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Essay Smoked Salmon
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Essay Smoked Salmon Essay Smoked Salmon
Benefits Of Using Plastic On Food Industry
Veronika Kavun
Professor Allen Austin
SCI 2000
27 April 2016
Edible Alternatives To Single Use Plastic In Food Industry
Plastic pollution has reached the all time high. According to recent research, there are already
more than 5 trillion plastic pieces weighing over 250 000 tons afloat in the oceans (Eriksen et al.,
2014)., a New Zealand Charity dedicated to cleaning up the island s
coastlines, estimates that 72.4% of all plastic pollution in the Pacific oceans consists of single use
plastics, 22.5% of which is food wrappers, containers and bottle caps ( Our Impact ). Those
numbers spell out an urgency to come up with a sustainable solution that will slow down the
production of plastic debris while maintaining ... Show more content on ...
Biodegradable plastics, produced from food based products rather than petroleum, although very
promising, still represent a very small percentage of the waste problem. Those should be broken
down only in specialized composting facilities through a controlled process that still produces
considerable amounts of methane (Dell, 2010). Clearly, the issue needs a completely different
approach. Edible alternatives to plastic are the next logical step to solving the contamination
Designers of edible packaging borrowed the concept from nature. Just like apple or grape skins,
those ultra thin but strong membranes are capable of holding both liquid and solid foods while
being completely washable. Edible plastics can be made from vegetables, fruits or nuts with
some chitosan (biopolymer) or alginate (algae extract). Once those particles are gelatinized,
they create the firm but edible skin which mimics resistance of conventional plastics. This kind
of packaging will still need an outer box or a bag to keep the product clean on the shelf, but the
individual servings will no longer have to be ripped open and discarded. Instead, they can be
dissolved in hot liquid directly or rinsed off and eaten together with the contents. Some examples
of this new zero waste food industry ideas have already appeared on the
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How Did The Schlieffen Plan
Devon Moore
World History
16 March 2017
Two Front War and the Schlieffen Plan
The Schlieffen Plan was created for a possibility of war for Germany against France and Russia.
German Chief of Staff Alfred von Schlieffen made the plan in 1903 as requested by Kaiser Wilhelm
II and was later revised in 1905. Since the France Russian alliance was in place Germany couldn t
attack one or the other, they would have to take them on at the same time in a two front war.
Wilhelm II also knew that Britain in an entente with France would be their if conflict took place
putting Germany at war with three powerful states.
Schlieffen came to the conclusion it would take six weeks for Russia to mobilize while it would
take both Germany and France would ... Show more content on ...
With this information Schlieffen came to the decision it was not necessary to defeat Great
Britain and only to make sure Britain could not use its strengths, he advised Admiral Alfred von
Tirpitz to build the German supply dreadnaughts or warships he believed this would ensure
Germany could stand up to anything the British navy could use. Germany s navy build up did
not go unnoticed and once Britain learned that Germany was stockpiling supplies for the
Dreadnaughts they too began to build. Which developed into large scale and very expensive
arms race between the two powers. Since the immediate defeat of France was necessary to ensure
victory the task had to be executed as quick as possible. Schlieffen soon realized it would be easier
to attack france at its rear rather than through the heavily fortified and shared border and with
Switzerland s mountains made it practically invasion proof leaving the France Belgium border.
Britain was very protective of Belgium s neutrality a factor Schlieffen ultimately ignored because
He was sure Belgium would be defeated well before British troops could cross the channel and
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Power of Stories- Tim O Brien
Power of Stories You can tell a true story if you just keep on telling it Tim O Brien Are fiction
stories always based on imagination? Or does it come from someone s reality? Have you ever asked
yourself why people read fiction stories? Either told through movies or books, fiction stories are
ways people find to escape from their reality. However, most of the fictionstories come from people
s life, or are based in a real fact in order to be credible. In some ways, the truth must be distorted
to be understandable, because sometimes it can be too complex to be explained. Both Reading
Lolita in Tehran, by Azar Nafisi, and How To Tell a True Story, by Tim O Brien, attempt to
discover the truth even if it was exemplified by fiction,... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, O Brien s passage relates the importance of fiction when telling a story. For him
the truth is not specifically what is being described, but the feelings the reader has when reading it.
In conclusion, both authors talk about their work through tough situations to discover truth. Nasifi
uses fiction to escape her reality, and to study what is different from what she has seen, while O
Brien uses a different perspective of fiction, which get the readers attention to seek what true really
means. However, both aim to discover the implicit truth, behind the fiction
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Critical Analysis Paper On Nursing
Critical Reflective Analysis Paper The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon my original
definition of nursing metaparadigm concepts critically, and to determine if any changes in my
perception towards practice have occurred. The focus of the paper is to critically analyze the
transformations that have occurred in my approach to practice. The critical analysis of nursing
metaparadigm concepts has resulted in the transformation of my thinking regarding a person,
nursing, and environment while my perception regarding the health remains same. Firstly, I
discovered the importance of the concept of development in the definition of a person. Secondly, I
learned that nursing care should be flexible and should move around the person and their... Show
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Health I defined health as a physical, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of a
person which is vastly shaped by their environment. This definition falls under totality paradigm.
This is so because, according to totality paradigm, health is defined according to societal norms.
Society sets a benchmark for what health is. Hence, health can be measured as compared to the
societal norm. If the person deviates from the societal norm then the person is considered unhealthy.
Similarly, I mention in my definition that health is something that is maintained by the stability of
different aspects of the person. The benchmark of stability is usually set by society. My definition
does not fall into simultaneity paradigm because unlike my definition, simultaneity paradigm states
that health is not defined by the benchmark of society rather, health is defined only by a person,
and only the person knows what health means to them. Environment According to me, environment
denotes a person s surrounding including their family, community, culture, beliefs, and values.
Environment shapes the person s health and wellbeing as well as their own view towards the
definition of being healthy. My view on the concept of environment relates to Parse s (1987) totality
paradigm. Totality paradigm states that the environment is something within which the person
exists. It influences the way in which the person functions. Similarly, I believe that the environment
of the
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Emerson, S Views Of Beliefs In Emerson And Emerson s Thoughts
1.According to Emerson, the genius idea, is the idea that an individual can speak their minds. As it
states, To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in our private heart is true
for all men, that is genius (Emerson 266). The individuals, who withstand from the lies and
deception of society and speak their thoughts truly are the ideal concept of a genius to Emerson.
2.Emerson s opinions of envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide , display his thoughts that an
individual should not be jealous of others abilities and that impersonating their abilities, will not
better the individual and not create confidence in their thoughts. In other words, ...that he must take
himself for better, for worse, as his portion... (Emerson 267). Being able to accept yourself in the
truest form and being able to express yourself in every situation in life, is what makes covetous
thoughts undesirable. 3.Emerson values nonconformists, for they display traits of determination
and strength when it comes to the publics opinions, similar to Emerson s beliefs. To illustrate, For
non conformity the world whips you with its displeasure. And therefore a man must know how to
estimate a sour face (Emerson 272). A man needs be sure of his thoughts and can defend his
thoughts when society disagrees. For the society is too lazy to hold their own opinions and
thoughts to withstand the majority s votes. 4.Emerson uses the phrase, A foolish consistency is the
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Ethical Issues for Advertising Tobacco Products Across
Ethical issues for advertising tobacco products across borders. A case for Social Contract Theory
Question 1: How can SCT and ISCT address the controversial nature of advertising and promoting
cigarettes across international borders?
Base on the case study, The Social Contract Theory (SCT) generates a workable framework for
solving ethical issues: * Sets main principles relevant to the organization in question *
Recommends different principles for different communities * Determines the suitable marketing
practices * Allows for theory of norms and values
SCT captures two different types of social contracts hypothetical and actual contracts used in living
communities. It is the foundation of rules within communities with ... Show more content on ...
Thus, Winfield has to concern the underage smoking to commit do not sell its products for the
customers who are under 18 years old. Another example, from my own experience, when the
customers purchase any beer or alcohol at the shops, club or bar, he customers have to show ID
card to ensure that they are over 18 years old to buy these products.
Question 3: In your opinion, does BAT pay sufficient attention to ethics when they market across
national borders?
From my opinion, BAT is not par sufficient attention to ethics when they market across national
border, although BAT commit with the local countries to protect and follow the local community s
norms through SCT. Because BAT understood the risks and bad effects of tobaccowhen people
smoke cigarettes that the reason why Australia and USA are countries which have strict policies to
restrict tobacco s promotion, advertisement and communication with public. BAT took advantages
of loose rules in some developing Asia countries and Euro zone in terms of advertising and
promoting cigarette in public to expand BAT s marketing campaigns at these communities. The
general trend in Asia and Euro zone will be similar with Australia and USA, BAT should maintain
the way of marketing and communication in Euro and Asia countries as Australia and USA.
Besides that, BAT can diversify their business in another way not only focusing on tobacco such as
medicine field as producing nicotine for analgesics
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The Beginning Of Modern Day Industry
The beginning of modern day industry.
More than perhaps any single person of the last century, Henry Ford can take responsibility for
creating the American consumer ethic and the American middle class. We can thank him or curse
him for what he has done, but either way, we have to acknowledge the impact Henry Ford had on
our society. When we think about it, we have to acknowledge the impact he has had on each of
our individual lives. You might not know that Henry Ford did not start out as a successful
producer of automobiles. After building his first car, the Quadricycle, and working to improve
his basic design in the prototypes that followed. In 1899 he formed the Detroit Automobile
Company, which quickly failed after only a few vehicles were produced. Henry and some of his
original investors regrouped and formed the Henry Ford Company which quickly ran into
problems as well. Henry Ford was dismissed by his board of directors from the company that
carried his name because of his inability to bring a car to production. The company was
reorganized as the Cadillac Motor Car Company under the engineering leadership of Henry
Leland. In 1903 Henry Ford felt he was ready to market an automobile for the public and the Ford
Motor Company was incorporated, this time with a mere $28,000 in cash put up by a new group
of investors. That original $28,000 investment was spent down to less than $300 before the
company s first car was sold, but from that time on the company was on its
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The Physics Of Space Trip
Space Trip
It is the day August 27, 2055 and it is the time to do the impossible have a human on Mars. There
are 4 courageous, brave, smart people that is going to Mars. The first person that is going to
Mars is a Botanist named Brady Jones. After Brady there is Victor Brown, who is an astrologist.
Then Sean Jennings, who is one of the best pilots to ever live. Last but not least Jasmine Taylor,
the only girl of the group who was an engineer for anything that flies. This is the Mars team and
they have to work together and trust each other. The group has only known each other for a couple
of months training with each other and getting used to how everybody does things.
There is one more day until they are sent to Mars. It will be a long, ... Show more content on ...
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!!! They were flying straight into the sky going about what
feels like the speed of light! They were going so fast that it almost made Victor throw up. Once
they got into space they were all so happy and glad that they made it to space. The ride to go to
Mars will be 3 years, so they will have enough time to enjoy zero gravity in space.
It has been two years since they have left the earth and they are all bored. It is a lot more boring in
space than they thought. But then they think that they saw the most beautiful sight that they
have ever seen. It was Mars. It was way redder than the pictures that they have seen in their life.
They just thought about it and soaked it all in. They knew that this is what they have been
working for their whole life. But then suddenly a small asteroid hit the spaceship and it shook
the whole ship. They knew that this is going to be trouble. They found out that there was a small
hole in the side of the space ship. But even a hole that small could still kill all of them so they
needed to act quickly. Jasmine knew that out of all of them, she was the only one that can fix it.
It will be very difficult to fix but Jasmine knew that she is the best for the job. Jasmine couldn t
fix the small hole from the inside of the space ship. She has to go outside in space, while they are
moving. This has never been done before, but Jasmine is the right for the
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Definition Essay On Phobia
Phobia. Three syllables, six words, one meaning. For most people saying that you have a phobia
is just like saying how nervous you are for your math final. According to Google, a phobia is an
extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something ; when you really think about it, a phobia isn t
the last minute anxiety over question four. A phobiais a fearthat pulls at your stomach for hours at
a time and no matter what you do you can t get rid of it; it s sort of like your child. When a
person has a phobia, they ll do anything to avoid it. Sometimes when they attempt to dodge it, they
make the thing they were dodging happen. This can all lead up to therapy where the person will
confront their phobia and deal with the problem like a man.... Show more content on ...
You are always trapped in the world of endless suffering. There is no way out. Therapy for this
phobia is almost useless because making someone think more and more about what they are
afraid of can drive them to do things they normally wouldn t do. Imagine being stuck in a room
with a therapist for a whole hour where they are making you think about how you will kill your
kid. Obviously this wouldn t work, but hey, trust the person with the degree right? Wrong. This
can make the fear worse over time. Because the patient is so scared of hurting their kid, they
might lock the kid in their room and completely ignore them to keep them from being killed.
Parent of the year awards are being given out as we speak.
It is very scary to have this phobia and knowing that you will have to deal with it for the rest of
your life. What doesn t help is when people laugh at the phobia. This is very serious, just like
child abuse and cancer. You can t know what those things are and laugh about it without looking
like an asshole. Same goes with this and many other fears because most people go through a lot
with their fears. So next time someone decides to share their fears with you, instead of laughing
you could see what you could do to help. I can promise you that making fun of the person will not
help the
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Summary Of The French Language In Dangerous Liaisons
Dangerous Liaisons is an epistolary novel written in the 1700s detailing the events of a set of
high class people and their conquests for love and revenge. One of the many characteristics of
this novel that make it unique is the French language used in the novel and the way the novel is
written. The language and word choices are features that are important to a deeper
understanding of the novel. The language used is specific to French culture and society and
therefore the language creates a different understanding of the text. The language and
untranslatable words in Dangerous Liaisons help to understand the culture and society of the
characters in the text for an overall better understanding of the text. This novel depicts ideas of
how love was seen back in the 1700s in France. Love and marriage were not necessarily
connected to each other and to truly love someone it was believed that there had to be a lot of
pain and suffering involved. In this novel the main character Vicomte de Valmont and his lady
counterpart the Marquise de Merteuil are seeking love and also revenge against a multitude of
different characters. There are multiple love triangle type situations that happen and a lot of
betrayal and hurt as well. All of the characters are high class peoples and are revered and respected
socially. The novel was originally written in French in the 1700s and then later translated to
English. There are English translations adapted by many different translators and each
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Hampshire Company As A Tool For Measure The Business Activity
The Hampshire Company was evaluating on which cost system would best fit their needs as a tool
to measure the business activity. When conducting this process, Hampshire Company took a look at
traditional cost method versus activity based costing. Traditional Cost method is defined as The
traditional method of costaccounting refers to the allocation of manufacturing overhead coststo the
products manufactured. The traditional method (also known as the conventional method) assigns
or allocates the factory s indirect costs to the items manufactured on the basis of volume such as the
number of units produced, the direct labor hours, or the production machine hours. We will use
machine hours in our discussion. By using only machine hours to allocate the manufacturing
overhead to products, it is implying that the machine hours are the underlying cause of the factory
overhead. Traditionally, that may have been reasonable or at least sufficient for the company s
external financial statements. However, in recent decades the manufacturing overhead has been
driven or caused by many other factors. For example, some customers are likely to demand
additional manufacturing operations for their diverse products. Other customers simply want great
quantities of uniform products. If a manufacturer wants to know the true cost to produce specific
products for specific customers, the traditional method of cost accountingis inadequate.
AccountingCoach. (n.d.). An advantage of using
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Organic Farming vs Factory Farming Essays
Many consumers and farmers have discovered that living in an industrialized culture where the
focus has become faster, bigger, and cheaper is not the best way to produce our food. Obsessed with
productivity, the agriculture industry is reaping the negative consequences of creating an
unsustainable environment for food production. Time and time again, the media captures stories
regarding deadly bacterial contamination and dangerous pesticidecontamination causing illness and
death in our communities. The environment is also damaged and contaminated. This devastating
trend, due to irresponsible farming practices as a result of the industrialization of the food industry,
has become all too common. Returning to organic farming,... Show more content on
As the soil becomes more and more polluted with these toxins, it becomes unsustainable.
Therefore, land that would have remained fertile for centuries through the commonsense farming
of our ancestors, is being ruined by farming controlled by big corporations whose sole interest is
in immediate short term profit (Goodall 38). Industrialized livestock farming with thousands of
animals crammed into small factory spaces is responsible for numerous bacterial and viral
infections such as E.coli., Avian bird flu, Mad cow disease, Salmonella, and many more.
Therefore, conventional farmers use antibiotics to keep these animals alive. This over use of
antibiotics is causing the creation of new, resistant strains of deadly diseases that kill people and
animals. Disease is actually caused by the bad practices, shortcuts, and antibiotic resistance. This
has the opposite effect of what was intended and also costs farmers millions of dollars every year
instead of saving money. Unfortunately, conventional agricultureexperts recommend these
monocultural farming practices in the name of quick, mass production. Current conventional
farming practices are also responsible for many pollution problems that would not exist otherwise.
The land where we live and grow our food, the water we drink, and the air we breathe are all being
contaminated. The large amounts of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers used on our crops are
poisoning the soil, air, and water. Toxic heavy metals such
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New Kitten Research Paper
A new kitten can be a wonderful addition to your family, but it is an unfortunate fact that many
people have never owned a kitten before. This can cause them to be unsure of what is needed to
provide for these animals. By understanding the benefits of these tips, you can help ensure that your
kitten grows into a well adjusted adult cat.
Provide Your Kitten With A Hiding Place When Being Exposed To New Things
As your kitten grows, you will have to expose them to a variety of frightening objects. Often, the
vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or any other loud appliances can ca]use your kitten s stress levels to
spike. Luckily, you can help mitigate this problem by always have a safe hiding spot for your
kitten when you will be using these items.
