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Essays On Same Sex Marriage
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays On Same Sex Marriage" can be quite challenging due to
the complexity and sensitivity surrounding the subject matter. Firstly, one must navigate through
a myriad of social, cultural, legal, and ethical perspectives that inform the debate on same-sex
marriage. These perspectives often stem from deeply ingrained beliefs, personal experiences, and
political ideologies, making it a highly contentious issue.
Additionally, crafting an essay on same-sex marriage requires thorough research to understand
the historical context, current legal landscape, and evolving societal attitudes towards LGBTQ+
rights. Delving into academic journals, legal documents, case studies, and opinion pieces is
essential to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic and support any arguments or
viewpoints presented in the essay.
Furthermore, writing on such a topic demands sensitivity and empathy towards diverse
viewpoints and lived experiences. It is crucial to acknowledge the voices and struggles of
marginalized communities while maintaining objectivity and respect for differing opinions.
Moreover, addressing the complexities of same-sex marriage entails grappling with intersectional
issues such as gender identity, race, religion, and socio-economic status. Understanding how
these intersecting factors influence individuals' perceptions and experiences of same-sex
marriage adds another layer of depth to the essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essays On Same Sex Marriage" requires careful
consideration, extensive research, empathy, and an appreciation for the multifaceted nature of the
topic. It demands a nuanced approach that acknowledges the complexities and nuances of the
issue while fostering constructive dialogue and understanding.
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Essays On Same Sex MarriageEssays On Same Sex Marriage
As Professor Pethica Notes, Yeats “Wrote Only A Couple
As Professor Pethica notes, Yeats wrote only a couple of poems in the five years
after Maud Gonne s marriage in 1903. Instead of writing poetry, Yeats founded the
Abbey Theater in 1904 and devoted his energy to playwriting and theatre
management (Handout). Yeats the poet finally returned in 1910 with the collection
The Green Helmet and Other Poems. In my last essay I argued that Aedh, Hanrahan,
and Michael Robartes are three masks Yeats uses to exert his authorial control. Yeats
confronts the notion of the Mask more directly in the collection The Green Helmet
and Other Poems. When he returned in 1908, he is intrinsically a different poet than
the Yeats who left us in 1903. In this essay, I would like to propose that Yeats
... Show
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That is to say, Yeats neither simply opposes nor endorses the English literary
tradition; Yeats embraces and renounces tradition at the same time. Yeats s
ambiguous attitude to the English literary tradition is similar to his position on his
past. At first glance, poems in The Green Helmet and Other Poems seem more
candid and more personal than Yeats s earlier poems, in that many poems are both
his confessions and declaration. Many poems in the collection feature a speaker
who disapprovingly looks back at his old time in introspection. For instance, in the
poem The Coming of Wisdom with Time, the speaker refers to his old time as the
lying days of my youth (Norton, 38). A similar sentiment can be found in the poem
All things can Tempt Me, in which the speaker laments that a woman s face love,
and the seeming needs of my fool driven land nationalism, have once tempted him
away from the craft of verse (Norton, 40). In the poem Reconciliation, too, the
speaker recalls that you (presumably Maud Gonne) took away the verses that could
move many readers. Being deaf and blind, the speaker could find / nothing to make
a song about but kings, / Helmets, and swords, and half forgotten things / that were
like memories of you (Norton, 37). In these three poems, the speaker is incapacitated
by his love for a woman, for his country, or both. As the speaker of The Fascination
of What s
Essay On Mystery Shopping
The aim of this paper is to seek, a conclusion regarding mystery shopping, overall
recent shopping experience, discuss the role and importance in the business, how
mystery shopping as a form of measurement can influence the business performance.
Discuss about mystery shopping experience and try to explain the role and
importance on the customer service. After the literature part some practical
experience will be presented.
Mystery shopping is a method used in marketing research and commercial research
and can be defined by author Pamela B. Allison (2012) as: the use of concealed
participant observers to measure a service encounter , in different terms is the use of
individuals trained to experience and measure any ... Show more content on ...
To measure customer service, different tools can be used, like: NPS surveys, exit
interviews, focus groups..., but what mystery shopping does, is focusing on what
is the strategy and how is been executed in operational sense, so as a example from
my experience, I compare two different hotels with different standards, so to the
first hotel the person from reception is welcoming the customer good day, how are
you? .That may sound fine, the customer opinion is the greetings was nice,
friendly and warm... , customer is happy with the services but maybe is not
enough, what is behind this, is you may want to lift the standards of the service
level, to be more professional, so to the second hotel the receptionist is welcoming
the customer good day sir, welcome to our hotel... , the difference in this case if
professionalism. The customers might not make the difference as long as they get
what they are expecting to get and customer service can be good from customer
point of view, but mystery shopping is showing what needs to be improved, changed,
updated in order to lift up the standards, so is trying to predict what it s going to
happen in the future, evolving the market and leading the market forward in the
Pleasantville setting essay
Describe at least ONE important setting in the text(s).
Explain how the setting helped to show the author / creator s idea(s), supporting your
points with visual and / or oral language features.
The film Pleasantville written, directed and produced by Gary Ross shows a time
period in American History where life was more comfortable, stable and perfect if
you would generalise it. However, as the film ironically shows, this was a time
when people were more ignorant, racist and most certainly sexist. Ross demolishes
this illusion of the great 1950s American society by showing how its defects are
gradually changed from black and white to colour. Ross uses various settings to help
show the viewer the imperfect aspects of Pleasantville s ... Show more content on ...
Betty is a clear example of costume change. In the beginning Betty wore the typical
ladies dress wear,big poodle skirt etc but as betty starts gaining more knowledge and
independence she starts dressing more elegantly and feminine .This shows the viewer
that as the people of pleasantville gains more knowledge they start to demonstrate the
idea of The importance of change which is one of the ideas that gary ross shows us
through setting.
Music is an important signifier of setting and shows the idea of The importance of
change clearly throughout the film. When Jen and David first enter Pleasantville
the recurring songs and motifs for example Take 5 by Dave Brubeck which is
played at the beginning in the soda shop gives the town of pleasantville a very
joyful and pleasant atmosphere. This music perfectly matches the naivety of the
teenagers as they engage in good,clean fun with their peers. As the idea of The
importance of change starts to appear in pleasantville,the music becomes more
complex and darker to portray the new rebellious mood that has seized
Pleasantville. An example of this is when the new code of conduct was issued and
one of the rules were In no event shall any music be tolerated that is not of temperate
or pleasant nature .In a scene when the coloureds were all gathered at the back
Loch Ness Monster Myths
Do you believe in the Loch Ness Monster? Most people around the world are
familiar with the legend of Loch Ness, and Nessie certainly has her share of fans.
But what exactly is a loch? Loch is a Scottish term that refers to bodies of water that
are connected to the sea, but almost landlocked. Loch Ness is the largest by volume
of all lochs in Scotland, having a maximum depth of over seven hundred feet, and
covering twenty three miles in length(Loch Ness). The sheer size of LochNess is
enough to make some wonder what could be lurking below the murky depths. Being
an old world country, Scotland is steeped with culture and history spanning back
thousands of years. The Loch Ness monster, as it is known today, most likely has
roots in... Show more content on ...
586, with a written report from the same man credited with bringing the Christian
religion to Scotland. During his trips through Scotland, Saint Columba purportedly
observed something strange while on his way to meet with a Pictish king(NOVA).
While attempting to cross Loch Ness, he saw Pict villagers burying a man they
claimed was killed by a monster in the loch. Undeterred of the potential danger,
Columba asked one of his followers to fetch him a boat that was anchored close by
to cross with. Upon entering the water, his follower was promptly attacked by the
same monster that killed the Pict man. Being a devout believer in the power of
Christ, Saint Columba raised his hands, arranged them into a cross, and exclaimed,
you will go no further, and won t touch the man; go back at once (Christianity). The
monster sped away and Columba s follower managed to make it to safety. The
details on this story varies; in some versions, St. Columba arrives in time to save
the Pict man s life before scaring off the monster. Whether it is based on fact or
fiction is unclear; in any case, it demonstrates the prolific belief of an uncategorized
creature living in Loch Ness dating back to ancient
Ritche Vallins Biography
This essay is going to be about wether or not ritchie vallins deserves a spot in the
rock and roll hall of faim. This idea can be argued in ether favor. Wether the arguer
think he deserves it or not. Its funny i find it becouse people fight all the time about
someone who is past away. Im mean i can understand the fight becouse the rock
and roll hall of faim is a pristeaguess award.soo finaly let me stop rambulling and
getstarted. Ritche Valins what a huge iconic name in the music indastry to bad he
died at a young age before he was able to make a huge name for himself. This man
had a huge array of titals for himself even at the young age of 16. Founder of spanish
rock, I like to believe that he is one of the major reason music is traslated now a days
for all to hear. These are the kind of titals that arent earned... Show more content on ...
Three amazing artists died in one fell swoup. I believe ritche was about 16 when it
happened. This amazing music makeing founded/ pioneard spanish rock and
roll.This in my oppinion is a fitting end for the three rock and roll artists who were
invalved in the plain crash going out in a blaze of glory. I with out a shadow of a
dout believe that be desrves his spot on the rock and roll hall of faim. A modist
man who never glouted about his glory. People who talk about him call him the
pionear of spanish rock and roll music. I think that alone resurve his spot in rock
and roll inmortality. He gave music to those who wouldent have had accese to rock
and roll due to the ideas of the time. In conclustion ritche was a amazing music
artist. He desurves is hall of fame spot that he has for all he has done for music. He
allowed spanish people to injoy the music in there natural language. He spread the
wings of rock to those who have never have been graced by its preasince.That is my
true opinion on this matter hope you can see the
Analysis Of Friedman s Capitalism And Freedom
Econ 160 Term Paper Part 1 As Milton Friedman once said, Freedom is a rare and
delicate plant. Our minds tell us and history confirms that the great threat to
freedom is the concentration of power. Government is necessary to preserve our
freedom, it is an instrument through which we can exercise our freedom; yet by
concentrating power and political hands, it is also a threat to freedom. Friedman s
Capitalism and Freedom takes us into the mind of an economic genius and shows
us his beliefs in a free market and the threat it presents to a dictatorship. Friedman,
clearly a supporter of the free market, gives examples to show how a free market
can aid a society in striving for success, becoming more dominant, and becoming
more powerful. Though, at times he does show how a free market has
disadvantages and he makes us aware as to how it can aid people in gaining
individualism, knowledge, and overall improving a society. A free market is one
that the price of a good or service is determined by supply and demand, in theory,
rather than by government regulation. Milton s thoughts and theory is that through
a robust free market with political freedom, economic freedom will follow.
Showing how economic freedom is a crucial toward the success of political
freedom, Friedman s theory of a free market and the Do Nothing Principle are major
themes throughout his book. A dictatorship is a form of government ruled by a
single party or a single party of dictators. In this form of
Analysis Of Love Like A Sunset
The plot center around Jamie, a 25 year old, American male who moves to Paris
where he meets a girl named Clementine. The musical begins at the end of the story
Jamie is being chased down and the man chasing him catches up to him and
punches him in the back of the head. Jamie lies unconscious and dying in the street.
As the musical begins and he s being chased down, the suspense is built up with the
songs Love Like a Sunset Pt. 1 at the end of this Pt. 1 is where he s punched and
Love Like a Sunset Pt.2 beings and Clementine is holding him dying on the street
right by where they met and singingto him Visible horizon, Right where it starts and
ends/ Oh, when did we start the end? (Phoenix, Love Like a Sunset Pt.2 ) then she
looks at the audience and sings to them visible illusion. Oh, where it starts it ends.
Love like a sunset (Phoenix, Love Like a Sunset Pt.2 ) breaking the fourth wall
telling them the beginning is actually the end of the story. The story goes back to
the beginning, Jamie is arriving in France where he hopes to find a fresh start and
become an actor in French films. The audience find out how he initially feels about
Paris and the big hopes he has, and how his life was in America through the song
Lisztomania . As he s going through the streetsdancing he sings romantic not
disgusting , this is how he feels about Paris. I ve been looking for something else
teaches viewers that he was looking for a new start. In this song he also sings From
Briefly Describe Your Current Reading Habits Analysis
Introduction: Highlight which phrase below you feel best describes you: Some
people say I read too much.I am happy with the amount I read.I could probably read
more. Now, briefly describe your current reading habits. Response: My current
reading habits consists of trying to read about thirty minutes per day of a minimum.
On some days, my time allows for me to read longer than thirty minutes. However,
on other days, my times doesn t allow me to read longer than thirty minutes, or at
least thirty minutes. About five to six days per week, I am able to read longer than
thirty minutes and around two to one days per week, I read about thirty minutes, or
slightly less than thirty minutes for that day. Directions: You are about to watch
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The narrator (Matt) says reading improves your ability to solve problems. 7 One
benefit is reading can brighten your day. The narrator (Matt) says reading will give
you a greater vocabulary. After analyzing your own reading and watching the
video, reflect on your thoughts regarding your own independent reading. One my
own independent reading, I always try to read books that will challenge me to
think, and the times I am unable to challenge myself with a book that is higher
than my lexile, then I will read books that are in my lexile range, typically books
that are on the higher end of my lexile range. Now, make a goal for yourself. What
is something you can do to increase your reading comprehension? Consider heading
over to and checking out what a grade level book means to them. Do
the ones you choose fit this category (around 900 Lexile)? Something that I can do
to increase my reading comprehension is to read books that are slightly above my
highest level of lexile. In other words, I could read books that challenge me to think
more. The ones that I choose didn t fit this category (around 900 lexile) because my
lexile minimum number is a slightly higher number than
VPS Case Study
Shared hosting is often the go to solution for small and medium sized businesses
looking to launch websites. It s a practical and economical starting point. As
businesses grow, though, they start running into the limitations of shared hosting.
As your website gets more sophisticated and your traffic increases, you almost
always see a drop off in performance. The server resource demands start pushing the
edges of what your account allows.
At this point, you might start thinking about getting your own server. It s one
solution, but they re expensive and need expert maintenance. A different, cheaper
option is to buy VPS or a virtual private server.
VPS offers most of the benefits of your own server, but with fewer headaches. Before
we dive ... Show more content on ...
If you decide to add resource intensive functions to the site, you up your available
memory. Your VPS grows as you do.
VPS is More Reliable
When you work on shared hosting plans every website on a server competes for a
limited amount of server resources. Everything is fine if the hosting service does its
If the host oversells it s capacity or a rogue user installs something that soaks up all
the resources, your site s performance suffers. That poses a serious problem, as users
often abandon sites that take more than a second or two to load.
When you buy VPS, you buy guaranteed resources. Your site continues to perform at
the same level regardless of what anyone else s website is doing.
The only exception to this is if someone manages to crash the entire server. Since
virtual private servers are typically isolated, that s very rare.
You Get Technical Support
By the time most businesses decide to buy VPS, they often have an in house IT
person to help. Even IT pros get stuck sometimes, and non IT pros often find server
management daunting.
A good VPS provider will offer you solid tech support either through a ticket system
on their website or by phone. Tech support can often walk you through fixing a
common problem. They re also in a better position to analyse what went wrong.
They ll typically have access to the entire physical server, not just your virtual
server. That can prove helpful if your problem is that you can t access your virtual
server after
Douglas Macarthur-Veteran
Douglas Macarthur Veteran
Douglas Macarthur was a on U.S. army general, who fought in both Word War 1
and World War 2. He is best known for his command of forces during World War 2 in
the Pacific Theater.
Childhood + Education Douglas MacArthur was born on January 26, 1880 in Little
Rock, Arkansas on a military base. His father, Arthur was a captain and was
awarded for being a part of the Union Army during the Civil War. His mother s name
was Mary. MacArthur attended the West Texas Military Academy, when his family
moved to San Antonio in 1893. He played sports on many high school teams.
MacArthur graduated in 1903 from United States Military Academy at West Point
with honors. He advanced in this military career in the next
The Long Before Detroit Became A Powerhouse
In 1950 Detroit s population reached an all time high. The city was booming with the
help of the Automotive industry. Underneath the excitement and prosperity, greater
powers were taking effect, permanently changing this region.These outside
influences are what fostered Detroit s rise to power as well as its great demise. Long
before Detroitbecame a powerhouse, events were taking effect that would have a
clear ripple effect in later years. As early as 1916 African Americans were heading
north. The Great Migration was spurred by the heavy racism, including Jim Crow
Laws of the south causing segregation and racial violence, leading to a lack of
available economic opportunities, inability to grow in the workplace, and obtain
skilled... Show more content on ...
Movement to Detroit, as a result of these events, is what allowed Detroit to become
the auto motive powerhouse of the country.
The powerful influx of African Americans into the Detroit area led to heightened
racial tensions that was seen nationwide at the time. The white supremacy group, the
Ku Klux Klan, dug itself into the Detroit region as early as the 1920s, making life
more difficult through means of housing. White communities militantly guarded
the dividing lines imposed by segregation throughout Detroit s history. As a result,
the city s 200,000 black residents were cramped into 60 square blocks on the East
Side and forced to live under deplorable sanitary conditions. Ironically, the ghetto
was called Paradise Valley (American Experience). These events eventually
culminated into a series of race riots that required military intervention on various
occasions and even with the aid, fatalities were inevitable. The worst of the early
riots was in 1943 after which troops were stationed in the region for 6 months to help
maintain the peace. All of this was spurred by the Civil War leading into a new age
for african americans to be free and was catalyzed by World War Iand II. All of this
leads to postwar America in the 1950s. The demand of factory workers was no
longer present and technology development was a game changer. New automation
began taking jobs from people, which allowed for
Reversing Sail Summary
The story that surrounds the transatlantic slave trade is notoriously known, by both
young and old, across the nation. This story has not only survived, but thrived as
truth through generations for several centuries; Although, it is much closer to a
mystical tale than reality. In Reversing Sail, Michael Gomez lays the myths affiliated
with African Diaspora to rest. Gomez shows the path of the amalgamation of the
African people along with their resources into Europe. A path that leads to the New
World, that would potentially become the Americas, would ultimately result in more
than just the exploitation of Africans as slaves. Compacted into an eight chapter
undergrad textbook, Gomez uses Reversing Sail to unground the history, complexity,
and instrumentality of the African Diaspora. He does such in a... Show more content
on ...
