of which
one will be victorious? Through the creation of humanlike species, the drive to
always remember words, and through the literary depiction of environment in Oryx
and Crake, I will demonstrate that although science and art are closely related, art
ultimately prevails. Throughout Oryx and Crake, Snowman is always known for his
fascination with words. Snowman realizes at a young age that he is not a numbers
person in a worldsurrounded by numbers people. During a flashback before the
apocalypse, Jimmy
Descriptive Essay About The Cheesecake Factory
Maram AlBaharna 9A
Despite the name of this magnificent restaurant, the expectations of The Cheesecake
Factory only serving dessert were false, however they offer a wide variety of
different cuisine that satisfies your cravings. Many branches are available worldwide,
I was grateful to visit the one located at the ground floor of Avenues Mall, Kuwait. I
was amazed to find an incredibly varied menu, with the most fascinating,
mouthwatering dishes; everything was available from appetizers to main courses,
sides and definitely, dessert. This restaurant offers international cuisine, look no
further for the perfect restaurant. Open at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Once you enter, the relaxed ambiance of this restaurant would be popular with guests.
... Show more content on ...
Words were not able to describe how heavenly and extraordinary this dessert.
Blissful, it will never fail to impress anyone. The chocolate melting in my mouth, as
the silky soft chocolate mousse balanced the soft and silky. The cake was moist,
well crafted, and was worth every bit of calories dripping of it. It was the most
bittersweet experience, the taste was savory. It is smooth and rich, leaves you longing
for another bite. Tantalizes your taste buds, caresses your mouth before gliding down
your throat to take you to seventh heaven.
Kindly, the waitress that has served us would check in between times to see if any
assistance was needed, perfect cuisine with perfect service. Gratefully, the food had
arrived very quickly, few minutes after we ordered. Ever since she struck my eyes,
I took her for a very friendly and ambitious waitress, and as I said, she had done her
job more than perfectly. This restaurant has surely met beyond expectations, the
prices were reasonable compared to the huge portions they have served. As tasty and
delicious the food was, I would not recommend anyone going there who has a diet,
because the food was so very high in calories. However, I did catch a glimpse of low
carb food available on the
Challenges Faced By Government Digital Service
Products and services invented are faced by the challenges they must overcome, these
invention also provide opportunities. Innovation is having a need, which requires a
solution. Innovation is a process of turning new ideas and putting these into widely
used practices. (Joe TIdd) Government digital service is a collection of government s
cabinet office with the responsibility of transforming the government digitalservice.
This essay aims to examine the innovation challenges faced by Government digital
service along with the opportunities, which arise with the invention of government
digital service. The Essay focuses on what is innovate about the government digital
service, how sustainable is the operating model, if GSD was disruptive, strategies
GSD can use to establish platform thinking and how GSD can influence the public s
use of government s digital platform.
Inventions such as Government digital services are faced with challenges that incur
as a result of the invention. Due to the nature of government Digital service being a
unit of government cabinet one major challenge it faces is the culture of department
silos and their relationships with the IT oligarchs . Success in innovation appears to
depend upon two key ingredients technical resources (people, equipment, knowledge,
money and etc.) and the capabilities in the organization to manage them. (Joe Tidd j.
By not having a good relationship with IT department government digital department
it faces a
Welfare Fraud In Social Work
Welfare Fraud is one of the darker sides of the field of social work. A crime in which
an individual amasses state and/or government benefits by intentionally giving false
information about their financial status and situation it is essentially an abuse of a
service offered in times of need. Welfare fraudis committed every second of
everyday. Disability is where a person that has been seriously injured (Spinal
Injury) or any type of injury that has put you in the position to where you cannot
work. Very many people that are able to work, build, and any kind of exercise apply
for disability and they may get approved for it. When a person applies for disability
that are supposed to be disable to where they couldn t do anything, such as work,
The Evolution Of The Correctional System
The Evolution of the Correctional System
Nicholas Russo
CJC 3010
Throughout history, there has been many different methods for corrections. Looking
back over time, you can see how the correctional system has evolved from the harsh,
brutal, inhumane ways of the 16th century, to the rehabilitation methods of today. In
the correctional system, there are different types of correctional facilities, various
custody levels, and a time where it all started. The United States correctional system
is a complicated system to fully comprehend. There are many different kinds of
facilities one can go to for corrections, and also there are numerous jurisdictions
inside the system. There are federal facilities, state, and local facilities. Federal
facilities vary in levels from low, to complex in order to be able to assign an offender
to their appropriate facility. There are different kinds of facilities inmates can go to,
there are Prison Camps, Federal Correctional Institutions, Unites States Penitentiary,
Administrative Facilities, and Federal Correctional Complexes.
The first federal facility is minimum security institutions, which are Prison Camps.
Prison Camps have minimal security and usually have a higher inmate to staff ratio.
Prison Camps have relatively low amounts of fencing around the facilities, and
sometimes don t have fencing at all. Inmates in these camps sleep inside dorms, and
are in a work or study program.
The second federal facility which
Orm Risk Assessment
ORM department partnered with Compliance to conduct a Market Conduct Risk
Assessment with Ron Hamby as the project sponsor in 2011. The purpose of the
assessment was to identify the risks associated with the Live Market Conduct Exam
process from the initial DOI s request to the final response from Compliance.
During this time, there were limited resources in Compliance, and ORM was a
conduit to assist Compliance with gathering supporting documentation from the
Operational business units for Market Conduct exams, conducting Pre assessment
Market Conduct Audits, and working with Compliance to participate in Market
Conduct examiners meetings and close out sessions.
ORM s Risk Assessment validated process gaps within compliance, ORM, and the ...
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The Market Conduct team would house commitments made to the state DOI,
deliverables made within the business unit, and when applicable, follow up on target
completion dates to ensure compliance.
During the transition, there was an increase of Market conduct exams at. The Market
Conduct Market Conduct Manager requested ORM s partnership to continue to
conduct 2nd line of defense audits on behalf of the operational business due to their
limited resources. As of today, ORM continues to assist the Compliance Market
Conduct team with these audits and provides copies of the audit summaries to the
Market Conduct team as each audit is
Coastal Management Rbsc Environment Research Beach
Maroubra surf lifesaving club How effective are the coastal management strategies
used at present in your local beach area? The coastal management strategies are not
very effective as gathered from the surveys. On average, the participating surveyees
gave the strategies a 4 out of a possible 5. This data were gathered from visitors
/neighbourhoods who visit on average frequently. The main concern that would need
conventional changes are council clean ups for rubbish track paths, washrooms and
toilets, increase and improvement in stores and clubs as well as the immediate
removal of pet litter. Responses such as naturalness, unspoilt landscape, relaxing view
are rated highly when people stated what they liked about the beach.... Show more
content on ...
And at local/state non government organisations (coast care) Since 1989, the
Beachwatch Program has been monitoring the water quality at Sydney s beaches.
Beachwatch involves routine water samples being taken at our beaches for testing
against key indicators of pollution. Are these strategies used in the coastline within
Randwick city council boundaries and how effective are these management
strategies? These strategies are sustainable and appropriate however more
immediate action should be taken based on visitors opinions and beliefs. Coastal
management strategies are simply requirement strategies like council clean ups,
and does not include necessary updates and improvements in facilities and stores.
This beach is lacking in short and long term major improvement plans as it s an
undervalued beach in contrast to more populated beaches. Councils and
governments are putting off major plans for a small town beach which is the reason
for its slow upgrade time period and lack of serious management. 23 SURVEYS ON
of: Kids playground park, Mahon rock pool, skatepark, picnic grounds, shops, track
paths (jogging)
How Did Alvin Ailey Revolutionize African-American Dance
America grew up with dance, from the streets to the theatres in Broadway it has
formed many different dance such as modern dance. Modern dance was born in the
United States in the 20th century. Its recognitions prevailed when several dancers
rebelled to two dances that were extensive at the moment, ballet and vaudeville. Its
fundamental aim was to reveal about people. Modern referred to a new era of dance
and much modernize dance techniques that aimed to recoup natural movement.
Having outlined its difference between ballet, they always developed new themes
incorporating, personal problems, plays, and poems. They wanted to be taken as a
serious dancer rather than entertainers. Isadora Duncanand Ruth St. Denis are
considered the pillars of modern dance. In addition, an African American name Alvin
Ailey was rapidly becoming a leading in 20th century modern dance. known as an
influential dancer in modern dance. Alvin revolutionizes modern dance by,
modernizing modern dance, revolutionizing African American participation in the
20th Century and promoted modern dance around the world.
Alvin was born in 1931 in Texas. Alvin was born in the midst of segregation.
Public facilities were severely segregated such as bathrooms buses and ect. Growing
up as an African American was truly challenging. White kids went to school and
black kids picked up cotton. Alvin s abandon the family when his mother was only
17 years old. After experiencing hard times due to the great depression,
Analyzing Same-Sex Marriage
Imagine if you had a child love someone who has same sex and wanted you to
accept their love for each other by being at their wedding. Would you attend the
wedding? Some would say yes; however, others would say no. Why would they say
No ? Because marriage has been traditionally defined as a religious and legal
commitment between a man and a woman. As we know, same sex marriagehas been a
prominent issue that has so many arguments not just in the United States, but
around the world over many years now. There is absolutely nothing more
controversial than same sex marriage in gay rights topic. Everyone has different
opinions about same sex marriage whether it should be legal or not. We now have
to consider two aspects that are moral and religious. These two form a fundamental
belief that same sex couples and opposite sex couples are different. Based on the
definition of marriage, the view of religion, bad effects to children, and the lifestyle
that should not be encouraged; therefore, the government should not legalize the
same sex marriage. Same sex marriage is also used as a synonym for gay marriage.
It is the union between two people of the same sex in a marital relationship. Same
sex marriage are obtaining acceptance in some countries, but some others still do not
give permission to gay couples to marry. In 2001, Netherlands was the first country
that legalized same sex marriage. In the United States, Massachusetts was the first
state that legalized same sex marriage in
History of Softball
History of Softball Many people assume that softball came about from baseball, the
sport s first game actually came about because of a football game. The history of
softball dates back to Thanksgiving Day of 1887 when several alumni sat in the
Chicago, IL Farragut Boat Club anxiously awaiting the outcome of the Yale vs.
Harvard football game. When Yale was announced as winner, a Yale alumnus
playfully threw a boxing glove at a Harvard supporter. The Harvard fan swung at
the balled up glove with a stick, and the rest of the group looked on with interest.
George Hancock, a reporter for the Chicago Board of Trade, jokingly called out Play
ball! and the fist softball game commenced with the football fans using the boxing
glove as a ball and... Show more content on ...
Because it can be played on either a field or an indoor arena, softball games are
played year round, and involve teams with players as young as 8 years old and
some players over 60 years in age. Softball is sometimes played by co recreational
leagues where both women and men play on the same teams, but the rules are
generally modified to reduce physical inequalities between the sexes. Often,
companies and organizations form amateur co ed teams to play for benefits and
charity fund raiser events. The history of softball is still unfolding and the game
has undergone numerous modifications since its creation in 1887, but it is still one
of the most preferred sports games in the country and has developed a following in
several countries throughout the world, especially in Australia, China and Japan.
Loved by amateurs and professionals of all ages and athletic backgrounds, the
world can only anticipate what is in store for the future of America s other favorite
pastime. Softball Rules and Regulations: The game of softball is played on a large
field, comprising a distinctly demarcated grass infield, running areas and an
outfield. The field is divided into four bases: first base, second base, third base and
the home plate. The bases are set at a distance of approximately 45 to 65 feet from
one another. The pitcher s circle is marked equidistant from the four bases. The
objective of
Greek God Apollo Research Paper
Greek God Apollo Research Paper I guess darkness serves a purpose: to show us
that there is redemption through chaos. I believe in that. I think that s the basis of
Greek mythology , Brendan Fraser once said about the idea of all Greek Gods and
myths. The people of ancient Greece would look up to various gods, depending on
what they were seeking. Apollos name translates to strength , as he displayed this trait
throughout his lifetime and had to be emotionally and physically stronger at times for
the people of Ancient Greece. Apollo was a man of trust who excelled and supported
all of the fine arts of the Greek civilization such as music, art, and poetry (God
Apollo). One of the most underestimated traits of Apollo was his healing powers, in
which he helped out many Greeks in desperate times, like the Trojan War
(Cartwright). The Greek God Apollo was the most influential among Greek people
because of his recognition for music, the truth, and healing powers. Apollo was born
on the Greek island of Delios, from his parents Zeusand Leto (Regula). Zeus was the
god of the Olympians who also controlled lightning and thunder, and Leto was the
goddess of motherhood (Atsma). Apollo was a god who had a clear idea of what
was right from wrong and lived with the idea of that the Greek society could live
under peace and harmony and follows the laws that were put into motion, especially
after the Trojan War (The Story of Apollo). Apollo demonstrated importance to the
people of
Stephen King Influence
[Your Name]
[Your Instructor s Name]
[Name of Course]
Stephen King: The King of Horror [or whatever title you want]
Stephen King is a Portland, Maine, author who specializes in contemporary horror,
suspense, and fantasy novels and short stories. Many of his writings have been
adapted into films and television programs viewed by millions. Some of the most
notable film adaptations include Carrie (1976), The Shining (1980) and It (1990).
King has been acknowledged as the most influential writer of our time who has
inspired countless other writers to contribute to the horror and suspense genre of
written tales.
The horror genre was deemed either dead or dying by the large number of upset fans
of this genus (Ess: Where Would Horror Be Without... Show more content on ...
His use his charaggcters or situations in the plots usually have readers reflecting upon
them and relating them to current problems in society (Nevala Lee: The Uncanny
Influence of Stephen King ). Some readers credit King for giving his protagonists
inherently flawed but human traits; a quality other writers in the horror genus hadn
t attributed to their central characters in the past. King has commented on his
writing style as an outcome of his father leaving him and his family under the
pretense of going to buy a pack of cigarettes. His mother s death shortly after the
release of Carrie in 1974 led him into a deep depression and finding sustenance in
alcohol. His brief embracement of alcoholism also influenced him write Cujo, a
psychological horror novel about a rabid dog which he barely remembered writing
(Leafe: Stephen King s Real Horror Story: How the Novelist s Addiction to Drink
and Drugs Nearly Killed Him ). The first novel he wrote after his depression and fall
into alcoholism was Needful Things (Lehman Haupt et al.: Stephen King, The Art of
Fiction No.
