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Examples Of Argumentative Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Examples of Argumentative Essay" can be both challenging
and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the need to strike a balance between providing concrete
examples to support your arguments and maintaining a coherent structure throughout the essay.
Finding relevant and compelling examples that effectively illustrate your points can be time-
consuming, requiring thorough research and critical thinking.
Moreover, crafting a strong argumentative essay involves not only presenting examples but also
analyzing and interpreting them within the context of your thesis. This requires a deep
understanding of the topic and the ability to convey your thoughts clearly and persuasively. It is
crucial to anticipate counterarguments and address them in a manner that strengthens your
overall stance.
The challenge extends to organizing your thoughts logically, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas
from one paragraph to the next. A well-structured essay enhances readability and helps the reader
follow the progression of your argument. Striking the right balance between providing examples,
analyzing them, and maintaining a cohesive structure can be a demanding task for any writer.
However, despite the challenges, writing an essay on "Examples of Argumentative Essay" allows
you to showcase your analytical skills, critical thinking abilities, and proficiency in conveying
complex ideas. It provides an opportunity to engage with the topic on a deeper level and present
a well-rounded perspective.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on this topic requires dedication, research, and careful
consideration of how examples contribute to the overall argument. It demands the ability to
synthesize information, think critically, and communicate effectively. While the process may be
challenging, the end result can be a compelling essay that not only presents examples but also
persuasively argues a particular point of view.
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Examples Of Argumentative Essay Examples Of Argumentative Essay
The Battle Of Fort Wagner
The most famous and well known regiment that fought for the Union in the Battle of
Fort Wagner, in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina was the 54th regiment from
Massachusetts. The regiment is famous because it was one of the first African
American regiments to fight in the Civil War. In the North, where the abolition of
slavery was heavily supported, the 54th regiment was considered very controversial.
Although the majority of those who lived in the North were against slavery, many
believed that blacks were lesser people and inferior to whites. However, the success
of the 54th regiment proved otherwise. Despite being the first African American
regiment that was raised in the North, they were not the first black Union regiment to
fight. The first black Union Armyregiment raised and formed was the 1st South
Carolina Infantry which was composed of escaped slaves from South Carolina and
Florida. The 1st South Carolina Infantry served as the precedent for over 170,000
African Americans who followed them into the Union Army. The adoption of the
Emancipation Proclamationin December of 1862 was the catalyst for the use of free
black men as soldiers. As state governors were the ones who raised regiments for use
at the federal lever, Massachusetts was the very first state to take advantage of the
new Proclamation by forming the 54th Regiment. The 54th Regiment was
controversial to some, but in ways helped the Union by promoting the end to slavery.
They not only fought for civil
The Journey of Ty Cobb in Cobb by Al Stump Essay
The book Cobb by Al Stump is a look into the late 19th century and early into the
20th through the eyes of Ty Cobb. The historical biography of Tyrus Raymond
Cobb follows his path from classroom screwaraound and fighter to the greatest
hitter to ever grace the major leagues. Ty Cobb. Growing up in Royston, GA, Cobb
was the oldest of 3 siblings and the son of a schoolteacher, principal, newspaper
publisher, state senator, and county school commissioner who wanted him to do
nothing but study. Cobb didn t listen, he practiced his way to making the bigs,
shortly before leaving his dad told him {italicize} don t return a failure. There was
no looking back for the future Hall of Famer though. Ty Cobbwas raised in a world
very different from... Show more content on ...
An ugly man was pig face or ratface. The Royston Rooster(Cobb) learned of a
player s weakness, and in a high screech made sure the crowd knew of it. (82) By
modern day s courtesy standards Cobb would ve been hit, fined, and booed into
submission, but back in the day he was able to trudge on through any abuse he
recieved. In the story Cobb influences a well renowned sports analysist by sending
him letters from fake people, different addresses, and different handwriting styles.
Over time and many letters stating how good Cobb was and how he was
practically setting the world on fire there was nothing to do but note how good
Cobb was in one of his articles. In the modern day one could pull up youtube and
find out if the accusations were correct and if Cobb was found out he d probably
serve jail time. Back in the day he hardly recieved a slap on the wrist though.
However the attention drawn by this article grabbed the Detroit Tigers association
s attention, which later led to Ty becoming their starting, hall of fame, centerfielder.
Tyrus Raymond Cobb was an arrogant, rude, hostile young boy who blossomed into
a talented, arrogant, rude, hostile man. Cobb would do anything to reach the top:
beat up comparable players, jeer, and kick their legs into bloody masses of flesh.
One cannot scoff at his skill and dedication though, in addition to him being
dedicated enough to be the greatest player the game has ever seen, Ty became a
captain in world war one
Film Industry Analysis Paper
The movie making industry remains a vital part of popular culture and still has a
large amount of investors and buyers. Buyers, tend to be large cinemas or retail
chains to small independent cinemas or shops. The suppliers to the movie industry
are the ones that help deliver the crew and equipment, as well as the actors, directors
and writers.
Buyer power:
In the United States, like some other countries, companies can legally operate in both
the production and distribution areas. An example of this is Walt Disney Company,
they produce motion pictures (including Marvel, Pixar and Lucas film brands)
distributes DVDs to retailers and also sell through Disney stores, as well as being a
part owner of the online streaming service, Hulu ( Buyers in
this market range in size, but the large buyers have higher negotiation power.
Producers of big budget films such as the loss making The Lone Ranger (2013),
which had a production budget of around $225m and a $150m marketing budget, are
clearly reliant on strong box office sales to break ... Show more content on ...
Some of these companies are Apple, Netflix, Amazon and so many others like these.
Some of the companies that create films like Disney have simply created an online
service called Hulu, which I mentioned earlier. One of the most concerning threats
are illegal downloading, better known as piracy. This affects greatly the companies
in the movie industry because not only people can see the movies the company are
producing it but for free and not giving any income to the company. For this reason it
had become crime to which there are big consequences if you were to get caught
(International journal of arts management). Since these laws have been enforced it
has had little effect on the companies revenue, like the example of Paranormal
Activities. Therefore, threat of substitutes is evaluated as moderate
How Harry Is A Moral Figure During A Time Of War
Choices that Harry makes often lean him into dangerous situations and endanger
other people, yet his intentions are always in an attempt to help and it is their
actions after a situation goes bad that truly shows how Harry is a moral figure
during a time of war. During Deathly Hallows, Harry, Ron, and Hermione use the
Polyjuice Potion to sneak into the Ministry of Magic to retrieve a Horcrux, and in
doing so, jeopardize the lives of the three employees, and the Cattermole family.
Harry and his friends good intentions were there they never expected that they
would cause a ruckus and endanger someone s life. However, once they realized
this, they did as much as they could to warn the family and the other families
waiting to be tried about what was coming, and warned them to run. Their
intentions were pure, and they made a choice that they believed to be safe for the
impersonated party and when they realized the danger, they accepted the
consequences and sought to rectify the situation for all parties impacted: It s been
decided that you should all go home and go into hiding with your families, Harry
told the Muggle borns, who were dazzled by the light of the Patronuses and still
cowering slightly. Go abroad if you can. Just get well away from the Ministry. That
s the er new official position. Now, if you ll just follow the Patronuses, you ll be able
to leave from the Atrium. (Deathly Hallows 264).
Rowling presents a choice for her characters, one
Gender Roles In The 19th Century
Over the past centuries, men and women are constantly reminded that having
different appearances does not affect the way society should treat you. Everyone
have the same respected role in society men or women. However, in the 19th
century the gender roles were not up to these standards in fact it was considered the
age of inequality and many philosophers would drag these norms out of the ground
and challenge their views. Margaret Fuller would be Our Lady of Wisdom and Wit,
Equality, and Social Justice. Answer the questions, what were we born to do? And
how shall we do it, with this mindset Fuller set out into the world striving to help
women equality and fixing the norms of genderroles. (Fuller) Margaret Fuller The
Great Lawsuit challenges conventional gender roles and norms of the nineteenth
century by explaining the importance of women s role in a family or different
spheres, marriage and sexuality, and self reliant religion. During the 19th century
women were looked upon as someone weak and fragile, but they had a superior
moral mind over their primate. Their position in the family was to counterbalance the
moral taint of the public sphere in which their husbands labored all day. They... Show
more content on ...
Religion was early awakened in my soul, a sense that what the soul is capable to ask
it must attain, and that, though I might be aided by others, (Fuller 34) Fuller
describes the effect of self reliant reigning down on women during the 19th century.
Self reliance of claiming the self, trusting you, and moving in an inner directed way
toward developВment it was women. y ou take the idea of self culture as
fundamental to Unitarianism, then Fuller is essential to Unitarianism, in the sense
that she reads it through female eyes, and makes the case that the self is not male
exclusively. Fuller s move to write investigative journalism marked a political turn in
the Transcendentalist
Bullfighting In The Costa Rican Culture
Bullfighting has been part of the Costa Rican culture and the Spanish tradition as
many men are supporting this event. However, some questioned the danger these
people are facing every time they try to kill the bull.
According to Inside Costa Rica, the bullfighting is one of the many celebrations of
Costa Rica this holiday season. However, bullfighters have been risking their lives to
put up the show.
Fortunately, they now have an insurance specially dedicated for the bullfighters. As
one example, the picadors of Zapote will be handed with one million colones or
about $2,000 in case of emergencies, like lifelong disabilities or tragic death.
The bullfighters, too, are qualified to have 750,000 colones or $1,500 for medical
help in case they ... Show more content on ...
However, there are times when the money given doesn t compensate the amount
The Costa Rican Social Security Fund addressed that there were 61 people rushed
into hospital and clinics on the last 11 days of 2014 s bullfights, which roughly
charged with 9.2 million colones. Meanwhile, The Tico Times noted that about 100
men, who are mostly on their young age, are gathered to attend the bullfight.
The host s voice will be heard asserting his welcoming remarks, which is compose of
the bull s name, weight, origin, and its history. When his done the orange gate will be
opened and the tension between the crowd and bullfighters will now start.
Each of the picadors will look for their safe spot while some will even try to climb
the ring s barriers. The bull will be seen quite irritated running around, at times it will
just stand still, but will stamp in anger anytime.
This will be the best time for the brave bullfighters to get close, catch and take
advantage of the bull while some guard the back of the viewers making sure the path
way is clear. Additionally, the Costa Rican bullfighting is more compassionate kind
of bullfighting compare to Spanish
Nelson Mandela Flaws
On July 18th, 1918 a natural born leader, Nelson Mandela was born. Nelson
Mandela was the only one in his family with education and an aspiring heart to end
segregation, specifically within his country South Africa. At the age of 46,
Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for conspiracy to overthrow the state.
Though he was convicted and obtained fewer privileges than the average person
due to his ethnicity, it did not put the light out in his charismatic soul. After serving
27 years in jail and being confined to a small cell with no bed Nelson was released
on February 11th, 1990. Following his release Mandela was elected president of the
national liberation movement and in 1994 was elected as the first black president in
South Africas first... Show more content on ...
Being wrongly imprisoned would make the average person obtain hostility and
bitterness towards the person(s) who misdid them. Nelson Mandela, wrongly
accused and confined for far too long holds null grudges to the people that
wronged him. Nelson forgives and moves on once he is set free from prison just
so he can better the country. One of the many flaws of people is that they cannot
let go of the past when people have wronged them, but Mandela does not acquire
this flaw as he has been dishonoured on a greater level. The act of forgiveness puts
Mandela as an exceptional person and more powerful because he can let things go.
Peacemaking is not always about past events, but can be made in the future through
hard work. Nelson makes it his duty to unite an entire country through a sport that is
not yet affiliated with both ethnicities. Rugby is the game he chooses to integrate an
entire country, even though Mandela knows there are going to be challenges and
problems that come with it. A leader is one that accepts disapproval with open arms
and nurtures it until it becomes something amazing, inspiring and potentially world
moving. Mandela s peacemaking is successful when his presence and well thought
out ideas embellishes an ethical stance that plants a seed that will grow forever in the
heart of South
Individuality And Greed In The Film More By Mark
More by Mark Osborne is a darkened, pessimistic film that explores the city s
individuality and greed. More follows the exploits of a nameless protagonist on a
futile endeavour, who toils through his dreary working life. He dreams of joyful
childhood memories and aims to create an invention that will bring this emotion of
bliss back into his world. This filmis entirely centred on the concept of belonging
through utilising a wide range of film techniques. These include: the repetitive,
monotone music and how this alters throughout the film; juxtaposition, and various
ways of contrast through lighting, in sound, in shot, colour, and emotion.
The film depicts an ominous ... Show more content on ...
The glaring contrast of these images emphasises the struggle, creativity and hope
against this alienated world of greed and hopelessness. At the beginning of the film,
we see this very bright light flickering from within the protagonist, immediately
juxtaposing him as true nature to that of his world. We understand that he is special
in some way. As we follow the hero s journey, we see his traits especially in the
factory which makes it engaging and much easier for the audience to connect with
him, given the feelings of loneliness, unhappiness, stress at work, and the desire of
comfort and some source of happiness are easy to identify
Charles Darwin On The Origin Of Species
This is the exoskeleton of the Platygyra Daedalea, colloquially known as brain
coral because of its spherical shape and grooved surface. One may be used to seeing
coral with long, spindly arms, columns, or even rose like petals for skeletons. But the
brain coral is far less flamboyant. Its deposits of calcium carbonate are unassuming,
remarkable only in their eerie similarity to the human cerebrum.
What purpose does this peculiar configuration serve? It is largely driven by the
position of the coral within the reef: brain coral is found in shallow parts of reef at a
depth of about three to fifty feet. At this depth, there is substantial wave action, which
corals with a compact spheroid shape are much more resilient to than those with thin
antler like projections. The brain coral survives because it has an advantageous
variation compared to other coral. This is called natural selection.
Natural selection is Charles Darwin s mechanism to ... Show more content on ...
While he has a substantial amount of evidence about various species of finches from
the Galapagos islands, one must divert attention to his research on fancy pigeon
breeding. While the number and diversity of different breeds is astonishing,
Darwin is still able to prove that all are descended from one species of Rock
Pigeon. He demonstrates that men are able to selectively breed pigeons with certain
hereditary characteristics color, bill length, ect. by mating two pigeons with the same
desired characteristic. Over several generations, these domesticated birds now have
the desired characteristic not for the animal s own good, but to man s use or fancy.
All domestic animals, not only in our own country but the world over, have
properties that were developed by intentional breeding from individuals that showed
desirable characteristics, and discouraging the breeding of individuals with less
Negative Self-Image In Barbie Doll, By Marge Piercy
Negative self image among women has been a struggle in society for a long period
of time. Social media, magazines, and the pressures of society has caused many
young girls to feel bad about themselves because they do not look like the clothing
model on the runway or the bathing suit model on the front of a magazine. Females
grow up with the pressures of having to be in shape, wearing the best clothes, and
putting on a full face of makeup for a male to find them attractive. Society has
deemed that only fit women are beautiful, and that idea has caused women to harm
themselves, develop anorexia, and feel insecure of themselves daily. Two works of
literature that discuss the struggles women face from society is Marge Piercys poem
Barbie Doll ... Show more content on ...
When she realizes her imperfections are valuable, she has a whole new outlook on
her life, which fills her with hope and motivates her to become a better version of
herself. The tone in this song reflects a feeling of being content with one s self image
because she finally wonders why [should she] waste a second not loving who [she
is] (Bedingfield 10)? This realization is what brings her out of her depression,
concerning what she looks like, to the decision of embracing her appearance because
she is beautiful no matter what society
Gestational Crates Should Not Be On Factory Farms
Gestational crates should not be on factory farms. Gestational crates limit the pigs
movement so much that the mothers are stuck on there sides when there are
pregnant and can not move to eat or go to the bathroom. Gestational crates should
not be on factory farming. In this essay I will talk about how gestational crates abuse
the pigs that are put in them, how the mother pigs are treated on these farms and how
free range farming is better for the animals. I think that gestational crates should not
be on factory farms.
I think that gestational crates should not be on factory farms. I think this because it
is not good for the pregnant mother pigs because they can t get off their sides and
have to sit in their own feces. They also can t get
Applying The 4 + 1 View With Uml
Applying the 4 + 1 View with UML 2
The (UML) Unified Modeling Language is a general purpose modeling language in
the field of software application design, which is developed to supply a
conventional means to envision the design of a system. It was produced and
created by James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson and Grady Booch at Rational Software
during 1994 95 with additional advancement led by them with 1996. In 1997 it was
embraced as a basic by the (OMG) Object Management Group, and has actually been
handled by this company since. In 2000 the Unified Modeling Language was likewise
approved by the (ISO) International Organization for Standardization as an authorized
ISO specification. Ever since it has actually been regularly modified ... Show more
content on ...
The timeline reveals the highlights of the past of object oriented modeling techniques
and symbols. It is initially based upon the notations of the Booch approach, the
(OMT) Object modeling method and (OOSE) Object oriented software engineering,
which it has actually incorporated into a solitary language.
UML 2. X
Apparently, the UML 2.0 significant modification switched out version 1.5 in 2005,
which was created by a bigger consortium to boost the language further to mirror
brand new experience on the use of its attributes. Even if UML 2.1 was never ever
launched as an official requirement, versions 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 showed up in 2007,
adhered to by UML 2.2 in February 2009. UML 2.3 was officially launched in May
2010. UML 2.4.1 was officially released in August 2011. UML 2.5 was launched in
October 2012 as a Present version and has yet to come to be formally launched.
There are 4 parts of the UML 2. X spec:.
The Facilities that define the core meta model on which the Superstructure is based
The (OCL) Object Constraint Language for specifying guidelines for model
The UML Layout Interchange that specifies exactly how UML 2 diagram formats
are exchanged
The Superstructure that specifies the symbols and semiotics for diagrams and
their design components
The existing versions of these criteria comply with
UML Superstructure
Michelle Obama Speech Analysis
First Lady, Michelle Obama, in her speech, Remarks By The First Lady At The
Democratic National Convention, expresses her thoughts and opinions on the
candidates up for the Presidential elections. Obama s purpose is to entice the
audience watching all around the world to vote for Hillary Clinton because she
believes she is more liable to be President. She communicates her speech with
solemnity to convince her audience that voting for Hillary is the best option for the
U.S. Obama begins to discuss who will be able to do what s best for the children of
the United Statesand their futures to become virtuous children that will represent
them in the future. She appeals to the fondness emotions that the audience has
towards their children by expressing how kids who look to us , as role models to
determine who and what they can be. This makes the audience feel the need to
protect their beloved children because they love their children and the audience
wants what is best for their children. Therefore Michelle Obama is able to convey
the audience to vote for Hillary because she also has children and the audience knows
she wants what is best for her daughters so that gains her trustworthiness from the
audience. Without connecting with the audience and sharing the same emotions,
Michelle Obama would not have been able to acquire the trust she needed from the
audience in order to help Hillary with the votes for her Presidential Election.
