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Essays On Friendship
Writing an essay on the topic of friendship can be both a rewarding and challenging task. While
the subject is familiar to most people and seemingly straightforward, delving into the intricacies
and nuances of friendship requires a thoughtful and reflective approach.
Firstly, defining friendship itself can be a complex endeavor. It's not merely about
companionship; rather, it involves exploring the various dimensions of trust, loyalty, mutual
understanding, and shared experiences. Attempting to capture the essence of friendship in a
concise and compelling manner can be challenging, as the concept is subjective and can vary
from person to person.
Moreover, discussing the challenges and obstacles that friendships may face adds another layer
of complexity. Friendships, like any other relationship, can be susceptible to misunderstandings,
conflicts, and external pressures. Balancing the positive aspects of friendship with the potential
pitfalls requires a careful and nuanced discussion.
Another difficulty lies in addressing the evolving nature of friendships over time. Friendships
can change as people grow and experience different phases of life. Attempting to articulate these
changes and transitions while maintaining a coherent narrative can pose a considerable challenge.
Furthermore, weaving personal anecdotes or examples into the essay can be both a strength and
a challenge. While personal stories add authenticity and relatability, finding the right balance
without veering into excessive subjectivity can be a delicate task.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of friendship demands a delicate balance between
personal reflection and broader, more universal themes. It requires navigating the intricacies of
human relationships, capturing the essence of connection, and addressing the challenges that
friendships may encounter. Ultimately, the difficulty in crafting such an essay lies in the richness
and depth of the topic itself.
For assistance with essays on various topics, including friendship and beyond, you can explore
services like They offer professional help in crafting well-researched and
articulate essays tailored to your specific needs.
Essays On Friendship Essays On Friendship
Physical Therapy By Cynthia Picardo
Cynthia Picardo who is currently the Assistant Director of Four Seasons here in
Las Vegas, came to our class to talk about meetings and events. Through out her
entire presentation, she talks about her personal life and what brought her to the
success she has today. She had graduated from college with as a food and nutrition
major. Cynthia had always thought physical therapy was what she had wanted to do
with her life along. The most three stressful things she in her life were getting
married, quit her job, and moved out of the country to Portugal. Cynthia s jobs had
taken her several places all around. After moving to Portugal, she had got a job as a
bartender. This had not worked out to her standards, so she moved into the sales
Functionalist Perspective On Crime
The functionalism perspective is established on the contributions made by Emile
Durkheim. According to functionalism, society is a whole of correlative that work
together to care for a state of equilibrium. For instance, a family makes available
circumstances for reproducing, and sustenance; political affairs support a method
of commanding members of society; and religion adds honest advice and an outlet
for church service. Functionalists use the words functional and dysfunctional to
depict the result of social environment on society. A few features of society can be
functional and dysfunctional. Case in point, crime is dysfunctional and is united
with physical violence, misplace of possessions, and anxiety. In line with
Durkheim and other functionalists, crime is additionally functional for society
because it guides to intense knowledge of shared ethical connections and greater
social union. The conflict perspective explains different appearances of our social
world by looking at which groups have ability and can profit from a specific social
agreement. The basis of the conflict perspective can be found from the work of
Karl Marx. Marx proposed that all societies go through levels of financial
development. The disconnection of society into two wide classes of people the haves
and the have nots is helpful to the owners creating goods. Marx mentioned that
religion be of use as a drug of the public and that it calms the anxiety and affliction
connected with the
Essay about Comparison of Socrates and Siddhartha
Socrates and Siddhartha Guatama Buddha have many similarities; they both believe
in the importance of justice and good, and a simpler way of life. However, they have
different goals: Socrates concerns with worldly meanings and codes, he deals with
truth and morals. Buddha concerns with attaining the outer worldly through
mastering the worldly. Socrates relinquishes sensual desires in hopes of spiritual
rebirth after death and achieving enlightenment in life. Buddha relinquishes the same
ideas, but in hopes of living an enlightened life on earth. (The Dhammapada: Socrates
Buddha Vs. Desire) My contention is to compare Philosopher Socrates from Plato
and Siddhartha Guatama Buddha, and I will demonstrate their similarities and
differences... Show more content on ...
In contrasting, other believers view abortion as an immorality. Because of this, the
principle of free will does not allow any forecast based on the so called prior cause,
but it allows the self determined and the external forces. The fact is that the principles
of ethics are products of human beings, and moral responsibility itself is not
indistinguishable in different traditions and societies. Therefore, according to
Libertarians The Ideas of Free Will and Responsibility in Buddhist Ethics, if human
beings are controlled by prior causes as a mechanistic system, then human behaviors
can be predicted with the same degree of certainty , however, human behavior is in
fact non mechanistic and exists in a biological system. With this being said, human
beings acquire free will. Thus, human existence, in the ethical sense, is controlled not
by external surroundings or by any prior foundation, but by the inner free will of each
individual. The fact that Socrates sought an authentic knowledge rather than a simple
triumph over an opponent, he used the same logical actions developed by the
Sophists to a new intention, the pursuit of truth. Even after Socrates has been
convicted by the jury, he refuses to dispose of his pursuit of the truth in all matters.
Refusing to escape from Athens, he continues that public argument of the matters of
life and virtue is
A Brief Look at Bill Gates
Have you ever thought about how the wealthiest man in the world made his money?
Bill Gates has been named the world s wealthiest person four different times. This
has come from being the founder of Microsoft the largest personal computer software
company. Also from creating a great foundation with his wife that s main focus is to
help people living in poverty with their health. Bill Gatesis an influential American
because he helped bring forward the use of computers by his creation of his
company Microsoft and helped people with diseases in poor countries.
Bill Gates childhood did not involve any struggles whatsoever he was Born on
October 28, 1955 (Britannica). He was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. He
really had everything that he wanted when he was growing up even though his
family wasn t considered rich. He had an attitude problem when he was growing
up like being very sarcastic with his parents and his teachers (Woog 19). He also
liked to talk a lot and sometimes was overly talkative in school. Also being
immature even though he was a young boy his parents and teachers believed that
he acted younger than his actual age. On the other hand he was a very smart kid
always the smartest in each of his classes. He wrote his first software program at the
age of 13. He went to a private school that was called Lakeside when he was 13 in the
8th grade. He aced all of his classes easily showing again how intelligent he is. He
didn t really play any sports he would rather
The Failure Of Beauty In The Good Earth By Pearl Buck
In the United States, beauty is highly respected and is responsible for multimillion
dollar industries. The United States is not the only country obsessed with beauty. The
Good Earth by Pearl Buck reveals one of the most gruesome yet popular customs
associated with beauty, foot binding. Since the time of the novel, the extreme lengths
that women take for the sake of beauty have not changed to this present day. Perhaps
one of the most memorable moments in the Good Earthis when Wang Lung stumbles
upon his younger daughter with a depressed look on her face. Wang Lung asks her
in a kind voice why she had wept, and she cries, Because my mother binds a cloth
about my feet more tightly every day and I cannot sleep at night (Buck, 248). Foot
binding was a common practice in China before it became outlawed in 1915. The
process involved forcefully breaking the bones of the young girl, which would
cause her permanent pain for the rest of her life. Small feet were considered to be
beautiful in China, and women with large feet were considered unattractive. Women
with bound feet were unable to walk long distances and as a result had to be carried.
Although it has been over a century since foot binding has last been permitted, people
in the United Statesare still completing horrendous acts for the sake of beauty. One
such example is a tongue piercing, where a needle is painstakingly stuck through the
tongue and metal pieces of various sizes are inserted. Perri Klass, in her
Children s Hostile Behavior
Today more and more children are being diagnosed with several negative behaviors.
These behaviors are effecting children in different areas such as social, physical, and
health. Due to these different areas in children s life they are continuously taking
different medications. Some children are even placed in behavioral programs at
schools and hospitals. The study shows that mothers depressive and hostile symptoms
are reasons why children show negative and hostile behavior. Women are known to
go through emotional journeys negative and positive. A very common severe issue
for women is called postpartum a mental health disorder. Postpartum is a huge
diagnostic slum that most women never even know they have developed. It s a
treatable mental disorder... Show more content on ...
Research shows four major hypotheses that reason to children s emotional
developments and hostile behavior developed by the mother. The first hypotheses
refer to a child s hostile behavior encounter by depressive symptoms in early child
development and during the child s early development and children s behavior
problems in second grade. The second hypotheses refer to children s negative
emotionality becoming increased by tendencies for mothers depressive. The third
hypotheses children s negative emotions will also increase by deflation self
regulation. Least but not last, children s negative emotions promote a child s hostile
tendencies to express emotional disturbed behavior. Young children were studied in
10 cities because of externalizing behaviors. The study was formatted in categories
of mother s depression, children hostility, children s externalizing behavior, and
children s negative emotions. The age of the children studied were 6, 15, 24, 36, and
54 months old. The conclusion of the study of a Mothers depressive symptoms,
except for negative emotions and hostile in at (54 months). Hostile behavior at 54
months and first grade concur the pattern in
Bechdel Test
The Bechdel Test is a well known measuring tool for gender bias in movies. The
test was made in an 1985 comic Dykes to Watch out For by Alison Bechdel. For a
film to pass the test, it has to have at least two female characters that are preferably
named. Moreover, the characters should also be talking with each other. Lastly, the
subject of their conversation should be something other than a man (Waletzko, 2017).
It should be noted that the Bechdel test is a useful test in checking for gender bias in
films. In fact, it was one of the very first tools that sparked dialogue between film
critics and typical moviegoers and urged the film industry to recognize and solve
gender diversity in films. (Minamore, 2017)
However, despite its effectiveness ... Show more content on ...
As such, there is a need for an improved version of the Bechdel Test a test that would
encompass more feminist values such as equal employment opportunities in the
production process and non discriminatory and derogatory portrayal of women in
Both of these important values can be found in the Philippine s Magna Carta of
Women (R.A 9710). The law lists down the numerous rights that women has. In this
case, a woman has the right to equal treatment in employment as well as non
discriminatory and derogatory portrayal of women in media and film. Consequently,
the Republic Act wishes to use media to raise the consciousness of the general public
in recognizing the dignity of women and the role and contribution of women in
family, community, and the society . (Magna Carta of Women (R.A 9710), 2010)
With this, as long as gender bias in films continues to propagate in our society, a
localized version of Bechdel Test that considers the proponents of the Magna Carta
of Women (R.A 9710) will be formulated as part of this research. It will offer a
yardstick for not only proper female representation but also empowerment in films
while the work of changing society s women objectification and rape culture moves
Hillcrest Survey
I. Introduction
The average American female will buy 469 pairs of shoes in her lifetime. This gives
Shoe Station the crucial task of earning loyalty through customer satisfaction. A
researcher went undercover at Shoe Station s Hillcrest location on 741 C Hillcrest
Rd Mobile, AL to access the store s customer impression and identify areas for
A. Purpose
This report evaluates a secret shopper s impression of the Shoe Station on Hillcrest
and delineates methods for enhancing customer satisfaction.
B. Scope and Methods of Research
The researcher visited the Shoe Station on Hillcrest on April 6, 2017 at 3:00pm. This
time was chosen for the sole purpose of observing lower traffic rates that have a
higher probability of customer satisfaction. ... Show more content on
The quality, quantity, and variety of the products themselves are the store s strong
points. A worthy goal is to create an atmosphere in which these products speak for
themselves, and the environment merely complements the main focus of each
customer s visit. The store s only shortcomings were in the areas of handicapped
parking, entrance greeting, restroom sanitation, aisle tidiness, and size selection. The
following are five suggestions to improve customer experience and guarantee that
consumers will be running back for
Dungeons And Dragons
How Dungeons and Dragons Affects Social Anxiety and Cognitive Abilities
Dungeons and Dragons is a tabletop role playing game designed to fuel people s
imagination creativity and other cognitive abilities. Dungeons and Dragons or
DnD for short is a great game for social interaction and entertainment between
friends and even strangers. One of the advantages of DnD is being able to create
connections with new people. The people that play DnD include a variety of
different people, other than just the stereotypical nerds, like Vin Diesel. DnD is
more than just a game, it can be used as a tool for therapy and learning/teaching.
DnD emphasizes and rewards taking risks and being cooperative with your
teammates/party. It allows for people who are... Show more content on ...
Social anxiety is not fun, but maybe one day with the help of DnD people can
eventually overcome it. I believe that DnD will be able to help deal with mental
afflictions like anxiety and depression. Many people struggle with interacting with
other people, but that is not a bad thing. It is unfortunate at some times, but
eventually they will have a bad social experience. DnD is not used to perfect their
social choices, but more to make sure they can cope with the bad choices. When
they swing at that dragon they better be know what they are getting into, and the
same when they may be offered drugs. They must make the right choice and
hopefully DnD will help them through. Life skills are skills obtained through
experience, good or bad they always learn something. With DnD maybe the bad does
not have to have the same harsh consequences as real life. To summarize that is the
main point of Dungeons and Dragons, to make life not as
Essay about Civil War Medicine
During the Civil War, they had to have many medicines, operations, and surgeries
done to themselves or others in order to survive (Jenny Goellnitz, Paragraph 1).
Some of these medicines we still use today. Medical technology and scientific
knowledge have changed dramatically since the Civil War, but the basic principles
of military health care remain the same. The deadliest thing that faced the Civil
War soldier was disease. For every soldier who died in battle, two died from disease.
The soldiers undertook many different diseases and sicknesses, mentally and
physically. The faced outbreaks of measles, small pox, malaria, pneumonia, or camp
itch. Soldiers would get malaria when camping in damp areas surrounded by
mosquitos, while camp... Show more content on ...
Staple foods were hardtack for Union soldiers and cornbread for Confederates.
Fresh fruit and vegetables were rare. Soldiers received some meat, but, often, it
spoiled or too full of preservatives to eat. It was estimated that 995 of 1000 Union
troops eventually contracted chronic diarrhea or dysentery. Disease was particularly
uncontrolled in the prisoner of war camps, whose conditions were generally worse
than the army camps. Most medicines were manufactured in the north; southerners
had to run the Union blockade in order to gain access to them (Tenting Tonight, 76).
On occasion, vital medicines were smuggled into the South, sewn into the petticoats
of ladies sympathetic to the Southern cause. The South also had some manufacturing
capabilities and worked with herbal remedies. However, many of the Southern
medical supplies came from captured Union stores.To halt disease, doctors used
many cures. For bowel complaints, open bowels were treated with a plug of opium,
which contains morphine and codeine used as a powerful medicine for pain relief.
Opium was usually found in most households medicine cabinets during this time.
Although today opium is illegal because it is actually a very strong chemical that is
processed chemically to produce heroin.
London 3
Dysentery was the number one killer during the Civil War, victims got severe
diarrhea with passage of mucous and blood. Closed bowels were treated with the
Sherlock Holmes Stereotypes
Many cultures uses characters as heros to portray the values of the society to
influence others to follow the cultural norms and feel a sense of national pride.
Sherlock Holmes, a fictional character first introduced in literature by Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle, has become a cultural icon and globally popular. The original British
portrayal of Sherlock Holmesin The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur
Conan Doyleand the Americanized and modernized Sherlock Holmes portrayed in
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows differ in their levels of action, plot
emphasises, and attitude of Sherlock Holmes. Despite being the same character
portrayed by many, the name Sherlock encompasses many portrayals and different
personality quirks and values... Show more content on ...
The tales are less serious in tone and concise. The opening tale begins not with an
instant introduction to the adventure, but rather a conversation between Watson
and Holmes about the former s recent marriage, reflecting the Victorian value of
marriage and family. Sherlock is known for assisting damsels in distress,
showcasing chivalry which was an expected trait of British gentlemen. In the story
A Case of Identity , Holmes is approached by a young Mary Southerland who
requests assistance locating her husband, who has gone missing before meeting his
soon to be mother in law, once again emphasising marriage and the importance of
the traditional courtship rules of meeting the family and a taboo against eloping.
The case ended with no crime committed as the law cannot...touch [Sutherland s
Stepfather], (Doyle 54), and is not the only case to conclude with no laws broken.
The deaths are far less gruesome and do not include weapons of mass destruction,
rather resorting to methods such as falling off rock quarries (83), supposed
drowning (82), and snake bites (152). Doyle focuses the novels not on the crimes, but
on the deduction, putting a greater emphasis on the intelligence of Holmes instead of
the crimes of those Holmes seeks to
Argumentative Essay On Vladimir Putin
In recent times, no one can take total power by force alone; you must offer something
favorable to the people in order to obtain support. Unfortunately, there are some
countries that follow a dictatorship system, which is a form of government that
includes social and political power to ensure that the individual s capability remains
strong. Vladimir Putinis a contemporary dictator of Russia. His rebelliousness as a
child has led him to his leadership. His cold heartedness to his rivals and invasion
towards countries has led to an opposition towards him. Vladimir Putin s experience
as a street thug led him to his leadership, which easily rose him to power: Not only
has he committed crimes against humanity, but he has made groups of people and
countries oppose him.
First of all, Putin had a very unique background. Masha Gessen, Russian and
American journalist, author, translator and activist who has been an outspoken
critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, claims that ВЁPutinЕ› leadership
resulted from his experience as a street thugВЁ (Gessen 1). Putin was not
interested in school or the idea of success. When he was growing up, he always
found himself in fistfights. He would fight anyone who disrespected him in any
way shape or form, such as scratching them, biting them, and even ripping their hair
off. Putin began looking for a place where he could learn skills to complete his will
to fight. He found Sambo, which is a Soviet martial art. Sambo had changed his life
from a
Damon The Mower Essay
In the final stanza, the Mower remembers back to the ideal past described in the first
stanza where he was in positive alignment with the Meadows. He then climactically
proclaims his final intentions to definitively murder the Meadows and himself. This
reference to earlier thoughts helps to justify Damon s actions by indicating advanced
forethought and reflection prior to his upsetting actions. Without this reference, his
murderous engagements would be seen more strongly as a whimsical decision based
upon fleeting emotional anguish rather than an unavoidable logical decision based
upon deep contemplation. Although no deathis directly depicted, the emotions of true
loss come across due to the finality of the Mower s dictations. This definiteness...
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The Mower may be viewed as a twisted and corrupted version of this shepherd. A
shepherd represents the linear ideas of development, wisdom, and nurture in a
working environment and is often biblically idealized as a constant guiding force
that provides the world with a direct and noble service (Anderson 134 36). A
mower, while maintaining the essence of this occupation, represents ideas that have
been altered to more fully incorporate the axioms of paganism. A mower is only
occupationally active for short seasons each year, emphasizing an innate temporal
isolation or cyclic nature in this character by definition (Anderson 134). Where a
shepherd drives the constant development of life without any direct insinuation of
death, the Mower brings about new life through tightly stacked cycles of murder
(201 3). Each swing of his curved scythe slashes through blades of grass, creating
life in the new potential for continued growth and the potential nourishment offered
by hay while extinguishing the life contained in the severed shoots. The Mower
destroys what once was by creating something new in cycles that exist outside of a
shepherd s linear time. We can also see that the Mower is, in a biblical sense, fallen.
Through the
Causes And Disadvantages Of Eutrophication
Eutrophication is the process by which an aquatic environment acquires a higher
concentration of two important nutrients: phosphates and nitrates in a certain
environment. This promotes excessive growth of algae on the surface of the water.
Living things need some specific nutrients to survive. Usually nature provides just the
specific amount of nutrients, but too many nutrients can cause dangerous problems
to the environment. This is presented in aquatic systems.
However the problems can also increase when aquatic environments such as lakes or
rivers have an overabundance of nutrients, when this happens eutrophication appears.
A Eutrophic lake occurs when there is a presence of too many nutrients such as
nitrogen and phosphorus that is usually as a result of drainage from surrounding land.
When a lake or other aquatic system becomes eutrophic, then we can have ... Show
more content on ...
A 2008 study counted 405 dead zones across the world. Hypoxia occur when there is
low oxygen in a specific area, so this is a natural phenomenon in coastal areas
around the world. Aquatic dead zones can be caused by an increase in nutrients such
as nitrates and phosphates known as eutrophication.Major nutrients comes from
human activity such as fertilisers in agriculture and burning fossil fuels , these
nutrients lead to rapid increase on phytoplankton resulting in algae bloom . These
organic matter produced sinks to the bottom of the ocean were bacteria break it
down, when bacteria break down this organic matter they consumed oxygen
liberating carbon dioxide. So this process makes the water hypoxic( low quantities
of oxygen) making fish and other species to migrate to other places but there are
some plants and animals that cannot move so fast that they die because they need
oxygen to being alive and bacteria has taken away this essential oxygen for
The Gospel, A Son Of God And A Riddle Essay
I do not agree with Jonathan Z. Smith s definition, particularly I do not like the
word a riddle. The words Gospel, a son of God and a riddle in his definition outstand
to me, and I think these words are the key of his definition. Thus, it is important to
understand what these words meaning is.
What is Gospel? The people usually think the Fourth Gospel that Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John, and it is all about Jesus. In the ancient Hellenistic time, the Gospels
were regarded as biographies of Jesus (Boring, 508). If Jonathan Z. Smith
represents a son of God as Jesus in his definition, I do not think the Gospel is only
the story of Jesus, a son of God. While Jesus appears in every scene of Gospel,
Jesus himself is not the main object of the Gospel. But I acknowledge that Jesus is
the important character in the Gospel because God reveals himself through Jesus,
and Jesus reveals himself as the Christ (Boring, 509). Boring said that the structure
of the Gospel is not talking about Jesus s life, but it is who Jesus is in the plan of
God (Boring, 510). Dr. Smith s definition seems like only focusing on Jesus as a son
of God. However, I would like to emphasize God and God s work through Jesus the
Christ in the Gospel rather than Jesus as a son of God. If only focusing on Jesus,
we can easily miss God s works in the believer s life and the community in the
Gospel. And also, it is easy to think Jesus as only human being. I believe that Jesus, a
son of God, cannot be explained
Alexander Pope And Jonathan Swift Satire Analysis
The question that I have decided to answer on for my mid term essay is question
3. In my answer I will look at how satire was used in two different pieces of work
and how it makes the reader to laugh and forget about the faults that the poet is trying
to convey. The two poets that I will discuss about in relation to satirein the 18th
century are Alexander Popeand Jonathan Swift. These two men were responsible for
exposing the flaws of British people and highlighting their hypocrisy in this period.
Satire is defined in the OED The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to
expose and criticize people s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of
contemporary politics and other topical issues. (OED online). This use of humour, ...
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Swift was born on November 30th, 1667, who was a clergyman and satirist and an
Irish author who grew up without a father (Murry,1954). Swifts poem The Lady s
Dressing Room is a prime example for exploring the duality between the public
and private of a woman and the part each portrayed within the society and culture
of this 18th century time period. The poem is of satirically theme that can be seen
as targeting the shallow narcissism of women, but is chiefly a celebration of
women who wish to embrace their natural selves Throughout this poem as the
reader I was questioning whether Swift was just simply targeting his satire on the
female sex for mere entertainment or was he conveying signs of misogynistic.
This opinion is also expressed by Rachel Jennings as she goes on to say I believe
this satire to be unfairly focused on the female sex with which I believed to be
misogynistic in nature. . Similar to The rape of the lock Swift starts his poem with
a Whitty remark, but unlike Popes Swifts is aimed at a certain sex, the female one.
Five hours (who can do it less in?) (Swift,1.), this is only humorous to the male sex
as is similar to jokes today that men always have to wait on the female counterpart,
but also one could think the Swift is shocked with how long it takes woman to arm
themselves with the shield that they call
Importance of Identity in Anglo
J. M. Synge is one of the most prominent Irish writers of the twentieth century; his
writing characterizes a broad, multifaceted range of political, social and religious
anxieties shaping Ireland for the duration of its most remarkable period of change,
which transformed the place from a relatively peaceful country to a more political
and aggressive location. The picture Synge creates shows us that the question of
identity relating to Ireland is problematic; however it has produced and provoked
some of the greatest literature of the century. As G. J. Watson has asserted: However
painful the question of identity may be for the Irish in real life, it has functioned,
deeply embedded as it is in the Irish political and literary... Show more content on ...
Ronan McDonald states: Enter the playboy Christy Mahon. Christy s poetry, like
the cultural flowering of the Ascendancy, is based on a dirty deed that is
aestheticized as a gallous story. In the course of the action it is exposed and then
transcended. Christy comes to the Mayoites carrying a mark of culpability which,
in the course of the play, he is privileged to purge. Culture confronts and expiates its
violent origins in the controlled laboratory of the stage. The play comically, but
unnervingly, explores the process by which violence is glorified and aestheticized.
Yet it also, by a theatrical slight of hand, reveals the violence as chimerical, and
allows Christy to pass through and survive the implications of his supposed
atrocity. Ireland is shown for what it is; Synge offers us a critique which is almost
satirical. There is a mystical quality to Ireland which is emphasised by its
storytelling and folklore (Shanaitue), in which the Irish are a `nation of heroes ; a
notion which is explored through the figure of Christy who is himself a `Christ
like figure as he almost brings his father back from the dead in a sense. There is a
sub textual reference to the New Testament in this father son relationship; Christy is
in conflict with his father and in a certain respect he is `sacrificed when he is burnt
because he did not live up to the expectations people had of him. Synge treats the
conflict between the relations with irony, and it is
Essay Juggling
A Princeton researcher, Les Fehme (Brain/Mind Bulletin vol. 8, no. 9. May 1983),
suggest we can optimize our overall performance in life by broadening our focus.
Juggling is one excellent way to do that. He claims most people have a narrow
focus, a lack of awareness of their own body sensations or emotions. This narrow
focus can be very absorbing and useful, as when talking on the telephone, driving a
motorcycle or getting a massage. It is as if nothing else exists except that. When
learning how to juggling, the narrow focus can be directed at a certain ball or pin.
This narrow focus agrees with observations that we live in a society which sees things
as fragments rather than holistic. But things are changing. And just maybe, juggling is
... Show more content on ...
Not only that, but according to a test performed at Mount Union College in Alliance,
Ohio, lefties scored higher in creativity than right handers regardless of age. It went
on to explain four aspects of creativity flexibility, fluency, originality and elaboration.
Since the right hemisphere is normally associated with creativity, then any activity
which helps to awaken this suppressed hemisphere is certainly welcome. Enter
juggling. Who could argue juggling does not use both sides of the brain? Both
hands are used in juggling, aren t they? If an accomplished juggler now wants to
learn a new trick, once again the focus must become narrow, the ball or pin must
capture the attention (enter left brain activity). Like a beginning new juggler, he or
she must focus on throwing a double flip with the right hand before the left hand can
throw a pin behind the back.
In teaching people to juggle, they learn faster when asked to tell each time they have
done something wrong. At first, they have no awareness of wrong movements. Once
they recognize them, they can eliminate them. Therefore it is essential to practice in
order to learn juggling. The simplest movement requires complex electrical/chemical
circuitry within the brain. The study of this circuitry is fast becoming an important
field of neuroscience. Perhaps someday neurosurgeons will electronically hook up a
juggler and a monitor and the neuron action, which travels back and forth between the
two hemispheres
Rhetorical Analysis Of Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer
Author V.S. Naipaul once said, What I felt was, if you spend your life just writing
fiction, you are going to falsify your material. I thought nonfiction gave one a
chance to explore the world, the other world, the world that one didn t know fully.
John Krakauer s Into the Wild is a biography that covers a man s attempt to live life
off the grid and stray from the societal norms of mid nineties America in order to
achieve enlightenment. Throughout the story, the readers follow Chris McCandless
as he travels across the country, discovers new locations, and encounters new
experiences in search of happiness, peace, and solitude. As the reader approaches the
middle of the story, they realize an important relationship beginning to manifest
between... Show more content on ...
He explains how he was torn between quitting his job, which was necessary for the
income, or continuing to venture into the wild, searching for new places to climb.
Krakauer never had any doubt that climbing the Devil s Thumb would transform
his life. How could it not? (135). This technique of rhetorical questioning requires
the reader to think of Krakauer s options and aims to make the readers predict
where Krakauer his headed, leaving his job in search for climbing opportunities.
After Krakauer clues the reader about his future plans, he then goes on to tell them
of the day he quit his job. He writes the next few sentences in problem solution
format, noting ...after nine hours of humping two by tens and driving sixteen penny
nails, I told my boss I was quitting (135,136). This concise problem solution
sentence format notifies the reader that Krakauer was sure of his decision to quit his
job. He did not need much time to think about this life changing decision, assuring
the readers that he has been waiting for this lifestyle of adventure and freedom.
Simply put, Krakauer and McCandless both operate on whims and are sure of their
Castor Oil Awakening
A pair of longer, darker, and stronger lashes will certainly highly improve your
appearance. If you want to look absolutely amazing, then make sure you will obtain
such a result. How can you do this? It is very simple, and safe as well. Take your
inspiration from the following natural ways to make your lashes look longer. Apply
castor oil for several weeks If you apply castor oil for several weeks on your eyelids,
you will definitely achieve the desired result. You will not only make your lashes
look longer, but they will also be a lot stronger and darker as well. Furthermore,
castor oil helps fight micro organisms that can hamper growth. What you need to do
is to use a clean cotton swab in order to apply this amazing oil on your eyelids...
Show more content on ...
It is natural, and it will not cause you any sort of adverse reactions like some of the
lash growth serums that are available on the market these days, can do. Apply it on
your lashes by using a clean cotton ball, every evening, for several days. The
vitamin E and the oleic acid that this oil contain will nourish and add volume to
your eyelashes. You should also try aloe vera Aloe vera is without a doubt one of
the most natural ways to make your lashes look longer. If this is the result you
want to obtain, then you should definitely go for this method. Aloe vera helps you
get thicker and longer lashes, and it will also keep them very well moisturized.
Apply it every evening, and you will soon obtain the desired results. Start a healthy
diet A very healthy diet will also help you have healthier and longer eyelashes.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to go for fish, nuts, vegetable and fruits as well.
Avoid fats, sugared drinks and alcohol as well, as much as possible. All the vitamins
the healthy foods contain will have a positive impact on your lashes, and you will
soon obtain the desired results. Furthermore, you will stay healthy, which is the most
important thing of
Analysis Of The Movie The Dark Knight
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain (The
Dark Knight). There is a certain monstrosity that lives inside of everyone, and all it
takes is a particular situation to highlight this truth. Monstrosity destroys the
categories that humans tend to place objects and people into. When one contemplates
what classifies as monstrous, many immediately consider biological categories that a
monster might shatter. Nevertheless, a monster s actions can also lead to a fracturing
of categorization, such as in The Dark Knight(2008) when Gotham s district attorney
Harvey Dent becomes the villainous Two Face. Throughout the movie, Dent evolves
from a symbol of hope and justice, to a vengeful anarchist determined... Show more
content on ...
The most obvious instance of monstrosity is Dent s appearance once becoming
Two Face. While Dent survived an explosion, his appearance would never be the
same. Due to this event, Dent was reborn as Two Face. Half of his face remained
unchanged from the explosion, however the other half was burned beyond
recognition. In the scene where Dent s new appearance is revealed, the viewer at
first cannot see the maimed side of his face. As he becomes more irritated with
Gordon, however, he turns his face and the monstrous side of him is revealed. This
categorical contamination is an example of someone who is both alive and dead.
Dent is, quite literally, half alive and half dead in appearance. On one side, he
looks like a completely healthy, normal person, just as he was before the accident.
Nevertheless, the other side of his face is charred and the skin is torn from his
muscles. He is no longer capable of being the Face of Gotham. Appearance is not
the only feature in which Dent is both alive and dead. While still physically alive,
this is only so that he can fulfill his quest for vengeance. While the death of Rachel
destroys the person he was, it also creates a new reason for the monstrous form of
him to survive. His one mission is to find every person in any way attached to
Rachel s death and hold them responsible in his own twisted version of fairness.
Dent s metaphorical death of the good person he once was,
Air Southwest Airlines Right To Fly In Texas
Southwest Airlines was founded by Rollin King and Herb Keller on March 15,
1967 with headquarters in Dallas . It s initial name was Air Southwest Co . and the
objective was to fly within Texas in order to avoid price controls and market
regulations imposed by the Civil Aeronautics Board. Three competitors started legal
action against the new airline, but Air Southwest prevailed in 1970 when the Texas
Supreme Court and later US Supreme Court upheld Air Southwest s right to fly
within Texas (; On March 29, 1971 the airline
changed its name to Southwest Airlines. In the same year, the airline began servicing
Dallas, Huston and San Antonio. In 1977, Southwest Airlines listed its stock on the
New York Stock Exchange.
Public Venue Case Study
Identify a public venue in the city where you live: Kroger s, 2946 S Church St,
Murfreesboro, TN 37127
Observe and inspect the location both inside and out (reconnoiter as if you were
preparing a threat assessment or force protection report): November 7, 2015 0900
Based on your observations and assessment, answer the following questions:
What defensible space, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), or
situational crime prevention techniques are in use in this location? What types of
crime/criminals do they attempt to prevent/deter? Natural Surveillance: Lighting
throughout the parking area is well placed and efficient, it provides a soft natural
light. There appears to be ample lighting on the exterior of the store, front/rear
Good Neighbor Tissot
Every community and neighborhood has its norms, but they re typically not
questioned. In her book Good Neighbors (2014) sociologist Sylvie Tissot examines
and observes how the norms of Boston s South End have changed as she interacts
with its residents. During her research, she finds that the white upper middle class
dominates the community through now well established neighborhood associations
and civic engagement. With good intentions, the white upper middle class tried to
promote positive usage of the public park as an act of collective efficacy to better the
neighborhood. However, this change controlled the public space and was limiting to
the other groups within the community. Ultimately this control created a false sense
of diversity ... Show more content on ...
Collective efficacy is argued by Lance Freeman in his book Neighborhood Effects
in a Changing Hood (2006) to be more than a community collectively striving
towards a common goal. Rather, the majority of the residents of a community
control the behaviors of the others through establishing norms despite the conflict
it creates. Freeman notes that competing visions of what is acceptable can serve as
a source of contention and undermine cohesion in a community (p.136 137). As
one group tries to create an idealized use of public space they establish their
dominance over the others in the neighborhood and change the meaning of a
public space within the community. Freeman interviews Tina, a local resident,
about how the activities and usage within Fort Greene Park has changed to be an
acceptable use of public space (p.137). Tina explains that the park where you see a
lot of white people and that you can t barbeque in that park no more as the park has
changed a lot over time (p.137). Despite the park being a public space it is no
longer truly available to the public as the predominantly white upper middle class
population has collectively changed the space s acceptable
Trauma And Memory
Popular press and peer reviewed articles differ in writing style, formatting, and
content, given their different readerships. That is, popular press articles generally
cater to the general public while peer reviewed articles cater to academic scholars.
This essay compares popular press and peer reviewed articles to assess their
differences, similarities, and potential uses. In pursuit of this assessment, this essay
explores how the topic of trauma and memoryis addressed in Why Rape and Trauma
Survivors Have Fragmented and Incomplete Memories, a popular press article from
Time magazine and I Remember , I Thought , I Know I Didn t Say : Silence and
Memory in Trauma Narratives, a peer reviewed journal from the academic journal
Memory.... Show more content on ...
First, both articles address the topic of trauma and memory with respect to the
psychological processes in trauma survivors. Both articles acknowledge the
importance of neuropathology as having a role in memory impairment and
recollection. Second, both articles make conclusions based on the evidence they
present. The Time article concludes that advances in our understanding of brain
physiology will affect the admissibility of victim narratives in court, while the
Memory article uses Interpretive Poetics to make conclusions about future
research on memory and the need to make disclosure of trauma narratives socially
acceptable. With these factors in mind, popular press and peer reviewed articles
are beneficial in different situations. If someone wants to gain a general
understanding of a topic, reading articles from popular press magazines such as
Time would provide a good introduction for the topic. However, if someone wants
to explore a topic in more detail, peer reviewed articles would provide original
research and analyses. Peer reviewed articles also have citations to other pertinent
papers, allowing readers to further their exploration of different topics of
The Pros And Cons Of The Democratic-Republican Party
In 1792, the world s oldest political party, the Democratic Party, was founded.
During the presidency of President Andrew Jackson in 1830, the party adopted its
name as the Democratic Party as it is known now. Prior to the renaming of the party,
it was known as the Democratic Republican Party founded by James Madison, and
Thomas Jefferson in opposition of the Federalist Party. The Democratic Partys
purposed served to supported states rights and the strict interpretation of the
Constitution (Mayne, 1). Correspondingly, providing financial support to family
based agriculture was one of their main priorities (Mayne, 1). The Federalist Party,
their opposition, consisted of wealthy elites that strived, and fought for one strong
all ruling national government, rather than state governments. As the United
States had just recently become independent, the Democratic Republican Party
was determined to prevent the United States from becoming a monarchy. Over the
next century, the Democratic Republican party began to split due to the lack of
agreement on major ideas which led to the current two party system. However,
some ideologies remain the same such as moral stance, and socioeconomic status.
Other ideologies like economic view and stance on government power have
caused this split between the Democratic and Republican parties (Mayne, 22). It is
imperative to remember that even though these two parties are completely
different, they originated from the same party with one main goal; To create a
government that is run for and by its people (Mayne, 23). I have still not developed
a political identity, but over the past three years of my residence in the United
States, I am more in favor of the Democratic Party and what they stand for. At first,
the Democratic Party started out as the conservative party and the Republicans
were the liberals. However, over time, the Democratic Party has associated itself
with social liberalism. Social liberalism is a political ideology which states that
individual liberty requires social justice (DeMichele, 11). To be more precise, social
liberal values include: equal pay, importance of women s rights and healthcare rights,
pro safety, a progressive approach to taxation, and union
Taking a Closer Look at the Aztec Civilization Essays
The Aztecs were a very warlike people, but were very influential to our civilization.
They lived in present day Mexico about 800 years ago. At first, they were a mostly
nomadic civilization and that lasted about 100 years. Then they developed the first,
and capital, city, TenochtitlГЎn. They developed many new types of government,
religion, culture, technology, economy, and geography, as well as the calendar and
new mathematical techniques. The Aztecs were skilled writers, builders, artists, and
craftsmen. They wrote in pictures, built towering temples for worship, and made
beautiful jewelry and pottery. Government was set up in a similar way to ours. Their
was an emperor, like our president, a city council, like our Supreme... Show more
content on ...
Yet the rich wore clothes made of cotton and long robes. The rich had shoes, while
the ordinary people didn t. The rich also wore beautiful and costly jewelry. The
emperors wore beautiful headdresses and had turquoise jewelry, a true luxury then.
The food the Aztecs ate was not very much. They had sweet corn tortillas,
vegetables, occasionally meat, and most of their food was spicy. If you could
afford it, you drank hot chocolate, but most drank water and cactus beer. Cactus
beer was called pulquГ©. Entertainment consisted of many games like our. They
played one game called Tlachtli, like basketball. The object was to hit a rubber ball
through a stone ring, but you could only use your hips, elbows, and knees. Another
game was called Patolli, like backgammon, they used dried beans as dice and colored
stones as counters. Art was themed in the AztecEmpire. Most art depicted insects,
birds, animals, and fish. It was very lifelike and showed age and expression. It was
almost always about death, either reflecting the passion to avoid it or the desire to
conquer it. The Aztecs had many advances in technology, like weaponry, shelter,
structures, and transportation. They had many weapons. One was called the
Maquahitl, and it was like a sword. There were 2 varieties and they were very
strong. They also used clubs, 7+ foot long spears! lances, bows and arrows, and
slings. Another weapon was the Atlatl, and it was a spear thrower. Their
Phos Research Paper
Partially hydrogenated oils have been used by manufacturers for years. The FDA
has decided to remove PHOs from all manufacturers due to extensive research into
the effects of PHOs. Partially hydrogenated oils have been determined not to be
GRAS, generally recognized as safe (Center). Although the FDA had decided that
PHOs are unhealthy many sources say that fats are needed for body functions. In
high amounts fats are going to be bad for the body but, with any type of foodthat is
the case and it is the job of the consumer to watch their eating habits. PHOs have a
purpose of why manufacturers use them and even though they are said to lower
cholesterol but, that s not the whole truth. The FDA s decision that Partially
Hydrogenated Oils are unsafe is another unnecessary healthfood regulation.... Show
more content on ...
Fatty acids in the oil then absorb some of the hydrogen and becomes more dense. If
the manufacturer were to fully hydrogenate the oil, it would become a solid,
basically a fat. When the hydrogenation process is stopped half way, this is when it
becomes partially hydrogenated oil. PHO s are a butter substitute and have the same
consistency(Armstrong). What complete hydrogenation of fats does is turn healthful
unsaturated fats into fully saturated fats. This is the equivalent to regular, saturated,
animal fat and since this animal fat and complete hydrogenation is essentially the
same this doesn t work. The solution was partially hydrogenated oils so that some of
the unsaturated molecules would remain and the product would remain healthy ( The
Monsters In Todays World
Monsters in todays world can be seeing many different ways and forms an effect
people differently. Everybody has their own monsters and has their own warn way
that it will effect them. Monsters have been known to eat people wether it be
mentally or physically. Many of the monster that the we have in the world today are
mental monsters that will tear you down and eat you up mentally. Monsters have
their own way beating you down till you cant go any more. Monsters have been
around forever and have also been known to push people, create fear, mystery, and
most importantly eat people.
The monsters many people have can be used as strength to push them to the next
level of what they are trying to conquer. All of the greatest athletes and explorers
have had to overcome likely monsters in they life to get what they wanted to
achieve. A long history of military conflict with he Islamic world converged with
early modern religious tensions and age old legends of the world beyond the borders
of Europe to convince most European explorers that they would encounter new ...
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Mystery can often make people do crazy thing, people live off of the adrenal rush
that the next turn could be completely different having no clue what could happen.
Skilled noodles reach into rivers, their fingers exposing cervices where large,
sometimes, gigantic, able catfish guard thousands of eggs recently laid by females.
The noodles soon find their hands in a gullet of an enormous and angry fish
(monsters in America). Noodles live off go the mystery that they may find that one
big monster catfish that could possibly have the capacity to eat them. This feeling
brings back the whole point that monsters are there to eat you. The mystery of not
just the catfish but the fact that you have no clue is often something that pushes
people to their limits because they go for that mystery to find what could possibly
come from
Natchez Trace Research Paper
We had a fast trip down to Mississippi to visit with Dad Kay. With all the storms
blowing through, we managed to evade them all thankfully. We did have sunny
skies on Friday Monday. And the little Miata just hummed along. We took the top
down Friday after we left Hopkinsville KY. Getting off the Pennyrile Pkwy and
onto I 24 for a bit, traffic became quite heavy heading into Nashville, so we got off
the interstate and cut across the countryside to the far edge of Nashville. Once on
the southwest side of Nashville and the beginning of the Natchez Trace Parkway
we stopped at the infamous Loveless Cafe before driving the Natchez Trace. We
thought we d just sit down, have a meal and drive on.....uh no, 1 1/2 hr wait, the
place was packed with people there to eat smoked BBQ sandwiches. In the next
building over, they sold sandwiches to go, so that is what we did, sort of. We found
some chairs outside in the shade, ate our meal. The Natchez Trace is a destination
drive within itself, maintained by the National Park Service, it is a beautiful drive
with lots of places to pull off, hike, see waterfalls, vistas, etc.....none of which we did
: )... Show more content on ...
Saturday we were at Dad Kay s at 11am. We had a nice lunch and a good visit with
them, great to see them again. Sunday, storms were moving through in the
morning, so we waited to check out till noon, our time. We had a good lunch at a
place called Harvey s and a stop by Elvis s birthplace in Tupelo. Later, at a rest stop
in Paris TN, evening was coming on and cooler, so top down till we stopped at the
Kentucky Dam Village State Park for supper in the lodge overlooking the lake.
After that, we were really getting tired, decided not to drive on home, it was near
9pm then, so we stayed the night in Eddyville, KY. We are glad to be back home in
the hills of beautiful southern Indiana! Southern Indiana is just as pretty as western
School Board Strike Research Paper
Introduction Around us in our community there are social issues that are not always
seen and some issues have a different meaning that what it is perceived. There has
been some issues about school in my community. To be more specific, the high
school teachers of Durham and peel region they have an issue with the schoolboard
and are on strike. There are many factors why the teachers are in strike and there are
also many negative this has have on many students. The board and the teachers still
have not came up with an agreement, and seem to be unable to come up with possible
Pre Knowledge about the issue Searching up local issues was not the first time I
came across of this issue. As a student I am always are about education news locally.
When I heard the work strike I thought it was going to be affecting me directly.
Talks about this issue is everywhere on the local new and in school, so I knew that
the teachers were going on strike. The only thing that affected me is that I am
worried that the strike issue will affect the school board I m in, Toronto District
Catholic School Board. This strike/ issue is a big problem and I did not
understand why I couldn t be resolved until I did my research. For those who don t
know, changing rules in a big school board cannot happen overnight therefore that is
why this strike is still going on. The issue seems like a big issue because ... Show
more content on ...
The teachers are striking because of the Liberal government wage freeze, classroom
sizes, and preparation time. Since the teachers are on strike it is making another issue
with the high school students, classes are cancelled because the teachers are not there
to teach the students. This affects the students greatly if the teachers are not in
school, possible many things can be delayed such as final marks, graduation
ceremonies, proms, and other extracurricular
Cocain and amphetamines are Addictive and Dangerous
Cocaine and amphetamines are highly addictive and dangerous drugs that have
affected our society today. There have been various forms of cocaine and
amphetamines that have become popular and abusive throughout the United States.
The forms of cocaine are: powder and crack, and these two forms are seen as highly
dangerous to the individuals that abuse it. Also, there are several types of
amphetamines which have been noted to be just as addictive and dangerous as
cocaine. In this paper I will briefly discuss the different forms of cocaine and
amphetamines as well as discuss the treatment options used for individuals with
cocaine and amphetamineabuse.
According to Maisto, Galizio, Conners, (2011), there are two forms of cocaine that
consist ... Show more content on ...
Also, Methamphetamine brand name is Desoxyn and the slang names are speed,
crank, ice, etc. Methylphenidate brand name is Ritalin and Concerta and the slang
name is Vitamin R. Lastly, Methcarthinone, which is mostly used in Africa, slang
name is cat (Drug use and abuse, 2011, p. 120). Even though medically used
amphetamines are used to calm children diagnosed with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), they are still considered to be an addictive and a
quite dangerous stimulant (Drug use and abuse, 2011, p. 120).
According to Emrick, Lassen, and Edwards (1977), the treatment options that are
available for individuals addicted to cocaine or amphetamines would consist of
peer self help groups (Drug use and abuse, 2011, p. 372). It was stated by Regier et
al., (1993) that a national survey showed over 1.5 million individuals in the United
States using self help groups to overcome their drug abuse (Drug use and abuse,
2011, p. 373). In the self help group, the individual must first be ready or motivated
to make the changes before attempting to join. There are also professional drug
rehabilitation facilities, but not all individuals are able to afford to attend those costly
In conclusion, the different forms of cocaine and different types of amphetamines are
all considered addictive and dangerous to our society. Even though, there are
medicinal uses for cocaine and amphetamines, there are side effects that can make life
for the individuals
Pulmonary Valve Syndrome Research Paper
Pulmonary Valve Stenosis, Pediatric
Pulmonary valve stenosis is a heart problem some children are born with
(congenital heart defect). This defect is a stiffening or narrowing (stenosis) of a one
way valve in the heart. It is the valve that allows blood to flow from the pumping
chamber on the right side of the heart (right ventricle) into the blood vessel that
carries blood to the lungs. If not enough blood is flowing through the valve, not
enough oxygen will get into your child s blood. The child s heart will also be forced
to work harder.
Pulmonary valve stenosis develops during the first 8 weeks as a child is growing
inside the womb. It sometimes develops with other types of heart abnormalities.
Pulmonary valve stenosis can range from ... Show more content on ...
This is the most common treatment. In this procedure, a catheter is placed in the
heart. The catheter is placed through the valve. Then a tiny balloon on the end of the
catheter is blown up to open the valve.
в—‹ Heart surgery to open, repair, or replace the valve.
Follow all instructions from your child s health care provider.
Give your child over the counter and prescription medicines only as told by his/her
health care provider.
Do not give your child aspirin unless instructed to do so by your child s health care
provider or cardiologist.
Ask the health care provider whether your child has any activity restrictions.
Depending on the severity of the the condition, some children can participate in the
usual activities.
Your child does not have to follow a special diet.
Make sure your child s immunizations are current.
Let all health care providers know that your child has pulmonary valve stenosis
before any medical procedure.
Ask your health care provider if your child should take antibiotic medicine before
having any medical or dental procedure.
Keep all follow up visits as told by your health care provider. This is
Theme Of Blindness In Raymond Carver s Cathedral
Blindness is not limited to physical manifestation. In Raymond Carver s Cathedral,
the figurative blindness is immediately apparent through the narrator and his
shallowness, irrational jealousy, and egotistical personality. His dismissive behavior
and ignorance towards the feelings of Robert, his wife s blind friend, speak
negatively of his character and reveals his insecurities. While the narrator s emotional
blindnessand Robert s physical blindness initially inhibits their bond, it eventually
leads the narrator to an epiphany and the beginning of a character transformation. The
different forms of blindness allow the characters to bond and grow over the course of
the story.
Throughout Robert s visit, the narrator makes snide and insensitive remarks, despite
his wife s wishes. His misunderstanding of relationships and people is his visible
flaw. It isn t until the narrator ... Show more content on ...
He makes this clear in the opening paragraph of the story where he says I wasn t
enthusiastic about his visit. He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered
me. My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved
slowly and never laughed. Sometimes they were led by seeing eye dogs. A blind
man in my house was not something I looked forward to (Carver 1). The narrator
dismisses Robert in the same manner a white racist may dismiss an African
American. His prejudice, or any prejudice, is preconceived based on superficial
qualities rather than actual experience or reason. It is evident the narrator can t see
beyond Robert s disability and is judging Robert because of a characteristic that
makes him uncomfortable. This unconscious placement of Robert into an atypical
category prevents him from seeing Robert as an individual. The narrator does not
see Robert as a whole person, but solely as a blind man. Part of what makes the
narrator emotionally blind is this
Analysis Of Body Like A Back Road
Throughout history, there has always been some form of music; however, the form
and style have changed over time. During the twentieth century, the gap between
classical music and the popular music widened, as people picked more of what
they thought sounded pleasant. One of the popular styles today is country and an
example is Body Like a Back Road by Sam Hunt, which was released in February
2017 as a single from his upcoming album. Body Like a Back Road is a song that
has a complex and changing texture which is created by varied musical elements and
composition throughout the piece. Throughout Body Like a Back Road, the texture
shifts depending on the section and the topic. Texture in musicis defined as the
combination of musical parts to compose the overall feeling and sound of a piece.
The first portion of the song has a texture that is average for the piece, which sets
the overall jovial mood for the whole song. This mood is caused by the overlapping
of instruments and the rhythm. The main melody is played by an electric guitar,
which is then layered with the acoustic guitar. There is also an organ, drums, and
some background chatter which hooks the listener to listen to the song and makes
them want to join whatever else is going on. As the song goes into the first verse,
extra percussion and some bass was added which makes it a more dense texture.
Also, the tune shifts to a more hip hop feel rather than a classic country feeling
which draws in the listener as
United Kingdom s Economic Cooperation
United Kingdom s economic cooperation
Economic cooperation by various countries is a necessity as opposed to a choice in
this globalized world. Many economic partnerships are regional, and all regions on
the planet have their own. Examples include the European Union, the Economic
Community of West African States, the North American Free Trade Agreement and
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. There are others that are not regionally
based an example being the agreement established by the African Growth and
Opportunity Act, which ties the United States and several African governments. The
United Kingdom is not immune to these cooperative measures. This paper shall look
at the structure.
Economic associations
The United Kingdom continues to be an active member of the European Union
though not without significant levels of domestic opposition (UK.GOV, 2015). It
makes use of the trade agreements that make up the region and participate in fiscal
policy. The difference between the nation and other members of the EU is that it
opted out of the Euro; the single currency union. The United Kingdom has retained its
pound in trading and policy and looks set to stay on that course. However, it does act
with the European Union in handling economic issues that face the continent and the
The nation also has membership in the G7, which expands into G8 and G20. Though
the organization is not a trading or fiscal arrangement, it does bring together the
world s largest economies to
Tis But Thy Name That Is My Enemy
Juliet from the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare says about Romeo,
Tis but thy name that is my enemy. She claims that it is Romeo s name, Montague,
that is her enemy, and not Romeo himself, although Romeo s name influenced who
he was. Most of the time, names are given to people by their family members after
they are born. However, there are also people who choose their own names. Most
names have a meaning behind them. That meaning doesn t always represent who
we are. In my case, my name has a story behind it. Everyone s names were chosen
for a reason, even if that reason is insignificant. Before I was born, my mom and
my dad knew they wanted me to have an Armenian name. They were considering
many different names, some of which are hard for Americans to pronounce. For
that reason, they narrowed the choices down to a couple names that were more
simple. They wanted it to be easy for others to pronounce and spell. Those choices
were Tamar, Maral, and Lilit. The night that they were driving to the hospital before
I was born, they came across a deer on the road. Since Maral translates to deer in
Armenian, they decided to name me that. Although I wasn t named after anyone in
particular, the culture behind my name is important to me and my parents. Before
asking my parents about it, I never knew that they wanted my name to be easy for
others to pronounce. Compared to other names, my name was always difficult for my
teachers and classmates to say correctly. In fact,
Hyperhidrosis Research Paper
Do you suffer from palms or feet that are always moist? Do you have to throw
away shirts because of excessive underarm sweat? If the answer to either of these
questions is yes, you may have a condition known as hyperhidrosis. Since many
cases of hyperhidrosis can be successfully treated by dermatologists, it s important to
see one as soon as possible. Here are some things you should know first:
Talk to your insurance company before making plans: If you ve only ever visited
your regular doctor, contact your insurance company before setting up a visit with
any local dermatologists. Some insurance plans require that you get a referral from
your usual doctor before they ll pay for a visit to a specialist. Finding out if a referral
is needed before you go can help save you the surprise, time and expense of unpaid
medical bills.
Try to find a dermatologist who specializes in hyperhidrosis: Just as there are
specialists in general medicine, such as cardiologists or pulmonologists, there are still
more specialties within these fields. For example, some dermatologists may
specialize in treating skin cancer patients. While they can still help you with your
hyperhidrosis, they won t be as up to date on the latest ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, with hyperhidrosis, it can take a lot of trial and error for
dermatologists to find a treatment that will work for a particular person. Some
people may respond well to a prescription antiperspirant and need no further
treatment, while people with a more serious issue may require Botox injections
every 4 6 months. Although it can be discouraging to try various treatments and see
very little result, it s important to stay positive and keep looking. Because no two
people respond exactly the same way to a particular treatment, it could be a few
weeks or a few months before your condition
The Pros And Cons Of The Mandela Effect
Science fiction has brought many things to the human race. Imagination, scientific
breakthroughs, and perhaps one of the most shocking scientific theories, the theory of
multiple, or parallel, universes. According to science the universe came into being
around 13.7 billion years ago after a catastrophic event called The Big Bangoccurred,
however throughout many years scientists have wondered whether our universewas
the only one created.
The Mandela Effect is a relatively recent conspiracy theory that has been
continuously proven by internet forums. The Mandela Effect was first proposed by
Fiona Broome, who believes that false memories of events or conversations are
glimpses into parallel universes. Normally these events are quite major and many
people hold ... Show more content on ...
While this may seem like a few people incorrectly reading a name, thousands of
people still have firm beliefs that it is the Berenstein Bears. False memories are
quite common in a small scale, for example, one could remember going to the park
with a friend, however larger scale memories, such as a celebrity dying, are much
more uncommon. However the Mandela Effect could still be explained this way.