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Hba1c s Role In Diabetic Analysis
Glycated haemoglobin is a measure of blood glucose levels over the previous 120 days and
reflects the time averaged blood glucose over the preceding 1 3 months, depending on the rate
of change of blood glucose levels. HbA1c, or glycosylated haemoglobin, is formed through the
non enzymatic binding of circulating glucose to haemoglobin (glycation). HbA1c is measured
as the ratio of glycosylated to non glycosylated haemoglobin (Sacks et al, 2002). Higher levels of
glucose in the blood contribute to more binding and consequent higher levels of glycosylated
haemoglobin. Glycation occurs over the entire 90 120 day life span of the red blood cell. HbA1c
can consequently be interpreted as an average of the blood glucose present over the past 3 4
months. Measurement of HbA1c is accepted as a... Show more content on ...
Decisions regarding treatment are often based on HbA1c. Although the American Diabetes
Association 2003 does not currently recommend HbA1c measurement for the diagnosis of diabetes,
studies have shown frequency distributions similar to those of fasting plasma glucose (FPG) used
in diagnosing diabetes, HbA1c is a more comprehensive measure of total glycaemic exposure than
FPG due to the representation of blood glucose in the postprandial state in
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Network Planning For Multi Robot3
V.Prioritized Planning For Multi Robot3 [3]. In this section, the asynchronous decentralized multi
robot prioritized motion planning problem is considered. The motivation for the above problem
however, there a centralized approach is the decentralized approach is more suitable for the
unmanned aerial vehicles where there concerns about privacy and communication limitations.
Although there is decentralized synchronous approach, but it is impractical for the real world. But
the decentralized approach is fast enough but such methods are incomplete. In this section we
discuss about the two algorithms first is synchronized decentralized prioritized planning (SDPP)
and second is about asynchronous decentralized prioritizing planning (ADPP). In... Show more
content on ...
The algorithms terminates when all robots either hold a path or not able to find a path. In ADPP, in
this algorithm every robot hold the paths which it should avoid. When robot receives the
information it merely upgrade it avoid path list and checks if the current path is consistent. If the
current path is inconsistent the robot triggers new planning. Otherwise robots remain idle. The
evaluation of the proposed ADPP algorithm with comparison with previous approaches Centralized
prioritized planning (CPP) and SDPP is done. The evaluated runtime characteristics of the
algorithms is the wall clock run time, communication complexity (the number of broadcasted
messages) and solution quality. In the evaluated problem s number of Robots varies from 30 to 100.
The average wall clock run time are depicted in figure 1a. The results show that the decentralized
algorithms requires less run time than the centralized algorithm. Further, the ADPP performs better
than the SDPP. The required number of exchanged messages are plotted in figure1b.For
communication complexity for less than 60 robots decentralized algorithms outperform the
centralized algorithms. The communication complexity of the decentralized algorithms start
exceeding the centralized algorithms for more than 60 robots. The figure 1c shows the average
costs. The
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Basic Object Oriented Concepts How People Understand Technology There is an old story of how
several blind men set out to understand what an elephant was by examining a live specimen. Each
of them explored a different part of the elephant s body. One blind man, falling against the elephant
s side, proclaimed that an elephant must be very much like a wall. Another, grasping the elephant s
ear, decided that an elephant must closely resemble a leaf. One grabbed the elephant s tail and
determined that elephants must resemble ropes. Yet another felt the elephant s leg and came away
convinced that elephants are very much like trees. Still another held the elephant s trunk and
exclaimed that elephants had much in common with snakes. While... Show more content on ...
Even in technical arenas, this variation in terminology is common. A chemist might use the
terms valance and oxidation state to identify the same concept. Object Oriented Terms and
Concepts Objects Objects are the physical and conceptual things we find in the universe around
us. Hardware, software, documents, human beings, and even concepts are all examples of
objects. For purposes of modeling his or her company, a chief executive officer could view
employees, buildings, divisions, documents, and benefits packages as objects. An automotive
engineer would see tires, doors, engines, top speed, and the current fuel level as objects. Atoms,
molecules, volumes, and temperatures would all be objects a chemist might consider in creating
an object oriented simulation of a chemical reaction. Finally, a software engineer would consider
stacks, queues, windows, and check boxes as objects. Objects are thought of as having state. The
state of an object is the condition of the object, or a set of circumstances describing the object. It
is not uncommon to hear people talk about the state information associated with a particular
object. For example, the state of a bank account object would include the current balance, the state
of a clock object would be the current time, the state of an electric light bulb would be on or off.
For complex objects like a human being or an automobile, a
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Pennsylvania Colonization
Throughout the second half of the 17th century, the land now known as America experienced a
large increase in colonization. One of the colonies formed during the 1680s was Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania, formed in 1683 by a Quaker named William Penn, was set up as a place of religious
tolerance for the persecuted Quakers and others. In the first few laws passed in the Pennsylvania
legislature called colloquially the Great Law , the legislators set to preserve this tolerance by
declaring that ... nor shall he or she at any time be Compelled to frequent or Maintaine any
Religious Worshipp place or Ministry whatever Contrary to his or her mind . With this legislation,
Pennsylvania became a place for groups such as Jews to immigrate to in order to... Show more
content on ...
During the crisis, the Free African Society worked with Doctor Benjamin Rush in order to help
the ailing city. Despite working under the preconceived notion that African Americans were
somewhat immune to Yellow Fever, the Free African Society mobilized its members to transport
black and white patients to hospitals, bury the dead and help with nursing needs . During this
time, the Free African Society recognized that without their resources members of their
community, black and white, would die. With this in mind, the Society not only used its
resources such as money to provide hospital services to the citizens of Philadelphia but also did
so while not receiving complete payments for their hard work and supplies bought for coffins. In
total, the Free African Society ended up running a 178 euro deficit, in 1793 money, due to not
receiving full payments. This was not even to mention that risk of actually treating the patients,
which could have proven to be deadly to healthcare workers. Overall, the Free African Society
served its multiple purposes admirably. It provided aid to the Free Black community when it was
banished from the church. In addition, the Society provided for their community while putting its
own life s at risk as well as taking a monetary loss for the good of not just the Free Black
community but the Philadelphia community as
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Tipping Exercises
Who would not want a lean and ripped physique? A lot of people want such a physique but
wanting the physique and actually acquiring one are two different things. Can you acquire it?
You can develop a ripped and defined look as long as you are willing to put the right effort into the
process. Here are some insights into how to do so.
The way you get ripped is through a mix of weight training, diet, and exercise. Such a three pronged
approach needs to complement the goals of having a lean and defined body. You do not want to
perform exercises that promote a different goal since those exercises will take you down a
completely different path. The current path you are interested in is becoming defined so you need
exercises and strategies that promote ... Show more content on ...
You won t get a ripped physique from weightlifting alone. You will need to eat the proper diet
and this is achieved by cutting calories and eating healthy. The less fat you have on your frame,
the more ripped you will appear. That means you will need to diet in such a way that you become
quite leaner and more cut. If you are not serious about cleaning up your diet, you will not become
ripped. That is a fact!
And yes, you will positively need to perform a lot of cardio work. There are two reasons for this.
First, when you are doing a great deal of cardio work, you will burn more calories which means
of course, you will end up with a leaner and more ripped physique. There is another benefit to
cardio work that some might not be completely aware of. Namely, when you are doing your cardio
sessions, you are engaging all the muscles in your body and helping them to become stronger and
more defined. The higher the intensity of your cardio work the greater the potential for this
outcome to occur.
This three pronged approach has many merits. In fact, you really would have a tough time getting
a ripped physique if you did not integrate all three of these components into your workouts. Those
that do put the proper effort into their workout sessions and also eat the right diet might find their
goals of becoming ripped and shredded could take as little as a few
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My Name Is Primo Michele Levi
Diary Entry 1
July 31, 1943
My name is Primo Michele Levi. Todays my birthday. I am 24 years old, born in Turin, Italy. I
have one sibling, Anne Maria Levi. Anne Maria and I have always been very close, I was
always considered small and shy, and I was a frequent target of bullying. I also thought poorly of
myself aswell, I often thought others viewed me as ugly and scrawny. I had also excelled
academically, always having straight A s and was the smartest student in my grade. By early
teens I had liked chemistry a lot. When I was 11 I entered the Massimo d Azeglio Royal
Gymnasium. In class I was the youngest, the shortest, and the smartest. I was also the only Jewish
kid. When I was 13 I joined the Avanguardisti movement. I joined the ski division, and spent every
Saturday during the season on the skiing above Turin. When I was 17, I failed my final exam. It was
my first bad grade ever. At the end of the summer I took the exam again and passed, and in
October. I got into the University of Turin to study chemistry. I spent three months taking classes,
and in February, after passing my oral exam, I was chosen to do a full time chemistry class. In
1941, I graduated. Today, my family and I are fleeing to northern Italy, where we plan to join an
Italian resistance group.
Diary Entry 2
February 21, 1944
I haven t written in a while. I didn t plan to, but with my family and I captured I do not have much
else but this journal. First, we were taken over by the Germans, who
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Attract International Students
MSU recruitment date shows international students are 7% of the population and 20% of a class on
the graduate level and undergraduate students are 5% of the population. To attract and retain
international papulation n campus university is using different tactic and strategies.
A website is an important tool to attract international students because 80% population depends on
it to know about a university. A well developed website intrigued interest of the viewer, a user
friendly website increase 30% chances of a university to be picked by the student (.....)
Murray State University has a page specifically dedicated on its website for international students,
and it has the ability to provide translation in five languages Chinese, ... Show more content on ...
The Pathway programs information is available in the brochure of all countries.
Strategies to recruit and retention of students Every university adopts some strategies for
recruitment and retention of international students. Those strategies are according to university
resources and programs.
Students as Resources
Students are a real resource of an institution and can help a university in the planning of strategic
plan for recruitment of more students. All students have gone through the procedure of recruitment
at a university and they know well which factors were motivational. They can tell reasons why
students chose those programs and what features need to be changed. They can tell what kind of
communication will work with another student from their home country because they have lived in
that culture so they know more than any other person. Using the student endorsement for
recruitment is words of mouth tacit which more successful practice is. Continuously taking
feedback from international population helps to know what they want and what they are expecting
from a program? Why do they like university? A focus group or survey once a semester will help
to improve.
Leadership, Campus Involvement, and Employment Involvement is very necessary for the process
to make international students experience more valuable, and it is
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Spirt Controlled Temperament By Tim Lahaye Gets More In
Spirt Controlled Temperament by Tim LaHaye gets more in to detail about your weakest
temperament and your strongest temperament. There is twelve chapters all describing our
temperaments. We all have a temperament, simple as that. We most likely get our temperament
traits from our grandparents. Which is kind of scary for me, because my grandparents are crazy on
both sides. But, through the grace of God our temperaments can change, and for me that is a true
blessing. There are four temperamentstypes; sanguine, choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic. The
sanguine are enjoying , choleric are very active and strong willed, melancholy are self sacrificing
and emotional, and phlegmatic are the easy going temperaments. Each one of these... Show more
content on ...
When we look to Christ for help He changes us. We will not be able to tell over night, but years
from now looking back you can tell when filled with the Holy Spirit.
For me what I can relate to is thinking I will notice a change within a day, but as I learned that
can take years. Looking back on my life I have seen how God has kept his hand on me all
through life, even when I was not following Christ. Going to a military school for six months is
when change accrued in my life. Of courses, I knew I was doing something different, but I did
not see the change at the time. Growing up I was surrounded by negative people at home and at
school. I can remember one day I got in trouble at school, so when I got back to my aunt s house,
she came in the room I was in and told me right in front of my cousin, You are an embarrassment
to this family. That hit me so hard, because in the office at school they called me a bully and in
the hallways, I was known as a weirdo. Then at home I was thought of as an embarrassment. I felt
nothing but anger and depression, telling myself, Nobody loves you. Destiny, your own family
does not care about you, NOBODY does! The reason I say the military school changed me is
because I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I did not see the change right then and
there, but I did know God had a plan for me. While I was in the program I learned that I cannot
hold on to the past and let people determine who I am. I was so lost
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Anti Semitic And Anti Zionist Movement
By the late nineteenth century, the Jews, who had been in exile for almost two thousand years,
found their ancestral homeland in Palestine, which was largely occupied by Arabs and governed by
the Turks; this dilemma sparked many problems within the Middle East. Since the rise of the
Zionist movement and the establishment of the State of Israelin May 1948, political leaders of
predominately Muslim nations in the Middle Easthave made discriminatory prejudice anti Semitic
statements or actions. Allowing for apportioning or deflection of blame, contradicting the stated
social and theological morality of the Islamic faith, this technique has been used as a tool for
political control by regimes in this region for the past century. The relationship between anti Semitic
and anti Zionist views in the Middle East are shown through the nature of the governments involved
in the anti Zionist movement, the relationship these nations had with the state of Israel, the effect it
had on the Arabic people living within these countries and the assumptions made on Judaism and
After World War II, Britain found itself in intense conflict with the Jewish community over Jewish
immigration limits, as well as continued conflict with the Arab community over limit levels, as they
had to put an end to the British mandate set in Palestine. At the same time, hundreds of thousands
of Jewish Holocaust survivors and refugees sought a new life far from their destroyed communities
in Europe; thus
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Essay about Technology in Forster s The Machine Stops
The Internet provides accuracy, productivity, and possibilities that would be devastating if
suddenly missing. Because of man s resiliency, I don t think that we would experience
Armageddon if the Internet stopped. I do believe our world would become larger for a while. The
miles shortened by email would lengthen due to postage delivery. The nanosecond returns to a
minute, and memory would be placed back in photo albums and diaries. All changes would be
temporary until necessity, and personal desire would lead the way to new technology. In the end,
one truth stands; with technology comes great responsibility.
The Machine Stops (Forster, 1909), contrasts in two main characters approach technology y. Vashti
impatient with her son, Kuno, at ... Show more content on ...
Did a loss such as this stir the visions of the cinematophote? To hold a photo does not satisfy the
need to communicate, to look into a glowing blue screen and see the face, and hear the voice of
a friend eases the pain of distance. Finally, it may have been the need for Forster to replace a
confining rule book of a traditional religion with a new rule book, The Book of the Machine.
The new book still held restrictions, including what is acceptable for public touching, People
never touched one another. The custom had become obsolete, owing to the Machine. (Forster 5)
Restrictions are tolerable because the personal comfort knowledge of Book of the Machine
provides. The book became an object of worship for Vashti as we see when we read, Thrice she
kissed it, thrice inclined her head, thrice she felt the delirium of acquiescence. (Forster 3)
Desire birthed passion for a utopian society. Desire to no longer be a beast of burden; spending
more time pursuing comforts, less time punching a clock. If we continue to become ever more
connected what will our professional lives be like in another twenty five years? Keep in mind
that research from the Pew Internet American Life Project discovered that 49% say ICT s make it
harder for them to disconnect from their work when they are at home and on weekends. (Madden,
Mary; Jones, Sydney iii). In our 2011 society a craving to have needs met
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Analysis Of Rodney Walker s Speech
On October 15, 2017, Rodney Walker gave a presentation on The Power of Perseverance: From 12
Foster Homes to Harvard University. This presentation was given at the Zlock Performing Arts
Center at Bucks County Community College in Newtown, PA in front of about one hundred people
ranging from high school and college students to educators. The presentation was on Rodney
Walker s life story of how he grew up in a violent Southside Chicago neighborhood and lived in
many foster homes, but through perseverance and mentorship, he became highly determined and
strong. During the presentation I was critiquing his public speaking, but not in the context of what
he was talking about, but rather about how he spoke to the audience. I found some good... Show
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While speaking, Walker seems to have poor eye contact as he seemed to look down at the floor
more than at his audience. In the book it states, Speakers in the United States who fail to
establish eye contact are perceived as tentative or ill at ease and may be seen as insincere or
dishonest (Lucas, 250). The presentation was a personal life story so it was recited from
memory and no manuscript was used by Walker, so I believe that his eye contact should have
been stronger. Stephen Lucas mentioned in Chapter 13 that the speaker s volume, pitch, rate,
pauses, vocal variety, pronunciation, articulation, and dialect are all important in public speaking
(Lucas, 243). Walker would change the volume of his speaking during certain parts of the
presentation to emphasize it and take a longer pause after certain statements to make an impact
on the audience. He also used changes in his pitch and had vocal variations when he was
speaking about something emotional or very serious during certain parts of the presentation.
Even though, Walker s presentation was very interesting and empowering, there was one thing
that lessened its purpose and it was his visual aid that was very distracting while he was
speaking. The visual aid was a video with audio playing in the background as Walker was
speaking. This took away from Walker as a speaker because the entire audience wanted to
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Proposal For Red Bull
Marketing Research Proposal Red Bull
Red Bull is one of the greatest energy drink companies in the world. The iconic Blue and Silver
can has become a symbol for vitality, helping people with work and play. Its catchphrase, Red Bull
gives you wings! is a testament to the sort of imagery energy drinks wish to portray.
The brand Red Bull came in to existence in 1984, with its first product launched in 1987, making
it a pioneer in the global energy drink market. The idea came about to Mr. Dietrich Matechitz
while in Thailand. He noticed managers drinking a beverage called Krating daeng prior to
meetings to stay awake and focused. Upon trying the beverage, he found it to have a relieving
effect on his jet lag. He went on to collaborate with the creator of the drink, Chaleo Yoovidhya, and
thus developed a ... Show more content on ...
In light of this, Red Bull has positioned itself as a drink for youths, and with the right promotional
mix, these could lead to an increase in sales.
In order to make its brand relate to the masses of a country, Red Bull will produce labels in the
respective country s language. With this, a higher cost is incurred when launching the drink in
different geographic areas. Nevertheless, Red Bull recognizes the importance of communicating its
brand identity as this would bring about an increase in brand equity and thus, sales revenue in the
With the advancement of social media and technological platforms, Red Bull has had to improve its
communication strategies and promotional tools to be more effective and relevant. These help to
advertise and promote the product, therefore providing a new way of communicating with the
consumers. Promotional tools such as social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
has had massive effect on the consumers, especially the youth as they can better relate to these
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Informative Essay On Keep Portland Weird
Keep Portland Weird There is a well known word that people like to use when describing
Portland Oregon and that is the word weird. It has become known worldwide that Portland is
weird, this is the reason people even know about the existence of Oregon. Portland is the main
reason Oregon is a popular place. Tourists like to come to Portland for the sole purpose that it is
described as weird. Tourists are interested in the places/activities that make Portland weird. The
slogan, Keep Portland Weird is seen everywhere in Portland and elsewhere, whether it be spray
painted on the side of buildings, on t shirts, or on bumper stickers. Why is it that people describe
Portland as weird and what makes Portland weird, is what will be explored in this paper. First of
all the phrase Keep Portland Weird has an interesting history. It was derived from the phrase Keep
Austin Weird which is describing Austin Texas, and was created to help support local and small
businesses(Wikipedia). The Music Millennium owner Terry Currier brought the phrase to... Show
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Brian Kidd, or more commonly known as The Unipiper , is all but famous in Portland and now
around the world(The Unipiper). He can be found on a unicycle, wearing a kilt, and depending
on his character for the day, which includes Darth Vader, Jack Sparrow, Gandalf and Super
Mario, playing his flame sprouting bagpipes throughout the streets of Portland, when he isn t
traveling and entertaining the rest of the world(The Unipiper). Starting out nearly ten years ago
he couldn t have picked a better city to perform in(The Unipiper). Portland s citizens responded to
Kidd s performance in such a positive way and were begging for more, so right around Christmas
time he got a Santa Suit to go along with the festivities. Now Kidd entertains wherever he goes
bringing new costumes and tricks from up his sleeve(The
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Yolanda Cruz s Impact On The Chicano Art Movement
Yolanda LГіpez was born in 1942 and raised in San Diego, California. A third generation Chicana,
she knew from a very young age that she wanted to make art. Over the years she s created plenty
of it. Lopez has produced films, painted, done printmaking, and educated others. Yolanda struggled
early, repeating 1st grade more than once due to the fact that she did not speak English. Despite
these struggles, she felt a connection to art in her classrooms, and began using whatever she could
get her hands on to make it. After high school, LГіpez relocated to San Francisco and attended San
Francisco State University. While there, she saw many black and chicano students assert and
involve themselves in politics, and was motivated to join school groups run by students. These
groups focused on issues such as minority scholarships and ethnic studies programs, raising
awareness and focusing on advancement and equality. She eventually left the University without
graduating and moved to the Mission district, where she became involved in the Bay Area Chicano
Art Movement. LГіpez says it was in the Mission that her art, politics, and personal history all came
together .... Show more content on ...
She was involved in a community organized health clinic, recruited for VISTA (Volunteers in
Service to America; a branch of Americorps dedicated to fighting poverty), gave legal aid to
residents in her area, provided social work at Bayside Settlement Housing Project, and was the
court artist for the trial of Los Siete de la Raza, a group of seven young Latino men who were
involved in a police altercation that ended in the death of a police officer. Her work as the court
artist exemplifies her application of art to both the political and social spheres of
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Argument Paper On Gun Control
Position Paper on Gun Control
While Americans were contemplating gun control proposals in the wake of mass shootings at a
Colorado School, another gunman massacred 50 people in a club in Orlando. This incident brought
heated political exchanges between President Obama and Trump, the Republican presidential
candidate. It is estimated that in 2015 alone, there were more than 351 mass shootings in the United
States. This is a worrying trend that should be reversed as soon as possible. Surprisingly, the trend
has divided Americans into two groups. On one extreme end, there are those Americans who
believe that the government should enforce gun control. On the other end, some Americans insist
that stricter gun controls will not help in the fight against killings. In this light, this paper will try to
provide a detailed analysis of the gun control debate while highlighting the various points made by
the proponents and opponents of the gun control. The essay posits that gun control is
The debate on gun control revolves around how the laws to be implemented will affect the
acquisition of guns by the criminals as well as law abiding citizens. Gun control proponents are of
the opinion that in the absence of gun control laws, criminals will acquire guns too easily. In the
same vein, if all citizens are armed, criminals will have a greater incentive to acquire guns. Hence,
there will be too many guns in circulation and crime cases will increase. Contrastingly, gun
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Blacktown Water Treatment Plant Project Brief
Blacktown Water Treatment Plant
Project Brief
Version: 1.1 Date: 8/22/2014
Copy: Uncontrolled
Document Acceptance and Release Notice
This is Version 1.1 of the Blacktown Water Treatment Plant Project Brief.
Blacktown Water Treatment Plant.
This treatment plant is designed to remove potentially harmful substances from waste water. It also
includes safe effluent discharge and production of agro ash. This is the process diagram of the
treatment plant:
Process flow step 1 Preliminary treatment bar screen
Removal of large objects As wastewater enters ... Show more content on ...
The filters consist of finely crushed coal, about one meter in depth, and sand, half a meter in depth.
This provides the final step in the treatment process.
Process flow step 6 Chlorination/dechlorination Chlorine is added to the effluent to disinfect any
remaining microbiological pathogens; this takes at least half an hour. The effluent is then treated
with sulphur dioxide gas to remove excess chlorine, which would be harmful to the river
ecosystem. The effluent is then ready for discharge into the river.
Process flow step 7 Solids separation and incineration The sludge and scum, removed in step 2
of the process, are dealt with separately. The sludge is stored in a sludge holding tank where it is
then pumped to the centrifuge at a controlled rate. Polymers are added to the sludge to aid in the
thickening of the sludge during this process. Water is separated from the sludge by spinning in a
centrifuge to form a thick, muddy substance known as cake , a process known as dewatering .
The cake is then conveyed to the furnace where it is incinerated at 750 1000В°C to produce Agri
Ash. The scum, however, is stored in a heated tank to thicken it prior to its transfer to the furnace,
where it is also incinerated. Approximately 700,000 litres of sludge is treated each day to produce
47 tonnes of dewatered solids. After
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Comparing Chinese Imagery And Art
The Neolithic Period, tracing back as early as 10,000 BC, where evidence of pottery making
appears (Heritage East Group, 2012) as agriculture emerges. As villages and people become more
settled, discrete ceramic traditions evolve that show a distinctive Chinese approach to form,
decoration, and technique, leading to the identification of more than thirty Late Neolithic cultures
throughout China(Heritage East Group, 2012).
Chinese writing, lacquer, a substance that gives wood a polished finish and solidifies to form a
hard and clear layer begins to be used in practise, with sculptures and pottery being produced.
Additionally, animal themes, similar to the patterns used in bronze casting, like the use of the
dragon can be seen, which ... Show more content on ...
The Chinese people s progression with stone and pottery developed drastically in the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty followed the Zhou Dynasty and it was during this period that the Great Wall of
China was established. The ruler Qin Shihuangdi is credited with building the Great Wall of
China by uniting several preexisting defensive walls (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015).
These pre existing walls were less significant clay walls built by individually established towns
near to the border. Some sources state that the wall was for defensive purposes but some also
say that the Great Wall speaks well for a growth in the mixed soil of peace and war. It stands for
some power, an unbeatable power despite all bitter conditions, known as the Great Wall Spirit
among Chinese people (Great Wall Web Site, 2015), meaning that the wall didn t just represent
defence, but it was a much more beautiful and well composed symbol of peace for the Chinese
people. The wall was also a landmark for the architecture of the period. The same ruler is
responsible for the creation of the Terracotta Army , its construction occurred as the ruler desired a
tomb guarded by an army. The army consisted of over 7,000 pottery soldiers, horses, chariots, and
even weapons (TravelChinaGuide, 2015).
Following the Qin was the Han Dynasty occurring 206BC AD220. Like in the previous Dynasty
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Evaluation Of A Microcontroller Based Three Phase...
Career Episode 1
This career episode is the creation of my thesis during my final year in engineering. The project is
called Microcontroller Based Three Phase Induction Motor Controls . This is a partial fulfillment
for my bachelor s degree in Electrical Engineering at Mindanao University of Science and
Technology. This project commenced on June 2011 and ended on March 2012. I was under the
supervision of Engr. Reuel C. Pallugna, one of the instructors in the Electrical Engineering
CE 1.1 My main objective was to create a speed and forward reverse control for an induction
motor that can be programmed and can be accessed using the computer in the cheapest but
efficient way. My project is composed of electrical and electronic components. The brain of the
prototype comes from the program of a microcontroller. Most of the assembly of the electrical
and electronic components and the creation of the program are done in the electrical laboratory.
Economy is an important factor in my study. One of its advantages over the commercially
available variable frequency drive (VFD) is it is more economical and can be programmed based
on the user s preference without sacrificing accuracy and efficiency. CE 1.2 It took me 9 months
to complete my prototype. Every month, my thesis adviser checked and tracked the progress of
my project. I did the research and the creation of my prototype during weekdays and I did the
technical writing of my thesis during
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Toquepala Cave Paintings
This archeological study will define the symbolism of tribal hunter society in the mural paintings of
the Toquepala Caves. These paintings depict the methods of hunting that early human beings
utilized to trap animals as a food source. The prehistoric elements of the paintings define the use of
wool brushes and red ochre paints, which define one of the earliest cave paintingdepictions of
hunting rites. The Collawa tribal group created these paintings as part of a celebration of the
hunting traditions that sustained the tribe. The method of corralling and controlling a herds of
guanaco that provided an efficient means of gathering food without the strenuous efforts of chasing
the animal. These paintings depict a mode of hunting society... Show more content on ...
These cave paintings define some of the earliest human paintings that have been preserved showing
the hunting behaviors of early human beings. These methods of hunting involve the collective
entrapment of the animals through the chaco method of hunting, which is still practiced in modern
day indigenous communities in Southern Peru. The use of red colorations for animals and the
depiction of hunters partaking in these scenes reveal the intensive detail that the artist presents. The
weapons and other tools, such as fencing, in these paintings define the exact nature of hunting
methods that created a sustainable food source and way of life for the Collawa peoples during
these ancient times. The Toquepala Cave paintings provide archeologists with some of the detailed
observational methods of the artist, which provide extremely insightful awareness of hunting
culture in the prehistoric world. More so, the cave murals of the Toquepala Caves define the
anthropological development of art as a means of recording history in these ancient methods of
drawing and painting in the region of Southern
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Summary Of Pamela Sandson s Heartbeat Braves
Pamela Sanderon s Heartbeat Braves addresses discrimination against Native Americans
throughout the novel. When a high ranking individual of the Office of Education at the facility
that Rayanne Larson and Henry Grant intend to use for one of their projects informs them that
they cannot use the cite and that they should leave the grounds immediately, Larson challenges
him, asking, If we weren t Indian would you ask us to leave? (Sanderson 68). It poses an
interesting question, and one that forces Sanderson s audience to reflect on how ethnicity dictates
access to power. Later on in conversation, Grant asks Larson, Has anyone ever said something
trance to you about being Indian? (Sanderson 119), to which Larson replies, Some people are
taken aback that I don t have an Indian name. What s wrong with the name I have? No one ever
says to an Italian, What s your Italian name? (Sanderson 119). Larson draws attention to a poignant
disparity between the prejudices held against different heritages.
In her piece, Savage Desires: The Gendered Construction of the American Indian in Popular Media ,
S. Elizabeth Bird discusses how, in contemporary popular culture, American Indians have become
potent cultural symbols, and more specifically, Indian men and Indian women have come to fill
separate and different places in the popular [Caucasian iconography (Bird 62). Sanderson, an urban
Indian of the Karuk Tribe, deviates from this convention through the dialogue she inputs
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Bilbo Character Analysis
In the beginning of The Hobbit, the author Tolkien introduces Bilbo Baggins as an everyday
hobbit that is quite satisfied with the simpler things in life. He is completely content with
staying put and indulging in the numerous snacks and bountiful meals that are served in the
hobbit culture. At this point, Bilbo is not given any commands to set off on a journey of
enormous proportion rather, he is more focused on being very neat and tidy. Bilbo is more
focused on the most minute of details of where furniture is set in his house, and even to what
time meals will be eaten, down to the very second. The quest that has been assigned to the
dwarves In fact, the quest for Bilbo is not only a search for the treasure but also for the hidden
aspects of his character. Looking at Bilbo in the terms of good and evil Bilbo rises to be the
leading force in the fight that the good endures against the evil beings. He remains an... Show more
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This is very evident because in the most simple of terms Bilbo remains to be a very minimal hobbit
that enjoys the most simple things in life; the difference is that now he is more wise than the
majority of his peers. The adventures built him up to become the person that he is today, the
very simple but influential advice given to him by Gandalf says Don t be a fool Mr. Baggins if
you can help it. (231) After receiving these very wise words it hits him that simplicity is the key to
success. Gandalf is credited to being Bilbo s greatest teacher and influencer, without Gandalf, Bilbo
would not be the hobbit he is today. The Hobbit is a wonderful book full of lessons to be taught to
us to make us better people. Author J.R.R. Tolkien encapsulates the genre of fantasy and applies
real world parallels to really connect the reader with Bilbo, The Hobbit is a work of art which will
stay a classic for years to
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America s Future
The future of U.S. students education in math and science.
The future of math and science in the United States is on a slow rise to the progression of our
nation s education. Currently in today s world the United States is still falling behind other foreign
countries, as stated by the PEW research center (DeSilver, Drew). The PEW research center works
with expertise in the field of science, politics, economic, and foreign topics to provide the most
accurate information making this site reliable. The National Center for Education states that the
United States is moving at a steady speed of a one percent increase each year into developing the
education of math and science (DeSilver, Drew). With a one percent increase we need to... Show
more content on ...
Currently the United States spends an average of 65 dollars per student per test (Ujifusa,
Andrew). If we follow Finland and discontinue standardize testing we could save around one point
seven billion dollars each year, also stated by Andrew Ujifusa. With saving this money we can go
back to president s Obama s latest hope in hiring 10,000 STEM teachers, to help grow the United
States education system and bring the U.S. from the bottom to the top
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What Are Gm s Key Stakeholders
General motors is the foucus company i have chossen to represent. GMs key stakeholders are
owners, employees, customers, competitors, and suppliers. General Motors has around 212,000
employees world wide, which is more then apple and Microsoft combined. customers are also
big key stakeholders in GM, GM provides products that satisfy car buyers, the reason they are a
big key stakeholder is becuase if GM doesnt provide good products they will lose profit.
Competitors are also a big key stakeholder, because they force GM to come up with new ideas to
keep customers interested in their product. Another big key stakholder is stockholders, GM has
over 1,012 stockholers, so GM must put up good numbers to keep people buying their stock. Some
ways GM
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The Importance Of The Technicolor Process In The Animated...
The animated films of the 1930s and 1940s definitely took advantage of the new Technicolor
process. For Disney in particular, it was the only colour process that he felt worked for his films
(Telotte 48). Especially since the idea of animated films as feature films was relatively new at the
time, there was a necessity for the differentiation of Disney s films to live action films so that
animated films could be taken seriously. Disney used Technicolorto do just that (Telotte 48).
Another, arguably more important reason for the use of colour in the animated films was the still
developing Disney illusion of life aesthetic (Telotte 48). The colours of the films were used to help
portray a natural looking world, one that would be believable to the viewer despite being animation.
Higgins discusses that the preferred Disney aesthetic was that artists favored pastels and saved
strongly saturated hues for accents. Backgrounds were kept desaturated and cool to assure that the
main characters would have chromatic prominence [...] Disney artists were adept at coordinating
colorand drama, ( Order and Plenitude 299). Even though they preferred to keep it natural, the
animators were able to experiment with Technicolour more than the colour directors of live action
films were. As discussed by Francine Stock, ...colour in both setting and lighting could accentuate
mood or character without aping reality, (83 4). An example of one of these films that Disney was
able to experiment with
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Education Is The Most Important Aspect Of The Living
Education is the most important aspect of the living. It is important for educators and institutions to
know what it is that makes students want to pursue higher education. Knowing what motivate
students to learn and obtain higher educations can be helpful when dealing with students. Educators
and institutions need to find ways to effectively engage students with the support they need in order
to produce successful students. What are the motivation and factors that students look at when
choosing to go to university and study particular subject? Institutions need to have a good
reputation and affordable cost. The reasons and factors which influence the decision for secondary
students to learn higher educationcan differ. Many students make a decision according to what
influence them currently instead of future value (Simonsohn, 2010). For example, if the student
enjoy social life and there is a party going on the day he/she visit the university, the student may feel
like he/she belong there and decide to enroll that university. The following four articles reviews
attempt to demonstrate the motivation and factors influence students to enrolling in higher education
In a research article by Simoes Soares (2010), the information sources and choice factors that
influenced students to attend university were addressed. The focus of this research was prospective
students who enrolling in the public university, ABC University, Minho province, Portugal. The
researchers used a
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Residential School Vs. Residential Schools
When taking this program one of the first subject learned within the first nations course was
residential schools, and how they were one of many elements to the colonization of the First
Nations peoples. When in class talking about residential schools could be summed up with
discussing displacement and how the Europeans would take indigenous children to schools far from
their homes, cut their hair, and feed them food they weren t used to. According to Eric Hanson, Two
primary objectives of the residential school system were to remove and isolate children from the
influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures, and to assimilate them into the dominant
culture (2009). Based off this knowledge but not limited to, the class... Show more content on ...
Throughout history countries all over have gone through processes of continuous control, and
dominance being held over them which we know as colonization. And through colonization cultural
practices have been taken along with languages, and spiritual beliefs with the opposites of whatever
those may be imposed on them. Residential schools, one of many elements of colonization when it
comes to the Indigenous peoples had a number of these included; as stated by CBC news (2008),
Students were discouraged from speaking their first language or practising native traditions. If they
were caught, they would experience severe punishment. Native traditions can include spiritual
practice, beliefs, language, clothing and more which were all forbidden to be participated in. This
not only oppresses the child, but causes anxiety knowing that if they re caught punishment would
follow afterwards. These elements that make up the Indigenous culture were forbidden to the
children attending these schools, and in turn are replaced with western beliefs systems. Belief
systems in some cases would be Christianity since Church s ran the school at that time; ..The
Roman Catholic Church operated three fifths, the Anglican Church one quarter and the United and
Presbyterian Churches the remainder. (Miller, J.R, 2012, para 3). Its safe to assume that because
the Church ran these schools Christianity was imposed on them, and that once these
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How Did Al Capone Use Manipulation
Chief gangster Al Capone used violence, intimidation, and manipulation to shape the identities of
the citizens in Chicago IL. Capone was capable of doing what needed to be done, he wouldn t
stop for anything. Capone would use strategies such as violence to get whatever he wanted and
needed, and at the end he would always get it. Al Caponewas known for usually gunning down all
his enemies, by 1929, authorities counted about six teen gang related murders; this brand continued
until 1964, reaching a high of sixty four murders in one year during that time. Since the citizens of
Chicago knew what Capone alone was capable of made them know not to mess with him and walk
with caution, especially his enemies. Another way he... Show more content on ...