Within this review of Gomez s work is a comparison of the truth I knew and the truth
I now know. Upon completing Reversing Sail, I argued with my own thoughts
regarding Africans and their status prior, and post, enslavement.
Gomez magnifies the untold history of the African people throughout the book. The
initial three chapters of this work are referred to as Old World Dimensions bring
Africa s independence, strength, and significance to the forefront. The remaining five
chapters examines what he refers to as the New World Realities . In the beginning of
the book he explains the grounds and power Africans possessed in the early Eastern
(Mediterranean) world. Gomez stressed two key matters throughout the book. He
makes prominent that the arrival of the Europeans in the fifteenth century and the
transatlantic slave trade that followed, unfortunately resulting in African Diaspora,
was but the tip of the iceberg of who the people and their story. Africa and its
citizens did, in fact, have a strong history prior the European s arrival. Gomez turns to
acknowledge Africa(ns)
Isaac Asimov Gender Roles
Gender as the Basis of Identity as Portrayed by Society and Isaac Asimov
Robbie, by Isaac Asimov was originally published as a short story in 1940. It is now
included as a chapter in Asimov s book, I, Robot. Throughout the story, Asimov
displays the development of his characters as representations of specific gender
stereotypes. Although trying to be progressive in the portrayal of his characters,
Asimov reverts to using stereotypical gender roles to express their personalities.
Through the stereotypical gender portrayal of his characters, Asimov unintentionally
asserts that an individual s identity is constructed with gender as the foundation, and
that an individual s development is limited by the barriers and criteria of a stereotype.
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If gender is the foundation of identity, belonging to a group is the structure supported
by the foundation. Everyone needs to belong somewhere. In the genre of science
fiction, human beings especially need to belong to a group because now there are
other groups. For example, in Robbie there are robots. Robots are unfamiliar they
are different than humans. Gender is the basis of identity and belonging to a
group. Traditionally, there are only two genders so conforming to a gender is the
only way to insure group identity and belongingness, and humans need this. Dr.
Calvin is portrayed as male in her personality; Asimov gives her no traditionally
feminine qualities. Dr. Calvin works in a male dominated field so, she is masculine
because she in need of the foundation that would allow her to attain her structure
/group identity, or at least group affiliation within her field. He has socialized her to
conform to the gender that dominates her field. Asimov also portrays Robbie as
male to allow Robbie to become the hero and he illustrates Robbie as a traditional
female to give the character another element of likability and familiarity to the
reader. Robbie is socialized as a male which gives the character the ability to
become the hero but, Robbie is also socialized as a female which not only gives
Robbie the ability to be accepted as a likable character but, this gives Robbie the
ability to be accepted within the barrier of the traditional stereotype of a childcare
provider. This is all yet another reason Asimov unintentionally portrays his characters
through traditional gender
Emergency Management And The Historical Factors That...
Explain the origin of emergency management and the historical factors that helped
lay the foundation for the profession of emergency management. Compare and
contrast aspects of emergency management relating to Hurricane Agnes of 1972 and
Superstorm Sand of 2012.
The history of emergency management dates back in 1803 when a great fire struck
Portsmouth city in New Hampshire. In response to this firebreak out, the Congress
passed into law the Congress Act, 1803 to compensate the Portsmouth merchants.
The Portsmouth city fire breakout and the congress response to the disaster set a
precedent, which was applied in United States in management of emergencies like
the 1835 terrific fire of New york city, fire break out at Chicago in 1871, the
Galveston hurricane of 1900, and the 1906 San Francisco horrible earthquake up to
mid 20th century (Rubin, 2012).
In 1930s, the government incorporated disaster aids in in to laws in order to
stabilize the economy of the country. As at 1935, laws setting up federal funds
available through loans for reestablishment of public amenities, roads, and bridges,
which had been destroyed by natural catastrophes, were put in place. Moreover, the
1934 Flood Control Act allowed the U.S army corps of engineers to design and build
projects to control floods in the region.
The 1950s marked a significant period in the evolution of emergency management
due to the outbreak of cold war that presented the risk of nuclear wars and fallouts.
Communities and
Using Sexual Interest For The Male Audience
Numbers are staggering for advertisements in Sports Illustrated as it uses multiple
hook lines to draw it consumers to their product. For Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
edition, the average cost to use a full page in the magazine is 451,800 for national
magazine issue according to media kit. This has significance for it uses the money
well put into to draw consumers using sexual interest for the male audience. In Sports
illustrated newest swimsuit edition, Direct TV takes a poke of making fun of
sexual appeal of female body while also using it to for their Direct Now product. In
The Direct Now advertisement, it shows a waiting room for what is to believed to
be at a DMV based on the ticket number waiting line and a eye checker near counter.
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She is shown to try to act sexy and relaxed in an uncomfortable position. Her
turquoise swimsuit brings a popping color to show more focus to her. The
environment around her doesn t fit making it more notable about her. This shows the
parody in the advertisement. She shown to put in and position with her looks and
body to sell the product for Direct TV. These ideas apply with Mock Turner as they
stated, Gamman and Makinen (1994) argued that women were accustomed to being
looked at and conceived of themselves as objects. Extending this argument, we
hypothesized that objectified advertising characters would appear in magazines
targeted at women as well as those targeted at men (Turner 205). This identifies the
swimsuit model as a object for the audience which is the intention for Direct TV.
They used in sense of Parody for which the unappealing and habitual place they put
her and trying to be seducing to audience showing the strong use of what other
advertisers do with objectification with women. The advertisement also is shown to
use gazing. Turner pointed out the gazing issues in advertisements by stating, Our
data support the idea that male audiences were significantly more likely to be gazing
at objectified advertising characters compared to gender neutral or female audiences
(60%, 24% and 16%, respectively). Advertising characters, in magazines targeted at
women, were seldom depicted in an objectified way (Turner 207). This statically
shows the objectification
The United States ( Us )
The United States (US) is a diverse nation; a product of mass immigration from a
variety of nations, race, and cultures. In fact, the US would not exist as it does today
without the influx of immigrants coming to its shores for a better life. Many people
have described the US as a melting pot, which elicits thoughts of everyone coming
together to resemble one another. Rather than having an eclectic mix of different
cultures and beliefs, the nation has sought to assimilate most people into a mold that
reflects the dominant cultureand belief system. However, diverse cultures and people
need to feel as if they are accepted and their beliefs and cultures need recognition and
inclusion (Petrovich Lowe, 2005). The focus of public educationin the US has been
one of assimilation, where people let go of their former culture and adopt an entirely
new identity (Hickey, 2015; Kaestle Foner, 1983). While education has rested in the
hands of individual states, the federal government has pushed a curriculum of
assimilation throughout the history of the US (Carroll, 2009). However, many
educational experts have determined that assimilationist practices were very alien to a
variety of students and were not often beneficial to students who were forced or
prodded to assimilate (Kaestle Foner, 1983). Therefore, education for immigrants can
be better understood through an investigation of the differing perspectives of
assimilation and acculturation. Assimilation has been the
Comparing Success in Horatio Alger s Ragged Dick and
Success in Horatio Alger s Ragged Dick and the Life of Colin Powell
What does success mean to you? I think the idea of success is affected by the social
system. In America and Hong Kong, which are capitalistic societies affected by the
American Dream, success means money and fame. In other societies, success might
have different meanings. Some people said money and fame is the true meaning of
success, but I think that the true meaning of success is to follow the interest of your
own and being good at it, but not money and fame. Overemphasizing on these two
factors can only lead to negative effects. Therefore I think the definition of success in
capitalistic countries should not be focused on money and fame, because it restricts ...
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The importance of money and fame in capitalism countries can be seen clearly in two
stories that illustrate the American Dream, Horatio Alger s Ragged Dick and the life
of Colin Powell, the secretary of State. The importance of money can be seen in
Ragged Dick, Dick is said to be successful when he had his wage raised from two
dollars to six dollars. In the last sentence of the story A young gentleman on the
way to fame and fortune. It is clear that getting a good job and earning more money
is the goal of success. In the other hand, the life of Colin Powell not only illustrates
the importance of money for success, but also fame. Colin Powell, who is an African
American from a poor family in New York, struggled to become the secretary of
State. He represents the American Dream because he started from the bottom of the
society and then become successful, but what is the elements he has for people to
define him as successful? Money and fame. I think without the fame he had for being
one of the most important person in the American government, the general public
would not define him as successful.
What is the problem of this fixed identity of success? I think it is because the
identities lead to overemphasize on money and fame. In the sport industry in
America, it has change from promoting sport to a moneymaking business. Many sport
players initially start to play the sport purely for the enjoyment, they practiced hard
and hope that one
Alcoholics Anonymous Research Paper
Further, AA members are much more likely to revert to binge drinking than are
alcoholics seeking other forms of treatment. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an
organization that helps people overcome their addiction to alcohol. Alcoholics
Anonymous does not help people break free from their addiction to alcohol.
Admittedly, people think that Alcoholics Anonymous is helping people overcome
their addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is effective because it provides the
emotional and spiritual support and fellowship many alcoholics need to achieve
sobriety. The organization (AA) is ready to help, but it s up to the person who came
asking for help to really want to give up their addiction. AA is better than any other
programs because they don t give up on their ... Show more content on ...
AA success rate is approximately 2.6% to 3.5% in the total number of alcoholics in
the U.S. and Canada. The numbers for AA are low why would people go there to
waste money on an organization that can t help you. A survey was taking 33% had
been sober for a decade, 24% were sober for one to five years, 31% were sober for
under a year. The reach shows that AA success rate is low and can t really help
people stay sober for the rest of their lives.
Many people started the Alcoholics Anonymous and quitted the dropout rate for
Alcoholics Anonymous is high compared to other organizations. One client patient
Terry he has been going to AA meetings for extra support, but AA has not been
helping him over 30 years he started and dropped out about 10 times. Terry went to
AA ten times and dropout ten times so AA must be doing something wrong for Terry
to drop out so many times.
Research shows studies of why people drop out 50% drop out within 30 days, 16%
powerlessness idea, 19% mistreated in the program, 18% social conflict, 51%
religious content. This is why the dropout rate for AA is low because of their ideas,
mistreated, social conflict, and religious
Parallel Greek Myths
Parallel Greek Myths
Mythology is the traditions that have been passed down orally, among a culture, for
many generations. Myths can include several different elements, often varying
slightly. Most include fantasy or unnatural characters, such as monsters, dragons,
gods and goddesses. Myths generally tell a story which is the basis for many beliefs
among a culture. Greek and Roman myths encompass the gods that the cultures
worship. Myths often serve to teach a lesson or play on superstitions. The origin is
unknown and because it has been handed down orally, there are variations in the
story. The story often travels around to other cultures also. This leads to similar myths
among cultures. Similar situations and characters ... Show more content on ...
He told her that her future would be full of hardships but she must go to Egypt where
Zeus would restore her to her original form. Io finally swam across the sea, later
named the Ionian Sea after her, and reached Egypt. The was changed back into a
woman and bore Zeus son, Eaphus, who was the ancestor of the Greek hero
Hercules. Hercules later ended up freeing Prometheus from his rock. Sigmund
Freud developed psychoanalytical theories on the unconscious mind, which is
where he believed myth to be derived from. His ideas can be used to incorporate a
common theme in every myth. This universal idea was in male female
relationships. He believed there to be a power struggle among every relationship:
male female, male male, and female female. Freud s explanation for this was that
everyone had a mother and father, therefore the subconscious possessed these
psychological ideas about sexuality. In applying these ideas to the myth of Io, there
is the obvious sexual relationship between Io and Zeus. Zeus, as the king of the
gods, is in a place of immense power and Io is inferior to him. According to Freud,
Io s submission to Zeus is unconsciously an act to replicate a father daughter
relationship. The daughter is subconsciously sexually attracted to her father and acts
out on this desire. Looking at the relationship between Io and Hera, the sexual tension
turns to competition. The older wife is jealous of the younger, attractive
Case Study Of Medical Malpractice
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overall health can be compromised. In extreme cases, the delay in giving appropriate
treatment can endanger a person s life.Call Your Lawyer Today
At Flynn Associates, P.C., we are committed to providing... Show more content on ...
Contact the office of Flynn Associates, P.C., today for an initial consultation, and see
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including:Disclaimer: The legal information as presented on this website should not
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The case results should not create an unjustified expectation that similar results can
be obtained for others without regard to the specific factual and legal circumstances
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Copyright 2012 Flynn Associates, P.C. All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer | Privacy
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Understand Staff Member s Role
Understand your staff member s role. Unless you understand the range and scope
of the duties you expect staff to perform, it will be hard to assess and manage
workloads. Ensure that your staff have an up to date SOD which clearly reflects
the job that they do. If the SOD is out of date, it is time to review it together. The
annual Performance Review meeting offers the perfect opportunity, but if that is not
due for some time an earlier review of the SOD may be appropriate. At the same
time you may be able to re design the position and adjust workloads.
Discuss expectations. Ensure that your staff know exactly what is expected of them
when performing their duties including, where appropriate, the priority in which
tasks are required to be completed. This should be done with their input and should
include mutually agreed goals. Regular meetings with staff to discuss core activities
will help all involved understand what is required to be done. These should be
documented in an annual workplan.
Discuss timeframes. If you need to allocate additional duties to staff, discuss these
duties with them and how they will impact on other existing duties. It may be that
you will need to re prioritise tasks, agree on new timeframes, delete tasks or re
allocate jobs. It may be beneficial to ... Show more content on ...
As a manager you should ensure that where possible, other staff have the required
skills to take on the work of absent team members or when times are busy.
Investment in staff development for the purpose of creating multi skilled team
members has benefits to both staff and PHS. Staff development opportunities should
be provided equitably amongst staff. Be mindful of the ability of the staff member to
complete their own duties, as work can build up while they are covering duties
associated with another staff member s position. Such arrangements can cover short
term workload pressures, but longer term absences should be addressed by an
appropriate temporary
Essay On Lord Of The Rings Hero s Journey
I am glad you are here with me, here at the end of all things, Sam. Frodo reaches
out his hand over the flaming mouth of Mount Doom. The ring slips from his
fingers and into the flames. The world returns to where it was before the evil eye
had taken over. The Lord of the Rings chronicles the journey of Frodo Bagginsto
destroy the ring. It follows his transformation from a weak young hobbit to a hero
who saves Middle Earth. Frodo is an archetypal hero because he follows the hero s
journey. Like all archetypal heroes, Frodo begins in an ordinary world. He lives in
the Shire with family and close friends. He does not seek adventure, and he is
content to sit, smoke a pipe, and tell stories. He receives his call to adventure when
Gandalf shows up and asks him to carry the ring to flames of Mount Doom. The
ring has been causing a disturbance in Middle Earth, and Gandalf believes Frodo can
handle the challenge. Frodo is reluctant to answer the call. He is comfortable and
happy, and the journey... Show more content on ...
He offers him guidance and advice on many occasions. Gandalf helps to protect
Frodo from outside forces and inside temptations. When Gandalf is around, Frodo
feels stronger. He learns how to control the power of the ring with Gandalf s help.
Frodo faces many tests and trials along the way to Mount Doom. He is kidnapped,
attacked, and imprisoned along the way. He narrowly survives many situations that
would break lesser hobbits. In addition to the outward trials, he also faces the
constant temptation to use the ring to gain power for himself and for others. He
finds support in the travel companions that join him along the way to help him in his
quest to destroy the ring. These warriors become his allies. He also meets enemies
along the way. He encounters characters that want to use the ring for their own gain.
His greatest enemy is Sauron, the Dark Lord who wants to get the ring so he can rule
all of Middle
The Golden Age Of Detective Fiction
The period of the 1920s and 30s is generally referred to as the Golden Age of
Detective Fiction. During this period, a number of very popular writers emerged,
mostly British but with a notable subset of American and New Zealand writers.
Female writers constituted a major portion of notable Golden Age writers, including
Agatha Christie, the most famous of the Golden Age writers, and among the most
famous authors of any genre, of all time. Various conventions of the detective genre
were standardized during the Golden Age, and in 1929 some of them were codified
by writer Ronald Knox in his Decalogue of rules for detective fiction, among them to
avoid supernatural elements, all of which were meant to guarantee that, in Knox s
words, a detective story must have as its main interest the unravelling of a mystery;
a mystery whose elements are clearly presented to the reader at an early stage in
the proceedings, and whose nature is such as to arouse curiosity, a curiosity which
is gratified at the end. Many of the most popular books of the Golden Age were
written by Agatha Christie, who produced long series of books featuring her
detectives Hercule Poirotand Miss Marple, amongst others, and usually including a
complex puzzle for the reader to try to unravel. Christie s novels include, Murder
on the Orient Express (1934), Death on the Nile (1937), and And Then There Were
Noe (1939). Also popular were the stories featuring Dorothy L. Sayers s Lord Peter
Wimsey and S. S. Van
Prickly Pear Cactus Antioxidant Effects And Other
Crystal Farley
April 10, 2017
Desert Ecology
Prickly Pear Cactus Antioxidant Effects and Other medical benefits Prickly pear
cactus is the common name of many different species in the genus Opuntia and the
species within can be less than one foot tall up to seven feet tall. This cactus has
large fleshy pads, and very large spines (2). These edible plants have potential health
benefits that have been explored in some research. These plants have been shown to
have antioxidant properties, and organ protective qualities, analgesic, and anti
inflammatory properties. Many of these properties can be beneficial for humans
because these issues affect all people at some point in their life. The studies
examined in this paper will examine the ... Show more content on ...
The fruits used to compare the compounds were different in color, one contained
purple fruit, and the other contained orange fruit. Both fruits had similar antioxidant
activity, but the purple variety had more active components. The active components
in this fruit give prickly pear cactus the antioxidant qualities that can benefit the
body in ways that other fruits can. Another study that was performed examined
different prickly pear juices to examine potential antioxidant effects. The juices
picked were the most frequently consumed varieties: red purple, white green, and
yellow orange. Methods used determined in vitro effects which only give a rough
estimate of in vivo effects, but it was determined that the compounds and how they
interact give a better idea of how much of an antioxidant the fruit is overall. In this
study the researchers treated mice with a chemical that caused oxidative stress, and
given prickly pear juice in order to counteract the effects of the oxidative stress.
Blood analysis was used in order to examine the amount of protection the prickly
pear juice had given to the mice. The results determined that the red purple colored
juice was a better antioxidant than the white green and yellow orange varieties
indicating that the antioxidant properties may be due to the polyphenols the juices
contain since the red purple variety is
The Debate About Abortion And Abortion
The practice of abortion is an issue that has sparked controversy for many years.
One of the initial problems that lead to the debate about abortion is the fact that, the
definition of the term abortion varies from one field to another. The controversy
arises because the language used to describe abortion is a reflection of the societal
beliefs of the people in that area (McFarlane Meier 65). Generally, the World Health
Organization defines abortionas induced or spontaneous termination of pregnancy
before the fetus is due for birth. The issue of abortion causes a two sided divide
where those who support cite the reason for their support as the mother of the fetus
should have a right to choose what happens and does not happen to their... Show more
content on ...
Finally, I will present an argument that shows that banning of abortion as it is;
without first removing ambiguity in its definition and also clearly stating the
parameters for its indulgences will be unethical.
According to McFarlane Meier (65), the concept of abortion dates back to 500A.D
among the Greeks and Egyptians and as early as then , abortion presented a moral
dilemma to the people who were at logger s heads as to when a fetus becomes a
human being with its rights. The issue of pregnancy is dependent on some
external factors that may also affect one s decision on whether to undertake an
abortion or not. Some of these factors may include; a woman s age, her economic
status, circumstances under which she got pregnant and her cultural background.
For instance, a woman who has already finished school and has a job and comes
from a more liberal or western culture is more likely to keep a pregnancy that she
had not planned for unlike her counterpart who faces the opposite of the situation.
The concept of abortion gained momentum in the 1960s during the first wave of
feminism. During this time, women were fighting for the right to decide whether or
not they should get pregnant. In 1973, the law took a new turn in regards to
abortion after the case of Roe v, Wade. Jane Roe won a lawsuit against the state of
Texas after she was gang
God s Smuggler Character Analysis
The biography God s Smuggler written by John and Elizabeth Sherrill tells the story
of one man: Brother Andrew. From point a to b Andrew s character changes
drastically, first spiritually then eventually permeating into his actions. This
adventurous and action packed true story shows that God can reach and use anyone
for his work.
Before becoming the missionary that we know today, Brother Andrew was spiritually
dead. I put the Bible in my duffle bag, as far down as it would go, and forgot about it
(26). All he desired was adventure, which he thought he could find in war. Godhad a
different plan. At Andrew s lowest point God was able to grab hold of him which
changed his spiritual character. Lord, if you will show me the way, I will follow
you (46). This prayer was his first change in character: a spiritual change. His
spiritual change was the first step towards becoming all God wanted him to be. ...
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He started to trust God and have a mindset that nothing is impossible for God. If
only he would say yes, God would do the rest. Lord, as I stand up from this place,
and I take my first step forward, will you consider that this is a step of obedience to
You? (60) By changing his mentality he started building the faith that he would need
to reach thousands of people. Without complete trust in God, Brother Andrew
would not have been equipped to carry out God s ultimate plan. Let me take some
of the Bibles out and leave them in the open where they will be seen. Then, Lord I
cannot possibly be relying on my own stratagems can I? (180) Without a mentality of
faith Andrew would not have been able to execute the work that God had given him.
His spiritual change led to a mentality change which in the end transformed his
The Role And Roles Of The Outreach Department
The Outreach Department is comprised of the following units; the evangelism unit,
hospitals fellowship, prisons fellowship, new converts follow up unit, and
discipleship unit. As functional units each is tasked with the following responsibilities:
The Evangelism unit: the unit is charged with reaching out to communities through
house to house campaigns, tracts distribution, open air and crusades. During the
years 2014 2016 there were only two week long mass crusade that were held,
respectively Block 3 and the Old Naledi locations. At the Block 3 crusade 85 people
gave their lives to Jesus Christ while at Old Naledi 96 people gave their lives to
Christ. Due to lack of retention and follow up strategy the Block 3 results were
fruitless. ... Show more content on ...
The unit is able to baptize thirty to fifty per secession (two sessions annually). The
average number of thirty is a very low output compared to the 800 plus people who
gave their lives Christ from 2014 to 2016.
Challenges faced by the Department:
пѓ Limited number of Teachers to help people grow in Christ resulting in longer
salvation classes and also delaying baptismal sessions. This an area of concern as
the process does help to retain new converts. In fact, the church is able to run one or
two baptism sessions annually.
пѓ No standardized teaching manual. Over the years the Teachers do not use a
standardized manual to disciple new converts. This is one element among other
elements that cause sessions to take longer since they are not timed and structured.
пѓ Few workers at the Hospital, prisons and new converts follow up activities. This
an area of concern that given the number of the church population only few brothers
and sisters are committed in serving in through these ministries.
пѓ Desclipship accommodation. Over the years the unit used the church wall to
help new converts. Since the CrГЁche / Sunday school block has been established
request were made to the church board but to avail.
пѓ The Evangelism Team has overstayed at Old Naledi and this causes the team to
lose focus on the outreach mandate by
Patronage Research Paper
The issue of Patronage is everywhere. It s more common than people think. One
definition of patronage is basically the distribution of jobs and favors on a political
basis, as to those who have supported one s party or political campaign [1]. This
states that anyone who supports someone s political party or campaign can get jobs
and favors handed to them because of who they know. Nepotism is a form of
patronage and is defined as favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as
in business and politics[1]. Essentially, if someone works for the county, they can
get any one of their family members a job, even if they aren t qualified. This is a
very important issue that needs to be recognized and fixed. This issue, especially in...
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He has been criticized by investors because he made the decision to place his two
sons Lachan, as deputy chief operating officer of News Corp, and James, as CEO
of British Sky Broadcasting Group, which is partially owned by News Corp.
People stated that they trusted and believe in the father but not the sons because
they may not be qualified. However, Murdoch states that he has no plan to retire
and give the company to his sons. However, he is 82 years old and his time will be
up and it will be the next individual s turn to step up and take control. The one who
will take over when he is gone will more likely than not, be one of his sons
Fences, By Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Many authors have utilize historical events that have occurred throughout the world
to tell a story. In the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude written by Gabriel Garcia
Marquez, the the Buendia family lives in Macondo, Colombia filled with chaos. The
city of Macondo is going through a crisis of civil wars between the liberal and the
conservatives who are attempting to corrupt the town. In the play Fences by August
Wilson, an African Americanfamily known as the Maxson live in Pittsburg. The
Maxson s are constantly facing discrimination due to their African American heritage;
unfortunately, they can not do anything about the situation for the reason being the
civil rights movementhad not happened yet. Furthermore a political movement has
influenced... Show more content on ...
Wilson portrayed a series of ten plays during the Pittsburgh Cycle to to showcase
the lifestyle of African Americans. Many African during this time period of the
1950 s were dealing with racism and discrimination. African American had no or
very little rights. It was a harsh and difficult time that African Americans had to live
through there were many inequalities they face on white color jobs. In addition,
this was the prime time of the Civil rights Era, which contribute to the injustice they
faced. However during the mid 1950 s time did began to progress and things
changed for African Americans for the better. Wilson expressed this through his play,
he mentioned that the Maxson here frequently facing discrimination in their town
by the white people. The protagonist Troy Maxson dealt with discrimination the
most. In the first scene Troy states that he was working in a company owned by
whites. He was very disappointed at the fact that he worked a low quality job
compared to the non color men; the white men who worked at the company drove
trucks (white collar) while Troy had to pick up trash (blue collar). Unfortunately,
Troy was not given the same privilege as the white men due to African American
descendants. Troy could not stand for this inequality, so he talked to his boss
demanding that he wanted to drive the truck rather that
The Glory Of The Narrator Is Always Paid For By A Lot
A renowned American author and poet named Tony Hoagland once said that the
glory of the protagonist is always paid for by a lot of secondary characters. Having
accumulated a great degree of experience throughout his writing career, he correctly
summarizes the ideal role of secondary characters in a novel. They are strategically
placed pillars of protagonists who add additional depth and complexity to the story
and convey essential information not presented by the protagonists. In one of the
world s most celebrated novels, To Kill a Mockingbird, the author Harper Lee tells
the story of an adolescent girl that highlights her growth through a series of events
that take place in a small American town called Maycomb during the 1960s. The
story deals with her journey to the state of maturity and social issues of America
during that time. In it, Lee masterfully employs three unique secondary characters in
Scout s friend from the Meridian named Dill, her aunt, Alexandra Hancock, and her
mysterious neighbour known as Boo Radley to symbolize different stages of the main
character, Scout s development throughout the novel.
To begin, Dill Harris represents Scout s phase of childhood innocence. Such is
evident as Dill is introduced as a potential instigator of all events, is referred to as a
curiosity by the narrator, and acts as Scout s escape from Aunt Alexandra s presence.
To echo on the first example, the story is introduced with the narrator s recount of
Jem stating that all
The Pros And Cons Of Pat Toomey
Pat Toomey could have a problem come November or so says Curtis Blessing, a
South Philadelphia Democrat who says a polarizing Republican presidential
nominee could endanger the first term GOP senator from Pennsylvania s re election
bid. Sean Shamany, a Republican from Hazleton, isn t buying it: He says that if
frontrunner Donald Trump is the party s standard bearer it would lift, not sink,
Toomey. As the campaigns for the major parties presidential nominations drag on,
attention has begun to turn downballot, where a handful of toss up races could help
decide control of the Senate. With a contested Republican convention possible
Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich are all still in the race it s
not just the nominee
Birches Figurative Language
Figurative language tends to be written in the first person about a very intense and
or private experience. In this story Birches By Robert Frost, there are many times
when parts of figurative language appear. When i see birches bend left and right
Across the of straighter darker trees, i like to think some boy s beens swinging
them is a use of metaphor because he is saying that the branch swinging by the
wind but he says he likes to think theres sum boy swinging them. Also in that
phrase he uses another piece of figurate language by using like which means he is
using a simile. More examples of the use of simile s are when he stated As the
breeze rises, and turned many colored. and As the stir cracks and crazes their enamel.
Why Marijuana Is The Common Juvenile Crime Performed
Based on the report of Global Youth Justice Organization, the misuse of marijuana
is the common juvenile crime performed by the youth. Marijuana abuse was
ranked to be #6 in their list. Teens are being involved to marijuana use for diverse
reasons and this includes poor supervision and communication of parents, family
problems, lack of self discipline, lack of discipline from parents or guardians, and
family history of marijuana or drug abuse. Other risk factors would be physical and
sexual abuse, emotional problems, curiosity, and peer pressure (GlobalYouthJustice,
n.d.). Drugs have become a part of teen s life. The access to drugs has become easier
that why they can purchase anytime they want. The most common drugs to teens
would be... Show more content on ...
Many of the psychological effects depend on the setting in which marijuana is
used. When the user takes it while alone, he or she may feel drowsy and restful.
people who take it with other often become talkative and intellectually stimulated.
Marijuana has a marked effect on memory for recent events. Information learned
while high is difficult to recall. Conversations can be disjointed because of an
inability to remember what has just been said. Such effects are transient and no
permanent effects appear to occur with occasional marijuana use, but regular high
dose use may impair memory. Short term effects would abnormal increase of heart
frequency, blood flow to other brain regions, and blood pressure. An individual who
ingest marijuana would feel a sense of relaxation, heightened sensory perception,
euphoria, and hilarity. The negative mental effect includes anxiety, panic attacks,
and hallucinations. A lot of users said that they feel lazy after they smoke
marijuana. Marijuana intoxication change the view of time as well as surroundings
and damage reaction time and this affects the driving skill of a person which could
lead to motor accident. Another effect of marijuana is that it would always make a
person feel hungry or increase in appetite, as a result the person will eat large
amount of food. It damages the person s learning skills, and can cause short term
memory. The
Pornography And Its Effect On Society
Pornography is a booming industry which is at its highest peak. With so many
ways to access Porn, it is no wonder how common it is to hear the terms associated
with porn. Porn has changed the perception of sex in an ample amount of ways.
Some would consider porn to be prostitution, the only difference is that it is filmed
and it is legal. Porn is not something that should be lightly tossed around in the
conversation if there is no maturity involved. It is sickening to know that young kid
can see grown sexual acts that portray women to be commodities that can be tossed
around. Pornographyhas made a drastic impact not only in society, but the
perspectives of each exposed individual in a negative way.
The Pornography Industry, according to Columbia Graduate School Professor
Rebecca Leung, the porn industry becomes less glamorous the closer you get,
(Online Pornography pg 30 p 5.) Making more than four hundred and ninety
million dollars solely in porn subscriptions and made more than nine billion dollars
in revenue overall as of 1992. Despite having big profit margins, there are dirty
secrets that hide behind the curtains of production sets. Porn Agents lure girls by
posting ads on websites such as Craigslist with appealing ads by putting Free Plane
Trip to Los Angeles or Hot Girls Wanted. Girls who accept leave their families and
homes for a few weeks while their family have no clue about what their child is
getting themselves into. It is said that families always find out
Double Abc X Model And Suicide Risk Assessment
The Virgin Suicides relates the story of the Lisbon family and the multiple crises they
face, particularly acute suicidal risk of all five daughters. The family consists of the
father, Ronald, the mother, and five sisters, Cecilia, Lux, Bonnie, Mary, and Therese.
The family experiences both major and minor crisis events throughout the film,
ultimately ending with all five daughters completing suicide. While there were
numerous individuals experiencing a crisis, the neighborhood boys, the entire Lisbon
family, and several other minor characters, this review will focus specifically on
crisis incidents that surround the mother and two daughters, Cecilia and Lux. This
analysis will utilize the Double ABC X model and suicide risk assessment.
Cecilia is the youngest of the Lisbon daughters, being only thirteen. She is slight,
thin and plain. She is quirky, as evident by her wearing the same wedding style
dress throughout her entire appearance in the film, as well as precocious and
introverted. She is an environmentalist, as evident by her reaction to the condemning
of the tree in her front yard, her grief about the fact that a frog was added to the
endangered species list, and her overall fascination with nature discussed in her diary.
Cecilia appears alienated from her family, perhaps misunderstood because of her
drastically different personality. In regards to Cecilia s initial crisis that involves her
suicide attempt, by means of exsanguination through wrist
Carol Ann Duffy Allusions
Katelyn Nowocin
Dr. Plamondon
ENGL 3487
7 November 2017
Sympathy verses Judgment in Carol Ann Duffy s poem Salome
The poem Salome by Carol Ann Duffy is written from the perspective of Salome, a
promiscuous woman who is retelling her drunken night. Although it is unclear
whom Salome is speaking to, she tells her story using informal, colloquial
language, as if conversing to a group of friends. Duffy uses Biblical allusions,
which suggest that the speaker can be considered a reflection of the Biblical
character Salome, who appears in the New Testament and is infamous for
demanding the head of John the Baptist. Although Duffy seems to be retelling the
traditional story of Salome, she depicts Salome as a modern figure. The following
analysis will explore the Biblical allusions in Duffy s poem, which help to determine
what the poem is about, and moreover will explore how Duffy uses the dramatic
monologue to provoke the reader to have sympathy for Salome. I thus contend that
Duffy takes the reader into the mind of Salome, a character that has traditionally been
portrayed as an evil, amoral woman, in order for the reader to view her from a
perspective of sympathy rather than judgment.
As stated, rather than depicting Salome as a completely wicked and cynical character,
Duffy provides indications that the reader is meant to sympathize with her. This is
hinted at in the language that Duffy uses and the different tones in each stanza,
proposing that Salome s thoughts are changing
Organization And Design Of An Effective Budget Function
Organization and Design of an Effective Budget Function by R. Gregory Michel
was published in 2002 by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
This book is available to purchase separately or as part of a series known as the
GFOA s Budgeting Series, which is comprised of a total of seven books. Of these
seven books, R. Gregory Michel is the author of three: Cost Analysis and Activity
Based Costing for Government, Organization and Design of an Effective Budget
Function, and Decision Tools for Budgetary Analysis. R. Gregory Michel is a
Manager in the GFOA Research and Consulting Center. While all of these titles are
important from a budgetary standpoint our focus in on the title Organization and
Design of an Effective Budget Function.
Organization and Design of an Effective Budget Function is a guide to examining
the duties and designs of a budget at a state and local level. This guide is organized
in various sections which include a foreword, five chapters, appendices, and
exhibits. The foreword is written by Jeffrey L. Esser Executive Director of the
GFOA and provides readers with a quick snapshot of the purpose of this guide, as
well as, acknowledging those who have contributed to this series. The breakdown of
the chapters are as follows: chapter one is an introduction and gives an overview of
the budgeting process, chapter two is on the functions of the budget office, chapter
three is on the organizational structure in the budget office, chapter
Tuskegee Experiment Essay
According the to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Tuskegee
Syphilis Experiment was conducted in 1932 by the Public Health, which included
600 black men as their test subjects. Of the 600 men, 399 had syphilis and 201 didn
t (CDC). The men were told that they were being treated for Bad Blood and didn t
have any knowledge of being included in a study (CDC). In exchange for their
services, researchers offered the men free medical exams, burial insurance, and free
meals (CDC). The study was called The TuskegeeStudy of Untreated Syphilis in the
Negro Male (CDC).
In 1970, after the press wrote a story about the Tuskegee Experiment, there was public
outcry, which caused the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific... Show more
content on ...
Lookout queen is the person who looks out for any intruders while the men have sex
in the restroom (UCSB). Against the consent of the men he studied, he recorded the
names, addresses, and license plate numbers of about 100 men (UCSB). Knowing
that he did this raised concerns about ethics in scientific research (UCSB).
A year after he completed his observation in the tearooms, Humphreys decided to
visit the men whose personal information he documented (UCSB). Humphreys
assumed a new identity and posed as a social health worker (UCSB). He asked the
men about their personal lives and sexual lives (UCSB). He found that 54% of the
men were married with kids and 14% identified as gay (UCSB). He also noted that
the lack of birth control limited the sexual activity between the married couples
(UCSB). The married couples then turned to tearooms to achieve their sexual release
(UCSB). The conclusion, his infringement on others privacy for scientific research
raised a few questions about ethics.
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and the Tearoom Trade are somewhat different
because race play an important factor in the Tuskegee Experiment. Unlike, the
Tearoom Trade, all of the men in the Tuskegee Experiment were black. One can
argue that this is a result of racism in scientific research. Because these men were
black, researchers could have viewed
Sustainability In New York City
A modern city must take the initiative to not only look at the immediate problems,
but also foresee any problems that lie ahead. Mega cities must maintain the social,
geographical, and environmental aspects of a modern city. New York City is an ever
growing city that must adjust to the impending complications that lie ahead. New
York Cityhas taken many initiatives in the twenty first century to try and improve
the life of future New Yorkers. Mayor De Blasio has done a great job so far enacting
policies to ensure that New York Citycontinues to be a global model for modern life
in an urban city. The conservation of the natural environment within an urban area
can be an immediate challenge for any megacity, but it is very important for
sustainability.... Show more content on ...
Upholding a sustainable global influence makes New York City an example of
leadership in international economics. If New York City was its own country, it
would rank as the 15th largest economy in the world. One of the most important
aspects of an influence on the global economy is the New York Stock Exchange.
The New York Stock Exchange is seen as one of the most lucrative securities
exchange in the entire world. Monday through Friday the worlds largest companies
take part in the stock exchange in order to give the public an opportunity to hold
and trade public equities. The New York Stock exchange can influence the entire
global economy through it s peaks and troughs of successes and failures. It is no
secret that the New York Stock Exchange has a large influence over the world, but
it also serves a huge purpose in the sustainability of New York City. Domestic and
international business is what allows New York City to thrive. The large flow of
money that goes in and out of the stock market has a butterfly effect on the economy
of New York City. Business in New York City maintains the subway and train
system, funds projects such as the preservation of infrastructure, and creates value in
real estate in central districts. Another aspect of maintaining a global influence is in
the economic sector of tourism. Tourism is an easy way to ensure that there is a cash
flow that reaches to all areas of business.
Describe and Analyse a Subculture with Which You Are
Describe and analyse a subculture with which you are familiar.
The definition of a subculture is a culture within a culture where a group develops
distinctive norms and values that are different from those of the mainstream culture.
The subculture that I will be writing about is called the Fan Base which is also know
as the Fandom.
A fan base or fandom is a group of regular supporters and enthusiasts that spend a
rather large amount of time and energy focussing on a team, musician or musical
group, entertainer or any other celebrity; these different people/groups can be classed
as sort of a leader or main person that holds the group together.
Fan bases do not majorly differ from mainstream cultures when it comes to values ...
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Also, for many fan bases there are expectations for each fan to have some form of
social networking account so then they can communicate with other fans. Websites
such as Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr would be the main examples of ways to
communicate between fans. For music based fandoms, there is the expectation of
having to be at concerts, signings, radio tours and any other events that the musician
/band they follow attend.
For fan bases there is not necessarily a method for learning the groups rules or
norms as you become part of a fan base by simply having something common with
another fan, so liking the same band or television show, having the same
dedication toward a team or band and so on. This means that you are automatically
accepted as part of the group, however a lot of fans get agitated when fans that are
part of their fandom decide to move fandoms as they see it as a sort of betrayal to
their leader , this can lead to unruly behaviour and many arguments within the fan
base itself.
This kind of subculture emerged originally in the 1960s when pop music first
arrived on the scene. It was during a time when teenagers wanted to rebel against
the system or just wanted be different to everyone else and this kind of music
allowed them to do so. The first fan bases came about because of groups like The
Rolling Stones and the Beatles, these particular groups especially had an impact on
mainstream culture as many teenagers spent a
Frederick Jackson Turner Frontier Thesis Summary
The American Frontier consisted of a vibrant and expansive land made for the
opportunity ofAmerican settlement until the late 19th century. Unfortunately, the age
of exploration of the Frontier officially ended in 1890 with the U.S Census Bureau
declaring that here can hardly be said to be a frontier line. A historian, Frederick
Jackson Turner, claimed that the Frontier shaped American culture and the attitude of
Americans. By evaluating U.S Census Bureau statistics, he famously wrote the
Frontier Thesis. Along with the Frontier Thesis, Turner contributed to the field of
New History, primarily analyzing the West and Sectionalism of the United States.
Today, historians acknowledge the tremendous impact Turner s role in American
Exceptionalism... Show more content on ...
He followed in his father s footsteps by enrolling as an undergraduate at the
University of Wisconsin. He eventually graduated and completed his Ph.D. at John
Hopkins University in 1889. His dissertation, The Character and Influence of the
Indian Trade in Wisconsin. , focused more on his native frontier than the national
spectrum of american history. The returned to the University of Wisconsin to begin
historical research and teaching. During the midst of his historical popularity, Turner
spent a brief period of time as president of the American Historical Association in
1910 and served on the board the American Historical Review from 1910 to 1915.
After teaching at Wisconsin, he decided to join the faculty at Harvard University until
1924. After serving as the chair for Harvard s Department of History he retired from
teaching but continued his research at the Huntington Library in California. The
remained at the Huntington Library until his death in San Marino, California in
1932. Some of Turner s achievements included being awarded posthumously the
Pulitzer Prize for History in 1933 and the historical significance of expanding
America s fascination with the West. Through his literature, Turner showed that
history was not necessary defined by period, otherwise, it was always
Defending Beef By Niman Summary
In Defence of livestock Although many researchers believe that our planet s
environment and ecosystems are facing many challenges due to livestock production,
proponents of livestock production believe that the reason why the our environmental
condition has worsened is not that we eat more meat but because we eat less of it.
Niman argues that instead of decreasing production, we should focus on producing
meat that is more environmentally sound. She also argues that Feed production with
all its attendant problems of fossil fuel consumption, soil erosion, greenhouse gases,
and chemical pollution can be avoided altogether (Niman, 79). In Defending Beef ,
she explicitly criticises the FAO s Livestock s Long Shadow and questions certain
statements... Show more content on ...
There are many different practises and methods available for livestock production,
and ultimately it is the choices that farmers make that determines the production s
level of sustainability. The practices of industrial large scale operations like
CAFOs result in both environmental damage as well as health concerns for
humans and animals. Depletion, pollution and contamination are the biggest
obstacles we face when trying to move toward a more sustainable planet. But when
livestock is handled responsibly, with consideration for the environment and
potential consequences, it is indeed possible to produce livestock that is beneficial
for our planet. Organic and grass based farming systems such as silvopastoral
systems have been proven to increase biodiversity, reverse soil erosion and
counteract water depletion. By encouraging farmers to move towards more
sustainable methods like these, we can help curb today s more urgent issues
regarding our environment. While there are disagreements between researchers on
how to do this, they all agree that we have to take some kind of action to save our
planet. Possible ways to achieve this include not consuming meat, or buying meat
from local, organic and grass based farmers to ensure the livestock was raised in a
responsible way. If more consumers demanded this type of meat,
How Is Disney Princesses A Good Role Model
You re sitting there and watching your favorite film: Cinderella. You think she is
very determined and so compassionate. But her stepsisters ruin her dress and her
fairy godmother comes and gives her this stunning carriage and ball gown and you
wish you could be as beautiful as she is. Disney princesses are good role models,
they are very impactful to young children, sometimes they sacrifice themselves, and
you can learn plenty of values from them. Sarah Coyne, an associate professor in
family life at Brigham Young University, made a research experiment on if Disney
princesses impact children. The study included 198 children either in preschool or
kindergarten, both girls and boys. According to Coyne (2016), The big contribution
this study... Show more content on ...
In my opinion, teaching children about racism and sexism AS A WHOLE, is
better than teaching them with Disney princesses. I say this because there could
be a girl in the class or even boy that believes that girls only cook, clean, and be a
damsel in distress. But, according to Robyn Muir (2016), It s teaching how gender
is represented through a popular media outlet and how that can affect the way
women and men are represented in society, as well as, can teach children to have
respect for others and how to value and promote a diverse society. But of course,
when teaching that, you do have to pay attention to how you word things and
make sure to get the right message across and not the wrong one. In example,
Snow White. It is said that she doesn t mind housework because she is sure that a
rich man will come and take her away! Yes, the movie had very stereotypical
characters: 7 men who work all day and come home to a cooked meal, a
domesticated princess, a prince who comes and saves her from her sleeping curse,
and of course an evil stepmother. Yes, she dreams of love as any girl would, but it
doesn t mean she minds housework. Another example would be Belle, from the
Beauty and the Beast. There are several arguments that beauty and the beast have
elements of Stockholm Syndrome
Pollution Water Pollution
The data collected and found while in the trip, can determine who polluted the
water is. It was concluded that the water quality is good to excellent. The first
graph shows the level of nitrates, phosphates and dissolved oxygen in the water.
There was an average of 2.5 ppm of nitrate found, 1.7 ppm of phosphates, and 8.7
ppm of dissolved oxygen. Phosphates and nitrates are harmful to the water and can
cause algaeblooms, which then creates dead zones. These chemicals come from
farms mostly, and run down through the soil, into the water. That is why areas
with an abundance of agriculture can sometimes negatively affect their nearby
water source. The dissolved oxygen level found was also good. Dissolved oxygen
is the gaseous form of oxygen found in water. Without it, animals would not be able
to survive underwater. Many factors affect how much dissolved oxygen is in the
water, such as temperature, the atmosphere, water movement speed, and plant life
in the water. The average temperature of the water was about 69 degrees Fahrenheit
and about 20.5 degrees Celsius. Cooler water temperature creates more dissolved
oxygen. With more dissolved oxygen, it is easier for animals to survive in the
water. Another component of the water that was measured, was turbidity. Turbidity
is how far down in the water you would be able to see with your naked eye. If water
has a high level as turbidity, it would mean that you could see far down, and the
water would be clearer. If it
Cyber Predators And Its Effects On Children
Introduction: The cyber crime I have chosen is cyber predators. Cyber predators are
individuals who commit sexual abuse that begins or takes place on the Internet.
Although the Internet did not create child predators, it has significantly increased the
opportunities predators have to meet victims while minimizing detection. They can
communicate with children anonymously through instant messaging, social
networking sites, chat rooms, message boards, and even cell phones. Online
predators do not fit any one mold or stereotype; seemingly upstanding citizens have
been caught enticing children for sexual acts. Contrary to popular belief, most
online predators are not pedophiles. Pedophiles target pre pubescent children, while
online predators typically target adolescents who engage in risky online behavior.
(Wolak J, Finkelhor D, Mitchell K, Ybarra M. 2008). Describe the type of
cybercrime you selected. Predators take advantage of children s natural
vulnerabilities, such as their desire to appear adult or their need for attention.
Grooming is the process through which predators play on these vulnerabilities by
offering children gifts and attention. It does not happen overnight. Grooming can be
a long process that a patient, tenacious predator has planned and perfected to gain a
child s trust. This grooming may lead to the child s willingness to meet the person
with whom he or she is chatting. Offenders will often entice a child into a face to
face meeting by
Listening Skills In Counseling
Counseling is a process that occurs when client engage a professional counselor to
set time aside expressing problems, thoughts and feelings in a confidential space so
being able to help them deal or overcome issues which cause difficulties and also
helped to improve life in future. Apart from that, a counselor is trained to listen with
empathy whereby with the helpof counselor, clients will slowly feel better (Dryden,
W, 2010).
Listening, attending, empathy, questioning, summarising are all the counseling skills
for a trained counselor. Each skill has the own meaning to it. These counseling skills
can be very effective in a way if a trained counselor knows how and when to apply
them during the session. Basically, listening skill involves ... Show more content on ...
Besides that, I reflect on the limitations and challenges of skills used by me in this
role play.
One of the most important limitations is dealing with anxiety. The moment I am
face to face with clients, I am feeling nervous and out of words. Imagine, being in a
room with someone who is a stranger to me and I should not expect her to start the
conversation instead. Understood that this could be her first time being in a
counseling session but to prevent her from keeping silent, I had to start a
conversation to start the session. Besides that I have to also build a relationship
and trust with clients so in days ahead, she will feel comfortable conversing with
me. Time is a crucial thing for me. Basically, I have a habit of looking at the time
for every five minutes although counseling session took up only an hour, but to me,
it seems to be long. Apart from that, she might think that I am bored listening to her
issue but as a act of trained counselor, I steal a glance on my watch when she grab a
drink or wipe her mucus. Although it is hard to maintain by not looking at the watch
each time, but to me it is a way of respect towards our
Low Fat Diet Research Paper
Is a low fat diet good for your health? Low fat diets have been implemented into the
lives of Americans since the late 1980 s. With increasing popularity of the many
other new food trends, the low fat diet has continued its popularity amongst those
trying to lose weight. As it turns out, maintaining a low fat diet compared to a
regular diet may be having an adverse effect on consumers according to research
and technological advances of today. Low fat diets cut out traditionally fatty
products with high fat content for foods with fewer calories. Researchers in the
Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University found that people with low fat diets
believed that their low fat choices had 40% fewer calories and therefore allowed
them to be able to
Social And Economic Impacts Of The Industrial Revolution
Introduction In response to the drastic social and economic impacts of the industrial
revolution in the United States during the mid 19th century, labor union were
created in order to facilitate fair negotiations on the behalf of workers with their
employers in regard to work related difficulties such as pay, working conditions,
along with other amenities. Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10
December 1948 following the end of the Second World War identifies the ability to
organize trade unions as a fundamental human right. On a more federal level, the
United States Congress also began passing laws targeted at industries to better
working conditions as... Show more content on ...
Team owners gave the NBPA recognition in 1957; however, due to a lack of interest
from the players and a lack general organization, the NBPA was not taken seriously
by anyone, and as a result did not accomplish anything. This all began to change in
the 1960 s and 70 s, as the dynamic combination of growing fan interest and the
emergence of network television transformed sports leagues and individual teams
into valuable business enterprises. Naturally, the players wanted a greater share of
the expanding wealth; to do so, they had to do it the same ways blue collar
industrial workers did: through collective bargaining with the help of labor
unions, or in this case, the National Basketball Players Association. Previously
dysfunctional and inconsequential, the NBPA turned to Harvard Law graduate
Lawrence Larry Fleisher, an attorney and sports agent. Hired on as a general
counsel in 1962, Fleisher negotiated the first collective bargaining agreement in all
of professional sports in 1967, securing pensions, minimum salaries, and disability
pay for its members. Over the years, the NBPA grew in power as the NBA grew in
popularity. With new massive network television deals, apparel contracts,
advertisement air times, ticket sales, concessions, to name a few sources of the
teams revenue, how to divide the Association s basketball related income (BRI) has
remained a central topic of debate between players and owners. Ever since the
creation of the Players
Marilyn Monroe Essay
She has one of the most recognized faces in the world. Over forty years after her
death, Marilyn Monroe s life and death is still in question. Her trademark platinum
hair and beauty mark, her famous skirt blowing scene, which eventually she became
ashamed of because no one could see the woman who was intellectual had feelings
and worked hard behind the glitter, the gold and the smiles. Everyone knew this
Marilyn Monroe, but did anybody know Norma Jeane Baker? Marilyn Monroe was
a Hollywood icon, maybe even a legend, but who was this luminous woman, and
was the happy woman that everyone knew capable of killing herself? On June 1,
1926 a woman named Gladys Monroe Baker had a little girl named Norma Jeane.
Gladys mental instability led to... Show more content on ...
The first step of her transformation was her dyeing her hair blonde, second she
divorced James, that same year, she signed her first contract with the Fox Studios,
and was paid 75$ a week. Finally, on August 24th 1946, Norma Jeane Dougherty
became Marilyn Monroe. As Monroe s career drug on she lit up every screen that
she was on, becoming one of the most famous actresses of her time. She had over
thirty well known movies and was continuing to work on more serious roles. In the
40 s 50 s and 60 s women were just stepping out into the business world, going from
house wife to working girl. It was the time in which beauty couldn t have brains in
the media s eyes. Marilyn was put into the stereotypical box of beauty without
brains because of all the flirtatious dumb blonde roles that she had played. Though
through the later years of her life she was trying to claw her way out of that box
because nobody took her seriously. She had said she would never regret the roles
she had taken because they got her to the high point in her life that she was at. She
had commented, In Hollywood a girl s virtue is much less important than her
hairdo. You re judged by how you look, not by what you are. Hollywood s a place
where they ll pay you a thousand dollars for kiss, and fifty cents for your soul. I
know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty.
Marilyn Monroe got married again to Jo DiMaggio the famous base ball player. But
the marriage
What Does The Tyger Mean
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. This quote,
by Benjamin Franklin, emphasizes the importance of writing good literature.
Literature changes our way of thinking and influence all who read it. The poet
William Blake wrote the poem The Tyger in 1794. This poem is a classic and has
been read for hundreds of years by countless people. Overall The Tygeris a strong
poem because of its form, content, and theme.
Firstly The Tyger is well formatted. This poem has an AABB rhyming pattern, each
stanza being four lines. It is six stanzas long. Besides this, the poem contains many
literary devices such as a paradox, personification, and imagery. For example one
line states Did he who make the Lamb make thee?
Essay A P
I chose to write about the short story A P. The story takes place in a small town in
the late 60 s, in a vacation town of sorts with a general store, few residents. What I
received from the setting, was a very low maintenance town where everybody
knows everybody (very tight community) most likely old school beliefs and
structures (religion, dress code, ethics, morals, extВ…strict) and for a short time
tourists come to live for a while, and in a sense shake up the foundation of the
town a bit with their outside beliefs and values. Well Sammy, the main character, is
nineteen and has or had, as I should say after reading the story, a job working as a
check out clerk at the local A P. (Alexadrov and Petrooshki Tea Company) When one
... Show more content on ...
Even Sammy, quits his job over them. Because during the last section of the story
the old grey store manager/owner, confronts the young ladies on what they were
wearing although legal, in this time and date and in such a small, I m guessing
Bible belt town, was jus plain awful to him almost embarrassing I would say, for
these women to flaunt their extremities. It was not clear what set the manager off
but the women were told to quickly pay and leave. During this argument between
the primped and polished girls and the old grey dusty store manager Sammy very
bravely stands up, from what I believe to impress these women and to show them
that he can not only stand up for them but stand up to his superior, risk his job, and
make a scene. For What?! Just for them to walk out of the store never to look back,
never to show appreciation, and never to see Sammy again. Hell of a first
impression if you ask me. But then again the author never explained any past
occurrences at the store that might have led to this, and this might have been just
the last straw possibly for Sammy. Maybe he was fed up with his work, and he
saw the chance to quit and look tough and manly, also make a big stink in front of
Queenie and her cronies. (The women in the story) To me this seems very
unreasonable to make an ass out of yourself, if it is just for a couple of girls that I m
sure in his mind knew he wasn t going to go anywhere
Snow Bound By John Greenleaf Whittier
Snow Bound by John Greenleaf Whittier and Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy
Evening by Robert Frost, both have several representations of imagery and
imagination. Throughout both poems, the authors use imagery to connect to the
reading senses and imagination to allow the reader to appeal to their own senses.
Snow Bound , a poem describing the joyous day for a boy who experienced snow
for the first time. Author, John Greenleaf Whittier uses imagery perfectly. The blue
walls of the firmament, no cloud about, no earth below a universe of sky and snow.
The author describes the setting of the poem by his use of rich and creative imagery.
Robert Frostalso shows his touch of imagery in the poem, Stopping by the Woods on
a Snowy Evening .

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Essays On Same Sex Marriage

  • 1. Essays On Same Sex Marriage Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays On Same Sex Marriage" can be quite challenging due to the complexity and sensitivity surrounding the subject matter. Firstly, one must navigate through a myriad of social, cultural, legal, and ethical perspectives that inform the debate on same-sex marriage. These perspectives often stem from deeply ingrained beliefs, personal experiences, and political ideologies, making it a highly contentious issue. Additionally, crafting an essay on same-sex marriage requires thorough research to understand the historical context, current legal landscape, and evolving societal attitudes towards LGBTQ+ rights. Delving into academic journals, legal documents, case studies, and opinion pieces is essential to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic and support any arguments or viewpoints presented in the essay. Furthermore, writing on such a topic demands sensitivity and empathy towards diverse viewpoints and lived experiences. It is crucial to acknowledge the voices and struggles of marginalized communities while maintaining objectivity and respect for differing opinions. Moreover, addressing the complexities of same-sex marriage entails grappling with intersectional issues such as gender identity, race, religion, and socio-economic status. Understanding how these intersecting factors influence individuals' perceptions and experiences of same-sex marriage adds another layer of depth to the essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essays On Same Sex Marriage" requires careful consideration, extensive research, empathy, and an appreciation for the multifaceted nature of the topic. It demands a nuanced approach that acknowledges the complexities and nuances of the issue while fostering constructive dialogue and understanding. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essays On Same Sex MarriageEssays On Same Sex Marriage
  • 2. As Professor Pethica Notes, Yeats “Wrote Only A Couple As Professor Pethica notes, Yeats wrote only a couple of poems in the five years after Maud Gonne s marriage in 1903. Instead of writing poetry, Yeats founded the Abbey Theater in 1904 and devoted his energy to playwriting and theatre management (Handout). Yeats the poet finally returned in 1910 with the collection The Green Helmet and Other Poems. In my last essay I argued that Aedh, Hanrahan, and Michael Robartes are three masks Yeats uses to exert his authorial control. Yeats confronts the notion of the Mask more directly in the collection The Green Helmet and Other Poems. When he returned in 1908, he is intrinsically a different poet than the Yeats who left us in 1903. In this essay, I would like to propose that Yeats ... Show more content on ... That is to say, Yeats neither simply opposes nor endorses the English literary tradition; Yeats embraces and renounces tradition at the same time. Yeats s ambiguous attitude to the English literary tradition is similar to his position on his past. At first glance, poems in The Green Helmet and Other Poems seem more candid and more personal than Yeats s earlier poems, in that many poems are both his confessions and declaration. Many poems in the collection feature a speaker who disapprovingly looks back at his old time in introspection. For instance, in the poem The Coming of Wisdom with Time, the speaker refers to his old time as the lying days of my youth (Norton, 38). A similar sentiment can be found in the poem All things can Tempt Me, in which the speaker laments that a woman s face love, and the seeming needs of my fool driven land nationalism, have once tempted him away from the craft of verse (Norton, 40). In the poem Reconciliation, too, the speaker recalls that you (presumably Maud Gonne) took away the verses that could move many readers. Being deaf and blind, the speaker could find / nothing to make a song about but kings, / Helmets, and swords, and half forgotten things / that were like memories of you (Norton, 37). In these three poems, the speaker is incapacitated by his love for a woman, for his country, or both. As the speaker of The Fascination of What s
  • 3. Essay On Mystery Shopping Abstract: The aim of this paper is to seek, a conclusion regarding mystery shopping, overall recent shopping experience, discuss the role and importance in the business, how mystery shopping as a form of measurement can influence the business performance. Discuss about mystery shopping experience and try to explain the role and importance on the customer service. After the literature part some practical experience will be presented. Introduction: Mystery shopping is a method used in marketing research and commercial research and can be defined by author Pamela B. Allison (2012) as: the use of concealed participant observers to measure a service encounter , in different terms is the use of individuals trained to experience and measure any ... Show more content on ... To measure customer service, different tools can be used, like: NPS surveys, exit interviews, focus groups..., but what mystery shopping does, is focusing on what is the strategy and how is been executed in operational sense, so as a example from my experience, I compare two different hotels with different standards, so to the first hotel the person from reception is welcoming the customer good day, how are you? .That may sound fine, the customer opinion is the greetings was nice, friendly and warm... , customer is happy with the services but maybe is not enough, what is behind this, is you may want to lift the standards of the service level, to be more professional, so to the second hotel the receptionist is welcoming the customer good day sir, welcome to our hotel... , the difference in this case if professionalism. The customers might not make the difference as long as they get what they are expecting to get and customer service can be good from customer point of view, but mystery shopping is showing what needs to be improved, changed, updated in order to lift up the standards, so is trying to predict what it s going to happen in the future, evolving the market and leading the market forward in the
  • 4. Pleasantville setting essay Describe at least ONE important setting in the text(s). Explain how the setting helped to show the author / creator s idea(s), supporting your points with visual and / or oral language features. The film Pleasantville written, directed and produced by Gary Ross shows a time period in American History where life was more comfortable, stable and perfect if you would generalise it. However, as the film ironically shows, this was a time when people were more ignorant, racist and most certainly sexist. Ross demolishes this illusion of the great 1950s American society by showing how its defects are gradually changed from black and white to colour. Ross uses various settings to help show the viewer the imperfect aspects of Pleasantville s ... Show more content on ... Betty is a clear example of costume change. In the beginning Betty wore the typical ladies dress wear,big poodle skirt etc but as betty starts gaining more knowledge and independence she starts dressing more elegantly and feminine .This shows the viewer that as the people of pleasantville gains more knowledge they start to demonstrate the idea of The importance of change which is one of the ideas that gary ross shows us through setting. Music is an important signifier of setting and shows the idea of The importance of change clearly throughout the film. When Jen and David first enter Pleasantville the recurring songs and motifs for example Take 5 by Dave Brubeck which is played at the beginning in the soda shop gives the town of pleasantville a very joyful and pleasant atmosphere. This music perfectly matches the naivety of the teenagers as they engage in good,clean fun with their peers. As the idea of The importance of change starts to appear in pleasantville,the music becomes more complex and darker to portray the new rebellious mood that has seized Pleasantville. An example of this is when the new code of conduct was issued and one of the rules were In no event shall any music be tolerated that is not of temperate or pleasant nature .In a scene when the coloureds were all gathered at the back
  • 5. Loch Ness Monster Myths Do you believe in the Loch Ness Monster? Most people around the world are familiar with the legend of Loch Ness, and Nessie certainly has her share of fans. But what exactly is a loch? Loch is a Scottish term that refers to bodies of water that are connected to the sea, but almost landlocked. Loch Ness is the largest by volume of all lochs in Scotland, having a maximum depth of over seven hundred feet, and covering twenty three miles in length(Loch Ness). The sheer size of LochNess is enough to make some wonder what could be lurking below the murky depths. Being an old world country, Scotland is steeped with culture and history spanning back thousands of years. The Loch Ness monster, as it is known today, most likely has roots in... Show more content on ... 586, with a written report from the same man credited with bringing the Christian religion to Scotland. During his trips through Scotland, Saint Columba purportedly observed something strange while on his way to meet with a Pictish king(NOVA). While attempting to cross Loch Ness, he saw Pict villagers burying a man they claimed was killed by a monster in the loch. Undeterred of the potential danger, Columba asked one of his followers to fetch him a boat that was anchored close by to cross with. Upon entering the water, his follower was promptly attacked by the same monster that killed the Pict man. Being a devout believer in the power of Christ, Saint Columba raised his hands, arranged them into a cross, and exclaimed, you will go no further, and won t touch the man; go back at once (Christianity). The monster sped away and Columba s follower managed to make it to safety. The details on this story varies; in some versions, St. Columba arrives in time to save the Pict man s life before scaring off the monster. Whether it is based on fact or fiction is unclear; in any case, it demonstrates the prolific belief of an uncategorized creature living in Loch Ness dating back to ancient
  • 6. Ritche Vallins Biography This essay is going to be about wether or not ritchie vallins deserves a spot in the rock and roll hall of faim. This idea can be argued in ether favor. Wether the arguer think he deserves it or not. Its funny i find it becouse people fight all the time about someone who is past away. Im mean i can understand the fight becouse the rock and roll hall of faim is a pristeaguess award.soo finaly let me stop rambulling and getstarted. Ritche Valins what a huge iconic name in the music indastry to bad he died at a young age before he was able to make a huge name for himself. This man had a huge array of titals for himself even at the young age of 16. Founder of spanish rock, I like to believe that he is one of the major reason music is traslated now a days for all to hear. These are the kind of titals that arent earned... Show more content on ... Three amazing artists died in one fell swoup. I believe ritche was about 16 when it happened. This amazing music makeing founded/ pioneard spanish rock and roll.This in my oppinion is a fitting end for the three rock and roll artists who were invalved in the plain crash going out in a blaze of glory. I with out a shadow of a dout believe that be desrves his spot on the rock and roll hall of faim. A modist man who never glouted about his glory. People who talk about him call him the pionear of spanish rock and roll music. I think that alone resurve his spot in rock and roll inmortality. He gave music to those who wouldent have had accese to rock and roll due to the ideas of the time. In conclustion ritche was a amazing music artist. He desurves is hall of fame spot that he has for all he has done for music. He allowed spanish people to injoy the music in there natural language. He spread the wings of rock to those who have never have been graced by its preasince.That is my true opinion on this matter hope you can see the
  • 7. Analysis Of Friedman s Capitalism And Freedom Econ 160 Term Paper Part 1 As Milton Friedman once said, Freedom is a rare and delicate plant. Our minds tell us and history confirms that the great threat to freedom is the concentration of power. Government is necessary to preserve our freedom, it is an instrument through which we can exercise our freedom; yet by concentrating power and political hands, it is also a threat to freedom. Friedman s Capitalism and Freedom takes us into the mind of an economic genius and shows us his beliefs in a free market and the threat it presents to a dictatorship. Friedman, clearly a supporter of the free market, gives examples to show how a free market can aid a society in striving for success, becoming more dominant, and becoming more powerful. Though, at times he does show how a free market has disadvantages and he makes us aware as to how it can aid people in gaining individualism, knowledge, and overall improving a society. A free market is one that the price of a good or service is determined by supply and demand, in theory, rather than by government regulation. Milton s thoughts and theory is that through a robust free market with political freedom, economic freedom will follow. Showing how economic freedom is a crucial toward the success of political freedom, Friedman s theory of a free market and the Do Nothing Principle are major themes throughout his book. A dictatorship is a form of government ruled by a single party or a single party of dictators. In this form of
  • 8. Analysis Of Love Like A Sunset The plot center around Jamie, a 25 year old, American male who moves to Paris where he meets a girl named Clementine. The musical begins at the end of the story Jamie is being chased down and the man chasing him catches up to him and punches him in the back of the head. Jamie lies unconscious and dying in the street. As the musical begins and he s being chased down, the suspense is built up with the songs Love Like a Sunset Pt. 1 at the end of this Pt. 1 is where he s punched and Love Like a Sunset Pt.2 beings and Clementine is holding him dying on the street right by where they met and singingto him Visible horizon, Right where it starts and ends/ Oh, when did we start the end? (Phoenix, Love Like a Sunset Pt.2 ) then she looks at the audience and sings to them visible illusion. Oh, where it starts it ends. Love like a sunset (Phoenix, Love Like a Sunset Pt.2 ) breaking the fourth wall telling them the beginning is actually the end of the story. The story goes back to the beginning, Jamie is arriving in France where he hopes to find a fresh start and become an actor in French films. The audience find out how he initially feels about Paris and the big hopes he has, and how his life was in America through the song Lisztomania . As he s going through the streetsdancing he sings romantic not disgusting , this is how he feels about Paris. I ve been looking for something else teaches viewers that he was looking for a new start. In this song he also sings From
  • 9. Briefly Describe Your Current Reading Habits Analysis Introduction: Highlight which phrase below you feel best describes you: Some people say I read too much.I am happy with the amount I read.I could probably read more. Now, briefly describe your current reading habits. Response: My current reading habits consists of trying to read about thirty minutes per day of a minimum. On some days, my time allows for me to read longer than thirty minutes. However, on other days, my times doesn t allow me to read longer than thirty minutes, or at least thirty minutes. About five to six days per week, I am able to read longer than thirty minutes and around two to one days per week, I read about thirty minutes, or slightly less than thirty minutes for that day. Directions: You are about to watch ... Show more content on ... The narrator (Matt) says reading improves your ability to solve problems. 7 One benefit is reading can brighten your day. The narrator (Matt) says reading will give you a greater vocabulary. After analyzing your own reading and watching the video, reflect on your thoughts regarding your own independent reading. One my own independent reading, I always try to read books that will challenge me to think, and the times I am unable to challenge myself with a book that is higher than my lexile, then I will read books that are in my lexile range, typically books that are on the higher end of my lexile range. Now, make a goal for yourself. What is something you can do to increase your reading comprehension? Consider heading over to and checking out what a grade level book means to them. Do the ones you choose fit this category (around 900 Lexile)? Something that I can do to increase my reading comprehension is to read books that are slightly above my highest level of lexile. In other words, I could read books that challenge me to think more. The ones that I choose didn t fit this category (around 900 lexile) because my lexile minimum number is a slightly higher number than
  • 10. VPS Case Study Shared hosting is often the go to solution for small and medium sized businesses looking to launch websites. It s a practical and economical starting point. As businesses grow, though, they start running into the limitations of shared hosting. As your website gets more sophisticated and your traffic increases, you almost always see a drop off in performance. The server resource demands start pushing the edges of what your account allows. At this point, you might start thinking about getting your own server. It s one solution, but they re expensive and need expert maintenance. A different, cheaper option is to buy VPS or a virtual private server. VPS offers most of the benefits of your own server, but with fewer headaches. Before we dive ... Show more content on ... If you decide to add resource intensive functions to the site, you up your available memory. Your VPS grows as you do. VPS is More Reliable When you work on shared hosting plans every website on a server competes for a limited amount of server resources. Everything is fine if the hosting service does its job. If the host oversells it s capacity or a rogue user installs something that soaks up all the resources, your site s performance suffers. That poses a serious problem, as users often abandon sites that take more than a second or two to load. When you buy VPS, you buy guaranteed resources. Your site continues to perform at the same level regardless of what anyone else s website is doing. The only exception to this is if someone manages to crash the entire server. Since virtual private servers are typically isolated, that s very rare. You Get Technical Support By the time most businesses decide to buy VPS, they often have an in house IT person to help. Even IT pros get stuck sometimes, and non IT pros often find server management daunting. A good VPS provider will offer you solid tech support either through a ticket system on their website or by phone. Tech support can often walk you through fixing a common problem. They re also in a better position to analyse what went wrong. They ll typically have access to the entire physical server, not just your virtual server. That can prove helpful if your problem is that you can t access your virtual server after
  • 11. Douglas Macarthur-Veteran Douglas Macarthur Veteran Douglas Macarthur was a on U.S. army general, who fought in both Word War 1 and World War 2. He is best known for his command of forces during World War 2 in the Pacific Theater. Childhood + Education Douglas MacArthur was born on January 26, 1880 in Little Rock, Arkansas on a military base. His father, Arthur was a captain and was awarded for being a part of the Union Army during the Civil War. His mother s name was Mary. MacArthur attended the West Texas Military Academy, when his family moved to San Antonio in 1893. He played sports on many high school teams. MacArthur graduated in 1903 from United States Military Academy at West Point with honors. He advanced in this military career in the next
  • 12. The Long Before Detroit Became A Powerhouse In 1950 Detroit s population reached an all time high. The city was booming with the help of the Automotive industry. Underneath the excitement and prosperity, greater powers were taking effect, permanently changing this region.These outside influences are what fostered Detroit s rise to power as well as its great demise. Long before Detroitbecame a powerhouse, events were taking effect that would have a clear ripple effect in later years. As early as 1916 African Americans were heading north. The Great Migration was spurred by the heavy racism, including Jim Crow Laws of the south causing segregation and racial violence, leading to a lack of available economic opportunities, inability to grow in the workplace, and obtain skilled... Show more content on ... Movement to Detroit, as a result of these events, is what allowed Detroit to become the auto motive powerhouse of the country. The powerful influx of African Americans into the Detroit area led to heightened racial tensions that was seen nationwide at the time. The white supremacy group, the Ku Klux Klan, dug itself into the Detroit region as early as the 1920s, making life more difficult through means of housing. White communities militantly guarded the dividing lines imposed by segregation throughout Detroit s history. As a result, the city s 200,000 black residents were cramped into 60 square blocks on the East Side and forced to live under deplorable sanitary conditions. Ironically, the ghetto was called Paradise Valley (American Experience). These events eventually culminated into a series of race riots that required military intervention on various occasions and even with the aid, fatalities were inevitable. The worst of the early riots was in 1943 after which troops were stationed in the region for 6 months to help maintain the peace. All of this was spurred by the Civil War leading into a new age for african americans to be free and was catalyzed by World War Iand II. All of this leads to postwar America in the 1950s. The demand of factory workers was no longer present and technology development was a game changer. New automation began taking jobs from people, which allowed for
  • 13. Reversing Sail Summary The story that surrounds the transatlantic slave trade is notoriously known, by both young and old, across the nation. This story has not only survived, but thrived as truth through generations for several centuries; Although, it is much closer to a mystical tale than reality. In Reversing Sail, Michael Gomez lays the myths affiliated with African Diaspora to rest. Gomez shows the path of the amalgamation of the African people along with their resources into Europe. A path that leads to the New World, that would potentially become the Americas, would ultimately result in more than just the exploitation of Africans as slaves. Compacted into an eight chapter undergrad textbook, Gomez uses Reversing Sail to unground the history, complexity, and instrumentality of the African Diaspora. He does such in a... Show more content on ... Within this review of Gomez s work is a comparison of the truth I knew and the truth I now know. Upon completing Reversing Sail, I argued with my own thoughts regarding Africans and their status prior, and post, enslavement. Gomez magnifies the untold history of the African people throughout the book. The initial three chapters of this work are referred to as Old World Dimensions bring Africa s independence, strength, and significance to the forefront. The remaining five chapters examines what he refers to as the New World Realities . In the beginning of the book he explains the grounds and power Africans possessed in the early Eastern (Mediterranean) world. Gomez stressed two key matters throughout the book. He makes prominent that the arrival of the Europeans in the fifteenth century and the transatlantic slave trade that followed, unfortunately resulting in African Diaspora, was but the tip of the iceberg of who the people and their story. Africa and its citizens did, in fact, have a strong history prior the European s arrival. Gomez turns to acknowledge Africa(ns)
  • 14. Isaac Asimov Gender Roles Gender as the Basis of Identity as Portrayed by Society and Isaac Asimov Robbie, by Isaac Asimov was originally published as a short story in 1940. It is now included as a chapter in Asimov s book, I, Robot. Throughout the story, Asimov displays the development of his characters as representations of specific gender stereotypes. Although trying to be progressive in the portrayal of his characters, Asimov reverts to using stereotypical gender roles to express their personalities. Through the stereotypical gender portrayal of his characters, Asimov unintentionally asserts that an individual s identity is constructed with gender as the foundation, and that an individual s development is limited by the barriers and criteria of a stereotype. ... Show more content on ... If gender is the foundation of identity, belonging to a group is the structure supported by the foundation. Everyone needs to belong somewhere. In the genre of science fiction, human beings especially need to belong to a group because now there are other groups. For example, in Robbie there are robots. Robots are unfamiliar they are different than humans. Gender is the basis of identity and belonging to a group. Traditionally, there are only two genders so conforming to a gender is the only way to insure group identity and belongingness, and humans need this. Dr. Calvin is portrayed as male in her personality; Asimov gives her no traditionally feminine qualities. Dr. Calvin works in a male dominated field so, she is masculine because she in need of the foundation that would allow her to attain her structure /group identity, or at least group affiliation within her field. He has socialized her to conform to the gender that dominates her field. Asimov also portrays Robbie as male to allow Robbie to become the hero and he illustrates Robbie as a traditional female to give the character another element of likability and familiarity to the reader. Robbie is socialized as a male which gives the character the ability to become the hero but, Robbie is also socialized as a female which not only gives Robbie the ability to be accepted as a likable character but, this gives Robbie the ability to be accepted within the barrier of the traditional stereotype of a childcare provider. This is all yet another reason Asimov unintentionally portrays his characters through traditional gender
  • 15. Emergency Management And The Historical Factors That... Explain the origin of emergency management and the historical factors that helped lay the foundation for the profession of emergency management. Compare and contrast aspects of emergency management relating to Hurricane Agnes of 1972 and Superstorm Sand of 2012. The history of emergency management dates back in 1803 when a great fire struck Portsmouth city in New Hampshire. In response to this firebreak out, the Congress passed into law the Congress Act, 1803 to compensate the Portsmouth merchants. The Portsmouth city fire breakout and the congress response to the disaster set a precedent, which was applied in United States in management of emergencies like the 1835 terrific fire of New york city, fire break out at Chicago in 1871, the Galveston hurricane of 1900, and the 1906 San Francisco horrible earthquake up to mid 20th century (Rubin, 2012). In 1930s, the government incorporated disaster aids in in to laws in order to stabilize the economy of the country. As at 1935, laws setting up federal funds available through loans for reestablishment of public amenities, roads, and bridges, which had been destroyed by natural catastrophes, were put in place. Moreover, the 1934 Flood Control Act allowed the U.S army corps of engineers to design and build projects to control floods in the region. The 1950s marked a significant period in the evolution of emergency management due to the outbreak of cold war that presented the risk of nuclear wars and fallouts. Communities and
  • 16. Using Sexual Interest For The Male Audience Numbers are staggering for advertisements in Sports Illustrated as it uses multiple hook lines to draw it consumers to their product. For Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition, the average cost to use a full page in the magazine is 451,800 for national magazine issue according to media kit. This has significance for it uses the money well put into to draw consumers using sexual interest for the male audience. In Sports illustrated newest swimsuit edition, Direct TV takes a poke of making fun of sexual appeal of female body while also using it to for their Direct Now product. In The Direct Now advertisement, it shows a waiting room for what is to believed to be at a DMV based on the ticket number waiting line and a eye checker near counter. ... Show more content on ... She is shown to try to act sexy and relaxed in an uncomfortable position. Her turquoise swimsuit brings a popping color to show more focus to her. The environment around her doesn t fit making it more notable about her. This shows the parody in the advertisement. She shown to put in and position with her looks and body to sell the product for Direct TV. These ideas apply with Mock Turner as they stated, Gamman and Makinen (1994) argued that women were accustomed to being looked at and conceived of themselves as objects. Extending this argument, we hypothesized that objectified advertising characters would appear in magazines targeted at women as well as those targeted at men (Turner 205). This identifies the swimsuit model as a object for the audience which is the intention for Direct TV. They used in sense of Parody for which the unappealing and habitual place they put her and trying to be seducing to audience showing the strong use of what other advertisers do with objectification with women. The advertisement also is shown to use gazing. Turner pointed out the gazing issues in advertisements by stating, Our data support the idea that male audiences were significantly more likely to be gazing at objectified advertising characters compared to gender neutral or female audiences (60%, 24% and 16%, respectively). Advertising characters, in magazines targeted at women, were seldom depicted in an objectified way (Turner 207). This statically shows the objectification
  • 17. The United States ( Us ) The United States (US) is a diverse nation; a product of mass immigration from a variety of nations, race, and cultures. In fact, the US would not exist as it does today without the influx of immigrants coming to its shores for a better life. Many people have described the US as a melting pot, which elicits thoughts of everyone coming together to resemble one another. Rather than having an eclectic mix of different cultures and beliefs, the nation has sought to assimilate most people into a mold that reflects the dominant cultureand belief system. However, diverse cultures and people need to feel as if they are accepted and their beliefs and cultures need recognition and inclusion (Petrovich Lowe, 2005). The focus of public educationin the US has been one of assimilation, where people let go of their former culture and adopt an entirely new identity (Hickey, 2015; Kaestle Foner, 1983). While education has rested in the hands of individual states, the federal government has pushed a curriculum of assimilation throughout the history of the US (Carroll, 2009). However, many educational experts have determined that assimilationist practices were very alien to a variety of students and were not often beneficial to students who were forced or prodded to assimilate (Kaestle Foner, 1983). Therefore, education for immigrants can be better understood through an investigation of the differing perspectives of assimilation and acculturation. Assimilation has been the
  • 18. Comparing Success in Horatio Alger s Ragged Dick and the... Success in Horatio Alger s Ragged Dick and the Life of Colin Powell What does success mean to you? I think the idea of success is affected by the social system. In America and Hong Kong, which are capitalistic societies affected by the American Dream, success means money and fame. In other societies, success might have different meanings. Some people said money and fame is the true meaning of success, but I think that the true meaning of success is to follow the interest of your own and being good at it, but not money and fame. Overemphasizing on these two factors can only lead to negative effects. Therefore I think the definition of success in capitalistic countries should not be focused on money and fame, because it restricts ... Show more content on ... The importance of money and fame in capitalism countries can be seen clearly in two stories that illustrate the American Dream, Horatio Alger s Ragged Dick and the life of Colin Powell, the secretary of State. The importance of money can be seen in Ragged Dick, Dick is said to be successful when he had his wage raised from two dollars to six dollars. In the last sentence of the story A young gentleman on the way to fame and fortune. It is clear that getting a good job and earning more money is the goal of success. In the other hand, the life of Colin Powell not only illustrates the importance of money for success, but also fame. Colin Powell, who is an African American from a poor family in New York, struggled to become the secretary of State. He represents the American Dream because he started from the bottom of the society and then become successful, but what is the elements he has for people to define him as successful? Money and fame. I think without the fame he had for being one of the most important person in the American government, the general public would not define him as successful. What is the problem of this fixed identity of success? I think it is because the identities lead to overemphasize on money and fame. In the sport industry in America, it has change from promoting sport to a moneymaking business. Many sport players initially start to play the sport purely for the enjoyment, they practiced hard and hope that one
  • 19. Alcoholics Anonymous Research Paper Further, AA members are much more likely to revert to binge drinking than are alcoholics seeking other forms of treatment. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an organization that helps people overcome their addiction to alcohol. Alcoholics Anonymous does not help people break free from their addiction to alcohol. Admittedly, people think that Alcoholics Anonymous is helping people overcome their addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is effective because it provides the emotional and spiritual support and fellowship many alcoholics need to achieve sobriety. The organization (AA) is ready to help, but it s up to the person who came asking for help to really want to give up their addiction. AA is better than any other programs because they don t give up on their ... Show more content on ... AA success rate is approximately 2.6% to 3.5% in the total number of alcoholics in the U.S. and Canada. The numbers for AA are low why would people go there to waste money on an organization that can t help you. A survey was taking 33% had been sober for a decade, 24% were sober for one to five years, 31% were sober for under a year. The reach shows that AA success rate is low and can t really help people stay sober for the rest of their lives. Many people started the Alcoholics Anonymous and quitted the dropout rate for Alcoholics Anonymous is high compared to other organizations. One client patient Terry he has been going to AA meetings for extra support, but AA has not been helping him over 30 years he started and dropped out about 10 times. Terry went to AA ten times and dropout ten times so AA must be doing something wrong for Terry to drop out so many times. Research shows studies of why people drop out 50% drop out within 30 days, 16% powerlessness idea, 19% mistreated in the program, 18% social conflict, 51% religious content. This is why the dropout rate for AA is low because of their ideas, mistreated, social conflict, and religious
  • 20. Parallel Greek Myths Parallel Greek Myths Mythology is the traditions that have been passed down orally, among a culture, for many generations. Myths can include several different elements, often varying slightly. Most include fantasy or unnatural characters, such as monsters, dragons, gods and goddesses. Myths generally tell a story which is the basis for many beliefs among a culture. Greek and Roman myths encompass the gods that the cultures worship. Myths often serve to teach a lesson or play on superstitions. The origin is unknown and because it has been handed down orally, there are variations in the story. The story often travels around to other cultures also. This leads to similar myths among cultures. Similar situations and characters ... Show more content on ... He told her that her future would be full of hardships but she must go to Egypt where Zeus would restore her to her original form. Io finally swam across the sea, later named the Ionian Sea after her, and reached Egypt. The was changed back into a woman and bore Zeus son, Eaphus, who was the ancestor of the Greek hero Hercules. Hercules later ended up freeing Prometheus from his rock. Sigmund Freud developed psychoanalytical theories on the unconscious mind, which is where he believed myth to be derived from. His ideas can be used to incorporate a common theme in every myth. This universal idea was in male female relationships. He believed there to be a power struggle among every relationship: male female, male male, and female female. Freud s explanation for this was that everyone had a mother and father, therefore the subconscious possessed these psychological ideas about sexuality. In applying these ideas to the myth of Io, there is the obvious sexual relationship between Io and Zeus. Zeus, as the king of the gods, is in a place of immense power and Io is inferior to him. According to Freud, Io s submission to Zeus is unconsciously an act to replicate a father daughter relationship. The daughter is subconsciously sexually attracted to her father and acts out on this desire. Looking at the relationship between Io and Hera, the sexual tension turns to competition. The older wife is jealous of the younger, attractive
  • 21. Case Study Of Medical Malpractice Delay or Failure to DiagnoseNYCMedicalMalpracticeLawyers.comFlynn Associates, P.C.Home›Area of Practice›Delay or Failure to Diagnose When it comes to fighting serious medical conditions, such as cancer or heart disease, detecting their presence early on can be essential. With the resources and technology available today, medical conditions that used to be fatal now can be routinely treated and remedied. However, if healthcare professionals fail to properly or timely diagnose a medical condition, treatment can be delayed and the person s overall health can be compromised. In extreme cases, the delay in giving appropriate treatment can endanger a person s life.Call Your Lawyer Today At Flynn Associates, P.C., we are committed to providing... Show more content on ... Contact the office of Flynn Associates, P.C., today for an initial consultation, and see how we can help you recover damages for your losses resulting from medical malpractice. Free Case Review Please fill out our free consultation form below. We will review your inquiry and contact you back immediately. We will keep your information confidential. We re Proud Member Of: Offices Located in Townships and Cities Throughout South and North Jersey: Our New York CityMedical Malpractice Lawyers at Flynn Associates, P.C., represent clients throughout the State of New York, NY including:Disclaimer: The legal information as presented on this website should not be construed to be formal legal advice, nor the formation of a lawyer or attorney client relationship. The case results should not create an unjustified expectation that similar results can be obtained for others without regard to the specific factual and legal circumstances of your case. Copyright 2012 Flynn Associates, P.C. All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | By Thomas
  • 22. Understand Staff Member s Role Understand your staff member s role. Unless you understand the range and scope of the duties you expect staff to perform, it will be hard to assess and manage workloads. Ensure that your staff have an up to date SOD which clearly reflects the job that they do. If the SOD is out of date, it is time to review it together. The annual Performance Review meeting offers the perfect opportunity, but if that is not due for some time an earlier review of the SOD may be appropriate. At the same time you may be able to re design the position and adjust workloads. Discuss expectations. Ensure that your staff know exactly what is expected of them when performing their duties including, where appropriate, the priority in which tasks are required to be completed. This should be done with their input and should include mutually agreed goals. Regular meetings with staff to discuss core activities will help all involved understand what is required to be done. These should be documented in an annual workplan. Discuss timeframes. If you need to allocate additional duties to staff, discuss these duties with them and how they will impact on other existing duties. It may be that you will need to re prioritise tasks, agree on new timeframes, delete tasks or re allocate jobs. It may be beneficial to ... Show more content on ... As a manager you should ensure that where possible, other staff have the required skills to take on the work of absent team members or when times are busy. Investment in staff development for the purpose of creating multi skilled team members has benefits to both staff and PHS. Staff development opportunities should be provided equitably amongst staff. Be mindful of the ability of the staff member to complete their own duties, as work can build up while they are covering duties associated with another staff member s position. Such arrangements can cover short term workload pressures, but longer term absences should be addressed by an appropriate temporary
  • 23. Essay On Lord Of The Rings Hero s Journey I am glad you are here with me, here at the end of all things, Sam. Frodo reaches out his hand over the flaming mouth of Mount Doom. The ring slips from his fingers and into the flames. The world returns to where it was before the evil eye had taken over. The Lord of the Rings chronicles the journey of Frodo Bagginsto destroy the ring. It follows his transformation from a weak young hobbit to a hero who saves Middle Earth. Frodo is an archetypal hero because he follows the hero s journey. Like all archetypal heroes, Frodo begins in an ordinary world. He lives in the Shire with family and close friends. He does not seek adventure, and he is content to sit, smoke a pipe, and tell stories. He receives his call to adventure when Gandalf shows up and asks him to carry the ring to flames of Mount Doom. The ring has been causing a disturbance in Middle Earth, and Gandalf believes Frodo can handle the challenge. Frodo is reluctant to answer the call. He is comfortable and happy, and the journey... Show more content on ... He offers him guidance and advice on many occasions. Gandalf helps to protect Frodo from outside forces and inside temptations. When Gandalf is around, Frodo feels stronger. He learns how to control the power of the ring with Gandalf s help. Frodo faces many tests and trials along the way to Mount Doom. He is kidnapped, attacked, and imprisoned along the way. He narrowly survives many situations that would break lesser hobbits. In addition to the outward trials, he also faces the constant temptation to use the ring to gain power for himself and for others. He finds support in the travel companions that join him along the way to help him in his quest to destroy the ring. These warriors become his allies. He also meets enemies along the way. He encounters characters that want to use the ring for their own gain. His greatest enemy is Sauron, the Dark Lord who wants to get the ring so he can rule all of Middle
  • 24. The Golden Age Of Detective Fiction The period of the 1920s and 30s is generally referred to as the Golden Age of Detective Fiction. During this period, a number of very popular writers emerged, mostly British but with a notable subset of American and New Zealand writers. Female writers constituted a major portion of notable Golden Age writers, including Agatha Christie, the most famous of the Golden Age writers, and among the most famous authors of any genre, of all time. Various conventions of the detective genre were standardized during the Golden Age, and in 1929 some of them were codified by writer Ronald Knox in his Decalogue of rules for detective fiction, among them to avoid supernatural elements, all of which were meant to guarantee that, in Knox s words, a detective story must have as its main interest the unravelling of a mystery; a mystery whose elements are clearly presented to the reader at an early stage in the proceedings, and whose nature is such as to arouse curiosity, a curiosity which is gratified at the end. Many of the most popular books of the Golden Age were written by Agatha Christie, who produced long series of books featuring her detectives Hercule Poirotand Miss Marple, amongst others, and usually including a complex puzzle for the reader to try to unravel. Christie s novels include, Murder on the Orient Express (1934), Death on the Nile (1937), and And Then There Were Noe (1939). Also popular were the stories featuring Dorothy L. Sayers s Lord Peter Wimsey and S. S. Van
  • 25. Prickly Pear Cactus Antioxidant Effects And Other Medical... Crystal Farley April 10, 2017 Desert Ecology Prickly Pear Cactus Antioxidant Effects and Other medical benefits Prickly pear cactus is the common name of many different species in the genus Opuntia and the species within can be less than one foot tall up to seven feet tall. This cactus has large fleshy pads, and very large spines (2). These edible plants have potential health benefits that have been explored in some research. These plants have been shown to have antioxidant properties, and organ protective qualities, analgesic, and anti inflammatory properties. Many of these properties can be beneficial for humans because these issues affect all people at some point in their life. The studies examined in this paper will examine the ... Show more content on ... The fruits used to compare the compounds were different in color, one contained purple fruit, and the other contained orange fruit. Both fruits had similar antioxidant activity, but the purple variety had more active components. The active components in this fruit give prickly pear cactus the antioxidant qualities that can benefit the body in ways that other fruits can. Another study that was performed examined different prickly pear juices to examine potential antioxidant effects. The juices picked were the most frequently consumed varieties: red purple, white green, and yellow orange. Methods used determined in vitro effects which only give a rough estimate of in vivo effects, but it was determined that the compounds and how they interact give a better idea of how much of an antioxidant the fruit is overall. In this study the researchers treated mice with a chemical that caused oxidative stress, and given prickly pear juice in order to counteract the effects of the oxidative stress. Blood analysis was used in order to examine the amount of protection the prickly pear juice had given to the mice. The results determined that the red purple colored juice was a better antioxidant than the white green and yellow orange varieties indicating that the antioxidant properties may be due to the polyphenols the juices contain since the red purple variety is
  • 26. The Debate About Abortion And Abortion The practice of abortion is an issue that has sparked controversy for many years. One of the initial problems that lead to the debate about abortion is the fact that, the definition of the term abortion varies from one field to another. The controversy arises because the language used to describe abortion is a reflection of the societal beliefs of the people in that area (McFarlane Meier 65). Generally, the World Health Organization defines abortionas induced or spontaneous termination of pregnancy before the fetus is due for birth. The issue of abortion causes a two sided divide where those who support cite the reason for their support as the mother of the fetus should have a right to choose what happens and does not happen to their... Show more content on ... Finally, I will present an argument that shows that banning of abortion as it is; without first removing ambiguity in its definition and also clearly stating the parameters for its indulgences will be unethical. According to McFarlane Meier (65), the concept of abortion dates back to 500A.D among the Greeks and Egyptians and as early as then , abortion presented a moral dilemma to the people who were at logger s heads as to when a fetus becomes a human being with its rights. The issue of pregnancy is dependent on some external factors that may also affect one s decision on whether to undertake an abortion or not. Some of these factors may include; a woman s age, her economic status, circumstances under which she got pregnant and her cultural background. For instance, a woman who has already finished school and has a job and comes from a more liberal or western culture is more likely to keep a pregnancy that she had not planned for unlike her counterpart who faces the opposite of the situation. The concept of abortion gained momentum in the 1960s during the first wave of feminism. During this time, women were fighting for the right to decide whether or not they should get pregnant. In 1973, the law took a new turn in regards to abortion after the case of Roe v, Wade. Jane Roe won a lawsuit against the state of Texas after she was gang
  • 27. God s Smuggler Character Analysis The biography God s Smuggler written by John and Elizabeth Sherrill tells the story of one man: Brother Andrew. From point a to b Andrew s character changes drastically, first spiritually then eventually permeating into his actions. This adventurous and action packed true story shows that God can reach and use anyone for his work. Before becoming the missionary that we know today, Brother Andrew was spiritually dead. I put the Bible in my duffle bag, as far down as it would go, and forgot about it (26). All he desired was adventure, which he thought he could find in war. Godhad a different plan. At Andrew s lowest point God was able to grab hold of him which changed his spiritual character. Lord, if you will show me the way, I will follow you (46). This prayer was his first change in character: a spiritual change. His spiritual change was the first step towards becoming all God wanted him to be. ... Show more content on ... He started to trust God and have a mindset that nothing is impossible for God. If only he would say yes, God would do the rest. Lord, as I stand up from this place, and I take my first step forward, will you consider that this is a step of obedience to You? (60) By changing his mentality he started building the faith that he would need to reach thousands of people. Without complete trust in God, Brother Andrew would not have been equipped to carry out God s ultimate plan. Let me take some of the Bibles out and leave them in the open where they will be seen. Then, Lord I cannot possibly be relying on my own stratagems can I? (180) Without a mentality of faith Andrew would not have been able to execute the work that God had given him. His spiritual change led to a mentality change which in the end transformed his
  • 28. The Role And Roles Of The Outreach Department The Outreach Department is comprised of the following units; the evangelism unit, hospitals fellowship, prisons fellowship, new converts follow up unit, and discipleship unit. As functional units each is tasked with the following responsibilities: The Evangelism unit: the unit is charged with reaching out to communities through house to house campaigns, tracts distribution, open air and crusades. During the years 2014 2016 there were only two week long mass crusade that were held, respectively Block 3 and the Old Naledi locations. At the Block 3 crusade 85 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ while at Old Naledi 96 people gave their lives to Christ. Due to lack of retention and follow up strategy the Block 3 results were fruitless. ... Show more content on ... The unit is able to baptize thirty to fifty per secession (two sessions annually). The average number of thirty is a very low output compared to the 800 plus people who gave their lives Christ from 2014 to 2016. Challenges faced by the Department: пѓ Limited number of Teachers to help people grow in Christ resulting in longer salvation classes and also delaying baptismal sessions. This an area of concern as the process does help to retain new converts. In fact, the church is able to run one or two baptism sessions annually. пѓ No standardized teaching manual. Over the years the Teachers do not use a standardized manual to disciple new converts. This is one element among other elements that cause sessions to take longer since they are not timed and structured. пѓ Few workers at the Hospital, prisons and new converts follow up activities. This an area of concern that given the number of the church population only few brothers and sisters are committed in serving in through these ministries. пѓ Desclipship accommodation. Over the years the unit used the church wall to help new converts. Since the CrГЁche / Sunday school block has been established request were made to the church board but to avail. пѓ The Evangelism Team has overstayed at Old Naledi and this causes the team to lose focus on the outreach mandate by
  • 29. Patronage Research Paper The issue of Patronage is everywhere. It s more common than people think. One definition of patronage is basically the distribution of jobs and favors on a political basis, as to those who have supported one s party or political campaign [1]. This states that anyone who supports someone s political party or campaign can get jobs and favors handed to them because of who they know. Nepotism is a form of patronage and is defined as favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics[1]. Essentially, if someone works for the county, they can get any one of their family members a job, even if they aren t qualified. This is a very important issue that needs to be recognized and fixed. This issue, especially in... Show more content on ... He has been criticized by investors because he made the decision to place his two sons Lachan, as deputy chief operating officer of News Corp, and James, as CEO of British Sky Broadcasting Group, which is partially owned by News Corp. People stated that they trusted and believe in the father but not the sons because they may not be qualified. However, Murdoch states that he has no plan to retire and give the company to his sons. However, he is 82 years old and his time will be up and it will be the next individual s turn to step up and take control. The one who will take over when he is gone will more likely than not, be one of his sons
  • 30. Fences, By Gabriel Garcia Marquez Many authors have utilize historical events that have occurred throughout the world to tell a story. In the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the the Buendia family lives in Macondo, Colombia filled with chaos. The city of Macondo is going through a crisis of civil wars between the liberal and the conservatives who are attempting to corrupt the town. In the play Fences by August Wilson, an African Americanfamily known as the Maxson live in Pittsburg. The Maxson s are constantly facing discrimination due to their African American heritage; unfortunately, they can not do anything about the situation for the reason being the civil rights movementhad not happened yet. Furthermore a political movement has influenced... Show more content on ... Wilson portrayed a series of ten plays during the Pittsburgh Cycle to to showcase the lifestyle of African Americans. Many African during this time period of the 1950 s were dealing with racism and discrimination. African American had no or very little rights. It was a harsh and difficult time that African Americans had to live through there were many inequalities they face on white color jobs. In addition, this was the prime time of the Civil rights Era, which contribute to the injustice they faced. However during the mid 1950 s time did began to progress and things changed for African Americans for the better. Wilson expressed this through his play, he mentioned that the Maxson here frequently facing discrimination in their town by the white people. The protagonist Troy Maxson dealt with discrimination the most. In the first scene Troy states that he was working in a company owned by whites. He was very disappointed at the fact that he worked a low quality job compared to the non color men; the white men who worked at the company drove trucks (white collar) while Troy had to pick up trash (blue collar). Unfortunately, Troy was not given the same privilege as the white men due to African American descendants. Troy could not stand for this inequality, so he talked to his boss demanding that he wanted to drive the truck rather that
  • 31. The Glory Of The Narrator Is Always Paid For By A Lot Of... A renowned American author and poet named Tony Hoagland once said that the glory of the protagonist is always paid for by a lot of secondary characters. Having accumulated a great degree of experience throughout his writing career, he correctly summarizes the ideal role of secondary characters in a novel. They are strategically placed pillars of protagonists who add additional depth and complexity to the story and convey essential information not presented by the protagonists. In one of the world s most celebrated novels, To Kill a Mockingbird, the author Harper Lee tells the story of an adolescent girl that highlights her growth through a series of events that take place in a small American town called Maycomb during the 1960s. The story deals with her journey to the state of maturity and social issues of America during that time. In it, Lee masterfully employs three unique secondary characters in Scout s friend from the Meridian named Dill, her aunt, Alexandra Hancock, and her mysterious neighbour known as Boo Radley to symbolize different stages of the main character, Scout s development throughout the novel. To begin, Dill Harris represents Scout s phase of childhood innocence. Such is evident as Dill is introduced as a potential instigator of all events, is referred to as a curiosity by the narrator, and acts as Scout s escape from Aunt Alexandra s presence. To echo on the first example, the story is introduced with the narrator s recount of Jem stating that all
  • 32. The Pros And Cons Of Pat Toomey Pat Toomey could have a problem come November or so says Curtis Blessing, a South Philadelphia Democrat who says a polarizing Republican presidential nominee could endanger the first term GOP senator from Pennsylvania s re election bid. Sean Shamany, a Republican from Hazleton, isn t buying it: He says that if frontrunner Donald Trump is the party s standard bearer it would lift, not sink, Toomey. As the campaigns for the major parties presidential nominations drag on, attention has begun to turn downballot, where a handful of toss up races could help decide control of the Senate. With a contested Republican convention possible Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich are all still in the race it s not just the nominee
  • 33. Birches Figurative Language Figurative language tends to be written in the first person about a very intense and or private experience. In this story Birches By Robert Frost, there are many times when parts of figurative language appear. When i see birches bend left and right Across the of straighter darker trees, i like to think some boy s beens swinging them is a use of metaphor because he is saying that the branch swinging by the wind but he says he likes to think theres sum boy swinging them. Also in that phrase he uses another piece of figurate language by using like which means he is using a simile. More examples of the use of simile s are when he stated As the breeze rises, and turned many colored. and As the stir cracks and crazes their enamel.
  • 34. Why Marijuana Is The Common Juvenile Crime Performed By... Based on the report of Global Youth Justice Organization, the misuse of marijuana is the common juvenile crime performed by the youth. Marijuana abuse was ranked to be #6 in their list. Teens are being involved to marijuana use for diverse reasons and this includes poor supervision and communication of parents, family problems, lack of self discipline, lack of discipline from parents or guardians, and family history of marijuana or drug abuse. Other risk factors would be physical and sexual abuse, emotional problems, curiosity, and peer pressure (GlobalYouthJustice, n.d.). Drugs have become a part of teen s life. The access to drugs has become easier that why they can purchase anytime they want. The most common drugs to teens would be... Show more content on ... Many of the psychological effects depend on the setting in which marijuana is used. When the user takes it while alone, he or she may feel drowsy and restful. people who take it with other often become talkative and intellectually stimulated. Marijuana has a marked effect on memory for recent events. Information learned while high is difficult to recall. Conversations can be disjointed because of an inability to remember what has just been said. Such effects are transient and no permanent effects appear to occur with occasional marijuana use, but regular high dose use may impair memory. Short term effects would abnormal increase of heart frequency, blood flow to other brain regions, and blood pressure. An individual who ingest marijuana would feel a sense of relaxation, heightened sensory perception, euphoria, and hilarity. The negative mental effect includes anxiety, panic attacks, and hallucinations. A lot of users said that they feel lazy after they smoke marijuana. Marijuana intoxication change the view of time as well as surroundings and damage reaction time and this affects the driving skill of a person which could lead to motor accident. Another effect of marijuana is that it would always make a person feel hungry or increase in appetite, as a result the person will eat large amount of food. It damages the person s learning skills, and can cause short term memory. The
  • 35. Pornography And Its Effect On Society Pornography is a booming industry which is at its highest peak. With so many ways to access Porn, it is no wonder how common it is to hear the terms associated with porn. Porn has changed the perception of sex in an ample amount of ways. Some would consider porn to be prostitution, the only difference is that it is filmed and it is legal. Porn is not something that should be lightly tossed around in the conversation if there is no maturity involved. It is sickening to know that young kid can see grown sexual acts that portray women to be commodities that can be tossed around. Pornographyhas made a drastic impact not only in society, but the perspectives of each exposed individual in a negative way. The Pornography Industry, according to Columbia Graduate School Professor Rebecca Leung, the porn industry becomes less glamorous the closer you get, (Online Pornography pg 30 p 5.) Making more than four hundred and ninety million dollars solely in porn subscriptions and made more than nine billion dollars in revenue overall as of 1992. Despite having big profit margins, there are dirty secrets that hide behind the curtains of production sets. Porn Agents lure girls by posting ads on websites such as Craigslist with appealing ads by putting Free Plane Trip to Los Angeles or Hot Girls Wanted. Girls who accept leave their families and homes for a few weeks while their family have no clue about what their child is getting themselves into. It is said that families always find out
  • 36. Double Abc X Model And Suicide Risk Assessment The Virgin Suicides relates the story of the Lisbon family and the multiple crises they face, particularly acute suicidal risk of all five daughters. The family consists of the father, Ronald, the mother, and five sisters, Cecilia, Lux, Bonnie, Mary, and Therese. The family experiences both major and minor crisis events throughout the film, ultimately ending with all five daughters completing suicide. While there were numerous individuals experiencing a crisis, the neighborhood boys, the entire Lisbon family, and several other minor characters, this review will focus specifically on crisis incidents that surround the mother and two daughters, Cecilia and Lux. This analysis will utilize the Double ABC X model and suicide risk assessment. Cecilia Cecilia is the youngest of the Lisbon daughters, being only thirteen. She is slight, thin and plain. She is quirky, as evident by her wearing the same wedding style dress throughout her entire appearance in the film, as well as precocious and introverted. She is an environmentalist, as evident by her reaction to the condemning of the tree in her front yard, her grief about the fact that a frog was added to the endangered species list, and her overall fascination with nature discussed in her diary. Cecilia appears alienated from her family, perhaps misunderstood because of her drastically different personality. In regards to Cecilia s initial crisis that involves her suicide attempt, by means of exsanguination through wrist
  • 37. Carol Ann Duffy Allusions Katelyn Nowocin Dr. Plamondon ENGL 3487 7 November 2017 Sympathy verses Judgment in Carol Ann Duffy s poem Salome The poem Salome by Carol Ann Duffy is written from the perspective of Salome, a promiscuous woman who is retelling her drunken night. Although it is unclear whom Salome is speaking to, she tells her story using informal, colloquial language, as if conversing to a group of friends. Duffy uses Biblical allusions, which suggest that the speaker can be considered a reflection of the Biblical character Salome, who appears in the New Testament and is infamous for demanding the head of John the Baptist. Although Duffy seems to be retelling the traditional story of Salome, she depicts Salome as a modern figure. The following analysis will explore the Biblical allusions in Duffy s poem, which help to determine what the poem is about, and moreover will explore how Duffy uses the dramatic monologue to provoke the reader to have sympathy for Salome. I thus contend that Duffy takes the reader into the mind of Salome, a character that has traditionally been portrayed as an evil, amoral woman, in order for the reader to view her from a perspective of sympathy rather than judgment. As stated, rather than depicting Salome as a completely wicked and cynical character, Duffy provides indications that the reader is meant to sympathize with her. This is hinted at in the language that Duffy uses and the different tones in each stanza, proposing that Salome s thoughts are changing
  • 38. Organization And Design Of An Effective Budget Function By... Introduction Organization and Design of an Effective Budget Function by R. Gregory Michel was published in 2002 by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). This book is available to purchase separately or as part of a series known as the GFOA s Budgeting Series, which is comprised of a total of seven books. Of these seven books, R. Gregory Michel is the author of three: Cost Analysis and Activity Based Costing for Government, Organization and Design of an Effective Budget Function, and Decision Tools for Budgetary Analysis. R. Gregory Michel is a Manager in the GFOA Research and Consulting Center. While all of these titles are important from a budgetary standpoint our focus in on the title Organization and Design of an Effective Budget Function. Organization and Design of an Effective Budget Function is a guide to examining the duties and designs of a budget at a state and local level. This guide is organized in various sections which include a foreword, five chapters, appendices, and exhibits. The foreword is written by Jeffrey L. Esser Executive Director of the GFOA and provides readers with a quick snapshot of the purpose of this guide, as well as, acknowledging those who have contributed to this series. The breakdown of the chapters are as follows: chapter one is an introduction and gives an overview of the budgeting process, chapter two is on the functions of the budget office, chapter three is on the organizational structure in the budget office, chapter
  • 39. Tuskegee Experiment Essay According the to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was conducted in 1932 by the Public Health, which included 600 black men as their test subjects. Of the 600 men, 399 had syphilis and 201 didn t (CDC). The men were told that they were being treated for Bad Blood and didn t have any knowledge of being included in a study (CDC). In exchange for their services, researchers offered the men free medical exams, burial insurance, and free meals (CDC). The study was called The TuskegeeStudy of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male (CDC). In 1970, after the press wrote a story about the Tuskegee Experiment, there was public outcry, which caused the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific... Show more content on ... Lookout queen is the person who looks out for any intruders while the men have sex in the restroom (UCSB). Against the consent of the men he studied, he recorded the names, addresses, and license plate numbers of about 100 men (UCSB). Knowing that he did this raised concerns about ethics in scientific research (UCSB). A year after he completed his observation in the tearooms, Humphreys decided to visit the men whose personal information he documented (UCSB). Humphreys assumed a new identity and posed as a social health worker (UCSB). He asked the men about their personal lives and sexual lives (UCSB). He found that 54% of the men were married with kids and 14% identified as gay (UCSB). He also noted that the lack of birth control limited the sexual activity between the married couples (UCSB). The married couples then turned to tearooms to achieve their sexual release (UCSB). The conclusion, his infringement on others privacy for scientific research raised a few questions about ethics. The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and the Tearoom Trade are somewhat different because race play an important factor in the Tuskegee Experiment. Unlike, the Tearoom Trade, all of the men in the Tuskegee Experiment were black. One can argue that this is a result of racism in scientific research. Because these men were black, researchers could have viewed
  • 40. Sustainability In New York City A modern city must take the initiative to not only look at the immediate problems, but also foresee any problems that lie ahead. Mega cities must maintain the social, geographical, and environmental aspects of a modern city. New York City is an ever growing city that must adjust to the impending complications that lie ahead. New York Cityhas taken many initiatives in the twenty first century to try and improve the life of future New Yorkers. Mayor De Blasio has done a great job so far enacting policies to ensure that New York Citycontinues to be a global model for modern life in an urban city. The conservation of the natural environment within an urban area can be an immediate challenge for any megacity, but it is very important for sustainability.... Show more content on ... Upholding a sustainable global influence makes New York City an example of leadership in international economics. If New York City was its own country, it would rank as the 15th largest economy in the world. One of the most important aspects of an influence on the global economy is the New York Stock Exchange. The New York Stock Exchange is seen as one of the most lucrative securities exchange in the entire world. Monday through Friday the worlds largest companies take part in the stock exchange in order to give the public an opportunity to hold and trade public equities. The New York Stock exchange can influence the entire global economy through it s peaks and troughs of successes and failures. It is no secret that the New York Stock Exchange has a large influence over the world, but it also serves a huge purpose in the sustainability of New York City. Domestic and international business is what allows New York City to thrive. The large flow of money that goes in and out of the stock market has a butterfly effect on the economy of New York City. Business in New York City maintains the subway and train system, funds projects such as the preservation of infrastructure, and creates value in real estate in central districts. Another aspect of maintaining a global influence is in the economic sector of tourism. Tourism is an easy way to ensure that there is a cash flow that reaches to all areas of business.
  • 41. Describe and Analyse a Subculture with Which You Are Familiar Describe and analyse a subculture with which you are familiar. The definition of a subculture is a culture within a culture where a group develops distinctive norms and values that are different from those of the mainstream culture. The subculture that I will be writing about is called the Fan Base which is also know as the Fandom. A fan base or fandom is a group of regular supporters and enthusiasts that spend a rather large amount of time and energy focussing on a team, musician or musical group, entertainer or any other celebrity; these different people/groups can be classed as sort of a leader or main person that holds the group together. Fan bases do not majorly differ from mainstream cultures when it comes to values ... Show more content on ... Also, for many fan bases there are expectations for each fan to have some form of social networking account so then they can communicate with other fans. Websites such as Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr would be the main examples of ways to communicate between fans. For music based fandoms, there is the expectation of having to be at concerts, signings, radio tours and any other events that the musician /band they follow attend. For fan bases there is not necessarily a method for learning the groups rules or norms as you become part of a fan base by simply having something common with another fan, so liking the same band or television show, having the same dedication toward a team or band and so on. This means that you are automatically accepted as part of the group, however a lot of fans get agitated when fans that are part of their fandom decide to move fandoms as they see it as a sort of betrayal to their leader , this can lead to unruly behaviour and many arguments within the fan base itself. This kind of subculture emerged originally in the 1960s when pop music first arrived on the scene. It was during a time when teenagers wanted to rebel against the system or just wanted be different to everyone else and this kind of music allowed them to do so. The first fan bases came about because of groups like The Rolling Stones and the Beatles, these particular groups especially had an impact on mainstream culture as many teenagers spent a
  • 42. Frederick Jackson Turner Frontier Thesis Summary The American Frontier consisted of a vibrant and expansive land made for the opportunity ofAmerican settlement until the late 19th century. Unfortunately, the age of exploration of the Frontier officially ended in 1890 with the U.S Census Bureau declaring that here can hardly be said to be a frontier line. A historian, Frederick Jackson Turner, claimed that the Frontier shaped American culture and the attitude of Americans. By evaluating U.S Census Bureau statistics, he famously wrote the Frontier Thesis. Along with the Frontier Thesis, Turner contributed to the field of New History, primarily analyzing the West and Sectionalism of the United States. Today, historians acknowledge the tremendous impact Turner s role in American Exceptionalism... Show more content on ... He followed in his father s footsteps by enrolling as an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin. He eventually graduated and completed his Ph.D. at John Hopkins University in 1889. His dissertation, The Character and Influence of the Indian Trade in Wisconsin. , focused more on his native frontier than the national spectrum of american history. The returned to the University of Wisconsin to begin historical research and teaching. During the midst of his historical popularity, Turner spent a brief period of time as president of the American Historical Association in 1910 and served on the board the American Historical Review from 1910 to 1915. After teaching at Wisconsin, he decided to join the faculty at Harvard University until 1924. After serving as the chair for Harvard s Department of History he retired from teaching but continued his research at the Huntington Library in California. The remained at the Huntington Library until his death in San Marino, California in 1932. Some of Turner s achievements included being awarded posthumously the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1933 and the historical significance of expanding America s fascination with the West. Through his literature, Turner showed that history was not necessary defined by period, otherwise, it was always
  • 43. Defending Beef By Niman Summary In Defence of livestock Although many researchers believe that our planet s environment and ecosystems are facing many challenges due to livestock production, proponents of livestock production believe that the reason why the our environmental condition has worsened is not that we eat more meat but because we eat less of it. Niman argues that instead of decreasing production, we should focus on producing meat that is more environmentally sound. She also argues that Feed production with all its attendant problems of fossil fuel consumption, soil erosion, greenhouse gases, and chemical pollution can be avoided altogether (Niman, 79). In Defending Beef , she explicitly criticises the FAO s Livestock s Long Shadow and questions certain statements... Show more content on ... There are many different practises and methods available for livestock production, and ultimately it is the choices that farmers make that determines the production s level of sustainability. The practices of industrial large scale operations like CAFOs result in both environmental damage as well as health concerns for humans and animals. Depletion, pollution and contamination are the biggest obstacles we face when trying to move toward a more sustainable planet. But when livestock is handled responsibly, with consideration for the environment and potential consequences, it is indeed possible to produce livestock that is beneficial for our planet. Organic and grass based farming systems such as silvopastoral systems have been proven to increase biodiversity, reverse soil erosion and counteract water depletion. By encouraging farmers to move towards more sustainable methods like these, we can help curb today s more urgent issues regarding our environment. While there are disagreements between researchers on how to do this, they all agree that we have to take some kind of action to save our planet. Possible ways to achieve this include not consuming meat, or buying meat from local, organic and grass based farmers to ensure the livestock was raised in a responsible way. If more consumers demanded this type of meat,
  • 44. How Is Disney Princesses A Good Role Model You re sitting there and watching your favorite film: Cinderella. You think she is very determined and so compassionate. But her stepsisters ruin her dress and her fairy godmother comes and gives her this stunning carriage and ball gown and you wish you could be as beautiful as she is. Disney princesses are good role models, they are very impactful to young children, sometimes they sacrifice themselves, and you can learn plenty of values from them. Sarah Coyne, an associate professor in family life at Brigham Young University, made a research experiment on if Disney princesses impact children. The study included 198 children either in preschool or kindergarten, both girls and boys. According to Coyne (2016), The big contribution this study... Show more content on ... In my opinion, teaching children about racism and sexism AS A WHOLE, is better than teaching them with Disney princesses. I say this because there could be a girl in the class or even boy that believes that girls only cook, clean, and be a damsel in distress. But, according to Robyn Muir (2016), It s teaching how gender is represented through a popular media outlet and how that can affect the way women and men are represented in society, as well as, can teach children to have respect for others and how to value and promote a diverse society. But of course, when teaching that, you do have to pay attention to how you word things and make sure to get the right message across and not the wrong one. In example, Snow White. It is said that she doesn t mind housework because she is sure that a rich man will come and take her away! Yes, the movie had very stereotypical characters: 7 men who work all day and come home to a cooked meal, a domesticated princess, a prince who comes and saves her from her sleeping curse, and of course an evil stepmother. Yes, she dreams of love as any girl would, but it doesn t mean she minds housework. Another example would be Belle, from the Beauty and the Beast. There are several arguments that beauty and the beast have elements of Stockholm Syndrome
  • 45. Pollution Water Pollution The data collected and found while in the trip, can determine who polluted the water is. It was concluded that the water quality is good to excellent. The first graph shows the level of nitrates, phosphates and dissolved oxygen in the water. There was an average of 2.5 ppm of nitrate found, 1.7 ppm of phosphates, and 8.7 ppm of dissolved oxygen. Phosphates and nitrates are harmful to the water and can cause algaeblooms, which then creates dead zones. These chemicals come from farms mostly, and run down through the soil, into the water. That is why areas with an abundance of agriculture can sometimes negatively affect their nearby water source. The dissolved oxygen level found was also good. Dissolved oxygen is the gaseous form of oxygen found in water. Without it, animals would not be able to survive underwater. Many factors affect how much dissolved oxygen is in the water, such as temperature, the atmosphere, water movement speed, and plant life in the water. The average temperature of the water was about 69 degrees Fahrenheit and about 20.5 degrees Celsius. Cooler water temperature creates more dissolved oxygen. With more dissolved oxygen, it is easier for animals to survive in the water. Another component of the water that was measured, was turbidity. Turbidity is how far down in the water you would be able to see with your naked eye. If water has a high level as turbidity, it would mean that you could see far down, and the water would be clearer. If it
  • 46. Cyber Predators And Its Effects On Children Introduction: The cyber crime I have chosen is cyber predators. Cyber predators are individuals who commit sexual abuse that begins or takes place on the Internet. Although the Internet did not create child predators, it has significantly increased the opportunities predators have to meet victims while minimizing detection. They can communicate with children anonymously through instant messaging, social networking sites, chat rooms, message boards, and even cell phones. Online predators do not fit any one mold or stereotype; seemingly upstanding citizens have been caught enticing children for sexual acts. Contrary to popular belief, most online predators are not pedophiles. Pedophiles target pre pubescent children, while online predators typically target adolescents who engage in risky online behavior. (Wolak J, Finkelhor D, Mitchell K, Ybarra M. 2008). Describe the type of cybercrime you selected. Predators take advantage of children s natural vulnerabilities, such as their desire to appear adult or their need for attention. Grooming is the process through which predators play on these vulnerabilities by offering children gifts and attention. It does not happen overnight. Grooming can be a long process that a patient, tenacious predator has planned and perfected to gain a child s trust. This grooming may lead to the child s willingness to meet the person with whom he or she is chatting. Offenders will often entice a child into a face to face meeting by
  • 47. Listening Skills In Counseling Counseling is a process that occurs when client engage a professional counselor to set time aside expressing problems, thoughts and feelings in a confidential space so being able to help them deal or overcome issues which cause difficulties and also helped to improve life in future. Apart from that, a counselor is trained to listen with empathy whereby with the helpof counselor, clients will slowly feel better (Dryden, W, 2010). Listening, attending, empathy, questioning, summarising are all the counseling skills for a trained counselor. Each skill has the own meaning to it. These counseling skills can be very effective in a way if a trained counselor knows how and when to apply them during the session. Basically, listening skill involves ... Show more content on ... Besides that, I reflect on the limitations and challenges of skills used by me in this role play. One of the most important limitations is dealing with anxiety. The moment I am face to face with clients, I am feeling nervous and out of words. Imagine, being in a room with someone who is a stranger to me and I should not expect her to start the conversation instead. Understood that this could be her first time being in a counseling session but to prevent her from keeping silent, I had to start a conversation to start the session. Besides that I have to also build a relationship and trust with clients so in days ahead, she will feel comfortable conversing with me. Time is a crucial thing for me. Basically, I have a habit of looking at the time for every five minutes although counseling session took up only an hour, but to me, it seems to be long. Apart from that, she might think that I am bored listening to her issue but as a act of trained counselor, I steal a glance on my watch when she grab a drink or wipe her mucus. Although it is hard to maintain by not looking at the watch each time, but to me it is a way of respect towards our
  • 48. Low Fat Diet Research Paper Is a low fat diet good for your health? Low fat diets have been implemented into the lives of Americans since the late 1980 s. With increasing popularity of the many other new food trends, the low fat diet has continued its popularity amongst those trying to lose weight. As it turns out, maintaining a low fat diet compared to a regular diet may be having an adverse effect on consumers according to research and technological advances of today. Low fat diets cut out traditionally fatty products with high fat content for foods with fewer calories. Researchers in the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University found that people with low fat diets believed that their low fat choices had 40% fewer calories and therefore allowed them to be able to
  • 49. Social And Economic Impacts Of The Industrial Revolution Introduction In response to the drastic social and economic impacts of the industrial revolution in the United States during the mid 19th century, labor union were created in order to facilitate fair negotiations on the behalf of workers with their employers in regard to work related difficulties such as pay, working conditions, along with other amenities. Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 following the end of the Second World War identifies the ability to organize trade unions as a fundamental human right. On a more federal level, the United States Congress also began passing laws targeted at industries to better working conditions as... Show more content on ... Team owners gave the NBPA recognition in 1957; however, due to a lack of interest from the players and a lack general organization, the NBPA was not taken seriously by anyone, and as a result did not accomplish anything. This all began to change in the 1960 s and 70 s, as the dynamic combination of growing fan interest and the emergence of network television transformed sports leagues and individual teams into valuable business enterprises. Naturally, the players wanted a greater share of the expanding wealth; to do so, they had to do it the same ways blue collar industrial workers did: through collective bargaining with the help of labor unions, or in this case, the National Basketball Players Association. Previously dysfunctional and inconsequential, the NBPA turned to Harvard Law graduate Lawrence Larry Fleisher, an attorney and sports agent. Hired on as a general counsel in 1962, Fleisher negotiated the first collective bargaining agreement in all of professional sports in 1967, securing pensions, minimum salaries, and disability pay for its members. Over the years, the NBPA grew in power as the NBA grew in popularity. With new massive network television deals, apparel contracts, advertisement air times, ticket sales, concessions, to name a few sources of the teams revenue, how to divide the Association s basketball related income (BRI) has remained a central topic of debate between players and owners. Ever since the creation of the Players
  • 50. Marilyn Monroe Essay She has one of the most recognized faces in the world. Over forty years after her death, Marilyn Monroe s life and death is still in question. Her trademark platinum hair and beauty mark, her famous skirt blowing scene, which eventually she became ashamed of because no one could see the woman who was intellectual had feelings and worked hard behind the glitter, the gold and the smiles. Everyone knew this Marilyn Monroe, but did anybody know Norma Jeane Baker? Marilyn Monroe was a Hollywood icon, maybe even a legend, but who was this luminous woman, and was the happy woman that everyone knew capable of killing herself? On June 1, 1926 a woman named Gladys Monroe Baker had a little girl named Norma Jeane. Gladys mental instability led to... Show more content on ... The first step of her transformation was her dyeing her hair blonde, second she divorced James, that same year, she signed her first contract with the Fox Studios, and was paid 75$ a week. Finally, on August 24th 1946, Norma Jeane Dougherty became Marilyn Monroe. As Monroe s career drug on she lit up every screen that she was on, becoming one of the most famous actresses of her time. She had over thirty well known movies and was continuing to work on more serious roles. In the 40 s 50 s and 60 s women were just stepping out into the business world, going from house wife to working girl. It was the time in which beauty couldn t have brains in the media s eyes. Marilyn was put into the stereotypical box of beauty without brains because of all the flirtatious dumb blonde roles that she had played. Though through the later years of her life she was trying to claw her way out of that box because nobody took her seriously. She had said she would never regret the roles she had taken because they got her to the high point in her life that she was at. She had commented, In Hollywood a girl s virtue is much less important than her hairdo. You re judged by how you look, not by what you are. Hollywood s a place where they ll pay you a thousand dollars for kiss, and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty. Marilyn Monroe got married again to Jo DiMaggio the famous base ball player. But the marriage
  • 51. What Does The Tyger Mean Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. This quote, by Benjamin Franklin, emphasizes the importance of writing good literature. Literature changes our way of thinking and influence all who read it. The poet William Blake wrote the poem The Tyger in 1794. This poem is a classic and has been read for hundreds of years by countless people. Overall The Tygeris a strong poem because of its form, content, and theme. Firstly The Tyger is well formatted. This poem has an AABB rhyming pattern, each stanza being four lines. It is six stanzas long. Besides this, the poem contains many literary devices such as a paradox, personification, and imagery. For example one line states Did he who make the Lamb make thee?
  • 52. Essay A P I chose to write about the short story A P. The story takes place in a small town in the late 60 s, in a vacation town of sorts with a general store, few residents. What I received from the setting, was a very low maintenance town where everybody knows everybody (very tight community) most likely old school beliefs and structures (religion, dress code, ethics, morals, extВ…strict) and for a short time tourists come to live for a while, and in a sense shake up the foundation of the town a bit with their outside beliefs and values. Well Sammy, the main character, is nineteen and has or had, as I should say after reading the story, a job working as a check out clerk at the local A P. (Alexadrov and Petrooshki Tea Company) When one ... Show more content on ... Even Sammy, quits his job over them. Because during the last section of the story the old grey store manager/owner, confronts the young ladies on what they were wearing although legal, in this time and date and in such a small, I m guessing Bible belt town, was jus plain awful to him almost embarrassing I would say, for these women to flaunt their extremities. It was not clear what set the manager off but the women were told to quickly pay and leave. During this argument between the primped and polished girls and the old grey dusty store manager Sammy very bravely stands up, from what I believe to impress these women and to show them that he can not only stand up for them but stand up to his superior, risk his job, and make a scene. For What?! Just for them to walk out of the store never to look back, never to show appreciation, and never to see Sammy again. Hell of a first impression if you ask me. But then again the author never explained any past occurrences at the store that might have led to this, and this might have been just the last straw possibly for Sammy. Maybe he was fed up with his work, and he saw the chance to quit and look tough and manly, also make a big stink in front of Queenie and her cronies. (The women in the story) To me this seems very unreasonable to make an ass out of yourself, if it is just for a couple of girls that I m sure in his mind knew he wasn t going to go anywhere
  • 53. Snow Bound By John Greenleaf Whittier Snow Bound by John Greenleaf Whittier and Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost, both have several representations of imagery and imagination. Throughout both poems, the authors use imagery to connect to the reading senses and imagination to allow the reader to appeal to their own senses. Snow Bound , a poem describing the joyous day for a boy who experienced snow for the first time. Author, John Greenleaf Whittier uses imagery perfectly. The blue walls of the firmament, no cloud about, no earth below a universe of sky and snow. The author describes the setting of the poem by his use of rich and creative imagery. Robert Frostalso shows his touch of imagery in the poem, Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening .