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Essay On Tribal Communities
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Essay On Tribal CommunitiesEssay On Tribal Communities
How Did Josef Mengele Study Twins
Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 in Gunzburg, Germany. Mengele is most famous for
studying twins. He studied Jewish and gypsy twins, wanting to make them more like the Aryan
race. To do this, he injected chemicals into their eyes to make them blue, pretended to be nice to
children so they would let him do this. In addition, Mengele drew blood from twins, taking so
much from some that they bled to death. After these twins had died, he would dissect their bodies.
In one experiment, he sewed two sisters together to make them siamese twins. Mengele also did
experiments on other people, although it was less common. He impregnated girls with their own
brothers or even their fathers. Other experiments he did include: performing sex changes,
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Hyperbole In Macbeth
Literature is strongly admired for its plethora of techniques that enhance the meaning of its
creations. A motif is a literary technique which is a recurring symbol or idea that establishes the
theme or central focus. William Shakespeare, highly renowned English playwright, has written
many plays with unique motifs that define each play significantly. One of his most famous
playwrights is Macbeth, a tragic story about a brave Scottish general named Macbeth that receives a
prophecy that he will one day be the King of Scotland. Macbeth does everything in his dwindling
power to ensure the legitimacy of the crown, regardless of the unfortunate consequences that
plummet his soul into the depths of darkness and despair. Throughout the play, Shakespeare... Show
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When Macbeth returns from completing the forsaken deed, he is in shock and awe of the huge
crime he recently committed. He says, Will all great Neptune s ocean wash this blood/ Clean
from my hand? No, this my hand will rather/ The multitudinous seas incarnadine,/Making the
green one red (2.2. 78 81). The hyperbole helps emphasize the irrevocable task that Macbeth just
did. He s saying that there is not enough water in the world to wash or clean himself of the blood.
There is no way for him to get rid of the blood on his hands. He s also saying that everything he
touches henceforth will inevitably be tainted by this blood. Within the hyperbole, Macbeth
alludes to Neptune, the Roman god of the seas. This shows that not even the water from the god
who blesses and protects the seas and water as a whole will be able to wash away his sins and
crimes. Blood in this scene represents the extensive guilt that Macbeth feels for killing King
Duncan. Macbeth will never be able to return to his true self, the blood will always remain on his
hands, and he will forever be haunted with this. By stating that he can change the color of the ocean
to red shows how greatly this has affected Macbeth and the huge amount of guilt that he now has.
This is the first murderous crime that Macbeth commits for the crown, and the guilt from it
continues to haunt him as he plots to kill others that would pose
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The tragedy of the commons invading our environmental...
Research in the Disciplines ... Show more content on ...
Basically she is stating the fact that each person has the right to live in a clean world, be able to
obtain the necessities which are needed to live, and make a living in which they can lead a healthy
It is through the theories of the tragedy of the commons and environmental rights that we realize
that all of society is invading one another s environmental rights through the tragedy of the
commons. This is done very inconspicuously in some cases such as that of the Coral Reefs.
The Coral Reefs are limestone formations that are produced by living organisms. They are found
in shallow tropical waters. The predominate organisms that make them up are stony corals, which
are colonial cnidarians that secrete calcium carbonate (limestone) as an exoskeleton. Calcium
carbonate is also deposited by other types of marine organisms such as tube building annelid
worms but any reef formed by a biological community is called a coral reef. These skeletons
accumulate due to the tides and create a formation that supports the living coral as well as the
highest species diversity of all explored marine habitats. Reefs are found between the latitudes of
30В°N to
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Naturalism In Cythera
On looking closely at her sculpture it is seen that cupid s arrows are tied to her along with a
garland of flowers. These are clear connotations of love. Cupid can be seen sitting below the
sculpture with his quiver down almost as though nothing has to be done to bring love in that area.
He is seen tugging the skirt of the lady sitting near him, as though he is urging her to fall in love
with the man on her right, who seems to be trying too. On following the coupled figures down
towards the boat, is a conspiracy whether the boat bought the figures to Cythera or is taking
them to the island of Cythera. On closely observing the body language of the figures, it is
noticed how they get closer and closer towards a state of intimacy. As observed towards the boat
a couple is seen where the women is holding the man s arm of her own volition, she doesn t have
to be coaxed anymore. The progression of the figures almost looks like a form of dance. The
second figured couple hold hands similar to the dance form in the 18th century.
On ... Show more content on ...
The French crowd desired more dramatic and realistic art which led to the birth of this art form.
The favourite themes the realism artists liked to paint was scenes of urban life , scenes of rural
life, street life , working class , cafГ©s and nightclubs. They also loved to paint nudity and sensual
paintings. This movement moved away from what was ideal to what was simply ordinary . Artists
preferred painting real and ordinary people in contrary to the previous movements where which
focused on religious themes which always managed to look aesthetically appealing even if the figure
in the painting was subject to pain or loss. In the realism art movement beggars looked the way
they would in real life unlike in the previous art periods where even the beggar would look
appealing in a
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The Change Is Ruled By Human Effects
Progressed ecological change is ruled by human effects, which are in a matter of seconds
adequately generous to surpass the breaking points of normal variability. The essential wellspring
of overall ecological change is human impelled changes in air creation. These inconveniences on a
very basic level occur in view of discharges joined with essentialness use, yet on adjacent and
commonplace scales, urbanization and region use changes are moreover basic. Notwithstanding the
way that there has been headway in checking and cognizance natural change, there stay various
investigative, specific, and institutional snags to precisely making game plans for, acclimating to,
and mitigating the effects of ecological change. There is still great... Show more content on ...
The essential arrangement is the end of the smoldering of coal, oil and, over the long haul,
normal gas (Wagner). This is perhaps the most overpowering test as locals of wealthier nations
really eat, wear, work, play and even consider the things created utilizing such fossilized
sunlight. Oil is the oil of the overall economy, concealed inside such pervasive things as plastic
and corn, and significant to the transportation of both customers and items. Coal is the substrate,
supplying by and large half of the force used as a piece of the U.S. besides, about that much
around the globe a rate that is inclined to create, as showed by the Global Vitality Office. There
are no flawless responses for reducing dependence on fossil fills (for occurrence, carbon
unbiased biofuels can drive up the expense of support and prompt timberland pulverization,
remembering nuclear power does not release nursery gasses, it produces radioactive waste), yet
every piece checks. So endeavor to use choices when possible plant decided plastics, biodiesel,
wind power and to place assets into the change, be it by stripping from oil stocks or placing assets
into associations sharpening carbon catch and top. Supplanting fossil forces may exhibit the
impressive test of the 21st century. Various contenders exist, reaching out from ethanol got from
respects hydrogen electrolyzed out of water, yet every one of them have a couple of drawbacks,
too, and none are immediately available at the scale
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Shoes Are The Lifeblood Of Marikina
Each place in Manila has a thing, be it an object, food, clothing apparel, that makes them unique
if not make it standout. For example Malabon is well known for their delicious pancit, Binondo
is known for its Chinese heritage and culture and of course Makati is known for its unbearable
traffic. Shoes are the lifeblood of Marikina. It s the thing that makes it unique and special to
Manila. When you say shoes, Marikina is the place that pops into the minds of most of the
residents in Manila. I personally am a resident of Marikina and I can say shoes is not only the
livelihood of Marikina residents but its Social Identity to the Philippines. Many famous Filipino
figures have worn shoes made from Marikina. Names such as Manuel Roxas, Gloria Macapagal
Arroyo and Imelda Marcos, who supposedly owns 3000 pairs of shoes some of which if... Show
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Slowly people discovered the art of show making and from then on it became a common
livelihood in the City which was actually his true intentions, to provide jobs to the people. From
there the industry grew and matured. In the year 1935, Marikina had already 139 shops and from
there it continued to even become a place where people from Manila would flood to buy good
quality shoe. Due to the fact Marikina was getting such recognition for its shoes nationwide in
1956 it was announced Marikina was named Shoe Capital of the Philippines . Until now you
can still see shops in Marikina that sell shoes. Especially the art of Concepcion cause it is the
heart of the shoe industry in Marikina. When you need shoes or maybe to have your shoes
repaired Marikina is the place to go. Does Marikina even live up to its title? Are their shoes even
that good? Well I interviewed the tour guide in the Marikina Shoe museum, which contains the
controversial 800 of Imelda s 3000 pairs of shoes, what makes
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The Impact Of Sacajawea On The State Of Idaho
Sacajawea was born about 1790 in what is now the state of Idaho. She was one of the Snake
People, otherwise known as the Shoshone. Her name in Hidatsa was Tsi ki ka wi as, Bird
Woman. In Shoshone, her name means Boat Pusher. She was stolen during a raid by a Hidatsa
Contrary to popular opinion, Sacajawea did not serve as a guide for the party. She only influenced
the direction taken by the expedition one time, after reaching the area where her people hunted she
indicated they should take a tributary of the Beaverhead River to get to the mountains where her
people lived and where Lewis and Clark hoped to buy horses.
On August 15, 1805 Sacajawea was re united with her tribe, only to learn that all her family had
died, with the ... Show more content on ...
The expedition spent the winter at Fort Mandan and Sacajawea s baby, Jean Baptiste Charbonneau,
was born on Feb. 11 or 12, 1805. He was also given the Shoshone name, Pomp, meaning First
Born.The expedition resumed the westward trek on April 7, 1805. Their route was along the
Missouri River, west to the mountains. On May 14, 1805 an incident occurred which was
typical of the calmness and self possession Sacajawea was to display throughout the journey. The
incident was recorded in the diaries because of it s significance to the success of the expedition.
On that day, the boat Sacajawea was in was hit by a sudden storm squall. It keeled over on it s
side and nearly capsized. As the other members of the crew worked desperately to right the boat,
Sacajawea, with her baby strapped to her back, busied herself with retrieving the valuable books
and instruments that floated out of the boat. They had been wrapped in waterproof packages for
protection and, thanks to Sacajawea s courage and quick actions, suffered no damage.On August
15, 1805 Sacajawea was re united with her tribe, only to learn that all her family had died, with
the exception of two brothers and the son of her oldest sister, whom she adopted. One of her
brothers, Cameahwait, was head chief of the Shoshone. The Shoshone chief agreed to sell the party
the horses they needed for the trek through the mountains. He also sketched a map of the country to
the west and provided a guide, Old Toby,
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The Portrayal Of The Theatre Of The Absurd Essay example
The Portrayal of the Theatre of the Absurd Throughout literature, much has been assumed and
gathered about the state of man and his purpose in life. Different poets, novelists, and playwrights
have employed the powerful tools of language to broadcast their respective statement to the literate
world. Many authors stand out for their overly romanticized or horribly pessimistic notations on
life, but only Samuel Beckettstands out for his portrayal of absence. As Democritus, a Greek
philosopher, noted, nothing is more real than nothing, a quote which became one of Beckett s
favorites and an inspiration for his masterful plays (Hughes 1). Beckett s works have astounded
many through their utter divergence from the typical basis of a... Show more content on ...
Beckett purposefully strips the setting of all elements of realityВ—namely time and definition. In
Waiting for Godot, his stage directions simply state, A country road. A tree. (1) Such simplicity
initially seems to muddy the clarity of the work, causing confusion as to the location and
specifics of the characters plight and conditions. However, as Daryl McDaniel constitutes,
bareness of the set only serves to create a complex fictional and highly theatrical world
(McDaniel 1). As the play goes on, this vague scenario also serves to make the work universal,
due to the commonality of such elements in nature. Similarly, although Endgame s plot plays out
in a more confined and defined space, a room with two high windows and two ashbins, the
surroundings are bleak and undefined. Collectively, Beckett s use of setting defies reality. Jean
Jaques Mayoux elaborates on this point to clarify, a realistic setting would spoil everything
(Mayoux 42). Beckett s intentional bleaching of the set allows for the perfect portrayal of the
world as incomprehensible. The distortion of time serves to enhance the incomprehensibility of
Beckett s works. Not only does Beckett fail to specify a time period, the element of time passage
becomes unfathomable, implying the same about the world in which we live. Waiting for Godot
opens with the
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The Ultimate Management Challenge For A Family Business
In this week s chapter The Ultimate Management Challenge we read about succession plans and
what that can mean for a family business. According to the reading about 40% of businesses in the
world are family businesses that have more than one generation working for them and will have to
come up with a succession plan if they don t already have one. A Succession plan is simply passing
on the businessleadership and power from one senior generation to another younger generation.
When reading this book I learned a lot about the rags to rags, shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves
phenomenon, and why it can and does occur, as well as 2 main things a family business must have
to be successful. If the new generation comes in with the same enthusiasm and values as the
previous generation then the transition to new managementwill be much easier and in theory there
will still be a company for the upcoming generations to be a part of and profit from, this is the
idea of rags to riches. Sadly this isn t the most common way succession plans work, most
commonly the second or third generation comes in and doesn t share the enthusiasm, vision, or
values as the previous generation(s) had and runs the business into the ground. This trend has many
names: rags to rags, shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves, etc. however it all has the same general meaning,
the wealth or success of the business does not exceed 3 generations. Although I find the loss of
enthusiasm, vision and/ or values tends to be the most
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Truths In The Preface Of Animal Farm By George Orwell
Many people chose not to believe the reality behind Soviet communism and all of the terrible
things that were happening in Russia when Joseph Stalin was in control. In the Preface of
Animal Farm, Russell Baker stated that Orwell was that political figure that all politicians
feared (Baker, ix) and that he insisted on the truth even when the truth was most inconvenient
(Baker, ix). Russell Baker s assertion is proven to be true in multiple spots throughout the book.
Some events that happen in George Orwell s book, prove certain truths to be factual because
they are based off of things that actually happened with Soviet Communism. By proving these to
be true, politicians fear him because he makes people open their eyes to truths about the world
they would rather be blind to instead. The first truth George Orwell tells in his book Animal
Farm, is that brainwashing in the form of propaganda works. He shows this truth when
Napoleon uses Squealer as a form of propaganda that promotes himself and makes everything
else look bad in the eyes of the animals on the farm. Squealer uses logos when talking to the
animals telling them of yet another lie about Snowball, Jones s shot only grazed him. I could
show you this in his own writing, if you were able to read it (Orwell, 90). By stating he could
show the other animals that Snowball did write it, it makes his claim more credible to the animals
who didn t believe him. It also helped that the animals could not check if he was
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The Green Table Kurt Jooss Essay
Paulina Milewska
Kurt Jooss The Green Table
Expressionism can be described as a movement in the fine arts that emphasized the expression of
inner experience rather than realistic portrayal, looking to obtain not objective reality, but the
subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist. Several
characteristics of expressionism are distortion, exaggeration, primitivism, and fantasy. The Green
Table, a ballet by Kurt Jooss, 1932, is an ideal example of expressionism because it depicts the
choreographer s personal interpretation of war through the use of movement, music by Fritz Cohen
and lighting by Hermann Mankard.
The Green Table is a piece of performance created mostly by Kurt Jooss, the piece lasts... Show
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However, movement is not his only means of self expression.
The music accompaniment to this piece comes from one or two pianos which works well with the
dance so that neither one overshadows the other. There are no other instruments used, the melody
of the piano changes from scene to scene in order to project Jooss emotional responses. During the
scenes with the politicians, the air of the piano is light hearted and almost comedic. The story
begins with the politicians in masks that are arguing in a non naturalistic way using their postures
and gestures for example: standing up with masks facing the audience wearing white gloves
reaching their hands out with open palms portraying careless emotion. The show ends the same way
which gives an impression of Jooss trying to say that there will always be arguments between
higher statuses that don t help the general public but they use their powers for their own
entertainment. The purpose of this was to show the detachment of these men from the war. They
are in a safe situation, unexposed to war and death. When the scene changes and we see what s
happening in the lives of citizens, this tune is transformed into a thunderous and eerie song that
haunts the audience. The reason for this change is to reveal Jooss feelings about the unnecessary
brutality and death that always comes with a war, and how politicians don t understand the horror
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The Causes Of The Stonewall Riots
In 1969 in Greenwich Village, New York, a 6 day riot took place that would launch the first Pride
March and launch the Gay Rights movement as a national movement. The conflict was started
when police raided the Stonewall bar, a bar that was a safe place for homosexuals to visit, and
violence erupted between the two groups. In the end, homosexuals were granted more rights and
gained more acceptance in American culture. The Stonewall Riotstook place in Greenwich Village,
New York in 1969. Police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar run by the mafia, which outraged
its many patrons and the people of the village. The patrons of the bar was not the only reason the
Stonewall Inn got raided. Since it was illegal to sell alcohol to homosexuals, it was done
illegally. The SLA, the state liquor authority, would not give liquor licenses to those who would
sell to homosexuals. The Stonewall Inn owner, Fat Tony, combated this problem by saying the
bar was a bottle club. A bottle club was where the patrons would bring their own bottles and get
their alcohol from their privately owned stock. Violence broke out after 13 people were arrested
and put into a wagon. People in the crowd yelled at the police to stop. The officers responded by
telling them to get off the street. Someone started throwing pocket change at the officers, and others
began rocking the wagon (Rede). Other villagers and patrons threw objects at the police, such as
bricks and bottles, and chanted protests to the
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Analysis Of Her Mistress s Clothes By Harriet Cany Peale
Her Mistress s Clothes by Harriet Cany Peale is a wonderful example of a composition that
identifies African American and Anglo Saxon women in 1848, displaying the difference of race
and their identities within this period.
