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Gay Marriage Essay Outline
Crafting an essay on the topic of gay marriage can be both challenging and rewarding. The
complexity arises not only from the need to present a well-structured and coherent argument but
also from the emotional and controversial nature of the subject. Addressing diverse perspectives,
societal norms, and legal aspects requires a thorough understanding of the topic and a balanced
approach to ensure the essay is informative and respectful.
Creating a solid outline demands careful consideration of key points such as historical context,
legal implications, societal attitudes, and personal narratives. It requires extensive research to
gather reliable information and a nuanced understanding of the cultural and political landscape
surrounding the issue. Striking a balance between passionate advocacy and objective analysis is
essential, as this topic often evokes strong emotions on both sides.
The challenge lies in navigating through the intricacies of the subject without oversimplifying or
overlooking crucial aspects. A successful essay should engage readers, fostering critical thinking
and empathy, while providing a comprehensive overview of the complexities surrounding gay
In conclusion, tackling a gay marriage essay requires meticulous planning, in-depth research, and
a sensitive approach to the diverse perspectives involved. Nevertheless, the process can be
intellectually stimulating and contribute to a broader understanding of the topic at hand.
For assistance with similar essays and more, professional help can be sought from resources like They offer support in crafting well-researched and eloquent essays on a
variety of topics, ensuring that your writing meets the highest standards.
Gay Marriage Essay OutlineGay Marriage Essay Outline
History Of The Andes Mountains
The Andes Mountains is the longest mountain range in the world above the sea. They
are over 7,200 kilometres and go past 7 countries, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador,
Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Only the Himalayas is taller than the Andes, but
Andes is still the world s longest mountain Range. Andesis also home to more than 50
volcanoes, one is the world s highest volcano above sea level, on the Chilean
Argentina border, this measures up to 6,893m tall. The people around the Andes were
mostly from Peru and Spain but there were also native aboriginals.
People using the mountains
Andes is used for farming, mining, hydroelectric power and tourism. People living on
the Andes mostly grow potatoes because there is a lot of constructed flat
Klinefelter Syndrome Research Paper
Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition that results when a boy is born with an
extra copy of the X chromosome. Klinefelter syndrome is a common genetic
condition affecting only males. It mostly affects testicular growth, and this can result
in smaller than normal testicles. This can lead to lower production of the sex
hormone testosterone. Klinefelter syndrome may also cause reduced muscle mass,
reduced body and facial hair, and enlarged breast tissue. The effects of Klinefelter
syndrome affect every person differently, and not everyone with it develops the same
signs and symptoms. Klinefelter syndrome often isn t diagnosed until adulthood.
Most men with Klinefelter syndrome produce little or no sperm. But assisted
reproductive procedures... Show more content on ...
Starting at the time of the usual onset of puberty, testosterone replacement can help
treat or prevent a number of problems. Testosterone may be given as an injection or
with a gel or patch on the skin. The therapy allows a boy to undergo the body
changes that normally occur at puberty, such as developing a deeper voice, growing
facial and body hair, and increasing muscle mass and penis size. It can also improve
bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. It will not result in testicle enlargement
or improve infertility. Breast tissue removal in males who develop enlarged breasts
(gynecomastia), excess breast tissue can be removed by a plastic surgeon, leaving a
more normal looking chest. Speech and physical therapy treatments can help boys
with Klinefelter syndrome overcome problems with speech, language and muscle
weakness. Educational support is very important with boys who have Klinefelter
syndrome. They usually have trouble learning and can benefit from extra assistance.
Parents should talk to their child s teacher, school counselor or school nurse about
what kind of support might help. Most men with Klinefelter syndrome are unable to
father children, because no sperm are produced in the testicles. Some men with
Klinefelter syndrome may have some minimal sperm production. One option that
may benefit men with
A New Leader At The Ceo
As Satya Nadella takes over the position that Mr. Ballmer once endured, his spirit
took off with great confidence concerning his new role at the company (Microsoft,
2014). The next decade is likely to reveal the level of success his abilities bring to
the future of the company and his own status as leader.
That successor would enter a new period of change at the company filled with
competitive challenges in the marketplace.
As Satya Nadella takes over the position that Mr. Ballmer once endured, his spirit
took off with great confidence concerning his new role at the company (Microsoft,
2014). The next decade is likely to reveal the level of success his abilities bring to
the future of the company and his own status as leader.
The Corporate Giant in Focus Today
Just over a few decades with Steve Ballmer, Microsoft has a new corporate leader at
the helm. As Satya Nadella takes over the position that Mr. Ballmer once endured,
his spirit took off with great confidence concerning his new role at the company
(Microsoft, 2014). The next decade is likely to reveal the level of success his
abilities bring to the future of the company and his own status as leader.
Satya Nadella is Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft. Before being named CEO in
February 2014, Nadella held leadership roles in both enterprise and consumer
businesses across the company (Microsoft, n.d., para. 1). The primary intention is to
maintain a solid footing that will benefit the company while producing
Mary Ward Art Analysis
Our art teachers are pretty cool; they care about the students and the creative process.
This is a brief introduction to the double lives of Mary Ward art teachers. Ms. Arturi
currently teaches media, photography, and film. Ms. Fortura teaches visual arts and
design. Ms. Largo teaches visual arts and religion. Mr. Notten teaches visual arts, art
history, and the artsadmin course. And Ms. Powell teaches media, film, and
photography. They do have a life outside school, right? So, what do they do after
Ms. Arturi studied photography and humanities at York University, eventually
transferring to Ryerson s four year arts program. Her earlier works feature fashion
photography and documentaries. However, because photography has greatly evolved
... Show more content on ...
Powell received her Bachelor of Applied Arts at Ryerson University, studying
image arts in photography. She then went on to Queen s University to receive her
Bachelor of Education in Technological Education. Her artwork has mainly
consisted of photography, although she has also dabbled in film. She works in the
modern digital age as well as exploring historical processes of photography. These
include, polaroids, hand colouring, using the dark rooms to develop film, and
many other alternatives. Powell has a particular interest in the abandoned, places
or things that may appear ugly on the outside but have their own weird hidden
treasures. She explains that it s neat to see how nature takes back these places. She
also photographs small towns and the more rural lifestyle. My art isn t deep , she
says, but it s about finding beauty in everything, beauty in every form . Powell
spent her early years taking portraitures in the wedding industry. Now, she has her
own business alongside teaching and having a family. With this busy lifestyle it is
amazing that Powell s perspective on beauty is unchanged. Her perspective is
something unique and important something that everyone should see more of. The
answer then is yes, the Mary Ward art teachers do have a life after 2:50. They have
allowed us to glimpse into their personal life through their art. Their art has allowed
us to know a little more about them and their perspectives, beliefs, and values. This
extremely brief introduction to their artwork proves that our art teachers are
dedicated and talented individuals, individuals worth learning from, and individuals
we can be inspired from. Next time you see them, ask some questions. You never
know what you ll
What Is The Thesis Statement Of The Novel Fight Club
The goal of the present Mater thesis was to explore postmodern social criticism
expressed in Chuck Palahniuk s novel Fight Club through employment of
simulacrum, simulation, and hyperreality in the narrative. Therefore, two research
questions that were set at the beginning of the research, were:
How are postmodern concepts of simulacrum, simulation, and hyperreality reflected
in Chuck Palahniuk s novel Fight Club ?
How is Palahniuk employing these notions in his postmodern novel to criticise
modern society and to reflect a discontent with it?
In the course of the research, the goal of the present thesis was achieved through
careful interpretative textual analysis of Chuck Palahniuk s novel Fight Club , and all
of the research questions ... Show more content on ...
support groups members) or forced to make the wrong choice of living (e.g. blind
devotion to unsatisfying job). Therefore, Tyler Durden appears in the novel as a
modern warrior, a teacher, and a guide to those who are ready to change something
not only about themselves, but also about society as a whole. During the
interpretative textual analysis it was concluded that in the novel different forms of
simulation from simulation of disease to pseudo terrorists attacks are used as the
most effective means by which characters are fighting against established social
norms and value, against everything that makes them feel miserable and unworthy,
and for what they consider to be
Hard Working Characters In Chomp, By Carl Hiaasen
The family s bank account was almost drained. Chomp, by Carl Hiaasen, is a novel
about a family who struggle to meet their mortgage until they came across a nice
easy way or so they thought. The difficult T.V. show star, Derek Badger, goes
missing while filming in the Everglades. Wahoo and his friend, Tuna, try to find
him while avoiding Tuna s abusive and unstable father. This novel is great for
young adult readers because of its hard working characters, diverse plot, and
relatable theme. In this novel there are many hard working characters, but Wahoo
is easily the most hard working character. The book opens with Wahoo showing
hard work, He d taught himself how to write, shoot baskets and throw a baseball
(30). Wahoo is hard working because even though he has a missing thumb he can
still do all of these things and later on in the book his hard work helps his family.
Later on in the book he shows hard work as shown in this quote, Friday s the last
day. Then I m done for the summer... who called about the job (8). Wahoo is about to
be out of school but instead of wanting to relax for the summer, he... Show more
content on ...
The book opens with, Wahoo s mother took him outside and told him that the
family s saving account was almost drained (3). The plot is diverse because in the
beginning they were trying to make money for the family but as you keep reading
you realize that the plot completely changes. The plot changes when this happens
in the book, With one arm the man was aiming a pistol. His other arm was locked
around the neck of Cray the animal wrangler (199). The plot goes from trying to
make money, to trying to stay alive. The reason the plot changes so much is
because the Cray s picked up a little girl because she was getting abused and her
father is trying to get her back. In doing so he might hurt someone or worse. These
quotes prove that this book has a very diverse
Behavior Plan for Violence in a 1st Grade Class
Through the last two weeks I noticed some behavioral changes in my first grade
class; to be more specific I noticed increased rate of violence, increased rate of
conflicts, increased rate of complains from two students, increased rate of bulling and
increased rate of crying and screaming.
So, I decided to schedule a set of observations for the whole class and other specific
observations for the 2 students from which I received most of the complains to go
deeper in to details and know the reason behind these symptoms to be able to solve
the situation, as one of my roles is to maintain the emotional health of the students
and create an emotionally balanced environment to go through learning process
I noticed that most of these behaviors are during recess time or PE session so I
decided to attend all the recesses and the PE sessions to observe the two students.
Mean while we will be observing the whole class.
I have a relativity small class with almost balanced ratio of girls and boys as I have 9
students (5 girls and 4 boys) with narrow age range 6 7 years old .They are all
Egyptians with no special needs students in class.
As I mentioned before I will observe the students in both the recess and PE
sessions. Both take place in the play ground; it is divided into three areas: green area,
shaded area and sand pit. Play ground description as follows:
Green area: It is a trapezoid area surrounded by low height plastic fence from three
sides and a wooden higher fence on
Maria Reynolds Research Paper
According to Hamilton, his family was visiting relatives for the summer when a
certain day in 1791 a woman called upon him for help; her name is Maria Reynolds.
The relationship between Alexander Hamilton and Maria Reynolds soon grew into a
scandalous affair when confrontation and the publication of the Reynolds Pamphlet
occurred. So, Revelations about the treasury secretary s sex life forces him to choose
between candor and his career. (Serratore)
When Maria Reynolds first asked Alexander for help, she was terribly mistreated and
abandoned by her husband. Alexander was eager to help, giving her a later time to
meet up. After the next few encounters, James Reynolds, Maria s husband, returned.
James saw the money they could earn from ... Show more content on
This confession is not made without a blush. (Printed version of the Reynolds
Pamphlet ) He spends a considerable amount of time defending his honor instead of
acknowledging the pain that he had brought to Elizabeth. The charge against me is a
connection with one James Reynolds for purposes of improper pecuniary
speculation. My real crime in an amorous connection with his wife, for a
considerable time with his privity and connivance, if not originally brought on by a
combination between the husband and wife with the design to extort money from
me. (Printed version of the Reynolds Pamphlet ) In the next few paragraphs, he
spends his time explaining what went on. He writes, I have been wickedly accused
with wantonly increasing the public burthen many millions....the offices and books of
the treasury were examined...the transactions between several banks and the treasury
were scrutinized...even my private accounts were open with those institutions were
laid open to the committee. (Printed version of the Reynolds Pamphlet ) To end the
pamphlet, he asked: Does this editor imagine that he will escape the just odium
which awaits him by the miserable subterfuge of saying that he had the information
from a respectable citizen of New York? (Printed version of the Reynolds Pamphlet )
He knows Monroe was still trying to eradicate his chance
Case Study Pleural Effusion
Case Study Pleural effusion NSG/340 Sandra Gilderson, MSN/Ed, RN Case Study
Diagnosis and admission A.B. admitting diagnosis pleural effusion, pulmonary
infiltrates possible pneumonia based on the result of chest x ray. Also the
presenting signs and symptom provided information that can link to pleural
effusion evidenced of his signs and symptoms Pleural effusion Is an abnormal
collection of fluid in the pleural space, it is not a disease but an indication of a
disease (Lavie et al, 2014). Difference between transudate and exudate A transudate
effusion occurs primarily in noninflammatory conditions and is an accumulation of
protein poor, cell poor fluid (Lavie et al, 2014, p. 549). The fluid is leaking into the
pleural... Show more content on ...
Consequences related to pleural effusion is the fluid located in the pleural cavity
present as a space that is occupying mass, which causes a decrease in the lung
expansion. The decrease of the lung expansion on that affected side is proportionate
with the amount of fluid that is collected. This therefore results to hypoxia, dyspnea,
and pleuritic pain (Saguil et al., 2014). Pulmonary infiltrates is an hypersensitivity
reaction, lung infiltration, characterized by infiltration of the alveoli
(bronchoalveolar), with eosinophilia and large mononuclear cells, edema, extensive
infiltrates in the lung zones leading to inflammation of the lungs (Tzilas et al.,2009).
From a pathophysiological perspective, the term infiltrate refers to an abnormal
substance that accumulates gradually within cells or body tissues or any substance or
type of cell that occurs within or spreads as through the interstitium and/or alveoli of
the lung, that is foreign to the lung parenchyma, or that accumulates in greater than
normal quantity within it. (Patterson et al., 2012). Consequences result in prolong
illness that accompany fever, cough, dyspnea, weight loss, possible pus, severe tissue
reaction as in certain drug allergies, pus, which can further lead to pneumonia that is
Energy Efficient Foam Insulation Research Paper
People choose to install insulation in their homes for various reasons. With there
being several options as to what type of insulation homeowners can have installed,
many base their decision off of the benefits they are expecting to reap from
installing insulation. Should you be considering installing insulation in your home,
you may find energy efficient foam insulation to be a good choice for multiple
reasons. Here s how you can benefit from installing energy efficient foam insulation
in Petaluma, CA. Lower energy bill: Anyone who has had issues with insulation in
their home has probably come to realize that it can affect their energy bill. Instead of
having a bill that is affordable, a lack of energy efficient foam insulation can lead...
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Unfortunately, many of these duties can cause stress. Paying bills can make
anyone feel stressed, but when the bill is high, your stress level can easily double.
As your energy bill continues to grow, so can your level of stress. If you want to
decrease your stress level, as well as your energy bill, consider installing foam
insulation. Peace of mind: Having a peace of mind is important. When you
already have work, family and many other homeowner duties taking up your time
pretty much every day of the week, the last thing you want to worry about is your
lack of insulation affecting your money, comfort and peace. Because installing
energy efficient insulation can help you have better control of your stress level,
energy bill and more, you will have peace of mind, which many people would
consider a great reason to get it installed. Decreased strain on HVAC system: Your
HVAC system is what keeps your house cool or warm when you need it. Chances
are your system will be running more than half of the year in an effort to keep you
comfortable in your home. Energy efficient insulation works great at keeping cool
and/or warm air in your home, there will be less strain put on your HVAC system
and an increased level of comfort in your
Essay on Personal Statement
We are the media and the media is us. That statement is very broad and is so for a
good reason. Through out the world and the history of our society, media has
transformed, melted, bent, molded and made our society and culture what it is today.
But at the same time, our culture and society has done the exact same thing to media.
It is hard to realize or imagine a time without televisions, telephones, fax machines,
printers, computers, cell phones, pagers and other electronic technologies that have
made our lives, hopefully, stress free. Those itemswere and are still being invented
today to make our lives easier and better, but are they really making life easier and
better? Media plays a big part in defining what society wants and gets.... Show more
content on ...
Of course, this is an exaggeration and other countries should know better than to think
that Americans live like the Simpsons characters, but that is what media does to
people that do not know the society being depicted.
In addition to creating negative images of the United States, our media tarnishes
the character of specific Americans as well. Lets take old Bill Clinton for a test
drive here. When he was suspected of having an affair with a White House intern,
our media zeroed in on him to find out if he did or did not have an affair with
Monica Lewinsky. We had analysts examine whether he should or should not tell us
he did, what would happen if he did, what would happen to the relationship
between him and his wife. Our media told us how to think about situation and, what
should happen to him if he answered their questions a certain way. Our media never
let us think what we wanted to think. Instead they gave the false impression that we
did have total control of what way we thought, but in each station they took a
viewpoint and bombarded us with it. The effect was similar to brainwashing us.
Some stations did explore alternative perspectives, but most stations had only one
view. Then when our media asked for the peoples opinion, amazingly the publics
opinions were the same as our media s opinions. In away, our media imbeds the seed
of what to think, and hope the public follows.
Well, I have demonstrated a couple ways that the media, specifically television, has
Time to Practice 1
University of Phoenix Material
Time to Practice Week One
Complete both Part A and Part B below.
Part A
Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who
(Think They) Hate Statistics. This data is available through the Student Textbook
Resources link.
1. By hand (without using SPSS), compute the mean, median, and mode for the
following set of 40 reading scores:
|31 |32 |43 |42 |
|24 |34 |25 |44 |
|23 |43 |24 |36 |
|25 |41 |23 |28 |
|14 |21 |24 |17 |
|25 |23 |44 |21 |
|13 |26 |23 |32 |
|12 |26 |14 |42 |
|14 |31 |52 |12 |
|23 |42 |32 |34 |
MEAN: ... Show more content on ...
You are the manager of a fast food store. Part of your job is to report which special is
selling best to the boss at the end of each day. Use your knowledge of descriptive
statistics and write one paragraph to let the boss know what happened today. Use the
Analysis Of Chinese Health Promotion Hospitals
Several recent natural disasters have occurred in China including the Wenchuan
earthquake in 2008 (8.0 on the Richter scale), the Yushu earthquake in 2010 (7.1 on
the Richter scale), the Yuliang earthquake in 2012 (5.7 on the Richter scale), the Yaan
earthquake (6.5 on the Richter scale), and the Ludian earthquake in 2014 (6.5 on the
Richter scale). The Chinese government has increased its focus on public healthin
post disaster areas and has provided sufficient funding to support construction of local
hospitals. Additionally, the government has attempted to improve medical services to
promote public health [1, 2]. In 2013, the Chinese government proposed the Chinese
Health Promotion Hospitals (CHPHs) programme [3].The Health Promoting... Show
more content on ...
Disaster conditions also challenge their physical and mental endurance [9].
