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Essay On Tsunami 2004
Crafting an essay on the subject of the 2004 tsunami is no easy feat. The magnitude of the
disaster, the profound impact it had on countless lives, and the complex interplay of geological,
meteorological, and human factors make it a challenging topic to delve into. The depth of
research required to truly grasp the enormity of the event, coupled with the need for sensitivity
when discussing the human toll, adds an extra layer of complexity.
One must navigate through a sea of information, sorting through scientific data, survivor
accounts, and geopolitical implications. The challenge lies not only in presenting the factual
details accurately but also in capturing the emotional and humanitarian dimensions of the
tragedy. Striking the right balance between a comprehensive overview and a compassionate
narrative is a tightrope walk that demands careful consideration of every word.
Furthermore, addressing the long-term consequences and global response to the tsunami adds
another layer of intricacy. Discussing the aftermath, including the reconstruction efforts, the
impact on local economies, and the lessons learned, requires a nuanced approach. The potential
for divergent perspectives on the effectiveness of aid and the role of international cooperation
adds to the complexity of the essay.
In essence, writing an essay on the 2004 tsunami demands more than just stringing together facts
and figures. It necessitates a deep understanding of the historical context, scientific principles,
and human experiences involved. The writer must not only convey information but also evoke
empathy and convey the gravity of the situation.
For those grappling with the challenge, seeking assistance can be a wise decision. Professional
help can provide guidance in structuring the essay, conducting thorough research, and presenting
a coherent and compelling narrative. It's a task that goes beyond the mere arrangement of words;
it requires a synthesis of knowledge, empathy, and skillful expression.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the 2004 tsunami is no simple undertaking. However, with
dedication, empathy, and perhaps a bit of external support, one can navigate the complexities
and do justice to the profound significance of this historic event.
If you find yourself in need of support for similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, a
resource like can offer assistance and guidance tailored to your specific needs.
Essay On Tsunami 2004Essay On Tsunami 2004
Beer Industry Oligopoly Essay
Introduction The brewing industry was once held to competition among many
breweries in small geographic areas. That was almost a century ago. The U.S.
brewing industry today is characterized by the dominance of three brewers, which I
will talk about in this paper. There are many factors today that make the beer
industry an oligopoly. Such factors include various advancements in technology
(packaging, shipping and production), takeovers and mergers, economies of scale,
barriers to entry, high concentration, and many other factors that I will cover in this
paper. Over the course of the paper I will try to define an oligopoly, give a brief
history of the brewingindustry, and finally to show how the brewing industry today is
an oligopoly.... Show more content on ...
However, if there are not barriers to entry, companies will not be able to raise prices
and realize profits.
The brewing industry it different from many other industries because it is not
governed by laws regarding patents or exclusive grants. A majority firm does not
control the inputs required for brewing beer and the supply for brewing materials is
fragmented. There are high costs associated with entering the brewing industry, such
as establishing a network of suppliers and distributing the product. It has been
estimated that the construction of a four to five million barrel a year plant would
cost around $250 million, and this is just the fixed cost of building and maintaining
the brewery. There is an even greater amount of capital needed when the marketing
activities needed to distribute beer are added in. This all means that any new entrants
would have to invest heavily to establish a strong reputation and brand awareness. It
may seem odd that a company of Anheuser Busch s size is allowed by the
government to maintain such a huge portion of the market. But nothing in the way
Anheuser Busch prices products or promotes them is monopolistic in nature. There is
still heavy competition among other corporations because of different product
offerings, which makes it more beneficial for the industry to be an oligopoly.
It is clear that the economic impact that micro breweries and craft breweries have had
Functional Requirements Of The App
Functional requirements of the app 1.The app would provide a bible verse every
day for the users. 2.The app would provide a new word to learn every day. 3.Users
would have access to popular bible verses every day and are able to view verses
from previous days. 4.The app would provide a new game or quiz connected to the
word and verse of the day. 5.App promotes creativity, critical thinking and
imagination. 6.The app would be user friendly with easy navigation for effective
use. 7.Users are able to view verses and words from previous days. 8.The app
would have a colourful background with the option of sound. 9.The app settings
can be customised. 10.The design of the app would be functional and visually
stimulating. 11.App would load quickly and not crash. 12.App would promote
creativity, critical thinking and imagination. 13.App would promote and enhances
collaborations and ideas sharing. 14.Content is appropriate for the targeted users.
15.All information provided are error free, factual and reliable. 16.App contains no
unsuitable advertisement. 17.The app would be affordable, portable and socially
interactive. 18.The app would be compactible through all Apple platforms. Desirable
requirements 1.The app would be easy to use. 2.The users within 100 metres can
play against each other. Knowledge of the capability of mobile devices. With the
recent development of new ranges of mobile devices with advanced features such as
(context aware systems, real time
Flowers And Freckle Cream Short Story
Do you know how you learn about your identity? Is it through eExperiences or
people in your life? According to identity means being a who or what
as a person or a thing. For example I have an identity, and you have identity. Identity
is a really important thing. Individuals learn about himself through the people in their
Flowers and Freckle Cream is about a girl that thought poorly of herself and did
not like the way that she looked. Until her grandpa really helped her know that she
is special, and that she matters. I don t know where grandpa found it. It wasn t at all
common in the mountains where we lived. But I know he put it in my room because
my mother told me later. I had cried myself to sleep that night, and when I opened my
swollen, sticky eyes the next morning, the first thing I saw , lying on the pillow next
to my head, was a tiger lily. It was clear that grandpa didn t understand, so I tried to
explain why I didn t want to have freckles and why I felt so inadequate when I
compared my appearance with Janette Elizabeths. He looked at me in stunned
surprise, shook his head, and said, But child there are all kinds of flowers and they
are all beautiful. I said, I ve never seen a flower with freckles! P.G. 399 Elizabeth ad
changed from her grandpa because he is telling her that she can be unique and there
are all different kinds of flowers. There is not just one expectation of what you need
to look like. Everyone looks different, and
Psychological Analysis and History of Richard Trenton
Psychological Analysis and History of Richard Trenton Chase The Killer
Introduction Richard Trenton Chase, known as the Vampire of Sacramento and the
Dracula Killer, was easily one of the most brutal serial killers in American history.
His disturbingchildhood lead to even more disturbing behavior during his
childhood and adolescence,eventually becoming a sadistic and psychotic adult. As
serial killers go, he is a trifecta of nightmarish behavior from cannibalism and
mutilation, rape and necrophilia, to attacking people in their homes out of the blue,
he is the kind of killer that one think s of as a monster. The type that makes one
lock their doors and indeed, he once claimed that he entered homeswhere door were
unlocked because he viewed it as an invitation.Below, his background and psyche
will be picked apart so that his erratic and senseless behavior can be better
understood. To do this, one must start at the very beginning, and followthrough until
the end his apprehension and time in incarceration. His methods and MO are
veryuncommon, and thus require a more detailed and personalized analysis.
Childhood and Family History Richard Trenton Chase was born to a mentally ill
mother on May 23d of 1950, in SantaCruz, California (Storey, Strieter, Tarr, Thornton,
2005). His father was alcoholic and strictlyauthoritarian in him parenting methods,
and was confrontational with his wife. The two wereknown to be constantly at odds
(Ramsland, 2011). By 12,
How To Make A Trebuchet Essay
A Trebuchet is a weapon used during the medieval ages in siege warfare. The
trebuchet was used for the defense of towns, strongholds, and cities. First the
materials used to build medieval trebuchets. Second the origins of trebuchets.
Third how trebuchets were transported. Fourth the ancient trebuchet King
Warwolf. Finally the end of an era. The materials used to build the medieval
trebuchets. The early trebuchets were made of straight, heavy oak logs. These
logs would have been held together by nails and rope or leather strips. It took
anywhere from 100 up to about 200 feet of wood logs: most where about 26 feet
tall and the arm was about 49 feet for the arm alone. Other wood was used for
support and to create the pivot point. The origins of trebuchets. The farthest back we
have found of a recorded trebuchet was in ancient China approximately 300 BC. the
trebuchets made by the chinese had not been counterpoise but traction trebuchets.
These trebuchets are called traction trebuchets using ropes and pulleys to pull the
arm down the energy being supplied via manpower these teams had about 40 50 men
teams: 10 men for... Show more content on ...
The king of trebuchets. Ludgar(Loup De Guerre) was never truly used in its
building siege, used at the siege of Stirling and getting tired of it King Edward I
ordered his chief engineer to build the biggest trebuchet ever Ludgar. When the 3
month long construction period was over the defenders of Stirling tried to
surrender before the King could fire his monster the king told them to go back
inside and wait saying you don t deserve any grace, but most surrender to my will.
finally the king would fire his baby at the curtain wall destroying a full section of it,
after the King fired his Warwolf he accepted the surrender of stirling. It took 4 master
carpenters and 49 workers to build this trebuchet in 3 months to build. In transporting
the Warwolf they had to disassemble and fill 30 wagons to move the behemoth.
King Of The Bingo Game By Ralph Ellison
Introduction The short story King of the Bingo Game was written by Ralph
Ellison. It was first published in the journal Tomorrow in November 1944. The
story involves the protagonist Bingo King who is alone in the world and his
isolation is further highlighted by the potential death of his wife who is critically ill.
The story interestingly examines a segment of Americans who are often ignored and
are new to the urban life (Ellison, 1944). The protagonist has been given
characteristics such as backwoods cluelessness and inner yearning that he finds
difficult to understand and articulate. The story is centered on the theme of
helplessness before the hand of fate and individual restrained efforts to overcome the
inability to defend one s... Show more content on ...
It was later recognized as seminal American work that defined race relations in
America from a black point of view. Ellison published a collection of many essays
and interviews and he became a celebrated author and was awarded numerous
grants and honor. He died of cancer in 1994 ( Https://ralph Ellison, n.d.). The plot
King of Bingo Game with a man in a movie theatre watching a movie he has seen
before. The man is hungry but he can smell peanuts being eaten by a woman sitting
in front of him. He thinks of asking the woman for a peanut and she would give
him one. He also thinks the same about men sitting on his right taking wine. He
does not have money and his wife Laura is sick and dying. Watching the movie, he
admires how the characters in the movie can be able to escape from their problems
but for his case, he cannot. He also thinks of what would happen if the woman in
the movie were to take off her clothes (Ellison, 1944). The bingo king falls asleep
and he dreams that he is back to the south where he used to live as a young boy. He
dreams that a train is coming after him and although he jumps off the tracks, the
train follows him to the highway and down the street. He wakes up screaming and
an old man next to him gives him a drink of whiskey. The movie had now ended
and bingo game begins. The protagonist has five cards and he is worried that the
bingo caller would not like it if he knew, but he needs money for the doctor since his
Summary Of Concussion
The book Concussion starts with a prosecutor approaching Bennet Omalu and
starting a questioning.Bennet starts to stress and second guess himself. Bennet is the
chief medical examiner of San Joaquin Country, where he has been working since
September 1, 2007. The prosecutor begins to ask Bennet about his wife and 5 month
old child. Bennet attended medical school in Nigeria. He had 6 years of regular
medical school then a clinical internship and then a mandated paramilitary service.
Bennet constantly worked and studied, he is board certified in 4 areas of
pathology(anatomic, clinical, forensic, and neuropathology). He worked under an
autopsy rockstar, Dr. Cyril Wecht. Dr. Cyril Wecht was also the defendant that Bennet
was testifying against.
Mr. Bennet Self-Knowledge In Pride And Prejudice
Firstly, Mr. Wickham has the lest self knowledge: He believed him to be
imprudent and extravagant. And since this sad affair has taken place, it is said
that he left Meryton greatly in debt (Austen 276). In other words, Wickham is
spending money that he does not have as well as running off and leave a pile of
debt in Meryton. From this experience Wickham had not gain enough self
knowledge to know how to deal with these types of situation plus he should had
made smarter choices in life that would cause him to gain self knowledge and a
better life. Secondly, Mr. Collins he did not change throughout the novel however,
from learning that Elizabeth would not accept him as a husband. He moved on
asked Charlotte which they are happy now. Bingley gained some self knowledge
when he decided to go to Jane and to marry her. This shows self knowledge because
he realizes he needs to go back and make things right. Mr. Bennet is the second
highest in self knowledge, Mr. Bennet had very often wished before this period of his
life that, instead of... Show more content on ...
Bennet is second to last in gaining self knowledge because, This is delightful
indeed! She will be married...But the clothes, the wedding clothes! I will write to
my sister Gardiner about them directly (Austen 289). Strictly speaking, Mrs.
Bennet is excited that Lydia is going to get married and she is a bit worried about
wedding clothes. She gained almost no self knowledge because she still wants her
daughters to get married however, since one of her daughters is going to get married
she calmed down somewhat. Charlotte is on the middle ground when it comes to self
knowledge because she grown to adapt with her husband instead of resenting him.
Evidence of this is found in Pride and Prejudice: Mrs. Collins and myself sincerely
sympathise with you and all your respectable family, in your present distress (Austen
281). In other words, Charlotte and Mr. Collins are agreeing that they feel sorry that
about what happen to
Day Of The Sponge
Personal Narrative Final Copy (Type your final copy on this page) The day of the
Sponge So there I was dry waiting to get wet by the sponge , wait let me tell you
what happened before that. One day I was with my friends Charlize and Serena,
we were at their birthday party, and we were already having SO much fun. Then
Charlize had an idea she said, How about we play duck duck sponge. then, I
nodded my head yes. We went to ask the other kids if they wanted to play they all
said sure. So we headed of to the backyard, then me and Charlize went back in to
get the supplies. When we came back from getting the supplies we all sat in a circle
and then Serena went first so she said the duck,
The Characters Of The Epic Hero And Beowulf
Celebrated and celebritized by the people, heros are typically perceived in epic
poems as larger than life characters with extraordinary characteristics who defeat evil
and represent good. On the other hand, villains, seen as ravenous, heartless, beasts
terrorize the helpless people for no reason are not sympathized. Displaying this
common outlook on the heroand villain is the epic poem, Beowulf, where the readers
view the main character, Beowulf, as a brave warrior who sets out to defeat the
harmful and destructive Grendel. On the other hand, John Gardner s Grendel takes a
different outlook on the epic poem where the reader sympathizes Grendel after
comprehending his life, lack of self esteem, and watches him fall the victim of...
Show more content on ...
Throughout the novel,the reader is able to see Grendel s self deprecating thoughts
about how [he] fool[s] [himself] with thoughts that [he s] more noble, than
pointless, ridiculous monster crouched in the shadows (Gardner 6). Grendel has a
clear lack of self esteem where he feels like a pointless, ridiculous monster
crouched in the shadows and for that reason he attacks people out of insecurity in
an attempt to make himself feel more superior. On the other hand, Grendel
thoroughly covers his insecurities to all those who cannot understand his personal
thoughts because the readers of the epic poem Beowulf have little to no sympathy
for him as they seem him as a shadow stalker,stealthy, and swift instead of a hurt,
rejected, and mentally ill individual (704). Grendel achieves his goal to be perceived
as evil and powerful, but as a reader of the epic poem, Beowulf, the reader is not able
to see his insecurity and brokenness.
In the end of both the poem and the novel, the reader witnesses the battle between
Grendel and Beowulf and as a result of the different point of views displayed by the
authors the readers empathize the characters differently. During the battle in Grendel,
the main character Grendel describing his losing battle says, He smashes me against
[the wall], breaks open my forehead... but not only does beowulf defeat Grendel, but
he tries to humiliate him by
T-Bond Case Study
Although your loved one can be out on bail until their case goes to trial, not
everyone has the resources to do so. This is when a bail bond company, like T
Bonds, can help you get out of jail by posting the amount on your behalf. Whether
you re in for a misdemeanor, DUI, or burglary, the Lorain, OH based bail payment
service is ready to assist you anytime of the day. Providing service across 40 states
and all Ohio counties, T Bonds truly believes in your innocence until proven
otherwise. To help you get out and prepare for your trial, the bondsmen submit the
court mandated amount on your behalf. By doing so, they take the guarantee that you
will appear for trial on the date set forth by the court. Thanks to their experience of
working with
The Importance Of The Gaia Theory
Known as the Gaia Theory aptly named after the Ancient Greek primordial deity
Gaia, a primal Mother Earth goddess who birthed all life in existence Lovelock
argued that organisms would interact with their inorganic surroundings to form a
synergistic self regulating system capable of maintaining and perpetuating the
conditions necessary for life. This self regulatory system, named Gaia, results from
the close coupling between organisms and their environment to create a Mother
Earth that seeks a consistent physical and chemical environment optimal for
nurturing life, able to resist change if necessary. For example, consider a thermostat.
If a home becomes too warm or cold for comfortable living, a thermostat can be
adjusted to regulate the temperature and re establish normal, comfortable heat. In the
context of Gaia Theory, rather than seek to restore a pleasant temperature, the Gaia
system will correct for alterations in atmospheric composition, global temperatures,
ocean salinity, and other variables to re establish an environment suitable for life.
Moreover, instead of a simple thermostat that begins the warming or cooling process,
the natural, complex relationships between biota (living) and abiota (non living) will
sense the chemical and physical shifts away from preferable levels and trigger the
necessary corrective actions. The Gaia Theory is, at its simplest level, a collection of
negative feedback loops involving living and nonliving components that respond
Difference Of Architectural Professional Practice Between...
Difference in Architectural Professional Practice between U.S. and China
Proposed ARCH 590
Instructor: Selwyn Ting
Term: Summer 2015
Student: Congji Li
USC ID: 8617 9762 90
Since the past two decades, China had experienced continuous growth of economy
and captured attention yet announced slowing down by the public media in recent
years, the attention from the west Architectural professional practice is a relatively
regional field in which architects conduct their comprehensive manner in a specific
localized territory.
