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Example Of Essay Proposal
Writing an essay on the topic of "Example of Essay Proposal" might seem like a straightforward
task at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of crafting a compelling proposal can prove to
be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a delicate balance
between providing a clear and concise overview of the proposed essay while also demonstrating
a profound understanding of the subject matter.
One of the initial challenges lies in formulating a captivating introduction that not only grabs the
reader's attention but also sets the tone for the rest of the essay. Crafting a thesis statement that
accurately conveys the essence of the proposed essay adds another layer of complexity. It
requires a thorough exploration of the topic to identify the key arguments and establish a
roadmap for the reader.
Moreover, outlining the methodology for the proposed essay can be intricate. Clearly delineating
the research methods, data sources, and analytical tools is crucial for ensuring the credibility and
validity of the essay. This demands a meticulous approach, as a well-defined methodology lays
the foundation for a robust and convincing argument.
Another hurdle is presenting a comprehensive literature review. Synthesizing existing research
and identifying gaps in the current understanding of the topic necessitates a thorough
examination of scholarly articles, books, and relevant sources. The challenge lies in not only
summarizing the existing literature but also critically evaluating it to justify the need for the
proposed essay.
The process of constructing a coherent and logical argument further adds to the difficulty.
Ensuring a smooth flow of ideas, transitioning between paragraphs seamlessly, and maintaining a
cohesive narrative demand careful planning and meticulous editing. Striking a balance between
providing sufficient evidence to support the thesis and avoiding information overload is a
delicate task.
In conclusion, while the topic "Example of Essay Proposal" may appear straightforward, the
actual process of writing such a proposal involves navigating through various challenges. It
requires a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication to
produce a well-crafted essay proposal. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any
academic writing challenges, a helpful resource to explore is There, one can
find support in tackling various writing tasks and ensuring the successful completion of
academic assignments.
Example Of Essay Proposal Example Of Essay Proposal
Wes Anderson As An Auteur
What exactly is an auteur? According to Graham Roberts and Heather Wallis, film s
generic ideas produced creative conventions in cinema language which could then be
exploited and developed by individual artists into a personal vision (127). That
individual artist is the auteur; someone who, through their work, displays several key
qualities that are uniquely their own, namely: reoccurring themes and plotlines
throughout their movies; specific stylistic qualities in their films such as mise en
scene and cinematography styles; similar character attributes and traits; and narrative
structure and features (Roberts and Wallis 128). Throughout cinema s history, only
several directors have ever been referred to as an auteur . Some names that are...
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While The Royal Tenenbaums is a clear example of how the entire movie is
structured around the family, his other works also incorporate the same family
orientated structure. Take The Darjeeling Limited (2007) for example. The movie
surrounds three estranged brothers, Peter, Francis and Jack, all with their own
personal conflicts which as mentioned earlier, is another common Anderson theme as
they travel together to meet their mother. In The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou,
Ned, whose mother has recently passed away, believes that Steve is his father. Even
his stop motion film Fantastic Mr Fox (2009) was an adaptation of Roald Dahl s
novel that surrounded a family of foxes. Wes Anderson s continued use of the idea
of family as part of the storyline for his movies is another key trait of his which
makes him qualify as another of film s
The Justification Of Believers By The Sacrifice Of Christ
For this report, I have been challenged to interview my pastor on the subject of his
views of the justification of believers by the sacrifice of Christ; after my
investigation, I am content to announce that his frame of mind didn t blow me
away all. With Christian I have ever known, the justification of believers by the
sacrifice of Christ has been dependable and steadfast; so once I posed the inquiry
to my pastor, the first thing we discussed that he wanted to make sure I understood
was that all have sinned, and there is no one who is righteous. From the womb, we
were born sinners, and enemies of God is how Pastor Thompson started the banter;
this seemed to echo the same sentiments that the Apostle Paul used in Romans
chapter 3 verse 23 when he declares For all have sinned, and come short of the
glory of God . That is the initial deliberation I believe all must come to grips with
as far as salvation is concerned. One person has to know that they are blameworthy
before you can become conscious of their need to be justified, or affirmed
righteous. Moving along in the interview, Pastor Thompson praised God for being
such a wonderful creator and God. He elucidated that while yet we were sinners
and enemies of our own creator, God loved us so much that He gave his own
creations a possibility to be made righteous with Him according to His mercy and
grace. If there is anyone out there who thinks they did anything to deserve
righteousness from God, please keep them away
Cordelia Quotes
Mam, the burger you gave me, has far too much ketchup, I I m done I just, I... I just
need a refund or something! What if I called your manager and told them, then woul
Cordelia: shut up. Just shut up. Miss, I replaced the first burger because it had to
much sauce, now you want me to get you you a new burger, because the one I
replaced doesn t have enough. I m just doing what I m told ok, and what... I get
paid like... pfftttt $7.50 an hour and I have to put up with annoying snobby people
like you... yeah, people like you who rock up to a fast food restaurant like this, with
your kids all stressed and then come and heap that stress on us. You ve got to be
kidding me, who do you think you are like...where do you think you are? This isn t
some Michelin star, sirloin strip steak shit, you payed for a $3.00 burger! ... Show
more content on ...
No. You think because I m wearing this phony hat and this stupid apron and you re
there standing in your Prada heels and now you think you have this magical power
that excuses you from being a bitch!
Here an idea why don t you take this greasy apron, and the hat and cook these
burgers till your hearts content and stand back here in this 128 degree Doesn t sound like so much fun now does it? So, I suggest that
you take this sad looking burger and get the fuck out out of my face because I ve just
about had it. Shoo bitch
(Takes a deep breath and faces the next customer smiling) Good evening welcome to
Bailey s burgers, what would you like
Frankenstein Ignorance Is Bliss Quotes
Ignorance Is Bliss Knowledge, a characteristic all people seek and one that
provides more power than any army could provide, can be rewarding and
enlightening; however, it can be disastrous as well. In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein,
the main character Victor Frankenstein learns how knowledge can lead to dangerous
inventions. Victor creates a creature assembled from scavenged human parts;
however, upon seeing how hideous its appearance is, he flees which leaves the
monster shunned by the rest of society. The creature, tortured by solitude, begins to
kill Victor s friends and family after Victor refuses to create a companion for him
and the two end up dying lonely. Knowledge can be a powerful weapon; however,
Victor notes when recanting his... Show more content on ...
Victor is foolish, as he dedicated half of his life working to create the being, and
the second half trying to destroy it. The creature causes Victor s death, although it
was not by the creature s own hands. The creature drives him to desperation, and it
is the creature s fault that he has nothing and no one to live for in the world. Near
the end of his life, Victor gives Walton some final words of advice saying, Seek
happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently
innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries (162). Victor
realizes his life has been ruined because of his scientific ambition, and he also
acknowledges that the sins of his past will continue to haunt him. In the end, the
creature causes Victor s death just as the creature killed his family and friends;
therefore, Victor neglects his health and travels to harsh environments to catch the
monster ending in his own demise. It is knowledge that causes Victor to gain
dangerous ambition, the ambition that causes him to undertake the immoral and
laborious task of creating life. The creature ends up ruining Victor s life, and he has
only the knowledge he pursued to blame for that. Victor used his enormous range of
knowledge for this shady invention; however, he could have used it to benefit
mankind. Knowledge causes Victor to become ambitious, and it is this ambition that
leads to his solitude, sadness, and eventual death. Knowledge can be beneficial;
however, it can also be destructive if used for dangerous
Living Like An Exile By William Hazlitt Analysis
William Hazlitt explores the difficulty of living a comfortable life when one lacks
money through harsh diction and symbolic syntax. Hazlitt describes the bleak
future of those who lack money through his harsh diction. He emphasizes the
challenges of living a life where one does not have the financial ability to sustain
themselves. Money is required when making transactions for necessities such as
food and shelter. Those without money are condemned to serving as a thrall or
living like an exile while being scrutinized and neglected . Life as a thrall or as an
exile is not a pleasant one, living a life under servitude or as an outcast of society.
Similarly, one who lives life without money does not lead a pleasant life; it is difficult
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Downlink Multiplexing
Downlink Multiplexing The multiplexing chain in the downlink is largely
comparable to that in the uplink however there are also certain functions that are
done in a different way. As like in the uplink, the interleaving is executed in two
components, covering both intra frame and inter frame interleaving. In addition, the
rate matching permits one to stabilise the necessary channel symbol energy for
various service qualities. The services can be mapped to more than one code
additionally, which is essential when the single code capability in either the terminal
or base station is surpassed. Downlink Shared Channel Transmitting data with
elevated peak rate and small activity cycle in the downlink rapidly causes the
channelisation codes under a solitary scrambling code to start to come to an end. In
order to circumvent this complication, fundamentally two alternatives exist: exercise
of either supplementary scrambling codes. The supplementary scrambling code
approach loses the benefit of the transmissions being orthogonal from a single source,
and consequently should be avoided. Using a shared channel resource maintains this
benefit and in the mean time lessens the downlink code resource... Show more content
on ...
Figure 1.8 code trees with the four layers are taken into account. The highest
capacity of the code tree is 8R. In the code tree, two codes with SF is 4 and 8 are
engaged. As a result, the capacity employed for the OVSF code tree is 3R. The
remaining capacity of the code tree is 8R 3R=5R. When a new call with data rate
4R enters, code from the third layer is essential. The code tree is not capable of
offering code for the new call, since both the codes equivalent to 4R capacity are
obstructed. Accordingly, this is a condition where a new call capacity to manage it.
This is known as code (call) blocking and can be circumvented with the help of
efficient assignment and reassignment
Teamsters Union Speeches
Hello, I m [introductory statement] . . . .
In today s message I want to talk with you about something that has become very
important over the past few weeks. It s something a lot of people have asked me
about and something people have been urging me to talk about.
I want to talk with you about the union.
Many people have asked me what I think about having the Teamsters union come
into Advocate Christ Medical Center to represent some of our associates. I want to
be very clear: I very strongly prefer NOT to have the Teamsters come between us.
I know some people will say this means I am anti union, but that s not it. It s not a
question of what I m against, it s a question of what I m for. Let me explain what I
The first thing I am for is giving our patients outstanding care and service. They re
the reason we re all here. In every decision we make and in everything we do,
patients needs should be our main consideration. The key to providing outstanding
care is teamwork: all of us working together, toward a common goal. ... Show more
content on ...
Our country s labor laws were written back in the 1930s, and they haven t changed
much since. Those laws are based on the assumption that labor and management are
adversaries that they are enemies and that they are in conflict with each other. The
role of a union is to help labor in their fight against management. It s the exact
opposite of
Gender and Sexuality in Culture
Diversity or rather, the lack of understanding diversity may be one of the most
prevalent issues in the world today. Though the World Wide Web has bridged the
cultural gap some, it will never fully or accurately reveal the truth simply because it is
difficult to fully understand cultural meanings from an outsider s perspective. Before
the internet, careers in anthropology and similar fields made information available
through ethnographic readings and studies. A key inquiry anthropologists seek to
answer is the distinction between and role of sex, gender, and sexuality within each
separate culture. Y The Last Manand other ethnographic texts connect culture, its
language, and the formation of gender, sex, and sexuality roles in any given... Show
more content on ...
A more specific type of cultural oppression is what Amazons feel that men have over
Amazons portrayed in Y are an extremist group of women who believe that the men
died for a reason, and they intend to embrace the new freedom and control given to
them by Mother Earth (Vaughan, 96). Subjugation that these women felt from their
male counterpart was apparently detrimental to their lives. In The Sworn Virgins of
Albania , women decide to take on a male status for various reasons such as
protection, avoiding an arranged marriage, and keeping the family name (Young,
253). With all men extinct, the sworn virgins would have no need to exist. According
to Different Words, Different Worlds , men s authority over women is seen through
chivalrous acts such as opening a door. What they believe is in fact happening is that
the man gives the woman permission to walk first, but he can easily take that consent
away just the same, thus confirming he has the control (Tannen, 231). Language is
another tool used to control and belittle.
Language is only fully understood within the context of its culture. After the
Amazon leader is called a cunt by a rebelling girl, she explains there is no longer
offense in the word since the men made society see it in a negative light and
disregard its ancient historical meaning of all powerful (Vaughan, 112). In the movie
Ma Vie en Rose,
Social Injustice in Roundhouse Essay
Native American Literature Film
22 April 2014
Social Injustice in Roundhouse
Lives for Native Americans on reservations have never quite been easy. There are
many struggles that most outsiders are completely oblivious about. In her book The
Roundhouse, Louise Erdrich brings those problems to light. She gives her readers a
feel of what it is like to be Native American by illustrating the struggles through the
life of Joe, a 13 year old Native American boy living on a North Dakota reservation.
This book explores an avenue of advocacy against social injustices. The most
observable plight Joe suffers is figuring out how to deal with the injustice acted
against his mother, which has caused strife within his entire family and within ...
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We try to press against the boundaries of what we are allowed, walk a step past the
edge. Our records will be scrutinized by Congress one day and decisions on whether
to enlarge our jurisdiction will be made. Some day. We want the right to prosecute
criminals of all races on all lands within our original boundaries. Which is why I try
to run a tight courtroom, Joe. What I am doing now is for the future, though it may
seem small, or trivial, or boring, to you (Erdrich 229 230).
Because he is too young to fully understand all the factors of the situation, Joe teeters
between taking the law into his own hands and trusting his father to achieve justice
through diligence. Inevitably, Joe plots to take his own actions against the attacker.
He and his friends conspire to find the attacker. They undermine Bazil s attempt for
restorative, long term justice when they confront the attacker and shoot him.
In addition to the issues within the family, the crime committed against mother has
cause inner turmoil for Joe. He is faced with the feelings of obligation to avenge
his mother. He sees her sheltering herself every day in her bedroom, slowly
becoming just a shell of the woman she used to be. The damned carcass had stolen
from her. Some warm part of her was gone and might not return. This new
formidable woman would take getting to know, and I was thirteen. I didn t have the
time (Erdrich 193), says Joe. Feeling more and more alone, Joe is forced into
Iranian Revolution Research Paper
Iran under the Pahlavi Monarchy................................................................
Iran under the Shah s Rule.......................................................................
The Iranian Revolution............................................................................
Establishing the Islamic Republic of Iran........................................................
Iran under the Ayatollahs.........................................................................
Iran under the Pahlavi Monarchy
For many centuries such as the early 1500 s, Iran has been an islamic state
consisting of Shiites majority, ruled by the Qajar dynasty (1796 1925). However,
in the early 1920 s during a time of instability in Iran, Reza Khan (1878 1944), an
officer was able to overthrow the Qajar dynasty and crown himself as the shah in
1925. With it s next door neighbor Turkey already modernized, Reza had ambitions
for Iran; he wanted to modernize Iran as well , that being he wanted to bring change
within the nation. ... Show more content on ...
Reza shah was also able to lay out his plans which consisted of implementing
infrastructure projects, building a railroad system, establishing a public education
system, as well as developing huge industries and overall improving the health
care system, and finally reforming the judiciary branch in Iran. With all these
reforms at work, Reza shah was able to turn Iran into an industrialized nation;
though by mid 1930 s many religious and intellectual elites were dissatisfied by the
shah s dictatorial ways in Iran; thus foreshadowing the coming introduction of
Ayatollah Khomeini against the modernized idealism of Reza shah. During World
War II, Iran s oil resources alone played a factor in overthrowing the shah (Reza),
which is analyzed by Mohammad Gholi Majd in his book, Great Britain and Reza
Shah: The Plunder of Iran, 1921 1941 . With Great Britain being the majority holder
of the Anglo Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), they feared the possibility of an alliance
between both
Joe Hill Magicians
Audiences have at all times throughout history been amazed by illusions performed
for them for the purpose of entertainment by the means of magicians. Some of these
magicians include David Copperfield, who made the Statue of Liberty disappear,
Harry Houdini, who was most famous for his escape tricks, and Robert Houdin, who
would read the audience s mind. In spite of the fact that many of these magicians
appear to have done their magic through some supernatural force, in reality, the
magicians use their sleight of hand in order to change the perspective of the audience.
According to the article, Magic as a Cooperative Deceit, the author states that magic
is an attempt to change the belief of the audience that something out ... Show more
content on ...
The psychology of magic tricks is also affected from person to person. The
experience of an individual may be different among other individuals based on past
experience and expectations. For example, this article, There s more to magic than
meets the eye includes the illusion of a ball being thrown up; however, the ball
stays in the illusionist s hand. About 68% of people fall for the trick because of
the fact that their expectation is that the ball will go up and their past experience
is the fact that they have seen a ball thrown up numerous times. Furthermore, the
social cuing of the illusionist inspired the social cuing of the audience into
believing the direction of the ball to go up. Consequently, this shows that the
audience of a magician may not all be affected and some may experience no
illusion. In addition, Illusions are based on many things. A good magician uses
The Cooperative Principle . This law basically states that the cause precedes the
effect in time, cause and effect are contiguous in time and place, and there is a
history of regularity in the precedence and contiguity of cause and effect. These
rules may be applied to illusions due to the fact that the magician uses the
cooperation of the audience and their sleight of hand. The cause in a simple trick
along the lines of pulling a rabbit is the magician s sleight of hand and the effect
A River Runs Through It
Being skeptical about this type of movie is normal, however, keep an open mind.
It tells the story of two children growing up in rural Montana with a strict Minister
father. Their father not only taught them the word of God and to put all their faith
in their religion, but he also taught them to fly fish. Several times it is mentioned
that the line between God and fly fishing was usually blurred or hard to find.
Norman Maclean is the eldest son, he also appears to be the protagonist. The
movie is in his point of view with an older version of himself providing voice overs
as he reflects. The story starts when Norman and his younger brother Paul were
children, but it spends most of the time when they are older. Both being out of
college and fresh to the world as responsible adults, this movie adds its name to a
long list of dramafilms.
What makes a good drama? Three key things to look for in any drama are: conflict,
character portrayal, and last, but not least, comic relief. Does this movie have
conflict? Any good drama has a conflict in the plot, particularly one that grabs the
attention of the audience, and A River Runs Through It is no exception. The main
conflict in this film appears to be life itself. The conflict is displayed all throughout
the movie, with the struggle of growing up to the struggle of finding your place in
this world. The main plot is the conflict of life while the subplots are more about
each character doing a little searching of their own. Norman has
Katmai National Park And Reserve
Katmai Research Surrounded by volcanoes and rocky beaches, is a national park.
Katmai National Park and Reserve is waiting for you to explore its features and
history. Katmai has a large population of bears. Once a year they feast on salmon,
which come from the north. Some of Katmai s land has volcanoes. Those
volcanoes are part of the Pacific ocean. Alaska is where Katmai waits for you.
Come explore Alaska, Katmai home state. Alaska is very snowy. It was officially
the 49th state of America. Alaska is not connected to the United states. Katmai is
connected to Canada. If you want to think about that for a while then do it, but I
saved you time by telling you this. Volcanoes are a large part of Alaska . The
volcanoes are
Infant Mental Health
infant mental health; prenatal care; integrated obstetric practice; and high risk
For centuries, the bar for maternal care was set low. Until the mid twentieth century,
maternal mortality remained at 30% from antenatal, delivery, and postpartum
complications. For many years the role of the obstetrician during the antenatal time
was primarily focused on preparation of the mother to reduce risks of delivery and
avoid fetal mortality and acute morbidity. Only recently did the obstetric field begin
to focus on the health of the baby. The advent of ultrasound and fetal heart rate
testing provided opportunities to detect issues prior to catastrophic events, but were
still essentially passive tests that did not allow for intervention until ... Show more
content on ...
(2009). These authors describe the importance of developing a new identity as a
parent and transforming the internal representations of self and others, with particular
emphasis placed on the mother s capacity to rework the internalized and actual
relationship with her own mother. Slade et al. (2009) suggest that the success or
conflict in this reworking process sets the positive or negative groundwork for the
upcoming mother child relationship. Another important task of pregnancy is the
development of feelings of connectedness to the unborn child or maternal fetal
attachment (MFA) (Cranley, 1981; Condon Corkindale, 1997). The parent needs to
develop a representation of an imagined child and begin to behave in a way that is
consistent with a developing attachment. Prenatal representations the subjective
experience of how the baby is perceived create the meaning an infant has for a parent.
These representations can be characterized in one of three ways: integrated/balanced,
with a cognitively and emotionally well organized sense of themselves as mothers
and of the unborn child; restricted/disinvested, with a flat representation of
themselves and of the unborn child; or not integrated/ambivalent, characterized by
confusing and contradictory representations of self and the unborn child, with higher
rates of the latter two categories in pregnant women with
Analysis Of Blanche Dubois s
Blanche DuBois arrives to visit her sister, Mrs. Stella Kowalski, who lives in the
French Quarter ofNew Orleans. She is shocked by the (low quality/low class)
looks of the place. While a neighborgoes to find Stella, Blanche looks around the
apartment for a drink. When her sister comes,Blanche quite honestly (says bad
things about) the place. She explains that she has come for avisit because her
nerves are shattered from teaching. Noticing that the apartment has only tworooms,
she has fears about staying but she tells Stella that she can t stand being alone. She
explains to Stella that their old (related to a person s relatives going way back for
many years) home, Belle Reve, has been lost. While Stella goes to the bathroom,
Stanley, her husband,enters and meets Blanche. He questions her about her past and
especially about her earliermarriage, which upsets Blanche to the point that she
feels sick. The following night Stella and Blanche plan to have dinner out and go to
a movie while Stanleyplays poker with his friends. But before they leave, Stanley
wants to know how Belle Reve waslost. Blanche tries to explain and gives him all
the papers and documents having to do with theplace. Later that night when Blanche
and Stella return from their movie, the men are still playingpoker. Blanche meets
Mitch, one of Stanley s friends, who seems to be more sensitive than theothers. While
Mitch is in the second room talking to Blanche, Stanley becomes angry over aseries
of events,
Innovation and Design Strategy
Samsung Electronics: Innovation and Design Strategy Introduction: The case study
commences with the integration of innovative design and brand management by
Samsung Electronics which started a new trend in the electronics industry. As
discussed in the case, initially Samsung was not much popular and lacked design
identity but later it relocated itself by: * Improvement in the product development
processes * Increasing their investments in R amp;D and product design i.e. R amp;D
globalization. * By adopting right innovation strategies. * By mastering the less
tangible, more intuitive qualities of superior design. * By diversification of products
and step by step or continual improvement. * Implementing Global... Show more
content on ...
* Co operation between the business partners throughout the supply chain * Firms
ability in exploring end penetrating into the new markets * Speed of innovation and
product development. Along with this Samsung also increased the investments in
their R amp;D centers. After doing the trend analysis for the Exhibit 3 which
shows the Samsung R amp;D budget and percentage sales, We arrive at the
conclusion that the Samsung s R amp;D budget increased till the year 2007
linearly. But there is decline in the percentage of sales in the year 2007, which
suggests that the Samsung will need to rethink this strategy. There is an urgent need
to optimize the cost related to Samsung s R amp;D expenditure to prevent the
decline of sales in future. Samsung globalized their R amp;D network worldwide to
develop technologies which can be commercialized in the future. Basically the main
idea behind the globalization of R amp;D network is to: * Focus on innovation and
generating new products for global market. * There is a huge scope of product
improvement. * This provides an access to the emerging markets. * Leverages the
market opportunity for the firm. User Centric Design Philosophy Samsung s
philosophy was to strike the balance between the reasons and feelings. This was done
by them with the rationalization of the design of product by using geometric and
technological parameters and enhancing the
Multicultural Literacy
Discussion When students finish middle school and move to high school, is when
they are mostly likely to drop out of school. Students don t see the point of continuing
their education when most of the time they don t understand or don t relate to the
information that is being presented to them. Most of the time students rather be out in
the streets with their peers causing havoc, than being inside a classroom. Typically,
this often occurs in urban areas where the schoolpopulation usually consists of
students with culturally diverse backgrounds. According to the textbook Content
Area Reading and Writing (2008), students in inner city schools finish assignments
that involve reading or writing. The reason being that they often lack connection...
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Students will be able to enjoy and understand the lessons, which it s obvious they
rarely do. We can t afford to keep losing students because of a simple issue like this.
If students have low reading proficiencies because they are dropping out of school,
it will affect the communities and workplaces. Students won t be able to be
successful because, nowadays the majority average paying jobs require for their
employees to be able to read, write and communicate effectively as well as to have a
high school diploma. It s imperative that preservice teachers are informed of the
benefits multicultural education has. This type of curriculum could be what keeps
culturally diverse students in school, or at least make it easier for them to
Should there be a legal market for the transplant of kidneys from live donors? If so,
what form should this market take? If not, how should the shortage of kidneys for
transplant be addressed?
First I am going to argue that that a upholding the right to self ownership should be a
justification in allowing for an unregulated legal market for the transplant of kidneys
from live donors.
Second I will explain how the negative externality that would occur due to the
existence of a new market for live kidneys, would create a decrease in the welfare of
society through behavioural effects in other similar markets. I will counter this
argument by explaining that there would be an overall net gain in utility received by
a variety of agents in ... Show more content on ...
Such as the way others view them as virtuous and vital additions to the benefit of
The presence of a market provides the opportunity for a donor and recipient to take
part in a transaction that better improves the utility of both individuals (by capturing
dead weight loss) assuming they both place heterogeneous values on the kidney (e.g.
the donor values his kidney at ВЈ1000, yet receives ВЈ1200 and the recipient values
the transplant of the kidney at ВЈ1500 yet only pays ВЈ1200). Such an exchange
would lead to a Pareto improvement in terms of utility, which is defined as the
movement towards an alternative state in which no one is made worse off and at
least one person is made better off; if such a state does exist. The absence of a
market in this case would lead to a dead weight loss, due to the lost producer and
consumer surplus (Difference between value of the good and price paid/received for
it) which would have been captured were the market exchange of the good permitted.
In the U.K. kidneys are viewed as market inalienable, in other words the good
cannot be transferred between agents that involves an exchange of resources and can
only be provided as a gift (gift alienable).
I believe the shortage of kidneys available in the U.K. (6,500 people are on the
waiting list for a kidney transplant) is due to the fact that the supply of kidneys is
restricted to those individuals that
Analysis Of Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee
The film Do the Right Thing (1989) by Spike Lee is a revolutionary film in Black
America Cinema. The film is carefully constructed to point out the building blocks
behind racial and societal conflict. Lee does this by implementing the theory and
theatrical practices of Bertolt Brecht to make us focus on the meaning behind each
scene instead of scene itself. Sharon Willis in her essay on Do the Right Thingstated,
Lee s antirealist project in Do the Right Thing brings it closely in line with the
theatrical practices of Bertolt Brecht. (837) Bertolt was a famous German theater
practitioner and playwright that came up with a concept known as
Verfremdungseffekt, or distancing effect. The concept behind this practice is to
defamiliarze the... Show more content on ...
In this scene Mookie, Pino, Stevie, Sonny, and Officer Long all look at the camera
and start monologing racial stereotypes of a different race. In each of these scene, the
camera starts far back and dolly in. The characters on the screen start looking
directly looking at the camera and at this point, it breaks the mise en scene and we
realize that this is a 4th wall break. The camera is also shaky so we know that its is
being handheld. Making the screen shaky and have the characters look directly at
the camera dispells the illusion of cinema, but it allows the characters to directly
interact with the audience. This is another example of how Lee uses the theatical
practices of Brecht. Lee wants the audience to forget that they are watching a movie
and focus on what the characters are saying because it reflects the views of many
people in the audience at the time. The purpose of this scene is to make the audience
reflect on
Apple Search Warrant
Multi billion dollar companies, Apple and Google have brought the attention of
security on their devices, by upgrading them 10 fold, basically changing it out for a
military grade protection. Rendering it almost impossible for anyone even Apple
and Google themselves to break in, hack, or even crack the code of any of their
devices. Apple had stated, as the new operating system becomes widely deployed
over the next several weeks, the number of IPhones and IPads that Apple is
capable of breaking into for police will steadily dwindle to the point where only
devices several years old and incapable of running iOS 8 can be unlocked by Apple
(Timberg). When FBI Director James B. Comey got an ear full of this nonsense, he
struck back at the companys,... Show more content on ...
But now its making the use of a search warrant for devices, basically impossible,
sending police and FBI agents into a tail spin. The sole purpose of a warrant is to
gain access to a highly suspected criminals information without any need of the
persons permission. Warrants are not easy to come by either, it takes quite a while
to obtain one, you must first have tangible evidence that a person is committing a
crime, then you must present it to a judge and convince them to sign the warrant,
which inter makes it legal. The same process goes for a federal warrant. Apple
said. that it is making it impossible for the company to turn over data from most
iPhones or iPads to police even when they have a valid search warrant (Timberg).
So basicly hindering the law passed about 5 months ago in the Supreme Court. The
other question it raises is that, the 4th amendment clearly states, the right of the
people to be secure in their own persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall
issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly
describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized , even with
probable cause , Apple still won t allow law enforcement to enter the phones, which
inter is going against the fourth amendment s
The Effects Of Exposure Therapy On Children
Why You Still Don t Have a Girlfriend
If I were to boil it down, the biggest mistake is that they tend to think of themselves
as unworthy of any girl. Tynan
You don t see yourself worthy of having a girlfriend.
That is why you still won t make the first move.
That is why you continue to live in your own little bubble.
You need to get out of your head and start playing the game called life.
In other words, stop seeing yourself as special or different, but also don t see yourself
as any less than anyone else.
And, yes, being yourself is all you need, but being yourself, as you know, is easier
said than done.
So how can you see yourself as worthy of a girlfriend?
Exposure Therapy
Exposure therapy does work. You ll see in time that women do respond to you and
that you are worthy of their time. can t get exposure therapy in your mom s
And, remember, exposure therapy has to be consistent to work.
As I keep saying, a job where you have to interact with different people all the time
is probably your best bet (retail, sales, etc.). It forces consistence.
Just make sure it s with a culture that wants to get to know you.
But exposure therapy goes both ways. If you don t approach, then your brain rewires
itself to not approach in those situations. And if you spend each weekend alone in
your room instead of going out, your brain prunes away the socializing neurons you
aren t using.
That s why doing exposure therapy completely alone isn t
Clifton Suspension Bridge
Kaylie Griffin and I chose to build the Clifton Suspension Bridge. The Clifton
Suspension Bridge is a suspension bridge located in Bristol, United Kingdom. A
suspension bridge is a type of bridge which the deck is supported by cables that
hang vertically off larger cables or hangers. Suspension bridges typically have two
towers and are anchored to abutments at their ends.The towers help to support much
of the weight that crosses the bridges deck, such as cars and people. The towers also
dissipate the load directly into the planet Earth. These features of a suspension
bridge are why they are strong therefore, one of the more popular designs for a
bridge. When building our popsicle bridge, we had to add x shaped joints and
brackets to help our... Show more content on ...
After completing this simulation, our bridge only had one string (cable line) untied
from the wire (hanger). Nothing else was damaged therefore, everything was intact.
During this test, our bridge was exposed to torsion because it was twisting and being
thrown around in the simulator. Our modifications helped my bridge withstand the
earthquake and hold a numerous amount of weight. Our bridge was very strong and
one of the top performers in the class although, it could have had more trusses and
modifications to make it even stronger. Our bridge weighed в…ћ lb. and it held 250
lb. therefore, it held 286 lb. for every 1 lb. As said before, we could have added
more joints and trusses to improve our bridge s performance. Compared to the rest
of the White Group, our bridge was the second strongest bridge. Our bridge also
performed very similar to everyone else s in the earthquake simulator. The
heaviest bridge was the Brooklyn Bridge, which also happened to be the strongest.
The tallest bridge was the Ben Franklin Bridge, coming in at 13 inches. In the
future, I think walking bridges could be made from glass, able to be looking down
on a river below you. Yes, I think a computer can help fix faults and help for better
design and performance of bridges. I learned many things from this bridge project,
some being, how to work as a team, patience, how bridges work, and different things
that help architects
Napoleon Diary Entry
Today, fifty odd years later, I sit on my porch alone, swinging gently in the
morning. I can look out over the yard. It looks just the same as the place were my
most important moment of my life happened. I ve kept it like that, so I never
forgot. It s a large yard, that looks like a tiny meadow in a forest. It s the height of
summer right now, so all the trees are full and green. Just like it was then. I
remember the year of 1778. I was in my prime, the my early twenties. The
Revolutionary War, my platoon s second year in the war. I was their lieutenant,
although it hardly seemed that I was above them in rank. We were all the closest of
friends, with loyalty deeper than I had ever known. We talked about everything, but
like every other... Show more content on ...
I still doubt that it will ever change. As a reminder of those friends though, I
planted a tree after the war. It took months to get the seed, but it was important to
me. I planted it at the edge of the small forest on my land, where it looks just as out
of place as it did all those years ago. The reason for this was that during the years
after, the old olive tree had died. So now, it sits in the same place as the old one,
maybe not quite as big, but and eternally sufficient reminder. And each day, I sit out
on the porch and listen to the birds in the tree sing, and watch them make their homes
Even now, as I sit here and remember this, I m sitting on the same wooden swing I
ve sat for years, looking at that olive tree. It is still the morning, and the birds are
singing their waking songs in those same trees by the olive. And deep in the olive
tree, I see a flash of the white feathers It s been so long since I saw. A flurry arises,
and I watch the doves rise back into the sky. Twenty of them rising into ray of of
light, coming through the clouds. A God ray, as my family always called
Social Issues In American Literature
American Literature from its beginnings is shaped by a demand towards reforming
society by bringing awareness towards towards social issues and a need to question
societal norms.American literature from its beginnings has focused around
establishing the American identity , and has also served as a means to address social
issues that have plagues American society. The three authors that are representative
of these ideals are the following; Hector De St John Crevecoeur Benjamin Franklin,
and Hannah Foster. These authors represent different perspectives on American
issues, ranging from revolutionary era america, women s rights, and also establishing
a set of values that represent the American Identity. At a time where the new world...
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The position that Crevoucuer demonstrates towards the social order in America is
that it is corrupt, and that the idea of revolution has turned quickly into disorder
throughout the colonies. Although Letters does provide praise towards the New
world, it also demonstrated the issues associated with forming a new world. These
issues are that of the vast disparities of wealth, institution of slavery, and that the New
World consists of colonies that are made up of contradictions. Ultimately, Letters
provides a pessimistis forecast for Ameria s future and puts into question the nature of
humanity in the forming of America. A work of literature that contrasts the ideas
stated in Letters is Benjamin Franklin s Poor Richard s Almanack. One of the main
purposes of this almanac was to actually help the average citizen in achieving
prosperity. Franklin like Crevecouer, uses a persona in his writings. The persona that
is used by Franklin is that of a poor farmer (Poor Richard), which helped to connect
with Franklin s target audience, which was the common American citizen. This style
of writing contrasts with Crevocuer because instead of making observations about the
corruption of America, Poor Richards Almanac tries to help Americans out by using
rational logic towards the problems of taxation, accumulating debt, and promoting the
concept of sociability. This almanac largely consisted of maxims of these ideals. An
example of
Using Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural...
! # $ ! % % (!%%
Using Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank small holder
direct loan scheme to increase agricultural production in rural Oyo State, Nigeria
1 1
Oyeyinka, R. A. and K. K. 2Bolarinwa
Department of Agricultural Education,Federal College of Education (Special), P. M.
B. 1089, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria. E mail:
Department of Agricultural Administration,
College of Agricultural Management and Rural Development University of
Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria. Correspondent author: E mail: Abstract: Credit disbursement has been given priority
by the Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank. The study
examined the use of NACRDB Small holder ... Show more content on ...
Granting credit to peasant farmers for the cost they incurred on land preparation,
weeding and harvesting operations and labour to increase the use of agricultural
inputs will enable them most importantly to be able to adopt modern farming
techniques, so as to increase their agricultural productivity. Farmer s access to credit
will enable them use tractors, which will lead to increased output of higher quality,
thereby resulting in
! # $ ! % % (!%%
increased income and improved standard of living, which is imperative. Public
policy in mobilizing financial resources for agricultural development has not been
very effective for a number of reasons. First, there have been no consistent and
effective policies to make private investment in agriculture more attractive due to
persistently low productivity. While this has not induced the necessary industrial
growth in the sector to create larger markets for farm output, it has also curtailed
free flow of funds from the private sector. As a result, the bulk of the investment in
agriculture has been from state resources. The proportion of agricultural output in the
GDP which was close to 60 percent during the 1960s stagnated below 30 percent for
most of the 1970s, although, there has been a reversal of this negative trend since the
National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS) was introduced
in 2004. The achieved proportion is however,
Analysis Of John Paul s The Law Of Marriage Essay
Chapter 7
Using the analogy of a widowed woman having been set free from the law of
marriage, Paul opens the chapter by explaining our death to the law. For under the
law, we were sinful, but dead to the law, we are free to serve the Holy Spirit. Paul
goes on to describe how the law revealed our sin to us. However, it was not the law
that brought us death, but sin through the law. Paul describes his own struggle with
sin, as he is unable to do the good he desires and unable to stop the evil that he hates.
Therefore, we must live in God through Jesus Christ so that we may be brought out
of death. Paul gives thanks to God and says, I myself serve the law of God with my
mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin (7:25), which demonstrates the
continued earthly struggle of man.
Key Verses:
7:4 Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of
Christ, so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead,
in order that we may bear fruit for God.