Essay on Media and the Antifeminist Agenda
Media and the Antifeminist Agenda
The cinema conveys representations of race, gender, and class that indicate the
development and cultural ideologies of society. Motion pictures illustrate and are
depicted from real life settings, and it is for this reason that the cinema plays a vital
role in shaping and sustaining cultural normalcies. Socialization of gender and identity
are mirrored through sexist media depictions that convey the relative positions of
women and men in modern western democracies. There are substantial quantities of
motion pictures that ascribe traditional gender roles to both men and women that
continue to perpetuate social constructs of inequality. Contemporary media places
men and women in defined categories, and ... Show more content on
On a lighter note, Disney s animated feature Tangled (a take on Grimm s fairytale
Rapunzel) is funny and visually stunning; however, it rekindles the same plot and
recurring theme across all genres. As a woman, you can be one of two things, either a
princess awaiting rescue from her prince or an evil stepmother (witch). On the
contrary, as a man, you get all the action, and in many aspects, the world is handed
to you. Rapunzel, imprisoned within the tower since a child, is a meek like female
with green eyes, blonde hair, and a teeny waist who sings about doing chores and
wonders when her life will begin. Rapunzel is stereotypically overly emotional,
swinging from one end of a mood swing to another, overly preoccupied with being
saved, and of course, is beautiful. Beauty, with respect to this context, equals white,
blonde, thin and young. In a modern day perspective, this is problematic because her
body represents the celebration of White femininity and disregards other ethnicities.
Not only does this movie portray females from a stereotypical frame work, but it
induces a false perception of beauty, one that we must all attain or strive for.
Carrying on Disney s tradition of problematic representations of race, of the 15
Disney princess s movie franchise ever produced, only four have been non white
The Search For Truth in Into the Wild by John Krakauer
Who is Christopher McCandless? McCandless was born February 12, 1968 in El
Segundi, California. Later on, due to Walt McCandless , Christopher s father,
success as an aerospace engineer [Christopher] was raised in the comfortable upper
middle class environs of Annandale, Virginia (Krakauer 14). Similarly to many
people today, Walt McCandless made injurious decisions; during the birth of
Christopher and his sister, Carine, Walt was still married. In turn, this leaves them to
be bastard children. Christopher was an intellectual that took interest in challenging
himself. He was a successful cross country runner that would lead the team into paths
where they often got lost (.info web). Not only was he driven, he had a... Show more
content on ...
During high school Christopher informed his parents that he would no longer
accept any gifts from them because they might begin to believe they bought his
respect (Krakauer 21). Christopher had a strong dislike for wealth, but not wealth
itself, what wealth did to people. He believed that it gave people a false sense of
power and security. These people with wealth would then try to buy control,
happiness, and truth. In Christopher s eyes the concept of wealth having any power
was distorted. Another manifestation of McCandless search for empowerment was
his experience of mental and physical hardships. During high school the training for
cross country was very strenuous, not only did Chris view it as physical exercise,
but spiritual as well(website .info). Also, the summer before freshman year
Christopher decided to take a rode trip. When Chris eventually returned home, he
revealed that he had just about died from dehydration in the Mojave Desert (Sexton
cliffsnotes). Although his parents tried to prohibit him from attempting a trip like
this again, it failed. Chris viewed himself to be invincible, just like a teenager that
feels indomitable. Together with Christophers other expeditions, he buys a second
hand canoe in Topock, Arizona. His plan was to follow the Colorado River into
Mexico then into the Gulf of California and finally the Pacific Ocean
Japan s Change Of Modernity And Democracy
There are many things that contributed to Japan s change to modernity and
democracy whether it was between the political parties or if it was between their
cultural system and the people s rights. Before Japan changed to a more modern and
democratic society it was a feudal government structure based on Confucius views
which was during the Tokugawa period. During the Tokugawa period there was a
separation between the social classes which was categorized in four groups the
samurai, peasants, artisans, and merchants. The two classes that had the most power
were the samurai and the peasants. The samurai had the most power because they
created a moral example and the peasants came in second into the social class since
they produced food which was essential to survival of the people. The last two
classes the artisans and the merchants. Although the merchants were last in the social
class some were very wealthy and even owned their own monopolies, but since they
were in the bottom of the class the laws prevented them to come higher into power.
Although Japan was a feudal government and was more traditional the Japanese still
developed some modernized urban influences like expanding their trading of
commodities, and their advancement in their science studies. Though the Japanese
had some of these modernized views the Tokugawa period soon came to an end due
to the lack of government control by the shogun which created the four classes to fall
apart. The differences between
Lucy As A Nurse
Actually, her future is already planned one; leaving her home, arriving in a country,
becoming part of an unfamiliar family, taking care of their four girls, and attending
the school, which prepares nurses. Because Lucy s parents see her only as a nurse
in the future: Oh, I can just see you in your nurse s uniform. I shall be very proud of
you (39). During this time, she must support her family, like other girls from an
island and after graduation return home. However, this plan is not Lucys own, but her
mother s. Lucy is of the other opinion; she does not want to become a nurse, as well
as to return home:
Whatever my future held, nursing would not be a part of it. I had to wonder what
made anyone think a nurse could be made of me. I was not good at taking orders
from anyone, not good at waiting on other people. Why did ... Show more content on ...
It is true that critics constantly call Kincaid as an angry author, who expresses her
anger through her protagonists. As a result, critics often describe Lucy as an
angry, black, young woman. In return, Kincaid states in Perry s interview that the
first step to claiming yourself is anger. You get mad. And you can t do anything
before you get angry (498, qtd. in Brown 219). In another interview, she protests
that she is angry: I m not angry. That s not the way I think of it. The way I think of
it is that I m telling the truth. [...] I m always surprised to hear or read my work
described, In angry tones, she says. No! In truthful tones! Does truth have a tone? I
don t know (Alleyne) . However, readers still find in her works anger voice through
her protagonists. According to Brown, for Kincaid anger is liberating precisely
because it is fundamentally change the dynamic between oneself and the world and
he adds
The Role Of Mixture Composition On Washout Resistance,...
Influence of Mixture Composition on Washout Resistance, Fresh Properties and
Relative Strength of Self Compacting Underwater Concrete
Abd Elrahman Megahed 1, Ihab Adam 2, Omar Farghal 3, Mohamed Omar Sayed4
1 Professor, Civil Eng. Dept., Assuit University
2 Professor, Construction Research Institute, National Water Research Center, Egypt
3 Assistant Professor, Civil Eng. Dept., Assuit University
4 Research Assistant,Construction Research Institute, National Water Research
Center, Egypt
Successful design of underwater concrete mixtures must fulfill two basic
requirements: adequate flowability to spread into the placing forms without
consolidation, and viscosity in order to resist the washing out. In this paper an
investigation was carried out to determine the effect of the dosage of antiwashout
admixture (AWA), watercementitious materials ratio (w/cm),sand to total aggregate
ratio(s/a), and the supplementary cementitious materials on the washout resistance,
fresh properties and the relative compressive strength of self compacting underwater
concrete (SCUWC). Therefore five groups were prepared for this study.First group
studied the effect of the supplementary cementitious materials, second group dealt
with the effect of the AWA ratios, third group is concerning with the effect of w/cm
ratio, fourth group take into account the effect of s/a ratio and finally fifth group
included the effect of cementitious materials. Test results indicate that the
concentrations of
Catherine De Medici Research Paper
Catherine de Medici was a French lady who was married into the royal family at
the age of fourteen in the sixteenth century. She was different than other women
during this time period, and she enjoyed studying astrology and the arts. She was
also the one who ordered the Tuileries to be built. She formed a very close
relationship with the King and her father in law, King Francis I, and even named
one of her children after him. However, her husband and the King s son, Henry,
despised Catherine, and openly had an affair with another mistress named Diane.
Despite this, he and Catherine still tried to have children, yet failed the first few
years of their marriage. Catherine was shamed by the people for not having children
at this point, and some... Show more content on ...
Later on, King Francis I passed away due to illness and old age, which caused
despair both throughout the kingdom and to Catherine. Despite his death, the wars
went on, and Catherine used his death to her advantage. She dressed in all black
and begged the court to give France s army more money for funding, which they
allowed. She did this because she knew that the King would have wanted their
army to keep fighting. Later, Catherine s husband was stabbed through the eye
during a jousting match and died, which also caused great sadness in Catherine s
heart. Her son, Charles, became the new king. He was young and unfit to rule, so
the Guise family watched over and directed him. However, the Guises were
malicious and loved bloodshed, so they used this opportunity to cause more wars and
battles between France and other countries. They also ordered all Protestants will be
executed if they were caught practicing their beliefs in public. Although Catherine
was a Catholic, she knew the executions and torturing of the Protestants were wrong,
yet she could do nothing because of her gender and lack of royal
A New Type of Film Essay
A New Type of Film
Every day we are one step closer to filmmaking being as easy as taking out the brush
and oils for a painting (Veneruso, 1998). The new technologies that have emerged in
films have been the latest in a string of inventions, to help make the film industry
better. Films have become an important part of our culutre since they started being
made and shown regularly around the world. Although new technology in films may
be nothing compared with other technology, it does seem that this technology will
benefit a lot of people, and help to improve the quality of the entertainment. These
new technologies to the film industry all have important roles in the new industry.
Computer generated images, subtitle technology, digital ... Show more content on ...
The 1970 s gave birth to the summer blockbuster films that appealed to the young,
mass audiences. Movies such as Jaws and Star Wars in 1975 and 1977
respectively, started the blockbuster trend. Begin with lots of action, great music,
and a ton of special effects, and you have a hit movie. Audiences were amazed at
the effects in George Lucas Star Wars and although the film looks old fashioned by
today s standards, seeing life like foreign creatures and flying ships was exciting
stuff (Howell, 2001).
The 1980 s saw cable television, direct broadcast satellite and videocassettes all
offering new ways to see films. Digital sound was introduced into theatres to draw
the audiences once again. Now, special effects have reached a whole new level. If
you ve been to the movies lately, you have probably noticed that many movies rely
heavily on computer generated images (Howell, 2001). Films such as Shrek and
Final Fantasy are made from all computer generated images. Sometimes it is difficult
to tell whether characters are animated or real. Final Fantasy contains some of the
most lifelike images ever seen in film. The computer program known as HyperReal
captures the tiniest human characteristics such as hair follices and skin tone (Howell,
2001). Computer generated images have added also to the effects in some films.
Pearl Harbour used computers to
Summary Of Prayer At Valley Forge
The painting by Arnold Friberg Prayer at Valley Forge, shows George Washington
praying for his troops during the harsh winter but does not fully allow the viewer to
understand the conditions of soldiers during their stay at Valley Forge. Valley Forge
is one of the most famous times during the American Revolution even though it was
not a battle. At this point in the war the Americans were losing the Revolution and
many soldiers were sick and dying while the others were deserting. If I would have
been at Valley ForgeI would have deserted, and I think given these conditions many
people would choose desertion over re enlistment. Desertion will be high in the
military if three conditions are met: lack of adequate shelter, lack of a proper
supplies and lack of belief in the cause. Adequate shelter for soldiers will increase
the willingness to stay in the army and not desert. Living in Valley Forge during
the winter of 1778 meant living in huts. These huts were a rudimentary log cabin
with a stick and clay fireplace, no windows and held 12 men (BACKGROUND
ESSAY). Besides being cold the lack of windows caused the huts to become filled
with smoke. So now the soldiers had to decide if they were going to keep a fire going
with the door closed causing them to choke on the smoke, not have a fire inside,
or to open the door and let the cold in. None of these choices were great. In the diary
of Dr. Waldo he described the soldiers housing as hard lodging and that he was smoak
Essay To My One Love
Facing death at any age is difficult, but for Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and John
Sullivan, it came early, resulting in two essays retelling their experience. In their
accounts of these situations, the author can see they both want to emphasise that
death can come in very unexpected situations. To My One Love, by Chimamanda
Ngozi Adichie, begins on page 17 of 50 Essays by Samuel Cohen. In her essay, set
in present day, she has flashbacks to her relationship with a boy from the wrong side
of town named Nnamdi. They were in a loving relationship against their peers wishes.
When it came time for them to separate due to education in separate locations, they
had ended the relationship, but not before Nnamdi had promised that them... Show
more content on ...
In addition to the brain scans, the article titled Romance novel on Wikipedia also
shows support to my claim of the romance genre affecting the reader. The article
states, By the 2000s, romance had become the most popular genre in modern
literature. , and in speaking of 2008, making up 13.5% of the consumer market. With
evidence of readers choosing romance genres, I believe the audience will also lean
toward an essay containing a romance genre.
Another way I believe To My One Love was more effective is because of the tone
of her essay compared to Feet in Smoke. In To My One Love, Chimamanda recalls
her experience in present day with flashbacks to when her and Nnamdi were
together. In her present day, she presents herself with joy of just publishing poetry
in a newspaper office. She says on page 17 of 50 Essays, I swaggered and smiled,
too full of accomplishment. When she notices a picture on the wall of Nnamdi dead,
the continuation of the essay is foreboding (the flashbacks) and somber (going
through the rest of present day). The foreboding and somberness puts emphasis on
the emotions of facing death in unexpected situations (Chimamanda didn t expect
Nnamdi to die so early in life or to see a picture of him on the wall which brought
back all those feelings).
In Feet in Smoke, the tone is more scattered, going from neutral (just relaying facts of
how his
A human induced global ecological crisis is occurring,...
A human induced global ecological crisis is occurring, threatening the stability of this
earth and its inhabitants. The best path to address environmental issues both
effectively and morally is a dilemma that raises concerns over which political values
are needed to stop the deterioration of the natural environment. Climate change;
depletion of resources; overpopulation; rising sea levels; pollution; extinction of
species is just to mention a few of the damages that are occurring. The variety of
environmental issues and who and how they affect people and other species is varied,
however the nature of environmental issues has the potential to cause great
devastation. The ecological crisis we face has been caused through anthropocentric...
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This is an ecoentric view which contrasts and challenges anthropocentrism,
prioritizing human beings above other species and originating from religious values
of the earth being made by a god for human use. Ecocentricism looks beyond
humans and says the natural diversity building of the last 3.5 billion years should
continue uninterrupted by a particular species, the earth and its resources are not
just for human use and consumption (Foreman 1998: 358 373). Two key elements
of deep ecology are the recognized ability for the unhindered development of the
natural world, and bio centric equality , making it a political right for the natural
world to develop (Naess 1998: 353 357). It promotes equality of all sentient and non
sentient beings and treats the earth as one big life form that should not be interfered
with by human behavior. If these values were to be politically dominant there would
be not be such extreme neglect of environmental issues and irresponsible use of
resources occurring as there is in modern society.