Architectural professional practice is a relatively regional field in which architects
conduct their comprehensive manner in a specific localized territory. Due to the
current fact that more and more American architects practice in China, it is not an
easy time for them to interact or communicate with remote brains on the other side of
earth. The different cultural and social backgrounds have become the source of
misunderstanding and problems in the process of cooperation, which may lead to
unfavorable consequences. As a Chinese architectural student who has studied in
America and worked in local projects for the U.S. architectural firm, I have
experienced many differences between the two sides. My instructor and professor in
the Graduate School of Architecture, University of Southern California, who has
practical experience in China, once told me, It was totally misunderstood when my
Chinese client determined to give
How Did Ebenezer Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol
The book A Christmas Carol was writ by Charles Dickens. In the book Ebenezer
Scrooge went through substantial changes. First, he went to his childhood
neighborhood and got emotional. Next, Scrooge went with Ghost of Christmas
Present to his old house and saw the family having a good time. Then, Ghost of
ChristmasFuture appeared and they went to the beading shop seeing all of Scrooge
s stuff being sold, but he didn t know it was his stuff. Lastly, he was in his bedroom
looking at all his stuff and saw his gravesite. Scrooge changed emotionally
throughout stave 2. The ghost took him to his old childhood area and a tear was on
his cheek, but he denied it. As he was there he saw boys he used to know then got
happy. Next, the ghost took him to
What Is Chillingworth Symbolize In The Scarlet Letter
One of the most adroit talents authors use is symbolism. Writers such as William
Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, and Ray Bradbury have perfected this craft. One
piece of literature s symbolism I am distinguished with is Nathaniel Hawthorne s The
Scarlet Letter. Specifically, the how the names of the main characters have an
underlying meaning.
Pearl the devilish child birthed into sin has meaning behind her name. A pearl is a
rare elegant creation of nature that glows with radiance and has an essence. Hester,
Pearl s mother noticed her child s beauty surrounded by scorn and wanted to give
her a name that shows who she really is her only treasure. The narrator expresses,
But she named the infant Pearl, as being of great price purchased with all she had
her mother s only treasure! . Hester believes that Pearl was a direct consequence
from God because of her sinful self. To reflect Pearls luster Hester dresses her in the
finest tissue. This shows the difference between Pearl and the puritan lifestyle.
Roger Chillingworth the old deformed scholar and husband of accused adulteress
Hester Prynne represents name symbolism. The name Chillingworth is cold and bitter
a definite reflection of his personality. From the start Chillingworth seeked vengeance
on the unnamed adulterer. Once he makes his suspicions ... Show more content on ...
The partner of sin with Hester, Dimmesdale is a young minister who is very popular
for preaching his enlightening sermons. Although Dimmesdale is seen in the light,
that light is dimmed through the constant physiological manipulation brought forth
from Chillingworth. One cannot live with so much guilt so Dimmesdale deals with it
by self harm. Hawthorne illustrates a change in the minister, His inward trouble drove
him to practices more in accordance with the old, corrupted faith of Rome than with
the better light of the church in which he had been born and bred. . A change indeed
one that haunts Dimmesdale to his eventual
Yuma Project Research Paper
The Yuma Project was important because it dealt with all the uprising conflicts
that occurred.Irrigation greatly changed southern Arizona, also known as Yuma. It
started out small, but as more people moved there it grew largely. There were a
series of different irrigation systems, but the commonly used one was canals.
Some of the canals that were built long ago still stand today, and Yuma is the most
linked place. Yuma today is the largest agricultural place, but will not be for long if
they keep having the problems they do. They also need to have money so they can
fix what they need to and be able to pay workers to help.
Not only did the Yma Project affect farming and how irrigation worked, but it also
affected the people that lived around it. There was an issue that the Indians along the
Colorado River had. They were being pushed out of the area on both the California
side and the Arizona side because of the immigrants that came September 3, 1852.
They came on a boat called the Capacity . Not only did that boat carry the
immigrants, it also carried lumber and an engine for a steamboat (steamer) that
would be able to sail in twenty two inches of water. The Indians realized that Fort
Yuma was getting stronger and was not going anywhere, anytime soon. It was big on
the California side, but the ... Show more content on ...
They have to agree to let the workers and that state use their land for the canals. It
is their land, they were owed it, so it belongs to them and the government or state
can t take it from them. The workers have to bribe them into letting them use the
land. Most of the time the bribe consisted of money but others, consisted of using
the water from the canal as a lifetime supply of water for their own personal needs.
Most of the time, they would agree to make a deal, or treaty, and if they didn t then
the workers would have to find another piece of
Disadvantages For Art Therapists
Art therapists are not arts and crafts coordinators, they are highly educated
individuals who use art as a communicative tool in therapy sessions. They do this
by allowing their patients to create a piece of art before or during a discussion. This
gives them the ability to address aspects of the individuals emotions that may have
before been concealed. (Dalley, 2008) In order to accurately analyze the meaning and
execution of a painting or drawing the art therapist must be fluent in psychologyas
well as studio art. Becoming a licensed art therapist is not a simple accomplishment,
a master s degree is required for an entry level position in the field. This degree
consists of twelve credit hours in classes relating to therapy, psychology, human
development, and ethics; as well as eighteen credit hours of studio art. After
completing their Master s degree art therapists must go onto become board certified
by the Art TherapyCredentials Board, seek state licensure, and in some cases even
obtain a PHd. Art therapists are dynamic professionals who practice in an array of
different environments including schools, prisons, hospitals, mental health wards,
and nursing homes. ( American , 2017) They are passionate and resilient individuals
who deserve the respect given to any other professional in the healthcare field. The
American Art Therapy Association s credentials and licensure section of their website
brings attention to the issue that in lue of the extensive education
The Functionalist Perspective In The MoviePleasantville
In the movie Pleasantville two kids named David and Jennifer, living in the 1990 s
get sucked into to a tv show called Pleasantville which takes place in the 1950 s
where everything is perfect . Now living in a completely different era and being
named Bud and Mary Sue, they must try to adjust to this new culture while
attempting to find a way to get back to their present day. Through the whole movie
they realize how much that the world has changed in 40 years. The town of
Pleasantville is set in black and white, but as people start to change and feel more
emotion they turn into color. While watching the movie it was interesting to watch
the characters learn more about the past from different perspectives.
One perspective that we watched for was the functionalist perspective. This comes
from the functional theory which is, if parts of society are working well and
everyone is doing what is expected then it is a normal state. However, if some are
not meeting their expectations in society, then that is considered an abnormal state.
In the movie s case it is referring to people in the community of Pleasantville and
whether they are meeting expectations or not. One example of this is when a cat
got stuck in a tree. A cat was stuck in a tree as Bud and Mary Sue watched the fire
department come get it down. This is what was expected in this town so it is a
normal state. Another example of this is the basketball team never misses a shot. In
Pleasantville the basketball team is expected to make every shot so when Bud see
s them at practice making every shot it is considered a normal state. Another
example is during the same practice Bud is talking to one of the basketball players
named Skip. They are talking about Mary Sue and how Skip wants to go out with
her, but Bud doesn t think it is a good idea. After the conversation Skip misses a
shot. Since this is considered an abnormal state for the team they all react by not
touching that ball ever again and getting rid of it. This was the first sign in the
movie of an abnormal state starting to occur. One more example is when Bud was
running late for work at the diner and he walks in seeing his Mr. Johnson (co worker)
just starting to clean the counter. Bud goes up to
Literature Review On Chinese Furniture Industry
China is leading as the largest furniture exporter in the world. The fast development
of China s furniture industry is the implementation of export led strategy which has
been highly promoted. Over the recent two decades China s furniture industry is
winning the world s attention with its fast development (Cao et al. 2004). The China s
forestry industrial structure improvement attributes to the advanced development and
rationalization of the process (Yang and Nie 2011a). Chinese government has
promoted the implementation of export oriented strategy since the reform and
opening up in 1978 through encouraging foreign investment, by giving the chance to
foreign investors set up factories locally and exchanging market for capital or
Research and Market 2006, as well as Virginia et al., 2003 concluded that Chinese
furniture manufacturing has made remarkable progress which is driven by the fast
development of the domestic economy, high foreign investment and a booming
export business. It is therefore most recognized that, the booming growth of China s
furniture industry can be mainly associated to an abundant work force and low costs
(Cao et al. 2004, Cao and Hansen 2006, Han et al. 2009, Han 2010).
The Chinese furniture industry is affiliated to low labor cost as its primary important
advantage. On the other hand, evidence shows that there may be a labor shortage in
qualified workers in massively industrialized areas. In responding to the
Segregated Children in the United States Essay
Segregated Children
From the 1880s to about the mid 1960s segregation had taken over American cities
and towns. Segregation is the act of setting someone or something apart from other
people or things. In America, African Americans were segregated from White
people. Segregation was a result of the abolishment of slavery twenty five years
before. Whites still wanted to feel superior to the Blacks, and without slavery to
chain them down, they decided to begin segregation by establishing Jim Crow laws.
Jim Crow laws segregated Americans, by the color of their skin, in all public
facilities: schools, restaurants, hospitals, schools, restrooms and more. The Whites
had their own public facilities and Blacks had their own public facilities. ... Show
more content on ...
Many African Americanadults were not educated because slavery did not allow
that, so they gave the children a poor education to make them grow up like their
parents. White schools had more money for new books, new supplies, new desks
and better teachers to give them better instructions. For Blacks, they had teachers
who did not receive as much training as White teachers, and they were very
underpaid making it a hard decision to keep teaching because other jobs like
cleaning, which had better pay. But they were very passionate to educate these
young minds and creating a world where they could have a dream to be educated
and be whatever they dreamt to be. However, one court case would change the whole
education system, Brown vs. The Board of Education. When Linda Brown was
denied access to an all white school in Topeka, Kansas, her father claimed that it
violated the Constitutions Equal Clause. So the Court agreed that it violated the
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, this was one of many initial steps to
eliminating segregation in schools and eventually eliminate segregation everywhere.
This decision did not go over well with Whites, for example, when The Little Rock
nine were integrated in the White schools, they were harassed by White students and
by their parents. Little Rock nine were nine students that were involved in the
desegregation of a school, but the
Positive Influence On Football
Positive and Negative Influences that Media has on Sport in the UK (Football)
Positive There are several reasons why football has a positive effect around the
world. Reason one, football is broadcasted all over the world on television.
Football is one of the main sports in the world; furthermore football is watched by
billions of people around the world e.g. England, China, and Brazil etc. Another
positive aspect that most football leagues are broadcasted on television e.g.
Premiership (English League), Seria A (Italian League) and Liga (Spanish
League). Youth club matches e.g. Under 18s and Under 21s can be viewed either
on Sky Sports or even BT Sports. BT sports airs matches from Seria A, Ligue 1 and
the Premiership, Sky Sports broadcasts matches from the Premiership, Liga and
MLS. The reason why Sky Sports and BT Sports air theses football matches as a
result they will increase their revenues. Furthermore they will receive more and
money from loads of sponsorships that the television company are associated with.
Negative One of the negatives of television is that many football games or major
football tournaments like the FA Cup, UEFA Champions Leagueor Europa League
are either broadcasted on Sky Sports or BT Sports. Football supports who buy the
sky sports bundle to watch their team play pay ВЈ47.50 a month for only the on their
Sky Sports package. However not all football matches are shown on Sky sports, e.g.
Champions League matches are shown on BT
The Case Study of Singapore Students Attending the UK
The impact of tablet computers on the behaviour and lifestyle of the modern day
The case of the Singapore students attending the UK MBA Program
1. Introduction and background
1.1. Setting the context The modern day society is evolving at a rapid pace, with this
fast rhythm of development being forced by the advancement of technology. In this
particular setting, technologic innovations impact every aspect of life, from the
completion of the small leisure chores, to the very possibility of saving our lives.
Technologic innovation is as such the force driving advancement and evolution, and
this is obvious at multiple levels. One specific technologic innovation which is
becoming more and more present in the lives of the modern day individuals is
represented by the tablet computer, with the most popular representatives of this
category being the Apple iPad and the Google Android tablet. The tablet computers
are characterized by increased portability, meaning that they eliminate the barriers of
being obliged to manage information from the desk in the home or the office. The
tablet computers are easy to use; they integrate a multitude of features and they
support communication outside wired technology. These new devices are becoming
more and more present in the lives of the young adults everywhere, including the
students in Singapore. In this setting, the future research project would set out to
assess the means in which the tablet computers impact the
William Blake Poetry Analysis
In general, there are various forms of literature, whom many historical authors and
analysts throughout the decades have the chance to demonstrate their freedom of
expression, and as well as using their imagination to conduct dramatic plots with
compelling characters. In particular, there is one specific literary form that expresses
the author s mood, tone and profound messages, in a way that is rhythmic, allegorical
and visually creative pertaining to the human senses. In this case, the form of poetry
matches with the mentioned criteria, from its promising structural styles, such as
limericks and haikus, as well as its repetitive alliteration that attracts readers to recite
the poems, in an emotional manner. It is a fact that poetry is also used to enhance the
author s theme, according to many descriptive literary techniques, such as similes,
personification and symbolism. In particular, the theme of lovecan be portrayed in
various meanings and visual representations, according to each author s contrasting
perspective. Specifically, there are three poems that briefly describe three perceptions
of love, whether it can be prominent in regards to the loss of virginity, the
appreciation of idealistic beauty, or the wrathful feelings towards infinite sexual
Firstly, the poem called The Sick Rose discusses the subject of love, referring to the
allegorical figures that William Blake explains in this composition. With the use of
personification and symbolism throughout
The Superiority Theory Of Humor
There are many ways that people use humor. It has been used both in positive and
negative ways. The negative, or more aggressive, view of humor is evident in ancient
writings and in the merciless teasing that children inflict on one another. , However,
in modern times, humor is now commonly seen as a positive aspect and that the
laughter that arises is the expression [an] incongruity. Because of these two
conflicting view of humor, there have been multiple theories proposed to explain it.
There are two major theories in explaining humor. The first is the superiority theory.
In line with the past views on humor, the superiority theory takes on a much more
negative, serious, and intense take on how humor functions and why we laugh. The ...
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This theory focuses more specifically on the cognition and [gives] less attention to
the social and emotional aspects of humor. The incongruity resolution theory can be
applied to many forms of humor. One example is visual incongruities. We laugh
when we see a young child try to act like an adult around an even younger child. The
incongruity is we expect the young child to still act immaturely around the small
child but does not. The resolution is that the young child is playing make believe or
somehow trying to impress the younger child.
The second type of incongruity is through wordplay. Prime examples are puns. For
example, George Carlin said, Atheism is a non prophet institution. The incongruity is
found in the meaning of non prophet and nonprofit. Atheism is known as the lack of
belief or denial of a higher being/God/religion. So, non prophet relates to the meaning
of atheism. However, non prophet also sounds a lot like nonprofit. In the pun, atheism
is called an institution. Based off how prophet and profit sound the same, atheism
could also be considered a nonprofit institution. It is, in the pun, both an institution
that does not believe in God and an institution whose primary goal is not to make
money. Unlike the superiority theory, the incongruity resolution theory makes it
explicit that these examples of humor are all in a safe environment or
Causes of Wwii Webquest
WebQuest: Causes of World War II Directions for the WebQuest Guide: The
following guide lines up directly with the website for the WebQuest. As you follow
through the Process part of the WebQuest, use the guide to summarize information
from the websites, typing your answers directly into the guide. Main Causes of
WWII 1. Treaty of Versailles a. Unfair Blame Reparations Army Territory b. Explain
what each letter stands for (include more than just the word!!) i. When Germans
found out about the Treaty of Versailles they felt pain, anger and that is was unfair.
ii. Germans claimed they were NOT to blame for the war. iii. Germans hated
reparations, and believed they were trying to starve... Show more content on ...
He was convinced that Britain would leave Russia fighting Hitler alone. 4. Britain
delayed Lord Halifax refused Stalin s offer of a meeting and Stalin got fed up with
British delay. xv. Why did the Nazi Soviet Pact happen? List each piece of THUG
and briefly explain. 5. Time to prepare for war We got peace for our country for
18months, which let us make military preparations . Stalin 6. Hope to gain Stalin
was sure that Russia could only gain from a long war in which Britain, France and
Germany exhausted themselves. 7. Unhappy with Britain Stalin was insulted by
Britain s slowness and negotiates, and did not trust Britain. When Anglo Soviet
alliance failed [SCAB], he turned to Germany. 8. Germany Hitler wanted the
alliance because only Russia could keep Britain s promise to defend Poland. 4.
Expansionist policies m. The three ways: xvi. Build up of armed forces between
1932 and 1939 Germany increased navy from 30 to 95 warships. xvii. Control of
government by military Hitler gave a key roe to the army, and openly said that he
was going to go to war to gain lebensraum in the east. xviii. Aggressive foreign policy
Germany marched into the Rhineland (1936) and many other things like Austria and
the Sudetenland (1938) 5. Policy of appeasement n. The five most important: xix.
The role of sex in advertising is debatable and most...
The role of sex in advertising is debatable and most individuals, including industry
experts, conclude that having the target audience of an advertisement comprehend
the overall message being sent in an advertisement is the essential objective. In
order for a message to get across, the advertisement must first get the attention of the
target audience or market. After all, if advertisers are unable to get one s attention
they will not be able to send a message. There are many strategies that advertiser s
and marketers use to capture an audience s attention. One such tactic used by many
advertisers goes with the belief that sex sells in advertising. Sexuality is an influential
motivator, and many advertisements use sexually explicit images... Show more
content on ...
Men who portray the masculinity in these advertisements show robust strength,
self reliance and can be business oriented. While the majority of research is
focused on women, men can be affected as well by unrealistic body expectations. A
study done by Phillippa Diedrichs and Christina Lee examined the impact that
average size and average muscular male fashion models had as opposed to overly
in shape models had on normal men s and women s body images. The researchers
wanted to take perceived advertising effectiveness into account. A sample of over
300 men and just under 300 women viewed either no models, muscular models,
average slim or average large models. The men and women actually rated average
size models as equally effective in advertisements as muscular models. It was also
determined that for men, exposure to average size models was actually associated
with a positive body image in comparison to viewing no models, but there was no
difference when compared to muscular models. These findings suggest that average
size male models can promote positive body image and appeal to consumers
(Diedrichs, Phillippa, Lee, 2010.) On the other hand, men are sometimes portrayed as
incompetent people who need their children and wives to come to the rescue. This
could be because the advertisement was targeted at women who are the caretakers for
their family. Although the commercials may be humorous, they can be offensive to
fathers who are the
Willy Loman
Illusions versus Reality When the illusions of life become too heavy to bear, it is
human nature to choose the most convenient solution to one s problem: illusion.
Illusion a false perception or belief is created to save oneself from feeling lost and
unguided. In the modern drama, Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller presents the
perspective that when life becomes challenging, individuals may lose sight of reality
by submerging themselves into a bubble of false hope and illusion, only to be awoken
by disillusion. More specially, the protagonist of the play, Willy Loman, dwells in
the illusions of a perfect life: popular, well liked , and successful. Willy does not
wish to be free from disillusionment, and thus fights to protect and uphold... Show
more content on ...
Willy Loman is greatly influenced by illusion almost to the point where he lives
every aspect of life the way he sees it in his illusions. For over thirty years, Willy
has been working as a travelling salesman. Willy has built up an image for himself
where through his eyes, he perceives himself as a great and almighty, successful
salesman; although others would agree to disagree. Being caught between fantasy
and reality makes it difficult; hence, Willy often contradicts himself because he is
not able to distinguish what is real and what is not. As Willy is talking to Linda
one morning, he starts off by telling her, I m tellin you, I was sellin thousands and
thousands (34). However, soon after he tells her, My God, if business doesn t pick
up I don t know what I m gonna do! (36). In this contradiction, Willy is caught
within illusion and soon drifts back into the real world. Illusion is the driving force
in Willy s life, and without it, he would not be the man he is; a tragic hero. Willy s
entire life is based upon illusion that he transforms into his false perception of reality.
Willy also believes and invests his time and energy in upholding the promise of the
American Dream that a well liked and personally attractive man in the business
world could easily acquire material comforts, wealth and success. To Willy, the
keys to success lie not in one s knowledge and skill, but their popularity and ability
to be well liked. For example, as Willy talks to his sons, Biff and Happy one
morning, he teaches them about how to get ahead in the business world: Bernard
can get the best marks in school, y understand, but when he gets out in the business
world, y understand, you[Biff] are going to be five times ahead of him (33). Willy
lacks good morals and insight. Although Willy speaks and espouses his beliefs, it is
inaccurate. He
The Body s Clotting Of Clotting Factors
Until around 2003, the medical community attributed the coagulopathy of trauma to
excessive consumption of clotting factors, hemodilution by intravenous crystalloids,
all while compounded by hypothermia and acidosis. A group of physicians at the
Royal London hospital authored a paper hypothesizing that this was not entirely true
and that the syndrome they labeled as Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy(ATC) manifests
itself by simultaneously activating protein C, decreasing available fibrinogen, and
inhibiting plateletfunction (Brohi, Singh, Heron, Coats, 2003; Kutcher et al., 2012).
Many other factors contribute to the systemic alteration in coagulation; however,
these three separate entities highlight pathophysiologically what happens during...
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In the face of hemorrhagic and ischemic shock with endothelial damage, fibrinogen
levels fall dramatically. Decreased fibrinogen levels directly alter the body s ability
to form the fine meshwork needed to achieve hemostasis. Normally, thrombin breaks
down fibrinogen into fibrin to assist in providing the scaffolding for clotting. When
severe tissue injury occurs, the lack of fibrin cannot form the mesh needed to assist in
clot formation. The 2010 RCT CRASH 2 study displays the strongest evidence
proving that administering tranexamic acid(TXA) to severely shocked trauma
patients(MAP 75 mmHg) reduces the amounts of death from bleeding in this
population from 18.4% to 14.9% (Napolitano, Cohen, Cotton, Schrieber, Moore,
2013). Simply put, TXA prevents plasminogen s conversion to plasmin. The
inactivated plasminogen will then allow the clot to become more secure. Because of
plasmin s inherent ability to degrade fibrinogen, the patient s d dimer which measures
fibrin degradation products, the patient with ATC will have elevated d dimer levels.
Low fibrinogen levels in a patient with ATC warrants cryoprecipitate infusion and has
been associated with increased survival outcomes (Rourke, 2012). Impaired platelet
function has been described prospectively by Kutcher et al. in response to traumatic
tissue injury. This describes the primary hemostatic mechanism in which platelet
dysfunction can alter platelet adhesion
Descriptive Essay About Early Birthday
Early Birthday Present It was a beautiful morning on July 5th, 2015. Outside the
birds were chirping and the sun was beaming through my window. I had just
woken up as both of my parents came into my room, and told me to come
downstairs for a surprise. In my mind, I thought something had arrived from
Amazon and they decided to give it to me now as an early birthday present. After
lying in bed for a little while on my phone, I decided to get up. I got dressed,
brushed my teeth, and went downstairs to see what this was all about. Right when I
turned the corner into the kitchen, I saw a poster board that said SURPRISE!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! on it. Next to the sign, there was a food bowl and a dog cage.
I immediately knew that it had something to... Show more content on
I m thinking about Murphy , do you like that? Sounds perfect! My mom and dad
said in unison. After what it felt like 20 hours in the car, we were finally there!
Right when I saw him, I knew that he was a perfect match for my family. He doesn
t have an original name, so you can name him whatever you want, any ideas? The
owner asked. We have already decided on Murphy. My mom explained. Sounds
wonderful, there s just a few things you need to know. Okay My mom replied. If he
gets a little hyper, give him this medicine to calm him down He replied as he
handed over the medicine. Got it, anything else? One more thing. You have to
brush him very often because his fur gets tangled after a while. Okay thanks, we
are gonna get him. Great! I have some forms that you have to fill out before you
leave. He exclaimed. I was so happy. After my parents got done paying and getting
his forms, we headed back home! When we got in the car, my parents told me we
have to go get a carrier so he doesn t slide around in the car and get hurt. On the way
to the store, he was shaking like he was scared, and I had a feeling he didn t like
being in a car. When we got to Lowes, my mom and I stayed in the car with Murphy
while my dad went in to get the carrier. About 15 minutes later, my dad came out
with a small carrier. It was blue, with black edges. It was perfect! When my dad got
in the car, he gave me the carrier and I put Murphy in. Murphy crawled in
What Are The Important Qualities Of An Outstanding
There are several important qualities that any outstanding educator or teacher should
have. Any educator in any situation should gain the respect of the students by first
giving their students respect. It is an endless cycle and it would make life easy. The
teacher should also have a great rapporter with the students. It lets them know that
the teachers does care about them and that is invaluable, children do pick on
emotions very quickly. Another important quality would be to be fair. Be fair with
the students and also to inform them what the educator expects of them. That they
try in their work. This would also tie in with the classroom discipline. Lay out how
the class will be run. If they are coming to act up they they will loss some
Licensed Professional Counselor
Life can bring so many adversities that can results in battles with depression, low
self esteem, and anxiety over life s uncertainties. In a world where we retreat to
quick fixes, some may even try to soothe themselves with illegal substances, which
in turn, can prohibit even the smartest person from achieving their fullest potential.
I personally have faced adversities in my lifetime and have had the privilege to
have the guidance of counselors and professional therapists to give me the strength
that I needed to jump over the hurdles. Because of this seed that was planted during
the most unproductive times of my life, I want to give back and help others the way
that I was helped by becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor, with a focus in...
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You must be trustworthy in order to keep client information confidential, which
also requires restraint and discipline. Most importantly, a counselor must keep up
with their own mental health. Knowing how to cope, unwind, and relax after
serving others can sometimes become emotionally taxing. Taking care of oneself
in order to help others is paramount to success in their career. I believe that I posses
all of these qualities and can learn to strengthen and apply them through your
graduate program. In a world that is ever changing, diversity training and
sensitivity is also important. As a therapist, I will be placed in environments with
the opportunity to work with people from different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs,
traditions, and approaches than I. Building rapport through relationship and
empathy will be the key to giving my clients the assurance needed to make their
first step toward changing their lives and moving forward toward their desired
self. My job, as a counselor is to empower, not to tear down, which is why I will
seek to give back my services in low income areas, nonprofit organizations, as well
as on a volunteer basis to improve my very own community. I am familiar with
what it feels like to have reached a brick wall in my own life; feeling helpless and
wanting to surrender. Yet as the quote by Gandhi states, being able to stand even in
the face of adversity, is real strength. This is why I want to be a therapist. I want to
be the instrument of change for others and because of my own experiences, passion,
and academic discipline, I feel that I would be a great candidate for your graduate
Vegetarianism And The Effects Of Homocysteine
Vegetarianism and the Effects of Homocysteine. By: Samuel Varjabedian In this
day and age, many people are removing meat from their diets to pursue health
benefits. These can include: Reducing Stress, Lowering Cholesterol Intake,
Increasing Mineral Intake, Lowering Depression, Reducing the Risk of
Cardiovascular Failure and, Lowering Carcinogenic exposure found in meat.
These benefits can come at the price of nutritional deficiencies, in particular a
compound known as cobalamin (Vitamin B 12) has been observed repeatedly low
in numerous studies. (Piccolli, 2015) [1] Due to the complex nature of cobalamin,
it is very unlikely simple life like plants would contain adequate amounts required
for bodily functions such as: Digestion, Artery flexibility, and lowering toxicity.
These functions are dependent on micro nutrients such as Omega 3 Fatty Acids, B
6 (Pyridoxine), Folate, and B 12. Out of all these, B 12 and Omega 3 are the most
difficult to obtain through plant matter alone; supplements are usually taken by
vegetarians for this reason. (Rathold, K., J., 2016) [2] The process of Methylation
(Hart, G., Dr.) [4] A process known as methylation is used to cleanse the body from
heavy metal toxicity absorbed through daily life, In this process an amino acid called
Methionine is combined with cobalamin to form methyl cobalamin, creating a by
product called homocysteine. This by product is a toxin produced by the body, In a
normal human being it reacts with some enzymes
Movie Night
CHAPTER,PLEASE READ. You turned the camera off and got up. Aye Movie
night? You picked a chicken nugget up off the floor,along with your plate.
Sure,what do you guys want to watch? Mark picked up the clicker and went to
Netflix. You guys like supernatural? Mark asked. He was scrolling through the what
to watch list but then stopped on a show titled Supernatural . You picked up the
other then threw it in the trash. You got really excited. But you knew you couldn t
show it. Yeah, sure. You know what s it about? You asked. Yeah. What is it about?
Singe asked. Just watch it,and look and shit. You all got comfortable on the floor (A
/N LMAO Losers). Singe and SeГЎn sat next to each other and you put your head on
her knee. Mark sat next to you and you put your right foot in between his legs and
your left foot on the right side of his right thigh. You sat up a bit enough to see
who is sitting past Mark and it was Felix and Marzia. Cuties. You laid your head
back down on singe s knee. Wait,hand me the clicker. You hold your hand out to
Mark. He hands you the clicker (remote) and you go to a episode in season 6. You
click to play it and turn your head a bit more to the screen so you could see it. It
was the episode when Sam and Dean are in this room and they jump through the
window and then they re on set but they think it s Jared and Jensen but its Dean and
Sam then they meet cas(s) (don t wanna get
The Long Lasting Effects Of The Colonization Of The
Over the course of America s history, audacious explorers from Europe sought to
make an impact through setting colonies in the Americas during the 1500 1700s.
The duration in which Europeans explored their outside world is referred to as the
Age of Exploration. Despite the dangers, such as storms, no GPS, being lost, and
diseases like scurvy, the motivation behind this era could be stated in three simple
words: gold, glory, and God. The long lasting effects of the fifteenth and seventh
century include contentious disputes, essentially, who truly discovered the New World
, was Spain explorer Christopher Columbusan overrated American hero, or a
conqueror regardless? These particular controversies are each primary components of
the overall bewilderment, if the changes that occurred in the Americasa result of
European exploration either had a positive or negative influence on the Americas.
Although the impact on the Americas was both beneficial and negative, the negatives
outweigh the positives. The escalation of diseases, servitude, and abuse of the
Natives arrived from the events such as the Colombian Exchange, Middle Passage, as
well as forced Christianity in the form of the Requirement.
Primarily, even if you credit Christopher Columbus as the man who discovered
America first or not, he assuredly was the first to begin an intermixing of plants,
animals, and diseases between the New World and Old World. In spite of the
positives of this exchange, known as the Columbian
Heroes Character Analysis
Who is Nicole Renard?
Nicole Renard is an innocent young girl who is not only Francis first and only love
but also the victim of Larry LaSalle.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant
aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters
/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;
That would be nice.
When she agrees to go to the cinema with Francis she transforms him. She offers
him attention and affection that he has lack in his life so far. She enjoys his
company and teases him playfully because he is so shy.
Stay close to me. Why didn t you do something?
These words on the night of the civic ... Show more content on ...
How are you aware that it is difficult to accept anything that Larry says as the truth?
How is everything he says or does designed to create an effect? Robert Cormier
encourages us to look beyond Larry s physical appearance it changes through the
novel. What are the feelings Cormier encourages us to see in him beneath both
appearances? Always remember that Larry sees himself as a creative figure. In fact,
he is destructive. Explain this in your own words.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant
aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters
/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;
Who is Arthur Rivier?
Arthur, another ex serviceman and local boy, was once a star baseball player for the
Frenchtown Tigers and Francis remembers regarding him with admiration for his
sporting prowess. When he first appeared in his uniform, Francis wants to emulate
him. Arthur recognises Francis but agrees to keep the secret.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant
aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters
/relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements;
Key Quote: Arthur
Arthur: No heroes in that scrap book, Francis. Only us, the boys of Frenchtown.
Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must
Dementia Patient Presentation Report
Hello Group, I really enjoys the presentation since it is about elderly patients,
especially dementia/Alzhemina patients. I work at a ADH program and we have a
couple of clients that have dementia. Some of them have either mild or severed
dementia. With the dementia clients, you really have to have a lot of patience with
them because they are basically a little kid. Some of them need help with ADL
because they do not remember when they would need to go to the bathroom or
simply how to feed themselves. We have one specific client who always states that
she is over 100 years old whenever we ask her how old she is, but she is only around
mid 90s. Although she has dementia, she can walks really fast and even push people.
She is very strong for
Miles Halter Character Analysis
Miles Halter also known as Pudge changes greatly as a result of attending Culver
Creek boarding school. Coming into a new school, Miles was nervous to see how
he would get along with other students. He suspected it would be the same as it
was at home, where he was shy and would try to avoid as much socializing as
possible. His predictions were not accurate as he took part of many social events,
made lots of new friends, and even participated in pranks. Being the quiet, cautious
person Miles is, breaking the smoking rule for the first time was way out of his
comfort zone. It was clear he was nervous to go against the school policy because he
asked Is it safe here? (Green 16). This was one of the first signs showing Miles was
changing throughout
Becoming A Naval Officer
Since its formation during the early years of our nation the United States Navy has
always stood out among other militaries, playing a vital role in the protection of our
own country as well as the rest of the world. Founded upon the core values of honor,
courage, and commitment the Navy has continued to uphold its men and women to
exceptionally high moral, mental, and physical standards for nearly 240 years. It is
my favorite branch of the militaryand becoming an officer in it has been a goal of
mine for a long time. One of the reasons I want to become a Naval Officer is that it
will be, in many ways, a continuation and progression of the lifestyle I am already
living. Since I was very young I have always had a very structured and busy
The Impact Of The Westward Expansion Of America
The United States of America officially gained its independence on July 4th, 1776.
However, at the time, America only consisted of 13 colonies. The United States was
a very small nation and there was desire amongst the people for that to change. The
desire for expansion had been in existence since the time period of the Jamestown
settlers and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The United Stateswould then begin its
westward expansion from 1783 to 1810 with main expansions such as Old Northwest
and Southwest, the Louisiana Purchase, and the Florida territory. These key additions
to the nation would light a spark in the minds of the American public and would lead
to the idea of Manifest Destiny . This term is used to describe the territorial
expansion of America between the time period in between the War of 1812 and the
Civil War. Manifest Destiny is basically the belief that the territorial expansion across
the continent was deserved and destined to occur. With this belief in the minds of
Americans, the country would continue its growth across the continent through
treaties, war, and annexation of land. The Westward Expansion of the United States
up until 1860 had a positive effect on the growth of the nation to an extent. The
territorial expansion had an effect on the nation politically, economically, and
socially. The Westward Expansion of the United States up until 1860 had an effect on
the growth of the nation politically. In 1823, President James Monroe delivered what
Self Efficacy Among Students From A University Or School
Self efficacy is the ability to encourage your self to get things accomplished. Self
efficacy are affecting by four factors as mastery experiences, modeling, persuasion
and physiological factors. The purpose behind this paper has been to gain an
understanding of how self efficacy relates to entrepreneurial performance and the
concept self efficacy, with the aim of establishing how this personal characteristic can
be measured and used to forecast entrepreneurial achievement. The aim of this
research was to identify the level of entrepreneurial self efficacy among students from
a university or school which adopted entrepreneurial education also how
entrepreneurial self efficacy is related to gender. Self efficacy in entrepreneurship
must be measure by quantitative method. Research have come a long progress to
identifying individual characteristics and skills for predicting entrepreneurial
performance and achievement.
A person belief their ability to successful in the specific task is called self efficacy.
People estimate of their basic capacity to adapt, perform and be successful and was
found to be positively identified with occupation performance. Generalized self
efficacy is implied significant to impact an entrepreneur in taking part in inventive
activity, adopting a proactive position and taking risks. Such capacity is frequently
developed slowly through experience and is strengthened by past achievements.
Entrepreneurial self efficacy is the degree
What Are The Similarities And Differences Between...
Valeriya Borissova A level Essay
Compare and Contrast
Southwest Asia South Asia
Southwest Asia and South Asia in some ways there similar and in some different. I
compare this places. Physical Geography. Southwest Asia includes Arabian Peninsula
, Syrian Palestinian mountains, plains of Mesopotamia. The peculiarity of the
geological structure African platform. Red Sea and Syrian graben deeply lowered the
northern section of the East African Rift Valley. The eastern part foredeeps Alpine
age Mesopotamia and the Persian Gulf. The peculiarity of nature with features of the
climate. Dominated continental tropical air mass. The high average annual
temperatures, little rainfall so dominated by semi desert and desert. The oldest
centers of civilization, the center of Arab culture. The richest oil reserves (over 30%
of production in the capitalist countries), gas, a number of ore deposits.Mesopotamia.
... Show more content on ...
Higher in India and Pakistan. But they are an agrarian country. For all the South Asian
countries are typical multi structural and agrarian economy. The first Europeans were
delighted with the variety of patterns, colors and quality fabrics. Muslin length of 20
m was placed in a snuffbox. Accumulated tradition in metal smelting and dressing
products of iron, copper, bronze. Local products successfully withstood the foreign
competition and diverged widely by country. During the colonial period, the influx of
cheap factory fabrics, iron, ceramics, paper products from England led to a massive
destruction (artisanal) South Asian industry. When the South Asian countries
achieved independence, the industry was only in India. Other countries still had to
create it. The agrarian reforms carried out in many countries contributed to the growth
of agricultural production. Only in Nepal and Bhutan are still dominated by
Jimmy Cross Gender Roles
The Things They Carried is a story loosely based on the accounts of war witnessed
by Tim O Brian which symbolizes the effects of war, expectations of men in war,
expectations of the women in this particular war era, and what it takes for these
men to survive in deadly battles. In this book, traditional gender roles were both met
and broken by the characters. In times of war many men were drafted to go and fight
while the women were expected to stay home and tend to the house, raise the
children, and patiently wait for their spouse to get home. While the women lived lives
of simplicity, the men fought to defend their country and expected their women to be
the backbone for them, writing letters and eagerly waiting for their return. That s just
... Show more content on ...
Traditional gender roles are that the man goes out and is the bread winner and the
woman stays home, cleans, and takes care of the children. Does this still work for
everyone? I don t think so. According to an article by Libby Anne, The Problem
with Gender Roles , she states, The reality is that this idea that there are natural
gender roles pushes people into specific boxes whether they want to be there or
not. I have female friends who aspire to be historians, judges, and scientists. Should
they be told that they aren t suited for these positions because they are female, and
that they should instead start having babies and stay at home, because that is what
they re suited for? The idea that there are natural gender roles creates a situation
that is extremely limiting for anyone who doesn t fit, and this is a large part of
why most feminists see the idea of gender roles as a problem. I have to say she
makes an excellent point. Just like Mary Anne in the story there are women who
do not want to stay at home and take care of children and that is okay but to say
that because she is a woman and that is her predisposed job title. I realize the era
the book takes place in was a little more of a traditional gender role society but if a
woman wants to go to war and paint her face with army paint instead of makeup she
should feel free to without
Difference Between Pirates And Pirates
To understand why men were more eager to join pirates than to pursue a legal
employment in the navy or aboard a merchant ship, it is important to understand the
main differences between the three forms of employment. Johnson remarked:
I need not bring any proofs of what I advance, that there are multitudes o seamen at
this day unemploy d; it is but too evident by their straggling, and begging all over
the Kingdom. Nor is it so much their Inclination to Idleness, as their own Fate, in
being cast off after their work is done, to starve or steal. I have not known a Man of
War comission d for several years past, but three times her Compliment of Men have
offer d themselves in 24 hours; the Merchants take their Advantage of this, lessen
their wage, ... Show more content on ...
No, a merry life and a short one, shall be my motto.
An average pirate sailed for several years before being forced to take a pardon,
were walked to the gallows, or got killed in action. Despite the grown risk of
premature death, piracy had its sides. Joining a pirate crew made a man a member
of a tight community. As Marcus Rediker puts it, Pirates did not think themselves
as common robbers, opposers and violatros of laws humane and divine, but they
did think themselves as people without nation. They were a gang of proletariat
outlaws . Along with this sense of camaraderie, joining pirates opened a door to a
world of ready money , democracy, healthcare, ethnic justice and equality, and better
provisions of food and drink. Contrary to the common image, pirate ships were well
organized and functioned under set of rules (Appendix 1.9 ) established by the
captain of the
Comparing Faulkner s The Bridegroom And A Rose For
Baowen and Miss Emily both seem to live very interesting lives. The Bridegroom
and A Rose for Emily both have different situations that make up their character,
however, in some ways, the characters are similar. What makes them both similar?
Miss Emily and Baowen are both cast out by society because of the role they play
in their society. They are both tragic figures, consequences made by the decisions
they make throughout the story. Other characters that encounter either Miss Emily
or Baowen don t seem to understand them, which causes them to become outcasts
of their societies, Miss Emily could be called impervious because no one is able to
see through her or know her true identity, even if the townspeople assume that they
know who she really is. Their are more details in which the similarities of the two
characters can be seen. In the A Rose for Emily, it is evident that Miss Emily s...
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This lead Miss Emily to being separated from the rest of the town. One of the
situations that lead to her isolation was that her father didn t allow her to have a
lover, We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew
that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as
people will. (William, Faulkner A Rose for Emily.) If the town knows this
information, then the men in the area were most likely very cautious when trying to
begin a relationship with Miss Emily and decided not to confront her. Eventually,
she was driven into her own madness and stayed isolated in her own home until she
met Homer Barron, her new lover. Before her life plummeted, Miss Emily used to go
out and
Serial Killers And The Serial Killer
Although the prevalence of the serial killer is ultimately unknown, many
researchers agree about one half of 1% of homicides are determined to be the
product of serial killers (Homant Kennedy, 2014). In order to prevent future
victims, improve the ability of law enforcement to detect and apprehend,
potentially incorporate treatment for current serial killers, and increase the ability
to detect potential future serial killers it is important to identify characteristics that
may cause one to become a serial killer. The question researchers have strived to
answer is are serial killers born or are there explicit factors that contribute to
someone ultimately becoming a serial killer? Researchers have potentially
exposed several factors that potentially contribute to one becoming a serial killer.
These conditions are notably greater in prevalence in known serial killers
compared to the general population. These factors consist of family dynamics
/parental characteristics, experienced child abuse (physical, sexual, and neglect),
and psychological disorders. Serial Killers: Born or Created Dependent Variable A
serial killer is an individual who has killed three or more people during separate
incidents and at possibly different geographic locations where there is a cooling off
period between each homicide (Homant Kennedy, 2014). Researchers have
identified several typologies of serial killers, however most of the research has been
done on the serial sexual sadist
Essay about Edwin Hubble Biography
Edwin P. Hubble was a ground breaking American astronomer who revolutionized our
knowledge of the universe and established the foundations for all of modern
cosmology. At the beginning of the 20th century, most astronomers thought that our
Universe was confined to the Milky Way Galaxy alone. However, Edwin Hubbles
inspiration and perseverance in astronomical research proved otherwise. He
discovered the existence of other galaxies and created a systematical classification for
all galaxies. Additionally, he mathematically confirmed that his newly discovered
universe was expanding. Hubble s astronomical triumphs earned him worldwide
scientific honors and pioneered our modern cosmology.
Edwin Powell Hubble was born in Marshfield, ... Show more content on ...
Hubble turned away from astronomy and decided to studied law. He completed the
two year law course in 1912, while continuing to succeed in his athletic endeavors
through various track and field events. Hubble returned to the United States in 1913
and began practicing law in Louisville, Kentucky. However, he soon found himself
bored with law and returned to what he later realized as his passion: astronomy.
Hubble returned to the University of Chicago in 1914 to broaden his scholastic
knowledge of astronomy, a field he then described as a calling. He studied at the
Yerkes Observatory, and in 1917, received a doctorate in astronomy. During his
term at Yerkes, Hubble met astronomer George Ellery Hale, founder of the Yerkes
Observatory and the director of the Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena,
California. Hale had heard of Hubble and invited him to join the Mount Wilson
Staff. However, Hubble s enrollment in World War I the following year delayed his
acceptance of this offer. He achieved the respectable rank of major and in 1919 was
discharged. Immediately following, Hubble began his work at Mount Wilson. The
observatory had two telescopes, a 60 inch reflector and a newly operational 100 inch
telescope, the largest in the world at that time. The technological advances in
telescopes and the resources of the Mount Wilson Observatory provided Hubble with
enough sources to begin the major portion of his life s work.
Susan Glaspell s Trifles
We all go through the same things it s all just a different kind of the same thing
(561) is a line spoken in Susan Glaspell s play, Trifles. Writers look at the world
around them and envision the way it should be. They take bits and pieces of their
life s landscape, add a liberal dose of surreal ideology and finally toss in human
oppressions. To that end, the writer hopes to create a memorable character that can
touch the human soul for eternity. Susan Glaspell, a writer in the early twentieth
century, lived during a time when women were only briefly part of the social role
and were mainly given the reproductive role which confined them to raising
children and taking care of their households and husbands husbands, always first
and foremost (Mustazza 491)). From this oppressive landscape, the character of Mrs.
Wright is born in Glaspell s 1916 play Trifles. This character will be analyzed using
details, such as character interactions, the title, setting, and numerous symbols to
understand Mrs. Wright s transformation from a vibrant beautiful young womaninto a
lonely, unhappy, isolated, abused and mentally fractured murderer. Glaspell supplies
numerous subtle clues and hints through the interactions between the women and
men in the play. The most obvious is Mrs. Wright s name. Glaspell intends a Pun on
the surname marking her [Mrs. Wright s] lack of rights, and implying her right to
free herself against the societally sanctioned right of her husband
Racism in Literature Essay
Literature Analysis
Most literature authors write stories on different genres like poems, stories, and
plays. These works are written using a variety of elements of literature for instance
setting, themes, conflict, and characters. The following essay discusses the
element of racism as a theme in Margaret Laurence s short story The Loons,
Langston Hughes poem, I Too, Sing America, and W.E.B Du Bois book, The Souls
of Black Folk. The Loons is a short story that was done by Margaret Laurence
together with other stories in the sequence A bird in the House and was published in
1970. The story centers on the narrator and the main character Vanessa McLeod, a
white girl and her youth days in a fictional town known as Manawaka, ... Show more
content on ...
This is a clear indicator of social prejudice. Piquette s attitude and world is
misinterpreted and misunderstood because the dominant whites chose so. Beth,
Vanessa s mother also feels that Piquettes s company will affect her children. Vanessa
s father good intention of inviting Piquette to their holiday trips illustrates the theme
of racism and social alienation in the story. Piquette refuses to acknowledge the
invitation to play with Vanessa. Vanessa asks her want to come and play? She
retorts sharply with a scorn I ain t kid much to Vanessa s surprise (Laurence, 2001).
This illustrates the nasty experiences of racial and social alienation that Vanessa
has gone through. She does not want to be friendly to the whites. The MГ©tis are
a rejected lot and she feels things should remain the way they are. This shows that
she had been hurt by the whites and does not trust any of them. Piquette feels that
she can do nothing much when it comes to bridging the gap between the whites
and the MГ©tis and ignores all the attempts to socialize with Vanessa. The whites
have a good life of luxury. The McLeod s have a cottage on Lake Diamond. They
can afford to spend on holidays while the socially ostracized MГ©tis live in despair,
poverty, and illness. Laurence uses irony to bring out the theme of racism. Vanessa s
father passes on due to pneumonia that he contracted during the trip to Diamond
Lake. Ewen was a doctor who had
Romani A Beautiful Country
When people hear of the place Romania, not very many people know about its very
existence, much less where it is located on a map. Romania is not a well known
country, but it is somewhat known for its gypsies, castles, wine, and for Dracula
himself. Romania is a beautiful country filled with amazing landscape such as
fascinating forests, majestic mountains, and raging rivers. Romania also is a very
warm culture and the people there are extremely friendly and hospitable. In order for
one to know and understand much more about Romania, one would need to
understand the changing culture, the people that helped change that culture, and the
religion that has shaped the nation. To begin one s understanding of a country, one
would have to... Show more content on ...
Romanians will go to the utmost extreme of providing extravagant food,
entertainment, and ceremonies. Before the wedding, the groom will visit the
house of the bride to bring her to the place where the wedding will be held. All of
the many people involved in the wedding then proceed in their cars to the wedding.
Typically, they will drive leisurely and will honk at pedestrians to cheer for the
couple. Once the procession reaches the place of the wedding, which will usually
be an Orthodox church, the priest will lead the people into the main auditorium for
the ceremony. The ceremony itself, which is comprised of the priest blessing the
couple, reading from the Bible, and singing, could take up to three hours. After the
ceremony, the couple drinks from the same glass of wine and eat the same piece of
bread to symbolize unity. After the couple is unified, they proceed to visit the
numerous pictures of Jesus and the saints and kiss them. Once the entire ceremony is
over, the bride and groom normally take their guests to a restaurant of some sort to
have refreshments and entertainment. Some weddings go as far as buying fireworks
and lighting them after midnight symbolizing the first day of being married. This
time of refreshing and entertainment could last between a weekend and a whole
week. The final tradition that is most prominent in Romanian culture is funerals.
When someone passes away, the family will wait three days before washing and
Moving to United States
Moving to United States The most memorable event in my life was when we
moved out from Russia to a country that changes lives and is known as a dream
land called the United States of America. When we sat on the airplane that was
going toward the United States in August of 2004, we knew our lives are going to
be changed in the way we always wanted them to. After twelve years of not going
to school and being discriminated by Russian citizens, this moving to a new
country was the most amazing, not just in my life generally, but for my entire
family as well. The war started in Kabul, Afghanistan in July of 1994; moving to
Russia was the only choice for my family to be safe even though we knew we would
face a lot of difficulties. I was only... Show more content on ...
We waited two years and nothing happened, our father was very sad and confused
about what he could do now. At the same time, he knew there was nothing he could
do; it was all up to the immigration center of Sweden to decide our future. Then one
day, it was our Holliday called Eid, my mother had her friend with her children over
at our house to have a dinner with us, and she told her that they are about to move to
United States the next month. My mother was very happy and excited for her
friend and asked her how she did it. My mother told her that my fathers had been in
Sweden for five years now and still nothing was happening. My mother s friend
told her she needed to apply at the United States immigration center that was
located in Moscow and try to see if we would get accepted. Then the next day
January of 2004 my mother and I went to the United States immigration center, and
we applied for the permanent residence ship to any state. After two months, we
received a call from the United States immigration center that we are scheduled for
an interview; we all were very excited and happy that we might move to United
States, to a country that is known as the dream land and freedom. When we give
our interview the person who was interviewing us asked us why we wanted to go to
the United States. The answer was very simple to all of my family; it was education,
Environmentalism And Environmentalism
As technology continues to advance, so does one s level of research. The internet
provides a plethora of information to those seeking answers to pertinent questions
questions specifically regarding health and environmentalism. Before the internet,
people typically relied on advice from friends, doctors, or sayings. We ve all heard
an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But now that the times are changing and more
information is readily available at the click of our smart phone, is it time to question
information that has been engrained in us since childhood. Veganism, a plant based
diet that has become increasingly more popular in the past few years, arguably is a
not a trend, and perhaps adopting this way of living could in fact save the planet. In
his article, Go Vegan, save the planet, Wang acknowledges that going Vegan is not an
easy transition. It requires overcoming our habits and our tastes, learning new ways
to cook, planning during travel, and navigating the social aspects of eating and meal
sharing (Wang, George C). Environmentalismand humanity have a direct correlation
when it comes to the consumption of animals. To eat or not to eat? Ethical or not
ethical? Is one following their moral compass before devouring beef? However,
author of Being vegan isn t as good for humanity as you think, Chase Purdy suggest
the only way to reach environmental efficiency is by throwing vegans a bone. When
applied to an entire global population, the vegan diet wastes
English As A Medium Of Instruction Worldwide
Over the last half century, the internationalisation of higher education has become a
priority for many countries particularly in Asian regions. This has had a significant
impact on the use of English as a medium of instruction worldwide. The following
essay presents an overview of how English is used in higher educationinstitutions in
both Malaysia and China. It aims to assess why English holds such importance within
their educationsystems which this will be done through the studying of implemented
government policies and student/academic staff experiences.
English has unquestionably become a global phenomenon (Selvi, 2013) with
approximately three hundred and seventy five million people speaking English
around the world with ... Show more content on ...
In Malaysia, English is spoken and used as a second language with the Malaysian
education system, making it a compulsory subject for all levels of education.
Malaysia s multicultural society makes it a natural environment for producing
students who are proficient in more than one language (Julie Dearden, 2014).
Malaysia was one of the earliest Asian countries to provide higher education
opportunities as far back as the 1980 s, when politicians started making improvements
to the standard of English after realising its importance.
Higher education in Malaysia is constructed of private and public institutions with
some offering franchised programmes under foreign branches. This development has
led to a significant increase in the number of colleges and universities within
Malaysia, helping the nation advance and establish itself as an education hub , to
which the Malaysian government has given considerable attention in developing
further. Private higher education has become a significant money making venture
which attracts tremendous interest from British, Australian and American
universities who want to export their education thus providing more international
students and perhaps regional students, since fees will be lower than the likes of the
United Kingdom where most international students currently study .
The Private Higher
Theme Of The Movie Hugo
Martin Scorsese s celebrated movie Hugo is widely considered to be a timely
reminder on the need for preserving the old movies.But in spite of being adapted
from a children s novel, Hugo reveals layers of hidden meaning within the story.One
of the major themes recurring throughout the movie is the relationship between
humans and technology, or more specifically, humans and machines.Though shown
explicitly only in a single dream sequence, the theme of humans turning into
machines and vice versa is present throughout the movie.
The movie opens with the visual of a giant clockwork mechanism which morphs into
the streets of Paris.It is through the eyes ... Show more content on ...
The recurring image of turning gears and clocks in the film is noteworthy.The
constant ticking of the clocks, present throughout the movie, gives the viewer a
very vivid awareness of time passing.Like the drunken Uncle Claude tells Hugo,
Time is everything. This is effectively portrayed by the plight of Georges Melies
(Ben Kingsley).Time has stolen everything from him, and only a broken shell of a
man is left in his place.He struggles to come in terms with the current times, where
his life s work is reduced to nothing but a pair of shoe heels.
The theme of the movie revolves around an extraordinary machine, the automaton.It
functions as a narrative device that propels the plot forward.When the grumpy old
toyshop owner takes hold of Hugo s book on the automaton, and later on, when Hugo
fixes the automaton and it signs the name Georges Melies, the story takes a pivotal
turn.The automaton has an almost human presence as Hugo identifies with it many a
times.His quest is not only to fix the broken automaton, but also to fix his own broken
Marketing Strategy Of Classico Pitch
1.Executive Summary
Classico Pitch is a high quality rental football field to be introduced in the Sultanate
of Oman in Thurmed, Al Suwayq. It would provide high quality artificial grass,
LED spotlights, special balls, and a creative reservation Smart phone application.
Our mission is to promote and develop of kids football skills and pledge to support
football events. Furthermore, to help to popularize the game by increasing public
awareness and conducting information campaigns. As well as, overcoming social and
cultural obstacles for youths with the aim of improving.
The market was analyzed through interviews with the owners of other football fields
over the Sultanate, and it was found that there is a lack of a high quality football ...
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3.1.Research Findings
We gathered our information from various interviews from existing owners of
football fields, as well as the many potential players in the area. Our findings
indicated that a demand for such a service exists and that the potential players in the
vicinity indeed demand for a real, proper, high quality field, and an appealing price.
We initially had 3 locations planned in our mind to choose for our pitch: Muscat,
Batinah, and AL Sharqyiah. Muscat has an abundance of football fields and there
was little demand from the players to play in addition to the huge traffic in it. Al
Sharqyiah, on the other hand, very little demand in the region plus very high costs
into creating the pitch. However, in Al Suwayq we found out that demand for this
service indeed exists and the market was well prepared.
We interviewed the competitors in the market and they told us that there is so much
demand that reservations need to be made at least 2 days prior the day that they play.
Our target market is the male youth in Al Suwayq. The total population is around
94,000 where 46,000 of them are male.
The strongest competitor, Al Nibras Field, is a big field, in a nice location, with
good grass quality. They were in this business for 3 years, so they have a well
established fan base. Thus, it is quite famous among the youth there, and it is almost

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Essay On Tsunami 2004

  • 1. Essay On Tsunami 2004 Crafting an essay on the subject of the 2004 tsunami is no easy feat. The magnitude of the disaster, the profound impact it had on countless lives, and the complex interplay of geological, meteorological, and human factors make it a challenging topic to delve into. The depth of research required to truly grasp the enormity of the event, coupled with the need for sensitivity when discussing the human toll, adds an extra layer of complexity. One must navigate through a sea of information, sorting through scientific data, survivor accounts, and geopolitical implications. The challenge lies not only in presenting the factual details accurately but also in capturing the emotional and humanitarian dimensions of the tragedy. Striking the right balance between a comprehensive overview and a compassionate narrative is a tightrope walk that demands careful consideration of every word. Furthermore, addressing the long-term consequences and global response to the tsunami adds another layer of intricacy. Discussing the aftermath, including the reconstruction efforts, the impact on local economies, and the lessons learned, requires a nuanced approach. The potential for divergent perspectives on the effectiveness of aid and the role of international cooperation adds to the complexity of the essay. In essence, writing an essay on the 2004 tsunami demands more than just stringing together facts and figures. It necessitates a deep understanding of the historical context, scientific principles, and human experiences involved. The writer must not only convey information but also evoke empathy and convey the gravity of the situation. For those grappling with the challenge, seeking assistance can be a wise decision. Professional help can provide guidance in structuring the essay, conducting thorough research, and presenting a coherent and compelling narrative. It's a task that goes beyond the mere arrangement of words; it requires a synthesis of knowledge, empathy, and skillful expression. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the 2004 tsunami is no simple undertaking. However, with dedication, empathy, and perhaps a bit of external support, one can navigate the complexities and do justice to the profound significance of this historic event. If you find yourself in need of support for similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, a resource like can offer assistance and guidance tailored to your specific needs. Essay On Tsunami 2004Essay On Tsunami 2004
  • 2. Beer Industry Oligopoly Essay Introduction The brewing industry was once held to competition among many breweries in small geographic areas. That was almost a century ago. The U.S. brewing industry today is characterized by the dominance of three brewers, which I will talk about in this paper. There are many factors today that make the beer industry an oligopoly. Such factors include various advancements in technology (packaging, shipping and production), takeovers and mergers, economies of scale, barriers to entry, high concentration, and many other factors that I will cover in this paper. Over the course of the paper I will try to define an oligopoly, give a brief history of the brewingindustry, and finally to show how the brewing industry today is an oligopoly.... Show more content on ... However, if there are not barriers to entry, companies will not be able to raise prices and realize profits. The brewing industry it different from many other industries because it is not governed by laws regarding patents or exclusive grants. A majority firm does not control the inputs required for brewing beer and the supply for brewing materials is fragmented. There are high costs associated with entering the brewing industry, such as establishing a network of suppliers and distributing the product. It has been estimated that the construction of a four to five million barrel a year plant would cost around $250 million, and this is just the fixed cost of building and maintaining the brewery. There is an even greater amount of capital needed when the marketing activities needed to distribute beer are added in. This all means that any new entrants would have to invest heavily to establish a strong reputation and brand awareness. It may seem odd that a company of Anheuser Busch s size is allowed by the government to maintain such a huge portion of the market. But nothing in the way Anheuser Busch prices products or promotes them is monopolistic in nature. There is still heavy competition among other corporations because of different product offerings, which makes it more beneficial for the industry to be an oligopoly. It is clear that the economic impact that micro breweries and craft breweries have had on
  • 3. Functional Requirements Of The App Functional requirements of the app 1.The app would provide a bible verse every day for the users. 2.The app would provide a new word to learn every day. 3.Users would have access to popular bible verses every day and are able to view verses from previous days. 4.The app would provide a new game or quiz connected to the word and verse of the day. 5.App promotes creativity, critical thinking and imagination. 6.The app would be user friendly with easy navigation for effective use. 7.Users are able to view verses and words from previous days. 8.The app would have a colourful background with the option of sound. 9.The app settings can be customised. 10.The design of the app would be functional and visually stimulating. 11.App would load quickly and not crash. 12.App would promote creativity, critical thinking and imagination. 13.App would promote and enhances collaborations and ideas sharing. 14.Content is appropriate for the targeted users. 15.All information provided are error free, factual and reliable. 16.App contains no unsuitable advertisement. 17.The app would be affordable, portable and socially interactive. 18.The app would be compactible through all Apple platforms. Desirable requirements 1.The app would be easy to use. 2.The users within 100 metres can play against each other. Knowledge of the capability of mobile devices. With the recent development of new ranges of mobile devices with advanced features such as (context aware systems, real time
  • 4. Flowers And Freckle Cream Short Story Do you know how you learn about your identity? Is it through eExperiences or people in your life? According to identity means being a who or what as a person or a thing. For example I have an identity, and you have identity. Identity is a really important thing. Individuals learn about himself through the people in their lives. Flowers and Freckle Cream is about a girl that thought poorly of herself and did not like the way that she looked. Until her grandpa really helped her know that she is special, and that she matters. I don t know where grandpa found it. It wasn t at all common in the mountains where we lived. But I know he put it in my room because my mother told me later. I had cried myself to sleep that night, and when I opened my swollen, sticky eyes the next morning, the first thing I saw , lying on the pillow next to my head, was a tiger lily. It was clear that grandpa didn t understand, so I tried to explain why I didn t want to have freckles and why I felt so inadequate when I compared my appearance with Janette Elizabeths. He looked at me in stunned surprise, shook his head, and said, But child there are all kinds of flowers and they are all beautiful. I said, I ve never seen a flower with freckles! P.G. 399 Elizabeth ad changed from her grandpa because he is telling her that she can be unique and there are all different kinds of flowers. There is not just one expectation of what you need to look like. Everyone looks different, and
  • 5. Psychological Analysis and History of Richard Trenton Chase Psychological Analysis and History of Richard Trenton Chase The Killer Introduction Richard Trenton Chase, known as the Vampire of Sacramento and the Dracula Killer, was easily one of the most brutal serial killers in American history. His disturbingchildhood lead to even more disturbing behavior during his childhood and adolescence,eventually becoming a sadistic and psychotic adult. As serial killers go, he is a trifecta of nightmarish behavior from cannibalism and mutilation, rape and necrophilia, to attacking people in their homes out of the blue, he is the kind of killer that one think s of as a monster. The type that makes one lock their doors and indeed, he once claimed that he entered homeswhere door were unlocked because he viewed it as an invitation.Below, his background and psyche will be picked apart so that his erratic and senseless behavior can be better understood. To do this, one must start at the very beginning, and followthrough until the end his apprehension and time in incarceration. His methods and MO are veryuncommon, and thus require a more detailed and personalized analysis. Childhood and Family History Richard Trenton Chase was born to a mentally ill mother on May 23d of 1950, in SantaCruz, California (Storey, Strieter, Tarr, Thornton, 2005). His father was alcoholic and strictlyauthoritarian in him parenting methods, and was confrontational with his wife. The two wereknown to be constantly at odds (Ramsland, 2011). By 12,
  • 6. How To Make A Trebuchet Essay A Trebuchet is a weapon used during the medieval ages in siege warfare. The trebuchet was used for the defense of towns, strongholds, and cities. First the materials used to build medieval trebuchets. Second the origins of trebuchets. Third how trebuchets were transported. Fourth the ancient trebuchet King Warwolf. Finally the end of an era. The materials used to build the medieval trebuchets. The early trebuchets were made of straight, heavy oak logs. These logs would have been held together by nails and rope or leather strips. It took anywhere from 100 up to about 200 feet of wood logs: most where about 26 feet tall and the arm was about 49 feet for the arm alone. Other wood was used for support and to create the pivot point. The origins of trebuchets. The farthest back we have found of a recorded trebuchet was in ancient China approximately 300 BC. the trebuchets made by the chinese had not been counterpoise but traction trebuchets. These trebuchets are called traction trebuchets using ropes and pulleys to pull the arm down the energy being supplied via manpower these teams had about 40 50 men teams: 10 men for... Show more content on ... The king of trebuchets. Ludgar(Loup De Guerre) was never truly used in its building siege, used at the siege of Stirling and getting tired of it King Edward I ordered his chief engineer to build the biggest trebuchet ever Ludgar. When the 3 month long construction period was over the defenders of Stirling tried to surrender before the King could fire his monster the king told them to go back inside and wait saying you don t deserve any grace, but most surrender to my will. finally the king would fire his baby at the curtain wall destroying a full section of it, after the King fired his Warwolf he accepted the surrender of stirling. It took 4 master carpenters and 49 workers to build this trebuchet in 3 months to build. In transporting the Warwolf they had to disassemble and fill 30 wagons to move the behemoth.
  • 7. King Of The Bingo Game By Ralph Ellison Introduction The short story King of the Bingo Game was written by Ralph Ellison. It was first published in the journal Tomorrow in November 1944. The story involves the protagonist Bingo King who is alone in the world and his isolation is further highlighted by the potential death of his wife who is critically ill. The story interestingly examines a segment of Americans who are often ignored and are new to the urban life (Ellison, 1944). The protagonist has been given characteristics such as backwoods cluelessness and inner yearning that he finds difficult to understand and articulate. The story is centered on the theme of helplessness before the hand of fate and individual restrained efforts to overcome the inability to defend one s... Show more content on ... It was later recognized as seminal American work that defined race relations in America from a black point of view. Ellison published a collection of many essays and interviews and he became a celebrated author and was awarded numerous grants and honor. He died of cancer in 1994 ( Https://ralph Ellison, n.d.). The plot King of Bingo Game with a man in a movie theatre watching a movie he has seen before. The man is hungry but he can smell peanuts being eaten by a woman sitting in front of him. He thinks of asking the woman for a peanut and she would give him one. He also thinks the same about men sitting on his right taking wine. He does not have money and his wife Laura is sick and dying. Watching the movie, he admires how the characters in the movie can be able to escape from their problems but for his case, he cannot. He also thinks of what would happen if the woman in the movie were to take off her clothes (Ellison, 1944). The bingo king falls asleep and he dreams that he is back to the south where he used to live as a young boy. He dreams that a train is coming after him and although he jumps off the tracks, the train follows him to the highway and down the street. He wakes up screaming and an old man next to him gives him a drink of whiskey. The movie had now ended and bingo game begins. The protagonist has five cards and he is worried that the bingo caller would not like it if he knew, but he needs money for the doctor since his wife
  • 8. Summary Of Concussion The book Concussion starts with a prosecutor approaching Bennet Omalu and starting a questioning.Bennet starts to stress and second guess himself. Bennet is the chief medical examiner of San Joaquin Country, where he has been working since September 1, 2007. The prosecutor begins to ask Bennet about his wife and 5 month old child. Bennet attended medical school in Nigeria. He had 6 years of regular medical school then a clinical internship and then a mandated paramilitary service. Bennet constantly worked and studied, he is board certified in 4 areas of pathology(anatomic, clinical, forensic, and neuropathology). He worked under an autopsy rockstar, Dr. Cyril Wecht. Dr. Cyril Wecht was also the defendant that Bennet was testifying against.
  • 9. Mr. Bennet Self-Knowledge In Pride And Prejudice Firstly, Mr. Wickham has the lest self knowledge: He believed him to be imprudent and extravagant. And since this sad affair has taken place, it is said that he left Meryton greatly in debt (Austen 276). In other words, Wickham is spending money that he does not have as well as running off and leave a pile of debt in Meryton. From this experience Wickham had not gain enough self knowledge to know how to deal with these types of situation plus he should had made smarter choices in life that would cause him to gain self knowledge and a better life. Secondly, Mr. Collins he did not change throughout the novel however, from learning that Elizabeth would not accept him as a husband. He moved on asked Charlotte which they are happy now. Bingley gained some self knowledge when he decided to go to Jane and to marry her. This shows self knowledge because he realizes he needs to go back and make things right. Mr. Bennet is the second highest in self knowledge, Mr. Bennet had very often wished before this period of his life that, instead of... Show more content on ... Bennet is second to last in gaining self knowledge because, This is delightful indeed! She will be married...But the clothes, the wedding clothes! I will write to my sister Gardiner about them directly (Austen 289). Strictly speaking, Mrs. Bennet is excited that Lydia is going to get married and she is a bit worried about wedding clothes. She gained almost no self knowledge because she still wants her daughters to get married however, since one of her daughters is going to get married she calmed down somewhat. Charlotte is on the middle ground when it comes to self knowledge because she grown to adapt with her husband instead of resenting him. Evidence of this is found in Pride and Prejudice: Mrs. Collins and myself sincerely sympathise with you and all your respectable family, in your present distress (Austen 281). In other words, Charlotte and Mr. Collins are agreeing that they feel sorry that about what happen to
  • 10. Day Of The Sponge Personal Narrative Final Copy (Type your final copy on this page) The day of the Sponge So there I was dry waiting to get wet by the sponge , wait let me tell you what happened before that. One day I was with my friends Charlize and Serena, we were at their birthday party, and we were already having SO much fun. Then Charlize had an idea she said, How about we play duck duck sponge. then, I nodded my head yes. We went to ask the other kids if they wanted to play they all said sure. So we headed of to the backyard, then me and Charlize went back in to get the supplies. When we came back from getting the supplies we all sat in a circle and then Serena went first so she said the duck,
  • 11. The Characters Of The Epic Hero And Beowulf Celebrated and celebritized by the people, heros are typically perceived in epic poems as larger than life characters with extraordinary characteristics who defeat evil and represent good. On the other hand, villains, seen as ravenous, heartless, beasts terrorize the helpless people for no reason are not sympathized. Displaying this common outlook on the heroand villain is the epic poem, Beowulf, where the readers view the main character, Beowulf, as a brave warrior who sets out to defeat the harmful and destructive Grendel. On the other hand, John Gardner s Grendel takes a different outlook on the epic poem where the reader sympathizes Grendel after comprehending his life, lack of self esteem, and watches him fall the victim of... Show more content on ... Throughout the novel,the reader is able to see Grendel s self deprecating thoughts about how [he] fool[s] [himself] with thoughts that [he s] more noble, than pointless, ridiculous monster crouched in the shadows (Gardner 6). Grendel has a clear lack of self esteem where he feels like a pointless, ridiculous monster crouched in the shadows and for that reason he attacks people out of insecurity in an attempt to make himself feel more superior. On the other hand, Grendel thoroughly covers his insecurities to all those who cannot understand his personal thoughts because the readers of the epic poem Beowulf have little to no sympathy for him as they seem him as a shadow stalker,stealthy, and swift instead of a hurt, rejected, and mentally ill individual (704). Grendel achieves his goal to be perceived as evil and powerful, but as a reader of the epic poem, Beowulf, the reader is not able to see his insecurity and brokenness. In the end of both the poem and the novel, the reader witnesses the battle between Grendel and Beowulf and as a result of the different point of views displayed by the authors the readers empathize the characters differently. During the battle in Grendel, the main character Grendel describing his losing battle says, He smashes me against [the wall], breaks open my forehead... but not only does beowulf defeat Grendel, but he tries to humiliate him by
  • 12. T-Bond Case Study Although your loved one can be out on bail until their case goes to trial, not everyone has the resources to do so. This is when a bail bond company, like T Bonds, can help you get out of jail by posting the amount on your behalf. Whether you re in for a misdemeanor, DUI, or burglary, the Lorain, OH based bail payment service is ready to assist you anytime of the day. Providing service across 40 states and all Ohio counties, T Bonds truly believes in your innocence until proven otherwise. To help you get out and prepare for your trial, the bondsmen submit the court mandated amount on your behalf. By doing so, they take the guarantee that you will appear for trial on the date set forth by the court. Thanks to their experience of working with
  • 13. The Importance Of The Gaia Theory Known as the Gaia Theory aptly named after the Ancient Greek primordial deity Gaia, a primal Mother Earth goddess who birthed all life in existence Lovelock argued that organisms would interact with their inorganic surroundings to form a synergistic self regulating system capable of maintaining and perpetuating the conditions necessary for life. This self regulatory system, named Gaia, results from the close coupling between organisms and their environment to create a Mother Earth that seeks a consistent physical and chemical environment optimal for nurturing life, able to resist change if necessary. For example, consider a thermostat. If a home becomes too warm or cold for comfortable living, a thermostat can be adjusted to regulate the temperature and re establish normal, comfortable heat. In the context of Gaia Theory, rather than seek to restore a pleasant temperature, the Gaia system will correct for alterations in atmospheric composition, global temperatures, ocean salinity, and other variables to re establish an environment suitable for life. Moreover, instead of a simple thermostat that begins the warming or cooling process, the natural, complex relationships between biota (living) and abiota (non living) will sense the chemical and physical shifts away from preferable levels and trigger the necessary corrective actions. The Gaia Theory is, at its simplest level, a collection of negative feedback loops involving living and nonliving components that respond
  • 14. Difference Of Architectural Professional Practice Between... Difference in Architectural Professional Practice between U.S. and China Proposed ARCH 590 Instructor: Selwyn Ting Term: Summer 2015 Student: Congji Li USC ID: 8617 9762 90 Introduction: Since the past two decades, China had experienced continuous growth of economy and captured attention yet announced slowing down by the public media in recent years, the attention from the west Architectural professional practice is a relatively regional field in which architects conduct their comprehensive manner in a specific localized territory. Architectural professional practice is a relatively regional field in which architects conduct their comprehensive manner in a specific localized territory. Due to the current fact that more and more American architects practice in China, it is not an easy time for them to interact or communicate with remote brains on the other side of earth. The different cultural and social backgrounds have become the source of misunderstanding and problems in the process of cooperation, which may lead to unfavorable consequences. As a Chinese architectural student who has studied in America and worked in local projects for the U.S. architectural firm, I have experienced many differences between the two sides. My instructor and professor in the Graduate School of Architecture, University of Southern California, who has practical experience in China, once told me, It was totally misunderstood when my Chinese client determined to give