Throughout her speech, Obama establishes
Destruction Of Innocence
Isn t it crazy how growing up works? Every child is born innocent, yet how they
choose to lose it, is dependent on what choices they make in life, and others choices.
In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper E. Lee, Jem and Scout symbolically represent the
mockingbird by illustrating that innocence is often destroyed at the hands of others
Jem had a particular way of destroying his innocence. Although To Kill a
Mockingbird was primarily about racism and bigotry, Jem experienced backlash and
hatred even from kids he knew. One clear example of this new experience, is when
Jem barked, My sister ain t dirty, and I ain t scared of you (Lee 78). Jem is still a
young child, and many people seem to forget that. Jem experienced a lot for being ...
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Adults were often the reason for Scouts destroyed innocence, and even some of her
childhood. People would say things that scout recognized as bad. As she was with
her family, she said A nigger lover. I ain t very sure what it means, but the way
francis said it... (Lee 86), while referring to Francis. A mockingbird is someone
who is realizing the world as a destruction of innocence. In this case, she does not
know what a nigger is, but she knows that it is wrong. Her innocence is starting to
leave, like the true mockingbird she is. Even if it is at the beginning of her life.
Innocence can also be portrayed through an understanding of social justice. It is a
main theme in the book, but scout is starting to understand this more and more.
The Tom Robinson case was no different with social justice, and the issues that
were present. When told that there were four different types of people, she
questioned I told Jem if that was so, then why didn t Tom s jury made up of folks
like the cunninghams, acquit Tom like the Ewells? Jem waved my question away
as being infantile. (Lee 226). People were questioning Scout as she gained a clear
understanding of problems with social justice. A mockingbird is a very smart bird,
as Scout is a very smart girl. Through her destruction of innocence she is starting to
realize that the world isn t as fair, or as true as she thought. Others decisions have
helped her gain an understanding of the world and with that, her lost innocence.
Scout being very smart does not help with her depleting innocence, but others
decisions are making it worse and worse, and she knows too much for a little
Cnn s Theory Of News Values
News reporting in the UK can best be understood through the theory of news values
News values are a set of theories that look to explain the reasons for stories
appearing in the media. News values are general guidelines or criteria used by
media outlets to determine how much prominence to give to a story (Spencer
Thomas, 2013). The new values theories aim to explain why decisions are made to
prioritise certain stories. A hard newsstory carries information in order of news value
(Keeble, 2014), which explains why certain stories have much more coverage than
others. Richard Keeble and Galtung and Ruge attempt to explain news values in their
theories. Galtung and Ruge s theory of news values includes: negativity, proximity,...
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Also, the use of news values is supported by the target audience of a publication as
the readership of the publication proves what news values make up their stories.
For example, a newspaper such as The Sun may print stories about celebrity
scandals and trends, which is highlighted in Keeble s theory of news values which
includes human interest (sex and celebrities), fashion and sport. On the other hand,
it could be said that news values are weak in helping us to understand news
reporting. The news values theories appear to omit certain factors such as the brand
image, target audience, the influence of ownership and social prejudice when
considering the stories that publications prioritise. These factors could be seen as
important news values, if they were included in the theories. Also, publications may
choose to print stories not because of what they deem to be newsworthy, but because
of partiality and bias. This is media gate keeping, whereby the press decides which
information will go forward, and which will not (Lewin, 1943). They publish what
they want readers to see. This could relate to political bias, whereby a publication
prints positive stories that favour the political party that they support and prints
negative stories about the political party that opposes the one that they support.
News values can be used to understand the media
British Broadcasting Research Paper
The British Broadcasting Corporation is synonymous with British culture and is
one of the most beloved broadcasting corporations in the world today. Founded in
1922 by Scottish engineer John Reith, the BBC s philosophy has remained the same
throughout almost a century. John Reith was the BBC s general manager when it
was created in 1922 and its director general in 1927 when it became a public
corporation ( John Reith. ). Reith felt as he had a duty to improve England. He
believed that broadcastingshould be held to the highest standards and guided by
responsibility. He wished for the BBCto represent the very best of human knowledge,
effort and accomplishment (Great Thinkers: Culture Wars). With these goals in mind,
he set out to inform, educate,... Show more content on ...
The BBC took a number of steps to comfort the public. During the war, the BBC s
hours increased exponentially along with staff numbers. By 1946, the BBC staff
had more than doubled (Cain 42 43). In mid 1940, the BBC s news readers started
identifying themselves so listeners could be certain they were hearing BBC news.
Yorkshireman Wilfred Pickles became a legendary reporter with his distinctive
northern accent ( 1940s. ) Not even the headquarters of the BBC was spared during
the vicious war. On October 15th, 1941, a German bomb hit the Broadcasting
House. Seven people died in the blast. Bruce Belfage, who was reading the nine o
clock news at the time, continued as if nothing had occurred, despite being
covered in grime. ( 1940s. ) In 1941, the BBC also started its V for Victory
campaign. V stood for victory in English, French, and Flemish. Audience members
were asked to write Vs everywhere they could to represent victory for Allied
forces. Unfortunately, Germany used the V for Victory against Britain to
represent an ancient German war cry, Viktoria . The BBC campaign was
dismantled in 1942, yet still remains iconic in the war ( 1940s. ). The BBC served
as a ray of hope to many listeners. It united the public in their sorrow for the war and
boosted public morale. The BBC brought many people together in their anticipation
for warfront news.The BBC is believed to have been a critical factor in raising the
morale of
Juxtaposition Of Power In Macbeth
The tragedy, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare details Macbeth s
expeditious rise and looming fall from power through his several wrongdoings and
dark crimes across the play. Power as seen in Macbeth pushes the plot towards the
downfall of the protagonist and often creates an image of struggle, whether it be
portrayed internally or between characters. The juxtaposition of power and
womanhood, uncommon for it s time, used to emasculate Macbethshows the
peculiarity of his path to the throne, while he grapples with the results of his
actions motivated by the hunger for power. Shakespeare uses the idea of status
and recurring power struggles between characters in Macbeth to present a warning
of the subsequent results of gaining power and shows the change of character
Macbeth has through his acquiring of power. The struggle for power is
encountered through the interactions between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. When
initially introduced to the character of Lady Macbeth, she reads a letter addressed
to her from Macbeth in which he states his plans to kill King Duncan and assume
the throne. Lady Macbeth responds with a speech signifying her agreeance and
calls for the strength to carry on with the plan: Come, you spirits/ That tend on
mortal thoughts, unsex me here,/ And fill me from the crown to the top full/ of
direst cruelty (1.5.47 50). Here, she is denouncing her femininity to take on a
more masculine role and to be filled with nothing but motivation for the cruel
crime. Shakespeare uses this scene to foreshadow the event in which the crime
will be committed. While Macbeth begins to have second thoughts and uneasiness
towards the situation, Lady Macbeth tells him: What beast was t,/ then, / That
made you break this enterprise to me?/ When you durst do it, then you were a
man;/ And to be more than what you were, you would/ Be so much more the man
(1.7.53 58). Lady Macbeth is emasculating her husband her by questioning his
ability to be a man and how he hesitates to make the move towards power while she
is confident in her decision. Shakespeare makes a choice to have a woman be the
one to urge the death of Duncan to show the reversal of gender roles and to expose
Lady Macbeth s character. The playwright
Financial Aid Challenges
The biggest challenge that I have encountered thus far in my life is the process of
acquiring funds needed to fulfill my lifetime dream of becoming a pediatrician. I
recently read an article on which was entitled Too poor to pay for
college, too rich for financial aid . I am in the same situation in that according to the
financial aid guidelines my estimated family contribution automatically places me in
the category of students believed to not have a need for financial aid. On paper it
would seem that my parents are wealthy but in reality after paying car notes ,
insurance, utilities, mortgage (which is more than the current value) credit cards and
taking care of my grandparents who lives outside of the US they barely manage
Essay Miracles
Miracles From the Latin word miraculum meaning object of wonder enters the word
miracle. Many definitions have been formed for the notion of a miracle but most
would agree that it is most commonly an unexplainable extraordinary event, inspiring
awe and wonder unto its witnesses. Similar definitions state that it is a supernatural
event, contrary to the established constitution and course of things or a deviation
from the known laws of nature.
The term a priori refers primarily to the basis on which a proposition is known. If a
statement has been written a priori it has been made without prior ... Show more
content on ...
However, Hume s second argument puts forward, why many people will support a
miracle claim, the passion of surprise and wonder, arising from miracles being an
agreeable emotion gives a sensible tendency towards the belief of those events from
which it is derived. Furthermore, Hume explains that even those who did not enjoy
that pleasure first hand yet love to partake of the satisfaction .... And place a pride
and delight in exciting the admiration of others. Hume s statement suggests many
people will have a natural tendency to suspend their reasoning when testifying to a
miracle because of the emotional effect it has on them.
Hume describes natural laws as having been established by firm and unalterable
experience . What is thought to be a miracle may be in fact a part of the world and
part of the laws that we do not fully understand yet.
Derived from the scientific understanding of the 18th century and the world, natural
law was meant to reflect the perfection of God, therefore it could not be broken.
Conversely similar to miracles natural law is left open to interpretation. Locke
suggested that trust
Active Tips For Active Tags
Active tags
Active tags require the most power because they can initiate communication to
other tags or a reader device. They have a greater range of operation and have been
applied to asset control and tracking livestock because of the greater range active
tags allow (Weis, 2007, p. 10). Therefore, active tags require more maintenance, but
they can broaden the scope in how RFID systems can be used. Some active tags can
be equipped with an acceleration sensor that can determine when the tag begins
accelerating and then transmit a signal to the reader. One example that this can be
useful for is in shipping container transportation. Shipping containers can be lost at
sea after falling off a ship and traditional RF technology may not be able to detect it
in time. However, active tag RFID systems with an acceleration sensor can notify the
system when the container begins falling, making it possible to recover (Weis, 2007,
p. 10). Figure 3, below, shows the different characteristics of active and passive tags.
Figure 3: Characteristics of active and passive tags (Ahsan, 2010, p. 3).
The memory chip, which is embedded in a silicon chip, can be adjusted or not
adjusted based on its read/write characteristics (Ahsan, 2010). How that information
is stored or accessible is defined by those characteristics. There are three types of tag
read/write characteristics: read only, write once, and read write. Read only tags
cannot be changed or erased after their identification data has
The Joy Luck Club Meaning
Introduction: The title of the book is The Joy Luck Club, which Amy Tan wrote.
The two main places that the story takes place in are China and San Francisco.
However, there are several different years in which the story takes place. Some
include 1918, 1923, and multiple undisclosed years. The story is told in first person
with viewpoints from many different characters.
The title of the book relates to the story because the Joy Luck Club is the name of
the gathering of Chinese Americans that Suyuan Woo started. As a child, Ying Ying
was a restless rebel who yearned for freedom; however, when she becomes an adult
she becomes passive. She lets her American husband make all the decisions. Lindo
Jong is a bitter strong willed woman who fears she has assimilated too much. By her
mother, An Mei was taught to conceal her pain, and even though ... Show more
content on ...
From this book, we can learn that we can control our destiny. One important quote
is, And I am sitting at my mother s place at the mah jong table, on the East, where
things begin, (Tan 41). It is important because it shows that Jing Mei is ready to
meet her half sisters. Another one is, [The candle] fluttered a little [...] but still both
ends burned strong. [I...] blew out my husband s end of the candle, (Tan 60). This is
important because it shows that Lindo Jong wants to change her destiny. Another
important quote is, In America I will have a daughter just like me. But over there
nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her husband s belch, (Tan
17). This is important because it shows that the woman wanted to change the destiny
of her and her daughter. Overall, in the book, I enjoyed learning about Chinese
culture with the mah jong and the candle being burned to see if a marriage will last.
However, I could not fully understand the stories because I was not familiar with
things like mah jong and the elements inside
Gertrude Feminism In Hamlet
Linette Martir Ms. Given Honors English 21 December 2017 Queen Gertrude and
Ophelia as Servants in a Royal Castle of Males We need everyone to be a feminist.
Feminism is the fight for the equality of sexes, not for the domination of one sex
over another (Vallaud Belkacem). Literary theories are lenses through which one can
see in literature. An example of a literary theory is the feminist theory, which is
created to enlighten others on social problem that are ignored or misinterpreted.
Feminism existed since the 1500 s but the theory was created in the 1900 s. Due to
the creation of the feminist theory, an audience can look through the feminist lens
when reading a book or even watching a movie. This allows an audience to detect
how women are portrayed or treated. Throughout the play Hamletby William
Shakespeare, Gertrudeand Ophelia are unimportant to the plot. They are not only
unimportant, they are also mistreated. Examining through the feminist lens in the
16th century, William Shakespeare reveals the way in which women are mistreated
by men in Hamlet utilizing Gertrude and Ophelia as victims. With that in mind, the
male roles in Hamlet are dominant because women are lower than men. Both
Hamlet and Polonius mistreat Gertrude and Ophelia as if it is normal. The reason
Shakespeare normalizes their controllable ways, is because during the time period
Hamlet takes place mistreating women was not unusual. Since it is normal, Polonius
and Hamlet treat the women poorly without realizing they are incorrect.
Shakespeare realized this was an issue so he decided to expose the problem through
his writing. Ironically, Gertrude is the Queen and the mother of Hamlet, but that
does not stop him from having control over her. To explain further, in Gertrude s
bedroom Hamlet disrespects his mother greatly by making her feel guilty for her
choices. He believes ...Gertrude is a moral self who must be brought to account for
her sins and must work through the same confrontation of guilt as every other
member... (Montgomery 102). As Hamlet s mother, Gertrude should have power over
him and have the strong voice that can stop him. Instead Hamlet controls Gertrude
and demands her to do things such as never to let the bloat King
Biological Compounds Of Marine Organisms Essay
Biologically active compounds found in marine organisms have been extremely
useful when combating again human immunodeficiency virus. One compound in
particular which is found in sponges, Papuamide A, has been reported to have
cytoprotective activity against HIV 1 in vitro. There are many other representatives
that can be found in the same class as Papuamide A; however, due to the slight
change in their structure, the way they effect HIVis different. Papuamide A exhibits a
potent inhibitory effect on the infection of T Lymphoblastoid cells by HIV and has
been able to combat against drug resistant HIV strains.
Introduction. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV 1) has infected over 33.2
million people world wide to date [9]. There is a plethora of new and upcoming
drugs that are being used to combat against human immunodeficiency virus.
Although effective, the drugs that are being used to combat against HIV 1 have
also been known to cause resistance, adverse effects and toxicity to the mitochondria
[3]. HIV 1 is a retrovirus that belongs to a subfamily of retroviruses called
lentiviruses [8]. HIV 1 causes a slow depletion of the immune system and is
considered a slow degenerative disease. New drugs that combat against HIV 1
entering into different cells has raised interest due to the fact that these new drugs are
able to work against drug resistant viruses that can infect the cell.
Glycoprotein 120 (gp 120) is necessary for virus entry into human cells. Gp 120 has a
Pakist The United States And United Kingdom Of Asia
Pakistan matters because this country is the corridor between the Eastern Asia and
the Middle East. It is one of the six declared nuclear weapon state with one of the
largest armies in the world. Pakistan is important because it has been part of five
declared wars in the past sixty years with it s neighbouring country, India. The
country is also at war with few of the most dangerous terrorist groups of the world
like Al Qaeda, Talibans, etc. It is one of the main allies of United States and United
Kingdom of Asia. Pakistanis one of the most complex democracy of the world. It s
different ethnicities, languages and regions makes it one of the most diverse nations
in the world. The country was founded on the Westminster model, but the government
has been overthrown by military leaders three times since Pakistan s creation. That
makes it function differently from Britain. Many dismissed the Pakistani economy
for years because of it s poor frugality and government functionality. It has constantly
faced a rapid economic fall in the past few years, forcing the world to pay attention.
Impacts from the Past
Pakistan is a very old collection of cultures but it is a newborn nation. Throughout
the history, most of the time it was not one country. It has been part of many empires
and civilization. As of Egypt and Mesopotamia, the earliest known civilization in
Pakistan also began along the river. From 2500 to 1600 BC, the Harappan culture
thrived in the southern part of Pakistan on
Bipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depressive illness, is a brain disorder that
causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out
day to day tasks (National Institutes of Health, Bipolar Disorder). Bipolar disorder
symptoms can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance,
and even suicide (National Institutes of Health, Bipolar Disorder). Doctors
diagnose bipolar disorder using guidelines from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM); to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the
symptoms must be a major change from your normal mood or behavior (National
Institutes of Health, Bipolar Disorder in Adults). There are four basic types of
bipolar disorder: Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, Bipolar Disorder Not
Otherwise Specified (BP NOS), and Cyclothymic Disorder, or Cyclothymia.
Understanding Adult Bipolar Disorder (BD) Part II In a question and answer on
the Myths and Realities about Bipolar Disorder Dr. Youngstrom a professor of
psychology/psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and acting
director of the Center of Excellence for Research and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
says, bipolar disorder is about a third as common as depression and less than half as
common as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in youths, but about twice as
common as autistic spectrum disorders (Youngstrom, 2012). In the United States
about three percent or about five point seven
The Essence Of Sex And Yoga
Everybody s interested in sex. Whether it s to get pregnant, who s doing it and with
whom, or how often is normal? We wonder what we should wear, or how much
hair to remove to get more of it, or even how to market it? It s in our face in some
way, often subliminally, and frequently in a distorted way every day. Men and
women obviously have differing sexual needs, (not necessarily sex drives guys!),
and this often leads to conflict. Conflict is the antithesis of yoga, yet within
conflict there is always opportunity for unity. This is where yoga comes into play.
Sex and yoga is about harmony, about bringing balance into the equation so both
sexes feel healthy, nourished and appreciated, free from all the usual repercussions
or associated pressures. In my opinion the essence of sex is as a pathway to
spiritual transformation and lasting physical well being. Basically yoga makes you
feel good. It gets the blood pumping. It gets the hormones flushing through the body.
It gives your skin a healthy youthful glow. It generates heat and stimulation from
the inside out. It gives you energy, and that s sexy. Sex and yoga are more
intimately connected than we think. Sex feels good. Good sex with someone we
love opens our hearts, makes us smile and relieves tension. Sex is about relationship,
connection, intimacy, love and creative expression. At their best sex and yoga are
about union, truth and love. To reveal those things in your life, your yoga practice,
and your sex life
Differences Between Nature Vs Nurture Essay
Throughout this paper, we will be comparing similarities and differences between
our seven members based on the Big Five Inventory test results to our Zodiac sign
attributes. Each member of Psychology 101 Group 14 was required to take the
OCEAN Big Personality Quiz, and then compare the results to the other members
of the team. Then after looking at the results individual members compared their
scores to their Zodiac signs to see if they could identify similarities. To begin, while
looking at our comparatives scores of the OCEAN Big 5 Personality quizzes, we
found that a few group members were similar, although there was many differences
in the group too. For example, Gabe and Damon were similar in Openness, with a
score of 41 and 35 respectively. On the other hand, Socoro and Vivianna were
outliers in the group, with Vivianna having a score of 5, and Socoro with a score of
59. We believe while the scores are closely related, our reasons for being close
together in Openness value more shows the debate between nature vs nurture. Gabe
s belief on being in the 35th percentile is how he was raised throughout his family
environment similar to Kaitlyn in the 41st percentile, while Damon s belief for being
in the 41st percentile was more so being born into the statistic rather than recalling
any events that contributed to his score. Rachael scored in the 16th percentile, which
indicates a preference of a more regular schedule. She believes that this is because of
how she
Mistreatment And Endangerment In Harrison Bergeron By
In the short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, the author reminds us how
government limits the powers of the people. Vonnegut s portrayal of mistreatment and
endangerment is satirical. Today, mistreatment in the government is still continuous
in countries like Russia and North Korea. These are countries that have relatively up
to date technology, but they are run by tyrants.
In 2006, a reporter by the name of Alexander Litvinenko suffered a fatal dose of
polonium 210, ( Putin implicated in fatal poisoning of former KGB officer at
London hotel. The Washington Post), which was believed that it came from a direct
order of President Vladimir Putin of Russia. Having worked in counterВintelligence
for the KGB and its successor, the FSB, Litvinenko was fired in 1998 after holding
a news conference in which he was sharply critical of the agency and, by
implication, its then director: Putin. He defected to Britain two years later and spent
years on the payroll of its main foreign intelligence agency, MI6. Litvinenko also
assisted Spanish intelligence agencies with their investigations into Russian crime
networks. In addition to his covert work, Litvinenko was a prolific writer,
publishing books and articles that were unsparing in their criticism of Russia s
security services generally and of Putin in particular. One article even accused the
Russian president of pedophilia. Litvinenko had become a British citizen just weeks
before his death, a move that he had told
Notes On On Land And Water By Kyle Dean
Terrestrialization on Land or in Water
By Kyle Dean
The movement to land by plants has been a point of great interest for many
researchers. The complexity of the situation is in the characterization of those traits
that were most essential to the viability on land, and whether those traits developed
prior to terrestrialization or post terrestrialization. This complexity stems from the
long branch of phylogeny leading to terrestrialization having an incomplete fossil
record due to environmental changes throughout time. The gold standard hypothesis
on terrestrialization introduced by Bower is accepted in the scientific community as
the explanation for terrestrial plant diversification of plant orders and families. Bower
s hypothesis articulates, that the evolution of antithetic alternating life cycles was
instrumental in adapting to the terrestrial habitat. (Harholt et al., 2016) In other
words the development of the free living sporophyte and gametophyte was critical to
a plants ability to live on land. This information if taken only to mean the
diversification of land plant orders and families is accepted by most without question,
for the alternating life cycle is imperative to suitability of land plants; however, if
Bower intended for his hypothesis to be inclusive of the primordial terrestrialization
then his hypothesis has encountered some criticism. Stebbins and Hill in 1980
conducted research that concluded with the premise that unicellular charophytes
Questions On The Global Economy Essay
Running H ead: Exchange Rates MNCs 1 Excha nge Rate Stability and
Multinational Companies Patten University Professor Wade MBA 630 The
Global Economy RJO Unit 6 Essay Assignment Running Head: Exchange Rates
MNCs 2 When we take a neophyte view of m ultinational companies, it is often
tainted by media stories of behemoth organizations than plunder the world in
search of selfish destructive profit motives that produce investment returns for
greedy board members, managers and investors. Rarely does our news on the fly
(even business news), report the complexity of operating as a multinational
company, and how tenuous it may be to stay operational. Correctly reported may be
the risky nature of the financial markets, and the fact that they are still unstab le 7
years after the 07 08 crash and recession start; however, what is not correctly reported
is how billions of dollars of foreign direct and portfolio investments are impacted both
near and long term. The impact of exchange rates can be very simply look ed at
through the blue green tint of a bottle of Coca Cola Classic in Mexico. If one year
ago the Mexican consumer could buy a $1.00US bottle of Coke for 4 pesos, and
today must pay 7 pesos for the same $1.00US bottle of Coke, then the peso has
depreciated in terms of the dollar and the Mexican consumer can now only afford to
buy 1 bottle of Coke for every 7 pesos as compared to almost 2 bottles of Coke for
every 7 pesos a year ago. Does that purchase of a bottle of
Essential Oils Essay
Here are a few simple ways to prevent health issues for your dog. Essential oils
products made by Young Living are natural ways to promote health, naturally
prevent pests, and help stop tooth decay. Please keep in mind the not all essential
oil brands are processed to the standards of Young Living and if you use other brands
you may not receive the benefits and may be causing harm to your pet.
I am a dog breeder and able to test essential oils then view the results. I have
attended many classes, read numerous books, listened to countless podcasts on
essential oils. I have had the pleasure to speak with a few holistic vets who use
essential oils. I tried out suggested applications and discover first hand, if the
remedies are good solutions. ... Show more content on ...
Dr. Melissa Shelton, DVM told me about a dog that was a last chance candidate
with an eye issue. She used lavender mixed with water and was having success
resolving the eye issue. I mixed a solution of 8 drops lavender to 8 ounce steamed
distilled water and a packet of sodium chloride/sodium bicarbonate usp grade. The
packet is ВЅ of a teaspoon. Sodium chloride/sodium bicarbonate usp grade can be
purchased at Walgreen s or online; it s used for the neti pot sinus rinse. It is an
emulsifier and keeps the solution from separating since oil and water do not mix. The
solution must be shaken each time before use if you don t use an emulsifier. The
mix is similar to eye wash solutions used for humans. Put the mixture in a glass
spray bottle. Spray the solution 2 3 times in the effected eye once per day and watch
the healing begin.
Curly, our English Springer s eye was extremely large from a hunting accident that
occurred in 2006 at the age of 8 years old. The eye was getting larger and looked
like it was about to burst. I was sure he would need surgery and might lose his eye. I
started using the solution and his eye returned back to normal size and the cataract is
becoming smaller. That s
Hunter The Gator Research Paper
21. Hunter the Gator Make your little ones bath time a fun with this Hunter the
Gator. It is a soft cuddly animal friend with built in finger pockets to secure
scrubbing and a clever opening for liquid or bar soap. It is machine washable with
warm water and tumble dry low.Size dimensions: 9 inch W x 3 inch
HAntimicrobialSuitable for ages 0 and above 22. Harper the Hippo Harper the
Hippo is a soft cuddly animal friend that can make your little ones bath a fun. It has
built in finger pocket for secure scrubbing and a clever opening for liquid or bar
soap. It is made from polyester/sponge.Size dimensions: 9 inch W x 3 inch
HAntimicrobialSuitable for ages 0 and above 23. Tank the Shark This cute little
Tank the Shark is a soft and cuddly animal... Show more content on ...
It has shoulder straps and topped with a pop of pattern and zipper closure. It has
various zipper pocket on the back as well as in its interior.Size dimensions: 5.5
inch W x 10.25 inch LGenuine leather with signature linen accents 29. Ellis Square
Island Tote A part of Spartina s Passage to Savannah collection, the Ellis Square
Island Tote is inspired by legendary historic squares. This mid size Island Tote is an
everyday bag that features various zipper pockets, beautiful hanging leather tassel
and a golden logo.Size dimensions: 9.75 inch L x 13.5 inch WLeather tassel and
double tassel accent 30. Jetsetter Tote Jetsetter Tote will be your favorite everyday
companion as it has various features such as adjustable side straps to adjust the bag
size, spacious interior, various zipper pockets, beautifully crafted hook, signature
mermaid accent finish and much more.Size dimensions: 11 inch H x 19 inch
WSignature linen with signature leather accents 31. Ellis Square Large Wristlet A
part of Spartina s Passage Savannah collection, the Ellis Square Large Wristlet is
inspired by legendary notables and historic squares. It has large top zipper
compartment and extra front zipper pocket so that you can have everything at your
wrist.Size dimensions: 9 inch L x 5.5 inch WLinen interior and leather
Questions On Google s Article On Online Auction And...
Get Your Hands on Some Money: Best 5 Ways to Make More Money for Yourself
By Daniel Pfirman | Submitted On May 04, 2011
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#1 eBay Selling
The first way to make more money online is to sell items on the site eBay. eBay is
an online auction and shopping website that allows you to sell your own household
items online for a profit or buy a product from the site and then resell it for a greater
profit. It is probably the biggest and most popular of this type of websites throughout
the entire Internet. A good aspect of this money making plan is that it is easy to sell
products on the site.
There are some cons associated with this way of earning though. Such as the fees
correlated with the selling a product, there is more than one. Another issue is that it
is not easy and a lot of work for sometimes less than satisfactory outcome. Along with
all this it can be quite difficult to determine the right niche for your products in order
to beat the heavy competition involved with whatever it might be. All that said, there
is money to be made.
#2 Sell Your Own and Other Services
The next method of earning an online income is either selling someone
Examples Of Atticus Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird
Atticus Finch: Wise and Experienced
Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird tells of a town in Alabama, called Maycomb. In
this deeply rooted racist town, there is a trial against an African American man,
accused of raping a white woman. One man, however, Atticus Finch, has the
opportunity to help the the man on trial. Although he knows he will lose the trial, he
takes the case anyway. Atticus is respected in Maycomb, and known for his wisdom
and experience. He is a good hearted, egalitarian man who is always there and
willing to provide guidance to his children and to the town of Maycomb, with his
years of practice and experience.
Atticus uses logic and wisdom to prove his points, along with facts; he knows a great
deal of information, but never flaunts his knowledge, instead using it to help people.
Harper Lee portrays Atticus as experienced in everything he does, having him
explain and teach his life lessons. Lee starts to show Atticus experience early on in
the book, and it is clear that Atticus has learned a lot throughout his lifetime. You
never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...
until you climb in his skin and walk around in it. (39) Here, Harper Lee continues to
achieve the theme of Atticus experience. Atticus may have learned this lesson from a
past issue or event, however his background is not discussed in the
Olson 2 book. He wants his children to realize that others have their own point of
view and their choices
Six Persuasion Principles
Six Principles of Persuasion
University of the People
This paper is an examination of the six principles of persuasion. Each rule is
explored to reveal a greater clarity of the concepts and to increase their integration
into real life circumstances. My own personal experience is documented and
analyzed to determine ways in which the persuasion principles were applied
(McLean, 2010).
Reciprocity involves the common desire to trade of something of worth or provide
some type of assistance. The people involved should treat each other with dignity. If
someone displays kindness or grants help, then the receiver should be courteous ...
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I work with another volunteer and we often get into discussions about the length
of our messages. I like to be short and concise and she likes to speak about
everything our organization provides even when it takes a while. She often
challenges me because continue to be brief and allow her to go as long and she
desires. If we are asked to speak for fifteen minutes, I will speak for five minutes
and let her speak for ten minutes. My behavior has begun to bother her so we had
several discussions. My ultimate desire was to persuade her to shorten her talk
because she would begin to lose her audience. I wanted to convince her to transform
her approach in order for her message to get a better reception. She wants to know
why I allow her to speak for the longest amount of time. Our many discussions
include opportunities for me to talk about my perception of the audience. Based on
research, college studies and legislative occasions I explained that people seem to
tune out after three minutes unless the subject is pretty engaging. Eventually my co
volunteer began to shorten her talks and participate in more one on one conversations
after the program came to a
A True War Story In Tim OBrien s The Things They Carried
Only the dead have seen the end of war unknown. In Tim O Brien s The Things
They Carried, he tells us what a true war story is. Throughout chapter 7, he writes
what he believes is a true war story. It s through evil, disbelief, embarrassment, and
hidden meanings in Mary Anne s trip to Vietnam that we know what a true warstory
is. The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong is a perfect example of a true war story. In
a war, nothing ever hangs onto the good; it always grabs on to the evil.
Rat Kiley said, At the girl s throat was a necklace of human tongues. Elongated and
narrow, like pieces of blackened leather, the tongues were threaded along a length of
copper wire, one tongue overlapping the next, the tips curled upward as if caught in
a final shrill syllable (105 106).
A young girl with a tongue necklace isn t the thing someone would expect to see
from her. It s obscene behavior for a girl, especially in this time period. Many
people eat animal tongues; it isn t seen as weird behavior, but Mary Anne wears
them. The aspect of the human tongues makes it wicked and vile. O Brien wrote,
And then one morning, all alone, Mary Anne walked off into the mountains and did
not come back. No body was ever found (110). Mary Anne became one with Vietnam
during the time she was there. Eventually she blended in with the landscape and felt
at home with it. Not often do people hear stories of others just disappearing. It s
insane to willingly walk out to the mountains in a foreign
Genre Films Predictability and Formulaicity Essay
Genre Films Predictability and Formulaicity
This essay shall discuss whether Genre films are predictable and formulaic , looking
at the Western genre, and using the example films of, The Searchers and Unforgiven .
Genre is a fundamental means by which we communicate especially in storytelling. If
looking at genre in terms of Thomas Shatz, he puts forward the theory of similarity
and overlap. He adopts a thematic and ideological approach, which identifies only
two genres; the genre of order and the genre of integration. In this case the Western
would be categorised into the genre of order. This essay shall also look at how genre
films change over time, due to changes in society, as characters ... Show more content
on ...
Within each of the films, the revenge narratives are both set around the female, as
in The searchers , Ethan and Martin aim to save the young girl Debbie, and in
Unforgiven , Will, Ned and the Schofield Kid aim to get revenge for the female
prostitutes, this therefore shows how genre could be seen to predictable and
formulaic as these two western films show how they both follow similar structures
and narratives.
The theorists Propp and Todorov have focused on the similarity in narrative across
different genres. They suggest that genres that are different from one another in
terms of visual, verbal and musical signifiers operate according to the same
narrative structures. Propp puts forward the story functions of hero, villain and
donor etc, and Todorov puts forward the equilibrium narrative theory. These two
theorists therefore show, how genre could be seen to be predictable and formulaic,
as both of their theories can be applies to The Searchers and Unforgiven , and they
also believe they can be applied to many other genres and films.
The characters within The Searchers fit into Propps story function as it is shown that,
Ethan is the main hero within the film, Martin is the main helper throughout the film
and Debbie is seen as the princess who needs to be saved. The same story function can
Fort Sumter Essay
Introduction: On the twelfth of April 1861, Union troops had just taken refuge in
Fort Sumter under the cover of darkness. They were out number out gunned and
running out of time. The newly formed Confederate States of America (CSA) had
now occupied the five other military installations within the Garrison. At 0430, the
first shot of the American Civil Warrang out and Fort Sumter was fast under the
barrage that the surrounding garrison forts occupied by the confederate forces
(sumter). Major Anderson was reluctant to return fire, as his previous orders were
not to be the aggressor. The first shots returned in volley to the confederate forces
was by a private under the Major Anderson, who raced up to the third story of Fort
Sumter where the largest artillery guns were loaded and ready to fire. In following
his lead, other soldiers in the fort also began firing on the confederate antagonists
(Civil War Journal: Destiny of Fort Sumter, 1993). Thirty four hours later Major
Anderson surrendered the fort over to General Beauregard without a single loss of
life on either side of the battle. However, death was soon to befall the soldiers of Fort
Sumter. Thesis: The complete lack of organized military and government intelligence
solidified the abysmal start to the civil war. If the Union leadership during the
Buchanan administration had anticipated the treachery of the southern officers and
leaders within the federal government then they could have prevented the secession
Case Study Of Airtel
Consumer Perception about Airtel Services Customer perception is defined as the
way that customer usually view or feel about certain services and products. It can
also be related to customer satisfaction which is the expectation of the customer
towards the products. Customer satisfaction can be done based on various
circumstances that can be linked either to product or services. It is also based on
the satisfaction level of the management, customers, etc. by which it is able to
increase the working conditions. Hence satisfaction is the customers feeling of
pleasure or disappointment which he/she is able to express after being an Airtel
customer. The Airtel services for the project includes the mobile services, 3G, 4G,
Wi Fi. 1.2 NEED FOR THE STUDY The need for the study is to conduct a survey on
the Airtel... Show more content on ...
3.1.2 Why Is Consumer Perception Important? пѓ Meeting the needs of consumers
is the underlying rationale for the existence of community service organization.
Customers have a right to quality services that deliver outcomes. пѓ Organization
that strive beyond minimum standards exceed the expectations of their consumers
are likely to be leaders in their sector. пѓ Consumers are recognized as key partners
in shaping service developments and assessing quality of service delivery. 3.1.3
Dynamics of Perception One can take an input throughout output approach to
understand the dynamics of the perceptual process. This approach emphasis that there
is input, which is processed and gives output. The stimuli in the environment subjects,
events, or people can be considered as the perceptual inputs. Processes Defining
The Relationship Between Attention And Child Television...
The Relationship between Learning, Attention, and Children Television Programs
Specific Aims
The specific objective of this study is to establish the relationship between attention
and child television programs by improving on existing research. The study aims to
focus on the impact of different types of television on the cognitive attention of
Children s education and development are important topics, and parents always want
to educate their children in the best possible way. Nowadays, children spend a lot of
time watching television; however, most parents are not so confused about how to
select television shows for their children. Naturally, they want their ... Show more
content on ...
Usually, there are two kinds of children television shows, live action shows and
cartoons. There has emerged research, which argued that viewing television cartoons
could have immediate negative effects on young children s cognitive function
including self regulation and working memory (Lillard and Peterson, 2011).
Therefore, watching cartoons is not a good idea to entertain children. There is
increased concern that increased exposure to television has a negative impact on the
cognitive development of a child. It has been linked to late language development and
the development of attention disorders (Landhuis, Poulton, Welch Hancox, 2007). A
majority of studies conducted on the impact of television have not compared different
types of content.
According to the CDC, the number of children getting ADHD is rising rapidly
(CDC, 2015). Correspondingly, research has indicated that there is an increasing
number of children watching cartoons such as SpongeBob , Bob s burgers and The
Simpsons. Most of the parents are extremely worried about the impact of the content
that their children watch on television because of warning from research findings.
They are also worried about the children live action shows such as Kid Nation,
Sesame Street and Teletubbies ?
In our study, we are going to test if the live action
How Does Temperature Affect The Breathing Rate Of
During a game or competition, basketball players breathing rate increase and they
breathe deeper. This is because muscles need oxygen to move and contract. When the
basketball players shoot and running around the court with the ball, every muscles
contract more rapidly than in the normal lifetime that in order for players to complete
a movement. So muscles need more oxygento contract so more blood needs to travel
to the muscles, and this is because oxygen carries by blood to every part of the
body. The oxygen is contained in the air so in order to get enough oxygen the
players need to breath in more and more air. Also as they breaths in more oxygen
more carbon dioxide needs to be exhaled. So players breathing rate increases. As the
basketball player starts to run around the court to pass the ball, their breathing rate
begins to increase. The muscles have to take in more air with each breath to reach the
high demand for oxygen in order to complete movement. So... Show more content on ...
Blood comes from the heart. In order to reach the high demand for blood with
oxygen, the heart pumps faster and faster in order to let enough blood come out into
the body. So the basketball player s heart rate increases. This is because the working
muscle needs more oxygen to contract. The more oxygenated blood the body can
supply to working muscles, the greater intensity the basketball player can play the
game However, the heart rate cannot keep at a fast rate for all the time. Eventually
the players will feel tired and need to have a rest. So that s why the basketball game
always has 2 minutes intermissions. Statistics show that an adult s average heart
rate is 80 beats per minute and the average heart rate often a basketball player
during peak intensity is 165 beats per minute. (from Oxygen
breaks down lactic acid inside the muscles that cause the players to feel fatigue. So
increase in heart rate will help the players to get rid of lactic acid
Simulated Results And Analysis Of A Ver Of The System
All rotated symbols are fed into a decision circuit and the squared distance |dk,b|2 to
the closest constellation point is calculated in the complex plane:
|d_(k,b) |^2=|Z_k e^(jφ_b ) X ^_(k,b) |^2(4.12)
Where Xk,b is the decision of Zkejφb. After the DSP compensation for the optical
fiber linearities the signal is passed through the threshold detector (Decision) and
at the QAM decoder to decode the original signal transmitted. The two QAM
decoder for the X polarization and the Y polarization bit sequences are finally
passed through the parallel to serial converter and the BERT (Bit Error Rate Test) to
calculate the average BER of the system. The average BER calculated is used for the
analysis of noise i.e the phase noise and ... Show more content on ...
Further analysis of DP 16 QAM has been done in terms of average Bit error
rate(BER) and optical signal to noise ratio(OSNR) in order to analyse the Phase noise
and Gaussian noise.
In the proposed design sweep iterations has been used in the optical signal to noise
ratio (OSNR) component and the BER TEST SET component. On using the feature
of the simulator in order to make nested parameters, and thus obtaining the required
average BER. With the higher order 16 QAM it is not easy to decide the filter to be
used having minimum noise so graph have drawn between Average BER versus
The graph is taken before carrier phase estimation (CPE) in order to analyse the
Phase Noise. The required graph for phase noise in terms of average BER for
different filter types with varying filter order are drawn in Figure 4.7(a) (d). The
graph is drawn between the average BER and OSNR which shows that with the
increase in OSNR the BER decreases. In another way with the increase in noise the
average bit error rate increases. There is a value fixed theoretically for each
modulation technique above which OSNR cannot be permitted in the system.
Figure 4.7(a) Butterworth filter 4th order before CPE Figure 4.7(b) Chebyshev filter
3rd order before CPE Figure 4.7(c) Bessel filter 3rd order before CPE Figure 4.7(d)
Gaussian filter 3rd order before CPE Figure 4.7(a) (d) shows the graph drawn
between average bit error rate and the
HOSP 310 Week 5 Internet Exercises Essay
Week 5 internet Exercises
Chapter 11:
Exercise #1
a) One of the trends that are occurring in the hotel industry is the increase in
construction in certain pipelines and areas. The Spanish influenced countries of
Latin America and South America are seeing the largest increase. The increased
interest in the Hispanic culture by society is driving many consumers to want to
escape to the sandy beaches and the tropical oasis. The other trend is the decrease in
the African and the Middle Eastern Pipelines. Much of this can be contributed to the
political unrest in these countries that is covered by the media. While many still
want to go on vacations to their holy lands for religious purposes or visit many
ancient areas of art and documented ... Show more content on ...
The differences start with Starwood that offers very detailed as well as list and
map views of the properties as well as photos of the individual properties. Host
hotels have a place for news releases about information from within the company. The
FelCor Lodge Trust is different as it lists the hotels that the company has on the
market for sale.
b) Starwood Target market is the well rounded and has a hotelfor every one and every
amenity such as pets, conventions, and weddings so that the most diverse of people
are collectively attracted to their properties both domestically and internationally.
Host Hotels Target market is both for the wealthy and socially connected since
names as the Four Seasons, Hilton, and Ritz Carlton are among the properties they
own. The target market of the wealthy open likes to mix business trips with pleasure
and their properties seem to be able to accommodate both.
FelCor Lodging Trust Target Market is the vacationing family that wants to be
centrally located in the city they are traveling to or visiting. Many of the properties
are also located within the airport so they make it easy for family to not have to
travel far from the airport for their accommodations. All of their properties are within
the US except for one in Canada.
c) Starwood Westin, Sheraton, Four Points by Sheraton, W Hotels, St Regis, The
The Battler by Ernest Hemingway
Throughout life, the people that you may encounter and form relationships with
will be the ones that shape who you are and ultimately influence your decisions,
actions and personality. In The Battler by Ernest Hemingway, Nick Adams, a
young man of roughly twenty years of age encounters an older gentleman named
Ad Francis, a once famous boxer who claims to have gone crazy after his life as a
fighter. Ad is accompanied by his best friend Bugs, a black man who accompanies
him on his travels throughout the country and helps keep Ad in check. At one
point, Bugs offers Nick and Ad some ham and eggs that he had just cooked on the
fire, and asks for nick to cut the bread with his knife. At the sight of the blade Ad
demands that Nick hand over the knife. In order to keep Nick out of any danger
that might arise from a conflict with Ad, Bugs whacks Ad in the back of the head
with a frying pan, rendering him immobile and unconscious, keeping Nick out of
harms way. After Bugs knocks out Ad with the pan, he proceeds to make sure he
did not hit him too hard, making sure his eyes can close and that he is still
breathing. The strong, unassuming black man then goes on to explain why Ad is
like the way he is, crazy and unpredictable in a way that is threatening to others. He
also goes on about how after Ad left the ring, he got himself into some trouble on the
streets, fighting whenever and wherever he found an opportunity, landing himself a
cell in the local jail where he met Bugs
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington Essay
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Mr. Smith was too naive to survive as a senator
during the time the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington took place. Mr. Smith s
naivetГ© was most evident in his ambitious proposal to start a national boys camp.
However, when false allegations regarding Mr. Smith s motives for starting the camp
surfaced, Smithwas too idealistic to defend himself from the political machine that
accused him of acting in self interest. Making matters worse, SenatorSmith was a
genuinely honest and simple minded man, making it difficult for him to survive
among his scheming colleagues.
Senator Smith clearly demonstrated his lack of government experience and overall
ignorance of the Senate s character when he ambitiously ... Show more content on ...
This docility and willingness to vote according to the older Senators was most likely
caused by the new Senators fear of the political bosses. Mr. Smith, however, was
sheltered from knowing that the political bosses even existed and, as a result, was not
afraid to stand up for his beliefs. Mr. Taylor, a typical political boss of Smith s time,
had extreme power in his state and was able to tilt the public opinion of Senator
Smith. He did this through his control of the state media and connections within the
government. Taylor concocted evidence with the help of his government connections
alleging that Smith owned the property intended for the boy s camp and was only
promoting the camp bill so that he could sell his own property to the government at a
high price. Taylor then publicized these false accusations against Smith in the
newspapers that he controlled, thus persuading public opinion and ultimately causing
Smith to be accused of wrongdoing by a Senate committee. Throughout this entire
entourage, Smith was too inexperienced and naive to stand up against Taylor s
political machine and resorted instead to crying at the Lincoln Memorial. Smith only
returned to the Senate after Saunders convinced him that he should fight for his
rights. This situation ultimately proved once again that Senator Smith was too naive
to be an effective Senator. Smith did not realize that the other Senators were inclined
to believe the accusations against his character, and therefore,
Biblical Allusion In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
The Metamorphosis is a novel written in 1912 by Franz Kafka. It takes place in
Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. This novel involves a man named
Gregor who lives with his sister and parents. Gregor is the only one that has a job;
therefore he is the only one that has a steady income. He provides everything for
his family, and they take him for granted. One morning Gregor wakes up from his
slumber to realize he has turned into a gigantic bug. Once his family discovers he
is a revolting vermin they seem to disown him except for his sister Grete. By the
end of the novel Grete s perspective toward Gregor changes and she decides it is
time to get rid of him. At the end Gregor dies, but his family does not mourn his
death; if anything they rejoice that he is gone. Throughout the novel Kafka slips in
Biblical allusionhere and there such as the apple that is lodged into Gregor s back,
also the comparisons made between Grete and Judas, and Gregor s sacrifice and the
betrayal of his family. All these allusions help develop a deeper meaning and
construct Gregor into a Christ like being. Probably the most noticeable biblical
allusion Kafka uses in The Metamorphosisis the apple that is forced into Gregor s
back by his father. At one point in the novel Gregor finds himself in the living
room when his father comes home from work. His father, in an act to get Gregor
back into his room, proceeds to firing multiple apples at him. One of the apples
forces its way into Gregor s
My Favorite Sfavorite Essay
My 10 favoritefavorite, 10 Japanese movies
1. Seven Samurai, Akira Kurasawa, 1954
A classic Japanese samurai film directed by the famous Japanese director. A story
about... I saw this movie for the first time when I was 13 years old. This movie is
not just important to japanesejapans cinema, but it s important to the history of
cinema in general. Seven7 Ssamurai wasere a watershedwater shed moment in
cinema, creating severalserval still highly recognizable tropes still in use today. The
most notable is the plot device of assembling a team of heroes to accomplish a goal.
Thanks to Akira Kurasawa, we have movies like Tthe Magnificent Seven, Ocean s
Eleven and The Avengers.
2. Godzilla (Gojira), IshirГґ Honda, 1954
The classic Japanese film ... Show more content on ...
It is a classic story of a small force of highly skilled warriors who are vastly
outnumbered and who do not expect to survive but know that they must give their
lives for the good of their country. It has strong influences of the Kurasawa classic 7
samurai, the director said that he thought this is the movie Kurasawa would have
made if he had the money and technology of today and wanted to make an all out
action movie.
8. The Birth of Sake, Erik shirai, 2015
The Birth of Sake is a 2015 documentary film about the Yoshida Brewery, a 144
year old sake brewery in Ishikawa Prefecture. It follows the small group of brewers
through the trials and tribulations in the almost secret world of making sake, an art
that has existed for over 2,000 years. As a professional bartender, trained in craft
cocktails, artisanal beer, and many other intricacies of the alcoholic arts I love this
film, because it shows passion that goes into making the substance that has fueled
society sense before recorded history.
9. Princess Mononoke, Hayao Miyazaki,
Boundary Conflicts In Texas
1. How were boundary disputes over Oregon and Texas resolved? Why were the
resolutions in the two cases so different? Upon Texas claiming independence from
Mexico, there were disputes about what the new borders should be. The Texans
believed that the border should be separated by the Rio Grande River. On the other
hand, Mexicobelieved that the border should be based using the Nueces River. The
border dispute did however end up in favor of Texasand the United States, as the
dividing point turned out to be to the Rio Grande. Similarly, another territory that was
in heavy dispute was Oregon. Both Britain and the United States claimed that the
territory belonged to them. There were not able to come to an agreement about who
had complete... Show more content on ...
What was the issue at stake in Bleeding Kansas, and how did events in Kansas
reflect the growing sectional division between the North and the South? The
Kansas Nebraska act of 1854 allowed for Kansas to decide whether it should be a
slave state or not. This would be determined by popular sovereignty, meaning that
the majority on one particular side would be the ultimate decision. This caused an
influx of people into Kansas to try and sway the decision of the state. There were
both proslavery and antislavery citizens going to Kansas. As a result of this, there
were massive conflicts that spread throughout Kansas. Many of these conflicts
resulted in deaths on both sides of the argument. This showed the growing division
among the North and South, and that they were willing to fight for what they
believed in. These conflicts even spread to members of Congress, and outbreaks
broke out within arguments. In my opinion, events such as Bleeding Kansas had
negative effects on both sides of the slavery argument. It was however these same
events that helped to build up to the Civil War that changed America forever.
Ultimately the side of antislavery won, but they did take massive casualties as a
result of the
Blake s Style Of The Idyyger And The Tyger By William
William Blake, a revolutionary writer of his era, illustrates the differences between
the innocent, kind, and ignorant childhood, to the corrupt, dark, and gothic
adulthood that follows. Many of his pieces such as the The Tyger , The Lamb , are
all written in Blake s style that convey many different messages than how the story
was written. Each specific line in these misunderstood poems convey meanings that
show the other side of the world, the side thats gloomy, dark, and corrupt. In his
poems, Blake evaluates two totally different perspectives in the world and how
people who view the world in one of these perspectives live. But the truly
outstanding fact about Blake s style is the fact that he does not favor a perspective,
he criticizes... Show more content on ...
A time in his life where he vehemently complained about the Church, and any
cultural traditions that included racism, sex, and other habits. Blake revolt against
these ideals was due to the fact that he believed that passion and imagination can be
limited by these things. On the other hand, Songs of Innocence always believed that
no matter what, God was always by your side whenever a person truly needed him.
Idyllic poems of this nature tend to have a specific theme overall, they are positive,
optimistic, and very happy when a reader begins to analyze the poetry. The poem The
Tyger is often compared to his other work that contradict each other, The Lamb . The
logic behind this poem is that the almighty creator creates animals that are cute,
soft, and gentle. This in every way, goes against The Tyger when God is said to
create a vicious and cruel animal such as a tiger. Just as The Little Boy Found ,
another piece by Blake, a sense of happiness and comfort is felt when reading this
poem, this was also not present when reading The Tyger . Blake was known to be a
great artist. Throughout his poems, he would add illustrations for tigers, and lambs
that can shift the true meaning of the poem. In The Tyger , the tiger was illustrated
in a way that made this ferocious animal seem harmless. As we know tigers, they
are able to kill anyone they lay their hands on. As for most people in the radical era,
tiger sighting was a rare scene. His use of imagery forces people into imagining an
animal that is deadly, ferocious and nothing like the illustrations
My Favorite Poem By Carol Ann Duffy Essay
Together with four classmates in my English class, I created an anthology of five
poems. The theme of our anthology was based on love. We chose love because we
thought it applies to all aspects of life, including career, business, personal
relationships, personal development, self care and more. What stands out to most to
me about these poems is that in all these poems it shows that loveis something that
part of our life. My favorite poem is you by Carol Ann Duffy who happens to be
my, favorite author. I felt strongly connected to our theme of love because it
experienced by all of us at some point in our lives.
Over the years of my High school, I have progressed and learned more than I
imagined possible and that my ability to write and express my ideas has grown. In
the past, I have always struggled to put my thoughts on paper in a manner that is
consistent. As a matter of fact, I would just restate what I learned in class and what
I had found in my research and did not develop my own ideas nor support them
with the works of others. However, now I feel presumptuous that I could write a
paper about almost anything, my viewpoints are now capable of being more
convoluted because I have learned how to support my argument in an orderly
manner. When we were asked to do a poetry anthology based on a theme, our group
decided to go with love, for love is essentially quite engrossed and illustrated distinctly
in any humanity. Throughout history, love is to be found in music,
The Thin Blue Line Directed By Errol Morris
What Is the Truth
Our need to believe what we want to believe is stronger than our need for the truth.
I agree with this quote based on personal experience. The movie, The Thin Blue
Line directed by Errol Morris, is an example of believing in what we want rather
than the truth. Randall Adams a wrongly convicted man, David Harris a criminal
let off the hook, and people such as Marshall Touchton and Melvyn Carson Bruder
gives support to this belief. Randall Adams is the epitome of being in the wrong
place at the wrong time. Randall met David when he needed a ride to go get gas, he
did not however imagine that he would unintentionally be set up for murder. I kept
telling them what happened and they didn t want to believe me Randall said. David
shot a police officer and killed him and then blamed it on Randall. When eye
witnesses described a man that looked like Randall and David knew he could get
away with the crime. To me none of the eye witnesses were very trustworthy, but
when that s the only thing you have to go on then you have to take what you can
get. This relates to a recent tragedy that happened in my family. My cousin, Ronnie,
was accused of raping his step daughter Shyanne. No one believed him except for the
people that matter like the jury and the judge. Shyanne somehow got all of the court
to believe her based on her statement and with the help of her grandparents who
believed her. I do not think there was much evidence in the case but statements from
Chicano Park History
The most significant number of outdoor mural art in the United States is just
minutes away from downtown San Diego, but if you ve visited the city, you ve
probably driven over it without even knowing it. San Diego s Chicano Park is
hidden below the San Diego Coronado Bridge. More than 70 vibrantly colored
murals adorn the support pylons of the freeway overpass. The walls pay tribute to the
history of the surrounding Mexican American and immigrant community called
Barrio Logan. In the 1960s, the community was further separated by the formation of
the 5 Freeway and the high on ramps of the San Diego Coronado Bridge. City leaders
didn t include tenants in the preparation of these projects that destroyed more than
5,000 houses and local businesses.... Show more content on ...