Ecologism s focus on all elements of this earth being equal in worth to sentient
creatures makes it an effective theory to tackle environmental issues in their entirety
but comprises of difficult values to implement socially. Anthropocentricism is how
humans have evolved to be the dominant life form on this planet, the religious values
of humans being unique under the eyes of
Nundah Case Study
Since Nundah s first European settlement in 1938, it has gone through many changes
and in particularly recently; a major transformation. Socially the changes are
beneficial as things life the development of the bypass has made access to the
Nundah area easier and trains, tunnels and bus stations locate the areacentrally as it is
only 7 stops on the train and 6 minutes by car to the Central Business District. As a
result of the increasing population, a wider range of services are being offered to
Nundah residents such shopping centre, eateries and clothing stores which also
increases the security and safety of the area. However socially the development of
Nundah does not benefit the area as the increased amount of traffic causes
surrounding... Show more content on ...
Socially, proposal two would be beneficial, as it would allow for the development
of higher quality architectural styles of new apartments and potentially new shops
with modern looks , which would be attractive for some people. In addition, it
would allow for an increase in other new developments to facilitate for the
increased amount of residents and therefore new recreational areas and shops for
clothing, food and eating out would be established to account for the new
populations able to live in Nundah as a result of the residential developments. The
residential developments would accommodate for the growing population that
increases by 3% per year. However, negatively proposal two is not beneficial, as
the development only accounts for a wealthy businessperson demographic
therefore limiting the diversity of people living in the area. The increased amount
of residents in Nundah would increase traffic and congestion as a result of not
having anywhere to park. Nundah would become overcrowded as a result and the
cultural heritage of Nundah s previous typical Queenslander type homes would be
knocked down to make space for future development sites. In addition, the elderly
populations living in Nundah may not approve of the rapid increases in
populations and do not have the option or ability to live in unit style homes and
will therefore be forced out of the area. Economically allowing high rise
development is beneficial as it boosts the local economy, as new businesses would
be established and surrounding already established businesses would gain more foot
traffic due to increased population densities, which would therefore increase the
amount of profit being made. In addition, more employment opportunities would
become available, as new businesses would open. The price of properties will rise as
a result of the
Instant Ramen Literature Review
From the time it was launch, instant ramen has become one of the most widely
consumed products in Japan. That even the Japanese consider the instant ramen as
their most important invention ever. Instant noodles have change the habits and ideas
concerning food preparation all around the world. This symbol of convenience has
become a product where it can be found in nearly every country. In addition, the
demand for instant noodlesin areas hurt by war, poverty or natural disaster has made
evident of its utility as an emergency food. Instant noodles can therefore be
understood as one of the first worldwide convenience/comfort food marking the ever
increasing accommodation of human nutritional practices. So, by exploring the
association of instant ramenwith convenience can help me answer the question that
this essay will examine: How Instant Ramen embodies Japanese cultural value of
convenience and comfort throughout the world?
Literature Review
Instant noodles were invented in Japan in 1958 by Momofuku Ando, 10 years after
Japan was defeated in World War II (History), when the country didn t have enough
food to feed it s people. He got the idea of making tasty, affordable, and preservable
ramen after he saw people around a ramen stall in postwar Osaka (Edwards). Instant
ramen noodles are made with wheat flour,water, salt, and kansui, an alkaline water
that addselasticity to the noodles. First, the ingredients arekneaded together to make
a dough. Next, this
Ralph s External Conflict
Conflict has encompassed this society for generations upon generations and yet, as
a whole, humanity can never seem to escape it. However as these tensions and
dilemmas arise, more can be learned for who we are and what we are to become. In
the novel, The Lord Of The Flies, by William Golding, an individual is able to
create a better understanding of the situation they re in, and where they stand
among their peers while in the midst of conflict, therefore allowing one s true self
to manifest. Golding demonstrates this idea through following Ralph s external
conflict with keeping order and civilization among the group, and Simon s conflict
with his own acceptance as well as his peers acknowledgment. Once in the midst of
conflict, an individual is able establish a better understanding of the current
situation and what is to come . In the story, Lord of The Flies by William Golding,
the main protagonist of Ralph struggles with maintaining order among his peers.
With Ralph s last attempts to convey to the group of what s important on this
island, he inevitably loses control of order among the boys and mayhem breaks
during a group meeting. Ralph, now left with just Piggy and Simon comes to
understand, If I blow the conch and they don t come back; then we ve had it. We
shan t keep the fire... Show more content on ...
Ralph not only realizes the severity of what he s gotten himself into, but also finally
understands that those boys are no longers who they once were, and they are now out
kill him, especially due to his connection with Jack. William Golding clearly portrays,
through the character of Ralph, that while confronted and in the midst of conflict an
individual is able to obtain a better understanding of the current situation and what s to
Store 24
Case Study: Managing Employee Retention
Relationship Between Employee and Manager Tenure and Store Performance
One of the first steps in analysis of the data is to make a comparison of the 10 most
profitable stores and the 10 least profitable stores. Hart claimed that the manager and
crew tenure in the most profitable stores was almost four times the level of that in the
least profitable stores. This analysis is however based solely on the summary statistics
for those ten stores in each category. Taking a closer look at the results for the
individual stores would suggest that the relationship is not so simple. For example
looking at store 47, which is at the bottom of the ten most profitable list, both the
crew and manager tenure ... Show more content on ...
This shows that using the model with all eight variables included 63.8% of the
variation in profitability may be explained. This suggests that the model may be
valid in explaining the impact on profitability. In addition to this, from Table 3 it
may be seen that the value of the F test statistic is 14.53, with a significance of less
than 0.05 which also shows that the model is significant. However by looking at
the results in Table 4 it may be seen that not all of the variables which are included
in the model may be significantly contributing to the model. As the variable X5,
which is the visibility of the store, has a p value of more than 0.05 this suggests
that the variable is not contributing significantly to the model. This would suggest
that removing this variable may further improve the model. In addition to this it
would be necessary to remove any variables which were collinear as this could
interfere with the results of the regression. After using the program PHStat to
analyse the variable inflation factors (VIFs) of the variables these are all below 5,
which shows that there is no collinearity between variables. Therefore the improved
model would be one which included all variables except X5.
Table 2: Regression model in which all explanatory variables are included
|Regression Statistics |
|Multiple R
The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina
The American natural disaster Hurricane Katrina is likely to be the most actively
blamed associated disaster in the United States. Although the question remains who
is to receive the blame for the deaths and failures of appropriated emergency
response and aid, I believe to place the blame on one party over another is
dismissive due to sundry factors requiring attention. This is not to say, however, that
FEMA or the national or state and local governments are not at all to blame for this
tragedy as they were all responders to the situation, but how yellow journalism was
utilized by journalists to provide false and inaccurate statements regarding Hurricane
For example, the way media televised, photographed, and displayed Hurricane
Katrina s aftermath in New Orleans remarkably revealed the vast majority of those
affected were African American. These numbers were not only disproportionate to
the sizable percentages of African Americans within the city limits (CensusScope,
2006), but also how mainstream media and news outlets manipulated their stances. In
fact, it wasn t until Rapper Kanye Westdeclared a statement in 2005 stating George
Bush doesn t care about black people (Broder, Wilgoren, Alford, 2005), that caused
an open debate on live television initiating a political partisan outcry. Although the
extent of Kanye West s words were heavily debated by Secretary of State Condoleeza
Rice and others (Broder et al., 2005; Susan, J., 2008), these
Statement Of Mechanical Engineering
I am Nileshkumar Luhar. Discovering and understanding how certain mechanical
products work have attracted my attention for the longest time. I have been
watching TV show named How It s Made on the Discovery Channel since last six
years. Seeing the manner in which the machineries and cars are built and the various
processes involved instilled desire in me to be part of the whole process. I felt that
Engineering would be the area, which would give me the opportunity to learn and
explore how the fundamentals of science are applied to create technology for
practical and real purposes. This coupled with a natural flair for science and
mathematics motivated me to take up Mechanical Engineering in University.
Mechanical engineering is a diverse subject that derives its breadth from the need to
design and manufacture everything from small individual parts ... Show more content
on ...
Moreover, my innate strengths have always been creative abilities and power of
imagination; which made me take up a discipline that would allow me to channel
them in the best possible way. I have finished my bachelor of technology in
mechanical engineering with 8.75 CGPA out of 10. Subjects like Elements of
Mechanical Engineering, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, Strength of
material, Manufacturing Processes, Mechanical Design Analysis, Mechanical
Vibrations etc., revealed to me limitless horizons in the field of Mechanical
Engineering. We are in an era of global and technological changes where boundaries
are fast disappearing and the greatest challenge tomorrow holds for us in to manage
continuity of change. To satiate my curiosity and to fulfill my ambitions I have
decided to pursue a masters program in Mechanical Engineering.
I have
Doug Sulliman Research Paper
During the summer of 1979, Doug Sulliman was part of a bumper crop of future
NHLers chosen in the opening round of the league s annual entry draft. Included
were the likes of Mike Gartner, Rick Vaive, Ray Bourque, Paul Reinhart and
Michel Goulet. Taken 13th overall by the New York Rangers, Sulliman played 11
NHL seasons with the Rangers, Hartford, New Jersey and Philadelphia. He then
worked as an assistant coach for three seasons in New Jersey and also three with
Phoenix.That works out to an impressive 17 years in the show. Sulliman s story
begins in the former coal mining town of Glace Bay. Born in 1959, his generation
was perhaps one of the last in these parts that played hockey on backyard rinks and
frozen ponds practically all winter long. Yeah, the ponds were frozen and the
reservoir was frozen in Glace Bay, he... Show more content on ...
My father had the most influence on me, Sulliman said. We had that rink and we
were on it all the time. Coming home from work, he d always be out there
shoveling it off and watering it down. Buddy Sulliman, by the way, suited up with
the 1955 56 Glace Bay Cinderella Miners hockey team that we featured recently on
these pages. In his day, Dad was a real tough player who had a reputation, said
Sulliman. I used to watch him play when I was a kid and I thought games only
lasted one period because he d always have his gear over his shoulder because he
got thrown out for fighting or something. He once told me, If you get into a fight
on the ice, let the other guy know he was in one. That bit of advice lasted
throughout my entire career. Of course, minor hockey played an enormous role in
Sulliman s upbringing. The venue for his games and practice sessions was the once
historic Glace Bay Miners Forum, which has since been replaced by the Bayplex
Changes In America During The 19th Century
Lucas McGrath US History Honors June 2, 2018 The Changes in America During the
19th Century During the 1800 s the United States of America was changed in a
multitude of ways. The nation developed new forms of transportation and refined
ones that had already existed. Along with these new means of transportation,
breakthroughs in communication technology revolutionized many different aspects
of an American citizen s life. Inventions and innovations were created that made huge
impact on the economy which proved very beneficial to the new nation. Means of
business were improved greatly as products could now be moved with far greater
haste and at much less expense. The lives of many social minorities changed
drastically throughout this... Show more content on ...
The shakers were named that after their movement during their religious worship
ceremonies where they shook off their sins. The shakers, were a movement that
believed in the second coming of Jesus Christ, and believed that they could create a
utopian society where reproduction was frowned upon. The Shaker movement, who
were unable to reproduce because of their religious beliefs, attempted to keep the
religion alive by recruiting people, which ultimately failed according to The
religion eventually died off and the utopian societies eventually failed (https:/
/ The 19th century utopian sects can
trace their roots back to the Protestant Reformation. says The rappites,
similar to the shakers, were another community trying to create a utopian society,
they also believed christ had already come twice, and tried to create a Utopian
Society. They as well eventually dissolved because of instances of failure to practice
celibacy, or abstinance, says
Swot Analysis Of Vodafone s Service
Brief History:
A global juggernaut Multinational Telecommunication company Vodafone
headquartered in London, UK is the world s 2nd largest mobile telecommunications
company. Vodafone operates networks in 21 countries and has partner networks in
over 40 additional countries with over 430 mil customers worldwide. This company
has come a long way when it started on 1 January 1985 with a significant presence in
Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific.
Vodafonein Australia:
Vodafone Hutchison Australia is the result of merging between Vodafone and
Hutchison ,after setting up in Australia Vodafone was able to secure 27% customer
percentage in the country making it third largest telecomm company . It was formed
on 10 June 2009. Their first priority was getting the organization and the
organizational structure sorted out.
Current Services:
Vodafone currently providing the fastest 4gnetworks in Australia .The results were
compiled for Fairfax Media by British firm OpenSignal 2013.
The services include (2G 4G):
Postpaid Phone Plans
Mobile broadband plans
Prepaid plans
International Roaming Plans
Retail stores (over 170 stores)
Telstra Corporation Limited
M2 Telecom
Big names like Telstra and Optus are always in competition with Vodafone. By
launching 4G+ services Vodafone heated up the market in 2013. Few small
companies compete with big 3 by putting up same plans for less buck
There Are Several Practices That Uber Can Adopt In Order
There are several practices that Uber can adopt in order to manage employee
performance. Some practices include social recognition and related positive
reinforcement. Social recognition and positive reinforcement consists of challenging
employees and providing ample encouragement to motivate those employees to
continue to learn and to improve in the workplace. In order for Uber to encourage
employee engagement and employee performance they must express appreciation to
their employees in front of others. I believe positive reinforcement to be one of the
most crucial steps in achieving an environment that fosters employee engagement and
in turn higher performance. Uber could also use benefit packages to encourage
employee performance... Show more content on ...
In order to accomplish a better understanding of what compensation policy will
align with the company s strategic aim, Uber must have a good understanding of
the basic factors that determine pay rates such as productivity and union influence.
Uber must also use job evaluation methods such as using a market based approach,
market competitive pay plan, point method, wage curves, wage structure and rate
ranges, job classification, and even computerized job evaluations. Uber could also
use ranking as a job evaluation method which revolves around obtaining job
information, selecting and grouping jobs, then rank those jobs, and combine the
ratings. A grade level example of job evaluation evaluates completed work for
conformance to policy; guidelines, such as regulations, precedent cases, and policy
statements that require considerable interpretation and adaptation. (Gary Dessler) I
believe that in order to achieve a compensation policy that aligns with the strategic
aim of the company, the best practices for Uber would be to adopt a competency
based pay model that evaluates employees based on their productivity. I believe that
this will also increase employee engagement overall, which leads the company as a
whole to support the strategic aim. Benefits are an extremely crucial part of an
employees contract with a company. If Uber wants to be successful in their
expansion across the world, they must be able to provide the
Iron Triangle Case Study
20. Name at least two peaceful martyrs who helped spark the Arab Spring.
Two peaceful martyrs who helped spark the Arab Spring were Mohamed Bouazizi
and Wael Ghonim.