Healthcare professionals may have increased risks of post traumatic distress due
to their work. For example, Shrestha R reported that health professionals working
in the Nepal earthquake of 2015 were at significantly higher risk of developing
post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The overall prevalence rates of PTSD were
21.9% and 17.1% using cut off scores and diagnostic criteria, respectively [10]. A
study by Oglodek E. showed that 40% of medical rescuers experiencing PTSD
reported that the dissociation was caused by the death of a patient being rescued
[11]. Additionally, Yu YM et al. revealed that during the Wenchuan earthquake in
2008, more than 50% of medical staff demonstrated several of the following signs of
stress: grief, fear, depression, anxiety, fatigue, headache, and dizziness [12].
Therefore, health quality of healthcare professionals after disasters is a significant
issue [9, 13].
To our knowledge, the data regarding how medical staffs promote healthy lifestyles
after a disaster are unclear. We hypothesized that additional data could provide
reliable empirical evidence for health promotion in health workers and the public in
post disaster areas as well as for the development of CHPHs. The primary goal of this
study was to determine whether healthcare workers took healthier lifestyles than other
Social Justice Vs. The Gospel Of Jesus
In the society that people live in today is full of violence and destruction from
human being and even by the weather that occurs from state to country. When one
holds unto their faith in God, and trust that he will pull his people from in justice to
justice and make them true believers. In this essay, as Christians we will be faced
with social justice, and how it is compatible with the Gospel of Jesus, how ministries
are trying to change the world with more social justice and how it can be compared
to the Gospel, how social justice could be the key component of the message of
Jesus Christ, and in this essay one will see how social justice is effecting other parts
of the world, and how speaking the word of God can be sustainable in other parts of
the world.
What is Social Justice? ... Show more content on ...
For example, in this day in time, police killings in the African American cultures
are on the rise. In these cases, majority of these killings black men are unarmed and
are in the police officers are still able to keep their jobs with no jail time. Social
justice also means that there should be justice for the innocent lives that was taken
by the hands of police officers from jobs being taken away or even prison time. In
one s own opinion or thought the sentence time for police killings should be the
same time for innocent lives that was taken by the hands of the police officers. For
example, in the state of Indiana a person that kills a police officer is automatic a life
sentence or even death. Whereas an officer who kills an innocent by law citizen as
mentioned earlier walks away as an innocent man or woman. Clergyman everywhere
are trying to address poverty, housing, racial profiling, and social justice (Novotny,
Psychodynamic Model Of Mental Health Essay
The major models of mental health includes the disease model, the psychodynamic
model, the cognitive model, the social model and the behavioural model.
The disease model suggests that mental ill health arises from biochemical and genetic
causes. It relies on the evidence of genetic and pharmaceutical studies to support this
position.Evidence from twin studies suggest that there is a link between genetics and
schizophrenia. However, while certain aspects of mental ill health appears to be
hereditary, it has not yet been determined whether the cause is genetic or
environmental. Specific genes have not yet been found to be associated with
schizophrenia. There is some debate as to whether the cause is genetic or
environmental. While there may be a ... Show more content on ...
The service is a passive patient under this model.
The psychodynamic model focuses on the individual s development to explain mental
health difficulties. Psychodynamic therapies developed from Sigmund Freud s work
in which he proposed several stages of developed and suggested that if these stages
were interrupted the individual would have problems functioning or relating to
people. The individual s maladaptive behaviour would depend on which stage was
There are several branches of modern psychodynamic therapies. Many branches rely
on reflective relationships between the client and therapist. The therapist helps the
client to examine how they relate to the therapist, encourages a more positive way of
relating and the client is supposed to expand on this new way of relating with others.
A major criticism of this model is that it very difficult to measure the effectiveness of
the therapy.
Different therapists have different approaches and therapy can take years. It is often
compared to
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which often includes service users tracking their
feelings and progress. Another issue is the unscientific way in which psychodynamic
theories were
Ecuador Research Paper
Agriculture has been the central figure of Ecuador s economy for most of the country
s history. Agriculture is the second largest section of the economy. Coffee, bananas,
and cacao, which is used to make chocolate, have been long important agricultural
products. Forty percent of the country export earnings come from the crops. Ecuador
is the world s top supplier of bananas. Banana farms spread out around the city of
Machala on the southern coast. Coffee and cacao are also important crops grown for
export. In addition to large scale farming, Ecuador has many small farms. In 1964 a
law broke up large farms and gave small plots of land to local people. These farms are
about 12 acres in size. The people who farm them typically grow enough food... Show
more content on ...
You might even get to pick the pig you ll be eating. Cuy with potatoes is a common
street food in the sierra region. Travelers should not order wild game unless they
are certain it is farmed rather than hunted. Seafood is often available inland, though
it is most plentiful and best on the coast, where shrimp, lobster, and a variety of
fish are always on the menu. The coastal region is famous for its ceviche, a cold
mixture of fish, conch, and/or shrimp marinated in lime juice and seasonings. The
marinade is said to cook the fish or seafood. Ceviche is a great treat for lunch or as an
appetizer. The potato is the king of Ecuadorean cuisine. It is eaten at almost every
meal, and as snacks. You ll find over 200 varieties of potatoes in the Andean region,
from tiny spuds no bigger than a peanut to larger varieties as big as a large orange,
with colors ranging from yellow to brown to purple to blue. Chile peppers are used
heavily, especially chopped and mixed with onion and salt to form salsa de ajГ,
which is offered alongside most meals. Along with broccoli, palm hearts, cassava,
and asparagus, you me across malanga (also known as yautГa), a starchy yam native
to the tropics. Patacones, or fried plantains, are
Essay On Test Driving
Drivers who love to have the latest technology in the vehicle will enjoy test driving
the 2018 Kia Forte near Rio Rancho NM. However, there are numerous other
things they will appreciate about this vehicle too, such as the safety features the
manufacturer has opted to include at no additional charge. If the time has come
for you to purchase a new vehicle, head over to our dealership today. We ll be more
than happy to show you this car and allow you to take it for a spin to see if it meets
your needs. Many drivers will find it does.
What s New For This Model Year
The Kia Forte near Rio Rancho NM is known for being a car that packs a great deal
of features into a sub compact ride. Best of all, the price remains more than
reasonable, yet ... Show more content on ...
They have made improvements in this area and in the acceleration of this model,
another complaint drivers had with previous model years. The Forte is expected to
be offered in two or three trim levels.
High End Features
Individuals who opt to take the 2018 Kia Forte near Rio Rancho NM for a test
drive will find this car is loaded with things they love. The touchscreen display is
intuitive, the navigation is controlled by voice command and a satellite radio is
available. This is in addition to the hands free calling, Bluetooth and more that will
be seen on this year s model. For the exterior of the vehicle, options offered include
LED turn signal indicators, a power moonroof and a chrome exhaust tip. Other
options a driver may wish to consider include LED lighting, chrome accents and dual
heated mirrors.
Engine Specs
A minimum of three engine choices are expected to be seen with the launch of the
2018 Kia Forte near Rio Rancho NM. This includes a 1.6 liter engine that provides
205 horsepower, a 1.8 liter engine capable of producing 150 horsepower and a 2.0
liter, 175 horsepower version. Manual and automatic transmissions will be
available also. What isn t expected to change is the fuel economy. It is predicted
the Forte will get 22 to 26 miles per gallon while driving in the city and 30 to 38
miles per gallon when out on the open road.
With so many changes seen in the
The Tippett Theory Of Bingo
Bingo continues to remain a game of chance, but there are bingo secrets winning
that can increase your odds even when you have no control over the outcome. In
general, this simple game will use simple methods because of its simple nature.
First, arrive early because being ready when that first number gets drawn can
increase your odds. This may not be a scientifically proven theory, but a lot of
professional athletes show up to their competitions early so that they can prepare.
Bingo might not be a professional sport, but when you show up early, you can buy
the books needed, catch up with old friends and buy the drinks and snacks you want.
In essence, it sets you up for more comfort. You do not want to rush in and throw
everything you have on... Show more content on ...
Before you attempt this, you should first understand your capabilities. Buying too
many books, you have higher chances of feeling overwhelmed with information
and missing numbers when called. That wastes money and keeps you from making
progress. While this strategy says that you should buy as many books as possible,
you have to know your limit. How much does this raise your statistical odds of
winning? When you have 20 other players and everyone uses one book, you have a
five percent chance of winning. In contrast, when everyone uses one book and you
play bingo with four books, you raised your odds of winning by 17 percent. To
determine the odds of a bingo game, divide the number of books by the number of
people who are playing. In most cases, you will have to do a rough estimate, but it
does give you a better idea about your chances of
Sarah Baartman
Cultural Studies I Sarah Baartman and the Politics of Looking
The expropriation and appropriation of Sarah Baartman by the colonial and
capitalist gaze has lasted long enough. It is not a good idea to create new images of
her, because each new image repeats and continues the past exploitation and
humiliation of her body.
In the article The arena of imaginings: Sarah Bartmann and the ethics of
representation, Rosemarie Buikema looks into the controversy around Willie Bester s
statue of Sarah Baartman. The statue, made by a South African artist, was put in the
library of the University of Cape Town s Science and Engineering Department. To my
surprise, the exhibition of the statue in a Science and Engineering Department ...
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The intention of the artist was fully honourable, however, what he intended to
come across did not come across to these people. For the ethics of representation it
is important to see whether it is possible to represent something or someone
without creating negative ideas and feelings because of it. Sarah Baartman was
exploited during her life and it is now key to see whether she can be represented in
a way that does not reproduce the sexism and racism she encountered in her life. An
example of an image of Sarah Baartman that does represent her in an ethical manner
is the statue by Willie Bester. As argued before, at the material level of the statue it is
made clear that the relation between signifiers and signifieds is ethical. The recycled
material, which stands for the many contexts her body circulated in during her life.
The use of iron indicates the metal industry and motor technology, which is
traditionally a masculine domain. And probably the most important connotation, as
mentioned before as well, the recycled material shows that there is, and was,
absolutely nothing natural about Sarah Baartman s body. (Buikema, 2009) Images of
people like Sarah Baartman are shown so that we do not forget the tragic history of
these people. The sculpture of Sarah Baartman made by Willie Bester was made with
the intent to raise awareness for the dehumanizing practices in South African
The Adventures of Ibn Battuta by Ross E. Dunn
The book I chose to read for this summer assignment was The Adventures of Ibn
Battuta (Revised edition) written by Ross E. Dunn. The predominant reason as to
why I chose this book is because I am Moroccan descent and I had a strong desire to
learn more about the rich cultures of the Arab world. I once read that those who had
the last name Bencomo, which was orginally from the Canary Islands and written as
Tehncomo were descendents of the Islamic traveler, Ibn Battuta. This sparked even
more curiosity to learn about my ancestor s history. I heard stories from my
grandmother about the Moors since her father was half Moroccan. I knew I had to
learn about this since this is a part of who I am.
This book mainly narrates the adventures and travels of a 14th century Muslim
scholar, native of Tangierwho studied law but dreamed of traveling and seeing
different perspectives of the world. Ibn is described by many as the Marco Polo of
the Muslim world. Ibn traveled by all means possible during his time period, horse,
camel, boat, foot, and boat for approximately 29 years. The area he covered would
now be the equivalent to 40 modern countries and 73,000 miles. Quotes I found most
interesting were A scholar s education is greatly improved by traveling in quest of
knowledge and meeting the authoritative teachers (of his time). by Ibn Khaldun pg.
27. This was quite inspiring because it shows that with an open mind and many
travels you can age with wisdom and share your knowledge with
Industrial And Technical Review For Hadoop
This chapter introduces an industrial and technical review for Hadoop framework
with other technologies used with Hadoop system to process bigdata. Hadoop project
originally was built and supervised by Apache community. In addition to Apache
many other companies whose businesses run on Hadoop are adding more interesting
features to Hadoop, some of them announced their own Hadoop distributions replying
on the original core distribution distributed by Apache.
2.1 Industry Feedback
In last Hadoop summit [19] Mike Gualtieri principal analyst at Forrester gave a
keynote about the market today s expectations from bigdata analysis solutions, he
came up with these interesting results:
Data related projects are at the forefront of the minds of ... Show more content on ...
Chris Twogood from Teradata [50] and Timothy Mallalieu from Microsoft talked
about how important integrating Hadoop with traditional data technologies to get the
most out of the new opportunities.
Arun Murthy who is a co founder of Hortonworks [51] gave an overview of the key
recent advances in Hadoop2.0, including the benefits of the YARN ResourceManager
[18], and Apache STORM [73] to process data streaming with Hadoop.
The list of companies and institutions are using or planning to switch to Hadoop is
getting longer every day. Adobe, Amazon, IBM, Pivotal, Google, Facebook, Twitter,
CloudERA, MapR, Hortonworks, Dell, Intel, HSBC, Deutsche Telecom, ...etc are just
few examples of many organizations switched or just announced they are switching to
2.2 Previous Work and Critique
2.2.1 Data WarehouseSystems DWHs
Data Warehouse Systems DWHs are platforms used to report and analyse the data
by integrating data from different disparate sources and creating a central
repository of data data warehouse . This is achieved through storing the current
and the historic data to create reports for management or technical reporting based
on some pre defined configurations. Currently nearly every discussion recently of
big data analysis begins with a debate over what is the best way to perform the
analysis, whether the DWHs will be replaced by the new frameworks like Hadoop or
not. Some went very far thinking relational databases are going to
How Fasciitis And Discuss Its Treatments As Well As...
Current Event
Necrotizing Fasciitis
Hudson LO5 401
Lauryn McNeil
10 19 2016
The purpose of this paper is to discuss necrotizing fasciitis and discuss its treatments
as well as practices that are currently being tested. This paper will also mention how
to prevent necrotizing fasciitis. Necrotizing fasciitis is a flesh eating disease that
attacks the subcutaneous layer of flesh. It is most common in patients with lowered
immune systems as well as preexisting chronic diseases. Treatments include prompt
surgery and debridement as well as the experiment hyperbaric oxygen treatment.
Necrotizing Fasciitis Treatment Current Event Paper
Necrotizing fasciitis is still a very real and very big problem even in 2016. It is a
rapidly progressive inflammatory infection of the fascia, with secondary necrosis of
the subcutaneous tissues (Edlich 2016). It commonly occurs as a complication from
surgery or an existing medical condition. The three most important bacteria to cause
necrotizing fasciitis are polymicrobial, group A streptococcal, and clostridial
myonecrosis. Cases of necrotizing fasciitis have been increasing in recent years due
to so much of the population being immunocompromised due to diseases or special
issues. These include but are not limited to diabetes mellitus, cancer, alcoholism,
vascular insufficiencies, organ transplants, HIV infection, or neutropenia (Edlich
2016). The most common age of patients is between 38 44 years with it rarely
How Stress Management Techniques And Relaxation
When examining which topic I should choose for this final paper I had to do a lot
of thinking and figure out which topic would be most relevant to me. This was a
challenging question for so many of these topics could relate to me and I would have
a lot of information towards them. I narrowed it down and decided to pick the topic
of stress management. Specifically, how stress management techniques and
relaxation methods can help patients sufferingfrom chronic pain. How effective are
these tactics? How do they compare to traditional pharmacological approaches to
pain management? I believe that this is an interesting topic and have learned a lot
about myself in regards toward stress management and different types of coping
techniques. This is a paper that is very informative and beneficial in many ways for it
has helped me examine the health benefits of the different types of stress
management techniques.
When examining my life I had to figure out how does this topic relate to me, but
then I realized that this does not relate to me, but it relates to someone who is near
and dear to me. This person who I am talking about is my mother and she has
actually been going through chronic pain after she had an accident and this has
affected her life for almost 5 years now. I will explain what had happened to my
mother and where she is today. It was about 5 years ago and my mother, father, and
brother were at a car dealership waiting to get our car fixed, so this was a basic routine
Business Negotiations Advantages And Disadvantages
Business negotiations are deliberations that ensue from different motivating factors
and whose agenda have a common ground. Such a phenomenon brings the
conflicting sides together in the aim of seeking a lasting solution to the conflict.
Often the conflicts being resolved emanatefrom interests among the parties, which
happen to be coinciding. As such, one party feels less advantaged and seeks
reprieve. It is a common case nowadays and it features a series of across the table
discussions, which happen to be under the watch of the court system. Therefore, both
partners have the privilege of accessing the courts in case they feel there is a breach
of contact or patentfor that matter. The negotiations between apple and Samsung are a
perfect eоЂЂample of such a phenomenon. In this case, apple accuses Samsung of
breach of its patent rights. Apple claims that Samsung copied the look and feel of an
iphone, through their galaоЂЂy brand. !illing of the case was in #$$ when the
conflict began.The issue of business negotiations is a common phenomenon these
days especially on matters of patents and royalties. The desire to protect the uni%ue
characteristics of various products has become a fundamental element of business
negotiations nowadays. It is often argued that in order to hold enough leverage to
such a negotiation, one should commence the negotiations way before the two parties
even meet face to face on the table negotiations. Only that way, will a given party
ensure their
A Street in Marrakech Review Essay
To detach from the familiar and to immerse into the unknown is a familiar process to
human beings. From leaving a mothers womb to attending college, human beings are
constantly confronted with change. However, persistent change does not facilitate
the process required to assimilate. In the novel, A Street in Marrakech, Elizabeth
Fernea embarks on a journey to Moroccoand is met with resentment and belligerence.
Her tale as an outsider, searching for the essence of Marrakech that is concealed to
most Westerners, exemplifies immersing oneself into the unknown. Elizabeth Fernea
and husband Bob Fernea travel to Marrakech, Morocco because Mr. Fernea receives
a scholarship grant to study anthropology in Morocco. From the start of the book, it...
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He defines Orientalism as the pattern of the misrepresentations of the non western
world. Said believes that Westerners have the ability to romanticize the East into
anything because it is more able to write travel books and accounts, skewing the
publics opinions of the East. However, Fernea is far from corroborating Said s
argument because she does not hold herself on a higher pedestal than the people of
Morocco in any way. She does not romanticize the Middle East by claiming that her
travel was a life altering experience, yet she manages to capture the West s
understanding of the Middle East through her narrative. This book reminds me a
lot of Paul Theroux s Dark Star Safari because it chronicles an Americans
experience in the Middle East, yet Paul Theroux lacks the elegance that Fernea
displays because he makes the people of Egypt out to be barbaric like Said proves
in his theory. For example, in the families visit to the public square Djemaa el Fna,
Laila wonders why her mother gives the beggar a coin and Fernea has the opportunity
to delineate the way in which the West and the East handle poverty differently. She
does so by neither bolstering nor denouncing either culture but by making the
differences apparent. As an Indian child born in America, I understand the importance
in accurately portraying a culture because absurd notions can be easily formed from
the strong convictions of writers.
Comparing The Poor Relations Story by Charles Dickens,...
Comparing The Poor Relations Story by Charles Dickens, Twenty Six Men and a
Girl by Maxim Gorky and The Unexpected by Kate Chopin The three stories that I
will study are; The poor relations story by Charles Dickens, Twenty six men and a
girl by Maxim Gorky and The unexpected by Kate Chopin. The three things do
seem to have a thing in present. All the main characters seem to be pressured or are
being victimised by their traditional values, and struggle to break free. In the poor
relations story, the main character (Michael) is being pressured to live up to his
uncle, and families ideas. In twenty six men and a girl the twenty six men are being
kept, almost hostage is their pretzel factory. In the... Show more content on ...