One of the ways to implant a false memory in another s mind is to provide them
with a logical scenario surrounding the memory, and having it backed up by others.
This is one of the more logical possible explanations for the Mandela Effect, yet as
the memories are often shared by people who have never communicated and may
have not heard the memory explained in a way like this many still contest to what s
known as the Parallel Universe Theory. This has developed from Broome s proposal
to changes in one universe caused by two parallel universes brush against each other
or move through each other which causes small things from one of the universes to
be changed, such as a cartoon monkey being given a tail
Judge Chavez And The Case
I am Judge Chavez and the case presented to the courts today is Leia I. Organa v.
Sith Publications, Inc. Leia I. Organa is a photographer who specializes in news
events and its historical significance. In this case, Organa accuses Sith Publications of
misusing her work. Copyright for photographers means owning property. With
ownership, you get certain exclusive rights to that property. For photographic
copyrights, the ownership rights include:
(1) To reproduce the photograph;
(2) To prepare derivative works based upon the photograph;
(3) To distribute copies of the photograph to the public by sale or other transfer of
ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending
(4) To display the photograph publicly
This can be found in the U.S. ... Show more content on ...
I. Who owns the copyright in a photograph once it is taken?
In general, the person behind the camera who takes the photograph owns the
photo. An exception is when the image falls into the work made for hire category.
A work made for hire relationship is created in two situations: (1) the photographer
is an employee hired to take photographs for the employee, or (2) the photographer
is hired to provide photographs for collective works or compilations and signs a
written agreement that specifically states that the work is to be considered a work
made for hire. Therefore, freelance photographers are subjected to work for hire
status only when they agree to it by contract.
Fair use is the right to use copyrighted materials without the copyright owner s
permission. Permitting limited and reasonable uses without permission as long as
they do not prejudice the copyright owner s rights or interfere with normal
exploitation of the work. Thus, fair use is intended to allow the unauthorized use of
copyrighted materials for the benefit of society, believing such use serves a higher
purpose. But fair use has its limits, too. Section 107 of the Copyright Act states that:
The fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or
phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as
criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including
Alcoa Inc
Alcoa INC. History view: Alcoa Inc is Aluminum Company of America. It is the
world s third largest producer of aluminum, behind Rio Tinto Alcan and Rusal. Alcoa
conducts operations in 31 countries more than 200 locations. Alcoa is a world leader
in the production and management of primary aluminum, fabricated aluminum, and
alumina combined, through its active and growing participation in all major aspects
of the industry: technology, mining, refining, smelting, fabricating, and recycling.
Aluminum and alumina represent more than three fourths of Alcoa s revenue. Non
aluminum products include precision castings and aerospace and industrial fasteners.
Alcoa s products are used worldwide in aircraft, automobiles, commercial... Show
more content on ...
Threat of substitute products: Alcoa has a differentiate product line and some of
the areas as energy has a potential to substitute as renewable energy.
Macroeconomics Trend Analysis of Aluminum World Demand. Export and import
of the fused aluminum has a high sensitivity to the macroeconomic situation in the
industrial sector of the world economy. The price volatility depends on the
industrial demand for the aluminum. Global demand is leading by China and
emerging markers economics. However according to Alcoa Outlook for aluminum
Plattes Metal the demand has the downward sloping curve. Global demand growth
in 2010 was 13% compare to the data in 2011was 12%. The biggest demand for the
aluminum products comes from China. In 2011, China experience the deficit of
the aluminum consumption compare the rest of the world was the surplus. The
smelting costs curve increased by 26.2% from the 2005 2010 years. Increase in the
production costs increase the aluminum price. According to the trend analysis of
the costs of goods sold of Alcoa, we can see the cost of sales increase every quarter.
In 2012, the cost of the revenue increase by 3 % from the 1st quarter to 3rd quarter.
However the revenue went down by 3% at the same time period. Besides
The Second Amendment
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve
neither liberty nor safety. This quote from Benjamin Franklin illustrates how an
emphasis on safety can drastically reduce the freedoms enjoyed by citizens of the
United States, especially the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which
states that ...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
However, with active shooter situations such as Columbine; the Tucson, Arizona
shootings, which nearly killed former Representative Gabrielle Giffords; and recent
situations at Newtown, Connecticut; Los Angeles International Airport; and Westfield
Garden State Plaza mall in New Jersey, the federal government has questioned this...
Show more content on ...
12). If somebody were to invade a home, that owner deserves to have the right to
pull a gun to defend him or herself. The police can t protect everyone, instantly, 24
hours a day, seven days a week. And the fact that victims might be able to defend
themselves can also deter criminals (Lott par. 14). Almost every parent at some
point tells their child, Don t put your fingers in the electrical outlet, or you ll get
shocked. Naturally, the child will put his or her fingers in the outlet just to see
what will happen. After getting shocked, the child will cry. The parent will then
say, I told you not to do that. This is part of human nature. Everybody thinks that
they know best and nobody else can tell them what to do. This situation would also
apply to gun control, as more gun control laws would cause criminals to push the
envelope even more and commit more crimes involving guns. When the state of
Illinois passed Concealed Carry legislation this last summer, many who believe in
the right to bear arms as defined in the Constitution hailed this as a victory and
could not wait to obtain the right to carry concealed weapons. Tom Gibbons, the
State s Attorney for Madison County, gave citizens of the county the right to carry
before the official signature of Governor Pat Quinn in a press release dated June 6,
2013. In the press release, Gibbons said that to deny this right to law abiding
Reflective Essay On Education
God, the Ruler and Creator of every finite and infinite existence in the universe, has
called me to a life of love, servitude, and fellowship with other Christians. However,
at my age, my walk with Christ is no longer conjoined with decisions made by my
parents. The decision of college is entirely mine to make with the benevolent and
ever wise guidance of Christ. By no means is this an easy task, but one ideal has
been forthright in my heart my education must be Christ centered. My walk with
faith began at a young age, hailing from a humble farming community with multiple
Baptist ministers and Sunday School teachers in my immediate family. I accepted
Christ at age six, but only more recently have I focused on my faith and spiritual
growth. As I reached high school and (briefly) considered more liberal yet high
standing colleges, I realized with increasing certainty that I was called to a higher
standard a Christ centered education. Several Christiancolleges have reached out to
me, but Union remains my foremost favorite, in spite of the price tag. Union s core
values have impressed me boundlessly, with all aspects of learning between God,
professor, student, university, and the community, as well as the present and future
being addressed. At Union, I am assured that I will be pushed to the limits and
establish new ones for excellence, not settle for good enough. Such drive mirrors my
current efforts in high school, not to mention excites me for a new challenge.
Sex Roles In America
Sex roles are what dictates how you are raised. They dictate the entire course of
your life. And that is also inclusive of socialization. Socialization has the majority
dependence on your sex role, from the moment you re born. From the traditional
standpoint of the dominant group in America, boys, as they grow, are allowed to be
rough, dirty, and mean ( just boys being boys ) and often expected to have their
interests and play time take place outside. Girls of the same age are supposed to be
quiet and remain clean, their play time involving staying inside and playing kitchen
or with dolls or playing dress up. And that is just the beginning. This pattern of
complete and unnecessary division breeds things like toxic masculinity, misogyny
(whether... Show more content on ...
What people of color go through. I ve been through bad things, but none of those
things, none of that suffering was because I am white. Yes, I am a female so
sexism affects me but not as much as it affects women of color. And that, in my
eyes, is the biggest barrier with me and other cultures. I have never experienced
oppression like they have. My country has never been under Sharia law. I have
never been fearful of an air raid or whether or not the grocery store would have
food, because my country s infrastructure was so war torn. The oppressed minorities,
the persecuted, immigrants and religious refugees from places I have never heard of
I can try to understand and empathize, but it will never truly connect because I have
never been in those positions. But I will continue to try and understand and help,
because by recognizing my privilege, I can stand by those who go through that and I
can have a better chance of interacting and accommodating cultures so different than
Becoming A Dancer
The life of a dancer
In 1938 Jerome Robbins stated that the dance industry is plagued with difficulties
after his poor experiences with the Dance Centre, linking to this I will be
discussing whether these difficulties have been addressed or if they are still
prominent in the life of a dancer today. To do this I will be comparing the lifestyles
of performers from a range of different styles, to see what boundaries they face and
how they differentiate to one another.
To have the life of a dancer it is important to become established in the industry, after
looking at case studies from the Royal Ballet I have discovered a correlation,
displaying that a dancer is to start at the bottom and then needs to get noticed to
A good representative ... Show more content on ...
However if we go back to the statement above suggesting that jobs are based on a
person s reputation, my concern is would they risk speaking out if they are being
over worked or paid inadequately. I would not commit to a solely performance based
carrier in dance as it would give me little financial stability, the career project
supports this by stating only a small percentage of dancers can actually find steady
work in this area . This is dependent on the type of contract the dancer was given as a
long term contracts offers stability for a longer time period, however to achieve this
a dancer must secure a position in dance companies such as The Royal Ballet or
motion house and short term contracts are more a accessible.
I feel that to live the life of a dancer the vital thing to have determination to battle
many of the obstacles they will be facing, as it is clear that dance is in a low
ranked compared to other art forms as a professional dancer falls into the category
of a highly skilled, sought after employee in a high risk profession but yet is still not
paid as much as an actor who has a stunt double to perform any parts deemed
dangerous .Despite these setbacks a dancer should always remember why they got
into dance in the first place and let that be their momentum to push them further in
The Impact of Financial Derivatives Market on the Uk...
Research Proposal:
1 Provisional title: The impact of Financial Derivatives market on the UK economy :
Before, during and after the 2008 Financial crisis.
2 Rationale
The operations of the derivative market has become a rising concern today in the
world and in the UK in particular as this market could destabilize the efficiency of
the financial market and the economy at large if not managed properly by its users
or if a major fault occurs in the derivative market, as it plays a vital role as a risk
management instrument in the economy. Financial derivatives had been introduced in
the financial markets as an instrument to help manage risk cause by fluctuations in
exchange rates, interest rates and stock market prices in the financial ... Show more
content on ...
He based his research on what was he called the real and behavioural triggers of the
2008 financial crisis. He then went on to say that the real triggers of the crisis had
to do with the systematic environment of high leverage in the financial markets,
corporate and household sectors and the international nature of finance and banks
balance sheets. He classified the underestimation of risk by almost all agents in the
economy as a behavioural trigger to the crisis. He specified on the underestimation
of risk in the newly issued assets and also in the corporate sector leverage that began
in the 21st century. According to him, new and complex derivatives instruments were
not mostly regulated before the crisis of 2008, which he suggested could have been
the trigger to the crisis. He concluded that some of the triggers like the behavioural
trigger could only be incorporated into the new bank regulations as they would not
Another study carried out by Shiu Yung Ming et. al. (2005), examined the
determinants and the impact of derivative usage on bank risk. In their study, they
said derivatives had proved to be an efficient tool in the management of risk as it
was an easy instrument for which residual risk from commercial operations was
hedged. They agreed with most researchers by saying that derivative usage was a
primary instrument used by both financial and non financial firms for the
management of their financial risks. Thus they came to a realisation that the use of
Thesis Statement On Capital Punishment
According to the Editorial Board in their opinion article on Capital Punishment, they
believe that capital punishment should no longer be in existence as it is violating the
Eighth Amendment s ban on cruel and unusual punishments (Editorial Board, Capital
Punishment Deserves a sick Death ). Although capital punishmentmay be a cruel and
unusual punishment and viewed as unnecessary in certain situations, I believe the
Editorial Board fails to connect their supporting points to their conclusion and
understand the reasoning behind capital punishment in today s criminal justice system.
One of the editorial boards strongest claims is that the death penalty is in direct
violation of the Eighth Amendment s Ban on cruel and unusual punishment.
Although they do make a strong argument for this claim, they fail to mention the
Supreme Courts ruling that the death penalty is not in violation of the Eighth
Amendment. According to USLegal, A death penalty is the sentence of execution for
murder and some other capital crimes (serious crimes, especially murder, which are
punishable by death). The death penalty, or capital punishment, may be prescribed by
Congress or any state legislature for murder and other capital crimes. The Supreme
Court has ruled that the death ... Show more content on ...
It can be very difficult to know which side to support and evaluating the issue can be
overwhelming. Without a proper solution and lack of support for claims, I believe
this editorial was very one sided and did not consider the other side of the argument.
Although the editorial provides substantial information from outside sources and
observes the unlawful reasoning for capital punishment well, I believe capital
punishment should still continue to be used in a practical way in order for criminals
to obtain the proper punishments for their
Essay On Critique Of Pure Reason By Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant s Critique of pure reason aims to question and evaluate what is
ultimately real, and to discover the restrictions and scope of pure reason. The main
doctrine within the critique being the idea of transcendental idealism, concerning
epistemology. Kant s doctrine aims to show that humans can only construct
knowledge from their senses. This opposed the previous views of Rene Descartes
idealism and George Berkley s complete denial of the existence of matter. Universal
concepts which Kant regards as categories then filter the senseimpressions we
receive. Kant s idea of the noumenal plays a key role when understanding the notions
within the Critique and is ultimately a very helpful way of helping us understand why
we think the way... Show more content on ...
For example, what colour is the noumenal realm? If it has a colour and is red for
example, we are applying human concepts like colour. If has no colour, we are still
applying human concepts of it having no colour or not being red . Thus, one of them
must involve itself in the noumenal realm, as a third description between colour and
not having colour is impossible. It either has a colour or does not. In my opinion,
Kant can overcome this weakness within the argument for noumena by using the
distinction between positive and negative predicates. Kant could hold that the
noumenal realm can only have negative predicates and as such human ascriptions
become less
The Aztec Marketplace At Tlatelolco
In the primary source document, The Aztec Marketplace at Tlatelolco by Bernal
Diaz del Castillo, Castillo manages to describe the magnificent marketplace at the
Aztec city, Tlatelolco. Castillo s memory and recollection of his experience at the
market place occurred around the time period of 1521, when the Aztecempire was
conquered by the Spaniards through the expedition of HernГЎn CortГ©s. After these
expeditions and battles between the Aztec natives and the Spanish newcomers,
Castillo was able to record his involvement and experience in his entries fifty years
later in Guatemala where he lived in retirement. Bernal Diaz del Castillo was born
of a respectable although not distinguished family and decided to join the
expedition lead by CortГ©s for the conquest of Mexico due to his fascination with
the enchanted... tales of the fortunes to be found in newly discovered America
(Your Dictionary). Castillo served the Spanish expedition as little more than a
common foot soldier yet also had exercised some authority and enjoyed the
confidence of CortГ©s. (Your Dictionary). Considering how the patriarchal system
became implanted in the Americas when the Spaniards arrived, Castillo could be
seen as someone who was of a somewhat high status. He was male, of Spanish
ethnicity, and served in the military, resulting in him being respected and rewarded
for his prestige. His status was especially valued in comparison to others such as the
indigenous people of the Americas, who were
Sexual Sexuality And Sexual Practices
Sexual Normalcy Sexuality and sexual practices play a crucial part in how one
defines oneself. The moral struggle between sinful or normal has a dramatic effect
on how one views themselves, and one is perceived. When we can gain knowledge
of how people process their own attitudes towards sexuality we can learn more about
how humans tick.
RUBIN S RESEARCH Rubin s prior research on the normality of certain sexual
practices were the basis of this study. Rubin developed a sexual hierarchy where at the
top were good/normal practices emphasizing monogamy and heterosexuality. While at
the bottom were the bad/abnormal practices involving homosexuality, fetishism etc.
Their research also looked at the heavy social influence on human sexuality. Rubin
grouped western nations into 4 separate sexual regimes , the two mentioned in this
study are The Sexually Conservative Cluster and the Homosexual Permissiveness
PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESES The purpose of this study was to investigate Rubin
s sexual hierarchy using a tailored behavior inventory in which participants indicated
their perceptions of normality and abnormality about a wide range of sexual
behaviors. There were 5 clearly defined hypotheses in this study.
Hypothesis 1: Males participants would be more likely to perceive sexual practices as
Hypothesis 2: all participants would perceive a greater number of the sexual
practices as normal when performed by a male actor versus a female actor
Hypothesis 3:
How To Prevent The Raven
All humans die at a certain point in their lives, death is something bound to happen.
Death cannot be stopped , even if you take care of yourself perfectly. People try
really hard to extend the time period of their lives, by securing themselves and
helping themselves be more healthy. People keep guards, they purchase the most
expensive health treatments, they have security systems at their house, the exercise
and get the best nutrition to benefit their body, and many many more actions. By
doing these actions, us humans feel a sense of protection, we feel that we are secure
and cannot be harmed. But somethings are bound to happen and nothing can prevent
them. Although these tactics do help you live a longer and healthier life, they help
prevent such actions from taking place. Even if they can t solve all the safety
problems, they sure help them greatly.... Show more content on ...
The whole idea of Raven is that the Raven had to somehow come in the room and
eventually it did by a series of unexpected events. This shows that somethings are
bound to happen, they will happen and there is nothing anyone or anything can do
about it. The raven also symbolises death, which happens and was always bound to
happen anyways. Just like in The fall of the house of Usher , Rodricks madness
drove him crazy. He did not realise the danger he could cause himself even with all
the precautions he took. There are two really good examples portrayed in the
Masque of the Red Death . The first one is about the people of the city that is
mentioned in the story. It shows that no matter what kind of people they were or
what kind of precautions they took, they all got devoured by the gruesome disease.
Even if they were invited to Prospero s great party, the were still a victim of the
disease. That is the second example, Prospero got the best safety in the whole town,
but still he was a part of what was bound to
Public Key Infrastructure
Public key infrastructure, known as PKI supports the distribution and identification
of public encryption keys which allows users and computers to securely exchange
data over the internet and networks to confirm the identity of the other party. Without
PKI, sensitive information can still be encrypted and exchanged, but there would be
no assurance of the identity of the other party. Any form of sensitive data exchanged
over the Internet is reliant on PKI for security.
A standard PKI consists of several components: hardware, software, policies and
standards, administration, distribution of keys and digital certificates. Digital
certificates are at the heart of PKI as they confirm the identity of the certificate
subject and bind that identity to the public key contained in the certificate. A typical
PKI includes several key elements. A trusted party, known as a certificate authorityor
CA, acts as the root of trust and provides services that authenticate the identity of ...
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The company can choose between using a public certification authority or operating
an in house a private CA.
The in house approach provides the maximum level of control. Certificates and
keys can be made any time with little wait time. However, the cost of software
licenses, maintenance fees, and the expense to purchase and deploy the entire
supporting infrastructure can be big. Also add in training of a few employees or
hiring new ones with the needed skills. The cost will pay for its self eventually.
(Walder, Bob. July 2003)
Outsourcing the PKI service will allow for faster implementation. The initial cost is
low but will be continuous. There is no need for training or new employees.