21. What happened on January 25, 2011?
January 25, 2011 was the start of the Egyptian Revolution. Men and women
gathered in Tahrir Square to hold a demonstration against President Mubarak s
regime to which there was a lot of political repression and economic and social
stagnation that was associated with it. This left many of the Egyptian people to be
very upset and eventually led to the gathering of people of Tahrir Square.
22. What is Ecology Peace? (pg.10)
The ecology of peace is the framework that is focused on the interdependencies that
connect the separate elements ... Show more content on ...
Give an example of a nation using soft power.
An example of a nation that is using soft power is the United Kingdom. One of the
ways in which the U.K. exerts soft power through the British Broadcasting Center
(BBC). It is a program that is owned by the British government and exports British
culture and makes other states aware of internal matters as well as influencing
coverage of international matters. The BBC is one of the most well respected and
trusted news sources in the world.
37. Where did the model of peacemaking circles and restorative justice originate?
The model of peacemaking circles and restorative justice originated from Martin
Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement.
BONUS QUESTION: who was Oscar Lopez? Why should we care about him?
Oscar Lopez is a Puerto Rican nationalist who has been in prison for a crime that he
did not commit for 35 years. We should care about him because he has wrongfully
been imprisoned and there is no movements for that to change despite efforts made
by protestors and people in the

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Essay On Othello

  • 1. Essay On Othello Crafting an essay on the topic of "Othello" can be both intellectually stimulating and challenging. On one hand, William Shakespeare's play "Othello" is a rich tapestry of complex characters, intricate plots, and profound themes, providing ample material for analysis and interpretation. On the other hand, the depth and nuance of the play demand a keen understanding of Shakespearean language, Elizabethan society, and the intricacies of tragic storytelling. Delving into the character of Othello himself, one must navigate the complexities of his tragic flaw, the destructive power of jealousy, and the subtle yet pervasive theme of racism. Analyzing the relationships between characters adds another layer of difficulty, requiring a nuanced exploration of the dynamics between Othello and Desdemona, Iago's manipulative schemes, and the consequences of betrayal. Moreover, the essay must grapple with broader thematic elements, such as the nature of love, the consequences of unchecked ambition, and the societal expectations placed on individuals. A successful essay on "Othello" demands not only a comprehensive understanding of the play's intricacies but also the ability to articulate insightful and original perspectives that contribute to the ongoing scholarly conversation surrounding the work. The challenge lies in striking a balance between providing a detailed analysis of the play's elements and maintaining a cohesive and well-structured argument. It requires the writer to navigate the fine line between delving into the minutiae of the text and presenting a broader, more holistic interpretation. In conclusion, while the task of writing an essay on "Othello" is undeniably challenging, it is also an opportunity for intellectual growth and exploration. It demands a deep engagement with the play, a mastery of critical thinking skills, and the ability to express complex ideas with clarity. For those seeking assistance or looking for expertly crafted essays on similar topics, various services, including, offer support and resources to help navigate the intricate world of literary analysis. Essay On Othello Essay On Othello
  • 2. Cave Paintings In The Film Cave Of Forgotten Dreams Thinking of life back almost 40,000 years ago can be a challenge to wrap the mind around. To learn about the human species past, we must decipher the clues left behind of how humans used to live. When asked to recreate cave paintings a common drawing some might think of stick figures. The actuality of the cave paintings is that they are incredibly detailed and are able to show the artistic talent of the cavemen and women. In the film Cave of Forgotten Dreams, it focuses on a cave in southern France and the intricate paintings and artifacts found inside. The cave dates to around 30,000 years ago and there is a unique aspect of how everything was preserved. In fact, a ledge of rock fell and cut off the original entrance to the... Show more content on ... The animals ranged from horses to rhinos, and even cave lions. The drawings were detailed enough to allow scientists to decipher the paintings and learn what they were witnessing at that period of time. Along with the paintings of the animals, bones were found in the cave and that also revealed more about the life in the cave other than just the cavemen and women. Using all of this information given to them, the scientists were able to learn not only how the cavemen and women lived but how animals lived during this time. The drawings in the cave in Southern France seemed to be quite anatomically correct to the animals roaming Earth today. The drawings are so detailed that there is not much hesitation on what type of animal they could have been drawing, it is obvious what their intent was. A surprise regarding the animal paintings was the lack of anything other than mammals. Throughout the cave there were a handful of paintings depicting insects such as butterflies and the one sole drawing of a human, but besides that they animals were mammals. Why these paintings are important depends on who is answering the question. A scientist might answer differently than an art professor who might answer differently than a random civilian. The importance is in what each person gains from these drawings. A scientist can analyze and learn about who lived there and how they looked and acted. This was shown by the analysis of the red hand prints and the
  • 3. A Rogerian Analysis of the Debate over Arizona s... A Rogerian Analysis of the Debate over Arizona s Immigration Law 1. An introduction to the problem and a demonstration that the opponent s position is understood. America s illegal immigration problem is one of the most remarkable failures of the U.S. federal government. Undocumented illegal immigrants, many in our very own neighborhoods, are able evade the reach of our nation s laws and regulations with remarkable ease. This is a huge source of anxiety for many tax paying Americans, who perceive illegal immigrants as a strain on our public goods More pragmatically, illegal immigration causes economic uncertainty for Americans. Employers do not know what their payroll is going to look like and how the hiring of undocumented immigrants will affect their business. Moreover, the current illegal immigration problem promotes the exploitation of illegal immigrants for labor. Illegal immigrants, because of their precarious legal position, are often employed at sub standard wages, without the employee benefits or job security enjoyed by U.S. residents. Arizona s new immigration law seeks to correct this problem by bringing illegal immigration out into the light. The law would require all immigrants to carry immigration papers on them at all times. (Archibold, 2010). In addition, it gives the police the authority to arrest and detain anyone that they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. Those people found to be in the country illegally will be sent back to their home
  • 4. What Is The Cause Of Coronary Heart Disease The country of Greece is beautiful, with towering mountains and sparkling seas. But is it really the paradise it is portrayed to be? The answer is hard, because it is known to be a wonderful place for getaways and honeymoons. There are even diets that advertise the healthiness of the greek diet and how it ll make you live forever. Contrasting, the statistics of the country tell another story, one of unhealthiness and disease. What are the causes, what could be causing so many people to die from Coronary Heart Disease? When Coronary HeartDiseases main causes are bad habits such as unhealthy diets and smoking, and other bad life choices. Could it be that Greece is in poverty? Could the actual majority of citizens be eating unhealthy? Or is ... Show more content on ... And the health care system isn t very good. If someone needed an operation immediately they would have to wait at least a month. Government unemployment only lasts a year and after that, the government doesn t do much to help them. Many Greeks may be eating as best they can, but it s not good enough. They have to wait to be seen by a doctor and wait even longer for an operation. They smoke and drink and eat fast food and cheap things from the grocery store that can be heated up. This is called Greek diet is what is eaten by tourist, and the rich of Greece. Not the people living their life, majority of the population. Smoking is a very common habit in Greece. And it is one of the leading causes of Coronary heart disease. CHD is considered to be the disease that you can change. And it s all based on life choices. If an entire country of people are all stressed and trying to get money for rent, mortgage or even dinner, It is likely they will start to form unhealthy habits such as drinking or smoking. These habits on top of being stressed, and not eating fresh fruits and vegetables everyday leads to Coronary Heart disease. They are eating cheap fast food, Mcdonald s is all over Greece, and so are many other fast food places. On top of this the healthcare isn t the best, all these factors are why this disease is the top killer. In other words you could just say the top cause of death is stress and
  • 5. Police Officer Forcillo Summary This article talks about how the trial of Officer Forcillo, who is charged for killing Sammy Yatim. The court heard that police officers are taught they can only use lethal force when an officer as good reason to believe that there is probable risk of death or serious injury. It was also stated that officers have training in how to deal with high risk situations without resulting to lethal force. The officers are also trained to recognize people with mental illness and how to react appropriately in those situations. The officers say that the problem is that they have very limited time (sometimes a matter of seconds) to make the decision on whether to use lethal force or not. They also say that the officer s perception can vary on whether they feel in imminent danger or not.... Show more content on ... However, I also believe that police are often now turning to the use of lethal force in situations where it is completely uncalled for. As previously stated, the do need to protect themselves, but they are provided with extensive training and have a variety of tools in their belt to help in intense situations. Even if shots must be fired, there is no reason that they can t shoot someone in the leg, injuring them, but not killing them. The constant use of excessive force and lethal force is causing mass fear of the police and causing people to lose their lives. Many of these people are suffering from mental illness and just need help. If an officer was in a situation where they had no choice but to use lethal force to save themselves or another officer then that would be completely acceptable. However, more often than not, the officers are turning to lethal force when there is absolutely no reason for it. They need to use the training they are given to preserve human life whenever
  • 6. Mary Lindberg s Analysis Mary s reign was built on reestablishing Catholic connections and pulling back the protestant reformation. Lindberg commented that Mary s catholic upbringing was important because from a purely non theological perspective [Mary] had to be Catholic in order to be the legitimate heir to the throne. Politically, as the daughter of Catherine of Aragon, she had a reason to bring in her religion and rule strictly in order to save her people from mortal sin by restoring papal obedience. In her estimate, it was the pope who tried to save her mother s modesty and good name where the hedonistic church powers in England dismissed her and her mother when they became an inconvenience. During her reign, she persecuted and killed many protestants,... Show more content on ... For instance, Zurich operated with government on a much smaller scale, using various magistrates to decide what would be appropriate for the community and the church. No magistrate had complete power to change any major traditions or doctrines. Even Zwingli had to compromise with various members of the government to build the way forward for the Protestant churches in the area. This small scale also allowed for dissenters, such as the Anabaptists, to take hold and root themselves within the structure. Even though they wanted a unified church in Zurich, they were not able to stop the theology expanding that further fractured the reformed
  • 7. A Story In Short Story Stories In a city a family living. In their family Father Mr. A, Mother Mrs. B, Son Mr. C, Daughter s D and E. Mr. An utilised as a part of an assumed and his measures do great at all around as the same totally actualized in their family. Mrs. B housewife and doing a little article plotting as entertainment developer. Their young people Mr. Cand Ms. D and E went to their school and they additionally continually take after his dad standards Always tell the truth, without pay off in the works, considers, regard the Elders, regard the women, don t battle anyone, don t abuse useless working environments, don t lead any wrong individuals. Time passing away. One day at his home one little occasion happens. Mr. As tyke was counter towards at his school some individual s Scale and wood Ink Pen found in his sack and dad rebuked him why you was stolen and he beaten him and let him know always told the Truth . That Mr. C was easy going to tell he buys the Scale and wood Ink Pen his mom given her cash, in light of the way that in his familymonetary matters just directing Mr. A, on the off chance that he tells the matter his dad will true blue to his mom. Furthermore, on that day Father Mr. A given his sustenance and safe house outside as prepare. He uncovered and on that day he picks in any case I come clean in my life. In like manner, after they are astoundingly planning with their family in regards to articles, books, cash, materials, etc. Mr. C is going routinely to his school, at his school he tells his lords always truth. One day an examination went to their school and gets a few information about subjects and assorted exercises. Likewise, the Teachers who in like way by and large offered tenets to Mr. C will remain noiseless and his seat relegated to him finally situate else it will something happens to their school. The examination, individuals came to Mr. C class and gets a little information about the showing educators and school. Moreover, finally they ask Mr. C and he calmly answers through his head enhancements. What s more, after he expect about the School, his living Town, his Country. Is there any wrongdoing to come clean in any case I admit this is my family gauges. He goes up against the issues
  • 8. Human Intelligence And The Biomedical Engineering Field Vernor Vinge states, I have argued above that we cannot prevent the Singularity, that its coming is an inevitable consequence of the humans natural competitiveness and the possibilities inherent in technology. Technological singularity is on the verge of having a massive breakthrough but are we ready for what it brings? Raymond Kurzweil, an American author, believes that singularity will emerge in 2045. Technological singularity is an event in which artificial intelligent machines go beyond human intelligence and have the possibility to redesign themselves. Scientific development and enhancement is in our daily lives. The concept of creating intelligent machines was almost deemed impossible but in the last decade, researchers and scientists have shown beyond doubt that creating intelligent machines is possible. These artificial intelligent machines produce potential benefits and problems in the biomedical engineering field, a field where scientists should not continue to work to on due to the dangers this field poses. In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, an inspired man by the name of Victor Frankenstein believed that he could create new life. Victor had excessive self pride and had an idea that he could create this perfect creation of a human that would obey his every command. Once Frankenstein accomplishes his goal and creates new life, his creation looks more like a colossal brute. His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath...his
  • 9. The Dangers Of Residential Schools In Canada 80 Residential schools were developed and established all across Canada in 1931, and slowly over the years, about 150 000 First Nation students attend the different schools. This happened because many believed that education was one of the biggest factors to assimilation, and so the Canadian Parliament changed the Indian Act requiring all children, ranging the ages of seven to fifteen to go to school . The biggest concerns for the Indigenous at the time was that they had to trek thousands of kilometres from home to the nearest school, unknown of the dangers these parents were sending their children into. At these academic schools, English was stressed to speak when interacting with others while native tongue and language was banned , due to the fact, most of these schools were ran by churches. Also because these schools were ran by these churches, Christian religion and ideals were emphasized, while Aboriginal Spirituality and culture was condemned. These poor kids were separated from everything they knew about growing up, and they just threw them into a curriculum and material that is so very different from what they knew and would get penalize from not understanding and would feel like they were an outsider. And they would have to deal with this on the daily. And what made it worse was the fact that many of these teachers were harsh and cruel towards these students, hurting them physically, mentally or sexually, causing trauma they d never forget in their lives. The
  • 10. Rome During Medieval Times Medieval Society Medieval Society helped to give a better perspective on what Rome was like during Medieval Times. The article explained the collapse of The Western Roman Empire, and makes things easier to comprehend by breaking it down by countries/ parts of the empire. By using this method, it makes it easier to understand the fall of the Roman Empire by going in depth and explaining all the different causes for each empire s downfall. It also showed how medieval Europe inherited many of it s traditions and institutions, for example, Christianity. I thought this article was well written and gave enough details and information to fully understand the main concept of this article. The Medieval Cathedral in its Cultural Setting The Medieval Cathedral in its Cultural Setting made it easier to understand the the significance of the Cathedral. Jean Gimpel, the author of the article said, In order to understand the cultural significance of the cathedral, the student must know the political, economic, social, aesthetic, and religious environment in which it grew ; which the article did perfectly. The article even discussed the beginning of the cathedral itself by explaining how it was built, ... Show more content on ... The parts of the article that I could understand did help to better understand feudalism as McKAy did not give that much information about it. I also used this article as a reference for a previous question in The Middle Ages Part 1. I personally thought this article was more difficult to read than the first two because the first paragraph discussed many things and was unclear as to what the article was going to discuss. The transitions for topic to topic were also formatted strange and made it even more difficult to understand and I did not like this style of writing as much as the previous two
  • 11. Pros And Cons Of Online Learning Online Classes vs. Traditional Learning As human beings, it is in their nature to choose what is more convenient and comfortable for them, most of the time, and as technology continues to revolutionize the world as a whole, the education field couldn t be left out. Thanks to technology, in the past years the e educationhas changed the way students choose to be educated; online education has proven to be one of the biggest booms in higher education. Regardless of this e revolution, traditional or in class continues to be important in the field. In the following paragraphs, it will compare and discuss advantages and disadvantages of online and in classroom learning, pros and cons such as costs, student independency, and success of the student in both classroom settings. First of all, taking an online class can save a student a lot of money; students who take online classes save money on commuting, weather they spend money on public transportation or gas. Housing expenses, dorming can sometimes be considered a luxury for some students, since the average amount to be paid for dorming in a state university is of 10k to 14k; they also save a lot of time since they avoid the struggle of taking busses or driving from their homes or jobs to get to their classes on time. According to the article Online vs. Traditional Learning, published by the University of Potomac The total average cost of a traditional degree is USD $85,000 as opposed to online degrees which can cost an
  • 12. A Reflection OfManifest Destiny, And The Monroe Doctrine The term Manifest Destiny has been a paramount concept ever since its emergence during the time of Andrew Jackson and his ideals of westward expansion for the United States. Prior to the term of Manifest Destiny, the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 was in full effect, in which the argument could be made that these two concepts are somehow correlated. The primary sourcedocuments such as The Monroe Doctrine Declares the Western Hemisphere Closed to European Intervention, 1823, and essays such as, Expansionist Ambition, Not Republican Ideals, will support the structure of this essay, showing that there is a reflection of Manifest Destinyideology in the Monroe Doctrine. Using various primary and secondary sources from Major Problems in American Foreign Relations, this short essay will argue that the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 was a reflection of Manifest Destiny ideology. Defining the two concepts of Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine, will be the main element in this first body paragraph. The term Manifest Destiny illustrates the principles that are given by God, in which give the United Statespure justifications that entail expansion for universal equality and American greatness.1 In other words, the concept given by God, Manifest Destiny, describes America s purpose to expand its natural borders, and to expand to areas that are unfit to govern. The Monroe Doctrine of December 1823, declared that the hemisphere was closed to European colonization and to the extension
  • 13. Katy Perry s The Song Fireworks Essay Katy Perry takes a similar approach by creating a song that allows people to be the way they are. Katy Perry had created the song Fireworks. This song is an inspirational song that allows people to reveal themselves to the true world instead of keeping it a secret. Katy is trying to portray the fact that people should not be afraid to represent the way they truly are. She wants everyone to show his or her true colors . In a sense, Katy wants to people to embrace what they are. In the first few lines she states, Do you ever feel like a plastic bag. Drifting through the wind. Wanting to start again (Fireworks). This part of the song reveals that a lot of people go with the flow. They just follow the norms of society and do not fight against it. She continues on to talk about how people continue to go with the flow until she states, Do you know that there s still a chance for you. Cause there s a spark in you (Fireworks). This portion of the song reveals there is hope even if want to go against the norm. Just a small push is needed in order to get over the hurdle. Then Katy states, Cause baby you re a firework. Come and show em what you re worth. Make em go oh, oh, oh! As you shoot across the sky y y (Fireworks). When you do reveal yourself, it will feel like a huge burden is lifted off your shoulders. Katy is trying to say to her fans be motivated and keep reaching for the stars. Being unique might be a bad thing, but don t let their voice reach you.