The park s story is worth retelling: The bisecting of the Barrio Logan community by
I 5 and the Coronado Bridge, ending in a concrete roof supported by large gray
pillars, replaced at least 1,500 families. With a society of 20,000 in its heyday in the
1940s, the historic neighborhood was rezoned as industrial in the 1950s, ushering in
junkyards, auto wrecking operations, plating and chemical companies, and now, a
legacy of environmental and air condition issues.
In 1967, community leaders began demanding a neighborhood park under the bridge.
When the California Highway Patrol started building a substation there, hundreds of
residents formed a human shield to stop construction. They displayed signs in
Spanish with statements like, More houses, fewer junkyards, and they hoisted a
Chicano flag from a telephone pole.
The use of murals as a tool of political resistance is a long Mexican tradition. Imagine
the park without murals, said Tommie Camarillo, chairwoman of the Chicano Park
Steering Committee, who has been volunteering at the park for 48

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Examples Of Argumentative Essay. FREE 15 Argumentative Essay Samples in PDF MS Word

  • 1. Examples Of Argumentative Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "Examples of Argumentative Essay" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the need to strike a balance between providing concrete examples to support your arguments and maintaining a coherent structure throughout the essay. Finding relevant and compelling examples that effectively illustrate your points can be time- consuming, requiring thorough research and critical thinking. Moreover, crafting a strong argumentative essay involves not only presenting examples but also analyzing and interpreting them within the context of your thesis. This requires a deep understanding of the topic and the ability to convey your thoughts clearly and persuasively. It is crucial to anticipate counterarguments and address them in a manner that strengthens your overall stance. The challenge extends to organizing your thoughts logically, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas from one paragraph to the next. A well-structured essay enhances readability and helps the reader follow the progression of your argument. Striking the right balance between providing examples, analyzing them, and maintaining a cohesive structure can be a demanding task for any writer. However, despite the challenges, writing an essay on "Examples of Argumentative Essay" allows you to showcase your analytical skills, critical thinking abilities, and proficiency in conveying complex ideas. It provides an opportunity to engage with the topic on a deeper level and present a well-rounded perspective. In conclusion, tackling an essay on this topic requires dedication, research, and careful consideration of how examples contribute to the overall argument. It demands the ability to synthesize information, think critically, and communicate effectively. While the process may be challenging, the end result can be a compelling essay that not only presents examples but also persuasively argues a particular point of view. For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, consider exploring resources like, where you can find support and services tailored to your academic requirements. Examples Of Argumentative Essay Examples Of Argumentative Essay
  • 2. The Battle Of Fort Wagner The most famous and well known regiment that fought for the Union in the Battle of Fort Wagner, in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina was the 54th regiment from Massachusetts. The regiment is famous because it was one of the first African American regiments to fight in the Civil War. In the North, where the abolition of slavery was heavily supported, the 54th regiment was considered very controversial. Although the majority of those who lived in the North were against slavery, many believed that blacks were lesser people and inferior to whites. However, the success of the 54th regiment proved otherwise. Despite being the first African American regiment that was raised in the North, they were not the first black Union regiment to fight. The first black Union Armyregiment raised and formed was the 1st South Carolina Infantry which was composed of escaped slaves from South Carolina and Florida. The 1st South Carolina Infantry served as the precedent for over 170,000 African Americans who followed them into the Union Army. The adoption of the Emancipation Proclamationin December of 1862 was the catalyst for the use of free black men as soldiers. As state governors were the ones who raised regiments for use at the federal lever, Massachusetts was the very first state to take advantage of the new Proclamation by forming the 54th Regiment. The 54th Regiment was controversial to some, but in ways helped the Union by promoting the end to slavery. They not only fought for civil
  • 3. The Journey of Ty Cobb in Cobb by Al Stump Essay The book Cobb by Al Stump is a look into the late 19th century and early into the 20th through the eyes of Ty Cobb. The historical biography of Tyrus Raymond Cobb follows his path from classroom screwaraound and fighter to the greatest hitter to ever grace the major leagues. Ty Cobb. Growing up in Royston, GA, Cobb was the oldest of 3 siblings and the son of a schoolteacher, principal, newspaper publisher, state senator, and county school commissioner who wanted him to do nothing but study. Cobb didn t listen, he practiced his way to making the bigs, shortly before leaving his dad told him {italicize} don t return a failure. There was no looking back for the future Hall of Famer though. Ty Cobbwas raised in a world very different from... Show more content on ... An ugly man was pig face or ratface. The Royston Rooster(Cobb) learned of a player s weakness, and in a high screech made sure the crowd knew of it. (82) By modern day s courtesy standards Cobb would ve been hit, fined, and booed into submission, but back in the day he was able to trudge on through any abuse he recieved. In the story Cobb influences a well renowned sports analysist by sending him letters from fake people, different addresses, and different handwriting styles. Over time and many letters stating how good Cobb was and how he was practically setting the world on fire there was nothing to do but note how good Cobb was in one of his articles. In the modern day one could pull up youtube and find out if the accusations were correct and if Cobb was found out he d probably serve jail time. Back in the day he hardly recieved a slap on the wrist though. However the attention drawn by this article grabbed the Detroit Tigers association s attention, which later led to Ty becoming their starting, hall of fame, centerfielder. Tyrus Raymond Cobb was an arrogant, rude, hostile young boy who blossomed into a talented, arrogant, rude, hostile man. Cobb would do anything to reach the top: beat up comparable players, jeer, and kick their legs into bloody masses of flesh. One cannot scoff at his skill and dedication though, in addition to him being dedicated enough to be the greatest player the game has ever seen, Ty became a captain in world war one
  • 4. Film Industry Analysis Paper The movie making industry remains a vital part of popular culture and still has a large amount of investors and buyers. Buyers, tend to be large cinemas or retail chains to small independent cinemas or shops. The suppliers to the movie industry are the ones that help deliver the crew and equipment, as well as the actors, directors and writers. Buyer power: In the United States, like some other countries, companies can legally operate in both the production and distribution areas. An example of this is Walt Disney Company, they produce motion pictures (including Marvel, Pixar and Lucas film brands) distributes DVDs to retailers and also sell through Disney stores, as well as being a part owner of the online streaming service, Hulu ( Buyers in this market range in size, but the large buyers have higher negotiation power. Producers of big budget films such as the loss making The Lone Ranger (2013), which had a production budget of around $225m and a $150m marketing budget, are clearly reliant on strong box office sales to break ... Show more content on ... Some of these companies are Apple, Netflix, Amazon and so many others like these. Some of the companies that create films like Disney have simply created an online service called Hulu, which I mentioned earlier. One of the most concerning threats are illegal downloading, better known as piracy. This affects greatly the companies in the movie industry because not only people can see the movies the company are producing it but for free and not giving any income to the company. For this reason it had become crime to which there are big consequences if you were to get caught (International journal of arts management). Since these laws have been enforced it has had little effect on the companies revenue, like the example of Paranormal Activities. Therefore, threat of substitutes is evaluated as moderate
  • 5. How Harry Is A Moral Figure During A Time Of War Choices that Harry makes often lean him into dangerous situations and endanger other people, yet his intentions are always in an attempt to help and it is their actions after a situation goes bad that truly shows how Harry is a moral figure during a time of war. During Deathly Hallows, Harry, Ron, and Hermione use the Polyjuice Potion to sneak into the Ministry of Magic to retrieve a Horcrux, and in doing so, jeopardize the lives of the three employees, and the Cattermole family. Harry and his friends good intentions were there they never expected that they would cause a ruckus and endanger someone s life. However, once they realized this, they did as much as they could to warn the family and the other families waiting to be tried about what was coming, and warned them to run. Their intentions were pure, and they made a choice that they believed to be safe for the impersonated party and when they realized the danger, they accepted the consequences and sought to rectify the situation for all parties impacted: It s been decided that you should all go home and go into hiding with your families, Harry told the Muggle borns, who were dazzled by the light of the Patronuses and still cowering slightly. Go abroad if you can. Just get well away from the Ministry. That s the er new official position. Now, if you ll just follow the Patronuses, you ll be able to leave from the Atrium. (Deathly Hallows 264). Rowling presents a choice for her characters, one
  • 6. Gender Roles In The 19th Century Over the past centuries, men and women are constantly reminded that having different appearances does not affect the way society should treat you. Everyone have the same respected role in society men or women. However, in the 19th century the gender roles were not up to these standards in fact it was considered the age of inequality and many philosophers would drag these norms out of the ground and challenge their views. Margaret Fuller would be Our Lady of Wisdom and Wit, Equality, and Social Justice. Answer the questions, what were we born to do? And how shall we do it, with this mindset Fuller set out into the world striving to help women equality and fixing the norms of genderroles. (Fuller) Margaret Fuller The Great Lawsuit challenges conventional gender roles and norms of the nineteenth century by explaining the importance of women s role in a family or different spheres, marriage and sexuality, and self reliant religion. During the 19th century women were looked upon as someone weak and fragile, but they had a superior moral mind over their primate. Their position in the family was to counterbalance the moral taint of the public sphere in which their husbands labored all day. They... Show more content on ... Religion was early awakened in my soul, a sense that what the soul is capable to ask it must attain, and that, though I might be aided by others, (Fuller 34) Fuller describes the effect of self reliant reigning down on women during the 19th century. Self reliance of claiming the self, trusting you, and moving in an inner directed way toward developВment it was women. y ou take the idea of self culture as fundamental to Unitarianism, then Fuller is essential to Unitarianism, in the sense that she reads it through female eyes, and makes the case that the self is not male exclusively. Fuller s move to write investigative journalism marked a political turn in the Transcendentalist
  • 7. Bullfighting In The Costa Rican Culture Bullfighting has been part of the Costa Rican culture and the Spanish tradition as many men are supporting this event. However, some questioned the danger these people are facing every time they try to kill the bull. According to Inside Costa Rica, the bullfighting is one of the many celebrations of Costa Rica this holiday season. However, bullfighters have been risking their lives to put up the show. Fortunately, they now have an insurance specially dedicated for the bullfighters. As one example, the picadors of Zapote will be handed with one million colones or about $2,000 in case of emergencies, like lifelong disabilities or tragic death. The bullfighters, too, are qualified to have 750,000 colones or $1,500 for medical help in case they ... Show more content on ... However, there are times when the money given doesn t compensate the amount needed. The Costa Rican Social Security Fund addressed that there were 61 people rushed into hospital and clinics on the last 11 days of 2014 s bullfights, which roughly charged with 9.2 million colones. Meanwhile, The Tico Times noted that about 100 men, who are mostly on their young age, are gathered to attend the bullfight. The host s voice will be heard asserting his welcoming remarks, which is compose of the bull s name, weight, origin, and its history. When his done the orange gate will be opened and the tension between the crowd and bullfighters will now start. Each of the picadors will look for their safe spot while some will even try to climb the ring s barriers. The bull will be seen quite irritated running around, at times it will just stand still, but will stamp in anger anytime. This will be the best time for the brave bullfighters to get close, catch and take advantage of the bull while some guard the back of the viewers making sure the path way is clear. Additionally, the Costa Rican bullfighting is more compassionate kind of bullfighting compare to Spanish
  • 8. Nelson Mandela Flaws On July 18th, 1918 a natural born leader, Nelson Mandela was born. Nelson Mandela was the only one in his family with education and an aspiring heart to end segregation, specifically within his country South Africa. At the age of 46, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for conspiracy to overthrow the state. Though he was convicted and obtained fewer privileges than the average person due to his ethnicity, it did not put the light out in his charismatic soul. After serving 27 years in jail and being confined to a small cell with no bed Nelson was released on February 11th, 1990. Following his release Mandela was elected president of the national liberation movement and in 1994 was elected as the first black president in South Africas first... Show more content on ... Being wrongly imprisoned would make the average person obtain hostility and bitterness towards the person(s) who misdid them. Nelson Mandela, wrongly accused and confined for far too long holds null grudges to the people that wronged him. Nelson forgives and moves on once he is set free from prison just so he can better the country. One of the many flaws of people is that they cannot let go of the past when people have wronged them, but Mandela does not acquire this flaw as he has been dishonoured on a greater level. The act of forgiveness puts Mandela as an exceptional person and more powerful because he can let things go. Peacemaking is not always about past events, but can be made in the future through hard work. Nelson makes it his duty to unite an entire country through a sport that is not yet affiliated with both ethnicities. Rugby is the game he chooses to integrate an entire country, even though Mandela knows there are going to be challenges and problems that come with it. A leader is one that accepts disapproval with open arms and nurtures it until it becomes something amazing, inspiring and potentially world moving. Mandela s peacemaking is successful when his presence and well thought out ideas embellishes an ethical stance that plants a seed that will grow forever in the heart of South
  • 9. Individuality And Greed In The Film More By Mark Osborne More by Mark Osborne is a darkened, pessimistic film that explores the city s individuality and greed. More follows the exploits of a nameless protagonist on a futile endeavour, who toils through his dreary working life. He dreams of joyful childhood memories and aims to create an invention that will bring this emotion of bliss back into his world. This filmis entirely centred on the concept of belonging through utilising a wide range of film techniques. These include: the repetitive, monotone music and how this alters throughout the film; juxtaposition, and various ways of contrast through lighting, in sound, in shot, colour, and emotion. The film depicts an ominous ... Show more content on ... The glaring contrast of these images emphasises the struggle, creativity and hope against this alienated world of greed and hopelessness. At the beginning of the film, we see this very bright light flickering from within the protagonist, immediately juxtaposing him as true nature to that of his world. We understand that he is special in some way. As we follow the hero s journey, we see his traits especially in the factory which makes it engaging and much easier for the audience to connect with him, given the feelings of loneliness, unhappiness, stress at work, and the desire of comfort and some source of happiness are easy to identify
  • 10. Charles Darwin On The Origin Of Species This is the exoskeleton of the Platygyra Daedalea, colloquially known as brain coral because of its spherical shape and grooved surface. One may be used to seeing coral with long, spindly arms, columns, or even rose like petals for skeletons. But the brain coral is far less flamboyant. Its deposits of calcium carbonate are unassuming, remarkable only in their eerie similarity to the human cerebrum. What purpose does this peculiar configuration serve? It is largely driven by the position of the coral within the reef: brain coral is found in shallow parts of reef at a depth of about three to fifty feet. At this depth, there is substantial wave action, which corals with a compact spheroid shape are much more resilient to than those with thin antler like projections. The brain coral survives because it has an advantageous variation compared to other coral. This is called natural selection. Natural selection is Charles Darwin s mechanism to ... Show more content on ... While he has a substantial amount of evidence about various species of finches from the Galapagos islands, one must divert attention to his research on fancy pigeon breeding. While the number and diversity of different breeds is astonishing, Darwin is still able to prove that all are descended from one species of Rock Pigeon. He demonstrates that men are able to selectively breed pigeons with certain hereditary characteristics color, bill length, ect. by mating two pigeons with the same desired characteristic. Over several generations, these domesticated birds now have the desired characteristic not for the animal s own good, but to man s use or fancy. All domestic animals, not only in our own country but the world over, have properties that were developed by intentional breeding from individuals that showed desirable characteristics, and discouraging the breeding of individuals with less desirable
  • 11. Negative Self-Image In Barbie Doll, By Marge Piercy Negative self image among women has been a struggle in society for a long period of time. Social media, magazines, and the pressures of society has caused many young girls to feel bad about themselves because they do not look like the clothing model on the runway or the bathing suit model on the front of a magazine. Females grow up with the pressures of having to be in shape, wearing the best clothes, and putting on a full face of makeup for a male to find them attractive. Society has deemed that only fit women are beautiful, and that idea has caused women to harm themselves, develop anorexia, and feel insecure of themselves daily. Two works of literature that discuss the struggles women face from society is Marge Piercys poem Barbie Doll ... Show more content on ... When she realizes her imperfections are valuable, she has a whole new outlook on her life, which fills her with hope and motivates her to become a better version of herself. The tone in this song reflects a feeling of being content with one s self image because she finally wonders why [should she] waste a second not loving who [she is] (Bedingfield 10)? This realization is what brings her out of her depression, concerning what she looks like, to the decision of embracing her appearance because she is beautiful no matter what society
  • 12. Gestational Crates Should Not Be On Factory Farms Gestational crates should not be on factory farms. Gestational crates limit the pigs movement so much that the mothers are stuck on there sides when there are pregnant and can not move to eat or go to the bathroom. Gestational crates should not be on factory farming. In this essay I will talk about how gestational crates abuse the pigs that are put in them, how the mother pigs are treated on these farms and how free range farming is better for the animals. I think that gestational crates should not be on factory farms. I think that gestational crates should not be on factory farms. I think this because it is not good for the pregnant mother pigs because they can t get off their sides and have to sit in their own feces. They also can t get
  • 13. Applying The 4 + 1 View With Uml Applying the 4 + 1 View with UML 2 Summary The (UML) Unified Modeling Language is a general purpose modeling language in the field of software application design, which is developed to supply a conventional means to envision the design of a system. It was produced and created by James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson and Grady Booch at Rational Software during 1994 95 with additional advancement led by them with 1996. In 1997 it was embraced as a basic by the (OMG) Object Management Group, and has actually been handled by this company since. In 2000 the Unified Modeling Language was likewise approved by the (ISO) International Organization for Standardization as an authorized ISO specification. Ever since it has actually been regularly modified ... Show more content on ... The timeline reveals the highlights of the past of object oriented modeling techniques and symbols. It is initially based upon the notations of the Booch approach, the (OMT) Object modeling method and (OOSE) Object oriented software engineering, which it has actually incorporated into a solitary language. UML 2. X Apparently, the UML 2.0 significant modification switched out version 1.5 in 2005, which was created by a bigger consortium to boost the language further to mirror brand new experience on the use of its attributes. Even if UML 2.1 was never ever launched as an official requirement, versions 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 showed up in 2007, adhered to by UML 2.2 in February 2009. UML 2.3 was officially launched in May 2010. UML 2.4.1 was officially released in August 2011. UML 2.5 was launched in October 2012 as a Present version and has yet to come to be formally launched. There are 4 parts of the UML 2. X spec:. The Facilities that define the core meta model on which the Superstructure is based The (OCL) Object Constraint Language for specifying guidelines for model aspects The UML Layout Interchange that specifies exactly how UML 2 diagram formats are exchanged The Superstructure that specifies the symbols and semiotics for diagrams and their design components The existing versions of these criteria comply with UML Superstructure
  • 14. Michelle Obama Speech Analysis First Lady, Michelle Obama, in her speech, Remarks By The First Lady At The Democratic National Convention, expresses her thoughts and opinions on the candidates up for the Presidential elections. Obama s purpose is to entice the audience watching all around the world to vote for Hillary Clinton because she believes she is more liable to be President. She communicates her speech with solemnity to convince her audience that voting for Hillary is the best option for the U.S. Obama begins to discuss who will be able to do what s best for the children of the United Statesand their futures to become virtuous children that will represent them in the future. She appeals to the fondness emotions that the audience has towards their children by expressing how kids who look to us , as role models to determine who and what they can be. This makes the audience feel the need to protect their beloved children because they love their children and the audience wants what is best for their children. Therefore Michelle Obama is able to convey the audience to vote for Hillary because she also has children and the audience knows she wants what is best for her daughters so that gains her trustworthiness from the audience. Without connecting with the audience and sharing the same emotions, Michelle Obama would not have been able to acquire the trust she needed from the audience in order to help Hillary with the votes for her Presidential Election. Throughout her speech, Obama establishes
  • 15. Destruction Of Innocence Isn t it crazy how growing up works? Every child is born innocent, yet how they choose to lose it, is dependent on what choices they make in life, and others choices. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper E. Lee, Jem and Scout symbolically represent the mockingbird by illustrating that innocence is often destroyed at the hands of others experience. Jem had a particular way of destroying his innocence. Although To Kill a Mockingbird was primarily about racism and bigotry, Jem experienced backlash and hatred even from kids he knew. One clear example of this new experience, is when Jem barked, My sister ain t dirty, and I ain t scared of you (Lee 78). Jem is still a young child, and many people seem to forget that. Jem experienced a lot for being ... Show more content on ... Adults were often the reason for Scouts destroyed innocence, and even some of her childhood. People would say things that scout recognized as bad. As she was with her family, she said A nigger lover. I ain t very sure what it means, but the way francis said it... (Lee 86), while referring to Francis. A mockingbird is someone who is realizing the world as a destruction of innocence. In this case, she does not know what a nigger is, but she knows that it is wrong. Her innocence is starting to leave, like the true mockingbird she is. Even if it is at the beginning of her life. Innocence can also be portrayed through an understanding of social justice. It is a main theme in the book, but scout is starting to understand this more and more. The Tom Robinson case was no different with social justice, and the issues that were present. When told that there were four different types of people, she questioned I told Jem if that was so, then why didn t Tom s jury made up of folks like the cunninghams, acquit Tom like the Ewells? Jem waved my question away as being infantile. (Lee 226). People were questioning Scout as she gained a clear understanding of problems with social justice. A mockingbird is a very smart bird, as Scout is a very smart girl. Through her destruction of innocence she is starting to realize that the world isn t as fair, or as true as she thought. Others decisions have helped her gain an understanding of the world and with that, her lost innocence. Scout being very smart does not help with her depleting innocence, but others decisions are making it worse and worse, and she knows too much for a little
  • 16. Cnn s Theory Of News Values News reporting in the UK can best be understood through the theory of news values News values are a set of theories that look to explain the reasons for stories appearing in the media. News values are general guidelines or criteria used by media outlets to determine how much prominence to give to a story (Spencer Thomas, 2013). The new values theories aim to explain why decisions are made to prioritise certain stories. A hard newsstory carries information in order of news value (Keeble, 2014), which explains why certain stories have much more coverage than others. Richard Keeble and Galtung and Ruge attempt to explain news values in their theories. Galtung and Ruge s theory of news values includes: negativity, proximity,... Show more content on ... Also, the use of news values is supported by the target audience of a publication as the readership of the publication proves what news values make up their stories. For example, a newspaper such as The Sun may print stories about celebrity scandals and trends, which is highlighted in Keeble s theory of news values which includes human interest (sex and celebrities), fashion and sport. On the other hand, it could be said that news values are weak in helping us to understand news reporting. The news values theories appear to omit certain factors such as the brand image, target audience, the influence of ownership and social prejudice when considering the stories that publications prioritise. These factors could be seen as important news values, if they were included in the theories. Also, publications may choose to print stories not because of what they deem to be newsworthy, but because of partiality and bias. This is media gate keeping, whereby the press decides which information will go forward, and which will not (Lewin, 1943). They publish what they want readers to see. This could relate to political bias, whereby a publication prints positive stories that favour the political party that they support and prints negative stories about the political party that opposes the one that they support. News values can be used to understand the media
  • 17. British Broadcasting Research Paper The British Broadcasting Corporation is synonymous with British culture and is one of the most beloved broadcasting corporations in the world today. Founded in 1922 by Scottish engineer John Reith, the BBC s philosophy has remained the same throughout almost a century. John Reith was the BBC s general manager when it was created in 1922 and its director general in 1927 when it became a public corporation ( John Reith. ). Reith felt as he had a duty to improve England. He believed that broadcastingshould be held to the highest standards and guided by responsibility. He wished for the BBCto represent the very best of human knowledge, effort and accomplishment (Great Thinkers: Culture Wars). With these goals in mind, he set out to inform, educate,... Show more content on ... The BBC took a number of steps to comfort the public. During the war, the BBC s hours increased exponentially along with staff numbers. By 1946, the BBC staff had more than doubled (Cain 42 43). In mid 1940, the BBC s news readers started identifying themselves so listeners could be certain they were hearing BBC news. Yorkshireman Wilfred Pickles became a legendary reporter with his distinctive northern accent ( 1940s. ) Not even the headquarters of the BBC was spared during the vicious war. On October 15th, 1941, a German bomb hit the Broadcasting House. Seven people died in the blast. Bruce Belfage, who was reading the nine o clock news at the time, continued as if nothing had occurred, despite being covered in grime. ( 1940s. ) In 1941, the BBC also started its V for Victory campaign. V stood for victory in English, French, and Flemish. Audience members were asked to write Vs everywhere they could to represent victory for Allied forces. Unfortunately, Germany used the V for Victory against Britain to represent an ancient German war cry, Viktoria . The BBC campaign was dismantled in 1942, yet still remains iconic in the war ( 1940s. ). The BBC served as a ray of hope to many listeners. It united the public in their sorrow for the war and boosted public morale. The BBC brought many people together in their anticipation for warfront news.The BBC is believed to have been a critical factor in raising the morale of
  • 18. Juxtaposition Of Power In Macbeth The tragedy, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare details Macbeth s expeditious rise and looming fall from power through his several wrongdoings and dark crimes across the play. Power as seen in Macbeth pushes the plot towards the downfall of the protagonist and often creates an image of struggle, whether it be portrayed internally or between characters. The juxtaposition of power and womanhood, uncommon for it s time, used to emasculate Macbethshows the peculiarity of his path to the throne, while he grapples with the results of his actions motivated by the hunger for power. Shakespeare uses the idea of status and recurring power struggles between characters in Macbeth to present a warning of the subsequent results of gaining power and shows the change of character Macbeth has through his acquiring of power. The struggle for power is encountered through the interactions between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. When initially introduced to the character of Lady Macbeth, she reads a letter addressed to her from Macbeth in which he states his plans to kill King Duncan and assume the throne. Lady Macbeth responds with a speech signifying her agreeance and calls for the strength to carry on with the plan: Come, you spirits/ That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,/ And fill me from the crown to the top full/ of direst cruelty (1.5.47 50). Here, she is denouncing her femininity to take on a more masculine role and to be filled with nothing but motivation for the cruel crime. Shakespeare uses this scene to foreshadow the event in which the crime will be committed. While Macbeth begins to have second thoughts and uneasiness towards the situation, Lady Macbeth tells him: What beast was t,/ then, / That made you break this enterprise to me?/ When you durst do it, then you were a man;/ And to be more than what you were, you would/ Be so much more the man (1.7.53 58). Lady Macbeth is emasculating her husband her by questioning his ability to be a man and how he hesitates to make the move towards power while she is confident in her decision. Shakespeare makes a choice to have a woman be the one to urge the death of Duncan to show the reversal of gender roles and to expose Lady Macbeth s character. The playwright
  • 19. Financial Aid Challenges The biggest challenge that I have encountered thus far in my life is the process of acquiring funds needed to fulfill my lifetime dream of becoming a pediatrician. I recently read an article on which was entitled Too poor to pay for college, too rich for financial aid . I am in the same situation in that according to the financial aid guidelines my estimated family contribution automatically places me in the category of students believed to not have a need for financial aid. On paper it would seem that my parents are wealthy but in reality after paying car notes , insurance, utilities, mortgage (which is more than the current value) credit cards and taking care of my grandparents who lives outside of the US they barely manage
  • 20. Essay Miracles Miracles From the Latin word miraculum meaning object of wonder enters the word miracle. Many definitions have been formed for the notion of a miracle but most would agree that it is most commonly an unexplainable extraordinary event, inspiring awe and wonder unto its witnesses. Similar definitions state that it is a supernatural event, contrary to the established constitution and course of things or a deviation from the known laws of nature. The term a priori refers primarily to the basis on which a proposition is known. If a statement has been written a priori it has been made without prior ... Show more content on ... However, Hume s second argument puts forward, why many people will support a miracle claim, the passion of surprise and wonder, arising from miracles being an agreeable emotion gives a sensible tendency towards the belief of those events from which it is derived. Furthermore, Hume explains that even those who did not enjoy that pleasure first hand yet love to partake of the satisfaction .... And place a pride and delight in exciting the admiration of others. Hume s statement suggests many people will have a natural tendency to suspend their reasoning when testifying to a miracle because of the emotional effect it has on them. Hume describes natural laws as having been established by firm and unalterable experience . What is thought to be a miracle may be in fact a part of the world and part of the laws that we do not fully understand yet. Derived from the scientific understanding of the 18th century and the world, natural law was meant to reflect the perfection of God, therefore it could not be broken. Conversely similar to miracles natural law is left open to interpretation. Locke suggested that trust
  • 21. Active Tips For Active Tags Active tags Active tags require the most power because they can initiate communication to other tags or a reader device. They have a greater range of operation and have been applied to asset control and tracking livestock because of the greater range active tags allow (Weis, 2007, p. 10). Therefore, active tags require more maintenance, but they can broaden the scope in how RFID systems can be used. Some active tags can be equipped with an acceleration sensor that can determine when the tag begins accelerating and then transmit a signal to the reader. One example that this can be useful for is in shipping container transportation. Shipping containers can be lost at sea after falling off a ship and traditional RF technology may not be able to detect it in time. However, active tag RFID systems with an acceleration sensor can notify the system when the container begins falling, making it possible to recover (Weis, 2007, p. 10). Figure 3, below, shows the different characteristics of active and passive tags. Figure 3: Characteristics of active and passive tags (Ahsan, 2010, p. 3). The memory chip, which is embedded in a silicon chip, can be adjusted or not adjusted based on its read/write characteristics (Ahsan, 2010). How that information is stored or accessible is defined by those characteristics. There are three types of tag read/write characteristics: read only, write once, and read write. Read only tags cannot be changed or erased after their identification data has
  • 22. The Joy Luck Club Meaning Introduction: The title of the book is The Joy Luck Club, which Amy Tan wrote. The two main places that the story takes place in are China and San Francisco. However, there are several different years in which the story takes place. Some include 1918, 1923, and multiple undisclosed years. The story is told in first person with viewpoints from many different characters. Body: The title of the book relates to the story because the Joy Luck Club is the name of the gathering of Chinese Americans that Suyuan Woo started. As a child, Ying Ying was a restless rebel who yearned for freedom; however, when she becomes an adult she becomes passive. She lets her American husband make all the decisions. Lindo Jong is a bitter strong willed woman who fears she has assimilated too much. By her mother, An Mei was taught to conceal her pain, and even though ... Show more content on ... From this book, we can learn that we can control our destiny. One important quote is, And I am sitting at my mother s place at the mah jong table, on the East, where things begin, (Tan 41). It is important because it shows that Jing Mei is ready to meet her half sisters. Another one is, [The candle] fluttered a little [...] but still both ends burned strong. [I...] blew out my husband s end of the candle, (Tan 60). This is important because it shows that Lindo Jong wants to change her destiny. Another important quote is, In America I will have a daughter just like me. But over there nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her husband s belch, (Tan 17). This is important because it shows that the woman wanted to change the destiny of her and her daughter. Overall, in the book, I enjoyed learning about Chinese culture with the mah jong and the candle being burned to see if a marriage will last. However, I could not fully understand the stories because I was not familiar with things like mah jong and the elements inside
  • 23. Gertrude Feminism In Hamlet Linette Martir Ms. Given Honors English 21 December 2017 Queen Gertrude and Ophelia as Servants in a Royal Castle of Males We need everyone to be a feminist. Feminism is the fight for the equality of sexes, not for the domination of one sex over another (Vallaud Belkacem). Literary theories are lenses through which one can see in literature. An example of a literary theory is the feminist theory, which is created to enlighten others on social problem that are ignored or misinterpreted. Feminism existed since the 1500 s but the theory was created in the 1900 s. Due to the creation of the feminist theory, an audience can look through the feminist lens when reading a book or even watching a movie. This allows an audience to detect how women are portrayed or treated. Throughout the play Hamletby William Shakespeare, Gertrudeand Ophelia are unimportant to the plot. They are not only unimportant, they are also mistreated. Examining through the feminist lens in the 16th century, William Shakespeare reveals the way in which women are mistreated by men in Hamlet utilizing Gertrude and Ophelia as victims. With that in mind, the male roles in Hamlet are dominant because women are lower than men. Both Hamlet and Polonius mistreat Gertrude and Ophelia as if it is normal. The reason Shakespeare normalizes their controllable ways, is because during the time period Hamlet takes place mistreating women was not unusual. Since it is normal, Polonius and Hamlet treat the women poorly without realizing they are incorrect. Shakespeare realized this was an issue so he decided to expose the problem through his writing. Ironically, Gertrude is the Queen and the mother of Hamlet, but that does not stop him from having control over her. To explain further, in Gertrude s bedroom Hamlet disrespects his mother greatly by making her feel guilty for her choices. He believes ...Gertrude is a moral self who must be brought to account for her sins and must work through the same confrontation of guilt as every other member... (Montgomery 102). As Hamlet s mother, Gertrude should have power over him and have the strong voice that can stop him. Instead Hamlet controls Gertrude and demands her to do things such as never to let the bloat King
  • 24. Biological Compounds Of Marine Organisms Essay Biologically active compounds found in marine organisms have been extremely useful when combating again human immunodeficiency virus. One compound in particular which is found in sponges, Papuamide A, has been reported to have cytoprotective activity against HIV 1 in vitro. There are many other representatives that can be found in the same class as Papuamide A; however, due to the slight change in their structure, the way they effect HIVis different. Papuamide A exhibits a potent inhibitory effect on the infection of T Lymphoblastoid cells by HIV and has been able to combat against drug resistant HIV strains. Introduction. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV 1) has infected over 33.2 million people world wide to date [9]. There is a plethora of new and upcoming drugs that are being used to combat against human immunodeficiency virus. Although effective, the drugs that are being used to combat against HIV 1 have also been known to cause resistance, adverse effects and toxicity to the mitochondria [3]. HIV 1 is a retrovirus that belongs to a subfamily of retroviruses called lentiviruses [8]. HIV 1 causes a slow depletion of the immune system and is considered a slow degenerative disease. New drugs that combat against HIV 1 entering into different cells has raised interest due to the fact that these new drugs are able to work against drug resistant viruses that can infect the cell. Glycoprotein 120 (gp 120) is necessary for virus entry into human cells. Gp 120 has a
  • 25. Pakist The United States And United Kingdom Of Asia Essay Pakistan matters because this country is the corridor between the Eastern Asia and the Middle East. It is one of the six declared nuclear weapon state with one of the largest armies in the world. Pakistan is important because it has been part of five declared wars in the past sixty years with it s neighbouring country, India. The country is also at war with few of the most dangerous terrorist groups of the world like Al Qaeda, Talibans, etc. It is one of the main allies of United States and United Kingdom of Asia. Pakistanis one of the most complex democracy of the world. It s different ethnicities, languages and regions makes it one of the most diverse nations in the world. The country was founded on the Westminster model, but the government has been overthrown by military leaders three times since Pakistan s creation. That makes it function differently from Britain. Many dismissed the Pakistani economy for years because of it s poor frugality and government functionality. It has constantly faced a rapid economic fall in the past few years, forcing the world to pay attention. Impacts from the Past Pakistan is a very old collection of cultures but it is a newborn nation. Throughout the history, most of the time it was not one country. It has been part of many empires and civilization. As of Egypt and Mesopotamia, the earliest known civilization in Pakistan also began along the river. From 2500 to 1600 BC, the Harappan culture thrived in the southern part of Pakistan on
  • 26. Bipolar Disorder ( Bipolar ) Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day to day tasks (National Institutes of Health, Bipolar Disorder). Bipolar disorder symptoms can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide (National Institutes of Health, Bipolar Disorder). Doctors diagnose bipolar disorder using guidelines from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM); to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the symptoms must be a major change from your normal mood or behavior (National Institutes of Health, Bipolar Disorder in Adults). There are four basic types of bipolar disorder: Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (BP NOS), and Cyclothymic Disorder, or Cyclothymia. Understanding Adult Bipolar Disorder (BD) Part II In a question and answer on the Myths and Realities about Bipolar Disorder Dr. Youngstrom a professor of psychology/psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and acting director of the Center of Excellence for Research and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder says, bipolar disorder is about a third as common as depression and less than half as common as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in youths, but about twice as common as autistic spectrum disorders (Youngstrom, 2012). In the United States about three percent or about five point seven
  • 27. The Essence Of Sex And Yoga Everybody s interested in sex. Whether it s to get pregnant, who s doing it and with whom, or how often is normal? We wonder what we should wear, or how much hair to remove to get more of it, or even how to market it? It s in our face in some way, often subliminally, and frequently in a distorted way every day. Men and women obviously have differing sexual needs, (not necessarily sex drives guys!), and this often leads to conflict. Conflict is the antithesis of yoga, yet within conflict there is always opportunity for unity. This is where yoga comes into play. Sex and yoga is about harmony, about bringing balance into the equation so both sexes feel healthy, nourished and appreciated, free from all the usual repercussions or associated pressures. In my opinion the essence of sex is as a pathway to spiritual transformation and lasting physical well being. Basically yoga makes you feel good. It gets the blood pumping. It gets the hormones flushing through the body. It gives your skin a healthy youthful glow. It generates heat and stimulation from the inside out. It gives you energy, and that s sexy. Sex and yoga are more intimately connected than we think. Sex feels good. Good sex with someone we love opens our hearts, makes us smile and relieves tension. Sex is about relationship, connection, intimacy, love and creative expression. At their best sex and yoga are about union, truth and love. To reveal those things in your life, your yoga practice, and your sex life
  • 28. Differences Between Nature Vs Nurture Essay Throughout this paper, we will be comparing similarities and differences between our seven members based on the Big Five Inventory test results to our Zodiac sign attributes. Each member of Psychology 101 Group 14 was required to take the OCEAN Big Personality Quiz, and then compare the results to the other members of the team. Then after looking at the results individual members compared their scores to their Zodiac signs to see if they could identify similarities. To begin, while looking at our comparatives scores of the OCEAN Big 5 Personality quizzes, we found that a few group members were similar, although there was many differences in the group too. For example, Gabe and Damon were similar in Openness, with a score of 41 and 35 respectively. On the other hand, Socoro and Vivianna were outliers in the group, with Vivianna having a score of 5, and Socoro with a score of 59. We believe while the scores are closely related, our reasons for being close together in Openness value more shows the debate between nature vs nurture. Gabe s belief on being in the 35th percentile is how he was raised throughout his family environment similar to Kaitlyn in the 41st percentile, while Damon s belief for being in the 41st percentile was more so being born into the statistic rather than recalling any events that contributed to his score. Rachael scored in the 16th percentile, which indicates a preference of a more regular schedule. She believes that this is because of how she
  • 29. Mistreatment And Endangerment In Harrison Bergeron By Kurt... In the short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, the author reminds us how government limits the powers of the people. Vonnegut s portrayal of mistreatment and endangerment is satirical. Today, mistreatment in the government is still continuous in countries like Russia and North Korea. These are countries that have relatively up to date technology, but they are run by tyrants. In 2006, a reporter by the name of Alexander Litvinenko suffered a fatal dose of polonium 210, ( Putin implicated in fatal poisoning of former KGB officer at London hotel. The Washington Post), which was believed that it came from a direct order of President Vladimir Putin of Russia. Having worked in counterВintelligence for the KGB and its successor, the FSB, Litvinenko was fired in 1998 after holding a news conference in which he was sharply critical of the agency and, by implication, its then director: Putin. He defected to Britain two years later and spent years on the payroll of its main foreign intelligence agency, MI6. Litvinenko also assisted Spanish intelligence agencies with their investigations into Russian crime networks. In addition to his covert work, Litvinenko was a prolific writer, publishing books and articles that were unsparing in their criticism of Russia s security services generally and of Putin in particular. One article even accused the Russian president of pedophilia. Litvinenko had become a British citizen just weeks before his death, a move that he had told
  • 30. Notes On On Land And Water By Kyle Dean Terrestrialization on Land or in Water By Kyle Dean Intro. The movement to land by plants has been a point of great interest for many researchers. The complexity of the situation is in the characterization of those traits that were most essential to the viability on land, and whether those traits developed prior to terrestrialization or post terrestrialization. This complexity stems from the long branch of phylogeny leading to terrestrialization having an incomplete fossil record due to environmental changes throughout time. The gold standard hypothesis on terrestrialization introduced by Bower is accepted in the scientific community as the explanation for terrestrial plant diversification of plant orders and families. Bower s hypothesis articulates, that the evolution of antithetic alternating life cycles was instrumental in adapting to the terrestrial habitat. (Harholt et al., 2016) In other words the development of the free living sporophyte and gametophyte was critical to a plants ability to live on land. This information if taken only to mean the diversification of land plant orders and families is accepted by most without question, for the alternating life cycle is imperative to suitability of land plants; however, if Bower intended for his hypothesis to be inclusive of the primordial terrestrialization then his hypothesis has encountered some criticism. Stebbins and Hill in 1980 conducted research that concluded with the premise that unicellular charophytes invaded
  • 31. Questions On The Global Economy Essay Running H ead: Exchange Rates MNCs 1 Excha nge Rate Stability and Multinational Companies Patten University Professor Wade MBA 630 The Global Economy RJO Unit 6 Essay Assignment Running Head: Exchange Rates MNCs 2 When we take a neophyte view of m ultinational companies, it is often tainted by media stories of behemoth organizations than plunder the world in search of selfish destructive profit motives that produce investment returns for greedy board members, managers and investors. Rarely does our news on the fly (even business news), report the complexity of operating as a multinational company, and how tenuous it may be to stay operational. Correctly reported may be the risky nature of the financial markets, and the fact that they are still unstab le 7 years after the 07 08 crash and recession start; however, what is not correctly reported is how billions of dollars of foreign direct and portfolio investments are impacted both near and long term. The impact of exchange rates can be very simply look ed at through the blue green tint of a bottle of Coca Cola Classic in Mexico. If one year ago the Mexican consumer could buy a $1.00US bottle of Coke for 4 pesos, and today must pay 7 pesos for the same $1.00US bottle of Coke, then the peso has depreciated in terms of the dollar and the Mexican consumer can now only afford to buy 1 bottle of Coke for every 7 pesos as compared to almost 2 bottles of Coke for every 7 pesos a year ago. Does that purchase of a bottle of
  • 32. Essential Oils Essay Here are a few simple ways to prevent health issues for your dog. Essential oils products made by Young Living are natural ways to promote health, naturally prevent pests, and help stop tooth decay. Please keep in mind the not all essential oil brands are processed to the standards of Young Living and if you use other brands you may not receive the benefits and may be causing harm to your pet. I am a dog breeder and able to test essential oils then view the results. I have attended many classes, read numerous books, listened to countless podcasts on essential oils. I have had the pleasure to speak with a few holistic vets who use essential oils. I tried out suggested applications and discover first hand, if the remedies are good solutions. ... Show more content on ... Dr. Melissa Shelton, DVM told me about a dog that was a last chance candidate with an eye issue. She used lavender mixed with water and was having success resolving the eye issue. I mixed a solution of 8 drops lavender to 8 ounce steamed distilled water and a packet of sodium chloride/sodium bicarbonate usp grade. The packet is ВЅ of a teaspoon. Sodium chloride/sodium bicarbonate usp grade can be purchased at Walgreen s or online; it s used for the neti pot sinus rinse. It is an emulsifier and keeps the solution from separating since oil and water do not mix. The solution must be shaken each time before use if you don t use an emulsifier. The mix is similar to eye wash solutions used for humans. Put the mixture in a glass spray bottle. Spray the solution 2 3 times in the effected eye once per day and watch the healing begin. Curly, our English Springer s eye was extremely large from a hunting accident that occurred in 2006 at the age of 8 years old. The eye was getting larger and looked like it was about to burst. I was sure he would need surgery and might lose his eye. I started using the solution and his eye returned back to normal size and the cataract is becoming smaller. That s
  • 33. Hunter The Gator Research Paper 21. Hunter the Gator Make your little ones bath time a fun with this Hunter the Gator. It is a soft cuddly animal friend with built in finger pockets to secure scrubbing and a clever opening for liquid or bar soap. It is machine washable with warm water and tumble dry low.Size dimensions: 9 inch W x 3 inch HAntimicrobialSuitable for ages 0 and above 22. Harper the Hippo Harper the Hippo is a soft cuddly animal friend that can make your little ones bath a fun. It has built in finger pocket for secure scrubbing and a clever opening for liquid or bar soap. It is made from polyester/sponge.Size dimensions: 9 inch W x 3 inch HAntimicrobialSuitable for ages 0 and above 23. Tank the Shark This cute little Tank the Shark is a soft and cuddly animal... Show more content on ... It has shoulder straps and topped with a pop of pattern and zipper closure. It has various zipper pocket on the back as well as in its interior.Size dimensions: 5.5 inch W x 10.25 inch LGenuine leather with signature linen accents 29. Ellis Square Island Tote A part of Spartina s Passage to Savannah collection, the Ellis Square Island Tote is inspired by legendary historic squares. This mid size Island Tote is an everyday bag that features various zipper pockets, beautiful hanging leather tassel and a golden logo.Size dimensions: 9.75 inch L x 13.5 inch WLeather tassel and double tassel accent 30. Jetsetter Tote Jetsetter Tote will be your favorite everyday companion as it has various features such as adjustable side straps to adjust the bag size, spacious interior, various zipper pockets, beautifully crafted hook, signature mermaid accent finish and much more.Size dimensions: 11 inch H x 19 inch WSignature linen with signature leather accents 31. Ellis Square Large Wristlet A part of Spartina s Passage Savannah collection, the Ellis Square Large Wristlet is inspired by legendary notables and historic squares. It has large top zipper compartment and extra front zipper pocket so that you can have everything at your wrist.Size dimensions: 9 inch L x 5.5 inch WLinen interior and leather
  • 34. Questions On Google s Article On Online Auction And... Get Your Hands on Some Money: Best 5 Ways to Make More Money for Yourself Online By Daniel Pfirman | Submitted On May 04, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest #1 eBay Selling The first way to make more money online is to sell items on the site eBay. eBay is an online auction and shopping website that allows you to sell your own household items online for a profit or buy a product from the site and then resell it for a greater profit. It is probably the biggest and most popular of this type of websites throughout the entire Internet. A good aspect of this money making plan is that it is easy to sell products on the site. There are some cons associated with this way of earning though. Such as the fees correlated with the selling a product, there is more than one. Another issue is that it is not easy and a lot of work for sometimes less than satisfactory outcome. Along with all this it can be quite difficult to determine the right niche for your products in order to beat the heavy competition involved with whatever it might be. All that said, there is money to be made. #2 Sell Your Own and Other Services The next method of earning an online income is either selling someone
  • 35. Examples Of Atticus Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Finch: Wise and Experienced Harper Lee s To Kill a Mockingbird tells of a town in Alabama, called Maycomb. In this deeply rooted racist town, there is a trial against an African American man, accused of raping a white woman. One man, however, Atticus Finch, has the opportunity to help the the man on trial. Although he knows he will lose the trial, he takes the case anyway. Atticus is respected in Maycomb, and known for his wisdom and experience. He is a good hearted, egalitarian man who is always there and willing to provide guidance to his children and to the town of Maycomb, with his years of practice and experience. Atticus uses logic and wisdom to prove his points, along with facts; he knows a great deal of information, but never flaunts his knowledge, instead using it to help people. Harper Lee portrays Atticus as experienced in everything he does, having him explain and teach his life lessons. Lee starts to show Atticus experience early on in the book, and it is clear that Atticus has learned a lot throughout his lifetime. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb in his skin and walk around in it. (39) Here, Harper Lee continues to achieve the theme of Atticus experience. Atticus may have learned this lesson from a past issue or event, however his background is not discussed in the Olson 2 book. He wants his children to realize that others have their own point of view and their choices
  • 36. Six Persuasion Principles Running Head: SIX PRINCIPLES OF PERSUASION1 Six Principles of Persuasion Student University of the People SIX PRINCIPLES OF PERSUASION2 This paper is an examination of the six principles of persuasion. Each rule is explored to reveal a greater clarity of the concepts and to increase their integration into real life circumstances. My own personal experience is documented and analyzed to determine ways in which the persuasion principles were applied (McLean, 2010). Reciprocity Reciprocity involves the common desire to trade of something of worth or provide some type of assistance. The people involved should treat each other with dignity. If someone displays kindness or grants help, then the receiver should be courteous ... Show more content on ... I work with another volunteer and we often get into discussions about the length of our messages. I like to be short and concise and she likes to speak about everything our organization provides even when it takes a while. She often challenges me because continue to be brief and allow her to go as long and she desires. If we are asked to speak for fifteen minutes, I will speak for five minutes and let her speak for ten minutes. My behavior has begun to bother her so we had several discussions. My ultimate desire was to persuade her to shorten her talk because she would begin to lose her audience. I wanted to convince her to transform her approach in order for her message to get a better reception. She wants to know why I allow her to speak for the longest amount of time. Our many discussions include opportunities for me to talk about my perception of the audience. Based on research, college studies and legislative occasions I explained that people seem to tune out after three minutes unless the subject is pretty engaging. Eventually my co volunteer began to shorten her talks and participate in more one on one conversations after the program came to a
  • 37. A True War Story In Tim OBrien s The Things They Carried Only the dead have seen the end of war unknown. In Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried, he tells us what a true war story is. Throughout chapter 7, he writes what he believes is a true war story. It s through evil, disbelief, embarrassment, and hidden meanings in Mary Anne s trip to Vietnam that we know what a true warstory is. The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong is a perfect example of a true war story. In a war, nothing ever hangs onto the good; it always grabs on to the evil. Rat Kiley said, At the girl s throat was a necklace of human tongues. Elongated and narrow, like pieces of blackened leather, the tongues were threaded along a length of copper wire, one tongue overlapping the next, the tips curled upward as if caught in a final shrill syllable (105 106). A young girl with a tongue necklace isn t the thing someone would expect to see from her. It s obscene behavior for a girl, especially in this time period. Many people eat animal tongues; it isn t seen as weird behavior, but Mary Anne wears them. The aspect of the human tongues makes it wicked and vile. O Brien wrote, And then one morning, all alone, Mary Anne walked off into the mountains and did not come back. No body was ever found (110). Mary Anne became one with Vietnam during the time she was there. Eventually she blended in with the landscape and felt at home with it. Not often do people hear stories of others just disappearing. It s insane to willingly walk out to the mountains in a foreign
  • 38. Genre Films Predictability and Formulaicity Essay Genre Films Predictability and Formulaicity This essay shall discuss whether Genre films are predictable and formulaic , looking at the Western genre, and using the example films of, The Searchers and Unforgiven . Genre is a fundamental means by which we communicate especially in storytelling. If looking at genre in terms of Thomas Shatz, he puts forward the theory of similarity and overlap. He adopts a thematic and ideological approach, which identifies only two genres; the genre of order and the genre of integration. In this case the Western would be categorised into the genre of order. This essay shall also look at how genre films change over time, due to changes in society, as characters ... Show more content on ... Within each of the films, the revenge narratives are both set around the female, as in The searchers , Ethan and Martin aim to save the young girl Debbie, and in Unforgiven , Will, Ned and the Schofield Kid aim to get revenge for the female prostitutes, this therefore shows how genre could be seen to predictable and formulaic as these two western films show how they both follow similar structures and narratives. The theorists Propp and Todorov have focused on the similarity in narrative across different genres. They suggest that genres that are different from one another in terms of visual, verbal and musical signifiers operate according to the same narrative structures. Propp puts forward the story functions of hero, villain and donor etc, and Todorov puts forward the equilibrium narrative theory. These two theorists therefore show, how genre could be seen to be predictable and formulaic, as both of their theories can be applies to The Searchers and Unforgiven , and they also believe they can be applied to many other genres and films. The characters within The Searchers fit into Propps story function as it is shown that, Ethan is the main hero within the film, Martin is the main helper throughout the film and Debbie is seen as the princess who needs to be saved. The same story function can
  • 39. Fort Sumter Essay Introduction: On the twelfth of April 1861, Union troops had just taken refuge in Fort Sumter under the cover of darkness. They were out number out gunned and running out of time. The newly formed Confederate States of America (CSA) had now occupied the five other military installations within the Garrison. At 0430, the first shot of the American Civil Warrang out and Fort Sumter was fast under the barrage that the surrounding garrison forts occupied by the confederate forces (sumter). Major Anderson was reluctant to return fire, as his previous orders were not to be the aggressor. The first shots returned in volley to the confederate forces was by a private under the Major Anderson, who raced up to the third story of Fort Sumter where the largest artillery guns were loaded and ready to fire. In following his lead, other soldiers in the fort also began firing on the confederate antagonists (Civil War Journal: Destiny of Fort Sumter, 1993). Thirty four hours later Major Anderson surrendered the fort over to General Beauregard without a single loss of life on either side of the battle. However, death was soon to befall the soldiers of Fort Sumter. Thesis: The complete lack of organized military and government intelligence solidified the abysmal start to the civil war. If the Union leadership during the Buchanan administration had anticipated the treachery of the southern officers and leaders within the federal government then they could have prevented the secession
  • 40. Case Study Of Airtel Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 TOPIC CHOSEN FOR STUDY A Study on Consumer Perception about Airtel Services Customer perception is defined as the way that customer usually view or feel about certain services and products. It can also be related to customer satisfaction which is the expectation of the customer towards the products. Customer satisfaction can be done based on various circumstances that can be linked either to product or services. It is also based on the satisfaction level of the management, customers, etc. by which it is able to increase the working conditions. Hence satisfaction is the customers feeling of pleasure or disappointment which he/she is able to express after being an Airtel customer. The Airtel services for the project includes the mobile services, 3G, 4G, Wi Fi. 1.2 NEED FOR THE STUDY The need for the study is to conduct a survey on the Airtel... Show more content on ... 3.1.2 Why Is Consumer Perception Important? пѓ Meeting the needs of consumers is the underlying rationale for the existence of community service organization. Customers have a right to quality services that deliver outcomes. пѓ Organization that strive beyond minimum standards exceed the expectations of their consumers are likely to be leaders in their sector. пѓ Consumers are recognized as key partners in shaping service developments and assessing quality of service delivery. 3.1.3 Dynamics of Perception One can take an input throughout output approach to understand the dynamics of the perceptual process. This approach emphasis that there is input, which is processed and gives output. The stimuli in the environment subjects, events, or people can be considered as the perceptual inputs. Processes Defining Perceptual
  • 41. The Relationship Between Attention And Child Television... The Relationship between Learning, Attention, and Children Television Programs Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Specific Aims The specific objective of this study is to establish the relationship between attention and child television programs by improving on existing research. The study aims to focus on the impact of different types of television on the cognitive attention of children. Children s education and development are important topics, and parents always want to educate their children in the best possible way. Nowadays, children spend a lot of time watching television; however, most parents are not so confused about how to select television shows for their children. Naturally, they want their ... Show more content on ... Usually, there are two kinds of children television shows, live action shows and cartoons. There has emerged research, which argued that viewing television cartoons could have immediate negative effects on young children s cognitive function including self regulation and working memory (Lillard and Peterson, 2011). Therefore, watching cartoons is not a good idea to entertain children. There is increased concern that increased exposure to television has a negative impact on the cognitive development of a child. It has been linked to late language development and the development of attention disorders (Landhuis, Poulton, Welch Hancox, 2007). A majority of studies conducted on the impact of television have not compared different types of content. According to the CDC, the number of children getting ADHD is rising rapidly (CDC, 2015). Correspondingly, research has indicated that there is an increasing number of children watching cartoons such as SpongeBob , Bob s burgers and The Simpsons. Most of the parents are extremely worried about the impact of the content that their children watch on television because of warning from research findings. They are also worried about the children live action shows such as Kid Nation, Sesame Street and Teletubbies ? In our study, we are going to test if the live action
  • 42. How Does Temperature Affect The Breathing Rate Of Basketball During a game or competition, basketball players breathing rate increase and they breathe deeper. This is because muscles need oxygen to move and contract. When the basketball players shoot and running around the court with the ball, every muscles contract more rapidly than in the normal lifetime that in order for players to complete a movement. So muscles need more oxygento contract so more blood needs to travel to the muscles, and this is because oxygen carries by blood to every part of the body. The oxygen is contained in the air so in order to get enough oxygen the players need to breath in more and more air. Also as they breaths in more oxygen more carbon dioxide needs to be exhaled. So players breathing rate increases. As the basketball player starts to run around the court to pass the ball, their breathing rate begins to increase. The muscles have to take in more air with each breath to reach the high demand for oxygen in order to complete movement. So... Show more content on ... Blood comes from the heart. In order to reach the high demand for blood with oxygen, the heart pumps faster and faster in order to let enough blood come out into the body. So the basketball player s heart rate increases. This is because the working muscle needs more oxygen to contract. The more oxygenated blood the body can supply to working muscles, the greater intensity the basketball player can play the game However, the heart rate cannot keep at a fast rate for all the time. Eventually the players will feel tired and need to have a rest. So that s why the basketball game always has 2 minutes intermissions. Statistics show that an adult s average heart rate is 80 beats per minute and the average heart rate often a basketball player during peak intensity is 165 beats per minute. (from Oxygen breaks down lactic acid inside the muscles that cause the players to feel fatigue. So increase in heart rate will help the players to get rid of lactic acid
  • 43. Simulated Results And Analysis Of A Ver Of The System All rotated symbols are fed into a decision circuit and the squared distance |dk,b|2 to the closest constellation point is calculated in the complex plane: |d_(k,b) |^2=|Z_k e^(jП†_b ) X ^_(k,b) |^2(4.12) Where Xk,b is the decision of ZkejП†b. After the DSP compensation for the optical fiber linearities the signal is passed through the threshold detector (Decision) and at the QAM decoder to decode the original signal transmitted. The two QAM decoder for the X polarization and the Y polarization bit sequences are finally passed through the parallel to serial converter and the BERT (Bit Error Rate Test) to calculate the average BER of the system. The average BER calculated is used for the analysis of noise i.e the phase noise and ... Show more content on ... Further analysis of DP 16 QAM has been done in terms of average Bit error rate(BER) and optical signal to noise ratio(OSNR) in order to analyse the Phase noise and Gaussian noise. In the proposed design sweep iterations has been used in the optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) component and the BER TEST SET component. On using the feature of the simulator in order to make nested parameters, and thus obtaining the required average BER. With the higher order 16 QAM it is not easy to decide the filter to be used having minimum noise so graph have drawn between Average BER versus OSNR. The graph is taken before carrier phase estimation (CPE) in order to analyse the Phase Noise. The required graph for phase noise in terms of average BER for different filter types with varying filter order are drawn in Figure 4.7(a) (d). The graph is drawn between the average BER and OSNR which shows that with the increase in OSNR the BER decreases. In another way with the increase in noise the average bit error rate increases. There is a value fixed theoretically for each modulation technique above which OSNR cannot be permitted in the system. Figure 4.7(a) Butterworth filter 4th order before CPE Figure 4.7(b) Chebyshev filter 3rd order before CPE Figure 4.7(c) Bessel filter 3rd order before CPE Figure 4.7(d) Gaussian filter 3rd order before CPE Figure 4.7(a) (d) shows the graph drawn between average bit error rate and the
  • 44. HOSP 310 Week 5 Internet Exercises Essay Week 5 internet Exercises Chapter 11: Exercise #1 a) One of the trends that are occurring in the hotel industry is the increase in construction in certain pipelines and areas. The Spanish influenced countries of Latin America and South America are seeing the largest increase. The increased interest in the Hispanic culture by society is driving many consumers to want to escape to the sandy beaches and the tropical oasis. The other trend is the decrease in the African and the Middle Eastern Pipelines. Much of this can be contributed to the political unrest in these countries that is covered by the media. While many still want to go on vacations to their holy lands for religious purposes or visit many ancient areas of art and documented ... Show more content on ... The differences start with Starwood that offers very detailed as well as list and map views of the properties as well as photos of the individual properties. Host hotels have a place for news releases about information from within the company. The FelCor Lodge Trust is different as it lists the hotels that the company has on the market for sale. b) Starwood Target market is the well rounded and has a hotelfor every one and every amenity such as pets, conventions, and weddings so that the most diverse of people are collectively attracted to their properties both domestically and internationally. Host Hotels Target market is both for the wealthy and socially connected since names as the Four Seasons, Hilton, and Ritz Carlton are among the properties they own. The target market of the wealthy open likes to mix business trips with pleasure and their properties seem to be able to accommodate both. FelCor Lodging Trust Target Market is the vacationing family that wants to be centrally located in the city they are traveling to or visiting. Many of the properties are also located within the airport so they make it easy for family to not have to travel far from the airport for their accommodations. All of their properties are within the US except for one in Canada. c) Starwood Westin, Sheraton, Four Points by Sheraton, W Hotels, St Regis, The luxury
  • 45. The Battler by Ernest Hemingway Throughout life, the people that you may encounter and form relationships with will be the ones that shape who you are and ultimately influence your decisions, actions and personality. In The Battler by Ernest Hemingway, Nick Adams, a young man of roughly twenty years of age encounters an older gentleman named Ad Francis, a once famous boxer who claims to have gone crazy after his life as a fighter. Ad is accompanied by his best friend Bugs, a black man who accompanies him on his travels throughout the country and helps keep Ad in check. At one point, Bugs offers Nick and Ad some ham and eggs that he had just cooked on the fire, and asks for nick to cut the bread with his knife. At the sight of the blade Ad demands that Nick hand over the knife. In order to keep Nick out of any danger that might arise from a conflict with Ad, Bugs whacks Ad in the back of the head with a frying pan, rendering him immobile and unconscious, keeping Nick out of harms way. After Bugs knocks out Ad with the pan, he proceeds to make sure he did not hit him too hard, making sure his eyes can close and that he is still breathing. The strong, unassuming black man then goes on to explain why Ad is like the way he is, crazy and unpredictable in a way that is threatening to others. He also goes on about how after Ad left the ring, he got himself into some trouble on the streets, fighting whenever and wherever he found an opportunity, landing himself a cell in the local jail where he met Bugs
  • 46. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington Essay Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Mr. Smith was too naive to survive as a senator during the time the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington took place. Mr. Smith s naivetГ© was most evident in his ambitious proposal to start a national boys camp. However, when false allegations regarding Mr. Smith s motives for starting the camp surfaced, Smithwas too idealistic to defend himself from the political machine that accused him of acting in self interest. Making matters worse, SenatorSmith was a genuinely honest and simple minded man, making it difficult for him to survive among his scheming colleagues. Senator Smith clearly demonstrated his lack of government experience and overall ignorance of the Senate s character when he ambitiously ... Show more content on ... This docility and willingness to vote according to the older Senators was most likely caused by the new Senators fear of the political bosses. Mr. Smith, however, was sheltered from knowing that the political bosses even existed and, as a result, was not afraid to stand up for his beliefs. Mr. Taylor, a typical political boss of Smith s time, had extreme power in his state and was able to tilt the public opinion of Senator Smith. He did this through his control of the state media and connections within the government. Taylor concocted evidence with the help of his government connections alleging that Smith owned the property intended for the boy s camp and was only promoting the camp bill so that he could sell his own property to the government at a high price. Taylor then publicized these false accusations against Smith in the newspapers that he controlled, thus persuading public opinion and ultimately causing Smith to be accused of wrongdoing by a Senate committee. Throughout this entire entourage, Smith was too inexperienced and naive to stand up against Taylor s political machine and resorted instead to crying at the Lincoln Memorial. Smith only returned to the Senate after Saunders convinced him that he should fight for his rights. This situation ultimately proved once again that Senator Smith was too naive to be an effective Senator. Smith did not realize that the other Senators were inclined to believe the accusations against his character, and therefore,
  • 47. Biblical Allusion In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka The Metamorphosis is a novel written in 1912 by Franz Kafka. It takes place in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. This novel involves a man named Gregor who lives with his sister and parents. Gregor is the only one that has a job; therefore he is the only one that has a steady income. He provides everything for his family, and they take him for granted. One morning Gregor wakes up from his slumber to realize he has turned into a gigantic bug. Once his family discovers he is a revolting vermin they seem to disown him except for his sister Grete. By the end of the novel Grete s perspective toward Gregor changes and she decides it is time to get rid of him. At the end Gregor dies, but his family does not mourn his death; if anything they rejoice that he is gone. Throughout the novel Kafka slips in Biblical allusionhere and there such as the apple that is lodged into Gregor s back, also the comparisons made between Grete and Judas, and Gregor s sacrifice and the betrayal of his family. All these allusions help develop a deeper meaning and construct Gregor into a Christ like being. Probably the most noticeable biblical allusion Kafka uses in The Metamorphosisis the apple that is forced into Gregor s back by his father. At one point in the novel Gregor finds himself in the living room when his father comes home from work. His father, in an act to get Gregor back into his room, proceeds to firing multiple apples at him. One of the apples forces its way into Gregor s
  • 48. My Favorite Sfavorite Essay My 10 favoritefavorite, 10 Japanese movies 1. Seven Samurai, Akira Kurasawa, 1954 A classic Japanese samurai film directed by the famous Japanese director. A story about... I saw this movie for the first time when I was 13 years old. This movie is not just important to japanesejapans cinema, but it s important to the history of cinema in general. Seven7 Ssamurai wasere a watershedwater shed moment in cinema, creating severalserval still highly recognizable tropes still in use today. The most notable is the plot device of assembling a team of heroes to accomplish a goal. Thanks to Akira Kurasawa, we have movies like Tthe Magnificent Seven, Ocean s Eleven and The Avengers. 2. Godzilla (Gojira), IshirГґ Honda, 1954 The classic Japanese film ... Show more content on ... It is a classic story of a small force of highly skilled warriors who are vastly outnumbered and who do not expect to survive but know that they must give their lives for the good of their country. It has strong influences of the Kurasawa classic 7 samurai, the director said that he thought this is the movie Kurasawa would have made if he had the money and technology of today and wanted to make an all out action movie. 8. The Birth of Sake, Erik shirai, 2015 The Birth of Sake is a 2015 documentary film about the Yoshida Brewery, a 144 year old sake brewery in Ishikawa Prefecture. It follows the small group of brewers through the trials and tribulations in the almost secret world of making sake, an art that has existed for over 2,000 years. As a professional bartender, trained in craft cocktails, artisanal beer, and many other intricacies of the alcoholic arts I love this film, because it shows passion that goes into making the substance that has fueled society sense before recorded history. 9. Princess Mononoke, Hayao Miyazaki,
  • 49. Boundary Conflicts In Texas 1. How were boundary disputes over Oregon and Texas resolved? Why were the resolutions in the two cases so different? Upon Texas claiming independence from Mexico, there were disputes about what the new borders should be. The Texans believed that the border should be separated by the Rio Grande River. On the other hand, Mexicobelieved that the border should be based using the Nueces River. The border dispute did however end up in favor of Texasand the United States, as the dividing point turned out to be to the Rio Grande. Similarly, another territory that was in heavy dispute was Oregon. Both Britain and the United States claimed that the territory belonged to them. There were not able to come to an agreement about who had complete... Show more content on ... What was the issue at stake in Bleeding Kansas, and how did events in Kansas reflect the growing sectional division between the North and the South? The Kansas Nebraska act of 1854 allowed for Kansas to decide whether it should be a slave state or not. This would be determined by popular sovereignty, meaning that the majority on one particular side would be the ultimate decision. This caused an influx of people into Kansas to try and sway the decision of the state. There were both proslavery and antislavery citizens going to Kansas. As a result of this, there were massive conflicts that spread throughout Kansas. Many of these conflicts resulted in deaths on both sides of the argument. This showed the growing division among the North and South, and that they were willing to fight for what they believed in. These conflicts even spread to members of Congress, and outbreaks broke out within arguments. In my opinion, events such as Bleeding Kansas had negative effects on both sides of the slavery argument. It was however these same events that helped to build up to the Civil War that changed America forever. Ultimately the side of antislavery won, but they did take massive casualties as a result of the
  • 50. Blake s Style Of The Idyyger And The Tyger By William Blake William Blake, a revolutionary writer of his era, illustrates the differences between the innocent, kind, and ignorant childhood, to the corrupt, dark, and gothic adulthood that follows. Many of his pieces such as the The Tyger , The Lamb , are all written in Blake s style that convey many different messages than how the story was written. Each specific line in these misunderstood poems convey meanings that show the other side of the world, the side thats gloomy, dark, and corrupt. In his poems, Blake evaluates two totally different perspectives in the world and how people who view the world in one of these perspectives live. But the truly outstanding fact about Blake s style is the fact that he does not favor a perspective, he criticizes... Show more content on ... A time in his life where he vehemently complained about the Church, and any cultural traditions that included racism, sex, and other habits. Blake revolt against these ideals was due to the fact that he believed that passion and imagination can be limited by these things. On the other hand, Songs of Innocence always believed that no matter what, God was always by your side whenever a person truly needed him. Idyllic poems of this nature tend to have a specific theme overall, they are positive, optimistic, and very happy when a reader begins to analyze the poetry. The poem The Tyger is often compared to his other work that contradict each other, The Lamb . The logic behind this poem is that the almighty creator creates animals that are cute, soft, and gentle. This in every way, goes against The Tyger when God is said to create a vicious and cruel animal such as a tiger. Just as The Little Boy Found , another piece by Blake, a sense of happiness and comfort is felt when reading this poem, this was also not present when reading The Tyger . Blake was known to be a great artist. Throughout his poems, he would add illustrations for tigers, and lambs that can shift the true meaning of the poem. In The Tyger , the tiger was illustrated in a way that made this ferocious animal seem harmless. As we know tigers, they are able to kill anyone they lay their hands on. As for most people in the radical era, tiger sighting was a rare scene. His use of imagery forces people into imagining an animal that is deadly, ferocious and nothing like the illustrations
  • 51. My Favorite Poem By Carol Ann Duffy Essay Together with four classmates in my English class, I created an anthology of five poems. The theme of our anthology was based on love. We chose love because we thought it applies to all aspects of life, including career, business, personal relationships, personal development, self care and more. What stands out to most to me about these poems is that in all these poems it shows that loveis something that part of our life. My favorite poem is you by Carol Ann Duffy who happens to be my, favorite author. I felt strongly connected to our theme of love because it experienced by all of us at some point in our lives. Over the years of my High school, I have progressed and learned more than I imagined possible and that my ability to write and express my ideas has grown. In the past, I have always struggled to put my thoughts on paper in a manner that is consistent. As a matter of fact, I would just restate what I learned in class and what I had found in my research and did not develop my own ideas nor support them with the works of others. However, now I feel presumptuous that I could write a paper about almost anything, my viewpoints are now capable of being more convoluted because I have learned how to support my argument in an orderly manner. When we were asked to do a poetry anthology based on a theme, our group decided to go with love, for love is essentially quite engrossed and illustrated distinctly in any humanity. Throughout history, love is to be found in music,
  • 52. The Thin Blue Line Directed By Errol Morris What Is the Truth Our need to believe what we want to believe is stronger than our need for the truth. I agree with this quote based on personal experience. The movie, The Thin Blue Line directed by Errol Morris, is an example of believing in what we want rather than the truth. Randall Adams a wrongly convicted man, David Harris a criminal let off the hook, and people such as Marshall Touchton and Melvyn Carson Bruder gives support to this belief. Randall Adams is the epitome of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Randall met David when he needed a ride to go get gas, he did not however imagine that he would unintentionally be set up for murder. I kept telling them what happened and they didn t want to believe me Randall said. David shot a police officer and killed him and then blamed it on Randall. When eye witnesses described a man that looked like Randall and David knew he could get away with the crime. To me none of the eye witnesses were very trustworthy, but when that s the only thing you have to go on then you have to take what you can get. This relates to a recent tragedy that happened in my family. My cousin, Ronnie, was accused of raping his step daughter Shyanne. No one believed him except for the people that matter like the jury and the judge. Shyanne somehow got all of the court to believe her based on her statement and with the help of her grandparents who believed her. I do not think there was much evidence in the case but statements from the
  • 53. Chicano Park History The most significant number of outdoor mural art in the United States is just minutes away from downtown San Diego, but if you ve visited the city, you ve probably driven over it without even knowing it. San Diego s Chicano Park is hidden below the San Diego Coronado Bridge. More than 70 vibrantly colored murals adorn the support pylons of the freeway overpass. The walls pay tribute to the history of the surrounding Mexican American and immigrant community called Barrio Logan. In the 1960s, the community was further separated by the formation of the 5 Freeway and the high on ramps of the San Diego Coronado Bridge. City leaders didn t include tenants in the preparation of these projects that destroyed more than 5,000 houses and local businesses.... Show more content on ... The park s story is worth retelling: The bisecting of the Barrio Logan community by I 5 and the Coronado Bridge, ending in a concrete roof supported by large gray pillars, replaced at least 1,500 families. With a society of 20,000 in its heyday in the 1940s, the historic neighborhood was rezoned as industrial in the 1950s, ushering in junkyards, auto wrecking operations, plating and chemical companies, and now, a legacy of environmental and air condition issues. In 1967, community leaders began demanding a neighborhood park under the bridge. When the California Highway Patrol started building a substation there, hundreds of residents formed a human shield to stop construction. They displayed signs in Spanish with statements like, More houses, fewer junkyards, and they hoisted a Chicano flag from a telephone pole. The use of murals as a tool of political resistance is a long Mexican tradition. Imagine the park without murals, said Tommie Camarillo, chairwoman of the Chicano Park Steering Committee, who has been volunteering at the park for 48