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Essays On Generation Gap
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays on Generation Gap" presents a unique set of
challenges, as it requires a delicate balance between personal experiences, sociological
observations, and scholarly insights. Tackling this topic involves navigating through the
complexities of intergenerational dynamics, cultural shifts, and evolving perspectives.
One of the primary difficulties lies in capturing the essence of the generation gap itself – a
phenomenon that manifests differently across various cultures, societies, and time periods. It
demands a nuanced understanding of how values, beliefs, and communication styles transform
over generations. The essay must delve into the intricacies of familial relationships, exploring the
impact of technological advancements, changing societal norms, and the continuous evolution of
individual identities.
Furthermore, addressing the generation gap requires a comprehensive examination of historical
contexts and their influence on generational attitudes. The task involves weaving together
historical events, cultural movements, and societal changes to provide a holistic view of how
these factors contribute to the widening gap between different age groups.
Additionally, the writer faces the challenge of maintaining objectivity while incorporating
personal experiences or anecdotes. Striking the right balance between anecdotal evidence and
academic research is crucial to ensure the essay resonates with a diverse audience and maintains
scholarly integrity.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Essays on Generation Gap" necessitates a meticulous
approach to blend personal reflections with broader sociological insights. The writer must
skillfully navigate through the intricate layers of intergenerational dynamics, historical
influences, and societal shifts to provide a comprehensive and engaging exploration of this
multifaceted topic.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar projects, it's worth exploring professional
services such as, where a range of topics can be addressed by experienced
Essays On Generation Gap Essays On Generation Gap
Slaves Of African American Independence
During the war of Independence, the slaves of African descent were led in many
different directions. British was promising to free them and were not fulfilling
their end of the deal, British was recognized as independent, yet they kept the salve
owning exclusive. (Chasteen, 111); while in other places the slaves were being
freed. In Brazil the emperor Pedro 11 freed his own slaves. Slaves of the African
descent were said to know much more than other slaves, such as; they knew how to
work with iron, they knew how to care and tend to farmlands and animals, overall,
they had a lot of experience that they brought with them. Because of their worth the
slave owners did not want give them up. Some of the slaves were even taught how to
read and write,
Quiz Show Identity
Quiz Show, directed by Robert Redford, explores concepts of identity, work, money,
and morality. Richard Goodwin, a young lawyer, investigates the potentially rigged
quiz show, Twenty one, including one of its more recent contestants, Charles van
Doren, a professor at Colombia and a member of a prominent intellectual family.
Goodwin, an honest, uncorrupted, hard working man, is a foil to van Doren, who
would risk his intellectual gifts for fame and money. Using Goodwin, the movie
argues that integrity and honesty, as opposed to envy and greed, are integral to
living a successful, purposeful life. Richard Goodwin, evident in the fact that he
was first in his class at Harvard Law School and that he unwaveringly upholds
justice, has developed a strong sense of identity which enables him to live a
purposeful life. A sense of identity is a combination of personality, abilities,
interests, values, and talent; Goodwin has discovered his interest and talent in law
and his values of honesty and integrity have led him to discover and pursue his
vocation as a lawyer to the best of his ability.... Show more content on
He was successful both in law school and in his investigation of the Quiz Show
through dedication, persistence, and interdependence multiple times he consults his
wife and evidently respects her perspective in the fact he reaches out to her when
under a dilemma. His work is focused and sincere; in a conversation with van Duren,
he sees straight through to the cover of intellectuality into his evasiveness and, as a
result, focuses on the true content of the conversation. He gets van Duren to pseudo
admit that he would have accepted cheating on the quiz show. As well, through his
persistent, honest work, as well as through his identity s ambiance, Goodwin
convinced van Duren to do the right thing and admit that on television he lied.
Goodwin s purposeful, sustained effort enabled his success in the
The Qualities Of A Successful Investor
Warren E. Buffett offers the following advice on the qualities of a successful investor.
Buffett essentially suggests that a successful investor does not need an
extraordinarily high IQ, exceptional business acumen, or inside information. To enjoy
a lifetime of successful investing, you need a solid decision making framework and
the ability to maintain your emotions. A successful investment strategy requires a
thoughtful plan. Developing a plan is not difficult, but staying with it during times of
uncertainty and events that seem to counter you plan s strategy is often difficult.
This tutorial discusses the necessity of establishing a trading plan, what investment
options best suit your needs, and the challenges you could encounter if you don t
have a plan. The benefits of developing a trading plan You can establish optimal
circumstances for experiencing solid investment growth if you stick to your plan
despite opposing popular opinion, current trends, or analysts forecasts. Develop your
investment plan and focus on your long term goals and objectives. Maintain focus on
your plan All financial markets can be erratic. It has experienced significant
fluctuations in business cycles, inflation, and interest rates, along with economical
recessions throughout the past century. The 1990s experienced a surge of growth due
to the bull market pushing the Dow Jones industrial average (DIJA) up 300 percent.
This economic growth was accompanied by low interest rates and
Uncle Tom s Cabin Thesis
Research Paper Rough Draft
Hot off the press, Uncle Tom s Cabin was simultaneously celebrated as an important
accomplishment and slammed as untruthful fiction. This array of responses,
combined with a plethora of repercussions, demonstrates how incredibly influential
Uncle Tom s Cabin truly was. The book fueled anti slavery forces in the North while
simultaneously igniting a fire of fury in the South; abolitionists, pro slavery
advocates, and African Americans all emphatically voiced their opinions about the
book and its anti slavery message. Additionally, Uncle Tom s Cabinhas often been
associated with the beginning of the Civil War; it brought to light the fact that the
North and South could not continue peaceably living in persistent disagreement on
vitally important topics such as slavery. Through incredible storytelling abilities,
Harriet Beecher Stowe conveyed to her readers the cruelties of enslavement, the
injustices of numerous pro slave laws, and the desperate need for the abolition of
thraldom in our country. Within a month of its publication, an additional 15,000
copies of Uncle Tom s... Show more content on ...
Through the use of both general relatable themes and slavery specific themes,
Uncle Tom s Cabin blew on the embers of people s emotions. Some of the general
relatable themes included a mother losing her child, separation of family,
economic hardship, and evil prevailing against the innocent. These different
aspects made the book touch a very personal chord in the reader s hearts because
every person can relate to these hardships. The slavery specific themes include
characters openly arguing the causes of slavery, the Fugitive Slave Law, and the
future of freed slaves. The book was also extremely graphic about how a number of
slaves were cruelly treated and how inhumane the sin of slavery really
Analysis Of Anselm Kiefer s Burning Rods
The painting Burning Rods, made by Anselm Kiefer is very interesting all the way
around from the materials that are being used to the message it gives. At first
glance of this artwork, it looks like a piece of trash on a canvas because what the
media it has on it. This painting is made up of oil, acrylic emulsion, and shellac on
canvas with lead, copper wire, straw, iron, and ceramic (STL). This is a very
interesting combination of media with a finished result of a texture and flaky looking
paintingwith a gold and black coloring. In the center of the painting, there are some
columns. This artwork like other major artworks has some elements that help the
artist with the message. History is one of the elements that help with understanding
why he created this artwork in the first place. Anselm Kieferwas born in 1945 in
Donaueschingen, Germany, and he attended the School of Fine Arts at Freiburg in
Breisgau and the Art Academy in Karlsruhe. His work has been shown in museums
all over the world(GAGOSIAN). He does a lot of his work on German history
particularly stuff on the Holocaust such as Shevirat Ha Kelim 1990(Art). .Buring
Rods was created right after the nuclear powerplant meltdown in Chernobyl were
there was a lot of destruction with several lives lost. This city now is now unlivable
for a long while until the radiation levels go down (NWA). During this time the cold
war was going on between the United States and Russia. These two countries were
threating to nuke
Coleman Hawkins Essay
Coleman Hawkins
I think he was the most interesting jazz musician I ve ever seen in my life. He just
looked so authoritative . . . I said, Well, that s what I want to do when I grow up.
(DeVeaux, 35) Cannonball Adderley said these words when he first saw Coleman
Hawkins with the Fletcher Henderson band at the City Auditorium in Tampa, Florida.
Just as Hawkins influenced one of the greatest alto players in history, he has
influenced many people to become phenomenal saxophone players. Lester Young and
Sonny Rollins both give tribute to Coleman Hawkins as being the proliferator of the
tenor saxophone as a jazz instrument. (Kernfeld, 506) Hawkins, unfortunately, is
labeled as a swing musician though; and while he did begin ... Show more content on ...
By the time he was twelve he was already being paid to perform at school dances.
He then went to high school in Chicago for, at most, one year before dropping out
to attend Washburn College in Topeka, Kansas. He studied for two years at
Washburn at which time he learned about harmonies and composition; which
would prove to be of utmost importance to him and his career in later life. At
seventeen, Hawk got his first regular gig in the spring of 1921 playing in the
orchestra for the 12th Street Theater in Kansas City. That very summer, Mamie
Smith and the Jazz Hounds performed at the theater Hawkins was working. After
hearing Bean play, Mamie Smith offered him a job touring with her group. By
March of 1922, the Jazz Hounds, now with Hawkins, were playing in New York at
the Garden of Joy. Shortly afterwards, he appeared on his first recording with the
group. Although his contributions are hardly notable throughout most of the album,
he did get a reasonable solo with the tune, I m Gonna Get You. Hawkins and the
Jazz Hounds toured across the country reaching out to California, playing in the
musical revue, Struttin Along. The Jazz Hounds act was a mix of vaudeville and
blues, as were most primarily African American groups in the twenties.(Sadie, 322)
Hawkins role was a cross of the two styles in which he would slap tongue his
saxophone while lying on his back with his feet in the air.(DeVeaux, 48) After the
Examples Of False God In Their Eyes Were Watching God
Their Eyes Were Watching False Gods I am the Lord your God, you shall not have
other gods before me. This is the first of the Ten Commandments. In the novel
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, we see many cases of false
worship and idolatry. Characters in this book worship things like their own power,
the different social hierarchies like race, sex, and class, and even challenge the
strength of God. In the novel, Hurston uses the worship of false gods to show the
battle of God versus Man, and to prove that God is more powerful.
The first time the worship of false gods really appears in this story is through the
main character Janie s second husband, Joe. Joe becomes a powerful mayor in the
town of Eatonville, where he has ... Show more content on ...
The story moves along and comes to the chapters involving the hurricane. This
hurricane comes upon the town and moves everyone into a panic. The hurricane
can only truly be seen as the power and the will of God. They huddled closer and
stared at the door. They just didn t use another part of their bodies, and they didn t
look at anything but the door. The time was past for asking the white folks what to
look for through that door. Six eyes were questioning God. [...] their eyes were
watching God (150 151). The mighty hurricane that has come upon them is
symbolically the wrath, will, and power of God. All the men and women have had
the Fear of God put in them. Later, Tea Cake decides to leave the shelter that they
are in a head for Palm Beach in search for safety. Motor Boat warns him not to
leave, but Tea Cake refuses. Ah m safe here man. Go ahead if yuh wants to. Ah m
sleepy. [...] Good bye, then, Motor. Ah wish you all de luck. (155). Tea Cake
decides to go out in the hurricane and head for safety in Palm Beach. Tea Cake
thinks that he can withstand the power of the hurricane, or, more importantly, the
power of God. This shows Tea Cake s false god; similar to Joe s false God, he
worships his power and thinks he can overpower God. As Tea Cake and Janie travel
to Palm Beach for safety, the come upon a cow with a dog on its back. The dog, to
say the least, is not
The United Nations Security Council
In February of 2011, the popular protests that had spread across the Arab world in a
matter of weeks reached Libya. Libya s Arab Spring was among the most violent.
Peaceful protests that began on the 15thof February in the eastern city of Benghazi
quickly escalated to violent reprisals by the government of Moammar Gaddafi. The
crackdown by the Gaddafi regime was met with violent opposition and within days
rebel groups forming in the east took the city of Benghazi and began to force the
military westward. Libyas Civil War continued for eight months and with the help of
NATO air forces the rebels succeeded in taking the capitol of Tripoliin September,
effectively ending the Gaddafi regime s 42 year rule. The... Show more content on ...
In June of 2011, the Office of the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court
issued three arrest warrants for individuals accused of human rights violations during
that spring: Moammar Gaddafi, Saif al Islam Gaddafi, and Abdullah al Senussi. In
the aftermath of the rebel victory, opposition forces captured and killed Moammar
Gaddafi on 20 October 2011, thus terminating the ICC investigations against him
(Dicker, 2013). However the cases of Saif al Islam Gaddafi and Abdullah Senussi
have remained in contention. The National Transitional Council (NTC), the
temporary governing body of Libya, has appealed the admissibility of ICC
jurisdiction in the cases against Gaddafi and Senussi in the ICC s pre trial Chamber.
On 11 October 2013, the pre trial chamber judges at the ICC issued their
determination that the case of Abdullah al Senussi was inadmissible before the Court
(Bensouda, 2013). The Libyan government, in other words, have proved that they are
willing and able to pursue an investigation against Senussi and the ICC terminated its
investigation. However, in the case of Saif al Islam Gaddafi, the pre trial chamber
judges ruled that the Libyan government had not satisfied the requirements necessary
to rule the case inadmissible before the Court. According to an ICC report to the UNC
My First Broken Heart
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. Bob Marley
It was a humid summer night when I encountered my first broken heart. The wind
rustled against the bushes that lined my front porch. It was humid even though the
breeze was present it didn t give much relief. It was hot but the crickets still
chirped, surrounding me with the songs of nature. It was completely dark but the
black sky was the perfect canvas to display the stars. That s something I loved
about my town, you always had stars. I closed my eyes and filled my lungs to their
highest capacity. Slowly exhaling I turn my head slightly to focus on my driveway.
The sound of my mom s minivan disturbed mother nature s lullaby. The car backed
out of the driveway and down the neighborhood. That was the first time my heart was
broken, that was the night my mom left.
Walking into the empty house my dad sits motionless on the couch, the lights
dimmed giving the living room an eerie feel. I look at him, drive? I asked. We hop
into the jeep and drive for hours, emotionless. Neither of us talk or even make a
sound all we do is listen to our favorite band, Red Hot Chili Peppers. This is how we
cope. Some people cry, clean, write we drive and listen.
I think art is inherently nonviolent and it actually occupies your mind with creation
rather than destruction. Anthony Kiedis lead singer of Red Hot Chili Peppers.
A year past and I was now a high school freshman. The first day of classes ended up
Examples Of The Salem Witch Scapegoats
The Salem Witch Scapegoats
The Salem Witch Trials began in 1691 when many young women began
experiencing fits of hysteria and were labeled as witches. Although there were
rumors of witches prior to the trials, the signs of hysteria that the young women were
showing were like pouring gasoline to the flames that were already burning rapidly.
What started with two young girls, who were relatives of Reverend Samuel Parris,
became an epidemic in the town of Salem of people accusing each other of being
witches. More than 200 people were accused of being a witch, and 20 were killed.
These people are considered the scapegoats of the corruption that took place in Salem.
Christianity was the main religion in Salem and they followed it rigorously. ... Show
more content on ...
There began the creation of a special court where more people were accused and
some were hanged. More accusations came but without any evidence. Many of
these accusations were done deliberately in order to gain power and land. The most
notable death was the case of Giles Corey. Giles Corey was known for owning land,
and was one of the few men accused of using witchcraft. The Corey family was
accused of practicing witchcraft by Mercy Lewis stating I saw the Apparition of
Giles Corey come and afflict me urging me to write in his book and so he
continued most dreadfully to hurt me by times beating me and almost breaking
my back until the day of his examination being the 19h of April and then also
during the time of his examination he did affect and torpor me most grievously:
and also several times since urging me vehemently to write in his book and I verily
believe in my heart that Giles Corey is a dreadful wizard for sense he had been in
prison he or his appearance has come and most grievously tormented me. It was
shocking as Martha Corey had an extraordinary record of going to church. Giles
was originally going to testify against his wife but later recanted his statement. He
knew he was going to be tried as guilty no matter what so he decided to stand as
mute and did not enter a plea. The reason why he decide not to enter a plea was to
ensure that his property did not go to the government; he knew he was
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Nausea
What Does Nausea Feel Like
One of the early signs of pregnancy is nausea, and many expectant mothers
experience nausea during early pregnancy. Nausea is usually a common symptom
throughout the first trimester or even longer, and it is typically the most complained
about symptom that women report. Fortunately, even though nausea can be terribly
uncomfortable, it is not harmful to you or your baby. Not surprisingly, first time
mothers want to know, what does nausea feel like?
What Does Nausea Feel Like?
Nausea, or morning sickness , is usually worse in the mornings and can sometimes
last all day.
Pregnant women describe morning sickness as resembling motion sickness,
indigestion, hunger pains, and dry heaves. Unfortunately for some ... Show more
content on ...
My husband was afraid to even approach me when I got sick, poor thing, he
thought he was the problem. However the real morning sickness didn t start until
after I was six or seven weeks pregnant, then I couldn t look at, smell, or eat
anything for four months. But after thinking about it, I realized that odors were
triggering my bouts of nausea. The smell of eggs and garbage was making me
nauseous, and by simply changing the breakfast menu over to cold cereal with milk
and emptying the trash every day, my symptoms became less intense and frequent.
Gail 26
Why Would I Experience Nausea in Pregnancy?
Nobody can say exactly what causes nausea during pregnancy. However, it is
probably a combination of the many changes your body is going through and some
of the possible causes could include:
$Estrogen: The hormone estrogen increases rapidly during early pregnancy and may
contribute to feelings of nausea.
$Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG): This hormone also increases during early
pregnancy, and especially if the pregnancy is with twins. While not much is known
about its contribution to nausea, the timing suggests that it might increase a mother s
sensitivity to it.
$Enhanced Sensitivity to Odors: It s very common for pregnant women to be
overwhelmed by certain odors. Culprits can include eggs, raw meat,
Battle Of Tippecanoe Analysis
The Battle of Tippecanoe was a significant battle between the United States Military
forces and Native American Warriors associated with Tecumseh s Confederacy. Led
by William Harrison, the United States forces primarily consisted of 4th Infantry
Regiment along with the Indiana Militia and Volunteers from Tennessee. The
engagement took place on November 7th, 1811, just outside the town of
Prophetstown (Present day Lafayette, Indiana,), where the Wabash and Vermillion
rivers meet. Through application of the principles of the Defense, the 4th Infantry
Regiment and attached forces were successful in its perimeter defense and denied the
Native American a strategic victory that would have assured Tecumpseh s
Confederation momentum to generate... Show more content on ...
To make Tecumpseh s Confederation ineffective, Jackson would systematically move
and destroy Prophetstown, either by negotiation or lethal force. By attacking the and
destroying the Native American central mission command center, Jackson believed
the Confederation would lose support as the United States would prove their overall
power and mettle. Jackson would also look to attack Prophetstown while Tecumpseh
was recruiting additional tribes and absent, effectively neutralizing his leadership at
the operational and tactical level. The United States enforce the previous treaties by
occupying it s defined land, much to the disliking of Tecumpseh. For enforcement,
The United States would employ a significant military force made up of regular and
militia members, to ensure a presence and mount pressure on the Native Americans to
come negotiate peacefully.
Example Of Rapunzel Alternate Ending
Rapunzel grew up pretty normal, as normal as as you could for being locked away
from the outside world. Never being allowed to step a foot outside, let alone being
allowed to venture down to the hospital mother Gothel worked at. All the young girl
knew as the apartment she shared with Mother Gothel. She familiarized herself
rather quickly with the layout of the apartment when she got old enough to be left
alone. Learning every nook and cranny of the place, the only thing she couldn t
figure out was how to escape the locked doorand make her way down to the hospital
to see her mother.
The older she grew the less time Gothel spent with her. Each time she left the
apartment, she would be gone longer and longer, only coming back when she need a
bone marrow transplant. Something the young blond hate more than anything in the
world. You d think that someone who grew up getting them every month like clock
work would have grown used to them, but no. She hated it and would probably hate
it for the rest of her life. The only reason she didn t put up a big fight about it was
because her mother needed the transplant to stay healthy. She didn t want to be ...
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Not once, but twice. Today is my birthday. She nearly shouted at her mother. It s
my 18th birthday, which means I can go outside. She spoke. Coming to a stop she
began jumping up and down in place. Rapunzels mother on the other hand was not
so thrilled with the fact, a panicked look appeared on her face but quickly vanished.
No, Rapunzel. Gothel s slender hand reached out, grabbing hold of the bouncing
girl to hold her still. You can not leave, the world is far too dangerous for a girl like
yourself. Gothel spoke with a hiss, her fingers tightening around Rapunzel s
shoulders. You are far to naive for this world. She tried her best to sound like a
worried mother. Which worked. Rapunzel uttered out a sigh, her head dropping to the
The Reasons Behind Police s Inability To Catch Jack The...
The Reasons Behind Police s Inability To Catch Jack The Ripper
Jack The Ripper was never caught, and his identity remains a mystery to this day.
The police were unable to catch Jack The Ripper and solve the mystery of the Whit
Chapel murders because of several reasons.
The first reason is the police themselves. In London, there were two police forces.
The Metropolitan police and the City Of London police. The murders took place in
both of the jurisdictions. The police forces each had separate investigations going on
and they did not share evidence or information with each other. This hampered their
investigations because a vital clue being held by one police force may have linked in
with evidence ... Show more content on ...
Vital clues that could have led to the capture of Jack The Ripperwere overlooked.
The CID, who were set up to investigate crimes like this, had only just been set up.
They had very little experience of dealing with a serial killer, as this was the first
one in the whole country. Because of this they did not know how to deal with the
murders and how to catch Jack The Ripper and made mistakes that led to his escape.
The police tried using undercover officers as bait. However, because there were no
women on the force, men dressed up like women but this failed completely as the
disguises were very poor.
The police interviewed many witnesses over and over again. Many of these were
hoaxes and the police wasted valuable time in doing this.
The police also tried training bloodhounds in following the scent of Jack The
Ripper, however this idea was soon abandoned as the dogs would not have been able
to follow just one scent in an area that was full of different smells.
The police also printed all the letters that were sent to them. This would have led to
a widespread panic and would have made it harder to keep the murders undercover.
They also took no heed to the warnings sent in the letters about the next victim,
which led the killer being able to kill easily again.
The note written on the wall was
The issue of security has long been the preoccupation of...
The issue of security has long been the preoccupation of international relations. It has
been argued that there is no common concept of security and disagreement in the
normative and methodological approach. In the simplest form, the core of security is
survival, and consequently a lack of threat. In terms of international relations, the
state has been the main referent object of security. Arnold Wolfers proposed the
definition of security as the (security), in an objective sense, measures the absence of
threats to acquired values, in a subjective sense, the absence of fear that such values
will be attacked . In the traditional approach, threats to security comes from a hard
power source and is framed through a national security... Show more content on ...
For Ullman, a security threat was defined as an action or sequence of events that, (I)
threatens drastically . . . to degrade the quality of life for the inhabitants of a state, or
(II) threatens significantly to narrow the range of policy choices available. While the
state remains the referent object, Ullman s definition alludes to the necessity of
expanding the threats to beyond a military dimension. Under this understanding of
security, a state faces threats from a range of sources; which include external and
internal physical disturbance, but also events such as natural disasters, health
epidemics and a shortage of raw materials. As the Cold Warwas winding down, the
concept of a broadened or widened began to once again emerge in security
discourse. The end of the Cold War signalled a paradigm shift in international
relations for many scholars of security studies. Barry Buzan described the state of
international relations in 1991 with, strong signs that the security agenda among the
great powers will be much less dominated, perhaps not dominated at all, by political
/military issue. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the risk of military
conflict was seen as low risk. A notion reflected after a 1990 NATOsummit meeting
resulting in a new strategic concept for the alliance, with stated, With the radical
changes in the security situation...It is now possible to draw all the consequences from
General Darby s Influence
Great success comes from great leaders. One of the greatest military leaders in
history, was a local Fort Smith native named William O. Darby. Brigadier General
William O. Darby s life and leadership substantially influenced the United States
Army in many ways. General Darby s creation of the United States Army, Army
Rangers was perhaps one of the greatest attributes to the United Statesmilitary.
William Darby s militaristic creation became incredibly substantial with the aid of
the following influences: the world at war, new and elite soldiers, operational
invasions, and a ceaseless legacy.
An extreme turmoil had been taking place during the early 1940 s. The world was at
war. Many young soldiers had grown anxious during this upheaval since ... Show
more content on ...
Efforts to inhibit the advancement of German troops led the North African
invasion. Major efforts took place in halting German troops from occupying North
African seaports. Spearheading the invasion in the Port of Arzew, Algeria were
Darby s First Ranger Battalion. This was accomplished by executing a surprise
night landing, silencing two gun batteries, and opening the way for the capture of
Oran. A night raid was conducted in Tunisia in 1943. The execution of the night raid
took place behind enemy lines in Sened Station. The purpose of this mission was to
collect military intelligence in order to terrorize the enemy. While American troops
tried to pass through a crucial mountain pass located in Djbel Ank, many soldiers
were shot down. The First Ranger Battalion rucked twelve miles under night fall to
the height of Djbel Ank through rugged terrain in order to surprise the enemy at
dawn. Under the stealth of night, the Rangers were able to attack from the rear while
successfully capturing two hundred prisoners, now leading the way for American
troops to pass through to conquer in North
How Does the Play Macbeth Follow What Is Expected in a...
The Shakespearean play Macbeth follows what is expected in a Shakespearean
tragedy by containing characteristics similar to all Shakespearean tragedies. These
are the fatal flaws in Macbeth, the fall of noble, respectable man with great qualities,
Macbeth, and Macbeth s terrible murder of the King in order to obtain the crown,
which causes absolute chaos.
Macbeth s character contains fatal flaws that cause him to do evil. These fatal
flaws are a limitation to Macbeth s otherwise worthy character, and they include
over ambition, greed, a power hungry nature and a weak will. For example, in Act
1, Scene 7, lines 25 28, Macbeth admits that the only reason he has to kill the king is
ambition, which isn t a good enough reason. I have ... Show more content on ...
This follows what is expected in a Shakespearean tragedy, as the play tells of the fall
of a great man, who had wonderful qualities but by the end is no longer held in
Macbeth s terrible murder of the King in order to obtain the crown causes absolute
chaos and disturbs the Natural Order, or balance of the universe, and so he is
punished for this. By murdering the king, Macbeth causes Duncan s sons to flee
Scotland, allowing Macbeth to obtain the throne. This disturbs the Natural Order,
as the rightful heir isn t on the throne, and slowly Macbeth pays for his evil deeds
through his descent into evil. Macbeth is soon punished for all his cruel and
wicked deeds, and his punishment is death by Macduff. Afterwards, the Natural
Order is re established as Duncan s son Malcolm rightfully obtains the throne, but
many lives have been lost along the way. For example, after Duncan s murder, his
sons fear for their own lives, and flee to other countries. Let s not consort with
themВ… I ll to England (2, 3, 131 133). To Ireland, I. Our separate fortune | Shall
keep us both the safer. Where we are, | There s daggers in men s smiles; the nea er
in blood, | The nearer bloody (2, 3, 134 137). Shakespeare uses a metaphor here (
daggers in men s smiles ) to show the fear and distrust felt by Duncan s sons fear for
their lives, distrusting all those around them. Their flight leaves the throne free for
Macbeth, who is given the title without question. The
Analysis Of Harry Potter, Hermione, And Ron Hunt Down
American author Deepak Chopra said, If you want to do really important things in
life and big things in life, you can t do anything by yourself. And your best teams are
your friends and your siblings, . For example, Mulan fought with her men to protect
China, and Katniss fought for the destruction of the Capitol with District Thirteen.
Also, Bilbo and Thorin and Co. fought to get their gold back from Smaug, yet the
most important of all, the Arkenstone. In Harry Potter, Hermione, and Ron hunt
down the Deathly Hallows. The similarity is high only because all hero stories
follow the same monomyth developed by Joseph Campbell. Both the Arkenstone and
the Deathly Hallows serve a purpose and are the cause of a quest; however, the
Deathly... Show more content on ...
Similarly enough, Harry also faces an opponent rivaling for the Deathly Hallows, and
it is none other than Lord Voldemort. The reader knows this clearly when he states
that, You Know Who s after the Elder Wand. (Rowling 431). The opposition, no
matter what it is, if overcome will bring the same amount of value into whatever the
hero and villain are fighting for. Furthermore, the Arkenstone and the Deathly
Hallows die out. At the end of Harry s fight with Voldemort and the school year, he
states that, I m putting the Elder Wand, he told Dumbledore, who was watching him
with enormous affection and admiration, Back where it came from. It can stay
there..., (Rowling 749). Considering that the Elder wand came from a tree and trees
all start in the ground, one might infer that Harry has buried it or gotten rid of it in
some way. Even though the Arkenstone wasn t destroyed, it was still made gone
when, They buried Thorin deep beneath the Mountain, and Bard laid the Arkenstone
upon his breast. (Tolkien 117). If the Arkenstone was simply buried in the mountain
with no intention of being hidden, one might assume that a prequel would come
where the Arkenstone would be made important again. In order for this to be
avoided, the adjectives deep and beneath are added to show the foot down effect. The
reader then knows for sure that the tales of the Arkenstone done, and their quest
Malcolm X As A Transformational Leader
From his troubled childhood to his politically powerful movement for Black
equality, Malcolm Little, later known as Malcolm X, evolved into a transformational
leader. The effects of his leadership were felt around the world during the 1960s.
Americans were faced with great uncertainty during this time. For all minority groups
in the United States, politics, the government and its laws, and society as a whole
were changing drastically. In response to years of oppression, a collection of
concerned groups formed the civil rights movement which rallied African American
people together to fight for equal rights, access, and opportunities. Malcolm Xwas one
of the most influential civil rights leaders of this era as the loudest voice for the
African American community. His leadershipwas effective because of the way he
utilized a radical idea to convert and influence his followers.
Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska as one of eight
children. He learned very early on the value of his African American history and
culture. His father was a Baptist minister and an avid supporter of Pan African
activists which attracted death threats and violence from white supremacist groups.
He was later suspiciously killed and Malcolm s mother suffered an emotional
breakdown and was later committed to a mental institution. Sadly Malcolm was
displaced from his home and forced into foster care where he had no support system
and felt the weight of white oppression daily. Nebraska
Essay on China
The history of China is embeded with revolution and tension dating back to the feudal
periods and the first unified Chinese empire under Qi Shi Huang
Di in 221 B.C. The Confucianism ideology entrenched in the minds of the
Chinese people with its conservative base and the need to achieve harmony in
society has yet to be reached and most likely, never will. The proletariat is at the
heart of the Marxist Maoist approach to politics and the basic way of life for the
Chinese masses considering that ...roughly 85% of the population is based in
peasantry... While Marxism, as implemented by the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) and Nationalism have historically hindered the people of
China; a growing need to conform to ... Show more content on ...
The Chinese Communist Party was by no means a military power and it was unable
to sustain itself and flourish in the Nationalist controlled cities. The
Kuomintang, a nationalist party was set out to unify China under one central
government. The KMT had in its possession adequate means to quash the idealistic
CCP and did so on a number of occasions. Some of which led to rebellions such as
the Long March led by Mao Tse tung.
China, over history has experienced phases of both Nationalism and
Sinocentrism, both of which can be damaging to a developing country attempting to
compete economically in the global market. These ideas can relate back to the ancient
religion of confucianism. Confucianism has been instramental in the shaping of
China s leadership. Not only does it emphasize a rigid hierarchy kept in place by
virtuous behavior. But it also holds that strict adherence to proper behavior actually
leads to correct thinking. Accompanying Nationalism and Sinocentrism was rebellion
and unrest. Twenty four historic dynasties followed a common pattern of
development. At the beginning of a new dynasty, a period of national unity under
virtuous and benevolent rule flourished and usually was accompanied by intellectual
excitement. A
The Bell Jar Research Paper
Sylvia Plath s importance in American history stems from the literary eminence of
her writing, and her works show the rigid conditions of mid twentieth century
women. Plath s significance really comes from the ways in which she opened
doors with her writing that prior to her have never been explored before. She was a
feminist martyr who challenged a patriarchal society. She posed questions that no
one else seemed to be asking about the role that I woman plays in society. Her book
The Bell Jar, displayed a protagonist who struggled with basic questions about sex.
Questions like, if I decide to have sex before marriage am I a bad person? Why can
men have sex with multiple people and women can t? Sylvia Plath is still relevant
today with adolescences.... Show more content on ...
After researching the end of the book, the recognition of connections of all kinds
became obvious, the electrocution of the Rosenbergs and the shock treatment at
the end of the book have a metaphorical if not a realistic kinship. In the end the
Rosenbergs just meant death to Sylvia Plath. I couldn t help wondering what it
would be like, being burned alive, all along your nerves. The Bell Jar seems to be a
realistic account of her own suicide attempt while she attended Smith University.
Her use of sound, sensation and her poetic ordering of material all connect to the
sensational details of her personal life or more specifically her death. The dark
twist, as strange as it is, is the primary reason why readers find it so fascinating. Plath
s actual biography provides a clear conclusion to the ambiguous ending of The Bell
Jar, where Esther enters her exit interview at the psychiatric institution at which she
has spent months recovering. Thats the temptation at least, to simply place Plath s
life into the novel. However, it isn t certain that just because Plath ended her own life
that the fictional character in The Bell Jar, was intended to mimic that same
Comparing George Orr And Dr. Haber s The Lathe Of
This essay illustrates the story of The Lathe of Heaven. This story revolves around
the main characters of the story George Orr and Dr. Haber. Both are very
interesting characters of the story. With the contribution of Dr. Haber story
becomes suspenseful and he is the backbone of the story. Dr. Haber is described as a
imposing and physically impressive person who likes to impose himself on other
people. There is symbolism as well used in this story. Dr. Haber is described Just like
a bear, that is large and physically impressive. He s actually scary because bears don t
smile but they show their teeth right before they are about to kill. Irrelevant, said
the doctor, smiling his broad, hairy, bear s smile, like a big bear god, buy he was still
... Show more content on ...
Human brain can imagine anything and this illustrates that no problem is in this
world is without solution. We just have to find the solution. Second thing is good
or evil. They are totally opposite to each other and important too. Like in this
world if we get sorrow or grief then on the other hand we get happiness, joy
excitement. Good and evil coexist with each other. But Dr. Haber doesn t want to
understand this reality and he just wants to make a perfect world but he forgets
that even inside him evil and good exist. He wants to improve the world that is his
good side but on the other hand because of his lust he is manipulating the things
according to his wish to earn name and fame. But this novel ends peacefully where
George takes control of his dreams and brings back he world on its natural course
which makes him an unlikely hero in this
Screening for Mental Health
One evidence based intervention is designed by Screening for Mental Health [SMH],
the program is called Signs of Suicide [SOS]. The Signs of Suicide program is an
award winning program and it is also a nationally recognized program (). The Signs
of Suicide program is designed for youth of various ages ranging from middle school
and the way to high school(). This program helps students learn how to point out
signs of depression and suicidein themselves or in their friends or family. This
program recognizes the emotional distress that often follows the aftermath of a
completed suicide. Suicide, according to the Signs of Suicide Program is both
recognizable and treatable. A well designed prevention program can educate the
youth on how to spot the warning signs of depression, in people they love. The
Signs of Suicide Program provides everyday risk management tools and information
to judge, prevent and respond to signs of suicide ().
This program is split up into two different presentation groups; Middle school and
High school students. This is because both programs are administered slightly
different in terms of content. The high school program is appropriate for students
in grades 9 12, and the middle school is designed for grades 6 8. In both the high
school and middle school programs they stress involvement of peer and classmates as
part of its plan to prevent suicide. Studies show that youth are more likely to turn to
peers or classmates rather than adults when facing the
The Movie Franchise Star Wars
The movie franchise star wars has been around for over fifty years. It s a classic
drama series about dark and light forces trying to get the best of one another. The
Jedi and the Sith are both factions which use the essences of the universe in order to
obtain their special abilities that they use to their advantage. The force is split
between the Jediwho represent the light force, and the Sithwho represent the dark
force. So which of the two, light or dark, is the better as seen in the star wars
storylines. The Jedi seem to have the upper hand and here are some reasons why.
The Jedi and Sith both use Lightsabers(Short swords made with laser energy) when
fighting enemies or dueling with one another. They give them both huge advantages
in battle, because they can use the force to detect where things will be before they
happen. When they are attacked with a blaster or lightsaber, the laser it is deflected
off of the blade. This also makes for some really spectacular duels between the two.
So which of the two has the better lightsaber? Lightsabers are formed from special
crystals which the Jedi or Sith have to meditate on for weeks on end until it can form
a blade. The Sith made the their sabers with synthetic crystals that they had to put into
a furnace whereas the Jedi used a special natural growing crystal found on Dantooine,
Ilum, or the Adega System. When the blades are finally constructed, they have a
certain color which corresponds to their personality. The Sith
West Pakistan Genocide
Kill three million of them, and the rest will eat out of our hands (qtd. in Hensher). In
keeping with this declaration of General Yahya Khan, West Pakistani soldiers began a
campaign in 1971 to torture and kill millions of Bengalis and Hindus in East
Pakistan. West Pakistan had significant concerns regarding the unrest of the
independence movement in East Pakistan, and had decided to halt the protests by
force. After the first attacks at Dhaka University on the night of March 25, 1971,
until the surrender of Pakistani forces to the Indian military on December 16, West
Pakistan succeeded in their plan to inflict extreme suffering on the Bengali ethnicity.
The East Pakistan genocide of 1971 involving West and East Pakistan was a result of
the... Show more content on ...
Instead of brutally exterminating nearly three million people, West Pakistan should
have sought non violent negotiations to defuse the tense situation in East Pakistan.