Cany Peale s painting shows an Anglo Saxon woman engaging with an African American woman, at
first glance, one could assume this is a genre painting, that of a peaceful scene demonstrating people
in everyday activities ( Genre Painting ). Two women intimately engaging in a grooming ritual
(Byrd) however this thought is fractured as you see the controlling way the Anglo Saxon woman
holds the bottom of the African American woman s face as she gazes upon herself in the mirror. A
spectacle of power and control that is further illustrated as the Anglo Saxon woman stands slightly
taller than the African American, demonstrating the hierarchy and to establishing their identities as
Mistress and slave.
The slave is compositionally arranged in front of the Mistress in a predominant position,
however as noted in our text this week, most of the slaves placed in the foreground of a painting
in this era were done so in humor, to tease or to make them look immature (Pohl 278). As the title
suggests, this slave has been dressed up by her Mistress in her Mistress s clothing as a way for the
Mistress to make fun of the slave, teasing her with a taste of wealth and upper class. Cany Peale s
previous career in fancy goods gave her the understanding of what was in fashion
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Virginia Woolf s Of Human Bondage
Of Human Bondage is, as we all know, written from Philip s point of view, and therefore we
sympathize with Philip, care about what goes on his life, and even feel attached to him. But, if
the story had been written from say, Mildred s point of view, we may not feet the same about
Philip. Chances are, his characterization would be completely different because of how Mildred
views him, and we would probably grow to dislike Philip as much as we learned to dislike
Mildred. Many have heard the saying, history is written by the winners, meaning we more
commonly sympathize with the winners because it is they who got to tell the story, and we learn
to dislike the opposing side, the way we dislike the British of the Revolutionary, the way we dislike
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We would have been able to understand her thoughts about Philip, her odd distaste for him, how
she genuinely felt about the German man she left Philip for. We may view Philip in a different
light, as a weak, easily manipulated man, or as a man who didn t care, didn t understand her
situation. While we would still, most likely, see the faults in Mildred, the way we did with
Philip, we would probably think of them in a kinder way. After all, we all disliked Mildred when
she left Philip, who clearly loved her, to be with the German man. Yet, is that not what Philip
did do Nora, who really did love him? The two characters have many similarities, yet we view
one as good, and one as bad. Both raised by people other than their parents, both concerned with
money, both easily distracted, both in love just, not necessarily with each other. They both
turned to others for money when they were struggling; Philip wishing his uncle would die,
Mildred begging Philip for help. Neither of these characters are exactly good people, but they are
seen as opposing forces of good versus evil. It is in this way that, through perspective, we choose
who are the good people, and who are the bad. If Of Human Bondage had been written from a
different point of view, it is likely that we would have
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The Lotos-Eaters by Tennyson
I. Introduction For many years, Tennyson has attracted readers by what Edmond Gosse called
the beauty of the atmosphere which Tennyson contrives to cast around his work, molding it in the
blue mystery of twilight, in the opaline haze of sunset. He is one of the greatest representative
figures of the Victorian Age. His writing incorporates many poetic styles and includes some of the
finest idyllic poetry in the language. He is one of the few poets to have produced acknowledged
masterpieces in so many different poetic genres; he implemented perhaps the most distinguished
and versatile of all the written works in the
English language. The first time I read The Lotus Eaters 1, I have to admit that I had a hearty dislike
for ... Show more content on ...
They conclude, We will not wander more.
C. Symbolism I wonder about the symbolism of Odysseus enc ounter with the
Lotos Eaters. After so many years of battle, after so much grief and trauma that Odysseus and his
men spent, they need to escape into a dreamlike world in which they may begin their healing.
Psychologically, the deeper the pain one has experienced, the more often one is drawn to
experiences of ecstasy in order to counter it. On a a deeper level, the Lotophagi experience appears
to be an antecedent of the adventures that follow with the Cyclops, Circe,
Calypso, and the Sirens4. There are a lot of images in the poem. There is also a brief hint of
foreshadowing; In which[the island of the Lotos Eaters] it always seemГЁd afternoon , meaning
that when you are in a state of happiness, everything seems the same. That only when you are
drugged is that you get in this state of being. His voice was thin...his beating heart did make . This
describes a primitive rendition of drug addicts.
D. Theme One of the recurring themes in many poems is the conflict between personal fulfillment
and public responsibility. That is, often the character in the poem is pulled one way by something
he or she wants to do, and another way by a sense of duty or obligation that must be performed.
This is the
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Alliteration In Rock And Roll Figurative Language Essay
The most effective figurative language technique that the poet utilizes in the Inchcape Rock is
alliteration. Alliteration is the use of repeating consonant sounds at the beginning of words close
together in order to facilitate narration. A few examples of alliteration from the poem are:
No stir in the air, no stir in the sea,
The ship was as still as she could be. (Lines 1 2)
The repeated use of the s sound creates a rhythmic sound that along with the end of line rhyming
scheme makes for a very enjoyable read or recitation. Other examples of alliteration are the names
of the characters in the poem such as Abbot of Aberbrothok and Sir Ralph the Rover. Another
figurative language that the poet uses is personification. Personification is when ... Show more
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The poet also utilizes a metaphor in the poem. A metaphor is when there is a comparison of two
different things. The comparison is not directly stated, but implied. The example of the metaphor in
the poem is:
A sound as if with the Inchcape Bell; The devil below was ringing his knell. (Lines 67 68) By
using this metaphor, Southey demonstrates to the readers that Sir Ralph hears the sound of a
funeral bell announcing his death as he sinks to the bottom of the sea. He points out the
resemblance of this sound to the Devil ringing the death knell with the very same Inchcape bell in
which Ralph attempted to steal. The metaphor describes that Sir Ralph is descending into hell.
Throughout the poem, the poet uses not only figurative language techniques but many descriptive
techniques in order to enhance the overall effect of the poem. Southey uses visual and sound
images which provide a vivid picture to the readers. The following are just a couple of examples
used in the poem
Examples of visual images: The sun in heaven was shining gay. (Line 17); The waves flowed over
the Inchcape Rock. (Line
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A Compare And Contrast Fats Research Paper
Compare and Contrast Fats Generally, the word shortening means any group of solid fats.
Shortenings generally consist of nearly 100 percent fat. It may be made from vegetable oils,
animal fats, or both. Shortenings are used for may purposes, so manufacturers have formulated
various kinds of fats with various properties. (Gisslen, 2013)
All Purpose Shortening
Also known as regular shortening, have a tough, waxy texture, and small particles of the fat tend to
hold their shape in a dough or batter. They are called plastic shortenings, which means they are
moldable at room temperature. They have a good creaming ability. Which means that a good
quantity of air can be mixed into them to give a batter lightness and leavening power. This type of
shortening melts only at a high temperature. ... Show more content on ...
They are also used in many other pastries, breads, and products mixed by creaming, such as certain
pound cakes, cookies, and quick breads.
High Ratio Shortening
These are soft shortenings that spread easily throughout a batter and quickly coat the particles of
sugar and flour. The are call high ratio because they were devised for use in cake batter that
contain a high ratio of sugar and liquid to flour. They also contain added emulsifying agents, so they
can hold a larger quantity of liquid and sugar than regular shortenings. Which gives a smoother and
finer texture to cake and make them moister. Commonly referred to as emulsifying shortening.
High ratio shortening does not cream well. When a recipe calls for creaming shortening and sugar,
regular shortening should be used. High ratio shortening is often used in icings because it can hold
more sugar and liquid without curdling. It is more temperature stable and will hold air better upon
whipping, improving volume and stability.
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Haversian Bone
Journal article write up Spatial organization of the haversian bone in man
The strength of the human bone depends on the microstructure contained inside. Every human bone
contains osteons, these are aligned in a certain way, osteonal orientation. Usually in humans they
are grouped in two antirotary system of opposite direction in the shaft of the bone
(diaphysis).There is a general hypothesis that the direction of these osteons is a functional
adaptation and depends on the direction of the first stress that acts on the bone. There are a few
others who looked into this hypothesis but they considered a sheep tibia. Here the writer of the
article is trying to determine the osteonal direction in a human femurs and evaluate the results to
see if the above hypothesis was good. In this study the angle of osteonal orientation was measured
and also the direction. ... Show more content on ...
The adult bones had normal structure and polio affected the bone structure causing bending in the
diaphysis. To study the structure the primary layer was removed by electrical grounding, later
India ink was used to stain the structure of the bone. Then a metallographic paper was used on the
structure of the bone to give it a high lusture and then the structure was studied. The osteonal
direction was measured in the area where the bone had a nearly circular cross section. A
cylindrical loading model was used to compare the results to that of the femurs. The cylindrical
model was loaded in with bending force in the frontal plane and torque in the perpendicular
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Electronic Article Surveillance Systems And Radio...
The modern world, as of today, is greatly fuelled by the growing economy in the field of
electronics, but yet, much of daily tasks in education, the work office, and such are still done by
hand, and thus slow down the rate of the undertaking greatly. However, many techniques used in
more complex situations, can be tinkered with, adding in new ideas, and concepts, applied in
different ways can eventually bring a harmony betweenst daily life and the technological world. For
example, the RFIDtag and the rest of the electronic article surveillance systems, called EAS can
be combined with the idea of the credit card to form a completely new idea that work make daily
life quite the bit simpler.
RFID tags are an acronym for Radio Frequency IDentification and although can be used and
applied for a multitude of purposes in the world, the greater majority of them are used to prevent
theft at the supermarket or department store. However, some progress had been made in the field
of electronic management, of the most notable being embedded inside a library book s cover in
order to automatically check it out to the patron to injecting the rice sized tag into a pet or human to
identify its location. The benefits of this tag are great though, much more than exploited. The RFID
system contains of two primary components: the transmitter and the receiver which operate per the
name by the former transmitting radio signals and the latter receiving them. The radio signals used
are similar to
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WeekOneTeamWorkEditTwo Essay
Textbook Graphing Methods
MTH 214
Amanda R. Poole Loggains
Hollie Thompson
Arielle Seidman
Professor Roland Garbe
February 2, 2015
University of Phoenix Material
Textbook Graphing Methods Worksheet
LearningTeam A
Hollie Thompson
Use the elementary school textbooks you selected to complete the following table. You must
review at least one textbook from each of the following three grade ranges: Grades K 2, Grades 3 5,
and Grades 6 8.
For example, you may review a book from Grades 1, 4, and 7 to meet the requirements of this
assignment. If your sample textbook does not contain any of the graphs listed below, please indicate
that as you complete the table.
Book Name
Picture Graph
(How and when introduced)
Bar ... Show more content on ...
This particular book collected data from the students about which type of food they liked most and
used pictures of the food to represent that number.
The bar graph was introduced after the picture graph. The information used in the picture graph was
transferred to a bar graph to show the students the same information in a different format.
The line graph was introduced at the end of third grade, but not in much detail. In this edition, the
line graph is used to display a person s height from birth to 10 years of age.
The circle graph, also known as a pie chart or graph, was introduced after the line graph. The
example in the book was someone keeping track and showing how they spend their day. This is a
good example of how to get the students involved. They could easily keep a schedule of their day
and make a circle graph. That sounds like a great extra credit project to me.
Other skills introduced in this book includes using tally marks to collect the data for your charts,
using number lines to introduce negative and positive numbers, and using that number line to solve
Sarama, J., Clements, D. H. (2006). Mathematics in kindergarten. (61 ed., Vol. 5, p. 38). YC Young
Children. Retrieved from
/doc/1129349361/fmt/pi/rep/NONE?hl= cit:auth=Sarama, Julie;Clements, Douglas
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Wang Lung Land Quotes
When we are introduced to Wang Lung in the beginning of the novel, he owns an average sized
amount of land already in his possession, the same land that his father had farmed in his own
time. However, as he becomes more successful later in his life, the farmer begins to purchase
more land from the House of Hwang and from other farmers in his area. In comparison to others,
Wang Lung considers his land to have rich soil and be perfect for farming, a prime example
presented when he contrasts his own land to his uncle s, which he describes to have soil like
lime (Page 52) because of his uncle s careless farming techniques. With his great wealth, Wang
Lung is able to hire workers to tend to his land when he is in his old age, and to rent his land
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Marburg Virus Research Paper
No, doctors haven t found a cure for Marburg, but they treat this fever with antibodies.Doctors
state that antibodies fight against Marburg very welly. Even though there isn t a cure infected
patients are given supported hospital care (Marburg virus disease history,sThe CDC states that
Marburg is a rare severe Hemorrhagic fever (Marburg Hemorrhagic fever). Marburg was first
recognized in 1967 in Germany.Fruit bats maybe the reservoir of Marburg. The first people who
caught Marburg we re exposed to monkeys. Scientist say that this virusis transmitted through direct
contact of body fluids.Marburg has countless amounts of symptoms, has no cures, and kills almost
every host (CDC). In this manner Marburg was first found in Frank, Germany in
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Romanticism In Annie Hall
Annie Hall is a 1977 American romantic comedy film directed by Woody Allen from a
screenplay co written by him and Marshall Brickman. Charles H. Joffe who was Woody Allen s
manager at that time produced the film and the film s director played the leading male, Woody
Allen, as Alvy Max Singer, who is a hostile man who tries to figure out the reasoning for his
failure in relationships with the film s female lead, who is played by Diane Keaton. Annie Hallis not
seen as a traditional romantic film, due to the fact that the stereotype that the viewer has about
romantic films are reversed.
Unlike other romantic films Annie Hall starts with the story of the break up and the audience is
only introduced to the beginning of the relationship 25 minutes into the film. They meet at a tennis
club and immediately after their meeting things turn awkward, and what makes it more awkward is
the ... Show more content on ...
The initiation of the first meeting was done by Annie which is quite unusual because society
believes that woman should be courted by the ma. Annie s dress code throughout the film is very
masculine with her fitted suits and ties, she is not seen as the conventional girly girl stereotype.
Annie also owns and drives her own car which once again is the position that a make has to show
superiority, this puts Alvy in a feminine position. The role change is seen clearly in the scene
when they move in together when Alvy says: I don t want you to live with me!? Whose idea was
it? (Annie Hall and Annie replies: mine then Alvy subverts under her and replies with: yeah, it was
yours, actually, but I approved it immediately . One can clearly see that Annie wears the pants in
the relationship which is unlike a conventional romantic
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Jaffe V. Samsung Elecs
JaffГ© v. Samsung Elecs. Co.
Qimonda AG, a German semiconductor manufacturer, had patent cross licenses with many of its
competitors. Such licenses, in industries like electronics, allow parties in effect to have a truce with
respect to patents, so that they may proceed their respective businesses. Qimonda file bankruptcy
and ceased operations, so no longer needed the protection of the cross licenses. Rather, it terminated
the licenses under German bankruptcy law, to replace them with licenses under which it would
receive royalty payments. Qimonda filed a chapter 15 bankruptcy proceeding in the United States,
to do the same with its American licenses. The representative committed to re license Qimonda s
patent portfolio to the Licensees at a reasonable and nondiscriminatory ( RAND ) royalty.
However, the American courts held that US bankruptcy law did not allow licenses. Chapter 15 of
the Bankruptcy Code allows the representative of a foreign bankruptcy proceeding to file an
ancillary proceeding in the United States. It also allows broad recognition of orders entered in the
foreign bankruptcy proceeding. But the recognition is subject to certain safeguards. The US
bankruptcy court may refuse to apply the foreign order if the action would be manifestly contrary to
the public policy of the United States. In addition, the court must ensure that the interests of the
creditors and other interested entities, including the debtor, are sufficiently protected.
