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Fun Essay Topics For High School
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Fun Essay Topics For High SchoolFun Essay Topics For High School
American Federation Of Teachers Essay
American Federation of Teachers American Federation of Teachers, also known as AFT was
founded in 1916 and today represents 1.6 million members in more than 3,000 local affiliates
nationwide, founded in Chicago by President Samuel Gompers. ( About ) The AFT also represents
80,000 early childhood educators and about 250,000 retiree members. ( About ) AFT targets to help
students, families, and communities to target fairness, democracy, economic opportunity, high
quality public education, healthcare and public services. ( Mission ) The organization and members
advance these principles through engagement, organizing, collective bargaining and political
activism. ( Mission ) The AFT addresses multiple issues that they believe has an importance to the
union and our country,... Show more content on ...
The American Federation of teachers has multiple benefits including endorsed insurance, legal
and finance services, shopping, travel, etc. ( Member benefits ) However, there are two benefits
that I would like to address, starting with the benefits of scholarships. ( Member benefits ) The
AFT offers an $8000 post secondary scholarship for four years, along with ten other people who
are chosen for a one time $1000 scholarship. These members are chosen once a year to earn the
scholarships. Earning a scholarship would be known as a material incentive, in this case. ( Interest
groups ) This is because the members gain something physically through joining the interest group,
which in this case would be AFT. ( Interest groups ). Another benefit of joining AFT is their
members and the members families receive health discounts on dental and eye care. ( Member
benefits ) This is another example of material incentive because they are being provided with
something physically, over a sense of belonging (solidary incentive) or feeling satisfied by taking
action (purposive incentive). ( Interest
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Analysis Of A Song By Maria Williams
Many people think that the poem A Song, by Helen Maria Williams, is just a love letter when, in
fact, it is more of an expression of her relationship with her inspiration of writing. Helen Maria
Williams s best known works are her several volumes of letters and sketches. They narrate the
French Revolution, the Age of Bonaparte, and the restoration of the French Monarchy. She was a
supporter of the revolution and she wrote these letters to her countrymen in England. Nevertheless,
Williams wrote a number of antiwar poems during the 1780s, like Edwin and Eltruda and An Ode
to the Peace. In 1786, Helen Maria Williams published a two volume poetrycollection. The
collection was titled Poems and A Song is featured there in that area. A Song has six sections. Each
section consists of one stanza that has four lines and an ABAB rhyme schemeand the metre is
similar to that of an iambic trimeter. Moreover, there is a great use of punctuation. The poem s
central theme is loveand how a particular emotional relationship affects the lyrical voice. The
first stanza foregrounds the importance of love to the lyrical voice. Throughout the stanzas, the
lyrical voice will express his/her particular feelings about something that occurred particularly to
him/her. It shows the writing through experience. The poem begins by saying that this lover has
no riches and, consequently, couldn t share them with the lyrical voice No riches from his
scanty store/ My lover could impart . Notice the alliteration on scanty store , which gives a soft
feel to the first part of the stanza. Then, the lyrical voice states that this lover gave him/her
something that he/she values more He gave a boon I valued more : his heart He gave me all his
heart! . Notice the great emphasis made on the last line and how the lyrical voice accentuates it
by using a final dash and creating a pause at the end of the previous line. The second stanza
describes the lover. The lyrical voice says about the lover: His soul sincere, his generous worth .
And, more importantly, the lyrical voice says he/she is touched by this generosity and sincerity
that the lover has Might well this bosom move . It describes the way the lyrical voice sees the
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Go Gentle Into That Good Night
For many people, the thought of death is a terrifying concept to fathom. Whether a beloved family
member, pet, or even emotions have died, death in any form continues to be a challenging subject to
communicate about to others. From dances to songs and from paintings to writings, people express
their views on deathin a variety of forms and fashions. In William Cullen Bryant s Thanatopsis and
Dylan Thomas s Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, death exists as the main topic of both
poems; however, Bryant s and Thomas s opinions on death contrast greatly in both works as a
result of each poet s religious beliefs, experiences, family and decisions that influenced the poems.
Bryant and Thomas held different religious beliefs that influenced... Show more content on ...
Bryant had held a very close relationship with his beloved sister, Sally, who died young (Gado
295). His sister meant a lot to him, and her death hurt him deeply. He had also been affected by
the death of both his grandfather, Ebenezer Snell, and a close family friend, the wife of Jacob
Porter. Both died in 1813 (Muller 22). Their deaths added to the stress of a young man who
seemed to keep finding death at his back door. These individuals also influenced the writing of
Thanatopsis. In lines 68 through 72, Bryant points out how the ...maid / [t]he speechless babe,
and the gray headed man / [s]hall one by one be gathered to thy side... (Bryant 2). Here, the poem
presents clear references to the deaths of his sister, his grandfather, and family friend. He thought
so much about them and their importance to him that he just could not leave them out of the
poem. Although the deaths of these significant figures in Bryant s life caused him some heart
ache he did not let that dwindle his support of death. In lines 31 through 34, Bryant promises that
a person would not go alone but [t]hou shall lie down with patriarchs of the infant world... the
wise, the good, / [f]air forms, and hoary seers of ages past... (Bryant 1). Here, Bryant provides a
pleasant feeling about death because he claims that people will go with those they know and that
makes dying a wonderful
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War And Peace Tolstoy
In Leo Tolstoy s War and Peace , the relationships of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are
Penguin to the theme of love and the search for peace. Even when Andrei says he loves someone,
his actions rarely reflect his words, and Pierre, despite having a slightly better understanding of
love, never chooses someone that he honestly loves. Unknowingly, they are both searching for
peace. Although they grow in their understanding of love, they have a much harder time obtaining
peace. Tolstoy uses Andrei and Pierre s search for love to demonstrate that peace is not easily
found. Andrei s actions towards those he loves show that he doesn t truly understand the meaning
of love. This is shown through his interactions with Lise Bolkonsky, Andrei s
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Ascetic Hermits
Every single person in the world, regardless of their race, religion or gender, is different. Therefore,
there is more than one way to reach God, enlightenment, or whatever each respected person chooses
to believe in. In Christianity, there are two main paths taken to reach the divine; the communal path
embracing obedience and the individual route which focuses on asceticism. The Sayings of the
Desert Fathers and The Rule of St. Benedict in English reveal what each road to the divine entails
while explaining how the ascetic hermits and monks live for the mutual goal of reaching unity with
God. When taking the communal path to reach salvation, some people decide to become obedient
monks and live in monasteries. Once in a monastery, monks are... Show more content on ...
These followers can be referred to as ascetic hermits since they heavily rely on self discipline
rather than obedience. Hermits are constantly in journey, they don t have a permanent residency
since they withdraw themselves from society and all other formal ways of living. In order to be an
ascetic hermit, one must live off the food of the land, since they are living in complete isolation
other than when they pass by monasteries and stay for a few days. Therefore, hermits must have
discernment and be able to discipline themselves to stay on course with what God s scriptures
tell them to do. If they fall off course, they pray and confess their sins to God. Abba Anthony in
The Sayings of the Desert Fathers said that the great work of hermits was to always take the
blame for his own sins before God and to expect temptation to his last breath (Ward 2). Everyone
will always have temptations, it s what makes them human. However, it is one s own choice in
whether to act on them or not. Ascetic hermits on the individual path to the divine also practice
hesychasm, which is constant prayer and silence. Bessarion, a Desert Father, told a story when
[he] came to [a prisoner s] cell [he] found [the prisoner] standing at prayer with his hands raised
towards heaven. For fourteen days he remained thus (Ward 41). This is merely one of many stories
of hesychasm in The Desert Fathers. Furthermore, the number
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California Spotted Owl
The California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) is a subspecies of the Spotted Owl.
They are found in northwestern California, western Oregon, western Washington, and
southwestern British Columbia. They live in old growth forests around 200 years old,
preferring Douglas fir and high canopy areas. They are described as medium sized, brown owls
with white spots. The California Spotted Owl has a height of about 1.5 feet and a wing span of
around 4 feet. The California Spotted Owl is a nocturnal bird whose diet consists of rodents,
reptiles, invertebrates and birds. The lifespan of the California Spotted Owl is around ten years.
They mate for life and require a vast amount of territory (National Wildlife Federation, 2015).
According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California ... Show more content on ...
2004). The study found there was no significant increase in population during that time. The study
found there were multiple threats hindering the California Spotted Owl population. These threats
include habitat lost to past and current timber harvesting, loss of habitat due to fire and
competition with the Barred Owl (Courtney et al. 2004). Once again in 2011 a five year scientific
evaluation was performed for the classification of the California Spotted Owl. The evaluation
conducted by Glenn White found that the Spotted Owl population was decreasing by 2.7% per
year. The recommendations made by the review include population stabilization, adequate habitat
and reducing threats for the future. In August of 2015 a petition was filed by the Sierra Forest
Legacy in hopes of classifying the California Spotted Owl as an endangered species instead of a
threatened species. As a result of the petition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is conducting a 12
month scientific evaluation before making a determination (Sierra Forest Legacy,
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Sam Greenfield Short Story
The merciless and unforgiving bamboo floor was sentient misery. In an unconscious but
deliberate motion, Sam slowly, and as silently as his body would cooperate, rolled his half
naked body from side to side in the squared bamboo cage, helping to ease the pain of the rock
hard cylindrical ... Show more content on ...
The whistling of incoming mortars, the
red and green tracers from machine gun fire made it look like Bensenville after dark on
Independence Day, times one thousand. Sam managed to cut himself free from his chute,
falling to the soft jungle floor. The barrage of enemy fire was relentless. Gun smoke permeated
the breathless humid night air as Sam searched through the darkened chaos for the rest of his
unit. Sam hadn?t covered more than fifty yards, when he stumbled over Lip?s lifeless body. A
rush of sad emptiness quickly turned to a fog of loneliness as Sam lifted Lip?s ethereal body onto
his shoulder and scanned for cover. Without warning, the punctuated and deafening whistle of
an incoming mortar exploded in front of them. Lip and Sam were propelled backwards through
the air by the fierce and forceful mortar blast. Lip?s body cushioning Sam?s landing. In a painless
but mesmeric like state of conscience, Sam saw that his left thigh had been blown open
exposing a blood filled cavity of muscle and bone. Disconnected, Sam had a nebulous sensation
of floating horizontally above the ground, hovering over the tall buffalo grass. Sam was
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Sigmund Freud s Theory Of Hypnotism
Sigmund Freud is one of the most influential psychologists. He was born in Freiberg, Moravia in
1856, and moved to Vienna with his family at the age of four. He continued to work in Vienna for
most of his life. Freud had always considered himself to be, above all, a scientist. He was always
seeking to further human knowledge. In 1873, Freud enrolled at the medical school at the
University of Vienna, where he concentrated his studies on biology. During his time at the
University, Freud did research in physiology under German scientist Ernst BrГјcke, the director of
the Physiology Lab at the University. Sigmund Freudearned his degree in medicine in 1881. In
1886, shortly after his marriage, he set up a private practice for the treatment of physiological
disorders. This practice was where Freud gathered clinical material that he later based his theories
and techniques upon.... Show more content on ...
After his trip to Paris, Sigmund Freud returned to Vienna where he discovered that the beneficial
effects of hypnotism did not last. He then adopted a method of Josef Breuer, an older Viennese
friend and colleague. Breuer had discovered that if he allowed a hysterical patient talk freely about
symptoms, the symptoms often became less intense. As Freud worked with Breuer, he developed a
theory that many mental illnesses originated in a traumatic past event. Freud had patients recall the
experience to bring it to consciousness, then confront the event intellectually and emotionally. This
would get rid of the underlying causes of a mental illness. Freud and Breuer published their
findings in Studies in Hysteria in
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How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Children s Life...
Until 1833, the lives of children were often extremely long and difficult. They were forced to work
long hours, with very little sleep from the age of 6. These conditions were unlawful and cruel.
Children aged from six years old in the industrial revolution worked hard hours for very little.
The children usually worked up to 19 hours a day, with a one hour break. Not only were these
children subject to long hours, but also, they were in horrible conditions. Large, heavy, and
dangerous equipment was very common for children to be using or working near. Many accidents
happened killing or injuring children on the job. Children were only paid only a fraction of what an
adult would get, and sometimes factory owners would pay them ... Show more content on ...
The younger children, who were not old enough to use the equipment, were sent to help the
textile workers. The people who the children served would beat them, verbally abuse them, and
take no consideration for their safety. Both girls and boys who laboured in factories were given
beatings and other harsh forms of painful punishments. One punishment for being late or not
working hard enough would be to be weighted. A slave master would tie a heavy weight to a
child s neck, and have them walk through the factory aisles so the other children could see them
and become intimidated. This could last sometimes an hour. Boys were sometimes dragged
naked from their beds and sent to the factories only holding their clothes, to be put on there. This
was to make sure the boys would not be late, even by a few minutes. There were people in this
time period that strongly advocated the use or the abolishment of child labour, or at least the
improvement of conditions. Factory owners loved child labour, and they supported their reasoning
with ideas that it was good for everything from the economy to the building of the children s
characters. Parents of the children who worked were almost forced to at least allow it as they
needed the income. There were some relevant people that fought for the regulation, improvement,
and abolishment of child labour. The first phase to improving conditions was
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Critical Analysis Of Ronald Takaki s The Educated Person
The Educated Person Final Paper I found The Educated Person: A collection of Contemporary
American Essays to be an indispensable source of information for new and continuing students.
This work of art is not merely the accumulation of essays created by esteem professors and
faculty, it is a collection of works that can unlock the hidden potential of students. I found three
essays to be particularly enlightening. Those essays are Having a Degree and being educated , A
Different Minor , Freedom of choice and the wisdom of elders . Though all three of these articles
were invaluable to the trajectory of my educationnone impacted me as greatly as Freedom of choice
and the wisdom of elders by David Sweets (Sweets). The author David... Show more content on ...
The last essay I am reviewing may be the most impactful. Having a Degree and Being Educated
by Edmund D. Pellegrino may have been the most impactful essay I have read (Having a Degree
and Being Educated). This is not hyperbole, this essay taught me three things that can be key to
my success in becoming an Educated Person. The first is that my degree does not make me an
Educated Person . This revelation at first seems unassuming, but the impact of this revelation
makes everything else in the essay matter. This leads to the second revelation, and that is, how to
recognize what are your original thoughts as opposed to repeated someone else s. This I believe is
what most students are trained to do, to unlearn this is akin unshackling the mind. Lastly I learned
about a process which involves six question, through this process you can evaluated the level to
which you are exhibiting the behaviors of an educated person. These essays have assisted me in the
development of my degree plan. They gave me a better understanding of my role in the
development of my education, and the thought process behind Metropolitan State University
educational philosophy. These essays gave me the tools needed to succeed here. Armed with these
skills I will be able to apply these concepts even after graduating, making me a lifelong learner, a
key objective for student here at Metropolitan State University. I think being an educated person is
more a state of mind than the
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General Business Major Unit As An Academic Course
Business Major
This memo contains relevant information about the general business major unit as an academic
course. The memo gives a clear explanation of the historical development of the discipline as
widely employed in academic. The memo also gives an in depth analysis of the discipline and
highlights it several importance alongside its relationship with other related fields of study.
This memo is a suitable source of information to persons seeking greater understanding of the
business major discipline and its relevance in other related fields. The memo uses credible
academic sources to vividly examine the discipline and give a clear illustration of how its study is
based on its meritocracy and not other over lying factors.
Before 1927, business studies were taught in early institution but there was no official record of it
evolution. Nevertheless, Professor Gras started a business history program that aimed at tracing the
chronologic development of history from small scale learning to the current institutions. He was an
editor of the Bulletin of the Business Historical Society since the year 1926 1953, which was later
transformed in the year 1953 to the modern Business History review (86). During this period,
business was learnt through the application of theories that were simple and specific to a certain
situation or discipline. The major factor that contributed to the narrow nature of the early business
was the motive of study. Individuals studied the field
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Consequences of Losing The Sense of Touch
Consequences of Losing The Sense of Touch
Touch is the first sense we experience in the womb and may also be the last we experience before
death. To understand the consequences of losing the sense of touch we must first understand its
benefits. Touch is an important element of how we understand and relate to our world. Touch can
convey personal feeling towards one another or it can convey danger such as heat or sharp surfaces.
The inability to feel sensations on the ski impacts many different situations and can potentially have
dangerous repercussions. Our ability to survive is not generally dependent on our sense of smell or
our sense of taste. However, if one does not possess the sense of touch, it can directly imperil our
very existence.
The consequences for a loss of the ability to process pain would be numerous and catastrophic.
Pain is your body s way of telling you something is wrong. Pain s job is to draw your attention to
sensations such as a burn or a bone break so that you can address the cause of the issue. For
instance, if you sprained your ankle, without pain receptors your body would have no way of
alarming you of the danger. This situation could require you to tear something resulting in a major
injury instead of a minor sprain which would take a couple weeks to heal. People born without
pain receptors are much more prone to serious accidents resulting in injury or death. Without pain
you may not receive an early warning of infections that could
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Native American Creation Stories Summary
What is a reasonable explanation for the purpose of the Native American Creation Stories?
Explain the obvious differences in the effects of the creation stories being delivered in the
traditional oral tradition as opposed to being read as one written narrative. Think about what
happens when stories are told orally and as a people instead of from a single author s point of
view. How reliable are the narratives as translations of oral tales? What is a reasonable explanation
for the purpose of the Native American Creation Stories? For this problem, our first and most
obvious explanation is that the Native American Creation Stories allowed for history to easily be
passed through oral traditions, as they had no print tradition (See page 7).... Show more content on ...
Pages 45 49 explain in detail the cultural climate of one particular tribe, whose practices in terms
of communal living were thought to be wide spread. This meant that hospitality was a particularly
strong value. Another key to understanding this odd dynamic is that according to Howard Zinn s
a People s History of the United States, property and land ownership were somewhat foreign
concepts, so even invasion was not particularly contemptible for a number of tribes (Do take note,
more agriculturally oriented tribes may have had different views than gatherer tribes). 3. Identify
the Spanish name of the Indian slave system, and discuss the origins and history of the system as
described by early accounts. Be sure to include how it came in existence and how it transformed.
Also discuss how it affected the Native population and who replaced the
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Frankenstein s ambition
Topic #3
Victor s driving, obsessive ambition ruined his life and led to his own death and the murder of his
loved ones. Illustrate how ambition affects not only Victor and Robert Walton, but also the creature
in Frankenstein.
Thesis Statement: Ambition and the quest for knowledge is a fatal flaw in the characters of Victor
Frankenstein, Robert Walton, and the creature.
In Mary Shelley s 1818 novel, Frankenstein , a recurring motif of ambition and the quest for
knowledge is present among the characters of Victor Frankenstein, Robert Walton and the creature.
Victor s obsessive ambition is his fatal flaw, ruining his life and leading to the murder of his loved
ones and eventually his own death. Robert Walton shares a similar ambition... Show more content
on ...
Victor begins to possess an unnatural drive in his quest for knowledge where he begins intense
study and experimentation, These thoughts supported my spirits, while I pursued my
undertaking with unremitting ardour. My cheek had grown pale from study, and my person had
become emaciated with confinement eventually isolating himself from his friends and family.
As the seasons passed Victor s obsession with his studies continued to grow, And the same
feelings which made me neglect the scenes around me caused me also to forget those friends
who were so many miles absent, and whom I had not seen for so long a time highlighting how
his ambition is a fatal flaw, neglecting the outside world and his loved ones. Victor s ambition to
research and attempt to create life drains him of health and sensibility, Every night I was
oppressed by a slow fever, and I became nervous to a most painful degree which is ironic to the goal
he wishes to achieve. Shelly s use of irony illuminates how Victor s obsessive ambition has become
a fatal flaw.
Victor s blindness to what his end result will produce is immediately revealed when his final work
is a hideous creature. Victor, through repulsion, neglects caring for the creature in its blank slate,
gradually fuelling the ambition it feels for revenge. With the monster isolated, he begins to learn, I
learned to distinguish between the operations
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A Vibrant Hippie History
Jacqueline N February 10, 2012 AP/ US History Ms. Lombardi Period 5 Colorful Hippies To
many it may seem as the glorifying symbol that describes the era of the 1960s, but to others not
so much. The Hippies showed a different part of reality to us and to the world, a part that we did
not know existed but that caused great harm to us. Hippies were members of a reform movement
that was absolutely unnecessary to society. This is due to the reason that it caused the destruction
of American principles while causing no positive effect on the nation. The reform movement
caused by the Hippies was provoked by certain events that affected the US during the sixties, as
well as topics that were of great concern to them, this caused... Show more content on ...
It became like a virus, not only was the whole nation being infected by these inappropriate
behaviors but some began to follow them and believed it was something right to do. What many
did not know was that the American principles were slowly vanishing as this new liberal form of
behavior took over very gradually across the nation. Over time Hippies took it to the extreme
changing their appearance, food and basic roles of women. For instance, during the Hippie
movement Hippie men let their hair grow very long while women went braless and sometimes
even shirtless exposing their body to the exterior world(Mortal Journey 1). Moreover despite
high schools in the US had strict dress codes, which did not allow girls to wear jeans or any sort
of pants, they had to wear skirts even if the weather was extremely cold but the Hippie girls
began to wear pants to school to feel more free (Holland 80).Even public restroom signs show the
image of a women wearing a skirt to symbolize a womans bathroom, however all this was changing
slowly because of the changes caused by the
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New England Colonies Dbq Analysis
Today s world portrays countries that each have distinct characteristics religiously as well as
economically. In the British colonies before 1700, the colonies could be dispersed into two distinct
regions, the Chesapeake colonies, and New England colonies. Both areas varied in religion and
economy, and thrived in different ways. For the New England colonies, the offering of religious
freedom and an end to persecution in England caused many Puritans to sail to New England.
However, the main motivation for people going to the Chesapeake colonies was to get rich fast, as
well as other economic goals. All in all, the distinct traits of different regions of the continental
British colonies caused the creation of two very distinct territories. In... Show more content on ...
For colonists of New England, religion was undoubtedly the most important factor for migrating to
the New World. The promise of no persecution of Puritans caused Puritans to flock to the New
World quickly, and to do so with their entire family. Chesapeake colonies were settled largely by
young, white males seeking to become wealthy in the New World through farming. However, land
was given away by how many people one had in their family, as well as how many slaves the
person brought over, so the wealthy still received the most land. All in all, the distinct differences of
these two regions created two places that seemed to have characteristics so contrasting that they
could be different countries, even though they were united through their British heritage and
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Monitoring Quality Data
How a Facility Evaluates and Monitors Quality Data
Yadira Garcia
University of the Incarnate Word Online
How a Facility Evaluates and Monitors Quality Data
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the methods used by a local health care facility, Southwest
General Hospital, to evaluate and monitor healthcare quality data. Quality measurement in health
care is the process of using data to evaluate the performance of health care providers against
recognized quality standards (FamiliesUSA, 2014). The measuring of quality plays a vital role in
the creating, maintaining, and managing of the data that this healthcare facility aims in focusing on
quality of health care.
Quality measures are set in place by Southwest General Hospital (SGH) to assess the delivery of
its health care. These measurement systems allow the hospital access to tools that enhance the
efficiency and delivery of patient care. One system that SGH uses to promote quality is the use of
computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system which reduces medication errors. Another way
Southwest General promotes the measurement of quality data is by becoming the first local
hospital to use a high tech system to track staff in promoting hygiene. Karen Barnhart RN, Director
of Quality states, Our staff members clip a small device onto their badges which then interfaces ...
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(DNV). Creating, maintaining, and managing quality health information plays a vital role in
achieving DNV accreditation for this facility. Measuring quality of this facility requires that an
entire hospital is dedicated to meeting the needs its patients and achieving the goals required to
initiate and maintain accreditations. As a result of its hard work and dedication, Southwest General
Hospital has earned numerous distinctions for quality, including accreditations which include Chest
Pain, Stroke, Bariatric Surgery, and Wound
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Anti Immigrant Sentiment And The Social And Cultural...
Anti immigrant sentiment tends to arrive when waves of mass immigration occurs, the host
societies believe that their jobs are being taken from them and that their standard of living is falling
all because of the migrants that have come to live in the host country. Due to this anti immigration
sentiment can be seen to be a politically significant phenomenon in European societies since the
second world war. Strong political opposition to immigration comes from populist extremist parties
(PEPs), they see immigration as a threat to the social and cultural cohesion of the host country. On
the political spectrum most of these parties are right wing parties, somewhere between established
conservative parties and openly violent and anti democratic right wing parties. Over the past years
in Europethese parties have been growing in power and during the past three waves of PEPs, they
have slowly gained more and more power even though many thought they would die out. The first
waves of PEPs come about after the second world war, in the immediate post war period the
Sozialistiche Reichspartei party in West Germany was established however this was banned by he
constitution later on. The second wave came int he 1970s with the National Front in the UK and
the anti tax parties in Scandinavia. The third wave came in the 1980s when a large number of
parties emerged and have remained part of the political scene since then. This shows that anti
immigrant sentiment is politically significant in
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Rods And Cones Interpretation
The article titled Rods Cones is very interesting explaining to the the reader what happens in our
eyes. In the human retina there are two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. The rods and
cones have different purposes. The rods are responsible for vision at low light, which is called
scotopic vision. The cones are active for light at higher levels, called photopic vision. The cones
are capable of color vision and are responsible for high spatial acuity. The rods on the other hand
do not mediate color vision, and have a low spatial acuity. There are 3 different types of cones
short wavelength, middle wavelength and long wavelength sensitive cones. The article explains
that turtles, fish, frogs and we humans all have different shapes and sizes of receptors across and
within a species. Figure 1. presents a schematic diagram of the rods and cones. In this figure, one
can see in the outer segments of rods the cell membrane... Show more content on ...
Positive reinforcement has nothing to do, whether the behavior is good or bad. It is rather the
consequence of presenting something pleasant, such as a reward,money or sex. On the other
hand, negative reinforcement is the removal of something unpleasant. Both positive and
negative reinforcement strengthens our behavior. In order for our vision to occur, we need to
receive and process what we see out in the natural world. The simulation example, stated that
light is going to the eyes or sound wave traveling to the ear. In order for us to react to what we
observe, we need to use the rods and cones based on the different situations we face on a daily
basis. Use an example of someone in a dark room. The eye would naturally use the rods in your
eye to obtain what the environment is like around you. On the other hand, if you were at the beach
or a light room you would use the cones in your eyes for the high light
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Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and Parenting
Boisterous , energetic , and spontaneous were once adjectives used to describe the behaviour of
normal, healthy children [CITE]. These days, similar behaviours might be labeled problematic ,
hyperactive , and uncontrollable , often resulting in the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) and the prescription of a psychostimulant drug [CITE]. According to the DMS V,
ADHD is described as a combination of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013). Due to the nature of the symptoms, ADHD can significantly hinder
a child s ability to succeed in a school setting, both academically and socially, which could have dire
implications for their future [CITE]. With almost 11% of children in the United States currently
diagnosed with the disorder, ADHD has been labeled an epidemic and this has lead to a significant
increase in the amount of research devoted to determining its cause and treatment [CITE]. The
increased attention has also attracted a great deal of controversy, with medical experts questioning
the safety of administering psychostimulant drugs to children. Although the evidence is often
contradictory, due to an increase in the documentation of the adverse side effects in children caused
by psychostimulant medication [CITE] as well as an increase in the evidence of
nonpharmacological treatments successfully reducing the symptoms of ADHD, many parents have
become reluctant in allowing their children to
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Evaporation Is A Fundamental For Human Life
Evaporation is eminently fundamental for the human life. Without evaporation, there would be no
crops, no rain, and the human body would overheat. When most people think about evaporation,
they usually associate it with the water cycle. All liquids can evaporate at room temperature,
including water, orange juice, rubbing alcohol, and nail polish remover, but do they all evaporate at
the same rate? Surprisingly, most people do not take into consideration that evaporationalso occurs
in their own home.
Evaporation is one of the six stages of the water cycle, or hydrologic cycle. Evaporation is the
process in which a liquid surpasses a change to become a gaseous substance. Evaporation befalls
due to atoms or molecules escaping from a liquid ... Show more content on ...
The average energy can be low and the evaporation still continues. (United States Geological
Survey 2014) Not all molecules have the same energy, which is why evaporation can occur even
if the liquid isn t boiling. The rate of evaporation is increased with a decrease in the gas pressure
around a liquid. Once the gas pressure reaches a specific level, the rate of evaporation slows
down. The density of a liquid also has an impact on the rate of evaporation; the higher the density
of a liquid, the slower the rate of evaporation. The most important substance in the world is water,
without it there would be no world. Water is a molecule that is composed of two hydrogen atoms
and one oxygen atom, also known as H2O. Water is a polar molecule, making it able to dissolve
other polar molecules. Water is attracted to itself by cohesion. Cohesion is the attraction of one
substance to itself. Cohesion is possible for water due to its strong hydrogen bonds. Alone
hydrogen bonds are weak, but together they form one of the strongest bonds known. Water is an
extremely diverse substance that can be in solid form, liquid form, and gas form. The normal
temperature of water is 25oC, which produces its liquid form. When water reaches below 0oC, it
freezes and becomes solid. Above100oC is when water reaches its gaseous form and boiling point;
that is more than a 75o temperature change from liquid to gas. Studies show that the evaporation
rate of a liquid depends on the
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Agricultural Production Simulation Paper
Existing climate variability is a fundamental driver of cotton production in Australia. Negative
effects of anthropogenic climate change will increase the existing climate related production
challenges to the Australia cotton industry most likely through significant fruit loss, lower
yields and reduced water use efficiencies due to higher temperatures (Williams et al. 2014; Bange
et al. 2010). On average, on cotton producing farms, cotton makes up the largest proportion of
farm income (approximately 66%) in terms of gross value of production and yet only comprises
about 10% of the total farm area (ABARE 2012; Roth 2010). 80% of cotton producing farms are
irrigated and consequently overall production is very sensitive to water availability and price
(McRae et al. 2007; Roth... Show more content on ...
(2014) built on this research by using the biophysical crop production simulation model APSIM
(Agricultural Production Simulator, (Keating et al. 2003) with one of the hottest and driest future
climate change scenarios (the CSIROMk3.5 A1FI scenario) to provide information on the impact of
climate change on cotton yield and irrigation water requirements for the southern Queensland
region. These simulations highlight the complexity of the cotton production system especially the
ameliorating effect of CO2 fertilisation on growth that would otherwise be highly compromised
with decreased rainfall. The simulations indicate yields increasing by 5.9% to 2030, but then
decreasing by 3.6% to 2050.
However, a requirement of the model was that available soil water was kept at 65%. In order to
achieve this irrigation volumes needed to be increased by 47.4% (2030) and 48.7% (2050). It is
highly questionable whether the adaptation response of increasing irrigation volumes to maintain
ASW by this amount is realistic. For example, changes in Government policy lead to the Murray
Darling Basin Cap (Authority 2010) reduces the amount of water available for irrigation in the
area by 14% by
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Gocb Case
December 7, 2008
A Case of Golden Opportunity Commercial Bank
President Celso Valmores in his speech before the board members said: I would like to seek your
opinion regarding a major initiative of our bank, which is part of the implementation of Golden
Opportunity Commercial Bank s (GOCB) renewed strategy to be the bank of choice in terms of
consumer banking. To be able to finance this new strategy and to aggressively revive our bank,
GOCB is contemplating a major move that will, in effect, recover from losses brought about by
increasing mortgage default payments, valued at P5.0 billion. This move is designed to fully
extinguish our debts, create a new and dynamic bank and hopefully leave us ... Show more content
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A number of branches were increased to 30 from 10, which are located in the various areas of
Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao, Naga, and Baguio City. GOCB eventually became a highly tradable
publicly held company.
In his desire to further increase its revenues at approximately 300%, he sought new
opportunities. The bank teamed up with GRC and entered into a guarantee agreement with the
Home Guaranty Corporation (HGC) for the securitization of P5.8 billion worth of housing
loans. The guaranty program aimed to liquefy through the asset backed securitization (ABS)
ranging from P10,000 to 1.0 M, with a yield of 15% per annum paid quarterly and a term of five
years. This strategy met with great success for 6 straight years of record increases in profits. In
2006, GOCB was highly leveraged with as high as 85 percent. However, it managed to lower the
debt ratio to 60 percent to retain shareholder confidence and ensure the bank s eligibility for a B
bond rating. Strong reputable brand name, financial strength, and a strategic fit were the three
key ingredients why the GOCB s 10 million shares had market value of P250 each which is 10
times the net income per share. This further boosted its market position to hold the top 20 spot
with a total resource base of P35 billion as of December 2007, which comprised of 10% of the
entire banking industry s total resources.
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The Effects Of Transition Metals
Transition metals, such as iron, copper, zinc, nickel, and cobalt, play vital roles in numerous
67 biological processes. Because of these metals unique redox and inorganic chemical properties,
68 they either serve as catalytic centers for enzymatic reactions or contribute to overall protein
69 stability. To thrive, all organisms have to maintain adequate levels of transition metals for their
70 cellular metalloproteins, which account for more than 30% of all proteins in biological systems.
71 However, the overloading of transition metals will cause severe adverse effects, such as
72 generating toxic free radicals. Consequently, biological systems have evolved sophisticated
73 mechanisms for metal acquisition, transportation, storage, and ... Show more content on ...
All these pathways are vital to bacterial virulence.
93 Nix and Nik pathways either directly import nickel by a high affinity metal transporter or
94 use small molecule chelators from the environment to mediate metal transportation and have a
95 strong preference for the acquisition of nickel over other metals. In contrast, the Cnt pathway
96 itself synthesizes a novel broad spectrum nicotianamine like metallophore staphylopine (STP)
97 from the first three genes cntKLM in the pathway to facilitate metal acquisition and it has little
98 preference for different metals (17 20) (Fig. 1). The biosynthetic pathway of STP is conserved
99 across various pathogens (20). In addition to the STP biosynthesis genes, the cnt operon
100 possesses an STP exporter encoded by the cntE gene and an STP/metal importer encoded by the
101 five genes cntABCDF (17, 20) (Fig. 1). The CntA protein of the importer complex is an
102 extracytoplasmic solute binding protein and plays a primary role in STP/metal recognition and
103 importation initiation. CntBC are two membrane proteins that form an integral channel to
104 transport STP/metal released from CntA. CntDF are two membrane associated nucleotide
105 binding proteins that provide energy for the transportation. Previous independent genetic studies
106 targeting cntA and cntE have demonstrated the importance of both genes for bacterial virulence,
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The American Of The Vietnam War
Kenneth Penn, 69, stepped into the coffee shop clad head to toe in purple and gold. The emblem
across his hat and jacket pictured a purple and gold heart, encircled by the words Military Order
Purple Heart, 1762 of the U.S.A. 1932.
When Penn first sat down with me to tell me his story, he asked if anyone in my family had ever
served in a war. I responded by telling him my father was a marine before I was born. No, your
father is a marine. Once you re a marine, you re always a marine, Penn corrected.
Gentle in his demeanor and free with his sense of humor, Penn went on to tell me his story as a
veteran of the Vietnam War.
Penn graduated from the University of St. Thomas with a degree in business in 1967. He initially
took two ... Show more content on ...
It is important to know, says Penn, There is nobody that joins the military and says, Let s find a war!
The military does as the government tells them, and faces negative treatment from the American
public as a result, which is an unfortunate truth, Penn says.
After his time in Oklahoma, Penn spent the following six months in Khe Sanh, located in South
Vietnam. When he first arrived, the veteran says the land was quiet and peaceful. Penn recalls
when they first started out there was almost no difference between home and Vietnam. They
received three meals a day and two beers a day, Penn says with a laugh. The hot chow and nightly
movies, though, were an early luxury for Penn and his fellow marines. On January 21, 1968, chaos
ensued. The Battle of Khe Sanh had begun.
Mortars and rockets came down from dusk to dawn in an attempt to take over the base. Back
home, newspaper headlines addressed President Johnson s focused desire to win the war.
Meanwhile, back on the base, the only desire Penn and his men held was for food, water, and
ammunition to keep them going until the siege was under control.
You learn something in every war, says Penn. While stationed in Vietnam, Penn and his fellow
marines learned they were greatly underprepared.