7:21 23 So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For
I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law
waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that
dwells in my members.
In 7:5, how are our sinful passions aroused by the law?
In Romans 7:5, we were not yet justified. Living to death and the flesh, Jews tried to
live under the law,
Nazi Oppression Of Sports In The 1936 Summer Olympics
The 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany was a key moment whereby
African American and Jews used sports to politically challenge the Nazi ideology
of Aryan supremacy and non Aryan inferiority. Paul Taylor argues that sports is
one of the most powerful weapons in the hands of those suffering under racial
prejudice or political oppression. During the 1936 Olympics, Hitler dialed down the
anti Semitic propaganda due to international pressures, but in official Nazi sporting
hand books it specifically targeted Jews and African American s as being physically
inferior to the Aryan race as they lacked athletic ability. Also, Nazi theorists like Kurt
Munch claimed that Jews and Blacks were feeble athletes and had never achieved
any success in athletics. The creator of the Olympic games, Baron Pierre de
Coubertin, believed that the Olympic games encouraged people to look beyond the
interests they had in common by bringing the best athletes from every country,
culture, and race, and giving them a platform where they could earn respect and
admiration based on skill and not race, creed, or nationality. Although, African
Americans and Jews did not voice their political beliefs they used their athletic skill
and would have acquired praise from Coubertin because they directly challenged
Hitler s ideology that non Aryan s were inferior.Jessie Owens, who was a famous
African American sprinter, fought back against Hitler s racial stereotypes of Blacks
by winning four gold medals
Chinese Movement In Canada Case Study
1858 denoted the beginning of progressing Chinese movement to the districts of
British North America that would later shape the present day Canada. In the east
were the settlements of New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and
Nova Scotia, and additionally the United Province of Canada, including Quebec and
Ontario(The Early Chinese Canadians, 2015). On the Pacific coast was the settlement
of Vancouver Island. At the time, none of these provinces had migration
confinements. An immense region under the control of the Hudson s Bay Company
lay between these eastern and western settlements (The Early Chinese Canadians,
2015). First Nations individuals were the fundamental inhabitants around this region,
and also in British Columbia (The Early Chinese Canadians, 2015). The main flood
of Chinese workers to touch base in Canadawere propelled by different push and force
variables. Pessimistic components can push individuals to leave their home while
constructive impacts force individuals towards a specific... Show more content on ...
A large number of mineworkers, including numerous Chinese who had been working
in California, hurried into the region. Britain immediately made the settlement of
British Columbia on the territory, with its capital city at New Westminster, to keep
American diggers from asserting that the area had a place with the United States (The
Early Chinese Canadians, 2015). The requirement for work in British Columbia
prompted numerous Chinese being contracted to manufacture streets, clear land and
develop railroads. They additionally worked in coal mines and fish canneries and on
homesteads. Guangzhou, on the delta of the Pearl River that fills the South China
Sea, was the fundamental port in southern China. Since the eighth century, it had
served vendors who exchanged far and wide with different districts of China,
Southeast Asia and even the Middle East (The Early Chinese Canadians,
Shelby Farms Park
Located in Memphis, Shelby County in Tennessee, Shelby Farms Park is arguably
the most expansive urban parks in the United State. The park covers an area of 4, 500
acres and harbors some of the most unique natural and manmade features in the
country. From natural forests, lakes, wetlands, and grasslands, the park provides
natural habitat for many wildlife and vegetation than any urban located park in
America. The park traces its history to the 19th century humanist reformer Frances
Wright. The Nashoba Commune that he founded forms parts of the current Shelby
Farm. Initially, the firm was used as a penal farm under the management of Shelby
CountyJail. However, since opening it for public recreational purpose in the 1970s,
the park has undergone... Show more content on ...
The park is home to an array of wildlife; over two hundred bird species can be
found in the park, bobcats, reptiles, deer, minks, reptiles, beavers, muskrats, foxes,
and squirrels are some of the most common wildlife species in the park. One of the
special attractions in the sites are the buffalos. Introduced by the former Mayor Bill
Morris with an aim of giving the community access to living history, buffalos have
come to be one of the main icons in the park. A significant number of individuals
visit Shelby Farm to enjoy the presence of these animals. Vegetation in the park is
very diverse. From meadows, pine wood forests, a large number of cypress, red oak,
ash, elm, maple, sweet gum, tupelo gum, sycamore, hackberry, and white oak among
many others, the vegetation in the park interact together to create one of the best
attraction sites in the United States. The connections to allow pedestrians to enjoy the
abundance of nature in the park are widely available. Connections such as the Shelby
Farms Green line, Wolf River Greenway, and the Wolf River Pedestrian Bridge
have dramatically increased access to various part of the park for pedestrians. The
connections have also provided an opportunity to bikers to explore the natural
resource in the Park. In fact, Bicycles are the most popular option that feeds Shelby
Farms Park. The Greenline has played an active role in opening the park to the
community and visitors. In addition, the Shelby Farms Park has miles of open
pasture and wooded trails that pedestrians and horse riders can explore. The Park
has Horse stable operated in conjunction with external investors. The Horse Stables
offer one of the best opportunities to explore the landscape and enjoy some of the
best sceneries in the park. However, there is an increasing concerns from the
conservancy that the park s natural forestry density is increasingly dwindling. In a
bid to respond to
Santo Domingo Early Childhood
Going back to the times of her great grandparents, they were people who were
established in San Agustin, Florida. They were engaged in trade and business with
the North American islands in the part of the Atlantic, where they engaged in
navigation. Around 1870 s, they arrived in Santo Domingo, where some of them
stayed in Santo Domingo and the other returned to the United Stateswhere they
settled in New York city. Her grandparents were people who were equally engaged in
trade. One part was devoted to the sale of wood and the other part was devoted to the
business of pharmacies. In the same way, her parents are businessmen, dedicating
themselves to the printing industry.
As a Dominican family, their customs are based on a fusion of Spanish
A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Bombing Of Hiroshima
On 06 August 1945, the United States denoted a nuclear weapon over the Japanese
city, Hiroshima due to the major military headquarters the housed. The event took
place during the final stage of World War II, it is uncertain to the amount of people
harmed in this event, to this day, with the long lasting effects of the bombing
survivors are still taking ill.
The United States dropped the atomic bomb after obtaining consent from the United
Kingdom. Including the bombing that took place in Nagasaki, a couple of days
later, they remain the only use of nuclear weapons in history of welfare. Japan
announced its surrender on 15 August 1945, six days after the last bombing took
place. The debate of the bombing is still ongoing to this day.
With ... Show more content on ...
Retribalization is the process by which the population that is now, is conditioned to
an electronic environment rather a print environment causing cultural change. In
context to media bias, this alters our way of thinking and the way we perceive the
world. As a result, with the use of electronic communication, the population can
access a great deal of information that portrays to their views. Though we might be
out of the print era and in the makings of retribalization, with the continuing way
this era is shifting eventually, the populations behavior will fall back in line,
returning to a more tribal state. For example, in the report above there are quite a
number of biases in reporting of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. As outlined,
each news source has their own audience to cater too, for a left wing audience, they
will look towards new source like AlterNet and for a more central approach, viewers
will seek out Al
Introduction Of Lululemon Athletica Inc.
Introduction Lululemon Athletica Inc. was incorporated in the month of
November 2005, and is a manufacturer and vendor of practical strapping rendering
attire for men, women and female adolescence. The objective of the attires is for
healthful situations such as running, cycling, general fitness exercise and yoga. In
the attires, it comprises aptitude britches, shorts, tops, jackets and other fitness
related products like underwear, bags, bras, socks, yoga mats, yoga instruction
discs and water bottles. They primarily operate in North America and Australia.
How Lululemon Utilize the Marketing 4 P s Product Lululemon offers the same
product line globally as is available in their home country stores. Their Commodity
track comprises of trousers, hoodies, coats, shorts for women and men, it equally
comprises of brassiere, underclothes and vat tops for women. They use high quality
fabrics and ensure that their garments are modified to ensure accurate fit on the
body and also ensure the garment doesn t slack after overtime wash Lululemon
prides itself on using a high quality impact fabric known as the all moisture
wicking which is said to pull away perspiration from the physique and disperse it
across the material, thereby vaporising the wetness and drying it quickly. Their
fabric is made for all kind of athletic activities in all weather, and ranges from light to
thicker outwear. Other innovation made on their apparel products are the design
functions which allow places for
Colonel Charles Young Character Traits
Buffalo Soldiers have been revered in history as one of the military s finest fighting
heritages. This historical case study of the Buffalo Soldiers will focus on their
history, battles with the Native Americans, Colonel Charles Young, and lessons
learned from their experiences. While much is known of the courage and fighting
spirit of the Buffalo Soldier, this case study will provide the reader(s) with further
information of significant contributions by the African American soldier prior to and
after the Civil War. The rich traditions of the Buffalo Soldiers and their influences in
shaping the U.S. militarys will always be remembered, and the lessons they
experienced passed onto future generations.
Throughout history African Americans have served in all major conflicts. Whether
fighting along fellow Union soldiers in the Civil War or Operations Enduring
Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. The lineage of African Americans regular soldiers first
began after the Civil War, where they were first organized as segregated regiments.
Later on in 1866, the Army Organization Act was passed and established six All
African American units, which were later ... Show more content on ...
Military Academy at West Point, and the first African American to become the
superintendent of Sequoia National Park in 1903.8 Young first served with the 9th
Cavalry in Utah and Nebraska as newly commissioned second lieutenant. During the
Mexican Revolution Charles Young commanded the 10th Cavalry under General
Pershing in search of Pancho Villa. Young continued to have a successful in the
military and was forced to retire after having high blood pressure. Young believed he
could continue on with his military service, and in June of 1918 rode his horse from
Ohio to Washington D.C. to meet with the Secretary of War, and asked to command
soldiers again. The Secretary of War granted Young s reinstatement and promoted him
Comparing Lord Of The Flies And Seize The Day Essay
First and foremost, the books Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Seize the
Day by Saul Bellow are related in concept, theme, and depth. In fact, these novels
consist of characters that could relate to one another in their personal struggles.
Although the characters have much in common, their present environment forces
them in different ways to work and talk with people they don t enjoy being around.
Because of this, there is a common disposition of darkness. Despite their many
similarities, there are different themes present. In Lord of the Flies, the focus is on
the boy s strange environment that forces them to work together and evokes fear
which doesn t turn out well for their prosperity. This is because a couple of the kids
make choices that wrongly affect the island s turnout. Similarly, Lord of the Flies and
Seize the Day consist of characters with darkness of the heart and mind, and these
people affect everyone around them. In comparison, these texts both consist of
deplorable characters that only look to benefit themselves. Conversely, Seize the Day
centers around inner struggle and accentuates that throughout the novel, and Lord of
the Flies focuses on societal... Show more content on ...
Clearly, the novels share a common theme of characters who won t help those who
need it. In addition to this idea, Wilhelm from Seize the Day and Piggy from Lord
of the Flies both have someone who wishes to do harm to them. Jack constantly puts
Piggy down and Dr. Tamkin takes Wilhelm s money and runs off with all of it.
Lord of the Flies and Seize the day are extremely similar novels. They both have
depth and characters which have much in common with each other. Though they are
very similar, they do have prominent differences too that differ from the other text.
Lord of the Flies focuses primarily on external conflicts and societal collapse
contrary to Seize the day which accentuates internal
World Religions In America Summary
In Neusner s book World Religions in America, Gerald James Larson explains what
the Hinduism is as a religion. He starts mentioning that the Indian population is the
second most populous nation in the world; it reached 1.3 billion people in 2008 and
that represents about 16% of the global population. Their country has twenty eight
states and seven Union Territories; it has eighteen official languages and Hindi is the
most common one. The ones who live outside their country are also considered Asian
Indians and they might be different but they are equally important. According to the
2000 U.S. Census, they represent the fourth largest asian community with about two
million people and Asian Indians that live here and in other industrialized Western
nations are mostly... Show more content on ...
They have duties and responsibilities that are personal and also involve their society.
Taking care of their hygiene, of what they eat, their relations with their family,
spouses, friends and castes. Because of all these reasons, when facts about the indian
culture are mentioned, they involve their religion because they represent what an
Hindu should do and what Hinduism is about. Even though, there are significant
minorities that come from Asian Indian families but their religion is another one, like
being Buddhist or Muslim. Hinduism and the existence of these other religions inside
the Indian territory can be explained based on how Hinduism was developed in India.
Different from other major historic religions, Hinduism can t be traced directly to
someone as their founder and there is no information about when it appeared in
human history. Because of this Hinduism doesn t have a beginning, it just appears in
South Asia and its development is dense and complex. To be able to study the history
of Hinduism, there have been identified six important periods for its
To Kill A Mockingbird Scout s Point Of View
The novel To Kill A Mockingbird, is told from the point of view of a nine year old
girl name Scout. Scout is an important character of the novel; Since everything that
happens throughout the novel she sees through her own eyes.However, unlike most
first person narratives,she does not confine the narrative to things she has directly
experienced .Scout only hears the things that happens around her and repeats what
she sees and hears but, she does not actually understand that there is racism around
at this time period, and the trial held for Tom Robinson s case, is for false accused
rape of two white women, and that there is a possibility he could be lynched.Scout
being the narrator of the novel changes the whole story since she has a different...
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Throughout the novel, the setting and other characters symbolizes the point of
view of Scout and limits what the reader knows about the novel;For example, In
the novel it mentions It s right hard to say, she said. Suppose you and Scout talked
colored folks talk at home it d be out of place, wouldn t it? Now what if I talked
white folks talk at church, and with my neighbors? They d think I was puttin on
airs to beat Moses. (Harper Lee Page 138) This quote limits what the reader knows
because based on the setting in the church it shows that there is racism going on
and Calpurnia explains to Scout and Jem that it would be out of character to speak
to white folks the way colored folks speaks since white people talk more
proper.Scout experiences that the colored people can not speak as a white person
would because they are not as educated as most of the whites;This symbolizes
racism,and this limits what the reader knows ;Since Scout finds out that colored
folks would be out of character to speak to a white person like that,Which shows the
reader that there is racism
Symbolism In Epic Of Gilgamesh And Dante s Inferno
Symbolism in World Literature Symbolism is an aspect that inherits its way into
multiple stories, sometimes with or without an author realizing so until after the
piece comes to a finish. Symbolism is an essence for pieces of World Literature
from the early ages of writing and even up to the writings happening around the
world today. Overall, symbolism is as necessary in an authors works as the words
on the page, considering that symbolism aids in a stories flow and also brings
forth multiple meanings to an authors text depending upon who is reading the text.
Two early world literature works in particular which display quite a various range
of symbolism is the Epic of Gilgamesh and Dante s Inferno; both works of world
literature can be related in the characteristic that each work provide readers with
examples of religious symbolism and can even be compared because so.... Show more
content on ...
The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the earliest known literary works around the world.
It originated from ancient Mesopotamia and first originated as a series of Sumerian
legends and poems in cuneiform script dating back to the early third and late
second millennium BCE, which were lather gathered into a longer Akkadian poem.
(Classical Literature). The poem follows Gilgamesh and Enkidu, who is Gilgamesh
s wild friend who seemed to be half man and half animal, as they travel through
numerous amounts of rambunctious adventures and quests. The Gods created
Enkidu to make sure Gilgamesh walked the line straight and did not cause too large
of an uproar in Uruk where Gilgamesh was king. After, Enkidu s death the story
turns to follow Gilgamesh on the quest of finding eternal life after he realizes that
even though he is two thirds God and one third human he would still not live
City of Rockville Budget Paper
Organizations bear economic, legal, and ethical obligations to provide useful
information about the risks and benefits of their products, policies, and services.
Failure to fulfill those obligations can be costly. Financial analyst estimate that 70%
of a typical private firm s assets are intangibles, like goodwill, that can be lost when
communication fail. Public institutions reputations often depend on their ability to
communicate (Fischhoff).
It is important to know that organizations are vital with providing guidance and
advice for an arrangement of objectives and methodologies of serviceable divisions.
Moreover, these procedures could show the principle explanation of achievement or
dissatisfaction of the organization.
Government responsiveness identifies with capability to react to evolving requests.
Differentiation can identify with items or administration characteristics, quality,
notoriety, or client administration. A few associations concentrate on a solitary
methodology while others utilize a mix of methodologies.
Systems give center to choice making. As a rule, public sectors have general
techniques called authoritative methodologies, which identify with the whole public
/private sector. They likewise have utilitarian procedures, which identify with each of
the practical territories of the agency.
The useful systems ought to back the general techniques of the association, in the
same way that the hierarchical methods ought to back the objectives and mission
Running In The Family
Michael Ondaatje describes growing up in Sri Lanka in Running in the Family. The
purpose of the memoir is to make sense of his Ondaatje s family as well as to
entertain. Ondaatje first person narration in Running in the Family. The tones used by
Ondaatje include both a serious and humourous tone. Finally, the themes discussed in
Running in the Familyinclude both memory and family.
The purpose of Running in the Family is to both make sense of family as well as
entertain. Michael travels back to Sri Lanka after the death of his father to meet
with his relatives. And now, forty years later, in early May, on the verge of
monsoon weather, I have come to visit my half sister Susan and her husband Sunil
(Ondaatje, Tea Country , p. 267). Not knowing his father had a great impact on his
identity. Look I am the son who has grown up. I am the son you have made
hazardous, who still loves you. I am now part of an adult s ceremony, but I want to
say I am writing this book about you at a time when I am least sure about such words
(Ondaatje, Blind Faith , p. 276). The descriptions used in Running in the Family are
used to entertain because as a reader, one can imagine the landscape that is being
described. Across the valley, a waterfall stumbles down. In a month or two the...
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Ondaatje travels back home to learn more about his family and his father in
particular. He is meeting with his half sister and points out the differences between
her and his other siblings. She has this calmness and quietness as opposed to the
anger and argument that I see in myself, my brother and two sisters (Ondaatje,
What we Think of Married Life , p. 269). Ondaatje is dealing with the fact that he
was not close to his father in his later life. My loss was that I never spoke to him as
an adult (Ondaatje, Blind Faith , p. 276). He is trying to learn all he can about his
family, even if there are stories that he does not agree with or
Fizzy Star Box, By Loraine Schein
The generation gap is a struggle between how the young people perceive their
dreams versus the older generation s authority to shape the younger people s lives
according the older people s experiences. In Fizzy Star Box, a poem by Loraine
Schein, published in issue 7 of Rivet Journal, the narrator, presumably a little girl
tries to protect her dreams which the poet symbolizes by a starin a fizzy box. The
narrator is scared and yells at the physicist to not steal the fizzy star box.
Dreams are always perfect and fascinating. Usually, children and young people are
worried that they might lose their dreams that sparkle their life and make them
passionate about future. Schein depicts that, I kept my star / In a fizzy star box / So
it wouldn t shoot off / And disappear. The poem paints a lovely vivid image of how
the fizzy box entertains a little girl by imagining her opening the box, and a star
sparkles inside it with spectrum colors bubbles coming out of it. The girl dances,
twirls, and chases the bubbles. By turning the star in new directions, different color
shades emerge every time. However, some factors are threatening the ... Show more
content on ...
Imagining that the physicist breaks the fizzy star box in front of the little girl is
heartbreaking. The physicist touches the star; suddenly, the star light turns off and
becomes dust to fly with the storm wind. The one can see the lightening, hear the
thunder mingled with the girl loud sopping with rain, and touch the tears mixed
with the rain drops on her face. In real life, this happened in the Arab Spring where
young people suffer from the older people s authority. The old people break the
young people s dreams and ambitions claiming that such dreams are unrealistic.
Nowadays, the young people pay their lives for pursuing their dreams by being in
prisons or graves or fleeing from their mother countries. In reality, dreams were killed,
and the authority defeated the
Ethical Dilemmas In Civil Action
A Civil Action is about an environmental pollution court case in Woburn,
Massachusetts. The case focused on an industrial solvent, trichloroethylene, from a
local leather company, which contaminated a local aquifer that eventually had lethal
consequences on the inhabitants of the town. After Anne Anderson s son dies of
leukemia, she filed a civil lawsuit along with eight other families against The John J.
Riley Tannery by Beatrice Foods and Cryovac Manufacturing W. R. Grace Company
because their industrial operations correlated to fatal cases of cancer and leukemia in
children as well as other health issues reported among the citizens. Anne implored Jan
Schlichtmann, a tenacious personal injury specialist, to take the case. When
Schlichtmann... Show more content on ...
The main ethical dilemma encountered occurs because two major companies,
Woburn, W.R. Grace and J Riley Leather, were responsible for polluting Woburn s
drinking water through the negligent dumping of carcinogenic solvents. This
negligence is further compounded by the fact that the companies blatantly knew that
their actions were polluting the local drinking water with trichloroethylene, a labeled
carcinogenic. Furthermore, the companies made no attempt to clean or contain the
hazardous waste, and the companies systematically hide their conspiracy. Their
actions can be justified through the utilitarian ethical theory. Utilitarianism is a
normative theory that focuses the moral correctness of an action on the consequence
rather than the action itself. Additionally, this view is based on the hedonistic view
that humans naturally seek pleasure and avoid pain. In regards to the companies in
the film, they dumped toxic waste into the water supply to save time and expenses
that would otherwise be utilized to hire a company to clean up the toxins. In their
perspective, they avoided the pain of extra expenses and sought the pleasure involved
in saving the money for personal
Serial Killers in the U.S. Essays
Before we can discuss what serial killers do, we must first define what a serial
killer is. Some people might place serial killers into the same group as mass
murderers. This would be incorrect because they are two totally different types of
killers. While both of these individuals may kill many people, the difference lies in
the reason they kill and the period over which they kill their victims. An event or a
build up of circumstance triggers mass murderersand causes them to act. This may be
the result of a stressful situation or frustration either at work or in their private lives.
For whatever reason, they may choose to use a weapon and kill people that they feel
are responsible for their prob lems. They may also kill total... Show more content on ...
S. Good locations for serial killers include any city or area large enough to support
prostitution, drug cultures, runaway children or street people. They can and do
operate successfully in rural areas.
Serial killers were once considered a rarity. Even though reports in Europe go back
as far as the fifteenth century, only a few were written about prior to the mid
twentieth century. One of the most widely written about was Jack the
Ripper, who claimed only 5 victims in a three month period. This would put him in
the bottom of the class by to day s standards. During the past twenty years, serial
killings have become more frequent. We have even seen up to a half dozen of their
cases on the news simultaneously. Cases such as San Francisco s Zodiac
Killer; New York City s Son of Sam; Atlanta s child murderer, Wayne Williams;
Los Angeles s Hillside Strangler; and Milwaukee s own, Jeffrey Dahmer. Many
times, they fit into a pattern, but sometimes there is no pattern. The phenomenon is
world wide, from England s Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe s killing of 13 women
prior to 1981, to Russia s Rostov Cannibal, Anderei
Chikatilo, who slaughtered and partially consumed at least 53 men and women over
a 12 year period prior to 1990.
It is hard to predict whether a person will become a serial killer. A set of childhood
characteristics believed by many to be symptoms of violent behavior has been named
Film Analysis Of Persepolis
Persepolis is an autobiographical comic by Marjane Satrapi, published in 2000
and adapted into an animated film in 2007. Such as Marjane s various jumping
around from home to home were also mentioned but minimalized in the film
version. Marjane s mother slaps her daughter and maid for going out to a
demonstration on Black Friday, the day of one of the biggest massacres. As a
teenager and above the age of consent in Iran nine years old according to sharia
laws Marjane could potentially get arrested, forcibly married to a prison guard,
raped, and then executed. Whilst Marjane s dad stalls, Marjane and her grandma
go inside and dispose of all the alcohol in the house. A Birthday, Not a Break:
Marjane finds out Markus is cheating on her, she s falsely accused of stealing her
landlady s brooch, and runs away from her apartment, effectively rendering herself
homeless, on her eighteenth birthday. Bittersweet Ending: While Marjane can never
return to Iran again due to fear of retribution and watched several loved ones, she
finally finds freedom after being sent to France. Deliberately Monochrome: The film,
which mirrors the art style of the comic, save the Framing Device Deranged
Animation: Marjane s wolfman like transformation as she describes her puberty. The
communists Marjane actually meets range from noble idealists to narcissistic
poseurs. Egocentrically Religious: As a kid, Marjane even thought she d become the
last prophet of Islam. Evil Stole My Faith: After her beloved Uncle Anoosh is
executed by the fundamentalist regime as a communist dissident, Marjane tells God
that she hates him and doesn t want to see him anymore. Falling in Love Montage:
The film shows Marjane and Markus pelting one another with snowballs, running
through the park, smoking hash with content expressions and showing a gleeful,
happy romance... before he cheats on her. First World Problems: After the Iraqi
invasion of Kuwait, Marjane and her father watch a television broadcast featuring
Westerners being worried that they might be invaded next. Marjane s mother points
out that the film was meant to show Westerners in a bad light. Get Out: After Uncle
Anoosh is executed, Marjane tells God to leave her and go away. Marjane s father
Contributions Of The American Red Cross
As one of the United States first humanitarian organizations, the American Red Cross
has been dedicated to helping citizens in need throughout our nation. And according
to American Red Cross History, they have helped others throughout the world, in
association with other Red Cross networks. The American Red Cross depends on the
generous contributions of time, blood, and money from our nation s public to support
their lifesaving services and programs. Clara Barton and a group of her acquaintances
founded the American Red Crosson May 21, 1881, in Washington, D.C. She
campaigned for American Red Cross and for the approval of the Geneva Convention
which protected the war injured, which was approved by the United Statesin 1882.
She led the
Perseverance Essay
Perseverance, purpose, and passion. These three words are core in shaping me to
be the person I am today. Perseverance is an imbibed trait that follows my parents
characters. My parents have worked and sacrificed countless hours to provide me
an education that paved way to several opportunities that they were unable to attain
when they were in my age. I am so honored and privileged to have received so
much blessings from the people who mean the most to me. The words thank you are
insufficient to repay their unending support and tireless love for me. Another
blessing would be God s bestowment of talents on me. In this, I found my purpose
and that is to bring honor to God and to my parents by using their given gifts to be the
... Show more content on ...
Football was both a mental and physical challenge, but what has truly driven me to
strap on the green and black helmet everyday was my utmost respect towards my
loyal teammates and to the legacy of the football program built at Skutt Catholic.
Every fall season, I was blessed to do what I loved doing most as part of my
everyday routine. This was because after an extensive and lively football practice,
I was able to participate in another activity which is band. Having a hectic schedule
trained me to set my priorities straight to maintain my honor roll grades and to
always act accordingly. Being involved in both activities opened my eyes on what
my true motivations were for the activities I was passionate about. I take great
pleasure in the time and ability I am given to serve others. Service comes in
various forms and I strongly believe that no act is too small to be of big help to
others. Serving others is vital in my life because I am enlightened to pause on my
own worries in order to care and act for groups, causes, and people who are in need.
My advocacy to help is best exemplified in regular voluntary work at the
Brookestone Meadows retirement home. At Brookestone, I took concern for the
elderly by spending time with them. I am strongly motivated to volunteer for the
elderly because I consider it as making an impact in today s world by returning the
care to those who cared for the succeeding generations future.
Caesar Imperialism
One of the most defining moments in Roman history was the assassination of Gaius
Julius Caesar on the 15th of March, 44 BCE. It sparked the transition from a
republican to an imperial system of government for Rome. Caesar admired the idea of
a government that was controlled by an individual (Imperialism), and not by senators
constantly jostling for power (Republicanism). There are three points that suggest
why his assassination was the key moment for the transition to take place. Firstly,
Caesar emphasized heavily on the idea that a dictator would assist in the centralizing
of power within Rome, therefor allowing Rome to endure as the dominant force
throughout the Mediterranean. Secondly, after Caesar s death, the second triumvirate
was formed... Show more content on ...
The conquest of Gaul took place from 58 BCE until 51 BCE, in which Caesar
fought in a number of large battles including the decisive battle of Alesia in 52
BCE, which completed the conquest and gained Rome full control over Gaul.
During his time as proconsul, Caesar saw a great opportunity in obtaining control
over the Gallic province to the North of Rome, as he believed that the centralization
of power was accomplished through gaining land. By the end of the Gallic Wars in
51 BCE, Caesar had reduced to the form of a province the whole of Gaul enclosed by
the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Cevennes, the Rhine, and the Rhone about 640 000 square
miles (Suetonius, Julius Caesar, 25). One of Caesar s motives for taking control of
this much land was that it was a major expansion of the Roman frontier. It created a
complete circuit of his empire, which would then be bounded on all sides by the
ocean (Plutarch. 579). Caesar s strong interest in centralizing power within Rome
died with him, the old form of a republic government was exhausted. Knowing this,
Caesar made no attempt to mask his opinion, bypassing traditional practices
(Bradley, 393). With Caesar naming himself Dictator perpetuo Dictator for life in
47 BCE, the senate soon began to see Caesar s power as a major threat to their own
roles as senators. A step towards imperialism was a result of Caesar s death and his
idea to centralize power in Rome through an individual, forthcoming the second
Persuasive Techniques Used In Horror Movies
Horror, one of the most played genre in shows and movies. It can be shown
anytime during the year. It doesn t need a special time to really release unless it
comes with a theme. It can be simply remake from a classic or show another
perspective from a story or person. It gives people the sense of thrill and suspense.
Many people fail to realize it takes a lot of to make a good horror despite its age
range. It does take an understanding of the basics like setting, tone and climax. In my
personal opinion, R.L. Stine is someone who is able to have an understanding of the
basics and create it into something beautiful. Robert Lawrence Stine or better known
as R.L. Stine is mainly known as the writer behind the Goosebumpsseries and The
Haunting Hour series. He was wildly famous in the 90 s going to the 00 s for
creating a kid friendly horror genre people might say.
It was not overly gore like how some of these shows are today. But it had enough
suspense to keep your eyes peeled. Horror in the early 90 s was mostly about the
story telling than the graphics. Anyone could show someone being murdered or
tortured but it was more effective explaining in a way ... Show more content on ...
It was published in July 1989 and received great reviews. It somewhat gave a vibe
to the movie When a Stranger Calls despite being almost 20 years before it was
made. Its dark and haunting sense made way into Stine being one of the great
horror writers in his time. It went on to having three sequels following the plot
while keeping the sense of horror. It kept itself from being too far fetched as how
other books may be that you wouldn t think twice. It gave you something common
in its time and somewhat happening now. The series is based on a young girl named
Jenny Jeffers who took on a babysitting job that not truly as easy as it seems. After
narrowly escaping death Jenny tries to adjust to a normal
Absurdity In Waiting For Godot
Samuel Beckett uses some techniques to portray the idea of modern life being
absurd in Waiting For Godot , these techniques include symbolism and metaphor,
also he uses a special form that is anti play that is a feature of Theatre of the absurd
in the drama. Waiting For Godot is a classical theatre of the absurd.
We can know why is theatre of the Absurdfrom some way that is arena, characters,
props, and dialogue. Because theatre of the Absurd is use of fragmented arena,
incoherent dialogue, chaotic idea and strange props in the play, all of these features
express the ugly and horrible in reality and life s pain and despair, and then achieve
an abstract result of absurd. Waiting For Godotreveals the human live in an absurd
environment, and show the absurdity life, empty life and meaningless life, also
include something can make people excited from the poverty spirit, also in these
drama we can see God existence. Form these way portray the idea of modern life is ...
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It reflects a lot of people in modern society, they spiritually lost and depressed and
confused reality. Waiting of the play is a nothingness waiting, and repeated trivial
actions of daily; that symbolize the illusory hope; also can represent the absurdity
life, empty life and meaningless life, Samuel Beckett uses this symbol to reveal the
modern people living condition. We can see the modern people suffer after lost
themselves and despair. In the drama, Godot do not come to meet them, but they
just waiting for no reason, this is useless and absurd; they do not do anything, do
not have effort, just waiting saved by someone, so their waiting is hopeless that is
inevitable. Deeply reveals to the audience the truth of life to live is waiting. When a
person s living environment is worse, the absurdity of life will be exposed. Even
then, human also must
Indus And Assyrians Similarities
The Assyrians and the Indus are like hot and cold, two completely different early
civilizations. The Indus were around about 2300 B.C and the Assyrians were
around about 1200 B.C. The Assyrians had some of the first rulers to regulate laws
within a household. Also, the Indus had a huge warehouse for every city they had to
store items away. The Assyrians used money from trade to pay for expansive palaces
as well. The Assyrians and the Indus are more different than similar because while
they had well planned cities in common, they differed in government decisions and
occupations. These two civilizations had very different points of view on how things
should be done as a whole. Although the Assyrians and the Indus differed, each
civilizationhad well planned cities. The Assyrians encourages a well ordered
society and used riches from trade and war loot to pay for great palaces. They
planned and mapped out all of their cities as well. Meanwhile, the Indus had at least
five large cities that were built in their time. There... Show more content on ...
The Assyrians were very aggressive and were know as the most fierce warriors of
their time. Also, Assyrian rulers often lied and boasted greatly about their conquests.
On the other hand, the Indus tried to be less violent as a whole. Their cities rivaled
those of Ancient Sumer but for the most part they kept to themselves(Charles
Scribner s Sons 1988). The Assyrians also had many military forts built to keep
troops in(Ronald Johnson 1993). Overall, it is said that the Assyrians were so
aggressive because earlier in their civilization they were often attacked which
probably caused them to strengthen and build their defense system(Ronald Johnson
1993). The Indus were always inventing new things like complex pluming systems
which helped them greatly. Clearly, the Assyrians and the Indus had two very
different ways of governing their
Fostering Student Accountability For Classroom Work
I would like to begin by saying that the Iris center is and was created to help students
improve in their education. In this particular case study, Fostering Student
Accountability For Classroom Work, was designed and created to help people in the
education system such as teachers, administrators, principals, and other educational
contributors that are involved in the daily life of a student at the school. Now, when
readingcase study 2 level b, it shows and displays the focus on making it known on
how to and managing having the students complete missed assignments or
homework. When readingover the case study regarding the student named Joe in
which the study shows that he misses and doesn t complete assignments on time or
forgets to do them.... Show more content on ...
Through this it will help him understand the what and why he is supposed to be
learning. This way it important for Joe to be able to understand the purpose for
what he is learning and how to learn it. Sometimes, students/children don t
understand why they have to learn certain things that are directed by the teacher.
Therefore, the teacher needs to explain the reason behind why they need to learn
the things directed by them as the teacher in order to help them get a better
understanding of why it is so. In Joe s case, he is needing an answer to why he is
needed to complete the material in front of him (Osborn, 1984; Evertson Poole, n.d.,
p. 13). According to the case study, Students are in need of becoming involved
through their material grasped and through this it will help them in grasping and
building that of an understanding of the material given through the assignments
(Anderson, 1995; Evertson Poole, n.d., p. 13). Now, if Joe is working with the Title
1 teacher and she is working with him one on one with the particular assignment that
his classmates are working on during the same time, then the Title 1 teacher is able
to help him understand and grasp the material as given by the teacher. This is a great
way for Joe to ask numerous questions regarding his assignment with
Rca and Fmea
Root Cause Analysis:
Root cause analysis (RCA) is used in different fields to conduct a systematic
search to find the causes of a specific sentinel event (Jacob, 2010). The main goal
for conducting a RCA is to prevent similar adverse events from happening in the
future (Jacob, 2010). In this paper, I will use the scenario provided in the task to
create a complete RCA report as well as improvement plans that will prevent
similar incidents from happening again. RCA is best done as soon as an adverse
event has happened (Jacob, 2010). The first step in the RCA is to identify what had
happened (Jacob, 2010). In the scenario, Mr. B was admitted to the Emergency
Room (ER) after a fall. During the treatment, Mr. B was given ... Show more content
on ...
To do so, I am going to use the fishbone diagram to categorize the causative factors
(Potter Perry, 2008). For patient characteristics, Mr. B was a 67 year old patient
with routine use of oxycodone to treat chronic pain. Because of his routine use of
oxycodone, he may need a different dose to get to a sedated level than other people
who are not on any medication. Next is the task factors, the hospital had a policy
which requires that anyone who are treated with moderate sedation or analgesia have
to be put on continuous blood pressure, ECG, and pulse oximeter monitoring until
the procedure is done and patient is in stable condition. Mr. B was not being
monitored accordingly during the sedation process. Another task factors is that all
staffs must first complete a training module on sedation before performing the task.
Individual staff is a factor too, Nurse J had completed the training module on
sedation, he had an ACLS certification as well as experience working as a critical
care nurse. Team factors include communication between staffs; an example would
be the LPN not informing Nurse J or Dr. T when the alarm went off the first time, it
showed that Mr. B had low oxygen saturation. Work environment factors included the
staffing in the ER, the equipments they had, and the level of experience of the staffs.
According to the scenario, additional staffs were available for back up support and
all the equipment needed
Types of Image Compression for Medical Imaging Essay
Medical imaging, as we all know, is the process of taking images of various parts of
the human body for diagnostic and surgical purposes. Some of the popular medical
imaging modalities are X ray radiography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Medical
ultrasound, Computed tomography etc. Since, these images contain clinical data of
extreme importance for treatment follow ups and are acquired at cost of radiation
exposure, infrastructure, money and time involved. Thus, once acquired, the medical
imagingdata should not be disposed off casually, instead it should be retained so that
it can be utilized for various medical applications and the chances of repeated testing
can be minimized. Also, maintaining electronic health records of patients serves...
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In other words an optimal compression ratio should be chosen so as to suit the needs
of medical examination, without compromising with its diagnostic value [2].
1.2 Types of Compression
Image compression can be classified into two types viz. lossless and lossy
Lossless compression is the technique of reducing the size of an image without any
virtual loss of information. It is also known as reversible form of image compression
since the image obtained after compression and then decompression resembles the
original one. Typical compression ratios that can be achieved ranges from 1.5 to 3.6
Conversely, lossy or irreversible form of compression techniques are those in which
some or the other information is always lost. Though, lossy compression algorithms
are capable of compressing images at ratios much higher than that achieved from
lossless compression thus, ensuring faster rates of transmission and lesser storage
space. However, the regenerated image is not guaranteed to be an exact replica of
the original image, as some data is lost permanently, which will cause error during
decompression. Typical compression ratios achieved may range from 5 to 50.
Though lossy data compression is often acceptable but the game is not that easy when
it comes to medical images. The data from medical imaging examination should
possess certain requirements for fidelity [3].
1.3 Barriers to image compression
Lossy compression:
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  • 1. Example Of Essay Proposal Writing an essay on the topic of "Example of Essay Proposal" might seem like a straightforward task at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of crafting a compelling proposal can prove to be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a delicate balance between providing a clear and concise overview of the proposed essay while also demonstrating a profound understanding of the subject matter. One of the initial challenges lies in formulating a captivating introduction that not only grabs the reader's attention but also sets the tone for the rest of the essay. Crafting a thesis statement that accurately conveys the essence of the proposed essay adds another layer of complexity. It requires a thorough exploration of the topic to identify the key arguments and establish a roadmap for the reader. Moreover, outlining the methodology for the proposed essay can be intricate. Clearly delineating the research methods, data sources, and analytical tools is crucial for ensuring the credibility and validity of the essay. This demands a meticulous approach, as a well-defined methodology lays the foundation for a robust and convincing argument. Another hurdle is presenting a comprehensive literature review. Synthesizing existing research and identifying gaps in the current understanding of the topic necessitates a thorough examination of scholarly articles, books, and relevant sources. The challenge lies in not only summarizing the existing literature but also critically evaluating it to justify the need for the proposed essay. The process of constructing a coherent and logical argument further adds to the difficulty. Ensuring a smooth flow of ideas, transitioning between paragraphs seamlessly, and maintaining a cohesive narrative demand careful planning and meticulous editing. Striking a balance between providing sufficient evidence to support the thesis and avoiding information overload is a delicate task. In conclusion, while the topic "Example of Essay Proposal" may appear straightforward, the actual process of writing such a proposal involves navigating through various challenges. It requires a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication to produce a well-crafted essay proposal. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any academic writing challenges, a helpful resource to explore is There, one can find support in tackling various writing tasks and ensuring the successful completion of academic assignments. Example Of Essay Proposal Example Of Essay Proposal
  • 2. Wes Anderson As An Auteur What exactly is an auteur? According to Graham Roberts and Heather Wallis, film s generic ideas produced creative conventions in cinema language which could then be exploited and developed by individual artists into a personal vision (127). That individual artist is the auteur; someone who, through their work, displays several key qualities that are uniquely their own, namely: reoccurring themes and plotlines throughout their movies; specific stylistic qualities in their films such as mise en scene and cinematography styles; similar character attributes and traits; and narrative structure and features (Roberts and Wallis 128). Throughout cinema s history, only several directors have ever been referred to as an auteur . Some names that are... Show more content on ... While The Royal Tenenbaums is a clear example of how the entire movie is structured around the family, his other works also incorporate the same family orientated structure. Take The Darjeeling Limited (2007) for example. The movie surrounds three estranged brothers, Peter, Francis and Jack, all with their own personal conflicts which as mentioned earlier, is another common Anderson theme as they travel together to meet their mother. In The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Ned, whose mother has recently passed away, believes that Steve is his father. Even his stop motion film Fantastic Mr Fox (2009) was an adaptation of Roald Dahl s novel that surrounded a family of foxes. Wes Anderson s continued use of the idea of family as part of the storyline for his movies is another key trait of his which makes him qualify as another of film s
  • 3. The Justification Of Believers By The Sacrifice Of Christ For this report, I have been challenged to interview my pastor on the subject of his views of the justification of believers by the sacrifice of Christ; after my investigation, I am content to announce that his frame of mind didn t blow me away all. With Christian I have ever known, the justification of believers by the sacrifice of Christ has been dependable and steadfast; so once I posed the inquiry to my pastor, the first thing we discussed that he wanted to make sure I understood was that all have sinned, and there is no one who is righteous. From the womb, we were born sinners, and enemies of God is how Pastor Thompson started the banter; this seemed to echo the same sentiments that the Apostle Paul used in Romans chapter 3 verse 23 when he declares For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God . That is the initial deliberation I believe all must come to grips with as far as salvation is concerned. One person has to know that they are blameworthy before you can become conscious of their need to be justified, or affirmed righteous. Moving along in the interview, Pastor Thompson praised God for being such a wonderful creator and God. He elucidated that while yet we were sinners and enemies of our own creator, God loved us so much that He gave his own creations a possibility to be made righteous with Him according to His mercy and grace. If there is anyone out there who thinks they did anything to deserve righteousness from God, please keep them away
  • 4. Cordelia Quotes Mam, the burger you gave me, has far too much ketchup, I I m done I just, I... I just need a refund or something! What if I called your manager and told them, then woul Cordelia: shut up. Just shut up. Miss, I replaced the first burger because it had to much sauce, now you want me to get you you a new burger, because the one I replaced doesn t have enough. I m just doing what I m told ok, and what... I get paid like... pfftttt $7.50 an hour and I have to put up with annoying snobby people like you... yeah, people like you who rock up to a fast food restaurant like this, with your kids all stressed and then come and heap that stress on us. You ve got to be kidding me, who do you think you are like...where do you think you are? This isn t some Michelin star, sirloin strip steak shit, you payed for a $3.00 burger! ... Show more content on ... No. You think because I m wearing this phony hat and this stupid apron and you re there standing in your Prada heels and now you think you have this magical power that excuses you from being a bitch! Here an idea why don t you take this greasy apron, and the hat and cook these burgers till your hearts content and stand back here in this 128 degree Doesn t sound like so much fun now does it? So, I suggest that you take this sad looking burger and get the fuck out out of my face because I ve just about had it. Shoo bitch (Takes a deep breath and faces the next customer smiling) Good evening welcome to Bailey s burgers, what would you like
  • 5. Frankenstein Ignorance Is Bliss Quotes Ignorance Is Bliss Knowledge, a characteristic all people seek and one that provides more power than any army could provide, can be rewarding and enlightening; however, it can be disastrous as well. In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, the main character Victor Frankenstein learns how knowledge can lead to dangerous inventions. Victor creates a creature assembled from scavenged human parts; however, upon seeing how hideous its appearance is, he flees which leaves the monster shunned by the rest of society. The creature, tortured by solitude, begins to kill Victor s friends and family after Victor refuses to create a companion for him and the two end up dying lonely. Knowledge can be a powerful weapon; however, Victor notes when recanting his... Show more content on ... Victor is foolish, as he dedicated half of his life working to create the being, and the second half trying to destroy it. The creature causes Victor s death, although it was not by the creature s own hands. The creature drives him to desperation, and it is the creature s fault that he has nothing and no one to live for in the world. Near the end of his life, Victor gives Walton some final words of advice saying, Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries (162). Victor realizes his life has been ruined because of his scientific ambition, and he also acknowledges that the sins of his past will continue to haunt him. In the end, the creature causes Victor s death just as the creature killed his family and friends; therefore, Victor neglects his health and travels to harsh environments to catch the monster ending in his own demise. It is knowledge that causes Victor to gain dangerous ambition, the ambition that causes him to undertake the immoral and laborious task of creating life. The creature ends up ruining Victor s life, and he has only the knowledge he pursued to blame for that. Victor used his enormous range of knowledge for this shady invention; however, he could have used it to benefit mankind. Knowledge causes Victor to become ambitious, and it is this ambition that leads to his solitude, sadness, and eventual death. Knowledge can be beneficial; however, it can also be destructive if used for dangerous
  • 6. Living Like An Exile By William Hazlitt Analysis William Hazlitt explores the difficulty of living a comfortable life when one lacks money through harsh diction and symbolic syntax. Hazlitt describes the bleak future of those who lack money through his harsh diction. He emphasizes the challenges of living a life where one does not have the financial ability to sustain themselves. Money is required when making transactions for necessities such as food and shelter. Those without money are condemned to serving as a thrall or living like an exile while being scrutinized and neglected . Life as a thrall or as an exile is not a pleasant one, living a life under servitude or as an outcast of society. Similarly, one who lives life without money does not lead a pleasant life; it is difficult
  • 7. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Downlink Multiplexing Downlink Multiplexing The multiplexing chain in the downlink is largely comparable to that in the uplink however there are also certain functions that are done in a different way. As like in the uplink, the interleaving is executed in two components, covering both intra frame and inter frame interleaving. In addition, the rate matching permits one to stabilise the necessary channel symbol energy for various service qualities. The services can be mapped to more than one code additionally, which is essential when the single code capability in either the terminal or base station is surpassed. Downlink Shared Channel Transmitting data with elevated peak rate and small activity cycle in the downlink rapidly causes the channelisation codes under a solitary scrambling code to start to come to an end. In order to circumvent this complication, fundamentally two alternatives exist: exercise of either supplementary scrambling codes. The supplementary scrambling code approach loses the benefit of the transmissions being orthogonal from a single source, and consequently should be avoided. Using a shared channel resource maintains this benefit and in the mean time lessens the downlink code resource... Show more content on ... Figure 1.8 code trees with the four layers are taken into account. The highest capacity of the code tree is 8R. In the code tree, two codes with SF is 4 and 8 are engaged. As a result, the capacity employed for the OVSF code tree is 3R. The remaining capacity of the code tree is 8R 3R=5R. When a new call with data rate 4R enters, code from the third layer is essential. The code tree is not capable of offering code for the new call, since both the codes equivalent to 4R capacity are obstructed. Accordingly, this is a condition where a new call capacity to manage it. This is known as code (call) blocking and can be circumvented with the help of efficient assignment and reassignment
  • 8. Teamsters Union Speeches Hello, I m [introductory statement] . . . . In today s message I want to talk with you about something that has become very important over the past few weeks. It s something a lot of people have asked me about and something people have been urging me to talk about. I want to talk with you about the union. Many people have asked me what I think about having the Teamsters union come into Advocate Christ Medical Center to represent some of our associates. I want to be very clear: I very strongly prefer NOT to have the Teamsters come between us. I know some people will say this means I am anti union, but that s not it. It s not a question of what I m against, it s a question of what I m for. Let me explain what I mean. The first thing I am for is giving our patients outstanding care and service. They re the reason we re all here. In every decision we make and in everything we do, patients needs should be our main consideration. The key to providing outstanding care is teamwork: all of us working together, toward a common goal. ... Show more content on ... Our country s labor laws were written back in the 1930s, and they haven t changed much since. Those laws are based on the assumption that labor and management are adversaries that they are enemies and that they are in conflict with each other. The role of a union is to help labor in their fight against management. It s the exact opposite of
  • 9. Gender and Sexuality in Culture Diversity or rather, the lack of understanding diversity may be one of the most prevalent issues in the world today. Though the World Wide Web has bridged the cultural gap some, it will never fully or accurately reveal the truth simply because it is difficult to fully understand cultural meanings from an outsider s perspective. Before the internet, careers in anthropology and similar fields made information available through ethnographic readings and studies. A key inquiry anthropologists seek to answer is the distinction between and role of sex, gender, and sexuality within each separate culture. Y The Last Manand other ethnographic texts connect culture, its language, and the formation of gender, sex, and sexuality roles in any given... Show more content on ... A more specific type of cultural oppression is what Amazons feel that men have over women. Amazons portrayed in Y are an extremist group of women who believe that the men died for a reason, and they intend to embrace the new freedom and control given to them by Mother Earth (Vaughan, 96). Subjugation that these women felt from their male counterpart was apparently detrimental to their lives. In The Sworn Virgins of Albania , women decide to take on a male status for various reasons such as protection, avoiding an arranged marriage, and keeping the family name (Young, 253). With all men extinct, the sworn virgins would have no need to exist. According to Different Words, Different Worlds , men s authority over women is seen through chivalrous acts such as opening a door. What they believe is in fact happening is that the man gives the woman permission to walk first, but he can easily take that consent away just the same, thus confirming he has the control (Tannen, 231). Language is another tool used to control and belittle. Language is only fully understood within the context of its culture. After the Amazon leader is called a cunt by a rebelling girl, she explains there is no longer offense in the word since the men made society see it in a negative light and disregard its ancient historical meaning of all powerful (Vaughan, 112). In the movie Ma Vie en Rose,
  • 10. Social Injustice in Roundhouse Essay Native American Literature Film 22 April 2014 Social Injustice in Roundhouse Lives for Native Americans on reservations have never quite been easy. There are many struggles that most outsiders are completely oblivious about. In her book The Roundhouse, Louise Erdrich brings those problems to light. She gives her readers a feel of what it is like to be Native American by illustrating the struggles through the life of Joe, a 13 year old Native American boy living on a North Dakota reservation. This book explores an avenue of advocacy against social injustices. The most observable plight Joe suffers is figuring out how to deal with the injustice acted against his mother, which has caused strife within his entire family and within ... Show more content on ... We try to press against the boundaries of what we are allowed, walk a step past the edge. Our records will be scrutinized by Congress one day and decisions on whether to enlarge our jurisdiction will be made. Some day. We want the right to prosecute criminals of all races on all lands within our original boundaries. Which is why I try to run a tight courtroom, Joe. What I am doing now is for the future, though it may seem small, or trivial, or boring, to you (Erdrich 229 230). Because he is too young to fully understand all the factors of the situation, Joe teeters between taking the law into his own hands and trusting his father to achieve justice through diligence. Inevitably, Joe plots to take his own actions against the attacker. He and his friends conspire to find the attacker. They undermine Bazil s attempt for restorative, long term justice when they confront the attacker and shoot him. In addition to the issues within the family, the crime committed against mother has cause inner turmoil for Joe. He is faced with the feelings of obligation to avenge his mother. He sees her sheltering herself every day in her bedroom, slowly becoming just a shell of the woman she used to be. The damned carcass had stolen from her. Some warm part of her was gone and might not return. This new formidable woman would take getting to know, and I was thirteen. I didn t have the time (Erdrich 193), says Joe. Feeling more and more alone, Joe is forced into
  • 11. Iranian Revolution Research Paper Abstract........................................................................................... Iran under the Pahlavi Monarchy................................................................ Iran under the Shah s Rule....................................................................... The Iranian Revolution............................................................................ Establishing the Islamic Republic of Iran........................................................ Iran under the Ayatollahs......................................................................... Bibliography....................................................................................... Iran under the Pahlavi Monarchy For many centuries such as the early 1500 s, Iran has been an islamic state consisting of Shiites majority, ruled by the Qajar dynasty (1796 1925). However, in the early 1920 s during a time of instability in Iran, Reza Khan (1878 1944), an officer was able to overthrow the Qajar dynasty and crown himself as the shah in 1925. With it s next door neighbor Turkey already modernized, Reza had ambitions for Iran; he wanted to modernize Iran as well , that being he wanted to bring change within the nation. ... Show more content on ... Reza shah was also able to lay out his plans which consisted of implementing infrastructure projects, building a railroad system, establishing a public education system, as well as developing huge industries and overall improving the health care system, and finally reforming the judiciary branch in Iran. With all these reforms at work, Reza shah was able to turn Iran into an industrialized nation; though by mid 1930 s many religious and intellectual elites were dissatisfied by the shah s dictatorial ways in Iran; thus foreshadowing the coming introduction of Ayatollah Khomeini against the modernized idealism of Reza shah. During World War II, Iran s oil resources alone played a factor in overthrowing the shah (Reza), which is analyzed by Mohammad Gholi Majd in his book, Great Britain and Reza Shah: The Plunder of Iran, 1921 1941 . With Great Britain being the majority holder of the Anglo Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), they feared the possibility of an alliance between both
  • 12. Joe Hill Magicians Introduction Audiences have at all times throughout history been amazed by illusions performed for them for the purpose of entertainment by the means of magicians. Some of these magicians include David Copperfield, who made the Statue of Liberty disappear, Harry Houdini, who was most famous for his escape tricks, and Robert Houdin, who would read the audience s mind. In spite of the fact that many of these magicians appear to have done their magic through some supernatural force, in reality, the magicians use their sleight of hand in order to change the perspective of the audience. According to the article, Magic as a Cooperative Deceit, the author states that magic is an attempt to change the belief of the audience that something out ... Show more content on ... The psychology of magic tricks is also affected from person to person. The experience of an individual may be different among other individuals based on past experience and expectations. For example, this article, There s more to magic than meets the eye includes the illusion of a ball being thrown up; however, the ball stays in the illusionist s hand. About 68% of people fall for the trick because of the fact that their expectation is that the ball will go up and their past experience is the fact that they have seen a ball thrown up numerous times. Furthermore, the social cuing of the illusionist inspired the social cuing of the audience into believing the direction of the ball to go up. Consequently, this shows that the audience of a magician may not all be affected and some may experience no illusion. In addition, Illusions are based on many things. A good magician uses The Cooperative Principle . This law basically states that the cause precedes the effect in time, cause and effect are contiguous in time and place, and there is a history of regularity in the precedence and contiguity of cause and effect. These rules may be applied to illusions due to the fact that the magician uses the cooperation of the audience and their sleight of hand. The cause in a simple trick along the lines of pulling a rabbit is the magician s sleight of hand and the effect
  • 13. A River Runs Through It Being skeptical about this type of movie is normal, however, keep an open mind. It tells the story of two children growing up in rural Montana with a strict Minister father. Their father not only taught them the word of God and to put all their faith in their religion, but he also taught them to fly fish. Several times it is mentioned that the line between God and fly fishing was usually blurred or hard to find. Norman Maclean is the eldest son, he also appears to be the protagonist. The movie is in his point of view with an older version of himself providing voice overs as he reflects. The story starts when Norman and his younger brother Paul were children, but it spends most of the time when they are older. Both being out of college and fresh to the world as responsible adults, this movie adds its name to a long list of dramafilms. What makes a good drama? Three key things to look for in any drama are: conflict, character portrayal, and last, but not least, comic relief. Does this movie have conflict? Any good drama has a conflict in the plot, particularly one that grabs the attention of the audience, and A River Runs Through It is no exception. The main conflict in this film appears to be life itself. The conflict is displayed all throughout the movie, with the struggle of growing up to the struggle of finding your place in this world. The main plot is the conflict of life while the subplots are more about each character doing a little searching of their own. Norman has
  • 14. Katmai National Park And Reserve Katmai Research Surrounded by volcanoes and rocky beaches, is a national park. Katmai National Park and Reserve is waiting for you to explore its features and history. Katmai has a large population of bears. Once a year they feast on salmon, which come from the north. Some of Katmai s land has volcanoes. Those volcanoes are part of the Pacific ocean. Alaska is where Katmai waits for you. Come explore Alaska, Katmai home state. Alaska is very snowy. It was officially the 49th state of America. Alaska is not connected to the United states. Katmai is connected to Canada. If you want to think about that for a while then do it, but I saved you time by telling you this. Volcanoes are a large part of Alaska . The volcanoes are
  • 15. Infant Mental Health infant mental health; prenatal care; integrated obstetric practice; and high risk pregnancy For centuries, the bar for maternal care was set low. Until the mid twentieth century, maternal mortality remained at 30% from antenatal, delivery, and postpartum complications. For many years the role of the obstetrician during the antenatal time was primarily focused on preparation of the mother to reduce risks of delivery and avoid fetal mortality and acute morbidity. Only recently did the obstetric field begin to focus on the health of the baby. The advent of ultrasound and fetal heart rate testing provided opportunities to detect issues prior to catastrophic events, but were still essentially passive tests that did not allow for intervention until ... Show more content on ... (2009). These authors describe the importance of developing a new identity as a parent and transforming the internal representations of self and others, with particular emphasis placed on the mother s capacity to rework the internalized and actual relationship with her own mother. Slade et al. (2009) suggest that the success or conflict in this reworking process sets the positive or negative groundwork for the upcoming mother child relationship. Another important task of pregnancy is the development of feelings of connectedness to the unborn child or maternal fetal attachment (MFA) (Cranley, 1981; Condon Corkindale, 1997). The parent needs to develop a representation of an imagined child and begin to behave in a way that is consistent with a developing attachment. Prenatal representations the subjective experience of how the baby is perceived create the meaning an infant has for a parent. These representations can be characterized in one of three ways: integrated/balanced, with a cognitively and emotionally well organized sense of themselves as mothers and of the unborn child; restricted/disinvested, with a flat representation of themselves and of the unborn child; or not integrated/ambivalent, characterized by confusing and contradictory representations of self and the unborn child, with higher rates of the latter two categories in pregnant women with
  • 16. Analysis Of Blanche Dubois s Blanche DuBois arrives to visit her sister, Mrs. Stella Kowalski, who lives in the French Quarter ofNew Orleans. She is shocked by the (low quality/low class) looks of the place. While a neighborgoes to find Stella, Blanche looks around the apartment for a drink. When her sister comes,Blanche quite honestly (says bad things about) the place. She explains that she has come for avisit because her nerves are shattered from teaching. Noticing that the apartment has only tworooms, she has fears about staying but she tells Stella that she can t stand being alone. She explains to Stella that their old (related to a person s relatives going way back for many years) home, Belle Reve, has been lost. While Stella goes to the bathroom, Stanley, her husband,enters and meets Blanche. He questions her about her past and especially about her earliermarriage, which upsets Blanche to the point that she feels sick. The following night Stella and Blanche plan to have dinner out and go to a movie while Stanleyplays poker with his friends. But before they leave, Stanley wants to know how Belle Reve waslost. Blanche tries to explain and gives him all the papers and documents having to do with theplace. Later that night when Blanche and Stella return from their movie, the men are still playingpoker. Blanche meets Mitch, one of Stanley s friends, who seems to be more sensitive than theothers. While Mitch is in the second room talking to Blanche, Stanley becomes angry over aseries of events,
  • 17. Innovation and Design Strategy Samsung Electronics: Innovation and Design Strategy Introduction: The case study commences with the integration of innovative design and brand management by Samsung Electronics which started a new trend in the electronics industry. As discussed in the case, initially Samsung was not much popular and lacked design identity but later it relocated itself by: * Improvement in the product development processes * Increasing their investments in R amp;D and product design i.e. R amp;D globalization. * By adopting right innovation strategies. * By mastering the less tangible, more intuitive qualities of superior design. * By diversification of products and step by step or continual improvement. * Implementing Global... Show more content on ... * Co operation between the business partners throughout the supply chain * Firms ability in exploring end penetrating into the new markets * Speed of innovation and product development. Along with this Samsung also increased the investments in their R amp;D centers. After doing the trend analysis for the Exhibit 3 which shows the Samsung R amp;D budget and percentage sales, We arrive at the conclusion that the Samsung s R amp;D budget increased till the year 2007 linearly. But there is decline in the percentage of sales in the year 2007, which suggests that the Samsung will need to rethink this strategy. There is an urgent need to optimize the cost related to Samsung s R amp;D expenditure to prevent the decline of sales in future. Samsung globalized their R amp;D network worldwide to develop technologies which can be commercialized in the future. Basically the main idea behind the globalization of R amp;D network is to: * Focus on innovation and generating new products for global market. * There is a huge scope of product improvement. * This provides an access to the emerging markets. * Leverages the market opportunity for the firm. User Centric Design Philosophy Samsung s philosophy was to strike the balance between the reasons and feelings. This was done by them with the rationalization of the design of product by using geometric and technological parameters and enhancing the
  • 18. Multicultural Literacy Discussion When students finish middle school and move to high school, is when they are mostly likely to drop out of school. Students don t see the point of continuing their education when most of the time they don t understand or don t relate to the information that is being presented to them. Most of the time students rather be out in the streets with their peers causing havoc, than being inside a classroom. Typically, this often occurs in urban areas where the schoolpopulation usually consists of students with culturally diverse backgrounds. According to the textbook Content Area Reading and Writing (2008), students in inner city schools finish assignments that involve reading or writing. The reason being that they often lack connection... Show more content on ... Students will be able to enjoy and understand the lessons, which it s obvious they rarely do. We can t afford to keep losing students because of a simple issue like this. If students have low reading proficiencies because they are dropping out of school, it will affect the communities and workplaces. Students won t be able to be successful because, nowadays the majority average paying jobs require for their employees to be able to read, write and communicate effectively as well as to have a high school diploma. It s imperative that preservice teachers are informed of the benefits multicultural education has. This type of curriculum could be what keeps culturally diverse students in school, or at least make it easier for them to
  • 19. Altruism Should there be a legal market for the transplant of kidneys from live donors? If so, what form should this market take? If not, how should the shortage of kidneys for transplant be addressed? First I am going to argue that that a upholding the right to self ownership should be a justification in allowing for an unregulated legal market for the transplant of kidneys from live donors. Second I will explain how the negative externality that would occur due to the existence of a new market for live kidneys, would create a decrease in the welfare of society through behavioural effects in other similar markets. I will counter this argument by explaining that there would be an overall net gain in utility received by a variety of agents in ... Show more content on ... Such as the way others view them as virtuous and vital additions to the benefit of society. The presence of a market provides the opportunity for a donor and recipient to take part in a transaction that better improves the utility of both individuals (by capturing dead weight loss) assuming they both place heterogeneous values on the kidney (e.g. the donor values his kidney at ВЈ1000, yet receives ВЈ1200 and the recipient values the transplant of the kidney at ВЈ1500 yet only pays ВЈ1200). Such an exchange would lead to a Pareto improvement in terms of utility, which is defined as the movement towards an alternative state in which no one is made worse off and at least one person is made better off; if such a state does exist. The absence of a market in this case would lead to a dead weight loss, due to the lost producer and consumer surplus (Difference between value of the good and price paid/received for it) which would have been captured were the market exchange of the good permitted. In the U.K. kidneys are viewed as market inalienable, in other words the good cannot be transferred between agents that involves an exchange of resources and can only be provided as a gift (gift alienable). I believe the shortage of kidneys available in the U.K. (6,500 people are on the waiting list for a kidney transplant) is due to the fact that the supply of kidneys is restricted to those individuals that
  • 20. Analysis Of Do The Right Thing By Spike Lee The film Do the Right Thing (1989) by Spike Lee is a revolutionary film in Black America Cinema. The film is carefully constructed to point out the building blocks behind racial and societal conflict. Lee does this by implementing the theory and theatrical practices of Bertolt Brecht to make us focus on the meaning behind each scene instead of scene itself. Sharon Willis in her essay on Do the Right Thingstated, Lee s antirealist project in Do the Right Thing brings it closely in line with the theatrical practices of Bertolt Brecht. (837) Bertolt was a famous German theater practitioner and playwright that came up with a concept known as Verfremdungseffekt, or distancing effect. The concept behind this practice is to defamiliarze the... Show more content on ... In this scene Mookie, Pino, Stevie, Sonny, and Officer Long all look at the camera and start monologing racial stereotypes of a different race. In each of these scene, the camera starts far back and dolly in. The characters on the screen start looking directly looking at the camera and at this point, it breaks the mise en scene and we realize that this is a 4th wall break. The camera is also shaky so we know that its is being handheld. Making the screen shaky and have the characters look directly at the camera dispells the illusion of cinema, but it allows the characters to directly interact with the audience. This is another example of how Lee uses the theatical practices of Brecht. Lee wants the audience to forget that they are watching a movie and focus on what the characters are saying because it reflects the views of many people in the audience at the time. The purpose of this scene is to make the audience reflect on
  • 21. Apple Search Warrant Multi billion dollar companies, Apple and Google have brought the attention of security on their devices, by upgrading them 10 fold, basically changing it out for a military grade protection. Rendering it almost impossible for anyone even Apple and Google themselves to break in, hack, or even crack the code of any of their devices. Apple had stated, as the new operating system becomes widely deployed over the next several weeks, the number of IPhones and IPads that Apple is capable of breaking into for police will steadily dwindle to the point where only devices several years old and incapable of running iOS 8 can be unlocked by Apple (Timberg). When FBI Director James B. Comey got an ear full of this nonsense, he struck back at the companys,... Show more content on ... But now its making the use of a search warrant for devices, basically impossible, sending police and FBI agents into a tail spin. The sole purpose of a warrant is to gain access to a highly suspected criminals information without any need of the persons permission. Warrants are not easy to come by either, it takes quite a while to obtain one, you must first have tangible evidence that a person is committing a crime, then you must present it to a judge and convince them to sign the warrant, which inter makes it legal. The same process goes for a federal warrant. Apple said. that it is making it impossible for the company to turn over data from most iPhones or iPads to police even when they have a valid search warrant (Timberg). So basicly hindering the law passed about 5 months ago in the Supreme Court. The other question it raises is that, the 4th amendment clearly states, the right of the people to be secure in their own persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized , even with probable cause , Apple still won t allow law enforcement to enter the phones, which inter is going against the fourth amendment s
  • 22. The Effects Of Exposure Therapy On Children Why You Still Don t Have a Girlfriend If I were to boil it down, the biggest mistake is that they tend to think of themselves as unworthy of any girl. Tynan You don t see yourself worthy of having a girlfriend. That is why you still won t make the first move. That is why you continue to live in your own little bubble. You need to get out of your head and start playing the game called life. In other words, stop seeing yourself as special or different, but also don t see yourself as any less than anyone else. And, yes, being yourself is all you need, but being yourself, as you know, is easier said than done. So how can you see yourself as worthy of a girlfriend? Exposure Therapy Exposure therapy does work. You ll see in time that women do respond to you and that you are worthy of their time. can t get exposure therapy in your mom s basement. And, remember, exposure therapy has to be consistent to work. As I keep saying, a job where you have to interact with different people all the time is probably your best bet (retail, sales, etc.). It forces consistence. Just make sure it s with a culture that wants to get to know you. But exposure therapy goes both ways. If you don t approach, then your brain rewires itself to not approach in those situations. And if you spend each weekend alone in your room instead of going out, your brain prunes away the socializing neurons you aren t using. That s why doing exposure therapy completely alone isn t
  • 23. Clifton Suspension Bridge Kaylie Griffin and I chose to build the Clifton Suspension Bridge. The Clifton Suspension Bridge is a suspension bridge located in Bristol, United Kingdom. A suspension bridge is a type of bridge which the deck is supported by cables that hang vertically off larger cables or hangers. Suspension bridges typically have two towers and are anchored to abutments at their ends.The towers help to support much of the weight that crosses the bridges deck, such as cars and people. The towers also dissipate the load directly into the planet Earth. These features of a suspension bridge are why they are strong therefore, one of the more popular designs for a bridge. When building our popsicle bridge, we had to add x shaped joints and brackets to help our... Show more content on ... After completing this simulation, our bridge only had one string (cable line) untied from the wire (hanger). Nothing else was damaged therefore, everything was intact. During this test, our bridge was exposed to torsion because it was twisting and being thrown around in the simulator. Our modifications helped my bridge withstand the earthquake and hold a numerous amount of weight. Our bridge was very strong and one of the top performers in the class although, it could have had more trusses and modifications to make it even stronger. Our bridge weighed в…ћ lb. and it held 250 lb. therefore, it held 286 lb. for every 1 lb. As said before, we could have added more joints and trusses to improve our bridge s performance. Compared to the rest of the White Group, our bridge was the second strongest bridge. Our bridge also performed very similar to everyone else s in the earthquake simulator. The heaviest bridge was the Brooklyn Bridge, which also happened to be the strongest. The tallest bridge was the Ben Franklin Bridge, coming in at 13 inches. In the future, I think walking bridges could be made from glass, able to be looking down on a river below you. Yes, I think a computer can help fix faults and help for better design and performance of bridges. I learned many things from this bridge project, some being, how to work as a team, patience, how bridges work, and different things that help architects
  • 24. Napoleon Diary Entry Today, fifty odd years later, I sit on my porch alone, swinging gently in the morning. I can look out over the yard. It looks just the same as the place were my most important moment of my life happened. I ve kept it like that, so I never forgot. It s a large yard, that looks like a tiny meadow in a forest. It s the height of summer right now, so all the trees are full and green. Just like it was then. I remember the year of 1778. I was in my prime, the my early twenties. The Revolutionary War, my platoon s second year in the war. I was their lieutenant, although it hardly seemed that I was above them in rank. We were all the closest of friends, with loyalty deeper than I had ever known. We talked about everything, but like every other... Show more content on ... I still doubt that it will ever change. As a reminder of those friends though, I planted a tree after the war. It took months to get the seed, but it was important to me. I planted it at the edge of the small forest on my land, where it looks just as out of place as it did all those years ago. The reason for this was that during the years after, the old olive tree had died. So now, it sits in the same place as the old one, maybe not quite as big, but and eternally sufficient reminder. And each day, I sit out on the porch and listen to the birds in the tree sing, and watch them make their homes there. Even now, as I sit here and remember this, I m sitting on the same wooden swing I ve sat for years, looking at that olive tree. It is still the morning, and the birds are singing their waking songs in those same trees by the olive. And deep in the olive tree, I see a flash of the white feathers It s been so long since I saw. A flurry arises, and I watch the doves rise back into the sky. Twenty of them rising into ray of of light, coming through the clouds. A God ray, as my family always called
  • 25. Social Issues In American Literature American Literature from its beginnings is shaped by a demand towards reforming society by bringing awareness towards towards social issues and a need to question societal norms.American literature from its beginnings has focused around establishing the American identity , and has also served as a means to address social issues that have plagues American society. The three authors that are representative of these ideals are the following; Hector De St John Crevecoeur Benjamin Franklin, and Hannah Foster. These authors represent different perspectives on American issues, ranging from revolutionary era america, women s rights, and also establishing a set of values that represent the American Identity. At a time where the new world... Show more content on ... The position that Crevoucuer demonstrates towards the social order in America is that it is corrupt, and that the idea of revolution has turned quickly into disorder throughout the colonies. Although Letters does provide praise towards the New world, it also demonstrated the issues associated with forming a new world. These issues are that of the vast disparities of wealth, institution of slavery, and that the New World consists of colonies that are made up of contradictions. Ultimately, Letters provides a pessimistis forecast for Ameria s future and puts into question the nature of humanity in the forming of America. A work of literature that contrasts the ideas stated in Letters is Benjamin Franklin s Poor Richard s Almanack. One of the main purposes of this almanac was to actually help the average citizen in achieving prosperity. Franklin like Crevecouer, uses a persona in his writings. The persona that is used by Franklin is that of a poor farmer (Poor Richard), which helped to connect with Franklin s target audience, which was the common American citizen. This style of writing contrasts with Crevocuer because instead of making observations about the corruption of America, Poor Richards Almanac tries to help Americans out by using rational logic towards the problems of taxation, accumulating debt, and promoting the concept of sociability. This almanac largely consisted of maxims of these ideals. An example of
  • 26. Using Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural... ! # $ ! % % (!%% Using Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank small holder direct loan scheme to increase agricultural production in rural Oyo State, Nigeria 1 1 Oyeyinka, R. A. and K. K. 2Bolarinwa Department of Agricultural Education,Federal College of Education (Special), P. M. B. 1089, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria. E mail: 2 Department of Agricultural Administration, College of Agricultural Management and Rural Development University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria. Correspondent author: E mail: Abstract: Credit disbursement has been given priority by the Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank. The study examined the use of NACRDB Small holder ... Show more content on ... Granting credit to peasant farmers for the cost they incurred on land preparation, weeding and harvesting operations and labour to increase the use of agricultural inputs will enable them most importantly to be able to adopt modern farming techniques, so as to increase their agricultural productivity. Farmer s access to credit will enable them use tractors, which will lead to increased output of higher quality, thereby resulting in ! # $ ! % % (!%% increased income and improved standard of living, which is imperative. Public policy in mobilizing financial resources for agricultural development has not been very effective for a number of reasons. First, there have been no consistent and effective policies to make private investment in agriculture more attractive due to persistently low productivity. While this has not induced the necessary industrial growth in the sector to create larger markets for farm output, it has also curtailed free flow of funds from the private sector. As a result, the bulk of the investment in agriculture has been from state resources. The proportion of agricultural output in the GDP which was close to 60 percent during the 1960s stagnated below 30 percent for most of the 1970s, although, there has been a reversal of this negative trend since the National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS) was introduced in 2004. The achieved proportion is however,
  • 27. Analysis Of John Paul s The Law Of Marriage Essay Chapter 7 Summary: Using the analogy of a widowed woman having been set free from the law of marriage, Paul opens the chapter by explaining our death to the law. For under the law, we were sinful, but dead to the law, we are free to serve the Holy Spirit. Paul goes on to describe how the law revealed our sin to us. However, it was not the law that brought us death, but sin through the law. Paul describes his own struggle with sin, as he is unable to do the good he desires and unable to stop the evil that he hates. Therefore, we must live in God through Jesus Christ so that we may be brought out of death. Paul gives thanks to God and says, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin (7:25), which demonstrates the continued earthly struggle of man. Key Verses: 7:4 Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God. 7:21 23 So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Question: In 7:5, how are our sinful passions aroused by the law? Answer: In Romans 7:5, we were not yet justified. Living to death and the flesh, Jews tried to live under the law,
  • 28. Nazi Oppression Of Sports In The 1936 Summer Olympics The 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany was a key moment whereby African American and Jews used sports to politically challenge the Nazi ideology of Aryan supremacy and non Aryan inferiority. Paul Taylor argues that sports is one of the most powerful weapons in the hands of those suffering under racial prejudice or political oppression. During the 1936 Olympics, Hitler dialed down the anti Semitic propaganda due to international pressures, but in official Nazi sporting hand books it specifically targeted Jews and African American s as being physically inferior to the Aryan race as they lacked athletic ability. Also, Nazi theorists like Kurt Munch claimed that Jews and Blacks were feeble athletes and had never achieved any success in athletics. The creator of the Olympic games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, believed that the Olympic games encouraged people to look beyond the interests they had in common by bringing the best athletes from every country, culture, and race, and giving them a platform where they could earn respect and admiration based on skill and not race, creed, or nationality. Although, African Americans and Jews did not voice their political beliefs they used their athletic skill and would have acquired praise from Coubertin because they directly challenged Hitler s ideology that non Aryan s were inferior.Jessie Owens, who was a famous African American sprinter, fought back against Hitler s racial stereotypes of Blacks by winning four gold medals
  • 29. Chinese Movement In Canada Case Study 1858 denoted the beginning of progressing Chinese movement to the districts of British North America that would later shape the present day Canada. In the east were the settlements of New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, and additionally the United Province of Canada, including Quebec and Ontario(The Early Chinese Canadians, 2015). On the Pacific coast was the settlement of Vancouver Island. At the time, none of these provinces had migration confinements. An immense region under the control of the Hudson s Bay Company lay between these eastern and western settlements (The Early Chinese Canadians, 2015). First Nations individuals were the fundamental inhabitants around this region, and also in British Columbia (The Early Chinese Canadians, 2015). The main flood of Chinese workers to touch base in Canadawere propelled by different push and force variables. Pessimistic components can push individuals to leave their home while constructive impacts force individuals towards a specific... Show more content on ... A large number of mineworkers, including numerous Chinese who had been working in California, hurried into the region. Britain immediately made the settlement of British Columbia on the territory, with its capital city at New Westminster, to keep American diggers from asserting that the area had a place with the United States (The Early Chinese Canadians, 2015). The requirement for work in British Columbia prompted numerous Chinese being contracted to manufacture streets, clear land and develop railroads. They additionally worked in coal mines and fish canneries and on homesteads. Guangzhou, on the delta of the Pearl River that fills the South China Sea, was the fundamental port in southern China. Since the eighth century, it had served vendors who exchanged far and wide with different districts of China, Southeast Asia and even the Middle East (The Early Chinese Canadians,
  • 30. Shelby Farms Park Located in Memphis, Shelby County in Tennessee, Shelby Farms Park is arguably the most expansive urban parks in the United State. The park covers an area of 4, 500 acres and harbors some of the most unique natural and manmade features in the country. From natural forests, lakes, wetlands, and grasslands, the park provides natural habitat for many wildlife and vegetation than any urban located park in America. The park traces its history to the 19th century humanist reformer Frances Wright. The Nashoba Commune that he founded forms parts of the current Shelby Farm. Initially, the firm was used as a penal farm under the management of Shelby CountyJail. However, since opening it for public recreational purpose in the 1970s, the park has undergone... Show more content on ... The park is home to an array of wildlife; over two hundred bird species can be found in the park, bobcats, reptiles, deer, minks, reptiles, beavers, muskrats, foxes, and squirrels are some of the most common wildlife species in the park. One of the special attractions in the sites are the buffalos. Introduced by the former Mayor Bill Morris with an aim of giving the community access to living history, buffalos have come to be one of the main icons in the park. A significant number of individuals visit Shelby Farm to enjoy the presence of these animals. Vegetation in the park is very diverse. From meadows, pine wood forests, a large number of cypress, red oak, ash, elm, maple, sweet gum, tupelo gum, sycamore, hackberry, and white oak among many others, the vegetation in the park interact together to create one of the best attraction sites in the United States. The connections to allow pedestrians to enjoy the abundance of nature in the park are widely available. Connections such as the Shelby Farms Green line, Wolf River Greenway, and the Wolf River Pedestrian Bridge have dramatically increased access to various part of the park for pedestrians. The connections have also provided an opportunity to bikers to explore the natural resource in the Park. In fact, Bicycles are the most popular option that feeds Shelby Farms Park. The Greenline has played an active role in opening the park to the community and visitors. In addition, the Shelby Farms Park has miles of open pasture and wooded trails that pedestrians and horse riders can explore. The Park has Horse stable operated in conjunction with external investors. The Horse Stables offer one of the best opportunities to explore the landscape and enjoy some of the best sceneries in the park. However, there is an increasing concerns from the conservancy that the park s natural forestry density is increasingly dwindling. In a bid to respond to
  • 31. Santo Domingo Early Childhood Going back to the times of her great grandparents, they were people who were established in San Agustin, Florida. They were engaged in trade and business with the North American islands in the part of the Atlantic, where they engaged in navigation. Around 1870 s, they arrived in Santo Domingo, where some of them stayed in Santo Domingo and the other returned to the United Stateswhere they settled in New York city. Her grandparents were people who were equally engaged in trade. One part was devoted to the sale of wood and the other part was devoted to the business of pharmacies. In the same way, her parents are businessmen, dedicating themselves to the printing industry. As a Dominican family, their customs are based on a fusion of Spanish
  • 32. A Rhetorical Analysis Of The Bombing Of Hiroshima On 06 August 1945, the United States denoted a nuclear weapon over the Japanese city, Hiroshima due to the major military headquarters the housed. The event took place during the final stage of World War II, it is uncertain to the amount of people harmed in this event, to this day, with the long lasting effects of the bombing survivors are still taking ill. The United States dropped the atomic bomb after obtaining consent from the United Kingdom. Including the bombing that took place in Nagasaki, a couple of days later, they remain the only use of nuclear weapons in history of welfare. Japan announced its surrender on 15 August 1945, six days after the last bombing took place. The debate of the bombing is still ongoing to this day. With ... Show more content on ... Retribalization is the process by which the population that is now, is conditioned to an electronic environment rather a print environment causing cultural change. In context to media bias, this alters our way of thinking and the way we perceive the world. As a result, with the use of electronic communication, the population can access a great deal of information that portrays to their views. Though we might be out of the print era and in the makings of retribalization, with the continuing way this era is shifting eventually, the populations behavior will fall back in line, returning to a more tribal state. For example, in the report above there are quite a number of biases in reporting of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. As outlined, each news source has their own audience to cater too, for a left wing audience, they will look towards new source like AlterNet and for a more central approach, viewers will seek out Al
  • 33. Introduction Of Lululemon Athletica Inc. Introduction Lululemon Athletica Inc. was incorporated in the month of November 2005, and is a manufacturer and vendor of practical strapping rendering attire for men, women and female adolescence. The objective of the attires is for healthful situations such as running, cycling, general fitness exercise and yoga. In the attires, it comprises aptitude britches, shorts, tops, jackets and other fitness related products like underwear, bags, bras, socks, yoga mats, yoga instruction discs and water bottles. They primarily operate in North America and Australia. How Lululemon Utilize the Marketing 4 P s Product Lululemon offers the same product line globally as is available in their home country stores. Their Commodity track comprises of trousers, hoodies, coats, shorts for women and men, it equally comprises of brassiere, underclothes and vat tops for women. They use high quality fabrics and ensure that their garments are modified to ensure accurate fit on the body and also ensure the garment doesn t slack after overtime wash Lululemon prides itself on using a high quality impact fabric known as the all moisture wicking which is said to pull away perspiration from the physique and disperse it across the material, thereby vaporising the wetness and drying it quickly. Their fabric is made for all kind of athletic activities in all weather, and ranges from light to thicker outwear. Other innovation made on their apparel products are the design functions which allow places for
  • 34. Colonel Charles Young Character Traits Buffalo Soldiers have been revered in history as one of the military s finest fighting heritages. This historical case study of the Buffalo Soldiers will focus on their history, battles with the Native Americans, Colonel Charles Young, and lessons learned from their experiences. While much is known of the courage and fighting spirit of the Buffalo Soldier, this case study will provide the reader(s) with further information of significant contributions by the African American soldier prior to and after the Civil War. The rich traditions of the Buffalo Soldiers and their influences in shaping the U.S. militarys will always be remembered, and the lessons they experienced passed onto future generations. History Throughout history African Americans have served in all major conflicts. Whether fighting along fellow Union soldiers in the Civil War or Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. The lineage of African Americans regular soldiers first began after the Civil War, where they were first organized as segregated regiments. Later on in 1866, the Army Organization Act was passed and established six All African American units, which were later ... Show more content on ... Military Academy at West Point, and the first African American to become the superintendent of Sequoia National Park in 1903.8 Young first served with the 9th Cavalry in Utah and Nebraska as newly commissioned second lieutenant. During the Mexican Revolution Charles Young commanded the 10th Cavalry under General Pershing in search of Pancho Villa. Young continued to have a successful in the military and was forced to retire after having high blood pressure. Young believed he could continue on with his military service, and in June of 1918 rode his horse from Ohio to Washington D.C. to meet with the Secretary of War, and asked to command soldiers again. The Secretary of War granted Young s reinstatement and promoted him to
  • 35. Comparing Lord Of The Flies And Seize The Day Essay First and foremost, the books Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Seize the Day by Saul Bellow are related in concept, theme, and depth. In fact, these novels consist of characters that could relate to one another in their personal struggles. Although the characters have much in common, their present environment forces them in different ways to work and talk with people they don t enjoy being around. Because of this, there is a common disposition of darkness. Despite their many similarities, there are different themes present. In Lord of the Flies, the focus is on the boy s strange environment that forces them to work together and evokes fear which doesn t turn out well for their prosperity. This is because a couple of the kids make choices that wrongly affect the island s turnout. Similarly, Lord of the Flies and Seize the Day consist of characters with darkness of the heart and mind, and these people affect everyone around them. In comparison, these texts both consist of deplorable characters that only look to benefit themselves. Conversely, Seize the Day centers around inner struggle and accentuates that throughout the novel, and Lord of the Flies focuses on societal... Show more content on ... Clearly, the novels share a common theme of characters who won t help those who need it. In addition to this idea, Wilhelm from Seize the Day and Piggy from Lord of the Flies both have someone who wishes to do harm to them. Jack constantly puts Piggy down and Dr. Tamkin takes Wilhelm s money and runs off with all of it. Lord of the Flies and Seize the day are extremely similar novels. They both have depth and characters which have much in common with each other. Though they are very similar, they do have prominent differences too that differ from the other text. Lord of the Flies focuses primarily on external conflicts and societal collapse contrary to Seize the day which accentuates internal
  • 36. World Religions In America Summary In Neusner s book World Religions in America, Gerald James Larson explains what the Hinduism is as a religion. He starts mentioning that the Indian population is the second most populous nation in the world; it reached 1.3 billion people in 2008 and that represents about 16% of the global population. Their country has twenty eight states and seven Union Territories; it has eighteen official languages and Hindi is the most common one. The ones who live outside their country are also considered Asian Indians and they might be different but they are equally important. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, they represent the fourth largest asian community with about two million people and Asian Indians that live here and in other industrialized Western nations are mostly... Show more content on ... They have duties and responsibilities that are personal and also involve their society. Taking care of their hygiene, of what they eat, their relations with their family, spouses, friends and castes. Because of all these reasons, when facts about the indian culture are mentioned, they involve their religion because they represent what an Hindu should do and what Hinduism is about. Even though, there are significant minorities that come from Asian Indian families but their religion is another one, like being Buddhist or Muslim. Hinduism and the existence of these other religions inside the Indian territory can be explained based on how Hinduism was developed in India. Different from other major historic religions, Hinduism can t be traced directly to someone as their founder and there is no information about when it appeared in human history. Because of this Hinduism doesn t have a beginning, it just appears in South Asia and its development is dense and complex. To be able to study the history of Hinduism, there have been identified six important periods for its
  • 37. To Kill A Mockingbird Scout s Point Of View The novel To Kill A Mockingbird, is told from the point of view of a nine year old girl name Scout. Scout is an important character of the novel; Since everything that happens throughout the novel she sees through her own eyes.However, unlike most first person narratives,she does not confine the narrative to things she has directly experienced .Scout only hears the things that happens around her and repeats what she sees and hears but, she does not actually understand that there is racism around at this time period, and the trial held for Tom Robinson s case, is for false accused rape of two white women, and that there is a possibility he could be lynched.Scout being the narrator of the novel changes the whole story since she has a different... Show more content on ... Throughout the novel, the setting and other characters symbolizes the point of view of Scout and limits what the reader knows about the novel;For example, In the novel it mentions It s right hard to say, she said. Suppose you and Scout talked colored folks talk at home it d be out of place, wouldn t it? Now what if I talked white folks talk at church, and with my neighbors? They d think I was puttin on airs to beat Moses. (Harper Lee Page 138) This quote limits what the reader knows because based on the setting in the church it shows that there is racism going on and Calpurnia explains to Scout and Jem that it would be out of character to speak to white folks the way colored folks speaks since white people talk more proper.Scout experiences that the colored people can not speak as a white person would because they are not as educated as most of the whites;This symbolizes racism,and this limits what the reader knows ;Since Scout finds out that colored folks would be out of character to speak to a white person like that,Which shows the reader that there is racism
  • 38. Symbolism In Epic Of Gilgamesh And Dante s Inferno Symbolism in World Literature Symbolism is an aspect that inherits its way into multiple stories, sometimes with or without an author realizing so until after the piece comes to a finish. Symbolism is an essence for pieces of World Literature from the early ages of writing and even up to the writings happening around the world today. Overall, symbolism is as necessary in an authors works as the words on the page, considering that symbolism aids in a stories flow and also brings forth multiple meanings to an authors text depending upon who is reading the text. Two early world literature works in particular which display quite a various range of symbolism is the Epic of Gilgamesh and Dante s Inferno; both works of world literature can be related in the characteristic that each work provide readers with examples of religious symbolism and can even be compared because so.... Show more content on ... The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the earliest known literary works around the world. It originated from ancient Mesopotamia and first originated as a series of Sumerian legends and poems in cuneiform script dating back to the early third and late second millennium BCE, which were lather gathered into a longer Akkadian poem. (Classical Literature). The poem follows Gilgamesh and Enkidu, who is Gilgamesh s wild friend who seemed to be half man and half animal, as they travel through numerous amounts of rambunctious adventures and quests. The Gods created Enkidu to make sure Gilgamesh walked the line straight and did not cause too large of an uproar in Uruk where Gilgamesh was king. After, Enkidu s death the story turns to follow Gilgamesh on the quest of finding eternal life after he realizes that even though he is two thirds God and one third human he would still not live
  • 39. City of Rockville Budget Paper Organizations bear economic, legal, and ethical obligations to provide useful information about the risks and benefits of their products, policies, and services. Failure to fulfill those obligations can be costly. Financial analyst estimate that 70% of a typical private firm s assets are intangibles, like goodwill, that can be lost when communication fail. Public institutions reputations often depend on their ability to communicate (Fischhoff). It is important to know that organizations are vital with providing guidance and advice for an arrangement of objectives and methodologies of serviceable divisions. Moreover, these procedures could show the principle explanation of achievement or dissatisfaction of the organization. Government responsiveness identifies with capability to react to evolving requests. Differentiation can identify with items or administration characteristics, quality, notoriety, or client administration. A few associations concentrate on a solitary methodology while others utilize a mix of methodologies. Systems give center to choice making. As a rule, public sectors have general techniques called authoritative methodologies, which identify with the whole public /private sector. They likewise have utilitarian procedures, which identify with each of the practical territories of the agency. The useful systems ought to back the general techniques of the association, in the same way that the hierarchical methods ought to back the objectives and mission
  • 40. Running In The Family Michael Ondaatje describes growing up in Sri Lanka in Running in the Family. The purpose of the memoir is to make sense of his Ondaatje s family as well as to entertain. Ondaatje first person narration in Running in the Family. The tones used by Ondaatje include both a serious and humourous tone. Finally, the themes discussed in Running in the Familyinclude both memory and family. The purpose of Running in the Family is to both make sense of family as well as entertain. Michael travels back to Sri Lanka after the death of his father to meet with his relatives. And now, forty years later, in early May, on the verge of monsoon weather, I have come to visit my half sister Susan and her husband Sunil (Ondaatje, Tea Country , p. 267). Not knowing his father had a great impact on his identity. Look I am the son who has grown up. I am the son you have made hazardous, who still loves you. I am now part of an adult s ceremony, but I want to say I am writing this book about you at a time when I am least sure about such words (Ondaatje, Blind Faith , p. 276). The descriptions used in Running in the Family are used to entertain because as a reader, one can imagine the landscape that is being described. Across the valley, a waterfall stumbles down. In a month or two the... Show more content on ... Ondaatje travels back home to learn more about his family and his father in particular. He is meeting with his half sister and points out the differences between her and his other siblings. She has this calmness and quietness as opposed to the anger and argument that I see in myself, my brother and two sisters (Ondaatje, What we Think of Married Life , p. 269). Ondaatje is dealing with the fact that he was not close to his father in his later life. My loss was that I never spoke to him as an adult (Ondaatje, Blind Faith , p. 276). He is trying to learn all he can about his family, even if there are stories that he does not agree with or
  • 41. Fizzy Star Box, By Loraine Schein The generation gap is a struggle between how the young people perceive their dreams versus the older generation s authority to shape the younger people s lives according the older people s experiences. In Fizzy Star Box, a poem by Loraine Schein, published in issue 7 of Rivet Journal, the narrator, presumably a little girl tries to protect her dreams which the poet symbolizes by a starin a fizzy box. The narrator is scared and yells at the physicist to not steal the fizzy star box. Dreams are always perfect and fascinating. Usually, children and young people are worried that they might lose their dreams that sparkle their life and make them passionate about future. Schein depicts that, I kept my star / In a fizzy star box / So it wouldn t shoot off / And disappear. The poem paints a lovely vivid image of how the fizzy box entertains a little girl by imagining her opening the box, and a star sparkles inside it with spectrum colors bubbles coming out of it. The girl dances, twirls, and chases the bubbles. By turning the star in new directions, different color shades emerge every time. However, some factors are threatening the ... Show more content on ... Imagining that the physicist breaks the fizzy star box in front of the little girl is heartbreaking. The physicist touches the star; suddenly, the star light turns off and becomes dust to fly with the storm wind. The one can see the lightening, hear the thunder mingled with the girl loud sopping with rain, and touch the tears mixed with the rain drops on her face. In real life, this happened in the Arab Spring where young people suffer from the older people s authority. The old people break the young people s dreams and ambitions claiming that such dreams are unrealistic. Nowadays, the young people pay their lives for pursuing their dreams by being in prisons or graves or fleeing from their mother countries. In reality, dreams were killed, and the authority defeated the