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Marketing Ch-9
PF16 09
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
_C___1.According to your text, ____ are small technology based firms operating in international
markets within two years of their establishment and realizing as much as 70 percent of their sales
outside the domestic home market.
a.| natural globals |
b.| multinational corporations |
c.| born globals |
d.| born multinationals |
e.| multinational enterprises |
__B__2.The Mont Blanc Company plans to export expensive consumer gift items to Germany. The
best overall economic measure of market potential would be Germany s
a.|gross domestic product.|
b.|gross domestic product per capita.|
c.|gross national product.| ... Show more content on ...
a.|Trading company|
b.|Strategic alliance|
d.|Direct ownership|
_A___14.An alliance between Honda and Ford would most likely be classified as
a.|a strategic alliance.|
b.|a joint venture.|
c.|direct ownership.|
d.|a multinational enterprise.|
e.|contract manufacturing.|
__B__15.IKEA, a Swedish retailer of contemporary furniture, operates several stores in various
Scandinavian countries, as well as in the United States and Canada. Which of the following
describes IKEA s level of commitment to international marketing?
b.|Direct ownership|
d.|A trading company|
e.|A joint venture|
_C___16.Exporting, licensing, and using trading companies are preferred modes of international
market entry for firms with a(n) ____ structure.
a.|international division|
b.|internationally integrated|
c.|export department|
d.|geographic area|
_B___17.Which of the following is most likely to engage in direct ownership activities
a.|Internationally integrated structures|
b.|International division structures|
c.|Export department structures|
d.|Import department structures|
e.|Outsourcing structures|
_B__18.When asked where Laser Tools, Inc., markets its products, company president and founder
Roger Helms says that the world is
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Imagination At The State Library Of Queensland
Review of Imagination Playscape
Imagination Playscape at the State Library of Queensland is a place for children under the age of
twelve to play, create and build together. The room filled with an assortment of blue, soft loose
parts that allow children to play creatively. To judge the quality of Imagination Playscape as an
early childhood learning space, Ceppi Zini s (1998) key characteristics of environments for young
children have been used.
Information about Imagination Playscape that is displayed on the wall.
Overall Softness
Imagination Playscape is very open, with several ways to enter the space as it is connected to the
library, and there are doors leading outside. The space allows children of all ages to work together,
and ... Show more content on ...
The Imagination Playscape features different shaped parts which can be used as a variety of things,
allowing children to creatively design and build structures. One child may use a particular part for
one purpose, while another may imagine it as something different. Furthermore, the holes in
some of the parts can be used for different purposes. They may be used as a way to join pieces
together, as a window or even as a way for young children to easily move them around. All the
furniture except for the large tiered seating is easy to move, though some children may need
assistance from an adult, allowing the space to be flexible.
Sense of Community
The seating located around the room allow a place for adults to sit. Some of the seating is low
enough that adults can engage with the children without having to sit on the floor. The large area
ensures that there is enough space for both adults and children to create together. Though the
limited number of loose parts can be seen as a disadvantage, it can also foster a sense of
community when two groups of children must share or trade to get the piece they want.
The space allows for children to work collaboratively with both other children and adults.
Imagination Playscape is a place where children s knowledge and ideas can be built upon by
interacting with others. One child may have an idea and other child helps them execute it
effectively, or an adult may provide assistance.
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Informative Paper on Weight Watchers
The Ideal Diet No one is happy with their body; there is always something that they would like to
tone up or slim down. Americans spend billions of dollars a year on weight loss programs, not to
mention the food that these programs require you to eat. With most of these diets, one cannot
continue on with them because the diet just would not be healthy to do so. It would be amazing
for a diet to let you eat things you eat now, but still lose weight; to be able to go out and enjoy
dinner with family and friends without fearing a diet choice that has already been made. Well,
Weight Watchers lets a person do all this and so much more. Weight Watchers lets a person eat
anything that they normally would. When a person gets weighed at... Show more content on ...
Weight Watchers was designed so that people can take charge of their lives and their weight
without having to suffer with horrible tasting food or having a constant rumbling stomach. Not
only does it help people lose weight but it helps them be conscious about what they eat and how
healthy something really is. Once they start to see pounds shedding off and their waist size
shrinking, they will begin to eat better and change their life styles. This is not just a diet for
when someone is over weight. This is a diet for a life time. It will continue to help a person
achieve and maintain a healthy weight without having to cut out some of their favorite foods,
fattening or not. Weight Watchers has activity points just like they do regular food point. This
also comes with a nifty slider so that when someone goes to the gym or even goes for a walk,
they can calculate how intense it was to how long they participated in this activity for and gain
activity points which give people all the more motivation to get out there and be active. They can
then turn around and trade these points in for food points. In conclusion, this is by far the best diet
program out there. They do not try to put products or medications in your body that can in the long
run be dangerous for you. Even once someone pays for
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Annie Proulx s Brokeback Mountain
Compared to Annie Proulx s short story, Brokeback Mountain , Ang Lee s usage of additional
dialogue, scenery, and symbolism in the film more effectively presents the argument against
homophobia, underscoring the theme that everyone suffers when forced to deny their emotions.
In the short story, Proulx develops the theme during the fight scene between Jack and Ennis at the
trailhead parking lot. In the scene, Jack pleads to Ennis that they should travel to Mexico, but
Ennis is reluctant because he has to support his wife and children. In the midst of the argument,
Ennis states, I got to say this to you one time, Jack, and I ain t foolin. What I don t know... all
them things I don t know could get you killed if I should come to know them (Proulx 21). This line
establishes Ennis pent up frustration and jealousy from repressing his emotions for Jack. Ennis is
frustrated because Jack does not understand his responsibilities at home and because Jack does not
understand how difficult Ennis life compared to his. Additionally, Ennis is jealous... Show more
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At the end of the argument, Proulx writes, Like vast clouds of steam from thermal springs in
winter the years of things unsaid and now unsayable admissions, declarations, shames, guilts, fears
rose around them (Proulx 21). Proulx depicts the hopelessness of Jack and Ennis relationship with
a simile of the surrounding nature. The vast clouds of steam that rise around the men represents
the sudden surge of emotion that takeover the men. The reference to winter foreshadows the
inevitable fall of their relationship, as winter typically represents a time of hopelessness and
despair in literature (Richards Gustafson). Adding on, the years of things unsaid and now
unsayable solidifies the tragic fate of the men s relationship in how the men will never be able to
say what they wanted to say to each
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Gang Subcultures Of Gangs
Hence, according to differential opportunity theory, if one is to create gang subcultures of criminal,
conflict, and retreatist; then there must be opportunity, or lack thereof to for one to participate in
the illegitimate structure, which would require the pre existence of gangs (Cloward Ohlin, 1960 in
Williams McShane, 2014, pg. 99 100). It should be noted that Curry and Spergel (1992) found that
the [prior] presence of gangmembers both males and females are also significant estimators for one
to become involved in a gang (pg. 284). Furthermore, the two strongest factors for individuals to
become involved in gangswas if a family member was already involved in a gang, or being near
drug distributors (Curry Spergel, 1992, pg. 284). Thus, if an individual were to join a gang it is
probable that there: is a prior presence of gangs in their neighbourhood, they have a family
member that is in gang, or the individual is near drug distributors, all of whom who would likely
mentor the individual (Curry Spergel, 1992, pg. 284). While this explains criminal gangs, it does
not state if retreatist or conflict gangs exist. Nevertheless, according to Klien and Maxson (2006),
one consequence of gang participation is drug abuse (retreatist) (as cited in Pitts, 2008, pg. 27). In
terms of conflict gangs, Yablonsky (1962) asserts that gang members are sociopaths, bent upon
violence (as cited in Pitts, 2008, pg. 26); however, Christopher Schreck, Jean McGloin, and David
Kirk (2009) indicate otherwise, as they state that conflict subcultures are not solely defined by
violence (pg. 789). Additionally, differential opportunity theory states that a lower class individual
will only have access to illegitimate opportunities, as their SES deprives them of the chance to
participate in the legitimate avenues (Williams McShane, 2014, pg. 99). As stated previously, gang
members tend to be poor and racial minorities (Curry Spergel, 1988, pg. 399); in turn, having access
to legitimate opportunities is unlikely due to economic deprivation. Therefore, for gang members,
after they fail or do not have an opportunity to succeed through legitimate avenues such as
employment and education, they resort to illegitimate means to
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Old Age Security And Modern Welfare System
Old age security has long since become a basic building block in any modern welfare system.
Likewise it has long since become a standard element in the battery of expectations held and shared
by citizens towards society. Pension systems are the vehicles by which these expectations are
catered for. Their effectiveness and reliability are extremely important to individuals as well as
societies. [] As reported by the Public Health England (PHE), individuals in the UK are expected to
live longer than before the population of the UK is ageing. Men can now expect to live for a
further 19 years at age 65, 12 years at 75, 6 years at 85 and 3 years at 95 Women can expect to live
for a further 21 years at age 65, 13 years at 75, 7 years at 85, and 3 years at 95 With 10 million
people above the age of 65 years due to rise by approximately 5.5 million by 2020 and a further 19
million by 2050 according to census in 2010 by the UK government.[] This poses a challenge as it
is reported that 55%, ВЈ114bn in 2014/15, of the welfare spending is paid out to pensioners.[] As
seen in the chart above, it is due to further increase and will put more pressure on the public
finances finances whose strain will fall on the shoulders of small working age population. This
poses a challenge not only for the government, but also for the individuals as: 1.It poses a challenge
to forecast future lifetime of individuals and 2.Subsequently it is challenging to have sufficient
funds in place for
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Dance, A And Universal Way Of Expression From The Human Being
A Close View to Flamenco Dance is a way of expression from the human being. In every culture
regarding the traditions, dance is a natural and universal way of a human activity. Dance can have
various styles and forms; in the early days dance was a way of a religious expression or as a
secular mean. Nowadays, dance is a varied performance art. The ways of express dance in the
present days have changed, but dance has always been a way of natural expression towards
something enjoyable to the soul. During this project, I got the chance to experience deeply the
form of dance: Flamenco. Flamenco is a folkloric Spanish dance full of acoustic sounds that
comes even from the shoes of the dancers. The Flamenco dance presentation in the Columbia
Restaurant is full of professionalism and passion. When entering the restaurant the Spanish air
is able to breath and the culture is expressed in every corner of the place. Flamenco is a folkloric
dance form directed from Spain. Flamenco traveled all the way from Spain to America to give a
piece of Spanish culture all around the world. The purpose of a folkloric dance is to bring the
audience to be participants of the performance more than just an entertainment to the audience. In
this presentation, the audience is involved in such way that people can feel free to clap according
to the Flamenco style and give those encouraging Eh! to and with the performers. There are
essential parts for a Flamenco choreography to be perfect. In
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Essay on The Effectiveness of Sports Drinks Compared to Water
Staying hydrated is one of the most important parts of physical activity. In Clinics of Sports
Medicine, it explains that Maintenance of water and electrolyte balance is important for
sustaining cognitive and physical performance. Dehydration degrades morale and desire to
work. Body water deficits of as little as 2% body weight can impair physical performance. Water
deficits of 5% to 7% body weight are associated with headaches, dizziness, and apathy (Latzka,
Montain 1). To prevent dehydration and its effects a medical team created Gatorade for the
University of Florida s football team in 1965. Since then, there has been a large market of
beverages to hydrate athletes and improve performance. In Sports and Energy Drinks: Answers for
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In Men s Fitness Magazine, it explains that sodium helps the body hold onto water and helps fluid
get to the muscles and blood. Amy Epstein also found that drinking too much water is the cause of
hypernatremia, a condition that occurs a lot in athletes who drink a lot of water without the
necessary sodium. This can actually cause you to lose fluid (Epstein par. 3 6). Water absorbs
quickly into the bloodstream to hydrate the body, but sports drinks absorb even faster because of
the minerals contained. Quote
Sports drinks are full of minerals. The minerals are not only great for absorption but to replenish
what a body loses during strenuous exercise. Usually replenishment of those minerals is only
needed for long hard exercise. In an article from Men s Fitness Magazine it explains that water is
a great choice for light physical activity. It will satisfy thirst and hydration needs (Ward par. 2).
This is because Quote Sports drinks, however, are better for long or vigorous exercise. In the article
from Science Direct it explains that more than 60 minutes of intense activity depletes energy,
electrolyte, and fluid reserves (Ward par. 2). That is why it is important to drink a something with
the necessary minerals. When you work out, you lose chloride, potassium, and sodium through
sweating and muscle exertion. At WebMD it states that the best sports drinks contain
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Role Of Chivalry In Beowulf
The role of chivalry is a complicated concept for solitary heroes within Beowulf and Albrecht
DГјrer s Knight, Death, and the Devil. In Beowulf, the concept of chivalry is explained through
the eyes of the hero, Beowulf, which is the idea of performing chivalrous actions in the face of
death for glory; however, Beowulfdoes not realize that his actions will not keep his people safe in
the end. In Knight, Death and the Devil, the idea of chivalry is the motivation of the knight on
religious grounds to be chivalrous in the face of death. The Knight gives the impression that he
understood that his actions would ultimately be meaningless, and he appears resigned to the idea.
The argument can be made that chivalry is unsustainable in both texts, given that while it inspires
these heroes to pursue these tasks, the result is that they believe that mild sacrifices, such as their
own life, must be made to ensure victory; however, these two texts differ with their heroes
anticipated outcomes of their sacrifices, which turns out to be for nothing. Despite having different
outcomes of operating within a system of chivalry, these two texts similarly critique the outcomes
of chivalry as being unsustainable based on the demands it places on heroes to sacrificethemselves.
To defend this claim, I will begin by similarly critiquing how chivalry is unsustainable within both
texts. I will then express how both texts show the unsustainability results from the demands of
sacrifice. I will then
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Physics Of Diagnostic Ultrasound
The Physics of Diagnostic Ultrasound
Diagnostic ultrasound is one of the most common forms of medical imaging in use today. When
people think of ultrasound images or sonograms as they are also referred to, they may recall
grainy black and white images that are similar to x rays. However, with the exception of perhaps
developing fetuses, most have very limited knowledge of what they are actually looking at, let
alone how those images are created. Many people are aware that sound waves are used to produce
images but have no clue how the process works or the tremendous amount of physics involved.
There are numerous physics concepts involved in ultrasound imaging. Including, but not limited to,
velocity, frequency, and wavelength.... Show more content on ...
Our ears convert sound waves into audible sounds for us to process. The sound waves used in
medical sonography must be generated by the machine itself to create the vibrations that travel
through body tissues and ultimately enable medical professionals to see images of the inside of
our bodies. Vaguely similar to humans who process the sounds we hear and can picture the source
in our minds if we are unable to see it directly, medical professionals use ultrasound to create
images in order to visualize internal structures. Using this method of imaging, physicians are able
to identify and visualize abnormalities and potential disease or confirm that we are healthy, or
whether a fetus is developing normally. While most people associate ultrasound imaging with
pregnant women, they are also used as a diagnostic tool in many other areas of medicine. For
example, in addition to obstetrics, ultrasound is used in cardiology as well. Cardiologists use this
technology to see inside the heart and identify any abnormalities, and they also use ultrasound
imaging to measure blood flow through the heart and major arteries. Additionally, urologists use
ultrasound imaging to visualize kidney stones or detect prostate cancer. Gynecologists also use
ultrasound to detect any abnormalities in a woman s reproductive system. Today, ultrasound
imaging is utilized in nearly every area of
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France s Old Regime Was Plagued With Problems
France s Old Regime was plagued with problems. During the Enlightenment, these problems were
highlighted and highly criticized. Enlightenment thinkers called for people to start thinking for
themselves, and to break off the chains of thought that oppressed them. They did not, however, call
for revolution, nor were they necessarily pro democracy. What they were interested in were
practical reforms. In a system as broken as the Old Regime was, even the most practical of changes
could seem revolutionary. Diderot and Turgot were two Enlightenment thinkers whose works
exemplify this. Both men hid their more drastic thoughts behind seemingly less radical ideas and
themes. Neither of the men, however, necessarily called for revolution, at least not the kind that
France would get. Some of their ideas stemmed from previous writers, such as Loyseau and
Bossuet, whether they agreed with them or not. Diderot and Turgot would find many areas of
agreement with Loyseau, but they would largely disagree with Bossuet. In terms of authority and
nobility, Diderot and Turgot were radical critics of the Old Regime, and the areas of agreement
between them and Loyseau demonstrate that the legitimacy of the Old Regime, though not entirely
in question during Loyseau s era, was suspect enough to inspire the seeds of thought that would
bring about the Enlightenment. The nature of authority in the Old Regime was absolute. The King
ruled by divine right, and wasn t to be questioned or challenged.
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The Case And Remedies Of An Arkansas Capital Murder Case
In an Arkansas capital murder prosecution that had resulted in conviction and sentences of death
based on the killing of four members of a family defense counsel learned after the conviction had
been reversed that a key prosecution witness, the defendant s son, who testified against his father
implicating him in the murders at trial, has also given prosecutors a statement in which he claimed
responsibility for the crimes and exculpated his father. Defense counsel moved to dismiss the
prosecution on the ground of prosecutorial misconduct, but the Arkansas Supreme Court rejected
the prior jeopardy claim and permitting the retrial to proceed, while referring the prosecutors
involved to the court s Committee on Professional Conduct for consideration of possible ethical
violations. On retrial, the defendant was again convicted, although his son did not testify against
him at this proceeding. Issues of prosecutorial misconduct in this case and remedies for misconduct
are examined in this article.