The veteran considers himself lucky though, because his men were able to exchange their sea
rations with Seabees, who dug holes for them to create a
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Thomas Hobbes And The Social Contract
Thomas Hobbes (1588 1679), an English philosopher published the work, Leviathan, which
proposed the concept of the social contract, in which societal assimilation mandates submission to
authoritarian rule, with a relinquishment of certain rights, in return for protection and aid. Hobbes
offered a foundational premise for benefits that otherwise might be absent, if not for societal
constructs. John Locke, another English philosopher published the Essay Concerning Human
Understanding, which expounded on the work of Hobbes by proposing a more integrated and
ordered society. The societal implications meant a surrender of some individual freedoms in return
for a governmental structure tasked with the responsibility of protections, including the... Show
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Cesare believed that punishment was an effective deterrent to crime, as the offender is rational and
in control of their actions and behaviors. Cesare expressed that the punishment should fit the crime
and that adjudication and punishment should be both swift and certain . He advocated for due
process on the implication of innocence until proven guilty and condemned torture on the same
pretense as torturous punishment towards self incrimination implies guilt prior to a guilty verdict
by a judicial body. His principles influenced classic criminology in the principles of punishment, due
process, rationality, and human rights. The Bill of Rights in the US constitution has several concepts
influenced, some believe, by his writings. (Cesare Beccaria, 2017)Jeremy Bentham, author of
Introduction to the Principles of Moral and Legislation , built on Cesare statement that punish
should fit the crime , by asserting that the hedonistic nature of man requires that the pain or
punishment of committing the crime outweigh the pleasure or reward obtained from committing
the crime (Schmalleger, 2010). Bentham asserted the position that human rationality and hedonistic
pursuits factored into the mentality of an individual s decision to commit a crime based on proper
or extreme punishments to serve as a deterrent. Hobbes
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Evilness Of Mankind In Lord Of The Flies
Lord of the Flies: A View to the Evilness of Mankind
There is hardly ever a man clever enough to recognize the full extent of the evil he does. In the
novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, one could argue that man, in the state of
nature, is born evil. The boys in the novel, represent a metaphorical idea in which they are born
unto the island, and manifest mankind s true nature. As the story progresses, the boys construct a
society and ruin it. They revert to the primitive association in which fear and tyranny lead to
ultimate rule. All of the boys that try to do the proper and befitting deeds are killed off. This
violently throws them unto impending doom, thus proving that men are born evil.
No evil dooms man ... Show more content on ...
That is, something that cannot be feigned, faked, or imitated. Simon is an individual. He is far
different from the other boys he is virtuous. Yet, one could still argue that he is only pure of heart
because he is not quite all there; Simon is an epileptic. It would not be fair to judge him alongside
the other boys, for if he were normal, he may have been just as evil as them another Roger
perhaps. Ralph is also one of the better boys on the island better, being only a relative term. That
is, though Ralph is not quasi Roger, he still has his ill characteristics. Ralph himself takes place in
the murder of Simon. He was only doing it out of fear, but none the less, he still took a life. Ralph,
treats the day s decisions as though he were playing chess.
The only trouble was that he would never be a very good chess player. (106). The fact that Ralph
makes bad decisions does mark him as somewhat of an evil character. If we are speaking in terms
of Simon being good and Roger being evil, Ralph lies inbetween them. He takes part in hunting
and killing, yet what separates Ralph from other boys is the fact that he takes responsibility for
his actions the others do not. This does not, however, imply that Ralph is free of evil. Ralph is
born with evil qualities just as any
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Achilles Change In The Movie Troy
Mackenzie Meyer
Ms. Stoller
English IV
28 November, 2017
The movie Troy was a very interesting movie to learn more about how characters change. Achilles
was a man that changed throughout this movie. In the beginning of the movie, Achilles was a
ruthless man who only cared for himself. As the movie started to move along he began to change
his mindset on his life and caring for other people. Achilles changed from a greedy, stingy man to a
caring, unselfish man.
The movie starts out with Achilles in hometown, Greece. Greece is considered his normal world.
This effects him internally because.....He is asked to fight the great and mighty, Boagrius. Boagrius
is a tall man that was born to fight. Achilles shows up to fight him and kills ... Show more content
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Patroclus is in front of Hector and tries to fight him. As Hector slices his throat the crowd around
them became completely silent. Hector removes Patroclus helmet and Hector realizes that he
wasn t Achilles. This is Achilles dark moment when he is told that his cousin has been killed by
Prince Hector. Achilles is very angry when he hears the news and he decides that he wants to get
revenge on Prince Hector. Achilles rides in with his horse and chariot and he yells for Prince
Hector outside the city doors of Troy. Prince Hector comes down to fight and he falls against
Achilles. Achilles attaches Prince Hector to the back of his chariot and drags him across the
beach. Prince Hector s father, Priam, asks Achilles for his son s body back because he wanted a
proper funeral for Prince Hector. This is Achilles lightbulb moment. He realized that he did not
show and sympathy towards the death of Prince Hector so he decided to give back his body to
his family. The Greeks make a wooden horse and deliver it to the people of Troy. Little do the
people of Troy know that the Greeks are actually hiding in the horse. The Trojans bring in the
horse because they thought it was a gifts from the Gods and the Greeks hop out of the horse and
start lighting the city of Troy on fire. Achilles is looking for his lover Briseis to make sure she gets
out of
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Hein-Rich Spencer s Greatest Invention
Are mistakes key to discoveries yes, because always in human history great inventions have
always been discovered by accident. For example, one day a man named Percy spencer had
helped change our kitchens forever when he brought a piece of chocolate into a factory and
dropped it onto the floor, and after it melted he had discovered how to make an inventionthat would
change the world and help make cooking easier therefore he had made a company that would
help him make a device that would mimic the effects of the chocolate bar against the factory
floor, but only after 20 years he had finally perfected the effects of the heat against the chocolate
bar on the factory floor and he called it the microwave. And it was the most useful invention of its
time. The man who was first to make a machine who had helped to make communication easier for
everyone and changed the world by allowing people... Show more content on ...
Even when he was a little boy he started to like digging to discover the secrets of the ancient
world and he even went as far as to make a plan when he was little to dig and become famous, he
was right because he eventually made it to California where he became rich and with the money
he started a career in archaeology and he had a partner who went by the name of frank Calvert
who had helped him on his adventure to discover the ancient world unlike Schliemann frank was
self taught and protected all the artifacts he found. But Schliemann was selfish and wanted to
have all the fame for the discoveries of the lower world and after frank found the lost land of troy
Schliemann tried to take all the credit for it and because of that Calvert s contribution was
forgotten even though Calvert s family had tried to give the full credit of the discovery they
however did not
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Persuasive Essay On The American Flag
The US flag is a symbol of great pride (Hills 2016). Ethan D. Hill from the University of Georgia
states this, just as all Americans should know this. The American flag is a representation for the
strength and power of this country and all that it has gone through. With that being said, not
everyone sees the American flag in this way. Some take it upon themselves to show firsthand
disrespect to the flag in desecrating it. Desecration is the act of burning something, in this case it
is burning the flag that symbolizes the freedom of this great nation. It is obvious to most that this
act should be illegal, seeing as there is no reason good enough to hurt the country in this way;
however, some Americans believe otherwise. The American flag not only stands for pride, freedom,
and strength but the colors on the flag have a meaning behind them that all Americans should
understand. In a description of the flag on a website dedicated solely to the Flag of the United States
of America is states The colors of the pales (the vertical stripes) are those used in the flag of the
United Statesof America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness valour, and Blue,
the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance justice
(US Flag 2005). The flag was not just thrown together to represent the country but also have a true
meaning behind them. The stars and stripes on the flag have both an exact meaning but also have
the meaning of
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Brand and Pepsi
Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction2
2.0 Decision Making Process2
3.0 Need Recognition amp; Problem Awareness3
4.1 Motivation3
4.2 Motivation and Involvement3 4
4.3 Promotion4
4.0 Information Search4
5.4 Culture and Subculture4 5
5.5 Memory5
5.6 Product6 7
5.7 Promotion7
5.0 Evaluation of Alternatives7
6.8 Attitudes7
6.9 Product7 8
6.10 Price8 9
6.11 Promotion9 10
6.12 Personality10
6.0 Purchase10
7.13 Place ... Show more content on ...
An example of this can be seen when the Pepsi Company held a Fire Passing activity that
consisted of passing the fire of the Olympic Games in preparation of the Beijing 2008 Olympic
Games. This type of motivational tactic enhanced the involvement of consumers and actually
created an environment that suggested that Pepsi wants to be part of their lives. This type of
involvement appeals to consumers and increases their favorability towards Pepsi. It can also lead
to consumers being motivated to purchases Pepsi as well as create brand awareness.
3.3 Promotion
Consumers can also become motivated by the various slogans such as:
Passport to refreshment
Pepsi has the taste thirst goes for.
Pepsi adds life.
The pause that refreshes
Pepsi has attempted to make consumers believe that consuming a Pepsi entails a refreshing;
exciting experience that triggers an emotional response that can only be satisfied with their product.
Examples of this can be seen in their advertisements which perceive Pepsi to be the ultimate thirst
quencher unsurpassed by other brands therefore consumers who see these advertisements may
experience the need for a Pepsi.
Image #1
4.0 Information Search
As the consumer becomes motivated to seek a solution to their problem of thirst, they engage in
two forms of information search:
1) Internal
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What Is The Social Implications Of The Plague
In fall of the year 1347 a fleet of Genoese trading ships docked at Sicilian port in Italy. The
crowds gathered in eager expectation at meeting the newcomers and seeing what goods they
were carrying. They were utterly horrified at what they discovered. Most of the ship s crew were
dead, the rest mostly dying. In terror, the Sicilian authorities ordered the fleet out of its harbor in
hopes of sparing themselves from the same fate. It was a false hope. The Plague spread with a
horrifying rapidity. It raged across the European continent killing unprecedented numbers. In fact, it
is generally agreed that thirty to sixty percent of Europe s population died as a result or a
staggering twenty to twenty five million souls. Just what was it that caused this dreaded horror that
mercilessly took the lives of so many? Though... Show more content on ...
The European continent was rocked to its very core, its people left scrambling for answers,
horrified, shocked, grieved, and almost unable to comprehend such mass death and destruction.
In fact, some could come to no other conclusion but that the end of the world had come as one
dying author so sorrowfully put it. And I, Brother John Clyn of the Friars Minor in Kilkenny,
have written in this book the notable events which befell in my time, which I saw myself or have
learned from men worthy of belief. So that notable deeds should not perish with time, and be lost
from the memory of future generations, I, seeing these many ills, and that the whole world
encompassed by evil, waiting among the dead for death to come, have committed to writing what I
have truly heard and examined; and so that the writing does not perish with the writer, or the work
fail with the workman, I leave parchment for continuing the work, in case anyone should still be
alive in the future and any son of Adam can escape this pestilence and continue the work thus
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Murrakami Research Paper
Overall, despite the criticism and controversies about his business strategies, ambition and artistic
style, we cannot deny Murakami s contribution to the modern art world. As a businessman and
brand manager, he completely devoted himself to the art viewers as customers and provide
undeniable high production quality in his masterpiece. He also clever with business strategies as he
exploited fact that the Japanese subculture has a fascination with the West and creatively sophistry
his works to put on the market. However, what makes Murakami a successful international artist is
not based on how much his artworks worth in numbers but how he was able to transform cuteness
element of a subculture into his Superflat movement and reached the highest... Show more content
on ...
He would trust his taste bud and work his way out to search for his best ingredients to create his
own Japanese kaiseki banquet the Superflat . From here, we can now see that his intentions and
ideas behind his artworks were misunderstood and there was more to the depth of his work that
people had yet to discover to give him credits he deserves. Such as how he translates the depth of
Japanese culture to non Japanese audiences. We also came to understand that the otaku culture
might be rejected and regressive, but it s still a sophisticated art form just like any other as it also
creatively reflects and tells stories, as well as be able to integrate into daily life.
Murakami also made a wise decision of borrowing the Japanese folktale of an Octopus that
symbolized recreation to name his exhibition and to represented himself instead of having Mr.
DOB like at his previous exhibitions. He saw himself as the Octopus in a time of distress would
often chew off its own arm or leg to save itself from further trouble, and hope that it will grow back.
As the Octopus, Murakami consumed his history, cultural heritage, and even his own oeuvre to
overcome the trauma from the Earthquake and Tsunami, public criticisms against his
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Lincoln Aboitionism
Even though the slavery in the united states ended with the 13th amendment in 1865, the wounds
inflicted by the peculiar institution are still being felt today. while it is true that regarded slavery as
an evil and harmful institution, it is also true... For some americans, Abraham Lincoln remins the
great Emancipator, the man who freed the african americanslaves. For others, lincoln was an
opportunist who lagged behind the aboitionist movement, an advocate of black americans voluntary
emigration, and even a whit supremacist. Many of Lincoln s actions are best understood by
recalling that hs chosen career was not moral prophet but instead, as the leading historian James M.
McPherson has written, a politican, a practitioner of the art of the
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The Analysis of the Human Fingerprints Essays
Fingerprints begin to form in the tenth week of pregnancy. This process of fingerprint creation
occurs in the basal layer of the womb. The basal layer is the layer in which new cells are
produced for the fetus. To create the fingerprints, the basal layer crumples and folds in different
directions. This is what creates the different shapes in everyone s fingerprints. In addition, in this
process, an outer layer of skin is formed to protect the fingerprints. Because of this outer layer of
skin, the pattern of the fingerprintcannot be permanently destroyed or altered. The only exception
to this is a lifetime of a hobby or job, where your fingerprints are being affected. In addition,
fingerprints are left on surfaces because of the... Show more content on ...
Although the topic of the minimum points of similarity is often debated, the commonly used
minimum is eight to sixteen ridge similarities. This lack of a universal minimum can lead to
many errors and false positives in fingerprint analysis. Even though fingerprints are unique to the
person, there have been recorded similarities between people. For example, Israeli examiners
found two different people who shared different points of similarities in their fingerprints. Still,
the FBI prefers to leave this number up to the examiners because of the variety of conditions that
the fingerprints are in. Based on the surface, there can be many distortions made. These
distortions can be made during the transfer of the fingerprint or because of conditions that
existed before hand. There are many different types of conditions that can alter a fingerprint.
Before being placed on the surface, a fingerprint can be altered based on the health of the skin,
the types of residues on the skin. In addition, the fingerprint can be affected by things such as
your age, gender, job, or even diseases. The surfaces conditions also come into play when leaving
behind fingerprints. The material of the surface affects the fingerprint, as well as the temperature,
surface residues, and the curvature of the surface. These effects can lead to false positives and
other errors in fingerprint analysis because these distortions make there be less of the
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Paying Attention Pays Off for Andra Rush
1. As we have discussed, competency models describe the behaviors and skills managers need to
exhibit if an organization is to be successful. Consider the general competencies found in Figure 7.3
and apply these to Andra Rush, providing examples of how these competencies apply.
Competency models describe the behaviors and skills managers need to exhibit if an organization
is to be successful (Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy, p. 252). In many organizations, competency models
can differ between the different hierarchies of managers. As a person s leadership role evolves so do
the behaviors and skills he or she must possess to be an effective leader. This statement holds firm
as with the case of Andra Rush.
Throughout the case study, ... Show more content on ...
Rush also showed adaptability which is the ability to confidently adapt and adjust to changes and
challenges; and the ability to maintain a positive outlook and work constructively under pressure.
She followed through with the idea of forming a trucking company by borrowing monies to
purchase trucks, accepting every job offer, answering the phones, budgeting the books, and
repairing the trucks. This is also evident by the fact Rush can lead a large trucking company, but
also community organizations. Both have different leadership styles which she has to properly
adjust to.
Another competency displayed by Rush is customer focus which is maintaining a clear focus on
customer needs and demonstrating a strong desire to provide exemplary customer service; and
actively seeks ways to increase customer satisfaction. With the formation of the company, Rush
accepted every shipping job, even if she had to drive the trucks herself. She pays attention and
exceeds customer s expectations regardless of circumstances. Such as the case of when local
bridges were shutdown during September 11th attacks, Rush made a crucial shipment by renting a
2. How does the Leadership Pipeline apply to Andra Rush?
The Leadership Pipeline is a useful model for explaining where leaders need to spend their time,
what they should be focusing on, what they should be letting go, and the
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Juxtaposition In A Modern Proposal
Swift when faced with a humanitarian crisis, a tyrannical English Empire, and a strong divide
between social classes, uses his pent up agitation to develop a piece of satire which both
compels and shocks those who read his work. A Modern Proposal is centered around the idea of
cannibalism. In Swift s reformation of Irish society a new division of laborers would be created
labeled breeders . These breeders would raise infants to the ripe age of one, and then sell them to
the wealthy to be slaughtered, served and possibly made into apparel. Throughout his proposal
Swift uses comic juxtaposition and grotesque elements to further convey his criticism of Ireland.
By comparing the lower class breeders and their children to animals, Swift uses comic
juxtaposition to hone in on the notion that the impoverished people in society have long been
denied the humanity the wealthy pride themselves on. No longer being seen as meaningful,
important human beings, the poor are left begging for the respect that comes with money.
Pregnant woman seen as being mere vessels for produce in his imaginary world, are compared to
cows saying Men would become as fond of their wives during the time of their pregnancy as they
are now of their mares in foal, their cows in calf, their sows when they are ready to Farrow (5). By
linking together items which normally do not go together, Swift is able to divulgue into the
responsibilities and vulnerabilities associated with womanhood. Swift futher s his
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Culture Different Between China and Us
It is well know fact that different people have different opinion and this saying can be also used in
the culture. For that reason, different cultures would make people have different behaviours.Culture
can be defines as the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one
human group from another (Hofstede 1984, p: 21). Culture is consisting of language, political,
values, belief, food, cloth, etc. And those elements make people have different behaviours.
Therefore, there are significance differences between two cultures and so does two national cultures.
It is well to accept that people have different behaviors at work between two national cultures. For
this reason, the aim of this essay is to ... Show more content on ...
In contrast, subordinates feel comfortable in the low power distance. Therefore, people in different
power distance would have different behaviour at work. Individualism
Individualism, the second dimension of culture is derived from Hofstede (2001, p: 209),
Individualism describes the relationship between the individual and the collectivity that prevails in
a given society.
Form the picture above, it is clear that the individualism index in China is much lower than United
Kingdom. It is evident that British tend to develop and display their personality rather than work in
a group. Nevertheless, Chinese are act mostly as a member of group. It is for this reason that
Chinese work behaviour are different to British . Long /short Term Orientation
Short term orientation can be defined as:
have a high respect for traditions, emphasise the importance of social and status obligations,
approve conspicuous consumption, demand quick results, and are concerned with truth .
(Brown 1998, p: 46)
Besides, long term orientation can defined as:
the adaptation of traditions to a modern context, place definite limits on respect for social and
status obligations, are sparing with resources, stress perseverance, and are concerned with virtue .