Availability will be the key deciding component. Will the outsourced company be
available anytime? How long is the turnaround time when requesting a certificate?
(Walder, Bob. July
Please Ignore Vera Dietz Summary
Have you ever changed yourself for someone? Bought clothes that were popular, or
changed your attitude for your friends or parents. Finding yourself when everyone
around you is changing, morphing is one of that things that most people struggle
with their entire life and sometimes it defines us and other times leaves us a pickle
on a big mac. Please Ignore Vera Dietz is a novel about Vera the main protagonist
going on with daily life like nothing happened after her best friend Charlie dies.
This novel communicates the idea that you are always not the problem and that you
need to step back and look at what you have, and self acceptance is the key to all
your problems.
Contemplation is a commanding thought; it can make things better or worse. Veras
first big thought of contemplation is when her mother left the family, and weather
or not it was her fault. It haunts her father that Sindy left and he dwells on her in
the most minuate ways, like keeping her clothes in the closet or her class china
wear on the cabinet. Vera always wonders if its her fault for her mother leaving
because her mother in Veras words never wanted her. She is also confused on what
she wants to do with her life after college, does she want to become a vet or just give
up her dreams completely because everyone thinks that she is just going to become
a stripper just like her mother. I struggle with the same things everyday wondering if
my mother would have done if she didn t have me at such a young age.
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Essays On Friendship

  • 1. Essays On Friendship Writing an essay on the topic of friendship can be both a rewarding and challenging task. While the subject is familiar to most people and seemingly straightforward, delving into the intricacies and nuances of friendship requires a thoughtful and reflective approach. Firstly, defining friendship itself can be a complex endeavor. It's not merely about companionship; rather, it involves exploring the various dimensions of trust, loyalty, mutual understanding, and shared experiences. Attempting to capture the essence of friendship in a concise and compelling manner can be challenging, as the concept is subjective and can vary from person to person. Moreover, discussing the challenges and obstacles that friendships may face adds another layer of complexity. Friendships, like any other relationship, can be susceptible to misunderstandings, conflicts, and external pressures. Balancing the positive aspects of friendship with the potential pitfalls requires a careful and nuanced discussion. Another difficulty lies in addressing the evolving nature of friendships over time. Friendships can change as people grow and experience different phases of life. Attempting to articulate these changes and transitions while maintaining a coherent narrative can pose a considerable challenge. Furthermore, weaving personal anecdotes or examples into the essay can be both a strength and a challenge. While personal stories add authenticity and relatability, finding the right balance without veering into excessive subjectivity can be a delicate task. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of friendship demands a delicate balance between personal reflection and broader, more universal themes. It requires navigating the intricacies of human relationships, capturing the essence of connection, and addressing the challenges that friendships may encounter. Ultimately, the difficulty in crafting such an essay lies in the richness and depth of the topic itself. For assistance with essays on various topics, including friendship and beyond, you can explore services like They offer professional help in crafting well-researched and articulate essays tailored to your specific needs. Essays On Friendship Essays On Friendship
  • 2. Physical Therapy By Cynthia Picardo Cynthia Picardo who is currently the Assistant Director of Four Seasons here in Las Vegas, came to our class to talk about meetings and events. Through out her entire presentation, she talks about her personal life and what brought her to the success she has today. She had graduated from college with as a food and nutrition major. Cynthia had always thought physical therapy was what she had wanted to do with her life along. The most three stressful things she in her life were getting married, quit her job, and moved out of the country to Portugal. Cynthia s jobs had taken her several places all around. After moving to Portugal, she had got a job as a bartender. This had not worked out to her standards, so she moved into the sales department
  • 3. Functionalist Perspective On Crime The functionalism perspective is established on the contributions made by Emile Durkheim. According to functionalism, society is a whole of correlative that work together to care for a state of equilibrium. For instance, a family makes available circumstances for reproducing, and sustenance; political affairs support a method of commanding members of society; and religion adds honest advice and an outlet for church service. Functionalists use the words functional and dysfunctional to depict the result of social environment on society. A few features of society can be functional and dysfunctional. Case in point, crime is dysfunctional and is united with physical violence, misplace of possessions, and anxiety. In line with Durkheim and other functionalists, crime is additionally functional for society because it guides to intense knowledge of shared ethical connections and greater social union. The conflict perspective explains different appearances of our social world by looking at which groups have ability and can profit from a specific social agreement. The basis of the conflict perspective can be found from the work of Karl Marx. Marx proposed that all societies go through levels of financial development. The disconnection of society into two wide classes of people the haves and the have nots is helpful to the owners creating goods. Marx mentioned that religion be of use as a drug of the public and that it calms the anxiety and affliction connected with the
  • 4. Essay about Comparison of Socrates and Siddhartha Guatama... Socrates and Siddhartha Guatama Buddha have many similarities; they both believe in the importance of justice and good, and a simpler way of life. However, they have different goals: Socrates concerns with worldly meanings and codes, he deals with truth and morals. Buddha concerns with attaining the outer worldly through mastering the worldly. Socrates relinquishes sensual desires in hopes of spiritual rebirth after death and achieving enlightenment in life. Buddha relinquishes the same ideas, but in hopes of living an enlightened life on earth. (The Dhammapada: Socrates Buddha Vs. Desire) My contention is to compare Philosopher Socrates from Plato and Siddhartha Guatama Buddha, and I will demonstrate their similarities and differences... Show more content on ... In contrasting, other believers view abortion as an immorality. Because of this, the principle of free will does not allow any forecast based on the so called prior cause, but it allows the self determined and the external forces. The fact is that the principles of ethics are products of human beings, and moral responsibility itself is not indistinguishable in different traditions and societies. Therefore, according to Libertarians The Ideas of Free Will and Responsibility in Buddhist Ethics, if human beings are controlled by prior causes as a mechanistic system, then human behaviors can be predicted with the same degree of certainty , however, human behavior is in fact non mechanistic and exists in a biological system. With this being said, human beings acquire free will. Thus, human existence, in the ethical sense, is controlled not by external surroundings or by any prior foundation, but by the inner free will of each individual. The fact that Socrates sought an authentic knowledge rather than a simple triumph over an opponent, he used the same logical actions developed by the Sophists to a new intention, the pursuit of truth. Even after Socrates has been convicted by the jury, he refuses to dispose of his pursuit of the truth in all matters. Refusing to escape from Athens, he continues that public argument of the matters of life and virtue is
  • 5. A Brief Look at Bill Gates Have you ever thought about how the wealthiest man in the world made his money? Bill Gates has been named the world s wealthiest person four different times. This has come from being the founder of Microsoft the largest personal computer software company. Also from creating a great foundation with his wife that s main focus is to help people living in poverty with their health. Bill Gatesis an influential American because he helped bring forward the use of computers by his creation of his company Microsoft and helped people with diseases in poor countries. Bill Gates childhood did not involve any struggles whatsoever he was Born on October 28, 1955 (Britannica). He was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. He really had everything that he wanted when he was growing up even though his family wasn t considered rich. He had an attitude problem when he was growing up like being very sarcastic with his parents and his teachers (Woog 19). He also liked to talk a lot and sometimes was overly talkative in school. Also being immature even though he was a young boy his parents and teachers believed that he acted younger than his actual age. On the other hand he was a very smart kid always the smartest in each of his classes. He wrote his first software program at the age of 13. He went to a private school that was called Lakeside when he was 13 in the 8th grade. He aced all of his classes easily showing again how intelligent he is. He didn t really play any sports he would rather
  • 6. The Failure Of Beauty In The Good Earth By Pearl Buck In the United States, beauty is highly respected and is responsible for multimillion dollar industries. The United States is not the only country obsessed with beauty. The Good Earth by Pearl Buck reveals one of the most gruesome yet popular customs associated with beauty, foot binding. Since the time of the novel, the extreme lengths that women take for the sake of beauty have not changed to this present day. Perhaps one of the most memorable moments in the Good Earthis when Wang Lung stumbles upon his younger daughter with a depressed look on her face. Wang Lung asks her in a kind voice why she had wept, and she cries, Because my mother binds a cloth about my feet more tightly every day and I cannot sleep at night (Buck, 248). Foot binding was a common practice in China before it became outlawed in 1915. The process involved forcefully breaking the bones of the young girl, which would cause her permanent pain for the rest of her life. Small feet were considered to be beautiful in China, and women with large feet were considered unattractive. Women with bound feet were unable to walk long distances and as a result had to be carried. Although it has been over a century since foot binding has last been permitted, people in the United Statesare still completing horrendous acts for the sake of beauty. One such example is a tongue piercing, where a needle is painstakingly stuck through the tongue and metal pieces of various sizes are inserted. Perri Klass, in her
  • 7. Children s Hostile Behavior Today more and more children are being diagnosed with several negative behaviors. These behaviors are effecting children in different areas such as social, physical, and health. Due to these different areas in children s life they are continuously taking different medications. Some children are even placed in behavioral programs at schools and hospitals. The study shows that mothers depressive and hostile symptoms are reasons why children show negative and hostile behavior. Women are known to go through emotional journeys negative and positive. A very common severe issue for women is called postpartum a mental health disorder. Postpartum is a huge diagnostic slum that most women never even know they have developed. It s a treatable mental disorder... Show more content on ... Research shows four major hypotheses that reason to children s emotional developments and hostile behavior developed by the mother. The first hypotheses refer to a child s hostile behavior encounter by depressive symptoms in early child development and during the child s early development and children s behavior problems in second grade. The second hypotheses refer to children s negative emotionality becoming increased by tendencies for mothers depressive. The third hypotheses children s negative emotions will also increase by deflation self regulation. Least but not last, children s negative emotions promote a child s hostile tendencies to express emotional disturbed behavior. Young children were studied in 10 cities because of externalizing behaviors. The study was formatted in categories of mother s depression, children hostility, children s externalizing behavior, and children s negative emotions. The age of the children studied were 6, 15, 24, 36, and 54 months old. The conclusion of the study of a Mothers depressive symptoms, except for negative emotions and hostile in at (54 months). Hostile behavior at 54 months and first grade concur the pattern in
  • 8. Bechdel Test The Bechdel Test is a well known measuring tool for gender bias in movies. The test was made in an 1985 comic Dykes to Watch out For by Alison Bechdel. For a film to pass the test, it has to have at least two female characters that are preferably named. Moreover, the characters should also be talking with each other. Lastly, the subject of their conversation should be something other than a man (Waletzko, 2017). It should be noted that the Bechdel test is a useful test in checking for gender bias in films. In fact, it was one of the very first tools that sparked dialogue between film critics and typical moviegoers and urged the film industry to recognize and solve gender diversity in films. (Minamore, 2017) However, despite its effectiveness ... Show more content on ... As such, there is a need for an improved version of the Bechdel Test a test that would encompass more feminist values such as equal employment opportunities in the production process and non discriminatory and derogatory portrayal of women in movies. Both of these important values can be found in the Philippine s Magna Carta of Women (R.A 9710). The law lists down the numerous rights that women has. In this case, a woman has the right to equal treatment in employment as well as non discriminatory and derogatory portrayal of women in media and film. Consequently, the Republic Act wishes to use media to raise the consciousness of the general public in recognizing the dignity of women and the role and contribution of women in family, community, and the society . (Magna Carta of Women (R.A 9710), 2010) With this, as long as gender bias in films continues to propagate in our society, a localized version of Bechdel Test that considers the proponents of the Magna Carta of Women (R.A 9710) will be formulated as part of this research. It will offer a yardstick for not only proper female representation but also empowerment in films while the work of changing society s women objectification and rape culture moves
  • 9. Hillcrest Survey I. Introduction The average American female will buy 469 pairs of shoes in her lifetime. This gives Shoe Station the crucial task of earning loyalty through customer satisfaction. A researcher went undercover at Shoe Station s Hillcrest location on 741 C Hillcrest Rd Mobile, AL to access the store s customer impression and identify areas for improvement. A. Purpose This report evaluates a secret shopper s impression of the Shoe Station on Hillcrest and delineates methods for enhancing customer satisfaction. B. Scope and Methods of Research The researcher visited the Shoe Station on Hillcrest on April 6, 2017 at 3:00pm. This time was chosen for the sole purpose of observing lower traffic rates that have a higher probability of customer satisfaction. ... Show more content on ... The quality, quantity, and variety of the products themselves are the store s strong points. A worthy goal is to create an atmosphere in which these products speak for themselves, and the environment merely complements the main focus of each customer s visit. The store s only shortcomings were in the areas of handicapped parking, entrance greeting, restroom sanitation, aisle tidiness, and size selection. The following are five suggestions to improve customer experience and guarantee that consumers will be running back for
  • 10. Dungeons And Dragons How Dungeons and Dragons Affects Social Anxiety and Cognitive Abilities Dungeons and Dragons is a tabletop role playing game designed to fuel people s imagination creativity and other cognitive abilities. Dungeons and Dragons or DnD for short is a great game for social interaction and entertainment between friends and even strangers. One of the advantages of DnD is being able to create connections with new people. The people that play DnD include a variety of different people, other than just the stereotypical nerds, like Vin Diesel. DnD is more than just a game, it can be used as a tool for therapy and learning/teaching. DnD emphasizes and rewards taking risks and being cooperative with your teammates/party. It allows for people who are... Show more content on ... Social anxiety is not fun, but maybe one day with the help of DnD people can eventually overcome it. I believe that DnD will be able to help deal with mental afflictions like anxiety and depression. Many people struggle with interacting with other people, but that is not a bad thing. It is unfortunate at some times, but eventually they will have a bad social experience. DnD is not used to perfect their social choices, but more to make sure they can cope with the bad choices. When they swing at that dragon they better be know what they are getting into, and the same when they may be offered drugs. They must make the right choice and hopefully DnD will help them through. Life skills are skills obtained through experience, good or bad they always learn something. With DnD maybe the bad does not have to have the same harsh consequences as real life. To summarize that is the main point of Dungeons and Dragons, to make life not as
  • 11. Essay about Civil War Medicine During the Civil War, they had to have many medicines, operations, and surgeries done to themselves or others in order to survive (Jenny Goellnitz, Paragraph 1). Some of these medicines we still use today. Medical technology and scientific knowledge have changed dramatically since the Civil War, but the basic principles of military health care remain the same. The deadliest thing that faced the Civil War soldier was disease. For every soldier who died in battle, two died from disease. The soldiers undertook many different diseases and sicknesses, mentally and physically. The faced outbreaks of measles, small pox, malaria, pneumonia, or camp itch. Soldiers would get malaria when camping in damp areas surrounded by mosquitos, while camp... Show more content on ... Staple foods were hardtack for Union soldiers and cornbread for Confederates. Fresh fruit and vegetables were rare. Soldiers received some meat, but, often, it spoiled or too full of preservatives to eat. It was estimated that 995 of 1000 Union troops eventually contracted chronic diarrhea or dysentery. Disease was particularly uncontrolled in the prisoner of war camps, whose conditions were generally worse than the army camps. Most medicines were manufactured in the north; southerners had to run the Union blockade in order to gain access to them (Tenting Tonight, 76). On occasion, vital medicines were smuggled into the South, sewn into the petticoats of ladies sympathetic to the Southern cause. The South also had some manufacturing capabilities and worked with herbal remedies. However, many of the Southern medical supplies came from captured Union stores.To halt disease, doctors used many cures. For bowel complaints, open bowels were treated with a plug of opium, which contains morphine and codeine used as a powerful medicine for pain relief. Opium was usually found in most households medicine cabinets during this time. Although today opium is illegal because it is actually a very strong chemical that is processed chemically to produce heroin. London 3 Dysentery was the number one killer during the Civil War, victims got severe diarrhea with passage of mucous and blood. Closed bowels were treated with the infamous
  • 12. Sherlock Holmes Stereotypes Many cultures uses characters as heros to portray the values of the society to influence others to follow the cultural norms and feel a sense of national pride. Sherlock Holmes, a fictional character first introduced in literature by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, has become a cultural icon and globally popular. The original British portrayal of Sherlock Holmesin The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyleand the Americanized and modernized Sherlock Holmes portrayed in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows differ in their levels of action, plot emphasises, and attitude of Sherlock Holmes. Despite being the same character portrayed by many, the name Sherlock encompasses many portrayals and different personality quirks and values... Show more content on ... The tales are less serious in tone and concise. The opening tale begins not with an instant introduction to the adventure, but rather a conversation between Watson and Holmes about the former s recent marriage, reflecting the Victorian value of marriage and family. Sherlock is known for assisting damsels in distress, showcasing chivalry which was an expected trait of British gentlemen. In the story A Case of Identity , Holmes is approached by a young Mary Southerland who requests assistance locating her husband, who has gone missing before meeting his soon to be mother in law, once again emphasising marriage and the importance of the traditional courtship rules of meeting the family and a taboo against eloping. The case ended with no crime committed as the law cannot...touch [Sutherland s Stepfather], (Doyle 54), and is not the only case to conclude with no laws broken. The deaths are far less gruesome and do not include weapons of mass destruction, rather resorting to methods such as falling off rock quarries (83), supposed drowning (82), and snake bites (152). Doyle focuses the novels not on the crimes, but on the deduction, putting a greater emphasis on the intelligence of Holmes instead of the crimes of those Holmes seeks to
  • 13. Argumentative Essay On Vladimir Putin In recent times, no one can take total power by force alone; you must offer something favorable to the people in order to obtain support. Unfortunately, there are some countries that follow a dictatorship system, which is a form of government that includes social and political power to ensure that the individual s capability remains strong. Vladimir Putinis a contemporary dictator of Russia. His rebelliousness as a child has led him to his leadership. His cold heartedness to his rivals and invasion towards countries has led to an opposition towards him. Vladimir Putin s experience as a street thug led him to his leadership, which easily rose him to power: Not only has he committed crimes against humanity, but he has made groups of people and countries oppose him. First of all, Putin had a very unique background. Masha Gessen, Russian and American journalist, author, translator and activist who has been an outspoken critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, claims that ВЁPutinЕ› leadership resulted from his experience as a street thugВЁ (Gessen 1). Putin was not interested in school or the idea of success. When he was growing up, he always found himself in fistfights. He would fight anyone who disrespected him in any way shape or form, such as scratching them, biting them, and even ripping their hair off. Putin began looking for a place where he could learn skills to complete his will to fight. He found Sambo, which is a Soviet martial art. Sambo had changed his life from a
  • 14. Damon The Mower Essay In the final stanza, the Mower remembers back to the ideal past described in the first stanza where he was in positive alignment with the Meadows. He then climactically proclaims his final intentions to definitively murder the Meadows and himself. This reference to earlier thoughts helps to justify Damon s actions by indicating advanced forethought and reflection prior to his upsetting actions. Without this reference, his murderous engagements would be seen more strongly as a whimsical decision based upon fleeting emotional anguish rather than an unavoidable logical decision based upon deep contemplation. Although no deathis directly depicted, the emotions of true loss come across due to the finality of the Mower s dictations. This definiteness... Show more content on ... The Mower may be viewed as a twisted and corrupted version of this shepherd. A shepherd represents the linear ideas of development, wisdom, and nurture in a working environment and is often biblically idealized as a constant guiding force that provides the world with a direct and noble service (Anderson 134 36). A mower, while maintaining the essence of this occupation, represents ideas that have been altered to more fully incorporate the axioms of paganism. A mower is only occupationally active for short seasons each year, emphasizing an innate temporal isolation or cyclic nature in this character by definition (Anderson 134). Where a shepherd drives the constant development of life without any direct insinuation of death, the Mower brings about new life through tightly stacked cycles of murder (201 3). Each swing of his curved scythe slashes through blades of grass, creating life in the new potential for continued growth and the potential nourishment offered by hay while extinguishing the life contained in the severed shoots. The Mower destroys what once was by creating something new in cycles that exist outside of a shepherd s linear time. We can also see that the Mower is, in a biblical sense, fallen. Through the
  • 15. Causes And Disadvantages Of Eutrophication Eutrophication is the process by which an aquatic environment acquires a higher concentration of two important nutrients: phosphates and nitrates in a certain environment. This promotes excessive growth of algae on the surface of the water. Living things need some specific nutrients to survive. Usually nature provides just the specific amount of nutrients, but too many nutrients can cause dangerous problems to the environment. This is presented in aquatic systems. However the problems can also increase when aquatic environments such as lakes or rivers have an overabundance of nutrients, when this happens eutrophication appears. A Eutrophic lake occurs when there is a presence of too many nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus that is usually as a result of drainage from surrounding land. When a lake or other aquatic system becomes eutrophic, then we can have ... Show more content on ... A 2008 study counted 405 dead zones across the world. Hypoxia occur when there is low oxygen in a specific area, so this is a natural phenomenon in coastal areas around the world. Aquatic dead zones can be caused by an increase in nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates known as eutrophication.Major nutrients comes from human activity such as fertilisers in agriculture and burning fossil fuels , these nutrients lead to rapid increase on phytoplankton resulting in algae bloom . These organic matter produced sinks to the bottom of the ocean were bacteria break it down, when bacteria break down this organic matter they consumed oxygen liberating carbon dioxide. So this process makes the water hypoxic( low quantities of oxygen) making fish and other species to migrate to other places but there are some plants and animals that cannot move so fast that they die because they need oxygen to being alive and bacteria has taken away this essential oxygen for
  • 16. The Gospel, A Son Of God And A Riddle Essay I do not agree with Jonathan Z. Smith s definition, particularly I do not like the word a riddle. The words Gospel, a son of God and a riddle in his definition outstand to me, and I think these words are the key of his definition. Thus, it is important to understand what these words meaning is. What is Gospel? The people usually think the Fourth Gospel that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and it is all about Jesus. In the ancient Hellenistic time, the Gospels were regarded as biographies of Jesus (Boring, 508). If Jonathan Z. Smith represents a son of God as Jesus in his definition, I do not think the Gospel is only the story of Jesus, a son of God. While Jesus appears in every scene of Gospel, Jesus himself is not the main object of the Gospel. But I acknowledge that Jesus is the important character in the Gospel because God reveals himself through Jesus, and Jesus reveals himself as the Christ (Boring, 509). Boring said that the structure of the Gospel is not talking about Jesus s life, but it is who Jesus is in the plan of God (Boring, 510). Dr. Smith s definition seems like only focusing on Jesus as a son of God. However, I would like to emphasize God and God s work through Jesus the Christ in the Gospel rather than Jesus as a son of God. If only focusing on Jesus, we can easily miss God s works in the believer s life and the community in the Gospel. And also, it is easy to think Jesus as only human being. I believe that Jesus, a son of God, cannot be explained
  • 17. Alexander Pope And Jonathan Swift Satire Analysis The question that I have decided to answer on for my mid term essay is question 3. In my answer I will look at how satire was used in two different pieces of work and how it makes the reader to laugh and forget about the faults that the poet is trying to convey. The two poets that I will discuss about in relation to satirein the 18th century are Alexander Popeand Jonathan Swift. These two men were responsible for exposing the flaws of British people and highlighting their hypocrisy in this period. Satire is defined in the OED The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. (OED online). This use of humour, ... Show more content on ... Swift was born on November 30th, 1667, who was a clergyman and satirist and an Irish author who grew up without a father (Murry,1954). Swifts poem The Lady s Dressing Room is a prime example for exploring the duality between the public and private of a woman and the part each portrayed within the society and culture of this 18th century time period. The poem is of satirically theme that can be seen as targeting the shallow narcissism of women, but is chiefly a celebration of women who wish to embrace their natural selves Throughout this poem as the reader I was questioning whether Swift was just simply targeting his satire on the female sex for mere entertainment or was he conveying signs of misogynistic. This opinion is also expressed by Rachel Jennings as she goes on to say I believe this satire to be unfairly focused on the female sex with which I believed to be misogynistic in nature. . Similar to The rape of the lock Swift starts his poem with a Whitty remark, but unlike Popes Swifts is aimed at a certain sex, the female one. Five hours (who can do it less in?) (Swift,1.), this is only humorous to the male sex as is similar to jokes today that men always have to wait on the female counterpart, but also one could think the Swift is shocked with how long it takes woman to arm themselves with the shield that they call
  • 18. Importance of Identity in Anglo J. M. Synge is one of the most prominent Irish writers of the twentieth century; his writing characterizes a broad, multifaceted range of political, social and religious anxieties shaping Ireland for the duration of its most remarkable period of change, which transformed the place from a relatively peaceful country to a more political and aggressive location. The picture Synge creates shows us that the question of identity relating to Ireland is problematic; however it has produced and provoked some of the greatest literature of the century. As G. J. Watson has asserted: However painful the question of identity may be for the Irish in real life, it has functioned, deeply embedded as it is in the Irish political and literary... Show more content on ... Ronan McDonald states: Enter the playboy Christy Mahon. Christy s poetry, like the cultural flowering of the Ascendancy, is based on a dirty deed that is aestheticized as a gallous story. In the course of the action it is exposed and then transcended. Christy comes to the Mayoites carrying a mark of culpability which, in the course of the play, he is privileged to purge. Culture confronts and expiates its violent origins in the controlled laboratory of the stage. The play comically, but unnervingly, explores the process by which violence is glorified and aestheticized. Yet it also, by a theatrical slight of hand, reveals the violence as chimerical, and allows Christy to pass through and survive the implications of his supposed atrocity. Ireland is shown for what it is; Synge offers us a critique which is almost satirical. There is a mystical quality to Ireland which is emphasised by its storytelling and folklore (Shanaitue), in which the Irish are a `nation of heroes ; a notion which is explored through the figure of Christy who is himself a `Christ like figure as he almost brings his father back from the dead in a sense. There is a sub textual reference to the New Testament in this father son relationship; Christy is in conflict with his father and in a certain respect he is `sacrificed when he is burnt because he did not live up to the expectations people had of him. Synge treats the conflict between the relations with irony, and it is
  • 19. Essay Juggling A Princeton researcher, Les Fehme (Brain/Mind Bulletin vol. 8, no. 9. May 1983), suggest we can optimize our overall performance in life by broadening our focus. Juggling is one excellent way to do that. He claims most people have a narrow focus, a lack of awareness of their own body sensations or emotions. This narrow focus can be very absorbing and useful, as when talking on the telephone, driving a motorcycle or getting a massage. It is as if nothing else exists except that. When learning how to juggling, the narrow focus can be directed at a certain ball or pin. This narrow focus agrees with observations that we live in a society which sees things as fragments rather than holistic. But things are changing. And just maybe, juggling is ... Show more content on ... Not only that, but according to a test performed at Mount Union College in Alliance, Ohio, lefties scored higher in creativity than right handers regardless of age. It went on to explain four aspects of creativity flexibility, fluency, originality and elaboration. Since the right hemisphere is normally associated with creativity, then any activity which helps to awaken this suppressed hemisphere is certainly welcome. Enter juggling. Who could argue juggling does not use both sides of the brain? Both hands are used in juggling, aren t they? If an accomplished juggler now wants to learn a new trick, once again the focus must become narrow, the ball or pin must capture the attention (enter left brain activity). Like a beginning new juggler, he or she must focus on throwing a double flip with the right hand before the left hand can throw a pin behind the back. In teaching people to juggle, they learn faster when asked to tell each time they have done something wrong. At first, they have no awareness of wrong movements. Once they recognize them, they can eliminate them. Therefore it is essential to practice in order to learn juggling. The simplest movement requires complex electrical/chemical circuitry within the brain. The study of this circuitry is fast becoming an important field of neuroscience. Perhaps someday neurosurgeons will electronically hook up a juggler and a monitor and the neuron action, which travels back and forth between the two hemispheres
  • 20. Rhetorical Analysis Of Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer Author V.S. Naipaul once said, What I felt was, if you spend your life just writing fiction, you are going to falsify your material. I thought nonfiction gave one a chance to explore the world, the other world, the world that one didn t know fully. John Krakauer s Into the Wild is a biography that covers a man s attempt to live life off the grid and stray from the societal norms of mid nineties America in order to achieve enlightenment. Throughout the story, the readers follow Chris McCandless as he travels across the country, discovers new locations, and encounters new experiences in search of happiness, peace, and solitude. As the reader approaches the middle of the story, they realize an important relationship beginning to manifest between... Show more content on ... He explains how he was torn between quitting his job, which was necessary for the income, or continuing to venture into the wild, searching for new places to climb. Krakauer never had any doubt that climbing the Devil s Thumb would transform his life. How could it not? (135). This technique of rhetorical questioning requires the reader to think of Krakauer s options and aims to make the readers predict where Krakauer his headed, leaving his job in search for climbing opportunities. After Krakauer clues the reader about his future plans, he then goes on to tell them of the day he quit his job. He writes the next few sentences in problem solution format, noting ...after nine hours of humping two by tens and driving sixteen penny nails, I told my boss I was quitting (135,136). This concise problem solution sentence format notifies the reader that Krakauer was sure of his decision to quit his job. He did not need much time to think about this life changing decision, assuring the readers that he has been waiting for this lifestyle of adventure and freedom. Simply put, Krakauer and McCandless both operate on whims and are sure of their
  • 21. Castor Oil Awakening A pair of longer, darker, and stronger lashes will certainly highly improve your appearance. If you want to look absolutely amazing, then make sure you will obtain such a result. How can you do this? It is very simple, and safe as well. Take your inspiration from the following natural ways to make your lashes look longer. Apply castor oil for several weeks If you apply castor oil for several weeks on your eyelids, you will definitely achieve the desired result. You will not only make your lashes look longer, but they will also be a lot stronger and darker as well. Furthermore, castor oil helps fight micro organisms that can hamper growth. What you need to do is to use a clean cotton swab in order to apply this amazing oil on your eyelids... Show more content on ... It is natural, and it will not cause you any sort of adverse reactions like some of the lash growth serums that are available on the market these days, can do. Apply it on your lashes by using a clean cotton ball, every evening, for several days. The vitamin E and the oleic acid that this oil contain will nourish and add volume to your eyelashes. You should also try aloe vera Aloe vera is without a doubt one of the most natural ways to make your lashes look longer. If this is the result you want to obtain, then you should definitely go for this method. Aloe vera helps you get thicker and longer lashes, and it will also keep them very well moisturized. Apply it every evening, and you will soon obtain the desired results. Start a healthy diet A very healthy diet will also help you have healthier and longer eyelashes. Therefore, it is highly recommended to go for fish, nuts, vegetable and fruits as well. Avoid fats, sugared drinks and alcohol as well, as much as possible. All the vitamins the healthy foods contain will have a positive impact on your lashes, and you will soon obtain the desired results. Furthermore, you will stay healthy, which is the most important thing of
  • 22. Analysis Of The Movie The Dark Knight You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain (The Dark Knight). There is a certain monstrosity that lives inside of everyone, and all it takes is a particular situation to highlight this truth. Monstrosity destroys the categories that humans tend to place objects and people into. When one contemplates what classifies as monstrous, many immediately consider biological categories that a monster might shatter. Nevertheless, a monster s actions can also lead to a fracturing of categorization, such as in The Dark Knight(2008) when Gotham s district attorney Harvey Dent becomes the villainous Two Face. Throughout the movie, Dent evolves from a symbol of hope and justice, to a vengeful anarchist determined... Show more content on ... The most obvious instance of monstrosity is Dent s appearance once becoming Two Face. While Dent survived an explosion, his appearance would never be the same. Due to this event, Dent was reborn as Two Face. Half of his face remained unchanged from the explosion, however the other half was burned beyond recognition. In the scene where Dent s new appearance is revealed, the viewer at first cannot see the maimed side of his face. As he becomes more irritated with Gordon, however, he turns his face and the monstrous side of him is revealed. This categorical contamination is an example of someone who is both alive and dead. Dent is, quite literally, half alive and half dead in appearance. On one side, he looks like a completely healthy, normal person, just as he was before the accident. Nevertheless, the other side of his face is charred and the skin is torn from his muscles. He is no longer capable of being the Face of Gotham. Appearance is not the only feature in which Dent is both alive and dead. While still physically alive, this is only so that he can fulfill his quest for vengeance. While the death of Rachel destroys the person he was, it also creates a new reason for the monstrous form of him to survive. His one mission is to find every person in any way attached to Rachel s death and hold them responsible in his own twisted version of fairness. Dent s metaphorical death of the good person he once was,
  • 23. Air Southwest Airlines Right To Fly In Texas Southwest Airlines was founded by Rollin King and Herb Keller on March 15, 1967 with headquarters in Dallas . It s initial name was Air Southwest Co . and the objective was to fly within Texas in order to avoid price controls and market regulations imposed by the Civil Aeronautics Board. Three competitors started legal action against the new airline, but Air Southwest prevailed in 1970 when the Texas Supreme Court and later US Supreme Court upheld Air Southwest s right to fly within Texas (; On March 29, 1971 the airline changed its name to Southwest Airlines. In the same year, the airline began servicing Dallas, Huston and San Antonio. In 1977, Southwest Airlines listed its stock on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • 24. Public Venue Case Study Identify a public venue in the city where you live: Kroger s, 2946 S Church St, Murfreesboro, TN 37127 Observe and inspect the location both inside and out (reconnoiter as if you were preparing a threat assessment or force protection report): November 7, 2015 0900 Based on your observations and assessment, answer the following questions: What defensible space, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), or situational crime prevention techniques are in use in this location? What types of crime/criminals do they attempt to prevent/deter? Natural Surveillance: Lighting throughout the parking area is well placed and efficient, it provides a soft natural light. There appears to be ample lighting on the exterior of the store, front/rear
  • 25. Good Neighbor Tissot Every community and neighborhood has its norms, but they re typically not questioned. In her book Good Neighbors (2014) sociologist Sylvie Tissot examines and observes how the norms of Boston s South End have changed as she interacts with its residents. During her research, she finds that the white upper middle class dominates the community through now well established neighborhood associations and civic engagement. With good intentions, the white upper middle class tried to promote positive usage of the public park as an act of collective efficacy to better the neighborhood. However, this change controlled the public space and was limiting to the other groups within the community. Ultimately this control created a false sense of diversity ... Show more content on ... Collective efficacy is argued by Lance Freeman in his book Neighborhood Effects in a Changing Hood (2006) to be more than a community collectively striving towards a common goal. Rather, the majority of the residents of a community control the behaviors of the others through establishing norms despite the conflict it creates. Freeman notes that competing visions of what is acceptable can serve as a source of contention and undermine cohesion in a community (p.136 137). As one group tries to create an idealized use of public space they establish their dominance over the others in the neighborhood and change the meaning of a public space within the community. Freeman interviews Tina, a local resident, about how the activities and usage within Fort Greene Park has changed to be an acceptable use of public space (p.137). Tina explains that the park where you see a lot of white people and that you can t barbeque in that park no more as the park has changed a lot over time (p.137). Despite the park being a public space it is no longer truly available to the public as the predominantly white upper middle class population has collectively changed the space s acceptable
  • 26. Trauma And Memory Popular press and peer reviewed articles differ in writing style, formatting, and content, given their different readerships. That is, popular press articles generally cater to the general public while peer reviewed articles cater to academic scholars. This essay compares popular press and peer reviewed articles to assess their differences, similarities, and potential uses. In pursuit of this assessment, this essay explores how the topic of trauma and memoryis addressed in Why Rape and Trauma Survivors Have Fragmented and Incomplete Memories, a popular press article from Time magazine and I Remember , I Thought , I Know I Didn t Say : Silence and Memory in Trauma Narratives, a peer reviewed journal from the academic journal Memory.... Show more content on ... First, both articles address the topic of trauma and memory with respect to the psychological processes in trauma survivors. Both articles acknowledge the importance of neuropathology as having a role in memory impairment and recollection. Second, both articles make conclusions based on the evidence they present. The Time article concludes that advances in our understanding of brain physiology will affect the admissibility of victim narratives in court, while the Memory article uses Interpretive Poetics to make conclusions about future research on memory and the need to make disclosure of trauma narratives socially acceptable. With these factors in mind, popular press and peer reviewed articles are beneficial in different situations. If someone wants to gain a general understanding of a topic, reading articles from popular press magazines such as Time would provide a good introduction for the topic. However, if someone wants to explore a topic in more detail, peer reviewed articles would provide original research and analyses. Peer reviewed articles also have citations to other pertinent papers, allowing readers to further their exploration of different topics of
  • 27. The Pros And Cons Of The Democratic-Republican Party In 1792, the world s oldest political party, the Democratic Party, was founded. During the presidency of President Andrew Jackson in 1830, the party adopted its name as the Democratic Party as it is known now. Prior to the renaming of the party, it was known as the Democratic Republican Party founded by James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson in opposition of the Federalist Party. The Democratic Partys purposed served to supported states rights and the strict interpretation of the Constitution (Mayne, 1). Correspondingly, providing financial support to family based agriculture was one of their main priorities (Mayne, 1). The Federalist Party, their opposition, consisted of wealthy elites that strived, and fought for one strong all ruling national government, rather than state governments. As the United States had just recently become independent, the Democratic Republican Party was determined to prevent the United States from becoming a monarchy. Over the next century, the Democratic Republican party began to split due to the lack of agreement on major ideas which led to the current two party system. However, some ideologies remain the same such as moral stance, and socioeconomic status. Other ideologies like economic view and stance on government power have caused this split between the Democratic and Republican parties (Mayne, 22). It is imperative to remember that even though these two parties are completely different, they originated from the same party with one main goal; To create a government that is run for and by its people (Mayne, 23). I have still not developed a political identity, but over the past three years of my residence in the United States, I am more in favor of the Democratic Party and what they stand for. At first, the Democratic Party started out as the conservative party and the Republicans were the liberals. However, over time, the Democratic Party has associated itself with social liberalism. Social liberalism is a political ideology which states that individual liberty requires social justice (DeMichele, 11). To be more precise, social liberal values include: equal pay, importance of women s rights and healthcare rights, pro safety, a progressive approach to taxation, and union
  • 28. Taking a Closer Look at the Aztec Civilization Essays The Aztecs were a very warlike people, but were very influential to our civilization. They lived in present day Mexico about 800 years ago. At first, they were a mostly nomadic civilization and that lasted about 100 years. Then they developed the first, and capital, city, TenochtitlГЎn. They developed many new types of government, religion, culture, technology, economy, and geography, as well as the calendar and new mathematical techniques. The Aztecs were skilled writers, builders, artists, and craftsmen. They wrote in pictures, built towering temples for worship, and made beautiful jewelry and pottery. Government was set up in a similar way to ours. Their was an emperor, like our president, a city council, like our Supreme... Show more content on ... Yet the rich wore clothes made of cotton and long robes. The rich had shoes, while the ordinary people didn t. The rich also wore beautiful and costly jewelry. The emperors wore beautiful headdresses and had turquoise jewelry, a true luxury then. The food the Aztecs ate was not very much. They had sweet corn tortillas, vegetables, occasionally meat, and most of their food was spicy. If you could afford it, you drank hot chocolate, but most drank water and cactus beer. Cactus beer was called pulquГ©. Entertainment consisted of many games like our. They played one game called Tlachtli, like basketball. The object was to hit a rubber ball through a stone ring, but you could only use your hips, elbows, and knees. Another game was called Patolli, like backgammon, they used dried beans as dice and colored stones as counters. Art was themed in the AztecEmpire. Most art depicted insects, birds, animals, and fish. It was very lifelike and showed age and expression. It was almost always about death, either reflecting the passion to avoid it or the desire to conquer it. The Aztecs had many advances in technology, like weaponry, shelter, structures, and transportation. They had many weapons. One was called the Maquahitl, and it was like a sword. There were 2 varieties and they were very strong. They also used clubs, 7+ foot long spears! lances, bows and arrows, and slings. Another weapon was the Atlatl, and it was a spear thrower. Their
  • 29. Phos Research Paper Partially hydrogenated oils have been used by manufacturers for years. The FDA has decided to remove PHOs from all manufacturers due to extensive research into the effects of PHOs. Partially hydrogenated oils have been determined not to be GRAS, generally recognized as safe (Center). Although the FDA had decided that PHOs are unhealthy many sources say that fats are needed for body functions. In high amounts fats are going to be bad for the body but, with any type of foodthat is the case and it is the job of the consumer to watch their eating habits. PHOs have a purpose of why manufacturers use them and even though they are said to lower cholesterol but, that s not the whole truth. The FDA s decision that Partially Hydrogenated Oils are unsafe is another unnecessary healthfood regulation.... Show more content on ... Fatty acids in the oil then absorb some of the hydrogen and becomes more dense. If the manufacturer were to fully hydrogenate the oil, it would become a solid, basically a fat. When the hydrogenation process is stopped half way, this is when it becomes partially hydrogenated oil. PHO s are a butter substitute and have the same consistency(Armstrong). What complete hydrogenation of fats does is turn healthful unsaturated fats into fully saturated fats. This is the equivalent to regular, saturated, animal fat and since this animal fat and complete hydrogenation is essentially the same this doesn t work. The solution was partially hydrogenated oils so that some of the unsaturated molecules would remain and the product would remain healthy ( The
  • 30. Monsters In Todays World Monsters in todays world can be seeing many different ways and forms an effect people differently. Everybody has their own monsters and has their own warn way that it will effect them. Monsters have been known to eat people wether it be mentally or physically. Many of the monster that the we have in the world today are mental monsters that will tear you down and eat you up mentally. Monsters have their own way beating you down till you cant go any more. Monsters have been around forever and have also been known to push people, create fear, mystery, and most importantly eat people. The monsters many people have can be used as strength to push them to the next level of what they are trying to conquer. All of the greatest athletes and explorers have had to overcome likely monsters in they life to get what they wanted to achieve. A long history of military conflict with he Islamic world converged with early modern religious tensions and age old legends of the world beyond the borders of Europe to convince most European explorers that they would encounter new ... Show more content on ... Mystery can often make people do crazy thing, people live off of the adrenal rush that the next turn could be completely different having no clue what could happen. Skilled noodles reach into rivers, their fingers exposing cervices where large, sometimes, gigantic, able catfish guard thousands of eggs recently laid by females. The noodles soon find their hands in a gullet of an enormous and angry fish (monsters in America). Noodles live off go the mystery that they may find that one big monster catfish that could possibly have the capacity to eat them. This feeling brings back the whole point that monsters are there to eat you. The mystery of not just the catfish but the fact that you have no clue is often something that pushes people to their limits because they go for that mystery to find what could possibly come from
  • 31. Natchez Trace Research Paper We had a fast trip down to Mississippi to visit with Dad Kay. With all the storms blowing through, we managed to evade them all thankfully. We did have sunny skies on Friday Monday. And the little Miata just hummed along. We took the top down Friday after we left Hopkinsville KY. Getting off the Pennyrile Pkwy and onto I 24 for a bit, traffic became quite heavy heading into Nashville, so we got off the interstate and cut across the countryside to the far edge of Nashville. Once on the southwest side of Nashville and the beginning of the Natchez Trace Parkway we stopped at the infamous Loveless Cafe before driving the Natchez Trace. We thought we d just sit down, have a meal and drive on.....uh no, 1 1/2 hr wait, the place was packed with people there to eat smoked BBQ sandwiches. In the next building over, they sold sandwiches to go, so that is what we did, sort of. We found some chairs outside in the shade, ate our meal. The Natchez Trace is a destination drive within itself, maintained by the National Park Service, it is a beautiful drive with lots of places to pull off, hike, see waterfalls, vistas, etc.....none of which we did : )... Show more content on ... Saturday we were at Dad Kay s at 11am. We had a nice lunch and a good visit with them, great to see them again. Sunday, storms were moving through in the morning, so we waited to check out till noon, our time. We had a good lunch at a place called Harvey s and a stop by Elvis s birthplace in Tupelo. Later, at a rest stop in Paris TN, evening was coming on and cooler, so top down till we stopped at the Kentucky Dam Village State Park for supper in the lodge overlooking the lake. After that, we were really getting tired, decided not to drive on home, it was near 9pm then, so we stayed the night in Eddyville, KY. We are glad to be back home in the hills of beautiful southern Indiana! Southern Indiana is just as pretty as western KY TN
  • 32. School Board Strike Research Paper Introduction Around us in our community there are social issues that are not always seen and some issues have a different meaning that what it is perceived. There has been some issues about school in my community. To be more specific, the high school teachers of Durham and peel region they have an issue with the schoolboard and are on strike. There are many factors why the teachers are in strike and there are also many negative this has have on many students. The board and the teachers still have not came up with an agreement, and seem to be unable to come up with possible solutions. Pre Knowledge about the issue Searching up local issues was not the first time I came across of this issue. As a student I am always are about education news locally. When I heard the work strike I thought it was going to be affecting me directly. Talks about this issue is everywhere on the local new and in school, so I knew that the teachers were going on strike. The only thing that affected me is that I am worried that the strike issue will affect the school board I m in, Toronto District Catholic School Board. This strike/ issue is a big problem and I did not understand why I couldn t be resolved until I did my research. For those who don t know, changing rules in a big school board cannot happen overnight therefore that is why this strike is still going on. The issue seems like a big issue because ... Show more content on ... The teachers are striking because of the Liberal government wage freeze, classroom sizes, and preparation time. Since the teachers are on strike it is making another issue with the high school students, classes are cancelled because the teachers are not there to teach the students. This affects the students greatly if the teachers are not in school, possible many things can be delayed such as final marks, graduation ceremonies, proms, and other extracurricular
  • 33. Cocain and amphetamines are Addictive and Dangerous Essay Cocaine and amphetamines are highly addictive and dangerous drugs that have affected our society today. There have been various forms of cocaine and amphetamines that have become popular and abusive throughout the United States. The forms of cocaine are: powder and crack, and these two forms are seen as highly dangerous to the individuals that abuse it. Also, there are several types of amphetamines which have been noted to be just as addictive and dangerous as cocaine. In this paper I will briefly discuss the different forms of cocaine and amphetamines as well as discuss the treatment options used for individuals with cocaine and amphetamineabuse. According to Maisto, Galizio, Conners, (2011), there are two forms of cocaine that consist ... Show more content on ... Also, Methamphetamine brand name is Desoxyn and the slang names are speed, crank, ice, etc. Methylphenidate brand name is Ritalin and Concerta and the slang name is Vitamin R. Lastly, Methcarthinone, which is mostly used in Africa, slang name is cat (Drug use and abuse, 2011, p. 120). Even though medically used amphetamines are used to calm children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), they are still considered to be an addictive and a quite dangerous stimulant (Drug use and abuse, 2011, p. 120). According to Emrick, Lassen, and Edwards (1977), the treatment options that are available for individuals addicted to cocaine or amphetamines would consist of peer self help groups (Drug use and abuse, 2011, p. 372). It was stated by Regier et al., (1993) that a national survey showed over 1.5 million individuals in the United States using self help groups to overcome their drug abuse (Drug use and abuse, 2011, p. 373). In the self help group, the individual must first be ready or motivated to make the changes before attempting to join. There are also professional drug rehabilitation facilities, but not all individuals are able to afford to attend those costly facilities. In conclusion, the different forms of cocaine and different types of amphetamines are all considered addictive and dangerous to our society. Even though, there are medicinal uses for cocaine and amphetamines, there are side effects that can make life for the individuals
  • 34. Pulmonary Valve Syndrome Research Paper Pulmonary Valve Stenosis, Pediatric Pulmonary valve stenosis is a heart problem some children are born with (congenital heart defect). This defect is a stiffening or narrowing (stenosis) of a one way valve in the heart. It is the valve that allows blood to flow from the pumping chamber on the right side of the heart (right ventricle) into the blood vessel that carries blood to the lungs. If not enough blood is flowing through the valve, not enough oxygen will get into your child s blood. The child s heart will also be forced to work harder. Pulmonary valve stenosis develops during the first 8 weeks as a child is growing inside the womb. It sometimes develops with other types of heart abnormalities. Pulmonary valve stenosis can range from ... Show more content on ... This is the most common treatment. In this procedure, a catheter is placed in the heart. The catheter is placed through the valve. Then a tiny balloon on the end of the catheter is blown up to open the valve. в—‹ Heart surgery to open, repair, or replace the valve. HOME CARE INSTRUCTIONS Follow all instructions from your child s health care provider. Give your child over the counter and prescription medicines only as told by his/her health care provider. Do not give your child aspirin unless instructed to do so by your child s health care provider or cardiologist. Ask the health care provider whether your child has any activity restrictions. Depending on the severity of the the condition, some children can participate in the usual activities. Your child does not have to follow a special diet. Make sure your child s immunizations are current. Let all health care providers know that your child has pulmonary valve stenosis before any medical procedure. Ask your health care provider if your child should take antibiotic medicine before having any medical or dental procedure. Keep all follow up visits as told by your health care provider. This is
  • 35. Theme Of Blindness In Raymond Carver s Cathedral Blindness is not limited to physical manifestation. In Raymond Carver s Cathedral, the figurative blindness is immediately apparent through the narrator and his shallowness, irrational jealousy, and egotistical personality. His dismissive behavior and ignorance towards the feelings of Robert, his wife s blind friend, speak negatively of his character and reveals his insecurities. While the narrator s emotional blindnessand Robert s physical blindness initially inhibits their bond, it eventually leads the narrator to an epiphany and the beginning of a character transformation. The different forms of blindness allow the characters to bond and grow over the course of the story. Throughout Robert s visit, the narrator makes snide and insensitive remarks, despite his wife s wishes. His misunderstanding of relationships and people is his visible flaw. It isn t until the narrator ... Show more content on ... He makes this clear in the opening paragraph of the story where he says I wasn t enthusiastic about his visit. He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered me. My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed. Sometimes they were led by seeing eye dogs. A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to (Carver 1). The narrator dismisses Robert in the same manner a white racist may dismiss an African American. His prejudice, or any prejudice, is preconceived based on superficial qualities rather than actual experience or reason. It is evident the narrator can t see beyond Robert s disability and is judging Robert because of a characteristic that makes him uncomfortable. This unconscious placement of Robert into an atypical category prevents him from seeing Robert as an individual. The narrator does not see Robert as a whole person, but solely as a blind man. Part of what makes the narrator emotionally blind is this
  • 36. Analysis Of Body Like A Back Road Throughout history, there has always been some form of music; however, the form and style have changed over time. During the twentieth century, the gap between classical music and the popular music widened, as people picked more of what they thought sounded pleasant. One of the popular styles today is country and an example is Body Like a Back Road by Sam Hunt, which was released in February 2017 as a single from his upcoming album. Body Like a Back Road is a song that has a complex and changing texture which is created by varied musical elements and composition throughout the piece. Throughout Body Like a Back Road, the texture shifts depending on the section and the topic. Texture in musicis defined as the combination of musical parts to compose the overall feeling and sound of a piece. The first portion of the song has a texture that is average for the piece, which sets the overall jovial mood for the whole song. This mood is caused by the overlapping of instruments and the rhythm. The main melody is played by an electric guitar, which is then layered with the acoustic guitar. There is also an organ, drums, and some background chatter which hooks the listener to listen to the song and makes them want to join whatever else is going on. As the song goes into the first verse, extra percussion and some bass was added which makes it a more dense texture. Also, the tune shifts to a more hip hop feel rather than a classic country feeling which draws in the listener as
  • 37. United Kingdom s Economic Cooperation United Kingdom s economic cooperation Economic cooperation by various countries is a necessity as opposed to a choice in this globalized world. Many economic partnerships are regional, and all regions on the planet have their own. Examples include the European Union, the Economic Community of West African States, the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. There are others that are not regionally based an example being the agreement established by the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which ties the United States and several African governments. The United Kingdom is not immune to these cooperative measures. This paper shall look at the structure. Economic associations The United Kingdom continues to be an active member of the European Union though not without significant levels of domestic opposition (UK.GOV, 2015). It makes use of the trade agreements that make up the region and participate in fiscal policy. The difference between the nation and other members of the EU is that it opted out of the Euro; the single currency union. The United Kingdom has retained its pound in trading and policy and looks set to stay on that course. However, it does act with the European Union in handling economic issues that face the continent and the world. The nation also has membership in the G7, which expands into G8 and G20. Though the organization is not a trading or fiscal arrangement, it does bring together the world s largest economies to
  • 38. Tis But Thy Name That Is My Enemy Juliet from the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare says about Romeo, Tis but thy name that is my enemy. She claims that it is Romeo s name, Montague, that is her enemy, and not Romeo himself, although Romeo s name influenced who he was. Most of the time, names are given to people by their family members after they are born. However, there are also people who choose their own names. Most names have a meaning behind them. That meaning doesn t always represent who we are. In my case, my name has a story behind it. Everyone s names were chosen for a reason, even if that reason is insignificant. Before I was born, my mom and my dad knew they wanted me to have an Armenian name. They were considering many different names, some of which are hard for Americans to pronounce. For that reason, they narrowed the choices down to a couple names that were more simple. They wanted it to be easy for others to pronounce and spell. Those choices were Tamar, Maral, and Lilit. The night that they were driving to the hospital before I was born, they came across a deer on the road. Since Maral translates to deer in Armenian, they decided to name me that. Although I wasn t named after anyone in particular, the culture behind my name is important to me and my parents. Before asking my parents about it, I never knew that they wanted my name to be easy for others to pronounce. Compared to other names, my name was always difficult for my teachers and classmates to say correctly. In fact,
  • 39. Hyperhidrosis Research Paper Do you suffer from palms or feet that are always moist? Do you have to throw away shirts because of excessive underarm sweat? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, you may have a condition known as hyperhidrosis. Since many cases of hyperhidrosis can be successfully treated by dermatologists, it s important to see one as soon as possible. Here are some things you should know first: Talk to your insurance company before making plans: If you ve only ever visited your regular doctor, contact your insurance company before setting up a visit with any local dermatologists. Some insurance plans require that you get a referral from your usual doctor before they ll pay for a visit to a specialist. Finding out if a referral is needed before you go can help save you the surprise, time and expense of unpaid medical bills. Try to find a dermatologist who specializes in hyperhidrosis: Just as there are specialists in general medicine, such as cardiologists or pulmonologists, there are still more specialties within these fields. For example, some dermatologists may specialize in treating skin cancer patients. While they can still help you with your hyperhidrosis, they won t be as up to date on the latest ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, with hyperhidrosis, it can take a lot of trial and error for dermatologists to find a treatment that will work for a particular person. Some people may respond well to a prescription antiperspirant and need no further treatment, while people with a more serious issue may require Botox injections every 4 6 months. Although it can be discouraging to try various treatments and see very little result, it s important to stay positive and keep looking. Because no two people respond exactly the same way to a particular treatment, it could be a few weeks or a few months before your condition
  • 40. The Pros And Cons Of The Mandela Effect Science fiction has brought many things to the human race. Imagination, scientific breakthroughs, and perhaps one of the most shocking scientific theories, the theory of multiple, or parallel, universes. According to science the universe came into being around 13.7 billion years ago after a catastrophic event called The Big Bangoccurred, however throughout many years scientists have wondered whether our universewas the only one created. The Mandela Effect is a relatively recent conspiracy theory that has been continuously proven by internet forums. The Mandela Effect was first proposed by Fiona Broome, who believes that false memories of events or conversations are glimpses into parallel universes. Normally these events are quite major and many people hold ... Show more content on ... While this may seem like a few people incorrectly reading a name, thousands of people still have firm beliefs that it is the Berenstein Bears. False memories are quite common in a small scale, for example, one could remember going to the park with a friend, however larger scale memories, such as a celebrity dying, are much more uncommon. However the Mandela Effect could still be explained this way. One of the ways to implant a false memory in another s mind is to provide them with a logical scenario surrounding the memory, and having it backed up by others. This is one of the more logical possible explanations for the Mandela Effect, yet as the memories are often shared by people who have never communicated and may have not heard the memory explained in a way like this many still contest to what s known as the Parallel Universe Theory. This has developed from Broome s proposal to changes in one universe caused by two parallel universes brush against each other or move through each other which causes small things from one of the universes to be changed, such as a cartoon monkey being given a tail
  • 41. Judge Chavez And The Case I am Judge Chavez and the case presented to the courts today is Leia I. Organa v. Sith Publications, Inc. Leia I. Organa is a photographer who specializes in news events and its historical significance. In this case, Organa accuses Sith Publications of misusing her work. Copyright for photographers means owning property. With ownership, you get certain exclusive rights to that property. For photographic copyrights, the ownership rights include: (1) To reproduce the photograph; (2) To prepare derivative works based upon the photograph; (3) To distribute copies of the photograph to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending (4) To display the photograph publicly This can be found in the U.S. ... Show more content on ... Question I. Who owns the copyright in a photograph once it is taken? In general, the person behind the camera who takes the photograph owns the photo. An exception is when the image falls into the work made for hire category. A work made for hire relationship is created in two situations: (1) the photographer is an employee hired to take photographs for the employee, or (2) the photographer is hired to provide photographs for collective works or compilations and signs a written agreement that specifically states that the work is to be considered a work made for hire. Therefore, freelance photographers are subjected to work for hire status only when they agree to it by contract. Fair use is the right to use copyrighted materials without the copyright owner s permission. Permitting limited and reasonable uses without permission as long as they do not prejudice the copyright owner s rights or interfere with normal exploitation of the work. Thus, fair use is intended to allow the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials for the benefit of society, believing such use serves a higher purpose. But fair use has its limits, too. Section 107 of the Copyright Act states that: The fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including
  • 42. Alcoa Inc Alcoa INC. History view: Alcoa Inc is Aluminum Company of America. It is the world s third largest producer of aluminum, behind Rio Tinto Alcan and Rusal. Alcoa conducts operations in 31 countries more than 200 locations. Alcoa is a world leader in the production and management of primary aluminum, fabricated aluminum, and alumina combined, through its active and growing participation in all major aspects of the industry: technology, mining, refining, smelting, fabricating, and recycling. Aluminum and alumina represent more than three fourths of Alcoa s revenue. Non aluminum products include precision castings and aerospace and industrial fasteners. Alcoa s products are used worldwide in aircraft, automobiles, commercial... Show more content on ... Threat of substitute products: Alcoa has a differentiate product line and some of the areas as energy has a potential to substitute as renewable energy. Macroeconomics Trend Analysis of Aluminum World Demand. Export and import of the fused aluminum has a high sensitivity to the macroeconomic situation in the industrial sector of the world economy. The price volatility depends on the industrial demand for the aluminum. Global demand is leading by China and emerging markers economics. However according to Alcoa Outlook for aluminum Plattes Metal the demand has the downward sloping curve. Global demand growth in 2010 was 13% compare to the data in 2011was 12%. The biggest demand for the aluminum products comes from China. In 2011, China experience the deficit of the aluminum consumption compare the rest of the world was the surplus. The smelting costs curve increased by 26.2% from the 2005 2010 years. Increase in the production costs increase the aluminum price. According to the trend analysis of the costs of goods sold of Alcoa, we can see the cost of sales increase every quarter. In 2012, the cost of the revenue increase by 3 % from the 1st quarter to 3rd quarter. However the revenue went down by 3% at the same time period. Besides
  • 43. The Second Amendment They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. This quote from Benjamin Franklin illustrates how an emphasis on safety can drastically reduce the freedoms enjoyed by citizens of the United States, especially the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which states that ...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. However, with active shooter situations such as Columbine; the Tucson, Arizona shootings, which nearly killed former Representative Gabrielle Giffords; and recent situations at Newtown, Connecticut; Los Angeles International Airport; and Westfield Garden State Plaza mall in New Jersey, the federal government has questioned this... Show more content on ... 12). If somebody were to invade a home, that owner deserves to have the right to pull a gun to defend him or herself. The police can t protect everyone, instantly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And the fact that victims might be able to defend themselves can also deter criminals (Lott par. 14). Almost every parent at some point tells their child, Don t put your fingers in the electrical outlet, or you ll get shocked. Naturally, the child will put his or her fingers in the outlet just to see what will happen. After getting shocked, the child will cry. The parent will then say, I told you not to do that. This is part of human nature. Everybody thinks that they know best and nobody else can tell them what to do. This situation would also apply to gun control, as more gun control laws would cause criminals to push the envelope even more and commit more crimes involving guns. When the state of Illinois passed Concealed Carry legislation this last summer, many who believe in the right to bear arms as defined in the Constitution hailed this as a victory and could not wait to obtain the right to carry concealed weapons. Tom Gibbons, the State s Attorney for Madison County, gave citizens of the county the right to carry before the official signature of Governor Pat Quinn in a press release dated June 6, 2013. In the press release, Gibbons said that to deny this right to law abiding
  • 44. Reflective Essay On Education God, the Ruler and Creator of every finite and infinite existence in the universe, has called me to a life of love, servitude, and fellowship with other Christians. However, at my age, my walk with Christ is no longer conjoined with decisions made by my parents. The decision of college is entirely mine to make with the benevolent and ever wise guidance of Christ. By no means is this an easy task, but one ideal has been forthright in my heart my education must be Christ centered. My walk with faith began at a young age, hailing from a humble farming community with multiple Baptist ministers and Sunday School teachers in my immediate family. I accepted Christ at age six, but only more recently have I focused on my faith and spiritual growth. As I reached high school and (briefly) considered more liberal yet high standing colleges, I realized with increasing certainty that I was called to a higher standard a Christ centered education. Several Christiancolleges have reached out to me, but Union remains my foremost favorite, in spite of the price tag. Union s core values have impressed me boundlessly, with all aspects of learning between God, professor, student, university, and the community, as well as the present and future being addressed. At Union, I am assured that I will be pushed to the limits and establish new ones for excellence, not settle for good enough. Such drive mirrors my current efforts in high school, not to mention excites me for a new challenge.
  • 45. Sex Roles In America Sex roles are what dictates how you are raised. They dictate the entire course of your life. And that is also inclusive of socialization. Socialization has the majority dependence on your sex role, from the moment you re born. From the traditional standpoint of the dominant group in America, boys, as they grow, are allowed to be rough, dirty, and mean ( just boys being boys ) and often expected to have their interests and play time take place outside. Girls of the same age are supposed to be quiet and remain clean, their play time involving staying inside and playing kitchen or with dolls or playing dress up. And that is just the beginning. This pattern of complete and unnecessary division breeds things like toxic masculinity, misogyny (whether... Show more content on ... What people of color go through. I ve been through bad things, but none of those things, none of that suffering was because I am white. Yes, I am a female so sexism affects me but not as much as it affects women of color. And that, in my eyes, is the biggest barrier with me and other cultures. I have never experienced oppression like they have. My country has never been under Sharia law. I have never been fearful of an air raid or whether or not the grocery store would have food, because my country s infrastructure was so war torn. The oppressed minorities, the persecuted, immigrants and religious refugees from places I have never heard of I can try to understand and empathize, but it will never truly connect because I have never been in those positions. But I will continue to try and understand and help, because by recognizing my privilege, I can stand by those who go through that and I can have a better chance of interacting and accommodating cultures so different than my
  • 46. Becoming A Dancer The life of a dancer In 1938 Jerome Robbins stated that the dance industry is plagued with difficulties after his poor experiences with the Dance Centre, linking to this I will be discussing whether these difficulties have been addressed or if they are still prominent in the life of a dancer today. To do this I will be comparing the lifestyles of performers from a range of different styles, to see what boundaries they face and how they differentiate to one another. To have the life of a dancer it is important to become established in the industry, after looking at case studies from the Royal Ballet I have discovered a correlation, displaying that a dancer is to start at the bottom and then needs to get noticed to progress. A good representative ... Show more content on ... However if we go back to the statement above suggesting that jobs are based on a person s reputation, my concern is would they risk speaking out if they are being over worked or paid inadequately. I would not commit to a solely performance based carrier in dance as it would give me little financial stability, the career project supports this by stating only a small percentage of dancers can actually find steady work in this area . This is dependent on the type of contract the dancer was given as a long term contracts offers stability for a longer time period, however to achieve this a dancer must secure a position in dance companies such as The Royal Ballet or motion house and short term contracts are more a accessible. I feel that to live the life of a dancer the vital thing to have determination to battle many of the obstacles they will be facing, as it is clear that dance is in a low ranked compared to other art forms as a professional dancer falls into the category of a highly skilled, sought after employee in a high risk profession but yet is still not paid as much as an actor who has a stunt double to perform any parts deemed dangerous .Despite these setbacks a dancer should always remember why they got into dance in the first place and let that be their momentum to push them further in their
  • 47. The Impact of Financial Derivatives Market on the Uk... Research Proposal: 1 Provisional title: The impact of Financial Derivatives market on the UK economy : Before, during and after the 2008 Financial crisis. 2 Rationale The operations of the derivative market has become a rising concern today in the world and in the UK in particular as this market could destabilize the efficiency of the financial market and the economy at large if not managed properly by its users or if a major fault occurs in the derivative market, as it plays a vital role as a risk management instrument in the economy. Financial derivatives had been introduced in the financial markets as an instrument to help manage risk cause by fluctuations in exchange rates, interest rates and stock market prices in the financial ... Show more content on ... He based his research on what was he called the real and behavioural triggers of the 2008 financial crisis. He then went on to say that the real triggers of the crisis had to do with the systematic environment of high leverage in the financial markets, corporate and household sectors and the international nature of finance and banks balance sheets. He classified the underestimation of risk by almost all agents in the economy as a behavioural trigger to the crisis. He specified on the underestimation of risk in the newly issued assets and also in the corporate sector leverage that began in the 21st century. According to him, new and complex derivatives instruments were not mostly regulated before the crisis of 2008, which he suggested could have been the trigger to the crisis. He concluded that some of the triggers like the behavioural trigger could only be incorporated into the new bank regulations as they would not change. Another study carried out by Shiu Yung Ming et. al. (2005), examined the determinants and the impact of derivative usage on bank risk. In their study, they said derivatives had proved to be an efficient tool in the management of risk as it was an easy instrument for which residual risk from commercial operations was hedged. They agreed with most researchers by saying that derivative usage was a primary instrument used by both financial and non financial firms for the management of their financial risks. Thus they came to a realisation that the use of
  • 48. Thesis Statement On Capital Punishment According to the Editorial Board in their opinion article on Capital Punishment, they believe that capital punishment should no longer be in existence as it is violating the Eighth Amendment s ban on cruel and unusual punishments (Editorial Board, Capital Punishment Deserves a sick Death ). Although capital punishmentmay be a cruel and unusual punishment and viewed as unnecessary in certain situations, I believe the Editorial Board fails to connect their supporting points to their conclusion and understand the reasoning behind capital punishment in today s criminal justice system. One of the editorial boards strongest claims is that the death penalty is in direct violation of the Eighth Amendment s Ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Although they do make a strong argument for this claim, they fail to mention the Supreme Courts ruling that the death penalty is not in violation of the Eighth Amendment. According to USLegal, A death penalty is the sentence of execution for murder and some other capital crimes (serious crimes, especially murder, which are punishable by death). The death penalty, or capital punishment, may be prescribed by Congress or any state legislature for murder and other capital crimes. The Supreme Court has ruled that the death ... Show more content on ... It can be very difficult to know which side to support and evaluating the issue can be overwhelming. Without a proper solution and lack of support for claims, I believe this editorial was very one sided and did not consider the other side of the argument. Although the editorial provides substantial information from outside sources and observes the unlawful reasoning for capital punishment well, I believe capital punishment should still continue to be used in a practical way in order for criminals to obtain the proper punishments for their
  • 49. Essay On Critique Of Pure Reason By Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant s Critique of pure reason aims to question and evaluate what is ultimately real, and to discover the restrictions and scope of pure reason. The main doctrine within the critique being the idea of transcendental idealism, concerning epistemology. Kant s doctrine aims to show that humans can only construct knowledge from their senses. This opposed the previous views of Rene Descartes idealism and George Berkley s complete denial of the existence of matter. Universal concepts which Kant regards as categories then filter the senseimpressions we receive. Kant s idea of the noumenal plays a key role when understanding the notions within the Critique and is ultimately a very helpful way of helping us understand why we think the way... Show more content on ... For example, what colour is the noumenal realm? If it has a colour and is red for example, we are applying human concepts like colour. If has no colour, we are still applying human concepts of it having no colour or not being red . Thus, one of them must involve itself in the noumenal realm, as a third description between colour and not having colour is impossible. It either has a colour or does not. In my opinion, Kant can overcome this weakness within the argument for noumena by using the distinction between positive and negative predicates. Kant could hold that the noumenal realm can only have negative predicates and as such human ascriptions become less
  • 50. The Aztec Marketplace At Tlatelolco In the primary source document, The Aztec Marketplace at Tlatelolco by Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Castillo manages to describe the magnificent marketplace at the Aztec city, Tlatelolco. Castillo s memory and recollection of his experience at the market place occurred around the time period of 1521, when the Aztecempire was conquered by the Spaniards through the expedition of HernГЎn CortГ©s. After these expeditions and battles between the Aztec natives and the Spanish newcomers, Castillo was able to record his involvement and experience in his entries fifty years later in Guatemala where he lived in retirement. Bernal Diaz del Castillo was born of a respectable although not distinguished family and decided to join the expedition lead by CortГ©s for the conquest of Mexico due to his fascination with the enchanted... tales of the fortunes to be found in newly discovered America (Your Dictionary). Castillo served the Spanish expedition as little more than a common foot soldier yet also had exercised some authority and enjoyed the confidence of CortГ©s. (Your Dictionary). Considering how the patriarchal system became implanted in the Americas when the Spaniards arrived, Castillo could be seen as someone who was of a somewhat high status. He was male, of Spanish ethnicity, and served in the military, resulting in him being respected and rewarded for his prestige. His status was especially valued in comparison to others such as the indigenous people of the Americas, who were
  • 51. Sexual Sexuality And Sexual Practices Sexual Normalcy Sexuality and sexual practices play a crucial part in how one defines oneself. The moral struggle between sinful or normal has a dramatic effect on how one views themselves, and one is perceived. When we can gain knowledge of how people process their own attitudes towards sexuality we can learn more about how humans tick. RUBIN S RESEARCH Rubin s prior research on the normality of certain sexual practices were the basis of this study. Rubin developed a sexual hierarchy where at the top were good/normal practices emphasizing monogamy and heterosexuality. While at the bottom were the bad/abnormal practices involving homosexuality, fetishism etc. Their research also looked at the heavy social influence on human sexuality. Rubin grouped western nations into 4 separate sexual regimes , the two mentioned in this study are The Sexually Conservative Cluster and the Homosexual Permissiveness cluster. PURPOSE AND HYPOTHESES The purpose of this study was to investigate Rubin s sexual hierarchy using a tailored behavior inventory in which participants indicated their perceptions of normality and abnormality about a wide range of sexual behaviors. There were 5 clearly defined hypotheses in this study. Hypothesis 1: Males participants would be more likely to perceive sexual practices as normal. Hypothesis 2: all participants would perceive a greater number of the sexual practices as normal when performed by a male actor versus a female actor Hypothesis 3:
  • 52. How To Prevent The Raven All humans die at a certain point in their lives, death is something bound to happen. Death cannot be stopped , even if you take care of yourself perfectly. People try really hard to extend the time period of their lives, by securing themselves and helping themselves be more healthy. People keep guards, they purchase the most expensive health treatments, they have security systems at their house, the exercise and get the best nutrition to benefit their body, and many many more actions. By doing these actions, us humans feel a sense of protection, we feel that we are secure and cannot be harmed. But somethings are bound to happen and nothing can prevent them. Although these tactics do help you live a longer and healthier life, they help prevent such actions from taking place. Even if they can t solve all the safety problems, they sure help them greatly.... Show more content on ... The whole idea of Raven is that the Raven had to somehow come in the room and eventually it did by a series of unexpected events. This shows that somethings are bound to happen, they will happen and there is nothing anyone or anything can do about it. The raven also symbolises death, which happens and was always bound to happen anyways. Just like in The fall of the house of Usher , Rodricks madness drove him crazy. He did not realise the danger he could cause himself even with all the precautions he took. There are two really good examples portrayed in the Masque of the Red Death . The first one is about the people of the city that is mentioned in the story. It shows that no matter what kind of people they were or what kind of precautions they took, they all got devoured by the gruesome disease. Even if they were invited to Prospero s great party, the were still a victim of the disease. That is the second example, Prospero got the best safety in the whole town, but still he was a part of what was bound to
  • 53. Public Key Infrastructure Public key infrastructure, known as PKI supports the distribution and identification of public encryption keys which allows users and computers to securely exchange data over the internet and networks to confirm the identity of the other party. Without PKI, sensitive information can still be encrypted and exchanged, but there would be no assurance of the identity of the other party. Any form of sensitive data exchanged over the Internet is reliant on PKI for security. A standard PKI consists of several components: hardware, software, policies and standards, administration, distribution of keys and digital certificates. Digital certificates are at the heart of PKI as they confirm the identity of the certificate subject and bind that identity to the public key contained in the certificate. A typical PKI includes several key elements. A trusted party, known as a certificate authorityor CA, acts as the root of trust and provides services that authenticate the identity of ... Show more content on ... The company can choose between using a public certification authority or operating an in house a private CA. The in house approach provides the maximum level of control. Certificates and keys can be made any time with little wait time. However, the cost of software licenses, maintenance fees, and the expense to purchase and deploy the entire supporting infrastructure can be big. Also add in training of a few employees or hiring new ones with the needed skills. The cost will pay for its self eventually. (Walder, Bob. July 2003) Outsourcing the PKI service will allow for faster implementation. The initial cost is low but will be continuous. There is no need for training or new employees. Availability will be the key deciding component. Will the outsourced company be available anytime? How long is the turnaround time when requesting a certificate? (Walder, Bob. July
  • 54. Please Ignore Vera Dietz Summary Have you ever changed yourself for someone? Bought clothes that were popular, or changed your attitude for your friends or parents. Finding yourself when everyone around you is changing, morphing is one of that things that most people struggle with their entire life and sometimes it defines us and other times leaves us a pickle on a big mac. Please Ignore Vera Dietz is a novel about Vera the main protagonist going on with daily life like nothing happened after her best friend Charlie dies. This novel communicates the idea that you are always not the problem and that you need to step back and look at what you have, and self acceptance is the key to all your problems. Contemplation is a commanding thought; it can make things better or worse. Veras first big thought of contemplation is when her mother left the family, and weather or not it was her fault. It haunts her father that Sindy left and he dwells on her in the most minuate ways, like keeping her clothes in the closet or her class china wear on the cabinet. Vera always wonders if its her fault for her mother leaving because her mother in Veras words never wanted her. She is also confused on what she wants to do with her life after college, does she want to become a vet or just give up her dreams completely because everyone thinks that she is just going to become a stripper just like her mother. I struggle with the same things everyday wondering if my mother would have done if she didn t have me at such a young age.