People seem to take advantage of him, and he is too weak to become a strong
business man. He himself says, I failed in my expectations from my uncle Chill, on
account of not being as sharp as he could have wished in worldly matters ,
Although Michael puts up a front saying he wants to be solitary, he is ecstatic
when he finds his wife, and says family occasions are a party for him! It appears
that at the start we are informed of his sad life, but in the middle he starts telling us
of how his life suddenly turns exceedingly good! Everything appears to go up and he
gets married, has kids, grandkids and appears to be happier then ever…. And
when the readers are deeply into the story, comes the twist and we find out it is all
a dream t. In twenty six men and a girl, the prison like environment, and the
constant abide of living underground pays its toll. They don t ever go out, and
unlike Michael, they admit their wretched environment. They say that they live a
miserable existence Like Michael however, they need to escape from the hell, but
in a mental way. They decide to idolise the pretty 17 year old girl who comes to
collect the pretzels everyday. They say, Like all human beings, we were unable to
live without worshipping at least something. Until comes a soldier, Who dared to
take her from them It came clear to the men their idol
Comparing Fried, Harris And Leslie White
Unlike anthropologists before them Morton H. Fried, Marvin Harris and Leslie White
are including less about humans themselves in their theories. When looking at the
theories of earlier theorists (such as Herbert Spencer) one can see that change seems
to be driven by human beings and their progress. Though it is not as prominent in the
theories of Fried, Harris and White, there is still a relationship between humans and
Fried theorizes about the evolution of social stratification and the state, he takes
10,000 years of archaeological data and forms a theory going from Stage A to Stage
D. Harris is focused in India, studying how the treatment of the cow reflects the
culture. White looks at energy and how a society s increased ability to harness and
save it has to do with technological advancement.
In each of these theories it is evident that under certain circumstances human beings
are relevant to the anthropological understanding of sociocultural change.
Fried tells his readers about the development of society through transition. The
rankings of society start at Stage A where there is a non rank, non stratified... Show
more content on ...
This development varies according to the amount of energy per capita per year
harnessed and put to work (pg. 226). White also mentions the use of technology and
its role in the harnessing of energy. The efficiency of the technology allows for
cultural advancement due to more energy being harnessed by man and being put to
work effectively.
White looks at all of this in terms of numbers, he quantifies the amount of energy
gained and needed in order to produce culture living and culture building. With
efficient and effective use of technology and tools comes more energy.
This advancement allows human beings the time and energy to take care of their
bodily needs food, water, shelter, etc. in order to even think about harnessing extra
energy (pg.
Essay about Illegal Aliens and American Medicine
Illegal Aliens and American Medicine
About half of immigration into the United States is illegal, thus approximately half
of the impact of immigration on our health care system is due to illegal
immigration. The influx of illegal aliens has serious hidden medical consequences.
We judge reality primarily by what we have seen. But what we do not see can be
more dangerous, more expensive, and more deadly than what is seen. What is unseen
is their free medical care that has degraded and closed some of America s finest
emergency medical facilities, and caused hospital bankruptcies.
The General Accounting Office traveled to southern Arizonato study the impact of
illegal immigrants on ... Show more content on ...
constitution, which states, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and
subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State
wherein they reside (Cosman 2005).
These articles support a theory that explains the illegal alien problem as part of the
general environment in which it is found. They argue that the illegal alien problem is
a diverse one and not simply a Mexico US problem and suggests that traditional
immigration law enforcement strategies encourage an ever increasing illegal alien
population in the United States (Weissinger 2003).
When the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, its purpose was to assure rights of
freedom and citizenship to newly emancipated Negro citizens. For citizenship, the
person was required to submit to complete, exclusive American jurisdiction, owing
allegiance to no other nation.
How do we reclaim America s emergency departments; restore medicine s proud
scientific excellence and profitability and protect Americans against bacterial, viral,
parasitic, and fungal infectious diseases that illegal aliens carry across the borders? It
has been suggested that we close America s borders to prevent illegal entry. Deport
illegal aliens. Rescind the citizenship of anchor babies. Overturn the misinterpretation
of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution grants
citizenship to all persons born and naturalized in the United States and subject to
Summary Of Serpent Labret With Articulated Tongue
The first artwork I selected was the Serpent Labret with Articulated Tongue ; the
artist of this piece is unknown. I was looking forward to this the most because this
piece was used to advertise/promote the Golden Kingdom exhibition at the Getty
Museum. The picture of this piece was everywhere; it was on the wall, signs,
stairs, maps, and pamphlets. Just by looking at the pictures I saw and not knowing
what it was, I thought that this piece was a hair accessory, like a hairpin because of
its long handle. However, I was wrong; after finding out what this really is, the
Serpent Labret with Articulated Tongue is a labret or mostly known as lip plug.
This piece was used by higher authorities such as politicians and soldiers as a sign
of power and achievements on the battlefield; just like pins and medals given to
soldiers and military veterans in today s modern society. What I like the most
about this labret is its design, the tongue sways side by side whenever its wearer
moves, it can also be retracted since the serpent s tongue is a movable piece. It s
not just a stiff, simple labret but a moving, classic piece which gives its wearer a
sophisticated and elegant look. This labret is made from gold which reveals that
the person who wore this was a person with authority, a ruler who people respected.
The face and body of the serpent are highly detailed, the fangs and the eyes look
menacing just like a real serpent. One could tell that this labret was made delicately,
Disadvantages Of Virtual Learning Environment
The past decades were marked by the rapid development of the technology and the
Internet. Such rapid development has enabled the development of many other
modern methods and approaches, such as virtual learning environment (VLE), i.e.
learning via the Internet []. A virtual learning environment allows learners and all
others engaged in educationand teaching to free themselves from the limitations of
timeand space, and carry out learning interactions in a flexible timeframe and virtual
sites that are not physically tied to one another. So, the VLE can be consider as a kind
of online learning platform which allows teachers to share educational materials with
their students via the web. Additionally, the development and presence of the
computer... Show more content on ...
Due to that, the use of the VLE has increased and most of schools and universities
now have a functioning Virtual Learning Environmentas a part of their teaching and
learning programs. For instance, even in primary and secondary schools the Internet
based activities are generally added to enrich presently learning activities.
It is important to highlight the deference between the virtual learning environment
and the virtual campus, which people usually equate. The virtual campus relates just
to the University courses, while the virtual learning environment relates to many
other sectors. Also, if we are talking about the VLE intended just for the university
education, the virtual campus covers a set of courses which is in the most of cases
the whole education course which ends with diploma, while the virtual learning
environment can be employed even for smaller parts of the education
Lake Isle Of Innisfree Mood
Claude Monet s Impressionist Sunrise is known as one of the most stunning
paintings. The colors are incredibly vibrant and capture quintessential
characteristics for the Impressionist movement. Monet painted this painting to
express nature that was contemporary and not idealized. This marks a major shift in
the style of paintings for the 19th century. Ekphrastic poetry vividly describes a
work of art or an event. The poem The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W.B. Yeats is a
fantastic example of an ekphrastic poem. The mood of this poem is quite relaxing
and peaceful just as Monet s painting is. Peace can be a common theme expressed in
all types of artistic mediums. The soothing mood in the painting is mirrored by that
of the poem, by W.B. Yeats,
... Show more content on ...
The diction echos the brush strokes and tiny details within the painting. Both the
painting and the poem were created with nature and the effects of human s hectic and
destructive lives on it. The striking blues, purples, and oranges are mimicked
throughout the poem by Yeats s use of illustrative and mood setting words and
phrases. When Yeats used personification within the poem he used it to elevate the
natural aspects of the poem and the painting. Both the painting and the poem have
similar thematic ideas expressed within them. These two artistic pieces reflect the
impacts of human developments on planet Earth. They both show how peace can be
found within this hectic
Japan Population Growth Declining Birth Rate and the
a) Study a country on how and why its population has aged rapidly during the last 40
or 50 years, and analyze its consequences.
Japan s graying population: The reasons behind it, steps taken to curb it and the
implications of an aging society
Japan has seen rapid development from the times of Meiji Restoration (1868) up till
today. In fact, it has grown more rapidly than any other countries from 1870 to 1994
(Nafziger,1995) because of the various economic policies its government had
undertaken after the war ended. Thus, as a result of this economic growth, standard
of living has gone up and along with technological advancements, Japan enjoys one of
the highest life expectancy compared to any other countries in the world ... Show
more content on ...
Another reason is the economic recession. The economy was bad for Japan
throughout the 1990s. The unemployment rate rose sharply from 2% in 1990 to
5% in 2003(Suzuki, 2006). Youth was not given an opportunity to work and those
who did obtain a stable job decreased from 77.8% in 1988 to 55.8% in 2004 and
that those who obtained no job or a temporary job went up from 9.4% to 24.6%
during the same period. The proportion proceeding to higher education increased
from 6.5% to 11.8% meaning that starting a family will be delayed. .
Suzuki also mentioned that the low income of young men relative to their fathers
discouraged marriage. Previously, the income of men in their 30s were more than that
of their fathers and motivated women to marry them. Current trends, however,
indicated that the relative income of young men to old men has declined substantially
and young men are less appealing as marriage partners than before.
Problems with an aging society
One of the issues with an ageing society is that the dependency ratio of the country
will increase. Dependency ratio refers to the number of persons under age 15 plus
persons aged 65 or older per one hundred persons 15 to 64. It is the sum of the
youth dependency ratio and the old age dependency ratio. This means that as the
society ages, more young people are tasked
Victor Wooten Redefines The Word Musician
Victor Wooten redefines the word musician. Regaled as the most influential bassist
since Jaco Pastorius, Victor is known for his solo recordings and tours, and as a
member of the Grammy winning supergroup, BГ©la Fleck The Flecktones. He is an
innovator on the bass guitar, as well as a talented composer, arranger, producer,
vocalist and multi instrumentalist. But those gifts only begin to tell the tale of this
Tennessee titan.
Victor is the loving husband and devoted father of four; the youngest sibling of the
amazing Wooten brothers (Regi, Roy, Rudy and Joseph), and the bassist in their
famed family band; the student in the martial art of Wing Chun and the nature
survival skill of Tracking; the teacher of dozens of Bass players at his ... Show more
content on ...
With the Flecktones in full flight, Victor set his sights on a solo career, first
forming Bass Extremes with fellow low end lord Steve Bailey (leading to an
instructional book/CD and two CDs, to date), and finally releasing his critically
acclaimed solo debut, A Show of Hands, in 1996. Soon after, Vic took his solo
show on the road with drummer J.D. Blair. Momentum and accolades built with
successive tours and the release of What Did He Say? in 1997, the Grammy
nominated Yin Yang in 1999 and the double CD, Live In America in 2001.
Wooten won two Nashville Music Awards for Bassist Of The Year and is the only
three time winner of Bass Player magazine s Bass Player Of The Year. With the
honors came sideman calls, leading to recordings and performances with artists like
Branford Marsalis, Mike Stern, Bruce Hornsby, Chick Corea, Dave Matthews, Prince,
Gov t Mule, Susan Tedeschi, Vital Tech Tones (with Scott Henderson and Steve
Smith), the Jaco Pastorius Word Of Mouth Big Band, and the soundtrack of the
Disney film Country Bears, not to mention the stellar work with guitarist Greg Howe
and Dennis Chambers with the group Howe Wooten and Chambers.
Fresh off sold out tours with the Flecktones and Bass Extremes (with Bailey, Watson
and Oteil Burbridge) in 2004, Victor is re focusing
Aristotle On Prejudice
In the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga s performance of Eurydice, there are
key elements that set this performance aside from others. Likewise, Aristotle was an
ancient Greek philosopher who carries heavy influence on thought. Therefore,
Aristotle has certain ideas as to what elements drama should try to accomplish. This
specific performance of Eurydice ties in all six of these elements of drama, which
includes plot, theme, character, diction, music, and spectacle. As far as plot goes,
this particular play is fairly rapid in scene changes and, at times, it can be difficult to
follow. However, the audiencecan concisely follow the main plot of this play. The
production opens with a couple, Eurydice and Orpheus, getting engaged on a... Show
more content on ...
For example, there was a distinct noise associated with the Lord anytime he was
onstage, even before we knew he was the Lord of the Underworld. The use of sound
to make audience connection was a key factor in the performance. Likewise, there
was a particular melody that was mirrored throughout the performance that was
initially sung by Orpheus. This ties back to the characterization of Orpheus through
sound and music. Also, music is an important piece of his life, so much so that he
describes Eurydice s strands of hair as individual instruments. The use of music
throughout the play acts to characterize and establish
What Has Been The Most Important Event In Their Life
1. Give a brief introduction about your person. Who are they, what do they do, where
do they live, what is important to them, etc.?
As Small explained, Palu or Emma is the one who left her family to live her own
life and dreams. She was one of the daughters of Atu. At one point, she worked at a
credit union due to her father and his connections. There, she made about $5 which
is decent. Overtime, she worked her way up to become the secretary. Palu did not
like the job. Her only reason for staying is the money she gets from Atu which is
$20 and the allowance from her job as secretary which is $30. Currently, Emma, she
prefers to be called by her American name, lives in The United States along with her
non Tongan boyfriend Greg. Her first part time job in the us was work in a
mailroom where she made $10 an hour (Small 93).
2. What has been the most important event in their life and why? ... Show more
content on ...
Within two years in her part time job, she managed to accumulate money to pay
for a used car and her own apartment (Small 94). without this migration, she would
continue to live as the quiet and dutiful child of Atu and Malia (Small 88). In
America, she learned how to fend for herself. She did not enjoy the fact that a
Tongan elderly was taking advantage of her modesty. She used to let her borrow
money in which took a year and few months to pay back. She would buy food for
herself and the lady and they would eat together. Now, they alternate in buying lunch
which seemed to prove to be more equal (Small
Financial Crisis Impact on Uk Government
The UK government has announced a package of measures aimed at rescuing
banking system that makes 400 billion pound.
100 billion pound will be available in short term loans from bank of England on top
of an existing loan facility.
Banks will have to increases their capital by at least 25 billion pound and borrow
from government.
An additional 25 billion pound in extra capital will be available in exchange of
preference shares.
Government described as the root cause of current financial crisis is liquidity, capital
and funding
At least 200 billion pound will be made available from bank of England for short term
borrowing to provide liquidity to banks
Those banks who wished to strengthen capital ratios ... Show more content on ...
Since the market began to tumble in 2008, Governments around the world have spent
almost $ 11 trillion bailing out falling banks and trying to repair the financial system
As per the IMF data all the governments of the world has so far spent more than $
10.8 trillion to avoid the ill effects of last years financial crisis. Out of this huge sums
are spent by the rich nations.
Out of this the maximum amount is spent as guarantee given to save the existing
banking system, which was effected by last year s crisis. This crisis was worst than
the great depression of 1929.
US had spent $ 3.6 trillion to bailing out failing banks and repair the financial system.
25.8% of total GDP for bailing out ie 25.8% of the total GDP, which is $ 10,000/ per
UK had spent $ 2.4 trillion as 94.4% of GDP for bailing out failing banks. ie 94.4%
comes around $ 50,000/ per person.
The private financial sectors also have estimated write offs amounting to $ 4tn, of
which two third are losses suffered by big international banks such as Citigroup and
RBS. About half of these losses write offs of securities backed by failed mortgages.
UK government has spent 94.4% of the GDP to bail out the banking system as
In spite of this UK is not comes out the recession and the last quarter was
Developing Countries
Developing nations are filled with hope and aspirations of one day becoming a
wealthy, dominating, and influential country. These nations can sometimes be unsafe,
difficult to live in, and hard for workers to earn good compensation for their labor.
On the other hand, living in a developed nation has many upsides. Developed nations
are wealthy, which in turn have good infrastructure, labor and worker laws, and have
less crime.
Developed nations have the superior infrastructure. These countries have more
bridges that are better maintained. They also have better highways and roads that
are paved with fewer potholes. In addition, sewers, hospitals, housing systems, and
police stations are modernized with sewers having large pumps pushing the water
through to avoid floods. For instance, the city of Miami has initiated a project
aimed towards flood prevention by raising roads, installing pumps, and water mains
and redo sewer connection (Flechas, 2017). Hospitals, as well as, police stations
have powerful generators that can power all of their electrical equipment allowing
them to still be effective and serve the population. On the other hand, developing
nations are very old fashioned. They are sometimes corrupt and because they do not
allow outside access from other countries they lack the knowledge and resources.
These countries are not able to create advanced hospitals with modern equipment and
laboratories to treat their patient s conditions. They also lack medical supplies
The Impact Of The Human Rights Act Of 1998
Critically analyze the impact of the Human Rights Act of 1998
All humans are entitled to their fundamental rights and freedoms that cannot be
violated under any conditions. Across globe wide attention is being given to
identifying and protecting human rights in constitutional systems.
Human Rights Act of 1998 (HRA 1998) is a UK Law came into force to safeguard
such rights in the UK. As a result all UK Citizens now enjoy a number of
fundamental rights and freedoms protected by this Act such as Right to life,
Freedom from torture, Prohibition of slavery and forced labour, Right to freedom of
expression, Right to liberty and security, Right to a fair trial, No punishment without
law, Right to respect of one s private and family life, Right to freedom of thought,
conscience and religion, Freedom of assembly and association, Right to marry,
Prohibition of discrimination and so on. ... Show more content on ...
The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is an international treaty to
protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe drafted by the Council of
Europe (CoE).
The United Kingdom was one of the founding members of the CoE, which consists
of 47 member states. Since 1953 UK has been bound by international law and
committed to respect the rights established in the ECHR and has actively supported
the Council of Europe and the ECHR. Until 1966 petitions by ordinary people to the
ECHR against public authority in case of noncompliance and violation of their rights
was not permitted by the UK Government which controlled individuals from taking
their case to ECtHR.
However subsequent to granting the right of individual petition Briton became one of
the countries with highest number of cases before the court. The increasing
awareness of Human Rights in the UK and the changing culture may have been
partially responsible for these large
The Cultural Diversity And Identity
One of the most captivating cities in the world, Istanbul, known for its western and
eastern traditional cities and being built on two continents has arguably one of the
richest histories of architecture in the world. Rich periods in time can be exemplified
through architectural examples can be observed in many structures throughout the
country. Each defined period in Istanbul s history can be clearly observed through its
visual markers left in architecture. Even today, the cultural diversity and identity can
be pictured through architecture. History of Istanbul
Known today as Asian Istanbul, this land is believed to be inhabited as early as
3000 BC. The earliest recorded history is in the 7th century, when Greek colonists ...
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The city was rebuilt and featured incredible structures such as the Hagia Sophia
which symbolize the heights the Byzantine culture reached. Specific attributes that
made living in such a city so desirable were its trade locations and transportation
between three different continents. However, what made the city desirable also made
it a target for those who wanted to take advantage of its attributes. Over the next
several hundred years, the city was subject to attacks from Persians, Arabs and
nomadic people trying to take over the city. Members of the fourth crusade, who also
governed the city for a short time, also attacked Constantinople. All these attacked
lead to an attack in 1453 by the Ottoman Turks led by Sultan Mehmet II. Due to the
constant attacks led by others, the city s defenses were severely weakened, allowing
the Ottoman Turks to conquer the city. The city was then renamed to Istanbul, which
became the third and last capital of the Ottoman Empire. The city was the center for
military campaigns aimed at enlarging the Ottoman empire in a dramatic manor.