(Brown 1998, p: 46)
In that case, Chinese focus on the future and value thrift, persistence, and tradition while British
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Office Space Reflection
Introduction The movie Office Space follows the main character Peter Gibbons and his co
workers Michael Bolton and Samir Nagheenanajar who work for the software company Intech in
the late 1990s. Peter hates his job, saying that every day is the worst day, and visits a
hypnotherapist at the suggestion of his girlfriend at the time to help alleviate workplace stress. He
is left in a carefree, hypnotic state following the sudden death of the hypnotherapist and as a
result, he is feels empowered to skip work, show up late, and destroy Intech s property. Despite the
abundance of counterproductive work behaviors displayed, he is promoted to an upper
management position. With the help of Michael and Samir, who are about to lose their job at...
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In Peter s interview with the consultants, he says that he just isn t motivated since if he works
harder and Initech is able to make a few more dollars, he never sees any of it. He isn t willing to
help the company reach its goal or exceed their goals, and he certainly has no desire to stay at
Initech. There are three form of commitment: (1) affective commitment, (2) continuance
commitment, and (3) normative commitment. Affective commitment is when a personas emotional
attachment to an organization. Peter had no intention of staying at Initech following his promotion,
persuading Michael and Samir to help him sabotage the company by embezzling. Continuance
commitment is the amount that an individual desires to stay with an organization. Tom, an older co
worker of Peter, has worked at Initech for thirty years and has invested time and effort, and is
extremely concerned about being let go when he hears about the consultants coming in. Normative
commitment is the extent to which an employee feels that they are obligated to stay with an
organization. Despite getting a promotion, Peter still lacks normative commitment and carries out
his plan to sabotage Initech. Job satisfaction involves an individual s attitude and emotions resulting
from their job. If their attitude and emotions are positive, they are satisfied, but if attitudes and
emotions are negative, they are dissatisfied. The Hawthorne study in the late 1920s found that
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Essay Thomas Jefferson and Slavery
Thomas Jefferson is a man who really needs no introduction. He was recognized as a luminous
writer who was appointed to draft the Declaration of Independence. Congress formally approved
the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Jefferson owned many slaves that worked for
him. He would often even sell his slaves to buy others. Why then would he write in the Declaration
of Independence, all men are created equal ? Is it possible that Thomas Jeffersonwas a hypocrite and
only wrote what the population wanted to see? Did Thomas Jefferson enjoy owning slaves just as
his other wealthy peers did? Neither one of those is true. Thomas Jefferson thought slaverywas
morally wrong and he thought that it should be abolished. We will take a... Show more content on ...
At times, in order to pay some of his debt, Jefferson would have to part with his slaves. Thomas
Jefferson was a big advocate for family unity. He would never sell individual slaves if it meant
breaking a family apart. He would sell some slaves to purchase others as a family or one team.
Thomas Jefferson was between a rock and a hard place, he needed the slaves to keep his head
afloat. He would never mistreat his slaves, for he truly thought that all men were indeed created
Thomas Jefferson tried many things to assist slaves that belonged to him. He felt that
Americans should not only emancipate them but also educate and train them to be self
sufficient, provide them with necessary materials, and establish a colony in which they could
live as free and independent people. (Wilson, 1992) Thomas Jefferson would spend much of his
free time ensuring that his slaves received an education. He felt they were as smart as the white
man and would be able to succeed just as white man did. Slaves that belonged to Jefferson had
many traits that would benefit them in the free world. There were carpenters, gardeners,
plumbers, and electricians. He would always place them in a job that would enhance their skills
so they would not lose touch of their blessings passed down to them. Jefferson would always treat
his slaves with respect. Jefferson s compassion for his slaves sharply limited his income as he felt
they should be treated decently.In one of Thomas Jefferson s
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Octavian and Marc Antony- The Duel of Words and Deeds
Octavian and Marc Antony The Duel of Words and Deeds Following the Julius Caesar s death at
the hands of the Senate, Octavian and Marc Antony propelled themselves to the pinnacle of Roman
power. First joining together during the Second Triumvirate, these men represented the true power
players of Roman politics. As their alliance fractured, both Romans resorted to propaganda to gain
an edge over the other. Through insulting the other and polishing their own image, both Antony and
Octavian looked to capture absolute Roman dominance. Even before their eventual war in 32
B.C.E., the men engaged in a duel of words in deeds. This paper will first overview the formation
and disintegration of Second Triumviratebetween Marc Antony, Marcus Lepidus, and Octavian. Its
main portion will divulge the devious propaganda, leading up to the war in 32 B.C.E., used by
Marc Antony and Octavian to destroy the other politically. Plutarch s Antony and Suetonius The
Lives of the Caesars The Deified Augustus(De Vita Caesarum Divus Augustus) will serve as our
main guide to this war of image. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Marc Antony, Marcus
Lepidus, and Octavian met in October 43 BC to join together, rule the entire government of Rome,
and the control the Roman provinces. In power, they were equal to the consuls and had the right to
select magistrates. The triumvirs mission, during their first five year term, can be broken down into
three objectives: to pursue and punish the
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Essay on Personal Narrative- Fear of Technology
Personal Narrative Fear of Technology
My grandmum spoke for us all that Christmas when she opened her gift from my aunt and uncle.
She only half unwrapped the box before launching it at my father across the room, crabbing Now
what in the hell am I supposed to do with THIS? She proceeded to sulk, the way only my eighty
year old gram can, arms crossed, lips pursed, but laughing the whole time despite herself.
My aunt and uncle had done the extreme disservice of buying my gram an answering machine.
Yes, the woman who once told my sister that she never leaves my sister messages because they
never give you enough time before that little beep was now the proud owner of one of those damn
Gram is the head of my family of ... Show more content on ...
I m sorry, but I can t work under these conditions, at which point it would sprout legs and leave us,
sputtering in the middle of the kitchen, chicken defrosting in our fingers.
The microwave has moved three times with us, each time taking a little while to fit into its niche in
our kitchens, like an old dog learning new ground. It has transformed from the new flashy thing in
the kitchen (hated and scorned by the blender, oblivious to the food processors of the future) into
the elder statesman of our appliances. Not all of its faculties are what they used to be. The light bulb
burned out sometime during the Bush administration, and since the time of my high school
graduation in 1995, it has sounded more like a military air strike than a reheating machine for
macaroni and cheese.
But have we gotten rid of it? Have we upgraded? Yes, but with tears, fears, and the overwhelming
idea that because the microwave had not died, but simply ceased to function at full capacity, we
were replacing a thing that has been respected and feared for nearly twenty years.
In my mother s eyes, we may as well have bought a new grandma.
But we all know that it s for the best, or at least that s what we keep telling ourselves. Besides, the
old microwave has gone to the break room of my dad s workplace (we keep telling ourselves,
greener pastures, greener pastures ) and the new microwave is so high tech it could raise your
children for you, but at the same time it s so easy to use
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The Lutheranism Movement
Lutheranism as a religious movement originated in the early 16th century; once Lutheranism
spread the movement became a prime component in many military conflicts. The Lutheran church
is the oldest protestant Christian tradition. The teachings started back with Martin Luther. He was
the one who the Christians chose and they accepted his teachings. October 31, 1517 Luther who
was a catholic monk posted his 95 theses as a challenge to the doctrine and practices of the Catholic
Church. Martin Lutherhas been called the father of reformation. Lutheranism started showing up in
Europe after a century of reformer stirrings. In Germany the Lutheran movement became very
popular very fast. The early days of Lutherans were based mostly out of universities. They used
what they learned; to essentially spread their faith among a vast community of scholars.
Lutheranism could not only survive by the teachings of its professors. In the beginning... Show
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The doctrine of justification was of central importance for the Lutheran reformation; taking place in
the 16th century. The contributions that Martin Luther and Lutheranism made to western
civilization went beyond what happened in the Christian church. The idea of reformation was
embedded in western though well before the 15th century. The main point of the reformation was
mostly in general reform and also to improve some to its original state. The renaissance and the
beginning of the humanist movement laid the ground for religious turmoil. By the 16th century
Lutheranism became established as the official religion of the German region. Martin Luther s 95
theses had its share of controversy when it came to politics. Today Lutheranism has spread from its
beginnings in the 16th century to all of the continents. During the 15th century many changes took
place in Europe which allowed for the spread of the Lutheran
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The Cause Of The Pueblo Revolt Of 1680
The cause of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 has brought up a substantial amount of controversy
between historians. Several historians took the preserved historical documents and gathered
information from oral history to try and piece together the reason why the Pueblos revolted to
begin with. Some historians point to religion as the sole cause, while others say it required the
right leader, and still others point to the racial segregation and mixture of the Pueblos and Spanish
blood as the cause of the revolt. While each historian has his own viewpoint, it is important to look
into the reasons why each come to their own specific conclusions and determine if their argument
is a biased or a balanced perspective. The main things to consider are... Show more content on ...
Over the course of eighty years however, the Pueblos were able to learn the ways of the
Spaniards such as battle tactics, food storage, crop cultivation, and building up immunity to the
diseases that nearly eradicated their ancestors. When the drought and famine came during the
time leading up to 1680, the Spaniards were likely becoming weaker and the Pueblos, an equally
formidable force to their own manpower. Therefore, when 1680 came around, it was prime time
for the Pueblos to revolt and gain back the freedom that their ancestors had once enjoyed. But not
only that, because the Spaniards could no longer protect the Pueblos from the Apache raids and
promise them basic needs like food and shelter, they felt that gaining their own dependence back
and standing on their own feet again was an option that was within reach. Garner points out that it
was not likely that the Pueblos were planning a revolt for the eighty years that they were in
captivity, but it could have very well been in the back of their minds. The year 1680 might have
been the most ideal time for them to rise up against the Spaniards. After explaining the main reason
for the revolt, Garner goes on to focus on two of the main arguments opposing his own. Unlike
other historians, Garner ascertains that religion and the harsh oppression of the Spanish were not
sole causes of the revolt. To build his case, throughout his paper, he compares
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Swot Analysis Of Bharti Airtel
Bharti Airtel: Developing value position in dynamic environment
Bharti Airtel is one of the India s leading and first private sector providers of telecommunications
services providers of telecommunications services based in India. The company was formed on
joint venture between the Bharti Group and its subsidiary STET International Netherlands NV, a
company promoted by Telecom Italia, Italy. Bharti Airtelhave been structured into three different
business units: mobile service provides GSM mobile services across India in 23 telecom circles,
telemedia services (ATS) provides broadband and telephone services in 94 cities and enterprise
services divided into two sub units: carriers (long distance services) and services to ... Show more
content on ...
Indian telecom industry is one of the quickest developing commercial enterprises on the planet [2]
.There are around twelve telecom administration suppliers who work in the wired and remote
fragment. The business is described with exceptional rivalry and persistent value wars. There are
suitable financial and limited time approaches that help the local request and make volumes for the
business .The Indian telecom industry has colossal development potential. In the following couple
of years, the industry is ready to develop further; truth be told, it has as of now entered a
solidification stage as remote players are attempting to obtain a pie in this dynamic industry.[5]
PESTEL Analysis of the Telecom Industry
Political Analysis
Changes in government policies affect every business sector including telecom
National Telecom Policy defined certain objectives, including availability of telephone, FDI and
manufacturing of telecom equipment
TRAI s regulations and issues to provide a required direction to the telecom
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Telephone Interview
At the same time phone interview has the disadvantages which are the followings: the person who
takes the interview does not have an opportunity to see the opposite side, also it is not good to
spent too much time during the telephone interviews, and finally researcher has limit on asking
questions (it means that it will be better if interviewer prepare the necessary and require questions
before, and he should ask questions precisely related to the topic. (Gillham, 2005)
The telephone interview will go in the following way. Fortunately the researcher is an intern in
Yapi Kredi Bank Netherlands, or in other words the external consultant of the bank. He will via
phone the Yapi Kredi Bank Azerbaijan from Amsterdam. Based on YKBAZ organizational policy
all the individuals asked the interviewer to do not use their names in the research proposal, so
interviewer will respect their desires and keep the confidentiality process (Professional ... Show
more content on ...
Give the key points which help to motivate employees during the working process? (General
5.Does the manager play an important role in motivating employees? If yes explain how? If now
explain why, you think so?
Answers to these question will open the way to the researcher to understand the effectiveness of
motivation in working process. Interviewer is barely sure that all the answers will be different, and
that point is positive. Another important part all the interviewees will be from various departments.
Secondary data is the data that helps you to collect more information concerning to the research,
and it has own relevance. The key point of this data is the connection with primary data, where it
plays the supplement role. Also secondary data give an opportunity to researcher to gain materials
about the standard mechanism for guiding research work (Patzer, 1995)
Concerning to work student will use the following secondary data
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Fast Fashion Achieving Global Quick
Fast Fashion: Achieving Global Quick Response (GQR) in the Internationally Dispersed Clothing
Bart L. MacCarthy and P.G.S.A. Jayarathne
Abstract The clothing industry is one of the most mobile industries in the world. Global supply
poses significant challenges in ensuring the right volume and mix of products within retail
stores. Here we define a new concept Global quick response (GQR) which strives to combine
the cost and scale efficiencies arising from sourcing globally with quick and accurate response to
market requirements. GQR is based on lead time compression, effective information management,
dynamic planning, and strong logistics. We examine GQR in the context of the new garment
development process, the initial volume ... Show more content on ...
GQR strives to combine cost and scale efficiencies by sourcing globally with quick and accurate
response to specific market requirements. We examine how GQR affects the major operational
processes in clothing design, manufacture, and distribution. We discuss its requirements with
respect to market intelligence and rapid new product introduction; network planning and staged
postponement; and network capability. Different approaches to GQR are possible and two
contrasting examples are discussed briefly.
2 Globalization in the Clothing Industry 2.1 Globalization and Mobility in the Clothing Industry
In the last three decades, clothing manufacture has migrated substantially from the developed to
the less well developed economies. The major clothing producing nations in 2005 were China,
India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Pakistan (Audet 2007). The growth in Chinese as well as Indian
clothing production has been substantial in the last two decades. In 2002, over 70% of the
Japanese and over 77% of the Australian apparel markets originated from China (Nordas 2004).
Chinese manufactured clothing entering the US and the EU apparel markets grew by 43%
Fast Fashion: Achieving Global Quick Response
and 47%, respectively, in the period 2004 2005 (Audet 2007). India has also shown considerable
growth of 30% and 25% in the EU and the US apparel markets, respectively, in the period 2004
2005 (Audet 2007). The tremendous growth of China and India in these sectors has been
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Grandmother s Love
The Importance of a Grandmother s Love Many grandmothers are important people because many
times they give love to their family. Their love can make their family comfortable, make life easier,
and unite family members. Patricia Hampl, Grandmother s Sunday Dinner, describes how her
grandmother ruled over her familywith her authoritative personality. And also, Hampl s
grandmother made her family members united with her professional cooking skills. Similar to
Hampl s grandmother, my grandmother rules over my family. My grandmother s personality is not
authoritative, and her cooking skills are not good compared to Hampl s grandmother. However, her
love sill makes out family united. Although both grandmothers have different... Show more content
on ...
My grandmother is short and small, but she is a strong minded woman. Since my grandfather
passed away when my mother was young, my grandmother raised my mother and two uncles by
herself. My grandmother is from a family of six siblings, and she is the youngest one. My
grandmother told me she never cooked or learned how to cook because all of her siblings did it
for her. Therefore, unlike Hampl s grandmother, my grandmother is not good at cooking. Since
all of my family members live in different countries, we do not get many chances to see each
other. If we are lucky, we see each other once a year and we always get together at the
grandmother s house. When all of my family members gather at the foremother s house, my
grandmother always puts all of her effort into making good meals for us. Since she is not good
at cooking, all of my family members gather together in the kitchen and help her to cook. I
always find true happiness in the kitchen because all of us talk about life and make stupid jokes
with riotous laughter. Grandmother s house is a shelter for our family members because it is the
only place that all of us can get out of where we are right now and relax without having any
worries. Maybe my grandmother s dinner is not the best dinner compared to Hampl s grandmother
s dinner in good qualities, but I still love eating my grandmother s meal because I can feel her love.
My grandmother is
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How Does Wilfred Owen Explore the Horror of War Through...
Wilfred Owen, War Poems and Others How does Wilfred Owen explore the horror of war
through the power of poetry? Throughout the several poems Wilfred Owen wrote throughout his
experience during the First World War, he explores many themes in relation to the war and the
emotions associated with these. One of the most prevalent ideas Wilfred Owen chooses to
emphasise in many of his poems is that of the sense of horror associated with war and all the
consequences of it such as those including death, disability, pain and gore and this emphasis can
be clearly seen in 2 of Wilfred Owens most famous poems: Dulce Et Decorum Est and Mental
Cases. First and foremost, the technique Wilfred Owen employs in nearly every poem he wrote to
help convey... Show more content on ...
Several examples of this include Thus their heads wear this hilarious, hideous ... where
juxtaposition is also employed so as to further highlight the horror of the sight of the corpses being
described, Men marched asleep. which couples the use of a hyperbole with the alliteration to inform
the reader of the exhausted state of mind the soldiers are in and the phrase Knock kneed, coughing
like hags, we cursed through sludge, ... which employs a simile to compares the physical condition
of the soldiers to that of an old wrinkled witch. Aside from alliteration Owen, although to a slightly
lesser extent, also utilizes many other poetic devices and these show up every so often throughout
the poem including techniques such as repetition, personification, assonance, onomatopoeia,
oxymoron and internal rhyming. All of which, serve to only further emphasise the emotions and
themes pertaining to the horror of war. Some examples of these include Batter of guns and shatter
of flying muscles, where the internal rhyme of the verbs batter and shatter help create an scene of
intense action and violence, Sunlight seems a bloodsmear; night comes blood black; which uses
repetition of the word blood which is commonly associated with violence and death to further
emphasise these themes and further accentuate the feeling of horror Owen is trying to associate
with war and ...but what slow panic, which employs oxymoron with the
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Sugar Crystals
Crystals are all beautiful creations! When an individual thinks of crystals, they typically think of
the type that are found and kept as valuables but that s not all that crystals can be, they can also be
edible. For example, Rock Candy is a type of crystal that is edible. These types of crystals are sugar
crystals. Now, the real question is, is it possible to make sugar crystals from the comfort of your
own home? In order to make sugar crystals you will need the following supplies; 1 cup of water,
3 cups of table sugar, a clean glass jar, a pencil or butter knife, sting or yarn (do not use nylon
string), a pan, a spoon, and food coloring. The first step into making these tasty treats is to tie a
string to your pencil or butter knife. Make sure that your string does not touch the bottom or sides
of the jar in order for this experiment to work. You can begin to boil water in the pan once your
instructor has confirmed that you are ready. Once the water begins to boil, stir in one spoonful of
sugar at a time. You want to make sure that you have a lot sugar in the solution but not too... Show
more content on ...
The string is the where the surfacing of the crystals will begin. Small crystals of sugar will
encrust the string as water evaporates from it. The tiny seed crystals provide a starting point for
the bigger crystals. Future growth of the crystals will form around these points. The string
provides the basic foundation for the crystals to form on. Without the string, we would not be
able to form the crystals together. There is plenty of science behind sugar crystals. They are a
very fascinating candy. They are beautiful and tasty! Sugar crystals have some very interesting
details and are very simple to build. Once the molecules all come together in the end, you ll have a
beautiful crystal and a sweet treat! Can an individual build these crystals with just a jar, some sugar
and water, and a string? It is very much
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Fun Essay Topics For High School

  • 1. Fun Essay Topics For High School 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Fun Essay Topics For High SchoolFun Essay Topics For High School
  • 2. American Federation Of Teachers Essay American Federation of Teachers American Federation of Teachers, also known as AFT was founded in 1916 and today represents 1.6 million members in more than 3,000 local affiliates nationwide, founded in Chicago by President Samuel Gompers. ( About ) The AFT also represents 80,000 early childhood educators and about 250,000 retiree members. ( About ) AFT targets to help students, families, and communities to target fairness, democracy, economic opportunity, high quality public education, healthcare and public services. ( Mission ) The organization and members advance these principles through engagement, organizing, collective bargaining and political activism. ( Mission ) The AFT addresses multiple issues that they believe has an importance to the union and our country,... Show more content on ... The American Federation of teachers has multiple benefits including endorsed insurance, legal and finance services, shopping, travel, etc. ( Member benefits ) However, there are two benefits that I would like to address, starting with the benefits of scholarships. ( Member benefits ) The AFT offers an $8000 post secondary scholarship for four years, along with ten other people who are chosen for a one time $1000 scholarship. These members are chosen once a year to earn the scholarships. Earning a scholarship would be known as a material incentive, in this case. ( Interest groups ) This is because the members gain something physically through joining the interest group, which in this case would be AFT. ( Interest groups ). Another benefit of joining AFT is their members and the members families receive health discounts on dental and eye care. ( Member benefits ) This is another example of material incentive because they are being provided with something physically, over a sense of belonging (solidary incentive) or feeling satisfied by taking action (purposive incentive). ( Interest ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Analysis Of A Song By Maria Williams Many people think that the poem A Song, by Helen Maria Williams, is just a love letter when, in fact, it is more of an expression of her relationship with her inspiration of writing. Helen Maria Williams s best known works are her several volumes of letters and sketches. They narrate the French Revolution, the Age of Bonaparte, and the restoration of the French Monarchy. She was a supporter of the revolution and she wrote these letters to her countrymen in England. Nevertheless, Williams wrote a number of antiwar poems during the 1780s, like Edwin and Eltruda and An Ode to the Peace. In 1786, Helen Maria Williams published a two volume poetrycollection. The collection was titled Poems and A Song is featured there in that area. A Song has six sections. Each section consists of one stanza that has four lines and an ABAB rhyme schemeand the metre is similar to that of an iambic trimeter. Moreover, there is a great use of punctuation. The poem s central theme is loveand how a particular emotional relationship affects the lyrical voice. The first stanza foregrounds the importance of love to the lyrical voice. Throughout the stanzas, the lyrical voice will express his/her particular feelings about something that occurred particularly to him/her. It shows the writing through experience. The poem begins by saying that this lover has no riches and, consequently, couldn t share them with the lyrical voice No riches from his scanty store/ My lover could impart . Notice the alliteration on scanty store , which gives a soft feel to the first part of the stanza. Then, the lyrical voice states that this lover gave him/her something that he/she values more He gave a boon I valued more : his heart He gave me all his heart! . Notice the great emphasis made on the last line and how the lyrical voice accentuates it by using a final dash and creating a pause at the end of the previous line. The second stanza describes the lover. The lyrical voice says about the lover: His soul sincere, his generous worth . And, more importantly, the lyrical voice says he/she is touched by this generosity and sincerity that the lover has Might well this bosom move . It describes the way the lyrical voice sees the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Go Gentle Into That Good Night For many people, the thought of death is a terrifying concept to fathom. Whether a beloved family member, pet, or even emotions have died, death in any form continues to be a challenging subject to communicate about to others. From dances to songs and from paintings to writings, people express their views on deathin a variety of forms and fashions. In William Cullen Bryant s Thanatopsis and Dylan Thomas s Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, death exists as the main topic of both poems; however, Bryant s and Thomas s opinions on death contrast greatly in both works as a result of each poet s religious beliefs, experiences, family and decisions that influenced the poems. Bryant and Thomas held different religious beliefs that influenced... Show more content on ... Bryant had held a very close relationship with his beloved sister, Sally, who died young (Gado 295). His sister meant a lot to him, and her death hurt him deeply. He had also been affected by the death of both his grandfather, Ebenezer Snell, and a close family friend, the wife of Jacob Porter. Both died in 1813 (Muller 22). Their deaths added to the stress of a young man who seemed to keep finding death at his back door. These individuals also influenced the writing of Thanatopsis. In lines 68 through 72, Bryant points out how the ...maid / [t]he speechless babe, and the gray headed man / [s]hall one by one be gathered to thy side... (Bryant 2). Here, the poem presents clear references to the deaths of his sister, his grandfather, and family friend. He thought so much about them and their importance to him that he just could not leave them out of the poem. Although the deaths of these significant figures in Bryant s life caused him some heart ache he did not let that dwindle his support of death. In lines 31 through 34, Bryant promises that a person would not go alone but [t]hou shall lie down with patriarchs of the infant world... the wise, the good, / [f]air forms, and hoary seers of ages past... (Bryant 1). Here, Bryant provides a pleasant feeling about death because he claims that people will go with those they know and that makes dying a wonderful ... Get more on ...
  • 5. War And Peace Tolstoy In Leo Tolstoy s War and Peace , the relationships of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are Penguin to the theme of love and the search for peace. Even when Andrei says he loves someone, his actions rarely reflect his words, and Pierre, despite having a slightly better understanding of love, never chooses someone that he honestly loves. Unknowingly, they are both searching for peace. Although they grow in their understanding of love, they have a much harder time obtaining peace. Tolstoy uses Andrei and Pierre s search for love to demonstrate that peace is not easily found. Andrei s actions towards those he loves show that he doesn t truly understand the meaning of love. This is shown through his interactions with Lise Bolkonsky, Andrei s ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Ascetic Hermits Every single person in the world, regardless of their race, religion or gender, is different. Therefore, there is more than one way to reach God, enlightenment, or whatever each respected person chooses to believe in. In Christianity, there are two main paths taken to reach the divine; the communal path embracing obedience and the individual route which focuses on asceticism. The Sayings of the Desert Fathers and The Rule of St. Benedict in English reveal what each road to the divine entails while explaining how the ascetic hermits and monks live for the mutual goal of reaching unity with God. When taking the communal path to reach salvation, some people decide to become obedient monks and live in monasteries. Once in a monastery, monks are... Show more content on ... These followers can be referred to as ascetic hermits since they heavily rely on self discipline rather than obedience. Hermits are constantly in journey, they don t have a permanent residency since they withdraw themselves from society and all other formal ways of living. In order to be an ascetic hermit, one must live off the food of the land, since they are living in complete isolation other than when they pass by monasteries and stay for a few days. Therefore, hermits must have discernment and be able to discipline themselves to stay on course with what God s scriptures tell them to do. If they fall off course, they pray and confess their sins to God. Abba Anthony in The Sayings of the Desert Fathers said that the great work of hermits was to always take the blame for his own sins before God and to expect temptation to his last breath (Ward 2). Everyone will always have temptations, it s what makes them human. However, it is one s own choice in whether to act on them or not. Ascetic hermits on the individual path to the divine also practice hesychasm, which is constant prayer and silence. Bessarion, a Desert Father, told a story when [he] came to [a prisoner s] cell [he] found [the prisoner] standing at prayer with his hands raised towards heaven. For fourteen days he remained thus (Ward 41). This is merely one of many stories of hesychasm in The Desert Fathers. Furthermore, the number ... Get more on ...
  • 7. California Spotted Owl Introduction The California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) is a subspecies of the Spotted Owl. They are found in northwestern California, western Oregon, western Washington, and southwestern British Columbia. They live in old growth forests around 200 years old, preferring Douglas fir and high canopy areas. They are described as medium sized, brown owls with white spots. The California Spotted Owl has a height of about 1.5 feet and a wing span of around 4 feet. The California Spotted Owl is a nocturnal bird whose diet consists of rodents, reptiles, invertebrates and birds. The lifespan of the California Spotted Owl is around ten years. They mate for life and require a vast amount of territory (National Wildlife Federation, 2015). According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California ... Show more content on ... 2004). The study found there was no significant increase in population during that time. The study found there were multiple threats hindering the California Spotted Owl population. These threats include habitat lost to past and current timber harvesting, loss of habitat due to fire and competition with the Barred Owl (Courtney et al. 2004). Once again in 2011 a five year scientific evaluation was performed for the classification of the California Spotted Owl. The evaluation conducted by Glenn White found that the Spotted Owl population was decreasing by 2.7% per year. The recommendations made by the review include population stabilization, adequate habitat and reducing threats for the future. In August of 2015 a petition was filed by the Sierra Forest Legacy in hopes of classifying the California Spotted Owl as an endangered species instead of a threatened species. As a result of the petition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is conducting a 12 month scientific evaluation before making a determination (Sierra Forest Legacy, ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Sam Greenfield Short Story 1 FNASR 5000 THE PARLOR The merciless and unforgiving bamboo floor was sentient misery. In an unconscious but deliberate motion, Sam slowly, and as silently as his body would cooperate, rolled his half naked body from side to side in the squared bamboo cage, helping to ease the pain of the rock hard cylindrical ... Show more content on ... The whistling of incoming mortars, the red and green tracers from machine gun fire made it look like Bensenville after dark on Independence Day, times one thousand. Sam managed to cut himself free from his chute, falling to the soft jungle floor. The barrage of enemy fire was relentless. Gun smoke permeated the breathless humid night air as Sam searched through the darkened chaos for the rest of his unit. Sam hadn?t covered more than fifty yards, when he stumbled over Lip?s lifeless body. A rush of sad emptiness quickly turned to a fog of loneliness as Sam lifted Lip?s ethereal body onto his shoulder and scanned for cover. Without warning, the punctuated and deafening whistle of an incoming mortar exploded in front of them. Lip and Sam were propelled backwards through the air by the fierce and forceful mortar blast. Lip?s body cushioning Sam?s landing. In a painless but mesmeric like state of conscience, Sam saw that his left thigh had been blown open exposing a blood filled cavity of muscle and bone. Disconnected, Sam had a nebulous sensation of floating horizontally above the ground, hovering over the tall buffalo grass. Sam was
  • 9. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Sigmund Freud s Theory Of Hypnotism Sigmund Freud is one of the most influential psychologists. He was born in Freiberg, Moravia in 1856, and moved to Vienna with his family at the age of four. He continued to work in Vienna for most of his life. Freud had always considered himself to be, above all, a scientist. He was always seeking to further human knowledge. In 1873, Freud enrolled at the medical school at the University of Vienna, where he concentrated his studies on biology. During his time at the University, Freud did research in physiology under German scientist Ernst BrГјcke, the director of the Physiology Lab at the University. Sigmund Freudearned his degree in medicine in 1881. In 1886, shortly after his marriage, he set up a private practice for the treatment of physiological disorders. This practice was where Freud gathered clinical material that he later based his theories and techniques upon.... Show more content on ... After his trip to Paris, Sigmund Freud returned to Vienna where he discovered that the beneficial effects of hypnotism did not last. He then adopted a method of Josef Breuer, an older Viennese friend and colleague. Breuer had discovered that if he allowed a hysterical patient talk freely about symptoms, the symptoms often became less intense. As Freud worked with Breuer, he developed a theory that many mental illnesses originated in a traumatic past event. Freud had patients recall the experience to bring it to consciousness, then confront the event intellectually and emotionally. This would get rid of the underlying causes of a mental illness. Freud and Breuer published their findings in Studies in Hysteria in ... Get more on ...
  • 11. How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Children s Life... Introduction Until 1833, the lives of children were often extremely long and difficult. They were forced to work long hours, with very little sleep from the age of 6. These conditions were unlawful and cruel. Children aged from six years old in the industrial revolution worked hard hours for very little. The children usually worked up to 19 hours a day, with a one hour break. Not only were these children subject to long hours, but also, they were in horrible conditions. Large, heavy, and dangerous equipment was very common for children to be using or working near. Many accidents happened killing or injuring children on the job. Children were only paid only a fraction of what an adult would get, and sometimes factory owners would pay them ... Show more content on ... The younger children, who were not old enough to use the equipment, were sent to help the textile workers. The people who the children served would beat them, verbally abuse them, and take no consideration for their safety. Both girls and boys who laboured in factories were given beatings and other harsh forms of painful punishments. One punishment for being late or not working hard enough would be to be weighted. A slave master would tie a heavy weight to a child s neck, and have them walk through the factory aisles so the other children could see them and become intimidated. This could last sometimes an hour. Boys were sometimes dragged naked from their beds and sent to the factories only holding their clothes, to be put on there. This was to make sure the boys would not be late, even by a few minutes. There were people in this time period that strongly advocated the use or the abolishment of child labour, or at least the improvement of conditions. Factory owners loved child labour, and they supported their reasoning with ideas that it was good for everything from the economy to the building of the children s characters. Parents of the children who worked were almost forced to at least allow it as they needed the income. There were some relevant people that fought for the regulation, improvement, and abolishment of child labour. The first phase to improving conditions was ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Critical Analysis Of Ronald Takaki s The Educated Person The Educated Person Final Paper I found The Educated Person: A collection of Contemporary American Essays to be an indispensable source of information for new and continuing students. This work of art is not merely the accumulation of essays created by esteem professors and faculty, it is a collection of works that can unlock the hidden potential of students. I found three essays to be particularly enlightening. Those essays are Having a Degree and being educated , A Different Minor , Freedom of choice and the wisdom of elders . Though all three of these articles were invaluable to the trajectory of my educationnone impacted me as greatly as Freedom of choice and the wisdom of elders by David Sweets (Sweets). The author David... Show more content on ... The last essay I am reviewing may be the most impactful. Having a Degree and Being Educated by Edmund D. Pellegrino may have been the most impactful essay I have read (Having a Degree and Being Educated). This is not hyperbole, this essay taught me three things that can be key to my success in becoming an Educated Person. The first is that my degree does not make me an Educated Person . This revelation at first seems unassuming, but the impact of this revelation makes everything else in the essay matter. This leads to the second revelation, and that is, how to recognize what are your original thoughts as opposed to repeated someone else s. This I believe is what most students are trained to do, to unlearn this is akin unshackling the mind. Lastly I learned about a process which involves six question, through this process you can evaluated the level to which you are exhibiting the behaviors of an educated person. These essays have assisted me in the development of my degree plan. They gave me a better understanding of my role in the development of my education, and the thought process behind Metropolitan State University educational philosophy. These essays gave me the tools needed to succeed here. Armed with these skills I will be able to apply these concepts even after graduating, making me a lifelong learner, a key objective for student here at Metropolitan State University. I think being an educated person is more a state of mind than the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. General Business Major Unit As An Academic Course Business Major This memo contains relevant information about the general business major unit as an academic course. The memo gives a clear explanation of the historical development of the discipline as widely employed in academic. The memo also gives an in depth analysis of the discipline and highlights it several importance alongside its relationship with other related fields of study. This memo is a suitable source of information to persons seeking greater understanding of the business major discipline and its relevance in other related fields. The memo uses credible academic sources to vividly examine the discipline and give a clear illustration of how its study is based on its meritocracy and not other over lying factors. History Before 1927, business studies were taught in early institution but there was no official record of it evolution. Nevertheless, Professor Gras started a business history program that aimed at tracing the chronologic development of history from small scale learning to the current institutions. He was an editor of the Bulletin of the Business Historical Society since the year 1926 1953, which was later transformed in the year 1953 to the modern Business History review (86). During this period, business was learnt through the application of theories that were simple and specific to a certain situation or discipline. The major factor that contributed to the narrow nature of the early business was the motive of study. Individuals studied the field ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Consequences of Losing The Sense of Touch Consequences of Losing The Sense of Touch Touch is the first sense we experience in the womb and may also be the last we experience before death. To understand the consequences of losing the sense of touch we must first understand its benefits. Touch is an important element of how we understand and relate to our world. Touch can convey personal feeling towards one another or it can convey danger such as heat or sharp surfaces. The inability to feel sensations on the ski impacts many different situations and can potentially have dangerous repercussions. Our ability to survive is not generally dependent on our sense of smell or our sense of taste. However, if one does not possess the sense of touch, it can directly imperil our very existence. The consequences for a loss of the ability to process pain would be numerous and catastrophic. Pain is your body s way of telling you something is wrong. Pain s job is to draw your attention to sensations such as a burn or a bone break so that you can address the cause of the issue. For instance, if you sprained your ankle, without pain receptors your body would have no way of alarming you of the danger. This situation could require you to tear something resulting in a major injury instead of a minor sprain which would take a couple weeks to heal. People born without pain receptors are much more prone to serious accidents resulting in injury or death. Without pain you may not receive an early warning of infections that could ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Native American Creation Stories Summary What is a reasonable explanation for the purpose of the Native American Creation Stories? Explain the obvious differences in the effects of the creation stories being delivered in the traditional oral tradition as opposed to being read as one written narrative. Think about what happens when stories are told orally and as a people instead of from a single author s point of view. How reliable are the narratives as translations of oral tales? What is a reasonable explanation for the purpose of the Native American Creation Stories? For this problem, our first and most obvious explanation is that the Native American Creation Stories allowed for history to easily be passed through oral traditions, as they had no print tradition (See page 7).... Show more content on ... Pages 45 49 explain in detail the cultural climate of one particular tribe, whose practices in terms of communal living were thought to be wide spread. This meant that hospitality was a particularly strong value. Another key to understanding this odd dynamic is that according to Howard Zinn s a People s History of the United States, property and land ownership were somewhat foreign concepts, so even invasion was not particularly contemptible for a number of tribes (Do take note, more agriculturally oriented tribes may have had different views than gatherer tribes). 3. Identify the Spanish name of the Indian slave system, and discuss the origins and history of the system as described by early accounts. Be sure to include how it came in existence and how it transformed. Also discuss how it affected the Native population and who replaced the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Frankenstein s ambition Topic #3 Victor s driving, obsessive ambition ruined his life and led to his own death and the murder of his loved ones. Illustrate how ambition affects not only Victor and Robert Walton, but also the creature in Frankenstein. Thesis Statement: Ambition and the quest for knowledge is a fatal flaw in the characters of Victor Frankenstein, Robert Walton, and the creature. In Mary Shelley s 1818 novel, Frankenstein , a recurring motif of ambition and the quest for knowledge is present among the characters of Victor Frankenstein, Robert Walton and the creature. Victor s obsessive ambition is his fatal flaw, ruining his life and leading to the murder of his loved ones and eventually his own death. Robert Walton shares a similar ambition... Show more content on ... Victor begins to possess an unnatural drive in his quest for knowledge where he begins intense study and experimentation, These thoughts supported my spirits, while I pursued my undertaking with unremitting ardour. My cheek had grown pale from study, and my person had become emaciated with confinement eventually isolating himself from his friends and family. As the seasons passed Victor s obsession with his studies continued to grow, And the same feelings which made me neglect the scenes around me caused me also to forget those friends who were so many miles absent, and whom I had not seen for so long a time highlighting how his ambition is a fatal flaw, neglecting the outside world and his loved ones. Victor s ambition to research and attempt to create life drains him of health and sensibility, Every night I was oppressed by a slow fever, and I became nervous to a most painful degree which is ironic to the goal he wishes to achieve. Shelly s use of irony illuminates how Victor s obsessive ambition has become a fatal flaw. Victor s blindness to what his end result will produce is immediately revealed when his final work is a hideous creature. Victor, through repulsion, neglects caring for the creature in its blank slate, gradually fuelling the ambition it feels for revenge. With the monster isolated, he begins to learn, I learned to distinguish between the operations ... Get more on ...
  • 17. A Vibrant Hippie History Jacqueline N February 10, 2012 AP/ US History Ms. Lombardi Period 5 Colorful Hippies To many it may seem as the glorifying symbol that describes the era of the 1960s, but to others not so much. The Hippies showed a different part of reality to us and to the world, a part that we did not know existed but that caused great harm to us. Hippies were members of a reform movement that was absolutely unnecessary to society. This is due to the reason that it caused the destruction of American principles while causing no positive effect on the nation. The reform movement caused by the Hippies was provoked by certain events that affected the US during the sixties, as well as topics that were of great concern to them, this caused... Show more content on ... It became like a virus, not only was the whole nation being infected by these inappropriate behaviors but some began to follow them and believed it was something right to do. What many did not know was that the American principles were slowly vanishing as this new liberal form of behavior took over very gradually across the nation. Over time Hippies took it to the extreme changing their appearance, food and basic roles of women. For instance, during the Hippie movement Hippie men let their hair grow very long while women went braless and sometimes even shirtless exposing their body to the exterior world(Mortal Journey 1). Moreover despite high schools in the US had strict dress codes, which did not allow girls to wear jeans or any sort of pants, they had to wear skirts even if the weather was extremely cold but the Hippie girls began to wear pants to school to feel more free (Holland 80).Even public restroom signs show the image of a women wearing a skirt to symbolize a womans bathroom, however all this was changing slowly because of the changes caused by the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. New England Colonies Dbq Analysis Today s world portrays countries that each have distinct characteristics religiously as well as economically. In the British colonies before 1700, the colonies could be dispersed into two distinct regions, the Chesapeake colonies, and New England colonies. Both areas varied in religion and economy, and thrived in different ways. For the New England colonies, the offering of religious freedom and an end to persecution in England caused many Puritans to sail to New England. However, the main motivation for people going to the Chesapeake colonies was to get rich fast, as well as other economic goals. All in all, the distinct traits of different regions of the continental British colonies caused the creation of two very distinct territories. In... Show more content on ... For colonists of New England, religion was undoubtedly the most important factor for migrating to the New World. The promise of no persecution of Puritans caused Puritans to flock to the New World quickly, and to do so with their entire family. Chesapeake colonies were settled largely by young, white males seeking to become wealthy in the New World through farming. However, land was given away by how many people one had in their family, as well as how many slaves the person brought over, so the wealthy still received the most land. All in all, the distinct differences of these two regions created two places that seemed to have characteristics so contrasting that they could be different countries, even though they were united through their British heritage and ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Monitoring Quality Data How a Facility Evaluates and Monitors Quality Data Yadira Garcia University of the Incarnate Word Online How a Facility Evaluates and Monitors Quality Data The purpose of this paper is to discuss the methods used by a local health care facility, Southwest General Hospital, to evaluate and monitor healthcare quality data. Quality measurement in health care is the process of using data to evaluate the performance of health care providers against recognized quality standards (FamiliesUSA, 2014). The measuring of quality plays a vital role in the creating, maintaining, and managing of the data that this healthcare facility aims in focusing on quality of health care. Quality measures are set in place by Southwest General Hospital (SGH) to assess the delivery of its health care. These measurement systems allow the hospital access to tools that enhance the efficiency and delivery of patient care. One system that SGH uses to promote quality is the use of computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system which reduces medication errors. Another way Southwest General promotes the measurement of quality data is by becoming the first local hospital to use a high tech system to track staff in promoting hygiene. Karen Barnhart RN, Director of Quality states, Our staff members clip a small device onto their badges which then interfaces ... Show more content on ... (DNV). Creating, maintaining, and managing quality health information plays a vital role in achieving DNV accreditation for this facility. Measuring quality of this facility requires that an entire hospital is dedicated to meeting the needs its patients and achieving the goals required to initiate and maintain accreditations. As a result of its hard work and dedication, Southwest General Hospital has earned numerous distinctions for quality, including accreditations which include Chest Pain, Stroke, Bariatric Surgery, and Wound ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Anti Immigrant Sentiment And The Social And Cultural... Anti immigrant sentiment tends to arrive when waves of mass immigration occurs, the host societies believe that their jobs are being taken from them and that their standard of living is falling all because of the migrants that have come to live in the host country. Due to this anti immigration sentiment can be seen to be a politically significant phenomenon in European societies since the second world war. Strong political opposition to immigration comes from populist extremist parties (PEPs), they see immigration as a threat to the social and cultural cohesion of the host country. On the political spectrum most of these parties are right wing parties, somewhere between established conservative parties and openly violent and anti democratic right wing parties. Over the past years in Europethese parties have been growing in power and during the past three waves of PEPs, they have slowly gained more and more power even though many thought they would die out. The first waves of PEPs come about after the second world war, in the immediate post war period the Sozialistiche Reichspartei party in West Germany was established however this was banned by he constitution later on. The second wave came int he 1970s with the National Front in the UK and the anti tax parties in Scandinavia. The third wave came in the 1980s when a large number of parties emerged and have remained part of the political scene since then. This shows that anti immigrant sentiment is politically significant in ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Rods And Cones Interpretation The article titled Rods Cones is very interesting explaining to the the reader what happens in our eyes. In the human retina there are two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. The rods and cones have different purposes. The rods are responsible for vision at low light, which is called scotopic vision. The cones are active for light at higher levels, called photopic vision. The cones are capable of color vision and are responsible for high spatial acuity. The rods on the other hand do not mediate color vision, and have a low spatial acuity. There are 3 different types of cones short wavelength, middle wavelength and long wavelength sensitive cones. The article explains that turtles, fish, frogs and we humans all have different shapes and sizes of receptors across and within a species. Figure 1. presents a schematic diagram of the rods and cones. In this figure, one can see in the outer segments of rods the cell membrane... Show more content on ... Positive reinforcement has nothing to do, whether the behavior is good or bad. It is rather the consequence of presenting something pleasant, such as a reward,money or sex. On the other hand, negative reinforcement is the removal of something unpleasant. Both positive and negative reinforcement strengthens our behavior. In order for our vision to occur, we need to receive and process what we see out in the natural world. The simulation example, stated that light is going to the eyes or sound wave traveling to the ear. In order for us to react to what we observe, we need to use the rods and cones based on the different situations we face on a daily basis. Use an example of someone in a dark room. The eye would naturally use the rods in your eye to obtain what the environment is like around you. On the other hand, if you were at the beach or a light room you would use the cones in your eyes for the high light ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and Parenting Boisterous , energetic , and spontaneous were once adjectives used to describe the behaviour of normal, healthy children [CITE]. These days, similar behaviours might be labeled problematic , hyperactive , and uncontrollable , often resulting in the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the prescription of a psychostimulant drug [CITE]. According to the DMS V, ADHD is described as a combination of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Due to the nature of the symptoms, ADHD can significantly hinder a child s ability to succeed in a school setting, both academically and socially, which could have dire implications for their future [CITE]. With almost 11% of children in the United States currently diagnosed with the disorder, ADHD has been labeled an epidemic and this has lead to a significant increase in the amount of research devoted to determining its cause and treatment [CITE]. The increased attention has also attracted a great deal of controversy, with medical experts questioning the safety of administering psychostimulant drugs to children. Although the evidence is often contradictory, due to an increase in the documentation of the adverse side effects in children caused by psychostimulant medication [CITE] as well as an increase in the evidence of nonpharmacological treatments successfully reducing the symptoms of ADHD, many parents have become reluctant in allowing their children to ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Evaporation Is A Fundamental For Human Life Evaporation is eminently fundamental for the human life. Without evaporation, there would be no crops, no rain, and the human body would overheat. When most people think about evaporation, they usually associate it with the water cycle. All liquids can evaporate at room temperature, including water, orange juice, rubbing alcohol, and nail polish remover, but do they all evaporate at the same rate? Surprisingly, most people do not take into consideration that evaporationalso occurs in their own home. Evaporation is one of the six stages of the water cycle, or hydrologic cycle. Evaporation is the process in which a liquid surpasses a change to become a gaseous substance. Evaporation befalls due to atoms or molecules escaping from a liquid ... Show more content on ... The average energy can be low and the evaporation still continues. (United States Geological Survey 2014) Not all molecules have the same energy, which is why evaporation can occur even if the liquid isn t boiling. The rate of evaporation is increased with a decrease in the gas pressure around a liquid. Once the gas pressure reaches a specific level, the rate of evaporation slows down. The density of a liquid also has an impact on the rate of evaporation; the higher the density of a liquid, the slower the rate of evaporation. The most important substance in the world is water, without it there would be no world. Water is a molecule that is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, also known as H2O. Water is a polar molecule, making it able to dissolve other polar molecules. Water is attracted to itself by cohesion. Cohesion is the attraction of one substance to itself. Cohesion is possible for water due to its strong hydrogen bonds. Alone hydrogen bonds are weak, but together they form one of the strongest bonds known. Water is an extremely diverse substance that can be in solid form, liquid form, and gas form. The normal temperature of water is 25oC, which produces its liquid form. When water reaches below 0oC, it freezes and becomes solid. Above100oC is when water reaches its gaseous form and boiling point; that is more than a 75o temperature change from liquid to gas. Studies show that the evaporation rate of a liquid depends on the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Agricultural Production Simulation Paper Existing climate variability is a fundamental driver of cotton production in Australia. Negative effects of anthropogenic climate change will increase the existing climate related production challenges to the Australia cotton industry most likely through significant fruit loss, lower yields and reduced water use efficiencies due to higher temperatures (Williams et al. 2014; Bange et al. 2010). On average, on cotton producing farms, cotton makes up the largest proportion of farm income (approximately 66%) in terms of gross value of production and yet only comprises about 10% of the total farm area (ABARE 2012; Roth 2010). 80% of cotton producing farms are irrigated and consequently overall production is very sensitive to water availability and price (McRae et al. 2007; Roth... Show more content on ... (2014) built on this research by using the biophysical crop production simulation model APSIM (Agricultural Production Simulator, (Keating et al. 2003) with one of the hottest and driest future climate change scenarios (the CSIROMk3.5 A1FI scenario) to provide information on the impact of climate change on cotton yield and irrigation water requirements for the southern Queensland region. These simulations highlight the complexity of the cotton production system especially the ameliorating effect of CO2 fertilisation on growth that would otherwise be highly compromised with decreased rainfall. The simulations indicate yields increasing by 5.9% to 2030, but then decreasing by 3.6% to 2050. However, a requirement of the model was that available soil water was kept at 65%. In order to achieve this irrigation volumes needed to be increased by 47.4% (2030) and 48.7% (2050). It is highly questionable whether the adaptation response of increasing irrigation volumes to maintain ASW by this amount is realistic. For example, changes in Government policy lead to the Murray Darling Basin Cap (Authority 2010) reduces the amount of water available for irrigation in the area by 14% by ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Gocb Case CASE ANALYSIS December 7, 2008 QUANTUM OF SOLACE* A Case of Golden Opportunity Commercial Bank President Celso Valmores in his speech before the board members said: I would like to seek your opinion regarding a major initiative of our bank, which is part of the implementation of Golden Opportunity Commercial Bank s (GOCB) renewed strategy to be the bank of choice in terms of consumer banking. To be able to finance this new strategy and to aggressively revive our bank, GOCB is contemplating a major move that will, in effect, recover from losses brought about by increasing mortgage default payments, valued at P5.0 billion. This move is designed to fully extinguish our debts, create a new and dynamic bank and hopefully leave us ... Show more content on ... A number of branches were increased to 30 from 10, which are located in the various areas of Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao, Naga, and Baguio City. GOCB eventually became a highly tradable publicly held company. In his desire to further increase its revenues at approximately 300%, he sought new opportunities. The bank teamed up with GRC and entered into a guarantee agreement with the Home Guaranty Corporation (HGC) for the securitization of P5.8 billion worth of housing loans. The guaranty program aimed to liquefy through the asset backed securitization (ABS) ranging from P10,000 to 1.0 M, with a yield of 15% per annum paid quarterly and a term of five years. This strategy met with great success for 6 straight years of record increases in profits. In 2006, GOCB was highly leveraged with as high as 85 percent. However, it managed to lower the debt ratio to 60 percent to retain shareholder confidence and ensure the bank s eligibility for a B bond rating. Strong reputable brand name, financial strength, and a strategic fit were the three key ingredients why the GOCB s 10 million shares had market value of P250 each which is 10 times the net income per share. This further boosted its market position to hold the top 20 spot with a total resource base of P35 billion as of December 2007, which comprised of 10% of the entire banking industry s total resources. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Effects Of Transition Metals Transition metals, such as iron, copper, zinc, nickel, and cobalt, play vital roles in numerous 67 biological processes. Because of these metals unique redox and inorganic chemical properties, 68 they either serve as catalytic centers for enzymatic reactions or contribute to overall protein 69 stability. To thrive, all organisms have to maintain adequate levels of transition metals for their 70 cellular metalloproteins, which account for more than 30% of all proteins in biological systems. 71 However, the overloading of transition metals will cause severe adverse effects, such as 72 generating toxic free radicals. Consequently, biological systems have evolved sophisticated 73 mechanisms for metal acquisition, transportation, storage, and ... Show more content on ... All these pathways are vital to bacterial virulence. 92 93 Nix and Nik pathways either directly import nickel by a high affinity metal transporter or 94 use small molecule chelators from the environment to mediate metal transportation and have a 95 strong preference for the acquisition of nickel over other metals. In contrast, the Cnt pathway 96 itself synthesizes a novel broad spectrum nicotianamine like metallophore staphylopine (STP) 97 from the first three genes cntKLM in the pathway to facilitate metal acquisition and it has little 98 preference for different metals (17 20) (Fig. 1). The biosynthetic pathway of STP is conserved 99 across various pathogens (20). In addition to the STP biosynthesis genes, the cnt operon 100 possesses an STP exporter encoded by the cntE gene and an STP/metal importer encoded by the 101 five genes cntABCDF (17, 20) (Fig. 1). The CntA protein of the importer complex is an 102 extracytoplasmic solute binding protein and plays a primary role in STP/metal recognition and 103 importation initiation. CntBC are two membrane proteins that form an integral channel to 104 transport STP/metal released from CntA. CntDF are two membrane associated nucleotide 105 binding proteins that provide energy for the transportation. Previous independent genetic studies 106 targeting cntA and cntE have demonstrated the importance of both genes for bacterial virulence, 107 ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The American Of The Vietnam War Kenneth Penn, 69, stepped into the coffee shop clad head to toe in purple and gold. The emblem across his hat and jacket pictured a purple and gold heart, encircled by the words Military Order Purple Heart, 1762 of the U.S.A. 1932. When Penn first sat down with me to tell me his story, he asked if anyone in my family had ever served in a war. I responded by telling him my father was a marine before I was born. No, your father is a marine. Once you re a marine, you re always a marine, Penn corrected. Gentle in his demeanor and free with his sense of humor, Penn went on to tell me his story as a veteran of the Vietnam War. Penn graduated from the University of St. Thomas with a degree in business in 1967. He initially took two ... Show more content on ... It is important to know, says Penn, There is nobody that joins the military and says, Let s find a war! The military does as the government tells them, and faces negative treatment from the American public as a result, which is an unfortunate truth, Penn says. After his time in Oklahoma, Penn spent the following six months in Khe Sanh, located in South Vietnam. When he first arrived, the veteran says the land was quiet and peaceful. Penn recalls when they first started out there was almost no difference between home and Vietnam. They received three meals a day and two beers a day, Penn says with a laugh. The hot chow and nightly movies, though, were an early luxury for Penn and his fellow marines. On January 21, 1968, chaos ensued. The Battle of Khe Sanh had begun. Mortars and rockets came down from dusk to dawn in an attempt to take over the base. Back home, newspaper headlines addressed President Johnson s focused desire to win the war. Meanwhile, back on the base, the only desire Penn and his men held was for food, water, and ammunition to keep them going until the siege was under control. You learn something in every war, says Penn. While stationed in Vietnam, Penn and his fellow marines learned they were greatly underprepared. The veteran considers himself lucky though, because his men were able to exchange their sea rations with Seabees, who dug holes for them to create a ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Thomas Hobbes And The Social Contract Thomas Hobbes (1588 1679), an English philosopher published the work, Leviathan, which proposed the concept of the social contract, in which societal assimilation mandates submission to authoritarian rule, with a relinquishment of certain rights, in return for protection and aid. Hobbes offered a foundational premise for benefits that otherwise might be absent, if not for societal constructs. John Locke, another English philosopher published the Essay Concerning Human Understanding, which expounded on the work of Hobbes by proposing a more integrated and ordered society. The societal implications meant a surrender of some individual freedoms in return for a governmental structure tasked with the responsibility of protections, including the... Show more content on ... Cesare believed that punishment was an effective deterrent to crime, as the offender is rational and in control of their actions and behaviors. Cesare expressed that the punishment should fit the crime and that adjudication and punishment should be both swift and certain . He advocated for due process on the implication of innocence until proven guilty and condemned torture on the same pretense as torturous punishment towards self incrimination implies guilt prior to a guilty verdict by a judicial body. His principles influenced classic criminology in the principles of punishment, due process, rationality, and human rights. The Bill of Rights in the US constitution has several concepts influenced, some believe, by his writings. (Cesare Beccaria, 2017)Jeremy Bentham, author of Introduction to the Principles of Moral and Legislation , built on Cesare statement that punish should fit the crime , by asserting that the hedonistic nature of man requires that the pain or punishment of committing the crime outweigh the pleasure or reward obtained from committing the crime (Schmalleger, 2010). Bentham asserted the position that human rationality and hedonistic pursuits factored into the mentality of an individual s decision to commit a crime based on proper or extreme punishments to serve as a deterrent. Hobbes ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Evilness Of Mankind In Lord Of The Flies Lord of the Flies: A View to the Evilness of Mankind There is hardly ever a man clever enough to recognize the full extent of the evil he does. In the novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, one could argue that man, in the state of nature, is born evil. The boys in the novel, represent a metaphorical idea in which they are born unto the island, and manifest mankind s true nature. As the story progresses, the boys construct a society and ruin it. They revert to the primitive association in which fear and tyranny lead to ultimate rule. All of the boys that try to do the proper and befitting deeds are killed off. This violently throws them unto impending doom, thus proving that men are born evil. No evil dooms man ... Show more content on ... That is, something that cannot be feigned, faked, or imitated. Simon is an individual. He is far different from the other boys he is virtuous. Yet, one could still argue that he is only pure of heart because he is not quite all there; Simon is an epileptic. It would not be fair to judge him alongside the other boys, for if he were normal, he may have been just as evil as them another Roger perhaps. Ralph is also one of the better boys on the island better, being only a relative term. That is, though Ralph is not quasi Roger, he still has his ill characteristics. Ralph himself takes place in the murder of Simon. He was only doing it out of fear, but none the less, he still took a life. Ralph, treats the day s decisions as though he were playing chess. The only trouble was that he would never be a very good chess player. (106). The fact that Ralph makes bad decisions does mark him as somewhat of an evil character. If we are speaking in terms of Simon being good and Roger being evil, Ralph lies inbetween them. He takes part in hunting and killing, yet what separates Ralph from other boys is the fact that he takes responsibility for his actions the others do not. This does not, however, imply that Ralph is free of evil. Ralph is born with evil qualities just as any ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Achilles Change In The Movie Troy Mackenzie Meyer Ms. Stoller English IV 28 November, 2017 Achilles The movie Troy was a very interesting movie to learn more about how characters change. Achilles was a man that changed throughout this movie. In the beginning of the movie, Achilles was a ruthless man who only cared for himself. As the movie started to move along he began to change his mindset on his life and caring for other people. Achilles changed from a greedy, stingy man to a caring, unselfish man. The movie starts out with Achilles in hometown, Greece. Greece is considered his normal world. This effects him internally because.....He is asked to fight the great and mighty, Boagrius. Boagrius is a tall man that was born to fight. Achilles shows up to fight him and kills ... Show more content on ... Patroclus is in front of Hector and tries to fight him. As Hector slices his throat the crowd around them became completely silent. Hector removes Patroclus helmet and Hector realizes that he wasn t Achilles. This is Achilles dark moment when he is told that his cousin has been killed by Prince Hector. Achilles is very angry when he hears the news and he decides that he wants to get revenge on Prince Hector. Achilles rides in with his horse and chariot and he yells for Prince Hector outside the city doors of Troy. Prince Hector comes down to fight and he falls against Achilles. Achilles attaches Prince Hector to the back of his chariot and drags him across the beach. Prince Hector s father, Priam, asks Achilles for his son s body back because he wanted a proper funeral for Prince Hector. This is Achilles lightbulb moment. He realized that he did not show and sympathy towards the death of Prince Hector so he decided to give back his body to his family. The Greeks make a wooden horse and deliver it to the people of Troy. Little do the people of Troy know that the Greeks are actually hiding in the horse. The Trojans bring in the horse because they thought it was a gifts from the Gods and the Greeks hop out of the horse and start lighting the city of Troy on fire. Achilles is looking for his lover Briseis to make sure she gets out of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Hein-Rich Spencer s Greatest Invention Are mistakes key to discoveries yes, because always in human history great inventions have always been discovered by accident. For example, one day a man named Percy spencer had helped change our kitchens forever when he brought a piece of chocolate into a factory and dropped it onto the floor, and after it melted he had discovered how to make an inventionthat would change the world and help make cooking easier therefore he had made a company that would help him make a device that would mimic the effects of the chocolate bar against the factory floor, but only after 20 years he had finally perfected the effects of the heat against the chocolate bar on the factory floor and he called it the microwave. And it was the most useful invention of its time. The man who was first to make a machine who had helped to make communication easier for everyone and changed the world by allowing people... Show more content on ... Even when he was a little boy he started to like digging to discover the secrets of the ancient world and he even went as far as to make a plan when he was little to dig and become famous, he was right because he eventually made it to California where he became rich and with the money he started a career in archaeology and he had a partner who went by the name of frank Calvert who had helped him on his adventure to discover the ancient world unlike Schliemann frank was self taught and protected all the artifacts he found. But Schliemann was selfish and wanted to have all the fame for the discoveries of the lower world and after frank found the lost land of troy Schliemann tried to take all the credit for it and because of that Calvert s contribution was forgotten even though Calvert s family had tried to give the full credit of the discovery they however did not ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Persuasive Essay On The American Flag The US flag is a symbol of great pride (Hills 2016). Ethan D. Hill from the University of Georgia states this, just as all Americans should know this. The American flag is a representation for the strength and power of this country and all that it has gone through. With that being said, not everyone sees the American flag in this way. Some take it upon themselves to show firsthand disrespect to the flag in desecrating it. Desecration is the act of burning something, in this case it is burning the flag that symbolizes the freedom of this great nation. It is obvious to most that this act should be illegal, seeing as there is no reason good enough to hurt the country in this way; however, some Americans believe otherwise. The American flag not only stands for pride, freedom, and strength but the colors on the flag have a meaning behind them that all Americans should understand. In a description of the flag on a website dedicated solely to the Flag of the United States of America is states The colors of the pales (the vertical stripes) are those used in the flag of the United Statesof America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance justice (US Flag 2005). The flag was not just thrown together to represent the country but also have a true meaning behind them. The stars and stripes on the flag have both an exact meaning but also have the meaning of ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Brand and Pepsi Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction2 2.0 Decision Making Process2 3.0 Need Recognition amp; Problem Awareness3 4.1 Motivation3 4.2 Motivation and Involvement3 4 4.3 Promotion4 4.0 Information Search4 5.4 Culture and Subculture4 5 5.5 Memory5 5.6 Product6 7 5.7 Promotion7 5.0 Evaluation of Alternatives7 6.8 Attitudes7 6.9 Product7 8 6.10 Price8 9 6.11 Promotion9 10 6.12 Personality10 6.0 Purchase10 7.13 Place ... Show more content on ... An example of this can be seen when the Pepsi Company held a Fire Passing activity that consisted of passing the fire of the Olympic Games in preparation of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. This type of motivational tactic enhanced the involvement of consumers and actually created an environment that suggested that Pepsi wants to be part of their lives. This type of
  • 34. involvement appeals to consumers and increases their favorability towards Pepsi. It can also lead to consumers being motivated to purchases Pepsi as well as create brand awareness. 3.3 Promotion Consumers can also become motivated by the various slogans such as: Passport to refreshment Pepsi has the taste thirst goes for. Pepsi adds life. The pause that refreshes Pepsi has attempted to make consumers believe that consuming a Pepsi entails a refreshing; exciting experience that triggers an emotional response that can only be satisfied with their product. Examples of this can be seen in their advertisements which perceive Pepsi to be the ultimate thirst quencher unsurpassed by other brands therefore consumers who see these advertisements may experience the need for a Pepsi. Image #1 4.0 Information Search As the consumer becomes motivated to seek a solution to their problem of thirst, they engage in two forms of information search: 1) Internal 2) ... Get more on ...
  • 35. What Is The Social Implications Of The Plague In fall of the year 1347 a fleet of Genoese trading ships docked at Sicilian port in Italy. The crowds gathered in eager expectation at meeting the newcomers and seeing what goods they were carrying. They were utterly horrified at what they discovered. Most of the ship s crew were dead, the rest mostly dying. In terror, the Sicilian authorities ordered the fleet out of its harbor in hopes of sparing themselves from the same fate. It was a false hope. The Plague spread with a horrifying rapidity. It raged across the European continent killing unprecedented numbers. In fact, it is generally agreed that thirty to sixty percent of Europe s population died as a result or a staggering twenty to twenty five million souls. Just what was it that caused this dreaded horror that mercilessly took the lives of so many? Though... Show more content on ... The European continent was rocked to its very core, its people left scrambling for answers, horrified, shocked, grieved, and almost unable to comprehend such mass death and destruction. In fact, some could come to no other conclusion but that the end of the world had come as one dying author so sorrowfully put it. And I, Brother John Clyn of the Friars Minor in Kilkenny, have written in this book the notable events which befell in my time, which I saw myself or have learned from men worthy of belief. So that notable deeds should not perish with time, and be lost from the memory of future generations, I, seeing these many ills, and that the whole world encompassed by evil, waiting among the dead for death to come, have committed to writing what I have truly heard and examined; and so that the writing does not perish with the writer, or the work fail with the workman, I leave parchment for continuing the work, in case anyone should still be alive in the future and any son of Adam can escape this pestilence and continue the work thus ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Murrakami Research Paper Overall, despite the criticism and controversies about his business strategies, ambition and artistic style, we cannot deny Murakami s contribution to the modern art world. As a businessman and brand manager, he completely devoted himself to the art viewers as customers and provide undeniable high production quality in his masterpiece. He also clever with business strategies as he exploited fact that the Japanese subculture has a fascination with the West and creatively sophistry his works to put on the market. However, what makes Murakami a successful international artist is not based on how much his artworks worth in numbers but how he was able to transform cuteness element of a subculture into his Superflat movement and reached the highest... Show more content on ... He would trust his taste bud and work his way out to search for his best ingredients to create his own Japanese kaiseki banquet the Superflat . From here, we can now see that his intentions and ideas behind his artworks were misunderstood and there was more to the depth of his work that people had yet to discover to give him credits he deserves. Such as how he translates the depth of Japanese culture to non Japanese audiences. We also came to understand that the otaku culture might be rejected and regressive, but it s still a sophisticated art form just like any other as it also creatively reflects and tells stories, as well as be able to integrate into daily life. Murakami also made a wise decision of borrowing the Japanese folktale of an Octopus that symbolized recreation to name his exhibition and to represented himself instead of having Mr. DOB like at his previous exhibitions. He saw himself as the Octopus in a time of distress would often chew off its own arm or leg to save itself from further trouble, and hope that it will grow back. As the Octopus, Murakami consumed his history, cultural heritage, and even his own oeuvre to overcome the trauma from the Earthquake and Tsunami, public criticisms against his ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Lincoln Aboitionism Even though the slavery in the united states ended with the 13th amendment in 1865, the wounds inflicted by the peculiar institution are still being felt today. while it is true that regarded slavery as an evil and harmful institution, it is also true... For some americans, Abraham Lincoln remins the great Emancipator, the man who freed the african americanslaves. For others, lincoln was an opportunist who lagged behind the aboitionist movement, an advocate of black americans voluntary emigration, and even a whit supremacist. Many of Lincoln s actions are best understood by recalling that hs chosen career was not moral prophet but instead, as the leading historian James M. McPherson has written, a politican, a practitioner of the art of the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Analysis of the Human Fingerprints Essays Fingerprints begin to form in the tenth week of pregnancy. This process of fingerprint creation occurs in the basal layer of the womb. The basal layer is the layer in which new cells are produced for the fetus. To create the fingerprints, the basal layer crumples and folds in different directions. This is what creates the different shapes in everyone s fingerprints. In addition, in this process, an outer layer of skin is formed to protect the fingerprints. Because of this outer layer of skin, the pattern of the fingerprintcannot be permanently destroyed or altered. The only exception to this is a lifetime of a hobby or job, where your fingerprints are being affected. In addition, fingerprints are left on surfaces because of the... Show more content on ... Although the topic of the minimum points of similarity is often debated, the commonly used minimum is eight to sixteen ridge similarities. This lack of a universal minimum can lead to many errors and false positives in fingerprint analysis. Even though fingerprints are unique to the person, there have been recorded similarities between people. For example, Israeli examiners found two different people who shared different points of similarities in their fingerprints. Still, the FBI prefers to leave this number up to the examiners because of the variety of conditions that the fingerprints are in. Based on the surface, there can be many distortions made. These distortions can be made during the transfer of the fingerprint or because of conditions that existed before hand. There are many different types of conditions that can alter a fingerprint. Before being placed on the surface, a fingerprint can be altered based on the health of the skin, the types of residues on the skin. In addition, the fingerprint can be affected by things such as your age, gender, job, or even diseases. The surfaces conditions also come into play when leaving behind fingerprints. The material of the surface affects the fingerprint, as well as the temperature, surface residues, and the curvature of the surface. These effects can lead to false positives and other errors in fingerprint analysis because these distortions make there be less of the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Paying Attention Pays Off for Andra Rush 1. As we have discussed, competency models describe the behaviors and skills managers need to exhibit if an organization is to be successful. Consider the general competencies found in Figure 7.3 and apply these to Andra Rush, providing examples of how these competencies apply. Competency models describe the behaviors and skills managers need to exhibit if an organization is to be successful (Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy, p. 252). In many organizations, competency models can differ between the different hierarchies of managers. As a person s leadership role evolves so do the behaviors and skills he or she must possess to be an effective leader. This statement holds firm as with the case of Andra Rush. Throughout the case study, ... Show more content on ... Rush also showed adaptability which is the ability to confidently adapt and adjust to changes and challenges; and the ability to maintain a positive outlook and work constructively under pressure. She followed through with the idea of forming a trucking company by borrowing monies to purchase trucks, accepting every job offer, answering the phones, budgeting the books, and repairing the trucks. This is also evident by the fact Rush can lead a large trucking company, but also community organizations. Both have different leadership styles which she has to properly adjust to. Another competency displayed by Rush is customer focus which is maintaining a clear focus on customer needs and demonstrating a strong desire to provide exemplary customer service; and actively seeks ways to increase customer satisfaction. With the formation of the company, Rush accepted every shipping job, even if she had to drive the trucks herself. She pays attention and exceeds customer s expectations regardless of circumstances. Such as the case of when local bridges were shutdown during September 11th attacks, Rush made a crucial shipment by renting a barge. 2. How does the Leadership Pipeline apply to Andra Rush? The Leadership Pipeline is a useful model for explaining where leaders need to spend their time, what they should be focusing on, what they should be letting go, and the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Juxtaposition In A Modern Proposal Swift when faced with a humanitarian crisis, a tyrannical English Empire, and a strong divide between social classes, uses his pent up agitation to develop a piece of satire which both compels and shocks those who read his work. A Modern Proposal is centered around the idea of cannibalism. In Swift s reformation of Irish society a new division of laborers would be created labeled breeders . These breeders would raise infants to the ripe age of one, and then sell them to the wealthy to be slaughtered, served and possibly made into apparel. Throughout his proposal Swift uses comic juxtaposition and grotesque elements to further convey his criticism of Ireland. By comparing the lower class breeders and their children to animals, Swift uses comic juxtaposition to hone in on the notion that the impoverished people in society have long been denied the humanity the wealthy pride themselves on. No longer being seen as meaningful, important human beings, the poor are left begging for the respect that comes with money. Pregnant woman seen as being mere vessels for produce in his imaginary world, are compared to cows saying Men would become as fond of their wives during the time of their pregnancy as they are now of their mares in foal, their cows in calf, their sows when they are ready to Farrow (5). By linking together items which normally do not go together, Swift is able to divulgue into the responsibilities and vulnerabilities associated with womanhood. Swift futher s his ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Culture Different Between China and Us INTRODUCTION It is well know fact that different people have different opinion and this saying can be also used in the culture. For that reason, different cultures would make people have different behaviours.Culture can be defines as the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another (Hofstede 1984, p: 21). Culture is consisting of language, political, values, belief, food, cloth, etc. And those elements make people have different behaviours. Therefore, there are significance differences between two cultures and so does two national cultures. It is well to accept that people have different behaviors at work between two national cultures. For this reason, the aim of this essay is to ... Show more content on ... In contrast, subordinates feel comfortable in the low power distance. Therefore, people in different power distance would have different behaviour at work. Individualism Individualism, the second dimension of culture is derived from Hofstede (2001, p: 209), Individualism describes the relationship between the individual and the collectivity that prevails in a given society. Form the picture above, it is clear that the individualism index in China is much lower than United Kingdom. It is evident that British tend to develop and display their personality rather than work in a group. Nevertheless, Chinese are act mostly as a member of group. It is for this reason that Chinese work behaviour are different to British . Long /short Term Orientation Short term orientation can be defined as: have a high respect for traditions, emphasise the importance of social and status obligations, approve conspicuous consumption, demand quick results, and are concerned with truth . (Brown 1998, p: 46) Besides, long term orientation can defined as: the adaptation of traditions to a modern context, place definite limits on respect for social and status obligations, are sparing with resources, stress perseverance, and are concerned with virtue . (Brown 1998, p: 46) In that case, Chinese focus on the future and value thrift, persistence, and tradition while British ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Office Space Reflection Introduction The movie Office Space follows the main character Peter Gibbons and his co workers Michael Bolton and Samir Nagheenanajar who work for the software company Intech in the late 1990s. Peter hates his job, saying that every day is the worst day, and visits a hypnotherapist at the suggestion of his girlfriend at the time to help alleviate workplace stress. He is left in a carefree, hypnotic state following the sudden death of the hypnotherapist and as a result, he is feels empowered to skip work, show up late, and destroy Intech s property. Despite the abundance of counterproductive work behaviors displayed, he is promoted to an upper management position. With the help of Michael and Samir, who are about to lose their job at... Show more content on ... In Peter s interview with the consultants, he says that he just isn t motivated since if he works harder and Initech is able to make a few more dollars, he never sees any of it. He isn t willing to help the company reach its goal or exceed their goals, and he certainly has no desire to stay at Initech. There are three form of commitment: (1) affective commitment, (2) continuance commitment, and (3) normative commitment. Affective commitment is when a personas emotional attachment to an organization. Peter had no intention of staying at Initech following his promotion, persuading Michael and Samir to help him sabotage the company by embezzling. Continuance commitment is the amount that an individual desires to stay with an organization. Tom, an older co worker of Peter, has worked at Initech for thirty years and has invested time and effort, and is extremely concerned about being let go when he hears about the consultants coming in. Normative commitment is the extent to which an employee feels that they are obligated to stay with an organization. Despite getting a promotion, Peter still lacks normative commitment and carries out his plan to sabotage Initech. Job satisfaction involves an individual s attitude and emotions resulting from their job. If their attitude and emotions are positive, they are satisfied, but if attitudes and emotions are negative, they are dissatisfied. The Hawthorne study in the late 1920s found that workers ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Essay Thomas Jefferson and Slavery Thomas Jefferson is a man who really needs no introduction. He was recognized as a luminous writer who was appointed to draft the Declaration of Independence. Congress formally approved the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Jefferson owned many slaves that worked for him. He would often even sell his slaves to buy others. Why then would he write in the Declaration of Independence, all men are created equal ? Is it possible that Thomas Jeffersonwas a hypocrite and only wrote what the population wanted to see? Did Thomas Jefferson enjoy owning slaves just as his other wealthy peers did? Neither one of those is true. Thomas Jefferson thought slaverywas morally wrong and he thought that it should be abolished. We will take a... Show more content on ... At times, in order to pay some of his debt, Jefferson would have to part with his slaves. Thomas Jefferson was a big advocate for family unity. He would never sell individual slaves if it meant breaking a family apart. He would sell some slaves to purchase others as a family or one team. Thomas Jefferson was between a rock and a hard place, he needed the slaves to keep his head afloat. He would never mistreat his slaves, for he truly thought that all men were indeed created equal. Thomas Jefferson tried many things to assist slaves that belonged to him. He felt that Americans should not only emancipate them but also educate and train them to be self sufficient, provide them with necessary materials, and establish a colony in which they could live as free and independent people. (Wilson, 1992) Thomas Jefferson would spend much of his free time ensuring that his slaves received an education. He felt they were as smart as the white man and would be able to succeed just as white man did. Slaves that belonged to Jefferson had many traits that would benefit them in the free world. There were carpenters, gardeners, plumbers, and electricians. He would always place them in a job that would enhance their skills so they would not lose touch of their blessings passed down to them. Jefferson would always treat his slaves with respect. Jefferson s compassion for his slaves sharply limited his income as he felt they should be treated decently.In one of Thomas Jefferson s ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Octavian and Marc Antony- The Duel of Words and Deeds Octavian and Marc Antony The Duel of Words and Deeds Following the Julius Caesar s death at the hands of the Senate, Octavian and Marc Antony propelled themselves to the pinnacle of Roman power. First joining together during the Second Triumvirate, these men represented the true power players of Roman politics. As their alliance fractured, both Romans resorted to propaganda to gain an edge over the other. Through insulting the other and polishing their own image, both Antony and Octavian looked to capture absolute Roman dominance. Even before their eventual war in 32 B.C.E., the men engaged in a duel of words in deeds. This paper will first overview the formation and disintegration of Second Triumviratebetween Marc Antony, Marcus Lepidus, and Octavian. Its main portion will divulge the devious propaganda, leading up to the war in 32 B.C.E., used by Marc Antony and Octavian to destroy the other politically. Plutarch s Antony and Suetonius The Lives of the Caesars The Deified Augustus(De Vita Caesarum Divus Augustus) will serve as our main guide to this war of image. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Marc Antony, Marcus Lepidus, and Octavian met in October 43 BC to join together, rule the entire government of Rome, and the control the Roman provinces. In power, they were equal to the consuls and had the right to select magistrates. The triumvirs mission, during their first five year term, can be broken down into three objectives: to pursue and punish the ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Essay on Personal Narrative- Fear of Technology Personal Narrative Fear of Technology My grandmum spoke for us all that Christmas when she opened her gift from my aunt and uncle. She only half unwrapped the box before launching it at my father across the room, crabbing Now what in the hell am I supposed to do with THIS? She proceeded to sulk, the way only my eighty year old gram can, arms crossed, lips pursed, but laughing the whole time despite herself. My aunt and uncle had done the extreme disservice of buying my gram an answering machine. Yes, the woman who once told my sister that she never leaves my sister messages because they never give you enough time before that little beep was now the proud owner of one of those damn things. Gram is the head of my family of ... Show more content on ... I m sorry, but I can t work under these conditions, at which point it would sprout legs and leave us, sputtering in the middle of the kitchen, chicken defrosting in our fingers. The microwave has moved three times with us, each time taking a little while to fit into its niche in our kitchens, like an old dog learning new ground. It has transformed from the new flashy thing in the kitchen (hated and scorned by the blender, oblivious to the food processors of the future) into the elder statesman of our appliances. Not all of its faculties are what they used to be. The light bulb burned out sometime during the Bush administration, and since the time of my high school graduation in 1995, it has sounded more like a military air strike than a reheating machine for macaroni and cheese. But have we gotten rid of it? Have we upgraded? Yes, but with tears, fears, and the overwhelming idea that because the microwave had not died, but simply ceased to function at full capacity, we were replacing a thing that has been respected and feared for nearly twenty years. In my mother s eyes, we may as well have bought a new grandma. But we all know that it s for the best, or at least that s what we keep telling ourselves. Besides, the old microwave has gone to the break room of my dad s workplace (we keep telling ourselves, greener pastures, greener pastures ) and the new microwave is so high tech it could raise your children for you, but at the same time it s so easy to use ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Lutheranism Movement Lutheranism as a religious movement originated in the early 16th century; once Lutheranism spread the movement became a prime component in many military conflicts. The Lutheran church is the oldest protestant Christian tradition. The teachings started back with Martin Luther. He was the one who the Christians chose and they accepted his teachings. October 31, 1517 Luther who was a catholic monk posted his 95 theses as a challenge to the doctrine and practices of the Catholic Church. Martin Lutherhas been called the father of reformation. Lutheranism started showing up in Europe after a century of reformer stirrings. In Germany the Lutheran movement became very popular very fast. The early days of Lutherans were based mostly out of universities. They used what they learned; to essentially spread their faith among a vast community of scholars. Lutheranism could not only survive by the teachings of its professors. In the beginning... Show more content on ... The doctrine of justification was of central importance for the Lutheran reformation; taking place in the 16th century. The contributions that Martin Luther and Lutheranism made to western civilization went beyond what happened in the Christian church. The idea of reformation was embedded in western though well before the 15th century. The main point of the reformation was mostly in general reform and also to improve some to its original state. The renaissance and the beginning of the humanist movement laid the ground for religious turmoil. By the 16th century Lutheranism became established as the official religion of the German region. Martin Luther s 95 theses had its share of controversy when it came to politics. Today Lutheranism has spread from its beginnings in the 16th century to all of the continents. During the 15th century many changes took place in Europe which allowed for the spread of the Lutheran ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Cause Of The Pueblo Revolt Of 1680 The cause of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 has brought up a substantial amount of controversy between historians. Several historians took the preserved historical documents and gathered information from oral history to try and piece together the reason why the Pueblos revolted to begin with. Some historians point to religion as the sole cause, while others say it required the right leader, and still others point to the racial segregation and mixture of the Pueblos and Spanish blood as the cause of the revolt. While each historian has his own viewpoint, it is important to look into the reasons why each come to their own specific conclusions and determine if their argument is a biased or a balanced perspective. The main things to consider are... Show more content on ... Over the course of eighty years however, the Pueblos were able to learn the ways of the Spaniards such as battle tactics, food storage, crop cultivation, and building up immunity to the diseases that nearly eradicated their ancestors. When the drought and famine came during the time leading up to 1680, the Spaniards were likely becoming weaker and the Pueblos, an equally formidable force to their own manpower. Therefore, when 1680 came around, it was prime time for the Pueblos to revolt and gain back the freedom that their ancestors had once enjoyed. But not only that, because the Spaniards could no longer protect the Pueblos from the Apache raids and promise them basic needs like food and shelter, they felt that gaining their own dependence back and standing on their own feet again was an option that was within reach. Garner points out that it was not likely that the Pueblos were planning a revolt for the eighty years that they were in captivity, but it could have very well been in the back of their minds. The year 1680 might have been the most ideal time for them to rise up against the Spaniards. After explaining the main reason for the revolt, Garner goes on to focus on two of the main arguments opposing his own. Unlike other historians, Garner ascertains that religion and the harsh oppression of the Spanish were not sole causes of the revolt. To build his case, throughout his paper, he compares ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Swot Analysis Of Bharti Airtel Bharti Airtel: Developing value position in dynamic environment Introduction Bharti Airtel is one of the India s leading and first private sector providers of telecommunications services providers of telecommunications services based in India. The company was formed on joint venture between the Bharti Group and its subsidiary STET International Netherlands NV, a company promoted by Telecom Italia, Italy. Bharti Airtelhave been structured into three different business units: mobile service provides GSM mobile services across India in 23 telecom circles, telemedia services (ATS) provides broadband and telephone services in 94 cities and enterprise services divided into two sub units: carriers (long distance services) and services to ... Show more content on ... Indian telecom industry is one of the quickest developing commercial enterprises on the planet [2] .There are around twelve telecom administration suppliers who work in the wired and remote fragment. The business is described with exceptional rivalry and persistent value wars. There are suitable financial and limited time approaches that help the local request and make volumes for the business .The Indian telecom industry has colossal development potential. In the following couple of years, the industry is ready to develop further; truth be told, it has as of now entered a solidification stage as remote players are attempting to obtain a pie in this dynamic industry.[5] PESTEL Analysis of the Telecom Industry Political Analysis Changes in government policies affect every business sector including telecom National Telecom Policy defined certain objectives, including availability of telephone, FDI and manufacturing of telecom equipment TRAI s regulations and issues to provide a required direction to the telecom ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Telephone Interview At the same time phone interview has the disadvantages which are the followings: the person who takes the interview does not have an opportunity to see the opposite side, also it is not good to spent too much time during the telephone interviews, and finally researcher has limit on asking questions (it means that it will be better if interviewer prepare the necessary and require questions before, and he should ask questions precisely related to the topic. (Gillham, 2005) The telephone interview will go in the following way. Fortunately the researcher is an intern in Yapi Kredi Bank Netherlands, or in other words the external consultant of the bank. He will via phone the Yapi Kredi Bank Azerbaijan from Amsterdam. Based on YKBAZ organizational policy all the individuals asked the interviewer to do not use their names in the research proposal, so interviewer will respect their desires and keep the confidentiality process (Professional ... Show more content on ... Give the key points which help to motivate employees during the working process? (General opinion) 5.Does the manager play an important role in motivating employees? If yes explain how? If now explain why, you think so? Answers to these question will open the way to the researcher to understand the effectiveness of motivation in working process. Interviewer is barely sure that all the answers will be different, and that point is positive. Another important part all the interviewees will be from various departments. Secondary data is the data that helps you to collect more information concerning to the research, and it has own relevance. The key point of this data is the connection with primary data, where it plays the supplement role. Also secondary data give an opportunity to researcher to gain materials about the standard mechanism for guiding research work (Patzer, 1995) Concerning to work student will use the following secondary data ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Fast Fashion Achieving Global Quick Fast Fashion: Achieving Global Quick Response (GQR) in the Internationally Dispersed Clothing Industry Bart L. MacCarthy and P.G.S.A. Jayarathne Abstract The clothing industry is one of the most mobile industries in the world. Global supply poses signiп¬Ѓcant challenges in ensuring the right volume and mix of products within retail stores. Here we deп¬Ѓne a new concept Global quick response (GQR) which strives to combine the cost and scale efп¬Ѓciencies arising from sourcing globally with quick and accurate response to market requirements. GQR is based on lead time compression, effective information management, dynamic planning, and strong logistics. We examine GQR in the context of the new garment development process, the initial volume ... Show more content on ... GQR strives to combine cost and scale efп¬Ѓciencies by sourcing globally with quick and accurate response to speciп¬Ѓc market requirements. We examine how GQR affects the major operational processes in clothing design, manufacture, and distribution. We discuss its requirements with respect to market intelligence and rapid new product introduction; network planning and staged postponement; and network capability. Different approaches to GQR are possible and two contrasting examples are discussed briefly. 2 Globalization in the Clothing Industry 2.1 Globalization and Mobility in the Clothing Industry In the last three decades, clothing manufacture has migrated substantially from the developed to the less well developed economies. The major clothing producing nations in 2005 were China, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Pakistan (Audet 2007). The growth in Chinese as well as Indian clothing production has been substantial in the last two decades. In 2002, over 70% of the Japanese and over 77% of the Australian apparel markets originated from China (Nordas 2004). Chinese manufactured clothing entering the US and the EU apparel markets grew by 43% Fast Fashion: Achieving Global Quick Response 39 and 47%, respectively, in the period 2004 2005 (Audet 2007). India has also shown considerable growth of 30% and 25% in the EU and the US apparel markets, respectively, in the period 2004 2005 (Audet 2007). The tremendous growth of China and India in these sectors has been ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Grandmother s Love The Importance of a Grandmother s Love Many grandmothers are important people because many times they give love to their family. Their love can make their family comfortable, make life easier, and unite family members. Patricia Hampl, Grandmother s Sunday Dinner, describes how her grandmother ruled over her familywith her authoritative personality. And also, Hampl s grandmother made her family members united with her professional cooking skills. Similar to Hampl s grandmother, my grandmother rules over my family. My grandmother s personality is not authoritative, and her cooking skills are not good compared to Hampl s grandmother. However, her love sill makes out family united. Although both grandmothers have different... Show more content on ... My grandmother is short and small, but she is a strong minded woman. Since my grandfather passed away when my mother was young, my grandmother raised my mother and two uncles by herself. My grandmother is from a family of six siblings, and she is the youngest one. My grandmother told me she never cooked or learned how to cook because all of her siblings did it for her. Therefore, unlike Hampl s grandmother, my grandmother is not good at cooking. Since all of my family members live in different countries, we do not get many chances to see each other. If we are lucky, we see each other once a year and we always get together at the grandmother s house. When all of my family members gather at the foremother s house, my grandmother always puts all of her effort into making good meals for us. Since she is not good at cooking, all of my family members gather together in the kitchen and help her to cook. I always find true happiness in the kitchen because all of us talk about life and make stupid jokes with riotous laughter. Grandmother s house is a shelter for our family members because it is the only place that all of us can get out of where we are right now and relax without having any worries. Maybe my grandmother s dinner is not the best dinner compared to Hampl s grandmother s dinner in good qualities, but I still love eating my grandmother s meal because I can feel her love. My grandmother is ... Get more on ...
  • 52. How Does Wilfred Owen Explore the Horror of War Through... Wilfred Owen, War Poems and Others How does Wilfred Owen explore the horror of war through the power of poetry? Throughout the several poems Wilfred Owen wrote throughout his experience during the First World War, he explores many themes in relation to the war and the emotions associated with these. One of the most prevalent ideas Wilfred Owen chooses to emphasise in many of his poems is that of the sense of horror associated with war and all the consequences of it such as those including death, disability, pain and gore and this emphasis can be clearly seen in 2 of Wilfred Owens most famous poems: Dulce Et Decorum Est and Mental Cases. First and foremost, the technique Wilfred Owen employs in nearly every poem he wrote to help convey... Show more content on ... Several examples of this include Thus their heads wear this hilarious, hideous ... where juxtaposition is also employed so as to further highlight the horror of the sight of the corpses being described, Men marched asleep. which couples the use of a hyperbole with the alliteration to inform the reader of the exhausted state of mind the soldiers are in and the phrase Knock kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, ... which employs a simile to compares the physical condition of the soldiers to that of an old wrinkled witch. Aside from alliteration Owen, although to a slightly lesser extent, also utilizes many other poetic devices and these show up every so often throughout the poem including techniques such as repetition, personification, assonance, onomatopoeia, oxymoron and internal rhyming. All of which, serve to only further emphasise the emotions and themes pertaining to the horror of war. Some examples of these include Batter of guns and shatter of flying muscles, where the internal rhyme of the verbs batter and shatter help create an scene of intense action and violence, Sunlight seems a bloodsmear; night comes blood black; which uses repetition of the word blood which is commonly associated with violence and death to further emphasise these themes and further accentuate the feeling of horror Owen is trying to associate with war and ...but what slow panic, which employs oxymoron with the ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Sugar Crystals Crystals are all beautiful creations! When an individual thinks of crystals, they typically think of the type that are found and kept as valuables but that s not all that crystals can be, they can also be edible. For example, Rock Candy is a type of crystal that is edible. These types of crystals are sugar crystals. Now, the real question is, is it possible to make sugar crystals from the comfort of your own home? In order to make sugar crystals you will need the following supplies; 1 cup of water, 3 cups of table sugar, a clean glass jar, a pencil or butter knife, sting or yarn (do not use nylon string), a pan, a spoon, and food coloring. The first step into making these tasty treats is to tie a string to your pencil or butter knife. Make sure that your string does not touch the bottom or sides of the jar in order for this experiment to work. You can begin to boil water in the pan once your instructor has confirmed that you are ready. Once the water begins to boil, stir in one spoonful of sugar at a time. You want to make sure that you have a lot sugar in the solution but not too... Show more content on ... The string is the where the surfacing of the crystals will begin. Small crystals of sugar will encrust the string as water evaporates from it. The tiny seed crystals provide a starting point for the bigger crystals. Future growth of the crystals will form around these points. The string provides the basic foundation for the crystals to form on. Without the string, we would not be able to form the crystals together. There is plenty of science behind sugar crystals. They are a very fascinating candy. They are beautiful and tasty! Sugar crystals have some very interesting details and are very simple to build. Once the molecules all come together in the end, you ll have a beautiful crystal and a sweet treat! Can an individual build these crystals with just a jar, some sugar and water, and a string? It is very much ... Get more on ...