  • 14. External Factors Of Entrepreneurship The Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) is the second largest public traded company in India in terms of market capitalisation. RIL contributes about 20% of total exports from India. Did you ever wonder from where did Dhirubhai Ambani get the idea of selling crude oil in India? When Dhirubhai was a teenager, he used to work in a company in Yemen. In 1962, he returned to India with an idea of starting his own import export business. He moved to petrochemicals business and established a profitable and global enterprise in India. Thus, a successful entrepreneurship is created and developed from an innovative and simple idea or concept. It is the small seed for a big enterprise or small business. The entrepreneur should collect information pertaining to various profitable opportunities available ina region or country. Then, he has to select an idea, which can be ... Show more content on ... You will also know the distinction between an entrepreneur and a manager. You will also look at the qualities of successful entrepreneurs. Emergence of Entrepreneurial Class in India The evolution and emergence of entrepreneurship in India can be studied with reference to the role of specific communities and their development in history. The emergence of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial class can be described in four periods. Period I Entrepreneurship in Ancient Period Period II Entrepreneurship in Pre Independence Era before 1850
  • 15. Isolation And Of Mice And Men By James Joyce Explore the ways in which the theme of isolation is presented in Dubliners and Of Mice and Men. Isolation a complete, or near complete lack of contact with people or society. People can either ostracise you, deliberately shunning you out, which is mainly the type which can be found in the books which we have studied, or it can be very accidental. From The Dubliners, a collection of short stories, I have selected two that I feel can be related to themes of isolation and withdrawal: First, The Dead, written by James Joyce, set in Edwardian Dublin, and like Of Mice and Men, it contains strong themes of isolation, primarily between the two main characters, Gretta and Gabriel Conroy. Joyce presents Gabriel as being very out of control of the situation, and although in close proximity to his wife, they are both in very different worlds; very apart. In Eveline, she doesn t have any say on what she does with her life, often she finds herself isolated from her family, and is limited by the moral contexts restricting women at the time. The book Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, and set in rural southern California during the depression, follows the hopes of both Lennie Small and George Milton, towards their dream of owning a ranch together; a unique aspiration in a book full of insecurity and isolation. Most of the characters in this book are very isolated: by gender, for example there is only one woman, by race, for example there is only one black character, or even
  • 16. Descriptive Writing On An Invention For the past five years my friends Tristen, Alice, Courtney, Leo, and I, Ruby, have been working on an invention to help cure tons of diseases. We spent our hours between classes, nights, and days working on Invention. After all the time working and designing it, we hadn t put any thought into the name and started calling it Invention. I had come up with the original design and idea for it, but none of us had been able to get Invention to work. My dorm room had a special cabinet for all of the prototypes we made of Invention, so far none of them had been able to work. Courtney and Tristen called everyone together for another late night working on Invention. We all met in the library that was on the college campus. I carried in my bookbag and Invention, meeting Courtney, Alice, and Tristen who were seated at a table in the back of the library. Should we start without Leo? I sat Invention in the middle of the table carefully and my book bag on the ground, leaning up against the chair I sat down in. My friends nodded and started setting up the table with our supplies. Alice pulled out three colored notebooks, setting them up on the table and I pulled my laptop out of my backpack. Courtney and Tristen sat out a pack of paper that was laminated with some of the designs they had come up with. Before I knew it, it was almost three o clock in the morning. I had been able to go over everything we had talked about and work on Invention. The last few hours of the night were a blur, I was on the verge of falling asleep and eventually I did fall asleep. ******* I woke up later in the morning to Courtney yelling at me, Ruby, wake up! We almost got Invention to work! Hurry up, everyone else is in the tech lab. I bolted up and gathered all of my belongings. Courtney was already halfway across the library by time I had gotten up from my spot. Courtney and I hurried to the tech lab that was on the other side of campus. I felt like I was sprinting as Courtney tugged at my arm for me to hurry up. Ten minutes later we were standing outside of the tech lab. Courtney pushed the door open as fast as possible and pulled me in with her. Invention was sitting in the middle of the room as Alice, Leo, and Tristen were sitting on
  • 17. Essay on There is No Escaping the Matrix There is No Escaping the Matrix In the video game world anything is possible, and if your player dies you can always play again. The videogame industry is exploding in the market place; it s far from child s play and far from the days of pong. In the most recent issue of Entertainment Weekly (December 6, 2002) there is an article, Video Game Nation, discussing a new video game experience being touted as the wave of the future, The Real World meets The Matrix. In this virtual world called The Sims Online, people live in a virtual environment peopled by avatars created by thousands of other gamers. Neal Stephenson envisioned this future ten years prior with his release of Snow Crash. Stephenson describes a computer generated ... Show more content on ... If you look closer at Agent Smiths statement, As soon as we started thinking for you, your world became our world. a sliver of truth comes out of it. If the thinking is left for someone or something are we not giving up our world in exchange for theirs? Is it possible that people are evolving into a machine loving species capable of finding our selves imprisoned by our own creations? In the movie The Matrix, Agent Smith, the computer generated villain, expresses his views on The Matrix. He marvels at its beauty, its shear genius. The Matrix, he explains, went through some changes after some crops {humans} were lost when the humans failed to accept the perfect world where everyone was happy. Agent Smith goes on to explain that other Artificial beings believed we lacked the programming language to describe the perfect world. Agent Smith comes up with his own theory, that humans need pain and suffering in order to define their reality. So rather than create a perfect world the machines recreate a more real world; a world of suffering a Buddhist world, one that prevents the human mind from trying to wake up from. This is the world Neo grows up in, this Matrix world. He grows up in a machine world; his mind is a by product of the machinery, therefore, making him the perfect candidate to be the chosen
  • 18. Cholesterol And Levels Of Cholesterol Essay Introduction:In the United States, more than 2,100 people die from cardiovascular disease each day. According to the American Heart Association, too much cholesterol in a person s blood can lead to a heart disease and stroke (1). Cholesterol is the most common sterol in animal. Plants also have sterols in their structure, however human enzyme systems can only digest animal sterols (2). Cholesterolis produced in our bodies by the liver (endogenous) or could come from the foods we eat (exogenous). Both kinds are transported to and from the cells by lipoproteins: LDL and HDL. LDL cholesterol is considered to be the bad cholesterol, since it contributes in depositing plaque in the arteries, therefore contributing to atherosclerosis. HDL, on the other hand, is considered to be the good cholesterol since it has the opposite effect; it removes the LDL cholesterol from the arteries carrying it back to the liver, therefore reducing risks of atherosclerosis. Maintaining the low levels of LDL and high levels of HDL is extremely important, as HDL is responsible for moving the cholesterol from the blood to the liver whereas LDL is the reason for the build up inside the artery therefore increasing the risk of the cardiovascular diseases. In order to assess cholesterol levels in the body, blood serum cholesterol is tested. It is recommended that total cholesterol (TC) level in an individual to be less than 200 mg/dl (desirable level). The level between 200 239 mg/dl is
  • 19. Vinyl Records Vinyl Records Correctly Cared for Sing a Finer Song If you always hear snap, crackle, and pop of dirty records, then you need to realize this can be causing damage to your valuable albums. This paper will discuss cleaning records and storage of records properly. The purpose is to help keep vinyl records preserved and sounding magnificent for many years. First, what needs to be understood is that repeated plays of dirty records which can include mold, dust, and grime in the grooves can cause permanent damage to the record. The needle rides into the grooves and the soiled record debris can wear down and ruin the grooves. So, the soundwill suffer causing distortion, surface noise, and skipping of the record. The needle causes friction... Show more content on ... The main issues and concerns with storing records are preventing warping, mold, and unexpected disaster such as a flood. To keep warping from becoming an issue, store the albums vertically not laying on the side like a pancake. The huge amounts of weight will compromise the integrity of the vinyl causing bowing and warping. The area you store the albums in should be dry and have low humidity because extreme heat and dampness can perpetuate mold and of course warping. The aspect of using shelving and new record sleeves will keep excess dust and foreign material off the records. Using a shelving system helps keep the records off the ground. Also, if you are using the basement for storage, there s a potential for flooding or water damage and the shelves can offer another layer of protection. Because, if the albums get wet, then there could be irreversible damage to the covers and the mold spores can spread on the vinyl which causes extreme surface noise and render
  • 20. Examples Of Empathy In The House Of The Scorpion Stirring Empathy In The House of the Scorpion At least every person has felt different or set apart from others before sometime in their life. Yet we all know everyone is different and no two people are the same, and the society constructed by Nancy Farmer in The House of the Scorpion is no different except for the anti hero Matt. After facing reality that he was cloned from a cow, Matt finds it incredibly difficult to live a normal life. He is consistently mistreated by everyone, especially Rosa, who is supposed to care for him but treats him like an actual animal. In The House of the Scorpion Nancy Farmer uses italics, em dashes, and description to stir the reader s empathy. To start, italics are used towards the beginning of the book in order to stir the reader s empathy for Matt. In this point in the book, Rosa, Matt s new caretaker treats him like an animal. She literally takes away his bed, builds a pen and fills it with wood chips, then sticks Matt in it. He develops rashes and infections due to the living conditions, but no matter how much he begs to live normally he always gets a similar response. One day Rosa gets especially raged one day. I could kill you, she said quietly. I could bury your body under the floor and I might do it. (Farmer 39) Nancy Farmer s use of italics shows the readers why Rosa may be an antagonist in the story. This may be alleged because of her harsh manner when she speaks and her cruel actions throughout the story. This is
  • 21. The War Between Infinite Creativity And Finite Teachings The War Between Infinite Creativity and Finite Teachings For centuries, art and science have been viewed as opposites. Art has been defined as an infinite outlet of creativity that allows for personal expression and development. On the contrary, science has been defined by society as a finite outlet of creativity that follows a rigid procedure that allows for professional, scientific, and creative expression. However, one aspect that both art and science have in common is their ability to allow expression, development, and advancement of techniques and theories. In Margaret Atwoods novel Oryx and Crake, there is a fictional debate about science and art between the narrator Snowman and his childhood acquaintance Crake. Additionally, throughout the novel and semester, there have been discussions of environment and environmental issues and their depiction in literary works. This demonstrates the struggle between both art and science and leaves us with the ultimate debate of which one will be victorious? Through the creation of humanlike species, the drive to always remember words, and through the literary depiction of environment in Oryx and Crake, I will demonstrate that although science and art are closely related, art ultimately prevails. Throughout Oryx and Crake, Snowman is always known for his fascination with words. Snowman realizes at a young age that he is not a numbers person in a worldsurrounded by numbers people. During a flashback before the apocalypse, Jimmy
  • 22. Descriptive Essay About The Cheesecake Factory Maram AlBaharna 9A Despite the name of this magnificent restaurant, the expectations of The Cheesecake Factory only serving dessert were false, however they offer a wide variety of different cuisine that satisfies your cravings. Many branches are available worldwide, I was grateful to visit the one located at the ground floor of Avenues Mall, Kuwait. I was amazed to find an incredibly varied menu, with the most fascinating, mouthwatering dishes; everything was available from appetizers to main courses, sides and definitely, dessert. This restaurant offers international cuisine, look no further for the perfect restaurant. Open at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Once you enter, the relaxed ambiance of this restaurant would be popular with guests. ... Show more content on ... Words were not able to describe how heavenly and extraordinary this dessert. Blissful, it will never fail to impress anyone. The chocolate melting in my mouth, as the silky soft chocolate mousse balanced the soft and silky. The cake was moist, well crafted, and was worth every bit of calories dripping of it. It was the most bittersweet experience, the taste was savory. It is smooth and rich, leaves you longing for another bite. Tantalizes your taste buds, caresses your mouth before gliding down your throat to take you to seventh heaven. Kindly, the waitress that has served us would check in between times to see if any assistance was needed, perfect cuisine with perfect service. Gratefully, the food had arrived very quickly, few minutes after we ordered. Ever since she struck my eyes, I took her for a very friendly and ambitious waitress, and as I said, she had done her job more than perfectly. This restaurant has surely met beyond expectations, the prices were reasonable compared to the huge portions they have served. As tasty and delicious the food was, I would not recommend anyone going there who has a diet, because the food was so very high in calories. However, I did catch a glimpse of low carb food available on the
  • 23. Challenges Faced By Government Digital Service Products and services invented are faced by the challenges they must overcome, these invention also provide opportunities. Innovation is having a need, which requires a solution. Innovation is a process of turning new ideas and putting these into widely used practices. (Joe TIdd) Government digital service is a collection of government s cabinet office with the responsibility of transforming the government digitalservice. This essay aims to examine the innovation challenges faced by Government digital service along with the opportunities, which arise with the invention of government digital service. The Essay focuses on what is innovate about the government digital service, how sustainable is the operating model, if GSD was disruptive, strategies GSD can use to establish platform thinking and how GSD can influence the public s use of government s digital platform. Inventions such as Government digital services are faced with challenges that incur as a result of the invention. Due to the nature of government Digital service being a unit of government cabinet one major challenge it faces is the culture of department silos and their relationships with the IT oligarchs . Success in innovation appears to depend upon two key ingredients technical resources (people, equipment, knowledge, money and etc.) and the capabilities in the organization to manage them. (Joe Tidd j. B.) By not having a good relationship with IT department government digital department it faces a
  • 24. Welfare Fraud In Social Work Welfare Fraud is one of the darker sides of the field of social work. A crime in which an individual amasses state and/or government benefits by intentionally giving false information about their financial status and situation it is essentially an abuse of a service offered in times of need. Welfare fraudis committed every second of everyday. Disability is where a person that has been seriously injured (Spinal Injury) or any type of injury that has put you in the position to where you cannot work. Very many people that are able to work, build, and any kind of exercise apply for disability and they may get approved for it. When a person applies for disability that are supposed to be disable to where they couldn t do anything, such as work,
  • 25. The Evolution Of The Correctional System The Evolution of the Correctional System Nicholas Russo CJC 3010 10/20/2014 Throughout history, there has been many different methods for corrections. Looking back over time, you can see how the correctional system has evolved from the harsh, brutal, inhumane ways of the 16th century, to the rehabilitation methods of today. In the correctional system, there are different types of correctional facilities, various custody levels, and a time where it all started. The United States correctional system is a complicated system to fully comprehend. There are many different kinds of facilities one can go to for corrections, and also there are numerous jurisdictions inside the system. There are federal facilities, state, and local facilities. Federal facilities vary in levels from low, to complex in order to be able to assign an offender to their appropriate facility. There are different kinds of facilities inmates can go to, there are Prison Camps, Federal Correctional Institutions, Unites States Penitentiary, Administrative Facilities, and Federal Correctional Complexes. The first federal facility is minimum security institutions, which are Prison Camps. Prison Camps have minimal security and usually have a higher inmate to staff ratio. Prison Camps have relatively low amounts of fencing around the facilities, and sometimes don t have fencing at all. Inmates in these camps sleep inside dorms, and are in a work or study program. The second federal facility which
  • 26. Orm Risk Assessment ORM department partnered with Compliance to conduct a Market Conduct Risk Assessment with Ron Hamby as the project sponsor in 2011. The purpose of the assessment was to identify the risks associated with the Live Market Conduct Exam process from the initial DOI s request to the final response from Compliance. During this time, there were limited resources in Compliance, and ORM was a conduit to assist Compliance with gathering supporting documentation from the Operational business units for Market Conduct exams, conducting Pre assessment Market Conduct Audits, and working with Compliance to participate in Market Conduct examiners meetings and close out sessions. ORM s Risk Assessment validated process gaps within compliance, ORM, and the ... Show more content on ... The Market Conduct team would house commitments made to the state DOI, deliverables made within the business unit, and when applicable, follow up on target completion dates to ensure compliance. During the transition, there was an increase of Market conduct exams at. The Market Conduct Market Conduct Manager requested ORM s partnership to continue to conduct 2nd line of defense audits on behalf of the operational business due to their limited resources. As of today, ORM continues to assist the Compliance Market Conduct team with these audits and provides copies of the audit summaries to the Market Conduct team as each audit is
  • 27. Coastal Management Rbsc Environment Research Beach Coast Maroubra surf lifesaving club How effective are the coastal management strategies used at present in your local beach area? The coastal management strategies are not very effective as gathered from the surveys. On average, the participating surveyees gave the strategies a 4 out of a possible 5. This data were gathered from visitors /neighbourhoods who visit on average frequently. The main concern that would need conventional changes are council clean ups for rubbish track paths, washrooms and toilets, increase and improvement in stores and clubs as well as the immediate removal of pet litter. Responses such as naturalness, unspoilt landscape, relaxing view are rated highly when people stated what they liked about the beach.... Show more content on ... And at local/state non government organisations (coast care) Since 1989, the Beachwatch Program has been monitoring the water quality at Sydney s beaches. Beachwatch involves routine water samples being taken at our beaches for testing against key indicators of pollution. Are these strategies used in the coastline within Randwick city council boundaries and how effective are these management strategies? These strategies are sustainable and appropriate however more immediate action should be taken based on visitors opinions and beliefs. Coastal management strategies are simply requirement strategies like council clean ups, and does not include necessary updates and improvements in facilities and stores. This beach is lacking in short and long term major improvement plans as it s an undervalued beach in contrast to more populated beaches. Councils and governments are putting off major plans for a small town beach which is the reason for its slow upgrade time period and lack of serious management. 23 SURVEYS ON LOCAL RESIDENTS/VISTOR OPINIONS LOCATIONS OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES: MAROUBRA BEACH Specifically on locations of: Kids playground park, Mahon rock pool, skatepark, picnic grounds, shops, track paths (jogging)
  • 28. How Did Alvin Ailey Revolutionize African-American Dance America grew up with dance, from the streets to the theatres in Broadway it has formed many different dance such as modern dance. Modern dance was born in the United States in the 20th century. Its recognitions prevailed when several dancers rebelled to two dances that were extensive at the moment, ballet and vaudeville. Its fundamental aim was to reveal about people. Modern referred to a new era of dance and much modernize dance techniques that aimed to recoup natural movement. Having outlined its difference between ballet, they always developed new themes incorporating, personal problems, plays, and poems. They wanted to be taken as a serious dancer rather than entertainers. Isadora Duncanand Ruth St. Denis are considered the pillars of modern dance. In addition, an African American name Alvin Ailey was rapidly becoming a leading in 20th century modern dance. known as an influential dancer in modern dance. Alvin revolutionizes modern dance by, modernizing modern dance, revolutionizing African American participation in the 20th Century and promoted modern dance around the world. Alvin was born in 1931 in Texas. Alvin was born in the midst of segregation. Public facilities were severely segregated such as bathrooms buses and ect. Growing up as an African American was truly challenging. White kids went to school and black kids picked up cotton. Alvin s abandon the family when his mother was only 17 years old. After experiencing hard times due to the great depression,
  • 29. Analyzing Same-Sex Marriage Imagine if you had a child love someone who has same sex and wanted you to accept their love for each other by being at their wedding. Would you attend the wedding? Some would say yes; however, others would say no. Why would they say No ? Because marriage has been traditionally defined as a religious and legal commitment between a man and a woman. As we know, same sex marriagehas been a prominent issue that has so many arguments not just in the United States, but around the world over many years now. There is absolutely nothing more controversial than same sex marriage in gay rights topic. Everyone has different opinions about same sex marriage whether it should be legal or not. We now have to consider two aspects that are moral and religious. These two form a fundamental belief that same sex couples and opposite sex couples are different. Based on the definition of marriage, the view of religion, bad effects to children, and the lifestyle that should not be encouraged; therefore, the government should not legalize the same sex marriage. Same sex marriage is also used as a synonym for gay marriage. It is the union between two people of the same sex in a marital relationship. Same sex marriage are obtaining acceptance in some countries, but some others still do not give permission to gay couples to marry. In 2001, Netherlands was the first country that legalized same sex marriage. In the United States, Massachusetts was the first state that legalized same sex marriage in
  • 30. History of Softball History of Softball Many people assume that softball came about from baseball, the sport s first game actually came about because of a football game. The history of softball dates back to Thanksgiving Day of 1887 when several alumni sat in the Chicago, IL Farragut Boat Club anxiously awaiting the outcome of the Yale vs. Harvard football game. When Yale was announced as winner, a Yale alumnus playfully threw a boxing glove at a Harvard supporter. The Harvard fan swung at the balled up glove with a stick, and the rest of the group looked on with interest. George Hancock, a reporter for the Chicago Board of Trade, jokingly called out Play ball! and the fist softball game commenced with the football fans using the boxing glove as a ball and... Show more content on ... Because it can be played on either a field or an indoor arena, softball games are played year round, and involve teams with players as young as 8 years old and some players over 60 years in age. Softball is sometimes played by co recreational leagues where both women and men play on the same teams, but the rules are generally modified to reduce physical inequalities between the sexes. Often, companies and organizations form amateur co ed teams to play for benefits and charity fund raiser events. The history of softball is still unfolding and the game has undergone numerous modifications since its creation in 1887, but it is still one of the most preferred sports games in the country and has developed a following in several countries throughout the world, especially in Australia, China and Japan. Loved by amateurs and professionals of all ages and athletic backgrounds, the world can only anticipate what is in store for the future of America s other favorite pastime. Softball Rules and Regulations: The game of softball is played on a large field, comprising a distinctly demarcated grass infield, running areas and an outfield. The field is divided into four bases: first base, second base, third base and the home plate. The bases are set at a distance of approximately 45 to 65 feet from one another. The pitcher s circle is marked equidistant from the four bases. The objective of
  • 31. Greek God Apollo Research Paper Greek God Apollo Research Paper I guess darkness serves a purpose: to show us that there is redemption through chaos. I believe in that. I think that s the basis of Greek mythology , Brendan Fraser once said about the idea of all Greek Gods and myths. The people of ancient Greece would look up to various gods, depending on what they were seeking. Apollos name translates to strength , as he displayed this trait throughout his lifetime and had to be emotionally and physically stronger at times for the people of Ancient Greece. Apollo was a man of trust who excelled and supported all of the fine arts of the Greek civilization such as music, art, and poetry (God Apollo). One of the most underestimated traits of Apollo was his healing powers, in which he helped out many Greeks in desperate times, like the Trojan War (Cartwright). The Greek God Apollo was the most influential among Greek people because of his recognition for music, the truth, and healing powers. Apollo was born on the Greek island of Delios, from his parents Zeusand Leto (Regula). Zeus was the god of the Olympians who also controlled lightning and thunder, and Leto was the goddess of motherhood (Atsma). Apollo was a god who had a clear idea of what was right from wrong and lived with the idea of that the Greek society could live under peace and harmony and follows the laws that were put into motion, especially after the Trojan War (The Story of Apollo). Apollo demonstrated importance to the people of
  • 32. Stephen King Influence [Your Name] [Your Instructor s Name] [Name of Course] [Date] Stephen King: The King of Horror [or whatever title you want] Stephen King is a Portland, Maine, author who specializes in contemporary horror, suspense, and fantasy novels and short stories. Many of his writings have been adapted into films and television programs viewed by millions. Some of the most notable film adaptations include Carrie (1976), The Shining (1980) and It (1990). King has been acknowledged as the most influential writer of our time who has inspired countless other writers to contribute to the horror and suspense genre of written tales. The horror genre was deemed either dead or dying by the large number of upset fans of this genus (Ess: Where Would Horror Be Without... Show more content on ... His use his charaggcters or situations in the plots usually have readers reflecting upon them and relating them to current problems in society (Nevala Lee: The Uncanny Influence of Stephen King ). Some readers credit King for giving his protagonists inherently flawed but human traits; a quality other writers in the horror genus hadn t attributed to their central characters in the past. King has commented on his writing style as an outcome of his father leaving him and his family under the pretense of going to buy a pack of cigarettes. His mother s death shortly after the release of Carrie in 1974 led him into a deep depression and finding sustenance in alcohol. His brief embracement of alcoholism also influenced him write Cujo, a psychological horror novel about a rabid dog which he barely remembered writing (Leafe: Stephen King s Real Horror Story: How the Novelist s Addiction to Drink and Drugs Nearly Killed Him ). The first novel he wrote after his depression and fall into alcoholism was Needful Things (Lehman Haupt et al.: Stephen King, The Art of Fiction No.
