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Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays
Writing an essay on the topic "Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays" can be both
challenging and rewarding. On one hand, the task requires a thorough understanding of what
constitutes a good argumentative essay, including the ability to analyze and critique various
examples. On the other hand, it demands the skill to effectively convey these insights in a
coherent and persuasive manner.
To begin with, finding suitable examples that exemplify the qualities of a good argumentative
essay can be a time-consuming process. It involves researching a variety of topics, examining
different writing styles, and identifying key elements such as strong thesis statements, well-
supported arguments, and compelling evidence. Once these examples are identified, the writer
must carefully analyze and dissect them, understanding the rhetorical strategies employed and
the overall structure of the essays.
Crafting an argumentative essay also necessitates the ability to construct a compelling thesis
statement and develop a clear and logical argument. The writer must consider counterarguments
and address them effectively, showcasing critical thinking skills. Additionally, presenting
evidence that supports the thesis requires thorough research and citation skills, ensuring the essay
is both well-informed and credible.
Moreover, the writing process itself poses challenges, as articulating thoughts coherently and
persuasively requires a mastery of language and rhetoric. The essay must flow logically, with
each paragraph building upon the previous one, creating a seamless progression of ideas.
Striking the right balance between being persuasive and maintaining objectivity is crucial to the
success of the argumentative essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays"
demands a combination of research, analytical skills, and effective communication. It is a task
that requires dedication, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the nuances of
argumentation. However, the reward lies in the ability to showcase one's intellectual prowess and
contribute meaningfully to the discourse.
If you find the process too challenging or time-consuming, remember that help is available.
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Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays
Chilean Water Sanitation
Water supply and sanitation in Chile has high levels of access and good service
quality. Compared to most other countries. Chile s water and sanitation sector
distinguishes itself by the fact that almost all urban water companies are privately
owned or operated. The sector also prides itself of having a modern and effective
regulatory framework, including an innovative subsidy to water demand by the
poor. One weakness of the sector is the relatively high water losses. Chilean urban
areas with improved water coverage stood at 96% and coverage of improved
sanitation was also 96%. It is one of the highest levels in Latin America. The Chilean
water supplyand sanitation sector today is characterized by one of the best coverage
and quality levels... Show more content on ...
Along parts of the Central and Southern coast of continental Chile. Soils derived
from metamorphic and other rocks are very common, and are intermixed with those
derived from volcanic ashes. The soils of the Patagonian region have been the
subject of limited studies and reflect an extremely complex geography and
geomorphology. In general they have developed under the influence of glaciers, and
given the low year round temperatures, their development has been scant. Glacier
materials have given rise to soils that rest on old Tertiary sands and clays. Their
depth is variable but generally they are shallow, tend to accumulate organic matter of
low activity and, possibly as consequence of the low predominant temperatures,
mineralisation is very low resulting in marked N deficiencies. Production systems that
include and/or are based on ruminants occupy nearly 40% of the Chile
Essay about Kyoto Protocol
After ten days of tough negotiations, ministers and other high level officials from
160 countries reached an agreement this morning on a legally binding Protocol
under which industrialized countries will reduce their collective emissions of
greenhouse gases by 5.2%. The agreement aims to lower overall emissions from a
group of six greenhouse gases by 2008 12, calculated as an average over these five
years. (UNFCCC, 2011)
In December of 1997, 160 countries gathered in Kyoto, Japan to agree upon a
Protocol that will curb emissions and hopefully restore emission levels to pre
industrial numbers. This Protocol is the Kyoto Protocol established by the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Control. It is widely believed that ...
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The atmospheres absorption of this energy helps keep our average global
temperature at an ideal level for life. Notably important is the temperature of our
oceans. Our oceans are compared to a sink for carbon dioxide, in that they hold much
of the carbon dioxide that would otherwise be in the atmosphere (Wikipedia,
2011). As the temperature of the oceans rise, they absorb less and less carbon
dioxide. Thus increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and
increasing the global mean temperature, creating a snowball like effect, that would
be nearly impossible to reverse. To prevent this catastrophe the Kyoto Protocol was
established as a global legally binding agreement (Wikipedia, 2011). The objective
of this agreement was to provide financing for developing countries. The financial aid
would go towards new technologies to help these countries develop in a more
sustainable manner. The Protocol also hoped to install mechanisms that report, verify,
and review the carbon emissions of each country. Lastly, the countries that helped
create the Kyoto Protocol wanted it to be a legally binding agreement that had
consequences for countries who failed to meet their emission target. The Kyoto
Protocol was established as a part of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Control (UNFCCC). All parties that are
The Civil War And The End Of Reconstruction
After the Civil War, following the Compromise of 1877 and the end of
Reconstruction, the protection for the rights of African American ended if there
was any. Southern States had moved to impose a system of segregation on nearly
all areas of life. New laws that required segregation that stirred separate but equal
doctrine that disenfranchise African Americans for almost six decades. It is hard
in this days and age to be able to imagine segregation as a law, but the remnants just
change form and name. A petition file on June 7, 1892, in the supreme court
Louisiana by a local shoemaker named Homer Plessy against Honorable judge
John H. Ferguson. His filling set a test case to challenge Separate Car Act that
prompt Plessy v. Ferguson case perhaps one of the most noticeable actions to
nullify separate but equal doctrine. Homer Plessy was arrested and put in jail for
sitting in the white only train car of the East Louisiana Railroad. He was one
eighths black and seven eighths white, but under Louisiana law, he was considered
black due to the hints of black blood, and was therefore required to sit in the colored
train car. Even though the companies of the cars opposed to law due to expenses of
maintenance of separate cars and lose of black customers White dominated state
legislature move to make segregation mandatory and ensured that African American
barred from challenging the separate but equal doctrine. However, the main reason
segregation prevailing in the south is a
Rehabilitation In Angola
Both films showed what living the Georgian prison Angola was like and how it
differed from other prisons when it comes to rehabilitation. Unlike most prisons in
America Angola allows prisoners to have more of a rehabilitative experience. From
the new prisoners farm hands who work the fields to the most trusted prisoners who
have jobs outside of the prisonwalls while being under guard but more freedom of
movement. It takes about four years for a prisoner to go from new comer to trust
prisoner and any signs of not being a trusted prisoner you go back to being treated
as a new comer. However, not all prisoners in Angola have the same experiences
while in there. In the film The Farm the prisoner Vincent Simmons talks about his
story and how he was convicted for a crimethat he did not commit. How he was
arrested and treated like a criminal even though he says that he didn t raped those
two sisters. In The Farm Vincent is up for parole and his parole hearing is very
different from Ashanti Witherspoon s in the second video. During Vincent s parole
the victims the two sisters came in beforehand and made their case to the parole
board on why he shouldn t be granted parole without Vincent present. How they relive
the rape every night even though it has been... Show more content on
Unlike Vincent s hearing Ashanti had no victims or familyof the victims come in to
give there peace on why he shouldn t be granted parole. Unlike Vincent, Ashanti
had family his daughter show up to his hearing. He had the warden put in a good
word for him to the parole board on how he was one of the best prisoners he had.
More importantly he showed remorse for the crime he committed and how he
bettered himself while in prison by helping other prisoners and speaking to at risk
kids. He didn t have to leave the room while the parole board made their decision
and he was granted parole because unlike Vincent he showed that he was worthy for
Public Image And Customer Management Strategies
Companies of all types and sizes depend on their customer base for revenues and
continuously work toward earning the largest market share percentage attainable. The
foundations of businesses are its customers, and unless that company is a monopoly,
competition between businesses will drive customers and revenues to one business
or another. Unless it is properly managed, maintaining customerrelationships can be
expensive. While some companies invest heavily in their public image and customer
management strategies, other companies succeed despite poor customer
relationships. The wishes of the customers are also continuously evolving with new
generations and social environments. Moving on from the boomers , to the gen x ,
and now the... Show more content on ...
In his Ted talk Millennials: Who They are Why We Hate Them , Scott Hess discusses
a number of companies, including Abercrombie and Fitch as a company that
endorsed the typically cliquish and judgmental characteristics associated with the gen
x . That is not surprising considering that the company restructured in 1979 as a
modern sportswear outlet (Lepore, 2011). Meanwhile, American Eagle is seen as
marketing for everyone , looking to attract the inclusive and tolerant characteristics
of the Millennials (Hess, 2011). Perhaps even more importantly is the increasing
demand for value for the customer in a meaningful way. In its customer priority
list, in addition to personal customer values, Inc includes value that s superior to
other options (James, 2013). Another way of looking at this particular value is in
terms of global influence and impact, as well as connectedness; people want to
have a positive influence on the world. As Hess remarks, one of Starbucks
campaigns was to invest in their coffee farmers and suppliers (Hess, 2011). The
impact on the consumer is the feeling that purchasing coffee at Starbucks is
beneficial to other communities. Similarly, the so called fast casual bakery style
restaurant Pret a Manger is known not only for its fresh sandwiches and soups but
also for its initiative to donate any leftover edibles to charity on a
Capital Gains Tax Case Study
Purpose: The purpose of this briefing note is to provide the finance minister, Bill
Morneau, with insight on the merits of an increase, from 50% to 100%, in the tax on
capital gains.
Statement of the Issue:
The federal government is currently running a large budget deficit. By the end of the
current fiscal year, the country will be almost $31 billion in the red...$1.3 billion
beyond the $29.4 billion deficit [] forecasted in the March 2016 budget (Minsky,
Prime Minister Trudeau has, instead, expressed the government s intentions to
decrease the debt to GDP ratio, a reflection of the government s ability to pay back
its debt: we will continue to ... Show more content on ...
(2016, October 13). This year s deficit could be as high as $34 billion, or $16 billion
higher than expected: TD Bank. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from http:/
/ banks expects canada to run larger
deficits than trudeau budgeted
Lammam , C., Eisen, B. (2016, March 28). Don t blame the economy for Trudeau s
deep deficits. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from
comment/dont blame the economy for trudeaus deep deficits
Minsky, A. (2016, November 14). Deeper deficits, no sign of balanced budgets in
economic forecast. Retrieved March 15, 2017, from
/3038932/finance minister bill morneau releases economic outlook/
Mitchell, D. J. (2014, November 07). The Overwhelming Case Against Capital Gains
Taxation. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from
/danielmitchell/2014/11/07/the overwhelming case against capital gains taxation
Tencer, D. (2016, October 13). Deficits To Be Larger Than What Liberals
Advertised: TD Bank. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from
The Epilepsy Disorder
Epilepsy is a disorder characterized by unpredicted seizures. The seizures can affect
any part of the body but usually makes its way back to the brain. Epilepsy is one of
the oldest documented disorders. The invention of EEG, electroencephalogram,
helped advance research in neurosurgery. The EEG helped to track abnormalities of
electric activity in the brainin order to diagnose and track activity for people with
epilepsy. The only symptom or characteristic of this disorder is epileptic seizures. The
seizures are uncontrolled electric activity that usually occurs in the brain. When the
brain is effected, other developmental complications are likely to ensue. Therefore,
people with epilepsy commonly experience communication difficulties as well...
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Their results came to a similar conclusion that the children with epilepsy display
more speech and communication difficulties than those of their typically
developing peers. This study, contained ten preschool aged students with partial
epilepsy, six with generalized epilepsy and four with an unclassified state of
epilepsy. For comparison, a group of thirty typically developing preschoolers,
without epilepsy were used as the control group for the study. The Illinois Test of
Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA) was used to assess the children s emerging
literacy, which individually tests both spoken and written linguistic abilities. The
test focused specifically on the children s ability to blend phonemes. For this test,
the participants had to demonstrate their ability to identify full words when hearing
the syllables in isolation (Selassie at el., 2008). Grammar and receptive language
were also tested using the ITPA. This section had the participants engage in
auditory verbal comprehension as well as sentence repetition activities. In the
results of all of these tests, the group of preschoolers with epilepsy scored lower on
all of the parts compared to the group of typically developing preschoolers. In
regards to motor ability and phonemes, the preschoolers with epilepsy had a median
of four almost across the
Imaginary Queen Of Carthage Summary
LEARNING THROUGH HISTORY July/Aug. 2006, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 49 51 ?
2006 Learning Through History Magazine All
rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. Dido Legendary Queen of Carthage By
Michael A. Dimitri ?????It was a humid, sun baked morning along the eastern
Mediterranean coastline as the Phoenician princess Elissa fled for her life through
the streets of ancient Tyre. The year was 814 B.C., and her brother, Pygmalion, had
just murdered her husband, who had been kneeling in prayer, and claimed the throne
for himself. Asleep at the time, Elissa dreamed that her handsome husband,
Sychaeus, appeared to her. With a panicked goodbye as he gestured toward his fatal
wound, he showed his wife where he... Show more content on ...
?????She also couldn t turn to the kingdom s trading partners for help. Many of the
ancient peoples would love to have a Phoenician princess crash land on their beach
to become their servant, as other dethroned royals of antiquity had. Elissa did not
want to risk becoming a slave who spent her life opening and shutting the door for
her master. Worse yet, as a royal widow she was quite a prize for a man who sought
a throne. All he would have had to do was get her to marry him, and then he could
have made a claim to rule Tyre and all of Phoenicia. A war would have resulted, a
war in which thousands would have died. Elissa did not want that. ?????No, Elissa
had other plans. She would not set foot in the civilized world. In the first of many
clever moves that shocked her followers and stirred up strong controversy, Elissa
directed her ships to sail to northwestern Africa, which was considered barbaric by
the Phoenicians. They would land at the point where the land juts out into the sea and
build a new city there. ?????An arid, nearly uninhabited land, this part of North
Africa was a natural site for legends of great monsters and disasters. Although it is
doubtful that Elissa
Essay about Analysis of Greenleaf by Flannery
The short story Greenleaf by Flannery O Connor tells of Mrs. May, an old, bitter,
and selfish woman. She thinks badly of everyone around her, including her own
two sons. It also compares her family to that of the Greenleaf family, who Mrs.
May sees as inferior to her. O Connor unveils the story of Mrs. May and her demise
through the use of point of view, character, and symbolism. She uses the third
person omniscient view to give the reader a sense of Mrs. May s character, and the
symbols of the bull, and the conflict between the bull and Mrs. May to show Mrs.
May s destruction as well as give the story a deeper meaning of God s grace. O
Connor uses the limited omniscient point of view in the story so that the reader
learns more... Show more content on ...
O Connor also focuses on contrasting characters in her story to bring the plot along,
for example the conflict in the story is between Mrs. May and Mr. Greenleaf, two
almost completely opposite characters. Mrs. May is shown as a bitter character
who blames others for her problems, although most are self inflicted. Such as how
she hired Mr. Greenleaf for fifteen years although she obviously hates him, or how
she ends up raising bitter and cruel sons who treat her with no respect. On the other
hand the Greenleaf s is simple, although uneducated, but manages to raise two
successful sons, unlike Mrs. May s. However, Mrs. May looks down on Mr.
Greenleaf because she feels he is inferior to her in social standing and intelligence.
. For example when she went to O.T. and E.T. s farm and saw their milking parlor,
she decided automatically that they were paid for the Government and the boys
didn t work for it. Mrs. May says how I would have to do it myself. I am not
assisted hand and foot by the Government. This illustrates how Mrs. May still thinks
less of the Greenleafs, even if they have a better farm then her because she thinks
they did not gain it themselves, that it was instead paid for by the Government. The
Greenleaf boys have a better working farm then her, and therefore are a little higher
than her in
Margo Roth Spiegelman s Miracle
The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle. Like, I will probably never be struck by
lightning, or win a
Nobel Prize, or become the dictator of a small nation in the Pacific Islands, or
contract terminal ear can cer, or spontaneously combust. But if you consider all the
unlikely things together, at least one of them
will probably happen to each of us. I could have seen it rain frogs. I could have
stepped foot on Mars. I
could have been eaten by a whale. I could have married the queen of England or
survived months at sea.
But my miracle was different. My miracle was this: out of all the houses in all the
subdivisions in all of
Florida, I ended up living next door to Margo Roth Spiegelman.
Our subdivision, Jefferson Park, used to be a navy base. But then ... Show more
content on ...
As I turned on my side, I saw Margo Roth Spiegelman standing outside my window,
her face almost
pressed against the screen. I got up and opened the window, but the screen stayed
between us, pixelating
I did an investigation, she said quite seriously. Even up close the screen broke her
face apart, but
I could tell that she was holding a little notebook and a pencil with teeth marks
around the eraser. She
glanced down at her notes. Mrs. Feldman from over on Jefferson Court said his name
was Robert Joyn er. She told me he lived on Jefferson Road in one of those condos on
top of the grocery store, so I went
over there and there were a bunch of policemen, and one of them asked if I worked at
the school paper,
and I said our school didn t have a paper, and he said as long as I wasn t a journalist
he would answer
my questions. He said Robert Joyner was thirty six years old. A lawyer. They
wouldn t let me in the
apartment, but a lady named Juanita Alvarez lives next door to him, and I got into her
apartment by
asking if I could borrow a cup of sugar, and then she said that Robert Joyner had
killed himself with
The Paradoxes of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a country of complex paradoxes; although it has made huge strides in
economic growth, poverty reduction and development, the political scene remains
volatile. In fact, several historical, social, and conditions and contextual factors
remain at play, affecting the democratization process. Drawing upon a procedural
definition of democracy, free, fair, and competitive elections and the guarantee of civil
rights and civil liberties for the citizenry must exist in order to promote
democratization in Bangladesh. Democratization, according to Canadian
International Development Agency s (CIDA) definition, refers to the process of
strengthening popular participation, building democratic institutions and practices,
and deepening societal democratic values. Despite having the framework of a
parliamentary democracy and Western democratic institutions, there has been a
downward trend in democratization in Bangladesh. Behind the façade of
democracy, instability, weak political institutions, patrimonial politics, patronage, and
political polarization exist. In this case, Bangladesh can be potentially classified as an
illiberal democracy, or even an electoral autocracy. As such, the country still faces
considerable obstacles; the prevention of a reverse wave back to authoritarianism, and
the encouragement towards further democratization and democratic consolidation,
require further assistance and new approaches in order to address these challenges.
Since the 1990s, the
Vegetative Growth Characters Of Broad Bean Plants
This study included three experiments that were conducted during the winter seasons
of 2013/2014 (one experiment) and 2014 2015 (two experiments).
4.1 Frist season of 2013/2014 One experiment was designed to investigate the effect
of three plant spacing (20, 30 and 40 cm), three humic acid (HA) rates (control, 1000
and 2000 mg l 1), three boron (B) rates (control, 100 and 200 mg l 1) and their
interactions on the vegetative growth and earliness as well as the green pods yield
of broad bean crop. The effects of the different factors that used in this study and
their interaction on the various characters of broad bean plants are presented in
Tables (2 16).