When Billy Dale Green was first tried and convicted of the capital murders of four members of an
Arkansas family and sentenced to death in an Arkansas circuit court in 2004, the prosecution s key
witness was his son, Chad. Having pleaded guilty in return for a 20 year sentence, Chad testified
that his father had smoked methamphetamine together before his father killed the couple and their
two children, apparently as a result
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What Is LGBT?
LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and along with heterosexual they describe
people s sexual orientation or gender identity. These terms are explained in more detail here.
A lesbian woman is one who is romantically, sexually and/or emotionally attracted to women. Many
lesbians prefer to be called lesbian rather than gay.
A gay man is one who is romantically, sexually and/or emotionally attracted to men. The word
gay can be used to refer generally to lesbian, gay and bisexual people but many women prefer to be
called lesbian. Most gay people don t like to be referred to as homosexual because of the negative
historical associations with the word and because the word gay better reflects their ... Show more
content on ...
Sexual orientation also refers to a person s sense of identity based on those attractions, related
behaviours, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions. Three sexual
orientations are commonly recognised heterosexual, homosexual (gay and lesbian) and bisexual.
Homophobia refers to fear of or prejudice and discrimination against lesbian, gay and bisexual
people. It is also the dislike of same sex attraction and love or the hatred of people who have those
feelings. The term was first used in the 1970s and is more associated with ignorance, prejudice and
stereotyping than with the physiological reactions usually attributed to a phobia . While
homophobic comments or attitudes are often unintentional, they can cause hurt and offence to
lesbian, gay and bisexual people.
Transphobia refers to fear of or prejudice and discrimination against people who are transgender or
who are perceived to transgress norms of gender, gender identity or gender expression. While
transphobic comments or attitudes are often unintentional, they can cause hurt and offence to
transgender people.
Definitions adapted from More Than a Phase (Pobal, 2006), For a Better Understanding of Sexual
Orientation (APA, 2008) and Answers to Your Questions About Transgender Individuals and
Gender Identity (APA,
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Self Assessment Negotiation
Executive Summary: Before coming to negotiation work shop I strongly believed that it is not
easy to get achieve Win Win or Win loss results at every negotiation. That s made me more
excited to attend this work shop. In my personal life, people around me believe me that I am a
good negotiator/ buyer as buying research is my routine activity. I have been successful most of
the time in negotiating good deal for the things I buy in my personal life. When it comes to
professional life, I get nervous as I have never though about utilizing my inherent skill that helps
me to successfully negotiate in my personal life. I did acquire some more negotiation skill by
experience and learning through co workers but that was not enough get... Show more content on ...
Although, I am not that strong in leading a negotiation towards it s ultimate goal. In order to
increase the probability of a successful negotiation, for me as an individual, first I should identify
the required steps and the order they should be taken in the course of a negotiation and try not to
skip any step. The second item in my action plan is to improve my ability to construct trust based
negotiation. If trust is the basis of a negotiation, then both involved parties can think of a long
relationship rather than one time transaction and it is what matters. My strengths as a negotiator
before Negotiation workshop: As briefly mentioned in the executive summary, my personal power
is my main strength. Aspiration, confidence, skills, and knowledge are the basic components
which shape my power of negotiation. Prior to negotiation, I always do my homework; I believe
being well prepared is the first step before any negotiation. I try to collect as much information as
possible. Adequate information about the other parties at the negotiation table, their history,
interests, aversions, and possible positions give me the power which comes with knowledge and
confidence. With regards to my negotiation skills, I am always positive when entering a
negotiation. I personally believe there is always some sort of solution out there for each and every
problem we may
... Get more on ...
This Goldfish Would You Wish By Barbara Jordan Quotes
Hunter Gagnon English Hour 1 Collection Essay It s a small world and we all have our own
characteristics and personalities. Barbara Jordan s quote, We as human beings, must be willing
to accept people who are different from ourselves. This quote is saying that we have to accept
people for who they are no matter how different they might be from us. There are three literary
pieces that help us illustrate Barbara Jordan s quote. What of This Goldfish Would You Wish? ,
Universal Declaration of Independence , and Texas V. Johnson, These literary pieces show us how
to accept people for who they are by communication, understanding rights, and tolerating each
other. Communication is key in trying to accept someone. In the short story What of This Goldfish
Would You Wish? by Etgar Keret is about a guy who was walking around town going door to door
... Show more content on ...
In the court opinion Texas v. Johnson by William J. Brennan there are examples that portray that
knowing someone s rights are important in acceptance. We submit that nobody can suppose that
this one gesture of an unknown man will change our nation s attitude towards its flag. (Brennan
2). This quote is saying that just because one person does something wrong we can t judge other
people for someone else s wrongs. This quote goes along with Barbara Jordan s quote because
even though someone has done something wrong and they are different from ourselves we have
to be willing to accept someone. (Brennan 2). The way to preserve the flag s special role is not to
punish those who feel differently about these matters. This quote also portrays that we have to
accept those who feel differently about the things that we feel towards. This quote goes along with
Barbara Jordan s quote because it is saying that we have to accept those who feel differently from
... Get more on ...
Cholera Disease Paper
Cholera is a disastrous and horrifying disease that has killed over 10,000 people. This Cholera
disease paper includes the dangerous painful symptoms, successful vaccines, a personal survival
story, and the great future for this disease. Cholera is, an infectious and often fatal bacterial
bacterial disease of the small intestine, typically contracted from infected water supplies and
causing severe vomiting and diarrhea, ( instant
ion=1 espv=2 ie=UTF 8#q=what+is+cholera). Some reports in India as early as 1000 A.D have
been reported that was thought they had a cholera like disease but was not. Dr. Snow wasn t the
one to discover Cholera but he did show how the disease could be spread and stop it from
becoming a local outbreak so he is... Show more content on ...
Scientists say that Cholera also comes from, vibrio cholerae that thrives in aquatic environments, (
Poppick, By Laura. Deadly Cholera Outbreaks Could Increase with Climate Change. LiveScience.
TechMedia Network, 16 Dec. 2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2016). Hydrological and climatology both
correlate with Cholera outbreaks that help predict future outbreaks months in advance. Researchers
in the University of Maryland is trying to make a better effort understanding the predictions of
Cholera outbreaks. Cholera can only be discovered more just like any other disease.
In conclusion, Cholera is deadly and feeling the pain to go to the bathroom and die of
dehydration is just terrifying. If the fluid loss in not replaced and exceeds 5 to 10 liters, it can be
fatal ( As you can see this paper
Cholera the dangers, symptoms, vaccines, a personal survival story and the great future of this
disease. If you or any family members feel any of these symptoms DO NOT WAIT report it to the
hospital immediately. Be happy and healthy and always BEWARE what you are
... Get more on ...
Summary Of The White Man s Burden
According to William Easterly, the accomplishments of planned development are not impressive.
In an overly simplified process, governments invest capital to provide aid to developing countries
(in this case food aid), it then does not yield a specific result or target, and the aid goes
somewhere unintended (Easterly, 2006). In The White Man s Burden, Easterly discusses the notion
that aid aims to please the donor instead of their electorate, by focusing on the wrong projects, and
project impacts are often not measured scientifically (Easterly, 2006). In other words, development
aid does more harm by fostering a dependency in recipient governments (Diriye, et al., 2014). For
developments sake, positive effects are tarnished by the politicization... Show more content on ...
In The Gambia, the government received foreign aid to develop rice projects for the purpose to
increase food security from 1966 to 1984 (Carney, 2008). It is important to note that this period
from 1966 to 1984 is a period that evolved from the Second World War. As a result, the justification
for aid and development was to uplift nations from poverty. Furthermore, development was
justified as a moral obligation and as something that advances national interest (Eyoh, 2015).
However, development for the strict purpose of morality or poverty has unintended consequences.
According to Carney, the Gambian government utilized 25,000 hectares of land to facilitate food
aid for rice production. Today, only 10 percent of the initial irrigated land for food aid and food
security purposes remains in production by farmers (Carney, 2008). As these operations emerged,
different labour arrangements (human, mechanical and political) needed to develop in unison.
Before the processes were complete, changes in policy favoured the importation of rice instead of
local production (Carney,
... Get more on ...
Corporate Social Responsibility Has Long Gone
As actors in economic and social life, we are called to the highest standards of integrity, respect and
engagement in our behaviors, every day, everywhere. Bernard Arnault
Luxury industry:
The conventional approach to corporate social responsibility has long gone. Now, there is a desire
to incorporate social and environmental speculations that will fortify each brand s strategy. This is
where the luxury industry comes into picture. The brand industry can absolutely impact social
orders and our society. It promotes our culture, history, and nurtures talent of the young. Thus,
supports long term growth chain of luxury value chain.
The global luxury goods industry has been on an upward trend since the past few years. Even
though the ... Show more content on ...
3.Perfumes and cosmetics:
Make up products, perfumes and skin care products are a part of this segment of the company.
4.Watches and jewelry:
The company specializes in the field of chronograph watches and accessories for both men and
5.Selective retailing:
LVMHpromotes its products taking into consideration the status of the company in the industry. It
captivates the minds of international travelers especially. Assistance and direct access is also
provided at its stores.
6.Other activities:
LVMH is a part of real estate markets as well. Other than real estate, the company also builds
yachts. This section also includes media. It publishes magazines and newspapers. It manages online
portals and radio stations as well.
Environment and Social Factors:
LVMH has for the past 20 years anticipated and adapted production processes, habits and behaviors,
working each day to find better solutions to the many environmental challenges our industry faces.
Environmental factors:
Following are few initiatives taken by LVMH:
1.Renewable energy sources like solar, geothermal and wind share almost zero carbon footprints.
These energy sources are an integral part of the environmental policy of the company.
2.The company s warehouses, stores or offices are specifically designed taking into consideration
greenhouse gas emissions.
3.LVMH established an internal carbon fund
... Get more on ...
Memory Management and Microprocessor
In this paper, we will cover the memory management of Windows NT which will be covered in first
section, and microprocessors which will be covered in second section. When covering the memory
management of Windows NT, we will go through physical memory management and virtual
memory management of that operating system. In virtual memory management section, we will
learn how Windows NT managing its virtual memory by using paging and mapped file I/O.
After covering the memory management, we will go through microprocessor. In this section, we
will learn a bit about the recent microprocessors, such as Intel and AMD microprocessors. We also
will learn about the trends that affecting the performance of microprocessors.
INTRODUCTION ... Show more content on ...
The segmentation scheme in Intel 80386 microprocessor is more advanced than that in Intel 8086
microprocessor. The 8086 segments start at a fixed location and are always 64K in size, but with
80386, the starting location and the segment size can separately be specified by the user.
The segments may overlap, it allows two segments to share address space. To send the necessary
information, segment tables with segment selector as index are used. At any time, only two
segment tables can be active. They are Global Descriptor Table (GDT) and a Local Descriptor
Table (LDT). This two segment table only can be executed by the operating system.
Segment table is an array of segment descriptors which specify the starting address and the size
of the segment. Each segment descriptor has 2 bits specifying its privilege level, called as the
Descriptor Privilege Level (DPL). This DPL has to be compared with Requested Privilege Level
(RPL) and Current Privilege Level (CPL) before processor grants the access to a segment. If the
DPL of the segment is less than or equals to the RPL as well as the CPL, then the processor will
grant access to a particular segment. This serves as protection mechanism for operating system.
1.2.2.Virtual Memory Management in Windows NT
Windows NT virtual memory manager provides large virtual memory space to applications via two
memory management processes. They are called paging (moving data between
... Get more on ...
What Is The Difference Between Congress And Us Elections
The legislature in the U.S. and the U.K. differ in some pretty important ways. First, in regards to
Parliament, the entire legislature is dissolved at least once every five years, and new elections
are held for every seat. In the United States, Representatives and Senators are elected based on
term lengths instead. Second, in the UK, the House of Commons is mostly the only house in
Parliament that gets elected directly by the people. This is different from Congress because, in the
US, both the House and the Senate are elected. The Legislative process itself also differs markedly
between Congress and Parliament. In the U.S, legislation must pass in the same form through both
houses of Congress before it can be sent to the President s desk. Either... Show more content on ...
This is probably due to the fact that the House of Commons is the one that the people show up to
vote for. Currently there are 650 members of the House of Commons (). Elections for these seats
are held based on something called constituencies. These are based on geographical features,
local government boundaries, land area and population ( Parliamentary Elections 2007, 5). The
average population of a constituency is about 68,500 people ( Parliamentary Elections 2007, 5).
These seats are all vacated at least once every five years, and new elections are held to fill them.
Interestingly, elections in the United Kingdom tend to be a very different type of event than the
elections we are used to here in the states. General election campaigns typically only last about
three weeks ( Parliamentary Elections 2007, 6) The amount of money that parties can spend on
elections is restricted based on the number of candidates it puts up, and currently sits at 19.77
million for a party that contests all the seats in the House of Commons ( Parliamentary Elections
2007, 6). Paid political advertising on both radio and television is not allowed, and television
coverage of elections is required to be impartial ( Parliamentary Elections 2007, 6). This is a vastly
different political atmosphere than the one we are used to in the United States, where elections are
huge events that result in the spending of billions of dollars in a particular election cycle ( Election,
... Get more on ...
The Egyptian Revolution Essay example
A. Background and UN Involvement Almost a year ago, Egypt broke into civil unrest when
protesters flooded Tahrir Square, demanding the end of Hosnia Mubarak s regime. Although
Mubarak stepped down within two weeks, Egypt is worse off today than it was last January. The
Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF), which played a vital role in the January revolution,
has now become a violent and oppressive force. On the twenty ninth of December 2011, the SCAF
raided seventeen Egyptian, German, and US run NGOs in search of proof of illegal foreign
funding.1 In a statement (A/HRC/18/NGO/77) submitted by the Cairo Institute for Human Rights
Studies (CIHRS), the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR), and the Center for
Egyptian Women s... Show more content on ...
The Muslim Brotherhood played a major role in the January revolution and has boldly condemned
the SCAF s actions. The US, who has previously opposed the Muslim Brotherhood, has now tried
to develop a friendship with the organization in anticipation of its power over Egypt. The UN has
not taken a very strong stance in any of Egypt s issues, most likely due to the currentness of the
topic. The UN has however supported many other Arab Spring related revolutions by deploying the
United Nations Support Mission In Libya and supporting human rights in Yemen.
B. Policy Germany s stance on Egypt s revolution is peaceful and supportive. Our Foreign
Minister Guido Westerwelle said that he was concerned about violence and wanted all parties to
remain peaceful. Germany highly supports freedom of expression and would like Egypt s
government to quickly adopt and implement freedom of expression laws. Because Egypt is a very
important country, Germany believes that stabilizing it should be of utmost importance. Our
Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle visited Egypt on 11 February 2011 and on 24 February
2011. Germany s main goal and purpose towards the situation in Egypt is to ensure fair and
uncorrupted democratization.5 Germany
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Research Paper On The American Dream
American Dream. America, the dreamland for those who have been oppressed, for those who have
been judged, for those who have no freedom. The United States was founded by immigrants that
came with dreams in the search of freedom and wealth. The American dream exists, maybe it varies
from one culture to another, but many persons witnessed how it became a reality. A plethora of
people thinks is a myth, however, most immigrants know that it exists. The American dreamis
defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary as an American social ideal that stresses egalitarianism
and the prosperity or life that is the realization of this ideal . However, Americans define it as an
opportunity for success, as an opportunity for freedom. As Adams, James Truslow say America is
That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with
opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated on his
speech I have a dream that the American dream was about hope, brotherhood, faith; about working
together, struggle together, and stand up for freedom. The aforementioned signifies that the
American dream that Dr. King implied is one in which all citizens in the nation help each other,
work hard, and have equal opportunities to succeed. Culture plays an... Show more content on ...
The Epic of America. Boston: Little, Brown, 1931. Print. [ That dream of a land in which life
should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to his
ability or achievement. ]
American Dream. Merriam Webster. Merriam Webster, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.
Cremona, Rachel, Dr. DISCOVERING THE AMERICAN DREAM: The Colonial Foundations of
American Identity. Culturally Florida. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.
Madden, David, comp. A Pocketful of Essays Rhetorically Arranged. Vol. 1. N.p.: Michael
Rosenberg, n.d. Print. The Pocketful Ser. Pg. 167 171 I have a dream by Martin Luther King,
... Get more on ...
Everyone Needs A Little H2o
Everyone Needs a Little H2O Ever since the beginning of time water has been important. Water
has been important because it is one of the most abundant substance on Earth. Water is important
because every living thing contains water, and every living thing must have water to function.
Water is important whether it is e drunk a supper or if it is being used for survival in the desert.
Water is important because it is required for man to live, breath and thrive on this planet. In the
article, How Much Water Do We Actually Need, J. Lunn and R. Foxen state, Water is an essential
requirement for life without water, humans can only survive for 2 to 3 days at the most (336). In
addition to water being essential for life, it also has many... Show more content on
Prehydration 2. Hydration 3. Dehydration 4. Rehydration (Okanovic et al. 69). These four phases
indicate when the athlete should hydrate. Prehydration and hydration are similar because both
refer to hydrating before competition. While prehydration refers to hydrating a few days before a
competition, hydration refers to hydrating throughout the day of the competition (Okanovic et al.
69 70). Dehydration is the loss of water from the body. While Prehydration and hydration have to
do with hydrating prior to competition, rehydration is rehydrating the body after a competition
(Okanovic et al. 70). Dehydration is a serious condition and should not be taken lightly While the
body not having enough water is a big issue for athletes, too much water can also be a problem. In
the article, How Much Water Do We Actually Need, it states, If an individual consumes too much
water, this can lead to water intoxication with potentially life threatening hyponatraemia (Lunn and
Foxen 336 337). While an athlete should be careful on over consuming water, an athlete also needs
to consume enough water to last throughout a competition. Laura Purcell in her article, Sports
Nutrition for Young Athletes, Laura Purcell states, Before activity, athletes should consume 400ml
to 600ml of cold water 2 h to 3 h before their event (Purcell). While four hundred to six hundred
milliliters may not seem like a lot of water,
... Get more on ...

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Essay On Tribal Communities. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Essay On Tribal Communities 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Tribal CommunitiesEssay On Tribal Communities
  • 2. How Did Josef Mengele Study Twins Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 in Gunzburg, Germany. Mengele is most famous for studying twins. He studied Jewish and gypsy twins, wanting to make them more like the Aryan race. To do this, he injected chemicals into their eyes to make them blue, pretended to be nice to children so they would let him do this. In addition, Mengele drew blood from twins, taking so much from some that they bled to death. After these twins had died, he would dissect their bodies. In one experiment, he sewed two sisters together to make them siamese twins. Mengele also did experiments on other people, although it was less common. He impregnated girls with their own brothers or even their fathers. Other experiments he did include: performing sex changes, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Hyperbole In Macbeth Literature is strongly admired for its plethora of techniques that enhance the meaning of its creations. A motif is a literary technique which is a recurring symbol or idea that establishes the theme or central focus. William Shakespeare, highly renowned English playwright, has written many plays with unique motifs that define each play significantly. One of his most famous playwrights is Macbeth, a tragic story about a brave Scottish general named Macbeth that receives a prophecy that he will one day be the King of Scotland. Macbeth does everything in his dwindling power to ensure the legitimacy of the crown, regardless of the unfortunate consequences that plummet his soul into the depths of darkness and despair. Throughout the play, Shakespeare... Show more content on ... When Macbeth returns from completing the forsaken deed, he is in shock and awe of the huge crime he recently committed. He says, Will all great Neptune s ocean wash this blood/ Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather/ The multitudinous seas incarnadine,/Making the green one red (2.2. 78 81). The hyperbole helps emphasize the irrevocable task that Macbeth just did. He s saying that there is not enough water in the world to wash or clean himself of the blood. There is no way for him to get rid of the blood on his hands. He s also saying that everything he touches henceforth will inevitably be tainted by this blood. Within the hyperbole, Macbeth alludes to Neptune, the Roman god of the seas. This shows that not even the water from the god who blesses and protects the seas and water as a whole will be able to wash away his sins and crimes. Blood in this scene represents the extensive guilt that Macbeth feels for killing King Duncan. Macbeth will never be able to return to his true self, the blood will always remain on his hands, and he will forever be haunted with this. By stating that he can change the color of the ocean to red shows how greatly this has affected Macbeth and the huge amount of guilt that he now has. This is the first murderous crime that Macbeth commits for the crown, and the guilt from it continues to haunt him as he plots to kill others that would pose ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The tragedy of the commons invading our environmental... 10/27/04 Research in the Disciplines ... Show more content on ... Basically she is stating the fact that each person has the right to live in a clean world, be able to obtain the necessities which are needed to live, and make a living in which they can lead a healthy lifestyle. It is through the theories of the tragedy of the commons and environmental rights that we realize that all of society is invading one another s environmental rights through the tragedy of the commons. This is done very inconspicuously in some cases such as that of the Coral Reefs. The Coral Reefs are limestone formations that are produced by living organisms. They are found in shallow tropical waters. The predominate organisms that make them up are stony corals, which are colonial cnidarians that secrete calcium carbonate (limestone) as an exoskeleton. Calcium carbonate is also deposited by other types of marine organisms such as tube building annelid worms but any reef formed by a biological community is called a coral reef. These skeletons accumulate due to the tides and create a formation that supports the living coral as well as the highest species diversity of all explored marine habitats. Reefs are found between the latitudes of 30В°N to ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Naturalism In Cythera On looking closely at her sculpture it is seen that cupid s arrows are tied to her along with a garland of flowers. These are clear connotations of love. Cupid can be seen sitting below the sculpture with his quiver down almost as though nothing has to be done to bring love in that area. He is seen tugging the skirt of the lady sitting near him, as though he is urging her to fall in love with the man on her right, who seems to be trying too. On following the coupled figures down towards the boat, is a conspiracy whether the boat bought the figures to Cythera or is taking them to the island of Cythera. On closely observing the body language of the figures, it is noticed how they get closer and closer towards a state of intimacy. As observed towards the boat a couple is seen where the women is holding the man s arm of her own volition, she doesn t have to be coaxed anymore. The progression of the figures almost looks like a form of dance. The second figured couple hold hands similar to the dance form in the 18th century. On ... Show more content on ... The French crowd desired more dramatic and realistic art which led to the birth of this art form. The favourite themes the realism artists liked to paint was scenes of urban life , scenes of rural life, street life , working class , cafГ©s and nightclubs. They also loved to paint nudity and sensual paintings. This movement moved away from what was ideal to what was simply ordinary . Artists preferred painting real and ordinary people in contrary to the previous movements where which focused on religious themes which always managed to look aesthetically appealing even if the figure in the painting was subject to pain or loss. In the realism art movement beggars looked the way they would in real life unlike in the previous art periods where even the beggar would look appealing in a ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Change Is Ruled By Human Effects Progressed ecological change is ruled by human effects, which are in a matter of seconds adequately generous to surpass the breaking points of normal variability. The essential wellspring of overall ecological change is human impelled changes in air creation. These inconveniences on a very basic level occur in view of discharges joined with essentialness use, yet on adjacent and commonplace scales, urbanization and region use changes are moreover basic. Notwithstanding the way that there has been headway in checking and cognizance natural change, there stay various investigative, specific, and institutional snags to precisely making game plans for, acclimating to, and mitigating the effects of ecological change. There is still great... Show more content on ... The essential arrangement is the end of the smoldering of coal, oil and, over the long haul, normal gas (Wagner). This is perhaps the most overpowering test as locals of wealthier nations really eat, wear, work, play and even consider the things created utilizing such fossilized sunlight. Oil is the oil of the overall economy, concealed inside such pervasive things as plastic and corn, and significant to the transportation of both customers and items. Coal is the substrate, supplying by and large half of the force used as a piece of the U.S. besides, about that much around the globe a rate that is inclined to create, as showed by the Global Vitality Office. There are no flawless responses for reducing dependence on fossil fills (for occurrence, carbon unbiased biofuels can drive up the expense of support and prompt timberland pulverization, remembering nuclear power does not release nursery gasses, it produces radioactive waste), yet every piece checks. So endeavor to use choices when possible plant decided plastics, biodiesel, wind power and to place assets into the change, be it by stripping from oil stocks or placing assets into associations sharpening carbon catch and top. Supplanting fossil forces may exhibit the impressive test of the 21st century. Various contenders exist, reaching out from ethanol got from respects hydrogen electrolyzed out of water, yet every one of them have a couple of drawbacks, too, and none are immediately available at the scale ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Shoes Are The Lifeblood Of Marikina Each place in Manila has a thing, be it an object, food, clothing apparel, that makes them unique if not make it standout. For example Malabon is well known for their delicious pancit, Binondo is known for its Chinese heritage and culture and of course Makati is known for its unbearable traffic. Shoes are the lifeblood of Marikina. It s the thing that makes it unique and special to Manila. When you say shoes, Marikina is the place that pops into the minds of most of the residents in Manila. I personally am a resident of Marikina and I can say shoes is not only the livelihood of Marikina residents but its Social Identity to the Philippines. Many famous Filipino figures have worn shoes made from Marikina. Names such as Manuel Roxas, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and Imelda Marcos, who supposedly owns 3000 pairs of shoes some of which if... Show more content on ... Slowly people discovered the art of show making and from then on it became a common livelihood in the City which was actually his true intentions, to provide jobs to the people. From there the industry grew and matured. In the year 1935, Marikina had already 139 shops and from there it continued to even become a place where people from Manila would flood to buy good quality shoe. Due to the fact Marikina was getting such recognition for its shoes nationwide in 1956 it was announced Marikina was named Shoe Capital of the Philippines . Until now you can still see shops in Marikina that sell shoes. Especially the art of Concepcion cause it is the heart of the shoe industry in Marikina. When you need shoes or maybe to have your shoes repaired Marikina is the place to go. Does Marikina even live up to its title? Are their shoes even that good? Well I interviewed the tour guide in the Marikina Shoe museum, which contains the controversial 800 of Imelda s 3000 pairs of shoes, what makes ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Impact Of Sacajawea On The State Of Idaho Sacajawea was born about 1790 in what is now the state of Idaho. She was one of the Snake People, otherwise known as the Shoshone. Her name in Hidatsa was Tsi ki ka wi as, Bird Woman. In Shoshone, her name means Boat Pusher. She was stolen during a raid by a Hidatsa Contrary to popular opinion, Sacajawea did not serve as a guide for the party. She only influenced the direction taken by the expedition one time, after reaching the area where her people hunted she indicated they should take a tributary of the Beaverhead River to get to the mountains where her people lived and where Lewis and Clark hoped to buy horses. On August 15, 1805 Sacajawea was re united with her tribe, only to learn that all her family had died, with the ... Show more content on ... The expedition spent the winter at Fort Mandan and Sacajawea s baby, Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, was born on Feb. 11 or 12, 1805. He was also given the Shoshone name, Pomp, meaning First Born.The expedition resumed the westward trek on April 7, 1805. Their route was along the Missouri River, west to the mountains. On May 14, 1805 an incident occurred which was typical of the calmness and self possession Sacajawea was to display throughout the journey. The incident was recorded in the diaries because of it s significance to the success of the expedition. On that day, the boat Sacajawea was in was hit by a sudden storm squall. It keeled over on it s side and nearly capsized. As the other members of the crew worked desperately to right the boat, Sacajawea, with her baby strapped to her back, busied herself with retrieving the valuable books and instruments that floated out of the boat. They had been wrapped in waterproof packages for protection and, thanks to Sacajawea s courage and quick actions, suffered no damage.On August 15, 1805 Sacajawea was re united with her tribe, only to learn that all her family had died, with the exception of two brothers and the son of her oldest sister, whom she adopted. One of her brothers, Cameahwait, was head chief of the Shoshone. The Shoshone chief agreed to sell the party the horses they needed for the trek through the mountains. He also sketched a map of the country to the west and provided a guide, Old Toby, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Portrayal Of The Theatre Of The Absurd Essay example The Portrayal of the Theatre of the Absurd Throughout literature, much has been assumed and gathered about the state of man and his purpose in life. Different poets, novelists, and playwrights have employed the powerful tools of language to broadcast their respective statement to the literate world. Many authors stand out for their overly romanticized or horribly pessimistic notations on life, but only Samuel Beckettstands out for his portrayal of absence. As Democritus, a Greek philosopher, noted, nothing is more real than nothing, a quote which became one of Beckett s favorites and an inspiration for his masterful plays (Hughes 1). Beckett s works have astounded many through their utter divergence from the typical basis of a... Show more content on ... Beckett purposefully strips the setting of all elements of realityВ—namely time and definition. In Waiting for Godot, his stage directions simply state, A country road. A tree. (1) Such simplicity initially seems to muddy the clarity of the work, causing confusion as to the location and specifics of the characters plight and conditions. However, as Daryl McDaniel constitutes, bareness of the set only serves to create a complex fictional and highly theatrical world (McDaniel 1). As the play goes on, this vague scenario also serves to make the work universal, due to the commonality of such elements in nature. Similarly, although Endgame s plot plays out in a more confined and defined space, a room with two high windows and two ashbins, the surroundings are bleak and undefined. Collectively, Beckett s use of setting defies reality. Jean Jaques Mayoux elaborates on this point to clarify, a realistic setting would spoil everything (Mayoux 42). Beckett s intentional bleaching of the set allows for the perfect portrayal of the world as incomprehensible. The distortion of time serves to enhance the incomprehensibility of Beckett s works. Not only does Beckett fail to specify a time period, the element of time passage becomes unfathomable, implying the same about the world in which we live. Waiting for Godot opens with the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Ultimate Management Challenge For A Family Business In this week s chapter The Ultimate Management Challenge we read about succession plans and what that can mean for a family business. According to the reading about 40% of businesses in the world are family businesses that have more than one generation working for them and will have to come up with a succession plan if they don t already have one. A Succession plan is simply passing on the businessleadership and power from one senior generation to another younger generation. When reading this book I learned a lot about the rags to rags, shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves phenomenon, and why it can and does occur, as well as 2 main things a family business must have to be successful. If the new generation comes in with the same enthusiasm and values as the previous generation then the transition to new managementwill be much easier and in theory there will still be a company for the upcoming generations to be a part of and profit from, this is the idea of rags to riches. Sadly this isn t the most common way succession plans work, most commonly the second or third generation comes in and doesn t share the enthusiasm, vision, or values as the previous generation(s) had and runs the business into the ground. This trend has many names: rags to rags, shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves, etc. however it all has the same general meaning, the wealth or success of the business does not exceed 3 generations. Although I find the loss of enthusiasm, vision and/ or values tends to be the most ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Truths In The Preface Of Animal Farm By George Orwell Many people chose not to believe the reality behind Soviet communism and all of the terrible things that were happening in Russia when Joseph Stalin was in control. In the Preface of Animal Farm, Russell Baker stated that Orwell was that political figure that all politicians feared (Baker, ix) and that he insisted on the truth even when the truth was most inconvenient (Baker, ix). Russell Baker s assertion is proven to be true in multiple spots throughout the book. Some events that happen in George Orwell s book, prove certain truths to be factual because they are based off of things that actually happened with Soviet Communism. By proving these to be true, politicians fear him because he makes people open their eyes to truths about the world they would rather be blind to instead. The first truth George Orwell tells in his book Animal Farm, is that brainwashing in the form of propaganda works. He shows this truth when Napoleon uses Squealer as a form of propaganda that promotes himself and makes everything else look bad in the eyes of the animals on the farm. Squealer uses logos when talking to the animals telling them of yet another lie about Snowball, Jones s shot only grazed him. I could show you this in his own writing, if you were able to read it (Orwell, 90). By stating he could show the other animals that Snowball did write it, it makes his claim more credible to the animals who didn t believe him. It also helped that the animals could not check if he was ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Green Table Kurt Jooss Essay Paulina Milewska Kurt Jooss The Green Table Expressionism can be described as a movement in the fine arts that emphasized the expression of inner experience rather than realistic portrayal, looking to obtain not objective reality, but the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist. Several characteristics of expressionism are distortion, exaggeration, primitivism, and fantasy. The Green Table, a ballet by Kurt Jooss, 1932, is an ideal example of expressionism because it depicts the choreographer s personal interpretation of war through the use of movement, music by Fritz Cohen and lighting by Hermann Mankard. The Green Table is a piece of performance created mostly by Kurt Jooss, the piece lasts... Show more content on ... However, movement is not his only means of self expression. The music accompaniment to this piece comes from one or two pianos which works well with the dance so that neither one overshadows the other. There are no other instruments used, the melody of the piano changes from scene to scene in order to project Jooss emotional responses. During the scenes with the politicians, the air of the piano is light hearted and almost comedic. The story begins with the politicians in masks that are arguing in a non naturalistic way using their postures and gestures for example: standing up with masks facing the audience wearing white gloves reaching their hands out with open palms portraying careless emotion. The show ends the same way which gives an impression of Jooss trying to say that there will always be arguments between higher statuses that don t help the general public but they use their powers for their own entertainment. The purpose of this was to show the detachment of these men from the war. They are in a safe situation, unexposed to war and death. When the scene changes and we see what s happening in the lives of citizens, this tune is transformed into a thunderous and eerie song that haunts the audience. The reason for this change is to reveal Jooss feelings about the unnecessary brutality and death that always comes with a war, and how politicians don t understand the horror ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Causes Of The Stonewall Riots In 1969 in Greenwich Village, New York, a 6 day riot took place that would launch the first Pride March and launch the Gay Rights movement as a national movement. The conflict was started when police raided the Stonewall bar, a bar that was a safe place for homosexuals to visit, and violence erupted between the two groups. In the end, homosexuals were granted more rights and gained more acceptance in American culture. The Stonewall Riotstook place in Greenwich Village, New York in 1969. Police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar run by the mafia, which outraged its many patrons and the people of the village. The patrons of the bar was not the only reason the Stonewall Inn got raided. Since it was illegal to sell alcohol to homosexuals, it was done illegally. The SLA, the state liquor authority, would not give liquor licenses to those who would sell to homosexuals. The Stonewall Inn owner, Fat Tony, combated this problem by saying the bar was a bottle club. A bottle club was where the patrons would bring their own bottles and get their alcohol from their privately owned stock. Violence broke out after 13 people were arrested and put into a wagon. People in the crowd yelled at the police to stop. The officers responded by telling them to get off the street. Someone started throwing pocket change at the officers, and others began rocking the wagon (Rede). Other villagers and patrons threw objects at the police, such as bricks and bottles, and chanted protests to the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Analysis Of Her Mistress s Clothes By Harriet Cany Peale Her Mistress s Clothes by Harriet Cany Peale is a wonderful example of a composition that identifies African American and Anglo Saxon women in 1848, displaying the difference of race and their identities within this period. Cany Peale s painting shows an Anglo Saxon woman engaging with an African American woman, at first glance, one could assume this is a genre painting, that of a peaceful scene demonstrating people in everyday activities ( Genre Painting ). Two women intimately engaging in a grooming ritual (Byrd) however this thought is fractured as you see the controlling way the Anglo Saxon woman holds the bottom of the African American woman s face as she gazes upon herself in the mirror. A spectacle of power and control that is further illustrated as the Anglo Saxon woman stands slightly taller than the African American, demonstrating the hierarchy and to establishing their identities as Mistress and slave. The slave is compositionally arranged in front of the Mistress in a predominant position, however as noted in our text this week, most of the slaves placed in the foreground of a painting in this era were done so in humor, to tease or to make them look immature (Pohl 278). As the title suggests, this slave has been dressed up by her Mistress in her Mistress s clothing as a way for the Mistress to make fun of the slave, teasing her with a taste of wealth and upper class. Cany Peale s previous career in fancy goods gave her the understanding of what was in fashion ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Virginia Woolf s Of Human Bondage Of Human Bondage is, as we all know, written from Philip s point of view, and therefore we sympathize with Philip, care about what goes on his life, and even feel attached to him. But, if the story had been written from say, Mildred s point of view, we may not feet the same about Philip. Chances are, his characterization would be completely different because of how Mildred views him, and we would probably grow to dislike Philip as much as we learned to dislike Mildred. Many have heard the saying, history is written by the winners, meaning we more commonly sympathize with the winners because it is they who got to tell the story, and we learn to dislike the opposing side, the way we dislike the British of the Revolutionary, the way we dislike ... Show more content on ... We would have been able to understand her thoughts about Philip, her odd distaste for him, how she genuinely felt about the German man she left Philip for. We may view Philip in a different light, as a weak, easily manipulated man, or as a man who didn t care, didn t understand her situation. While we would still, most likely, see the faults in Mildred, the way we did with Philip, we would probably think of them in a kinder way. After all, we all disliked Mildred when she left Philip, who clearly loved her, to be with the German man. Yet, is that not what Philip did do Nora, who really did love him? The two characters have many similarities, yet we view one as good, and one as bad. Both raised by people other than their parents, both concerned with money, both easily distracted, both in love just, not necessarily with each other. They both turned to others for money when they were struggling; Philip wishing his uncle would die, Mildred begging Philip for help. Neither of these characters are exactly good people, but they are seen as opposing forces of good versus evil. It is in this way that, through perspective, we choose who are the good people, and who are the bad. If Of Human Bondage had been written from a different point of view, it is likely that we would have ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Lotos-Eaters by Tennyson I. Introduction For many years, Tennyson has attracted readers by what Edmond Gosse called the beauty of the atmosphere which Tennyson contrives to cast around his work, molding it in the blue mystery of twilight, in the opaline haze of sunset. He is one of the greatest representative figures of the Victorian Age. His writing incorporates many poetic styles and includes some of the finest idyllic poetry in the language. He is one of the few poets to have produced acknowledged masterpieces in so many different poetic genres; he implemented perhaps the most distinguished and versatile of all the written works in the English language. The first time I read The Lotus Eaters 1, I have to admit that I had a hearty dislike for ... Show more content on ... They conclude, We will not wander more. C. Symbolism I wonder about the symbolism of Odysseus enc ounter with the Lotos Eaters. After so many years of battle, after so much grief and trauma that Odysseus and his men spent, they need to escape into a dreamlike world in which they may begin their healing. Psychologically, the deeper the pain one has experienced, the more often one is drawn to experiences of ecstasy in order to counter it. On a a deeper level, the Lotophagi experience appears to be an antecedent of the adventures that follow with the Cyclops, Circe, Calypso, and the Sirens4. There are a lot of images in the poem. There is also a brief hint of foreshadowing; In which[the island of the Lotos Eaters] it always seemГЁd afternoon , meaning that when you are in a state of happiness, everything seems the same. That only when you are drugged is that you get in this state of being. His voice was thin...his beating heart did make . This describes a primitive rendition of drug addicts. D. Theme One of the recurring themes in many poems is the conflict between personal fulfillment and public responsibility. That is, often the character in the poem is pulled one way by something he or she wants to do, and another way by a sense of duty or obligation that must be performed. This is the theme ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Alliteration In Rock And Roll Figurative Language Essay The most effective figurative language technique that the poet utilizes in the Inchcape Rock is alliteration. Alliteration is the use of repeating consonant sounds at the beginning of words close together in order to facilitate narration. A few examples of alliteration from the poem are: No stir in the air, no stir in the sea, The ship was as still as she could be. (Lines 1 2) The repeated use of the s sound creates a rhythmic sound that along with the end of line rhyming scheme makes for a very enjoyable read or recitation. Other examples of alliteration are the names of the characters in the poem such as Abbot of Aberbrothok and Sir Ralph the Rover. Another figurative language that the poet uses is personification. Personification is when ... Show more content on ... The poet also utilizes a metaphor in the poem. A metaphor is when there is a comparison of two different things. The comparison is not directly stated, but implied. The example of the metaphor in the poem is: A sound as if with the Inchcape Bell; The devil below was ringing his knell. (Lines 67 68) By using this metaphor, Southey demonstrates to the readers that Sir Ralph hears the sound of a funeral bell announcing his death as he sinks to the bottom of the sea. He points out the resemblance of this sound to the Devil ringing the death knell with the very same Inchcape bell in which Ralph attempted to steal. The metaphor describes that Sir Ralph is descending into hell. Throughout the poem, the poet uses not only figurative language techniques but many descriptive techniques in order to enhance the overall effect of the poem. Southey uses visual and sound images which provide a vivid picture to the readers. The following are just a couple of examples used in the poem Examples of visual images: The sun in heaven was shining gay. (Line 17); The waves flowed over the Inchcape Rock. (Line ... Get more on ...
  • 18. A Compare And Contrast Fats Research Paper Compare and Contrast Fats Generally, the word shortening means any group of solid fats. Shortenings generally consist of nearly 100 percent fat. It may be made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or both. Shortenings are used for may purposes, so manufacturers have formulated various kinds of fats with various properties. (Gisslen, 2013) All Purpose Shortening Also known as regular shortening, have a tough, waxy texture, and small particles of the fat tend to hold their shape in a dough or batter. They are called plastic shortenings, which means they are moldable at room temperature. They have a good creaming ability. Which means that a good quantity of air can be mixed into them to give a batter lightness and leavening power. This type of shortening melts only at a high temperature. ... Show more content on ... They are also used in many other pastries, breads, and products mixed by creaming, such as certain pound cakes, cookies, and quick breads. High Ratio Shortening These are soft shortenings that spread easily throughout a batter and quickly coat the particles of sugar and flour. The are call high ratio because they were devised for use in cake batter that contain a high ratio of sugar and liquid to flour. They also contain added emulsifying agents, so they can hold a larger quantity of liquid and sugar than regular shortenings. Which gives a smoother and finer texture to cake and make them moister. Commonly referred to as emulsifying shortening. High ratio shortening does not cream well. When a recipe calls for creaming shortening and sugar, regular shortening should be used. High ratio shortening is often used in icings because it can hold more sugar and liquid without curdling. It is more temperature stable and will hold air better upon whipping, improving volume and stability. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Haversian Bone Journal article write up Spatial organization of the haversian bone in man The strength of the human bone depends on the microstructure contained inside. Every human bone contains osteons, these are aligned in a certain way, osteonal orientation. Usually in humans they are grouped in two antirotary system of opposite direction in the shaft of the bone (diaphysis).There is a general hypothesis that the direction of these osteons is a functional adaptation and depends on the direction of the first stress that acts on the bone. There are a few others who looked into this hypothesis but they considered a sheep tibia. Here the writer of the article is trying to determine the osteonal direction in a human femurs and evaluate the results to see if the above hypothesis was good. In this study the angle of osteonal orientation was measured and also the direction. ... Show more content on ... The adult bones had normal structure and polio affected the bone structure causing bending in the diaphysis. To study the structure the primary layer was removed by electrical grounding, later India ink was used to stain the structure of the bone. Then a metallographic paper was used on the structure of the bone to give it a high lusture and then the structure was studied. The osteonal direction was measured in the area where the bone had a nearly circular cross section. A cylindrical loading model was used to compare the results to that of the femurs. The cylindrical model was loaded in with bending force in the frontal plane and torque in the perpendicular ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Electronic Article Surveillance Systems And Radio... The modern world, as of today, is greatly fuelled by the growing economy in the field of electronics, but yet, much of daily tasks in education, the work office, and such are still done by hand, and thus slow down the rate of the undertaking greatly. However, many techniques used in more complex situations, can be tinkered with, adding in new ideas, and concepts, applied in different ways can eventually bring a harmony betweenst daily life and the technological world. For example, the RFIDtag and the rest of the electronic article surveillance systems, called EAS can be combined with the idea of the credit card to form a completely new idea that work make daily life quite the bit simpler. RFID tags are an acronym for Radio Frequency IDentification and although can be used and applied for a multitude of purposes in the world, the greater majority of them are used to prevent theft at the supermarket or department store. However, some progress had been made in the field of electronic management, of the most notable being embedded inside a library book s cover in order to automatically check it out to the patron to injecting the rice sized tag into a pet or human to identify its location. The benefits of this tag are great though, much more than exploited. The RFID system contains of two primary components: the transmitter and the receiver which operate per the name by the former transmitting radio signals and the latter receiving them. The radio signals used are similar to ... Get more on ...
  • 21. WeekOneTeamWorkEditTwo Essay Textbook Graphing Methods MTH 214 Amanda R. Poole Loggains Hollie Thompson Arielle Seidman Professor Roland Garbe February 2, 2015 University of Phoenix Material Textbook Graphing Methods Worksheet LearningTeam A Hollie Thompson Use the elementary school textbooks you selected to complete the following table. You must review at least one textbook from each of the following three grade ranges: Grades K 2, Grades 3 5, and Grades 6 8. For example, you may review a book from Grades 1, 4, and 7 to meet the requirements of this assignment. If your sample textbook does not contain any of the graphs listed below, please indicate that as you complete the table. Grade Book Name Picture Graph (How and when introduced) Bar ... Show more content on ... This particular book collected data from the students about which type of food they liked most and used pictures of the food to represent that number. The bar graph was introduced after the picture graph. The information used in the picture graph was transferred to a bar graph to show the students the same information in a different format. The line graph was introduced at the end of third grade, but not in much detail. In this edition, the line graph is used to display a person s height from birth to 10 years of age. The circle graph, also known as a pie chart or graph, was introduced after the line graph. The example in the book was someone keeping track and showing how they spend their day. This is a good example of how to get the students involved. They could easily keep a schedule of their day and make a circle graph. That sounds like a great extra credit project to me. Other skills introduced in this book includes using tally marks to collect the data for your charts, using number lines to introduce negative and positive numbers, and using that number line to solve problems.
  • 22. References Sarama, J., Clements, D. H. (2006). Mathematics in kindergarten. (61 ed., Vol. 5, p. 38). YC Young Children. Retrieved from /doc/1129349361/fmt/pi/rep/NONE?hl= cit:auth=Sarama, Julie;Clements, Douglas ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Wang Lung Land Quotes When we are introduced to Wang Lung in the beginning of the novel, he owns an average sized amount of land already in his possession, the same land that his father had farmed in his own time. However, as he becomes more successful later in his life, the farmer begins to purchase more land from the House of Hwang and from other farmers in his area. In comparison to others, Wang Lung considers his land to have rich soil and be perfect for farming, a prime example presented when he contrasts his own land to his uncle s, which he describes to have soil like lime (Page 52) because of his uncle s careless farming techniques. With his great wealth, Wang Lung is able to hire workers to tend to his land when he is in his old age, and to rent his land ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Marburg Virus Research Paper No, doctors haven t found a cure for Marburg, but they treat this fever with antibodies.Doctors state that antibodies fight against Marburg very welly. Even though there isn t a cure infected patients are given supported hospital care (Marburg virus disease history,sThe CDC states that Marburg is a rare severe Hemorrhagic fever (Marburg Hemorrhagic fever). Marburg was first recognized in 1967 in Germany.Fruit bats maybe the reservoir of Marburg. The first people who caught Marburg we re exposed to monkeys. Scientist say that this virusis transmitted through direct contact of body fluids.Marburg has countless amounts of symptoms, has no cures, and kills almost every host (CDC). In this manner Marburg was first found in Frank, Germany in ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Romanticism In Annie Hall Annie Hall is a 1977 American romantic comedy film directed by Woody Allen from a screenplay co written by him and Marshall Brickman. Charles H. Joffe who was Woody Allen s manager at that time produced the film and the film s director played the leading male, Woody Allen, as Alvy Max Singer, who is a hostile man who tries to figure out the reasoning for his failure in relationships with the film s female lead, who is played by Diane Keaton. Annie Hallis not seen as a traditional romantic film, due to the fact that the stereotype that the viewer has about romantic films are reversed. Unlike other romantic films Annie Hall starts with the story of the break up and the audience is only introduced to the beginning of the relationship 25 minutes into the film. They meet at a tennis club and immediately after their meeting things turn awkward, and what makes it more awkward is the ... Show more content on ... The initiation of the first meeting was done by Annie which is quite unusual because society believes that woman should be courted by the ma. Annie s dress code throughout the film is very masculine with her fitted suits and ties, she is not seen as the conventional girly girl stereotype. Annie also owns and drives her own car which once again is the position that a make has to show superiority, this puts Alvy in a feminine position. The role change is seen clearly in the scene when they move in together when Alvy says: I don t want you to live with me!? Whose idea was it? (Annie Hall and Annie replies: mine then Alvy subverts under her and replies with: yeah, it was yours, actually, but I approved it immediately . One can clearly see that Annie wears the pants in the relationship which is unlike a conventional romantic ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Jaffe V. Samsung Elecs JaffГ© v. Samsung Elecs. Co. Qimonda AG, a German semiconductor manufacturer, had patent cross licenses with many of its competitors. Such licenses, in industries like electronics, allow parties in effect to have a truce with respect to patents, so that they may proceed their respective businesses. Qimonda file bankruptcy and ceased operations, so no longer needed the protection of the cross licenses. Rather, it terminated the licenses under German bankruptcy law, to replace them with licenses under which it would receive royalty payments. Qimonda filed a chapter 15 bankruptcy proceeding in the United States, to do the same with its American licenses. The representative committed to re license Qimonda s patent portfolio to the Licensees at a reasonable and nondiscriminatory ( RAND ) royalty. However, the American courts held that US bankruptcy law did not allow licenses. Chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code allows the representative of a foreign bankruptcy proceeding to file an ancillary proceeding in the United States. It also allows broad recognition of orders entered in the foreign bankruptcy proceeding. But the recognition is subject to certain safeguards. The US bankruptcy court may refuse to apply the foreign order if the action would be manifestly contrary to the public policy of the United States. In addition, the court must ensure that the interests of the creditors and other interested entities, including the debtor, are sufficiently protected. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Marketing Ch-9 PF16 09 Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. _C___1.According to your text, ____ are small technology based firms operating in international markets within two years of their establishment and realizing as much as 70 percent of their sales outside the domestic home market. a.| natural globals | b.| multinational corporations | c.| born globals | d.| born multinationals | e.| multinational enterprises | __B__2.The Mont Blanc Company plans to export expensive consumer gift items to Germany. The best overall economic measure of market potential would be Germany s a.|gross domestic product.| b.|gross domestic product per capita.| c.|gross national product.| ... Show more content on ... a.|Trading company| b.|Strategic alliance| c.|Licensing| d.|Direct ownership| e.|Exporting| _A___14.An alliance between Honda and Ford would most likely be classified as a.|a strategic alliance.| b.|a joint venture.| c.|direct ownership.| d.|a multinational enterprise.| e.|contract manufacturing.| __B__15.IKEA, a Swedish retailer of contemporary furniture, operates several stores in various Scandinavian countries, as well as in the United States and Canada. Which of the following describes IKEA s level of commitment to international marketing? a.|Licensing| b.|Direct ownership| c.|Exporting| d.|A trading company| e.|A joint venture| _C___16.Exporting, licensing, and using trading companies are preferred modes of international
  • 28. market entry for firms with a(n) ____ structure. a.|international division| b.|internationally integrated| c.|export department| d.|geographic area| e.|matrix| _B___17.Which of the following is most likely to engage in direct ownership activities internationally? a.|Internationally integrated structures| b.|International division structures| c.|Export department structures| d.|Import department structures| e.|Outsourcing structures| _B__18.When asked where Laser Tools, Inc., markets its products, company president and founder Roger Helms says that the world is ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Imagination At The State Library Of Queensland Review of Imagination Playscape Imagination Playscape at the State Library of Queensland is a place for children under the age of twelve to play, create and build together. The room filled with an assortment of blue, soft loose parts that allow children to play creatively. To judge the quality of Imagination Playscape as an early childhood learning space, Ceppi Zini s (1998) key characteristics of environments for young children have been used. Information about Imagination Playscape that is displayed on the wall. Overall Softness Imagination Playscape is very open, with several ways to enter the space as it is connected to the library, and there are doors leading outside. The space allows children of all ages to work together, and ... Show more content on ... Flexible The Imagination Playscape features different shaped parts which can be used as a variety of things, allowing children to creatively design and build structures. One child may use a particular part for one purpose, while another may imagine it as something different. Furthermore, the holes in some of the parts can be used for different purposes. They may be used as a way to join pieces together, as a window or even as a way for young children to easily move them around. All the furniture except for the large tiered seating is easy to move, though some children may need assistance from an adult, allowing the space to be flexible. Sense of Community The seating located around the room allow a place for adults to sit. Some of the seating is low enough that adults can engage with the children without having to sit on the floor. The large area ensures that there is enough space for both adults and children to create together. Though the limited number of loose parts can be seen as a disadvantage, it can also foster a sense of community when two groups of children must share or trade to get the piece they want. Constructiveness The space allows for children to work collaboratively with both other children and adults. Imagination Playscape is a place where children s knowledge and ideas can be built upon by interacting with others. One child may have an idea and other child helps them execute it effectively, or an adult may provide assistance. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Informative Paper on Weight Watchers The Ideal Diet No one is happy with their body; there is always something that they would like to tone up or slim down. Americans spend billions of dollars a year on weight loss programs, not to mention the food that these programs require you to eat. With most of these diets, one cannot continue on with them because the diet just would not be healthy to do so. It would be amazing for a diet to let you eat things you eat now, but still lose weight; to be able to go out and enjoy dinner with family and friends without fearing a diet choice that has already been made. Well, Weight Watchers lets a person do all this and so much more. Weight Watchers lets a person eat anything that they normally would. When a person gets weighed at... Show more content on ... Weight Watchers was designed so that people can take charge of their lives and their weight without having to suffer with horrible tasting food or having a constant rumbling stomach. Not only does it help people lose weight but it helps them be conscious about what they eat and how healthy something really is. Once they start to see pounds shedding off and their waist size shrinking, they will begin to eat better and change their life styles. This is not just a diet for when someone is over weight. This is a diet for a life time. It will continue to help a person achieve and maintain a healthy weight without having to cut out some of their favorite foods, fattening or not. Weight Watchers has activity points just like they do regular food point. This also comes with a nifty slider so that when someone goes to the gym or even goes for a walk, they can calculate how intense it was to how long they participated in this activity for and gain activity points which give people all the more motivation to get out there and be active. They can then turn around and trade these points in for food points. In conclusion, this is by far the best diet program out there. They do not try to put products or medications in your body that can in the long run be dangerous for you. Even once someone pays for ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Annie Proulx s Brokeback Mountain Compared to Annie Proulx s short story, Brokeback Mountain , Ang Lee s usage of additional dialogue, scenery, and symbolism in the film more effectively presents the argument against homophobia, underscoring the theme that everyone suffers when forced to deny their emotions. In the short story, Proulx develops the theme during the fight scene between Jack and Ennis at the trailhead parking lot. In the scene, Jack pleads to Ennis that they should travel to Mexico, but Ennis is reluctant because he has to support his wife and children. In the midst of the argument, Ennis states, I got to say this to you one time, Jack, and I ain t foolin. What I don t know... all them things I don t know could get you killed if I should come to know them (Proulx 21). This line establishes Ennis pent up frustration and jealousy from repressing his emotions for Jack. Ennis is frustrated because Jack does not understand his responsibilities at home and because Jack does not understand how difficult Ennis life compared to his. Additionally, Ennis is jealous... Show more content on ... At the end of the argument, Proulx writes, Like vast clouds of steam from thermal springs in winter the years of things unsaid and now unsayable admissions, declarations, shames, guilts, fears rose around them (Proulx 21). Proulx depicts the hopelessness of Jack and Ennis relationship with a simile of the surrounding nature. The vast clouds of steam that rise around the men represents the sudden surge of emotion that takeover the men. The reference to winter foreshadows the inevitable fall of their relationship, as winter typically represents a time of hopelessness and despair in literature (Richards Gustafson). Adding on, the years of things unsaid and now unsayable solidifies the tragic fate of the men s relationship in how the men will never be able to say what they wanted to say to each ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Gang Subcultures Of Gangs Hence, according to differential opportunity theory, if one is to create gang subcultures of criminal, conflict, and retreatist; then there must be opportunity, or lack thereof to for one to participate in the illegitimate structure, which would require the pre existence of gangs (Cloward Ohlin, 1960 in Williams McShane, 2014, pg. 99 100). It should be noted that Curry and Spergel (1992) found that the [prior] presence of gangmembers both males and females are also significant estimators for one to become involved in a gang (pg. 284). Furthermore, the two strongest factors for individuals to become involved in gangswas if a family member was already involved in a gang, or being near drug distributors (Curry Spergel, 1992, pg. 284). Thus, if an individual were to join a gang it is probable that there: is a prior presence of gangs in their neighbourhood, they have a family member that is in gang, or the individual is near drug distributors, all of whom who would likely mentor the individual (Curry Spergel, 1992, pg. 284). While this explains criminal gangs, it does not state if retreatist or conflict gangs exist. Nevertheless, according to Klien and Maxson (2006), one consequence of gang participation is drug abuse (retreatist) (as cited in Pitts, 2008, pg. 27). In terms of conflict gangs, Yablonsky (1962) asserts that gang members are sociopaths, bent upon violence (as cited in Pitts, 2008, pg. 26); however, Christopher Schreck, Jean McGloin, and David Kirk (2009) indicate otherwise, as they state that conflict subcultures are not solely defined by violence (pg. 789). Additionally, differential opportunity theory states that a lower class individual will only have access to illegitimate opportunities, as their SES deprives them of the chance to participate in the legitimate avenues (Williams McShane, 2014, pg. 99). As stated previously, gang members tend to be poor and racial minorities (Curry Spergel, 1988, pg. 399); in turn, having access to legitimate opportunities is unlikely due to economic deprivation. Therefore, for gang members, after they fail or do not have an opportunity to succeed through legitimate avenues such as employment and education, they resort to illegitimate means to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Old Age Security And Modern Welfare System Old age security has long since become a basic building block in any modern welfare system. Likewise it has long since become a standard element in the battery of expectations held and shared by citizens towards society. Pension systems are the vehicles by which these expectations are catered for. Their effectiveness and reliability are extremely important to individuals as well as societies. [] As reported by the Public Health England (PHE), individuals in the UK are expected to live longer than before the population of the UK is ageing. Men can now expect to live for a further 19 years at age 65, 12 years at 75, 6 years at 85 and 3 years at 95 Women can expect to live for a further 21 years at age 65, 13 years at 75, 7 years at 85, and 3 years at 95 With 10 million people above the age of 65 years due to rise by approximately 5.5 million by 2020 and a further 19 million by 2050 according to census in 2010 by the UK government.[] This poses a challenge as it is reported that 55%, ВЈ114bn in 2014/15, of the welfare spending is paid out to pensioners.[] As seen in the chart above, it is due to further increase and will put more pressure on the public finances finances whose strain will fall on the shoulders of small working age population. This poses a challenge not only for the government, but also for the individuals as: 1.It poses a challenge to forecast future lifetime of individuals and 2.Subsequently it is challenging to have sufficient funds in place for ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Dance, A And Universal Way Of Expression From The Human Being Dance A Close View to Flamenco Dance is a way of expression from the human being. In every culture regarding the traditions, dance is a natural and universal way of a human activity. Dance can have various styles and forms; in the early days dance was a way of a religious expression or as a secular mean. Nowadays, dance is a varied performance art. The ways of express dance in the present days have changed, but dance has always been a way of natural expression towards something enjoyable to the soul. During this project, I got the chance to experience deeply the form of dance: Flamenco. Flamenco is a folkloric Spanish dance full of acoustic sounds that comes even from the shoes of the dancers. The Flamenco dance presentation in the Columbia Restaurant is full of professionalism and passion. When entering the restaurant the Spanish air is able to breath and the culture is expressed in every corner of the place. Flamenco is a folkloric dance form directed from Spain. Flamenco traveled all the way from Spain to America to give a piece of Spanish culture all around the world. The purpose of a folkloric dance is to bring the audience to be participants of the performance more than just an entertainment to the audience. In this presentation, the audience is involved in such way that people can feel free to clap according to the Flamenco style and give those encouraging Eh! to and with the performers. There are essential parts for a Flamenco choreography to be perfect. In ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Essay on The Effectiveness of Sports Drinks Compared to Water Staying hydrated is one of the most important parts of physical activity. In Clinics of Sports Medicine, it explains that Maintenance of water and electrolyte balance is important for sustaining cognitive and physical performance. Dehydration degrades morale and desire to work. Body water deficits of as little as 2% body weight can impair physical performance. Water deficits of 5% to 7% body weight are associated with headaches, dizziness, and apathy (Latzka, Montain 1). To prevent dehydration and its effects a medical team created Gatorade for the University of Florida s football team in 1965. Since then, there has been a large market of beverages to hydrate athletes and improve performance. In Sports and Energy Drinks: Answers for ... Show more content on ... In Men s Fitness Magazine, it explains that sodium helps the body hold onto water and helps fluid get to the muscles and blood. Amy Epstein also found that drinking too much water is the cause of hypernatremia, a condition that occurs a lot in athletes who drink a lot of water without the necessary sodium. This can actually cause you to lose fluid (Epstein par. 3 6). Water absorbs quickly into the bloodstream to hydrate the body, but sports drinks absorb even faster because of the minerals contained. Quote Sports drinks are full of minerals. The minerals are not only great for absorption but to replenish what a body loses during strenuous exercise. Usually replenishment of those minerals is only needed for long hard exercise. In an article from Men s Fitness Magazine it explains that water is a great choice for light physical activity. It will satisfy thirst and hydration needs (Ward par. 2). This is because Quote Sports drinks, however, are better for long or vigorous exercise. In the article from Science Direct it explains that more than 60 minutes of intense activity depletes energy, electrolyte, and fluid reserves (Ward par. 2). That is why it is important to drink a something with the necessary minerals. When you work out, you lose chloride, potassium, and sodium through sweating and muscle exertion. At WebMD it states that the best sports drinks contain ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Role Of Chivalry In Beowulf The role of chivalry is a complicated concept for solitary heroes within Beowulf and Albrecht DГјrer s Knight, Death, and the Devil. In Beowulf, the concept of chivalry is explained through the eyes of the hero, Beowulf, which is the idea of performing chivalrous actions in the face of death for glory; however, Beowulfdoes not realize that his actions will not keep his people safe in the end. In Knight, Death and the Devil, the idea of chivalry is the motivation of the knight on religious grounds to be chivalrous in the face of death. The Knight gives the impression that he understood that his actions would ultimately be meaningless, and he appears resigned to the idea. The argument can be made that chivalry is unsustainable in both texts, given that while it inspires these heroes to pursue these tasks, the result is that they believe that mild sacrifices, such as their own life, must be made to ensure victory; however, these two texts differ with their heroes anticipated outcomes of their sacrifices, which turns out to be for nothing. Despite having different outcomes of operating within a system of chivalry, these two texts similarly critique the outcomes of chivalry as being unsustainable based on the demands it places on heroes to sacrificethemselves. To defend this claim, I will begin by similarly critiquing how chivalry is unsustainable within both texts. I will then express how both texts show the unsustainability results from the demands of sacrifice. I will then ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Physics Of Diagnostic Ultrasound The Physics of Diagnostic Ultrasound Introduction Diagnostic ultrasound is one of the most common forms of medical imaging in use today. When people think of ultrasound images or sonograms as they are also referred to, they may recall grainy black and white images that are similar to x rays. However, with the exception of perhaps developing fetuses, most have very limited knowledge of what they are actually looking at, let alone how those images are created. Many people are aware that sound waves are used to produce images but have no clue how the process works or the tremendous amount of physics involved. There are numerous physics concepts involved in ultrasound imaging. Including, but not limited to, velocity, frequency, and wavelength.... Show more content on ... Our ears convert sound waves into audible sounds for us to process. The sound waves used in medical sonography must be generated by the machine itself to create the vibrations that travel through body tissues and ultimately enable medical professionals to see images of the inside of our bodies. Vaguely similar to humans who process the sounds we hear and can picture the source in our minds if we are unable to see it directly, medical professionals use ultrasound to create images in order to visualize internal structures. Using this method of imaging, physicians are able to identify and visualize abnormalities and potential disease or confirm that we are healthy, or whether a fetus is developing normally. While most people associate ultrasound imaging with pregnant women, they are also used as a diagnostic tool in many other areas of medicine. For example, in addition to obstetrics, ultrasound is used in cardiology as well. Cardiologists use this technology to see inside the heart and identify any abnormalities, and they also use ultrasound imaging to measure blood flow through the heart and major arteries. Additionally, urologists use ultrasound imaging to visualize kidney stones or detect prostate cancer. Gynecologists also use ultrasound to detect any abnormalities in a woman s reproductive system. Today, ultrasound imaging is utilized in nearly every area of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. France s Old Regime Was Plagued With Problems France s Old Regime was plagued with problems. During the Enlightenment, these problems were highlighted and highly criticized. Enlightenment thinkers called for people to start thinking for themselves, and to break off the chains of thought that oppressed them. They did not, however, call for revolution, nor were they necessarily pro democracy. What they were interested in were practical reforms. In a system as broken as the Old Regime was, even the most practical of changes could seem revolutionary. Diderot and Turgot were two Enlightenment thinkers whose works exemplify this. Both men hid their more drastic thoughts behind seemingly less radical ideas and themes. Neither of the men, however, necessarily called for revolution, at least not the kind that France would get. Some of their ideas stemmed from previous writers, such as Loyseau and Bossuet, whether they agreed with them or not. Diderot and Turgot would find many areas of agreement with Loyseau, but they would largely disagree with Bossuet. In terms of authority and nobility, Diderot and Turgot were radical critics of the Old Regime, and the areas of agreement between them and Loyseau demonstrate that the legitimacy of the Old Regime, though not entirely in question during Loyseau s era, was suspect enough to inspire the seeds of thought that would bring about the Enlightenment. The nature of authority in the Old Regime was absolute. The King ruled by divine right, and wasn t to be questioned or challenged. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Case And Remedies Of An Arkansas Capital Murder Case In an Arkansas capital murder prosecution that had resulted in conviction and sentences of death based on the killing of four members of a family defense counsel learned after the conviction had been reversed that a key prosecution witness, the defendant s son, who testified against his father implicating him in the murders at trial, has also given prosecutors a statement in which he claimed responsibility for the crimes and exculpated his father. Defense counsel moved to dismiss the prosecution on the ground of prosecutorial misconduct, but the Arkansas Supreme Court rejected the prior jeopardy claim and permitting the retrial to proceed, while referring the prosecutors involved to the court s Committee on Professional Conduct for consideration of possible ethical violations. On retrial, the defendant was again convicted, although his son did not testify against him at this proceeding. Issues of prosecutorial misconduct in this case and remedies for misconduct are examined in this article. INTRODUCTION: THE BILLY DALE GREEN CAPITAL MURDERCASE When Billy Dale Green was first tried and convicted of the capital murders of four members of an Arkansas family and sentenced to death in an Arkansas circuit court in 2004, the prosecution s key witness was his son, Chad. Having pleaded guilty in return for a 20 year sentence, Chad testified that his father had smoked methamphetamine together before his father killed the couple and their two children, apparently as a result ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Lgbt What Is LGBT? LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and along with heterosexual they describe people s sexual orientation or gender identity. These terms are explained in more detail here. Lesbian A lesbian woman is one who is romantically, sexually and/or emotionally attracted to women. Many lesbians prefer to be called lesbian rather than gay. Gay A gay man is one who is romantically, sexually and/or emotionally attracted to men. The word gay can be used to refer generally to lesbian, gay and bisexual people but many women prefer to be called lesbian. Most gay people don t like to be referred to as homosexual because of the negative historical associations with the word and because the word gay better reflects their ... Show more content on ... Sexual orientation also refers to a person s sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviours, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions. Three sexual orientations are commonly recognised heterosexual, homosexual (gay and lesbian) and bisexual. Homophobia Homophobia refers to fear of or prejudice and discrimination against lesbian, gay and bisexual people. It is also the dislike of same sex attraction and love or the hatred of people who have those feelings. The term was first used in the 1970s and is more associated with ignorance, prejudice and stereotyping than with the physiological reactions usually attributed to a phobia . While homophobic comments or attitudes are often unintentional, they can cause hurt and offence to lesbian, gay and bisexual people. Transphobia Transphobia refers to fear of or prejudice and discrimination against people who are transgender or who are perceived to transgress norms of gender, gender identity or gender expression. While transphobic comments or attitudes are often unintentional, they can cause hurt and offence to transgender people. Definitions adapted from More Than a Phase (Pobal, 2006), For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation (APA, 2008) and Answers to Your Questions About Transgender Individuals and Gender Identity (APA, ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Self Assessment Negotiation Executive Summary: Before coming to negotiation work shop I strongly believed that it is not easy to get achieve Win Win or Win loss results at every negotiation. That s made me more excited to attend this work shop. In my personal life, people around me believe me that I am a good negotiator/ buyer as buying research is my routine activity. I have been successful most of the time in negotiating good deal for the things I buy in my personal life. When it comes to professional life, I get nervous as I have never though about utilizing my inherent skill that helps me to successfully negotiate in my personal life. I did acquire some more negotiation skill by experience and learning through co workers but that was not enough get... Show more content on ... Although, I am not that strong in leading a negotiation towards it s ultimate goal. In order to increase the probability of a successful negotiation, for me as an individual, first I should identify the required steps and the order they should be taken in the course of a negotiation and try not to skip any step. The second item in my action plan is to improve my ability to construct trust based negotiation. If trust is the basis of a negotiation, then both involved parties can think of a long relationship rather than one time transaction and it is what matters. My strengths as a negotiator before Negotiation workshop: As briefly mentioned in the executive summary, my personal power is my main strength. Aspiration, confidence, skills, and knowledge are the basic components which shape my power of negotiation. Prior to negotiation, I always do my homework; I believe being well prepared is the first step before any negotiation. I try to collect as much information as possible. Adequate information about the other parties at the negotiation table, their history, interests, aversions, and possible positions give me the power which comes with knowledge and confidence. With regards to my negotiation skills, I am always positive when entering a negotiation. I personally believe there is always some sort of solution out there for each and every problem we may ... Get more on ...