By the mid 1500 s, the city of Istanbul had a population of nearly 500,000. With a
population this large, the city was a major cultural, political and commercial nerve
center. The Ottoman rule remained until its forces were defeated in World War I
and Istanbul was occupied by the allies. Today, this area is now known as the
Republic of Turkey, established in 1923 after the war of
Reconstruction African American Reconstruction
American Reconstruction began in 1865 at the end of the civil war. The period s
main focus was to rebuild the country after war by enacting and changing many key
pieces of legislature in the American government. One divisive factor that needed to
be addressed was how much representation African Americans deserved in America.
During the reconstruction period, African American rights were extended through
various new amendments and working opportunities, however, these rights did not
last long as they were undermined by black codes and sharecropping. In 1865, the
American government successfully passed the thirteenth amendment: ending the
institution of slavery in America. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except
as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall
exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. The
thirteenth amendment opened up economic opportunity for African Americans as
slaves were no longer owned by someone else. However, not long after the
thirteenth amendment was passed, former slaveholders and southerners created the
black codes. Black Codes were a set of laws intended to restrict African American
freedoms, causing them to go into low wage labor. A black code passed in the state
of South Carolina stated, To do farm work, a black in South Carolina had to have a
written contract, attested to by white witnesses; failure to obtain one before
commencing to work was a misdemeanor
Essay on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was probably the greatest genius in Western musical
history. He was born in Salzberg, Austria on January 27, 1756. The son of Leopold
Mozart and his wife Anna Maria Pertl. Leopold was a successful composer and
violinist and assistant concertmaster at the Salzberg court.
At the age of three, Wolfgang showed signs of remarkable musical talent. He learned
to play the harpsichord, a keyboard instrument related to the piano, at the age of
four. Wolfgang began composing minuets at the age of five. When he was only six
years old, he and his older sister, Anna Maria, embarked on a series of concert tours
to Europe s courts and major cities. They played for the Austrian Empress Maria
Theresa ... Show more content on ...
Several of his twenty two operas gained worldwide recognition soon after his
death, and they still please audiences all over the world. The Marriage of Figaro
(1786) and Don Giovanni (1787) are operas he composed with words in Italian. The
Magic Flute (1791) has German words. Each of these contains arias (beautiful
melodies for singers), recitative (Rapidly sung dialogue), ensembles in which several
people sing at the same time, and choruses. The orchestra provides an ever changing
expressive accompaniment. The drama ranges from comedy to tragedy. Mozart wrote
over forty symphonies, many of which are performed today. Some originally were
overtures (orchestral introductions) for operas, and last only a few minutes. His later
symphonies, which are the most popular, are full length orchestral compositions that
last twenty to thirty minutes. Most of them consist of four sections. Mozart s last and
most famous symphony, Number 41 (1788), is nicknamed the Jupiter.
Mozart composed a great amount of church music, most of it for performance at
the Salzburg Cathedral. He wrote Masses and shorter pieces called motets; and he
set psalms to music, especially for the afternoon or evening service. The music is
beautiful and varied. It includes choral and solo parts, usually with accompaniment
by organ and orchestra. Mozart s best known sacred work is the Requiem (Mass for
the Dead). He began it in the last year of his life and
The Hurricane, Directed by Norman Jewison Essay
I have recently viewed the film The Hurricane , directed by Norman Jewison and
starring Denzel Washington as Rubin Hurricane Carter, the boxer jailed for crimes
he did not commit. This emotional drama is a fantastic watch, with Rubin and his
friends battling for his freedom after twenty years of unfair punishment. This film
has been a hit all over the world and not only is it a great watch worth every penny
but it sends out messages about believing in yourself and never giving up in what
you believe. This action packed review will attempt to talk you through this roller
coaster of a story. Hold on tight!
Rubin Carter was born May 6th 1937 in Patterson New Jersey, the fourth of seven
children to parents with in a stable marriage. ... Show more content on ...
Washington was the perfect choice for the role of Rubin Carter, putting forward a
vision of a strong willed and unfairly treated man whose life has been littered with
injustices. His work as Rubin Hurricane Carter is on a par with his work as
Malcolm X . Washington relishes in his role as the victimised boxer and puts his
all into every scene, easily deserving his award for best actor. The manner in which
Washington plays Rubin Carter makes the audience instantly get behind him in his
fight for freedom simply the way in which he talks about his life in the jail earns
sympathy from the viewers which helps make this film such a hit. A clever
addition into the film by Jewison is the sub plot including a young boy named
Lesra, played by Vicellous Reon Shannon, who is offered schooling by three
Canadians as they believe he has the potential to become very clever if he is given
the right guidance. After a few years of teaching he reads a book written by Rubin
Carter called The 16th Round his autobiography which completely captivates Lesra,
inspiring him to write to the boxer and over time they become good friends with
Lesra paying regular visits. The people Lesra is staying with are appalled when they
hear about Rubins case and decide to help him in his battle
Is Conspiracy Theory Wrong
On September 11, 2001 four planes were taken over and two flew into the twin
towers while one crashed into the Pentagon, the other decenegrated in a field. Could
this all have been made up and bombs were the reason the towers fell? Some people
don t think so, and they argue against the fact of conspiracy theories. A conspiracy
theoryis a theory about an event that happened do to a plot by a covert group.
Whether this is the government or pilots we have multiple conspiracy theories out
there. While many government officials believe it is hurting the government s
reputation, other ex government officials want to get the word out that they are so
very real. Not evening considering the possibility of a conspiracy theory is wrong,
there needs... Show more content on ...
According to Jan Willem van Prooijen, I propose that these psychological processes
are characterized by the joint influence of at least two complementary factors,
namely subjective uncertainty, and a social concern for others (Prooijen para 4).
Later on he stated it was from a social hierarchy(actors, media stars, and political
leaders) in which we believe in. Based on Prooijens proposal I agree to a point with
the process. I first gained my knowledge of conspiracy theories from a well known
Youtuber, Shane Dawson. Once I was introduced, I fell in love them these ideas.
Taken from a non believer standpoint, I can understand how they agree with what
their eyes have seen and what political leaders tell them. It is also very difficult to
wrap your head around something you have known for many years to come out a
different way. It is very hard to understand why a flight carrying 239 people can
suddenly vanish without a trace with nothing left behind or the how the government
restricts us from a highly private area, area 51, and won t explain the means behind
it. Or while we have thought for multiple years that we had someone step on the moon
when now we easily think it could have been faked out. The believers and non
believers have a somewhat understanding of each other. Everyone just needs to accept
and appreciate the opinions of one
BIM Advantages And Disadvantages In Malaysia
4.3.5BIM Benefits to Developer
Table 4.4:
R1/ABIM can reduce time consuming errors and rework, accessible from virtually
anywhere at any time by all projects stockholders and actionable to help informed
you decision making with simulation and analysis by means better communication
flow. It can improve the accuracy of a design. So, in other words, it can improve the
visualisation. It can track and monitor the progress.
R2/BBy using BIM, of course is improve the design and a project can be easily
monitored and tracking the progress schedule. It could also maximise the resources
while minimising errors. It can be used to countercheck whether the building is
designed according to standards.
R3/CBIM gives us ... Show more content on ...
There are many more benefits of BIM, which have yet to be identified by Malaysian
4.3.6Usage Rate of BIM among Developers in Malaysia
BIM had been introduced in Malaysia since 2007. There are many pioneer projects
undertaken to show the benefit of using BIM. Table 4.12 shows the respondent s
opinion on the usage rate of BIM among developers in Malaysia.
Table 4.12:
R1The numbers of projects using BIM in Malaysia is really very low. However the
awareness of BIM is growing.
R2Our company is one of the pioneer, and in Malaysia, the usage rate of BIM is
low. Many do not understand on what BIM actually is.
R3The usage of BIM is still very low. Even when some companies said that they uses
BIM, but in reality, they are not using BIM.
All three respondents agreed that the usage of BIM in Malaysian Construction
Industry is low. This is because the understanding of BIM in developers are still
low. Many companies only defined BIM as a 3D model. Their concept of BIM only
stops at the design stage. Even though, CIDB had made many initiatives to promote
BIM, developers are still reluctant to implement
Marketing Project 1
Running head: AT T Marketing Project 11 AT T Marketing Project 1 William
Demarest Baker College Author Note William Demarest, Marketing Major Student,
Baker College Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
William Demarest, Baker College, 17710 Floral St, Livonia, MI 48152. Running head: AT T Marketing Project 12 Abstract
AT T is the 2nd largest cellular company in the U.S. today. While there are several
competitors in the telecommunications industry, the company s largest competitor
however, is Verizon wireless. AT T has several services in its portfolio, to include,
wireless cellular service,... Show more content on ...
The use of this type of promotion will be a sliding scale discount to ensure long
contract lengths thereby maximizing profitability. Running head: AT T Marketing
Project 15 References: (n.d.). Citing Websites. Leichtman Research Group. Retrieved
June 29, 2013, from
(n.d.). Citing Websites. In Fortune 500. Retrieved June 29, 2013, from http:/
/ DeCarlo, S. Citing Websites. (4/17
/2013). In The World s Biggest Companies. Retrieved June 29, 2013, from http:/
/ worlds biggest companies 2
/ (n.d.). Citing Websites. In Grading the top 10 U.S. carriers in the fourth quarter of
2012. reports/grading top 10 us carriers fourth
quarter 2012?utm_source=rss utm_medium=rss Running head: AT T Marketing
Project 1 (n.d.). Citing Websites. From
/03/23/technology/sprint_verizon/index.htm From: Johnston S. (2009), Citing
Website. OmniGroup s. Retrieved June 29 2013, From
/File:Cloud_computing.svg Running head: AT T Marketing Project 16 Table 1 US
Cellular Market
Meli Marine Essay
H A R V A R D B U S I N E S S S C H O O L BRIEF CASES 4426 A f K I L 19. 2013
lUCHAJllJ I) HrtML RMF.SH iiLiNRU YONG Meli Marine It was past midnight,
but David Tian, CEO of Singapore based Meli Marine, could not sleep. The next
board meeting was just two weeks away in early February 2008. Edwin Chang, the
founder of the company and chairman of the board, had called earlier to hear Tian s
assessment of a potential acquisition. This could be.1 the biggest turning point in
Meli s history, Chang had said. Are we ready to become a global pLiyer? Tian had
to admit that ho had not yet reached a conclusion. The acquisition under
consideration was of the vessel assets of an indirect competitor, Teeh Sah... Show
more content on ...
Figure A Container Shipping Value Chain ) Container Delivery Shipment Origination
Key Activities Ownershtipof containers Storage find maintenance * Repositioning
Shipmentrouting Capacity p rue LI re men t Customerservice, billing, and tracking
Competitor types Manufacturers Freightforwarders Leasing companies Container
carriers Container carriers Vessef Operations ) Terminal Operations } Inland Delivery
Ownershipof vessel Maintenance and sailingof vessel Terminal control and
operations Containerhandling and transshipments Control of trucks and railroads *
Containerhandling and transshipments Con tamer carriers Third party charter
companies Third party terminal operators Captive terminal operators Container
carriers Railroads TLand drayape truckers Containercarriers (limited) Industry players
varied in their degree of integration across this value chain. For example, China
International Marine Containers (CIMC) focused exclusively on manufacturing and
leasing containers, and Danaos Shipping owned and leased shipping vessels without
operating them. Pureplay freight forwarders such as Expeditors or Schcnker fulfilled
a sales and marketing function
Metformin Synthesis
Metformin is a synthetic pharmaceutical drug. Its subclass and class of drugs is
biguanides. The drugs superclass is organonitrogen compounds. Metformin is an oral
medication used in the treatment of non insulin dependent Type 2 diabetes or
diabetes mellitus patients. It is being prescribed by doctors to at least 120 million
patients around the globe for people who can t control their blood sugarby diet
The main purpose of the drug is to improves the body s glucose levels in blood by
decreasing the overall production of glucose in liver. It also decreases intestinal
absorption of glucose, as well as increasing insulin mediated glucose uptake.
According to Lond (2016), it also decrease in hepatic energy status activates the AMP
activated protein kinase (AMPK). ... Show more content on ...
This protein kinase is a liver enzyme. This enzyme plays a significant role in how the
body signals the production of insulation and energy balance. By taking the drug
patients may see an improvement in insulin binding to its receptors. The molecular
formula for Metformin is
On The Parable Of The Ten Bridesmaids
In Matthew 24:3, in reply to the disciples request to know what sign would signal
our Lord s coming at the end of the age, Jesus spoke to them about the last days. He
had made it very clear to them that the end would not come immediately, but only
after considerable time and troubles. In response to their question, Jesusthen gives
them a long answer which includes three parables: Parable of the Fig Tree, Parable
of the Faithful and Wise Servant and the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids. One of
the main subjects that Jesus discusses in his answer is the necessity to be ready for
his return. In order to illustrate this need to be ready, he tells this parable of the ten
bridesmaids. This parable can also be called the parable of the ten virgins
Compare The Rate Law For The Reaction Of Crystal
In this experiment, the purpose was to determine the rate law for the reaction of
crystal violet and sodium hydroxide. By recording the absorbance in a calorimeter
in increments of twenty seconds for twenty minutes, three graphs were constructed.
From the ln(absorbance) vs. time plot, the reaction was determined to be first order
with respect to crystal violet. Based on the data, the rate law for the reaction is
concluded to be rate= k [crystal violet] .
Crystal violet is a common purple indicator used to observe the rate of a reaction.
The color intensity of the dye slowly fades and the solution becomes colorless as a
reaction progresses. The kinetics of this fading reaction can be analyzed by
measuring the absorbance or ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of the calorimeter is to measure the absorbance by sending wavelengths
of light through the liquid placed inside the cuvette. Once the hardware is correctly
setup, Logger Pro is launched and the Chemistry with Computers folder is opened
and the 30 Rate Crystal Violet file is selected.
Calibrate the Calorimeter Clean a cuvette with deionized water and refill it Вѕ full of
deionized water. Place the blank cuvette in the calorimeter and select the 565nm
wavelength. Press and hold the CAL button until the red light stops blinking to zero
out the calorimeter with the blank. Remove the blank and discard the water.
Run Reaction Obtain two 10.0 mL graduated cylinders, a clean cuvette, and a small
beaker. In one fill with 10.0 mL of sodium hydroxide and in the other fill with 10.0
mL of crystal violet solution. Pour both of the 10.0 mL graduated cylinders into the
small beaker simultaneously. Manually swirl the solution for a few seconds.
immediately fill the cuvette Вѕ full of the solution, discard, then fill Вѕ full again and
place in the calorimeter, making sure to wipe the cuvette with a lint free tissue
(Barrett and Stephenson). Click the COLLECT button in the Logger Pro software
followed by the KEEP button after five seconds has elapsed. For 20 minutes continue
to press the KEEP button in 20 second intervals. After 20 minutes, remove the cuvette
and dispose the contents down the sink along with the remaining solution in the
Cross City Marathon
Having been a Cross Country and track long distance runner in high school I
always had the dream of running and completing a marathon. The perfect example
of me succeeding and failing a goal at the same time occurred in March 1990 when
I ran the Los Angeles city marathon. When I entered the race, my goal was to finish
in 3 ВЅ hours running8 minute miles, not completing the race had never crossed my
mind. My training had been going fine until approximately six weeks before the
race I pulled a groin muscle and was unable to run anymore but I was able to
maintain my conditioning through other activities. The day of the race I was feeling
good with no lingering effects from the injury. The race started out fine and at the 13
mile point I was
The Treatment Of An Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ( Aaa )
An aneurysm is permanent, excessive dilation of a blood vessel. It can occur in the
aorta and other blood vessels; the most common location for an aneurysm is in the
abdominal section of the aorta (Humphrey and Taylor [88] from ITL biomechanics
thesis). There are a couple of definitions of an abdominal aortic aneurysm(AAA): one
is a local dilation in the aortawhereby the diameter of a dilated artery is more than
50% larger than the original diameter [1]. Another definition is when the external
AAA diameter exceeds 30mm [3].
In most cases, an AAA usually remains asymptomatic until rupture. The most
common symptom of a ruptured AAA is acute pain in the abdomen and
hemodynamic shock. Ruptured AAAs have high mortality rate; 78% 94% of ruptured
aneurysms lead to death. [1.1o] Since the mortality rate is high for ruptured AAAs,
the most promising practice for improving clinical outcomes are early diagnosis and
careful management.
The main treatment option for AAA is to eliminate the aneurysm wall from the
systemic pressure to prevent further bulging of the AAA, using a vascular graft. In
open surgery, a graft is sealed to the healthy part of the aorta by transabdominal
surgery. Open surgery has a 30 day mortality rate of around 5% [greenhalgh et al
2004 from T] Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is an alternative treatment
option to open surgery, it is a minimal invasive surgery whereby a stent graft is
placed in the AAA through a small incision in the groin area. It has a
Comparison Of Scrubs, Friends, And Love
The TV sitcoms of Scrubs, Friends, and Love all evolve around single young adults.
By comparing the three, one can come to understand how love is shown through TV
in the United States. Throughout the episodes, it becomes apparent on why the
couples are together. In Scrubs, it is easy to see that Carla and Turk make each
other happy. Dr. Perry Cox and Jordan are together because that is where they are
comfortable. In Friends, Monica and Richard are together because it makes them
happy. Ross and Rachel were bound to be together since the beginning. They are
extremely happy when they finally are. The same goes for Mickey and Gus in Love.
The way that love is portrayed through these shows is that people should be with
someone who makes them happy.... Show more content on ...
In each show, there was some sort of sexual action between the characters. This is
very common now in TV shows and movies, as it makes a good story. In all three
episodes, it was implied that at least one of the couples engaged in some sort of
sexual activity. In Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Geller are still attracted to each other.
This helps show that one should always be attracted to the person who they claim
to love. There should also always be romance, as in Turk and Carla s case in
Scrubs. They engage in a sexual act, as does Gus and Mickey in Love. In Scrubs, it
is apparent that work comes first. As Turk and Carla are having issues, Turk still
has to go to the hospital when he is paged. However, throughout the episodes, it is
apparent that love is about compromise. In Friends, Ross was against tattoos, but
was fine after Rachel got one. In Love, Mickey wasn t a big fan of magic, but went
to the castle with Gus anyways. Also, in Scrubs, Carla decides that the pressure to be
romantic shouldn t all be on Turk. It is one of the things that is observed throughout
not just these shows, but many shows that are on TV today. It does teach good
lessons in some
Earlobe Allele Frequency Lab Report
Earlobe Allele Frequency in General and Asian Populations
Laura Kathryn Browne
Georgia Perimeter College Introduction: The purpose of this experiment is to observe
the frequency of attached versus detached earlobes to better understand the
presentation of traits in humans in general and in certain populations to determine if
individuals of particular ethnicity are more likely to present with one phenotype of
the other. It is understood that attached earlobes are the dominant phenotype and
detached earlobes are the recessive phenotype, however there is some controversy
regarding this distinction, as suggested by McDonald (2011), who points out that
CarriГЁre and Hilden were among the first to study the genetics of earlobes, and they
reached opposite conclusions . The purpose is this experiment is to revisit this topic
and determine whether there is a moderately clear dominant and recessive genotype
in human earlobes.