  • 33. Essay on Media and the Antifeminist Agenda Media and the Antifeminist Agenda The cinema conveys representations of race, gender, and class that indicate the development and cultural ideologies of society. Motion pictures illustrate and are depicted from real life settings, and it is for this reason that the cinema plays a vital role in shaping and sustaining cultural normalcies. Socialization of gender and identity are mirrored through sexist media depictions that convey the relative positions of women and men in modern western democracies. There are substantial quantities of motion pictures that ascribe traditional gender roles to both men and women that continue to perpetuate social constructs of inequality. Contemporary media places men and women in defined categories, and ... Show more content on ... On a lighter note, Disney s animated feature Tangled (a take on Grimm s fairytale Rapunzel) is funny and visually stunning; however, it rekindles the same plot and recurring theme across all genres. As a woman, you can be one of two things, either a princess awaiting rescue from her prince or an evil stepmother (witch). On the contrary, as a man, you get all the action, and in many aspects, the world is handed to you. Rapunzel, imprisoned within the tower since a child, is a meek like female with green eyes, blonde hair, and a teeny waist who sings about doing chores and wonders when her life will begin. Rapunzel is stereotypically overly emotional, swinging from one end of a mood swing to another, overly preoccupied with being saved, and of course, is beautiful. Beauty, with respect to this context, equals white, blonde, thin and young. In a modern day perspective, this is problematic because her body represents the celebration of White femininity and disregards other ethnicities. Not only does this movie portray females from a stereotypical frame work, but it induces a false perception of beauty, one that we must all attain or strive for. Carrying on Disney s tradition of problematic representations of race, of the 15 Disney princess s movie franchise ever produced, only four have been non white
  • 34. The Search For Truth in Into the Wild by John Krakauer Who is Christopher McCandless? McCandless was born February 12, 1968 in El Segundi, California. Later on, due to Walt McCandless , Christopher s father, success as an aerospace engineer [Christopher] was raised in the comfortable upper middle class environs of Annandale, Virginia (Krakauer 14). Similarly to many people today, Walt McCandless made injurious decisions; during the birth of Christopher and his sister, Carine, Walt was still married. In turn, this leaves them to be bastard children. Christopher was an intellectual that took interest in challenging himself. He was a successful cross country runner that would lead the team into paths where they often got lost (.info web). Not only was he driven, he had a... Show more content on ... During high school Christopher informed his parents that he would no longer accept any gifts from them because they might begin to believe they bought his respect (Krakauer 21). Christopher had a strong dislike for wealth, but not wealth itself, what wealth did to people. He believed that it gave people a false sense of power and security. These people with wealth would then try to buy control, happiness, and truth. In Christopher s eyes the concept of wealth having any power was distorted. Another manifestation of McCandless search for empowerment was his experience of mental and physical hardships. During high school the training for cross country was very strenuous, not only did Chris view it as physical exercise, but spiritual as well(website .info). Also, the summer before freshman year Christopher decided to take a rode trip. When Chris eventually returned home, he revealed that he had just about died from dehydration in the Mojave Desert (Sexton cliffsnotes). Although his parents tried to prohibit him from attempting a trip like this again, it failed. Chris viewed himself to be invincible, just like a teenager that feels indomitable. Together with Christophers other expeditions, he buys a second hand canoe in Topock, Arizona. His plan was to follow the Colorado River into Mexico then into the Gulf of California and finally the Pacific Ocean
  • 35. Japan s Change Of Modernity And Democracy There are many things that contributed to Japan s change to modernity and democracy whether it was between the political parties or if it was between their cultural system and the people s rights. Before Japan changed to a more modern and democratic society it was a feudal government structure based on Confucius views which was during the Tokugawa period. During the Tokugawa period there was a separation between the social classes which was categorized in four groups the samurai, peasants, artisans, and merchants. The two classes that had the most power were the samurai and the peasants. The samurai had the most power because they created a moral example and the peasants came in second into the social class since they produced food which was essential to survival of the people. The last two classes the artisans and the merchants. Although the merchants were last in the social class some were very wealthy and even owned their own monopolies, but since they were in the bottom of the class the laws prevented them to come higher into power. Although Japan was a feudal government and was more traditional the Japanese still developed some modernized urban influences like expanding their trading of commodities, and their advancement in their science studies. Though the Japanese had some of these modernized views the Tokugawa period soon came to an end due to the lack of government control by the shogun which created the four classes to fall apart. The differences between
  • 36. Lucy As A Nurse Actually, her future is already planned one; leaving her home, arriving in a country, becoming part of an unfamiliar family, taking care of their four girls, and attending the school, which prepares nurses. Because Lucy s parents see her only as a nurse in the future: Oh, I can just see you in your nurse s uniform. I shall be very proud of you (39). During this time, she must support her family, like other girls from an island and after graduation return home. However, this plan is not Lucys own, but her mother s. Lucy is of the other opinion; she does not want to become a nurse, as well as to return home: Whatever my future held, nursing would not be a part of it. I had to wonder what made anyone think a nurse could be made of me. I was not good at taking orders from anyone, not good at waiting on other people. Why did ... Show more content on ... It is true that critics constantly call Kincaid as an angry author, who expresses her anger through her protagonists. As a result, critics often describe Lucy as an angry, black, young woman. In return, Kincaid states in Perry s interview that the first step to claiming yourself is anger. You get mad. And you can t do anything before you get angry (498, qtd. in Brown 219). In another interview, she protests that she is angry: I m not angry. That s not the way I think of it. The way I think of it is that I m telling the truth. [...] I m always surprised to hear or read my work described, In angry tones, she says. No! In truthful tones! Does truth have a tone? I don t know (Alleyne) . However, readers still find in her works anger voice through her protagonists. According to Brown, for Kincaid anger is liberating precisely because it is fundamentally change the dynamic between oneself and the world and he adds
  • 37. The Role Of Mixture Composition On Washout Resistance,... 1 Influence of Mixture Composition on Washout Resistance, Fresh Properties and Relative Strength of Self Compacting Underwater Concrete Abd Elrahman Megahed 1, Ihab Adam 2, Omar Farghal 3, Mohamed Omar Sayed4 1 Professor, Civil Eng. Dept., Assuit University 2 Professor, Construction Research Institute, National Water Research Center, Egypt 3 Assistant Professor, Civil Eng. Dept., Assuit University 4 Research Assistant,Construction Research Institute, National Water Research Center, Egypt ABSTRACT Successful design of underwater concrete mixtures must fulfill two basic requirements: adequate flowability to spread into the placing forms without consolidation, and viscosity in order to resist the washing out. In this paper an investigation was carried out to determine the effect of the dosage of antiwashout admixture (AWA), watercementitious materials ratio (w/cm),sand to total aggregate ratio(s/a), and the supplementary cementitious materials on the washout resistance, fresh properties and the relative compressive strength of self compacting underwater concrete (SCUWC). Therefore five groups were prepared for this study.First group studied the effect of the supplementary cementitious materials, second group dealt with the effect of the AWA ratios, third group is concerning with the effect of w/cm ratio, fourth group take into account the effect of s/a ratio and finally fifth group included the effect of cementitious materials. Test results indicate that the concentrations of
  • 38. Catherine De Medici Research Paper Catherine de Medici was a French lady who was married into the royal family at the age of fourteen in the sixteenth century. She was different than other women during this time period, and she enjoyed studying astrology and the arts. She was also the one who ordered the Tuileries to be built. She formed a very close relationship with the King and her father in law, King Francis I, and even named one of her children after him. However, her husband and the King s son, Henry, despised Catherine, and openly had an affair with another mistress named Diane. Despite this, he and Catherine still tried to have children, yet failed the first few years of their marriage. Catherine was shamed by the people for not having children at this point, and some... Show more content on ... Later on, King Francis I passed away due to illness and old age, which caused despair both throughout the kingdom and to Catherine. Despite his death, the wars went on, and Catherine used his death to her advantage. She dressed in all black and begged the court to give France s army more money for funding, which they allowed. She did this because she knew that the King would have wanted their army to keep fighting. Later, Catherine s husband was stabbed through the eye during a jousting match and died, which also caused great sadness in Catherine s heart. Her son, Charles, became the new king. He was young and unfit to rule, so the Guise family watched over and directed him. However, the Guises were malicious and loved bloodshed, so they used this opportunity to cause more wars and battles between France and other countries. They also ordered all Protestants will be executed if they were caught practicing their beliefs in public. Although Catherine was a Catholic, she knew the executions and torturing of the Protestants were wrong, yet she could do nothing because of her gender and lack of royal
  • 39. A New Type of Film Essay A New Type of Film Every day we are one step closer to filmmaking being as easy as taking out the brush and oils for a painting (Veneruso, 1998). The new technologies that have emerged in films have been the latest in a string of inventions, to help make the film industry better. Films have become an important part of our culutre since they started being made and shown regularly around the world. Although new technology in films may be nothing compared with other technology, it does seem that this technology will benefit a lot of people, and help to improve the quality of the entertainment. These new technologies to the film industry all have important roles in the new industry. Computer generated images, subtitle technology, digital ... Show more content on ... The 1970 s gave birth to the summer blockbuster films that appealed to the young, mass audiences. Movies such as Jaws and Star Wars in 1975 and 1977 respectively, started the blockbuster trend. Begin with lots of action, great music, and a ton of special effects, and you have a hit movie. Audiences were amazed at the effects in George Lucas Star Wars and although the film looks old fashioned by today s standards, seeing life like foreign creatures and flying ships was exciting stuff (Howell, 2001). The 1980 s saw cable television, direct broadcast satellite and videocassettes all offering new ways to see films. Digital sound was introduced into theatres to draw the audiences once again. Now, special effects have reached a whole new level. If you ve been to the movies lately, you have probably noticed that many movies rely heavily on computer generated images (Howell, 2001). Films such as Shrek and Final Fantasy are made from all computer generated images. Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether characters are animated or real. Final Fantasy contains some of the most lifelike images ever seen in film. The computer program known as HyperReal captures the tiniest human characteristics such as hair follices and skin tone (Howell, 2001). Computer generated images have added also to the effects in some films. Pearl Harbour used computers to
  • 40. Summary Of Prayer At Valley Forge The painting by Arnold Friberg Prayer at Valley Forge, shows George Washington praying for his troops during the harsh winter but does not fully allow the viewer to understand the conditions of soldiers during their stay at Valley Forge. Valley Forge is one of the most famous times during the American Revolution even though it was not a battle. At this point in the war the Americans were losing the Revolution and many soldiers were sick and dying while the others were deserting. If I would have been at Valley ForgeI would have deserted, and I think given these conditions many people would choose desertion over re enlistment. Desertion will be high in the military if three conditions are met: lack of adequate shelter, lack of a proper supplies and lack of belief in the cause. Adequate shelter for soldiers will increase the willingness to stay in the army and not desert. Living in Valley Forge during the winter of 1778 meant living in huts. These huts were a rudimentary log cabin with a stick and clay fireplace, no windows and held 12 men (BACKGROUND ESSAY). Besides being cold the lack of windows caused the huts to become filled with smoke. So now the soldiers had to decide if they were going to keep a fire going with the door closed causing them to choke on the smoke, not have a fire inside, or to open the door and let the cold in. None of these choices were great. In the diary of Dr. Waldo he described the soldiers housing as hard lodging and that he was smoak d
  • 41. Essay To My One Love Facing death at any age is difficult, but for Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and John Sullivan, it came early, resulting in two essays retelling their experience. In their accounts of these situations, the author can see they both want to emphasise that death can come in very unexpected situations. To My One Love, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, begins on page 17 of 50 Essays by Samuel Cohen. In her essay, set in present day, she has flashbacks to her relationship with a boy from the wrong side of town named Nnamdi. They were in a loving relationship against their peers wishes. When it came time for them to separate due to education in separate locations, they had ended the relationship, but not before Nnamdi had promised that them... Show more content on ... In addition to the brain scans, the article titled Romance novel on Wikipedia also shows support to my claim of the romance genre affecting the reader. The article states, By the 2000s, romance had become the most popular genre in modern literature. , and in speaking of 2008, making up 13.5% of the consumer market. With evidence of readers choosing romance genres, I believe the audience will also lean toward an essay containing a romance genre. Another way I believe To My One Love was more effective is because of the tone of her essay compared to Feet in Smoke. In To My One Love, Chimamanda recalls her experience in present day with flashbacks to when her and Nnamdi were together. In her present day, she presents herself with joy of just publishing poetry in a newspaper office. She says on page 17 of 50 Essays, I swaggered and smiled, too full of accomplishment. When she notices a picture on the wall of Nnamdi dead, the continuation of the essay is foreboding (the flashbacks) and somber (going through the rest of present day). The foreboding and somberness puts emphasis on the emotions of facing death in unexpected situations (Chimamanda didn t expect Nnamdi to die so early in life or to see a picture of him on the wall which brought back all those feelings). In Feet in Smoke, the tone is more scattered, going from neutral (just relaying facts of how his
  • 42. A human induced global ecological crisis is occurring,... A human induced global ecological crisis is occurring, threatening the stability of this earth and its inhabitants. The best path to address environmental issues both effectively and morally is a dilemma that raises concerns over which political values are needed to stop the deterioration of the natural environment. Climate change; depletion of resources; overpopulation; rising sea levels; pollution; extinction of species is just to mention a few of the damages that are occurring. The variety of environmental issues and who and how they affect people and other species is varied, however the nature of environmental issues has the potential to cause great devastation. The ecological crisis we face has been caused through anthropocentric... Show more content on ... This is an ecoentric view which contrasts and challenges anthropocentrism, prioritizing human beings above other species and originating from religious values of the earth being made by a god for human use. Ecocentricism looks beyond humans and says the natural diversity building of the last 3.5 billion years should continue uninterrupted by a particular species, the earth and its resources are not just for human use and consumption (Foreman 1998: 358 373). Two key elements of deep ecology are the recognized ability for the unhindered development of the natural world, and bio centric equality , making it a political right for the natural world to develop (Naess 1998: 353 357). It promotes equality of all sentient and non sentient beings and treats the earth as one big life form that should not be interfered with by human behavior. If these values were to be politically dominant there would be not be such extreme neglect of environmental issues and irresponsible use of resources occurring as there is in modern society. Ecologism s focus on all elements of this earth being equal in worth to sentient creatures makes it an effective theory to tackle environmental issues in their entirety but comprises of difficult values to implement socially. Anthropocentricism is how humans have evolved to be the dominant life form on this planet, the religious values of humans being unique under the eyes of
  • 43. Nundah Case Study Since Nundah s first European settlement in 1938, it has gone through many changes and in particularly recently; a major transformation. Socially the changes are beneficial as things life the development of the bypass has made access to the Nundah area easier and trains, tunnels and bus stations locate the areacentrally as it is only 7 stops on the train and 6 minutes by car to the Central Business District. As a result of the increasing population, a wider range of services are being offered to Nundah residents such shopping centre, eateries and clothing stores which also increases the security and safety of the area. However socially the development of Nundah does not benefit the area as the increased amount of traffic causes surrounding... Show more content on ... Socially, proposal two would be beneficial, as it would allow for the development of higher quality architectural styles of new apartments and potentially new shops with modern looks , which would be attractive for some people. In addition, it would allow for an increase in other new developments to facilitate for the increased amount of residents and therefore new recreational areas and shops for clothing, food and eating out would be established to account for the new populations able to live in Nundah as a result of the residential developments. The residential developments would accommodate for the growing population that increases by 3% per year. However, negatively proposal two is not beneficial, as the development only accounts for a wealthy businessperson demographic therefore limiting the diversity of people living in the area. The increased amount of residents in Nundah would increase traffic and congestion as a result of not having anywhere to park. Nundah would become overcrowded as a result and the cultural heritage of Nundah s previous typical Queenslander type homes would be knocked down to make space for future development sites. In addition, the elderly populations living in Nundah may not approve of the rapid increases in populations and do not have the option or ability to live in unit style homes and will therefore be forced out of the area. Economically allowing high rise development is beneficial as it boosts the local economy, as new businesses would be established and surrounding already established businesses would gain more foot traffic due to increased population densities, which would therefore increase the amount of profit being made. In addition, more employment opportunities would become available, as new businesses would open. The price of properties will rise as a result of the
  • 44. Instant Ramen Literature Review From the time it was launch, instant ramen has become one of the most widely consumed products in Japan. That even the Japanese consider the instant ramen as their most important invention ever. Instant noodles have change the habits and ideas concerning food preparation all around the world. This symbol of convenience has become a product where it can be found in nearly every country. In addition, the demand for instant noodlesin areas hurt by war, poverty or natural disaster has made evident of its utility as an emergency food. Instant noodles can therefore be understood as one of the first worldwide convenience/comfort food marking the ever increasing accommodation of human nutritional practices. So, by exploring the association of instant ramenwith convenience can help me answer the question that this essay will examine: How Instant Ramen embodies Japanese cultural value of convenience and comfort throughout the world? Literature Review Instant noodles were invented in Japan in 1958 by Momofuku Ando, 10 years after Japan was defeated in World War II (History), when the country didn t have enough food to feed it s people. He got the idea of making tasty, affordable, and preservable ramen after he saw people around a ramen stall in postwar Osaka (Edwards). Instant ramen noodles are made with wheat flour,water, salt, and kansui, an alkaline water that addselasticity to the noodles. First, the ingredients arekneaded together to make a dough. Next, this
  • 45. Ralph s External Conflict Conflict has encompassed this society for generations upon generations and yet, as a whole, humanity can never seem to escape it. However as these tensions and dilemmas arise, more can be learned for who we are and what we are to become. In the novel, The Lord Of The Flies, by William Golding, an individual is able to create a better understanding of the situation they re in, and where they stand among their peers while in the midst of conflict, therefore allowing one s true self to manifest. Golding demonstrates this idea through following Ralph s external conflict with keeping order and civilization among the group, and Simon s conflict with his own acceptance as well as his peers acknowledgment. Once in the midst of conflict, an individual is able establish a better understanding of the current situation and what is to come . In the story, Lord of The Flies by William Golding, the main protagonist of Ralph struggles with maintaining order among his peers. With Ralph s last attempts to convey to the group of what s important on this island, he inevitably loses control of order among the boys and mayhem breaks during a group meeting. Ralph, now left with just Piggy and Simon comes to understand, If I blow the conch and they don t come back; then we ve had it. We shan t keep the fire... Show more content on ... Ralph not only realizes the severity of what he s gotten himself into, but also finally understands that those boys are no longers who they once were, and they are now out kill him, especially due to his connection with Jack. William Golding clearly portrays, through the character of Ralph, that while confronted and in the midst of conflict an individual is able to obtain a better understanding of the current situation and what s to
  • 46. Store 24 Case Study: Managing Employee Retention Relationship Between Employee and Manager Tenure and Store Performance One of the first steps in analysis of the data is to make a comparison of the 10 most profitable stores and the 10 least profitable stores. Hart claimed that the manager and crew tenure in the most profitable stores was almost four times the level of that in the least profitable stores. This analysis is however based solely on the summary statistics for those ten stores in each category. Taking a closer look at the results for the individual stores would suggest that the relationship is not so simple. For example looking at store 47, which is at the bottom of the ten most profitable list, both the crew and manager tenure ... Show more content on ... This shows that using the model with all eight variables included 63.8% of the variation in profitability may be explained. This suggests that the model may be valid in explaining the impact on profitability. In addition to this, from Table 3 it may be seen that the value of the F test statistic is 14.53, with a significance of less than 0.05 which also shows that the model is significant. However by looking at the results in Table 4 it may be seen that not all of the variables which are included in the model may be significantly contributing to the model. As the variable X5, which is the visibility of the store, has a p value of more than 0.05 this suggests that the variable is not contributing significantly to the model. This would suggest that removing this variable may further improve the model. In addition to this it would be necessary to remove any variables which were collinear as this could interfere with the results of the regression. After using the program PHStat to analyse the variable inflation factors (VIFs) of the variables these are all below 5, which shows that there is no collinearity between variables. Therefore the improved model would be one which included all variables except X5. Table 2: Regression model in which all explanatory variables are included |Regression Statistics | |Multiple R
  • 47. The American Natural Disaster Hurricane Katrina The American natural disaster Hurricane Katrina is likely to be the most actively blamed associated disaster in the United States. Although the question remains who is to receive the blame for the deaths and failures of appropriated emergency response and aid, I believe to place the blame on one party over another is dismissive due to sundry factors requiring attention. This is not to say, however, that FEMA or the national or state and local governments are not at all to blame for this tragedy as they were all responders to the situation, but how yellow journalism was utilized by journalists to provide false and inaccurate statements regarding Hurricane Katrina. For example, the way media televised, photographed, and displayed Hurricane Katrina s aftermath in New Orleans remarkably revealed the vast majority of those affected were African American. These numbers were not only disproportionate to the sizable percentages of African Americans within the city limits (CensusScope, 2006), but also how mainstream media and news outlets manipulated their stances. In fact, it wasn t until Rapper Kanye Westdeclared a statement in 2005 stating George Bush doesn t care about black people (Broder, Wilgoren, Alford, 2005), that caused an open debate on live television initiating a political partisan outcry. Although the extent of Kanye West s words were heavily debated by Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and others (Broder et al., 2005; Susan, J., 2008), these
  • 48. Statement Of Mechanical Engineering STATEMENT OF PURPOSE I am Nileshkumar Luhar. Discovering and understanding how certain mechanical products work have attracted my attention for the longest time. I have been watching TV show named How It s Made on the Discovery Channel since last six years. Seeing the manner in which the machineries and cars are built and the various processes involved instilled desire in me to be part of the whole process. I felt that Engineering would be the area, which would give me the opportunity to learn and explore how the fundamentals of science are applied to create technology for practical and real purposes. This coupled with a natural flair for science and mathematics motivated me to take up Mechanical Engineering in University. Mechanical engineering is a diverse subject that derives its breadth from the need to design and manufacture everything from small individual parts ... Show more content on ... Moreover, my innate strengths have always been creative abilities and power of imagination; which made me take up a discipline that would allow me to channel them in the best possible way. I have finished my bachelor of technology in mechanical engineering with 8.75 CGPA out of 10. Subjects like Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, Strength of material, Manufacturing Processes, Mechanical Design Analysis, Mechanical Vibrations etc., revealed to me limitless horizons in the field of Mechanical Engineering. We are in an era of global and technological changes where boundaries are fast disappearing and the greatest challenge tomorrow holds for us in to manage continuity of change. To satiate my curiosity and to fulfill my ambitions I have decided to pursue a masters program in Mechanical Engineering. I have
  • 49. Doug Sulliman Research Paper During the summer of 1979, Doug Sulliman was part of a bumper crop of future NHLers chosen in the opening round of the league s annual entry draft. Included were the likes of Mike Gartner, Rick Vaive, Ray Bourque, Paul Reinhart and Michel Goulet. Taken 13th overall by the New York Rangers, Sulliman played 11 NHL seasons with the Rangers, Hartford, New Jersey and Philadelphia. He then worked as an assistant coach for three seasons in New Jersey and also three with Phoenix.That works out to an impressive 17 years in the show. Sulliman s story begins in the former coal mining town of Glace Bay. Born in 1959, his generation was perhaps one of the last in these parts that played hockey on backyard rinks and frozen ponds practically all winter long. Yeah, the ponds were frozen and the reservoir was frozen in Glace Bay, he... Show more content on ... My father had the most influence on me, Sulliman said. We had that rink and we were on it all the time. Coming home from work, he d always be out there shoveling it off and watering it down. Buddy Sulliman, by the way, suited up with the 1955 56 Glace Bay Cinderella Miners hockey team that we featured recently on these pages. In his day, Dad was a real tough player who had a reputation, said Sulliman. I used to watch him play when I was a kid and I thought games only lasted one period because he d always have his gear over his shoulder because he got thrown out for fighting or something. He once told me, If you get into a fight on the ice, let the other guy know he was in one. That bit of advice lasted throughout my entire career. Of course, minor hockey played an enormous role in Sulliman s upbringing. The venue for his games and practice sessions was the once historic Glace Bay Miners Forum, which has since been replaced by the Bayplex Recreation
  • 50. Changes In America During The 19th Century Lucas McGrath US History Honors June 2, 2018 The Changes in America During the 19th Century During the 1800 s the United States of America was changed in a multitude of ways. The nation developed new forms of transportation and refined ones that had already existed. Along with these new means of transportation, breakthroughs in communication technology revolutionized many different aspects of an American citizen s life. Inventions and innovations were created that made huge impact on the economy which proved very beneficial to the new nation. Means of business were improved greatly as products could now be moved with far greater haste and at much less expense. The lives of many social minorities changed drastically throughout this... Show more content on ... The shakers were named that after their movement during their religious worship ceremonies where they shook off their sins. The shakers, were a movement that believed in the second coming of Jesus Christ, and believed that they could create a utopian society where reproduction was frowned upon. The Shaker movement, who were unable to reproduce because of their religious beliefs, attempted to keep the religion alive by recruiting people, which ultimately failed according to The religion eventually died off and the utopian societies eventually failed (https:/ / The 19th century utopian sects can trace their roots back to the Protestant Reformation. says The rappites, similar to the shakers, were another community trying to create a utopian society, they also believed christ had already come twice, and tried to create a Utopian Society. They as well eventually dissolved because of instances of failure to practice celibacy, or abstinance, says
  • 51. Swot Analysis Of Vodafone s Service BUISNESS ANALYSIS VODAFONE TELECOMM SERVICE IN AUSTRALIA Brief History: A global juggernaut Multinational Telecommunication company Vodafone headquartered in London, UK is the world s 2nd largest mobile telecommunications company. Vodafone operates networks in 21 countries and has partner networks in over 40 additional countries with over 430 mil customers worldwide. This company has come a long way when it started on 1 January 1985 with a significant presence in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Vodafonein Australia: Vodafone Hutchison Australia is the result of merging between Vodafone and Hutchison ,after setting up in Australia Vodafone was able to secure 27% customer percentage in the country making it third largest telecomm company . It was formed on 10 June 2009. Their first priority was getting the organization and the organizational structure sorted out. Current Services: Vodafone currently providing the fastest 4gnetworks in Australia .The results were compiled for Fairfax Media by British firm OpenSignal 2013. The services include (2G 4G): Postpaid Phone Plans Mobile broadband plans Prepaid plans International Roaming Plans Retail stores (over 170 stores) Competition: Telstra Corporation Limited Optus M2 Telecom AAPT Opticomm Big names like Telstra and Optus are always in competition with Vodafone. By launching 4G+ services Vodafone heated up the market in 2013. Few small companies compete with big 3 by putting up same plans for less buck
  • 52. There Are Several Practices That Uber Can Adopt In Order There are several practices that Uber can adopt in order to manage employee performance. Some practices include social recognition and related positive reinforcement. Social recognition and positive reinforcement consists of challenging employees and providing ample encouragement to motivate those employees to continue to learn and to improve in the workplace. In order for Uber to encourage employee engagement and employee performance they must express appreciation to their employees in front of others. I believe positive reinforcement to be one of the most crucial steps in achieving an environment that fosters employee engagement and in turn higher performance. Uber could also use benefit packages to encourage employee performance... Show more content on ... In order to accomplish a better understanding of what compensation policy will align with the company s strategic aim, Uber must have a good understanding of the basic factors that determine pay rates such as productivity and union influence. Uber must also use job evaluation methods such as using a market based approach, market competitive pay plan, point method, wage curves, wage structure and rate ranges, job classification, and even computerized job evaluations. Uber could also use ranking as a job evaluation method which revolves around obtaining job information, selecting and grouping jobs, then rank those jobs, and combine the ratings. A grade level example of job evaluation evaluates completed work for conformance to policy; guidelines, such as regulations, precedent cases, and policy statements that require considerable interpretation and adaptation. (Gary Dessler) I believe that in order to achieve a compensation policy that aligns with the strategic aim of the company, the best practices for Uber would be to adopt a competency based pay model that evaluates employees based on their productivity. I believe that this will also increase employee engagement overall, which leads the company as a whole to support the strategic aim. Benefits are an extremely crucial part of an employees contract with a company. If Uber wants to be successful in their expansion across the world, they must be able to provide the
  • 53. Iron Triangle Case Study 20. Name at least two peaceful martyrs who helped spark the Arab Spring. Two peaceful martyrs who helped spark the Arab Spring were Mohamed Bouazizi and Wael Ghonim. 21. What happened on January 25, 2011? January 25, 2011 was the start of the Egyptian Revolution. Men and women gathered in Tahrir Square to hold a demonstration against President Mubarak s regime to which there was a lot of political repression and economic and social stagnation that was associated with it. This left many of the Egyptian people to be very upset and eventually led to the gathering of people of Tahrir Square. 22. What is Ecology Peace? (pg.10) The ecology of peace is the framework that is focused on the interdependencies that connect the separate elements ... Show more content on ... Give an example of a nation using soft power. An example of a nation that is using soft power is the United Kingdom. One of the ways in which the U.K. exerts soft power through the British Broadcasting Center (BBC). It is a program that is owned by the British government and exports British culture and makes other states aware of internal matters as well as influencing coverage of international matters. The BBC is one of the most well respected and trusted news sources in the world. 37. Where did the model of peacemaking circles and restorative justice originate? The model of peacemaking circles and restorative justice originated from Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement. BONUS QUESTION: who was Oscar Lopez? Why should we care about him? Oscar Lopez is a Puerto Rican nationalist who has been in prison for a crime that he did not commit for 35 years. We should care about him because he has wrongfully been imprisoned and there is no movements for that to change despite efforts made by protestors and people in the