  • 42. This Goldfish Would You Wish By Barbara Jordan Quotes Hunter Gagnon English Hour 1 Collection Essay It s a small world and we all have our own characteristics and personalities. Barbara Jordan s quote, We as human beings, must be willing to accept people who are different from ourselves. This quote is saying that we have to accept people for who they are no matter how different they might be from us. There are three literary pieces that help us illustrate Barbara Jordan s quote. What of This Goldfish Would You Wish? , Universal Declaration of Independence , and Texas V. Johnson, These literary pieces show us how to accept people for who they are by communication, understanding rights, and tolerating each other. Communication is key in trying to accept someone. In the short story What of This Goldfish Would You Wish? by Etgar Keret is about a guy who was walking around town going door to door ... Show more content on ... In the court opinion Texas v. Johnson by William J. Brennan there are examples that portray that knowing someone s rights are important in acceptance. We submit that nobody can suppose that this one gesture of an unknown man will change our nation s attitude towards its flag. (Brennan 2). This quote is saying that just because one person does something wrong we can t judge other people for someone else s wrongs. This quote goes along with Barbara Jordan s quote because even though someone has done something wrong and they are different from ourselves we have to be willing to accept someone. (Brennan 2). The way to preserve the flag s special role is not to punish those who feel differently about these matters. This quote also portrays that we have to accept those who feel differently about the things that we feel towards. This quote goes along with Barbara Jordan s quote because it is saying that we have to accept those who feel differently from our ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Cholera Disease Paper Cholera is a disastrous and horrifying disease that has killed over 10,000 people. This Cholera disease paper includes the dangerous painful symptoms, successful vaccines, a personal survival story, and the great future for this disease. Cholera is, an infectious and often fatal bacterial bacterial disease of the small intestine, typically contracted from infected water supplies and causing severe vomiting and diarrhea, ( instant ion=1 espv=2 ie=UTF 8#q=what+is+cholera). Some reports in India as early as 1000 A.D have been reported that was thought they had a cholera like disease but was not. Dr. Snow wasn t the one to discover Cholera but he did show how the disease could be spread and stop it from becoming a local outbreak so he is... Show more content on ... Scientists say that Cholera also comes from, vibrio cholerae that thrives in aquatic environments, ( Poppick, By Laura. Deadly Cholera Outbreaks Could Increase with Climate Change. LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 16 Dec. 2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2016). Hydrological and climatology both correlate with Cholera outbreaks that help predict future outbreaks months in advance. Researchers in the University of Maryland is trying to make a better effort understanding the predictions of Cholera outbreaks. Cholera can only be discovered more just like any other disease. In conclusion, Cholera is deadly and feeling the pain to go to the bathroom and die of dehydration is just terrifying. If the fluid loss in not replaced and exceeds 5 to 10 liters, it can be fatal ( As you can see this paper Cholera the dangers, symptoms, vaccines, a personal survival story and the great future of this disease. If you or any family members feel any of these symptoms DO NOT WAIT report it to the hospital immediately. Be happy and healthy and always BEWARE what you are ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Summary Of The White Man s Burden According to William Easterly, the accomplishments of planned development are not impressive. In an overly simplified process, governments invest capital to provide aid to developing countries (in this case food aid), it then does not yield a specific result or target, and the aid goes somewhere unintended (Easterly, 2006). In The White Man s Burden, Easterly discusses the notion that aid aims to please the donor instead of their electorate, by focusing on the wrong projects, and project impacts are often not measured scientifically (Easterly, 2006). In other words, development aid does more harm by fostering a dependency in recipient governments (Diriye, et al., 2014). For developments sake, positive effects are tarnished by the politicization... Show more content on ... In The Gambia, the government received foreign aid to develop rice projects for the purpose to increase food security from 1966 to 1984 (Carney, 2008). It is important to note that this period from 1966 to 1984 is a period that evolved from the Second World War. As a result, the justification for aid and development was to uplift nations from poverty. Furthermore, development was justified as a moral obligation and as something that advances national interest (Eyoh, 2015). However, development for the strict purpose of morality or poverty has unintended consequences. According to Carney, the Gambian government utilized 25,000 hectares of land to facilitate food aid for rice production. Today, only 10 percent of the initial irrigated land for food aid and food security purposes remains in production by farmers (Carney, 2008). As these operations emerged, different labour arrangements (human, mechanical and political) needed to develop in unison. Before the processes were complete, changes in policy favoured the importation of rice instead of local production (Carney, ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Corporate Social Responsibility Has Long Gone As actors in economic and social life, we are called to the highest standards of integrity, respect and engagement in our behaviors, every day, everywhere. Bernard Arnault Luxury industry: The conventional approach to corporate social responsibility has long gone. Now, there is a desire to incorporate social and environmental speculations that will fortify each brand s strategy. This is where the luxury industry comes into picture. The brand industry can absolutely impact social orders and our society. It promotes our culture, history, and nurtures talent of the young. Thus, supports long term growth chain of luxury value chain. The global luxury goods industry has been on an upward trend since the past few years. Even though the ... Show more content on ... 3.Perfumes and cosmetics: Make up products, perfumes and skin care products are a part of this segment of the company. 4.Watches and jewelry: The company specializes in the field of chronograph watches and accessories for both men and women. 5.Selective retailing: LVMHpromotes its products taking into consideration the status of the company in the industry. It captivates the minds of international travelers especially. Assistance and direct access is also provided at its stores. 6.Other activities: LVMH is a part of real estate markets as well. Other than real estate, the company also builds yachts. This section also includes media. It publishes magazines and newspapers. It manages online portals and radio stations as well. Environment and Social Factors: LVMH has for the past 20 years anticipated and adapted production processes, habits and behaviors, working each day to find better solutions to the many environmental challenges our industry faces. (LVMH) Environmental factors: Following are few initiatives taken by LVMH: 1.Renewable energy sources like solar, geothermal and wind share almost zero carbon footprints. These energy sources are an integral part of the environmental policy of the company. 2.The company s warehouses, stores or offices are specifically designed taking into consideration greenhouse gas emissions. 3.LVMH established an internal carbon fund
  • 46. ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Memory Management and Microprocessor ABSTRACT In this paper, we will cover the memory management of Windows NT which will be covered in first section, and microprocessors which will be covered in second section. When covering the memory management of Windows NT, we will go through physical memory management and virtual memory management of that operating system. In virtual memory management section, we will learn how Windows NT managing its virtual memory by using paging and mapped file I/O. After covering the memory management, we will go through microprocessor. In this section, we will learn a bit about the recent microprocessors, such as Intel and AMD microprocessors. We also will learn about the trends that affecting the performance of microprocessors. INTRODUCTION ... Show more content on ... The segmentation scheme in Intel 80386 microprocessor is more advanced than that in Intel 8086 microprocessor. The 8086 segments start at a fixed location and are always 64K in size, but with 80386, the starting location and the segment size can separately be specified by the user. The segments may overlap, it allows two segments to share address space. To send the necessary information, segment tables with segment selector as index are used. At any time, only two segment tables can be active. They are Global Descriptor Table (GDT) and a Local Descriptor Table (LDT). This two segment table only can be executed by the operating system. Segment table is an array of segment descriptors which specify the starting address and the size of the segment. Each segment descriptor has 2 bits specifying its privilege level, called as the Descriptor Privilege Level (DPL). This DPL has to be compared with Requested Privilege Level (RPL) and Current Privilege Level (CPL) before processor grants the access to a segment. If the DPL of the segment is less than or equals to the RPL as well as the CPL, then the processor will grant access to a particular segment. This serves as protection mechanism for operating system. 1.2.2.Virtual Memory Management in Windows NT Windows NT virtual memory manager provides large virtual memory space to applications via two memory management processes. They are called paging (moving data between ... Get more on ...
  • 48. What Is The Difference Between Congress And Us Elections The legislature in the U.S. and the U.K. differ in some pretty important ways. First, in regards to Parliament, the entire legislature is dissolved at least once every five years, and new elections are held for every seat. In the United States, Representatives and Senators are elected based on term lengths instead. Second, in the UK, the House of Commons is mostly the only house in Parliament that gets elected directly by the people. This is different from Congress because, in the US, both the House and the Senate are elected. The Legislative process itself also differs markedly between Congress and Parliament. In the U.S, legislation must pass in the same form through both houses of Congress before it can be sent to the President s desk. Either... Show more content on ... This is probably due to the fact that the House of Commons is the one that the people show up to vote for. Currently there are 650 members of the House of Commons (). Elections for these seats are held based on something called constituencies. These are based on geographical features, local government boundaries, land area and population ( Parliamentary Elections 2007, 5). The average population of a constituency is about 68,500 people ( Parliamentary Elections 2007, 5). These seats are all vacated at least once every five years, and new elections are held to fill them. Interestingly, elections in the United Kingdom tend to be a very different type of event than the elections we are used to here in the states. General election campaigns typically only last about three weeks ( Parliamentary Elections 2007, 6) The amount of money that parties can spend on elections is restricted based on the number of candidates it puts up, and currently sits at 19.77 million for a party that contests all the seats in the House of Commons ( Parliamentary Elections 2007, 6). Paid political advertising on both radio and television is not allowed, and television coverage of elections is required to be impartial ( Parliamentary Elections 2007, 6). This is a vastly different political atmosphere than the one we are used to in the United States, where elections are huge events that result in the spending of billions of dollars in a particular election cycle ( Election, ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The Egyptian Revolution Essay example A. Background and UN Involvement Almost a year ago, Egypt broke into civil unrest when protesters flooded Tahrir Square, demanding the end of Hosnia Mubarak s regime. Although Mubarak stepped down within two weeks, Egypt is worse off today than it was last January. The Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF), which played a vital role in the January revolution, has now become a violent and oppressive force. On the twenty ninth of December 2011, the SCAF raided seventeen Egyptian, German, and US run NGOs in search of proof of illegal foreign funding.1 In a statement (A/HRC/18/NGO/77) submitted by the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR), and the Center for Egyptian Women s... Show more content on ... The Muslim Brotherhood played a major role in the January revolution and has boldly condemned the SCAF s actions. The US, who has previously opposed the Muslim Brotherhood, has now tried to develop a friendship with the organization in anticipation of its power over Egypt. The UN has not taken a very strong stance in any of Egypt s issues, most likely due to the currentness of the topic. The UN has however supported many other Arab Spring related revolutions by deploying the United Nations Support Mission In Libya and supporting human rights in Yemen. B. Policy Germany s stance on Egypt s revolution is peaceful and supportive. Our Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said that he was concerned about violence and wanted all parties to remain peaceful. Germany highly supports freedom of expression and would like Egypt s government to quickly adopt and implement freedom of expression laws. Because Egypt is a very important country, Germany believes that stabilizing it should be of utmost importance. Our Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle visited Egypt on 11 February 2011 and on 24 February 2011. Germany s main goal and purpose towards the situation in Egypt is to ensure fair and uncorrupted democratization.5 Germany ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Research Paper On The American Dream American Dream. America, the dreamland for those who have been oppressed, for those who have been judged, for those who have no freedom. The United States was founded by immigrants that came with dreams in the search of freedom and wealth. The American dream exists, maybe it varies from one culture to another, but many persons witnessed how it became a reality. A plethora of people thinks is a myth, however, most immigrants know that it exists. The American dreamis defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary as an American social ideal that stresses egalitarianism and the prosperity or life that is the realization of this ideal . However, Americans define it as an opportunity for success, as an opportunity for freedom. As Adams, James Truslow say America is That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated on his speech I have a dream that the American dream was about hope, brotherhood, faith; about working together, struggle together, and stand up for freedom. The aforementioned signifies that the American dream that Dr. King implied is one in which all citizens in the nation help each other, work hard, and have equal opportunities to succeed. Culture plays an... Show more content on ... The Epic of America. Boston: Little, Brown, 1931. Print. [ That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement. ] American Dream. Merriam Webster. Merriam Webster, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2016. Cremona, Rachel, Dr. DISCOVERING THE AMERICAN DREAM: The Colonial Foundations of American Identity. Culturally Florida. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2016. Madden, David, comp. A Pocketful of Essays Rhetorically Arranged. Vol. 1. N.p.: Michael Rosenberg, n.d. Print. The Pocketful Ser. Pg. 167 171 I have a dream by Martin Luther King, ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Everyone Needs A Little H2o Everyone Needs a Little H2O Ever since the beginning of time water has been important. Water has been important because it is one of the most abundant substance on Earth. Water is important because every living thing contains water, and every living thing must have water to function. Water is important whether it is e drunk a supper or if it is being used for survival in the desert. Water is important because it is required for man to live, breath and thrive on this planet. In the article, How Much Water Do We Actually Need, J. Lunn and R. Foxen state, Water is an essential requirement for life without water, humans can only survive for 2 to 3 days at the most (336). In addition to water being essential for life, it also has many... Show more content on ... Prehydration 2. Hydration 3. Dehydration 4. Rehydration (Okanovic et al. 69). These four phases indicate when the athlete should hydrate. Prehydration and hydration are similar because both refer to hydrating before competition. While prehydration refers to hydrating a few days before a competition, hydration refers to hydrating throughout the day of the competition (Okanovic et al. 69 70). Dehydration is the loss of water from the body. While Prehydration and hydration have to do with hydrating prior to competition, rehydration is rehydrating the body after a competition (Okanovic et al. 70). Dehydration is a serious condition and should not be taken lightly While the body not having enough water is a big issue for athletes, too much water can also be a problem. In the article, How Much Water Do We Actually Need, it states, If an individual consumes too much water, this can lead to water intoxication with potentially life threatening hyponatraemia (Lunn and Foxen 336 337). While an athlete should be careful on over consuming water, an athlete also needs to consume enough water to last throughout a competition. Laura Purcell in her article, Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes, Laura Purcell states, Before activity, athletes should consume 400ml to 600ml of cold water 2 h to 3 h before their event (Purcell). While four hundred to six hundred milliliters may not seem like a lot of water, ... Get more on ...