Hypothesis: The hypothesis of this experiment is that attached earlobes are more
common in individuals of Asian descent than in the general population.
The demonstration was conducted at a busy 24 hour Starbucks in downtown Ann
Arbor, Michigan in the evening from 7pm to 10pm. The number of individuals in
each group, Detached vs. Attached, was tallied in ... Show more content on ...
Many of the individuals in these random samples were young college students, but
trials should be repeated in locations with different demographics. There is some
margin for error when determining if an individual belongs to the Attached or
Detached phenotype; sometimes, an individual seems to have unclearly attached or
detached earlobes. It should also be considered that elderly people are more likely
to appear to have detached earlobes, even if they do not have a dominant allele.
There is a potential for gravity to pull an attached earlobe down over time due to
gravity, thus skewing

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Gay Marriage Essay Outline

  • 1. Gay Marriage Essay Outline Crafting an essay on the topic of gay marriage can be both challenging and rewarding. The complexity arises not only from the need to present a well-structured and coherent argument but also from the emotional and controversial nature of the subject. Addressing diverse perspectives, societal norms, and legal aspects requires a thorough understanding of the topic and a balanced approach to ensure the essay is informative and respectful. Creating a solid outline demands careful consideration of key points such as historical context, legal implications, societal attitudes, and personal narratives. It requires extensive research to gather reliable information and a nuanced understanding of the cultural and political landscape surrounding the issue. Striking a balance between passionate advocacy and objective analysis is essential, as this topic often evokes strong emotions on both sides. The challenge lies in navigating through the intricacies of the subject without oversimplifying or overlooking crucial aspects. A successful essay should engage readers, fostering critical thinking and empathy, while providing a comprehensive overview of the complexities surrounding gay marriage. In conclusion, tackling a gay marriage essay requires meticulous planning, in-depth research, and a sensitive approach to the diverse perspectives involved. Nevertheless, the process can be intellectually stimulating and contribute to a broader understanding of the topic at hand. For assistance with similar essays and more, professional help can be sought from resources like They offer support in crafting well-researched and eloquent essays on a variety of topics, ensuring that your writing meets the highest standards. Gay Marriage Essay OutlineGay Marriage Essay Outline
  • 2. History Of The Andes Mountains The Andes Mountains is the longest mountain range in the world above the sea. They are over 7,200 kilometres and go past 7 countries, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Only the Himalayas is taller than the Andes, but Andes is still the world s longest mountain Range. Andesis also home to more than 50 volcanoes, one is the world s highest volcano above sea level, on the Chilean Argentina border, this measures up to 6,893m tall. The people around the Andes were mostly from Peru and Spain but there were also native aboriginals. People using the mountains Andes is used for farming, mining, hydroelectric power and tourism. People living on the Andes mostly grow potatoes because there is a lot of constructed flat
  • 3. Klinefelter Syndrome Research Paper Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition that results when a boy is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome. Klinefelter syndrome is a common genetic condition affecting only males. It mostly affects testicular growth, and this can result in smaller than normal testicles. This can lead to lower production of the sex hormone testosterone. Klinefelter syndrome may also cause reduced muscle mass, reduced body and facial hair, and enlarged breast tissue. The effects of Klinefelter syndrome affect every person differently, and not everyone with it develops the same signs and symptoms. Klinefelter syndrome often isn t diagnosed until adulthood. Most men with Klinefelter syndrome produce little or no sperm. But assisted reproductive procedures... Show more content on ... Starting at the time of the usual onset of puberty, testosterone replacement can help treat or prevent a number of problems. Testosterone may be given as an injection or with a gel or patch on the skin. The therapy allows a boy to undergo the body changes that normally occur at puberty, such as developing a deeper voice, growing facial and body hair, and increasing muscle mass and penis size. It can also improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. It will not result in testicle enlargement or improve infertility. Breast tissue removal in males who develop enlarged breasts (gynecomastia), excess breast tissue can be removed by a plastic surgeon, leaving a more normal looking chest. Speech and physical therapy treatments can help boys with Klinefelter syndrome overcome problems with speech, language and muscle weakness. Educational support is very important with boys who have Klinefelter syndrome. They usually have trouble learning and can benefit from extra assistance. Parents should talk to their child s teacher, school counselor or school nurse about what kind of support might help. Most men with Klinefelter syndrome are unable to father children, because no sperm are produced in the testicles. Some men with Klinefelter syndrome may have some minimal sperm production. One option that may benefit men with
  • 4. A New Leader At The Ceo As Satya Nadella takes over the position that Mr. Ballmer once endured, his spirit took off with great confidence concerning his new role at the company (Microsoft, 2014). The next decade is likely to reveal the level of success his abilities bring to the future of the company and his own status as leader. That successor would enter a new period of change at the company filled with competitive challenges in the marketplace. As Satya Nadella takes over the position that Mr. Ballmer once endured, his spirit took off with great confidence concerning his new role at the company (Microsoft, 2014). The next decade is likely to reveal the level of success his abilities bring to the future of the company and his own status as leader. The Corporate Giant in Focus Today Just over a few decades with Steve Ballmer, Microsoft has a new corporate leader at the helm. As Satya Nadella takes over the position that Mr. Ballmer once endured, his spirit took off with great confidence concerning his new role at the company (Microsoft, 2014). The next decade is likely to reveal the level of success his abilities bring to the future of the company and his own status as leader. Satya Nadella is Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft. Before being named CEO in February 2014, Nadella held leadership roles in both enterprise and consumer businesses across the company (Microsoft, n.d., para. 1). The primary intention is to maintain a solid footing that will benefit the company while producing
  • 5. Mary Ward Art Analysis Our art teachers are pretty cool; they care about the students and the creative process. This is a brief introduction to the double lives of Mary Ward art teachers. Ms. Arturi currently teaches media, photography, and film. Ms. Fortura teaches visual arts and design. Ms. Largo teaches visual arts and religion. Mr. Notten teaches visual arts, art history, and the artsadmin course. And Ms. Powell teaches media, film, and photography. They do have a life outside school, right? So, what do they do after 2:50? Ms. Arturi studied photography and humanities at York University, eventually transferring to Ryerson s four year arts program. Her earlier works feature fashion photography and documentaries. However, because photography has greatly evolved ... Show more content on ... Powell received her Bachelor of Applied Arts at Ryerson University, studying image arts in photography. She then went on to Queen s University to receive her Bachelor of Education in Technological Education. Her artwork has mainly consisted of photography, although she has also dabbled in film. She works in the modern digital age as well as exploring historical processes of photography. These include, polaroids, hand colouring, using the dark rooms to develop film, and many other alternatives. Powell has a particular interest in the abandoned, places or things that may appear ugly on the outside but have their own weird hidden treasures. She explains that it s neat to see how nature takes back these places. She also photographs small towns and the more rural lifestyle. My art isn t deep , she says, but it s about finding beauty in everything, beauty in every form . Powell spent her early years taking portraitures in the wedding industry. Now, she has her own business alongside teaching and having a family. With this busy lifestyle it is amazing that Powell s perspective on beauty is unchanged. Her perspective is something unique and important something that everyone should see more of. The answer then is yes, the Mary Ward art teachers do have a life after 2:50. They have allowed us to glimpse into their personal life through their art. Their art has allowed us to know a little more about them and their perspectives, beliefs, and values. This extremely brief introduction to their artwork proves that our art teachers are dedicated and talented individuals, individuals worth learning from, and individuals we can be inspired from. Next time you see them, ask some questions. You never know what you ll
  • 6. What Is The Thesis Statement Of The Novel Fight Club The goal of the present Mater thesis was to explore postmodern social criticism expressed in Chuck Palahniuk s novel Fight Club through employment of simulacrum, simulation, and hyperreality in the narrative. Therefore, two research questions that were set at the beginning of the research, were: How are postmodern concepts of simulacrum, simulation, and hyperreality reflected in Chuck Palahniuk s novel Fight Club ? How is Palahniuk employing these notions in his postmodern novel to criticise modern society and to reflect a discontent with it? In the course of the research, the goal of the present thesis was achieved through careful interpretative textual analysis of Chuck Palahniuk s novel Fight Club , and all of the research questions ... Show more content on ... support groups members) or forced to make the wrong choice of living (e.g. blind devotion to unsatisfying job). Therefore, Tyler Durden appears in the novel as a modern warrior, a teacher, and a guide to those who are ready to change something not only about themselves, but also about society as a whole. During the interpretative textual analysis it was concluded that in the novel different forms of simulation from simulation of disease to pseudo terrorists attacks are used as the most effective means by which characters are fighting against established social norms and value, against everything that makes them feel miserable and unworthy, and for what they consider to be
  • 7. Hard Working Characters In Chomp, By Carl Hiaasen The family s bank account was almost drained. Chomp, by Carl Hiaasen, is a novel about a family who struggle to meet their mortgage until they came across a nice easy way or so they thought. The difficult T.V. show star, Derek Badger, goes missing while filming in the Everglades. Wahoo and his friend, Tuna, try to find him while avoiding Tuna s abusive and unstable father. This novel is great for young adult readers because of its hard working characters, diverse plot, and relatable theme. In this novel there are many hard working characters, but Wahoo is easily the most hard working character. The book opens with Wahoo showing hard work, He d taught himself how to write, shoot baskets and throw a baseball (30). Wahoo is hard working because even though he has a missing thumb he can still do all of these things and later on in the book his hard work helps his family. Later on in the book he shows hard work as shown in this quote, Friday s the last day. Then I m done for the summer... who called about the job (8). Wahoo is about to be out of school but instead of wanting to relax for the summer, he... Show more content on ... The book opens with, Wahoo s mother took him outside and told him that the family s saving account was almost drained (3). The plot is diverse because in the beginning they were trying to make money for the family but as you keep reading you realize that the plot completely changes. The plot changes when this happens in the book, With one arm the man was aiming a pistol. His other arm was locked around the neck of Cray the animal wrangler (199). The plot goes from trying to make money, to trying to stay alive. The reason the plot changes so much is because the Cray s picked up a little girl because she was getting abused and her father is trying to get her back. In doing so he might hurt someone or worse. These quotes prove that this book has a very diverse
  • 8. Behavior Plan for Violence in a 1st Grade Class Through the last two weeks I noticed some behavioral changes in my first grade class; to be more specific I noticed increased rate of violence, increased rate of conflicts, increased rate of complains from two students, increased rate of bulling and increased rate of crying and screaming. So, I decided to schedule a set of observations for the whole class and other specific observations for the 2 students from which I received most of the complains to go deeper in to details and know the reason behind these symptoms to be able to solve the situation, as one of my roles is to maintain the emotional health of the students and create an emotionally balanced environment to go through learning process smoothly. I noticed that most of these behaviors are during recess time or PE session so I decided to attend all the recesses and the PE sessions to observe the two students. Mean while we will be observing the whole class. I have a relativity small class with almost balanced ratio of girls and boys as I have 9 students (5 girls and 4 boys) with narrow age range 6 7 years old .They are all Egyptians with no special needs students in class. As I mentioned before I will observe the students in both the recess and PE sessions. Both take place in the play ground; it is divided into three areas: green area, shaded area and sand pit. Play ground description as follows: Green area: It is a trapezoid area surrounded by low height plastic fence from three sides and a wooden higher fence on
  • 9. Maria Reynolds Research Paper According to Hamilton, his family was visiting relatives for the summer when a certain day in 1791 a woman called upon him for help; her name is Maria Reynolds. The relationship between Alexander Hamilton and Maria Reynolds soon grew into a scandalous affair when confrontation and the publication of the Reynolds Pamphlet occurred. So, Revelations about the treasury secretary s sex life forces him to choose between candor and his career. (Serratore) When Maria Reynolds first asked Alexander for help, she was terribly mistreated and abandoned by her husband. Alexander was eager to help, giving her a later time to meet up. After the next few encounters, James Reynolds, Maria s husband, returned. James saw the money they could earn from ... Show more content on ... This confession is not made without a blush. (Printed version of the Reynolds Pamphlet ) He spends a considerable amount of time defending his honor instead of acknowledging the pain that he had brought to Elizabeth. The charge against me is a connection with one James Reynolds for purposes of improper pecuniary speculation. My real crime in an amorous connection with his wife, for a considerable time with his privity and connivance, if not originally brought on by a combination between the husband and wife with the design to extort money from me. (Printed version of the Reynolds Pamphlet ) In the next few paragraphs, he spends his time explaining what went on. He writes, I have been wickedly accused with wantonly increasing the public burthen many millions....the offices and books of the treasury were examined...the transactions between several banks and the treasury were scrutinized...even my private accounts were open with those institutions were laid open to the committee. (Printed version of the Reynolds Pamphlet ) To end the pamphlet, he asked: Does this editor imagine that he will escape the just odium which awaits him by the miserable subterfuge of saying that he had the information from a respectable citizen of New York? (Printed version of the Reynolds Pamphlet ) He knows Monroe was still trying to eradicate his chance
  • 10. Case Study Pleural Effusion Case Study Pleural effusion NSG/340 Sandra Gilderson, MSN/Ed, RN Case Study Diagnosis and admission A.B. admitting diagnosis pleural effusion, pulmonary infiltrates possible pneumonia based on the result of chest x ray. Also the presenting signs and symptom provided information that can link to pleural effusion evidenced of his signs and symptoms Pleural effusion Is an abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural space, it is not a disease but an indication of a disease (Lavie et al, 2014). Difference between transudate and exudate A transudate effusion occurs primarily in noninflammatory conditions and is an accumulation of protein poor, cell poor fluid (Lavie et al, 2014, p. 549). The fluid is leaking into the pleural... Show more content on ... Consequences related to pleural effusion is the fluid located in the pleural cavity present as a space that is occupying mass, which causes a decrease in the lung expansion. The decrease of the lung expansion on that affected side is proportionate with the amount of fluid that is collected. This therefore results to hypoxia, dyspnea, and pleuritic pain (Saguil et al., 2014). Pulmonary infiltrates is an hypersensitivity reaction, lung infiltration, characterized by infiltration of the alveoli (bronchoalveolar), with eosinophilia and large mononuclear cells, edema, extensive infiltrates in the lung zones leading to inflammation of the lungs (Tzilas et al.,2009). From a pathophysiological perspective, the term infiltrate refers to an abnormal substance that accumulates gradually within cells or body tissues or any substance or type of cell that occurs within or spreads as through the interstitium and/or alveoli of the lung, that is foreign to the lung parenchyma, or that accumulates in greater than normal quantity within it. (Patterson et al., 2012). Consequences result in prolong illness that accompany fever, cough, dyspnea, weight loss, possible pus, severe tissue reaction as in certain drug allergies, pus, which can further lead to pneumonia that is
  • 11. Energy Efficient Foam Insulation Research Paper People choose to install insulation in their homes for various reasons. With there being several options as to what type of insulation homeowners can have installed, many base their decision off of the benefits they are expecting to reap from installing insulation. Should you be considering installing insulation in your home, you may find energy efficient foam insulation to be a good choice for multiple reasons. Here s how you can benefit from installing energy efficient foam insulation in Petaluma, CA. Lower energy bill: Anyone who has had issues with insulation in their home has probably come to realize that it can affect their energy bill. Instead of having a bill that is affordable, a lack of energy efficient foam insulation can lead... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, many of these duties can cause stress. Paying bills can make anyone feel stressed, but when the bill is high, your stress level can easily double. As your energy bill continues to grow, so can your level of stress. If you want to decrease your stress level, as well as your energy bill, consider installing foam insulation. Peace of mind: Having a peace of mind is important. When you already have work, family and many other homeowner duties taking up your time pretty much every day of the week, the last thing you want to worry about is your lack of insulation affecting your money, comfort and peace. Because installing energy efficient insulation can help you have better control of your stress level, energy bill and more, you will have peace of mind, which many people would consider a great reason to get it installed. Decreased strain on HVAC system: Your HVAC system is what keeps your house cool or warm when you need it. Chances are your system will be running more than half of the year in an effort to keep you comfortable in your home. Energy efficient insulation works great at keeping cool and/or warm air in your home, there will be less strain put on your HVAC system and an increased level of comfort in your
  • 12. Essay on Personal Statement We are the media and the media is us. That statement is very broad and is so for a good reason. Through out the world and the history of our society, media has transformed, melted, bent, molded and made our society and culture what it is today. But at the same time, our culture and society has done the exact same thing to media. It is hard to realize or imagine a time without televisions, telephones, fax machines, printers, computers, cell phones, pagers and other electronic technologies that have made our lives, hopefully, stress free. Those itemswere and are still being invented today to make our lives easier and better, but are they really making life easier and better? Media plays a big part in defining what society wants and gets.... Show more content on ... Of course, this is an exaggeration and other countries should know better than to think that Americans live like the Simpsons characters, but that is what media does to people that do not know the society being depicted. In addition to creating negative images of the United States, our media tarnishes the character of specific Americans as well. Lets take old Bill Clinton for a test drive here. When he was suspected of having an affair with a White House intern, our media zeroed in on him to find out if he did or did not have an affair with Monica Lewinsky. We had analysts examine whether he should or should not tell us he did, what would happen if he did, what would happen to the relationship between him and his wife. Our media told us how to think about situation and, what should happen to him if he answered their questions a certain way. Our media never let us think what we wanted to think. Instead they gave the false impression that we did have total control of what way we thought, but in each station they took a viewpoint and bombarded us with it. The effect was similar to brainwashing us. Some stations did explore alternative perspectives, but most stations had only one view. Then when our media asked for the peoples opinion, amazingly the publics opinions were the same as our media s opinions. In away, our media imbeds the seed of what to think, and hope the public follows. Well, I have demonstrated a couple ways that the media, specifically television, has
  • 13. Time to Practice 1 University of Phoenix Material Time to Practice Week One Complete both Part A and Part B below. Part A Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics. This data is available through the Student Textbook Resources link. 1. By hand (without using SPSS), compute the mean, median, and mode for the following set of 40 reading scores: SUMMARY |31 |32 |43 |42 | |24 |34 |25 |44 | |23 |43 |24 |36 | |25 |41 |23 |28 | |14 |21 |24 |17 | |25 |23 |44 |21 | |13 |26 |23 |32 | |12 |26 |14 |42 | |14 |31 |52 |12 | |23 |42 |32 |34 | MEAN: ... Show more content on ... You are the manager of a fast food store. Part of your job is to report which special is selling best to the boss at the end of each day. Use your knowledge of descriptive statistics and write one paragraph to let the boss know what happened today. Use the
  • 14. Analysis Of Chinese Health Promotion Hospitals Several recent natural disasters have occurred in China including the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 (8.0 on the Richter scale), the Yushu earthquake in 2010 (7.1 on the Richter scale), the Yuliang earthquake in 2012 (5.7 on the Richter scale), the Yaan earthquake (6.5 on the Richter scale), and the Ludian earthquake in 2014 (6.5 on the Richter scale). The Chinese government has increased its focus on public healthin post disaster areas and has provided sufficient funding to support construction of local hospitals. Additionally, the government has attempted to improve medical services to promote public health [1, 2]. In 2013, the Chinese government proposed the Chinese Health Promotion Hospitals (CHPHs) programme [3].The Health Promoting... Show more content on ... Disaster conditions also challenge their physical and mental endurance [9]. Healthcare professionals may have increased risks of post traumatic distress due to their work. For example, Shrestha R reported that health professionals working in the Nepal earthquake of 2015 were at significantly higher risk of developing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The overall prevalence rates of PTSD were 21.9% and 17.1% using cut off scores and diagnostic criteria, respectively [10]. A study by Oglodek E. showed that 40% of medical rescuers experiencing PTSD reported that the dissociation was caused by the death of a patient being rescued [11]. Additionally, Yu YM et al. revealed that during the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, more than 50% of medical staff demonstrated several of the following signs of stress: grief, fear, depression, anxiety, fatigue, headache, and dizziness [12]. Therefore, health quality of healthcare professionals after disasters is a significant issue [9, 13]. To our knowledge, the data regarding how medical staffs promote healthy lifestyles after a disaster are unclear. We hypothesized that additional data could provide reliable empirical evidence for health promotion in health workers and the public in post disaster areas as well as for the development of CHPHs. The primary goal of this study was to determine whether healthcare workers took healthier lifestyles than other
  • 15. Social Justice Vs. The Gospel Of Jesus In the society that people live in today is full of violence and destruction from human being and even by the weather that occurs from state to country. When one holds unto their faith in God, and trust that he will pull his people from in justice to justice and make them true believers. In this essay, as Christians we will be faced with social justice, and how it is compatible with the Gospel of Jesus, how ministries are trying to change the world with more social justice and how it can be compared to the Gospel, how social justice could be the key component of the message of Jesus Christ, and in this essay one will see how social justice is effecting other parts of the world, and how speaking the word of God can be sustainable in other parts of the world. What is Social Justice? ... Show more content on ... For example, in this day in time, police killings in the African American cultures are on the rise. In these cases, majority of these killings black men are unarmed and are in the police officers are still able to keep their jobs with no jail time. Social justice also means that there should be justice for the innocent lives that was taken by the hands of police officers from jobs being taken away or even prison time. In one s own opinion or thought the sentence time for police killings should be the same time for innocent lives that was taken by the hands of the police officers. For example, in the state of Indiana a person that kills a police officer is automatic a life sentence or even death. Whereas an officer who kills an innocent by law citizen as mentioned earlier walks away as an innocent man or woman. Clergyman everywhere are trying to address poverty, housing, racial profiling, and social justice (Novotny,
  • 16. Psychodynamic Model Of Mental Health Essay The major models of mental health includes the disease model, the psychodynamic model, the cognitive model, the social model and the behavioural model. The disease model suggests that mental ill health arises from biochemical and genetic causes. It relies on the evidence of genetic and pharmaceutical studies to support this position.Evidence from twin studies suggest that there is a link between genetics and schizophrenia. However, while certain aspects of mental ill health appears to be hereditary, it has not yet been determined whether the cause is genetic or environmental. Specific genes have not yet been found to be associated with schizophrenia. There is some debate as to whether the cause is genetic or environmental. While there may be a ... Show more content on ... The service is a passive patient under this model. The psychodynamic model focuses on the individual s development to explain mental health difficulties. Psychodynamic therapies developed from Sigmund Freud s work in which he proposed several stages of developed and suggested that if these stages were interrupted the individual would have problems functioning or relating to people. The individual s maladaptive behaviour would depend on which stage was interrupted. There are several branches of modern psychodynamic therapies. Many branches rely on reflective relationships between the client and therapist. The therapist helps the client to examine how they relate to the therapist, encourages a more positive way of relating and the client is supposed to expand on this new way of relating with others. A major criticism of this model is that it very difficult to measure the effectiveness of the therapy. Different therapists have different approaches and therapy can take years. It is often compared to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which often includes service users tracking their feelings and progress. Another issue is the unscientific way in which psychodynamic theories were
  • 17. Ecuador Research Paper Agriculture has been the central figure of Ecuador s economy for most of the country s history. Agriculture is the second largest section of the economy. Coffee, bananas, and cacao, which is used to make chocolate, have been long important agricultural products. Forty percent of the country export earnings come from the crops. Ecuador is the world s top supplier of bananas. Banana farms spread out around the city of Machala on the southern coast. Coffee and cacao are also important crops grown for export. In addition to large scale farming, Ecuador has many small farms. In 1964 a law broke up large farms and gave small plots of land to local people. These farms are about 12 acres in size. The people who farm them typically grow enough food... Show more content on ... You might even get to pick the pig you ll be eating. Cuy with potatoes is a common street food in the sierra region. Travelers should not order wild game unless they are certain it is farmed rather than hunted. Seafood is often available inland, though it is most plentiful and best on the coast, where shrimp, lobster, and a variety of fish are always on the menu. The coastal region is famous for its ceviche, a cold mixture of fish, conch, and/or shrimp marinated in lime juice and seasonings. The marinade is said to cook the fish or seafood. Ceviche is a great treat for lunch or as an appetizer. The potato is the king of Ecuadorean cuisine. It is eaten at almost every meal, and as snacks. You ll find over 200 varieties of potatoes in the Andean region, from tiny spuds no bigger than a peanut to larger varieties as big as a large orange, with colors ranging from yellow to brown to purple to blue. Chile peppers are used heavily, especially chopped and mixed with onion and salt to form salsa de ajГ, which is offered alongside most meals. Along with broccoli, palm hearts, cassava, and asparagus, you me across malanga (also known as yautГa), a starchy yam native to the tropics. Patacones, or fried plantains, are
  • 18. Essay On Test Driving Drivers who love to have the latest technology in the vehicle will enjoy test driving the 2018 Kia Forte near Rio Rancho NM. However, there are numerous other things they will appreciate about this vehicle too, such as the safety features the manufacturer has opted to include at no additional charge. If the time has come for you to purchase a new vehicle, head over to our dealership today. We ll be more than happy to show you this car and allow you to take it for a spin to see if it meets your needs. Many drivers will find it does. What s New For This Model Year The Kia Forte near Rio Rancho NM is known for being a car that packs a great deal of features into a sub compact ride. Best of all, the price remains more than reasonable, yet ... Show more content on ... They have made improvements in this area and in the acceleration of this model, another complaint drivers had with previous model years. The Forte is expected to be offered in two or three trim levels. High End Features Individuals who opt to take the 2018 Kia Forte near Rio Rancho NM for a test drive will find this car is loaded with things they love. The touchscreen display is intuitive, the navigation is controlled by voice command and a satellite radio is available. This is in addition to the hands free calling, Bluetooth and more that will be seen on this year s model. For the exterior of the vehicle, options offered include LED turn signal indicators, a power moonroof and a chrome exhaust tip. Other options a driver may wish to consider include LED lighting, chrome accents and dual heated mirrors. Engine Specs A minimum of three engine choices are expected to be seen with the launch of the 2018 Kia Forte near Rio Rancho NM. This includes a 1.6 liter engine that provides 205 horsepower, a 1.8 liter engine capable of producing 150 horsepower and a 2.0 liter, 175 horsepower version. Manual and automatic transmissions will be available also. What isn t expected to change is the fuel economy. It is predicted the Forte will get 22 to 26 miles per gallon while driving in the city and 30 to 38 miles per gallon when out on the open road. Price With so many changes seen in the
  • 19. The Tippett Theory Of Bingo Bingo continues to remain a game of chance, but there are bingo secrets winning that can increase your odds even when you have no control over the outcome. In general, this simple game will use simple methods because of its simple nature. First, arrive early because being ready when that first number gets drawn can increase your odds. This may not be a scientifically proven theory, but a lot of professional athletes show up to their competitions early so that they can prepare. Bingo might not be a professional sport, but when you show up early, you can buy the books needed, catch up with old friends and buy the drinks and snacks you want. In essence, it sets you up for more comfort. You do not want to rush in and throw everything you have on... Show more content on ... Before you attempt this, you should first understand your capabilities. Buying too many books, you have higher chances of feeling overwhelmed with information and missing numbers when called. That wastes money and keeps you from making progress. While this strategy says that you should buy as many books as possible, you have to know your limit. How much does this raise your statistical odds of winning? When you have 20 other players and everyone uses one book, you have a five percent chance of winning. In contrast, when everyone uses one book and you play bingo with four books, you raised your odds of winning by 17 percent. To determine the odds of a bingo game, divide the number of books by the number of people who are playing. In most cases, you will have to do a rough estimate, but it does give you a better idea about your chances of
  • 20. Sarah Baartman Cultural Studies I Sarah Baartman and the Politics of Looking The expropriation and appropriation of Sarah Baartman by the colonial and capitalist gaze has lasted long enough. It is not a good idea to create new images of her, because each new image repeats and continues the past exploitation and humiliation of her body. In the article The arena of imaginings: Sarah Bartmann and the ethics of representation, Rosemarie Buikema looks into the controversy around Willie Bester s statue of Sarah Baartman. The statue, made by a South African artist, was put in the library of the University of Cape Town s Science and Engineering Department. To my surprise, the exhibition of the statue in a Science and Engineering Department ... Show more content on ... The intention of the artist was fully honourable, however, what he intended to come across did not come across to these people. For the ethics of representation it is important to see whether it is possible to represent something or someone without creating negative ideas and feelings because of it. Sarah Baartman was exploited during her life and it is now key to see whether she can be represented in a way that does not reproduce the sexism and racism she encountered in her life. An example of an image of Sarah Baartman that does represent her in an ethical manner is the statue by Willie Bester. As argued before, at the material level of the statue it is made clear that the relation between signifiers and signifieds is ethical. The recycled material, which stands for the many contexts her body circulated in during her life. The use of iron indicates the metal industry and motor technology, which is traditionally a masculine domain. And probably the most important connotation, as mentioned before as well, the recycled material shows that there is, and was, absolutely nothing natural about Sarah Baartman s body. (Buikema, 2009) Images of people like Sarah Baartman are shown so that we do not forget the tragic history of these people. The sculpture of Sarah Baartman made by Willie Bester was made with the intent to raise awareness for the dehumanizing practices in South African
  • 21. The Adventures of Ibn Battuta by Ross E. Dunn The book I chose to read for this summer assignment was The Adventures of Ibn Battuta (Revised edition) written by Ross E. Dunn. The predominant reason as to why I chose this book is because I am Moroccan descent and I had a strong desire to learn more about the rich cultures of the Arab world. I once read that those who had the last name Bencomo, which was orginally from the Canary Islands and written as Tehncomo were descendents of the Islamic traveler, Ibn Battuta. This sparked even more curiosity to learn about my ancestor s history. I heard stories from my grandmother about the Moors since her father was half Moroccan. I knew I had to learn about this since this is a part of who I am. This book mainly narrates the adventures and travels of a 14th century Muslim scholar, native of Tangierwho studied law but dreamed of traveling and seeing different perspectives of the world. Ibn is described by many as the Marco Polo of the Muslim world. Ibn traveled by all means possible during his time period, horse, camel, boat, foot, and boat for approximately 29 years. The area he covered would now be the equivalent to 40 modern countries and 73,000 miles. Quotes I found most interesting were A scholar s education is greatly improved by traveling in quest of knowledge and meeting the authoritative teachers (of his time). by Ibn Khaldun pg. 27. This was quite inspiring because it shows that with an open mind and many travels you can age with wisdom and share your knowledge with
  • 22. Industrial And Technical Review For Hadoop This chapter introduces an industrial and technical review for Hadoop framework with other technologies used with Hadoop system to process bigdata. Hadoop project originally was built and supervised by Apache community. In addition to Apache many other companies whose businesses run on Hadoop are adding more interesting features to Hadoop, some of them announced their own Hadoop distributions replying on the original core distribution distributed by Apache. 2.1 Industry Feedback In last Hadoop summit [19] Mike Gualtieri principal analyst at Forrester gave a keynote about the market today s expectations from bigdata analysis solutions, he came up with these interesting results: Data related projects are at the forefront of the minds of ... Show more content on ... Chris Twogood from Teradata [50] and Timothy Mallalieu from Microsoft talked about how important integrating Hadoop with traditional data technologies to get the most out of the new opportunities. Arun Murthy who is a co founder of Hortonworks [51] gave an overview of the key recent advances in Hadoop2.0, including the benefits of the YARN ResourceManager [18], and Apache STORM [73] to process data streaming with Hadoop. The list of companies and institutions are using or planning to switch to Hadoop is getting longer every day. Adobe, Amazon, IBM, Pivotal, Google, Facebook, Twitter, CloudERA, MapR, Hortonworks, Dell, Intel, HSBC, Deutsche Telecom, ...etc are just few examples of many organizations switched or just announced they are switching to Hadoop. 2.2 Previous Work and Critique 2.2.1 Data WarehouseSystems DWHs Data Warehouse Systems DWHs are platforms used to report and analyse the data by integrating data from different disparate sources and creating a central repository of data data warehouse . This is achieved through storing the current and the historic data to create reports for management or technical reporting based on some pre defined configurations. Currently nearly every discussion recently of big data analysis begins with a debate over what is the best way to perform the analysis, whether the DWHs will be replaced by the new frameworks like Hadoop or not. Some went very far thinking relational databases are going to
  • 23. How Fasciitis And Discuss Its Treatments As Well As... Current Event Necrotizing Fasciitis Hudson LO5 401 Lauryn McNeil 10 19 2016 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss necrotizing fasciitis and discuss its treatments as well as practices that are currently being tested. This paper will also mention how to prevent necrotizing fasciitis. Necrotizing fasciitis is a flesh eating disease that attacks the subcutaneous layer of flesh. It is most common in patients with lowered immune systems as well as preexisting chronic diseases. Treatments include prompt surgery and debridement as well as the experiment hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Necrotizing Fasciitis Treatment Current Event Paper Necrotizing fasciitis is still a very real and very big problem even in 2016. It is a rapidly progressive inflammatory infection of the fascia, with secondary necrosis of the subcutaneous tissues (Edlich 2016). It commonly occurs as a complication from surgery or an existing medical condition. The three most important bacteria to cause necrotizing fasciitis are polymicrobial, group A streptococcal, and clostridial myonecrosis. Cases of necrotizing fasciitis have been increasing in recent years due to so much of the population being immunocompromised due to diseases or special issues. These include but are not limited to diabetes mellitus, cancer, alcoholism, vascular insufficiencies, organ transplants, HIV infection, or neutropenia (Edlich 2016). The most common age of patients is between 38 44 years with it rarely
  • 24. How Stress Management Techniques And Relaxation Methods... When examining which topic I should choose for this final paper I had to do a lot of thinking and figure out which topic would be most relevant to me. This was a challenging question for so many of these topics could relate to me and I would have a lot of information towards them. I narrowed it down and decided to pick the topic of stress management. Specifically, how stress management techniques and relaxation methods can help patients sufferingfrom chronic pain. How effective are these tactics? How do they compare to traditional pharmacological approaches to pain management? I believe that this is an interesting topic and have learned a lot about myself in regards toward stress management and different types of coping techniques. This is a paper that is very informative and beneficial in many ways for it has helped me examine the health benefits of the different types of stress management techniques. When examining my life I had to figure out how does this topic relate to me, but then I realized that this does not relate to me, but it relates to someone who is near and dear to me. This person who I am talking about is my mother and she has actually been going through chronic pain after she had an accident and this has affected her life for almost 5 years now. I will explain what had happened to my mother and where she is today. It was about 5 years ago and my mother, father, and brother were at a car dealership waiting to get our car fixed, so this was a basic routine
  • 25. Business Negotiations Advantages And Disadvantages Business negotiations are deliberations that ensue from different motivating factors and whose agenda have a common ground. Such a phenomenon brings the conflicting sides together in the aim of seeking a lasting solution to the conflict. Often the conflicts being resolved emanatefrom interests among the parties, which happen to be coinciding. As such, one party feels less advantaged and seeks reprieve. It is a common case nowadays and it features a series of across the table discussions, which happen to be under the watch of the court system. Therefore, both partners have the privilege of accessing the courts in case they feel there is a breach of contact or patentfor that matter. The negotiations between apple and Samsung are a perfect eоЂЂample of such a phenomenon. In this case, apple accuses Samsung of breach of its patent rights. Apple claims that Samsung copied the look and feel of an iphone, through their galaоЂЂy brand. !illing of the case was in #$$ when the conflict began.The issue of business negotiations is a common phenomenon these days especially on matters of patents and royalties. The desire to protect the uni%ue characteristics of various products has become a fundamental element of business negotiations nowadays. It is often argued that in order to hold enough leverage to such a negotiation, one should commence the negotiations way before the two parties even meet face to face on the table negotiations. Only that way, will a given party ensure their
  • 26. A Street in Marrakech Review Essay To detach from the familiar and to immerse into the unknown is a familiar process to human beings. From leaving a mothers womb to attending college, human beings are constantly confronted with change. However, persistent change does not facilitate the process required to assimilate. In the novel, A Street in Marrakech, Elizabeth Fernea embarks on a journey to Moroccoand is met with resentment and belligerence. Her tale as an outsider, searching for the essence of Marrakech that is concealed to most Westerners, exemplifies immersing oneself into the unknown. Elizabeth Fernea and husband Bob Fernea travel to Marrakech, Morocco because Mr. Fernea receives a scholarship grant to study anthropology in Morocco. From the start of the book, it... Show more content on ... He defines Orientalism as the pattern of the misrepresentations of the non western world. Said believes that Westerners have the ability to romanticize the East into anything because it is more able to write travel books and accounts, skewing the publics opinions of the East. However, Fernea is far from corroborating Said s argument because she does not hold herself on a higher pedestal than the people of Morocco in any way. She does not romanticize the Middle East by claiming that her travel was a life altering experience, yet she manages to capture the West s understanding of the Middle East through her narrative. This book reminds me a lot of Paul Theroux s Dark Star Safari because it chronicles an Americans experience in the Middle East, yet Paul Theroux lacks the elegance that Fernea displays because he makes the people of Egypt out to be barbaric like Said proves in his theory. For example, in the families visit to the public square Djemaa el Fna, Laila wonders why her mother gives the beggar a coin and Fernea has the opportunity to delineate the way in which the West and the East handle poverty differently. She does so by neither bolstering nor denouncing either culture but by making the differences apparent. As an Indian child born in America, I understand the importance in accurately portraying a culture because absurd notions can be easily formed from the strong convictions of writers.