  • 42. Ethical Dilemmas In Civil Action A Civil Action is about an environmental pollution court case in Woburn, Massachusetts. The case focused on an industrial solvent, trichloroethylene, from a local leather company, which contaminated a local aquifer that eventually had lethal consequences on the inhabitants of the town. After Anne Anderson s son dies of leukemia, she filed a civil lawsuit along with eight other families against The John J. Riley Tannery by Beatrice Foods and Cryovac Manufacturing W. R. Grace Company because their industrial operations correlated to fatal cases of cancer and leukemia in children as well as other health issues reported among the citizens. Anne implored Jan Schlichtmann, a tenacious personal injury specialist, to take the case. When Schlichtmann... Show more content on ... The main ethical dilemma encountered occurs because two major companies, Woburn, W.R. Grace and J Riley Leather, were responsible for polluting Woburn s drinking water through the negligent dumping of carcinogenic solvents. This negligence is further compounded by the fact that the companies blatantly knew that their actions were polluting the local drinking water with trichloroethylene, a labeled carcinogenic. Furthermore, the companies made no attempt to clean or contain the hazardous waste, and the companies systematically hide their conspiracy. Their actions can be justified through the utilitarian ethical theory. Utilitarianism is a normative theory that focuses the moral correctness of an action on the consequence rather than the action itself. Additionally, this view is based on the hedonistic view that humans naturally seek pleasure and avoid pain. In regards to the companies in the film, they dumped toxic waste into the water supply to save time and expenses that would otherwise be utilized to hire a company to clean up the toxins. In their perspective, they avoided the pain of extra expenses and sought the pleasure involved in saving the money for personal
  • 43. Serial Killers in the U.S. Essays Before we can discuss what serial killers do, we must first define what a serial killer is. Some people might place serial killers into the same group as mass murderers. This would be incorrect because they are two totally different types of killers. While both of these individuals may kill many people, the difference lies in the reason they kill and the period over which they kill their victims. An event or a build up of circumstance triggers mass murderersand causes them to act. This may be the result of a stressful situation or frustration either at work or in their private lives. For whatever reason, they may choose to use a weapon and kill people that they feel are responsible for their prob lems. They may also kill total... Show more content on ... S. Good locations for serial killers include any city or area large enough to support prostitution, drug cultures, runaway children or street people. They can and do operate successfully in rural areas. Serial killers were once considered a rarity. Even though reports in Europe go back as far as the fifteenth century, only a few were written about prior to the mid twentieth century. One of the most widely written about was Jack the Ripper, who claimed only 5 victims in a three month period. This would put him in the bottom of the class by to day s standards. During the past twenty years, serial killings have become more frequent. We have even seen up to a half dozen of their cases on the news simultaneously. Cases such as San Francisco s Zodiac Killer; New York City s Son of Sam; Atlanta s child murderer, Wayne Williams; Los Angeles s Hillside Strangler; and Milwaukee s own, Jeffrey Dahmer. Many times, they fit into a pattern, but sometimes there is no pattern. The phenomenon is world wide, from England s Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe s killing of 13 women prior to 1981, to Russia s Rostov Cannibal, Anderei Chikatilo, who slaughtered and partially consumed at least 53 men and women over a 12 year period prior to 1990. It is hard to predict whether a person will become a serial killer. A set of childhood characteristics believed by many to be symptoms of violent behavior has been named
  • 44. Film Analysis Of Persepolis Persepolis is an autobiographical comic by Marjane Satrapi, published in 2000 and adapted into an animated film in 2007. Such as Marjane s various jumping around from home to home were also mentioned but minimalized in the film version. Marjane s mother slaps her daughter and maid for going out to a demonstration on Black Friday, the day of one of the biggest massacres. As a teenager and above the age of consent in Iran nine years old according to sharia laws Marjane could potentially get arrested, forcibly married to a prison guard, raped, and then executed. Whilst Marjane s dad stalls, Marjane and her grandma go inside and dispose of all the alcohol in the house. A Birthday, Not a Break: Marjane finds out Markus is cheating on her, she s falsely accused of stealing her landlady s brooch, and runs away from her apartment, effectively rendering herself homeless, on her eighteenth birthday. Bittersweet Ending: While Marjane can never return to Iran again due to fear of retribution and watched several loved ones, she finally finds freedom after being sent to France. Deliberately Monochrome: The film, which mirrors the art style of the comic, save the Framing Device Deranged Animation: Marjane s wolfman like transformation as she describes her puberty. The communists Marjane actually meets range from noble idealists to narcissistic poseurs. Egocentrically Religious: As a kid, Marjane even thought she d become the last prophet of Islam. Evil Stole My Faith: After her beloved Uncle Anoosh is executed by the fundamentalist regime as a communist dissident, Marjane tells God that she hates him and doesn t want to see him anymore. Falling in Love Montage: The film shows Marjane and Markus pelting one another with snowballs, running through the park, smoking hash with content expressions and showing a gleeful, happy romance... before he cheats on her. First World Problems: After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Marjane and her father watch a television broadcast featuring Westerners being worried that they might be invaded next. Marjane s mother points out that the film was meant to show Westerners in a bad light. Get Out: After Uncle Anoosh is executed, Marjane tells God to leave her and go away. Marjane s father
  • 45. Contributions Of The American Red Cross As one of the United States first humanitarian organizations, the American Red Cross has been dedicated to helping citizens in need throughout our nation. And according to American Red Cross History, they have helped others throughout the world, in association with other Red Cross networks. The American Red Cross depends on the generous contributions of time, blood, and money from our nation s public to support their lifesaving services and programs. Clara Barton and a group of her acquaintances founded the American Red Crosson May 21, 1881, in Washington, D.C. She campaigned for American Red Cross and for the approval of the Geneva Convention which protected the war injured, which was approved by the United Statesin 1882. She led the
  • 46. Perseverance Essay Perseverance, purpose, and passion. These three words are core in shaping me to be the person I am today. Perseverance is an imbibed trait that follows my parents characters. My parents have worked and sacrificed countless hours to provide me an education that paved way to several opportunities that they were unable to attain when they were in my age. I am so honored and privileged to have received so much blessings from the people who mean the most to me. The words thank you are insufficient to repay their unending support and tireless love for me. Another blessing would be God s bestowment of talents on me. In this, I found my purpose and that is to bring honor to God and to my parents by using their given gifts to be the ... Show more content on ... Football was both a mental and physical challenge, but what has truly driven me to strap on the green and black helmet everyday was my utmost respect towards my loyal teammates and to the legacy of the football program built at Skutt Catholic. Every fall season, I was blessed to do what I loved doing most as part of my everyday routine. This was because after an extensive and lively football practice, I was able to participate in another activity which is band. Having a hectic schedule trained me to set my priorities straight to maintain my honor roll grades and to always act accordingly. Being involved in both activities opened my eyes on what my true motivations were for the activities I was passionate about. I take great pleasure in the time and ability I am given to serve others. Service comes in various forms and I strongly believe that no act is too small to be of big help to others. Serving others is vital in my life because I am enlightened to pause on my own worries in order to care and act for groups, causes, and people who are in need. My advocacy to help is best exemplified in regular voluntary work at the Brookestone Meadows retirement home. At Brookestone, I took concern for the elderly by spending time with them. I am strongly motivated to volunteer for the elderly because I consider it as making an impact in today s world by returning the care to those who cared for the succeeding generations future.
  • 47. Caesar Imperialism One of the most defining moments in Roman history was the assassination of Gaius Julius Caesar on the 15th of March, 44 BCE. It sparked the transition from a republican to an imperial system of government for Rome. Caesar admired the idea of a government that was controlled by an individual (Imperialism), and not by senators constantly jostling for power (Republicanism). There are three points that suggest why his assassination was the key moment for the transition to take place. Firstly, Caesar emphasized heavily on the idea that a dictator would assist in the centralizing of power within Rome, therefor allowing Rome to endure as the dominant force throughout the Mediterranean. Secondly, after Caesar s death, the second triumvirate was formed... Show more content on ... The conquest of Gaul took place from 58 BCE until 51 BCE, in which Caesar fought in a number of large battles including the decisive battle of Alesia in 52 BCE, which completed the conquest and gained Rome full control over Gaul. During his time as proconsul, Caesar saw a great opportunity in obtaining control over the Gallic province to the North of Rome, as he believed that the centralization of power was accomplished through gaining land. By the end of the Gallic Wars in 51 BCE, Caesar had reduced to the form of a province the whole of Gaul enclosed by the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Cevennes, the Rhine, and the Rhone about 640 000 square miles (Suetonius, Julius Caesar, 25). One of Caesar s motives for taking control of this much land was that it was a major expansion of the Roman frontier. It created a complete circuit of his empire, which would then be bounded on all sides by the ocean (Plutarch. 579). Caesar s strong interest in centralizing power within Rome died with him, the old form of a republic government was exhausted. Knowing this, Caesar made no attempt to mask his opinion, bypassing traditional practices (Bradley, 393). With Caesar naming himself Dictator perpetuo Dictator for life in 47 BCE, the senate soon began to see Caesar s power as a major threat to their own roles as senators. A step towards imperialism was a result of Caesar s death and his idea to centralize power in Rome through an individual, forthcoming the second
  • 48. Persuasive Techniques Used In Horror Movies Horror, one of the most played genre in shows and movies. It can be shown anytime during the year. It doesn t need a special time to really release unless it comes with a theme. It can be simply remake from a classic or show another perspective from a story or person. It gives people the sense of thrill and suspense. Many people fail to realize it takes a lot of to make a good horror despite its age range. It does take an understanding of the basics like setting, tone and climax. In my personal opinion, R.L. Stine is someone who is able to have an understanding of the basics and create it into something beautiful. Robert Lawrence Stine or better known as R.L. Stine is mainly known as the writer behind the Goosebumpsseries and The Haunting Hour series. He was wildly famous in the 90 s going to the 00 s for creating a kid friendly horror genre people might say. It was not overly gore like how some of these shows are today. But it had enough suspense to keep your eyes peeled. Horror in the early 90 s was mostly about the story telling than the graphics. Anyone could show someone being murdered or tortured but it was more effective explaining in a way ... Show more content on ... It was published in July 1989 and received great reviews. It somewhat gave a vibe to the movie When a Stranger Calls despite being almost 20 years before it was made. Its dark and haunting sense made way into Stine being one of the great horror writers in his time. It went on to having three sequels following the plot while keeping the sense of horror. It kept itself from being too far fetched as how other books may be that you wouldn t think twice. It gave you something common in its time and somewhat happening now. The series is based on a young girl named Jenny Jeffers who took on a babysitting job that not truly as easy as it seems. After narrowly escaping death Jenny tries to adjust to a normal
  • 49. Absurdity In Waiting For Godot Samuel Beckett uses some techniques to portray the idea of modern life being absurd in Waiting For Godot , these techniques include symbolism and metaphor, also he uses a special form that is anti play that is a feature of Theatre of the absurd in the drama. Waiting For Godot is a classical theatre of the absurd. We can know why is theatre of the Absurdfrom some way that is arena, characters, props, and dialogue. Because theatre of the Absurd is use of fragmented arena, incoherent dialogue, chaotic idea and strange props in the play, all of these features express the ugly and horrible in reality and life s pain and despair, and then achieve an abstract result of absurd. Waiting For Godotreveals the human live in an absurd environment, and show the absurdity life, empty life and meaningless life, also include something can make people excited from the poverty spirit, also in these drama we can see God existence. Form these way portray the idea of modern life is ... Show more content on ... It reflects a lot of people in modern society, they spiritually lost and depressed and confused reality. Waiting of the play is a nothingness waiting, and repeated trivial actions of daily; that symbolize the illusory hope; also can represent the absurdity life, empty life and meaningless life, Samuel Beckett uses this symbol to reveal the modern people living condition. We can see the modern people suffer after lost themselves and despair. In the drama, Godot do not come to meet them, but they just waiting for no reason, this is useless and absurd; they do not do anything, do not have effort, just waiting saved by someone, so their waiting is hopeless that is inevitable. Deeply reveals to the audience the truth of life to live is waiting. When a person s living environment is worse, the absurdity of life will be exposed. Even then, human also must
  • 50. Indus And Assyrians Similarities The Assyrians and the Indus are like hot and cold, two completely different early civilizations. The Indus were around about 2300 B.C and the Assyrians were around about 1200 B.C. The Assyrians had some of the first rulers to regulate laws within a household. Also, the Indus had a huge warehouse for every city they had to store items away. The Assyrians used money from trade to pay for expansive palaces as well. The Assyrians and the Indus are more different than similar because while they had well planned cities in common, they differed in government decisions and occupations. These two civilizations had very different points of view on how things should be done as a whole. Although the Assyrians and the Indus differed, each civilizationhad well planned cities. The Assyrians encourages a well ordered society and used riches from trade and war loot to pay for great palaces. They planned and mapped out all of their cities as well. Meanwhile, the Indus had at least five large cities that were built in their time. There... Show more content on ... The Assyrians were very aggressive and were know as the most fierce warriors of their time. Also, Assyrian rulers often lied and boasted greatly about their conquests. On the other hand, the Indus tried to be less violent as a whole. Their cities rivaled those of Ancient Sumer but for the most part they kept to themselves(Charles Scribner s Sons 1988). The Assyrians also had many military forts built to keep troops in(Ronald Johnson 1993). Overall, it is said that the Assyrians were so aggressive because earlier in their civilization they were often attacked which probably caused them to strengthen and build their defense system(Ronald Johnson 1993). The Indus were always inventing new things like complex pluming systems which helped them greatly. Clearly, the Assyrians and the Indus had two very different ways of governing their
  • 51. Fostering Student Accountability For Classroom Work I would like to begin by saying that the Iris center is and was created to help students improve in their education. In this particular case study, Fostering Student Accountability For Classroom Work, was designed and created to help people in the education system such as teachers, administrators, principals, and other educational contributors that are involved in the daily life of a student at the school. Now, when readingcase study 2 level b, it shows and displays the focus on making it known on how to and managing having the students complete missed assignments or homework. When readingover the case study regarding the student named Joe in which the study shows that he misses and doesn t complete assignments on time or forgets to do them.... Show more content on ... Through this it will help him understand the what and why he is supposed to be learning. This way it important for Joe to be able to understand the purpose for what he is learning and how to learn it. Sometimes, students/children don t understand why they have to learn certain things that are directed by the teacher. Therefore, the teacher needs to explain the reason behind why they need to learn the things directed by them as the teacher in order to help them get a better understanding of why it is so. In Joe s case, he is needing an answer to why he is needed to complete the material in front of him (Osborn, 1984; Evertson Poole, n.d., p. 13). According to the case study, Students are in need of becoming involved through their material grasped and through this it will help them in grasping and building that of an understanding of the material given through the assignments (Anderson, 1995; Evertson Poole, n.d., p. 13). Now, if Joe is working with the Title 1 teacher and she is working with him one on one with the particular assignment that his classmates are working on during the same time, then the Title 1 teacher is able to help him understand and grasp the material as given by the teacher. This is a great way for Joe to ask numerous questions regarding his assignment with
  • 52. Rca and Fmea Root Cause Analysis: Root cause analysis (RCA) is used in different fields to conduct a systematic search to find the causes of a specific sentinel event (Jacob, 2010). The main goal for conducting a RCA is to prevent similar adverse events from happening in the future (Jacob, 2010). In this paper, I will use the scenario provided in the task to create a complete RCA report as well as improvement plans that will prevent similar incidents from happening again. RCA is best done as soon as an adverse event has happened (Jacob, 2010). The first step in the RCA is to identify what had happened (Jacob, 2010). In the scenario, Mr. B was admitted to the Emergency Room (ER) after a fall. During the treatment, Mr. B was given ... Show more content on ... To do so, I am going to use the fishbone diagram to categorize the causative factors (Potter Perry, 2008). For patient characteristics, Mr. B was a 67 year old patient with routine use of oxycodone to treat chronic pain. Because of his routine use of oxycodone, he may need a different dose to get to a sedated level than other people who are not on any medication. Next is the task factors, the hospital had a policy which requires that anyone who are treated with moderate sedation or analgesia have to be put on continuous blood pressure, ECG, and pulse oximeter monitoring until the procedure is done and patient is in stable condition. Mr. B was not being monitored accordingly during the sedation process. Another task factors is that all staffs must first complete a training module on sedation before performing the task. Individual staff is a factor too, Nurse J had completed the training module on sedation, he had an ACLS certification as well as experience working as a critical care nurse. Team factors include communication between staffs; an example would be the LPN not informing Nurse J or Dr. T when the alarm went off the first time, it showed that Mr. B had low oxygen saturation. Work environment factors included the staffing in the ER, the equipments they had, and the level of experience of the staffs. According to the scenario, additional staffs were available for back up support and all the equipment needed
  • 53. Types of Image Compression for Medical Imaging Essay Medical imaging, as we all know, is the process of taking images of various parts of the human body for diagnostic and surgical purposes. Some of the popular medical imaging modalities are X ray radiography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Medical ultrasound, Computed tomography etc. Since, these images contain clinical data of extreme importance for treatment follow ups and are acquired at cost of radiation exposure, infrastructure, money and time involved. Thus, once acquired, the medical imagingdata should not be disposed off casually, instead it should be retained so that it can be utilized for various medical applications and the chances of repeated testing can be minimized. Also, maintaining electronic health records of patients serves... Show more content on ... In other words an optimal compression ratio should be chosen so as to suit the needs of medical examination, without compromising with its diagnostic value [2]. 1.2 Types of Compression Image compression can be classified into two types viz. lossless and lossy compression. Lossless compression is the technique of reducing the size of an image without any virtual loss of information. It is also known as reversible form of image compression since the image obtained after compression and then decompression resembles the original one. Typical compression ratios that can be achieved ranges from 1.5 to 3.6 [3]. Conversely, lossy or irreversible form of compression techniques are those in which some or the other information is always lost. Though, lossy compression algorithms are capable of compressing images at ratios much higher than that achieved from lossless compression thus, ensuring faster rates of transmission and lesser storage space. However, the regenerated image is not guaranteed to be an exact replica of the original image, as some data is lost permanently, which will cause error during decompression. Typical compression ratios achieved may range from 5 to 50. Though lossy data compression is often acceptable but the game is not that easy when it comes to medical images. The data from medical imaging examination should possess certain requirements for fidelity [3]. 1.3 Barriers to image compression Lossy compression: