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Dr Arun Pinchu Xavier
Assistant Professor
Dept: of Forensic Medicine
Sree Mookambika Institute Of Medical Sciences
I'm Depressed Sad Confused Hurt Lonely
Unloved Judged Misunderstood Insignificant
Broken disliked Dying lost …hmm,
Fine Dear.
Deals with the application of Psychiatry in the
administration of justice.
(Lunacy, unsoundness of mind, mental derangement,
mental illness)
It is a disorder of mind or personality in which
there is derangement or impairment of mental or
emotional components.
Unsoundness of mind:
Here an individual loses the power of regulating his actions
and conduct according to the rules of the society to which he
Forensic Importance:
In Criminal Cases:
• When defense is attempted on the grounds that a criminal
act has been committed by a person in a state of mental
• Inability to plead defense during trial on grounds of insanity
• To defer the execution of punishment till the convict is
mentally sound
• When a women of unsound mind is been raped
Unsoundness of mind…
In Civil cases:
• Testamentary capacity to make a valid will
• Nullity of marriage / divorce cases
• Validity to act as witness
• Appointment of a caretaker of a
mentally unsound person
who is unable to look
after his property.
Mind in Psychology
Feldman (1998) talked of the following 3 kinds of mental
1.Cognitive Mental process: - Knowledge.All mental
processes which provide us knowledge of stimuli, situation
and ideas come under this
2.Affective mental processes:- Feeling and emotion. We also
the experience of pleasure and pain and of emotions like love
anger hatred jealousy hatred displeasure
3.Conative Mental processes: Action tendencies. Mental
forces which impel the individual to perform certain actions
It is a disturbance of thought.
It is a false belief in something which is not a fact and persists
even after its falsity has been clearly demonstrated.
Delusion of GRANDEUR :- The patient imagine that he is
rich when he is actually poor.
Delusion of POVERTY :- Imagine he is poor, when he is
• Delusion of PERSECUTION :-
Imagine that other people are out to harm him.
• Delusion of REFERENCE :-
Imagines that people or events refer to him in special way.
Delusion of INFLUENCE (control) :-
Imagines that his thoughts and actions are controlled by some
external agency.
• Delusion of INFIDELITY :-
Imagines that spouse is unfaithful.
Delusion of SELF-ACCUSATION :-
• Keep blaming himself for trivial incidents that happened in the
• Nihilistic delusion :- The patient is convinced that nothing
exists around him in the real sense of the term.
Erotomania :-
Usually in women. The patient is convinced that a
particular individual is in love with her.
Pseudologia Phantastica :-
In which the patient is convinced that he is seriously ill
and goes from doctor to doctor, hospital to hospital
in a vain attempt to diagnose his
Forensic Importance:
• Individuals with persecutory delusions may carry out
violent acts . Culpability may be determined to find out was
it because he was threatened and reacted in self defense or
he had equally deluded and carefully plotted revenge
• Erotomaniac delusion may lead to stalking
It is a FALSE SENSORY PERCEPTION without any real,
external stimulus.
AUDITORY :- The patient hears imaginary voices.
VISUAL :- The patient sees non – existent shapes
or people or animals.
OLFACTORY :- Perceiving non-existing odours.
GUSTATORY :- Perceiving a bad taste in the mouth.
• TACTILE (Haptic):- This may take the from of imaginary
sensations over the skin.
• Command hallucinations: Instructions spoken to patients,
some patients feel compelled to obey these commands
Forensic Importance:
• Command hallucination are dangerous as they may
command acts of violence to self or others
• It is a misinterpretation of a real external stimuli and are
often visual or auditory.
• They may be experienced by healthy persons in the dark or
during states of emotional stress
• An insane person is incapable of correcting the false
E.g. :-
• Perceiving a rope as a snake
• Covering blanket misinterpreted to be a weight of a
collapsed building
A Phobia is an irrational intense persistent fear of certain
situations activities things or persons.
• Acrophobia- Fear of heights
• Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces
• Claustrophobia – Fear of enclosed spaces
• Hydrophobia- Fear of water
• Nyctophobia- Fear of night
In this a single idea thought or emotion is constantly
entertained by the person which he recognizes as irrational,
but persists inspite of all efforts to drive if from his mind.
• Any attempt to resist makes them more strongly insistent,
usually associated with dread or fear.
• Such person lives in constant of having done or having
omitted to do something
Eg :-
• Washing hands again and again
• Checking the lock repeatedly
• Counting money again and again before going to shopping
Impulse Control Disturbance
There is a sudden and irresistible force compelling a person to
the conscious performance of an action without motive or fore
• Types:
Kleptomania :- Irresistible desire to steal articles of
little or no value.
Pyromania :- Irresistible desire to set fire to
Multilomania :- Irresistible desire to hurt or torture
Dipsomania :- In ability to stay off alcohol.
Somnambulism / Noctambulism
Walking during sleep.
They get up from bed, open the door, walk out and then
return to their bed to sleep, having no memory of these
activities when they wake up.
A somnambulist, when resisted may commit acts which he
is not aware
He is not in sleep but in a state of Dissociated
Consciousness in a hallucinatory state unrelated to his
immediate environment.
A crime committed in this state is never willful and
premeditated and lacks criminal intent, hence such persons
cannot be held responsible.
When a somnambulist knows that he has a tendency for
somnambulistic homicide but fails to take treatment and
subsequently commits somnambulistic homicide ,he is likely
to pay damages for negligence
Classification of Psychiatric disorders
ICD -10 –It’s the 10th revision of the International statistical
classification of Diseases and related Health Problems.
Mental disorders are classified in Chapter F of ICD which is
categorized into 10 Blocks.
F00-F09 Organic, including symptomatic,
mental disorders
1) Delirium
2) Dementia
3) Organic amnestic Syndrome
4) Other Organic Mental Disorders
F10--F19 Mental and behaviour disorders due
to psychoactive substance use
E.g. :- Alcohol, Cannabis, opioids, Amphetamines,
Cocaine, LSD, Phencyclidine etc.
F20-F29 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and
delusional disorders
Disturbance of thoughts, perception, affect and
• F30-F39 Mood [affective] disorders
1) Bipolar affective disorder
2) Manic disorder
3) Depressive disorder
4) Persistent mood disorder
• F40-F48 Neurotic, Stress – related and
Somatoform Disorders.
1) Anxiety
2) Phobic states
3) Obsessive – compulsive Disorder
4) Dissociative disorder
5) Somatoform disorder
6) Stress and adjustment disorder
• F50-F59– Behavioral syndromes associated with
Physiological & Physical Disturbances
1) Eating disorder
2) Sleep disorder
3) Sexual disorder
4) Puerperal psychiatric conditions
• F60-F69 Disorders of adult personality and
1) Personality disorders
2) Impulse control disorders
3) Gender identity disorders
4) Disorders of sexual preference
• F70-F79 – Mental Retardation (MR)
Sub average general intellectual functioning that originates in
the developmental period and is associated with impaired
maturation and learning ,and social maladjustments.
Normal adult I.Q is 90-110%
1) Mild MR
2) Moderate MR
3) Severe MR
4) Profound MR
Degree of
IQ Mental
Adult life and needs
Mild MR -
MORONS 50-70 6-11 years
Can achieve social and
vocational skill enough for
minimum self support
Moderate MR
35-49 3-6 Years
May perform unskilled
semiskilled work, needs
Severe MR
20-34 3 Years
Cannot speak intelligibly,
needs nursing care
Profound MR
< 20 <3 years
No / Minimum capacity for
sensory motor functioning,
needs constant nursing care
• F80-F89– Disorders of Psychological
Speech and language disorder
Development disorders
F90-F98 Behavioral and emotional disorders
with onset usually occurring in childhood and
1) Hyperkinetic disorder
2) Conduct disorders
3) Tic disorders
• F99 - Unspecified mental disorder
Causes of Mental illness
1) Predisposing factors :-
Heredity ,endocrine ,biochemical abnormalities, physical
illness, psychological factors
2) Precipitating factors :-
Physical stress, poverty, Sudden bereavement, financial loss,
Psychological stress, Marital disharmony
3) Environmental factors:
Civil Responsibility
If it is proved that at the time of marriage one of the
spouses was insane, then such marriage is declared as null and
Business Contract
As per the Indian Contract Act of 1872, if it is proved that
at the time of signing a contract one of the two parties was
insane, then the contract become legally invalid.
Management of Property
If a person who owns property becomes insane and is incapable
of managing his affairs with sound judgement any relative or
friend can approach the court for a judicial inquisition.
Capacity To Dispose As Witness
An insane person is not competent to give evidence if he is
incapable of understanding the questions put to him, or giving
rational answers to them
Testamentary capacity
Refers to the capacity of a person to make a valid will.
• Capacity of the testator to make a will is based on Medical
• The medical officer should verify whether the testator,
knows the nature and consequence of his act ,if he knows
the extend of the property ,the person to whom he is not
leaving it and his reason for doing so..
• Testator must sign the will in presence of 2 witness, one of
whom can be a RMP.
• A mentally ill person can make a valid will during Lucid
Requirement of a Valid will :
• A written properly signed witnessed document
• Testator must be a major and of sound mind at the time of
making will.
• Force , undue influence or dishonest representation of facts
should not have been applied by other.
• Should have a sound disposing mind – capable of disposing
his property with understanding and reason..!
in Psychiatry
Lucid interval in Psychiatry...
Period occurring in insanity, during which all symptoms of
insanity disappears completely
• Here, the persons mind remains clear, and capable of
judging things properly and hence legally liable for his
• It varies from person to person and as such one cannot be
certain about the time when a person passes again in the
state of insanity
• Common in mania , melancholia
An insane person may take a plea
• UnConsiouness
Cerebral concussion
• Unconsiouness
Raised intracranial tension
Lucid interval in
Head Injury
Feigned Insanity
A person may pretend to be insane
or presented to be insane with
some motive.
To avoid punishment  trial
To leave defense  Police services
To avoid civil responsibilities
Feature True insanity Feigned insanity
Onset Gradual Abrupt & dramatic
Motive Absent Present
factors Maybe present Absent
Conforms to a
particular type
Usually doesn’t
confirm to any of known
type of psychiatric
disorder and
is often exaggerated
Feature True insanity Feigned insanity
Usually listless, vacant
& fixed
Frequent changes
Often present Can’t withstand
lack of sleep for
more than a night
or two.
Exertion Can withstand
fatigue & hunger
for prolonged
Cant withstand for more
than a day or two
Feature True insanity Feigned insanity
Doesn’t pay attention to
his personal hygiene
May only pretend to be
disinterested in his
personal appearance or
Does not
Resists , since
he fears detention.
Rules regarding insanity in other
Test for determining criminal responsibilities
•McNaughton Rules
(the right or wrong test)
•Durham’s Rule
•Curren’s Rule
•American law Institute Test
Historical aspects – McNaughton Rules
• Guideline followed by British courts for consideration of
liability of a mentally ill person who commits a crime
‘Mc Naughton Rules’- these are based on the answers
given by the judges who acquitted a paranoid schizophrenic
patient Daniel McNaughten on charges of killing the British
PM ,to the questions raised by the House of the Lords .
He was suffering from :
➢ Paranoid schizophrernia
➢ Auditory hallucinations
➢ Persecutory delusions
Daniel McNaughton
29 Years
Robert Peel, PM of England
Edward Drummond ,Private Secretary
Shot dead on 20Th Jan 1843
10 Physicians found him not guilty of Mental
Verdict created - Public outcry ..!
Summoned to House of lords
Lord Chancellor ,Panel of 14 judges
5 questions to clarify the legal position
Answers given on 19th June 1843 – Mc Naughten
Mc Naughten
• Mc Naughten rules – According to these rules, to establish
defense on the ground of insanity it must be clearly proved
that at the time of committing the act, the accused was
laboring under such defect of reason from disease of mind,
as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was
doing, or if he did know it, that he did not know what he
was doing was wrong.
Mc Naughten …in brief
• An accused is not criminally responsible if it is proved that
at the time of commiting the crime he was suffering from
such defect of reason from disease of mind, that he did not
know the nature and quality of the act he was doing or that
what he was doing was wrong .
• This legal test has been accepted in INDIA as the law of
criminal responsibility ..under S.84 IPC
American law Institute Test
• A person is not responsible for his criminal
conduct if, at the time of such criminal conduct as
a result of mental disease or mental defect ,he
lacked substantial capacity to appreciate the
criminality of his conduct or to conform his
conduct to the requirements of law
Criminal responsibility
A person may plead mental illness to avoid :
• Conviction
• Trial
• Capital punishment
• The law presumes that every person is sane and responsible
for his actions. The defense has to prove the accused is
mentally ill.
• Every criminal act should have Mens Rea & Actus Reus
• Resp : Liability of a person for his acts or omissions
• Section 84 (Indian Penal Code)
“ Nothing is an offence which is done by a person, who,
at the time of doing it, by reason of unsoundness of mind, is
incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he is
doing what is either wrong or contrary to law ”
• According to this law, the act done by a insane person is not
a crime even if it is punishable by law !
• The Mental Healthcare Act came into force from 7th July
• It superseded the Mental Health Act of 1987.
• To provide mental healthcare services ,protect ,promote and
fulfill their rights
• Mental illness should be determined in accordance with
nationally and internationally accepted standards
• It ensures that these persons have a right to live life with
dignity by not being discriminated against or harassed
Admission of person with Mental illness as
independent Patient (Sec 85)
1.“independent patient or an independent admission” refers to
the admission of person with mental illness, who has the
capacity to make mental healthcare and treatment decisions or
requires minimal support in making decisions.
2.All admissions in the mental health establishment shall, as
far as possible, be independent admissions except when such
conditions exist as make supported admission
Independent admission and
treatment(Sec 86)
Sec 86
1.A person who is not a minor has capacity to make decision
regarding his mental healthcare treatment and requires no /
minimal support in making such decisions ,when he considers
himself to have mental illness.
2.On receipt of such request, the medical officer in charge
shall admit the person, if he is satisfied with the following :
✓ Person has a mental illness of a severity requiring
✓Person is likely to benefit from admission and treatment
✓He gives a valid consent after understanding the nature and
purpose of admission
3. If a person is unable to understand the purpose, nature,
likely effects of proposed treatment and of the probable
result of not accepting the treatment or requires a very high
level of support in making decisions, he or she shall be
deemed unable to understand the purpose of the admission
and therefore shall not be admitted as independent patient
under this section.
4. A person admitted as an independent patient shall be
bound to abide by order and instructions.
5. An independent patient shall not be given treatment
without his informed consent.
6. The mental health establishment shall admit an
independent patient on his own request, and shall not
require the consent or presence of a nominated
representative or a relative or care-giver for admitting the
person to the mental health establishment
7. Under the provision of Section 88,an independent patient
may get himself discharged from the mental health
establishment without the consent of the medical officer
Discharge of independent patients - (Sec 88)
Discharge -Sec 88
The medical officer in charge of a mental health establishment
shall discharge such patient immediately
But a medical officer may prevent the discharge and hold him
back for 24 hours for assessment if he is of the opinion:
(a) Person is unable to understand the nature of his decisions
(b) has recently threatened or attempted to cause bodily harm
to himself
(c) has recently behaved or is behaving violently towards
another person
(d) Shows inability to take care for himself
Admission of a Supported Patient upon
Application by caregivers (Sec 89)
Sec 89
Shall admit every such person to the establishment, upon
application by the nominated representative of the person,
1.On the day of the persons admission or during the preceding
7days,he has been independently examined by a psychiatrist
and a mental health professional or a medical practitioner, who
has independently concluded, on the basis of examination
and information provided by others, that the person has a
mental illness of such severity that:
•Person is threatening or attempting to cause bodily harm
•Behaving violently to others
•Shows inability to take care of himself
2. On the advance directive, the persons admission to
mental health establishment is the least restrictive care
option possible in the circumstances
3. The person is ineligible to receive care and treatment
as an independent patient because he is not able to take
decisions independently and needs greater amount of
support from his nominated representative in making
Duties of Police officers with respect to
person with mental illness (Sec 100)
Sec 100
1.Every officer in-charge of a police station is duty bound to
take under protection any person found wandering at large
within the limits of the police station whom the officer has
reason to believe has mental illness and is incapable of taking
care of himself or others
2.The police officer should inform the person who is taken
into protection of the reasons for such measures
3.Such persons should be taken to the nearest public health
establishment with 24 hours of being taken into protection
Sec 100…
4. If the medical officer finds, the person does not have any
mental illness requiring admission, the same has to be
informed and the person ,and should be taken to his
residence or to a government establishment for homeless
5. The station house officer shall have a duty to trace the
family of such a person and inform the family about the
whereabouts of the person
Duties of Police officers In-Charge of a Police
Station with respect to Persons with Mental
illness (Sec 101)
Sec 101
1.Any police officer in charge of a Police station , who has
reason to believe that any person residing within the limits of
the police station has a mental illness and is being illtreated or
neglected, shall report the fact to the respective Magistrate
2.Any person who has reason to believe that a person has
mental illness and is being ill-treated or neglected by his care
givers, shall report the fact to the police officer in-charge of
the police station within whose jurisdiction the person with
mental illness resides.
Sec 101…
3. If the Magistrate on the basis of the report of a police
officer or otherwise, that any person with mental illness
within the local limits of his jurisdiction is being ill-treated
or neglected, the Magistrate may cause the person with
mental illness to be produced before him
Admitting person with mental illness to
mental health establishment by
magistrate (Sec 102)
Sec 102
When any person with mental illness appears or is brought
before a Magistrate, the Magistrate may, order a referral and
authorize the patients admission to a public mental health
establishment for assessment and treatment for a period not
extending 10 days
That medical officer should submit the report of the
assessment of such person to the magistrate
Prisoners with mental
illness (Sec 103)
Sec 103
The Prisoners Act, the Air Force Act, the Army Act, the Navy
Act and section 330 and section 335 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, direct the admission of a prisoner with mental
illness for the care and treatment to the psychiatric ward of
medical wing of the prison. If in cases there is no psychiatric
ward in medical wing, he can then be transferred to mental
health establishment with prior permission from the Board
Restraints and seclusion (Sec 97)
Sec 97
1.A person with mental illness shall not be subjected to
seclusion or solitary confinement, and, where necessary,
physical restraint may only be used prevent imminent and
immediate harm to person concerned or when it is authorized
by the psychiatrist in charge of the person’s treatment at the
mental health establishment.
2.Physical restraint shall not be used for a period longer than it
is absolutely necessary to prevent the immediate risk .
3. The medical officer or mental health professional in
charge of the mental health establishment should ensure
that the method, nature of restraint, justification for its
imposition and the duration of the restraint are
immediately recorded in the person’s medical notes
4. The nominated representative of the person with mental
illness should be informed about the use of restraint within
a period of 24 hours.
5. A person who is placed under restraint shall be kept in a
place where he can cause no harm to himself or others
6. All instances of use of restraint should be reported to
concerned Board on a monthly basis.
Prohibited procedures (Sec 95)
Sec 95
The following procedures are prohibited on any person
with mental illness:
1.Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)without the use of
muscle relaxants and anesthesia.
2.ECT on minors
3.Sterilisation of men and women affected by mental
illness, that is intended as treatment for mental illness
4.chained in any manner or form
Presumption of severe stress in case
of Suicide attempt case (Sec 115)
Sec 115
A person who attempts to commit suicide shall be presumed
to be under severe stress and shall not be tried and punished
under Section 309 IPC
It is the duty of the government to provide care, treatment and
rehabilitation to such a person
Your valuable suggestions are
entertained -

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Forensic Psychiatry

  • 1. Dr Arun Pinchu Xavier Assistant Professor Dept: of Forensic Medicine Sree Mookambika Institute Of Medical Sciences FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY
  • 2. I'm Depressed Sad Confused Hurt Lonely Unloved Judged Misunderstood Insignificant Broken disliked Dying lost …hmm, Fine Dear.
  • 3. Deals with the application of Psychiatry in the administration of justice. Insanity (Lunacy, unsoundness of mind, mental derangement, mental illness) It is a disorder of mind or personality in which there is derangement or impairment of mental or emotional components.
  • 4. Unsoundness of mind: Here an individual loses the power of regulating his actions and conduct according to the rules of the society to which he belongs. Forensic Importance: In Criminal Cases: • When defense is attempted on the grounds that a criminal act has been committed by a person in a state of mental unsoundness • Inability to plead defense during trial on grounds of insanity • To defer the execution of punishment till the convict is mentally sound • When a women of unsound mind is been raped
  • 5. Unsoundness of mind… In Civil cases: • Testamentary capacity to make a valid will • Nullity of marriage / divorce cases • Validity to act as witness • Appointment of a caretaker of a mentally unsound person who is unable to look after his property.
  • 6. Mind in Psychology Feldman (1998) talked of the following 3 kinds of mental processes 1.Cognitive Mental process: - Knowledge.All mental processes which provide us knowledge of stimuli, situation and ideas come under this 2.Affective mental processes:- Feeling and emotion. We also the experience of pleasure and pain and of emotions like love anger hatred jealousy hatred displeasure 3.Conative Mental processes: Action tendencies. Mental forces which impel the individual to perform certain actions
  • 9. Delusion It is a disturbance of thought. It is a false belief in something which is not a fact and persists even after its falsity has been clearly demonstrated. • Types: Delusion of GRANDEUR :- The patient imagine that he is rich when he is actually poor. • Delusion of POVERTY :- Imagine he is poor, when he is wealthy.
  • 10. • Delusion of PERSECUTION :- Imagine that other people are out to harm him. • Delusion of REFERENCE :- Imagines that people or events refer to him in special way. • Delusion of INFLUENCE (control) :- Imagines that his thoughts and actions are controlled by some external agency. • Delusion of INFIDELITY :- Imagines that spouse is unfaithful. Delusion of SELF-ACCUSATION :- • Keep blaming himself for trivial incidents that happened in the past.
  • 11. • Nihilistic delusion :- The patient is convinced that nothing exists around him in the real sense of the term. • Erotomania :- Usually in women. The patient is convinced that a particular individual is in love with her. • Pseudologia Phantastica :- In which the patient is convinced that he is seriously ill and goes from doctor to doctor, hospital to hospital in a vain attempt to diagnose his non-existent illness
  • 12. Forensic Importance: • Individuals with persecutory delusions may carry out violent acts . Culpability may be determined to find out was it because he was threatened and reacted in self defense or he had equally deluded and carefully plotted revenge • Erotomaniac delusion may lead to stalking
  • 14. It is a FALSE SENSORY PERCEPTION without any real, external stimulus. Types: • AUDITORY :- The patient hears imaginary voices. • VISUAL :- The patient sees non – existent shapes or people or animals. • OLFACTORY :- Perceiving non-existing odours. • GUSTATORY :- Perceiving a bad taste in the mouth. •
  • 15. • TACTILE (Haptic):- This may take the from of imaginary sensations over the skin. • Command hallucinations: Instructions spoken to patients, some patients feel compelled to obey these commands Forensic Importance: • Command hallucination are dangerous as they may command acts of violence to self or others
  • 17. • It is a misinterpretation of a real external stimuli and are often visual or auditory. • They may be experienced by healthy persons in the dark or during states of emotional stress • An insane person is incapable of correcting the false impression E.g. :- • Perceiving a rope as a snake • Covering blanket misinterpreted to be a weight of a collapsed building
  • 20. A Phobia is an irrational intense persistent fear of certain situations activities things or persons. Types: • Acrophobia- Fear of heights • Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces • Claustrophobia – Fear of enclosed spaces • Hydrophobia- Fear of water • Nyctophobia- Fear of night
  • 22. OBSESSION • In this a single idea thought or emotion is constantly entertained by the person which he recognizes as irrational, but persists inspite of all efforts to drive if from his mind. • Any attempt to resist makes them more strongly insistent, usually associated with dread or fear. • Such person lives in constant of having done or having omitted to do something Eg :- • Washing hands again and again • Checking the lock repeatedly • Counting money again and again before going to shopping
  • 25. There is a sudden and irresistible force compelling a person to the conscious performance of an action without motive or fore thought. • Types: Kleptomania :- Irresistible desire to steal articles of little or no value. • Pyromania :- Irresistible desire to set fire to objects. • Multilomania :- Irresistible desire to hurt or torture animals. • Dipsomania :- In ability to stay off alcohol.
  • 26. Somnambulism / Noctambulism Walking during sleep. They get up from bed, open the door, walk out and then return to their bed to sleep, having no memory of these activities when they wake up. A somnambulist, when resisted may commit acts which he is not aware He is not in sleep but in a state of Dissociated Consciousness in a hallucinatory state unrelated to his immediate environment.
  • 27. Somnambulism…. A crime committed in this state is never willful and premeditated and lacks criminal intent, hence such persons cannot be held responsible. When a somnambulist knows that he has a tendency for somnambulistic homicide but fails to take treatment and subsequently commits somnambulistic homicide ,he is likely to pay damages for negligence
  • 28. Classification of Psychiatric disorders ICD -10 –It’s the 10th revision of the International statistical classification of Diseases and related Health Problems. Mental disorders are classified in Chapter F of ICD which is categorized into 10 Blocks.
  • 29. F00-F09 Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders 1) Delirium 2) Dementia 3) Organic amnestic Syndrome 4) Other Organic Mental Disorders
  • 30. F10--F19 Mental and behaviour disorders due to psychoactive substance use E.g. :- Alcohol, Cannabis, opioids, Amphetamines, Cocaine, LSD, Phencyclidine etc. F20-F29 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders Disturbance of thoughts, perception, affect and behavior.
  • 31. • F30-F39 Mood [affective] disorders 1) Bipolar affective disorder 2) Manic disorder 3) Depressive disorder 4) Persistent mood disorder
  • 32. • F40-F48 Neurotic, Stress – related and Somatoform Disorders. 1) Anxiety 2) Phobic states 3) Obsessive – compulsive Disorder 4) Dissociative disorder 5) Somatoform disorder 6) Stress and adjustment disorder
  • 33. • F50-F59– Behavioral syndromes associated with Physiological & Physical Disturbances 1) Eating disorder 2) Sleep disorder 3) Sexual disorder 4) Puerperal psychiatric conditions
  • 34. • F60-F69 Disorders of adult personality and behaviour 1) Personality disorders 2) Impulse control disorders 3) Gender identity disorders 4) Disorders of sexual preference
  • 35. • F70-F79 – Mental Retardation (MR) Sub average general intellectual functioning that originates in the developmental period and is associated with impaired maturation and learning ,and social maladjustments. Normal adult I.Q is 90-110% 1) Mild MR 2) Moderate MR 3) Severe MR 4) Profound MR
  • 36. Degree of MR IQ Mental age Adult life and needs Mild MR - MORONS 50-70 6-11 years Can achieve social and vocational skill enough for minimum self support Moderate MR IMBECILES 35-49 3-6 Years May perform unskilled semiskilled work, needs supervision Severe MR IDIOCY 20-34 3 Years Cannot speak intelligibly, needs nursing care Profound MR IDIOTS < 20 <3 years No / Minimum capacity for sensory motor functioning, needs constant nursing care
  • 37. • F80-F89– Disorders of Psychological Development Speech and language disorder Development disorders
  • 38. • F90-F98 Behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence 1) Hyperkinetic disorder 2) Conduct disorders 3) Tic disorders • F99 - Unspecified mental disorder
  • 39. Causes of Mental illness 1) Predisposing factors :- Heredity ,endocrine ,biochemical abnormalities, physical illness, psychological factors 2) Precipitating factors :- Physical stress, poverty, Sudden bereavement, financial loss, Psychological stress, Marital disharmony 3) Environmental factors:
  • 40. Civil Responsibility Marriage If it is proved that at the time of marriage one of the spouses was insane, then such marriage is declared as null and invalid. Business Contract As per the Indian Contract Act of 1872, if it is proved that at the time of signing a contract one of the two parties was insane, then the contract become legally invalid.
  • 41. Management of Property If a person who owns property becomes insane and is incapable of managing his affairs with sound judgement any relative or friend can approach the court for a judicial inquisition. Capacity To Dispose As Witness An insane person is not competent to give evidence if he is incapable of understanding the questions put to him, or giving rational answers to them
  • 42. Testamentary capacity Refers to the capacity of a person to make a valid will. • Capacity of the testator to make a will is based on Medical evidence • The medical officer should verify whether the testator, knows the nature and consequence of his act ,if he knows the extend of the property ,the person to whom he is not leaving it and his reason for doing so.. • Testator must sign the will in presence of 2 witness, one of whom can be a RMP. • A mentally ill person can make a valid will during Lucid Interval
  • 43. Requirement of a Valid will : • A written properly signed witnessed document • Testator must be a major and of sound mind at the time of making will. • Force , undue influence or dishonest representation of facts should not have been applied by other. • Should have a sound disposing mind – capable of disposing his property with understanding and reason..!
  • 44.
  • 46. Lucid interval in Psychiatry... Period occurring in insanity, during which all symptoms of insanity disappears completely • Here, the persons mind remains clear, and capable of judging things properly and hence legally liable for his actions • It varies from person to person and as such one cannot be certain about the time when a person passes again in the state of insanity • Common in mania , melancholia MLI- An insane person may take a plea
  • 47. • UnConsiouness Cerebral concussion • CONSIOUNESS • Unconsiouness Raised intracranial tension Lucid interval in Head Injury
  • 48.
  • 50. A person may pretend to be insane or presented to be insane with some motive. REASONS..? To avoid punishment trial To leave defense Police services To avoid civil responsibilities
  • 51. Feature True insanity Feigned insanity Onset Gradual Abrupt & dramatic Motive Absent Present Precipitating factors Maybe present Absent Symptomatology Conforms to a particular type psychiatric disorder. Usually doesn’t confirm to any of known type of psychiatric disorder and is often exaggerated
  • 52. Feature True insanity Feigned insanity Facial, expression Usually listless, vacant & fixed Frequent changes exaggerated Insomnia Often present Can’t withstand lack of sleep for more than a night or two. Exertion Can withstand fatigue & hunger for prolonged periods. Cant withstand for more than a day or two
  • 53. Feature True insanity Feigned insanity Personal hygiene Doesn’t pay attention to his personal hygiene May only pretend to be disinterested in his personal appearance or hygiene Frequent psychiatric examinations Does not mind Resists , since he fears detention. examinations
  • 54. Rules regarding insanity in other countries Test for determining criminal responsibilities •McNaughton Rules (the right or wrong test) •Durham’s Rule •Curren’s Rule •American law Institute Test
  • 55. Historical aspects – McNaughton Rules • Guideline followed by British courts for consideration of liability of a mentally ill person who commits a crime ‘Mc Naughton Rules’- these are based on the answers given by the judges who acquitted a paranoid schizophrenic patient Daniel McNaughten on charges of killing the British PM ,to the questions raised by the House of the Lords . He was suffering from : ➢ Paranoid schizophrernia ➢ Auditory hallucinations ➢ Persecutory delusions
  • 56. Daniel McNaughton 29 Years Robert Peel, PM of England Edward Drummond ,Private Secretary Shot dead on 20Th Jan 1843
  • 57. 10 Physicians found him not guilty of Mental Illness Verdict created - Public outcry ..! Summoned to House of lords Lord Chancellor ,Panel of 14 judges 5 questions to clarify the legal position Answers given on 19th June 1843 – Mc Naughten Rules
  • 58. Mc Naughten • Mc Naughten rules – According to these rules, to establish defense on the ground of insanity it must be clearly proved that at the time of committing the act, the accused was laboring under such defect of reason from disease of mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing, or if he did know it, that he did not know what he was doing was wrong.
  • 59. Mc Naughten …in brief • An accused is not criminally responsible if it is proved that at the time of commiting the crime he was suffering from such defect of reason from disease of mind, that he did not know the nature and quality of the act he was doing or that what he was doing was wrong . • This legal test has been accepted in INDIA as the law of criminal responsibility ..under S.84 IPC
  • 60. American law Institute Test • A person is not responsible for his criminal conduct if, at the time of such criminal conduct as a result of mental disease or mental defect ,he lacked substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of law
  • 61. Criminal responsibility A person may plead mental illness to avoid : • Conviction • Trial • Capital punishment • The law presumes that every person is sane and responsible for his actions. The defense has to prove the accused is mentally ill. • Every criminal act should have Mens Rea & Actus Reus
  • 62. • Resp : Liability of a person for his acts or omissions • Section 84 (Indian Penal Code) “ Nothing is an offence which is done by a person, who, at the time of doing it, by reason of unsoundness of mind, is incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that he is doing what is either wrong or contrary to law ” • According to this law, the act done by a insane person is not a crime even if it is punishable by law !
  • 64. MENTAL HEALTHCARE ACT,2017 • The Mental Healthcare Act came into force from 7th July 2018 • It superseded the Mental Health Act of 1987. Aims: • To provide mental healthcare services ,protect ,promote and fulfill their rights • Mental illness should be determined in accordance with nationally and internationally accepted standards • It ensures that these persons have a right to live life with dignity by not being discriminated against or harassed
  • 65. Admission of person with Mental illness as independent Patient (Sec 85) 1.“independent patient or an independent admission” refers to the admission of person with mental illness, who has the capacity to make mental healthcare and treatment decisions or requires minimal support in making decisions. 2.All admissions in the mental health establishment shall, as far as possible, be independent admissions except when such conditions exist as make supported admission
  • 67. Sec 86 1.A person who is not a minor has capacity to make decision regarding his mental healthcare treatment and requires no / minimal support in making such decisions ,when he considers himself to have mental illness. 2.On receipt of such request, the medical officer in charge shall admit the person, if he is satisfied with the following : ✓ Person has a mental illness of a severity requiring admission ✓Person is likely to benefit from admission and treatment ✓He gives a valid consent after understanding the nature and purpose of admission
  • 68. 3. If a person is unable to understand the purpose, nature, likely effects of proposed treatment and of the probable result of not accepting the treatment or requires a very high level of support in making decisions, he or she shall be deemed unable to understand the purpose of the admission and therefore shall not be admitted as independent patient under this section. 4. A person admitted as an independent patient shall be bound to abide by order and instructions. 5. An independent patient shall not be given treatment without his informed consent.
  • 69. 6. The mental health establishment shall admit an independent patient on his own request, and shall not require the consent or presence of a nominated representative or a relative or care-giver for admitting the person to the mental health establishment 7. Under the provision of Section 88,an independent patient may get himself discharged from the mental health establishment without the consent of the medical officer
  • 70. Discharge of independent patients - (Sec 88)
  • 71. Discharge -Sec 88 The medical officer in charge of a mental health establishment shall discharge such patient immediately But a medical officer may prevent the discharge and hold him back for 24 hours for assessment if he is of the opinion: (a) Person is unable to understand the nature of his decisions (b) has recently threatened or attempted to cause bodily harm to himself (c) has recently behaved or is behaving violently towards another person (d) Shows inability to take care for himself
  • 72. Admission of a Supported Patient upon Application by caregivers (Sec 89)
  • 73. Sec 89 Shall admit every such person to the establishment, upon application by the nominated representative of the person, if: 1.On the day of the persons admission or during the preceding 7days,he has been independently examined by a psychiatrist and a mental health professional or a medical practitioner, who has independently concluded, on the basis of examination and information provided by others, that the person has a mental illness of such severity that: •Person is threatening or attempting to cause bodily harm •Behaving violently to others •Shows inability to take care of himself
  • 74. 2. On the advance directive, the persons admission to mental health establishment is the least restrictive care option possible in the circumstances 3. The person is ineligible to receive care and treatment as an independent patient because he is not able to take decisions independently and needs greater amount of support from his nominated representative in making decisions
  • 75. Duties of Police officers with respect to person with mental illness (Sec 100)
  • 76. Sec 100 1.Every officer in-charge of a police station is duty bound to take under protection any person found wandering at large within the limits of the police station whom the officer has reason to believe has mental illness and is incapable of taking care of himself or others 2.The police officer should inform the person who is taken into protection of the reasons for such measures 3.Such persons should be taken to the nearest public health establishment with 24 hours of being taken into protection
  • 77. Sec 100… 4. If the medical officer finds, the person does not have any mental illness requiring admission, the same has to be informed and the person ,and should be taken to his residence or to a government establishment for homeless person 5. The station house officer shall have a duty to trace the family of such a person and inform the family about the whereabouts of the person
  • 78. Duties of Police officers In-Charge of a Police Station with respect to Persons with Mental illness (Sec 101)
  • 79. Sec 101 1.Any police officer in charge of a Police station , who has reason to believe that any person residing within the limits of the police station has a mental illness and is being illtreated or neglected, shall report the fact to the respective Magistrate 2.Any person who has reason to believe that a person has mental illness and is being ill-treated or neglected by his care givers, shall report the fact to the police officer in-charge of the police station within whose jurisdiction the person with mental illness resides.
  • 80. Sec 101… 3. If the Magistrate on the basis of the report of a police officer or otherwise, that any person with mental illness within the local limits of his jurisdiction is being ill-treated or neglected, the Magistrate may cause the person with mental illness to be produced before him
  • 81. Admitting person with mental illness to mental health establishment by magistrate (Sec 102)
  • 82. Sec 102 When any person with mental illness appears or is brought before a Magistrate, the Magistrate may, order a referral and authorize the patients admission to a public mental health establishment for assessment and treatment for a period not extending 10 days That medical officer should submit the report of the assessment of such person to the magistrate
  • 84. Sec 103 The Prisoners Act, the Air Force Act, the Army Act, the Navy Act and section 330 and section 335 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, direct the admission of a prisoner with mental illness for the care and treatment to the psychiatric ward of medical wing of the prison. If in cases there is no psychiatric ward in medical wing, he can then be transferred to mental health establishment with prior permission from the Board
  • 86. Sec 97 1.A person with mental illness shall not be subjected to seclusion or solitary confinement, and, where necessary, physical restraint may only be used prevent imminent and immediate harm to person concerned or when it is authorized by the psychiatrist in charge of the person’s treatment at the mental health establishment. 2.Physical restraint shall not be used for a period longer than it is absolutely necessary to prevent the immediate risk .
  • 87. 3. The medical officer or mental health professional in charge of the mental health establishment should ensure that the method, nature of restraint, justification for its imposition and the duration of the restraint are immediately recorded in the person’s medical notes 4. The nominated representative of the person with mental illness should be informed about the use of restraint within a period of 24 hours. 5. A person who is placed under restraint shall be kept in a place where he can cause no harm to himself or others 6. All instances of use of restraint should be reported to concerned Board on a monthly basis.
  • 89. Sec 95 The following procedures are prohibited on any person with mental illness: 1.Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)without the use of muscle relaxants and anesthesia. 2.ECT on minors 3.Sterilisation of men and women affected by mental illness, that is intended as treatment for mental illness 4.chained in any manner or form
  • 90. Presumption of severe stress in case of Suicide attempt case (Sec 115)
  • 91. Sec 115 A person who attempts to commit suicide shall be presumed to be under severe stress and shall not be tried and punished under Section 309 IPC It is the duty of the government to provide care, treatment and rehabilitation to such a person