  • 27. Comparing The Poor Relations Story by Charles Dickens,... Comparing The Poor Relations Story by Charles Dickens, Twenty Six Men and a Girl by Maxim Gorky and The Unexpected by Kate Chopin The three stories that I will study are; The poor relations story by Charles Dickens, Twenty six men and a girl by Maxim Gorky and The unexpected by Kate Chopin. The three things do seem to have a thing in present. All the main characters seem to be pressured or are being victimised by their traditional values, and struggle to break free. In the poor relations story, the main character (Michael) is being pressured to live up to his uncle, and families ideas. In twenty six men and a girl the twenty six men are being kept, almost hostage is their pretzel factory. In the... Show more content on ... People seem to take advantage of him, and he is too weak to become a strong business man. He himself says, I failed in my expectations from my uncle Chill, on account of not being as sharp as he could have wished in worldly matters , Although Michael puts up a front saying he wants to be solitary, he is ecstatic when he finds his wife, and says family occasions are a party for him! It appears that at the start we are informed of his sad life, but in the middle he starts telling us of how his life suddenly turns exceedingly good! Everything appears to go up and he gets married, has kids, grandkids and appears to be happier then ever…. And when the readers are deeply into the story, comes the twist and we find out it is all a dream t. In twenty six men and a girl, the prison like environment, and the constant abide of living underground pays its toll. They don t ever go out, and unlike Michael, they admit their wretched environment. They say that they live a miserable existence Like Michael however, they need to escape from the hell, but in a mental way. They decide to idolise the pretty 17 year old girl who comes to collect the pretzels everyday. They say, Like all human beings, we were unable to live without worshipping at least something. Until comes a soldier, Who dared to take her from them It came clear to the men their idol
  • 28. Comparing Fried, Harris And Leslie White Unlike anthropologists before them Morton H. Fried, Marvin Harris and Leslie White are including less about humans themselves in their theories. When looking at the theories of earlier theorists (such as Herbert Spencer) one can see that change seems to be driven by human beings and their progress. Though it is not as prominent in the theories of Fried, Harris and White, there is still a relationship between humans and change. Fried theorizes about the evolution of social stratification and the state, he takes 10,000 years of archaeological data and forms a theory going from Stage A to Stage D. Harris is focused in India, studying how the treatment of the cow reflects the culture. White looks at energy and how a society s increased ability to harness and save it has to do with technological advancement. In each of these theories it is evident that under certain circumstances human beings are relevant to the anthropological understanding of sociocultural change. Fried tells his readers about the development of society through transition. The rankings of society start at Stage A where there is a non rank, non stratified... Show more content on ... This development varies according to the amount of energy per capita per year harnessed and put to work (pg. 226). White also mentions the use of technology and its role in the harnessing of energy. The efficiency of the technology allows for cultural advancement due to more energy being harnessed by man and being put to work effectively. White looks at all of this in terms of numbers, he quantifies the amount of energy gained and needed in order to produce culture living and culture building. With efficient and effective use of technology and tools comes more energy. This advancement allows human beings the time and energy to take care of their bodily needs food, water, shelter, etc. in order to even think about harnessing extra energy (pg.
  • 29. Essay about Illegal Aliens and American Medicine Illegal Aliens and American Medicine About half of immigration into the United States is illegal, thus approximately half of the impact of immigration on our health care system is due to illegal immigration. The influx of illegal aliens has serious hidden medical consequences. We judge reality primarily by what we have seen. But what we do not see can be more dangerous, more expensive, and more deadly than what is seen. What is unseen is their free medical care that has degraded and closed some of America s finest emergency medical facilities, and caused hospital bankruptcies. The General Accounting Office traveled to southern Arizonato study the impact of illegal immigrants on ... Show more content on ... constitution, which states, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside (Cosman 2005). These articles support a theory that explains the illegal alien problem as part of the general environment in which it is found. They argue that the illegal alien problem is a diverse one and not simply a Mexico US problem and suggests that traditional immigration law enforcement strategies encourage an ever increasing illegal alien population in the United States (Weissinger 2003). When the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, its purpose was to assure rights of freedom and citizenship to newly emancipated Negro citizens. For citizenship, the person was required to submit to complete, exclusive American jurisdiction, owing allegiance to no other nation. How do we reclaim America s emergency departments; restore medicine s proud scientific excellence and profitability and protect Americans against bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infectious diseases that illegal aliens carry across the borders? It has been suggested that we close America s borders to prevent illegal entry. Deport illegal aliens. Rescind the citizenship of anchor babies. Overturn the misinterpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution grants citizenship to all persons born and naturalized in the United States and subject to
  • 30. Summary Of Serpent Labret With Articulated Tongue The first artwork I selected was the Serpent Labret with Articulated Tongue ; the artist of this piece is unknown. I was looking forward to this the most because this piece was used to advertise/promote the Golden Kingdom exhibition at the Getty Museum. The picture of this piece was everywhere; it was on the wall, signs, stairs, maps, and pamphlets. Just by looking at the pictures I saw and not knowing what it was, I thought that this piece was a hair accessory, like a hairpin because of its long handle. However, I was wrong; after finding out what this really is, the Serpent Labret with Articulated Tongue is a labret or mostly known as lip plug. This piece was used by higher authorities such as politicians and soldiers as a sign of power and achievements on the battlefield; just like pins and medals given to soldiers and military veterans in today s modern society. What I like the most about this labret is its design, the tongue sways side by side whenever its wearer moves, it can also be retracted since the serpent s tongue is a movable piece. It s not just a stiff, simple labret but a moving, classic piece which gives its wearer a sophisticated and elegant look. This labret is made from gold which reveals that the person who wore this was a person with authority, a ruler who people respected. The face and body of the serpent are highly detailed, the fangs and the eyes look menacing just like a real serpent. One could tell that this labret was made delicately,
  • 31. Disadvantages Of Virtual Learning Environment The past decades were marked by the rapid development of the technology and the Internet. Such rapid development has enabled the development of many other modern methods and approaches, such as virtual learning environment (VLE), i.e. learning via the Internet []. A virtual learning environment allows learners and all others engaged in educationand teaching to free themselves from the limitations of timeand space, and carry out learning interactions in a flexible timeframe and virtual sites that are not physically tied to one another. So, the VLE can be consider as a kind of online learning platform which allows teachers to share educational materials with their students via the web. Additionally, the development and presence of the computer... Show more content on ... Due to that, the use of the VLE has increased and most of schools and universities now have a functioning Virtual Learning Environmentas a part of their teaching and learning programs. For instance, even in primary and secondary schools the Internet based activities are generally added to enrich presently learning activities. It is important to highlight the deference between the virtual learning environment and the virtual campus, which people usually equate. The virtual campus relates just to the University courses, while the virtual learning environment relates to many other sectors. Also, if we are talking about the VLE intended just for the university education, the virtual campus covers a set of courses which is in the most of cases the whole education course which ends with diploma, while the virtual learning environment can be employed even for smaller parts of the education
  • 32. Lake Isle Of Innisfree Mood Claude Monet s Impressionist Sunrise is known as one of the most stunning paintings. The colors are incredibly vibrant and capture quintessential characteristics for the Impressionist movement. Monet painted this painting to express nature that was contemporary and not idealized. This marks a major shift in the style of paintings for the 19th century. Ekphrastic poetry vividly describes a work of art or an event. The poem The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W.B. Yeats is a fantastic example of an ekphrastic poem. The mood of this poem is quite relaxing and peaceful just as Monet s painting is. Peace can be a common theme expressed in all types of artistic mediums. The soothing mood in the painting is mirrored by that of the poem, by W.B. Yeats, ... Show more content on ... The diction echos the brush strokes and tiny details within the painting. Both the painting and the poem were created with nature and the effects of human s hectic and destructive lives on it. The striking blues, purples, and oranges are mimicked throughout the poem by Yeats s use of illustrative and mood setting words and phrases. When Yeats used personification within the poem he used it to elevate the natural aspects of the poem and the painting. Both the painting and the poem have similar thematic ideas expressed within them. These two artistic pieces reflect the impacts of human developments on planet Earth. They both show how peace can be found within this hectic
  • 33. Japan Population Growth Declining Birth Rate and the Problems a) Study a country on how and why its population has aged rapidly during the last 40 or 50 years, and analyze its consequences. Japan s graying population: The reasons behind it, steps taken to curb it and the implications of an aging society Introduction Japan has seen rapid development from the times of Meiji Restoration (1868) up till today. In fact, it has grown more rapidly than any other countries from 1870 to 1994 (Nafziger,1995) because of the various economic policies its government had undertaken after the war ended. Thus, as a result of this economic growth, standard of living has gone up and along with technological advancements, Japan enjoys one of the highest life expectancy compared to any other countries in the world ... Show more content on ... Another reason is the economic recession. The economy was bad for Japan throughout the 1990s. The unemployment rate rose sharply from 2% in 1990 to 5% in 2003(Suzuki, 2006). Youth was not given an opportunity to work and those who did obtain a stable job decreased from 77.8% in 1988 to 55.8% in 2004 and that those who obtained no job or a temporary job went up from 9.4% to 24.6% during the same period. The proportion proceeding to higher education increased from 6.5% to 11.8% meaning that starting a family will be delayed. . Suzuki also mentioned that the low income of young men relative to their fathers discouraged marriage. Previously, the income of men in their 30s were more than that of their fathers and motivated women to marry them. Current trends, however, indicated that the relative income of young men to old men has declined substantially and young men are less appealing as marriage partners than before. Problems with an aging society One of the issues with an ageing society is that the dependency ratio of the country will increase. Dependency ratio refers to the number of persons under age 15 plus persons aged 65 or older per one hundred persons 15 to 64. It is the sum of the youth dependency ratio and the old age dependency ratio. This means that as the society ages, more young people are tasked
  • 34. Victor Wooten Redefines The Word Musician Victor Wooten redefines the word musician. Regaled as the most influential bassist since Jaco Pastorius, Victor is known for his solo recordings and tours, and as a member of the Grammy winning supergroup, BГ©la Fleck The Flecktones. He is an innovator on the bass guitar, as well as a talented composer, arranger, producer, vocalist and multi instrumentalist. But those gifts only begin to tell the tale of this Tennessee titan. Victor is the loving husband and devoted father of four; the youngest sibling of the amazing Wooten brothers (Regi, Roy, Rudy and Joseph), and the bassist in their famed family band; the student in the martial art of Wing Chun and the nature survival skill of Tracking; the teacher of dozens of Bass players at his ... Show more content on ... With the Flecktones in full flight, Victor set his sights on a solo career, first forming Bass Extremes with fellow low end lord Steve Bailey (leading to an instructional book/CD and two CDs, to date), and finally releasing his critically acclaimed solo debut, A Show of Hands, in 1996. Soon after, Vic took his solo show on the road with drummer J.D. Blair. Momentum and accolades built with successive tours and the release of What Did He Say? in 1997, the Grammy nominated Yin Yang in 1999 and the double CD, Live In America in 2001. Wooten won two Nashville Music Awards for Bassist Of The Year and is the only three time winner of Bass Player magazine s Bass Player Of The Year. With the honors came sideman calls, leading to recordings and performances with artists like Branford Marsalis, Mike Stern, Bruce Hornsby, Chick Corea, Dave Matthews, Prince, Gov t Mule, Susan Tedeschi, Vital Tech Tones (with Scott Henderson and Steve Smith), the Jaco Pastorius Word Of Mouth Big Band, and the soundtrack of the Disney film Country Bears, not to mention the stellar work with guitarist Greg Howe and Dennis Chambers with the group Howe Wooten and Chambers. Fresh off sold out tours with the Flecktones and Bass Extremes (with Bailey, Watson and Oteil Burbridge) in 2004, Victor is re focusing
  • 35. Aristotle On Prejudice In the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga s performance of Eurydice, there are key elements that set this performance aside from others. Likewise, Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher who carries heavy influence on thought. Therefore, Aristotle has certain ideas as to what elements drama should try to accomplish. This specific performance of Eurydice ties in all six of these elements of drama, which includes plot, theme, character, diction, music, and spectacle. As far as plot goes, this particular play is fairly rapid in scene changes and, at times, it can be difficult to follow. However, the audiencecan concisely follow the main plot of this play. The production opens with a couple, Eurydice and Orpheus, getting engaged on a... Show more content on ... For example, there was a distinct noise associated with the Lord anytime he was onstage, even before we knew he was the Lord of the Underworld. The use of sound to make audience connection was a key factor in the performance. Likewise, there was a particular melody that was mirrored throughout the performance that was initially sung by Orpheus. This ties back to the characterization of Orpheus through sound and music. Also, music is an important piece of his life, so much so that he describes Eurydice s strands of hair as individual instruments. The use of music throughout the play acts to characterize and establish
  • 36. What Has Been The Most Important Event In Their Life 1. Give a brief introduction about your person. Who are they, what do they do, where do they live, what is important to them, etc.? As Small explained, Palu or Emma is the one who left her family to live her own life and dreams. She was one of the daughters of Atu. At one point, she worked at a credit union due to her father and his connections. There, she made about $5 which is decent. Overtime, she worked her way up to become the secretary. Palu did not like the job. Her only reason for staying is the money she gets from Atu which is $20 and the allowance from her job as secretary which is $30. Currently, Emma, she prefers to be called by her American name, lives in The United States along with her non Tongan boyfriend Greg. Her first part time job in the us was work in a mailroom where she made $10 an hour (Small 93). 2. What has been the most important event in their life and why? ... Show more content on ... Within two years in her part time job, she managed to accumulate money to pay for a used car and her own apartment (Small 94). without this migration, she would continue to live as the quiet and dutiful child of Atu and Malia (Small 88). In America, she learned how to fend for herself. She did not enjoy the fact that a Tongan elderly was taking advantage of her modesty. She used to let her borrow money in which took a year and few months to pay back. She would buy food for herself and the lady and they would eat together. Now, they alternate in buying lunch which seemed to prove to be more equal (Small
  • 37. Financial Crisis Impact on Uk Government ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT The UK government has announced a package of measures aimed at rescuing banking system that makes 400 billion pound. 100 billion pound will be available in short term loans from bank of England on top of an existing loan facility. Banks will have to increases their capital by at least 25 billion pound and borrow from government. An additional 25 billion pound in extra capital will be available in exchange of preference shares. Government described as the root cause of current financial crisis is liquidity, capital and funding At least 200 billion pound will be made available from bank of England for short term borrowing to provide liquidity to banks Those banks who wished to strengthen capital ratios ... Show more content on ... Since the market began to tumble in 2008, Governments around the world have spent almost $ 11 trillion bailing out falling banks and trying to repair the financial system As per the IMF data all the governments of the world has so far spent more than $ 10.8 trillion to avoid the ill effects of last years financial crisis. Out of this huge sums are spent by the rich nations. [pic] Out of this the maximum amount is spent as guarantee given to save the existing banking system, which was effected by last year s crisis. This crisis was worst than the great depression of 1929. US had spent $ 3.6 trillion to bailing out failing banks and repair the financial system. 25.8% of total GDP for bailing out ie 25.8% of the total GDP, which is $ 10,000/ per person. UK had spent $ 2.4 trillion as 94.4% of GDP for bailing out failing banks. ie 94.4% comes around $ 50,000/ per person. The private financial sectors also have estimated write offs amounting to $ 4tn, of which two third are losses suffered by big international banks such as Citigroup and RBS. About half of these losses write offs of securities backed by failed mortgages. UK government has spent 94.4% of the GDP to bail out the banking system as follows: [pic] In spite of this UK is not comes out the recession and the last quarter was
  • 38. Developing Countries Developing nations are filled with hope and aspirations of one day becoming a wealthy, dominating, and influential country. These nations can sometimes be unsafe, difficult to live in, and hard for workers to earn good compensation for their labor. On the other hand, living in a developed nation has many upsides. Developed nations are wealthy, which in turn have good infrastructure, labor and worker laws, and have less crime. Developed nations have the superior infrastructure. These countries have more bridges that are better maintained. They also have better highways and roads that are paved with fewer potholes. In addition, sewers, hospitals, housing systems, and police stations are modernized with sewers having large pumps pushing the water through to avoid floods. For instance, the city of Miami has initiated a project aimed towards flood prevention by raising roads, installing pumps, and water mains and redo sewer connection (Flechas, 2017). Hospitals, as well as, police stations have powerful generators that can power all of their electrical equipment allowing them to still be effective and serve the population. On the other hand, developing nations are very old fashioned. They are sometimes corrupt and because they do not allow outside access from other countries they lack the knowledge and resources. These countries are not able to create advanced hospitals with modern equipment and laboratories to treat their patient s conditions. They also lack medical supplies
  • 39. The Impact Of The Human Rights Act Of 1998 Critically analyze the impact of the Human Rights Act of 1998 All humans are entitled to their fundamental rights and freedoms that cannot be violated under any conditions. Across globe wide attention is being given to identifying and protecting human rights in constitutional systems. Human Rights Act of 1998 (HRA 1998) is a UK Law came into force to safeguard such rights in the UK. As a result all UK Citizens now enjoy a number of fundamental rights and freedoms protected by this Act such as Right to life, Freedom from torture, Prohibition of slavery and forced labour, Right to freedom of expression, Right to liberty and security, Right to a fair trial, No punishment without law, Right to respect of one s private and family life, Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, Freedom of assembly and association, Right to marry, Prohibition of discrimination and so on. ... Show more content on ... The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is an international treaty to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe drafted by the Council of Europe (CoE). The United Kingdom was one of the founding members of the CoE, which consists of 47 member states. Since 1953 UK has been bound by international law and committed to respect the rights established in the ECHR and has actively supported the Council of Europe and the ECHR. Until 1966 petitions by ordinary people to the ECHR against public authority in case of noncompliance and violation of their rights was not permitted by the UK Government which controlled individuals from taking their case to ECtHR. However subsequent to granting the right of individual petition Briton became one of the countries with highest number of cases before the court. The increasing awareness of Human Rights in the UK and the changing culture may have been partially responsible for these large
  • 40. The Cultural Diversity And Identity Istanbul One of the most captivating cities in the world, Istanbul, known for its western and eastern traditional cities and being built on two continents has arguably one of the richest histories of architecture in the world. Rich periods in time can be exemplified through architectural examples can be observed in many structures throughout the country. Each defined period in Istanbul s history can be clearly observed through its visual markers left in architecture. Even today, the cultural diversity and identity can be pictured through architecture. History of Istanbul Known today as Asian Istanbul, this land is believed to be inhabited as early as 3000 BC. The earliest recorded history is in the 7th century, when Greek colonists ... Show more content on ... The city was rebuilt and featured incredible structures such as the Hagia Sophia which symbolize the heights the Byzantine culture reached. Specific attributes that made living in such a city so desirable were its trade locations and transportation between three different continents. However, what made the city desirable also made it a target for those who wanted to take advantage of its attributes. Over the next several hundred years, the city was subject to attacks from Persians, Arabs and nomadic people trying to take over the city. Members of the fourth crusade, who also governed the city for a short time, also attacked Constantinople. All these attacked lead to an attack in 1453 by the Ottoman Turks led by Sultan Mehmet II. Due to the constant attacks led by others, the city s defenses were severely weakened, allowing the Ottoman Turks to conquer the city. The city was then renamed to Istanbul, which became the third and last capital of the Ottoman Empire. The city was the center for military campaigns aimed at enlarging the Ottoman empire in a dramatic manor. By the mid 1500 s, the city of Istanbul had a population of nearly 500,000. With a population this large, the city was a major cultural, political and commercial nerve center. The Ottoman rule remained until its forces were defeated in World War I and Istanbul was occupied by the allies. Today, this area is now known as the Republic of Turkey, established in 1923 after the war of
  • 41. Reconstruction African American Reconstruction American Reconstruction began in 1865 at the end of the civil war. The period s main focus was to rebuild the country after war by enacting and changing many key pieces of legislature in the American government. One divisive factor that needed to be addressed was how much representation African Americans deserved in America. During the reconstruction period, African American rights were extended through various new amendments and working opportunities, however, these rights did not last long as they were undermined by black codes and sharecropping. In 1865, the American government successfully passed the thirteenth amendment: ending the institution of slavery in America. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. The thirteenth amendment opened up economic opportunity for African Americans as slaves were no longer owned by someone else. However, not long after the thirteenth amendment was passed, former slaveholders and southerners created the black codes. Black Codes were a set of laws intended to restrict African American freedoms, causing them to go into low wage labor. A black code passed in the state of South Carolina stated, To do farm work, a black in South Carolina had to have a written contract, attested to by white witnesses; failure to obtain one before commencing to work was a misdemeanor
  • 42. Essay on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was probably the greatest genius in Western musical history. He was born in Salzberg, Austria on January 27, 1756. The son of Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna Maria Pertl. Leopold was a successful composer and violinist and assistant concertmaster at the Salzberg court. At the age of three, Wolfgang showed signs of remarkable musical talent. He learned to play the harpsichord, a keyboard instrument related to the piano, at the age of four. Wolfgang began composing minuets at the age of five. When he was only six years old, he and his older sister, Anna Maria, embarked on a series of concert tours to Europe s courts and major cities. They played for the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa ... Show more content on ... Several of his twenty two operas gained worldwide recognition soon after his death, and they still please audiences all over the world. The Marriage of Figaro (1786) and Don Giovanni (1787) are operas he composed with words in Italian. The Magic Flute (1791) has German words. Each of these contains arias (beautiful melodies for singers), recitative (Rapidly sung dialogue), ensembles in which several people sing at the same time, and choruses. The orchestra provides an ever changing expressive accompaniment. The drama ranges from comedy to tragedy. Mozart wrote over forty symphonies, many of which are performed today. Some originally were overtures (orchestral introductions) for operas, and last only a few minutes. His later symphonies, which are the most popular, are full length orchestral compositions that last twenty to thirty minutes. Most of them consist of four sections. Mozart s last and most famous symphony, Number 41 (1788), is nicknamed the Jupiter. Mozart composed a great amount of church music, most of it for performance at the Salzburg Cathedral. He wrote Masses and shorter pieces called motets; and he set psalms to music, especially for the afternoon or evening service. The music is beautiful and varied. It includes choral and solo parts, usually with accompaniment by organ and orchestra. Mozart s best known sacred work is the Requiem (Mass for the Dead). He began it in the last year of his life and
  • 43. The Hurricane, Directed by Norman Jewison Essay I have recently viewed the film The Hurricane , directed by Norman Jewison and starring Denzel Washington as Rubin Hurricane Carter, the boxer jailed for crimes he did not commit. This emotional drama is a fantastic watch, with Rubin and his friends battling for his freedom after twenty years of unfair punishment. This film has been a hit all over the world and not only is it a great watch worth every penny but it sends out messages about believing in yourself and never giving up in what you believe. This action packed review will attempt to talk you through this roller coaster of a story. Hold on tight! Rubin Carter was born May 6th 1937 in Patterson New Jersey, the fourth of seven children to parents with in a stable marriage. ... Show more content on ... Washington was the perfect choice for the role of Rubin Carter, putting forward a vision of a strong willed and unfairly treated man whose life has been littered with injustices. His work as Rubin Hurricane Carter is on a par with his work as Malcolm X . Washington relishes in his role as the victimised boxer and puts his all into every scene, easily deserving his award for best actor. The manner in which Washington plays Rubin Carter makes the audience instantly get behind him in his fight for freedom simply the way in which he talks about his life in the jail earns sympathy from the viewers which helps make this film such a hit. A clever addition into the film by Jewison is the sub plot including a young boy named Lesra, played by Vicellous Reon Shannon, who is offered schooling by three Canadians as they believe he has the potential to become very clever if he is given the right guidance. After a few years of teaching he reads a book written by Rubin Carter called The 16th Round his autobiography which completely captivates Lesra, inspiring him to write to the boxer and over time they become good friends with Lesra paying regular visits. The people Lesra is staying with are appalled when they hear about Rubins case and decide to help him in his battle
  • 44. Is Conspiracy Theory Wrong On September 11, 2001 four planes were taken over and two flew into the twin towers while one crashed into the Pentagon, the other decenegrated in a field. Could this all have been made up and bombs were the reason the towers fell? Some people don t think so, and they argue against the fact of conspiracy theories. A conspiracy theoryis a theory about an event that happened do to a plot by a covert group. Whether this is the government or pilots we have multiple conspiracy theories out there. While many government officials believe it is hurting the government s reputation, other ex government officials want to get the word out that they are so very real. Not evening considering the possibility of a conspiracy theory is wrong, there needs... Show more content on ... According to Jan Willem van Prooijen, I propose that these psychological processes are characterized by the joint influence of at least two complementary factors, namely subjective uncertainty, and a social concern for others (Prooijen para 4). Later on he stated it was from a social hierarchy(actors, media stars, and political leaders) in which we believe in. Based on Prooijens proposal I agree to a point with the process. I first gained my knowledge of conspiracy theories from a well known Youtuber, Shane Dawson. Once I was introduced, I fell in love them these ideas. Taken from a non believer standpoint, I can understand how they agree with what their eyes have seen and what political leaders tell them. It is also very difficult to wrap your head around something you have known for many years to come out a different way. It is very hard to understand why a flight carrying 239 people can suddenly vanish without a trace with nothing left behind or the how the government restricts us from a highly private area, area 51, and won t explain the means behind it. Or while we have thought for multiple years that we had someone step on the moon when now we easily think it could have been faked out. The believers and non believers have a somewhat understanding of each other. Everyone just needs to accept and appreciate the opinions of one
  • 45. BIM Advantages And Disadvantages In Malaysia 4.3.5BIM Benefits to Developer Table 4.4: Respondent/CompanyQuotes R1/ABIM can reduce time consuming errors and rework, accessible from virtually anywhere at any time by all projects stockholders and actionable to help informed you decision making with simulation and analysis by means better communication flow. It can improve the accuracy of a design. So, in other words, it can improve the visualisation. It can track and monitor the progress. R2/BBy using BIM, of course is improve the design and a project can be easily monitored and tracking the progress schedule. It could also maximise the resources while minimising errors. It can be used to countercheck whether the building is designed according to standards. R3/CBIM gives us ... Show more content on ... There are many more benefits of BIM, which have yet to be identified by Malaysian developers. 4.3.6Usage Rate of BIM among Developers in Malaysia BIM had been introduced in Malaysia since 2007. There are many pioneer projects undertaken to show the benefit of using BIM. Table 4.12 shows the respondent s opinion on the usage rate of BIM among developers in Malaysia. Table 4.12: RespondentQuotes R1The numbers of projects using BIM in Malaysia is really very low. However the awareness of BIM is growing. R2Our company is one of the pioneer, and in Malaysia, the usage rate of BIM is low. Many do not understand on what BIM actually is. R3The usage of BIM is still very low. Even when some companies said that they uses BIM, but in reality, they are not using BIM. All three respondents agreed that the usage of BIM in Malaysian Construction Industry is low. This is because the understanding of BIM in developers are still low. Many companies only defined BIM as a 3D model. Their concept of BIM only stops at the design stage. Even though, CIDB had made many initiatives to promote BIM, developers are still reluctant to implement
  • 46. Marketing Project 1 Running head: AT T Marketing Project 11 AT T Marketing Project 1 William Demarest Baker College Author Note William Demarest, Marketing Major Student, Baker College Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to William Demarest, Baker College, 17710 Floral St, Livonia, MI 48152. Running head: AT T Marketing Project 12 Abstract AT T is the 2nd largest cellular company in the U.S. today. While there are several competitors in the telecommunications industry, the company s largest competitor however, is Verizon wireless. AT T has several services in its portfolio, to include, wireless cellular service,... Show more content on ... The use of this type of promotion will be a sliding scale discount to ensure long contract lengths thereby maximizing profitability. Running head: AT T Marketing Project 15 References: (n.d.). Citing Websites. Leichtman Research Group. Retrieved June 29, 2013, from (n.d.). Citing Websites. In Fortune 500. Retrieved June 29, 2013, from http:/ / DeCarlo, S. Citing Websites. (4/17 /2013). In The World s Biggest Companies. Retrieved June 29, 2013, from http:/ / worlds biggest companies 2 / (n.d.). Citing Websites. In Grading the top 10 U.S. carriers in the fourth quarter of 2012. reports/grading top 10 us carriers fourth quarter 2012?utm_source=rss utm_medium=rss Running head: AT T Marketing Project 1 (n.d.). Citing Websites. From /03/23/technology/sprint_verizon/index.htm From: Johnston S. (2009), Citing Website. OmniGroup s. Retrieved June 29 2013, From /File:Cloud_computing.svg Running head: AT T Marketing Project 16 Table 1 US Cellular Market
  • 47. Meli Marine Essay H A R V A R D B U S I N E S S S C H O O L BRIEF CASES 4426 A f K I L 19. 2013 lUCHAJllJ I) HrtML RMF.SH iiLiNRU YONG Meli Marine It was past midnight, but David Tian, CEO of Singapore based Meli Marine, could not sleep. The next board meeting was just two weeks away in early February 2008. Edwin Chang, the founder of the company and chairman of the board, had called earlier to hear Tian s assessment of a potential acquisition. This could be.1 the biggest turning point in Meli s history, Chang had said. Are we ready to become a global pLiyer? Tian had to admit that ho had not yet reached a conclusion. The acquisition under consideration was of the vessel assets of an indirect competitor, Teeh Sah... Show more content on ... Figure A Container Shipping Value Chain ) Container Delivery Shipment Origination Key Activities Ownershtipof containers Storage find maintenance * Repositioning Shipmentrouting Capacity p rue LI re men t Customerservice, billing, and tracking Competitor types Manufacturers Freightforwarders Leasing companies Container carriers Container carriers Vessef Operations ) Terminal Operations } Inland Delivery Ownershipof vessel Maintenance and sailingof vessel Terminal control and operations Containerhandling and transshipments Control of trucks and railroads * Containerhandling and transshipments Con tamer carriers Third party charter companies Third party terminal operators Captive terminal operators Container carriers Railroads TLand drayape truckers Containercarriers (limited) Industry players varied in their degree of integration across this value chain. For example, China International Marine Containers (CIMC) focused exclusively on manufacturing and leasing containers, and Danaos Shipping owned and leased shipping vessels without operating them. Pureplay freight forwarders such as Expeditors or Schcnker fulfilled a sales and marketing function
  • 48. Metformin Synthesis Metformin is a synthetic pharmaceutical drug. Its subclass and class of drugs is biguanides. The drugs superclass is organonitrogen compounds. Metformin is an oral medication used in the treatment of non insulin dependent Type 2 diabetes or diabetes mellitus patients. It is being prescribed by doctors to at least 120 million patients around the globe for people who can t control their blood sugarby diet modification. The main purpose of the drug is to improves the body s glucose levels in blood by decreasing the overall production of glucose in liver. It also decreases intestinal absorption of glucose, as well as increasing insulin mediated glucose uptake. According to Lond (2016), it also decrease in hepatic energy status activates the AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK). ... Show more content on ... This protein kinase is a liver enzyme. This enzyme plays a significant role in how the body signals the production of insulation and energy balance. By taking the drug patients may see an improvement in insulin binding to its receptors. The molecular formula for Metformin is
  • 49. On The Parable Of The Ten Bridesmaids In Matthew 24:3, in reply to the disciples request to know what sign would signal our Lord s coming at the end of the age, Jesus spoke to them about the last days. He had made it very clear to them that the end would not come immediately, but only after considerable time and troubles. In response to their question, Jesusthen gives them a long answer which includes three parables: Parable of the Fig Tree, Parable of the Faithful and Wise Servant and the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids. One of the main subjects that Jesus discusses in his answer is the necessity to be ready for his return. In order to illustrate this need to be ready, he tells this parable of the ten bridesmaids. This parable can also be called the parable of the ten virgins
  • 50. Compare The Rate Law For The Reaction Of Crystal Violet... In this experiment, the purpose was to determine the rate law for the reaction of crystal violet and sodium hydroxide. By recording the absorbance in a calorimeter in increments of twenty seconds for twenty minutes, three graphs were constructed. From the ln(absorbance) vs. time plot, the reaction was determined to be first order with respect to crystal violet. Based on the data, the rate law for the reaction is concluded to be rate= k [crystal violet] . Introduction Crystal violet is a common purple indicator used to observe the rate of a reaction. The color intensity of the dye slowly fades and the solution becomes colorless as a reaction progresses. The kinetics of this fading reaction can be analyzed by measuring the absorbance or ... Show more content on ... The purpose of the calorimeter is to measure the absorbance by sending wavelengths of light through the liquid placed inside the cuvette. Once the hardware is correctly setup, Logger Pro is launched and the Chemistry with Computers folder is opened and the 30 Rate Crystal Violet file is selected. Calibrate the Calorimeter Clean a cuvette with deionized water and refill it Вѕ full of deionized water. Place the blank cuvette in the calorimeter and select the 565nm wavelength. Press and hold the CAL button until the red light stops blinking to zero out the calorimeter with the blank. Remove the blank and discard the water. Run Reaction Obtain two 10.0 mL graduated cylinders, a clean cuvette, and a small beaker. In one fill with 10.0 mL of sodium hydroxide and in the other fill with 10.0 mL of crystal violet solution. Pour both of the 10.0 mL graduated cylinders into the small beaker simultaneously. Manually swirl the solution for a few seconds. immediately fill the cuvette Вѕ full of the solution, discard, then fill Вѕ full again and place in the calorimeter, making sure to wipe the cuvette with a lint free tissue (Barrett and Stephenson). Click the COLLECT button in the Logger Pro software followed by the KEEP button after five seconds has elapsed. For 20 minutes continue to press the KEEP button in 20 second intervals. After 20 minutes, remove the cuvette and dispose the contents down the sink along with the remaining solution in the
  • 51. Cross City Marathon Having been a Cross Country and track long distance runner in high school I always had the dream of running and completing a marathon. The perfect example of me succeeding and failing a goal at the same time occurred in March 1990 when I ran the Los Angeles city marathon. When I entered the race, my goal was to finish in 3 ВЅ hours running8 minute miles, not completing the race had never crossed my mind. My training had been going fine until approximately six weeks before the race I pulled a groin muscle and was unable to run anymore but I was able to maintain my conditioning through other activities. The day of the race I was feeling good with no lingering effects from the injury. The race started out fine and at the 13 mile point I was
  • 52. The Treatment Of An Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ( Aaa ) An aneurysm is permanent, excessive dilation of a blood vessel. It can occur in the aorta and other blood vessels; the most common location for an aneurysm is in the abdominal section of the aorta (Humphrey and Taylor [88] from ITL biomechanics thesis). There are a couple of definitions of an abdominal aortic aneurysm(AAA): one is a local dilation in the aortawhereby the diameter of a dilated artery is more than 50% larger than the original diameter [1]. Another definition is when the external AAA diameter exceeds 30mm [3]. In most cases, an AAA usually remains asymptomatic until rupture. The most common symptom of a ruptured AAA is acute pain in the abdomen and hemodynamic shock. Ruptured AAAs have high mortality rate; 78% 94% of ruptured aneurysms lead to death. [1.1o] Since the mortality rate is high for ruptured AAAs, the most promising practice for improving clinical outcomes are early diagnosis and careful management. The main treatment option for AAA is to eliminate the aneurysm wall from the systemic pressure to prevent further bulging of the AAA, using a vascular graft. In open surgery, a graft is sealed to the healthy part of the aorta by transabdominal surgery. Open surgery has a 30 day mortality rate of around 5% [greenhalgh et al 2004 from T] Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is an alternative treatment option to open surgery, it is a minimal invasive surgery whereby a stent graft is placed in the AAA through a small incision in the groin area. It has a
  • 53. Comparison Of Scrubs, Friends, And Love The TV sitcoms of Scrubs, Friends, and Love all evolve around single young adults. By comparing the three, one can come to understand how love is shown through TV in the United States. Throughout the episodes, it becomes apparent on why the couples are together. In Scrubs, it is easy to see that Carla and Turk make each other happy. Dr. Perry Cox and Jordan are together because that is where they are comfortable. In Friends, Monica and Richard are together because it makes them happy. Ross and Rachel were bound to be together since the beginning. They are extremely happy when they finally are. The same goes for Mickey and Gus in Love. The way that love is portrayed through these shows is that people should be with someone who makes them happy.... Show more content on ... In each show, there was some sort of sexual action between the characters. This is very common now in TV shows and movies, as it makes a good story. In all three episodes, it was implied that at least one of the couples engaged in some sort of sexual activity. In Friends, Mr. and Mrs. Geller are still attracted to each other. This helps show that one should always be attracted to the person who they claim to love. There should also always be romance, as in Turk and Carla s case in Scrubs. They engage in a sexual act, as does Gus and Mickey in Love. In Scrubs, it is apparent that work comes first. As Turk and Carla are having issues, Turk still has to go to the hospital when he is paged. However, throughout the episodes, it is apparent that love is about compromise. In Friends, Ross was against tattoos, but was fine after Rachel got one. In Love, Mickey wasn t a big fan of magic, but went to the castle with Gus anyways. Also, in Scrubs, Carla decides that the pressure to be romantic shouldn t all be on Turk. It is one of the things that is observed throughout not just these shows, but many shows that are on TV today. It does teach good lessons in some
  • 54. Earlobe Allele Frequency Lab Report Earlobe Allele Frequency in General and Asian Populations Laura Kathryn Browne Georgia Perimeter College Introduction: The purpose of this experiment is to observe the frequency of attached versus detached earlobes to better understand the presentation of traits in humans in general and in certain populations to determine if individuals of particular ethnicity are more likely to present with one phenotype of the other. It is understood that attached earlobes are the dominant phenotype and detached earlobes are the recessive phenotype, however there is some controversy regarding this distinction, as suggested by McDonald (2011), who points out that CarriГЁre and Hilden were among the first to study the genetics of earlobes, and they reached opposite conclusions . The purpose is this experiment is to revisit this topic and determine whether there is a moderately clear dominant and recessive genotype in human earlobes. Hypothesis: The hypothesis of this experiment is that attached earlobes are more common in individuals of Asian descent than in the general population. Methods: The demonstration was conducted at a busy 24 hour Starbucks in downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan in the evening from 7pm to 10pm. The number of individuals in each group, Detached vs. Attached, was tallied in ... Show more content on ... Many of the individuals in these random samples were young college students, but trials should be repeated in locations with different demographics. There is some margin for error when determining if an individual belongs to the Attached or Detached phenotype; sometimes, an individual seems to have unclearly attached or detached earlobes. It should also be considered that elderly people are more likely to appear to have detached earlobes, even if they do not have a dominant allele. There is a potential for gravity to pull an attached earlobe down over time due to gravity, thus skewing