4.1.1 Vegetative Growth Characters The results... Show more content on ...
The data showed that application of B had no significant influence on plant height,
branches No. plant 1, and leaf area index (LAI) of broad bean plants. While, the
boron had a significant effect on the number of leaves plant 1 of broad bean plants.
The results appeared that spraying of B on broad bean plants resulted in a decrease
in the number of leaves per plant, the lowest value of the number of leaves plant 1
(132.2) was obtained from plants treated with 100 mg l 1, and there was no
significant effect among other levels of B. Interaction Effects between Spacing and Humic Acid.
The statistical comparisons listed in Table (3) illustrated the presence of some
interaction effects, between spacing and HA on some vegetative growth
characteristics of broad bean plants that resulted in different relative responses for
the various treatment combinations. These interaction effects may be showed by
the comparisons among the three different HA rates at each of the different spacing
of the plant height and number of leaves per plant. In wide plant spacing 40 cm, the
comparisons illustrated that the increases in HA up to 1000 or 2000 mg l 1 were
associated with significant decreases in the plant height and number of leaves per
plant, which was not exactly with spacing 20 and 30 cm. Interaction Effects between Spacing and Boron. The
Comparing The Scion And Cadillac Car
Cadillacs are another vehicle that is marketed based on the age of potential
consumers. Cadillac has a reputation of being associated with the older buyer
whereas the Toyota Scion appeals to the younger. These are the similarities and
differences between the 2016 Cadillac ATS Coupe vs. 2016 Scion TC.
Marketing for the Scion and Cadillac is similar by adding addons to the car. With a
purchase of a new car, you are able to add specific features that do not come with the
car. Both the Scion and Cadillac appeal to a specific lifestyle and like to arrive in
fashion at social gathering or party (Solomon, 2011).
Some of how the marketing is different is the age ranges. Where the Cadillac is
targeted towards the older customer averaging 60 years
Bios251 Week 7 Lab
BIOS251 Week 7 Lab Exercise
To complete this worksheet, select:
Module: Support and Movement Activity: Anatomy Overviews Title: Joints
1.a.From the main Joints page, click Fibrous Joints and identify each of the following
structural joint types.
Suture Syndesmoses Gomphosis
b.Why are sutures and gomphoses classified as synarthroses?
In these types of joints the fibers are very short and allow for little of no movement.
Synarthroses joints come together at a point at which adjacent bones are bound by
collagen fibers that emerge from ... Show more content on ...
Locate body examples of the following joints and describe the movement of each.
Condyloid joint between radius and scaphoid and lunate bones of carpus. Planar
joints between intercarpal joints. Between carpal bones at the wrist.
Saddle joint between the trapezium of carpus and metacarpal of thumb.
Biaxial (Condyloid) triaxial (Plane Joint) Biaxial (Saddle Joint) Movement on two
axis Movement on three axis Movement on two axis
These types of joints are considered plane joints because they permit back and forth
and side to side movements between the flat surfaces of the bones, but they may also
rotate against one another.
Pivot The rounded pointed surface of one bone articulates with a ring formed partly
by another bone and partly by a ligament. This type of joint allows rotation only
around its own longitudinal axis.
Uniaxial Joint between head and radius notch of ulna.
Hinge The convex surface of one bone fits into the concave surface of another bone,
Hinge joint are uniaxial because they allow motion around a single axis. Produces an
opening and closing motion.
Identify the trochlea and the trochlear notch.
The Importance Of Media Influences On Children And
The media has played a large part in creating the social norms in which many think
of. This is because there are many types of media out there, including
advertisements and television. The media has this type of influence on people of all
ages. The influence can be trying to sell a certain item that children and teens would
want or how to act or look a certain way. For this, this is why the media has a huge
influence on the attitudes and viewpoints of children and teens.
Children and teens now live in a world that is covered with media influences. In the
Australian Nursing Journal article it states, Media sites provide young people with
opportunities to stay connected with friends, family and the world, and develop
technical, creative and social skills (2012, Australian Nursing Journal). Before the
influence of the media there was a time when it was not really something that had a
huge impact on children and teens. But as time has change, children and teens are
engaged with what the media has to provide such as reality TV to using social media.
Children and teens now have the access to every type of media influence and what
affect it can have on them. With the many types of media out there for children and
teen there are concerns from people such as parents and educators on how the media
influence has on them. One of the concerns that parents and educators think that the
media has on children and teens is how children and teens behaviors is influence by
The Ridge Terrace Group Home
The caregivers at the homes assist in arranging medical care, such as routine
appointments or follow up care as needed, in the event the resident or his or her
guardians do not. In addition, a staff member normally attends the resident s medical
appointment. Each resident, or his or her guardian, is allowed to seek treatment from
a physician of their choice. If they do not chose a physician, the group homes will
bring the residentsfor medical care to consulting physicians. Frances House pays its
consulting physicians a total of $150 per month for their consulting services. The
physicians then bill the resident s insurance or public aid for the medical services
The Ridge Terrace group home consists of a large ranch style... Show more content
on ...
In Kenneth, Jr. s situation, he was allowed to look at magazines and watch television
due to his low cognitive abilities. In the evenings, the residents participate in
activities that are designed to develop and reinforce such areas as social skills, stress
management and independence with activities of daily living.
According to Dina Bicker, Ridge Terrace s Qualified Mental Retardation Professional
(QMRP), and who presented very well at her deposition, Kenneth, Jr. initially was a
pleasant resident that liked to have fun with the other residents. However, starting in
approximately 2005, he became abusive and aggressive toward other residents and
objects. His parents assert that his newly developed aggressiveness was due to
frustration resulting from the staff not allowing him to express his emotions and not
providing assistance with stress management.
After the staff unsuccessfully attempted to use behavior modification programs in
an effort to resolve his aggressive behavior, they took Kenneth, Jr. for an evaluation
to Dr. Dennison, a psychiatrist at Sinissippi Center. Dr. Dennison is not an
employee of Frances House. Instead, he is one of many health care professionals who
are on Frances House s referral list.
Dr. Dennison evaluated Kenneth, Jr. on October 9, 2006, and diagnosed him with
bipolar disorder. To treat this condition, Dr. Dennison prescribed Depakote and
My First Day Of Dance
Normally I would be bouncing off the walls waiting for my mom to unlock the car
doors. But not that day. That day was different. That day I was climbing through the
back seats begging not to get out of the car.
It was my first day of dance class at The Beat Dance Company and I was terrified. I m
not going to make any friends, nobody is going to like me, the teacher is going to be
mean. I was standing in the hallway of my new dance studio crying to my mom that I
did not want to go in when the teacher came out to get us. The teacher was towering
over me like she was a skyscraper and I was an ant. She had very straight red hair and
her face was covered in freckles. She was wearing a bright purple leotard with a black
skirt. My mom walked me ... Show more content on ...
So we all listened and stood up and I went to the back corner. Payton followed me as
the teacher told us to spread apart.
Okay so the first thing we are going to do today is get a little warmed up and then
probably do a little bit of stretching, the teacher told us.
The teacher started to do jumping jacks and so did all the other girls so I joined in.
Payton started asking me questions just to try to get to know me. In the dance
studio two walls were longer than the other two. On one of the long walls are all of
the mirrors and on the other one is a window (so that the parents can watch) and the
door is also on that wall. Little did Payton and I know that our parents were talking
too. They saw how much we were talking and decided to get each others numbers.
Meanwhile, the teacher had told us to now move to one side of the wall and that
we were going to do across the floor. Payton and I stood at the back of the first line
and talked until it was our turn to go across. All of the sudden the music stopped
and all I heard the teacher yelled was, Come on ladies. You have to know when it is
your turn to go. The teacher was referring to me and Payton. I turned to Payton and
we couldn t help but laugh.
What s so funny girls, the teacher didn t seem very happy.
Nothing, Payton said franticly.
It won t happen again right? the teacher asked us.
No ma am, Payton and I joked.
The teacher started the
Alexandre Dumas Fils s Camille
In the novel Camille the author Alexandre Dumas Fils reveals the story of a
woman s life as a prostitute, along with her love affair, based in the mid 19th
century in France. Although the narrative alone is captivating, it becomes more
intriguing after discovering the correlation the author has with his own story.
Dumas Fils gives the story depth by providing a frame story and an inner story, and
significantly connecting the two, as well as connecting it to himself. He also
expertly highlights issues that he himself relates to and has faced in his lifetime.
Furthermore, the author introduces a female perspective to the story, in order to
stress the call for women to be treated fairly in society. Dumas Fils uses his own
experiences to bring... Show more content on ...
These problems stemmed from the life of Dumas Fils himself, which ultimately lead
him to put the affairs down on paper. One of the most significant ones was how the
women of this time desired all the luxuries and what they did to get their hands on
them. The most evident example of this is prostitution, which is a focal point in the
novel. Many of the women, including Marguerite, sell their love in order for a man
to provide her with wealth and fortune. However, as proven in the story, this kind
of life does not end well. One the first page written in ink, in an elegant hand, an
inscription on the part of the giver. It consisted of these words: Manon to
Marguerite. Humility (Dumas Fils 21). Like Marguerite, all prostitute s lives
would be over as soon as they started to age, because no one wanted them anymore.
When Marguerite is along and dying she has many regrets about the life she lived.
It is a sad life that I am leaving (Dumas Fils 35). Dumas Fils shows the result of the
sinful lives of kept women by creating the scene of Marguerite s grave being dug
up. It was terrible to see, it is horrible to relate. The eyes were nothing but two holes,
the lips had disappeared, vanished, and the white teeth were tightly set. The black
hair long and dry, was pressed tightly about the forehead, and half veiled the green
hollows of the cheeks (Dumas Fils 57). Another
Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Regarding Breast Self...
(Proposal) Submitted By Gulshan Umbreen PBSN 02133037 Facilitator s. Robina
Kousar Preceptor: Mr. M. Shahid Riaz Subject: Senior Elective Community Health
Nursing In partial fulfillment for the Degree of Post RN BSc Nursing The Lahore
School of Nursing THE UNIVERSITY OF LAHORE 2013 2015 May 8, 2015
1.3. Significance of
study.................................................................................................................4 1.4
Justification of
study..................................................................................................................4 1.5
Purpose of
1.6 Research
1.5 Conceptual Definitions
Theme Of Dishonest In The Jungle
Upton Sinclair s novel The Jungle is a classic story of greed, corruption, and
misfortune following Jurgis Rudkis and his love interest/eventual wife, Ona
Lukosazite, and their two families. The novel shows off the complexity of and
fickle nature of life and all that within it that we all take for granted. The characters
feel very human and their troubles are very sympathetic as well. One begins to feel
delight as well as anguish at the author s non existent mercy.
Dishonest is a running theme in The Jungle . So then, why? , you might ask, are
people so dishonest in both the and book, but also reality? Well the answer is quite
simple, in fact. People are dishonest whenever it is that they wish to help
themselves in any given situation. Whether the goal is to protect themselves or
others, or to swindle others for their own benefit, they are lying to help themselves.
Everyone lied about the age of Stanislovas, so that he could work and help support
everyone. The grafter used rather underhanded methods in order to add even further
to his already abundant amount of income even if it meant harming others in the
process. The house salesman was outrageously dishonest about the house he
wrongly sold to Jurgis and his company, as well as about how payments in America
worked, and all so he could get his already rich self even richer. So in essence, all
lying comes from the universal desire to protect. Whether it be to protect oneself or
others is subjective to the individual.
Sediment Contamination
Sediments are formed from fine grained waste material due to erosion from the mine
site. It often contains dissolved metals as a result of the mining processes containing
some toxic constituents such as lead and high levels of mercury. During severe storm
events and high snowmelt periods, erosion transports a significant amount of
sediments and chemicals pollutants into locals streams. Dissolved metals often settle
under the stream bed and cause decreases in macroinvertebrate and benthic
invertebrate populations. Metal accumulation in aquatic organisms, particularly
benthic species, can also lead to acute and chronic toxicity to aquatic life [EPA 35].
In addition, research has shown a correlation between an increase in suspended solids
with a decrease in density of macroinvertebrate and benthic invertebrate populations.
High turbidity can also reduce passages of light and prevent photosynthetic activity of
aquatic plants [EPA 34 35]. Aquatic plants are a major food source for
macroinvertebrates and benthic invertebrates. The reduction of plants can stimulate
further declines in aquatic life populations.... Show more content on
Metals that settle in the stream bed can be transported by bioaccumulation. If
contaminated fish is consumed, metals may be transferred to humans and impact
their physical health. Human are exposed to the toxic metals by drinking water
contaminated by sediments [EPA 35]. In addition to potential impacts on human and
aquatic life, sedimentation can also physically impact the hydraulic system. Physical
impact associated with mining includes the filling of deep pools that can result in
the loss of habitat and temperature increases [EPA 35]. Excess sediment can build up
behind dams and raise reservoir water levels. In addition to this, sedimentation can
also cause the channel to widen and become shallower. Thus, increasing the
frequency of overbank flow [EPA
Bigger Than Life By Nicholas Ray
Nicholas Ray s Bigger Than Life is a story of an American family man who tries to
have it all and fails because of his addiction. In an effort to visually portray this,
Ray largely abandons conventional Cinemascope practices and tends to revert to
the paradigms of the Academy ratio. Rather than using Cinemascope to highlight
spectacle, Ray films a small family melodrama. Instead of splitting the screen into
thirds and adjusting the mise en scГЁne to visually fill up the screen, Ray uses
close ups, single person shots, and symmetry. He frequently divides the screen in
two at the center, essentially treating each side as an Academy ratio film. Since
Ray focuses less on clotheslining actors, he is able to bring the audience closer to
understand the psychology of Ed Avery (and physcially closer to him than most
Cinemascope films would go). The sequence towards the end of film is of
paramount importance Ray takes the tension, anger, cruelty, and derangement that
has been building throughout the film and raises it to a high enough level that Ed is
willing to kill his own son. To get this across, Ray uses composition to show Ed as
isolated, sinister, and dangerous. Two of the scenes in particular from the sequence
deviate from his regular techniques, as he stages the family in a single frame to
highlight the growing distance between them all. Throughout the film, Ray used
close ups to show Ed s mental state; in this sequence, Ray largely abandons that
technique Ed s state of mind
Disintegration Of The Socialistic Federative Republic Of...
Disintegration of the Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia and change of
regime spelled disaster for the working class as well as its civil society, educational
system, media, sciences, arts, and humanities. Over two decades have passed since
the end of armed conflict, but the spectre of war is still present. Dismissed as
backward, it is categorised as an under developed country in need of intervention.
These latitudes have fallen prey to being harnessed by various players to different
ends. Framed in largely prescriptive and institutional ways to function as instruments
for a prevailing order of social values developemet and humanitarian institutions and
agencies are impotent to accommodate for the wide understanding of transitional
Student Success Course For College
Final Culminating Paper In reviewing the many take aways I have had from doing
this student success course to hopefully become a well rounded student. The
greatest take away was the strategies and tools I learned to help me succeed in life
and in college as they were essential skills I lacked as a student. Helping me to
build effective ways to get good grades in my other classes by building effective
study habits then ineffective study habits I have been using previously. Thus I have
improved in many ways than one in the many skills and strategies needed as a
college student in order to succeed. Taking away how my values correlate to my
major, Money management, time management and the steps needed in career and
educational planning that... Show more content on ...
In doing this the necessary steps I need to take steps that steer close to my values
and creates balance as I can not just attribute my career to the value of my education
without my family and friends their to support me. My career comes from a strong
sense of self and being respected due to them. Which pushes me to take the
necessary steps to achieving my goal of being a veterinarian in pursuing my
degree. In taking this course I was able to find my interest and an understanding of
my values I never knew before in depth. As to why I hold these values important
and how they attribute to my career as past reflections and discussions about my
values in relation to career as they help guide me to do what I love with added
Along with this we learned about money management, and how to live within our
means as a student to avoid debt or have less debt than what has currently been
predicted. As currently budgeting can make a difference for a student especially for
my financial outlook. Being a college student tuition fluctuation continues to rise,
budgeting can however lower and eliminate your financial debt you may fall into.
Because of the amount of money required to spend on finances budgeting can help
you manage this bump in the road. Having a monthly budget helps you with pre
planning so you can maintain a higher goal that is constantly evolving. Especially in
your potential career in order to succeed in order
Fraud And The Health Care Fraud Essay
On November 21, 2013, Theanna Khou pleaded guilty to dispensing and selling
OxyContin from his Huntington Pharmacy without medical necessity from
fraudulent prescriptions issued by a clinic ( Health care fraud investigations, 2014).
Khou billed Medicare for filling prescriptions that patients never received. This story
is becoming a norm for the health care industry, because the growing financial
prosperity of the health industry. Corruption and crime is changing, turning from
drug dealing to a safer haven that has less legal management, organization, and more
wherewithal the business of health care fraud.
Health Care Fraud Fraudulent misrepresentation (fraud) is defined as the
intentional deceit for personal gain (Clarkson, Miller, Cross, 2012). Fraud occurs
when a person knowingly represents an intentional deception as a fact to gain
benefits they are not entitled. The boundaries between fraud and abuse seem to be
confused; the degree of intent distinguishes fraud from abuse. Under HIPAA, it is
considered a felony to intentionally implement a scheme to defraud any health care
benefit program or to obtain money or other property owned or controlled by a
health care benefit program by means of false or fraudulent pretenses,
representations, or promises (Shepard, 2004, para. 1). Health care fraud is an
intentional act to deceive in order to receive greater reimbursement for services,
whereas health care abuse is conduct which is not consistent with acceptable
Acc 561 Week 3 Team Tootsie Roll Loan Paper
Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. Loan Package
Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. Loan Package In week three, Learning Team E
presents a loan package for public held company, Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc., in
business for over 100 years. Tootsie Roll is a manufacturer of confectionery
products. In addition to sales in the United States, Tootsie Roll s profits grew in
Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia, South and Central America. This loan package
consists of three sections: Financial Ratios, Corporate Strategy 2008 Project: Capital
Expenditure, and Loan Approval s Effect on Tootsie Roll Industry, Inc. Financials.
Comments on Financial Ratios and Company Financial Position Selected financial
ratios were calculated and are summarized in ... Show more content on ...
Although debt to total assets has risen slightly, the amount of current liabilities has
dropped by $4M and the cash debt coverage ratio has improved. This shows that
Tootsie Roll can handle taking on a loan for $15M. When looking at profitability
from 2006 to 2007, the ratios show that performance suffered. Profit margin, return
on assets, and earnings per share have all dropped. However, net cash provided by
operations exceeds 2006 amounts and almost matches that of 2005. Taking all of
these ratios into account, Tootsie Roll s financial standing is strong but could be
improved by taking on a loan and investing wisely.
Justification for Loan: Corporate Strategy 2008 According to Tootsie Roll s annual
report (Kimmel et al., Appendix A, 2009), the organization has a forward financial
make up and historically upholds a conservative financial policy. The organization
employs the services of professional money managers and supports investment
policy guidelines while stressing quality and liquidity to reduce latent loss exposures
in the event of adverse events. As shown in the ratios chart, working capital has
increased by $13M. Maturities of short term investments and cash flow from
operations are projected to be sufficient to sustain the company s overall financing
needs, including capital expenditures. The following corporate strategic plan
identifies a project that needs financial backing. How will the requested $15M loan
be budgeted in 2008? A strategic
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck s Life
August 1, 1744, was the day that Jean Baptiste Lamarck was born. He was born in
Bazentin le Petit, France. Jean was the eleventh child born from his titled parents,
Philippe Jacques de Monet de La Marck (father), Marie Françoise de Fontaines de
Chuignolles (mother). The father of Jean Baptiste was in the military as well as
his brothers. His father set a goal for him to become a priest, so when he was
eleven his parents sent him away to a Jesuit School. He stayed there until he was
sixteen which was when his father passed. After his father s death, he joined the
military. Jean had fought in the seven year war. He had developed an illness that
forced him to leave the army. Mr. Lamarck had three wives. Marie Rosalie Delaporte,
his first wife,
Jimmy Cross Vietnam War Analysis
To war they go
To war they never leave
During the Vietnam war era,many men were always trying to be the best in life,
go to school and to be known. But when the daft came by some men were
embarrassed to go to war.They were afraid of what people would think about
them.In the Vietnam war many men showed there emotions in different ways. Some
of these men were just young kids really most didn t know what to do.Tim O Brien
show s his own embarrassment of going to war,as well as how other men are afraid
of seeming unmanly.
Tim O Brien,Jimmy Cross and Norman Bowker were some of the young men how
gone to the Vietnam war and had mixed emotions about the war itself and what it has
to do with them.
Tim O Brien was young man who was just coming out ... Show more content on ...
Norman Bowker was a good young soldier who was there fight the war as well he
was a friend to Tim O Brien and was a was very good he received many medals for
his act during the war. In the story Speaking of Courage Norman Bowker talk about
the silver medal he almost received for his act in the war. He received seven medals
he earned during his time in the vietnam war. Norman Bowker father was a man he
wanted to impress by coming back to his home to show his father the medals won.
Norman Bowker father Mr. Bowker would say in letters that Norman Bowker
would receive during the war that he can t wait to see the silver star that his son
earned in the war. But during his time in the war he only received seven medals
and none of them were the silver star. Norman Bowker was trying so hard to get
that medal in the story Speaking of Courage Norman Bowker was talking about
the time he almost received the silver star. He did not say do you want to here the
time i save a man. He said I almost won the silver star. And when he having this talk
to himself about how he would tell his father why he did receive the silver star. He
said the reason he didn t earn the medal because he was because he thought he was
a coward because he couldn t handle the smell in the field he was in. Some Norman
Bowker drive around lake. I what he did all the time because the war was over and
everything he tried did seem to do any
Indian Marriage Vs American Marriage
Which such close knit families in India how is marriage conducted and how does
that differ from American marriages? There are various differences between
American and Indian marriage customs. For example: in America, the ceremony is
one day, with corsages presented to the guests of honor, and the couple exchanges
ring; afterwards, birdseed is thrown. In India, it is a multi day ceremony with
garlands presented to the guests of honor; instead of rings, a mangala sutra cord
with gold pendants is tied around the bride s neck in three knots by the groom, and
rose petals are thrown for luck ( Indian WeddingTraditions and Customs , n.d.).
However, both ceremonies share similarities in that the parents walk the bride down
the aisle and the bride... Show more content on ...
The bride s parents will not eat before the wedding in order to remain pure, and the
groom s future sister in law will attempt to steal his shoes; if successful, he has to
pay her ( Indian Wedding Traditions and Customs , n.d.). During the ceremony, the
bride s saree is tied with the groom s scarf to show unity; they then participate in a
tradition called the mangal pheras, where the couple circles the ritual fire four times
and run back to their seats the first one to get back rules the household ( Indian
Wedding Traditions and Customs , n.d.). The groom then helps the bride touch seven
betel nuts with her right toe while reciting seven vows; seven married women on the
bride s side of the family pass the couple and whisper blessings to bride ( Indian
Wedding Traditions and Customs . n.d.). Afterwards, the bride s brothers carry her
out and she leaves for the home of the groom, where she has to spill a bowl of rice
with her right foot to signify wealth and say she accepts responsibilities as bride (
Indian Wedding Traditions and Customs ,
Essay On Where To Go In December
Where to Go in December Top 10 Places To Travel
Keyword: International sim card
With Christmas and the New Year just around the corner, December is the perfect
time to dust off your passport and bid adieu to 2017 in style. Here are some ideas for
where to go in December.
1.Rio de Janeiro
Rio s greatest gatherings commence in February when the astonishing Carnival starts,
yet another suitable season to visit is around the Christmas holidays. With thousands
of pixie lights sparkling over the palm trees, surfers riding the waves in Santa suits
and the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon illuminated by the world s biggest floating
Christmas tree, Rio is a place to go in December! Stick around for December 31st to
welcome the New Year with more than... Show more content on ...
It s a great time to ride, hike, mountain bike, explore ghost towns like Santa Laura
and Chacabuco, visit Salar de Atacama, Chile s largest salt flat, and track the night
sky through the powerful telescope in its observatory.
5. Antarctica
Nothing can beat Antarctica when it comes to exploring winter wonderlands around
the world, so why not tick an Antarctic cruise off your bucket list this December?
You ll be thrilled to enjoy the icy waters teeming with whales and elephant seals, an
endless panorama of towering icebergs, and vast penguin colonies.
6. Los Cabos
With scuba diving, whale watching, horse riding on the beach, kayaking around
the bay, zip lining and mountain biking in the desert on the list, Los Cabos won t
be a traditional Christmas holiday. Along with the great New Year s Eve parties,
December also sees the Sabor a Cabo, an international food and wine festival. This
year it is on December 9, a perfect occasion to over indulge in seasonal specialties.
7. Bahamas
What better time to discover the party capital of the Caribbean than a holiday
season? With the Hurricane season over, nothing can hold you back from enjoying
your trip. December is the time when one of the biggest event of the place, the
Junkanoo Festival, a street parade with music, dance, and costumes takes place. The
festival is held all over the county on every Boxing and New Year s day. Although
the best place to witness the event in Nassau, if you want
The Solace Of Leaving Early Essay
According to the polling, seventy eight percent of residents living in small rural
areas are members of a church compared to just sixty five percent of the national
population (Lyons and Gallup). Lyons, an education and youth editor with Gallup,
goes on to suggest the reason behind these findings can more than likely be
attributed to the fact that for many small town residents, the church is often the only
access to community support, counseling, and aid to the poor that is available to
them. Moreover, it is evident that Jack held religiosity at the center of his life
because he repeatedly relied on religious ideals to justify his actions. For example,
while talking to Amos, Jack asked, Do you deny the Christian Law? (Kimmel). The
diction... Show more content on ...
The isolation, lack of resources, and often secular beliefs are often ignored as we
increasingly place our focus on large metropolitan areas. Not to say that every
woman in a small town faces the same issues or that every man living in small
town America is abusive, but forced reflection, such as the one provided Kimmel s
work, is what will ultimately aid in eliminating the destructive forces that reside
behind America s own closed doors. Most importantly, Alice and Jack s relationship
is one that is seen all too often across the globe, but adding to insult is the fact that it
is often the people living in silence that need help the most. We ve heard the saying
that the wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the oil, but it is through Kimmel s
choices concerning Jack and Alice that we are reminded of the dangers in equating
silence to sign of well beings. As we come to learn, a wheel does not have to squeak
to malfunction. Small towns are America s silent wheel, and Kimmel is certainly
emphasizing the complexities present within that
The Luck Uglies Essay
Have you read a book as action packed and suspenseful as The Luck Uglies by Paul
Durham? After this, you will be wanting to read it. It is a great book for those who
like to read fantasy and fairy tale books. It can pull you in for a mystical and wild
ride. This book is more interesting than the ordinary good versus evil fantasybooks. It
puts you into a complex puzzle that you have to solve. In a time long ago, in a
large village, a girl named Rye O Chanter has experienced peculiar events. Long
ago, there were monstrous creatures named Bog Noblins that are now supposed to
be extinct. However, Rye encountered a strange creature which looked like a Bog
Noblin which convinced her that they returned from Beyond the Shale, a forest. No
one can protect the village except an old, exiled secret society that no one in Village
Drowning... Show more content on ...
This was a challenge because everyone despised the Luck Uglies and their crimes.
Many people thought it was not possible based on their crime record. It was also a
challenge since Bog Noblins were very dangerous. They could easily kill humans
with their bare hands. For example, Rye almost got killed by the monster, but she got
squeezed by the throat instead. She did not die because Harmless saved her from the
monster. The theme of this book would be, Sometimes things may not seem how it
really is. This is because the Luck Uglies, the so called villains, protected the
villagers from the Bog Noblins, the monsters. Longchance had exiled the Luck
Uglies from Village Drowning because he thought they kidnapped Lady Longchance.
The Luck Uglies hadn t done anything wrong, but since they lived in Beyond the
Shale, they were claimed guilty. Even after, Longchance made the villagers hate the
Luck Uglies, so that he would be valued more and treated better. In the end, he was
considered the real villain of the
Vegetarianism Vs. Vegetarian Diet
The word diet is defined as the kinds of food a person habitually eats. Diets often
vary according to culture, religion, and personal preference. People often use
different diets as a way to manage their weight or improve their overall health, both
vegetarianism and flexitarianism are diets that are commonly adopted in order to
improve health. Vegetarianismis typically practiced as lacto ovo vegetarianism which
means that milk products and eggs may be consumed although meat, fish, and meat
byproducts are not. A flexitarian diet is less easily defined because it consists
mainly of a vegetarian diet and includes only small amounts of meat when necessary.
Both diets are based on either eliminating or reducing meat intake in one s diet.
Vegetarianism/Flexitaritarism diets are effect at reducing the risk of some diseases
and can be used as a way to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Vegetarianism
was officially named by the British Vegetarian Society in the 1800s ( History ). Some
anthropologists suggest that early humans were primarily gatherers and that their diet
consisted mainly of plant foods, this theory is supported by the fact that the human
body can function properly without consuming meat. No one specifically developed
the vegetarian diet and a flexitarian is basically vegetarianism with the occasional
consumption of meat. Flexitarianism is a good option for those who want to receive
the health benefits of vegetarianism without completely giving up meat.
Microorganisms And Chlamydia
Microorganisms are microscopic organisms that can be found anywhere in the
environment. They can be bacteria, fungi, archaea or protists (Leon Sicairos et al.,
2015). Some microorganisms can attack one s immune system and cause diseases
such as chlamydia, rabies, leprosy and meningitis. Chlamydia is a sexually
transmitted disease caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria(Raulston and
Wyrick, 2000). C. trachomatis is the most common cause for sexually transmitted
diseases in the United States. The bacteria are aerobic and intracellular, meaning they
thrive in environments with oxygen and can reproduce inside the host cell ((Raulston
and Wyrick, 2000). The bacteria goes through two stages in its life cycle. The first
one being the elementary... Show more content on ...
Bacterial meningitis is extremely severe and deadly. It can also cause permanent
disabilities such as brain damage and learning disabilities (Thigpen et al., 2011).
The disease is spread from person to person and it can also be contracted from
certain foods. Since this disease is caused by several strains of bacteria, each strain
can be contracted in different ways. People can also be carriers of this disease,
meaning they can carry the bacteria but never actually get sick. It can be passed
from mother to child during birth or it can be contracted by breathing in the
bacteria that may be in the air. Symptoms, such as headaches, sensitivity to light
and a rash, occur around 3 to 7 days after infected. A meningitis rash is caused by
blood leaking into the tissue under the skin (Thigpen et al., 2011). The treatment for
this disease are antibiotics, corticosteroids and acetaminophen. Meningitis is no
only caused by bacteria, but it can also be a virus. Viral meningitis is less severe,
and people can recover without treatment. This is caused by an inflammation of the
tissue that covers the spinal cord and brain. Viral meningitis is caused by non polio
enteroviruses, such as mumps, measles and influenza (Thigpen et al., 2011).
Meningitis can also be caused by a complication during surgery (Zarrouk et al.,
Guy Montag Essay
Throughout the novel Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag goes from a relatively typical
fireman to a man on the run. In the story, Guy meets his seventeen year old
neighbor Clarisse McClellan, she questions Montag about his life now and the life
he has always lived. Near the start of the book Clarisse asks Montag, Are you
happy? Clarisse s question influenced Montag in many ways, causing him to
wonder about his life. After speaking with Clarisse, Montag starts thinking about
his wife, Mildred, and whether they really love each other or not. He leaves her to
go home and find out for sure. Once he is inside he asks Mildred if she remembers
where they met for the first time. Neither Mildred nor Montag remembers where they
met at for the first... Show more content on ...
The consequence of this behavior could send Montag to prison, which Montag
does not care about. After reading several books Montag talks with his close
friend, Faber, and says to him We have everything to be happy, but we re not happy
.What Montag tells Faber at that moment is really an expression of how he started
analyzing more after starting reading books. Although Montag s love life changes
and his view of society are changed too, this is not the only change Montag must
admit. In the start of the book Montag is delighted in the work of burning illegal
books and the homes of where they are found. However, as the book progresses,
Montag becomes increasingly disgruntled, as he realizes that he has an empty,
unfulfilling life. A point that shows that Montag in the start of the book is happy
about his job is when he hangs up his helmet and shines it; hangs up his jacket
neatly; showers luxuriously, and then, whistling walks across the upper floor. The
turning point of his liking about his work is when Captain Beatty arrives to speak
with Montag, somehow knowing that he feels ill and would be taking the evening
off. Before he leaves, Beatty makes mention of the fact that firemen are occasionally
overcome by curiosity about the books that they burn and may steal one to satiate
that curiosity. Even though when this happens, they are given a 24 hour respite to
come to their senses and burn the book. If they do not follow this rule, then their
Symbolic Interactionism And Social Psychology
The application paper
Symbolic interactionism is considered to be part of the building block of micro
sociological thinking, related to anthropology and social psychology that bases the
understanding of the society in communication and has greatly influenced the studies
on media. This theory suggest that human interaction and communication is
facilitated by words, gesture and other symbols that have acquired conventionalized
meaning (Dictioinary). Symbolic interaction is a range of ideas that discuss how we
as humans interact with the symbols of society. In this Paper will discuss the theory
of Symbolic interactionism, its three premises that make up the theory, the roles of
three major theorist that led to the development of the symbolic ... Show more content
on ...
The second premise indicates that the meaning of such things is derived from, or
arises out of, the social interaction between humans. This reminds me of myself as I
was growing up. My mother primarily raised me and showed me right from wrong.
She taught me religion, not to steal and many essential things in life. Her
socialization over time, allowed me to attach meaning to certain things in life. When I
see elders I know to respect them, when I see people in need I learned to help. The
third premise suggests that these meaning are handled in, and modified through, an
interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the things he encounters
(Blumer, 1984). This premise simply means that we can all hear the same thing but
may interpret them differently from one another. The meaning we attached to things
may change over time. In some cases, new experiences, or social interaction may
change the way you views things thus giving it different meaning. Many theorist have
shown interest in the Symbolic Interaction theory. But there s three theorist that were
heavily involved in the development of the concept. Herbert Blumer, George Herbert
Mead, and Charles H Cooley were the pioneers that laid the groundwork. Each of the
theorist had a distinct view on human group conduct. Despite the differences in views
there were many similarities which gave full meaning to the theory.
Different Film Industries in Different Countries
Different Film Industries in Different Countries
There is one kind of product which needs multi million investments but can see a
return in only 15 to 30 days. It is based on innovation and represents a country s
culture. Depending on its collection of audio and visual experiences, it can earn
praises or criticism from thousands of people. Films are enchanting products for the
It is quiet impossible to think about the American film industry without the name of
Hollywood. While you are thinking about Hollywood and the American film
industry you will find that the effect of Hollywood has given rise to several periods
of American Cinema. From silent films to movies made by modern technology and ...
Show more content on ...
As of 2009, 15 Japanese films had been nominated for best foreign language film at
the Academy Awards but none won until 2009. The Japanese films Gate of Hell by
Teinosuke Kinugasa and Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto by Hiroshi Inagaki won
special awards respectively in 1954 in 1955 but the foreign film category was not
created until 1956. Akira Kurosawa s Rashomon received the special award in
1951. He won Best Foreign Language Film Award in 1975 for Dersu Uzala but that
film was made for the Soviet Union not Japan.
The Japanese have long had a knack for telling a good ghost story. And for more
than half a century they ve been equally adept at putting those stories on the screen.
Yet Japanese movies featuring the supernatural are different from their Western
counterparts. Japanese spirits tend to be more passive their mere presence often
driving guilty souls to ruin or redemption. Though such films can be enjoyed
anytime, Halloween s approach makes them especially attractive as a welcome twist
to an otherwise predictable holiday. Below are several films, available individually
on DVD from the Criterion Collection, that show the Japanese flair for fright. Some
are undisputed classics, while others represent milestones in the genre s development.
Yamaoka identified several areas where American and Japanese horror diverge. In
general, he said, Japanese style horror deals with unseen aggressors and the
suggestion of violence, while
Comparison Of Jurassic Park And King Kong
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there
there you could look at a thing monstrous and free. Mr. Hayes, King Kong. In both
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton and Peter Jackson s King Kong, humanity
struggles with the idea of being able to control and contain legendary animals. The
texts have key differences, like the method used to change the state of the animals,
but also pivotal similarities, like the fact that the creatures end up overcoming their
captors, and threatening society. Throughout the stories, the theme develops that
when attempting to direct nature, chaos is inevitable.
The texts develop this theme differently in the initial method to change the state of
the animals. Specifically, ... Show more content on ...
What I mean is, in the two texts, the animals break free of their prisons and attack
the people around them. In Crichton s Jurassic Park, an electricity failure causes all
the dinosaurs to be able to exit their enclosures, and attack the park safety inspectors.
They kill multiple men, and injure most people on the island, before the survivors
can call for the military to bomb the island, killing the animals. This illustrates that
chaos is inevitable when directing nature, because although the island was well built
the animals managed to break free. If Hammond had let the dinosaurs stay dead, the
bloodbath that occurred wouldn t have taken place. Not only did many humans die,
but the experiment itself failed when they had to kill the dangerous beasts. Clearly, in
Jurassic Park chaos followed the attempted control of nature. Similarly, in King Kong
, after Carl brings Kong to New York, he breaks out of the chains that hold him on
the show s stage. He runs through the city looking for his human friend, Anne. He
injures and terrifies the new Yorkers during his frantic search. He ends up being
killed. This reveals that chaos ensues after trying to guide nature, because if they
had left Kong alone, he would not have been killed. The selfish actions of his captors
led to unnecessary violence by people and Kong. The movie shows us that Kong
loses his control after he is kidnapped, and he hurts people he shouldn t have even had
contact with. Both stories suggest the theme that pandemonium is sure to ensue when
society aims to direct
Tcap Test
Maya is a young, 13 year old girl in 7th grade. Recently, her grandmother was
brought to the hospital for her last days of life. Maya had scheduled a day to see
her, but on the same day, she has a TCAP test that she can t miss. There are no
other days that she can visit her grandmother, because 1, she is trying to stay in
school to study for the test, and 2, on the day Maya had scheduled to see her, is the
day she is expected to die. * * * Maya sat at her desk at school, flipping through the
pages of her notebook, trying to find notes for her huge upcoming test. She finds a
page about Language Arts and how to properly write essays and begins to study the
page. As she was studying her Language Arts notes, a beep comes from the speaker
above her, on the ceiling. Maya looks up from her paper,... Show more content on ...
Or try her very hardest on her TCAP test for a good education? Maya got up and
got a change of clothes and changed into them. She walked into her mother s room
quietly, trying not to wake her if she was sleeping. Her mother was getting ready for
the day, brushing her hair and putting on makeup.
Maya decided to ask her mother what would be best to do today. Mom, do you
think I should do the TCAP today, or visit grandma? She asked. Her mother gave a
shrug in response. What do you want to do? Do you want to take the test? Or visit
your grandmother on her last day? Both are good, you ll get a great education if
you take the test, and you ll also be able to visit your grandmother on her last day of
life? Her mother asked. Maya still didn t really know what to do. She stood in thought
for a while and finally made up her mind.
I ll go see grandma today. I ll be able to take the part of the test I missed during lunch
or something, but I ll never be able to see grandma again, so I think it s best to see
her on her last day. Maya told her mother her choice. Her mother smiled at her. Good
point and good
Disadvantages Of Deficit Spending
Deficit spending is when there is an excess of government expenditures over the
government revenue, creating a shortfall that must be financed through borrowing
(Deficit Spending, 2014). To put this in other terms deficit spending is when the
government needs to borrow money in order to pay for different government
programs and other items of value. In the past deficit spending has been used
when a country was facing a war or they needed to finance a building project.
Deficit spending is also used to help pull a country out of a recession. The actions
taken by the government during the late 1930s and early 1940s are a prime example
of deficit spending. The United States were in the middle of the great depressionand
consumer spending had fallen drastically due to the number of people that found
themselves unemployed and without money. In order to combat this drastic decrease
in spending the government took on a number of projects that were meant to
increase the overall spending. In order to spend more the government would have to
borrow money. Once the country was out of the depression, and consumer spending
began to grow, the idea was that the government would be able to pay back the
money that they had borrowed. In order to determine if deficit spending is worth the
cost a country needs to look at the advantages and disadvantages.
One of the major advantages of deficit spending is the amount of revenue and jobs
that are created in a time when the overall consumer
The Disaster Of A Earthquake
The year 2010 was an active year for earthquakes and other natural disasters,
racking up a total of four earthquakes ranked 7.0 or higher. Two of these quakes
were merely a month apart, and started the year in a very destructive way. The first
was a 7.0 in Haiti, the second over 3,000 miles away in Chile, an 8.8. Though both
ravaged their countries, one was decidedly more devastating than the other. Looking
at the magnitudes of the quakes, you might think Chile received the worst of it, but
after further inspection, you may not be so sure. While the magnitude of a quake can
be a big factor in the corresponding effects, the infrastructure of the affected area
plays an even larger role in the number of casualties and the amount of devastation
that is experienced. This devastation is further increased in coastal areas due to the
high likelihood of tsunamis shadowing high magnitude quakes.
The evening of January 12, 2010 was met with tragedy as a powerful 7.0 earthquake
rattled the coast of Haiti. The epicenter of the quake sat close to the town of
LГ©ogГўne, a mere 15 miles from the island nation s capital. ( Many
buildings collapsed or were severely damaged, including the national palace and the
United Nations headquarters. The loss of life was unfathomable and death tolls only
seemed to grow as the injured struggled to find medical aid and volunteer relief
systems from other countries grappled with the country s lack of proper
infrastructure. Haiti s electrical
Plastic Pollution Case Study
There are a variety of stakeholders involved in the worldwide issue of plastic pollution
including local, national and international governments, non government
organizations (NGO s) and corporations with all these stakeholders having a different
range of perspectives and solutions on the matter it is increasingly difficult to gain
consensus on how to jointly address this global problem. (reference).
The Department of the Environment and Heritage NSW, Local GovernmentNSW
(Local), The Government of NSW (State), The Australian Government (National) and
The United Nations (International) seem to underestimate the effects of plastic and
general marine pollution. Most government agencies seem to be more worried with
economic issues of the clean up and enforcement costs. Resources like the fishing and
tourism industries, public opinion, government policies, laws and legislations, future
elections, risks of high unemployment rates if major corporations are taxed
excessively or policies such as Extended Producer Responsibility are enforced may
affect the economy and the health of the population and the environment. On the
other hand, Non government stake holders such as Boomerang Alliance (Local),
Clean up Australia (National) and Greenpeace (International) are trying to raise
awareness for the issue and educating the public on the long term negative effects of
plastic marine pollution and preserving the health of the environment and oceans for
the future generations to come (Plastic Pollution Coalition, 2017). A variety of these
nongovernment organisations are raising funds to help with cleaning up the
environment and putting pressure on the governments locally, nationally and
internationally to recognise the global impact of plastic marine pollution and take
responsibility for the damage this pollution causes and help with the clean up and
maintenance of the marine environment to keep the problem under control. Although
there are major corporations as stakeholders that are trying to help and support the
clean up of the environment such as Coca Cola Amatil, Nestle, Schweppes Australia,
Lion Pty Ltd and PepsiCo, they are also major contributors to the issue due to the
types of packaging that they use for their
Colitis Case Study
2.4 Evaluation of colitis on survival rate and body weight
Survival rate and body weight were two index during the evaluation of the severity
of colitis [19, 20]. The survival rate and body weight was recorded daily during the
administration of TCA.
2.5 Evaluation of colitis on the change of colon
The severity of colitis was evaluated by the presence of colonic weight, colonic
length, and colonic damage of macroscopic scores. Macroscopic scores for
evaluation of the severity of colitis was performed with the method described by
Melgar et al. [21] with slight modification. The method of macroscopic scoring was
shown in Table. 1.
2.6 Histological evaluation
The damaged degree of colonic tissue on histopathology was evaluated under light
microscope. ... Show more content on ...
The colonic tissue was homogenized in potassium phosphate buffer with 0.5%
hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide and centrifuged at 20,000 Г— g at 4В°C.
Then the supernatants were collected, added to a reaction mixture containing 0.1 mM
H2O2 and1.6 mM tetramethylbenzidine, and incubated at 37 В°C. The results were
obtained by an ELIASA at 450 nm.
2.8 Evaluation of TNF О±, IFN Оі, and IL 1ОІ
The colonic tissue levels of TNF О±, IFN Оі, and IL 1ОІ were detected with a
commercially available enzyme linked immunosorbent assay kits. The procedures
were conducted strictly according to the kit instructions. The absorbance was
measured spectrophotometrically at 450 nm. Cytokine levels in the colonic tissue
were expressed as pg cytokine/mg tissue.
2.9 Statistical analysis
All dates were presented as the means В±S.E.M (standard error of mean).
Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 19.0 statistical software. Statistical
analysis of survival rate was used by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
followed by the Student Newman Keuls test [20]. Other statistical tests were
performed using ANOVA followed by LSD t test. P 0.05 was considered statistically
St. John s University Department Of Athletics
St. John s University Department of Athletics
Head Coach Contract
This CONTRACT is made between St. John s University Department of Athletics
(Athletics) and Patrick Carlucci (Head Coach) effective May 18, 2015. Athletics and
Head Coach may be collectively referred to as the Parties or Party .
The Parties represented promise and agree as follows:
Athletics hereby employs Head Coach to perform such duties as head men s soccer
coach, a 10 month position (June April). This contract shall be for a term
commencing on May 18, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019, unless earlier terminated as
set fourth in this Contract.
Head Coach agrees to serve as the head men s soccer coach according to the ... Show
more content on ...
Commitment to the academic well being and success of student athletes;
E.Supervision and evaluation of assistant coaches, graduate assistants, managers,
interns, and volunteers;
F.Recruitment of student athletes who demonstrate academic and athletic prowess;
G.Responsibility for the fiscal and budgetary management of the SJU Men s Soccer
H.Participation in fundraising and promotional events for Athletics and SJU Men s
Soccer Program;
I.Perform other duties as assigned by the President and Director.
Athletics agrees to pay the Head Coach as compensation for the services performed
as the head men s soccer coach a base salary of $80,000 annually, paid in twelve (12)
monthly installments on the last day of each month. It is understood that such salary
payments are subject to local, state, and federal withholdings, taxes, and retirement
Athletics agrees to pay the following incentive bonuses to Head Coach in the event
the men s soccer team achieves academic and athletic competition milestones.
Annual Graduation Rate over 85%1 month s additional salary
NCAA College Cup Championship3 month s additional salary
Team Reaches Final Four of NCAA Tournament2 month s additional salary
NCAA Tournament Participation 1 month s additional salary
Big East Regular Season Championship1 month s additional
Sequoia National Park Conservation
Will most special places in America constantly be beautiful and sacred? There is one
thing positive that the nature cannot be frozen in time, it will continue to innovate
and develop. The national parks protect the best of our natural heritage: stunning
landscapes, extraordinary wildlife, and majestic forests. However, a climatechange
forces us to accept that those national parks are endangered and need to be protected.
Warming temperature has become the nation s superior issue that impacted the
balance of the animals and their habitats in the national parks. Over centuries, without
the cooperation of the community, it will not be possible to achieve the preservation
of the national park system.
The parks have attained international conservation ... Show more content on ...
Understanding of adaptive capacity and regional vulnerability to climate change on
forests is not well developed and requires more focused research efforts. They
acknowledged the reality of human caused climate change was a political act, and the
Park Service doesn t discuss politics with its visitors. Mankind activities have
damaged dreadfully to the resources and polluted the environment. Therefore, it
becomes a threat to the nature and effects the climate in the parks. Increasing
drought and disturbance risks will cause adverse effects on the nature itself. These
negative impacts are very likely to outweigh positive trends in these national parks.
Park managers began setting controlled fires in forests where natural wildfires had
long been suppressed; they reintroduced species that had vanished, such as wolves
and bighorn sheep. The ecologist and park manager have tried many ways to get the
nature under control and change it the scientific way. They want to avoid the
significant impact of natural disaster that caused damages on animal and habitats.
They ignored the fact that nature itself, left to its own devices, does not tend toward
a steady, state landscapes and ecosystems are always being changed by storms or
The Civil Rights Movement, And Star Trek
When Star Trek came on the air in 1966, it presented a future where people were
not limited by the color of their skin or their gender. Gene Roddenberry s fictional
universe showed the possibilities that existed where humans could get past the issues
that were prevalent in the 1960s. Through the allegory that Star Trek used, the
audience was able to view current and pressing issues, raceand gender, through the
medium of television. The civil rights movement and the feminist movement both
began in the 1960s, and Star Trek reflected the issues and gave a setting for people
to discuss them through the use of metaphor. The events during and after WWII had
an effect upon the civil rights movement that occurred in the 1960s. African
Americans moved from the rural areas into cities to fill jobs in the war industry
due to a labor shortage. This was important because in concentrated a large number
of African Americans into the cities where the civil rights movement would begin.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt s Four Freedoms speech listed the objectives that they
were going to fight to protect which were the freedoms of speech, worship freedom
from want and from fear. These freedoms had African Americans thinking about their
rights as citizens and how they did not enjoy the same freedoms as white people.
This opened a dialogue among black peopleabout the lack of democracy in the United
States. This led to black leaders threatening a labor protest which would be held in the
The Second Language ( L2 ) Learners
The second language(L2) learners often struggle to identify possible grammars in
their second languages. In particular, they fail to form a sentence with an appropriate
functional morpheme (Lardiere, 1998; White, 2003). A functional morpheme refers
to a morpheme which performs some kind of grammatical function, playing a role in
lexical change. It consists of the function words in the language such as definite
markers. The inflection of a definite marker, in other words, definiteness,
distinguishes a nominal phrase (NP) between identifiable and non identifiable. That
is, whether or not, a referent is identifiable or previously introduced in the discourse.
In addition to identifiability, definiteness is expected to incorporate other notion,...
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This paper mostly analyzes the issue of cross linguistic variation of definiteness with
sample data and examples from English and Japanese.
Dryer (2013) classifies definiteness into five categories. The first type is the
languages in which definite article are independent, and are distinct from
demonstrative words. This type is used commonly in Western European, Oceanic and
Mesoamerican languages (Dryer, 2013; Schroeder, 2006). English is categorized in
this type of languages.
In English, the grammatical element is encoded with regard to a contrast between a
definite article the, and indefinite articles a/an in the language. The type of noun
(count versus mass) is also a factor: indefinite mass nouns and indefinite plural
countable nouns can appear without articles, i.e. as bare nouns. Furthermore, other
determiners in English are consist of demonstratives, possessives, quantifiers, and
cardinal numbers, some of which are definite and indefinite. The distribution of
articles in English is presented in (1). Examples involving singular count nouns are
illustrated in (2). Note that these singular count nouns cannot be bare, as illustrated in
(1) the: definite count nouns (singular and plural), definite mass nouns e.g. the cat,
the cats, the clothing a: indefinite singular count nouns
e.g. a cat, *a cats, *a clothing
в€…: indefinite plural
Parental Socioeconomic Status Analysis
The explanation for the achievement that I find the most compelling is parental
socioeconomic status. This means that a Childs educational aptitude can be
effected by things such as parent s education, income and wealth. If a child has
parents that did not make much money and never went to college, that child is
statistically more likely to follow the same path. On page 222 of Race and racisms
a critical approach written by TANYA MARIA GOLASH BOZA, the author
mentions a study done in 1992. The study results state that over half of young people
with family who had an income in the top twenty five present earned a collegedegree.
While families who had an income in the low twenty five present only seven percent
earned a degree. This explanation
Registering To Vote
Voting is perhaps the single most important activity a citizen of the United States of
America can engage in, many have fought and died to ensure this right is extended
to every citizen. Voting is the vehicle through which the collective voice is heard,
and the means through which meaningful change can occur. As such it is imperative
that every citizen that is legally able to vote be registered, only registered voters are
allowed to cast a vote come electiontime. While preparing for this assignment this
writer took a moment to check if she was a registered voter, she found that she was
not. This condition was immediately rectified.
The process for registering to vote is a fairly simple one, particularly if the intended
voter has access to
Target Data Breach Essay
Target Data Breach
Charles Moore
American Military University
Target a large retail corporation that operates over 1,700 stores across the United
States. They also operate as an online retailer at In 2012 the retailer
earned more than $73 billion dollars in revenue and grew their sales by 5.1% from
the previous year. Looking at the revenue and sales growth rate it is hard to fathom
that more money could not be spent to ensure that consumer data is protected as
much as possible. As information security specialists one of the worst things that can
happen is our network gets infiltrated and customer information is stolen. On
December 19, 2013 Target released a statement stating that they have had an
information ... Show more content on ...
The following day they deployed their card stealing malware onto the POS systems.
On December 11 the attackers are first discovered and on the 15th of December they
were removed from the network. December 19th Target acknowledge the breach to
the public and details started coming to light on the sophistication of the attack
(Jarvis Milletary, 2014).
After two months of investigating it was determined that Target had allowed their
HVAC vendor access to their networks. This HVAC account that was created had
been compromised and allowed hackers onto the Target s network (Mlot, 2014). Once
on the network the attackers made their way to change user accounts that were
already on the system and gave them elevated privileges. Target utilizes BMC
management software that creates and utilizes a Best1_user account to authenticate
the management software to the network. This account when installed onto the
system is not added to any groups and is locked down to only authenticate the BMC
services necessary ( 29 new clues, 2014).
Once on Target s network with elevated privileges the attackers were able to launch
malware to the POS systems that would capture the credit card information of the
consumers as they swiped their cards to pay for their items. They launched a second
piece of malware that that would take the captured information and move it to a dump
server on the internal network. Once the information was on the dump server it them
Mary Shelley s Influence On Frankenstein
Mary Shelley Mary Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, was born on August 30,
1797, in London England. Mary Shelley married young in life. She soon became
Mrs. Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1816. Two years after she was married, she officially
published her most famous novel, Frankenstein. Mary wrote several other books.
Some of these include: Valperga in 1823, The Last Man, and Mathilde. Mrs.
Shelley died of brain cancer on February 1st, 1851, in London, England. Mary
Shelley s life played a huge role on the impact of British Literature because she
inspired female writers all around the world. Mary Shelley was the daughter of a
philosopher named William Godwinand famed feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, who
was the author of The Vindication of the... Show more content on ...
Shelley started writing the story when she was eighteen years old, and finished the
first edition of the novel was finally published anonymously in London in 1818,
when she was twenty years old. Shelley s name first appeared on the second edition,
published in France in 1823. Even though the monster would be composed of whole
body parts brought together from cadavers and brought to life from electricity. The
novel resulted from a competition between Mary, her future husband Percy Shelley,
Lord Byron, and John Polidori to see who could come up with the best gruesome,
horrific story. It said that the plot came to Mary in a dream about a scientist who
created life through electricity. Frankenstein s monster is given no name in the book
but referred to as only creature, monster, fiend, wretch, or demon. Shelley said the
name Frankenstein came in her head/dream in Germany because there is a Castle
Frankenstein, which she visited. Alchemist, Conrad Dippel is known to have
experimented with dead human bodies at Castle Frankenstein in the early 18th
century. Frankenstein has inspired more than one hundred thirty films, starting with
The Silent Frankenstein in
Fishing Persuasive Essay
It twas a warm July morning and the best friends George and Jeff were out on the
water. The two boys loved fishing and they would always try to go. When they
would comeback they would always have new stories and forever memories from
their previous adventure. The boys would do whatever it took to get to a fishing
spot. The boys have stories from when they had to swim upstream to a spot, or have
to tightrope walk a dam, once they even kayak down river for 3 days just to get to a
fishing hole.
One day the two boys were in church, when George looked over at Jeff whose face
could show that he had an idea. A couple minutes later George looked over again
and made eye contact with Jeff, Jeff lipped out the words We need to talk. After the
church bells signaled the end of the service George hustled to the meeting spot under
the berry tree where him and Jeff always met. Georged asked What you wanna talk
about? Jeff told him about his plan to canoe the Llano river from Llano Texas to Lake
LBJ. It was music to George s ears.
Jeff went home after church to think about their trip. He thought about all the good
times they had and all the fish they caught on the Llano. He dreamed about their trip
and was counting down the days until his trip. At night he would dream about pulling
in a monster, or he would have nightmares of his line snapping.
The day came when after church Jeffs mom, Ms.Julie asked if George s mom is
George could go to their ranch with them this Wednesday. George
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Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays

  • 1. Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays Writing an essay on the topic "Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, the task requires a thorough understanding of what constitutes a good argumentative essay, including the ability to analyze and critique various examples. On the other hand, it demands the skill to effectively convey these insights in a coherent and persuasive manner. To begin with, finding suitable examples that exemplify the qualities of a good argumentative essay can be a time-consuming process. It involves researching a variety of topics, examining different writing styles, and identifying key elements such as strong thesis statements, well- supported arguments, and compelling evidence. Once these examples are identified, the writer must carefully analyze and dissect them, understanding the rhetorical strategies employed and the overall structure of the essays. Crafting an argumentative essay also necessitates the ability to construct a compelling thesis statement and develop a clear and logical argument. The writer must consider counterarguments and address them effectively, showcasing critical thinking skills. Additionally, presenting evidence that supports the thesis requires thorough research and citation skills, ensuring the essay is both well-informed and credible. Moreover, the writing process itself poses challenges, as articulating thoughts coherently and persuasively requires a mastery of language and rhetoric. The essay must flow logically, with each paragraph building upon the previous one, creating a seamless progression of ideas. Striking the right balance between being persuasive and maintaining objectivity is crucial to the success of the argumentative essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays" demands a combination of research, analytical skills, and effective communication. It is a task that requires dedication, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the nuances of argumentation. However, the reward lies in the ability to showcase one's intellectual prowess and contribute meaningfully to the discourse. If you find the process too challenging or time-consuming, remember that help is available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where experienced writers can assist you in crafting high-quality, customized essays tailored to your specific needs. Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays Examples Of Good Argumentative Essays
  • 2. Chilean Water Sanitation Water supply and sanitation in Chile has high levels of access and good service quality. Compared to most other countries. Chile s water and sanitation sector distinguishes itself by the fact that almost all urban water companies are privately owned or operated. The sector also prides itself of having a modern and effective regulatory framework, including an innovative subsidy to water demand by the poor. One weakness of the sector is the relatively high water losses. Chilean urban areas with improved water coverage stood at 96% and coverage of improved sanitation was also 96%. It is one of the highest levels in Latin America. The Chilean water supplyand sanitation sector today is characterized by one of the best coverage and quality levels... Show more content on ... Along parts of the Central and Southern coast of continental Chile. Soils derived from metamorphic and other rocks are very common, and are intermixed with those derived from volcanic ashes. The soils of the Patagonian region have been the subject of limited studies and reflect an extremely complex geography and geomorphology. In general they have developed under the influence of glaciers, and given the low year round temperatures, their development has been scant. Glacier materials have given rise to soils that rest on old Tertiary sands and clays. Their depth is variable but generally they are shallow, tend to accumulate organic matter of low activity and, possibly as consequence of the low predominant temperatures, mineralisation is very low resulting in marked N deficiencies. Production systems that include and/or are based on ruminants occupy nearly 40% of the Chile
  • 3. Essay about Kyoto Protocol After ten days of tough negotiations, ministers and other high level officials from 160 countries reached an agreement this morning on a legally binding Protocol under which industrialized countries will reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2%. The agreement aims to lower overall emissions from a group of six greenhouse gases by 2008 12, calculated as an average over these five years. (UNFCCC, 2011) In December of 1997, 160 countries gathered in Kyoto, Japan to agree upon a Protocol that will curb emissions and hopefully restore emission levels to pre industrial numbers. This Protocol is the Kyoto Protocol established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Control. It is widely believed that ... Show more content on ... The atmospheres absorption of this energy helps keep our average global temperature at an ideal level for life. Notably important is the temperature of our oceans. Our oceans are compared to a sink for carbon dioxide, in that they hold much of the carbon dioxide that would otherwise be in the atmosphere (Wikipedia, 2011). As the temperature of the oceans rise, they absorb less and less carbon dioxide. Thus increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increasing the global mean temperature, creating a snowball like effect, that would be nearly impossible to reverse. To prevent this catastrophe the Kyoto Protocol was established as a global legally binding agreement (Wikipedia, 2011). The objective of this agreement was to provide financing for developing countries. The financial aid would go towards new technologies to help these countries develop in a more sustainable manner. The Protocol also hoped to install mechanisms that report, verify, and review the carbon emissions of each country. Lastly, the countries that helped create the Kyoto Protocol wanted it to be a legally binding agreement that had consequences for countries who failed to meet their emission target. The Kyoto Protocol was established as a part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Control (UNFCCC). All parties that are
  • 4. The Civil War And The End Of Reconstruction After the Civil War, following the Compromise of 1877 and the end of Reconstruction, the protection for the rights of African American ended if there was any. Southern States had moved to impose a system of segregation on nearly all areas of life. New laws that required segregation that stirred separate but equal doctrine that disenfranchise African Americans for almost six decades. It is hard in this days and age to be able to imagine segregation as a law, but the remnants just change form and name. A petition file on June 7, 1892, in the supreme court Louisiana by a local shoemaker named Homer Plessy against Honorable judge John H. Ferguson. His filling set a test case to challenge Separate Car Act that prompt Plessy v. Ferguson case perhaps one of the most noticeable actions to nullify separate but equal doctrine. Homer Plessy was arrested and put in jail for sitting in the white only train car of the East Louisiana Railroad. He was one eighths black and seven eighths white, but under Louisiana law, he was considered black due to the hints of black blood, and was therefore required to sit in the colored train car. Even though the companies of the cars opposed to law due to expenses of maintenance of separate cars and lose of black customers White dominated state legislature move to make segregation mandatory and ensured that African American barred from challenging the separate but equal doctrine. However, the main reason segregation prevailing in the south is a
  • 5. Rehabilitation In Angola Both films showed what living the Georgian prison Angola was like and how it differed from other prisons when it comes to rehabilitation. Unlike most prisons in America Angola allows prisoners to have more of a rehabilitative experience. From the new prisoners farm hands who work the fields to the most trusted prisoners who have jobs outside of the prisonwalls while being under guard but more freedom of movement. It takes about four years for a prisoner to go from new comer to trust prisoner and any signs of not being a trusted prisoner you go back to being treated as a new comer. However, not all prisoners in Angola have the same experiences while in there. In the film The Farm the prisoner Vincent Simmons talks about his story and how he was convicted for a crimethat he did not commit. How he was arrested and treated like a criminal even though he says that he didn t raped those two sisters. In The Farm Vincent is up for parole and his parole hearing is very different from Ashanti Witherspoon s in the second video. During Vincent s parole the victims the two sisters came in beforehand and made their case to the parole board on why he shouldn t be granted parole without Vincent present. How they relive the rape every night even though it has been... Show more content on ... Unlike Vincent s hearing Ashanti had no victims or familyof the victims come in to give there peace on why he shouldn t be granted parole. Unlike Vincent, Ashanti had family his daughter show up to his hearing. He had the warden put in a good word for him to the parole board on how he was one of the best prisoners he had. More importantly he showed remorse for the crime he committed and how he bettered himself while in prison by helping other prisoners and speaking to at risk kids. He didn t have to leave the room while the parole board made their decision and he was granted parole because unlike Vincent he showed that he was worthy for
  • 6. Public Image And Customer Management Strategies Companies of all types and sizes depend on their customer base for revenues and continuously work toward earning the largest market share percentage attainable. The foundations of businesses are its customers, and unless that company is a monopoly, competition between businesses will drive customers and revenues to one business or another. Unless it is properly managed, maintaining customerrelationships can be expensive. While some companies invest heavily in their public image and customer management strategies, other companies succeed despite poor customer relationships. The wishes of the customers are also continuously evolving with new generations and social environments. Moving on from the boomers , to the gen x , and now the... Show more content on ... In his Ted talk Millennials: Who They are Why We Hate Them , Scott Hess discusses a number of companies, including Abercrombie and Fitch as a company that endorsed the typically cliquish and judgmental characteristics associated with the gen x . That is not surprising considering that the company restructured in 1979 as a modern sportswear outlet (Lepore, 2011). Meanwhile, American Eagle is seen as marketing for everyone , looking to attract the inclusive and tolerant characteristics of the Millennials (Hess, 2011). Perhaps even more importantly is the increasing demand for value for the customer in a meaningful way. In its customer priority list, in addition to personal customer values, Inc includes value that s superior to other options (James, 2013). Another way of looking at this particular value is in terms of global influence and impact, as well as connectedness; people want to have a positive influence on the world. As Hess remarks, one of Starbucks campaigns was to invest in their coffee farmers and suppliers (Hess, 2011). The impact on the consumer is the feeling that purchasing coffee at Starbucks is beneficial to other communities. Similarly, the so called fast casual bakery style restaurant Pret a Manger is known not only for its fresh sandwiches and soups but also for its initiative to donate any leftover edibles to charity on a
  • 7. Capital Gains Tax Case Study BRIEFING NOTE FOR THE FINANCE MINISTER INCREASING THE CAPITAL GAINS TAX FROM 50% TO 100% Purpose: The purpose of this briefing note is to provide the finance minister, Bill Morneau, with insight on the merits of an increase, from 50% to 100%, in the tax on capital gains. Statement of the Issue: The federal government is currently running a large budget deficit. By the end of the current fiscal year, the country will be almost $31 billion in the red...$1.3 billion beyond the $29.4 billion deficit [] forecasted in the March 2016 budget (Minsky, 2016). Prime Minister Trudeau has, instead, expressed the government s intentions to decrease the debt to GDP ratio, a reflection of the government s ability to pay back its debt: we will continue to ... Show more content on ... (2016, October 13). This year s deficit could be as high as $34 billion, or $16 billion higher than expected: TD Bank. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from http:/ / banks expects canada to run larger deficits than trudeau budgeted Lammam , C., Eisen, B. (2016, March 28). Don t blame the economy for Trudeau s deep deficits. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from comment/dont blame the economy for trudeaus deep deficits Minsky, A. (2016, November 14). Deeper deficits, no sign of balanced budgets in economic forecast. Retrieved March 15, 2017, from /3038932/finance minister bill morneau releases economic outlook/ Mitchell, D. J. (2014, November 07). The Overwhelming Case Against Capital Gains Taxation. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from /danielmitchell/2014/11/07/the overwhelming case against capital gains taxation /#7f71ff3c3b0a Tencer, D. (2016, October 13). Deficits To Be Larger Than What Liberals Advertised: TD Bank. Retrieved March 12, 2017, from
  • 8. The Epilepsy Disorder Epilepsy is a disorder characterized by unpredicted seizures. The seizures can affect any part of the body but usually makes its way back to the brain. Epilepsy is one of the oldest documented disorders. The invention of EEG, electroencephalogram, helped advance research in neurosurgery. The EEG helped to track abnormalities of electric activity in the brainin order to diagnose and track activity for people with epilepsy. The only symptom or characteristic of this disorder is epileptic seizures. The seizures are uncontrolled electric activity that usually occurs in the brain. When the brain is effected, other developmental complications are likely to ensue. Therefore, people with epilepsy commonly experience communication difficulties as well... Show more content on ... Their results came to a similar conclusion that the children with epilepsy display more speech and communication difficulties than those of their typically developing peers. This study, contained ten preschool aged students with partial epilepsy, six with generalized epilepsy and four with an unclassified state of epilepsy. For comparison, a group of thirty typically developing preschoolers, without epilepsy were used as the control group for the study. The Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA) was used to assess the children s emerging literacy, which individually tests both spoken and written linguistic abilities. The test focused specifically on the children s ability to blend phonemes. For this test, the participants had to demonstrate their ability to identify full words when hearing the syllables in isolation (Selassie at el., 2008). Grammar and receptive language were also tested using the ITPA. This section had the participants engage in auditory verbal comprehension as well as sentence repetition activities. In the results of all of these tests, the group of preschoolers with epilepsy scored lower on all of the parts compared to the group of typically developing preschoolers. In regards to motor ability and phonemes, the preschoolers with epilepsy had a median of four almost across the
  • 9. Imaginary Queen Of Carthage Summary LEARNING THROUGH HISTORY July/Aug. 2006, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 49 51 ? 2006 Learning Through History Magazine All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. Dido Legendary Queen of Carthage By Michael A. Dimitri ?????It was a humid, sun baked morning along the eastern Mediterranean coastline as the Phoenician princess Elissa fled for her life through the streets of ancient Tyre. The year was 814 B.C., and her brother, Pygmalion, had just murdered her husband, who had been kneeling in prayer, and claimed the throne for himself. Asleep at the time, Elissa dreamed that her handsome husband, Sychaeus, appeared to her. With a panicked goodbye as he gestured toward his fatal wound, he showed his wife where he... Show more content on ... ?????She also couldn t turn to the kingdom s trading partners for help. Many of the ancient peoples would love to have a Phoenician princess crash land on their beach to become their servant, as other dethroned royals of antiquity had. Elissa did not want to risk becoming a slave who spent her life opening and shutting the door for her master. Worse yet, as a royal widow she was quite a prize for a man who sought a throne. All he would have had to do was get her to marry him, and then he could have made a claim to rule Tyre and all of Phoenicia. A war would have resulted, a war in which thousands would have died. Elissa did not want that. ?????No, Elissa had other plans. She would not set foot in the civilized world. In the first of many clever moves that shocked her followers and stirred up strong controversy, Elissa directed her ships to sail to northwestern Africa, which was considered barbaric by the Phoenicians. They would land at the point where the land juts out into the sea and build a new city there. ?????An arid, nearly uninhabited land, this part of North Africa was a natural site for legends of great monsters and disasters. Although it is doubtful that Elissa
  • 10. Essay about Analysis of Greenleaf by Flannery O’Connor The short story Greenleaf by Flannery O Connor tells of Mrs. May, an old, bitter, and selfish woman. She thinks badly of everyone around her, including her own two sons. It also compares her family to that of the Greenleaf family, who Mrs. May sees as inferior to her. O Connor unveils the story of Mrs. May and her demise through the use of point of view, character, and symbolism. She uses the third person omniscient view to give the reader a sense of Mrs. May s character, and the symbols of the bull, and the conflict between the bull and Mrs. May to show Mrs. May s destruction as well as give the story a deeper meaning of God s grace. O Connor uses the limited omniscient point of view in the story so that the reader learns more... Show more content on ... O Connor also focuses on contrasting characters in her story to bring the plot along, for example the conflict in the story is between Mrs. May and Mr. Greenleaf, two almost completely opposite characters. Mrs. May is shown as a bitter character who blames others for her problems, although most are self inflicted. Such as how she hired Mr. Greenleaf for fifteen years although she obviously hates him, or how she ends up raising bitter and cruel sons who treat her with no respect. On the other hand the Greenleaf s is simple, although uneducated, but manages to raise two successful sons, unlike Mrs. May s. However, Mrs. May looks down on Mr. Greenleaf because she feels he is inferior to her in social standing and intelligence. . For example when she went to O.T. and E.T. s farm and saw their milking parlor, she decided automatically that they were paid for the Government and the boys didn t work for it. Mrs. May says how I would have to do it myself. I am not assisted hand and foot by the Government. This illustrates how Mrs. May still thinks less of the Greenleafs, even if they have a better farm then her because she thinks they did not gain it themselves, that it was instead paid for by the Government. The Greenleaf boys have a better working farm then her, and therefore are a little higher than her in
  • 11. Margo Roth Spiegelman s Miracle The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle. Like, I will probably never be struck by lightning, or win a Nobel Prize, or become the dictator of a small nation in the Pacific Islands, or contract terminal ear can cer, or spontaneously combust. But if you consider all the unlikely things together, at least one of them will probably happen to each of us. I could have seen it rain frogs. I could have stepped foot on Mars. I could have been eaten by a whale. I could have married the queen of England or survived months at sea. But my miracle was different. My miracle was this: out of all the houses in all the subdivisions in all of Florida, I ended up living next door to Margo Roth Spiegelman. Our subdivision, Jefferson Park, used to be a navy base. But then ... Show more content on ... As I turned on my side, I saw Margo Roth Spiegelman standing outside my window, her face almost pressed against the screen. I got up and opened the window, but the screen stayed between us, pixelating her. I did an investigation, she said quite seriously. Even up close the screen broke her face apart, but I could tell that she was holding a little notebook and a pencil with teeth marks around the eraser. She glanced down at her notes. Mrs. Feldman from over on Jefferson Court said his name was Robert Joyn er. She told me he lived on Jefferson Road in one of those condos on top of the grocery store, so I went over there and there were a bunch of policemen, and one of them asked if I worked at the school paper, and I said our school didn t have a paper, and he said as long as I wasn t a journalist he would answer
  • 12. my questions. He said Robert Joyner was thirty six years old. A lawyer. They wouldn t let me in the apartment, but a lady named Juanita Alvarez lives next door to him, and I got into her apartment by asking if I could borrow a cup of sugar, and then she said that Robert Joyner had killed himself with
  • 13. The Paradoxes of Bangladesh Bangladesh is a country of complex paradoxes; although it has made huge strides in economic growth, poverty reduction and development, the political scene remains volatile. In fact, several historical, social, and conditions and contextual factors remain at play, affecting the democratization process. Drawing upon a procedural definition of democracy, free, fair, and competitive elections and the guarantee of civil rights and civil liberties for the citizenry must exist in order to promote democratization in Bangladesh. Democratization, according to Canadian International Development Agency s (CIDA) definition, refers to the process of strengthening popular participation, building democratic institutions and practices, and deepening societal democratic values. Despite having the framework of a parliamentary democracy and Western democratic institutions, there has been a downward trend in democratization in Bangladesh. Behind the faГ§ade of democracy, instability, weak political institutions, patrimonial politics, patronage, and political polarization exist. In this case, Bangladesh can be potentially classified as an illiberal democracy, or even an electoral autocracy. As such, the country still faces considerable obstacles; the prevention of a reverse wave back to authoritarianism, and the encouragement towards further democratization and democratic consolidation, require further assistance and new approaches in order to address these challenges. Since the 1990s, the
  • 14. Vegetative Growth Characters Of Broad Bean Plants This study included three experiments that were conducted during the winter seasons of 2013/2014 (one experiment) and 2014 2015 (two experiments). 4.1 Frist season of 2013/2014 One experiment was designed to investigate the effect of three plant spacing (20, 30 and 40 cm), three humic acid (HA) rates (control, 1000 and 2000 mg l 1), three boron (B) rates (control, 100 and 200 mg l 1) and their interactions on the vegetative growth and earliness as well as the green pods yield of broad bean crop. The effects of the different factors that used in this study and their interaction on the various characters of broad bean plants are presented in Tables (2 16). 4.1.1 Vegetative Growth Characters The results... Show more content on ... The data showed that application of B had no significant influence on plant height, branches No. plant 1, and leaf area index (LAI) of broad bean plants. While, the boron had a significant effect on the number of leaves plant 1 of broad bean plants. The results appeared that spraying of B on broad bean plants resulted in a decrease in the number of leaves per plant, the lowest value of the number of leaves plant 1 (132.2) was obtained from plants treated with 100 mg l 1, and there was no significant effect among other levels of B. Interaction Effects between Spacing and Humic Acid. The statistical comparisons listed in Table (3) illustrated the presence of some interaction effects, between spacing and HA on some vegetative growth characteristics of broad bean plants that resulted in different relative responses for the various treatment combinations. These interaction effects may be showed by the comparisons among the three different HA rates at each of the different spacing of the plant height and number of leaves per plant. In wide plant spacing 40 cm, the comparisons illustrated that the increases in HA up to 1000 or 2000 mg l 1 were associated with significant decreases in the plant height and number of leaves per plant, which was not exactly with spacing 20 and 30 cm. Interaction Effects between Spacing and Boron. The
  • 15. Comparing The Scion And Cadillac Car Cadillacs are another vehicle that is marketed based on the age of potential consumers. Cadillac has a reputation of being associated with the older buyer whereas the Toyota Scion appeals to the younger. These are the similarities and differences between the 2016 Cadillac ATS Coupe vs. 2016 Scion TC. Marketing for the Scion and Cadillac is similar by adding addons to the car. With a purchase of a new car, you are able to add specific features that do not come with the car. Both the Scion and Cadillac appeal to a specific lifestyle and like to arrive in fashion at social gathering or party (Solomon, 2011). Some of how the marketing is different is the age ranges. Where the Cadillac is targeted towards the older customer averaging 60 years
  • 16. Bios251 Week 7 Lab BIOS251 Week 7 Lab Exercise Joints To complete this worksheet, select: Module: Support and Movement Activity: Anatomy Overviews Title: Joints 1.a.From the main Joints page, click Fibrous Joints and identify each of the following structural joint types. Suture Syndesmoses Gomphosis Suture Syndesmoses Gomphosis b.Why are sutures and gomphoses classified as synarthroses? In these types of joints the fibers are very short and allow for little of no movement. Synarthroses joints come together at a point at which adjacent bones are bound by collagen fibers that emerge from ... Show more content on ... Locate body examples of the following joints and describe the movement of each. Condyloid joint between radius and scaphoid and lunate bones of carpus. Planar joints between intercarpal joints. Between carpal bones at the wrist. Saddle joint between the trapezium of carpus and metacarpal of thumb. Biaxial (Condyloid) triaxial (Plane Joint) Biaxial (Saddle Joint) Movement on two axis Movement on three axis Movement on two axis These types of joints are considered plane joints because they permit back and forth and side to side movements between the flat surfaces of the bones, but they may also rotate against one another. Pivot The rounded pointed surface of one bone articulates with a ring formed partly by another bone and partly by a ligament. This type of joint allows rotation only around its own longitudinal axis. Uniaxial Joint between head and radius notch of ulna.
  • 17. Hinge The convex surface of one bone fits into the concave surface of another bone, Hinge joint are uniaxial because they allow motion around a single axis. Produces an opening and closing motion. Identify the trochlea and the trochlear notch.
  • 18. The Importance Of Media Influences On Children And Teens The media has played a large part in creating the social norms in which many think of. This is because there are many types of media out there, including advertisements and television. The media has this type of influence on people of all ages. The influence can be trying to sell a certain item that children and teens would want or how to act or look a certain way. For this, this is why the media has a huge influence on the attitudes and viewpoints of children and teens. Children and teens now live in a world that is covered with media influences. In the Australian Nursing Journal article it states, Media sites provide young people with opportunities to stay connected with friends, family and the world, and develop technical, creative and social skills (2012, Australian Nursing Journal). Before the influence of the media there was a time when it was not really something that had a huge impact on children and teens. But as time has change, children and teens are engaged with what the media has to provide such as reality TV to using social media. Children and teens now have the access to every type of media influence and what affect it can have on them. With the many types of media out there for children and teen there are concerns from people such as parents and educators on how the media influence has on them. One of the concerns that parents and educators think that the media has on children and teens is how children and teens behaviors is influence by the
  • 19. The Ridge Terrace Group Home The caregivers at the homes assist in arranging medical care, such as routine appointments or follow up care as needed, in the event the resident or his or her guardians do not. In addition, a staff member normally attends the resident s medical appointment. Each resident, or his or her guardian, is allowed to seek treatment from a physician of their choice. If they do not chose a physician, the group homes will bring the residentsfor medical care to consulting physicians. Frances House pays its consulting physicians a total of $150 per month for their consulting services. The physicians then bill the resident s insurance or public aid for the medical services provided. The Ridge Terrace group home consists of a large ranch style... Show more content on ... In Kenneth, Jr. s situation, he was allowed to look at magazines and watch television due to his low cognitive abilities. In the evenings, the residents participate in activities that are designed to develop and reinforce such areas as social skills, stress management and independence with activities of daily living. According to Dina Bicker, Ridge Terrace s Qualified Mental Retardation Professional (QMRP), and who presented very well at her deposition, Kenneth, Jr. initially was a pleasant resident that liked to have fun with the other residents. However, starting in approximately 2005, he became abusive and aggressive toward other residents and objects. His parents assert that his newly developed aggressiveness was due to frustration resulting from the staff not allowing him to express his emotions and not providing assistance with stress management. After the staff unsuccessfully attempted to use behavior modification programs in an effort to resolve his aggressive behavior, they took Kenneth, Jr. for an evaluation to Dr. Dennison, a psychiatrist at Sinissippi Center. Dr. Dennison is not an employee of Frances House. Instead, he is one of many health care professionals who are on Frances House s referral list. Dr. Dennison evaluated Kenneth, Jr. on October 9, 2006, and diagnosed him with bipolar disorder. To treat this condition, Dr. Dennison prescribed Depakote and
  • 20. My First Day Of Dance Normally I would be bouncing off the walls waiting for my mom to unlock the car doors. But not that day. That day was different. That day I was climbing through the back seats begging not to get out of the car. It was my first day of dance class at The Beat Dance Company and I was terrified. I m not going to make any friends, nobody is going to like me, the teacher is going to be mean. I was standing in the hallway of my new dance studio crying to my mom that I did not want to go in when the teacher came out to get us. The teacher was towering over me like she was a skyscraper and I was an ant. She had very straight red hair and her face was covered in freckles. She was wearing a bright purple leotard with a black skirt. My mom walked me ... Show more content on ... So we all listened and stood up and I went to the back corner. Payton followed me as the teacher told us to spread apart. Okay so the first thing we are going to do today is get a little warmed up and then probably do a little bit of stretching, the teacher told us. The teacher started to do jumping jacks and so did all the other girls so I joined in. Payton started asking me questions just to try to get to know me. In the dance studio two walls were longer than the other two. On one of the long walls are all of the mirrors and on the other one is a window (so that the parents can watch) and the door is also on that wall. Little did Payton and I know that our parents were talking too. They saw how much we were talking and decided to get each others numbers. Meanwhile, the teacher had told us to now move to one side of the wall and that we were going to do across the floor. Payton and I stood at the back of the first line and talked until it was our turn to go across. All of the sudden the music stopped and all I heard the teacher yelled was, Come on ladies. You have to know when it is your turn to go. The teacher was referring to me and Payton. I turned to Payton and we couldn t help but laugh. What s so funny girls, the teacher didn t seem very happy. Nothing, Payton said franticly. It won t happen again right? the teacher asked us. No ma am, Payton and I joked. The teacher started the
  • 21. Alexandre Dumas Fils s Camille In the novel Camille the author Alexandre Dumas Fils reveals the story of a woman s life as a prostitute, along with her love affair, based in the mid 19th century in France. Although the narrative alone is captivating, it becomes more intriguing after discovering the correlation the author has with his own story. Dumas Fils gives the story depth by providing a frame story and an inner story, and significantly connecting the two, as well as connecting it to himself. He also expertly highlights issues that he himself relates to and has faced in his lifetime. Furthermore, the author introduces a female perspective to the story, in order to stress the call for women to be treated fairly in society. Dumas Fils uses his own experiences to bring... Show more content on ... These problems stemmed from the life of Dumas Fils himself, which ultimately lead him to put the affairs down on paper. One of the most significant ones was how the women of this time desired all the luxuries and what they did to get their hands on them. The most evident example of this is prostitution, which is a focal point in the novel. Many of the women, including Marguerite, sell their love in order for a man to provide her with wealth and fortune. However, as proven in the story, this kind of life does not end well. One the first page written in ink, in an elegant hand, an inscription on the part of the giver. It consisted of these words: Manon to Marguerite. Humility (Dumas Fils 21). Like Marguerite, all prostitute s lives would be over as soon as they started to age, because no one wanted them anymore. When Marguerite is along and dying she has many regrets about the life she lived. It is a sad life that I am leaving (Dumas Fils 35). Dumas Fils shows the result of the sinful lives of kept women by creating the scene of Marguerite s grave being dug up. It was terrible to see, it is horrible to relate. The eyes were nothing but two holes, the lips had disappeared, vanished, and the white teeth were tightly set. The black hair long and dry, was pressed tightly about the forehead, and half veiled the green hollows of the cheeks (Dumas Fils 57). Another
  • 22. Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Regarding Breast Self... KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE REGARDING BREAST SELF EXAMINATION (BSE) AMONG POST RN NURSING STUDENTS IN LAHORE (Proposal) Submitted By Gulshan Umbreen PBSN 02133037 Facilitator s. Robina Kousar Preceptor: Mr. M. Shahid Riaz Subject: Senior Elective Community Health Nursing In partial fulfillment for the Degree of Post RN BSc Nursing The Lahore School of Nursing THE UNIVERSITY OF LAHORE 2013 2015 May 8, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the study.................................................................................3 1.2KeyWords................................................................................................................................. 1.3. Significance of study.................................................................................................................4 1.4 Justification of study..................................................................................................................4 1.5 Purpose of study.........................................................................................................................5 1.6 Research Question.....................................................................................................................5 1.7 Hypothesis...............................................................................................................................5 1.5 Conceptual Definitions
  • 23. Theme Of Dishonest In The Jungle Upton Sinclair s novel The Jungle is a classic story of greed, corruption, and misfortune following Jurgis Rudkis and his love interest/eventual wife, Ona Lukosazite, and their two families. The novel shows off the complexity of and fickle nature of life and all that within it that we all take for granted. The characters feel very human and their troubles are very sympathetic as well. One begins to feel delight as well as anguish at the author s non existent mercy. Dishonest is a running theme in The Jungle . So then, why? , you might ask, are people so dishonest in both the and book, but also reality? Well the answer is quite simple, in fact. People are dishonest whenever it is that they wish to help themselves in any given situation. Whether the goal is to protect themselves or others, or to swindle others for their own benefit, they are lying to help themselves. Everyone lied about the age of Stanislovas, so that he could work and help support everyone. The grafter used rather underhanded methods in order to add even further to his already abundant amount of income even if it meant harming others in the process. The house salesman was outrageously dishonest about the house he wrongly sold to Jurgis and his company, as well as about how payments in America worked, and all so he could get his already rich self even richer. So in essence, all lying comes from the universal desire to protect. Whether it be to protect oneself or others is subjective to the individual.
  • 24. Sediment Contamination Sediments are formed from fine grained waste material due to erosion from the mine site. It often contains dissolved metals as a result of the mining processes containing some toxic constituents such as lead and high levels of mercury. During severe storm events and high snowmelt periods, erosion transports a significant amount of sediments and chemicals pollutants into locals streams. Dissolved metals often settle under the stream bed and cause decreases in macroinvertebrate and benthic invertebrate populations. Metal accumulation in aquatic organisms, particularly benthic species, can also lead to acute and chronic toxicity to aquatic life [EPA 35]. In addition, research has shown a correlation between an increase in suspended solids with a decrease in density of macroinvertebrate and benthic invertebrate populations. High turbidity can also reduce passages of light and prevent photosynthetic activity of aquatic plants [EPA 34 35]. Aquatic plants are a major food source for macroinvertebrates and benthic invertebrates. The reduction of plants can stimulate further declines in aquatic life populations.... Show more content on ... Metals that settle in the stream bed can be transported by bioaccumulation. If contaminated fish is consumed, metals may be transferred to humans and impact their physical health. Human are exposed to the toxic metals by drinking water contaminated by sediments [EPA 35]. In addition to potential impacts on human and aquatic life, sedimentation can also physically impact the hydraulic system. Physical impact associated with mining includes the filling of deep pools that can result in the loss of habitat and temperature increases [EPA 35]. Excess sediment can build up behind dams and raise reservoir water levels. In addition to this, sedimentation can also cause the channel to widen and become shallower. Thus, increasing the frequency of overbank flow [EPA
  • 25. Bigger Than Life By Nicholas Ray Nicholas Ray s Bigger Than Life is a story of an American family man who tries to have it all and fails because of his addiction. In an effort to visually portray this, Ray largely abandons conventional Cinemascope practices and tends to revert to the paradigms of the Academy ratio. Rather than using Cinemascope to highlight spectacle, Ray films a small family melodrama. Instead of splitting the screen into thirds and adjusting the mise en scГЁne to visually fill up the screen, Ray uses close ups, single person shots, and symmetry. He frequently divides the screen in two at the center, essentially treating each side as an Academy ratio film. Since Ray focuses less on clotheslining actors, he is able to bring the audience closer to understand the psychology of Ed Avery (and physcially closer to him than most Cinemascope films would go). The sequence towards the end of film is of paramount importance Ray takes the tension, anger, cruelty, and derangement that has been building throughout the film and raises it to a high enough level that Ed is willing to kill his own son. To get this across, Ray uses composition to show Ed as isolated, sinister, and dangerous. Two of the scenes in particular from the sequence deviate from his regular techniques, as he stages the family in a single frame to highlight the growing distance between them all. Throughout the film, Ray used close ups to show Ed s mental state; in this sequence, Ray largely abandons that technique Ed s state of mind
  • 26. Disintegration Of The Socialistic Federative Republic Of... Disintegration of the Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia and change of regime spelled disaster for the working class as well as its civil society, educational system, media, sciences, arts, and humanities. Over two decades have passed since the end of armed conflict, but the spectre of war is still present. Dismissed as backward, it is categorised as an under developed country in need of intervention. These latitudes have fallen prey to being harnessed by various players to different ends. Framed in largely prescriptive and institutional ways to function as instruments for a prevailing order of social values developemet and humanitarian institutions and agencies are impotent to accommodate for the wide understanding of transitional
  • 27. Student Success Course For College Final Culminating Paper In reviewing the many take aways I have had from doing this student success course to hopefully become a well rounded student. The greatest take away was the strategies and tools I learned to help me succeed in life and in college as they were essential skills I lacked as a student. Helping me to build effective ways to get good grades in my other classes by building effective study habits then ineffective study habits I have been using previously. Thus I have improved in many ways than one in the many skills and strategies needed as a college student in order to succeed. Taking away how my values correlate to my major, Money management, time management and the steps needed in career and educational planning that... Show more content on ... In doing this the necessary steps I need to take steps that steer close to my values and creates balance as I can not just attribute my career to the value of my education without my family and friends their to support me. My career comes from a strong sense of self and being respected due to them. Which pushes me to take the necessary steps to achieving my goal of being a veterinarian in pursuing my degree. In taking this course I was able to find my interest and an understanding of my values I never knew before in depth. As to why I hold these values important and how they attribute to my career as past reflections and discussions about my values in relation to career as they help guide me to do what I love with added benefits. Along with this we learned about money management, and how to live within our means as a student to avoid debt or have less debt than what has currently been predicted. As currently budgeting can make a difference for a student especially for my financial outlook. Being a college student tuition fluctuation continues to rise, budgeting can however lower and eliminate your financial debt you may fall into. Because of the amount of money required to spend on finances budgeting can help you manage this bump in the road. Having a monthly budget helps you with pre planning so you can maintain a higher goal that is constantly evolving. Especially in your potential career in order to succeed in order
  • 28. Fraud And The Health Care Fraud Essay On November 21, 2013, Theanna Khou pleaded guilty to dispensing and selling OxyContin from his Huntington Pharmacy without medical necessity from fraudulent prescriptions issued by a clinic ( Health care fraud investigations, 2014). Khou billed Medicare for filling prescriptions that patients never received. This story is becoming a norm for the health care industry, because the growing financial prosperity of the health industry. Corruption and crime is changing, turning from drug dealing to a safer haven that has less legal management, organization, and more wherewithal the business of health care fraud. Health Care Fraud Fraudulent misrepresentation (fraud) is defined as the intentional deceit for personal gain (Clarkson, Miller, Cross, 2012). Fraud occurs when a person knowingly represents an intentional deception as a fact to gain benefits they are not entitled. The boundaries between fraud and abuse seem to be confused; the degree of intent distinguishes fraud from abuse. Under HIPAA, it is considered a felony to intentionally implement a scheme to defraud any health care benefit program or to obtain money or other property owned or controlled by a health care benefit program by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises (Shepard, 2004, para. 1). Health care fraud is an intentional act to deceive in order to receive greater reimbursement for services, whereas health care abuse is conduct which is not consistent with acceptable
  • 29. Acc 561 Week 3 Team Tootsie Roll Loan Paper Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. Loan Package ACC/561 Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. Loan Package In week three, Learning Team E presents a loan package for public held company, Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc., in business for over 100 years. Tootsie Roll is a manufacturer of confectionery products. In addition to sales in the United States, Tootsie Roll s profits grew in Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia, South and Central America. This loan package consists of three sections: Financial Ratios, Corporate Strategy 2008 Project: Capital Expenditure, and Loan Approval s Effect on Tootsie Roll Industry, Inc. Financials. Comments on Financial Ratios and Company Financial Position Selected financial ratios were calculated and are summarized in ... Show more content on ... Although debt to total assets has risen slightly, the amount of current liabilities has dropped by $4M and the cash debt coverage ratio has improved. This shows that Tootsie Roll can handle taking on a loan for $15M. When looking at profitability from 2006 to 2007, the ratios show that performance suffered. Profit margin, return on assets, and earnings per share have all dropped. However, net cash provided by operations exceeds 2006 amounts and almost matches that of 2005. Taking all of these ratios into account, Tootsie Roll s financial standing is strong but could be improved by taking on a loan and investing wisely. Justification for Loan: Corporate Strategy 2008 According to Tootsie Roll s annual report (Kimmel et al., Appendix A, 2009), the organization has a forward financial make up and historically upholds a conservative financial policy. The organization employs the services of professional money managers and supports investment policy guidelines while stressing quality and liquidity to reduce latent loss exposures in the event of adverse events. As shown in the ratios chart, working capital has increased by $13M. Maturities of short term investments and cash flow from operations are projected to be sufficient to sustain the company s overall financing needs, including capital expenditures. The following corporate strategic plan identifies a project that needs financial backing. How will the requested $15M loan be budgeted in 2008? A strategic
  • 30. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck s Life August 1, 1744, was the day that Jean Baptiste Lamarck was born. He was born in Bazentin le Petit, France. Jean was the eleventh child born from his titled parents, Philippe Jacques de Monet de La Marck (father), Marie FranГ§oise de Fontaines de Chuignolles (mother). The father of Jean Baptiste was in the military as well as his brothers. His father set a goal for him to become a priest, so when he was eleven his parents sent him away to a Jesuit School. He stayed there until he was sixteen which was when his father passed. After his father s death, he joined the military. Jean had fought in the seven year war. He had developed an illness that forced him to leave the army. Mr. Lamarck had three wives. Marie Rosalie Delaporte, his first wife,
  • 31. Jimmy Cross Vietnam War Analysis To war they go To war they never leave During the Vietnam war era,many men were always trying to be the best in life, go to school and to be known. But when the daft came by some men were embarrassed to go to war.They were afraid of what people would think about them.In the Vietnam war many men showed there emotions in different ways. Some of these men were just young kids really most didn t know what to do.Tim O Brien show s his own embarrassment of going to war,as well as how other men are afraid of seeming unmanly. Tim O Brien,Jimmy Cross and Norman Bowker were some of the young men how gone to the Vietnam war and had mixed emotions about the war itself and what it has to do with them. Tim O Brien was young man who was just coming out ... Show more content on ... Norman Bowker was a good young soldier who was there fight the war as well he was a friend to Tim O Brien and was a was very good he received many medals for his act during the war. In the story Speaking of Courage Norman Bowker talk about the silver medal he almost received for his act in the war. He received seven medals he earned during his time in the vietnam war. Norman Bowker father was a man he wanted to impress by coming back to his home to show his father the medals won. Norman Bowker father Mr. Bowker would say in letters that Norman Bowker would receive during the war that he can t wait to see the silver star that his son earned in the war. But during his time in the war he only received seven medals and none of them were the silver star. Norman Bowker was trying so hard to get that medal in the story Speaking of Courage Norman Bowker was talking about the time he almost received the silver star. He did not say do you want to here the time i save a man. He said I almost won the silver star. And when he having this talk to himself about how he would tell his father why he did receive the silver star. He said the reason he didn t earn the medal because he was because he thought he was a coward because he couldn t handle the smell in the field he was in. Some Norman Bowker drive around lake. I what he did all the time because the war was over and everything he tried did seem to do any
  • 32. Indian Marriage Vs American Marriage Which such close knit families in India how is marriage conducted and how does that differ from American marriages? There are various differences between American and Indian marriage customs. For example: in America, the ceremony is one day, with corsages presented to the guests of honor, and the couple exchanges ring; afterwards, birdseed is thrown. In India, it is a multi day ceremony with garlands presented to the guests of honor; instead of rings, a mangala sutra cord with gold pendants is tied around the bride s neck in three knots by the groom, and rose petals are thrown for luck ( Indian WeddingTraditions and Customs , n.d.). However, both ceremonies share similarities in that the parents walk the bride down the aisle and the bride... Show more content on ... The bride s parents will not eat before the wedding in order to remain pure, and the groom s future sister in law will attempt to steal his shoes; if successful, he has to pay her ( Indian Wedding Traditions and Customs , n.d.). During the ceremony, the bride s saree is tied with the groom s scarf to show unity; they then participate in a tradition called the mangal pheras, where the couple circles the ritual fire four times and run back to their seats the first one to get back rules the household ( Indian Wedding Traditions and Customs , n.d.). The groom then helps the bride touch seven betel nuts with her right toe while reciting seven vows; seven married women on the bride s side of the family pass the couple and whisper blessings to bride ( Indian Wedding Traditions and Customs . n.d.). Afterwards, the bride s brothers carry her out and she leaves for the home of the groom, where she has to spill a bowl of rice with her right foot to signify wealth and say she accepts responsibilities as bride ( Indian Wedding Traditions and Customs ,
  • 33. Essay On Where To Go In December Where to Go in December Top 10 Places To Travel Keyword: International sim card With Christmas and the New Year just around the corner, December is the perfect time to dust off your passport and bid adieu to 2017 in style. Here are some ideas for where to go in December. 1.Rio de Janeiro Rio s greatest gatherings commence in February when the astonishing Carnival starts, yet another suitable season to visit is around the Christmas holidays. With thousands of pixie lights sparkling over the palm trees, surfers riding the waves in Santa suits and the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon illuminated by the world s biggest floating Christmas tree, Rio is a place to go in December! Stick around for December 31st to welcome the New Year with more than... Show more content on ... It s a great time to ride, hike, mountain bike, explore ghost towns like Santa Laura and Chacabuco, visit Salar de Atacama, Chile s largest salt flat, and track the night sky through the powerful telescope in its observatory. 5. Antarctica Nothing can beat Antarctica when it comes to exploring winter wonderlands around the world, so why not tick an Antarctic cruise off your bucket list this December? You ll be thrilled to enjoy the icy waters teeming with whales and elephant seals, an endless panorama of towering icebergs, and vast penguin colonies. 6. Los Cabos With scuba diving, whale watching, horse riding on the beach, kayaking around the bay, zip lining and mountain biking in the desert on the list, Los Cabos won t be a traditional Christmas holiday. Along with the great New Year s Eve parties, December also sees the Sabor a Cabo, an international food and wine festival. This year it is on December 9, a perfect occasion to over indulge in seasonal specialties. 7. Bahamas What better time to discover the party capital of the Caribbean than a holiday season? With the Hurricane season over, nothing can hold you back from enjoying your trip. December is the time when one of the biggest event of the place, the Junkanoo Festival, a street parade with music, dance, and costumes takes place. The festival is held all over the county on every Boxing and New Year s day. Although the best place to witness the event in Nassau, if you want
  • 34. The Solace Of Leaving Early Essay According to the polling, seventy eight percent of residents living in small rural areas are members of a church compared to just sixty five percent of the national population (Lyons and Gallup). Lyons, an education and youth editor with Gallup, goes on to suggest the reason behind these findings can more than likely be attributed to the fact that for many small town residents, the church is often the only access to community support, counseling, and aid to the poor that is available to them. Moreover, it is evident that Jack held religiosity at the center of his life because he repeatedly relied on religious ideals to justify his actions. For example, while talking to Amos, Jack asked, Do you deny the Christian Law? (Kimmel). The diction... Show more content on ... The isolation, lack of resources, and often secular beliefs are often ignored as we increasingly place our focus on large metropolitan areas. Not to say that every woman in a small town faces the same issues or that every man living in small town America is abusive, but forced reflection, such as the one provided Kimmel s work, is what will ultimately aid in eliminating the destructive forces that reside behind America s own closed doors. Most importantly, Alice and Jack s relationship is one that is seen all too often across the globe, but adding to insult is the fact that it is often the people living in silence that need help the most. We ve heard the saying that the wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the oil, but it is through Kimmel s choices concerning Jack and Alice that we are reminded of the dangers in equating silence to sign of well beings. As we come to learn, a wheel does not have to squeak to malfunction. Small towns are America s silent wheel, and Kimmel is certainly emphasizing the complexities present within that
  • 35. The Luck Uglies Essay Have you read a book as action packed and suspenseful as The Luck Uglies by Paul Durham? After this, you will be wanting to read it. It is a great book for those who like to read fantasy and fairy tale books. It can pull you in for a mystical and wild ride. This book is more interesting than the ordinary good versus evil fantasybooks. It puts you into a complex puzzle that you have to solve. In a time long ago, in a large village, a girl named Rye O Chanter has experienced peculiar events. Long ago, there were monstrous creatures named Bog Noblins that are now supposed to be extinct. However, Rye encountered a strange creature which looked like a Bog Noblin which convinced her that they returned from Beyond the Shale, a forest. No one can protect the village except an old, exiled secret society that no one in Village Drowning... Show more content on ... This was a challenge because everyone despised the Luck Uglies and their crimes. Many people thought it was not possible based on their crime record. It was also a challenge since Bog Noblins were very dangerous. They could easily kill humans with their bare hands. For example, Rye almost got killed by the monster, but she got squeezed by the throat instead. She did not die because Harmless saved her from the monster. The theme of this book would be, Sometimes things may not seem how it really is. This is because the Luck Uglies, the so called villains, protected the villagers from the Bog Noblins, the monsters. Longchance had exiled the Luck Uglies from Village Drowning because he thought they kidnapped Lady Longchance. The Luck Uglies hadn t done anything wrong, but since they lived in Beyond the Shale, they were claimed guilty. Even after, Longchance made the villagers hate the Luck Uglies, so that he would be valued more and treated better. In the end, he was considered the real villain of the
  • 36. Vegetarianism Vs. Vegetarian Diet The word diet is defined as the kinds of food a person habitually eats. Diets often vary according to culture, religion, and personal preference. People often use different diets as a way to manage their weight or improve their overall health, both vegetarianism and flexitarianism are diets that are commonly adopted in order to improve health. Vegetarianismis typically practiced as lacto ovo vegetarianism which means that milk products and eggs may be consumed although meat, fish, and meat byproducts are not. A flexitarian diet is less easily defined because it consists mainly of a vegetarian diet and includes only small amounts of meat when necessary. Both diets are based on either eliminating or reducing meat intake in one s diet. Vegetarianism/Flexitaritarism diets are effect at reducing the risk of some diseases and can be used as a way to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Vegetarianism was officially named by the British Vegetarian Society in the 1800s ( History ). Some anthropologists suggest that early humans were primarily gatherers and that their diet consisted mainly of plant foods, this theory is supported by the fact that the human body can function properly without consuming meat. No one specifically developed the vegetarian diet and a flexitarian is basically vegetarianism with the occasional consumption of meat. Flexitarianism is a good option for those who want to receive the health benefits of vegetarianism without completely giving up meat.
  • 37. Microorganisms And Chlamydia Microorganisms are microscopic organisms that can be found anywhere in the environment. They can be bacteria, fungi, archaea or protists (Leon Sicairos et al., 2015). Some microorganisms can attack one s immune system and cause diseases such as chlamydia, rabies, leprosy and meningitis. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria(Raulston and Wyrick, 2000). C. trachomatis is the most common cause for sexually transmitted diseases in the United States. The bacteria are aerobic and intracellular, meaning they thrive in environments with oxygen and can reproduce inside the host cell ((Raulston and Wyrick, 2000). The bacteria goes through two stages in its life cycle. The first one being the elementary... Show more content on ... Bacterial meningitis is extremely severe and deadly. It can also cause permanent disabilities such as brain damage and learning disabilities (Thigpen et al., 2011). The disease is spread from person to person and it can also be contracted from certain foods. Since this disease is caused by several strains of bacteria, each strain can be contracted in different ways. People can also be carriers of this disease, meaning they can carry the bacteria but never actually get sick. It can be passed from mother to child during birth or it can be contracted by breathing in the bacteria that may be in the air. Symptoms, such as headaches, sensitivity to light and a rash, occur around 3 to 7 days after infected. A meningitis rash is caused by blood leaking into the tissue under the skin (Thigpen et al., 2011). The treatment for this disease are antibiotics, corticosteroids and acetaminophen. Meningitis is no only caused by bacteria, but it can also be a virus. Viral meningitis is less severe, and people can recover without treatment. This is caused by an inflammation of the tissue that covers the spinal cord and brain. Viral meningitis is caused by non polio enteroviruses, such as mumps, measles and influenza (Thigpen et al., 2011). Meningitis can also be caused by a complication during surgery (Zarrouk et al.,
  • 38. Guy Montag Essay Throughout the novel Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag goes from a relatively typical fireman to a man on the run. In the story, Guy meets his seventeen year old neighbor Clarisse McClellan, she questions Montag about his life now and the life he has always lived. Near the start of the book Clarisse asks Montag, Are you happy? Clarisse s question influenced Montag in many ways, causing him to wonder about his life. After speaking with Clarisse, Montag starts thinking about his wife, Mildred, and whether they really love each other or not. He leaves her to go home and find out for sure. Once he is inside he asks Mildred if she remembers where they met for the first time. Neither Mildred nor Montag remembers where they met at for the first... Show more content on ... The consequence of this behavior could send Montag to prison, which Montag does not care about. After reading several books Montag talks with his close friend, Faber, and says to him We have everything to be happy, but we re not happy .What Montag tells Faber at that moment is really an expression of how he started analyzing more after starting reading books. Although Montag s love life changes and his view of society are changed too, this is not the only change Montag must admit. In the start of the book Montag is delighted in the work of burning illegal books and the homes of where they are found. However, as the book progresses, Montag becomes increasingly disgruntled, as he realizes that he has an empty, unfulfilling life. A point that shows that Montag in the start of the book is happy about his job is when he hangs up his helmet and shines it; hangs up his jacket neatly; showers luxuriously, and then, whistling walks across the upper floor. The turning point of his liking about his work is when Captain Beatty arrives to speak with Montag, somehow knowing that he feels ill and would be taking the evening off. Before he leaves, Beatty makes mention of the fact that firemen are occasionally overcome by curiosity about the books that they burn and may steal one to satiate that curiosity. Even though when this happens, they are given a 24 hour respite to come to their senses and burn the book. If they do not follow this rule, then their coworkers
  • 39. Symbolic Interactionism And Social Psychology The application paper Symbolic interactionism is considered to be part of the building block of micro sociological thinking, related to anthropology and social psychology that bases the understanding of the society in communication and has greatly influenced the studies on media. This theory suggest that human interaction and communication is facilitated by words, gesture and other symbols that have acquired conventionalized meaning (Dictioinary). Symbolic interaction is a range of ideas that discuss how we as humans interact with the symbols of society. In this Paper will discuss the theory of Symbolic interactionism, its three premises that make up the theory, the roles of three major theorist that led to the development of the symbolic ... Show more content on ... The second premise indicates that the meaning of such things is derived from, or arises out of, the social interaction between humans. This reminds me of myself as I was growing up. My mother primarily raised me and showed me right from wrong. She taught me religion, not to steal and many essential things in life. Her socialization over time, allowed me to attach meaning to certain things in life. When I see elders I know to respect them, when I see people in need I learned to help. The third premise suggests that these meaning are handled in, and modified through, an interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the things he encounters (Blumer, 1984). This premise simply means that we can all hear the same thing but may interpret them differently from one another. The meaning we attached to things may change over time. In some cases, new experiences, or social interaction may change the way you views things thus giving it different meaning. Many theorist have shown interest in the Symbolic Interaction theory. But there s three theorist that were heavily involved in the development of the concept. Herbert Blumer, George Herbert Mead, and Charles H Cooley were the pioneers that laid the groundwork. Each of the theorist had a distinct view on human group conduct. Despite the differences in views there were many similarities which gave full meaning to the theory.
  • 40. Different Film Industries in Different Countries Different Film Industries in Different Countries There is one kind of product which needs multi million investments but can see a return in only 15 to 30 days. It is based on innovation and represents a country s culture. Depending on its collection of audio and visual experiences, it can earn praises or criticism from thousands of people. Films are enchanting products for the world. AMERICAN FILM INDUSTRY [pic] It is quiet impossible to think about the American film industry without the name of Hollywood. While you are thinking about Hollywood and the American film industry you will find that the effect of Hollywood has given rise to several periods of American Cinema. From silent films to movies made by modern technology and ... Show more content on ... As of 2009, 15 Japanese films had been nominated for best foreign language film at the Academy Awards but none won until 2009. The Japanese films Gate of Hell by Teinosuke Kinugasa and Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto by Hiroshi Inagaki won special awards respectively in 1954 in 1955 but the foreign film category was not created until 1956. Akira Kurosawa s Rashomon received the special award in 1951. He won Best Foreign Language Film Award in 1975 for Dersu Uzala but that film was made for the Soviet Union not Japan. The Japanese have long had a knack for telling a good ghost story. And for more than half a century they ve been equally adept at putting those stories on the screen. Yet Japanese movies featuring the supernatural are different from their Western counterparts. Japanese spirits tend to be more passive their mere presence often driving guilty souls to ruin or redemption. Though such films can be enjoyed anytime, Halloween s approach makes them especially attractive as a welcome twist to an otherwise predictable holiday. Below are several films, available individually on DVD from the Criterion Collection, that show the Japanese flair for fright. Some are undisputed classics, while others represent milestones in the genre s development. Yamaoka identified several areas where American and Japanese horror diverge. In general, he said, Japanese style horror deals with unseen aggressors and the suggestion of violence, while
  • 41. Comparison Of Jurassic Park And King Kong We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there there you could look at a thing monstrous and free. Mr. Hayes, King Kong. In both Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton and Peter Jackson s King Kong, humanity struggles with the idea of being able to control and contain legendary animals. The texts have key differences, like the method used to change the state of the animals, but also pivotal similarities, like the fact that the creatures end up overcoming their captors, and threatening society. Throughout the stories, the theme develops that when attempting to direct nature, chaos is inevitable. The texts develop this theme differently in the initial method to change the state of the animals. Specifically, ... Show more content on ... What I mean is, in the two texts, the animals break free of their prisons and attack the people around them. In Crichton s Jurassic Park, an electricity failure causes all the dinosaurs to be able to exit their enclosures, and attack the park safety inspectors. They kill multiple men, and injure most people on the island, before the survivors can call for the military to bomb the island, killing the animals. This illustrates that chaos is inevitable when directing nature, because although the island was well built the animals managed to break free. If Hammond had let the dinosaurs stay dead, the bloodbath that occurred wouldn t have taken place. Not only did many humans die, but the experiment itself failed when they had to kill the dangerous beasts. Clearly, in Jurassic Park chaos followed the attempted control of nature. Similarly, in King Kong , after Carl brings Kong to New York, he breaks out of the chains that hold him on the show s stage. He runs through the city looking for his human friend, Anne. He injures and terrifies the new Yorkers during his frantic search. He ends up being killed. This reveals that chaos ensues after trying to guide nature, because if they had left Kong alone, he would not have been killed. The selfish actions of his captors led to unnecessary violence by people and Kong. The movie shows us that Kong loses his control after he is kidnapped, and he hurts people he shouldn t have even had contact with. Both stories suggest the theme that pandemonium is sure to ensue when society aims to direct
  • 42. Tcap Test Maya is a young, 13 year old girl in 7th grade. Recently, her grandmother was brought to the hospital for her last days of life. Maya had scheduled a day to see her, but on the same day, she has a TCAP test that she can t miss. There are no other days that she can visit her grandmother, because 1, she is trying to stay in school to study for the test, and 2, on the day Maya had scheduled to see her, is the day she is expected to die. * * * Maya sat at her desk at school, flipping through the pages of her notebook, trying to find notes for her huge upcoming test. She finds a page about Language Arts and how to properly write essays and begins to study the page. As she was studying her Language Arts notes, a beep comes from the speaker above her, on the ceiling. Maya looks up from her paper,... Show more content on ... Or try her very hardest on her TCAP test for a good education? Maya got up and got a change of clothes and changed into them. She walked into her mother s room quietly, trying not to wake her if she was sleeping. Her mother was getting ready for the day, brushing her hair and putting on makeup. Maya decided to ask her mother what would be best to do today. Mom, do you think I should do the TCAP today, or visit grandma? She asked. Her mother gave a shrug in response. What do you want to do? Do you want to take the test? Or visit your grandmother on her last day? Both are good, you ll get a great education if you take the test, and you ll also be able to visit your grandmother on her last day of life? Her mother asked. Maya still didn t really know what to do. She stood in thought for a while and finally made up her mind. I ll go see grandma today. I ll be able to take the part of the test I missed during lunch or something, but I ll never be able to see grandma again, so I think it s best to see her on her last day. Maya told her mother her choice. Her mother smiled at her. Good point and good
  • 43. Disadvantages Of Deficit Spending Deficit spending is when there is an excess of government expenditures over the government revenue, creating a shortfall that must be financed through borrowing (Deficit Spending, 2014). To put this in other terms deficit spending is when the government needs to borrow money in order to pay for different government programs and other items of value. In the past deficit spending has been used when a country was facing a war or they needed to finance a building project. Deficit spending is also used to help pull a country out of a recession. The actions taken by the government during the late 1930s and early 1940s are a prime example of deficit spending. The United States were in the middle of the great depressionand consumer spending had fallen drastically due to the number of people that found themselves unemployed and without money. In order to combat this drastic decrease in spending the government took on a number of projects that were meant to increase the overall spending. In order to spend more the government would have to borrow money. Once the country was out of the depression, and consumer spending began to grow, the idea was that the government would be able to pay back the money that they had borrowed. In order to determine if deficit spending is worth the cost a country needs to look at the advantages and disadvantages. One of the major advantages of deficit spending is the amount of revenue and jobs that are created in a time when the overall consumer
  • 44. The Disaster Of A Earthquake The year 2010 was an active year for earthquakes and other natural disasters, racking up a total of four earthquakes ranked 7.0 or higher. Two of these quakes were merely a month apart, and started the year in a very destructive way. The first was a 7.0 in Haiti, the second over 3,000 miles away in Chile, an 8.8. Though both ravaged their countries, one was decidedly more devastating than the other. Looking at the magnitudes of the quakes, you might think Chile received the worst of it, but after further inspection, you may not be so sure. While the magnitude of a quake can be a big factor in the corresponding effects, the infrastructure of the affected area plays an even larger role in the number of casualties and the amount of devastation that is experienced. This devastation is further increased in coastal areas due to the high likelihood of tsunamis shadowing high magnitude quakes. The evening of January 12, 2010 was met with tragedy as a powerful 7.0 earthquake rattled the coast of Haiti. The epicenter of the quake sat close to the town of LГ©ogГўne, a mere 15 miles from the island nation s capital. ( Many buildings collapsed or were severely damaged, including the national palace and the United Nations headquarters. The loss of life was unfathomable and death tolls only seemed to grow as the injured struggled to find medical aid and volunteer relief systems from other countries grappled with the country s lack of proper infrastructure. Haiti s electrical
  • 45. Plastic Pollution Case Study There are a variety of stakeholders involved in the worldwide issue of plastic pollution including local, national and international governments, non government organizations (NGO s) and corporations with all these stakeholders having a different range of perspectives and solutions on the matter it is increasingly difficult to gain consensus on how to jointly address this global problem. (reference). The Department of the Environment and Heritage NSW, Local GovernmentNSW (Local), The Government of NSW (State), The Australian Government (National) and The United Nations (International) seem to underestimate the effects of plastic and general marine pollution. Most government agencies seem to be more worried with economic issues of the clean up and enforcement costs. Resources like the fishing and tourism industries, public opinion, government policies, laws and legislations, future elections, risks of high unemployment rates if major corporations are taxed excessively or policies such as Extended Producer Responsibility are enforced may affect the economy and the health of the population and the environment. On the other hand, Non government stake holders such as Boomerang Alliance (Local), Clean up Australia (National) and Greenpeace (International) are trying to raise awareness for the issue and educating the public on the long term negative effects of plastic marine pollution and preserving the health of the environment and oceans for the future generations to come (Plastic Pollution Coalition, 2017). A variety of these nongovernment organisations are raising funds to help with cleaning up the environment and putting pressure on the governments locally, nationally and internationally to recognise the global impact of plastic marine pollution and take responsibility for the damage this pollution causes and help with the clean up and maintenance of the marine environment to keep the problem under control. Although there are major corporations as stakeholders that are trying to help and support the clean up of the environment such as Coca Cola Amatil, Nestle, Schweppes Australia, Lion Pty Ltd and PepsiCo, they are also major contributors to the issue due to the types of packaging that they use for their
  • 46. Colitis Case Study 2.4 Evaluation of colitis on survival rate and body weight Survival rate and body weight were two index during the evaluation of the severity of colitis [19, 20]. The survival rate and body weight was recorded daily during the administration of TCA. 2.5 Evaluation of colitis on the change of colon The severity of colitis was evaluated by the presence of colonic weight, colonic length, and colonic damage of macroscopic scores. Macroscopic scores for evaluation of the severity of colitis was performed with the method described by Melgar et al. [21] with slight modification. The method of macroscopic scoring was shown in Table. 1. 2.6 Histological evaluation The damaged degree of colonic tissue on histopathology was evaluated under light microscope. ... Show more content on ... The colonic tissue was homogenized in potassium phosphate buffer with 0.5% hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide and centrifuged at 20,000 Г— g at 4В°C. Then the supernatants were collected, added to a reaction mixture containing 0.1 mM H2O2 and1.6 mM tetramethylbenzidine, and incubated at 37 В°C. The results were obtained by an ELIASA at 450 nm. 2.8 Evaluation of TNF О±, IFN Оі, and IL 1ОІ The colonic tissue levels of TNF О±, IFN Оі, and IL 1ОІ were detected with a commercially available enzyme linked immunosorbent assay kits. The procedures were conducted strictly according to the kit instructions. The absorbance was measured spectrophotometrically at 450 nm. Cytokine levels in the colonic tissue were expressed as pg cytokine/mg tissue. 2.9 Statistical analysis All dates were presented as the means В±S.E.M (standard error of mean). Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 19.0 statistical software. Statistical analysis of survival rate was used by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Student Newman Keuls test [20]. Other statistical tests were performed using ANOVA followed by LSD t test. P 0.05 was considered statistically
  • 47. St. John s University Department Of Athletics St. John s University Department of Athletics Head Coach Contract This CONTRACT is made between St. John s University Department of Athletics (Athletics) and Patrick Carlucci (Head Coach) effective May 18, 2015. Athletics and Head Coach may be collectively referred to as the Parties or Party . The Parties represented promise and agree as follows: 1. EMPLOYMENT TERM Athletics hereby employs Head Coach to perform such duties as head men s soccer coach, a 10 month position (June April). This contract shall be for a term commencing on May 18, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019, unless earlier terminated as set fourth in this Contract. 2. PERFORMANCE Head Coach agrees to serve as the head men s soccer coach according to the ... Show more content on ... Commitment to the academic well being and success of student athletes; E.Supervision and evaluation of assistant coaches, graduate assistants, managers, interns, and volunteers; F.Recruitment of student athletes who demonstrate academic and athletic prowess; G.Responsibility for the fiscal and budgetary management of the SJU Men s Soccer Program; H.Participation in fundraising and promotional events for Athletics and SJU Men s Soccer Program; I.Perform other duties as assigned by the President and Director. 3.COMPENSATION Athletics agrees to pay the Head Coach as compensation for the services performed as the head men s soccer coach a base salary of $80,000 annually, paid in twelve (12) monthly installments on the last day of each month. It is understood that such salary payments are subject to local, state, and federal withholdings, taxes, and retirement contributions. 4.PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES Athletics agrees to pay the following incentive bonuses to Head Coach in the event the men s soccer team achieves academic and athletic competition milestones. Annual Graduation Rate over 85%1 month s additional salary
  • 48. NCAA College Cup Championship3 month s additional salary Team Reaches Final Four of NCAA Tournament2 month s additional salary NCAA Tournament Participation 1 month s additional salary Big East Regular Season Championship1 month s additional
  • 49. Sequoia National Park Conservation Will most special places in America constantly be beautiful and sacred? There is one thing positive that the nature cannot be frozen in time, it will continue to innovate and develop. The national parks protect the best of our natural heritage: stunning landscapes, extraordinary wildlife, and majestic forests. However, a climatechange forces us to accept that those national parks are endangered and need to be protected. Warming temperature has become the nation s superior issue that impacted the balance of the animals and their habitats in the national parks. Over centuries, without the cooperation of the community, it will not be possible to achieve the preservation of the national park system. The parks have attained international conservation ... Show more content on ... Understanding of adaptive capacity and regional vulnerability to climate change on forests is not well developed and requires more focused research efforts. They acknowledged the reality of human caused climate change was a political act, and the Park Service doesn t discuss politics with its visitors. Mankind activities have damaged dreadfully to the resources and polluted the environment. Therefore, it becomes a threat to the nature and effects the climate in the parks. Increasing drought and disturbance risks will cause adverse effects on the nature itself. These negative impacts are very likely to outweigh positive trends in these national parks. Park managers began setting controlled fires in forests where natural wildfires had long been suppressed; they reintroduced species that had vanished, such as wolves and bighorn sheep. The ecologist and park manager have tried many ways to get the nature under control and change it the scientific way. They want to avoid the significant impact of natural disaster that caused damages on animal and habitats. They ignored the fact that nature itself, left to its own devices, does not tend toward a steady, state landscapes and ecosystems are always being changed by storms or
  • 50. The Civil Rights Movement, And Star Trek When Star Trek came on the air in 1966, it presented a future where people were not limited by the color of their skin or their gender. Gene Roddenberry s fictional universe showed the possibilities that existed where humans could get past the issues that were prevalent in the 1960s. Through the allegory that Star Trek used, the audience was able to view current and pressing issues, raceand gender, through the medium of television. The civil rights movement and the feminist movement both began in the 1960s, and Star Trek reflected the issues and gave a setting for people to discuss them through the use of metaphor. The events during and after WWII had an effect upon the civil rights movement that occurred in the 1960s. African Americans moved from the rural areas into cities to fill jobs in the war industry due to a labor shortage. This was important because in concentrated a large number of African Americans into the cities where the civil rights movement would begin. Franklin Delano Roosevelt s Four Freedoms speech listed the objectives that they were going to fight to protect which were the freedoms of speech, worship freedom from want and from fear. These freedoms had African Americans thinking about their rights as citizens and how they did not enjoy the same freedoms as white people. This opened a dialogue among black peopleabout the lack of democracy in the United States. This led to black leaders threatening a labor protest which would be held in the
  • 51. The Second Language ( L2 ) Learners The second language(L2) learners often struggle to identify possible grammars in their second languages. In particular, they fail to form a sentence with an appropriate functional morpheme (Lardiere, 1998; White, 2003). A functional morpheme refers to a morpheme which performs some kind of grammatical function, playing a role in lexical change. It consists of the function words in the language such as definite markers. The inflection of a definite marker, in other words, definiteness, distinguishes a nominal phrase (NP) between identifiable and non identifiable. That is, whether or not, a referent is identifiable or previously introduced in the discourse. In addition to identifiability, definiteness is expected to incorporate other notion,... Show more content on ... This paper mostly analyzes the issue of cross linguistic variation of definiteness with sample data and examples from English and Japanese. Dryer (2013) classifies definiteness into five categories. The first type is the languages in which definite article are independent, and are distinct from demonstrative words. This type is used commonly in Western European, Oceanic and Mesoamerican languages (Dryer, 2013; Schroeder, 2006). English is categorized in this type of languages. In English, the grammatical element is encoded with regard to a contrast between a definite article the, and indefinite articles a/an in the language. The type of noun (count versus mass) is also a factor: indefinite mass nouns and indefinite plural countable nouns can appear without articles, i.e. as bare nouns. Furthermore, other determiners in English are consist of demonstratives, possessives, quantifiers, and cardinal numbers, some of which are definite and indefinite. The distribution of articles in English is presented in (1). Examples involving singular count nouns are illustrated in (2). Note that these singular count nouns cannot be bare, as illustrated in (2e). (1) the: definite count nouns (singular and plural), definite mass nouns e.g. the cat, the cats, the clothing a: indefinite singular count nouns e.g. a cat, *a cats, *a clothing в€…: indefinite plural
  • 52. Parental Socioeconomic Status Analysis The explanation for the achievement that I find the most compelling is parental socioeconomic status. This means that a Childs educational aptitude can be effected by things such as parent s education, income and wealth. If a child has parents that did not make much money and never went to college, that child is statistically more likely to follow the same path. On page 222 of Race and racisms a critical approach written by TANYA MARIA GOLASH BOZA, the author mentions a study done in 1992. The study results state that over half of young people with family who had an income in the top twenty five present earned a collegedegree. While families who had an income in the low twenty five present only seven percent earned a degree. This explanation
  • 53. Registering To Vote Voting is perhaps the single most important activity a citizen of the United States of America can engage in, many have fought and died to ensure this right is extended to every citizen. Voting is the vehicle through which the collective voice is heard, and the means through which meaningful change can occur. As such it is imperative that every citizen that is legally able to vote be registered, only registered voters are allowed to cast a vote come electiontime. While preparing for this assignment this writer took a moment to check if she was a registered voter, she found that she was not. This condition was immediately rectified. The process for registering to vote is a fairly simple one, particularly if the intended voter has access to
  • 54. Target Data Breach Essay Target Data Breach Charles Moore American Military University Abstract Target a large retail corporation that operates over 1,700 stores across the United States. They also operate as an online retailer at In 2012 the retailer earned more than $73 billion dollars in revenue and grew their sales by 5.1% from the previous year. Looking at the revenue and sales growth rate it is hard to fathom that more money could not be spent to ensure that consumer data is protected as much as possible. As information security specialists one of the worst things that can happen is our network gets infiltrated and customer information is stolen. On December 19, 2013 Target released a statement stating that they have had an information ... Show more content on ... The following day they deployed their card stealing malware onto the POS systems. On December 11 the attackers are first discovered and on the 15th of December they were removed from the network. December 19th Target acknowledge the breach to the public and details started coming to light on the sophistication of the attack (Jarvis Milletary, 2014). After two months of investigating it was determined that Target had allowed their HVAC vendor access to their networks. This HVAC account that was created had been compromised and allowed hackers onto the Target s network (Mlot, 2014). Once on the network the attackers made their way to change user accounts that were already on the system and gave them elevated privileges. Target utilizes BMC management software that creates and utilizes a Best1_user account to authenticate the management software to the network. This account when installed onto the system is not added to any groups and is locked down to only authenticate the BMC services necessary ( 29 new clues, 2014). Once on Target s network with elevated privileges the attackers were able to launch malware to the POS systems that would capture the credit card information of the consumers as they swiped their cards to pay for their items. They launched a second piece of malware that that would take the captured information and move it to a dump server on the internal network. Once the information was on the dump server it them
  • 55. Mary Shelley s Influence On Frankenstein Mary Shelley Mary Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, was born on August 30, 1797, in London England. Mary Shelley married young in life. She soon became Mrs. Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1816. Two years after she was married, she officially published her most famous novel, Frankenstein. Mary wrote several other books. Some of these include: Valperga in 1823, The Last Man, and Mathilde. Mrs. Shelley died of brain cancer on February 1st, 1851, in London, England. Mary Shelley s life played a huge role on the impact of British Literature because she inspired female writers all around the world. Mary Shelley was the daughter of a philosopher named William Godwinand famed feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, who was the author of The Vindication of the... Show more content on ... Shelley started writing the story when she was eighteen years old, and finished the first edition of the novel was finally published anonymously in London in 1818, when she was twenty years old. Shelley s name first appeared on the second edition, published in France in 1823. Even though the monster would be composed of whole body parts brought together from cadavers and brought to life from electricity. The novel resulted from a competition between Mary, her future husband Percy Shelley, Lord Byron, and John Polidori to see who could come up with the best gruesome, horrific story. It said that the plot came to Mary in a dream about a scientist who created life through electricity. Frankenstein s monster is given no name in the book but referred to as only creature, monster, fiend, wretch, or demon. Shelley said the name Frankenstein came in her head/dream in Germany because there is a Castle Frankenstein, which she visited. Alchemist, Conrad Dippel is known to have experimented with dead human bodies at Castle Frankenstein in the early 18th century. Frankenstein has inspired more than one hundred thirty films, starting with The Silent Frankenstein in
  • 56. Fishing Persuasive Essay It twas a warm July morning and the best friends George and Jeff were out on the water. The two boys loved fishing and they would always try to go. When they would comeback they would always have new stories and forever memories from their previous adventure. The boys would do whatever it took to get to a fishing spot. The boys have stories from when they had to swim upstream to a spot, or have to tightrope walk a dam, once they even kayak down river for 3 days just to get to a fishing hole. One day the two boys were in church, when George looked over at Jeff whose face could show that he had an idea. A couple minutes later George looked over again and made eye contact with Jeff, Jeff lipped out the words We need to talk. After the church bells signaled the end of the service George hustled to the meeting spot under the berry tree where him and Jeff always met. Georged asked What you wanna talk about? Jeff told him about his plan to canoe the Llano river from Llano Texas to Lake LBJ. It was music to George s ears. Jeff went home after church to think about their trip. He thought about all the good times they had and all the fish they caught on the Llano. He dreamed about their trip and was counting down the days until his trip. At night he would dream about pulling in a monster, or he would have nightmares of his line snapping. The day came when after church Jeffs mom, Ms.Julie asked if George s mom is George could go to their ranch with them this Wednesday. George