Also, outside powers such as the US could have discontinued their support of West
Pakistan and condemned the horrific events in East Pakistan to discourage the
perpetrators of the genocide. In the future, international cooperation and diplomacy
must be implemented to prevent the extreme suffering of millions of people and halt
the causes of genocide before murder and military intervention are necessary.
Currently, one particular conflict strongly resembles the East Pakistan genocide,
namely the war in Syria. The civil war in Syria has caused 60,000 deaths, mostly rebel
soldiers and Sunni civilians, as the oppressive government of Bashar al Assad
continues to halt uprisings and murder citizens (Genocide Watch). In order to stop
further suffering, determined international negotiations and increased understanding
between religious groups will be necessary. Situations such as the events in Syria
often begin with events in which a group of people are viewed as inferior and
unworthy of living. In the East Pakistan genocide, these events were evident through
the statements of the main perpetrators such as Yahya Khan, as they portrayed the
Bengalis as lesser beings and unworthy of living. In order to prevent senseless
suffering and the countless loss of lives in the future, and also to ensure a successful
and harmonious society, individuals must accept the differences of others, and regard
all people as equally deserving of a fulfilling
Kent State Shooting Essay
At Kent State University in Ohio, there was several memorable events. Like the
destruction of protestors launching a demonstration that included setting fire to the
ROTC building causing the governor of Ohio to dispatch 900 National Guardsmen to
the campus. On May 4th, 1970 was a tragic event for Kent State University. During
that day an altercation occurred with twenty eight guardsmen opening fire on a crowd
causing the killings of 4 students and wounding nine others. Almost 500 colleges
were shut down due to this fatal shooting around the United Statesof America. The
Justice Department initially declined to conduct a Grand jury investigation. The
actions of the guardsmen had been unnecessary, unwarranted, and inexcusable. A
Grand jury indicted eight of the guardsmen, but the charges were dismissed due to
the lack of evidence. The Kent State shootings became the focal point of a nation
deeply divided by the Vietnam War. Since the tragic event, the Kent State shootings
were the subject of the 1970 song Ohio by the group Crosby, Stills, Nash, and young.
Sadly, about ten days after the accident took place another one similar to the fatal
event happened at Jackson State University, an all black school located in
Mississippi. On May 14th, 1970 during a ... Show more content on ...
This day a squad of British soldiers came to support a sentry who was being pressed
by a heckling, snowballing crowd, which let loose a volley of shots. During the
chaos three people were killed immediately and two died shortly after of their
wounds. Among the victims was Crispus Attucks, a man of Black or Indian
parentage. At the time British Officer Captain Thomas Preston was in charge and
later was arrested for manslaughter. Following his arrest eight of his fellow
guardsmen all were later arrested and after a while were all acquitted. The Boston
Massacre is remembered as a key event in helping to galvanize the colonial public to
the patriot
Five Places To Raise Children
Diapers, bottles, and milk are only a few of the things needed for babies. The list
of things children need grows with them. With the decrease of the inflation rate
this is great, expect this doesn t apply with having kids. They average estimated
amount spending on one child is 13,248. Raising children in the east is more
expensive averaging $14,310, while it is cheaper in the west coming at $12,171.
The institute determined that in America, a two parent, two child family needs to
earn $63,741 a year to secure an adequate but modest living standard. Not only can
supplies and necessities add up, but the area where you raise your children could
bump up the prices even more. The top five places to raise children are Stamford
Norwalk, Connecticut,
Summary Of Independence Is Happiness By Susan B
Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony is a favored women who became well known
over the world by ending women s suffrage and allowing them right to vote. She
dedicated her life to conclude the period of racising women and children. During her
moment while she was preparing and planning to make U.S, a better place, she faced
a lot of barriers. Govenment officials and few men disagreed with the Anthony s
arguement. Independence is happiness by Susan B. Anthony. Her quote has deep
meanings. Independence is happy because imagine when a person has taken freedom
from slavery, how would they feel? Happy? Delighted? Enthusiastic? It really
depends. However, Anthony holds her frustration inside her feeling but she tries even
harder to succeed in allowing
Essay about Exploring the Possibility of Merit Pay for...
President Obama s recommendations for the reauthorization of the No Child Left
Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) and his education plan include provisions to award merit
pay to teachers in an attempt to obtain and retain effective teachers as measured by
student academic achievement. These proposals are supported by budgeted funding
for the 2011 fiscal year with additional funding included in the optional, competitive
1.35 billion Race to the Top Fund. A number of different merit pay
systems exist.
Some reward entire schools or districts when passing rates on standardized tests are
achieved, while others reward individual teachers for passing rates. Some rely on peer
or administrator evaluations and staff development as additional... Show more content
on ...
Students in economically disadvantaged schools are more likely to have teachers
rated in the bottom quartile for teacher effectiveness as measured by raising student
achievement (Education Equality Project, 2010).
Previous Attempts at Merit Pay Traditionally, efforts to obtain effective teachers
have focused primarily upon raising the entry bar via credential, licensure, or
certification requirements. However, research has consistently demonstrated that
credentials, licensure, and advanced degrees are of little value in predicting
teacher effectiveness (Education Equality Project, 2010; Green Forster, 2008). The
use of merit pay to obtain, retain, and affect student achievement is a lesser used,
but not unknown, methodology. In the 1920s, 40 to 50 percent of all urban school
districts adopted a merit pay plan. Interest waned and then resurfaced in the 1950s
and, by 1960; one in ten public schools adopted a form of merit pay. Interest
declined in the 1970s and rose again in the 1980s, and in 2010. Prior to the 1980s,
research was primarily focused upon the difficulty experienced in defining and
measuring quality teaching (Cohen and Murnane, 1985). Due to the inability to find
reliable and valid definitions and measures of teacher quality, staff dissatisfaction and
dissension was experienced when using merit pay plans (Murnane Cohen, 1986). In
Scarface The Shame Of A Nation Analysis
Scarface: The Shame of a Nation (Hawks, 1932)
According to film theorist Thomas Schatz, a genre approach (to film) provides the
most effective means for understanding, analyzing, and appreciating the Hollywood
cinema (Schatz vii). His approach to film is strongly supported by theorist Edward
Branigan s and the narrative representation of character interaction (Branigan), and
AndrГ© Bazin s arguments that the objective reality pressed against audience
Through the application of these theorists, this paper will examine Scarface: The
Shame of a Nation (1932 it features Paul Muni as Tony Camonte, a recklessly
ambitious gangster, bent on climbing to the top of his world, without regard for those
who stand in his way. Camonte, at the top of his climb, is confronted by the police, ...
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According to Thomas Schatz, in most gangster films, the genre dictates that the
gangster always gets killed or goes to jail. There is nothing different that will, or
should happen, and Scarface closely follows Schatz s model of Hollywood s genres.
Schatz s model is concerned with the movie s alignment with classical Hollywood
setting and narrative. This is an agreed conception of film and human life, that man
is a being with the possibilities of success or failure. We also see that Schatz s way
of thinking is how film and the settings of the culture are with in the film and what
drives the film to its climax for the viewer, but at the end it does due what Schatz s
talks about with gangster films.
The film was an experimental type film, because from the point of view of
Hollywood, the gangster must die or go to jail, we see the initial contact between the
film and audience and the expiations of what is going to happen and even though the
audience knows the end results . We did still watch to see what would
How Does Holden Use The Red Hunting Cap
J.D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye is the story of sixteen year old Holden
Caulfield s struggle to connect with people after losing his brother several years
before. Holden s brother s death caused a barrier in the understanding and connection
between Holden and the rest of the world. As a result, Holden feels both alone and in
need of security despite being constantly surrounded by the bustling crowds of New
York City. Salinger uses and develops the red hunting cap to represent how Holden
protects himself in The Catcher in the Rye. At the beginning of The Catcher in the
Rye, Holden uses his red hunting cap as a form of protection from those who cannot
understand his often misconstrued thoughts and what he has been through. Right after
... Show more content on ...
Before Holden leaves Phoebe at home to go to Mr. Antolini s he recalls that, I took
my hunting hat out of my coat pocket and gave it to her. She likes those kind of
crazy hats. She didn t want to take it, but I made her. I ll bet she slept with it on.
She really likes those kind of hats (180). Talking to Phoebe caused Holden to
realize that not everyone in the world is a phony; some, Phoebe for example, are
genuinely interested and understanding in what he has to say. Realizing that
Phoebe loves and understands him, Holden subconsciously decides that her love
is enough to protect him and he no longer has a need for the red hunting cap. When
it starts to rain at the Central Park Zoo, Phoebe puts the red hunting cap on Holden
s head, which he later recalls, really gave me quite a lot of protection, in a way, but
I got soaked anyway (212 213). Phoebe puts the cap on Holden s head to try to
protect him from the rain. When Holden says that the cap gave him protection, but
he still got wet, he is referring to how Phoebe s love has supplanted the cap as
Holden s protection. Holden s reconnection with Phoebe brings him a sense of
protection in a way in which the cap never
The Magus by John Fowles Essay
The Magus by John Fowles The Magus, by John Fowles, is a six hundred and five
page book, which I have read all of. It was copyrighted in 1965 by Little, Brown
Company (Canada) Limited, and was dedicated to Astarte. John Fowles has
written many other books, such as: A Maggot, Daniel Martin, Land, The Tree,
poems, and literally dozens of others. The critiques of these books state they are all
fiction, but are in a wide variety of areas. The main character, Mr. Nicholas Urfe, is
extremely bored with life. He attended Oxford and taught for a year at a public
school, before becoming an English teacher at the Lord Bryon School in Greece, on
the island of Phraxos. Nicholas talked to a former teacher who warned him to beware
of the... Show more content on ...
Mr. Conchis and his female friends make a base for the plot to thicken. Watching
them carefully will lead to whole new dimensions of this book. The many conflicts
in this book include: Man versus man and man versus self. Man versus man can be
displayed with the conflicts between Nicholas and Alison and with Nicholas and
Mr. Conchis as they argue throughout the book. Man versus self is displayed with
Nicholas contemplating suicide and trying to overcome his own illusions. The
climax of this book occurs when Nicholas finds out that Conchis has been tricking
him the whole time. I found many strengths and very few weaknesses in this book.
It was written very well and is incredibly catching. The writer drags you into the
book with his vocabulary and uses his many writing skills to walk your senses
right through the book. Although his writing was fantastic, sometimes is seems a
bit drawn out. Although this book was written such a long time ago, many of the
lessons apply today! Its technology is something of the future and the plot is still
being used today for TV shows, books, and movies. My favorite part of this book,
was when Chonchis tells Urfe of his war experience and the writer explains how
they stayed in a foxhole for hours while trying to survive. I like it the best because
of the great detail the writer goes into in this part and I also have a fascination with
war stories, so this was perfect for me. I
Essay on Feminism Taken to Extremes in A Streetcar
Feminism taken to Extremes in A Streetcar Named Misogyny
As women s studies programs have proliferated throughout American universities,
feminist re readings of certain classic authors have provided us with the most
nonsensical interpretations of these authors texts. A case in point is that of Kathleen
Margaret Lant s interpretation of Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire in
her essay entitled A Streetcar Named Misogyny. Throughout the essay, she
continually misreads Williams intention, which of course causes her to
misunderstand the play itself. Claiming that the play has proved vexing to audiences,
directors, actors, readers, and critics (Lant 227), she fails to see that it is she herself
who finds ... Show more content on ...
Stanley s rape of Blanche is the action that sends him beyond the pale of civilized
existence. That he gets away with murder hardly justifies his action; indeed, the
audience s feelings of disgust with his character and his behavior are only heightened
when he is left unpunished.
Ironically, one of Lant s feminist mentors, Andrea Dworkin, whom she cites thrice
in her essay, has written in her book Intercourse that there is nothing in the text of
the play, despite the way it is sometimes staged, to suggest that she [Blanche]
wanted it [i.e. to be raped] all along. In fact, there is a pronounced and emotionally
vivid history of her wanting its opposite a sexuality of tenderness and sensitivity
(Dworkin 44). Another of Lant s mentors, Susan Brownmiller, whom she cites twice
in her paper, has written that Tennessee Williams has always treated the rape theme
with sensitivity. Stanley Kowalski s rape of Blanche DuBois in Streetcar Named
Desire is also no glamorization, for Blanche, however damaged, represents fragility
and aspiration while Stanley is symbolic of the darker forces of nihilism
(Brownmiller 337, footnote). It is ironic that Lant should so differ in her
interpretation of the play from two of her feminist mentors. Lant is trying, perhaps, to
out Herodias Herodias.
After the rape, again in Lant s opinion, Blanche is no longer fully human, but is
simply a metaphor for all that is vile about women. But in the relationship between
What Are Tacitus Motivations For Writing The Annals
What are Tacitus reasons (both explicit and implicit) for writing The Annals?
Tacitus motivations for writing The Annals are multifaceted. First, he was promoting
the stance that the empire, despite its shortcomings, was necessary for the stability of
Rome at the time. Secondly, he wanted to give an honest and fair account of Rome
during the reigns of four emperors of the principate: Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius and
A republic, like Rome, moves at a maddeningly slow pace. Legislation is put
through a system of checks and balances where rivals debate ad nauseum over
proposed policies. In a perfect world, this ensures that only which is most beneficial
for the state and her peoples becomes a reality. A Tyrant, however, can accomplish a
great deal in only a short amount of time. A good leader, like Augustus, can propel his
people forward unhindered by the chains of a republic. The Roman people,
according to Tacitus: prefered the security of the current regime to the dangers of
old (Yardley 2008, 3). Even if it lacked freedom, many were willing to submit to an
empire if it meant stability and security.
Tacitus begins The Annals with a brief description of Augustus ascension and reign.
While not a central figure to The Annals, Augustus is important because he is the
originator of the principate that it revolves around. Before Augustus, Rome was a
republic embroiled in civil war, turmoil, and on the path of destruction. August
brought that unrest to heel and tamed Rome
Free Will And Determinism In Groundhog Day
In the award winning movie Groundhog Day, we are presented with a peculiar
situation where Phil (Bill Murray) relives the same day over and over. As the film
progresses Phil is fathomed by the events occurring and lives out each day as he
pleases. Correspondingly, there are zero consequences for his actions. Death, crime
nor love has the ability to change the never ending DГ©jГ vu that Phil relives every
day. At the same time; Phil has no free will in reliving Groundhog day, but does he
have free will on his actions and how he spends his time on that day? Or is each
action pre determined? These are interesting concepts that will bring us to the issues
that will be discussed throughout this paper. Do we truly have free will on our
actions or are they previously determined for us? Free will and Determinism offer us
different views on how we can perceive the ultimate course of our actions and life....
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Free will is the philosophical idea that we have the power to think, choose and act
voluntary without any external factors. To believe in free will one believes that
we are agents who are capable of making decisions that can alter our course of
action regardless of external factors and antecedent conditions. Do not confuse free
will with political freedom, which is called liberty. In 1924, two Chicago
teenagers, Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold kidnapped and murdered a boy
named Bobby Franks. Loeb and Leopold were two bright college graduates with
what looked like very promising futures. With this in mind; why would two bright
young men commit such an act? When asked their response was just to prove they
could . To prove that they could ;indeed, do any action they aspired to do on their
own free will. To defend the young men their parents hired Clarence Darrow; which
at the time, was one of the most famous and well known lawyers. Darrow once said
to a group of inmates
Strategic Information Management
CMI Level 7 Diploma: Unit 7004 Main Assignment
Introduction: The following assignment explores the importance of using information
to inform and support strategic decision making to achieve organisational goals and
objectives as set out by unit learning outcomes (LO) pertaining to this unit 7004.
These four learning outcomes are to: LO1: Be able to understand the impact of
management information on decision making; LO2: Be able to understand the
importance of information sharing within the organisation; LO3: Be able use
information to inform and support strategic decision making; and LO4: Be able to
monitor and review management information. In order to achieve these learning
objectives, the writer has drawn upon from his practical work ... Show more content
on ...
3 1.1. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.3. 1.4. Data and information as source of management
information ............................................................... 3 Gathering management
information and making decisions ................................................................ 4
Environment Scanning
...................................................................................................................... 4
Management Information and Decision Making
.............................................................................. 5 Managing Information Systems at
DTZ ............................................................................................... 6 Strategic
Importance of Information management at
DTZ................................................................... 7
2. Understanding the importance of information sharing within the organisation
.................................. 8 2.1 2.2 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4. 2.3 2.4 Determining
Information need of users at DTZ....................................................................................
8 Sharing of Information within organisation
......................................................................................... 9 Information security
consideration .................................................................................................. 9 Ethical
Essay Comparison of Batteries
Lead Acid Cell vs. Button Cell Lead acid cells were invented in 1859 by the French
Physicist Gaston Plante, and are the oldest types of rechargeable batteries. These
types of batteries typically weigh at 5kg, but can range from half a kilogram to over
30 kilograms on the consumer market. Though their chemistry means a very low
energy to weight and energy to volume ratio in comparison to other modern batteries,
their ability to supply high surge currents means that the cells maintain a large power
to weight ratio. This makes them highly desirable for use in large appliances such as
motor vehicles, which require the high current provided by this type of battery. In
comparison, Button cells are much smaller than lead acid cells.... Show more content
on ...
Common anode materials are zinc or lithium, and there are a range of cathode
materials, including manganese dioxide, silver oxide, and cupric oxide. Of
notable mention is the mercuric oxide button cell, which was banned due to the
toxicity and environmental hazard of mercury. Reaction between silver oxide
(cathode) and zinc (anode): Zn + Ag2O ZnO + 2Ag These batteries are dry
batteries, and are created with the ideal of a long lifetime. As such, they rarely leak
if ever, and boast a steady electricity production over a long period of time. Both
Lead acid cells and button cells rely on chemical reactions for the production of
their energy. However, where a lead acid cell would typically use an anode and
cathode within a liquid or gel medium, button cells use solid anode and cathodes
which react with each other through a separator. This reflects their uses; where the
chemistry of a lead acid battery allows it to produce large amounts of electricity in
surges as needed to start appliances such as motor vehicles, the chemistry of Button
cells allows for a slow and steady release of small amounts of charge. Cost and
Practicality As was reflected upon under the chemistry subtitle, the batteries have
been designed, and retain their designs, to specifically fit their uses. Though the size
of the lead acid batteries does not allow for the powering of small portable devices
such as watches,
Case Study On Srinagar City
6.Case Study 1: Srinagar City
Srinagar is the summer capital of Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It lies in the
centre of the Kashmir valley on the banks of the Jhelum River. Geographically, it is
located 33°59 14″N to 34°12 37″N and 74°41 06″E to 74°57 27″E.
Srinagar is the most urbanized city in the state. With 98.60% urban population
(Census 2011) it is also the most urbanized district of J K. It is one of the major
tourist destinations in India with more than one million tourists visit the city every
year and the number of tourists has been on the rise. Srinagar urban agglomeration
has a total population of 12.73 lakhs with total city population of around 11.92 lakhs
and is spread over an area of 294 sq. km (Census
2011). Location of Srinagar city is shown in the Figure 8. Figure 8 Location of
Srinagar City (Humayun Rashid and Gowhar Naseem, 2007)
The city is located on both the sides of the Jhelum River. The river passes through
the city and meanders through the valley, moving onward and deepening in the Dal
Lake. A predominant section of Srinagar is occupied by Dal Lake where a large
population of the city lives and is dependent on tourism for their livelihood. The city
has evolved along the twenty kilometre stretch of river Jhelum. Srinagar has a well
connected road network system which has made it centre for administrative, trade and
... Show more content on ...
Most parts of the city are only about 14 feet above water level. Only areas lying
closer to the foothills and on Karewahs (plateau like terraces) towards north beyond
Naseem Bagh and towards Chadura on south have high contours. Poor loam is found
in low lying areas near swamps on the west, which restricts the vertical construction.
The Flood Hazard Assessment Map of the city is given in Figure
Conflict Resolution at General Hospital
Conflict Resolution at General Hospital
Christy D. Harris
Dr. Jack Huddleston, Professor
BUS520: Leadership and Organizational Behavior
August 20, 2011
Discuss the conflict that is occurring at General Hospital.
The conflict that is occurring at General Hospital is simply a case of making the
right financial decisions and man vs. computer. What I mean by that is, in trying to
make cost effective decisions on how to cut back on expenses they chose to replace
capable human beings that gave accurate results with a computerized system that is
not glitch free and has not been proven to give accurate readings and correct patient
information on the right patients nor was it approved by the ... Show more content on ...
He can then utilize the appropriate negotiation strategy to achieve a win win
situation. For example with the physician controlled cost being addressed step by
step, one physician at a time and the theory of cost containment steps that he
developed being also addressed his argument will then be capable of showing how
the hospital will still be able to function as if the old methods were still in place and
then show how the hospital would have a chance of turning things around. Then he
can format a plan of action that will help them achieve this goal. Once this has been
fully negotiated upon and an agreement has been reached he is then ready to present
the final plan of action to the staff (board) and began making the necessary changes.
Recommend a strategy for Hammer to resolve the problem.
Instead of utilizing the Distributive negotiations strategy with the good cop bad cop
approach that clearly didn t work, I would recommend the Integrative negotiations
strategy. This will allow all parties or departments involved to identify the problems,
assess alternatives, discuss the pros and cons, and reach an agreement between all
parties that would work for the hospital.
Sometimes management decisions and conflict resolutions are impossible to be
resolved by one or two individuals. Team work should always be an alternative to
find the answer in company issues on any level. Managers should have the knowledge
Tang And Song Dynasties Essay
Most nomadic pre Tang rulers = Buddhist; after Han fall пѓ Buddhist divisions grew
in China w/ Chinese qualities, esp. in Tang dynasty: strong socially, economically,
politically Pure land Mahayana Buddhism got many conversions bc it gave refuge
from war chaos Elites liked Chan (Zen) better bc of the meditation nature art; goal:
learn ultimate wisdom to get out of cycle of rebirth пѓ make poems like in the Hymn
to Wisdom пѓ emperor donating Buddhist monasteries; other emperors also sent
agents to India to collect texts relics; ordered Buddhist paintings statuary Empress
Wu donated a lot to build/improve monasteries pay Buddhist cooperation w/ huge
land; tried to get Buddhism to be state religion o Had huge sculptures of... Show more
content on ...
Yang Guifei (of another prince s harem) after 2nd wife died пѓ gave flute lessons to
Yang пѓ Yang = royal
Project Plan For A Project Management
Project Plan
Throughout the project, the Project Board uses the Project Plan as a baseline against
which to measure progress. As such, the Project Plan must contain the overall
schedule and cost of the project, as well as tolerances set by corporate/programme
management. The Project Plan also provides a high level view of the project s
management stages.
Stage Plan(s)
The Project Manager uses the Stage Plan as a baseline for everyday project
management activities. Each management stage on a project will have its own
Stage Plan, describing the products and resources involved, the quality activities
required, and time/cost tolerance levels assigned by the Project Board. The Stage
Plan is able to provide a lower level of detail than the ... Show more content on ...
Exception Plan(s)
Strictly speaking, the Exception Plan does not occupy any one level within the
project management hierarchy. Instead, it may be created if a Stage Plan or a
Project Plan goes into exception, i.e., if they are forecast to exceed tolerance levels.
In this situation, the Project Manager must submit an Exception Report to the Project
Board, articulating the details and impact of the exception, outlining possible
courses of action, and recommending one particular option for handing the problem.
If stage level tolerances are likely to be exceeded then the Project Board will make a
decision on the situation; if project level tolerances are forecast to be breached, then
the Project Board will escalate the issue to corporate/programme management.
Where necessary, an Exception Plan will be created in response to an Exception
Report, and if authorized, will replace the original plan, covering the duration of the
plan it replaces, from the point at which the exception was identified.
Developing Plans
The PRINCE2 planning method comprises seven basic steps.
(1) Designing the Plan
The framework for the Plan is determined in part by the standards employed on the
project, and entails selecting the appropriate format, layout, planning tools, estimating
methods, level(s) of planning necessary (i.e., Project, Stage, and Team), and
Brown And Levinson s Theory Of The Politeness Theory
2.1 Politeness Theory
The term politeness is defined as a verbal approach to maintain harmony between a
speaker and a hearer by reducing the risk of damaged face (Brown and Levinson,
1987; Clark and Schunk, 1980; Lakoff, 1973, 1977). Therefore, politeness has been
considered as one of the conflict avoidance strategies since it builds collaborative
social interaction (Eelen, 2001; Watts, 2003). For instance, when a speaker makes
request to the listener, the speaker will use politeness as a strategy to reduce threat to
the listener s face caused by the request (Clark and Schunk, 1980). In doing so,
speakers show their respect to the listener (Brown and Levinson, 1987). Furthermore,
marketing literature has identified politeness as a communication ... Show more
content on ...
Facework has to be performed either by the person whose face is being threatened
or by the offender in order to eliminate the risk of losing face. Goffman claims the
term to lose face as to be in a wrong face, to be out of face, or to be shamefaced. In a
situation where the provided information related to someone s identity does not
represent the line he is maintaining, he can be said to be in a wrong face. In a
situation where a person has not prepare for a line he is expected to take in
interaction, he can be said be to out of face. When a person is in a wrong face or
out of face, he will feel embrasse, humiliated, and ashamed as his reputation is
threatened. In contrast, when a person is in face, he has confidence and assurance
thus allowing him to talk fimly and present himself openly to
The Reggio Emilia Approach Essay
The Reggio Emilia Approach
Hailed by Newsweek (1991) magazine as the international role model for
preschools, the Reggio Emilia approach has caught the attention of early childhood
educators. In 1999, current Secretary of Education, Richard W. Riley visited the
schools in Reggio Emilia to better understand its benefits (Dunne, 2000). It s
principals are understood by only a few, however, and has limited following with
approximately 1200 Reggio inspired preschools in operation, most of them private
(Sipprelle, 2009), making the innovative ideas offered by this approach available to
only a few. Why have so few schools emulated those so successful in Reggio Emilia,
Italy? Is Reggio Emilia applicable in the American classroom? A look... Show more
content on ...
The land was donated and so was the labor. Many of the materials were recycled from
the ruins created by the war (Source, 0000).
While there is no fixed curriculum or one specific model to emulate, the Reggio
Emilia approach does have some essential components, some fundamental ideas about
how children learn most effectively. The utmost is the idea that the young child is
inherently competent not only as a learner but as an initiator. The child has
preferences and opinions that have value and should be listened to with respect and
care, knowing that they have much to offer their classroom community and
community at large. This pedagogy plays a large role in shaping the Reggio
classroom. It allows the children to pursue projects which are interesting and
meaningful and then allowing adequate time to follow those projects with passion.
The Reggio Emilia approach is an emergent curriculum because it is developed and
shaped by the interests of the child, through negotiations between the child, parents
and teachers. This is done in a Reggio classroom by in large and small group projects
in which the children engage. The projects involve planning, hands on activities,
research, and representation through a variety of visual media. The observant teacher
collects documentation which is a vital component of the Reggio philosophy in the
form of written anecdotes, samples of children s work, photographs and videos. This
information is used to reflect on the
Case Study Of Hyundai, S Korea Motor Company
According to the World Bank, Innovation in all its forms, in particular technological
innovation, serves as a crucial driver of growth, enhancing competitiveness and
increasing social well being in all economies worldwide.
In the aim of distributing knowledge for better understanding of how different
countries are applying innovation policies in different industries, this report we will
go through the industrial and innovation policies and practices of Hyundai, S. Korea
motor Company.
The first part of the assignment introduces a brief history of Hyundai, S. Korea
Motor Company, which is mentioned for the purpose of creating a baseline of
information to go along with. In the following section indicates the policies and
procedures along with ... Show more content on ...
Korea Company case study is based on the implementation innovation, which meant
to improve the overall performance and operations of this automobile company in
new manner of industry.
The top management at Hyundai Company has the responsibility for quality through
innovation rather than the employees and it is their role to provide commitment,
support, and leadership to the technical process along with human process for butter
innovative environment. Whereas the innovation initiatives is to succeed, the
management has to foster the participation of Hyundai, S. Korea workers in quality
improvement and create quality culture by altering attitudes and perceptions towards
quality in products and services.
While innovation is more technically complex and costly nowadays, many
breakthrough innovations do come from individual inventors and entrepreneur in
which called Creative Individual. The Hyundai, S. Korea Company is implementing
New Thinking, New Possibilities, in their trip to challenge
Jean-Georges Vongerichten s Life And Accomplishments
Jean Georges Vongerichten Despite his overwhelming name that seems to extrude
nobility and power Chef Jean Georges is a very down to earth and laid back
gentleman who collects vintage toasters. Born in the middle of March in 1957 in
Alsace France this future chef was destined to be a great Chef. With his earliest
memories with his family centering around food it is no wonder he became a Chef.
Growing up he was around his family run business on a daily basis. One of the main
reasons he fell in love with cookingwas watching his mother and grandmother in the
kitchen on a daily basis where they would prepare for, and feed, the employees of
the business. Each day they would prep and cook for fifty employees. On his
sixteenth birthday is when... Show more content on ...
In addition to earning three stars from the New York Times for his flavorful food
Chef Jean George also opened The Lipstick Cafe next door which served as a
breakfast and lunch destination. (Culinary Concepts Hospitality Group. (n.d.).
Retrieved August 12, 2015) Both restaurants eventually closed due to not wanting
to renew his lease. His restaurant may be gone but its impact will be known by
many for generations to come. The name Vong inspired an author of a famous
series. His menu items and his restaurant name were used to form the name
Yuuzhan Vong which was an alien species in the Star Wars novels which are very
popular. Chef Jean Georges was considered to be the Unites States answer to
nouvelle cuisine and can still be found in kitchens around the country today. Chef
Jean Georges claims to have been the original inventor of the molten chocolate cake.
This fact is disputed by many who claim that this dish already existed before his
claim. With over thirty restaurants to his name, multiple published cook books, and
leading a hospitality group Chef Jean Georges has influenced the culinary industry in
a major way. (JEAN GEORGES. (n.d.). Retrieved August 12,
The Evolution Of Quality Management
I always enjoy reading about the history of something because it tends to show you
the evolution of it. In this case, the evolution of Quality is there. In the definition of
quality in Chapter 2, Feigenbaum and Crosby both state what they think is the
contributing part of quality. Feigenbaum believes that meeting the customers
expectations is the key, while Crosby feels that if you put an impeccable product
out, then that s quality. However, Goetsch and Davis define a hybrid version of
Feigenbaum and Crosby s thoughts on Quality, which incorporate the constant
change that is the customer. The customer is the driving force that makes business
produce goods and services. Each era in the history of quality has its place. Lessons
learned along the way have shaped where we are today Quality Management. In the
craftsmanship era, businesses had relationships with their small town customers
who produced small scale personable products or services that could be shared
word of mouth. In order to take quality business into the future there had to be major
changes if companies were going to be able to produce quality on the global scale.
Quality managers tried everything from getting the employees to believe in their
work, receive awards, and incentives to do more with less. The history of Quality
Management has driven goods and services to be great, and change with the
customers expectations which continue changing.
Chapter 3: Quality management encompasses a combination of
Disability In Rheumatoid Arthritis
Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is characterised by synovitis, joint damage and subsequent
physical dysfunction. Assessment of physical disability helps in finding out the
extent of disease activity. (18) The scores calculated for this assessment correlate well
with the joint damage. Regular assessment of patient s status is also necessary for
monitoring the response of treatment.
Various assessment tools are used to objectively assess the disabilityin patients with
rheumatoid arthritis.
Cadena et al (19) carried out a study in Clinica Universitaria Bolivariana in Medellin,
Colombia with a sample size of 79 using Quality of Life for RA scale and
Rheumatoid Attitude Index. The study revealed that nineteen patients (24%) ... Show
more content on ...
Type 2 DM constitutes more than 95% of all adults with diabetes mellitus. India is
one of the centres of the global diabetes mellitus epidemic and has the second
highest number of people with the disease in the world (~69 million individuals as of
Diabetes Mellitus is diagnosed using the American diabetes Association ADA
criteria(37) (38). The established glucose criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes that
include the FPG ( 126 mg/dl) and two hour plasma glucose 200mg/dl during an
OGTT is still valid. Additionally, patients with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia
or hyperglycemic crisis can be diagnosed when a random plasma glucose is ≥200
mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L). HbA1C, which relects the glycemic status of 2 3 months has
been recommended for the diagnosis of DM with a threshold of 6.5%.
Long term complications of diabetes include microvascular and macrovascular
complications(39). These complications are mainly attributed to the duration of
disease and overall glycemic control. Micro vascular complications include
retinopathy with potential loss of vision; nephropathy leading to renal failure;
peripheral neuropathy with risk of foot ulcers, amputations, and Charcot joints; and
autonomic neuropathy causing gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and cardiovascular
symptoms and sexual dysfunction. Macrovascular complications include increased
risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular, peripheral arterial, and cerebrovascular
Celine Dion Research Paper
Celine Dion A diva is a very successful and famous female singer of popular music.
It is someone of great talent, vocal facility and an ability to convey the emotional
nuances of the music to her audience. Pop music is an umbrella term typically
applied to chart music that appeals to a wide audience. Pop also for many people is
deeply personal, it is the realm in which many of us make and discuss our first artist
choices as young people. And know I m going to talk about Celine Dionas one of the
best pop divas. Celine is a proud Canadian that is why she has sung her national
anthem at countless events. She is also a healthy role model for Celine Dion was
born in a large French Canadian family on 30 of March 1968 in the small French
town of Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada. She was the youngest of fourteen
children. Celine was grow up in a talented family, the music was all around her, her
mother played the violin and her father played the accordion and her brother and
sister sang and served at the tables. Here parent was owned a small piano par,
which she singed there for the first time when she was only five years old. So she
began singing at the young age of 5. At the age of eleven, Celine Dion recorded a
demo tape of a song that she had written it with her mother. Celine s mother and one
of her... Show more content on ...
Celine Dion dominated the pop charts in the 1990s. She remains a popular entertainer
and is the second highest earning musician in history. In 2007, Celine Dion released
some of the most adventurous music of her career on the album Taking Chances. She
really suffered personal tragedy in January 2016 when her husband and her brother
died of cancer just two days apart. By the End of February, she returned to the Las
Vegas stage and in May accepted the Billboard Icon Award at the Billboard Music
Awards. She Sang Queen s The Show Must Go On
To What Extent Did Alexander Ii Deserve His Title of the...
Does Alexander II truly deserve the title of liberator? To liberate is to set free (a
group or individual) from legal, social or political restrictions. There is evidence to
suggest that he disliked serfdom. Even his father, Nicholas I, believed that serfdom
was an evil palpable to all, and Alexander II was certainly even more liberally
educated than his father.
His arguably most fundamental reform was the emancipation of serfdom in 1861.
As he said, It is best to abolish serfdom from above than to wait until it abolishes
itself from below . This quote demonstrates his realization that reform was needed.
Many saw serfdom as Russia s biggest handicap in development into a new modern
era, to be the equal of other European powers. There ... Show more content on ...
Milyutin s reforms made the army more civilized and efficient the army was made to
be more accommodating for the soldiers with the army methods being made more
humane. This meant that training was made more relaxed and corporal punishment
was banned. Shorter services meant that the army was no longer seen as a prison life
sentence . The success of the reform was due to the efforts of Dmitri Milyutin, not
Alexander II, but overall successful nonetheless. Furthermore, the success of the
reform was not measured in the number of victories in battle, but the way in which it
introduced a sense of professionalism and discipline in soldiers. This gave birth to
modern military strategies and more effective combat tactics.
In 1864, Alexander introduced a modern western style judicial system based on the
French system that was aimed to be equal to all our subjects. The salaries of judges
were also increased, making them less likely to accept bribes, thus decreasing
corruption. Further reforms included the opening of courts to the public, which
drastically increased freedom of expression and opportunities of careers in law. As
historian Hugh Seton Watson argues, the court room was the one place in Russia
where real freedom of speech prevailed. However, the success of these reforms can
be questioned as the police of the Third Section could arrest people on demand and
political and military cases were soon
What I Know Who Gave The Girl My Number
I know who gave the girl my number, just not sure why. There s nothing I could do
for her that he couldn t. His badge out ways my magnifying glass and still he
insisted on me handling this. Was there an angle here? Something I missed,
maybe, then again maybe not. I m tempted to call him if only to grouch him out for
wasting my time, but I know he s at home with the wife and kids sound asleep.
After all the only ones awake at this hour are the hopeless and the drunk. I know
what category I fall into. Ricky s was a small bar on the edge of the red light
district. Nothing fancy, just good music and cheap whiskey. The hardwood floors
were spotless, stained with a rich coat of varnish and spilled Bourbon. The smell
of inebriation hung in the air, warm like honey. Sweet relief from the cold reality
that had been soaking its way through my clothes. The neon signs spoke prophecy,
Cold Drinks Here . The chosen one, I do my part to fulfill destiny. Rick, you still
open? Not even bothering to look up from the sink behind the bar, Now you know
damn well I closed two hours ago. I took my regular seat in front of the bar. The
wooden stool welcomed me back like a clingy ex girlfriend two days out from her
last break up. An embrace that felt familiar and foolish. Well then why is the front
door open? He grabbed me a freshly washed glassed and poured me something
strong and sweet. Because I know you, that s why. The drink wasn t top shelf but it
went down
Case Summary
Dawei ChenCase Summary Confucius, Machiavelli, and Rousseau According to
the Case context, we can find out many ideas about leadership. First, from the
great Chinese ancient philosopher Confucius that we can learn that a phenomenal
leader needs to love people and use virtue to rule a society. The ultimate goal for a
leader is to fulfill everyone s demand. In order to achieve this goal; a leader must be a
sage or at least a very wise man to set up a very extraordinary example for others to
learn. However, this opinion has a very obvious flaw that people cannot be as good
as he think and most people are selfish that this kind of leadership is not going to be
successful. Second, From the Machiavelli, we can acquire the idea which... Show
more content on ...
second, their leadership and opinions exhibit us a great culture diversity. In
Eastern culture in particular in China because of the long history, there were lots
of great leaders in their history; this situation establishes a social structure that
people prefer to have a great sage such as Confucius to lead their lives rather than
the social contract (law). Moreover, in this social structure, leaders need to be a
very excellent man to lead the direction of social development, but sometimes it
does not work very well because most leaders are flawed normal people. Compare
this circumstance to the Western, most Western states does not have such long
history this lead to a quite different situation. Even if there were lots of great leader
people still prefer to set a conference to discuss the social problems. This idea could
be dated from the ancient Grace. In recent period particularly in revolution era this
idea spread very fast and filled into people very deeply. This shows us very obvious
assertion that leaders need to use different strategies in different culture background.
Third, leaders need to combine different skills to achieve a successful leadership. In
human history, society are changing very fast, many ideologists and wise man once
gave us the idea that what is leadership. In my eyes, a competent leadership is a
combination of
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Essays On Generation Gap

  • 1. Essays On Generation Gap Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays on Generation Gap" presents a unique set of challenges, as it requires a delicate balance between personal experiences, sociological observations, and scholarly insights. Tackling this topic involves navigating through the complexities of intergenerational dynamics, cultural shifts, and evolving perspectives. One of the primary difficulties lies in capturing the essence of the generation gap itself – a phenomenon that manifests differently across various cultures, societies, and time periods. It demands a nuanced understanding of how values, beliefs, and communication styles transform over generations. The essay must delve into the intricacies of familial relationships, exploring the impact of technological advancements, changing societal norms, and the continuous evolution of individual identities. Furthermore, addressing the generation gap requires a comprehensive examination of historical contexts and their influence on generational attitudes. The task involves weaving together historical events, cultural movements, and societal changes to provide a holistic view of how these factors contribute to the widening gap between different age groups. Additionally, the writer faces the challenge of maintaining objectivity while incorporating personal experiences or anecdotes. Striking the right balance between anecdotal evidence and academic research is crucial to ensure the essay resonates with a diverse audience and maintains scholarly integrity. In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Essays on Generation Gap" necessitates a meticulous approach to blend personal reflections with broader sociological insights. The writer must skillfully navigate through the intricate layers of intergenerational dynamics, historical influences, and societal shifts to provide a comprehensive and engaging exploration of this multifaceted topic. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar projects, it's worth exploring professional services such as, where a range of topics can be addressed by experienced writers. Essays On Generation Gap Essays On Generation Gap
  • 2. Slaves Of African American Independence During the war of Independence, the slaves of African descent were led in many different directions. British was promising to free them and were not fulfilling their end of the deal, British was recognized as independent, yet they kept the salve owning exclusive. (Chasteen, 111); while in other places the slaves were being freed. In Brazil the emperor Pedro 11 freed his own slaves. Slaves of the African descent were said to know much more than other slaves, such as; they knew how to work with iron, they knew how to care and tend to farmlands and animals, overall, they had a lot of experience that they brought with them. Because of their worth the slave owners did not want give them up. Some of the slaves were even taught how to read and write,
  • 3. Quiz Show Identity Quiz Show, directed by Robert Redford, explores concepts of identity, work, money, and morality. Richard Goodwin, a young lawyer, investigates the potentially rigged quiz show, Twenty one, including one of its more recent contestants, Charles van Doren, a professor at Colombia and a member of a prominent intellectual family. Goodwin, an honest, uncorrupted, hard working man, is a foil to van Doren, who would risk his intellectual gifts for fame and money. Using Goodwin, the movie argues that integrity and honesty, as opposed to envy and greed, are integral to living a successful, purposeful life. Richard Goodwin, evident in the fact that he was first in his class at Harvard Law School and that he unwaveringly upholds justice, has developed a strong sense of identity which enables him to live a purposeful life. A sense of identity is a combination of personality, abilities, interests, values, and talent; Goodwin has discovered his interest and talent in law and his values of honesty and integrity have led him to discover and pursue his vocation as a lawyer to the best of his ability.... Show more content on ... He was successful both in law school and in his investigation of the Quiz Show through dedication, persistence, and interdependence multiple times he consults his wife and evidently respects her perspective in the fact he reaches out to her when under a dilemma. His work is focused and sincere; in a conversation with van Duren, he sees straight through to the cover of intellectuality into his evasiveness and, as a result, focuses on the true content of the conversation. He gets van Duren to pseudo admit that he would have accepted cheating on the quiz show. As well, through his persistent, honest work, as well as through his identity s ambiance, Goodwin convinced van Duren to do the right thing and admit that on television he lied. Goodwin s purposeful, sustained effort enabled his success in the
  • 4. The Qualities Of A Successful Investor Warren E. Buffett offers the following advice on the qualities of a successful investor. Buffett essentially suggests that a successful investor does not need an extraordinarily high IQ, exceptional business acumen, or inside information. To enjoy a lifetime of successful investing, you need a solid decision making framework and the ability to maintain your emotions. A successful investment strategy requires a thoughtful plan. Developing a plan is not difficult, but staying with it during times of uncertainty and events that seem to counter you plan s strategy is often difficult. This tutorial discusses the necessity of establishing a trading plan, what investment options best suit your needs, and the challenges you could encounter if you don t have a plan. The benefits of developing a trading plan You can establish optimal circumstances for experiencing solid investment growth if you stick to your plan despite opposing popular opinion, current trends, or analysts forecasts. Develop your investment plan and focus on your long term goals and objectives. Maintain focus on your plan All financial markets can be erratic. It has experienced significant fluctuations in business cycles, inflation, and interest rates, along with economical recessions throughout the past century. The 1990s experienced a surge of growth due to the bull market pushing the Dow Jones industrial average (DIJA) up 300 percent. This economic growth was accompanied by low interest rates and
  • 5. Uncle Tom s Cabin Thesis Research Paper Rough Draft Hot off the press, Uncle Tom s Cabin was simultaneously celebrated as an important accomplishment and slammed as untruthful fiction. This array of responses, combined with a plethora of repercussions, demonstrates how incredibly influential Uncle Tom s Cabin truly was. The book fueled anti slavery forces in the North while simultaneously igniting a fire of fury in the South; abolitionists, pro slavery advocates, and African Americans all emphatically voiced their opinions about the book and its anti slavery message. Additionally, Uncle Tom s Cabinhas often been associated with the beginning of the Civil War; it brought to light the fact that the North and South could not continue peaceably living in persistent disagreement on vitally important topics such as slavery. Through incredible storytelling abilities, Harriet Beecher Stowe conveyed to her readers the cruelties of enslavement, the injustices of numerous pro slave laws, and the desperate need for the abolition of thraldom in our country. Within a month of its publication, an additional 15,000 copies of Uncle Tom s... Show more content on ... Through the use of both general relatable themes and slavery specific themes, Uncle Tom s Cabin blew on the embers of people s emotions. Some of the general relatable themes included a mother losing her child, separation of family, economic hardship, and evil prevailing against the innocent. These different aspects made the book touch a very personal chord in the reader s hearts because every person can relate to these hardships. The slavery specific themes include characters openly arguing the causes of slavery, the Fugitive Slave Law, and the future of freed slaves. The book was also extremely graphic about how a number of slaves were cruelly treated and how inhumane the sin of slavery really
  • 6. Analysis Of Anselm Kiefer s Burning Rods The painting Burning Rods, made by Anselm Kiefer is very interesting all the way around from the materials that are being used to the message it gives. At first glance of this artwork, it looks like a piece of trash on a canvas because what the media it has on it. This painting is made up of oil, acrylic emulsion, and shellac on canvas with lead, copper wire, straw, iron, and ceramic (STL). This is a very interesting combination of media with a finished result of a texture and flaky looking paintingwith a gold and black coloring. In the center of the painting, there are some columns. This artwork like other major artworks has some elements that help the artist with the message. History is one of the elements that help with understanding why he created this artwork in the first place. Anselm Kieferwas born in 1945 in Donaueschingen, Germany, and he attended the School of Fine Arts at Freiburg in Breisgau and the Art Academy in Karlsruhe. His work has been shown in museums all over the world(GAGOSIAN). He does a lot of his work on German history particularly stuff on the Holocaust such as Shevirat Ha Kelim 1990(Art). .Buring Rods was created right after the nuclear powerplant meltdown in Chernobyl were there was a lot of destruction with several lives lost. This city now is now unlivable for a long while until the radiation levels go down (NWA). During this time the cold war was going on between the United States and Russia. These two countries were threating to nuke
  • 7. Coleman Hawkins Essay Coleman Hawkins I think he was the most interesting jazz musician I ve ever seen in my life. He just looked so authoritative . . . I said, Well, that s what I want to do when I grow up. (DeVeaux, 35) Cannonball Adderley said these words when he first saw Coleman Hawkins with the Fletcher Henderson band at the City Auditorium in Tampa, Florida. Just as Hawkins influenced one of the greatest alto players in history, he has influenced many people to become phenomenal saxophone players. Lester Young and Sonny Rollins both give tribute to Coleman Hawkins as being the proliferator of the tenor saxophone as a jazz instrument. (Kernfeld, 506) Hawkins, unfortunately, is labeled as a swing musician though; and while he did begin ... Show more content on ... By the time he was twelve he was already being paid to perform at school dances. He then went to high school in Chicago for, at most, one year before dropping out to attend Washburn College in Topeka, Kansas. He studied for two years at Washburn at which time he learned about harmonies and composition; which would prove to be of utmost importance to him and his career in later life. At seventeen, Hawk got his first regular gig in the spring of 1921 playing in the orchestra for the 12th Street Theater in Kansas City. That very summer, Mamie Smith and the Jazz Hounds performed at the theater Hawkins was working. After hearing Bean play, Mamie Smith offered him a job touring with her group. By March of 1922, the Jazz Hounds, now with Hawkins, were playing in New York at the Garden of Joy. Shortly afterwards, he appeared on his first recording with the group. Although his contributions are hardly notable throughout most of the album, he did get a reasonable solo with the tune, I m Gonna Get You. Hawkins and the Jazz Hounds toured across the country reaching out to California, playing in the musical revue, Struttin Along. The Jazz Hounds act was a mix of vaudeville and blues, as were most primarily African American groups in the twenties.(Sadie, 322) Hawkins role was a cross of the two styles in which he would slap tongue his saxophone while lying on his back with his feet in the air.(DeVeaux, 48) After the show
  • 8. Examples Of False God In Their Eyes Were Watching God Their Eyes Were Watching False Gods I am the Lord your God, you shall not have other gods before me. This is the first of the Ten Commandments. In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, we see many cases of false worship and idolatry. Characters in this book worship things like their own power, the different social hierarchies like race, sex, and class, and even challenge the strength of God. In the novel, Hurston uses the worship of false gods to show the battle of God versus Man, and to prove that God is more powerful. The first time the worship of false gods really appears in this story is through the main character Janie s second husband, Joe. Joe becomes a powerful mayor in the town of Eatonville, where he has ... Show more content on ... The story moves along and comes to the chapters involving the hurricane. This hurricane comes upon the town and moves everyone into a panic. The hurricane can only truly be seen as the power and the will of God. They huddled closer and stared at the door. They just didn t use another part of their bodies, and they didn t look at anything but the door. The time was past for asking the white folks what to look for through that door. Six eyes were questioning God. [...] their eyes were watching God (150 151). The mighty hurricane that has come upon them is symbolically the wrath, will, and power of God. All the men and women have had the Fear of God put in them. Later, Tea Cake decides to leave the shelter that they are in a head for Palm Beach in search for safety. Motor Boat warns him not to leave, but Tea Cake refuses. Ah m safe here man. Go ahead if yuh wants to. Ah m sleepy. [...] Good bye, then, Motor. Ah wish you all de luck. (155). Tea Cake decides to go out in the hurricane and head for safety in Palm Beach. Tea Cake thinks that he can withstand the power of the hurricane, or, more importantly, the power of God. This shows Tea Cake s false god; similar to Joe s false God, he worships his power and thinks he can overpower God. As Tea Cake and Janie travel to Palm Beach for safety, the come upon a cow with a dog on its back. The dog, to say the least, is not
  • 9. The United Nations Security Council In February of 2011, the popular protests that had spread across the Arab world in a matter of weeks reached Libya. Libya s Arab Spring was among the most violent. Peaceful protests that began on the 15thof February in the eastern city of Benghazi quickly escalated to violent reprisals by the government of Moammar Gaddafi. The crackdown by the Gaddafi regime was met with violent opposition and within days rebel groups forming in the east took the city of Benghazi and began to force the military westward. Libyas Civil War continued for eight months and with the help of NATO air forces the rebels succeeded in taking the capitol of Tripoliin September, effectively ending the Gaddafi regime s 42 year rule. The... Show more content on ... In June of 2011, the Office of the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court issued three arrest warrants for individuals accused of human rights violations during that spring: Moammar Gaddafi, Saif al Islam Gaddafi, and Abdullah al Senussi. In the aftermath of the rebel victory, opposition forces captured and killed Moammar Gaddafi on 20 October 2011, thus terminating the ICC investigations against him (Dicker, 2013). However the cases of Saif al Islam Gaddafi and Abdullah Senussi have remained in contention. The National Transitional Council (NTC), the temporary governing body of Libya, has appealed the admissibility of ICC jurisdiction in the cases against Gaddafi and Senussi in the ICC s pre trial Chamber. On 11 October 2013, the pre trial chamber judges at the ICC issued their determination that the case of Abdullah al Senussi was inadmissible before the Court (Bensouda, 2013). The Libyan government, in other words, have proved that they are willing and able to pursue an investigation against Senussi and the ICC terminated its investigation. However, in the case of Saif al Islam Gaddafi, the pre trial chamber judges ruled that the Libyan government had not satisfied the requirements necessary to rule the case inadmissible before the Court. According to an ICC report to the UNC
  • 10. My First Broken Heart One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. Bob Marley It was a humid summer night when I encountered my first broken heart. The wind rustled against the bushes that lined my front porch. It was humid even though the breeze was present it didn t give much relief. It was hot but the crickets still chirped, surrounding me with the songs of nature. It was completely dark but the black sky was the perfect canvas to display the stars. That s something I loved about my town, you always had stars. I closed my eyes and filled my lungs to their highest capacity. Slowly exhaling I turn my head slightly to focus on my driveway. The sound of my mom s minivan disturbed mother nature s lullaby. The car backed out of the driveway and down the neighborhood. That was the first time my heart was broken, that was the night my mom left. Walking into the empty house my dad sits motionless on the couch, the lights dimmed giving the living room an eerie feel. I look at him, drive? I asked. We hop into the jeep and drive for hours, emotionless. Neither of us talk or even make a sound all we do is listen to our favorite band, Red Hot Chili Peppers. This is how we cope. Some people cry, clean, write we drive and listen. I think art is inherently nonviolent and it actually occupies your mind with creation rather than destruction. Anthony Kiedis lead singer of Red Hot Chili Peppers. A year past and I was now a high school freshman. The first day of classes ended up being
  • 11. Examples Of The Salem Witch Scapegoats The Salem Witch Scapegoats The Salem Witch Trials began in 1691 when many young women began experiencing fits of hysteria and were labeled as witches. Although there were rumors of witches prior to the trials, the signs of hysteria that the young women were showing were like pouring gasoline to the flames that were already burning rapidly. What started with two young girls, who were relatives of Reverend Samuel Parris, became an epidemic in the town of Salem of people accusing each other of being witches. More than 200 people were accused of being a witch, and 20 were killed. These people are considered the scapegoats of the corruption that took place in Salem. Christianity was the main religion in Salem and they followed it rigorously. ... Show more content on ... There began the creation of a special court where more people were accused and some were hanged. More accusations came but without any evidence. Many of these accusations were done deliberately in order to gain power and land. The most notable death was the case of Giles Corey. Giles Corey was known for owning land, and was one of the few men accused of using witchcraft. The Corey family was accused of practicing witchcraft by Mercy Lewis stating I saw the Apparition of Giles Corey come and afflict me urging me to write in his book and so he continued most dreadfully to hurt me by times beating me and almost breaking my back until the day of his examination being the 19h of April and then also during the time of his examination he did affect and torpor me most grievously: and also several times since urging me vehemently to write in his book and I verily believe in my heart that Giles Corey is a dreadful wizard for sense he had been in prison he or his appearance has come and most grievously tormented me. It was shocking as Martha Corey had an extraordinary record of going to church. Giles was originally going to testify against his wife but later recanted his statement. He knew he was going to be tried as guilty no matter what so he decided to stand as mute and did not enter a plea. The reason why he decide not to enter a plea was to ensure that his property did not go to the government; he knew he was
  • 12. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Nausea What Does Nausea Feel Like One of the early signs of pregnancy is nausea, and many expectant mothers experience nausea during early pregnancy. Nausea is usually a common symptom throughout the first trimester or even longer, and it is typically the most complained about symptom that women report. Fortunately, even though nausea can be terribly uncomfortable, it is not harmful to you or your baby. Not surprisingly, first time mothers want to know, what does nausea feel like? What Does Nausea Feel Like? Nausea, or morning sickness , is usually worse in the mornings and can sometimes last all day. Pregnant women describe morning sickness as resembling motion sickness, indigestion, hunger pains, and dry heaves. Unfortunately for some ... Show more content on ... My husband was afraid to even approach me when I got sick, poor thing, he thought he was the problem. However the real morning sickness didn t start until after I was six or seven weeks pregnant, then I couldn t look at, smell, or eat anything for four months. But after thinking about it, I realized that odors were triggering my bouts of nausea. The smell of eggs and garbage was making me nauseous, and by simply changing the breakfast menu over to cold cereal with milk and emptying the trash every day, my symptoms became less intense and frequent. Gail 26 Why Would I Experience Nausea in Pregnancy? Nobody can say exactly what causes nausea during pregnancy. However, it is probably a combination of the many changes your body is going through and some of the possible causes could include: $Estrogen: The hormone estrogen increases rapidly during early pregnancy and may contribute to feelings of nausea. $Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG): This hormone also increases during early pregnancy, and especially if the pregnancy is with twins. While not much is known about its contribution to nausea, the timing suggests that it might increase a mother s sensitivity to it. $Enhanced Sensitivity to Odors: It s very common for pregnant women to be overwhelmed by certain odors. Culprits can include eggs, raw meat,
  • 13. Battle Of Tippecanoe Analysis The Battle of Tippecanoe was a significant battle between the United States Military forces and Native American Warriors associated with Tecumseh s Confederacy. Led by William Harrison, the United States forces primarily consisted of 4th Infantry Regiment along with the Indiana Militia and Volunteers from Tennessee. The engagement took place on November 7th, 1811, just outside the town of Prophetstown (Present day Lafayette, Indiana,), where the Wabash and Vermillion rivers meet. Through application of the principles of the Defense, the 4th Infantry Regiment and attached forces were successful in its perimeter defense and denied the Native American a strategic victory that would have assured Tecumpseh s Confederation momentum to generate... Show more content on ... To make Tecumpseh s Confederation ineffective, Jackson would systematically move and destroy Prophetstown, either by negotiation or lethal force. By attacking the and destroying the Native American central mission command center, Jackson believed the Confederation would lose support as the United States would prove their overall power and mettle. Jackson would also look to attack Prophetstown while Tecumpseh was recruiting additional tribes and absent, effectively neutralizing his leadership at the operational and tactical level. The United States enforce the previous treaties by occupying it s defined land, much to the disliking of Tecumpseh. For enforcement, The United States would employ a significant military force made up of regular and militia members, to ensure a presence and mount pressure on the Native Americans to come negotiate peacefully.
  • 14. Example Of Rapunzel Alternate Ending Rapunzel grew up pretty normal, as normal as as you could for being locked away from the outside world. Never being allowed to step a foot outside, let alone being allowed to venture down to the hospital mother Gothel worked at. All the young girl knew as the apartment she shared with Mother Gothel. She familiarized herself rather quickly with the layout of the apartment when she got old enough to be left alone. Learning every nook and cranny of the place, the only thing she couldn t figure out was how to escape the locked doorand make her way down to the hospital to see her mother. The older she grew the less time Gothel spent with her. Each time she left the apartment, she would be gone longer and longer, only coming back when she need a bone marrow transplant. Something the young blond hate more than anything in the world. You d think that someone who grew up getting them every month like clock work would have grown used to them, but no. She hated it and would probably hate it for the rest of her life. The only reason she didn t put up a big fight about it was because her mother needed the transplant to stay healthy. She didn t want to be ... Show more content on ... Not once, but twice. Today is my birthday. She nearly shouted at her mother. It s my 18th birthday, which means I can go outside. She spoke. Coming to a stop she began jumping up and down in place. Rapunzels mother on the other hand was not so thrilled with the fact, a panicked look appeared on her face but quickly vanished. No, Rapunzel. Gothel s slender hand reached out, grabbing hold of the bouncing girl to hold her still. You can not leave, the world is far too dangerous for a girl like yourself. Gothel spoke with a hiss, her fingers tightening around Rapunzel s shoulders. You are far to naive for this world. She tried her best to sound like a worried mother. Which worked. Rapunzel uttered out a sigh, her head dropping to the
  • 15. The Reasons Behind Police s Inability To Catch Jack The... The Reasons Behind Police s Inability To Catch Jack The Ripper Jack The Ripper was never caught, and his identity remains a mystery to this day. The police were unable to catch Jack The Ripper and solve the mystery of the Whit Chapel murders because of several reasons. The first reason is the police themselves. In London, there were two police forces. The Metropolitan police and the City Of London police. The murders took place in both of the jurisdictions. The police forces each had separate investigations going on and they did not share evidence or information with each other. This hampered their investigations because a vital clue being held by one police force may have linked in with evidence ... Show more content on ... Vital clues that could have led to the capture of Jack The Ripperwere overlooked. The CID, who were set up to investigate crimes like this, had only just been set up. They had very little experience of dealing with a serial killer, as this was the first one in the whole country. Because of this they did not know how to deal with the murders and how to catch Jack The Ripper and made mistakes that led to his escape. The police tried using undercover officers as bait. However, because there were no women on the force, men dressed up like women but this failed completely as the disguises were very poor. The police interviewed many witnesses over and over again. Many of these were hoaxes and the police wasted valuable time in doing this. The police also tried training bloodhounds in following the scent of Jack The Ripper, however this idea was soon abandoned as the dogs would not have been able to follow just one scent in an area that was full of different smells. The police also printed all the letters that were sent to them. This would have led to a widespread panic and would have made it harder to keep the murders undercover. They also took no heed to the warnings sent in the letters about the next victim, which led the killer being able to kill easily again. The note written on the wall was
  • 16. The issue of security has long been the preoccupation of... The issue of security has long been the preoccupation of international relations. It has been argued that there is no common concept of security and disagreement in the normative and methodological approach. In the simplest form, the core of security is survival, and consequently a lack of threat. In terms of international relations, the state has been the main referent object of security. Arnold Wolfers proposed the definition of security as the (security), in an objective sense, measures the absence of threats to acquired values, in a subjective sense, the absence of fear that such values will be attacked . In the traditional approach, threats to security comes from a hard power source and is framed through a national security... Show more content on ... For Ullman, a security threat was defined as an action or sequence of events that, (I) threatens drastically . . . to degrade the quality of life for the inhabitants of a state, or (II) threatens significantly to narrow the range of policy choices available. While the state remains the referent object, Ullman s definition alludes to the necessity of expanding the threats to beyond a military dimension. Under this understanding of security, a state faces threats from a range of sources; which include external and internal physical disturbance, but also events such as natural disasters, health epidemics and a shortage of raw materials. As the Cold Warwas winding down, the concept of a broadened or widened began to once again emerge in security discourse. The end of the Cold War signalled a paradigm shift in international relations for many scholars of security studies. Barry Buzan described the state of international relations in 1991 with, strong signs that the security agenda among the great powers will be much less dominated, perhaps not dominated at all, by political /military issue. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the risk of military conflict was seen as low risk. A notion reflected after a 1990 NATOsummit meeting resulting in a new strategic concept for the alliance, with stated, With the radical changes in the security situation...It is now possible to draw all the consequences from
  • 17. General Darby s Influence Great success comes from great leaders. One of the greatest military leaders in history, was a local Fort Smith native named William O. Darby. Brigadier General William O. Darby s life and leadership substantially influenced the United States Army in many ways. General Darby s creation of the United States Army, Army Rangers was perhaps one of the greatest attributes to the United Statesmilitary. William Darby s militaristic creation became incredibly substantial with the aid of the following influences: the world at war, new and elite soldiers, operational invasions, and a ceaseless legacy. An extreme turmoil had been taking place during the early 1940 s. The world was at war. Many young soldiers had grown anxious during this upheaval since ... Show more content on ... Efforts to inhibit the advancement of German troops led the North African invasion. Major efforts took place in halting German troops from occupying North African seaports. Spearheading the invasion in the Port of Arzew, Algeria were Darby s First Ranger Battalion. This was accomplished by executing a surprise night landing, silencing two gun batteries, and opening the way for the capture of Oran. A night raid was conducted in Tunisia in 1943. The execution of the night raid took place behind enemy lines in Sened Station. The purpose of this mission was to collect military intelligence in order to terrorize the enemy. While American troops tried to pass through a crucial mountain pass located in Djbel Ank, many soldiers were shot down. The First Ranger Battalion rucked twelve miles under night fall to the height of Djbel Ank through rugged terrain in order to surprise the enemy at dawn. Under the stealth of night, the Rangers were able to attack from the rear while successfully capturing two hundred prisoners, now leading the way for American troops to pass through to conquer in North
  • 18. How Does the Play Macbeth Follow What Is Expected in a... The Shakespearean play Macbeth follows what is expected in a Shakespearean tragedy by containing characteristics similar to all Shakespearean tragedies. These are the fatal flaws in Macbeth, the fall of noble, respectable man with great qualities, Macbeth, and Macbeth s terrible murder of the King in order to obtain the crown, which causes absolute chaos. Macbeth s character contains fatal flaws that cause him to do evil. These fatal flaws are a limitation to Macbeth s otherwise worthy character, and they include over ambition, greed, a power hungry nature and a weak will. For example, in Act 1, Scene 7, lines 25 28, Macbeth admits that the only reason he has to kill the king is ambition, which isn t a good enough reason. I have ... Show more content on ... This follows what is expected in a Shakespearean tragedy, as the play tells of the fall of a great man, who had wonderful qualities but by the end is no longer held in esteem. Macbeth s terrible murder of the King in order to obtain the crown causes absolute chaos and disturbs the Natural Order, or balance of the universe, and so he is punished for this. By murdering the king, Macbeth causes Duncan s sons to flee Scotland, allowing Macbeth to obtain the throne. This disturbs the Natural Order, as the rightful heir isn t on the throne, and slowly Macbeth pays for his evil deeds through his descent into evil. Macbeth is soon punished for all his cruel and wicked deeds, and his punishment is death by Macduff. Afterwards, the Natural Order is re established as Duncan s son Malcolm rightfully obtains the throne, but many lives have been lost along the way. For example, after Duncan s murder, his sons fear for their own lives, and flee to other countries. Let s not consort with themВ… I ll to England (2, 3, 131 133). To Ireland, I. Our separate fortune | Shall keep us both the safer. Where we are, | There s daggers in men s smiles; the nea er in blood, | The nearer bloody (2, 3, 134 137). Shakespeare uses a metaphor here ( daggers in men s smiles ) to show the fear and distrust felt by Duncan s sons fear for their lives, distrusting all those around them. Their flight leaves the throne free for Macbeth, who is given the title without question. The
  • 19. Analysis Of Harry Potter, Hermione, And Ron Hunt Down The... American author Deepak Chopra said, If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can t do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings, . For example, Mulan fought with her men to protect China, and Katniss fought for the destruction of the Capitol with District Thirteen. Also, Bilbo and Thorin and Co. fought to get their gold back from Smaug, yet the most important of all, the Arkenstone. In Harry Potter, Hermione, and Ron hunt down the Deathly Hallows. The similarity is high only because all hero stories follow the same monomyth developed by Joseph Campbell. Both the Arkenstone and the Deathly Hallows serve a purpose and are the cause of a quest; however, the Deathly... Show more content on ... Similarly enough, Harry also faces an opponent rivaling for the Deathly Hallows, and it is none other than Lord Voldemort. The reader knows this clearly when he states that, You Know Who s after the Elder Wand. (Rowling 431). The opposition, no matter what it is, if overcome will bring the same amount of value into whatever the hero and villain are fighting for. Furthermore, the Arkenstone and the Deathly Hallows die out. At the end of Harry s fight with Voldemort and the school year, he states that, I m putting the Elder Wand, he told Dumbledore, who was watching him with enormous affection and admiration, Back where it came from. It can stay there..., (Rowling 749). Considering that the Elder wand came from a tree and trees all start in the ground, one might infer that Harry has buried it or gotten rid of it in some way. Even though the Arkenstone wasn t destroyed, it was still made gone when, They buried Thorin deep beneath the Mountain, and Bard laid the Arkenstone upon his breast. (Tolkien 117). If the Arkenstone was simply buried in the mountain with no intention of being hidden, one might assume that a prequel would come where the Arkenstone would be made important again. In order for this to be avoided, the adjectives deep and beneath are added to show the foot down effect. The reader then knows for sure that the tales of the Arkenstone done, and their quest
  • 20. Malcolm X As A Transformational Leader From his troubled childhood to his politically powerful movement for Black equality, Malcolm Little, later known as Malcolm X, evolved into a transformational leader. The effects of his leadership were felt around the world during the 1960s. Americans were faced with great uncertainty during this time. For all minority groups in the United States, politics, the government and its laws, and society as a whole were changing drastically. In response to years of oppression, a collection of concerned groups formed the civil rights movement which rallied African American people together to fight for equal rights, access, and opportunities. Malcolm Xwas one of the most influential civil rights leaders of this era as the loudest voice for the African American community. His leadershipwas effective because of the way he utilized a radical idea to convert and influence his followers. Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska as one of eight children. He learned very early on the value of his African American history and culture. His father was a Baptist minister and an avid supporter of Pan African activists which attracted death threats and violence from white supremacist groups. He was later suspiciously killed and Malcolm s mother suffered an emotional breakdown and was later committed to a mental institution. Sadly Malcolm was displaced from his home and forced into foster care where he had no support system and felt the weight of white oppression daily. Nebraska
  • 21. Essay on China China The history of China is embeded with revolution and tension dating back to the feudal periods and the first unified Chinese empire under Qi Shi Huang Di in 221 B.C. The Confucianism ideology entrenched in the minds of the Chinese people with its conservative base and the need to achieve harmony in society has yet to be reached and most likely, never will. The proletariat is at the heart of the Marxist Maoist approach to politics and the basic way of life for the Chinese masses considering that ...roughly 85% of the population is based in peasantry... While Marxism, as implemented by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Nationalism have historically hindered the people of China; a growing need to conform to ... Show more content on ... The Chinese Communist Party was by no means a military power and it was unable to sustain itself and flourish in the Nationalist controlled cities. The Kuomintang, a nationalist party was set out to unify China under one central government. The KMT had in its possession adequate means to quash the idealistic CCP and did so on a number of occasions. Some of which led to rebellions such as the Long March led by Mao Tse tung. China, over history has experienced phases of both Nationalism and Sinocentrism, both of which can be damaging to a developing country attempting to compete economically in the global market. These ideas can relate back to the ancient religion of confucianism. Confucianism has been instramental in the shaping of China s leadership. Not only does it emphasize a rigid hierarchy kept in place by virtuous behavior. But it also holds that strict adherence to proper behavior actually leads to correct thinking. Accompanying Nationalism and Sinocentrism was rebellion and unrest. Twenty four historic dynasties followed a common pattern of development. At the beginning of a new dynasty, a period of national unity under virtuous and benevolent rule flourished and usually was accompanied by intellectual excitement. A
  • 22. The Bell Jar Research Paper Sylvia Plath s importance in American history stems from the literary eminence of her writing, and her works show the rigid conditions of mid twentieth century women. Plath s significance really comes from the ways in which she opened doors with her writing that prior to her have never been explored before. She was a feminist martyr who challenged a patriarchal society. She posed questions that no one else seemed to be asking about the role that I woman plays in society. Her book The Bell Jar, displayed a protagonist who struggled with basic questions about sex. Questions like, if I decide to have sex before marriage am I a bad person? Why can men have sex with multiple people and women can t? Sylvia Plath is still relevant today with adolescences.... Show more content on ... After researching the end of the book, the recognition of connections of all kinds became obvious, the electrocution of the Rosenbergs and the shock treatment at the end of the book have a metaphorical if not a realistic kinship. In the end the Rosenbergs just meant death to Sylvia Plath. I couldn t help wondering what it would be like, being burned alive, all along your nerves. The Bell Jar seems to be a realistic account of her own suicide attempt while she attended Smith University. Her use of sound, sensation and her poetic ordering of material all connect to the sensational details of her personal life or more specifically her death. The dark twist, as strange as it is, is the primary reason why readers find it so fascinating. Plath s actual biography provides a clear conclusion to the ambiguous ending of The Bell Jar, where Esther enters her exit interview at the psychiatric institution at which she has spent months recovering. Thats the temptation at least, to simply place Plath s life into the novel. However, it isn t certain that just because Plath ended her own life that the fictional character in The Bell Jar, was intended to mimic that same
  • 23. Comparing George Orr And Dr. Haber s The Lathe Of Heaven This essay illustrates the story of The Lathe of Heaven. This story revolves around the main characters of the story George Orr and Dr. Haber. Both are very interesting characters of the story. With the contribution of Dr. Haber story becomes suspenseful and he is the backbone of the story. Dr. Haber is described as a imposing and physically impressive person who likes to impose himself on other people. There is symbolism as well used in this story. Dr. Haber is described Just like a bear, that is large and physically impressive. He s actually scary because bears don t smile but they show their teeth right before they are about to kill. Irrelevant, said the doctor, smiling his broad, hairy, bear s smile, like a big bear god, buy he was still ... Show more content on ... Human brain can imagine anything and this illustrates that no problem is in this world is without solution. We just have to find the solution. Second thing is good or evil. They are totally opposite to each other and important too. Like in this world if we get sorrow or grief then on the other hand we get happiness, joy excitement. Good and evil coexist with each other. But Dr. Haber doesn t want to understand this reality and he just wants to make a perfect world but he forgets that even inside him evil and good exist. He wants to improve the world that is his good side but on the other hand because of his lust he is manipulating the things according to his wish to earn name and fame. But this novel ends peacefully where George takes control of his dreams and brings back he world on its natural course which makes him an unlikely hero in this
  • 24. Screening for Mental Health One evidence based intervention is designed by Screening for Mental Health [SMH], the program is called Signs of Suicide [SOS]. The Signs of Suicide program is an award winning program and it is also a nationally recognized program (). The Signs of Suicide program is designed for youth of various ages ranging from middle school and the way to high school(). This program helps students learn how to point out signs of depression and suicidein themselves or in their friends or family. This program recognizes the emotional distress that often follows the aftermath of a completed suicide. Suicide, according to the Signs of Suicide Program is both recognizable and treatable. A well designed prevention program can educate the youth on how to spot the warning signs of depression, in people they love. The Signs of Suicide Program provides everyday risk management tools and information to judge, prevent and respond to signs of suicide (). This program is split up into two different presentation groups; Middle school and High school students. This is because both programs are administered slightly different in terms of content. The high school program is appropriate for students in grades 9 12, and the middle school is designed for grades 6 8. In both the high school and middle school programs they stress involvement of peer and classmates as part of its plan to prevent suicide. Studies show that youth are more likely to turn to peers or classmates rather than adults when facing the
  • 25. The Movie Franchise Star Wars The movie franchise star wars has been around for over fifty years. It s a classic drama series about dark and light forces trying to get the best of one another. The Jedi and the Sith are both factions which use the essences of the universe in order to obtain their special abilities that they use to their advantage. The force is split between the Jediwho represent the light force, and the Sithwho represent the dark force. So which of the two, light or dark, is the better as seen in the star wars storylines. The Jedi seem to have the upper hand and here are some reasons why. The Jedi and Sith both use Lightsabers(Short swords made with laser energy) when fighting enemies or dueling with one another. They give them both huge advantages in battle, because they can use the force to detect where things will be before they happen. When they are attacked with a blaster or lightsaber, the laser it is deflected off of the blade. This also makes for some really spectacular duels between the two. So which of the two has the better lightsaber? Lightsabers are formed from special crystals which the Jedi or Sith have to meditate on for weeks on end until it can form a blade. The Sith made the their sabers with synthetic crystals that they had to put into a furnace whereas the Jedi used a special natural growing crystal found on Dantooine, Ilum, or the Adega System. When the blades are finally constructed, they have a certain color which corresponds to their personality. The Sith
  • 26. West Pakistan Genocide Kill three million of them, and the rest will eat out of our hands (qtd. in Hensher). In keeping with this declaration of General Yahya Khan, West Pakistani soldiers began a campaign in 1971 to torture and kill millions of Bengalis and Hindus in East Pakistan. West Pakistan had significant concerns regarding the unrest of the independence movement in East Pakistan, and had decided to halt the protests by force. After the first attacks at Dhaka University on the night of March 25, 1971, until the surrender of Pakistani forces to the Indian military on December 16, West Pakistan succeeded in their plan to inflict extreme suffering on the Bengali ethnicity. The East Pakistan genocide of 1971 involving West and East Pakistan was a result of the... Show more content on ... Instead of brutally exterminating nearly three million people, West Pakistan should have sought non violent negotiations to defuse the tense situation in East Pakistan. Also, outside powers such as the US could have discontinued their support of West Pakistan and condemned the horrific events in East Pakistan to discourage the perpetrators of the genocide. In the future, international cooperation and diplomacy must be implemented to prevent the extreme suffering of millions of people and halt the causes of genocide before murder and military intervention are necessary. Currently, one particular conflict strongly resembles the East Pakistan genocide, namely the war in Syria. The civil war in Syria has caused 60,000 deaths, mostly rebel soldiers and Sunni civilians, as the oppressive government of Bashar al Assad continues to halt uprisings and murder citizens (Genocide Watch). In order to stop further suffering, determined international negotiations and increased understanding between religious groups will be necessary. Situations such as the events in Syria often begin with events in which a group of people are viewed as inferior and unworthy of living. In the East Pakistan genocide, these events were evident through the statements of the main perpetrators such as Yahya Khan, as they portrayed the Bengalis as lesser beings and unworthy of living. In order to prevent senseless suffering and the countless loss of lives in the future, and also to ensure a successful and harmonious society, individuals must accept the differences of others, and regard all people as equally deserving of a fulfilling
  • 27. Kent State Shooting Essay At Kent State University in Ohio, there was several memorable events. Like the destruction of protestors launching a demonstration that included setting fire to the ROTC building causing the governor of Ohio to dispatch 900 National Guardsmen to the campus. On May 4th, 1970 was a tragic event for Kent State University. During that day an altercation occurred with twenty eight guardsmen opening fire on a crowd causing the killings of 4 students and wounding nine others. Almost 500 colleges were shut down due to this fatal shooting around the United Statesof America. The Justice Department initially declined to conduct a Grand jury investigation. The actions of the guardsmen had been unnecessary, unwarranted, and inexcusable. A Grand jury indicted eight of the guardsmen, but the charges were dismissed due to the lack of evidence. The Kent State shootings became the focal point of a nation deeply divided by the Vietnam War. Since the tragic event, the Kent State shootings were the subject of the 1970 song Ohio by the group Crosby, Stills, Nash, and young. Sadly, about ten days after the accident took place another one similar to the fatal event happened at Jackson State University, an all black school located in Mississippi. On May 14th, 1970 during a ... Show more content on ... This day a squad of British soldiers came to support a sentry who was being pressed by a heckling, snowballing crowd, which let loose a volley of shots. During the chaos three people were killed immediately and two died shortly after of their wounds. Among the victims was Crispus Attucks, a man of Black or Indian parentage. At the time British Officer Captain Thomas Preston was in charge and later was arrested for manslaughter. Following his arrest eight of his fellow guardsmen all were later arrested and after a while were all acquitted. The Boston Massacre is remembered as a key event in helping to galvanize the colonial public to the patriot
  • 28. Five Places To Raise Children Diapers, bottles, and milk are only a few of the things needed for babies. The list of things children need grows with them. With the decrease of the inflation rate this is great, expect this doesn t apply with having kids. They average estimated amount spending on one child is 13,248. Raising children in the east is more expensive averaging $14,310, while it is cheaper in the west coming at $12,171. The institute determined that in America, a two parent, two child family needs to earn $63,741 a year to secure an adequate but modest living standard. Not only can supplies and necessities add up, but the area where you raise your children could bump up the prices even more. The top five places to raise children are Stamford Norwalk, Connecticut,
  • 29. Summary Of Independence Is Happiness By Susan B Anthony Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony is a favored women who became well known over the world by ending women s suffrage and allowing them right to vote. She dedicated her life to conclude the period of racising women and children. During her moment while she was preparing and planning to make U.S, a better place, she faced a lot of barriers. Govenment officials and few men disagreed with the Anthony s arguement. Independence is happiness by Susan B. Anthony. Her quote has deep meanings. Independence is happy because imagine when a person has taken freedom from slavery, how would they feel? Happy? Delighted? Enthusiastic? It really depends. However, Anthony holds her frustration inside her feeling but she tries even harder to succeed in allowing
  • 30. Essay about Exploring the Possibility of Merit Pay for... President Obama s recommendations for the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) and his education plan include provisions to award merit pay to teachers in an attempt to obtain and retain effective teachers as measured by student academic achievement. These proposals are supported by budgeted funding for the 2011 fiscal year with additional funding included in the optional, competitive 1.35 billion Race to the Top Fund. A number of different merit pay systems exist. Some reward entire schools or districts when passing rates on standardized tests are achieved, while others reward individual teachers for passing rates. Some rely on peer or administrator evaluations and staff development as additional... Show more content on ... Students in economically disadvantaged schools are more likely to have teachers rated in the bottom quartile for teacher effectiveness as measured by raising student achievement (Education Equality Project, 2010). Previous Attempts at Merit Pay Traditionally, efforts to obtain effective teachers have focused primarily upon raising the entry bar via credential, licensure, or certification requirements. However, research has consistently demonstrated that credentials, licensure, and advanced degrees are of little value in predicting teacher effectiveness (Education Equality Project, 2010; Green Forster, 2008). The use of merit pay to obtain, retain, and affect student achievement is a lesser used, but not unknown, methodology. In the 1920s, 40 to 50 percent of all urban school districts adopted a merit pay plan. Interest waned and then resurfaced in the 1950s and, by 1960; one in ten public schools adopted a form of merit pay. Interest declined in the 1970s and rose again in the 1980s, and in 2010. Prior to the 1980s, research was primarily focused upon the difficulty experienced in defining and measuring quality teaching (Cohen and Murnane, 1985). Due to the inability to find reliable and valid definitions and measures of teacher quality, staff dissatisfaction and dissension was experienced when using merit pay plans (Murnane Cohen, 1986). In addition,
  • 31. Scarface The Shame Of A Nation Analysis Scarface: The Shame of a Nation (Hawks, 1932) According to film theorist Thomas Schatz, a genre approach (to film) provides the most effective means for understanding, analyzing, and appreciating the Hollywood cinema (Schatz vii). His approach to film is strongly supported by theorist Edward Branigan s and the narrative representation of character interaction (Branigan), and AndrГ© Bazin s arguments that the objective reality pressed against audience interpretation. Through the application of these theorists, this paper will examine Scarface: The Shame of a Nation (1932 it features Paul Muni as Tony Camonte, a recklessly ambitious gangster, bent on climbing to the top of his world, without regard for those who stand in his way. Camonte, at the top of his climb, is confronted by the police, ... Show more content on ... According to Thomas Schatz, in most gangster films, the genre dictates that the gangster always gets killed or goes to jail. There is nothing different that will, or should happen, and Scarface closely follows Schatz s model of Hollywood s genres. Schatz s model is concerned with the movie s alignment with classical Hollywood setting and narrative. This is an agreed conception of film and human life, that man is a being with the possibilities of success or failure. We also see that Schatz s way of thinking is how film and the settings of the culture are with in the film and what drives the film to its climax for the viewer, but at the end it does due what Schatz s talks about with gangster films. The film was an experimental type film, because from the point of view of Hollywood, the gangster must die or go to jail, we see the initial contact between the film and audience and the expiations of what is going to happen and even though the audience knows the end results . We did still watch to see what would
  • 32. How Does Holden Use The Red Hunting Cap J.D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye is the story of sixteen year old Holden Caulfield s struggle to connect with people after losing his brother several years before. Holden s brother s death caused a barrier in the understanding and connection between Holden and the rest of the world. As a result, Holden feels both alone and in need of security despite being constantly surrounded by the bustling crowds of New York City. Salinger uses and develops the red hunting cap to represent how Holden protects himself in The Catcher in the Rye. At the beginning of The Catcher in the Rye, Holden uses his red hunting cap as a form of protection from those who cannot understand his often misconstrued thoughts and what he has been through. Right after ... Show more content on ... Before Holden leaves Phoebe at home to go to Mr. Antolini s he recalls that, I took my hunting hat out of my coat pocket and gave it to her. She likes those kind of crazy hats. She didn t want to take it, but I made her. I ll bet she slept with it on. She really likes those kind of hats (180). Talking to Phoebe caused Holden to realize that not everyone in the world is a phony; some, Phoebe for example, are genuinely interested and understanding in what he has to say. Realizing that Phoebe loves and understands him, Holden subconsciously decides that her love is enough to protect him and he no longer has a need for the red hunting cap. When it starts to rain at the Central Park Zoo, Phoebe puts the red hunting cap on Holden s head, which he later recalls, really gave me quite a lot of protection, in a way, but I got soaked anyway (212 213). Phoebe puts the cap on Holden s head to try to protect him from the rain. When Holden says that the cap gave him protection, but he still got wet, he is referring to how Phoebe s love has supplanted the cap as Holden s protection. Holden s reconnection with Phoebe brings him a sense of protection in a way in which the cap never
  • 33. The Magus by John Fowles Essay The Magus by John Fowles The Magus, by John Fowles, is a six hundred and five page book, which I have read all of. It was copyrighted in 1965 by Little, Brown Company (Canada) Limited, and was dedicated to Astarte. John Fowles has written many other books, such as: A Maggot, Daniel Martin, Land, The Tree, poems, and literally dozens of others. The critiques of these books state they are all fiction, but are in a wide variety of areas. The main character, Mr. Nicholas Urfe, is extremely bored with life. He attended Oxford and taught for a year at a public school, before becoming an English teacher at the Lord Bryon School in Greece, on the island of Phraxos. Nicholas talked to a former teacher who warned him to beware of the... Show more content on ... Mr. Conchis and his female friends make a base for the plot to thicken. Watching them carefully will lead to whole new dimensions of this book. The many conflicts in this book include: Man versus man and man versus self. Man versus man can be displayed with the conflicts between Nicholas and Alison and with Nicholas and Mr. Conchis as they argue throughout the book. Man versus self is displayed with Nicholas contemplating suicide and trying to overcome his own illusions. The climax of this book occurs when Nicholas finds out that Conchis has been tricking him the whole time. I found many strengths and very few weaknesses in this book. It was written very well and is incredibly catching. The writer drags you into the book with his vocabulary and uses his many writing skills to walk your senses right through the book. Although his writing was fantastic, sometimes is seems a bit drawn out. Although this book was written such a long time ago, many of the lessons apply today! Its technology is something of the future and the plot is still being used today for TV shows, books, and movies. My favorite part of this book, was when Chonchis tells Urfe of his war experience and the writer explains how they stayed in a foxhole for hours while trying to survive. I like it the best because of the great detail the writer goes into in this part and I also have a fascination with war stories, so this was perfect for me. I
  • 34. Essay on Feminism Taken to Extremes in A Streetcar Named... Feminism taken to Extremes in A Streetcar Named Misogyny As women s studies programs have proliferated throughout American universities, feminist re readings of certain classic authors have provided us with the most nonsensical interpretations of these authors texts. A case in point is that of Kathleen Margaret Lant s interpretation of Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire in her essay entitled A Streetcar Named Misogyny. Throughout the essay, she continually misreads Williams intention, which of course causes her to misunderstand the play itself. Claiming that the play has proved vexing to audiences, directors, actors, readers, and critics (Lant 227), she fails to see that it is she herself who finds ... Show more content on ... Stanley s rape of Blanche is the action that sends him beyond the pale of civilized existence. That he gets away with murder hardly justifies his action; indeed, the audience s feelings of disgust with his character and his behavior are only heightened when he is left unpunished. Ironically, one of Lant s feminist mentors, Andrea Dworkin, whom she cites thrice in her essay, has written in her book Intercourse that there is nothing in the text of the play, despite the way it is sometimes staged, to suggest that she [Blanche] wanted it [i.e. to be raped] all along. In fact, there is a pronounced and emotionally vivid history of her wanting its opposite a sexuality of tenderness and sensitivity (Dworkin 44). Another of Lant s mentors, Susan Brownmiller, whom she cites twice in her paper, has written that Tennessee Williams has always treated the rape theme with sensitivity. Stanley Kowalski s rape of Blanche DuBois in Streetcar Named Desire is also no glamorization, for Blanche, however damaged, represents fragility and aspiration while Stanley is symbolic of the darker forces of nihilism (Brownmiller 337, footnote). It is ironic that Lant should so differ in her interpretation of the play from two of her feminist mentors. Lant is trying, perhaps, to out Herodias Herodias. After the rape, again in Lant s opinion, Blanche is no longer fully human, but is simply a metaphor for all that is vile about women. But in the relationship between
  • 35. What Are Tacitus Motivations For Writing The Annals What are Tacitus reasons (both explicit and implicit) for writing The Annals? Tacitus motivations for writing The Annals are multifaceted. First, he was promoting the stance that the empire, despite its shortcomings, was necessary for the stability of Rome at the time. Secondly, he wanted to give an honest and fair account of Rome during the reigns of four emperors of the principate: Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius and Nero. A republic, like Rome, moves at a maddeningly slow pace. Legislation is put through a system of checks and balances where rivals debate ad nauseum over proposed policies. In a perfect world, this ensures that only which is most beneficial for the state and her peoples becomes a reality. A Tyrant, however, can accomplish a great deal in only a short amount of time. A good leader, like Augustus, can propel his people forward unhindered by the chains of a republic. The Roman people, according to Tacitus: prefered the security of the current regime to the dangers of old (Yardley 2008, 3). Even if it lacked freedom, many were willing to submit to an empire if it meant stability and security. Tacitus begins The Annals with a brief description of Augustus ascension and reign. While not a central figure to The Annals, Augustus is important because he is the originator of the principate that it revolves around. Before Augustus, Rome was a republic embroiled in civil war, turmoil, and on the path of destruction. August brought that unrest to heel and tamed Rome
  • 36. Free Will And Determinism In Groundhog Day In the award winning movie Groundhog Day, we are presented with a peculiar situation where Phil (Bill Murray) relives the same day over and over. As the film progresses Phil is fathomed by the events occurring and lives out each day as he pleases. Correspondingly, there are zero consequences for his actions. Death, crime nor love has the ability to change the never ending DГ©jГ vu that Phil relives every day. At the same time; Phil has no free will in reliving Groundhog day, but does he have free will on his actions and how he spends his time on that day? Or is each action pre determined? These are interesting concepts that will bring us to the issues that will be discussed throughout this paper. Do we truly have free will on our actions or are they previously determined for us? Free will and Determinism offer us different views on how we can perceive the ultimate course of our actions and life.... Show more content on ... Free will is the philosophical idea that we have the power to think, choose and act voluntary without any external factors. To believe in free will one believes that we are agents who are capable of making decisions that can alter our course of action regardless of external factors and antecedent conditions. Do not confuse free will with political freedom, which is called liberty. In 1924, two Chicago teenagers, Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold kidnapped and murdered a boy named Bobby Franks. Loeb and Leopold were two bright college graduates with what looked like very promising futures. With this in mind; why would two bright young men commit such an act? When asked their response was just to prove they could . To prove that they could ;indeed, do any action they aspired to do on their own free will. To defend the young men their parents hired Clarence Darrow; which at the time, was one of the most famous and well known lawyers. Darrow once said to a group of inmates
  • 37. Strategic Information Management CMI Level 7 Diploma: Unit 7004 Main Assignment Introduction: The following assignment explores the importance of using information to inform and support strategic decision making to achieve organisational goals and objectives as set out by unit learning outcomes (LO) pertaining to this unit 7004. These four learning outcomes are to: LO1: Be able to understand the impact of management information on decision making; LO2: Be able to understand the importance of information sharing within the organisation; LO3: Be able use information to inform and support strategic decision making; and LO4: Be able to monitor and review management information. In order to achieve these learning objectives, the writer has drawn upon from his practical work ... Show more content on ... 3 1.1. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.3. 1.4. Data and information as source of management information ............................................................... 3 Gathering management information and making decisions ................................................................ 4 Environment Scanning ...................................................................................................................... 4 Management Information and Decision Making .............................................................................. 5 Managing Information Systems at DTZ ............................................................................................... 6 Strategic Importance of Information management at DTZ................................................................... 7 2. Understanding the importance of information sharing within the organisation .................................. 8 2.1 2.2 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2.4. 2.3 2.4 Determining Information need of users at DTZ.................................................................................... 8 Sharing of Information within organisation ......................................................................................... 9 Information security consideration .................................................................................................. 9 Ethical Consideration
  • 38. Essay Comparison of Batteries Lead Acid Cell vs. Button Cell Lead acid cells were invented in 1859 by the French Physicist Gaston Plante, and are the oldest types of rechargeable batteries. These types of batteries typically weigh at 5kg, but can range from half a kilogram to over 30 kilograms on the consumer market. Though their chemistry means a very low energy to weight and energy to volume ratio in comparison to other modern batteries, their ability to supply high surge currents means that the cells maintain a large power to weight ratio. This makes them highly desirable for use in large appliances such as motor vehicles, which require the high current provided by this type of battery. In comparison, Button cells are much smaller than lead acid cells.... Show more content on ... Common anode materials are zinc or lithium, and there are a range of cathode materials, including manganese dioxide, silver oxide, and cupric oxide. Of notable mention is the mercuric oxide button cell, which was banned due to the toxicity and environmental hazard of mercury. Reaction between silver oxide (cathode) and zinc (anode): Zn + Ag2O ZnO + 2Ag These batteries are dry batteries, and are created with the ideal of a long lifetime. As such, they rarely leak if ever, and boast a steady electricity production over a long period of time. Both Lead acid cells and button cells rely on chemical reactions for the production of their energy. However, where a lead acid cell would typically use an anode and cathode within a liquid or gel medium, button cells use solid anode and cathodes which react with each other through a separator. This reflects their uses; where the chemistry of a lead acid battery allows it to produce large amounts of electricity in surges as needed to start appliances such as motor vehicles, the chemistry of Button cells allows for a slow and steady release of small amounts of charge. Cost and Practicality As was reflected upon under the chemistry subtitle, the batteries have been designed, and retain their designs, to specifically fit their uses. Though the size of the lead acid batteries does not allow for the powering of small portable devices such as watches,
  • 39. Case Study On Srinagar City 6.Case Study 1: Srinagar City Srinagar is the summer capital of Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It lies in the centre of the Kashmir valley on the banks of the Jhelum River. Geographically, it is located 33В°59 14″N to 34В°12 37″N and 74В°41 06″E to 74В°57 27″E. Srinagar is the most urbanized city in the state. With 98.60% urban population (Census 2011) it is also the most urbanized district of J K. It is one of the major tourist destinations in India with more than one million tourists visit the city every year and the number of tourists has been on the rise. Srinagar urban agglomeration has a total population of 12.73 lakhs with total city population of around 11.92 lakhs and is spread over an area of 294 sq. km (Census 2011). Location of Srinagar city is shown in the Figure 8. Figure 8 Location of Srinagar City (Humayun Rashid and Gowhar Naseem, 2007) The city is located on both the sides of the Jhelum River. The river passes through the city and meanders through the valley, moving onward and deepening in the Dal Lake. A predominant section of Srinagar is occupied by Dal Lake where a large population of the city lives and is dependent on tourism for their livelihood. The city has evolved along the twenty kilometre stretch of river Jhelum. Srinagar has a well connected road network system which has made it centre for administrative, trade and ... Show more content on ... Most parts of the city are only about 14 feet above water level. Only areas lying closer to the foothills and on Karewahs (plateau like terraces) towards north beyond Naseem Bagh and towards Chadura on south have high contours. Poor loam is found in low lying areas near swamps on the west, which restricts the vertical construction. The Flood Hazard Assessment Map of the city is given in Figure
  • 40. Conflict Resolution at General Hospital Conflict Resolution at General Hospital Christy D. Harris Dr. Jack Huddleston, Professor BUS520: Leadership and Organizational Behavior August 20, 2011 Discuss the conflict that is occurring at General Hospital. The conflict that is occurring at General Hospital is simply a case of making the right financial decisions and man vs. computer. What I mean by that is, in trying to make cost effective decisions on how to cut back on expenses they chose to replace capable human beings that gave accurate results with a computerized system that is not glitch free and has not been proven to give accurate readings and correct patient information on the right patients nor was it approved by the ... Show more content on ... He can then utilize the appropriate negotiation strategy to achieve a win win situation. For example with the physician controlled cost being addressed step by step, one physician at a time and the theory of cost containment steps that he developed being also addressed his argument will then be capable of showing how the hospital will still be able to function as if the old methods were still in place and then show how the hospital would have a chance of turning things around. Then he can format a plan of action that will help them achieve this goal. Once this has been fully negotiated upon and an agreement has been reached he is then ready to present the final plan of action to the staff (board) and began making the necessary changes. Recommend a strategy for Hammer to resolve the problem. Instead of utilizing the Distributive negotiations strategy with the good cop bad cop approach that clearly didn t work, I would recommend the Integrative negotiations strategy. This will allow all parties or departments involved to identify the problems, assess alternatives, discuss the pros and cons, and reach an agreement between all parties that would work for the hospital. Sometimes management decisions and conflict resolutions are impossible to be resolved by one or two individuals. Team work should always be an alternative to find the answer in company issues on any level. Managers should have the knowledge true
  • 41. Tang And Song Dynasties Essay Most nomadic pre Tang rulers = Buddhist; after Han fall пѓ Buddhist divisions grew in China w/ Chinese qualities, esp. in Tang dynasty: strong socially, economically, politically Pure land Mahayana Buddhism got many conversions bc it gave refuge from war chaos Elites liked Chan (Zen) better bc of the meditation nature art; goal: learn ultimate wisdom to get out of cycle of rebirth пѓ make poems like in the Hymn to Wisdom пѓ emperor donating Buddhist monasteries; other emperors also sent agents to India to collect texts relics; ordered Buddhist paintings statuary Empress Wu donated a lot to build/improve monasteries pay Buddhist cooperation w/ huge land; tried to get Buddhism to be state religion o Had huge sculptures of... Show more content on ... Yang Guifei (of another prince s harem) after 2nd wife died пѓ gave flute lessons to Yang пѓ Yang = royal
  • 42. Project Plan For A Project Management Project Plan Throughout the project, the Project Board uses the Project Plan as a baseline against which to measure progress. As such, the Project Plan must contain the overall schedule and cost of the project, as well as tolerances set by corporate/programme management. The Project Plan also provides a high level view of the project s management stages. Stage Plan(s) The Project Manager uses the Stage Plan as a baseline for everyday project management activities. Each management stage on a project will have its own Stage Plan, describing the products and resources involved, the quality activities required, and time/cost tolerance levels assigned by the Project Board. The Stage Plan is able to provide a lower level of detail than the ... Show more content on ... Exception Plan(s) Strictly speaking, the Exception Plan does not occupy any one level within the project management hierarchy. Instead, it may be created if a Stage Plan or a Project Plan goes into exception, i.e., if they are forecast to exceed tolerance levels. In this situation, the Project Manager must submit an Exception Report to the Project Board, articulating the details and impact of the exception, outlining possible courses of action, and recommending one particular option for handing the problem. If stage level tolerances are likely to be exceeded then the Project Board will make a decision on the situation; if project level tolerances are forecast to be breached, then the Project Board will escalate the issue to corporate/programme management. Where necessary, an Exception Plan will be created in response to an Exception Report, and if authorized, will replace the original plan, covering the duration of the plan it replaces, from the point at which the exception was identified. Developing Plans The PRINCE2 planning method comprises seven basic steps. (1) Designing the Plan The framework for the Plan is determined in part by the standards employed on the project, and entails selecting the appropriate format, layout, planning tools, estimating methods, level(s) of planning necessary (i.e., Project, Stage, and Team), and monitoring
  • 43. Brown And Levinson s Theory Of The Politeness Theory 2.1 Politeness Theory The term politeness is defined as a verbal approach to maintain harmony between a speaker and a hearer by reducing the risk of damaged face (Brown and Levinson, 1987; Clark and Schunk, 1980; Lakoff, 1973, 1977). Therefore, politeness has been considered as one of the conflict avoidance strategies since it builds collaborative social interaction (Eelen, 2001; Watts, 2003). For instance, when a speaker makes request to the listener, the speaker will use politeness as a strategy to reduce threat to the listener s face caused by the request (Clark and Schunk, 1980). In doing so, speakers show their respect to the listener (Brown and Levinson, 1987). Furthermore, marketing literature has identified politeness as a communication ... Show more content on ... Facework has to be performed either by the person whose face is being threatened or by the offender in order to eliminate the risk of losing face. Goffman claims the term to lose face as to be in a wrong face, to be out of face, or to be shamefaced. In a situation where the provided information related to someone s identity does not represent the line he is maintaining, he can be said to be in a wrong face. In a situation where a person has not prepare for a line he is expected to take in interaction, he can be said be to out of face. When a person is in a wrong face or out of face, he will feel embrasse, humiliated, and ashamed as his reputation is threatened. In contrast, when a person is in face, he has confidence and assurance thus allowing him to talk fimly and present himself openly to
  • 44. The Reggio Emilia Approach Essay The Reggio Emilia Approach Hailed by Newsweek (1991) magazine as the international role model for preschools, the Reggio Emilia approach has caught the attention of early childhood educators. In 1999, current Secretary of Education, Richard W. Riley visited the schools in Reggio Emilia to better understand its benefits (Dunne, 2000). It s principals are understood by only a few, however, and has limited following with approximately 1200 Reggio inspired preschools in operation, most of them private (Sipprelle, 2009), making the innovative ideas offered by this approach available to only a few. Why have so few schools emulated those so successful in Reggio Emilia, Italy? Is Reggio Emilia applicable in the American classroom? A look... Show more content on ... The land was donated and so was the labor. Many of the materials were recycled from the ruins created by the war (Source, 0000). While there is no fixed curriculum or one specific model to emulate, the Reggio Emilia approach does have some essential components, some fundamental ideas about how children learn most effectively. The utmost is the idea that the young child is inherently competent not only as a learner but as an initiator. The child has preferences and opinions that have value and should be listened to with respect and care, knowing that they have much to offer their classroom community and community at large. This pedagogy plays a large role in shaping the Reggio classroom. It allows the children to pursue projects which are interesting and meaningful and then allowing adequate time to follow those projects with passion. The Reggio Emilia approach is an emergent curriculum because it is developed and shaped by the interests of the child, through negotiations between the child, parents and teachers. This is done in a Reggio classroom by in large and small group projects in which the children engage. The projects involve planning, hands on activities, research, and representation through a variety of visual media. The observant teacher collects documentation which is a vital component of the Reggio philosophy in the form of written anecdotes, samples of children s work, photographs and videos. This information is used to reflect on the
  • 45. Case Study Of Hyundai, S Korea Motor Company According to the World Bank, Innovation in all its forms, in particular technological innovation, serves as a crucial driver of growth, enhancing competitiveness and increasing social well being in all economies worldwide. In the aim of distributing knowledge for better understanding of how different countries are applying innovation policies in different industries, this report we will go through the industrial and innovation policies and practices of Hyundai, S. Korea motor Company. The first part of the assignment introduces a brief history of Hyundai, S. Korea Motor Company, which is mentioned for the purpose of creating a baseline of information to go along with. In the following section indicates the policies and procedures along with ... Show more content on ... Korea Company case study is based on the implementation innovation, which meant to improve the overall performance and operations of this automobile company in new manner of industry. The top management at Hyundai Company has the responsibility for quality through innovation rather than the employees and it is their role to provide commitment, support, and leadership to the technical process along with human process for butter innovative environment. Whereas the innovation initiatives is to succeed, the management has to foster the participation of Hyundai, S. Korea workers in quality improvement and create quality culture by altering attitudes and perceptions towards quality in products and services. While innovation is more technically complex and costly nowadays, many breakthrough innovations do come from individual inventors and entrepreneur in which called Creative Individual. The Hyundai, S. Korea Company is implementing New Thinking, New Possibilities, in their trip to challenge
  • 46. Jean-Georges Vongerichten s Life And Accomplishments Jean Georges Vongerichten Despite his overwhelming name that seems to extrude nobility and power Chef Jean Georges is a very down to earth and laid back gentleman who collects vintage toasters. Born in the middle of March in 1957 in Alsace France this future chef was destined to be a great Chef. With his earliest memories with his family centering around food it is no wonder he became a Chef. Growing up he was around his family run business on a daily basis. One of the main reasons he fell in love with cookingwas watching his mother and grandmother in the kitchen on a daily basis where they would prepare for, and feed, the employees of the business. Each day they would prep and cook for fifty employees. On his sixteenth birthday is when... Show more content on ... In addition to earning three stars from the New York Times for his flavorful food Chef Jean George also opened The Lipstick Cafe next door which served as a breakfast and lunch destination. (Culinary Concepts Hospitality Group. (n.d.). Retrieved August 12, 2015) Both restaurants eventually closed due to not wanting to renew his lease. His restaurant may be gone but its impact will be known by many for generations to come. The name Vong inspired an author of a famous series. His menu items and his restaurant name were used to form the name Yuuzhan Vong which was an alien species in the Star Wars novels which are very popular. Chef Jean Georges was considered to be the Unites States answer to nouvelle cuisine and can still be found in kitchens around the country today. Chef Jean Georges claims to have been the original inventor of the molten chocolate cake. This fact is disputed by many who claim that this dish already existed before his claim. With over thirty restaurants to his name, multiple published cook books, and leading a hospitality group Chef Jean Georges has influenced the culinary industry in a major way. (JEAN GEORGES. (n.d.). Retrieved August 12,
  • 47. The Evolution Of Quality Management I always enjoy reading about the history of something because it tends to show you the evolution of it. In this case, the evolution of Quality is there. In the definition of quality in Chapter 2, Feigenbaum and Crosby both state what they think is the contributing part of quality. Feigenbaum believes that meeting the customers expectations is the key, while Crosby feels that if you put an impeccable product out, then that s quality. However, Goetsch and Davis define a hybrid version of Feigenbaum and Crosby s thoughts on Quality, which incorporate the constant change that is the customer. The customer is the driving force that makes business produce goods and services. Each era in the history of quality has its place. Lessons learned along the way have shaped where we are today Quality Management. In the craftsmanship era, businesses had relationships with their small town customers who produced small scale personable products or services that could be shared word of mouth. In order to take quality business into the future there had to be major changes if companies were going to be able to produce quality on the global scale. Quality managers tried everything from getting the employees to believe in their work, receive awards, and incentives to do more with less. The history of Quality Management has driven goods and services to be great, and change with the customers expectations which continue changing. Chapter 3: Quality management encompasses a combination of
  • 48. Disability In Rheumatoid Arthritis Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is characterised by synovitis, joint damage and subsequent physical dysfunction. Assessment of physical disability helps in finding out the extent of disease activity. (18) The scores calculated for this assessment correlate well with the joint damage. Regular assessment of patient s status is also necessary for monitoring the response of treatment. Various assessment tools are used to objectively assess the disabilityin patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Cadena et al (19) carried out a study in Clinica Universitaria Bolivariana in Medellin, Colombia with a sample size of 79 using Quality of Life for RA scale and Rheumatoid Attitude Index. The study revealed that nineteen patients (24%) ... Show more content on ... Type 2 DM constitutes more than 95% of all adults with diabetes mellitus. India is one of the centres of the global diabetes mellitus epidemic and has the second highest number of people with the disease in the world (~69 million individuals as of 2015)(36) Diabetes Mellitus is diagnosed using the American diabetes Association ADA criteria(37) (38). The established glucose criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes that include the FPG ( 126 mg/dl) and two hour plasma glucose 200mg/dl during an OGTT is still valid. Additionally, patients with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis can be diagnosed when a random plasma glucose is ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L). HbA1C, which relects the glycemic status of 2 3 months has been recommended for the diagnosis of DM with a threshold of 6.5%. Long term complications of diabetes include microvascular and macrovascular complications(39). These complications are mainly attributed to the duration of disease and overall glycemic control. Micro vascular complications include retinopathy with potential loss of vision; nephropathy leading to renal failure; peripheral neuropathy with risk of foot ulcers, amputations, and Charcot joints; and autonomic neuropathy causing gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and cardiovascular symptoms and sexual dysfunction. Macrovascular complications include increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular, peripheral arterial, and cerebrovascular
  • 49. Celine Dion Research Paper Celine Dion A diva is a very successful and famous female singer of popular music. It is someone of great talent, vocal facility and an ability to convey the emotional nuances of the music to her audience. Pop music is an umbrella term typically applied to chart music that appeals to a wide audience. Pop also for many people is deeply personal, it is the realm in which many of us make and discuss our first artist choices as young people. And know I m going to talk about Celine Dionas one of the best pop divas. Celine is a proud Canadian that is why she has sung her national anthem at countless events. She is also a healthy role model for Celine Dion was born in a large French Canadian family on 30 of March 1968 in the small French town of Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada. She was the youngest of fourteen children. Celine was grow up in a talented family, the music was all around her, her mother played the violin and her father played the accordion and her brother and sister sang and served at the tables. Here parent was owned a small piano par, which she singed there for the first time when she was only five years old. So she began singing at the young age of 5. At the age of eleven, Celine Dion recorded a demo tape of a song that she had written it with her mother. Celine s mother and one of her... Show more content on ... Celine Dion dominated the pop charts in the 1990s. She remains a popular entertainer and is the second highest earning musician in history. In 2007, Celine Dion released some of the most adventurous music of her career on the album Taking Chances. She really suffered personal tragedy in January 2016 when her husband and her brother died of cancer just two days apart. By the End of February, she returned to the Las Vegas stage and in May accepted the Billboard Icon Award at the Billboard Music Awards. She Sang Queen s The Show Must Go On
  • 50. To What Extent Did Alexander Ii Deserve His Title of the... Does Alexander II truly deserve the title of liberator? To liberate is to set free (a group or individual) from legal, social or political restrictions. There is evidence to suggest that he disliked serfdom. Even his father, Nicholas I, believed that serfdom was an evil palpable to all, and Alexander II was certainly even more liberally educated than his father. His arguably most fundamental reform was the emancipation of serfdom in 1861. As he said, It is best to abolish serfdom from above than to wait until it abolishes itself from below . This quote demonstrates his realization that reform was needed. Many saw serfdom as Russia s biggest handicap in development into a new modern era, to be the equal of other European powers. There ... Show more content on ... Milyutin s reforms made the army more civilized and efficient the army was made to be more accommodating for the soldiers with the army methods being made more humane. This meant that training was made more relaxed and corporal punishment was banned. Shorter services meant that the army was no longer seen as a prison life sentence . The success of the reform was due to the efforts of Dmitri Milyutin, not Alexander II, but overall successful nonetheless. Furthermore, the success of the reform was not measured in the number of victories in battle, but the way in which it introduced a sense of professionalism and discipline in soldiers. This gave birth to modern military strategies and more effective combat tactics. In 1864, Alexander introduced a modern western style judicial system based on the French system that was aimed to be equal to all our subjects. The salaries of judges were also increased, making them less likely to accept bribes, thus decreasing corruption. Further reforms included the opening of courts to the public, which drastically increased freedom of expression and opportunities of careers in law. As historian Hugh Seton Watson argues, the court room was the one place in Russia where real freedom of speech prevailed. However, the success of these reforms can be questioned as the police of the Third Section could arrest people on demand and political and military cases were soon
  • 51. What I Know Who Gave The Girl My Number I know who gave the girl my number, just not sure why. There s nothing I could do for her that he couldn t. His badge out ways my magnifying glass and still he insisted on me handling this. Was there an angle here? Something I missed, maybe, then again maybe not. I m tempted to call him if only to grouch him out for wasting my time, but I know he s at home with the wife and kids sound asleep. After all the only ones awake at this hour are the hopeless and the drunk. I know what category I fall into. Ricky s was a small bar on the edge of the red light district. Nothing fancy, just good music and cheap whiskey. The hardwood floors were spotless, stained with a rich coat of varnish and spilled Bourbon. The smell of inebriation hung in the air, warm like honey. Sweet relief from the cold reality that had been soaking its way through my clothes. The neon signs spoke prophecy, Cold Drinks Here . The chosen one, I do my part to fulfill destiny. Rick, you still open? Not even bothering to look up from the sink behind the bar, Now you know damn well I closed two hours ago. I took my regular seat in front of the bar. The wooden stool welcomed me back like a clingy ex girlfriend two days out from her last break up. An embrace that felt familiar and foolish. Well then why is the front door open? He grabbed me a freshly washed glassed and poured me something strong and sweet. Because I know you, that s why. The drink wasn t top shelf but it went down
  • 52. Case Summary Dawei ChenCase Summary Confucius, Machiavelli, and Rousseau According to the Case context, we can find out many ideas about leadership. First, from the great Chinese ancient philosopher Confucius that we can learn that a phenomenal leader needs to love people and use virtue to rule a society. The ultimate goal for a leader is to fulfill everyone s demand. In order to achieve this goal; a leader must be a sage or at least a very wise man to set up a very extraordinary example for others to learn. However, this opinion has a very obvious flaw that people cannot be as good as he think and most people are selfish that this kind of leadership is not going to be successful. Second, From the Machiavelli, we can acquire the idea which... Show more content on ... second, their leadership and opinions exhibit us a great culture diversity. In Eastern culture in particular in China because of the long history, there were lots of great leaders in their history; this situation establishes a social structure that people prefer to have a great sage such as Confucius to lead their lives rather than the social contract (law). Moreover, in this social structure, leaders need to be a very excellent man to lead the direction of social development, but sometimes it does not work very well because most leaders are flawed normal people. Compare this circumstance to the Western, most Western states does not have such long history this lead to a quite different situation. Even if there were lots of great leader people still prefer to set a conference to discuss the social problems. This idea could be dated from the ancient Grace. In recent period particularly in revolution era this idea spread very fast and filled into people very deeply. This shows us very obvious assertion that leaders need to use different strategies in different culture background. Third, leaders need to combine different skills to achieve a successful leadership. In human history, society are changing very fast, many ideologists and wise man once gave us the idea that what is leadership. In my eyes, a competent leadership is a combination of