  • 15. How Did Ebenezer Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol The book A Christmas Carol was writ by Charles Dickens. In the book Ebenezer Scrooge went through substantial changes. First, he went to his childhood neighborhood and got emotional. Next, Scrooge went with Ghost of Christmas Present to his old house and saw the family having a good time. Then, Ghost of ChristmasFuture appeared and they went to the beading shop seeing all of Scrooge s stuff being sold, but he didn t know it was his stuff. Lastly, he was in his bedroom looking at all his stuff and saw his gravesite. Scrooge changed emotionally throughout stave 2. The ghost took him to his old childhood area and a tear was on his cheek, but he denied it. As he was there he saw boys he used to know then got happy. Next, the ghost took him to
  • 16. What Is Chillingworth Symbolize In The Scarlet Letter One of the most adroit talents authors use is symbolism. Writers such as William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, and Ray Bradbury have perfected this craft. One piece of literature s symbolism I am distinguished with is Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter. Specifically, the how the names of the main characters have an underlying meaning. Pearl the devilish child birthed into sin has meaning behind her name. A pearl is a rare elegant creation of nature that glows with radiance and has an essence. Hester, Pearl s mother noticed her child s beauty surrounded by scorn and wanted to give her a name that shows who she really is her only treasure. The narrator expresses, But she named the infant Pearl, as being of great price purchased with all she had her mother s only treasure! . Hester believes that Pearl was a direct consequence from God because of her sinful self. To reflect Pearls luster Hester dresses her in the finest tissue. This shows the difference between Pearl and the puritan lifestyle. Roger Chillingworth the old deformed scholar and husband of accused adulteress Hester Prynne represents name symbolism. The name Chillingworth is cold and bitter a definite reflection of his personality. From the start Chillingworth seeked vengeance on the unnamed adulterer. Once he makes his suspicions ... Show more content on ... The partner of sin with Hester, Dimmesdale is a young minister who is very popular for preaching his enlightening sermons. Although Dimmesdale is seen in the light, that light is dimmed through the constant physiological manipulation brought forth from Chillingworth. One cannot live with so much guilt so Dimmesdale deals with it by self harm. Hawthorne illustrates a change in the minister, His inward trouble drove him to practices more in accordance with the old, corrupted faith of Rome than with the better light of the church in which he had been born and bred. . A change indeed one that haunts Dimmesdale to his eventual
  • 17. Yuma Project Research Paper The Yuma Project was important because it dealt with all the uprising conflicts that occurred.Irrigation greatly changed southern Arizona, also known as Yuma. It started out small, but as more people moved there it grew largely. There were a series of different irrigation systems, but the commonly used one was canals. Some of the canals that were built long ago still stand today, and Yuma is the most linked place. Yuma today is the largest agricultural place, but will not be for long if they keep having the problems they do. They also need to have money so they can fix what they need to and be able to pay workers to help. Not only did the Yma Project affect farming and how irrigation worked, but it also affected the people that lived around it. There was an issue that the Indians along the Colorado River had. They were being pushed out of the area on both the California side and the Arizona side because of the immigrants that came September 3, 1852. They came on a boat called the Capacity . Not only did that boat carry the immigrants, it also carried lumber and an engine for a steamboat (steamer) that would be able to sail in twenty two inches of water. The Indians realized that Fort Yuma was getting stronger and was not going anywhere, anytime soon. It was big on the California side, but the ... Show more content on ... They have to agree to let the workers and that state use their land for the canals. It is their land, they were owed it, so it belongs to them and the government or state can t take it from them. The workers have to bribe them into letting them use the land. Most of the time the bribe consisted of money but others, consisted of using the water from the canal as a lifetime supply of water for their own personal needs. Most of the time, they would agree to make a deal, or treaty, and if they didn t then the workers would have to find another piece of
  • 18. Disadvantages For Art Therapists Art therapists are not arts and crafts coordinators, they are highly educated individuals who use art as a communicative tool in therapy sessions. They do this by allowing their patients to create a piece of art before or during a discussion. This gives them the ability to address aspects of the individuals emotions that may have before been concealed. (Dalley, 2008) In order to accurately analyze the meaning and execution of a painting or drawing the art therapist must be fluent in psychologyas well as studio art. Becoming a licensed art therapist is not a simple accomplishment, a master s degree is required for an entry level position in the field. This degree consists of twelve credit hours in classes relating to therapy, psychology, human development, and ethics; as well as eighteen credit hours of studio art. After completing their Master s degree art therapists must go onto become board certified by the Art TherapyCredentials Board, seek state licensure, and in some cases even obtain a PHd. Art therapists are dynamic professionals who practice in an array of different environments including schools, prisons, hospitals, mental health wards, and nursing homes. ( American , 2017) They are passionate and resilient individuals who deserve the respect given to any other professional in the healthcare field. The American Art Therapy Association s credentials and licensure section of their website brings attention to the issue that in lue of the extensive education
  • 19. The Functionalist Perspective In The MoviePleasantville In the movie Pleasantville two kids named David and Jennifer, living in the 1990 s get sucked into to a tv show called Pleasantville which takes place in the 1950 s where everything is perfect . Now living in a completely different era and being named Bud and Mary Sue, they must try to adjust to this new culture while attempting to find a way to get back to their present day. Through the whole movie they realize how much that the world has changed in 40 years. The town of Pleasantville is set in black and white, but as people start to change and feel more emotion they turn into color. While watching the movie it was interesting to watch the characters learn more about the past from different perspectives. One perspective that we watched for was the functionalist perspective. This comes from the functional theory which is, if parts of society are working well and everyone is doing what is expected then it is a normal state. However, if some are not meeting their expectations in society, then that is considered an abnormal state. In the movie s case it is referring to people in the community of Pleasantville and whether they are meeting expectations or not. One example of this is when a cat got stuck in a tree. A cat was stuck in a tree as Bud and Mary Sue watched the fire department come get it down. This is what was expected in this town so it is a normal state. Another example of this is the basketball team never misses a shot. In Pleasantville the basketball team is expected to make every shot so when Bud see s them at practice making every shot it is considered a normal state. Another example is during the same practice Bud is talking to one of the basketball players named Skip. They are talking about Mary Sue and how Skip wants to go out with her, but Bud doesn t think it is a good idea. After the conversation Skip misses a shot. Since this is considered an abnormal state for the team they all react by not touching that ball ever again and getting rid of it. This was the first sign in the movie of an abnormal state starting to occur. One more example is when Bud was running late for work at the diner and he walks in seeing his Mr. Johnson (co worker) just starting to clean the counter. Bud goes up to
  • 20. Literature Review On Chinese Furniture Industry LITERATURE REVIEW China is leading as the largest furniture exporter in the world. The fast development of China s furniture industry is the implementation of export led strategy which has been highly promoted. Over the recent two decades China s furniture industry is winning the world s attention with its fast development (Cao et al. 2004). The China s forestry industrial structure improvement attributes to the advanced development and rationalization of the process (Yang and Nie 2011a). Chinese government has promoted the implementation of export oriented strategy since the reform and opening up in 1978 through encouraging foreign investment, by giving the chance to foreign investors set up factories locally and exchanging market for capital or technology. Research and Market 2006, as well as Virginia et al., 2003 concluded that Chinese furniture manufacturing has made remarkable progress which is driven by the fast development of the domestic economy, high foreign investment and a booming export business. It is therefore most recognized that, the booming growth of China s furniture industry can be mainly associated to an abundant work force and low costs (Cao et al. 2004, Cao and Hansen 2006, Han et al. 2009, Han 2010). The Chinese furniture industry is affiliated to low labor cost as its primary important advantage. On the other hand, evidence shows that there may be a labor shortage in qualified workers in massively industrialized areas. In responding to the
  • 21. Segregated Children in the United States Essay Segregated Children From the 1880s to about the mid 1960s segregation had taken over American cities and towns. Segregation is the act of setting someone or something apart from other people or things. In America, African Americans were segregated from White people. Segregation was a result of the abolishment of slavery twenty five years before. Whites still wanted to feel superior to the Blacks, and without slavery to chain them down, they decided to begin segregation by establishing Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws segregated Americans, by the color of their skin, in all public facilities: schools, restaurants, hospitals, schools, restrooms and more. The Whites had their own public facilities and Blacks had their own public facilities. ... Show more content on ... Many African Americanadults were not educated because slavery did not allow that, so they gave the children a poor education to make them grow up like their parents. White schools had more money for new books, new supplies, new desks and better teachers to give them better instructions. For Blacks, they had teachers who did not receive as much training as White teachers, and they were very underpaid making it a hard decision to keep teaching because other jobs like cleaning, which had better pay. But they were very passionate to educate these young minds and creating a world where they could have a dream to be educated and be whatever they dreamt to be. However, one court case would change the whole education system, Brown vs. The Board of Education. When Linda Brown was denied access to an all white school in Topeka, Kansas, her father claimed that it violated the Constitutions Equal Clause. So the Court agreed that it violated the Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, this was one of many initial steps to eliminating segregation in schools and eventually eliminate segregation everywhere. This decision did not go over well with Whites, for example, when The Little Rock nine were integrated in the White schools, they were harassed by White students and by their parents. Little Rock nine were nine students that were involved in the desegregation of a school, but the
  • 22. Positive Influence On Football Positive and Negative Influences that Media has on Sport in the UK (Football) Television Positive There are several reasons why football has a positive effect around the world. Reason one, football is broadcasted all over the world on television. Football is one of the main sports in the world; furthermore football is watched by billions of people around the world e.g. England, China, and Brazil etc. Another positive aspect that most football leagues are broadcasted on television e.g. Premiership (English League), Seria A (Italian League) and Liga (Spanish League). Youth club matches e.g. Under 18s and Under 21s can be viewed either on Sky Sports or even BT Sports. BT sports airs matches from Seria A, Ligue 1 and the Premiership, Sky Sports broadcasts matches from the Premiership, Liga and MLS. The reason why Sky Sports and BT Sports air theses football matches as a result they will increase their revenues. Furthermore they will receive more and money from loads of sponsorships that the television company are associated with. Negative One of the negatives of television is that many football games or major football tournaments like the FA Cup, UEFA Champions Leagueor Europa League are either broadcasted on Sky Sports or BT Sports. Football supports who buy the sky sports bundle to watch their team play pay ВЈ47.50 a month for only the on their Sky Sports package. However not all football matches are shown on Sky sports, e.g. Champions League matches are shown on BT
  • 23. The Case Study of Singapore Students Attending the UK MBA... The impact of tablet computers on the behaviour and lifestyle of the modern day consumer The case of the Singapore students attending the UK MBA Program 1. Introduction and background 1.1. Setting the context The modern day society is evolving at a rapid pace, with this fast rhythm of development being forced by the advancement of technology. In this particular setting, technologic innovations impact every aspect of life, from the completion of the small leisure chores, to the very possibility of saving our lives. Technologic innovation is as such the force driving advancement and evolution, and this is obvious at multiple levels. One specific technologic innovation which is becoming more and more present in the lives of the modern day individuals is represented by the tablet computer, with the most popular representatives of this category being the Apple iPad and the Google Android tablet. The tablet computers are characterized by increased portability, meaning that they eliminate the barriers of being obliged to manage information from the desk in the home or the office. The tablet computers are easy to use; they integrate a multitude of features and they support communication outside wired technology. These new devices are becoming more and more present in the lives of the young adults everywhere, including the students in Singapore. In this setting, the future research project would set out to assess the means in which the tablet computers impact the
  • 24. William Blake Poetry Analysis In general, there are various forms of literature, whom many historical authors and analysts throughout the decades have the chance to demonstrate their freedom of expression, and as well as using their imagination to conduct dramatic plots with compelling characters. In particular, there is one specific literary form that expresses the author s mood, tone and profound messages, in a way that is rhythmic, allegorical and visually creative pertaining to the human senses. In this case, the form of poetry matches with the mentioned criteria, from its promising structural styles, such as limericks and haikus, as well as its repetitive alliteration that attracts readers to recite the poems, in an emotional manner. It is a fact that poetry is also used to enhance the author s theme, according to many descriptive literary techniques, such as similes, personification and symbolism. In particular, the theme of lovecan be portrayed in various meanings and visual representations, according to each author s contrasting perspective. Specifically, there are three poems that briefly describe three perceptions of love, whether it can be prominent in regards to the loss of virginity, the appreciation of idealistic beauty, or the wrathful feelings towards infinite sexual desire. Firstly, the poem called The Sick Rose discusses the subject of love, referring to the allegorical figures that William Blake explains in this composition. With the use of personification and symbolism throughout
  • 25. The Superiority Theory Of Humor There are many ways that people use humor. It has been used both in positive and negative ways. The negative, or more aggressive, view of humor is evident in ancient writings and in the merciless teasing that children inflict on one another. , However, in modern times, humor is now commonly seen as a positive aspect and that the laughter that arises is the expression [an] incongruity. Because of these two conflicting view of humor, there have been multiple theories proposed to explain it. There are two major theories in explaining humor. The first is the superiority theory. In line with the past views on humor, the superiority theory takes on a much more negative, serious, and intense take on how humor functions and why we laugh. The ... Show more content on ... This theory focuses more specifically on the cognition and [gives] less attention to the social and emotional aspects of humor. The incongruity resolution theory can be applied to many forms of humor. One example is visual incongruities. We laugh when we see a young child try to act like an adult around an even younger child. The incongruity is we expect the young child to still act immaturely around the small child but does not. The resolution is that the young child is playing make believe or somehow trying to impress the younger child. The second type of incongruity is through wordplay. Prime examples are puns. For example, George Carlin said, Atheism is a non prophet institution. The incongruity is found in the meaning of non prophet and nonprofit. Atheism is known as the lack of belief or denial of a higher being/God/religion. So, non prophet relates to the meaning of atheism. However, non prophet also sounds a lot like nonprofit. In the pun, atheism is called an institution. Based off how prophet and profit sound the same, atheism could also be considered a nonprofit institution. It is, in the pun, both an institution that does not believe in God and an institution whose primary goal is not to make money. Unlike the superiority theory, the incongruity resolution theory makes it explicit that these examples of humor are all in a safe environment or
  • 26. Causes of Wwii Webquest WebQuest: Causes of World War II Directions for the WebQuest Guide: The following guide lines up directly with the website for the WebQuest. As you follow through the Process part of the WebQuest, use the guide to summarize information from the websites, typing your answers directly into the guide. Main Causes of WWII 1. Treaty of Versailles a. Unfair Blame Reparations Army Territory b. Explain what each letter stands for (include more than just the word!!) i. When Germans found out about the Treaty of Versailles they felt pain, anger and that is was unfair. ii. Germans claimed they were NOT to blame for the war. iii. Germans hated reparations, and believed they were trying to starve... Show more content on ... He was convinced that Britain would leave Russia fighting Hitler alone. 4. Britain delayed Lord Halifax refused Stalin s offer of a meeting and Stalin got fed up with British delay. xv. Why did the Nazi Soviet Pact happen? List each piece of THUG and briefly explain. 5. Time to prepare for war We got peace for our country for 18months, which let us make military preparations . Stalin 6. Hope to gain Stalin was sure that Russia could only gain from a long war in which Britain, France and Germany exhausted themselves. 7. Unhappy with Britain Stalin was insulted by Britain s slowness and negotiates, and did not trust Britain. When Anglo Soviet alliance failed [SCAB], he turned to Germany. 8. Germany Hitler wanted the alliance because only Russia could keep Britain s promise to defend Poland. 4. Expansionist policies m. The three ways: xvi. Build up of armed forces between 1932 and 1939 Germany increased navy from 30 to 95 warships. xvii. Control of government by military Hitler gave a key roe to the army, and openly said that he was going to go to war to gain lebensraum in the east. xviii. Aggressive foreign policy Germany marched into the Rhineland (1936) and many other things like Austria and the Sudetenland (1938) 5. Policy of appeasement n. The five most important: xix. Some
  • 27. The role of sex in advertising is debatable and most... The role of sex in advertising is debatable and most individuals, including industry experts, conclude that having the target audience of an advertisement comprehend the overall message being sent in an advertisement is the essential objective. In order for a message to get across, the advertisement must first get the attention of the target audience or market. After all, if advertisers are unable to get one s attention they will not be able to send a message. There are many strategies that advertiser s and marketers use to capture an audience s attention. One such tactic used by many advertisers goes with the belief that sex sells in advertising. Sexuality is an influential motivator, and many advertisements use sexually explicit images... Show more content on ... Men who portray the masculinity in these advertisements show robust strength, self reliance and can be business oriented. While the majority of research is focused on women, men can be affected as well by unrealistic body expectations. A study done by Phillippa Diedrichs and Christina Lee examined the impact that average size and average muscular male fashion models had as opposed to overly in shape models had on normal men s and women s body images. The researchers wanted to take perceived advertising effectiveness into account. A sample of over 300 men and just under 300 women viewed either no models, muscular models, average slim or average large models. The men and women actually rated average size models as equally effective in advertisements as muscular models. It was also determined that for men, exposure to average size models was actually associated with a positive body image in comparison to viewing no models, but there was no difference when compared to muscular models. These findings suggest that average size male models can promote positive body image and appeal to consumers (Diedrichs, Phillippa, Lee, 2010.) On the other hand, men are sometimes portrayed as incompetent people who need their children and wives to come to the rescue. This could be because the advertisement was targeted at women who are the caretakers for their family. Although the commercials may be humorous, they can be offensive to fathers who are the
  • 28. Willy Loman Illusions versus Reality When the illusions of life become too heavy to bear, it is human nature to choose the most convenient solution to one s problem: illusion. Illusion a false perception or belief is created to save oneself from feeling lost and unguided. In the modern drama, Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller presents the perspective that when life becomes challenging, individuals may lose sight of reality by submerging themselves into a bubble of false hope and illusion, only to be awoken by disillusion. More specially, the protagonist of the play, Willy Loman, dwells in the illusions of a perfect life: popular, well liked , and successful. Willy does not wish to be free from disillusionment, and thus fights to protect and uphold... Show more content on ... Willy Loman is greatly influenced by illusion almost to the point where he lives every aspect of life the way he sees it in his illusions. For over thirty years, Willy has been working as a travelling salesman. Willy has built up an image for himself where through his eyes, he perceives himself as a great and almighty, successful salesman; although others would agree to disagree. Being caught between fantasy and reality makes it difficult; hence, Willy often contradicts himself because he is not able to distinguish what is real and what is not. As Willy is talking to Linda one morning, he starts off by telling her, I m tellin you, I was sellin thousands and thousands (34). However, soon after he tells her, My God, if business doesn t pick up I don t know what I m gonna do! (36). In this contradiction, Willy is caught within illusion and soon drifts back into the real world. Illusion is the driving force in Willy s life, and without it, he would not be the man he is; a tragic hero. Willy s entire life is based upon illusion that he transforms into his false perception of reality. Willy also believes and invests his time and energy in upholding the promise of the American Dream that a well liked and personally attractive man in the business world could easily acquire material comforts, wealth and success. To Willy, the keys to success lie not in one s knowledge and skill, but their popularity and ability to be well liked. For example, as Willy talks to his sons, Biff and Happy one morning, he teaches them about how to get ahead in the business world: Bernard can get the best marks in school, y understand, but when he gets out in the business world, y understand, you[Biff] are going to be five times ahead of him (33). Willy lacks good morals and insight. Although Willy speaks and espouses his beliefs, it is inaccurate. He
  • 29. The Body s Clotting Of Clotting Factors Until around 2003, the medical community attributed the coagulopathy of trauma to excessive consumption of clotting factors, hemodilution by intravenous crystalloids, all while compounded by hypothermia and acidosis. A group of physicians at the Royal London hospital authored a paper hypothesizing that this was not entirely true and that the syndrome they labeled as Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy(ATC) manifests itself by simultaneously activating protein C, decreasing available fibrinogen, and inhibiting plateletfunction (Brohi, Singh, Heron, Coats, 2003; Kutcher et al., 2012). Many other factors contribute to the systemic alteration in coagulation; however, these three separate entities highlight pathophysiologically what happens during... Show more content on ... In the face of hemorrhagic and ischemic shock with endothelial damage, fibrinogen levels fall dramatically. Decreased fibrinogen levels directly alter the body s ability to form the fine meshwork needed to achieve hemostasis. Normally, thrombin breaks down fibrinogen into fibrin to assist in providing the scaffolding for clotting. When severe tissue injury occurs, the lack of fibrin cannot form the mesh needed to assist in clot formation. The 2010 RCT CRASH 2 study displays the strongest evidence proving that administering tranexamic acid(TXA) to severely shocked trauma patients(MAP 75 mmHg) reduces the amounts of death from bleeding in this population from 18.4% to 14.9% (Napolitano, Cohen, Cotton, Schrieber, Moore, 2013). Simply put, TXA prevents plasminogen s conversion to plasmin. The inactivated plasminogen will then allow the clot to become more secure. Because of plasmin s inherent ability to degrade fibrinogen, the patient s d dimer which measures fibrin degradation products, the patient with ATC will have elevated d dimer levels. Low fibrinogen levels in a patient with ATC warrants cryoprecipitate infusion and has been associated with increased survival outcomes (Rourke, 2012). Impaired platelet function has been described prospectively by Kutcher et al. in response to traumatic tissue injury. This describes the primary hemostatic mechanism in which platelet dysfunction can alter platelet adhesion
  • 30. Descriptive Essay About Early Birthday Early Birthday Present It was a beautiful morning on July 5th, 2015. Outside the birds were chirping and the sun was beaming through my window. I had just woken up as both of my parents came into my room, and told me to come downstairs for a surprise. In my mind, I thought something had arrived from Amazon and they decided to give it to me now as an early birthday present. After lying in bed for a little while on my phone, I decided to get up. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and went downstairs to see what this was all about. Right when I turned the corner into the kitchen, I saw a poster board that said SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! on it. Next to the sign, there was a food bowl and a dog cage. I immediately knew that it had something to... Show more content on ... I m thinking about Murphy , do you like that? Sounds perfect! My mom and dad said in unison. After what it felt like 20 hours in the car, we were finally there! Right when I saw him, I knew that he was a perfect match for my family. He doesn t have an original name, so you can name him whatever you want, any ideas? The owner asked. We have already decided on Murphy. My mom explained. Sounds wonderful, there s just a few things you need to know. Okay My mom replied. If he gets a little hyper, give him this medicine to calm him down He replied as he handed over the medicine. Got it, anything else? One more thing. You have to brush him very often because his fur gets tangled after a while. Okay thanks, we are gonna get him. Great! I have some forms that you have to fill out before you leave. He exclaimed. I was so happy. After my parents got done paying and getting his forms, we headed back home! When we got in the car, my parents told me we have to go get a carrier so he doesn t slide around in the car and get hurt. On the way to the store, he was shaking like he was scared, and I had a feeling he didn t like being in a car. When we got to Lowes, my mom and I stayed in the car with Murphy while my dad went in to get the carrier. About 15 minutes later, my dad came out with a small carrier. It was blue, with black edges. It was perfect! When my dad got in the car, he gave me the carrier and I put Murphy in. Murphy crawled in
  • 31. What Are The Important Qualities Of An Outstanding Educator There are several important qualities that any outstanding educator or teacher should have. Any educator in any situation should gain the respect of the students by first giving their students respect. It is an endless cycle and it would make life easy. The teacher should also have a great rapporter with the students. It lets them know that the teachers does care about them and that is invaluable, children do pick on emotions very quickly. Another important quality would be to be fair. Be fair with the students and also to inform them what the educator expects of them. That they try in their work. This would also tie in with the classroom discipline. Lay out how the class will be run. If they are coming to act up they they will loss some
  • 32. Licensed Professional Counselor Life can bring so many adversities that can results in battles with depression, low self esteem, and anxiety over life s uncertainties. In a world where we retreat to quick fixes, some may even try to soothe themselves with illegal substances, which in turn, can prohibit even the smartest person from achieving their fullest potential. I personally have faced adversities in my lifetime and have had the privilege to have the guidance of counselors and professional therapists to give me the strength that I needed to jump over the hurdles. Because of this seed that was planted during the most unproductive times of my life, I want to give back and help others the way that I was helped by becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor, with a focus in... Show more content on ... You must be trustworthy in order to keep client information confidential, which also requires restraint and discipline. Most importantly, a counselor must keep up with their own mental health. Knowing how to cope, unwind, and relax after serving others can sometimes become emotionally taxing. Taking care of oneself in order to help others is paramount to success in their career. I believe that I posses all of these qualities and can learn to strengthen and apply them through your graduate program. In a world that is ever changing, diversity training and sensitivity is also important. As a therapist, I will be placed in environments with the opportunity to work with people from different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, traditions, and approaches than I. Building rapport through relationship and empathy will be the key to giving my clients the assurance needed to make their first step toward changing their lives and moving forward toward their desired self. My job, as a counselor is to empower, not to tear down, which is why I will seek to give back my services in low income areas, nonprofit organizations, as well as on a volunteer basis to improve my very own community. I am familiar with what it feels like to have reached a brick wall in my own life; feeling helpless and wanting to surrender. Yet as the quote by Gandhi states, being able to stand even in the face of adversity, is real strength. This is why I want to be a therapist. I want to be the instrument of change for others and because of my own experiences, passion, and academic discipline, I feel that I would be a great candidate for your graduate
  • 33. Vegetarianism And The Effects Of Homocysteine Vegetarianism and the Effects of Homocysteine. By: Samuel Varjabedian In this day and age, many people are removing meat from their diets to pursue health benefits. These can include: Reducing Stress, Lowering Cholesterol Intake, Increasing Mineral Intake, Lowering Depression, Reducing the Risk of Cardiovascular Failure and, Lowering Carcinogenic exposure found in meat. These benefits can come at the price of nutritional deficiencies, in particular a compound known as cobalamin (Vitamin B 12) has been observed repeatedly low in numerous studies. (Piccolli, 2015) [1] Due to the complex nature of cobalamin, it is very unlikely simple life like plants would contain adequate amounts required for bodily functions such as: Digestion, Artery flexibility, and lowering toxicity. These functions are dependent on micro nutrients such as Omega 3 Fatty Acids, B 6 (Pyridoxine), Folate, and B 12. Out of all these, B 12 and Omega 3 are the most difficult to obtain through plant matter alone; supplements are usually taken by vegetarians for this reason. (Rathold, K., J., 2016) [2] The process of Methylation (Hart, G., Dr.) [4] A process known as methylation is used to cleanse the body from heavy metal toxicity absorbed through daily life, In this process an amino acid called Methionine is combined with cobalamin to form methyl cobalamin, creating a by product called homocysteine. This by product is a toxin produced by the body, In a normal human being it reacts with some enzymes
  • 34. Movie Night VERY IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER,PLEASE READ. You turned the camera off and got up. Aye Movie night? You picked a chicken nugget up off the floor,along with your plate. Sure,what do you guys want to watch? Mark picked up the clicker and went to Netflix. You guys like supernatural? Mark asked. He was scrolling through the what to watch list but then stopped on a show titled Supernatural . You picked up the other then threw it in the trash. You got really excited. But you knew you couldn t show it. Yeah, sure. You know what s it about? You asked. Yeah. What is it about? Singe asked. Just watch it,and look and shit. You all got comfortable on the floor (A /N LMAO Losers). Singe and SeГЎn sat next to each other and you put your head on her knee. Mark sat next to you and you put your right foot in between his legs and your left foot on the right side of his right thigh. You sat up a bit enough to see who is sitting past Mark and it was Felix and Marzia. Cuties. You laid your head back down on singe s knee. Wait,hand me the clicker. You hold your hand out to Mark. He hands you the clicker (remote) and you go to a episode in season 6. You click to play it and turn your head a bit more to the screen so you could see it. It was the episode when Sam and Dean are in this room and they jump through the window and then they re on set but they think it s Jared and Jensen but its Dean and Sam then they meet cas(s) (don t wanna get
  • 35. The Long Lasting Effects Of The Colonization Of The Americas Over the course of America s history, audacious explorers from Europe sought to make an impact through setting colonies in the Americas during the 1500 1700s. The duration in which Europeans explored their outside world is referred to as the Age of Exploration. Despite the dangers, such as storms, no GPS, being lost, and diseases like scurvy, the motivation behind this era could be stated in three simple words: gold, glory, and God. The long lasting effects of the fifteenth and seventh century include contentious disputes, essentially, who truly discovered the New World , was Spain explorer Christopher Columbusan overrated American hero, or a conqueror regardless? These particular controversies are each primary components of the overall bewilderment, if the changes that occurred in the Americasa result of European exploration either had a positive or negative influence on the Americas. Although the impact on the Americas was both beneficial and negative, the negatives outweigh the positives. The escalation of diseases, servitude, and abuse of the Natives arrived from the events such as the Colombian Exchange, Middle Passage, as well as forced Christianity in the form of the Requirement. Primarily, even if you credit Christopher Columbus as the man who discovered America first or not, he assuredly was the first to begin an intermixing of plants, animals, and diseases between the New World and Old World. In spite of the positives of this exchange, known as the Columbian
  • 36. Heroes Character Analysis Who is Nicole Renard? Nicole Renard is an innocent young girl who is not only Francis first and only love but also the victim of Larry LaSalle. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters /relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Quotation That would be nice. Means? When she agrees to go to the cinema with Francis she transforms him. She offers him attention and affection that he has lack in his life so far. She enjoys his company and teases him playfully because he is so shy. Stay close to me. Why didn t you do something? These words on the night of the civic ... Show more content on ... How are you aware that it is difficult to accept anything that Larry says as the truth? How is everything he says or does designed to create an effect? Robert Cormier encourages us to look beyond Larry s physical appearance it changes through the novel. What are the feelings Cormier encourages us to see in him beneath both appearances? Always remember that Larry sees himself as a creative figure. In fact, he is destructive. Explain this in your own words. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters /relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Who is Arthur Rivier? Arthur, another ex serviceman and local boy, was once a star baseball player for the Frenchtown Tigers and Francis remembers regarding him with admiration for his sporting prowess. When he first appeared in his uniform, Francis wants to emulate him. Arthur recognises Francis but agrees to keep the secret. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and increasingly thoughtfully characters /relationships I could consider and suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Key Quote: Arthur Arthur: No heroes in that scrap book, Francis. Only us, the boys of Frenchtown. Can I critically respond to the text, Heroes ? (AO1) I must
  • 37. Dementia Patient Presentation Report Hello Group, I really enjoys the presentation since it is about elderly patients, especially dementia/Alzhemina patients. I work at a ADH program and we have a couple of clients that have dementia. Some of them have either mild or severed dementia. With the dementia clients, you really have to have a lot of patience with them because they are basically a little kid. Some of them need help with ADL because they do not remember when they would need to go to the bathroom or simply how to feed themselves. We have one specific client who always states that she is over 100 years old whenever we ask her how old she is, but she is only around mid 90s. Although she has dementia, she can walks really fast and even push people. She is very strong for
  • 38. Miles Halter Character Analysis Miles Halter also known as Pudge changes greatly as a result of attending Culver Creek boarding school. Coming into a new school, Miles was nervous to see how he would get along with other students. He suspected it would be the same as it was at home, where he was shy and would try to avoid as much socializing as possible. His predictions were not accurate as he took part of many social events, made lots of new friends, and even participated in pranks. Being the quiet, cautious person Miles is, breaking the smoking rule for the first time was way out of his comfort zone. It was clear he was nervous to go against the school policy because he asked Is it safe here? (Green 16). This was one of the first signs showing Miles was changing throughout
  • 39. Becoming A Naval Officer Since its formation during the early years of our nation the United States Navy has always stood out among other militaries, playing a vital role in the protection of our own country as well as the rest of the world. Founded upon the core values of honor, courage, and commitment the Navy has continued to uphold its men and women to exceptionally high moral, mental, and physical standards for nearly 240 years. It is my favorite branch of the militaryand becoming an officer in it has been a goal of mine for a long time. One of the reasons I want to become a Naval Officer is that it will be, in many ways, a continuation and progression of the lifestyle I am already living. Since I was very young I have always had a very structured and busy
  • 40. The Impact Of The Westward Expansion Of America The United States of America officially gained its independence on July 4th, 1776. However, at the time, America only consisted of 13 colonies. The United States was a very small nation and there was desire amongst the people for that to change. The desire for expansion had been in existence since the time period of the Jamestown settlers and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The United Stateswould then begin its westward expansion from 1783 to 1810 with main expansions such as Old Northwest and Southwest, the Louisiana Purchase, and the Florida territory. These key additions to the nation would light a spark in the minds of the American public and would lead to the idea of Manifest Destiny . This term is used to describe the territorial expansion of America between the time period in between the War of 1812 and the Civil War. Manifest Destiny is basically the belief that the territorial expansion across the continent was deserved and destined to occur. With this belief in the minds of Americans, the country would continue its growth across the continent through treaties, war, and annexation of land. The Westward Expansion of the United States up until 1860 had a positive effect on the growth of the nation to an extent. The territorial expansion had an effect on the nation politically, economically, and socially. The Westward Expansion of the United States up until 1860 had an effect on the growth of the nation politically. In 1823, President James Monroe delivered what
  • 41. Self Efficacy Among Students From A University Or School Abstract Self efficacy is the ability to encourage your self to get things accomplished. Self efficacy are affecting by four factors as mastery experiences, modeling, persuasion and physiological factors. The purpose behind this paper has been to gain an understanding of how self efficacy relates to entrepreneurial performance and the concept self efficacy, with the aim of establishing how this personal characteristic can be measured and used to forecast entrepreneurial achievement. The aim of this research was to identify the level of entrepreneurial self efficacy among students from a university or school which adopted entrepreneurial education also how entrepreneurial self efficacy is related to gender. Self efficacy in entrepreneurship must be measure by quantitative method. Research have come a long progress to identifying individual characteristics and skills for predicting entrepreneurial performance and achievement. Introduction A person belief their ability to successful in the specific task is called self efficacy. People estimate of their basic capacity to adapt, perform and be successful and was found to be positively identified with occupation performance. Generalized self efficacy is implied significant to impact an entrepreneur in taking part in inventive activity, adopting a proactive position and taking risks. Such capacity is frequently developed slowly through experience and is strengthened by past achievements. Entrepreneurial self efficacy is the degree
  • 42. What Are The Similarities And Differences Between... Valeriya Borissova A level Essay Compare and Contrast Southwest Asia South Asia Southwest Asia and South Asia in some ways there similar and in some different. I compare this places. Physical Geography. Southwest Asia includes Arabian Peninsula , Syrian Palestinian mountains, plains of Mesopotamia. The peculiarity of the geological structure African platform. Red Sea and Syrian graben deeply lowered the northern section of the East African Rift Valley. The eastern part foredeeps Alpine age Mesopotamia and the Persian Gulf. The peculiarity of nature with features of the climate. Dominated continental tropical air mass. The high average annual temperatures, little rainfall so dominated by semi desert and desert. The oldest centers of civilization, the center of Arab culture. The richest oil reserves (over 30% of production in the capitalist countries), gas, a number of ore deposits.Mesopotamia. ... Show more content on ... Higher in India and Pakistan. But they are an agrarian country. For all the South Asian countries are typical multi structural and agrarian economy. The first Europeans were delighted with the variety of patterns, colors and quality fabrics. Muslin length of 20 m was placed in a snuffbox. Accumulated tradition in metal smelting and dressing products of iron, copper, bronze. Local products successfully withstood the foreign competition and diverged widely by country. During the colonial period, the influx of cheap factory fabrics, iron, ceramics, paper products from England led to a massive destruction (artisanal) South Asian industry. When the South Asian countries achieved independence, the industry was only in India. Other countries still had to create it. The agrarian reforms carried out in many countries contributed to the growth of agricultural production. Only in Nepal and Bhutan are still dominated by subsistence
  • 43. Jimmy Cross Gender Roles The Things They Carried is a story loosely based on the accounts of war witnessed by Tim O Brian which symbolizes the effects of war, expectations of men in war, expectations of the women in this particular war era, and what it takes for these men to survive in deadly battles. In this book, traditional gender roles were both met and broken by the characters. In times of war many men were drafted to go and fight while the women were expected to stay home and tend to the house, raise the children, and patiently wait for their spouse to get home. While the women lived lives of simplicity, the men fought to defend their country and expected their women to be the backbone for them, writing letters and eagerly waiting for their return. That s just ... Show more content on ... Traditional gender roles are that the man goes out and is the bread winner and the woman stays home, cleans, and takes care of the children. Does this still work for everyone? I don t think so. According to an article by Libby Anne, The Problem with Gender Roles , she states, The reality is that this idea that there are natural gender roles pushes people into specific boxes whether they want to be there or not. I have female friends who aspire to be historians, judges, and scientists. Should they be told that they aren t suited for these positions because they are female, and that they should instead start having babies and stay at home, because that is what they re suited for? The idea that there are natural gender roles creates a situation that is extremely limiting for anyone who doesn t fit, and this is a large part of why most feminists see the idea of gender roles as a problem. I have to say she makes an excellent point. Just like Mary Anne in the story there are women who do not want to stay at home and take care of children and that is okay but to say that because she is a woman and that is her predisposed job title. I realize the era the book takes place in was a little more of a traditional gender role society but if a woman wants to go to war and paint her face with army paint instead of makeup she should feel free to without
  • 44. Difference Between Pirates And Pirates To understand why men were more eager to join pirates than to pursue a legal employment in the navy or aboard a merchant ship, it is important to understand the main differences between the three forms of employment. Johnson remarked: I need not bring any proofs of what I advance, that there are multitudes o seamen at this day unemploy d; it is but too evident by their straggling, and begging all over the Kingdom. Nor is it so much their Inclination to Idleness, as their own Fate, in being cast off after their work is done, to starve or steal. I have not known a Man of War comission d for several years past, but three times her Compliment of Men have offer d themselves in 24 hours; the Merchants take their Advantage of this, lessen their wage, ... Show more content on ... No, a merry life and a short one, shall be my motto. An average pirate sailed for several years before being forced to take a pardon, were walked to the gallows, or got killed in action. Despite the grown risk of premature death, piracy had its sides. Joining a pirate crew made a man a member of a tight community. As Marcus Rediker puts it, Pirates did not think themselves as common robbers, opposers and violatros of laws humane and divine, but they did think themselves as people without nation. They were a gang of proletariat outlaws . Along with this sense of camaraderie, joining pirates opened a door to a world of ready money , democracy, healthcare, ethnic justice and equality, and better provisions of food and drink. Contrary to the common image, pirate ships were well organized and functioned under set of rules (Appendix 1.9 ) established by the captain of the
  • 45. Comparing Faulkner s The Bridegroom And A Rose For Emily Baowen and Miss Emily both seem to live very interesting lives. The Bridegroom and A Rose for Emily both have different situations that make up their character, however, in some ways, the characters are similar. What makes them both similar? Miss Emily and Baowen are both cast out by society because of the role they play in their society. They are both tragic figures, consequences made by the decisions they make throughout the story. Other characters that encounter either Miss Emily or Baowen don t seem to understand them, which causes them to become outcasts of their societies, Miss Emily could be called impervious because no one is able to see through her or know her true identity, even if the townspeople assume that they know who she really is. Their are more details in which the similarities of the two characters can be seen. In the A Rose for Emily, it is evident that Miss Emily s... Show more content on ... This lead Miss Emily to being separated from the rest of the town. One of the situations that lead to her isolation was that her father didn t allow her to have a lover, We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will. (William, Faulkner A Rose for Emily.) If the town knows this information, then the men in the area were most likely very cautious when trying to begin a relationship with Miss Emily and decided not to confront her. Eventually, she was driven into her own madness and stayed isolated in her own home until she met Homer Barron, her new lover. Before her life plummeted, Miss Emily used to go out and
  • 46. Serial Killers And The Serial Killer Although the prevalence of the serial killer is ultimately unknown, many researchers agree about one half of 1% of homicides are determined to be the product of serial killers (Homant Kennedy, 2014). In order to prevent future victims, improve the ability of law enforcement to detect and apprehend, potentially incorporate treatment for current serial killers, and increase the ability to detect potential future serial killers it is important to identify characteristics that may cause one to become a serial killer. The question researchers have strived to answer is are serial killers born or are there explicit factors that contribute to someone ultimately becoming a serial killer? Researchers have potentially exposed several factors that potentially contribute to one becoming a serial killer. These conditions are notably greater in prevalence in known serial killers compared to the general population. These factors consist of family dynamics /parental characteristics, experienced child abuse (physical, sexual, and neglect), and psychological disorders. Serial Killers: Born or Created Dependent Variable A serial killer is an individual who has killed three or more people during separate incidents and at possibly different geographic locations where there is a cooling off period between each homicide (Homant Kennedy, 2014). Researchers have identified several typologies of serial killers, however most of the research has been done on the serial sexual sadist
  • 47. Essay about Edwin Hubble Biography Edwin P. Hubble was a ground breaking American astronomer who revolutionized our knowledge of the universe and established the foundations for all of modern cosmology. At the beginning of the 20th century, most astronomers thought that our Universe was confined to the Milky Way Galaxy alone. However, Edwin Hubbles inspiration and perseverance in astronomical research proved otherwise. He discovered the existence of other galaxies and created a systematical classification for all galaxies. Additionally, he mathematically confirmed that his newly discovered universe was expanding. Hubble s astronomical triumphs earned him worldwide scientific honors and pioneered our modern cosmology. Edwin Powell Hubble was born in Marshfield, ... Show more content on ... Hubble turned away from astronomy and decided to studied law. He completed the two year law course in 1912, while continuing to succeed in his athletic endeavors through various track and field events. Hubble returned to the United States in 1913 and began practicing law in Louisville, Kentucky. However, he soon found himself bored with law and returned to what he later realized as his passion: astronomy. Hubble returned to the University of Chicago in 1914 to broaden his scholastic knowledge of astronomy, a field he then described as a calling. He studied at the Yerkes Observatory, and in 1917, received a doctorate in astronomy. During his term at Yerkes, Hubble met astronomer George Ellery Hale, founder of the Yerkes Observatory and the director of the Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena, California. Hale had heard of Hubble and invited him to join the Mount Wilson Staff. However, Hubble s enrollment in World War I the following year delayed his acceptance of this offer. He achieved the respectable rank of major and in 1919 was discharged. Immediately following, Hubble began his work at Mount Wilson. The observatory had two telescopes, a 60 inch reflector and a newly operational 100 inch telescope, the largest in the world at that time. The technological advances in telescopes and the resources of the Mount Wilson Observatory provided Hubble with enough sources to begin the major portion of his life s work.
  • 48. Susan Glaspell s Trifles We all go through the same things it s all just a different kind of the same thing (561) is a line spoken in Susan Glaspell s play, Trifles. Writers look at the world around them and envision the way it should be. They take bits and pieces of their life s landscape, add a liberal dose of surreal ideology and finally toss in human oppressions. To that end, the writer hopes to create a memorable character that can touch the human soul for eternity. Susan Glaspell, a writer in the early twentieth century, lived during a time when women were only briefly part of the social role and were mainly given the reproductive role which confined them to raising children and taking care of their households and husbands husbands, always first and foremost (Mustazza 491)). From this oppressive landscape, the character of Mrs. Wright is born in Glaspell s 1916 play Trifles. This character will be analyzed using details, such as character interactions, the title, setting, and numerous symbols to understand Mrs. Wright s transformation from a vibrant beautiful young womaninto a lonely, unhappy, isolated, abused and mentally fractured murderer. Glaspell supplies numerous subtle clues and hints through the interactions between the women and men in the play. The most obvious is Mrs. Wright s name. Glaspell intends a Pun on the surname marking her [Mrs. Wright s] lack of rights, and implying her right to free herself against the societally sanctioned right of her husband
  • 49. Racism in Literature Essay Literature Analysis Most literature authors write stories on different genres like poems, stories, and plays. These works are written using a variety of elements of literature for instance setting, themes, conflict, and characters. The following essay discusses the element of racism as a theme in Margaret Laurence s short story The Loons, Langston Hughes poem, I Too, Sing America, and W.E.B Du Bois book, The Souls of Black Folk. The Loons is a short story that was done by Margaret Laurence together with other stories in the sequence A bird in the House and was published in 1970. The story centers on the narrator and the main character Vanessa McLeod, a white girl and her youth days in a fictional town known as Manawaka, ... Show more content on ... This is a clear indicator of social prejudice. Piquette s attitude and world is misinterpreted and misunderstood because the dominant whites chose so. Beth, Vanessa s mother also feels that Piquettes s company will affect her children. Vanessa s father good intention of inviting Piquette to their holiday trips illustrates the theme of racism and social alienation in the story. Piquette refuses to acknowledge the invitation to play with Vanessa. Vanessa asks her want to come and play? She retorts sharply with a scorn I ain t kid much to Vanessa s surprise (Laurence, 2001). This illustrates the nasty experiences of racial and social alienation that Vanessa has gone through. She does not want to be friendly to the whites. The MГ©tis are a rejected lot and she feels things should remain the way they are. This shows that she had been hurt by the whites and does not trust any of them. Piquette feels that she can do nothing much when it comes to bridging the gap between the whites and the MГ©tis and ignores all the attempts to socialize with Vanessa. The whites have a good life of luxury. The McLeod s have a cottage on Lake Diamond. They can afford to spend on holidays while the socially ostracized MГ©tis live in despair, poverty, and illness. Laurence uses irony to bring out the theme of racism. Vanessa s father passes on due to pneumonia that he contracted during the trip to Diamond Lake. Ewen was a doctor who had
  • 50. Romani A Beautiful Country When people hear of the place Romania, not very many people know about its very existence, much less where it is located on a map. Romania is not a well known country, but it is somewhat known for its gypsies, castles, wine, and for Dracula himself. Romania is a beautiful country filled with amazing landscape such as fascinating forests, majestic mountains, and raging rivers. Romania also is a very warm culture and the people there are extremely friendly and hospitable. In order for one to know and understand much more about Romania, one would need to understand the changing culture, the people that helped change that culture, and the religion that has shaped the nation. To begin one s understanding of a country, one would have to... Show more content on ... Romanians will go to the utmost extreme of providing extravagant food, entertainment, and ceremonies. Before the wedding, the groom will visit the house of the bride to bring her to the place where the wedding will be held. All of the many people involved in the wedding then proceed in their cars to the wedding. Typically, they will drive leisurely and will honk at pedestrians to cheer for the couple. Once the procession reaches the place of the wedding, which will usually be an Orthodox church, the priest will lead the people into the main auditorium for the ceremony. The ceremony itself, which is comprised of the priest blessing the couple, reading from the Bible, and singing, could take up to three hours. After the ceremony, the couple drinks from the same glass of wine and eat the same piece of bread to symbolize unity. After the couple is unified, they proceed to visit the numerous pictures of Jesus and the saints and kiss them. Once the entire ceremony is over, the bride and groom normally take their guests to a restaurant of some sort to have refreshments and entertainment. Some weddings go as far as buying fireworks and lighting them after midnight symbolizing the first day of being married. This time of refreshing and entertainment could last between a weekend and a whole week. The final tradition that is most prominent in Romanian culture is funerals. When someone passes away, the family will wait three days before washing and
  • 51. Moving to United States Moving to United States The most memorable event in my life was when we moved out from Russia to a country that changes lives and is known as a dream land called the United States of America. When we sat on the airplane that was going toward the United States in August of 2004, we knew our lives are going to be changed in the way we always wanted them to. After twelve years of not going to school and being discriminated by Russian citizens, this moving to a new country was the most amazing, not just in my life generally, but for my entire family as well. The war started in Kabul, Afghanistan in July of 1994; moving to Russia was the only choice for my family to be safe even though we knew we would face a lot of difficulties. I was only... Show more content on ... We waited two years and nothing happened, our father was very sad and confused about what he could do now. At the same time, he knew there was nothing he could do; it was all up to the immigration center of Sweden to decide our future. Then one day, it was our Holliday called Eid, my mother had her friend with her children over at our house to have a dinner with us, and she told her that they are about to move to United States the next month. My mother was very happy and excited for her friend and asked her how she did it. My mother told her that my fathers had been in Sweden for five years now and still nothing was happening. My mother s friend told her she needed to apply at the United States immigration center that was located in Moscow and try to see if we would get accepted. Then the next day January of 2004 my mother and I went to the United States immigration center, and we applied for the permanent residence ship to any state. After two months, we received a call from the United States immigration center that we are scheduled for an interview; we all were very excited and happy that we might move to United States, to a country that is known as the dream land and freedom. When we give our interview the person who was interviewing us asked us why we wanted to go to the United States. The answer was very simple to all of my family; it was education, freedom
  • 52. Environmentalism And Environmentalism As technology continues to advance, so does one s level of research. The internet provides a plethora of information to those seeking answers to pertinent questions questions specifically regarding health and environmentalism. Before the internet, people typically relied on advice from friends, doctors, or sayings. We ve all heard an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But now that the times are changing and more information is readily available at the click of our smart phone, is it time to question information that has been engrained in us since childhood. Veganism, a plant based diet that has become increasingly more popular in the past few years, arguably is a not a trend, and perhaps adopting this way of living could in fact save the planet. In his article, Go Vegan, save the planet, Wang acknowledges that going Vegan is not an easy transition. It requires overcoming our habits and our tastes, learning new ways to cook, planning during travel, and navigating the social aspects of eating and meal sharing (Wang, George C). Environmentalismand humanity have a direct correlation when it comes to the consumption of animals. To eat or not to eat? Ethical or not ethical? Is one following their moral compass before devouring beef? However, author of Being vegan isn t as good for humanity as you think, Chase Purdy suggest the only way to reach environmental efficiency is by throwing vegans a bone. When applied to an entire global population, the vegan diet wastes
  • 53. English As A Medium Of Instruction Worldwide Over the last half century, the internationalisation of higher education has become a priority for many countries particularly in Asian regions. This has had a significant impact on the use of English as a medium of instruction worldwide. The following essay presents an overview of how English is used in higher educationinstitutions in both Malaysia and China. It aims to assess why English holds such importance within their educationsystems which this will be done through the studying of implemented government policies and student/academic staff experiences. English has unquestionably become a global phenomenon (Selvi, 2013) with approximately three hundred and seventy five million people speaking English around the world with ... Show more content on ... In Malaysia, English is spoken and used as a second language with the Malaysian education system, making it a compulsory subject for all levels of education. Malaysia s multicultural society makes it a natural environment for producing students who are proficient in more than one language (Julie Dearden, 2014). Malaysia was one of the earliest Asian countries to provide higher education opportunities as far back as the 1980 s, when politicians started making improvements to the standard of English after realising its importance. Higher education in Malaysia is constructed of private and public institutions with some offering franchised programmes under foreign branches. This development has led to a significant increase in the number of colleges and universities within Malaysia, helping the nation advance and establish itself as an education hub , to which the Malaysian government has given considerable attention in developing further. Private higher education has become a significant money making venture which attracts tremendous interest from British, Australian and American universities who want to export their education thus providing more international students and perhaps regional students, since fees will be lower than the likes of the United Kingdom where most international students currently study . The Private Higher
  • 54. Theme Of The Movie Hugo HUGO : AN INTERPLAY OF HUMANS AND MACHINES APARNA A Martin Scorsese s celebrated movie Hugo is widely considered to be a timely reminder on the need for preserving the old movies.But in spite of being adapted from a children s novel, Hugo reveals layers of hidden meaning within the story.One of the major themes recurring throughout the movie is the relationship between humans and technology, or more specifically, humans and machines.Though shown explicitly only in a single dream sequence, the theme of humans turning into machines and vice versa is present throughout the movie. The movie opens with the visual of a giant clockwork mechanism which morphs into the streets of Paris.It is through the eyes ... Show more content on ... The recurring image of turning gears and clocks in the film is noteworthy.The constant ticking of the clocks, present throughout the movie, gives the viewer a very vivid awareness of time passing.Like the drunken Uncle Claude tells Hugo, Time is everything. This is effectively portrayed by the plight of Georges Melies (Ben Kingsley).Time has stolen everything from him, and only a broken shell of a man is left in his place.He struggles to come in terms with the current times, where his life s work is reduced to nothing but a pair of shoe heels. The theme of the movie revolves around an extraordinary machine, the automaton.It functions as a narrative device that propels the plot forward.When the grumpy old toyshop owner takes hold of Hugo s book on the automaton, and later on, when Hugo fixes the automaton and it signs the name Georges Melies, the story takes a pivotal turn.The automaton has an almost human presence as Hugo identifies with it many a times.His quest is not only to fix the broken automaton, but also to fix his own broken
  • 55. Marketing Strategy Of Classico Pitch 1.Executive Summary Classico Pitch is a high quality rental football field to be introduced in the Sultanate of Oman in Thurmed, Al Suwayq. It would provide high quality artificial grass, LED spotlights, special balls, and a creative reservation Smart phone application. Our mission is to promote and develop of kids football skills and pledge to support football events. Furthermore, to help to popularize the game by increasing public awareness and conducting information campaigns. As well as, overcoming social and cultural obstacles for youths with the aim of improving. The market was analyzed through interviews with the owners of other football fields over the Sultanate, and it was found that there is a lack of a high quality football ... Show more content on ... 3.MARKET ANALYSIS 3.1.Research Findings We gathered our information from various interviews from existing owners of football fields, as well as the many potential players in the area. Our findings indicated that a demand for such a service exists and that the potential players in the vicinity indeed demand for a real, proper, high quality field, and an appealing price. We initially had 3 locations planned in our mind to choose for our pitch: Muscat, Batinah, and AL Sharqyiah. Muscat has an abundance of football fields and there was little demand from the players to play in addition to the huge traffic in it. Al Sharqyiah, on the other hand, very little demand in the region plus very high costs into creating the pitch. However, in Al Suwayq we found out that demand for this service indeed exists and the market was well prepared. We interviewed the competitors in the market and they told us that there is so much demand that reservations need to be made at least 2 days prior the day that they play. Our target market is the male youth in Al Suwayq. The total population is around 94,000 where 46,000 of them are male. The strongest competitor, Al Nibras Field, is a big field, in a nice location, with good grass quality. They were in this business for 3 years, so they have a well established fan base. Thus, it is quite famous among the youth there, and it is almost always