He did this took take others off his radar and save himself from many situations he found himself.
The first way Capone used manipulation was when anyone discovered his acts and his behavior
he would bribe and threaten them, even including higher ranking authorities like police men.
This was happening because everyone in Chicago knew what he was capable of and didn t want
to get on his bad side, some would even partner up with Capone to be on his good side to there s
no chance of him hurting their close ones and friends. The second way Capone manipulated
others was on the day of the St.Valentine s Massacre, Capone was the one who set it all up, yet he
stayed in his home in Florida with his girlfriend while his gang did the work. This made the
police not know at first that he was in charge and was the one behind it all until later clearance,
he would ve let his gang be in charge an take them blame if the police hadn t added it all up and
lead it to him. The final way Capone used manipulation was when he was finally put into jail
people would make accusations of how he was messing with the guards and the system to
receive treatment so his time there wasn t as bad. Since people already knew who he was most
wouldn t mess with him, so when they knew how he was able to mess with the guards in the
facility some would try and stay as far as they can from
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The Individualism Of The American Colonies
In this passage, Paine emphasizes how the unique individualism of the American colonies cannot
exist under Great Britain. While it may be a rational and more peaceful decision to remain under
Great Britain s control, the oppression of the American colonies individualism is one that goes
against common sense and is a situation that calls for a passionate revolution. The emphasis on
individualism and passionate expression of the self during the late 18th and early 19th century is
also exemplified in the musical realm through the revolutionary work of one of the most highly
influential musicians, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. At the time of Mozart s birth, the most popular
and conventional music was created in the style of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. After
the discovery of Mozart s prodigal musical genius and honing his skill through several positions of
employment, Mozart began to realize his individualism as a gifted artist. Mozart became aware of
his potential for greatness and used his gift not to conform to the style of music at the time, but to
use his music as a form of passionate self expression. Mozart would not let anything extinguish his
passion and freedom to create, even if it caused him great financial struggle throughout most of
adulthood. The musical pieces Mozart created differed from that the music of the time in the sense
that his work was highly driven by passion and emotion. Rather than focusing solely on the
structure and the elaborateness of the
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Losing Teeth Research Paper
However, there are also children who are afraid of their teeth coming out and they might think that
it is painful and really uncomfortable. In this case, it is very important for parents to know when
do kids start losing teeth as well as the important do s that a parent should do for their little totes.
Parent s to do list
As a parent, it is very important to support your child every step of the way. Mothers and fathers
alike find great pleasure when they witness the different milestones in their children s life, and one
of these many milestones is losing their baby teeth to make way for the permanent ones.
Most children are fearful at the thought of losing their baby teeth because it will not only alter their
appearance but it will also make them feel uncomfortable when eating. Thus, parents should ensure
that they have prepared their children ... Show more content on ...
Your child may become shy of going out in the public with one or two teeth missing. However, it
is important for him to develop his social skills during that particular stage to assure that he will
be able to deal with different crowds as he grow older. You can bring him to different places for fun
and exposure.
When do kids start losing teeth?
When do kids start losing teeth? The answer to this one particular question may vary from child to
another depending on how they have grown their first baby tooth as well.
Normally, most kids start to lose their primary teeth when they hit the age between kindergarten
and first grade. The average age is between 5 to seven years old. However, do not stress yourself
out if it starts to wobble at the age of 4 or has not yet fall out by the age of 8. There are some
children whose teeth start to wobble months after their 4th birthday, and there are also children who
do not lose their tooth even after they hit their 8th birthday. These are still normal, so to speak.
Generally, the younger your child is when his first teeth came in, the earlier that they will fall out
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Mixed Linear Analysis
mixed linear model (Zhang et al. 2010) implemented in the GAPIT package (Lipka et al. 2012) in
R. determines the trade off between misclassifying training examples and minimizing the norm of
the weights. Parameter controls the band of the insensitive zone that in turn affects the number of
support vectors in building the regression function. Bigger means lesser support vectors and
produces more flat estimates. III. A LGORITHM D ESCRIPTION Decision Tree (DT) is used to
build regression or classification models in the form of a tree structure. It predicts the value of a
target variable based on simple decision rules inferred from the data features. It breaks down the
dataset into smaller subsets while concurrently an associated decision... Show more content on ...
For analysis purpose, we used image data acquired on 8 July 2016 while manual measurement of
the canopy height was done on 25 July 2016. Coefficient of variation (CV) was found higher for
canopy height estimated from image when compared to canopy height from ground truth data.
We believe that the higher variation in the table (between manual and image data) is because of
the difference in the dates of manual measurement and capturing of images. Eq. 2 ∑ i∈Nm (y
i в€’ C m ) 2 Eq. 3 Random forest is a variation of Decision Tree which generates different
regression trees at training time and outputs the mean prediction of the individual trees. Support
Vector Machines are a particular type of algorithms that uses kernels and provides control on
deciding the margin or the number of support vectors. The basic goal is to map nonlinearly the
data into a high dimensional feature space and then a linear model is generated in the feature
space. The quality of estimation is measured by the insensitive loss function. High performance
accuracy of the model can be achieved by tuning C, kernel and epsilon parameters. Parameter C Fig
4: Correlation of Canopy height taken manually with canopy height extracted from Image data 5B.
Growth pattern analysis from
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The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls
Usually in society parents are to be blamed for failing to raise their children in the right way. It is
very easy for the society to criticize parents when they mistreat their child or not take care of his
/her needs and wants. It is easy for a parent to get judged in society comparing to a child because
parents are role models for children s. Even when a child has been mistreated by her/his parent, it is
easy for the child to forgive their parents. The reason behind that situation would be a parent s
unconditional love that a child sees, despite what he/she has been through. In the book The Glass
Castleby Jeannette Walls, she portraits a situation like that where the character spends her
childhood memories with her father. Even though Jeannette s father Rex Walls was an
irresponsible father and failed to protect his children, Jeannette still loved her father dearly.
During Christmas Jeannette s father Rex would give his kids stars as a present. Jeannette
describes Rex as an intelligent, loving and smart father that she admired a lot. The term father
reflected Jeannette s overall admiration for her father because her father is brave enough to face
the cold. As the author quotes, the cold never bothered him (39). In other words, Rex Walls has the
potential to make Jeannette feel special. Specifically, Jeannette describes her father in a very
simple way that explains the entry experience and structure of the story. In the book Jeannette
repeats that Dad said several
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The Life of the Famous English Painter, Sir John Everett...
Sir John Everett Millais was born on June 8, 1829 in Southampton, England to John William
Millais and Emily Marie Millais. Their family had a French background and were wealthy
people in the middle class, partly due to the fact that the mother s family were very successful
saddlers, which are people who were skilled at making saddles (Artmagick 1, Tate 1). When
Millais was little he was considered a child prodigy when it came to painting and his family
moved to London in 1838 to improve contacts with the Royal Academy (Tate 1). At the age of
nine Millais was sent to Sass s Art School, where he was awarded a silver medal at the Society of
Arts. In 1840, Millais attended the Royal Academy as their youngest student ever. At the Royal
Academy, Millais would go on to receive several medals for various paintings and drawings. He
won a silver medal in 1843 for drawing of an antique and a gold medal in 1847 for a painting he
named The Tribe of Benjamin Seizing the Daughter of Shiloh. His first exhibited work at the
Royal Academy was Pizarro Seizing the Inca of Peru in 1846, and it is now held at the Victoria
and Albert Museum in London (Tate 1). At the Royal Academy, Millais befriended William Holman
Huntand Dante Gabriel. These three artists contributed to the Cyclographic Society and later, in
1848, founded the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood, which welcomed all forms of arts and literature
(Tate 1). The forming of the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood was a reaction to what the three
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Difference Between Online Education And Traditional Education
In this modern society, education is an essential part of human life, and thanks to technology, we
are now able to receive a proper education through the internet. For centuries the only way of
receiving a formal education was attending physically to the school, but nowadays due to
technology students are able to receive a college degree without the necessity of being physically in
the school. Online educationis becoming more common, and as a result, the studentpopulation is
dividing in two different opinions on education. Some think the traditional method is better, while
others start to believe that the modern method is the best. Although both of these are similar in
numerous ways, there are advantages and disadvantages to each one. The differences and
similarities between traditional college education and online college education are pronounced and
they merit further scrutiny.
In my opinion, what distinguishes traditional education from online education is the environment
in which the student is surrounded. In traditional education every individual has the ability to
interact and socialize with his classmates, professors, and other members of the college. The
facilities provide the mindset for the student to learn, and the easily approachable teachers which
can clear any question or doubt at the instant. While in online education the student has class
discussions and chats with his classmates, all of it is through the internet, the same applies with the
professor, if
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Social Classes In America Essay
The United States is often seen by many as a country of equal opportunity. A place where social
classes do not exist. Unfortunately, thoughts such as these are wrong because the US is far
from being the only country to escape this exception. When observed closely there are signs that
each person manifests that distinctively show what social class they belong to. Although
money is the most common marker of class, education along with health related topics such as
heart disease and eating habits are strong inicators of class. Throughout time one of the most
obvious class markers has been education and it still remains so. People who belong to the
higher classes view education as a higher priority and have more access to the best school in the
country. When stuck in lower classes people must attend schools where books, computers, and
education are not found at the same level. An article in the Atantic Times mentions that Kids
who belong to lower social classes fell behind children in the upper classes by about a year or so.
Today, that gap is close to four years. For those in the upper class their kids are placed in an
abundance of classes from an early age such as foreign language, art, and many sports. Children
who are in lower classes have no way of getting a head start when compared to children in higher
classes Sarah Garland also mentions how When children have plenty of time to build social skills
and bigger vocabularies in short term reduce their chances of
... Get more on ...
Multicultural Management
Multicultural Management , like usual management, requires supervision of the company so the
thrift of the company to be kept. We know from Peter Drucker that exist five tasks so the job of the
manager can be realized. And these tasks are planning (setting objectives), organizing, integrating
(motivating and communicating), measuring performance and developing people. The same tasks
consist even on the job of a multicultural manager except the difficulties that differ from those of a
usual manager.
According to (Brett) the challenges that a multicultural manager faces are divided into four
categories :
a)Direct vs. Indirect communication
b)Trouble with accents and fluency
c)Differing attitudes toward hierarchy and authority
d) ... Show more content on ...
The following survey shows how with great determination can
According to a survey that was conducted with owners of large dairy farms in New York State,
those managers who were most successful at management tended to adopt management practices
that helped them to be effective. Some of the characteristics that were seen among the successful
managers were :
1)Successful employers work aggressively to overcome the language barrier, including learning to
speak the employee s language.
2)Successful employers work aggressively to overcome the language barrier, including learning to
speak Spanish themselves.
3)Successful employers develop an organizational culture that accepts and appreciates the
differences that individual employees bring to the workplace.
4)Successful employers make every effort to hire employees who have legally entered the State (in
which they work) and thereby avoid employee turnover due to deportation.
5)Successful employers establish employment policies and carefully communicate them so all
employees understand the expectations for proper conduct on the job and on farm property.
6)Successful employers acknowledge their employees strong family ties and desire to return home
7)Successful employers support social and recreational activities for their foreign employees that
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Should Companies Invest Into Multiple Channels For...
Should Companies Invest in Virtual Mentors?
Turbocharge your career by cultivating multiple channels for information flow
Having a mentor has always helped with professional development and career advancement, but
in today s complex workplace, one mentor won t do. To spark innovation and ideapreneurship,
employees often require relevant information on multiple areas of expertise in real time. That s
why there is a need for multiple mentors and expertise from various domains. The good news is
the rapid expansion of social media inside and outside companies has made it possible for aspiring
leaders to hone their craft from the very best experts in many domains via the internet or
Knowledge Management (KM) systems. They can become your virtual mentors.
That is the finding of a study we conducted (financially supported by The SHRM Foundation) of
HCL Technologies (HCL). The India based IT consulting organization, has over 103,696
employees distributed globally across its very own delivery centers and client sites. HCL
encourages them to use the KM and social collaboration system, internally referred to as Ask HCL,
Edna, arKMedes and MeMe, to help each other and share their expertise.
Today, you can follow and interact with experts on Twitter, blog and Q A sites such as Quora and
GitHub. In addition, organizations are investing time and money on social media tools. Knowledge
sharing networks are not brand new, of course. Communities of practice and BPs virtual networks
... Get more on ...
Hidden Figures Play Essay
Cast: Taraji Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle MonГЎe, Kevin Costner, Jim Parsons, Mahershala
Ali, Kirsten Dunst, Glen Powell.
Director: Theodore Melfi
Synopsis: Hidden Figures is an American biographical drama based on true story nonfiction book
with same title written by Margot Lee Shetterly. It is about how the black female mathematicians,
during the segregation period of American History, helped NASA(National Aeronautics and Space
Administration) to launch successful space missions despite the racist work environment.
Theodore Melfi, a young writer director along with writer Allison Schroeder, brings a great true
untold story of three unknown African Americanwomen, Katherine Goble, Mary Jackson, and
Dorothy Vaughan, to life played by some great talents along with great actors like Kevin Costner.
At the time of segregated America during the 1960s, mathematician Katherine Goble (played by
Taraji Henson) along with her two friends, works at NASA as human computer in the segregated
section of Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. ... Show more content on
The film belongs to Taraji Henson in a wonderful, captivating role of Katherine Goble played
with every nuance. Octavia Spencer and Janelle Monae too have done full justice to the roles
they played of NASA supervisor, Dorothy Vaughan and engineer, Mary Jackson. These three are
fun, fast talking and fabulously dressed in skirts giving the looks of the 60s (thanks to costume
designer Renee Ehrlich Kalfus). Kevin Costner is comfortable in the role of Al Harrison, director
of Space Task Group and plays it with ease as a tolerant white
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Grammar Translation Method And Communicative Language...
A widely used method for language learning in Bangladeshi schools isGrammar TranslationMethod
(GTM) and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). Grammar Translation Method is a very
traditional methodand I think in more or less in all medium schools it is mainly used. When we
visit two schools, teachers were also use Grammar Translation Method and Communicative
LanguageTeaching (CLT)for teaching the students. From my point of view, in our Bangladeshi
culture especially beginner level of students need appropriate use of both native language (L1) and
target language (L2) and for that reason Grammar Translation Method and Communicative
Language Teaching (CLT), both are suitable. Also in Asian part of the world the parents are very
conscious about... Show more content on ...
When the people of the western world wanted to know about the foreign languages like Greek and
Latin the grammar translation method appeared. Grammatical rule, memorization of vocabulary,
translation of the text was its focal point. In that time, the Latin language was generally based on
structure and their main objective was to understand the fundamentals of grammar and translation.
It was a hope that through the grammatical rule of the target language the student would know
more about the grammatical rules of their native language and then, it would help them to speak
and write in their native language better. So thinking about the objective of the language, the
method came to be known as classical method. At present, it is very well known as the Grammar
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Chapter 21
21 1 The lease does not meet the transfer of ownership test, the bargain purchase test, or the
economic life test [(5 years Г· 8 years) 75%]. However, it does pass the recovery of investment test.
The present value of the minimum lease payments ($31,000 X 4.16986 = $129,266) is greater than
90% of the FV of the asset (90% X $138,000 = $124,200). Therefore, Callaway should classify the
lease as a capital lease. BRIEF EXERCISE 21 2 Leased Equipment150,000 Lease Liability150,000
Lease Liability43,019 Cash43,019 BRIEF EXERCISE 21 3 Interest Expense29,530 Interest
Payable [($300,000 $53,920) X 12%]29,530 Depreciation... Show more content on
Costs | |Reduction of Lease | | | | |Interest (12%) on Liability |Liability | | |Date | | | |Lease Liability |
|1/1/12 | | | |$550,000 | |1/1/12 |$86,912 |$ 0 |$86,912 |463,088 | |1/1/13 |86,912 |55,571 |31,341
|431,747 | |1/1/14 |86,912 |51,810 |35,102 |396,645 | EXERCISE 21 4 (20 25 minutes)
Computation of annual payments Cost (fair value) of leased asset to lessor$240,000.00 Less:
Present value of salvage value (residual value in this case) $16,000 X .82645 (Present value of 1
at 10% for 2 periods)13,223.20 Amount to be recovered through lease payments$226,776.80 Two
periodic lease payments $226,776.80 Г· 1.73554*$130,666.42 *Present value of an ordinary
annuity of
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Enterprise Resource Planning ( Erp )
Enterprise resource planning (ERP): This is a business process administration programming that
permits an association to utilize an arrangement of coordinated applications to deal with the
business and computerize numerous back office capacities identified with innovation. Best of
Breed System: A best of breed framework is the best framework in its referenced corner or class.
In spite of the fact that it performs particular capacities better than an incorporated framework, this
sort of framework is constrained by its strength range. Difference between ERP and Best of Breed:
In the current innovative scene, there is no fiercer open deliberation than picking between a
venture asset arranging (ERP) application, or best of breed programming. ERP programming
frameworks give an abundance of uses in one incorporated framework. From Accounting, CRM,
Warehouse Distribution, HR and Marketing all territories of your business are open from the single
information of breed applications are utilized toward the start of any new business,
basically on the grounds that there are insufficient individuals, or technique insightful, it is the best
decision for the time. Contingent upon your business structure, best of breed is utilized to address
particular business procedures, and undoubtedly, is the best use of its particular region. Advantages
of ERP: 1. Complete perceivability into all the critical procedures, crosswise over different
branches of an association
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Importance Of Birth Registration In Nigeria
The vital registration system of birth registration in Nigeria is weak. Although birth registration is
required under Nigerian law, only about 30% of all children in Nigeria are officially registered.
