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Essays On Drinking And Driving
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays on Drinking and Driving" can be a challenging task that
demands a careful balance of informative content, persuasive arguments, and a nuanced
approach to a sensitive subject. The complexity arises from the need to address the serious
consequences of drinking and driving while maintaining a coherent and engaging narrative.
Firstly, one must delve into the statistical and factual aspects surrounding this issue, exploring
the impact of alcohol-related accidents on road safety. This requires extensive research to gather
relevant data and studies, which can be time-consuming. Additionally, navigating through the
various perspectives on the matter, from legal consequences to societal implications, adds a layer
of intricacy to the essay.
Crafting a compelling argument against drinking and driving involves presenting convincing
evidence to support the thesis. Expressing the gravity of the problem without resorting to fear
tactics or oversimplification requires a delicate touch. Furthermore, addressing potential
counterarguments and providing a well-rounded perspective adds depth to the essay but also
demands critical thinking and analytical skills.
The emotional aspect of the topic also contributes to the difficulty. Effectively conveying the
human cost of drunk driving incidents requires empathy and a thoughtful choice of language.
Balancing the severity of the issue with a call to action for responsible behavior poses a
challenge in maintaining a tone that is both impactful and constructive.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essays on Drinking and Driving" is a task that demands
thorough research, analytical thinking, and a careful consideration of the emotional aspects
involved. It requires a delicate balance between presenting hard facts and appealing to the
reader's emotions. For those seeking assistance with such essays or other academic writing tasks,
services like can provide support in crafting well-researched and
professionally written content.
Essays On Drinking And Driving Essays On Drinking And Driving
What Is The Ratification Of The Constitution Dbq
The US Constitution was written in 1787, it was later ratified in 1788 then taken in
1789. Supporters of the ratification of the Constitution where known to be the
Federalists on the contrary those opposing of the ratification of the Constitution
where Anti Federalists. The immediate problem was not just excepting the
Constitution but also for a concern of the government. The Anti Federalists started a
movement due to opposing of the Bill of Rights not being in the Constitution. The
Anti Federalists did not want a strong central federal government. They saw the
constitution to be too powerful, possibly as a potential threat. During this time
Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of treasury during George Washington s
presidency, was the dynamic
Surrealism And Its Impact On The 19th Century During
There have been some controversy during the early 20th century during the world
wars. Art lost its meaning during this time and the only way to give it meaning
again was to make it different, to offend people to help to make a point. This is
similar to the artist/rapper Eminem, how his use of profane language draws
attention to his work and its controversy makes it a topic of conversation. After the
rise of abstract art rose a new style called Dadaart. This was one of the most unusual
time in part as it went against the common idea as to what art is. Dada led to
Surrealism which began to flourish in the 1920 s. Because these two movement are
so close together there will be many different similarities and differences between the
two. While both have the same underlying message, surrealism is more sexual in
comparison compared to dada but both had the same message to give, although each
has its own method to achieve its goals.
The modernist admiration for primitivism led to Dada, the most unusual art
movement of the twentieth century. (Experience Humanities, pg 581) The idea of
Dada is to show the problems in society but disrupting the system. This was in
particularly done to show how WWI had devalued art. Dada artist did a lot to
disrupt the system like Hurl gobs of spit in the faces of the bourgeoisie. They staged
exhibits in public lavatories, planned meetings in cemeteries, and arranged lectures
where the speakers were drowned out by a bell (Experience Humanities pg
The Role of Central Fatigue in Resistance and Endurance...
What is central fatigue?
Neuromuscular fatigue can be defined as a decline in performance that is usually
determined by power generation capacity. During a static maximal contraction, force
will decrease steadily and fatigue would be observed from the beginning of the
exercise. Contrarily, in submaximal contractions, the target force is maintained for a
long time. In this situation, the fatigue is defined as the inability in maintaining the
force, even if the capacity of maximal force generation is impaired earlier during
contraction. Neuromuscular fatigue is usually defined as a reduction of the capacity
of maximal force generation [1]. Velstad (1997), defined neuromuscular fatigue as
any exercise induced reduction in the maximal capacity of force generation or output
force. This definition allows us to define fatigue in different sports and various
intensities. Moreover, there must be a distinction between the muscle weakness as a
chronic disorder in force generation or output force and the acute effect of
neuromuscular fatigue. So, it seems that neuromuscular fatigue develops differently
depending on the muscle activity [5]. Fatigue was traditionally related to the
metabolic occurrence of ending point during the exercise in which glycogen
concentration of the muscle was depleted completely [6]. Furthermore, cardiovascular
[7, 8] and metabolic load, and temperature adjustment are likely peripheral candidates
for the fatigue outbreak during long exercises [9].
Sites of
Organic Foods And Organic Food Essay
Organic food is one of the fast growing markets in the world. Only in the U.S.,
retail sales of organic foods were $6.2 billion in 2015: California made up the
biggest part of the country s organic food market, with $2.436 billion of total sales;
Colorado was on the ninth place with $155 million of total sales ( 2015 Certified
Organic Survey 9). Today, organic products are available in almost every
conventional grocery store and often have a higher price over conventional products.
In fact, the majority of consumers believe that organic products do not contain
pesticides or antibiotics, and they are better for health and the environment. Because
the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulates the use of the Organic and USDA
Organic labels, it is a primary driver of the marketing success of organic products in
the U.S. Misunderstanding of the principles and practices of organic farming, labels
and quality of organic food, values and motivations of consumers, have made many
debates in our society.
The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 established uniform national standards
for foods labeled as organic . Now, the label organic is used to show that food or
another agricultural product has been produced through methods and practices
defined by the U.S.
Ryzhaya 2
Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its National Organic Program (NOP) (
Organic Standards ). The term organic describes produce that has been organically
grown without using synthetic fertilizers,
Allowing Marine Parks To Keep Marine Mammals
The main thesis presented in the essay is whether to allow marine parks to keep
marine mammals. The first main argument Bill Daly s presents is the fact that
individuals would rather see marine mammals in the wild life than captured inside
a tank. Bill Daly s states In fact, there are more places where they can be seen in
wild than places where they can be seen in captivity (Daly 2016, p.469). This
argument presents the fact that many of the places people visit have many areas to
see marine mammals in the wild, which is an option many tourist would prefer. The
second argument presented in the essay is that when it comes to research of marine
mammals, marine parks are only useful to study animals that are captured. Bill Daly
states Dolphin
Octopus Worksheet
Left side: On this side students who struggle more with counting numbers 1 20 will
work on this side the most. Here the theme is under the sea. I have an octopus on the
board. There are ten legs on the octopus that have the numbers written in order above
each leg. I will have students say aloud the numberof each leg, and count out green
puffballs that represent the number each leg is. Below the octopus is a scene of the
ocean. Here I have attached different sea animals. Each one has a different number of
the same type of animal. (Ex: fish, turtle, and crab) I will have students help me count
the number of each individual animal. Once they count the amount of one animal that
is on the board they are to find that number on their worksheet. The worksheet has
numbers... Show more content on ...
Here the theme is based on a movie theater. I have Popsicle sticks that have numbers
1 20 written on them. Students will draw a Popsicle stick and say the number aloud.
They will then write the number on the dry erase paper I attached to the board. I
created two enlarged ten frames. After the student writes the number they will use
magnetic movie tickets and stick the number of movie tickets on the ten frame that
represents the number on the popsicle stick the drew. Next the student will use fake
popcorn and count popcorn into a popcorn bag for the number they drew.
Right side: This side I designed for students who are a little more advanced. I spray
painted this side with chalkboard paint so that the students can directly write on the
board. The students will role a dice to determine the number they are going to use.
They will then fill in the four boxes on the chalkboard paint. The first one requires
them to write the number. The second one has the student write tally marks for the
number. The third box asks the students to fill in a ten frame. Lastly, the fourth one
has the students draw a picture. (Example: draw 3 triangles, 4 squares.)
Celtic Mythology Research Paper
Trees are silent guards, they are listeners and they hold knowledge mankind has
long forgotten. A culture that once was all across Europe to nearly facing
extinction amazingly survived thousands of years. Celtic Mythology was more
than just whimsical stories to it s people it was a way of life, including tales of these
gods and goddesses who served a purpose of meaning the world and the qualities of
a good person. First, the history of Celtic Mythologytraces back centuries ago. For
example, there is a long history of their people. At their height they were a large
and diverse group that was spread out all across Central Europe. After the Start of
christianity however, the popularity or Celtic went down. Also, scientists have
discovered many different celtic villages. The Hallstatt village in Austria is the
oldest one of its kind ever found and many different celtic artifacts have been found
there. This is why the early stages of Celtic Mythology was known as the Hallstatt
era. Another village in Switzerland called La Tene also had many artifacts uncovered
there and is also is why the second phase of the celtswas known by same name.
Although overtime, archeologists are making new discoveries most aspects... Show
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The Harp was believed to be a common instrument among the celts and is now the
national emblem of Ireland. The oldest surviving celtic harps date back to the 15th
century but the music of the harp has been an important emblem or Ireland since
the 10th century (ireland Also, as the celtic belief goes, everything
comes in threes which brings us to another iconic symbol... the shamrock. It s
believed to have mythical powers and was even used by Saint Patrick to spread the
teachings of christianity. That s just a few of the reasons why it s the national flower
of Ireland. Overall, Celtic culture is still evident today from its
Roman Influence On Christian Architecture
The fall of the Roman Empire leaded Europe into the Dark Ages. There is an
undeniable influence of Ancient Roman art on Christian art and architecture as its
name suggests it Romanesque . Roman art is even described as the first
international art, as it spread throughout time and space. This classical impact can
be seen in the domain of architecture, mosaics, but also with sculptures. The first
point is in the architectural domain, with the Roman basilica. It served as the
prototype for early Christian church. Even if not build for religious purpose, the
basilica finally was adopted as church as its plan adapted perfectly. Because this plan
allowed for many people to circulate within a large, and awesome, space, the general
plan became an
The Worst Things Going On Today Americ The Education
Cynthia Chambless, a lecturer professor at Bergen Community College, is discussing
one of the worst things going on in Modern America: The Education Gap. As much as
we like to believe that our current education system is the same everywhere and any
student can succeed anywhere, unfortunately, the quality of educationdiffers from
each district. Cynthia has found that many students have learned more and better than
other students based on how high their social classis. In fact, students from poorer
neighborhoods can t even write properly. This has led to students from poorer
neighborhoods not being as prepared for collegeas students from more upper class
neighborhoods. The further we ignore this issue, the more people are set back
from getting their degree and accomplishing their goals. Students need the latest
resources to be successful in college and in life. Thus, The Education Gap between
the rich and the poor can be solved with more funding to community schools in
poor neighborhoods by the government because low funding is the primal reason
for students being so far behind compared to their higher social class peers. Eduardo
Porter said, despite the efforts deployed by the American public education system,
nine years later the achievement gap, on average, will have widened by somewhere
from one half to two thirds. (Eduardo 2015). If we don t stop this issue, the system
will only get worse. Meaning, more students will be behind and not getting the right
PCOS Essay
In the world of healthcare women s health has taken a front row seat in recent
years as we look for ways to help educate, and empower them to take more control
over their health. One disease that has surfaced in recent years that effects women
s health is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). For more women to become
knowledgeable about this disease health professionals need to educate women about
what PCOS is, we need to recognize what ecological factors play a role in PCOS, and
what can be done to help women manage their PCOS disease.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Approximately, eight to twenty percent of women
worldwide suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome worldwide (National Institute of
child health and human ... Show more content on ...
This is due to the way their bodies suffer from insulin resistance which causes an
increase in weight gain. Researchers discovered that hepatic insulin resistance,
characterized by both increased post absorptive glucose production and reduced
sensitivity to insulin mediated suppression of endogenous glucose production, is
present only in obese women with PCOS compared to control women of
comparable body weight (Sam, 2007). So, a woman whose body that cannot process
insulin properly or produces to much insulin runs the risk of obesity and increases
their chance of having PCOS. Infertility is another issue that women face due to
having PCOS. Research indicates that PCOS accounts for 75% of anovulatory
infertility. Additionally, if/when pregnancies do occur, the first trimester miscarriage
rate is as high as 30% to 50% (Sheehan, 2004). In a normal menstrual cycle if fertility
does not occur a woman will have her period every twenty eight to thirty days.
According to the advanced fertility center of Chicago, in the case of PCOS, the egg
on the ovary fails to mature and release at the time of a women s ovulation cycle.
Without this release of an egg fertility cannot take place, and since the egg never
fully matures it does not get released during a menstrual cycle, thus leading to missed
periods (Shbreahn, 2017).
Solutions to Handling PCOS
After women are diagnosed with PCOS it is important that they seek the right
medical advice to manage the
Saint Patrick and St Patrick s Day
Chipper Howe 4/9/14
Religion 9 H 4
Fourth Quarter Report
Part 1: The process of Canonization is the process that a person must go through to
become a saint. This began around the tenth century. Pope John Paul II changed the
process in 1983. Here is the process. The first requirement is that the person must be
dead for at least five years. They must be a very holy person and a servant of God.
Then the person s local church members must start a petition to request that this
person should become a saint. The Bishop will look into this person s life and decide
whether or not to pass this person on to the next step to the Pope. If he does a
couple of theologians will look more deeply into this person s life and evaluate the
person. People who are martyrs will automatically become a saint because they
should amazing faith and holiness. Many of the first saints were martyrs because
they were persecuting Christians in the time of Jesus and a long time after the
ascension. The next step is to have at least two miracles credited to his or her name.
If they only have one miracle they will be named blessed, just like Blessed Edmund
Rice. When they get two miracles and they will in fact become a recognized saint in
the Catholic Church.
Part 2: St. Patrick Saint Patrick is one of the most well known saints in the Catholic
Church. Along with the two saints, St. Nicholas and St. Valentine, St. Patrick has a
worldwide day that shares the love for them, St. Patrick s
Bronx High School Of Science
Stokely Carmichael Kwame Toure, better known as Stokely Carmichael, was one
of the most prominent civil rights figures in our history. Born in Trinidad, he
became a citizen at the age of 13. Stokely and his family moved to an Italian and
Jewish neighborhood where he was one of the few African Americans. He attended
one of the most prestigious high schools, Bronx High School of Science where he
remained one of the few faces of color among his white elite counterparts.
Carmichael became very popular around his classmates, attending parties, dating
white women, and playing sports. While Stokely was aware of the racial tensions
that ensued, he never realized until later in life how differently he was perceived
from his white counterparts. One evening upon graduating high school, Stokely
finally felt his calling to join the movement. Carmichael was watching a television
newscast that showed young African Americans protesting the racial injustices.
When I first heard about the Negroes sitting in at lunch counters I thought they
were a bunch of publicity hounds. He watched as these people were knocked off
stools, ketchup thrown in their hair, and sugar thrown in their eyes. After this he
decided to join the Congress of Racial Equality. The Congress of Racial Equality,
otherwise known as CORE, was a leading civil rights activist groups. In the early
1960s CORE started many initiatives like Freedom Rides, Freedom Summer, and the
March on Washington. CORE is where
Life As A Contest With Fate By Heinrich Von Kleist
When is the proper moment to think? Is it better to think before, during, or after an
action? The writer, Heinrich von Kleist, argues that one should think after an act.
He uses the example of a wrestler, The athlete, at that moment when he is holding
his opponent in his grip, simply has no recourse but to act spontaneously, on
inspiration; and if he begins to calculate which muscles to contract and which
limbs to move in order to throw him, he will always draw the short straw and be
thrown himself (Kleist, 1810). In this example Kleist is correct that it is more
appropriate to reflect on your actions rather, but is this logic acceptable in all
occasions? Or when an individual should think be dependent on the situation at
hand? In the same essay, Kleist states life itself is a contest with fate , however
should the entirety of life be treated as a contest (Kleist, 1810)?
To begin with, is it better to think while you act? In the example stated previously,
when the wrestler thought during he s match, he resulted as the loser. In the film
Fearless, Huo Yuannjia s father faced a similar scenario. During a match to determine
the better of two Wushu styles, Hou s father meets defeat when he became lost in
thought. In these situations, the individuals would have a higher chance of success if
they acted on intuition rather than critical thinking. On the other hand, would acting
on inspiration would be best during a test or homework assignment? While working
on school assignments
Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
Chapter 4
Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
After reading this chapter, you will be able to:
1. Analyze the relationships among ethical, social, and political issues that are raised
by information systems. 2. Identify the main moral dimensions of an information
society and specific principles for conduct that can be used to guide ethical decisions.
3. Evaluate the impact of contemporary information systems and the Internet on the
protection of individual privacy and intellectual property. 4. Assess how information
systems have affected everyday life.
SYSTEMS A Model for Thinking About Ethical, Social, and Political Issues... Show
more content on ...
public school buses. However, she also worries about the location tracking data being
misused. I don t want anybody watching them that s not supposed to be watching
them, she notes. Others feel the same way. Location tracking has benefits, but it also
opens the door to potential invasion of privacy. Many people may not like having
their physical move125
Part One Organizations, Management, and the Networked Enterprise
ments tracked so closely. Location information might help direct a tow truck to a
broken down car, but it could also be used to find out where the driver went during
the lunch hour. For similar reasons, privacy advocacy groups have opposed the use
of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags in consumer items. RFID tags are
small silicon chips equipped with tiny antennas that enable them to communicate
with RFID readers and track the location of items as they move. When placed on
individual products, they allow companies to tell exactly when a product leaves a
store or learn more about the actions of consumers buying the products. Designer
Lauren Scott had planned to add radio frequency tags to the childrens clothing she
designed to help parents keep track of their children. An RFID tag sewn into a child
s clothing could store vital medical information or track the wearer s location to
prevent children from being
Amontillado Montresor Characteristics
Montresor from The Cask of Amontillado is a vengeful, intelligent, psychopathic, and
static character. All these characterization makes him seem like an actual, existent
person. The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he
ventured upon insult I vowed revenge, revealed Montresor s desire of revenge on his
friend, Fortunato, just because of an insult. We later found out that Montresor s
punishment is death, which is not usually an expected revenge of an insult . Friends
do say or do things that hurt each other s feelings whether it is intentional or not, but
very few of us vowed for revenge. All these factors revealed Montresor s vengeful
characteristic. Without a doubt, Montresor is an intelligent character.
St. Bernard Monologue
St. Bernard was conceived of honorable parentage in Burgundy, France, in the
stronghold of Fontaines close Dijon. He entered upon the investigations of religious
philosophy and sacred writing. After the passing of his mom, dreading the catches
and enticements of the world, he set out to grasp the recently settled and
exceptionally severe organization of the Cistercian Request, of which he was bound
to wind up the best decoration. He additionally induced his siblings and a few of his
companions to take after his illustration. In 1113, St. Bernard, with thirty youthful
aristocrats, introduced himself to the blessed Abbot, St. Stephen, at Citeaux. His
unchallenged before long, seeing the colossal improvement he had made in the
otherworldly life,
The Relationship Between CTE And General Education
Though well implemented programs of study require strong cooperative partnerships
between core content and CTE teachers, there is still substantial work to be done to
ensure that fruitful CTE and general education collaborations exist at every level.
Policymakers must communicate and collaborate to align and integrate core content
and CTE standards. In the classroom, educators must pool resources to present an
integrated curriculum in both CTE and core classes. And accountability systems must
be retooled to ensure that aligned metrics assess a range of student knowledge and
abilities that predict readiness for success in both college and careers.
CTE courses often combine classroom based instruction with work based learning, ...
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Consortia of schools, colleges, and employers can also be an effective strategy, and
the CTSOs, which have strong industry partners, can be the basis for building
relationships between secondary and postsecondary schools and employers to
identify opportunities for career experiences.
The integration of global competencies into CTE programs of study is a natural one.
CTE students are learning valuable skills related to the program s industry; and
students in the ISSN network, as discussed earlier, are using deeper analytic skills to
research and address issues of global significance. Research in both areas
demonstrates that engagement in real‐world learning on issues of global
significance leads to persistence and higher achievement. To combine CTE with the
methods and strategies of a globally focused education is a powerful way to engage,
motivate, and ultimately ensure that students graduate from high school with the
skills needed to succeed in the interconnected environment in which they will be
living and working. Increasing numbers of careers are requiring global competency,
facility with world languages and cultures, and the ability to work in global teams.
At a fundamental level, CTE s role is to prepare students for successful careers, and
quality CTE programs should provide opportunities for students to learn and apply
global competencies in order for students to successfully participate in the Am Rapid
economic, technological, and social changes are
Changing Perception Of Witches In Popular Culture
The title Managing the Other: The Changing Perception of Witches in Popular
Culture gives us an insight into the angst of the witches who become the other to a
male source of power and to the ideal female constructed. This thesis studies this
change in perception of witches in popular culture taking into consideration
feminism, performative theory and popular culture analysis to understand the new
fascination and the place of witches in culture. The earlier labelling of women as
witch was a way of putting down the rebel in them by demonizing them. The
success of the frenzy of witch hunt shows the zenith of fear. The ugly as evil became
symbolized in the witch, represents a challenge and became a symbol for something
larger. She is an outcast, unacceptable, source of harassment and marginalization.
Today s popular culture reclaims the witch and she becomes an enduring feminist
icon, a transgressive power. She has gained the voice she never had. Female writers
imbued their voice onto the powerful image of the witch. There has been a
metamorphosis of the old hag into the new witch who stands as a symbol of the
modern woman, feminine and feminist.... Show more content on ...
This change is etched on the body, as body politics has always been a focus of the
study on women. The ugly image has been transformed and the modern witch seeks a
return to the maternal. The chapter deconstructs the image of the witch highlighting
the process of such manifestations against women, demonizing them as witches by
patriarchy and dominant social structures especially in fairy tales. Representation of
the witch in contemporary popular culture redefines and re locates the witch and her
craft in a post feminist
The Super Bowl- Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is modern day slavery, which leads to kidnapping, drugs, forced
sex, forced labor or death. Consequently, many victims which include men as well as
women and children from all the countries are being kidnapped, bought and sold
against their will, which are odious crimes in the 21st century. Therefore, Abolishing
justice in the 21st century (A21) organization made a campaign poster The Super
Bowl Human Traffickingcontains calculated information that The Super Bowl is
known as the largest human trafficking incident in the United States. The notice
contains an extemporaneous photo of a woman who runs through a tunnel towards
the light. A21 organization strongly believes there are no unscathed people around
the world, therefore human beings should work together, and consequently the
human trafficking will end. The art director of the poster is unknown; the available
information shows that this poster belongs to A21 organization. I retrieved this
placard from the internet, from Tina Kaufmann s article Super Bowl is single largest
magnet for sex trafficking, child prostitutionin US , which she published in February
1st, 2013 on the website of WCPO. The intended argument of the placard was to
look around as well as to pay attention to what is going on at the time of the Super
Bowl, principally, parents need to look after very carefully for their children in an
addition to speak up if they notice something suspicious, nevertheless save people
from the
Myth By Natasha Trethewey Analysis
One of the things that is so fascinating about poetry is that it allows readers to
discover and sometimes challenge and channel their emotions as well as their
understanding. A poem s words as well as its structure can reveal many things to
its intended audience. In Myth by Natasha Trethewey, the poems form is just as
important as the words she writes, becoming a map for the journey Trethewey
takes, using transitions to take us from one place to another. The nature of the
poem therefor becomes multifaceted, as it encourages the reader to think about the
speaker s words and use of form and structure she uses to craft this epic story. Using
form as a tool, Trethewey is able to use structure as a way to guide us as readers and
the speaker across the conscious and unconscious thoughts and dreams the speaker
faces in this story.
The title Myth seems to be appealing to the Greek tradition of storytelling, and the
poem itself seems to be motivated by or at least influenced by Erebus, a Greek deity,
who is the personification of darkness and shadows. In Greek mythology, Erebus, is
referred to as the limbo the dead have to pass to reach Hades, who rules the
underworld of death. In her poem, Trethewey uses Erebus s as dream like Rift
between sleeping and waking in which the speaker is able to see the lost loved one
is alive and well. In the poem Trethewey references the Erebus in the beginning of
stanza two and end of stanza five. Of course, this is easy to relate to Trethewey
A Study On Microstrip Antenna
Chapter 3
Overview of Microstrip Antenna
3.1 Microstrip Antenna A microstrip antenna consists of conducting patch and a
ground plane separated by dielectric substrate. This concept was undeveloped until
the revolution in electronic circuit miniaturization and large scale integration in 1970.
The early work of Munson on microstrip antennas for use as a low profile flush
mounted antennas on rockets and missiles showed that this was a practical concept
for use in many antenna system problems. Various mathematical models were
developed for this antenna and its applications were extended to many other fields.
The number of papers, articles published in the journals for the last ten years. The
microstrip antennas are the present day antenna designer,s choice. Low dielectric
constant substrates are generally preferred for maximum radiation. The conducting
patch can take any shape but rectangular and circular configurations are the most
commonly used configuration. A microstrip antennais characterized by its length,
width, input impedance, gain and radiation patterns. Various parameters, related
calculation and feeding technique will be discussed further through this chapter. The
length of the antenna is about half wavelength of its operational frequency. The
length of the patch is very critical and important that result to the frequency radiated.
Antennas are key components of any wireless communication system and it
Barbados Slave Code Of Dominos Essay
The fear of rebellion is what gave the colonies the idea to pass a chain of laws that
restricted many of the slave s rights. Each colony had a diverge set of ideas about
the rights of the slaves. There were some similar aspects in the slave codes across
the land where slavery was the most frequent. Slaves were legally considered
property, which did not give them the option to own land. If there was no presence
of a white person, slaves were not allowed to congregate. Any slave that lived off
the plantation had to follow the special curfew or there would be severe
consequences. In the chance that a slave was in court being accused of any
criminal act towards a white person, the slave would have no chance to testify.
Slaves were always absent in the jury. Slave codes had many destructive effects on
the lives of African Americans. It was illegal to teach a slave how to read and
write. Many white Christians tried to educate slaves on how to read the Bible;
however, those same people did not approve of marriage between the slaves. This
way it made it easier to sell a member of the family to another owner without
causing strife between the owner and slaves. These laws set the foundation for a law
called the Barbados Slave code of 1661.
The Barbados Slave Code of 1661 was a law passed by the colonial English
legislature to provide legal basis for slavery in the Caribbean Island of Barbados. The
codes preamble, which stated that the law s purpose was to protect slaves as we do
The Homeland Security And Homeland Defense Missions
Introduction The homeland security and homeland defense missions were
developed in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. Designed to fill
gaps in intelligence sharing to defend against or response to terror attacks. This paper
will discuss the future success of the current homeland security and homeland defense
missions. It will also look into the role civil libertiesplays in that success.
The missions held by homeland security and homeland defense are vital to the
protection of the country against acts of terror. While relatively young programs,
much has been achieved in the homeland security and homeland defense missions.
To continue this success, the programs must evolve as the world evolves, and more
specifically, the terrorists. To stay relevant, the Department of Homeland Security,
its subordinate agencies, and the Department of Defense must evolve with the
threats in a way that does not impede on civil liberties. The topic of civil liberties
and intelligence collection creates significant political debate and often threatens to
derail intelligence collection process. In a reply to the Governor of Pennsylvania,
Benjamin Franklin said [t]hey who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety . (1755, p. 255) While there is
debate on what Benjamin Franklin meant in this quote, there is no doubt that it is use
by many to argue against the collection of data from United States citizens.
What Are The Arguments In Time To End The War On
The prohibition of drugs fails to create the greatest maximum amount of happiness
for the greatest number of individuals. Many issues arise with the prohibition of
drugs such as, black markets, and unnecessary imprisonments. Black Markets create
a rise in crime because buyers, and sellers can t solve their disputes in court, or with
lawyers. The buyer, or seller then turns to violence to solve their disputes. Milton
Friedman paper Its Time to End the War on Drugs mentions that informants are
required for drugcrimes, because neither the buyer or seller will be willing to, or
have the incentive to report a violation of the law . He also mentions in the paper that
the use of informants is costly, and the chance of corruption rises. Informants,
The Effects Of Ocean Pollution On The Marine Ecosystem
Ocean pollution comes in many forms with each having some sort of effect on the
marine ecosystem. Ocean pollution is destroying earth s waters, because its killing
populations of organisms in the water all over the ocean, Its destroying coral reefs
and water is being contaminated with oil,garbage and chemicals.Which in turn is
destroying organisms all over the ocean. For the purpose of this paper, it will be
logical to categorize these pollutants into three main areas; garbage, chemical, and
noise pollution. When thinking about these topics it is not only important to look at
the devastation that it brings to sea life, but also how it impacts human and animal
life as well.
The most obvious pollutant comes in the form of garbage. Garbage is a visible
source that we can see floating on the water s surface. Among the garbage, plastic
appears to be the most harmful to marine life. There is an average of 13,000 pieces
of plastic litter scattered around every square kilometer of the ocean. An average of
6.4 million tons of marine litter reaches the oceans every year according to the
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). At this rate scientists predict a
bleak future for the oceans which are a vital to our planet s existence.
Once garbage whether plastic or not reaches the oceans, the currents take it many
miles off shore. The place it ends up is a place that is termed an oceanic desert. The
scientific name is gyre. A gyre is a slowly moving, clockwise spiral of
Beyonce Feminist Analysis
When Beyonce stood in front of a large LED screen that displayed FEMINIST at
the 2014 VMA awards, like minded women everywhere cheered. There stood a
celebrity who did not shy away from the word that had become similar to a curse.
Very few women were willing to own up to the title of Feminist before Beyonce did.
It is, perhaps, a leftover sentiment from the raging second wave of feminism, the so
called bra burners who would protest Miss America Pageants. Today, Feminism
attempts to speak for a broader definition of women than in the past. In the midst of
the second wave of feminism, non white women were still trying to be heard in the
feminist movement. In the Combahee River Collective, Black Women state that, The
only people who care enough about us to work consistently for are liberation are us.
Though truly it is difficult to discuss the history that we are living today, Feminism
has tried to embrace both queer feminists and non white feminists, and also feminists
who are unafraid to embrace their femininity. Rio Grrl is particularly famous for
publishing... Show more content on ...
Together, they uncovered shared injustices that, for the housewives, transcended
from a personal problems to political. For instance, once many women discovered
that the housework fell solely on their shoulders and even those whose claimed their
husbands helped out could identify the issue of women being assigned a task based
on their gender was an issue. Second Wave Feminists began to use Consciousness
raising to identify some of the issues they wanted to fight for, such as: reproductive
rights, work place equality, and domestic violence awareness and prevention.
However, many of these sessions revolved around the white middle class women,
which guided feminists goals towards benefitting only one
A Discussion On Sex Education
Results showed over 335 out 4,214 were cutting themselves at this point in their life.
That shows 7.9% of the students have this addiction (Hall, p. 623, 2010). While
these numbers are everlasting changing, self harm needs to be addressed to all ages
just as other addictions are spoken about. Eating disorders are taught in the early ages
of elementary school. Sex education is taught the fifth grade. Self harmis not a
discussion in sex education (Khantzian 668). The only way this addiction is taught
to children is by explaining suicidal thoughts and having those thoughts turn into
forms of self injury. Teachers and parents are not able to recognize the effects until
it reaches a point where the person can no longer hide their pain. With the numbers
of this growing addiction and the urge to begin this addiction rapidly increasing,
the factors of self harm need to be discussed as one entity instead of comparing
them to another addiction (Wang 666). Different generations and different ethnic
groups are involved when it comes to self harm addictions. There is no single self
injurer profile. The rates of self harm continue to grow, especially in certain
communities (Hall 623). In an article Non suicidal Self Injury among Ethnically and
Racially Diverse Emerging Adults, research was performed to observe those with the
addiction of NSSI in specific ethnic groups. The groups were gathered and were
consisted of multiple races such as African Americans, Asians, Caucasians, and
Essay on Medieval Weapons
Medieval Weapons
Medieval society, in spite of its stereotypes, was not inherently more violent than
modern society. Although there was no state in the modern sense, and therefore no
set of laws that inherently took away the power of the average man or woman to
exercise violence, the violence of the day was considered differently, and with out the
inherent sense of criminality that accompanies it today. Our understanding of the
weapons of the medieval world is skewed by the vast disarming of the the civilian
that is taken for granted today, yet is a vastly different situation compared to what
existed in many parts of the West as little as seven years ago.
Medieval weapons and armor are, for better or for worse, generally ... Show more
content on ...
By the fourteenth century, improvements in the range and power of the crossbow
had made it an indispensable tool of war, and arguably the weapon of the cites and
the seas. Time and time again in the Crusades, the crossbow, and not force of the
knight in mГЄlГ©e, proved the decisive factor. However, although mounted
crossbowmen were used extensively in Spain, crossbowmen could not maneuver
quickly while shooting, and this meant that they were vulnerable while used, for
example, (by the Ottomans at Necropolis and the English at Aginour but the archer
simply could not hold open ground against a well performed cavalry charge.
Perhaps paradoxically, the cavalry charge became more and more decisive as factors
and the battlefield arose that challenged it. The additional weight of heavier armor
that would resist crossbow bolts and, in northwest Europe, longbow arrows
provided additional power for breaking formations. It was an ongoing spiral of
offense and defense as relatively light mail gave way to heavy mail, and then mail
with pieces of plate, and finally to the knight in full suits of plate armor. Just as
archers and pole arm equipped infantry had to adjust to increasingly heavy armor of
the knight
Questions On Angels
Angels. Many questions revolve around this subject. Who or what are they? How
many are there? Do they actually exist? The Bible can and will answer many of these
questions. Humankind always had its own opinion on angels, but unsurprisingly,
most of these assumptions are wrong. The Bible will contradict many of these
theories on angels or it will prove them right. It just depends how educated these
assumptions are.
1. Q: Who are angels? (Hebrews 1:13, 14)
Note: In other words angels are ministering spirits created by God. They live with
God in Heaven and come down to Earth to hep man.
2. Q: How many angels are there? (Revelation 5:1)
Note: Later in this study you will learn that Lucifer took one third of the angels with
him. So ... Show more content on ...
By doing this he will punish or reward us for our works. Good or bad. This s where
you get to see who won your war, you or Satan.
12. Q: In the end what happens to Lucifer and his angels? (Matthew 25:41)
Note: Like the rest of the wicked (in the second coming), they will burn. Lucifer
shall burn the longest for his treachery against God. He will watch others burn then
his followers, while he burns in the fire watching all his followers fall. Then he will
fall, the last, he will burn alone.
13. Who is Michael the Archangel? (Jude 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Revelation
20:5, Revelation 22:8, 9, Daniel 12:1, Joshua 5:13 15, Exodus 3:5, Acts 7:33)
Note: Michael the Archangel is also the captain of the Lord s army. He let Joshua sit
there and worship him, but in other verses it says that angels don t accept worship. In
other verses Jesus has accepted worship. This captain also said to take off your
sandals for your standing on holy ground. God has said this quotation two times.
Michael is also the only one called an archangel in the Bible, he is also the
commander of an army who accepts worship unlike other angels. This somewhat
proves he could be
Symptoms And Treatment Of Acute Stress
Acute Stress is brief. It can be useful and make inspiration. Acute stress is the sort of
anxiety numerous individuals feel when they have an auto collision, experience
difficulty at work or their kids have issues in school. Once the circumstances are
determined, the anxiety reduces. Treatment for acute stress regularly incorporates
rest and unwinding. Hostile to uneasiness medication is normally just utilized if acute
anxiety is a trigger for nervousness or frenzy assaults. When trying to help the
circumstances are not going to be determined in a brief time.
Chronic, or long haul stress, happens as the consequence of a circumstance that has
not been single minded or preceded for a long time before being determined. This
may be a ... Show more content on ...
Your mind s astounding hypothalamus additionally sends signs to your pituitary
organ at the base of your cerebrum, letting it know to discharge considers that inside a
couple of minutes have gone through your circulation system and fortified your
adrenal cortex to create an anxiety hormone cortisol. Cortisol is critical in your
anxiety reaction keeping your glucose and pulse up to help you escape from threat.
Catecholamine s enact a territory inside the mind called the amygdala , which seems
to trigger an enthusiastic reaction to an upsetting occasion. Arrival of Neuropeptide S
discharges neuropeptide S, a little protein that regulates stretch by diminishing rest
and expanding readiness and a feeling of tension.
3. Hormone: A compound substance created in the body that controls and manages
the action of specific cells or organs. Numerous hormones are emitted by unique
organs, for example, thyroid hormone delivered by the thyroid organ. Hormones are
vital for each action of life, including the methods of absorption, digestion system,
development, multiplication, and inclination control. Numerous hormones, for
example, neurotransmitters, are dynamic in more than one physical methodology.
There are three major Stress Hormones: Adrenaline, Cortisol, and Norepinephrine.
Adrenaline commonly known as the battle or flight hormone, it is created by the
adrenal organs in the wake
The Importance Of The Hollywood Star System
There is no doubt that Hollywood is an industry based on selling movies and what
sells movies better than the marketing of a Hollywood star. An actor or actress can
not only make movies successful, but in addition their images are also profitable.
The Hollywood Star System has been very profitable for Hollywood and
contributed to saving Hollywood in the late 1920s and 1930s when studios found it
financially hard to survive. Once Hollywood realized their star s had financial
power there was no stopping the lengths they would go to in order to sell their star s
The Hollywood Star System originated during the Studio System in which actors and
actress were signed to long term contracts with the studios. Moreover, studios
understood that the actor s public persona was profitable. Studios invested heavily in
the actor s public image or persona that they wanted the public to perceive. Studios
had contractual morality clauses that outlined an actor s behavior so as to not tarnish
the image that the studio was promoting. Therefore, the star system was an economic
boon to the studios and this style of contract system lasted from the 1920s to the early
1960s (Star, 2017). However, this left the actors feeling more like a commodity, than
actual people or employees, which created a contentious relationship between the
studios and the stars that represented them. This atmosphere often led to public
power struggles , when actors challenged the studios in an attempt to have
Effects Of Isis On Society
Isis is a big problem in society that needs to be eliminated The U.S. Isis is a
dangerous anti American society who is causing trouble in Syria, Iraq, and even her
in the u.s. Isis has done plenty of mass murders and shootings that have caused lives.
The main problem with them is that they are infiltrating the U.S which is a major
threat to society considering they are only here to cause damage.
According to the Daily Beast Isis is completely and totally ruthless and will do
whatever they can to damage the U.S, and they have already caused countless
numbers of shooting, murders, rapes, and even beheadings. We can prevent this
problem by increasing online security because if they have access to most of the
websites we have here in America, ... Show more content on ...
isis is infiltrating the U.S more and more and even as we speak someone is
probably cooking up a plan of attack which is why we need to do something now.
According to CNN news post there is yet another element to the process of shutting
down Isis, and that is social media, television programs, and other information
sources that anyone can access might be a huge problem because any time that Fox
news or CNN announces something about Isis or a plan of attack, Isis will hear that
and will be able to prepare ahead of time. Another way to eliminate isis from our
country is to increase borderline security all around the U.S even by shore line to
insure that nobody is sneaking into the country to cause trouble and commit
Prince Revealed In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Prince
Once upon a time, in a land far beyond the embraces of the horizon, where the wind
carried the secrets of the sky in its whispered lunges, and the shadows danced for
Death at the corners of perception, there lived a Prince. This Prince, who ruled over
a grand kingdom at the heart of an ancient forest, was very beautiful. He was so
striking to look at in fact, that all those whose eyes gazed upon him swore that he
had been born from the very stardust that had shaped the universe; and that if any
stared at his ethereal form for too long, they would surely go blind. In this way,
although the Prince was kind, caring, and a fair ruler to all of his subjects, his
physical perfection was seen as too great of a burden, and fear to those around him....
Show more content on ...
The scene that he saw before him was so like his fantasy that he almost thought
himself to still be asleep. Except, in his visions, when his subjects had been looking
towards him, something vital had been missing. He could feel the soft fluttering
buzz of all of his peoples hearts beating around him, and while the song they
produced was unfamiliar, the Prince believed that it might be called Love. Perhaps, it
was the essential factor he had been searching for. Thus, with the entire kingdom
surrounding their leader in a state of collectivity, and with the powers of this
newfound Love protecting against the effects of Time, the Prince decided that dreams
were not things that could ever be found at the bottom of small brown bottles. Rather,
the true dream came from living a life that was continually present, and constantly
attempted to capture even if only for a moment a happily ever
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Wiley College Debate
The Wiley College team went against Harvard College in a debate in 1935 which
took place at Harvard University. The author of the Wiley College debate will be
none other than James Farmer, Jr and Samantha Booke. The purpose of their debate
is to convince the audience that civil disobedience is a moral weapon in the fight for
justice. After the first Harvard Dean finished, Farmer states that Civil disobedienceis a
moral weapon in the fight for justice. He then begins with using a rhetorical
question which is But how can disobedience ever be moral? . He uses a rhetorical
question to strengthen his upcoming argument. To make the argument stronger, he
uses logos in response which is General Dyer trapped them in a courtyard and
ordered his troops to fire at the crowd for ten minutes. to his opponent by using an
example of a bad act violence. He later uses pathos by explaining how in this moral
act of violence, 379 people died, including children. At the last part of the debate,
he uses another rhetorical question which is The definition of moral: Dyer s lesson
or Gandhi s victory. You choose. He purposely asks us this because he knows that
the audience will likely to choose Gandhi s victory because it is far better than
killing people to call it a moral victory . After the first debater was finished Samantha
uses Gandhi s philosophy by stating facts about him. She then uses logos by saying
Gandhi also believes that lawbreakers must accept
Comparison Of Chinatown And The Big Sleep
Comparing ChinaTown and the Big Sleep
ChinaTown, directed by Roman Polanski, is a non traditional hard nosed detective
film made in the 70 s. The typical elements of character type are there; J.J. Gittes (a
private detective in LA) played by Jack Nicholson is the central character, sharing the
spotlight is Fay Dunaway playing the femme fatale Evelyn Mulwray. This film
breaks all types of norms when compared to the hard nosed detective films it is
modeled after. The film is filled with allusions to the Big Sleep, especially taken
from scenes of Marlowe and Vivian. Chinatown has formal elements indicative that it
is going to be in the style of traditional Film Noir hardboiled detective, until you
examine the characters personalities ... Show more content on ...
While he tells the off color joke is the real Evelyn Mulwray , standing behind him
waiting with her lawyer.
This would have never happened to Marlowe. Gattis looked like a fool.
Gettis couldn t get a one liner right if his nose depended on it. Throughout the film
Gettis is screwing up jokes or lines that were meant to be sharp and humorous. In
opposition to Gettis, Marlowe is socially smooth and rather witty. You could almost
say Gettis is clumsy and crass. The impression we are left with about Gettis is
normalizing. Gettis loses the stature that comes with a protagonist filled with
bravado. He comes off kind of plain, almost corny, a regular guy.
As a detective Gettis has done very well by himself. He has Venetian blinds in his
office, wears a well tailored white suit and seems to be wealthy from his trade. In
contrast, Marlowe from the Big Sleep is barely getting by with P.I. work. It is
implied that he isn t materialistic and it wouldn t out of character for him to do work
Pro bono. Gettis is a P.I. known mostly for divorce work (catching adultery) and
spying on the unsuspecting. As a protagonist he doesn t come off very ethical.
Polanski didn t make a character the audience would love right off the bat. Supplying
Curly with pictures of his wife s adultery in the opening scene doesn t paint Gettis
into a picture of the model for ethics.
Eveylyn Mulwray is no Vivian in the Big Sleep. Although
Smokeless Tobacco
Do not smoke! If you smoke you can get cancer and many different diseases. After
you quit smoking the risk of having a stroke can go down to the same as a
nonsmoker. Chewing tobacco and snuff are products that are called smokeless
tobacco. Now please read on if you want to know more about the health effects,
addiction struggles, and smokeless tobaccoproducts. Every time you smoke it is
awful for your health and causes cancer, heart disease, and respiratory diseases.
Cigarettes have at least 28 chemicals in these products that have been found to also
cause cancer such as esophageal cancer, mouth cancer, and pancreatic cancer.
Smokingalso harms your appearance; it yellows your teeth and damages your skin. It
makes people short of breath,
Counseling Psychology Research Paper
Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour. Psychologists explore concepts
such as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, motivation, brain functioning,
personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships, including psychological
resilience, family resilience, and other areas. Psychology as a practice, involves
various disciplines like clinical psychology, behavioural psychology, environmental
psychology, criminal psychology, consumer psychology etc.
Each of the disciplines of psychology has its own set of processes, techniques,
standards and accepted methodologies to be learnt and followed. It is an applied
science, so the quantitative measurement of progress is possible.
Among the many types of psychology, the one we are ... Show more content on ...
In recent decades, counseling psychology as a profession has expanded and is now
represented in numerous countries around the world. A counseling psychologist, like
any other psychologist is a trained professional with a license to practice. There are
rules and guidelines in counseling psychology that need to be adhered to and
violations can be punishable.
Process and Outcome of Counseling Psychology
1. Counselling process refers to the start and continuation of a counselling. It answers
the questions How and Why.
2. The two important questions asked are, Why is counselling happening? and How
is it being done?
3. The first question is important since it gives us a cause for action. Once the first
question is answered, the psychologist is in a position to determine, how exactly he
/she should move forward in the give scenario.
4. The second question, allows charting a proper course to carry out the counselling.
Always remember, no two people and hence no two minds are ever the same. Both
need to be seen and treated differently.
5. Counselling Outcome talks about understanding, whether or not counselling is
6. If the counselling proves to be effective, then there is the need to understand under
which conditions it proved to be effective and whether the effect was lasting or not.
7. If the counselling proves ineffective, then there is a need to
Karl Marx s Sociological Perspective
Karl Marx (May 5, 1818 March 14,1883) is considered one of the most influential
sociologist who ever lived. He first attended the University of Bonn but after getting
arrested, his parents enrolled him in the University of Berlin. Where his sociological
career began when he joined a club called The Young Hegelians. In this club they
would criticize political and cultural establishments. He became a journalist and his
writings got him expelled from Germany, France, and even Belgium. In 1848 Marx
published The Communist Manifesto and then in 1867 he published Das Kapital. He
continued to write other papers but he couldn t finish them because he died in 1883. staff,(2009), Karl Marx, retrieved from
/karl marx.... Show more content on ...
Benokraitis. (2012). SOC.(pg. 14). Belmont,CA. Linda Schreiber Ganster Karl
Marx thought that conflict would be the effect of inequality in the economy. He
got this from the idea of capitalism, where he saw industrial society composed of
three social classes. The first class would be the Capitalists, which are the owners
of factories or basically anyone who owns a company that produces a lot of wealth.
The next class would be the petit bourgeoisie, which are below the capitalists. They
own their own company but can be driven out by the capitalists so they might end
up as the next social class. The proletariat. They re basically the working class and
who survive on their wages. Conflict within these classes are mainly because the
capitalists would have so much money and the workers would barely be making
by. So the proletariats would rise up and there would be a revolution. It related to
this time period because it was a bit after the industrial revolution and that was what
Karl Marx was really focusing on. Nijole V. Benokraitis. (2012). SOC.(pages 14 15)
Belmont,CA. Linda
Throughout the 1930s, the blend of the Great Depression...
Throughout the 1930s, the blend of the Great Depression and the memory of
disastrous misfortunes in World War I helped pushing American popular supposition
and arrangement to neutrality. Neutralists supported non association in European and
Asian clashes and non trap in global governmental issues. In spite of the fact that the
United Statestook measures to maintain a strategic distance from political and
military clashes over the seas, it kept on stretching monetarily and secure its hobbies
in Latin America. The pioneers of the independent development attracted upon history
to reinforce their position. In his Farewell Address, President George Washington had
pushed non contribution in European wars and legislative issues. For a great part...
Show more content on ...
Throughout the interwar period, the U.s. Government over and again picked non
snare over support or mediation as the fitting reaction to universal inquiries. Promptly
taking after the First World War, Congress rejected U.s. participation in the League of
Nations. A few parts of Congress restricted participation in the League out of worry
that it might draw the United States into European clashes, despite the fact that
eventually the group security provision sank the likelihood of U.s. support.
Throughout the 1930s, the League demonstrated insufficient despite developing
militarism, mostly because of the U.s. choice not to take part.
The Japanese intrusion of Manchuria and ensuing push to increase control over
bigger spans of Northeast China in 1931 headed President Herbert Hoover and his
Secretary of State, Henry Stimson, to create the Stimson Doctrine, which expressed
that the United States might not distinguish the domain picked up by animosity and
in violation of universal assentions. With the Stimson Doctrine, the United States
communicated concern over the forceful activity without conferring itself to any
immediate association or mediation. Different clashes, including the Italian attack of
Ethiopia and the Spanish Civil War, likewise brought about essentially no official
duty or movement from the United
Nwoye And Ezinma In Things Fall Apart
Things Fall Apart
Okonkwo is a well respected clan member with many titles, yet he came from a
very poor and full of debt background. He is a warrior with 3 wives and their
children. His two favorite children are Nwoye and Ezinma but Nwoye started to
drift away and become part of the Christian community after his father let his
friend, Ikemefuna, be sentenced to death. Okonkwo s biggest fear is looking weak
like his father so he fights throughout the entire book for the clan and highly
disagrees with the changes it s made in the end. The book was written in 1959, but
based in the 1890 s, when it was obvious that blacks and whites still had racial issues
with each other but were trying to work it out. Albert Chinua Achebewas raised in a
How Is Conflict Presented In Lord Of The Flies
Discuss the Development in the Conflict as Represented in Lord of the Flies The
slow development of conflict in Lord of the Flies reflects ideas relating to the
authenticity of society and civilisation. This is revealed through the characters quick
decent into tribal behaviour upon an absence of humanity, casting off the chains of
society in favour of violence and savagery. These controversial ideas presented
throughout Lord of the Flies are communicated through four main characters who
each play important roles in portraying these concepts through the medium of conflict
between each other. The protagonists Ralph, Piggy and Simon all depict the good
themes of civilisation, each portraying either intellectuals, humanitarians or
affiliations... Show more content on ...
Jack is initially depicted as a strong willed yet disciplined schoolboy but rapidly
transforms into a brutal savage, adopting depraved values in favor of his old,
civilised values. Jack is symbolic of all the negative segments and attitudes of
civilisation such as the desire for power, money, control and fame. He naturally
conflicts with the other characters representing the positives of civilisation such as
Ralph and Piggy and tries to silence them for his own personal gain. This conflict
between good and evil is rendered immediately when Jack joins the group in the
beginning of the film. With a show of power he marches his intimidating choir into
the meeting and attempts to take control from Ralph and Piggy. I think we ought
to have a chief to decide things. I ought to be chief. he announces, unashamefully
declaring his desire for power. Later in the film conflict between these characters
flare up, such as when Ralph and Piggy try to call a meeting. Jack openly declares
hostility and resistance against them Who are you to tell us what to do anyway?
You can t hunt. Why should being chosen matter? . His rationalisation for breaking
the rules is simply Who cares about the rules, we re strong. , openly admitting to
believing he is above the law. During the final stages of the film Jack had
successfully persuaded almost all of the boys to
Wal-Mart Business Report Essay
CONCLUSION8 Works Cited9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this
business report is to gain familiarity with Wal Mart and to learn about the different
aspects that make Wal Mart a successful company. This report gives an in depth
analysis of the company history, services and products provided, the company
philosophy, business methods, organizational structure, and financial and competitive
analysis. Wal Mart is a well known company. Although Wal Mart was originally just a
retail outlet, this... Show more content on ...
In 1985 though, Walton knew he had to let his penny pinching ways sit on the
back burner. There was anxiety about trade deficits the loss of American
manufacturing jobs, so Walton launched a Made in America campaign that
committed Wal Mart to buying American made products if suppliers could get
within 5 percent of the price of a foreign competitor. By doing this, Walton showed
customers and employees alike that the company has a conscience. Not only that,
but even earlier Walton gave profit sharing rights to employees in 1971. And as
evidenced by the stock growth, that wasn t a bad investment. Wal Mart didn t just
get by with cost saving methods. They were ahead of their competitor s technology
wise too. Even in the 1970 s, Wal Mart was able to track inventories in their
warehouses and link it with stores. They tracked their sales data for specific items
and could increase or decrease their inventory accordingly, achieving a higher
efficiency than other retail companies. Another aspect that Wal Mart felt strongly
about was expanding there reaches. In 1978, they introduced a Pharmacy, auto center
and jewelry divisions. When Sam Walton died in 1992, the company was taken over
with the same cheapness in mind. Only, the new leaders at Wal Mart didn t show the
employees that they were still important.
Antonio Vivaldi Contributions
The Renaissance was a period in European history, from the 14th to the 16th century,
regarded as the cultural bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history, but this
period of time was eventually overtaken by the Baroque. While the Renaissance
brought back the beauty and grace of the Greeks, the Baroque revived the dramatic
and affections, or feelings, within musicthat stirred the soul. Unlike the previous
period, the Baroque focused on the performance and work itself than the actual
composer. The great giants of this time include Monteverdi, Bach, and Handel. They
all contributed to the Baroque in various ways, either through operas or conciertos,
and everything in between. However, an equally important composer is Antonio
Vivaldi. His works spans an array of musical genres and the volume of music he
produced make him a significant player in this period.
On March 4th, 1678, Antonio Vivaldi, the most original and influential Italian
composer of his generation , was born in Venice, Italy (Whole Notes: Stories Behind
the Classics: Antonio Vivaldi). Born a sickly child, he was baptized almost
immediately because the midwife thought his life was in danger since he was born
the day of an earthquake (Sadie, Stanley, and John Tyrrell, 2001). In reality, Vivaldi
had stretezza de prieto or asthma, and this condition would affect him for the rest of
his life, limiting the types of instruments he could comfortably and masterfully play
(Sadie, Stanley, and John Tyrrell, 2001).
Statistical Data Of Heart Disease
The purpose of this paper is to speak about statistical data of heart disease in Hartford
The Epidemiology and the community I have chosen to speak about in this paper
are cardiovascular disease and stroke in the city of Hartford in the state of
Connecticut. According to, Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of
death and accounts for more than 17.3 million deaths per year and is expected to
grow to over 23.6 million by 2030 (Heart Disease, Stroke and Research At a
Glance, 2016). Identifying the right data source to obtain information is very
important for managing and targeting the right population in the disease
management process. Information can be found in many places but finding
credible date is very important to assess the community and in comparison the
nationwide problems. Since the introduction of the internet we have been able to
access many places in the world wide web to be more informed and educate
ourselves on disease management. Most of the credible data sources come from
the federal and state level. Some of the resources I was able to obtain in my
research on the web were The American heart association (AHA), in which was
founded in 1924. The AHA is a non profit organization their main mission is to
prevent and provide education on Heart disease. The CDC is a federal agency under
the department of Health and Human Services in the United State. Their mission is to
protect the public in controlling and managing disease in
The Effect Of Two Multicomponent Lifestyle Interventions...
The objective of the PREMIER research was to study the effect of two
multicomponent lifestyle interventions on estimated coronary heart disease (CHD)
risk compared to advice alone intervention.1 The study also evaluated whether the
differences can be detected in the effects of the lifestyle interventions among
subgroups defined by baseline variables.1 The results from the study can help future
researches to focus on the intervention that has proven to be effective in reducing the
heart diseaserisk.
The PREMIER study was a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
sponsored, multicenter, 3 group, parallel arm randomized trial conducted in the
United States.1 For the study, a total of 810, of which 62% were women and 34%
were black, healthy adults with untreated prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension
who met the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of
High Blood Pressure criteria for a 6 month trial of nonpharmacological BP treatment,
were recruited.1 The participants were randomized to 1 of 3 intervention groups: An
advice only group, an established group (EST) that used established lifestyle
recommendations for blood pressure control (reduced sodium intake, weight loss,
and increased physical activity), or an established plus DASH group (EST+DASH)
that combined established lifestyle changes with the DASH (Dietary Approaches to
Stop Hypertension) diet.1 The mean age of the participants were 50 years, the mean
Stereotypes Of People With Disability
My overall topic is Opportunities. Shouldn t everyone have one is sports? There are
a lot of negative impacts with people with disabilities. A lot of stereotypes state that
they cannot play sports because they would mess up the whole game. But, is that
REALLY true?
Many people Able Bodied and Disabled can learn a lot of life lessons when playing
Why do people without disabilities play sports that has to do with disabilities? That
is something people do not understand. However.. everyone should be accepted in
sports no matter how they are. Its practice to get better at something they would like
to do. However, Some do not get that many opportunities. Such as people with
disabilities. They are often declined some of the major sports such as; Soccer,
Baseball, Volleyball, and so on. Those who are... Show more content on ...
Even with those different types of disabilities they re still human and shouldn t be
treated any differently than their peers. Stereotypes, attitudes, assumptions, and
perceptions are often combined to create a stigma around people with
disabilities.Being disabled can be very hard. Especially in you wanted to try out
sports. Like stated in the thesis, people with disabilities have it much harder because
the disabled cannot play as much sports as their able bodied peers persons with
disabilities often face societal barriers and disability evokes negative perceptions and
discrimination in many societies. Some can even be a little to competitive and
choosy when it comes to their players. Some coaches can be nice while others don
t. It s a part of life. However, as I had stated, a lot of disabled people have been
declined careers with basketball, soccer, and football. They are declined because of
most stereotypes that makes them seem like bad players. It is reported that 93% of
women with disabilities are not involved in sport and women comprise only one third
of athletes with disabilities in international
The Harm Consequences Of Social Media And Its Effects
There are 2.3 billion active social media users (Kit Smith 1). Meaning the majority
of people go on social media every day. Social media is almost a part of every teen
s life it s how they stay connected and meet up with people. But social media may be
worse than what most people would think. It s leading to much worse things for
teenagers that they won t see coming since social media is a huge part of their
lives. Social media s negatives outweigh the positives because it s causing long
term consequences and impacts teen s mental and emotional health. Social media
affects things long term because what you post, like, or repost on any site can be
used against you in any way shape or form. The internet is forever even if someone
deletes it, it never truly goes away. On the one hand, some argue that there are long
term consequences on teenagers that are not taken into consideration on social
media. In an article by Michael Farrell a couple of teenagers ages 13, 16, and, 18
are on social media and he wants to know what effects social media can have.
Basically, he asks the parents how they find time with their busy lives to be on
social media and how it affects their lives. He takes that information and what was
gathered is that since social media doesn t come with a guide so things can be
abused or used wrong (Farrell). Overall the effects were mainly how now there are
numerous places to access social media which leads to an increase in cyberbullying
and thereby lowers teens
Pip s Innocence Quotes
This quote from Chapter 5 is describing Pip s limited reunion with Magwitch after
he had been rounded up by the police. The general statement made by Charles
Dickens in this quote, is that Pip is still an innocent young boy. More specifically,
Dickens describes Pip to be still in touch with his innocence and guilt, just as any
other child is. In this passage, Dickens is suggesting that Pip is always concerned
with what other people think of his behavior. In this passage, the author is
suggesting that PIp is very anxious to prove to Magwitch that he is innocent.Like
the innocent young boy Pip is, Pip is always concerned with what other people think
of his behavior. Which is the author s way of proving Pip s innocence. But as
Magwitch looks
Analysis of Super Size Me
Analysis of Super Size Me
Morgan Spurlock decided to make this documentary to investigate the fast food
companies, and the effects of certain fast food chains products, particularly
McDonalds, on the health of society. This Documentary explores the United States
growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes as well. Morgan decides to eat nothing but
McDonald s food for thirty days. He must eat one of everything on the menu at
least once, and when asked to super size his meal he must do so. Another
stipulation of Morgan s experiment is that he can only take 5,000 steps a day to
replicate the exercise that most average Americans get on a daily basis. He must
also eat three meals a day, no exceptions and if McDonalds doesn t serve ... Show
more content on ...
He was told that he might do permanent damage to his liver due to having to
metabolize all of the excess fat in his new diet. Not to my surprise, McDonalds did
not want to participate in this documentary whatsoever and did not ever give
Morgan the interview that he sought after, even after over 15 telephone calls. In a
sense that obesity is a growing epidemic I think that the documentary was fairly
realistic, but who actually eats McDonalds three times a day? Morgan did say that
22% of all McDonald s consumers were known as super heavy users, which means
that they eat McDonald s food 3 times a week or more. I think Morgan conveyed
his negative opinions about the fast food chains, particularly McDonalds very well
although there may have been some dramatization. The people who are most
affected by McDonalds marketing and pricing practices are definitely kids and/or
lower budget people. The cheap food that supposedly fills you up for longer due to
the long list of ingredients in it is easy for lower income families to provide. The
extent to which McDonalds is marketed to children can be seen in the installation
of playgrounds, birthday party hosting, toys with kid s meals, Ronald McDonald
the clown, and many other sly advertising techniques such as a cartoon on TV. All
of these marketing techniques lure kids in at an early age. Uneducated people are
more likely to eat at McDonalds at a larger scale because many times they are not
informed of

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Essays On Drinking And Driving

  • 1. Essays On Drinking And Driving Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays on Drinking and Driving" can be a challenging task that demands a careful balance of informative content, persuasive arguments, and a nuanced approach to a sensitive subject. The complexity arises from the need to address the serious consequences of drinking and driving while maintaining a coherent and engaging narrative. Firstly, one must delve into the statistical and factual aspects surrounding this issue, exploring the impact of alcohol-related accidents on road safety. This requires extensive research to gather relevant data and studies, which can be time-consuming. Additionally, navigating through the various perspectives on the matter, from legal consequences to societal implications, adds a layer of intricacy to the essay. Crafting a compelling argument against drinking and driving involves presenting convincing evidence to support the thesis. Expressing the gravity of the problem without resorting to fear tactics or oversimplification requires a delicate touch. Furthermore, addressing potential counterarguments and providing a well-rounded perspective adds depth to the essay but also demands critical thinking and analytical skills. The emotional aspect of the topic also contributes to the difficulty. Effectively conveying the human cost of drunk driving incidents requires empathy and a thoughtful choice of language. Balancing the severity of the issue with a call to action for responsible behavior poses a challenge in maintaining a tone that is both impactful and constructive. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essays on Drinking and Driving" is a task that demands thorough research, analytical thinking, and a careful consideration of the emotional aspects involved. It requires a delicate balance between presenting hard facts and appealing to the reader's emotions. For those seeking assistance with such essays or other academic writing tasks, services like can provide support in crafting well-researched and professionally written content. Essays On Drinking And Driving Essays On Drinking And Driving
  • 2. What Is The Ratification Of The Constitution Dbq The US Constitution was written in 1787, it was later ratified in 1788 then taken in 1789. Supporters of the ratification of the Constitution where known to be the Federalists on the contrary those opposing of the ratification of the Constitution where Anti Federalists. The immediate problem was not just excepting the Constitution but also for a concern of the government. The Anti Federalists started a movement due to opposing of the Bill of Rights not being in the Constitution. The Anti Federalists did not want a strong central federal government. They saw the constitution to be too powerful, possibly as a potential threat. During this time Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of treasury during George Washington s presidency, was the dynamic
  • 3. Surrealism And Its Impact On The 19th Century During The... There have been some controversy during the early 20th century during the world wars. Art lost its meaning during this time and the only way to give it meaning again was to make it different, to offend people to help to make a point. This is similar to the artist/rapper Eminem, how his use of profane language draws attention to his work and its controversy makes it a topic of conversation. After the rise of abstract art rose a new style called Dadaart. This was one of the most unusual time in part as it went against the common idea as to what art is. Dada led to Surrealism which began to flourish in the 1920 s. Because these two movement are so close together there will be many different similarities and differences between the two. While both have the same underlying message, surrealism is more sexual in comparison compared to dada but both had the same message to give, although each has its own method to achieve its goals. The modernist admiration for primitivism led to Dada, the most unusual art movement of the twentieth century. (Experience Humanities, pg 581) The idea of Dada is to show the problems in society but disrupting the system. This was in particularly done to show how WWI had devalued art. Dada artist did a lot to disrupt the system like Hurl gobs of spit in the faces of the bourgeoisie. They staged exhibits in public lavatories, planned meetings in cemeteries, and arranged lectures where the speakers were drowned out by a bell (Experience Humanities pg
  • 4. The Role of Central Fatigue in Resistance and Endurance... What is central fatigue? Neuromuscular fatigue can be defined as a decline in performance that is usually determined by power generation capacity. During a static maximal contraction, force will decrease steadily and fatigue would be observed from the beginning of the exercise. Contrarily, in submaximal contractions, the target force is maintained for a long time. In this situation, the fatigue is defined as the inability in maintaining the force, even if the capacity of maximal force generation is impaired earlier during contraction. Neuromuscular fatigue is usually defined as a reduction of the capacity of maximal force generation [1]. Velstad (1997), defined neuromuscular fatigue as any exercise induced reduction in the maximal capacity of force generation or output force. This definition allows us to define fatigue in different sports and various intensities. Moreover, there must be a distinction between the muscle weakness as a chronic disorder in force generation or output force and the acute effect of neuromuscular fatigue. So, it seems that neuromuscular fatigue develops differently depending on the muscle activity [5]. Fatigue was traditionally related to the metabolic occurrence of ending point during the exercise in which glycogen concentration of the muscle was depleted completely [6]. Furthermore, cardiovascular [7, 8] and metabolic load, and temperature adjustment are likely peripheral candidates for the fatigue outbreak during long exercises [9]. Sites of
  • 5. Organic Foods And Organic Food Essay Organic food is one of the fast growing markets in the world. Only in the U.S., retail sales of organic foods were $6.2 billion in 2015: California made up the biggest part of the country s organic food market, with $2.436 billion of total sales; Colorado was on the ninth place with $155 million of total sales ( 2015 Certified Organic Survey 9). Today, organic products are available in almost every conventional grocery store and often have a higher price over conventional products. In fact, the majority of consumers believe that organic products do not contain pesticides or antibiotics, and they are better for health and the environment. Because the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulates the use of the Organic and USDA Organic labels, it is a primary driver of the marketing success of organic products in the U.S. Misunderstanding of the principles and practices of organic farming, labels and quality of organic food, values and motivations of consumers, have made many debates in our society. The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 established uniform national standards for foods labeled as organic . Now, the label organic is used to show that food or another agricultural product has been produced through methods and practices defined by the U.S. Ryzhaya 2 Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its National Organic Program (NOP) ( Organic Standards ). The term organic describes produce that has been organically grown without using synthetic fertilizers,
  • 6. Allowing Marine Parks To Keep Marine Mammals The main thesis presented in the essay is whether to allow marine parks to keep marine mammals. The first main argument Bill Daly s presents is the fact that individuals would rather see marine mammals in the wild life than captured inside a tank. Bill Daly s states In fact, there are more places where they can be seen in wild than places where they can be seen in captivity (Daly 2016, p.469). This argument presents the fact that many of the places people visit have many areas to see marine mammals in the wild, which is an option many tourist would prefer. The second argument presented in the essay is that when it comes to research of marine mammals, marine parks are only useful to study animals that are captured. Bill Daly states Dolphin
  • 7. Octopus Worksheet Left side: On this side students who struggle more with counting numbers 1 20 will work on this side the most. Here the theme is under the sea. I have an octopus on the board. There are ten legs on the octopus that have the numbers written in order above each leg. I will have students say aloud the numberof each leg, and count out green puffballs that represent the number each leg is. Below the octopus is a scene of the ocean. Here I have attached different sea animals. Each one has a different number of the same type of animal. (Ex: fish, turtle, and crab) I will have students help me count the number of each individual animal. Once they count the amount of one animal that is on the board they are to find that number on their worksheet. The worksheet has numbers... Show more content on ... Here the theme is based on a movie theater. I have Popsicle sticks that have numbers 1 20 written on them. Students will draw a Popsicle stick and say the number aloud. They will then write the number on the dry erase paper I attached to the board. I created two enlarged ten frames. After the student writes the number they will use magnetic movie tickets and stick the number of movie tickets on the ten frame that represents the number on the popsicle stick the drew. Next the student will use fake popcorn and count popcorn into a popcorn bag for the number they drew. Right side: This side I designed for students who are a little more advanced. I spray painted this side with chalkboard paint so that the students can directly write on the board. The students will role a dice to determine the number they are going to use. They will then fill in the four boxes on the chalkboard paint. The first one requires them to write the number. The second one has the student write tally marks for the number. The third box asks the students to fill in a ten frame. Lastly, the fourth one has the students draw a picture. (Example: draw 3 triangles, 4 squares.)
  • 8. Celtic Mythology Research Paper Trees are silent guards, they are listeners and they hold knowledge mankind has long forgotten. A culture that once was all across Europe to nearly facing extinction amazingly survived thousands of years. Celtic Mythology was more than just whimsical stories to it s people it was a way of life, including tales of these gods and goddesses who served a purpose of meaning the world and the qualities of a good person. First, the history of Celtic Mythologytraces back centuries ago. For example, there is a long history of their people. At their height they were a large and diverse group that was spread out all across Central Europe. After the Start of christianity however, the popularity or Celtic went down. Also, scientists have discovered many different celtic villages. The Hallstatt village in Austria is the oldest one of its kind ever found and many different celtic artifacts have been found there. This is why the early stages of Celtic Mythology was known as the Hallstatt era. Another village in Switzerland called La Tene also had many artifacts uncovered there and is also is why the second phase of the celtswas known by same name. Although overtime, archeologists are making new discoveries most aspects... Show more content on ... The Harp was believed to be a common instrument among the celts and is now the national emblem of Ireland. The oldest surviving celtic harps date back to the 15th century but the music of the harp has been an important emblem or Ireland since the 10th century (ireland Also, as the celtic belief goes, everything comes in threes which brings us to another iconic symbol... the shamrock. It s believed to have mythical powers and was even used by Saint Patrick to spread the teachings of christianity. That s just a few of the reasons why it s the national flower of Ireland. Overall, Celtic culture is still evident today from its
  • 9. Roman Influence On Christian Architecture The fall of the Roman Empire leaded Europe into the Dark Ages. There is an undeniable influence of Ancient Roman art on Christian art and architecture as its name suggests it Romanesque . Roman art is even described as the first international art, as it spread throughout time and space. This classical impact can be seen in the domain of architecture, mosaics, but also with sculptures. The first point is in the architectural domain, with the Roman basilica. It served as the prototype for early Christian church. Even if not build for religious purpose, the basilica finally was adopted as church as its plan adapted perfectly. Because this plan allowed for many people to circulate within a large, and awesome, space, the general plan became an
  • 10. The Worst Things Going On Today Americ The Education Gap... Cynthia Chambless, a lecturer professor at Bergen Community College, is discussing one of the worst things going on in Modern America: The Education Gap. As much as we like to believe that our current education system is the same everywhere and any student can succeed anywhere, unfortunately, the quality of educationdiffers from each district. Cynthia has found that many students have learned more and better than other students based on how high their social classis. In fact, students from poorer neighborhoods can t even write properly. This has led to students from poorer neighborhoods not being as prepared for collegeas students from more upper class neighborhoods. The further we ignore this issue, the more people are set back from getting their degree and accomplishing their goals. Students need the latest resources to be successful in college and in life. Thus, The Education Gap between the rich and the poor can be solved with more funding to community schools in poor neighborhoods by the government because low funding is the primal reason for students being so far behind compared to their higher social class peers. Eduardo Porter said, despite the efforts deployed by the American public education system, nine years later the achievement gap, on average, will have widened by somewhere from one half to two thirds. (Eduardo 2015). If we don t stop this issue, the system will only get worse. Meaning, more students will be behind and not getting the right education
  • 11. PCOS Essay Introduction In the world of healthcare women s health has taken a front row seat in recent years as we look for ways to help educate, and empower them to take more control over their health. One disease that has surfaced in recent years that effects women s health is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). For more women to become knowledgeable about this disease health professionals need to educate women about what PCOS is, we need to recognize what ecological factors play a role in PCOS, and what can be done to help women manage their PCOS disease. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Approximately, eight to twenty percent of women worldwide suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome worldwide (National Institute of child health and human ... Show more content on ... This is due to the way their bodies suffer from insulin resistance which causes an increase in weight gain. Researchers discovered that hepatic insulin resistance, characterized by both increased post absorptive glucose production and reduced sensitivity to insulin mediated suppression of endogenous glucose production, is present only in obese women with PCOS compared to control women of comparable body weight (Sam, 2007). So, a woman whose body that cannot process insulin properly or produces to much insulin runs the risk of obesity and increases their chance of having PCOS. Infertility is another issue that women face due to having PCOS. Research indicates that PCOS accounts for 75% of anovulatory infertility. Additionally, if/when pregnancies do occur, the first trimester miscarriage rate is as high as 30% to 50% (Sheehan, 2004). In a normal menstrual cycle if fertility does not occur a woman will have her period every twenty eight to thirty days. According to the advanced fertility center of Chicago, in the case of PCOS, the egg on the ovary fails to mature and release at the time of a women s ovulation cycle. Without this release of an egg fertility cannot take place, and since the egg never fully matures it does not get released during a menstrual cycle, thus leading to missed periods (Shbreahn, 2017). Solutions to Handling PCOS After women are diagnosed with PCOS it is important that they seek the right medical advice to manage the
  • 12. Saint Patrick and St Patrick s Day Chipper Howe 4/9/14 Religion 9 H 4 Fourth Quarter Report Part 1: The process of Canonization is the process that a person must go through to become a saint. This began around the tenth century. Pope John Paul II changed the process in 1983. Here is the process. The first requirement is that the person must be dead for at least five years. They must be a very holy person and a servant of God. Then the person s local church members must start a petition to request that this person should become a saint. The Bishop will look into this person s life and decide whether or not to pass this person on to the next step to the Pope. If he does a couple of theologians will look more deeply into this person s life and evaluate the person. People who are martyrs will automatically become a saint because they should amazing faith and holiness. Many of the first saints were martyrs because they were persecuting Christians in the time of Jesus and a long time after the ascension. The next step is to have at least two miracles credited to his or her name. If they only have one miracle they will be named blessed, just like Blessed Edmund Rice. When they get two miracles and they will in fact become a recognized saint in the Catholic Church. Part 2: St. Patrick Saint Patrick is one of the most well known saints in the Catholic Church. Along with the two saints, St. Nicholas and St. Valentine, St. Patrick has a worldwide day that shares the love for them, St. Patrick s
  • 13. Bronx High School Of Science Stokely Carmichael Kwame Toure, better known as Stokely Carmichael, was one of the most prominent civil rights figures in our history. Born in Trinidad, he became a citizen at the age of 13. Stokely and his family moved to an Italian and Jewish neighborhood where he was one of the few African Americans. He attended one of the most prestigious high schools, Bronx High School of Science where he remained one of the few faces of color among his white elite counterparts. Carmichael became very popular around his classmates, attending parties, dating white women, and playing sports. While Stokely was aware of the racial tensions that ensued, he never realized until later in life how differently he was perceived from his white counterparts. One evening upon graduating high school, Stokely finally felt his calling to join the movement. Carmichael was watching a television newscast that showed young African Americans protesting the racial injustices. When I first heard about the Negroes sitting in at lunch counters I thought they were a bunch of publicity hounds. He watched as these people were knocked off stools, ketchup thrown in their hair, and sugar thrown in their eyes. After this he decided to join the Congress of Racial Equality. The Congress of Racial Equality, otherwise known as CORE, was a leading civil rights activist groups. In the early 1960s CORE started many initiatives like Freedom Rides, Freedom Summer, and the March on Washington. CORE is where
  • 14. Life As A Contest With Fate By Heinrich Von Kleist When is the proper moment to think? Is it better to think before, during, or after an action? The writer, Heinrich von Kleist, argues that one should think after an act. He uses the example of a wrestler, The athlete, at that moment when he is holding his opponent in his grip, simply has no recourse but to act spontaneously, on inspiration; and if he begins to calculate which muscles to contract and which limbs to move in order to throw him, he will always draw the short straw and be thrown himself (Kleist, 1810). In this example Kleist is correct that it is more appropriate to reflect on your actions rather, but is this logic acceptable in all occasions? Or when an individual should think be dependent on the situation at hand? In the same essay, Kleist states life itself is a contest with fate , however should the entirety of life be treated as a contest (Kleist, 1810)? To begin with, is it better to think while you act? In the example stated previously, when the wrestler thought during he s match, he resulted as the loser. In the film Fearless, Huo Yuannjia s father faced a similar scenario. During a match to determine the better of two Wushu styles, Hou s father meets defeat when he became lost in thought. In these situations, the individuals would have a higher chance of success if they acted on intuition rather than critical thinking. On the other hand, would acting on inspiration would be best during a test or homework assignment? While working on school assignments
  • 15. Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems Chapter 4 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, you will be able to: 1. Analyze the relationships among ethical, social, and political issues that are raised by information systems. 2. Identify the main moral dimensions of an information society and specific principles for conduct that can be used to guide ethical decisions. 3. Evaluate the impact of contemporary information systems and the Internet on the protection of individual privacy and intellectual property. 4. Assess how information systems have affected everyday life. CHAPTER OUTLINE 4.1 UNDERSTANDING ETHICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES RELATED TO SYSTEMS A Model for Thinking About Ethical, Social, and Political Issues... Show more content on ... public school buses. However, she also worries about the location tracking data being misused. I don t want anybody watching them that s not supposed to be watching them, she notes. Others feel the same way. Location tracking has benefits, but it also opens the door to potential invasion of privacy. Many people may not like having their physical move125 126 Part One Organizations, Management, and the Networked Enterprise ments tracked so closely. Location information might help direct a tow truck to a broken down car, but it could also be used to find out where the driver went during the lunch hour. For similar reasons, privacy advocacy groups have opposed the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags in consumer items. RFID tags are small silicon chips equipped with tiny antennas that enable them to communicate with RFID readers and track the location of items as they move. When placed on individual products, they allow companies to tell exactly when a product leaves a store or learn more about the actions of consumers buying the products. Designer Lauren Scott had planned to add radio frequency tags to the childrens clothing she designed to help parents keep track of their children. An RFID tag sewn into a child s clothing could store vital medical information or track the wearer s location to prevent children from being
  • 16. Amontillado Montresor Characteristics Montresor from The Cask of Amontillado is a vengeful, intelligent, psychopathic, and static character. All these characterization makes him seem like an actual, existent person. The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge, revealed Montresor s desire of revenge on his friend, Fortunato, just because of an insult. We later found out that Montresor s punishment is death, which is not usually an expected revenge of an insult . Friends do say or do things that hurt each other s feelings whether it is intentional or not, but very few of us vowed for revenge. All these factors revealed Montresor s vengeful characteristic. Without a doubt, Montresor is an intelligent character.
  • 17. St. Bernard Monologue St. Bernard was conceived of honorable parentage in Burgundy, France, in the stronghold of Fontaines close Dijon. He entered upon the investigations of religious philosophy and sacred writing. After the passing of his mom, dreading the catches and enticements of the world, he set out to grasp the recently settled and exceptionally severe organization of the Cistercian Request, of which he was bound to wind up the best decoration. He additionally induced his siblings and a few of his companions to take after his illustration. In 1113, St. Bernard, with thirty youthful aristocrats, introduced himself to the blessed Abbot, St. Stephen, at Citeaux. His unchallenged before long, seeing the colossal improvement he had made in the otherworldly life,
  • 18. The Relationship Between CTE And General Education Introduction Though well implemented programs of study require strong cooperative partnerships between core content and CTE teachers, there is still substantial work to be done to ensure that fruitful CTE and general education collaborations exist at every level. Policymakers must communicate and collaborate to align and integrate core content and CTE standards. In the classroom, educators must pool resources to present an integrated curriculum in both CTE and core classes. And accountability systems must be retooled to ensure that aligned metrics assess a range of student knowledge and abilities that predict readiness for success in both college and careers. CTE courses often combine classroom based instruction with work based learning, ... Show more content on ... Consortia of schools, colleges, and employers can also be an effective strategy, and the CTSOs, which have strong industry partners, can be the basis for building relationships between secondary and postsecondary schools and employers to identify opportunities for career experiences. The integration of global competencies into CTE programs of study is a natural one. CTE students are learning valuable skills related to the program s industry; and students in the ISSN network, as discussed earlier, are using deeper analytic skills to research and address issues of global significance. Research in both areas demonstrates that engagement in real‐world learning on issues of global significance leads to persistence and higher achievement. To combine CTE with the methods and strategies of a globally focused education is a powerful way to engage, motivate, and ultimately ensure that students graduate from high school with the skills needed to succeed in the interconnected environment in which they will be living and working. Increasing numbers of careers are requiring global competency, facility with world languages and cultures, and the ability to work in global teams. At a fundamental level, CTE s role is to prepare students for successful careers, and quality CTE programs should provide opportunities for students to learn and apply global competencies in order for students to successfully participate in the Am Rapid economic, technological, and social changes are
  • 19. Changing Perception Of Witches In Popular Culture Summary The title Managing the Other: The Changing Perception of Witches in Popular Culture gives us an insight into the angst of the witches who become the other to a male source of power and to the ideal female constructed. This thesis studies this change in perception of witches in popular culture taking into consideration feminism, performative theory and popular culture analysis to understand the new fascination and the place of witches in culture. The earlier labelling of women as witch was a way of putting down the rebel in them by demonizing them. The success of the frenzy of witch hunt shows the zenith of fear. The ugly as evil became symbolized in the witch, represents a challenge and became a symbol for something larger. She is an outcast, unacceptable, source of harassment and marginalization. Today s popular culture reclaims the witch and she becomes an enduring feminist icon, a transgressive power. She has gained the voice she never had. Female writers imbued their voice onto the powerful image of the witch. There has been a metamorphosis of the old hag into the new witch who stands as a symbol of the modern woman, feminine and feminist.... Show more content on ... This change is etched on the body, as body politics has always been a focus of the study on women. The ugly image has been transformed and the modern witch seeks a return to the maternal. The chapter deconstructs the image of the witch highlighting the process of such manifestations against women, demonizing them as witches by patriarchy and dominant social structures especially in fairy tales. Representation of the witch in contemporary popular culture redefines and re locates the witch and her craft in a post feminist
  • 20. The Super Bowl- Human Trafficking Human trafficking is modern day slavery, which leads to kidnapping, drugs, forced sex, forced labor or death. Consequently, many victims which include men as well as women and children from all the countries are being kidnapped, bought and sold against their will, which are odious crimes in the 21st century. Therefore, Abolishing justice in the 21st century (A21) organization made a campaign poster The Super Bowl Human Traffickingcontains calculated information that The Super Bowl is known as the largest human trafficking incident in the United States. The notice contains an extemporaneous photo of a woman who runs through a tunnel towards the light. A21 organization strongly believes there are no unscathed people around the world, therefore human beings should work together, and consequently the human trafficking will end. The art director of the poster is unknown; the available information shows that this poster belongs to A21 organization. I retrieved this placard from the internet, from Tina Kaufmann s article Super Bowl is single largest magnet for sex trafficking, child prostitutionin US , which she published in February 1st, 2013 on the website of WCPO. The intended argument of the placard was to look around as well as to pay attention to what is going on at the time of the Super Bowl, principally, parents need to look after very carefully for their children in an addition to speak up if they notice something suspicious, nevertheless save people from the
  • 21. Myth By Natasha Trethewey Analysis One of the things that is so fascinating about poetry is that it allows readers to discover and sometimes challenge and channel their emotions as well as their understanding. A poem s words as well as its structure can reveal many things to its intended audience. In Myth by Natasha Trethewey, the poems form is just as important as the words she writes, becoming a map for the journey Trethewey takes, using transitions to take us from one place to another. The nature of the poem therefor becomes multifaceted, as it encourages the reader to think about the speaker s words and use of form and structure she uses to craft this epic story. Using form as a tool, Trethewey is able to use structure as a way to guide us as readers and the speaker across the conscious and unconscious thoughts and dreams the speaker faces in this story. The title Myth seems to be appealing to the Greek tradition of storytelling, and the poem itself seems to be motivated by or at least influenced by Erebus, a Greek deity, who is the personification of darkness and shadows. In Greek mythology, Erebus, is referred to as the limbo the dead have to pass to reach Hades, who rules the underworld of death. In her poem, Trethewey uses Erebus s as dream like Rift between sleeping and waking in which the speaker is able to see the lost loved one is alive and well. In the poem Trethewey references the Erebus in the beginning of stanza two and end of stanza five. Of course, this is easy to relate to Trethewey
  • 22. A Study On Microstrip Antenna Chapter 3 Overview of Microstrip Antenna 3.1 Microstrip Antenna A microstrip antenna consists of conducting patch and a ground plane separated by dielectric substrate. This concept was undeveloped until the revolution in electronic circuit miniaturization and large scale integration in 1970. The early work of Munson on microstrip antennas for use as a low profile flush mounted antennas on rockets and missiles showed that this was a practical concept for use in many antenna system problems. Various mathematical models were developed for this antenna and its applications were extended to many other fields. The number of papers, articles published in the journals for the last ten years. The microstrip antennas are the present day antenna designer,s choice. Low dielectric constant substrates are generally preferred for maximum radiation. The conducting patch can take any shape but rectangular and circular configurations are the most commonly used configuration. A microstrip antennais characterized by its length, width, input impedance, gain and radiation patterns. Various parameters, related calculation and feeding technique will be discussed further through this chapter. The length of the antenna is about half wavelength of its operational frequency. The length of the patch is very critical and important that result to the frequency radiated. Antennas are key components of any wireless communication system and it
  • 23. Barbados Slave Code Of Dominos Essay The fear of rebellion is what gave the colonies the idea to pass a chain of laws that restricted many of the slave s rights. Each colony had a diverge set of ideas about the rights of the slaves. There were some similar aspects in the slave codes across the land where slavery was the most frequent. Slaves were legally considered property, which did not give them the option to own land. If there was no presence of a white person, slaves were not allowed to congregate. Any slave that lived off the plantation had to follow the special curfew or there would be severe consequences. In the chance that a slave was in court being accused of any criminal act towards a white person, the slave would have no chance to testify. Slaves were always absent in the jury. Slave codes had many destructive effects on the lives of African Americans. It was illegal to teach a slave how to read and write. Many white Christians tried to educate slaves on how to read the Bible; however, those same people did not approve of marriage between the slaves. This way it made it easier to sell a member of the family to another owner without causing strife between the owner and slaves. These laws set the foundation for a law called the Barbados Slave code of 1661. The Barbados Slave Code of 1661 was a law passed by the colonial English legislature to provide legal basis for slavery in the Caribbean Island of Barbados. The codes preamble, which stated that the law s purpose was to protect slaves as we do
  • 24. The Homeland Security And Homeland Defense Missions Introduction The homeland security and homeland defense missions were developed in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. Designed to fill gaps in intelligence sharing to defend against or response to terror attacks. This paper will discuss the future success of the current homeland security and homeland defense missions. It will also look into the role civil libertiesplays in that success. Discussion The missions held by homeland security and homeland defense are vital to the protection of the country against acts of terror. While relatively young programs, much has been achieved in the homeland security and homeland defense missions. To continue this success, the programs must evolve as the world evolves, and more specifically, the terrorists. To stay relevant, the Department of Homeland Security, its subordinate agencies, and the Department of Defense must evolve with the threats in a way that does not impede on civil liberties. The topic of civil liberties and intelligence collection creates significant political debate and often threatens to derail intelligence collection process. In a reply to the Governor of Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin said [t]hey who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety . (1755, p. 255) While there is debate on what Benjamin Franklin meant in this quote, there is no doubt that it is use by many to argue against the collection of data from United States citizens.
  • 25. What Are The Arguments In Time To End The War On Drugs The prohibition of drugs fails to create the greatest maximum amount of happiness for the greatest number of individuals. Many issues arise with the prohibition of drugs such as, black markets, and unnecessary imprisonments. Black Markets create a rise in crime because buyers, and sellers can t solve their disputes in court, or with lawyers. The buyer, or seller then turns to violence to solve their disputes. Milton Friedman paper Its Time to End the War on Drugs mentions that informants are required for drugcrimes, because neither the buyer or seller will be willing to, or have the incentive to report a violation of the law . He also mentions in the paper that the use of informants is costly, and the chance of corruption rises. Informants,
  • 26. The Effects Of Ocean Pollution On The Marine Ecosystem Ocean pollution comes in many forms with each having some sort of effect on the marine ecosystem. Ocean pollution is destroying earth s waters, because its killing populations of organisms in the water all over the ocean, Its destroying coral reefs and water is being contaminated with oil,garbage and chemicals.Which in turn is destroying organisms all over the ocean. For the purpose of this paper, it will be logical to categorize these pollutants into three main areas; garbage, chemical, and noise pollution. When thinking about these topics it is not only important to look at the devastation that it brings to sea life, but also how it impacts human and animal life as well. The most obvious pollutant comes in the form of garbage. Garbage is a visible source that we can see floating on the water s surface. Among the garbage, plastic appears to be the most harmful to marine life. There is an average of 13,000 pieces of plastic litter scattered around every square kilometer of the ocean. An average of 6.4 million tons of marine litter reaches the oceans every year according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). At this rate scientists predict a bleak future for the oceans which are a vital to our planet s existence. Once garbage whether plastic or not reaches the oceans, the currents take it many miles off shore. The place it ends up is a place that is termed an oceanic desert. The scientific name is gyre. A gyre is a slowly moving, clockwise spiral of
  • 27. Beyonce Feminist Analysis When Beyonce stood in front of a large LED screen that displayed FEMINIST at the 2014 VMA awards, like minded women everywhere cheered. There stood a celebrity who did not shy away from the word that had become similar to a curse. Very few women were willing to own up to the title of Feminist before Beyonce did. It is, perhaps, a leftover sentiment from the raging second wave of feminism, the so called bra burners who would protest Miss America Pageants. Today, Feminism attempts to speak for a broader definition of women than in the past. In the midst of the second wave of feminism, non white women were still trying to be heard in the feminist movement. In the Combahee River Collective, Black Women state that, The only people who care enough about us to work consistently for are liberation are us. Though truly it is difficult to discuss the history that we are living today, Feminism has tried to embrace both queer feminists and non white feminists, and also feminists who are unafraid to embrace their femininity. Rio Grrl is particularly famous for publishing... Show more content on ... Together, they uncovered shared injustices that, for the housewives, transcended from a personal problems to political. For instance, once many women discovered that the housework fell solely on their shoulders and even those whose claimed their husbands helped out could identify the issue of women being assigned a task based on their gender was an issue. Second Wave Feminists began to use Consciousness raising to identify some of the issues they wanted to fight for, such as: reproductive rights, work place equality, and domestic violence awareness and prevention. However, many of these sessions revolved around the white middle class women, which guided feminists goals towards benefitting only one
  • 28. A Discussion On Sex Education Results showed over 335 out 4,214 were cutting themselves at this point in their life. That shows 7.9% of the students have this addiction (Hall, p. 623, 2010). While these numbers are everlasting changing, self harm needs to be addressed to all ages just as other addictions are spoken about. Eating disorders are taught in the early ages of elementary school. Sex education is taught the fifth grade. Self harmis not a discussion in sex education (Khantzian 668). The only way this addiction is taught to children is by explaining suicidal thoughts and having those thoughts turn into forms of self injury. Teachers and parents are not able to recognize the effects until it reaches a point where the person can no longer hide their pain. With the numbers of this growing addiction and the urge to begin this addiction rapidly increasing, the factors of self harm need to be discussed as one entity instead of comparing them to another addiction (Wang 666). Different generations and different ethnic groups are involved when it comes to self harm addictions. There is no single self injurer profile. The rates of self harm continue to grow, especially in certain communities (Hall 623). In an article Non suicidal Self Injury among Ethnically and Racially Diverse Emerging Adults, research was performed to observe those with the addiction of NSSI in specific ethnic groups. The groups were gathered and were consisted of multiple races such as African Americans, Asians, Caucasians, and
  • 29. Essay on Medieval Weapons Medieval Weapons Medieval society, in spite of its stereotypes, was not inherently more violent than modern society. Although there was no state in the modern sense, and therefore no set of laws that inherently took away the power of the average man or woman to exercise violence, the violence of the day was considered differently, and with out the inherent sense of criminality that accompanies it today. Our understanding of the weapons of the medieval world is skewed by the vast disarming of the the civilian that is taken for granted today, yet is a vastly different situation compared to what existed in many parts of the West as little as seven years ago. Medieval weapons and armor are, for better or for worse, generally ... Show more content on ... By the fourteenth century, improvements in the range and power of the crossbow had made it an indispensable tool of war, and arguably the weapon of the cites and the seas. Time and time again in the Crusades, the crossbow, and not force of the knight in mГЄlГ©e, proved the decisive factor. However, although mounted crossbowmen were used extensively in Spain, crossbowmen could not maneuver quickly while shooting, and this meant that they were vulnerable while used, for example, (by the Ottomans at Necropolis and the English at Aginour but the archer simply could not hold open ground against a well performed cavalry charge. Perhaps paradoxically, the cavalry charge became more and more decisive as factors and the battlefield arose that challenged it. The additional weight of heavier armor that would resist crossbow bolts and, in northwest Europe, longbow arrows provided additional power for breaking formations. It was an ongoing spiral of offense and defense as relatively light mail gave way to heavy mail, and then mail with pieces of plate, and finally to the knight in full suits of plate armor. Just as archers and pole arm equipped infantry had to adjust to increasingly heavy armor of the knight
  • 30. Questions On Angels Angels. Many questions revolve around this subject. Who or what are they? How many are there? Do they actually exist? The Bible can and will answer many of these questions. Humankind always had its own opinion on angels, but unsurprisingly, most of these assumptions are wrong. The Bible will contradict many of these theories on angels or it will prove them right. It just depends how educated these assumptions are. 1. Q: Who are angels? (Hebrews 1:13, 14) A: Note: In other words angels are ministering spirits created by God. They live with God in Heaven and come down to Earth to hep man. 2. Q: How many angels are there? (Revelation 5:1) A: Note: Later in this study you will learn that Lucifer took one third of the angels with him. So ... Show more content on ... By doing this he will punish or reward us for our works. Good or bad. This s where you get to see who won your war, you or Satan. 12. Q: In the end what happens to Lucifer and his angels? (Matthew 25:41) A: Note: Like the rest of the wicked (in the second coming), they will burn. Lucifer shall burn the longest for his treachery against God. He will watch others burn then his followers, while he burns in the fire watching all his followers fall. Then he will fall, the last, he will burn alone. 13. Who is Michael the Archangel? (Jude 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Revelation 20:5, Revelation 22:8, 9, Daniel 12:1, Joshua 5:13 15, Exodus 3:5, Acts 7:33) A: Note: Michael the Archangel is also the captain of the Lord s army. He let Joshua sit there and worship him, but in other verses it says that angels don t accept worship. In other verses Jesus has accepted worship. This captain also said to take off your sandals for your standing on holy ground. God has said this quotation two times. Michael is also the only one called an archangel in the Bible, he is also the commander of an army who accepts worship unlike other angels. This somewhat proves he could be
  • 31. Symptoms And Treatment Of Acute Stress Acute Stress is brief. It can be useful and make inspiration. Acute stress is the sort of anxiety numerous individuals feel when they have an auto collision, experience difficulty at work or their kids have issues in school. Once the circumstances are determined, the anxiety reduces. Treatment for acute stress regularly incorporates rest and unwinding. Hostile to uneasiness medication is normally just utilized if acute anxiety is a trigger for nervousness or frenzy assaults. When trying to help the circumstances are not going to be determined in a brief time. Chronic, or long haul stress, happens as the consequence of a circumstance that has not been single minded or preceded for a long time before being determined. This may be a ... Show more content on ... Your mind s astounding hypothalamus additionally sends signs to your pituitary organ at the base of your cerebrum, letting it know to discharge considers that inside a couple of minutes have gone through your circulation system and fortified your adrenal cortex to create an anxiety hormone cortisol. Cortisol is critical in your anxiety reaction keeping your glucose and pulse up to help you escape from threat. Catecholamine s enact a territory inside the mind called the amygdala , which seems to trigger an enthusiastic reaction to an upsetting occasion. Arrival of Neuropeptide S discharges neuropeptide S, a little protein that regulates stretch by diminishing rest and expanding readiness and a feeling of tension. 3. Hormone: A compound substance created in the body that controls and manages the action of specific cells or organs. Numerous hormones are emitted by unique organs, for example, thyroid hormone delivered by the thyroid organ. Hormones are vital for each action of life, including the methods of absorption, digestion system, development, multiplication, and inclination control. Numerous hormones, for example, neurotransmitters, are dynamic in more than one physical methodology. There are three major Stress Hormones: Adrenaline, Cortisol, and Norepinephrine. Adrenaline commonly known as the battle or flight hormone, it is created by the adrenal organs in the wake
  • 32. The Importance Of The Hollywood Star System There is no doubt that Hollywood is an industry based on selling movies and what sells movies better than the marketing of a Hollywood star. An actor or actress can not only make movies successful, but in addition their images are also profitable. The Hollywood Star System has been very profitable for Hollywood and contributed to saving Hollywood in the late 1920s and 1930s when studios found it financially hard to survive. Once Hollywood realized their star s had financial power there was no stopping the lengths they would go to in order to sell their star s persona. The Hollywood Star System originated during the Studio System in which actors and actress were signed to long term contracts with the studios. Moreover, studios understood that the actor s public persona was profitable. Studios invested heavily in the actor s public image or persona that they wanted the public to perceive. Studios had contractual morality clauses that outlined an actor s behavior so as to not tarnish the image that the studio was promoting. Therefore, the star system was an economic boon to the studios and this style of contract system lasted from the 1920s to the early 1960s (Star, 2017). However, this left the actors feeling more like a commodity, than actual people or employees, which created a contentious relationship between the studios and the stars that represented them. This atmosphere often led to public power struggles , when actors challenged the studios in an attempt to have
  • 33. Effects Of Isis On Society Isis is a big problem in society that needs to be eliminated The U.S. Isis is a dangerous anti American society who is causing trouble in Syria, Iraq, and even her in the u.s. Isis has done plenty of mass murders and shootings that have caused lives. The main problem with them is that they are infiltrating the U.S which is a major threat to society considering they are only here to cause damage. According to the Daily Beast Isis is completely and totally ruthless and will do whatever they can to damage the U.S, and they have already caused countless numbers of shooting, murders, rapes, and even beheadings. We can prevent this problem by increasing online security because if they have access to most of the websites we have here in America, ... Show more content on ... isis is infiltrating the U.S more and more and even as we speak someone is probably cooking up a plan of attack which is why we need to do something now. According to CNN news post there is yet another element to the process of shutting down Isis, and that is social media, television programs, and other information sources that anyone can access might be a huge problem because any time that Fox news or CNN announces something about Isis or a plan of attack, Isis will hear that and will be able to prepare ahead of time. Another way to eliminate isis from our country is to increase borderline security all around the U.S even by shore line to insure that nobody is sneaking into the country to cause trouble and commit
  • 34. Prince Revealed In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Prince Once upon a time, in a land far beyond the embraces of the horizon, where the wind carried the secrets of the sky in its whispered lunges, and the shadows danced for Death at the corners of perception, there lived a Prince. This Prince, who ruled over a grand kingdom at the heart of an ancient forest, was very beautiful. He was so striking to look at in fact, that all those whose eyes gazed upon him swore that he had been born from the very stardust that had shaped the universe; and that if any stared at his ethereal form for too long, they would surely go blind. In this way, although the Prince was kind, caring, and a fair ruler to all of his subjects, his physical perfection was seen as too great of a burden, and fear to those around him.... Show more content on ... The scene that he saw before him was so like his fantasy that he almost thought himself to still be asleep. Except, in his visions, when his subjects had been looking towards him, something vital had been missing. He could feel the soft fluttering buzz of all of his peoples hearts beating around him, and while the song they produced was unfamiliar, the Prince believed that it might be called Love. Perhaps, it was the essential factor he had been searching for. Thus, with the entire kingdom surrounding their leader in a state of collectivity, and with the powers of this newfound Love protecting against the effects of Time, the Prince decided that dreams were not things that could ever be found at the bottom of small brown bottles. Rather, the true dream came from living a life that was continually present, and constantly attempted to capture even if only for a moment a happily ever
  • 35. Rhetorical Analysis Of The Wiley College Debate The Wiley College team went against Harvard College in a debate in 1935 which took place at Harvard University. The author of the Wiley College debate will be none other than James Farmer, Jr and Samantha Booke. The purpose of their debate is to convince the audience that civil disobedience is a moral weapon in the fight for justice. After the first Harvard Dean finished, Farmer states that Civil disobedienceis a moral weapon in the fight for justice. He then begins with using a rhetorical question which is But how can disobedience ever be moral? . He uses a rhetorical question to strengthen his upcoming argument. To make the argument stronger, he uses logos in response which is General Dyer trapped them in a courtyard and ordered his troops to fire at the crowd for ten minutes. to his opponent by using an example of a bad act violence. He later uses pathos by explaining how in this moral act of violence, 379 people died, including children. At the last part of the debate, he uses another rhetorical question which is The definition of moral: Dyer s lesson or Gandhi s victory. You choose. He purposely asks us this because he knows that the audience will likely to choose Gandhi s victory because it is far better than killing people to call it a moral victory . After the first debater was finished Samantha uses Gandhi s philosophy by stating facts about him. She then uses logos by saying Gandhi also believes that lawbreakers must accept
  • 36. Comparison Of Chinatown And The Big Sleep Comparing ChinaTown and the Big Sleep ChinaTown, directed by Roman Polanski, is a non traditional hard nosed detective film made in the 70 s. The typical elements of character type are there; J.J. Gittes (a private detective in LA) played by Jack Nicholson is the central character, sharing the spotlight is Fay Dunaway playing the femme fatale Evelyn Mulwray. This film breaks all types of norms when compared to the hard nosed detective films it is modeled after. The film is filled with allusions to the Big Sleep, especially taken from scenes of Marlowe and Vivian. Chinatown has formal elements indicative that it is going to be in the style of traditional Film Noir hardboiled detective, until you examine the characters personalities ... Show more content on ... While he tells the off color joke is the real Evelyn Mulwray , standing behind him waiting with her lawyer. This would have never happened to Marlowe. Gattis looked like a fool. Gettis couldn t get a one liner right if his nose depended on it. Throughout the film Gettis is screwing up jokes or lines that were meant to be sharp and humorous. In opposition to Gettis, Marlowe is socially smooth and rather witty. You could almost say Gettis is clumsy and crass. The impression we are left with about Gettis is normalizing. Gettis loses the stature that comes with a protagonist filled with bravado. He comes off kind of plain, almost corny, a regular guy. As a detective Gettis has done very well by himself. He has Venetian blinds in his office, wears a well tailored white suit and seems to be wealthy from his trade. In contrast, Marlowe from the Big Sleep is barely getting by with P.I. work. It is implied that he isn t materialistic and it wouldn t out of character for him to do work Pro bono. Gettis is a P.I. known mostly for divorce work (catching adultery) and spying on the unsuspecting. As a protagonist he doesn t come off very ethical. Polanski didn t make a character the audience would love right off the bat. Supplying Curly with pictures of his wife s adultery in the opening scene doesn t paint Gettis into a picture of the model for ethics. Eveylyn Mulwray is no Vivian in the Big Sleep. Although
  • 37. Smokeless Tobacco Do not smoke! If you smoke you can get cancer and many different diseases. After you quit smoking the risk of having a stroke can go down to the same as a nonsmoker. Chewing tobacco and snuff are products that are called smokeless tobacco. Now please read on if you want to know more about the health effects, addiction struggles, and smokeless tobaccoproducts. Every time you smoke it is awful for your health and causes cancer, heart disease, and respiratory diseases. Cigarettes have at least 28 chemicals in these products that have been found to also cause cancer such as esophageal cancer, mouth cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Smokingalso harms your appearance; it yellows your teeth and damages your skin. It makes people short of breath,
  • 38. Counseling Psychology Research Paper Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour. Psychologists explore concepts such as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships, including psychological resilience, family resilience, and other areas. Psychology as a practice, involves various disciplines like clinical psychology, behavioural psychology, environmental psychology, criminal psychology, consumer psychology etc. Each of the disciplines of psychology has its own set of processes, techniques, standards and accepted methodologies to be learnt and followed. It is an applied science, so the quantitative measurement of progress is possible. Among the many types of psychology, the one we are ... Show more content on ... In recent decades, counseling psychology as a profession has expanded and is now represented in numerous countries around the world. A counseling psychologist, like any other psychologist is a trained professional with a license to practice. There are rules and guidelines in counseling psychology that need to be adhered to and violations can be punishable. Process and Outcome of Counseling Psychology 1. Counselling process refers to the start and continuation of a counselling. It answers the questions How and Why. 2. The two important questions asked are, Why is counselling happening? and How is it being done? 3. The first question is important since it gives us a cause for action. Once the first question is answered, the psychologist is in a position to determine, how exactly he /she should move forward in the give scenario. 4. The second question, allows charting a proper course to carry out the counselling. Always remember, no two people and hence no two minds are ever the same. Both need to be seen and treated differently. 5. Counselling Outcome talks about understanding, whether or not counselling is effective. 6. If the counselling proves to be effective, then there is the need to understand under which conditions it proved to be effective and whether the effect was lasting or not. 7. If the counselling proves ineffective, then there is a need to
  • 39. Karl Marx s Sociological Perspective Karl Marx (May 5, 1818 March 14,1883) is considered one of the most influential sociologist who ever lived. He first attended the University of Bonn but after getting arrested, his parents enrolled him in the University of Berlin. Where his sociological career began when he joined a club called The Young Hegelians. In this club they would criticize political and cultural establishments. He became a journalist and his writings got him expelled from Germany, France, and even Belgium. In 1848 Marx published The Communist Manifesto and then in 1867 he published Das Kapital. He continued to write other papers but he couldn t finish them because he died in 1883. staff,(2009), Karl Marx, retrieved from /karl marx.... Show more content on ... Benokraitis. (2012). SOC.(pg. 14). Belmont,CA. Linda Schreiber Ganster Karl Marx thought that conflict would be the effect of inequality in the economy. He got this from the idea of capitalism, where he saw industrial society composed of three social classes. The first class would be the Capitalists, which are the owners of factories or basically anyone who owns a company that produces a lot of wealth. The next class would be the petit bourgeoisie, which are below the capitalists. They own their own company but can be driven out by the capitalists so they might end up as the next social class. The proletariat. They re basically the working class and who survive on their wages. Conflict within these classes are mainly because the capitalists would have so much money and the workers would barely be making by. So the proletariats would rise up and there would be a revolution. It related to this time period because it was a bit after the industrial revolution and that was what Karl Marx was really focusing on. Nijole V. Benokraitis. (2012). SOC.(pages 14 15) Belmont,CA. Linda
  • 40. Throughout the 1930s, the blend of the Great Depression... Throughout the 1930s, the blend of the Great Depression and the memory of disastrous misfortunes in World War I helped pushing American popular supposition and arrangement to neutrality. Neutralists supported non association in European and Asian clashes and non trap in global governmental issues. In spite of the fact that the United Statestook measures to maintain a strategic distance from political and military clashes over the seas, it kept on stretching monetarily and secure its hobbies in Latin America. The pioneers of the independent development attracted upon history to reinforce their position. In his Farewell Address, President George Washington had pushed non contribution in European wars and legislative issues. For a great part... Show more content on ... Throughout the interwar period, the U.s. Government over and again picked non snare over support or mediation as the fitting reaction to universal inquiries. Promptly taking after the First World War, Congress rejected U.s. participation in the League of Nations. A few parts of Congress restricted participation in the League out of worry that it might draw the United States into European clashes, despite the fact that eventually the group security provision sank the likelihood of U.s. support. Throughout the 1930s, the League demonstrated insufficient despite developing militarism, mostly because of the U.s. choice not to take part. The Japanese intrusion of Manchuria and ensuing push to increase control over bigger spans of Northeast China in 1931 headed President Herbert Hoover and his Secretary of State, Henry Stimson, to create the Stimson Doctrine, which expressed that the United States might not distinguish the domain picked up by animosity and in violation of universal assentions. With the Stimson Doctrine, the United States communicated concern over the forceful activity without conferring itself to any immediate association or mediation. Different clashes, including the Italian attack of Ethiopia and the Spanish Civil War, likewise brought about essentially no official duty or movement from the United
  • 41. Nwoye And Ezinma In Things Fall Apart Things Fall Apart Okonkwo is a well respected clan member with many titles, yet he came from a very poor and full of debt background. He is a warrior with 3 wives and their children. His two favorite children are Nwoye and Ezinma but Nwoye started to drift away and become part of the Christian community after his father let his friend, Ikemefuna, be sentenced to death. Okonkwo s biggest fear is looking weak like his father so he fights throughout the entire book for the clan and highly disagrees with the changes it s made in the end. The book was written in 1959, but based in the 1890 s, when it was obvious that blacks and whites still had racial issues with each other but were trying to work it out. Albert Chinua Achebewas raised in a
  • 42. How Is Conflict Presented In Lord Of The Flies Discuss the Development in the Conflict as Represented in Lord of the Flies The slow development of conflict in Lord of the Flies reflects ideas relating to the authenticity of society and civilisation. This is revealed through the characters quick decent into tribal behaviour upon an absence of humanity, casting off the chains of society in favour of violence and savagery. These controversial ideas presented throughout Lord of the Flies are communicated through four main characters who each play important roles in portraying these concepts through the medium of conflict between each other. The protagonists Ralph, Piggy and Simon all depict the good themes of civilisation, each portraying either intellectuals, humanitarians or affiliations... Show more content on ... Jack is initially depicted as a strong willed yet disciplined schoolboy but rapidly transforms into a brutal savage, adopting depraved values in favor of his old, civilised values. Jack is symbolic of all the negative segments and attitudes of civilisation such as the desire for power, money, control and fame. He naturally conflicts with the other characters representing the positives of civilisation such as Ralph and Piggy and tries to silence them for his own personal gain. This conflict between good and evil is rendered immediately when Jack joins the group in the beginning of the film. With a show of power he marches his intimidating choir into the meeting and attempts to take control from Ralph and Piggy. I think we ought to have a chief to decide things. I ought to be chief. he announces, unashamefully declaring his desire for power. Later in the film conflict between these characters flare up, such as when Ralph and Piggy try to call a meeting. Jack openly declares hostility and resistance against them Who are you to tell us what to do anyway? You can t hunt. Why should being chosen matter? . His rationalisation for breaking the rules is simply Who cares about the rules, we re strong. , openly admitting to believing he is above the law. During the final stages of the film Jack had successfully persuaded almost all of the boys to
  • 43. Wal-Mart Business Report Essay Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1 COMPANY HISTORY2 BUSINESS DESCRIPTION4 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES4 BUSINESS METHODS5 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS6 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS7 CONCLUSION8 Works Cited9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this business report is to gain familiarity with Wal Mart and to learn about the different aspects that make Wal Mart a successful company. This report gives an in depth analysis of the company history, services and products provided, the company philosophy, business methods, organizational structure, and financial and competitive analysis. Wal Mart is a well known company. Although Wal Mart was originally just a retail outlet, this... Show more content on ... In 1985 though, Walton knew he had to let his penny pinching ways sit on the back burner. There was anxiety about trade deficits the loss of American manufacturing jobs, so Walton launched a Made in America campaign that committed Wal Mart to buying American made products if suppliers could get within 5 percent of the price of a foreign competitor. By doing this, Walton showed customers and employees alike that the company has a conscience. Not only that, but even earlier Walton gave profit sharing rights to employees in 1971. And as evidenced by the stock growth, that wasn t a bad investment. Wal Mart didn t just get by with cost saving methods. They were ahead of their competitor s technology wise too. Even in the 1970 s, Wal Mart was able to track inventories in their warehouses and link it with stores. They tracked their sales data for specific items and could increase or decrease their inventory accordingly, achieving a higher efficiency than other retail companies. Another aspect that Wal Mart felt strongly about was expanding there reaches. In 1978, they introduced a Pharmacy, auto center and jewelry divisions. When Sam Walton died in 1992, the company was taken over with the same cheapness in mind. Only, the new leaders at Wal Mart didn t show the employees that they were still important.
  • 44. Antonio Vivaldi Contributions The Renaissance was a period in European history, from the 14th to the 16th century, regarded as the cultural bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history, but this period of time was eventually overtaken by the Baroque. While the Renaissance brought back the beauty and grace of the Greeks, the Baroque revived the dramatic and affections, or feelings, within musicthat stirred the soul. Unlike the previous period, the Baroque focused on the performance and work itself than the actual composer. The great giants of this time include Monteverdi, Bach, and Handel. They all contributed to the Baroque in various ways, either through operas or conciertos, and everything in between. However, an equally important composer is Antonio Vivaldi. His works spans an array of musical genres and the volume of music he produced make him a significant player in this period. On March 4th, 1678, Antonio Vivaldi, the most original and influential Italian composer of his generation , was born in Venice, Italy (Whole Notes: Stories Behind the Classics: Antonio Vivaldi). Born a sickly child, he was baptized almost immediately because the midwife thought his life was in danger since he was born the day of an earthquake (Sadie, Stanley, and John Tyrrell, 2001). In reality, Vivaldi had stretezza de prieto or asthma, and this condition would affect him for the rest of his life, limiting the types of instruments he could comfortably and masterfully play (Sadie, Stanley, and John Tyrrell, 2001).
  • 45. Statistical Data Of Heart Disease The purpose of this paper is to speak about statistical data of heart disease in Hartford Connecticut. The Epidemiology and the community I have chosen to speak about in this paper are cardiovascular disease and stroke in the city of Hartford in the state of Connecticut. According to, Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and accounts for more than 17.3 million deaths per year and is expected to grow to over 23.6 million by 2030 (Heart Disease, Stroke and Research At a Glance, 2016). Identifying the right data source to obtain information is very important for managing and targeting the right population in the disease management process. Information can be found in many places but finding credible date is very important to assess the community and in comparison the nationwide problems. Since the introduction of the internet we have been able to access many places in the world wide web to be more informed and educate ourselves on disease management. Most of the credible data sources come from the federal and state level. Some of the resources I was able to obtain in my research on the web were The American heart association (AHA), in which was founded in 1924. The AHA is a non profit organization their main mission is to prevent and provide education on Heart disease. The CDC is a federal agency under the department of Health and Human Services in the United State. Their mission is to protect the public in controlling and managing disease in
  • 46. The Effect Of Two Multicomponent Lifestyle Interventions... The objective of the PREMIER research was to study the effect of two multicomponent lifestyle interventions on estimated coronary heart disease (CHD) risk compared to advice alone intervention.1 The study also evaluated whether the differences can be detected in the effects of the lifestyle interventions among subgroups defined by baseline variables.1 The results from the study can help future researches to focus on the intervention that has proven to be effective in reducing the heart diseaserisk. The PREMIER study was a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) sponsored, multicenter, 3 group, parallel arm randomized trial conducted in the United States.1 For the study, a total of 810, of which 62% were women and 34% were black, healthy adults with untreated prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension who met the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure criteria for a 6 month trial of nonpharmacological BP treatment, were recruited.1 The participants were randomized to 1 of 3 intervention groups: An advice only group, an established group (EST) that used established lifestyle recommendations for blood pressure control (reduced sodium intake, weight loss, and increased physical activity), or an established plus DASH group (EST+DASH) that combined established lifestyle changes with the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet.1 The mean age of the participants were 50 years, the mean systolic/diastolic
  • 47. Stereotypes Of People With Disability My overall topic is Opportunities. Shouldn t everyone have one is sports? There are a lot of negative impacts with people with disabilities. A lot of stereotypes state that they cannot play sports because they would mess up the whole game. But, is that REALLY true? Many people Able Bodied and Disabled can learn a lot of life lessons when playing sports. Why do people without disabilities play sports that has to do with disabilities? That is something people do not understand. However.. everyone should be accepted in sports no matter how they are. Its practice to get better at something they would like to do. However, Some do not get that many opportunities. Such as people with disabilities. They are often declined some of the major sports such as; Soccer, Baseball, Volleyball, and so on. Those who are... Show more content on ... Even with those different types of disabilities they re still human and shouldn t be treated any differently than their peers. Stereotypes, attitudes, assumptions, and perceptions are often combined to create a stigma around people with disabilities.Being disabled can be very hard. Especially in you wanted to try out sports. Like stated in the thesis, people with disabilities have it much harder because the disabled cannot play as much sports as their able bodied peers persons with disabilities often face societal barriers and disability evokes negative perceptions and discrimination in many societies. Some can even be a little to competitive and choosy when it comes to their players. Some coaches can be nice while others don t. It s a part of life. However, as I had stated, a lot of disabled people have been declined careers with basketball, soccer, and football. They are declined because of most stereotypes that makes them seem like bad players. It is reported that 93% of women with disabilities are not involved in sport and women comprise only one third of athletes with disabilities in international
  • 48. The Harm Consequences Of Social Media And Its Effects On... There are 2.3 billion active social media users (Kit Smith 1). Meaning the majority of people go on social media every day. Social media is almost a part of every teen s life it s how they stay connected and meet up with people. But social media may be worse than what most people would think. It s leading to much worse things for teenagers that they won t see coming since social media is a huge part of their lives. Social media s negatives outweigh the positives because it s causing long term consequences and impacts teen s mental and emotional health. Social media affects things long term because what you post, like, or repost on any site can be used against you in any way shape or form. The internet is forever even if someone deletes it, it never truly goes away. On the one hand, some argue that there are long term consequences on teenagers that are not taken into consideration on social media. In an article by Michael Farrell a couple of teenagers ages 13, 16, and, 18 are on social media and he wants to know what effects social media can have. Basically, he asks the parents how they find time with their busy lives to be on social media and how it affects their lives. He takes that information and what was gathered is that since social media doesn t come with a guide so things can be abused or used wrong (Farrell). Overall the effects were mainly how now there are numerous places to access social media which leads to an increase in cyberbullying and thereby lowers teens
  • 49. Pip s Innocence Quotes This quote from Chapter 5 is describing Pip s limited reunion with Magwitch after he had been rounded up by the police. The general statement made by Charles Dickens in this quote, is that Pip is still an innocent young boy. More specifically, Dickens describes Pip to be still in touch with his innocence and guilt, just as any other child is. In this passage, Dickens is suggesting that Pip is always concerned with what other people think of his behavior. In this passage, the author is suggesting that PIp is very anxious to prove to Magwitch that he is innocent.Like the innocent young boy Pip is, Pip is always concerned with what other people think of his behavior. Which is the author s way of proving Pip s innocence. But as Magwitch looks
  • 50. Analysis of Super Size Me Analysis of Super Size Me Morgan Spurlock decided to make this documentary to investigate the fast food companies, and the effects of certain fast food chains products, particularly McDonalds, on the health of society. This Documentary explores the United States growing epidemic of obesity and diabetes as well. Morgan decides to eat nothing but McDonald s food for thirty days. He must eat one of everything on the menu at least once, and when asked to super size his meal he must do so. Another stipulation of Morgan s experiment is that he can only take 5,000 steps a day to replicate the exercise that most average Americans get on a daily basis. He must also eat three meals a day, no exceptions and if McDonalds doesn t serve ... Show more content on ... He was told that he might do permanent damage to his liver due to having to metabolize all of the excess fat in his new diet. Not to my surprise, McDonalds did not want to participate in this documentary whatsoever and did not ever give Morgan the interview that he sought after, even after over 15 telephone calls. In a sense that obesity is a growing epidemic I think that the documentary was fairly realistic, but who actually eats McDonalds three times a day? Morgan did say that 22% of all McDonald s consumers were known as super heavy users, which means that they eat McDonald s food 3 times a week or more. I think Morgan conveyed his negative opinions about the fast food chains, particularly McDonalds very well although there may have been some dramatization. The people who are most affected by McDonalds marketing and pricing practices are definitely kids and/or lower budget people. The cheap food that supposedly fills you up for longer due to the long list of ingredients in it is easy for lower income families to provide. The extent to which McDonalds is marketed to children can be seen in the installation of playgrounds, birthday party hosting, toys with kid s meals, Ronald McDonald the clown, and many other sly advertising techniques such as a cartoon on TV. All of these marketing techniques lure kids in at an early age. Uneducated people are more likely to eat at McDonalds at a larger scale because many times they are not informed of