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Essays About Goals
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays About Goals" can present several challenges. Firstly, it
requires a deep introspection into one's own aspirations and ambitions, which can be a daunting
task. Reflecting on personal goals involves confronting uncertainties, fears, and vulnerabilities,
making it emotionally taxing. Additionally, articulating these goals in a coherent and compelling
manner demands clarity of thought and effective communication skills.
Moreover, the essay should not only delineate the goals themselves but also delve into the
motivations behind them, the steps planned to achieve them, and the potential obstacles that may
be encountered along the way. This requires critical thinking and the ability to anticipate and
address counterarguments.
Furthermore, the essay should be structured in a way that engages the reader from the
introduction to the conclusion. Crafting a captivating introduction that grabs the reader's
attention, followed by a well-organized body that develops the ideas cohesively, and concluding
with a memorable summary that leaves a lasting impression, all require strategic planning and
writing prowess.
Finally, proofreading and editing are indispensable to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness
of the essay. This meticulous process demands time, patience, and attention to detail.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Essays About Goals" may seem daunting due to the
introspective nature of the topic and the complexities involved in articulating thoughts
effectively, with dedication, perseverance, and perhaps a little assistance, it is indeed achievable.
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Essays About Goals Essays About Goals
Distributed System Problem Solution Andrew Taneebaum ...
Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands PRENTICE HALL UPPER SADDLE
role of middleware in a distributed system? A: To enhance the distribution
transparency that is missing in network operating systems. In other words,
middleware aims at improving the single system view that a distributed system
should have. 2. Q: Explain what is meant by (distribution) transparency, and give
examples of different types of transparency. A: Distribution transparency is the
phenomenon by which distribution aspects in a system are hidden from users and
applications.... Show more content on ...
If the microkernel has networking capabilities, there is also no principal objection
in placing those servers on remote machines (which run the same microkernel). 13.
Q: Explain the principal operation of a page based distributed shared memory
system. A: Page based DSM makes use of the virtual memory capabilities of an
operating system. Whenever an application addresses a memory location that is
currently not mapped into the current physical memory, a page fault occurs, giving
the operating system control. The operating system can then locate the referred page,
transfer its content over the network, and map it to physical memory. At that point,
the application can continue. PROBLEM SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 1 3 14. Q:
What is the reason for developing distributed shared memory systems? What do you
see as the main problem hindering efficient implementations? A: The main reason
is that writing parallel and distributed programs based on message passing primitives
is much harder than being able to use shared memory for communication.
Efficiency of DSM systems is hindered by the fact, no matter what you do, page
transfers across the network need to take place. If pages are shared by different
processors, it is quite easy to get into a state similar to thrashing in virtual memory
systems. In the end, DSM systems can never be faster than message passing
solutions, and will generally be
Dichotomy Of Happiness Essay
a.Main Topic: The dichotomy of happiness; two different feelings and their impacts;
How to achieve happiness each type of happiness.
b.Intro Paragraph: Happiness can be best described as the end goal of life. If a person
is living a life void of happiness, they are often times seen as worse off, and most
likely are. One who lives their life in search of amassing happiness may be doing it
for their own happiness, or for the betterment of someone else; either way someone
is living in order to achieve happiness. Even from a young age people act in ways
that allot them happiness, such as a young child eating their favorite type of snack or
candy, a person taking up a hobby, or someone who consistently adds to a retirement
... Show more content on ...
c.The second type is long lasting, involves content for one s life. Maslow s hierarchy
of needs introduces the belief that in order to achieve happiness underlying
precautions must be met. This furthers the idea that a higher and more important
happiness exists than the first type. Annas also seems to understand the dichotomy
and references the idea of a higher happiness.
III.Second Argument: Happiness can be achieved. Each type of happiness requires
different actions in order to be achieved. Both types can exist at the same time, and
some actions may cause both types to occur, but a fundamental difference remains.
(They are not different types because of how they are achieved, but rather the feeling
(s) they offer. Since they are different they often times require different actions)
a.The first type of happiness can be achieved through simple actions being happy is
easily taken to be feeling happy...a kind of smiley face feeling. Annas pg. 45
b.The second type requires more moral work. If happiness, then, is activity
expressing virtue, it is reasonable for it to express the supreme virtue, which will be
the virtue of the best thing...Hence complete happiness will be its activity expressing
its proper virtue; and we have said that this activity is the activity of study. Aristotle
N.E. Book 10 pg 339.
IV.Third Argument: Once
Hyeonseo Lee Analysis
Imagine your right arm pinned under a re trapped with nowhere to
go. People are looking for you and if they find you your as good as dead. You re
bleeding and there are sharks in the water. Aron Ralston from the autobiography
Trapped, Hyeonseo Lee from My Escape from North Korea by Ted Talk, and
Bethany Hamilton from Young Surfer Girl Tells Tale of Shark Attack by ABC
News have each been in one of these deadly situations. They prove that for a person
to be a survivor one must possess courage, determination, and critical thinking.
When it comes to Hyeonseo Lee, she used her courage to not only save herself but
also her family. In Paragraph 15 in the article titled My Escape from North Korea
by Ted Talk, Lee explains how she went to great lengths to get her family to
freedom and how she put her own life at risk to save them. She knew that if she
and her family were caught by the Chinese police, they would be sent back to North
Korea and executed. Yet, she still had the courage to travel across the border of
Laos, go between the immigration office, and the police station, where she could
have been easily identified and apprehended. She could have lost everything she built
for herself, but she knew she had to protect her loved ones no matter the cost, which
is the true definition of courage. Courage can... Show more content on ...
In an interview with ABC News from the article Young Surfer Girl Tells Tale of
Shark Attack, Hamilton said, If I don t get back on my board, I ll be in a bad mood
forever. It wasn t the shark attack that would have killed her it was the thought of
losing her passion. After the shark attack and losing an arm, it just gave her another
reason to try harder. She didn t let her disability get in the way. She used her
determination to push forward and make a great outcome out of an awful situation.
Having determination can be the light in the dark, that keeps many
Is Robinson Crusoe A Admirable Character Analysis
The Character of Robinson Crusoe Narrative: Robinson Crusoe, as a young and
impulsive wanderer, defied his parents and went to sea. After a series of storms,
adventures, and investments Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked on an island by
himself for 23 years before saving and enslaving a native whom he named Friday,
after four more years they are both rescued. Division: After reading the book
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, the question was posed is Robinson Crusoe a
likable or admirable character? Some people say that Robinson Crusoe is an
admirable character while others adamantly state that he is no such thing. Proof:
In my proofs I will show three compelling reasons while Robinson Crusoe should
not be considered an admirable character. before I state those reasons I think it
would be practical to define the term admirable. According to Oxford, Admirable is defined as Arousing or deserving respect and
approval. Robinson Crusoe was faithfully fickle, constantly self centered, and
repeatedly callous to others. None of these pronounced traits of Robinson Crusoe
could be described as admirable. Moving into my first proof Robinson Crusoe
should not be considered admirable because he is fickle Fickle: Robinson Crusoe
shows his capricious temper in two major ways; his Christian faith, and his
contemplate of murdering the cannibals, Robinson Crusoe Christian faith swung
wildly between praise and thankfulness for the many times God has saved him
from storms, slavery, poverty, starvation and hostile Indians to deepest despair
crying out to God way he among all men was judged unfit to appear among the rest
of his creation (paraphrased) and at the first sign of danger, fear banished all
religious hope (pg 154) and he forgot the many miracles already provided for his
safety and health. Another instance of his capricious nature was when he stumbled
upon the remains of a cannibal feast he was provoked into a rage and set about
planning the murder of these cannibals, yet many days later his anger cooled and he
decided it was not his place to save the victims nor murder the captors instead
deciding he would only attack if they saw him and he must do so in self defense. Yet
the moment
The Article Ovulatory Cycle Effects On Tip Earnings By...
Article #2 The article Ovulatory cycle effects on tip earnings by lap dancers:
economic evidence for human estrus? by Geoffrey Miller et. al. is about a study
conducted to prove whether estrus was existing in the female body. Estrus is a
phase of increased female sexual receptivity, proceptivity, selectivity, and
attractiveness (Miller et. al.). While the estrus of a woman is believed to have
been lost or hidden during human evolution, women near the most fertile point of
their cycles, which is right before ovulation, are considered more attractive to
males. This can be subconsciously detected by males and manifests through many
things like a woman s scent, and increased facial attractiveness (Miller et. al.).
According to the authors, only four studies had previously investigated the real
world effects of human estrus outside a laboratory setting. The four studies
provided some evidence that in real world situations, men were sensitive to estrous
cues. One study included in the list was conducted in 2007 by Haselton, Mortezaie,
Pillsword, Bleske Recheck, and Frederick. In that study, 30 young women were
photographed twice, wearing an outfit of their choice, during estrus and during a
lower fertility or luteal cycle phase. Then they had 42 mixed sex raters choose
between both photos based on which photo did the person try to look more attractive.
The results showed that 60% of the women chosen were in estrus, and it confirmed
that male and female observers were
The Six Secrets Of Change
The Six Secrets of Change: What the Best leaders Do to Help Their Organizations
Survive and Thrive.
Fullan, M. (2008). San Francisco: Jossey Bass
Fullan has previously written on the topics of moral purpose, understanding change,
relationships, knowledge use and coherence in organsisations. In The Six Secrets of
Change Fullan addresses the question of social change in organisational leadership, or
more pertinently the question of What do we know about successful organisational
change under complex conditions? Fullan exemplifies organisational behaviours in
which implementation has been successful and where attempts have failed. He
provides examples of how effective and long lasting changes, which will ultimately
improve culture and efficiency, have been manifested in private and public businesses
and schools throughout the world.
Michael Fullan, OC, is the former Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education of the University of Toronto. Fullan is recognized as a worldwide
authority on educational reform. He advises policymakers and leaders around the
world in helping to achieve the moral purpose of all children learning. The Six
Secrets of Change draws on Fullan s research from educational organisations as well
as private businesses. Fullan makes it clear that he believes that a good theory
should be applicable across both private and public organisations and must be in
context. He states that the six secrets are not intended to be
Pathos in MLK Jr. s Letter from Birmingham Jail
Pathos in MLK, Jr. s Letter from Birmingham Jail In his Letter, Martin Luther King
Jr. s ability to effectively use pathos, or to appeal to the emotions of his audiences,
is evident in a variety of places. More particularly in paragraph fourteen, King
demonstrates his ability to inspire his fellow civil rights activists, invoke empathy in
the hearts of white moderates, and create compassion in the minds of the eight
clergyman to which the Letter is directed. In response to the clergyman s claim that
his use of direct action was untimely, King states, We have waited for more than 340
years for our constitutional and God given rights. As you can see, this statement is in
direct relation to the clergyman s... Show more content on ...
Why are we still moving so slowly toward independence? King is pushing the
people of the black community to act, to be involved in what will be their history
with his words of inspiration and at the same time making it clear to them that the
time to act is now. Like instruments in an orchestra being brought in one by one to a
melody that fills the ears of its listeners and drives out any other thoughts, King
then targets the white moderate population, the white voters. He tries to place this
audience into the shoes of the black people by giving vivid descriptions of the
trials they have been going through and invoke empathy in their hearts. He says:
When you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and
drown your brothers and sisters at whim . . . This statement brings up an issue
every culture has had to deal with, death. Death in the American culture is one that
is associated with loss and grief. King deftly imposes this loss on the shoulders of
his white audience making it clear to them the pain the black people have been dealt.
King then sums up this passage by turning his voice back to the clergymen he s
addressing and says, Then you will understand why we find it difficult to
Dental Admission
However, with great advantages come great disadvantages. With a specific end
goal to wind up a dentist, a student will spend no less than 7 8 years in school
following secondary school. It is not a necessity at each dental school to have a
Bachelor s degree to enter dental school, yet it is profoundly suggested and these
days schools don t commonly acknowledge understudies without one. The initial four
years require a student to earn a Bachelor s in any major but most pre dental students
choose a science major. After graduation from college, the Dental Admission Test is
required to be taken, which cost $360. Afterwards comes the interviewing and
acceptance to dental school which is typically a four year doctorate program. By the
time dental
Global market entry strategies are complex requiring...
Global market entry strategies are complex requiring consideration of many factors
(Chen Mujtaba, 2007, p. 322). Many of the complex option decisions are covered in
the following two articles. Both articles list numerous factors that influence firms
decisions for selecting foreign market entry modes. This essay will discuss the
findings of two articles and highlight how the two articles relate to one another. The
two articles were chosen from the Argosy online Library at ProQuest Central. After
careful consideration for the contents and the overall coverage of the subject matter,
the following two articles were found to be most suitable: 1) Competitive Market
Choice Strategies in Multinational Marketingand 2) The Choice of Entry... Show
more content on ...
2.Competitive posture is the second dimension. The competitive posture describes the
firm s competitive objectives as either defensive or offensive. The defensive posture
prevents competitors from making present or future inroads on its market share. The
offensive posture is where the firm seeks to grow at the competitors expense (Ayal
Zif, 2001, p. 73)
3.The third and final dimension is Territorial location of major competitive arena. To
understand this dimension, the authors divided the world markets into three regions
vis Г vis any competitor assuming that the firm s strengths are different from the
competitors .
a.The firms home market
b.Neutral territories
c.Competitors home market (Ayal Zif, 2001, p. 75)
Within these dimensions the firm has to consider two major sets of inputs to
process. They include an assessment of company resources both absolute and
relative to competition and a product/market analysis to determine whether a
strategy of concentration or diversification is indicated based on a list of ten factors
that is used to help the firm make a decision (Ayal Zif, 2001, p. 75) The ten product
/market factors are rated high or low for either the
Analysis Of A Pair Of Silk Stockings
Everyone can be a little greedy sometimes, even if people usually tend to save
money, or bargon. In a short story by Kate Chopin called A Pair of Silk Stockings,
the main character named Mrs Sommer s is given 15$, and was suppose to spend
the money on her children for clothes, but instead spended it on herself for a pair of
silkstockings. Mrs. Sommer s catches herself looking at a pair of silk stocking s
while out shopping, and is suppose to be getting clothes and such for her children.
But what really happens is she lets her temptation get the best of her, and she ends
up buying the socks for herself instead. Once she gets the socks she then wants more
and more and even go out to a fancy restaurant, some boots, and even theatre tickets.
But once she leaves the theatre, it then hit her that she has to go home to her children
in which she did not get them the things she promised them. A dominant theme that
Kate Chopin develops in the story focuses around thoughts and conditions of the
past. She shows in the story that Mrs. Sommer s has a normal daily routine, and a
boring lifestyle. The day she saw the silk stockings, she focused on only herself when
usually she always cares for her children. Throughout the short story, A Pair of Silk
Stockings, Kate Chopin uses figurative language and conflict to develop the theme of
thoughts and conditions of the past. Figurative language can emphasize the meaning
of a short story when developed correctly. Chopin develops figurative language to
show Mrs. Sommer s selfishness for the short story.
The story shows figurative language by using things like a metaphor when
describing how the main character feels. The author shows figurative language
when it says She smiled just as if she had been asked to inspect of a tiara made of
diamonds. (Chopin 438)
This quote represents the theme of thoughts and conditions of the past because
Mrs. Sommer s is a bargainer with herself and children, and never spends a lot of
money or buys expensive things. She tends to go on the cheaper side, and go to
places like thrift stores, or buys discounts. So when she sees the silk stockings, it was
a luxury for her, something special that she use to have.
Epicureanism And Euthanasia
It is with reference to the Bourgeois society of France that Bernhard Groethuysen
has pointed out that when the approach of death is bespoke, the citizen seems to
lose all assurance. He cannot look death in the face. The educated layman would
prefer not to talk about it at all. Famously W.C Fields wanted his tombstone to say I
d rather be in Philadelphia when he would pass away, preferentially honest, the grave
being the last place he wanted to be.
The illusion of immorality and the denial of death has been the corrosive acid in man
s mind since the formation of life. The Hellenistic philosopher Epicurus view that
death is not to be feared has had an enormous impact on Western thought for over two
thousand years. In his letter addressing ... Show more content on ...
Typical is the claim of Ben Bradley, who endorses the assumptions of Jeff
McMahan (1988, 33; 2002, 104), that the view that death is bad for the one who
dies seems to me to be what McMahan calls a fixed point or starting point in ethics a
conviction that would require extremely convincing arguments to overcome if it
could be overturned at all (2004, 18) Silverstein writes of Epicureanism that just as
it does deny that one s death can be an intelligible evil for oneself, so it denies that
one can have a rational prudential desire to continue living (1980, p. 409). The
worry is that if death isn t bad, then it might be irrational for someone to make the
customary efforts to avoid death. Fred Feldman tackles a premise listed by
Epicurus, If death does not lead to anything intrinsically bad for the one who is
dead, then death is not extrinsically bad for the one who is dead . Rosenbaum
seems to agree with the Epicurean viewpoint, stating death cannot be a loss since
one does not experience as such however in his book confrontations with the
reaper, Fred Feldman argues that Epicurus has shown nothing intrinsically bad
happens for the person while he is dead. He goes on to state that I think it is
correct to say that death does not lead to, or cause, any painful experiences for the
one who dies. If death deprives him of a lot of pleasure, the pleasure he would have
enjoyed if he had not died, then death might be a huge misfortune. Thomas Nagel
takes a similar stance claiming that death, if it is an evil at all, can be so only
because of what it deprives us of much like Don Marquis argument involving the
legibility of abortion. The termination of the life of the foetus deprives the baby of
its future experiences. Many critics of Nagel such as Bradley would claim that the
typical view employed is that death is only bad for those whom have been
Philosophy of Behaviorism
Philosophy of Behaviorism
Tammie Williams
Columbia College
For hundreds of years there has been a fascination on how humans behave and how
humans learn. This has been observed and studied by psychologists, educators, and
scientists by means of humans and animals and how they perform in different
environments. This fascination is known as behaviorism. This aspect of behaviorism
deals with how a humans or animals respond to a certain stimuli and how a new
behavior is then developed. This paper will address the philosophy of behaviorism,
the great contributors to behaviorism and their aspects of behavioral learning such as
classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
Philosophy of Behaviorism
The evolution of ... Show more content on ...
Psychoanalysis is a school of thought that was founded by Sigmund Freud. This
theory focuses on that behavior is influenced by the unconscious mind. Freud felt that
the human mind was made up of three elements which include the id, the ego, and the
superego. Eric Erikson, Carl Jung, and Anna Freud were also psychoanalysis
thinkers. Humanistic psychology was developed as a response to behaviorism and
psychoanalysis. Individual free will, self actualization and personal growth were
focused on by humanistic psychology. Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow were
amongst the major humanistic psychology thinkers. Gestalt psychology is based
upon that people experience things as unified wholes. This approach started in the
late 19th century in Austria and Germany. This approach was a response to molecular
approach of structuralism (Cherry, 2005). Gestalt psychologists felt things must be
looked at as a whole rather than breaking the thought down. They believed that a
whole is more than just the sum of its parts. Cognitive psychology is a school of
thought which studies the mental process including how we remember, think,
perceive, and learn. Philosophy, neuroscience, and linguistics are disciplines that are
related to this branch of psychology. The stages of cognitive development theory by
Jean Piaget were amongst the most influential theories from cognitive psychology.
Philosophy of Psychology After having an understanding of each school of thought, I
would have to agree more
Best article
os t rP
DATE: 1995 (REV D. 04/05/06)
The workforce is dedicated to the company. They re Moonies basically. That s the
way they
Edward J. Starkman, Airline Analyst, PaineWebber
Ann Rhoades, vice president of people for Southwest Airlines, was packing her
briefcase at the end of a 17 hour day. Tomorrow was an off site meeting with the top
nine executives of
Southwest Airlines. The agenda for the meeting was to review Southwest s
competitive position in light of recent actions by United and Continental, both of
whom had entered Southwest s low fare market. That day s New York Times
(September 16, 1994) had an article that characterized the situation as a ... Show more
content on ...
However, she wanted to reflect one last time on these issues to be sure she was not
missing anything. Her major concerns were whether Southwest was getting the most
in competitive advantage from its own people, and whether the competition could
imitate Southwest s successful human resource practices.
No tC op
On June 18, 1971, Southwest Airlines, headquartered at Love Field in Dallas, began
flying with three Boeing 737 aircraft serving the Texas cities of Dallas, Houston, and
San Antonio.
Southwest s competition was Texas International and Braniff, and, to a lesser extent,
Continental. Continental used every political and regulatory means to ensure that
Southwest would not get off the ground, including keeping Southwest out of the
recently built Dallas Fort
Worth airport and waging a four year legal battle that left Southwest almost bankrupt
at the time of its first flight. One outcome of the legal battle was the so called Wright
Amendment, named after James Wright, then Speaker of the U.S. House of
Representatives. The Wright Amendment prohibited any air carrier from offering
direct service into Love Field from any place beyond
Texas and the four contiguous states of Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New
Mexico. This law meant that passengers flying into Southwest s central location at
Love Field from
Rene Descartes Third Meditation
In Descartes Third Meditation he finds proof of Gods existence. The Third
Meditation isn t about God, but is mainly about us because God is innate in us.
Descartes argument that God exists clearly states that since I have the idea of God
already innate in my mind, he must be an infinite substance with objective reality. An
idea with Objective reality must be produced by something with the exact same idea
with formal reality. Therefore, the idea of Godis an infinite formal reality, and since
humans are only said to be a finite substance (mind/matter), there s no way the idea
of an infinite substance can come from a finite substance, in other words the idea of
God cannot come from an individual at all. This is because infinite substances are
Holes By Louis Sachar Essay
The novel Holes, written by Louis Sachar, demonstrates how the protagonist
Stanley Caveman Yelnats, overcame problems and filled holes in his life at Camp
Green lake which weren t there after he left the juvenile centre.. Stanley had a few
holes in his life such as not having a great physical image, having a lack of
confidence and not being strong enough. One feature which rapidly improved and
changed in Stanley s life during his course at Camp Green Lake was the aspect of
being overweight to becoming confident in his physique. Another wodge in his life
was having no friends at school. Stanley s hard work made himself fitter and better
in the physical image as well as making great friendships with group D members. ...
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He thought Derrick wouldn t stand a chance against them. Stanley started to gain
friendship with his group mates soon. One special moment where Stanley did
discover his friend relationship with someone was when he was caught with
sunflower seeds in his hole by Mr. Sir. This did start his talk with Mr. Sir about this
foundation of sunflower seeds randomly in a hole. Magnet then thought that
Stanley was his friend . This was a good start for Stanley as he at least gained a
friendship between him and Magnet. Zero and Stanley became very close friends
especially after their meeting in the desert following after they both had escaped
Camp green lake. Stanley and Zero made a deal that Stanley would teach Zero hot to
read and write while zero would help in digging holes for Stanley. This was the next
step to their good relationship. then Stanley even taught Zero how to read and
write and they both had talks about their life. Stanley s own decisions are the ones
who made him good friends with others group members such as if he had not gone
in the desert to look for zero, he might not have met Zero again in his life and most
likely would ve lost his
Analysis Of The Film Whale Riders
In the Film Whale Riders, the director Niki Caro, does an excellent job in developing
critical themes combining spiritual and religious traditions resonating with the
audience. The compelling themes demonstrated in the movie such as leadership,
change of role in women, connection to nature, traditions and change are all
eloquently presented as the plot unfolds. As a young woman myself, I can feel
empathy towards the main protagonist, Pai, as she puts maximum effort in
convincing her grandfather Koro, that she can be the families next whale rider.
As the movie begins, the tone of Pai s monologue where she describes how her
family awaits the birth of the first born boy who would become chief, moderately
sets the the mood for the rest of the film. Pai, states that there was no gladness was
she was born; this is because both her mother and brother [ who was suppose to be
the next leader] died. The theme of leadership is presented as Koro searches for a new
Maori leader. As Pai s dad, Porourangi, denies leadership due to the death of his wife,
Koro searches for leadership elsewhere; overlooking Pai s ability to do so because of
her sex. Pai displays leadership in wanting to aid her community in being the next
whale rider by attempting to attend her grandfather schooling and learning Mau raku
(stick fighting) from her uncle whom she privately learns from.
As Pai s conquest to become leader progress, she unravels the theme of role changing.
An interesting factor that I noticed
The Slavery Of Slavery And The World
Choose the sentence that uses periods, commas, and quotation marks correctly: He
also wanted to expose people to injustices in the world he sang about slavery and
how it has affected so many different people although it has been over a century
since slavery ended. He also wanted to expose people to injustices in the world. He
sang about slavery and how it has affected so many different people although it has
been over a century since slavery ended. He also wanted to expose people to
injustices in the world so he sang about slavery. And how it has affected so many
different people although it has been over a century since slavery ended. He also
wanted to expose people to injustices in the world, he sang about slavery and how it
has... Show more content on ...
I used to live at 16689, Sutton Avenue, Milpitas, California, but we have since moved
to 1895, Holland Way, Dubuque, Iowa.
1 points
Choose the sentence that uses periods, commas, and quotation marks correctly: No
the taxi driver said curtly I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes. No. The
taxi driver said curtly I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes. No, the taxi
driver said curtly, I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes. No, the taxi driver
said curtly, I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes. No , the taxi driver said
curtly, I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes .
1 points
Choose the sentence that uses periods, commas, and quotation marks correctly:
Certainly Mr. Martin said I shall explain the whole situation to him I know that he
will understand. Certainly, Mr. Martin said, I shall explain the whole situation to him.
I know that he will understand. Certainly, Mr. Martin said, I shall explain the whole
situation to him I know that he will understand. Certainly, Mr. Martin said, I shall
explain the whole situation to him, I know that he will understand. Certainly . Mr.
Martin said I shall explain the whole situation to him. I know that he will understand .
1 points
Choose the sentence that uses commas
The People Who Have Influenced Me Essay example
My grandfather ! This is the first thing coming up to my mind when being asked
about the one who is the most important to me! From time to time, the caring and
educating professionally of my beloved granddad grew me up.
If he had not given me opportunities to take his lessons, maybe I would not have
realized that what I had to do to make my life really valuable. Serving as a colonel
in military, my granddad taught me to be disciplined one of the most important
characteristics for young people. Certainly, it was not easy for me at the beginning.
I was lazy to get up early in the morning to do exercise, go to bed in the exact time
and not go out before finishing homework. My granddad did not shout at me. He ...
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I never ignored the beggars who were really in harship, which was one of the ways to
do charity. But no matter what I did, I should be a good child at first. Family is your
first school, my granddad said.
As growing older, coping with more obstacles, I really needed his advice. My
granddad talked with me like a true friend, openly and sympathetically. He told me
some stories when he was at the same age as me. So, from those I found out the
solutions for my own troubles. The best method for me, according to him, was self
study from books and anything around. I learned that confidence and optimism
were essential for life. When I failed the chemistry exam, I was much hopeless. My
granddad asked me to read a piece of the novel: THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA
(Earnest Hemmingway). After reading he asked me What have you learned from
this book? I answered him that it was impossible for the old man to fish the big fish
like that. He smiled and told me Something that the people can not reach though they
try their best, which expresses that people pine to do it but impossible. Now come
back to your state, you must know that failure is the common thing. But you will have
another choices, another options, never give up! Right! I had to move on and
continue my dream. It is my chance!
He said We are so lucky to exist on Earth. We should try
The Common Long Term Complications Of Diabetes
One of the most common long term complications of diabetes mellitus is painful
neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is estimated to affect about 60 70% of all diabetes
patients and can lead to foot ulcers, amputations, and decreased quality of life. The
most common form is chronic peripheral neuropathy which results in painand
numbness in the extremities, usually described as a burning, tingling, or steady
aching pain.1 Patients may also feel increased sensitivity to pain or experience
paresthesia, a sensation of tingling, tickling, or prickling of the skin.1 According to
current guidelines, intensive glycemic control is very important for the prevention
and reduction of peripheral neuropathyand other microvascular complications.1,2
Medications used to help relieve nerve pain include duloxetine and pregabalin
(LyricaВ®), which are both approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for
use in diabetic neuropathy. Other drug classes commonly used are antidepressants,
anticonvulsants, and opioids.3 Although there are many medications used for this
condition, pain relief is often insufficient for patients. Treatment is difficult due to the
complicated pathophysiology of pain transmission and the wide range of mechanisms
of action of drugs used to treat pain. Therefore, there is a continued need for
additional medication options for this chronic painful condition. Lacosamide is an
anticonvulsant approved for use as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy for partial
onset seizures.
Registered Nurse Career Research
What I Knew The career I am curious about is in the medical field, generally
speaking, nursing. I have chosen to become a registered nurse because of its
background, and how its characteristics require the use of creativity, problem
solving, social skills, and critical thinking. Registered nurses use various skills to
diagnose and apply certain care methods to specific patients. I know that nurses aid
patients with various illnesses, diseases, disabilities, and injuries. I love helping
people and the feeling I receive when helping people. It would also be very
motivating to learn and discover things about the human body and how to fix any
problems involving it.
What I Want to Know Before becoming a nurse, I would like to know the key
aspects of this career. Such as the salary, more of what nurses do, the schooling
required, the competitiveness, and if there are any benefits. I also want to know the
negative aspects of the career to see what I m going to be involved in and if I d still
be interested.
Findings My career research included looking over various sources such as websites
and books that all said most of the same things about nursing. Being a registered nurse
involves recording symptoms, providing support in rehabilitation, ... Show more
content on ...
I found on a website called he requirements for a registered nurse varies. But,
primarily an RN requires a diploma and an associate or bachelor s degree in
nursing. There are two programs that will get me on my way to becoming an RN.
The ADN (Associate Degree in Nursing) programs last about 2 3 years which include
courses such as: Adult and Family health, psychiatric nursing, pharmacology, etc. The
BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) programs are usually four years long, and they
focus on advanced nursing methodology and clinical training. BSN courses include
community health, leadership in nursing, healthcare, and management,
The Rise Of Women In France Essay
The Rise of Women in French Society
During the Middle Ages, French society, along with the rest of Europe, revolved
around the warrior class. In order to gain land and power nobles gave their services
in the military and lived violent lifestyles. Treatment toward women during this
period was harsh. quot;In a society of landed nobility dispersed fairly loosely across
the country in their castles and estates, the likelihood of a preponderance of the
man over the woman and thus of a more or less unconcealed male dominance, is
very great. quot; (Elias, Page 325.) Men beat their wives and typically had little
respect for them. Marriage was based not on love but on increase in influence and
wealth. ... Show more content on ...
The bourgeoisie had grown and taken power away from the warrior class of nobility.
quot;Thereby the equilibrium is slowly established which gives optimal power to
one man, the central ruler. The kings during this era created a luxurious palace court
system that brought families and nobility together in close proximity. Under the
watchful eye of society, men were less prone to physical violence and the
importance of the woman grew. quot;Social life quot; began to grow and more
importance was placed upon literature and the fine arts, skills that women had long
been schooled in. In the past, it was the women and clergy who had been taught to
read and write, as there had not been much importance for it during the days of wars
and political unrest. quot;For the master of the court, his function as knight and
military leader was still the primary one; his education too was that of a warrior
centered upon the wielding of arms. For just this reason the women surpassed him
in the sphere of peaceful society. quot; (Page 326 7.) At the end of the Middle
Ages, women became assets to their families. The battlefield for power had
changed from bloodshed to skill. A daughter who possessed great social graces
could bring a family closer to the monarchy and insure it s members a greater ranking
in court life.
Emphasis began to be placed on beauty and love, an emotion virtually void in the
warrior society. Troubadour poetry and minnesang rose, creating a
John Maynard Keynes Was An Economist Who Served As
John Maynard Keynes was an economist who served as an economic adviser for
the British delegation at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Soon after, Keynes
resigned from his position and wrote The Economic Consequences of the Peace. A
very influential work detailing the major pitfalls of the Treaty of Versailles. Keynes
discusses the economic consequences of the Treaty of Versailleson all of Europe. He
claims not to question the justifications of the treaty but rather to bring to light how
Its aims will cement the economic downfall Europe. He asserts that the treaty s
provisions were constructed through a veil of contempt and aimed to ensure the
future enfeeblement of a strong and dangerous enemy as well as to exact revenge, and
... Show more content on ...
He asserts that France was spiteful of Germanys superior economy before the war,
however, France feared that under the fourteen points Germany would surely recover
quickly, surpass France, and use those resources to war with France once again.
France s aim then, was to wreck Germanys resources and claim as many of them
for France as possible. Therefore, the purpose of the treaty was to obliterate
Germanys power, physically, and economically and build up the French economy.
Keynes then lays out the provisions specifically designed to cripple Germanys
economy and line France s pockets at the expense of not only the German people, but
Europe as a whole. According to Keynes, Germanys successful economic operations
were reliant on overseas commerce, Coal and Iron, and transportations and tariffs, all
economic systems that the treaty specifically attacked.
For example, he discusses the provision requiring Germany to cede all her rights
and titles over her oversea possessions as well as any positions or assets located in
former German areas ceded to the Allies. Keynes specifically points out that this
includes railways, private property s, and companies, however, not any debt that
these properties or companies may have accrued. These provisions not only would
result in a considerable loss of revenue and overseas relations, but also considerable
economic enterprise. In addition, to this severe loss of property and assets,
Examples Of Creed In The Chrysalids
The Limitations of Creed or Large Beliefs in Large Societies
A creed is the beliefs or religion that people follow. We follow them because their
beliefs they had are thought to be right and people grew into their society, and did
not question their beliefs because the beliefs was passed down the from
generations thinking it was right. But we shouldn t always follow creed or those
strong beliefs because the limitations it has on our growth as a person. Other
reasons why we shouldn t always follow creed. Those beliefs is because what they
believe in isn t always right, that creed created many social conventions we have
today. People struggle to find ourselves with those beliefs. David experiences this in
The Chrysalids that s why he decided to leave all the people of Waknuk and go to
Sealand. He thinks it s a great place for him to experience a new life where he can ...
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David experiences this in the novel. He is stuck between thinking what is right, the
beliefs of the Waknuk society, or what Uncle Axel and The Sealand woman are
telling him. David is going through an existential crisis, where he doesn t know
who he is anymore and what he should think of society. When we follow creed we
are like robots, we can t think for ourselves. What they think is what they made us
believe. It is like they are programmed to think and do certain things. People are
like robots programmed to do certain things and nothing else. In The Chrysalids
everything is heavily based on the true image of man and what God thinks of is
pure, but if everyone was supposed to be look a certain way everyone would look
the same. But that not the case we were all made to look different from one another
and it s our goal to find who we are going to be. That is what the Fringes people are
they are free human beings who have put no limitations upon
Perception Of No Free Will On Cheating And Lying
The influence of perception of no free will on cheating and lying in collectivist and
individualist cultures
Kelly Muldoon
Tutorial: Wednesday (1) 9am
Trends in Personality and Social Psychology PSYC30022
Due date: Friday 26th September, 2014 8am
Word count: 1725 (not including references)
The notion of people having a free will, or the ability to consciously determine ones
own actions, to regulate oneself, have control of ones mind, make choices and live
ones life through unrestricted personal prerogative, is generally accepted by people
as a given (Gray, Gray Wegner, 2007; Pronin, Kugler, 2010). People may feel as if
they are in control, but many different studies have questioned one s ability to muster
... Show more content on ...
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG)
studies have shown that people s brains exhibit activity up to seven seconds prior to
a conscious decision being made to act, implying that the forces causing the action
are entirely unconscious (Soon, Brass, Heinz Haynes, 2008; Lisbet, B. 1985). It is
asserted that, at the most, people act as interpreters, who provide post factum
rationale for whatever it was the brain had them think, feel or do (Gazzanigna, 2011).
When people comprehend their own lack of free will, they are more likely to be
violent, lie, cheat and steal (Baumeister, Masicampo DeWall, 2009; Vohs Schooler,
2008) as well as exhibit greater prejudice (Zhao, Liu, Zhang, Shi, Huang, 2014).
Further, preconscious motor processes exhibit changes, with readiness potentials
reduced in people induced with a disbelief in free will (Rigoni, KГјhn, Sartori, Brass,
2011). Conversely, when people are told but you are free (Gueguen Pascual, 2000),
they are significantly more likely to give donations and comply with other requests of
them, submitting even more, when the term is said twice (Gueguen, et. al., 2013).
However, when this same technique is used amongst different cultures, it was found
that the collectivist cultures of Russia and China did not respond in the same way as
the individualist cultures of France and Romania (Pascual, et al., 2012). It
To Kill A Mockingbird Social Justice
To Kill a Mockingbird essay Halen Baltus
When I hear the words social justice, I think of justice over a certain amount of
society. The real meaning of social justice is Justice in terms of the distribution of
wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. Social justice fits in with To
Kill A Mockingbird because Atticus is defending Tom Robinson in front of many
people and a judge. This goes with social justice because a white man is helping a
black man even though he feels they will not win. It states in Central America
Turmoil my be Cause of Child Migrant Surge that President Obama is responsible for
this (Johnson). To me this fits social justicebecause they are blaming a black man
for bad things that are happening when they secretly know it isn t just his fault. The
line from the newsela article also has prejudice in it because it is making Obama feel
negative towards his color and other people. ... Show more content on
We overcome them by thinking positive thoughts and helping others stay positive.
In To Kill A Mockingbird, it states, nigger lover is just one of those terms that don t
mean anything like snot nose. It s hard to explain ignorant, trashy people use it
when they think somebody s favoring Negroes over and above themselves. It s
slipped into usage with some people like ourselves, when they want a common,
ugly term to label somebody (Lee 144). This has to do with prejudice because Scout
is speaking her opinion about nigger lover. Her opinion may not fit other people s
perspectives, but she has the power to say what she wants, which isn t fair to other
Briefly outline and describe the essential elements of a solution based, short term
pastoral counseling strategy such as its goal orientation; brief (i.e., number of
sessions) and time limited (i.e., length of each session) nature; basic tenets and
guiding assumptions (briefly explain each tenet and assumption), essential
interpersonal skills, and possible behavioral positions (i.e., attending, blaming,
The goal orientation for the short term pastoral counseling should be to get the
counselee to focus on their own goals that they have for themselves, and not so much
what others or the counselor has for them. The class presentation, Overview of a
Solution Based, Short Term Strategy, presents that you should limit the counseling...
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The solution focused counselor wants to describe the goal as something the
counselee can get on track with upon leaving the initial interview. (Kollar, 2011, p.
131) The chief aim is to get a picture of who the counselee wants to be once the
issue they are dealing with has been dealt with. It should be a picture that glorifies
God and has substance. The counselor s role during this phase is that of a
collaborator with the counselee, as they work together in gaining a better
understanding of what the counselee has as their goals. A guiding assumption
through this phase is the God is already starting to heal the counselee and is already
working a higher purpose through them.
Phase 3 Developing the Action Plan
The main purpose in this phase is to assist the counselee in creating an plan of action
to start enacting in their life. The goal of the phase should be to put together a
realistic plan that they can the counselee can start carrying out immediately. Wisdom
does not necessarily consist of knowing what to do in an ultimate sense, but in
knowing what to do next. (Kollar, 2011, p. 127) It should not be a plan for the distant
future. It s one that should promote strong emotional/ mental health, allow for a
closer walk with Christ, and assist in the building up of relationships around the
counselee. The plan should also be one that the counselee will be able to keep rolling
with well after the counseling sessions have ended.
The Keystone Xl ( Kxl ) Pipeline
In the October of 2015, oil prices have dropped to their lowest since 2008 and
Canada has lost over 35,000 jobs, and the value of the loonie has dropped to a mere
77 cents compared to the U.S. Dollar. As Canada desperately clings onto the failing
economy, it turns its attention to The Keystone Pipelines. The Keystone XL (KXL)
pipeline was an idea proposed in 2008 by the TransCanada energy company, to
deliver 830,000 barrels of oil each day beginning in Hardisty, Alberta, and extending
south to Steele City, Nebraska. TransCanada claims to bring more jobs, energy
security, and benefit to the Canadian and American economy. Yet, President Obama
denied the proposal in 2015. Although it was a huge disappointment to Canada, the
decision to deny permission for further construction of the pipeline was the right one.
The future of Canada s economy should not rely on the Keystone XL pipeline,
because the devastating environmental risks, the instability of the oil industry, and
Canada s ability to expand other industries.
The main reason President Obama rejected the proposal of Keystone XL was due to
environment concerns. As quoted from Salon News President Obama s decision to
deny permission for construction of the Keystone Pipeline may turn out to be a
momentous event in the history of our efforts to protect our planet from
environmental disaster. The construction and use of Keystone XL will greatly risk
the environment, and because of this, it should not be built, and Canada
Tft2 Task 1
The current new user security policy for Heart Healthy Insurance states the following:
New users are assigned access based on the content of an access request. The
submitter must sign the request and indicate which systems the new user will need
access to and what level of access will be needed. A manager s approval is required to
grant administrator level access.
The following changes are based upon the PCI DSS Compliace:
1.Usage policies must be developed for critical technologies and defined for proper
use of these technologies (PCI DSS 12.3).
With this first policy an organization with prohibit or allow the usage of equipment
and/or accounts depending on the individual s permitted access.
2.Explicit approval by authorized ... Show more content on ...
Guide to Enterprise Password Management National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800 118. Retrieved from:
/publications/drafts/800 118/draft sp800 118.pdf
PCI Security Standards Council. (2013). Payment Card Industry Data Security
Analyzing The Paintings In Timothy Brook Vermeer s Hat
In the book by Timothy Brook, Vermeer s Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the
Dawn of the Global World, the author analysis several paintings of the Dutch painter,
Johannes Vermeer. In these several paintings, Vermeer, beautifully depicts scenes
from daily life. His paintings are from the Dutch Golden Age and are incredibly
realistic and the way he shows light and color are strikingly gorgeous. Although
Vermeer s paintingskills are developed the subject of his paintings illustrate quite
simple subjects, showing middle class daily life and tasks. However, Brooks takes
readers past the beautiful colors we see on the surface and digs a little deeper into
each one, going in and unraveling the scene to analysis things like globalization and
world trade in the 1600s. Beginning with Vermeer s painting called View of Delft,
done in 1661, this painting done in oil paints shows a landscape scene from a port.
The painting takes place in Vermeer s hometown of Delft in the Netherlands and
depicts a scene from his daily life. One of the first things that the author points out
about... Show more content on ...
Similarly to the previous painting, Brooks points out another foreign object in the
picture. A pile of fruit in the foreground of the painting is held by a bowl from
China. The blue and white dish would have been porcelain, and became a popular
decoration in Europe to have. Brook also makes an interesting point that the letter
that the woman is reading in the painting could be from her husband who is
traveling for trade, possibly to bring home more Chinese porcelain to her. This part
of globalization is interesting because it shows how people were fascinated by
foreign objects, and to possess them became something that was special and a unique
object to own. It could also show that you had money or traveled, having foreign
objects in your
AP European History Chapter Breakdown
AP European History Chapter Breakdown:
Chapter 10
Main overview:
Even though the late middles ages saw unprecedented chaos, it was now becoming a
time of creative fragmentation and rebirth of the view of human creativity and
individuality. In addition Europe was recovering from the demographic and political
crisis that it faced. There was also a unprecedented scholarly renaissance. Especially
in educational and cultural reforms. Also, social engineering and political planning
also began as centralized new governments put long range economic policies into
Five main points:
The politics, culture, and art of the Italian Renaissance.
Political struggle and foreign intervention in Italy.
The powerful new monarchies of northern Europe.
The thought and culture of the ... Show more content on ...
Despot When the ruler of a governing body has absolute control over a country.
Cosimo De Medici First of the political Medici dynasty
Humanism The scholarly study of the latin and greek classics, both for its own sake
and in the hope of reviving respected ancient norms and values
Francesco Petrarch Father of Humanism
Dante Alighieri A major italian poet of the late Middle Ages
Giovanni Boccaccio Italian writer and renaissance humanist
Florentine Academy 15th century discussion group
Civic Humanism The belief that education should promote individual virtue and
public service.
Chiaroscuro The use of shading to enhance naturalness in paintings and drawings.
Leonardo da Vinci One of the greatest italian painters of the renaissance
Michelangelo Italian sculptor and painter
Borgia Family The most infamous family of the renaissance
Pope Julius 2 A strong adversary to the Borgias.
Niccolo Machiavelli Italian historian
The Prince A 16th century political treatise written by Niccolo Machiavelli
Northern Renaissance The renaissance that occurred in Europe north of the
Ignorance In Flowers For Algernon By Charlie Gordon
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure. Mark
Twain. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. People on occasion, are happier being ignorant.
In the novel Flowers For Algernon, the main character Charlie Gordon, seems happier
being dumb or ignorant. However, people disagree with the fact that ignorancecan
sometimes be better and stand with the opinion that knowledgeis always beneficial. In
reality, ignorance can sometimes be helpful to people.
In actuality, ignorance is quite advantageous. For example, little kids believe Santa
Claus is real and are ignorant to the fact that their parents are buying them presents,
until their parents tell them. Another example includes kids in other countries.
Take for example kids in South Africa. Kids in South Africa will most likely never
have an Iphone 7, fancy expensive clothes, or have even basic privileges, such as
going to school or having a hot shower. Although these kids will never experience
experiences that kids in America have, they are still content with what they have,
because they are ignorant to the fact that superior conditions exist. An additional
example is Frederick Douglass, an American slave. He learned to read, write and
spell and envied his fellow slaves for their ignorance, after learning his tragic fate
about being ... Show more content on ...
Ignorance can be effective in the long run. For example, a parent who is quite
strict and does not know their child goes out and disobeys them is considered
ignorance being bliss. Another example is someone who is deeply afraid of
clowns in a horror movie not knowing a clown is standing outside their window is
also ignorance being blissful. A final example is a dog that loves the park and is
told that he is going to the park (but is ignorant to the fact he is going to the vet),
might be blissful. All of these examples are proof that not having knowledge, can be
Brief History Of Mahindra
A Brief History
Mahindra Mahindra was established as a steel dealing firm in 1945 in Ludhiana as
Mahindra Mohammed by brothers K.C. Mahindra and J.C Mahindra and Malik
Ghulam Mohammed. After India achieved freedom and Pakistan was formed,
Mohammed settled to Pakistan. The company altered its name to Mahindra Mahindra
in 1948. It in due course saw a business chance in intensifying into manufacturing and
selling larger MUVs, starting with the assemblage under the license of the Willys Jeep
in India. Soon established as the Jeep manufacturers of India, the company later
started manufacturing Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) and agricultural Tractors.
Today, Mahindra Mahindra is a dominant player in the utility vehicle manufacturing
and classifying sectors in the Indian automobile industry with its leading Mahindra
XUV 500 and uses India s growing global market presence in both the automotive and
farming industries to thrust its products in other countries.
Over the past few years, the company has taken interest in new industries and in
foreign markets. They entered the ... Show more content on ...
It is one of the major vehicle manufacturers by production in India and the leading
manufacturer of tractors in the world. It is a part of Mahindra group, an Indian
multinational. It was ranked 21st on a list of top companies in India by Fortune India
500 in 2011. Its major challengers in the Indian market include Tata Motors, Maruti,
Ashok Leyland and others. Mahindra Mahindra, patented on its produces usually as
Mahindra , produces Suvs and Saloon cars, pickups, commercial vehicles, and two
wheeled motorcycles and tractors. It owns assemblage plants in India, Mainland
China (PRC), the United Kingdom, and has three assembly plants in the United
States. Mahindra maintains business relations with foreign companies like Renault
Symptoms And Treatment Of Epilepsy
There are many chronic conditions that can affect people today with one such
condition being epilepsy. This disease does not only affect a person physiologically
but also affects how they interact with others, perform activities of daily living and
the basic needs of a person, such as, driving or maintaining a job. The overall affects
of this tragic and chronic disease is it can negatively affect a person s confidence and
therefore affect their basic life choices. Within this paper there will be a discussion of
several components of this disease and its subsequent manifestations within the
affected person, current treatment modalities and the psychological components that
can be overwhelming to the afflicted person.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the nervous system and may also be
referred to as seizure disorder. A person may be diagnosed with epilepsy or seizure
disorder after having two or more seizures with no related medical condition
(, 2014). According to Dr. Dimitri P. Agamanolis, seizures arise from a
neurotransmitter dysfunction causing interference between the electrical activity and
the brain. Approximately 25% of seizures are a result of genetic inherited
abnormalities. Another 25% of documented seizures arise from structural lesions
including; brain tumors, brain trauma, infections and perinatal brain lesions. All of
these presentations stem from environmental influences and not congenital in nature.
Analysis Of 71 Shot, 12 Killed At Aurora Movie Theater
The articles A Quiet Man who Authorities say Harbored a Deadly Plan and 71
Shot, 12 Killed at Aurora Movie Theatre accomplish the goal of having short
paragraphs and strong verbs. However they fail to accomplish short sentences for
example, in the article 71 Shot, 12 Killed at Aurora Movie Theatre the first
paragraph is only one sentence that has a total of 45 words. This is all one
sentence, and one paragraph. The articles do not stay concise however because the
information is repeated over and over again multiple times throughout the article.
The two articles do remain objective however. The stories are filled with facts and
no opinions as well as no biased words or phrases. The articles stay on topic of
informing the reader about the events of the night and give quotes from both victims,
old family friends of the perpetrator, and family members to the perpetrator.... Show
more content on ...
In the first article, 71 Shot, 12 Killed at Aurora Movie Theatre, the article is
centered more to informing the public of the immediate events and what is
currently going on at the Aurora Movie Theatre. The article still does not have all
the information and missing key parts of the story. In the second article A Quiet
Man who Authorities say Harbored a Deadly Plan the article is centered more
towards the events that took place at the home of James Holmes and includes more
accurate information of what took place on July 20, 2012. Instead of focusing on
the victims and using quotes from victims like what the author does in 71 Shot, 12
Killed at Aurora Movie Theatre, this article focuses on quotes from family members
of James Holmes as well as old neighbors and high school
Crimianl Justice
Provide an example of the exclusionary rule.
A right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures is declared by the Fourth
Amendment, but how one is to translate the guarantee into concrete terms is not
specified. Several possible methods of enforcement have been suggested over time;
however, the Supreme Court has settled, not without dissent, on only one as an
effective means to make real the right.
An example would be if a police officer stops a driver for speeding, and in the
course of issuing the citation they discover cocaine in the glove compartment of the
car. If the defendant did not consent to the search, and if the police did not have
probable cause to believe illegal drugs could be found in the glove compartment, ...
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In a sense the term exclusionary rule is misleading, because there are many
exclusionary rules. Some, such as the rule against hearsay, exclude evidence because
it is not very reliable. Others, such as a rule prohibiting a witness from testifying if
the calling party did not disclose the witness before trial, are sanctions for the failure
to comply with a nonconstitutional rule.
How does the exclusionary rule apply to criminal procedure within the criminal
justice system?
The rule applies because the evidence obtained by the government in violation of a
defendant s constitutional rights can t be used against him or her. By filing a motion
to suppress before the trial asking the judge to rule the evidence as inadmissible, a
defendant may prevent the prosecution from using illegally obtained evidence. The
exclusionary rule usually applies to suppression of physical evidence (for example, a
murder weapon, stolen property, or illegal drugs) that the police seize in violation of a
defendant s Fourth Amendment right not to be subjected to unreasonable search and
The Exclusionary Rule has an interesting history in the United States legal system.
It is a principle that is based on federal Constitutional Law that states evidence that
is seized illegally by law enforcement officers in violation of a suspect s right to be
free from unreasonable searches and seizures cannot be used against that suspect in
any form of criminal
Poverty In Grand Forks
Out on the streets, sleeping on park benches, begging people for money or food:
this is probably pretty close to the image that comes to mind when you hear the
word poverty . These things aren t usually seen around Grand Forks so people
assume that there isn t any sort of poverty issue around here. Would it surprise you to
know that 21.8 percent of residents in Grand Forks County lived in povertyin 2014?
That s more than seven percent more than the national poverty rate of 14.5%.
(Jacobs) The county of Grand Forks does, in fact, have a poverty issue. So why don
t people know about it? One answer is the fact that unless you actually go on the
internet and search for poverty rates in Grand Forks, you never see anything about
poverty. You
The Importance Of Football In High School
Sports is not just a hobby that we do in our free time, it is something that we are
passionate about and love doing. There will be times where we all have to take
risks to be playing a specific sport, like football. Many teens have had head injuries
due to head to head contact. There has been a lot of issues bringing up this topic
and very contradicting. It has been news reporters have been wanting to know if
young teens should risk their bodies to get a brutal head damage. Should football
not be played in high school? I think teens should play the sport. Before anyone
says that I think that teens should become a part of something dangerous, I do not
think people think what sports actually mean. Playing any sport, no matter if it is
tennis or water polo, they all give people a good exercise, making your body sweat
and leaving you smelly. There are many teens who do not to even go outside for a
walk or for a jog. Football is a really physical sport that involves a lot of movement.
If teens would not exercise, they just wouldn t like to do anything at all, spending a
lot of time inside and not getting the exercise that they need. Football is a sport that
is played and practice during the summer, including all that equipment that they
have to carry with them in every step that they make in the field. Football is a good
way to make teens, who are pretty heavy for their age or just someone who does not
have no motive to do anything, to start off playing a sport and doing
How Has Dance Changed Over Time
The History of dance is very complex and difficult to explain, being that it goes
back millions of years ago. Dance has been a part of humanity for as long as anyone
can remember, dance has evolved over time into something extravagant, it has been
changed because of humanity and it has changed with humanity, and it will keep
changing regardless of what we as people do to it. Danceis a wonderful thing that
most people love and will keep loving as time goes on. Dance is a form of art, a
language. Today we find dance in all aspects of culture. Dance has evolved from, and
with, many different cultures, including African American, Indian American, Greek,
Rome, Latin, and dozens of other places and cultures. Dance is used in entertainment,
gestures that we use everyday, and religious ceremonies. Some studies that tie into...
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Dance has changed quite a bit over the years, in many small and drastic measures,
but in the end dance is still dance, just evolved. Dance today is a much more
competitive sport than it used to be. Dance used to be something that people did
because of tradition, or for fun. Today people still dance for fun but, most dance
for sport. People who dance at dance studios like, Just For Kix, Miss Melinda s and,
St. Cloud School of dance are all examples of dance studios in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
At these studios people can dance in different styles of dance, styles like jazz, kick,
lyrical, tap, contemporary, street jazz, hip hop, and ballet, just to name a few. All of
these styles have evolved from what they used to be. Contemporary is a mix of jazz
and lyrical. Lyrical is a style of natural movements and gestures, the music that goes
with lyrical is usually slow and flowing. Jazz is very upbeat, and fast. Street jazz is a
mix of jazz and hip hop. Hip hop is very funky and fun, it is very sassy. Hip hop
music is like the music on the radio
Diners, Divers, And Dead Ends Of Rose By Terri L. Austin
Terri L. Austin is British author who writes comedic urban fantasy, contemporary
romance, and humorous mysteries. As a girl, Austin believed that she would one
day lose interest in the imaginary friends and made up stories that she read and
wrote about almost every week. Years later, she still loves the funny and intriguing
people from her imagination, and has gone on to make a career of it. Terri s debut
novelwas Diners, Divers, and Dead Ends of the Rose Strickland Mystery series that
went on to achieve almost instantaneous success. The lead character in the series is
Rose, a girl that is so likable, funny, loyal, and kind that just about everyone wants
to be best friends with her. Terri loves to describe herself as a lover of all things...
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Austin in the Rose Strickland Mystery series. Rose is twenty something old girl
that had been exiled from her family when she was nineteen since she refused to
follow a career course they set for her. She now fends for herself by working at Ma
s Diner as a waitress. When she is not waiting tables she attends a variety of
courses at the local college before she makes a decision on what she wants to be
when the time comes. The novel starts with her best friend Axton asking Rose to
look after his backpack while he runs an errand. Knowing how attached he is to the
backpack, he is suspicious that he would ever want to leave it behind. When the
man does not turn up the next day, she knows for sure that something is wrong,
particularly when she discovers that Scarface and BJ, two local thugs are stalking
her. Can she get to the bottom of the mystery or is she in over her head trying to
find her missing friend. Mix in a group of IT nerds, fun loving friends and a
dysfunctional family and this makes for one very enjoyable
preschool Essay
California Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 2 CALIFORNIA DEPAR
TMENT OF EDUCATION SACRAMENTO, 2010 California Preschool Learning
Foundations Volume 2 Visual and Performing Arts Physical Development Health
Publishing Information The California Preschool Learning Foundations (Volume 2)
was developed by the Child Development Division, California Department of
Education. This publication was edited by Faye Ong, working in cooperation with
Laura Bridges and Desiree Soto, Consultants, Child Development Division. It was
designed and prepared for printing by the staff of CDE Press, with the cover and
interior design created by Cheryl McDonald. It was published by the Department of
Education, 1430 N Street,... Show more content on ...
With the goal of ensuring that all preschools in California offer highquality programs,
the California Department of Education collaborated with leading early childhood
educators, researchers, advocates, and parents to develop Volume 2 of the preschool
learning foundations. The foundations outline key knowlВ edge and skills that most
children can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and
environments shown by research to promote early learning and developВ ment.
Volume 2 focuses on three domains: visual and performing arts, physical
development, and health. These domains often receive less attention than some of the
other domains, but they are equally important for preschool children s overall
learning and development. As research that is summarized in this volume indicates,
physical v vi exercise and healthy routines and nutritional choices set the stage for
lifelong healthy habits. The recent NAEYC report underscores the need for children
to play outside, use their large muscles, and engage in vigorous physical activities
every day. Of course, the visual and performing arts fuel both preschool children s
imaginative play and creativity and also promote learning in all domains, including
physical skill development, cognitive development, and social emotional
development. I believe that these foundations will help guide and support all
California preschools in providing developmentally
Thesis Statement For Procter And Gamble
Procter Gamble (P G) is a multi national consumer goods company based in the
United States. It specializes in making products that include personal care products,
pet foods and cleaning agents.
Procter Gamble rolled out its first ever worldwide sports marketing campaign during
the 2012 Olympic games in London, United Kingdom.
Although P G is not in the business of athletic gear or sports drinks, as the Proud
Sponsor of Moms, P G will use its voice to honor and thank moms, not just moms of
Olympians but all moms, for all they do to raise their kids.
What is Sports? Why do people attach themselves to certain sports? Before sports
was a way of staying fit and an activity that only certain gentlemen could be able to
take part in. Now days, sports has become an entertainment for views and a massive
business for the people taking part in it. It is regarded as one of the most
moneymaking professions in the world if people associate you with a certain sport.
People and fans attach themselves to a sport because they have a personal interest
in the game due to a number of reasons. I personally would be attached to a sport and
a team because I was ... Show more content on ...
Attending an event is important but standing out in the crowd by being a sponsor
will highlight P G and the business with a captive audience. P G will also receive
media attention, as when sponsors decide to be involved, they will automatically get
the benefit of being promoted throughout the process. Some events have local media
support while others may offer national campaigns. This could provide extended
exposure and visibility in new markets. Also, logo placement in a variety of places
such as flyers, websites, emails marketing campaigns, tickets, signage, etc. will add to
increase brand awareness. Being recognized as a sponsor will communicate value and
support with the audience at the
Charles Darwin s Influence On The Origin Of Life
Have you ever wondered where you come from? Did God put humans on Earth?
Will we ever understand the origin of life? Not yet, but Charles Darwin has helped
us take a step closer. From his inference of life, we understand how each living
organism came to be, through the long and meticulous process of evolution.
Darwin s theory of evolution is that all life we see has been changed over thousands
of years to create the forms we see today. There are many influences on the evolution
of an individual organism which Darwin attempted to contain in his theory of natural
selection. Simply, natural selection is the process which life goes through to evolve.
In 1809, Charles Darwin came into this world. He lived in a moderately wealthy
family as his ... Show more content on ...
Today, most of our biology revolves around his accomplishments. Although some
would argue it was the time for that discovery to unravel as other naturalists came to
similar conclusions as Darwin simultaneously; it was Darwin s brilliance and slight
differences from his peers which made his theories everlasting in the exploration of
life. Life is one of the greatest mysteries in this world. Darwin shed some light on the
origin, but he could not illuminate all of the darkness. He became a revolutionary
man as he helped humanity take a large step further by making part of the unknown
My favorite takeaways from investigating Darwin s life are the value of humility, to
compile evidence to fortify claims, to question authority and, lastly, to never give up.
Darwin learned the value and importance of humility. As a scientist, Darwin
understood how little of the world we knew. He had an open mind to all possibilities,
but he used rational evidence to support claims.
Darwin saw something world changing on the Beagle, but he didn t publicize his ill
supported assessment until twenty years later. In that time, he conducted
experiments, talked to breeders, and read a mountain of studies. The degree to which
he went to collect evidence is remarkable and truly inspiring. His patience and
passion are
Market Revolution Impact
The Market Revolution occurred in the United States, in the 19th century and was
a drastic change in the manual labor system originating in the South and soon
moving around the entire world. The Market Revolution has been viewed as one
of the most influential events that occurred to the economic world in the history of
modern society based in terms of the economic development. The invention of
many new items helped people performed certain tasks more efficiently and this
lead the world to be able to produce a lot more goods in a shorter period of time.
The impact of the Market Revolution on the world as one was that it catapulted the
world economy into an almost chaotic state. Which means people had access to a
much wider variety of goods... Show more content on ...
The Lowell Mills, in Massachusetts, before the Market Revolution bosses acted like
family and they were paternal to their workers. Prior to the market revolution,
paternalism guided the relationships between employers and their workers.
Paternalism meant that employers took care of their workers in a similar way to
how they would care for their own family members. In times, employers would
keep their workers working instead of firing them, and they would overlook
transgressions such as tardiness. They would also take care of workers in their old
age. As the Lowell Mills exemplified, the demands of the market, however,
fundamentally changed this relationship. Between 1822 and 1839, Lowell s
population grew from 200 to 18,000 people and the mills rivaled the world s major
textile centers. Lowell was unique for its size, but also because it employed
mostly young, single women rather than men, like the vast majority of other mills
and factories. Lowell chose women because they received less wages since they
were perceived as not having a family to feed. They were also seen as more
obedient and less rebellious, and their smaller hands were believed to be more
dexterous and suitable for detailed textile work. Lured by the potential of the
market, the Lowell Mills departed from the traditional paternalism and instead
sought to maximize profits. As the women s wages decreased, the pace of work and
the regimentation of the work place increased. Moreover, workers became deskilled
because they only made one part of the final product instead of the product in its
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Learning
The rise of technological advancements during the past century has introduced e
learning to the extent that virtual learning has now become a trend. In fact, a
common dilemma that new high school graduates might go through is whether to
physically attend university or to just take online classes. It is an essential question to
think about as both options have their advantages and disadvantages. In such cases,
students might tend to choose taking online courses rather than being physically
present in a university, since these online classes are more convenient in some
situations. However, convenience does not always mean good quality and traditional
educationis still more effective than virtual education in terms of discipline, social
interaction,... Show more content on ...
Bajerano (2008) emphasizes that interacting with other students and faculty in a
regular context influences the students success and experience. Students who take
online classes will miss out on this interaction since the only way to communicate
with the instructor will be via video and internet. Consequently, they will not have the
opportunity of seeing professors during their office hours and ask about possible
doubts that they could have (Bjerano, 2008). This may lead to an incomplete
understanding of the material. Another drawback of online classes is the inability of
students to ask the professor direct questions and not have the opportunity to work
through any difficulties by discussing learning concepts using the classroom board,
for example. As a result, students would probably rely on themselves to find the
answers to such questions. Additionally, online learners would not be able to avail of
the on campus learning centers in which students can discuss their doubts; therefore,
the students understanding of the subject is reinforced (Bajerano, 2008). Similarly,
online learners would not be able to benefit from interacting with other peers because
the element of group work, which helps students keep up their learning motivation
and gain assistance while studying, would be

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Essays About Goals. 021 Academic Goals Essay Example About Essays On Thesis Educational ...

  • 1. Essays About Goals Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays About Goals" can present several challenges. Firstly, it requires a deep introspection into one's own aspirations and ambitions, which can be a daunting task. Reflecting on personal goals involves confronting uncertainties, fears, and vulnerabilities, making it emotionally taxing. Additionally, articulating these goals in a coherent and compelling manner demands clarity of thought and effective communication skills. Moreover, the essay should not only delineate the goals themselves but also delve into the motivations behind them, the steps planned to achieve them, and the potential obstacles that may be encountered along the way. This requires critical thinking and the ability to anticipate and address counterarguments. Furthermore, the essay should be structured in a way that engages the reader from the introduction to the conclusion. Crafting a captivating introduction that grabs the reader's attention, followed by a well-organized body that develops the ideas cohesively, and concluding with a memorable summary that leaves a lasting impression, all require strategic planning and writing prowess. Finally, proofreading and editing are indispensable to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness of the essay. This meticulous process demands time, patience, and attention to detail. In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Essays About Goals" may seem daunting due to the introspective nature of the topic and the complexities involved in articulating thoughts effectively, with dedication, perseverance, and perhaps a little assistance, it is indeed achievable. [Note: Similar essays and much more can be ordered on] Essays About Goals Essays About Goals
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  • 3. Dichotomy Of Happiness Essay I.Introduction: a.Main Topic: The dichotomy of happiness; two different feelings and their impacts; How to achieve happiness each type of happiness. b.Intro Paragraph: Happiness can be best described as the end goal of life. If a person is living a life void of happiness, they are often times seen as worse off, and most likely are. One who lives their life in search of amassing happiness may be doing it for their own happiness, or for the betterment of someone else; either way someone is living in order to achieve happiness. Even from a young age people act in ways that allot them happiness, such as a young child eating their favorite type of snack or candy, a person taking up a hobby, or someone who consistently adds to a retirement ... Show more content on ... c.The second type is long lasting, involves content for one s life. Maslow s hierarchy of needs introduces the belief that in order to achieve happiness underlying precautions must be met. This furthers the idea that a higher and more important happiness exists than the first type. Annas also seems to understand the dichotomy and references the idea of a higher happiness. III.Second Argument: Happiness can be achieved. Each type of happiness requires different actions in order to be achieved. Both types can exist at the same time, and some actions may cause both types to occur, but a fundamental difference remains. (They are not different types because of how they are achieved, but rather the feeling (s) they offer. Since they are different they often times require different actions) a.The first type of happiness can be achieved through simple actions being happy is easily taken to be feeling happy...a kind of smiley face feeling. Annas pg. 45 b.The second type requires more moral work. If happiness, then, is activity expressing virtue, it is reasonable for it to express the supreme virtue, which will be the virtue of the best thing...Hence complete happiness will be its activity expressing its proper virtue; and we have said that this activity is the activity of study. Aristotle N.E. Book 10 pg 339. IV.Third Argument: Once
  • 4. Hyeonseo Lee Analysis Imagine your right arm pinned under a re trapped with nowhere to go. People are looking for you and if they find you your as good as dead. You re bleeding and there are sharks in the water. Aron Ralston from the autobiography Trapped, Hyeonseo Lee from My Escape from North Korea by Ted Talk, and Bethany Hamilton from Young Surfer Girl Tells Tale of Shark Attack by ABC News have each been in one of these deadly situations. They prove that for a person to be a survivor one must possess courage, determination, and critical thinking. When it comes to Hyeonseo Lee, she used her courage to not only save herself but also her family. In Paragraph 15 in the article titled My Escape from North Korea by Ted Talk, Lee explains how she went to great lengths to get her family to freedom and how she put her own life at risk to save them. She knew that if she and her family were caught by the Chinese police, they would be sent back to North Korea and executed. Yet, she still had the courage to travel across the border of Laos, go between the immigration office, and the police station, where she could have been easily identified and apprehended. She could have lost everything she built for herself, but she knew she had to protect her loved ones no matter the cost, which is the true definition of courage. Courage can... Show more content on ... In an interview with ABC News from the article Young Surfer Girl Tells Tale of Shark Attack, Hamilton said, If I don t get back on my board, I ll be in a bad mood forever. It wasn t the shark attack that would have killed her it was the thought of losing her passion. After the shark attack and losing an arm, it just gave her another reason to try harder. She didn t let her disability get in the way. She used her determination to push forward and make a great outcome out of an awful situation. Having determination can be the light in the dark, that keeps many
  • 5. Is Robinson Crusoe A Admirable Character Analysis The Character of Robinson Crusoe Narrative: Robinson Crusoe, as a young and impulsive wanderer, defied his parents and went to sea. After a series of storms, adventures, and investments Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked on an island by himself for 23 years before saving and enslaving a native whom he named Friday, after four more years they are both rescued. Division: After reading the book Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, the question was posed is Robinson Crusoe a likable or admirable character? Some people say that Robinson Crusoe is an admirable character while others adamantly state that he is no such thing. Proof: In my proofs I will show three compelling reasons while Robinson Crusoe should not be considered an admirable character. before I state those reasons I think it would be practical to define the term admirable. According to Oxford, Admirable is defined as Arousing or deserving respect and approval. Robinson Crusoe was faithfully fickle, constantly self centered, and repeatedly callous to others. None of these pronounced traits of Robinson Crusoe could be described as admirable. Moving into my first proof Robinson Crusoe should not be considered admirable because he is fickle Fickle: Robinson Crusoe shows his capricious temper in two major ways; his Christian faith, and his contemplate of murdering the cannibals, Robinson Crusoe Christian faith swung wildly between praise and thankfulness for the many times God has saved him from storms, slavery, poverty, starvation and hostile Indians to deepest despair crying out to God way he among all men was judged unfit to appear among the rest of his creation (paraphrased) and at the first sign of danger, fear banished all religious hope (pg 154) and he forgot the many miracles already provided for his safety and health. Another instance of his capricious nature was when he stumbled upon the remains of a cannibal feast he was provoked into a rage and set about planning the murder of these cannibals, yet many days later his anger cooled and he decided it was not his place to save the victims nor murder the captors instead deciding he would only attack if they saw him and he must do so in self defense. Yet the moment
  • 6. The Article Ovulatory Cycle Effects On Tip Earnings By... Article #2 The article Ovulatory cycle effects on tip earnings by lap dancers: economic evidence for human estrus? by Geoffrey Miller et. al. is about a study conducted to prove whether estrus was existing in the female body. Estrus is a phase of increased female sexual receptivity, proceptivity, selectivity, and attractiveness (Miller et. al.). While the estrus of a woman is believed to have been lost or hidden during human evolution, women near the most fertile point of their cycles, which is right before ovulation, are considered more attractive to males. This can be subconsciously detected by males and manifests through many things like a woman s scent, and increased facial attractiveness (Miller et. al.). According to the authors, only four studies had previously investigated the real world effects of human estrus outside a laboratory setting. The four studies provided some evidence that in real world situations, men were sensitive to estrous cues. One study included in the list was conducted in 2007 by Haselton, Mortezaie, Pillsword, Bleske Recheck, and Frederick. In that study, 30 young women were photographed twice, wearing an outfit of their choice, during estrus and during a lower fertility or luteal cycle phase. Then they had 42 mixed sex raters choose between both photos based on which photo did the person try to look more attractive. The results showed that 60% of the women chosen were in estrus, and it confirmed that male and female observers were
  • 7. The Six Secrets Of Change The Six Secrets of Change: What the Best leaders Do to Help Their Organizations Survive and Thrive. Fullan, M. (2008). San Francisco: Jossey Bass Fullan has previously written on the topics of moral purpose, understanding change, relationships, knowledge use and coherence in organsisations. In The Six Secrets of Change Fullan addresses the question of social change in organisational leadership, or more pertinently the question of What do we know about successful organisational change under complex conditions? Fullan exemplifies organisational behaviours in which implementation has been successful and where attempts have failed. He provides examples of how effective and long lasting changes, which will ultimately improve culture and efficiency, have been manifested in private and public businesses and schools throughout the world. Michael Fullan, OC, is the former Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. Fullan is recognized as a worldwide authority on educational reform. He advises policymakers and leaders around the world in helping to achieve the moral purpose of all children learning. The Six Secrets of Change draws on Fullan s research from educational organisations as well as private businesses. Fullan makes it clear that he believes that a good theory should be applicable across both private and public organisations and must be in context. He states that the six secrets are not intended to be
  • 8. Pathos in MLK Jr. s Letter from Birmingham Jail Pathos in MLK, Jr. s Letter from Birmingham Jail In his Letter, Martin Luther King Jr. s ability to effectively use pathos, or to appeal to the emotions of his audiences, is evident in a variety of places. More particularly in paragraph fourteen, King demonstrates his ability to inspire his fellow civil rights activists, invoke empathy in the hearts of white moderates, and create compassion in the minds of the eight clergyman to which the Letter is directed. In response to the clergyman s claim that his use of direct action was untimely, King states, We have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and God given rights. As you can see, this statement is in direct relation to the clergyman s... Show more content on ... Why are we still moving so slowly toward independence? King is pushing the people of the black community to act, to be involved in what will be their history with his words of inspiration and at the same time making it clear to them that the time to act is now. Like instruments in an orchestra being brought in one by one to a melody that fills the ears of its listeners and drives out any other thoughts, King then targets the white moderate population, the white voters. He tries to place this audience into the shoes of the black people by giving vivid descriptions of the trials they have been going through and invoke empathy in their hearts. He says: When you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your brothers and sisters at whim . . . This statement brings up an issue every culture has had to deal with, death. Death in the American culture is one that is associated with loss and grief. King deftly imposes this loss on the shoulders of his white audience making it clear to them the pain the black people have been dealt. King then sums up this passage by turning his voice back to the clergymen he s addressing and says, Then you will understand why we find it difficult to
  • 9. Dental Admission However, with great advantages come great disadvantages. With a specific end goal to wind up a dentist, a student will spend no less than 7 8 years in school following secondary school. It is not a necessity at each dental school to have a Bachelor s degree to enter dental school, yet it is profoundly suggested and these days schools don t commonly acknowledge understudies without one. The initial four years require a student to earn a Bachelor s in any major but most pre dental students choose a science major. After graduation from college, the Dental Admission Test is required to be taken, which cost $360. Afterwards comes the interviewing and acceptance to dental school which is typically a four year doctorate program. By the time dental
  • 10. Global market entry strategies are complex requiring... Global market entry strategies are complex requiring consideration of many factors (Chen Mujtaba, 2007, p. 322). Many of the complex option decisions are covered in the following two articles. Both articles list numerous factors that influence firms decisions for selecting foreign market entry modes. This essay will discuss the findings of two articles and highlight how the two articles relate to one another. The two articles were chosen from the Argosy online Library at ProQuest Central. After careful consideration for the contents and the overall coverage of the subject matter, the following two articles were found to be most suitable: 1) Competitive Market Choice Strategies in Multinational Marketingand 2) The Choice of Entry... Show more content on ... 73) 2.Competitive posture is the second dimension. The competitive posture describes the firm s competitive objectives as either defensive or offensive. The defensive posture prevents competitors from making present or future inroads on its market share. The offensive posture is where the firm seeks to grow at the competitors expense (Ayal Zif, 2001, p. 73) 3.The third and final dimension is Territorial location of major competitive arena. To understand this dimension, the authors divided the world markets into three regions vis Г vis any competitor assuming that the firm s strengths are different from the competitors . a.The firms home market b.Neutral territories c.Competitors home market (Ayal Zif, 2001, p. 75) Within these dimensions the firm has to consider two major sets of inputs to process. They include an assessment of company resources both absolute and relative to competition and a product/market analysis to determine whether a strategy of concentration or diversification is indicated based on a list of ten factors that is used to help the firm make a decision (Ayal Zif, 2001, p. 75) The ten product /market factors are rated high or low for either the
  • 11. Analysis Of A Pair Of Silk Stockings Everyone can be a little greedy sometimes, even if people usually tend to save money, or bargon. In a short story by Kate Chopin called A Pair of Silk Stockings, the main character named Mrs Sommer s is given 15$, and was suppose to spend the money on her children for clothes, but instead spended it on herself for a pair of silkstockings. Mrs. Sommer s catches herself looking at a pair of silk stocking s while out shopping, and is suppose to be getting clothes and such for her children. But what really happens is she lets her temptation get the best of her, and she ends up buying the socks for herself instead. Once she gets the socks she then wants more and more and even go out to a fancy restaurant, some boots, and even theatre tickets. But once she leaves the theatre, it then hit her that she has to go home to her children in which she did not get them the things she promised them. A dominant theme that Kate Chopin develops in the story focuses around thoughts and conditions of the past. She shows in the story that Mrs. Sommer s has a normal daily routine, and a boring lifestyle. The day she saw the silk stockings, she focused on only herself when usually she always cares for her children. Throughout the short story, A Pair of Silk Stockings, Kate Chopin uses figurative language and conflict to develop the theme of thoughts and conditions of the past. Figurative language can emphasize the meaning of a short story when developed correctly. Chopin develops figurative language to show Mrs. Sommer s selfishness for the short story. The story shows figurative language by using things like a metaphor when describing how the main character feels. The author shows figurative language when it says She smiled just as if she had been asked to inspect of a tiara made of diamonds. (Chopin 438) This quote represents the theme of thoughts and conditions of the past because Mrs. Sommer s is a bargainer with herself and children, and never spends a lot of money or buys expensive things. She tends to go on the cheaper side, and go to places like thrift stores, or buys discounts. So when she sees the silk stockings, it was a luxury for her, something special that she use to have.
  • 12. Epicureanism And Euthanasia It is with reference to the Bourgeois society of France that Bernhard Groethuysen has pointed out that when the approach of death is bespoke, the citizen seems to lose all assurance. He cannot look death in the face. The educated layman would prefer not to talk about it at all. Famously W.C Fields wanted his tombstone to say I d rather be in Philadelphia when he would pass away, preferentially honest, the grave being the last place he wanted to be. The illusion of immorality and the denial of death has been the corrosive acid in man s mind since the formation of life. The Hellenistic philosopher Epicurus view that death is not to be feared has had an enormous impact on Western thought for over two thousand years. In his letter addressing ... Show more content on ... Typical is the claim of Ben Bradley, who endorses the assumptions of Jeff McMahan (1988, 33; 2002, 104), that the view that death is bad for the one who dies seems to me to be what McMahan calls a fixed point or starting point in ethics a conviction that would require extremely convincing arguments to overcome if it could be overturned at all (2004, 18) Silverstein writes of Epicureanism that just as it does deny that one s death can be an intelligible evil for oneself, so it denies that one can have a rational prudential desire to continue living (1980, p. 409). The worry is that if death isn t bad, then it might be irrational for someone to make the customary efforts to avoid death. Fred Feldman tackles a premise listed by Epicurus, If death does not lead to anything intrinsically bad for the one who is dead, then death is not extrinsically bad for the one who is dead . Rosenbaum seems to agree with the Epicurean viewpoint, stating death cannot be a loss since one does not experience as such however in his book confrontations with the reaper, Fred Feldman argues that Epicurus has shown nothing intrinsically bad happens for the person while he is dead. He goes on to state that I think it is correct to say that death does not lead to, or cause, any painful experiences for the one who dies. If death deprives him of a lot of pleasure, the pleasure he would have enjoyed if he had not died, then death might be a huge misfortune. Thomas Nagel takes a similar stance claiming that death, if it is an evil at all, can be so only because of what it deprives us of much like Don Marquis argument involving the legibility of abortion. The termination of the life of the foetus deprives the baby of its future experiences. Many critics of Nagel such as Bradley would claim that the typical view employed is that death is only bad for those whom have been
  • 13. Philosophy of Behaviorism Philosophy of Behaviorism Tammie Williams Columbia College Abstract For hundreds of years there has been a fascination on how humans behave and how humans learn. This has been observed and studied by psychologists, educators, and scientists by means of humans and animals and how they perform in different environments. This fascination is known as behaviorism. This aspect of behaviorism deals with how a humans or animals respond to a certain stimuli and how a new behavior is then developed. This paper will address the philosophy of behaviorism, the great contributors to behaviorism and their aspects of behavioral learning such as classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Philosophy of Behaviorism The evolution of ... Show more content on ... Psychoanalysis is a school of thought that was founded by Sigmund Freud. This theory focuses on that behavior is influenced by the unconscious mind. Freud felt that the human mind was made up of three elements which include the id, the ego, and the superego. Eric Erikson, Carl Jung, and Anna Freud were also psychoanalysis thinkers. Humanistic psychology was developed as a response to behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Individual free will, self actualization and personal growth were focused on by humanistic psychology. Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow were amongst the major humanistic psychology thinkers. Gestalt psychology is based upon that people experience things as unified wholes. This approach started in the late 19th century in Austria and Germany. This approach was a response to molecular approach of structuralism (Cherry, 2005). Gestalt psychologists felt things must be looked at as a whole rather than breaking the thought down. They believed that a whole is more than just the sum of its parts. Cognitive psychology is a school of thought which studies the mental process including how we remember, think, perceive, and learn. Philosophy, neuroscience, and linguistics are disciplines that are related to this branch of psychology. The stages of cognitive development theory by Jean Piaget were amongst the most influential theories from cognitive psychology. Philosophy of Psychology After having an understanding of each school of thought, I would have to agree more
  • 14. Best article os t rP CASE: HR 1A DATE: 1995 (REV D. 04/05/06) SOUTHWEST AIRLINES (A) yo The workforce is dedicated to the company. They re Moonies basically. That s the way they 1 operate. Edward J. Starkman, Airline Analyst, PaineWebber op Ann Rhoades, vice president of people for Southwest Airlines, was packing her briefcase at the end of a 17 hour day. Tomorrow was an off site meeting with the top nine executives of Southwest Airlines. The agenda for the meeting was to review Southwest s competitive position in light of recent actions by United and Continental, both of whom had entered Southwest s low fare market. That day s New York Times (September 16, 1994) had an article that characterized the situation as a ... Show more content on ... However, she wanted to reflect one last time on these issues to be sure she was not missing anything. Her major concerns were whether Southwest was getting the most in competitive advantage from its own people, and whether the competition could imitate Southwest s successful human resource practices. BACKGROUND No tC op On June 18, 1971, Southwest Airlines, headquartered at Love Field in Dallas, began flying with three Boeing 737 aircraft serving the Texas cities of Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Southwest s competition was Texas International and Braniff, and, to a lesser extent, Continental. Continental used every political and regulatory means to ensure that Southwest would not get off the ground, including keeping Southwest out of the recently built Dallas Fort Worth airport and waging a four year legal battle that left Southwest almost bankrupt at the time of its first flight. One outcome of the legal battle was the so called Wright Amendment, named after James Wright, then Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. The Wright Amendment prohibited any air carrier from offering
  • 15. direct service into Love Field from any place beyond Texas and the four contiguous states of Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New Mexico. This law meant that passengers flying into Southwest s central location at Love Field from
  • 16. Rene Descartes Third Meditation In Descartes Third Meditation he finds proof of Gods existence. The Third Meditation isn t about God, but is mainly about us because God is innate in us. Descartes argument that God exists clearly states that since I have the idea of God already innate in my mind, he must be an infinite substance with objective reality. An idea with Objective reality must be produced by something with the exact same idea with formal reality. Therefore, the idea of Godis an infinite formal reality, and since humans are only said to be a finite substance (mind/matter), there s no way the idea of an infinite substance can come from a finite substance, in other words the idea of God cannot come from an individual at all. This is because infinite substances are
  • 17. Holes By Louis Sachar Essay HOLES EXTENDED RESPONSE The novel Holes, written by Louis Sachar, demonstrates how the protagonist Stanley Caveman Yelnats, overcame problems and filled holes in his life at Camp Green lake which weren t there after he left the juvenile centre.. Stanley had a few holes in his life such as not having a great physical image, having a lack of confidence and not being strong enough. One feature which rapidly improved and changed in Stanley s life during his course at Camp Green Lake was the aspect of being overweight to becoming confident in his physique. Another wodge in his life was having no friends at school. Stanley s hard work made himself fitter and better in the physical image as well as making great friendships with group D members. ... Show more content on ... He thought Derrick wouldn t stand a chance against them. Stanley started to gain friendship with his group mates soon. One special moment where Stanley did discover his friend relationship with someone was when he was caught with sunflower seeds in his hole by Mr. Sir. This did start his talk with Mr. Sir about this foundation of sunflower seeds randomly in a hole. Magnet then thought that Stanley was his friend . This was a good start for Stanley as he at least gained a friendship between him and Magnet. Zero and Stanley became very close friends especially after their meeting in the desert following after they both had escaped Camp green lake. Stanley and Zero made a deal that Stanley would teach Zero hot to read and write while zero would help in digging holes for Stanley. This was the next step to their good relationship. then Stanley even taught Zero how to read and write and they both had talks about their life. Stanley s own decisions are the ones who made him good friends with others group members such as if he had not gone in the desert to look for zero, he might not have met Zero again in his life and most likely would ve lost his
  • 18. Analysis Of The Film Whale Riders In the Film Whale Riders, the director Niki Caro, does an excellent job in developing critical themes combining spiritual and religious traditions resonating with the audience. The compelling themes demonstrated in the movie such as leadership, change of role in women, connection to nature, traditions and change are all eloquently presented as the plot unfolds. As a young woman myself, I can feel empathy towards the main protagonist, Pai, as she puts maximum effort in convincing her grandfather Koro, that she can be the families next whale rider. As the movie begins, the tone of Pai s monologue where she describes how her family awaits the birth of the first born boy who would become chief, moderately sets the the mood for the rest of the film. Pai, states that there was no gladness was she was born; this is because both her mother and brother [ who was suppose to be the next leader] died. The theme of leadership is presented as Koro searches for a new Maori leader. As Pai s dad, Porourangi, denies leadership due to the death of his wife, Koro searches for leadership elsewhere; overlooking Pai s ability to do so because of her sex. Pai displays leadership in wanting to aid her community in being the next whale rider by attempting to attend her grandfather schooling and learning Mau raku (stick fighting) from her uncle whom she privately learns from. As Pai s conquest to become leader progress, she unravels the theme of role changing. An interesting factor that I noticed
  • 19. The Slavery Of Slavery And The World Choose the sentence that uses periods, commas, and quotation marks correctly: He also wanted to expose people to injustices in the world he sang about slavery and how it has affected so many different people although it has been over a century since slavery ended. He also wanted to expose people to injustices in the world. He sang about slavery and how it has affected so many different people although it has been over a century since slavery ended. He also wanted to expose people to injustices in the world so he sang about slavery. And how it has affected so many different people although it has been over a century since slavery ended. He also wanted to expose people to injustices in the world, he sang about slavery and how it has... Show more content on ... I used to live at 16689, Sutton Avenue, Milpitas, California, but we have since moved to 1895, Holland Way, Dubuque, Iowa. 1 points QUESTION 3 Choose the sentence that uses periods, commas, and quotation marks correctly: No the taxi driver said curtly I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes. No. The taxi driver said curtly I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes. No, the taxi driver said curtly, I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes. No, the taxi driver said curtly, I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes. No , the taxi driver said curtly, I cannot get you to the airport in fifteen minutes . 1 points QUESTION 4 Choose the sentence that uses periods, commas, and quotation marks correctly: Certainly Mr. Martin said I shall explain the whole situation to him I know that he will understand. Certainly, Mr. Martin said, I shall explain the whole situation to him. I know that he will understand. Certainly, Mr. Martin said, I shall explain the whole situation to him I know that he will understand. Certainly, Mr. Martin said, I shall explain the whole situation to him, I know that he will understand. Certainly . Mr. Martin said I shall explain the whole situation to him. I know that he will understand . 1 points QUESTION 5 Choose the sentence that uses commas
  • 20. The People Who Have Influenced Me Essay example My grandfather ! This is the first thing coming up to my mind when being asked about the one who is the most important to me! From time to time, the caring and educating professionally of my beloved granddad grew me up. If he had not given me opportunities to take his lessons, maybe I would not have realized that what I had to do to make my life really valuable. Serving as a colonel in military, my granddad taught me to be disciplined one of the most important characteristics for young people. Certainly, it was not easy for me at the beginning. I was lazy to get up early in the morning to do exercise, go to bed in the exact time and not go out before finishing homework. My granddad did not shout at me. He ... Show more content on ... I never ignored the beggars who were really in harship, which was one of the ways to do charity. But no matter what I did, I should be a good child at first. Family is your first school, my granddad said. As growing older, coping with more obstacles, I really needed his advice. My granddad talked with me like a true friend, openly and sympathetically. He told me some stories when he was at the same age as me. So, from those I found out the solutions for my own troubles. The best method for me, according to him, was self study from books and anything around. I learned that confidence and optimism were essential for life. When I failed the chemistry exam, I was much hopeless. My granddad asked me to read a piece of the novel: THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA (Earnest Hemmingway). After reading he asked me What have you learned from this book? I answered him that it was impossible for the old man to fish the big fish like that. He smiled and told me Something that the people can not reach though they try their best, which expresses that people pine to do it but impossible. Now come back to your state, you must know that failure is the common thing. But you will have another choices, another options, never give up! Right! I had to move on and continue my dream. It is my chance! He said We are so lucky to exist on Earth. We should try
  • 21. The Common Long Term Complications Of Diabetes Mellitus One of the most common long term complications of diabetes mellitus is painful neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is estimated to affect about 60 70% of all diabetes patients and can lead to foot ulcers, amputations, and decreased quality of life. The most common form is chronic peripheral neuropathy which results in painand numbness in the extremities, usually described as a burning, tingling, or steady aching pain.1 Patients may also feel increased sensitivity to pain or experience paresthesia, a sensation of tingling, tickling, or prickling of the skin.1 According to current guidelines, intensive glycemic control is very important for the prevention and reduction of peripheral neuropathyand other microvascular complications.1,2 Medications used to help relieve nerve pain include duloxetine and pregabalin (LyricaВ®), which are both approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in diabetic neuropathy. Other drug classes commonly used are antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and opioids.3 Although there are many medications used for this condition, pain relief is often insufficient for patients. Treatment is difficult due to the complicated pathophysiology of pain transmission and the wide range of mechanisms of action of drugs used to treat pain. Therefore, there is a continued need for additional medication options for this chronic painful condition. Lacosamide is an anticonvulsant approved for use as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy for partial onset seizures.
  • 22. Registered Nurse Career Research What I Knew The career I am curious about is in the medical field, generally speaking, nursing. I have chosen to become a registered nurse because of its background, and how its characteristics require the use of creativity, problem solving, social skills, and critical thinking. Registered nurses use various skills to diagnose and apply certain care methods to specific patients. I know that nurses aid patients with various illnesses, diseases, disabilities, and injuries. I love helping people and the feeling I receive when helping people. It would also be very motivating to learn and discover things about the human body and how to fix any problems involving it. What I Want to Know Before becoming a nurse, I would like to know the key aspects of this career. Such as the salary, more of what nurses do, the schooling required, the competitiveness, and if there are any benefits. I also want to know the negative aspects of the career to see what I m going to be involved in and if I d still be interested. Findings My career research included looking over various sources such as websites and books that all said most of the same things about nursing. Being a registered nurse involves recording symptoms, providing support in rehabilitation, ... Show more content on ... I found on a website called he requirements for a registered nurse varies. But, primarily an RN requires a diploma and an associate or bachelor s degree in nursing. There are two programs that will get me on my way to becoming an RN. The ADN (Associate Degree in Nursing) programs last about 2 3 years which include courses such as: Adult and Family health, psychiatric nursing, pharmacology, etc. The BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) programs are usually four years long, and they focus on advanced nursing methodology and clinical training. BSN courses include community health, leadership in nursing, healthcare, and management,
  • 23. The Rise Of Women In France Essay The Rise of Women in French Society During the Middle Ages, French society, along with the rest of Europe, revolved around the warrior class. In order to gain land and power nobles gave their services in the military and lived violent lifestyles. Treatment toward women during this period was harsh. quot;In a society of landed nobility dispersed fairly loosely across the country in their castles and estates, the likelihood of a preponderance of the man over the woman and thus of a more or less unconcealed male dominance, is very great. quot; (Elias, Page 325.) Men beat their wives and typically had little respect for them. Marriage was based not on love but on increase in influence and wealth. ... Show more content on ... The bourgeoisie had grown and taken power away from the warrior class of nobility. quot;Thereby the equilibrium is slowly established which gives optimal power to one man, the central ruler. The kings during this era created a luxurious palace court system that brought families and nobility together in close proximity. Under the watchful eye of society, men were less prone to physical violence and the importance of the woman grew. quot;Social life quot; began to grow and more importance was placed upon literature and the fine arts, skills that women had long been schooled in. In the past, it was the women and clergy who had been taught to read and write, as there had not been much importance for it during the days of wars and political unrest. quot;For the master of the court, his function as knight and military leader was still the primary one; his education too was that of a warrior centered upon the wielding of arms. For just this reason the women surpassed him in the sphere of peaceful society. quot; (Page 326 7.) At the end of the Middle Ages, women became assets to their families. The battlefield for power had changed from bloodshed to skill. A daughter who possessed great social graces could bring a family closer to the monarchy and insure it s members a greater ranking in court life. Emphasis began to be placed on beauty and love, an emotion virtually void in the warrior society. Troubadour poetry and minnesang rose, creating a
  • 24. John Maynard Keynes Was An Economist Who Served As An... John Maynard Keynes was an economist who served as an economic adviser for the British delegation at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Soon after, Keynes resigned from his position and wrote The Economic Consequences of the Peace. A very influential work detailing the major pitfalls of the Treaty of Versailles. Keynes discusses the economic consequences of the Treaty of Versailleson all of Europe. He claims not to question the justifications of the treaty but rather to bring to light how Its aims will cement the economic downfall Europe. He asserts that the treaty s provisions were constructed through a veil of contempt and aimed to ensure the future enfeeblement of a strong and dangerous enemy as well as to exact revenge, and ... Show more content on ... He asserts that France was spiteful of Germanys superior economy before the war, however, France feared that under the fourteen points Germany would surely recover quickly, surpass France, and use those resources to war with France once again. France s aim then, was to wreck Germanys resources and claim as many of them for France as possible. Therefore, the purpose of the treaty was to obliterate Germanys power, physically, and economically and build up the French economy. Keynes then lays out the provisions specifically designed to cripple Germanys economy and line France s pockets at the expense of not only the German people, but Europe as a whole. According to Keynes, Germanys successful economic operations were reliant on overseas commerce, Coal and Iron, and transportations and tariffs, all economic systems that the treaty specifically attacked. For example, he discusses the provision requiring Germany to cede all her rights and titles over her oversea possessions as well as any positions or assets located in former German areas ceded to the Allies. Keynes specifically points out that this includes railways, private property s, and companies, however, not any debt that these properties or companies may have accrued. These provisions not only would result in a considerable loss of revenue and overseas relations, but also considerable economic enterprise. In addition, to this severe loss of property and assets,
  • 25. Examples Of Creed In The Chrysalids The Limitations of Creed or Large Beliefs in Large Societies A creed is the beliefs or religion that people follow. We follow them because their beliefs they had are thought to be right and people grew into their society, and did not question their beliefs because the beliefs was passed down the from generations thinking it was right. But we shouldn t always follow creed or those strong beliefs because the limitations it has on our growth as a person. Other reasons why we shouldn t always follow creed. Those beliefs is because what they believe in isn t always right, that creed created many social conventions we have today. People struggle to find ourselves with those beliefs. David experiences this in The Chrysalids that s why he decided to leave all the people of Waknuk and go to Sealand. He thinks it s a great place for him to experience a new life where he can ... Show more content on ... David experiences this in the novel. He is stuck between thinking what is right, the beliefs of the Waknuk society, or what Uncle Axel and The Sealand woman are telling him. David is going through an existential crisis, where he doesn t know who he is anymore and what he should think of society. When we follow creed we are like robots, we can t think for ourselves. What they think is what they made us believe. It is like they are programmed to think and do certain things. People are like robots programmed to do certain things and nothing else. In The Chrysalids everything is heavily based on the true image of man and what God thinks of is pure, but if everyone was supposed to be look a certain way everyone would look the same. But that not the case we were all made to look different from one another and it s our goal to find who we are going to be. That is what the Fringes people are they are free human beings who have put no limitations upon
  • 26. Perception Of No Free Will On Cheating And Lying The influence of perception of no free will on cheating and lying in collectivist and individualist cultures Kelly Muldoon Tutorial: Wednesday (1) 9am Trends in Personality and Social Psychology PSYC30022 Due date: Friday 26th September, 2014 8am Word count: 1725 (not including references) The notion of people having a free will, or the ability to consciously determine ones own actions, to regulate oneself, have control of ones mind, make choices and live ones life through unrestricted personal prerogative, is generally accepted by people as a given (Gray, Gray Wegner, 2007; Pronin, Kugler, 2010). People may feel as if they are in control, but many different studies have questioned one s ability to muster ... Show more content on ... Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) studies have shown that people s brains exhibit activity up to seven seconds prior to a conscious decision being made to act, implying that the forces causing the action are entirely unconscious (Soon, Brass, Heinz Haynes, 2008; Lisbet, B. 1985). It is asserted that, at the most, people act as interpreters, who provide post factum rationale for whatever it was the brain had them think, feel or do (Gazzanigna, 2011). When people comprehend their own lack of free will, they are more likely to be violent, lie, cheat and steal (Baumeister, Masicampo DeWall, 2009; Vohs Schooler, 2008) as well as exhibit greater prejudice (Zhao, Liu, Zhang, Shi, Huang, 2014). Further, preconscious motor processes exhibit changes, with readiness potentials reduced in people induced with a disbelief in free will (Rigoni, KГјhn, Sartori, Brass, 2011). Conversely, when people are told but you are free (Gueguen Pascual, 2000), they are significantly more likely to give donations and comply with other requests of them, submitting even more, when the term is said twice (Gueguen, et. al., 2013). However, when this same technique is used amongst different cultures, it was found that the collectivist cultures of Russia and China did not respond in the same way as the individualist cultures of France and Romania (Pascual, et al., 2012). It
  • 27. To Kill A Mockingbird Social Justice To Kill a Mockingbird essay Halen Baltus When I hear the words social justice, I think of justice over a certain amount of society. The real meaning of social justice is Justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. Social justice fits in with To Kill A Mockingbird because Atticus is defending Tom Robinson in front of many people and a judge. This goes with social justice because a white man is helping a black man even though he feels they will not win. It states in Central America Turmoil my be Cause of Child Migrant Surge that President Obama is responsible for this (Johnson). To me this fits social justicebecause they are blaming a black man for bad things that are happening when they secretly know it isn t just his fault. The line from the newsela article also has prejudice in it because it is making Obama feel negative towards his color and other people. ... Show more content on ... We overcome them by thinking positive thoughts and helping others stay positive. In To Kill A Mockingbird, it states, nigger lover is just one of those terms that don t mean anything like snot nose. It s hard to explain ignorant, trashy people use it when they think somebody s favoring Negroes over and above themselves. It s slipped into usage with some people like ourselves, when they want a common, ugly term to label somebody (Lee 144). This has to do with prejudice because Scout is speaking her opinion about nigger lover. Her opinion may not fit other people s perspectives, but she has the power to say what she wants, which isn t fair to other
  • 28. Counseling Briefly outline and describe the essential elements of a solution based, short term pastoral counseling strategy such as its goal orientation; brief (i.e., number of sessions) and time limited (i.e., length of each session) nature; basic tenets and guiding assumptions (briefly explain each tenet and assumption), essential interpersonal skills, and possible behavioral positions (i.e., attending, blaming, willing). The goal orientation for the short term pastoral counseling should be to get the counselee to focus on their own goals that they have for themselves, and not so much what others or the counselor has for them. The class presentation, Overview of a Solution Based, Short Term Strategy, presents that you should limit the counseling... Show more content on ... The solution focused counselor wants to describe the goal as something the counselee can get on track with upon leaving the initial interview. (Kollar, 2011, p. 131) The chief aim is to get a picture of who the counselee wants to be once the issue they are dealing with has been dealt with. It should be a picture that glorifies God and has substance. The counselor s role during this phase is that of a collaborator with the counselee, as they work together in gaining a better understanding of what the counselee has as their goals. A guiding assumption through this phase is the God is already starting to heal the counselee and is already working a higher purpose through them. Phase 3 Developing the Action Plan The main purpose in this phase is to assist the counselee in creating an plan of action to start enacting in their life. The goal of the phase should be to put together a realistic plan that they can the counselee can start carrying out immediately. Wisdom does not necessarily consist of knowing what to do in an ultimate sense, but in knowing what to do next. (Kollar, 2011, p. 127) It should not be a plan for the distant future. It s one that should promote strong emotional/ mental health, allow for a closer walk with Christ, and assist in the building up of relationships around the counselee. The plan should also be one that the counselee will be able to keep rolling with well after the counseling sessions have ended.
  • 29. The Keystone Xl ( Kxl ) Pipeline In the October of 2015, oil prices have dropped to their lowest since 2008 and Canada has lost over 35,000 jobs, and the value of the loonie has dropped to a mere 77 cents compared to the U.S. Dollar. As Canada desperately clings onto the failing economy, it turns its attention to The Keystone Pipelines. The Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline was an idea proposed in 2008 by the TransCanada energy company, to deliver 830,000 barrels of oil each day beginning in Hardisty, Alberta, and extending south to Steele City, Nebraska. TransCanada claims to bring more jobs, energy security, and benefit to the Canadian and American economy. Yet, President Obama denied the proposal in 2015. Although it was a huge disappointment to Canada, the decision to deny permission for further construction of the pipeline was the right one. The future of Canada s economy should not rely on the Keystone XL pipeline, because the devastating environmental risks, the instability of the oil industry, and Canada s ability to expand other industries. The main reason President Obama rejected the proposal of Keystone XL was due to environment concerns. As quoted from Salon News President Obama s decision to deny permission for construction of the Keystone Pipeline may turn out to be a momentous event in the history of our efforts to protect our planet from environmental disaster. The construction and use of Keystone XL will greatly risk the environment, and because of this, it should not be built, and Canada
  • 30. Tft2 Task 1 The current new user security policy for Heart Healthy Insurance states the following: New users are assigned access based on the content of an access request. The submitter must sign the request and indicate which systems the new user will need access to and what level of access will be needed. A manager s approval is required to grant administrator level access. The following changes are based upon the PCI DSS Compliace: 1.Usage policies must be developed for critical technologies and defined for proper use of these technologies (PCI DSS 12.3). With this first policy an organization with prohibit or allow the usage of equipment and/or accounts depending on the individual s permitted access. 2.Explicit approval by authorized ... Show more content on ... Guide to Enterprise Password Management National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800 118. Retrieved from: /publications/drafts/800 118/draft sp800 118.pdf PCI Security Standards Council. (2013). Payment Card Industry Data Security
  • 31. Analyzing The Paintings In Timothy Brook Vermeer s Hat In the book by Timothy Brook, Vermeer s Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World, the author analysis several paintings of the Dutch painter, Johannes Vermeer. In these several paintings, Vermeer, beautifully depicts scenes from daily life. His paintings are from the Dutch Golden Age and are incredibly realistic and the way he shows light and color are strikingly gorgeous. Although Vermeer s paintingskills are developed the subject of his paintings illustrate quite simple subjects, showing middle class daily life and tasks. However, Brooks takes readers past the beautiful colors we see on the surface and digs a little deeper into each one, going in and unraveling the scene to analysis things like globalization and world trade in the 1600s. Beginning with Vermeer s painting called View of Delft, done in 1661, this painting done in oil paints shows a landscape scene from a port. The painting takes place in Vermeer s hometown of Delft in the Netherlands and depicts a scene from his daily life. One of the first things that the author points out about... Show more content on ... Similarly to the previous painting, Brooks points out another foreign object in the picture. A pile of fruit in the foreground of the painting is held by a bowl from China. The blue and white dish would have been porcelain, and became a popular decoration in Europe to have. Brook also makes an interesting point that the letter that the woman is reading in the painting could be from her husband who is traveling for trade, possibly to bring home more Chinese porcelain to her. This part of globalization is interesting because it shows how people were fascinated by foreign objects, and to possess them became something that was special and a unique object to own. It could also show that you had money or traveled, having foreign objects in your
  • 32. AP European History Chapter Breakdown AP European History Chapter Breakdown: Chapter 10 Main overview: Even though the late middles ages saw unprecedented chaos, it was now becoming a time of creative fragmentation and rebirth of the view of human creativity and individuality. In addition Europe was recovering from the demographic and political crisis that it faced. There was also a unprecedented scholarly renaissance. Especially in educational and cultural reforms. Also, social engineering and political planning also began as centralized new governments put long range economic policies into practice. Five main points: The politics, culture, and art of the Italian Renaissance. Political struggle and foreign intervention in Italy. The powerful new monarchies of northern Europe. The thought and culture of the ... Show more content on ... Despot When the ruler of a governing body has absolute control over a country. Cosimo De Medici First of the political Medici dynasty Humanism The scholarly study of the latin and greek classics, both for its own sake and in the hope of reviving respected ancient norms and values Francesco Petrarch Father of Humanism Dante Alighieri A major italian poet of the late Middle Ages Giovanni Boccaccio Italian writer and renaissance humanist Florentine Academy 15th century discussion group Civic Humanism The belief that education should promote individual virtue and public service. Chiaroscuro The use of shading to enhance naturalness in paintings and drawings. Leonardo da Vinci One of the greatest italian painters of the renaissance Michelangelo Italian sculptor and painter Borgia Family The most infamous family of the renaissance Pope Julius 2 A strong adversary to the Borgias. Niccolo Machiavelli Italian historian The Prince A 16th century political treatise written by Niccolo Machiavelli Northern Renaissance The renaissance that occurred in Europe north of the
  • 33. Ignorance In Flowers For Algernon By Charlie Gordon All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure. Mark Twain. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. People on occasion, are happier being ignorant. In the novel Flowers For Algernon, the main character Charlie Gordon, seems happier being dumb or ignorant. However, people disagree with the fact that ignorancecan sometimes be better and stand with the opinion that knowledgeis always beneficial. In reality, ignorance can sometimes be helpful to people. In actuality, ignorance is quite advantageous. For example, little kids believe Santa Claus is real and are ignorant to the fact that their parents are buying them presents, until their parents tell them. Another example includes kids in other countries. Take for example kids in South Africa. Kids in South Africa will most likely never have an Iphone 7, fancy expensive clothes, or have even basic privileges, such as going to school or having a hot shower. Although these kids will never experience experiences that kids in America have, they are still content with what they have, because they are ignorant to the fact that superior conditions exist. An additional example is Frederick Douglass, an American slave. He learned to read, write and spell and envied his fellow slaves for their ignorance, after learning his tragic fate about being ... Show more content on ... Ignorance can be effective in the long run. For example, a parent who is quite strict and does not know their child goes out and disobeys them is considered ignorance being bliss. Another example is someone who is deeply afraid of clowns in a horror movie not knowing a clown is standing outside their window is also ignorance being blissful. A final example is a dog that loves the park and is told that he is going to the park (but is ignorant to the fact he is going to the vet), might be blissful. All of these examples are proof that not having knowledge, can be quite
  • 34. Brief History Of Mahindra A Brief History Mahindra Mahindra was established as a steel dealing firm in 1945 in Ludhiana as Mahindra Mohammed by brothers K.C. Mahindra and J.C Mahindra and Malik Ghulam Mohammed. After India achieved freedom and Pakistan was formed, Mohammed settled to Pakistan. The company altered its name to Mahindra Mahindra in 1948. It in due course saw a business chance in intensifying into manufacturing and selling larger MUVs, starting with the assemblage under the license of the Willys Jeep in India. Soon established as the Jeep manufacturers of India, the company later started manufacturing Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) and agricultural Tractors. Today, Mahindra Mahindra is a dominant player in the utility vehicle manufacturing and classifying sectors in the Indian automobile industry with its leading Mahindra XUV 500 and uses India s growing global market presence in both the automotive and farming industries to thrust its products in other countries. Over the past few years, the company has taken interest in new industries and in foreign markets. They entered the ... Show more content on ... It is one of the major vehicle manufacturers by production in India and the leading manufacturer of tractors in the world. It is a part of Mahindra group, an Indian multinational. It was ranked 21st on a list of top companies in India by Fortune India 500 in 2011. Its major challengers in the Indian market include Tata Motors, Maruti, Ashok Leyland and others. Mahindra Mahindra, patented on its produces usually as Mahindra , produces Suvs and Saloon cars, pickups, commercial vehicles, and two wheeled motorcycles and tractors. It owns assemblage plants in India, Mainland China (PRC), the United Kingdom, and has three assembly plants in the United States. Mahindra maintains business relations with foreign companies like Renault SA,
  • 35. Symptoms And Treatment Of Epilepsy Seizures There are many chronic conditions that can affect people today with one such condition being epilepsy. This disease does not only affect a person physiologically but also affects how they interact with others, perform activities of daily living and the basic needs of a person, such as, driving or maintaining a job. The overall affects of this tragic and chronic disease is it can negatively affect a person s confidence and therefore affect their basic life choices. Within this paper there will be a discussion of several components of this disease and its subsequent manifestations within the affected person, current treatment modalities and the psychological components that can be overwhelming to the afflicted person. Pathophysiology Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the nervous system and may also be referred to as seizure disorder. A person may be diagnosed with epilepsy or seizure disorder after having two or more seizures with no related medical condition (, 2014). According to Dr. Dimitri P. Agamanolis, seizures arise from a neurotransmitter dysfunction causing interference between the electrical activity and the brain. Approximately 25% of seizures are a result of genetic inherited abnormalities. Another 25% of documented seizures arise from structural lesions including; brain tumors, brain trauma, infections and perinatal brain lesions. All of these presentations stem from environmental influences and not congenital in nature.
  • 36. Analysis Of 71 Shot, 12 Killed At Aurora Movie Theater The articles A Quiet Man who Authorities say Harbored a Deadly Plan and 71 Shot, 12 Killed at Aurora Movie Theatre accomplish the goal of having short paragraphs and strong verbs. However they fail to accomplish short sentences for example, in the article 71 Shot, 12 Killed at Aurora Movie Theatre the first paragraph is only one sentence that has a total of 45 words. This is all one sentence, and one paragraph. The articles do not stay concise however because the information is repeated over and over again multiple times throughout the article. The two articles do remain objective however. The stories are filled with facts and no opinions as well as no biased words or phrases. The articles stay on topic of informing the reader about the events of the night and give quotes from both victims, old family friends of the perpetrator, and family members to the perpetrator.... Show more content on ... In the first article, 71 Shot, 12 Killed at Aurora Movie Theatre, the article is centered more to informing the public of the immediate events and what is currently going on at the Aurora Movie Theatre. The article still does not have all the information and missing key parts of the story. In the second article A Quiet Man who Authorities say Harbored a Deadly Plan the article is centered more towards the events that took place at the home of James Holmes and includes more accurate information of what took place on July 20, 2012. Instead of focusing on the victims and using quotes from victims like what the author does in 71 Shot, 12 Killed at Aurora Movie Theatre, this article focuses on quotes from family members of James Holmes as well as old neighbors and high school
  • 37. Crimianl Justice Provide an example of the exclusionary rule. A right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures is declared by the Fourth Amendment, but how one is to translate the guarantee into concrete terms is not specified. Several possible methods of enforcement have been suggested over time; however, the Supreme Court has settled, not without dissent, on only one as an effective means to make real the right. An example would be if a police officer stops a driver for speeding, and in the course of issuing the citation they discover cocaine in the glove compartment of the car. If the defendant did not consent to the search, and if the police did not have probable cause to believe illegal drugs could be found in the glove compartment, ... Show more content on ... In a sense the term exclusionary rule is misleading, because there are many exclusionary rules. Some, such as the rule against hearsay, exclude evidence because it is not very reliable. Others, such as a rule prohibiting a witness from testifying if the calling party did not disclose the witness before trial, are sanctions for the failure to comply with a nonconstitutional rule. How does the exclusionary rule apply to criminal procedure within the criminal justice system? The rule applies because the evidence obtained by the government in violation of a defendant s constitutional rights can t be used against him or her. By filing a motion to suppress before the trial asking the judge to rule the evidence as inadmissible, a defendant may prevent the prosecution from using illegally obtained evidence. The exclusionary rule usually applies to suppression of physical evidence (for example, a murder weapon, stolen property, or illegal drugs) that the police seize in violation of a defendant s Fourth Amendment right not to be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure. The Exclusionary Rule has an interesting history in the United States legal system. It is a principle that is based on federal Constitutional Law that states evidence that is seized illegally by law enforcement officers in violation of a suspect s right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures cannot be used against that suspect in any form of criminal
  • 38. Poverty In Grand Forks Out on the streets, sleeping on park benches, begging people for money or food: this is probably pretty close to the image that comes to mind when you hear the word poverty . These things aren t usually seen around Grand Forks so people assume that there isn t any sort of poverty issue around here. Would it surprise you to know that 21.8 percent of residents in Grand Forks County lived in povertyin 2014? That s more than seven percent more than the national poverty rate of 14.5%. (Jacobs) The county of Grand Forks does, in fact, have a poverty issue. So why don t people know about it? One answer is the fact that unless you actually go on the internet and search for poverty rates in Grand Forks, you never see anything about poverty. You
  • 39. The Importance Of Football In High School Sports is not just a hobby that we do in our free time, it is something that we are passionate about and love doing. There will be times where we all have to take risks to be playing a specific sport, like football. Many teens have had head injuries due to head to head contact. There has been a lot of issues bringing up this topic and very contradicting. It has been news reporters have been wanting to know if young teens should risk their bodies to get a brutal head damage. Should football not be played in high school? I think teens should play the sport. Before anyone says that I think that teens should become a part of something dangerous, I do not think people think what sports actually mean. Playing any sport, no matter if it is tennis or water polo, they all give people a good exercise, making your body sweat and leaving you smelly. There are many teens who do not to even go outside for a walk or for a jog. Football is a really physical sport that involves a lot of movement. If teens would not exercise, they just wouldn t like to do anything at all, spending a lot of time inside and not getting the exercise that they need. Football is a sport that is played and practice during the summer, including all that equipment that they have to carry with them in every step that they make in the field. Football is a good way to make teens, who are pretty heavy for their age or just someone who does not have no motive to do anything, to start off playing a sport and doing
  • 40. How Has Dance Changed Over Time The History of dance is very complex and difficult to explain, being that it goes back millions of years ago. Dance has been a part of humanity for as long as anyone can remember, dance has evolved over time into something extravagant, it has been changed because of humanity and it has changed with humanity, and it will keep changing regardless of what we as people do to it. Danceis a wonderful thing that most people love and will keep loving as time goes on. Dance is a form of art, a language. Today we find dance in all aspects of culture. Dance has evolved from, and with, many different cultures, including African American, Indian American, Greek, Rome, Latin, and dozens of other places and cultures. Dance is used in entertainment, gestures that we use everyday, and religious ceremonies. Some studies that tie into... Show more content on ... Dance has changed quite a bit over the years, in many small and drastic measures, but in the end dance is still dance, just evolved. Dance today is a much more competitive sport than it used to be. Dance used to be something that people did because of tradition, or for fun. Today people still dance for fun but, most dance for sport. People who dance at dance studios like, Just For Kix, Miss Melinda s and, St. Cloud School of dance are all examples of dance studios in St. Cloud, Minnesota. At these studios people can dance in different styles of dance, styles like jazz, kick, lyrical, tap, contemporary, street jazz, hip hop, and ballet, just to name a few. All of these styles have evolved from what they used to be. Contemporary is a mix of jazz and lyrical. Lyrical is a style of natural movements and gestures, the music that goes with lyrical is usually slow and flowing. Jazz is very upbeat, and fast. Street jazz is a mix of jazz and hip hop. Hip hop is very funky and fun, it is very sassy. Hip hop music is like the music on the radio
  • 41. Diners, Divers, And Dead Ends Of Rose By Terri L. Austin Terri L. Austin is British author who writes comedic urban fantasy, contemporary romance, and humorous mysteries. As a girl, Austin believed that she would one day lose interest in the imaginary friends and made up stories that she read and wrote about almost every week. Years later, she still loves the funny and intriguing people from her imagination, and has gone on to make a career of it. Terri s debut novelwas Diners, Divers, and Dead Ends of the Rose Strickland Mystery series that went on to achieve almost instantaneous success. The lead character in the series is Rose, a girl that is so likable, funny, loyal, and kind that just about everyone wants to be best friends with her. Terri loves to describe herself as a lover of all things... Show more content on ... Austin in the Rose Strickland Mystery series. Rose is twenty something old girl that had been exiled from her family when she was nineteen since she refused to follow a career course they set for her. She now fends for herself by working at Ma s Diner as a waitress. When she is not waiting tables she attends a variety of courses at the local college before she makes a decision on what she wants to be when the time comes. The novel starts with her best friend Axton asking Rose to look after his backpack while he runs an errand. Knowing how attached he is to the backpack, he is suspicious that he would ever want to leave it behind. When the man does not turn up the next day, she knows for sure that something is wrong, particularly when she discovers that Scarface and BJ, two local thugs are stalking her. Can she get to the bottom of the mystery or is she in over her head trying to find her missing friend. Mix in a group of IT nerds, fun loving friends and a dysfunctional family and this makes for one very enjoyable
  • 42. preschool Essay California Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 2 CALIFORNIA DEPAR TMENT OF EDUCATION SACRAMENTO, 2010 California Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 2 Visual and Performing Arts Physical Development Health Publishing Information The California Preschool Learning Foundations (Volume 2) was developed by the Child Development Division, California Department of Education. This publication was edited by Faye Ong, working in cooperation with Laura Bridges and Desiree Soto, Consultants, Child Development Division. It was designed and prepared for printing by the staff of CDE Press, with the cover and interior design created by Cheryl McDonald. It was published by the Department of Education, 1430 N Street,... Show more content on ... With the goal of ensuring that all preschools in California offer highquality programs, the California Department of Education collaborated with leading early childhood educators, researchers, advocates, and parents to develop Volume 2 of the preschool learning foundations. The foundations outline key knowlВ edge and skills that most children can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments shown by research to promote early learning and developВ ment. Volume 2 focuses on three domains: visual and performing arts, physical development, and health. These domains often receive less attention than some of the other domains, but they are equally important for preschool children s overall learning and development. As research that is summarized in this volume indicates, physical v vi exercise and healthy routines and nutritional choices set the stage for lifelong healthy habits. The recent NAEYC report underscores the need for children to play outside, use their large muscles, and engage in vigorous physical activities every day. Of course, the visual and performing arts fuel both preschool children s imaginative play and creativity and also promote learning in all domains, including physical skill development, cognitive development, and social emotional development. I believe that these foundations will help guide and support all California preschools in providing developmentally
  • 43. Thesis Statement For Procter And Gamble Procter Gamble (P G) is a multi national consumer goods company based in the United States. It specializes in making products that include personal care products, pet foods and cleaning agents. Procter Gamble rolled out its first ever worldwide sports marketing campaign during the 2012 Olympic games in London, United Kingdom. Although P G is not in the business of athletic gear or sports drinks, as the Proud Sponsor of Moms, P G will use its voice to honor and thank moms, not just moms of Olympians but all moms, for all they do to raise their kids. What is Sports? Why do people attach themselves to certain sports? Before sports was a way of staying fit and an activity that only certain gentlemen could be able to take part in. Now days, sports has become an entertainment for views and a massive business for the people taking part in it. It is regarded as one of the most moneymaking professions in the world if people associate you with a certain sport. People and fans attach themselves to a sport because they have a personal interest in the game due to a number of reasons. I personally would be attached to a sport and a team because I was ... Show more content on ... Attending an event is important but standing out in the crowd by being a sponsor will highlight P G and the business with a captive audience. P G will also receive media attention, as when sponsors decide to be involved, they will automatically get the benefit of being promoted throughout the process. Some events have local media support while others may offer national campaigns. This could provide extended exposure and visibility in new markets. Also, logo placement in a variety of places such as flyers, websites, emails marketing campaigns, tickets, signage, etc. will add to increase brand awareness. Being recognized as a sponsor will communicate value and support with the audience at the
  • 44. Charles Darwin s Influence On The Origin Of Life Have you ever wondered where you come from? Did God put humans on Earth? Will we ever understand the origin of life? Not yet, but Charles Darwin has helped us take a step closer. From his inference of life, we understand how each living organism came to be, through the long and meticulous process of evolution. Darwin s theory of evolution is that all life we see has been changed over thousands of years to create the forms we see today. There are many influences on the evolution of an individual organism which Darwin attempted to contain in his theory of natural selection. Simply, natural selection is the process which life goes through to evolve. In 1809, Charles Darwin came into this world. He lived in a moderately wealthy family as his ... Show more content on ... Today, most of our biology revolves around his accomplishments. Although some would argue it was the time for that discovery to unravel as other naturalists came to similar conclusions as Darwin simultaneously; it was Darwin s brilliance and slight differences from his peers which made his theories everlasting in the exploration of life. Life is one of the greatest mysteries in this world. Darwin shed some light on the origin, but he could not illuminate all of the darkness. He became a revolutionary man as he helped humanity take a large step further by making part of the unknown known. My favorite takeaways from investigating Darwin s life are the value of humility, to compile evidence to fortify claims, to question authority and, lastly, to never give up. Darwin learned the value and importance of humility. As a scientist, Darwin understood how little of the world we knew. He had an open mind to all possibilities, but he used rational evidence to support claims. Darwin saw something world changing on the Beagle, but he didn t publicize his ill supported assessment until twenty years later. In that time, he conducted experiments, talked to breeders, and read a mountain of studies. The degree to which he went to collect evidence is remarkable and truly inspiring. His patience and passion are
  • 45. Market Revolution Impact The Market Revolution occurred in the United States, in the 19th century and was a drastic change in the manual labor system originating in the South and soon moving around the entire world. The Market Revolution has been viewed as one of the most influential events that occurred to the economic world in the history of modern society based in terms of the economic development. The invention of many new items helped people performed certain tasks more efficiently and this lead the world to be able to produce a lot more goods in a shorter period of time. The impact of the Market Revolution on the world as one was that it catapulted the world economy into an almost chaotic state. Which means people had access to a much wider variety of goods... Show more content on ... The Lowell Mills, in Massachusetts, before the Market Revolution bosses acted like family and they were paternal to their workers. Prior to the market revolution, paternalism guided the relationships between employers and their workers. Paternalism meant that employers took care of their workers in a similar way to how they would care for their own family members. In times, employers would keep their workers working instead of firing them, and they would overlook transgressions such as tardiness. They would also take care of workers in their old age. As the Lowell Mills exemplified, the demands of the market, however, fundamentally changed this relationship. Between 1822 and 1839, Lowell s population grew from 200 to 18,000 people and the mills rivaled the world s major textile centers. Lowell was unique for its size, but also because it employed mostly young, single women rather than men, like the vast majority of other mills and factories. Lowell chose women because they received less wages since they were perceived as not having a family to feed. They were also seen as more obedient and less rebellious, and their smaller hands were believed to be more dexterous and suitable for detailed textile work. Lured by the potential of the market, the Lowell Mills departed from the traditional paternalism and instead sought to maximize profits. As the women s wages decreased, the pace of work and the regimentation of the work place increased. Moreover, workers became deskilled because they only made one part of the final product instead of the product in its
  • 46. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Learning The rise of technological advancements during the past century has introduced e learning to the extent that virtual learning has now become a trend. In fact, a common dilemma that new high school graduates might go through is whether to physically attend university or to just take online classes. It is an essential question to think about as both options have their advantages and disadvantages. In such cases, students might tend to choose taking online courses rather than being physically present in a university, since these online classes are more convenient in some situations. However, convenience does not always mean good quality and traditional educationis still more effective than virtual education in terms of discipline, social interaction,... Show more content on ... Bajerano (2008) emphasizes that interacting with other students and faculty in a regular context influences the students success and experience. Students who take online classes will miss out on this interaction since the only way to communicate with the instructor will be via video and internet. Consequently, they will not have the opportunity of seeing professors during their office hours and ask about possible doubts that they could have (Bjerano, 2008). This may lead to an incomplete understanding of the material. Another drawback of online classes is the inability of students to ask the professor direct questions and not have the opportunity to work through any difficulties by discussing learning concepts using the classroom board, for example. As a result, students would probably rely on themselves to find the answers to such questions. Additionally, online learners would not be able to avail of the on campus learning centers in which students can discuss their doubts; therefore, the students understanding of the subject is reinforced (Bajerano, 2008). Similarly, online learners would not be able to benefit from interacting with other peers because the element of group work, which helps students keep up their learning motivation and gain assistance while studying, would be