Birth registration is recognized as a human right and is greatly associated with the social
determinants of health. A child who does not get registered at birth faces threats to their safety,
health and welfare.
The health workforce and information system building blocks of Nigeria s health system pose
challenges to ensuring universal birth registration. There is currently a health workforce crisis in
Nigeria and there are not enough human or financial resources to register Nigeria s large youth
population. In addition, the information system is inefficient and unnecessarily bureaucratic.
Currently, the NPC uses a paper based multi step system that is highly inefficient. There is also a
general lack of awareness of the birth registration requirement, importance and benefits in Nigeria.
The program presented in this grant proposal aims to address these bottle necks by implementing a
nationwide mobile vitals registration system in conjunction with training CHWs in rural areas to
educate community members about birth registration and forming village registries that can be
used to register births with the NPC. Mobile vital registration systems have been successfully
implemented in Uganda and Tanzania. Furthermore, birth registration rates were significantly
increased in Ghana
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Essay Smoked Salmon

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Essay Smoked Salmon

  • 1. Essay Smoked Salmon 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay Smoked Salmon Essay Smoked Salmon
  • 2. Benefits Of Using Plastic On Food Industry Veronika Kavun Professor Allen Austin SCI 2000 27 April 2016 Edible Alternatives To Single Use Plastic In Food Industry Plastic pollution has reached the all time high. According to recent research, there are already more than 5 trillion plastic pieces weighing over 250 000 tons afloat in the oceans (Eriksen et al., 2014)., a New Zealand Charity dedicated to cleaning up the island s coastlines, estimates that 72.4% of all plastic pollution in the Pacific oceans consists of single use plastics, 22.5% of which is food wrappers, containers and bottle caps ( Our Impact ). Those numbers spell out an urgency to come up with a sustainable solution that will slow down the production of plastic debris while maintaining ... Show more content on ... Biodegradable plastics, produced from food based products rather than petroleum, although very promising, still represent a very small percentage of the waste problem. Those should be broken down only in specialized composting facilities through a controlled process that still produces considerable amounts of methane (Dell, 2010). Clearly, the issue needs a completely different approach. Edible alternatives to plastic are the next logical step to solving the contamination problem. Designers of edible packaging borrowed the concept from nature. Just like apple or grape skins, those ultra thin but strong membranes are capable of holding both liquid and solid foods while being completely washable. Edible plastics can be made from vegetables, fruits or nuts with some chitosan (biopolymer) or alginate (algae extract). Once those particles are gelatinized, they create the firm but edible skin which mimics resistance of conventional plastics. This kind of packaging will still need an outer box or a bag to keep the product clean on the shelf, but the individual servings will no longer have to be ripped open and discarded. Instead, they can be dissolved in hot liquid directly or rinsed off and eaten together with the contents. Some examples of this new zero waste food industry ideas have already appeared on the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. How Did The Schlieffen Plan Devon Moore Pickle World History 16 March 2017 Two Front War and the Schlieffen Plan The Schlieffen Plan was created for a possibility of war for Germany against France and Russia. German Chief of Staff Alfred von Schlieffen made the plan in 1903 as requested by Kaiser Wilhelm II and was later revised in 1905. Since the France Russian alliance was in place Germany couldn t attack one or the other, they would have to take them on at the same time in a two front war. Wilhelm II also knew that Britain in an entente with France would be their if conflict took place putting Germany at war with three powerful states. Schlieffen came to the conclusion it would take six weeks for Russia to mobilize while it would take both Germany and France would ... Show more content on ... With this information Schlieffen came to the decision it was not necessary to defeat Great Britain and only to make sure Britain could not use its strengths, he advised Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz to build the German supply dreadnaughts or warships he believed this would ensure Germany could stand up to anything the British navy could use. Germany s navy build up did not go unnoticed and once Britain learned that Germany was stockpiling supplies for the Dreadnaughts they too began to build. Which developed into large scale and very expensive arms race between the two powers. Since the immediate defeat of France was necessary to ensure victory the task had to be executed as quick as possible. Schlieffen soon realized it would be easier to attack france at its rear rather than through the heavily fortified and shared border and with Switzerland s mountains made it practically invasion proof leaving the France Belgium border. Britain was very protective of Belgium s neutrality a factor Schlieffen ultimately ignored because He was sure Belgium would be defeated well before British troops could cross the channel and supply ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Power of Stories- Tim O Brien Power of Stories You can tell a true story if you just keep on telling it Tim O Brien Are fiction stories always based on imagination? Or does it come from someone s reality? Have you ever asked yourself why people read fiction stories? Either told through movies or books, fiction stories are ways people find to escape from their reality. However, most of the fictionstories come from people s life, or are based in a real fact in order to be credible. In some ways, the truth must be distorted to be understandable, because sometimes it can be too complex to be explained. Both Reading Lolita in Tehran, by Azar Nafisi, and How To Tell a True Story, by Tim O Brien, attempt to discover the truth even if it was exemplified by fiction,... Show more content on ... On the other hand, O Brien s passage relates the importance of fiction when telling a story. For him the truth is not specifically what is being described, but the feelings the reader has when reading it. In conclusion, both authors talk about their work through tough situations to discover truth. Nasifi uses fiction to escape her reality, and to study what is different from what she has seen, while O Brien uses a different perspective of fiction, which get the readers attention to seek what true really means. However, both aim to discover the implicit truth, behind the fiction ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Critical Analysis Paper On Nursing Critical Reflective Analysis Paper The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon my original definition of nursing metaparadigm concepts critically, and to determine if any changes in my perception towards practice have occurred. The focus of the paper is to critically analyze the transformations that have occurred in my approach to practice. The critical analysis of nursing metaparadigm concepts has resulted in the transformation of my thinking regarding a person, nursing, and environment while my perception regarding the health remains same. Firstly, I discovered the importance of the concept of development in the definition of a person. Secondly, I learned that nursing care should be flexible and should move around the person and their... Show more content on ... Health I defined health as a physical, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of a person which is vastly shaped by their environment. This definition falls under totality paradigm. This is so because, according to totality paradigm, health is defined according to societal norms. Society sets a benchmark for what health is. Hence, health can be measured as compared to the societal norm. If the person deviates from the societal norm then the person is considered unhealthy. Similarly, I mention in my definition that health is something that is maintained by the stability of different aspects of the person. The benchmark of stability is usually set by society. My definition does not fall into simultaneity paradigm because unlike my definition, simultaneity paradigm states that health is not defined by the benchmark of society rather, health is defined only by a person, and only the person knows what health means to them. Environment According to me, environment denotes a person s surrounding including their family, community, culture, beliefs, and values. Environment shapes the person s health and wellbeing as well as their own view towards the definition of being healthy. My view on the concept of environment relates to Parse s (1987) totality paradigm. Totality paradigm states that the environment is something within which the person exists. It influences the way in which the person functions. Similarly, I believe that the environment of the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Emerson, S Views Of Beliefs In Emerson And Emerson s Thoughts 1.According to Emerson, the genius idea, is the idea that an individual can speak their minds. As it states, To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in our private heart is true for all men, that is genius (Emerson 266). The individuals, who withstand from the lies and deception of society and speak their thoughts truly are the ideal concept of a genius to Emerson. 2.Emerson s opinions of envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide , display his thoughts that an individual should not be jealous of others abilities and that impersonating their abilities, will not better the individual and not create confidence in their thoughts. In other words, ...that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion... (Emerson 267). Being able to accept yourself in the truest form and being able to express yourself in every situation in life, is what makes covetous thoughts undesirable. 3.Emerson values nonconformists, for they display traits of determination and strength when it comes to the publics opinions, similar to Emerson s beliefs. To illustrate, For non conformity the world whips you with its displeasure. And therefore a man must know how to estimate a sour face (Emerson 272). A man needs be sure of his thoughts and can defend his thoughts when society disagrees. For the society is too lazy to hold their own opinions and thoughts to withstand the majority s votes. 4.Emerson uses the phrase, A foolish consistency is the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Ethical Issues for Advertising Tobacco Products Across Ethical issues for advertising tobacco products across borders. A case for Social Contract Theory Question 1: How can SCT and ISCT address the controversial nature of advertising and promoting cigarettes across international borders? Base on the case study, The Social Contract Theory (SCT) generates a workable framework for solving ethical issues: * Sets main principles relevant to the organization in question * Recommends different principles for different communities * Determines the suitable marketing practices * Allows for theory of norms and values SCT captures two different types of social contracts hypothetical and actual contracts used in living communities. It is the foundation of rules within communities with ... Show more content on ... Thus, Winfield has to concern the underage smoking to commit do not sell its products for the customers who are under 18 years old. Another example, from my own experience, when the customers purchase any beer or alcohol at the shops, club or bar, he customers have to show ID card to ensure that they are over 18 years old to buy these products. Question 3: In your opinion, does BAT pay sufficient attention to ethics when they market across national borders? From my opinion, BAT is not par sufficient attention to ethics when they market across national border, although BAT commit with the local countries to protect and follow the local community s norms through SCT. Because BAT understood the risks and bad effects of tobaccowhen people smoke cigarettes that the reason why Australia and USA are countries which have strict policies to restrict tobacco s promotion, advertisement and communication with public. BAT took advantages of loose rules in some developing Asia countries and Euro zone in terms of advertising and promoting cigarette in public to expand BAT s marketing campaigns at these communities. The general trend in Asia and Euro zone will be similar with Australia and USA, BAT should maintain the way of marketing and communication in Euro and Asia countries as Australia and USA. Besides that, BAT can diversify their business in another way not only focusing on tobacco such as medicine field as producing nicotine for analgesics ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Beginning Of Modern Day Industry The beginning of modern day industry. More than perhaps any single person of the last century, Henry Ford can take responsibility for creating the American consumer ethic and the American middle class. We can thank him or curse him for what he has done, but either way, we have to acknowledge the impact Henry Ford had on our society. When we think about it, we have to acknowledge the impact he has had on each of our individual lives. You might not know that Henry Ford did not start out as a successful producer of automobiles. After building his first car, the Quadricycle, and working to improve his basic design in the prototypes that followed. In 1899 he formed the Detroit Automobile Company, which quickly failed after only a few vehicles were produced. Henry and some of his original investors regrouped and formed the Henry Ford Company which quickly ran into problems as well. Henry Ford was dismissed by his board of directors from the company that carried his name because of his inability to bring a car to production. The company was reorganized as the Cadillac Motor Car Company under the engineering leadership of Henry Leland. In 1903 Henry Ford felt he was ready to market an automobile for the public and the Ford Motor Company was incorporated, this time with a mere $28,000 in cash put up by a new group of investors. That original $28,000 investment was spent down to less than $300 before the company s first car was sold, but from that time on the company was on its ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Physics Of Space Trip Space Trip It is the day August 27, 2055 and it is the time to do the impossible have a human on Mars. There are 4 courageous, brave, smart people that is going to Mars. The first person that is going to Mars is a Botanist named Brady Jones. After Brady there is Victor Brown, who is an astrologist. Then Sean Jennings, who is one of the best pilots to ever live. Last but not least Jasmine Taylor, the only girl of the group who was an engineer for anything that flies. This is the Mars team and they have to work together and trust each other. The group has only known each other for a couple of months training with each other and getting used to how everybody does things. There is one more day until they are sent to Mars. It will be a long, ... Show more content on ... 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!!! They were flying straight into the sky going about what feels like the speed of light! They were going so fast that it almost made Victor throw up. Once they got into space they were all so happy and glad that they made it to space. The ride to go to Mars will be 3 years, so they will have enough time to enjoy zero gravity in space. It has been two years since they have left the earth and they are all bored. It is a lot more boring in space than they thought. But then they think that they saw the most beautiful sight that they have ever seen. It was Mars. It was way redder than the pictures that they have seen in their life. They just thought about it and soaked it all in. They knew that this is what they have been working for their whole life. But then suddenly a small asteroid hit the spaceship and it shook the whole ship. They knew that this is going to be trouble. They found out that there was a small hole in the side of the space ship. But even a hole that small could still kill all of them so they needed to act quickly. Jasmine knew that out of all of them, she was the only one that can fix it. It will be very difficult to fix but Jasmine knew that she is the best for the job. Jasmine couldn t fix the small hole from the inside of the space ship. She has to go outside in space, while they are moving. This has never been done before, but Jasmine is the right for the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Definition Essay On Phobia Phobia. Three syllables, six words, one meaning. For most people saying that you have a phobia is just like saying how nervous you are for your math final. According to Google, a phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something ; when you really think about it, a phobia isn t the last minute anxiety over question four. A phobiais a fearthat pulls at your stomach for hours at a time and no matter what you do you can t get rid of it; it s sort of like your child. When a person has a phobia, they ll do anything to avoid it. Sometimes when they attempt to dodge it, they make the thing they were dodging happen. This can all lead up to therapy where the person will confront their phobia and deal with the problem like a man.... Show more content on ... You are always trapped in the world of endless suffering. There is no way out. Therapy for this phobia is almost useless because making someone think more and more about what they are afraid of can drive them to do things they normally wouldn t do. Imagine being stuck in a room with a therapist for a whole hour where they are making you think about how you will kill your kid. Obviously this wouldn t work, but hey, trust the person with the degree right? Wrong. This can make the fear worse over time. Because the patient is so scared of hurting their kid, they might lock the kid in their room and completely ignore them to keep them from being killed. Parent of the year awards are being given out as we speak. It is very scary to have this phobia and knowing that you will have to deal with it for the rest of your life. What doesn t help is when people laugh at the phobia. This is very serious, just like child abuse and cancer. You can t know what those things are and laugh about it without looking like an asshole. Same goes with this and many other fears because most people go through a lot with their fears. So next time someone decides to share their fears with you, instead of laughing you could see what you could do to help. I can promise you that making fun of the person will not help the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Summary Of The French Language In Dangerous Liaisons Dangerous Liaisons is an epistolary novel written in the 1700s detailing the events of a set of high class people and their conquests for love and revenge. One of the many characteristics of this novel that make it unique is the French language used in the novel and the way the novel is written. The language and word choices are features that are important to a deeper understanding of the novel. The language used is specific to French culture and society and therefore the language creates a different understanding of the text. The language and untranslatable words in Dangerous Liaisons help to understand the culture and society of the characters in the text for an overall better understanding of the text. This novel depicts ideas of how love was seen back in the 1700s in France. Love and marriage were not necessarily connected to each other and to truly love someone it was believed that there had to be a lot of pain and suffering involved. In this novel the main character Vicomte de Valmont and his lady counterpart the Marquise de Merteuil are seeking love and also revenge against a multitude of different characters. There are multiple love triangle type situations that happen and a lot of betrayal and hurt as well. All of the characters are high class peoples and are revered and respected socially. The novel was originally written in French in the 1700s and then later translated to English. There are English translations adapted by many different translators and each ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Hampshire Company As A Tool For Measure The Business Activity The Hampshire Company was evaluating on which cost system would best fit their needs as a tool to measure the business activity. When conducting this process, Hampshire Company took a look at traditional cost method versus activity based costing. Traditional Cost method is defined as The traditional method of costaccounting refers to the allocation of manufacturing overhead coststo the products manufactured. The traditional method (also known as the conventional method) assigns or allocates the factory s indirect costs to the items manufactured on the basis of volume such as the number of units produced, the direct labor hours, or the production machine hours. We will use machine hours in our discussion. By using only machine hours to allocate the manufacturing overhead to products, it is implying that the machine hours are the underlying cause of the factory overhead. Traditionally, that may have been reasonable or at least sufficient for the company s external financial statements. However, in recent decades the manufacturing overhead has been driven or caused by many other factors. For example, some customers are likely to demand additional manufacturing operations for their diverse products. Other customers simply want great quantities of uniform products. If a manufacturer wants to know the true cost to produce specific products for specific customers, the traditional method of cost accountingis inadequate. AccountingCoach. (n.d.). An advantage of using ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Organic Farming vs Factory Farming Essays Many consumers and farmers have discovered that living in an industrialized culture where the focus has become faster, bigger, and cheaper is not the best way to produce our food. Obsessed with productivity, the agriculture industry is reaping the negative consequences of creating an unsustainable environment for food production. Time and time again, the media captures stories regarding deadly bacterial contamination and dangerous pesticidecontamination causing illness and death in our communities. The environment is also damaged and contaminated. This devastating trend, due to irresponsible farming practices as a result of the industrialization of the food industry, has become all too common. Returning to organic farming,... Show more content on ... As the soil becomes more and more polluted with these toxins, it becomes unsustainable. Therefore, land that would have remained fertile for centuries through the commonsense farming of our ancestors, is being ruined by farming controlled by big corporations whose sole interest is in immediate short term profit (Goodall 38). Industrialized livestock farming with thousands of animals crammed into small factory spaces is responsible for numerous bacterial and viral infections such as E.coli., Avian bird flu, Mad cow disease, Salmonella, and many more. Therefore, conventional farmers use antibiotics to keep these animals alive. This over use of antibiotics is causing the creation of new, resistant strains of deadly diseases that kill people and animals. Disease is actually caused by the bad practices, shortcuts, and antibiotic resistance. This has the opposite effect of what was intended and also costs farmers millions of dollars every year instead of saving money. Unfortunately, conventional agricultureexperts recommend these monocultural farming practices in the name of quick, mass production. Current conventional farming practices are also responsible for many pollution problems that would not exist otherwise. The land where we live and grow our food, the water we drink, and the air we breathe are all being contaminated. The large amounts of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers used on our crops are poisoning the soil, air, and water. Toxic heavy metals such ... Get more on ...
  • 14. New Kitten Research Paper A new kitten can be a wonderful addition to your family, but it is an unfortunate fact that many people have never owned a kitten before. This can cause them to be unsure of what is needed to provide for these animals. By understanding the benefits of these tips, you can help ensure that your kitten grows into a well adjusted adult cat. Provide Your Kitten With A Hiding Place When Being Exposed To New Things As your kitten grows, you will have to expose them to a variety of frightening objects. Often, the vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or any other loud appliances can ca]use your kitten s stress levels to spike. Luckily, you can help mitigate this problem by always have a safe hiding spot for your kitten when you will be using these items. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Hba1c s Role In Diabetic Analysis Glycated haemoglobin is a measure of blood glucose levels over the previous 120 days and reflects the time averaged blood glucose over the preceding 1 3 months, depending on the rate of change of blood glucose levels. HbA1c, or glycosylated haemoglobin, is formed through the non enzymatic binding of circulating glucose to haemoglobin (glycation). HbA1c is measured as the ratio of glycosylated to non glycosylated haemoglobin (Sacks et al, 2002). Higher levels of glucose in the blood contribute to more binding and consequent higher levels of glycosylated haemoglobin. Glycation occurs over the entire 90 120 day life span of the red blood cell. HbA1c can consequently be interpreted as an average of the blood glucose present over the past 3 4 months. Measurement of HbA1c is accepted as a... Show more content on ... Decisions regarding treatment are often based on HbA1c. Although the American Diabetes Association 2003 does not currently recommend HbA1c measurement for the diagnosis of diabetes, studies have shown frequency distributions similar to those of fasting plasma glucose (FPG) used in diagnosing diabetes, HbA1c is a more comprehensive measure of total glycaemic exposure than FPG due to the representation of blood glucose in the postprandial state in ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Network Planning For Multi Robot3 V.Prioritized Planning For Multi Robot3 [3]. In this section, the asynchronous decentralized multi robot prioritized motion planning problem is considered. The motivation for the above problem however, there a centralized approach is the decentralized approach is more suitable for the unmanned aerial vehicles where there concerns about privacy and communication limitations. Although there is decentralized synchronous approach, but it is impractical for the real world. But the decentralized approach is fast enough but such methods are incomplete. In this section we discuss about the two algorithms first is synchronized decentralized prioritized planning (SDPP) and second is about asynchronous decentralized prioritizing planning (ADPP). In... Show more content on ... The algorithms terminates when all robots either hold a path or not able to find a path. In ADPP, in this algorithm every robot hold the paths which it should avoid. When robot receives the information it merely upgrade it avoid path list and checks if the current path is consistent. If the current path is inconsistent the robot triggers new planning. Otherwise robots remain idle. The evaluation of the proposed ADPP algorithm with comparison with previous approaches Centralized prioritized planning (CPP) and SDPP is done. The evaluated runtime characteristics of the algorithms is the wall clock run time, communication complexity (the number of broadcasted messages) and solution quality. In the evaluated problem s number of Robots varies from 30 to 100. The average wall clock run time are depicted in figure 1a. The results show that the decentralized algorithms requires less run time than the centralized algorithm. Further, the ADPP performs better than the SDPP. The required number of exchanged messages are plotted in figure1b.For communication complexity for less than 60 robots decentralized algorithms outperform the centralized algorithms. The communication complexity of the decentralized algorithms start exceeding the centralized algorithms for more than 60 robots. The figure 1c shows the average costs. The ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Programmer Basic Object Oriented Concepts How People Understand Technology There is an old story of how several blind men set out to understand what an elephant was by examining a live specimen. Each of them explored a different part of the elephant s body. One blind man, falling against the elephant s side, proclaimed that an elephant must be very much like a wall. Another, grasping the elephant s ear, decided that an elephant must closely resemble a leaf. One grabbed the elephant s tail and determined that elephants must resemble ropes. Yet another felt the elephant s leg and came away convinced that elephants are very much like trees. Still another held the elephant s trunk and exclaimed that elephants had much in common with snakes. While... Show more content on ... Even in technical arenas, this variation in terminology is common. A chemist might use the terms valance and oxidation state to identify the same concept. Object Oriented Terms and Concepts Objects Objects are the physical and conceptual things we find in the universe around us. Hardware, software, documents, human beings, and even concepts are all examples of objects. For purposes of modeling his or her company, a chief executive officer could view employees, buildings, divisions, documents, and benefits packages as objects. An automotive engineer would see tires, doors, engines, top speed, and the current fuel level as objects. Atoms, molecules, volumes, and temperatures would all be objects a chemist might consider in creating an object oriented simulation of a chemical reaction. Finally, a software engineer would consider stacks, queues, windows, and check boxes as objects. Objects are thought of as having state. The state of an object is the condition of the object, or a set of circumstances describing the object. It is not uncommon to hear people talk about the state information associated with a particular object. For example, the state of a bank account object would include the current balance, the state of a clock object would be the current time, the state of an electric light bulb would be on or off. For complex objects like a human being or an automobile, a ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Pennsylvania Colonization Throughout the second half of the 17th century, the land now known as America experienced a large increase in colonization. One of the colonies formed during the 1680s was Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania, formed in 1683 by a Quaker named William Penn, was set up as a place of religious tolerance for the persecuted Quakers and others. In the first few laws passed in the Pennsylvania legislature called colloquially the Great Law , the legislators set to preserve this tolerance by declaring that ... nor shall he or she at any time be Compelled to frequent or Maintaine any Religious Worshipp place or Ministry whatever Contrary to his or her mind . With this legislation, Pennsylvania became a place for groups such as Jews to immigrate to in order to... Show more content on ... During the crisis, the Free African Society worked with Doctor Benjamin Rush in order to help the ailing city. Despite working under the preconceived notion that African Americans were somewhat immune to Yellow Fever, the Free African Society mobilized its members to transport black and white patients to hospitals, bury the dead and help with nursing needs . During this time, the Free African Society recognized that without their resources members of their community, black and white, would die. With this in mind, the Society not only used its resources such as money to provide hospital services to the citizens of Philadelphia but also did so while not receiving complete payments for their hard work and supplies bought for coffins. In total, the Free African Society ended up running a 178 euro deficit, in 1793 money, due to not receiving full payments. This was not even to mention that risk of actually treating the patients, which could have proven to be deadly to healthcare workers. Overall, the Free African Society served its multiple purposes admirably. It provided aid to the Free Black community when it was banished from the church. In addition, the Society provided for their community while putting its own life s at risk as well as taking a monetary loss for the good of not just the Free Black community but the Philadelphia community as ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Tipping Exercises Who would not want a lean and ripped physique? A lot of people want such a physique but wanting the physique and actually acquiring one are two different things. Can you acquire it? You can develop a ripped and defined look as long as you are willing to put the right effort into the process. Here are some insights into how to do so. The way you get ripped is through a mix of weight training, diet, and exercise. Such a three pronged approach needs to complement the goals of having a lean and defined body. You do not want to perform exercises that promote a different goal since those exercises will take you down a completely different path. The current path you are interested in is becoming defined so you need exercises and strategies that promote ... Show more content on ... You won t get a ripped physique from weightlifting alone. You will need to eat the proper diet and this is achieved by cutting calories and eating healthy. The less fat you have on your frame, the more ripped you will appear. That means you will need to diet in such a way that you become quite leaner and more cut. If you are not serious about cleaning up your diet, you will not become ripped. That is a fact! And yes, you will positively need to perform a lot of cardio work. There are two reasons for this. First, when you are doing a great deal of cardio work, you will burn more calories which means of course, you will end up with a leaner and more ripped physique. There is another benefit to cardio work that some might not be completely aware of. Namely, when you are doing your cardio sessions, you are engaging all the muscles in your body and helping them to become stronger and more defined. The higher the intensity of your cardio work the greater the potential for this outcome to occur. This three pronged approach has many merits. In fact, you really would have a tough time getting a ripped physique if you did not integrate all three of these components into your workouts. Those that do put the proper effort into their workout sessions and also eat the right diet might find their goals of becoming ripped and shredded could take as little as a few ... Get more on ...
  • 20. My Name Is Primo Michele Levi Diary Entry 1 July 31, 1943 My name is Primo Michele Levi. Todays my birthday. I am 24 years old, born in Turin, Italy. I have one sibling, Anne Maria Levi. Anne Maria and I have always been very close, I was always considered small and shy, and I was a frequent target of bullying. I also thought poorly of myself aswell, I often thought others viewed me as ugly and scrawny. I had also excelled academically, always having straight A s and was the smartest student in my grade. By early teens I had liked chemistry a lot. When I was 11 I entered the Massimo d Azeglio Royal Gymnasium. In class I was the youngest, the shortest, and the smartest. I was also the only Jewish kid. When I was 13 I joined the Avanguardisti movement. I joined the ski division, and spent every Saturday during the season on the skiing above Turin. When I was 17, I failed my final exam. It was my first bad grade ever. At the end of the summer I took the exam again and passed, and in October. I got into the University of Turin to study chemistry. I spent three months taking classes, and in February, after passing my oral exam, I was chosen to do a full time chemistry class. In 1941, I graduated. Today, my family and I are fleeing to northern Italy, where we plan to join an Italian resistance group. Diary Entry 2 February 21, 1944 I haven t written in a while. I didn t plan to, but with my family and I captured I do not have much else but this journal. First, we were taken over by the Germans, who ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Attract International Students MSU recruitment date shows international students are 7% of the population and 20% of a class on the graduate level and undergraduate students are 5% of the population. To attract and retain international papulation n campus university is using different tactic and strategies. Website A website is an important tool to attract international students because 80% population depends on it to know about a university. A well developed website intrigued interest of the viewer, a user friendly website increase 30% chances of a university to be picked by the student (.....) Murray State University has a page specifically dedicated on its website for international students, and it has the ability to provide translation in five languages Chinese, ... Show more content on ... The Pathway programs information is available in the brochure of all countries. Strategies to recruit and retention of students Every university adopts some strategies for recruitment and retention of international students. Those strategies are according to university resources and programs. Students as Resources Students are a real resource of an institution and can help a university in the planning of strategic plan for recruitment of more students. All students have gone through the procedure of recruitment at a university and they know well which factors were motivational. They can tell reasons why students chose those programs and what features need to be changed. They can tell what kind of communication will work with another student from their home country because they have lived in that culture so they know more than any other person. Using the student endorsement for recruitment is words of mouth tacit which more successful practice is. Continuously taking feedback from international population helps to know what they want and what they are expecting from a program? Why do they like university? A focus group or survey once a semester will help to improve. Leadership, Campus Involvement, and Employment Involvement is very necessary for the process to make international students experience more valuable, and it is ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Spirt Controlled Temperament By Tim Lahaye Gets More In Spirt Controlled Temperament by Tim LaHaye gets more in to detail about your weakest temperament and your strongest temperament. There is twelve chapters all describing our temperaments. We all have a temperament, simple as that. We most likely get our temperament traits from our grandparents. Which is kind of scary for me, because my grandparents are crazy on both sides. But, through the grace of God our temperaments can change, and for me that is a true blessing. There are four temperamentstypes; sanguine, choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic. The sanguine are enjoying , choleric are very active and strong willed, melancholy are self sacrificing and emotional, and phlegmatic are the easy going temperaments. Each one of these... Show more content on ... When we look to Christ for help He changes us. We will not be able to tell over night, but years from now looking back you can tell when filled with the Holy Spirit. For me what I can relate to is thinking I will notice a change within a day, but as I learned that can take years. Looking back on my life I have seen how God has kept his hand on me all through life, even when I was not following Christ. Going to a military school for six months is when change accrued in my life. Of courses, I knew I was doing something different, but I did not see the change at the time. Growing up I was surrounded by negative people at home and at school. I can remember one day I got in trouble at school, so when I got back to my aunt s house, she came in the room I was in and told me right in front of my cousin, You are an embarrassment to this family. That hit me so hard, because in the office at school they called me a bully and in the hallways, I was known as a weirdo. Then at home I was thought of as an embarrassment. I felt nothing but anger and depression, telling myself, Nobody loves you. Destiny, your own family does not care about you, NOBODY does! The reason I say the military school changed me is because I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I did not see the change right then and there, but I did know God had a plan for me. While I was in the program I learned that I cannot hold on to the past and let people determine who I am. I was so lost ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Anti Semitic And Anti Zionist Movement By the late nineteenth century, the Jews, who had been in exile for almost two thousand years, found their ancestral homeland in Palestine, which was largely occupied by Arabs and governed by the Turks; this dilemma sparked many problems within the Middle East. Since the rise of the Zionist movement and the establishment of the State of Israelin May 1948, political leaders of predominately Muslim nations in the Middle Easthave made discriminatory prejudice anti Semitic statements or actions. Allowing for apportioning or deflection of blame, contradicting the stated social and theological morality of the Islamic faith, this technique has been used as a tool for political control by regimes in this region for the past century. The relationship between anti Semitic and anti Zionist views in the Middle East are shown through the nature of the governments involved in the anti Zionist movement, the relationship these nations had with the state of Israel, the effect it had on the Arabic people living within these countries and the assumptions made on Judaism and Zionism. After World War II, Britain found itself in intense conflict with the Jewish community over Jewish immigration limits, as well as continued conflict with the Arab community over limit levels, as they had to put an end to the British mandate set in Palestine. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of Jewish Holocaust survivors and refugees sought a new life far from their destroyed communities in Europe; thus ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Essay about Technology in Forster s The Machine Stops The Internet provides accuracy, productivity, and possibilities that would be devastating if suddenly missing. Because of man s resiliency, I don t think that we would experience Armageddon if the Internet stopped. I do believe our world would become larger for a while. The miles shortened by email would lengthen due to postage delivery. The nanosecond returns to a minute, and memory would be placed back in photo albums and diaries. All changes would be temporary until necessity, and personal desire would lead the way to new technology. In the end, one truth stands; with technology comes great responsibility. The Machine Stops (Forster, 1909), contrasts in two main characters approach technology y. Vashti impatient with her son, Kuno, at ... Show more content on ... Did a loss such as this stir the visions of the cinematophote? To hold a photo does not satisfy the need to communicate, to look into a glowing blue screen and see the face, and hear the voice of a friend eases the pain of distance. Finally, it may have been the need for Forster to replace a confining rule book of a traditional religion with a new rule book, The Book of the Machine. The new book still held restrictions, including what is acceptable for public touching, People never touched one another. The custom had become obsolete, owing to the Machine. (Forster 5) Restrictions are tolerable because the personal comfort knowledge of Book of the Machine provides. The book became an object of worship for Vashti as we see when we read, Thrice she kissed it, thrice inclined her head, thrice she felt the delirium of acquiescence. (Forster 3) Desire birthed passion for a utopian society. Desire to no longer be a beast of burden; spending more time pursuing comforts, less time punching a clock. If we continue to become ever more connected what will our professional lives be like in another twenty five years? Keep in mind that research from the Pew Internet American Life Project discovered that 49% say ICT s make it harder for them to disconnect from their work when they are at home and on weekends. (Madden, Mary; Jones, Sydney iii). In our 2011 society a craving to have needs met ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Analysis Of Rodney Walker s Speech On October 15, 2017, Rodney Walker gave a presentation on The Power of Perseverance: From 12 Foster Homes to Harvard University. This presentation was given at the Zlock Performing Arts Center at Bucks County Community College in Newtown, PA in front of about one hundred people ranging from high school and college students to educators. The presentation was on Rodney Walker s life story of how he grew up in a violent Southside Chicago neighborhood and lived in many foster homes, but through perseverance and mentorship, he became highly determined and strong. During the presentation I was critiquing his public speaking, but not in the context of what he was talking about, but rather about how he spoke to the audience. I found some good... Show more content on ... While speaking, Walker seems to have poor eye contact as he seemed to look down at the floor more than at his audience. In the book it states, Speakers in the United States who fail to establish eye contact are perceived as tentative or ill at ease and may be seen as insincere or dishonest (Lucas, 250). The presentation was a personal life story so it was recited from memory and no manuscript was used by Walker, so I believe that his eye contact should have been stronger. Stephen Lucas mentioned in Chapter 13 that the speaker s volume, pitch, rate, pauses, vocal variety, pronunciation, articulation, and dialect are all important in public speaking (Lucas, 243). Walker would change the volume of his speaking during certain parts of the presentation to emphasize it and take a longer pause after certain statements to make an impact on the audience. He also used changes in his pitch and had vocal variations when he was speaking about something emotional or very serious during certain parts of the presentation. Even though, Walker s presentation was very interesting and empowering, there was one thing that lessened its purpose and it was his visual aid that was very distracting while he was speaking. The visual aid was a video with audio playing in the background as Walker was speaking. This took away from Walker as a speaker because the entire audience wanted to ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Proposal For Red Bull Marketing Research Proposal Red Bull Red Bull is one of the greatest energy drink companies in the world. The iconic Blue and Silver can has become a symbol for vitality, helping people with work and play. Its catchphrase, Red Bull gives you wings! is a testament to the sort of imagery energy drinks wish to portray. The brand Red Bull came in to existence in 1984, with its first product launched in 1987, making it a pioneer in the global energy drink market. The idea came about to Mr. Dietrich Matechitz while in Thailand. He noticed managers drinking a beverage called Krating daeng prior to meetings to stay awake and focused. Upon trying the beverage, he found it to have a relieving effect on his jet lag. He went on to collaborate with the creator of the drink, Chaleo Yoovidhya, and thus developed a ... Show more content on ... In light of this, Red Bull has positioned itself as a drink for youths, and with the right promotional mix, these could lead to an increase in sales. In order to make its brand relate to the masses of a country, Red Bull will produce labels in the respective country s language. With this, a higher cost is incurred when launching the drink in different geographic areas. Nevertheless, Red Bull recognizes the importance of communicating its brand identity as this would bring about an increase in brand equity and thus, sales revenue in the future. With the advancement of social media and technological platforms, Red Bull has had to improve its communication strategies and promotional tools to be more effective and relevant. These help to advertise and promote the product, therefore providing a new way of communicating with the consumers. Promotional tools such as social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has had massive effect on the consumers, especially the youth as they can better relate to these ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Informative Essay On Keep Portland Weird Keep Portland Weird There is a well known word that people like to use when describing Portland Oregon and that is the word weird. It has become known worldwide that Portland is weird, this is the reason people even know about the existence of Oregon. Portland is the main reason Oregon is a popular place. Tourists like to come to Portland for the sole purpose that it is described as weird. Tourists are interested in the places/activities that make Portland weird. The slogan, Keep Portland Weird is seen everywhere in Portland and elsewhere, whether it be spray painted on the side of buildings, on t shirts, or on bumper stickers. Why is it that people describe Portland as weird and what makes Portland weird, is what will be explored in this paper. First of all the phrase Keep Portland Weird has an interesting history. It was derived from the phrase Keep Austin Weird which is describing Austin Texas, and was created to help support local and small businesses(Wikipedia). The Music Millennium owner Terry Currier brought the phrase to... Show more content on ... Brian Kidd, or more commonly known as The Unipiper , is all but famous in Portland and now around the world(The Unipiper). He can be found on a unicycle, wearing a kilt, and depending on his character for the day, which includes Darth Vader, Jack Sparrow, Gandalf and Super Mario, playing his flame sprouting bagpipes throughout the streets of Portland, when he isn t traveling and entertaining the rest of the world(The Unipiper). Starting out nearly ten years ago he couldn t have picked a better city to perform in(The Unipiper). Portland s citizens responded to Kidd s performance in such a positive way and were begging for more, so right around Christmas time he got a Santa Suit to go along with the festivities. Now Kidd entertains wherever he goes bringing new costumes and tricks from up his sleeve(The ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Yolanda Cruz s Impact On The Chicano Art Movement Yolanda LГіpez was born in 1942 and raised in San Diego, California. A third generation Chicana, she knew from a very young age that she wanted to make art. Over the years she s created plenty of it. Lopez has produced films, painted, done printmaking, and educated others. Yolanda struggled early, repeating 1st grade more than once due to the fact that she did not speak English. Despite these struggles, she felt a connection to art in her classrooms, and began using whatever she could get her hands on to make it. After high school, LГіpez relocated to San Francisco and attended San Francisco State University. While there, she saw many black and chicano students assert and involve themselves in politics, and was motivated to join school groups run by students. These groups focused on issues such as minority scholarships and ethnic studies programs, raising awareness and focusing on advancement and equality. She eventually left the University without graduating and moved to the Mission district, where she became involved in the Bay Area Chicano Art Movement. LГіpez says it was in the Mission that her art, politics, and personal history all came together .... Show more content on ... She was involved in a community organized health clinic, recruited for VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America; a branch of Americorps dedicated to fighting poverty), gave legal aid to residents in her area, provided social work at Bayside Settlement Housing Project, and was the court artist for the trial of Los Siete de la Raza, a group of seven young Latino men who were involved in a police altercation that ended in the death of a police officer. Her work as the court artist exemplifies her application of art to both the political and social spheres of ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Argument Paper On Gun Control Position Paper on Gun Control While Americans were contemplating gun control proposals in the wake of mass shootings at a Colorado School, another gunman massacred 50 people in a club in Orlando. This incident brought heated political exchanges between President Obama and Trump, the Republican presidential candidate. It is estimated that in 2015 alone, there were more than 351 mass shootings in the United States. This is a worrying trend that should be reversed as soon as possible. Surprisingly, the trend has divided Americans into two groups. On one extreme end, there are those Americans who believe that the government should enforce gun control. On the other end, some Americans insist that stricter gun controls will not help in the fight against killings. In this light, this paper will try to provide a detailed analysis of the gun control debate while highlighting the various points made by the proponents and opponents of the gun control. The essay posits that gun control is counterproductive. The debate on gun control revolves around how the laws to be implemented will affect the acquisition of guns by the criminals as well as law abiding citizens. Gun control proponents are of the opinion that in the absence of gun control laws, criminals will acquire guns too easily. In the same vein, if all citizens are armed, criminals will have a greater incentive to acquire guns. Hence, there will be too many guns in circulation and crime cases will increase. Contrastingly, gun ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Blacktown Water Treatment Plant Project Brief Blacktown Water Treatment Plant Project Brief Version: 1.1 Date: 8/22/2014 Copy: Uncontrolled Document Acceptance and Release Notice This is Version 1.1 of the Blacktown Water Treatment Plant Project Brief. Title: Blacktown Water Treatment Plant. Background: This treatment plant is designed to remove potentially harmful substances from waste water. It also includes safe effluent discharge and production of agro ash. This is the process diagram of the treatment plant: [pic] Process flow step 1 Preliminary treatment bar screen Removal of large objects As wastewater enters ... Show more content on ... The filters consist of finely crushed coal, about one meter in depth, and sand, half a meter in depth. This provides the final step in the treatment process. Process flow step 6 Chlorination/dechlorination Chlorine is added to the effluent to disinfect any remaining microbiological pathogens; this takes at least half an hour. The effluent is then treated with sulphur dioxide gas to remove excess chlorine, which would be harmful to the river ecosystem. The effluent is then ready for discharge into the river. Process flow step 7 Solids separation and incineration The sludge and scum, removed in step 2 of the process, are dealt with separately. The sludge is stored in a sludge holding tank where it is then pumped to the centrifuge at a controlled rate. Polymers are added to the sludge to aid in the thickening of the sludge during this process. Water is separated from the sludge by spinning in a centrifuge to form a thick, muddy substance known as cake , a process known as dewatering . The cake is then conveyed to the furnace where it is incinerated at 750 1000В°C to produce Agri Ash. The scum, however, is stored in a heated tank to thicken it prior to its transfer to the furnace,
  • 31. where it is also incinerated. Approximately 700,000 litres of sludge is treated each day to produce 47 tonnes of dewatered solids. After ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Comparing Chinese Imagery And Art The Neolithic Period, tracing back as early as 10,000 BC, where evidence of pottery making appears (Heritage East Group, 2012) as agriculture emerges. As villages and people become more settled, discrete ceramic traditions evolve that show a distinctive Chinese approach to form, decoration, and technique, leading to the identification of more than thirty Late Neolithic cultures throughout China(Heritage East Group, 2012). Chinese writing, lacquer, a substance that gives wood a polished finish and solidifies to form a hard and clear layer begins to be used in practise, with sculptures and pottery being produced. Additionally, animal themes, similar to the patterns used in bronze casting, like the use of the dragon can be seen, which ... Show more content on ... The Chinese people s progression with stone and pottery developed drastically in the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty followed the Zhou Dynasty and it was during this period that the Great Wall of China was established. The ruler Qin Shihuangdi is credited with building the Great Wall of China by uniting several preexisting defensive walls (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015). These pre existing walls were less significant clay walls built by individually established towns near to the border. Some sources state that the wall was for defensive purposes but some also say that the Great Wall speaks well for a growth in the mixed soil of peace and war. It stands for some power, an unbeatable power despite all bitter conditions, known as the Great Wall Spirit among Chinese people (Great Wall Web Site, 2015), meaning that the wall didn t just represent defence, but it was a much more beautiful and well composed symbol of peace for the Chinese people. The wall was also a landmark for the architecture of the period. The same ruler is responsible for the creation of the Terracotta Army , its construction occurred as the ruler desired a tomb guarded by an army. The army consisted of over 7,000 pottery soldiers, horses, chariots, and even weapons (TravelChinaGuide, 2015). Following the Qin was the Han Dynasty occurring 206BC AD220. Like in the previous Dynasty ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Evaluation Of A Microcontroller Based Three Phase... Career Episode 1 Introduction This career episode is the creation of my thesis during my final year in engineering. The project is called Microcontroller Based Three Phase Induction Motor Controls . This is a partial fulfillment for my bachelor s degree in Electrical Engineering at Mindanao University of Science and Technology. This project commenced on June 2011 and ended on March 2012. I was under the supervision of Engr. Reuel C. Pallugna, one of the instructors in the Electrical Engineering department. Background CE 1.1 My main objective was to create a speed and forward reverse control for an induction motor that can be programmed and can be accessed using the computer in the cheapest but efficient way. My project is composed of electrical and electronic components. The brain of the prototype comes from the program of a microcontroller. Most of the assembly of the electrical and electronic components and the creation of the program are done in the electrical laboratory. Economy is an important factor in my study. One of its advantages over the commercially available variable frequency drive (VFD) is it is more economical and can be programmed based on the user s preference without sacrificing accuracy and efficiency. CE 1.2 It took me 9 months to complete my prototype. Every month, my thesis adviser checked and tracked the progress of my project. I did the research and the creation of my prototype during weekdays and I did the technical writing of my thesis during ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Toquepala Cave Paintings This archeological study will define the symbolism of tribal hunter society in the mural paintings of the Toquepala Caves. These paintings depict the methods of hunting that early human beings utilized to trap animals as a food source. The prehistoric elements of the paintings define the use of wool brushes and red ochre paints, which define one of the earliest cave paintingdepictions of hunting rites. The Collawa tribal group created these paintings as part of a celebration of the hunting traditions that sustained the tribe. The method of corralling and controlling a herds of guanaco that provided an efficient means of gathering food without the strenuous efforts of chasing the animal. These paintings depict a mode of hunting society... Show more content on ... These cave paintings define some of the earliest human paintings that have been preserved showing the hunting behaviors of early human beings. These methods of hunting involve the collective entrapment of the animals through the chaco method of hunting, which is still practiced in modern day indigenous communities in Southern Peru. The use of red colorations for animals and the depiction of hunters partaking in these scenes reveal the intensive detail that the artist presents. The weapons and other tools, such as fencing, in these paintings define the exact nature of hunting methods that created a sustainable food source and way of life for the Collawa peoples during these ancient times. The Toquepala Cave paintings provide archeologists with some of the detailed observational methods of the artist, which provide extremely insightful awareness of hunting culture in the prehistoric world. More so, the cave murals of the Toquepala Caves define the anthropological development of art as a means of recording history in these ancient methods of drawing and painting in the region of Southern ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Summary Of Pamela Sandson s Heartbeat Braves Pamela Sanderon s Heartbeat Braves addresses discrimination against Native Americans throughout the novel. When a high ranking individual of the Office of Education at the facility that Rayanne Larson and Henry Grant intend to use for one of their projects informs them that they cannot use the cite and that they should leave the grounds immediately, Larson challenges him, asking, If we weren t Indian would you ask us to leave? (Sanderson 68). It poses an interesting question, and one that forces Sanderson s audience to reflect on how ethnicity dictates access to power. Later on in conversation, Grant asks Larson, Has anyone ever said something trance to you about being Indian? (Sanderson 119), to which Larson replies, Some people are taken aback that I don t have an Indian name. What s wrong with the name I have? No one ever says to an Italian, What s your Italian name? (Sanderson 119). Larson draws attention to a poignant disparity between the prejudices held against different heritages. In her piece, Savage Desires: The Gendered Construction of the American Indian in Popular Media , S. Elizabeth Bird discusses how, in contemporary popular culture, American Indians have become potent cultural symbols, and more specifically, Indian men and Indian women have come to fill separate and different places in the popular [Caucasian iconography (Bird 62). Sanderson, an urban Indian of the Karuk Tribe, deviates from this convention through the dialogue she inputs ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Bilbo Character Analysis In the beginning of The Hobbit, the author Tolkien introduces Bilbo Baggins as an everyday hobbit that is quite satisfied with the simpler things in life. He is completely content with staying put and indulging in the numerous snacks and bountiful meals that are served in the hobbit culture. At this point, Bilbo is not given any commands to set off on a journey of enormous proportion rather, he is more focused on being very neat and tidy. Bilbo is more focused on the most minute of details of where furniture is set in his house, and even to what time meals will be eaten, down to the very second. The quest that has been assigned to the dwarves In fact, the quest for Bilbo is not only a search for the treasure but also for the hidden aspects of his character. Looking at Bilbo in the terms of good and evil Bilbo rises to be the leading force in the fight that the good endures against the evil beings. He remains an... Show more content on ... This is very evident because in the most simple of terms Bilbo remains to be a very minimal hobbit that enjoys the most simple things in life; the difference is that now he is more wise than the majority of his peers. The adventures built him up to become the person that he is today, the very simple but influential advice given to him by Gandalf says Don t be a fool Mr. Baggins if you can help it. (231) After receiving these very wise words it hits him that simplicity is the key to success. Gandalf is credited to being Bilbo s greatest teacher and influencer, without Gandalf, Bilbo would not be the hobbit he is today. The Hobbit is a wonderful book full of lessons to be taught to us to make us better people. Author J.R.R. Tolkien encapsulates the genre of fantasy and applies real world parallels to really connect the reader with Bilbo, The Hobbit is a work of art which will stay a classic for years to ... Get more on ...
  • 37. America s Future The future of U.S. students education in math and science. The future of math and science in the United States is on a slow rise to the progression of our nation s education. Currently in today s world the United States is still falling behind other foreign countries, as stated by the PEW research center (DeSilver, Drew). The PEW research center works with expertise in the field of science, politics, economic, and foreign topics to provide the most accurate information making this site reliable. The National Center for Education states that the United States is moving at a steady speed of a one percent increase each year into developing the education of math and science (DeSilver, Drew). With a one percent increase we need to... Show more content on ... Currently the United States spends an average of 65 dollars per student per test (Ujifusa, Andrew). If we follow Finland and discontinue standardize testing we could save around one point seven billion dollars each year, also stated by Andrew Ujifusa. With saving this money we can go back to president s Obama s latest hope in hiring 10,000 STEM teachers, to help grow the United States education system and bring the U.S. from the bottom to the top ... Get more on ...
  • 38. What Are Gm s Key Stakeholders General motors is the foucus company i have chossen to represent. GMs key stakeholders are owners, employees, customers, competitors, and suppliers. General Motors has around 212,000 employees world wide, which is more then apple and Microsoft combined. customers are also big key stakeholders in GM, GM provides products that satisfy car buyers, the reason they are a big key stakeholder is becuase if GM doesnt provide good products they will lose profit. Competitors are also a big key stakeholder, because they force GM to come up with new ideas to keep customers interested in their product. Another big key stakholder is stockholders, GM has over 1,012 stockholers, so GM must put up good numbers to keep people buying their stock. Some ways GM ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Importance Of The Technicolor Process In The Animated... The animated films of the 1930s and 1940s definitely took advantage of the new Technicolor process. For Disney in particular, it was the only colour process that he felt worked for his films (Telotte 48). Especially since the idea of animated films as feature films was relatively new at the time, there was a necessity for the differentiation of Disney s films to live action films so that animated films could be taken seriously. Disney used Technicolorto do just that (Telotte 48). Another, arguably more important reason for the use of colour in the animated films was the still developing Disney illusion of life aesthetic (Telotte 48). The colours of the films were used to help portray a natural looking world, one that would be believable to the viewer despite being animation. Higgins discusses that the preferred Disney aesthetic was that artists favored pastels and saved strongly saturated hues for accents. Backgrounds were kept desaturated and cool to assure that the main characters would have chromatic prominence [...] Disney artists were adept at coordinating colorand drama, ( Order and Plenitude 299). Even though they preferred to keep it natural, the animators were able to experiment with Technicolour more than the colour directors of live action films were. As discussed by Francine Stock, ...colour in both setting and lighting could accentuate mood or character without aping reality, (83 4). An example of one of these films that Disney was able to experiment with ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Education Is The Most Important Aspect Of The Living Education is the most important aspect of the living. It is important for educators and institutions to know what it is that makes students want to pursue higher education. Knowing what motivate students to learn and obtain higher educations can be helpful when dealing with students. Educators and institutions need to find ways to effectively engage students with the support they need in order to produce successful students. What are the motivation and factors that students look at when choosing to go to university and study particular subject? Institutions need to have a good reputation and affordable cost. The reasons and factors which influence the decision for secondary students to learn higher educationcan differ. Many students make a decision according to what influence them currently instead of future value (Simonsohn, 2010). For example, if the student enjoy social life and there is a party going on the day he/she visit the university, the student may feel like he/she belong there and decide to enroll that university. The following four articles reviews attempt to demonstrate the motivation and factors influence students to enrolling in higher education . In a research article by Simoes Soares (2010), the information sources and choice factors that influenced students to attend university were addressed. The focus of this research was prospective students who enrolling in the public university, ABC University, Minho province, Portugal. The researchers used a ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Residential School Vs. Residential Schools When taking this program one of the first subject learned within the first nations course was residential schools, and how they were one of many elements to the colonization of the First Nations peoples. When in class talking about residential schools could be summed up with discussing displacement and how the Europeans would take indigenous children to schools far from their homes, cut their hair, and feed them food they weren t used to. According to Eric Hanson, Two primary objectives of the residential school system were to remove and isolate children from the influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures, and to assimilate them into the dominant culture (2009). Based off this knowledge but not limited to, the class... Show more content on ... Throughout history countries all over have gone through processes of continuous control, and dominance being held over them which we know as colonization. And through colonization cultural practices have been taken along with languages, and spiritual beliefs with the opposites of whatever those may be imposed on them. Residential schools, one of many elements of colonization when it comes to the Indigenous peoples had a number of these included; as stated by CBC news (2008), Students were discouraged from speaking their first language or practising native traditions. If they were caught, they would experience severe punishment. Native traditions can include spiritual practice, beliefs, language, clothing and more which were all forbidden to be participated in. This not only oppresses the child, but causes anxiety knowing that if they re caught punishment would follow afterwards. These elements that make up the Indigenous culture were forbidden to the children attending these schools, and in turn are replaced with western beliefs systems. Belief systems in some cases would be Christianity since Church s ran the school at that time; ..The Roman Catholic Church operated three fifths, the Anglican Church one quarter and the United and Presbyterian Churches the remainder. (Miller, J.R, 2012, para 3). Its safe to assume that because the Church ran these schools Christianity was imposed on them, and that once these ... Get more on ...
  • 42. How Did Al Capone Use Manipulation Chief gangster Al Capone used violence, intimidation, and manipulation to shape the identities of the citizens in Chicago IL. Capone was capable of doing what needed to be done, he wouldn t stop for anything. Capone would use strategies such as violence to get whatever he wanted and needed, and at the end he would always get it. Al Caponewas known for usually gunning down all his enemies, by 1929, authorities counted about six teen gang related murders; this brand continued until 1964, reaching a high of sixty four murders in one year during that time. Since the citizens of Chicago knew what Capone alone was capable of made them know not to mess with him and walk with caution, especially his enemies. Another way he... Show more content on ... He did this took take others off his radar and save himself from many situations he found himself. The first way Capone used manipulation was when anyone discovered his acts and his behavior he would bribe and threaten them, even including higher ranking authorities like police men. This was happening because everyone in Chicago knew what he was capable of and didn t want to get on his bad side, some would even partner up with Capone to be on his good side to there s no chance of him hurting their close ones and friends. The second way Capone manipulated others was on the day of the St.Valentine s Massacre, Capone was the one who set it all up, yet he stayed in his home in Florida with his girlfriend while his gang did the work. This made the police not know at first that he was in charge and was the one behind it all until later clearance, he would ve let his gang be in charge an take them blame if the police hadn t added it all up and lead it to him. The final way Capone used manipulation was when he was finally put into jail people would make accusations of how he was messing with the guards and the system to receive treatment so his time there wasn t as bad. Since people already knew who he was most wouldn t mess with him, so when they knew how he was able to mess with the guards in the facility some would try and stay as far as they can from ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Individualism Of The American Colonies In this passage, Paine emphasizes how the unique individualism of the American colonies cannot exist under Great Britain. While it may be a rational and more peaceful decision to remain under Great Britain s control, the oppression of the American colonies individualism is one that goes against common sense and is a situation that calls for a passionate revolution. The emphasis on individualism and passionate expression of the self during the late 18th and early 19th century is also exemplified in the musical realm through the revolutionary work of one of the most highly influential musicians, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. At the time of Mozart s birth, the most popular and conventional music was created in the style of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. After the discovery of Mozart s prodigal musical genius and honing his skill through several positions of employment, Mozart began to realize his individualism as a gifted artist. Mozart became aware of his potential for greatness and used his gift not to conform to the style of music at the time, but to use his music as a form of passionate self expression. Mozart would not let anything extinguish his passion and freedom to create, even if it caused him great financial struggle throughout most of adulthood. The musical pieces Mozart created differed from that the music of the time in the sense that his work was highly driven by passion and emotion. Rather than focusing solely on the structure and the elaborateness of the ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Losing Teeth Research Paper However, there are also children who are afraid of their teeth coming out and they might think that it is painful and really uncomfortable. In this case, it is very important for parents to know when do kids start losing teeth as well as the important do s that a parent should do for their little totes. Parent s to do list As a parent, it is very important to support your child every step of the way. Mothers and fathers alike find great pleasure when they witness the different milestones in their children s life, and one of these many milestones is losing their baby teeth to make way for the permanent ones. Most children are fearful at the thought of losing their baby teeth because it will not only alter their appearance but it will also make them feel uncomfortable when eating. Thus, parents should ensure that they have prepared their children ... Show more content on ... Your child may become shy of going out in the public with one or two teeth missing. However, it is important for him to develop his social skills during that particular stage to assure that he will be able to deal with different crowds as he grow older. You can bring him to different places for fun and exposure. When do kids start losing teeth? When do kids start losing teeth? The answer to this one particular question may vary from child to another depending on how they have grown their first baby tooth as well. Normally, most kids start to lose their primary teeth when they hit the age between kindergarten and first grade. The average age is between 5 to seven years old. However, do not stress yourself out if it starts to wobble at the age of 4 or has not yet fall out by the age of 8. There are some children whose teeth start to wobble months after their 4th birthday, and there are also children who do not lose their tooth even after they hit their 8th birthday. These are still normal, so to speak. Generally, the younger your child is when his first teeth came in, the earlier that they will fall out ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Mixed Linear Analysis mixed linear model (Zhang et al. 2010) implemented in the GAPIT package (Lipka et al. 2012) in R. determines the trade off between misclassifying training examples and minimizing the norm of the weights. Parameter controls the band of the insensitive zone that in turn affects the number of support vectors in building the regression function. Bigger means lesser support vectors and produces more flat estimates. III. A LGORITHM D ESCRIPTION Decision Tree (DT) is used to build regression or classification models in the form of a tree structure. It predicts the value of a target variable based on simple decision rules inferred from the data features. It breaks down the dataset into smaller subsets while concurrently an associated decision... Show more content on ... For analysis purpose, we used image data acquired on 8 July 2016 while manual measurement of the canopy height was done on 25 July 2016. Coefficient of variation (CV) was found higher for canopy height estimated from image when compared to canopy height from ground truth data. We believe that the higher variation in the table (between manual and image data) is because of the difference in the dates of manual measurement and capturing of images. Eq. 2 ∑ iв€€Nm (y i в€’ C m ) 2 Eq. 3 Random forest is a variation of Decision Tree which generates different regression trees at training time and outputs the mean prediction of the individual trees. Support Vector Machines are a particular type of algorithms that uses kernels and provides control on deciding the margin or the number of support vectors. The basic goal is to map nonlinearly the data into a high dimensional feature space and then a linear model is generated in the feature space. The quality of estimation is measured by the insensitive loss function. High performance accuracy of the model can be achieved by tuning C, kernel and epsilon parameters. Parameter C Fig 4: Correlation of Canopy height taken manually with canopy height extracted from Image data 5B. Growth pattern analysis from ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls Usually in society parents are to be blamed for failing to raise their children in the right way. It is very easy for the society to criticize parents when they mistreat their child or not take care of his /her needs and wants. It is easy for a parent to get judged in society comparing to a child because parents are role models for children s. Even when a child has been mistreated by her/his parent, it is easy for the child to forgive their parents. The reason behind that situation would be a parent s unconditional love that a child sees, despite what he/she has been through. In the book The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls, she portraits a situation like that where the character spends her childhood memories with her father. Even though Jeannette s father Rex Walls was an irresponsible father and failed to protect his children, Jeannette still loved her father dearly. During Christmas Jeannette s father Rex would give his kids stars as a present. Jeannette describes Rex as an intelligent, loving and smart father that she admired a lot. The term father reflected Jeannette s overall admiration for her father because her father is brave enough to face the cold. As the author quotes, the cold never bothered him (39). In other words, Rex Walls has the potential to make Jeannette feel special. Specifically, Jeannette describes her father in a very simple way that explains the entry experience and structure of the story. In the book Jeannette repeats that Dad said several ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Life of the Famous English Painter, Sir John Everett... Sir John Everett Millais was born on June 8, 1829 in Southampton, England to John William Millais and Emily Marie Millais. Their family had a French background and were wealthy people in the middle class, partly due to the fact that the mother s family were very successful saddlers, which are people who were skilled at making saddles (Artmagick 1, Tate 1). When Millais was little he was considered a child prodigy when it came to painting and his family moved to London in 1838 to improve contacts with the Royal Academy (Tate 1). At the age of nine Millais was sent to Sass s Art School, where he was awarded a silver medal at the Society of Arts. In 1840, Millais attended the Royal Academy as their youngest student ever. At the Royal Academy, Millais would go on to receive several medals for various paintings and drawings. He won a silver medal in 1843 for drawing of an antique and a gold medal in 1847 for a painting he named The Tribe of Benjamin Seizing the Daughter of Shiloh. His first exhibited work at the Royal Academy was Pizarro Seizing the Inca of Peru in 1846, and it is now held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London (Tate 1). At the Royal Academy, Millais befriended William Holman Huntand Dante Gabriel. These three artists contributed to the Cyclographic Society and later, in 1848, founded the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood, which welcomed all forms of arts and literature (Tate 1). The forming of the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood was a reaction to what the three ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Difference Between Online Education And Traditional Education In this modern society, education is an essential part of human life, and thanks to technology, we are now able to receive a proper education through the internet. For centuries the only way of receiving a formal education was attending physically to the school, but nowadays due to technology students are able to receive a college degree without the necessity of being physically in the school. Online educationis becoming more common, and as a result, the studentpopulation is dividing in two different opinions on education. Some think the traditional method is better, while others start to believe that the modern method is the best. Although both of these are similar in numerous ways, there are advantages and disadvantages to each one. The differences and similarities between traditional college education and online college education are pronounced and they merit further scrutiny. In my opinion, what distinguishes traditional education from online education is the environment in which the student is surrounded. In traditional education every individual has the ability to interact and socialize with his classmates, professors, and other members of the college. The facilities provide the mindset for the student to learn, and the easily approachable teachers which can clear any question or doubt at the instant. While in online education the student has class discussions and chats with his classmates, all of it is through the internet, the same applies with the professor, if ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Social Classes In America Essay The United States is often seen by many as a country of equal opportunity. A place where social classes do not exist. Unfortunately, thoughts such as these are wrong because the US is far from being the only country to escape this exception. When observed closely there are signs that each person manifests that distinctively show what social class they belong to. Although money is the most common marker of class, education along with health related topics such as heart disease and eating habits are strong inicators of class. Throughout time one of the most obvious class markers has been education and it still remains so. People who belong to the higher classes view education as a higher priority and have more access to the best school in the country. When stuck in lower classes people must attend schools where books, computers, and education are not found at the same level. An article in the Atantic Times mentions that Kids who belong to lower social classes fell behind children in the upper classes by about a year or so. Today, that gap is close to four years. For those in the upper class their kids are placed in an abundance of classes from an early age such as foreign language, art, and many sports. Children who are in lower classes have no way of getting a head start when compared to children in higher classes Sarah Garland also mentions how When children have plenty of time to build social skills and bigger vocabularies in short term reduce their chances of ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Multicultural Management Multicultural Management , like usual management, requires supervision of the company so the thrift of the company to be kept. We know from Peter Drucker that exist five tasks so the job of the manager can be realized. And these tasks are planning (setting objectives), organizing, integrating (motivating and communicating), measuring performance and developing people. The same tasks consist even on the job of a multicultural manager except the difficulties that differ from those of a usual manager. According to (Brett) the challenges that a multicultural manager faces are divided into four categories : a)Direct vs. Indirect communication b)Trouble with accents and fluency c)Differing attitudes toward hierarchy and authority d) ... Show more content on ... The following survey shows how with great determination can According to a survey that was conducted with owners of large dairy farms in New York State, those managers who were most successful at management tended to adopt management practices that helped them to be effective. Some of the characteristics that were seen among the successful managers were : 1)Successful employers work aggressively to overcome the language barrier, including learning to speak the employee s language. 2)Successful employers work aggressively to overcome the language barrier, including learning to speak Spanish themselves. 3)Successful employers develop an organizational culture that accepts and appreciates the differences that individual employees bring to the workplace. 4)Successful employers make every effort to hire employees who have legally entered the State (in which they work) and thereby avoid employee turnover due to deportation. 5)Successful employers establish employment policies and carefully communicate them so all employees understand the expectations for proper conduct on the job and on farm property. 6)Successful employers acknowledge their employees strong family ties and desire to return home periodically. 7)Successful employers support social and recreational activities for their foreign employees that ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Should Companies Invest Into Multiple Channels For... Should Companies Invest in Virtual Mentors? Turbocharge your career by cultivating multiple channels for information flow Having a mentor has always helped with professional development and career advancement, but in today s complex workplace, one mentor won t do. To spark innovation and ideapreneurship, employees often require relevant information on multiple areas of expertise in real time. That s why there is a need for multiple mentors and expertise from various domains. The good news is the rapid expansion of social media inside and outside companies has made it possible for aspiring leaders to hone their craft from the very best experts in many domains via the internet or Knowledge Management (KM) systems. They can become your virtual mentors. That is the finding of a study we conducted (financially supported by The SHRM Foundation) of HCL Technologies (HCL). The India based IT consulting organization, has over 103,696 employees distributed globally across its very own delivery centers and client sites. HCL encourages them to use the KM and social collaboration system, internally referred to as Ask HCL, Edna, arKMedes and MeMe, to help each other and share their expertise. Today, you can follow and interact with experts on Twitter, blog and Q A sites such as Quora and GitHub. In addition, organizations are investing time and money on social media tools. Knowledge sharing networks are not brand new, of course. Communities of practice and BPs virtual networks ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Hidden Figures Play Essay Cast: Taraji Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle MonГЎe, Kevin Costner, Jim Parsons, Mahershala Ali, Kirsten Dunst, Glen Powell. Director: Theodore Melfi Synopsis: Hidden Figures is an American biographical drama based on true story nonfiction book with same title written by Margot Lee Shetterly. It is about how the black female mathematicians, during the segregation period of American History, helped NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to launch successful space missions despite the racist work environment. Review: Theodore Melfi, a young writer director along with writer Allison Schroeder, brings a great true untold story of three unknown African Americanwomen, Katherine Goble, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughan, to life played by some great talents along with great actors like Kevin Costner. At the time of segregated America during the 1960s, mathematician Katherine Goble (played by Taraji Henson) along with her two friends, works at NASA as human computer in the segregated section of Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. ... Show more content on ... The film belongs to Taraji Henson in a wonderful, captivating role of Katherine Goble played with every nuance. Octavia Spencer and Janelle Monae too have done full justice to the roles they played of NASA supervisor, Dorothy Vaughan and engineer, Mary Jackson. These three are fun, fast talking and fabulously dressed in skirts giving the looks of the 60s (thanks to costume designer Renee Ehrlich Kalfus). Kevin Costner is comfortable in the role of Al Harrison, director of Space Task Group and plays it with ease as a tolerant white ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Grammar Translation Method And Communicative Language... A widely used method for language learning in Bangladeshi schools isGrammar TranslationMethod (GTM) and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). Grammar Translation Method is a very traditional methodand I think in more or less in all medium schools it is mainly used. When we visit two schools, teachers were also use Grammar Translation Method and Communicative LanguageTeaching (CLT)for teaching the students. From my point of view, in our Bangladeshi culture especially beginner level of students need appropriate use of both native language (L1) and target language (L2) and for that reason Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), both are suitable. Also in Asian part of the world the parents are very conscious about... Show more content on ... Background: When the people of the western world wanted to know about the foreign languages like Greek and Latin the grammar translation method appeared. Grammatical rule, memorization of vocabulary, translation of the text was its focal point. In that time, the Latin language was generally based on structure and their main objective was to understand the fundamentals of grammar and translation. It was a hope that through the grammatical rule of the target language the student would know more about the grammatical rules of their native language and then, it would help them to speak and write in their native language better. So thinking about the objective of the language, the method came to be known as classical method. At present, it is very well known as the Grammar Translation ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Chapter 21 CHAPTER 21 Accounting for Leases SOLUTIONS TO BRIEF EXERCISES BRIEF EXERCISE 21 1 The lease does not meet the transfer of ownership test, the bargain purchase test, or the economic life test [(5 years Г· 8 years) 75%]. However, it does pass the recovery of investment test. The present value of the minimum lease payments ($31,000 X 4.16986 = $129,266) is greater than 90% of the FV of the asset (90% X $138,000 = $124,200). Therefore, Callaway should classify the lease as a capital lease. BRIEF EXERCISE 21 2 Leased Equipment150,000 Lease Liability150,000 Lease Liability43,019 Cash43,019 BRIEF EXERCISE 21 3 Interest Expense29,530 Interest Payable [($300,000 $53,920) X 12%]29,530 Depreciation... Show more content on ... Costs | |Reduction of Lease | | | | |Interest (12%) on Liability |Liability | | |Date | | | |Lease Liability | |1/1/12 | | | |$550,000 | |1/1/12 |$86,912 |$ 0 |$86,912 |463,088 | |1/1/13 |86,912 |55,571 |31,341 |431,747 | |1/1/14 |86,912 |51,810 |35,102 |396,645 | EXERCISE 21 4 (20 25 minutes) Computation of annual payments Cost (fair value) of leased asset to lessor$240,000.00 Less: Present value of salvage value (residual value in this case) $16,000 X .82645 (Present value of 1 at 10% for 2 periods)13,223.20 Amount to be recovered through lease payments$226,776.80 Two periodic lease payments $226,776.80 Г· 1.73554*$130,666.42 *Present value of an ordinary annuity of ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Enterprise Resource Planning ( Erp ) Enterprise resource planning (ERP): This is a business process administration programming that permits an association to utilize an arrangement of coordinated applications to deal with the business and computerize numerous back office capacities identified with innovation. Best of Breed System: A best of breed framework is the best framework in its referenced corner or class. In spite of the fact that it performs particular capacities better than an incorporated framework, this sort of framework is constrained by its strength range. Difference between ERP and Best of Breed: In the current innovative scene, there is no fiercer open deliberation than picking between a venture asset arranging (ERP) application, or best of breed programming. ERP programming frameworks give an abundance of uses in one incorporated framework. From Accounting, CRM, Warehouse Distribution, HR and Marketing all territories of your business are open from the single information of breed applications are utilized toward the start of any new business, basically on the grounds that there are insufficient individuals, or technique insightful, it is the best decision for the time. Contingent upon your business structure, best of breed is utilized to address particular business procedures, and undoubtedly, is the best use of its particular region. Advantages of ERP: 1. Complete perceivability into all the critical procedures, crosswise over different branches of an association ... Get more on ...
  • 56. Importance Of Birth Registration In Nigeria The vital registration system of birth registration in Nigeria is weak. Although birth registration is required under Nigerian law, only about 30% of all children in Nigeria are officially registered. Birth registration is recognized as a human right and is greatly associated with the social determinants of health. A child who does not get registered at birth faces threats to their safety, health and welfare. The health workforce and information system building blocks of Nigeria s health system pose challenges to ensuring universal birth registration. There is currently a health workforce crisis in Nigeria and there are not enough human or financial resources to register Nigeria s large youth population. In addition, the information system is inefficient and unnecessarily bureaucratic. Currently, the NPC uses a paper based multi step system that is highly inefficient. There is also a general lack of awareness of the birth registration requirement, importance and benefits in Nigeria. The program presented in this grant proposal aims to address these bottle necks by implementing a nationwide mobile vitals registration system in conjunction with training CHWs in rural areas to educate community members about birth registration and forming village registries that can be used to register births with the NPC. Mobile vital registration systems have been successfully implemented in Uganda and Tanzania. Furthermore, birth registration rates were significantly increased in Ghana ... Get more on ...